Dirotta da Noi

Via Mar della Cina, 183 - 00144 Roma Telefono: +39 06 5220.6401

I nostri orari: lunedì - venerdì 09:30–13:30, 14:30–18:30 sabato - domenica Chiuso

Lu-Ve 9.30-13/14.30-19.30: +39 06 5220.6401

Lu-Ve 9.30-13/14.30-19.30: +39 02 4070.7977

stella d'oriente tour operator

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Il 1° Tour Operator online per le Vacanze Estive

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Check in: 28-07-2024

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Ospiti: 2 adulti

stella d'oriente tour operator

Sistemazione: 1 Camera

stella d'oriente tour operator

Ospiti: 2 adulti , 1 bambino

stella d'oriente tour operator

Check in: 04-08-2024

stella d'oriente tour operator

Check in: 11-08-2024

stella d'oriente tour operator

Check in: 18-08-2024

stella d'oriente tour operator

Le Vacanze del Momento

Dirotta da Noi Badge

Il DClub Belvedere Hotel Club Village sorge DIRETTAMENTE SUL MARE nello splendido scenario che offre il ...


€ 810 € 325

Santamaria Village nasce ad Ascea Marina, immerso nel verde degli ulivi del Parco Nazionale del Cilento, per regalar ...

€ 1310 € 195

DClub Costa Elisabeth Hotel Club Village sorge direttamente sul mare di Cirò Marina, in Calabria ...

€ 940 € 450

DClub Sea Breeze Hotel Club Village sorge a pochi metri dal mare della Riviera dei Cedri, in Calabria ...

€ 920 € 430

stella d'oriente tour operator

Il Villaggio Stella del Sud & Resort di Palinuro è situato sui pendii del Parco Nazionale del Cilento in una magica ...

€ 1960 € 590

stella d'oriente tour operator

Il Torre Guaceto Oasi Hotel, di recente costruzione e rinnovato nel corso dell'ultimo anno, sorge a 400 metri dal mare, ...

€ 1190 € 420

stella d'oriente tour operator

Nella meravigliosa località Marina di Nova Siri in Basilicata, sorge il Villaggio Club Giardini d' Oriente ...

€ 577 € 385

Argonauti Sea Life Experience: le migliori offerte per Argonauti Marina di Pisticci. Prenota subito al miglior ...

€ 1120 € 420

stella d'oriente tour operator

Il Park Albatros, situato a pochi chilometri da San Vincenzo e direttamente sulla Costa degli Etruschi, è il luogo ideale per ...

€ 220 € 55

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Dicono di Noi

Leggi cosa dicono di noi le principali testate giornalistiche di settore. Da TTG Italia, passando per l'Agenzia di Viaggi Magazine, fino a Travel Quotidiano e il Giornale del Turismo Magazine, Guida Viaggi e Turismo e Attualità, tutte hanno seguito la crescita professionale di Dirotta da Noi, vista, non solo attraverso gli occhi di chi l'ha costruita, ma soprattutto attraverso gli occhi di chi ha creduto nel suo progetto. Scopri tutti gli articoli di giornale, le opinioni e le interviste per conoscere da vicino la realtà aziendale di Dirotta da Noi e prenota la tua vacanza. Ti aspettiamo!

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Tour Operator dal 1997

Dirotta da Noi

La filosofia di Dirotta da Noi Tour Operator è quella di realizzare proposte di viaggio per ogni tipologia di viaggiatore. Il nostro massimo obiettivo è quello di riuscire a creare un’ esperienza di viaggio, che sia essa un soggiorno in un Villaggio Vacanze al mare oppure una Vacanza Relax in uno dei Centri Benessere da noi selezionati, o un Viaggio Guidato in Italia o all’ Estero con i nostri itinerari ricercati. Il nostro Staff altamente qualificato è sempre alla continua ricerca di nuovi Hotels, Villaggi ed Itinerari di Viaggio per poter ampliare di volta in volta il prodotto da poter proporre ai nostri clienti ed al nostro Network di Agenzie di Viaggio garantendo sempre proposte di alto livello ai migliori prezzi.

Dirotta da Noi Tour Operator

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Con oltre trent’anni di esperienza nel mondo dei viaggi, mettiamo la nostra sensibilità e la competenza al servizio delle esigenze e dei desideri di chi vuole rendere perfetta e unica la propria vacanza

Image by Christian Holzinger

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Image by Muzammil Soorma

Stati Uniti, Canada e America Latina. Scopri il "Continente nuovo" con occhi diversi

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Ti portiamo in un mondo magico e chiassoso, antico e moderno, accogliente come nessun'altro

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Luoghi di incredibili meraviglie naturali e, antiche e nuove,

create dall'uomo

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Un'avventura in Australia tra natura e grandi città, fino al paradiso in terra: la Polinesia

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Una storia d'amore lunga fino al Capo di Buona Speranza. Tra natura, safari e storia

Image by Sofia

Il meglio del vecchio continente, ha una stella che brilla su tutte: l'Italia!

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Obiettivo Specifico 3.2 “Sviluppo occupazionale e produttivo in aree territoriali colpite da crisi diffusa delle attività produttive anche a causa dell'emergenza epidemiologica da COVID 19 sull'intero territorio regionale”

Azione 3.2.1 – “Interventi di sostegno ad aree territoriali colpite da crisi diffusa delle attività produttive, finalizzati alla mitigazione degli effetti delle transizioni industriali sugli individui e sulle imprese e degli effetti connessi all’emergenza epidemiologica da Covid19 sull’intero territorio regionale”

Decreto Dirigenziale n. 464 del 06/08/2021 – BURC n. 79 del 9 agosto 2021

Avviso pubblico Misura di sostegno alle MPMI del sistema turistico campano colpite dalla crisi generata dal COVID 19.

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  • Verona, Veneto /

Stella D'Oriente


Chinese cuisine is a must-taste one at this restaurant. You can always enjoy perfectly cooked chicken , monkfish and ravioli at Stella D'oriente . From the visitors' point of view, che is good here. Order delicious cordial , it's a must while visiting this place. It is cool to try great lemonade .

The convenient location of this spot makes it easy to reach even in rush hours. Imagine a combination of great food and the patient staff, this is exactly what this restaurant provides you with. The prompt service is something these restaurateurs care about. Stella D'oriente offers you fair prices for yummy meals. The nice decor and homey ambiance let guests feel relaxed here. The average rating of this place on Google is 4.3.

Restaurant menu

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Stella D'Oriente on map

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The nicest dishes in Verona, Italy

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stella d'oriente tour operator

Water parks, olympic-size pools, relaxation areas, children's  water slides: here you can always find relaxation and fun!

stella d'oriente tour operator

Travel with your imagination into a fantasy world thanks to our shows and activities for adults and children!

stella d'oriente tour operator

We have many well-equipped beach establishments in the main Italian seaside resorts. Your sea-view holiday is waiting for you!

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stella d'oriente tour operator

In the Club del Sole villages you will find "dog friendly" accommodation and services, so you can enjoy your holiday with your dog too.

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stella d'oriente tour operator

Stella D'Oriente

stella d'oriente tour operator

  • Enjoy a nice menu with good Chinese food
  • Experience consistent and satisfying dishes
  • Affordable prices for high-quality meals

Menu and popular items

Highlighted reviews.

  • Try the delicious plates recommended by other visitors
  • Consider take-away orders if dining in is not an option
  • Check the portion sizes before ordering if concerned about quantity

stella d'oriente tour operator

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Popular road trips from verona, what's the weather like in verona.

It depends on when you visit! We've compiled data from NASA on what the weather is like in Verona for each month of the year: see the links below for more information.

  • Weather in Verona in January
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All road trips from Verona

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Explore nearby places

  • San Pietro in Cariano
  • San Giovanni Lupatoto
  • Santa Maria in Stelle
  • San Martino Buon Albergo
  • Castel d'Azzano
  • San Briccio
  • Corrubbio di Negarine
  • San Vito Di Negrar
  • Buttapietra
  • Caselle di Sommacampagna
  • Mezzane di Sotto
  • Torbe di Negrar
  • Sommacampagna
  • Vallese di Oppeano

All related maps of Verona

  • Map of Verona
  • Map of Costermano
  • Map of San Pietro in Cariano
  • Map of Alpo
  • Map of Montorio
  • Map of San Giovanni Lupatoto
  • Map of Santa Maria in Stelle
  • Map of San Martino Buon Albergo
  • Map of Dossobuono
  • Map of Arbizzano
  • Map of Lugagnano
  • Map of Castel d'Azzano
  • Map of Grezzana
  • Map of Pedemonte
  • Map of San Briccio
  • Map of Corrubbio di Negarine
  • Map of Montecchio
  • Map of San Vito Di Negrar
  • Map of Buttapietra
  • Map of Lavagno
  • Map of Caselle di Sommacampagna
  • Map of Pescantina
  • Map of Mezzane di Sotto
  • Map of Torbe di Negrar
  • Map of Bussolengo
  • Map of Negrar
  • Map of Sommacampagna
  • Map of Zevio
  • Map of Valgatara
  • Map of Sona
  • Map of Vallese di Oppeano

Verona throughout the year

  • Verona in January
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Looking for day-by-day itineraries in Verona?

Get inspired for your trip to Verona with our curated itineraries that are jam-packed with popular attractions everyday! Check them out here:

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  • 2-Day Verona Itinerary
  • 3-Day Verona Itinerary
  • 4-Day Verona Itinerary
  • 5-Day Verona Itinerary

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Stella D'Oriente

33 Via della Cera, 90139 Palermo, Italy – Show map

stella d'oriente tour operator

Stella D'Oriente Reserve now

  • Entire apartment
  • 753 ft² size
  • Washing machine
  • Free parking
  • Air conditioning
  • Non-smoking rooms

Stella D'Oriente is located in Palermo, just a 12-minute walk from Teatro Massimo and 1.2 miles from Via Maqueda. The property is around 1.2 miles from Church of the Gesu, 1.8 miles from Palermo Central Train Station, and 1.8 miles from Notarbartolo Train Station. The property is 300 yards from the city center and 1.2 miles from Palermo Cathedral. This air-conditioned 2-bedroom apartment comes with a seating area, a flat-screen TV, a Blu-ray player, and a fully equipped kitchen with an oven. The accommodation is non-smoking. Popular points of interest near the apartment include Fontana Pretoria, Teatro Politeama, and Piazza Castelnuovo. The nearest airport is Falcone-Borsellino, 17 miles from Stella D'Oriente, and the property offers a paid airport shuttle service.

Distance in property description is calculated using © OpenStreetMap

  • Airport shuttle
  • Family rooms

Property highlights

FREE parking!


Select dates to see this property's availability and prices

Amenities of Stella D'Oriente

  • Street parking
  • Dining table
  • Coffee machine
  • Cleaning products
  • Kitchenware
  • Electric kettle
  • Refrigerator
  • Kitchenette
  • Wardrobe or closet
  • Toilet paper
  • Bathtub or shower
  • Free toiletries
  • Dining area
  • Sitting area
  • Streaming service (like Netflix)
  • Blu-ray player
  • Flat-screen TV
  • Drying rack for clothing
  • Clothes rack
  • Hardwood or parquet floors
  • Ironing facilities
  • Upper floors accessible by stairs only
  • Beach umbrellas
  • Tea/Coffee maker
  • Private apartment in building
  • Shuttle service Additional charge
  • Airport shuttle Additional charge
  • Books, DVDs or music for children
  • Smoke-free property
  • Fire extinguishers
  • Carbon monoxide detector

House rules Stella D'Oriente takes special requests – add in the next step!

Child policies.

Children of all ages are welcome.

To see correct prices and occupancy info, add the number and ages of children in your group to your search.

Crib and extra bed policies

The number of cribs allowed depends on the option you choose. Check your selected option for more info.

There are no extra beds available at this property.

All cribs are subject to availability.

The fine print Must-know information for guests at this property

This property does not accommodate bachelor(ette) or similar parties.

The Best of Palermo

Most Popular Cities

  • Castellammare del Golfo
  • Isola delle Femmine
  • Campofelice di Roccella

stella d'oriente tour operator

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stella d'oriente tour operator


A journey through the music of the nomadi.

Stella d'Oriente al concerto dei Nomadi a Cuneo 06.01.24.jpg

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Desert Tour Companies

List of desert travel companies & tour operators with 34995 reviews.

Morocco Joy Travel

Morocco Joy Travel

  • Excellent - 270 reviews for Desert tours
Amazing experience from beginning to end and would highly recommend Ali for your trip to Morocco! He knows so much about the history and culture of the country and people and you will learn and experience so much! All of the hotels that he booked were great and you can trust that you are in good hands. In June it will be hot so be prepared when going on tours during the day but it cools off at night. This tour was definitely the highlight of the trip and when we return to Morocco we will make sure to contact them again. Thank you so much Ali for your flexibility and kindness during the trip!
Ali has been amazing as the tour guide. Highly recommended if you want to have an exclusive tour experience in Morocco.



  • Excellent - 241 reviews for Desert tours
I can say that was quite amazing adventure, my guide Addi was incredible and knowledgable, organisation was top notch. I can recommend this trip to anyone who loves canyons, nature and dessert. Thank you
Just returned from a 5 day Sahara adventure tour with my kids (13 and 16) and it was an unbelievable experience!!! I can't recommend Toureg Trails enough! My guide Mohamed was extremely knowledgeable of the culture, history and geography of the region and made the whole experience feel 100% authentic. The hot air balloon, canyon trail, rock climbing, camel ride , quad ride and sand boarding activities were all awesome! Not a single tourist trap experience. All of the hotels were very nice (4 star) with good restaurants and attentive service. The whole tour was organized to the last detail and was flawless. Youssef and Mohamed were extremely accommodating and attentive (details such as-I needed to keep my daughter's medication cool during the trip so they brought a cooler in the van and made sure it had ice or frozen bottles of water daily). Cant say enough about their professionalism and how great of an experience this private tour was!!!!

G Adventures

G Adventures

  • Excellent - 19,216 reviews for Desert tours
This was a fun filled, action packed tour. The itinerary was great and the scenery amazing. Our tour guide was very knowledgeable and helped us get the best out of our trip.
The one week trip was planned so well that allowed us to see the best parts of Morocco. The scenery, history and architecture really impressed me and I particularly enjoyed Fez, the desert and walking through the oasis. We were 10 in the group and it was so nice getting to know everyone and travelling with people with the same energy level as you, having the drive to explore. Our tour guide Abdul is a natural at this job, he was really great. The accommodation all had hot water and AC and minivan was in great condition too. I booked the tour last minute and am grateful and impressed with the G adventure team for being able to confirm the trip for me. I had a great time and would recommend it to anyone interested.

Cultural Morocco Tours

Cultural Morocco Tours

  • Excellent - 209 reviews for Desert tours
Wow this is a tough one to review. Let me start with this, our driver Ismail was unbelievable. He was such a nice guy and even added a few extra stops to our trip that would interest us. As a driver he couldn't be better. Now to the tough part - this trip is very long. It's essentially one full day of driving to a nice little town where you spend one night. There's not much to do here though. You're here to sleep. Then on the next day you drive from the morning until the evening again. You arrive in the Sahara for a camel ride for an hour then spend a night at a camp in the Sahara. This is nice but pretty unorganised (but it's Morocco). You then watch the sunrise, have breakfast and you're on your way to Marrakesh. You spend the whole day driving again. So all in all, we'd recommend not rushing through Morocco. It's mainly driving through the desert to get there. So top and tail your trip with more destinations on the way - inshallah
Perfect add-on to a stay in Marrakech. I'd recommend 4 days in the city then this tour if you have a week. And it's not just the Sahara, you see so much more than expected. Most of all the company and our driver actually seemed to care that we had a great time, don't be afraid to ask! Genuinely, nothing is too much trouble.

Signature Tours

Signature Tours

  • Excellent - 400 reviews for Desert tours
We loved our trip to the Atacama. This package delivered all we could ask for. We were fortunate enough to have the same friendly and knowledgeable guide (Kevin) 3 days in a row. Accomodation was excellent. Would recommend this package to others
I booked the 4 Day Atacama tour. Marilda answered all my questions before the trip within minutes and was prompt in addressing all my additional requests. Unfortunately, due to altitude sickness I was unable to do the tour, but Marilda and the local tour company in San Pedro de Atacama kept checking on me and tried to facilitate last minute changes. I HIGHLY recommend this tour operator.



  • Good - 14 reviews for Desert tours
The staff at TTR are lovely and very hospitable and accomodating. They did help make the experience more enjoyable and I would recommend them. There are a definitely a few things that could be improved though in terms of the actual tour. For example, Day 1 - we arrived at our Ger/campsite at 4pm but there are no activities or anything to do/see. I am also certain Day 2 of the Itinerary never happened. The communication and organisation around what was happening or planned could also be improved as often we would be waiting around and have no idea why or what is happening. It would also be more interesting if we learnt more about the history of places and the what and why rather than just where we were in some places. The food and accomodation are as expected but there is room for improvements in the food provided.
Wow just Wow! What a wonderful experience, from start to finish, it was wonderful. TTR Mongolia not only your tour agent they really do look after you like member of the family, airline I travel with lost my luggage but TTR Mongolia not only stepped in to try to sort things for me but unfortunately It wasn’t arrived in time but Tour manager Dijko, Ganna & Zaria help me with essentials and make sure that I will fully enjoy the Gobi safari, not only that Dijko continues to try to locate my luggage but informed the process. What a friendly bunch I almost forgotten my lost property & had wonderful time. My only regret is not to have spend more time. If you want to have real Gobi experience & want spend the time with real nomadic people & make unforgettable memories, Try TTR Mongolia, I highly recommend this tour agent. Thank you TTR Mongolia for given me the chance to have unforgettable memories

Morocco Sahara Desert Travel

Morocco Sahara Desert Trave…

  • Excellent - 88 reviews for Desert tours
Yousef was a fantastic guide for the four of us on our trip from Fes to Marrakech! He was very kind and enjoyable to spend the three day drive with. We used this tour as also our means to travel from one part of Morocco to the other and it was well worth the value. The visit to Merzouga was the best! Riding the camels in the Sahara was something I’ll never forget. We also really enjoyed our accommodations in the Atlas Mountains. The hotel rooms and food offered at dinner were much more than we expected. The terrain of Morocco was all so different and interesting to view as we enjoyed this experience.
Rabia was a fantastic guide who showed us many things we would have never seen on our own. His stories and explanations about the region, people and places were really interesting and gave us insights into the culture and history of Morocco. Rabia was keen to ensure he met our needs and encouraged questions and requests. He maintained his service and professionalism throughout the tour even though it was Ramadan and he must have been tired. His driving was always careful and safe and we felt very comfortable with him at all times.

Desert Family Tour

Desert Family Tour

  • Excellent - 6 reviews for Desert tours
I have an excellent tour with Yousef. He is excellent tour guide with good knowledge abd english. He was very helpful and i recommend him. Very happy wuth my tour.
Excellent tour operator.

Sun Pyramid Tours

Sun Pyramid Tours

  • Excellent - 38 reviews for Desert tours
Our 3night/4day adventure started with pick up from Giza. Our driver was very prompt and courteous, however he mentioned he had no sleep. For me this was very off putting and dangerous for a long boring 4 hour drive. He wanted loud music the whole trip, I usually prefer to listen to an audiobook but felt like I had to keep our driver awake. We got to the hotel at lunch which was pretty terrible, no drinks included with lunch according to staff but drinks included according to the website. We had 2 pieces of deep fried highly processed something. I honestly couldn't tell if it was chicken or fish, we got the same for the lunch on our return. Our desert trip was FANTASTIC! The vehicle would be my only negative comment as it had an oil leak and the maintenance light on. Not calming when there is no one else in sight haha. Our guide was wonderful ✨️ 5 stars for him! Cooking, cleaning, set up, friendliness he was knowledgeable, friendly, great cook, easy going nothing was too much for him. Hard to just say Mohamoud (sorry about the spelling)
Such a unique experience. White sands national park has a variety of desert landscapes. Out of this world. Camping out in the white desert is like waking up in another planet.

Booking Tours

Booking Tours

  • Excellent - 383 reviews for Desert tours
It was the best tour I have ever had in my life! Muhammad our guide was extremely knowledgeable and funny, we had the best experience in Jordan and would definitely offer this tour to our friends and family.

Egypt Best Holidays

Egypt Best Holidays

  • Excellent - 778 reviews for Desert tours
Our tour guides were all very kind and good at taking great photos. Thank you to all the drivers as well. Recommend booking the additional camel ride and quad bike, they were both great experiences in addition to taking a lot of jumping pictures with the Pyramids. Do some research about what you wanna try for food and what you wanna buy for souvenirs such as local clothing/scarf and camel meat, and tell the tour guide ahead of time so they can include it in the trip. Eat the whole breakfast and bring some snacks with you on day 1 and day 2 since the agenda was quite packed and no time to sit down and eat lunch. There is a great bakery spot near the Giza Hotel called Elsafwa bakery, everything tastes great there. We bought a lot before the desert trip and ate them for lunch on the last day of the desert. The white desert camping experience was super awesome with our tour guide Tamr, he was setting up the tent with his team while we watched the sunset nearby. Great conversation with another tourist at the campfire while drinking some Egyptian tea and watching the stars. Hope you enjoy your journey here as well.
This was an amazing tour with a good mix of sightseeing and adventure. The camping at the White Desert was a unique and unforgettable experience. We also paid extra for camel rides and quad bikes in Giza as part of the tour, both of which were a lot of fun. Peter was a gracious host and was quick to respond to all of our questions.

Explore Morocco Travel

Explore Morocco Travel

  • Excellent - 1 review for Desert tours
  • This operator has no Desert reviews

Exodus Adventure Travels

Exodus Adventure Travels

  • Excellent - 13,259 reviews for Desert tours

Desertbrise Travel

Desertbrise Travel

  • Excellent - 74 reviews for Desert tours

Amicus Travel Mongolia

Amicus Travel Mongolia

  • Excellent - 18 reviews for Desert tours
Dreamt for a long time, we finally realized this tour. All went good; you can only supply better food, but all the rest is ok
The guide should be pro active esp. During traveling from one place to another. He should be talking about anything, eg. Country, people, culture, etc. And not sleeping. In the car. We traveled the world 2 to 3 months a year with a tour operator and the guide talks a lot about the country, and others. We don't get bored and asked questions as well. The company should implement this system. Some ger camps accommodations is terrible esp. The one in the park, ulaanbaatar. The hotel is excellent and should have stayed there. There's only one good ger camp out of 4.

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  1. Stella d'oriente on Vimeo

    stella d'oriente tour operator

  2. Stella d'Oriente

    stella d'oriente tour operator


    stella d'oriente tour operator

  4. STELLA D'ORIENTE da I NOMADI sessanta live pour 2023 a Castelraimondo

    stella d'oriente tour operator

  5. Stella d'oriente dei Nomadi cantata da La Mia Terra

    stella d'oriente tour operator

  6. Audible版『Stella d'Oriente 』

    stella d'oriente tour operator




  3. La memorabile sfida del Giardino dei Giusti


  5. Nomadi

  6. Отель Side Stella Elite Resort & SPA / Экскурсия в Каппадокию


  1. Stelledoriente

    Il tour operator italiano Stelle d'oriente per viaggi in Asia e specializzato su itinerari su misura lungo la Via della Seta| viaggi e vacanze organizzati nel mondo | Partenze garantite di gruppo per tour in Malesia Borneo Asia Centrale Caucaso Medio estremo Oriente Iran Himalaya Sud-Est Asiatico Turchia Oman Giordania Emirati Arabi Uniti| Uzbekistan Kirghizstan Tagikistan Turkmenistan ...

  2. Home Page [www.stelledoriente.it]

    Più vecchi. Prenota un viaggio con Stelledoriente agenzia tour operator italiano online specializzato in itinerari su misura in Asia, Medio Oriente e Via della Seta| Organizza viaggi tailor made, vacanze per gruppi e individuali in Italia, Europa e Mondo|sito viaggi.

  3. Stelledoriente

    Viaggi guidati e tour su misura in Italia, europa e nel Mondo, specialisti nel tour organizzato, viaggia incompagnia. Viaggi personalizzati per gruppi e individuali nelle date preferite e viaggi di nozze

  4. Stelle d'oriente tour operator

    Per quanto riguarda Stelle d'Oriente, siamo nel complesso soddisfatti. Gli alberghi proposti in alternativa a quelli scelti da noi erano più che buoni e il tour operator iraniano su cui si appoggiavano ci ha seguito telefonicamente durante tutto il viaggio, verificando che fosse tutto a posto. Restano due appunti:

  5. Stella d'oriente

    Stella d'oriente, Salerno. 445,918 likes · 15,896 talking about this. ║ │ │║ ║││ ║ ║ ║ Pagina Ufficiale Facebook Fan Page©

  6. Dirotta da Noi

    La filosofia di Dirotta da Noi Tour Operator è quella di realizzare proposte di viaggio per ogni tipologia di viaggiatore. Il nostro massimo obiettivo è quello di riuscire a creare un' esperienza di viaggio, che sia essa un soggiorno in un Villaggio Vacanze al mare oppure una Vacanza Relax in uno dei Centri Benessere da noi selezionati, o un Viaggio Guidato in Italia o all' Estero con i ...

  7. Centro Olistico Stella D'oriente

    E-bike tour in Orvieto in small group: history, culture with lunch or dinner. 28. Recommended. 92% of reviewers gave this product a bubble rating of 4 or higher. E-Bike Tours. from . $99.77. ... Centro Olistico Stella D'oriente - All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (2024) Foligno.

  8. Stella d'Oriente

    Provided to YouTube by CGD/EastWest ItalyStella d'Oriente · NomadiLiberi di volare℗ 2000 CGD East West S.r.l.Producer: Executive : Beppe CarlettiUnknown: Mix...

  9. Oltremare

    Azione 3.2.1 - "Interventi di sostegno ad aree territoriali colpite da crisi diffusa delle attività produttive, finalizzati alla mitigazione degli effetti delle transizioni industriali sugli individui e sulle imprese e degli effetti connessi all'emergenza epidemiologica da Covid19 sull'intero territorio regionale". Decreto ...

  10. A.S.D Stella D'Oriente

    A.S.D Stella D'Oriente, Palermo. 207 likes · 3 talking about this. Pagina ufficiale dell'AS.D. Atletico Stella D'oriente

  11. Stella d'Oriente

    Stella d'Oriente. 5,738 likes. Su la more fatti e misteri..E realtà. ...

  12. Stella D'Oriente restaurant, Verona

    Stella D'Oriente, #367 among Verona restaurants: 533 reviews by visitors and 18 detailed photos. Find on the map and call to book a table.


    "STELLA D'ORIENTE" - NOMADI in concerto al Lanciano Forum di Castelraimondo (MC) sabato 11 marzo 2023. Tour Nomadi Sessanta.Video di Abruzzo Nomade

  14. Stella D'Oriente, Palermo

    33 Via della Cera, 90139 Palermo, Italy - Excellent location - show map. In the centre of Palermo, located within a short distance of Palermo Cathedral and Fontana Pretoria, Stella D'Oriente offers free WiFi, air conditioning and household amenities such as a fridge and coffee machine. The property has inner courtyard and quiet street views ...

  15. I Migliori Villaggi Vacanze in Italia

    Agenzie & Tour Operator: +39 0543 1908711 (lun-ven / 08:30-17:00) Partner & Fornitori: +39 0543 371100 (lun-ven / 09:00-18:00) Chi siamo; News da Club del Sole ... Stella del Mare Family Camping Village; Costa teramana - Abruzzo; Stork Family Camping Village; Porto Sant'Elpidio - Marche;

  16. Stella d'Oriente

    "Stella d'Oriente" Canto tradizionale Inglese. Canta la Corale Juventus di Bellinzona. Concerto d'Avvento

  17. Stella D'Oriente, Palermo

    Stella D'Oriente offers accommodations in Palermo, a 12-minute walk from Teatro Massimo and 1.2 miles from Via Maqueda. Featuring inner courtyard and quiet street views, this apartment also offers free Wifi. The property is 1.2 miles from Palermo Cathedral and within 300 yards of the city center. The air-conditioned apartment also provides a ...

  18. Stella D'Oriente, Province of Verona, Italy

    The Chinese restaurant Stella D'Oriente offers an impressive menu filled with delectable dishes. It is a popular spot that many frequent due to its consistently satisfying and flavorful food. The meals are always served hot, ensuring a delightful dining experience. Additionally, the prices are reasonable, making it an affordable option for those seeking quality Chinese cuisine.

  19. Apartment Stella D'Oriente, Palermo, Italy

    753 ft² size. Kitchen. Washing machine. Free parking. Air conditioning. Non-smoking rooms. Heating. Stella D'Oriente is located in Palermo, just a 12-minute walk from Teatro Massimo and 1.2 miles from Via Maqueda. The property is around 1.2 miles from Church of the Gesu, 1.8 miles from Palermo Central Train Station, and 1.8 miles from ...

  20. STELLA DORIENTE CHORDS by Nomadi @ Ultimate-Guitar.Com

    Stella Doriente Chords. Author valentino.pau [a] 229. Last edit on Mar 20, 2021. There is no strumming pattern for this song yet. Create and get +5 IQ. [Intro] Em C Em C Em C G [Verce] Em La notte qui scende piano C G l'accompagna un ricordo lontano Em C che ogni sera sempre puntuale G io ritorno ad amare Em C e a passi lenti lenti lungo le ...

  21. La stella d'Oriente

    Provided to YouTube by Casa Musicale EcoLa stella d'Oriente · Coro dell'Immacolata di Bergamo · Egidio Corbetta · John Stainer · John Mason Neale · Coro dell...

  22. Home

    Gli Stella d'Oriente sono una Nomadi cover band della provincia di Cuneo riconosciuta ufficialmente dallo storico gruppo, all'attivo dal 2012 portano le canzoni della band Emiliana in giro per il nord Italia. Presentano uno spettacolo con più di due ore di concerto.

  23. 10 Best Desert Tour Companies & Operators 2024/2025

    Find the right tour operator for your trip to Desert, and read 34986 reviews from our customers. Shop 2,500 operators. 4.5 stars on (6,302 reviews) 24/7 customer support. Deals of the Week Must-haves for 2025 Up to 50% OFF. Deals end: 2d 7h 41m 23s. Destinations. Destinations. Adventure Styles.