
Tour a Machu Picchu desde Ecuador

Conoce Machu Picchu y los principales atractivos de Cusco – Perú, en un viaje de 7 días, nuestra aventura comienza asistiéndole en el aeropuerto de Lima , y conduciéndolo a su Hotel para que pueda aclimatarse a la altitud de la región.

  • Sumérgete en la maravillosa cultura quechua mientras exploras encantadores pueblos tradicionales a lo largo del Valle Sagrado como, Chinchero, Ollantaytambo y Pisac.
  • Déjate maravillar por los increíbles paisajes andinos que rodean el hermoso Valle Sagrado de los Incas, desde imponentes montañas hasta valles fértiles y ríos serpenteantes.
  • El Valle Sagrado de los Incas es un impresionante recorrido que incluye los mejores centros arqueológicos de Cusco; es la clave para prepararse física y mentalmente para aventuras más exigentes, mientras te maravillas con la riqueza histórica y cultural de la región.
  • Disfruta de una experiencia personalizada a través de grupos pequeños entre 2 a 8 personas; el servicio permite interactuar con nuestros guías altamente capacitados y descubrir el Valle Sagrado a tu propio ritmo.

Precio del Tour

Visita Machu Picchu y los principales atractivos de Lima, Cusco (Perú), en un viaje de 7 días.

¿Por que reservar con Machu Picchu Andean EIRL?

  • Somos una agencia de viajes 100% confiable, contamos con todos los permisos del gobierno del Perú, certificados otorgados por la Municipalidad y Ministerio de Comercio Exterior y Turismo ( GERCETUR Y MINCETUR ).
  • Nuestra transparencia es lo primero puedes buscar nuestro RUC (20564235831) , y obtener información acerca de nuestra agencia así como nuestras redes sociales y lo que nuestros clientes opinan de nuestros servicios en Google Reviews , Trip Advisor , Facebook .
  • Machu Picchu Andean E.I.R.L. cuenta con 15 años de experiencia en el sector Turismo, organizamos viajes a todo el destino del Perú y conocemos perfectamente los mejores destinos de Cusco, contamos con un grupo de profesionales que darán todo lo mejor para satisfacer su viaje en Perú.
  • Contamos con equipamiento de primer nivel, tiendas de campaña, bastones de trekking, ropa de montaña y por supuesto de la mejor calidad.
  • Duración: 7 días
  • Idiomas: Inglés - Español
  • Tamaño Máximo Del Grupo: 15 Personas
  • Tipo de Servicio: Grupos Pequeños
  • Recojos: Recojo en su hotel o alojamiento
  • Transporte: Ida y Vuelta
  • ticket-blank Entrada: Incluye el Boletos de ingreso

¡Embárcate en esta inolvidable aventura

Machupicchu andean, con machupicchu andean y vive la magia del valle sagrado.

¡Salidas diarias!

Al llegar al Aeropuerto Internacional Jorge Chávez según su itinerario de vuelo, nuestro equipo estará preparado para recibirlo. Nuestro conductor estará aguardando en el estacionamiento para darle una cálida bienvenida a Perú y acompañarlo hasta su hotel en el vibrante distrito de Miraflores.

Servicios destacados:

  • Transporte turístico privado desde el aeropuerto.
  • Alojamiento en hotel seleccionado en Lima


  • Elevación mínima
  • Elevación alta
  • Distancia recorrida: 61 km /37.90 pies
  • Tiempo de caminata: 10 horas
  • Dificultad : Fácil
  • Clima: Frío y soleado

Embárquese en una emocionante jornada de aventura con nuestro tour desde Lima. Comenzamos con el recojo en su hotel a las 05:00 hrs para aprovechar al máximo el día. Después de un viaje de 4 horas, llegaremos a la espectacular reserva de Paracas, donde nos adentraremos en las famosas Islas Ballestas a bordo de lanchas rápidas. Equipados con todos los elementos de seguridad necesarios, disfrutaremos de los impresionantes paisajes naturales y la abundante fauna marina de la zona.

A las 12:30 hrs, nos dirigiremos a la encantadora ciudad de Ica, famosa por sus bodegas vitivinícolas. Aquí, tendremos la oportunidad de degustar el renombrado pisco y vino peruanos. Además, podrá optar por disfrutar de un delicioso almuerzo. Luego, a las 15:00 hrs, nos aventuraremos en el asombroso Oasis de la Huacachina, un paraíso natural donde las actividades de turismo de aventura, como los paseos en buggies y el sandboarding, le ofrecerán una dosis extra de adrenalina.

Finalmente, emprenderemos el regreso a Lima, siendo dejados en la puerta de su hotel alrededor de las 22:00 hrs, después de haber vivido una jornada inolvidable llena de aventura y paisajes impresionantes.

sandboard huacachina


  • Islas Ballestas
  • El oasis de la Huacachina
  • Elevación mínima: 0 msnm
  • Elevación alta: 0 msnm

Traslado Privado y Vuelo a Cusco desde Lima

Inicie su viaje hacia la majestuosa ciudad imperial del Cusco con nuestro servicio de transporte privado, el cual los recogerá directamente en su hotel en Lima para llevarlos al Aeropuerto Internacional Jorge Chávez. Desde allí, podrán abordar cómodamente su vuelo nacional con destino al aeropuerto Velasco Astete en Cusco.

El vuelo tiene una duración aproximada de 1 hora y 30 minutos, tras el cual nuestro conductor estará aguardando por ustedes en la zona de parqueo de vehículos, listo para llevarlos a su hotel.

Para aprovechar al máximo su primer día en Cusco, les recomendamos aclimatarse y relajarse realizando visitas en los alrededores de su hotel, disfrutando de la atmósfera única de esta ciudad histórica.

  • Transporte turístico privado desde su hotel en Lima.
  • Vuelo incluido de Lima a Cusco.
  • Alojamiento en hotel en Cusco.

Excursión de día completo desde Cusco: Chinchero, Moray, Maras, Ollantaytambo y Písac

Comience su día con el recojo en su hotel a las 7:00 am y emprenda un emocionante viaje hacia la historia y la cultura incaica. Nuestra primera parada es Chinchero, donde exploraremos las fascinantes construcciones incas, una encantadora iglesia colonial y participaremos en un cautivador centro textil.

Continuaremos hacia las impresionantes terrazas circulares de Moray, un sitio arqueológico incaico de gran importancia en relación con la agricultura. Descendiendo a las Salineras de Maras, quedará maravillado por más de 3000 pozos de sal utilizados por los incas. Además, tendrá la oportunidad de degustar delicioso chocolate con sal cerca del pueblo.

Recargaremos energías con un almuerzo buffet en Urubamba antes de dirigirnos a Ollantaytambo, conocida como “La última Ciudad Inca Viviente”, donde descubriremos su fascinante historia.

Para finalizar, nos dirigiremos al pintoresco pueblo de Písac, donde exploraremos su vibrante mercado artesanal y el impresionante Parque Arqueológico de Písac.

El tour concluye con nuestro retorno a Cusco alrededor de las 7:00 pm, después de una jornada llena de descubrimientos y experiencias inolvidables.

Sitio Arqueologico de Moray

  • Mercados tradicionales y textiles
  • Fortaleza de Ollantaytambo
  • Salar de Maras
  • Complejo circular de Moray

Día 4 Visita a Machu Picchu:

Nuestro bus pasara por usted muy temprano alrededor de las 5:00 am para trasladarlo a Ollantaytambo y posteriormente tomar el tren Hacia Machu Picchu Pueblo (Aguas Calientes), aquí tomaremos un bus hasta la ciudadela de Machu Picchu un viaje aproximado de  30 minutos, nuestro guía lo apoyara a pasar el control de seguridad y poder ingresar al recinto, una vez dentro tendrá una visita guiada de 2 horas, y luego tendrá tiempo para explorar por su cuenta y tomarse fotos, al terminar la exploración volveremos al pueblo de Machu Picchu para almorzar y retornar a Cusco.


  • Transporte, ida y vuelta
  • Boleto de Tren, ida y vuelta
  • Boleto de bus Aguas Calientes – Machu Picchu, ida y vuelta
  • Visita guiada en Machu Picchu
  • Guía Profesional

Muy Temprano por la mañana alrededor de las 4:00 am nuestro bus pasara por usted para trasladarlo hacia el punto de inicio de la caminata a la Montaña Arcoíris teniendo una pequeña parada en un pueblo para desayunar un exquisito desayuno tipo buffet con comida nativa del Cusco y llenarnos de energía, la caminata dura alrededor de 1 hora y 30 minutos hasta llegar al mirador, al llegar tendrá tiempo para tomarse fotos explorar el lugar y si aún tiene energía puedes caminar hacia el Valle Rojo con un hermoso paisaje y lleno de esencia.

Rainbow Mountain

  • Transporte ida y vuelta
  • 1 desayuno 1 almuerzo buffet
  • Caminata a la Montaña Arcoiris
  • Boleto de entrada a la Montaña
  • Boleto de Entrada al Valle Rojo

Según el horario de su vuelo de Cusco a Lima, nuestro servicio de transporte turístico privado estará listo para recogerlos directamente en su hotel, facilitando su despedida de la encantadora ciudad del Cusco. Una vez en Lima, los trasladaremos al aeropuerto para abordar su vuelo internacional con comodidad y puntualidad.”

Servicios Incluidos:

  • Transporte turístico privado
  • Vuelo Cusco a Lima

¿QUÉ INCLUYE el tour Valle Sagrado?

¿qué incluye.

  • Vuelos Internos
  • Transporte privado (ida y vuelta).
  • Personal altamente calificado en guía.
  • Desayuno (7)
  • Almuerzo (4)
  • Entrada a todas los lugares mencionados.
  • Entrada a Machu Picchu


  • Otros pagos no mencionados en las inclusiones

servicios extras

Lista de equipaje tour valle sagrado.

  • Documentos personales (Importante).
  • Protector solar.
  • Lentes de Sol
  • Pantalón de trekking (cómodo).
  • Pantalones Cortos
  • Polos ligeros (2)
  • Casaca Impermeable o poncho de lluvia.
  • Zapatillas trekking.
  • Casaca cortavientos.


  • Mochila mediana con cosas necesarias.
  • Cambio de ropa (en caso de lluvia).
  • Papel higiénico.
  • Medicación personal (En caso sea necesario).
  • Cámara fotográfica.


Número de personas, precio por persona, ****salidas diarias****, tour valle sagrado – servicio privado, ****verifica la disponibilidad****.


En Machupicchu Andean Peru, durante el año tenemos salidas diarias con mínimo de 2 personas por grupo para disfrutar de este paquete turistico.  

Nuestros Comentarios

Machu Picchu Andean

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machu picchu tour desde ecuador

  • South America

Machu Picchu & Galapagos

Lima Cathedral at Main Square

Get ready for an incredible South American vacation with this Machu Picchu & Galapagos tour filled with adventure and mystery. Explore famous archeological ruins, historical sites, cultural towns, and the enchanted Galapagos Islands for a closer look at the wonderful things this part of the world has to offer.

This 13-day adventure is one of the best Peru, Ecuador and Galapagos tours for solo travelers, couples, families, or groups alike. You’ll stay in your choice of the best 4-star and 5-star hotels during your tours to Peru and Ecuador and relish the luxurious comforts aboard your Galapagos Islands cruise.

Peru and Machu Picchu

Start your adventure by touring the Peruvian capital city of Lima, a bustling metropolis filled with ancient history as well as modern amenities as the first part of your Machu Picchu Galapagos itinerary unfolds.

From Lima, you’ll venture into the Incan Sacred Valley for a delightful tour of the various towns here, which offer archaeological sites as well as colorful markets to explore. Visit Pisac, Ollantaytambo, Maras, Moray, and Chinchero and learn something unique about each one.

The day finally arrives for your journey to see the famous Machu Picchu, starting with a thrilling train ride through the mountains. Your private guide will lead you through the grounds of this amazing ancient citadel, and you’ll even have the chance to return for a rare second visit the next day.

Before the Peru portion of your tour ends, you’ll experience all the colonial charms the ancient Incan capital city of Cusco has to offer, including its many impressive historical sites and markets.

Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands

From Cusco, you’ll fly to Lima then on to Quito in Ecuador for the next part of your journey. After overnighting in Quito, a short flight takes you to Baltra Island in the Galapagos and to your awaiting Galapagos adventure’s floating accommodations, the high-end catamaran Elite.

The Elite is one of the most beautiful and luxurious ships available here and full of comfortable cabins and social spaces. You’ll stay in one of the nine Golden Suite cabins on board, each with its own hot shower bathrooms, private balconies, and panoramic views. While you may never want to leave your suite, the partially covered sky deck is the place to be for more spectacular views and service by the highly attentive crew on board.

A plethora of daily island visits provide you with chances to learn about and become familiar with the various landscapes and wildlife found here, as well as its unique history. Hike along volcanic craters, see lava tunnels, climb cliffs for incredible views, visit and snorkel in sheltered bays, look for trapped rays or fish in tidal pools, take a thrilling panga ride along the coast, and lounge on one of the pristine beaches.

You’ll feel like you’re on a safari, island-style, as you observe short-eared owls, red and blue-footed boobies, lava gulls, sea turtles, marine iguanas, sea lions, and colorful reef fish, to name a few. The Galapagos Islands are a birdwatcher’s paradise as well, so bring your binoculars and see how many you can find. A highlight of any visit to these isles is the giant tortoises. You’ll have chances to see them in the wild in the highlands of Santa Cruz and learn more about them at the Charles Darwin Research Station.

When it’s time to return to the Ecuadorian mainland, you’ll take with you so many memories of your Machu Picchu and Galapagos cruise to cherish and to share with loved ones back home.

Itinerary & Prices

All itineraries are subject to change due to seasonal weather conditions (and resultant variations in river and tributary water levels) affecting accessibility to locations. Thus navigation routes, times and excursions may need to be modified at the cruise captain’s or your guide's discretion.

itinerary map

Welcome to Lima!

Lima is a bustling, busy city and one of the most important in South America. Any trip to Peru will likely begin and end in the capital and visitors take advantage of the fact that Lima is widely regarded to be the culinary capital of the continent and home to many of the best restaurants in South America. Home of the ceviche and the Pisco Sour it is a city where the past and present mix beautifully, from the colonial center to modern Miraflores, through to the ancient Incan and pre-Incan culture which can be seen in Lima’s various museums.

A city of almost 11 million people, it is nestled between the Pacific Ocean and the Andes mountains. This unique location means it enjoys a microclimate of zero rainfall and is spread along the coast atop cliffs that offer beautiful sunset views and peaceful “malecóns”, even a short trip is guaranteed to be richly rewarding and a perfect introduction to Peru and its culture.

Lima Monumental Architecture Downtown

Lima Through The Ages

Today is dedicated to the fascinating history of Lima from ancient pre-Incan times through to the colonial era and the Spanish influence on Peruvian culture, architecture, and development. Beginning from your hotel, at either 9 am or 2 pm, we take you through the modern districts of Miraflores and San Isidro to visit a “Huaca”, an astonishingly preserved seven-tiered adobe and clay pyramid that predates the birth of Jesus. Located smack-bang in the upper-class, and supremely modern, area of San Isidro, this ancient monument which once acted as an important ceremonial and administrative hub for the city contrasts amazingly with modern-day Lima.

From there, enjoy an air-conditioned voyage to the historic center of Lima where we visit old colonial buildings, and the Santo Domingo convent and enjoy a guided tour of the Plaza de Armas, the de facto center of Lima. Rounding up our day is a visit to Lima’s finest museum, a vast collection of impeccably preserved jewelry, artifacts, and pottery from the history of Peru, the Larco Museum is a regular in Trip Advisor’s top spot for all museums in South America and the top 20 in the world. (5 Hours)

City Tour of Lima Including puente de suspiros

Lima to the Incan Sacred Valley

After a good night’s rest, enjoy a delicious breakfast before our air-conditioned private vehicle takes you to the airport for the next exciting installment in your Peruvian adventure. Assistance is provided so don’t worry about your bags! You will fly from Lima to Cusco, where you are met at the airport and transferred into the Sacred Valley. Our tours in the Cusco area always begin in the valley, which is approximately 1,000 meters (3,000 feet) lower in elevation than Cusco, so that guests may better acclimatize to the altitude.

Get ready to explore the most important ruins, which starts with a trip to historic Pisac. Our expert local guide will show you around the Temple of the Sun, ancient baths, altars, fountains, and ceremonial platform, and a type of sundial carved into the volcanic rock which was used for determining the time of year. At the side of the citadel, you will see the terraces that are still used to this day to grow crops.

After a quick visit to the colorful market of Pisac to buy souvenirs, we enjoy a traditional lunch in a restaurant in Urubamba. Afterwards, we take you to visit the impressive fortress town of Ollantaytambo as we continue our trip around the ancient ruins of the Sacred Valley. Perched atop a mountain it acted as the religious, military, financial, and agricultural center of the Inca culture and we also visit the town of the same name which maintains its Incan charm as a window into the past.

Meals: (B, L)

Sacred Valley Peru Ancient Grains Display

Maras, Moray and Chinchero

The Maras salt mines were an important part of the economy of the Inca culture and to this day the salt produced in these mines, recognizable by its pinkish hue, is amongst the most sought-after and expensive in the world. From there, we take you to the picturesque archaeological site of Moray which is a huge expanse of concentric terraces which the Incas used a botanical laboratory. Once finished with this leg of the tour, we enjoy a typical Andean lunch at the Casa de Barro restaurant.

Our next stop is at the PARWA Center in Chinchero, where you can learn about the centuries-old traditional textile making so important to the Andean people. You will have the chance here to buy traditional textiles and other souvenirs for your loved ones back home. Remaining in Chinchero we take in the 17th Century church built by the Spanish invaders and then the surrounding ruins, aqueducts, and agricultural terraces that sustained the local people hundreds of years ago.

Salt Mines Maras and Moray Ruins

The Grandeur of Machu Picchu

Today is the big day! Get ready to tick one of the New Seven Wonders of the World off your list as we head to Machu Picchu Citadel. Leaving the Sacred Valley by train, we enjoy a peaceful snake through the mountains, uphill to Aguas Calientes, situated at the foot of Machu Picchu. The views on the way to Machu Picchu itself are an intrinsic part of the trip itself and worth savoring. Built in the mid 1400’s it acted as a royal estate to two different Inca rulers, Pachacutec Inca Yupanqui and Tupac Inca Yupanqui. After 80 years of occupancy, it was abandoned, possibly due to Spanish infiltration in other parts of Peru, and remained abandoned until the early last century when efforts Hiram Bingham brought its existence to world attention.

Machu Picchu is divided into two sectors, the urban and the agricultural. Our expert guide will take you through both and show you the key spots in the ancient citadel such as the Temple of the Sun and the Room, the Intihuatana Stone, and the Room of Three Windows. The residential buildings feature exquisite stonework with no cement or mortar and are characterized by small trapezoid windows that face the morning sun. After our extensive tour, you return to your hotel in Machu Picchu town for a restful evening.

Machu Picchu in dramatic light

Sunrise & Huayna Picchu

After an early breakfast, we set off for a second self-guided visit to the famous citadel of Machu Picchu. A second trip means you get to experience something that not every visitor does, and get to see Machu Picchu from another angle. With your special second day pass you can enter via Huayna Picchu, Machu Picchu’s smaller cousin or through Machu Picchu Mountain for a slightly softer option (Suitable for those that suffer from vertigo). Machu Picchu is a far larger sight than just the classic tour option and a second visit comes highly recommended for those with time. Those doing the 3.5-hour hike to Huayna Picchu are granted extra time to complete a second visit to the ruin so whichever of the two you choose; you won’t miss out on the astonishing extra sights such as the Inca Bridge and the Temple of the Moon.

Getting in nice and early to Machu Picchu is an option only feasible if you spend the night in Aguas Calientes. By doing this you can enjoy the sunrise over this incredible old citadel, a sight only the privileged few get to experience. As this is a largely visual experience you will not need a guide, just remember to take your time, and a camera as the views of Machu Picchu and the valley and river below are truly breathtaking. We finish with a comfortable ride back to Cusco or the Sacred Valley. For those riding back aboard the Luxury Hiram Bingham train, enjoy a cocktail and a delicious 4-course gourmet meal.

Peru Rail Trains

Ancient Inca Capital City

Today, we pick you up at your hotel for your tour of Cusco and its most important archeological sites. Cusco, known as the Imperial City, and declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, is home to Inca structures with a smattering of colonial influence. You start your tour at the iconic San Pedro market, a local market where you can explore the myriad colors, flavors, textures and traditions of modern Cusco.

The visit continues with the Koricancha Temple, an ancient Inca palace and cult center of the Sun God, above which the order of the Dominicans built a church. It remains standing to this day. Still standing to this day, this temple/church really is a remarkable building and an amalgamation of the two cultures. From there, we ascend to the Fortress of Sacsayhuaman, an impressive example of Inca military architecture. Afterward, you will explore Q’enqo archeological site, where important Inca ceremonies took place before moving on to the Plaza de Armas, home to the Cathedral, and the centerpiece of the city.

Cusco Peru Cloistered Walkway

Welcome to Ecuador!

AM: After breakfast, at the scheduled time, you will be picked up from your hotel and privately transferred to Cusco airport, ready to board your departure flight to Quito! You will take two flights connected via Lima, re-boarding here for your flight to Ecuador.

PM : Arriving in Quito, you can take the evening to rejuvenate and re-charge before your trip to the islands the following morning! Your Galapagos cruise awaits…

Quito Colored Houses

Departing Quito & Cruise Embarkation

AM: After breakfast, at the scheduled time, you will be picked up from your hotel and privately transfered to Quito airport, ready to board your departure flight to the Galapagos Islands!

Arrival at Baltra Island Airport. Reception and Assistance at the airport by our members and transportation to our first visitor site.

PM : The Fausto Llerena Giant Tortoise Breeding Center is managed by the Galapagos National Park Service and biologists from the Charles Darwin Research Station. The purpose of the center, named for a legendary park ranger, is to raise Galapagos tortoise hatchlings in a protected environment. When the tortoises are large enough to fend for themselves, they are released into the wild. The program has been a great success and in recent years hundreds of young tortoises have been released on several islands.

You will see different sub-species of tortoises in various species of development, from tiny young ones smaller than your fist to fully-grown behemoths lumbering about their enclosures. Your guide will accompany you and provide information about the programs and facilities.

The breeding center is located at the Charles Darwin Research Station, just outside of the town of Puerto Ayora. In addition to the tortoises, you may see finches, warblers, and other birds in and around the tall tree cacti, and tiny lava lizards scurrying about underfoot. After visiting the Research Station, passengers will be taken to the Puerto Ayora pier to board the M/C Elite.

Meals: (B, L, D)

Elite Galapagos Vessel Embarkation

Prince Philip's Steps, El Barranco & Darwin Bay

AM: Genovesa Island is famous for birdlife and neither of its two visitor sites disappoints. Genovesa is the remnant of a once-mighty volcanic crater, and the island still has a distinctive crescent shape. The body of water formed by the crescent is called Darwin Bay, in spite of the fact that Charles Darwin did not ever visit this particular island.

There are no large land animals on Genovesa: not even tortoises or land iguanas. Unlike other islands, Genovesa never had a problem with destructive introduced animals like feral cats or goats, which has allowed birdlife to thrive unmolested on the island for millennia. In the morning, you will visit the Prince Philip’s Steps site. Getting to the visitor site from the landing area is tricky and involves a bit of climbing skill, but once you’re up, Prince Philip’s Steps is a visitor favorite.

There is a magnificent view from the upraised plateau, especially on a clear day. An easy trail winds through a low, scrubby forest and ends up at a rocky ravine of sorts, where lucky visitors will spot the rarely-seen Short-eared Owl. Visitors may also see Red-footed Boobys, gulls, or other birds nesting or visiting the site.

PM: The Darwin Bay visitor site is on the interior side of the crescent-shaped island, protected from wind and currents. It is a wide, sandy beach with a short trail that leads off to one side of the beach and up into some rocky formations. There are many bird species here: visitors can expect to see Blue-footed Boobys, Frigate Birds, Lava Gulls, Herons, Swallow-tailed Gulls, and more.

It is one of the few visitor sites in the islands where you can see Red-footed Boobys. There are some tidal pools off the trail: lucky visitors may spot a ray or some fish trapped there until the tide returns. Following the visit, guests will get to snorkel in the sheltered waters of the bay. Although deep water currents can sometimes cause the water to be chilly or cloudy, the crescent shape of the island protects the bay from strong winds.

The bluffs along the side of the bay drop sharply into the water, which means that snorkelers can stay close to shore but still have deeper water off to one side. Lucky snorkelers might see sharks, rays, sea lions, sea turtles, and dazzling reef fish including parrotfish, wrasses, king angelfish, and damselfish.

Excursions Darwin Bay Galapagos

Buccaneer Cove, Espumilla Beach & Egas Port

AM: Back in the days of the great sailing ships, the Galapagos Islands were well known as a place where a traveling ship could stock up on food and water. Among the visitors were pirates, and the sheltered bay now known as Buccaneer Cove was a favorite place for them to repair their ships. Your visit includes a panga ride along the coast, where guests will see some interesting rock formations as well as several species of nesting birds including gulls, boobys, and pelicans. The formations, eroded into the colorful red rock, are quite striking. You may get to see not only sea lions but also their more reclusive cousins, the Galapagos Fur Sea Lion. The panga ride is followed by a visit to unforgettable Playa Espumilla (“Foamy Beach” in English). The beach, known for reddish sand, is a favorite among guests: long, pristine, and beautiful, it is home to a colony of sea lions as well as countless crabs and marine iguanas. It is possible to do some light snorkeling off of the beach.

PM: The human history of the Galapagos Islands is often as interesting as the natural history, and a good example is Port Egas. Decades ago, an Ecuadorian named Hector Egas tried to make his fortune mining salt on Santiago Island. It worked for a while, but in the end, the enterprise failed. Port Egas bears the name of this intrepid entrepreneur, and there are still some remnants of the old salt mine facilities here if you know where to look.

Puerto Egas is a superb visitor site even without its history. The trail is a loop that goes through some low trees before swinging around along the coast. Along the inland part of the trail, look for finches and a medium-sized blackbird: this is the Smooth-Billed Ani, an introduced species which somehow arrived in Galapagos at some point in the 1960s. On the coastal portion of the trail, you can expect to see numerous sea lions, marine iguanas, and shorebirds.

The coast is rocky due to its volcanic formation, but easy enough to walk along. Look in the shallow tidal pools: you never know what might have gotten stranded in there when the tide went out, and you might spot a stingray or an octopus in addition to the small fish usually found there.

Blue-Footed Booby with Chick

Bachas Beach, Twin Craters & Santa Cruz Highlands

AM:  Bachas beach is one of the more beautiful ones in all of Galapagos – and that’s saying something. It is a long stretch of pristine white sand where sea lions lounge and crabs scuttle back and forth. It was used by the Americans during World War Two: “Bachas” is a version of the word “barges,” which were once landed here.

Sea turtles nest in some of the dunes here, and your guides will ask you to stay clear of the marked areas so as not to disturb the eggs. A short distance away are two salty lagoons where flamingos are frequently seen. There is no real hike here: only the warm, sandy beach. After a stroll along the sand and a refreshing dip, some of our guests like to do some easy snorkeling in the gentle surf.

PM:  The Twins: The “twins” are a pair of sinkholes located in the highlands of Santa Cruz Island. Created ages ago by collapsing lava tunnels, they are not far from the main road through the highlands. From the parking lot, it is a fun, easy hike through a lush tropical forest to the walkways which ring the top of the sinkholes. Butterflies and smaller birds such as finches, doves, and mockingbirds dart and flit through the dense forest on either side of the trail, and attentive visitors may spot the distinctive red flash of a vermillion flycatcher as well.

You will stay in the highlands of Santa Cruz island to see giant tortoises in the wild. This impressive animal gives the name to the archipelago. You can easily appreciate the Galapagos giant tortoises in their natural habitat, eating, walking among others. This is also a good place to see birds such as short-eared owls, Darwin’s finches, yellow warblers, Galapagos rails, and paint-billed crakes. As part of this experience, you will visit underground lava tubes formed by cooled and solidified lava. Then we will continue our journey to board the M/C Elite.

Galapagos Highlands


AM:  They say your culture influences the way you look at things, and Kicker Rock may just be the proof of that. Kicker Rock is a distinctive, boot-shaped rock formation located off of San Cristobal Island. In English, it gets its name from this shape. In Spanish, its name is “León Dormido,” or “Sleeping Lion.” Does it look more like a boot or a lion? You’ll get a nice close-up chance to look for yourself and make up your mind. Your final visit to the Galapagos Islands will be a memorable one: a panga ride up to and around the rock, with the chance for some snorkeling as well. The snorkeling here is excellent, although the currents can be rather strong. Hammerhead sharks are often seen in the murky depths around kicker rock, and fortunate snorkelers might even see a large ray or two.

We will disembark from the cruise at 8:00 AM from San Cristobal Port. After our early morning visit, passengers will get ready and then be taken to San Cristobal Airport. Our airport personnel will assist passengers with the check-in process. Farwell and boarding the flight back to mainland Ecuador.

Crew of Elite Galapagos


Cruises & lodges.

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Hotel Options

Aloft miraflores.

machu picchu tour desde ecuador

Tambo del Inka

machu picchu tour desde ecuador

Casa del Sol Machu Picchu

machu picchu tour desde ecuador

Hacienda Urubamba

machu picchu tour desde ecuador

Wyndham Quito

machu picchu tour desde ecuador

Country Club

machu picchu tour desde ecuador

Aranwa Cusco Boutique

machu picchu tour desde ecuador

Inkaterra Machu Picchu Pueblo


All itineraries are completely customizable. Contact our travel specialists to build your perfect vacation

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machu picchu tour desde ecuador

DEAL FLASH: 2 For 1 On Luxury 4-Day Amazon River Cruise Thanksgiving Departure

  • Machu Picchu & Galapagos Tours

Favorite Galapagos & Machu Picchu Peru Trips for 2024-2025

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  • Santa Cruz Island : Home to the vibrant town of Puerto Ayora, where you can immerse yourself in the lively ambiance and charming waterfront of this Galapagos hub.
  • San Cristobal Island : Discover the unique ecosystem and breathtaking landscapes of this island, renowned for its diverse marine life and the town of Puerto Baquerizo Moreno.
  • Isabela Island : Be captivated by the secluded beaches and stunning volcanic scenery of this largest island in the archipelago. Don't miss the town of Puerto Villamil, a gateway to remarkable adventures.
  • Genovesa Island : Experience the awe-inspiring birdwatching opportunities and discover the extraordinary wildlife, including frigatebirds and red-footed boobies.
  • Santiago Island : Explore the rugged shores and volcanic landscapes of this island, where you can encounter diverse wildlife and witness the remnants of volcanic activity.
  • Santa Fe Island : Relax on the pristine beaches and encounter the unique land iguanas that inhabit this picturesque island.
  • North Seymour Island : Observe the magnificent frigatebirds and blue-footed boobies that call this island home, offering a captivating display of Galapagos wildlife.
  • South Plaza Island : Witness the extraordinary blend of vibrant flora and fauna, including sea lions and land iguanas, on this small but stunning island.
  • Baltra Island : Begin your Galapagos adventure at the Baltra Airport, the main gateway to the archipelago, and marvel at the natural beauty that awaits you.
  • Fernandina Island : Witness the raw volcanic landscapes and encounter marine iguanas, flightless cormorants, and Galapagos penguins.
  • Floreana Island : Immerse yourself in the history of the Galapagos and visit Post Office Bay, where an intriguing postal system has been in place for centuries.
  • Española Island : Discover the impressive wildlife, including waved albatrosses and colorful marine iguanas, as well as stunning natural features like Punta Suárez and Gardner Bay.

Hikes at Machu Picchu: Should I Hike Huayna Picchu or Machu Picchu Mountain?

Galapagos wildlife.

  • Intihuatana : Discover the sacred Intihuatana stone, an ancient Inca ritual stone that served as a solar clock and astronomical calendar.
  • Temple of the Sun : Marvel at the impressive architectural craftsmanship of the Temple of the Sun, dedicated to Inti, the Inca sun god.
  • Temple of the Three Windows : Admire the intricate stonework and trapezoidal windows of the Temple of the Three Windows, providing panoramic views of the surrounding landscape.
  • Temple of the Condor : Witness the symbolic representation of a condor in flight within the Temple of the Condor, a sacred animal in Inca mythology.
  • The Sacred Plaza : Experience the heart of Machu Picchu at the Sacred Plaza, a central gathering place surrounded by important structures and offering breathtaking views.
  • The Residential Area : Explore the residential sector, where you can observe the distinctive stone architecture and imagine life within the ancient Inca city.
  • The Agricultural Terraces : Marvel at the remarkable agricultural terraces that supported the city's self-sustainability, showcasing the Inca's advanced farming techniques.
  • The Inca Bridge : Walk along the thrilling Inca Bridge, a marvel of engineering that provided access to Machu Picchu while also offering a strategic defensive position.
  • The Gatehouse : Pass through the Gatehouse, the entrance point to Machu Picchu and a gateway to the extraordinary world of the Incas.
  • The Temple of the Moon : Venture beyond the main site to the Temple of the Moon, a hidden gem with intricate carvings and a sacred underground chamber.

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15-Day Peru and Ecuador with Machu Picchu and the Galapagos

15-Day Peru and Ecuador with Machu Picchu and the Galapagos

See Pricing Details >

Combine the best of Peru and Ecuador, visiting Machu Picchu in Peru and the Galapagos in Ecuador! This special itinerary includes our top recommendations for both countries. Tours are listed in groups, but may be private tours as well.

In Peru, travel to Cusco, the heartland of ancient Inca culture. You'll discover the city of Cusco, the highlights of the Sacred Valley and the amazing citadel of Machu Picchu. In Ecuador, visit historic Quito in the high Andes and add either a trip to the market city of Otavalo or to beautiful Cotopaxi National Park. After flying to the Galapagos, explore the islands on a first class cruise boat, led by expert naturalist guides to view seabirds, iguanas, sea lions, giant tortoises and marine life. Your trip can run in reverse, starting in Ecuador and ending in Peru. We recommend a 5-day Galapagos cruise, but we can also arrange other options including 4- or 8-day cruises, and land-based Galapagos island hopping options. We can also offer extensions to the Amazon (in Peru or in Ecuador), to the Ecuadorian highlands, and throughout Peru including Lake Titicaca and Colca Canyon. Feel free to inquire with us regarding international or domestic flights - we can help you book all the necessary fights for the trip.


Day 1: Arrive Lima evening; welcome and assistance; overnight Lima airport hotel

Arrive Lima in the evening. You will go through immigration, get your luggage and go through customs. Enter the terminal and your agent will greet you and provide assistance for your check in to your hotel at the airport. Overnight Lima airport hotel.

Meals included: n/a Mid-Range Accommodations: Costa del Sol Lima Airport (Wyndham)

Day 2: Walk to terminal; fly to Cusco; welcome and transfer to hotel; overnight Cusco (B)

Walk to the terminal and check in for your flight to Cusco. When you arrive Cusco, you will be met and transferred to your hotel, with an orientation en route.

You will have the afternoon free to acclimatize to the altitude (3,400 meters; 11,000 feet). Cusco is the ancient capital of the Inca Empire and is set high in the Andes Mountains. Here Spanish churches and mansions sit alongside Inca remains. Nearly 600 years ago, the Inca nation appeared in Southern Peru, and in a relatively short time, consolidated its power in Cuzco, before expanding north to what are now Ecuador and Colombia and south to present-day Chile. Overnight in Cusco.

Meals included: Breakfast Mid-Range Accommodations: Casa Andina Cusco Plaza or similar

Day 3: Free morning; afternoon Cusco city tour and nearby ruins (in a group); overnight Cusco (B)

You have the morning free to acclimatize and wander on your own in the Plaza de Armas vicinity. In the afternoon, you will have a tour (in a group) of the city sites (Cathedral and Qoricancha) and nearby ruins of Sacsayhuaman, Qenko and Pucapucara will educate you on the history of this astonishing center of the Inca Empire. Overnight in Cusco.

Day 4: Full day tour of the Sacred Valley with lunch (in a group): Pisac & Ollantaytambo village and ruins; overnight in the Sacred Valley (BL)

Pick up at your hotel for a full day tour of the Sacred Valley: this morning continue towards Pisac, for an immersion into the heart of the Andean culture, famous for its Andean market with its interesting food and artisan stalls. Try your bargaining skills here always keeping in mind handmade artwork is worth it!

Enjoy a buffet lunch in a local restaurant. In the afternoon, you visit Ollantaytambo, a still-thriving Inca village set below an ancient Inca fortress and temple with stunning views over the valley that makes you feel as if you have stepped back into the 15th century. Admire the magnificence of this important Inca site and stroll through the quaint streets of the present town. Overnight in the Sacred Valley.

Meals included: Breakfast, Lunch Mid-Range Accommodations: Hotel Pakaritampu or similar

Day 5: Vistadome train to Machu Picchu (Aguas Calientes); free afternoon; overnight Aguas Calientes (B).

We transfer you from the hotel in the Sacred Valley to Ollantaytambo train station in order to take the Vistadome train that brings us to the town of Aguas Calientes, near Machu Picchu.

You have the afternoon free in Aguas Calientes, to visit the local craft market, hot springs baths, local museum and gardens. Overnight in Aguas Calientes.

Meals included: Breakfast Mid-Range Accommodations: El MaPi Hotel or similar

Day 6: Shuttle, entrance, guided tour of Machu Picchu (group); option to climb Huayna Picchu; train return to Cusco; transfer; overnight Cusco (B)

Today, you meet your guide early for the shuttle, entrance and guided tour of Machu Picchu (in a group).

There is an option to climb Huayna Picchu at 7 or 10 a.m. (ticket required and not included; must order at least 90 days in advance of your travel), or hike to the sungate (Inti Punku)(ticket not required). Lunch on your own.

Return to Aguas Calientes for the late afternoon Vistadome train that takes you back to Cusco, and transfer to your hotel. Overnight in Cusco.

Day 7: Transfer to airport; fly to Lima; continue with flight to Quito; arrive, transfer and overnight Quito (B)

Transfer to the airport for your morning flight to Lima. You will continue with a flight to Quito (Guayaquil is also an option). Arrive Quito. You will be greeted and provided with a transfer to your Quito hotel. Overnight Quito.

Meals included: Breakfast Mid-Range Accommodations: Dann Carlton Hotel Quito

Day 8: Colonial Quito Tour and the Equator (private); overnight Quito (B)

Today enjoy a day tour of Quito (private). In the morning. we'll visit Colonial Quito with its historic churches and government buildings. After lunch (not included, but available on request), we'll visit El Mitad Del Mundo or "The Middle of the World," a fascinating monument on the equator. Once you're through touring the highlights of Quito, we'll return to your Quito hotel where you'll overnight.

Day 9: Otavalo Market and City or Cotopaxi Park Day Tour (group or private); overnight Quito (B)

Enjoy a day tour in the Ecuadorian highlands with lunch. Tours may be private or in a group.

OPTION 1: Your tour guide will pick you up at your hotel and give you a brief introduction to the hacienda, rose production, and the famous Otavalo Market. Your first stop will be the hacienda that grows some of the most beautiful roses in the world. After lunch, drive to Otavalo for an afternoon of shopping.

OPTION 2: Your tour guide will pick you up at your hotel and drive you south to the Cotopaxi National Park. Enjoy easy hiking and stunning views of the surrounding mountains. Return to Quito in the late afternoon/ early evening for your overnight.

Day 10: Shuttle to airport; fly to the Galapagos; arrive and transfer; excursion; overnight on board (BLD)

This morning, the shuttle will take you to the Quito airport for your flight to the Galapagos. Arrive in the Galapagos (Baltra or San Cristobal).

Travelers are picked up at the airport and transferred to your vessel. After your welcome cocktail and a chance to get situated on board the board, we'll enjoy our first activity of the trip. The excursions vary from land and dinghy rides, with wet and dry landings. You will be assured of seeing the signature Galapagos wildlife during your cruise.

Each cruise ship has specific itineraries, that are set by the National Park, and they vary from week to week. We will be able to give you the itinerary for the cruise ship and that cruise, when we have talke with you about your dates.

Overnight on board.

Meals included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner Mid-Range Accommodations: Standard Plus Cabin

Day 11: Explore the Galapagos Islands; overnight on board (BLD)

There will be two excursions today, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Lunch will be served on the boat. Again, the itinerary is determined by the cruise ship and dates.

There will be opportunities to snorkel and swim, with many of the excursions. In the evening, there are lectures and programs on the Galapagos, as well as a briefing for the next day's activities. Overnight on board.

Day 12: Explore the Galapagos Islands; overnight on board (BLD)

There will be two excursions today, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Lunch is served on the boat. Again, the itinerary is determined by the cruise ship and dates.

Day 13: Explore the Galapagos Islands; overnight on board (BLD)

Day 14: Morning excursion; transfer to airport; fly to Quito; overnight Quito airport hotel (B)

This morning will include a final excursion and you will transfer to the airport (Baltra or San Cristobal), for your flight to Quito.

When you arrive Quito, you may take the shuttle on your own to a hotel near the airport. Overnight Quito airport hotel.

Meals included: Breakfast Mid-Range Accommodations: Wyndham Quito Airport

Day 15: Hotel shuttle to airport; depart for home (B)

Depending on your departure flight, you may have the morning free. Then, take the hotel shuttle on your own to the airport for your flight home.

Meals included: Breakfast

*** Contact Us for other itinerary and lodging options! ***

NOTE: Prices are per person in U.S. dollars based on double/triple occupancy. All quotations are based on the current rates of park fees, VAT, other government taxes, and current exchange rates. Should any of these be increased or a new tax introduced, these increases will be added on even if your trip has already been paid for.

Request Information: 15-Day Peru and Ecuador with Machu Picchu and the Galapagos

  • Machu Picchu FAQ
  • Trekking Packing List
  • Inca Trail Interactive Map
  • Peru Lodging
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  • Where To Go
  • South Africa
  • Flying solo
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  • Adventurous
  • Responsible Travel
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  • Slow Travel
  • From USD 14,950

Exclusive Machu Picchu & Galápagos

Peru, ecuador.

Immerse yourself in a captivating tour that explores legendary ruins, ancient culture, unique wildlife and extraordinary landscapes

  • Indian Ocean Islands
  • South America
  • The Wild Coast
  • Lake Titicaca
  • Machu Picchu
  • Nazca Lines
  • Northern Amazon


Your journey at a glance, embark on an extraordinary 12-day itinerary that highlights the beauty and adventure of ecuador and peru..

Immerse yourself in a spectacular 12-day adventure to the bucket list destinations of Peru and Ecuador. Your journey begins briefly in Lima, one of South America’s largest cities. Head to Cusco, once the political and geographical centre of the Inca Empire. This enchanting city balances age-old Peruvian traditions with Spanish colonial elegance and offers peaceful courtyards, centuries-old passageways, lively European-style squares, temples and sacred hillside sanctuaries for visitors to explore. Discover Peru’s most sought-after drawcard, the famous ruins of Machu Picchu. This enigmatic stone citadel is tangible evidence of the Inca Empire, when it was at the peak of its power and achievement. Journey to Quito, the bustling capital of Ecuador, steeped in a rich cultural history perfectly juxtaposed with a contemporary ambiance. Historically fascinating, the iconic Old Town, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, showcases an astounding array of monuments and colonial architecture, all built on the ruins of an Incan city. Your adventure culminates in the pristine chain of volcanic islands that make up the UNESCO World Heritage Site of the Galapagos. Made famous by Charles Darwin who studied the island’s fantastic array of species, this is an unforgettable experience brimming with marine iguanas, sea lions, giant tortoises and an exceptional array of wildlife and birds. An extraordinary adventure awaits you here.

1 night Lima | 1 night Cusco | 1 night Machu Picchu | 2 nights  Cusco | 2 nights Quito | 4 nights Galápagos Islands


Talk to one of our travel specialists to tailormake your stay to any of our destinations

A taste of what to expect…

Day 1-2: lima.

  • Upon arrival at Lima International Airport, you will be welcomed by an &Beyond representative and escorted across the road to Wyndham – Costa del Sol Lima Airport Hotel

Day 2-3: Cusco

  • This morning you will meet your &Beyond representative for your scheduled flight to Cusco.
  • On arrival at Cusco Airport your guide will meet you and drive you to your hotel.
  • Visit the Cathedral of Cusco, the mother church of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Cusco; in addition to its official status as a place of worship, has become a major repository of Cusco’s colonial art, it also holds many archaeological artefacts and relics.
  • Explore Koricancha Temple, the most impressive example of how Inca and Hispanic cultures fused together. The remains of the ancient Peruvians’ Sun Temple were used as foundations on which the Santo Domingo church and convent was built.
  • Discover Sacsayhuaman, an imposing display of Inca architecture, there is still a question over its real purpose during the Inca period. At first, it was thought to have been a fort, but later it was considered to have been a ceremonial centre.
  • Take pictures at Qenqo, an immense, rocky promontory marked by carved steps, wells and channels; Puca Puccara or Red Fort and Tambomachay where the architecture of this Inca baths consists of a group of structures built with precisely cut stones. Water from nearby streams runs through the site in aqueducts and small cascades.

Day 3-4: Machu Picchu Pueblo

  • An exciting day awaits as you board the vistadome train to Machu Picchu.
  • Explore the enigmatic citadel of Machu Picchu accompanied by your expert guide. They will lead you through the site, providing archaeological and historical information on key areas of interest, including Intihuatana (the Sun Dial), the Sacred Plaza and the Temple of the Sun.
  • This is an opportunity to revel in the energy and atmosphere of one of the most significant and spectacular archaeological sites on the planet, surrounded by the cloud forest, Wayna Picchu and Inti Punku (the Sun Gate), the entrance to the Machu Picchu.

Day 4-5: Cusco

  • This morning you may rise early, take the bus and enjoy the prospects of a walk-through Machu Picchu at sunrise, something which people of strong spirituality believe to be the highlight of a visit to Machu Picchu.
  • Today you will have the option to do one or two of these hikes:
  • Huayna Picchu, one of the highlights of a visit to Machu Picchu. The views of the Citadel and surrounding landscape are extraordinary from the top and well worth the climbing effort.
  • Inti Punku or Sun Gate, it takes about an hour each way and is an uphill strenuous hike on the way out to the Gate.
  • Inca Bridge constructed of a few narrow logs perched above a sheer vertical drop – is believed to have served as a secret entrance to Machu Picchu.
  • Machu Picchu Mountain, large granite steps comprise most of its trail and wind all the way to the top. The steep climb is a challenging but rewarding hike and the 360-degree views at the top are a gorgeous reward.
  • Depart on the deluxe Hiram Bingham train and enjoy a sumptuous dinner served on board.

Day 5-6: Pisac & Ollantaytambo

  • This morning you will visit Pisac Market, renowned for its colourful market where locals meet to sell their merchandise as they have done for centuries. The handicraft market is open every day and is famous for its ceramic beads made into necklaces, earrings and other Peruvian artefacts.
  • You will then continue to Pisac Archaeological Site, here there are many different buildings, plazas, temples, pools and other structures, all built between the 10th and 11th centuries AD. Inca architecture continues to stun admirers with the technique used to build its enormous walls, palaces and turrets with stone blocks, all done without any type of cement or adhesive.
  • Lunch is at Hacienda Huayoccari, tucked away in the lush, vegetation-filled private estate of the Lambarri-Orihuela family in the village of Huayoccari. The Hacienda houses the owner’s private collection of pre-Colombian, Incan and colonial artefacts including an impressive collection of ‘Qeros’ the traditional drinking vessels.
  • Explore Ollantaytambo, a lovely village that preserves the designs of Inca buildings. Among this place’s most impressive attractions are the ceremonial temple in worship of water and a fortress that guarded the entrance to the valley to repel any invasions. The fortress is a stone colossus that was built between two mountains to protect the valley.

Day 6-8: Quito

  • This morning you will be driven to Cusco Airport for your scheduled flight to Lima and connect with your international flight to Quito Airport.
  • Upon your arrival you will be welcomed by an &Beyond representative and driven to your hotel.
  • Quito, Ecuador’s capital, sits high in the Andean foothills and is constructed on the foundations of an ancient Incan city.
  • Enjoy a downtown city tour passing through the modern section of Quito towards the city’s historic district. Sit in Independence Square, flanked by the Presidential Palace, the Cathedral, the Archbishop’s Palace and the City Hall. Stroll past El Sagrario Church and marvel at the exquisite stone facade of La Compañía Church. Visit the San Francisco Church, built over the ruins of an Inca Palace in the 16th century.
  • Ride up the road to the Panecillo or the Itchimbia hills for a breathtaking view of Quito.
  • Savour a delicious chocolate tasting in Galeria Ecuador, where you will learn how to cultivate cacao plants, and the process of transforming the cacao plant into chocolate. You will be provided with
  • Cooking implements and ingredients to prepare your very own chocolate truffles.
  • Participate in a Cooking Class with the opportunity to create two typical Ecuadorian dishes. A professional chef will be your teacher during this activity. You will be shown how to prepare “ceviche” and the famous “helado de Paila” (an ice cream made with fresh typical pulp fruits, considered one of the most iconic foods of Ecuador).
  • Visit the Equatorial Monument, built as a tribute to the French scientists who determined the shape of the earth in the 1700’s. Visit the Ethnographic Museum inside the monument, where the colourful way of life of the different ethnic groups of Ecuador is on display. There is also the Intiñan interactive museum that reveals the different theories around the Incas.

Day 8: Galapagos Islands

  • After breakfast you will be picked up and driven to the airport for your domestic flight to Galapagos Islands. You will have access to the VIP Lounge at Baltra Airport (GPS).
  • The Pikaia Lodge representatives meet you and take to the Itabaca Channel for a seven-minute ferry crossing to Santa Cruz Island followed by a 50minute scenic trip in private transport to Pikaia Lodge.
  • Relax and familiarise yourself in the spectacular surroundings and unwind at the Sumaq Spa, swim in the infinity pool, workout in the gym, or go walking, jogging or cycling on the scenic trails within the boundaries. There is a good chance of encountering resident giant tortoises.
  • Watch a fascinating 3D HD documentary on Galapagos filmed by Sir David Attenborough.

Day 9-11: Santa Fe, South Plaza, North Seymour, Mosquera and Santa Cruz Islands

  • Enjoy full day yacht experiences with highly experienced naturalist guides who will explain the history, evolution and science of not only the beautiful location, but also the incredible animals you will encounter.
  • Pull on wetsuits for a fun snorkelling activity or strap on your hiking boots for captivating hikes.
  • Relish lunch buffets with traditional Ecuadorian food.
  • See giant tortoises on a private estate located in the highlands, where these ancient reptiles search for water and lush vegetation.
  • Splash at Garrapatero Beach, a gorgeous sandy beach surrounded by mangroves. A fresh wáter lake behind the beach is home to flamingos, herons, stilts and other shore birds. The beautiful turquoise waters provide a good opportunity for swimming and snorkelling.
  • While sailing, you can rest, shower, or freshen up in your air – conditioned private cabins, soak in the jacuzzi, watch a Galapagos documentary, join a discussion with guides, sunbathe or watch for seabirds or dolphins.

Day 12: Departure

  • After your breakfast you will be driven to Baltra Airport for your domestic flight to Quito. Upon arrival you will assisted to your international flight home.
  • Wave a fond farewell as your journey with us comes to an end.

Stay here on this journey

  • All nights of accommodation mentioned in the program
  • Private transportation in Lima, Cuzco, Sacred Valley and Quito.
  • Private Bilingual Guides in Lima, Cusco, Sacred Valley, Machu Picchu and Quito.
  • Naturalist Bilingual Guide for all excursions in Galapagos in sharing basis
  • Meals as indicated in the itinerary
  • Entrance tickets to Machu Picchu and Galapagos Islands.
  • Migratory Cards to enter in Galapagos and all sites mentioned in the itinerary.
  • Second visit to Machu Picchu Ruins
  • Hiram Bingham Round Trip Train Tickets.
  • Taxes included, where applicable
  • International Airfare / Airport taxes
  • Lima/Cusco/Lima approximately USD 120 per person
  • Quito/Galapagos/Quito approximately USD 670 per person
  • Early check in or late check-out charges
  • Items of personal nature like laundry, phone calls, etc.
  • Any video/still camera fee during the trip
  • Excess of baggage
  • Visas (visit our partner, Sherpa , for reliable and convenient access to all visa-related requirements, supporting information, and costs)
  • Travel insurance (visit our partner, Global Rescue , for more information).
  • Rates are valid for: 10 January - 30 September 2024
  • Children and small group rates upon request*
  • Rates include only those items specified in your itinerary.
  • Prices are subject to change as per change in Government / Hotel / Airline policy without prior notice
  • Please note, the names of hotels mentioned in our proposal only indicate that our rates have been based on usage of these hotels. It is not to be construed that accommodation is confirmed at these hotels until and unless we convey the confirmations to you on receipt of your acceptance. However in the event of any of the above mentioned hotels not becoming available at the time of initiating the reservations, we shall book alternate accommodation at a similar or next best available hotel and shall pass on the difference of rates (supplement/reduction whatever applicable) to you.
  • The rates quoted are subject to change without prior warning, should there be any increases in Park Fees, Fuel, Sales Tax or VAT, third party services, or any other circumstances beyond our control in the regions featured in this quote/booking
  • All guests must take out comprehensive travel insurance covering them for personal effects, personal accident, medical and emergency travel expenses, cancellation and curtailment
  • &Beyond reserves the right to modify program itineraries, including arranged sightseeing, and substitute accommodations, including vessels and trains, at any time due to unforeseen circumstances or circumstances beyond &Beyond's control. Every effort will be made to operate itineraries as planned, but alterations may occur after the final itinerary has been issued.
  • Rates are subject to change
  • &Beyond Trading Terms apply

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Discover Ecuador and Peru

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Giant turtle in El Chato tortoise reserve, Ecuador

Ultimate Machu Picchu and Galapagos Two-Week Private Tour

Customers rate Zicasso's travel referral service  4.9  on a scale of 1 to 5 based on  1585  reviews on Trustpilot

We match you with top tour companies that specialize in the trip you want,  whether it's a customized private tour or a group tour.

  • Trip Overview

This is a sample itinerary to inspire a personalized trip designed with your travel specialist

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Countries Visited

Places visited, suggested duration.

With a seven-day luxury cruise and intimate Incan adventure, this two-week luxury tour will celebrate the very best of the Galapagos Islands and Machu Picchu. Red-footed boobies may hop before your eyes, a once lost city will emerge from the mountainous mist, and penguins and seals can swarm alongside your kayak. Expect to get closer and to discover two magnificent South American realms.

Customizable Itinerary

Quito – the world heritage city.

Quito is a delightful old city. Colorful houses line cobbled streets, impressing a faraway time, and church domes glisten beneath the Ecuadorian sun. By entering churches, you will find fables of gold and luxury beyond comprehension. Regardless, out on the old squares, there is a laid-back and low-key atmosphere to the city. After being greeted at the airport, you will be transferred to a heritage hotel in the UNESCO World Heritage city center. A guided afternoon stroll will reveal the city’s magnificent history, and there are some excellent restaurants to try as well.

What's Included:

San Cristobal – Giant Tortoises

You will fly to the Galapagos this morning and immediately experience island wonder. Hundreds of giant tortoises roam a forest on San Cristobal, which is an island of volcanic history and mystery. You can wander alongside them, marveling at their gigantic frames. Then, you can join a small-boat luxury cruise that will set off across the archipelago, and the captain will lead you to Genovesa. Volcanic rocks will roll past your window, and from the upper deck, you can feast on a sky full of stars. This is the finest Galapagos boat for visitors who are seeking low-key luxury and exceptional wildlife experiences. Over these seven days, you will be center stage for one of the world’s ultimate animal theaters.

Genovesa – Galapagos Bird Experiences

Genovesa is the best Galapagos island for encounters with seabirds. Red-footed boobies hop to impress mates, showing off their remarkable feet. Great frigatebirds nest on cliffs, and you can wander amid enormous colonies. Storm petrels rule the air and often dive into the ocean to fish. Nazca boobies also have nests here, and it is incredible how close you can get without intruding. After a morning of exploring the area around Prince Philip’s Steps, you will spend the afternoon at Darwin Bay, where finches and mockingbirds fly about constantly. Today, you will also be wandering across lava trails with the chance to snorkel with seals in a pristine natural harbor.

Santiago – Sea Lions, Fur Seals, and More

You will have two options for exploring the marine world this morning. You can either go kayaking, which is an easy paddle alongside fur seals and playful sea lions, or you can ride in a glass-bottom boat for similarly impressive encounters. This small-boat cruise only holds up to 40 guests, and each option is available to every guest. Groups are small so that you can really maximize time at wildlife sites. As you stay around Santiago island this afternoon, you will have the opportunity to witness more fur seals. Marine iguanas often grace the shores, and these are another example of the evolution that took place on these islands.

Isabela – Wildlife Wonders

By now, you should be settled in to the daily rhythm of the cruise. An early breakfast will be followed by at least one activity, which is sometimes at a land site. Each wildlife site will be carefully controlled so that only one group is there at any one time. Your boat cruise will pause for lunch, and you will have time to rest before one or two afternoon wildlife activities. At Tagus Cove, you will wander across volcanic craters and watch stunning birds patrol the sky. This will be followed by the possibility of swimming, snorkeling, or kayaking. The best thing about today is knowing that you still have more time to explore the Galapagos.

Isabela – Luxury Galapagos Cruise

Your boat will travel to Isabela today, which is a fabulous site for discovering Galapagos land iguanas and giant tortoises. These iguanas are beyond comprehension. They grow up to one meter long and can expertly camouflage themselves to a tree branch or the beach. This morning will also offer you some superb snorkeling and the opportunity to walk across the uplifted ocean floor on corals and shells that once lived beneath the surface. On the other side of Isabela, there is no landing site, but in a small boat, you can cruise past lava flows in the company of penguins.

Santa Cruz – Animal Experiences

Today will be your final day on the luxury cruise, and it may be hard to fathom the intensity and intimacy of wildlife encounters that you have experienced. Sea lions and yellow warblers will be the highlights this morning. Dragon Hill on Santa Cruz island will bring new animals, notably flamingos and some endemic land iguanas that nest along the coast. These western islands are old, and you can sense how the weather has reduced their frames, especially in comparison to the more jagged pinnacles of islands. You can expect another incredible day of wildlife and the continually relaxed atmosphere of cruising the Galapagos.

Lima – Ecuador for Peru

After your cruise concludes, you will have a relatively long day of travel with a flight to Lima via Guayaquil. You will arrive fairly late in the evening and be staying at a hotel near the airport. Regardless, you can still feast on Lima’s cuisine. The Peruvian capital has a spectacular dining scene, and a local guide can lead you to one of the country’s ultimate restaurants. Cusco and Incan civilization will be on the docket for tomorrow, so tonight, you just need to rest and savor the food.

Urubamba Valley – The Sacred Valley

This morning, you will fly to Cusco and be immediately immersed in the old Incan world. Rather than stay in Cusco at high altitude, you will descend to the Sacred Valley of the Incas, where heritage lives on in small villages and lively markets. Today will be all about color as you check in to a lovely hacienda and spend the afternoon in Pisac. Indigenous Andean culture lives on strongly here, which is best exemplified by the local market. Here, colorful stalls and exotic smells will provide a lively introduction to this region and its culture.

Urubamba Valley – Incan Histories

Smaller indigenous markets dot the valley, and these can be visited today along with more specific Incan history. A local guide will customize the day to your interests and preferences. With two days in Urubamba, you can comfortably get around all the key highlights. You can marvel at magnificent salt pans that families continue to harvest by hand, gasp at Incan fortresses and intricate architectural details, and glimpse what you will soon discover at Machu Picchu. You can also explore ancient temple structures in addition to getting to know the Incan story before tomorrow’s journey to the Lost City.

Machu Picchu – Wonders of Machu Picchu

This morning will be at your leisure so that you can avoid the pre-sunrise rush to Machu Picchu. Contrary to popular belief, the afternoon is a better time to visit the ancient city because it is much quieter. Furthermore, while you do not get a view of Machu Picchu emerging the from mist, you can indulge in a picnic while overlooking the almost completely intact old city. You will take the train through the jungle and ascend to the historic city. A local guide will lead you on a tour of the city. As the site clears of visitors, you may find yourself virtually alone, enjoying the sun’s slow descent and a changing sky. You will be staying at the only hotel actually located at Machu Picchu.

Cusco – Sunrise at Machu Picchu

All the other hotels are located about a 15-minute drive away. Instead of rushing to get on transfer buses this morning, you can walk out of your hotel and be straight back inside Machu Picchu. Mist swirls, and while there can be crowds at sunrise, the sight of the city as it emerges from the mist is quite breathtaking. This morning will also be your chance to explore more of the surroundings, including a hike to one of two peaks that flank the city. After brunch and a chance to freshen up at your hotel, you will descend to Aguas Calientes for a train and road transfer to Cusco, which is a city that provides the other side to Incan history.

Cusco – The Old Incan Capital

Machu Picchu has been perfectly preserved and frozen in time. Cusco has changed enormously since its time as Incan capital, but it is still a fabulous place to explore heritage. Temples have survived, and archaeological remains further celebrate Incan ingenuity. Some sites were extended by the Spanish, who built cathedrals and temples to add their own flair to this city in the mountains. On a full-day tour, you can stroll through lanes of cobblestone and intrigue before sinking your senses into Incan heritage, Spanish history, and an Andean Indian city.

Cusco – Departure

Today, you will depart the Incan world after breakfast with a private transfer to Cusco’s airport.

Trip Highlights

  • Wander above Machu Picchu at sunrise and admire how the Lost City emerges from mist
  • Explore the best of the Galapagos Islands on a seven-day cruise to eight different volcanic islands
  • Discover the wonders of the Sacred Valley of the Incas, which will be a perfect introduction to your two days at Machu Picchu
  • Uncover magnificent Galapagos marine life, including penguins, turtles, rays, sharks, seals, and sea lions
  • Wander through Machu Picchu with a historian guide to discover the secrets to an ancient civilization
  • Be amazed by Galapagos birds as you explore nesting sites and learn the surreal behaviors of unique species
  • Marvel at the old Incan capital by spending 48 hours in Cusco, which is a magnificent city for concluding your two weeks in Ecuador and Peru
  • Understand the secrets to evolution by discovering many of the islands’ rare land animals, including marine iguanas

Detailed Description

The Galapagos and Machu Picchu are two South American destinations that defy descriptions. One reveals the natural realm in all its glory, and the other showcases cultural heritage in its most unapologetic form. You can combine them both on this two-week tour to Galapagos and Machu Picchu. This tour includes a seven-day island cruise and six days of being immersed in the Incan realm. Expertly customized, these two weeks provide the ultimate experiences with two South American icons.

After flying to Quito, you will spend seven days cruising through the Galapagos Islands on a small boat that visits at least two wildlife sites each day. First, you will explore the remarkable birdlife, including red-footed and blue-footed boobies, and Darwin’s finches. The middle of the cruise will reveal stunning marine life on land and water. Sea lions and penguins will be among your intimate encounters. Then, there will be marine iguanas, various giant iguanas, and tortoises to complete your wildlife experience on Galapagos. The seven-day cruise will visit different parts of the archipelago so that you can fully understand its volcanic history and how the wildlife came to be.

After a night in Lima, you will spend five days amid old Incan mysteries. Salt flats and indigenous markets will reveal what has been left behind in the Sacred Valley of the Incas before two days at Machu Picchu immerses you in the Lost City. First, you will tour the site with a historian guide to discover some of its secrets and intricacies. Then, you will spend the night next to the old city and return the following morning for sunrise and the roving mist. You will then discover Cusco, which is a once-proud Incan capital that became a major Spanish colonial city. Lastly, you will complete your journey of one of our planet’s greatest cultural histories.

Starting Price

$17,100  per person (excluding international flights)

Your Zicasso trip is fully customizable, and this sample itinerary is a starting place for your travel plans. Actual costs are dynamic, and your selection of accommodations and activities, your season of travel, and other such variables will bring this budget guideline up or down. Throughout your planning experience with your Zicasso specialist, your itinerary is designed around your budget. You can book your trip when you are satisfied with every detail. Planning your trip with a Zicasso travel specialist is a free service.

What's Included

The starting price is based on travel during the low season for a minimum of two travelers staying in shared 3-star accommodations. Please inquire for a custom trip quote based on your travel preferences and travel dates.

Reviews of Zicasso's Referral Service

4.9 stars based on 79 reviews.

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Reviewed By  Denise D.

Reviewed By  Karey M.

Reviewed By  Jinhee T.

Reviewed By  Tom O.

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The great Inca city of Machu Picchu in Peru

The experts in boutique travel to Peru and South America

Custom-designed Luxury Tours Since 1998

Collage showing Machu Picchu and Virgilio Martinez, one of the world's top chefs.

Trusted by over 5,000 satisfied travelers every year


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All our travelers receive complimentary 24/7 emergency assistance from English-speaking staff.

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Peru inspiring packages

machu picchu tour desde ecuador

Machu Picchu Classic

Cusco, Sacred Valley & Machu Picchu

machu picchu tour desde ecuador

Amazon to Machu Picchu

Amazon, Cusco, Sacred Valley & Machu Picchu

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Historical Peru

Arequipa, Colca Canyon, Nazca, Cusco, Lima & Machu Picchu

machu picchu tour desde ecuador

The Great Regions of Peru

Amazon, Colca Canyon, Cusco, Lima, Machu Picchu, Nazca & Titicaca

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Titicaca & Machu Picchu

Cusco, Sacred Valley, Machu Picchu & Titicaca

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Cusco & Classic Inca Trail

Cusco, Inca Trail, Sacred Valley & Machu Picchu

machu picchu tour desde ecuador

Andean Highlights

Colca Canyon, Cusco, Lima, Machu Picchu & Titicaca

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Luxury Amazon Cruise and Machu Picchu

Cusco, Sacred Valley, Machu Picchu & Amazon Cruise

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Sacred Valley highlights & Machu Picchu

Other fully customizable south america packages.

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Galapagos & Machu Picchu

Galapagos, Cusco, Sacred Valley & Machu Picchu

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The Highlights of the Galapagos & Ecuador

Cuenca, Quito, Galapagos & Guayaquil

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Patagonia Highlights

El Calafate, El Chalten, Puerto Natales & Torres Del Paine

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Santiago & Atacama

Santiago, Valparaiso & San Pedro de Atacama

machu picchu tour desde ecuador

Santiago & Easter Island

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Argentina Highlights

Buenos Aires, Iguazu Falls & El Calafate

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Discover Brazil

Rio de Janeiro, Buzios, Iguazu Falls, Salvador de Bahia & Manaus

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Buenos Aires, Santiago & Patagonia

Santiago, Valparaíso, Puerto Natales, El Calafate & Buenos Aires

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Brazilian Paradise

Rio de Janeiro, Búzios & Florianópolis

A collage showing a section of cracked earth next to Mil Centro restaurant and the Moray ruins.

A Day In Foodie’s Paradise

Enjoy the epitome of destination dining at MIL restaurant in the Sacred Valley. Experience the soul and flavor of Peruvian cuisine and traverse high-altitude landscapes by only lifting your fork: an expertly crafted, 8-course gastronomic tour through Peru.

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Embark on your journey. We take care of everything from start to finish, so all you have to do is enjoy.

Traveler to traveler

Our expert team are explorers from diverse backgrounds with something in common, a passion for Peru

machu picchu tour desde ecuador

Our specialists

At Inca Expert, we believe in enriched travel. We have sought the expert opinion of our preeminent specialists to craft for you the most authentic experiences possible.

Meet Our Experts

We have sought the expert opinion of our preeminent specialists to craft for you the most authentic experiences possible.

machu picchu tour desde ecuador

Kim MacQuarrie Four-time Emmy Winner and Author

Embark on a memorable journey in great comfort

machu picchu tour desde ecuador

Allyson and John K.

North Carolina, USA Traveled to: Lima, Cusco, Sacred Valley & Machu Picchu

Aracelli Gutierrez

Saint Louis, MO, USA Traveled to: Lima, Cusco, Lares, Machu Picchu, Rainbow Mountain

machu picchu tour desde ecuador

Hand Picked hotels

Stay in premier properties with authentic character

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Local providers.

We build partnerships with providers that support development and employment in their local communities.

Ethical Trekking

We work with trekking operators that respect their employees and protect local ecosystems.

Community Building

Inca Expert Travel supports local charities that empower yout and promote growth in underserved communities.

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machu picchu tour desde ecuador

Iniciar Sesión

Quito matriz.

(02) 38 22 490

098 11 37 460

Sector Portugal

(02) 47 72 920

096 909 7273

Valle de Los Chillos

(02) 2 866 671

096 7787 226

(04) 60 55 555

098 11 37 423

Quito: (02) 38 22 490

El Comercio E10-93 y La Razón. Edif.: Gutierrez 2º piso. Atras de Quicentro Norte.

Guayaquil: (04) 60 33 777

Joaquin Orrantia y Leopoldo Benítez, Edif.: Trade Building. Mezanine 11. Junto a Mall del Sol.

Horarios de Atención

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Este paquete.


(02) 60 44 095


(04) 60 33 777

Sudamérica - Cuzco | HOTELES EN Cuzco | Qué hacer en Cuzco | Paquetes Turísticos - Viajes de familia - Temporada Baja - Latam Ecuador




Machu Picchu, nombre quechua que significa “Montaña Vieja”, es una ciudadela Inca que se estima fue construida entre los años 1,400 a 1,500 por el Inca Pachacutec, es considerada la joya arquitectónica y arqueológica más importantes de la cultura Inca. Un halo de misterio envuelve todo lo relacionado a esta ciudadela. Hay diversas teorías sobre la función de MachuPicchu, sin embargo la teoría más firme sostiene que fue un asentamiento construido con el objetivo de supervisar la economía de las regiones conquistadas y con el secreto propósito de refugiar al Inca y su séquito más cercano, en caso de ataque. En el año 1,983 Machu Picchu fue declarada Patrimonio Cultural de La Humanidad por la UNESCO, es el destino turístico más visitado del Perú y uno de los más importantes centros arqueológicos de Sudamérica.  Cusco es un destino más que especial, como descubrirás durante cinco fascinantes días recorriendo sus principales atractivos. Visita la ciudad imperial, impresionantes ruinas arqueológicas y explora algunos de los paisajes más espectaculares del planeta camino a la magnífica ciudadela y montaña de Machu Picchu.

TOURS DE 4 NOCHES A CUSCO PERÚ MACHU PICCHU Y VALLE SAGRADO SALIDAS 2024 ¡Reserva inmediata hasta agotar stock! Tarifa aplica para VIAJAR desde el 02 de Enero hasta el 20 de Diciembre del 2024 Tarifa requiere compra anticipada de 22 días


Boleto aéreo Quito o Guayaquil - Cusco - Quito o Guayaquil,  vía LATAM AIRLINES Traslado del aeropuerto de Cusco al hotel seleccionado con chofer trasladista 3 Noches  de alojamiento en Cusco en HOTEL SELECCIONADO Plan desayunos diarios. Tour de medio día a la ciudad de Cusco con visita a Koricancha, Catedral, Sacsayhuamán , Quenqo, Puca Pucara y Tambomachay Boleto Turístico Completo de Cusco (BTC) Tour de día completo a Chinchero, fortaleza de Ollantaytambo y Museo Vivo de Yucay 1 Noche de alojamiento en Valle Sagrado en HOTEL SELECCIONADO Plan desayunos diarios. Traslado del hotel seleccionado en Urubamba a la estación Ollantaytambo con representante Traslado de la estación de Ollanta al hotel seleccionado en Cusco con representante Tickets de tren Expedition para tour de día completo a Machu Picchu desde/ hasta la estación de Ollantaytambo Tour de día completo a Machu Picchu Almuerzo en el Café Inkaterra Impuestos y Tasas de Aeropuertos.  


Fechas de vuelos, seleccionar plan, seleccionar hotel, seleccionar salida, cantidad de habitaciones, número de adultos, número de niños ( 2 - 11 años), precios por personas, salidas más económicas del año.

  • Salidas del 14 sep al 9 oct del 2024 TURISTA 3* - Valores aplican para habitacion triple Del 14 sep al 9 oct del 2024 --> $ 1492
  • Salidas del 14 oct al 31 oct del 2024 TURISTA 3* - Valores aplican para habitacion triple Del 14 oct al 31 oct del 2024 --> $ 1492
  • Salidas del 6 nov al 20 dic del 2024 TURISTA 3* - Valores aplican para habitacion triple Del 6 nov al 20 dic del 2024 --> $ 1492
  • Salidas del 10 oct al 13 oct del 2024 TURISTA 3* - Valores aplican para habitacion triple Del 10 oct al 13 oct del 2024 --> $ 1585
  • Salidas del 1 nov al 5 nov del 2024 TURISTA 3* - Valores aplican para habitacion triple Del 1 nov al 5 nov del 2024 --> $ 1600
  • Salidas del 10 oct al 13 oct del 2024 TURISTA 3* - Valores aplican para habitacion triple Del 10 oct al 13 oct del 2024 --> $ 1347
  • Salidas del 14 sep al 9 oct del 2024 TURISTA 3* - Valores aplican para habitacion triple Del 14 sep al 9 oct del 2024 --> $ 1351
  • Salidas del 14 oct al 31 oct del 2024 TURISTA 3* - Valores aplican para habitacion triple Del 14 oct al 31 oct del 2024 --> $ 1351
  • Salidas del 6 nov al 20 dic del 2024 TURISTA 3* - Valores aplican para habitacion triple Del 6 nov al 20 dic del 2024 --> $ 1351
  • Salidas del 1 nov al 5 nov del 2024 TURISTA 3* - Valores aplican para habitacion triple Del 1 nov al 5 nov del 2024 --> $ 1491

.scc-tooltip + .tooltip > .tooltip-inner {background-color: #224099;} NO INCLUYE

Propinas por servicios en ninguna instalación Gastos no especificados en el programa como Lavandería, Teléfono, etc. Comidas no especificadas en el programa. Visitas opcionales adicionales o no especificadas en el programa Opcional: SOLCARIBE CARE con cobertura de hasta 50.000 USD para asistencia al viajero y cancelación de viaje de hasta 600 USD  


Se requiere los nombres y número de cédula de los pasajeros Realizar un  Abono de 900 USD  por persona para garantizar la reserva El saldo se deberá cancelar por lo menos 30 días antes de la fecha de viaje  

Reservas con Latam en   clase “W“ . Aplica suplemento de no existir disponibilidad en la clase indicada. Precios referenciales por persona, sujetos a cambios al momento de confirmar la reserva y dependen de la disponibilidad de las aerolíneas y los hoteles. Check in en los hoteles es partir de las 15H00 PM y check out a las 12H00 PM Pasajero viajando solo aplica suplemento de traslados Niños de 2 a 11 Años y 11 meses a la fecha de viaje, acompañados con 2 adultos. En todos los servicios de tren a Machu Picchu, el pasajero podra llevar consigo únicamente equipaje de mano con peso no mayor a 5kg/11lb. Aplica suplemento en fechas especiales: Semana Santa, Inti Raymi, Fiestas Patrias, Navidad y Año Nuevo


DESDE QUITO Quito (UIO) - Cuzco (CUZ)               LA 2383 / 2031   SALIDA  13H25 PM  LLEGADA 18H50 PM                               Cuzco (CUZ) - Quito (UIO)               LA 2600 / 1358   SALIDA  08H35 AM  LLEGADA 17H21 PM                DESDE GUAYAQUIL Guayaquil (GYE) - Cuzco (CUZ)       LA 1364 / 2031   SALIDA  09H20 AM  LLEGADA 18H50 PM Cuzco (CUZ) - Guayaquil (GYE)       LA 2012 / 1436   SALIDA  08H05 AM  LLEGADA 14H16 PM Los horarios de los  vuelos  son referenciales , están sujetos a cambios y se confirmaran 24 horas antes de la salida. Es obligación de todos los pasajeros reconfirmar sus horarios de vuelo 24 horas antes de su salida, llamando a nuestro PBX QUITO Matriz (02) 3822 490 - Sector Portugal (02) 4772 920 - Valle de los Chillos (02) 2866 671 - GUAYAQUIL (04) 6055 555 y revisar su correo electrónico para notificaciones que la aerolinea requiera informar.


1 equipaje de mano de 10 kg incluido UNA maleta de 23 kg de peso máximo con cargo adicional de 50 USD por trayecto, a pagar al momento del check in en la aerolínea. Valor referencial sujeto a cambios según las políticas de franquicia de equipaje de la aerolínea.


DÍA 1 |LLEGADA A CUSCO Llega al aeropuerto de Cusco y disfruta de un cómodo traslado hasta tu hotel. Te acompañará un representante que te informará sobre las atracciones turísticas de la ciudad y te ayudará con tu registro. Noche en el hotel seleccionado en Cusco. DÍA 2 | CUSCO – CITY TOUR Y SITIOS ARQUEOLÓGICOS ALEDAÑOS Aprovecha la mañana libre para pasear por tu cuenta por la ciudad. En la tarde, disfruta de una visita guiada por esta encantadora ciudad, que fue la capital del Imperio inca. El tour inicia visitando el Convento de Santo Domingo que fue construido sobre el templo inca del Coricancha, uno de los recintos más importantes dedicados al culto del sol. Las crónicas antiguas dicen que sus paredes estaban cubiertas de pan de oro y llenas de representaciones doradas de la naturaleza. Luego, visita la Catedral, el monumento más imponente de la Plaza de Armas. Dirígete después hacia las colinas cusqueñas donde está la fortaleza de Sacsayhuamán, cuyas imponentes murallas ofrecen una impresionante vista panorámica de Cusco. Continúa hacia Qenqo, un complejo arqueológico de uso religioso donde se cree que los incas practicaban rituales relacionados con la agricultura. Tu recorrido termina en Puca Pucará, en quechua "fuerte rojo", un complejo arquitectónico de supuesto uso militar, con múltiples ambientes, plazas, baños, acueductos y torres. Se cree que fue utilizado por el séquito inca mientras el líder descansaba en Tambomachay. Tras finalizar la visita, retornarás a tu hotel. Noche en hotel seleccionado en Cusco en régimen de alojamiento y desayuno. DÍA 3 | CUSCO – VALLE SAGRADO / CHINCHERO – Ollantaytambo Un transporte pasará a recogerte por la mañana a tu hotel para llevarte al pueblo de Chinchero*. Este centro urbano cusqueño tradicional es especial no solo por su privilegiada vista del paisaje del Valle Sagrado, sino también porque sus habitantes conservan las tradiciones y el conocimiento heredado de los incas, que se ve reflejado en sus vestimentas y sus artesanías. Además de su legado cultural, en Chinchero se pueden visitar los andenes agrícolas y su bella iglesia del siglo XVII, edificada sobre un antiguo palacio inca y considerado como una de las primeras construcciones católicas en Perú. Continúa tu viaje por el Valle Sagrado rumbo a Ollantaytambo, haciendo una parada previa en un mirador para deleitarte con el paisaje antes de llegar al Museo Vivo de Yucay. Este museo es, en realidad, un centro de interpretación de las tradiciones andinas, con demostraciones de elaboración de obra textil, artesanías de adobe, cerámica y platería con el empleo de las mismas técnicas milenarias incas. En el lugar viven alpacas, llamas y ovejas, que puedes ver de cerca e incluso alimentar. Finalmente, inicia tu recorrido por el pueblo de Ollantaytambo con un delicioso almuerzo. Disfruta de la esencia andina que se respira en el lugar paseando por sus calles – que aún mantiene la planificación urbana inca y es habitado desde entonces – y sube por la icónica fortaleza, construida al lado de la montaña. Al finalizar su visita, vuelve a tu hotel para descansar lleno del espíritu inca.*Las visitas que se realizan los domingos incluyen el mercado de Chinchero. Noche en el hotel seleccionado en Valle Sagrado en régimen de alojamiento y desayuno. Almuerzo incluido. DÍA 4 | VALLE SAGRADO – MACHU PICCHU – CUSCO Después del desayuno, será recogido de su hotel en Valle Sagrado y llevado hacia la estación de tren de Ollantaytambo para iniciar su aventura hacia Machu Picchu Pueblo. Una vez en el tren, viajarás observando los paisajes andinos durante un trayecto de una hora y media. Luego de llegar a la estación de Aguas Calientes, nuestro guía lo estará esperando y lo acompañará hasta el punto de partida del bus. Luego tomará un autobús para el viaje de 25 minutos cuesta arriba a Machu Picchu, conocida como la "ciudad perdida de los Incas". Se cree que este sitio arqueológico fue construido en 1450 por el Inca Pachacutec como su casa de vacaciones. Sin embargo, un siglo después, la ciudad fue abandonada tras la conquista española, escapando de la destrucción que azotó a otros asentamientos incas. A lo largo de la visita guiada, tendrás la oportunidad de conocer los orígenes de esta impresionante ciudadela y explorar sus monumentos más destacados. Después de completar el recorrido, tomará el autobús a Aguas Calientes, donde disfrutará de un almuerzo en el restaurante de su elección. Después del almuerzo, puede explorar el encantador pueblo y, en el momento apropiado, puede abordar el tren de regreso. El viaje en tren tomará una hora y media y lo llevará de regreso a Ollantaytambo, donde nuestro transporte lo acompañará de vuelta a su hotel en Cusco. *La hora del almuerzo puede variar según el ingreso a la ciudadela. **Recuerde confirmar su reserva lo antes posible para proceder con la compra de entradas con anticipación debido al aforo limitado de la ciudadela. Las entradas están sujetas a disponibilidad. DÍA 5 | SALIDA CUSCO Una movilidad te llevará hasta el aeropuerto de Cusco para abordar tu vuelo a Lima. Un representante te asistirá durante el trayecto. Desayuno incluido.


Declaración Jurada para Ecuador: Requerido para abordar. Aplica a todos los pasajeros. Imprimir el Formulario de Salud del Viajero Aquí , completarlo y presentarlo al momento del embarque. No tener ningún impedimento para abandonar el país  CONSULTAR   (Clic) Ecuatorianos:  Cédula o Pasaporte  vigente, que no expire en los próximos  6 Meses a la fecha de viaje. Extranjeros: Consultar en todos los casos. Menores de edad:  Permiso notariado (original) firmado por los padres para abandonar el país. Mujeres embarazadas: Podrán viajar máximo hasta los 5 meses de gestación con certificado médico.  


Se puede pagar en Efectivo, Cheque, Transferencia Bancaria O con tarjetas de crédito DINERS CLUB, VISA, MASTERCARD, AMERICAN EXPRESS  


º Si por cualquier motivo se cambia o se da de baja la reserva, el importe total no será reembolsado en ningún caso. º En caso de que los pasajeros no se presenten a tomar el tour o no puedan viajar por cualquier motivo, serán considerados  NO SHOW y aplicará 100% de penalidad , quedando sin efecto cualquier tipo de reembolso. º Para los pasajeros que han adquirido nuestro seguro de asistencia al viajero SOLCARIBE CARE y no puedan viajar por un motivo específico (*Verificar causales) , deberán informar de manera obligatoria con 48 horas de anticipación antes de iniciar el viaje como mínimo, para que se active la cobertura de cancelación de viaje. (Ver condiciones)

Cotizar -->

Salidas: 2024 Enero a Diciembre

Temporada: Temporada Baja

Tipo de Viaje: Viajes de familia

Tipo de paquete: Paquetes Turísticos

Aplica precios: Desde: 19-01-2024 Hasta: 20-12-2024

Aerolinea: Latam Ecuador

Solcaribe CARE

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Enero a Diciembre

Ofertas Sugeridas en Cuzco






Latam Ecuador

Cusco: La antigua capital inca es una mezcla de ruinas precolombinas y arquitectura colonial española. Visita la Catedral y los restos arqueológicos cercanos de Sacsayhuamán, Qenqo, Puca Pucará y Tambomachay.






Viaja a Perú disfruta de un increíble tour de 5 noches en Macchu Picchu donde podrás experimentar la fabulosa ciudad perdida de los Incas, una de las maravillas a nivel mundial que nos dejó como legado una de las civilizaciones más extraordinarias de la historia.




Visitar las montañas de Palcoyo también es una gran experiencia, de todos los atractivos que están en Cusco. Aquí se camina lejos de las multitudes de turistas. Palcoyo se trata de tres montañas coloradas que están repartidas a corta distancia de sur a norte.





Copa Airlines

República Dominicana considerada como la sede de las 2 mejores playas del mundo, te espera en este verano 2025 a un precio increíble de oferta para que lo disfrutes en pareja, en familia o con tu grupo de amigos.





Panamá Ciudad y Playa

Aprovecha tus vacaciones y visita Panamá Ciudad y Playa, la oportunidad perfecta para ir de Shopping, ir de excursión al Canal y disfrutar las atractivas playas Panameñas, sólo por Solcaribe.




Febrero a Diciembre



Un viaje a Galápagos de oferta para disfrutar de las Islas encantadas a bordo del Catamarán EcoGalaxy, uno de los mejores de su clase.


Otros Destinos cerca de: Bariloche   - Bogotá   - Buenos Aires   - Buenos Aires y Montevideo   - Cali   - Cuzco   - Eje Cafetero Colombia   - Foz do Iguazú   - Iguazú   - La Guajira   - Lima   - Lima y Cuzco   - Medellín   - Mendoza   - Punta Sal   - Río de Janeiro   - Santiago de Chile   - Sao Paulo   -

Machu Picchu Tours & Trips

Machu Picchu Tours & Trips

  • Choose from 550+ Machu Picchu tours
  • 5,200+ verified reviews from TourRadar travelers
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10 best Machu Picchu tour packages

Compiled by

Machu Picchu travel expert at TourRadar

Melissa Machu Picchu travel expert at TourRadar

5 Day Cusco Travel Package: Cusco, Sacred Valley, Machu Picchu, and Maras Moray.

Inca adventures - 7 days (lima and cusco) with domestic flights, 7 day cusco travel package: cusco, sacred valley, machu picchu, humantay lake, and rainbow mountain., machu picchu adventure, best of peru, inca treasures, 6 days luxury in cusco & machu picchu, classic inca trail trek 4d/3n to machu picchu (group service ), 5 days - cusco & machu picchu & rainbow mountain & humantay lake, 06 days cusco machu picchu - humantay lake and rainbow mountain.

“The tour was very well organized and on time. It was definitely a memorable trip.” Bessie Chan, traveled in April 2024

5 Day Cusco Travel Package: Cusco, Sacred Valley, Machu Picchu, and Maras Moray.

  • Sightseeing
  • Christmas & New Year
  • Journey through the Sacred Valley to Aguas Calientes
  • Uncover the mysteries of Sacsayhuaman fortress
  • Discover Machu Picchu's ancient wonders
“We saw and experienced a variety of things and many different areas of the country. It was nice to have everything planned and booked for me.” Kristin Marcello, traveled in July 2024

INCA ADVENTURES - 7 Days  (Lima and Cusco) with Domestic Flights

  • Witness sea lions at Ballestas Islands
  • Explore Lima's UNESCO-listed historic center
  • Hike the vibrant Mountain of Colors
“Kantu Peru tour operation was impressive. Choices of hotels, design of itineraries and coordination were all amazing.” Parnian Haghighat, traveled in July 2024

7 Day Cusco Travel Package: Cusco, Sacred Valley, Machu Picchu, Humantay Lake, and Rainbow Mountain.

  • Discover the fortress of Sacsayhuaman
  • Hike to the stunning Rainbow Mountain
  • Explore Cusco's Cathedral and Qoricancha
“Great itinerary, people and loved learning about Peruvian culture!” Cecilia Yabut, traveled in May 2024

Machu Picchu Adventure

  • Tour the Sacred Valley and traditional weaving co-op
  • Visit Machu Picchu with an expert guide
  • Discover Cusco's markets and optional city tour
“We saw a lot in a week, more than we could have otherwise on our own.” Willis Jensen, traveled in April 2024

Best of Peru

  • Discover Cusco's ancient Inca and Spanish sites
  • Explore Lima's historic UNESCO-listed old town
  • Experience Machu Picchu's awe-inspiring citadel
“The tour was very well organized. We paid for upgraded rooms which was worth it.” Michelle Rubio, traveled in March 2019

Inca Treasures

  • Visit Machu Picchu and dine at Café Inkaterra
  • Experience Cusco's Santo Domingo Convent and Sacsayhuaman
  • Discover Chinchero and the Living Museum of Yucay
“They were professional, friendly, efficient and if they could think of a way to go 'above and beyone' they would do it with a smile.” Regan Warner-Rowe, traveled in May 2022

6 days Luxury in Cusco & Machu Picchu

  • Walk through Cusco and visit Sacsayhuaman
  • Discover Maras salt ponds and Moray ruins
  • Explore the Sacred Valley of the Incas
“Amazing food and great porters!” Rickard Drougge, traveled in November 2023

Classic Inca Trail Trek 4D/3N to Machu Picchu (Group service )

  • Hiking & Trekking
  • Start with a scenic drive to Km 82
  • Trek through ancient Inca sites
  • Explore the ruins of Wiñay Wayna
“The staff got back me quickly and answered all my questions entirely. They were professional and insightful.” Nikki Smith, traveled in November 2023

5 days - Cusco & Machu Picchu & Rainbow Mountain & Humantay Lake

  • Experience a scenic train ride to Machu Picchu
  • Hike to the breathtaking Humantay Lake
  • Explore Cusco and acclimatize on arrival
“The tour reps and guide are very responsive to any inquiry or request. The size of participants are small during our trip.” Djamin Edison Nainggolan, traveled in January 2024

06 Days Cusco Machu Picchu - Humantay Lake And Rainbow Mountain

  • Visit Moray's circular terraces and Maras salt mines
  • Trek to the vibrant Rainbow Mountain
  • Explore Chinchero's colorful town and church

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My Travel Experience

Peru & Machu Picchu Tour

Peru inca special tour with machu picchu.

  • Brochure & More Info
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What's included

  • November 9, 2024 3:00 pm
  • November 23, 2024 3:00 pm
  • January 18, 2025 3:00 pm
  • February 15, 2025 3:00 pm
  • March 22, 2025 3:00 pm
  • April 12, 2025 3:00 pm
  • June 7, 2025 3:00 pm
  • July 19, 2025 3:00 pm
  • August 9, 2025 3:00 pm
  • November 8, 2025 3:00 pm
  • November 22, 2025 3:00 pm
  • December 6, 2025 3:00 pm
  • Accommodation based on twin share room
  • Daily breakfast
  • Escorted tour
  • Expert local guides
  • Hotel taxes and service charges
  • Internal flights
  • Meals as per the itinerary
  • Rail travel as per itinerary
  • Transport in air conditioned vehicles
  • Airport transfers
  • Any items or services not specified in the itinerary
  • Gratuities for guides and drivers
  • International flights from Australia
  • Medical and emergency insurance
  • Optional tours and activities
  • Personal expenses

Peru tour overview

Explore the famous highlights of Peru on this worry-free escorted tour!

In 9 amazing days, you’ll travel from Lima to Cuzco and Puno. Of course, there are also must-see sights included, like stunning Lake Titicaca and the extraordinary Machu Picchu.

An experienced tour manager is with you all the way to help you gain an even deeper appreciation of the country’s history and unique culture. Discover Lima’s fascinating stories and explore Cuzco, the ancient capital of the Inca Empire. Travel to Machu Picchu by train to spend time at one of astounding the ‘New Seven Wonders of the World’. Drive through the Andean Plains to meet the people who have made the floating Uros Islands their home on the highest navigable lake in the world.

Inclusions at a glance

  • All intra-flights: Lima-Cuzco & Arequipa-Lima
  • 3 nights Lima
  • 3 nights Cuzco
  • 2 nights Puno
  • Hotel taxes, fees & service charges
  • Hotel porterage
  • 11 meals: 8 breakfasts, 1 lunch, 2 dinners
  • Sightseeing per itinerary in modern motor coach
  • Services of English-speaking tour manager throughout
  • Services of English-speaking local guides
  • Entrance fees per itinerary

Want to add flights from Australia? Call 1300 168 910 or email [email protected] for the latest airfare deals!

Special features

  • Tour of Colonial Lima, a UNESCO World Heritage Site
  • Discover Cuzco, ancient capital of the Inca Empire
  • Discover the astonishing ancient citadel of Machu Picchu via the PeruRail Vistadome Train
  • Drive through the Andean Plains to pristine Lake Titicaca
  • Excursion by boat to the fascinating Uros Floating Islands

Peru, South America

Arrive in Peru

Lima city tour, fly to cuzco, cuzco city tour, discover machu picchu, full day in cuzco, raqchi & puno, excursion to uros islands on lake titicaca, fly to lima, farewell dinner, depart lima.

More about Peru

My travel experience review.

What an amazing introduction and extensive Peru experience with transportation, accommodation, many meals and sightseeing with expert local guides all included.

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More about this tour

See the brochure

CLICK HERE to view, download or print a copy of this tour brochure.

The brochure includes details of the inclusions, itinerary and other relevant travel information. Information contained in the brochure is subject to change and at the time of booking you will be provided with an updated copy that includes the current details for your reservation.

Tour departures

This tour departs Lima on select Tuesdays and Saturdays.

Price may vary or change without notice, depending on your travel date. Please ask us for your preferred departure date and we will advise availability and cost. Let us know if you'd like to travel at other times of the year.

Tour start time

The start time listed for this tour is just a guide and details will be confirmed upon confirmation.

If you book international flights, you will be advised of the flight details and check-in times when your reservation is confirmed.

Important to remember...

The day-by-day tour descriptions are intended as an indicative guide only. Travel by nature is unpredictable. Weather patterns, cruising conditions, road accessibility, public holidays, travel restrictions and a multitude of other factors may necessitate itinerary changes that are ultimately for the client's benefit. It is essential that travellers are flexible and open minded in this regard.

Speak to a travel specialist

The My Travel Experience team are travel experts and we're here to help you enjoy the best holiday - from the time you start to plan your trip until the day you return home. We are only a phone call or email away whenever you need us, so please contact us today with any questions.

Email [email protected] . Phone 1300 168 910 (in Australia) or +61 400 226 454 (from overseas or via mobile).

Safety measures and peace of mind.

The wellbeing and safety of our passengers and staff is always a priority. My Travel Experience is committed to ensuring your peace of mind with customer-friendly booking practices and enhanced health and safety standards on our trips.

To help you book with confidence, we will assist you if any unexpected situations arise and My Travel Experience also offers clients as much flexibility as possible when making bookings.

How to make a booking:

This travel deal is valid for a limited time. Please contact us for current rates. Flash sale ends on 10 September 2024.

Advertised price is based on lead-price departure(s) and was correct as of 04 September 2024. Rates will be advised for your preferred travel date prior to any payment being required.

All prices are per person, based on twin share, and listed in Australian dollars (AUD). The package is subject to confirmation at the time of booking and prices may change without notice. Booking conditions and cancellation fees apply.

Please read My Travel Experience Booking Terms & Conditions prior to making a reservation. By booking any travel service with us, you have agreed to be bound by these terms and conditions.

To make a booking please call My Travel Experience on 1300 168 910 or email [email protected] .

To book, please provide the following information for all passengers: 1. Full names, as per passport 2. Date of birth 3. Home address 4. Phone number 5. Next of kin contact details (for emergency use only) 6. Departure airport and any special requests, such as dietary requirements, medical conditions, bed configuration etc.

You can also select a trip and request it via this website - please enter your preferred departure date (if known) and the number of people travelling. If you wish to submit an enquiry, please let us know your travel dates plus any other information that will help us provide a quote, such as departure city and travel preferences.

No payment is required to submit an online booking request - your booking is pending confirmation and no place is being held. Your reservation status will be advised when you hear from our travel consultants. Bookings are normally actioned within 24 hours - Monday to Friday.

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Boleto Machu Picchu

Machupicchu terra información y asistencia al turista.

Reserve su entrada a Machu Picchu ahora!

Machu Picchu: ¿Qué templos incas ofrecen sus circuitos?

Los tres circuitos en Machu Picchu ofrecen experiencias distintas a través del sitio arqueológico. El circuito 1 ofrece la mejor foto de la ciudadela inca, el circuito 2 ofrece el recorrido más completo por sus templos y construcciones y el circuito 3 ofrece una ruta poco conocida incluidos templos incas importantes. Todos los circuitos permiten una aventura histórica y aventurera. Conoce qué templos incas se podrán conocer con cada uno de los tres nuevos circuitos por la ciudadela inca. ¡Y así podrás disfrutar Machu Picchu con la información precisa!

Los cambios en los boletos y circuitos en Machu Picchu

El circuito 1 en machu picchu: ¿qué templos incas ofrece, el circuito 2 en machu picchu: ¿qué templos incas ofrece, el circuito 3 en machu picchu: ¿qué templos incas ofrece, las nuevas entradas en machu picchu: ¿qué circuito puedo hacer, circuitos y templos incas: resumen, preguntas y respuestas sobre los circuitos y los templos en machu picchu.

Pirámide del Intihuatana

Las rutas de senderismo a Machu Picchu Además de los circuitos por el sitio arqueológico, la visita a Machu Picchu puede ser complementada por rutas de senderismo a las montañas o a poco exploradas construcciones incas. Las rutas a las montañas conducen a las cimas de las montañas Huayna Picchu, Machu Picchu y Huchuy Picchu. Todas atraviesan caminos y escalinatas de piedras construidos por los incas hace cientos de años. Además, existen rutas de senderismo hacia el Puente Inca, el Templo de la Luna (la Gran Caverna) y el Intipunku (Puerta del Sol). Estas rutas de senderismo se pueden realizar comprando un boleto específico, como: el boleto Machu Picchu con Huayna Picchu, el boleto Machu Picchu con Montaña, el boleto Machu Picchu con Huchuy Picchu, el boleto Machu Picchu con Puente Inca, el boleto Machu Picchu con Intipunku o el boleto Machu Picchu con Templo de la Luna. Cada uno de estos tickets, además de la ruta de senderismo corta, ofrece el recorrido por Machu Picchu a través de uno de sus tres circuitos disponibles.

Desde 2024 las entradas a Machu Picchu pasaron de ser cinco a diez. Así mismo, los circuitos pasaron de ser cuatro a tan solo tres. Los nuevos circuitos están incluidos en los diez boletos que son:

  • a) El boleto Machu Picchu Foto Clásica (ofrece el circuito 1).
  • b) El boleto Machu Picchu Clásico (ofrece el circuito 2).
  • c) El boleto Machu Picchu Clásico terraza inferior (ofrece el circuito 2).
  • d) El boleto Machu Picchu Templos de la parte baja (ofrece el circuito 3).
  • e) El boleto Machu Picchu con Huayna Picchu (ofrece el circuito 3).
  • f) El boleto Machu Picchu con Montaña (ofrece el circuito 1).
  • g) El boleto Machu Picchu con Huchuy Picchu (ofrece el circuito 3).
  • h) El boleto Machu Picchu con Puente Inca (ofrece el circuito 1).
  • i) El boleto Machu Picchu con Intipunku (ofrece el circuito 1).
  • j) El boleto Machu Picchu con Templo de la Luna, la Gran Caverna (ofrece el circuito 3).

Pareja de turistas observando Machu Picchu

El circuito 1 en Machu Picchu ofrece la visita a los siguientes templos incaicos:

  • Terrazas incas.
  • Casa del Guardián.

Foto de la Casa del Guardián en Machu Picchu un día nublado

El circuito 2 en Machu Picchu ofrece la visita a los siguientes templos incaicos:

  • Templo del Sol.
  • Templo Principal.
  • Templo de las 3 Ventanas.
  • Roca Sagrada.
  • Espejos de Agua.
  • Fuentes Sagradas.
  • Zona agrícola.

Increíble construcción del Templo del Sol - Machu Picchu

El circuito 3 en Machu Picchu ofrece la visita a los siguientes templos incaicos:

  • Tumba Real.
  • Casa del Inca.
  • Tres Portadas.
  • Templo del Cóndor.

Vista lateral del Templo del Cóndor

Boleto Machu Picchu Foto Clásica – permiten realizar el circuito 1 que incluye la visita a la Casa del Guardián. Desde allí se toma la clásica foto postal de Machu Picchu y se tiene una vista completa de las construcciones incas.

  • Horarios de ingreso: Grupo 1 (de 6 a 7 am) Grupo 2 (de 7 a 8 am) Grupo 3 (de 8 a 9 am) Grupo 4 (de 9 a 10 am) Grupo 5 (de 10 a 11 am) Grupo 6 (de 11 a 12 pm) Grupo 7 (de 12 a 1 pm) Grupo 8 (de 1 a 2 pm) Grupo 9 (de 2 a 3 pm) Grupo 10 (de 3 a 4 pm).

Boleto Machu Picchu Clásico – permite hacer el circuito 2, el cual incluye la visita a los principales templos, como: el Templo Principal, el Templo del Sol, el Templo de las 3 Ventanas, la Roca Sagrada, los Espejos de Agua y las fuentes sagradas.

Boleto Machu Picchu Clásico terraza inferior – permite hacer el circuito 2, el cual incluye la visita a los principales templos, como: el Templo Principal, el Templo del Sol, el Templo de las 3 Ventanas, la Roca Sagrada, los Espejos de Agua y las fuentes sagradas. La foto clásica se obtiene desde una terraza inferior.

Boleto Machu Picchu Templos de la parte baja – permite hacer el circuito 3, el cual permite la visita a los templos de la parte baja de Machu Picchu: el Templo del Sol, la Tumba Real, la Casa del Inca, Tres Portadas, la Roca Sagrada, el Templo del Cóndor y las Fuentes Sagradas.

Boleto Machu Picchu con Huayna Picchu – permite hacer el circuito 3, el cual permite la visita a los templos de la parte baja de Machu Picchu: el Templo del Sol, la Tumba Real, la Casa del Inca, Tres Portadas, la Roca Sagrada, el Templo del Cóndor y las Fuentes Sagradas. Además permite hacer la caminata a la montaña Huayna Picchu.

  • Grupo 1: a Machupicchu de 6 am a 6.30 am / a Huayna Picchu hasta 8 am.
  • Grupo 2: a Machupicchu de 9 am a 9.30 am / a Huayna Picchu hasta 11 am.

Boleto Machu Picchu con Montaña – permiten realizar el circuito 1 que incluye la visita a la Casa del Guardián. Desde allí se toma la clásica foto postal de Machu Picchu y se tiene una vista completa de las construcciones incas. Además, permite hacer la caminata a la cima de la montaña Machu Picchu.

  • Horario 1: a Machupicchu de 6 am a 6.30 am / a Montaña hasta 8 am.
  • Horario 2: a Machupicchu de 8 am a 8.30 am / a Montaña hasta 10 am.

Boleto Machu Picchu con Huchuy Picchu – permite hacer el circuito 3, el cual permite la visita a los templos de la parte baja de Machu Picchu: el Templo del Sol, la Tumba Real, la Casa del Inca, Tres Portadas, la Roca Sagrada, el Templo del Cóndor y las Fuentes Sagradas. Además permite hacer la caminata a la montaña Huchuy Picchu.

  • Horario 1: a Machupicchu de 11 am a 11.30 am / a Huchuy Picchu hasta 12 am.
  • Horario 2: a Machupicchu de 1 pm a 1.30 pm / a Huchuy Picchu hasta 2 pm.

Boleto Machu Picchu con Intipunku – permiten realizar el circuito 1 que incluye la visita a la Casa del Guardián. Desde allí se toma la clásica foto postal de Machu Picchu y se tiene una vista completa de las construcciones incas. Además permite hacer la caminata al Intipunku, la Puerta del Sol.

  • Horarios de ingreso: Grupo 1 (de 8 a 9 am) Grupo 2 (de 9 a 10 am) Grupo 3 (de 10 a 11 am) Grupo 4 (de 11 a 12 am).

Boleto Machu Picchu con Puente Inca – permiten realizar el circuito 1 que incluye la visita a la Casa del Guardián. Desde allí se toma la clásica foto postal de Machu Picchu y se tiene una vista completa de las construcciones incas. Además permite hacer la caminata corta al Puente Inca de Machu Picchu.

Boleto Machu Picchu con Templo de la Luna – permite hacer el circuito 3, el cual permite la visita a los templos de la parte baja de Machu Picchu: el Templo del Sol, la Tumba Real, la Casa del Inca, Tres Portadas, la Roca Sagrada, el Templo del Cóndor y las Fuentes Sagradas. Además permite hacer la caminata a la Gran Caverna, el Templo de la Luna.

  • Horario 1: a Machupicchu de 6 am a 6.30 am / a Gran Caverna hasta 8 am.
  • Horario 2: a Machupicchu de 9 am a 9.30 am / a Huayna Picchu hasta 11 am.

1) ¿Qué circuito ofrece más templos en Machu Picchu?

El circuito 2 ofrece la visita clásica a Machu Picchu a través de los templos más clásicos.

2) ¿Qué circuito ofrece la visita al Templo del Sol en Machu Picchu?

El circuito 2 y el circuito 3 ofrecen la visita al Templo del Sol de Machu Picchu.

3) ¿Qué circuito ofrece la visita al Templo Principal de Machu Picchu?

El circuito 2 ofrece la visita al Templo Principal de Machu Picchu.

4) ¿Qué circuito ofrece la visita al Templo de las 3 Ventanas en Machu Picchu?

El circuito 2 ofrece la visita al Templo de las 3 Ventanas en Machu Picchu.

5) ¿Qué circuito ofrece la visita a la Roca Sagrada de Machu Picchu?

El circuito 2 y el circuito 3 ofrecen la visita a la Roca Sagrada de Machu Picchu.

6) ¿Qué circuito ofrece la mejor foto de Machu Picchu?

El circuito 1 ofrece la visita a la Casa del Guardián de Machu Picchu donde se consigue la foto clásica.

7) ¿Qué circuito ofrece la visita al Templo del Cóndor de Machu Picchu?

El circuito 3 ofrece la visita al Templo del Cóndor de Machu Picchu.

8) ¿Qué circuito ofrece la visita a los Espejos de Agua de Machu Picchu?

El circuito 2 ofrece la visita a los Espejos de Agua de Machu Picchu.

9) ¿Qué circuito ofrece el boleto Machu Picchu con Huayna Picchu?

El circuito 3 está incluido en el boleto Machu Picchu con Huayna Picchu.

10)¿Qué circuito ofrece el boleto Machu Picchu Clásico?

El circuito 2 está incluido en el boleto Machu Picchu Clásico.

Consejos de gente que ha estado allí

Patrick R.

“Orgulloso de mi historia“

“Soy peruano y radico en USA, y visité por primera vez Cusco y Machu Picchu y me quedé lleno de orgullo por mi cultura, mi pasado, historia. Se me cayeron lágrimas en Machu Picchu. Inolvidable y orgullo del mundo.“

Por Ticket Machu Picchu – Ultima actualización, 3 septiembre, 2024

¡Todo lo que necesitas para visitar Machu Picchu está aquí!

Tu Entrada a Machu Picchu

Tu transporte privado por todo cusco, tu ticket de tren a machu picchu, tu boleto de bus hasta machu picchu, tu guía turístico oficial, tour a machu picchu todo incluido.


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  • Peru: +51 932 671 370; USA: +1 (786) 352-8319
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Home » Explora el Puente Inca en Machu Picchu

Explora el Puente Inca en Machu Picchu

  • 27 agosto, 2024
  • de Oliver Eberlein
  • 0 Comentarios
  • Lectura: 5 Minutos

Explora el Puente Inca en Machu Picchu

Conocido por sus magníficas ruinas y su extensa historia incaica, Machu Picchu es una maravilla del mundo que se esconde en lo alto de los Andes peruanos. A pesar de que la mayoría de los turistas visitan lugares famosos como Huayna Picchu o la Puerta del Sol, aún hay joyas ocultas en Machu Picchu como el Puente Inca que están menos exploradas.

Esta fascinante construcción, tallada en los acantilados, ofrece una visión de la experiencia estratégica e ingeniosidad de la civilización inca. Sigue leyendo para saber más sobre el Puente Inca en Machu Picchu.

¿Qué es el Puente Inca?

antiguo puente inca que esta al lado de un muro de piedra

En el lado occidental de Machu Picchu , un estrecho sendero de piedra conocido como el Puente Inca está tallado directamente en un empinado acantilado. El puente, que cubría cuidadosamente una abertura en la cara de la roca, servía como camino y muro de protección.

Los incas construyeron la ciudadela con una abertura bien pensada en el camino que podía ser bloqueada por un enemigo para mantenerlo fuera. En términos históricos, el puente muestra cómo los incas integraron tan bien la infraestructura en sus entornos naturales.

El Puente Inca es un símbolo de la ingeniería sofisticada y el pensamiento estratégico del imperio, más allá de su papel defensivo.

Cómo llegar al Puente Inca

ruta machu picchu destacada 1d

Comenzarás la caminata cerca de la entrada principal de Machu Picchu y seguirás las señales hacia el lado occidental para llegar al Puente Inca. La dificultad del sendero es de fácil a moderada y ofrece vistas impresionantes mientras serpentea a lo largo de un estrecho camino en el acantilado.

Se tarda unos 20-30 minutos en cada dirección. Aunque no es físicamente exigente, no lo recomendaríamos si tienes miedo a las alturas.

Además, asegúrate de llevar zapatillas resistentes para mejorar tu agarre en el terreno irregular. Lee nuestra publicación sobre la lista de empaque perfecta para Machu Picchu para asegurarte de llevar las cosas correctas en tu viaje.

Para explorar el Puente Inca, necesitarás un boleto para el Circuito 1D de Machu Picchu , ya que este es el único circuito que te llevará a este sitio. Con este boleto, puedes visitar las plataformas superiores de las antiguas ruinas y el Puente Inca. Esta ruta es una opción más relajada y menos concurrida en comparación con el sitio arqueológico principal que se descubre en el típico recorrido por Machu Picchu .

Ten en cuenta que la visita al Puente Inca solo es posible del 1 de junio al 15 de octubre y del 30 al 31 de diciembre.

Qué esperar en el sendero

ruinas de machu picchu

Durante la caminata hacia el Puente Inca, podrás absorber las fascinantes vistas de las montañas circundantes y el valle verde. También podrás disfrutar de impresionantes vistas de las caras de los acantilados desde el sendero que conduce al sitio.

El puente en sí, un estrecho sendero de piedra tallado en un acantilado empinado, es el destino final del sendero. Su impactante diseño es más notable desde una distancia segura. Sin embargo, debido a preocupaciones de seguridad, está estrictamente prohibido cruzar el puente. Incluso desde la distancia, el puente es una maravilla de la astucia inca.

Si deseas obtener más inspiración para tu viaje, asegúrate de revisar nuestros diferentes Perú tours .

Mejor momento para visitar y consejos prácticos para el Puente Inca

antiguo puente inca hecho de piedras

El mejor momento para visitar el Puente Inca es temprano en la mañana o al final de la tarde cuando hay menos viajeros, lo que te permitirá tener una experiencia más tranquila.

Como se mencionó antes, el Puente Inca solo puede ser visitado con el Circuito 1D de Machu Picchu del 1 de junio al 15 de octubre y del 30 al 31 de diciembre. Asegúrate de tener esto en cuenta al reservar tu boleto de Machu Picchu si planeas visitar este sitio.

Hay cuatro horarios de entrada diferentes que puedes elegir para el circuito 1D:

  • Primer horario: 8 – 9 am.
  • Segundo horario: 9 – 10 am.
  • Tercer horario: 10 – 11 am.
  • Cuarto horario: 11 – 12 pm.

Para este circuito de Machu Picchu , te recomendamos usar zapatos cómodos para caminar con buen agarre, llevar protector solar y agua, ya que el sendero está expuesto al sol.

Preguntas frecuentes sobre el Puente Inca

Ruinas de Machu Picchu

¿Qué tan difícil es la caminata hacia el Puente Inca?

Caminar hacia el Puente Inca no es demasiado difícil; es principalmente un paseo nivelado con algunos escalones de piedra aquí y allá que toma alrededor de 15-20 minutos en cada dirección. Sorprendentemente, resulta ser más corto y más fácil que el camino desde la entrada de Machu Picchu hasta el Mirador del Guardián, que es normalmente recorrido por la mayoría de los visitantes a Machu Picchu para llegar al puente inca.

Los incas construyeron el Puente Inca de piedra y madera como una entrada secreta a Machu Picchu. Está compuesto por un pequeño sendero tallado en la cara de un acantilado que conduce a un abismo que anteriormente era cruzado por un puente colgante de madera.

¿Por qué se construyó el Puente Inca?

El puente formaba parte del plan defensivo del Imperio Inca. Ofrecía un paso seguro para aquellos que conocían la ruta hacia Machu Picchu y, al mismo tiempo, proporcionaba una forma segura y defendible de controlar el acceso.

¿Vale la pena visitar el Puente Inca cuando estés en Machu Picchu?

Puedes disfrutar de una corta y emocionante caminata y de un mirador único desde el Puente Inca. Ofrece impresionantes vistas del valle hidroeléctrico, el tramo final del trek de Salkantay y los otros valles circundantes. El Puente Inca, que ofrece una visión de los increíbles incentivos de los antiguos incas en medio de una belleza natural impresionante, puede ser una adición que valga la pena a tu visita si disfrutas de senderos escénicos y quieres ver una parte menos concurrida de Machu Picchu.

¿Cuánto dura la caminata al Puente Inca?

La caminata al Puente Inca en Machu Picchu suele tomar entre 20 y 30 minutos en una dirección, dependiendo de tu ritmo y la cantidad de personas. Es un paseo corto y hermoso a lo largo de un sendero estrecho con algunas caídas pronunciadas.

¿Es seguro visitar el Puente Inca?

En general, es seguro visitar el Puente Inca, aunque hay caídas pronunciadas y secciones estrechas y expuestas en el sendero. No debes tener miedo a las alturas y debes estar en buena condición física para esta corta caminata.

¿Se necesita un boleto especial para visitar el Puente Inca?

Sí, necesitas elegir el Circuito 1D de Machu Picchu, que incluye una visita a las partes superiores más la caminata extra hacia el Puente Inca. Ten en cuenta que el Puente Inca solo se puede visitar del 1 de junio al 15 de octubre y del 30 al 31 de diciembre.

¿Qué debo llevar para mi viaje al Puente Inca?

Lleva agua, protector solar, un sombrero, repelente de mosquitos y zapatos cómodos para caminar en tu visita. Para capturar las increíbles vistas de los alrededores, también se recomienda una cámara o un teléfono móvil.

Aporta profundidad a tu visita a Machu Picchu con un viaje al Puente Inca

Si buscas una experiencia única y menos conocida en Machu Picchu, el Puente Inca es una visita obligada. Para aquellos que buscan algo más que las atracciones típicas, la combinación de paisajes impresionantes, significado histórico y encanto fuera de lo común lo convierte en una visita que vale la pena.

Conocer tesoros ocultos como el Puente Inca enriquece tu viaje al ofrecer una comprensión más profunda de la historia de la región y el espíritu creativo de la civilización inca.

Contáctanos si te gustaría añadir esta caminata a tu visita a Machu Picchu o si necesitas ayuda para planificar tu inolvidable aventura en Perú.

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Explora el Puente Inca en Machu Picchu

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  • +51 994 822 637
  • Av. Tullumayo 111B, Cusco - Perú


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Machu Picchu desde Ecuador

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Por qué viajar con Nosotros?

En los últimos años, hemos sido galardonados con el premio Travellers' Choice por los viajeros en TripAdvisor.

¿Cómo hemos planificado este Objetivo?

Establecimos como meta que viajar a Cusco y Machu Picchu fuera una experiencia única, sin preocupaciones y asequible para nuestros visitantes.

Confianza y Seguridad

Somos un empresa con sede principal en Cusco, contamos con todas las licencias y permisos del Gobierno Peruano.

Turismo Responsable

Estamos sumamente comprometidos con el desarrollo socio cultural, económico y ambiental del turismo en el Perú.

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Consulta y reserva online tu próximo viaje a Perú con nosotros desde Ecuador, de la forma más rápida y segura.

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¿Por qué viajar a Perú?

Contacte a un experto embajador machu picchu ecuador.

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Lorenzo Expeditions

Qué Llevar a Machu Picchu: Guía Completa de Preparación para tu Aventura

machu picchu tour desde ecuador

Saber qué llevar a Machu Picchu es crucial para disfrutar de una visita cómoda y segura. La ciudadela inca, ubicada en las montañas de los Andes, presenta un clima variable y un terreno desafiante, por lo que es importante estar bien preparado. En esta guía completa, te ayudaremos a empacar lo esencial para que puedas disfrutar al máximo de tu aventura en Machu Picchu.

Ropa y Calzado Adecuado

Llevar a Machu Picchu

El clima en Machu Picchu puede variar rápidamente, pasando de soleado a lluvioso en cuestión de minutos. Es importante vestirse en capas y estar preparado para cualquier condición climática.

  • Capas: Lleva ropa en capas, que incluya una camiseta ligera, una capa intermedia para abrigarte y una chaqueta impermeable.
  • Pantalones de Senderismo: Opta por pantalones cómodos y resistentes al agua.
  • Sombrero y Guantes: Aunque parezca innecesario, un sombrero para protegerte del sol y guantes para el frío de la mañana son imprescindibles.
  • Botas de Senderismo: Unas buenas botas de senderismo con soporte para los tobillos son esenciales, especialmente si planeas caminar por Huayna Picchu o el Camino Inca.
  • Calcetines Técnicos: Calcetines de lana o material técnico que mantengan tus pies secos y cómodos.

Accesorios Esenciales

Llevar a Machu Picchu

Además de la ropa, hay varios accesorios que no deben faltar en tu mochila.


  • Mochila Ligera: Una mochila ligera y cómoda para llevar tus pertenencias durante la visita.
  • Botella de Agua Reutilizable: Mantente hidratado durante tu caminata. Lleva una botella reutilizable que puedas rellenar.
  • Protección Solar: Protector solar de alta protección, gafas de sol y un sombrero de ala ancha para protegerte de los intensos rayos UV.
  • Snacks Energéticos: Lleva barras de energía, frutos secos o frutas deshidratadas para mantener tu energía durante la caminata.

Documentos y Dinero

machu picchu tour desde ecuador

No olvides llevar los documentos importantes y algo de dinero en efectivo para gastos imprevistos.


  • Pasaporte: Es obligatorio presentar tu pasaporte en la entrada de Machu Picchu.
  • Entradas: Lleva impresas las entradas para Machu Picchu, Huayna Picchu o cualquier otra atracción que hayas reservado.
  • Dinero en Efectivo: Aunque hay cajeros automáticos en Aguas Calientes, es recomendable llevar efectivo en soles para pequeños gastos.

Otros Elementos Importantes

Hay algunos elementos adicionales que pueden hacer tu visita más cómoda y agradable.

Otros Elementos:

  • Impermeable o Poncho: Las lluvias pueden ser impredecibles, por lo que un impermeable o poncho es esencial.
  • Kit de Primeros Auxilios: Un pequeño kit con curitas, analgésicos y cualquier medicación personal.
  • Cámara: Asegúrate de llevar una cámara o smartphone con suficiente batería para capturar todas las increíbles vistas.

Saber qué llevar a Machu Picchu te ayudará a estar preparado para cualquier situación y disfrutar al máximo de tu visita. Con la ropa adecuada, los accesorios esenciales y los documentos en regla, estarás listo para explorar este increíble sitio inca sin preocupaciones.

Planifica Tu Visita con Lorenzo Expeditions

Si quieres asegurarte de que tu visita a Machu Picchu sea perfecta, considera planificarla con Lorenzo Expeditions. Ellos te guiarán en cada paso del camino, asegurándose de que estés bien preparado para tu aventura.

Llevar a Machu Picchu

¿Qué esperas? ¡Reserva hoy mismo y ponte en contacto con nosotros para programar tu viaje a Machu Picchu! No dejes pasar esta oportunidad de vivir una de las maravillas del mundo. Ya sea que sueñes con caminar el Camino Inca o simplemente maravillarte con las vistas desde Huayna Picchu, tenemos el viaje perfecto para ti.

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  1. Tour a Machu Picchu desde Ecuador

    machu picchu tour desde ecuador

  2. machu picchu

    machu picchu tour desde ecuador

  3. tour-a-machu-picchu-desde-ecuador

    machu picchu tour desde ecuador

  4. Tour a Machu Picchu desde Ecuador

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  5. Tour por Machu Picchu: ¡Todo lo que necesitas saber!

    machu picchu tour desde ecuador

  6. 10 Best Machu Picchu Tours & Hiking Trips (with 3,396 reviews)

    machu picchu tour desde ecuador


  1. Machu Picchu Tour 2024

  2. Machu Picchu

  3. MACHU PICCHU lo que no sabías #datoscuriosos #sabiasque #curiosidades #lugaresdelmundo #sabiasque

  4. Machu Picchu 2016 :: Cosmovisión Andina con María Elena Tips

  5. Machu Picchu Mountain

  6. Exploring Machu Picchu, Peru



    Tickets de tren Expedition para tour de día completo a Machu Picchu desde/ hasta la estación de Ollantaytambo. Tour de día completo a Machu Picchu. Almuerzo en Café Inkaterra en aguas calientes. Traslado de salida con chofer trasladista. Impuestos y Tasas de Aeropuertos.

  2. Tour a Machu Picchu desde Ecuador, Quito o Guayaquil

    Tour a Machu Picchu desde Ecuador. Conoce Machu Picchu y los principales atractivos de Cusco - Perú, en un viaje de 7 días, nuestra aventura comienza asistiéndole en el aeropuerto de Lima, y conduciéndolo a su Hotel para que pueda aclimatarse a la altitud de la región.

  3. Machu Picchu & Galapagos: 13 Day Tour To Peru & Ecuador

    Machu Picchu & Galapagos. Machu Picchu & Galapagos Cruise: A combination of the two heavy-hitting tours of Peru and Ecuador. Overview. Itinerary & Prices. Accommodations. Starting at: $9,050 / Person. Customizable private tour with flexible start date. Inquire.

  4. Machu Picchu & Galapagos Tours

    Call 1.406.541.2677. Start Planning My Trip. Possibly the ulitmate South American adventure, combining Ecuador's Galapagos Islands with Peru's Machu Picchu will take you to an alternative realilty where bizarre wildlife approach you as you were a long lost friend and a world where 1500 years ago a mighty civilization erected noble cities made ...

  5. 15-Day Peru and Ecuador with Machu Picchu and the Galapagos

    15 days. Combine the best of Peru and Ecuador, visiting Machu Picchu in Peru and the Galapagos in Ecuador! This special itinerary includes our top recommendations for both countries. Tours are listed in groups, but may be private tours as well. In Peru, travel to Cusco, the heartland of ancient Inca culture. You'll discover the city of Cusco ...

  6. A Combo Luxury Tour Of Ecuador & Peru By Surtrek

    Discover the ultimate fusion of adventure and luxury with our Galapagos and Machu Picchu combination tour, a journey that seamlessly blends the best of Ecuador and Peru. Begin your adventure in the vibrant city of Quito, exploring its charming colonial quarter and venturing into the stunning Ecuadorian highlands.

  7. Exclusive Machu Picchu & Galápagos Adventure

    Discover Peru's most sought-after drawcard, the famous ruins of Machu Picchu. This enigmatic stone citadel is tangible evidence of the Inca Empire, when it was at the peak of its power and achievement. Journey to Quito, the bustling capital of Ecuador, steeped in a rich cultural history perfectly juxtaposed with a contemporary ambiance.

  8. Machu Picchu and Galapagos Tour

    2 nights at Casa Gangotena Boutique Hotel in Quito. Half-day Quito's Old Town + Middle of the World Private Tour. Roundtrip Domestic Airfare (Quito-Galapagos-Quito) Galapagos National Park Entrance Fee. INGALA Transit Control Card. 5 days Galapagos Islands Itinerary aboard any of our expedition vessels. 2 nights of accommodation in Lima.

  9. Paquetes Turísticos a Machu Picchu Ruta Amazónica desde Ecuador

    Empaca tu maleta y viaje, será un viaje recordado para toda l. MACHU PICCHU ECUADOR, Machu Picchu en Bus desde Ecuador. Atrévete a explorar Machu Picchu siguiendo un camino vibrante a través de la Ruta Amazónica Hidroeléctrica. Con nuestros paquetes, experimenta una combinación perfecta de cultura, historia y naturaleza.

  10. Ultimate Machu Picchu and Galapagos Two-Week Private Tour

    Suggested Duration. 14 Days. With a seven-day luxury cruise and intimate Incan adventure, this two-week luxury tour will celebrate the very best of the Galapagos Islands and Machu Picchu. Red-footed boobies may hop before your eyes, a once lost city will emerge from the mountainous mist, and penguins and seals can swarm alongside your kayak.

  11. Paquetes Turísticos a Machu Picchu desde Ecuador

    Empaca tu maleta y viaje, será un viaje recordado para toda l. MACHU PICCHU ECUADOR, Tours a Machu Picchu desde Ecuador. Paquetes Turísticos a Machu Picchu todo incluido al mejor precio, todo lo necesario para tener una experiencia increíble. Descubre todos nuestros tours a Machu Picchu desde 320$ incluye hotel, ingresos, guía.

  12. Tour a Machu Picchu y Galápagos

    El mejor tour combinado por Machu Picchu y las Islas Galápagos. ¡Descubre tres Patrimonios de la Humanidad de la UNESCO en un solo viaje! Experimenta un tour por las maravillas arqueológicas y los misterios de Machu Picchu, así como por el hermoso Valle Sagrado. Disfruta de la hechizante historia de Quito -capital de Ecuador-mediante el ...

  13. Machu Picchu Tours desde Ecuador

    MACHU PICCHU ECUADOR, Machu Picchu, Cusco reservando desde Ecuador. La ciudadela Inca de Machu Picchu fue elegida como una de las 7 maravillas por la imponencia y belleza de todo el conjunto arqueológico. +51 994 822 637; Av. Tullumayo 111B, Cusco - Perú ... Buscador de Tours desde Ecuador;

  14. Wonders of the Galápagos & Machu Picchu

    Discover natural and man-made wonders, from Ecuador to Peru, on a journey that includes a four-night cruise in the wildlife-rich Galápagos Islands, an exclusive visit to a village in the Sacred Valley and a guided exploration of Machu Picchu, the awe-inspiring "Lost City" of the Incas. ... an exclusive visit to a village in the Sacred ...

  15. Inca Expert

    Central (Lima) Mil (Moray - Cusco) departure. Next (1/2) We sell virtually all services available in Peru, Galapagos, Argentina, Chile, Brazil and Patagonia. Inca Expert Travel specializes in custom vacations to Peru, Machu Picchu and the Galapagos. Enjoy private tours and a travel package curated just for you.

  16. From Aguas Calientes: Machu Picchu Entry and Private Tour

    Circuit 1: Allows you to visit the high part (platform area, capture the best panoramic photos of Machupicchu), but you can not visit the citadel (temple area). The pick up in Cusco is only for the options Machu Picchu Full Day or Machu Picchu with Panoramic train. Save up to 17%. From $259.00 $214.97 per person.


    SALIDA: QUITO Y GUAYAQUIL. 5 NOCHES. AEROLINEA: Viaja a Perú disfruta de un increíble tour de 5 noches en Macchu Picchu donde podrás experimentar la fabulosa ciudad perdida de los Incas, una de las maravillas a nivel mundial que nos dejó como legado una de las civilizaciones más extraordinarias de la historia.

  18. 11 Day Ecuador, the Amazon & Peru with Machu Picchu

    2 nights Amazon. 2 nights Lima. 1 night Sacred Valley. 1 night Aguas Calientes (Machu Picchu) 2 nights Cuzco. Hotel taxes, fees & service charges. Hotel porterage. All transfers included only with airfare purchase on package arrival & departure dates†. 18 meals: 10 breakfasts, 3 lunches, 5 dinners.

  19. 10 Best Machu Picchu Tours & Hiking Trips (with 5,267 reviews

    7 Day Cusco Travel Package: Cusco, Sacred Valley, Machu Picchu, Humantay Lake, and Rainbow Mountain. 4.9 121 Reviews by TourRadar travelers. "A great tour that is packed with places to visit. And best to select the 4-star hotels (since the 3-star hotels were quite basic).". Steve Mar, traveled in August 2024.

  20. Peru & Machu Picchu Tour

    Experienced guides will help you gain an even deeper appreciation of Peru and Ecuador's history, unique culture and natural wonders on this intimate tour. ... seeing the extraordinary floating reed islands on Lake Titicaca and of course, unmissable Machu Picchu. This 10-day tour will excite you at every turn. Plus, with this special package ...

  21. 9 BEST Machu Picchu Tours from Cusco +Our Personal Reviews

    A day trip from Cusco is a great tour for those short on time!. This day trip to Machu Picchu from Cusco is a relaxed day, great for first-time travelers or families!You'll enjoy a full day of exploring the region's mountains and ancient ruins. With a small group of only 10 travelers, everything feels a bit calmer, and you get more personalized attention.

  22. Buscador de Tours a Machu Picchu desde Ecuador

    MACHU PICCHU ECUADOR el Mejor Buscador de Tours y Paquetes en Machu Picchu, planifica tus próximas vacaciones reservando desde Ecuador. Encuentra los mejores tours a Machu Picchu y Perú con nuestra plataforma de búsquedas. Descubre los planes turísticos más increíbles en Cusco, así como emocionantes excursiones de un día con experiencias culturales y de aventura.

  23. Guayaquil to Machu Picchu

    It is located in the Cusco Region, Urubamba Province, Machupicchu District. It rises over Machu Picchu, the so-called lost city of the Incas. The Incas built a trail up the side of the Huayna Picchu and built temples and terraces on its top. The peak of Huayna Picchu is 2693 m above sea level, or about 260 m higher than Machu Picchu.

  24. Qué Ver y Hacer en Machu Picchu: Atracciones Imprescindibles

    Es una de las mejores oportunidades fotográficas de Machu Picchu. Montaña Machu Picchu. Menos conocida pero igualmente impresionante es la Montaña Machu Picchu. Esta ofrece una caminata más larga, pero menos empinada que Huayna Picchu. Es ideal para aquellos que buscan una experiencia menos concurrida, pero igualmente gratificante. Qué Ver ...

  25. How to Get to Machu Picchu

    Viajando a Cusco: Cómo llegar a Machu Picchu desde Lima. Si has optado por volar primero a Lima, la forma más eficiente de llegar a Machu Picchu desde Lima es primero dirigirte a Cusco por vía aérea.Varias aerolíneas ofrecen vuelos diarios y directos desde Lima (LIM) hasta el Aeropuerto Internacional Alejandro Velasco Astete (CUZ) de Cusco, con tiempos de vuelo entre estas dos ciudades ...

  26. Machu Picchu: ¿Qué templos incas ofrecen sus circuitos?

    Los cambios en los boletos y circuitos en Machu Picchu. Desde 2024 las entradas a Machu Picchu pasaron de ser cinco a diez. Así mismo, los circuitos pasaron de ser cuatro a tan solo tres. Los nuevos circuitos están incluidos en los diez boletos que son: a) El boleto Machu Picchu Foto Clásica (ofrece el circuito 1).

  27. Explora el Puente Inca en Perú: La joya oculta de Machu Picchu

    Conocido por sus magníficas ruinas y su extensa historia incaica, Machu Picchu es una maravilla del mundo que se esconde en lo alto de los Andes peruanos. A pesar de que la mayoría de los turistas visitan lugares famosos como Huayna Picchu o la Puerta del Sol, aún hay joyas ocultas en Machu Picchu como el Puente Inca que están menos exploradas.

  28. Viajes y Tours a Machu Picchu desde Ecuador 2024

    MACHU PICCHU ECUADOR organiza viajes a Machu Picchu todo incluido, creando aventuras únicas y memorables desde Ecuador. Experiencias Culturales. Paquetes a Perú. Tours a Machu Picchu. Líderes del Mercado. Viaje seguro y amable. Reservas Online 24/7.

  29. Qué Llevar a Machu Picchu: Guía Completa

    Prepárate para tu visita a Machu Picchu con esta guía sobre qué llevar para disfrutar al máximo tu experiencia. Ir al contenido. Perú (+51) 984 851 385 ... Tour Vivencial Amazonas Tambopata 3 días; ... Ya sea que sueñes con caminar el Camino Inca o simplemente maravillarte con las vistas desde Huayna Picchu, tenemos el viaje perfecto ...