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roman forum virtual tour

Virtual 360 Tour: Roman Forum

  • Ancient Rome
  • Virtual 360 Tours

July 10, 2023

At the bosom of the ancient Roman city, the Forum (Foro Romano) was the center of daily life and political endeavours during Roman times. This lively hub was the gathering point for commercial affairs, public speeches, religious ceremonies and criminal trials, among many other things. Many discussions held here formed the basis for decisions which would indeed shape the course of politics in the Western world. The Roman Forum was the beating heart of ancient Rome, and possibly the most celebrated meeting place in history.

Roman Forum

Standing amidst its grandiose temples, and exquisitely preserved ruins, you can almost hear the hustle and bustle of the ancient nation, feeling the history held within these precious stone structures. Strolling along stone paved paths steeped in such historical significance, which have stood proudly over thousands of years, is truly a surreal experience, as we admire in awe the power and splendour of the Roman Empire.

While the Colosseum is usually the attraction that comes to mind when we think of Rome, this stunning archaeological site is certainly not to be missed on any trip to Rome—and an excellent tour guide will make all the difference. As the burial ground of Julius Cesar, the living quarters of the Vestal Virgins and the home of the Roman Senate, the fascinating history seeping through its walls will delight history buffs and novices alike.

In this video, our very own co-founder and story-teller Jason Speigel, walks us through some aspects of the Forum’s incredible past.

Video Transcription

“We are standing overlooking the Roman Forum, without a doubt one of the most important archeological spots in the entire Western world. The decisions that were made here inside the Roman Forum literally helped shape the course of Western history down to our lives today.

If you look over to the right you will see a beautifully preserved ancient triumphal arch, the arch of Septimius Severus. Looking a little bit into the distance just behind me, on the other side of the forum was the Basilica Guilia where the court cases of ancient Rome were held, or the supreme court. Over to the left you have the Senate House, the Curia, where the Senate used to meet and vote on important decisions. Just down in front of that was the Comitium, where we got our word “committee”, where they would meet and debate to discuss a certain matter before going inside to vote. The rostro, the speaking platform, is just down to the right of that, where the orators would speak down to the togan Romans, just down in the centre space that we’re looking at.

Right over here there was a banking center, and then a whole series of temples including the temple to the God Julius Cesar. That’s the spot where Julis Cesar was cremated, after his assination, where his body was said to ascend to the heavens, and they built a temple in his honour in that spot. Looking down a little bit further away to the right of that, you can see three small columns, that was the temple of Vesta, where the Vestal virgins used to burn the eternal flame of Rome. And all the way on the other end we have another arch, the arch of Tidus, which then flows down to the area of the Colosseum.

So again, it’s hard not to understate the importance of this area, and I still think you can feel the history emanating from these stones.”

roman forum virtual tour

by Cristina C.

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A Virtual Tour of Ancient Rome, Circa 320 CE: Explore Stunning Recreations of The Forum, Colosseum and Other Monuments

in Architecture , History , Technology | August 5th, 2020 4 Comments

If you’re a reg­u­lar read­er of this site, you’re like­ly famil­iar with the sim­u­la­tion hypoth­e­sis , the idea that con­scious expe­ri­ence is noth­ing more than a com­put­er pro­gram. This con­cept has many sci-fi impli­ca­tions, from Matrix -like sce­nar­ios to the rad­i­cal idea that every­thing in the uni­verse is soft­ware, run by incom­pre­hen­si­ble beings who might as well be gods. One of the more plau­si­ble ver­sions sug­gests that we are liv­ing in an “ances­tor sim­u­la­tion,” designed by future human soci­eties to recre­ate their past.

Pre­sum­ably, sim­u­lat­ed ances­tors would cre­ate their own ances­tor sim­u­la­tions and so on, ad infini­tum . There’s no way to know where on the con­tin­u­um we fall, but wher­ev­er it is, ances­tor sim­u­la­tions are on the way… maybe. They’re rudi­men­ta­ry at the moment, con­sist­ing of immer­sive video games and VR recre­ations of ancient cities.

Each iter­a­tion, how­ev­er, is bet­ter than the last, as we have seen in the case of Rome Reborn (or Rome Reborn®), a 3D dig­i­tal mod­el­ing project designed to recre­ate the city’s archi­tec­ture as it was in 320 CE, through expert ren­der­ings informed by archi­tec­tur­al his­to­ri­ans and “vir­tu­al archae­ol­o­gists” like Dr. Bernard Frisch­er , pro­fes­sor emer­i­tus at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Vir­ginia .

Back in a 2012 Open Cul­ture post , Matthias Rasch­er explained the sig­nif­i­cance of this year, “when Rome’s pop­u­la­tion had reached its peak (about one mil­lion) and the first Chris­t­ian church­es were being built.” His­to­ri­ans will also rec­og­nize 320 as fol­low­ing direct­ly on the heels of the Dona­tion of Con­stan­tine that gave the city to the Pope. We can tour the vir­tu­al streets of this rapid­ly chang­ing ancient city, though the bur­geon­ing pop­u­la­tion is nowhere in evi­dence. Noth­ing moves, grows, or changes in Rome Reborn. In that sense it is still like so many pre­vi­ous rep­re­sen­ta­tions of antiq­ui­ty.

Now in ver­sion 3.0, Rome Reborn began as a 3D mod­el in 2007, and was first owned by the Regents of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Cal­i­for­nia. It now oper­ates, under the aus­pices of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Vir­ginia, as a pri­vate com­pa­ny called Fly­over Zone. They have oth­er such dig­i­tal recre­ations in their prod­uct line, includ­ing “Athens Reborn ® , Hadri­an’s Vil­la Reborn ® , Baal­bek Reborn ® , Egypt Reborn ® , and His­tor­i­cal Games ® .” Rome Reborn’s design­er, Dani­la Logi­nov, has released increas­ing­ly detailed pro­mos of the project over the years, and you can see these many videos here.

To ful­ly expe­ri­ence this sim­u­lat­ed Rome, you’ll need a Vir­tu­al Real­i­ty head­set. The third ver­sion of the 3D mod­el has been made pub­licly avail­able. “You can immerse your­self in the ancient city and even enter into some of its most famous build­ings while lis­ten­ing to the com­men­tary of high­ly qual­i­fied experts,” the Rome Reborn site promis­es . Famous build­ings one might explore include the Roman forum and the Basil­i­ca of Max­en­tius. It is not an expe­ri­ence based in real­ism. In some of the sim­u­la­tions “you can opt for a whirl­wind   fly­over tour  of the city,” notes Meilan Sol­ly at Smith­son­ian .

This rough­ly two-hour tour is like noth­ing any ancient Roman ever expe­ri­enced. “Com­par­a­tive­ly, the two site vis­its place users in the driver’s seat,” Sol­ly writes, “afford­ing them free­dom to roam through recon­struct­ed streets and halls.” It’s not quite the stuff of a sim­u­lat­ed uni­verse just yet, but it may not be too far in the future before Rome Reborn® ful­ly lives up to its name. Learn more about ancient Rome, cir­ca 320 CE, in the videos here, and learn more about Rome Reborn at their offi­cial site .

Relat­ed Con­tent:

Explore Ancient Athens 3D, a Dig­i­tal Recon­struc­tion of the Greek City-State at the Height of Its Influ­ence

An Ani­mat­ed Recon­struc­tion of Ancient Rome: Take A 30-Minute Stroll Through the City’s Vir­tu­al­ly-Recre­at­ed Streets

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Josh Jones  is a writer and musi­cian based in Durham, NC. Fol­low him at  @jdmagness

by Josh Jones | Permalink | Comments (4) |

roman forum virtual tour

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Comments (4), 4 comments so far.

While it looks great, I don’t believe it’s accu­rate. Rome was built on hills, not flat land.

I do agree, Rome was built on hills and not flat land.

This web­site is absolute trash maybe you should upgrade to the um, you know 2022 style! I’m not 77 bro I’m try­ing to learn as an 11-year-old not to go back to 1709. pls pls pls pls pls pls pls upgrade this place is absolute trash! trash trash trash trash!!!

Why not make a real dig­i­tal twin based on actu­al pho­to’s and videos. Nowa­days there is great soft­ware with ai to cre­ate a more real expe­ri­ence.

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Roman Forum Virtual Tour: Inside Ancient Rome

Recreate the splendours of the ancient world from home with our virtual tour of the iconic Roman Forum

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Roman Forum Virtual Tour: Inside Ancient Rome

duration 1.5 hours

Tour Overview

Embark on an unforgettable journey into ancient Rome with our expert guide Caterina on this virtual tour of the Roman Forum. If you’re like us and can’t wait to get travelling again, then join Caterina to follow in the virtual footsteps of the mighty emperors and great orators wrote themselves into history in the beating heart of the ancient city. Our live webinar will give you a complete picture of ancient Rome: marvel at the beautiful architecture of innumerable temples, get the inside story of the intrigues and assassinations that rocked antiquity, and discover why the Eternal City was the greatest metropolis in the ancient world - all from the comfort of your own home! If the day of the week or start time of this group tour doesn't work for you, please email us at [email protected] to arrange a suitable alternative date.

roman forum virtual tour

  • Live webinar broadcast from Rome
  • Immersive presentation by licensed guide Caterina
  • In-depth virtual exploration of the Forum
  • Videos, photos and virtual reconstructions make the Forum come alive
  • Have your questions answered in a live Q and A

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  • The Temple of Julius Caesar
  • The House of the Vestal Virgins
  • The Arch of Titus
  • The Temple of Antoninus and Faustina
  • The Rostrum
  • The Temple of Saturn

Tour Description

Meet your guide: caterina.

Hi I'm Caterina. I am a licensed guide of the city of Rome, and have been working with Through Eternity Tours since 2010. I was born and raised in Rome, where I've lived most of my life. I received a degree in Art History from Rome Tre University, where I specialised in Renaissance and Baroque art. I speak English, German and Italian fluently.

What Exactly is a Through Eternity Virtual Tour?  

The world of travel might be on hold right now, but just because we're all staying at home to help the world overcome a common enemy doesn't mean we have to put our wanderlust on the back burner. Frustrated with not being able to get our travel fix, we decided to transform our award-winning tours into immersive virtual experiences, meaning you can still explore Italy’s spectacular archaeological sites and jaw-dropping museums from the comfort of your own home.  

* Please note that the booking times are in US Eastern Standard Time and Rome, Italy CET is 6 hours ahead *

Fun and informative , our virtual tours take the form of online  real-time presentations  led by our  expert guides . Combining videos, high-definition photos and more, our guides will be sharing their wealth of knowledge and experience with you on these interactive walkthroughs of Italy’s most fascinating sites. The  live format  of our virtual tours means you’ll be able to ask your guide anything you wish, just like on a normal tour. We really believe it's the next best thing to being here!

As a sign of our gratitude to those who are on the front line fighting the Coronavirus, we would be more than happy to invite all first responders , health workers and NHS workers to join our Virtual Tours for free. Please message our office staff directly!

Please note that the proceeds from our online tours go directly to our guides, providing them with a valuable lifeline in these tough times for the world of travel. Thank you for your support!  

Embark on a journey to ancient Rome on our virtual Forum tour  

If you want to understand what Rome was like in antiquity, then you need to get to grips with the Roman Forum . The political heart of ancient Rome , history is alive in this complex labyrinth of temples , buildings and cobbled streets . Join our resident expert  Caterina  on a journey of discovery back to the heyday of the bustling ancient metropolis, which incredibly reached a population of one million inhabitants in the first century AD.

On our virtual exploration of the Roman Forum, Caterina will help you piece together this fascinating puzzle of ruins . We'll start our journey with the earliest Roman settlements here in the bronze age, before tracing the Forum's story as it rose in importance to become the most significant meeting place in the ancient world. Learn about the Romans from all walks of life who lived and worked here; meet the politicians and orators who made their mark in the ancient senate , and learn about the dictators and emperors who forged the ancient world’s greatest empire.

Relive the intrigues of antiquity and learn how the city’s denizens bid an emotional farewell to the assassinated Julius Caesar as he burned on his funeral pyre in 44BC, plunging the empire into civil war. Learn too of Cicero , decapitated here in the bloody aftermath, executed as an enemy of the state with his hands, tongue and head nailed to the Rostrum as a warning.

You’ll also get the lowdown on the complex world of Rome’s pagan religions as we reconstruct magnificent temples like the Temple of Saturn . Learn about the privileged yet often tragic lives of the Vestal Virgins whose task it was to keep the city’s eternal flame forever lit, and discover the dark fate that awaited priestesses who broke their solemn vows of chastity .

As we continue our virtual stroll through the Forum, we’ll relive the triumphal parades that took place on the Via Sacra and decipher the carvings on the magnificent Arch of Titus , which vividly depict the brutal triumphs of the Roman Empire in Jerusalem - including the plundering of its priceless Temple, whose spoils paid for the Colosseum.

Thanks to videos and high-resolution photographs, virtual reconstructions and, above all, the expertise of our expert guide, we believe that our virtual tour of the Roman Forum is the next best thing to being there in person. So join Caterina today, and scratch that travel itch from the comfort of your own home!

Tour Reviews

4.9 (10 reviews)

Being born in Tivoli, not far from Rome, I believed that I would not discover many new things about this city during the virtual tour. But I soon had to change my mind: Caterina was absolutely brilliant, I was impressed! She told many curious, exciting aspects about Rome in a very pleasant way, putting everyone at ease. It was a beautiful moment of escape from everyday life. I can't wait to go back to Rome and visit it with her.

Beatrice - Feb 03, 2021

Caterina was an excellent tour guide to the Roman Forum and its famous ruins. She had excellent visual aids that helped us see what the Forum looked liked and how it functioned at its peak. Her explanations were clear, concise, and fascinating, with just the right amount of background. We highly recommend her tour!

Nadine - Jan 22, 2021

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Roman Forum virtual reality experience provided by Elisabetta Barbaro

Virtual Tour

Enjoy this free virtual tour of the Colosseum to get a glimpse of the magnificent monument. This 360 Colosseum view captures the Colosseum’s grand dimensions and elegant architecture. For a free Colosseum tour from the convenience of your own home, watch the Colosseum video below!




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Flyover Zone logo

Travel back in time and experience the Roman Forum with our remastered virtual tour. Learn about over 40 monuments, including the Senate House, Rostra, triumphal arches, and temples. Read More

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  • Description
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Flyover Zone invites you to take a virtual tour of the Roman Forum, one of the world’s most-visited destinations. The tour covers nearly 50 major features of the Forum, including its several temples, its political and civic structures such as the Senate House and the basilicas, and the many commemorative monuments and statues. You will also hear interviews with professional archaeologists, historians, and other experts, including Profs. Bernard Frischer, Paolo Liverani, Brian Rose, Russell Scott, and Barry Strauss. You will be able to see the site today as well as a reconstruction of how it looked in antiquity.

Audio: English, German

Subtitles: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish

Producers: Bernard Frischer Matthew Robert Brennan

Project Manager: Bernard Frischer

Tour Guide/Narration: Bernard Frischer (English) Henning Burwitz (German)

Scientific Advisors: Amanda Claridge Bernard Frischer Paolo Liverani C. Brian Rose Russell Scott Barry Strauss Pier Luigi Tucci

Script: Bernard Frischer

3D Modeling: Lasha Tskondia

Art Direction: Mohamed Abdelaziz

Contributors: Jim Walsh

Captions: Juliette Bolloch (French) Henning Burwitz (German) Ambra Spinelli (Italian) Nancy Peniche May (Spanish) Hesham Hussein (Arabic) Tiao-Guan Huang (Chinese)

Image Credits: Su concessione del Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali e del Turismo – Parco Archeologico del Colosseo

Created By: Flyover Zone

Special Thanks: BYA

  • Carandini, Andrea with Paolo Carafa. The Atlas of Ancient Rome, translated by Andrew Campbell Halavais, 2 volumes (Princeton University Press, Princeton and Oxford 2017).
  • Giuliani, Cairoli Fulvio and Patrizia Verduchi. L’area centrale del Foro Romano (Leo S. Olschki, Florence 1987).
  • Gorski, Gill J. and James E. Packer. The Roman Forum. A Reconstruction and Architectural Guide (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2015).
  • Kalas, Gregor. The Restorations of the Roman Forum in Late Antiquity (University of Texas Press, Austin 2015).
  • Liverani, Paolo. “Osservazioni sui rostri del Foro Romano in età tardoantica,” in RES BENE GESTAE. Ricerche di storia urbana su Roma antica in onore di Eva Margareta Steinby, edited by Anna Leone, Dominico Palombi and Susan Walker (Edizioni Quasar, Rome 2007) 169-193.
  • Østergaard, Jan. “Polychromy, sculptural, Greek and Roman,” in Oxford Classical Dictionary (2018), 31 pages. DOI: 10.1093/acrefore/9780199381135.013.8118
  • Steinby, Eva Margarete, editor. Lexicon Topographicum Urbis Romae, 6 volumes (Edizioni Quasar, Rome 1993-2000).
  • Watkin, David. The Roman Forum (Harvard University Press, Cambridge 2012). Abbreviation: Watkin
  • Zink, Stefan. “Polychromy in Roman Architecture. Colours, Materials, and Techniques,” in Transformation. Classical Sculpture in Colour, edited by Jan Stubbe Østergaard and Anne Marie Nielsen (Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek 2014) 237-255.
  • Bibliography for specific monuments: PDF “Scientific documentation” is available for free download on our product page: flyoverzone.com/products/rome-reborn-forum/

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Inclusions and Exclusions

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Know before you book

Roman forum self-guided virtual experience: the beating heart of the empire.

roman forum virtual tour

€  14,99 per person

  • Important Information

Experience the Roman Forum from the comfort of your home with an engaging self-guided virtual tour, narrated in English from your PC or smartphone browser. It’s so simple! You will receive an email with the tour link with instructions and in a couple of minutes, you will travel back in time and enjoy a virtual journey from the comfort of your couch!

Through the power of storytelling combined with street and satellite views, you will learn not only about historical facts, but also discover unknown stories and tales of ancient and modern times that will amaze your family and friends. The tour’s content is the result of in-depth research, squeezed into brief intriguing stories that will make your virtual visit both engaging and informative. The tour is only available online and you can access it repeatedly and anytime.

This is an unmissable opportunity to gain valuable insights into the pulsating heart of Ancient Rome and immerse yourself in the surroundings in an entirely innovative way.

Too young to die

There is a heart-rending story of early loss lying behind the Basilica’s colonnade, probably known as "the Colonnade of Gaius and Lucius". Gaius and Lucius Caesar were the grandchildren of Augustus, the first Roman Emperor— Augustus adopted them both, and made them his heirs. Yet, they both died young, and so the imperial throne passed onto Tiberius. To celebrate their important status within Roman society, Augustus had two large inscriptions placed in the Basilica’s colonnade. One can still see the remains of the one dedicated to Lucius where his grandfather dubs him "Prince of youth".

  • Virtual Self-guided Tour for the Roman Forum with satellite & street views
  • Audio content with engaging & original stories in English
  • Transportation
  • Offline access

Mandatory items

  • Desktop, laptop or smartphone device
  • Internet connection

The location

Basilica Aemilia: You will learn everything about the  Basilica Aemilia , the only Republican Basilica surviving today within the area of the Forum and listen to the heart-rending story of the grandsons of the first Emperor of Rome, “the princes of youth”. You’ll also take a good idea of the joyous lifestyle of the early Romans who, just like contemporary Italians, loved dining al fresco!

Via Sacra: Walking virtually along Via Sacra , the spine of the ancient city and setting of countless deeds and misdeeds, you’ll follow in the steps of the Roman warriors,  who once returned victorious from their battles and conquests to march the route of the Roman Triumph. Some of the city’s most impressive attractions are lined on the road, including the imposing Arch of Titus. 

The Temple of Caesar: Among many other fascinating attractions, you’ll encounter the famed Temple of Caesar, whose life and assassination are commemorated until today at the heart of the Forum. Leave a flower on the grave of the glorious general and learn about the games of power and control in the political life of Rome.

Important information

  • This is a virtual tour for the Roman Forum that you can take from the comfort of your home and feel like you were there
  • No live guide or meeting point required
  • You will receive an email with instructions on how to access your tour via a link. Check your spam folder as well
  • No special equipment is needed (i.e. special glasses). However, earphones or headphones are highly recommended to enjoy the experience.
  • This product can be accessed from any web browser and requires internet connection

Cancellation Policy : This product cannot be refunded once activated.

roman forum virtual tour

A virtual audio tour is definitely value for money, as it allows you to experience the beauty of the Roman Forum and to listen to its exciting stories, without having to leave the comfort of your house or pay an entrance ticket to the sight. Totally recommend.

roman forum virtual tour

At first, I tried viewing the tour from my iPhone browser. That’s when I realised that the 360° feature wasn’t working properly. I was disappointed, but then tried a second time with my wife’s Android. It worked like a charm and it was a good experience. I just wish that the issue with the iPhone gets fixed soon.

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Colosseum Roman Forum Guided Tour with VR

Adults 15+: 77 € Child 4-14: 57 € Infant 0-3: 4 €

English Italian

9:00 AM 1:00 PM

Colosseum Forum Guided Tour with VR Experience

Book a Colosseum Forum Guided Tour with VR Experience . Explore Ancient Rome through a 3D reconstruction. A completely virtual way to learn history!

A real family tour, educational and fun, suitable for any age group. By participating in a Colosseum Forum Guided Tour with VR Experience you will have the opportunity, with a tour guide, to discover the history of Rome . The culture; the traditions; the religion; the legends. Everything is still intrinsic to the city.

Before entering the monument with the Colosseum Ticket Skip the Line , meet our staff. This will be happy to welcome you warmly to give you all the necessary information about your tour. Join the group and go!

Colosseum Virtual Reality Tour

Wear a latest generation VR viewer , and virtually immerse yourself in the history of Ancient Rome .

With our animated 3D reconstruction integrated with professional multilingual music and audio, exploring the Colosseum has never been easier and more exciting!

All the contents within the reconstruction that you will observe, were handled by the well-known Prof. Filippo Coarelli and by the Digilab Archeo & Arte3D department of the La Sapienza University of Rome .

Thanks to the reproductions and historical animations, you will be able to walk in “live” mode within its three areas: the square; the Arena Floor Colosseum ; the Colosseum underground . You will feel like you are really there. Virtual Reality will allow you to “see” and “live” the life of an ancient Roman without any effort of the imagination. Observe the Meta Sudans; the Arch of Constantine ; the Temple of Venus and Rome ; the extraordinary Colossus of Nero; he becomes the emperor by deciding the fate of the wounded gladiator, with a single gesture of the thumb; walk virtually in the Colosseum underground , among the slaves who work and the gladiators who sharpen their weapons.

Inside the Colosseum…

Once the Virtual Reality is complete, it will be time to enter. Follow your tour guide inside the oldest and best preserved monument in the world. The Colosseum . Symbol of Rome . By participating in a Colosseum Roman Forum Guided Tour with VR Experience you will have included a Colosseum Ticket Skip the Lin e to avoid the long lines. Once you pass through security, it will feel like you’ve gone back 2,000 years. Look around and observe every little detail. The marbles; the decorated ceiling; the columns; the capitals; the stands; and the Arena Floor Colosseum . Take unforgettable photos and return home with a unique baggage of information. All following the instructions and stories of your tour guide . This, in short, will be at your complete disposal to answer any questions and concerns.

The story continues…

Once the adventure inside the Colosseum is over, your tour guide will accompany you inside the Roman Forum and Palatine Hill . Using the same Colosseum Ticket Skip the Line , you will enter without waiting.

Continue your journey into the heart of Rome , where it all began. Stroll along the ancient Roman road and reach the top of the Palatine Hill , occupied entirely by the sumptuous and majestic Domus of the Emperor Domitian. Listen to the legend of the she-wolf; of Romulus and Remus; the foundation of the city; the birth of Augustus; as with the passing of time everything changed, up to today.

End your guided tour in the Roman Forum , Rome ‘s main square. From here everything started and everything was decided. Temples; columns; shiny marble; basilicas; statues. Everything has certainly been thought out and arranged in a well-established order. What was the Roman Forum ? A continuous coming and going of people who were waiting for nothing but the first light of dawn to come here until nightfall.

Enjoy a Colosseum Roman Forum Guided Tour with VR Experience in total carefree. Come home with a wealth of emotions, stories and entertainment. Don’t forget to bring your imagination!

Site Visited

  • Colosseum (guided)
  • Roman Forum (guided)
  • Palatine Hill (guided)
  • Tourist guide
  • Colosseum, Roman Forum and Palatine Hill Guided Tour
  • Colosseum Ticket Skip the Line
  • VR assistant in Italian and English
  • VR headsets
  • RC insurance
  • Integrated audio guide (Italian, English, German, Spanish, Portuguese, French)
  • Eye mask cover for VR headset
  • Hand sanitizing gel

Not included

  • Access to the Colosseum underground
  • Access to the Arena Floor Colosseum and Third Order
  • Transport to/from the hotel

Select participants and date

Important things to know.

  • It is necessary to arrive at the meeting point at least 15 minutes before the tour start time. Customers who arrive late at the meeting point can NO longer join the tour, therefore they are not entitled to any kind of right or refund.
  • Please show the voucher to the staff (also in electronic format)
  • Attention: due to the mandatory security checks of the metal detector at the Colosseum, this could result in a slight delay at the entrance even for “skip the line” ticket holders
  • Tour not available on January 1st, May 1st, December 25th.
  • Ancient & Recent is not responsible for any inconvenience caused by the closure of the Colosseum and the Roman Forum due to strikes, union assemblies, bad weather, etc.
  • Online bookings must be made at least 24 hours in advance, last minute bookings are accepted by phone or email.
  • Children under 18 must be accompanied by an adult and bring a valid identity card
  • Comfortable shoes are recommended
  • Large suitcases or bags are not allowed inside the attractions
  • For help with meeting points or other urgent issues, please phone +39 3313586107
  • In case of rain, all our tours run regularly.

Meet us here

The meeting point established is ARCH OF CONSTANTINE (side Colosseum). Here you will meet our staff with black flag and gold “Ancient & Recent” logo.

Arch of Constantine, Via di San Gregorio, 00186, Rome

meeting point colosseum vatican pompei civita bagnoregio rome virtual reality tour ancient and recent

Meeting Point

Need to cancel your trip?

If you cancel your reservation you will be charged a 30% cancellation fee. Cancellation between 6 and 4 calendar days in advance of the scheduled departure time, you will be charged a 50% cancellation fee. If you cancel within 3 calendar days (72 hours) of the scheduled departure time, you will becharged a 100% cancellation fee. Refund will only be issued if the tour was booked and paid for directly with Ancient&Recent within a week from the cancellation. The payment will not be refunded for any other reason (i.e. weather, change of travel plans, illness, missed train..).

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Reviews (7).

' src=

Marie C – 18 June 2019

Ça nous a amusés et appris beaucoup de choses.

Heike H. – 11 February 2020

Obwohl man uns fälschlicherweise in die englische Gruppe gebucht hatte, konnten wir in die deutsche Führung wechseln. Die Führung hat unsere Erwartungen voll erfüllt und war zu keiner Zeit langatmig. Es war ein tolles Erlebnis,…

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luca a

roman forum virtual tour

Home > Online Experiences > Colosseum EXCLUSIVE

Explore the Colosseum Archaeological Park

Experience the exclusive opportunity of a virtual walk without the crowds inside the Colosseum, Roman Forum and Palatine hill, while interacting live with your host

Concession of the “Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali e per il Turismo – Parco archeologico del Colosseo”

immersive live virtual tour


Enjoy first-person views, as if you were really there


Get an insider’s look into the very heart of Ancient Rome, together with your host

Enjoy an exclusive Interactive Virtual Tour

Colosseum with special access to the gladiator arena | live-streamed tour, €18 per person | 60 mins | free cancellation up to 24 hrs in advance.

An EXCLUSIVE and interactive walk INSIDE the Colosseum before visitors’ time. W alk through the same entrance where the Ancient Romans used to enter explore the ARENA FLOOR, where the gladiators used to fight!

Roman Forum & Palatine Hill | Live-streamed tour

Join us in this EXCLUSIVE and interactive walk through the streets of the ancient city of Rome. See ancient Rome from the point of view of an ancient Roman person, like you and us, strolling around its own city!

Booking for a virtual team building activity ?

Request a FREE 15-min demo

Colosseum Rome Tickets

Colosseum Self Guided Tour with 3D Virtual Reality Experience

roman forum virtual tour

Prepare yourself to be immersed in the grandeur of ancient Rome with our exclusive Colosseum skip-the-line, self-guided virtual reality tour. Dive into the heart of one of the most iconic architectural marvels ever built and experience its history like never before.

Experience Ancient Rome Through Interactive 3D

Imagine yourself standing amidst the hustle and bustle of the heart of ancient Rome, witnessing the mighty Colosseum in all its glory. Our cutting-edge virtual reality tour brings the Colosseum’s captivating history to life. Experience the Colosseum in a fully animated and interactive 3D reconstruction, complete with gripping audio commentary.

Stroll the square, feel the adrenaline of the gladiators on the arena floor, and listen to the ferocious roars of lions echoing through the corridors. Then, head below to the mysterious underbelly of the Colosseum, where slaves and gladiators once prepared for epic spectacles.

Colosseum Self Guided Tour with 3D Virtual Reality Experience

Marvel at the Majestic Colosseum

Built to accommodate between 50,000 to 75,000 spectators, the Colosseum stands as a testament to the grandeur of Rome. Our virtual reality tour allows you to skip the line and explore the Colosseum intimately. Relive the moments of greatest glory and visualize the iconic symbol of Rome as it was centuries ago.

Extend Your Exploration to the Roman Forum and Palatine Hill

Once you’ve completed your journey through the Colosseum, venture further to the ruins of the Roman Forum and the legendary Palatine Hill. Walk the same streets as Roman emperors, discover the site where Rome was founded, and marvel at the heart of the vast Roman Empire.

Colosseum Self Guided Tour with 3D Virtual Reality Experience

Journey with Us

Join us on an extraordinary journey through time. Immerse yourself in the grandeur of the Colosseum, the Roman Forum, and the Palatine Hill. Experience the history, the myths, and the glory of ancient Rome through our skip-the-line self-guided virtual reality tour.

Experience the grandeur and history of Rome as it unfolds before your eyes. Unveil the secrets of the ancient world with our exclusive virtual reality tour. Book your journey through time today.

  • Interactive 3D reconstruction of life in ancient Rome.
  • Detailed history of the Colosseum, Rome’s iconic symbol.
  • Guided exploration of the Roman Forum and Palatine Hill.
  • Oculus VR headset, providing the highest quality VR experience.
  • Audio commentary in English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, French, or Italian (chosen during the booking process).
  • Samsung S7 rental and English-speaking VR assistant to enhance your virtual journey.
  • Skip-the-line entrance tickets to the Colosseum , Roman Forum, and Palatine Hill.
  • Comprehensive third-party insurance for peace of mind.
  • Live guide.
  • Access to the Underground , Arena Floor, and the Third Ring.
  • Personal expenses and gratuities.
  • Transportation to and from the venue.

Free cancellation up to 1 day before tour starts.

roman forum virtual tour

from €18.00 EUR Closest Date: June 8 Validity:  24-hour  Seller: Parco archeologico del Colosseo

from €1200.00 EUR Duration:  3.5 Hours  Organized by: Enjoy Rome

from €260.00 EUR Duration: 7 Hours  Seller: Musement

Joy of Rome

+39 3279147926

[email protected]

joy logo rotondo


ANCIENT ROME Virtual Reality Tour

Discover and explore the colosseum gladiators, animals fights and… virtual reality be ready to enjoy, have fun and learn travelling back in time.

ancient rome virtual reality tours


  • 2.5/3 hrs approx.
  • Daily Except for the first Sunday of the month
  • 10AM – 3.00PM (flexible upon request)
  • Use of goggles (only outside)
  • Colosseum (inside)
  • Arch of Costantine
  • Roman Forum (Arch of Titus, Temple of Julius Caesar, etc.)

3D glasses are not allowed inside the Colosseum/Forum for security reasons.  Introduction to the Colosseum outside using goggles, enter the Colosseum and climb up to the second tier, see the Arch of Constantine and use of goggles again. Enter the ancient Roman Forum, the Holy street and the Arch of Titus then an (easy) climb of the Palatine Hill to visit the ruins of Caesars’ Palace.

ROME !! You’ve watched movies about it, studied it in school, read about it in books, and now you are finally here! An  Ancient Rome VIRTUAL REALITY tour with GOGGLES  is   tailored to satisfy all your curiosity and have a complete immersion in the ancient Rome scenarios! The virtual reality points in our tour are carefully designed and chosen for you. While you will walk on the cobble stones of the Eternal City, we will show you reconstructions and 3d pictures using glasses. The city from where, more than 2000 years ago, the fate of a huge empire was decided by charismatic and unscrupulous emperors! You will see the marbles shining, the bronze statue of the emperor Nero intact! Games and Gladiators and temples as if they were never torned down! We studied only the most impressive and inspiring points of view to make you see the ancient city of Rome as it used to be. Follow us through more than 12 centuries of ancient Roman history reconstucted! During this ancient Rome walking virtual tour, you will literally BE there thanks to the glasses and the perfect and accurate reconstructions. You and your kids won’t believe your eyes! As you will be watching the 3d,  your expert guide will describe the environment for you like being in a guided tour…Somewhere else!

What will we see in the Colosseum, Roman Forum and Palatine Hill Virtual Reality 3d Tour?

The use of the glasses is not permitted inside the archeological areas by law.

We designed a perfect itinerary for you to mix and match ancient remains and reconstructions. After we meet, we will use the googles for the first time watching the outside of the Colosseum and the surroundings. You will move at the same time in the real space and the virtual one with the best guides always at your side.

We studied the reconstructions and chose the best ones developed in collaboration with top notch archaeologists: this technological support will make your ancient Rome tour just amazing and unforgettable experience.

Next, we will enter the Colosseum like an ancient spectator , climb the stairs and reach the first tier! You will be struck by a spectacular view of the arena and your expert, local tour guide will make history come alive again! Imagine  gladiators  wounded by wild  lions  and  tigers , criminals skinned alive or fed to wild animals during  cruel executions . And finally, in the afternoon, bet (not for real!) on the gladiators fighting for their life.

After the exploration of the Flavian Amphiteatre , leave the stadium walk to the  Arch of Constantine , in 5 minutes you will arrive at the beating heart of the ancient world: the  Roman Forum .

Here there will be a second virtual reality stop to go deep into the Colosseum story and travel down to the Underground area to watch the cages where lions and gladiators were kept and to have the best introduction to the majesty of the Roman Forum. After watching the “piazza” of the past through your glasses, we will be back on the real world and enter the Roman Forum for real! During tour Roman Forum Tour with the help of our licensed guides you will easily imagine sellers trading goods, politicians speaking to the crowd, judges sentencing criminals, teachers surrounded by their students. Be inspired by the beauty of the most important remains of antiquity: the  Temple of Saturn , the Tabularium façade, the ancient Senate house, the  Temple of Julius Cesar , the house of the Vestal Virgins and their Holy Fire. Walk through the “Via Sacra”, the holiest road in Rome, to reach the Basilica of Maxentius and Constantine and the  Arch of Titus,  with its picture of the glorious  Jewish Menorah .

After this, a very easy walk will take us to the top of the  Palatine Hill , where the imposing remains of the  Imperial Palace  are still visible!

Don’t miss the opportunity to see the Ancient city with a different approach! Book your immersive 3D walking tour of Ancient Rome and the Colosseum!

PLEASE NOTE : from October to February Colosseum and Roman Forum will close at 4:30 PM.

  • Small groups are available only at 3PM from June 1st to October 15th. On winter time: 10AM and 1.30PM. All groups are available only at 3PM from June 1st to October 15th. On winter time: 10AM and 1.30PM
  • The googles will be sanitized before the tour and share with max 2 persons
  • You’ll be in a group of max 8 pax
  • The virtual reality technology will be used only OUTSIDE the Colosseum and OUTSIDE the Roman Forum for a minimum 30 minutes time. Virtual reality experience will be matched with real tour INSIDE Colosseum and Roman Forum.
  • Your tour guide is  LICENSED and specialized in ROMAN HISTORY and VR technology use .
  • The cost of the Colosseum entry tickets is NOT included in the tour guide fees. Buy your tickets and save your money!! The online procedure is very easy! After paying the deposit to secure the tour, we will send you the online booking procedure to get your admission tickets.
  • Colosseum Tickets : The cost of entry tickets is NOT included in the guide fees. ADULTS:  18 euros CHILDREN under 18 do not pay entry tickets (just the  2 euro reservation fee).

We run only private tours.

We don't run small groups.

We can accommodate time/day request according to our guides' and entry tickets availability.

Final and detailed price will be provided after receiving your request from the contact form.

Starting price for a private tour 2,5 hrs for 2 adults: 350 euro + tickets but definitive price is provided *only* upon request. Price can be reduced during low season or increased during holiday, peak dates or last minute request.

For group larger than four, price will be provided upon request.

Ancient Rome Virtual Tour for Kids

Meeting point

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  • Katie Parla
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  • I consent to having this website store my submitted information so they can respond to my inquiry.

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Walk like a Roman in this digital reconstruction of the ancient city

What would it be like to take a historically accurate stroll down the streets of an ancient city? Through increasingly sophisticated virtual reality (VR) technologies, motion graphics and the committed work and research of 3D modellers, such an immersive educational experience may soon be possible. The team behind History in 3D is working to bring this concept to life through its ambitious project to ‘create the most extensive, detailed and accurate virtual 3D reconstruction of ancient Rome’. Eventually, the team hopes to allow users to explore a historically accurate rendering of the city, and perhaps beyond, via VR technology.

Today, viewers can watch excerpts from this expansive work-in-progress on the History in 3D YouTube channel . In this extract, titled Virtual Ancient Rome: Walking from the Colosseum to the Forum , we’re led on a gentle digital stroll between these two landmarks, in the 4th century CE, with views of several other notable sites along the way. While it’s but a glimpse into the larger, more ambitious endeavour, the video is a fascinating experience in its own right, and hints at the promise of historical reconstructions to come.

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Virtual Rome and Rome Reborn®: The Latest Developments in the Architectural Documentation of Rome

roman forum virtual tour

Figure 1: Virtual Rome (view of the entire city)

By Lily Nesvold

Have you ever wished you could walk around Rome during ancient times? Well, now you can. Recent technological developments—new software that allows for more accurate recording of ancient structures—have enabled architectural documentation of the Roman Forum to reach new levels with virtual three-dimensional reconstruction.

Virtual Rome is a digital model developed by Dr. Matthew Nicholls, a professor of classics at the University of Reading (fig. 1). [1] On Virtual Rome ’s website, one can interact with three-dimensional models of the Colosseum and Basilica Julia. Visitors can either take a “tour,” which displays different angles of each building along with explanatory captions, or use the “walk” feature, which allows users to play with the model themselves, using their computer’s trackpad to zoom in and out. The default viewing mode is in color, but there is also an option to convert the buildings into “clay.” The user also has the option to use augmented reality (AR) by scanning a QR code with an app called Kubity for a more immersive experience.

The Virtual Rome reconstruction is both an educational and a research tool—it brings monuments to life for students, and the ability to consider sight lines, illumination, and routes through the city helps researchers. Models like these can make classics more accessible to everyone, as Virtual Rome is part of a free online course, “Rome: a Virtual Tour of the Ancient City.” [2]

The model itself was created using SketchUp, a simple 3D modeling software, but the output is quite impressive, given it represents only one scholar’s work. [3] In a 2016 interview with World History Encyclopedia, Dr. Nicholls stated that he had been working on the model for seven years (not as his full-time job, though). He also mentioned that “[the model] will never be finished” and he “will always have more to do.” [4] Nevertheless, perhaps this “solo” approach is to the project’s detriment—Roman topography cannot (and should not) be approached by one individual. [5]

The Rome Reborn ® series is a more developed example of virtual three-dimensional reconstruction (fig. 2). Rome Reborn ® currently offers three tours: a Flight Over Ancient Rome, Pantheon, and Roman Forum (with over forty monuments). [6] Focused on the reign of Constantine the Great, this model aims to portray Rome in 320 AD, when the city had a population of roughly a million people and 7,000 buildings in which they worked and lived. [7] Rome Reborn ® started in 1997 with the mission of building the entire ancient city using digital technology, and since then, there have been three generations of the model as technology advances. [8] The Rome Reborn ®  team has partnered with Flyover Zone, a virtual tourism company, to produce its most recent innovations. While the series started with Rome, it has expanded to other significant places in classical antiquity, such as Athens, Egypt, and Hadrian’s Villa, as well as Mesoamerica. [9]

roman forum virtual tour

Figure 2: Rome Reborn® (Arch of Septimius Severus on the top, Temple of Castor and Pollux on the bottom)

The Reborn ® series offers two methods of viewing its reconstructions. First, all the locations offer “virtual tours” with voiceovers—for the Roman Forum, it has a three-hour tour with Bernard Frischer, the director of Rome Reborn ® . Visitors can tour the Forum in the selected order or skip around to features they find interesting. The tour provides contextualizing information, such as explanations of what a ‘forum’ or a ‘victory monument’ is. It also offers expert commentary on a variety of political leaders, including Julius Caesar, Augustus, and Caligula.

Only three locations, including the Roman Forum, offer a ‘free roam’ mode. As someone who is familiar with the topography of the Roman Forum, both first-hand and through classes at Penn, I particularly appreciate the opportunity to roam the area freely. While this option proves valuable for those familiar with the sites, the guided tour might be a better option for someone who is unfamiliar with Rome or the Forum. When players enter the ‘free roam’ mode, they spawn in front of the Column of Phocas on the western side of the Roman Forum, facing the Curia. To move around the area, visitors use the arrow keys or the “WASD” keys (where W is up, A is left, S is down, and D is right), and they use their mouse to look around the area. There might be a bit of a learning curve for some users, but those who play computer games will likely find ease in navigating the ‘free roam’ mode.

The reconstructed monuments have exceptional attention to detail and magnificent polychromy. On the Arch of Septimius Severus, for instance, one can read the inscription and see the depictions of the Parthians — even their Phrygian caps. The images are slightly blurry up close to the monument (fig. 3), but the ability to see colors at all, especially in a dynamic setting as opposed to a singular picture, is extraordinary.

roman forum virtual tour

Figure 3: up-close, blurry view of the images on the Arch of Septimius Severus

There are, however, some gaps (quite literally) in the ‘free roam’ reconstruction of the Forum. Most buildings and monuments can only be observed, not entered (although one can peer inside buildings). The notable exception is the rostra on the western side of the Forum, which allows players to walk up the steps and stand on the platform. Additionally, the roamable area is limited, and visitors cannot closely examine some buildings, such as the Temple of Deified Caesar. The rendering depicts the starburst on the pediment of the temple and a few statues, but not much more (fig. 4).

roman forum virtual tour

Figure 4: far-away view of the Temple of Deified Julius Caesar

As is the case with all cartography, physical models, and digital reconstructions of Rome and the Forum, Rome Reborn ® is limited because it focuses on one short period in the entirety of the city’s history (Constantine’s rule). The “final aim” of the project is to show a reconstruction of Rome over multiple periods, but it is unclear when we will actually see those different variations, given how long it took to complete the current model. [10]

An area that could be improved is the nature of the ‘tour’ itself; at any given stop, viewers can use their mouse to rotate the screen for a 360-degree view but cannot move around. In between each stop, the platform shows a basic screen with the website’s logo while the content loads. Now, imagine if this virtual tour were more like a physical walking tour so that online visitors could move from place to place to get a sense of where the monuments lie in relation to one another. In this way, the informational aspects of the tour would be bolstered by the added element of spatial awareness, which only the ‘free roam’ version provides. One could argue that after taking the tour and learning about the Roman Forum, visitors could ‘free roam’ the area on their own time. However, as mentioned above, the ‘free roam’ option lacks access to some of the monuments that the tour covers, and the realness of the digital excursion would be strengthened by rendering it in motion.

Rome Reborn ® increases the number of people who have access to the ancient ruins. Whereas one would previously need to book a costly trip to Rome to see these sites (and they might not even understand what exactly they are looking at, especially if just a few columns of a ruin are left), now the city can be viewed for free and in its former glory from any computer with a Wi-Fi connection. Though not everyone may have access to a laptop, students can use their school’s computer lab and adults a device at their local public library. While architectural documentation is generally intended for research purposes, this project allows people outside of the field of classical studies to enjoy and learn from archaeologists’ work as well. Personally, the experience of Rome Reborn ® was invaluable for me as it amplified my knowledge; whereas I used to memorize in what part of the Forum the monuments and buildings were located, I now literally visualize where they stood.

The creation of these renderings hinges on a long history of archaeological documentation of the Forum. For example, the Rome Reborn ® project may have relied on Gismonid’s Plastico di Roma Imperiale (fig. 5) for the “vernacular architecture”—meaning the “small ‘filler’ buildings”—about which not many sources exist. [11] Before that, the Plastico di Roma Imperiale (fig. 6) was dependent on Lanciani’s Forma Urbis Romanae map. Though these older works may be seen as obsolete, given the progress made in virtual three-dimensional reconstruction, they laid the foundations to make this kind of documentation possible; today’s scholars are indebted to these early topographers and archaeologists.

roman forum virtual tour

Figure 5: Plastico di Roma Imperiale

roman forum virtual tour

Figure 6: Sheet 29 of Forma Urbis Romae (1893-1901) showing the Roman forum (upper left)

What does the future hold for three-dimensional reconstructions of the Roman Forum? The Rome Reborn ® series will continue to develop successive updates to enrich the user experience, and researchers will continue to create higher-quality software and technology that will streamline virtual three-dimensional reconstruction. Hopefully, teachers will utilize these digital models as a resource in their curricula, whether in an upper-level Roman topography class or an introductory course in Roman history.

One day, perhaps instead of traversing the Forum through the constrained screen of a laptop, we will be able to step into a fully immersive, augmented reality version of the site. Ideally, it would provide the option of seeing the space at various stages of its evolution, and we could feel as though we were present in ancient times. The ruins of the Forum are evidently at risk over the next several centuries; even with preservation tactics, no structures are permanent. When the Roman Forum is entirely gone, professors will only have these reconstructions on which they can rely, and these models will become infinitely more important.

It is also worth considering the impact architectural documentation continues to have on classical studies. Though many consider archaeology to be outdated, these three-dimensional reconstructions highlight the cutting-edge nature of the discipline. Furthermore, perhaps these models will rekindle excitement and passion for the field, which is currently waning. Even though it has been ongoing for 200 years, architectural documentation of the Roman Forum and Rome more broadly has yet to reach its pinnacle.

Lily Nesvold (College ’23) is a student at the University of Pennsylvania majoring in Classical Studies and minoring in Economics.

Reference List

“3D Reconstructions: A Critical Reflection Starting from the Roman Forum.” Classical Archaeology in the Digital Age – the AIAC Presidential Panel, Panel 12.1, Archaeology and Economy in the Ancient World 51 (December 2021). https://doi.org/10.11588/propylaeum.708.c10608. Accessed 14 Dec. 2022.

“About Us – Flyover Zone,” n.d. https://www.flyoverzone.com/about/. Accessed 14 Dec. 2022.

Guidi, Gabriele, Bernard Frischer, and Ignazio Lucenti. “ROME REBORN – VIRTUALIZING THE ANCIENT IMPERIAL ROME,” n.d. https://www.isprs.org/proceedings/xxxvi/5-W47/pdf/guidi_etal.pdf. Accessed 14 Dec. 2022.

“Virtual Tours – Flyover Zone,” n.d. https://www.flyoverzone.com/virtual-tours-2/. Accessed 14 Dec. 2022.

Virtual Rome. “About,” September 16, 2021. Accessed 14 Dec. 2022. https://research.reading.ac.uk/virtualrome/about/.

World History Encyclopedia. “Virtual Rome: An Interview with Dr. Matthew Nicholls,” February 25, 2016. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVBG4axOJDI.

“Yorescape,” n.d. https://yorescape.com/. Accessed 14 Dec. 2022.

[1] “About,” Virtual Rome, September 16, 2021, https://research.reading.ac.uk/virtualrome/about/ . Accessed 14 Dec. 2022.

[3] “3D Reconstructions: A Critical Reflection Starting from the Roman Forum,” Classical Archaeology in the Digital Age – the AIAC Presidential Panel, Panel 12.1, Archaeology and Economy in the Ancient World 51 (December 2021), https://doi.org/10.11588/propylaeum.708.c10608 . Accessed 14 Dec. 2022.

[4] World History Encyclopedia. “Virtual Rome: An Interview with Dr. Matthew Nicholls,” February 25, 2016. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVBG4axOJDI.

[6] “Virtual Tours – Flyover Zone,” n.d., https://www.flyoverzone.com/virtual-tours-2/ . Accessed 14 Dec. 2022.

[7] “Yorescape,” n.d., https://yorescape.com/ . Accessed 14 Dec. 2022.

[9] “Virtual Tours – Flyover Zone.”

[10] “3D Reconstructions: A Critical Reflection Starting from the Roman Forum.”

[11] Gabriele Guidi, Bernard Frischer, and Ignazio Lucenti, “ROME REBORN – VIRTUALIZING THE ANCIENT IMPERIAL ROME,” n.d., https://www.isprs.org/proceedings/xxxvi/5-W47/pdf/guidi_etal.pdf . Accessed 14 Dec. 2022.

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19 best rome tours of 2024: food, the vatican & more.

These top-rated Rome tours are led by experts who bring the city's history to life.

The Best Rome Tours

roman fountain in twilight

Getty Images

Considered one of the world's best places to visit , Rome offers countless things to do and an endless selection of delicious cuisine. But given the overwhelming crowds and restricted access to ancient sites, it can be difficult to fully enjoy all that Italy's capital has to offer on your own. That's where a guided tour can help.

Based on recent traveler reviews and expert opinion, we've selected the best tours in Rome. Whether you're gliding past the Colosseum on a Segway or savoring Italian wine in the countryside, you'll benefit from fun and informative guides leading the way.

Editor’s Pick: What a Life Tours – Skip-the-line Vatican Small Group Tour

Price: Adults from 99 euros (about $108); kids from 94 euros (around $102) Duration: 3 hours

U.S. News independently paid to send Laura Itzkowitz , a freelance journalist based in Rome, on this tour to provide readers with an unbiased, first-hand perspective of what to expect. What a Life Tours – Skip-the-line Vatican Small Group Tour was selected by our team as an Editor’s Pick thanks to its popularity and favorable user reviews.

One of the largest – and most crowded – landmarks in the world, the Vatican Museums actually comprises 26 museums, plus various chapels and galleries, so while it’s a must-see attraction, it can be an overwhelming place to visit. The engaging guide leading this skip-the-line tour brought us straight to the highlights, starting with the Pinecone Courtyard and ending in St. Peter’s Basilica , where she showed us Michelangelo’s Pietà and explained why it’s the only work the artist actually signed.

Along the tour, you’ll see masterpieces from the Vatican Museums’ collection, including the ancient statue of Laocoön and his sons; the Belvedere Torso, which inspired Michelangelo; Greek Cross Hall; and the Round Hall, which contains a monumental bronze statue of Hercules. Other highlights include the Gallery of Candelabra; the Gallery of Tapestries; the Gallery of Maps, where the guide pointed out some fun facts about Italy in the 1600s; and the Sistine Chapel. Talking isn’t allowed in the Sistine Chapel, so the guide explained Michelangelo’s frescoes at the beginning of the tour. Our guide shared a deep knowledge of the artworks, and delivered her commentary with a sense of humor. However, the guide didn’t bring us to the Raphael Rooms; if this is a priority for you, you may want to book a different tour.

Tours generally operate Monday through Saturday; the first tour begins at 9:30 a.m. In addition to its variety of Vatican tours, the company also offers tours of the Colosseum and daylong tours of Rome.

Vatican Museums tour

Laura Itzkowitz

Why we love it:

  • Groups are capped at 12 or fewer participants. 
  • After the tour, stroll down Via della Conciliazione to capture perfectly framed photos of St. Peter’s Basilica.
  • For a nice lunch nearby, book a table at Ristorante Arlù, a family-run eatery that’s been open since 1959. If the weather is nice, ask for a table outside on the charming cobblestone street.
  • Prati, the neighborhood surrounding the Vatican, is popular for shopping, especially along Via Cola di Rienzo. Stop by il Sellaio di Serafini for a handmade leather bag, or Castroni for espresso and other gourmet foods to bring home.

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Fat Tire Tours Rome – Rome Day Segway Tour

Price: From 73 euros (around $79) Duration: 3 hours

Hop on a Segway to see the Eternal City's many sights. After receiving your helmet and tuning in to a quick training session, you'll receive a headset to follow the lively commentary from the experienced Fat Tire Tours guide. Along the three-hour ride, you'll glide past sights like Trajan's Forum, Capitoline Hill and more. Plus, you'll don a virtual reality headset during your stop outside the Colosseum that reconstructs the famous arena's past grandeur. Travelers appreciate that Segways make getting around and seeing Rome's sights easier and more fun, especially for families with older teens. Reviewers also appreciate the engaging local guides.

Tours run daily at 9:30 a.m. Participants must be at least 16 years old and weigh between 100 and 260 pounds. Pregnant women are not permitted on this tour. The company also leads a night tour, which visits the city's illuminated monuments after sundown, among other outings.

LivItaly Tours – Colosseum Underground Tour with Arena, Palatine Hill & Roman Forum

Price: Adults from 159 euros (around $173); kids from 144 euros (around $156) Duration: 3 hours

Enjoy swift entry to the Colosseum underground and see the arena floor, Palatine Hill and the Roman Forum on this small-group tour. LivItaly leads up to six travelers to the restricted lower level of the Colosseum, where dungeons once confined gladiators and their opponents. In three hours, learn about ancient Rome's social order on Palatine Hill and everyday life at the forum. Travelers, especially those with children, agree that having a passionate guide with a deep knowledge of Roman history enriched the experience. Reviewers also appreciate the small size of the tour group.

Tours depart daily at multiple times beginning at 12:15 p.m. Book the company's 90-minute Express Colosseum Underground & Arena Tour if you're short on time.

The Best Rome Colosseum Tours

Laura Itzkowitz April 17, 2024

Rome Colosseum views from an ArcheoRunning tour.

TopBike Rental and Tours – Ancient Appian Way, Catacombs and Aqueducts Park

Price: From 65 euros (about $71) to 89 euros (about $97) Duration: 4 or 6 hours

Travelers have been using the Ancient Appian Way for 2,300 years and you'll traverse it with a friendly, knowledgeable local on this electric bike excursion. Along the ride, you'll pass archeological sites, Christian catacombs and picturesque Roman aqueducts framing the unspoiled countryside. The tour covers roughly 17 miles, 60% of which requires off-road cycling, so TopBike recommends this tour for intermediate riders. Some tourgoers say you might not even break a sweat though, thanks to the ease of the electric bikes.

Tourgoers can opt for the Short Tour (four hours) or the Plus Tour (six hours), the latter of which follows the same path as the shorter excursion and also includes a guided tour of the Catacombs of St. Callixtus (or Saint Sebastian) and a stop at the Baths of Caracalla. Exact tour departure times vary by season, but you can expect to start around 9 a.m. TopBike also leads cycling tours within the city center.

Gourmetaly – Campo de' Fiori, Jewish Ghetto and Trastevere Rome Food Tour

Price: Adults from 93 euros (around $101); kids from 65 euros (around $71) Duration: 3.5 hours

Tantalize your taste buds on this Rome food tour, which covers three distinct neighborhoods known for their cuisine. As your local guide leads you through the Jewish ghetto, Campo de' Fiori and Trastevere, you'll stop by top-rated food markets, grocery stores, coffee shops, gelaterias and restaurants. Among the food samples included in the tour are fried artichokes, pizza, mozzarella, fresh pasta and gelato. Tours are capped at 12 participants. Reviewers call this a delightful experience thanks to the informative guides who offer an interesting lesson on Roman history, food and culture. They also recommend taking this tour on your first day in Rome to make the most of the guides' recommendations.

Tours are offered several times each day in the morning and afternoon. Note that the afternoon tour does not visit the Campo de' Fiori market (a highlight for many recent tourgoers). In addition to food tours, Gourmetaly also hosts cooking classes.

Eyes of Rome – Colosseum and Roman Forum Tour

Price: Adults from 453 euros (around $491); kids from 35 euros (around $38) Duration: 3 hours

With your private guide leading the way, you'll visit the Colosseum, explore the ancient city along paths that served the Roman Senate and learn the legends of the House of the Vestal Virgins. Tourgoers value the attentive guides who share history and lore in an entertaining way. They also say the tour is well-paced.

Tickets cover pick up at centrally located hotels and skip-the-line admission. Note that prices can vary significantly depending on the number of people in your party. A couple can expect to pay roughly $500 for tickets. Eyes of Rome also conducts private walking tours of the Vatican.

Private Tours of Rome – Vatican & Sistine Chapel Private Tour

Price: From $364 Duration: 3 hours

One of the best tours of the Vatican , this intimate excursion includes skip-the-line access to the complex and a guide who shares the Vatican Museums' top attractions in just three hours. See the artistic highlights in the   Gallery of Ancient Roman Sculptures, the Gallery of Tapestries and famous Raphael paintings. You'll then experience Michelangelo's masterpieces in the Sistine Chapel. Your guide will ensure you see the Pietà   in St. Peter's Basilica, the Apostolic Palace and the famous balcony where the pope delivers his blessings. Travelers praise the excellent guides who tailor the tour to groups' interests and keep children engaged.

Tours operate Monday through Saturday in the morning and afternoon. Ticket prices vary depending on your itinerary and group size. The company suggests you book at least one month in advance to ensure a specialist authorized by the Vatican is available. Private Tours of Rome also offers tours of the Colosseum and the Borghese Gallery, among others.

Best Rome Tours

Courtesy of Roman Food Tours

The Roman Food Tour – Prati By Sunset

Price: Adults from 99 euro (about $107); kids from 90 euros (about $98) Duration: 4 hours

Devoted foodies skip lunch for the more than 20 food and wine pairings on this four-hour evening tour of some of Rome's top eateries. Throughout the tour, you'll feast on gourmet delights, such as homemade pasta, pizza, fresh cheeses and gelato. More importantly, you'll learn tips to enhance your knowledge and pleasure in Italian cuisine. Travelers praise the expertise of the fun guides who explain each dish's origin and quality with gusto.

Tours, which are offered daily multiple times starting at 3:30 p.m. The Roman Food Tour also offers day tours and cooking classes.

Rex-Tours – Rome City Segway Tour

Price: From 79 euros (about $86) Duration: 3 hours

Roll in comfort past many of ancient Rome's major sights on this three-hour Segway tour. Rex-Tours' expert guides lead up to eight travelers for an effortless overview of must-see landmarks, such as Capitoline Hill and the Colosseum. Reviewers applaud the knowledgeable guides who offer a wealth of information without overwhelming travelers. What's more, guides provide restaurant recommendations and tips for making the most of your visit to Rome, according to tourgoers.

The Rome City Segway Tour departs twice daily at 9:30 a.m. and 3 p.m. Travelers also recommend enjoying the company's evening Segway tour if you're visiting during the summer and need a break from the peak daytime heat.

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Eating Europe – Twilight Trastevere Rome Food Tour

Price: Adults from 114 euros (about $123); kids from 81 euros (about $88) Duration: 4 hours

Travelers suggest you skip lunch before this evening walking tour of Trastevere, so that you can savor the street food and sweet treats served at each stop. As you meander through the neighborhood (often compared to New York City's Greenwich Village), you'll enjoy mouthwatering bites of everything from classic supplì , or fried risotto balls stuffed with mozzarella, to porchetta, homemade pasta and gelato. Foodie guides share each chef's story and culinary traditions, along with tips on how to find and make the best Roman cuisine on your own. Reviewers praise the guides for their insider knowledge and gush about the quality of the food and wine featured on the tour.

Tours run daily at multiple times and there is a maximum of 12 people per tour. Eating Europe also operates a tour that explores Testaccio, considered Rome's "original foodie neighborhood."

Rolling Rome – Rome Squares & Fountains Golf Cart Tour

Price: From 100 euros (about $108) Duration: 3 hours

Avoid Rome's congested traffic and keep the family entertained on this three-hour, private golf cart tour of the city. Whizz past major sights in the historical center and piazzas Venezia, Navona and del Popolo, plus the Spanish Steps, the Trevi Fountain, the Pantheon and more. Since the tour is customizable, you can also ask the guide to take you to lesser-known spots in the city – a highlight for reviewers. Along with the knowledgeable and enthusiastic guides, reviewers appreciate the golf cart's ability to avoid traffic using Rome's narrow back lanes.

Tours, which can accommodate up to seven participants, depart daily at 9:30 a.m. and 3 p.m. One week's advance reservation is recommended. Rolling Rome also offers daylong golf cart tours, as well as a variety of Segway and electric bike tours.

Food Tours of Rome – Jewish Ghetto and Campo de' Fiori by Night Food Tour

Price: Adults from 89 euros (about $96); kids from 75 euros (about $81) Duration: 4 hours

Combine sightseeing with snacking and drinking on this evening tour of the Jewish ghetto and the Campo Marzio area. Fun, knowledgeable guides make seven stops for food and wine between explaining major historic attractions like Piazza Navona and Campo de' Fiori. Stop in delis, family-run shops and restaurants to sample gourmet cheeses and hams, pasta, espresso, and gelato. First-time visitors especially appreciate this informative introduction to the city and the family-run vendors featured on the tour.

Tours depart nightly at 6 p.m. Food Tours of Rome can accommodate some special diets with advance notice. The company also offers a dessert and sightseeing tour of Rome, among various other options.

Rome's Ultimate Free Walking Tour

Price: Free Duration: 2.5 to 3 hours

According to reviewers, this free walking tour is a great way to start your visit in Rome. During the nearly three-hour stroll, you'll visit several photo-worthy piazzas, the Pantheon, Ponte Sant'Angelo and Castel Sant'Angelo, among other sights. Guides, who have backgrounds in subjects like history and architecture, earn praise from reviewers for their entertaining storytelling and thoughtful restaurant and activity recommendations.

Tours, which are limited to 15 participants, operate twice daily at 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. In total, you'll walk less than 2 miles. According to the company, the tour is suitable for travel strollers and wheelchairs. Though the tour is free, it's recommended that you reserve your spot in advance via the company's website (guides do not wait at the departure point unless reservations are booked). At the end of the tour, you can tip your guide based on your experience.

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Best Rome Tours

Courtesy of Secret Food Tours Rome

Secret Food Tours – Rome Food Tour

Price: Adults from 79 euros (about $86); kids from 69 euros (about $75) Duration: 3 to 3.5 hours

Dine your way through the historical center of Rome, visiting cafes, markets and shops for a total of up to seven stops. During the tour, you'll walk through neighborhoods like the Campo de' Fiori and the Jewish quarter with an enthusiastic guide who ties together history and insights about traditional dishes. The focus is on Italian-style dining: savoring the perfect cappuccino, sampling fresh pizzas and homemade pastas, pairing wines with a variety of cheeses, gelato and more. Travelers praise the guides' knowledge of Roman cuisine and the amount and quality of the food.

Tours depart daily at 11 and 11:30 a.m. An additional 5 p.m. tour may be available depending on the day. Private tours are also an option.

The Roman Guy – Privileged Entrance Vatican Tour with Sistine Chapel

Price: Adults from $119; kids from $56 Duration: 3 hours

Hoping to see the Vatican sans enormous crowds? This three-hour tour from The Roman Guy convenes at 7:45 a.m., allowing you to enter the Vatican Museums an hour before they open to the general public. First, relish the tranquil Sistine Chapel, which welcomes upward of 25,000 visitors daily during the summer. Afterward, follow your guide to museum highlights, including Raphael's paintings, the Borgia Apartments and the Gallery of the Maps. Travelers rave about the knowledgeable guides and say the opportunity to see the Sistine Chapel without the crowds is worth the tour price (though reviewers warn that you will still encounter quite a few other tour groups enjoying early access to the site).

Tours are available Monday through Saturday. Groups are capped at 14 people. If you're short on time, consider The Roman Guy's abridged Vatican Highlights tour, which last 2.5 hours.

City Wonders – Tuscan Countryside Day Trip from Rome with 3-Course Lunch & Wine Tasting

Price: Adults from $112; kids from $102 Duration: 12 hours

If you want to visit Tuscany while in Rome, but don't want to drive the approximately 175-mile journey yourself, consider this 12-hour excursion from City Wonders. You'll depart from Rome at 7:30 a.m. via an air-conditioned coach bus to see famous hilltop towns, such as Montepulciano and Pienza. You'll also visit the Renaissance church of St. Biagio before enjoying a three-course lunch and wine pairing in the famed Montalcino. Travelers say guides are informative and thoughtful, giving tourists ample time to explore the towns and take pictures. All agree that leaving the driving to a professional made the trip worthwhile.

Tours are offered daily. City Wonders also offers a variety of tours in Rome, including tours of the Colosseum, the Vatican and the Borghese Gallery.

Through Eternity Tours – Rome in a Day Tour with Colosseum & Sistine Chapel: Essential Experience

Price: From 1,345 euros (about $1,458) Duration: 6 hours

Conquer Rome in six hours with Through Eternity Tours. With your skip-the-line tickets , you'll visit the Colosseum, the Roman Forum and the Vatican Museums, including the Sistine Chapel and St. Peter's Basilica. Professional, engaging guides – all fluent English speakers – allow you to set the pace, absorbing as much history and archeology as you want at each stop. Travelers say you'll see much more on this half-day tour than you would if you were to visit each site on your own, as guides point out unexpected gems along the way.

Rates can vary considerably depending on the number in your party, and the company offers discounts for students and children. Bring stamina, a water bottle and wear comfortable walking shoes . When you're ready for more, try one of Through Eternity's other tours, such as its evening tour of Rome's piazzas and fountains.

Walks of Italy – Gladiator's Gate: Special Access Colosseum Tour with Arena Floor

Price: Adults from $105; kids from $99 Duration: 3 hours

On this three-hour tour, you'll enter the Colosseum through the "Gladiator's Gate" – the entrance that was once used exclusively for gladiators 2,000 years ago. Once inside, you'll enjoy 360-degree views of the Colosseum on the reconstructed arena floor as your guide shares the gory history of this famous landmark . Then, you'll bypass the lines to tour the Roman Forum and Palatine Hill. Highlights include the cremation point of Julius Caesar, senate buildings and the Temple of the Vestal Virgins. Guides win kudos from travelers for their ability to discuss dense history topics in an engaging manner. Reviewers say the tour flies by thanks to the guides' entertaining storytelling. They also appreciate the skip-the-line access to these must-see sights.

Tours, which are capped at 25 participants, are offered three times daily at 9:15 a.m., 10:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Rates may vary based on the time of year, and they include all entrance tickets and the use of audio headsets during the tour. Walks of Italy also hosts cooking classes in Rome and organizes day trips to Pompeii and the Amalfi Coast.

Maya Tours – Skip-the-Line Vatican Museums & Sistine Chapel Group Tour

Price: Adults from 45 euros (about $49); kids from 35 euros (about $38) Duration: 2 hours

If you're interested in visiting the Vatican Museums, but don't want to devote more than a couple hours of your Rome vacation to the experience, consider this kid-friendly tour. In addition to skip-the-line access, your guide will show you the must-see artworks, several courtyards and galleries, and the Sistine Chapel. Reviewers praise guides for their interesting and informed commentary (which tourgoers can hear via audio headsets). Parents are particularly impressed with guides' ability to engage children.

Tours are offered Monday through Saturday multiple times in the morning and afternoon. Maya Tours also operates longer, semiprivate tours of the Vatican.

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