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Airbnb for a Year: The Story of One Traveler

airbnb Dia Los Muertos in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Photo by Rene Cizio

What it’s Like to Live in Airbnbs for a year as a Nomad

By Rene Cizio

I’ve been on a solo road trip for 15 months and counting. So far, I’ve lived in two countries, 13 states, and 21 different Airbnbs.

Sometimes I sleep in my van, but that’s mostly for fun camping weekends. I’ve rented Airbnbs all but a few days out of each month.

When I started my adventure, the lease on my Chicago apartment was up and I was working remotely indefinitely.

I thought I’d travel for a few months, but circumstances allowed me to continue remote work and I didn’t see any reason to stop traveling.

San Antonio cabin airbnb

I was as isolated as I’d been in my apartment, except once I went out west, I benefited from hiking trails and the outdoors I didn’t have in the city.

Now, I’m genuinely exploring the country I live in for the first time. I’ve visited over a dozen national parks and am learning more about the history, foods, cultures, animals, climate, flora, and fauna of North America than I ever grasped during short trips.

Bamdolier National Monument

For example, just the other day, I learned the cockroaches in Georgia are so giant you can practically walk them on a leash. There are wild pigs, er, Javelina, in Arizona.

A California Redwood is probably as wide as your house, and the sunset in the desert really is more colorful (due in part to a lack of pollution and humidity). I never knew any of those things.

suspension bridge

I love nomad life, and there are a few reasons Airbnb works for me over van life, hotels or other alternatives.

Living like a local in an Airbnb

Staying in an Airbnb allows me to live like a local. Because of the affordability of the monthly rates some hosts offer, I can stay longer.

When I visit for several weeks, I become a community member, find a favorite coffee shop, get an oil change, attend outdoor events, and get to know people.

Sea urchins cling to the rock at Bandon Beach, Oregon. Photo by Rene Cizio.

When I was in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico , I took part in the culture in a way that tourists who come and stay in a resort don’t. I saw firsthand the differences between hotel life and that of a local – and the life of a local was much harder!

I had to barter with my shaky Spanish, navigate the bus system, find the best local beach, and learn how to get my clothes washed – which is easier said than done.

After seven weeks, having an English-speaking staff, onsite restaurants, laundry service, and private beaches made hotel life sound like a dream.

But in the end, Airbnb was much more rewarding than dropping in, soaking up the good stuff, and jetting out.

Why I choose Airbnb over others

I’m not an Airbnb loyalist, meaning I would try something else if it were as good; I just haven’t found anything that is yet. So far, Airbnb’s app, number of rentals available, and prices are the best.

Typically, I book my housing a few months in advance on the app. Depending on the location and affordability, I try to book my stay for one month.

Aside from the reasons already stated, it’s less stressful than moving all the time. I work full-time remotely, so constant moving can be distracting. And this is my life; I want it to be relaxing too.

Other reasons I like Airbnb:

  • As a single woman, I have a host aware of my location, possibly nearby. Many other apps seem geared toward vacation rentals, and it isn’t as likely someone will be on the property with me.
  • Airbnb seems to have more rentals available than any other app.
  • The Airbnb app has an amenity filter for Wi-Fi, parking, dedicated workspace, and other nomad-friendly or unique options.
  • Discounts on monthly stays make nomad life affordable.
  • Airbnb Experiences, events hosted by local people, also offered on the app, are affordable and a fun way to meet people and do things.

Safety as a Solo Female Nomad

beekeeping san jose

Traveling solo, I worry about safety a lot. I’ve had an experience when I was camping alone in my van in an isolated place and a man has made me uncomfortable enough to leave my location.

Other times I’ve felt exposed by myself in an area without anyone else around for miles.

The places I rent are carriage houses, garage apartments, cabins, and mother-in-law suites, so the hosts are usually onsite.

You can rent investment-property Airbnbs where the host doesn’t live on-site, but I typically don’t.

Having Someone within Shouting Distance

They’re more expensive, and if I ever have an accident or injury, I like having somebody within shouting distance.

On the flip side, being a single gal, sometimes the hosts want to befriend me, or they feel I must be lonely and want company.

Depending on the type of person you are, it’s a pro or a con, but if you’re a loner like me, dodging invitations can be tricky when you’re sharing the same property. Hosts have invited me to dinners or activities at many of my Airbnbs.

I don’t dodge them all; I’ve made a few great connections and still keep in touch.

No Dinners, Please

Even though I’m not big on hanging out for dinner with most strangers, I’m glad for the opportunity Airbnb presents for us to do so.

There aren’t many ways for people to find themselves in proximity where an impromptu dinner and getting to know each other is even possible.

Other hosts have given me eggs from the henhouse, a fish caught that day, apricots picked from a tree in the yard, flowers from their garden, fresh-baked bread, raspberries, and avocados still warm from the sun.

kayaking la jolla

I’ve pet or admired their dogs, cats, ducks, bunnies, goats, kids, deer, and one armadillo. You just don’t get that staying by yourself in a van or anywhere else.

mexico city temple

Airbnb cancelations and issues

One potential downside with Airbnb, or probably any similar app, is that I’m dependent on the host to provide the housing as advertised. I’ve had two cancellations in the last year; one, I initiated mid-reservation, and another canceled on me a week before.

cave boerne

I take some blame in the first case. But, in my defense, most people would agree that the property became unlivable by usual standards.

Two weeks into my four-week stay, thousands of silkworms invaded my San Antonio, Texas cabin. It was so bad I was sweeping them off the cabin in piles hourly.

Worst Airbnb

The bathroom was in a separate unit, so I had to walk through trees filled with them day and night. I left and the host, who said it was the worst she’d ever seen, refunded me within the week. Still, it left me without a place to stay for two weeks.

The other cancelation was in northern California during wildfire season. Being a total rube about “fire season” (another thing I learned), I did ask the host, three months in advance, if fires would be an issue and she said no.

oak alley plantation

Sadly, fear of a fire was an issue, and one week out, the host canceled. I had to scramble for last-minute, higher-cost accommodations.

Airbnb Struggles

Sometimes I’ve had to wait for a host to give me keys or decipher obscure entry instructions. Often, I struggle to work the heating and cooling systems if I’m able to control them at all.

Once I didn’t have plumbing for several days while they repaired a well. That was awful. These things happen when you’re staying in individuals’ homes.

Unlike hotels, they often don’t have another place to put me up, and you can get stuck living with whatever happens or the inconvenience and cost of changing plans. Luckily, bad things are rare.

It’s not always predictable to rent places from strangers through an app, but it’s always interesting. Most often, I’m pleasantly surprised. A recent place I’ve stayed had alpacas and that was fun.

If I could have coaxed one into my van, he’d be sitting next to me right now and I’d learn to weave a blanket with his hair. Alas, he was non-cooperative.

I could have never lived as a nomad before Airbnb, the shared economy, and remote work became commonplace. It’s a daily adventure filled with interesting people, places, and things.

We often hear from foreigners how they can spot an American because of our commonalities, like white sneakers and red solo cups. Haha, I kid.

new orleans carriage

But I’ve learned that we’re also infinitely unique across our country. The dialects, food, culture, clothing, and even houses in each region are diverse.

The people of the south are vastly different from the western states in manner, style and sensibility. The food in New Orleans is unlike anything I’ve ever encountered in the Midwest.

I’ve discovered at least one new plant, tree, or flower in each state I’ve visited that I’d never even heard of before. It’s amazing.

I’m making my way through the east coast and maybe Canada or elsewhere. There’s still a lot to see. The great thing about Airbnb is it’s everywhere people are, and it’s always going to be an experience to remember.

Rene Cizio

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Airbnb has become the primary choice of housing for millions of travelers.

One thought on “ Airbnb for a Year: The Story of One Traveler ”

What a great trip and subject for an article. I love Airbnb most of the time and appreciate the way you point out the pros and cons of staying in this type of lodging.

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Here's how to apply to Airbnb's Live Anywhere Program for a chance to travel for  10 months.

Airbnb Wants To Pay For You To Travel The World For A Year

You could live literally anywhere.

Get ready to plan your dream vacation because you could win a year’s worth of Airbnb stays . Whether you’ve been dreaming up your “workcation” or want a year off, you’ll want to apply to Airbnb’s Live Anywhere Program for a chance to stay wherever you want for free (well, anywhere with Airbnb listing, that is). Airbnb wants to inspire you to find your dream spot so that you can live your #bestlife, and the company wants to help fund it, too.

With many people are working from home and a lot doing so permanently, Airbnb announced the Live Anywhere program on Wednesday, June 9, and it’s all about helping you discover the possibilities of living in different locales. Taking inspo from the brand’s May 2021 Report on Travel and Living survey — which revealed a 10% increase in Q1 2021 of long-term stays of 28 days or longer as compared to 2019 — Airbnb will give 12 people the chance to take some extended vacations.

The 12 winners (and up to three co-travelers each) will score approximately one year of Airbnb stays, a stipend for transportation and other travel costs, and, of course, the experience of a lifetime. I mean, with a prize package is worth up to $45,000, it’s gotta be pretty good. Your costs covered will depend on how many people travel. For example, winners will receive between $12,000 to $24,000 for Airbnb stays for each five-month period (one scheduled for September 2021 and one for February 2022), as well as a one-time stipend of $5,000 to $12,000 for transportation and other travel-related costs.

To apply, go to Airbnb’s Live Anywhere application page , and fill out the form with your contact details. You’ll also need to answer some questions, such as why you want to live anywhere on Airbnb for a year. When you’re done, hit “Submit” and start dreaming up all the places you’d go. Make sure you get your entry in before 11:59 p.m. ET on Wednesday, June 30, or you’ll miss the chance.

You’ll need to be at least 18 to enter, and the contest is open to U.S. residents and residents in more than 20 countries.

You'll want to apply to Airbnb's Live Anywhere program so you can plan out the ultimate staycation.

The winners will be selected in two rounds. First, Airbnb will notify finalists via email no later than July 5, and those selected will need to submit a two-minute video about why they want to live anywhere by July 9. If you make it to the second round, you’ll have an interview with the contest’s review panel by July 16. Finally, Airbnb will select and notify its winners via email by July 19.

If you win, the onboarding process will be in July and August to make a game plan, and you’ll begin traveling in September 2021. Winners will need to stay exclusively at Airbnbs for the entire 10 months, but you’ll also have the option of listing your home on Airbnb to pick up some extra cash. You’ll be able to travel anywhere that doesn’t have COVID-19 restrictions, but if you plan on traveling internationally, you’ll want to make sure your passport is valid through at least Feb. 21, 2023.

Now that you’re feeling inspired, map out your destinations and make sure you put in your application before the time is up.

The CDC recommends traveling only after you’re fully vaccinated and your vaccine has become fully effective . If you’re not fully vaccinated and must travel, check the CDC guidelines before you book. Check your destination’s vaccination and testing requirements before you depart.

This article was originally published on 06.09.21

airbnb year of travel

Middle Journey

Solo travel, one year of living in airbnb: pros, cons and cost.

August 13, 2022

Rene Yellowstone

I’ve been living in Airbnb on a solo road trip since February 2021. So far, I’ve stayed in over 25 Airbnbs across every corner of the United States, Mexico, and Canada. I’ve also stayed in a few hotels, traditional BNBs and even my van when I’m camping. During this time, I’ve learned a lot about renting temporary places and experienced all sorts of different accommodations.

This is my experience.

Rene Yellowstone

Travel lifestyles are on the rise across the world. With the increase of remote work and the gig economy, it’s finally possible in a way it has never been before. According to a study by MBO Partners , roughly 19 million American adults plan to start the lifestyle over the next few years, and 45 million are considering it.

Cabin in the woods

Here are the pros and cons I’ve found while living in Airbnb for more than a year that might help you if you’re considering it – or just curious. While my experience relates specifically to Airbnb, it likely applies to any similar apps or services.

Pro: Monthly Discounts on Airbnb Rentals

For me, the idea of living in Airbnb formed when I realized many hosts offered discounts on monthly stays. When I started full-time traveling, I could rent a decent place at a monthly rate at the same rate or less than I was spending on my downtown Chicago apartment. The discounts vary, but typically the places I rented were 20 to 30% less if I rented by the month. Plus, I like to stay in one place long enough to get to know it, and it gives me time to work without the distraction of constant moving.

Ivy covered Connecticuit carraige house

Pro to Con: Rising Cost of Living in Airbnb with Long-Term Rentals

Living in Airbnb used to be as affordable as my monthly rent, but the cost has steadily gone up. Now, like all housing and travel expenses with 20 to 30% cost increases, a monthly rental meeting my expectations and budget are hard to find.

Cotter House in Madison, Virginia

Generally, I rent small studios or one-bedroom places on the outskirts of town. They’re not posh or high-end, but they’re decent and include a kitchen or kitchenette and basic amenities. Many are carriage houses, converted garages, or mother-in-law apartments. I only rent places rated five stars by more than 20 people (more on why below).

Interior of house in Tuscon, Arizona

After fees, I spent about $1,800 – $2,300 a month living in Airbnb . They wouldn’t get that much if they rented as long-term leases. I could lease larger or better places for the cost I pay to live in Airbnb. While living in Airbnb, you’re paying for the convenience of short term and the inclusion of furniture, kitchen and bathroom supplies (depending on what the host provides), linens and more, so it mostly evens out – at least it did for a while.

Some of my rentals come with soap, shampoo and enough toilet paper to last a month. Sometimes host even provide snacks, coffee and other treats. Other rentals didn’t come with anything and you don’t know until you arrive. One host didn’t even provide sheets or towels.

Garage apartment in Oregon

Con: The Review System is Flawed

I only rent five-star places when living in Airbnb because of the review system. I’ve learned that anything rated less than 4.9 likely won’t meet my expectations for cleanliness and acceptable furnishings. Five-star rated places tend to cost more than others, but it’s worth it.

View from my cabin in Nova Scotia

The reviews on Airbnb tend to be very positive. It’s uncommon to see a place listed as a 4.8 out of 5 that isn’t very clean or has run-down furniture and other issues. I’ve had leaky faucets, mildew, broken water pumps, other plumbing issues, non-working heaters and air conditioners, mice, roaches and many other unpleasant things in Airbnbs I’ve rented. I’d never even seen a cockroach before I lived in Airbnb. But I’ve had far more pleasant experiences than negative.

If you want to avoid some of my issues, you must rent at least a 4.9. At least half of the places I’ve rented have had something that would make me not rent them again. Consider that I’m renting at the low end of the price range. I would hope if I were paying $4,000 or more a month, there wouldn’t be any issues, but you never know, and the reviews aren’t very helpful.

Green shotgun house in New Orleans, Louisiana

Review Questions

Review questions ask if the listing was accurate – yes or no, how clean was it 1 – 5, how was check in 1 – 5, did it meet your expectations, yes or no, how was host communication 1 – 5, and other questions that don’t get to the heart of the stay. I want to know if the area was safe, whether the plumbing worked, how loud the neighbors were, and whether the rental and furniture were in good condition? But they don’t ask those questions.

Garage Apartment in El Prado, New Mexico

However, guests have an open box to write as much as they’d like in a public review. The problem is most people only compliment the host and say little else.

Because Airbnb hosts and guests review each other and the reviews are shared between them, they tend to be highly complimentary and overlook any flaws or problems. Even I fall victim to being more positive than rentals warrant after a host has been incredibly kind to me. It’s hard to write: “Mary was a great host, but the plumbing didn’t work for four days, the WIFI was slow, and the microwave blew a fuse each time I used it.” Ugh.

Benefits outweigh the issues

I considered the problems minor and mention them here only to give you a realistic view of what you might encounter living in many places rented by multiple people on a regular basis. Most of my hosts have been overwhelmingly gracious and welcoming. I’ve received gifts of wine, fresh bread, homemade muffins, local beer, a fresh caught fish, farm eggs, apricots and raspberries picked that morning and more. Plus, the conversations and helpful information they’ve offered has been invaluable.

Pro: Credit Card Points

My payments came directly from my bank account when renting traditional leases or paying a mortgage. But when living in Airbnb, my “rent” payments go on my credit card, and I’m earning points. My frequent flier miles have been going through the roof with the extra charges. Cha-ching. While living as a nomad in Airbnb can be expensive by some standards, but when I’m traveling all the time, I’m not spending my savings on vacations as I used to. Plus, with those frequent flier miles, it won’t cost me a thing when I’m ready to hop on a plane somewhere. Just make sure you pay off your balance every month!

Shed Airbnb in Los Angeles

Con: Uncertainty and Unpredictability

One big downside with Airbnb, or any similar app, is that I depend on the host to provide the housing. Whereas if I book a hotel, I’m almost guaranteed to get my room as described. I’ve had two last-minute cancellations in the last year; one, I initiated mid-reservation (the silkworms) and another canceled on me a week before. If you’re staying at a hotel, you’re pretty much guaranteed to receive your room when you arrive and it’s also going to be exactly as you expect it to be time after time. No surprises. Living in Airbnb almost always comes with surprises, both good and bad.

Pro: Getting to Know People and the Community

Because I’m living in Airbnb instead of hotels, I am meeting great hosts, their families and pets while in my own private space. With long-term stays, I get to live as a community member and to know my hosts – almost all of who have been generous, friendly, thoughtful and a pleasure to know. Some of my hosts and other guests I’ve met while staying in Airbnb are still connections. That likely wouldn’t happen in a hotel where I’m just another number among hundreds of weekly guests.

Bridge entry to Idaho Fall house

Con: Airbnb Rules, Fees, Chores, and Instructions

Many hosts have long lists of guests’ instructions, rules, and chores. When going to a new place, I often must read long messages about checking in. Because I’m on the road and sometimes have limited cell service, this is especially annoying. Check-in instructions might include where to find a key, get a code, or park my vehicle – but they often don’t send the information until the day you check in. Some hosts want to meet you at check-in so I must coordinate my arrival with them. It’s inconvenient when you’re not sure when you’ll arrive because you’re traveling and enjoying the sights.

Once inside my new place, I’d frequently find a book – a book – listing information about my place, host expectations for cleanliness, things to do in the area, and checkout instructions. Mostly these are helpful, but frequently they’re so long it’s a chore to read them. Or there is no instruction or information at all, and that’s also annoying. One host took the easy route and taped paper instructions all over my rental on the walls and appliances.

Patio of my apartment in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

Instructions may include tips for quirky heating and cooling and water systems, opening the windows, using the stove or microwave, wearing shoes (or more precisely not), how to clean bedding and how often, outdoor space rules, interacting with their pets, parking, and any number of rules and regulations. One host kept rabbits in the yard and gave me two pages of instructions regarding them (No, this wasn’t a farm stay). If you don’t read all the information and fail to follow the rules, you could receive a poor review which might impact your ability to continue having rental requests accepted.

Carlsbad, California patio

Airbnb Check out Checklists

Likewise, the checkout instructions could be tedious. Many hosts charge exorbitant fees for cleaning but expect the space to be immaculate at check out. Hosts frequently request that I remove my sheets from the bed, tidy the entire space, wash dishes, and empty all the trash at a minimum. I’m always tidy and leave the place as I found it and usually cleaner, but many host’s instructions make me feel like I’m the cleaning staff. I have all 5-star reviews as a guest, but it isn’t easy!

At current prices, most Airbnbs aren’t more affordable than a hotel which includes cleaning, breakfast, a gym, pool, business center and more.

Alomongordo New Mexico cabin living in Airbnb

Despite any cons, I still appreciate the ability to rent Airbnbs. They have more character than hotels and any problems I’ve had have been temporary and relatively minor. They’ve made for interesting stories and situations to say the least. Travel is about the experience; with Airbnb, you’re guaranteed an adventure.

Tips for Finding the Best Airbnbs

During the last year+, I’ve found many pros and cons of living in Airbnb. The pros far outweighed the cons in my opinion. Without it there’s no way I could have traveled full time in comfort and still conducted my full-time job. Living in Airbnb allowed me to live in stable environments while traveling to new and different places and exploring the US, Mexico and Canada. If you’re going to rent an Airbnb, here are a few tips.

  • Book three or more months out to find the best places with the highest ratings and fair prices.
  • Only select 4.9 ratings or better, 5.0 if you can.
  • Read the long reviews; those are usually the ones that tell you something.
  • Ask about parking – it could be an extra $20 or more daily in busy cities.
  • Review fees before deciding. Each host determines their fees and some are outrageous while others are affordable. This could save hundreds.
  • Sometimes hosts offer last-minute discounts if they have a cancelation or aren’t booked, but it is riskier than booking in advance, so don’t depend on it.
  • Message hosts with questions before you book. I always ask about WIFI speed, and two hosts have been prompted to upgrade their WIFI before I arrived.
  • Ask your host about discounts for repeat stays, or negotiate cleaning fees.
  • Use a map to see how far you actually are from where you want to be. Don’t rely on Airbnb maps or host descriptions of what’s “close” because they’re not always accurate and don’t give the exact address until after booking.

What tips do you have for renting Airbnbs?

Have questions? Email me : [email protected]

Read some of my travel stories here .

Read this about what I had to say after six months of solo travel .

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More about Rene Cizio

Rene Cizio is a solo female traveler, writer, author and photographer. Find her on Instagram @renecizio

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  • What's the minimum number of days for a long-term Airbnb?
  • How much is the discount?
  • Do you still have to pay fees?
  • Can you visit before you book?
  • Do you have to pay upfront?
  • What if you need to cancel?
  • Book a long-term Airbnb

Long-term Airbnb rentals: What to know about discounts, fees, and cancellation policies

When you buy through our links, Business Insider may earn an affiliate commission. Learn more

  • Many Airbnbs offer discounted rates for monthlong and weeklong stays. 
  • Airbnb also has a separate search portal specifically for sublets .
  • We break down key info on booking long-term Airbnbs, including fee and cancellation policies.

Insider Today

If you're thinking about relocating your home office, you're not alone. According to Airbnb , more travelers are now searching the platform for stays longer than 28 days, and as of 2020, over 80 percent of hosts  are now offering long-term stay options.

On Airbnb, hosts are free to set stay limits and minimums, as well as discount options for anyone booking their listing for weeks or even months at a time. Not only does the discount incentivize someone looking for a longer stay to choose a particular listing, but it also means that the hosts will have a lower turnover rate, which often translates into less work for them .

While long-term Airbnb listings will show up in a standard search, you can also more easily find them by going directly through the website's sublet hub . This will bring up only listings where hosts have agreed to allow stays of a month or longer, but be aware that not every long-term stay is discounted.

Renting an Airbnb for a longer stay has numerous benefits. First, it can be cheaper than a typical lease and is adjustable to your travel plans. For example, if you're arriving somewhere on March 18 and leaving on April 28, you can often still enjoy a discounted stay without needing to pay for any unused days. On top of that, hosts must prove that their listing is really livable for a long-term stay, which means all long-term Airbnb listings come equipped with a full kitchen, strong WiFi, and essentials like bed linens and soap at a minimum. 

You'll also enjoy the benefit of knowing that every listing must adhere to Airbnb's Enhanced Cleaning . Airbnb introduced its Enhanced Cleaning policy in 2020, and you can rest easy knowing that hosts are cleaning and sanitizing the space between visitors. Not to mention, booking a long-term Airbnb is an easy way to earn travel points on your credit card .

Overall, booking your next sublet through Airbnb can be a great deal, but there are a few things you should know ahead of time.

What's the minimum number of days needed to book a long-term Airbnb?

Long-term Airbnb discounts start at bookings of 28 days or more. You don't have to book for the first of the month, but the days do have to be continuous, so if someone's already booked a weekend in between your desired dates, it won't work. It is entirely up to the host to decide whether they will offer their listing for longer stays and they can set the minimum stay for 30 or 31 days if they are specifically targeting long-stay visitors. 

Airbnb hosts also have the option of setting weekly or monthly discounts and the percentage of that discount is entirely up to them. Airbnb recommends that hosts offer a discount equal to their expected vacancy , so discounts can vary wildly. When browsing Airbnb with your dates selected, you will be able to tell which listings offer discounts because of the strikethrough in the price. When you click through to the listing, you'll be able to see the percentage discount displayed in the price summary.

How much is the discount for a long-term Airbnb?

Discounts can vary immensely. For example, this studio apartment in Seattle offers a 10% discount while in New York City, this Brooklyn studio is 52% off, and discounts can go even higher than that. Just look at this four-bedroom home in Bellville, Kansas , which normally goes for $85 per night but is offering a 71% discount if you book for the month. Of course, it's always possible that a host could be inflating the price to attract bookers with a big discount number, so you'll have to do your due diligence to determine if the listing is really worth what they're saying.

Do you still have to pay fees on a long-term Airbnb rental?

The discounted rate does not apply to any extra fees, including the service fee, which can be higher depending on how long you book your stay. Occupancy taxes may apply depending on the state and these will also increase depending on how many days you book. If there is a cleaning fee, this should be similar to what you'd pay for a short-term rental, but the host may increase the cost if they are exclusively listing for long-term stays.

Can you visit an Airbnb sublet before you book?

While booking a sublet through Airbnb has its benefits beyond the discount (like not having to pay a security deposit or worry about utility bills), it's also not a traditional rental situation. Unlike an apartment that you might see in-person before making a decision, you often are not able to see a particular listing before you decide to book.

Airbnb encourages users to ask the hosts questions about the listing through their private messaging system and complete their booking before meeting in-person. You could always try asking your host if you could visit in person before you commit, but they don't have to comply.

Do you have to pay for a long-term Airbnb rental upfront?

Unlike many short-term stays, you don't have to pay for your whole stay upfront if you are staying for multiple months. After you've booked your reservation, you'll pay for the first month  as a down payment. Then, after you check-in, you'll then be charged monthly throughout your stay. The price is locked in when you book, so you don't have to worry about rates going up halfway through your reservation. 

What if you need to cancel your long-term Airbnb?

Cancellation policies depend on the individual host. An Airbnb host can opt to allow cancellations up to a month before your visit or 48 hours after you book, so be sure to pay attention to the cancellation policy when booking. This doesn't give you much wiggle room to change your mind and if you do cancel outside of that short window, you will still have to pay for the first 30 days of your reservation and the service fee.

If you check-in and decide to cancel after your trip has begun, you will not be refunded for the next 30 days after your cancellation. If you have extenuating circumstances that fall under Airbnb's Major Disruptive Events Policy , it may be possible to appeal for a full refund. If you are not confident in your travel plans, booking an Airbnb for a month or longer can be risky. 

Are there any legalities to take into account?

Because of varying tenant laws, your host may ask you to sign a contract before confirming your reservation. If this is the case, the host will be required to disclose this information to you before confirming your booking. If your host asks you to sign a contract after the fact, it's within your right to decline and to ask them to cancel your reservation without a cancellation penalty.

Local legislation regarding how hotels and long-term apartments should be run vary widely and Airbnb hosts in different cities may need a different level of commitment from guests before the stay is confirmed. Because your host will be required to disclose this to you before you commit to the booking, make sure you take ample time to review the document and seek counsel or find another booking if something doesn't seem right. Airbnb recommends that guests review the contract within 48 hours after booking, so be sure you are prepared when you book. 

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airbnb year of travel

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  • Canmore   Condo rentals
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The 85 Best Airbnbs and Vacation Rentals in the World, According to Super-Travelers

La Valise Tulum Mexico

All products and listings featured on Condé Nast Traveler are independently selected by our editors. If you purchase something through our links, we may earn an affiliate commission.

Ever wonder where Jessica Nabongo —the first Black woman to visit every country in the world—likes to hunker down in Colombia? Or which Tuscan estate makes Opening Ceremony’s Carol Lim starry-eyed? We're all about unforgettable accommodations, so we grilled hundreds of award-winning designers, architects, chefs, authors, photographers, hospitality experts, and others to discover their favorite escapes in the world. The vast majority of their vacation rentals are listed on Airbnb and Vrbo , but you better book quickly to snag a stay—the calendars of these highly rated French chateaus, synagogue penthouses, and beachfront bungalows fill up fast.

This gallery has been updated with new information since its original publish date.

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Crane Hill Cottage in Interlachen, Florida

“Everyone thinks of beaches in Florida, naturally, but I take any chance I get to travel inland to the state's lake-and-spring country, which is particularly beautiful around Gainesville,” says Terry Ward, a Florida-based travel journalist and co-founder of FloridaBeyond . She especially loved sitting on the dock and scoping out the local wildlife (eagles, osprey, and sandhill cranes) at this three-bedroom, two-bath lakefront cottage on the 400-acre Lake Grandin. “The house has a hot tub with lake views and there are loaner paddleboards you can use to paddle to a neighborhood beach that's safe for swimming,” she says, adding that the location—two hours north of Orlando , one hour west of St. Augustine, and near the freshwater Salt Springs in the Ocala National Forest—is ideal for day tripping.

airbnb year of travel

La Casita on Harris Creek in St. Michaels, Maryland

This one-bedroom, one-bath cottage is an easy two-hour drive from Philadelphia—and well worth a weekend getaway if you’re big into food. Kim Bennett, founder and CEO of AtlasGuru , says the Chesapeake barn-style guesthouse is within striking distance of such refined restaurants as Ruse at the Wildset Hotel and Stars at the Inn at Perry Cabin in charming St. Michaels and the exceptional Bas Rouge in nearby Easton. “As a couple who likes to travel with our dog, this place also had acres for our pup to explore,” she adds, pointing out that the owners also gifted her and her husband a basket with honey made from bees kept on the creekside property.

airbnb year of travel

Warbler House in Lake Leelanau, Michigan

“My love of Northern Michigan runs deep,” says Christine Chitnis, a travel journalist and author of the soon-to-be-released book Patterns of Portugal who finds this 5-bedroom, 2.5-bath stone house nestled between Lakes Michigan and Leelanau tempting year-round. “Spend sun-drenched summer days lazing away at this 100-year-old farmhouse or cozy up as the snow falls outside and the many ski trails beckon,” says Chitnis, who likes that its interior design mixes contemporary art pieces mix with mid-century furniture and that it has “a book collection to rival most.” She also recommends making a day trip to nearby Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore , biking the extensive TART trails, exploring Northern Michigan’s burgeoning wine scene, and dining at one of the area’s locavore-ish restaurants such as Farm Club, Crocodile Palace, and Modern Bird.

airbnb year of travel

Scenic Chalet in Barnstead, New Hampshire

Traveler contributing editor Sarah Khan turned 40 in January 2021, in the pre-vaccine pandemic era, so she spent her COVID-safe birthday weekend with her parents and sister at this three-bedroom, one-bath house in the Lakes Region. “It may not have been the Dakar or Beirut adventure with friends I'd been envisioning before the pandemic, but it was the perfect cozy place for a secluded family getaway,” she says. “The massive windows had a lovely view over the frozen lake and snow-capped trees, and the kitchen was perfectly equipped for all the delicious home-cooked meals we had planned for our socially distant trip.” She hasn’t made it back since the world reopened but often thinks about returning in other seasons. “Aside from it being the perfect summer lake house, I'm sure the leafy setting would be beautiful in the fall as the colors change.”

airbnb year of travel

Skyline Yurt in Front Royal, Virginia

Tucked away in the stunning Blue Ridge Mountains , this 3-bedroom, 1.5-bath yurt offers an ideal escape from the everyday hustle, says Kelly Kimple, CEO of Adventures in Good Company . With a pool table, archery, cornhole, and a PlayStation 5, there was no shortage of entertainment. “Cozy evenings by the woodburning stove made it tempting to stay indoors,” she says, while the hot tub on the deck was her preferred spot for unwinding. “S'mores around the firepit under the starry night sky added a touch of magic to our stay,” she adds.

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The Shelter Co. Shack in Monte Rio, California

The host may call this a “shack,” but the four-bedroom, two-bath house is situated in what is “arguably the best neighborhood along the Russian River,” says Oakland, California –based ceramicist Erin Hupp , who stayed here during the pandemic with her husband, three children (ages 4, 9, and 11), and the grandparents. The house has an easy-to-access dock (“a rare find”) and sits within swimming distance of a public beach. The kitchen is kitted out with a Wolf range, and there’s a smoker and propane fire pit outside. “The house itself is beautifully decorated, too, with little details for children like a treehouse in the yard complete with a toy kitchen and a small door in one of the bunk bedrooms that opens up to a family of stuffed toy mice,” says Hupp. Down by the river, meanwhile, there is a canoe, two paddleboards, and a small tent for guests who wish to sleep under the stars.

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Synagogue penthouse in New Orleans, Louisiana

Spending the night in a remodeled synagogue isn’t something that San Diego –based chef Claudette Zepeda gets to do everyday, but it was an experience she relished. “The space was creative and inviting,” she says of this “comfortable yet cool” two-bedroom penthouse with art on the walls, a patio illuminated by neon lights, and a curated selection of vinyl records. (“I’m a sucker for good music,” Zepeda says.) Located just three blocks from Magazine Street, the unit is walkable to “amazing coffee and food spots” including sandwich maker extraordinaire Turkey and the Wolf , Bon Appetit ’s 2017 Restaurant of the Year.

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A dreamy hideaway in Miami, Florida

A story about Cuban cuisine for the Southern Foodways Alliance took Stewart to Miami , where she rented this one-bedroom loft in Buena Vista East. With an open-concept kitchen, Nespresso maker, and glass-topped outdoor picnic table, it had everything she needed to relax and work. She said the private gated garden patio with its teak seating and avocado tree, meanwhile, served as “both a respite and a chance to see some of the city’s wildlife, such as birds.” The Airbnb is walkable to celebrity-chef restaurants and high-end shops (including Dior, Louis Vuitton, and Balenciaga), not to mention some of the city’s finest art museums ( Haitian Heritage Museum , Institute of Contemporary Art, Miami ). Unlike its South Beach counterparts, Stewart characterizes it as quiet and serene.

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Gratitude Cottage in St. George Island, Florida

Jedd Rose, co-founder of backpack and apparel maker Topo Designs , has been visiting St. George Island for 20 years. The last time he went, he brought his wife and son and stayed at this three-bedroom, two-bath home just a three-minute walk from the beach. “I love the classic beach lines on the house, all wood exterior and interior, and how it has a timeless feel,” says Rose. Plenty of windows let in loads of natural light and there’s a great view from the wraparound deck, but the location is what really seals the deal. “St. George Island is long and narrow, with a white-sand beach on one side and a sheltered bay on the other,” Rose says. Using the beach house as a home base, she says they can easily catch blue crabs and fish out of a kayak on the bay side or take a swim in the ocean after a run.

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Atelier Lumi tiny house in Miami, Florida

When fashion and travel writer Monica Mendal craves a break from the frigid New York winter, she flies south to Miami . “This place is located in a residential neighborhood super close to the Design District, Wynwood, and Midtown,” she says of the 400-square-foot, Japanese–inspired micro-home founded by architect and designer Emma Pereira . Though it is best-suited for solo travelers or couples, Mendal describes the rental as small but mighty: “The living space has a window reading nook, built-in storage so nothing feels cluttered, a chic wooden dining table with cane chairs, and a perfectly adequate kitchen. The spiral staircase leads to the lofted bed, which is super cozy, and the tranquil backyard is an extension of the space—decked out with tons of lounge seating, hammocks, and a dining table. Oh, and the bathroom has a Toto toilet—if you know, you know.”

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Red Door on Main, Wellington, Prince Edward, Ontario, Canada

This red-doored charmer in the popular wine-making region of Prince Edward County is a two-hour drive from Toronto and a four-hour drive from Buffalo. “The property itself is enchanting and quaint,” says Dave Bowden, founder of men's style blog Irreverent Gent . “The owners converted a former telephone company building into a well-appointed three-bedroom rental house with modern finishes and a perfect little backyard patio, where my wife and I sipped wine after our baby went down.” Superhost Riley provides two beach passes to Sandbanks Provincial Park and two bicycles with helmets. But the real draw, says Bowden, is the location—smack on the main street of Wellington, just a five-minute walk to the beach and around the corner from the Drake Devonshire , an offshoot of Toronto's Drake Hotel and home to what he declares “the best restaurant in the area.”

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Holiday home in Rose Bay, Nova Scotia, Canada

Colu Henry, the author of the new book Colu Cooks: Easy Fancy Food and founder of the Colu Cooks newsletter , spent the fall of 2020—including two weeks of quarantine—hiding out with her husband in this delightful cottage. The Salty Cribb, as it is nicknamed, has three bedrooms, each with its own fireplace, plus an eat-in kitchen and separate dining room and a front porch for saying hello to the neighbors, which Henry often did. “Its location is beautiful and a quick drive to Lunenburg for restaurants and shopping,” she says. “It's also near the glorious Hirtle's Beach in Kingsburg, which has a gorgeous cliff hike along the ocean.”

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Kahieluana estate in Puako, Hawaii

Photographer Gray Malin calls this lavish pick on the west side of Hawaii’s Big Island a “dream vacation rental.” Located on a sheltered beach close to Hāpuna Beach State Recreation Area , the five-bedroom mansion also comes with its own swimming pool, tennis and volleyball courts, and a bounty of water toys including stand-up paddleboards and kayaks. “Finding a home of this nature right on the ocean is unique,” says Malin. “The kitchen and 12-person dining room are remarkable, as is each bedroom. And I love the living garden wall.”

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Historic beach house in Mokulēia, Hawaii

When Birchbox cofounder and brand consultant Mollie Chen took a big trip to Oahu with her extended family, they lasered in on this sprawling five-bedroom, five-bath house on the North Shore. “It’s built in traditional Hawaiian country style, meaning lots of rooms to spread out and take lazy afternoon naps,” says Chen of the historically registered property surrounded by coconut trees. The 1.25-acre parcel is fully fenced and gated—so big, in fact, Chen’s kids thought it was their “own personal park.” Indeed, it comes with a play set, tree swings, oceanfront gazebo, and extra-long picnic table.

airbnb year of travel

Stylish riverfront cabin in Gold Bar, Washington

Nisreene Atassi, global head of social media and influencer engagement at Expedia and host of the Out Travel the System podcast, ventured out to this three-bedroom, two-bath cabin on the Skykomish River in May 2021, joined by her fisherman husband, baby daughter, two friends, and their dogs. Though the property is located just off the highway, about an hour from Seattle , Atassi was amazed by how secluded it felt. The cabin had a fruit orchard onsite and views of snow-capped mountains, not to mention plenty of space for her daughter and the dogs to play. “Swimming holes and hiking trails were abundant in the area, and the host does an amazing job of helping you find the right activity for your family,” she says. While her party didn’t catch any fish, she says it was still “the perfect long weekend away” to celebrate her husband’s 40th birthday.

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Dee Dow Ranch in Ojai, California

“When visiting Ojai, there’s no shortage of amazing houses to rent, but the Dee Dow Ranch stands apart from the rest,” says travel and lifestyle photographer Tanveer Badal . The five-bedroom house fits up to 12 guests and has a free-standing studio, which is where Badal stayed for a week while on assignment for Industry West. “The house has all the amenities you'd expect from a luxury rental including a huge heated pool and a sun-drenched dream kitchen,” he says. The best thing though, he says, is its view of the Topatopa Mountains. “Every night you can witness the ‘pink moment’—when the sun sets behind the range and the sky puts on a dazzling fuchsia show.”

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Elk Ridge cabin in Pray, Montana

When Ashlea Halpern , a contributing editor at Condé Nast Traveler, was tooling around America on a 16-month road trip , there weren’t many places she visited twice. This modest one-bedroom cabin in Montana’s breathtaking Paradise Valley, 65 miles north of Yellowstone , was the exception. “The cozy interior with its rustic log bed and river rock fireplace was inviting in every season—and I can’t recall a single morning where we didn’t wake up to deer, elk, or some other critter bounding across the land,” says Halpern. “More importantly: The host let us bring our dogs. As anyone who’s ever searched for a decent pet-friendly Airbnb knows, the good ones are like needles in a haystack.”

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Little Wonder Desert Retreat in Twentynine Palms, California

When Emily Pennington, a Condé Nast Traveler contributor and national parks columnist for Outside magazine, booked this one-bedroom house, located off a long dirt road, for her birthday last year, she was swept off her hiking boot-laced feet. Its isolated location means “epic stargazing from the backyard's hot tub and fire pit and all the desert solitude your heart can muster.” The interior, meanwhile, is furnished with “quirky but chic amenities” like a blue tiger rug and turquoise soaking tub. Plus, it’s just a 15-minute drive to the north entrance of Joshua Tree National Park .

airbnb year of travel

Kempa villa compound in Palm Desert, California

Kathryn Romeyn, a travel writer and co-host of the Conscious Traveler podcast, stayed at the luxe Kempa villa with her husband, then-nine-week-old daughter, and in-laws in April 2021. “To say we were blown away is an understatement,” she says. Upon entering the five-acre estate, they were greeted by a large fountain, lion sculptures, and a grand white staircase where their hosts waited with chilled, scented towels. More ‘wow’ moments followed, she says: ”the dining room surrounded on three sides by glass and birds-of-paradise, the world’s largest daybed by the marble bar, a spiral staircase and lofty living room with its seemingly infinite sofa, and the long saline pool with an infinity edge that disappeared into the mountains in the distance. It was a heavenly environment in which to spend quality time with our family—like a miniature Four Seasons that we had all to ourselves.”

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Mesa Studio earthship in El Prado, New Mexico

Another pet-friendly hit from Halpern’s cross-country travels is this curious adobe studio in the 650-acre Greater World Earthship Community of El Prado, New Mexico, the largest off-the-grid neighborhood on the planet. Plopped in the desert about 10 miles north of Taos, the solar home was hand-built from rammed earth and disused tires and bottles. “This is a must-see for anyone interested in sustainable architecture and regenerative housing,” says Halpern. “Especially if you’re convinced that off-the-grid living means no Wi-Fi, Netflix, flat-screen TVs, or washing machines. This home has all those creature comforts and then some.”

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The Granary in Northport, Michigan

“I try to get up to the Granary every December for a pre-holiday getaway,” says Abra Berens, executive chef at Granor Farm in Three Oaks, Michigan, and the James Beard Award-nominated author of Ruffage: A Practical Guide to Vegetables . “I turn my phone off and go for long, snowy walks in one of the most beautiful places on earth.” The minimalist two-bedroom cottage is nestled on the tip of Leelanau County in northern Michigan. “We like staying here because there is some land to hike; it is well-designed but not overly fussy, so I don't feel compelled to photograph every angle; and it’s just down the road from Fischer's Happy Hour Tavern, a 1920s roadhouse and one of my favorite places to pony up to the bar.”

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Designer ranch house in East Hampton, New York

When celebrity stylist Micaela Erlanger ’s then-boyfriend wanted to impress her with a weekend in the Hamptons, he picked this four-bedroom, three-bath house: “a cozy, clean, modern getaway” right down the road from Sammy’s Beach. “It was nice and private for city slickers like us, but not too remote,” she recalls. “It had little luxuries like a Sonos sound system, an amazing master bath, wood-burning fireplace, and a beautiful kitchen.” Two years after that first getaway, he proposed to Erlanger here. The couple married in April 2022 and is already counting down the days before they can return to the ranch house.

airbnb year of travel

Outlier Inn geodome in Woodridge, New York

For her birthday, Cherae Robinson, founder and CEO of Tastemakers Africa , gathered her friends for a weekend glamping retreat in upstate New York. “Waking up in a geodome facing the sunrise is one of the most incredible things I can imagine,” she says of this yurt set on a 12-acre farm in the southern Catskills, 90 miles from New York City. The dome sleeps up to 16 guests (though only one in a proper bed—everyone else must bring sleeping bags) and shares its land with sheep, goats, alpacas, and chickens. There is an outdoor shower, sink, and clawfoot bathtub, plus a full outdoor kitchen, grill, and fire pit. Got a special request? Superhost Joshua is incredibly helpful, says Robinson, arranging everything from private chefs to sound baths.

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Brushland’s Owl Nest in Bovina, New York

Laurie Woolever, co-author of World Travel: An Irreverent Guide with Anthony Bourdain, hunkered down in this two-bedroom cabin atop Bramley Mountain in September 2019. “I loved that the Owl Nest is rustic in its structure and remote Catskills location, but truly refined with regard to the beautiful furnishings and other design details inside the house,” she notes. “It sits on 15 private acres, so the stay was incredibly quiet and peaceful, though it's also a short drive to Bovina's Main Street, where we had a late breakfast at Russell's General Store and dinner at Brushland Eating House .” Other highlights include the lovely clawfoot bathtub, wood stove, and “big porch for reading and napping.”

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Lokal Hotel A-frame on the Maurice River, New Jersey

“In a time where coveted upstate New York outposts can seem few and far between, this A-frame cabin offers an unexpected respite from the city,” says writer and digital marketing professional Shanika Hillocks . With room for six guests across three bedrooms, the refurbished South Jersey property feels refreshingly isolated—there isn’t a neighbor in sight. Huge windows fill the space with natural light, highlighting interiors done up with California redwood. Other modern touches include a hot tub, commercial-grade kitchen, and Sonos sound system, making it a dream rental for, in Hillocks’ view, a romantic reset, a family-friendly getaway, or a “commune-like experience for your pod.”

airbnb year of travel

Stunning waterfront home in Rock Hall, Maryland

As Memorial Day weekend rolled around earlier last year, Pati Jinich and her friends shuffled off to idyllic Chesapeake Bay. The James Beard Award–winning Mexican chef and Emmy Award–nominated TV host behind Pati’s Mexican Table on PBS was smitten with this spacious five-bedroom home. The kitchen was a joy to cook in, she says, because it opened onto a family room with impressive water views. “Outdoors was even more fantastic—a long dock, large pool, beautiful built-in grill, and dining area—with lots of places to lounge,” she says. “The birds were amazing, too: ospreys, herons, cardinals, and more.” There was no shortage of activities to keep her crew occupied, including kayaking and sailing, but they were content just hanging out, spending quality time with family and eating crab cakes and rockfish.

Key West Hotels The Moorings Village

The Moorings Village in Islamorada, Florida Arrow

Florida-based journalist Nila Do Simon , along with her two young children (then ages three and one) and septuagenarian in-laws, stayed at this collection of private cottages in the Florida Keys in September 2020. “It was a multi-generational trip that had what we all were looking for: a postcard-perfect location to relax and disconnect,” she says. Their three-bedroom cottage sat on a white-sand beach. When they looked out their windows and back door, they were met with “turquoise-blue waters of the Atlantic Ocean, more than a dozen twisting palm trees, and a hammock that my daughter couldn't get enough of.” Simon also liked that the cottage was decorated with furnishings and artwork that the owner picked up in his travels to Bhutan, China, and Botswana. “The environment beckoned us to put down our phones and computers and take in the natural setting,” she says. “I even made an audio recording of the soft waves that danced upon the shore, and often listen to it. To this day, it instantly puts me at ease.”

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Quetzalcoatl’s Nest in Naucalpan de Juárez

“It's hard to beat the architectural wonderland that is Quetzalcoatl’s Nest,” says Luis Vargas, founder of Modern Adventure . He describes the fantastical 1.2-acre property, which was designed by Mexican architect Javier Senosiain, as “what would happen if Frank Lloyd Wright and Antoni Gaudí did a collab.” The 4-bedroom, 3.5-bath stay is also a favorite of Maryellis Bunn, co-founder and creative director of Figure8 and Museum of Ice Cream ; she calls it “one of the most magnificent projects” she has visited anywhere in the world. Should you book it en route to Mexico City , Bunn advises stopping at a local market to pack a picnic for the stay. (The sprawling grounds are one of its biggest draws.) “The less you know before you visit, the better,” she adds. “It leaves endless opportunities for surprise.”

airbnb year of travel

An architectural oasis in Mérida

Carlos Huber—a Mexican-born architect, historic preservationist, fragrance developer, and founder of Arquiste —and his plastic surgeon husband, Dr. Andrew Timberlake, loved their 2021 vacation rental in Mérida’s historical center so much, that they bought it… and then re-listed it on Airbnb. “It was conceived as a retreat and refuge for two,” explains Huber, who says the nondescript colonial facade conceals an ultra-modern kitchen and a massive living and dining space with 18-foot-high ceilings and textured concrete block. The 49-foot-long dream pool is set in travertine and bordered by lush palms and local flora; even the en suite shower opens onto the garden.

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Unique Condesa townhouse in Mexico City, Mexico

“I stayed at this Airbnb in Mexico City with a couple of girlfriends and we absolutely loved it,” says Clémence Polès, photographer and founder of passerby , a magazine that celebrates women through intimate portraits and curated recommendations. The two-bedroom, two-bath minimalist townhouse, which has guamúchil and copal trees in its sanctuary-like courtyard, is located across the street from “a really sweet bookstore,” where the endearing owner insists on making visitors a coffee upon entering and, she says, “apparently has a Casa Luis Barragán hook-up for those struggling to get tickets, as we did.”

airbnb year of travel

Coyoacán apartment in Mexico City

Content strategist, editor, and writer Brooke Porter Katz spent a year living in Mexico City—and this was her family’s crash pad. The two-bedroom, two-bath apartment was situated off a tiny, cobble-stoned alley in the Coyoacán neighborhood. “The apartment is flooded with natural light, and there's a large, bougainvillea-filled patio you can access from the main bedroom and living room that's perfect for getting work done, doing morning yoga, and drying laundry,” says Porter Katz. (A second patio off the kitchen has a washing machine.) Casa Amarillo, as she nicknamed the flat, is across the street from the 96-acre Coyoacán Park , “an expansive park with tree-lined running trails, a big playground, a flower nursery, and fresh juice carts.” It’s also walking distance to Frida Kahlo’s famed Casa Azul .

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Bohemian apartment in Mexico City

“I love Mexico City and have visited a number of times over the last 10 years,” says chef and author Preeti Mistry . They were particularly enamored with this airy two-bedroom apartment filled with vintage instruments because it’s located in “a great neighborhood with gorgeous buildings and tree-lined streets close to many restaurants, bars, and bakeries.” (Three of their favorites: Panadería Rosetta , Masala y Maiz , and Licorería Limantour .) They also dig the mid-century furniture—“it’s very much our aesthetic”—the building’s beautiful old exterior, and the small but well-appointed kitchen.

airbnb year of travel

Beachfront three-bedroom in Sayulita, Nayarit

Casa Enamorada, located in the beachside complex of Las Hamacas, is a three-bedroom, three-bath home that sleeps up to seven guests—“perfect for a large group,” says chef Nyesha Arrington , who stayed here on a surf trip with friends. Covered terraces, a shared pool, a kitchenette overlooking the sea, and daily housekeeping make this an ideal spot for entertaining. Even better, the hacienda is just a seven-block stroll into town—not that you’ll ever leave the beach. Arrington says the beach here is “very mellow with consistent waves and the most beautiful sunsets.”

La Valise Tulum Mexico

La Valise in Tulum, Mexico

Ellen Bennett, founder of Hedley & Bennett premium aprons, and her husband Casey Caplowe holed up in a private oasis at La Valise four years ago. “We wanted to take a breather after our wedding in Mexico City but weren’t ready to do a full honeymoon, so we went for a few days and had the best, most relaxing experience,” she recalls. “The space was so cozy and homey while simultaneously looking incredibly modern and beautiful, which is a hard blend to accomplish.” The second-story villa sat right on the beach, so they slept with the doors open and the sea breeze blowing in. “It felt like our home away from home and it was extremely private. I also loved the thatched roof, which made it feel like we were in the middle of the jungle.”

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Bird of Paradise cottage in Central Eleuthera, Bahamas

“This place feels like your own private piece of paradise,” says Ludlow Dawes, a Miami–based senior brand manager for Bacardi USA, who celebrated his sister’s birthday here in March 2021. The one-bedroom beachfront cottage, perched on an idyllic crescent of soft pink sand, has a large sundeck and a teardrop-shaped plunge pool with panoramic views of the sparkling turquoise water. “The sound of the ocean waves in the morning while enjoying some coffee, rum optional, and the sunrise are peak vacation vibes,” says Dawes. “And it’s steps away from a local bar that has a wicked Friday fish fry with karaoke.”

Kishti Villas Meads Bay Anguilla

Kishti villas in Meads Bay, Anguilla

“Lying east of Puerto Rico and north of St. Martin is a place I've called paradise for decades,” says Pedro Andrade , journalist and host of the VICE show Unknown Amazon with Pedro Andrade. “Anguilla is home to some of the most pristine coral reefs in the Caribbean and the art, food, and music are all extraordinarily distinctive.” The last time he visited, he and his friends rented this tranquil 12-bedroom, 12-bath seafront compound on mile-long Meads Bay. (Note: The two adjacent villas—named Kishti East and Kishti West—can be rented separately or together, and the attentive staff includes a chef, butler, and housekeeper.) “Every time I feel stress, anxiety, or even the slightest bit of hopelessness, the memory of that ‘room with a view’ brings me peace of mind,” says Andrade.

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The Abby in Marigot, St. Barts

Perched atop the steep slopes of Morne du Vitet, this spacious three-bedroom villa has a private pool, manicured gardens, and dramatic ocean views. “Location-wise, it is a bit more on the remote side, but that’s what we wanted,” says Melanie Brandman, founder of the Travel Curator . Done up with wall-to-wall white tile and contemporary furnishings, she says the house is “beautifully designed and really well-stocked.” Housekeeping and airport transfers are included in the price; childcare, chef and spa services, and car rentals are add-ons. And hey, as far removed from civilization as it may feel, you still have half a dozen knockout beaches within a three-mile radius.

airbnb year of travel

Antioquia country house in Venecia, Colombia

“The view from this country house was everything!” says Sara Banks, founder of SteamLine Luggage , who rented the secluded 4-bedroom, 4.5-bath property with her family. “My four young boys really enjoyed the walk down to the little village where they would play soccer with local children,” she recalls. “They also liked spending time in the outdoor living and dining room—and playing in the infinity pool and gardens.” The property’s green space was equally inspiring for Banks, who took design inspiration for her new accessories collection from its tropical flowers and birds.

The Nomada Pool House Colombia

The Nomada pool house in Cali, Colombia

Jessica Nabongo, founder of The Catch Me If You Can , was hosting a trip with her boutique travel agency Jet Black when she stayed in this six-bedroom house overlooking the Farallones de Cali. “There was a beautiful view of the mountains, but what made the place really stand out is the amazing host, who is French, and her Colombian partner,” says Nabongo. “They cooked for the group and were very accommodating, which made the space feel really communal.” Though guests may feel they’re lost in a tropical paradise, thanks to lush gardens and a maze of fruit trees, the property is just 10 minutes from downtown Cali.

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Casa Sierra in Nosara, Costa Rica

“ Nosara is such a stunning spot,” says fashion designer Mara Hoffman , who stayed in this newly built, three-bedroom rental with her family. “The house was simple and beautiful and had a private pool—and privacy is important to us when we travel.” The beach was walkable from the bohemian jungle house and the family used a golf cart to scoot everywhere else. But her absolute favorite thing about the property? The monkeys swinging through the backyard at breakfast each morning.

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Ocean-view home in Brasilito, Costa Rica

There were many reasons Yanira Castro, CEO of Humanity Communications Collective, fell in love with this home: It’s lovingly decorated in a “California-casual style” and comfortably fits a family of six in three bedrooms. It’s within easy striking distance of some of Costa Rica’s best beaches (Playa Flamingo and Playa Conchal), not to mention a cluster of panaderías and restaurants. The kitchen is spacious and the sunset views from the deck are spectacular. “Watching the sun dip into the Pacific every night is like watching a new painting being created,” says Castro. Bonus: Her nine-year-old daughter loved jumping out of bed each morning to go for a swim in the infinity pool.

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El Coyol in Isletas de Granada, Nicaragua

This first selling point for this four-bedroom vacation rental: It’s located on a private island, just a 10-minute boat ride from the main dock on Lake Nicaragua, and you get the whole place to yourself. Next, says Katalina Mayorga, co-founder and CEO of El Camino Travel , is the impeccable decor, which incorporates inspired greenery into every space—including a giant Pandanus Baptistii, or screw pine, that she likens to a structural art piece. Though Mayorga’s crew brought their own food and drink, guests are given the option of hiring a local chef. Kayaking and boating are both popular activities, but in Mayorga’s mind, the best thing to do here is “escape, relax, watch incredible sunrises and sunsets, and listen to the monkeys.”

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Hostal Las Olas in Copacabana, Bolivia

“Who can resist spending a few nights in a colorful conch shell-shaped house with stunning views of Lake Titicaca?” says Anna Mazurek , a travel photographer and writer who spent seven months touring South America. Each suite at the eco-friendly Hostal Las Olas has a private bath, kitchenette, hammock, and fireplace; an outdoor hot tub and motorcycle rentals are optional add-ons. For Mazurek, the charm boiled down to the unique seashell-shaped villa and a few surprising neighbors: “I loved the spiral staircase that led to a second bedroom with a desk facing the lake's blue water. Another highlight was the afternoon that a few alpacas wandered onto our lawn.”

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Luxury Farm Stay in Æduvík, Faroe Islands

"Waking up at this farm is like waking up in a storybook,” says travel journalist and copywriter Katie Lockhart of this one-bedroom, one-bath, turf-roof guesthouse in the wee village of Æðuvík, 20 minutes from the Faroese capital of Tórshavn. ( Traveler contributing editor Ashlea Halpern agrees—she named the B&B-style farmhouse one of her all-time favorites from her Faroe Islands family-moon.) “Harriet and [her husband] John go above and beyond to make it a memorable stay, including fresh eggs from their chickens and homemade bread,” says Lockhart, who also says Æðuvík is one of the best places in the Faroe Islands to catch the sunrise.

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Katajaranta apartment in Rovaniemi, Finland

Florida-based travel journalist Ward took her two kids to Rovaniemi to see the Santa Claus Village when they were still “young enough to believe all the magic was very real.” Staying at this three-bedroom, two-bath Airbnb put her family in “a real Finnish neighborhood,” where her children hung out with local kids and she learned how to cook smoked salmon “the Finnish way, on an outdoor barbecue” with her host Jorma. “After a fun day of reindeer sledding and snowmobiling, it was so cozy to come back to this beautiful home with an indoor pool and sauna and a big movie screen you could roll down to show the kids—what else? —Frozen ,” recalls Ward. It was also in Rovaniemi that her children fell in love with the Moomins, a charming Finnish cartoon series.

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ViewPoint apartment in Chania, Greece

Tara Cappel, founder and CEO of For the Love of Travel , booked this three-bedroom, two-bath apartment in Crete for some of her colleagues last summer. The sweeping sea views were the top draw. “Everyone would stay on the balcony for hours, just watching the waves move and the sun go down with a glass of wine,” says Cappel. What made her stay even more memorable was the incredible hospitality of the Cretan owners, Litsa and Marcos, who welcome guests with homemade cakes, meat pies, and a bottle of wine.

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A 16th-century Scottish castle in Lochgilphead

When Simon and Stef, the Superhosts behind Kilmartin Castle in Argyll & Bute, traveled around Scotland as tourists, they were disappointed not to find a castle stay that “felt like a castle” both inside and out. After purchasing one that “dodged the Victorian home improvement brigade,” they quit their jobs and started a new chapter as innkeepers. Travel and hospitality expert Molly Egan describes the grounds of the recently restored property as “tranquil and dreamy”—and that’s exactly what the hosts were going for in hiring an award-winning Chelsea Flower Show garden designer to landscape the swimming pool, outdoor kitchen, orchard, and sunken firepit. The interior of the five-bedroom, five-bath castle, meanwhile, features antique furniture and original artworks, plus modern amenities such as roll-top copper baths, an HD projector and retractable movie screen, and blazing-fast fiber-optic internet.

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The Doctor’s House on Lake Como, Italy

After attending the Salone del Mobile furniture fair in Milan, Tetra and Sight Unseen co-founder Monica Khemsurov and friends escaped to this house on Lake Como to celebrate her birthday. “The weather was terrible that weekend and I was exhausted from the fair, but I felt so thoroughly transported,” she says of the five-bedroom, three-bath space that once housed the village doctor. “There was the gorgeous lake view, of course, but also the decor felt so authentic to an Italian country home from a bygone decade, with artwork everywhere, huge ornate wood armoires in the bedrooms, and funny tiles in the bathrooms. It wasn’t fancy but it was just right.”

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Santorini Sky Lodge in Pyrgos Kallistis, Greece

“I love the island of Santorini but hate the prices in Oia,” says Gilbert Ott, head of partnerships for point.me , a search and booking engine that helps travelers maximize their points and miles. The Lodge at Santorini Sky, near the charming town of Pyrgos, helps him escape the hustle and bustle. “The place is gorgeous, quiet, and perched on top of a crazy hillside with an extra bed on the roof for stargazing,” he says of the one-bedroom Cycladic villa. “You feel like you’re in the clouds, or back in time in Greece before all the chaos of people proposing everywhere. The private plunge pool didn’t hurt either.”

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Villa Parioli in Rome, Italy

Francesco Galli Zugaro, the Singapore –based founder and CEO of Aqua Expeditions , spends a lot of time on super yachts: His company runs luxury cruises in the Amazon, Mekong, and East Indonesia. But recently he and his family devoted 10 days to this palatial Roman villa, located near his father’s home in the ritzy residential neighborhood of Pariolo. “It was a wonderful experience,” he says. “I managed to reconnect with the neighborhood where I grew up.” In addition to five bedrooms and four baths, the pet-friendly villa had “a gorgeous patio, ideal for workouts,” a beautiful 17th-century Tuscan dining table inlaid with marble, parking for one car (a rarity in Rome ), and the option to book additional services such as laundry and cooking.

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Cotswold Farm hideaway in Gloucestershire, England

The last time Jordan Bunker , a U.K.–based menswear writer and content creator, would travel with his friends pre-lockdown, it was at this cluster of bucolic farmhouses in the Cotswolds. “Each cottage has its own style,” says Bunker, noting that the main six-bedroom, six-bath property expertly blended contemporary furnishings with “a good lick of classic farmhouse features, including wooden beams, expansive fireplaces, and sheep for neighbors.” The rooms were decorated with Danish-inspired furnishings from Hay and toiletries were from Aesop (“a tell-tale sign of a good stay”). The smaller Winterspring cottage had a fireplace suspended from the ceiling, plus a cozy barn unit with a game room. When Superhost Judith presented him and his pals with a homemade birthday cake and a Cereal -esque guide to the area upon arrival, Bunker “knew we’d picked well.”

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Le Colonne in Vicenza, Italy

This bright, airy rental is a “home away from home” for Jocelyn and Mark Wolters, co-founders of the travel and culture program Wolters World , and their two sons. “Several years ago, with a good knowledge of the city, a degree in preservation and architectural history, and an unhealthy obsession with Andrea Palladio’s work, I set out to find something central and historic,” says Jocelyn, who found it all in Le Colonne. Located on Piazza dei Signore—“close enough to touch Palladio’s Basilica”—the two-bedroom apartment suited their needs with its comfortable living space, on-site laundry, and plenty of restaurants, bars, and cafes within easy striking distance. Though Jocelyn has “drooled over architecture and dreamy Airbnbs” in more than 60 countries, she says “waking up with the sun highlighting the arches, statues, balustrades, and ionic capitals of the Basilica is something magical for anyone looking to experience one of history’s greatest architects in person.”

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Acropolis apartment in Athens, Greece

This past April, Jocelyn Wolters took her best friend to Crete to celebrate Greek Easter with her family. Their layover in Athens was brief, so she wanted to book a place with a good location and a great view. “We found it in Haidi’s apartment,” says Wolters of the Airbnb Superhost’s two-bedroom, two-bath space across from the Acropolis Museum . The million-dollar vista of the Parthenon was worth every cent, and the two friends especially enjoyed sipping wine on the balcony after a long day of sightseeing. With a thoughtfully equipped kitchen and modern baths with fluffy towels and high-end-toiletries, she says they couldn’t have asked for more—but there was more. Haidi had also stocked the fridge and cupboards with yogurt, eggs, cheeses, fresh deli meats, honey, breads, butter, and several types of coffee. “I have stayed in dozens of vacation rentals, but none has had such a complete welcome basket,” says Wolters, who cannot wait to go back.

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Castor mountain retreat in Zermatt, Switzerland

“Zermatt is like an island in the heavens,” says Peter Clarkson, co-founder of eco-friendly skincare line Protéger . “You're immersed in Alpine culture, can ski in and out of Italy if you wish, and the food is indescribably fresh.” He stayed in this four-bedroom, four-bath Swiss chalet in March 2019, along with his best friend, Gordy. A wood stove and geothermal heating kept the three-story space feeling cozy after a long day on the slopes. “Castor is just a short walk from multiple gondolas,” says Clarkson, who spent most nights admiring the view of the Matterhorn while soaking in the hot tub, glass of wine in hand. One tip: “If you need to rent skis or want an authentically Swiss meal, search for the last name ‘Julen,’” he says. “Max Julen is the 1984 Olympic champion in giant slalom and his family takes great care of tourists.”

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Garden cottage in Hafnarfjörður, Iceland

When Helgi Rúnar Óskarsson, owner and CEO of 66° North , has friends visiting Reykjavík , he often recommends this quiet two-bedroom cottage just 15 minutes from downtown. Built in 1884 and lovingly operated by California-born artist and actor Anthony Bacigalupo and his wife Ýr Káradóttir, it’s one of the oldest properties in the harbor town of Hafnarfjörður and was the first property in Iceland to earn the Airbnb Plus distinction. Of special note, says Óskarsson, is the hidden botanical garden filled with trees and flowers that typically can’t grow in the harsh Icelandic landscape.

airbnb year of travel

Victorian townhouse in Edinburgh, Scotland

This four-bedroom townhouse was where Sara Clemence first fell in love with Edinburgh . The co-founder of family travel site The Expedition and author of Away & Aware: A Field Guide to Mindful Travel stayed in the updated Victorian for several weeks with her husband, two kids (then ages two and five), and her mother. “We spent most of our time in the kitchen, which is country-ish without being cloying, and has these great navy blue cabinets,” says Clemence. “I also liked curling up on the pale-blue loveseat in the library, reading in front of the fire after the kids went to bed.” And though the house was huge, it was very close to the city center. Says Clemence, “I did a lot of walking up and down Inverleith Row, poking into spirits shops and bakeries and restaurants.”

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Whitstable beach cottage in Kent, England

“Cozy, quirky, and oh-so seaside, this tiny cottage is filled to the brim with muted linens and holiday-inspired trinkets—a straw hat on the bookshelves, a toy boat on the mantelpiece,” says Katharine Sohn, former editorial assistant at Condé Nast Traveller U.K. The two-bedroom home’s petite parqueted kitchen is ideal for coffee and pastries, which she picks up from local bakery Grain & Hearth , or for “cooking fresh Whitstable seafood to enjoy on the terrace on a balmy summer evening.” The English garden overflows with lavender bushes and the nearby pebble beach is strollable year round. “It was just so easy, comfortable, and effortlessly curated,” says Sohn. “And, of course, perfectly located too.”

airbnb year of travel

Riding house in Dorset, England

In the sitting room of the Riding House, rows of leather saddles are mounted on sturdy beams—a reminder that this is a 17th-century stable block and just the latest piece of a massive restoration on Dorset’s Shaftesbury estate. Now, the stables have been converted into an eight-bedroom guesthouse. “It is a place of new and old, where the brick floors, intentionally rough paintwork, and frayed-wood partitions remind you that you’re sleeping in ancient stalls,” says Sally Shalam, a contributing editor at Condé Nast Traveller UK . “Theatricality runs through it all, with a giant bronze horse head in the entrance hall.” Other touches are faintly spooky, such as the mantrap hanging beside the bar, or the leg emerging from a wall in one room. But, she notes, “Stays on a country estate have never felt so thrilling.”

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Stylish flat in Copenhagen, Denmark

“The dream of Copenhagen is to imagine oneself living there, surrounded by incredible coffee, effortless design, open spaces, and incredible light,” says digital strategist and former travel writer Matt Gross . “This [two-bedroom] Airbnb fulfills that fantasy: Such clean lines! So ideally placed—not in a hipster-hotspot neighborhood but in calm Frederiksberg, near parks and public transit. Even the little foibles like a complicated washer-dryer felt charming, like things we’d adapt to and eventually master if we lived there. And again, that endless summertime light flooding in through so many windows. Is it too late to move back there?”

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Cartuja 10 in Mallorca, Spain

When Lilli Sherman, founder of brand marketing and events agency OMA , and her partner deplaned in Palma , they were “bombarded by gaggles of bachelorette parties and bros galore.” At first, they worried they’d made a terrible mistake—but were quickly reassured after finding their Airbnb in the Balearic town of Valldemossa. “Staying in a 14th-century former monastery and palace can go one of two ways,” she says. “You feel like you’re a fairy princess or you’re haunted by unfriendly ghosts. Lucky for us, Cartuja 10 is the former.” Once home to kings, monks, and composers Frédéric Chopin and George Sand, the estate blends classic and contemporary with aplomb. “I fell in love with its courtyard and pool, making it a dreamy spot for lazy afternoons,” says Sherman, adding, “Though it’s right in the heart of town, rent a car so that you can visit nearby Deiá and hike to Sa Foradada for paella.”

airbnb year of travel

Can Jeroni villa in Mallorca, Spain

In July 2019, Tory Henwood Hoen, author of acclaimed novel The Arc , wrangled a group of 12 friends to stay at Can Jeroni, a private villa perched on the rocks above a small cove near Alcúdia. “Split between us, this astoundingly beautiful property was relatively affordable, but still allowed us to live like Mallorcan aristocrats for a week,” says Hoen. “We spread out comfortably between three floors, all with gorgeous views of the Balearic Sea; and the huge terraces gave us tons of space for outdoor meals, cocktails, lounging, and yoga.” The villa has its own stairway down to the bay below, so they could easily visit the beach throughout the day—no sandals required.

El Carligto in Andalusia Spain

El Carligto in Andalusia, Spain

“While must-visits like Málaga and Córdoba are easily accessible from the cortijo, one feels as though one has the world entirely to oneself in this tucked-away property,” says writer and creative consultant Natasha Nyanin . “Staying in a traditional alabaster villa with my friend was a reverie complete with watercolor-esque sunsets and sunrises.” They especially enjoyed their meals, catered by a chef on the verandah overlooking the undulating hills. “The owners gave us plenty of space to immerse ourselves into the landscape without interruption, and yet were always on hand if we needed them,” says Nyanin. “Luxury, quietude, and warmth are the words I’d use to describe this jewel in the Spanish crown that is Andalusia.”

Casa das Arribas Azenhas do Mar Portugal

Casa das Arribas in Azenhas do Mar, Portugal

Ansel Mullins was designing a food-themed trip in Portugal for his specialty outfitter Culinary Backstreets when he became “absolutely hooked” on the “vertigo-inducing coastal trails and unpretentious beach restaurants” of the Colares region, less than an hour north of Lisbon . But it was during a sunset walk along the cliffs that he discovered the perfect place to stay along the coast. Outpost’s Casa das Arribas is a stylish historic home with a handful of serviced apartments. “The bed was the size of a ship’s deck,” says Mullins, “and the furniture is designed in-house by Outpost and made by a local carpenter. I’ve ordered a book about the architect, Raul Lino, but the location—my god—is what you come here for.”

airbnb year of travel

Château de Courtomer in Courtomer, France

“The gorgeous and cinematic Chateau de Courtomer is a three-story, 38-room, 18th-century château modeled after one of the wings at Versailles,” says Ross Kenneth Urken , travel writer and author of Another Mother: A Jamaican Woman, The Jewish Boy She Raised and His Quest for Her Secret History . The country estate, which sleeps up to 15 guests across eight bedrooms, is nestled on 365 rolling acres in a small village in Normandy. “The property boasts a glacèrie, an orangery, and a small church, one of the few original Protestant temples to survive outlawing Protestantism in the 17th century,” says Urken. “You half expect the eyeballs in the oil paintings to follow you as you walk by. We had candelabra-lit dinners, took a hot-air balloon ride above the farms before landing in some dude's pea fields, and ate all the camembert and livarot while washing it down with some hearty Calvados.” In other words, vacation bliss.

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Belle adresse in Vincennes, France

As co-founders of the Francophile retailer Flotsam + Fork , Adrianna Fie and Joe Hasler spend a good chunk of time exploring Paris. One of their favorite places to crash lately is this renovated one-bedroom apartment in Vincennes, a close-in suburb. Here’s why they love it: “It’s on the Metro 1 line, so it’s only 15 minutes to the center of Paris . You get to see neighborhood life—people buying baguettes on their way home or picking up Valentine’s Day oysters at Poissonnerie du Midi across the street—without all the tourists. And you get to stay right by a medieval chateau and Bois de Vincennes, one of the largest parks in Paris.”

airbnb year of travel

Quirky designer pad in Budapest, Hungary

“Besides being surrounded by ultimate luxury—from the Italian granite countertops to the perfect pillow-topped beds, the joy of this Airbnb was the Superhost himself,” says Lara Kramer , global associate director of audience development at Condé Nast Traveler. “It felt like it was Peter’s true pleasure to walk us through his apartment, telling us about every special detail, and making it feel like we were crashing at a friend's house instead of a stranger's.” Though the two-bedroom flat dates to 1903, it feels modern thanks to glossy black tiles and a punchy blue-and-black color scheme.

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Casa Flora in Venice, Italy

If anyone knows good design, it’s Robert McKinley, founder and creative director at Studio Robert McKinley . He describes this three-bedroom private home, run by the hospitality group that owns Hotel Flora and Novecento Boutique Hotel , as “an oasis within the oasis of the Venetian lagoon.” He continues: “I love that you are completely fooled by the beautifully classic exterior of the building and foyer, but when you make your way to the second floor, a modern light-filled apartment awaits you. It is a perfect mix of modern Italian furniture and classic Venetian details, such as Murano chandeliers, terrazzo flooring, and beautiful architectural cornices.”

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Villa Laura in Cortona, Italy

If you liked Under the Tuscan Sun , you’ll fall in love with Villa Laura: It played the role of Villa Bramasole in the 2003 movie. Liz Biden, the owner and designer of The Royal Portfolio, South Africa , spent her holiday in the standalone home outside the old stone walls of Cortona in Tuscany. “This very special villa, which dates to the 17th century, has 10 bedrooms and a big swimming pool, making it ideal for a family vacation,” she says. The property is divided into a main house, farmhouse, and conservatory; and there’s bocce, Ping Pong, pool, a media room, and a pizza oven to keep the whole brood busy. “We also hired a local Italian chef,” says Biden, “and had the most delicious meals in the comfort of our villa.”

airbnb year of travel

Villa Livia in Ischia, Italy

The summer before the pandemic, Jeralyn Gerba, co-author of Travel North America (and Avoid Being a Tourist) and co-founder of travel site Fathom , spent two weeks with family and friends on the island of Ischia . Because her party included two toddlers and an infant, she needed to book something that was “central to the action, had enough space for the adults to relax and the kids to roam without fear of wrecking everything, and felt undeniably Italian.” The five-bedroom, 1960s-era Villa Livia, with its “groovy blue-and-white tiles, breakfast gazebo, and out-of-control views of Aragonese Castle,” ticked all the boxes, says Gerba. “After a day at the local pool club, thermal bath, or beach, we'd sit barefoot in the garden overlooking the Gulf of Naples with our Negronis and jetlagged babies in hand, perfectly content.”

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Country house in Cavriglia, Italy

Carol Lim, fashion designer and co-founder of Opening Ceremony , fell hard for this one-bedroom country estate in the Chianti mountains just an hour from Florence. “The house itself is nicely furnished with Tuscan character and charm as well as a few well-chosen pieces of contemporary Italian design,” says Lim. “The pool is heavenly, as are the private outdoor areas—we ate many memorable meals in the shade overlooking an incredible view of the valley.” Rounded doorways, exposed wooden beams, and brick pavers lend this “small slice of heaven” an irresistible old world look; the gracious host was the cherry on top.

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Olive Trees cabin in Klil, Israel

“Way, way out in the countryside in Israel, amid olive groves, this yurt makes you feel like you're really out there, while still retaining the creature comforts you want—hot shower, comfortable bed, couch, and television,” says Betsy Blumenthal , editor of features and franchises for Condé Nast Traveler . About an hour’s drive from Tiberias, on the Sea of Galilee, the light-filled studio is surrounded by traditional stone verandas, perfect for patio stargazing. Though it’s a bit of a haul to get there, Blumenthal says it’s worth it for an experience that’s “very bucolic, very au naturel, and very different from the glitz of Tel Aviv and solemnity of Jerusalem.”

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Zahir house in Shela, Lamu, Kenya

“My family and I love the island of Lamu , off Kenya’s northern coast,” says Sara Banks, chief executive officer at SteamLine Luggage . “We have stayed in a few different rental homes with our four young sons, but this one is particularly beautiful—spanning five floors with a rooftop lookout of the Indian Ocean and a small pool on the ground floor.” Banks also likes the warm and welcoming house staff, including a chef who uses local ingredients for the meals. And with five en-suite bedrooms, no one has to fight over the bathroom.

Arijiju Kenya

Arijiju retreat in the Borana-Lewa Conservancy, Kenya Arrow

Nicky Fitzgerald, owner and CEO of Kenya’s Angama Mara and Angama Safari Camp , was pleasantly surprised when she visited this five-bedroom bush home on a conservancy in the Kenyan highlands last fall. “I heard much about it before I arrived, but walking through the door into a courtyard filled with wild olives, indigenous jasmine, iceberg roses, and lavender took my breath away,” says Fitzgerald. “Water falls softly from fountains somewhere in the garden and Mt. Kenya is framed by an open door. This home feels like it has been here since long before time began.” The property also houses a hammam, thatched-roof squash court, clay tennis court, and fitness room. Let’s not forget the animals just beyond the doorstep—including rhinos, elephants, lions, and leopards.

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Beachfront townhouse in Cape Town, South Africa

This three-bedroom, three-bath townhouse in a gated community has a rooftop hot tub, putting green, and sheltered braai for cookouts. But the biggest draw, according to former Condé Nast Traveler travel bookings editor Meredith Carey , is its direct access to a half-mile-long beach, “perfect for evening and morning walks where all the locals bring their dogs.” She also appreciated the stellar views of Chapman’s Peak and other rocky outcroppings from the upstairs living room—not to mention easy access to the vineyards of Constantia.

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Kampung House in the Cameron Highlands, Malaysia

Condé Nast Traveler contributing editor Ashlea Halpern spent a year traveling Asia, renting upward of 50 Airbnbs along the way. More than anywhere else she booked, this three-bedroom kampung house in the mountainous tea village of Kuala Terla fulfilled the Airbnb promise of “living like a local.” Superhost Bryan was very hands-on, picking her up at the bus station, touring her through the verdant—and vertigo-inducing—tea plantations of his neighbors and guiding her to the tastiest local cafés. The home itself, which was built in the 1970s and fully restored in 2015, has all the basics for an easy stay, from high-speed Wi-Fi and laundry to a barbecue pit with skewers.

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Zebra tropical loft apartment in Hanoi, Vietnam

Chris Schalkx, the co-founder of Bangkok -based travel site RICE / POTATO and a Condé Nast Traveler contributor, and his then-pregnant wife, Etty, spent half a year traveling before their son’s birth. That included a weeklong stay at this tropical-themed Airbnb in Hanoi. “Winters in northern Vietnam are no joke, and this place felt like a cozy hideaway from the Hanoian cold and rain,” says Schalkx. “It’s hidden in a timeworn townhouse on the fringes of the Old Quarter, and looked exactly like I’d imagine furnishing my house: old and dinky but in a good way—a vibe you wouldn’t find in a hotel.” Though the apartment has a full kitchen, they never used it because, as Schalkx explains, “there’s plenty of excellent pho and ché, a Vietnamese dessert, within a five-minute walk of the front door.”

airbnb year of travel

Villa Melissa in Bali, Indonesia

Kenny Haisfield and Christina Vidal, the founder and “chief bikini officer” behind Kenny Flowers swimwear , rented Villa Melissa in Bali with 10 friends while shooting one of their colorful collections. The couple describes the luxurious five-bedroom, five-bath villa as “the perfect group house”—just a 5- to 10-minute scooter ride to bustling Canggu yet far enough away that guests can enjoy their own private beach and seafront infinity pool. “There’s surfing right outside the villa, and the staff can arrange masseuses to come poolside, too,” the couple said in an email. “Can you say paradise?”

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Garden apartment in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Christina Nguyen, chef and co-owner of Hai Hai and Hola Arepa in Minneapolis, recommended Tomato Projects ’ airy three-bedroom apartment in District 1, which she visited with her husband and parents. It’s located in a nondescript, walk-up apartment building, but as soon as you swing open the door, she says, “you feel like you’re in another world—a modern oasis away from the hustle and bustle of Saigon’s busy streets.” Other perks include hotel-grade sheets, a rainfall showerhead, and a fully equipped kitchen.

airbnb year of travel

Photographer’s studio in Jaipur, India

Calling all Instagrammers: This astutely furnished one-bedroom flat was designed by artist Tarpan Patel , so you know it’s photogenic. “The space is gorgeous, filled with beautiful light and furnishings, and art created by the hosts themselves,” says Mercedes Bleth , global associate director of social media at at Condé Nast Traveler . “The family is extremely kind and helped me plan out my time in Jaipur . I even visited their shop, Studio Kassa , and bought leather goods that we're still using on a regular basis.”

airbnb year of travel

Roys Peak farmhouse in Wanaka, New Zealand

John Oppermann, executive director of Earth Day Initiative and a sustainable home broker and specialist, calls this four-bedroom, four-bath property nestled on 50 acres of farmland at the edge of Lake Wanaka on the South Island “an idyllic spot to experience a sustainable home while enjoying sweeping views of New Zealand's dramatic scenery.” The vacation rental is a certified Passive House, an ambitious sustainable building standard rapidly gaining traction around the world. The standard can provide dramatically reduced energy usage for heating and cooling, constant year-round indoor temperatures, a steady supply of fresh and filtered air, and pin-drop-silent interiors. “Those of us who care about sustainable homes are always trying to encourage [others] to experience living in one,” says Oppermann. “Often it is feeling how comfortable, quiet, and healthy the space is that leaves the biggest impact and illustrates to people that sustainability and wellness go hand in hand.”

airbnb year of travel

A stargazer’s retreat in Lake Tekapo, New Zealand

This one-bedroom, one-bath cottage in Canterbury boasts indoor and outdoor tubs, plush bedding, and a cozy woodburning stove, but what really sealed the deal for Lisa Jansen, author of the travel memoir Life Done Differently , was the location overlooking beautiful Lake Tekapo on New Zealand’s South Island. “The brilliant blue lake with the snow-covered mountains around it is simply breathtaking,” says Jansen, who soaked up the 360-degree views while cruising the water via stand-up paddleboard. “It’s even better on clear nights,” she adds, noting how the area is known for its dark skies.

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Simpson cottage in Bundeena, Australia

“In September, I took a solo trip to recharge at this enchanting sandstone cottage on the outskirts of Sydney ,” says Australian travel writer and editor Rachel Lees . Bordered by the Royal National Park , the village of Bundeena showcases a different side of the city she calls home—one with quiet beaches and nature walks dotted with Indigenous rock carvings. Built by early settlers in the mid-1800s, the three-bedroom Airbnb has been carefully restored and styled with antiques and handmade linens. “The scent of dried eucalyptus leaves suffused every room,” says Lees, who awoke each day to native birdsong and sunshine streaming through the curtains. The historic house, which is nestled amid manicured gardens that blend into the surrounding bushland, has a fire pit and a wooden table on a cliff overlooking the bay. While it was “the ultimate refuge for a career-mom in need of a break,” Lees says she is already plotting her return with family and friends, “so we can enjoy those outdoor entertaining areas together.”

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Derwent River cottage in Hobart, Tasmania

According to Condé Nast Traveler contributor Krisanne Fordham , who vacationed here with her parents and husband during the pandemic, this three-bedroom cottage on the Derwent River has “the most breathtaking views of the water and Mount Wellington.” The outdoor deck is the ideal spot to catch an epic sunset, and “the cozy wood-burning fireplace in the living room is perfect for curling up on a chilly evening, glass of wine in hand.” It’s also a fine location—15 minutes to downtown Hobart, it’s also close to the wineries of both the Derwent and Coal River Valleys.

airbnb year of travel

Cook Bay bungalow in Moorea, French Polynesia

“As a professional sailor, I look for peace and serenity when I get back on land,” says Dayyan Armstrong, director and founder of the Sailing Collective and author of Sailing the Seas: A Voyager’s Guide to Oceanic Getaways . French Polynesia, where Dayyan often leads voyages, has no shortage of enticing options. He selected this one-bedroom bungalow based on its remoteness and incredible sea views. The infinity pool, private garden with barbecue, and inclusive car rental don’t hurt, either.

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Beachy Byron Bay pavilion in Suffolk Park, New South Wales

This one-bedroom, one-bath pavilion is attached to the host’s house but feels totally private thanks to its unique pool-straddling layout and surrounding nature reserve. “The house is amazing,” says Mike Faherty, co-founder and chief creative officer of Faherty clothing, who stayed here on his honeymoon. “It’s inspired by Balinese architecture and it’s just a five-minute walk to the beach. The owner, Annick, is an incredible host too—hailing from Belgium but based in Byron Bay for the last 15 years.”

airbnb year of travel

Rental Recon

Can You Rent an Airbnb for a Year? Here are the Rules… (2024)

Ryan Drew- Contributor

If you are looking to check out a city that you are interested in moving to, in need of semi-permanent accommodation, or simply love a place that is listed, you’re in luck! Airbnb has launched long-term stays fairly recently, granting flexibility to both hosts and guests. There are some important conditions to keep in mind, however. This article will help cover everything you need to know about renting an Airbnb long-term.

Can You Rent an Airbnb for a Year

Can You Rent an Airbnb for a Year?

Yes. In fact, Over 80% of Airbnb hosts now offer longer-term stays. It varies from place to place though, so check with your host of choice before booking for such a lengthy period of time. Although this is mostly beneficial for both the guest and host, staying longer does come with its difficulties. Let’s go ahead and discuss them below.

What’s the Longest You Can Rent an Airbnb?

This is something that should be researched via the platform and discussed with your host of choice. It all depends on their personal preference. However, the most realistic would be that 6-12 month mark. Don’t let that burst your bubble, as Airbnb can overall still be a good option for long-term housing. It just takes some planning and depends on what you and the host are looking for.

Can You Reserve an Airbnb for a Year?

Yes, it is possible! However, it may require some in advance planning. For popular stays especially, it may be a challenge to block out a full year for yourself or your family. It is not unheard of for a nice place in a bustling location to be booked out for over a year!

The safest bet when making such preparations is to message the host before booking. A year is a long time, and they may have you sign a long-term agreement of some sort to avoid a loss of profits and other liabilities. They likely also need to make the appropriate preparations for your arrival such as extra amenities or toiletries.

Another option to consider is booking monthly stays, which is much more accessible for long-term vacations or other trips. This also requires some advanced planning, as you will have to map and time out each accommodation throughout the year, but the result is more feasible.

For example, you can rent out Airbnbs for up to 1-2 months (or for as long as you are able for each stay), before moving on to the next one in the same city. This option definitely keeps you on your toes and is ideal if you travel light, but it’s great for those that often crave a change of scenery.

Can You Permanently Live in an Airbnb?

Probably not. Doing so would put the host at a disadvantage, as they likely did not sign up to be a landlord/lady.

If you wish to settle down somewhere, renting an apartment is the better option here. If you insist on Airbnbs for whatever reason, you can “property hop” and stay at different places within 1-3 month intervals, realistically. You can also look into 6-12 month stays if constant travel isn’t your style.

Is Airbnb Good for Long-Term Rent?

It depends. As mentioned above, 80% of hosts are now offering long-term stays that range from 6-12 months at a single time. That is normally the extent for most hosts in terms of “long-term” stays. After all, Airbnb was designed so property owners don’t have to play landlord/lady, given the relatively quick turnaround time. Think of it as a hotel, it is a rare occurrence for someone to live at a hotel (unless they are wealthy, of course).

The difference, however, is that hotels might be a better fit for short-notice accommodation. Keep this in mind if you intend to book an Airbnb on the same day, for example.

A lot of factors are at play when a host considers allowing someone to stay at their property for an extended length of time. Therefore, while it is not uncommon, it doesn’t necessarily mean it will be the most ideal. Not all hope is lost though, a quick filtered search, and messaging some hosts could result in you getting a sweet deal. Many hosts take money off for long-term or even monthly stays!

Related Questions

Is it cheaper to rent an airbnb over a regular apartment.

The short answer is mostly yes. It certainly can be a great temporary option if you are on a limited budget, or if you travel around often. Just like with any type of accommodation though, each comes with its advantages and disadvantages.

If you intend to treat your Airbnb as your own apartment, you will likely face some pushback. With that being said, you cannot change the decor , furniture, or layout of the property you are staying at. You also cannot invite others to stay or visit with you (who have not been disclosed already) without permission or host a gathering. Among other things, the bottom line is you will never be able to make the place your own. It is important to figure out what your values are and what you can sacrifice.

If you are okay with that, however, renting Airbnbs over apartments brings advantages that can far outweigh the need for your own personal touch. For one, it does not require the same commitment a 12-month lease requires, so you can essentially pack up and move somewhere else anytime you like. Not to mention worrying about utility costs!

It’s a great option for digital nomads, allowing you to travel and still have access to the comforts of home such as a bed or wifi. The options for booking a stay are flexible, accommodating budgets high and low. You can book an entire place for yourself or share with another. If a private room with shared amenities is all you need, the platform has you covered there as well.

What is the Long-Term Airbnb Cancellation Policy?

The website states that if a stay is 28 nights or more, the following policy applies:

  • Your first month may be nonrefundable. This is all dependent on the host and when you cancel.
  • If you cancel when you have already arrived, the next 30 days from when you cancel are nonrefundable.

This all applies if you are staying a month or more at an Airbnb. If the reasoning for cancellation is due to an emergency or something similar, your host may choose to issue a refund. However, keep in mind this is not guaranteed.

Is There Any Way Around the Policy?

There are certain circumstances where you will be able to cancel a long-term stay without penalty. Not all are guaranteed and it depends on the host. If you make it clear that you will be bringing or doing something to the Airbnb that is against the rules (i.e. bringing a pet or smoking), or if the listing does not fit you or a family member’s needs (i.e. handicap accessibility) then that would most likely permit a cancelation with no penalty.

It is understandable that emergencies happen, but try to do proper research and don’t be afraid to ask questions before booking. Finally, proper planning in place will also help prevent cancelation mishaps from happening.

Can I Extend My Stay for Longer?

Sure, but you need to check with your host and the availability for the length you wish to extend. For example, if you would like to extend for an extra week or weekend, you need to check if someone has booked that out already. If they have, you will not be able to extend. If it is open, however, a quick check with your host should do just fine.

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Can You Rent an Airbnb for a Year?  Here are the Rules… (2024)

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Ryan Drew- Contributor

Ryan Drew- Contributor

I'm an Airbnb Superhost sharing my Airbnb journey and tips that I've learned along the way.

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More than 450 guests have enjoyed accommodations in the “world’s only book shop Airbnb” where guests spend the night—and run the store during the day.

The village of Wigtown is known as Scotland’s National Book Town, and one of its charming bookshops—The Open Book—rents out its upstairs flat, giving literary-lovers the chance to ‘live their dream’ of having their very own shop by the sea.

Airbnb says it is ”the first ever bookshop residency experience” and is so popular it has a two year waiting list of guests coming from around the globe, from Hawaii to Beijing.

The shop, set up by The Wigtown Festival Company, aims ”to celebrate books, independent bookshops and welcome people from around the world”

Since welcoming its first visitors in August 2014, the nonprofit Open Book Airbnb has become a sensation with guests saying they’re delighted by the unusual experience of minding their own bookshop.

“There’s no better feeling than somebody buying a book that you put on display,” said one recent occupant from Austin, Texas, on the  BBC.

The Airbnb page describes the property this way:

“Nestled in the pristine surroundings of Galloway, The Open Book is a charming bookshop and apartment, situated on the main street of Wigtown. A holiday home with a difference, it presents a unique opportunity for visitors to run a real bookshop at the heart of the town’s vibrant community.

“Booked through Airbnb, paying guests live in the self-catering apartment upstairs and run the bookshop below it for the duration of their stay.

airbnb year of travel

During their stay, guests are free to change displays, price books, re-categorize them, and make inventive use of the blackboard that entices visitors inside to browse or chat. Some guests are happy to quietly run the bookshop, while others come with firmer plans and creative ideas!

“Come to Wigtown to experience the life of a second-hand bookshop owner in a remote Scottish town. Sea, highlands, native forests, amazing people, and bookshops are just on our doorstep.”

The guests this week are Daisy Yeung, who traveled from Hong Kong, and her longtime friend Lydia Man.

“So far we are enjoying it very, very much,” said Daisy, who said she heard about the interesting Airbnb in a blog online.

“My dream is to be a book seller one day, but since it is very hard to be a book seller and make enough money, we thought it would be fun to have a taste of it. The weather here is really excellent this week, and everybody here is just so nice.”

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Despite buying a few books in the area, Daisy admits she has been too busy with the shop to open a page.

The friends wanted to devise a theme for their week’s stay and, since September 18 is Mid Autumn Festival in China, they decided to celebrate their cultural celebration at the book shop.

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“Traditionally we Chinese people gather with our family and friends on this day and light up lanterns and eat something called moon cakes, which is what we have brought and are sharing with people today,” said Daisy.

“We didn’t bring a lot of things but we did bring moon cakes!” joked Lydia.

The shop is the brainchild of author and filmmaker Jessica Fox, and proceeds from the annual rentals contribute over $10,000 to the Wigtown Festival Company’s charitable work.

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“I thought I couldn’t be the only crazy American who dreams of working in a bookshop by the sea in Scotland; there has to be more of us.

“I wanted to create the same experience for those book-curious people who had the same dream of running a book shop for a week, and living upstairs.

“It is a success because of Wigtown, the volunteers who make the guests so welcome, the owners of the building, who believed in my idea.”

Chief volunteer Joyce Cochrane is based in the nearby Old Bank Bookshop.

She said, “ The Open Book has been a way of opening our doors to the world—and because of that the world has been coming to Wigtown, and they love it.”

One recent guest explained, “And there’s no strings attached, no real responsibilities, you can enjoy the time however you like.’”

Head to the seaside town in Scotland during the Wigtown Festival, which runs this year from September 27 to October 6.

TELL YOUR FRIENDS To Book In Advance—Share on Social Media…

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Airbnb Pricing Statistics: 2024

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Table of Contents

Median cleaning fees

Comparing the cost per night, comparing the cost per person, the most optimal time to book an airbnb, pricewise, easy ways to save money on airbnb.

Check the cleaning fee before you book, and realize that short stays might not be worthwhile.

Airbnbs often aren’t the best deal for short stays. Though, longer stays almost always entail lower nightly rates, making them especially appealing for multi-week or month stays.

Couples are almost always better off booking a hotel, but groups who would otherwise book multiple rooms, with two adults per room, almost always save by sharing a larger Airbnb.

Book your Airbnb about four weeks ahead of your trip to get the lowest price.

Swapping hotel bookings for Airbnb lodging used to be one of the best money-saving travel tips. Today, that’s not always the case.

A June 2022 NerdWallet analysis looked at 1,000 U.S. Airbnb reservations across a range of locations and qualities with check-in dates in 2022 and 2023 to really understand how much they cost. Though, the study only considered "entire place" properties (as opposed to a single room in a larger home).

Airbnb prices were then compared against a NerdWallet database of nearly 1,000 U.S. hotel rooms in the same cities, also spread across a range of classes and locations. Although there’s no way to compare direct costs since every Airbnb is different, NerdWallet uncovered some key findings for when Airbnbs are better or worse value than a hotel.

Here are the results of our Airbnb pricing data collection.

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Airbnb's cleaning fees can be brutal , and are among the most hotly debated aspects of the home rental platform — and they’re a fee you’re unlikely to find at any hotel. These one-time fees are pocketed by the host to cover the cost of cleaning their space, and come on top of the base price as well as a service fee.

While fees vary (and 15% of listings didn’t have a cleaning fee at all), the median cleaning fee per listing for a one night stay was $75.

» Learn more: 3 ways to pay for your Airbnb with travel rewards

The nightly rate for the average seven-night Airbnb stay was 32% cheaper than a one-night stay. Plus, savings get bigger with trip length; the nightly rate for a 30-night stay was 46% cheaper per night than a one-night stay.

Reasons why longer stays are cheaper include host-offered discounts; hosts would generally prefer having fewer bookings to manage and ensure occupancy. Throw in the aforementioned one-time cleaning fee, plus taxes because in many cities, stays of 30 days or more aren’t subject to hotel occupancy taxes. It’s clear why longer stays are cheaper per night.

» Learn more: How to get a full refund on Airbnb

NerdWallet compared the price per head at Airbnbs with a max capacity of two adults versus a hotel in the same city. It also compared the cost of an Airbnb with a max capacity of six people against the cost to book three hotel rooms (assuming two adults per room).

The average Airbnb for six was 33% cheaper than booking three hotel rooms . But the average hotel was 29% cheaper than booking an Airbnb for two.

Here’s how median costs broke down, per person:

A separate NerdWallet study found that booking a hotel at the last minute can lead to savings of about 13% off the price of a hotel room, on average. But what about when booking an Airbnb?

NerdWallet considered Airbnb prices that included cleaning fees, long-term discounts and base costs when booking in advance versus short term. Here are our findings:

It turns out that booking an Airbnb four weeks in advance yields the lowest median price — $270.80. This is roughly $30 cheaper than booking it almost a year in advance, and about $50 cheaper than booking it last-minute.

» Learn more: What to bring to an Airbnb to make it livable

Use travel credit cards: Many credit cards that offer rewards for travel expenses include more than simply airfare and hotel stays. You may even look to certain credit cards for Airbnb . Check with your bank, but bonus points for money spent on travel might mean bonus points on your Airbnb, too.

Consider the amenities: While amenities vary by listing, consider how an Airbnb might save you money versus a hotel. Does the hotel have additional fees, like a resort fee? Will it charge you for parking, while the Airbnb driveway is free? Can you save money by using the Airbnb kitchen and laundry?

Book through shopping portals or with discounted gift cards: Some websites sell discounted gift cards — and some credit cards entail discounts on gift cards. For example, purchase an Airbnb gift card through Target via a Target-branded debit or credit card for an automatic 5% savings.

If it’s airline miles you’re after, many airline shopping portals sell Airbnb gift cards that allow you to earn bonus miles for that purchase. Not only will you earn the airline miles, but you’ll also "double-dip" by earning your usual credit card rewards.

How to maximize your rewards

You want a travel credit card that prioritizes what’s important to you. Here are some of the best travel credit cards of 2024 :

Flexibility, point transfers and a large bonus: Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card

No annual fee: Wells Fargo Autograph℠ Card

Flat-rate travel rewards: Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card

Bonus travel rewards and high-end perks: Chase Sapphire Reserve®

Luxury perks: The Platinum Card® from American Express

Business travelers: Ink Business Preferred® Credit Card

Citi Custom Cash® Card

on Citibank's application

1%-5% Earn 5% cash back on purchases in your top eligible spend category each billing cycle, up to the first $500 spent, 1% cash back thereafter. Also, earn unlimited 1% cash back on all other purchases.

$200 Earn $200 cash back after you spend $1,500 on purchases in the first 6 months of account opening. This bonus offer will be fulfilled as 20,000 ThankYou® Points, which can be redeemed for $200 cash back.

Wells Fargo Active Cash Card

on Wells Fargo's website

2% Earn unlimited 2% cash rewards on purchases

$200 Earn a $200 cash rewards bonus after spending $500 in purchases in the first 3 months.

Wells Fargo Autograph℠ Credit Card

1x-3x Earn unlimited 3X points on restaurants, travel, gas stations, transit, popular streaming services and phone plans. Plus earn 1X points on other purchases.

20,000 Earn 20,000 bonus points when you spend $1,000 in purchases in the first 3 months - that's a $200 cash redemption value.

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Is airbnb the most popular online travel company in the world, has airbnb’s success come at a cost, key insights.

Detailed statistics

Market cap of Airbnb worldwide 2020-2023

Airbnb total assets worldwide 2017-2023

Airbnb revenue worldwide 2017-2023

Editor’s Picks Current statistics on this topic

Short-Term Rentals & Holiday Homes

Airbnb revenue worldwide 2019-2023, by region

Airbnb nights and experiences booked worldwide 2017-2023

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Online travel companies.

  • Premium Statistic Estimated EV/Revenue ratio in the online travel market 2024, by segment
  • Premium Statistic Revenue of leading OTAs worldwide 2019-2023
  • Premium Statistic Estimated EV/EBITDA ratio in the online travel market 2024, by segment
  • Premium Statistic Marketing/revenue ratio of leading OTAs worldwide 2019-2023

Estimated EV/Revenue ratio in the online travel market 2024, by segment

Estimated enterprise value to revenue (EV/Revenue) ratio in the online travel market worldwide as of April 2024, by segment

Revenue of leading OTAs worldwide 2019-2023

Leading online travel agencies (OTAs) worldwide from 2019 to 2023, by revenue (in million U.S. dollars)

Estimated EV/EBITDA ratio in the online travel market 2024, by segment

Estimated enterprise value to EBITDA (EV/EBITDA) ratio in the online travel market worldwide as of April 2024, by segment

Marketing/revenue ratio of leading OTAs worldwide 2019-2023

Marketing to revenue ratio of leading online travel agencies (OTAs) worldwide from 2019 to 2023

Company information

  • Premium Statistic Market cap of Airbnb worldwide 2020-2023
  • Premium Statistic Airbnb revenue worldwide 2017-2023
  • Premium Statistic Airbnb revenue worldwide 2019-2023, by region
  • Premium Statistic Airbnb revenue distribution worldwide 2019-2023, by region
  • Premium Statistic Airbnb operations income worldwide 2017-2023
  • Premium Statistic Airbnb net income worldwide 2017-2023
  • Premium Statistic Airbnb costs and expenses worldwide 2017-2023
  • Premium Statistic Airbnb costs and expenses worldwide by type 2017-2023
  • Premium Statistic Airbnb total assets worldwide 2017-2023
  • Premium Statistic Airbnb hosts' gender distribution worldwide 2023

Market capitalization of Airbnb worldwide from 2020 to 2023 (in billion U.S. dollars)

Revenue of Airbnb worldwide from 2017 to 2023 (in billion U.S. dollars)

Revenue of Airbnb worldwide from 2019 to 2023, by region (in billion U.S. dollars)

Airbnb revenue distribution worldwide 2019-2023, by region

Regional percentage distribution of Airbnb’s revenue worldwide from 2019 to 2023

Airbnb operations income worldwide 2017-2023

Income from operations of Airbnb worldwide from 2017 to 2023 (in million U.S. dollars)

Airbnb net income worldwide 2017-2023

Net income of Airbnb worldwide from 2017 to 2023 (in million U.S. dollars)

Airbnb costs and expenses worldwide 2017-2023

Costs and expenses of Airbnb worldwide from 2017 to 2023 (in billion U.S. dollars)

Airbnb costs and expenses worldwide by type 2017-2023

Costs and expenses of Airbnb worldwide from 2017 to 2023, by type (in million U.S. dollars)

Total assets of Airbnb worldwide from 2017 to 2023 (in billion U.S. dollars)

Airbnb hosts' gender distribution worldwide 2023

Gender distribution of Airbnb hosts worldwide in 2023

  • Premium Statistic Airbnb nights and experiences booked worldwide 2017-2023
  • Premium Statistic Airbnb nights and experiences booked worldwide 2019-2023, by region
  • Premium Statistic Average nights per Airbnb booking worldwide 2019-2023, by region
  • Premium Statistic Airbnb gross booking value worldwide 2017-2023
  • Premium Statistic Airbnb's gross booking value worldwide 2019-2023, by region

Nights and experiences booked with Airbnb from 2017 to 2023 (in millions)

Airbnb nights and experiences booked worldwide 2019-2023, by region

Number of nights and experiences booked on Airbnb worldwide from 2019 to 2023 by region (in millions)

Average nights per Airbnb booking worldwide 2019-2023, by region

Average number of nights per Airbnb booking worldwide from 2019 to 2023, by region

Airbnb gross booking value worldwide 2017-2023

Gross booking value of Airbnb bookings worldwide from 2017 to 2023 (in billion U.S. dollars)

Airbnb's gross booking value worldwide 2019-2023, by region

Distribution of Airbnb's gross booking value worldwide from 2019 to 2023, by region (in billion U.S. dollars)

Website & app

  • Basic Statistic Leading travel and tourism websites worldwide 2022-2024, by monthly visits
  • Premium Statistic Total global visitor traffic to Airbnb.com 2023
  • Premium Statistic Number of aggregated downloads of leading travel apps worldwide 2023
  • Premium Statistic Data collection among global most privacy demanding mobile iOS apps 2023, by type

Leading travel and tourism websites worldwide 2022-2024, by monthly visits

Most popular travel and tourism websites worldwide from April 2022 to January 2024, based on average monthly visits (in millions)

Total global visitor traffic to Airbnb.com 2023

Worldwide visits to Airbnb.com from July to December 2023 (in millions)

Number of aggregated downloads of leading travel apps worldwide 2023

Number of aggregated downloads of selected leading travel apps worldwide in 2023 (in millions)

Data collection among global most privacy demanding mobile iOS apps 2023, by type

Collected data points among the most data-hungry iOS apps worldwide as of May 2023, by type

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airbnb year of travel

Airbnb Revenue and Usage Statistics (2024)

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Updated: July 5, 2024

In 2007, a cash-strapped Brian Chesky came up with a shrewd way to pay his $1,200 San Francisco apartment rent. He would offer “Air bed and breakfast”, which consisted of three airbeds, breakfast, WiFi and a desk to work, to attendees of the Industrial Design Conference, who needed a place to crash over the weekend.

After an initial period of uncertainty, in which the founders sold Barack Obama and John McCain cereal to sustain the business (seriously) , the company received $20,000 in seed funding from Y Combinator and Sequoia Capital. The next year, it ran a Series A round which generated $7.2 million for the startup.

airbnb year of travel

As it expanded, Airbnb has faced persistent opposition from several major cities, due to a perceived increase in the cost of rent for locals. Barcelona, Amsterdam, Paris, Venice and San Francisco, amongst others, have enacted regulations specifically targeted at the short-term rental market Airbnb popularized.

In 2016, Airbnb expanded its service to include experiences, in which a host could offer tours or tickets to events through the app. The company planned to launch an airline, although with the coronavirus pandemic those plans have been delayed indefinitely.

For the past three years, Airbnb has consolidated its position in the market. It acquired Luxury Retreats in 2017 for $200 million, followed by a $400 million acquisition of HotelTonight in 2019. Even with these acquisitions, it is still considered a rather “light” asset company in comparison to its main rivals, Expedia and Bookings.com.

Airbnb was one of the hardest hit platforms by the COVID-19. At the pandemic peak, new bookings were down 85 percent, although app usage has gradually increased as countries have relaxed travel restrictions.

Many Airbnb hosts in major cities switched to long-term rentals as the short-term market collapsed in March, as a way to maintain a steady (if lower) income. To keep hosts on the platform, Airbnb launched monthly stays, similar to a normal rental service, but without the usual yearly rental agreement.

Airbnb planned to IPO in early 2020, but with the pandemic it delayed its public launch until December 2020. By the middle of 2021, it was reporting activity on level with pre-pandemic levels, and 2022 saw it surpass 2019 figures in booking volume and usage.

We’ve collected data and statistics on Airbnb. Read on to find out more.

Airbnb Key Statistics

  • Airbnb generated $9.9 billion in revenue in 2023, a 19.2% year-on-year increase
  • Airbnb has an estimated 265 million users, though the official number has not been updated since 2020
  • In 2023, 448 million bookings were made on Airbnb, a 13.9% increase on 2022
  • There were 7.7 million listings on Airbnb, run by four million hosts

Airbnb Overview

Airbnb revenue.

Airbnb saw its revenues increase by 19.2% in 2023, another strong year of growth and double pre-pandemic levels.

Airbnb quarterly revenue 2019 to 2024 ($mm)

Airbnb annual revenue 2014 to 2023 ($bn).

Sources: Bloomberg , CB Insights , Company data

Airbnb Profit

Airbnb reported a net income of $4.7 billion, the company’s second year of profit in a row.

Airbnb annual net income/loss 2017 to 2023 ($mm)

Source: Company data, Fortune

Airbnb Gross Bookings Value

Airbnb had a gross bookings value of $73.3 billion in 2023, a 15.9% increase on the previous year.

Airbnb annual gross bookings value 2017 to 2023 ($bn)

Airbnb bookings.

Airbnb bookings increased by 13.9% in 2022, from 393 million in 2022 to 448 million in 2023.

Airbnb annual bookings 2016 to 2023 (mm)

Sources: CNBC , Company data

Airbnb Listings

Airbnb has 7.7 million listings worldwide, a 16.6% increase on 2022 figures and a new record for Airbnb.

Airbnb annual listings 2013 to 2023 (mm)

Sources: Company data, TechCrunch

Airbnb Users

Airbnb said it had 200 million active users in 2020, but has not updated this statistic since. We estimate it is at 265 million now.

Airbnb annual users 2012 to 2023 (mm)

Note: Airbnb has not updated its active users since 2020. Sources: RJMetrics , The Guardian

Airbnb vs Competitors: US Market Share

How many people have stayed in airbnb homes.

Over half a billion guests have stayed in an Airbnb home, earning the hosts $65 billion

How many countries is Airbnb active in?

Airbnb is active in over 200 countries and 81,000 cities

What are the most popular cities for Airbnb?

Tokyo, Paris, Osaka, New York City and London are the most popular cities

How many experiences are available on Airbnb?

Over 50,000 experiences are available, including DNA necklace crafting, learning how to eat fire and a neural enhancement experience

What generation uses Airbnb the most?

60% of Airbnb’s userbase are millennials

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64+ fascinating airbnb statistics (latest 2024 data).

Bradley Williams

Airbnb launched in 2008 and has been unstoppable since, becoming a popular alternative to old-school hotels and even hostels.

It all began when two hosts opened their home in San Francisco to their first guests. 

Today, there are over 4 million people around the globe welcoming travellers to their homes and holiday properties.

There have been a total of 900 million arrivals in over 220 countries and 100 thousand cities worldwide. 

And did you know that senior women tend to be rated the best hosts out of all other demographics ?

This site has changed the way people plan and book vacation rentals .

While the heart of Airbnb is the unique hosts offering an authentic stay experience for their guests, these numbers are equally fascinating too.

Whether you’re looking to be a Host on this popular platform or simply understand Airbnb more, we have some cool statistics you might find interesting.

Let’s get right into it!

Sources: I have referenced the source of each stat, although you can head to the bottom of the post for a full roundup of all the articles and sources used here.


Popular Airbnb statistics questions

How many airbnb listings are there.

There are more than 7 million active listings on Airbnb as of September 2023, the highest ever recorded.

There were only 300 thousand listings in 2013, which shows a 23x growth in only ten years.

This is an astounding number compared to the 742,728 hotels and resorts worldwide .

How many Airbnb hosts are there worldwide?

As of September 2023, there are more than 4 million hosts on Airbnb.

How much money does Airbnb make?

Airbnb made $8.4 billion in revenue in 2022.

Airbnb revenue

How many Airbnb bookings were made in 2022?

393.7 million nights and experiences were booked on Airbnb in 2022, which rose from 300.6 million the year before.

Airbnb nights booked

How many countries have Airbnb?

There are Airbnb listings in around 220 countries and regions around the world, with USA having the highest number of active Airbnb listings.

Listings by country

More Airbnb Key Stats

  • From the beginning of 2017 to the end of 2020, active listings on Airbnb rose by an average of 1.6% per month
  • There have been over 1.5 billion Airbnb guest arrivals in total
  • In May 2019, an average of 2 million bookings were made every day
  • As of September 2023, there are around 100 thousand cities with active Airbnb listings
  • In 2020, there were over 14 thousand employees working at Airbnb
  • Airbnb was valued at $73.34 billion in April 2023
  • An average host on Airbnb would make around $7,900 per year
  • In 2020, there were 57.8 million bookings on Airbnb, which was a dramatic decrease from the 134.7 million total in 2019
  • The gross revenue also dropped by 41% from $45.3 billions in 2019 to $26.8 billion in 2020

Airbnb quick history

  • Oct 2007: Airbed & Breakfast founded
  • Aug 2008: Airbed & Breakfast website launched
  • Mar 2009: Name changed to Airbnb & used by 10,000 users
  • Nov 2010: Airbnb app launched
  • Feb 2011: 1 million nights booked
  • Jun 2012: 10 million nights booked
  • Nov 2016: Airbnb Experiences launched
  • Dec 2020: Airbnb went public

Airbnb hosts

How many Airbnb hosts are there currently in the world?

1. There are more than 4 million hosts on Airbnb in September 2023.

According to the latest data (September 2023) from Airbnb, there are currently over 4 million hosts registered on the site.

2. By December 2019, there were a total of 399 thousand superhosts in the United States alone.

Superhosts on Airbnb refer to hosts who can provide an extraordinary experience for guests, and there were 399 thousand of them in December 2019 in the USA alone.

3. There are over 250,000 family-friendly homes listed on Airbnb.

Today, there are more than 250 thousand homes on Airbnb with family-friendly amenities. This is an especially great thing considering the recent rise of family travel .

4. In terms of host demographics, senior women are the most likely to be rated the best hosts on the platform.


Anyone can be a host on Airbnb, but time has proven that senior women tend to be the highest rated hosts when compared to other demographics.

5. In 2022, 49% of all hosts on Airbnb were women, up from the 48% in 2021.

Airbnb hosts gender distribution

6. There are more than 1.4 million Airbnb hosts in EU member countries, the highest in all the world regions.

The EU is home to 1.4 million Airbnb Hosts . Interestingly, 1.1 million of them have only one listing on Airbnb.

Airbnb listings

7. there are more than 7 million active listings on airbnb as of september 2023, the highest ever..

For the second consecutive quarter, active listings grew 19% in Q3 2023 compared to Q3 2022.

8. Compared to just 300 thousand listings in 2013, the number of Airbnb listing has shown a 23x growth over ten years.

9. airbnb listings increased across all regions in q3 2023 compared to q3 2022, with the highest growth rates in latin america and asia pacific., 10. among the current listings on airbnb, there are around 90 thousand cabins, 24 thousand tiny homes, 2,800 yurts, 2,600 treehouses, and 1,600 private islands.

Unlike traditional hotels, Airbnb listings can take the form of almost anything, from a room in a local house to yurts and even private islands.

On the popular booking platform Booking.com, there are 6.6 million homes, apartments, and unique accommodations listed .

11. There are also 300 lighthouses and 140 igloos listed on Airbnb.

Among the most unique types of properties, there are around 300 lighthouses and 140 igloos around the world where guests can spend the night.

Types of airbnb listings

12. From the beginning of 2017 to the end of 2020, active listings on Airbnb rose by an average of 1.6% per month.


Airbnb guests & bookings

How many guests do Airbnb properties welcome each year?

13. Since Airbnb operated until August 2023, there have been over 1.5 billion guest arrivals in total.

14. at 54%, more than half of all airbnb guests are female..

There are generally more female guests on Airbnb than male guests.

15. In terms of age demographics, 36% Airbnb guests are between 25 and 34 years old.

15% are teenagers aged 18 to 24, while only 13% of all Airbnb guests are 55 years or older.

16. A survey amongst Airbnb guests revealed that 53% choose Airbnb over traditional hotels as it is much cheaper.


For a large majority of Airbnb guests (53%), the reason they choose it over traditional hotels is its affordability.

17. 30% use Airbnb due to the location, while 33% of respondents prefer Airbnb because it provides an “authentic experience” of the local area.

The ability to rent long-term also allows travellers and digital nomads to immerse in the local way of living.

18. In May 2019, an average of 2 million bookings were made every day.

[The Guardian]

According to the data during May 2019, Airbnb users made an average of 2 million bookings each day.

19. In 2021, 26% of nights booked via Airbnb was by people travelling alone.

Airbnb's internal data revealed that solo travellers contributed to 26% of all nights booked on their platform.

21% of backpackers stay in an Airbnb when they travel.

20. 393.7 million nights and experiences were booked on Airbnb in 2022, which rose from 300.6 million the year before.

21. overall, airbnb guests are staying longer. nights from long-term stays represent 18% of total gross nights booked in q2 2023. , locations of airbnb.

Where are Airbnb properties located worldwide?

22. Airbnb listings are spread across more than 220 countries and regions worldwide.

23. in terms of region, europe has the highest number of airbnb listings, with over 2.47 million active properties in 2020..

Europe has more than 2.47 million active Airbnb listings, making it the region with the most Airbnb listings.

24. Asia Pacific comes second with nearly 1.5 million active listings. Moreover, North America has just over a million, Latin America 786 thousand, and Africa 173 thousand.

25. europe also has the highest demand of airbnb as it recorded 8.1 million nights in 2020., 26. north america is second with 6.4 million nights stayed back in 2020., 27. despite having more airbnb listings, the asia pacific region actually recorded fewer nights (3.8 million) stayed in 2020 compared to north america., 28. the country with the most airbnb listings is the usa, which recorded 877,694 active listings in 2020 alone..

When it comes to individual countries, the United States has the highest number of active listings on Airbnb. There were 877,694 listings in 2020.

29. In second place is France with 610,765 active Airbnb listings in 2020.

As of 2020, France has 610,765 active Airbnb listings .

Paris alone has almost 57 thousand listings as of June 2022 .

30. The country with the third highest listings of Airbnb properties is China, as it had 508,026 listings in 2020.

Italy (406 thousand listings) , Spain (296 thousand listings), and the UK (254 thousand listings) round up the top 6 countries with the most active Airbnb listings in 2020.

In Italy specifically, there are 7,275 listings in Venice and 24,383 listings in Rome .

31. Overall, as of March 2022, there are around 100 thousand cities with active Airbnb listings.

Airbnb has locations around the world, including in over 100 thousand cities.

32. In 2022, guests stayed on average more than four nights per booking in Airbnbs in Latin America, the Middle East, and Africa (EMEA), and the North American regions. These are some of the most productive markets for users.

33. meanwhile, the average airbnb guest in the asia pacific region book an average of 3.2 nights., 34. cross-border nights booking increased by 16% in q2 2023 from the previous year, showing that guests have been travelling farther..

Specifically, cross-border travel to Asia Pacific grew by more than 80% in Q2 2023, whereas cross-border travel to North America rose by 20%. 

35. Bookings for high-density urban nights increased by 13% in Q2 2023, which reveals that more guests are returning to city destinations.

Airbnb: the company.

How much is Airbnb worth?

36. The latest valuation of Airbnb in April 2023 was $73.34 billion, which was a significant increase from just $54.13 billion in April 2022.

Over the past four years, the Airbnb’s market capitalization peaked in 2021 at over $100 billion.

37. Between 2017 and 2020, Airbnb experienced the highest cost and expenses at $5.3 billion. This dropped to only $3.01 billion in September 2020.

38. in september 2020, airbnb reported that the company’s total assets reached $8.73 billion., 39. in terms of revenue, airbnb experienced a significant increase of 40% growth from 2017 to 2018, then 48% from 2018 to 2019, and -26% from 2019 to 2020..

Airbnb’s revenue steadily increased from 2017 to 2019, although the recent Coronavirus pandemic caused a massive drop of 26% in 2020.

40. Despite the increased valuation, Airbnb experienced net losses from 2017 to 2020. The loss reached a record high in 2020 when it reached $697 million.

This loss shows that the costs of running Airbnb are still higher than the revenue it generates, and the pandemic in 2020 caused an even more dramatic net loss of $697 million.

41. In Q3 of 2023, Airbnb generated a revenue of $3.4 billion, which is an 18% increase from Q3 2022.

42. in 2020, there were over 14 thousand employees at airbnb..


This number includes data scientists, software engineers, as well as developers.

Airbnb performance as an online travel company

What is the leading online travel company in the world?

43. In 2023, Airbnb is the third leading online travel company worldwide with the highest enterprise-value-to-EBITDA at 14.8x.

Airbnb is behind MakeMyTrip and Trip.com.

EV/EBITDA of selected leading online travel companies

44. In September 2023, Airbnb was the third most visited travel and tourism website with around 89 million visits in that month.

For comparison, the first and second places were held by booking.com and tripadvisor.com with 554.5 million and 89 million visits, respectively.

45. The monthly traffic in September 2023 has decreased, as Airbnb received 98.3 million unique global visitors in April 2023 and 105.8 million visitors in February 2023.

46. there are 52 million downloads of the airbnb app worldwide., airbnb finances and profit.

How much can you make on Airbnb?

47. In 2022, Airbnb generated $63.2 billion in gross booking value (GBV), which is a 35% increase from 2021 ($46.9 billion).

48. between july and september 2023, the gross booking value of airbnb was at $18.3 billion..

This was a 17% year-on-year increase from the same period in the previous year.

49. The latest Average Daily Rate for the active listings on Airbnb in 2021 was $137 per night.

This figure actually increased from the $110 average per night in 2020 and $106 in 2019.

Airbnb average daily rate

50. Meanwhile, from July to September 2023, the ADR of a listing on Airbnb was $161, a 3% increase from Q3 2022.

51. an average host on airbnb would make around $7,900 per year..

Hosts on Airbnb make an average of $7,900 annually.

52. By October 2020, the all-time earning by Airbnb hosts was $110 billion.

Since it first operated until October 2020, Airbnb hosts had collectively made $110 billion in earnings.

53. The largest market for Airbnb is North America, where the average value of booking was $165 per night, the highest out of all other regions in 2019.

54. while latin america had the lowest gross booking value per night, guests stayed an average of 4.1 nights, which is longer than other regions..

Airbnb listings in Latin America have a low gross booking value per night, yet guests tend to stay longer per trip (4.1 nights).

Covid-19 impact on Airbnb

How has the Coronavirus pandemic affected Airbnb listings, hosts, and bookings?

55. In 2020, there were 57.8 million bookings on Airbnb, which was a dramatic decrease from the 134.7 million total in 2019.

The number of online bookings on Airbnb in 2020 dropped by more than half from its number in 2019.

56. Likewise, the total number of nights booked on Airbnb also experienced a significant fall from 425.5 million nights in 2019 to only 242.7 million nights in 2020.

57. due to the pandemic, booking volumes on airbnb hit rock bottom in april 2020, when it was 86% less compared to april 2019..

Airbnb booking volumes in April 2020 decreased by 86% from the same month in 2019.

58. The average occupancy rate of Airbnb properties more than halved from 2019 (23.4%) to 2020 (11.4%).

Similarly, the average occupancy rates of active listings fell from 23.4% in 2018 to just 11.4% in 2020.

59. In 2020, gross revenue from Airbnb listings (for both the company and hosts) dropped by 41% from $45.3 billion the previous year to $26.8 billion.

60. meanwhile, the average length of stay increased in april 2020 to 6 days..

This is because guests tended to stay for longer in countryside rentals to avoid lockdowns and more crowded areas like cities.

61. The percentage of international Airbnb guests in California in May 2020 fell to 8.3% from 19.2% in May 2019.

International tourism across the world had declined due to the pandemic. In California, this was reflected by the decrease in the portion of international guests in Airbnbs, at just 8.3% in May 2020 .

Airbnb pricing statistics

What is a good price for Airbnb?

62. The majority of Airbnb listings (34%) have a cleaning fee of 20 to 29.9% of the base rate.


Airbnb cleaning fees

63. In terms of daily rate, a7-night stay in an Airbnb listing ($213) is 32% cheaper than a 1-night stay ($314).

Airbnb Median price per night based on length of stay

64. When staying for six, the average Airbnb price is 33% cheaper than hotels. However, booking a hotel room is 29% cheaper than booking an Airbnb for two.

Airbnb vs hotel price per person

65. At $270.80, the median price for an Airbnb tends to be lower when booked four weeks in advance.

Airbnb price based on advanced booking

As more people sign up to host travellers in their homes and Airbnb continues to be a popular choice among tourists, there is little doubt that this US-based company may remain a market leader in this industry.

Airbnb is indeed doing more than simply providing travel accommodation, but also offering rare opportunities for people to experience the world in an authentic and unique way, and to live in new destinations like locals.

While the Covid-19 pandemic had impacted things like the number of active listings, nights stayed, and occupancy rate, this drop was also experienced by other businesses.

With that said, we do think Airbnb is on a positive ascent up the global market. We hope this statistics roundup can help you understand more about this company!

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Airbnb Is Rolling Out a Big Change to Tackle Fake and Misleading Listings — What to Know

Brian Chesky, the CEO of Airbnb, told Travel + Leisure about a major change coming to the home-sharing platform.

Earlier this year, Airbnb shook things up by rolling out 53 new features based on user feedback, including fee transparency and lower fees for monthly stays. Now, some four months later, the home-sharing platform is back with additional updates — and even more overhauls in the pipeline.

A major change is Airbnb's plan to verify listings. Airbnb shared with Travel + Leisure that a verified icon on a listing ensures the property exists, the address is accurate, and the host has access to it. "We just want to be a site where people trust the veracity of the information on our site," Brian Chesky, Airbnb's CEO and co-founder, told T+L.

Courtesy of Airbnb

To do this, the platform will ask hosts to upload photos, and then actually go to the property and use the Airbnb app to take real-time photos. Using GPS coordinates and live photos, the app will utilize artificial intelligence to come up with a "confidence score." "If the score is very high, then we'll approve it; if the score is not high, we'll decline it; and if we're not sure, we'll do a manual human review or ask for more photos," Chesky said. (Airbnb intends to start verifying every listing in its top five markets — the U.S., Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, and France — this year.)

Airbnb will also enhance its search functions. For example, if your search doesn't pull a ton of results, the platform will offer suggestions at the bottom in a carousel to see a broadened geographic range. There are also two new search filters, thanks to consumer demand: you can search for stays with king-size beds and properties that allow pets. "We had 6 million guest arrivals in the last year where people brought pets," Chesky said. "So, we felt that between the data on Airbnb, the responses, and the requests on social media, there was a preponderance of evidence that people wanted these."

According to Airbnb, these updates — and the ones arriving later this year — are based on what users asked for. Chesky told T+L that after the May updates, he took to Twitter to hear what people wanted. The feedback, which he said was "really constructive and helpful," helped prioritize changes — some of which the platform was already working on. "We're always listening to feedback from the community," said Chesky. "We'll never stop improving the service. I'm really focused on just making our service so much better every year."

One of the May updates was fee transparency through a "total price display" feature that gives you your cost including all the fees, instead of just the nightly rate. Airbnb shared with T+L that since its launch, more than 8 million guests have booked travel using this feature.

And, to tackle affordability, the platform also rolled out measures in May to encourage hosts to offer competitive pricing. "This is important because the stays at Airbnb are only as good as the host, and the hosts are only as good as our tools," Chesky said. "And so, to make their service better, we need our hosts to be more successful, and they are as successful as the tools we build."

Instead of telling hosts what to do, Chesky said the platform provided them with data to see the rates in their neighborhood and the metrics of other hosts who are and are not getting bookings. According to Airbnb, four in five hosts now use a pricing tool, two-thirds of hosts offer weekly or monthly discounts, and around 260,000 listings have decreased or removed cleaning fees.

As for what's next, Chesky wants Airbnb users to want more from the platform. "Ultimately, I want people to love Airbnb so much that they want us to launch new things," he said. "I don't want Airbnb to only be a way that you book a home — I think Airbnb can be much more than that. But people aren't going to ask for more of Airbnb if they don't love the current thing. And that's permission that you have to get from the customer."

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Byron Bay begins 60-day cap on short-term holiday rentals

It is one of the most popular stretches of coastline in Australia. But a row in breweing in Byron Bay over a mammoth change starting tomorrow.

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The white sandy beaches and laid-back lifestyle that attracts hoards of visitors each and every year to Byron Bay will now have a new rule in place that will impact where and how tourists spend their time in the idyllic region.

From Tuesday, owners of short-term rental accommodation, also known as STRA or holiday letting (think Airbnb homes), will have a cap on the number of days they can lease their properties each year — just 60 days per calendar year, a drop from the 180-day limit currently in place for some homes.

It’s a move that’s been welcomed by locals and pushed by council, who have been calling for regulations into limiting the amount of homes used for non-hosted short-term rentals for years.

But others say it will “devastate the economy”.

The decision to cap the days a property could be rented out short term is a mammoth move for the region, which is heavily reliant on tourism occupancy — with the region attracting more than two million Australian and international visitors to Byron Bay each year.

Byron Bay brings in around two million domestic and international visitors a year.

The decision, which was made in 2023 and will make the Byron Bay Shire the first local government area in NSW to implement such restrictions, is a desperate bid to push dwellings back onto the long-term rental market.

Speaking to her social media followers on Monday, MP Tamara Smith said the cap brings an end to a “10 year struggle” for Byron Bay.

“I am hoping that it works … that we see thousands, or many hundreds, of whole homes come onto the private rental market,” she said.

“We know they are going to be expensive, but we are the only local government area in the entire state that is having this trial … and we really want it to be a success.”

Byron Bay’s housing stress and homelessness crisis is one of the worst in the country, with a report conducted earlier this year revealing that the number of people sleeping rough in Byron Bay had spiked.

The massive annual survey, conducted in February, showed that the world-famous beachside destination hosted 348 people sleeping rough, up 16 per cent on last year, while the City of Sydney in comparison had 208 in this year’s count.

The white sandy beaches of Byron Bay are a mammoth drawcard for tourists.

With Byron Bay having one of the state’s highest rates of short-term rentals, at about 8.5 per cent of all dwellings falling in to this category, the decision aims to make more of those holiday homes shifted into the hands of long-term tenants.

But while some homeowners have shunned the decision, saying it won’t fix the growing housing crisis — those with multimillion-dollar waterfront properties couldn’t be happier with the decision.

And that’s because a portion of the LGA will be exempt from all caps — including those homes in the centre of town and within the super-luxe corner of Watego's Beach.

Some areas of Byron Bay, shaded in purple, will be exempt from any rental caps. Local independent publication The Echo dubbed the change a ‘quiet revolution’.

“Many investors buy holiday homes in the areas that are now going to be exempted from all caps,” says Janelle Montano, the owner of short-stay management specialists Your Luxury Escape, told Domain.

“In the beachfront locations, like Lawson Street fronting Main Beach, and a number of streets back, where it’s all holiday accommodation, they’re now going to be allowed to rent out properties for up to 365 days. It’s only in neighbourhoods where it’s mostly residential where the new cap will operate.”

The new cap will heavily impact listings on platforms such as Airbnb, who say the new cap will see "tourism suffer".

According to a 2022 report by the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute, which was released before the 60-day cap was confirmed, the number of properties advertised on Airbnb in the region grew by 19 per cent in 2022, while on the flip side — the number of available long-term rentals fell by 34 per cent.

But tourists and rental experts in the region argue those ‘backstreets’ offered more affordable options, which will only now become more scarce and therefore pushing visitors into more expensive listings or hotels.

“With the tightening of supply of holiday properties for rent, I believe tariffs will increase and owners will still be able to achieve a decent income,” Su Reynolds, director of Byron Bay First National, told Domain.

“It’s likely that prices of properties in the areas zoned for year-round holiday letting will increase, too.”

‘Will not work’: Tourism will suffer

Michael Crosby, Head of Public Policy for Airbnb Australia and New Zealand, unleashed on the decision — saying caps in New York didn’t help with housing, and neither will the restrictions in Byron Bay.

Some areas, such as the luxury homes dotted around Watego's Beach, will be exempt.

In a statement sent to news.com.au, Mr Crosby said the cap will see “tourism suffer” in a “critical sector”.

“Night caps, both locally and internationally, have not worked to improve housing affordability or supply,” Mr Crosby said.

“In New York City where short-term rentals have effectively been banned, hotel prices have soared and rental availability and affordability has not improved.

“Tourism will suffer given guests will have less affordable accommodation options. Airbnb guests in the Byron region spent over $200 million in the local community in the 12 months to March 2023 and helped to support 800 local jobs, all the while empowering local hosts to make extra income in the midst of a cost of living crisis.

The change will impact many listings on accommodation booking platform Airbnb. Picture: AFP

“The NSW Government needs to consider how to increase affordable housing supply in places like Byron – and a small levy, paid for by the guest at the time of booking – is a way to do that.

“We’ll watch with interest to see the impact that this restriction has on the region’s critical tourism sector.”

Colin Hussey, chief executive of A Perfect Stay, manages 160 properties in Byron Shire, and agrees that the cap will “devastate the economy”.

“There is about 1,300 holiday homes registered in Byron and that supplies a huge array of accommodation for mostly Australian families to holiday,” Mr Hussey told the ABC.

A Perfect Stay CEO and Northern Rivers resident, Colin Hussey disagrees with the cap.

“They spend around $400 million in the Northern Rivers region. Tourism is the number one economic driver in the Byron Shire, and holiday homes bring the highest yielding, most valuable and lowest-impact guests into the region.

“If you remove the accommodation that they stay in, they are not going to be able to come here. There are many other coastal towns who would like to take up the mantle.

“We have surveyed holiday home owners and the majority — 97 per cent — said they will not move across to permanent rentals,” he said.

“It won’t solve the problem. These are individually owned homes usually by Aussies because they want a holiday here and to retire here.”

What does the STRA cap mean?

Basically, from Tuesday 24 September — non-hosted properties (where the owner doesn’t live on site) will be subjected to a rental cap.

According to Planning NSW, the cap on non-hosted, short-term rental accommodation will be reduced from 180 days to 60 days across the local government area, while specific precincts in and around Byron’s town centre, beachfront, Watego’s Beach and Brunswick Heads will soon operate without a cap, allowing for non-hosted, short-term rental accommodation for the full year.

There is no day-cap for hosted houses, where the owner lives on the premises during the provision of the accommodation. However, when an owner lives on a property but not within the home being rented, such as a tiny home or granny flat on the title, this is not considered to be hosted.

How will the 60-day cap rule be monitored?

It’s the million-dollar question that still isn’t abundantly clear. Essentially, it will rely on homeowners to abide by the cap, and for council’s compliance staff to monitor and keep tabs on each property.

According to Byron Bay Shire’s council website, any dwelling used for short-term rental is required to be registered on a new State Government-run register for STRA.

Registration to this register means requirements around compliance with fire safety standards and the number of days a property is used for rental “is captured and integrated with key STRA booking platforms (such as Stayz and Airbnb)” and the NSW Planning Portal.

“This register assists Councils with monitoring and compliance of registered STRA dwellings,” the website reads.

Byron Shire council mayor Michael Lyon said the cap couldn’t come sooner, and was ‘relieved’ by the change. Picture: Duncan Evans

But there’s still no clear restriction on what will happen if an owner rents their property out privately, such as via a Facebook listing or word-of-mouth, however it if caught it will come at a hefty cost.

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Earlier this year, a Suffolk Park property owner — about 10 minutes from the centre of Byron Bay — was issued two fines of $6,000 for renting past the current 180-day cap.

“Council will be pursuing the payment of these fines [from January 2024] and I hope it serves as a warning to other property owners, that we are taking the regulation of rules surrounding short-term rental accommodation extremely seriously, particularly ahead of the introduction of the new 60-day cap that will apply from September,” Byron Shire Mayor, Michael Lyon, said at the time.

News.com.au contacted Byron Shire Mayor Michael Lyon for comment.

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