London Tour

Go Behind the Scenes at Westminster Abbey

As a Blue Badge Tourist Guide, I spend a lot of time guiding in Westminster Abbey. However, I had a real treat recently joining a Hidden Highlights tour where we went behind the scenes, to areas not usually open to the public.

Behind the Scenes at Westminster Abby | Look Up London

I’ve previously written about the best sneaky details in the publicly accessible areas in another blog post here . But let’s see some of the hidden bits…

History of Westminster Abbey

First, a potted history to get our bearings. Westminster Abbey is our Royal Church, where monarchs have their coronation ceremony. It’s also a burial site, not just for the 30-odd Kings and Queens but also a staggering 3,300+ others including Charles Darwin, Isaac Newton, Charles Dickens and – recently – Stephen Hawking.

Behind the Scenes at Westminster Abby | Look Up London

The first church was established in 960AD by Saint Dunstan who settled here with a group a monks. The next major building was by Edward the Confessor, who constructed an elaborate Abbey in the 11th century. But the building we see today is mostly down to King Henry III who in 1245 ordered a new Abbey.

westminster abbey hidden highlights tour cost

Image Credit: Public Domain – Abbey c.1711 J.C M.D. Fellow of the Royal Society

When we look at the building today there are two major later additions; the Lady Chapel (constructed 1500s and seen on the left in the illustration above) and the West Towers (1700s and seen below).

westminster abbey hidden highlights tour cost

Image Credit: Public Domain – Canaletto, A Procession of the Knights of Bath, 1749.

There’s a brilliant 4 minute video of the stages of construction from Westminster Abbey here .

The Great Sacristy

One section of the Westminster Abbey complex that we can’t see today is the Sacristy. It was an area where monks kept the sacred items used during mass and was built in the 1250s under King Henry III.

From the outside today all you will see are these hoardings, but on the tour we went behind them to get a closer look at the ruins.

westminster abbey hidden highlights tour cost

Interspersed amongst the stones are many burials, some of which are thought to be 12th century monks.

The Great Sacristy (c) Westminster Abbey London

Sacristy Ruins © Westminster Abbey, London

The Great Sacristy was demolished in the 1740s but its now part of a major refurbishment plan to create a new visitor entrance to allow the public to enter through the West door rather than the side, North door.

This is the spectacular view that greets you as you enter the West Door into the Abbey.

Behind the Scenes at Westminster Abbey | Look Up London

The Jerusalem Chamber

Visible behind the gift shop as you enter the Abbey, the Jerusalem Chamber is Medieval.

Behind the Scenes at Westminster Abbey | Look Up London

The inside has been much altered but the roof is authentic, dating from the 14th century, albeit restored in the 1950s.

In amongst the timbers are the initials of Abbot Nichols Litlyngton (1362-1386) and King Richard II in whose reign it was completed and the tapestries range from the 16th – 19th centuries.

The Jerusalem Chamber (c) Westminster Abbey London

Jerusalem Chamber © Westminster Abbey, London

As for the name, no one is quite sure why, however we do know that King Henry IV died in this very room in 1413.

The King had been planning to travel to the Holy Lands, fulfilling a prophecy he would die there. But he instead fell ill whilst praying in the Abbey, possibly suffering a stroke.

Carried into this room, when he momentarily regained consciousness, he asked where he was. The answer? ‘Jerusalem’ and the King, satisfied he’d fulfilled the prophecy, could die in peace.

The Library

There’s a tantalising door in the cloister of the Abbey which you’ll hardly ever see open.

Behind the Scenes at Westminster Abby | Look Up London

It leads to the library and during the tour when the door was opened it’s the smell that hits you first. Hundreds of centuries-old books, in all their discoloured and leather bound glory.

There are over 14,000 books in the collection, the earliest dating from 1477, which has been housed here since 1591.

The Library (c) Westminster Abbey London

Library © Westminster Abbey, London

The room itself is far older though, previously used as a dormitory for the monks, with the spiral staircase giving access to the main Abbey for night-time prayers.

Today you can still see the steps on the south transept wall (bottom left in the image below).

Behind the Scenes at Westminster Abby | Look Up London

Connected to the library is the Muniment Collection, an archive of the records of the Abbey dating back to the 10th century.

This is stored in the Triforium level inside the Abbey, visible from the floor and the Diamond Jubilee Galleries.

Behind the Scenes at Westminster Abbey | Look Up London

It’s hard to make out the epic wooden storage chests from below, however what is visible from the floor is the Medieval wall painting of a white hart, symbol of King Richard II.

Behind the Scenes at Westminster Abbey | Look Up London

As part of the tour you can also visit the Diamond Jubilee Galleries, a new area of the Abbey which opened in 2018.

Sadly you can’t take photographs from there (imagine dropping your phone over the edge!) but here’s the view of the beautiful wooden staircase that takes you there.

Behind the Scenes at Westminster Abby | Look Up London

As well as a brilliant selection of historic objects related to the Abbey, it’s worth going up there if only to gaze down at the Abbey – soaking up the supposed ‘best view in Europe’ – from which Richard Dimbleby provided commentary for the Queen’s Coronation.

The Hidden Highlights tour can be booked here , and groups are small (just 10 maximum) so they’re selling out quick!

If you’ve never visited Westminster Abbey before, or it was years since you’ve been, now is the perfect time to organise a trip without the crowds! You can email me about arranging private tours here.


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A blog on london history - and other stuff, westminster abbey’s hidden highlights tour.

08/02/2022 donbrown churches , The Blog , Westminster Abbey 0

westminster abbey hidden highlights tour cost

I am a jaded old cynic, a London Blue Badge Guide who has taken people round Westminster Abbey what, 200? 300 times? Pre-covid, some weeks I was taking tours three or four times a week, desperately trying not to sound like a man on autopilot as I talked about (yet again) Scientists’ Corner or the Tomb of the Unknown Warrior.

But the Hidden Highlights tour I went on this morning… Oh man, my socks have been blown so far off they’re probably halfway to the USA.

This is a £15 add-on to the normal entrance fee* and is worth every penny and more, showing you parts of the Abbey that are generally not things that any visitor sees. 

*(I should just say that, despite my negativity in the opening par, right now is a great time to visit the Abbey. There are no crowds; you feel you have the whole place to yourself. And these days they allow photography as well. If you’ve never been, or only seen it at the height of the tourist season, you should definitely go now. Details here, or contact me if you’re after a private tour .)

Back to the Hidden Highlights. There were just two of us paying punters this morning, but as the maximum number on any tour is 14, it is never going to feel oppressive. One starts at the archaeological dig that is taking place on the site of the 13th century Sacristy , on the north side of the building. The Abbey plan a visitor centre here to allow for a better visitor flow at the entrance (and so those queuing to get in – assuming we get back to pre-covid levels – don’t have to do so in the rain). Under the foundations of the sacristy they have uncovered a graveyard, with remains from the 10th century (the time of the founding of Dunstan’s original abbey) plus two chalk tombs from Saxon times (i.e. 1400 years ago). There are complete skeletons in situ, loose bones are scattered on or protrude from the soil. One can gaze upon an intact skull and realise that this person was walking around this area more than 1000 years ago. It is incredibly moving, a tangible link to history as well as to one’s own mortality.

One then progresses to the St George’s Chapel, just to the right as one goes into the main building by the West Door. Here one is within touching distance of the Coronation Chair , close enough to make out the individual graffiti scratched on the back and the seat of this 700 year old piece of furniture. I’ve been on the other side of glass on this chapel on innumerable occasions, so to be on the inside looking out was something very special.

Then to the chapel behind the High Altar to sit beside the shrine to St Edward, who as the King of England, Edward the Confessor was the monarch responsible for giving the abbey its prominence and longevity. He endowed the small 10th century establishment with wealth and property, and financed the first stone abbey, consecrated in 1065. This shrine was an important site of mediaeval pilgrimage, and the reason why his devotee Henry III financed the construction of the sublime gothic building we see today. (Henry is buried close to Edward’s tomb, as are three other kings and four queens of England).

Next is the Abbey library, to be among 11,000 books dating from the 15th century onwards and to see manuscript fragments from the time of the Confessor, or an illuminated manuscript showing the coronation of King John. This is housed in the former monastic dormitory – and has been since 1591 , the reign of Elizabeth I – above the east side of the cloisters.

The tour ends in the new triforium museum, the Diamond Jubilee Galleries , to see the fabulous view along the length of the building to the West Door, taking in Edward’s shrine, the Cosmati pavement, the Quire and the nave, as well as medieval treasures such as the 14th century  The Litlyngton Missal , a wondrous illuminated manuscript, and the Liber Regalis, the ‘how to’ guide for the staging of coronations.

The Hidden Highlights tours take place twice a day nearly every day until the end of March. You really, really, need to make sure you do this tour – if a jaded old cynic like me can come away from it buzzing like I have, you are going to find it utterly compelling.

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The 5 Best Westminster Abbey Tours [2024 Reviews]

In a place that’s dripping in history from every cobblestone and vine-covered building, there stands a breathtaking cathedral we know as Westminster Abbey. If these walls could talk, we’d hear stories covering centuries of dramas, war, love, and much more.

This breathing time capsule is one of the most captivating places in the world, and with these carefully curated tours you’ll get a backstage pass to the secrets and stories that make it so special.

The top tours of Westminster Abbey are much more than just sightseeing – you’ll have a local expert take you through an incredible journey to learn things you simply can’t in a history book. Let’s jump right in!

Best Westminster Abbey Guided Tours

Quick answer: the 5 best rated westminster abbey tours for 2024.

  • London Guided Tour of Houses of Parliament & Westminster
  • Private Tour London Highlights, entries Westminster Abbey, The Tower of London
  • Westminster Abbey Tour & Big Ben Exterior
  • Priority Access Tour of Westminster Abbey with London Eye Option
  • Guided Tour of London Westminster Abbey, Big Ben, Buckingham

Westminster Abbey Tour Reviews

1. skip the line into houses of parliament & westminster abbey fully-guided tour.

  • Duration: 4 hours
  • Departure: “Winston Churchill” statue, Parliament Square, Westminster, London
  • Departure Time:  9:00 AM & 1:30 PM
  • Includes: Entrance to Westminster Abbey and Houses of Parliament, fully-guided tour inside both, headsets, small groups

Even if you aren’t particularly interested in British history, I can’t recommend going on this tour enough. The London Guided Tour of Houses of Parliament & Westminster Tour  is fascinating, from the hallowed halls of the Abbey to the sacred ground where Royal Coronations have unfolded since 1066.

You may know it from the fairytale-like wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton, but it’s so much more than that. With various start times available, this tour is also very easy to fit in to any schedule and it starts off by venturing into the belly of the beast: The Houses of Parliament.

Now, I know what you’re thinking – “parliament, really?”, but trust me, this is no ordinary stroll. You’re ditching the soulless audioguide for a friendly Blue Badge tour guide who’s practically a walking encyclopedia of British democracy.

We’ll start in the Chamber of the House of Commons, where the folks with the power to make or break Britain gather and where you’ll learn about the important decisions that are made here.

Then, we’ll cruise on over to the chamber of the House of Lords, where the bluest bloodlines in the country used to sit back and make decisions that shaped a kingdom (and world, consequently).

Our tour guide did a great job explaining some of the most important events here, in a way that was not only very educational, but also very amusing.

Even though many of the rooms didn’t allow for us to take photos, his teachings and storytelling made such an impact that the memories will stay in our minds for a long time.

Overall, this is a tour that’s as entertaining as it is informative, leaving you with a whole new perspective on London and England, as a whole.

Tour Information & Booking

100% refund for cancellations within 24 hours of tour experience, other experiences you may enjoy:, 2.  private tour london highlights, entries westminster abbey, the tower of london.

  • Duration: 8 hours
  • Departure:  Broad Sanctuary, London SW1
  • Departure Time: 9:00 AM
  • Includes: Private tour, Blue Badge guide, skips the long lines

This next tour is the most comprehensive of the bunch, so if you’re looking to dive deep into England’s history, you’re in good hands. From the most sophisticated royals to the most brutal tales of torture, this tour will take you on a whirlwind experience full of excitement.

The Private Tour London Highlights, Entries Westminster Abbey, The Tower of London adventure is perfect if it’s your first time in this incredible city.

Make your way to the Broad Sanctuary around 9:00 am and meet your guide, who will provide a briefing to the group of what to expect for the day. They did a great job at customizing the tour to fit our specific interests.

The first stop for the day is Trafalgar Square, where you’ll learn about the important protests here, see Nelsons Column, and more.

Stroll on over to Whitehall to see where the PM lives and works and see various war memorials before going to Westminster Abbey. Once there, you’ll learn all about the important events that have taken place at the beautiful church, including the centuries-old chair used for coronations.

The famous Buckingham Palace is up next, which was the Royal Residence of the Queen before her passing. Next is St. James Park, where you’ll learn even more about the Royal Family and get a chance to breathe some fresh air and soak in all of the experience, so far.

Parliament Square is one of my favorite London stops. You’ll be surrounded by views of Big Ben, Houses of Parliament, and will even get to ride either the double-decker red bus or tube through the glitzy financial district.

St. Paul’s Cathedral and the Tower of London are next, with plenty of crazy stories about both locations narrated to you before enjoying some delicious fish and chips in a local pub. Finally, take some photos at the Tower Bridge, where you’ll get to take a rest or continue venturing throughout the city.

3. Westminster Abbey Tour & Big Ben Exterior

  • Duration: 2.5 hours
  • Departure:  The Supreme Court, Parliament Sq, London
  • Departure Time: 10:30 AM
  • Includes: Entrance fees to Westminster Abbey, Blue Badge guides

Perhaps you’re looking to explore more of London, but don’t have the schedule available for a full-day tour. This next adventure is the perfect alternative, with plenty of start times available for you.

The Westminster Abbey Tour & Big Ben Exterior  has an expert guide to take you through some of the most interesting spots in the city!

If you’re traveling with children, I can’t recommend this tour enough. The guide was so captivating and entertaining, and the tour was just the right length of time that none of the smaller ones became impatient and actually had a lot of fun!

Start out by meeting your guide at the Supreme Court located in Parliament Square, where you’ll get to see the iconic Big Ben from the exterior. Learn all about Big Ben, like how it’s the world’s biggest 4-faced clock, and how even during WWII, the chimes continued to sound and the clock face wasn’t blacked out to keep a sense of normalcy.

It’s a prime example of Victorian Engineering, maintaining itself as one of the most iconic symbols of both London and the United Kingdom. Should you have any questions or comments, your guide is there to answer and expand on them for you.

Next up is the amazing Westminster Abbey, which is one of the most remarkable historical landmarks, with a rich past filled with a spectrum of emotions and events.

Royal coronations and weddings have taken place here, and you’ll even get to see the Coronation Chair dating back to 1300! Thanks to the small group size, everyone will have enough time to tour through while also getting some free time to explore at your own leisure.

4. Priority Access Tour of Westminster Abbey with London Eye Option

  • Duration: Approximately 2 hours
  • Departure:  Westminster Abbey Shop, 20 Dean’s Yard, London
  • Includes: Priority access to Westminster Abbey, tour with live guide, max of 20 passengers, coffee and pastries, optional Fast Track London Eye ticket

This is another quick yet comprehensive London tour which I feel perfectly balances the ultra-popular tourist sights with the more “local” feel.

The Priority Access Tour of Westminster Abbey with London Eye Option  is a great activity to take on your own, with the entire family, or with your significant other. Even if your schedule is packed to the brim, you should be able to fit this one in easily.

Starting off meeting your guide at Westminster Abbey, you’ll head inside the living monument of kings and queens with your small group. The guide did a fantastic job at regaling us with tales from over a millennium of English history, from 40 coronations, and dazzling weddings.

There are many recent events that have taken place here, such as the recent coronation of Charles III, the marriage of William and Kate, and the state funeral of Queen Elizabeth II.

After the thrilling and educational tour of the Abbey, you’ll descend into the medieval Cellarium, where Benedictine monks once stored their provisions. Today, it’s a slightly more lighthearted locale: a restaurant that serves up tasty food and beverages.

Enjoy some complimentary coffee and pastries in this 14th-century spot through the cloister, while you chat about the events so far.

After the tour, you have the option of soaring sky-high on the iconic London Eye ferris wheel! If you aren’t scared of heights, I really recommend taking advantage of this opportunity as it offers some of the best views of the city out there. You’ll even get to avoid the queues with your included fast track ticket!

5. Guided Tour of London Westminster Abbey, Big Ben, Buckingham

  • Departure:  Parliament Square, Parliament Sq, London
  • Includes: Guided tour of Westminster Abbey and City of Westminster, 5-star licensed guide, skip-the-line to Westminster Abbey, walking tour of the city of Westminster, group tour max 20 people

Last but certainly not least, we have the Guided Tour of London Westminster Abbey, Big Ben, Buckingham experience. This 4-hour excursion is a great way to get out of the hotel and learn about the varied and dramatic history of this capital city.

Learn about the intricate and varied architecture, the British royal family, politicians, and other important figures and monuments from an expert guide.

The tours usually start out in the morning, so head out early to meet your guide at the Sir Winston Churchill Statue in Parliament Square before going inside the depths of the Westminster Abbey.

While you can’t typically take photos inside, this is an amazing experience with history and beauty at every turn. There’s certainly a ton to see here, but my personal favorites were the Coronation Chair, Poets’ Corner, and the Lady Chapel.

With convenient skip-the-line tickets, you don’t have to worry about waiting in a queue and can simply head right in. The stunning Gothic nave, royal chapels, and so much more awaits you!

The guide does a fantastic job at giving the group little gems of information that I’d never heard anywhere else, further enriching the experience for us.

Next up is the Palace of Westminster with the famous Big Ben clocktower, where you’ll learn about the history of the monument that’s made appearances in countless movies, TV shows, and other media.

Then, head on over to Buckingham Palace where you’ll get to see some of the most famous royal rooms and hear intriguing tales about various royals.

FAQs About Westminster Abbey Tours

What is westminster abbey.

Westminster Abbey is the most historic church in England. It is not only a church but there are celebrations and ceremonies for the British royal family. Westminster Abbey was built in the 960s as a Benedictine monastery and has been the site of every Royal coronation since 1066.

What will I see in Westminster Abbey?

The Nave , this is the main part of the church where you enter. You will see the grave of the Unknown Warrior, who represents all the soldiers who died in World War I. You will see the memorials of famous people like Winston Churchill, William Shakespeare and Martin Luther King Jr.

The Coronation Chair , is located in the nave. This is the chair that has been used for every royal coronation since 1308. You will also see the Stone of Scone which is a symbol of Scottish royalty under the seat of the chair.

The Poets’ Corner , which is located in the south transept. This is where many writers and poets are buried and commemorated, such as Geoffrey Chaucer, Charles Dickens, Jane Austen, and C.S. Lewis.

The Lady Chapel , which is in the eastern part of the church. Most people consider this the most beautiful part of Westminster Abbey with the fan-vaulted ceiling, carvings and stained glass windows.

The Royal Tombs , are in various chapels in the church. There are tombs of famous and influential monarchs like Edward the Confessor, Henry III, Henry V, Henry VII, Edward VI, Elizabeth of York and George II.

The Pyx Chamber , is located off the east cloister. This medieval vaulted room was used to store the royal treasury and the standard weights and measures. You will see some of the original chests and iron bars that were used to secure the valuables.

The Chapter House , is located in the east cloister. This circular room that was used for meetings by the monks and later by the Parliament. There are some of the oldest wall paintings in England that depict scenes from the Bible and the Apocalypse.

The Cloisters , which you can get to from the Dean’s Yard. These covered walkways surround the central courtyard are some of the oldest parts of the Abbey with many memorials and monuments.

The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Galleries , which are in the medieval triforium above the Nave. These new galleries opened in 2018 to celebrate Queen Elizabeth II’s 60 years as the Queen.

How long do I need to see Westminster Abbey?

You can see most of the Abbey in 1.5 to 2 hours. It really depends on if you want to see all of it and how long you linger in the various areas.

How much does it cost to see Westminster Abbey?

An adult ticket is $30 which allows you to see all of the main attractions of the Abbey, like the nave, the tombs, Poet’s Corner, the Lady Chapel, and the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Galleries.

Do I need a guided tour of Westminster Abbey?

While you do not need a guided tour, having a tour guide will provide you with more insights and insider information about the history of the Abbey. You will also be able to access to some areas that are not open to general visitors.

Tour Guides

The London Guided Tour of Houses of Parliament & Westminster is our Editors Choice for the best Westminster Abbey tour.

Robert Baker

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Tickets Alert: Tour’s of Westminster Abbey’s hidden highlights

There’s a chance to explore behind the scenes of Westminster Abbey on a guided tour of some areas not usually open to the public.

The 90-minute tours will take in the lost medieval sacristy, recently revealed during one of their biggest ever archaeological projects, and the library, formerly part of the monk’s dormitory with a magnificent 15th-century oak roof and majestic 17th-century bookcases. The tours will also include the Jerusalem Chamber where Henry IV died in 1413.

westminster abbey hidden highlights tour cost

Abbey library (c) Westminster Abbey

The tour also takes in the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Galleries , opened in 2018 and displaying many of the Abbey’s treasures – which is normally open to the public for an extra £5  on their normal entry charge.

Although photography is now allowed inside the Abbey, it’s not allowed on the hidden highlights tours. Also, children are not allowed on the hidden highlights tours as part of the tour covers an excavated burial site.

The tours are an add-on to the existing Abbey entry price, so you need to book a normal adult entry ticket which is £24, then add the Hidden Highlights tour, which costs £15.

You need to book both entry tickets and tours at the same time, from here .

Alternatively, by joining the Abbey Association , which costs £40 per year, you get unlimited visits in the year, saves you £24 per visit and gets some special events thrown in for members.

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One comment

I did this tour last year, really amazing and interesting tour, and for a tenner, ridiculously good value!

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Westminster Abbey Tour

Exterior of Westminster Abbey. Photo Credit: © Ursula Petula Barzey.

Explore Westminster Abbey, Britain’s most famous church and one of the most popular visitor attractions in London

A Westminster Abbey Tour is unmissable because…

Westminster Abbey is simply unique. Almost 1000 years old, it’s known as the royal church, built by kings for kings. Under its graceful gothic arches, history has been made…the coronations of 39 monarchs, many royal weddings, and state funerals. It’s also a sacred place of burial and commemoration. Look out for some very famous graves and memorials – some of which you may be surprised to see in the Abbey!

The must-sees of a Westminster Abbey Tour

  • The Coronation site – see where Queen Elizabeth II was crowned in 1953.
  • The spot where Prince William and Kate Middleton were married in 2011.
  • The exquisite Lady Chapel – burial place of King Henry VII.
  • The most important grave in Britain – The Tomb of the Unknown Warrior .
  • The shrine of King Edward the Confessor .
  • The tombs of Elizabeth I and Mary Queen of Scots .
  • The 700-year-old Coronation Throne .
  • Poets Corner with tombs and memorials including William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, and Geoffrey Chaucer .

Book a Blue Badge Tourist Guide for a Westminster Abbey Tour because…

  • You’ll enjoy faster entry to Westminster Abbey.
  • A guided tour of the highlights and the hidden gems.
  • Expert knowledge of Westminster Abbey’s history and the lives of the people commemorated there.
  • Fascinating accounts of royal marriages, coronations, and conflicts.
  • Inspiring stories of pioneering scientists, writers, and statesmen.
  • A tour tailored to the interests and needs of your group.

Please bear in mind that these are not public tours, but private tours conducted by specialist Blue Badge Tourist Guides who will charge a separate fee, details of which can be found on our fees page.

Exterior of Westminster Abbey. Photo Credit: © Ursula Petula Barzey.

Let us 'Match' you with one of our Blue Badge Tourist Guides who are:

  • Friendly, professional and used to dealing with groups of all ages and sizes
  • Holders of the prestigious Blue Badge (the highest Tourist Guiding qualification in the UK)
  • Able to use special entrances at certain well known attractions to avoid waiting in long lines
  • Able to offer tours in over 30 different languages

westminster abbey hidden highlights tour cost

Simply input your tour request details in the form below. When you have finished, hit the Green ‘Submit to Match’ button. Your request will be instantly emailed to three highly qualified and enthusiastic London Blue Badge Tourist Guides, matching your criteria. They will then email you confirming availability, pricing and suggestions for the tour itself. So let one of our 500+ Blue Badge Tourist Guides make your stay in London a special one.

Short notice request! We will do our best to accommodate your needs, but generally try to give at least two days notice.

Date of tour: Flexible dates Coming to London for a whole week? Let the guide know that the date is flexible, so they can suggest an upcoming event or a less crowded time for the tour. (+/- 3 days)

Language: Albanian Bulgarian Chinese (Cantonese) Chinese (Mandarin) Croatian Czech Danish Dutch/Flemish English Finnish French German Greek Hebrew Hindi Hungarian Italian Japanese Korean Lithuanian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Slovak Spanish Swedish Swiss-German Taiwanese Turkish Welsh

Duration: Morning Half day tour up to 4 hours maximum, usually expected to finish by 13:00 Afternoon Half day tour up to 4 hours maximum, usually expected to start by 13:30 All Day Full days are up to 9 hours, usually finishing no later than 18:00 Evening Only Half day tour up to 4 hours maximum, usually expected to start no earlier than 18:00

Travel by: Walking & Public Transportation Tour Explore London by walking and a variety of public transport (Underground, Black Cab, London double decker bus or even riverboat) Cycling Tour Cycle around London with a professional Guide. Bring your own bicycle or request the Guide to help you hire one. Driving Tour Get driven around in style by a professional Driver Guide. Usually for groups of up to 7 people. Coach Tour A tour for larger groups (typically 20+). Please tell the Guide if you have your own coach and driver, or request the Guide to help you hire one. Virtual Tour Explore London's top sights and attractions from the comfort of your home

Interests: Major London sites Museum and Galleries Beyond London Specialist Tours Westminster Abbey Tour

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Westminster Abbey Tour with Skip-the-Line Tickets

  • Walking the path of grand royal coronations and storied weddings, you'll seamlessly weave into the rich tapestry of British history that comes alive within these hallowed halls.
  • Experience a journey through time with your Context guide, whose unmatched expertise and profound insights guarantee an enthralling and enlightening tour.


  • You prefer a comprehensive experience over a quick visit, ensuring you don't miss the Abbey's hidden gems.
  • You're intrigued by the idea of visiting the final resting places of poets, scientists, statesmen, and monarchs who shaped British history.
  • Tour cost includes timed skip-the-line access tickets to Westminster Abbey
  • Our skip-the-line tickets will get us to a special lane where our group will have to stand in line due to security and crowd control measures.
  • If you are looking to learn more about London prior to a visit, check out our Online Lectures and Audio Guides.
  • Additional information about accessibility at the abbey is available here.

westminster abbey hidden highlights tour cost

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Unlock centuries of history: book our westminster abbey tour with our skip-the-line tickets, book a tour.

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Complete Westminster Abbey Tour with Diamond Jubilee Galleries

Westminster Abbey 2

Why take this tour?

  • Don’t wait in line! Our tour gets you straight into Westminster Abbey without having to queue, so you’ll spend more time exploring and less time waiting.
  • Learn the stories of some of the most legendary events at the Abbey—from royal weddings and funerals to the coronations of generations of monarchs.
  • Discover the tombs and gravestones of some of England’s most significant historical icons: Sir Isaac Newton, Charles Dickens, Queen Elizabeth I, and more.
  • Get exclusive access to the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Galleries, home to countless royal treasures you have to see to believe—as well as jaw-dropping views of the Abbey from above.
  • Sites Visited
  • Parliament Square
  • Westminster Abbey
  • The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Galleries
  • Tour Includes
  • Skip-the-queue access to Westminster Abbey
  • Pre-reserved access to Queen's Diamond Jubilee Galleries
  • Blue Badge guide

Discover the most important Gothic building in England on the most extensive Westminster Abbey tour on the market.

Total customer reviews: 29, latest reviews.

westminster abbey hidden highlights tour cost

Meeting Point

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Abbey unlocked tour - July

Tour Westminster Abbey before we open our doors to the public and experience parts of the church only seen by a handful of people.

During your 90-minute private tour in the empty Abbey you will visit the Shrine of Edward the Confessor, the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Galleries and the:

  • Coronation Chair
  • Grave of the Unknown Warrior
  • Lady Chapel
  • Scientists' Corner
  • Poets' Corner

This is a rare chance for you to see a different side of the coronation church.

Places are extremely limited (just ten people per tour).

Available dates

  • Thursday 4 July
  • Monday 8 July
  • Thursday 11 July
  • Friday 12 July
  • Monday 15 July
  • Wednesday 17 July
  • Thursday 18 July
  • Friday 19 July
  • Monday 22 July
  • Tuesday 23 July
  • Wednesday 24 July
  • Friday 26 July
  • Monday 29 July
  • Tuesday 30 July
  • Wednesday 31 July

See Abbey unlocked tour dates in June

See Abbey unlocked tour dates in August

Booking information

To check availability and make a booking please email [email protected] .

You must pre-book to take part in this tour. Bookings can be made up to 48 hours in advance. Payment will be taken upon arrival (credit/debit card only).

Tour meeting location

This tour will meet at the Cloister Entrance in Dean’s Yard. Please arrive by 8.15am, latecomers will not be admitted.

Additional information

Photography is permitted on this tour, except in the Shrine of Edward the Confessor, and the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Galleries after they open to the public.

This tour includes general admission, and you are welcome to stay in the Abbey at the end of the tour.

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20th June - 6th September 2024

College Garden Included in the price of admission

Having a daily relationship with a 1000 year old garden is a joy.

westminster abbey hidden highlights tour cost

Jan - Head Gardener

Westminster Abbey

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  1. Hidden Highlights tour

    You will be transferred to the Westminster Abbey ticket website. Select your chosen date and time (the time slot must be before or the same time as the tour time slot) and select your general admission tickets. You will then be prompted to book tickets for the Hidden Highlights tour, if available. If you're interested in the 12:15pm tour

  2. Hidden Highlights tour was brilliant

    Review of Westminster Abbey. Reviewed August 7, 2021. The Hidden Highlights tour was absolutely brilliant - not only a chance to see 'behind the scenes' where you usually couldn't see, including the beautiful Jerusalem chamber where Henry IV died, to the excavation of the Medieval Sacristy, to London's oldest Library.

  3. Try the hidden highlights tour!

    Westminster Abbey: Try the hidden highlights tour! - See 25,012 traveler reviews, 11,594 candid photos, and great deals for London, UK, at Tripadvisor.

  4. Hidden Highlights tour was brilliant

    Review of Westminster Abbey. Reviewed 7 August 2021. The Hidden Highlights tour was absolutely brilliant - not only a chance to see 'behind the scenes' where you usually couldn't see, including the beautiful Jerusalem chamber where Henry IV died, to the excavation of the Medieval Sacristy, to London's oldest Library.

  5. difference between Hidden highlights and Verger tour W/Abbey

    4. Re: difference between Hidden highlights and Verger tour W/Abbey. 1 year ago. We did the Hidden tour in addition to an audio tour of the Abbey, and it was well worth it. You'll get to see some of the most interesting and historically significant parts of the church, plus the Jubilee galleries. For the latter, I'd say an hour is enough ...

  6. Events at Westminster Abbey

    Abbey unlocked tour - August. Tour Westminster Abbey before we open our doors to the public and experience parts of the church only seen by a handful of people. 1st - 30th August 2024 | The Abbey ... Hidden Highlights tour - September On 2nd - 30th September 2024

  7. Go Behind the Scenes at Westminster Abbey

    The Hidden Highlights tour can be booked here, and groups are small (just 10 maximum) so they're selling out quick! If you've never visited Westminster Abbey before, or it was years since you've been, now is the perfect time to organise a trip without the crowds!

  8. Westminster Abbey's Hidden Highlights Tour

    Back to the Hidden Highlights. There were just two of us paying punters this morning, but as the maximum number on any tour is 14, it is never going to feel oppressive. One starts at the archaeological dig that is taking place on the site of the 13th century Sacristy, on the north side of the building. The Abbey plan a visitor centre here to ...

  9. WESTMINSTER ABBEY (2024) All You Need to Know BEFORE You ...

    Closed now. 9:30 AM - 3:30 PM. Write a review. About. Westminster Abbey was initially built by Henry III in 1245 and it is one of the most important Gothic buildings of England. At first home of Benedictine monks, the coronation church since 1066 and the final resting place of 17 monarchs. It contains a treasury full of paintings, stained glass ...

  10. Hidden Highlights tour

    About the tour. On this 75-minute tour you will visit areas of the Abbey not normally open to the public. These areas include. Jerusalem Chamber, the medieval room where Henry IV died and Henry V became king ; Queen's Diamond Jubilee Galleries, which displays many of the Abbey's treasures; Florence Nightingale & Nurses' chapel, the chapel remembers those in nursing professions who died ...

  11. The 5 Best Westminster Abbey Tours [2024 Reviews]

    Quick Answer: The 5 Best Rated Westminster Abbey Tours For 2024. London Guided Tour of Houses of Parliament & Westminster. Private Tour London Highlights, entries Westminster Abbey, The Tower of London. Westminster Abbey Tour & Big Ben Exterior. Priority Access Tour of Westminster Abbey with London Eye Option.

  12. Westminster Abbey Hidden Highlights

    Minnesota 🎒. 03/27/22 10:31 AM. 16268 posts. It doesn't appear so as "Hidden Highlights" shows as a pre-bookable option on the Westminster site but the Verger Tour does not; you can't join one of those tours until you've already arrived at the abbey, and if there's room for you. They also don't make mention of seeing the Jubilee Gallery on ...

  13. Tickets Alert: Tour's of Westminster Abbey's hidden highlights

    The tours are an add-on to the existing Abbey entry price, so you need to book a normal adult entry ticket which is £24, then add the Hidden Highlights tour, which costs £15. You need to book both entry tickets and tours at the same time, from here. Alternatively, by joining the Abbey Association, which costs £40 per year, you get unlimited ...

  14. Hidden Highlights Tour

    Westminster Abbey: Hidden Highlights Tour - See 25,019 traveler reviews, 11,597 candid photos, and great deals for London, UK, at Tripadvisor. Skip to main content. ... After the Hidden Highlights Tour we had lunch in the Cafe and then went back to do the general tour with the audio guide since we hadn't been there for 7 years and appreciated ...

  15. Prices & entry times

    Highlights Tour. At times when we cannot open the entire Abbey to visitors, we offer a highlights tour at a reduced price. Tickets are only available at the Abbey. Prices. Association members - Free entry; Adults - £19; Concessions (people aged 65+ and students) - £19; Children Aged 6-17 years - £8; Aged 0-5 years - Free (when accompanied by ...

  16. Westminster Abbey Tour

    A guided tour of the highlights and the hidden gems. Expert knowledge of Westminster Abbey's history and the lives of the people commemorated there. Fascinating accounts of royal marriages, coronations, and conflicts. Inspiring stories of pioneering scientists, writers, and statesmen. A tour tailored to the interests and needs of your group.

  17. Westminster Abbey Tour with Skip-the-Line Tickets

    Explore Westminster Abbey's historic corridors with priority access tickets. Guided by certified Blue Badge experts, delve into the heart of London's royal ceremonies, renowned burials, and architectural marvels. Uncover centuries-old British tales, from monarch chronicles to notable luminaries. A must-do Westminster tour to truly experience London's history!

  18. Westminster Abbey Hidden Highlights tour

    I am trying to decide whether to just get Queen's Gallery tickets or the Hidden Highlights tickets. I have already taken a Verger tour and not sure how much repeat other than the Edward Confessor Shrine there is in Hidden Highlights and Verger tours. We took the HH tour in April and would 100% recommend it. The tour ends in the Queen's Gallery ...

  19. London: Guided Westminster Abbey Tour and Refreshments

    Highlights. Marvel at the splendor of Westminster Abbey and learn about its long history. Benefit from the knowledge and trivia from a guide as you walk through the Abbey. Enjoy refreshments of coffee, tea, and pastries in the 14th-century Cellarium. Get the most out of the tour with priority access and a maximum group size of 20.

  20. Verger-guided tours

    Prices and how to book. For a verger tour, you'll pay the Abbey entry price plus £10. General admittance tickets to the Abbey can be purchased in advance online but a verger tour can only be booked when you arrive at the Abbey. When booking your tickets to the Abbey, please try to book your entry slot 30 minutes or so before the tour is due ...

  21. Complete Westminster Abbey Tour

    Complete Westminster Abbey Tour with Diamond Jubilee Galleries. 29 reviews. 3 hours. Max 20. Discover over ten centuries of British history in one of England's most storied sites. From coronations to royal weddings, kings and queens to statesmen and soldiers, history happens at Westminster Abbey and it's all waiting to be discovered.

  22. Westminster Abbey, Hidden Highlights and Queen's Galleries

    Re: Westminster Abbey, Hidden Highlights and Queen's Galleries. Jan 19, 2024, 9:14 PM. Hi, when I did this tour last year, we ended the tour at the Galleries, from that point we were free to continue explore the galleries and the Abbey. It's an excellent tour, I really enjoyed it and the opportunity to see areas not open to the public.

  23. Abbey unlocked tour

    Tour Westminster Abbey before we open our doors to the public and experience parts of the church only seen by a handful of people. During your 90-minute private tour in the empty Abbey you will visit the Shrine of Edward the Confessor, the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Galleries and the: Coronation Chair. Grave of the Unknown Warrior. Quire. High ...