
11 Other Ways to Say “Hope to See You Soon”

hope you can visit us again soon

Are you saying goodbye to someone you’re fond of and want to let them know you’ll see them again? Well, maybe “hope to see you soon” is the phrase you’re looking for.

Although, are there better options available?

Don’t worry. This article will look into some of the best alternatives you can use to give you another way to say “hope to see you soon.”

Other Ways to Say “Hope to See You Soon”

  • Very much anticipate our next meeting
  • Looking forward to seeing you again
  • I’m excited to see you again
  • Can’t wait for us to meet soon
  • I’m sure we’ll see each other again soon
  • It would be great for us to catch up sooner rather than later
  • Don’t be a stranger!
  • Don’t leave it too long next time!
  • I hope it’s not too long before we meet again
  • I’m very excited to meet you soon
  • Let me know when we can do this again


  • “Hope to see you soon” is acceptable in formal English.
  • You could try “very much anticipate our next meeting” if you want something more professional and respectful.
  • “Looking forward to seeing you again” is great for informal situations.

You should keep reading to learn more about the most effective phrases to use! You never know when you might need an alternative to “hope to see you soon” in a message.

Feel free to skip to the final section if you’d like to learn whether the phrase is correct. After all, you might not even be allowed to use it in some situations!

Very Much Anticipate Our Next Meeting (Formal)

“Very much anticipate our next meeting” is a good example of how to say “hope to see you soon” professionally. It’s an excellent formal synonym that works well in many messages.

You can use this phrase to appear respectful and polite to an email recipient. It’s a good email closer , letting them know you’re excited but using professional terminology.

You should try it when emailing your boss and letting them know you’re excited about an upcoming meeting.

We recommend using “very much anticipate our next meeting” over “hope to see you soon” in professional contexts. It works well in business emails and appears much more confident.

Here are some email examples to give you more information about it:

Dear Mr. Smith I think it’ll be good for us to talk things over on Tuesday. I very much anticipate our next meeting, Darren Woodford

Dear Toby, Hopefully, we’ll be able to talk things through easily once we get settled down in the office. We very much anticipate our next meeting, Matty

Looking Forward to Seeing You Again (Informal)

“Looking forward to seeing you again” is great if you want a more informal synonym for “hope to see you soon.” It shows you’re eager to see someone again if you’ve made plans with them.

You should use this phrase when speaking to romantic partners or friends when setting up dates or events. It shows you “look forward” to spending time with them in the future.

You don’t want to use “looking forward to seeing you again” in professional contexts, though. Stick with “hope to see you soon” as an email closer formally.

However, “looking forward to seeing you again” is sufficient as an informal email closer .

Here are some informal examples to show you how it works:

I’m very much looking forward to seeing you again at the weekend! I can’t wait to see what you have planned.

Dear Michael That sounds like a good idea. I will still ensure to bring the other stuff along. Looking forward to seeing you again , Evie

Is It Correct to Say “Hope to See You Soon”?

“Hope to see you soon” is grammatically correct and works well in formal and informal situations. Generally, you will find it as an email closer.

It’s very common to use “hope to see you soon” when closing an email. It’s similar to saying something like “kind regards” or “all the best,” but it specifically relates to having a meeting set at some point in the future.

Here are some other variations you may use:

  • Hoping to see you soon
  • Hope to see you again soon

You can use “hoping” and “hope” interchangeably. However, “hope” is much more effective formally because it shows anticipation. “Hoping” shows uncertainty instead.

Also, you should stick to using “see” rather than “seeing.” Sometimes, it can be hard to know what verb tense to use. However, look at the following examples:

  • Correct: I hope to see you soon.
  • Incorrect: I hope to seeing you soon.

Clearly, “seeing” makes no sense here. It is not idiomatic or correct in that example.

Feel free to bookmark this page if you ever have more questions! After all, you never know when you might plan another meeting with someone.

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  • 12 Other Ways to Say “I Hope You Are Okay“
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11 Better Ways to Say “Hope to See You Soon”

Figuring out what to say instead of “I hope to see you soon” can be tricky if you don’t know how to phrase it. This article will explore some formal synonyms you can use for “hoping to see you soon” that work in all contexts.

Other ways to say “hope to see you soon” are “I look forward to meeting you again,” “I’m sure I’ll see you around,” and “see you next time.” These phrases remain professional and polite. They show that you’re keen to meet someone again without setting specific dates.

Better Ways to Say Hope to See You Soon

1. I Look Forward to Meeting You Again

“I look forward to meeting you again” is a great formal synonym you can use here. It shows that you’re keen to continue meeting with someone to find out more information. It’s a great way to keep in touch without having to specify when you’ll see them.

  • I look forward to meeting you again. Let me know if you’d like me to bring anything along for our next visit.
  • I look forward to meeting you again. I’m sure we’ll be able to get to the bottom of these problems without much issue.
  • I look forward to meeting you again. I can’t wait to hear more about what you have to say relating to these issues.

2. I’m Sure I’ll See You Around

“I’m sure I’ll see you around” is an excellent choice to show that you expect to see some later. It doesn’t give them a direct time to expect you. Instead, it implies that you’ll see them in passing and might be able to chat when that occurs.

  • I’m sure I’ll see you around. I don’t know when I’ll be in town next, but I’ll hit you up if I have some spare time.
  • I’m sure I’ll see you around. Let me know if there’s anything specific you want to do when I’m around again.
  • I’m sure I’ll see you around. I’ll email you if I can. I’ll keep you in mind when I learn more information too.

3. See You Next Time

“See you next time” is a great alternative here. It shows that you are planning on meeting someone again (“next time” implies there will be another meeting).

  • I had a really good time today, and I hope we’ll be able to do something like this again soon. See you next time.
  • It was nice to get a chance to discuss these matters with you more privately. See you next time.
  • I’m glad we could have this chat. It seems like you have a lot of things to figure out, though. See you next time.

4. In a While

“In a while” is a fairly informal phrase you can use to say goodbye to someone. With that said, it still works well in many spoken situations to show that you look forward to seeing someone “in a while” (meaning soon enough).

  • It’s been a good few weeks getting to know you. It’s a shame you have to leave so soon. In a while, mate.
  • I’ll let you know when I have some more time, and we’ll set up another meeting with a few others. In a while.
  • In a while, then. Can you email me later in the week if you find some time to give me the rundown?

5. I’ll Talk to You Later

“I’ll talk to you later” is a good way of letting someone know that you’re happy to speak again soon. “Later” is the key here, showing that you might be able to speak to them much sooner than you think.

  • Thank you for coming along to the meeting today. I hope it gave you a few things to think about. I’ll talk to you later.
  • I appreciate you taking the time to run me through some of this. I’ll keep it in mind for next time. I’ll talk to you later.
  • I’m glad I had you here to help me understand some of this. I would have been stumped without you. I’ll talk to you later.

6. Let Me Know When You’re Next Free

“Let me know when you’re next free” is a good way to say goodbye to someone while trying to get a more specific timeslot for a second meeting. It encourages the other party to set up a time that works well for both of you to meet.

  • Let me know when you’re next free. I think it’s a good time for us to meet again to discuss some more issues.
  • Let me know when you’re next free. I’ll email you when I have some more information, but I think a conversation will be good.
  • Let me know when you’re next free, okay? I want to catch up with you soon to find out what else you’ve learned.

7. I Look Forward to Our Next Chat

“I look forward to our next chat” is a great alternative you can use. It shows that you’re keen to continue your conversation with someone, even if you don’t know when you’ll find the time to talk to them.

It’s a great way to show that you’re interested in meeting again. It doesn’t come across as too keen, either, making it a great choice in formal situations.

  • I look forward to our next chat. I’m sure there will be plenty more opportunities for us to get to know each other better.
  • It was interesting to learn from you today. I’m sure there will be other chances. I look forward to our next chat.
  • I appreciate you coming to the office to talk me through some of these programs today. I look forward to our next chat.

8. Let’s Do This Again

“Let’s do this again” is a simple way to try and arrange another meeting. It shows that you’re friendly and calm about the meeting, which will put most people at ease when it comes to booking another time.

  • This has been a truly eye-opening experience for me. I learned a lot more than I thought I would. Let’s do this again.
  • You have given me a lot to think about. I’m not sure what I’ll do with this yet, but I’ll let you know. Let’s do this again.
  • Let’s do this again sometime. I don’t want to miss any opportunities to get to know you better. I hope that’s okay.

9. Let’s Meet Again Soon

“Let’s meet again soon” shows that you’re ready to meet someone again when you can. It’s a great choice when you want to talk more to someone or learn from them.

  • Let’s meet again soon. I think it’s about time that we explore our options and see what we’re able to come up with. Don’t you?
  • I’m trying to figure out the best solution for this mess. I would like to pick your brains at some point. Let’s meet again soon.
  • I appreciate you giving me the time today. I wasn’t sure if you were going to be free. Let’s meet again soon.

10. See You

“See you” is a simple way to say goodbye to someone for an indefinite period. It does not indicate that you want a second meeting. Instead, it shows that you might see them again sometime, but there is no guarantee of that.

If you want to see them again, “see you” might not be the best choice. It’s a bit blunter than some of the other options.

  • I’m glad I have someone like you on my team. It makes things a lot easier when I need your help. See you.
  • It’s nice to know I can rely on you. I don’t think many other people on this team are able to provide help like you. See you.
  • Thanks for giving me the rundown. I’ll input some of this information as soon as I’m at the office. See you.

11. Until Next Time

“Until next time” shows that you expect to see someone again, even if you don’t know when that might be. It’s a great choice to let them know that you’re interested in seeing them again.

  • Until next time, see you around. I’ll let you know if an opportunity comes up that works well for me again.
  • I’m trying to figure out a good solution based on what you told me. Thank you for today, though. Until next time.
  • It was nice to have you around today to explain some of these issues. Let me know if I missed anything. Until next time.

Is It Correct to Say “Hope to See You Soon”?

“Hope to see you soon” is correct to say if you’re uncertain when you might see someone again. You can “hope” to see them “soon,” but you have no real way of knowing when “soon” might be.

It’s a good phrase if you want to show that you like seeing someone, but you’re not sure when you’ll meet again.

What Does “Hope to See You Soon” Mean?

“Hope to see you soon” means you’re looking forward to the next time you see someone. It is an indefinite time, though.

“Soon” is used to imply that you would like to see someone as soon as possible, but there is no guarantee you can make that happen.

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here .

  • 12 Better Ways to Say “I Look Forward to Meeting You”
  • 12 Best Ways to Say “I Look Forward to Speaking With You”
  • 10 Better Ways to Say “I Look Forward to Talking With You”
  • 10 Better Ways to Say “I Look Forward to the Meeting”

hope you can visit us again soon

Speak with Confidence

How to Say “I Hope to See You Again”: A Guide for Formal and Informal Situations

Expressing the desire to meet someone again is a heartfelt sentiment that can leave a lasting impression. Whether it’s a business meeting, a social gathering, or a chance encounter, conveying your hope to see someone again can strengthen relationships and create opportunities for future interactions. In this guide, we will explore various ways to express “I hope to see you again” in both formal and informal contexts.

Table of Contents

1. Formal Expressions

When addressing someone in a formal setting, such as a professional environment or official event, it is crucial to use polite and respectful language. Here are some formal ways to express your hope of meeting again:

1.1. Basic Formal Expressions

  • “I hope we have the opportunity to meet again soon.” – This sentence is straightforward and conveys your desire to meet the person again.
  • “I look forward to seeing you again.” – This phrase expresses anticipation and excitement to meet the person in the future.
  • “I hope we can cross paths again.” – Use this phrase to imply the element of chance in meeting again while maintaining a polite tone.

1.2. Expressions with Gratitude

Adding a touch of gratitude to your expression can show appreciation for the person’s time and create a positive impression. Consider using these phrases:

“Thank you for your time. I hope to have the opportunity to meet you again.” “I appreciate meeting you. I look forward to seeing you in the future.”

2. Informal Expressions

In casual or informal settings, you can adopt a more relaxed tone while still maintaining politeness. Here are some expressions you can use to convey your hope of meeting again informally:

2.1. Basic Informal Expressions

  • “Hope to see you again soon!” – This short and friendly phrase conveys your desire to meet the person again without any excessive formality.
  • “Let’s catch up again sometime!” – Use this expression to suggest meeting in the future and keeping the connection alive.
  • “It was great meeting you. Can’t wait for our paths to cross again!” – This expression adds enthusiasm and excitement to the desire of meeting again.

2.2. Expressions with Personal Touch

To make your hope of seeing someone again more personalized, you can consider these phrases:

“I really enjoyed our conversation. Let’s grab coffee and chat some more!” “We should definitely hang out again. It was so much fun!”

Expressing your hope to see someone again is a wonderful way to leave a positive and lasting impression. Whether in a formal or informal setting, these phrases will help you convey your desire to meet again with warmth and sincerity. Remember to select the appropriate expression based on the context and the level of formality. By showing your genuine interest in further interaction, you increase the chances of creating long-lasting connections. So go ahead, use these phrases, and let the people you meet know that you genuinely hope to see them again soon!

Related Guides:

  • How to Say “Hope the Funeral Went Well”: Guide for Different Situations
  • How to Say “I Hope It Gets Better”: A Guide for Both Formal and Informal Situations
  • How to Say “I Hope” Differently
  • Guide: How to Say “I Hope” in Spanish
  • How to Say, “I Hope This Answers Your Question”: A Comprehensive Guide
  • Guide: How to Say “I Hope You Are Doing Well” After a Death
  • How to Say “I Hope You Are Well” in Chinese: A Comprehensive Guide
  • Guide: How to Say “I Hope You Feel Better” in Arabic

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Alisha Morgan

Formal Ways to Say “Hope to See You Soon”

20 Formal Ways to Say “Hope to See You Soon”

Expressing anticipation and enthusiasm for future meetings is a crucial aspect of maintaining professional relationships. Diversify your ways of conveying this sentiment with these 20 formal alternatives to “Hope to See You Soon.”

List Of Formal Ways to Say “Hope to See You Soon”

  • Anticipating our next meeting.
  • Eagerly awaiting our forthcoming encounter.
  • Anxiously anticipating our reunion.
  • Awaiting the pleasure of our next meeting.
  • Hoping for a prompt rendezvous.
  • Counting down the days until we meet again.
  • Longing for our next face-to-face interaction.
  • Awaiting the pleasure of your company in the near future.
  • Yearning for our upcoming meeting.
  • Expecting to see you in the not too distant future.
  • Enthusiastically awaiting our next get-together.
  • Looking forward to our impending reunion.
  • Excitedly anticipating our upcoming meeting.
  • Hoping for the opportunity to meet with you soon.
  • Longing for the chance to see you again soon.
  • Awaiting our next encounter with great anticipation.
  • Anxiously counting down to our next meeting.
  • Eagerly looking forward to our next rendezvous.
  • Awaiting the pleasure of your presence in the near future.
  • Hoping for the privilege of seeing you again soon.

1. Anticipating Our Next Meeting

Infuse formality into your expression of anticipation with this refined alternative.

Scenario Example: Subject: Upcoming Project Discussion

Dear Kinsley,

I trust this message finds you well. I am anticipating our next meeting to discuss the upcoming project in detail. Your insights are invaluable, and I look forward to our collaborative efforts.

Best regards, Grayson

Additional Note: This phrase emphasizes a formal and respectful anticipation of the future meeting.

2. Eagerly Awaiting Our Forthcoming Encounter

Convey a heightened level of eagerness with this polished expression.

Scenario Example: Subject: Proposal Review Meeting

I hope this message reaches you in good health. I am eagerly awaiting our forthcoming encounter to delve into the proposal review. Your expertise is crucial to the success of this initiative.

Warm regards, Grayson

Additional Note: “Forthcoming encounter” adds a layer of sophistication to your anticipation.

3. Anxiously Anticipating Our Reunion

Incorporate a touch of anticipation and formal courtesy into your message.

Scenario Example: Subject: Board Meeting Confirmation

I trust you are well. I am anxiously anticipating our reunion during the upcoming board meeting. Your insights are pivotal, and I look forward to a fruitful discussion.

Sincerely, Grayson

Additional Note: “Reunion” adds a sense of formality and significance to the upcoming meeting.

4. Awaiting the Pleasure of Our Next Meeting

Conveying anticipation with a touch of elegance and respect.

Scenario Example: Subject: Follow-Up on Project Milestones

I hope this message finds you in good spirits. I am awaiting the pleasure of our next meeting to discuss the progress of our ongoing projects. Your guidance is invaluable.

Additional Note: This phrase combines formality with a respectful acknowledgment of the meeting’s positive impact.

5. Hoping for a Prompt Rendezvous

Express a desire for a timely and meaningful meeting.

Scenario Example: Subject: Strategy Planning Session

I trust you are well. I am hoping for a prompt rendezvous to strategize and plan for the upcoming quarter. Your insights are crucial to our success.

Additional Note: “Prompt rendezvous” conveys a sense of urgency and importance.

6. Counting Down the Days Until We Meet Again

Infuse excitement into your anticipation with a countdown reference.

Scenario Example: Subject: Conference Attendance Confirmation

I trust this message finds you in good health. I am counting down the days until we meet again at the upcoming conference. Your presence will undoubtedly enhance the experience.

Additional Note: This phrase adds a personal touch and excitement to your anticipation.

7. Longing for Our Next Face-to-Face Interaction

Convey a heartfelt desire for meaningful in-person communication.

Scenario Example: Subject: Team Building Session

I hope this message finds you well. I am longing for our next face-to-face interaction during the upcoming team-building session. Your leadership is instrumental to our cohesion.

Additional Note: “Longing” adds a touch of sincerity and emotional depth to your message.

8. Awaiting the Pleasure of Your Company in the Near Future

Elevate your anticipation with a formal expression of pleasure.

Scenario Example: Subject: Networking Event Invitation

I trust this message finds you in good health. I am awaiting the pleasure of your company in the near future at the upcoming networking event. Your presence will undoubtedly enrich the gathering.

Additional Note: This phrase is ideal for formal invitations, adding a layer of sophistication.

9. Yearning for Our Upcoming Meeting

Convey a deep and sincere desire for the upcoming meeting.

Scenario Example: Subject: Quarterly Review Appointment

I hope this message finds you well. I am yearning for our upcoming meeting to review the quarterly progress. Your insights are pivotal to our strategic direction.

Additional Note: “Yearning” adds a level of emotional depth to your anticipation.

10. Expecting to See You in the Not Too Distant Future

Convey a sense of expectation with a time reference.

Scenario Example: Subject: Client Consultation Request

I trust this message finds you well. I am expecting to see you in the not too distant future for a client consultation. Your expertise is invaluable in addressing their needs.

Additional Note: This phrase adds a touch of formality and expectation to your message.

Read More: Formal Synonyms for “It Means a Lot to Me”

11. Enthusiastically Awaiting Our Next Get-Together

Express your anticipation with genuine enthusiasm.

Scenario Example: Subject: Team Celebration Invitation

I hope this message finds you in good spirits. I am enthusiastically awaiting our next get-together to celebrate the team’s achievements. Your presence will enhance the joyous occasion.

Additional Note: “Enthusiastically” adds a positive and energetic tone to your anticipation.

12. Looking Forward to Our Impending Reunion

Convey a sense of anticipation for an imminent and significant meeting.

Scenario Example: Subject: Annual Planning Session

I trust this message finds you well. I am looking forward to our impending reunion during the annual planning session. Your strategic insights are indispensable.

Additional Note: “Impending reunion” adds a layer of importance and significance to the upcoming meeting.

13. Excitedly Anticipating Our Upcoming Meeting

Express your anticipation with genuine excitement.

Scenario Example: Subject: Project Kickoff Confirmation

I hope this message finds you well. I am excitedly anticipating our upcoming meeting to kick off the new project. Your leadership is crucial to our success.

Additional Note: “Excitedly” adds a dynamic and energetic element to your anticipation.

14. Hoping for the Opportunity to Meet with You Soon

Convey a sense of hope for a valuable meeting opportunity.

Scenario Example: Subject: Collaboration Proposal

I trust this message finds you in good health. I am hoping for the opportunity to meet with you soon to discuss a potential collaboration. Your insights are highly valued.

Additional Note: This phrase combines hope with a desire for a meaningful meeting opportunity.

15. Longing for the Chance to See You Again Soon

Express a deep and sincere desire for a prompt meeting opportunity.

Scenario Example: Subject: Client Follow-Up Appointment

I hope this message finds you well. I am longing for the chance to see you again soon for a follow-up appointment with our client. Your expertise is essential in addressing their evolving needs.

Additional Note: “Longing” adds emotional depth to your anticipation, emphasizing the significance of the meeting.

16. Awaiting Our Next Encounter with Great Anticipation

Convey a heightened level of anticipation with this refined expression.

Scenario Example: Subject: Strategic Planning Committee Meeting

I trust this message finds you in good spirits. I am awaiting our next encounter with great anticipation during the strategic planning committee meeting. Your insights are pivotal to our future direction.

Additional Note: This phrase adds a formal and respectful tone to your anticipation.

17. Anxiously Counting Down to Our Next Meeting

Express a sense of urgency and eagerness with a countdown reference.

Scenario Example: Subject: Quarterly Review Discussion

I hope this message finds you well. I am anxiously counting down to our next meeting for the quarterly review. Your input is crucial to our strategic decisions.

Additional Note: “Anxiously” adds a dynamic and urgent element to your anticipation.

18. Eagerly Looking Forward to Our Next Rendezvous

Convey your anticipation with genuine eagerness for a future meeting.

Scenario Example: Subject: Business Partnership Discussion

I trust this message finds you in good health. I am eagerly looking forward to our next rendezvous to discuss potential business partnerships. Your insights are integral to our decision-making process.

Additional Note: “Rendezvous” adds a touch of formality and sophistication to your anticipation.

19. Awaiting the Pleasure of Your Presence in the Near Future

Elevate your anticipation with a formal expression of pleasure and significance.

Scenario Example: Subject: Charity Event Invitation

I trust this message finds you well. I am awaiting the pleasure of your presence in the near future at our upcoming charity event. Your support is vital to the success of this initiative.

Additional Note: This phrase is suitable for formal invitations, emphasizing the significance of the recipient’s presence.

20. Hoping for the Privilege of Seeing You Again Soon

Convey a sense of hope and privilege associated with a future meeting.

Scenario Example: Subject: Exclusive Networking Dinner Invitation

I hope this message finds you well. I am hoping for the privilege of seeing you again soon at our exclusive networking dinner. Your presence would be an honor.

Additional Note: “Privilege” adds a formal and respectful tone, emphasizing the honor of the anticipated meeting.

Pros and Cons of Diversifying Your Anticipation Expressions

  • Enhanced Communication: Diversifying your anticipation expressions adds depth and nuance to your messages.
  • Formal Tone: Using varied phrases allows you to convey anticipation with a formal and polished tone.
  • Personalization: Tailoring your expressions to the context and relationship adds a personal touch to your communication.
  • Emotional Depth: Different expressions convey a range of emotions, allowing you to express your feelings authentically.
  • Misinterpretation: Some phrases may carry different connotations, leading to potential misinterpretation.
  • Overuse: Constantly seeking new ways to express anticipation may lead to overuse and dilution of impact.
  • Cultural Sensitivity: Certain expressions may not translate well across different cultures, requiring careful consideration.
  • Time and Effort: Crafting diverse expressions may demand more time and effort than sticking to a few familiar phrases.

Dariel Campbell is currently an English instructor at a university. She has experience in teaching and assessing English tests including TOEFL, IELTS, BULATS, FCE, CAE, and PTEG . With over a decade of teaching expertise, Dariel Campbell  utilizes his knowledge to develop English lessons for her audience on English Overview.

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Ethan Richards is an English teacher at a university.

He has experience teaching and grading English tests like TOEFL, IELTS, BULATS, FCE, CAE, and PTEG . With over 10 years of teaching experience, Ethan Richards creates English lessons for readers on English Overview .

Ethan Richards

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16 Other Ways to Say “Hope to See You Soon”

Other Ways to Say Hope to See You Soon

The phrase “hope to see you soon” is a warm, friendly expression commonly used to convey a desire for a future meeting or reunion. It’s a way of expressing anticipation and goodwill towards seeing someone again, often used at the end of conversations, letters, or gatherings.

This article delves into various alternative expressions that encapsulate the sentiment of this phrase, each bringing its own distinctive flair and context.

These alternatives will broaden your communication palette and offer novel ways to express the hope of reuniting.

Table of Contents

Other Ways to Say “Hope to See You Soon”

Expressions of anticipation.

While “Hope to see you soon” reflects your eagerness to meet again, other expressions can convey your anticipation with a personal touch. Here are some heartfelt alternatives:

1. Looking forward to our next meeting

Example: “It was great catching up with you today. I’m looking forward to our next meeting .”

Meaning: This phrase expresses your genuine excitement about meeting the person again in the future.

Usage: Suitable for both formal and informal settings, it conveys a warm and friendly sentiment.

2. Can’t wait to catch up

Example: “It’s been too long! Can’t wait to catch up over coffee.”

Meaning: This casual expression indicates your eagerness to reconnect and share experiences.

Usage: Ideal for friends and close acquaintances, it adds a sense of enthusiasm to your farewell.

3. Anticipating our reunion

Example: “Even though we’re saying goodbye now, I’m already anticipating our reunion .”

Meaning: This phrase implies that you’re eagerly awaiting the next time you’ll meet.

Usage: Suitable for various contexts, it conveys a heartfelt sentiment without being overly formal.

4. Looking ahead to our next encounter

Example: “Thank you for the productive discussion. Looking ahead to our next encounter .”

Meaning: This expression signifies your anticipation of future interactions.

Usage: Appropriate for both professional and personal farewells, it maintains a respectful tone.

Expressions of Warmth and Affection

Saying goodbye often involves conveying warmth and affection. Here are alternatives that add a personal touch to your farewell:

5. Until we meet again

Example: “Goodbye for now, my friend. Until we meet again .”

Meaning: This classic phrase expresses your hope for future encounters with a touch of nostalgia.

Usage: Suitable for various relationships and occasions, it carries a sentimental tone.

6. Take care and stay in touch

Example: “ Take care on your trip, and please stay in touch !”

Meaning: This expression combines your concern for the person’s well-being with a desire to remain connected.

Usage: Appropriate for friends, family members, and colleagues, it fosters a sense of care and connection.

7. Wishing you well until next time

Example: “ Wishing you well until next time we cross paths.”

Meaning: This phrase conveys your good wishes along with the hope for a future meeting.

Usage: Ideal for both formal and informal farewells, it combines well-wishing with a warm sentiment.

8. Till we cross paths again

Example: “Though we part ways now, it’s only a matter of time till we cross paths again .”

Meaning: This poetic expression suggests that your paths will intersect in the future.

Usage: Adds a touch of charm to your farewell and is suitable for various relationships.

man waiting for the train

Expressions of Future Plans

Sometimes, you may want to convey that you’re looking forward to specific future plans with the person. Here are alternatives that do just that:

9. Excited about our upcoming gathering

Example: “I’m really excited about our upcoming gathering . It’s going to be a blast!”

Meaning: This expression signifies your enthusiasm for an upcoming event or gathering.

Usage: Ideal for friends and family when you have concrete plans to meet soon.

10. Counting down the days until our get-together

Example: “I’m counting down the days until our get-together . It can’t come soon enough!”

Meaning: This playful phrase implies that you’re eagerly awaiting a scheduled meeting.

Usage: Adds excitement and anticipation to your farewell when you have a set date to meet again.

11. Can’t wait for our coffee date

Example: “Let’s plan o ur coffee date soon; I can’t wait !”

Meaning: This expression indicates your eagerness for a specific event, like a coffee date.

Usage: Perfect for friends or colleagues when you have made plans for a future meet-up.

Personalized Expressions

To make your farewells even more special, consider personalizing your expressions based on your unique relationship or shared experiences:

13. Looking forward to more laughter and memories together

Example: “Our time together is always filled with laughter and wonderful memories. I’m looking forward to more of that .”

Meaning: This expression emphasizes your anticipation of creating more joyful moments together.

Usage: Ideal for close friends and family members, it reflects your shared history and laughter.

14. Can’t wait to continue our projects

Example: “Our collaboration has been fruitful so far, and I can’t wait to continue our projects .”

Meaning: This phrase conveys your eagerness to collaborate further on shared projects or endeavors.

Usage: Suitable for colleagues and collaborators, it emphasizes your commitment to ongoing teamwork.

15. Anticipating further conversations on our favorite topics

Example: “Our discussions on our favorite topics are always enlightening. I’m anticipating further conversations .”

Meaning: This expression reflects your excitement about engaging in more discussions on shared interests.

Usage: Great for friends and acquaintances with common hobbies or passions, it fosters a sense of connection.

16. Hoping to explore more places together

Example: “Exploring new places with you has been a great experience. Hoping to explore more places together in the future.”

Meaning: This phrase signifies your desire to continue exploring new destinations with the person.

Usage: Perfect for travel buddies, it highlights your shared love for adventure.

16 Other Ways to Say Hope to See You Soon

Choosing the Right Expression

The choice of the expression depends on the context, your relationship with the person, and the emotions you want to convey.

Here are some guidelines to help you select the right one:

  • Formal Settings: In professional or formal settings, consider expressions that maintain respect and professionalism, such as “Looking forward to our next meeting.”
  • Casual Settings: For informal farewells among friends and close acquaintances, opt for expressions that reflect warmth and familiarity, like “Can’t wait to catch up.”
  • Specific Plans: When you have concrete plans to meet again, express your excitement about those plans, such as “Excited about our upcoming gathering.”
  • Shared Experiences: If you share common interests, experiences, or hobbies, choose expressions that reference those connections, like “Anticipating further conversations on our favorite topics.”

Saying “Hope to see you soon” is a heartfelt way to express your desire for future meetings. However, by exploring various alternatives, you can personalize your farewells and convey your sentiments more vividly. Whether you’re bidding adieu to a friend, family member, coworker, or acquaintance, these expressions will help you create memorable and warm farewell messages. So, the next time you say goodbye, choose an expression that truly reflects your anticipation and affection.

Remember that the key to meaningful farewells lies in sincerity, so select the expression that resonates most genuinely with your feelings and relationship with the person.

  • Yes, “Hope to See You Soon” is a very common and widely used phrase in English. It is a friendly way to express your desire for future meetings with someone.
  • Yes, it is grammatically correct to use “Hope to See You Soon” in both spoken and written communication. It is a standard and polite way to convey your hope for future encounters.
  • Yes, “Hope to See You Soon” is appropriate in professional emails, especially when you have an established rapport with the recipient. However, in very formal business contexts, you might opt for more traditional phrases like “Sincerely” or “Best Regards” followed by your name.
  • While “Hope to See You Soon” is generally a friendly and warm expression, it’s most commonly used with people you have some level of familiarity with, such as friends, family, colleagues, or acquaintances. Using it with complete strangers might come across as overly informal.
  • Yes, you can use “Hope to See You Soon” even if you’re unsure about the timing of your next meeting. It conveys your willingness and desire to meet again, regardless of when that might happen.
  • In formal business or professional settings, you can use alternatives like “Looking Forward to Our Next Meeting” or “Eagerly Awaiting Our Next Encounter” to maintain a more formal tone while expressing a similar sentiment.
  • Absolutely. “Hope to See You Soon” works well in casual text messages, social media comments, and other informal digital communications, especially when you want to convey a friendly and warm tone.
  • Yes, you can respond to “Hope to See You Soon” with phrases like “I look forward to it,” “Me too!” or “Can’t wait!” to reciprocate the sentiment and express your eagerness for the meeting.

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10 Formal Ways to Say “Hope to See You Soon”

hope you can visit us again soon

Are you about to write “hope to see you soon” at the end of an email? If so, you’re probably looking for a more formal way to say “goodbye” in an email.

Luckily, this article has got you covered with plenty of synonyms at the ready!

Is It Formal to Say “Hope to See You Soon”?

“Hope to see you soon” is polite, but it’s not formal or professional . You should probably avoid using it in business emails, as it conveys a friendly tone that most recipients don’t appreciate. However, it’s a great one to include when messaging or emailing friends.

  • It’s polite and friendly.
  • It’s useful in more casual contexts (like informal messages and emails).
  • Since it’s friendly, it doesn’t work well as a formal email closer.
  • It might not seem very personal since it does not use a pronoun such as “I.”

So, if you’re in a formal context, you shouldn’t use “hope to see you soon” as it will come across as too personal and friendly.

Let’s look into some synonyms, then! That way, you can mix up your writing without worrying too much about getting the formality wrong.

Keep reading to learn the 10 best alternatives that give you another way to say “hope to see you soon” in formal emails.

What to Say Instead of “Hope to See You Soon”

  • I look forward to seeing you
  • I look forward to meeting you
  • I’m keen to see you
  • I eagerly await our meeting
  • Talk to you soon
  • Let’s reconvene soon
  • Let’s discuss this further
  • Looking forward to hearing more from you
  • Let me know when you can meet
  • Let me know when you want to discuss this more

1. I Look Forward to Seeing You

There’s nothing wrong with sticking with familiar and common phrases. “I look forward to seeing you” might seem simple because it’s so popular, but it’s also one of the most effective phrases in formal emails.

You should use it when closing a formal email. It works well if you’ve just finished emailing your boss and want to show enthusiasm for the next time you might meet them (i.e., if you’ve arranged a meeting).

Perhaps this email example will help you understand it:

Dear Ms. Tamworth, Thank you for emailing me back. I would like to arrange a meeting for us to discuss this further. I look forward to seeing you , Mr. Packet

2. I Look Forward to Meeting You

Popular choices always go over well in formal emails. Another great example of something popular is “I look forward to meeting you.” It works well professionally because it shows excitement for an upcoming meeting.

Generally, “I look forward to meeting you” works when you haven’t met someone before. So, you might use it in an email to a new client . After all, it suggests you haven’t met yet and want to get to know them better.

This sample email will also show you how to use it:

Dear Richelle, Thank you for your swift response. We seem to agree on a few different fronts. I look forward to meeting you , Donny

3. I’m Keen to See You

You can also go down a slightly more friendly route with your synonym. For example, “I’m keen to see you” is a friendly way to show excitement for an upcoming meeting. Most recipients will be happy to receive something like this, even in business emails .

Of course, it works best when emailing clients you are close to. You might not have as much success with this phrase when emailing your boss or a superior.

You can also check out this email example to help you:

Dear Edward, I would like to meet with you to discuss these matters further. Then, I can pass your ideas on to my superiors. I’m keen to see you , Mario Lopez

4. I Eagerly Await Our Meeting

Let’s say you’ve just arranged a meeting with your boss . You could end the email with “I eagerly await our meeting” to show them how keen you are to meet. It’s a polite way to show your excitement, especially if you have something useful to share with them.

Of course, this phrase isn’t limited to emails with your boss. You can use it regardless of the recipient. However, we do think it makes the most sense when you want to show respect towards the recipient (thus making your boss one of the best options).

Here’s a quick example email if you’re still unsure:

Dear Ms. Paulson, Thank you for getting back to me on this. I’m glad you have some ideas to share with me. I eagerly await our meeting , Jon Nevis

5. Talk to You Soon

You can always rely on a simple phrase like “talk to you soon” to help you out. If you’re struggling to come up with a better alternative to “hope to see you soon,” then “talk to you soon” always works well.

It’s worth including at the end of an email to a colleague . It’s synonymous with “goodbye” and implies that you don’t know when you plan on emailing them again. However, it’s a polite sign-off that most recipients appreciate.

Here is a quick example to show you how it works:

Dear Aimee, I like what you have to offer here. Perhaps we can discuss the position more over a lunch meeting. Talk to you soon , Nicola Bennett

6. Let’s Reconvene Soon

Professionalism goes a long way in business emails . Something like “let’s reconvene soon” is a great way to sound more professional when emailing someone you respect.

It shows that you plan to meet someone or discuss things with them in more detail. It’s a great way to keep up communication with your boss when you want to be as respectful as possible.

You might also benefit from reviewing the following email sample:

Dear Ms. Beatrix, I have a few ideas that might interest you. I’d very much appreciate a chance to meet you to discuss them more. Let’s reconvene soon , Andy Lang

7. Let’s Discuss This Further

“Let’s discuss this further” is direct and works well at the end of an email. You won’t find many synonyms quite as clear as this one. After all, it shows you intend to meet with someone soon to have a proper discussion with them.

Some things can’t be discussed via email. So, this phrase works well when you want an in-person meeting with someone. You might use it when emailing a colleague about a project you are working on together.

Here is an example to show you how it works:

Dear Bodhi, Thank you for responding to my email. I’m glad you are on the same page about this situation. Let’s discuss this further , Pietro

8. Looking Forward to Hearing More From You

If you’ve finished an email by giving the recipient a chance to respond, you should end with something like “looking forward to hearing more from you.” It shows that you expect a response from them.

Of course, this phrase only works when you’ve clearly given the recipient something to respond to. For instance, you might ask if they’d like to set up a meeting on a specific day, which would require confirmation.

Here is a quick example to help you:

Dear Katie, You seem to have a lot of good ideas relating to these projects. I’d be happy to meet to discuss more. Looking forward to hearing more from you , Lewis

9. Let Me Know When You Can Meet

You can use “let me know” phrases in most professional emails . It shows you want the recipient to reply to you when they have something relevant to share.

A phrase like “let me know when you can meet” does exactly this. It shows that you expect a reply when someone has checked their diary and decided on a good day to meet you.

Perhaps this email example will also help you:

Dear Adam, I appreciate your response. It sounds like you have some interesting ideas about this. Let me know when you can meet , Sarah Catford

10. Let Me Know When You Want to Discuss This More

Discussions always sound more professional than emails. So, “let me know when you want to discuss this more” is a great alternative to “hope to see you soon.” It works well formally when trying to discuss terms with someone.

You might want to use it when emailing new employers . It shows you’re keen to get together with them to discuss what they have to offer.

After all, you’ll learn a lot more from an in-person discussion (or even a video call if necessary) than you would an email. It’s always worth enquiring with a closer like “let me know when you want to discuss this more.”

An email sample should help you understand more about this:

Dear Mr. Taylor, Thank you for getting back to me at such short notice. I’m very keen to learn more about this. Let me know when you want to discuss this more , Cheryl Parker

  • 7 Proper Ways to Sign a Letter on Behalf of Someone Else
  • 9 Professional Ways to Say “Sorry to Bother You”
  • 9 Other Ways to Say “I Look Forward to Meeting You”
  • 9 Other Ways to Say “Have a Great Weekend” in an Email

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80 Ways to Say Goodbye in English

There are many ways to say goodbye in English. 

Some are appropriate for work and professional settings, while others are reserved for casual interactions with friends and family.

In this post, you’ll learn 80 different phrases and expressions to say goodbye in all different kinds of scenarios. 

Common Ways to Say Goodbye in English

Ways to say goodbye in formal settings, casual ways to say goodbye , slang ways to say goodbye, ways to say goodbye in a letter or email, ways to say goodbye on the phone, other resources for saying goodbye in english, and one more thing....

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As strange as it seems, the word “goodbye” is rarely used to say goodbye. It sounds very formal and is typically only used if you’re never going to see the person again.

However, we use it to refer to the action of saying goodbye.

We’re leaving in a few minutes. Say goodbye to your friends.

This is the standard goodbye. It’s short, simple, and you can say it to absolutely anyone. It’s appropriate for friends, family, co-workers and business partners.

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hope you can visit us again soon

Even if you use some of the other expressions on this list, you normally still say “bye” as well afterward.

It was great seeing you. I hope we can meet up again soon. Bye!

This sweet and babyish expression is usually only used when speaking to children.

Occasionally, adults will say “bye-bye” to each other, but only if they know each other well and are trying to be flirtatious or cute. You don’t want to say this to a colleague or business partner.

Bye-bye , Joey! Have a great day at school!


Here are some ways to say goodbye in more formal settings or when doing business with someone, as well as some slightly more casual alternatives you can use with your coworkers when leaving for the day.

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hope you can visit us again soon

Note that in these phrases, the adjectives “nice,” “good” and “great” are interchangeable . For example, you can say “Have a nice day,” “Have a good day” or “Have a great day” and they all mean pretty much the same thing.


When you’re in a more casual situation, there are a whole other set of phrases and expressions you can use to say goodbye. You can use these with friends, coworkers you see often, family members and other acquaintances. 


These are some colloquial expressions that you should know to avoid confusion when speaking with native speakers. If you can use them yourself, you’ll really impress your English-speaking friends! 


If you’re writing a letter or email, there are a different set of words and phrases often used to sign off.

These words and phrases are typically placed at the end of the letter or email, followed by a comma and your name below, like this: 

Sincerely, Rebecca 


Here are some ways to say goodbye when ending a phone call or when texting or chatting with a friend.

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hope you can visit us again soon

If you can’t get enough of “goodbye” alternatives, here are some other resources that you might also find helpful.

To start, you can watch this video to practice and review some of the ways to say goodbye that you learned in this post:

The video below is by a well-spoken instructor who offers more ways to say goodbye.

There’s also FluentU , which lets you learn authentic English phrases like “goodbye” and how they’re used in real contexts with subtitled English videos.

FluentU takes authentic videos—like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talks—and turns them into personalized language learning lessons.

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As you can see, saying goodbye might sound simple, but there are a lot of expressions for it in English!

As you keep encountering them in different scenarios, you’ll get an instinct for when to say them naturally—a sign you’re becoming fluent.

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hope you can visit us again soon


What Is Another Way to Say “Hope to See You Soon”?

May 7, 2023

Kahlan House

hope you can visit us again soon

You’re looking for a pleasant way to end an email or express your excitement at the prospect of seeing someone again. But is there a professional way to express this sentiment at work?

In this article, we’ll show you 9 alternative phrases that you can use when hope to see you soon starts to feel worn out.

Thereafter, we’ll discuss the appropriateness of the phrase hope to see you soon in a work setting.

9 Alternative Ways to Say “Hope to See You Soon”

Below, you’ll find 9 alternative ways to say hope to see you soon in a professional setting:

  • I’ll talk to you soon
  • I’ll be in touch
  • Until we meet again
  • Let’s meet again soon
  • I hope we will stay in touch
  • I look forward to seeing you again
  • I’m looking forward to our next meeting
  • I trust we will meet again in the future
  • I’m sure I’ll see you around

1. I’ll Talk to You Soon

The phrase I’ll talk to you soon expresses more certainty than hope to see you soon . Therefore, this is a better phrase to use if you want to illustrate your authority in a work email, particularly if you are higher up in the work hierarchy.

When speaking to a fellow professional, such as a colleague or a member of another organization, you may use a more tonally neutral and professional register in your emails.

The phrase I’ll talk to you soon is very straightforward and shows that you intend to keep in touch with the other person.

For example:

Dear Tanner, I will be out of the office this afternoon, but you can come to my desk tomorrow morning if you have any further questions. I’ll talk to you soon . Regards, Jasmine

2. Until We Meet Again

Until we meet again is a casual way to say “goodbye” in ordinary settings. However, it may add some charm to your emails with clients in some circumstances.

If you work in a corporate or business setting, you may use business casual phrasing in your emails to clients, which often borders on friendly.

This is a great way to make the client feel comfortable and cultivate a long-term business relationship.

Therefore, let’s see how we can use this phrase in an email example:

Dear Mr. Foreman, It was a pleasure to meet with you yesterday, and I am confident that our company can provide the training that your staff needs. Until we meet again , Joan Holloway

3. I’ll Be in Touch

Another more professional alternative to hope to see you soon is I’ll be in touch . This phrase implies that you will proactively reach out to the receiver, as opposed to simply hoping that you will see them again.

Thus, this phrase will show that you are competent and in control . You can use it in an email to a colleague to let them know that you will be speaking to them again soon.

Consider the email sample below:

Dear Kate, Thank you for your suggestions. I’ll be in touch this week to update you on my progress. All the best, Gila

4. Let’s Meet Again Soon

When you’re making plans to meet with a colleague you are close to , you can generally use plain phrasing in your emails. In fact, being straightforward and to the point is ideal in a busy office setting.

Let’s meet again soon makes it clear that you would like to meet in the near future. It expresses neither hope nor uncertainty. This is better in a professional setting in which clarity is key.

Have a look at the example below:

Hi Kyle, Thank you for your insights this morning. Let’s meet again soon to finalize our ideas for the project. Best, Chelsey

5. I Hope We Will Stay in Touch

Another way to say hope to see you soon is I hope we will stay in touch . Like the original phrase, this one lets the receiver know that you would like to keep in contact with them.

You can use this phrase when you’ve met someone through networking, and you are hoping to cultivate a business relationship with them.

It’s a friendly and sincere way to show your interest in maintaining your relationship with the other person for future work opportunities.

Therefore, let’s see a sample email that includes this phrase:

Dear Olivia, It was great to meet you yesterday, and I am really interested in your business ideas. I hope we will stay in touch . Regards, Jaiden

6. I Look Forward to Seeing You Again

Another good phrase to use when networking is I look forward to seeing you again .

This is a friendly yet professional way to show your enthusiasm if you have met someone with whom you would like to collaborate in the future.

For instance:

Dear Arshi, I would be very keen to collaborate on this design, so please let me know what would suit your schedule. I look forward to seeing you again . All the best, Damian

7. I’m Looking Forward to Our Next Meeting

You can say I’m looking forward to our next meeting in an email to a member of another company , particularly if your organizations are collaborating on a project or event.

This phrase is suitably professional but shows your keenness to work with the other person. Therefore, this is a great phrase to use to build a good rapport and a lasting work relationship with the receiver.

Check out the following email sample:

Dear Thomas, I’m looking forward to our next meeting , as I believe our combined teams will create a thriving event. Kind regards, Monique

8. I Trust We Will Meet Again in the Future

The phrase I trust we will meet again in the future is a more formal synonym for hope to see you soon .

You can use this phrase in an encouraging message to a young person who is seeking to join your profession. Perhaps you met at a college careers evening or through some other networking event.

It is not unusual for aspiring talent to reach out to professionals for guidance. Being pleasant and responsive is a good recruitment method for your organization, especially if you are looking for junior team members.

See the email example below:

Dear Justine, It is my pleasure. I trust we will meet again in the future , as I have no doubts that you will be recruited by a top firm upon your graduation. All the best, Olaminde Kasimu

9. I’m Sure I’ll See You Around

I’m sure I’ll see you around is an informal phrase that you can use to close off a friendly email to a colleague you don’t know very well.

If you tend to keep your inter-office email communications quite casual, even with members of other departments, you can get away with more affable phrasing in your emails.

To see what we mean, check out the email sample below:

Dear Rebecca, It was nice to speak with you too. I’m sure I’ll see you around the office, and we should grab a coffee sometime! All the best, Anabelle

Is It Correct to Say “Hope to See You Soon”?

It is perfectly correct to say hope to see you soon in a friendly message or email to a friend, colleague, or client, particularly if you would like to see them in the near future.

This phrase has a very friendly and familiar tone . Therefore, it wouldn’t be suitable to use in all workplaces, particularly those of a more formal nature. However, you could use this phrase if you work at a small business or an organization with a friendly company culture.

Below, we’ve drafted two email examples illustrating how you can use this phrase in practice:

Hi Akira, It was a pleasure meeting you last week. I would be keen to meet again this Thursday if that would suit you. Hope to see you soon . Kind regards, Gordon

Dear David, I greatly appreciate the tremendous help you’ve given me with this project, and I hope to see you again soon. Regards, Marjorie

Next, let’s look at a common variation of this phrase and how to use it correctly.

Variation: Using hoping instead of hope

  • Correct: I am hoping to see you soon.
  • Correct: I hope to see you soon.

Hoping implies that you are experiencing hope presently and immediately. Therefore, if you use the gerund form of hope , you should include the word “am” in the sentence.

Although the phrase hope to see you soon is correct, it can come across as a tad overly familiar in a formal or professional email.

Moreover, overuse of this phrase will make it appear standardized and insincere.

Therefore, you can use one of the alternatives from our list to diversify your work emails or use a more formal tone.

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  • How to Write a Follow-up Email for a Letter of Recommendation
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  • Another Way to Say “Let Me Know if You Have Any Questions”
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  • What Is Another Way to Say “It Was Nice Talking To You”?
  • How to Sign a Letter on Behalf of Someone Else
  • Another Way to Say “Looking Forward to Meeting You”
  • What Is Another Way to Say “Passionate”?

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10 Formal Ways To Say “Hope To See You Soon”

“Hope To See You Soon” is a friendly and encouraging phrase used to express anticipation for a future meeting.

It falls under the category of informal expressions commonly used in everyday conversation. This phrase conveys a genuine desire to reconnect, making it suitable for casual interactions and formal settings.

READ ALSO:  10 Formal Ways Of Saying “I Will Keep You Updated”

  • 1.1 1. Anticipating Our Forthcoming Meeting
  • 1.2 2. Eagerly Awaiting Our Next Rendezvous
  • 1.3 3. I Anticipate Our Paths Crossing Again Shortly
  • 1.4 4. I Am Hopeful For A Future Meeting With You
  • 1.5 5. I Am Optimistic About Meeting You Again Soon

Other Ways To Say “Hope To See You Soon”

  • Anticipating our forthcoming meeting
  • Eagerly awaiting our next rendezvous
  • I anticipate our paths crossing again shortly
  • I am hopeful for a future meeting with you
  • I am optimistic about meeting you again soon
  • I anticipate our next encounter with enthusiasm
  • I’m eagerly anticipating our next get-together
  • I am eager to reconnect with you soon
  • Hoping for another opportunity to meet soon
  • I anticipate our next meeting with anticipation

1. Anticipating Our Forthcoming Meeting

“Anticipating our forthcoming meeting” means looking forward to the upcoming gathering or encounter. It’s a formal way of expressing expectations regarding an impending meeting or event.

The phrase conveys readiness and eagerness to engage in discussions or activities that will take place during the meeting.

You may use this alternative when you want to add formality or professionalism to your communication. It’s fit for contexts, such as business meetings, academic conferences, or even social groups.

You could say, “I’m anticipating our forthcoming meeting to discuss the project timeline,” or “Anticipating our forthcoming meeting next week to finalize the agenda.”

This expression can be incorporated into both written and spoken communication to express your anticipation politely.

You can even write In an email:

Hi Bola, Anticipating our forthcoming meeting scheduled for 4 PM. I’m eager to discuss our sales. Please let me know if there’s anything specific you’d like to address during our time together. Best regards, Turner

2. Eagerly Awaiting Our Next Rendezvous

“Eagerly” means enthusiasm or keenness, while “awaiting” signifies the act of waiting for something, and “rendezvous” refers to a planned meeting.

So, put together, it’s all about eagerly anticipating a planned get-together or encounter. I mostly find myself using this term when I’m excited about seeing someone again, maybe it’s a friend, a loved one, or even a colleague.

For me, It fills anticipation and warmth to your expression. For instance, you could say, “I’m eagerly awaiting our next rendezvous over coffee,” to convey your confidence about catching up with a friend.

You can also be talking about a business meeting, saying, “We’re eagerly awaiting our next rendezvous to discuss the project further,” indicating your team’s eagerness to collaborate.

See how you could include this phrase professionally in an email:

Hi Jenny, Allow me to express how much I enjoyed our recent discussion and how eager I am for our next rendezvous . Your insights and contributions have been invaluable, and I’m looking forward to continuing our collaboration. Please let me know a convenient time for our next meeting, and I’ll make sure to set it up accordingly. Best regards, Bright

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3. I Anticipate Our Paths Crossing Again Shortly

The phrase “I anticipate our paths crossing again shortly” means “I expect that we will meet again soon.” It’s a polite and somewhat formal way of expressing the anticipation of encountering someone again shortly.

This alternative phrase carries expectancy and suggests that the speaker is looking forward to reconnecting with the other person.

However, It can be used in both personal and professional, to convey a friendly attitude about the possibility of future interactions.

For instance, you can employ it casually in conversations with acquaintances when saying goodbye to tell them that you hope to see them again soon.

In a professional setting, it could be used at the end of a meeting or networking event, expressing your intention to reconnect shortly for further discussions.

Here’s an example of how you could use it in an email:

Dear Tolani, Thank you for the insightful discussion during yesterday’s meeting. Your expertise and perspective were truly valuable. I anticipate our paths crossing again shortly to delve deeper into the project and explore potential synergies between our teams. Best regards, Mosunmola

4. I Am Hopeful For A Future Meeting With You

When someone says, “I am hopeful for a future meeting with you,” they’re expressing their optimism about the prospect of meeting you in the future.

The word “hopeful” is synonymous with being optimistic or looking forward to something eagerly. It sums up anticipation and positivity.

You can use this alternative phrase in many cases, such as when you’re excited about the possibility of meeting someone, It could be for a casual gathering or a formal appointment.

You opt to say “I’m hopeful for a future meeting with you” to express your hunger for the idea of meeting a friend concerning a project.

Professionally, you can incorporate this phrase into emails to express your eagerness for a forthcoming meeting or collaboration.

For example:

Hi Bimpe, I’m hopeful for a future meeting with you to discuss our project in more detail and explore potential strategies for moving forward. Please let me know a time that works best for you, and I’ll gladly adjust my schedule accordingly. Best regards, Mirror

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5. I Am Optimistic About Meeting You Again Soon

“Optimistic” is a synonym for hopeful or positive-minded which Indicates a belief that something good will happen.

“Meeting you again soon” suggests a desire for another encounter shortly, expressing eagerness to reconnect or continue a relationship.

I can say “I am optimistic about meeting you again soon” to a friend I haven’t seen in a while to express my excitement at the prospect of seeing him or her soon.

It’s also best used in professional settings like networking events or business meetings.

Here are a few examples:

“After our phone call, I’m feeling optimistic about meeting you again soon.” “I had a great time catching up with you! I’m optimistic about meeting you again soon.” “Despite the challenges, I remain optimistic about meeting you again soon.”

Also, let’s consider a formal email example:

Hi Turner, Let me express my gratitude for our recent conversation regarding the orders. It was truly insightful, and I enjoyed our exchange of ideas. I’m optimistic about meeting you again soon for collaboration and further discussion. Given our shared interests and goals, I believe there are exciting opportunities ahead. Best regards, Gboye

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“Hope To See You Soon” Meaning and Alternative Phrases

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By Caitriona Maria

May 5, 2022

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What does the phrase “hope to see you soon” mean, and how may you answer it?

Let’s discuss some excellent ways to respond to “hope to see you soon” and other formal and informal ways to say this expression.

What Does “Hope to See You Soon” Mean?

When we say “hope to see you soon,” we express our desire to meet up with the person again in the near future.

This phatic phrase is typically used as a friendly farewell, but it can also be used to express other sentiments, such as excitement or anticipation.

The farewell “hope to see you soon” is said in informal situations via text, email, letter, or conversation.

When To Use “Hope To See You Soon”

The expression “hope to see you soon” is typically used informally between friends, family, or acquaintances. It can be used as a farewell or an expression of excitement for future plans.

This is a polite expression to use when you hope to meet a person again, even if no formal arrangement is made.

Sometimes people don’t want to make specific plans, so this phrase can be a way of expressing that you want to meet up again without putting any pressure on the other person.

How to Respond To “Hope To See You Soon”

There are many ways to respond to the phrase “hope to see you soon.” Some examples include:

  • “I hope so!”
  • I hope we meet someday too !
  • “I look forward to seeing you soon too!”
  • “It would be great to catch up in person soon.”
  • “I’m excited for our next meeting/hangout/etc.”
  • “Take care, and I hope to see you soon!”
  • “I can’t wait to see you again soon!”
  • “Would be great to catch up soon!”
  • Let me know when you are free, and we will catch up again soon!
  • “Can’t wait till we meet up again!”
  • “Looking forward to our next chat/meeting/etc.”

It is always polite to show gratitude for the sentiment expressed by the phrase “hope to see you soon.” You might also consider following up with an invitation or some other indication of interest in meeting soon, like “when?”

If you are not sure or do not wish to see them again, you may want to give a more neutral response, such as:

  • “Maybe we will. You never know in this life!”
  • “That would be nice.”
  • We’ll see what happens!

Remain polite and respectful when responding to this phrase. Or say nothing at all.

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Alternatives To “Hope To See You Soon”

There are many ways to say, “hope to see you soon.” Some alternatives include:

  • “Take care! Talk to you soon!”
  • “I’ll be in touch!”
  • “Get in touch soon!”
  • “Speak to you soon!”
  • “I’ll talk to you soon.”
  • “Catch up soon!”
  • “We should catch up soon.”
  • We’ll have to meet up soon.
  • “I’ll talk to you later.”
  • “I’ll see you tomorrow/later this week/etc.”
  • “Don’t be a stranger!”
  • “See you again soon!”
  • “Let’s meet up soon!”
  • “Call me next time you’re in the area!”

As you can see, there are many ways to express your desire to meet up again with someone. No matter which phrase or alternative you choose, they are friendly and polite ways to end a conversation.

Formal Ways to Say “Hope To See You Soon”

If you want to express this sentiment in a more formal setting, there are a few different ways to do so. Some examples include:

  • “Until we meet again.”
  • “I hope we stay in touch.”
  • “It would be great if we could meet up again soon.”
  • “Please keep me posted on your future plans.”
  • “Let’s plan to meet again soon.”
  • “I’ll be in touch in the future.”
  • “In the meantime, let’s stay in touch and meet up soon!”

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In Conclusion

In conclusion, the phrase “hope to see you soon” is a friendly way of saying goodbye or opening the possibility to future plans.

As you can see, there are many ways to express your enthusiasm or anticipation when someone says, “I hope to see you soon.” Whether you’re replying via text, email, or in person, try to be polite and sincere in your response.

If you’re interested, follow up with an indication that you would like to meet soon. Have fun using this phrase and experiment with some of the alternatives!

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Caitriona Maria is an education writer and founder of TPR Teaching, crafting inspiring pieces that promote the importance of developing new skills. For 7 years, she has been committed to providing students with the best learning opportunities possible, both domestically and abroad. Dedicated to unlocking students' potential, Caitriona has taught English in several countries and continues to explore new cultures through her travels.

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20 Other Ways to Say “Hope to See You Soon”

Saying goodbye can often feel awkward, especially if you wish to convey your eagerness for the next meeting.

The phrase “hope to see you soon” is commonly used in both formal and informal situations, but it can sometimes feel overused or lacking in creativity.

To help you keep your farewells fresh and meaningful, we’ve compiled a list of 20 unique alternatives to the phrase “hope to see you soon.”

1. Can’t Wait for Our Next Meet-Up

Just as an avid moviegoer eagerly awaits the release of a much-anticipated film, expressing that you “ Can’t wait for our next meet-up ” conveys a similar level of excitement. This phrase is perfect for casual settings where you share a close bond with the person you’re addressing.

2. Looking Forward to Our Next Encounter

If you view your next meeting as an upcoming chapter in a captivating book, saying “ Looking forward to our next encounter ” is an excellent choice. This phrase carries a sense of anticipation and is suitable for both formal and informal contexts.

3. Eagerly Awaiting Our Next Rendezvous

To add a touch of romance and mystery to your farewell, consider using “ Eagerly awaiting our next rendezvous “. This phrase transforms a simple meeting into an intriguing mission, making it a fun and creative alternative to “hope to see you soon”.

4. Until We Meet Again

For a nostalgic tone, try using “ Until we meet again “. This phrase is reminiscent of old friends promising to keep their bond alive across distances and time.

5. Let’s Catch Up Soon

If you want to convey a sense of shared responsibility in reconnecting, “ Let’s catch up soon ” is a great option. This phrase suggests a mutual interest in maintaining the relationship, making it ideal for casual and friendly situations.

6. Looking Forward to Our Paths Crossing Again

To paint a picture of life’s journey where every intersection is a chance for a memorable encounter, use “ Looking forward to our paths crossing again “. This phrase is both poetic and meaningful.

7. Anticipating Our Next Chat

If you view your conversations as episodes of a favorite podcast, “ Anticipating our next chat ” is an excellent choice. This phrase shows that you’re excited about the next installment of your ongoing conversation.

8. Hope Our Trails Meet Again Soon

To convey a sense of adventure in your future meetings, you can say “ Hope our trails meet again soon “. This phrase works nicely if your interactions with the person often involve exploring new ideas or experiences.

9. Can’t Wait to Reconvene

For a more formal tone, “ Can’t wait to reconvene ” is a suitable choice. This phrase is especially apt when you are communicating with someone in a business setting.

10. Looking Ahead to Our Next Gathering

If your meetings are usually group events, the phrase “ Looking ahead to our next gathering ” can convey your anticipation for future group meetups. It carries a sense of community and camaraderie.

11. Excited for Our Upcoming Reunion

For occasions when you expect the next meeting to be a grand reunion, saying “ Excited for our upcoming reunion ” carries a sense of celebration and anticipation. This phrase is ideal for family or school reunions, or any other event where you expect to meet a lot of people after a long time.

12. Anxiously Awaiting Our Next Session

If your meetings are more like captivating sessions in a workshop, “ Anxiously awaiting our next session ” is a great choice. This phrase indicates a blend of eagerness and a bit of positive anxiety, making it suitable for educational or professional contexts.

13. Can’t Wait to Reconnect

To express a desire to restore a connection, use the phrase “ Can’t wait to reconnect “. This phrase is particularly useful when you have been out of touch with someone for a while and are looking forward to catching up with them.

14. Eager for Our Next Get-Together

For casual and friendly situations, “ Eager for our next get-together ” is a warm and inviting phrase. It’s great for expressing anticipation for a planned outing or gathering with friends.

15. Awaiting Our Next Chance to Hang Out

If your meetings are typically casual hangouts, “ Awaiting our next chance to hang out ” is a great alternative. This phrase captures the relaxed and friendly nature of your meetings.

16. Counting the Days Until We Meet Again

To express meticulous and heartfelt anticipation, you can say you’re “ Counting the days until we meet again “. This phrase is particularly effective when you’re parting ways for a significant period.

17. Looking to Our Next Meet with Excitement

If you want to convey that each meeting is filled with its own surprises and joys, you can say you’re “ Looking to our next meet with excitement “. This phrase is suitable for both professional and personal settings.

18. Anticipating the Pleasure of Your Company

For formal occasions where you’re addressing someone with respect, “ Anticipating the pleasure of your company ” is an excellent option. This phrase adds a touch of elegance to your farewell.

19. Hoping for Another Rendezvous Soon

To add a sense of sophistication to your farewell, consider using “ Hoping for another rendezvous soon “. This phrase carries an air of elegance and expectation, making it perfect for formal and high-end social events.

20. Eagerly Awaiting Our Next Adventure Together

If your meetings often involve shared adventures or exciting new experiences, saying you’re “ Eagerly awaiting our next adventure together ” is an excellent choice. It turns every meetup into a potential exciting journey.

Each of these phrases offers a unique and creative way to express the sentiment of “hope to see you soon”.

By using different phrases based on the context and your relationship with the person, you can add variety and depth to your interactions.

So, next time you find yourself searching for the right words to say goodbye, refer to this list and find the phrase that best suits your situation.

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12 Formal Ways to Say “Hope to See You Soon”

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Alex Carter

Expressing the sentiment of wanting to meet someone again can be conveyed in various ways in the English language. As we delve into the topic ’12 Formal Ways to Say “Hope to See You Soon”’, we will uncover different phrases that can be used in a formal setting, adding a touch of elegance and respect in your communication.

The Art of Formal Farewell

The need for formal expressions is essential in professional and formal situations. Formal language helps maintain a level of professionalism and respect, especially when interacting with people of higher rank or in business contexts. Understanding and using formal language can significantly improve your image in a professional setting and open doors for better interactions.

In English, there are many ways to express the sentiment ‘Hope to See You Soon’, each varying in tone and formality. The phrase itself is neutral and can be used in both informal and formal contexts. However, in a formal setting, some alternatives can sound more professional and courteous. Formality in language not only shows respect but also indicates your linguistic competence and awareness of situational appropriateness.

Twelve Formal Alternatives

Below are twelve formal alternatives to ‘Hope to See You Soon’ along with a brief description of when to use them.

Effective Use of Formal Farewells

To effectively use these formal expressions, you need to understand the context and the nature of your relationship with the person you are speaking to. These phrases should be used in a professional or formal setting where informal language can be deemed inappropriate.

  • Be mindful of the situation and the relationship you share with the other person.
  • Understand the level of formality required in the conversation.
  • Make sure the phrase you use aligns with your feelings and intentions.

Pitfalls to Avoid

Avoid using these formal phrases in casual or informal settings, as they can come across as overly formal and stiff. Be aware of the tone and context of your conversation.

  • Don’t use formal language with close friends or family, unless it’s for humorous or dramatic effect.
  • Avoid overusing these phrases. It can make your language seem insincere or robotic.
  • Make sure your body language and tone of voice match the formality of your words. An overly casual tone or body language can undermine the formality of your words.

Real-Life Applications

Here are some real-life scenarios where these formal expressions can be appropriately used:

The Power of Graceful Goodbyes

Formal goodbyes are more than just words; they are a powerful tool to leave a lasting impression. Whether it’s at the end of a meeting, a conference, or a formal letter, the right farewell can set the tone for your future interactions. So, choose your words wisely and remember, the aim is to express your desire to meet again, so ensure your words reflect sincerity and respect.

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How to Use the Phrase "Hope to See You Soon"

  • "Hope to see you soon" expresses a positive anticipation for a future meeting, conveying a desire for a reunion in the near future.

When to use "hope to see you soon"

The phrase "hope to see you soon" is a versatile way to express your desire to reconnect with someone. Here are some situations where it shines:

Saying goodbye:

  • Ending a phone call or video chat.
  • Leaving a meeting or gathering.
  • Writing a farewell email or message.

Catching up with someone:

  • Reaching out to a friend or family member you haven't seen in a while.
  • Responding to an invitation to see someone.
  • Expressing your anticipation for a planned event.

General well-wishes:

  • Ending a casual conversation or interaction.
  • Adding a friendly touch to a formal email or document.
  • Expressing your hope for future contact with someone.

However, remember:

  • Consider the context: Be sure the sentiment aligns with the situation. A casual "hope to see you soon" might not be appropriate for a condolence message.
  • Don't create false promises: Only use it if you genuinely hope to see the person within a reasonable timeframe.
  • Offer specifics: If you have a concrete plan for meeting up, consider mentioning it instead.

Example sentences

  • After our coffee date, he smiled warmly and said, "Thanks for the great conversation; hope to see you soon!"
  • As the farewell party ended, she hugged each friend and whispered, "Safe travels, and hope to see you soon!"
  • Following the family reunion, they waved goodbye, exchanging promises of staying in touch, and chorused, "Hope to see you soon!"
  • After the business meeting concluded, colleagues exchanged pleasantries, with one saying, "Great working with you; hope to see you soon for the next project!"
  • As the weekend getaway came to an end, she bid farewell to her travel companions, expressing, "It was an amazing trip; hope to see you soon for another adventure!"

Examples from the web

"I hope to see you soon." - The New Yorker
"Hope to see you soon around here!" - The New Yorker
"I can't say how much I hope to see you soon , at one of the usual places." - The New Yorker

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Usage of "hope to see you soon"

Examining the graph below, we can see that the occurrence of the phrase "hope to see you soon" increased steeply in the 2000s. Prior to this, it was not used as frequently.

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What can I say instead of hope to see you there?

  • Looking forward to meeting you there.
  • Excited about the prospect of seeing you there.
  • Can't wait to catch up with you at the event.
  • Hoping for the pleasure of your company at the venue.
  • Eagerly anticipating your presence at the gathering.

So, the next time you bid farewell, wield the phrase "hope to see you soon" with intention, specificity, and a dash of creativity. Make it a promise, a whisper of anticipation, a bridge to the next encounter. In doing so, you'll transform a simple goodbye into a powerful expression of your desire to stay connected, paving the way for future reunions filled with joy and warmth.

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11 Formal Ways to Say “Hope to See You Soon”

11 Formal Ways to Say “Hope to See You Soon”

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to lose touch with friends, family, and colleagues. With busy schedules and constant distractions, it can be challenging to maintain relationships and stay connected. However, there are times when we want to express our desire to see someone soon, whether it’s for a catch-up over coffee or a business meeting. While saying “ hope to see you soon ” may seem like a simple and casual phrase, there are actually many formal ways to convey the same sentiment.

In this article, we’ll explore 11 formal ways to say “ hope to see you soon ” and add a touch of professionalism to your communication.

Table of Contents

“I look forward to our next meeting”

This phrase is a classic and formal way to express your desire to see someone soon. It conveys a sense of anticipation and excitement for the next time you will meet. Whether it’s a business meeting or a social gathering, using this phrase shows that you value the person’s presence and are eagerly awaiting your next encounter.

“I hope we can schedule a meeting soon”

If you’re looking to set up a meeting with someone, this phrase is a great way to express your hope for a future meeting. It’s polite and professional, and it also shows that you are actively trying to make plans to see the person. This phrase is perfect for formal emails or messages when you want to schedule a meeting or catch-up with someone.

“I am looking forward to seeing you again”

Similar to the first phrase, this one also conveys a sense of anticipation and excitement for the next meeting. However, it adds a personal touch by using the word “you” instead of “ our next meeting .” This phrase is perfect for expressing your desire to see someone you have a close relationship with, such as a friend or family member.

“I hope to have the pleasure of your company soon”

This phrase is a bit more formal and adds a touch of elegance to your communication. It conveys a sense of respect and admiration for the person you are addressing. It’s a great way to express your desire to see someone in a professional setting, such as a business meeting or networking event.

“I am eager to meet with you in the near future”

If you have a specific timeframe in mind for your next meeting, this phrase is a great way to express it. It conveys a sense of urgency and shows that you are actively trying to make plans to see the person. This phrase is perfect for formal emails or messages when you want to schedule a meeting or catch-up with someone within a specific timeframe.

“I hope we can arrange a get-together soon”

This phrase is a more casual and friendly way to express your desire to see someone soon. It’s perfect for catching up with friends or family members and adds a personal touch to your communication. It also shows that you are actively trying to make plans to see the person, making it a great choice for informal settings.

“I am excited for our next encounter”

This phrase is similar to the first one but adds a touch of enthusiasm and excitement. It conveys a sense of anticipation and shows that you are genuinely looking forward to seeing the person again. This phrase is perfect for expressing your desire to see someone you have a close relationship with, such as a friend or family member.

“I hope we can meet up soon”

This phrase is a simple and straightforward way to express your desire to see someone soon. It’s perfect for informal settings and adds a friendly tone to your communication. It also shows that you are actively trying to make plans to see the person, making it a great choice for catching up with friends or family members.

“I am eager to reconnect with you”

If you haven’t seen someone in a while and want to express your desire to catch up, this phrase is a great choice. It conveys a sense of nostalgia and shows that you value the person’s presence in your life. This phrase is perfect for reconnecting with old friends or colleagues and adds a personal touch to your communication.

“I hope we can arrange a meeting at your convenience”

This phrase is a polite and respectful way to express your desire to see someone soon. It shows that you are willing to work around the other person’s schedule and make plans at their convenience. This phrase is perfect for formal settings, such as business meetings or networking events.

“I am looking forward to our next encounter”

Similar to the previous phrases, this one also conveys a sense of anticipation and excitement for the next meeting. However, it adds a more formal touch by using the word “ encounter ” instead of “ meeting .” This phrase is perfect for expressing your desire to see someone in a professional setting, such as a business meeting or conference.

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Conclusion- Ways to Say “Hope to See You Soon”

In conclusion, there are many formal ways to say “ hope to see you soon ” that can add a touch of professionalism to your communication. Whether you’re scheduling a meeting, catching up with friends, or reconnecting with old colleagues, these phrases are perfect for expressing your desire to see someone soon.

So next time you want to say “ hope to see you soon ,” consider using one of these 11 formal alternatives to add a touch of sophistication to your communication.

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  • hope to see you again soon

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

  • I had a great time with you. Hope to see you again soon!
  • Thank you for visiting. Hope to see you again soon.
  • We'll miss you. Hope to see you again soon.


hope to see you soon again

  • hope to see you again in the near future
  • hope to see you again shortly
  • hope to see you again before long
  • I had a great time with you. Hope to see you soon again!
  • Thank you for visiting. Hope to see you soon again.
  • We'll miss you. Hope to see you soon again.

Last Updated: February 16, 2024

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Inspired Year

101 Thank You for Visiting Messages (Heartfelt & Inspiring)

A visit from a loved one is always a special occasion. It’s a time to catch up, share stories, and enjoy each other’s company.

In order to make your loved ones feel appreciated, send them a thank you message after they leave. Below are 101 messages and quotes that will show your friends and family how much you care.

#1 I know had you not come down to see me, the day would have been much more lonely. I am very happy you decided to spend some time with me here, and I feel so much better for it. Thank you so much for coming.

#2 Your visit was a breath of fresh air! We don’t get to see you as often as we’d like, so it was wonderful to have you here. Thank you for making the trip!

#3 I hope that you had as much fun during your visit as we did! Thank you for coming and spending some time with us. We really loved it!

#4 It was great having you here! I wish that you could have stayed longer, but I understand that you have other obligations. I hope to see you again soon. Thanks for coming!

#5 What’s better than catching up with an old friend is when they visit. It was such a pleasure to see you and hear about your adventures in life. You are more than welcome to come again whenever you like! Thank you for your visit.

#6 It’s great when friends and family take the time out of their busy schedules to visit us, and we should let them know how much we appreciate it! Here is a list of 100 “thank you for visiting me” messages and quotes that will surely help express your gratitude:

#7 You were so patient in waiting till I finished with my chores before we started talking, thank you for being such a good visitor. I hope you will pay me another visit soon.

#8 The bonds of friendship like ours are something to be cherished. It was wonderful to see you and hear all about what you’ve been up to. You are always welcome here; no need for special occasions – just drop by! Thank you so much for visiting.

#9 We’re glad that we were able to meet up on your recent visit, like the good friends that we are. It’s nice to know that there’s someone I can talk to whenever I feel lonely or upset, and I appreciate it more than words could say. Thank you so much for coming over; it means a lot to me.

#10 Our time together has already become some of my favorite memories with you in it. So thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to come and visit me. I feel very lucky that you’re my friend and can’t wait to do it all over again soon!

#11 Thank you for visiting, it was great catching up with you. You are always welcome here, no matter how long it’s been since your last visit. Thank you so much!

#12 It was wonderful to finally meet you in person after all these years of talking online. Thank you for coming to visit me, I hope you had a great time!

#13 I’m really glad that we were able to spend some time together while you were in town. Thank you for making the trip to see me; it meant a lot.

#14 We loved having you over. The time just flew by and we didn’t want it to end! Thank you for being so kind and spending your time with us. We hope you can visit again soon.

#15 Thank you so much for coming to visit us! It was wonderful getting to know you better and spending time with you. We hope you can come back soon!

#16 I don’t really have the words to describe how much I enjoyed your visit, except to say THANK YOU! You are more than welcome to come back and stay with us anytime.

#17 Thank you for traveling all this way to see us! It means a lot that you would go out of your way like that. We had a great time catching up and making new memories. We hope you can come again soon!

#18 Hope you had fun during your visit, and I hope we get another chance soon! Thank you so much for visiting us; it means a lot.

#19 I apologize in advance but I must ask something of you: Please do come again! You are always welcome here. Thank you so much for visiting us! It was wonderful to see you again.

#20 Please feel free to pass this along to someone else who is always welcome in your heart – whether they’re family or just good friends 🙂 Thank you so much for coming by when you were here week. It’s always great to see you and I really appreciate it.

#21 There’s no place like home, but it was wonderful to have you here. I still can’t believe your visit is already over. From beginning to end, it went by too fast! Thank you so much for coming to see me.

#22 It might be raining outside, but that doesn’t matter because you brought sunshine into my life when you visited. I loved having the opportunity to catch up with you and talk about old times. Thank you for visiting me – I hope we can do it again soon!

#23 I know our time together flew by way too fast, but thank you so much for making the effort to come visit me all this way. It meant a lot knowing there was someone out there thinking of me even while I was away.

#24 You always lift my spirits when you visit, and it just doesn’t get any better than that! Thank you so much for brightening my day – I hope you enjoyed your time here as much as I enjoyed having you.

#25 It was so great to finally meet in person after all these years of talking online. Thank you for coming to visit me, it meant a lot! I hope we can do it again soon.

#26 It was wonderful having you here. You’re always so welcome in our home, and we hope to see you again very soon. Thank you for making the trip!

#27 We loved having you over for dinner. Your company is always a delight. We hope to see you again soon! Thank you for coming!

#28 Thank you so much for spending your weekend with us. We had such a great time catching up and doing all of the fun things we never seem to have time for. We hope to see you again soon!

#29 Thank you so much for coming to my baby shower! It was wonderful to have you there, and I know that the new little one will be blessed by your love.

#30 Your presence at my wedding meant so much to me. It was such a special day, and I’m grateful that you were able to share it with me. Thank you!

#31 You are always welcome. Thank you so much for coming on your visit to us. We enjoyed seeing you and visiting with you.

#32 I am grateful that our families are close, but I enjoy it even more when we all get together! It was great spending time with you this weekend, let’s make sure to do it again soon! Thank you for coming on your recent visit.

#33 It was wonderful having you here on your visit, and it means a lot that the distance couldn’t keep us apart. You are more than welcome anytime, and I hope to hear from you soon!

#34 Thank goodness the time passed quickly because I could have spent forever with you! Thank you so much for visiting me/us on your recent trip. We so enjoyed seeing you and catching up!

#35 It was such a treat to see you on your last visit, I hope it won’t be so long until I can see my friend again. Thank you for coming by on your visit here/there/everywhere.

#36 Travelling is tiring but being with family is rewarding. Thank you so much for visiting—it meant the world to me that you made the trip over here to see us. It really means a lot to me that we got some time together recently, thank you for coming!

#37 Your visits are always so special to me. I treasure the time we spend together, and I’m so grateful that you make the effort to come see me. Thank you!

#38 The visit you made was fantastic, and I’m so grateful that you came to see me even though it wasn’t easy for you. Thank you so much for visiting! It really does mean a lot to me.

#39 I can’t even begin to tell you how thankful I am that you made the effort to visit with me on this special day. You are one amazing person, my friend, and share so many wonderful qualities. Thank you so much for coming under such great circumstances! Your visit today means more than words could ever say.

#40 I’m sorry your trip here had some struggles but I appreciate that despite having obstacles in the way of your visit, that didn’t stop you from coming. Thank you for making the effort to come and see me.

#41 You mean more than words could ever express, and I am so blessed that we have such a loving bond between us. Thank you so much for your visit today and the amazing memories we created!

#42 I’m thankful for our friendship and all of the great times we’ve shared together over the years. You are precious to me, my friend, and it’s wonderful to be able to still keep in touch with each other this way as well as through cards and phone calls. Thank you very much for your visit today! It means more than words can say.

#43 It was so great to see you! I always have the best time when we hang out. Thanks for coming, and I hope you can visit again soon.

#44 Thank you so much for coming to see us! We had a wonderful time catching up with you and loved hearing about your new adventures. We hope you can come and visit us again soon!

#45 Your visit was such a treat! Not only did we get to spend some time with you, but we also got to show you around our new home. Thank you for coming and for being so open to showing us yours. We hope to return the favor someday.

#46 Thank you so much for visiting us while you were in town. It was wonderful getting to know you better and spending time with you. We hope you can come and visit again soon!

#47 Thank you so much for coming to see us! It was great catching up with you and hearing about your new adventures. We hope you can come and visit us again soon!

#48 Your visit was such a treat! Not only did we get to spend some time with you, but we also got to show you around our new home. Thank you for coming and for being so open to showing us yours. We hope to return the favor someday.

#49 It was wonderful having you here! You are always such a good friend to us, and it’s always a joy when we get to spend time together. Thank you for coming and we hope to see you again!

#50 It feels like only yesterday when we were all together and now here we are, already saying goodbye. I enjoyed this special time with you and the memories we made will stay in my heart forever. Thank you so much for visiting me!

#51 I had such a wonderful time with you on your visit, it felt like only yesterday when we were last together but life is all about change and before you know it, time has passed by so quickly. But no matter how much time passes, the memories of our visits are always there to look back on with fondness. Thank you so much for coming to see me!

#52 What an absolute pleasure to have seen you again after all this time—it seems like only yesterday that we were last together. Your visit really brightened up my day; thank you very much for thinking of me

#53 It is always such a joy when family or friends come to town because it means extra laughs and good times together! Thank you for coming by on your recent trip; we had a blast and really enjoyed your company. It is always such a pleasure having you over!

#54 Being together with family and friends is just the absolute best! Thanks for taking the time to stop by; I’ve never been more rejuvenated and filled with energy. Thank you so much for visiting; we truly appreciate it!

#55 The gift of time, as they say, is priceless. You took some precious time out of your schedule to see us which means so much to me. Thank you for coming by this week; we sure did enjoy having you here. It was great seeing you again!

#56 Visiting family and friends is an opportunity that doesn’t come around often enough! We can never get tired of reuniting and catching up with all the news. Thank you so much for coming by; we loved every minute of it!

#57 I always look forward to your visits – there’s just something about them that makes me really happy. It was great seeing you again and spending time with you. I hope you can come see us more often in the future. Thank you so much for visiting!

#58 We are so grateful that you took the time out of your busy schedule to visit us, it meant so much! We enjoyed hearing about your new adventures and shared some of ours as well. We hope to see you again soon! Thank you for coming!

#59 I am so grateful that you came to visit me. It just wouldn’t be the same without you around! We had some lovely chats and some extravagant meals, and I will never forget them. Thank you for your company! You are welcome here any time.

#60 It was wonderful seeing you again on your last visit, which was not nearly long enough! But it gave us memories to savour, and hopefully we can make more next time. Until then, all our best wishes go with you – safe travels home!

#61 I feel so lucky to have had you visit, even if it was just for a little while. I’ll think of you often and hope to see you again sometime soon. Thank you for visiting me!

#62 It’s always nice seeing family, especially on special occasions like your birthday or anniversary. You are welcome anytime. Thank you so much for the lovely visit!

#63 Thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy schedule to come and visit us! We enjoyed our time together very much. It’s not every day one gets to see someone they love so dearly after all! You are welcome back any time at all.

#64 When you visit in our home, you are family. You always belong here and we value your presence more than words can express. Thank you so much for coming by today!

#65 It was wonderful to see you again. We had such a great time catching up—I almost feel like it was just yesterday that we saw each other last! Please do come back soon; I’d love to chat again.

#66 Thank you for visiting me recently; I sure enjoyed our conversation and all the laughs! It really means a lot to me when my friends take the time out to visit me, and I’ll look forward to seeing you next time too.

#67 We built great memories during your visit, and I’m so grateful for that. Thank you for taking the time to come and see us. I hope we can do it again soon!

#68 Your visit was such a blessing! We loved every minute of it! Thank you so much for coming and spending time with us. We hope you can come and see us again soon!

#69 We are already missing you after your visit. But we are glad you came and spent some wonderful time with us. Thank you so much for being here!

#70 Thank you for gracing us with your presence once again. It was wonderful having you here and we enjoyed every moment spent in your company. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

#71 It was really great catching up with you during your visit. I’m glad we were able to spend some time together. I hope to see you again soon!

#72 Your visit was the highlight of our day/week/month! Thank you so much for coming and spending time with us. We loved it!

#73 What distances take away, visits restore. There is nothing quite like seeing you after a long time and catching up with all the old stories. I so enjoyed your visit. Thank you so much for coming!

#74 It was wonderful to meet up again after such a long time, and I cherish the moments we shared during this special reunion. Thank you so much for visiting me; it was lovely!

#75 Having you here has made my world brighter than ever before, and your company was an absolute treat to behold. Please do come again soon, thank you for visiting.

#76 I’m so glad you were able to come and visit. It was wonderful getting to spend time with you, and I hope we can do it again soon. Thank you for coming!

#77 It was great having you here – thank you for making the trip! I loved catching up and spending time with you. I hope you enjoyed your stay as much as I enjoyed having you here. Thank you!

#78 Thank you for making the journey out to see me. It meant a lot to me, and I had a great time catching up and reminiscing. I hope to see you again soon!

#79 I had such a nice time with you on your visit. It’s wonderful to talk and I appreciate all the effort you made. Thank you so much for coming!

#80 The joy of visiting is knowing that everyone visits from their heart, and I meant it when I said I loved seeing you again. Please come back soon! Thank you so much for coming!

#81 When we get together, it always feels like no time has passed at all. We have such a special bond and our conversations are too wonderful not to share more often. It was just simply delightful to see you again—thank you for making the trip over here to see me. You can be sure that whenever possible, we will keep in touch again soon.

#82 I’m so glad you were able to visit us for a weekend. I loved every minute of it, even the time we spent arguing about politics. I hope you had a great time too. Thank you for coming!

#83 It was a pleasure to spend time with you during your visit. I loved hearing all about your life and catching up on the latest events. The time we spent together was very meaningful for me and I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. It meant so much to me that you took the time out of your schedule to meet with me, and I hope we can do it again soon! Thank you so much for visiting me while I’m here. You were always such a great friend, and its been fun spending time with you again this weekend.

#84 Until next time! Thank you for visiting us and sharing some quality time with our family. Our lunch date is one that will go down in history as being enjoyable and unforgettable.

#85 I have a lot to do today, but what I don’t have time for is missing you already. It was wonderful to see you and be reminded of how much we care about one another. Thank you so much for stopping by!

#86 It’s been too long since our paths crossed, and it was lovely to see you on your visit! You are always welcome here, and I hope the next time won’t take as long. Thank you so much for coming by!

#87 We did what old friends do best- we caught up on things and had a good laugh! Thanks for making the trip out here; it means a lot that you came all this way. We would love to host another visit from you soon. Thank you so much for visiting!

#88 We loved having you here! Thank you for making the trip and for being so wonderful company. We hope you can come and visit again soon.

#89 The time flew by too quickly when you were here! I’m already looking forward to your next visit. Thank you so much for coming.

#90 I don’t know when I’ll see you again, but know that I miss you very much and that I think of you often. Until we meet again, take care. Thanks for coming to see me – it was great catching up!

#91 The greatest gift that family relations can give us is the company of our loved ones. It’s always a treat to have you visit and I was delighted that you were able to. Thank you so much for stopping by.

#92 It was wonderful to see you! We just loved having you visit and catching up with each other’s lives. You are more than welcome anytime! Thanks so much for coming.

#93 Having a good relationship comes from building bridges between one another, which is why it means so much when we get to connect with loved ones who live far away. I loved seeing you on your recent visit and will long remember what we shared together. It meant a lot that you came all this way!

#94 You are always welcome here anytime
and please accept this as a token of my appreciation for just stopping in to see me on your way through town…Thank you so much for! My door is always open to you!

#95 I hope that you had a great time while you were here. I loved getting to spend time with you and hearing all about your life back home. You are always welcome here anytime!

#96 Having you visit is a wonderful treat. It was just great to see you and have some of your cooking again. I’m so grateful for all the meaningful memories we made today and how lucky I am to have such a special friend in my life! Thank you so much for visiting, it means so much to me.

#97 It was simply lovely seeing you on your recent visit. I hope this little message finds you well and that we can get together soon again! You are more than welcome to plan another visit anytime. Thank you for stopping by, sweetie!

#98 It was wonderful to see you and your family again. We really enjoyed catching up and hearing about what’s new in your lives. Thank you for coming, and we hope to see you again soon!

#99 Your visit always makes our day brighter. Thank you for taking the time to come and spend it with us – we appreciate it more than you know!

#100 Thank you so much for visiting us! It was great catching up with you and hearing about all the exciting things going on in your life. We hope to see you again soon!

#101 I can’t wait until you come back, _____. I feel like we have so much to catch up on! In the meantime, I’ll be counting down the days until we can see each other again. Thank you for visiting!

In conclusion, we hope that these thank you messages and the message samples that we’ve provided, will give you some guidance and inspiration as you craft your thank-you messages for your visitors.

Signing off with a “thank you” is never a bad idea.

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hope you can visit us again soon

What is the difference between Hope to see you "again". and Hope to see you "soon". ?Feel free to just provide example sentences.

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"Hope to see you again" means that I hope we see each other another time but it doesn't matter when, "Hope to see you soon" means I hope we can see each other in the near future!!

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Thank you for replying!! If I text someone whom I date "Hope to see you AGAIN.", someone feels I'm not interested in him so much?

@jun88jpen it could be read like that "hope to see you soon" is more eager but "hope to see you again" is a bit unclear about when or if it will even happen and that you're not as interested, @gabiirayner i understand well thank you for teaching me throughly:), @jun88jpen you're very welcome i'm glad i could help you 😊.

hope you can visit us again soon

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hope you can visit us again soon

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Debate takeaways: Biden confirms some voter fears as Trump leans into grievances

ATLANTA — President Joe Biden failed to mitigate his biggest liability in his re-election bid at the CNN debate Thursday, while former President Donald Trump doubled down on his grievances and skipped past opportunities to cover his own vulnerabilities.

Biden's biggest weakness — voter concerns about his age and sharpness, according to polls — was on display throughout the more than 90-minute debate as he struggled through answers and failed to deliver the energetic performance allies believe he needed. And Trump had no new answers for voters about the issues on which he's weakest, including his felony conviction, his role in overturning Roe v. Wade and his actions on Jan. 6, 2021.

The first showdown between Biden, 81, and Trump, 78, in 2024 comes early in the election year, giving voters an opportunity to see the president and his challenger side-by-side. Here's what they saw — and what it means for the campaign.

Biden struggles out of the gate

The first presidential debate is often rough for incumbents . It was particularly rough for the 81-year-old Biden out of the gate.

When he began Thursday night, his voice was hoarse, his throat didn't sound clear, and he started out speaking softly and struggling through some of his responses. His voice cracked throughout the debate. Biden's campaign later s a id he ha d a cold .

In one particularly notable gaffe, Biden stumbled through a response to an early question about rising costs, ending with: “We finally beat Medicare.” The Trump campaign mockingly highlighted the clip on his social media platform, Truth Social.

During a clash over immigration, Biden stammered through some words while expressing his support for tougher border laws, to which Trump responded: “I really don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence. I don’t think he knows what he said, either.” Trump repeatedly accused Biden of implementing a weak border policy that he said has worsened crime in the U.S.

Donald Trump, left, and President Joe Biden on the debate stage

Even Biden’s closest allies said it was a bad night for him. “It was a really disappointing debate performance from Joe Biden,” former Biden communications director Kate Bedingfield said on CNN.

Biden did find his footing when he was speaking about foreign policy, protecting NATO and standing up to Russia. He also tore into Trump over Jan. 6 and blasted him for saying there were “very fine people” on both sides when neo-Nazis marched in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017. Later, when he was asked whether he has a vision to protect Social Security, Biden said: "Yes, make the very wealthy begin to pay their fair share."

Toward the end, Biden defended running for re-election at his age when the moderators asked him to address voter concerns. “This guy’s three years younger and a lot less competent,” Biden said.

Trump descends into grievances

Trump's long-standing tendency to retreat into airing personal grievances, often at the expense of defending himself or his record, reared up throughout the evening.

When CNN’s Jake Tapper and Dana Bash asked him to address voter concerns about his actions on Jan. 6, when pro-Trump rioters stormed the Capitol, Trump took the opportunity to blast the House Jan. 6 “un-select committee” and its “two horrible Republicans.” When Biden brought up Trump’s alleged affair with Stormy Daniels, Trump took the bait: “I didn’t have sex with a porn star, No. 1,” he said.

Trump was also evasive when he was asked repeatedly whether he will accept the 2024 election result.

“If it’s a fair and legal and good election, absolutely,” Trump said, repeating his false claim that the 2020 election result was illegitimate: “The fraud and everything else was ridiculous.” In response, Biden mocked him. “You’re a whiner,” he said. “You can’t stand a loss; something snapped in you when you lost last time.”

Ten minutes into the debate, Trump launched a groundless claim that Biden is weaponizing American justice against him. He called it "a system that was rigged and disgusting," as he faces criminal charges across multiple jurisdictions brought by independent prosecutors. Toward the end, Trump made the same allusion again: “He indicted me because I was his opponent.”

Trump also brought up the Russia investigation — “Russia, Russia, Russia,” as he called it — as well as Biden’s son Hunter Biden’s laptop computer.

And Trump leaned into his promise of retribution if he wins the presidency this fall. “He could be a convicted felon as soon as he gets out of office,” Trump said of Biden. Trump also said, "My retribution is my success."

Clashes over abortion, taxes and more define the policy stakes

Trump embraced his role in appointing the three "great" Supreme Court justices who voted to overturn Roe v. Wade while repeatedly — and falsely — claiming that there was complete consensus about ending the federal right and returning abortion policy to legislators in 2022.

“Everybody wanted to get it back to the states,” Trump said — polls show voters supported Roe v. Wade by large margins. “This is something everybody wanted.” He added that “every legal scholar wanted it that way” — many of them disagreed.

And Trump embraced an argument popular among social conservatives, arguing that Democrats were the real radicals on abortion by refusing to support federal restrictions. After Trump claimed that Biden supports abortions "after birth," Biden retorted by saying he favors only restoration of Roe v. Wade, which allowed for some limitations. “We are not for late-term abortion. Period. Period. Period,” Biden said.

Trump focused significant attention on the border and immigration, criticizing rising migration during Biden's term.

And he also called for extending his administration's 2017 tax cuts, which expire at the end of 2025. Biden promised, repeatedly, to raise taxes on the rich, saying Trump “rewarded the wealthy — he had the largest tax cut in American history.”

Biden’s prepared zingers

Biden’s sharpest moments came when he delivered what appeared to be prepared one-liners at Trump, often calling him a liar or a felon and frequently dismissing his claims with a dismissive grin.

“The only person on this stage who’s a convicted felon is the man I’m looking at right now,” Biden said, drawing a nod from Trump.

When Trump attacked his record on immigration, Biden said, “Once again, he’s exaggerating, he’s lying.” His other lines included: “Every single thing he said is a lie. Every single one.” And: “I’ve never heard so much malarkey in my whole life.”

At one moment, Biden attacked Trump for calling service members “losers” and “suckers,” according to reporting by The Atlantic . “My son was not a loser. He was not a sucker. You’re the sucker. You’re the loser,” Biden said. (Trump responded by questioning the magazine’s credibility.)

When Trump said Biden has “become like a Palestinian,” Biden replied: “I’ve never heard so much foolishness.”

And Trump brought some prepared lines of his own, including one at the end, when he argued the U.S. is “a failing nation, but it’s not going to be failing anymore — we’re going to make it great again.”

“We’re living in hell,” Trump said. “The whole country is exploding because of you.”

hope you can visit us again soon

Sahil Kapur is a senior national political reporter for NBC News.

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I hope you come and visit

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  • Start date Feb 27, 2008

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  • Feb 27, 2008

Hi, foreros! Could you please tell me if all these sentences are right: I hope you come and visit one day I hope you will come and visit me one day I hope you have already visited MrX Thank you very much.  

  • Nov 25, 2008

Yes, they're all correct.  


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  1. 11 Other Ways to Say "Hope to See You Soon"

    Here are some other variations you may use: Hoping to see you soon. Hope to see you again soon. You can use "hoping" and "hope" interchangeably. However, "hope" is much more effective formally because it shows anticipation. "Hoping" shows uncertainty instead. Also, you should stick to using "see" rather than "seeing.".

  2. 11 Better Ways to Say "Hope to See You Soon"

    Other ways to say "hope to see you soon" are "I look forward to meeting you again," "I'm sure I'll see you around," and "see you next time.". These phrases remain professional and polite. They show that you're keen to meet someone again without setting specific dates. 1. I Look Forward to Meeting You Again.

  3. How to Say "I Hope to See You Again": A Guide for Formal and Informal

    2.1. Basic Informal Expressions. "Hope to see you again soon!". - This short and friendly phrase conveys your desire to meet the person again without any excessive formality. "Let's catch up again sometime!". - Use this expression to suggest meeting in the future and keeping the connection alive. "It was great meeting you.

  4. 20 Formal Ways to Say "Hope to See You Soon"

    Hoping for a prompt rendezvous. Counting down the days until we meet again. Longing for our next face-to-face interaction. Awaiting the pleasure of your company in the near future. Yearning for our upcoming meeting. Expecting to see you in the not too distant future. Enthusiastically awaiting our next get-together.

  5. 16 Other Ways to Say "Hope to See You Soon"

    While "Hope to see you soon" reflects your eagerness to meet again, other expressions can convey your anticipation with a personal touch. Here are some heartfelt alternatives: 1. Looking forward to our next meeting. Example: "It was great catching up with you today. I'm looking forward to our next meeting .".

  6. 10 Formal Ways to Say "Hope to See You Soon"

    What to Say Instead of "Hope to See You Soon". I look forward to seeing you. I look forward to meeting you. I'm keen to see you. I eagerly await our meeting. Talk to you soon. Let's reconvene soon. Let's discuss this further. Looking forward to hearing more from you.

  7. 80 Ways to Say Goodbye in English

    It was so good seeing you! Let's get together again soon. Good night: This can only be used late in the evening when people are going to bed soon. Here are some more ways to say good night in English. I'm going to bed because I have an early flight tomorrow. Good night! 'Night: This is an abbreviated, more casual version of "goodnight."

  8. What Is Another Way to Say "Hope to See You Soon"?

    Correct: I am hoping to see you soon. Correct: I hope to see you soon. Hoping implies that you are experiencing hope presently and immediately. Therefore, if you use the gerund form of hope, you should include the word "am" in the sentence. Although the phrase hope to see you soon is correct, it can come across as a tad overly familiar in a ...

  9. 10 Formal Ways To Say "Hope To See You Soon"

    1 Other Ways To Say "Hope To See You Soon". 1.1 1. Anticipating Our Forthcoming Meeting. 1.2 2. Eagerly Awaiting Our Next Rendezvous. 1.3 3. I Anticipate Our Paths Crossing Again Shortly. 1.4 4. I Am Hopeful For A Future Meeting With You.

  10. "Hope To See You Soon" Meaning and Alternative Phrases

    I hope we meet someday too! "I look forward to seeing you soon too!". "It would be great to catch up in person soon.". "I'm excited for our next meeting/hangout/etc.". "Take care, and I hope to see you soon!". "I can't wait to see you again soon!". "Would be great to catch up soon!". Let me know when you are free ...

  11. 20 Other Ways to Say "Hope to See You Soon"

    This phrase transforms a simple meeting into an intriguing mission, making it a fun and creative alternative to "hope to see you soon". Example: "Eagerly awaiting our next rendezvous, Clara. Until then, take good care of yourself." 4. Until We Meet Again. For a nostalgic tone, try using " Until we meet again ".

  12. 12 Formal Ways to Say "Hope to See You Soon"

    Emailing a colleague about an upcoming conference. "Eager to see you at the upcoming event.". Ending a formal letter to a prospective employer. "I hope to have the opportunity to see you again.". At the end of a job interview. "I look forward to the next time our paths cross.". After a meeting with your superior.

  13. How to Use the Phrase "Hope to See You Soon"

    February 09, 2024. By Jin Ah Jung. "Hope to see you soon"expresses a positive anticipation for a future meeting, conveying a desire for a reunion in the near future. 👀 After a delightful evening together, she hugged her friend and said, "It was great catching up; hope to see you soon!" In this sentence, the phrase "hope to see you soon"is a ...

  14. 11 Formal Ways to Say "Hope to See You Soon"

    "I hope we can schedule a meeting soon" "I am looking forward to seeing you again" "I hope to have the pleasure of your company soon" "I am eager to meet with you in the near future" "I hope we can arrange a get-together soon" "I am excited for our next encounter" "I hope we can meet up soon"

  15. please visit us again soon

    High quality example sentences with "please visit us again soon" in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English ... Always a pleasure to see your byline, and hope you'll visit us again soon. 1 The New York Times For online condolences, please visit us at: www ...

  16. hope to see you soon again or hope to see you again soon?

    hope to see you soon again. This phrase is correct and commonly used in English. Learn More [+] Both phrases are correct and commonly used in English. They have the same meaning and can be used interchangeably. The only difference is the placement of the word 'soon'. Last Updated: February 16, 2024.

  17. 101 Thank You for Visiting Messages (Heartfelt & Inspiring)

    Thank you for taking the time to come and see us. I hope we can do it again soon! #68 Your visit was such a blessing! We loved every minute of it! Thank you so much for coming and spending time with us. We hope you can come and see us again soon! #69 We are already missing you after your visit. But we are glad you came and spent some wonderful ...

  18. I hope You Visit Us Soon

    I hope You Visit Us Soon. Thread starter Grandma1907; Start date Feb 22, 2008; G. Grandma1907 Member. United States Feb 22, 2008 #1 Hello - If anyone could help me say I hope you visit us soon. I'd greatly appreciate it .... Would this be correct? Thank you. J'espere toi visite nous bientot. R.

  19. I hope to see you again soon

    Definition of I hope to see you again soon in the Idioms Dictionary. I hope to see you again soon phrase. ... Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visit the webmaster's page for free fun content. ... and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. ...

  20. What is the difference between "Hope to see you "again ...

    Synonym for Hope to see you "again". "Hope to see you again" means that I hope we see each other another time but it doesn't matter when, "Hope to see you soon" means I hope we can see each other in the near future!!|@jun88jpen It could be read like that! "Hope to see you soon" is more eager but "hope to see you again" is a bit unclear about when or if it will even happen and that you're not ...

  21. We hope you enjoy your meal and visit us again soon!

    English term or phrase: We hope you enjoy your meal and visit us again soon! Hebrew translation: anu mekavim she-tehanu me-ha-arukha ve- (she-)tevakru etzlenu shuv be-karov. Entered by: John Kinory (X) 19:39 Mar 20, 2002. English to Hebrew translations [Non-PRO] / farewell.

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  24. 30 Hope Quotes That Will Lift You Up

    Hope quotes that inspire. Hope is the one thing that can help us get through the darkest of times. If you're going through a difficult time, or need some inspiration to help guide you in your ...

  25. 4 key takeaways from the CNN presidential debate

    The first showdown between Biden, 81, and Trump, 78, in 2024 comes early in the election year, giving voters an opportunity to see the president and his challenger side-by-side.

  26. I hope you come and visit

    Spanish. Feb 27, 2008. #1. Hi, foreros! Could you please tell me if all these sentences are right: I hope you come and visit one day. I hope you will come and visit me one day. I hope you have already visited MrX. Thank you very much.


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