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Home » Central America » Travel Safety

Is Saint Lucia Safe for Travel? (Insider Tips)

Saint Lucia is one of the Caribbean island paradises that is becoming increasingly popular with independent travellers. It’s no wonder: with its natural wonders including the UNESCO-approved twin peaks of the Gros and Petit Pitons, the island is a marvel to explore.

Combine this with pristine beaches, a laid back lifestyle, plenty of rum, street parties and Creole culture and cuisine and we have Saint Lucia – a destination that’s so much more than just all inclusive resorts. At the same time, however, it’s not quite the paradise that everybody thinks it is and you might be left wondering how safe is St Lucia? …

Violent crime against tourists isn’t unheard of  and neither is petty theft. Robberies and break ins also do occur. Then there’s the natural world to worry about such hurricanes. It seems paradise comes at a price!

Please don’t let it put you off, though. We’ve created this epic guide to staying safe in Saint Lucia, so you can travel around with plenty of tips and information that will put your mind at ease. Hopefully this guide will make getting to grips with real life in this island nation a whole lot easier.

st lucia travel reviews

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How Safe is Saint Lucia? (Our take)

Is saint lucia safe to visit right now, safest places in saint lucia, 20 top safety tips for traveling to saint lucia, how safe is saint lucia to travel alone, is saint lucia safe for solo female travellers, more on safety in saint lucia, faq about staying safe in saint lucia, so, is saint lucia safe.

How Safe is Saint Lucia

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Saint Lucia is an Eastern Caribbean gem, with a volcanic landscape, plenty of beaches and rainforests thrown in for good measure. It’s a very popular destination for people who rock up on cruises and honeymooners, but independent travellers do also find their way to this island – and they have a fun time.

Of course, it isn’t all palm trees and pina coladas. There is real life on this island and there is crime, too; not just petty crime, but serious crime has made the news a few times – especially when tourists have been the targets.

Along with that, there is the natural world to be aware of. The hurricane season peaks in August/September and there are active volcanoes on the island.

That doesn’t mean that it’s an unsafe place to visit; plenty of people come here, have a blast, and then leave without any trouble whatsoever. It’s more the kind of place where local transport will be rickety and minibuses speed around winding lanes.

It’s the kind of place where you’ll casually get offered drugs (not aggressively), and locals travelling around in the backs of trucks with machetes. It’s all good.

Generally, Saint Lucia is fairly safe, but let’s get into the details…

There is no such thing as a perfect safety guide, and this article is no different. The question of “Is Saint Lucia Safe?” will ALWAYS have a different answer depending on the parties involved. But this article is written for savvy travellers from the perspective of savvy travellers.

The information present in this safety guide was accurate at the time of writing, however, the world is a changeable place, now more than ever. Between the pandemic, ever-worsening cultural division, and a click-hungry media, it can be hard to maintain what is truth and what is sensationalism.

Here, you will find safety knowledge and advice for travelling Saint Lucia. It won’t be down to the wire cutting edge info on the most current events, but it is layered in the expertise of veteran travellers. If you use our guide, do your own research, and practise common sense, you will have a safe trip to Saint Lucia.

If you see any outdated information in this guide, we would really appreciate it if you could reach out in the comments below. We strive to provide the most relevant travel information on the web and always appreciate input from our readers (nicely, please!). Otherwise, thanks for your ear and stay safe!

It’s a wild world out there. But it’s pretty damn special too. 🙂

Is Saint Lucia Safe to Visit

The answer is: yes, it is. “Most visits are trouble free,” according to the UK Government, “but there have been incidents of crime including murder, armed robbery and sexual assault.”

When it comes to visitors from other countries, they completely outnumber the local population. That doesn’t mean that all is good here.

Though there is nothing pressing that is particularly stopping tourists from visiting Saint Lucia right now, the gradual rise in violent and serious crime over the past few years is cause for some concern.

There have also been a number of high profile violent crimes reported from Saint Lucia, with wealthy tourists being the victims even within the confines of their own accommodation. All in all, robbery of all kinds is an issue in Saint Lucia and tourists are often targets.

In response, the Ministry of Tourism has collaborated with the Royal Saint Lucia Police to put in place a system of security at hotels, with regular checks and safeguarding measures put in place to help protect tourists from the threat of crime.

It’s good to be aware that muggings, car rental robberies, thefts from hotels, harassment, and other crimes towards tourists do happen. We’re not saying this to scare you, just to let you know that Saint Lucia isn’t a playground: it’s a real place with its own issues.

Aside from the threat of crime from other humans, there is also nature to contend with, which can cause some safety issues on the island.

Hurricane season runs from June to November and can batter this part of the Caribbean; if you are heading to Saint Lucia at this time of year, you should pay attention to the local news and follow international advice. Be aware of flooding, transport disruptions, flight cancellations.

When choosing where you’ll be staying in Saint Lucia, a bit of research and caution is essential. You don’t want to end up in a sketchy area and ruin your trip. To help you out, we’ve listed the safest areas to visit in Saint Lucia below.

Rodney Bay, or Rodney Bay Village is a little paradise spot in the North of Saint Lucia. Known for the laid-back vibe, super white sand beaches and quite a lively nightlife as well, it’s the ideal spot for first-time visitors or those that want to stay safe AND enjoy a bit of entertainment. 

Is Saint Lucia Safe

It’s actually a man-made lagoon and you can find plenty of great accommodation options here. It’s one of the major tourist hubs, which means that police presence and security is higher than in other parts of Saint Lucia. While you’ll still need to keep your wits about you, a visit to Rodney Bay should be pretty safe and chill. 

Pigeon Island and Cap Estate 

Just like Rodney bay, Pigeon Island and Cap Estate are located in the North as well. It’s a bit more high-end than the first location. You can also find a massive National Park here. The park is filled with stunning nature, incredible beaches and naval ruins. You can even find some interesting pirate and war history here. 

A bit further from Pigeon Island, you can find Cap Estate. With luxurious properties and a massive golf course, this might be more a holiday destination than the typical budget backpacker hotspot. Still, it’s one of the safest and most relaxed areas in Saint Lucia.

If you look closely across the sea you might even see the island of Martinique across the sea! Martinique is also a cool place to stay if you have the time to visit.

Soufriere is a super popular destination in the South of Saint Lucia, thanks to plenty of attractions, activities and beautiful beaches. Note that the sand is a little bit darker in the South, so don’t expect blinding white sand. However, this makes the South a little bit more remote and therefore more peaceful and relaxed. There’s not as much nightlife as in the North, which makes it ideal for families and couples. 

Is Saint Lucia safe

While hotels and resorts are pretty expensive, you also get plenty of guesthouse and homestay options. This makes Soufriere especially popular among budget backpackers as well. From here, you can easily explore the rest of Saint Lucia’s South. Just keep in mind not to drive after dark! 

Places to avoid in Saint Lucia

Unfortunately, not all places in Saint Lucia are safe. You need to be careful and aware of your surroundings pretty much anywhere you go in the world, and the same goes for visiting Saint Lucia.

Areas with high rates of crime are the capital, Castries – including the neighbourhoods of Wilton’s Yard, Leslie Land, Chaussee Road, Marchand, Morn du Don – as well as the waterfalls in Anse la Raye.

As we mentioned above, staying out at night, no matter where you are located is a really bad idea. If possible, avoid it completely or opt to go out with a big group. 

It’s a bit of a no-brainer, but if an area or a street looks like tourists don’t belong here, you should probably stay away too. Stick with the busy tourist areas or get yourself a guide. Wandering off alone is pretty much the worst thing you could do. 

It’s important to know that Saint Lucia can be a safe place, but a bit of caution and research before you start your travels will go a long way. If you want to increase your safety during your stay, read on for our insider travel tips. Stick to those and you won’t have a single issue in Saint Lucia.

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st lucia travel reviews

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23 Top Safety Tips for Traveling to Saint Lucia

Saint Lucia may seem like a scary place from what we have already said, but in fact, nothing could be further from the truth. It is a friendly, laid back Caribbean destination where locals are up for a chat and where the weather is (almost always) fine.

However, there are some things that you should keep in mind when you are visiting to make sure that you have the as safe a trip to Saint Lucia as possible…

  • Don’t wander around at night by yourself – especially in isolated areas.
  • It’s better to take a taxi than walk anywhere at night – we have more tips on Saint Lucian taxis later on in this article
  • Be careful if you’re going out partying in local spots  – you might become a bit of a target; read reviews online of good spots
  • Be prepared when you head out hiking  – the heat can really get to you, so make sure you’re prepared and have plenty of H20
  • Be direct with street sellers  – if you don’t want to buy anything. A polite “no, thank you” will suffice – or ignore and walk on
  • Protect yourself from street crime  – don’t make yourself a target! Protect your valuables while traveling by leaving them at home or (safely) in your accommodation.
  • Don’t flash your cash  – don’t carry around a huge wad of cash with you
  • Try to blend in  – obviously we’re not saying “be a local”, but we strongly suggest not dressing like a tourist
  • Take care when swimming in the sea  – there can be deceptively strong currents and there aren’t always lifeguards or warning flags. If you’re not sure, you should ask a local
  • Stay away from drugs  – there are severe penalties for all drug offences
  • Consider a “throw down” wallet  – it may seem excessive, but having a dummy wallet filled with a few dollars that you can hand over in the event of a mugging is better than only having your actual wallet filled loads of money and your credit cards
  • Wear a travel money belt   – more on this later, but having your money hidden on your person means having no wallet to worry about in the first place
  • Leave your camouflage clothing at home  – it’s an offence (i.e. against the law) to wear it here, even for children
  • Hands off  – public displays of affection between any type of couple will raise some eyebrows.
  • Beware of ATMs and foreign exchange places – only withdraw and change money at reputable vendors
  • Get yourself a good travel sim card that works in Saint Lucia  – we don’t need to explain the benefits of having a phone with data!
  • Cover up against mosquitoes  – there is Dengue fever present, as well as Chikungunya virus and a risk of Zika virus. So cover up with loose clothing at dusk, use repellent with DEET, because who wants to get bitten by them anyway?
  • Monitor local weather between June and November  – hurricane season can cause havoc
  • Respect the sun  – don’t lay out in the hottest part of the day, cover up as much as possible, stay hydrated, wear a hat, slather on sunscreen because (trust us) sunstroke is horrible
  • There are snakes in Saint Lucia  – one venomous one in particular: the Fer de Lance (brown, black and pale yellow bands with a big head). Watch where you tread!

There you have it – a whole lot of safety tips for travelling around Saint Lucia to bear in mind when you touch down on the Caribbean island.

Is st Lucia safe to travel alone

Solo travelling is great. We are all for it. Not only is it rewarding to grow as a person whilst travelling alone, but it can also lead you to get in touch with communities and local life that you might miss out on otherwise.

This Caribbean island is definitely known as a couples getaway and family holiday destination. However, it can be done and it is safe to Saint Lucia travel alone. Here’s how…

  • Whilst there aren’t many party hostels , or many hostels at all for that matter, there are some good options for solo travellers out there. Saint Lucia has a number of family-run hotels and guesthouses for travellers and backpackers on a budget .
  • With that in mind, insider knowledge is key. Ask a local friend, the staff at your hotel, resort, or hostel – even your guide or taxi driver – for their local tips on where to go , where’s safe, what to eat and what to do.
  • Get your phone stocked up with apps . We’re are talking everything from earthquake apps and Maps.me (offline maps), to Google Translate, currency exchange apps (like XE), and online banking.
  • When you are walking around in local areas, walk around purposefully like you know where you’re going (even if you don’t). Avoid walking around looking like a lost tourist who has no idea what’s going on because, chances are, this will make you a target.
  • Let people back home know your travel itinerary and tell them if it changes, or if you plan to stay in just one place. Having your friends and family back home know where you are is a lot safer than nobody knowing where you are.
  • Keep emergency numbers saved in your phone : we’re talking your hotel, a taxi company, emergency services, your parents. These are numbers that you’ll want to be able to call without scrolling through your contacts, so save them with a # before their name to make sure they appear at the top of your contacts.
  • If you’re out and about on a day trip or out exploring by yourself, make sure you are back at your accommodation before dark – especially if you have no contingency plan for after dark travel.
  • Travel with enough money . Take credit cards, back up credit cards, a dummy wallet with old credit and debit cards (and a few notes) in it… Just make sure that you are financially stable whilst you’re away, because there’s nothing quite as stressful as trying to micromanage your bank from afar – and those calls get expensive, too!
  • If somebody does try to rob you, just hand it over . Your petty cash is not worth dying for, so diffuse the danger by just giving them what they want.
  • Be careful with going out at night partying. You are just going to put yourself in danger if you go out by yourself . If you do want to do this sort of thing, head out as a group with likeminded people from your accommodation – never alone.
  • Speaking of which, try to hit up beaches outside of your resort in groups , too; unattended items very easily go missing (especially when you’re by yourself), so make sure you travel around in a group.
  • Keep your important documents, including your passport, safe . They’re important for a reason. Don’t take it out and about with yourself.

Make sure you stick to the basic tips of safe travel : don’t put yourself in bad situations, stay in secure accommodation, and always let people know what you’re up to.

Is Saint Lucia safe for solo female travellers

Saint Lucia may not be the best destination in the world for solo female travellers. Yes, it’s true that you have to be more than a little bit careful in certain areas, however, you should still be fine.

There are all sorts of ways to enjoy Saint Lucia as a solo female traveller, so let us run through those with you so that this laid back destination seems like a less daunting option…

  • It’s a good tip for solo female travellers to not go where no one else goes . If a beach isn’t busy with locals or tourists, don’t go; if a road is completely deserted in a town (even in broad daylight), don’t walk along it by yourself. Remote areas like this are just riskier . End of story.
  • Get yourself a guide . It’s good company, a go-to local expert and will act as security. However, do make sure to get a fully vetted, certified guide and only book through a reputable agency even if it means paying a bit more.
  • Be very careful if you want to go out partying. It’s really not a good idea to go out by yourself , so if you want some night time fun, it’s best to go as a group.
  • Dress to fit in as much as possible . It’s not a good idea to walk around wearing flashy and/or revealing clothes when you’re a solo female traveller. Err on the side of modesty.
  • Choose your accommodation wisely . There are a lot of options, from Saint Lucia’s gorgeous private villas or all-inclusive resorts to a family-run guesthouse or budget hotel. Make sure that you read reviews super carefully.
  • Once you arrive at your accommodation, make sure that it is secure . Make sure that your doors and windows can lock. Make sure that those locks are adequate.
  • We always recommend that solo female travellers trust their gut . Being a female you will most likely be used to being on guard anyway, but that feeling comes into play especially when you’re in a situation that feels like it isn’t right.
  • One great thing about travelling solo as a female is the amount of female-specific resources there are on the internet. Get online and join groups like Girls Love Travel and Women Who Live On Rocks (that’s women who live in the Caribbean), ask questions, for advice, and general tips. People often want to meet up on these groups, so take them up on it and get shown around a local area.
  • Make sure your phone is charged at all times and that you have a data plan that will last you. Both these things will be crucial in case of emergencies, so maybe get yourself an extra battery pack and pick up a local sim if you need it for the data.

For any sort of solo traveller, Saint Lucia doesn’t exactly stick out as the number one destination. It seems like, and in some ways is, more of a place for cruise ships, couples, honeymooners and families who stay at all-inclusive resorts. However, solo travellers do come here.

We’ve covered the main safety concerns already, but there are a few more things to know. Read on for more detailed information on how to have a safe trip to Saint Lucia.

Is Saint Lucia safe to travel for families?

Despite the levels of crime, Saint Lucia is actually perfectly safe for families to visit. With all of its all-inclusive resorts, hotels and Airbnbs , you will have no trouble having a comfortable adventure when you and your children visit this Caribbean island.

There is plenty going on here to keep both adults and children entertained during your vacation – that means nobody is going to be getting bored here.

Although there’s not a ton of children specific attractions located on the island (don’t expect crazy amusement parks and soft plays), there is a lot on offer for a fun-filled whale of a time.

Is Saint Lucia safe to travel for families

When it comes to safety, pay attention to the weather, not just in terms of hurricane season and downpours, but the sun.

Young children are affected much more than adults by the symptoms of sunstroke. Ensure that your children don’t spend too long in the sun, take frequent shade breaks, apply sunscreen and are covered up with sun hats and T-shirts.

Another thing to note is the necessity of protecting against mosquito bites . Again, children are more at risk than adults, so ensure to use a child-friendly mosquito repellent, burn mosquito coils (if possible), and make sure your little ones are covered up.

When it comes to food, don’t worry: there will be plenty on offer for even the pickiest of eaters at the all inclusive resorts and hotels. That said, there are plenty of places to eat outside of the resorts which are family friendly and cater to children, such as La Petit Peak in Soufriere, with local Creole food and great views.

Other than that, being such a well-trodden destination – especially for families – you should have absolutely no worries if you’re planning a trip to Saint Lucia!

Is it safe to drive in Saint Lucia?

Driving in Saint Lucia is not always straightforward, but it can be done. They drive on the left hand side of the road here (good news if you’re from the UK) and the main roads of the island tend to be in a pretty good state.

To be able to drive in Saint Lucia, first of all, you will need to purchase a Temporary Driving License; you can buy these at the car rental company you plan to use and costs $22 USD. However, by some accounts, it seems as though some car rental agencies are accepting International Driving Licenses.

Is it safe to drive in Saint Lucia

Hiring a car is most easily done at the airport or in a larger town (we would recommend pre-booking, for ease and possible savings). Note that you have to be over the age of 25 years in order to rent a car, and have at least 3 years worth of driving experience under your belt.

Speaking of hazards, when driving be careful at night time; in fact, it’s best not to drive after dark as a lot of the roads are unlit and there are hazards that you will be unable to see.

Roads can also be quite slippy after a heavy downpour, so take extra care when heading out after rain.

Though you will notice pedestrians standing at the side of the road trying to get a lift ( travelling by hitchhiking is fairly common in Saint Lucia), it’s not a good idea for you – a tourist – to be picking up passengers. As a side note, make sure you keep your car doors locked when you’re driving.

It is pretty safe to drive in Saint Lucia; you can do it and it is pretty fun to do so, but unless you have the necessary experience or you love driving, we would recommend sticking to taxis.

Is Uber safe in Saint Lucia?

No Uber here!

You’re left with either using local taxis or trying out the recent addition to the private transport scene in Saint Lucia: PayCab.

This is an app that you can download that, not surprisingly, works like Uber. It partners you with licensed taxi drivers and any qualified driver across the island.

It began in Antigua in 2018 and helps people earn a second income. Apparently they have strict eligibility guidelines in place, but being such a new company it’s difficult to tell at this stage just how legitimate and effective PayCab ends up being on the island.

Are taxis safe in Saint Lucia?

Taxis are a pretty standard way to get around in Saint Lucia. There are a load of licensed taxis who will ferry you around the island pretty comfortably… and a load of taxis which aren’t licensed, too.

You can pick up a taxi at the airport, at the harbour, in front of hotels, at taxi ranks in towns – those sorts of places.

Be aware, however, that they are not metered. Instead, there are standard taxi fares between (most) destinations on the island, but it is important to agree on a fare in the local currency before you set off on your journey.

Rates can vary depending on a number of factors such time of day, what day it is, whether it’s a holiday or not, how much luggage you have, and how many people are in your party. Basically, the consensus is that the drivers just make the rate up on the spot, so it’s important to don your haggling hat and negotiate a good price.

Authorised taxis can be spotted by their light blue number plate with a “TX-” at the start of the registration number.

Apart from occasional scams, taxis are a good way to get around. In fact, in many cases, you can arrange for a taxi driver to take you around for the day, which is something that can be organised through your accommodation and a great way to see the island with a local.

Taxis are safe in Saint Lucia, for the most part, there aren’t too many scams going on – the most unsafe thing you could do is get into an unlicensed taxi.

Is public transportation in Saint Lucia safe?

To be honest, public transportation in Saint Lucia isn’t that developed. Your only option is a bus – minibuses, to be exact.

If you want to get out and about and see the island’s culture and soak up local life, then you’re probably going to want to take advantage of the island’s minibus network.

public transportation

In towns and urban areas, the bus will stop at bus stops, but if you’re somewhere a little rural between towns there won’t be any specific bus stops. In these instances, if you want to catch a bus, you’ll have to wave one down. When you want to get off, you simply say, “Stopping, driver!” It’s as simple as that.

There are, in fact, three major bus routes that run around the island: the Vieux Fort to Soufriere route; the Soufriere to Castries route; and the Castries to Vieux Fort route.

It’s generally pretty easy to get around if you know what you’re doing. A big tip from our side would be to ensure you can make your way back to your accommodation before the buses stop running.

Another way to get around is a water taxi. You can hop on one of these on the west side of the island. The routes for this water-based system of public transport usually run between Rodney Bay in the north to Soufriere or Marigot Bay in the south.

To conclude, the public transportation in Saint Lucia is safe. Just be aware of your belongings, try not to get lost, plan routes ahead of the journey, and make sure you are able to get on a bus to your accommodation before they stop running.

Is the food in Saint Lucia safe?

The Caribbean islands have some pretty tasty food on offer and Saint Lucian cuisine is no different. The food on this island is full of deliciously exotic fruits, exciting spices and succulent meat. The Creole culture means a mouthwatering mix of European and African cuisine.

Is the food in Saint Lucia safe

Here’s how to eat your way around like a pro…

  • Your hotel will most likely offer an abundant array of dishes for breakfast, lunch, dinner and everything in between. Whilst this is all well and good, sometimes what’s been sitting around in a metal tray all morning won’t be as good for you as, say, a freshly cooked plate of Creole cuisine from outside your resort compound.
  • Make sure to eat at places where food has been freshly cooked; if you can see something being fried up right in front of you, chances are it won’t make you feel ill later on.
  • If you want to go somewhere local to eat, then make sure you go somewhere that’s filled with locals. If local people are filling up the place, then it should be good.
  • Though it’s not always possible, try to choose places to eat that look clean. At the same time, if there’s a clean place with no customers next to a place that looks rougher around the edges, but which is packed with people, chances are the “dirty” one will be a better bet.
  • When you eat is a factor in how good the food will be, too. Going at lunchtime will mean a high turnover of customers, a hot grill, and things being freshly cooked.
  • Don’t go all in! We know the food is amazingly tasty here, but the spiciness of it all, coupled with the probably extreme change in diet with eating food you’re not used to, can do crazy things to your stomach.
  • This is very simple tip, but it’s a good one: wash your hands. It’s a no-brainer.
  • Some dishes to try: accra (fried fish, usually salted cod, served with greens), green fig salad (like a potato salad, but with boiled green bananas in place of potatoes), the national dish of green figs and salted fish (unripe bananas and preserved fish), French-influenced bouyon (a red bean soup with meat and vegetables), and cocoa tea and bakes (breadfruit served with chicken or fish).

If you’re at all a foodie worth your salt, you should head out and explore the culture of the island by trying out its national dishes; not only will it blow your tastebuds away, but you may meet some friendly locals along the way. Always finish up with a Piton – the local lager here.

Can you drink the water in Saint Lucia?

You can drink the tap water in Saint Lucia. It’s chlorinated and totally safe to drink.

Don’t add to the world’s plastic problem and instead bring a refillable water bottle, where you can fill up at your hotel or accommodation as much as you want; they may even have filtered water, too.

If you feel like being on the extra safe side, boil your water vigorously for a minute or more – though it really doesn’t need to be done.

Is Saint Lucia safe to live?

More of a vacation destination than somewhere that’s famous for being a liveable expat haven, Saint Lucia is – in fact – a pretty safe place for people to be living.

As with a lot of nations within the Caribbean,  there are issues with crime and poverty. Living somewhere is often very different to vacationing there.

A good place to base yourself if you are a foreigner looking to move here is somewhere between Cap Estate and Rodney Bay. Bonneterre is also nearby and has a mix of easy access to entertainment and a population of young professionals and young families.

There’s a lot of nightlife you can get involved with in Saint Lucia, and the nature is always beautiful to explore – from the rainforests of the interior, to the beaches. However, that natural world is offset by human problems like a high unemployment rate and not enough jobs to go around.

Is Saint Lucia safe to live

Jobs aren’t easy to come by on the island. It’s probably a good idea to be a digital nomad , already employed by somebody on the island, or otherwise remote working.

As a tourist visiting the island, you are unlikely to encounter crime. However, the reality is that the longer you’re somewhere, the more likely something is to happen.

Generally, the people are pretty laid back and friendly. There’s big rum drinking culture here and beer is abundant too.

The best thing to do if you’re planning on staying on Saint Lucia for the foreseeable future is to head online, check out expat groups, Facebook pages, ask questions and get some insider knowledge.

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Is it safe to rent an Airbnb in Saint Lucia?

Renting an Airbnb in Saint Lucia is a great idea. And it’s perfectly safe, as long as you read the reviews. Staying at an Airbnb during your trip will also open up new possibilities and options to experience the country. The local hosts are known to take great care of their guests and give the absolute best recommendations of what to do and what to see. Local knowledge always goes a long way, so be sure to reach out to your hosts if you’re unsure about how to fill up your Saint Lucia itinerary!

On top of that, you’ll stay safe with the reliable Airbnb booking system. Both hosts and guests can rate each other which creates a very respectful and trustworthy interaction.

Is Saint Lucia LGBTQ+ friendly?

Saint Lucia used to rank as one of the worst LGBTQ+ travel destinations worldwide. However, times have changed a little bit. While it’s still not openly accepted, in fact, even hetero partners can’t show affection in public, you won’t be put into prison for being gay. 

Is Saint Lucia Safe

You will, however, need to be very respectful of the local culture and religion. The Caribbean is still a very conservative place, so you might be forced to keep your relationship behind closed doors. 

There is plenty of nightlife in Saint Lucia, but unfortunately none targeted towards the LGBTQ+ community. That being said, you can still have a great time here – IF you go by the rules of course…

Here are some quick answers to common questions about safety in Saint Lucia.

What should you avoid in Saint Lucia?

Avoid these things to stay safe in Saint Lucia: – Don’t wander around at night by yourself – Don’t walk at night in areas that you don’t know – Don’t underestimate the heat, especially during any physical activities – Avoid drugs completely

What natural disasters make Saint Lucia unsafe?

Hurricanes are a massive threat to locals and tourists alike. Luckily, hurricane season is only a problem during a couple of months of the year – June to November. Either avoid this time completely or if you’re already on the island, keep an eye on the news and weather forecast.

Is Saint Lucia safe for LGBTQ+ travellers?

Unfortunately, it’s not safe for LGBTQ+ travellers in Saint Lucia yet. The Caribbean attitudes can be very conservative, so it’s best to avoid any trouble and either avoid Saint Lucia completely or keep your sexual preferences hidden.

What areas are dangerous in Saint Lucia?

These are the dangerous areas in Saint Lucia: – Castries – Wilton’s Yard – Chaussee Road – The waterfalls in Anse la Raye

Final thoughts on the safety of Saint Lucia

Even with the levels of crime, St Lucia, for the most part, is safe for visitors.

Disclaimer: Safety conditions change all over the world on a daily basis. We do our best to advise but this info may already be out of date. Do your own research. Enjoy your travels!

st lucia travel reviews

Lily Allen-Duenas

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Saint Lucia

Fodor's InFocus Barbados and St. Lucia For over 80 years, Fodor's Travel has been a trusted resource offering expert travel...

A verdant, mountainous island halfway between Martinique and St. Vincent, Saint Lucia has evolved into one of the Caribbean's most popular vacation destinations—particularly for honeymooners and other romantics enticed by the island's striking natural beauty, its many splendid resorts and appealing inns, and its welcoming atmosphere.

The capital city of Castries and nearby villages in the northwest are home to 40% of the nearly 182,000 Saint Lucians. This area, Cap Estate and Rodney Bay Village (farther north), Marigot Bay (just south of the capital), and Soufrière (southwestern coast) are the destinations of most vacationers. In central and southwestern areas, dense rain forest, jungle-covered mountains, and vast banana plantations dominate the landscape. A tortuous road follows most of the coastline, bisecting small villages, cutting through mountains, and passing fertile valleys. Petit Piton and Gros Piton, unusual twin peaks that anchor the southwestern coast and rise up to 2,600 feet, are familiar landmarks for sailors and aviators, as well as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Divers are attracted to the reefs in the National Marine Reserve between the Pitons and extending north past Soufrière, the capital during French colonial times. Most of the natural tourist attractions are in this area, along with several fine resorts and inns.

The pirate François Le Clerc, nicknamed Jambe de Bois (Wooden Leg) for obvious reasons, was the first European "settler." In the late 16th century, Le Clerc holed up on Pigeon Island, just off Saint Lucia's northernmost point, using it as a staging ground for attacking passing ships. Now, Pigeon Island National Landmark is a public park connected by a causeway to the mainland; Sandals Grande Saint Lucian Spa & Beach Resort, one of the largest resorts in Saint Lucia, and the Landings Resort & Spa, a luxury villa community, sprawl along that causeway. Another Sandals, the fourth on Saint Lucia, is expected to open in this same area in 2022.

Like most of its Caribbean neighbors, Saint Lucia was first inhabited by Arawaks and then the Carib people. British settlers attempted to colonize the island twice in the early 1600s, but it wasn't until 1651, after the French West India Company suppressed the local Caribs, that Europeans gained a foothold. For 150 years, battles between the French and the British over the island were frequent, with a dizzying 14 changes in power before the British finally took possession in 1814. The Europeans established sugar plantations, using enslaved people from West Africa to work the fields. By 1838, when the enslaved people were finally emancipated, more than 90% of the population was of African descent—roughly the same proportion as today.

On February 22, 1979, Saint Lucia became an independent state within the British Commonwealth of Nations, with a resident governor-general appointed by the Queen. Still, the island appears to have retained more relics of French influence—notably the island’s patois, cuisine, village names, and surnames—than of the British. Most likely, that's because the British contribution primarily involved the English language, the educational and legal systems, and the political structure, whereas the French culture historically had more influence on the arts—culinary, dance, and music.

The island becomes especially tuneful for 10 days every May, when the Saint Lucia Jazz & Arts Festival welcomes renowned international musicians who perform for enthusiastic fans at Pigeon Island National Landmark and other island venues. Saint Lucians love jazz—and, interestingly, country music—while the beat of Caribbean music also resonates throughout the island.

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12 Things to Know Before Traveling to St. Lucia

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See recent posts by Toby Orton

Jade Mountain Resort, St. Lucia/Oyster

Instantly recognizable for its towering Pitons, St. Lucia is a Caribbean island paradise that combines rugged volcanic mountains, tropical rainforest, and sandy beaches. It strikes a balance between a developed, tourist-friendly island and a rustic destination full of local charm and unspoiled natural landscape, making it the perfect getaway for honeymooners and dive tourists alike. From the bustling, party-loving north to the laid-back serenity of the nature-heavy south, the island is packed with waterfalls, sandy stretches of beach, fresh seafood, and the list goes on. Here are 12 more things to know before you pack your bags for St. Lucia.

1. Tipping is discretionary.

St. Lucia doesn’t share quite the same tipping culture as the U.S. Most restaurants and bars will add 10 percent for service to the bill — anything additional is up to you. That said, St. Lucia is an island that relies heavily on tourism, so feel free to tip to your heart’s content if you feel you’ve received exceptional service from your taxi driver, tour guide, or bartender.

2. The beaches are all public.

Anse Chastanet Resort, St. Lucia/Oyster

Unlike some islands in the Caribbean , St. Lucia’s beaches are all open to the public. So, while there are plenty of beachside resorts, they don’t have exclusive access to the shore, meaning you’ll never have to face that terrible realization that the dreamy beach you’ve spotted is for resort guests only. That said, some resorts might restrict non-guests from using their sun loungers and beach bars.

3. You can use U.S. dollars.

St. Lucia has its own currency, the Eastern Caribbean dollar, but that doesn’t mean you need to convert an obscene amount of cash before you arrive. Most places accept U.S. dollars, though you might be given change in Eastern Caribbean dollars. Tip: Always carry some cash because the option to pay by card isn’t always available.

4. Don’t expect to find the quintessential white-sand Caribbean beach.

The White Sand at Sugar Beach, A Viceroy Resort

When it comes to beaches , St Lucia is an anomaly. Yes, they’re beautiful and the water is clean and inviting, but don’t expect to see bright white sand. Being a huge mass of volcanic action, the sand in St. Lucia is a mix of orange and striking black, with only a few rare exceptions. However, if you’re desperate for a white-sand beach, head to Anse des Pitons. The man-made beach features pristine sand that is regularly imported.

5. Friday night is street party night.

Plenty of Caribbean islands host weekly street limes (parties), and St. Lucia is no different. Every Friday night, locals and tourists come together to dance, drink strong rum punch and ice-cold beer, and feast on fresh barbecued fish, crab, and lobster. Small, laid-back events are hosted around the island, but the main party is the Gros Islet Jump Up. The street party in the small town of Gros Islet features Caribbean music, beer, lobster and top-notch people-watching.

6. St. Lucia offers more than just beaches.

St. Lucia/Oyster

Sure, beaches are great, but St. Lucia is also home to a lush, tropical landscape worth exploring. There’s the 19,000-acre National Rain Forest, the Diamond Botanical Gardens, numerous waterfalls (including the amazing Sault Falls on the east side of the island), Sulphur Springs (complete with mud baths), and the Pitons — which you can hike up. Oh, and don’t miss a trip to a local market. Castries isn’t the greatest place to visit, but its bustling market is worth making an exception for.

7. Beach vendors and guides can be pushy.

When it comes to beach vendors and local tour guides, tourists can find themselves in a conundrum. On one hand, arranging boat tours or trips to the waterfalls and rainforest with a local not attached to your resort can save you a lot of money. On the other hand, with so many people vying for your time, things can get pushy. Vendors peddling buckets of beer, water sports activities, and sun loungers are likely to pester you, especially on Reduit Beach, so be prepared to be firm. Either that, or head to a quieter beach like Pigeon Island.

8. Hiking Pigeon Island is a must.

Pigeon Island, St. Lucia; Allan Harris/Flickr

Not an island at all, Pigeon Island is in fact a national park located in the northern part of St. Lucia and offers beautiful trails. Among the lush tropical forest, the remains of old military buildings — half covered in vegetation — crop up in unlikely spots. You can opt to hike alone or enlist in one of the many local tours that explore the area. Once you’ve conquered the trail — including climbing to the top of Fort Rodney where you’ll be rewarded with panoramic views of the island — spend some time winding down on nearby Pigeon Island Beach.

9. The wildlife is amazing, but stray animals roam free.

While St. Lucia’s reef attracts an array of sea life, the island itself can more than match what’s going on below the surface of the waves. Visitors can expect to see hummingbirds, turtles (depending on the season), fireflies, iguanas, and a variety of bird species such as warblers and parrots. However, there are also a number of stray cats and dogs that roam the island, which might turn off some visitors. While charity groups are doing their best to find homes for some of these animals, the long-term problem of strays is one that the island has no real answer to.

10. Anse De Pitons and Anse Chastanet cater to all types of snorkeling.

Anse Chastanet Beach at the Anse Chastanet Resort, St. Lucia/Oyster

Anse de Pitons offers travelers the chance to snorkel at the foot of St. Lucia’s Pitons. The sea life here is stunning, but note that since it’s situated the foot of the mountain, the water depth jumps off and drops deep. If you want a gentler experience closer to the shore, Anse Chastanet is the better bet. Anse Chastanet is one of the island’s top snorkel spots, thanks to its proximity to a designated nature reserve roped off from boats.

11. Don’t be afraid to rent a car.

If you can handle a stick shift (most rentals aren’t automatic), a steering wheel on the right, and driving on the left-hand side of the road, then rent a car. While a lot of hotels run shuttle buses to beaches and attractions, hiring a car offers you the freedom to explore on your own schedule. St. Lucia is mountainous, so expect some steep ups and downs and plenty of winding corners. That said, there is only one main road on the island, so it’s difficult to get lost. Bear in mind that rental cars can be identified through their license plates, so think twice before leaving valuables in the car, especially if you park up somewhere quiet.

12. Beware of hurricane season.

St. Lucia is located in the hurricane belt, which means travelers might want to be picky about when they visit. Generally, the strongest storms coincide with the rainy season, which runs from June to November. While the temperatures are still warm during the off-season period, and prices are lower, you’ll want to decide whether you want to risk the wind and rain.

Some of Our Favorite Hotels in St. Lucia

Jade mountain resort.

Jade Mountain Resort/Oyster

Jade Mountain is one of the most romantic resorts not only in the Caribbean, but the world, thanks to its incredible Piton views and extraordinary design. The 29 enormous suites, called “sanctuaries,” are hands-down the highlight; through the innovative, open fourth wall, each has a view of a sea from the entire room — from the canopied bed, raised whirlpool tub, and (in all but the entry-level category) private infinity pool.

Pricing for Jade Mountain Resort

Sugar Beach, A Viceroy Resort

Sugar Beach, A Viceroy Resort

This luxurious Viceroy is truly a stunner. It has arguably the best location on St. Lucia, right in between the Pitons, St. Lucia’s famous volcanic spires, and on a beautiful white-sand beach. Its 79 rooms are minimalistic, chic, and mostly white, and all come with private plunge pools, butlers, and 24-hour room service; the larger villas and cottages offer living rooms and huge bathrooms (some with outdoor showers and hot tubs).

Pricing for Sugar Beach, A Viceroy Resort

What You Need to Bring to St. Lucia: Mama Kuleana Reef Safe Sunscreen

Mama Kuleana Reef Safe Sunscreen

As a skin safe AND reef safe sunblock option featuring only pronounceable ingredients, with Mama Kuleana you’re not only helping yourself, but the environment as well.

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Is St Lucia Worth Visiting? All You Need To Know

Is St Lucia worth visiting? - featured image

Have you ever dreamt of a tropical island getaway in the Caribbean but didn’t know which island to choose? 

St Lucia might be the perfect place for you! This small island in the Eastern Caribbean is known for its beautiful beaches, stunning mountainous landscapes and friendly people.

After visiting St Lucia for myself recently, I’d love to share my thoughts on the island and let you know if I’d go again.

Let’s jump straight in!

Table of Contents

Is St Lucia Worth Visiting – My Personal Experience

Piton mountains

I recently visited St Lucia after it was recommended to me by a family friend who went there on her honeymoon.

I’m so glad I took her advice as it ended up being one of my favorite vacations ever!

I loved everything about St Lucia from the towering Piton mountains, the lush greenery and the sparkling, turquoise shores.

I spent most of my time chilling on the beach and snorkeling in the ocean searching for turtles (I saw tons by the way!).

I even ventured out to some of the lesser known beaches which were super picturesque, untouched and I even had one completely to myself!

In the rest of this guide, I’d love to delve deeper and share some all of the best reasons to visit St Lucia based on my own firsthand experience.

So what can you expect if you choose to visit St Lucia?

View Natural Wonders

Marigot Bay, St Lucia

St Lucia is blessed with amazing natural scenery including lush green mountains and dense rainforests. 

From the iconic Piton mountains to secluded waterfalls, there is no shortage of breathtaking sights to see. 

Take a hike or a drive; either way, you will be in for some spectacular views wherever you are on the island.

There are 21 miles of white sand beaches to sunbathe or enjoy watersports. 

Jalousie Beach, also known as Sugar Beach, has the best views of the Pitons twin peaks. 

Families love to flock to the relaxing Reduit Beach, which also has a luxury resort.

Another one of my favorite beaches is Anse Mamin Beach which is super quiet and secluded and has the best burgers in town.

The Indian River Lagoon is also a must-see. It is one of the few remaining strongholds of the endangered manatee. 

Bring the family to the Manatee Observation and Education Center on Thursday, Friday, or Saturday to meet them up close!

💡 Helpful Tip: To see as much of the island as possible in a short period of time, book this land and sea tour . This highly-rated tour takes you across the island to see all of St Lucia’s top attractions including the Drive-In Volcano, the Pitons, Toraille Waterfall and more.

Go Horseback Riding

One of the most adventurous things to do in St Lucia is horseback riding on the beach. It is the perfect way to relax and enjoy a tour of the island.

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced rider, you will definitely enjoy this experience. 

Just make sure to book in advance to ensure you don’t miss out as this activity is super popular and books up fast.

I can personally recommend this private horseback riding tour that will pick you up right from your hotel.

Stay in Luxury

Jade Mountain Club, St Lucia

If you are looking for a luxurious vacation then St Lucia is the perfect destination. 

From 5-star all-inclusive resorts to secluded villas, you will be spoilt for choice.

Some of my favorite resorts in St Lucia include:

  • The Landings Resort & Spa – this beachfront hotel features decorated villas where you can soak in views of luxury yachts.
  • Sugar Beach, a Viceroy Resort – tourists have a private cottage in the mountains surrounding acres of rainforest.
  • Jade Mountain Resort – soak in your private infinity pool (complete with Piton mountain views) as your concierge spoils you.

In fact, you have 42 resorts on the island to choose from so take your pick! There’s definitely something for everyone.

If luxury resorts like these are out of your price range then check out my guide on how to do St Lucia on the cheap ( hint: it’s extremely doable!).

Use Your Hiking Boots

There are miles of hiking trails to explore on the island. From short and easy walks to more challenging treks, you can easily explore the island and get a workout in at the same time!

One of the most popular trails is the Gros Piton hike . It can take up to six hours in one direction, so bring comfortable shoes! 

I can guarantee that the sights of flora and other plants will wow you as you reach the ultimate view from the summit!

I always recommend going with a guide. This highly rated Gros Piton guided tour is an ideal choice.

If you are feeling really adventurous then you can try the Mt. Gimie hike, which is the tallest peak on the island. It’s a bit more challenging but totally worth it when you reach the top.

Party With The Locals

Some destinations around the world are a little standoffish to foreigners. St Lucia is not one of those places! The locals here are some of the friendliest people you will ever meet.

St Lucians love to show off their culture and are always down for a good time. Make sure you catch the Friday Night Street Party, where you can easily mingle with locals and other tourists.

Here’s what you can expect from the Friday Night Street Party:

So let your hair down, grab a drink and enjoy the vibes! FYI, the rum punch is a must-try.

Check out how friendly the locals are:

Is St Lucia Nice?

St Lucia is a really nice place to go on vacation. The locals are really friendly and the island itself is very beautiful.

St Lucia is a mountainous island with unreal natural beauty including the famous Piton mountains. It’s very nice to see all this in person.

In addition, the locals in St Lucia are some of the friendliest that you’ll meet! 

They are always up for a good time and are happy to chat with most tourists, making them feel at home. This is especially true if you’re staying in the Rodney Bay area.

Just head out to any local bar and you’ll see what I mean!

What Is St Lucia Known For?

St Lucia is most famous for its stunning landscapes and luxury resorts. It is also a popular destination for honeymoons and weddings.

However, the island’s claim to fame is also due to the iconic Pitons, two volcanic peaks that rise out of the sea. 

The Pitons date back to around 160 million years ago and are now a UNESCO World Heritage site.

Is St Lucia Expensive?

St Lucia is one of the more expensive Caribbean islands. However it is worth the splurge if you’re looking for a relaxing vacation, unique nature exploration or a romantic honeymoon.

Expect to spend around $150 to $200 daily on food and activities. If you are staying in a luxury resort, you can expect to pay significantly more.

While you can find cheaper accommodations in the town center, most tourists opt to stay in resorts closer to the beach for comfort, safety and scenery.

If your budget is tight then it’s worth having a look at the cheapest time to visit St Lucia to save some money.

Is St Lucia Safe For Tourists?

When it comes to safety, St Lucia is generally a safe place for tourists. However, as with any destination, it is always important to exercise caution and be aware of your surroundings.

Some safety tips to keep in mind include:

  • Don’t flash your valuables in public
  • Be cautious when driving as roads can be in poor condition
  • Avoid walking alone at night
  • Keep an eye on your belongings at the beach

Overall, crime rates are relatively low on the island, and most tourists report having a safe and enjoyable trip. 

The main concern is theft, so as long as you take precautions, you should be fine.

There are no sharks in the waters , but the beaches don’t have lifeguards so exercise personal caution in the water by not swimming too far out and always being aware of your surroundings.

In conclusion, St Lucia is the ultimate bucket list trip. 

This lush island offers luxury accommodations, stunning scenery and plenty of activities to keep you busy. 

While it is a bit more expensive than some other Caribbean islands like Jamaica , you will get your money’s worth. 

Hopefully this post answered all your burning questions like ‘is St Lucia worth visiting?’

Need more help planning your St Lucia vacation?

  • St Lucia vs Bora Bora
  • Sandals St Lucia vs Sandals Antigua

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Best all-inclusive resorts in St. Lucia for the picturesque Caribbean getaway

Ashley Onadele

Thoughts of St. Lucia naturally evoke visions of the striking Piton Mountains, lush, tropical landscapes and luxurious hotels. The eastern Caribbean island has something for everyone — discerning newlyweds looking for all-inclusive honeymoon resorts to group travelers looking for the best family beach vacations and well-heeled jetsetters looking for the convenience of luxury all-inclusives.

There's a lot to do and experience on St. Lucia, like scuba diving, snorkeling, kayaking and even family-friendly waterparks. Foodies can indulge in the culinary delights of the Caribbean, including African and French cuisines that showcase farm-to-table ingredients and fresh local seafood. Or, if you like to take it easy, there's no shortage of mesmerizing views to enjoy poolside.

Like a lot of islands, St. Lucia has a plethora of accommodation options, and plenty of them come with all-inclusive amenities to help keep the cost of your vacation under control.

Here are the best all-inclusive resorts in St. Lucia for a picturesque Caribbean getaway.

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Hideaway at Royalton is on a private cove on the northern side of St. Lucia and is the adults-only counterpart to the Royalton St. Lucia (the next resort on our list).

Although Hideaway at Royalton is an all-inclusive resort, guests can choose to upgrade to the Diamond Club , which comes with access to the hotel's a la carte restaurants (where meals are normally supplemental) and a private beach and pool only available to club guests. It also includes butler service, an upgraded room service menu and private lounge access.

There are over 10 restaurants at the resort, including Calypso, featuring cuisine of the West Indies and Dorado, a fresh seafood buffet.

Every room at Hideaway at Royalton St. Lucia is a suite and features amenities like 24/7 room service in addition to all-inclusive dining and drinks, complimentary resort-wide Wi-Fi and an en-suite Jacuzzi. Each room has the option of an ocean view, while Luxury Junior Suites are also available in swim-out and garden-view room categories.

Rates at Hideaway at Royalton St. Lucia start at $669 or 100,000 Marriott Bonvoy points per night for two adults.

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Royalton St. Lucia is an all-inclusive Autograph Collection resort from Marriott that caters to families. Amenities include a splash park, playground, kids club (ages 4 to 12), teens club (ages 13 to 17), a spa and an array of culinary options for even the most discerning palate.

Of the nine dining options available at Royalton, there is Hunter Steakhouse, Gourmet Marche featuring an international buffet and Calypso, which serves West Indian cuisine.

Guests 7 years and older can enjoy facials, massages, manicures and more at The Royal Spa (additional fees apply). Daily entertainment and 24/7 room service are also part of the all-inclusive rate.

Royalton St. Lucia features eight room types, including a Luxury Family Suite and Luxury Presidential One Bedroom Suite, as well as Diamond Club rooms. Every room features a balcony or terrace, a Royalton Signature rain shower in the bathroom and a minibar with complimentary snacks and beverages.

Rates at Royalton St. Lucia start at $825 or 100,000 Marriott Bonvoy points per night for two adults and two children.

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Zoëtry Marigot Bay St. Lucia blends the indulgence of an all-inclusive luxury resort with a peaceful ambience designed to inspire personal well-being.

Part of World of Hyatt , Zoëtry Resorts are adults-only and encourage guests to immerse themselves in the culture, heritage and natural beauty of each hotel's location.

This particular St. Lucia outpost does this with on-site wine and rum tastings, as well as off-property adventure tours conveniently arranged through the activities desk.

Guests can also luxuriate at the tranquil spa, which features Natura Bisse products, spa and salon services. Or, they can take a dip in one of the two infinity pools before heading to the beach, where attentive staff are keen to cater to every need.

There are 11 restaurants and bars to choose from and 24/7 in-suite dining. Options include The Rum Cave featuring tapas and specialty rums and Le Bateau, where guests can savor Caribbean-inspired cuisine with a view of the marina. For casual dining, there's Hurricane Hole, a pub-style restaurant, while Meraki (additional costs apply) — a Mediterranean-fusion restaurant — promises a more unique culinary journey.

The all-suite resort has just 124 accommodations, all featuring Bvlgari bath amenities and a furnished terrace or balcony. Every room comes with a bay view or garden view and guests in some higher-category rooms also receive complimentary, personalized butler service.

Rates at Zoëtry Marigot Bay St. Lucia start at $325 per person per night, or 42,000 World of Hyatt Points per night for two adults.

st lucia travel reviews

A Hilton-affiliated hotel, and thus eligible for Hilton Honors points redemptions, the Harbor Club St. Lucia is located in the Gros Islet quarter on the northwest coast of the island and just a 30-minute drive from Hewanorra International Airport (UVF), the island's major gateway.

The resort features four outdoor pools along with cabanas to rent for more privacy. At the Spa Harbor Club, signature spa treatments include the Travel Rejuvenate spa package which includes a 30-minute facial and a 60-minute head, neck, shoulder and foot massage.

Harbor Club St. Lucia has a dozen different room and suite types, with either a mountain, marina or resort view. While this hotel isn't a true all-inclusive, there is a rate with breakfast included, which would guarantee the first meal of the day for each adult and child registered to the room.

Keep in mind that Hilton Honors Gold and Diamond status holders get a daily food and beverage credit at non-U.S. hotels that should help offset some of the day's other meal costs.

There are four dining options at the hotel, including a Swiss-style bakery serving hand-crafted chocolate and fresh-baked bread, and a coal-fire oven pizzeria.

Rates at Harbor Club St. Lucia start at $225 or 72,000 Hilton Honors points per night for two adults and two children.

st lucia travel reviews

Calabash Cove Resort & Spa is a boutique, adults-only resort on a secluded beach in Marisule Gros Islet.

The resort offers bed and breakfast rates and what it calls Unconditional All-Inclusive , which even includes lobster at Windsong Restaurant at no additional charge. Serving international cuisine with Asian influences, Windsong is one of three food and bar options at the resort. C-Bar boasts live music, while the swim-up pool bar also serves lunch.

There are just 26 rooms and three accommodation types at Calabash Cove Resort & Spa. Guests can book one of the Water's Edge Cottages with a private plunge pool and outdoor shower, Swim-up Junior Suites in front of the hotel's plunge pool, or Sunset Ocean View Junior Suites perfectly positioned to take in a stunning St. Lucian sunset.

Enjoy activities like paddleboarding, kayaking and yoga, as well as an infinity pool and fitness center. The spa offers treatments focusing on the island's traditional use of plant- and food-based ingredients, such as aloe vera, seaweed and Dead Sea mud.

The resort has a unique offering called Whispers , a room designed for people looking to unwind with classical music or a quiet place to read. If you prefer to find peace in the great outdoors, you can make your way to the Cove Gardens, where the wind sings through chimes, and colorful plants dot the landscape.

Rates at Calabash Cove Resort and Spa start at $462 per person per night.

st lucia travel reviews

Jade Mountain is one of St. Lucia's best-known resorts thanks to its unparalleled views of the Petit Piton and Gros Piton mountains and its unique design, which reflects the distinctive landscape. While not a strictly adults-only resort, children younger than 15 years old are not permitted.

Guest rooms, called sanctuaries, are anchored around infinity pools and are all at least 1,650 square feet. To encourage guests to truly disconnect on vacation, there are no phones or televisions in the sanctuaries, though guests can connect to Wi-Fi.

Guests can choose among three rate plans : room only, breakfast and dinner, or all-inclusive. All rates are based on single and double occupancy with additional guests starting at $150 per day. There is one restaurant, The Jade Mountain Club, and it's open for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The menus, created by James Beard Award-winner Chef Allen Susser, fuse Caribbean flavors, locally sourced ingredients and contemporary techniques.

Rates at Jade Mountain start at $1,385 per night for two guests.

st lucia travel reviews

Serenity at Coconut Bay is one of St. Lucia's newer all-inclusive, couples-only luxury resorts.

The property boasts amenities like personal butler service and private plunge pools in every suite. There is one restaurant, The Greathouse at Serenity, where the chef's signature dishes incorporate fresh local produce. This resort is just steps away from its sister property, Coconut Bay Beach Resort & Spa (mentioned below), where guests can also dine.

Serenity at Coconut Bay has only 36 suites, all featuring a private patio. The rooms are decked out with handcrafted furniture made of St. Lucian mahogany, with river rock and granite adorning the en-suite bathrooms.

Rates at Serenity at Coconut Bay start at $2,650 per room per night based on double occupancy.

st lucia travel reviews

There are 17 Sandals Resorts throughout the Caribbean, and three of them are in St. Lucia, with reciprocal benefits for guests staying at any of them.

The first of three Sandals Resorts on our list, Sandals Grande St. Lucian is in Rodney Bay and boasts overwater bungalows, a championship-level golf course, complimentary water sports equipment like wakeboards and Hobie cats, and so much more.

Guests can choose among a total of 27 restaurants; 12 at this resort and another 15 at the two nearby Sandals properties. Among the dozen restaurants at Sandals Grande St. Lucian, there's Gordon's, a seafood restaurant located on the pier; The Jerk Shack featuring Caribbean cuisine; and Bombay, an Indian restaurant.

There are a whopping 19 room categories at Sandals Grande St. Lucian, including suites with butler service, club-level rooms and overwater bungalows. You can book the Over-the-Water Honeymoon Butler Bungalow for $1,838 per person per night when booking multiple nights and upwards of $4,900 per person per night for a one- or two-night stay.

Additional amenities that are excluded from the otherwise all-inclusive rate include the spa, local tours and golf. Round-trip airport transfers are always included at Sandals resorts.

Rates at Sandals Grande St. Lucian start at $301 per person per night.

st lucia travel reviews

Sandals Halycon Beach is a more intimately scaled Sandals Resort option than Sandals Grande St. Lucian, but you can still expect the same deluxe amenities.

The resort features tropical gardens and white-sand beaches along with six restaurants and seven bars, including Japanese teppanyaki at Kimonos, as well as a seaside grill, Beach Bistro.

Greens fees are complimentary on two golf courses, Sandals Regency La Tog Golf Club, located on the premises, and Sandals St. Lucia Golf and Country Club at Cap Estate.

Just like Sandals Grande St Lucian, guests can visit the other Sandals resorts in St. Lucia when staying at Sandals Halycon Beach and enjoy their restaurants and amenities.

There are 13 room categories at Sandals Halycon Beach, and all but one come with either concierge services or a butler. Room views include a tropical garden, beachfront or oceanfront, and some accommodations have soaking tubs and private pool sanctuaries.

Rates at Sandals Halycon Beach start at $263 per person per night.

st lucia travel reviews

Sandals Regency La Toc is located on the 220-acre La Toc Estate and the resort has an executive-style golf course and Sunset Oceanview Bluff Village , an exclusive resort within a resort that offers guests personal butler service and two-story villas.

It's smaller than its sister resort, Sandals Grande St. Lucian, with just nine restaurants and eight bars for guests to enjoy, but the included amenities are just as generous. Guests benefit from daytime and nighttime entertainment, can borrow snorkeling equipment and kayaks or simply enjoy the three pools. Plus, guests can visit the other two Sandals St. Lucia resorts and enjoy their amenities as well.

Though not the largest of the three Sandals resorts on St. Lucia, it does have the most room categories – 22 in total – including the Sunset Oceanview Bluff Millionaire Butler Villa with Private Pool Sanctuary. Here, all but two room levels come with either concierge services or private butler.

Rates at Sandals Regency La Toc start at $239 per person per night.

st lucia travel reviews

Stonefield Villa Resort is set in the lush interior of St. Lucia rather than on the beach, making it feel quite unique. Relaxation, rejuvenation and well-being are central to the resort's appeal.

Guests can enjoy holistic wellness retreats, yoga sessions and spa treatments, all without stepping foot off the grounds.

The only restaurant at the hotel, Mango Tree Restaurant serves farm-to-table cuisine with a menu that changes seasonally.

There are 17 one- to five-bedroom French colonial-style villas at Stonefield Villa Resort, and although it's an adults-only resort, there is one villa available for families. Each villa comes with a private pool and outdoor shower. Daily breakfast is included in all room rates, and there are also all-inclusive meal package options.

Rates at Stonefield Villa Resort start at $345 per person per night.

st lucia travel reviews

Cap Maison is a boutique hotel with a focus on food and wine. With two on-site restaurants led by Caribbean Chef of the Year award-winner Craig Jones , this family-friendly hotel is a great option for travelers who consider themselves foodies — or at least consider quality cuisine an integral part of their ideal vacation.

The hotel is in Rodney Bay and has a secluded beach for guests to enjoy. Activities on the property include tastings at the walk-in wine cellar and water sports. There's also evening entertainment and a spa. For more active guests, the hotel's owners provide maps of excellent hiking and running trails along the Atlantic. Note that there is no kids club at Cap Maison.

There are four room categories at Cap Maison, including villas and suites. More sequestered villas are equipped with a full kitchen, as well as a washer and dryer. There are two- and three-bedroom villa suites available for large families or groups that need more space but would like to be in the same room.

Rates at Cap Maison start at $480 per person per night for a bed and breakfast rate. All-inclusive rates start at $600 per person per night. A three-night minimum stay is required.

st lucia travel reviews

Coconut Bay Beach Resort & Spa is just five minutes from St. Lucia's Hewanorra International Airport (UVF). It comprises three resorts: Serenity at Coconut Bay ; Harmony (an adults-only resort); and Splash , a family-friendly resort that features the island's largest water park. The family-friendly side of the resort is casual and features a kids club, making it a great option for multi-generational groups. Non-inclusive resort activities include kitesurfing and paintball.

The resort sits on 85 acres and has nine restaurants , seven bars and five pools, in addition to the water park. Guests can expect a blend of Creole and Latin flavors at Calabash restaurant or keep it casual at The Jerk Treehouse , which features the chef's secret jerk sauce. Bars are throughout the property and include a swim-up bar, poolside bar and lobby bar.

There are six room categories among the 250 guest rooms at Coconut Bay Beach Resort & Spa. All rooms come with a private balcony or patio, flat-screen TV and mini refrigerator.

Rates at Coconut Bay Beach Resort & Spa start at $994 per night for double occupancy at either resort (Harmony or Splash).

st lucia travel reviews

Sugar Beach is on an 18th-century sugar plantation set in the St. Lucian rainforest. The hotel recently underwent a renovation, reopening in 2021 with new beachfront bungalows, mountain cottages and suites, plus a new poolside bar and cabanas.

Guests can choose among seven on-site restaurants and bars ranging from casual fare to fine dining, such as Boopa's, where you can grab a quick bite or Saltwood, where you'll enjoy a view of the Pitons over steak and seafood. There is also 24-hour room service.

Sugar Beach takes its role as a luxurious family-friendly resort seriously, with a kids club for guests ages four to 12 years, a teens club and babysitting services. Additional activities around the resort include movie nights at the moonlight cinema, scuba and snorkeling.

There's no shortage of accommodation options at Sugar Beach, either. All but the beachfront accommodations are simply decorated with white walls, linens and flooring. Rooms come equipped with Nespresso coffee machines and feature ROIL and Natura Bissa bath amenities.

All room categories are available with half-board or full-board meal plans (with discounted rates for children). All-inclusive meal plans cost $360 per adult per day, and $198 per child, per day. Half-board meal plans are $210 per adult per day, and $116 per child, per day. A child is considered any guest under 18 years old.

Rates at Sugar Beach, a Viceroy Resort start at $493 per night for double occupancy.

st lucia travel reviews

Windjammer Landing Villa Beach Resort brings Mediterranean-style design to the Caribbean and has a lot of activities to keep guests, young and old, entertained during their time on the island, including a kids club.

There are five restaurants and four bars, including Upper Deck, an upscale seafood and steak restaurant, and Jammers, a casual restaurant that offers beachside service. Two types of board options include bed and breakfast and premium all-inclusive , which comes with unlimited a la carte dining at all restaurants, watersports including wakeboarding, complimentary dining for kids under 11, and more.

Guests can choose among 10 room and villa categories, ranging from guest rooms to four-bedroom ocean-view villas that can accommodate up to 12 guests. Rooms are decorated in a coastal theme with splashes of blue and coral amidst wooden furniture and white walls. Each room comes with Wi-Fi, air conditioning and a coffee maker.

Rates at Windjammer Landing Villa Beach Resort start at $517 per night for two adults and two children with the all-inclusive package.

  • Best points hotels in the Caribbean
  • 9 amazing places to use points for a trip to the Caribbean
  • 5 things you should know before booking an all-inclusive resort stay with points

View of the Pitons (Petit Piton & Gros Piton) from an elevated viewpoint with the rainforest and bay of Soufrière in the foreground.

©Paul Baggaley/Getty Images

Blessed by nature, St Lucia has geographic and cultural riches enough to embarrass far bigger nations. Notwithstanding, it remains a down-to-earth place that wears its breathtaking beauty with nonchalance.

Best Time to Visit

Best places to visit, attractions, must-see attractions.

st lucia travel reviews

Sugar Beach

The most famous beach on the island, gorgeous Sugar Beach is spectacularly situated between the two Pitons, ensuring phenomenal views both from the sand…

Caribbean, St. Lucia, Cap Estate, Pigeon Island National Park and Fort Rodney

Pigeon Island National Landmark

Pigeon Island is a fun place to explore, with paths winding around the remains of barracks, batteries and garrisons; the partially intact stone buildings…

st lucia travel reviews

Mamiku Gardens

A relaxing focal point for any eastern day trip, the Mamiku botanical gardens are located on the grounds of a former plantation and boast an extensive…

Sulphur Springs.

Sulphur Springs

Looking like something off the surface of the moon, the Sulphur Springs are saddled with the unfortunate tagline of being the world’s only drive-in…


Diamond Falls Botanical Gardens & Mineral Baths

Wander amid tropical flowers and trees at this old estate. The mineral baths date from 1784, when they were built atop hot springs so that the troops of…

Caribbean, St Lucia, Soufriere, Anse Chastanet, Anse Chastanet Beach

Anse Chastanet

Stretched out in front of the resort of the same name, Anse Chastanet is a fine curving beach. The sheltered bay is protected by high cliffs. The…

st lucia travel reviews

Backed by lush rainforest, this dreamy secluded enclave of sand edges a gently curved cove that's about a 10-minute walk north of Anse Chastanet, or about…

Sandy Beach

Sandy Beach

At the southern tip of the island, Sandy Beach is a beautiful strand of white sand that looks out on the rugged Maria Islands. There's always a stiff…

Top picks from our travel experts

11 of the best things to do in st lucia.

Fond Doux Plantation & Resort

Fond Doux Plantation & Resort

Hidden in the hills to the south of Soufrière, this 250-year-old working cocoa plantation is a great place to unwind. Fifteen tastefully refurbished…

Castries Central Market

Castries Central Market

Head to the north side of the central market, where you'll find fresh produce from the rich countryside, traditional drinks and other items. It's a fine…

Jade Mountain

Jade Mountain

Sitting castle-like atop a hill, this exclusive resort offers stadium-sized suites (called ‘sanctuaries’), many with private infinity pools. Each unit has…

Reduit Beach

Reduit Beach

This long stretch of white sand is the most popular beach on the island. The sea ranges from turquoise to azure, the waves are benign and there are plenty…

Planning Tools

Expert guidance to help you plan your trip.

Best Things to Do

St Lucia may be small but its experiences are mighty. These are our favorite things to do in this Caribbean island paradise.

Things to Know

St Lucia is an island paradise and there are ways to make your first trip the best it can be. Here are 9 insider tips you should know before you go.


St Lucia may be small but its mountainous terrain means it can be tricky to get around. Here's your guide to navigating the island.

Visa Requirements

Here's everything you need to know about the entry requirements and applying for a non-immigrant visa for St Lucia.

Traveling with Kids

From splash parks to wildlife spotting in the rainforest, here are the best things to do on a family adventure in St Lucia.

Best Road Trips

Take a day to drive around the beautiful island of St Lucia and explore its most stunning sights while you get to know the locals too.

Latest stories from St Lucia

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Family Travel

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Happy woman cruising towards the deux gros pitons, popular tourist attraction in St Lucia.

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Castries, Saint Lucia - December 22, 2015: A woman and child walking towards a helicopter prior to boarding

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st lucia travel guide

ELLE Escapes: St. Lucia

There’s something magical about St. Lucia that’s almost difficult to put into words. I’ve been to many islands in my lifetime (my mom is from Antigua), but this West Indies destination is truly transportative. Lush rainforests, majestical waterfalls, otherworldly black sand beaches, and of course, the iconic Pitons (“peaks” in French) will leave you wondering why you opted to live anywhere else in the first place.

What to See

Carnival sailing luxury charters.

a sailboat on the water

To fully experience all of St. Lucia’s beauty, choose a boat. After all, who doesn’t love a glamorous day on the water? Opt for a half-day catamaran sail with lunch included (think: fish tacos, shrimp caesar salad, perfectly cooked steak with veggies, and coconut ice cream for dessert) as you literally soak up the coastline view en route to the town of Soufrière. Before heading back to your resort (many properties like Windjammer Landing pick you up directly from the dock), stop off for some snorkeling or a refreshing plunge into the Caribbean Sea. I promise, the only question you’ll have is: can I have another glass of champagne?

Sulphur Springs

sulphur springs st lucia

Maybe it’s the air, maybe it’s the relaxed attitude, maybe it’s the daily sea moss intake—but it is extremely hard to discern how old anyone is on an island like St. Lucia. This writer had to know its secret to eternal youth. Turns out, locals credit it to the natural sulfur mud baths courtesy of the dormant volcano (which last erupted in the 1700s but is closely monitored, by the way). Accessible via car or bus, you’ll smell the springs before you see them, not necessarily in a good way. Don’t let this deter you, remember youth awaits! Slather yourself from head to toe in the mineral-rich mud, allow it to dry, then brave the naturally heated pools that vary in temperature. Do yourself a favor and wear a dark-colored swimsuit.

Toraille Waterfall

a waterfall in a forest

TLC may have told us not to go chasing waterfalls, but your trip to St. Lucia wouldn’t be complete without visiting one. Post-Sulfur Springs, I made my way to Toraille, located a few minutes from Soufrière. The stunning 50-foot drop was intimidating at first, but once you descend down into cool water and let the pressure work out those pre-vacation knots and tangles, you’ll be in absolute bliss. Pro tip: bring swimming shoes to avoid the rocks.

Metallic seersucker swimsuit

HUNZA G Metallic seersucker swimsuit

Hurricane Drift Sandal

Teva Hurricane Drift Sandal

Ace Water Resistant Fanny Pack

Dagne Dover Ace Water Resistant Fanny Pack

Where to eat, the perch at dragonfly.

the perch at dragonfly

There’s nothing like al fresco dining, especially on island time. While you can’t go wrong with any of the restaurant options on property, The Perch is the Windjammer’s newest rooftop bar and lounge. Sushi lovers will enjoy classic and signature rolls (try the Dragonfly Twister!), while seafood enthusiasts will enjoy Caribbean-infused dishes, like snapper ceviche in aji amarillo sauce and the freshest paella you’ve ever had.

Rabot Restaurant

a plate of food

Dubbed as one of the island’s “most popular foodie destinations,” diners at Rabot Restaurant are truly in for a treat. The cacao-inspired menu offers a true farm-to-bar experience, using everything from the pod to the pulp to reduce waste. Imagine dishes like handmade cacao cannelloni with fresh local vegetables, served with a roasted pumpkin purée. Drink your dessert with the signature Midnight Tiramisu cocktail topped with Hotel Chocolat Espresso Chocolate, velvetized cream, Kahlúa, amaretto, Frangelico, and of course, cacao.

Martha’s Table

a plate of food

You can’t leave the island without tasting iconic creole-style dishes, which is why this family-run restaurant comes highly recommended. Taste everything from breadfruit balls to freshly-caught lobster in a white wine sauce paired with your choice of fresh vegetables, rice and beans, mac and cheese, and potato salad.

Adeline Rose Halter Top

Meshki Adeline Rose Halter Top

Cropped Printed Silk-Twill Straight-Leg Pants

Etro Cropped Printed Silk-Twill Straight-Leg Pants

Interlocking G Sandal

Gucci Interlocking G Sandal

Where to drink.

a room with a large barrel and pots

Nestled in the Zoëtry Marigot Bay St. Lucia, this tapas-style bar and restaurant specializes in—you guessed it—rum. Make sure to request a tasting of the locally-distilled Chairman’s Reserve bottle—if possible, the vintage 2009.

Naked Fisherman

a beach with lounge chairs and umbrellas

In a natural cove right below Cap Maison Resort & Spa you’ll find this waterside jaunt, which is exactly what you envision when someone says “beach bar.” It will be pretty hard to just have one drink, but the TNF Rum Punch is a great starter before trying other one-of-kind cocktails on the menu.

a bar

Perfect for locals and tourists alike, Irie Bar is located around the corner from the weekly Gros Islet Friday Night Street Party. Grab a local Piton beer and listen to live reggae music before the festivities really get going.

Puffy Raffia-Wrapped Headband

By Anthropologie Puffy Raffia-Wrapped Headband

Sheer Ruffled Long Dress

Helsa Sheer Ruffled Long Dress

Petal Stiletto Sandal

Loewe Petal Stiletto Sandal

Where to stay, windjammer landing villa beach resort.

a large white building with a blue sky

All-inclusive resorts can sometimes get a bad rap, but Windjammer Landing has broken the mold. After undergoing a whopping $12 million renovation earlier this year, the 65-acre hillside estate is well on its way to five-star status. Ball out (because why not?) with family or close friends by booking one of the newly built Ocean Point Residences boasting multiple patios, soaking tubs, and a private plunge pool. Those who don’t mind a hike (or a short shuttle ride) will love staying at the family-friendly villas. Thankfully for you, there are no bad views—every single room gives you a direct eye line to the ocean. Food-wise, select from one of seven on-property restaurants, or coordinate an in-villa dining experience with a private chef. Parents will appreciate perks like the kids-only Jacquot Fun Club to keep their little ones entertained while they enjoy a drink (or two) on the beach.

Green Fig Resort & Spa

a room with a view of the water and mountains

This 25-room, treehouse-like boutique hotel sits on a slope overlooking the town of Soufrière, Petit Piton, and Caribbean Sea. Venture down to Hummingbird Beach—about a five-minute walk—or hang out at The Onion, the on-property bar. Pro tip: BYOBS (bring your own bug spray); this property is technically located in the rainforest, so packing a strong repellent is essential.

Sugar Beach, A Viceroy Resort

a pool and a beach

Part of the Viceroy Hotel Group, this 100-acre resort is housed on the site of an 18th-century sugar plantation and is surrounded by the UNESCO World Heritage-listed Pitons. Choose between beachfront bungalows or mountain cottages to take in the breathtaking rainforest fauna. Watch the sunset with a cocktail while digging your toes into powder-white sand of Anse des Pitons.

The Itty Bitty Scoop Neck Tee

Mother Denim The Itty Bitty Scoop Neck Tee

Oceans Together Crochet Beach Short

Rip Curl Oceans Together Crochet Beach Short

Braided Flat Sandal

Banana Republic Braided Flat Sandal

Beauty picks.

Charlotte’s Magic Hydrator Mist

Charlotte Tilbury Charlotte’s Magic Hydrator Mist

The Caribbean is hot—so give your face the equivalent of a cool glass of water with this new hydrating mist. With just a few spritzes, you are treating your face to an oxygenating mist mixed with hyaluronic acid, niacinamide, and kombu extract. Say goodbye to dull, dry skin!

Classic Whip SPF 30 Sunscreen Mousse

Vacation Classic Whip SPF 30 Sunscreen Mousse

Make sunscreen fun again. This SPF 30 formula is presented like whipped cream, but goes on smooth without leaving a white caste like your favorite sunscreen. If you’re looking for an easy way to get your kids to apply (or reapply) their sunscreen or a suggestive way for your partner to sun-protect your back—this is it. No matter who it’s for, this will be a guaranteed conversation starter.

Golden Hour Wipes

Kinfield Golden Hour Wipes

Bites, be gone! These natural, long-lasting, and easily packable insect repellent wipes are a must for outdoor adventures.

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Jessie on a Journey | Solo Female Travel Blog

St. Lucia Travel Guide

Looking for an in-depth St. Lucia travel guide ?

Then you’re in the right place!

St. Lucia, a sovereign island nation in the southeastern Caribbean, has become one of the most sought-after travel destinations in recent years. From its gorgeous scenery to its easy-going vibe, St. Lucia is the perfect place to relax and escape the daily grind.

From a tourist’s perspective, the island is probably best known for its all-inclusive resorts (including the many Sandals properties and Sugar Beach).

That being said, there are many ways to experience the island on any budget! From guest houses to boutique hotels , there are many accommodations to choose from and ways to design a vacation that’s perfect for you. It’s even one of the best islands for solo female travel .

St. Lucia’s beaches are the country’s main draw, but there is plenty to explore beyond the shore!

Want to learn more about the history of St. Lucia?

Head to Pigeon Island , a small island connected to the mainland by a man-made bridge that was once home to pirates and British and French military forts. You can see the ruins of the British base at Fort Rodney, which also makes for an excellent hike.

Speaking of hiking , head inland to explore St. Lucia’s lush rainforest by foot or by zipline.

Still want more suggestions? Don’t worry, you’ll find plenty more St. Lucia travel tips below!

Keep reading to dive into resources that will help you with planning a trip to St. Lucia, one of the top Caribbean travel destinations .

Note: This guide to St. Lucia travel contains affiliate links to trusted partners!

St. Lucia travel guide

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St. lucia map.

Use this St. Lucia travel map to begin planning your trip!

St. Lucia map

Click here for an interactive version of the above map.

Places To Visit In St. Lucia

Learn about where to go in St. Lucia .

St. Lucia travel guide ATV adventure

Adventurous Couple’s Guide To Marisule, Castries & Rodney Bay, St. Lucia

st lucia beaches

6 Secret Beaches To Visit In St. Lucia

St. Lucia travel in Soufriere

Adventurous Couple’s Guide To Soufriere, St. Lucia

Where To Stay In St. Lucia

Learn about the best places to stay in St. Lucia !

chocolate is an important part of any St Lucia travel guide

Cocoa Experiences At Saint Lucia’s Hotel Chocolat

Typical room at St. Lucia hotels

3 Romantic Hotels In St. Lucia That Aren’t Sandals

St Lucia Caribbean accommodation with a view of The Pitons

3 Luxury Caribbean Wellness Retreats In St. Lucia & Antigua

St. Lucia luxury hotels with a view of The Pitons

An Unforgettable Romantic Getaway For One At St. Lucia’s Jade Mountain Resort

BodyHoliday Resort is full of St Lucia activities for wellness travelers

An Amazing Solo Wellness Getaway At St. Lucia’s BodyHoliday Resort

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Make your Caribbean vacation even more memorable with the help of the following travel guides!

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Top St. Lucia Tours

Book a St Lucia tour and get to know the culture through a local.

  • Majestic Gros Piton Hike
  • Rainforest Adventures St Lucia Aerial Tram and Zipline Tour (with Transfer)
  • St Lucia Snorkeling Tour with Lunch
  • Treetop Adventure Park Canopy Tour

Renting A Car In St. Lucia

Need a rental car for your St. Lucia trip?

Use Discover Cars to quickly compare your car rental options.

st lucia travel reviews

Top Hotels In St. Lucia

Click here to browse hotels in St. Lucia!

Prefer self-contained stays? 

Click here to check out unique local rentals!

You can also use this map to search for local stays:

St. Lucia Travel Insurance

It doesn’t matter if you’re traveling solo or with a group on a St. Lucia tour. When visiting St. Lucia — or any other country in the world — make sure to get travel insurance to protect your health and safety.

In my opinion, the best travel medical insurance for travelers is SafetyWing as they’ve got a large network and offer both short-term and long-term coverage — including coverage if you’re traveling for months as well as limited coverage in your home country).

Additionally, SafetyWing is budget-friendly and offers $250,000 worth of coverage with just one low overall deductible of $250.

With coverage, you’ll have peace of mind as you embark on your St. Lucia itinerary.

Click my referral link here to price out travel insurance for your trip in just a few clicks .

St. Lucia Travel Guide FAQ

Below, find answers to frequently asked questions about traveling St. Lucia .

Q: What are some of the best places to visit in St. Lucia?

St. Lucia is probably best known for its beautiful beaches. Reduit Beach, located right near the lively town of Rodney Bay , is a favorite among both tourists and locals for its clear waters and white sand. Anse Chastanet is perfect for divers and snorkelers looking to spot some of the local marine life. If you’re looking for a more secluded spot, try Malgretoute Beach , where you can swim under the island’s iconic Pitons, or volcanic plugs.

Beyond the beach, St. Lucia is perfect for hikers and those who love adventure travel . Hike the above-mentioned Pitons for incredible views of the island, then chill out in the mineral water baths of Sulphur Springs Park .

Moreover, the Diamond Falls Botanical Gardens show off the diverse flora of the islands as well as the gorgeous Diamond Falls waterfall.

And check out the Mourne Coubaril Estate , where you can fly over coconut trees and lakes on a zipline!

Bonus: St. Lucia is also home to some of the best Caribbean wellness resorts !

Q: Is St. Lucia safe to visit?

St. Lucia is considered quite safe for visitors. Crime is pretty low and the St. Lucia authority works with the local tourism industry to keep resort and hotel areas safe. Petty crimes like pickpocketing, theft, and automobile break-ins do still occur, so always be aware of your surroundings and don’t leave valuables unattended in public to avoid pickpockets .

If you are renting a car, be sure to lock it and keep any personal items out of view. And of course, avoid walking around alone at night, whether you’re in town or on the beach.

Q: What do I need to know before going to St. Lucia?

There are a few things to know before heading to St. Lucia. First of all, there aren’t many ATMs on the island and some have trouble connecting to banks outside of the country. Bring some cash with you and exchange it for Eastern Caribbean dollars upon arrival. Most businesses do accept U.S. dollars but some may charge extra if you pay in foreign currency.

Along these lines, most restaurants and hotels automatically add a 10% service charge onto your bill. You can certainly tip extra if you’d like, but know that it’s not required.

All beaches on St. Lucia are public, so you are more or less free to visit whatever beach you’d like. If you’re visiting a beach at a resort, though, you may not be able to use their facilities, like the bathroom or beach chairs. Bring your own chair and towel just to be safe.

Finally, St. Lucia does not adhere to Daylight Savings Time. This means that they are UTC -4 year round. Keep this in mind if you are visiting the country between November and March.

Q: Do I need a visa to visit St. Lucia?

Citizens of the United States, Canada, the European Union, and many other countries do not require a visa to visit St. Lucia. You will need to show proof of your return ticket, accommodations, and ability to cover travel costs upon entry. St. Lucia requires citizens of several other countries to obtain a visa before entering the country.

It’s recommended to view your country’s St. Lucia International Travel Information page for the most up-to-date information on entry and exit requirements. You can also contact the Consulate General Of St. Lucia In New York.

Q: What is the best month to travel to St. Lucia?

The best time to visit St. Lucia is at the end of the dry season, from mid-May to late June. The weather is still very pleasant during this time as it is out of the hurricane season. Winter and early spring are also great weather-wise but tend to be busier and more expensive on the island.

Q: Are credit cards accepted in St. Lucia?

While large hotels, resorts, restaurants, and attractions often accept credit cards, small establishments in St. Lucia rarely do. For this reason, it’s wise to always have some cash on hand.

Q: What is St. Lucia’s international airport?

The main airport serving St. Lucia is Hewanorra International Airport at Vieux Fort (UVF), located on the southern end of the island. Keep in mind, this means that depending on where you are staying it can sometimes take a lot of time to get to your hotel from the airport.

Q: What is the local currency in St. Lucia?

The local currency in St. Lucia is the Eastern Caribbean dollar.

trip to St. Lucia

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Discover the best hotel for you:

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Jade Mountain Resort

Fitness Center

Free Parking

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Sugar Beach, A Viceroy Resort

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Ladera Resort

Free Breakfast

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Cap Maison Resort & Spa

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Serenity At Coconut Bay - All Inclusive - Adults Only

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Calabash Cove Resort & Spa

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Sandals Regency La Toc

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Windjammer Landing Villa Beach Resort

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Sandals Grande St. Lucian

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Anse Chastanet Resort

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BodyHoliday Saint Lucia

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East Winds Inn

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Sandals Halcyon Beach

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The Landings Resort & Spa

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Bay Gardens Beach Resort

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Ti Kaye Resort & Spa

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Royalton Saint Lucia, An Autograph Collection All-Inclusive Resort

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Hideaway at Royalton Saint Lucia, An Autograph Collection All-Inclusive Resort - Adults Only

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Zoetry Marigot Bay St. Lucia

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Coconut Bay Beach Resort & Spa

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StolenTime by Rendezvous

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Bel Jou Hotel

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Rabot Hotel From Hotel Chocolat

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Harbor Club St. Lucia, Curio Collection by Hilton

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St. James's Club Morgan Bay

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Travel Guide

  • # 1 in Best Places to Visit in Spring

Lush, unspoiled St. Lucia is a hit with travelers of all kinds. Some of its vacationers are music lovers, letting loose at the springtime St. Lucia Jazz & Arts Festival. Meanwhile, adrenaline junkies test their limits by climbing The Pitons  or zip lining through the Chassin region's rainforest. Others are honeymooners, unwinding on one of the island's chalky beaches or holing up in one of its isolated resorts .

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ICC Men’s T20 World Cup

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Saint Lucia Stories: Special Offers

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Saint Lucia’s Sustainability Journey

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Immigration Entry Form

Let her inspire you, find your inspiration, saint lucia is no ordinary island.

Equal parts beauty and mystique, Saint Lucia captivates anyone who sets foot on her coastline. Always evocative, she welcomes visitors with her soothing waves, warm beaches, and hospitable people. The only sovereign nation to be named for a woman, the island personifies adventure and inspiration. Her visitors invariably find themselves reluctant to leave and eager to return.

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Limitless Inspiration

Imagine yourself reclining on the sandy white beaches, soaking in the volcanic mud baths of Soufrière, ziplining through lush rainforests, indulging in authentic island food, club-hopping on the Rodney Bay strip, and riding ATVs through the countryside. Envision exploring abandoned sugar plantations, snorkeling in crystal clear waters, chasing brightly colored fish in the shadow of the Pitons, or experiencing a live sea turtle hatching in the last light of dusk.

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Eat & Drink

Saint Lucia’s foodie experience is truly one-of-a-kind and world-class.

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There are plenty of family activities in Saint Lucia both on the land and sea.

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Nature & Adventure

Here you have the opportunity to experience the adventure of a lifetime.

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A more complete picture emerged Wednesday of the extensive damage wrought by Hurricane Beryl's trek across the Windward Islands, revealing destruction and at least seven deaths.

At least three islands report more than 90% of the homes and buildings either destroyed or severely damaged, the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency reported Wednesday . All three are within the chain of Grenadine Islands, where Beryl roared into the Caribbean on the southern end of the Windwards, between St. Vincent and Grenada.

With 19 participating states across the Caribbean , the agency was helping coordinate disaster response on Grenada and St. Vincent and the Grenadines even as it continued to track Beryl’s movements across Jamaica, Cayman Islands and Belize. The eye of Beryl, still a Category 4 storm, raked Jamaica's coast Wednesday afternoon and was expected to pass near the Cayman Islands Thursday morning, before making landfall in the Yucatan on Friday morning.

The damage estimates for the Windwards – where Beryl made landfall over Carriacou – are only "a very preliminary look," said Elizabeth Riley, the disaster management agency's executive director. Beryl struck the islands with sustained winds of 150 mph and higher gusts on Monday, and the National Hurricane Center had warned that winds could be up to 30% higher on the tops of hills and mountains.

The impacts to the Grenadine Islands are "quite significant," Riley said, leaving residents exposed and vulnerable. Even as recovery efforts began, a tropical wave brought rain and gusty winds Wednesday to the suffering residents.

Grenada prime minister discusses damage on Carriacou

In a briefing late Tuesday after spending more than two hours in a helicopter provided by the government of St. Lucia, Grenada Prime Minister Dickon Mitchell described "total destruction" on the islands of Carriacou and Petite Martinique.

"There's really nothing that can prepare you to see this level of destruction," Mitchell said. "It is almost Armageddon-like, almost total damage and destruction of all buildings. Complete devastation and destruction of agriculture. Complete and total destruction of the natural environment."

"There is literally no vegetation left anywhere on the island of Carriacou; the mangroves are totally destroyed, the boats and the marinas significantly damaged," he said. "There is almost complete destruction of the electrical grid system in Carriacou. The entire communication system is completely destroyed."

However, Mitchell added, he'd been heartened by the volunteers "showing true Grenadian spirit" by arriving from other less damaged areas in boats and fishing vessels to begin delivering relief supplies to those affected.

Hurricane Beryl's fearsome seas As Beryl tears through Caribbean, a drone sends back stunning footage

Beryl damage updates

The following are the preliminary assessments Riley listed:

Carriacou, Grenada

  • The total population of 6,081 has been affected, so shelter is "a significant consideration."
  • Majority of homes and buildings have been extensively damaged
  • Communications have been significantly compromised

Petite Martinique, Grenada

  • Estimated 80% of the houses and buildings extensively damaged or destroyed
  • 900 people affected
  • Majority of the island is sheltering in place

Canouan, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

  • 100% of the island's population (12,600) has been affected
  • An estimated 90% of the houses were damaged, either extensively or destroyed
  • Police station in Charlestown lost its roof

Union Island, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

  • Full population of 3,000 was affected by extensive damage
  • Estimated 98% of buildings, including houses badly damaged or destroyed
  • Airport control tower destroyed, hospital roof destroyed
  • Power plant received significant damage
  • Government assisting people who wish to evacuate

Mayreau, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

  • Total population of 300 people affected
  • 90% of the housing stock and buildings have been damaged or destroyed

Palm Island, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

  • Resort and desalination plant significantly damaged
  • More than 40 homes with damage, a number expected to rise
  • Confirmed significant damage to the fishing sector
  • More than 200 boats damaged
  • Significant damage to the coastal infrastructure, particularly along the south coast 
  • Partial road obstruction
  • Significant damage on southern end 

Trinidad and Tobago

  • Power outages
  • Water disruption on Tobago 
  • Roadway blockages on both islands

Bequia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

  • An estimated 10% of the homes and buildings suffered roof damage
  • Airport and runway are usable
  • Minimal damages reported

Mitchell, Grenada's prime minister, said the island's northernmost parish, Saint Patrick suffered significant damage. The parishes of Saint Andrew, Saint Mark and Saint John also suffered much more damage than the parishes of Saint George and Saint David.

"It is clear that agriculture has taken quite a battering. It is clear that many persons have lost their roofs," Mitchell said. "It is clear, in some instances, many people have lost their entire homes."

Dinah Voyles Pulver covers climate and the environment for USA TODAY. Reach her at [email protected] or @dinahvp.

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Royalton Saint Lucia, An Autograph Collection All-Inclusive Resort

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Costco Member Reviews

4.1 of 5 stars

This all-inclusive resort offers a family-friendly vacation experience, with activities for guests of all ages.

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Executive Member Benefit

Executive Members receive an annual 2% Reward, up to $1,000, on qualified Costco Travel purchases

Hotel Details

Hotel description.

Situated on a secluded, sandy beach in the Cap Estate area, this all-inclusive resort welcomes guests in comfort and upscale style. The resort is located just minutes from Smugglers Cove, Pigeon Island National Park, and St. Lucia Golf & Country Club, and is next door to its sister resort, Hideaway at Royalton Saint Lucia, An Autograph Collection All-Inclusive Resort - Adults Only. Enjoy modern facilities, a warm and friendly staff, and world-class dining.

Key Features

  • Distance from Airport: 90 Minutes
  • Number of Rooms: 287
  • Number of Floors: 5
  • Elevator(s)
  • Check-In Time: 3:00 p.m.
  • Check-Out Time: 12:00 p.m.
  • Wheelchair-Accessible Room(s) Available
  • Nonsmoking Property
  • FEATURES    
  • Air-Conditioning in Public Areas
  • Activities/Tour Desk
  • Beach (swimmable)
  • Beach (swimmable - nearby)
  • Beauty Salon
  • Children's Club - See Below
  • Children's Pool
  • Concierge Desk
  • Conference Room(s)
  • Currency Exchange
  • Dry Cleaning
  • Gift Shop/Boutique
  • Golf Driving Range
  • Health/Fitness Facility
  • Hospitality Room(s)
  • Hot Tub/Jacuzzi
  • Internet Access (wireless)
  • Parking (self)
  • Restaurant(s)
  • Room Service
  • Room Service (24 hours)
  • Safe Deposit Box
  • Swimming Pool(s) - Indoor
  • Swimming Pool(s) - Outdoor
  • Swim-Up Bar(s)
  • Tennis Court(s)
  • Wedding Services
  • Babysitting
  • Medical Facility
  • Medical Facility (nearby)
  • Board Games
  • Golf (nearby)
  • Restaurants (nearby)
  • Scuba Diving
  • Shopping (nearby)
  • Table Tennis

Gourmet Marche:  Discover the freshest local ingredients and enjoy a wide selection of local and international flavors, also offering fresh fruit juices, a special kids buffet area and healthy options.

  • Air-Conditioned
  • Meals Served: Breakfast | Lunch | Dinner
  • Menu Type: Buffet
  • Children's Menu Available
  • Reservations: Not Required
  • Cuisine Type: International
  • Dress Code: Casual Attire | Cover-Up OK | Footwear Required | Shirt Required

Armadillo:  Your authentic Tex-Mex experience awaits! This fusion restaurant provides the perfect setting to enjoy authentic favorites like sizzling fajitas, fresh grilled seafood and delectable hickory smoked meats.

  • Meals Served: Dinner
  • Menu Type: A la carte
  • Dress Code: Dress Pants | Footwear Required | Shirt Required

Zen:  Be amazed by the flavor and technique of masterfully prepared teppenyaki as it happens right before your eyes.

  • Reservations: Required
  • Cuisine Type: Japanese

Grazie Italian Trattoria:  Enjoy a wide range of Italian cuisine at this delicious trattoria. Its authentic design and traditional menu make this restaurant the perfect place for families to enjoy well-known Italian comfort food.

  • Meals Served: Lunch | Dinner
  • Cuisine Type: Italian

Calypso:  Taste the culinary treasures of the West Indies at this stylish and modern restaurant with artfully prepared dishes.

  • Cuisine Type: Caribbean

Hunter Steakhouse:  This unique restaurant offers guests a grand steakhouse experience. Watch chefs in the open kitchen as they perfectly prepare your steak.

  • Cuisine Type: Steak

The resort offers 287 guest rooms. Room amenities include complimentary Wi-Fi, a balcony or terrace, 24-hour room service, a mini-bar restocked daily, and premium bedding. Diamond Club accommodations include personalized check-in and checkout, butler service, dedicated room locations, an exclusive beach area with dedicated bar and waiter service, and access to the private Diamond Club Lounge. Children under age 2 stay free in room using existing bedding. Cribs and rollaway beds are available upon request.

  • Air-Conditioning
  • Ceiling Fan
  • Coffee/Tea Maker
  • In-Room Safe
  • Internet Access (high-speed)
  • Iron/Ironing Board
  • Nonsmoking Rooms Available
  • Rollaway Bed
  • Satellite/Cable TV
  • Housekeeping - Daily
  • Kitchenette
  • Refrigerator

Children under age 3 stay free in room using existing bedding.

Luxury Junior Suite - All-Inclusive

st lucia travel reviews

Suites feature a resort or garden view and balcony or terrace.

  • Balcony/Lanai
  • Approximate Square Feet: 603
  • Bedding: King or Two Queens

Luxury Ocean-View Junior Suite - All-Inclusive

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Suites feature an ocean view and balcony or terrace.

Luxury Swim-Out Junior Suite - All-Inclusive

st lucia travel reviews

Suites feature access to a semi-private swim-out pool.

  • Bedding: King Bed or Two Queen Beds

Luxury Family Suite - All-Inclusive

st lucia travel reviews

Suites feature an ocean view, separate living area and balcony or terrace.

  • Approximate Square Feet: 721
  • Bedding: King Bed and Pull-Out Sofa

Luxury Presidential One-Bedroom Ocean-View Suite - All-Inclusive

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  • Approximate Square Feet: 1227

Diamond Club Luxury Ocean-View Junior Suite - All-Inclusive

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The Diamond Club premium level of service offers Diamond Club guests private lounge access, butler service and a dedicated pool and beach area.

Diamond Club Luxury Swim-Out Junior Suite - All-Inclusive

st lucia travel reviews

Diamond Club Luxury Ocean-View Family Suite - All-Inclusive

st lucia travel reviews

  • Approximate Square Feet: 754
  • Bedding: King and Pull-Out Sofa

Diamond Club Luxury Presidential One-Bedroom Ocean-View Suite - All-Inclusive

st lucia travel reviews

Suites feature an ocean view, separate living space and balcony or terrace.

Diamond Club Luxury Presidential One-Bedroom Swim-Out Suite - All-Inclusive

st lucia travel reviews

Diamond Club Luxury Chairman Two-Bedroom Oceanfront Suite - All-Inclusive

st lucia travel reviews

Suites feature an ocean view, large balcony, separate living space and a pool table.

  • Approximate Square Feet: 3261
  • Bedding: King Bed and Two Queen Beds


  • Children's Club
  • Evening Entertainment
  • Gratuities and Taxes
  • Nonmotorized Water Sports
  • Premium Cuts of Meat and Seafood
  • Snorkeling Equipment
  • Unlimited Meals and Snacks
  • Unlimited Domestic Drinks
  • Unlimited Select International Drinks
  • Fitness Classes

Available for Purchase

  • Laundry or Dry Cleaning Services
  • Snorkeling Excursions
  • Spa and Beauty Services
  • Telephone Calls

Additional All-Inclusive Information

Costco Travel makes every effort to verify the accuracy of all information provided. Additional fees for amenities or services may be charged by the hotel, resort or cruise line. Amenities or services may be discontinued or revised by the provider without notice. Hotels, resorts, ships or accommodations designated as wheelchair-accessible do not necessarily meet ADA requirements. Costco Travel is not responsible for inaccuracies or provider modifications.

Other Hotels in Curacao

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Courtyard by Marriott Curacao

This newly opened Willemstad hotel is conveniently located near the historic city center and cruise port. The modern lobby features flexible spaces to relax or socialize. Recharge with a workout at the well-equipped fitness center, take a dip in the refreshing pool and unwind in the relaxing hot tub. Grab a bite to eat or a drink with friends at Centro Gastrobar. Indulge in a warm, inviting ambiance and culinary delights for unforgettable moments.

st lucia travel reviews

Curacao Marriott Beach Resort

Indulge in world-class cuisine at one of the five unique dining concepts. Featuring a fusion of Caribbean and European flair, each restaurant and café offers a unique dining experience. Get lost in sweeping ocean views, two sparkling resort pools, lush tropical gardens, and endless white sand beaches made for relaxation and recreation.

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Dreams Curacao Resort, Spa & Casino - All-Inclusive

Dreams Curacao Resort, Spa & Casino - All-Inclusive is nestled on the sandy beaches of Piscadera Bay, part of the southern coast of the unique island of Curacao.

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Mangrove Beach Corendon Curacao, Curio Collection by Hilton - All-Inclusive

Set along the Caribbean shoreline, this family-friendly, all-inclusive resort offers an aqua park, watersports, four pools, 10 restaurants and bars, a beach spa, daily activities, and more.

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Renaissance Wind Creek Curacao Resort

This resort is located in the heart of colorful Curacao, and just steps away from nearby shops, restaurants, cultural and historical sites. Relax on the powder-soft sand of the resort's private elevated beach while taking in breathtaking Caribbean Sea views. The adjacent infinity pool is perfect for leisurely swims, or visit the Wind Creek Casino on the property.

st lucia travel reviews

The Rif at Mangrove Beach Corendon Curacao, Curio Collection by Hilton - All-Inclusive

This new beachfront, all-inclusive resort overlooks the sparkling Caribbean Sea and lush mangrove forests. Wake up to views of the garden, pool, cruise ships. Savor endless flavor at one of the four restaurants or two bars. Find a quiet place to unwind around the outdoor pool or on the private beach. Enjoy access to the lively sister resort – Mangrove Beach Corendon Curacao, Curio Collection by Hilton - All-Inclusive.

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Zoetry Curacao Resort & Spa - All-Inclusive

Visit Zoetry Curacao Resort & Spa - All-Inclusive and reconnect with nature in this beautiful tropical paradise. The expansive pool oasis and hot tub surrounded by flora offer an ideal retreat. Indulge in Endless Privileges® including highly personalized service, two locally influenced restaurants, and three bars serving premium wine and spirits. Located next door is its beachfront sister property, Dreams Curacao Resort, Spa & Casino - All-Inclusive, and all guests receive full access to the property including the beautiful beach on Piscadera Bay, just a quick golf cart ride from the main property.

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10 Perfect All-Inclusive Resorts on St. Lucia

These dreamy resorts are a little slice of paradise.

An island best known for the striking silhouette of the Piton Mountains, St. Lucia has all the trappings of a traditional Caribbean getaway: endless sun, powder-white sand, and a clutch of Edenic all-inclusive resorts.

Whether you're here for the snorkeling, the mud baths, the oceanside hiking, or the celebrity sightings (they flock here in droves), St. Lucia has a lot to offer the warm-weather traveler, with a particularly high-end vibe. For travelers seeking an all-inclusive vacay, there are plenty of options on the island, none of which are mundane. Here are 10 of St. Lucia's best all-inclusive resorts and resorts with all-inclusive packages, so find your sunglasses and start planning.

A former sugar plantation with rooms featuring dark wood and tiled baths, Cap Maison lets its stellar views and top-notch service do the talking. Known for extraordinary massages — which you can have on your terrace if you like — this isn't a traditional all-inclusive hotel, so it tends to attract a somewhat less party-focused traveler. The "Cap It All" inclusive package takes care of breakfast, lunch, and dinner, plus house wines and spirits, sodas, and local rums (crucial!) by the glass. And if you're seeking a particularly secluded stay, request an oceanview villa with a private pool.

StolenTime by Rendezvous Saint Lucia

At this decidedly couples-focused resort, visitors can opt into a host of romantic activities, from candlelit private dinners to lessons on how to give a professional-grade massage to your partner. Rendezvous is a true all-inclusive, with taxes, tips, motorized water sports, professionally led scuba dives, and all beverages (including premium-brand booze and wine by the bottle) included. Know that if your preferred getaway is all flip-flops, string bikinis, and sand in your hair, this might not be quite right for you: Though the rules have relaxed somewhat since a recent rebrand, the property has traditionally had dinnertime dress codes. It makes for a more elegant vibe, but packing shoes that aren't sandals might be a non-starter for some travelers.


"Give us your body for a week and we'll give you back your mind," trumpets the website of this resort . It's tough to argue when you see that each day of your stay includes a free 50-minute spa treatment — perhaps a massage, or a facial, or an aloe body wrap. At BodyHoliday, the all-inclusive package includes pro-fitness training, sailing, yoga, and spinning classes, as well as health-focused meals (gluten-free, low-carb, and nutritionist-designed menus abound) at six different bars and restaurants. All rooms overlook either a garden or the ocean.

Ladera Resort

For those who like their romantic, tropical vacations to feel, well, romantic and tropical, Ladera is the place to go. Rooms are decked out in dark golden wood, with gauzy draperies breezily thrown over four-poster beds, though the main draw is the lack of a fourth wall. There's nothing between you and those stunning Piton views. The resort isn't technically all-inclusive, but those who adore its restaurant, Dasheene, with its spectacular perch over the ocean and riffs on traditional St. Lucian dishes (sweet potato and coconut soup; roast conch; plantain gratin with coconut rum sauce) often pick the all-inclusive option . Be aware that there's a dress code at dinnertime for both men and women.

Sandals Grande St. Lucian

Sometimes you just want a familiar, all-inclusive resort that pulls no punches, has no hidden fees, and includes activities like scuba diving, sailing, waterskiing, meals at a dozen different restaurants, unlimited premium liquors at swim-up bars, sunbathing on a mile-long beach, and tips. Grande is the favorite Sandals resort of most St. Lucia regulars. Just keep in mind that because some folks come here to really take advantage of that all-you-can-drink deal, it can get noisy. Avoid any vacation interruptions by requesting a quieter room (and one with a private plunge pool) far from the bars and main floor lobby areas.

Jade Mountain Resort

Lauded for its sustainable initiatives and its volcanic microbrewery , the Jade Mountain Resort is a particular favorite on the island. However, it's the 24 infinity pools that perfectly reflect the sweeping views of the Pitons that keep travelers dreaming year after year. The rooms themselves are designed to blend seamlessly into the panorama with an open fourth wall and up to 2,000 square feet to stretch out in — that's in addition to your own personal infinity pool no smaller than 400 square feet. Jade Mountain's all-inclusive option covers meals and beverages, which can be enjoyed on the Celestial Terrace or in the comfort of your suite that you'll never want to leave.

East Winds is one of the more affordable all-inclusive options in St. Lucia and is highly raved about. Between Masson Point and Labrelotte Bay, this resort boasts its own private beach. The all-inclusive experience at East Winds covers everything but the spa treatments: champagne, wine and spirits, and all your meals. This also includes snorkeling and sailing lessons, yoga and pilates classes, and cooking and cocktail-crafting courses. And if you're looking for somewhere to tie the knot, you can even take advantage of the resort's wedding package that includes your legal fees, ceremony space, bouquet, and boutonniere.

Zoëtry Marigot Bay

Adjacent to the island's preferred superyacht berthing spot, Zoëtry Marigot Bay offers luxe accommodation in the center of a vibrant village filled with shopping boutiques and some of the island's top restaurants. Rooms range from the resort-view junior suites (which are still quite spacious in their own right) to the expansive residence suites. The resort's "Endless Privileges" all-inclusive program comes with 24-hour dining access, unlimited top-shelf liquor, and a host of amenities that (if you book one of the highest-end room types) can even include a private butler.

Anse Chastanet

The sister property of the Jade Mountain Resort, nearby Anse Chastanet offers its own stunning perspective of the Pitons, as well as a design scheme that takes inspiration from nature at every turn. Each room has its own special feature, such as the suite with a balcony built around a red gommier tree and open-wall suites similar to the ones at Jade Mountain. However, it's a better choice for those who want quicker access to the soft sand and coral reef of the Anse Chastanet beach.

The all-inclusive package covers all your meals, plus any beverage served by the glass, excluding champagne and specialty liquors. Lovebirds looking for an all-inclusive plan might also opt for the Total Romance Package, which also includes an airport transfer, drinks from the in-room fridge, welcome cocktails, and a bottle of champagne in addition to the all-inclusive meal plan.

Serenity at Coconut Bay

Serenity at Coconut Bay offers a private and peaceful escape for couples looking for peace and quiet. This adults-only resort has a robust all-inclusive plan that includes butler service, airport transfers, golf cart transfers to the beach and spa, plus a private patio in your room complete with a plunge pool and waterfall. That's not to mention the unlimited wine and spirits, cocktails, and both gourmet and casual meals. The all-inclusive experience even includes access to the eight restaurants at seven bars at Serenity's sister resort Coconut Bay, which is not adults only.

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