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Italian Navy’s Amerigo Vespucci Tall Ship began its 20-month World tour

The italian navy’s amerigo vespucci training sailing vessel left genoa on saturday july 1st for a circa 20-month world tour of over 40,000 nautical miles calling at 31 ports and touching 28 countries and five continents..

Luca Peruzzi 03 Jul 2023

Amerigo Vespucci, the oldest naval vessel of the Italian Navy, 92 years old but no wrinkles, almost a century of undisputed beauty, sailed out for the World tour, combining the traditional training activity of officer cadets and the promotion of ‘Made in Italy’ excellence in the countries and ports covered by the campaign.

The event was attended by the Italian Minister of Defence Guido Crosetto, together with other seven among other Italian Government Ministers and Undersecretaries, welcomed by the Chief of Italian Navy Admiral (OF-9) Enrico Credendino, the Liguria’s Region President Giovanni Toti and the Major of Genoa Marco Bucci, who greeted the Vespucci ’s crew and cadets of the Naval Academy.

“It is an extraordinary day for Genoa and for the Navy but above all for Italy. This ship will set sail waving the Italian flag which will carry around the world all that Italy represents. Not only will the most beautiful ship in the world arrive in every nation, but Italy will arrive.” Guido Crosetto , Italian Minister of Defence

Amerigo Vespucci

The Vespucci ’s leaving from Genoa port was accompanied by a parade of boats including the Ocean Race participants, sided by Vulcano Logistic Support Ship, Italian Coast Guard, Guardia di Finanza and Carabinieri vessels. The event was sealed by different flyovers of the Italian Air Force’s national acrobatic team Frecce Tricolori and the overflight of an Italian Navy ’s aviation formation with displays of the F-35B Lightning IIs and AV-8B+ Harrier IIs.

In keeping with the tradition of the ancient seafaring art and the innovation of its systems oriented towards environmental protection, the Vespucci will bring to the world the values of national history and culture as well as Italian manufacturing excellence, in support of the importance of the maritime theme for the Global development.

Already UNESCO and UNICEF ambassador, Vespucci will also show the flag of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) recently awarded for its constant commitment to environmental sustainability and sea protection initiatives, also emphasized by the Organization of United Nations (ONU) on World Oceans Day with the campaign announcement made by UN Undersecretary-General for Legal Affairs Miguel de Serpa Soares.

The tour will also develop and consolidate collaborations in the academic and university fields, especially in the field of scientific research and the protection of the marine system, also promoting the environmental objectives of World Oceans Day .

Amerigo Vespucci stern

The onboard officer cadets of the 1st class of the Naval Academy of Livorno receive their baptism of the sea during the summer training campaign. According to the latest plans, the Vespucci will leave the Mediterranean basin and follow the African Coast until Capo Verde where she will cross the Atlantic Ocean for Santo Domingo and then down to Buenos Aires, where she will arrive on November with only the crew for a maintenance period. She will set sail back in April 2024 for Chile and then up to Los Angeles where a new 1 st class of officer cadets will embark for Honolulu and then Japan, down to Australia, where the crew will continue through Asia and Middle East to return to the Mediterranean through the Suez Channel and back to her homeport in La Spezia in February 2025.

Built at the Castellammare di Stabia (near Naples) royal naval shipyard and launched on 22 February 1931, the Amerigo Vespucci is the oldest vessel in service with the Italian Navy. Delivered to the Regia Marina in 26 May 1931, it entered into service as school ship on 6 June of the same year. Since then she has conducted 86 training campaigns in favour of the 1 st class of officer cadets of the Naval Academy of Livorno, including two campaigns during the only previous Globe circumnavigation between May 2022 and September 2003, during which she was involved in the America’s Cup 2003 edition in New Zealand.   

These are the calls of the round-the-world trip:

  • Marseille (France): 04-07 July 2023
  • Las Palmas (Spain): 19-22 July 2023
  • Dakar (Senegal): 29 July – 01 August 2023
  • Praia (Cape Verde): 04-06 August 2023
  • Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic): 28 August-02 September 2023
  • Cartagena (Colombia): 07-10 September 2023
  • Port of Spain (Trinidad): 18-19 September 2023
  • Fortaleza (Brazil): 04-08 October 2023
  • Rio de Janeiro (Brazil): 20-24 October 2023
  • Montevideo (Uruguay): 02-05 November 2023
  • Buenos Aires (Argentina): 06 November 2023 – 01 April 2024
  • Ushuaia (Argentina) and Punta Arenas (Chile): 13-16 April 2024
  • Valparaiso (Chile): 28 April – 02 May 2024
  • Callao (Peru): 12-15 May 2024
  • Guayaquil (Ecuador): 21-24 May 2024
  • Balboa (Panama): 31 May – 02 June 2024
  • Acapulco (Mexico): 15-19 June 2024
  • Los Angeles (USA): 01-06 July 2024
  • Honolulu (USA): July 24-28, 2024
  • Tokyo (Japan): 25-30 August 2024
  • Manila (Philippines): 14-18 September 2024
  • Darwin (Australia): 04 -07 October 2024
  • Jakarta (Indonesia): 20-24 October 2024
  • Singapore (Republic of Singapore): 30 October – 03 November 2024
  • Mumbai (India): 24-28 November
  • Karachi (Pakistan): 03-06 December 2024
  • Doha (Qatar): 13-16 December 2024
  • Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates): 18-21 December 2024
  • Muscat (Oman): 24-27 December 2024
  • Safaga (Egypt): 15-18 January 2025
  • Larnaca (Cyprus): 29-31 January 205
  • La Spezia (Italy): 11 February 2025

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Amerigo vespucci world tour 2023-2025.


  • Publication date: April 09 2024

The History

The Amerigo Vespucci, the historic and iconic training ship of the Italian Navy, has embarked on a 20-month tour of the world, commencing on 1 July 2023.

With a return to port scheduled for 26 February 2025, the ship will travel approximately 40,000 miles .

Commissioned in May 1930 and launched in February 1931, the ship entered service in July of the same year as a training ship for the Livorno Naval Academy, with the aim of training future officers for the Royal Navy. Today she is considered a true floating jewel, a witness to ninety years of Italian history. The ship’s motto is “Not he who begins, but he who perseveres”.

The Nave Vespucci is commonly known as the ‘Floating Embassy’ of Italy. Its main functions are to train Officer Cadets and provide distinctive sailing experiences. Moreover, it provides opportunities for collaboration and highlights Italy’s image, displaying the excellence of Italian-made and symbolic products. The ship embodies Italy’s historical tradition and culture to the world.

The ship is named after Amerigo Vespucci, the famous explorer born into a rich and noble family in Florence in 1454. Vespucci met Christopher Columbus in Spain and was inspired by his voyages of discovery. Although the exact number of voyages made by Vespucci is unknown, recent studies suggest that he made four.

The first two voyages were conducted on behalf of the Spanish Crown, commencing in 1497 with the exploration of the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic coast of the United States. The voyages then proceeded southwards towards the mouth of Rio de las Amazonas and Cape Sao Agostinho.

The last two voyages were commissioned by the King of Portugal and followed a route that included the Cape Verde Islands, the Atlantic coasts of South America (from Guiana to Patagonia), and Rio de Janeiro Bay in 1502.

amerigo vespucci ship tour 2023

The Ship in figures

It is worth noting that the ship’s length at the waterline is 82 metres, but it reaches 101 metres between the extreme stern and the end of the bowsprit. Additionally, the hull’s maximum width is 15.5 metres, which increases to 21 metres when considering the size of the boats protruding from the broadside, and to 28 metres when considering the ends of the longest yardarm, the mainmast trevo. Finally, the maximum draught is 7.3 metres.

The ship features three vertical masts, each carrying five spars, and a total sail area of approximately 2635 square metres, consisting of 24 sails.

The sails are manoeuvred by cables of different diameters, totalling approximately 36 km.

The hull is of the three main deck type. At the bow of the ship, there is a gilded bronze figurehead representing Amerigo Vespucci. The ship is further distinguished by its prow friezes and stern arabesque, which are made of wood covered in pure gold leaf. The vessel’s design has been described as elegant and majestic, which has earned it the nickname ‘Queen of the Seas’.

The crew is made up of 264 military personnel, including 15 officers, 30 non-commissioned officers, 34 sergeants, and 185 sub-commissioned officers and joint chiefs. They are divided into six departments: Operations, Marine, Detail/Arms, Naval/Electrical, Administrative/Logistics, and Health Services.

The Instruction Campaign sees the participation of around 400 individuals, including 100 cadets per year and support staff from the Naval Academy.

For further details regarding the boat and its history, please refer to:

Tour 2023-2025

amerigo vespucci ship tour 2023

The presence of Nave Vespucci in more than 30 ports across 27 countries will promote Italian values and production excellence on five continents, strengthening the competitiveness of the Country System at a global level.

Already an ambassador for UNESCO and UNICEF, Nave Vespucci will also help develop and consolidate academic and university collaborations during its world tour, particularly in the field of scientific research and the protection of the marine system, while promoting the environmental objectives of World Oceans Day.

The 2023-’25 round-the-world voyage of the “Queen of the Seas” is scheduled as follows:

  • Departure from Genoa on 1 July 2023. Planned stops in various international ports such as the Principality of Monaco, Marseille in France, Las Palmas in the Canary Islands, Dakar in Senegal, and Praia in the Cape Verde Islands.
  • After crossing the Atlantic Ocean, it will arrive in Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic between 6 and 28 August.
  • It will continue its journey southwards with stops in Colombia, Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentina, where it remained until 1 April 2024.
  • After passing through the Strait of Magellan (or Cape Horn) , the ship will visit various ports along the Pacific coast , including Punta Arenas in Chile, Callao in Peru, and Guayaquil in Ecuador.
  • The voyage will continue with a series of stops in North America, including the cities of Los Angeles and Honolulu in the United States.
  • For the first time, the Vespucci will cross the Pacific Ocean to visit Tokyo in Japan and Manila in the Philippines,
  • She will then dock in Darwin in the Northern Territory (Australia) for three days from 4 to 7 October .
  • This will be followed by stops in Indonesia, Singapore, India, Pakistan, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Oman, Egypt, and Cyprus.
  • The return to La Spezia, home port, is scheduled for 11 February 2025

More info on the Vespucci tour (in IT)

The Spirit of Stella and the Wheels on Waves Project

amerigo vespucci ship tour 2023

Lo Spirito di Stella is a remarkable catamaran that provides an opportunity for people with disabilities to enjoy the sea. The boat has embarked on a round-the-world voyage from Genoa, alongside Nave Vespucci, and will make several stops in Australia, including Sydney and Brisbane, before reuniting with Nave Vespucci at the Port of Darwin. The Wheels on Waves project is dedicated primarily to veterans of all Armed Forces who became disabled during the course of their service. It enables people with disabilities and their companions to experience the sea and sailing free of charge and without any barriers.

For further details on Wheels on Waves, please visit Wheels On Waves 2023-2025 | Come on board and sail with us!

amerigo vespucci ship tour 2023

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Tall ship to embark on ‘Made in Italy’ world tour to promote national identity

Giorgia Meloni’s rightwing government puts food and wine at heart of its nationalistic expression

A tall ship named after the Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci will embark on a two-year voyage as Italy’s conservative government puts the promotion of the country’s food and wine at the heart of its nationalistic expression of Italian identity.

The navy vessel, built in 1930 and described as “the most beautiful ship in the world”, will set sail on 1 July “to bring Made in Italy and the excellence of our country to the world”, according to the defence minister, Guido Crosetto.

“The armed forces are in the field to protect Italian cultural and economic heritage,” Crosetto added.

He made the announcement at a trade fair for Italian wine in Verona last week, an event attended by the prime minister, Giorgia Meloni , and other senior ministers, who posed for selfies while sipping a beverage described by Meloni as not just an economic phenomenon but “a fundamental part of our identity”.

Almost six months after coming to power, the more nationalistic traits of her government are starting to come to the fore.

Days before the wine fair, where Meloni mooted the idea for a “Made in Italy” school, the government approved a draft law that would ban food grown in laboratories, including artificial meat. Despite several studies highlighting the significant environmental benefits that cell-based foods could bring, Francesco Lollobrigida, the minister for agriculture and food sovereignty, said: “Laboratory products, in our opinion, do not guarantee quality, wellbeing and the protection of our culture, our tradition.”

Food, which has long been used by Italy’s rightwing parties as a symbol of cultural identity, is not the only thing the government perceives to be under threat. Unhappy with English terms such as “smart-working”, “manager” or “babysitting” contaminating the Italian language, Fabio Rampelli, a deputy with Meloni’s Brothers of Italy, a party with neofascist roots, has proposed a law banning the use of English terms in official communications, with culprits fined up to €100,000 (£88,000). The proposal has echoes of Italy’s fascist past, with some critics comparing it with Benito Mussolini’s “linguistic reclamation” project that aimed to preserve Italian.

It remains to be seen whether Rampelli’s plan will come to fruition, but the chatter around it, as well as the focus on Made in Italy, has been a distraction from the bigger issues.

“Identity construction is typical of the right, although it’s not only an Italian thing,” said Emiliana De Blasio, a professor of sociology at Luiss University in Rome. “However, I just see a lot of communication and little substance. For example, Meloni’s idea for a Made in Italy school isn’t so bad, but what about improving schools and giving dignity to teachers – who are among the lowest paid in Europe – first?”

De Blasio believes the focus on “brand Italy” is a sign of the government’s ideological position rather than an attempt to stall progress.

Sofia Ventura, a politics professor at the University of Bologna, said: “Promoting Italy around the world is a sacred thing and has value … but there are people surrounding Meloni who have this obsession with Italianness, which comes from a world where there is a strong sense of rivalry. The Rampelli proposal is ridiculous … however, part of it is also about not wanting to upset the sensibility of a certain faction of the party or electorate, and so they play this ambiguous game.”

  • Giorgia Meloni

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Italian Navy Amerigo Vespucci sailing vessel sets sail for world tour

Amerigo Vespucci ship World Tour

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Amerigo Vespucci hosts the Opening of the Pink Ribbon Tour 2023

  • June 28, 2023
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amerigo vespucci ship tour 2023

Big party for the opening ceremony of the Navy Pink Ribbon Tour 2023. Aboard the sailing ship in Genoa harbor on June 29, stages and teams of the Giro d’Italia a Vela, the “highlight” event of the circuit, will be presented.

For an exceptional event, an extraordinary godmother, the very symbol of sailing and sea culture. We are talking about the Amerigo Vespucci , the Italian Navy ‘s training ship, which about to set sail for a round-the-world voyage, will host the opening ceremony of the 3rd edition of the Marina Militare Nastro Rosa Tour in Genoa on June 29 . Sports sailing, modern and technological, and Navy deployed with its historic symbol, so loved and admired by all. Two fascinating and strongly adjacent worlds that refer to each other in an interplay of seafaring suggestions and solid human values that from tradition proudly relaunch themselves toward the navigation of the future.

And it is precisely these values, the boating , the seafaring culture , environmental sustainability , and team spirit , the cornerstones around which the Navy Pink Ribbon Tour 2023 is conceived, a prestigious event with many regattas and a new “vision” for our country that finally puts the sea at the center. This grand tour of the Belpaese, which bears the name of the Navy and which the Armed Force actively supports in the implementation stages, is organized by Difesa Servizi S.p.A . in cooperation with Sailing Series International and with the support of Enit – National Tourism Agency , as well as the Italian Sailing Federation . The official presentation of the circuit took place last May 23 in Rome at the headquarters of the Navy Officers’ Circle “Caio Duilio.” But now with the Genoa Opening aboard the Vespucci, the event finally kicks off.

pink ribbon tour

Giro d’Italia sailing tour: the stages, boats and Villages open to all

The “highlight” event of the Marina Militare Nastro Rosa Tour is the Giro d’Italia a Vela (Tour of Italy by Sail ), which is staged July 2-30 . It is a series of regattas that, from Genoa to Venice, in 8 stages, circumnavigates our entire Peninsula and engages the best crews in 3 different disciplines : Offshore , i.e., offshore racing, Inshore , i.e., trials between buoys under the coast, and Board , i.e., sailing boards. The sailing craft used are thus the synthesis of these 3 worlds: the very fast Figaro Class 3s equipped with foils, the Waszp acrobatic dinghies, and the WingFoiling class.

The stages of the Giro d’Italia 2023 sailing race are Genoa , La Maddalena , Naples , Vibo Valentia , Taranto , Vieste , San Benedetto del Tronto and Porto Rose . And a grand awards ceremony is planned to be held in Venice on July 29. Sailing Villages will be set up at all the stops located in the most beautiful coastal locations where the public can watch challenges on the water and get closer to the world of sailing through initiatives and experiences open to all.

pink ribbon tour

Find out who is among the competing teams

The Opening on board the sailing ship Vespucci, scheduled to take place in Genoa next June 29 at 6 p.m., will be a nice party to present the whole course and the 10 competing teams with a total of 50 athletes . Among them about half are from abroad. But new this year is a team will be lined up at the start with a boat from the Department of Youth Policy of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, which will also be present inside the regatta village with the distribution of the Youth Card. Also in the fleet engaged in the circumnavigation of Italy were a team from the Air Force and one from the Guardia di Finanza. In Genoa , the Marina Militare Nastro Rosa Tour Village will be set up inside the Ocean Live Park , the village created to host the side events of the Ocean Race – The Grand Finale and inaugurated in recent days by the Navy itself.

Subsequently, the July 1 The boats of the Navy Pink Ribbon Tour will accompany Ship Amerigo Vespucci coming out of the Port of Genoa to make them tribute on the occasion of her departure for the round-the-world voyage-a long route of more than 40,000 miles that will take her to 28 countries and 5 continents for a total of 19 months of sailing.

In short, those who will sail offshore and those who will sail along the coasts of our country for a Giro d’Italia a Vela that promises to be a great event where regattas, fun and passion for the sea are inextricably intertwined and finally constructive.

Melanie Aalburg


OBJECTIVE: The goal of the Marina Militare Nastro Rosa Tour 2023 is to promote sailing and offshore sailing in Italy, as well as the presence of women in offshore racing . But it is also a container of institutional, social and environmental values.

ORGANIZERS: The Navy Pink Ribbon Tour 2023 is organized by Difesa Servizi S.p.A . in collaboration with Sailing Series International Sports & Events , and with the key support of ENIT – National Tourism Agency and the Italian Sailing Federation .


  • Navy Pink Ribbon – Giro d’Italia . Genoa . Dates: June 29-July 30 .
  • Dmo World Championship . Location: Taranto . Dates: October 2 – 8 .
  • Navy Pink Ribbon Fast . Location: Venice . Dates: November 5 – 19 .

REGISTRATIONS AND WEBSITE: The official website of the Navy Pink Ribbon Tour 2023 can be found at where all information can be viewed, race notices downloaded and registrations finalized for all scheduled events.


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Italian tall ship Amerigo Vespucci sets sail on Made in Italy world tour

Amerigo vespucci sets off on world tour ..

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amerigo vespucci ship tour 2023

by InTrieste

Amerigo Vespucci ship, a cherished regular at the annual Barcolana regatta which takes place on the first week of October this year, is to set off on world tour in July .

Italy is to send the Amerigo Vespucci tall ship on a two-year world tour to promote Italian food, wine, culture and design, which will results in ship’s absence during the annual regatta Barcolana event.

The fully rigged Italian navy ship would set sail on 1 July and would showcase Made in Italy excellence at every port.

Dubbed “the most beautiful ship in the world”, the Amerigo Vespucci navy training vessel was built in Castellamare di Stabia, Naples, in 1930.

amerigo vespucci ship tour 2023


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amerigo vespucci ship tour 2023

Amerigo Vespucci by Michelle Shum

Amerigo Vespucci

Amerigo Vespucci is a class A full rigged ship.

Launched in 1931, Amerigo Vespucci is a school ship for the Italian Navy (Marina Militare) boasting crew of up to 450 when she embarks on training voyages for midshipmen of the Italian Naval Academy (Accademia Navale).

Did You Know? Many navies from across the world use tall ships like Amerigo Vespucci to expose their cadets to an experince known as 'Sail Training', a course in personal and professional development championed worldwide for its effectivenes in developing key skills in leadership, teamwork and more.

amerigo vespucci ship tour 2023

June 4, 2024

Constantly on a Quest for Beauty

amerigo vespucci ship

Amerigo Vespucci ship is heading for the world

The Amerigo Vespucci ship is up to a new adventure starting from the 1st of July. A two-year world tour which will include docking at ports in Los Angeles and Hawaii .

The departure will take place on July 1st from Genoa, and will see the ship face a journey enriched by 31 stops in 28 different countries on 5 continents, 14 of which with the official cadets of the Naval Academy of Livorno on board engaged in traditional education campaigns.

amerigo vespucci ship tour 2023

*Pictures as per Wikipedia page about the Amerigo Vespucci: By Cocai (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Amerigo Vespucci ship: a brief history

The Amerigo vespucci ship was built in 1931 as a school ship for the training of officer cadets of the normal roles of the Naval Academy of Livorno.

The Vespucci was designed together with the twin Cristoforo Colombo in 1930 by the engineer Francesco Rotundi. The training ship was launched on 22 February 1931 in Castellammare di Stabia. She left fully equipped on 2 July for Genoa where, on 15 October 1931, she received the battle flag in the hands of her first commander, Augusto Radicati di Marmorito. Her task was to support the Cristoforo Colombo in the training activity, and she was placed in the School Ships Division together with the Colombo and another minor ship, making various training cruises in the Mediterranean and the Atlantic.

She regularly carried out her training activity also during the Second World War, apart from the year 1940. At the end of the conflict only Vespucci remained in service, since, due to the effect of international agreements, Cristoforo Colombo had to be sold, together to other units, to the USSR, as compensation for war damages.

The World tour in 2023: list of the stops

Here’s the full list of the destinations that will see the Amerigo Vespucci Ship docking at their ports:

  • 1 July 2023                                  Genoa (Italy)
  • 2 July 2023                                  Monaco
  • 4-7 July 2023                              Marseille (France)
  • 19-22 July 2023                          Las Palmas (Spain)
  • 29 July – 1 August 2023            Dakar (Senegal)
  • 4-6 August 2023                            Praia (Green Cape Islands)
  • 6-28 August 2023                          Atlantic Ocean Crossing
  • 28 August – 2 September 2023   Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic)
  • 7-10 September 2023                  Cartagena (Colombia)
  • 2-6 October 2023                          Fortaleza (Brasil)
  • 18-22 October 2023                      Rio de Janeiro (Brasil)
  • 31 October – 3 November 2023  Montevideo (Uruguay)
  • 4 Nov. 2023 – 1 April 2024        Buenos Aires (Argentina)
  • 13-16 April 2024                         Ushuaia (Argentina )
  • 13-16 April 2024                         Punta Arenas (Chile)
  • 28 April – 2 May 2024           Valparaìso (Chile)
  • 12-15 May 2024                      Callao (Perù)
  • 21-24 May 2024                      Guayaquil (Ecuador)
  • 31 May – 2 June 2024         Balboa (Panama)
  • 16-19 June 2024                       Acapulco (Mexico)
  • 1-6 July 2024                              Los Angeles (USA)
  • 24-26 July 2024                          Honolulu (Hawaii – USA)
  • 25-30 August 2024                    Tokyo (Japan )
  • 14-18 September 2024              Manila (Philippines)
  • 4-7 Octpber 2024                        Darwin (Australia)
  • 20-24 October 2024                    Jakarta (Indonesia)
  • 30 October – 3 Nov. 2024  Singapore
  • 24-28 November 2024                 Mumbai (India)
  • 3-6 December 2024                      Karachi  (Pakistan)
  • 13-16 December 2024                  Doha (Qatar)
  • 18-21 December 2024                  Abu Dhabi (UAE)
  • 24-27 December 2024                  Muscat (Oman)
  • 15-18 January 2025                     Safaga (Egypt)
  • 29-31 January 2025                     Larnaca (Cipro)
  • 11 February 2025                          Back to La Spezia (Italy)

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amerigo vespucci ship tour 2023

Made in Italy tours the world with the Amerigo Vespucci

By barbara minafra | July 25, 2023

amerigo vespucci ship tour 2023

Embarking on a two-year voyage, spanning 40,000 nautical miles around the globe, the  Amerigo Vespucci  will grace the five continents through 31 stops, including a visit to Los Angeles in July 2024. Departing from Genoa amidst a flurry of emotion, the ship carries with it eager young officer cadets, their eyes fixed on the horizon, ready for their initiation into life at sea aboard Italy’s most revered naval training ship. 

Underscoring the significance of this journey—the ship’s second world tour in 92 years—was the Italian Tricolore filling the sky, courtesy of a dramatic flyby by the  Frecce Tricolori .

With its 82 meters, three masts, and 24 hemp sails steeped in history, the Amerigo Vespucci is not only a testament to centuries of maritime but also a noble embodiment of Italy itself. As Admiral  Enrico Credendino , Chief of Staff of the Italian Navy, put it, “It’s the entire country that sails, the Vespucci is Italy in motion.”

From the innovations and products of Italy’s industry to its culinary and oenological delights, to the state-of-the-art scientific equipment that will measure cosmic rays at different latitudes, the Vespucci—often hailed as “the most beautiful ship in the world”—has the distinguished task of being  Italy’s ambassador to the world , promoting its art, wine, design, technology, and most importantly, its identity. This national cultural and economic treasure is supported by the government and enriched by prestigious encounters, such as the one with another emblem of Italian beauty and innovation. 

On the first weekend after departure, just off the Catalan coasts, the Vespucci was joined by the  Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli , zipping past “one of the largest existing sailing ships today,” as Admiral Credendino noted. The Luna Rossa, which will represent Italy in the 37th America’s Cup next year, is a perfect representation of hi-tech design, sport, and team spirit, and had previously crossed paths with the Lady of the Seas in Auckland 20 years ago during the 31st edition of the Cup. “Luna Rossa and the Navy’s training ship are two icons of Italian sailing,” stated  Max Sirena , team director of Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli. “Despite their age, type, and design differences, both vessels are governed by the same laws of sea and wind.” Echoing this sentiment, the Commander of the Vespucci, Captain  Luigi Romagnoli , wished the Luna Rossa “fair winds and following seas” for their upcoming challenge. “The Navy and Luna Rossa,” he noted, “are gearing up for two legendary maritime challenges: a round-the-world voyage and the America’s Cup. Though our vessels are vastly different, they are both truly unique in their own right. What binds us is our shared dedication, professionalism, and team spirit, along with a profound respect for the sea and its rules.”

amerigo vespucci ship tour 2023

Launched on February 22, 1931, in honor of the Florentine navigator Amerigo Vespucci who christened the New World, the ship “Amerigo Vespucci” is currently the oldest vessel in service in the Italian Navy. It was fully built and outfitted in the Royal Naval Shipyard of Castellamare di Stabia in 1930, and delivered to the Royal Navy the following year. It joined forces with the “Cristoforo Colombo,” a slightly smaller and three-year-older vessel, to form the “Division of Training Ships.” The pair conducted nine educational campaigns across the Mediterranean, Northern Europe, and the Atlantic until World War II broke out. Afterward, the Colombo was transferred to the Soviet Union as war damage compensation and was decommissioned in the 1960s.

From a technical and construction standpoint, it is a motor-powered sailing ship and is “ship-rigged,” which means it has three vertical masts—fore, main, and mizzen—all furnished with yardarms and square sails. A protruding bowsprit at the bow essentially serves as a fourth mast. The vessel is also equipped with jib sails positioned at the bow, between the bowsprit and the foremast, and staysails between the foremast and mainmast, as well as between the mainmast and mizzenmast. A boom-and-peak-equipped mainsail is fitted on the mizzenmast.

The ship’s hull encompasses three continuous main decks from bow to stern, supplemented by several partial decks. On the deck are two superstructures: a forecastle at the bow and a poop deck at the stern. The vessel’s distinctive black and white color scheme pays homage to the past: the white stripes aligning with the battery and corridor decks recall the two rows of cannons of a 19th-century ship, which served as inspiration for the designer. At the bow of the ship, a figurehead depicts Amerigo Vespucci and is made of gilded bronze. The ship also features intricate adornments at the bow and a gold-leaf-covered arabesque at the stern. Numerous sections of the ship, including the deck and helm, are crafted from teak wood, with equipment made from mahogany and lignum vitae. The officers’ quarters are furnished with ash and oak, while mahogany and walnut wood are used in the council room.

The ship spans 15.5 meters (roughly 50.85 ft) in width and 82 meters (269 ft) in length, extending to 101 meters (331.4 ft) when measuring from the stern to the end of the bowsprit. It carries a fleet of 11 boats: two motorboats, two speedboats, two motor launches, four rowing and sailing barges for student training, and a rowing and sailing lifeboat. When fully loaded, the ship has a displacement of 4,100 tons.

Concerning the training aspect, embarked students are taught fundamental marine life rules, specific skills in the seafaring sectors, the management of the vessel (including the use of the sextant for navigation), the operation of engine and auxiliary systems, and the handling of logistical, administrative, and medical issues.

amerigo vespucci ship tour 2023

Launched in 1978 with the motto “It is not the beginning but the perseverance that counts,” it embarks on its second global circumnavigation, following the first completed between 2002 and 2003. Its journey includes sailing through a section of the Mediterranean up to the Strait of Gibraltar, crossing the Atlantic, and moving along the coastlines of Brazil and Uruguay. It will make a five-month technical stop in Buenos Aires. Then, for the first time, it will round the southern tip of the American continent, gaining access to the Pacific Ocean via the Strait of Magellan, and continue its voyage towards Chile, Peru, Panama, Mexico, and the USA. Its first stop in the USA will be Los Angeles (July 1-6, 2024, exactly a year from its departure from Italy), followed by Hawaii (July 24-26). From there, it will journey through open waters towards Asia, touching Tokyo, Manila, Darwin, Singapore, Mumbai, Abu Dhabi, Doha, through the Suez Canal, Cyprus, and finally return to its home base in La Spezia, Liguria, by February 2025. As it circumnavigates the globe, it will visit 29 countries over 20 months.

These 31 stops across five continents will be a golden opportunity to promote the global recognition of  Made in Italy , a venture substantially supported by the Italian government. Initiated by Defense Minister  Guido Crosetto , the project is a collaborative effort involving the Presidency of the Council and ten ministries: Civil Protection and Sea Policies, Sports and Youth, Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Infrastructure and Transport, Economy and Finance, Enterprises and Made in Italy, Agriculture-Food Sovereignty and Forests, Environment and Energy Security, Culture, and Tourism. It’s worth noting that five ministers attended the Genoa ceremony.

“The world’s most beautiful ship becomes an ambassador of our country, embodying the essence of what makes Italy one of the most invoked names worldwide: an innate sense of beauty, rich culture, and unparalleled history. We are the custodians of this legacy. Wherever this ship docks, Italy arrives,” Crosetto declared at the commencement of the global tour. “A myriad of emotions overlap: we have witnessed our young people, both the 217 crew members and the 126 students, boarding the ship, an amalgamation that sets the ship apart. These youngsters are leaving their families today but are joining a larger family, that of Defense and the Armed Forces.”

For the minister, the traditional training mission is “a synergy exemplar: a Defense ship carrying our culture, history, innovation, and gastronomy. Everything that the name Italy resonates when pronounced in the world. Everything aboard the world’s most beautiful ship will represent Italy,” including “offering respect and earning friendship, along with innovation, are our only tools for building a better future than the one we inherited.”

The esteemed role of representing Italy is nothing new to the illustrious ship. Over the years, the vessel has continually contributed an essential touch of splendor and pride, earning it the nickname of a “floating embassy.” In its 92-year history, it has voiced international relations, cooperation, shared values, and the promotion of the Italian image—a spectacular embodiment of so-called “Naval Diplomacy.”

In its current incarnation, the ship also embodies  environmental promotion . “The Vespucci,” stated Admiral Credendino, “will navigate under the banner of UNESCO during this training campaign, and when it anchors in Mexico in 2024, it will stand as a symbol of World Oceans Day.” Embodying the spirit of ancient maritime artistry combined with innovative eco-focused systems, the Vespucci will carry the values of the sea and oceans to distant lands. It stands for the significance of natural resources for human life and global growth, emphasizing the impact the sea has on numerous economies, as outlined in Goal 14 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This goal underscores the essential need for sustainable use and conservation of oceans and marine resources for balanced global development.

amerigo vespucci ship tour 2023

Already a representative for UNESCO and UNICEF, Vespucci was recently honored with the standard of the International Maritime Organization. During its global voyage, it will fortify partnerships within academic and university contexts, particularly in the sphere of scientific research and marine protection. One of the core duties onboard will be the observation of the sea, with a keen focus on the health of our oceans.

Yet, at every port of call, it will primarily serve as a veritable “Italian Village” showcasing what makes Italy remarkable globally. In Genoa, as Admiral Credendino watched the magnificent vessel sail into the horizon, he pronounced, “Today, not just the Vespucci, but Italy itself sets sail.”

“Made in Italy holds importance not merely for us or our current or past administrations,” expressed Minister Crosetto, “but for the entire world. The name ‘Italy’ stirs up visions of everything from the Colosseum to Raphael, Armani to Ferrari, a consortium of extraordinary assets that have contributed to imbuing the name with something exceptional. This country has been telling a story of beauty, history, culture, and innovation for thousands of years. The most beautiful ship in the world will not just deliver the ship to each nation but also Italy itself, and I can only imagine the effect it can have, for instance, when it docks in Buenos Aires, a country with 30 million people of Italian descent.”

Elegance, quality, expertise, and, of course, food, are integral to this vision. “Food,” declared Minister for Agriculture and Food Sovereignty Francesco Lollobrigida, “is a universal language that connects people. Through its diversity and authenticity, we can globally showcase Italian excellence and flavor. The opportunity to do this through the beauty and history of the Amerigo Vespucci is extraordinary, and we seize it with pride.” Hence, during the intercontinental journey, the endeavor will also lend its support to the proposal for Italian cuisine to be recognized as UNESCO’s intangible cultural heritage.

Sarà un viaggio lungo due anni e 40mila miglia nautiche, una circumnavigazione che porterà la “Amerigo Vespucci” fra i 5 continenti in 31 tappe, compresa Los Angeles nel luglio 2024. E’ salpata da Genova, con il tradizionale carico di emozioni e lo sguardo fiero sull’orizzonte dei giovanissimi allievi ufficiali che riceveranno il battesimo del mare, la nave scuola più ammirata della Marina Italiana. A sancire l’importanza di una partenza che darà il via al secondo giro del mondo in 92 anni, il Tricolore che ha riempito il cielo grazie al sorvolo scenografico delle Frecce Tricolori. A bordo, non solo la plurisecolare tradizione marinara che il veliero rappresenta perfettamente con i suoi 82 metri, tre alberi e 24 vele in canapa carichi di storia, ma una sintesi prestigiosa del Belpaese e, come ha detto il capo di Stato Maggiore della Marina Militare Enrico Credendino, “sarà il Sistema Paese che si muove, il Vespucci sarà l’Italia in movimento”.  

Dalle imprese e dai prodotti del made in Italy alle eccellenze enogastronomiche e alle apparecchiature per esperimenti scientifici che misureranno alle varie latitudini i raggi cosmici, “la nave più bella del mondo” avrà il compito di promuovere l’Italia nel mondo: arte, vino, design, tecnologia e soprattutto identità. Un patrimonio culturale ed economico nazionale per il quale è sceso in campo persino il governo, ma che è fatto anche da prestigiosi incontri, come quello con un altro simbolo della bellezza e della tecnologia italiana.  

Nel primo weekend dopo la partenza, al largo delle coste catalane, accanto alla maestosa imponenza di “uno dei velieri più grandi esistenti oggi”, come ha ricordato l’ammiraglio Credentino, ha sfrecciato il challenger di Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli che fra un anno rappresenterà la sfida italiana alla 37° America’s Cup. La perfetta sintesi hi-tech di design, sport e spirito di squadra aveva già incrociato la prua con la Signora dei Mari ad Auckland, 20 anni fa, durante la 31° edizione di Coppa. “Luna Rossa e la nave scuola della Marina Militare – ha detto Max Sirena, team director di Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli – sono due icone della vela italiana e nonostante le differenze in termini di età, tipologia e concezione, rispondono alle medesime leggi del mare e del vento”. E infatti il Comandante di nave Vespucci, il capitano di vascello Luigi Romagnoli, ha replicato allo skipper con la lingua dei naviganti: “Auguro buon vento e mari calmi a Luna Rossa per la prossima sfida”. La Marina Militare e Luna Rossa, ha detto “si stanno preparando per due sfide che affondano le radici nel mito della marittimità: il giro del mondo e l’America’s Cup. Li affronteremo su due vascelli estremamente diversi ma così ugualmente unici nel loro genere. Ci accomunano la stessa dedizione, professionalità e spirito di gruppo, oltre al rispetto per il mare e per le sue regole”.

Varata il 22 febbraio 1931, data scelta in onore del navigatore fiorentino di cui porta il nome e che ha prestato il nome al Nuovo Mondo, nave “Amerigo Vespucci” è l’unità più anziana in servizio nella Marina Militare italiana. Interamente costruita e allestita nel Regio Cantiere Navale di Castellamare di Stabia nel 1930 e consegnata l’anno dopo alla Regia Marina, entrò in servizio aggiungendosi alla “Cristoforo Colombo”, leggermente più piccola e di tre anni più anziana, per comporre la “Divisione Navi Scuola”. Insieme effettuarono nove campagne di istruzione fra Mediterraneo, Nord Europa e Atlantico, fino allo scoppio della Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Al termine, la Colombo fu ceduta all’Unione Sovietica come risarcimento danni di guerra e poi dismessa negli anni ‘60.

Dal punto di vista tecnico-costruttivo è una nave a vela con motore e, per l’attrezzatura velica, è “armata a nave”, quindi con tre alberi verticali, trinchetto, maestra e mezzana, tutti dotati di pennoni e vele quadre, più il bompresso sporgente a prora, a tutti gli effetti un quarto albero. L’unità è inoltre fornita di vele di taglio: i fiocchi, a prora, fra il bompresso e il trinchetto, gli stralli, fra trinchetto e maestra e fra maestra e mezzana, e la randa, dotata di boma e picco, sulla mezzana.  

Lo scafo ha tre ponti principali, continui da prora a poppa, più vari ponti parziali. Sul ponte di coperta due sovrastrutture: il castello a prora e il cassero a poppa. Il caratteristico colore bianco e nero è un richiamo al passato: le fasce bianche in corrispondenza dei ponti di batteria e corridoio, ricordano le due linee di cannoni del vascello ottocentesco alla cui tipologia il progettista si era ispirato. A prora della nave si trova la polena, che rappresenta Amerigo Vespucci, ed è realizzata in bronzo dorato. Caratteristica della nave sono i fregi di prora e l’arabesco di poppa, in legno ricoperti di foglia d’oro zecchino. Molte parti della nave sono in legno di teak (come il ponte di coperta e la timoneria), mogano e legno santo (per le attrezzature marinaresche), frassino e rovere (per gli arredi del quadrato ufficiali), mogano e noce (sala consiglio).

Larga 15,5 metri, è lunga 82 metri ma tra la poppa e l’estremità del bompresso raggiunge i 101 metri. Trasporta 11 imbarcazioni: due motoscafi, due motobarche, due motolance, quattro palischermi a vela e a remi, utilizzati per l’addestramento degli allievi, e la baleniera, anch’essa a remi e a vela. Il dislocamento a pieno carico è pari a 4.100 tonnellate.  

Per quanto riguarda l’aspetto formativo-addestrativo, agli allievi imbarcati vengono impartite le norme basilari del vivere per mare, le competenze più specifiche nei settori marinaresco, condotta dell’unità (compreso l’utilizzo del sestante per effettuare il punto nave), condotta dell’apparato motore ed ausiliari, gestione delle problematiche di tipo logistico, amministrativo e sanitario.

Veleggia dal 1978 con il motto “Non chi comincia ma quel che persevera” e nel suo secondo giro del mondo, dopo quello compiuto tra il 2002 e il 2003, seguirà una rotta che prevede un tratto di Mediterraneo fino allo Stretto di Gibilterra, la traversata atlantica e la discesa lungo le coste di Brasile e Uruguay. Resterà 5 mesi a Buenos Aires per una sosta tecnica. Poi, per la prima volta, doppierà la punta meridionale del continente americano per accedere, attraverso lo Stretto di Magellano, all’Oceano Pacifico e proseguire la sua rotta verso Cile, Perù, Panama, Messico e Usa: prima Los Angeles (1-6 luglio 2024, ad un anno esatto dalla partenza dall’Italia) e poi Hawaii (24-26 luglio). Da lì riprenderà il mare aperto verso l’Asia fino a raggiungere Tokyo, Manila, Darwin, Singapore, Mumbai, Abu Dhabi, Doha, il Canale di Suez, Cipro e quindi fare ritorno alla base di La Spezia, in Liguria, nel febbraio 2025. Circumnavigando il mondo, toccherà 29 Paesi in 20 mesi.

Proprio queste 31 soste nei 5 continenti saranno una ghiotta occasione di promozione del made in Italy nel mondo, che ha voluto sostenere in grande stile il governo italiano.  

Al progetto, voluto dal ministro della Difesa Guido Crosetto, partecipano la Presidenza del Consiglio e ben 10 ministeri: Protezione civile e politiche del Mare, Sport e Giovani, Affari Esteri e Cooperazione Internazionale, Infrastrutture e Trasporti, Economia e Finanze, Imprese e Made in Italy, Agricoltura-Sovranità alimentare e Foreste, Ambiente e Sicurezza Energetica, Cultura, Turismo. Non a caso, alla cerimonia di Genova, hanno partecipato 5 ministri.  

“La nave più bella del mondo diventa ambasciatrice del nostro Paese, di quello che fa del nome Italia uno dei più evocati al mondo, il senso della bellezza, la cultura, la storia che nessun altro può vantare. Noi custodiamo questo patrimonio. In ogni nazione in cui arriverà questa nave, arriverà l’Italia” ha detto Crosetto alla partenza del tour mondiale. “Si accavallano tantissime emozioni: abbiamo visto salire sulla nave i nostri giovani, sia i 217 dell’equipaggio sia i 126 allievi, in un’unione che rende unica la nave. Questi ragazzi lasciano oggi la famiglia, ma fanno parte di un’altra famiglia, quella della Difesa e delle Forze Armate”. Per il ministro, la tradizionale missione di addestramento è “un esempio di sinergia: una nave della Difesa con cui parte la cultura, la storia, l’innovazione, l’enogastronomia. Tutto quello che il nome Italia evoca quando viene pronunciato nel mondo. Tutto a bordo della nave più bella del mondo rappresenterà l’Italia”, compresi il “portare rispetto e ricevere amicizia, che oltre all’innovazione sono l’unica arma con cui costruire un futuro migliore rispetto al presente che abbiamo trovato”.  

Il prestigioso compito di rappresentare l’Italia, in realtà, non è nuovo. Negli anni, il veliero ha sempre dato un fondamentale contributo di lustro e orgoglio tanto da essere considerato una “ambasciata galleggiante”. Nei suoi 92 anni di storia si è fatto portavoce di relazioni internazionali, cooperazione, condivisione e promozione dell’immagine e dei valori del Paese. Uno spettacolare interprete della cosiddetta “Naval Diplomacy”.  

In questa chiave oggi aggiunge i compiti di promozione ambientalista: “Il Vespucci – ha detto l’ammiraglio Credendino – durante questa campagna di addestramento navigherà sotto l’insegna dell’Unesco e tra i momenti clou, quando farà tappa in Messico nel 2024, sarà simbolo del World Oceans Day”. Nel segno dell’antica arte marinaresca e dell’innovazione dei suoi sistemi orientati alla tutela ambientale, nave Vespucci porterà in terre lontane i valori del mare e degli oceani, difenderà l’importanza delle risorse naturali per la vita delle persone e lo sviluppo globale sottolineando l’impatto che il mare ha sull’economia di molti Paesi, come recita il punto 14 dell’Agenda 2030 sugli Obiettivi di Sviluppo Sostenibile, in cui è evidente la necessità di conservare e utilizzare in modo durevole gli oceani e le risorse marine per uno sviluppo equilibrato. Già ambasciatrice Unesco e Unicef, Vespucci è stata da poco insignita del vessillo dell’International Maritime Organization e durante il tour mondiale consoliderà collaborazioni in ambito accademico e universitario, soprattutto nel campo della ricerca scientifica e della tutela del sistema marino. Tra i compiti da svolgere a bordo ci sarà, ad esempio, il monitoraggio del mare con particolare attenzione alla salute degli oceani.  

Ma in ciascuno dei porti in cui farà sosta, sarà soprattutto un vero e proprio “Villaggio Italia” dedicato a ciò che rende grande l’Italia nel mondo. Tanto che a Genova, l’ammiraglio Credendino, vedendo scivolare verso l’orizzonte il meraviglioso veliero, ha detto: “Oggi parte l’Italia, non solo il Vespucci”.

“Made in Italy ha senso non per noi, per i governi attuali o passati – ha detto il ministro Crosetto – ma per tutto il mondo. Il nome ‘Italia’ evoca dal Colosseo a Raffaello, da Armani alla Ferrari, un insieme di eccellenze che hanno contribuito ad attaccare a quel nome qualcosa di straordinario. Dalla bellezza alla storia, dalla cultura all’innovazione, da migliaia di anni, questo Paese racconta tutto. In ogni nazione non arriverà solo la nave più bella del mondo ma arriverà l’Italia e penso solo all’effetto che potrà avere, ad esempio, quando attraccherà a Buenos Aires in un Paese che ha 30 milioni di abitanti di origine italiana”.

Eleganza, qualità, know how ma ovviamente anche enogastronomia. “Il cibo – ha detto il ministro per l’Agricoltura e la sovranità alimentare Francesco Lollobrigida – è un linguaggio universale che unisce le persone. Attraverso la sua diversità e autenticità, possiamo promuovere l’eccellenza e il gusto italiano in tutto il mondo. Farlo anche attraverso la bellezza e la storia dell’Amerigo Vespucci è un’occasione straordinaria che cogliamo con orgoglio”. Così, nel tour intercontinentale, si sosterrà anche la candidatura della cucina italiana a patrimonio immateriale dell’Unesco.  

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The Amerigo Vespucci Is Ready to Set Sail on “Made in Italy” Voyage

amerigo vespucci ship tour 2023

Asia London Palomba | PUBLISHED: April 26, 2023

Asia London Palomba April 27, 2023

The Amerigo Vespucci tall ship, a naval vessel named after Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci, is set to embark on a two-year voyage to promote the country’s food, wine, culture, and design. Spearheaded by Italy’s right-wing Brothers of Italy party, the announcement is one of the latest iterations of the conservative government’s tendency toward nationalistic expressions of Italian identity. 

Built in 1930, the ship will set sail on July 1 to “bring Made in Italy and the excellence of our country to the world, according to Guido Crosetto, the country’s defense minister. “The armed forces are in the field to protect Italian cultural and economic heritage,” Crosetto added.

amerigo vespucci ship tour 2023

The two-year Made in Italy tour is the latest bid to safeguard and promote Italian culture. New legislation introduced by Prime Minister Georgia Meloni’s Brothers of Italy party seeks to penalize Italians who use English words in official communications with fines up to €100,000, or roughly $109,000. The legislation, which includes all foreign languages, is especially geared toward English. The draft, introduced by Fabio Rampelli, a member of the lower chamber of deputies, states that the use of the English language “demeans and mortifies” the Italian language.

The government has also moved to ban food grown in laboratories, particularly lab-grown meat, in efforts to protect the nation’s culinary heritage. Francesco Lollobrigida, the head of the country’s Ministry for Agriculture and food sovereignty, spoke of the importance of Italy's culinary heritage. The move was also supported by the farmers’ lobby. "Laboratory products do not guarantee quality, well-being, and the protection of the Italian food and wine culture and tradition, to which part of our tradition is linked,” said Lollobrigida. If this proposal is accepted, breaking the ban would result in fines of up to €60,000 ($65,700).

Asia London Palomba

Asia London Palomba is a trilingual freelance journalist from Rome, Italy. In the past, her work on culture, travel, and history has been published in The Boston Globe, Atlas Obscura, The Christian Science Monitor, and Grub Street, New York Magazine's food section. In her free time, Asia enjoys traveling home to Italy to spend time with family and friends, drinking Hugo Spritzes, and making her nonna's homemade cavatelli.



Vespucci sets sail for round-the-world voyage

Amerigo Vespucci

The Amerigo Vespucci sets off for the longest route.  On Saturday, the Italian Navy training vessel – often called the world’s most beautiful ship – set sail for a trip around the globe. She is charted to sail for over 20 months (and nearly 40 thousand miles), touching 31 destinations in 28 different countries and five continents.

  • The Vespucci’s departure coincided with the end of The Ocean Race, a round-the-world team regatta, and it was accompanied with grandiose celebrations – including a Frecce Tricolori and F-35 flyover and an execution of Andrea Bocelli’s “ Con te partirò ” performed by the Navy’s band.

An institutional send-off.  The departing ceremony was attended by five ministers – including Defence’s Guido Crosetto – and five undersecretaries – such as Maria Tripodi (Foreign Affairs) and Matteo Perego di Cremnago (Defence). Military authorities, including the Navy Chief of Staff Admiral Enrico Credendino, were also there, along with local authorities, such as Ligurian Governor Giovanni Toti and Genoa’s Mayor Marco Bucci.

  • In a post , Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni wished the traditional “good wind” upon the Vespucci in its travels and touted its role in bringing “Italian pride” around the world. Senate President Ignazio La Russa also saluted the ship on social media.

Sailing Italy around the world.  The Vespucci’s mission is more than training and showing off. As Undersecretary Tripodi recalled, the trip will be supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its diplomatic and consular network, as the ship also acts as “an extraordinary vector for promoting Italian-made products around the world.”

  • “It is not a normal trip, it is Italy moving around the world, and through this excellence, it brings with it all the cultural, historical, artistic, industrial, innovation and Italian values,” in the words of Sports Minister Andrea Abodi.
  • “The Italian System will travel on this ship,” added Agriculture Minister Francesco Lollobrigida, who noted the Vespucci will present Italian cuisine, food and wine products, art and tourism potential.

Where will she go?  The ship’s first stop will be France, then Spain’s Canary Islands, Dakar in Senegal and Praia in Cabo Verde. From there, the Vespucci will sail across the Atlantic up to Santo Domingo and then south, along the coasts of Brazil and Uruguay. After a five-month technical stop in Buenos Aires, Argentina, she will pass Cape Horn into the Pacific – heading into the Southern route for the first time – and across that ocean, then to Hawaii, Japan, the Philippines, and Australia. Then, the Vespucci will sail into the Indian Ocean, stopping in Indonesia, India, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Oman, and Egypt – sailing through the Suez Canal – to then reach Cyprus and end its trip in La Spezia, Italy, in February 2025.

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Amerigo Vespucci Ship in Puerto Vallarta

The ship is known as the "World's Most Beautiful Ship." It is currently on the second leg of a world tour that began in June 2023.  The Amerigo Vespucci will cross three oceans and dock in 28 countries during its 20-month journey.

The Amerigo Vespucci training ship's arrival in Puerto Vallarta will be on Tuesday, June 18.  Guided tours for Puerto Vallarta schools will begin on Thursday, June 20.

On Friday, June 21 and Saturday, June 22, the Amerigo Vespucci training ship will be open to the general public.  Groups of up to 50 people can visit the ship starting at 10:00 am.

The Amerigo Vespucci training ship will conclude its official visit to Puerto Vallarta on Sunday, June 23, when it will sail to its next port of call.

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Tall ship from Italy to dock in Boston, offer free tours

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BOSTON (AP) — A tall ship from Italy will grace Boston Harbor this week.

The Amerigo Vespucci is scheduled to return to Boston on Tuesday, and visitors will be welcomed aboard through July 22.

The full-rigged, 330-foot (100-meter) ship is an official training vessel of the Italian Navy, which commissioned it in 1931. It was last here during the Sail Boston event in 2000.

The Amerigo Vespucci will sail into the harbor Tuesday morning and dock at the World Trade Center Pier in Boston’s Seaport District. It will offer free public tours.

Part of Sail Boston’s Visiting Ships program, the Amerigo Vespucci will be followed by the Colombian Navy’s Tall Ship Gloria on July 28.

The Amerigo Vespucci and its crew of 270 are visiting Boston as part of a six-month, trans-Atlantic tour.

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Departure Ceremony of the Amerigo Vespucci World Tour

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Departure Ceremony of the Amerigo Vespucci World Tour

Category winner.

Ninetynine conceived on behalf of the Ministry of Defence and the Navy in collaboration with Difesa Servizi the event that encapsulated all the meanings of a great Italian undertaking.

Twenty years have passed since the last world tour of the Amerigo Vespucci, the Navy’s historic and iconic sailing ship, which set sail on 1 July for a new round-the-world voyage. The grand departure ceremony encapsulated all the meanings of this great enterprise, which combines the traditional training activities of the Midshipmen with unrepeatable sailing experiences, relational opportunities, cooperation, and the promotion of Italy’s image, the excellence of Made in Italy, and its iconic products.

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Amerigo Vespucci, Panart 1:84 scale

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  • May 2, 2024

Hello gentlemen modelers and readers of SOS magazine. To my regret, a very interesting magazine about a trip on board a beautiful sailing ship has ended. Yes... all good things come to an end.... has this tendency.... Only to happen again. So that we can all get together once again and watch something amazing! Ken, I want to say that you are a very talented person!! Your models, and not only Amerigo Vespucci, are beautiful and incredibly photographed. Your photographic landscapes invite you to visit the places you photographed! You are not only a modeler, but you are also an artist. Your Photos are high quality and beautiful.. I really liked your magazine Egor from Moscow.  



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