FIT Travel: All About Independence

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TripSavvy /  Wenjia Tang 

Originally, the acronym "FIT" stood for "foreign independent tour," but now it is most commonly used to describe a fully independent traveler or tourist. You might also see the term "FIT" used to mean "free independent traveler ," "frequent independent traveler," or "foreign independent traveler." All of these definitions share a keyword and concept: independent. These travelers almost always design their own itineraries and arrange their own travel plans—FITs do not travel with group tours or according to any schedule imposed by others.

FITs Shun Group Travel

Tourists who fit the definition of FITs usually travel solo ; in couples; or in small, intimate groups of friends or family. They range anywhere in age from millennials to retirees , but generally, they have above-average incomes that allow for independent travel, which can be more expensive than traveling with an organized group. But what all FITs share, by definition, is a desire to avoid mass tourism in favor of an individualized, independent approach. They tend to want to explore their chosen destinations on their own and at their own pace with an emphasis on enjoying the local food, architecture, history, and culture.

FITs Plan Their Own Trips

The huge rise in availability of all aspects of travel planning online, including even websites devoted to helping you learn how to plan travel , has made it easier for independent travelers to plan their own specialized itineraries and book their own transportation and accommodations. This diminishes their need for traditional travel agents, and this also makes packaged trips have less appeal. As a result, FITs are a quickly growing segment of the tourist market. First-hand travel information about destinations , transportation arrangements such as train and ​ plane tickets , and hotel reservations worldwide are available at the click of a mouse for independent travelers.

FITs Sometimes Use Travel Agents

Although the "I" in FITs means independent, it sometimes could be advantageous to consult with travel professionals who are experienced in providing services to those who want to plan their own trips, especially for more exotic destinations. Doing so does not necessarily mean that independent tourists have to relinquish their, well, independence. As a result of the rise in popularity of independent and solo travel, travel professionals are adjusting their services accordingly. There are now agencies that specialize in customized trips for individuals  and small groups who want to choose their destinations and plan their own itineraries.

The traveling is still independent, but the planning benefits from the professional expertise and inside knowledge of a travel agent . And of course, it takes much less time than searching for all the information you need on your own. 

An agent who specializes in FIT travel can help you plan custom sightseeing with a private tour guide, arrange a private cooking class or a wine-tasting tour , and even hook you up with knowledgeable local representatives. The agent will help you plan a personalized travel experience based on the input you provide. If you wish, an agent can often arrange to have someone meet you at your destination and take you to your hotel. Travel professionals are especially helpful in finding non-traditional or out-of-the-way accommodations that do not advertise on the internet, such as villas, farmhouses , inns, and family-run ​bed-and-breakfasts. 

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What is FIT And GIT in The Tourism

by Hammad Ur Rehman | Oct 8, 2021 | Travel Guide | 7 comments

What is FIT And GIT in The Tourism

In the tourism industry, some travel terms can be a little bit confusing for tourists. For instance, FIT and GIT in tourism are such travel terms that people are mostly confused about. It is important to understand what FIT and GIT in tourism mean to avoid any future problems during your travel.

FIT (free independent traveler) definition:

FIT in tourism is an acronym for Free Independent Travelers. They are people who travel independently without being a part of any tour group. This type of tourism offers travelers an opportunity to travel on their own. As a free independent traveler, you travel without a tour operator and choose your accommodation, transportation, and other parts of your trip. You might take an organized package tour, but it is just you – not a group.

Examples of FIT Tour – Some examples of free independent travel are trekking, backpacking, bicycling, camping tourism, motorcycle touring, yacht traveling, etc.

GIT (Group Inclusive Tour) definition:

In GIT, you join other tourists for a Group Inclusive Tour and don’t have to worry about your accommodation, transportation, and other parts of your trip. A group of a minimum of 10 people travels together. These people can be related or non-related and usually book on the same travel arrangements. The group size is not defined by the number of travelers but by the size of accommodation reserved.

An important condition is that some people are responsible for the whole group, so it is possible to determine who will be the guide and travel organizer.

Examples of GIT Tour – Some examples of GIT are family tours, group tours to a monastery or a sightseeing place, etc.

FIT and GIT in the Tourism – Detailed Guide

Fit and git in the tour packages.

When you book a tour package, you should know what FIT and GIT mean. FIT is not defined in the package, which means that you will be traveling on your own. You are responsible for arranging all your travel arrangements – you will have to make reservations yourself. If you choose FIT, it also means that there are no refunds for any missed flights or accommodation bookings.

GIT is called a group inclusive tour, which means that you will travel with other tourists. When it comes to GIT, many different companies offer completely different conditions. The tour can be booked by 20 people or 50 people – the company decides how big the group should be. There is usually one organizing person in charge of the group size. This person has to ensure that all members are properly booked.


Actually, it depends on your travel style. If you are not the type of person who is happy to travel with other tourists, FIT is perfect. However, if you don’t mind traveling with other people and you want everything to be arranged for you, GIT is the best choice.

Difference Between a FIT and GIT Package Tour

FIT and GIT package tours are different from many points of view, but the main difference comes from the number of people on a group tour.

Here are some main differences:

FIT Package:

  • This is suitable for a small number of people like couples or friends.
  • You have to be a free independent traveler who has the experience of traveling alone in different countries.
  • This is more secure and reliable for international travelers because all attention will be paid by the operator.
  • You will be provided with better accommodation and food facilities since there are fewer people in the group. This means you won’t have to share your room, dinner table or bathroom with other guests.
  • You also get one carrier instead of sharing it among many members of the group.
  • It also costs more than the GIT package.

GIT Package:

  • This is suitable for a large number of people like family or students / young people who are looking for adventure at a lower cost.
  • You will have to share your room with other guests, dinner table, tour carrier etc. Plus, you also do not have much freedom as you are not a free independent traveler.
  • You can get more facilities at a cheap rate than FIT Package tours.
  • You will have to share your tour carrier with other people in the group.
  • The rate depends on the size of the group.
  • It is more suitable for families, and students who want to have fun with other members of the group.

Is There Any Other Type Of Tour Package In Tourism?

Yes, besides FIT and GIT, there is also IIT(Independent inclusive tour), which is also quite popular in tourism industry.

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What Does FIT Stand For in Travel? (The Ultimate Guide)


What Does FIT Stand For in Travel?

When you’re planning a trip, you have a lot of decisions to make. Where will you go? What will you do? How much will it cost? And if you’re traveling with a group, how will you coordinate your plans?

If you’re looking for a more personalized travel experience, you might want to consider a FIT trip. FIT stands for “fully independent travel,” and it means that you’re in charge of planning and booking your own trip. This gives you the freedom to choose your own destinations, activities, and accommodations, and it can be a great way to save money.

But what exactly does it mean to plan a FIT trip? And how do you get started? In this article, we’ll take a closer look at FIT travel, and we’ll provide you with some tips on how to plan your own successful trip.

We’ll cover topics such as:

  • What are the benefits of FIT travel?
  • How to research destinations and activities
  • How to book flights, hotels, and transportation
  • How to stay safe and secure on your trip

By the end of this article, you’ll have a better understanding of what FIT travel is all about, and you’ll be well on your way to planning your own amazing adventure.

| Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 | |—|—|—| | What Does FIT Stand For In Travel? | FIT stands for F ree I ndividual T raveler. | FIT travelers are independent travelers who book their own travel arrangements, including flights, hotels, and other activities. | | Benefits of FIT Travel | * Flexibility: FIT travelers can choose their own destinations, dates, and activities.

  • Control: FIT travelers have more control over their travel experience, including their budget and itinerary.
  • Authenticity: FIT travelers can get a more authentic experience by interacting with local people and cultures. |

| Drawbacks of FIT Travel | * Cost: FIT travel can be more expensive than package tours, especially if you book your own flights and hotels.

  • Risk: FIT travelers are responsible for their own safety and security.

FIT travel, which stands for “free independent traveler,” is a type of travel in which the traveler plans and organizes their own trip. This is in contrast to traditional package tours, which are arranged and sold by a travel agent. FIT travelers typically have more control over their itinerary, budget, and accommodations than those who take package tours.

What is FIT travel?

FIT travel can take many forms, from a simple weekend getaway to a multi-month around-the-world adventure. Some of the most common types of FIT travel include:

  • Self-drive vacations: In a self-drive vacation, the traveler rents a car and drives themselves to their destinations. This type of travel is popular for those who want to explore the countryside and have the freedom to stop and go as they please.
  • Rail travel: Rail travel is a great way to see a lot of different places in a short amount of time. There are many different rail passes available, which can save travelers money on their tickets.
  • Flight-inclusive packages: Flight-inclusive packages include airfare, hotel, and sometimes other travel-related expenses. This type of package can be a good option for those who want to book a trip without having to worry about the details.
  • Customized tours: Customized tours are designed specifically for the individual traveler. The itinerary, accommodations, and activities are all tailored to the traveler’s interests and budget.

History of FIT travel

FIT travel has been around for centuries, but it wasn’t until the 1960s that it became a popular option for travelers. This was due to a number of factors, including the rise of mass air travel, the increasing availability of affordable accommodations, and the growth of the internet.

In the early days of FIT travel, travelers had to do a lot of research and planning on their own. They had to find their own flights, book their own hotels, and arrange their own transportation. Today, there are many resources available to help FIT travelers plan their trips, including travel websites, guidebooks, and travel agents.

Benefits of FIT travel

There are many benefits to FIT travel, including:

  • Flexibility: FIT travelers have the freedom to choose their own destinations, itineraries, and accommodations. This can be a great advantage for those who want to explore off-the-beaten-path destinations or who have specific interests or requirements.
  • Control: FIT travelers have more control over their budget than those who take package tours. They can choose to stay in budget accommodations, cook their own meals, and use public transportation. This can save travelers a lot of money.
  • Personalization: FIT travelers can create a trip that is tailored to their own interests and needs. They can choose activities that they are interested in and visit destinations that they want to see. This can lead to a more enjoyable and memorable travel experience.

Challenges of FIT travel

There are also some challenges associated with FIT travel, including:

  • Planning: FIT travel can require a lot of planning, especially for those who are traveling to unfamiliar destinations. Travelers need to research their destinations, book their flights and accommodations, and arrange their transportation. This can be a time-consuming process.
  • Budgeting: FIT travelers need to be careful about their budget, as they are responsible for all of their own expenses. This can be a challenge, especially for those who are traveling on a tight budget.
  • Language barriers: FIT travelers may encounter language barriers when they travel to foreign countries. This can make it difficult to communicate with locals and get around.

Who is FIT travel for?

FIT travel is a good option for travelers who have the time and desire to plan their own trips. It is also a good option for travelers who want to have more control over their budget and who want to create a trip that is tailored to their own interests and needs.

Demographics of FIT travelers

FIT travelers come from all walks of life, but there are some common demographics that tend to be associated with FIT travel. These include:

  • Age: FIT travelers are typically between the ages of 25 and 44.
  • Income: FIT travelers typically have an annual income of more than $75,000.
  • Education: FIT travelers are typically well-educated, with a college degree or higher.
  • Occupation: FIT travelers are typically employed in professional or managerial positions.

Psychographics of FIT travelers

FIT travelers are typically motivated by a desire for adventure, exploration, and self-discovery. They are also interested in learning about new cultures and meeting new people.

Motivations for FIT travel

There are many reasons why people choose to travel independently. Some of the

What Does FIT Stand for in Travel?

FIT stands for “free independent traveler.” FIT travelers are those who plan and book their own trips, rather than relying on a travel agent or tour operator. This can be a great way to save money on your travels, but it also requires more planning and research on your part.

Benefits of Traveling as a FIT Traveler

There are many benefits to traveling as a FIT traveler, including:

  • Flexibility: You can choose your own destinations, activities, and transportation options. This gives you the freedom to create a trip that’s perfect for you.
  • Cost savings: You can often save money by booking your own flights, hotels, and activities.
  • Personalization: You can create a trip that’s tailored to your interests and budget.
  • Adventure: Traveling as a FIT traveler can be an adventure in itself. You’ll get to explore new places and meet new people.

Challenges of Traveling as a FIT Traveler

There are also some challenges to traveling as a FIT traveler, including:

  • Planning: It can take more time and effort to plan a FIT trip than it does to book a trip through a travel agent or tour operator.
  • Research: You need to do your research to make sure you’re choosing the right destinations, activities, and transportation options.
  • Risks: There are some risks associated with traveling independently, such as getting lost, getting sick, or having your luggage lost.

How to Plan a FIT Trip

If you’re thinking about traveling as a FIT traveler, here are a few tips to help you plan your trip:

  • Start planning early: The sooner you start planning your trip, the more time you’ll have to research your destinations, activities, and transportation options.
  • Set a budget: Before you start booking anything, decide how much you’re willing to spend on your trip. This will help you narrow down your options and make the most of your budget.
  • Do your research: The internet is a great resource for researching destinations, activities, and transportation options. Read travel blogs, guidebooks, and websites to get ideas for your trip.
  • Book your flights and accommodations in advance: If you’re traveling during peak season, it’s important to book your flights and accommodations in advance. This will help you avoid disappointment and get the best prices.
  • Get travel insurance: Travel insurance can protect you in case of unexpected expenses, such as medical bills, lost luggage, or canceled flights.
  • Stay safe: Be aware of your surroundings and take precautions to stay safe while traveling. This includes staying in well-lit areas, avoiding deserted places, and being aware of your belongings.

Resources for FIT Travelers

There are many resources available to help FIT travelers plan their trips. Here are a few of the best:

  • Online travel agencies: Online travel agencies (OTAs) like Expedia and Travelocity can help you book flights, hotels, and activities.
  • Travel blogs and websites: Travel blogs and websites can provide you with tips and advice on planning your trip. Some of the best travel blogs include The Blonde Abroad, Nomadic Matt, and Two Wandering Soles.
  • Travel guidebooks: Travel guidebooks can give you detailed information on destinations, activities, and transportation options. Some of the best travel guidebooks include Lonely Planet, Frommer’s, and Rick Steves.
  • Travel forums and communities: Travel forums and communities can be a great way to connect with other travelers and get advice on planning your trip. Some of the best travel forums and communities include TripAdvisor, Lonely Planet, and TravelPod.

Traveling as a FIT traveler can be a great way to save money, have a more personalized experience, and get an adventure in the process. By following these tips, you can plan a successful and enjoyable FIT trip.

What Does FIT Stand For In Travel?

FIT stands for “fully independent traveler.” FIT travelers plan and book their own trips, without the help of a travel agent. They typically have more flexibility and control over their itineraries than travelers who book packaged tours.

What Are the Benefits of Traveling as a FIT Traveler?

  • Flexibility: You can choose your own destinations, dates, and activities. You can also adjust your itinerary as needed.
  • Control: You have more control over your budget and your travel experience. You can choose to stay in budget accommodations or splurge on luxury hotels. You can also choose to eat at local restaurants or dine at fine-dining establishments.
  • Adventure: Traveling as a FIT traveler can be an adventure. You’ll meet new people, learn about new cultures, and see new things. You’ll also have the opportunity to explore off-the-beaten-path destinations.

What Are the Challenges of Traveling as a FIT Traveler?

  • Planning: It can be more challenging to plan a trip as a FIT traveler than it is to book a packaged tour. You’ll need to do your own research to find the best deals on flights, accommodations, and activities.
  • Budgeting: It’s important to set a budget before you start planning your trip. This will help you avoid overspending.
  • Language Barriers: If you’re traveling to a country where you don’t speak the language, you may have some difficulty communicating with locals. It’s a good idea to learn some basic phrases before you go.

How Can I Become a Better FIT Traveler?

There are a few things you can do to become a better FIT traveler, including:

  • Do your research: Before you book your trip, do your research to learn about the destination you’re visiting. This will help you make informed decisions about where to stay, what to see, and what to do.
  • Use a travel agent: If you’re not comfortable planning your own trip, you can use a travel agent to help you. A travel agent can help you find the best deals on flights, accommodations, and activities.
  • Stay organized: It’s important to stay organized when you’re traveling as a FIT traveler. This will help you avoid missing flights or getting lost.
  • Be flexible: Things don’t always go according to plan when you’re traveling. It’s important to be flexible and adaptable when things don’t go your way.

Traveling as a FIT traveler can be a rewarding experience. By doing your research, planning ahead, and staying organized, you can have a safe and enjoyable trip.

FIT travel stands for free independent traveler. FIT travelers are those who plan and book their own trips, without the help of a travel agent. They typically have a specific destination in mind, and they enjoy the freedom to choose their own activities and accommodations. FIT travel can be a great way to save money and have a more personalized experience. However, it can also be more challenging than booking a trip through a travel agent. It is important to do your research and plan your trip carefully in order to avoid any unexpected problems.

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Dale Richard

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Understanding FIT in the Travel Industry

Welcome to our comprehensive guide to understanding the term FIT in the travel industry. In this article, we will delve into the meaning of FIT, its significance, and how it impacts the travel sector.

What is FIT?

FIT stands for Free Independent Traveler or Free Independent Tourist. It refers to a type of travel arrangement where individuals or small groups plan their trips independently without the help of a traditional tour operator. FIT travelers have the freedom to customize their itineraries, choose their accommodations, and select their preferred modes of transportation.

Characteristics of FIT Travelers

  • Prefer flexibility and autonomy in their travel plans
  • Seek authentic and personalized travel experiences
  • Enjoy exploring destinations at their own pace
  • May have specific interests or hobbies they wish to pursue during their trips
  • Value convenience and efficiency in travel arrangements

Key Elements of FIT Travel

When planning FIT travel, individuals or groups typically focus on the following key elements:

  • Transportation: FIT travelers have the flexibility to choose their modes of transportation, whether it's by air, train, car rental, or other means.
  • Accommodation: They can select the type of lodging that suits their preferences and budget, ranging from hotels and resorts to vacation rentals and boutique accommodations.
  • Activities: FIT travelers can design their itineraries based on their interests, whether it's exploring cultural sites, engaging in outdoor adventures, or enjoying culinary experiences.
  • Dining: They have the freedom to dine at local restaurants, street food stalls, or upscale eateries based on their culinary preferences.
  • Sightseeing: FIT travelers can visit popular attractions, off-the-beaten-path locations, or hidden gems according to their preferences.

Advantages of FIT Travel

There are several advantages to choosing FIT travel over traditional group tours:

  • Freedom to create a personalized itinerary
  • Flexibility to make last-minute changes to travel plans
  • Ability to explore destinations at your own pace
  • Opportunity to immerse yourself in local cultures and communities
  • Customization of travel experiences based on individual preferences

Challenges of FIT Travel

While FIT travel offers numerous benefits, there are also some challenges to consider:

  • Need for extensive research and planning
  • Responsibility for making all travel arrangements
  • Potential language barriers in foreign destinations
  • Higher costs compared to packaged tours in some cases
  • Lack of group dynamics and social interactions

Impact of FIT on the Travel Industry

FIT travel has significantly influenced the travel industry in various ways:

  • Increased demand for personalized travel experiences
  • Growth of online booking platforms and travel apps
  • Diversification of accommodation options to cater to individual preferences
  • Expansion of experiential tourism offerings, such as cultural immersions and adventure activities
  • Development of niche travel services targeting specific interests and demographics

In conclusion, FIT travel has emerged as a popular choice for individuals and small groups seeking personalized and authentic travel experiences. By offering flexibility, autonomy, and customization, FIT travel has transformed the way people explore destinations and engage with different cultures. While there are challenges associated with independent travel planning, the benefits often outweigh the drawbacks, making FIT an attractive option for modern travelers.

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Have you ever heard the term Fully Independent Traveler (FIT)?

Have you ever heard the term Fully Independent Traveler (FIT)?

What is a fully independent traveler?

What are other acceptable uses of this term , what are the features of fully independent travellers, is the fit segment interesting for tour operators and travel agencies, how can tour operators and travel agencies target fits.

Most people see emerging technologies as the number one factor that keeps transforming the tourism industry . While this is true, another important piece of the industry’s transformation puzzle is the travelers themselves . The needs of travelers are constantly shifting, and brand-new traveler segments emerge on a regular basis. 

One of these segments is fully independent travelers .

Tour operators and travel agencies see many opportunities in this segment of travelers . Should you focus on it as well or continue – business as usual? There is only one way to answer that question. You need more information on this type of traveler. Let’s see what a fully independent traveler is, what makes them unique, and work our way towards whether this is an exciting option for you and how to target independent travelers.

Fully independent travelers (or FIT) is a term that stems from independent foreign tours. The independent foreign tour is no longer used, and you will often find these tourists addressed as FITs. The F in this acronym stands for ‘fully.’ 

But what is a fully independent traveler then? While the concept of a traveler encompasses all kinds of travelers, it’s most often used to describe people who enjoy mass tourism and holiday packages . They don’t mind using the products that somebody else created for them, including complete travel and stay arrangements.

FITs are entirely different from your standard travelers . They don’t find mass tourism and holiday package offers particularly attractive. In fact, they are not interested in them at all. They have a more individualistic approach to travel.  

The definition of FIT goes like this:

“FIT is a person who travels completely independently and free of a tour operator and travel agency assistance.”

In other words, a FIT manages and arranges the itinerary according to their needs and preferences. It includes everything ranging from transportation arrangements and hotel stay to excursions and sightseeing. 

Today, FIT is a common term in the tourism industry. However, there are still many people that use it interchangeably with other terms. Different terms should not confuse you as they all refer to the same thing – a fully independent traveler. The best way to avoid confusion is to get familiar with all other terms commonly used in the industry.  

Here is a complete list of other acceptations of this term:

  • Free Independent Traveler;
  • Free Independent Tourist;
  • Fully Independent Traveler;
  • Foreign Independent Traveler;
  • Foreign Independent Tourist;
  • Frequent Independent Traveler;
  • Flexible Independent Travel;
  • Frequent Individual Traveler.

Now that you know what FIT is and all the synonyms you can potentially encounter online and when networking, let’s see what makes FITs unique. Or, in other words, the behavior, needs, expectations, and wants of FITs.

We’ve already established that FITs work out their itineraries independently and arrange travel plans to reflect their unique needs. They also don’t travel on group tours. But is there anything more that these travelers share in common? Below you can find all the features of FITs. 

Traveling solo, in couples, or in small intimate groups

When we talk about FITs, we refer to a group of travelers who are not interested in being part of big groups surrounded by people they don’t know. Many of them prefer to go on a trip by themselves . However, some of them don’t exclusively travel solo.

FITs are also known to travel in couples . They can also plan trips as a small group . These groups are intimate, meaning they usually include friends and family members. 

It’s a diverse demographic group

Usually, travelers with specific travel behavior, needs, and wants, are found in the same demographic segment based on age. This is not the case with FITs. It’s quite a diverse demographic group. Most often, the youngest members are millennials, but they are soon to be joined by Generation Z (those born in the mid and late 90s). 30% of Gen Z prefer to travel alone , and 20% of the same generation plan to go on a solo backpacking trip.

On the other side, you can also find retirees as one of the most active FITs. They are more experienced in travel and know what they want to get out of a trip. It enables them to custom-tailor their experiences and travel entirely independently.

They have above-average income

Another vital factor to consider is the income of travelers. Group travel packages and transportation are popular because they come with attractive price tags and are often found on first-minute and last-minute discounts. 

Independent travel is more expensive than standard travel. That’s why you will find most FITs to have above-average incomes. It enables them to afford more costly forms of travel, including accommodation and transportation. Most of the FITs have an income in the $150,000 range .

Planning their own unique itineraries

The travel products tour operators and travel agencies offer are often pre-built. Many travelers find this quite convenient as they need not worry about anything except packing their bags. With FITs, the situation is quite the opposite. They want to have complete control over the travel experience .

That’s why FITs plan their own unique itineraries . With so much information readily available online, FIT tourists can research destinations independently and plan their itineraries as if they are travel specialists. 

Booking their own transportation and accommodation

The standard tourist does like to explore various accommodation and transportation opportunities. However, their options are limited by the travel agency’s offer. Also, when choosing a travel agent, they often have to book transportation and accommodation through an agency.

FITs book transportation and accommodation on their own. There are many transportation companies and hotels that offer direct booking. It makes it easier for FITs to find what they need. They can book a flight at a specific time and make their independent travel dreams come true.

Exploring destinations on their own

Finally, traditional travel packages often include excursions and sightseeing tours at the destination. Tourists can pursue their own adventures outside these pre-arranged tours but often have very little time to do so.

Independent tourists don’t like to adapt to a schedule somebody else created for them. Instead, they want to explore destinations at their own pace. They are interested in various things, including culture, food, history, and architecture. And since they are independent, they can cherry-pick what the destination has to offer and make their trip one of a kind.

The FIT segment is quite interesting for tour operators and travel agencies as there is excellent potential to generate new revenue streams from FITs. The FIT markets throughout the world keep growing. The pre-pandemic figures indicate that it was growing 7.5% on average per year in western Europe . As the restrictions are being lifted, it’s expected that the market will continue to grow at least at the same pace.

Asian destinations, especially Chinese and Thailand localities, are quite popular among FITs. Many backpackers, the sub-segment of FITs, visited Bangkok, and 63% of them were from Europe alone . Hong Kong’s revenue from FIT products keeps on increasing. Over four years, it went up by more than 100%, from HK$2 billion to HK$5.6 billion . 

Fully Independent Traveler stats

According to the Solo Traveler Reader Survey , 70% of solo travelers preferred to stay completely independent while traveling. 40% spend $1,000 on average per week, excluding airfare, while 30% spend $2,500 on average per week. 

Another way to assess the potential value of catering to the needs of FITs is to take a look at the solo travel search trends on major search engines. Over two years, from 2020 to 2022, the number of searches for solo travel on Google quadrupled .

Post-pandemic travel trends are pretty interesting. Google trends indicate that solo travel is trending with a massive increase of over 700% . Booking also reports some interesting numbers. According to their report , the number of solo travelers increased by 100% after the pandemic.  

It appears that Australia is the number one option among FITs. According to the latest research , this continent is the most popular destination for international solo tourists. 

If you find these numbers compelling, you probably want to tap into the FIT market. But is there a way to do it? Tour operators and travel agencies have plenty of options for attracting more FITs and increasing their revenue.

Tour operators have to shift their approach when it comes to creating travel packages. Instead of creating complete packages, they need to focus more on single niche experiences before selling them to consumers and travel agents. Here are some tips tour operators can follow when including culture, food, history, nature, and architecture-related products in their offer:

  • Focus on smaller products – instead of creating A-Z experiences, focus on creating single products to attract FITs;
  • Choose quality before quantity – when creating products, be mindful of the value the travel experience delivers instead of simply following the “the more, the better” rule;
  • Include optional local tour guides – make tour guides optional, as FITs often prefer to explore destinations alone without a guide . Keeping it as an option will enable you to attract also FITs that want to learn something from a local guide;
  • Include products for solo, couple, and small group travel – FITs love to travel either solo or in small groups; keep this in mind when creating products;
  • Diversify offer – don’t base your products on just one type of experience; diversify your offer by creating culture, architecture, nature, history, and food-oriented products.

When it comes to travel agencies, the most important thing they can do to target FITs is to drop their pre-planned travel itineraries. But before you can implement this strategy, you need to align with tour operators that offer agencies to hand-pick products. 

Since travel agencies are the storefront travelers often explore before booking a trip, you would also need to revisit your website . Most importantly, you must create and deliver a new interface enabling FITs to interact with the products in your listings.

For instance, you can create an itinerary builder and connect it with your product database. It will enable FITs to use it whenever they need to create a specialized itinerary that reflects their unique needs. 

Furthermore, you should make your offers more attractive by optimizing costs. Offering affordable booking opportunities to FITs while still being able to remain profitable can be challenging. That’s where platforms such as Hotelmize can help you out. It will help you take advantage of booking price volatility and enable you to offer products at competitive prices.

Finally, you should optimize your marketing strategies to consider the needs, wants, and preferences of FITs . For instance, you can revise your SEO strategy to target FIT-related keywords in your blog posts and product descriptions. 

PPC marketing is also an option because it allows you to target specific keywords and appear in relevant search results. You can extend your marketing efforts to social media platforms as well. Don’t forget that many FITs are tech-savvy and like to spend time on social media. 

Some platforms, such as Facebook, already have targeting filters in the “People Traveling to This Location” category to help you reach FITs, including:

  • Fresh arrivals from the airport;
  • Travelers who are interested in a specific characteristic of a city;
  • Newly engaged and newlywed couples;
  • Birthday celebrators;
  • Parents who are traveling with kids in a location.

FITs are travelers who value independence above everything else. They include people of all ages with above-average income who prefer to create their own itineraries, book transport, and accommodation on their own, and explore destinations solo or in small groups. 

Given that the FIT market looks healthy and keeps growing, tour operators and travel agencies are becoming more interested in it with every passing year. If you want to tap into this market, the strategies we’ve outlined will help you target FITs.

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Cristóbal Reali, VP of Global Sales at Mize, with over 20 years of experience, has led high-performance teams in major companies in the tourism industry, as well as in the public sector. He has successfully undertaken ventures, including a DMO and technology transformation consulting. In his role at Mize, he stands out not only for his analytical and strategic ability but also for effective leadership. He speaks English, Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian. He holds a degree in Economics from UBA, complementing his professional training at Harvard Business School Online.

Mize is the leading hotel booking optimization solution in the world. With over 170 partners using our fintech products, Mize creates new extra profit for the hotel booking industry using its fully automated proprietary technology and has generated hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue across its suite of products for its partners. Mize was founded in 2016 with its headquarters in Tel Aviv and offices worldwide.

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What Is Fit Travel: Perfect 13 Items Need In His Suitcase

What is fit travel, fit travelers are those who employ fitness, health, and lifestyle habits to maximize the quality of their travel experience? This is done by making sure that they are always moving, eating well, and getting enough sleep.

Fit travelers also make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated. For this reason, fit travelers will typically carry a reusable water bottle with them on their trip so that they can refill it at various points during the day.

What is fit travel

The goal for fit travelers is to be able to do all of these things without feeling like they’re sacrificing any enjoyment from their vacation or business trip. They want every part of the experience-from airport security lines, hotel rooms, and sightseeing tours to feel just as enjoyable as anything else in life.

What Is Fit Travel

Now most travelers think about fit travel. Because fit travel can give you the pleasure of proper and tidy travel.

A fit traveler is a person who has a good mind that makes a life full of pleasure and satisfaction. With proper planning, he or she can have a perfect trip or holiday. Fit travel may have some objectives to 1/3rd the time shopping only 1/4th going out and 1/3rd being at restaurants.

Every person has a habit of shopping, going out, and eating. So if we could do all these three things with proper planning then we can have a perfect fit for travel.

There are three main types of fit travelers;

  • The Athlete
  • The Casual Traveler and
  • The Business Traveler.

Each one has its own specific needs ranging from convenience of equipment, lack of time, and budget.

Let’s take a look at each of these travel styles and the best way to maximize your time while staying in shape, no matter what type you are.

For all The Athletes out there traveling near and far, here is a quick checklist of how you can stay fit on the road.

Here are a few of our favorite products that will help you keep your muscles from tightening up or becoming injured from being on the road:

Resistance Bands

These mighty little bands have been around for decades, but they continue to impress as their popularity rises. They offer a simple, yet highly effective way to stay fit while you’re on the road.

You can easily work out from your hotel room or guest room and pack them around with ease for a full-body resistance training session. Here are a few of our favorite exercises to do:

Yoga has been one of the fastest-growing forms of exercise over the past ten years. Yoga mats provide the most effective, full-body workout you can get from a portable piece of equipment.

You can use it to do a quick five-minute warm-up before a run or simply stretch out those muscles that have been sitting idle for way too long. It’s the perfect solution to stay fit on the road. Here are a few of our favorite exercises to do:

This small piece of equipment may look like something you used as a kid, but it’s an incredible tool for staying in shape while on the road. It provides one of the best workouts that not only targets legs and heart rate but also helps build up endurance with tricky, single-leg moves.

It’s also one of the cheapest workout tools you can have. Here are a few of our favorite exercises to do:

If your looking for one more great way to challenge yourself on the road, then look no further than the yoga strap. While it may seem like an innocent piece of fabric, it’s one of the most underrated products that you can take with you on the road.

What is fit travel youga stra[

It provides a simple, portable way to get in a good stretch. You can use it for any yoga pose or simply wrap it around your legs while you’re stretching to have something else to hold onto. Here are a few of our favorite exercises to do:

2. The Casual Traveler

Whether you’re on vacation, headed to a conference, or just spending the weekend away from home, there’s nothing worse than feeling sluggish and out of shape.

Membership at your local gym usually requires a trip back home and can be extremely expensive to purchase equipment for when you’re going to be there for only a short time.

That’s why a simple, portable piece of equipment like a jump rope can be a great addition to your luggage. A quick five-minute cardio workout with the jump rope is one of the most effective ways to stay lean and fit on any trip.

Just make sure you pack it in your carry-on luggage as your airline may not allow this piece of equipment through their security.

3. The Business Traveler

We all know the importance of staying in shape be it for health or vanity. But when you’re under the pressure of tight deadlines, long hours, and travel; there is one simple truth that holds regardless of your physical appearance; you need energy.

A resistance band is one of the best and most compact ways to stay fit while traveling on business for that reason. Resistance bands provide a simple, yet highly effective way to get in shape while not taking up hardly any room.

Whether you want to work your biceps, triceps, or legs; all you need is a doorframe and these little guys to stay.

A Fit Traveler Needs To Have 13 Items In His Suitcase

Fit travelers know that packing effectively and efficiently is the key to a successful trip. This means looking for clothes that are versatile, lightweight, packable, and comfortable.

That’s why we’ve compiled this list of 10 items every fit traveler should have in their suitcase!

1. A Pair Of Lightweight Sneakers

are perfect for the business traveler who has to walk around a lot. Whether you are dashing through an airport or running around town, Nike Free Running shoes are incredibly versatile and lightweight making them the perfect choice for staying fit on the road.

They also provide your feet with maximum flexibility which will help give you some extra energy throughout the day.

2. A 3-In-1 Jacket

Outdoor jackets are a great way to stay warm and stylish. But, more importantly, they also serve as an effective workout tool. Outdoor jackets can be incredibly versatile by themselves but wearing them over a backpack is the perfect way to get in a quick strength training session without even trying.

Breathable clothing

Fitness gear designed to be breathable will provide your body with enough ventilation that you’ll stay cool and comfortable even on the sweatiest days.

3. Comfortable Shoes

A business traveler needs to be prepared for anything. Catching a flight, dashing through the airport, meeting with clients are all strenuous activities that can take a toll on your feet.

If you want to make sure your feet remain in good condition, comfortable shoes are essential. The best kind of shoe for traveling is one that’s lightweight, comfortable, and flexible.

Nike Trainers are an excellent choice since they provide the foot with optimum ventilation for breathability.

4. Compression Socks

Great for reducing swelling in your feet, ankles, and legs. They can also help to reduce the effects of jet lag.

For long-haul flights, wear compression socks on the plane or bring a pair with you if they are allowed as an extra item.

Trainers are an excellent choice since they provide the foot with optimum ventilation for breathability. Even if you already have a good pair of shoes for your trip, always pack an extra pair just in case they get lost or damaged during your travels.

When traveling by car, make sure to bring an exercise mat along with you so you’re able to stretch out and relax after a long day on the road.

5. An Oversized Scarf

If you want to make a fashion statement while staying in shape, an oversized scarf or shawls are perfect. Not only do they add an extra layer of warmth when the weather gets chilly but they’re also great for yoga and pilates workouts.

Plus, they can be worn in a variety of ways that will help keep your lower back warm.

6. A Folding Yoga Mat

Yoga mats are perfect for both practicing and teaching yoga. High-quality yoga mats are made from materials that promote breathability so you can do your favorite workout without worrying about slipping or getting sweaty.

Using a yoga mat allows you to increase the intensity of an exercise by placing your hands and/or feet on the ground. This increases both stability and balance which makes your workout more efficient and effective.

7. A Lightweight Blanket Or Oversized Scarf

It’s no secret that staying warm is a great way to stay healthy. However, if you’re going to be outside for a long period it can become uncomfortable pretty quickly. A lightweight blanket or oversized scarf is an excellent insulation tool for staying warm without causing you to overheat.

8. An Anti-Theft Crossbody Bag

Meeting with clients, sightseeing, and shopping are all outdoor activities that require a lot of walking. Having both hands free is essential when you’re on your feet for extended periods.

That’s why an anti-theft crossbody bag is the perfect security accessory for staying fit on your travels.

Not only will it keep your belongings close but it’s also an extra security tool that you’ll want to have when traveling through busy places.

9. Moisture Wicking Underwear

Regardless of your fitness level, it’s important to wear underwear that wicks away moisture instead of absorbing it. Moisture-wicking underwear is designed for super-fast drying time which means you don’t have to worry about getting uncomfortably sweaty on the road.

Moisture Wicking Underwear

10. A Water Bottle

Staying hydrated is the best way to ensure your body stays healthy and strong no matter how much you travel. But, because you’re constantly on the go, lugging around a water bottle isn’t always ideal. That’s why an anti-theft waist pack or fanny pack is perfect for traveling fitness buffs.

The lightweight carriers keep your necessary items within reach and leave both hands free for when you’re on the go.

11. Singlets Are

perfect for any fitness activity – whether you’re yoga, pilates, boxing, or weight training, it doesn’t matter. All that matters is the breathability your singlet provides so you don’t have to worry about getting in extra workouts because of excessive sweating.

  • When traveling in business class, if the airlines do not provide pillows you should bring a neck pillow.
  • Pack extra sets of clothing in your carry-on bag or luggage just in case the airline loses your luggage.

Wear breathable workout wear when doing high-intensity workouts such as yoga and pilates so you don’t get too sweaty.

Make sure to pack a couple of business outfits if you plan on going on a business trip so you have something to wear.

12. A Fitness Tracker

A fitness tracker is a must-have for any traveler who is constantly on the go. The lightweight tracker is a convenient way to monitor your daily fitness goals and calories burned while you’re exploring new places.

Don’t forget to pack a couple of sports bras in your luggage or carry-on bag just in case they get lost or damaged during your travels.

13. Leg Sleeves

Perfect for runners and those who do a lot of walking as the garment provides additional support.

Trainers that fit more snugly are an excellent choice since they provide the foot with optimum ventilation for breathability. Don’t forget to pack a pair in your luggage or carry-on bag just in case they get lost or damaged during your travels.

Leg Sleeves

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The Benefits Of Fit Travel

  • Trainers that fit more snugly are an excellent choice since they provide the foot with optimum ventilation for breathability.
  • Moisture-wicking underwear is designed for super-fast drying time which means you don’t have to worry about getting uncomfortably sweaty on the road.
  • Staying hydrated is the best way to ensure your skin is glowing when you arrive at your destination.

What is fit travel

Why Should You Do It?

There are many reasons to do it. The pros are you can eat healthier, make friends with other people who want healthy lifestyles, and the food is better tasting because it’s homemade.

The Flexitarian Diet has been coined as “the smartest approach for optimal health.” We recommend committing gradually to a plant-based diet. That way your hormones stay balanced, your energy stays aligned throughout the day -and night-, and your stomach remains happy!

Some things are very important during travel and it is necessary to travel to know the right way to use them.

Fit Travel Resources And Inspiration

A fitness tracker.

is a must-have for any traveler who is constantly on the go. The lightweight tracker is a convenient way to monitor your daily fitness goals and calories burned while you’re exploring new places.

Leg Sleeves Are

perfect for runners and those who do a lot of walking as the garment provides additional support.

Trainers that fit more snugly are an excellent choice since they provide the foot with optimum ventilation for breathability. Even if you already have a good pair of shoes for your trip, always pack an extra pair just in case they get lost or damaged during your travels.

Trainers are an excellent choice since they provide the foot with optimum ventilation for breathability.

What Is “FIT Rate” In The Travel Industry?

Fit is the short form of “Fit rate” which is traveler jargon for the number of carry-on bags you are allowed. The size of your carry-on bag is dependent on the airline that you’re flying with and your destination.

The FIT rate stands for “free and inclusive trade” and is a type of airfare whereby airlines offer fares to attract customers while including all taxes and fees in the price.

Taxes and other fees that don’t change no matter how high or low airfares fluctuate – that may include airport charges, fuel surcharges, commissions, etc.

Are included in the ticket’s free list so there’s never any hidden cost unless you decide to add additional services such as baggage delivery or other perks at check-in.

These “free” bags aren’t yours until they arrive on your doorstep so if you’re not home someone will need to send a postcard letting you know they’re waiting for your signature before collecting them from wherever.

What Is Fit Travel Agent?

Fit travel is a startup company that was founded in 2015 to disrupt and digitize how travelers book and plan their vacations.

Fit’s premier service, Gap Insurance guarantees to cover seventy percent (70%) of the costs for any flights or accommodations booked on Fit if there is a natural disaster or unexpected event three days before your departure date.

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Fit travel is a yoga and fitness retreat. This travel will provide you with all of your needs for vacationing, including personal training sessions, access to healthy food options, and more. You’ll be able to work on your physical health while strengthening emotional connections as well!

Leave any questions or comments below if there’s anything else we left out that might interest you!

Have a nice trip!


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What do FIT, IIT, and GIT mean in the tourism industry?

  • By Kendrick Fairhurst

31 Jul 2023

What do FIT, IIT, and GIT mean in the tourism industry?

Meet the "IT" Gang: FIT, IIT, and GIT Explained

When you're deep in the swirling world of travel and tourism, you'll often run across acronyms and abbreviations faster than tourists running to duty free. Today, we're going to demystify a few of these enigmatic terms: FIT, IIT, and GIT. There's no need for you to whip out a decoder ring or consult your secret handbook; sit back, relax, and let your tour guide Kendrick steer you through!

The Solo Traveler's Guide: Free Independent Traveler or FIT

Let's start with FIT, which stands for Free Independent Traveler or sometimes Free Independent Tourist. Essentially, this acronym refers to individual or small group travelers who plan and book their trips independently, rather than being a part of large organized tour groups. Think of these guys like solo adventurers, backpackers, or just a group of friends who'd prefer travelling at their own rhythm and pace.

Truth be told, being an FIT requires a taste for adventure, a sense of comfort with uncertainty, and a knack for organizing, but it lets travelers have a sense of control and flexibility on their journey—something that can't always be said for big group tours. If there's an upside, it's the ability to change your plans on a whim, and that breath-taking sunset you can enjoy by yourself without having to squeeze in a photo op with a group of fifty others. Did I just give away my personal preference? Oh, well!

The Group Fancy: Group Inclusive Tour or GIT

On the other side of the fence, we have GIT or Group Inclusive Tour. This refers to pre-scheduled, organized travel for large groups, usually with an experienced tour guide leading the way. Contrary to the FIT trend, GIT consists largely of folks who prefer not to have the responsibility of planning every single detail. They'd rather sit back, relax, and let the itinerary unfold.

While it might not be everyone's cup of tea, there are definite advantages to GIT travel. For one, it's often more economical as costs are usually spread out among the entire group. Additionally, many GIT packages provide an all-inclusive price for flights, accommodations, meals, and even sightseeing. And let's not forget about the social aspect—a chance to make new friends! Just imagine finishing a day of touring vineyards and chomping cheese with 50 new BFF’s. Sounds cool, right?

A Mix of Both Worlds: Independent Inclusive Tour or IIT

Moving on to IIT, sensibly termed as Independent Inclusive Tour. This was designed for folks who thought to themselves, "Can we have the best of both worlds?" —and thus, IIT came into existence. These tours are usually personalized with travel plans, accommodations, and some amenities pre-arranged by a tour operator, while still leaving room for travelers to explore on their own.

A vacation under the IIT tag allows you to enjoy some of the benefits of an organized tour, such as pre-planned transportation and accommodation, with the freedom of an FIT to select your own sightseeing options. This makes IIT tourism just like that perfect, juicy cheeseburger—it’s got the savory beef patty (pre-planned necessities) hugged tightly by fresh, crisp lettuce and a dollop of zingy mayo (your personal choices). Excuse my digression, I'm just a tad peckish right now!

Evolutions in FIT, GIT and IIT Operations

With the increasing popularity of different modes of travel, what FIT, GIT and IIT offer, has seen quite an evolution over the years. Travel companies are now stretching their limits, integrating technology, and pumping innovation into their packages to offer an unforgettable travel experience. Now, a solo adventurer can book a hot air balloon ride over Cappadocia right on their smartphone while chomping on a kebab, or a large group of friends can customize their Thai Culinary Tour right down to the spice level—interactive, flexible, and flavorful!

Choosing Your Style: FIT, GIT or IIT?

So now, you may be thinking, "Great Kendrick, but how do I choose the right travel option for me?" Well, it starts with knowing yourself and your preferences better. Are you the ‘I want to plan my own trip’ fellow, or would you love it if someone else did the heavy lifting while you just enjoyed the ride? Or maybe you’re somewhere in the middle, wanting the security of an organized plan, but with room for spontaneity and freedom!

In conclusion, whether you’re an FIT, IIT, or GIT traveler, there’s a unique journey waiting for you. The magic lies in knowing that there's a perfect travel experience specifically tailored to your expectations and preferences. So, pack up your bags, grab your sunnies, and prepare yourself for an extraordinary holiday—there's a big, wide world out there waiting to be explored! Happy travels!

The Underbelly – How These Travel Trends Impact the Industry

Now, this wouldn’t be a complete analysis if I didn’t touch on how these traveling trends impact the tourism industry. However, that’s a narrative for another day – a cliffhanger for you to watch out for in my next write-up in the whirlwind world of travel and tourism.

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What do FIT, IIT, and GIT mean in the tourism industry?

Kendrick Fairhurst

Hello, I'm Kendrick Fairhurst, a seasoned expert in hotel and lodging, as well as the travel industry. I have dedicated years of my life to exploring and understanding the intricacies of these fields. My passion for traveling has led me to all corners of the globe, and I thoroughly enjoy sharing my expertise and experiences with others. I am an avid writer, with a particular focus on informative and engaging content about tourism. My ultimate goal is to inspire others to explore the world and discover the magic of travel.

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What is Fit Travel?

What is a Fit Travel

If you’re planning a vacation, you’re probably wondering, FIT stands for “fit for travel”. – it’s independent travel which means you’re booking your flights, hotels, and activities. As a FIT, you’ll have complete freedom over your itinerary. And cannot receive a refund if you miss an important event or flight. Fit travellers often prefer to book their flights, if a flight is delayed or an event requires them to change their itinerary Because they’re less likely to lose money.

the new Chinese travellers drove it, the ‘one child’ generation. The first generation in China had all their resources devoted to education, and the ‘one child’ generation has grown up with significant disposable income and unprecedented opportunities. FIT travellers can primarily explore a destination independently, and the internet and smartphones aid them. The FIT concept is transforming the way people travel.

FIT refers to a class of independent travellers who plan and arrange their trips and do so at their own pace. Single traveller, a couple, or a family do This type of travel. FIT travellers also prefer to travel alone or in small groups rather than joining a group. A FIT traveller’s itinerary may resemble a package. But the traveller customizes the entire experience.

Independent Travel

Independent travel is more expensive than organized group travel, but it’s often well worth it. FIT travellers are more likely to enjoy the local food, architecture, history, and culture while on a trip than other tourists. These travellers prefer to experience culture by following their path. Many FIT travellers don’t want the stress of being confined to a group and they are independent. They’re also less likely to be rushed, independent travel is less enjoyable and rewarding than

When choosing between FIT and GIT package tours, several things to consider. FIT tours are often small groups with fewer people. Since they require more independent travel, they tend to be more secure and have more amenities. You’ll have better accommodations and food facilities than a GIT tour. However, you should consider the number of travellers on your tour before selecting the type of package to travel with. You might want to stick to the GIT tour if you’re travelling in a big group.

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What do FIT, IIT, and GIT terms mean in the travel industry?

In the tourism industry, there are certain terms that can be confusing for travellers. FIT, IIT, and GIT are three such terms that often cause confusion. Understanding the meaning of these terms is essential for a smooth travel experience. In this article, we will explore what FIT, IIT, and GIT mean in the tourism industry and how they differ from each other.

A women hiking through the mountains  with a backpack and note pad

FIT: Free Independent Traveler

Definition of fit.

FIT stands for Free Independent Traveler. It refers to individuals who prefer to travel independently without being part of a tour group. As a FIT traveller, you have the freedom to plan and customize your trip according to your preferences. You can choose your own accommodations, transportation, and activities without relying on a tour operator.

Examples of FIT Tours

FIT tours encompass various forms of independent travel. Some popular examples include solo backpacking trips, self-guided tours, and customized itineraries. FIT travellers often seek unique experiences, off-the-beaten-path destinations, and the freedom to explore at their own pace.

Advantages of FIT Travel

FIT travel offers several advantages:

Flexibility : You have the freedom to design your itinerary and make changes as per your preferences.

Personalization : You can tailor your trip to your interests, choosing activities and destinations that align with your preferences.

Authenticity : FIT travel allows for a more immersive cultural experience, as you have the opportunity to interact with locals and explore local communities.

Independence : You are not bound by the schedules and constraints of a group tour, giving you the freedom to explore at your own leisure.

GIT: Group Inclusive Tour

Definition of git.

GIT stands for Group Inclusive Tour. In a GIT, travellers join a pre-arranged tour package where they travel with other tourists as part of a group. The tour package includes accommodations, transportation, and guided activities.

Examples of GIT Tours

GIT tours cater to travellers who prefer the convenience of travelling in a group. Examples of GIT tours include family vacations, organized group sightseeing tours, and adventure tours where participants share common experiences and activities.

Advantages of GIT Travel

GIT travel offers several advantages:

Convenience : All travel arrangements, including accommodations, transportation, and activities, are pre-organized, saving you the time and effort of planning.

Socialization : Traveling in a group provides opportunities to meet and interact with fellow travellers, fostering new friendships and shared experiences.

Guided Experience : GIT tours often include the services of a knowledgeable guide who provides insights and commentary about the destinations visited.

Cost Savings : Group tours can offer discounted rates and shared expenses, making them more cost-effective compared to individual arrangements.

IIT: Independent Inclusive Tour

Definition of iit.

In addition to FIT and GIT, there is another type of tour known as the Independent Inclusive Tour (IIT). IIT allows travellers to enjoy the benefits of group travel while still having the freedom to customize their itinerary.

Examples of IIT Tours

IIT tours are designed for travellers who desire some level of independence while still enjoying the convenience of group travel. Examples of IIT tours include small group tours with flexible itineraries, private guided tours with customizable activities, and themed tours catering to specific interests.

Advantages of IIT Travel

IIT travel offers a unique combination of group and independent travel:

Flexibility : IIT tours provide a balance between structured group activities and free time to explore independently.

Customization : Travelers can personalize their itinerary by choosing from a range of activities and destinations offered within the tour.

Social Interaction : IIT tours allow for socialization with like-minded travellers during group activities, providing opportunities for shared experiences.

Personal Attention : With smaller group sizes, IIT tours often provide a more personalized and intimate experience compared to larger group tours.

No, FIT tours are suitable for both solo travellers and small groups who prefer to travel independently.

Most GIT tours have scheduled activities, but some may offer free time for independent exploration. It’s best to check the tour itinerary before booking.

IIT tours can vary in price depending on the level of customization and services included. Some IIT tours may be more expensive, while others may offer cost-effective options.

GIT tours generally have fixed itineraries and limited customization options. If you seek more flexibility, an IIT tour may be a better choice.

There are typically no age restrictions for these tours. However, some specialized tours may have specific age requirements or activity limitations.

GIT tours are often preferred by families as they provide convenience, pre-arranged accommodations, and suitable activities for different age groups.

In conclusion, FIT, IIT, and GIT are terms used in the tourism industry to describe different types of travel experiences. FIT allows for independent and personalized travel, while GIT offers the convenience of group travel with pre-arranged arrangements. IIT combines elements of both, providing flexibility and customization within a group setting. Choosing the right type of tour depends on individual preferences, travel style, and desired level of independence. Consider your preferences, budget, and desired travel experience when selecting between FIT, IIT, and GIT tours.

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FITs: A Booming Market and an Opportunity for Agents

This is the first of two interviews with Avanti Destination’s Harry Daalgard on FITs Fully independent travel. Foreign independent tour. Whichever definition you ascribe to the acronym FIT, one thing is certain. FITs are an increasingly popular form of travel as more clients forego off-the-shelf packaged tours in favor of bespoke itineraries. Selling FITs is an opportunity for travel agents to showcase their expertise—and prove their value to clients, according to Harry Dalgaard, founder and president of Avanti Destinations. The company specializes in independent travel to Europe and Central and South America. Travel Market Report spoke with Dalgaard about trends in FIT and FIT travel to Europe. Many tour operators tell us that FIT business is booming. Do you agree? Dalgaard: I’ve been in the market for 34 years. The growth we’ve seen in our area of specialization is extraordinary. At Avanti, our business to Europe has more than doubled in the last four years. At the moment there’s a perception that you’re getting a lot of bang for the buck there. We’re seeing the lowest exchange rates in many years. Many people are jumping at the opportunity to go there because the Euro may not stay that low for long. Other than a weak Euro at the moment, what trends do you think are driving the growth of FITs? Dalgaard: I think the market is maturing and expanding. There’s been a tremendous amount of growth from the Midwest. Traditionally, that’s been more of an escorted or group market. But now the folks who’ve already experienced group travel want to go back. This time, they want to sample those destinations on their own. How do the demographics break down for FITs as opposed to packaged tours? Dalgaard: Since we’re a straight B2B, we don’t typically have a lot of client data. But we do have age statistics. They tell us that half of our clientele is under 50. We’re also seeing a growing acceptance of travel professionals by millennials. They’re like boomers in that they like their independence. They also like to use agents. They’re web savvy and they don’t mind research. But when it’s more than simply a three-night stay in Cancun, they want an advocate on their side. Agents are advocates. They can reach millennials with authentic, unique itineraries.   What’s the strongest argument for FIT travel as opposed to a packaged tour? Dalgaard: Customized travel is a lot more personal. And it’s so rewarding to have encounters that aren’t pre-planned. Sometimes the greatest experiences happen that way. We also encourage people to get off the beaten path. In Europe, we want to give them the flexibility to explore beyond the major capital cities. We make it possible for them to go to small villages in Germany, attend a wine fest or experience a traditional festival in Spain. For example, there’s the Las Fallas Festival  in Valencia each March where you’ll see bonfires on every corner. It’s really special if you come across something like that. It’s not mass tourism or grandstands. But it’s definitely authentic. What are the biggest advantages for travel agents in booking FITs? Daalgard: There’s value in showing your expertise to the client. You’re providing them with a customized vacation. Agents also earn a good commission on lots of things that clients can pre-book. There are so many things such as day sightseeing tours that concierge ends up booking. In Paris, for example, you know they’re going to take a day tour to Versailles, to the Normandy beaches, to the Loire chateaux. Why not get your commission on those things? What other destinations in Europe are doing well for FIT business? Dalgaard: Portugal and Andalusia, Spain are very strong for us. Iceland is probably the highest growth product in terms of percentage. The stopover opportunities with Icelandair make it very attractive. It’s also seen as an adventure destination and it’s very appealing to millennials. You have a lot of people going up to see the Aurora Borealis, or to dive under frozen lakes. Other tour operators tell us that the growing river cruise market is helping their business. Do you agree? Dalgaard: Definitely. We’re seeing a tremendous benefit. These aren’t mass market cruises. The ships carry 150 passengers. Most of them are interested in being away for about 10 to 14 days. The average cruise is one week. So the passengers are looking for some time to add on to the front or the back. We’re seeing people get off in Passau, make their way to Prague or Vienna and fly out from there. It’s not just central Europe; people are looking for stays in places like Bordeaux and Lyon. For agents, it’s a great opportunity to sell some additional pre- or post-cruise stays to their river cruise clients.   What about ocean cruises?   Dalgaard: They’re also bringing in extra FIT business. Baltic Sea cruises are leading to tremendous growth in Copenhagen and Stockholm, two big ports. Both are lovely cities, and the chance to plan some extra time there is something agents should jump at. Norway is going crazy with the whole “Frozen” phenomenon.  It’s hard to imagine that a cartoon aimed at kids is generating interest, but it is. Everyone wants to go there. It’s lovely, you can’t blame them. Next time: The FIT market in Latin and South America

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FIT vs Escorted Travel: Which is Right for Your Clients?

Written by: Michelle on March 20, 2019

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Two travelers can visit the same destination and have vastly different experiences depending on their travel styles and preferences. For instance, determining whether a FIT trip or an escorted tour means taking the time to qualify your clients , and figure out what they value about traveling. Do they want to have more activities included in the package, or is having a flexible schedule more important?

Read on to learn about the difference between FIT trips and escorted travel, and how to determine which is right for your clients.

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FIT is an abbreviation that refers to either “foreign independent tour” or “free independent traveler.” The key to both versions is the word independent. This means that the traveler or small group of travelers (less than 10 people) will be taking a trip that does not follow an itinerary preset by a travel supplier and will not have a set tour guide or leader. Their travel agent creates an itinerary of their flights, hotels, and transportation as requested, but the agent is the one who designs this trip, not the travel supplier.

For example, imagine a couple tells you they want to visit London. They ask you to book the flights, hotel, and provide them with information on the London Underground system. They want the freedom to decide each day where to go and what to see in the city. They may opt to take a tour of Westminster Abbey or the Tower of London, but they do not want to have their schedule for these activities set by the travel supplier. This type of self-determined trip is a FIT experience.

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FIT travel provides travelers with the benefit of flexibility and customization that they may not experience on an escorted tour. However, it can be harder for clients to budget for a FIT trip since it will not include meals, in-destination transportation, or sightseeing costs. Creating a custom itinerary usually means more time planning on the travel agent’s part. However, many agents enjoy planning FIT trips because they can work closely with clients to craft a tailor-made trip specifically for them. In some cases, travel agents can add excursions, sightseeing tours, and in-destination transportation if their clients request it.

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Escorted tours provide a more structured and inclusive option. These vacations are expertly designed, led by travel experts, and usually have preset dates and itineraries to choose from. These packages usually include the hotel, bus or rail transportation, some meals, and admission costs to the activities scheduled. Flights may also be included or available as an add-on option. In destination, your clients will join the larger group of their escorted tour, which will vary in size depending upon the supplier and the destination.

For example, imagine another couple tells you they want to visit London. They ask you to book the flights and hotel. They want to see all of the major highlights of the city, like Westminster Abbey, Hyde Park, and Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre. They would also like to travel to Stonehedge and a castle if possible, but they don’t want to rent a car. They feel a tour guide would add value to their experiences at these locations and plan to use one. They want to spend their evenings seeing shows in London’s West End or enjoying a relaxing meal. To give them the best chance to see and do everything on their list, you should suggest an escorted tour.

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Escorted tours appeal to clients who want to see the best of a destination. The exclusive connections that tour operators have allow escorted tour groups to bypass long entrance lines and partake in experiences that are not available to the public. In many cases, these tours are fast-paced, allowing clients to see more and save time. Most tours keep evenings open and some even have free days to allow travelers to experience the destination at their leisure.

Clients may worry that an escorted tour is more expensive than a FIT trip, but in reality, a traveler on an escorted tour is a cost-effective way to travel. Because the price of escorted tours includes transportation, admission, and usually some meals, escorted tours allow travelers to anticipate the total cost of their trip before they even leave.

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Others may argue that escorted tours are only for retirees. Escorted tours cater to everyone, from millennial travelers and families to wellness travelers and foodies. For example, the Globus family of brands offers the Legacy of the Incas tour through Peru, which explore archaeological sites and traditional South American meals. The important thing to remember for agents is to match your clients to the right travel supplier and tour option to ensure they have an excellent escorted tour experience.

Are you interested in matching clients to their ideal vacation? KHM Travel Group is a host travel agency that provides independent travel agents with the tools and resources to start and grow their own travel business. To find out more, fill out the form to the right or call us at 1-888-611-1220.

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The Inbound Report

Covering the Inbound Tourism Industry Since 1996

NAJ’s Founder on Why the Static FIT Rate has an Image Problem…and how to Fix it

May 14, 2019 by Tom Berrigan

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INBOUND : Why do you feel the phrase Static FIT Rate is a problem .

JS: When you mention the phrase ‘Static FIT Rate’ to a hotel revenue manager or GM who has built their bookings through one series of sophisticated technology iterating after another, their mind conjures up something out of the buggy whip era.  So, at the risk of sounding overly simplistic I believe it would be more productive to refer to it as the “ International FIT Rate,” which not only sounds more contemporary, but also more accurately describes what it is.  We’re going to be implementing this change in our “Educating the Independent Hotel Revenue Manager” presentation which we will share with all partners.

INBOUND:  Recently, you’ve been speaking a lot about International FIT Rates and how they’re having an impact on the tour and travel industry right now. I would be interested in hearing more on the subject, but first, could you tell us just what you mean by International FIT Rates?

JS:  Basically, “International FIT Rate” is where a hotel offers an allotment to a receptive tour operator of “X” number of rooms a day, or “X” number of rooms a week with variable net rates based on seasonal demand. The tour operators have what is called a “cutoff date” so that they can cancel those rooms before an agreed upon date so hotels have time to resell them.  Usually, the hotels include blackout dates during extremely high demand dates.

Why the major chain hotels such as  Marriot ,  Hyatt ,  Wyndham  and others are moving to “dynamic’ rates  is because the technology that’s available today enables  them to vary the pricing to the operators  on an automated basis  so they can optimize yield in real time, which saves them the need to manage their inventory manually.

“It’s all about comparison shopping.”

INBOUND:  I believe I’ve heard you say that among major chains,  Hilton  is still doing it that way.

JS:  Yes, one of the receptives at RTO West told us that Hilton has suddenly opened up inventory to them on International FIT Rates he attributed to the fact that they had lost substantial business with last year’s “Stop Clicking Around,’ but consumers didn’t respond to that because they’ve been conditioned to go to Expedia or, where they can easily evaluate the best available rates for a four-star hotel  instead of just going to one brand after they see an ad. The OTAs have rendered the hotels a commodity by forcing rate parity agreements which basically require the rates to vary no more than a dollar from the hotels best available rate.

INBOUND:  So, how are the receptives dealing with this?

JS:  Most of the receptive operators are small businesses that have under 15 to 20 employees who don’t have the volume or financial resources to do enable them to directly connect to dynamic. They’ve either moved away from the FIT business which  American Ring Travel , a mid-size RTO, has done so they can strictly focus on providing elevated service to groups. Those that have remained in the FIT business are either working with independent hotels who are open to International FIT Rates, or they are buying from their competitors like  Hotelbeds , which has 180,000 hotels that they can access, in which case they are sacrificing margin. Additionally, I found out the hard way, they’re also buying from  Expedia ’s wholesale platform.

I recently traveled to Australia and New Zealand and booked the entire trip through a travel agent— Flight Centre —in New Zealand.  At check-in there was a problem with the room and we requested to be moved but they wouldn’t comply because our room was booked through  Expedia . The Flight Centre, perhaps the largest mass-market travel agency in Australia and New Zealand, sent us our itinerary and confirmations and I found the name of a wholesaler who I’d never heard as the source of our rooms. They told me our bookings were made through a wholesaler who offered better rates than theirs. At the hotel the front desk the wholesaler was booking through Expedia, which meant that three different entities were receiving commissions from that booking.

The smaller operators are really focusing now on group business, which is kind of increasing. Their value proposition is in their ability to tailor-make tours for operators with a client base who are willing to pay a premium to have everything done for them. Fortunately, Baby Boomers, who are entering retirement with time and money to travel, are the primary drivers of the trend towards tailor made vacations, and the desire for experiential travel that reflects the authenticity of the destination. Overseas operators and agents need to count on somebody who’s on the ground and they’re working through receptives who are transforming themselves into creative advisors to the advisors.

What will the Future Hold for Receptives?

INBOUND:  How do you see all of this playing out? That is, with this situation changing so much, what it is going to look like in, say, three years?

JS:  I see it moving into three different directions:

  • Become DMCs for International MICE business .  DMCs (destination management services) are group oriented and less price sensitive than leisure groups. The traditional US-based DMC’s work on lead times that can go from six months to a year while overseas corporations provide travel as the prize for reaching goals often set on quarterly or six-month basis. The receptive operators, who are more flexible and have in-destination relationships, are logical partners.
  • Advances in Technology :  Five years ago a receptive would need to invest at least $50,000 in up-front costs for a group booking system that would automate their processes. Today there are cloud-based systems that are affordable for companies with as few as five staff priced on a subscription model pay $150 to $200 or $300 a month for their own booking system per user.
  •   Continue to focus on Independent hotel properties:

—If a hotel wants fly-drive guests from many European countries where bookings are placed six-nine months in advance from printed brochures, dynamic rates will not work because regulations provide that quoted rates cannot be changed.

—While the independent hotels gladly accept group business, savvy receptives leverage their group as carrots for FIT contracts.

—Help independent hotels understand that the average booking lead time for RTOs is 6-9 months, while it’s 3.6 weeks for OTAs, which provides them with an early base from which to increase their average rate earlier to the next tier.  Also, the cancellation rates for OTAs in now 40 percent with for RTOs in 3-6 percent.

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Cashel Travel

What does the term FIT mean?

Here at Cashel Travel the term or acronym FIT stands for Foreign Independent Traveler, but it isn’t necessarily the same in other organisations. Some people or companies refer to it as a Fully Independent Traveler, Frequent Independent Traveler, Free Independent Tourist, Frequent Individual Traveler and we’re sure there are many more. But as you can see, they’re all very much the same thing.

The term FIT was coined within the DMC sector and it refers to an individual tourist or traveller that’s independent from groups or a specified schedule. They normally design or have most of the control over their itinerary. As a result FIT travelers generally have a higher average spend.

If you are interested in FIT travel or would like to know more, contact us at  [email protected]

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What are the opportunities in the European FIT tourism market?

The free or fully independent traveller (FIT) tourism market is characterised by independence. FITs like to make their travel plans themselves and prefer active or immersive experiences. FITs are particularly numerous in western Europe, from where many low-cost airlines fly regularly to developing countries in Asia and Africa. FITs are looking for good value trips, fuelling demand for unique local experiences and sustainable travel.

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What is FIT?

Having nothing to do with exercise or fitness, the business abbreviation FIT actually stands for free independent travel. This term is one used mainly by insiders of the travel and resort industries. What does it mean and how does it work? Read along as we take a look at the FIT concept.

What exactly is FIT? FIT is defined as the independent travel and travel planning of a single person or family group. When people travel, there are many ways to go and equally many ways to see and experience a world of possible destinations. Despite there being so many options in travel and ways to experience destinations, it can all be narrowed down to two, separate categories of classification: independent travel and planning and dependent travel and planning.

In FIT, the traveler is self guided and independent of the guidance, scheduling, or membership of an outside business for such travels. You may have heard of group traveling events and clubs or guided accommodations and trip planning. These fall into the latter category of dependent travel and is opposite the independence exercised by the individual FIT traveler or family group of FIT travelers.

FIT: Where and How

Having covered the basic definition of FIT, let’s explore how and where FIT is exercised. Starting at home, the world wide web is the main platform for FIT arrangements and activities. Here, potential travelers can precisely research locations, travel means, and the making of arrangements. Planning and the exclusive jobs of yesteryear’s travel agents are now accessible to even beginner travelers. Book that hotel and the day activities as well as tomorrow’s destination, all from the comfort of your home computer, or smartphone.

Once accommodations and plans have been set, travel can commence. In FIT, the traveler moves absent of any tour group. This means for the use or arrangement of their own transportation, self-paced travel and stops, and complete independence in the enjoyment of destinations. Cars, trains, and planes fuel the FIT traveler movement.

When: FIT’s Best Times

Those with experience in free independent travel know that good deals in travel, destinations, and hotel accommodations can be researched and secured with a little effort. The more seasoned the FIT veteran, the easier it becomes in scouting the best deals in travel. A big part of this successful formula: timing.

Timing is everything when it comes to deals and bargains in travel. This is much due to seasonal influence on the industry. When the seasons change and attendance rates fall, deals will be made much more abundant. Similarly, good timing can come in the form of booking extremely discounted arrangements with a company that just started or is otherwise trying hard to gain new customers.

Why the FIT Route?

A look at the USA Today article, Independent Travel To Italy perfectly exemplifies all of the reasoning behind travelers’ tendencies to go the FIT route. In her piece on independent travels to Italy, writer Elizabeth Smith provides – “Independent travel to Italy offers the chance to escape tour groups and package expeditions and head out on your own to explore the country’s famous hill towns and storied cities. Without the burden of a group, you are free to travel when and where you please, which can be a benefit when a sprawling vineyard or charming villa beckons”.

FIT is a chance to just this; go with less direction, scheduling, and group limitations. In everyday life, we all experience the measures of guidance and strict scheduling on a very regular basis. A trip away is a chance to get away from this adherence to schedule and group intention. The break from this that FIT provides is why it is so popular today.

FIT is the way by which our ancestors traveled many years ago – independently. Today, we can do the same, but with a world of informational resources and planning tools that were unavailable to those of the past. This is the world of FIT, or free independent travel.

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What Does Fit Stand for in Tourism?

By Michael Ferguson

If you’re a frequent traveler or work in the tourism industry, you’ve likely come across the term “FIT” at some point. But what does it mean? FIT stands for “Free Independent Traveler” or “Fully Independent Traveler,” depending on who you ask.

What is FIT?

At its core, FIT refers to a type of travel that’s not part of a group tour. Instead, FIT travelers create their own itineraries and travel plans – they’re free to choose where they go, when they go, and how they get there. This type of travel is often favored by those who want more control over their trip and don’t want to be tied down by a strict schedule.

Who are FIT Travelers?

FIT travelers can be anyone from solo travelers to families or groups of friends. Generally speaking, they tend to be more experienced travelers who are comfortable navigating new destinations on their own. They may have specific interests or goals for their trip and want the freedom to explore at their own pace.

Benefits of FIT Travel

There are several advantages to traveling as an FIT:

  • Flexibility: As mentioned earlier, one of the biggest benefits is the ability to create your own itinerary and travel at your own pace.
  • Cultural immersion: FIT travel can allow for a more immersive experience in local culture – without being beholden to a group tour’s schedule.
  • Budget-friendly: Depending on your travel style and preferences, traveling independently can often be more cost-effective than joining a tour group.

Challenges of FIT Travel

While there are certainly benefits to traveling as an FIT, there are also some challenges:

  • Logistics: Planning and coordinating all aspects of your trip can be time-consuming and overwhelming.
  • Safety: Traveling alone or without a group can be riskier, especially in unfamiliar destinations.
  • Limited resources: Without a tour guide or group, you may miss out on certain experiences or cultural insights.

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Key takeaways

  • The Chase Freedom Flex is a unique cash back credit card that doubles as a great travel rewards card for those who know how to best take advantage of it.
  • With no annual fee and the ability to redeem Chase Ultimate Rewards points for travel purchases, the Chase Freedom Flex can save you money without the added cost of carrying the card.
  • Pairing the Chase Freedom Flex with other Chase credit cards can help you maximize your rewards and save even more.

While the Chase Freedom Flex℠ is marketed as a cash back credit card, there are several reasons for travel lovers to take another look. Not only does it offer a generous selection of travel insurance protections, but its rewards can be redeemed directly for travel, whether you have this card alone or you pair it with a premium travel credit card from Chase.

With its rotating bonus categories and generous rewards on everyday spending, the Freedom Flex can help anyone boost their rewards haul. If you want to earn travel rewards and don’t want to pay another annual fee for a credit card, read on to learn why this card may be exactly what you need.

Why the Chase Freedom Flex is a good card for travelers

Picking up a cash back card for travel may seem strange, but the Freedom Flex works well in different scenarios. Consider the following perks and benefits before you make it part of your travel rewards plan:

Travel rewards redemption

If you feel intimidated by the idea of redeeming your Chase points for travel, know that it’s quite simple. The Chase travel portal features buttons that take you to the booking pages for such travel categories as hotels, flights, travel activities, rental cars and cruises.

screenshot of chase travel portal interface

From there, Chase will show you how much your travel would cost in points. Here’s an example of how the portal displays your options if you search for a hotel in New York City for dates in January 2024.

screenshot of booking travel

You have the option to pay for your travel plans entirely with points, with a combination of points and credit card charges or entirely with your credit card. If you pay for all or part of your travel through Chase with your Freedom Flex card, you will earn 5 percent back on that spending.

Pairing with other Chase Ultimate Rewards cards

With the Freedom Flex, you can transfer rewards to a premium Chase travel credit card account for better travel redemptions. If you also have the Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card , for example, you could use each card for purchases in their respective bonus categories, and then move all your points to your Preferred account before you redeem.

This strategy would help you get 25 percent more value for your points if you redeem for travel through Chase. Separately, moving points to your Preferred card unlocks the option to transfer rewards to Chase’s airline and hotel partners , so you can take advantage of their rewards points or miles instead. Those programs include British Airways Avios, United Airlines MileagePlus, JetBlue TrueBlue, Marriott Bonvoy and World of Hyatt.

Pairing the Freedom Flex with a premium card should also help you avoid foreign transaction fees. Since the Freedom Flex comes with a 3 percent foreign transaction fee, you can use it to earn rewards points and use another travel card to pay for purchases while abroad.

Travel insurance

The Freedom Flex comes with a generous amount of travel insurance for a cash back credit card. Perks you’ll qualify for include trip cancellation and interruption insurance worth up to $1,500 per passenger and $6,000 per trip, secondary auto rental coverage and travel and emergency assistance services.

And remember, these benefits are offered free of charge for cardmembers.

With that said, you can get even more travel insurance protections with a premium Chase travel card. With the Chase Sapphire Reserve® , for example, you get higher-value trip cancellation and interruption insurance, primary auto rental coverage, trip delay reimbursement, emergency evacuation and transportation coverage, baggage delay insurance, travel accident insurance, roadside assistance and more.

Additional perks of the Chase Freedom Flex

In addition to being a great travel rewards card, The Chase Freedom Flex is still a popular, well-rounded cash back credit card . Not only can you earn a high rate of rewards for each dollar you spend, but you can redeem your rewards in several different ways aside from just travel.

Chase Freedom Flex

Card highlights.

  • Welcome bonus: $200 cash bonus when you spend $500 within three months of account opening
  • Intro APR: 0 percent intro APR on purchases and balance transfers for 15 months, followed by a variable APR of 20.49 percent to 29.24 percent
  • Intro balance transfer fee: 3 percent of the amount of each transfer with a $5 minimum, followed by 5 percent of the amount of each transfer with a $5 minimum after the 60-day intro period
  • Annual fee: $0

More ways to earn rewards

The Chase Freedom Flex is unique in that it offers rotating bonus categories and bonus rewards in several everyday spending categories. Here’s the card’s current rewards structure:

  • 5 percent cash back on activated bonus category purchases each quarter (up to $1,500 in purchases, then 1 percent)
  • 5 percent back on travel purchases through Chase Travel℠
  • 5 percent back on Lyft rides (through March 2025)
  • 3 percent back on dining and drugstore purchases
  • 1 percent back on everything else

While Chase Freedom Flex categories can change over time, they frequently include options like gas stations, home improvement stores, Walmart and PayPal purchases and more. The 5 percent category for travel purchases through Chase Travel℠ is also pretty broad and can include airfare, hotels, rental cars and day trip activities.

More ways to redeem rewards

While the Freedom Flex is a cash back credit card at heart, the rewards you earn are actually Chase Ultimate Rewards points . This distinction is part of what makes the Freedom Flex such a great travel rewards card. The points you earn are typically worth 1 cent each, so the $200 welcome bonus, for example, would be worth 20,000 points.

In addition to redeeming your rewards for travel through the Chase Travel portal, the program lets you redeem your rewards for cash back or statement credits. You also have the options to redeem your points for things like gift cards and merchandise.

Should you get the Chase Freedom Flex for travel purchases?

Considering the Freedom Flex offers generous rewards in everyday categories, you can’t really go wrong. If your spending lines up with the card’s highlighted categories, then you’ll be able to rack up the rewards points pretty easily.

The Freedom Flex is an even better choice for current Chase customers who have a premium travel credit card they can pair it with. When you have a few different Chase credit cards, or even better, the Chase trifecta , you get bonus rewards in more categories, all the best redemption options and the best selection of travel protections, all at once.

The bottom line

The Chase Freedom Flex is an excellent credit card for people who travel occasionally and want some basic travel protections, as well as for those who travel all the time and want a way to boost their travel rewards haul. Plus, with no annual fee , it costs nothing to add it to your wallet and take advantage of its high rewards rates.

Issuer-required disclosure statement Information about the Chase Freedom Flex℠ has been collected independently by Bankrate. Card details have not been reviewed or approved by the issuer.

fit rate travel

Citi Double Cash vs. Chase Freedom Flex

Is the Chase Freedom Flex worth it?

Chase Freedom Flex review: Plenty of value packed into one card

TIME Stamped: Personal Finance Made Easy

Personal Finance

Best no annual fee travel credit cards for june 2024.

Our evaluations and opinions are not influenced by our advertising relationships, but we may earn a commission from our partners’ links. This content is created independently from TIME’s editorial staff. Learn more about it.

Travelers are back in the skies and on the roads, airplanes are taking off full, and there is likely a good chance you’re planning to travel this year or thinking about it. Whether you’re heading off on a much-deserved vacation or just getting away for a weekend, you may be looking to earn rewards on your travel spending.

But most travel credit cards come with an annual fee. That might make sense for road-warrior business travelers who are on a first-name basis with the airport check-in agent, but what if you don’t travel as often? If you’re an occasional traveler, paying an annual fee might not make sense .

In this article, we’ll cover the best travel credit cards with no annual fee.

Best No Annual Fee Travel Credit Cards: Summary

Best for thankyou points: citi rewards+® card, best for cash back on travel: card_name, best for hilton stays: card_name, best for united miles: card_name.

  • Best for American miles: American Airlines AAdvantage® Mile Up® Mastercard®

Best for Delta miles: card_name

Our recommendations.

fit rate travel

Citi Rewards+® Card

(Rates & Fees)

The Citi Rewards+® Card wouldn’t normally make a list of great travel cards, but it currently offers bonus points on some travel. Cardmembers can earn a total of five ThankYou Points on hotel, car rentals, and attractions booked through the Citi Travel portal through December 31, 2025.

If you’re invested in the Citi ThankYou Points ecosystem, the card is a must-have, not for its travel benefits, but for its point bonus on redemptions. The card offers a 10% rebate on point redemptions when you redeem your ThankYou Points. If you hold multiple ThankYou Point-earning cards and combine your ThankYou Points accounts, you get this rebate on any redemption, up to 100,000 points redeemed per year.

Here are the details of the Citi Rewards+® Card :

  • Earn 20,000 bonus points after you spend $1,500 in purchases with your card within 3 months of account opening; redeemable for $200 in gift cards at
  • Special offer: Earn 5 ThankYou® Points per $1 spent on hotel, car rentals and attractions booked on through December 31, 2025 (airfare is not included).
  • 2 ThankYou Points per dollar on the first $6,000 spent per year at supermarkets and gas stations for first $6,000 per year and then 1X Points thereafter.
  • 1 ThankYou Point per dollar on all other purchases.
  • ‌ foreign_transaction_fee foreign transaction fee.
  • ‌ $0 (Rates & Fees) annual fee.

Costco Anywhere Visa® Card by Citi

If you want a no-annual-fee card that offers cash back on travel and are a Costco member, the card_name simply can’t be beat. The Costco Anywhere Visa offers 3% cash back on travel categories including airfare, hotels, car rentals, travel agencies, cruise lines and Costco Travel. You must be a Costco member to get this card, but if you’re looking for cash back on travel, few other cards offer as much cash back on as many travel categories as the Costco Anywhere Visa.

The one quirk of the rewards earned by the Costco Anywhere Visa Credit Card is that you earn your rewards as Costco Cash. Costco Cash rewards get distributed once your February billing statement closes in the form of a credit card reward certificate. This certificate must be redeemed at Costco for merchandise or cash.

Here are the details of the Costco Anywhere Visa Card:

  • 4% cash back on the first $7,000 spent each year on eligible gas and EV charging purchases worldwide and then 1% thereafter.
  • 3% cash back at restaurants worldwide.
  • 3% cash back on eligible travel purchases.
  • 2% cash back on all other purchases at Costco and at
  • 1% cash back on all other purchases.
  • ‌ annual_fees annual fee.

Hilton Honors Card from American Express

If your travel plans have you staying within Hilton’s family of hotel brands, consider picking up the card_name . The card earns seven Hilton Honors Bonus Points per dollar spent at hotel properties within the Hilton portfolio. And you’ll get Hilton points for your everyday purchases like gas and groceries. The card earns five Hilton Honors bonus points per dollar spent at U.S. restaurants and U.S. gas stations as well. The card is also a great choice if you’re planning to travel abroad as it does not charge foreign transaction fees.

Here are the details of the Hilton Honors American Express Card:

  • 7 Hilton Honors bonus points per dollar spent at any participating hotel within the Hilton portfolio.
  • 5 Hilton Honors bonus points per dollar spent at U.S. restaurants, U.S. supermarkets, and U.S. gas stations.
  • 3 Hilton Honors bonus points per dollar on all other eligible purchases.
  • foreign_transaction_fee foreign transaction fee ( Rates & Fees ).
  • annual_fees annual fee ( Rates & Fees ).

United Gateway℠ Card

Why we like it:.

United MileagePlus aficionados wanting to pad their mileage balances without paying an annual fee should take a look at the card_name . The card earns two United miles per dollar spent on United Airlines purchases, at gas stations, and on local transit and commuting.

The benefits of the card_name don’t stop with earning miles. The card also offers 25% back on United inflight and United Club premium drink purchases. And the card offers essential travel insurance coverage such as auto rental collision damage waiver, trip cancellation/interruption insurance, and purchase protection.

Here are the details of the United Gateway Card:

  • 2 United miles per dollar spent on United purchases.
  • 2 United miles per dollar spent at gas stations.
  • 2 United miles per dollar spent on local transit and commuting.
  • 1 United mile per dollar spent on all other purchases.
  • foreign_transaction_fee foreign transaction fees.
  • annual_fees annual fee.
  • Member FDIC.

Best for American miles: card_name

Citibusiness® / aadvantage® platinum select® mastercard®.

If you want to earn American Airlines miles on your purchases with the airline, there may be no better card than the American Airlines AAdvantage® Mile Up® Mastercard® . The card earns two miles per dollar spent with American Airlines—an earning rate that matches even the airline’s most premium card_name , which carries a annual_fees annual fee. In addition to miles on American Airlines purchases, the card earns two miles per dollar spent at grocery stores.

The card_name has a unique feature among airline cards with no annual fee: The card can help you earn elite status with American Airlines. You earn one loyalty point for every one dollar you spend on purchases. Earning just 15,000 loyalty points in a year gets you Group 5 boarding privileges and a handful of preferred seat coupons. Once you earn 40,000 loyalty points in a year, you get AAdvantage Gold status, giving you access to complimentary upgrades.

Here are the details of the card_name :

  • 2 AAdvantage miles per dollar spent on eligible American Airlines purchases.
  • 2 AAdvantage miles per dollar spent at grocery stores, including grocery delivery services.
  • 1 AAdvantage mile per dollar spent everywhere else.
  • Earn 1 loyalty point for every AAdvantage mile earned from purchases.

Delta SkyMilesR Blue American Express Card

Delta Air Lines flyers can earn SkyMiles without paying an annual fee if they hold the card_name . The card_name offers two SkyMiles per dollar spent on Delta purchases and at restaurants, plus a 20% rebate on in-flight purchases. The card does not levy a foreign transaction fee ( Rates & Fees ), making it a solid option for international travelers who prefer SkyTeam.

Here are the details of the Delta SkyMiles Blue American Express Card:

  • 2 Delta SkyMiles per dollar spent on Delta purchases.
  • 2 Delta SkyMiles per dollar spent at restaurants.
  • 1 mile per dollar spent on all other purchases.

Best No Annual Fee Travel Credit Cards Comparison Chart

Our methodology.

To find the best travel credit cards with no annual fee, we looked at the offerings from banks, U.S.-based airlines, and the major hotel chains. To be included in our list, cash back cards had to earn greater than 2% cash rewards on travel. Co-branded hotel and airline cards needed to earn at least two points per dollar on purchases with the brand. In most cases, we found that holding the no-annual-fee card that aligns with your travel brand preferences will earn you the most miles and points.

TIME Stamp: Brand loyalty can be rewarding

If you are a Costco member, the card_name offers the best travel rewards across a variety of travel purchases. If you’re not a Costco member and want a travel credit card that offers the best rewards with no annual fee, go with the entry-level card of your most used travel brand.

The information presented here is created independently from the TIME editorial staff. To learn more, see our About page.

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  • Credit Cards
  • Travel Credit Cards

Best Travel Rewards Credit Cards

Jason Steele, Contributor, Credit Cards at Money

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Taína Cuevas, expert in consumer credit, credit cards, and product reviews, and Managing Editor at Money

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  • How Do You Know If You Passed a Background Check? has partnered with for our coverage of credit card products. Money and CardRatings may receive a commission from card issuers. Our site does not include all card companies or all available card offers.

Whether it’s cash back, miles, points or perks, most credit cards offer a variety of high-value rewards. These can help you get more out of your next adventure through free hotel stays, access to airport lounges, expedited security screenings or even statement credits for ridesharing.

Read on for our picks of the best travel reward cards, and our answers to the most frequently asked questions about how to best use them.

(To see our picks for the best travel cards overall, make sure to check out our guide to the Best Travel Credit Cards .)

  • Best Flexible Points Card: Chase Sapphire Preferred®
  • Best Premium Card: The Platinum Card® from American Express
  • Best No-fee Card: Capital One VentureOne Rewards Card
  • Best Travel Card for Small Businesses: Chase Ink Business Preferred®
  • Best Discount Airline Card: FRONTIER Airlines World Mastercard®
  • Best Premium Airline Card: United Club SM Infinite Card
  • Best Hotel Card: World of Hyatt Credit Card
  • Best Hotel Card for Families: Wyndham Rewards Earner® Plus Card

Best Travel Rewards Credit Cards Reviews

Chase sapphire preferred® card.

Chase Sapphire Preferred Credit Card

Reward rates

  • 5x total points on travel booked through Chase Ultimate Rewards®
  • 3x points on dining
  • 2x points on other travel expenses
  • 3x points on online grocery purchases (excluding Target®, Walmart® and wholesale clubs)
  • 3x points on qualifying streaming services
  • 60,000 bonus points after spending $4,000 within three months of account opening
  • Transfer points to major airline and hotel partners, which include Air Canada, JetBlue, United, Southwest, British Airways and others
  • $50 annual hotel credit
  • $95 annual fee
  • Hotel credit is low when compared to other travel reward cards

Why we chose it: The Chase Sapphire Preferred® card earns points that can be redeemed for travel reservations through the Chase Ultimate Rewards® portal, or transferred to a participating airline or hotel partner that best meets your needs, such as United, Southwest, JetBlue and Hyatt hotels.

This card sets the standard for flexibility, as the Chase Ultimate Rewards® program allows you to both use your points to book travel or to transfer your rewards to hugely popular travel partners and loyalty programs.

You can also get extra perks on your account anniversary. To start, you'll receive up to $50 in statement credits for hotel stays purchased through Chase Ultimate Rewards®. You’ll also earn bonus points equal to 10% of the total amount you spent the previous year. For example, if you spent $10,000 on purchases, you’ll get 1,000 bonus points.

Best Premium Card: The Platinum Card® from American Express

American Express Platinum Credit Card

Reward rates:

  • 5x Membership Rewards® points on airfare booked directly with airlines using your card, or through American Express Travel (on up to $500,000 per year)
  • 5x per dollar spent on prepaid hotels booked through
  • 1x per dollar spent on all other purchases
  • Earn 100,000 bonus points after spending $6,000 on the card within the first six months of card membership
  • Eligible for Gold Status membership with Marriott and Hilton programs
  • Airport lounge access
  • $200 in hotel statement credits per year
  • $200 annual airline fee credits
  • $200 in annual Uber credits and more
  • $100 statement credit towards TSA Precheck or Global Entry programs
  • $695 annual fee
  • Non-travel rewards aren't as robust as with other premium cards

Why we chose it: The American Express Platinum Card® offers numerous features and benefits, plus plenty of statement credits that can help offset its substantial annual fee.

The American Express Platinum Card® was the original premium rewards card, but even now with plenty of premium competitors, it still rises to the top. Yes, you'll have to pay a $695 annual fee to carry this metal card, but the generous statement credits make it worth the fee.

You earn 5x Membership Rewards® points on airfare booked directly with airlines or with American Express Travel (on up to $500,000 per year), and 5x on prepaid hotels booked through You'll also earn 1x on all other purchases and rewards can be transferred to 20 airline and hotel programs.

Capital One VentureOne Rewards Credit Card

Capital One Venture One Credit Card

  • 1.25 miles per dollar spent on all purchases
  • 5 miles per dollar spent on hotels and rental cars booked through Capital One Travel website
  • Earn 20,000 bonus miles after spending just $500 on purchases within the first three months of account opening
  • No annual fee
  • Points can be redeemed as statement credits towards travel purchases or transferred to participating airline and hotel programs
  • Transfer your miles to one of 15+ hotel and airline loyalty partner programs
  • Website calculator makes it easy to find out how many miles you'll get per dollar spent
  • Only one Capital One lounge available (located in Dallas Ft. Worth, TX)
  • Capital One miles transfer to most airline programs at a ratio of 2:1.5

Why we chose it: The VentureOne Rewards Card is a great, no annual fee, travel rewards card that offers you travel statement credits and the ability to transfer your miles to airline and hotel programs.

This version of Capital One’s flagship Venture Rewards cards offers real value to those who want a travel rewards card without an annual fee.

You'll earn 1.25 miles per dollar spent, and miles are each worth one cent paid as statement credits towards any travel purchase you make with your card.

Alternatively, you can transfer your rewards to participating airline miles or hotel programs, giving you additional redemption options. Capital One miles transfer to most airline programs at a ratio of 2:1.5, but they recently added several new airline transfer partners with a more favorable 1:1 ratio.

Best Travel Card for Small Businesses: Chase Ink Business Preferred®

Chase Ink Business Preferred Credit Card

  • 3x points per $1 on the first $150,000 spent in combined purchases in categories such as shipping, advertising, internet and travel
  • Unlimited 1x point per $1 spent on all other purchases
  • Points are worth 25% more when you redeem for travel through Chase Travel℠
  • 100,000 bonus points after spending $15,000 on purchases within three months of account opening
  • Rewards are earned in the Ultimate Rewards Program® and can be transferred to participating airline miles or hotel points
  • Includes several travel insurance and purchase protection benefits

Why we chose it: The Ink Business Preferred® card offers plenty of opportunities to earn valuable travel perks on frequent business purchases.

If you're looking to leverage your small business purchases to earn travel rewards, then this is the card for you. You'll begin with the chance to earn 100,000 bonus points after spending $15,000 on purchases within the first three months of account opening.

Then you'll earn 3x points on up to $150,000 spent each year in combined business categories such as internet, cable and phone, shipping, advertising (made with social media sites and search engines), and travel purchases.

Points are worth $1.25 cents each when redeemed directly for travel booked through Chase Ultimate Rewards®, or they can be transferred to participating airline miles or hotel partners. There's a $95 annual fee for this card.

Best airline cards

Generally speaking, most travelers will get better rewards from cards that aren’t tied to one specific airline. Having said that, the best airline cards do have significant benefits to offer.

For one, choosing your favorite airline’s card can help you reach elite status faster. In most cases, this can garner you deep discounts, better mileage rewards and great upgrades, including to first or business class.

Having an airline card also give you access to comfortable lounges with complimentary food and drinks, which can make those increasingly frequent flight delays a lot more bearable.

However, the airline card you choose largely depends on a few things: whether you’re willing to stick with one airline, which destinations you’re likely to visit and what you hope to get out of it.

Best Airline Card: FRONTIER Airlines World Mastercard®

Frontier Credit Card

  • Every dollar you spend earns one mile towards the Elite Status program
  • 5x miles on eligible Frontier purchases
  • 3x miles at restaurants
  • Earn 50,000 bonus miles after spending $1,000 on purchases within the first three months of account opening
  • Earn a $100 flight voucher every account anniversary after spending $2,500 or more on purchases during your card membership year
  • Earn Complimentary online access to your FICO® Credit Score
  • No blackout dates
  • Until you reach Elite Status, expect numerous fees when you fly Frontier for things included automatically with other airlines
  • $89 annual fee (after an introductory $0 rate for the first year)
  • Limited number of international destinations

Why we chose it: What if you could fly with a discount carrier, but enjoy some of the perks and benefits you'd receive from a legacy airline? That's the benefit of the FRONTIER Airlines World Mastercard® .

Frontier is a discount carrier based in Denver with service to over 100 destinations in the U.S., the Caribbean, Mexico and Central America.

The FRONTIER Airlines Mastercard® counts every dollar spent as a mile that can be used towards its Elite Status program. First tier status is reached after earning 20,000 flying miles — in other words, after spending $20,000 on your card — or after 25 flight segments in a year. Benefits with this first tier of elite status include priority boarding, advance seat assignment, free carry-on bag and priority boarding at participating airports, saving you plenty of money on the extra fees normally charged.

This card has a $0 introductory annual fee, but does have a $89 annual fee after that. However, it makes up for it with a $100 flight voucher you earn every year that you spend at least $2,500 with the card. Given Frontier’s low ticket prices, this voucher can represent a significant discount.

While this card has a great reward rate compared to other airline cards, it does have a much more limited number of destinations than the legacy airlines. However, if most of your traveling is domestic and your priority is low ticket prices, this could be a great deal.

All information about the FRONTIER Airlines Mastercard® has been collected independently by

Best Premium Airline Card: United Club℠ Infinite

United Club Mileage Plus Credit Card

  • 4 miles per $1 spent on purchases on United
  • 2 miles per $1 spent on all other travel purchases, including airports, ridesharing,and tolls
  • 2 miles per $1 spent on dining purchases, including takeout
  • 1 mile per $1 spent on all other purchases
  • bonus_miles_full
  • Up to $100 Global Entry, TSA PreCheck® or NEXUS statement credit
  • Free first and second checked bags for both the cardholder and a traveling companion
  • Flies to more destinations than almost any other airline
  • High $595 annual fee

Why we chose it: United Club℠ Infinite Card offers some of the best rewards an airline card can offer including some of the highest reward rates on purchases in the market, free checked bags and an extremely generous sign-up bonus offer.

While most airline-branded cards fall short when compared to travel cards that aren’t tied to a specific carrier, the United Club℠ Infinite Card might be the one exception.

This premium card also offers 4 miles per dollar on United purchases. That’s higher than its nearest competitor, the comparably priced Delta SkyMiles® Reserve American Express Card, which offers 3x miles on Delta purchases.

But the card offers a host of other benefits as well, starting with access to the United Club, a network of 45 airport lounges where you can find comfortable seating, personalized travel assistance, beverages and snacks. Membership to the United Club usually costs $650 per year, so the value of that alone could offset this card’s steep $595 annual fee.

If you use your card to buy food, beverages and/or Wi-Fi while on board United flights (or to buy premium drinks in its lounges), you’ll get 25% back as statement credits.

Finally, you’ll get Premier Access® to travel services, which includes preferential boarding, priority check-in and baggage handling privileges.

As with any airline-branded card, this card is best for frequent flyers who want to and can travel mostly on United. However, given that United has one of the widest destination networks of all domestic airlines, however, this might not be all that limiting.

Best hotel cards

If you already belong to a hotel membership program — such as Hilton Honors, Wyndham Reward Earner or World of Hyatt — their co-branded cards are good ways of maximizing those programs’ benefits. The points you earn with these cards can help you get free nights and convenient perks like free room upgrades and discounts.

Best Hotel Card: World of Hyatt

World of Hyatt Visa Credit Card

Reward Rate:

  • 9X points total for Hyatt stays and experiences
  • 4 bonus points per $1 spent with your card at Hyatt hotels, including participating restaurants and spas
  • 2x per $1 spent on local transit and commuting
  • 2x points per $1 at restaurants, cafes and coffee shops
  • 2x per $1 spent on airline tickets purchased directly from the airline
  • 2x per $1 spent on fitness club and gym memberships
  • 1x per $1 spent on all other card purchases
  • Earn 30,000 bonus points after you spend $3,000 on purchases within the first three months of account opening
  • Earn up to an additional 30,000 bonus points by earning 2x total per $1 spent on purchases that regularly earn 1 bonus point on up to $15,000 within the first six months of account opening
  • Free night every year, and a second after spending $15,000 in a calendar year
  • Receive entry-level status and earn night stay credits towards higher status
  • 4x bonus points at Hyatt plus 2x bonus points on transit, restaurants, flights, fitness clubs and gyms
  • $95 annual fee is higher than some competitors' fee
  • With approximately 1,100 properties, Hyatt has a more limited reach than other major hotel chains

Why we chose it: The World of Hyatt card gives you a lot of opportunities to rack up points, whether you’re using the card to purchase hotel stays or for restaurants, gyms or transit.

The World of Hyatt card really lets you unlock more value from its popular loyalty program, as it offers plenty of bonus points, certificates for free stays at Hyatt properties around the world and credits towards elite status.

You also get a free-night-stay certificate each year, and a second certificate after spending $15,000 in a calendar year (on Category 1-4 Hyatt hotels or resorts).

Card members are granted Discoverist status, the second tier in Hyatt’s elite membership program. With this status, you receive bonus points, complimentary fast-speed internet, free bottled water daily while at their properties and room upgrades. You’ll also be able to take advantage of checkouts as late as 2 p.m. where available.

Most important, however, are the five tier-qualifying night credits each year — that’s in addition to two tier-qualifying night credits for each $5,000 you spend on your card.

While there’s a $95 annual fee for this card, the free nights alone more than make up for the fee.

Best Hotel Card for Families: Wyndham Rewards Earner® Plus

Wyndham Rewards Earner Plus Credit Card

Reward Rates:

  • 6x per $1 spent on qualifying purchases made at Wyndham hotels and gas stations
  • 4x for every $1 spent on qualifying dining and grocery store purchases (excluding Target® and Walmart®)
  • 1x for every $1 spent on everyday purchases (excluding Wyndham Timeshares down payments)
  • Earn up to 60,000 bonus points after spending $1,000 on purchases within the first three months of account opening
  • Earn 7,500 bonus points each card anniversary if you spend $15,000 on qualifying purchases
  • Receive booking discounts
  • Get automatic Platinum level benefits from the Wyndham loyalty program
  • More than 9,000 properties around the world
  • $75 annual fee is lower than comparable hotel cards
  • Some resort fees cannot be paid for with points
  • Point redemption amounts vary by property and can be as high as 27,000 points per bedroom (with cardmember redemption discount)

Why we chose it: Wyndham has properties all around the world catering to every budget, and its loyalty program and card perks could make the next family vacation considerably more affordable.

With more than 9,000 properties around the world, Wyndham is easily one of the most recognized and widely available hotel brands. Its network includes hotels for every type of traveler, from the budget- and family-friendly Howard Johnson to the luxurious Wyndham Grand.

In addition to accessibility, however, the Wyndham Earner® Plus Card also offers extremely generous perks.

This card makes it easier to rack up points you can then redeem for free nights and perks. You’ll get automatic entry into the loyalty program’s Platinum level which grants you lowest room rate guarantees, 10 points per dollar spent on every qualified stay, free Wi-Fi, dedicated member services, as well as early check-in and late checkouts. Platinum level members also enjoy Avis or Budget car rental upgrades.

The card also rewards you for everyday expenses, giving 1 point per $1 spent on household supplies, groceries and even bills.

All information about the Wyndham Earner® Plus Card has been collected independently by

Frequently asked questions about travel rewards credit cards:

Should i get a travel rewards card if i carry a balance.

As with any rewards credit card, travel rewards cards are best used by those who avoid interest by paying their balance in full. Those who are unable to do that should focus on finding a low-interest-rate credit card that doesn't offer travel rewards. The exception could be a small business owner that uses a credit card as a short-term line of credit in order to run his or her business.

Should I start earning travel rewards now, even if I won't be traveling until later this year or next year?

The best time to start earning travel rewards is long before you actually plan on using them. That's because it will take time to receive the card, qualify for a bonus and receive the bonus points. Plus, it may take even longer to earn any additional points or miles you need for your next trip. Finally, you'll likely want to book your trip several months before you plan on traveling.

What happens to your airline miles or hotel points earned from your credit card if you cancel the card?

Frequent flyer mile and hotel cards award points or miles in programs operated by airlines and hotel chains. Once those rewards are in your airline or hotel account, they’re subject to the rules of that program, regardless of whether you keep the card. But when the rewards are with a program operated by the card issuer, then they could be forfeited if you cancel the card and don't have another card that is part of the same program.

Which is best: airline miles, hotel points or flexible rewards?

These travel rewards programs all have their strengths and weakness, and the right program for you will be the card that offers the most value per dollar spent on purchases.

Hotel rewards tend to be the most flexible, while airline miles can still offer plenty of value if you understand how each program works. Flexible points programs can offer the best of both airline and hotel programs, but they'll lack the company-specific perks that airline and hotel cards offer.

How we chose the best travel rewards cards

To find the best travel rewards cards, we first divided the market into the six most popular types of cards. Then we looked at the travel rewards credit cards offered by all of the major card issuers. Each of their travel rewards credit card offers were examined and compared to other travel rewards cards. We focused on the initial bonus offered, bonus rewards for certain purchases and travel specific features and benefits.

The winners were the cards that offered no foreign transaction fees and most valuable rewards and benefits in each category.

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Spirit Airlines extends flight credit validity, raises checked bag maximum weight

fit rate travel

  • Spirit Airlines is increasing the weight limit for checked bags to 50 pounds.
  • The carrier is also extending the validity of flight credits to 12 months.
  • These changes bring Spirit more in line with the rest of the airline industry.

More changes are coming to Spirit Airlines’ policies. 

The carrier announced it was upping the weight limit for checked bags to 50 pounds and extending the validity of flight credits to 12 months. 

"Spirit has changed the game before and we're doing it again with this first round of initiatives that will lead the way to a new era of low-fare, high-value flying," Executive Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer of Spirit Airlines Matt Klein said in a statement . "These enhancements provide each and every one of our guests unparalleled flexibility and peace of mind, and it's just the beginning of our pursuit to make affordable travel easier and more seamless than ever."

Cruising Altitude: What the new FAA funding legislation says about airplane seat sizes

Prior to Tuesday’s announcement, checked bags were limited to 40 pounds before incurring overweight fees, and flight credits expired after 90 days.

These changes bring Spirit more in line with the rest of the airline industry, as well as its closest competitor, Frontier, which also extended its flight credit validity period last month. Frontier , however, still caps checked bags at 40 pounds.

Spirit Airlines also announced it was eliminating change and cancellation fees on all tickets.

Zach Wichter is a travel reporter for USA TODAY based in New York. You can reach him at [email protected].

The Key Points at the top of this article were created with the assistance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and reviewed by a journalist before publication. No other parts of the article were generated using AI. Learn more .

How to maximize your earning with the Chase Ink Business Premier Credit Card

Stella Shon

Update: Some offers mentioned below are no longer available. View the current offers here .

There seems to be a credit card for just every type of business owner out there, whether you're a freelancer or manage a physical storefront. The choice boils down to the kind of rewards you'd like to earn: cash-back or travel rewards .

Apply now: Ink Business Premier Credit Card

If you belong to the first camp, and your business spends a lot on annual operating expenses, then there's a new credit card that may be a good fit for you. The Ink Business Premier Credit Card comes with a $195 annual fee — making it the most expensive business card in Chase's portfolio — but is equipped with a strong earning rate that's hard to beat.

Alternatively, you may be a savvy TPG reader and think that this new Ink Business Premier will be a fantastic addition to your Chase trifecta cards . Unfortunately, while the card earns Ultimate Rewards points, they're only redeemable for cash back, gift cards, travel and more through the Ultimate Rewards portal at a rate of 1 cent each.

You cannot transfer your points on the Ink Business Premier to Chase's airline and hotel transfer partners , or transfer your points over to other Ultimate Rewards cards (such as the Chase Sapphire Preferred Card or the Ink Business Preferred Credit Card) to turn them into fully-transferable points.

In sum, the Ink Business Premier will appeal to some business owners who don't want to deal with the hassle of travel rewards.

Regardless, if you decide this is the card for you and your business, let's go over the strategies for maximizing the card to its full potential and discuss scenarios when the Ink Business Premier might not be the best card to use.

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Overview of the Ink Business Premier benefits

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The new Ink Business Premier is intended for business owners who want a solid return on the thousands of dollars spent on monthly operating expenses. At $195 per year, it will take a significant amount of spend to justify this annual fee (more on this below) — though that shouldn't be a difficult feat for businesses that can garner enough rewards to make up for it. Here's an overview of what you can expect from the card:

  • Sign-up bonus: Earn $1,000 cash back (in the form of 100,000 Ultimate Rewards points) after spending $10,000 on eligible purchases within the first three months of account opening.
  • Earning rate: Unlimited 5% cash back on travel booked through Chase Ultimate Rewards , 2.5% cash back on purchases of $5,000 or more and 2% cash back on all other eligible purchases.
  • Flex for Business: Ink Business Premier cardholders to pay for eligible purchases over time with interest for greater payment flexibility.
  • Travel and purchase coverages: When you book your trip with your Ink Business Premier, you'll receive complimentary trip cancellation and interruption insurance , trip delay reimbursement , primary car rental coverage , purchase protection and extended warranty .
  • Cell phone protection : When you pay your monthly cell phone bill with your Ink Business Premier, you can receive up to $1,000 per claim for damaged or stolen phones, for a maximum of three claims per year. Note that there's a deductible of $100 per claim.
  • Free employee cards: Add employee cards for no additional cost to help you earn cash-back rewards even faster.
  • No foreign transaction fees: When traveling internationally, you won't incur any foreign transaction fees for purchases.

Related: Chase's newest cash-back business card: Ink Business Premier card review

Strategies for maximizing the Ink Business Premier

fit rate travel

Use your Ink Business Premier to pay for large purchases

One of the biggest advantages to the new Ink Business Premier is its 2.5% earning rate on purchases of $5,000 or greater — no matter the type of purchase and with no limit. Very few business cards can promise a comparable return. Among the best we've seen on the market is the American Express® Business Gold Card, which offers 4 points per dollar on the two categories your business spends the most each month, up to the first $150,000 spent each calendar year (then 1 point per dollar after), 3 points per dollar on flights and prepaid hotels booked on, then 1 point per dollar. This 4 points per dollar earning rate is quite lucrative, yet there are several limitations, while the Ink Business Premier offers 2.5% cash back (2.5 points per dollar) with uncapped potential.

Even The Business Platinum Card® from American Express offers a similar earning rate as the Ink Business Premier, with 1.5 Membership Rewards points on purchases of $5,000 or more and in select key business categories, on up to $2 million spent each calendar year (then 1x). When factoring in the $695 annual fee (see rates and fees), on the Amex Business Platinum, the Ink Business Premier takes the cake for simplicity and affordability.

Use your Ink Business Premier for purchases that don't fit in bonus categories

Similarly, the Ink Business Premier offers a 2% earning rate on all other eligible purchases. That means no matter the purchase, you'll always earn bonus points no matter the type of items you spend on. For example, if your business spends $10,000 annually, you'll receive $200 in cash-back rewards. This 2% earning rate alone will make up for the $195 annual fee, but you can only start to imagine how the rewards will multiply the more your business can put on the card.

Use your Ink Business Premier to pay for your cell phone bill

Using the right credit card matters when it comes down to paying your cell phone bill. With complimentary cell phone protection on the Ink Business Premier, you'll be covered in case your phone is stolen or damaged, potentially saving you hundreds of dollars — and giving you peace of mind.

When not to use the Ink Business Premier

fit rate travel

On the flip side, here are a couple of instances where you'll want to avoid using the Ink Business Premier.

Don't use your Ink Business Premier for travel

The Ink Business Premier offers a 5% return for travel — but only if your trips are booked through the Ultimate Rewards portal. Since the Ink Business Premier is a cash-back card, it's best to use this card for those routine bills or unexpected business expenses you'll inevitably incur. There are substantially better cards available that can help you maximize your travel spend to help you accrue points toward redeeming for future travel, which you can read all about here .

Don't use your Ink Business Premier to double down in the Ultimate Rewards program

As mentioned in the introduction, the Ink Business Premier is not the card to apply for if you want to double-down on earning Ultimate Rewards points. You'll want to look elsewhere if you want to maximize your business spend to earn travel rewards. As an alternative, the Ink Business Preferred has long been a TPG favorite and comes with a manageable $95 annual fee. Read here for our guide on earning Chase Ultimate Rewards points .

You can still maximize your points

If you're still on the market for a business cash-back credit card, the Ink Business Unlimited Credit Card or the Ink Business Cash Credit Card are fantastic options without an annual fee. That way, your business won't have to worry about justifying the $195 annual fee, and there are still strong earning rates involved. Plus, the points earned on these cards can be transferred over to other Ultimate Rewards-earning cards for maximum travel potential.

Bottom line

For many businesses, the appeal of earning cash back is much greater than points and miles . Among the business cash-back credit cards on the market, the Ink Business Premier offers the best earning potential for businesses that frequently have large purchases or cumulatively spend thousands of dollars every year.

For rates and fees of the Amex Business Platinum, click here.


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  2. FIT Rate Calculator

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  3. The Ultimate Solution for Managing FIT & BAR Rates

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  5. Fit Rates by Social Media Start Date Note. Fit rates are shown for each

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  6. Evaluation of FIT rates and models in Thailand [2, 9, 14-16]

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  1. Rate My Fit


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  2. What is FIT And GIT in The Tourism

    GIT (Group Inclusive Tour) definition: In GIT, you join other tourists for a Group Inclusive Tour and don't have to worry about your accommodation, transportation, and other parts of your trip. A group of a minimum of 10 people travels together. These people can be related or non-related and usually book on the same travel arrangements.

  3. What Does FIT Stand For in Travel? (The Ultimate Guide)

    FIT stands for "fully independent travel," and it means that you're in charge of planning and booking your own trip. This gives you the freedom to choose your own destinations, activities, and accommodations, and it can be a great way to save money.

  4. Understanding FIT in the Travel Industry

    When planning FIT travel, individuals or groups typically focus on the following key elements: Transportation: FIT travelers have the flexibility to choose their modes of transportation, whether it's by air, train, car rental, or other means. Accommodation: They can select the type of lodging that suits their preferences and budget, ranging ...

  5. Have you ever heard the term Fully Independent Traveler (FIT)?

    Over four years, it went up by more than 100%, from HK$2 billion to HK$5.6 billion. According to the Solo Traveler Reader Survey, 70% of solo travelers preferred to stay completely independent while traveling. 40% spend $1,000 on average per week, excluding airfare, while 30% spend $2,500 on average per week.

  6. WHAT ARE FIT Rates in Tourism?

    There are several advantages to booking with FIT rates: Flexibility - Travelers can customize their itinerary according to their preferences without being tied down by a pre-arranged schedule. Cost-effectiveness - FIT rates are usually lower than group rates and can offer more value for money. Personalization - Travelers can choose their ...

  7. What Is FIT and GIT in Tourism?

    Differences between FIT and GIT. Despite being two different types of travel, there are a few key differences between FIT and GIT: Flexibility: FIT travelers have more freedom to modify their itinerary, while GIT travelers have a fixed itinerary. Cost: FIT travelers can save money by avoiding unnecessary expenses like those included in GIT ...

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  9. What Is Foreign Independent Tourism Fit?

    Foreign Independent Tourism (FIT) is a term that refers to individual travelers who plan and organize their own trips without the help of travel agents. FIT travelers are known for their independent spirit, desire for flexibility, and willingness to immerse themselves in local cultures. FIT travel can range from budget backpacking to luxury ...

  10. What do FIT, IIT, and GIT mean in the tourism industry?

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  11. What is Fit Travel?

    FIT refers to a class of independent travellers who plan and arrange their trips and do so at their own pace. Single traveller, a couple, or a family do This type of travel. FIT travellers also prefer to travel alone or in small groups rather than joining a group. A FIT traveller's itinerary may resemble a package.

  12. What do FIT, IIT, and GIT terms mean in the travel industry?

    In conclusion, FIT, IIT, and GIT are terms used in the tourism industry to describe different types of travel experiences. FIT allows for independent and personalized travel, while GIT offers the convenience of group travel with pre-arranged arrangements. IIT combines elements of both, providing flexibility and customization within a group setting.

  13. FITs: A Booming Market and an Opportunity for Agents

    FITs are an increasingly popular form of travel as more clients forego off-the-shelf packaged tours in favor of bespoke itineraries. Selling this segment is also an opportunity for travel agents ...

  14. FIT vs Escorted Travel: Which is Right for Your Clients?

    Most tours keep evenings open and some even have free days to allow travelers to experience the destination at their leisure. Clients may worry that an escorted tour is more expensive than a FIT trip, but in reality, a traveler on an escorted tour is a cost-effective way to travel. Because the price of escorted tours includes transportation ...

  15. NAJ's Founder on Why the Static FIT Rate has an Image Problem…and how

    NAJ's Founder on Why the Static FIT Rate has an Image Problem…and how to Fix it. May 14, 2019 by Tom Berrigan. Jake Steinman is founder and CEO of the NAJ Group, which created INBOUND as well as the series of Receptive Tour Operator Summits (in Los Angeles, New York and Orlando) which, each year, bring together receptives with travel ...

  16. Package, Tour or FIT: Defining the Packaged Travel Market

    At $18.3 billion in 2008, packaged travel represents a substantial piece of the total U.S. travel market, but it is also one of the more complex and fragmented segments as well. In its simplest form, packaging represents the bundling of travel products and reselling them as a combined single product, called a package or tour. A consumer (or travel agent) generally books the package in a single ...

  17. What does the term FIT mean?

    Here at Cashel Travel the term or acronym FIT stands for Foreign Independent Traveler, but it isn't necessarily the same in other organisations. Some people or companies refer to it as a Fully Independent Traveler, Frequent Independent Traveler, Free Independent Tourist, Frequent Individual Traveler and we're sure there are many more. But ...

  18. The European market potential for free independent traveller tourism

    Before corona, the FIT market was growing by between 5% and 10% per year in Western Europe, and with 0-5% per year in Eastern and Southern European countries. European FIT tourists are very active compared to tourists from Asia and the United States. Many travellers like to enjoy your country cycling and hiking.

  19. What are the opportunities in the European FIT tourism market?

    The free or fully independent traveller (FIT) tourism market is characterised by independence. FITs like to make their travel plans themselves and prefer active or immersive experiences. FITs are particularly numerous in western Europe, from where many low-cost airlines fly regularly to developing countries in Asia and Africa. FITs are looking for good value trips, fuelling demand for unique ...

  20. What is FIT?

    FIT is defined as the independent travel and travel planning of a single person or family group. When people travel, there are many ways to go and equally many ways to see and experience a world of possible destinations. Despite there being so many options in travel and ways to experience destinations, it can all be narrowed down to two ...

  21. What Does Fit Stand for in Tourism?

    FIT travel can range from budget backpacking to luxury vacations, but what sets it apart from other forms of tourism is the level of personalization and freedom it offers. What Is the Main Idea of Tourism? Tourism is a term that is widely used and understood. It refers to the activities of people traveling to different locations for leisure ...

  22. The Ultimate Solution for Managing FIT & BAR Rates

    However, this shift to BAR rates can present challenges for travel agents and tour operators accustomed to FIT rates for a variety of reasons: 1. Consistency: FIT rates with freesales and allocations have traditionally provided a dependable, predictable pricing structure, essential for effective travel planning and selling. 2.

  23. Choice offers floating FIT rate program

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    The average cost of travel insurance is 5% to 6% of your trip costs, according to Forbes Advisor's analysis of travel insurance rates. For a $5,000 trip, the average travel insurance cost is ...

  25. Chase Freedom Flex: Unique travel perks for a cash back card

    Here's the card's current rewards structure: 5 percent cash back on activated bonus category purchases each quarter (up to $1,500 in purchases, then 1 percent) 5 percent back on travel ...

  26. Best No Annual Fee Travel Credit Cards for June 2024

    The Citi Rewards+® Card wouldn't normally make a list of great travel cards, but it currently offers bonus points on some travel. Cardmembers can earn a total of five ThankYou Points on hotel ...

  27. Banking

    Best Savings Rates Today -- Now's Your Chance to Earn a High APY -- Before It's Too Late, June 6, 2024 1 day Best CD Rates Today - Earn Over 5% APY With These Accounts, June 6, 2024

  28. Best Travel Rewards Credit Cards

    Why we chose it: The Chase Sapphire Preferred® card earns points that can be redeemed for travel reservations through the Chase Ultimate Rewards® portal, or transferred to a participating airline or hotel partner that best meets your needs, such as United, Southwest, JetBlue and Hyatt hotels. This card sets the standard for flexibility, as the Chase Ultimate Rewards® program allows you to ...

  29. Spirit Airlines announces new flight credit and bag weight policies

    1:29. Spirit Airlines is increasing the weight limit for checked bags to 50 pounds. The carrier is also extending the validity of flight credits to 12 months. These changes bring Spirit more in ...

  30. How to maximize your earning with the Chase Ink Business Premier Credit

    When factoring in the $695 annual fee (see rates and fees), on the Amex Business Platinum, the Ink Business Premier takes the cake for simplicity and affordability. Use your Ink Business Premier for purchases that don't fit in bonus categories. Similarly, the Ink Business Premier offers a 2% earning rate on all other eligible purchases.