190 Funny Travel Puns & Vacation Puns for Instagram Captions

funny travel puns and vacation puns with a map and passport

In the realm of Instagram captions, travel puns and vacation puns reign supreme. They add the perfect dash of humor to your wanderlust-infused posts , turning them from simple trip updates into sources of joy and laughter.

As a travel writer and an expert in crafting Instagram captions, I’ve traversed over 40 countries , unraveling the humor tucked away in each journey. What I’ve learned from living abroad is that every step can inspire a giggle and every scenery, a joke.

That’s why, in this post, I’ve rounded up 190 of the most hilarious travel jokes , vacation jokes, and jokes about traveling to add that funny bone to your Insta game. These aren’t your average dad travel jokes but they are full of wit and creativity.

Brace yourselves, your Instagram captions are about to board a flight of hilarity.

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Funny Travel Puns

Ready to embark on a journey filled with funny travel puns? These quips are more than just cheap flights of fancy—they’re first-class tickets to humor that will leave your followers in stitches. Buckle up as we journey through ten of the funniest puns about travel, crafted to lighten up your travel diaries.

Traveling to the USA? I’ve written up a comprehensive list of the best California puns , jokes about San Francisco , funny Hawaii puns and NYC puns for your reading delight.

  • “I’m Havana great time in Cuba!”

“2. You Rome around and end up in the most ‘pasta-tively’ amazing places!”

3. “Feeling ‘Finntastic’ in Helsinki!”

4. “I can’t ‘Belize’ how beautiful this place is!”

5. “Eiffel in love with Paris at first sight.”

6. “Venice to meet you, beautiful city!”

7. “You’d Bay-k-u to be as lucky as me in Azerbaijan!”

8. “Having a ‘whale’ of a time in Norway!”

9. “Fjord to choose one favorite spot, it would be Norway!”

10. “Beaches love my sunny personality.”

Short Travel Jokes

There’s a subtle art to crafting short travel jokes that pack a punch. It’s all about finding the funny in the fleeting moments, the unexpected stops and the bumpy flights. They are the condensed versions of our travel dad jokes, offering mirthful reflections on our shared wanderlust.

11. “Why don’t we ever play hide and seek with mountains? They always peak!”

12. “Why did the tourist get cold at the equator? He left his windows ‘polar’ open!”

13. “Why don’t secrets work on a vacation? Because even a suitcase can’t keep its lips sealed.”

14. “Why did the tomato turn red on vacation? Because it saw the salad dressing!”

15. “Why don’t airplanes ever get lost? They always take flight paths!”

16. “Why do travelers trust their cars? They always take them on road ‘trips’!”

17. “What’s a globetrotter’s favorite exercise? Cardio-van!”

18. “Why do tourists go to bakeries? They knead a break.”

19. “Why are road trips the best form of therapy? They help you find your route!”

20. “Why don’t globetrotters get tired? They always follow their wander-rest.”

yellow van driving on a road through organic red rocks make a great travel joke

Catchy Traveling Jokes

There’s something irresistibly contagious about traveling jokes. Perhaps it’s how they encapsulate our shared experiences, turning the quirks of our journeys into hearty laughter. These catchy traveling jokes are the perfect companions for your next adventure, adding a spark of humor to your shared experiences.

21. “How does a globe-trotter say goodbye? ‘Alpaca my bags!'”

22. “Why did the backpacker carry a map? He didn’t want to go off on a tangent!”

23. “Why don’t travelers get old? They keep going on new trips!”

24. “Why do globetrotters make great detectives? They always get the ‘route’ of the problem!”

25. “What do you call a country that only serves fast food? A ‘fast-paced’ nation!”

26. “Why did the photographer carry a clock on his journey? He wanted to ‘watch’ the world!”

27. “What do you call a well-organized traveler? Someone who ‘packs’ a punch!”

28. “Why are comedians the best travelers? They always crack up on their trips!”

29. “Why don’t tourists in Egypt ever get lost? They always follow their ‘mummy’!”

30. “What do you call a traveler who never sleeps? A ‘knight’ wanderer!”

Jokes about Traveling and Food

Travel and food are the perfect recipe for laughter. Stirring up humor from our culinary escapades, these jokes about traveling and food are a delectable addition to your Instagram captions, adding flavor to your mouthwatering images and stories.

31. “Why don’t we tell secrets at a campground? The potatoes have ‘eyes’, the corn has ‘ears’ and the beans ‘stalk’!”

32. “Why was the bread on vacation a ‘roll’ model? It never loafed around!”

33. “What’s a tourist’s favorite type of pasta? ‘Travel’-oni!”

34. “Why did the traveler bring yeast on his journey? He wanted everything to ‘rise’ to the occasion!”

35. “What’s a globe-trotter’s favorite type of party? A ‘tea’-party!”

36. “Why did the burger take a vacation? It wanted to ketchup on life!”

37. “Why are tacos the best travel companions? They always spice things up!”

38. “Why do travelers love a good brew? It makes them feel ‘hoppy’!”

39. “What’s a foodie’s favorite part of a journey? The ‘taste’ of adventure!”

40. “What do you call a well-traveled piece of bread? A ‘crust’-world traveler!”

colorful homes on the side of a rock cliff with water below

Funny Vacation Jokes

Vacations are the perfect time to unwind, relax, and share a hearty laugh. From the funny mishaps to the surprising discoveries, these funny vacation jokes encapsulate the lighter side of taking a break. So sit back, enjoy the humor, and get ready to LOL on your next holiday.

41. “Why don’t vacations ever get lost? They always follow the ‘holiday’ road!”

42. “Why are vacations the best comedians? They always crack you ‘up’!”

43. “What do you call a snowman on vacation? A ‘melt’-away!”

44. “Why did the traveler go on a diet during his vacation? He didn’t want any ‘extra baggage’!”

45. “Why did the sand blush on vacation? The sea waves!”

46. “What’s a vacation’s favorite type of math? ‘Sum’-mer math!”

47. “Why do vacations make great actors? They’re always in the ‘holiday’ spirit!”

48. “Why did the sun go on a vacation? It needed to lighten up!”

49. “What’s a tourist’s favorite type of music? ‘Trip’ hop!”

50. “Why was the beach the best vacation spot? It always waved ‘hi’!”

Best Vacation Puns

The best vacation puns are like the perfect travel snapshots – they capture the spirit of a place with a dash of humor. These pun-tastic vacation highlights are your secret ingredient for an Instagram caption that stands out. Visiting a hot destination? These are the perfect sunshine captions for your next post. Or perhaps a desert like the Sahara or Death Valley? These witty desert puns have you covered.

51. “Sea you at the beach!”

52. “Life’s a beach, enjoy the ‘waves’!”

53. “I’m in a serious ‘re-lake-tionship’!”

54. “Having a ‘shell’ of a time at the beach!”

55. “Keep palm and carry on!”

56. “Don’t ‘desert’ me now!”

57. “I’m all about that ‘beach’ life!”

58. “Beach, please!”

59. “Tropic like it’s hot!”

60. “Sandy toes, sun-kissed nose!”

bright blue water with green trees on an island puns

Airplane Puns

Up in the skies, there’s no shortage of humor. These airplane puns will take your Instagram captions to new heights, making sure your humor is flying high as you cruise through the clouds.

61. “Having a ‘plane’ awesome time up here!”

62. “I’m on ‘cloud nine’!”

63. “This trip is really ‘taking off’!”

64. “Just ‘winging’ it on this flight!”

65. “I’ve got that ‘jet-set’ mindset!”

66. “In-flight meals are really ‘plane’ food!”

67. “Life is better in the ‘sky-lane’!”

68. “Just ‘air-living’ my best life!”

69. “Feeling ‘first-classy’ up here!”

70. “This flight is absolutely ‘fly’!”

Witty Jokes about Flying

The miracle of flight is not just awe-inspiring—it can be downright hilarious, too! These witty jokes about flying will make sure your Instagram captions never have a layover from laughter.

71. “Why did the airplane get a timeout? It had a bad ‘attitude’!”

72. “Why don’t planes ever get tired? They have a lot of ‘fans’!”

73. “Why was the airplane always happy? It always took things ‘lightly’!”

74. “Why do birds not use Facebook? They already tweet in the sky!”

75. “What do you call a plane that’s afraid to fly? A ‘scared-e-cat’!”

76. “Why don’t planes ever get lost? They always ‘wing it’!”

77. “Why was the airplane always cold? It left all its ‘windows’ open!”

78. “What’s an airplane’s favorite game? ‘Runway’ or the highway!”

79. “Why did the plane go to school? It wanted to improve its ‘landing’ skills!”

80. “Why did the airplane bring sunscreen? It didn’t want to catch a ‘flair’!”

vintage camera and polaroid photos on a map puns

Map Puns for Travel

There’s something uniquely amusing about cartography, and these map puns capture that hilarity in the most delightful way. Navigate your way through these puns for an Instagram caption that charts a course to laughter.

81. “You ‘meridian’ my mind!”

82. “This adventure is ‘off the charts’!”

83. “Just ‘longitude’ and latitude!”

84. “Map my words, this trip is incredible!”

85. “Globe-trotting and ‘map’ plotting!”

86. “Finding my ‘latitude’ in life!”

87. “Life is ‘map’nificent!”

88. “Just ‘scale’-ing new heights!”

89. “I’m on top of the ‘map’!”

90. “Chart-ing my own path!”

Island Jokes for Vacation

Island life is the perfect setting for some beachy humor. These island jokes for vacation capture the fun, sun, and surf of a tropical getaway. They’ll make your Instagram captions as refreshing as a cool sea breeze. Heading to the beautiful Hawaiian islands? These Hawaii puns , inspiring Hawaii quotes or Maui jokes for Instagram have you covered.

91. “Why did the sand go to school? To become a little ‘brighter’!”

92. “Why was the beach so good at calming people down? It always waved ‘hi’!”

93. “Why do islands never get lost? They always ‘follow the current’!”

94. “Why did the island win an award? It was outstanding in its ‘field’!”

95. “What do islands use to make a call? A ‘shell’-phone!”

96. “Why was the ocean friendly to the island? It gave it a ‘wave’!”

97. “Why don’t islands ever go out of style? They always keep it ‘shore’!”

98. “Why was the island so popular? It was a ‘hot spot’!”

99. “Why did the island become a gardener? It loved ‘plantations’!”

100. “Why did the island go on a diet? It wanted a ‘beach body’!”

white lighthouse on rocks with ocean below

A stay at a hotel can be an experience full of fun, comfort, and yes, humor! These hotel puns are ready to check-in to your Instagram captions, providing a suite touch of laughter.

101. “Having a ‘suite’ time at the hotel!”

102. “This hotel stay is ‘room-arkable’!”

103. “Life is ‘maid’ better with room service!”

104. “At the hotel, I feel like a ‘guest’ star!”

105. “Feeling ‘inn’credible at this place!”

106. “I’ve got ‘lofty’ ambitions for this vacation!”

107. “Just ‘bed-ding’ down for the night!”

108. “Life is ‘suite’ at the top!”

109. “In a ‘roomantic’ getaway!”

110. “Having a ‘rest’-ful vacation!”

Puns about Countries

Travel is an opportunity to immerse oneself in diverse cultures, and these puns about countries are here to celebrate this vibrant tapestry of experiences. They’re a passport to laughter, ready to stamp their humor onto your Instagram captions.

111. “This country has stolen a ‘pizza’ my heart!”

112. “I ‘Russia’d to see this beautiful sight!”

113. “I’m ‘China’ have a good time here!”

114. “This place is ‘Egyp-tacular’!”

115. “India-ed, this journey is amazing!”

116. “Nothing can ‘matcha’ the beauty of Japan!”

117. “It’s ‘Swede’ to be traveling again!”

118. “Can’t ‘Belgium’-ine how lovely this is!”

119. “Greece-ing the wheels of my wanderlust!”

120. “I’m ‘Finland’-ing my travel groove!”

woman walking through at night through a city puns

Travel Jokes about Cities

Exploring the urban landscape can bring out some unexpected humor. Bright lights, bustling streets, and towering skyscrapers create a playground for laughs. These city-centric travel jokes, infused with metropolitan wit, will make your Instagram captions a hit in the concrete jungle. Heading to sunny San Francisco or LA? Grab one of these fun San Francisco quotes or LA captions .

Is London calling? Of course, I have you covered with the best London captions for Instagram , too.

121. “Cities have a lot of ‘paved’ achievements under their belt!”

122. “Urban planning is no ‘concrete’ science. It’s always evolving!”

123. “Ever notice how cities are always ‘up’ to something?”

124. “In city life, everything is ‘sky’-high, even the rent!”

125. “Cities can be quite ‘street’-smart when they want to be!”

126. “Metropolitan areas sure love their ‘grid’-locks!”

127. “Tall buildings are the city’s way of ‘reaching’ out!”

128. “City folks are always ‘rushing’, even when they’re not in a hurry!”

129. “Cities never ‘sleep’, they just take power naps!”

130. “Every city is a ‘boulevard’ of broken dreams and shiny new ones!”

Cute Tourist Jokes

Being a tourist often means embracing the unexpected, funny moments that make each trip unique. With these cute tourist jokes, your travel and puns infused Instagram captions will be as captivating as your holiday snaps.

131. “Tourists always have a ‘world’-wind romance with their destinations!”

132. “Every traveler has a ‘point’ of interest – the next adventure!”

133. “Tourists can really ‘map’ out their happiness!”

134. “Vacation photographs always have a ‘shutter’-fly effect on me!”

135. “Tourists often ‘fall’ for the charm of autumn travels!”

136. “Travelers are just ‘plane’ crazy about new adventures!”

137. “Tourists love to ‘sea’ the world, don’t they?”

138. “Globetrotters are the ‘reel’ deal when it comes to spinning travel tales!”

139. “Who else ‘beaches’ about the end of a vacation?”

140. “Tourists are always on a ‘roll’, especially when it involves sushi in Japan!”

sunlight through green trees on to a road trip puns

Road Trip Puns

Hitting the open road is a quintessential part of the travel experience. Here, every turn and detour is an opportunity for a giggle or two. With these road trip puns, your Instagram captions about long drives will cruise through the laughter highway in style.

141. “Taking the ‘scenic route’ to happiness!”

142. “This road trip is ‘driving’ me crazy with joy!”

143. “I’ve got the ‘travel bug’, better ‘car’-antine myself!”

144. “Highway to ‘hell-o’ beautiful landscapes!”

145. “Just ‘road’-mancing the world!”

146. “Feeling ‘tire’-d, but the journey is worth it!”

147. “Living life in the ‘fast lane’!”

148. “I’m on a ‘roll’, nothing can ‘brake’ me!”

149. “Car trips always ‘fuel’ my sense of adventure!”

150. “I’ve got a ‘street’ sense for adventure!”

Fall Travel Puns

Autumn brings a cornucopia of color and charm to our travels. Here are some fall travel puns that will add a bit of seasonal humor to your Instagram captions, making them as crisp and delightful as an autumn day. I particularly love NYC in the fall with the beautiful orange leaves. If you happen to visiting, make sure to have one of these Central Park puns or Brooklyn Bridge captions in your back pocket.

151. “Having a ‘gourd’ time on my autumn travels!”

152. “I ‘fall’ for travel every time!”

153. “This journey is ‘unbe-leaf-able’!”

154. “I’m so ‘ready’ for sweater weather!”

155. “I ‘autumn’-atically feel happier when traveling!”

156. “Taking the ‘scenic route’ to fall in love with autumn!”

157. “Travel during fall? ‘Yes, I ‘leaf’ can!”

158. “Fall travels leave me ‘pumpkin’-d!”

159. “Autumn voyages really ‘rake’ in the fun!”

160. “Oh my ‘gourd’, this fall trip is amazing!”

man standing on a road and in the distance are mountain puns

Winter Travel Puns

Winter travels carry their own charm, with snow-laden landscapes and cozy firesides. These cool winter travel puns will add some seasonal sparkle to your Instagram captions, making them as inviting as a mug of hot cocoa on a frosty day.

161. “I’m ‘snow’ excited about this trip!”

162. “This journey is ‘flake’-ing awesome!”

163. “Winter travels always ‘melt’ my heart!”

164. “Having an ‘ice’ time on my winter getaway!”

165. “I’m ‘freezing’ these memories in time!”

166. “My travel spirit never ‘frosts’ over!”

167. “Ice to meet you, Winter Wonderland!”

168. “Winter vacations? ‘Snow’ problem!”

169. “I ‘sleigh’ when it comes to winter travels!”

170. “Stay ‘frosty’, my winter adventure has just begun!”

Spring Vacation Puns

Spring is a time of renewal, and what’s better than rejuvenating your senses with a lovely vacation? These spring vacation puns are as refreshing as a spring breeze, ready to blossom in your Instagram captions.

“171. I’ve got a ‘spring’ in my step on this trip!”

172. “This journey is ‘blooming’ marvelous!”

173. “Spring travels always ‘grow’ on me!”

174. “I’m ‘be-leaf-ing’ in the magic of travel!”

175. “This trip has ‘sprung’ me to life!”

176. “Time to ‘blossom’ in the city of love!”

177. “Having a ‘bud’-iful time this spring!”

178. “Spring vacation is a ‘breath’ of fresh air!”

179. “I’m ‘petal’-ing my way through this beautiful city!”

180. “Spring travels? ‘Yes, I ‘bud’ do!”

blue domed white building with flowers and ocean in the distance

Jokes about Summer Vacation

The sunny season of summer is the perfect time for travel and humor! These jokes about summer vacation will make your Instagram captions as hot as a day at the beach. So, get ready to dive into the laughter pool! There’s just something really special about watching the sundip below the horizon on a sandy beach. These sunset quotes are your ticket to social media fame.

181. “Summer vacations always ‘sun’d me good vibes!”

182. “I’ve got a ‘tan’-talizing tale from my beach travels!”

183. “The sea and I are ‘shore’ to be best friends!”

184. “Summer vacations? Always a ‘bright’ idea!”

185. “I can ‘beach’ about travel all day long!”

186. “Summer trips always ‘heat’ up my adventurous spirit!”

187. “This trip is a ‘ray’ of sunshine in my travelogue!”

188. “I’m always ‘shore’ of a good time on summer vacations!”

189. “Beach trips ‘sand’ me straight to happiness!”

190. “This summer vacation is ‘sun’-thing special!”

Best Travel Puns & Vacation Puns Conclusion

As we conclude this whirlwind tour of travel puns, vacation puns, and every conceivable form of hilarity in between, remember that the best trips are the ones that make us laugh at the journey as much as we marvel at the destination.

Whether it’s puns about countries, jokes about cities, or road trip dad jokes, the world is brimming with funny vacation jokes that can turn your next travel post into a landmark of wit and whimsy.

So, keep exploring, keep laughing, and most importantly, keep sharing the joy. Your Instagram followers, like eager tourists, await the next fun-filled update.

More Travel Captions for Instagram & Travel Quotes

Best London Instagram Captions & Quotes New York City Captions & Quotes Hilarious NYC Puns Funny California Puns Ultimate California Captions for Instagram & Quotes San Francisco Instagram Captions Funny SF Puns for Instagram Los Angeles Quotes for Instagram Hawaii Captions for Instagram Hawaii Puns Captions Sunshine Captions for Instagram Inspiring Sunset Quotes Road Trip Quotes for Instagram Hiking & Trekking Captions Lake Instagram Captions Nature Captions & Quotes

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Haley is the founder of the global travel blog, Haley Blackall Travel. She has travelled to 40+ countries across 5 continents over the last 15 years and is considered an expert in her field.

She loves to share honest first hand experience from her travels. Her goal is to help readers planning their next trip by providing in-depth travel guides and recommendations for her favourite boutique hotels, things to do and travel itineraries.

Haley focuses her expertise on countries such as Greece, Turkey, Italy, Costa Rica, Australia, Sri Lanka and Indonesia.

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26 Travel Memes That Will Make You Laugh in 2022

Huskies travel meme

If you’re a frequent traveler I’m guessing you’re also a fan of funny travel memes.

As frequent travelers, we often find ourselves in amusing and precarious situations. Many of which can be perfectly summed up in a great travel meme. 

So just for fun, I’ve put together this list of the 25 Best Travel Memes on the Internet. You’ll find inspirational travel memes, airline travel memes, social media travel memes, and many more.

Best Travel Memes 2022

Journey Quotes

All travel memes and journey quotes for this article have been sourced from the internet. The original source for each image is identified where possible.

1. No children travel meme

I want to travel meme

This is my personal favorite travel meme. It describes my life perfectly.

I don’t have kids so I don’t have to worry about family responsibilities when planning to travel. I’ll go wherever the cheap flights will take me and try to never miss out on a good flight deal.

2. Hotel travel meme

Travel meme

This is one of the most hilarious travel memes I’ve found.

I don’t tend to mess with housekeeping much, but I have to admit this is really funny.

I’ve actually worked in housekeeping before, many, many years ago. I’ve seen some things. But definitely nothing like this.

3. Airplane travel meme

Best travel memes

Agreed! There’s something relaxing about flying and looking down on the world below. 

Funny travel quotes like this also perfectly sum up how I feel about flying. I love being away from everything, not knowing anybody, and just having this time to myself.

I’ll listen to a good book or podcast and just enjoy the quiet. You can’t go anywhere until the plane lands, so you might as well make the most of it.

Does anybody else find flying therapeutic?

4. Group travel plans meme

Vacation countdown meme

I think this travel meme sums up everybody’s experience when planning a trip with friends.

At least until we learn to stop asking people to join us beforehand. Now I just tell people my plans after I’ve booked my trip.

If they want to join, great! if not, they can stay home. 

I also love how the pics in this travel meme include dogs! Dogs are the perfect recipe for a funny vacation meme.

5. Packing travel meme

Travel meme - email address

This is one of my favorite funny travel memes going around on social media. I think it’s one we can all relate to.

Personally, I buy lots of clothes I never end up wearing, mostly because I’m a terrible shopper.

Yes somehow these clothes always end up in my suitcase. It’s amazing how that works sometimes.  

6. Airline baggage policy travel meme

Travel memes instagram

How perfect is this funny travel meme?

Airline baggage policies often both amuse and infuriate me, mostly because many are a bit ridiculous and don’t make much sense.

I do understand the airlines need to make up for the cost of low ticket prices somehow, but I feel they could do a better job explaining their convuluted baggage policies.

Not all airlines are bad at this, but some certainly are.

I think many also miss that the weight limits are not because the plane will be too heavy, but because the airline is limiting the weight of the bags for baggage handlers.

You wouldn’t want to be lifing 100 pound suitcases all day either. Keeping them closer to 50 pounds is safer for the staff moving your bags on and off the airplane.

7. Water at the airport travel meme

Best travel meme

This has happened to me too many times. I’ve since learned to bring a refillable bottle in my carry on.

I can’t imagine how much money this has saved me in just the past year. Now if I could just remember to buy chewing gum before I get to the airport. 

To be totally honest though, while I may not be spending money on bottled water at the airport, I sure don’t seem to have a problem spending money on wine at the airport. Who’s with me?

8. Carry on bags travel meme

Image of kermit the frog drinking a cup of tea

I’ve seen this a million times as well.

Fortunately, I usually manage to squeeze my bag in somewhere in the overhead bin. 

It always makes me wonder how some people have so many items when the airlines’s baggage policy states each passenger gets one carry on.

I’m starting to think people just hide their bags when they go to the counter for check in.

9. Airplane boarding meme

The Office travel meme

Some people take FOREVER in the aisle. I don’t even understand how whatever they’re doing could possibly take that long.

Do they not see the line behind them?

Seriously though, can someone explain this to me?

10. Reclining airplane seat meme

Best travel memes

I’ve never been one to recline my seat on an airplane because it doesn’t make the flight any more comfortable.

I also don’t want to squish the person behind me.

Like everybody else, I hate it when the person in front of me reclines their seat. For some reason, this always happens when I’m watching a movie or eating.

Why someone would recline their seat during meal service is beyone me, but it happens. If you paid for your seat on the plane, you can recline it if you wish. It’s really not that big of a deal. I’m usually just happy to be on a plane in the first place.

11. Southwest Airlines meme

Best travel memes

I love how seriously some folks take the boarding situation on Southwest Airlines.

I never really put much thought into it other than to ensure I check in right away to get a good boarding position.

I’ve definitely overheard some squabbles between passengers before though. This usually seems to happen when someone tries saving a seat for someone else who hasn’t been able to board yet.

I don’t really get why people insist on doing this. It’s not the end of the world if you don’t get to sit by your friend or partner during a flight.

And if it is such a big deal, why didn’t you just pay the $20 for the first boarding group? Makes no sense to me.

As for me, I head to the back of the plane to grab a window seat and silently hope no one sits next to me.

12. Reward points travel meme

Image of character from The Office sitting at his desk. Funny Travel memes

Gotta love The Office…and travel reward points. 

I don’t know about you, but I always make my purchases using a credit card that gets me points for travel.

I personally use the Chase Sapphire and a few Marriott rewards credit cards. I use the Sapphire for airfare and the Marriott cards for my hotels. It works out perfectly.

If you don’t already have a good travel rewards credit card or business travel rewards card, I strongly encourage you to get one. Use it for all your daily purchases, you’d be surprised how quicly those points add up.

Just be sure to pay it off in full each month. The reward points are no longer worth it if you’re paying hundreds of dollars in interest fees to carry a balance.

But if you can handle the card responsibly, say hello to free flights and hotels.

13. Airplane boarding travel meme

Image of John Goodman holding up a small gun

Any meme with John Goodman makes my list. 

Plus vacation memes about people blocking the airplane aisle are so accurate. I don’t understand this aspect of traveling by plane.

When I’m boarding a plane I usually feel awkward if people are waiting behind me to pass. So much so that I’ll do whatever I can to limit my time in the aisle.

If I’m taking longer that a few seconds, I’ll usually just step out of the aisle to let other pass if there’s room to do so. Not sure why everybody doesn’t do this.

Also, what’s up with people waiting until they board the plane to start digging things out of their carry on roller bag? Why? Just why?

14. The summer tourist vacation meme

Image of Jack Sparrow running from a gang of pirates

My own reaction is similar. I live in Los Angeles and know that certain areas of the city are just off limits come summer.

I’m talking about you Santa Monica and Hollywood Blvd. 

Even when I make my travel plans I consider the possible crowds for the destination I want to visit. I usually avoid Europe entirely in the summer. Not only are there too many tourists, but the prices are way too high.

I’d much rather travel in the spring and fall when everybody else is back at work. You wouldn’t believe all the deals you can get by opting for off season travel destinations .

15. The Alpaca Road Trip Meme s

Image of a white alpaca

Every list of funny travel memes needs an alpaca road trip meme. Plus, this one shows the true spirit of a road trip.

Road trips are best when they’re spontaneous, with the right people who are down for anything.

16. Waiting for my friends to travel meme

Image of skeleton on a couch

People often ask me when we’re going to travel together?

I used to entertain these comments with destination ideas and time frames. Now I just respond by suggesting they let me know when they’re ready to book the trip.

This is usually the end of the conversation. I think many people just like to talk about traveling, but don’t really have any intention of doing it. 

17. Always posting on social media travel meme

Funny Travel Memes 2019

We all have that friend who has to post every single photo they take on Facebook. You know the one.

18. Parents traveling without you meme

Starting Vacation Meme

Many of us can relate to this in one way or another, whether it be travel or something else. It always seems your parents start doing cool things after you’ve grown up and moved out.

19. Covid Travel Meme

Travel Memes Covid

So many of us had travel plans this year that were cancelled. I know some of us handled it better than others. Here’s to hoping we’re out of this soon.

20. I wish I was quarantined in Paris travel meme

Travel Memes 2020

This was absolutely me for the majority of the pandemic. I live in a suburb of Los Angeles and would have given anything to be stuck somewhere more interesting.

21. Airlines travel meme

Funny Vacation Memes - Travel memes images

I’ve only done this once, and never again. Unless I find a spectacular deal, I much prefer to pay a little extra for more comfort and convenience these days.

22. Cruise Travel Memes

Travel Memes Coronavirus

I don’t think anyone had it worse during Covid than the cruise industry. I have no idea how they plan to operate again, but I’m sure things will be interesting when they do.

23. When your mom is always worried travel meme

Best Travel Memes

I absolutely relate to this one. No matter where on the planet I go, my mom is always worried about the safety of the destination.

Honestly, most of the destinations I visit are safer than where I live.

24. Airline seating travel memes

Airline memes

In all honesty, it never ceases to amaze me how little room some airlines leave for passengers between the rows. I’m lucky I’m on the small side.

25. Airport Travel Meme

Travel Memes

I admit it, I’m definitely guilty of this one. I’m excited to be at the airport and traveling, but also bored at the same time. It’s a difficult situation.

26. Bank account travel meme

bank account travel meme

When your travel dreams are bigger than your bank account. I feel like this is true for most of us, and it’s definitely true for me.

I really hope you enjoyed this list of the 26 Best Travel Memes on the Internet? If you would like to support this blog please consider sharing this post. Thanks for reading.

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115+ Travel Puns That Are Ferry Funny


The Best Plane And Flying Puns

The best boat puns, brilliant train puns, the best road puns, funny holiday puns, why are travel puns so enjoyable , can travel puns be educational , how do puns help during a trip , how can travel puns enhance a family vacation , are there specific times when travel puns are most effective .

Welcome to the world where laughter is your best travel buddy! A good chuckle can turn any trip into an unforgettable adventure. From airports to beaches, these playful puns will bring a smile to your face.

Traveling is exciting, whether you're dreaming up your next getaway, hunting for the perfect flight deal, or mapping out an amazing road trip. A dash of humor during these moments is just as important as packing your bags!

These puns are designed to make you smile without too much effort. They're like little mementos of joy you can tuck away and share with others.

Whether waiting for your flight to take off or cruising towards your dream destination, a little wordplay can make the time fly by! So, get ready to take off on a journey of lighthearted travel humor!

Taking to the skies opens up a world of humor just waiting to be discovered. When a flight attendant apologizes for the wrong plane landing, just imagine the time flies with laughter instead of groans. The cabin becomes an aisle of smiles with these high-flying puns.

1. I was going to tell you an airplane pun, but it would go over your head.

2. I wanted to build an airplane company, but it never took off.

3. You can make time fly by bringing a clock on an airplane.

4. My friend wants to make invisible airplanes. I just can’t see them taking off.

5. No plane, no gain.

6. Take it with a plane of salt.

7. Don’t look out the window of a plane before watching a movie. There’s a spoiler.

8. No one can accuse this trip of being plane.

9. It was love at first flight.

10. Pilots need to have a good altitude.

11. I told my doctor that I was sick of going to the airport. They said I had a terminal illness.

12. Being this high off the ground feels air-mazing.

13. This airline serves food that is a bit plane.

14. The librarian got kicked off the airplane because it was overbooked.

15. Time flies when you're on a plane.

16. The food on the small aircraft wasn't good, it was a little plane.

17. We are all-time travelers moving at the speed of exactly 60 minutes per hour.

18. What do you get when you cross a plane with a magician? A flying sorcerer.

19. Why do rabbits travel on hare planes? So they can hop to their next destination!

20. You can't make everyone happy unless you're a plane ticket.

21. What did the globe say when it went backpacking? "I'm on a grand adventure to meet my flat friends!"

22. Do you know why time flies on Peter Pan Airways? It never lands on the second hand!

23. Why was the airplane so good at school? Because it always had its head in the clouds and aced every high-flying test!

24. What do you tell a nervous plane before takeoff? "Just wing it!"

25. Why did the plane get sent to its room? It had too much altitude!

26. How do you know when a plane is having a party? When it's really jet-set, and the music is on autopilot!

27. You’re plane awesome.

28. Why was the plane always invited to parties? It really knew how to elevate the mood!

29. Why was the plane so sleepy? Because it just flew a redeye and could use a little shut-eye!

30. What's a pilot's favorite TV show? Game of Drones.

31. How do you know if a pilot is at your party? He'll tell you, then make a smooth departure!

32. Why was the glider so relaxed? It never lets anything air its peace!

33. How do flight attendants wrap presents? With a landing bow on top!

34. Why are airplanes so good at playing piano ? Because they can really key into the flight patterns!

35. What kind of chocolate do airplanes like? Plane chocolate, of course!

36. What did the airplane say during a tough flight? "This turbulence is plane crazy!"

37. Airplanes take travel experiences to new heights.

38. We have plane-ty of time.

39. I was just plane with you.

40. An airplane that’s not working is a error-plane.

41. Jets in case.

42. In court, there’s the plane-tiff and the defendant.

43. Oh, for flying out loud.

44. Pilots are living the high life.

Whether it's a cruise ship or a humble ferry, the waves of laughter can be just as thrilling as the ocean breeze. Here is a list of some of the best travel puns that you can use during a boat cruise.

45. I'm having a ferry good time, are you?

46. It's a-boat time we took a holiday.

47. Let's seas the day.

48. I think there'll be a ferry-tale ending to this trip.

49. We're having a hull of a time on this trip.

50. You've yacht to be kidding me.

51. What's up dock?

52. Are we nearly there yet? I'm afraid knot.

53. I'm going craz-sea on this journey.

54. I think this ferry must be taking the sea-nic route.

55. I never get tide down to one place when there's so much to sea.

56. How does the ocean greet passengers on a boat? It waves.

57. What's a photographer's favorite thing to say while traveling on a boat? "These travel photos are going to make a splash on social media!"

58. Why did the yacht break up with the speedboat? Because it was tired of the high-speed chases!

59. How do boats say hello to each other? They wave!

60. How do you get a party started on a boat? Launch a buoy-band and let the good tides roll!

61. What’s a pirate’s favorite kind of exercise? The plank!

62. Why are boats the most musical of vehicles? They always have a solid hull note!

63. Why did the sailboat start a podcast? To share the wind of conversation!

64. Why are boats never lonely? Because they’re always surrounded by their buoy friends!

65. Why did the captain install internet on the ship? To keep up with the current stream!

66. What do you call a boat with a funny bone ? A giggle-ship!

67. Why did the tugboat get promoted? Because it was really great at pulling its weight!

68. What did one boat say to the other when it won the race? "I sailed it!"

69. How do sailors freshen their breath? With sea-mints!

From the chug of a train's engine falling silent to the uncle who tells the most rail-ly bad jokes, trains have their special track for puns. Hear the crowd's laughter echo through the carriage with these brilliant train puns.

70. I'm finding it hard to keep track of where we are.

71. I keep losing my train of thought.

72. I tried to tell my favorite joke about trains, but it got derailed.

73. Ticket inspectors... you've got to hand it to them.

74. When the train's engine fell silent, the conductor said, "Well, that's the end of my track!"

75. Why was the five o'clock train the favorite among time travelers? Because it was always right on time!

76. What did the tired traveler say after the five o'clock train lost power? "I guess it's time to train myself to walk home!"

77. Did you hear about the cross-country team who loved to travel by train? They said it's the best way to stay on track!

78. Why don't trains ever get lost? Because they always follow a track record!

79. Why was the electric train a great worker? It always conducted itself well!

80. Why did the train get a trophy? Because it had a track record of excellence!

81. Why did the bullet train get promoted? Because it was fast-tracked to success!

82. Why did the train start taking music lessons? To stay on track with the rhythm!

83. What's a train's favorite kind of magic? Track-tricks!

Whether on a road trip or just a quick drive, wheels and words combine to roll out some of the best humor. Here are some of the best road puns that'll have passengers grinning from ear to ear.

84. I'm having a wheely nice time.

85. We've been driving all day, I need a brake.

86. All this driving is tire-ing.

87. Biggest cause of road rage? Cross roads.

88. I got excited when my son joined the cross-country team. But then I learned they don't cross the country and are back home in a few hours.

89. I don't want to take my dog on road trips, as he can be such a bark-seat driver.

90. How do crazy hikers get out of the forest? They take the psychopath.

91. I'm not too good at geography, but I can name at least one city in France. That's Nice.

92. Want to know our plan for today's hike? I'll summit up nicely.

93. Don't worry if our old car breaks down on our trip through Canada . I have Triple Eh.

94. Why did the travel agent become a road worker? Because he wanted to pave the way to amazing holidays, not just plan them!

95. What did the street say to the travel agent? "Can you map out a career plan for me? I'm at a crossroad!"

96. Why did the roundabout get terrible ratings from the travelers? Because it was too much of a turn-off!

97. Why did the car breaks start a band? Because they wanted to make a break for it in the music industry!

98. Why did the bicycle refuse to take the highway? Because it thought it was a bit over-cycled!

99. Why don't roads ever get startled? Because they always see the signs!

100. What do you call a road with a sense of humor? An asphalt comedian!

101. Why are roads so bad at keeping secrets? Their tales always have crossroads!

Holidays are the time to take all these travel puns and pack them for a trip that promises gales of laughter amidst the tinsel or sand. Whether it's your next trip or just a dream vacation, these merry quips are the perfect travel companions.

102. Having to unpack my suitcase after a holiday is the ultimate emotional baggage.

103. When travelling, sometimes Alaska local for directions.

104. My parents say I'm free to Rome in Italy.

105. Be shore of yourself.

106. Venice this holiday going to end?

107. How much fun is it to do your laundry when traveling? Loads.

108. Why did the Christmas tree go on a trip? Because it wanted to spruce up its social life!

109. Why did Santa join the frequent flyer program? Because with all his travel, he wanted to sleigh the rewards game!

110. How does a reindeer choose a vacation spot? It looks for anywhere with deer-lightful views!

111. Why was the beach sad after the holiday season? Because the tide had gone out, leaving it feeling a wave of loneliness!

112. Why do Jack-o’-lanterns make terrible travel partners? They always lose their head over flight delays!

113. Why was the passport excited about the holiday photo? Because it was finally getting a stamp of approval!

114. Where does a cow stay when it is on vacation? A moo-tel.

115. How does Santa describe his favorite workout? "I'm all about that sleigh fitness!"

116. This place stole a pizza my heart.

117. We’re having a berry good time.

118. I a-dough this city.

119. Camping with friends is time well tent.

Travel puns are like mini-brain breaks. They're simple and playful and remind us of the good times we've had on our adventures.

Absolutely! A funny pun about a famous landmark might make someone curious to learn more about it.

A silly pun can lighten the mood when things don't go as planned (like a flat tire or a delayed flight). They remind us that even the bumps in the road can be part of a great travel story.

Travel puns are a great way for families to bond and create happy memories. When kids laugh at a pun, they're also learning to look at the world in a fun, creative way.

Definitely! Puns are perfect for those long stretches on the road or those moments when you're waiting at the airport. They help pass the time and keep everyone smiling.

Puns can be the passports to joy in the world of travel. Each is like a boarding pass to fun that doesn't cost extra. Remember, whether you're a sky-high flyer or a sea-sailing voyager, a little laughter goes a long way.

So, on your next vacation, don't just pack your best jacket; always pack a treasure chest of travel puns, too. They're guaranteed to keep the mood sailing smoothly and the journey upbeat. Say bon voyage to the blues and hello to chuckles with these 'ferry' funny puns that make every trip unforgettable.

  • 33 Travel Puns For Instagram, Because You Never Get Tide Down ... ›
  • 31 Travel Puns So Bad They'll Make All Your Fri... ›

We Want Your Photos!

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Christian Mba is an experienced blogger and content writer with over a decade of experience. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from Nigeria and has a keen interest in Python programming. Along with his writing and blogging expertise, he is also an SEO specialist with more than six years of experience. Chris, as he is commonly known, has a passion for music and enjoys playing the piano.

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Anusuya Mukherjee Bachelor of Arts and Law specializing in Political Science and Intellectual Property Rights

With a wealth of international experience spanning Europe, Africa, North America, and the Middle East, Anusuya brings a unique perspective to her work as a Content Assistant and Content Updating Coordinator. She holds a law degree from India and has practiced law in India and Kuwait. Anusuya is a fan of rap music and enjoys a good cup of coffee in her free time. Currently, she is working on her novel, "Mr. Ivory Merchant".

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50+ Funny Travel Memes

They say laughter is good for the soul, and I try to find humor every day. Travel memes make the day go by easier, and life’s too short to be serious 24/7. Here are a few funny travel memes that I’ve created or come across over the years on social media that sparked conversation and a few laughs. There is a funny travel meme for every type of travel situation.

Travel Memes

travel pun memes

Baecation Memes

Some of us choose to travel over dating. Some of us have hilarious stories from baecations. Here are a few memes about traveling with or with a significant other.

travel pun memes

This one was sparked after seeing several people talk about fly outs and sponsored Dubai trips. I also was still frustrated by traveling with someone I thought I knew (not a bae) but I didn’t know at all and in the end, cost me a ton of money and a friendship. When I created the travel bae application/Travel buddy, now available in digital format , I always knew I wanted my future partner to love travel so here’s an easy way to vet them. I reposted this at a later date and asked the WHTW Squad what questions they would add. In general, most people agreed they want someone to travel with and needed this “application” to hand out to prospects.

Read: You shouldn’t travel with everyone

travel pun memes

It depends on the destination and who had the idea for the trip. If it’s a destination I picked, I’m partner 1. If I’m just along for the fun I’m partner 2.

Funny travel memes about group travel vs solo travel

Unless it’s a baecation or my close friend. I prefer solo trips. I don’t even listen to people when they make comments about wanting to join me. Usually, when it’s time to go, they are nowhere to be found. Some will even go through the act of inquiring about pricing just to flake.

travel pun memes

Does anyone else have people ask about joining your trip and then ghost you? The minute you post about the trip they are shocked you went without them? Ahem, just a friendly reminder. You will be left behind. I’m not afraid of solo trips.

If I had a dollar for every time someone said they were interested in the trip and then dragged their feet but pretend to be mad when they see me posting from a trip we discussed, I’d be rich! We’re all adults and I’m not chasing anyone around to travel with me (chase a check).  I’m not afraid of solo travel. Check out “7 Reasons To Travel Solo!”

Funny travel memes about airports and time on the plane

Funny Travel Meme Blue Ivy Poor People

The heated debate about should you recline your seat on an airplane? Check out this video on should you recline your seat on an airplane?

50+ of the best travel and hilarious vacation memes from various travel experiences.

Restaurants aren’t the only place for an awkward response. I know I’m not the only one?

travel pun memes

Funny travel memes about missing travel

travel pun memes

Funny vacation memes about using your time off to travel

travel pun memes

Funny travel memes about travel deals and travel hacks

travel pun memes

In 2016, Arthur returned to our screens, not for the reason you think. Someone started “meme-ing” faces and gestures from the childhood show. It was only appropriate that I adapt Arthur’s fist to travel. The caption was not far fetched as I constantly receive invites to travel but during this time I was ready to save money and take a small break. A lot of people can identify with the struggle of wanting to buy every flight deal vs being responsible.

travel pun memes

Ok this one may not be funny but I want to mention the misconception about travel is that you have to make a lot of money to be able to travel. I receive far more questions about where I work versus how I travel. Read this article to to find out how I was able to book over 15 flights on points last year . How I fast track to high hotel statuses . How I’ve been able to travel so much and not accumulate debt and pay off student loans. How an airline financed my trip to Dubai.   How I visited Cuba for under $300 for everything . How I use social media to pay for trips. Hint. It’s not all credit cards or having a lot of money. I use various discounts and points for every aspect of the trip. Down to even getting into airport lounges at a discount.

Here is a link to all the travel discounts I use to travel without breaking the bank.

Funny travel memes about airlines

Southwest Airlines travel memes

travel pun memes

Starting vacation memes

Funny travel memes/ Returning to Work Memes

travel pun memes

Funny travel memes about travel bloggers

Funny travel memes about travel bloggers

In my early travel blogging days, my friends would give me crazy looks or roll their eyes (you know who you are) when I would take extra time to capture a shot or walk off and start narrating. Before we unpack I have to capture the room and take notes. Some friends were afraid I wasn’t enjoying the moment. As time progressed they got used to it and realize they benefit from my effort to produce great content.

Check out this article on the misconceptions of travel bloggers.

Travel Meme Iceland travel memes

I will never forget this moment. 2 years later after my trip to Iceland . I still feel cheated!  The Sponge Bob/Mr. Krabs confused “effect” on a photo describes how I felt while in Iceland. Posting this photo sparked engagement from others who missed the Northern Lights and created awareness that there are certain times in the year that you can see Northern Lights in Iceland. I made the mistake of hopping on a travel deal without knowing this.

travel pun memes

Travel Memes Videos

          View this post on Instagram                         A post shared by Kim | Travel Content Creator Licensed Atlanta Drone Operator (@workhardtravelwell)

50+ Funny Travel Memes

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33 Travel Puns For Instagram, Because You Never Get Tide Down To One Place

With all the traveling you've been doing this summer, you have tons and tons of pics to share on the 'Gram. You might even be running out of storage space on your phone, and are tired of getting that message to clear it out. I've been slowing rolling out the best of the best, so my friends aren't overwhelmed with every awesome vacation pic all at once. However, that means I'm running out of captions for every pic I post. Sometimes, you just want something fun and witty, rather than an inspirational quote. That's why having a backlog of travel puns for Instagram on your phone is necessary.

Let's be real: Picking out the best pic for the 'Gram is easy. It's also super simple easy to choose the right filter and hashtags. The thing that stumps everyone is finding the right words for your caption. Sometimes, it even stops you from posting altogether, or sending your pics to sit in your drafts. No one wants that. The world needs to see your vacay pics, so don't let some words stop you from showing off your weekend getaways and beach days. When you're packing your suitcase for your next trip, make sure to bring along these 33 travel puns. Then, you'll be ready to jet set to tons of Insta likes that'll be coming your way.

1. "Nothing about this trip is plane."

2. "Tropic like it's hot."

3. "Keep palm and carry on."

4. "Sent with love."

5. "Having to unpack my suitcase after vacation is like the ultimate emotional baggage."

6. "There's Norway I want to go back home."

7. "Sea you real soon."

8. "Seas the day."

9. "Adios, beaches."

10. "Keep it plane and simple."

travel pun memes

11. "Don't know where to go? Just wing it."

12. "Bun voyage."

13. "Having suite dreams."

14. "I got 99 problems, but a beach ain't one."

15. "You have the passport to my heart."

16. "Alpaca my bags for the next vacation."

17. "Heading to the beach, I'm traveling light."

18. "I'm Havana great time."

19. "When traveling, sometimes, Alaska local for directions."

20. "Juneau where we're going?"

21. "I'm free to Rome in Italy."

22. "Sea you later."

23. "Beach you to it."

24. "Shore, you don't want to come along?"

25. "Time flies when you're on a plane."

26. "Traveling is my Seoul mate."

27. "I need vitamin sea."

28. "I don't Bolivia how beautiful it is here."

29. "Keeping it reel on vacation."

30. "You float my boat."

31. "It's aboat time I went on vacation."

32. "Feeling fintastic."

33. "Don't get tide down in one place when there is so much to sea."

This article was originally published on 08.13.18

travel pun memes

Box of Puns

100+ Travel Puns to Make Travel Lovers Laugh

By David Em

Updated: May 4, 2024

Travel provides new experiences. Whether you’re looking for funny captions or ways to spark laughter, read the best travel puns.

Havana Airlines tag.

Travel is wonderful. You explore other cultures, learn new things, and it’s a fun adventure.

Whether you’re back from a trip or preparing for one, puns are witty and excellent for sharing.

The following are the best travel puns to share on social media, with friends, or for your enjoyment.

Related : The Funniest Country Name Puns

The best travel puns

1 . This trip is amazing. You can’t say it’s plane .

2 . I a- door this city.

3 . There snow way I’m going back home.

4 . A port of me will always stay here.

5 . I just want to Rome around.

6 . You’re traveling to South America? I don’t Bolivia.

travel pun memes

7 . A hamster’s favorite vacation spot is Hamster-dam.

8 . I went on a beach vacation to shell-ebrate my birthday .

9 . Thai and stop me.

10 . Canyon believe this beautiful view?

11 . Adios, beaches .

12 . The temples are Buddha-ful.

travel pun memes

13 . I have nothing Toulouse.

14 . Let’s seas the day.

15 . Tropic like it’s hot .

16 . Don’t get tide down. There’s so much to sea.

17 . It’s impossible to ruin this view.

18 . This place is rem-arc-able.

19 . Beach you to it.

20 . Keep palm and carry on.

Airplane puns

1 . Being in the sky feels air-mazing.

2 . We don’t have an itinerary. So, we’re going to wing it.

3 . I sued an airline for losing my luggage. Unfortunately, I lost the case.

4 . It was love at first flight.

5 . If life gets too Boeing, take a flight.

travel pun memes

6 . I arrived at the airport with minutes to sp-air.

7 . Oh, for flying out loud.

8 . This vacation was the flight choice.

9 . Keeping this vacation plane and simple.

10 . That flight flew by.

11 . I’m a mountain climber. I keep my airplane in the cliff-hangar.

12 . Invisible planes will never be a thing. I just can’t see them taking off.

13 . This vacation is just plane awesome.

14 . I’ve been needing this vacation. Words can’t ex-plane.

15 . Each vacation reaches new heights.

1 . I sleep so well in this hotel. I have suite dreams.

2 . At least hotel employees aren’t hostel.

travel pun memes

3 . You’re lodge-r than life.

4 . Life is bedder on vacation.

5 . I used to rely on hotels. Now, I’m inn-dependent.

1 . I keep losing my train of thought.

2 . I think we’re on the right track.

3 . The restaurant was hidden in train sight.

4 . Traveling by train is harder than it steams.

travel pun memes

5 . It’s a freight day to travel by train.

6 . This is the train point of my trip.

1 . You’ve yacht to be kidding me.

2 . I’m having a ferry good time .

3 . There are a lot of people on this cruise. Boat loads.

4 . It’s a-boat time I went on vacation.

5 . I’m having a hull of a time.

6 . We’ll get there schooner or later.

7 . Keeping it reel on vacation.

8 . Buoy, are these views fin-tastic?

travel pun memes

9 . I’m feeling nauti.

10 . Oh ship, we’re sailing!

11 . Last, boat naut least.

12 . What an oar-deal.

13 . Don’t be so stern.

14 . My boat vacation went by too quickly. I must’ve been on Usain Boat.

15 . This boat tells incredible stories. It always has a ferry-tail ending.

Road trip puns

1 . Knock knock . Who’s there? RV. RV who? RV there yet?

2 . I’ve been driving all day. I need a brake.

3 . We’re Audi here.

4 . We’re going on an ad-van-ture.

5 . I saw windmills on my road trip. I was a huge fan.

6 . All this driving is tire-ing.

7 . When Yoda goes on a road trip, he drives a To-Yoda.

8 . When Satan goes on a road trip, he takes Route 666.

9 . My dog is a bark-seat driver.

10 . I’m having a wheel-y nice time.

11 . Asphalt keeps me grounded.

12 . We can’t a-Ford to fly. So, we’re driving.

Geography puns

1 . I’m Havana great time on this trip.

2 . We Ghana travel together again.

travel pun memes

3 . Sorry, Iran out of travel puns.

4 . The Spain is real.

5 . I’ve been Washington’s of plates.

6 . I went to a New Delhi. It was pretty good.

7 . I just got a New Jersey! I’m excited to wear it.

8 . Venice this going to end?

9 . Hawaii you doing today?

10 . Europe next.

11 . The best place to find small soft drinks is Minnesota.

12 . I don’t need a map. If I get lost, Alaska local for directions.

13 . There’s Norway I’m ending this vacation.

14 . I love going to South Korea with you. You’re my Seoul-mate.

15 . Mountains are just hill areas.

16 . Volcanoes are rude. They keep int-erupt-ing.

17 . We made it to the Finnish line.

18 . Czechs don’t have time to waste. They’re Prague-matic.

19 . Kenya tell me what your favorite vacation spot is?

20 . Oman, this is an amazing view.

21 . This country is un-Belize-able.

22 . This is Maui do it.

23 . I Tokyo seat on the plane.

24 . After going to Bora Bora, I’m now pora pora.

25 . Hiking is the best way to get an altitude adjustment.

Camping puns

1 . Glamping is pretty tents.

2 . Camping is a five-billion-star hotel.

3 . I’m always down to camp s’more .

4 . May the forest be with you.

5 . Pitch, don’t kill my vibe.

6 . Alpaca my tent.

7 . Axe , and you shall receive.

8 . Wood you like to go camping?

9 . I camp believe you’ve never slept in a tent.

10 . Release the tent-sion with a relaxing camping trip.

travel pun memes

11 . I’m a happy camper.

12 . Camp s’more, worry less.

13 . Home is where you park it.

14 . All you need to start a campfire are two identical sticks. Then, you’ll have a match.

15 . Camp perfectly. The stakes are high.

Related : Anti-Jokes So Unfunny They’re Hilarious

Featured image by David Em/Box of Puns .

About Box of Puns

Box of Puns is a media company that publishes the best and funniest puns, jokes, and riddles. Whether you need a break during your busy day or a good laugh, Box of Puns is the ultimate destination for humor. Learn more about Box of Puns

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The Discoveries Of

55 Awesome Travel and Vacation Memes That Perfectly Explain Life

Travel is a rollercoaster of emotions: excitement, frustration, laughter, patience – it’s why we love it so much right? Here are 50 awesome travel and vacation memes that perfectly summarise the travel experience. LOLs guaranteed.

Who doesn’t love a good travel meme?

Whether you’ve just come back from vacation and are in need of some joy to brighten your dank day, or you’re in search of lols to pass a long journey – here are 50 awesome travel memes chosen by travel bloggers to inspire your next trip.

Make sure you check out this post too, travel quotes to inspire you to hit the road.

Going on Vacation Memes

When you just booked a trip.

55 funny travel memes - LOLs guaranteed! #travel #funny #meme

Sets countdown timer to take off.

Only One More Day!

55 funny travel memes - LOLs guaranteed! #travel #funny #meme

Tick tock. Tick tock. How many seconds are there in a day again?

The Excitement, The Ecstasy

55 funny travel memes - LOLs guaranteed! #travel #funny #meme

I love this meme because it’s the way I always feel when I’m about to embark on a trip, or even sometimes when I’ve just booked the flights or made a decision to actually go!

Like running around shouting “I’m going on an adventure!”.

It comes from the The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey movie which is also filmed in my home country of New Zealand, and I visited the exact location of this shot recently so now I love it even more!

Sonja, Migrating Miss , Instagram

My Vacation Starts NOW

55 funny travel memes - LOLs guaranteed! #travel #funny #meme

Don’t call. Don’t email. The fun starts now.

Me Leaving For Work The Day Before Vacation

55 funny travel memes - LOLs guaranteed! #travel #funny #meme

See you suckers.

When You Leave Work to Start Your Vacation

55 funny travel memes - LOLs guaranteed! #travel #funny #meme

Boom shackalaka boom.

We So Excited!

55 funny travel memes - LOLs guaranteed! #travel #funny #meme

And we just can’t hide it.

That Smug Holiday Feeling

55 funny travel memes - LOLs guaranteed! #travel #funny #meme

Rather me than you. #sorrynotsorry

Freedom, Sweet Freedom

55 funny travel memes - LOLs guaranteed! #travel #funny #meme

The reward for hard work and perseverance is vacation.

Strollin’ Straight Outta Work Like

55 funny travel memes - LOLs guaranteed! #travel #funny #meme

Sayonara B*tches, It’s Vacay Time

55 funny travel memes - LOLs guaranteed! #travel #funny #meme

*tries to look sad but just can’t*

Funny Travel Memes That Obsessive Travellers Can Relate To

When people hassle you for travelling too much (as if that’s a thing).

55 hilarious travel memes to inspire wanderlust and adventure #travel #funnymemes #memes

My lovely family often blames me for travelling too much.

They always keep telling me why do I need to travel so much.

And when will I do all the normal things that ‘normal’ girls of my age do (Earlier it was marriage, now that I am already married, it has come down to having kids!).

Now both mine and my husband’s side of the family thinks I am obsessed with travelling. And whenever they tell me this, I roll my eyes and reply that I could have been a serial killer or drug addict.

And the irony is that I had started travelling as a kid with my parents and extended family of uncles and aunts!

Amrita, Tale of 2 Backpackers , Instagram

When You Love to Travel but your Bank Account is Cryin’ For Help

55 hilarious travel memes to inspire wanderlust and adventure #travel #funnymemes #memes

I picked this meme because not only is always appropriate to include High School Musical references, but also because it rings true as an ever-present struggle for many keen travellers.

Jetting off to new and exciting places can be expensive at the best of times, so when you’re constantly prowling Skyscanner for the next best deal your bank account is the first to suffer!

The play-off between the need to see the world and the need to sustain a living is a tough one, but as anyone who loves travel will tell you, you make it work somehow!

Suzy, Suzy Stories , Twitter

Babies or Travel? Travel.

55 hilarious travel memes to inspire wanderlust and adventure #travel #funnymemes #memes

What do we say to having babies? Not today!

This meme describes me in so many ways! I caught myself staring at my world map with the same interest my girl friends look at baby photos.

Okay, I’m closer to the 30s than to the 20s, but still…look at this map again.

There are so many places out there to explore! So, nope, not today.

Bruna, Maps ‘N Bags –   Facebook

Things I Like As Much as Travelling

55 hilarious travel memes to inspire wanderlust and adventure #travel #funnymemes #memes

I’m obsessed with travelling? Don’t know what you mean.

How I Choose My Next Travel Destination

55 hilarious travel memes to inspire wanderlust and adventure #travel #funnymemes #memes

If Traveling Was Free…

55 hilarious travel memes to inspire wanderlust and adventure #travel #funnymemes #memes

You’d never see me again. Joking!*

*not joking.

The Vacation You Want Vs. The One You Get

55 hilarious travel memes to inspire wanderlust and adventure #travel #funnymemes #memes

I’m totally OK with it. No, really.

The Beach is Calling

55 hilarious travel memes to inspire wanderlust and adventure #travel #funnymemes #memes

And I must go. My mother taught me good manners.

Vacation Mode. Check!

55 hilarious travel memes to inspire wanderlust and adventure #travel #funnymemes #memes

Turn on the happiness. Turn off the emails.

Did Someone Say Vacation? One Second…

55 hilarious travel memes to inspire wanderlust and adventure #travel #funnymemes #memes

OK, I’m ready.

Travelling is My Favourite!

55 funny travel memes that are so true it hurts. The adventure and hilarious side of vacations, then the sadness of going back to work... #funnymemes #travel #memes

I’d be a lot richer if that wasn’t true.

Funny Vacation Memes

When you’ve planned everything and your partner throws a curveball.

55 funny travel memes that are so true it hurts. The adventure and hilarious side of vacations, then the sadness of going back to work... #funnymemes #travel #memes

I love planning trips.  I find it fun, rewarding, and relaxing.  

I have all the hallmarks of a Type-A personality, however my husband loves chaos and ruining our travel plans.  

I still love planning, but he definitely loves to laugh a bit too evilly whenever he puts a kink into my perfectly planned road trips.

Karen, Wanderlusting K – Facebook

Throw A Pin on the Map? Maybe Not….

55 funny travel memes that are so true it hurts. The adventure and hilarious side of vacations, then the sadness of going back to work... #funnymemes #travel #memes

I found this meme on Pinterest years ago and have kept it in my “Humor” board ever since.

While I love the idea of just winging it and throwing a dart anywhere at a map, it’s also ironic because 70% of our world is covered by water.

So this meme just puts it into perspective how much we take the ocean and travel for granted. It also makes me laugh every time I see it and show it to people!

Natasha, The World Pursuit , Facebook

When It Turns Out to Be More of a Challenge than you Expected

55 funny travel memes that are so true it hurts. The adventure and hilarious side of vacations, then the sadness of going back to work... #funnymemes #travel #memes

This cycling meme particularly appeals to me, because I do a lot of my travel by bicycle.

I can’t mention how many times someone said the next section of road would be flat, and I ended up faced with this!

I think the beauty of this travel meme though, is that it is symbolic of any type of travel or even your journey through life.

Dave, Dave’s Travel Pages , Facebook

Escape Them All!

55 funny travel memes that are so true it hurts. The adventure and hilarious side of vacations, then the sadness of going back to work... #funnymemes #travel #memes

Just me, myself and I.

It’s Not My Problem Because… Vacation

55 funny travel memes that are so true it hurts. The adventure and hilarious side of vacations, then the sadness of going back to work... #funnymemes #travel #memes

Didn’t you get the memo? I’ll switch into give a sh*t mode in exactly two weeks.

Hi, My Name is…. And I’m an Overpacker

55 funny travel memes that are so true it hurts. The adventure and hilarious side of vacations, then the sadness of going back to work... #funnymemes #travel #memes

Well, you never know what might happen right!

Stop. Taking. Pictures. Dammit.

55 travel memes for your next vacations. Work, adventure, lol, repeat. That's life. Don't miss them #wanderlust #travel #traveling #memes

You said a holiday, not a fashion shoot.

Work? What’s Work?

55 travel memes for your next vacations. Work, adventure, lol, repeat. That's life. Don't miss them #wanderlust #travel #traveling #memes

Is it a Mimosa? No. Well I’m Not Interested Then.

Best Vacation Ever Memes

We are going to have so much fun.

55 travel memes for your next vacations. Work, adventure, lol, repeat. That's life. Don't miss them #wanderlust #travel #traveling #memes

As if our lives depended on it.

When You Maybe Shared Too Much on Social…

55 travel memes for your next vacations. Work, adventure, lol, repeat. That's life. Don't miss them #wanderlust #travel #traveling #memes

Oh, I mean, I thought I only put up a couple. Too many?

When You Are Having the Best Vacation And Your Heart is Filled With Generosity Instead of The Standard Lead

55 travel memes for your next vacations. Work, adventure, lol, repeat. That's life. Don't miss them #wanderlust #travel #traveling #memes

I feel alive! Is this what happiness feels like? Here, have some. 

Long Haul Flight Memes + Airport Travel Memes

The joy of getting a row to yourself.

55 travel memes for your next vacations. Work, adventure, lol, repeat. That's life. Don't miss them #wanderlust #travel #traveling #memes

Travel can be so stressful and flights are certainly no fun fair with security lines, all that waiting around and the thought of spending hours in a cramped seat with total strangers sitting just a bit too close.

But what if some magic meant you had a spare seat on the plane or even better two!

This meme perfectly sums up the mix of happiness and relief of a full row to yourself on an aeroplane.  

After all the stress of the airport, that extra leg space or perhaps nap space will definitely result in the happy seal face!

Kirstin, The Tinberry Travels , Instagram

The Ridiculous Overweight Baggage Charade

55 travel memes for your next vacations. Work, adventure, lol, repeat. That's life. Don't miss them #wanderlust #travel #traveling #memes

I find this travel meme hilarious in the way it states the obvious.

Having to unpack and repack my stuff into a different bag that goes on the same plane just doesn’t add up, does it?

I love it when some airlines aren’t really that strict about checking the weight of your carry-on, but the ones that insist on doing so and then making people unpack and repack – it’s a hassle that travellers could do without.

I like how this meme puts across this issue that most travellers face at some point.

Namita, Radically Ever After , Instagram

Weird Thoughts From 36,000 Ft

55 travel memes for your next vacations. Work, adventure, lol, repeat. That's life. Don't miss them #wanderlust #travel #traveling #memes

If you have been on a plane before, you know that it can be a frustrating and exhausting experience.

You don’t really realize how much time you spend aimlessly scrolling through newsfeeds and texting your friends.

If this meme doesn’t speak to you on a spiritual level, I don’t know what does!

I always find myself counting the seats on a plane or tapping incessantly when the boredom hits while on a long haul flight.

This meme reminds me that I am not the only flier who thinks about some, well, interesting things while they fly.

Weird things happen when you’re stuck in a metal tube with a million other people.

Bailey, The Gay Globetrotter – Facebook

Adulting the Sh*t Outta Life

55 travel memes for your next vacations. Work, adventure, lol, repeat. That's life. Don't miss them #wanderlust #travel #traveling #memes

I have a little bit of a reputation for being a hot mess.

Although I’ve made it to 30+ countries relatively unscathed, I usually do lose a passport, forget essentials like underwear or just plain miss the flight.

I connect with this meme practically on a spiritual level because, like success kid, I feel victories in the little things when it comes to travel.

That’s why I now pack two or three spare batteries instead of one!

Eileen from Pure Wander

What Happened Along the Way?

55 funny travel memes that are so true it hurts. The adventure and hilarious side of vacations, then the sadness of going back to work... #funnymemes #travel #memes

When I was a child, I was fascinated with planes. Flying and being pampered while in the air! Maybe it was as I was a kid, I was happy to get what I could .

With the increase in carriers over the years, I’ve realized how things have gone downhill!

Gone are the days where flying is only for professionals, the cheaper flying gets, the quality of services being provided falls further!

Lavinia, Continent Hop , Instagram  

Will Wake for Food

55 travel memes for your next vacations. Work, adventure, lol, repeat. That's life. Don't miss them #wanderlust #travel #traveling #memes

Don’t you dare wake me because you need to go to the loo. Emergencies and food only.  

Cheeky Babies Be Like..

55 travel memes for your next vacations. Work, adventure, lol, repeat. That's life. Don't miss them #wanderlust #travel #traveling #memes

My evil work is done for the day.

Comfort. What’s That?

55 travel memes for your next vacations. Work, adventure, lol, repeat. That's life. Don't miss them #wanderlust #travel #traveling #memes

It’s a good thing I actually love confined spaces.

Rolls Eyes and Thinks Bad Thoughts

55 travel memes for your next vacations. Work, adventure, lol, repeat. That's life. Don't miss them #wanderlust #travel #traveling #memes

Houston, we have a clapper. Send help.

Thoughtful Travel Memes

The only thing you buy that makes you richer.

55 travel memes for your next vacations. Work, adventure, lol, repeat. That's life. Don't miss them #wanderlust #travel #traveling #memes

Travel always had a positive effect on my life and I cherish the fact that I have been born to travel and I consider myself very fortunate to be able to travel.

‘Travel is the only thing you buy,that makes you richer’ is my favorite travel meme.

Everything in this world is temporary but the learnings,teachings that we gain from travelling stays with us.

It enriches your life as you come to know about other religions, people’s characters, their lifestyle and way of communicating.

I have gained a lot from traveling.

Somnath, Travel Crusade , Facebook

Travel Buddy Memes

When your friends bail on you and you’re left flying solo.

55 travel memes for your next vacations. Work, adventure, lol, repeat. That's life. Don't miss them #wanderlust #travel #traveling #memes

I chose this travel meme since this is one of the reasons I started traveling solo.

I was tired of friends cancelling and rescheduling travel plans. I realised that life is too short to be dependent on anyone else.

I would prefer doing something that I love on my own rather than waiting for people who may or may not join.

Soumya, Travel, Books and Food , Instagram

Sure, You’re Coming Travelling With Me (ROFL)

55 travel memes for your next vacations. Work, adventure, lol, repeat. That's life. Don't miss them #wanderlust #travel #traveling #memes

Oh this old charade again… why you lying for?

You, You’re PERFECT

55 funny travel memes that are so true it hurts. The adventure and hilarious side of vacations, then the sadness of going back to work... #funnymemes #travel #memes

I want you to travel with me everywhere all the time.

Digital Nomad Memes

Perception vs reality.

55 funny travel memes that are so true it hurts. The adventure and hilarious side of vacations, then the sadness of going back to work... #funnymemes #travel #memes

I love this meme about being a digital nomad.

Although many people think being a digital nomad is a glamorous lifestyle of lying by the beach during the day and partying at night, the reality is much different.

Most of us spend all of our time in front of our laptops working and, like the final picture shows, are often working so late that we crash out in front of it.  

James, Portugalist , Facebook

Moving Abroad Travel Memes

When i follow my heart i wake up in bali.

55 funny travel memes that are so true it hurts. The adventure and hilarious side of vacations, then the sadness of going back to work... #funnymemes #travel #memes

Bali is one place that has truly stolen my heart and I am at my happiest when I wake up in Bali.

The Balinese and their beautiful culture make me so appreciative of life. Their smiles and generosity  is something that Western society can learn a lot from.

Kate, Rolling Along with Kids – Facebook

And… When It’s All Over. Back to Work After Vacation Memes

My vacation is over tomorrow.

55 funny travel memes that are so true it hurts. The adventure and hilarious side of vacations, then the sadness of going back to work... #funnymemes #travel #memes

Can I pull a sickie?

The Worst Thing About Going on Holiday…

55 funny travel memes that are so true it hurts. The adventure and hilarious side of vacations, then the sadness of going back to work... #funnymemes #travel #memes

I always knew it was going to happen but I didn’t expect it to feel this bad.

I Don’t Want to go Back to Work!!!

55 funny travel memes that are so true it hurts. The adventure and hilarious side of vacations, then the sadness of going back to work... #funnymemes #travel #memes

Endless exclamation marks cannot emphasise this point enough.

Seventh Level of Hell

55 funny travel memes that are so true it hurts. The adventure and hilarious side of vacations, then the sadness of going back to work... #funnymemes #travel #memes

They’re one and the same really.

This One Time At Band Camp, Ahem In Europe

55 funny travel memes that are so true it hurts. The adventure and hilarious side of vacations, then the sadness of going back to work... #funnymemes #travel #memes

My trip changed me in so many ways. It was life-changing.

Everyone should live abroad at some point. You wouldn’t understand though. Nevermind. One day you will be as wise as me.

Back From Holiday. Sigh. Select All. Delete.

55 funny travel memes that are so true it hurts. The adventure and hilarious side of vacations, then the sadness of going back to work... #funnymemes #travel #memes

When you delete all your emails because you’re so raging about being back at work.

Boss Sees You Come Back From Holiday Like

55 funny travel memes that are so true it hurts. The adventure and hilarious side of vacations, then the sadness of going back to work... #funnymemes #travel #memes

Oh goody, the fun dementor is here to ruin my life.

So, there we are, 55 travel and vacation memes to inspire your next trip. Which was your fave?

Read more travel inspiration…

  • 100+ cool travel quotes to fuel your wanderlust
  • The best travel and journey quotes to inspire your next trip 
  • The ultimate travel bucket list
  • 61 Cool Adventure Quotes to fire your imagination

I’m Julianna Barnaby - a professional travel writer and geek extraordinaire. I started The Discoveries Of to help you to discover the best of new destinations from around the world.

Discovering new places is a thrill - whether it’s close to home, a new country or continent, I write to help you explore more and explore differently.

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Hahaha! I almost fell off my chair laughing at these! Spot on!

Really glad you like them Bea – they certainly made me chortle as I was writing the piece 😀

This is such a hilarious post! Love each of these and can ofcourse relate with them!

Really glad to hear! Thanks for your contribution – gotta love a good meme!

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