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Offbeat Little Rann of Kutch Safari – Wild Ass & Flamingos

Little Rann Of Kutch Safari

The Little Rann of Kutch safari in Gujarat, India is a thrilling and unique experience in which you get to see the rare Indian wild ass in its natural habitat.

Little Rann Of Kutch Safari

Are you passionate about wildlife? Then the Little Rann of Kutch Safari is something that you simply cannot afford to miss, when in Gujarat , India. We experienced the thrill of the Little Rann of Kutch Safari and found the experience unique, and unlike any other of our wildlife experiences.

There are two factors that make the Little Rann of Kutch experience different from anything that you may have experienced. One is the terrain; you travel in a jeep across the salt marshes of the Little Rann that lies barren, bereft of any vegetation for miles together. The second factor is that you are not after wild animals like tigers or lions or gorillas , but hope to sight wild asses!

Table of Contents

Little Rann of Kutch Safari – In Search of Wild Asses

If you are wondering, what is the big deal about wild asses, then think again. The Little Rann of Kutch is the last refuge of the Indian Wildass , also referred to as Khur or Ghudkhur . Just like the Asiatic Lion, the Indian Wildass too has found sanctuary in the state of Gujarat and this is the only place in the world where you get to see this species.

infographic_wild ass

The Indian Wildass was listed as near threatened by the International Union For Conservation of Nature (IUCN) . In the sixties, the population had dwindled to below the 1,00o mark. The good news is that the Indian Wild Ass has been rescued from the brink of extinction through the sustained efforts of all stakeholders. The latest census put the population of the Indian Wild Ass to around 6.000.

The Wild Ass is part of the Horse family and possesses a rare beauty and grace. It is tall, about a metre high at the shoulders and possesses a shiny coat of white and chestnut. The Wild Ass is also very agile and fast, as we saw on our Little Rann of Kutch Safar.

This underlines the importance of the Little Rann of Kutch and its star inhabitant, the Indian Wild Ass. So if you want to see the Indian Wild Ass galloping in its natural habitat, you must embark on a Little Rann of Kutch Safari .

About Little Rann of Kutch Gujarat | Little Rann of Kutch Sanctuary

The Rann of Kutch, Great Rann of Kutch , Little Rann of Kutch, if you are confused about these terms and what they actually refer to, fret not, we will demystify and clarify these terms here.

Little Rann of Kutch Gujarat

Rann of Kutch is a vast expanse of salt marshes with an area of about 26,000 square kilometres, that lie between the borders of two countries, India and Pakistan. The Rann of Kutch is located majorly in the state of Gujarat in the district of Kutch. Some parts of the salt marshes extend into the neighbouring country of Pakistan. The Rann of Kutch comprises the Little Rann of Kutch and the Great Rann of Kutch.

Great Rann of Kutch is the largest mass of the Rann of Kutch and spans from east to west. It is bounded by the Thar Desert towards the north and the hills of Kutch towards the south. The delta formed by the Indus river lies towards the west in what is Southern Pakistan.

Little Rann of Kutch

Little Rann of Kutch is a part of the Rann of Kutch and covers a massive area of about 4,950 square kilometres . It has a unique landscape that comprises salt flats, marshes, lakes, and desert grasslands. The Wild Ass Sanctuary which is one of the largest wildlife sanctuaries in India lies within the Little Rann of Kutch and is probably one of its kind in the world.

Experiencing The Desert Safari At Little Rann Of Kutch

Little Rann of Kutch Gujarat

It was still dark as we braced against the chill December wind and huddled into our jeeps at the Rann Riders where we had checked in the previous night. The jeeps were taking us on what promised to be a thrilling desert safari in pursuit of the Indian Wild Ass and more.

We drove on in pitch darkness and passed a village that lay on the fringes of the salt desert. The first light was just beginning to drive away from the darkness when we left civilization far behind and drove towards the open desert. The landscape that greeted us was, to say the least, surreal.

Little Rann of Kutch Sanctuary

The ground below the wheels of the jeep was cracked and dry. It stretched in all directions, as far as the eye could see. The cracks in the ground had created a quaint lattice design that had a geometric perfection engineered by nature.

Little Rann of Kutch Gujarat

The brown, cracked earth seemed to stretch towards the horizon on all sides, completely bare, but for a few thorny shrubs here and there. There was however a strange beauty to the wilderness that surrounded us on all sides. As we drove on and on, we wondered at the survival skills and resilience of the animals and birds that survived in such harsh terrain.

Spotting Migratory Birds In Kutch | Birding At Little Rann Of Kutch Sanctuary

Little Rann of Kutch Sanctuary

As we drove on, we could see mirages that deceived the eye, but eventually, there was a dramatic change in the landscape. We stopped on the edge of a lake. The approach to the lake is surrounded by wet and sticky earth. As we got nearer to the water, our feet sank into the marshy soil. Hundreds of birds roosted on the waters of the lake, known as Nava Talav.

Little Rann of Kutch Sanctuary

It is really amazing to note that the desolate and arid salt marshes of the Rann of Kutch are a biodiversity hotspot and home to many species of local and migratory waterbirds . The birds that can be spotted in the seasonal lakes of the Little Rann of Kutch include Flamingoes, Cranes, Pelicans, Ducks , etc.

Little Rann of Kutch Sanctuary

The clear waters of the lake reflected the colourful and delicate bodies of a fleet of flamingoes, which took flight gracefully, sensing our approach. The flight of the flamingoes coincided with the rising of the sun, and it was a beautiful sight. Some other birds stood in a group on the surface of the water, but we could not go nearer as our feet were sinking into the marshy soil.

Little Rann of Kutchh

We retreated, dragging our muddy boots to firmer land, satisfied with whatever photos that we could take with the equipment that we had. However, the beauty of the birds and their reflections in the water contrasting with the starkly bare land was captured for eternity in our hearts and minds. After spending some time in what was literally the middle of nowhere, we made our way to our next stop at the Little Rann of Kutch Safari.

Little Rann Of Kutch Salt Pans | Salt Farming

Little Rann of Kutch Gujarat

The vast area of the Little Rann of Kuch is dotted with patches that transform into white salt pans during the season. Salt farming or Salt panning is the main source of income for the local inhabitants for a major part of the year .

Little Rann of Kutchh

We stopped at one such location which was a salt farm, it was a water body from which salt would be harvested. The reflection of the early morning sun gleamed in the waters which in course of time metamorphosed into salt that would ultimately reach our homes.

Little Rann of Kutchh

The local family who lived nearby were kind enough to offer us black tea, which we gladly accepted. Sipping the tea and relishing its flavour in the midst of the wilderness of the Little Rann of Kutch was an altogether different experience.

Sighting The Indian Wild Ass (Khur)

Little Rann of Kutchh

Fortified with cups of steaming hot, black tea, we resumed our Little Rann of Kutch jeep safari. We sped away into the arms of the wide expanse of the barren desert that seemed to stretch to infinity, all around us. We were now excited to see the Wild Asses , the reason for which we were there. We drove on and on, the sun slowly but steadily rose up in the sky, and suddenly our jeep came to a standstill.

Wild Ass at Little Rann of Kutch

There they were, a herd of wild asses, about 8-10 0f them, walking sedately, their shining white coats speckled with chestnut-coloured skin perfectly camouflaging them against the brown of the earth. The herd had split into two groups.

Wild Ass at Little Rann of Kutch

The lead group was a few metres away from the stragglers that included what looked like a foal. They instinctively realized our presence, even though our jeeps were parked at a distance. The stragglers immediately broke into a gallop to join the lead group, and away they galloped, their sinuous grace, that was sheer poetry in motion.

We stood still, our gaze transfixed towards the direction where these beautiful creatures disappeared behind a cloud of dust. As always these wild and free creatures, and their inherent beauty, made us think of the Maker, who has created this beautiful world and the lovely creatures that inhabit it.

Little Rann of Kutch Sanctuary

It was time to head back with the sun steadily rising towards its pinnacle. But what a day it had been, a day well spent in the expansive arms of nature at the Little Rann of Kuchh. It was a safari that would remain entrenched in our minds for a long, long time.

Watch Video of Little Rann of Kutch Safari

Watch the video of our experience of the Little Rann of Kutch here .

How To Get To Little Rann Of Kutch Wildlife Sanctuary

Little Rann of Kutchh

  • The Little Rann of Kutch is located near the village of Dasada in Western Gujarat, India
  • Distance from Ahmedabad to Little Rann Of Kutch is about 167 kilometres
  • Distance from Bhuj to Little Rann Of Kutch is about 330 kilometres

Little Rann Of Kutch Map

Little Rann Of Kutch Map

Getting To Little Rann of Kutch By Air

The nearest airport to the Little Rann of Kachh is the Sardar Vallabhbhai International Airport in Ahmedabad, located at a distance of about 174 kilometres. You can fly to Ahmedabad from almost any city in India and then travel by road to the Little Rann of Kutch.

Getting To Little Rann of Kutch By Rail

The nearest railway station is Dhrangadhra in Surendranagar District. The Railway station is about 70 kilometres from Dasada and about 124 kilometres from the Little Rann of Kutch. Trains to and from Mumbai , Howrah, Bangalore , Bhuj, Pune, and other cities are available from Dhrangadhra railway station.

Getting To Little Rann of Kutch By Road

Little Rann of Kutch is well connected by road to major places in Gujarat. You can drive down easily from Ahmedabad to the Little Rann of Kutch or use the services of Public transport.

f you are planning to travel to Little Rann of Kutch, you can book your flight tickets right here through TripAdvisor or  CheapAir  or  Cleartrip  or  Makemytrip  or  Priceline and fly to Ahmedabad. If you are thinking of a  road trip  from Ahmedabad, do check out the rental car and bus options.

You can book hotels for any destination right here through any of the below options:  TripAdvisor  or  Cleartrip or  Makemytrip  or  Priceline  and save a lot by getting the best deals on booking your stay.

Little Rann Of Kutch Resorts | Little Rann Of Kutch Hotels

Rann Riders Little Rann of Kutch Gujarat

There are few hotels near Little Rann Of Kutch. Our Little Rann Of Kutch Stay was very comfortable. We stayed at the Rann Riders, which is a beautiful resort, right on the edge of the Wild Ass Sanctuary. The resort is seamlessly integrated with its surroundings and makes for a pleasant stay.

They also organize the Little Rann of Kutch Safari and can take care of your Little Rann Of Kutch Safari Booking. They offer excellent service. You can book your stay at the Rann Riders or any other hotel of your choice right here.

You can book Hotels in Little Rann Of Kutch or any destination right here through any of the options below: TripAdvisor  or  Cleartrip or  Makemytrip  or  Priceline  and save a lot by getting the best deals on booking your stay.

Tips For Visiting Indian Wild Ass Sanctuary – Little Rann Of Kutch, Gujarat

Little Rann of Kutch

If you are thinking of what to know before you go to the Rann Of Kutch Wildlife Sanctuary, here are some important tips and information that will stand you in good stead.

  • Start your safari early morning as this increases your chances of sighting and you also get to enjoy the sunrise and spot birds
  • As it nears afternoon, it gets quite hot with the sun blazing, hence an early morning safari is recommended
  • Pay attention to your footwear, especially if you are going to walk in the marshy land
  • Protect yourself from the cold and the sun, make sure to pack some woollens, caps, shades, and sun-protection cream

FAQ About LRK Wildlife Sanctuary

Little Rann of Kutch

Here is a list of questions and answers that will help you plan your trip to LRK and Rann safari better. These questions cover a gamut of topics ranging from LRK wildlife, migratory birds in Kutch, Little Rann Of Kutch salt, and much more.

Is Rann of Kutch a wildlife sanctuary? No Rann of Kutch is not a wildlife sanctuary, the Little Rann of Kutch is home to one of the largest wildlife sanctuaries in India.

What is the Speciality of Little Rann of Kutch? The Little Rann Of Kutch is home to the Indian Wild Ass.

Which animal is found only in Little Rann of Kutch of India? The Indian Wild Ass is also known as Khur or Ghudkhur.

Which bird migrate to Little Rann of Kutch? Flamingoes migrate to the Little Rann of Kuch for breeding.

What are the things to do in the Little Rann of Kutch? Little Rann Of Kutch Wildlife Location In India, Asia, is known for its Wild Ass Sanctuary, where the Asiatic Wild Ass can be found. The other thing to see are the salt flats of Little Rann Of Kutch where the Salt Farmers work for their livelihood, making salt. Flamingoes and other migratory birds are another attraction of Little Rann Of Kutch, Gujarat Tourism.

How To Visit Little Rann Of Kutch? Ahmedabad To Rann Of Kutch distance is about 167 kilometres, and you can easily access Little Rann of Kutch by road from here.

What are the Little Rann Of Kutch Safari entry fees? If you are staying at a resort nearby, you need to contact the hotel for arranging your safari.

If you love nature and wildlife, then there is no greater joy than watching animals in the wild. Sighting the Indian wild ass in the desolate and arid salt desert of the Little Rann of Kutch is definitely one of our most cherished wildlife experiences. We hope you liked reading our Little Rann of Kutch blog post, and are rearing to head off to the Wild Ass sanctuary to experience for yourself the wild beauty of the Rann.

Subscribe to our blog to be the first to know when we publish our next travel story. Also, connect with us on our social media channels.

Our visit to Little Rann of Kutch, Gujarat was part of a familiarization trip organized by India Tourism Mumbai – Ministry of Tourism, Government of India  and  Gujarat Tourism  under the #DekhoApnaDesh initiative. The views and opinions expressed in this blog post are our own. #LittleRannofKutch #WildAss #WildAssSanctuary #Gujarat #GujaratTourism

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17 thoughts on “offbeat little rann of kutch safari – wild ass & flamingos”.

Wow! what a fun time exploring. I love your photos, and while I know I won’t travel far away from my home of the Northeast in USA, I do love seeing the photos of my friends who travel. Thanks for sharing this about the safari!

This would be a gorgeous safari to do. It’s on my bucket list! I love your photos.

That looks like so much fun. I’ve always wanted to go on a safari.

I would love to go on this safari with my family. I think the kids would love it.

First time I have heard about the place. I haven’t been to any desert (yet) but this one looks like a really interesting place for a safari. The flamingos are really pretty!

I hadn’t thought to do a safari outside of Africa, but now this seems like a better idea. Loving the photos.

The Little Rann of Kutch Safari looks like a pretty amazing experience, I would love to visit with family.

Wow! That is absolutely amazing! I’m surely going to add this to my bucket list! This is so perfect

I have never been on a safari before, and this sounds like an amazing experience. Love the cracked salt flats.

Rann of Kutch is in my bucket list and I wish to checkout the wild sanctuary and the magnetic field thing.

I would love visit Kutch Safari some time. When I next time plan a trip to India.

What a big post on Little Rann of Kutch! The Wild Ass Sanctuary was a surprise indeed. Rann Rider I see has bhungas from Kutch! Lucky you!

All of these locations beautifully encapsulate local culture and are intertwined with historical significance. Beautiful sight to see the Sun setting and migratory birds through your photos.

An amazing safari here in India! My husband who is a complete wildlife safari freak would love it. And I didn’t know that little damn of kutch has such amazing animals to see

I have heard a lot of about this place . I would love to go on this safari with my family. I think the kids would love it.

From a long time Raan of Kutch has been in my bucket list and I want to go there soon. 1stly coz we come from Kutch, it’s our ancestors place but now we have no one there but I wish to visit it once. And the Raan and the safari are a wonderful experience not worth missing.

I did not know about this wild ass sanctuary near Kutch. What a shame! I would have loved it. Also, I have seen flamingos in Gujarat but not here. I did not know that as well. Both would have made the highlight of my trip. I am so sad. Anyway, I know there is always next time.

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Thrilling Travel

A guide to the Little Rann of Kutch Safari in the Indian Wild Ass Sanctuary

It is not uncommon to plan a trip to the remote Komodo islands – just to see the only surviving set of Komodo dragons. Not is it unusual to head to Australia just to cuddle a Koala . Then, why should it be different when it comes to the endangered Indian wild ass found only in the Little Rann of Kutch ! Just because they resemble the common donkey, they are not to be dismissed. Besides being the only remaining herd found in the whole of Asia, they are quite a remarkable clan that deserves a visit. And this is just one of the many reasons why you should plan the Little Rann of Kutch Safari through the Indian wild ass sanctuary in Gujarat.

Locally known as Khur, the Indian Wild Ass are only seen during the Little Rann of Kutch safari

Besides the endangered Asian Wild Ass animal , there is plenty more that enamored me about the Indian wild ass sanctuary. For one, it is a paradise for birding with tons of native and migratory birds including various species of flamingoes . The unique desert-salt marsh habitat gave me a very different safari experience from the others like Pench , Kanha and Kabini . It is this that I will be sharing in this guide to the Little Rann of Kutch sanctuary along with lots of insider tips.

I will begin this blog post with an introduction to this Kutch wildlife sanctuary in Gujarat and then follow it up with information that you will need to plan a jeep safari here. This includes the various entry points for the Indian Wildlife Sanctuary, best time to visit, what you can expect to see there, the Little Rann of Kutch safari timings and prices and how to get there . I have also, shared various options for accommodation in the Little Rann of Kutch as well as nearby places to visit.

Quick links for the Rann of Kutch trip

In case you are looking for some quick links to the stays and tours of the various places in Kutch , you can consider using these online options.

  •  has several good Kutch hotels listed on their site. You could use  this link  to browse and book the same.
  • GetYourGuide  has various local tours and car bookings available that you can use to explore Gujarat. In fact, you can book a   3-Day Little Rann of Kutch Private Wildlife Tour from Ahmedabad   using the link given.
  • Private Heritage Trail Tour of Bhuj
  • Day Excursion to Little Rann Of Kutch from Ahmedabad
  • Bhuj to White Rann of Kutch   tour
  • Multi-Day Tour to Dholavira and Rann of Kutch
  • Bhuj, Rann of Kutch & Mandvi Beach – The Art, Craft & Nature Tour of Gujarat
  • For any of your travel needs or general shopping, consider using  Amazon  through  this link.
  • 1 What is the Little Rann of Kutch, Gujarat?
  • 2 About the Indian Wild Ass Sanctuary
  • 3 Which is the best gate for the Little Rann of Kutch Safari?
  • 4 How to book the Indian Wild Ass Sanctuary Safari?
  • 5 How are the Little Rann of Kutch permits priced?
  • 6 What are the Little Rann of Kutch safari timings?
  • 7.1.1 Indian wild ass
  • 7.1.2 Deer and Antelopes
  • 7.1.3 Other mammals in the Little Rann of Kutch Sanctuary
  • 7.2.1 Flamingoes
  • 7.2.2 Cranes
  • 7.2.3 Bar-headed geese
  • 7.2.4 White Pelican
  • 7.2.5 Painted storks
  • 7.2.6 Peregrine Falcons
  • 7.2.7 Other birds of LRK
  • 8 What is the best way to visit the Little Rann of Kutch sanctuary?
  • 9 Where can you stay in the Little Rann of Kutch Gujarat?
  • 10 What are the other places to visit in the Little Rann of Kutch?
  • 11 Additional tips for the jeep safari in the Little Rann of Kutch
  • 12.1 What is the best time to visit LRK?
  • 12.2 How many days are enough for the Little Rann of Kutch?

What is the Little Rann of Kutch, Gujarat?

The Little Rann of Kutch Map

Rann essentially refers to a desert and in this case, it is the large expanse of salt desert in the Kutch region of Gujarat. The 26,000 sq km of land is further divided into the Great Rann of Kutch and the Little Rann of Kutch . The Great Rann of Kutch as the name suggests is the larger part of this Rann and in fact, the biggest salt desert in the world. It primarily consists of salt marshes and wetlands.

One of the smaller bets of the Little Rann of Kutch

The Little Rann of Kutch (LRK) occupies 5000 sq km north east of the Great Rann and is spread over five major districts of Gujarat – Morbi, Surendranagar, Patan, Banaskantha and Kutch. It consists of 74 small islands or plateaus called bets and the Banni grassland region . During monsoons, most of this area gets submerged in water and the bets which are essentially highlands become a sanctuary for the diverse wildlife. Post monsoons, the water evaporates and the rest of the soil cracks to form the dry barren landscape that you will see when you embark on your Little Rann of Kutch safari.

The White Rann of Kutch - one of the best places to see in Kutch Gujarat

Curious about the Great Rann of Kutch and the other places to see around that? Check this mega travel guide out

About the Indian Wild Ass Sanctuary

The Flamingos at the Indian Wild Ass Sanctuary, Gujarat

The Little Rann of Kutch is famous for the Indian wild ass sanctuary. In fact, it is almost synonymous with the Wild Ass Wildlife Sanctuary. – which incidentally is the 15th biosphere in India . This Kutch desert wildlife sanctuary was established in 1972 primarily to protect the endangered Indian Wild Ass. Besides – in addition to being a haven for several other interesting critters. One estimate submitted to the UNESCO World Heritage organization states that there are at least 70,000 – 75,000 birds spotted here. No wonder this Kutch wildlife sanctuary is a paradise for birders!

Which is the best gate for the Little Rann of Kutch Safari?

Bajana Wildlife Sanctuary gate

There are two main entrances for the Little Rann of Kutch safari – Bajana and Dhrangadhra . The distance between these two gates is approximately 50 km. Both the gates offer an equal opportunity of sighting the Indian Wild Ass animal.

The Bajana Wildlife Sanctuary gate is ideal for birders as you encounter the marshy wetlands and the lakes which host a variety of birds. The Bajana entrance is also, close to Dasada – one of the key towns for the Little Rann of Kutch resorts. It is also close to the town of Zainabad – another hub for your stay in LRK. The Bajana gate was the one that I used for my LRK safari.

On the other hand, if you enter through the Dhrangadhra gate , you will be able to experience the local tribe Agariyas working on the salt fields – all of which are the world’s third largest producer of salt.

How to book the Indian Wild Ass Sanctuary Safari?

The Little Rann of Kutch jeep safari can be arrange by the resort that you stay in

Quite unlike the other safaris that I have done in Pench , Kabini , or Tadoba, there is no online option for the Little Rann of Kutch safari booking. You have to get your permits at either Bajana or Dhrangadhra gates of the Kutch wild ass sanctuary.  Most travelers opt for booking these jeep safaris through the various resorts that they stay in. These resorts often give you a combination package of stay and a safari in the Little Rann of Kutch. They even have their own jeeps and knowledgeable guides.

You can even hire private jeeps in the nearby towns like Dasada, Bajana, Zainabad and Dhrangadhra. These jeeps generally cost you INR 2000 – 3000 per safari. Alternatively, you can even drive your vehicle with the same permit that you get at the gates. Remember though that you will still need to hire an official guide at the gate.

I highly advise taking an SUV or jeep rather than the normal sedan. The reason is that the terrain includes dry and wet areas where your vehicles could get stuck. I did see some sedans making their way through the gates but I am not sure how far they reached!

How are the Little Rann of Kutch permits priced?

The Little Rann of Kutch Safari prices

The Little Rann of Kutch safari permits are charged per vehicle of 6 people. The L ittle Rann of Kutch entry fees in 2023- 24 are INR 400 for Indians and USD 40 for foreigners on weekdays . On weekends, the same increases to INR 500 for Indians and USD 50 for foreigners. Cameras are charged INR 200 per device for Indians and USD 20 for foreigners.

The pricing is discounted for groups of 15 and 50 – that is rows two and three in the picture above. Apologies for a sloppy capture but it was a tussle between time and motion in the jeep when I took this shot. In case you are taking your vehicle, then you will have to shell out INR 300 for a guide who is available at the gate. He will accompany you through your Kutch Wildlife Sanctuary safari.

What are the Little Rann of Kutch safari timings?

Cranes that you can see when you are on an Indian Wild Ass Sanctuary Safari

The Indian wild ass sanctuary is open from morning 6 am to evening 6 pm. However, note that this is only from 15 th October to 15 th June . The rest of the year, the sanctuary is closed.

You can enter the LRK sanctuary any time that you wish though as is the case with most wildlife safaris, it is best to get there in the wee hours of the morning. This is when you can get the best of the Little Rann of Kutch birding. It is also, the best time to capture other mammals and reptiles in the reserve.

What can you see during the Kutch Wild Ass Sanctuary safari?

So far my wildlife safaris have taken me into the thick of green forests, where spotting animals is definitely a challenge. This Kutch desert safari was my first wildlife experience where finding the bigger mammals and birds was relatively easy. The wide open spaces with scanty bushes and thorny trees made it difficult for these animals to hide.

That said, there were plenty of interesting smaller animals that evaded my sight – largely because they were camouflaged by the large boulders. Though a typical safari through the Dasada Wildlife Sanctuary is around 3- 4 hours , I had to cut it down to two hours owing to my travel schedule. Thankfully I did see the elusive hero herd of the Indian Wild Ass. Let me start this section with some interesting facts about them and then share the other common animals and birds that you can see.

Animals found in the Wild ass wildlife sanctuary, Gujarat

Indian wild ass.

The Indian Wild Ass is also called Ghudkhur or Onager

The scientific name for the Indian wild ass animal is Equus Hemionus Khur and locally they are referred to as Khur or Ghudkhur . The soft brown sandy animal looks more like a horse than a donkey. Scientifically they are believed to be a cross between the two. The Little Rann of Kutch is the only home of the last of these species of Asian wild ass which have some remarkable attributes.

The Indian Wild Ass animals that I saw during my safari through the Wild Ass Wildlife Sanctuary in Kutch

It wasn’t too difficult to locate the herd of Indian Wild Ass. We went past the various water bodies like Nava Talav and the Bajana creek , straight to an expanse of desert and there they were – around 20 of them in two groups – standing around looking at us with equal curiosity. They were kind of ready to charge – which honestly was a bit scary given the story that our guide shared. Check it out along with the other amazing facts about the Indian Wild Ass   –

  • The Indian wild ass can gallop at a speed of 30 kmph . In fact, for short distances, they run at a speed of 70 kmph . While explaining this, our Kutch safari guide cum driver shared an interesting tidbit – “ Sometimes when these animals run, they rake up a storm of dust. This is because the dry mud on this surface loosens up and flies out as hard-caked pellets. And if our jeep is caught in such a storm, those things can crack the entire windshield of this vehicle.” The guide smiled and informed us that it has happened once. Gulp!

The dry pellets from these fly when the Indian Wild Ass decide to kick up a storm

  • The herd used to once be found across South Pakistan, Iran and parts of Rajasthan. It was a disease called Surra that caused their near extinction. This was in 1962 and the only living herd in the Rann of Kutch shrunk to 860 animals.
  • The attempts at preservation of these rare animals have been fruitful in the Indian Wild Ass sanctuary. The count in 2020 was a whopping 6082 animals making this Indian Wild Ass wildlife reserve one of the most successful preservation efforts.
  • The Indian wild ass usually lives around the various bets or islands in the Little Rann of Kutch – especially during monsoons. Post the seasons when the landscape starts drying, they venture around. Finally, in summer, they identify a new Bet and shelter there till the monsoons are over.
  • The Indian wild ass mate in monsoons when the female separates from the herd and the males fight among themselves to establish their strength. The strongest one then retires with the female and after mating, the pair return to the herd.
  • These creatures are quite resilient – especially to the weather changes. They can endure low temperatures of 1 degree Celsius as well as heat of 50 degrees Celsius
  • The Indian wild ass is partial to the flat grass found in the Little Rann of Kutch. The grass is called morad in Gujarati.

One would assume that since they have the built of a donkey or a horse, why haven’t they been domesticated. In the words of our guide – “ These animals are really wild and have resisted domestication for centuries. They are known to kick up a storm and cause destruction if they sense harm.”  Well, that definitely explains it.

Deer and Antelopes

Sambar Deer that I spotted during my Kutch desert safari through LRK

The Little Rann of Kutch is home to a variety of deer and antelope species. In my short safari, I came across the spotted deer and sambar deer . In addition, there are chinkaras and nilgai that roam around the sanctuary. I wouldn’t have minded a glimpse of the chinkaras – who I believe are quite swift and have antlers that they do not shed. Apparently, that is what makes them different from the deer who shed their antlers every now and then.

Other mammals in the Little Rann of Kutch Sanctuary

The one animal that I was hoping to catch sight of while on the Little Rann of Kutch safari is the Desert Fox . I had seen a documentary on them earlier and they are like those cute cartoon foxes that you see on the kid’s channels. What I found the most interesting is that these creatures can live underground and often have tunnels and escape paths for security. Of course, they are quite elusive and it is a chance that you might see them during your Rann safari.

Besides these foxes, you should keep an eye out for hyenas and porcupines – the latter are often seen scurrying across the path.

Birds found in the Indian wild ass sanctuary in Kutch

The flock of flamingos over the Kutch wildlife sanctuary

If I had to highlight one bird as the hero of the birdlife in the Little Rann of Kutch, it would be the flamingo. The tall graceful beauty had me mesmerized with its lithe movements – in water and air. And when the whole flock took off, the sight it created over the water body was just dreamy.

Greater Flamingo as seen in the Wild Ass Sanctuary in Gujarat

To be honest, the first sighting of these birds was along the Road to Heaven enroute to Dholavi ra in the Great Rann of Kutch. There were a whole lot of the Greater flamingo species nesting in the brackish water. In the Little Rann of Kutch, I got to see them much closer at the Nava Talav. This is one time in your jeep safari through the Indian wild ass sanctuary that you can get off the vehicle and walk to the edge of the water body.

A caveat – the muddy surface is quite deceptive. It is hard in some parts while in the other areas, you will find your feet sinking into the soil. You can avoid these soggy parts by distinguishing them by color (they are usually darker than the hardened surface).

At the Little Rann of Kutch sanctuary, you will see two varieties of flamingoes – the Greater flamingoes which are huge and have pink beaks and the lesser flamingoes which are smaller and have brown beaks.

The White crane in flight at the Indian Wild Ass Sanctuary in Gujarat

Easily distinguished by their long necks, there are two varieties that I could see during my Indian wildass sanctuary safari. The first were the white common cranes and the 2 nd were the blackish Demoiselle cranes that fly all the way from Tibet, Siberia and Ladakh during the season.

Bar-headed geese

Bar headed geese can be spotted in the Little Rann of Kutch sanctuary

Having seen these Bar-headed geese first during my Kabini birding session , I had no problem in recognizing them. These are the other migratory birds that come from Siberia and gosh! They can really create a racket with their calls.

White Pelican

The Great white pelicans are these stately-looking birds with super long beaks. They are found along with the flamingoes in the various waterbodies inside the Little Rann of Kutch.

Painted storks

Painted stork that can be seen during a Little Rann of Kutch birding session

These guys are really a piece of art. I have seen them in practically all my safaris and even in my backyard in Bangalore and yet, I find myself awed by their beauty. Again, easy to spot among the whites and pinks of the Little Rann of Kutch.

Peregrine Falcons

The Peregrine falcon - a resident of the Indian Wild Ass Sanctuary in Little Rann of Kutch

These falcons are found sitting on the high boulders across the Little Rann of Kutch. They are quite fast and swoop down to catch their prey.

Other birds of LRK

Black cormorant in one of the many lakes in the Little Rann of Kutch

Little Rann of Kutch is well equipped for birders. Not only can you walk close to the water bodies but every now and then, you will come across watch towers and machaans for that peaceful viewing. I for one, eyed them wistfully and had I some more time, I would have returned back with better lens to capture the winged wonders.

The other interesting birds that I only got a sight of during my jeep safari in the Little Rann of Kutch included the smaller ones like babblers, bushchats, tits and shrikes. The sanctuary is also, known for its Bustard species as well as Egrets, Black cormorants and vultures. Hopefully, you will have more time and luck at your hand to spot these plus more!

One of the highlights of my birding in Kabini - the Blue eared Kingfisher

One amazing and under-rated place for birding in India is Kabini. You find such a variety – in fact, name a color and you will find a bird here. Check out the variety in this article

What is the best way to visit the Little Rann of Kutch sanctuary?

 To enter the Little Rann of Kutch sanctuary, you need to either get to Bajana gate or Dhrangadhra gate. Bajana gate is just 30 km from Dasada town and Zainabad – which have some good LRK hotels and resorts. Here is how you can get to either of these towns – Bajana, Dasada, Zainabad and Dhrangadhra for your Wild Ass wildlife sanctuary visit.

The closest airport is in Ahmedabad which is 110 km from Little Rann of Kutch. The distance takes around 2 – 3 hours by road to either of the two gates of Little Rann of Kutch. You also, have the option of traveling by train. (as explained below)

The closest railway station to Bajana and Dasada is Viramgam . It is at a distance of 30 km from both these places. Most Bajana, Zainabad and Dasada resorts offer a pick-up facility from the railway station – which is a junction with good connectivity to the key metro cities of India. Viramgam is also, connected to Bhuj in the Great Rann of Kutch. So, if you are already on a Kutch trip, this railway station will be a good way to get to the Little Rann of Kutch quickly.

Dhrangandhra on the other hand, has its own railway station that is well connected to Ahmedabad, Delhi and Mumbai.

There are regular buses from Ahmedabad to Dasada, Bajana, Zainabad and Dhrangadhra. You will reach either of these places within 3 hours by this mode of transport. Dhrangadhra by virtue of its location on the Ahmedabad-Kutch highway has a better frequency as all the buses on this highway stop at this town.

Alternatively, you can just hire one of the outstation cabs from Ahmedabad and drive down to either of the three towns. The road conditions are excellent.

Where can you stay in the Little Rann of Kutch Gujarat?

Dasada, Bajana and Dhrangadhra are your base towns for a safari in the Indian Wild Ass wildlife sanctuary. Among the various places to stay in these towns, here are the ones that are highly recommended by me and the travel community-

  • Royal Safari Camp near Bajana Wildlife Sanctuary. This is where I stayed. The resort offers a stay in traditional home settings of a kooba or a bhunga.
  • Dasada Rann Riders – a luxury stay in Dasada village. The team is renowned for their knowledgeable guides and naturalists.
  • Desert Den resort in Zainabad (Dasada Taluk) – This is run by a local family and offers activities like a Village walk in addition to the safari packages.
  • Eco Tour Camp in Dhrangadhra run by a wildlife photographer. The stay is in traditional huts called Kooba and you get a good taste of homemade food

What are the other places to visit in the Little Rann of Kutch?

There are several interesting places to visit as day trips from the Little Rann of Kutch -including a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

  • Patan  – The town is around 75 km from the Little Rann of Kutch and has a UNESCO World Heritage site – Rani ki Vav. In addition to that, you can also, stop by the famous Patan Patola Heritage Museum to see one of the most expensive heritage fabrics being woven and hear the story behind it.
  • Modhera Sun Temple – This is an engineering marvel belonging to the Solanki era. The gorgeous temple is just 45 km from the Little Rann of Kutch.
  • Nal Sarovar – another birding paradise that is 70 km from the Bajana sanctuary.
  • Piplidham in Bajana – a beautiful temple located in Bajana village
  • Zinzuwada fort ­ – Located 32 km away, these are ruins of a sandstone fort belonging to the Solanki dynasty. Closer to Dasada.
  • Ajit Niwas palace in Dhrangadhra –  The residential palace of the royal family of Dhrangadhra and still maintained by them.

Additional tips for the jeep safari in the Little Rann of Kutch

While the Little Rann of Kutch safari might not seem like your traditional jungle safaris, it is still a reserve and there are certain norms that you need to follow when you visit. It was a little appalling to see some travelers being unmindful about them. Just as a reminder, sharing some travel tips and norms that you need to follow when on a Jeep safari in the Wild Ass Wildlife sanctuary –

  • Keep the noise levels down. Observe the animals quietly without disturbing them.
  • Do not get down from the jeep unless you are allowed to by the guide. The wetland areas are the ones that are safe for you to explore by foot.
  • Switch off your mobile ringer
  • Carry enough water and light snacks when on the safari.
  • Do not wear loud colors. Stick to the muted greens, blues, greys, whites and blacks.
  • Wear proper shoes or sandals that can handle the wet soil near the lakes.
  • Carry a cap or a hat to shield yourself from the harsh sun

Other Common FAQs on the Little Rann of Kutch

What is the best time to visit lrk.

The best season to visit LRK is in winters between October to February. This is when the migratory birds arrive in the region and stay on till it starts getting hot in March. The summers are really harsh here but that also, means that you might get better sightings of the mammals during your morning safari.

How many days are enough for the Little Rann of Kutch?

While Little Rann of Kutch can be done as a day trip from Ahmedabad, I would recommend you stay here at least for one night and do two safaris to spot the best of nature that this sanctuary has to offer. Ideally 2 nights is good as you can then explore the other nearby places.

Before you go, pin this

Indian wild ass sanctuary safari

Popularly referred to as a Restless Ball of Energy. My Mom refuses to entertain my complaints about my equally restless daughter & assures my husband that I was born with a travel bug.

I am a Post-Graduate in Marketing by qualification and a travel blogger by passion. Besides travel, I enjoy photography and if you don’t find me at my desk, I would be out playing badminton or swimming or just running. I believe in planning for every long weekend through the year. And when I cannot travel physically, I travel virtually through this travel blog. My travel stories have also, got published on various websites and magazines including BBC Travel, Lonely Planet India and Jetwings. I have recently published my first book – When Places Come Alive – a collection of stories that are based on legends, landscapes, art and culture of a place which is available in both ebook and paperback format.

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2 thoughts on “A guide to the Little Rann of Kutch Safari in the Indian Wild Ass Sanctuary”

Do u recommend any tour operator for LRK

We are 2 people Want to 5 days with Nalasavor included

I have shared a few options that can be booked online. Besides these, I do not know any other operator.

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Rann Riders

Welcome to the Little Rann!

In the far west of India, wedged hard under the ribs of the subcontinent and stretching to the Western horizon and the sea beyond, are the bleached flat lands of the Rann of Kuchh – Little & Greater. This is the great salt desert famed as the last home of the Asiatic wild ass and the vast shimmering pink colonies of nesting flamingos. It is a surprisingly rich haven for both wildlife and colourful nomadic cultures, which makes a perfect setting for the curious and sensitive traveller to explore and have an unwinding adventure.

Set in a serene rural landscape near Dasada village, the resort is a lush oasis at the edge of the Little Rann of Kutch.

safari rann of kutch

Discover the area

safari rann of kutch

Experience Little Rann of Kutch with Rann Riders Dasada

Little Rann of Kutch Gujarat Tourism

Last Updated on: May 16, 2024  

About this Blog: Little Rann of Kutch (LRK) is an interesting place. Containing one of the largest wildlife sanctuaries in India, the Wild Ass Sanctuary, LRK is also known for its expansive salt pans. Read this blog to know about our visit to Little Rann of Kutch, our experience of Jeep safari and our stay at Rann Riders Dasada.

Everything looked peaceful and calm as I craned my neck to look at the pink flamingos. We could not go nearer as the land was marshy and our shoes were getting stuck in the mud. At that moment, I wished I had a binocular, so that I could see the birds closely. The sun was just peeking from the horizon and the sky had an ethereal glow to it. We were at the Wild Ass Sanctuary in Little Rann of Kutch.

Little Rann of Kutch or LKR sprawls over an area of 5000 sq km. So, it is a bit strange to think of this place as “Little”, but it actually makes sense if you consider the salt desert of Great Rann of Kutch covering an area of approximately 18000 sq km. Little indeed!

Mudflats at Little Rann of Kutch Gujarat

The word “Rann” literally means salt desert. And we could see stretches of cracked terrain in all directions. We could see a few thorny shrubs scattered around the places. The land might seem barren, but Little Rann of Kutch is definitely not, for it contains some rare wildlife.  This place has one of the country’s largest wildlife reserves, the Wild Ass Sanctuary, a place where you can spot the Indian Wild Ass or Equus hemionus khur .

Table of Contents

Little Rann of Kutch

Jeep Safari at Little Rann of Kutch

Little Rann of Kutch or LRK forms a smaller part of the entire Rann of Kutch in Gujarat. Little Rann is approximately spread along the five districts of Surendranagar, Banaskantha, Patan, Kutch and Rajkot.

During the winters, the place is known for its wildlife safari in the Wild Ass Sanctuary. Being a part of the Rann of Kutch, its landscape is unique, having endless stretches of salty mudflats. During the winters, the land at Rann is flat, barren and cracked. However, during the monsoon season, Rann is filled with water because of the reverse flow of sea water from the Gulf of Kutch.

There are about 364 hills spread across Little Rann known as bets. Only these bets remain above water during the rains and they become shelter for the wildlife during the monsoon.

While we are typically not wildlife enthusiasts, we enjoy such trips into the wildlife reserves whenever we get a chance. After our visit to Rann Utsav , we were at Little Rann of Kutch. We stayed at Rann Riders at Dasada and the morning safari was arranged by them.

Wildlife at Indian Wild Ass Sanctuary

Asiatic Wild Ass or Khur at LRK Wild Ass Sanctuary Gujarat

The Indian Wild Ass Sanctuary is quite synonymous with the Little Rann. The Wild Ass Sanctuary covers an area of 4953 sq km and is considered to be the largest sanctuary in India in terms of area.

The LRK Wild Ass sanctuary is the home of Indian Wild Ass, also known as Ghudkur or Khur. The Wild Ass Sanctuary was established in 1973 at a time when the population of the wild asses was rapidly declining. The wild ass looks quite graceful and appears as a cross between a horse and a donkey. They are quite similar to the Tibetan Wild Asses that we had seen on our Zanskar trip in October.

Apart from the wild asses, other wildlife that can be seen here includes desert fox, jungle cat, jackal and several birds.

Migratory birds at LRK Wild Ass Sanctuary

Little Rann of Kutch also provides a satisfactory passage for several migratory birds that flow in from Europe and Africa. These birds make this place their home for the 4 to 5 months in winter. Over 350 species of birds are found in Little Rann of Kutch like Flamingos, Desert wheatear, Indian sandgrouse, Steppe eagle, Imperial eagle, Cinereous vulture, Griffon vulture, Harriers, Falcon, Owls, Cranes, Pelicans, Storks, Ducks, Geese and many more.

Little Rann of Kutch Entry Points

Wildlife at Gujarat

There are multiple entry points to the Little Rann of Kutch. The permits for jeep safari are usually given to the local resorts and they take the tourists to the sanctuary area. The most common entry points are Dasada and Jogad. There is another entry route through the Bajana creek. This entry is closest to the wetlands and hence you will get the best views of the migratory birds here.

Jeep Safari at Little Rann of Kutch

The best way to enjoy Little Rann of Kutch and to spot wildlife activities is to take a wildlife safari. Jeep safaris take place in the morning and in the evening and it takes you around the place.

Little Rann of Kutch Jeep Safari by Rann Riders

Our jeep safari was arranged by Rann Riders, the resort where we were staying. Rann Riders has a number of open jeeps for safari along with knowledgeable and experienced guides. The safari usually lasts for 3 to 4 hours and takes you through various terrains like salt flats, wetland and grasslands. For birdwatching and wildlife enthusiasts, special trails have been curated so that you get the best experience of Little Rann of Kutch. Usually, the bird watchers opt for the marshlands and those in search of mammals go towards the dry deserts.

Our Experience of Jeep Safari at LRK Wildlife Sanctuary

It was still dark when we got ready for the jeep safari. The entry to the sanctuary is about 40 to 45 minutes’ drive from Rann Riders. There were 5 of us in a single jeep and we huddled together in the early morning cold and started our drive to see the wonders of nature.

On the way towards Wild Ass Sanctuary

At the crack of dawn, we were at the fringes of the wildlife sanctuary. The concrete roads gave way to muddy terrains and soon we were in the wilderness. The landscape was dotted with a few shrubs.

And then there was endless stretch of brown! There were empty, vast expanse of land. We have entered the dry mudflats. Our guide had already stopped the jeep.  There was a bleak emptiness and I could see nothing from horizon to horizon. It felt strange. It felt surreal! We were at Little Rann of Kutch.

Mud flats at Little Rann of Kutch

A lake was seen at a distance and our guide simply told us to look for flamingos. I squinted my eyes to look for the pink avian, but could only see little specks. We started walking towards the lake to get a better view of the birds.

Flamingos at Little Rann of Kutch

Unfortunately, the topsoil came out to be quite deceptive. The mud was soft and our feet sunk into the soil. We really had to tread carefully to reach near the lake. I ignored the mud on my feet and went ahead till I could see the flamingos. Bright pink colours hovered over the blue waters. They were indeed a beautiful sight.

We could also see some cranes and storks near the lake.

And yes, the sunrise is also magical at Little Rann of Kutch! I had previously witnessed an incredible sunrise at Manas National Park and this was another one!

Sunrise at Little rann of Kutch Wildlife Sanctuary

Indian Wild Ass

Asiatic Wild Ass at Little Rann of Kutch Wildlife Sanctuary posing for us

From the flamingos, we drove towards the shrubland to see the Indian Wild Ass. The Indian Wild Ass, also known as gudkhur are said to be quite swift-footed. If you chase them, they can run at a speed of almost 50km/hr.

As we drove, we spotted a few asses. They are usually seen in small herds. I have seen beautiful pictures of running wild asses and wished to see them running. But the few in front of us seem to be quite friendly. They simply stood at a distance and kept looking at our jeep. Our guide had stopped the jeep so that we could get a good view of them. He did not want to take the jeep near the wildlife lest it spooked them.

After posing for us, the herd moved away and we resumed our journey. We saw some bets on our way and another herd of wild asses.  Well, my safari luck is usually not that great. However, this time I got a view of the wild ass, something that I had come here for. And not to forget, the flamingos. It was indeed magical.

Salt Pans of Little Rann of Kutch

Salt Pans of Little Rann of Kutch

Apart from the wildlife, Little Rann of Kutch is also known for its salt pans. About 75% of India’s salt is said to be generated from this area. The extraction of salt is a long and gruelling process and is done by the Agariya community, also known as the salt farmers.

We visited one of the salt pans and spoke to the Agariya. He explained to us the process of salt farming and the effort they have to put into the process.  It was indeed humbling to know about the salt farming and the Agariyas. While salt is an essential commodity, the salt makers actually get a raw deal.

  • Rann Riders

Reception at Little Rann of Kutch Dasada

What I really loved about Rann Riders Resort is the way it has blended with the surroundings. Located a few kilometres from the Dasada entrance to the Little Rann of Kutch Wild Ass Sanctuary, Rann Riders consists of beautifully and ethnically designed cottages surrounded by a lot of greenery.

Greenery at Rann Riders Dasada

When we reached Rann riders, it was almost 10 in the night. Nevertheless, they welcomed us and after having dinner, we simply crashed into our bed. After all, we had to go for the early morning safari the next day.

Rann Riders also have quite an interesting history. The owner of the resort is the descendant of Baktiar-ud-din , who had provided military assistance to the Sultan of Gujarat in the 15th Century. The Sultan was quite happy with his service and gifted him 24 sq mile of land in and around Dasada. He was also given the title of Malik-Bakhan and the family still uses “Malik” as their surname.

In keeping with the traditions, the owners of Rann Riders provide undivided attention to all their guests so that they enjoy the Kathiawad hospitality to the best.

Like the other resorts in Little Rann of Kutch, Rann Riders also provide village tours, wildlife safaris, bird watching tours and other cultural experiences to their guests.

Cottages at Rann Riders

Rann Riders at Dasada

This is something that I felt I should mention. Rann Riders is a beautiful property and one of its USPs is its ethnically built cottages made from local materials. The cottages are so built that it gives the appearance of a village.

There are 3 types of cottages at Rann Riders –

  • Kooba houses of the Bajania community of Dasada – rectangular cottages made of mud.
  • Bhunga Houses of Rabaris of Kutch – circular eco-huts made of mud.
  • Stone cottages.

I stayed in one of the Bhunga houses that had a beautifully decorated interior.

Dhunga cottage at Rann Riders Dasada where I stayed

The property has lots of greenery. In front of my cottage, there was a small pond. In the morning I could see ducks and other birds. I really had a wonderful time roaming aimlessly around the property and enjoying the peace it had to offer.

Rann Riders offer Buffet option for all the meals. Both vegetarian and non-vegetarian items are available.

Rann Riders at Dasada Little rann of Kutch

Rann Riders offer a lot of activities to their guests. Even if you visit during the monsoon when the Wild Ass Sanctuary is closed, you will have enough to do. Rann Riders offer camel safari, horse riding and bike trips apart from the jeep safari.

Camel safaris will take you to the nearby villages and nomadic settlements on camelback or camel cart.

The resort also arranges for local cultural performances.

Local woman selling handicrafts at Rann Riders

Women from nearby villages come to Rann Riders Resort to display their handicrafts. They sell handmade jewellery , traditional outfits, home decorations and other handicrafts. So, you can experience both adventure and culture while staying at Rann Riders. Check out their website for more details.

How to reach Little Rann of Kutch?

To visit Little Rann of Kutch, you probably will arrive at Ahmedabad first. Ahmedabad is well connected by flights and railways from all the major cities of India.

Since LRK has multiple entry points, how to reach the place depends on where you are going to stay. I will cover Dasada first as I stayed at Rann Riders in Dasada.

How to reach Dasada?

The distance of Rann Riders Dasada from Ahmedabad is 95 kilometres. You can hire a private car to reach Dasada from Ahmedabad.

Viramgam is the nearest railway station. Rann Riders is located about 30 km from Viramgam. The resort can arrange a pick up and drop from the Railway station.

If you wish to enter from Bajana, once again Viramgam is the Railway station.

If you are already at Bhuj attending the Rann Utsav, then you can take a train from Bhuj to Viramgam and then proceed towards your stay.

Where to stay at Little Rann of Kutch?

Premises of Rann Riders Dasada

While I stayed at Rann Riders, there were other resorts as well. Here are a few popular choices –

  • Bhavna Farm and Resort
  • Royal safari Camp
  • Eco Tour Camp

What is the Best Time to Visit Little Rann of Kutch?

LRK is a salt desert and gets quite hot during the summer months. One of the best times to visit Little Rann of Kutch is just after the monsoon during October and November. The grasses are green and fresh and ideal for wildlife spotting.

December to March has a pleasant and cool temperature and is definitely a good time to visit. From April, the area begins to get hotter and it gets quite unbearable during the summer.

The LRK Wild Ass Sanctuary remains closed during the monsoon from June to September. The Rann usually gets filled by water during this time.

Enjoying Jeep Safari ar LRK Wild Ass Sanctuary

Other Places to visit

Modhera Sun Temple

Modhera is only about 45 km from Little Rann of Kutch and is famous for its beautiful Sun Temple . This temple is undoubtedly one of the finest architectural feats of the Solanki dynasty.

Rani ki Vav and Patan

Patan is located about 70 km from LRK and is famous for Rani ki Vav, an intricately carved stepwell. Rani ki Vav has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is definitely a treat to the eyes.

You can also visit the handlooms and weaving centres of the famous Patan Patola fabrics.

So, what are your thoughts on Little Rann of Kutch? Would you like to experience LRK with the Rann Riders? Do let us know in the comments below.

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Little Rann of Kutch Wild Ass Sanctuary

Disclosure: I was invited by Gujarat Tourism and the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India to explore Little Rann of Kutch and some other areas of Gujarat. However, all opinions in this post are unbiased and of my own. A special thanks to the team for taking care of everything and making this trip memorable.

Reproduction of the content, including the photographs without prior consent/permission of the writer and photographer, is not encouraged at all and a violation of the same will attract legal action. If you need anything, Contact Us .

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Explore the Rann of Kutch

Situated at the tip of western Gujarat, the Rann of Kutch is a land of many wonders. Its unique landscape and rich culture as well as the gifted artisans and colourful tribals that inhabit the area are enough win you over. Condé Nast Traveller lists a few things you shouldn’t miss out on before you leave this often overlooked destination.  

Visit traditional villages As captivating as the landscape is, it is the inhabitants of the Rann of Kutch who really draw you in. A large number of villages specialise in different forms of artistry. The Hodka Artist Village is home to a large number of artisans who specialise in everything from intricate Banni embroidery to leather work, while the Ludia Village boasts colourful mud houses that reflect the culture of its people. The Rann of Kutch also plays host to various nomadic communities who eventually settle down here. The Bharvads and the Mirs are two such groups of people who brought with them interesting forms of weaving and beadwork, which make for beautiful gifts and souvenirs. 

Go for a safari The Rann of Kutch—home to the Wild Ass Wildlife Sanctuary—is inhabited by the largest population of the endangered Indian wild ass. Also found here are nilgais, golden jackals, striped hyenas, Indian wolves, Indian and white-footed desert foxes, desert cats and a variety of lizards and reptiles. That isn’t the only interesting bit though. Keeping with the spirit of the Rann of Kutch, the safari options are far from conventional. Apart from the open-air jeep, you can choose to go on a horseback safari or even a camel safari. And, to make it just a little more interesting, you can even go animal-watching at night with nothing but the light of the moon to guide you. 

Bird watch If the land critters don’t interest you much and you’d rather spend time scouring the sky, then the Rann of Kutch doesn’t disappoint. It is home to a saline dessert nicknamed ‘Flamingo City’ located at the Kutch Desert Wildlife Sanctuary. Every year, during the winter season, thousands of flamingos migrate to this region to breed and make for a truly spectacular sight. Pelicans, cranes, stork, Indian and sand grouses, raptors such as eagles, falcons as well as endangered species like the Lesser Florican and the Houbara Bustard can be found here.

Celebrate at the Rann Utsav To experience an amalgamation of everything that is Kutch, a visit to the Rann Utsav is a must. The month-long festival travels to various other locations in Kutch as well and showcases the diversity of the region. With its varied terrains serving as a backdrop, under full moon nights with a perpetual breeze made comfortable by numerous bonfires and luxury tents to retreat to, the festival provides the perfect ambience to sit back, relax and enjoy the various forms of traditional art and culture on offer. Organised by the Gujarat Tourism Department and attracting over 800 tourists annually, the Rann Utsav is one big celebration filled with folk music, dance, carnivals and pageants.  The Rann Utsav will take place from 15 December 2012 to 31 January 2013.

Enjoy a sunset and the Chir Batti As natural as a sunset may be, the experience of watching the sun descend with no visual obstructions in the Rann of Kutch is far from ordinary. Pitch a tent and enjoy this picture perfect moment while simultaneously preparing for a sight that is bound to leave you in awe. Occasionally, on dark nights, a strange phenomenon known as Chir Batti (ghost lights) can be witnessed. Appearing in shades of white, blue, red and sometimes yellow, these lights can be seen hovering a few feet over the ground or travelling at fast speeds over the arid land. These balls of light sometimes appear to multiply and make for a truly enchanting sight. 

WHERE TO STAY Rann Riders Located near the village of Dasada, Rann Riders is an eco resort providing guests with charming cottages fixed with modern amenities that mirror the artistry of the Bajania community of Dasada and the Rabaris of Kutch. It offers guests an array of interesting amenities such as camel cart, jeep and horse safaris, which combine cross country riding with tracking animals and meeting locals in villages. With a swimming pool that doubles up as an irrigation tank and hammocks across the property, this is a perfect holiday getaway. Rann Riders, Dasada, District—Surendranagar, Gujarat, India (+ 91 9925 236 014; ) Doubles from Rs 6000

Royal Safari Camp, Bajana The 18-cottage Royal Safari Camp, Bajana, combines traditional craftsmanship with luxury. Each cottage is fitted with a Satellite TV, air conditioners and intercom facilities. With a multi-cuisine restaurant, conference room—which also serves as a theatre hall—and a swimming pool, it is designed to pamper. Offering jeep, camel cart and horseback safaris, the Royal Safari Camp also organises exciting excursions by foot.  Royal Safari Camp, Bajana, Nr. Wildass Sanctuary, Bajana, Nr. Malvan Cross Road, Ahmedabad-Kutchh Highway, Dist. Surendranagar, Gujarat, India( +91 2757 293 222; ) Doubles from Rs 6,499

The Shaam-E-Sarhad Village Resort Run by the Village Tourism Committee and the people of the Hodka Village, the Shaam-E-Sarhad Village Resort is a perfect representation of sustainable rural tourism. Supported by the United Nations Development Program, the resort offers guests with the options of staying either in a tent or a traditional mud hut. Visit local artisan communities and witness traditional forms of art and culture. Apart from that, they organise bird watching excursions in the months of December and January. Shaam-e-Sarhad Village Resort, Endogenous Tourism Project, Hodka Village, Banni, Bhuj (Kachchh) – Gujarat (+91 2803 296 222; ) Doubles from Rs 3,200  

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ALSO SEE: Kutch to Kanyakumari A hmedabad's best buys P ushkar Fair T op Indian safari spots

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Little Rann of Kutch - Tour

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Recommended for All Ages

Popularly known as LRK, this unique ecosystem is extremely important as it supports the very unique wildlife of this region. Spreading across nearly 5,000 square kilometres, LRK is the only place on this planet where the Asiatic Wild Ass (Equus hemionus khur) still lives.

LRK, because of its proximity to the Gulf of Kutch and geographical location, lies on the migration route of many bird species. Every winter this desert mudflat ecosystem is flocked with more than 50,000 winged migrants, visiting LRK from different parts of the world, viz. - Egypt, Iraq, Tibet, Siberia and Europe. LRK is undoubtedly one of the best places to observe and study migratory birds. Due to its unique flat land, visibility is not a problem.

Apart from the birds, LRK is also home to different species of mammals - Desert and Indian Fox, Jackal, Nilgai and Wolf to name a few. Explore Little Rann of Kutch Experience with Foliage Outdoors this winter!

  • Sorry no more departures available. You could get in touch with us at [email protected] if you'd like to make a booking.
  • Abundant birdlife
  • Rare flora and fauna
  • Fantastic photographic opportunities
  • Last Home for the rare Asiatic Wild Ass
  • Company of an in-house Wildlife Expert from Foliage Outdoors

  Day 1: Ahmedabad to Little Rann of Kutch (LRK) Arrive in Ahmedabad in the morning.  Post breakfast, transfer to the resort at LRK. Reach the resort for lunch. Embark on an evening safari at LRK. Overnight stay at LRK. (Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner)

Day 2: Morning & Evening safari at Little Rann of Kutch (LRK) Today you will explore different parts of LRK on morning and evening jeep safaris. The barren, blindingly white land of Little Rann is nature at its harshest and most compelling, and home to India’s last remaining population of Khur (Asiatic wild ass). The possible sightings in the LRK could be Asiatic Wild Ass, Nilgai, Jackal, Indian & Desert Fox, Wolf, Desert Cat, Jungle Cat, Flamingos, Cranes (Demoiselle, Common and Sarus), Ducks, Geese, Larks, MacQueen's Bustard, Sykes Nightjar, Sand Grouse and Harrier, Owls. Overnight stay at LRK. (Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner)

Day 3: Morning & Evening safari at Little Rann of Kutch (LRK)

Continue to explore LRK on two more jeep safaris - morning and evening. The exploration of this amazingly rich landscape continues with a mix of wetland birding and some typical desert wilderness coupled with a visit to the salt pans. Return to the resort in the evening. A Group Discussion over tea/coffee about the day’s safaris, followed by dinner. Overnight stay at LRK. (Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner)

Day 4:  Morning safari at Little Rann of Kutch| Transfer to Ahmedabad Early morning safari at LRK. Post Breakfast leave for Ahmedabad (Approx travel time: 2 hrs 30 mins). Reach Ahmedabad for lunch. Post lunch drop to Ahmedabad airport to catch a homebound flight. (Meals Included: Breakfast & Lunch)

What is included in the tour

  • Surface transport by private vehicles.
  • Accommodation at a resort at LRK on twin sharing basis.
  • All meals (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner) as mentioned in the itinerary.
  • 6 Jeep safaris as per the itinerary.
  • Entry fees at LRK.

What is NOT included in the tour

  • Bottled Water, any kind of beverages.
  • Personal Expenses.
  • Camera Charges.
  • Medical expenses.
  • Insurance of any kind.
  • Anything not mentioned in ‘Charges included’.
  • Goods and Service Tax.

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safari rann of kutch

About Little Rann

The Little Rann of Kutch, a mesmerizing salt marsh located in the western Indian state of Gujarat is a captivating destination for nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers alike.

Spread across 4953 of square kilometers, this unique wilderness is a haven for wildlife, most notably the endangered Indian Wild Ass, which roams freely in its arid expanse.

The Visitors embarking on Little Rann tours are treated to an otherworldly landscape of shimmering salt flats that stretch to the horizon, punctuated by rustic villages and the occasional solitary tree.

This harsh, yet enchanting terrain offers a stark contrast to the bustling cities of India, making it an ideal destination for those seeking a tranquil escape into the heart of nature.

With its diverse flora and fauna, ethereal landscapes, and opportunities for bird watching and photography, the Little Rann promises an unforgettable adventure that leaves an indelible mark on the souls of all who explore its timeless beauty.

Meet the Team

Rizwan malik.

Hospitality/ wildlife safari camp __ (Resort) ,management

Juned Malik

Dasada jagirdar family

Hospitality/ wildlife safari camp __ (Resort) ,management, Lead Various Safaris like horse back safari / Camping etc.

Experiences with Little Rann

Bird watching.

safari rann of kutch

Local Culture and Artisans

Wildlife encounters.

safari rann of kutch

Adventure and Exploration

Services we offer, wildlife tours.

safari rann of kutch

Birding Tours

Local cultures / craft tours, testimonials.

safari rann of kutch

Rann of Kutch wildlife sanctuary Ahmedabad (Entry Fee, Timings, Safari, Best time to visit, Images, Facts & Location)

safari rann of kutch

Rann of Kutch wildlife sanctuary Ahmedabad Entry Fee

  • 250 per person for Indian Adults on weekdays
  • 280 per person for Indian Adults on weekends
  • 1200 per person for Foreign Tourists on weekdays
  • 1500 per person for Foreign Tourists on weekends
  • 50 for Still Camera for Indians
  • 350 for Still Camera for Foreign Tourists

Rann of Kutch wildlife sanctuary Ahmedabad Phone

02754 260 716.

safari rann of kutch

Rann of Kutch wildlife sanctuary Ahmedabad Address : Kutch , Ahmedabad , Gujarat , 363310 , India

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Rann of Kutch wildlife sanctuary Ahmedabad Timings

Gujarat is a state that presents to you a wide spectrum of colors. On one hand, it is resplendent with the colors of garba and dandiya and on the other side, there are the white sands of the Rann of Kutch. Both these facets of the state are equally enticing and offer a unique experience. While you are at the Rann of Kutch you must make it a point to visit the Rann of Kutch Wildlife Sanctuary. It is one of the largest wildlife sanctuaries of India and easily one of the most beautiful ones too.

About Rann of Kutch Wildlife Sanctuary

Rann of Kutch is at a distance of 93 km from Ahmedabad and is spread over an area of 5954 sq ft. It is also popularly known as Little Rann of Kutch Wild Ass Sanctuary since it is home to a good number of wild asses. This wildlife sanctuary was set up in 1972 and has been home to several amazing species of birds and animals.

The sanctuary gets a lot of seawater which makes the ground marshy and just ideal for a lot of animal species living here. This wildlife sanctuary is also known for a type of irregular grassland called baits which is also the major vegetation in this area. The grounds are covered with various kinds of trees and plants and the blanket of green all around has a calming effect. Rainy season in this area leads to the growth of tall and wild grass in the sanctuary grounds making it even more greener.

Wildlife at the Rann of Kutch

One of the prominent animal species here is the wild ass who is known for its running speed which can go from 24 km per hour to even 70 km per hour when it senses danger. Along with the Wild Ass, you will be able to spot the Chinkara, Ghudkhur (Equus Hemionus Khur), Blue-Bull, Hedgehog, Wolf, Jackal, Indian Fox, and several species of cats. Some other wild species that you can see here include gazelle, rabbits and wilderness feline.

Rann of Kutch Wildlife Sanctuary is also home to several winter birds like demoiselle, houbara bustard and spotted Indian sand grouse. Other avian delights that you can see here are dryland birds like warblers, larks, plovers, and shrikes. You can see beautiful birds like pelicans, francolin partridge, betray wheatear, vultures, bustard quails, cranes steppe falcon, ibises, waterfowl, flamingoes, storks, and even ducks when you take the jeep safari at the sanctuary.

Most of these birds can be seen near the lakes and marshlands in the sanctuary. Even the wild ass is found near these water areas during dry and hot months. Rann of Kutch wildlife gives you a complete flora and fauna experience as you get to encounter even some reptiles like snakes, tortoises, and lizards.

Safari at the Rann of Kutch Wildlife Sanctuary

The best way to spot the activities of the wildlife at the sanctuary is by taking the morning or evening jeep safari which takes you around the entire place. If you are visiting with a bigger group that would not fit in a jeep together you can also take the minibus safari ride which has a larger seating capacity and moves at a slower pace.

Image Gallery of Rann of Kutch wildlife sanctuary Ahmedabad

Places to see and things to do near the sanctuary.

You can take excursions to the traditional Saurashtra villages to see handloom weaving and various dyeing divisions along with pottery making. It will give you an insight into the villages of Gujarat and you will get a firsthand experience of seeing the traditional fabric of Gujarat being made.

1. Photography : Rann of Kutch is a paradise for bird watchers and photographers who can take special tours in masked boats that are available here.

2. Adventure activities : Several trekking trails are there near the sanctuary and if you want you can also plan a stay with the gypsy tribes of this region called the Rabari and Bharwad, which will give you an enthralling experience. There are camel, horse and Jeep safaris for exploring the area around the Little Rann of Kutch. You can stay in the tents and camps that are set up on the Baits.

3. Dasada : There are birding sites near Dasada village which is close to the wildlife sanctuary and here you can see Lake of Nawa Talao and some seasonal wetlands which are frequented by several birds. Other lakes like the lake of Dasada, Viramgam Lake, wetlands near Patdi fort, and reservoirs in the district of Surendranagar also are good bird watching sites, especially during winters.

Some birds like the rose-colored starling and green pigeons can easily be spotted in Dasada and the water areas nearby. These wetlands are also breeding spots for birds like the painted stork, waterfowl and local species of ducks.

4. Nalsarovar Bird sanctuary : This is another bird sanctuary nearby which is spread over an area of 105 sq mt and has a big lake. It is one of the top bird-watching sites in the western side of the country.

Entry Fees of Rann of Kutch Wildlife Sanctuary

The entry fee to visit Rann of Kutch Wildlife Sanctuary is Rs. 250 per person during weekdays and Rs. 280 per person during weekends, for Indians.

For Foreigners, the fee is Rs. 1200 per person during weekdays and Rs. 1500 per person during weekends.

The Camera fee is Rs. 50 for Indians and Rs. 350 for foreigners.

Timings of Rann of Kutch Wildlife Sanctuary

Rann of Kutch Wildlife Sanctuary is open from dawn to dusk throughout the year except during monsoons.

How to reach Rann of Kutch Wildlife Sanctuary

Ahmedabad Airport is at a distance of 110 km from Rann of Kutch Wildlife Sanctuary and it is well connected to all major Indian and international cities. The nearest railway station is Viramgam, at a distance of 45 km from here. If you want to make a road trip to Rann of Kutch then from Bhuj the distance is 268 km and 175 km from Rajkot.

You can opt for a cab from top car rental companies in Ahmedabad and visit all the popular sightseeing places of Ahmedabad in the comfort of a private cab.

Best time to visit Rann of Kutch Wildlife Sanctuary

October to March is the perfect time to visit this place as you would be able to spot a lot of animals outdoors in the open, enjoying the pleasant weather. Summers are very hot and humid and best avoided. The rainy season is the time when you can plan a visit to this place if you are an avid bird watcher. This season which is mainly July, August and September sees smaller floricans coming to theses grasslands for breeding.

For your convenience, we at Ahmedabad tourism, a division of Holidays DNA , offer the best holiday deals at pocket-friendly prices. Catering to your needs, our travel experts also customize Ahmedabad tour packages suiting to your requirements. You just need to fill the Contact Us form to get in touch with one of our representatives today!

Location Map for Rann of Kutch wildlife sanctuary Ahmedabad

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Little Rann of Kutch's Wild Ass Sanctuary: Travel Guide

Home to the Last of the Indian Wild Ass

safari rann of kutch

TripSavvy / Gautier Houba

The Wild Ass Sanctuary, home to the last of the Indian wild ass, is the largest wildlife sanctuary in India. It's spread over almost 5,000 square kilometers. The unusual, vast terrain is a salt marsh that features barren mudflats dotted with small islands (locally known as bets).

The sanctuary was set up in 1973 to protect the endangered wild ass. These creatures look like a cross between a donkey and a horse. They're slightly bigger than a donkey, and are fast and strong like a horse. How fast? They can run an average of 50 kilometers (30 miles) an hour over long distances!

The Wild Ass Sanctuary is part of the Little Rann of Kutch (not to be confused with the Great Rann of Kutch ), in the Kutch region of Gujarat state . It's 130 kilometers (80 miles) northwest of Ahmedabad, 45 kilometers (28 miles) northwest of Viramgam, 175 kilometers (108 miles) north of Rajkot, and 265 kilometers (165 miles) east of Bhuj. There are two main entrances to the sanctuary -- Dhrangadhra and Bajana.

How to Get There

The closest railway station is at Dhrangadhra. Many trains stop there, and it's connected to both Mumbai and Delhi .

If you wish to enter from Bajana, the railway station at Viramgam is more convenient albeit still a distance away. The same trains stop there.

Travel time to Dhrangadhra by road from Ahmedabad is 2-3 hours. If you're heading to Bajana and surroundings, it's about the same. However, Dhrangadhra is more readily accessible by public transport, as it's situated on the Ahmedabad-Kutch National Highway. All buses from Ahmedabad to Kutch stop there.

Alternatively, your accommodations will provide transfers from Ahmedabad, at a cost.

When to Visit

The Little Rann of Kutch and Wild Ass Sanctuary are open daily from dawn until dusk, except in the monsoon season from June to September. The Rann fills with water during this time.

An ideal time to visit the sanctuary is just after the monsoon and breeding season, in October to November. The grasslands are fresh and tender for grazing, and foals can often be seen out playing.

Temperature-wise, the weather is coolest from December to March, which is the peak winter season. From April onward, the summer heat starts building and gets quite unbearable, so visiting isn't advisable then.

How to Visit

A jeep safari is the best way to explore the Little Rann and Sanctuary, with early mornings being optimal for wildlife. Afternoon safaris are conducted too.

Permits are required for the Rann, although it's possible to go in and out from the many unofficial entry and exit points. You'll be fined heavily (20,000 rupees) if caught without a permit though! Patrol cars do drive around and check vehicles. The permits can be obtained from the forest department at Dhrangadhra and Bajana. Most accommodations provide jeep safaris and will take care of the permit arrangements.

The permit fee is charged per vehicle of up to six people. During the week, from Monday to Friday, the rate is 600 rupees for Indians and 2,600 rupees for foreigners. It increases by 25% on Saturdays and Sundays, and 50% on holidays including Diwali , Navratri , Holi , Christmas, and New Year's Day. It's necessary for a naturalist guide to accompany visitors on safaris. Expect to pay around 300 rupees for that. There's also a camera charge of 200 rupees for Indians and an expensive 1,200 rupees for foreigners.

In addition, if the safari isn't included in your accommodation package, expect to pay a jeep hire charge of 2,000-3,000 rupees per vehicle.

It's possible to go on organized jeep and minibus safaris from Dhrangadhra, Patadi or Zainabad. Private jeeps are available for hire at these places too. Dhrangadhra has the most options for transport and accommodations.

The Bajana entrance is close to the wetlands where migratory birds settle in winter. There's a safari route to Bajana Creek where these migratory birds can be seen. Many people who enter the sanctuary at Bajana stay in the towns of Zainabad or Dasada, 30-40 minutes north. Zainabad is about 10 minutes from Dasada. Another safari route heads to the salt hills of Zinzuwada (also known as Jhinjhuvada), about 40 minutes west of Dasada.

What to See

Apart from the Indian Wild Ass, you'll be able to spot many types of birds and wildlife such as wolves, desert foxes, jackals, antelopes, and snakes. Notably, Little Rann of Kutch wetlands is the largest breeding site in world for the magnificent Lesser Flamingo.

The name "Rann" means salty desert, so expect to cover a seemingly endless expanse of parched, cracked land. The salt pans on the edge of the Little Rann of Kutch near Dhrangadhra are an interesting attraction. India is the world's third largest producer of salt, and about 80% of it comes from Gujarat. The salt is harvested by local salt farmers known as Agariyas. They toil under the scorching sun every day from October to June.

There's an 18th century palace and darbargarh, plus some elegant colonial buildings, at Dhrangadhra. Colonial architecture also remains at Kalaghoda, where a British salt trading post once existed. Highlights include a cricket pavilion and bandstand.

The remains of Zinzuwada Fort date back to the 11th century and have intricately carved gateways.

From Zinzuwada, you can also go deep inside the Rann to the temple of Varchara Dada, a folk deity and warrior-hero of Gujarat. Permits for this aren't required, as anyone visiting the temple is considered to be a pilgrim. The entry is from Mandapol gate.

Where to Stay

At Dhrangadhra, don't pass up the opportunity to stay at the home of wildlife photographer and guide Devjibhai Dhamecha, and go on one of his exclusive safaris. He also offers stays in traditional kooba huts, as well as camping, on the edge of the Little Rann at Eco Tour Camp. Facilities are basic though.

Near Dasada, Rann Riders (read reviews ) is really popular although pricey. It's an ethnically designed eco-resort, set amid wetlands and agricultural fields. All kinds of safaris are offered including horse, camel and jeep safaris. The resort also has a focus on sustainable tourism. It provides a place for local artisans, such as weavers, to sell their handicrafts and operates excursions to nearby villages.

Desert Coursers resort at Zainabad also accommodates guests in eco-friendly cottages by a lake. It's run by Dhanraj Malek, a scion of the royal family of Zainabad. Dhanraj is a passionate birder and knows the area, along with the local communities, intimately. Prices are reasonable and include room, jeep safari, and meals. Luxury camping trips are organized upon request, and you can go into the Little Rann on excursions lasting up to three days.

If you want to stay close to the Bajana entrance, The Royal Safari Camp is the place! It's relatively new and great facilities. 

What Else to Do Nearby

It's worth setting aside some time to explore other parts of the Kutch region, especially the Great Rann of Kutch and its white salt desert .

If traveling between Ahmedabad and the Little Rann of Kutch, Rani ki Vav stepwell and the Modhera Sun Temple can be visited on the way. They're among the top attractions in Gujarat and definitely shouldn't be missed.

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safari rann of kutch

Little Rann of Kutch: Chasing Wild Ass and birds on safari!

Last Updated on September 22, 2023 by asoulwindow

Table of Contents

About LROK or Little Rann of Kutch or Wild Ass Sanctuary

Little Rann of Kutch, which is also known as Indian Wild ass sanctuary is one of the top places to visit near Ahmedabad. It is also one of the least known and least visited wildlife sanctuaries of India and Gujarat in West of India . It is an offbeat place to visit for wildlife enthusiasts like me .

The unique landscape of LROK also makes it special. The unusual terrain of Little Rann of Kutch is barren and dry for kilometres. That said, the landscape here is still different from what we see in Greater Rann of Kutch which is located far away near the international border of India and Pakistan.

Where is Little Rann of Kutch or Wild Ass Sanctuary located?

Little Rann of Kutch istucked away in a nondescript dusty village near Ahmedabad , the capital of Gujarat in West India . The nearest big village is situated in Dhrangadhra which is located very close to LROK. What many don’t know is that Little Rann of Kutch is just a very small part of the bigger Rann of Kutch. Little Rann is stretched as far as places in Gujarat such as Kutch, Patan, Rajkot, Banaskantha and Surendranagar. These five districts of Gujarat are home to LRK.

Nomenclature of Little Rann of Kutch

Rann is a Sanskrit word which means desert. Little Rann of Kutch is also known as Wild Ass Wildlife Sanctuary or Small Rann of Kutch. The abbreviated form of Little Rann of Kutch is LROK or LRK . Greater Rann of Kutch is popularly known as GROK. Little Rann of Kutch and Greater Rann of Kutch are not to be confused with. Both are as different as cheese and chalk. However, both are located in Gujarat in West India. GROK is known for the famous Rann Utsav .

Kutch is also sometimes spelt as Kuchchh by some people.

The Wild Ass is also known as

  • Indian Wild Ass
  • Asiatic Wild Ass.
  • Asian Wild Donkey
  • Indian Wild donkey
  • Equus hemionus khur

The scientific name of the Indian Wild Ass is Equus hemionus khur .  Locally it is called as ‘khur’.

Soul Window Observations

Persian Onegar and Kiang are the other wild equids many people confuse Indian Wild Ass with. I saw many Kiangsin the Chumthang area of Ladakh and Tibet , while traveling from Saga to Kyirong during the epic Kailash Mansarovar Yatra. You canread my detailed blog on these places.

Why is Little Rann of Kutch world famous?

Much like the Asiatic lions of Gir National Park , Indian wild asses are also exclusively found only in Gujarat in India. The only claim to fame of this inconsequential village is that it has emerged as the last refuge of the much-endangered Indian wild ass . Interestingly these asses were once found in Asian regions such as Sindh, Baluchistan in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran . Little Rann of Kutch is also famous due to its rich avian life.

Habitat of Indian Wild Ass

Much like the Asiatic lions, which are found only in Gir National Park, also in Gujarat, Indian Wild Asses are also found only in one location of India, that is, Little Rann of Kutch. The good news is that Indian Wild Asses is spread across 15,000 square meters expanse of Little Rann of Kutch.

In fact, Indian Wild Asses have been spotted as far as Viramgam and Nalsarovar in Ahmedabad district.

Area of Little Rann of Kutch

Do you know that Little Rann of Kutch is the largest sanctuary in India in terms of area? Little Rann of Kutch is spread across an area of 4,954 square kilo meters. Needless to say, Indian Wild Ass Sanctuary is one of the largest wildlife sanctuaries which are located within India. Lying within the unique Little Rann of Kutch, it is a special place.

By comparison, the greater Rann of Kutch is spread across an area of a whooping 7,850 square kilometres or 2,900 square meters. Greater Rann of Kutch is after all, one of the largest salt deserts in the whole world.

Conservation of wild ass in Little Rann of Kutch

Indian Government has taken commendable efforts to bring back the Indian Wild Ass from the brink of extinction. It has taken years of hard work and sincere conservation efforts to arrive here. International Union for Conservation of Nature , which is also abbreviated as IUCN, had listed Indian Wild Ass as a threatened species long ago.

Luckily, the Government took notice and brought back the Indian Wild Ass from the brink of extinction. It would have been a disaster if the right action was not taken at the right time.

When was little Rann of Kutch established?

Little Rann of Kutch was established as a wildlife sanctuary on 12th January 1973. Did you know that LROK is the 15th Biosphere Reserve of India?

In which year the Rann of Kutch of Gujarat was declared as a bio reserve zone? Further, in the year 2008, LROK was established as a Kutch Biosphere Reserve. It was done in order to protect the unique wildlife here and promote Kutch as an international nature destination.

Population of Indian Wild Ass in India

1969 was the year when the Government seriously started counting the population of Indian Wild Ass. 

The successful wildlife conservation work in Gujarat has shown positive results. The promotional brochure I collected from the wildlife sanctuary boasts that

  • 1962: There were only 870 Indian Wild Asses in 1962
  • 1963: The population of Indian Wild Ass of an alarming 362 wild asses in 1963 was worrying.
  • 1946: The count of Wild Ass stood at 3500 in 1946.
  • 1990: There were only 2075 Indian Wild Asses in 1990
  • 1999: 2839 Indian Wild Asses roamed LROK in 1999
  • 2010: The population of Wild Ass rose to an all-time high at 4085, as per the 2010 census.
  • 2014: As per the census of 2014; the population of Wild Ass now stands at 4,451.
  • 2020: As per the census of 2020, the Wild Ass population has increased to a whooping 6,082. This is a 37 % surge in the population, making it one of the most successful wildlife conservation programs of the world.

Threat to Indian Wild Ass

Diseases can be a real threat to the very small population of Indian Wild Ass.

Not many know that in the year 1958 and 1960, a disease known as surra had spread across the population of Indian Wild Asses. Due to this, the conservation effort had hit a rock bottom as many wild asses died due to the same.

What followed next year was equally lethal. In the winter of 1961, November and December, to be precise, an unexpected outbreak of South African Horse Sickness had further killed many more Indian Wild Asses.

No wonder, only 870 Indian Wild Asses existed in India in 1962.

Unseco World Heritage Site to LROK

Since the year 2006, the Wild Ass sanctuary has been listed in the tentative list of Natural World Heritage Site of Unesco .

My Experience in Little Rann of Kutch

First things first. Answer this:

  • Have you ever explored a wildlife sanctuary on a tractor? My guess is I am the only wildlife enthusiast on Earth who has done that!
  • Better still, have you ever chased exotic donkeys on a tractor?
  • Have you ever sat in a bike and trolley hybrid aka Chakkdi? (See Picture!)
  • Have you ever stayed with the staff of a wildlife sanctuary?
  • Have you ever travelled clinging precariously to a jeep’s rear?
  • Have you ever been stranded in the middle of nowhere in pitch dark with just 3 more people, fighting dogs, and no civilisation in sight? You don’t know how to go to the nearest city. And you are getting the feeling that your throat will be slit for mere Rs. 100/-
  • Have you ever felt this: You are walking alone in the sanctuary on foot, you have come far from the sanctuary office area, and then you realise you forgot the way back! Worse, you suddenly remember those lines from your guide book “ hyenas and foxes are also often sighted here.”
  • Have you ever been alone with a money-hungry boat-wallah 7 kms. away from land, in a lake inside a bird sanctuary during sun-set. The sanctuary is getting closed, it is getting darker, you can see no other human in the middle of the lake and the boatwallah is constantly discussing money and eyeing your expensive camera. All you can do is trust the stranger and your instincts.

I experienced all this and much more in my one of the quirkiest, whackiest and instinct based trip. Here are the places I visited in my Gujarat trip:

“Gadha, gadhe dekhne jaa raha hai.”

Translation: The donkey is going to see more donkeys, eh!

My room-mates taunted me when I told them my long pending desire (Since the age of 12) to see these exotic asses (which sadly most Indians don’t even know about…I think they are beautiful and unique creatures) …India’s answer to Zebra).

It was my first visit to a wildlife sanctuary ever. People take pride in sighting tigers and lions and here I was determined to chase wild asses!

Entry Fees to Little Rann Of Kutch

After struggling to arrive at LROK, I ran towards the Little Rann of Kutch office and hesitantly opened the metallic main gate.

I entered the single storey office building. It rather looked haunted what with dusty tables, no electricity and most importantly not a single soul in sight.

What made it spookier was that all the doors and windows were open and the sofas in one of the inside rooms was well maintained.

The building stood incongruously as the only modern building in a village where most of the houses were huts.

Confused, I stepped out and inquired with a few people I could find in that area. One of them guided me to an adjacent worn-down, peeling-plaster kind of building. That turned out to be the real office from where one could obtain the licence to enter the LROK.

It was important to visit the office as they provide the licence to enter the LROK. I was finally relieved to see a man who was talking wild asses and pink flamingos and cranes.

“Whoa”, I said in my head. But my whoa soon turned into my woes. It was not the end of my misery on this Gujarat solo trip.

The temporary staff (He is hired only in the tourist season, i.e., winters) after impressing me with his wildlife knowledge and offering me a free glass of water started to play some games when he realised, I am an independent solo traveler on a budget.

He was expecting to make some extra money from me. How I landed up doing wildlife safari on a rickety tractor? It is a long story.

If you are a not a whacko like me, you can request your hotel manager to arrange the jeep safari and entrance fee payment. You can also just go to office and pay the entry fee.

How I ended up doing safari on tractor?

Here’s is how I landed up seeing Little Rann of Kutch on a tractor. I had travelled to Little Rann of Kutch as a solo male budget traveller.

Everyone else goes to LROK on a package. I didn’t know that and landed straight at the office where they issue permit to get in. Now, the in charge started wheeling dealing with me. To make some quick money, he suggested that he’ll ‘ADJUST’ me in any of the safari jeep that comes to his office, and I can pay him Rs.300, or else it would cost me Rs.5000/-.

I saw logic and convenience here and agreed. The jeep came and refused to take me. I kept waiting and waiting and waiting. It got late in night and I shouted on him, “Where should I go now?” I asked him to take me to his home for stay.

He refrained saying his family would be uncomfortable in my presence. He instead ‘ADJUSTED’ me to another’s bachelor employee’s quarter next to the office! 

Waking up late in the morning (Thanks to the comforting winter night I missed so much in tropical Mumbai), I did not even care for the breakfast but insisted on the ride. As mentioned in the text above, after the tractor revved up, I merrily zoomed away on my ‘shahi-gaddi’ (The driver found some battered flat pillow to comfort my bum while I took the royal seat by his side.

It was the first time I sat in a tractor and needless to say, I enjoyed every bit of it. Not even in the wildest of my dream had I thought that I would end up chasing wild asses on a rickety tractor which might stop working any moment in the middle of the stark desert.

Next day, again all the jeeps refused. Then another opportunist local asked me “Will you be OK with a ride on a tractor?” I gave him a surprised/nervous/unsure smile and said hesitantly, “Are you sure, Chalo yeh bhi kar lete hain. (Let’s do it) ”

But it wasn’t smooth riding here as well. The tractor refused to start. Seemed, it had not been used for months. All the 10-11 people in and around the office had gathered with the sole mission of putting to life the reluctant engine of the tractor.

After a collective huff huff pant pant for 20 minutes, we were excited to hear the vroom sound of a revving engine. I loved every moment of the ride. Even drove the tractor inside the sanctuary and in the process paid a mere Rs.700/- (Rs.400 for guide cum Driver and Rs. 300 for the temporary staff, who obviously refused to get himself clicked.) for a Rs.5000/- package. JUGAAD INDIA!!!

I was morally ambiguous if it is right to take a ride in a sanctuary on a tractor, but then the driver convinced me that he anyhow takes several rounds in the sanctuary daily to provide supplies etc. Now I guess, I am the only person on Earth to visit a sanctuary on a tractor. And that too legally!

Tractor Safari in LRK

At times the tractor got almost stuck in the puddle of water but it was fun! We stopped in the middle of Rann for sometimes as I wanted to see the landscape on foot.

While returning back to the tractor, I insisted that I will drive the tractor. Luckily the driver agreed instantly but warned me that if the engine stops, there will be NO ONE to help in revving it up.

Worse, given the nature of the landscape (Plain character deficient land in all the directions), it will also be difficult to guide someone over phone for directions. I checked right, I checked left, I checked cellular network availability and trusted my instincts and took the risk. And I did a good job of it.

After goofing around with the poor tractor and shooting up my adrenaline level for 5 minutes, I was one happy man! I was so excited that while exchanging seats, I had dropped my camera off the tractor and it almost came under the wheels but I jumped off the tractor in a jiffy and it was salvaged in time.

Landscape of Little Rann of Kutch

Once inside the sanctuary area I was spell bound by the landscape there. There was nothing but miles and miles of sun-baked cracked land with sparse vegetation and no immediate sign of life. The geometric designs that the crack forms are a sight to behold! I wondered how could any animal, let alone wild asses survive and thrive in such adverse conditions.

After admiring the beauty of desert to our heart’s content, we moved on to find more hidden beauty such as birds, animals, landscapes, water bodies etc. We were again back in the cracked barren land with zero vegetation.

There was just cracked land in any direction that my eyes scanned. For a moment, in that arid region I thought I had spotted water bodies in all directions. Turned out they were all mirages , illusion caused by the play of light. The unique landscape of Little Rann of Kutch includes features such as desert grasslands, wide lakes, salt flats and marshes etc. This place is one of its kind in the world!

Wildlife in LROK

Just when I was wondering how life forms survive in LROK, the tractor driver veered his steering to the part where there was abundant vegetation. We were busy searching for wild asses when he pointed out to a weird looking eagle and other exotic avian species . Then we spotted a pair of male and female blue-ox or Neelgai .

I was not too excited to see them as I have grown up occasionally seeing these beautiful animals in agricultural fields of Uttar Pradesh (Neelgais are infamous though, for ruining crops and thus often being shot illegally by farmers).

Must say, the local rural man had pretty good knowledge about the local flora and fauna along-with their English names.

As I started the safari on tractor again, few more sightings of Nilgais and wild asses later, my heart stopped when the tractor came across a sounder of wild boars . I just got a glimpse of them as they disappeared into the foliage.

The wild boars looked menacing. There was no point chasing them on an embarrassing tractor safari as the terrain was now not that tractor friendly.

It reminded me of sighting a huge sounder of wild boars in Tal Chappar Blackbuck sanctuary in Rajasthan .

I spotted many warthogs , who look similar to wild boar during my trip to Uganda in Africa .

Spotting Wild Ass in Little Rann of Kutch

After few minutes of searching, we finally saw a nonchalant looking Wild Ass moving lazily around his personal garden. He looked elegant in his brown patchy skin. I was excited to see the wild ass in his natural habitat as until now I had seen them in pictures only.

The Wild Ass we spotted was wary of us and I asked the driver not to chase them with tractor and let them live in peace.

Instead, I got down from the tractor and took some pictures hiding behind a shrub.

About Wild Ass

Luckily, you cannot find Wild Ass in any zoo, thanks to their endangered (Schedule-I) status. They are the size of donkey ; but far more beautiful to look at. The shiny and smooth coat of white and chestnut of Indian Wild Ass makes them stand apart.

The upper part of their body is brown and the lower part white, giving them a unique look. What struck me the most was the brown mane which originated from their head. Indian wild asses are usually fast moving and agile when required. The ones I saw were mostly lazily moving around.

I think they are India’s answer to Zebra of Africa . After all what are zebras but a beautifully painted donkey? The inimitable grace and beauty of Indian wild ass, had me staring at them to my heart’s content.

Camping in Little Rann of Kutch

During the wildlife safari on a tractor in Little Rann of Kutch, I stopped at a campsite at 10: 45 a.m. The tractor driver had some work here.

He asked me to just loiter around for an hour till he finishes his work. Whoa! The side effects of a Tractor ride in a wildlife sanctuary,eh! I had all day to myself so I didn’t mind.

The campsite, where the tractor halted, was getting readied for a school camp where in the students will be sensitised about the unique ecosystem and biodiversity of Rann right in the middle of it.

I so wanted to be a part of it. Imagine being in the wild, hearing the night sounds in pitch black darkness and gazing at the stars in the dark wide-open sky of Rann.

The tents looked very appealing and so did the whole idea of staying in those. But then I can’t be everywhere all the time. There was a tower in the camp area. The campsites here have ample space for car parking and 100% power backup.

Stargazing in Little Rann of Kutch – Astronomy

Not many know that you can also do stargazing in Little Rann of Kutch. It is the best offbeat thing to do in Little Rann of Kutch. Many people and even students visit Little Rann of Kutch for only observing the night sky with a telescope. The spectacle of the greenish Geminid Meteor Shower in LROK is not to be missed.

LROK is some of the best places around India to stargaze throughout the year. I had enjoyed stargazing in Greater Rann of Kutch. Amavasya or the new moon night is the best time to do stargazing in Little Rann of Kutch.

Clear and dark skies are best for stargazing in LROK. Thanks to the lack of air or light pollution, stargazing here is very rewarding. It is an unusual thing to do in Little Rann of Kutch.

There are several astronomy clubs which arrange these. Local hotels can also arrange for an astronomy session on prior request. Stargazing field trip to Kutch can last for 2-3 days. It is a very exciting thing to do in Kutch for those inclined towards studying the night sky, astronomy and space science.

Some of the exciting and unique astronomical activities you can do in Little Rann of Kutch are as below:

  • Meteorite Hunting
  • Meteorite Classification
  • Astronomy Photography
  • Observation of Milky Way
  • Observations of the Night Sky
  • Spotting planets and other deep sky objects
  • Watch the greenish Geminid Meteor Shower

Winter months such as November, December, January and February are when the temperatures are cooler and skies are clear. It is the best season for stargazing in Little Rann of Kutch.

Bonfire in Little Rann of Kutch

Individual Camp Fire can also be organised upon request. It can get slightly cold in the Rann in night, especially during the winter months. Isn’t it fun to sit around the bonfire and chat the night away in the middle of nowhere?

Viewing Tower or Machan inside Little Rann of Kutch

I climbed atop a viewing tower in the camp area to get a bird’s eye view of the sanctuary and survey the area. I saw a salt factory in the distance, and a water body nearby. I couldn’t spot a single human or animal from the tower though.

Soul Window Reflections

The other protected wildlife sanctuary I had visited on foot apart from Little Rann Of Kutch was Tal Chappar Blackbuck Sanctuary in Rajasthan and Manas National Park in Bodoland in Assam .

Visitors are allowed to explore these wildlife destinations on foot as there are no major predators such as tiger or lion here. Even other dangerous animals such as Rhinoceros and wild elephants are not present here.

Little Rann of Kutch on foot

After a break at the campsite area, I ventured to the forest area on foot, remembering the route, lest I get lost in the jungle. The tractor driver had instructed casually, “You may venture to the forest area but you should be sure about the route you take lest you get lost in the jungle which all looked the same.”

As my eyes scanned LROK, from the safety of machan at the campsite, I zeroed in on the water body in far distance. A walk till there seemed doable.

Hesitantly, I entered the jungle alone on foot. To remember my way back, I had taken a mental note of the tower in my mind.

A faded board with pictures of Wild asses on it was also mentally taken note of.

I was trying to find some more wild asses but failed. Then suddenly some creature ran past me and hid in a shrub nearby. Was it a wild hare? Yes, it was a wild hare.

As I walked, another wild hare ran past me and hid in a shrub nearby. So I stopped being inquisitive and moved ahead. I came across a fresh poop which seemed to belong to the wild ass.

Within minutes I saw a pair of wild asses standing near a small water body doing nothing.

For a moment, I wondered if it was some statue installation by sanctuary management. The wild asses just stood aimless, much like donkeys.

Thankfully, they started moving at a relaxed pace as I neared them. I started following them with baby steps. After some time, I came closer to them. There were just 3 of us in the stark-naked landscape , the wild ass couple and me and some cranes!

As I drew more closer to them, I realised that I should not disturb them. I anyways dared not walk closer to them as I had read earlier on that day in the brochure that “they can gallop at a pace of 30 kms per hour for 2 hours and at a top speed of 70 kms per hour for short distances”.

Soul Window Thoughts

A childhood event, which remains vivid in my memory helped me stay away from wild asses. My elder brother had once just tried to get funny with a donkey and got an aggressive ‘dulatti’(back-kick) within the blink of an eye!

He still remembers that and therefore has stayed away from the whole donkey dynasty. Recognising that the wild asses too belonged to the same clan notorious for their “kick boxing”, I consciously stayed away from wild ass.

Birdwatching in Little Rann of Kutch: Migratory birds and more!

I spotted some exotic species of migratory birds in Little Rann of Kutchbut what took my breath away was the huge flock of cranes feeding on a piece of land.

We were very far from them. I instructed the driver to draw closer to them very slowly without disturbing them. With an agape mouth, I looked at this sight in awe!

Perhaps the flock got a whiff of our presence, despite the distance and they started flying in batches, making sounds. Their collective flight made a captivating scene. Soon most of the flock had taken flight.

Disappointed and sorry for disturbing their peace, I again got off the tractor for some pictures.

I noticed a huge part of dug up land. Anticipating my question, the tractor guy explained without asking that cranes dig up the land for worms and other food.

I admired the many birds in the lake nearby, common Pochard and different varieties of cranes merrily lounging around. Most of these birds can be spotted roosting at a lake called as Nava Talav , which literally means ‘new lake’. The biodiversity hotspot that Little Rann Of Kutch is, I am not surprised.

While stepping back on the tractor, I had a long thorn lodged in the sole of my leg. I took this parting gift by LROK in my stride and admired the many birds on the lakeside, the names of which I don’t know. There are many thorny shrubs and bushes here, so be careful while walking.

I wish I stayed for evening when the lake would be inundated with more birds. What I didn’t know was that my evening was going to turn exactly like what I had just conjured. In the beautiful Nal Sarovar Bird Sanctuary ! Do carry binoculars if you love birding.

Drongo Drama

Throughout our journey a group of black drongos were chasing our tractor curiously as if they were plain jealous of all the exotic looking birds grabbing all the limelight.

My doubt is that they were less curious and more attention hungry. As soon as I switched on my camera and started clicking their pictures, they all settled on some photographable props, such as dry tree branches etc. and literally started posing.

The fearless drongos had so much audacity that they didn’t flinch or fly away even as I went near them. Once their ‘portfolio’ was done, they stopped stalking us. Told you, they were some glamour struck wannabes.

Weaver Birds

En route , I asked him to stop the tractor as my eyes caught hold of an exquisite architecture marvel right in the middle of the jungle. No, I didn’t come across the huts of the famed local tribes of Rann.

I jumped out of my royal seat to get a closer look. What caught my attention was a group of nests of the weaver birds, so perfectly interwoven just with the help of a beak, that it had me in splits.

I stopped to admire the empty nests of weaver birds . I was awestruck by the sheer craft and architectural perfection.

Even though I had seen such nests in my childhood in Panki , Kanpur in Uttar Pradesh but still I was awestruck by the sheer craft and its perfection. Sad, some people even pluck these nests to decorate their homes.

Salt pans of Little Rann of Kutch

I had traversed a bit too far while chasing the wild asses on foot. I was now very close to the lake where migratory birds are supposed to flock. But I didn’t see that many cranes.

In far distance I could see a rural family doing “God alone knows what” at the shores of the lake. Even the zooming of camera didn’t help in figuring out what they were doing. Then I saw a sole village man inching menacingly (just my perception!) towards me.

Since I was a solo traveler in the middle of an unfamiliar terrain, I was naturally overthinking! In case of a robbery, I was ill equipped with any defence mechanism. I had made up my mind that taking advantage of solitude, in case he attacked me, I will give him all my belongings without a modicum of argument or resistance.

He turned out to be harmless and passed by me nonchalantly, giving a curious harmless look. The main economy of the local villagers is Salt panning or Salt farming. Throughout the year, the local source of livelihood of local people is salt panning. Salt is harvested here in water bodies. You can also visit the home of local people and who knows they might even share tea and a slice of their life with you!

The Agariya community, are the local salt farmers who are engaged in the production of salt in LROK. A major part of the salt which is available in the markets of India are produced here.

Stuck in the Salt marsh

I moved closer and closer towards the lake without realising that from hard and dry, the land beneath my feet had turned gooey and marshy. Its only when my feet got immersed till my ankles that I realised the gravity of the situation.

While pulling my feet out, my chappal aka slippers or flip flops got stuck in the mud and I had to pull it with hands. I was performing this Oscar winning buffoonery for a ‘wild’ audience. Be careful here as it is easy to sink in the marshy mud of Little Rann Of Kutch, especially near water bodies.

Lost in the wild

After my legs got stuck in marshy lands of the salt pans, I had had enough. After braving one risk after another, I decided to return back to the Camp site. But what the hell?

Where is the tower, I had pinned all my hopes on? It was not long enough to be seen from the distance I had walked to. I applied all my grey cells and followed the trail using which I had ended up at this lake.

Thankfully the tower was visible after some more walking. But the danger still lurked. I was in the deserted, uninhabited jungle and the words from the guidebook kept coming back to my mind: “ Jackals , Desert Foxes , jungle cat , wild boars and hyenas are also often sighted in LROK.” 

Training my mind not to think of these but keeping ready a defence plan in my head (which was sure to fail, anyhow), I finally arrived at the camp site safely. Boring much?

Drinking water from drum

Tired of all the walk under the harsh sun in the naked shade less terrains, I asked for some water. The attendant pointed me to a huge drum. My soul shuddered when I peeped inside the drum. It had all kinds of dirt, dust, twigs floating merrily in it. Though my throat was turning as dry and broken as the mud of LROK but I decided to stay thirsty. I have already taken so many risks! And anyhow, my journey was to end soon.

This time surprisingly, the tractors started pretty quickly, thanks to the help available. We left the campsite and did the safari for some more time. We moved towards our exit from a different track.

Entry Points in LROK

There are two entry points viz. Bajana and Dasada . I chose Bajana as I had read in my guide book that sighting migratory birds would be much easier at this point. Other entry points of Little ran of Kutch include the Bajana creek and Jogad . Dasada remains the most popular of these. Bajana Creek is located close to the wetlands which attract the migratory birds.

Village Walk around Little Rann of Kutch

On the first day while waiting for the jeep, I got impatient and started walking around the village to pass time. I came across few interesting people such as the village kids who loved posing for me or the 4-5 shepherds who were fighting with each other suddenly started posing for me when they saw camera in my hand.

They were herding a huge group of cows and buffaloes . They didn’t know any language apart from Kutchi/Gujrati. Turns out the cows of village unlike their urban counterparts, are rather well built and have these huge menacing looking horns. I also noticed some older men wearing pagdi or turbans. I saw camels in many homes too.

I noticed that the cows and bull in this part of Gujarat have huge build and very long horns. I saw similar huge cows during my visit to Uganda in Africa and even places like Aihole , Pattadakal and Badami in Karnataka .

Interpretation centre

There were huge wall size posters on wild life and sanctuaries of Gujarat. I spent hours here reading about the various bird, reptiles and mammal species found in Little Rann of Kutch. This interpretation center can be visited in 30-40 minutes. You can visit while waiting for the safari jeep. In case, it is locked, ask the local staff for the keys. Kids and adults, both will enjoy their time here.

Jeep safari Booking in Little Rann of Kutch

Once you book the thrilling jeep safari in Little Rann of Kutch, the jeep will manoeuvre its way like an invincible juggernaut, blowing dust in the air. I had whizzed past fields of crops, few migratory cranes feeding in the fields, farmers and salt pan workers starting their day, cattle grazing in the fields, camel carts transporting people and goods on the muddy lanes, the works!

The jeep safaris can last anywhere between 3 to 4 hours. The safaris also take tourists to the wetlands, grasslands and the salt pans. If you are into birding you can exclusively book a jeep safari to the marshland. If your focus is Indian wild ass, then head to the dry deserts. I did both on the same safari however. Doing a keep safari at LROK with experienced and knowledgeable naturists and wildlife guides makes all the difference.

Festival of Little Rann of Kutch

During my village walk around the wildlife sanctuary, I came across a huge congregation of people gathered in a field performing some dramatic rituals with chest beating, drums beating and loud singing.

They all wore identical dress and only men and male children were to be seen. Turned out it was men mourning on the occasion of Muslim festival Muharram . Excited and my eyes widened to see such a rare spectacle, I had rushed for my camera when the permanent staff (he accompanied me) stopped me from doing it, saying it might land me in trouble. Having already gone through so much on this solo budget trip, I didn’t take any chances and saw it from a distance.

While exiting LROK after safari, I had come across a Hindu crematorium on the outskirts of the city. I also a saw an Islamic Mosque which looked quite old or was it just bad painting and maintenance?

Is Little Rann Of Kutch safe to visit?

It was then when the permanent staff called me up to ask where I was. It was dark and he asked me to come to office immediately. When we reached, he advised me not to wander around in the village alone as I looked urbanite and locals can target me for looting. He especially asked me to hide my camera.

Having said that in the pitch dark he was insistent that I sell my cellphone (I was carrying a cheap Nokia 5500) to him for Rs. 2000/-. He chickened me out with the way he was scanning my belongings. Bored, I munched on the chips I had bought from the village shop.

Here is an important safety tip for Little Rann of Kutch. This blog is based upon my personal experience. I do not want my readers to repeat the same mistakes. It was my foolishness and a lack of research which led to this situation. You might not get as lucky as I did. And I am not sure if you have the ‘superstar’ looks and 6 feet plus height, lol.

Where to stay in Little Rann of Kutch

There are many stay options near Little Rann of Kutch for all budget types. From low budget hotel to luxury properties with modern frills, expect a wide range of accommodation here.

Luxury hotels

There are many luxury resorts and hotels in the Little Rann of Kutch area. Most of the luxury resorts are located near the main entrance of Little Rann of Kutch. These luxury hotels also offer to arrange wildlife safari in Little Rann of Kutch.

Stay in a Bhunga

Some resorts here are fashioned like a mud bhunga , which is the traditional mud house of Kutch.  I stayed in similar Bhunga in GROK or Greater Rann of Kutch. Expect huge lawn area, lip smacking local cuisine and local music in these 5-star resorts. It is not every day that one gets to stay in such unique hotels. Also known as kooba , it is a round shaped thatched roof hut.

Stay with a local

I moved into to rest in the quirkiest staying options I had considered. It was a newly plastered, unpainted spartan room with limited amenities built to accommodate the permanent staff. Luckily another member who shared the room was on leave, so I had a folding charpuoy and a quilt to myself.

Not knowing what to talk to this immature stranger in his early 20s, I broke the ice finally. Initially monosyllabic, he later on ended up telling me passionately numerous stories about his outrageous marriage plans, his people, his culture, food, his job (how he hates the loneliness here), his not getting along with his dad, and most important, his temper. OhK…So I better watch my words and actions for this night at least.

It was after long (And that means very looooong) that I had slept at 9:00 p.m. Otherwise in my Mumbai days , I had mastered the art of sleeping at 2:30 a.m. and waking up at 8:30a.m. Blame it on my writing ambitions and mindless surfing on internet!

Vegan and Vegetarian food in Little Rann of Kutch

The temporary staff had arranged a tiffin for Rs.30 for me along-with that of the permanent staff. Real smiles are those which you cannot hold back. Naturally I had a wide foolish smile when the tiffin arrived and its contents revealed.

It had a village style rotli or rotla , a very spicy curry and a flavoursome rice preparation. Rotla is Gujarati style roti/bread made with mixed grains. It was so delicious but limited, I was tempted to snatch his portion as well, but thankfully he mentioned about his ill temper few minutes back.

Things to do in Little Rann of Kutch

What is there to do in Little Rann of Kutch with friends and family or even solo? There are a lot of interesting activities which tourists can do at Little Rann of Kutch.

Below are the top things to do in Little Rann of Kutch

  • Birdwatching
  • Visit salt pans
  • Do jeep safari
  • Do village walk
  • Hop on a tractor
  • Sample local cuisine
  • Visit home of a local
  • Spot Asiatic Wild Ass
  • Stay at a cute mud bhunga

Excursions from Little Rann of Kutch

There are many nearby places which tourists can visit.

  • Rani ki Vav
  • Modhera Sun Temple

Nal Sarovar Bird Sanctuary

Souvenirs Shopping Guide to Little Rann of Kutch

Though unlike GROK, there are not many souvenirs shops in LROK but you can still find few shops which sell local handicrafts and the unique textiles of Kutch. Do pick local blankets, artefacts and even food with long shelf life.

ATM in Little Rann of Kutch

There are not many ATMs in Little Rann of Kutch. I had carried cash from Ahmedabad aka Karnavati . I recommend you to carry some cash from your place of origin so that you do not waste time locating a functional ATM here. Digital payment is also not accepted at many places here because it is located in a village.

Photography Tips for Little Rann of Kutch

You must try to recreate the iconic pictures of Wild Ass entering a setting sun. I know it has been done umpteen times before. But you never know you might end up with unique shots such as a wild ass running in to the sun or an amorous wild ass couple with a deep orange sun as the backdrop. Possibilities are many.

Also carry suitable camera equipment and tripod if you want to try your hand at astronomy photography here.

The places around the lake are great to take pictures of migratory and endemic birds, especially in the winter months.

The Salt pan area is also good for some photography sessions. You can take pictures of salt pan employees at work.

Hire local wildlife guide in Little Rann of Kutch

In my case, the tractor driver doubled up as a wildlife guide. However, you can request for a trained wildlife guide who can help you identify all the unique bird species and take you to places where you would have not managed to go without a guide. It is needless to say that in wildlife trips, a guide is what makes all the difference!

Languages spoken in Little Rann of Kutch

Kutchi and Gujarati are the most commonly spoken languages here. Hindi is also spoken and understood by everyone here. English is understood by every one who works in tourism here, especially the employees of hotels and other tour agencies.

Toilet facility in Little Rann of Kutch

Clean toilets are located near the interpretation center and hotels. Once inside LROK, you can find toilets near the camp sites, machan and tent area.

Backpacking Budget Travel Tips for LROK

For me Little Rann of Kutch turned out to be an inexpensive and pocket friendly place. However, expect to pay a handsome amount of money, because not everyone is doing a safari in LROK on a tractor like me.

The hotel costs are generally high here. But even if you stay in a low-budget hotel, you will still have to spend on jeep safari and wildlife guide. Therefore, do expect to spend a moderate amount on these.

Solo Trip Tips for LROK

I had travelled solo on a shoestring budget to Little Rann of Kutch. I just took landed up in Ahmedabad from Mumbai via a sleeper class train. From Ahmedabad I took connecting buses to Little Rann of Kutch. It was that easy.

Luxury travel Tips for LROK

Despite being located in a remote place; Little Rann of Kutch has great luxury facilities. From luxury hotels to fine dining to private wildlife guides to private jeep safaris, every thing is available for a price in Little Rann of Kutch.

Timings of Little Rann of Kutch

Little Rann of Kutch is open from dawn to dusk or sun rise to sun set.

The timings of Little Rann of Kutch are 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Duration of Visit in Little Rann of Kutch

How many days to spend in Little Rann of Kutch? What can I do in 1 day in LROK? If you have a car the you can easily make a day trip from Ahmedabad. But I feel that is tiring because driving distance from Ahmedabad to Little Rann of Kutch is 4 hours and 40 minutes and they are 194 kilometers apart.

What can I do in 2 days in Little Rann of Kutch? I had spent 2 days in Little Rann of Kutch. It was a weekend getaway from Mumbai for me. I had visited LROK on Saturday and Sunday so that I did not have to take leaves from office (I was working then). While I did safari on the first day, on second day I left early in the morning.

Also, if you are in to stargazing, bird watching and camp fires, then you must at least stay for 2 days in Little Rann of Kutch. I know many avid bird watchers who stay for even 1 week in LROK .

Itinerary for Little Rann of Kutch

Below is a 2-day itinerary of Little Rann of Kutch

  • Leave Ahmedabad early morning
  • Arrive at Little Rann of Kutch. Relax at hotel in afternoon.
  • Do evening jeep safari at Lrok
  • Retire by night
  • Do morning jeep safari at Little Rann of Kutch the next day
  • Leave LROK.
  • Club Nal Sarovar Bird sanctuary like I did, if you wish. Otherwise head back to Ahmedabad.

Distances from Little Rann of Kutch

Below are the distances from Little Rann of Kutch in ascending order

Distance from Nal Sarovar Bird Sanctuary to Little Rann of Kutch is 145 kilometers and it takes around 3 hours and 30 minutes via GJ SH 136

Distance from Ahmedabad to Little Rann of Kutch is 170 kilometers and it takes around 4 hours via NH947

Distance from Bhuj (near Great Rann of Kutch) to Little Rann of Kutch is 282 kilometers and it takes around 6 hours via NH27

Distance from Vadodara to Little Rann of Kutch is 277 kilometers and it takes around 6 hours via NE1

Distance from Mumbai to Little Rann of Kutch is 691 kilometers and it takes around 13 hours via NH48

What to wear in Little Rann of Kutch?

When I visited LROK in winter (December), I didn’t need to wear heavy woollen clothes during the day. The days here were warm and I was able to do wildlife safari in only a T shirt and Jeans. However, it did get cold in night. Do carry a light jacket for chilly nights during winter.

Best Time to visit Little Rann of Kutch

Winter is the best time to visit both Little Rann of Kutch (LROK) as well as Greater Rann of Kutch (GROK).

Little Rann of Kutch in winter

Along-with the tourists, some special guests also pay a visit in November onwards. They happen to be luckier than me though. No safari jeep, no permit fees, no haggling with the staff. They are the migratory birds.

Some migratory birds such as greater and lesser flamingos, pelicans, cranes, grebes and terns can be spotted here.

Though I could see only cranes, grebes and terns apart from some commonly seen birds.

I visited LROK from Mumbai in the month of December. It was oppressively hot and sweltering even in the December afternoon, 14:40 hrs to be precise. The nights were slightly cold in December, when I visited LROK.

Little Rann of Kutch in summer

It can get very hot during the summer months of May and June in LROK.

Little Rann of Kutch in monsoon

During the monsoons the land is filled up with water and hence it is the off season for tourists. Sensing my worry about what happens to the animals in the region, the guide told me that Monsoon is rather good times for animals in LROK.

My guide cum tractor driver told me that the wild asses move on to the plateaus (locally called ‘bet’ ) and feed on the abundant vegetation, powered by monsoon. Some party time for asses, this! There are as many as 364 bets here.

The flooding recedes by November and the area eventually dries up totally. This is when they open the gates for the tourists.

I realised that the land we were fooling around on a tractor turns into a huge lake in rainy season.

How to reach Little Rann of Kutch

How do I get to Little Rann of Kutch?Here is a detailed guide to every single way to reach Little Rann of Kutch.

Reach Little Rann of Kutch by bus

As per my plan I reached early morning in Ahmedabad via an overnight bus from Mumbai. A plate of road side kanda –poha and answering nature’s call in a ‘Sulabh Shauchalaya’ later, I boarded a rickety bus to Bajana via Sanand .

No, I didn’t check in any room in Ahmedabad nor did I relax. I was short of time and could not resist the excitement of being in the ‘Wild’.  Two hours ride later, I ended up in Dhrangadhra , a little away from the Little Rann of Kutch. 

Blame it on the language (Gujrati) issue or my ignorance of the alien land, I struggled to reach Little Rann of Kutch on my own as a solo budget traveller!

The dusty Dhrangadhra is a very remote and rustic place bereft of any signs of modernity.

Everyone I asked, including the bus and auto-rickshaw drivers or hawkers, were not aware of any sanctuary in the vicinity.

My heart sank, thinking if I had landed up somewhere far far away. I found my comfort in the roadside dhokla and khandavi and fafda , which helped bigtime in soothing my nerves. With renewed energy, I started inquiring again and one local man advised me to board XYZ bus which would take me to the LROK.

Packing some street side dhokla, khandavi and fafda from the roadside carts, I boarded the bus to reach Bajana. I was still wary but anyhow I boarded the bus and within few minutes I was in Bajana.

Reach Little Rann of Kutch by air

The busy Sardar Vallabhbhai International Airport of Ahmedabad city in Gujarat is the closest airport from Little Rann of Kutch. The Ahmedabad airport is well connected with all the main cities of India. You can take a bus or private cab from Ahmedabad to Little Rann of Kutch.

Reach Little Rann of Kutch by rail

The dusty Dhrangadhra in Surendranagar District has the nearest railway junction from Ahmedabad. Little Rann of Kutch. Dhrangadhra is connected with places such as Pune, Mumbai, Bhuj, Bengaluru and Howrah in West Bengal etc.

Reach Little Rann of Kutch by road trip

Self-Driving on the baby bottom smooth roads of Gujarat is a pleasure. Little Rann of Kutch is no exception. Despite being located in a remote place, the roads here are very good. You can either self-drive or book a cab with a driver before leaving Ahmedabad.

Local Transport in LROK: Chakkadi ride

While arriving from Ahmedabad, the bus driver dropped me unceremoniously in the middle of nowhere in Bajana. Again, I had a tough time locating LROK. Everyone I asked about the sanctuary shrugged their shoulders and gave the standard reply, “What sanctuary you are talking about?”

This, when the office of the LROK was just 200 meters away from where I was dropped. Then my eyes stopped at a rusted, faded metal board which had pictures of wild asses and a signboard indicating the office.

It soothed my worried nerves. Thank heavens for the little mercies! But I was still not sure where the exact location was.

Chakkadi is a strange mode of public transport, a unique hybrid between a motorbike and a cart. It’s colourfully painted and embellished with kitschy plastic flowers and other such unnecessary frills.

Then I chanced upon a Chakkadi driver who had stopped to drop some passengers. The Chakkadi driver who had stopped to drop some local passengers offered to drop me at the office for free.

This quirky vehicle must have been the brain child of some eccentric ‘jugaadu’ Indian who came up with this unique hybrid.

Between a motorbike and a cart/trolley. It is a 3-wheeler where the 1 st wheel is that of a bike and the rear 2 wheels are thicker supporting the passengers. It is colourfully painted and embellished with kitschy plastic flowers and other such unnecessary frills.

A family of four had squatted on it with their bicycle and other belongings while I hung on the seat next to the driver. The older woman looked annoyed when I went trigger happy. Click click click… dhishum dhishum dhishum . Luckily

I escaped the dhishums and when I asked the driver about the sanctuary, he offered me a free ride to the LROK office 100 meters away. I could have walked but I didn’t want to miss the chance to sit in this wonder vehicle.

I got the V-I-P seat, right next to the driver’s seat. After much insisting, the driver didn’t charge me a single rupee.

Conclusion: Why Visit Little Rann Of Kutch?

Since this trip had many ‘FIRSTS’ for me, that’s why it will always be special! Thanks to the Indian Wildlife Protection Act, we are still able to see Indian Wildass in Little Rann of Kutch. Many tourists visit the much-advertised Greater Rann of Kutch but miss the Little Rann.

You should visit the Rann of Kutch sanctuary to see some of the last remaining endangered Indian wild ass. This is one of the most offbeat Indian wildlife sanctuaries in India.

“I’d rather wake up in the middle of nowhere than in any city on earth.” Steve McQueen

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Royal Safari Camp

Reservation Inquiry

Our favorite rooms.

We offer rustic and spacious tents and cottages resembling the kooba houses of Banjania community of Bajana and the Bhuga houses of theRabaris of Kutch. Each of our cottages is fine-tuned with the natural and tranquil life of the countryside striking a perfect harmony between nature and the modern amenities. All our cottages are finely adorned with mirror, mud plaster work and imaginative embroidery.


Superior Villa


Deluxe Cottage Twin


Deluxe Cottage

Our awesome services.

Royal Safari Camp is an eco-friendly resort set amongst the heritage and culture of the vibrant district of Gujarat, Surendranager. It is landscaped amidst the lush agricultural fields and showcases a perfect blend of the aesthetics and culture of the region. It is the perfect getaway for a relaxing and comfortable holiday, when you want to take a break from the hustle bustle of the city life. Our property reflects the mesmerizing appeal of the village life.


Relish the delicious and healthy meals in a cosy setup with the traditional decor. Don't forget to check with the chef for the season's special and the staple food if you would like to add to your experience!

Live in Nature

A perfect place to get immersed into the lap of nature and yet enjoy the comfort of the home. Enjoy 360-degree views of the surrounding countryside with spectacular scenery.


Traditional dance performances could be arranged in the evenings at the open-air Amphitheater located in the premises of resort. This can be a perfect venue for small group gatherings with natural surrounding as a backdrop!

Guest have access to the fire pit on request. Enjoy a night under stars with comfortable seating arrangement and if you enjoy barbecue, check with the team to help you with arranging the hotplate and barbecue utensils!


Explore the little Rann of Kutch and embark upon a magical desert Safari amidst the perfect backdrop of a brightly lit white Rann on a moonlit night. Or if you are an animal lover, you will enjoy the Wildlife Safaris, Birding Tours and a Wild Ass Sanctuary amongst the nearby attractions. Take a break from the ever so hectic city life of the city and enjoy in the tranquil ambiance of this eco-friendly resort nestled amidst nature and culture, nearby Ahmedabad. See what our guests are telling about their stay at The Royal Safari Camp.


An excellent place to relax

Excellent place to stay at bajana with one of the best food available in this area. Rooms are neat, clean and excellent room service. This place has lot of open place where people can sit and enjoy their discussion.


Memorable Experience

We stayed in Royal Safari Camp on 28th January , 2018. A nicely landscaped resort ..well maintained and spacious. Great hospitality, Clean rooms, white crisp bedsheets and bathrooms with hot water facility. We bought some nice trinkets from the local artisans.. the vivacious Renu and her cousin. A memorable stay and I would definitely recommend it to others.


Excellent stay

Stayed for a night in the safari camp while on the way to Bhuj from Ahmedabad. The resort is very well maintained, staff are very courteous, and the food is extremely delicious. Ideal for a relaxed vacation. You could spend a day or two in the resort itself, just relaxing by the rooms, at the pool or walking around the lotus pond!!


Lovely place to stay

We stayed 2 nights at the camp and were very impressed with the quality of the food and the general helpfulness of the staff. It is ideally situated for those wanting to access the Wildass sanctuary and also for exploring local villages and towns. The rooms were spacious and clean with large bathrooms and all the facilities one might expect. i would certainly stay again if I were visiting this part of Gujarat.


Great Place to stay

If you complain about staying here you are very hard to please. The staff are fantastic evening. The food - Breakfast, Lunch an dDinner - brilliant and different every meal. The "bungalows" are really quaint. Our Air Con didn't work, but we really didn't need it, and showers need planning to have the hot water. But that's all ok. It's very close to the Little Rann of Kutch - the safari guides really know there stuff. I'd definitely stay again


Royal Safari Camp, Nr. Wildass Sanctuary, Bajana-382745, Nr. Malvan Cross Road, Ahmedabad-Kutchh Highway, Dist. Surendranagar. Gujarat. India. +91 987900 5653 , +91 99252 00657             [email protected]

+91 - 02757 - 293 222

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Little Rann Of Kutch Safari, Gujarat



About the Activity:

The amazing Salt Plains of the Little Rann of Kutch Safari in Guajarat call out to those who seek beauty and peacefulness in their travels. Reputed to be amongst the world’s flattest surfaces, the Rann of Kutch is a vast plain where salts from the sea are deposited and then processed by the workers. On this tour you will get to interact with these salt pan workers and get to know their ways of life and methods of innovative work.  On the way you will also get to unravel a history as you visit world famous Modhera Sun Temple, and Rani Ki Vav  which is a UNESCO’s World Heritage Site.

  • Twin sharing AC Cottages
  • Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Veg
  • Salt pan making
  • Meer community handicraft
  • Early morning yoga
  • Sightseeing

Other Inclusions

  • Accommodation on double sharing basis in Ethnic AC Cottages
  • All time meals as stated in above itinerary
  • Transportation in private AC Coach from Ahmedabad to Ahmedabad
  • Charges for 2 safari in Jeep
  • Full time Coordinator Charges
  • Monument Entry Charges
  • Toll Tax Parking Charges
  • 2 packaged Water Bottles every day
  • Dedicated Transport

Cancellation Policy

  • If cancellations are made 30 days before the start date of the trip, 50% of total tour cost will be charged as cancellation fees.
  • If cancellations are made within 0-30 days before the start date of the trip, 100% of total tour cost will be charged as cancellation fees.
  • Same Day cancellations are non refundable.
  • In case of unforeseen weather conditions or government restrictions, certain trips or activities may get cancelled. In such cases operator will try their best to provide an alternate feasible. However a cash refund will not be applicable for the same.
  • Cancellations are strictly subjected to cancellation policies mentioned on the website & are irrespective of the date of booking.

Refund Policy

  • The applicable refund amount will be processed within 15 business days
  • All applicable refunds will be done in traveller's thrillophilia wallet as Thrillcash

Booking Confirmation Policy

  • The customer receives a confirmation voucher via email within 24 hours of successful booking
  • In case the preferred slots are unavailable, an alternate schedule of the customer’s preference will be arranged and a new confirmation voucher will be sent via email.
  • Alternatively, the customer may choose to cancel their booking before confirmation and a full refund will be processed.

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Bird watching at Little Rann of Kutch

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safari rann of kutch

Little Rann of Kutch is famous as the world’s last refuge of the Indian Wild Ass (Khur) for the conservation of which it has been declared as the Indian Wild Ass Sanctuary. Though a bleak landscape it is rich in biodiversity and is an ecologically important area for wildlife and many local and migratory water birds like cranes, ducks, pelicans, flamingos and land birds like sandgrouse, francolins and the MacQueen’s bustards. It is also home to various unique mammals apart from wild Ass such the Indian Wolf (Canis indica), Desert Fox (Vulpes vulpes pusilla) and Nilgai (Boselaphus tragocamelus).

safari rann of kutch

Arrival at Ahmedabad by 05:50 hrs. Meeting with our assist at station and proceed to LRK. Will have breakfast on the way to LRK. Get fresh at LRK hotel, and lunch. Later will proceed to our first safari in the rann of kutch. After safari, return to resort. (Breaskfast, Lunch, Dinner)

Morning and evening safari in the rann of kutch. We will start early morning safari into the Rann of Kutch, looking for all usual targets. After hopefully a productive morning session, we will return to resort and have Lunch. After lunch will start our evening safari. (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner)

Morning safari in the rann of kutch followed by lunch at the hotel. Post lunch proceed to Ahmedabad to board flight. (Breaskfast, Lunch)

safari rann of kutch

INR 35,000/-

Starting, Per Person on Twin Sharing Basis.

Cost Includes

  • All Lodging For 3 Nights, All Meals From Dinner to Lunch.
  • All Local Transport to/From Park to Hotel and Park Fee.
  • Pickup and drop from Ahmedabad Airport.
  • Services of Professional Wildlife Photography Mentor.
  • Help with Processing the Images.

Cost Exclusions

  • Anything Not Mentioned in Itinerary.
  • Mineral Water/ Drinks/ Snacks any meals outside hotel.

Please Note:

Pre-customisation of the tours are available, Contact team Incredible Birding.

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[email protected], +91 - 95607 31155 +91 - 98715 45012.

Copyright © 2021 Incredible Birding – Developed and Maintained by

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camel safari package in kutch, rann utsav gujarat, india

camel safari in kutch

Camel and Jeep Desert Safari with Little Rann of Kutch

Fascinating little rann of kutch.

Little Rann of Kutch in Gujarat State, India, is one of best tourist place in gujarat, india, Arrangement for camel cart and camel riding safaris can also be made

Rann of Kutch, along with the Little Rann of Kutch and the Banni grasslands on, Jeep and camel cart safaris in the Rann of Kutch;

For Tour Booking of Kutch, Rann Utsav, Camel safari.


Telephone: +91-79- 2644 0626 / 2656 0637 / 2656 0360 / 2644 5037 Fax: +91-79-2640 3787

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Little Rann of Kutch

Best Time to Visit

November – February

Reaching Little Rann of Kutch

Flight: New Delhi – Bhuj

Types of Safaris

View Details


Bird Checklist

Highlight Species

  • Short-eared Owl
  • Greater Hoopoe-Lark
  • Lesser Flamingo
  • Cream-coloured Courser
  • McQueen’s Bustard or Houbara Bustard
  • Crested Lark, Greater Short toed Lark
  • Indian Courser
  • Rufous-tailed Scrub Robin
  • Greater Flamingo
  • Sociable Lapwing
  • Variable Wheatear
  • Syke’s Lark
  • Collared Pratincole
  • Demoiselle Crane
  • Common Crane

About Little Rann of Kutch

A vast expanse of around 5000 sq km of arid and muddy salt-flats, inland from the Gulf of Kutch lies the Little Rann of Kutch – part of a geographical landscape which over 66 million years ago was a part of the Arabian Sea.

It gets its name as it is a southern extension of the larger salt marsh which is the Greater Rann of Kutch, however the protected areas of the Little Rann of Kutch are ecological hotspots and extremely fuitful for bird watching in India.

The Little Rann of Kutch until many centuries ago had large tracts of estuarine saline water, however over time through excessive silting by its seasonal rivers caused as a result of tectonic movements, it now lies as a semi-barren and unique ecological landscape which floods briefly during the monsoons and transforms itself into a marshland in which the resident and migratory bird species revel. There are around 300 bird species recorded here, 42 species of mammals including the endemic Indian Wild Ass (Equus hemionus khur) which can be found in the area of Dasada.

Explore the richness of Little Rann of Kutch

Ruddy Shelduck in Chambal

Gujarat and Rajasthan Birding Tour

Blue-tailed bee-eater in Corbett

Tiger, Taj and Birding Tour

Greater Yellownape

Tiger and Bird Photographic Safari

Lion Posing

Sasan Gir Extension Tour

Safaris at little rann of kutch.

Desert Safaris

Desert Safaris is the best way to explore this enormous salty desert. It usually lasts three hours and the sections of the sanctuary visited depends on the interests of patrons. Birdwatchers opt for the marshlands but those who want to see mammals opt for the dry desert. To meet locals, the safaris head to the salt pans. The marshlands and Nava Talao (lake) are crowded with water birds. Flamingos and demoiselle cranes can usually be spotted in hundreds at some water bodies.

The Indian wild ass and white-footed fox can be sighted on vast areas of golden ground. Look out for the rare hoopoe lark, which has brown plumage that allows it to camouflage itself perfectly in the ground. Since there are no trees or shrubs to act as a buffer between the vehicles and the wildlife, it is not possible to get too close to the animals. Though visitors are allowed to drive their own vehicles into the sanctuary, this is not recommended. There are no roads or landmarks in this vast and desolate area so it is easy to get lost.

Accommodations at Little Rann of Kutch

Rann Riders

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safari rann of kutch

Gujarat's forest guards maintain water points amid heatwaves to protect endangered Khur Wild Ass in Rann of Kutch

K utch ( Gujarat ) [India], June 15 (ANI): In an attempt to save the near-extinct Wild Ass and other species, forest guards have created water points where water is supplied regularly in Gujarat 's Little Rann of Kutch which faces severe heat waves in summer . This is the only place where the Khur subspecies of wild ass exists.

This landscape, known for its ecological diversity, faces annual challenges during the summer as temperatures soar and water sources dry up, threatening the area's biodiversity.

The heat and dry conditions in the Kutch region force animals to migrate towards human settlements in search of water, creating concerns for both wildlife and local communities. In response, the Gujarat Forest Department has implemented measures to safeguard the near-extinct Indian wild ass and other species.

Jagdish Patel, a forest guard in Bajana, a part of the Rann of Kutch, explained the initiative and said that a total of 45 water points for animals and birds have been created in every four or five kilometres.

"When the summer season starts, we create water points every four or five kilometres in various areas, about 45 points in total. Here, we supply water for wild animals like the Indian antelope (nilgai), jackals, birds, and other creatures such as boars," Patel said.

"We ensure that these wild animals do not go to nearby fields or residential areas and remain in the forest area," the guard added.

Supporting this effort, Pratap, a tractor driver from Wadia village in Gujarat , said, "I supply water daily to save wild animals and wildlife in the Rann. From February and March, when the summer starts, until the rains arrive, I go to all the points where there are water spots and supply water. The wild animals, such as the Indian antelope (nilgai), and other wildlife come to these ponds to drink water. I supply water to these ponds for them."

Notably, Rann of Kutch is a desolate area, a sun-baked and saline clay desert with bleak possibilities for life. As a major part of Gujarat falls in the torrid zone, the state experiences extreme heat waves in the summer .

The Rann of Kutch, a sun-baked and saline clay desert, presents a harsh environment with limited prospects for life. Given that a significant portion of Gujarat lies in the torrid zone, the state experiences extreme heat waves during the summer months. The efforts of the Gujarat Forest Guards and local volunteers are crucial in mitigating the impacts of these harsh conditions on the region's wildlife and ensuring the survival of endangered species. (ANI)

Gujarat's forest guards take initiative to protect endangered Khur Wild Ass (Photo/ANI)


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    Near Rudramata Dam, Bhuj Dhordo Road, Bhuj, Kutch Gujarat - 370001

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    Notably, Rann of Kutch is a desolate area, a sun-baked and saline clay desert with bleak possibilities for life. As a major part of Gujarat falls in the torrid zone, the state experiences extreme ...