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300+ Incredible Travel Content Ideas for Instagram

When you are creating travel content ideas for Instagram, knowing what to post and then adding the best travel captions can enhance the aesthetic of your Instagram feed. Why is this a concern for travel bloggers?

Instagram is everyone’s favorite photo app and is the perfect social media platform for those moments when you have a little downtime in your day, when you are waiting for kids at the dentist or other events, or when you are commuting to work on the train. You just pull out your phone and begin scrolling. And many around you are doing the same thing! So many people are using Instagram for ideas, inspiration and to pass the time.

The old saying, “ A picture is worth a thousand words ,” is perfectly true when it comes to your Instagram travel captions and content.

As a visual platform, Instagram allows you to unite words, videos, reels, stories and images all in one into a cohesive Instagram aesthetic.

Keep up with Instagram updates and features to maximize your reach. Discover the trends and best travel captions that will help to grow your audience.

Table of Contents

Creating Instagram Travel Content

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Do you love to travel? Do you love to take pictures? Are you always looking for adventure captions for Instagram?

Instagram is a match made in heaven when you pair your content as a Travel Blogger with outstanding photos of travel destinations around the world.

Do you just love to take pictures even though you don’t always have a travel destination in mind? These quotes, captions, and content ideas pair perfectly with YOUR Instagram content .

Even with all of your folders and folders of pictures and all of your travel experiences, sometimes it can be a challenge trying to come up with new ideas, fresh ideas, any kind of ideas for YOUR Instagram travel captions.

Are you trying to increase your Instagram travel engagement and following?

If you have been active on Instagram for a while, you should begin to see which type of photographs, interactive captions, and questions catch the eye of your followers and those you want to attract as followers.

Use these travel content ideas for Instagram to help you grow your account.

Don’t be afraid to add in some new Instagram travel captions, travel Instagram hashtags, adventure captions for Instagram, tell a story, or ask a question.

If you are new to Instagram and wondering how to create engaging Instagram posts with your content, check other influencers to see what is working for them. And , keep reading to learn tips for creating Instagram travel content.

Your goals to create travel content for Instagram are:

  • Foster brand recognition with a consistent theme
  • Build trust with your audience
  • Add new followers
  • Engage with your followers
  • Point your audience to your website

If you plan your Instagram content for the week, the month, or even the year (hmm, did the Friends theme song just run through your head?), you can then know exactly what type of photo you need and the best travel captions to use for the theme you are trying to achieve.

Be unique. Create your own unique travel content ideas for Instagram. Use your own photos. Begin taking more photographs if you need to add to your files. Most of all, feel free to steal these Instagram travel captions and travel content ideas

Travel Content Ideas for Instagram

This is a list of Instagram travel content posting ideas for almost a whole year . There are 305 TRAVEL Instagram photo and post ideas that will not only help you focus on capturing the perfect shots but also create the most engaging captions.

These Instagram travel captions and content ideas can easily be adapted to other lifestyle and blogging niches.

Photography Content Ideas for Instagram

Instagram content quote we must take adventures to know where we truly belong

1. What unique thing do you like to photograph?

2. Funny street signs you have photographed.

3. Photo with a pink umbrella for a color theme.

4. Photobombers.

5. Black and white photography.

6. Best camera for travel bloggers.

7. Describe this photo with one emoji.

8. Create a photo challenge.

Photography Tips

Instagram content with a quote

9. Back up your photos.

10. Take more pics of you in your travel adventures!

11. Learn to use your camera as you travel.

12. Understanding the rule of thirds for your travel photography.

Themes to Use in Creating Instagram Travel Content

Instagram content quote all I need is vitamin sea

13. Where in the world Wednesday…

14. Travel tip Thursday.

15. Sunday inspirational status.

16. Top ten travel tips .

17. Did you know…?

18. Feel Good Friday.

19. Remember when…

Notable Days to Add to Travel Content Ideas

Instagram content quote gratitude turns what we have into enough

20. March 18 National Awkward Moment Day

21. March 20 International Day of Happiness

22. April 3 National Find a Rainbow Day

23. April 10 National Sibling Day

24. May 15 International Day of Families

25. May 31 National Smile Day

26. June 3 World Bicycle Day

27. July 1 International Joke Day

28. July 30 World Friendship Day

29. A ugust 12 Middle Child Day

30. S eptember 5 International Day of Charity

31. September 21 World Gratitude Day

32. September 27 World Tourism Day

33. October 1 World Smile Day

34. November 13 World Kindness Day

35. November 2 0 World Children’s Day

36. First Day of Spring

37. First Day of Summer

38. First Day of Fall

39. First Day of Winter

40. First Day of School

41. Last Day of School

42. Which season is your favorite?

43. What do you love most about July?

44. What do you love about Fall? Winter? Spring? Summer?

45. Plan ahead—warm places to visit for Spring Break ?

46. Summer throwback picture (in winter and vice versa)

Instagram Content quote

47. Christmas

48. All I want for Christmas is…

49. Things I love about Christmas

50. Putting up the Christmas Tree

51. Favorite Christmas tradition

52. Favorite new trendy Christmas decoration

53. Christmas lights

54. Last minute gift ideas

55. It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas

56. Valentine’s Day

57. St. Patrick’s Day

59. Holidays abroad

60. Mother’s Day

61. Father’s Day 

62. 4th of July

63. Halloween

64. Thanksgiving

65. A month of being thankful

66. Today I am thankful for… (fill in the blank)

67. Random Acts of Kindness Challenge

68. What are you going to be for Halloween?

69. What did you buy on Black Friday ?

70. New Year’s Day

71. New Year’s Goals

Instagram content quote start each day with a grateful heart

72. What is on your travel bucket list?

73. What is the most colorful destination you have traveled to?

74. Goal for this year? Next year?

75. Add something to your bucket list

76. Travel mishaps

77. Favorite place to hike

78. Weird things travelers do

79. Last things to do before leaving on vacation

80. What is a cool thing about where you live?

81. Scavenger hunt

82. Fun facts about Normandy (any location)

83. Travel beauty tip

84. What is the best credit card for travel ?

85. Travel bag or backpack essentials

86. Fun place to visit with children or teens

87. Three reasons to travel next year

88. Summer vacation ideas for families

Chase Sapphire Reserve Pattern

Creating Instagram Travel Content Around Your Favorite Travel Gadgets and Apps

Instagram content quote a photograph is the pause button of life

89. Share a travel app that you love and use all of the time

90. What is one of your travel must-haves?

91. Top 5 items in my travel backpack

92. Favorite travel gadget from my husband

93. #1 Travel snack

Talk About You

Instagram Content Quote the family that travels togethers stay together

94. Five things About YOU (link to your website About Me page)

95. Family Portrait

96. This is you post

97. Favorite picture

98. A landscape you love

99. Behind the scenes photo

100. What makes you smile

101. Selfie day

102. Your favorite travel gadget

103. Your top 5 European destinations

104. Picture of your office

105. Out your travel window

106. Selfie gone awry

107. Tell 2 truths and a lie

Travel Content Ideas for Instagram to Promote Your Blog


108. Promote an eBook

109. Offer a freebie in your Instagram travel captions

110. Latest blog post

111. New on the blog today

112. Follow on Pinterest

113. Follow on Facebook

114. Favorite beach photo.

115. Thank your followers

Questions to Ask in Your Instagram Travel Captions

What is….

Instagram content quote happiness is an inside job...but the beach helps!

116. What is your weather today?

117. What is the favorite thing about your travel partner?

118. What was your longest flight?

119. What is your most used emoji?

120. What is your favorite thing to splurge on?

121. What is your favorite travel gift ?

122. What is your must-have travel item? A) Book  B) Cell Phone C) Tablet

123. What is your favorite color?

124. What is the first place you want to travel?

125. What is your favorite travel quote?

126. What is something unusual that has happened when you travel?

127. What is the most affordable travel destination?

128. What is the favorite national park that you have visited?

129. What is in my hand?

130. What is your favorite day trip ?

131. What is a travel item you don’t actually need?

132. What is your favorite childhood travel memory?

133. What is something that makes travel easier?

134. What are your favorite travel shoes ?

Instagram content quote be a seeker of everyday magic

More Questions to Ask in Creating Instagram Travel Content

135. Are you a morning person or a night owl?

136. Do you have a favorite author to listen to on vacation?

137. What makes you smile when you travel?

138. What do you use for a carry on ?

139. How long does it take you to relax on vacation?

140. Who would you rather travel with?

141. The beach…who else needs to be here?

142. Add an emoji for how you are feeling today.

143. What is your favorite teenage memory?

144. Do you have childhood picture from Disneyland ?

145. What language would you love to learn?

146. What do you love to drink ?

147. What do you do when you have a quiet evening all to yourself?

148. What is the dumbest thing you have done while traveling?

149. What is the craziest place you have been?

150. Feature another Instagrammer. Do you follow …?

151. What advice would you share about travel ?

152. Do you exercise when you travel?

153. What did you do over the weekend?

154. Do you watch the Amazing Race for travel inspiration ?

155. What is one of your great accomplishments?

156. If you travel as a couple or a family , who usually plans the vacation?

157. How do you make time for a significant other ?

158. What is your motivation? Why did you become a…?

159. Where were you this time last year?

160. One word that describes you?

161. I laughed today because …?

162. Do you prefer to live in the city, suburbs, or countryside?

Have you ever… ? Questions for Instagram Travel Captions

Instagram content quote always take the scenic route

163. Have you ever been here?

164. Have you ever forgotten stuff on the plane?

165. Have you ever checked off a destination on your bucket list ?

Would You Rather… Questions Make Some of the Best Travel Captions

Instagram content quote travitude noun when you have the rainy day blues because you miss traveling

166. Would you rather receive flowers or chocolate or …?

167. Would you rather go to the beach or the mountains?

168. Would you rather eat pizza in Italy or drive a dogsled in Alaska?

169. Would you rather travel solo or with a partner?

170. Would you rather stay in an Airbnb or a hotel?

171. Would you rather drive a manual or an automatic?

172. Would you rather eat pizza or doughnuts?

173. Would you rather drive a jet ski or ride a horse?

174. Would you rather have a maid, nanny, or a personal chef?

175. Would you rather photograph a lighthouse or a cabin in the woods?

176. Would you rather go hiking or biking?

More Instagram Travel Captions and Ideas

Travel food caption ideas.

Instagram content quote vacation calories don't count

177. One food I could eat every day is …

178. Favorite food while traveling.

179. Best restaurant you found.

180. Favorite travel treat.

181. Have you ever made your own gnocchi ?

Favorite Scenery Inspiration

Instagram content quote We came we saw we loved

183. Sunset

184. Sunrise

185. Waterfall

186. Mountains

187. Architectural columns

189. Windows

191. Lighthouses

Travel Tips Make Great Instagram Travel Captions

Instagram content quote walk softly and carry a pink umbrella

192. Always keep a current passport.

193. Always wear sunscreen .

194. Always wear sunglasses .

195. Wear good shoes .

196. Pack lightly – consolidate your clothing.

197. Start a vacation fund.

198. Bring a portable charger .

199. Inform credit card company of your travel plans.

200. Carry coins for the WC.

201. Use a packing list .

202. Take more pics of you!

203. Stay hydrated.

204. Carry hand sanitizer .

205. Travel in the shoulder season.

206. Wear a hat or visor .

207. Carry an umbrella —useful in the rain and as a prop.

208. Be a conscientious tourist.

209. Learn European signage and driving tips.

210. Share your itinerary with family or friends.

211. Invest in a waterproof backpack cover .

212. Avoid banking fees while you travel.

213. Visit the local tourism office.

214. Learn a little history.

215. Learn a little of the language.

216. Be adventurous.

217. Tips for traveling with kids .

218. Tips for solo travel .

219. Never go barefoot on an airplane!.

220. Invest in travel specific clothing .

Post Inspirational Status Quotes

221. All you need is love and a passport.

222. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all. ~Helen Keller

223. I don’t know where I’m going, but I’m on my way. ~Carl Sandburg

224. Collect moments, not things

225. Be a seeker of everyday magic

226. A family that travels together, stay together.

227. Happiness is exploring the world with your best friend

228. Happiness is an inside job…but the beach helps!

229. I haven’t been everywhere, but it is on my list. ~Sontag

230. Insist on happiness!

231. There’s no time to be bored in a world as magnificent as this one.

232. A photograph is the pause button of life.

233. The question is not what you look at but what you see. ~Henry Thoreau

234. Make today ridiculously amazing.

235. Always take the scenic route.

236. We all smile in the same language.

237. So much world. So little time.

238. We must take adventures to know where we truly belong. ~Unknown

239. Travitude (n.) – when you have the rainy day blues because you miss traveling.

240. Vacation calories don’t count!

241. All I need is vitamin SEA !

242. It is almost impossible to watch a sunset a not dream. ~Bern Williams

243. Adventure fills your soul.

244. Anxiety is not knowing where you put your passport.

245. I feel as though most of my problems can be solved with a trip to…anywhere!

246. Be the rainbow in someone else’s cloudy day.

247. Be the reason someone else smiles today.

248. They say you can’t buy happiness, but you can buy plane tickets, and that’s kind of the same thing.

249. Good things come to those who travel.

250. I googled my symptoms. Turns out I just need to travel.

251. Wherever you go, go with all of your heart. ~Confucius

252. Happiness is planning a trip to someplace new with your best friend.

253. I follow my heart and it leads me to the airport.

254. The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. ~Lao Tzu

255. Stand up. Stretch. Go to the airport.

256. That moment when everyone has boarded the plane and the seat next to you is empty!

257. What’s on my bucket list? Everywhere!

258. Gotta love those days when your decisions are window or aisle.

259. Wander where the wifi is weak.

260. I just want to explore the world and take pictures.

Hiking and Adventure Quotes for Instagram

Hikes in Colorado to Alberta Peak

261. Hiking is the answer. Who cares what the question is.

262. Happiness is hiking with friends.

263. It feels great to get lost in the right direction.

264. Hike more. Check your phone less.

265. You have nothing to lose and a whole world to explore!

266. Hiking is my therapy.

267. Hike more, worry less.

268. The best views come after the hardest climb.

269. Wonder. Wander. Repeat.

270. Too MUCH fresh air is never a thing.

271. Leave the road, take the trails. ~Pythagoras

272. Take only memories, leave only footprints. ~Chief Si’ahl

273. Think outside. No box required.

274. Getting to the top is optional. Getting down is mandatory. ~Ed Viesturs

275. Of all the paths you take in life, make sure a few of them are dirt.  ~John Muir

276. I’d rather be hiking in the rain, than sitting inside at a desk on a sunny day.

277. The view is always worth the climb.

278. If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine. It’s lethal. ~Paulo Coelho

279. Everything worthwhile is uphill. ~John Maxwell

280. I took the one less travelled by, And that has made all the difference. ~Robert Frost

281. Me thinks that the moment my legs begin to move, my thoughts begin to flow. ~Henry David Thoreau

282. Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go. ~T.S. Eliot

283. Live your life by a compass, not a clock.

284. Some beautiful paths can’t be discovered without getting lost. ~Erol Ozan

285. We don’t stop hiking because we grow old, we grow old because we stop hiking. ~Unknown

286. Not knowing where I am going inspires me to travel more!

287. If you can find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere. ~Frank A. Clark

288. All I need is a mountain breeze and tall trees.

289. If you think you’ve peaked, find a new mountain.

290. The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes. ~Marcel Proust

291. The best journeys in life are those that answer questions you never thought to ask. ~Rich Ridgeway

292. Hiking and happiness go hand in hand.

293. Every now and then it’s good to stop climbing and appreciate the view from right where you are. ~Lori Deschene

294. If the winter is too cold and the summer is too hot, you are not a hiker. ~Unknown

295. It’s a hill. Get over it.

296. Fall down seven times and stand up eight. ~Japanese Proverb

297. Stop following others and create your own path in life.

298. Keep going! Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations.

299. Sky above, earth below, peace within. 

300. For the sake of your soul, venture out.

301. The trail is the thing , not the end of the trail. ~Louis L’Amour

302. Hiking is not for everyone. Notice the wilderness is mostly empty. ~Sonja Yoerg

303. Hiking is just walking where it’s okay to pee. ~Demetri Martin

304. I know I hike like a girl. Try to keep up.

305. Always hike with someone in worse shape than you. You only have to run faster than the slowest person in your group to escape a bear.

Button for linking to my Amazon favorites

Frequently Asked Questions

Should i create a travel instagram account.

This is a great idea if you love to travel, have great photo shares, and want to document adventures.

What are the disadvantages of being a travel blogger?

It is time consuming, takes some technical know how, and constant effort.

Does it help to observe you competitors on Instagram?

Yes. Find out what works and what doesn’t work. Get inspiration for your own content.

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Instagram Captions for Travel

Final Thoughts on 300+ Incredible Travel Content Ideas for Instagram

If you are like me, you are never too far away from a camera. I travel with my Canon 6d Mark II around my neck and my cell phone close at hand.

Canon 6d mark ii camera for taking instagram content photos

You never know when you will see the most amazing scene or compose that once in a lifetime shot.

And then you simply have to share it with the world. Instagram is awesome as a platform to showcase your photos whether your blogging niche is travel , fashion, food, or business. These Instagram travel captions and blogging ideas for beginners on Instagram should help to grow your account.

Do you have travel content ideas for Instagram, adventures captions for Instagram, or uplifting Instagram travel captions? Up your travel post ideas and you’ll up your Instagram likes and comments.

You may also love…

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  • 101 Best Travel Quotes for Instagram to Inspire Wanderlust
  • 103 Romantic Instagram Quotes for Couples Who Love to Travel
  • 9 Best Day Trips in Italy for Photographers

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I’m a Colorado-based travel blogger with a passion for exploring the world, enjoying family time, and taking fantastic photographs. I am also a book writing, creative thinking, detail loving, frequent flying, comfort loving mom of three girls and wife to an amazing guy. Discover More .


Glad it was helpful. It is too hard for me to come up with ideas on the fly. I have needed to do a lot of searching online to pull ideas together.

Great Tips and Inspiration for IG posts – thank you !

Thanks Willa. It helps me to be organized and creative without having stale content after awhile.

This is an incredible post! Even though I don’t blog about travel, I could totally adapt this for my niche. You are a genius!

Well, I really like the genius part! I hope this post inspires you with new ideas too.

This is such an extensive list! What a helpful tool.

I hope you can make it work for your niche.

Brilliant post with so many ideas! Saving to Pinterest so I can come back to later.

Thanks Yolanda. I hope to be able to continue adding ideas.

This is a great list.

Thank you so much for sharing! I will bookmark it!

I hope it helps.

I tried to do Instagram for travel blogging. It didn’t work too well. But, now I am motivated. I am going to try it again. Thank you for the inspiration and these endless prompts.

It does take a lot of work everyday. But I keep growing little by little.

Great ideas! Having a photo challenge would be so creative! Love it 🙂

Yes, I have that planned for later this Fall.

Great tips and inspirations!

What a thorough list! Such a great resource for people struggling with content creation.

220 ideas? great! thanks for all the ideas, I’m actually considering opening an Instagram account, so this definitely helps!

Hey seriously struggling with Instagram for my travel blog! I never really have a good idea of what to say or post. This post is super helpful as a reference!

Takes some time to get into the groove.

There are some great post ideas here! I always get stuck and feel like my posts are repetitive, so I’ll keep some of these ideas in mind!

I often find myself stuck on what to post and these are great suggestions. Thank you for the well thorough guide.

Great ideas! Saving this to tuck these in here and there. Never thought to offer photography tips but it makes sense. We do take lots of photos when we travel, don’t we?

Pretty much.

This is a great resource for travel bloggers. Love the 220 Instagram prompts and captions for some creative inspiration.

This is such a handy post full of really cute ideas for Instagram. My main account was recently deleted by Instagram for no good reason (still trying to appeal it) so I’ve kinda been put off using the platform. But I will definitely apply this to my new account and start growing again.

Sorry about your account. Did they give a reason?

Wow! That’s quite the list, no one can ever say they run out of ideas now. I’ve challenged myself this month to post in stories every day, so these ideas are handy.

There’s lots of curating for Instagram, but definitely the info is reusable with different pictures each year.

These are great tips to keep ideas fresh, I especially like the “challenges” ideas. I think I’ll have to try incorporating those into my IG!

So glad you found them helpful.

These are great ideas! I like the “would you rather” idea a lot. I’m so bad at instagram though…definitely do not take enough photos of myself.

Definitely a time commitment to post to Instagram each day. It is nice to be able to plan ahead.

This is such a helpful post! Creating Instagram content is definitely my weak spot, so I will be using this for inspiration. Thank you!

This post came at the perfect time. I really want to focus more on Instagram, but sometimes I get stuck coming up with new ideas. But your suggestions will help me to tailor many of them to fit my profile. Thanks for sharing!

Wow, what an extensive list! I truly need some ideas to consistently post on IG (as you may have already noticed). Thanks for the tips!

I just found my new favorite quote! “Gratitude turns what we have into enough.” Thank you!

Such an extensive and useful post! Glad that I found you on Google. I need a major overhaul for my travel Insta account linked to my travel blog and this post comes right in time. Thank You! (Followed you on Insta also)

I am so glad that I could be of help. Feel free to peruse simplyjolayne.com anytime.

Some great tips here, and a good reminder for me to get in more photos. I tend to shoot everything happening about me when I travel but never have evidence that I was ACTUALLY there. A great article

Thanks. I still need to work on getting into more pictures.

Wow! This is a really thought out list. Thanks for sharing all of these ideas. I am trying to transition more into travel content, so this helps a ton.

Best of luck with the transition.

Great list! I’ve always struggled with captions and ideas – this is perfect!

What a great list! SO many good ideas to use on IG or other social media and generate traffic. Definitely will return to this post in future when I need some new posts.

This is such a great list of ideas! I sometimes get in a rut and feel stuck on what to post next. This is so helpful and will use this throughout the year

So glad they could be helpful.

Thank you for so many interesting and fun quotes. “Wander where the WiFi is weak resonates with me.” It’s always great to get out and put your device away.

These are fantastic ideas thank you so much for sharing them

I must admit that my Instagram engagement goes up and down. It was interesting to read so many good suggestions for Instagram content. I am always amused by how many different “days” there are. And generally miss them most years.

I know on the days! I try to remember some significant few.

It’s really amazing ideas for travel blog

Very Nice post with so many ideas!

Great ideas, especially for when I’m ever struggling with what to post on IG.

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25 Creative Instagram Travel Content Ideas For Tour Operators

25 Creative Instagram Travel Content Ideas

In a world of wanderlust and digital storytelling, Instagram has emerged as the ultimate platform for showcasing travel experiences. Picture-perfect landscapes, vibrant cultures, and awe-inspiring adventures have found their virtual home in the captivating realm of Instagram. For local tour operators and safari providers, Instagram travel content management offers an unparalleled opportunity to engage audiences, attract travelers, and showcase the hidden gems of their destinations.

Imagine this: You’re standing atop a majestic mountain, a panorama of breathtaking vistas spreading out before you. The crisp air tingles with excitement as you capture the moment—a moment that speaks of the wonders your local tours can unveil. This is the essence of travel, and Instagram is the canvas that paints these stories.

Let’s dive into 25 creative Instagram travel content ideas tailored for local tour operators, backed by insights and data to guide your journey toward crafting compelling narratives and enticing visuals.

Table of Contents

25 Creative Instagram Travel Content Ideas

  • Showcase Authentic Local Experiences: Share snippets of local cuisines, traditional crafts, or unique rituals—offer a glimpse into the authentic essence of the destination.
  • Behind-the-Scenes Tour Previews: Tease upcoming tours with behind-the-scenes sneak peeks, showcasing preparations, guides, and exclusive spots.
  • User-Generated Content Contests: Engage your audience by hosting contests encouraging travelers to share their experiences using a specific hashtag.
  • Historic Narratives and Fun Facts: Combine stunning visuals with intriguing historical facts or folklore about landmarks or attractions.
  • Interactive Polls and Quizzes: Foster engagement through interactive polls or quizzes about destinations or travel preferences.
  • Local Wildlife and Nature Spotlights: Feature the biodiversity of the region, from rare birds to picturesque flora, fostering an appreciation for nature.
  • Influencer Collaborations: Partner with travel influencers or micro-influencers to showcase your tours and reach a broader audience.
  • Day-in-the-Life Series of Guides: Highlight a day in the life of your tour guides, sharing their perspectives and insights.
  • Travel Tips and Hacks: Provide valuable tips, packing hacks, or insider knowledge about the destination to aid potential travelers.
  • Stunning Aerial Views: Utilize drone photography or breathtaking aerial shots to showcase the destination’s beauty from a unique perspective.
  • Local Art and Street Performances: Highlight the vibrant art scenes and street performances unique to the destination, showcasing cultural richness.
  • Transformational Journey Series: Share inspiring stories of personal transformation or growth experienced by travelers during your tours.
  • Time-lapse Videos of Scenic Views: Captivate your audience with mesmerizing time-lapse videos showcasing sunrise, sunset, or bustling cityscapes.
  • Environmental Sustainability Initiatives: Showcase efforts toward sustainability, conservation, or responsible tourism practices, resonating with eco-conscious travelers.
  • Virtual Tour Experiences: Offer virtual tours or live sessions, giving audiences a taste of what your tours entail.
  • Local Community Spotlights: Introduce followers to local heroes, artisans, or community-driven initiatives making a positive impact.
  • Inspirational Travel Quotes: Pair stunning imagery with motivational quotes that resonate with the travel spirit and ignite wanderlust.
  • Travel Challenges or Quests: Create challenges encouraging followers to explore hidden gems or complete tasks within the destination.
  • Seasonal Content and Festivities: Align your content with seasonal events, festivals, or celebrations unique to the destination.
  • Interactive Stories and Q&A Sessions: Use Instagram Stories to conduct Q&A sessions, encouraging audience interaction and addressing queries.
  • Travel-themed IGTV Series: Develop episodic IGTV series exploring different aspects of travel or destination highlights.
  • Cinematic Storytelling: Craft visually compelling stories through cinematic sequences, immersing viewers in the journey.
  • Adventure Sports and Thrilling Activities: Showcase adrenaline-pumping activities or extreme sports available through your tours.
  • Local Cultural Exchanges: Highlight moments of cultural exchange between travelers and locals, fostering a sense of connection.
  • Travel Testimonials and Reviews: Share authentic testimonials and reviews from satisfied travelers, building credibility and trust.

Travel Content Shared by Other Travelers Inspire Trust

The travel content ideas for Instagram presented here are not just theoretical musings—they stem from the pulse of Instagram’s travel community. According to a study by Socialbakers, travel-related content receives 9.6% higher engagement rates than other industries on Instagram. Furthermore, incorporating user-generated content increases trust among consumers , with 76% of travelers believing that content shared by other travelers is more honest than branded content (Stackla, 2021).

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Anna-Katri Räihä (@adalminasadventures)

Those statistics underline the importance of authenticity and interactive engagement in captivating an audience within the travel sphere on Instagram.

The pulse of the Instagram travel community

The pulse of the Instagram travel community resonates with a vibrant blend of visual storytelling, wanderlust-driven exploration, and a quest for authenticity.

Storytelling on the frontlines to solve customer pain points and increase direct bookings

It thrives on the immersive power of captivating imagery, transporting users to distant landscapes, cultural treasures, and off-the-beaten-path adventures . This community pulsates with a hunger for unique experiences, craving authenticity in content that goes beyond the ordinary tourist snapshots.

Understanding the needs of emerging luxury travel markets and personas

Engaging with this community means embracing a spirit of discovery, encouraging user-generated content, and fostering a sense of connection through shared narratives. It’s an ecosystem where stunning visuals, insightful captions, and interactive engagement reign supreme, drawing strength from the desire to uncover hidden gems, celebrate diverse cultures, and inspire others to embark on their transformative journeys .

Positive Luxury: Personalized experiences tailored to individual preferences

At its core, the pulse of the Instagram travel community beats with the collective passion for exploration, storytelling, and the endless allure of the world waiting to be discovered.

FAQs Instagram content ideas for Travel Companies

How do you make good travel content worth sharing on instagram.

To strategically make good travel content shareable on Instagram, focus on creating visually captivating imagery or videos that evoke emotions, tell a compelling story, showcase unique experiences, use popular or trending hashtags, encourage user engagement through interactive elements like polls or questions, collaborate with travel influencers or feature user-generated content, and maintain a consistent posting schedule to keep your audience engaged and eager to share your content.

How do I grow my travel page on Instagram?

To grow your travel company page on Instagram while attracting qualified leads and genuinely interested travelers, focus on strategic content creation . Curate captivating visuals and informative captions that highlight the unique experiences and value your travel products offer. Utilize targeted hashtags, collaborate with influencers aligned with your travel niche, and engage with your audience authentically through stories, polls, and Q&A sessions. Encourage user-generated content and testimonials to build trust. Prioritize quality over quantity to attract an audience genuinely passionate about your offerings, fostering a community of engaged travelers seeking authentic experiences.

How to get travel content ideas on social media?

To generate travel content ideas on social media , understanding both the audience and destinations is key. Engage with the audience through surveys, comments, and feedback to grasp their preferences and interests. Research destinations thoroughly, exploring local culture, landmarks, and unique experiences. Create content aligning with the audience’s travel desires , offering valuable insights, tips, and captivating visuals that showcase the destination’s authenticity. Blend storytelling with informative posts, leveraging trends, user-generated content, and real-time updates to resonate deeply with the audience’s travel aspirations, ensuring a compelling and tailored social media travel content strategy for instance.

How do you post travel content on Instagram?

No magic way, just be real and imaginative! Jet-set your Instagram feed: Mix stunning scenery, cultural snapshots, and wanderlust-inducing moments. Craft engaging captions, sprinkle with travel tips, and embrace authenticity. Hashtag wisely, tag locations, and invite followers to explore the journey with you. Voila! Bon voyage to captivating content!

In the ever-evolving landscape of social media, Instagram remains a potent tool for local tour operators to captivate audiences, tell compelling stories, and beckon travelers to embark on unforgettable journeys. By leveraging these 25 travel Instagram content ideas, grounded in data-backed insights and engagement strategies, tour operators can elevate their Instagram presence , enticing adventurers to explore the hidden wonders of their locales.

The Skeptical Lens on Travel Influencer Partnerships in 2024

Remember, behind every captivating Instagram post lies an opportunity to spark curiosity, forge connections, and invite individuals to become part of the mesmerizing tales only travel can weave. It’s time to unleash the magic of your destination and invite the world to embark on unforgettable adventures.

Sources: Socialbakers. Instagram Industry Benchmarks. Stackla. (2021). The State of UGC [User-Generated Content].

What type of content is most authentic

Source : eclipsegroup.co.uk

Additional readings for travel content creators

Embarking on a digital odyssey, travel bloggers and content creators chart a course through the realms of inspiration and discovery. As storytellers of wanderlust, they navigate the landscape of possibilities, unveiling a mosaic of travel experiences. From the whispers of ancient cities to the untamed beauty of nature’s wonders, their canvas is vast and ever-evolving. Here lie 25 ideas, not just posts, but portals that beckon the curious, crafting narratives that transcend borders and ignite the imagination

Here are 25 post ideas for travel bloggers and influencers:

  • Destination Guides: Detailed posts highlighting must-visit spots, local tips, and hidden gems.
  • Packing Essentials : Share packing lists or tips for different types of travel experiences.
  • Travel Itineraries : Curate sample itineraries for various durations or travel styles.
  • Accommodation Reviews : Detailed reviews or experiences from hotels, hostels, or unique stays.
  • Budget Travel Tips : Offer advice on how to travel on a budget, including money-saving tips.
  • Food and Culinary Experiences : Showcase local cuisines, street food, or dining experiences.
  • Travel Photography Tips : Share photography techniques or editing tips for stunning travel photos.
  • Solo Travel Insights: Discuss safety tips, empowerment, and experiences from solo trips.
  • Adventure Activities : Highlight adventurous experiences like hiking, diving, or extreme sports.
  • Cultural Immersion : Feature cultural traditions, festivals, or local customs.
  • Sustainable Travel: Promote eco-friendly practices, ethical tourism, or responsible travel tips.
  • Travel Mishaps and Lessons : Share funny or insightful stories from travel mishaps.
  • Travel Vlogs : Create video content capturing travel experiences or day-in-the-life vlogs.
  • Local Transportation Guides : Offer guidance on navigating public transport or getting around.
  • Travel Hacks : Provide time-saving or life-hacking tips for smoother travel experiences.
  • Travel Challenges : Challenge followers to complete tasks or visit specific places and share their experiences.
  • Destination Comparisons : Compare similar destinations or different travel experiences within a region.
  • Travel Apps or Gadgets : Review useful travel apps, gear, or gadgets that enhance the travel experience.
  • Q&A Sessions: Engage with followers through live or recorded Q&A sessions about travel.
  • Travel Inspirational Quotes : Share motivational quotes or sayings paired with stunning travel photos.
  • Behind-the-Scenes Content : Showcase the making of content, bloopers, or personal insights.
  • Local Art and Handicrafts : Feature local artisans, crafts, or unique souvenirs.
  • Day Trips or Excursions : Highlight day trip options or off-the-beaten-path excursions.
  • Travel Safety Tips: Offer advice on staying safe while traveling, including health and security tips.
  • Future Travel Plans : Tease upcoming trips, share plans, or seek suggestions from followers.

These ideas can help diversify content and engage audiences while providing valuable insights and inspiration for travel enthusiasts.

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[2023 GUIDE] How to Start a Travel Instagram – 8 Tips from a Travel Influencer

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[2023 GUIDE] How to Start a Travel Instagram – 8 Tips from a Travel Influencer

*POST SUMMARY: How do you use Instagram for travel ? Tips from a travel influencer who has worked with international tourism boards and luxury hotels – read below!

Starting a travel Instagram has opened my opportunities for travel influencers to travel the world while making money online . But the question still remains, do travel Instagram pages still make money in 2022? The answer is YES! Who would’ve thought like ten years ago that a platform like Instagram could eventually lead people to pursue their passion, such as traveling while earning a full-time income ? The content creators, who have some of the best travel pages on Instagram , generate their income mostly from tourism and brand sponsored content. Today, tourism boards hire Influencers with a trendsetting travel Instagram accounts to promote their country’s tourism spots.

According to a  National Geographic  report, travel influencers provide an incredible amount of investment when it comes to promoting tourism.  As a result, influencers with a big following and an aspirational travel Instagram pages get hired sometimes on a monthly basis, raking in full-time income while traveling the world. It’s a lifestyle that every aspiring digital nomad wants to achieve.  Considering the opportunities in the travel Instagram space, every wanderluster wants to emulate travel influencers who get to pay a lot of money and travel for free.  Unfortunately, many fail to realize that becoming an ‘influencer’ and having a trendsetting travel Instagram page takes a lot of work and requires a certain level of professionalism to turn this passion into a full-time career through Instagram. 

In this article, I will give eight simple tips to help position yourself to become a travel influencer and turn your Instagram into a full-time career. 

Table of Contents

How to Become an Influencer on Instagram? Find Your Travel Instagram Niche

travel content instagram

If you’ve ever wondered how to become a travel influencer , your travel Instagram needs to hone and focus on a specific niche to establish yourself as a thought leader and an authority in that subject.  Traveling is a huge niche with so many sub-niches you can focus on. The different types of travel niches are adventure travel, luxury travel, health and wellness travel, gastro tourism, themed cruises, tropical/island travel, hiking, winter destinations, and so on. Picking one (or if you can blend a couple of other sub-niches through your content), can help you establish authority over the subject.

An example of a travel Instagrammer in the adventure sub-niche would be posting content related to exploring mostly wild, outdoor, and exotic locations that requires a bit of adrenaline. The images and videos in adventure travel give a high focus on non-touristy places, destinations that are still unknown to the masses. Trolltunga, the now popular site in Norway, reported an increase in their tourism from 500 to 40,000 between 2009 and 2014. The spike in tourism credits the rise of Instagram between this period.  Another example of a sub-niche in the travel niche is luxury travel. To be regarded as a go-to influencer in this sub-niche, your travel Instagram would have to be filled with luxury travel content. Examples would be pictures or videos flying in first class, or staying in luxury hotels, or traveling in style that people aspire to achieve someday. 

Build Your Instagram Brand

how to start a travel instagram

Digital branding is key to helping your travel Instagram page stand out from the many other successful travel influencers. Many creative travel influencers have spectacular content through their stunning travel photography and inspirational videos. With the number of travel influencers out there today, you need something more than great content to stand out. With that said, digital branding gives you that extra edge to compete with other travel Instagrammers vying for travel campaigns via Instagram sponsorship .  Building a digital brand is part of a travel influencer becoming an aspiration and inspiration.

Perhaps loyalty is the most significant advantage and benefit of creating an aspiring and inspiring digital brand. When you have a loyal following, they are more likely to engage and interact with your content, which is critical if you want to grow the followers of your travel Instagram page. A way to create an inspiring and aspiring brand for your travel Instagram page is to post visually striking images or videos consistently. If your content doesn’t capture your followers’ attention, they will just scroll past your post and be buried among the rest.  Another strategy to create an Instagram brand is through your voice. Do your captions tell a meaningful story that engages your audience to think, and inspire them to join the conversation? We spend quite a lot of time ensuring that our captions on each of our posts reflect our brand and represent our voice. 

Take Great Photos

how to become an influencer on instagram

Instagram is a visual platform, so it should not be a surprise that taking great photos is a massive part of becoming a travel influencer. But don’t think you need to be a professional photographer to create visually striking imagery to inspire your followers about your travels. It’s about knowing the simple tips and tricks of creating a beautiful image and finding your style of photography. Once again, being a travel influencer doesn’t require you to invest money to study photography. However, it does require you to study the basic rules of photography and find a style that works for you. For example, every travel influencer I know is familiar with the rule of thirds, where the basic idea is NOT to place your subject and focus on the center of the image.

Another photography basics are lighting, where travel influencers mostly shoot during a specific time of day (mostly in the early morning) to have the softest lighting possible.  Apart from learning the basics of photography , many travel influencers use Presets to improve their pictures. These days, it’s pretty rare for a travel influencer not to have a preset of their own that they sell so that you can easily copy their feed. If you prefer not to spend money on presets, you can still improve your pictures by knowing some tips and tricks on how to improve  Instagram filters .  Lastly, taking exceptional photos also doesn’t mean having the fanciest and most expensive equipment. For us, we do use a professional camera that helps us create some of our best content. However, there are also moments where a picture looks just as great as using an iPhone. 

Take Great Videos

Mastering Videos is another medium that travel Instagrammers need to master. We especially like to take videos on our travels and make it a point to post on our feed. Videos allow us to capture our experience on our travels better than images can. Editing is one of the necessary skills in creating a powerful Instagram travel video. Great editing would quickly tell a story and draw your viewers to keep watching the video. Focus using some of your best shots on the first five to ten seconds of your video to ensure you captivate your audience’s attention.  Consider using video editing apps such as Adobe Premiere Pro , or edit videos directly on your phone with apps such as Videorama . Both of these editing apps are user friendly and easy to follow and master. 

After you’ve mastered the editing portion, the next step is selecting the right music that goes along well with your travel videos.  Some of the equipment to use to build our Instagram travel pages are drones, a professional camera, and an iPhone. We especially love drone shots because it allows us to capture certain angles that would otherwise be impossible. Professional cameras can capture quality videos as well and are high on the ground level. Lastly, iPhones are also excellent quality for capturing videos for stories.

Travel Instagram Stories

how to become a travel influencer

Instagram stories are, without a doubt, one of the platform’s popular outlet.  Considering that editing photos and videos take time, posting on Instagram stories about your travels allows you to give a preview of what’s to come. For us, we rarely post our content on our feed immediately following our travels. The amount of time it takes to edit a video and photograph just takes too long. 

As a result, content creators use Instagram stories to share their content immediately. The posts are typically instantaneous and don’t require editing effort. Instagram stories also allow their followers to get an instant glimpse of their travels, and allow content creators to document everything that is happening during their travels and share them with their followers. It’s fun and a great way to interact with your followers. Instagram stories are such a powerful medium to take your travel Instagram to the next level because it allows you to go off-brand. Regardless of being a travel influencer, posting content not related to travel is entirely acceptable and won’t be seen as ‘weird.’ Posting content not related to your niche allows you to show off a little bit about yourself and other things that your followers can relate to.

Use Hashtags

Travel Instagrammers who get hired for paid travel campaigns, the use of hashtags in almost always part of the deal of the job. It means that for every post we make about the travel campaign, we have to use that specific hashtag related to that campaign.  Using hashtags can make a difference in getting your content discovered and ultimately land on the explorer page. The hashtag allows Instagram to identify people who are not following you but may be interested in your topic. In other words, you could be gaining a lot more followers if you use hashtags correctly.  So use hashtags effectively, whether on your feed posts or stories, chances are your content will reach a new audience you’ve never had before! 

Collaborate with Other Travel Influencers

travel instagram niche

Part of the job of travel Instagrammers is to network off Instagram.  Not many realize that part of the hustle is to meet other travel Instagrammers and collaborate on creating content. They tend to tag each other on stories and on static posts, which creates an opportunity to be introduced to a brand new set of audiences and grow their accounts.  For us, the best part of meeting other travel Instagrammers is getting an opportunity to be invited to other travel campaigns. If a travel campaign is looking for 15 other content creators, you can potentially get an invite your new travel Instagrammer friend endorses you to be part of the campaign.  Collaborating with other travel influencers also allows you to learn from each other. There are so many creative strategies and knowledge that influencers can share with each other – from little tricks on taking pictures, or how to edit videos, or possibly learning the business side of having a travel Instagram page – networking with other influencers is a crucial part of their growth in the business. 

Starting a Travel Instagram Hub Account 

Many might be surprised to know that you can still start a travel Instagram account even if you don’t have a lot of personal travel content to post.  You might have just said ‘How?!’ Many Instagram travel pages are created to repost other travel content creators. It’s a curated travel page where they repost other travel pictures or videos while giving credit to the original poster. It’s a great strategy to build your travel content and followers in the beginning if you don’t have a lot of travel-related content to post yet.  Some of the Instagram accounts that are travel hub accounts that you should check out our @theglobewanderer , @welivetoexplore , @beautifuldestinations , and @earthpix to name a few.  The travel hub accounts mentioned amassed followers in the millions, and followed by some of the biggest names in the entertainment industry, both in the US and abroad. 

Final Word To Start Your Travel Instagram

There you have it!  Traveling while getting paid is possible with Instagram. It’s a dream that many wanderlusters aspire to have given the freedom to pursue your passion for traveling while getting paid to do it.  It’s totally doable, but it seriously takes a lot of hustle, consistency, and dedication to achieve the lifestyle of traveling the world while getting paid.  It’s also important to add that a certain level of professionalism is required to achieve success in the business. Besides creating content, travel influencers have to become business savvy and know how to pitch and negotiate when it comes to paid Instagram sponsorships – it’s all part of the game!

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Hello there, thanks for stopping by! My name is Mick – nice to meet you here. I was born in Manila, grew up in Chicago, went to college in San Diego, and then worked for the French Government up until 2017.

Since then, I have been trotting around full-time. I’m grateful and excited to share all things travel with you, and perhaps we’ll cross paths somewhere along in our journey!

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The 22 Best Instagram Travel Accounts To Inspire You

instagram travel accounts to follow

Instagram is simple, it’s visual and it creates a quick emotional impact! It’s also a great way to discover new places around the world. No wonder I’m always seeking the best Instagram travel accounts to follow!

Even though I despise the direction Instagram is going, with self-proclaimed influencers spreading like wildfire ( beautypreneurs is a thing now…) I confess I do spend a significant amount of time there .

Sometimes double tapping cat videos. Sometimes stalking my friends. But I’m especially interested in new travel inspiration. And now I’m sharing them with you (the travel content, not the cats).

Best Instagram Travel Accounts to Follow >>

For this list, I tried to avoid hollow influencers who only use travel as a way of getting new backdrops for their own photos. The world needs valuable content, interesting things to learn and see and especially people who truly love to travel.

With no particular order, these are my favorite Instagram travel bloggers to feed your wanderlust (list updated May 2019). They are travel bloggers, Youtube stars, journalists or simple amateurs sharing real, honest, and interesting content.

Let’s get inspired!

1 @paulodelvalle

Paulo’s was one of the first accounts I followed in Instagram. He’s a Brazilian travel photographer, but mostly a storyteller. His amazing photos in the most varied landscapes inspired me to follow my own wanderlust dream.

Estou muito impressionado com a beleza dos templos e santuários japoneses. Cada um mais bonito que o outro! 😍 I’m really impressed with the beauty of the japanese temples and shrines. Each one prettier than the other! 😍 Tokyo, Japan. 🇯🇵 w/ @marlonduque A post shared by Paulo del Valle (@paulodelvalle) on Jan 3, 2016 at 6:11am PST

2 @youngadventuress

Liz is one of my favorite travel bloggers out there and Young Adventuress is a BIG SUCCESS in the travel blog world. What I particularly enjoy about her is how down-to-earth and unpretentious she is.

Her gallery in Instagram has bits and bobs from everywhere in the world, but mostly from the awe-inspiring New Zealand outdoors.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Liz Carlson☀️Young Adventuress (@youngadventuress) on May 26, 2019 at 2:08am PDT

3 @treyratcliff

What I like the most about Trey’s body of work is that he’s not afraid of color. In fact, he’s all about color!

You can sneak peek his travel photography blog , displaying more of his amazing pictures.

View this post on Instagram Beautiful gondolas from above… the water looks almost Caribbean when the sun hits it directly from certain angles! #Venice #Gondola #Gondolas #DJI #Quad #Quadcopter #Phantom3 #Italy #Carnevale A post shared by Trey Ratcliff (@treyratcliff) on Feb 13, 2016 at 11:46pm PST

4 @Tourist2Townie

I’ve been a follower of Gareth’s videos on Tourist2Townie’s Youtube channel for quite some time. I’ve always been a fan of the very down-to-earth and humble way he approaches travel, still managing to be informative and truly helpful.

His his Instagram “is secondary” (his words, not mine), but still very much worth it if you ask me.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Gareth Leonard (@tourist2townie) on Apr 10, 2019 at 7:17am PDT

5 @danielkordan

Daniel is a landscape photographer who shoots STUNNING pictures in remote places like Japan , Russia or Norway .

I have to confess I think this is one of the most inspiring Instagram accounts I’ve EVER come across. After all, 1M followers can’t be wrong.

View this post on Instagram Northern aurora at Lofoten islands. Vertorama (vertical panorama) of 2 horizontal photos. DanielKordan.com #Lofoten #northernlights #Norway #Fredvang A post shared by Daniel Kordan (@danielkordan) on Feb 21, 2016 at 8:15am PST

6 @bemytravelmuse

I found Kristin’s Instagram very recently and made an impact on me. It’s one of those accounts you can’t stop scrolling down.

Once a former investment banker in the corporate world, Kristin is a now a travel writer exploring the world full-time. You can follow her on her blog too. Judging by her gallery, I’d say she chose the right path!

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Kristin Addis (@bemytravelmuse) on Apr 25, 2019 at 8:47am PDT

I’m going to be honest: I don’t know much about whoever is behind this account. In fact, I know nothing.

All I know is that the pictures here are breathtaking and make me want to go places. Apart from the visual element,there are also several inspiring descriptions. So Andy , whoever you are, you are awesome!

View this post on Instagram Look up get up and don't ever give up. Really excited that we just launched a program for @feedbacknation called "The Limelight" where we will be featuring artists who submit their story/photos I'm currently taking over @canon_photos for my latest trip to New York. Thank you guys so much for this amazing opportunity. A post shared by Andy To (@andyto) on Jan 27, 2016 at 9:43pm PST

8 @bueno_bonito_barat0_travelblog

A journalist with very itchy feet. Sarah did all of Central and South America by bus and she’s now focused on Europe.

On her blog she writes in Spanish mainly, but her pictures on Instagram speak by themselves!

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Sarah Yáñez-Richards 🌎 📷 (@bueno_bonito_barat0_travelblog) on Jan 14, 2016 at 6:41am PST

9 @AlexStrohl

What I like about Alex’s gallery is how impactful his pictures can be. A photographer keen on the more remote destinations, he is able to translate the wilderness of incredible nature landscapes directly into his shots.

Alex is one of my top favorite Instagrammers out there, so I strongly suggest take a peek at his account. His photos will surely wow you!

View this post on Instagram Waking up on the shores of Lake McDonald, Montana.. #stayandwander A post shared by Alex Strohl (@alexstrohl) on Jan 25, 2016 at 9:11pm PST

10 @kristarossow

More than being just another National Geographic photographer, Krista has the amazing ability of telling a story. She’s in this list because of in-depth descriptions of her photos, which make the captures really come alive . With such an interesting gallery, she makes it so easy to travel along with her!

View this post on Instagram It was so normal in Myanmar to pass groups of young monks or nuns on the street or in temples….I even got cut off in traffic by monks on motor scooters! On my last night in Mandalay, I had just left the Sandamuni Pagoda when I came across these young Buddhist nuns draped in pink. I climbed Mandalay Hill into the sunset and who knows where they ended up. It is amazing how such disparate lives can pass in a flash…and how we smile at each other in our shared humanity. Thank you, Myanmar, for being friendly, welcoming, beautiful, and mysterious. I’ll be back and I hope that whatever changes as the country is opened to the world, that it doesn’t take the joy from the spirit of the beautiful Myanmar people. // #FujifilmX_US @FujifilmX_US @bhphoto #mywinteraway #FujifilmXT1 #Fujifilm @NatGeoCreative @NatGeoTravel A post shared by Krista Rossow (@kristarossow) on Mar 5, 2016 at 8:32pm PST

11 @breathewithus

Hugo and Cristina are a portuguese couple on a quest to explore the world’s best cultural and nature destinations. I’d say so far they are doing a great job!

Their website and Instagram are packed with useful tips and inspiring experiences. The Iceland collection is my favorite!

View this post on Instagram Road trip in Iceland? Don't forget to add the Snæfellsnes peninsula to your itinerary for landscapes and beautiful churches like this one near Hellissandur. A post shared by Breathe With Us (@breathewus) on Jul 15, 2015 at 3:40am PDT

12 @migrationology

Mark Wiens travels with a purpose: to eat food. Sounds like a great life purpose to me. Based in Bangkok , he combines his travels with indulging in the local foods and ingredients. The result is a colorful and yummy Instagram feed: a delight for foodies.

I have a problem with this guy’s feed though. I always get hungry!

View this post on Instagram This dim sum meal in Hong Kong was one of the 11 Best Meals I Ate in 2015! Check out the full list of 11 best meals on migrationology.com now! A post shared by Mark Wiens (@migrationology) on Dec 29, 2015 at 6:50pm PST

13 @theblondeabroad

Kiersten Rich is another example of a well-succeeded corporate woman who left everything for travel. And she really means it: she’s already got more than 40 countries ticked off her bucket list.

Her Instagram account is not all about travel, it’s also packed with lifestyle tips and experiences. The recent photos she took in Indonesia are quite awesome!


15 @theplanetd

Another heavy weights of the travel blogosphere. Dave and Deb have travelled to more than 100 countries in all 7 continents and Planet D is an authentic bible of the best travel advice and tips all around the world.

Their Instagram account is filled with incredible pictures taken in a huge variety of places. This one in Canada is one of my favorites.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Dave & Deb🔹ThePlanetD (@theplanetd) on Feb 4, 2019 at 7:00am PST

16 @girleatworld

I love everything about this profile. The concept, the name, the composition of the photos, and specially the tagline Eating my way around the world .

Originally from Hong Kong , Melissa Hie started this project because she felt awkward asking strangers to take pictures of her. So she started taking food selfies! On her Instagram you can find a bag of dutch fries in Amsterdam a corn bread in Indonesia , or this koulouri in Greece . I’m hooked!

View this post on Instagram A post shared by ❤️ Mel's Food & Travel log (@girleatworld) on Oct 21, 2018 at 5:56pm PDT

17 @jackharries

Jackson is the real deal. During his gap year in England , he started a documentary series in YouTube about his personal life and travels. This series eventually made him famous in the online world with MILLIONS of followers on his Instagram account.

Apart from being a filmmaker and producer, he’s now a climate change activist and a very interesting personality to follow.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Jack Harries (@jackharries) on Aug 3, 2018 at 5:18am PDT

18 @jonathan_irish

Jonathan is a professional travel photographer, who used to be part of the National Geographic staff. In 2016, he was on a quest to visit all of the 59 U.S. National Parks during the centennial of the National Park Service.

View this post on Instagram Starry, starry night. We setup our @rei tent on a cold, clear evening in the Smokies and watched the stars roll by. Even though it was just past a full moon, the stars were brilliant. On to the next park ! The Great Smoky Mountains National Park (7 of 59) Shot with FUJIFILM X-T1 and XF16mm F1.4 lens #59in52 #onassignment #findyourpark @natgeo @natgeocreative @natgeotravel @fujifilmUS @fujifilmx_us #fujifilmx_us #myfujifilm #myinstax #X-T1 @instax @usinterior @nationalparkservice @airstream_inc @goparks @reallyrightstuff #ad A post shared by Jonathan Irish (@jonathan_irish) on Mar 4, 2016 at 7:45am PST

19 @calsnape

Vancouver-based Callum Snape is the photographer I aim to be one day. Stunning landscapes, elegant editing, unexpected results. Follow especially if you’re into dreamy arctic backgrounds.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Callum Snape (@calsnape) on Apr 18, 2019 at 8:48pm PDT

20 @lovedeathtravel

Despite the daunting name, don’t worry, this account is only about love and travel.

The list of places featured in this gallery is huge, each one more beautiful than the other. I love how he enriches his already-stunning pictures with inspiring lyrics in his descriptions.

View this post on Instagram "And when the cold wind blows we'll wake up on the other side/ Where the sunlight sounds like moonlight in our ears.." [Akron/Family] • Set-up the cables because I'm coming for ya Half Dome. See you at the top. • ↯ Tunnel View Yosemite National Park #NPS100 #findyourpark A post shared by ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀BEN (@lovedeathtravel) on Aug 5, 2016 at 11:11am PDT

21 @uncornered_market

Uncornered Market is a travel project founded by Daniel and Audrey, a relentless couple who have visited more than 90 countries.

Besides their top-notch travel photography and insights into theyr daily wanderlust, I love how they describe themselves: a “husband-and-wife storytelling team”.

View this post on Instagram Palm Tree Point, Port Douglas. I'm a big fan of the well-timed appearance of a sailboat. If you grab just the right shady spot of choice at Rex Smeal Park, you get to watch them here off the Queensland coast all day long. Australia #lazysunday A post shared by Daniel Noll & Audrey Scott (@uncornered_market) on Jan 24, 2016 at 4:30pm PST

22 @johnnywharris

Mostly known for his Vox’s videos – including my all-time favorite Vox Borders project – Johnny Harris is a self-made videographer with huge skills.

On his Instagram account he shares some extras of the fantastic content he’s able to create.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Johnny Harris (@johnnywharris) on Sep 24, 2018 at 5:56pm PDT

EXTRA: ME! (@bruno_mb)

In a shameful act of self-promotion, I had to squeeze myself in! It feels damn good to even be featured in the same list as these amazing list of Instagrammers!

My account is still a little fish in a world of travel sharks out there. My first photos in Instagram were taken in 2012 with a crappy camera phone (#throwbackshame). I like to think that I’ve improved by now. And I hope I can continue to get better every shutter at a time!

View this post on Instagram A post shared by BRUN🌎 (@bruno_mb) on Jun 25, 2019 at 9:03am PDT

Other inspiring Instagram travel accounts to follow:

  • Beautiful Destinations
  • Lonely Planet Traveller
  • National Geographic
  • National Geographic Travel

Let’s connect!

Impossible not to feel spirited after scrolling such beautiful pictures, right?

If you are on Instagram let’s connect and make sure you follow these amazing bunch of travellers too!

What are the best Instagram travel accounts out there?

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I am going to tag you on my reel in a few minutes…. hahaha. Loved your detailed article Bruno. I follow Daniel only atm buf will surely check out the others. ( Along with you ofcourse)

I want inspiration

Who doesn’t, right?

all white guys….

i will be in this list someday!

This is a great list and many of these Instagram accounts I haven’t seen before! Hopefully one day I can be added to a list like this, too. Thanks!

Thank you for the recommendations… awesome travel profiles are there… as a new travel Instagramer it inspired me a lot…. if you guys have time please check my Instagram account @go.beyondborders . Hope you guys will like it… it’s based on travel niche. And all post from my travel experience…. With original photograph and story. All stories are motivational and it’s all taken from life & journey.

Did you visit this new one? @denoticias.es

nice! check @martin_holik 🙂

Another great one!

Interesting stuff. I shall check some of these folks out.

Thanks. Definitely some good inspiration out there!

Thank you for including Breathe With Us!

You more than welcome, keep up with the amazing posts!

We follow a lot of these already but there a few that I’ll be sure to check out! Awesome post, the pictures on instagram always get me anxious for my next adventure.

Instagram is definitely a great place for wanderlust!

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Top 10 best travel Instagram accounts to follow

Monday  newsletters  always feature  top 10 travel lists  to inspire.

Today (March 30, 2020): My top 10 favorite travel Instagram accounts to follow.

Due to the COVID19 pandemic, it is not the best time to start planning an exciting holiday since no one knows exactly what the future holds. Yet, many of us are looking for a brief escape from a new reality aflood with coronavirus stories. So there’s no better time to dream a little by looking at insanely stunning travel photos that bring beautiful destinations to the forefront. Over the past few years, bloggers and influencers have boomed in popularity, yet only few succeed in truly inspiring others. Here are my 10 favorite Instagram travel bloggers who you can follow as well to feed your own wanderlust. And of course, you can always follow my own Instagram account at @LuxuryTravelExpert .

Think I missed one? Who is your favorite Instagram travel blogger? Leave a comment .


Mikki Tenazas was studying medicine until he realized his passion was elsewhere. After he graduated med school, he took his leap of faith and traveled the world, building a large audience on his personal Instagram account @thetravelpro . Mikki is also the founder of @TheGlobeWanderer , one of Instagram’s most followed travel accounts.

View this post on Instagram One of the most epic hotels we ever stayed in this year was Keemala, with its uniquely-designed villas that incorporated elements found in nature, like the Bird’s Nest Villa you see here. Today I’m counting down my favorite resorts in the most amazing locations on Stories. Check out the whole series and see where @keemalaphuket ranks! #TheGlobeWanderer #TheTravelPro #2018 #bestof2018 A post shared by Mikki Tenazas (@thetravelpro) on Dec 30, 2018 at 8:01am PST


Jack Morris is the world traveler and professional photographer behind @doyoutravel , his travel-focused Instagram account with over two million followers. He’s known for his idyllic photographs of the most spectacular places on earth. On a side note, Morris earns a six-figure salary for traveling the world and was once paid $9,000 USD for a single post on Instagram.

View this post on Instagram Are you following your dream? 👊🏼 So many of you ask me how I got to where I am today, how I travelled nonstop for so long, and how I can make money online. Unfortunately there’s no simple answer and there’s no secret overnight success tip. . With that said, I truly believe ANYONE can do it if that’s what they really want to do! It just requires some hard work, and passion. 💪🏽 . There’s soo many things you can do online these days, there’s an infinite amount of opportunity, and so many resources to help you achieve goals. . I’ve been pushing The Preset Bundle hard over these last few days because it’s truly one of the best things you can buy online right now if you’re wanting to kickstart an online career, especially in the social media space. . There’s a shit load of presets in there (which is epic) but there’s also a bunch guides on how to master social media and make a career out of it, as well as video tutorials on how to better your photography. It’s the ultimate package created for you, by the leading creators online. We all collaborated on this together and are real proud of it! If you haven’t bought it already, join over 8000 others and get involved! It’ll be gone in a few days and I’d hate for you to miss out on this! You can still get it now with the link in my bio! Sorry for the essay haha✌🏻 A post shared by JACK MORRIS (@doyoutravel) on Feb 28, 2020 at 5:16am PST


Munich-based Madeleine Schneider-Weiffenbach has spent a good chunk of her life in the air. After earning her pilot’s license, she had trouble finding a job with an airline, so she channeled her love of flying and travel into a different career path. Today, she’s one of the most popular travel influencers on Instagram, sharing stunning snaps of destinations like Santorini and Cappadocia.

View this post on Instagram 🎉 BIG PROJECT REVEAL 🎉 I‘ve teamed up with some of my favorite creators to offer this massive XXL Preset Bundle to you guys (LINK IN BIO) 🤩🤩🤩 What‘s included: 🖤 50+ Preset Packs + 2 Photography Guides 📸 🖤Over 1200+ Presets (Mobile + Desktop) 🖤Presets from 36 creators (swipe to check out a few others besides Iqbal and I) 🖤 Worth more than 2600€/ 2900 USD However, we are offering it to our followers for only 79,99€ 🙌🏽🎉 This is by far the best deal I‘ve ever seen on Instagram 😱 And it‘s getting even better: By ordering via the link in my bio (or via bit.ly/PresetBundle) you also have the chance to win: 🥇 A trip to the Maldives for 2 people (worth 3000$) 🥈 Canon EOS 6D Camera (2000$) 🥉 DJI Mavick 2 Pro (1500$) Just be quick because this offer is limited time only and it will never come back again 🙈😬 If you use the link in my bio or ➡️ bit.ly/PresetBundle ⬅️ I will also help you to install them on your phone and/ or desktop ❤️ A post shared by MADDIE ♡ TRAVEL & LIFESTYLE (@pilotmadeleine) on Feb 28, 2020 at 12:00am PST


Doctor Ali Alsulaiman is a Saudi Arabia born doctor, who is now based in London. Ali quit his clinical practice and became a passionate full time traveler about a year ago. Taking his camera with him on his journeys across the globe and making incredibly beautiful pictures along the way, his Instagram feed makes us dream of luxury hotels and far flung destinations.

View this post on Instagram A sunrise treatment for the soul. A post shared by Dr.Ali Alsulaiman (@travelsofali) on Oct 19, 2019 at 6:22am PDT


Ranking among my favorite resorts in the world, Soneva is the holy grail of luxury travel for many Instagram fashionables and (social media) celebrities because it offers unrivaled photo opportunities. Soneva’s Instagram page @discoversoneva – one of the world’s most followed hotel accounts – gives daily updates with photos that make us long for our next holiday.

View this post on Instagram Is there anywhere you'd rather be right now? #sonevajani #discoversoneva #experiencesoneva #soneva25 #sonevafushi #luxuryexperience #luxuryresort #luxurylife #luxurytravel #amazingdestinations #beautifulplaces #dreamdestination #wonderful_places #beautifuldestinations #nourishyoursoul #oceanlife #oceanlover #oceanlifestyle #maldives #maldives_ig #visitmaldives #maldivesinsider #maldivesresorts #maldivesislands #maldiveslovers #maldivesphotography #beautifulmaldives 📸@ _dgtravel_ A post shared by Soneva (@discoversoneva) on Mar 24, 2020 at 2:00am PDT


I am a huge wildlife and safari enthusiast, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise to find Wilderness Safaris’ Instagram account @wearewilderness in this top 10 list. Wilderness Safaris is one of Africa’s leading luxury ecotourism companies that exists to protect pristine wilderness areas and the fauna and flora they support.

View this post on Instagram Little lions of the Linyanti. Images: Claire Voyle, @clairevoyle #Olympus Photographer #lioncubs #SavutiCamp #Botswana #Wearewilderness #wildernesssafaris A post shared by Wilderness Safaris (@wearewilderness) on Feb 21, 2020 at 8:58am PST


Emmett has had more heart stopping adventures than most of us will see in our lifetimes, whether it be hanging from a helicopter over a Hawaiian volcano, sledding down a Swiss glacier at sunset, or being dropped deep into a cave in Java. By sharing his amazing experiences with gorgeous photography, Emmett now makes his living as one of Instagram’s fastest growing adventure travel photographer.

View this post on Instagram One of the most memorable sunrise shoots I’ve ever been on. We took a helicopter over the Swiss Alps and got to see these powerful mountains from above. Anyone down to ski this thing? A post shared by TRAVEL 🌎 EMMETT SPARLING (@emmett_sparling) on Mar 24, 2020 at 8:10am PDT


Hamburg based Alexander Williamson is the mastermind behind the Instagram page @alexpreview. Setting social media feeds alight with images of Bora Bora, the Maldives and Thailand, each post is sure to make you wish you were right there with him. His dreamy photos and videos often feature on the Instagram feed of the world’s most famous travel magazines, @CNTraveler and @TravelandLeisure .

View this post on Instagram When you find the one place, where every single thing you see tells you to stay ⛰✨ @fsborabora A post shared by ➳ Λ L E X (@alexpreview) on Jan 24, 2020 at 10:54am PST


Christian LeBlanc is a Vancouver resident who quit his accounting job at age 22, moved to Asia, and lived like a “broke backpacker” for a year before his social media business took off. Today, the 26-year-old goes by the name “Lost LeBlanc” and creates stunning travel content for his more than one million YouTube subscribers and 600,000 Instagram followers.

View this post on Instagram This week I experienced my first ever midnight sun. In the summer months, Northern Norway has sunlight 24 hours a day. The sun literally doesn’t go below the horizon for 2 months. Checked this experience off my bucket list and it surpassed my expectations in every single way. Norway really took me by surprise 💙 Pc: @whatthechic A post shared by Christian LeBlanc (@lostleblanc) on Jun 15, 2019 at 8:56am PDT


Jeremy Austin is a Miami based high-end travel content creator, who makes stunning photos of mostly tropical destinations for his 300,000+ followers. He’s the partner of @missangievilla , another word traveler who often features in his photos. Before their Instagram business took off, Jeremy was a personal trainer in Miami Beach and Angie was a model, working with clothing and lifestyle brands.

View this post on Instagram Steamy mornings in the Dolomites! 🏔 TAG someone you would invite here! @hotel_hubertus A post shared by JEREMY AUSTIN (@jeremyaustiin) on Oct 27, 2019 at 6:56am PDT

*** Follow me on  Instagram ,  Youtube ,  Twitter  or  Facebook  for a daily moment of travel inspiration ***

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Don’t forget me =) I’m sure you’ll enjoy! https://www.instagram.com/danicaspi

Thank you for taking the time to collect all these noteworthy Instagram sites into one easily readable newsletter. Much appreciated! (I just started following four of these Instagram accounts.)

Wow, such an amazing list! My partner and I absolutely loveeeee Jeremy Austin’s account, glad to see you follow him too! 🙂

Incredible! Where is that place in the #1 photo? From Jeremy. Absolutely spectacular!

@Jessica Owen: Alpin Panorama Hotel Hubertus

Don’t forget to check @inkahustler



Rishnomad has a cool instagram travel account as well. He has traveled everywhere .

Thank you for following this fascinating blog with us.

Great article! The travel tips you’ve included are practical and helpful. I’m planning my next vacation, and your suggestions will definitely come in handy. Do you have any personal travel stories or recommendations to share?

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How to Make the Best Travel Instagram Reels, According to Social Media Influencers

By Jishnu Bandyopadhyay

How to Make the Best Travel Instagram Reels According to Social Media Influencers

No matter where you're traveling in the world, you'll want to take some of those memories back with you. And if you love capturing them on Instagram , you're in luck. Condé Nast Traveller India spoke to some of the best travel creators in South Asia—including Larissa D’sa , Wander with Sky’s Aakash Malhotra , Savi and Vid of Bruised Passports, Siddhartha Joshi , and Revati and Charles Victor of Different Doors—for their tips on creating travel Reels for Instagram and putting your best foot forward on the Explore page. Here is your ultimate guide to making the next viral travel Reel.

All products featured on Condé Nast Traveler are independently selected by our editors. If you buy something through our retail links, we may earn an affiliate commission.

How do you start making a travel Reel for Instagram?

Malhotra begins with a clear-cut plan when making a Reel. “When crafting a compelling travel Reel, there are five key principles to bear in mind,” he says. “Prioritize high-quality footage and unique perspectives. Weave a narrative: Keep it personal and authentic. Emotions over beauty: Capture the essence of the locale. Audio is king: Choose complementary soundtracks. And lastly, timing matters: Share high-resolution content within the optimal timeframe.”

Savi and Vid stress that the video needs to be representative of the experience you are having or want viewers to have: “Be it a place you’re traveling to or somewhere you’re dining ! It needs to be impactful. If you can capture the audience within the first half, then that’s a sure-shot winner. Trending music is a no-brainer.”

For D’sa, it needs to feel authentic and real. “I have to keep it authentic, else it's not me,” she says. “Going viral should never be the reason to make a Reel. When you are truly enjoying yourself in a video, it shows. And that joy is infectious. Even though the quality of the video is of utmost importance, having fun and looking beyond trends is the key.”

Revati and Charles suggest being clear on what you are trying to communicate. “Some useful information ? A beautiful view? It’s then easier to make decisions while shooting, rather than ending up with a lot of footage that you don’t really like or can use.” They also recommend being the face of your Reel. “Don’t be afraid or shy to get in front of the camera! And talk. People love listening to people and seeing their faces to be able to put a face to the voice.”

Instagram content

This content can also be viewed on the site it originates from.

What equipment do you use to make a travel Reel?

“When it comes to crafting cinematic Reels, my go-to gear includes the iPhone 14 Pro,” says Malhotra. However, he also relies on a versatile array of equipment to elevate his content. “I use the Sony Alpha ZV-E1 for vlogs, accompanied by a selection of lenses tailored to specific needs. The DJI Mavic 3 takes care of breathtaking aerial shots, while the DJI Avata provides wide-angle drone shots. In addition, my trusty GoPro HERO 12 swoops in to capture all the action.”

D’sa says, “95% of my Reels are shot on camera. But an iPhone camera is good enough to start.” While Savi and Vid use a full-frame camera, their phones, and a tripod to make their Reels with a multi-camera setup. Joshi also uses his iPhone camera to film most videos.

For Revati and Charles, it depends on the situation at hand. “Our trusted Sony a7R III camera is for when we need stellar footage." An iPhone camera works for easy shots; a Hollyland Lark Wireless Microphone for clear voice-overs, and to talk over distances.

Malhotra says, “If you're embarking on your journey as a travel Reel creator on Instagram, you'll be pleased to know that an iPhone is your all-in-one solution. In fact, it's the only equipment I believe you truly need.” Revati and Charles add, “The best camera is the one you already have and know how to use ! It’s simple, shoots some great footage and doesn’t have a steep learning curve. There are people who’ve shot such fabulous films with just their phones!”

Savi and Vid suggest you add a portable ring light to your kit to make closeup shots look instantly better.

Which apps or software do you use to edit videos?

“To fine-tune my masterpieces, I turn to a variety of editing tools. On my laptop, I rely on Final Cut Pro for comprehensive edits. When on the move, VN Video Editor is my choice for mobile editing, and I also harness the native Instagram Reels tab for those final touches,” says Malhotra.

Joshi also suggests the VN Video Editor app for edits on the go: “For those just starting out, simplicity is the key to success. You can accomplish most of your edits using the Instagram app itself. Remember, consistency is the linchpin of growth. Begin there, and venture into more advanced editing techniques as you go.”

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For Savi and Vid, Adobe Premiere Pro takes the cake. “I enjoy playing around with fonts, grading, and colors. There are countless phone-friendly apps like InShot and Filmm that are great for beginners or for established creators to edit on the go.” D’sa uses Premiere Pro on her laptop too, but she prefers InShot for on-phone editing. “Though it might sound time-consuming, I would always recommend learning desktop-based software before one on a phone. That truly makes learning the process on the phone quicker. I personally started with Adobe Premiere on my laptop, but there is DaVinci Resolve , which is arguably the best and has a free version too.”

Revati and Charles use a MacBook Pro to edit. “It helps to have an SSD drive and a large-capacity Drobo to archive can save and access all the footage for later use. Of course, sometimes it’s as simple as shooting with your phone and editing on it, either with templates or with editing apps like VLLO . The edit must roughly be in your head before you shoot. Our 35-odd years of collective experience in shooting commercial films have etched that in our minds. Take people through a journey or discovery. Every piece of content is a story, even just info-dispensing ones! As a process, do a rough lineup, without worrying about the exact points you want to cut. If it makes sense, then begin cutting precisely. Walk away from it for a bit, and you will often return with great ideas. If you have a voice-over, having that in place with your rough cut will tell you whether you need fewer or more words. The superimposed text should be limited to just the few things you want to emphasize.”

What’s the key to a catchy caption on Instagram?

“Try to be unique with your words, and don’t be afraid to make it emotional. That’s when you will be able to create an interesting caption that connects with your audience,” says D’sa. While Joshi says, “Treat each reel differently. Ideally, keep it short, but in some cases, you might need to add more information in the description that wasn't in the reel, or cue to a bigger story.”

Savi and Vid aren’t afraid to keep their captions bulky: “We’ve always been storytellers, so we love writing long and meaningful captions. I would say one should go with their instinct while penning captions. If you enjoy short and impactful captions, go the one-line route! But if words give you joy or you have valuable information to share, write a lengthy descriptive one.”

“Don’t forget to provide any context or background info that you couldn’t add in the reel,” say Revati and Charles. “Ask a question—it’s great to get more engagement and comments. Write in your own voice, and make sure you don’t use phrases that you’d never utter. Use hashtags and keywords for added discoverability, and put relevant information in (cost, location, timings, etc). Lastly, since it’s happened to us, please don’t copy someone else’s caption!”

Malhotra adds, “Crafting an engaging caption is an art in itself. Here's the secret: Keep it concise and relatable. Always remember, that your caption serves as the second point of engagement. This means that if someone enjoys what they see in your reel, they'll be inclined to delve deeper into your caption. So, make your caption an extension of the story your video tells.”

What shouldn't you do when making travel videos?

“Make sure your content isn’t being uploaded in low-resolution. Remember that timing is everything. Don't post when your potential audience is catching the z's and try avoiding non-trending audios,” says Malhotra.

Savi and Vid suggest that you do not “overdo the filters and colors, as overly processed reels tend not to do well. Avoid too much text [on the video itself]. It gets tough to read and people love watching and listening more than reading. And don’t just copy trends mindlessly. If it’s you, then go for it.”

Joshi says, “Copying someone else’s style might work for a while, but you need to develop your own aesthetic. We personally feel there are no strict no's, except reels promoting irresponsible behavior that can cause societal harm, such as littering in public places, ignoring driving rules to film sensational content, or reinforcing sexist stereotypes,” say Savi and Vid.

Revati and Charles add, “Just post. Don’t wait to gold-plate it. The more you do it, the better you’ll get. Don’t worry so much about what people are going to think or how you look. You’re forgotten at the start of the next reel!”

A version of this article originally appeared in Condé Nast Traveller India .

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travel content instagram

Best Travel Content Ideas for Instagram

In the realm of social media, where visuals reign supreme,  Instagram has become the ultimate platform for travel enthusiasts to share their adventures and inspire others to explore the world. Are you seeking innovative ways to enhance your travel content and captivate your audience? Look no further! Here, I present you an curated collection of the best travel content ideas for Instagram , designed to elevate your storytelling and transport your followers to breathtaking destinations.

travel content instagram

My Top Travel Content Ideas

Wanderlust Destinations : Feature awe-inspiring locations that evoke wanderlust and leave your audience yearning for adventure. Showcase hidden gems, stunning landscapes, and iconic landmarks. Whether it's a pristine tropical beach, a bustling cityscape, or a serene mountain vista, let your imagery transport viewers to far-flung corners of the globe.

Local Encounters and Cultural Immersion : Share authentic experiences that offer a glimpse into the soul of a destination . Engage with locals, capture their stories, and showcase their traditions. From vibrant markets and street food delicacies to traditional festivals and indigenous crafts, immerse yourself in the local culture and convey its essence through your content. Make videos (Reels, Stories) about the exploring the differences in culture. For example, consider creating a video titled "10 Things I Didn't Know About Japan," where you can highlight intriguing aspects such as the significance of bowing, the abundance of vending machines, and the art of omotenashi, Japan's unparalleled hospitality. Similarly, in a video titled "3 Things That Surprise Me in Korea," you can share your experiences with the K-pop phenomenon, the tradition of jimjilbang (Korean bathhouses), and the mouthwatering delights of Korean street food. These videos will not only entertain and educate your followers but also inspire them to explore and embrace different cultures.

Epic Adventures and Outdoor Exploration : Embrace the spirit of adventure and showcase thrilling activities that get your heart racing. From hiking to remote waterfalls and conquering mountain peaks to diving into vibrant coral reefs or embarking on a cross-country road trip, highlight the exhilaration of outdoor exploration. Don't forget to capture those adrenaline-fueled moments and let your audience feel the excitement through your lens.

Unique Perspectives and Creative Angles : Challenge the norm by capturing scenes from unconventional angles or playing with perspective. Experiment with aerial photography using drones , bring along mirrors to create stunning reflection photos, or showcase the world through a fisheye lens. By adding a creative twist to your content and incorporating mirrors into your compositions, you'll unlock a whole new realm of visual possibilities. Reflect breathtaking landscapes, architectural wonders, or even yourself in unexpected surfaces to create captivating and unique images that will undoubtedly make your posts stand out from the crowd. Embrace the art of reflection photography and watch as your audience becomes mesmerized by your innovative approach.

Inspiring Travel Stories and Personal Narratives : Go beyond stunning visuals and accompany your posts with compelling storytelling . Share personal travel anecdotes, highlight transformative moments, and inspire your audience with tales of self-discovery and personal growth. Engage your followers by creating meaningful connections through your experiences, offering travel tips , and encouraging them to embark on their own journeys.

Travel Style and Fashion Inspiration : Showcase your unique travel style and inspire your audience with fashionable outfits suited for different destinations. Experiment with different aesthetics, from bohemian chic to urban sophistication, and let your fashion choices complement the backdrop of your adventures. Highlight local designers and artisans, promoting sustainable fashion and cultural appreciation.

Food Adventures and Culinary Delights : Delight your audience's taste buds by capturing the delectable cuisines you encounter on your travels. From mouthwatering street food to fine dining experiences, share tantalizing images and vivid descriptions that evoke the flavors and aromas of the places you visit. Don't forget to explore the local food scene, try regional specialties, and recommend hidden gastronomic treasures. Make a reel about the best street food you had during your travel.

Share Funny Moments: One overlooked aspect of travel is stumbling upon funny and quirky moments of amusement and laughter. When exploring new destinations, keep an eye out for those unexpected gems that can add a touch of humor to your Instagram feed . Whether it's a street sign with a hilariously ironic message, a creatively designed warning sign, or a play on words that brings a smile to your face, capturing these amusing moments is a fantastic way to engage your audience . By sharing these moments through your photographs, you not only entertain your followers but also showcase the lighthearted side of your travel experiences.

Share Fascinating Facts about Places You've Visited: Educate and entertain your audience by sharing intriguing facts about the places you've explored. Whether it's historical anecdotes, cultural trivia , or mind-boggling natural phenomena, these facts will engage your followers and deepen their knowledge of the destinations you've experienced firsthand.

Post Your Favorite Travel Quotes: Inject inspiration and wanderlust into your Instagram feed by sharing your favorite travel quotes . One example is "Live your life by a compass, not a clock." These quotes resonate with the longing for adventure and serve as powerful reminders of the transformative power of travel. Encourage your followers to embrace new experiences, seek personal growth, and live life to the fullest.

Offer Travel Hacks and Budgeting Tips: Empower your audience with valuable travel hacks that make their journeys more seamless and enjoyable. Share tips on finding the best deals on accommodations, navigating public transportation systems, packing efficiently, or accessing hidden gems. By offering practical advice and shortcuts, you become a trusted source of expertise for fellow travelers.

These inspiring travel content ideas will take your Instagram game to new heights . Let your creativity soar, infuse your storytelling with passion, and transport your followers to captivating destinations through your lens. Remember, the world is your canvas, and with every post, you have the power to ignite wanderlust and inspire others to embark on their own extraordinary journeys. Happy exploring and happy posting!

Make sure to follow my Instagram to find more ideas for captivating travel content on the platform.

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79 Best Travel Hashtags For Instagram (Travel & Tourism)

Published: April 18, 2024

79 Best Travel HashTags

Hashtags are more than just a social media trend; they are powerful tools for enhancing visibility and engagement. Hastags are not limited to Instagram, you can use hashtags on YouTube to boost views or even TikTok to reach more targeted TikTokers! For example, if you wanted to reach users from USA , you could use local hashtags like #NYC.

For travelers, the right hashtags can connect them with a global audience, sharing their experiences and discoveries with like-minded individuals.

For travel bloggers, family travel hashtags are not just about visibility—they also provide opportunities to connect with brands, participate in community discussions, and even get featured on prominent social media pages or travel platforms.

Most Popular Travel Hashtags For Tourism

Top Travel Hashtags For Tourism

General Travel Tags

Trending hashtags such as #Travel, #Adventure, and #Vacation are immensely popular across various social media platforms. 

While these tags for travel influencers are broad and can enhance the visibility of your travel posts, they are also highly competitive due to the sheer volume of content associated with them. 

As a result, your posts might get lost in a sea of similar content, which could reduce their effectiveness in reaching a targeted audience who is genuinely interested in specific travel experiences or advice.

  • #SeeTheWorld
  • #Backpacking
  • #TravelLife
  • #SoloTravel
  • #TravelTips
  • #TravelAddict
  • #VacationMode
  • #VacationTime

Source: These hashtags we’re analysed using hashtag analytical tool HashTagsForLikes.

Destination-Specific Tags

Using destination-specific hashtags can be extremely beneficial for reaching audiences interested in specific locations more effectively. 

Tags like #VisitJapan, #ExploreCanada, or #DiscoverItaly help segment your content into categories sought after by Instagram users on Instagram feeds planning trips to these countries or curious about these cultures. 

These travel hashtags not only improve the discoverability of your travel posts but also connect you with audiences seeking detailed travel tips, cultural insights, or hidden gems in these locations.

  • #VisitJapan
  • #ExploreCanada
  • #DiscoverItaly
  • #ParisVibes
  • #NYCExplorer
  • #LondonLife
  • #SeeAustralia
  • #TravelMexico
  • #VisitIndia
  • #ExploreGermany
  • #BrazilAdventures
  • #ThailandTravel
  • #SpainVacation
  • #VisitNorway

Activity-Specific Tags

Focusing on particular activities through travel hashtags can greatly enhance engagement with your content. 

Tags such as #HikingAdventures, #CityTours, or #BeachLife appeal to Instagram users with specific interests in these areas. 

When you use these tags, your content reaches those who are most likely to appreciate and interact with your detailed travel posts about certain activities. 

This focused approach helps attract an engaged audience that is keen on exploring specific aspects of travel, such as outdoor adventures or urban explorations.

  • #HikingAdventures
  • #MountainBiking
  • #ScubaDiving
  • #CampingLife
  • #CulinaryTravel
  • #FishingTrip
  • #WineTasting
  • #HistoricalSites
  • #RoadTripping

Niche Travel Hashtags

For solo travelers.

The hashtag #SoloTravel is invaluable for individuals who embark on solo journeys. 

It allows them to share their unique experiences with travel influencers, ranging from self-discovery to the practical aspects of solo travels, such as safety tips and the best places to eat alone. 

This hashtag not only helps in cataloging personal journeys but also builds a community of solo travelers who can exchange advice and encouragement, enhancing the solo travel experience.

  • #SoloJourney
  • #SingleTravel
  • #OneManWolfPack
  • #TravelAlone
  • #SoloExplorer
  • #SoloAdventures
  • #SingleAdventurer
  • #LoneTraveler
  • #MeMyselfAndI
  • #SoloVoyager
  • #SoloWanderer
  • #IndependentTravel
  • #SoloTravelTips

Eco-Friendly Travel

Using trending travel hashtags like #EcoTravel promotes environmentally responsible travel practices. 

This type of content is crucial for an Instagram account raising awareness about sustainable tourism practices, such as supporting local economies, minimizing plastic use, or staying at eco-friendly accommodations. 

The #EcoTravel hashtag connects like-minded travelers who prioritize minimizing their environmental footprint while exploring new places.

  • #SustainableTravel
  • #GreenTravel
  • #EcoTourism
  • #ResponsibleTravel
  • #TravelGreen
  • #EcoFriendly
  • #Sustainability
  • #LowImpactTravel
  • #EcoConscious
  • #NatureLovers
  • #Conservation
  • #EcoAdventures
  • #GreenTourism
  • #EnvironmentalTravel

Luxury Travel

For a more refined audience interested in high-end travel experiences, travel video hashtags such as #LuxuryTravel are perfect. 

This niche tag helps attract viewers looking for content about luxury accommodations, exclusive experiences, gourmet dining, and high-quality service. 

Using #LuxuryTravel for your Instagram reels can enhance your content’s appeal to those who enjoy the finer aspects of travel and are looking for recommendations that meet their elevated standards.

  • #LuxuryTravel
  • #HighEndTravel
  • #LuxuryLife
  • #OpulentJourney
  • #LuxuryDestinations
  • #LuxuryResorts
  • #LuxuryHotels
  • #FiveStarTravel
  • #PremiumTravel
  • #EliteTravel
  • #LuxuryExperiences
  • #SumptuousTravel
  • #LuxuryTraveler
  • #LuxuriousEscape
  • #AffluentTraveler

The Importance of Trending Travel Hashtags 

Enhancing content reach.

In the world of travel, where new experiences and visuals are constantly shared, luxury travel hashtags are crucial tools for amplifying the reach of social media posts. 

By utilizing relevant travel hashtags, content creators can expose their travel stories to a broader audience beyond their immediate followers. 

This is particularly vital for capturing the essence of new locations, which could enthrall an audience that is actively searching for real and authentic travel experiences. 

Hashtags help bridge the gap between content creators and content seekers, bringing global destinations to potential travelers’ fingertips.

Connecting with Communities

For many travelers, hashtags are more than just a tool for visibility—they are a means of connecting with others who share similar passions and interests. 

Whether it’s finding someone who has navigated the same remote hiking trails or connected with local cultures, most popular travel hashtags facilitate these connections. 

Travelers can share their experiences under specific hashtags, which allows others who are planning similar trips to find authentic advice and real-life recommendations. 

This community-building aspect of luxury travel hashtags is invaluable, as it leads to exchanges of travel tips, safety advice, recommendations for must-see spots, and sometimes even personal connections that can last a lifetime. 

This shared knowledge base can greatly enhance the travel experience, providing insights and information that are not always available through traditional travel guides or websites.

Using trending travel hashtags effectively can expand your social media reach, connect you with the travel community, and enhance your online presence.

Interested about hashtags? Read out other in-depth guides about: music hashtags , photography hashtags , art hashtags and beauty hashtags .

Experiment with different combinations of trending hashtags to discover what works best for your content and audience. 

Staying adaptable with your hashtag strategy can lead to significant benefits in how your travel content is received and engaged online.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can i determine which right hashtags will best suit my travel content.

To determine the most suitable travel photos hashtags for your travel content, consider the specific focus of your post. 

If you’re highlighting a location on your Instagram account, look for popular destination-specific travel videos hashtags that might already have a following, such as #VisitNorway or #SoCalLife for Southern California. 

For activity-based content, use travel video hashtags that describe the activity, like #ScubaDiving or #MountainBiking. 

Additionally, tools like Instagram’s search function can show you how many social media posts are using a particular hashtag and suggest related hashtags, which can help you gauge their popularity and relevance.

Are there any tools available to help manage and analyze the effectiveness of my family travel hashtags?

Yes, several tools can help you manage and analyze the effectiveness of your travel photos hashtags for your Instagram feeds. 

Platforms like Hootsuite, Buffer, and Sprout Social provide hashtag analytics that can track engagement and reach. 

These tools can help you understand which family travel videos hashtags are performing well, allowing you to adjust your strategy accordingly. 

Additionally, apps like HashTagsForLikes (Top rated) and RiteTag offer real-time hashtag suggestions and performance analytics specifically designed to enhance hashtag engagement.

How often should I refresh my travel video hashtags strategy for travel content?

Your hashtag strategy should be reviewed and refreshed periodically to align with changing trends, seasonal topics, or new destinations you’re covering. 

Typically, reviewing your strategy monthly or quarterly is a good practice. Keep an eye on emerging trends and popular hashtags within the travel community. 

Adapting your family travel hashtags to include timely topics, such as #SummerTravel during vacation season or #WinterEscapes, can also boost engagement by tapping into current user interests and seasonal activities.

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How to Become a Travel Instagram Influencer: 7 Secrets for Success

Travel instagram accounts have inspired people from all over the globe to set out on adventures and explore new cultures.

These nomadic influencers partner with brands in an infinite number of ways. They travel the world and create gorgeous content in exchange for free gear, trips and once-in-a-lifetime experiences. In fact, influencers are collaborating with many of those brands right here on Perlu !

Seems like a dream job, right? That’s why so many people want to know how to become a travel blogger on instagram.

To help you get started, we’ll reveal some inside tips from top travel influencers so you, too, can earn a living while working with fun brands and exploring the world! Read on to discover 7 tips to start your own travel Instagram account with a splash.

1. Start with a Smart Username

Don’t get too fancy here. Avoid using confusing symbols or spellings in your username. We suggest either use your actual name (for authenticity) or a travel-inspired moniker.

Whatever username you select, keep it short and sweet. And if you’re on other social media platforms or have a blog or website, be sure your username is consistent throughout your brand touchpoints. Users will jump from your Instagram to your blog to your Facebook group and back again, so consistency is key.

If you can make your username and/or brand memorable and “ownable,” that is gold.

For example, travel blogger Lesley Murphy was able to tie-in her name and her favorite topic of discussion with “ The Road Les Traveled .” (Get it, “Les?”) Her website is TheRoadLesTraveled.com (“ownable”) and her Instagram account is her actual name (authenticity).

Make it real, authentic and ownable.

2. Find Your Focus + Your Voice

You aren’t the world’s first travel Instagram influencer, but don’t let that intimidate you. There are plenty of ways to stand out in your niche , no matter how oversaturated it feels.

travel foodie influencer taking photo of food

What makes you unlike any other travel Instagram influencer is, well…you. You have your own voice, your own personality, your own likes and dislikes.

Christina Kantzavelos of BuenQamino

Better yet, if you have hobbies outside of travel, cross-pollinate your passions to make your Instagram account truly unique. Anthony Bourdain, chef and travel documentarian, combined his three favorite passions: food, travel, and meeting new people. This cross-pollination made him one of the most beloved and influential celebrities in the travel world.

So what else do you love? Fashion? Sustainability? Food? Numchucks table tennis ? (Yes, it’s a thing.)

Christina Kantzavelos of BuenQamino loves travel and food – and she has celiac disease. Instead of letting her food allergies stop her from traveling the world, she created a “gluten-free, dairy-free, autoimmune-friendly travel and lifestyle blog” that inspires others to travel despite similar limitations.

Find your loves, combine them and, above all else, be authentic.

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3. Learn to Take Good Photos

Since Instagram is a visual platform, good photos are essential. Notice we said “good” photos, not “professional” photos. You’re not Thomas Havel , professional outdoor and adventure photographer – and that’s okay!

There’s no need to drop thousands of dollars on a camera. You probably have the perfect camera in your hand already – on your smartphone. Instead, why not spend significantly less $$$ on an iPhone photography course ? Or better yet, hit up YouTube for some free pointers.

travel influencers taking selfie

One thing you’ll notice about a lot of successful travel Instagrammers is that they have a solid aesthetic – in other words, their Instagram has a theme that makes their feed look beautifully coordinated.

A theme isn’t necessary, but if you want one, start figuring out what kind of aesthetic you’re going for. Light and summery? Dark and moody? Earthy and neutral? Bright and minimal?

“I also utilized a theme, either a color palette or a place or something that when people looked at my entire account versus just one photo, that it looked interesting and pleasing,” says Perlu member Cacinda Maloney of Points and Travel . “Many IGers put the same filter on all their photos, which works for some, but I don’t do this, as I like bright photos for some themes and less for others depending on the location.”

Start researching the best editing apps such as Lightroom, VSCO and Snapseed. Test them all out until you find the one that works best for you. If you find yourself struggling to create filters and presets you love or a consistent feed, check out sites like Creative Market , where Instagrammers and photography experts alike create packs of presets for people just like you! And ask other travel Instagrammers what their favorite tools and resources are.

Travel Influencer Dr. Cacinda Maloney Horseback on Beach

“Everyone knows how important it is to use great quality photographs on a travel Instagram account,” says Perlu member Dana Freeman of Dana Freeman Travels . “The old adage ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’ has never been truer. However, these days, with so many travel Instagram accounts it is more important than ever you post authentic photos. Followers want to be inspired to travel to the destination that you are sharing. They won’t be able to do that if they can’t actually picture themselves there.”

No matter how much or how little you edit your photos, remember that authenticity is key. The majority of your time should be spent finding and telling stories and interacting with your audience.

4. Engage Your Audience!

“Engagement is key,” says Christina of BuenQamino. “Responding and interacting with your audience through comments, stories, messages, etc. is quite impactful. It lets us know you’re not a bot, or a person hired to just post and do the bare minimum.”

travel instagrammer engaging with her audience

Engagement makes you appear approachable and authentic. When you aren’t creating stories or telling stories, take time out of your day—every day—to interact with your audience.

Better yet, set aside time during each day for your audience. Half an hour may be all you need. It will pay dividends faster than most any other technique you can implement.

Reply to comments and DMs (even the negative ones, if you want). Ask your audience questions. However, don’t be a “askhole: a person who asks for advice, yet always does the opposite of what they were told.” Involve your audience and let them participate. For example, you could use the Q&A feature on Instagram to ask your audience where you should travel next.

“Engage, engage, engage,” Christina says. “Did I mention engagement?”

To create an even stronger connection, give your audience more than they expect. Not only should you show great photos – give them travel tips.

How do you find cheap flights? What airlines are the best? How do you find your rooms – hotels? Airbnbs? Word of mouth? What are your favorite travel apps? What are your best budget tips?

Your content tells your story, yes, but the more you help your followers, the more loyal they will become.

“You also need to engage, comment and like, other photos within your genre,” says Cacinda of Points and Travel. One great way to do that is with Perlu ! Head over to the profiles of fellow travel influencers, give them a follow, and then head to their Instagram profiles and follow them there, too. This sets you up for amazing collaboration opportunities.

5. Use Relevant Travel Hashtags

This tip may seem like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised at the mistakes even veterans make.

100 million photos and videos are shared on Instagram every day, most of them using hashtags, and that number is conservative. So choose your hashtags wisely. Find a happy medium with hashtags that are popular enough that people are actually searching for them, but not so popular that your photo quickly gets pushed down by other posts.

travel instagram influencer choosing hashtags

Obviously, #travel is No. 1, but that means millions of people are using that hashtag. You won’t stand out. You may get found by a few people via that hashtag, but the chances of really growing your followers through #travel are slim.

So research other travel-related hashtags. Check out the hashtags Travel + Leisure and Conde Nast Traveler use. Piggyback their hashtags to grab their eyeballs. Some companies such as Atalanta create branded hashtags (#atalantaworld) that travel instagram accounts can use for the chance to get featured on their Instagram. Talk about a sweet way to grow your audience fast.

#blogtravel, #culturetrip, #travelwriter are all gathering thousands of followers, while at the same time appealing to a narrower audience. A family going to Disney World could use #travel, which is useless if you’re, say, an international travel writer. #travelwriter may be a better option.

Consider using location-specific posts, too. And while you’re at it – geotags!

Instagram allows users to search by location, so when they search for places you’ve visited, BOOM – they find you.

Activity-specific posts help too. And regional-specific hashtags. The better you define the content, the more likely you are to receive the perfect set of eyeballs. You could even tag restaurants, hotels and businesses you visit on your trip. Who knows – they may pay you to come back!

travel instagram influencer in hotel room with luggage

Our final word of advice: create your very own travel-related hashtag. Make one that is specific to you – one that defines you and helps your followers find you. Then, use that hashtag consistently so your followers come to expect it. They may even start using it, thus leading their followers back to you.

6. Use Instagram Stories + Instagram Live

You have many tools at your disposal. The trick is to amplify your brand as efficiently – and cost-effectively – as possible without getting lost in the crowd.

Here’s a great start: utilize Instagram Stories and Instagram Live to the very best of your abilities like Stephanie White of Stephanie White Travels .

“On Instagram stories, I love to promote my blog posts and latest Instagram posts to increase my engagement,” Stephanie says.

Instagram newbies are often so excited about entering the social space, they clutter their feed with post after post. But remember – quality trumps quantity. So there’s no reason to exhaust yourself by editing 5 photos and writing 5 captions every day. One really good, authentic post a day (or even just a few a week) can have a greater impact than multiple mediocre posts a day.

“When I first started on IG in 2014, I was posting photos four times a day starting at 9 AM,” says Cacinda of Points and Travel. “Once I reached 20K followers, I slowed down to one time a day at 9 am EST.”

On the other hand, when you’re traveling, there are a ton of sites and experiences you’ll probably want to post about. If you’re visiting Cairo, you may be tempted to post a photo of the pyramids and the Nile and the inside the pyramids and the Airbnb you’re staying at and your stroll through the local markets and…well, everything.

But that could lead to dozens of photos. That’s where Instagram Stories comes in.

Instagram stories allows you to post more content without overwhelming your audience’s feed. You can even utilize polls and Q&As within Instagram Stories.

Another cool IG feature? Instagram Live.

travel Instagram influencer using Instagram live

Instagram Live lets your audience follow your adventures as they happen. Instead of posting a blurry photo of the inside of a dark pharaoh’s tomb, you can just livestream it! It doesn’t get much more authentic – or mesmerizing – than live-streaming. Your audience gets to see you at your most authentic and exciting and interact with you in real time via comments.

Learn from the Best. Perlu has Veteran Travel Instagrammers!

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7. Meet Other Travel Instagrammers

Influencers are a friendly bunch. Yes, they’re competitive and want to grow their brands, but the best influencers have found that when they play nice and collaborate with others, that’s when they really see growth.

Right now, on Perlu, you can find other travel influencers like Meg Jerrard and Kavita Favelle . Some travel together and share their content. Some co-host giveaways and contests. Others brainstorm video content, consult and co-write blogs together.

“I also like to partner with other Instagrammers and have both of us shout out the other on Instagram stories to build both of our followings,” says Stephanie of Stephanie White Travels.

two travel instagram influencers collaborating

Use Perlu to build a network of your favorite travel-related Instagrammers so you can learn, share and grow at scale. There are hundreds of travel Packs to explore and thousands of travel influencers to get in touch with. If a Perlu member has linked their social media, you can even click the icon in their profile to go visit their actual Instagram account!

When you collaborate, you can 2X your audience (or more!) with half the work!

It’s a crazy, growing, exciting, fantastic world out there on Instagram. In fact, there are more than 1 billion users .

Get out there and share your stories with the world. As they say, you only get one chance to make a first impression, so be sure to start the right way. Learn from others, help others and tell great stories. Next thing you know, you’ll build a killer following.

Andres Echenique

Further Reading

You want to start a travel blog? Luckily, there are things you can do NOW to build an audience and put you on the path to becoming a killer travel blogger.

Perlu sat down with travel influencer Jen Ruiz to hear how she went from lawyer to full-time solo female travel blogger with some hard work and SEO

We reached out to travel influencers who are seeing real results from their collaborations so YOU can grow your network and expand your audience, too!

Perlu sat down with foodie and travel influencer Kavita Favelle to learn about influencer collaboration and how she juggles her blog and a dozen other gigs.

The Perlu team sat down with travel influencer Megan Jerrard to learn about how influencer networking led to her popular status.

Meet Jessica Festa—professional blogger, magazine writer and editor, consultant, media network founder, Perlu Advisory Board member, and more.

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travel content instagram

Shopping Cart

Shopping cart items, 25 social media content ideas for travel.

travel content instagram

On social media, the content you post is critical to engaging your audience and creating a solid fan base. Yet, many travel professionals struggle with knowing what to post. Whether you are wondering what to say on Twitter, Facebook, blogs or any other channel, here are some travel content ideas to help get the creative juices flowing:

I’ve said it many MANY times : travel is an experiential product and the best way to get people thinking about travel is to show them fun places to go and fun things they can do while they are there. If you can, share personal or client photos of destinations you want to sell. They don’t need to be professional shots and often work even better if you’re in the photo doing something silly! I’ve had many travel agents report that they sell at least one or two packages they wouldn’t have otherwise every time they post photos of a trip they took.

If you don’t have photos of your own,  Flickr  is a great spot to find amazing shots of every type of destination around the world. Do a quick search and link (don’t steal!) to particularly amazing photography that you think your audience would enjoy.

Videos are also a great way to inspire customers to travel and usually works even better than photos because of their interactive nature. Once again, you don’t always need a professionally shot video to attract attention. A home video of a particularly memorable moment, useful information (like the view of a new cruise ship cabin), fun activities or footage of a new resort will do the trick. Got a knack for humor or publicly humiliating yourself without worry? Great! Use it to your advantage when you create your videos. The funnier the better!For those who are a little camera shy, don’t despair!  YouTube  is a great resource for videos of all kinds.  With a little imagination you can search and find some pretty amazing clips.

3. Useful links

The latest traveler alerts, a list of recommended items to pack, articles about the hottest trends in travel – think about what would be useful for your readership to know and you’ve got some sharable content. This is your chance to show off your expertise as a travel professional and provide your potential customers with information that they may not find otherwise.

Not sure where to find this information? Blogs, news sites, and trade press have articles that can fit the bill. You can also use  Google Alerts  to monitor the web for articles on just about any topic.

4. Blog posts

This one should go without saying, but too many people don’t think about it. If you publish regular blog posts, PLEASE remember to post links to them on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc if you have accounts there. Most blog platforms will allow you to connect your blog to other social channels automatically if you have trouble remembering to post.

5. Destination fun facts

Everyone loves a good bit of trivia or little known facts! It’s entertaining, informative and can again help position you as an expert in your field. Many tourist boards and hotel properties have fun facts available through their marketing department. Just ask to see if they can help you out.  Otherwise, the web is always a good alternative!

Engage your audience by asking them questions about things like their favourite vacation spot, what type of perks they like to get from their agent, what makes their holiday a perfect one, etc. Get them talking to you AND use the opportunity to do a little behind-the-scenes market research to find out what you can do to win and keep their business.

7. Event announcements

Are you attending your local travel show or hosting a consumer evening? Let the world know where you will be and when! Invite your fan base to come see you.  You might be surprised by how many of them show up…and bring a friend!

8. Top 10 lists

Quick, useful and always a good way of giving quick recommendations on destinations to see, things to pack, attractions to visit and more. You can either compile your own top 10 or link to someone else’s. Bonus points if you create your own with photos or video!

9. Community work updates

People like to know that you care about your community.  If you or your team partake in community service or charitable work, share information like updates about your latest donation, photos of your team volunteering, or news about your favourite charity.

10. Contest announcements & updates

Contests are ALWAYS a popular thing. If you choose to run one, you can build anticipation and buzz by posting regular updates. Whether you talk about the prizes, highlight funny entries, countdown the days until the winner is announced or something else, you’re sure to get attention (and probably new followers/fans/readers) really quickly.

11. Travel updates

Here’s another great opportunity to showcase your expertise as a travel expert. Share updates about your favourite suppliers (new bathtubs in every cabin? Service upgrades at a resort? New designer bag with every purchase? Ok…maybe not the last one, but you get the point) or important travel updates about specific destinations (everything from new passport requirements to travel warnings).

12. Ship inspection information

If you are a cruise expert and visit ships while they are in port, by all means, share pictures and reviews with your fans.  They WANT to hear your expert advice to know which ships are worth sailing.

13. Fam trip reports

I know too many agencies who require these reports from staff and then stuff them in a folder where they will never be seen again. You are experiencing travel while on these Fam trips and NEED to share those experiences with your fan base. This can be in the shape of photos, videos or blog updates. It doesn’t really matter. Either way, tell them what you liked, didn’t like, recommend and find amazing. If you do a good job, you may get a booking or two out of the experience.

14. Client stories

Ever get an email from a client who tells you how GREAT their trip was or wants to let you know about something funny that happened? If so, ask for their permission to share it with everyone. It acts as a testimonial for you and can be entertaining all at once.

15. Answers to common questions

If there are travel questions you get regularly, use the opportunity to share the answer with a wider audience. It may even prompt your fan base to ask you more questions and start engaging. Again…show everyone that you know your stuff and the bookings will follow!

16. Opinions

If something is happening in the travel community and you have an opinion to share, you can use your social channel to do so.  However, I would caution you to think twice about being excessively controversial or political as it may turn some people away. Some controversy is ok, but too much can be hard to handle for some people.

17. Travel tips

These can be quick tips or longer blog posts about your recommendations. Just like the fun facts, top 10 lists, and other ideas listed here, they help position you are the expert that your are while being useful.

18. Behind-the-scenes updates

If your teams is planning an event or preparing something big, there is always interest in seeing you have fun behind-the-scenes.  Be creative here with photos, videos, stories and staff comments.

19. Favourite quotes

Inspiring travel quotes are fairly easy to find (Google to the rescue!) and quick to post. If you are out of inspiration for the day, a quick quote can keep the engagement going with minimal effort.

20. Staff picks

Get your whole team involved in recommending hotels, resorts, cruises, activities or whatever else you can think of. This can be really fun for everyone and helps showcase your agency as a whole.

21. Interviews

Think written or video interviews with people on your team, a destination representative, hotel partner, etc.

22. Funny Stories

Whether it’s a cartoon, a funny video, an anecdote or the joke of the week, humor always goes a long way!

23. Updates from the road

This is where you bring out your inner journalist.  If you have access to an internet connection or a smartphone while on the road travelling or attending events, you can provide live updates.  This works particularly well on Twitter or Facebook where updates can be quick and short. Blog posts take some thought, but you could still provide one update per day once you have a chance to slow down a bit in the evening.

24. Milestones

Did you just get a new specialist certification? Did your agency win an important award? Maybe you got featured in the local newspaper. It’s time to let everyone know so they can share in the joy and find out how fabulous you really are!

25. Travel deals

I saved this one for last because it seems like the most obvious choice, yet it’s not always the best one. Depending on your sales goals, you may not want to attract the bargain hunters looking for the best deal. I’ll leave it up to you to decide if deals are a good choice for you.

It’s not as hard as it may seem. Many of the ideas above are already available within your agency or on the web.  A simple Google search or using  Google Alerts  can help you stay in the loop and find interesting content quite easily and without gobbling up your precious time.

Now it’s your turn…

Have you had success with any of the ideas above? Or perhaps I’ve missed a few good ones that you’d like to share?

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Travel agency marketing: 4 Instagram content ideas to steal

Learn four travel Instagram content ideas you can swipe for your travel agency today, with examples to get you inspired.

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Instagram may no longer be the freshest and coolest social media platform on the block right now (TikTok currently holds that honor). Nevertheless, it’s still an amazing place for promoting a brand. And this especially holds true for promoting a travel agency with travel Instagram content ideas. Because where do people often post their travel pics and vids? You guessed it—it’s Instagram.

While Instagram is trying to get brands to pay to advertise on the platform, there are many ways of marketing your travel agency on Instagram without giving Meta—that’s Instagram’s parent company—a single cent.

Want to learn how? Then check out these four travel Instagram content ideas you can swipe for your travel agency today. We’ve also included examples taken from some of the best travel brands on Instagram to get you inspired.

1. Design attractive travel social media flyers

Of all the travel Instagram content ideas, the most obvious one might be to create travel flyer posts. But the challenge is getting your flyers to stand out in your followers’ feeds. After all, your followers have no shortage of Instagram content to scroll, and you want them to spend more time on yours.

The key to achieving that is designing travel social media flyers that use attention-grabbing elements. Just like what travel agency Kohhe has done:

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Kohhe (@kohhe_)

The word “Bali” in huge font immediately catches your eye, as do the graphics of Bali’s famous places of interest. And of course, the image of the airplane makes you want to pack your luggage and jump on a plane to Bali right now.

If you don’t have a professional graphic designer on your team, try using PosterMyWall to design your flyers! We have over 6,800 Instagram post templates for travel content that you can customize using an easy-to-use graphic design editor.

Add your own text and images to make the designs unique, then post the resulting travel flyers on Instagram to market your travel agency.

travel content instagram

2. Feature customers in your Instagram posts

Instead of just publicizing your travel agency’s tour packages in your Instagram posts, why not showcase your customers as well? This is a refreshing change of pace that makes you look less salesy, while helping you get remembered.

To do a customer feature, interview your customers to learn their experiences while on a tour with you. Then, use what they’ve shared to craft Instagram posts that showcase their stories in glorious detail. After potential customers read these posts, they might just rush to sign up for your trips!

Here’s a post by Intrepid Travel, where the company spotlighted one of its satisfied customers:

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Intrepid Travel (@intrepidtravel)

In the Instagram post, the customer mentioned how she had booked one of Intrepid Travel’s Egypt tours, and how the trip had brought her much joy. She also shared an unforgettable moment from the trip that made it worthwhile for her.

What happened after Intrepid Travel posted this Instagram post? Well, its followers took note of its Egypt packages for sure: the post got plenty of favorable comments ranging from “Love this!” to “Wonderful! I hope to do the same soon. ❤️❤️❤️”

3. Engage your followers via Instagram Stories

Apart from creating Instagram posts, be sure to also make use of one of Instagram’s signature features: the Instagram Story. They provide a great opportunity for you to engage with your customers by inserting stickers such as:

Adding these neat stickers to your Stories lets your followers interact with your content more, instead of passively consuming it (and moving on to the next brand’s content). The more they interact with your Stories, the stronger their loyalty toward your brand—which may also translate to them booking their next trip with you.

If you need Instagram story ideas for your travel agency, take a look at this Instagram Story by Travel Alberta:

travel content instagram

The organization used a stunning photo (of a location in Alberta, presumably!) to attract attention, and added a Questions sticker to ask its followers which part of Alberta they wanted to visit.

And Travel Alberta’s followers delivered. They responded with various answers as shown below:

travel content instagram

People can reshare their responses to their Instagram feeds for their own followers to see—which only helps boost awareness of Travel Alberta and its offerings among more people.

P.S.: PosterMyWall has got Instagram Story templates too! Just check out some of them below.

4. Demonstrate your expertise with Instagram Guides

Instagram is rolling out new features all the time. As far as possible, you’ll want to make full use of these as you promote your travel agency on the platform. And here’s one relatively new feature worth checking out: Instagram Guides.

This feature helps you add a simple blog to your Instagram page for promoting longer-form content. It works by combining multiple Instagram posts into individual guides, which are publicized in a separate Instagram feed tab.

Here’s an example of an Instagram Guide promoting West Village in New York City, courtesy of travel agency SmartFlyer:

travel content instagram

The guide starts with a beautiful cover image, before stringing together a series of Instagram posts of places in West Village. Each post likewise contains an appealing photo plus a short write-up of the location in question. Then, when clicked, each post in the Instagram Guide leads followers back to the original post.

Take a quick look at your competitors’ Instagram accounts: do they have Instagram Guides set up? Possibly not—so this is your chance to showcase your content in a new format that your rivals haven’t adopted yet.

Bring your travel Instagram content ideas to life with PosterMyWall

The competition among travel agencies can be tough, with people planning their summer trips and travels for beyond—and every travel agency (including yours) vying for their business. Instagram’s visual nature makes it the perfect travel agency marketing platform, so use these travel Instagram content ideas to help your travel agency get noticed on Instagram.

This means taking drool-worthy photos of scenic locations and writing punchy copy, and combining these two into polished Instagram marketing collateral. Regardless of whether you’re creating an Instagram travel agency flyer , Instagram Story, Instagram Guide, or something else, PosterMyWall’s travel agent marketing tools make it easy to create such content even if you don’t have design experience.

PosterMyWall can also be used for free, helping you keep your costs down as you steal our travel Instagram content ideas to market your travel agency. All you have to do is to create your free PosterMyWall account here to get started.

Qasim Haider

Qasim is a senior editor at PosterMyWall. Qasim is a reader and writer during and after work, and likes to explore a wide range of topics and niches. Outside of work, he likes to meditate, listen to good music and journal.

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Most Instagram Travel Destinations in the world 1

  • Travel Guide

22+ Must-Visit Instagram Travel Destinations in 2024 | Amazingworld

  • 16 minute read

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  • November 20, 2023

The Ultimate Bucket List: 22+ Instagrammable Travel Destinations in 2024


Are you a travel enthusiast seeking breathtaking landscapes and culturally rich destinations that offer picture-perfect moments for your Instagram feed? Look no further! In this 2023 updated guide, we’re unveiling the top 22+ most Instagrammable travel destinations globally, curated to fulfill your wanderlust dreams.

travel content instagram

From the enchanting fjords of Norway to the historic marvels of Peru, and the iconic landmarks of Australia to the vibrant colors of the Caribbean, join us on a virtual journey through the world’s most visually stunning and captivating locations.

Explore these Instagram-worthy gems and discover the allure of these destinations that have garnered the attention of globe-trotters and social media aficionados alike.

Get ready to embark on an adventure filled with stunning scenery, cultural richness, and a plethora of shareable moments that define the most sought-after travel spots worldwide.

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What Makes a Destination Instagram-Worthy?

          View this post on Instagram                       A post shared by Instagramworthyplaces (@fotoworthydestinations)

When it comes to what makes a destination Instagram -worthy, several key factors contribute to its popularity on the platform.

Firstly, Aesthetics and Scenic Beauty play a crucial role. Places with breathtaking landscapes, stunning views, colorful streets, or unique architectural wonders often capture the attention of Instagram users. Think of vibrant street art, iconic landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower, or serene beaches with crystal-clear waters – these visually appealing scenes attract numerous visitors and photographers seeking to capture and share their beauty.

Secondly, Cultural Significance and Heritage are compelling aspects. Destinations rich in culture, history, or unique traditions tend to pique curiosity. UNESCO World Heritage Sites, ancient ruins, traditional festivals, or communities with distinct ways of life contribute to the cultural magnetism of a place, making it more appealing for Instagram users.

Additionally, Natural Wonders and Breathtaking Landscapes are highly Instagrammable. Spectacular natural phenomena like waterfalls, mountains, forests, or pristine lakes often become the subjects of awe-inspiring photos. Destinations offering these natural marvels tend to gain popularity on social media due to their captivating beauty.

Unique Experiences and Activities also contribute significantly. Destinations that offer extraordinary experiences, like hot air balloon rides, wildlife safaris, or adventurous activities in exotic locations, become sought-after spots for travelers and Instagrammers seeking to showcase their distinct adventures and create engaging content.

Finally, Architecture and Design play their part. Cities and towns renowned for their unique architectural styles, be it modern skyscrapers, ancient temples, or charming old streets, often serve as perfect backdrops for Instagram photos, attracting visitors looking to capture their aesthetic charm.

List of 24 + Most Instagrammed Places in the world

          View this post on Instagram                       A post shared by VisitSingapore (@visit_singapore)

Japan Instagram’s Photos

          View this post on Instagram                       A post shared by Japan 日本 🇯🇵 Asia Travel | Hotels | Food | Tips (@japan.explores)


Japan, often hailed as a land where tradition meets modernity, stands as a captivating country that entices millions of travelers and Instagram enthusiasts worldwide. Renowned for its diverse cultural heritage, stunning landscapes, and technological advancements, Japan boasts several Instagram-worthy destinations:

  • Tokyo: As the bustling capital city, Tokyo offers a vibrant blend of tradition and innovation. From the iconic Shibuya Crossing to the serene Meiji Shrine and the futuristic architecture of Tokyo Skytree, every corner of Tokyo presents unique photo opportunities.
  • Kyoto: Known for its rich cultural heritage, Kyoto captivates visitors with its historic temples, traditional tea houses, and stunning gardens. The iconic Fushimi Inari Shrine, the serene Arashiyama Bamboo Grove, and the vibrant Gion district are among the most photographed spots.
  • Mount Fuji: This majestic volcanic peak holds a revered place in Japanese culture and offers spectacular views. The snow-capped summit against serene lakes or cherry blossoms in spring makes it an iconic Instagram spot.
  • Osaka: The vibrant city of Osaka is famous for its modern architecture, bustling street markets, and delicious street food. Dotonbori, with its neon lights and vibrant atmosphere, Osaka Castle, and Universal Studios Japan are popular attractions for Instagrammers.
  • Hiroshima: Beyond its historical significance, Hiroshima offers poignant sites like the Peace Memorial Park and Museum, symbolizing hope and resilience. Its historical significance and peaceful ambiance make it a unique and meaningful Instagram destination.
  • Nara: Home to friendly deer roaming freely, ancient temples, and the iconic Todai-ji Temple housing a colossal Buddha statue, Nara offers a serene yet enchanting backdrop for Instagram-worthy moments.

Japan’s diverse offerings, from ancient traditions to modern marvels, and scenic landscapes to bustling cityscapes, provide an abundance of opportunities for capturing awe-inspiring Instagram photos. Visitors can delve into a rich tapestry of culture, immerse themselves in natural beauty, and embrace the technological wonders of this fascinating country, creating captivating and shareable content for social media platforms.


London Instagram’s Photos

          View this post on Instagram                       A post shared by Sydney, Australia 🇦🇺 Travel | Hotels | Food | Tips (@sydney.explores)

London, the vibrant and diverse capital of England, is a treasure trove of iconic landmarks, historical sites, and modern attractions, making it a magnet for Instagrammers seeking diverse content:

  • The Tower Bridge: One of London’s most recognizable symbols, this iconic bascule bridge offers stunning views, especially during sunset or when adorned with sparkling lights in the evening.
  • Buckingham Palace: The official residence of the British monarch provides a regal backdrop for Instagram photos, especially during the Changing of the Guard ceremony or with its impressive façade.
  • The British Museum: Home to an incredible collection of artifacts and cultural treasures from around the world, the museum’s grand architecture and historical exhibits offer fantastic photo opportunities.
  • Notting Hill: This charming neighborhood boasts colorful houses, quaint streets, and the vibrant Portobello Road Market, creating a picturesque setting for Instagram-worthy shots.
  • The Shard: London’s tallest skyscraper offers breathtaking panoramic views of the city skyline. Capturing the cityscape from its observation deck provides stunning content for Instagram.
  • Covent Garden: With its lively atmosphere, street performers, and bustling markets, Covent Garden is a vibrant hub perfect for candid and lively Instagram shots.


Italy Instagram’s Photos

          View this post on Instagram                       A post shared by Italy 🇮🇹 Benvenuti a tutti! (@italy)

Italy, renowned for its rich history, stunning landscapes, and artistic heritage, offers a myriad of Instagrammable destinations that captivate travelers and social media enthusiasts:

  • Rome: The Eternal City boasts iconic landmarks like the Colosseum, Roman Forum, and Trevi Fountain, providing picturesque backdrops for Instagram photos.
  • Venice: With its intricate network of canals, ornate bridges, and historic architecture, Venice offers a dreamy and romantic setting, especially during sunrise or when capturing gondola rides.
  • Florence: Home to Renaissance art and architecture, Florence showcases gems like the Duomo, Ponte Vecchio, and Uffizi Gallery, offering splendid vistas for Instagram-worthy content.
  • Cinque Terre: This coastal region with its colorful cliffside villages overlooking the Mediterranean Sea provides breathtaking views and charming alleyways for stunning photos.
  • Amalfi Coast: The dramatic coastline, steep cliffs, and pastel-colored villages of Amalfi offer captivating vistas, especially when capturing the sunset over the sea.
  • Tuscany: Rolling hills, vineyards, and cypress trees dotting the landscape make Tuscany an enchanting and picturesque region, perfect for capturing the essence of rural Italy.

Marrakech Morocco

Morocco Instagram’s Photos

          View this post on Instagram                       A post shared by Morocco (@morocco)

Morocco, nestled in North Africa, boasts a rich tapestry of vibrant culture, stunning landscapes, and ancient heritage that make it a captivating destination for Instagrammers seeking diverse and picturesque settings:

  • Marrakech: The bustling city of Marrakech is a kaleidoscope of colors and textures. The iconic Jemaa el-Fnaa square, bustling souks, and intricate architecture of the Bahia Palace provide vibrant backdrops for Instagram photos.
  • Chefchaouen: Known as the “Blue City,” Chefchaouen’s cobalt-blue buildings and labyrinthine streets offer a visually stunning and unique aesthetic that entices photographers and travelers alike.
  • Sahara Desert: The vast expanse of the Sahara Desert with its golden dunes, camel caravans, and breathtaking sunsets creates an otherworldly landscape, perfect for awe-inspiring Instagram shots.
  • Fes: The UNESCO-listed Fes Medina, a labyrinth of narrow streets, ancient mosques, and bustling markets, provides glimpses into Morocco’s rich history and cultural heritage, making it a picturesque location for Instagram content.
  • Atlas Mountains: The rugged beauty of the Atlas Mountains, with its scenic valleys, Berber villages, and stunning vistas, offers ample opportunities for capturing nature’s splendor.


Indonesia Instagram’s Photos

          View this post on Instagram                       A post shared by AmazingWorld.travel (@amazingworld.travel8)

Indonesia, an archipelago nation teeming with diverse landscapes, cultural diversity, and natural wonders, is a treasure trove for Instagram-worthy locations:

  • Bali: Known as the Island of the Gods, Bali’s lush landscapes, stunning beaches, terraced rice fields, and iconic temples such as Tanah Lot and Uluwatu Temple provide captivating backdrops for Instagram photos.
  • Yogyakarta: Home to the UNESCO-listed Borobudur Temple and Prambanan Temple, Yogyakarta offers a blend of ancient heritage, traditional culture, and stunning architecture, perfect for Instagram content.
  • Komodo National Park: This UNESCO World Heritage Site is famous for its rare Komodo dragons, pristine beaches, vibrant marine life, and breathtaking vistas, making it an ideal location for stunning Instagram photos.
  • Raja Ampat: Known for its unparalleled marine biodiversity, Raja Ampat’s crystal-clear waters, diverse coral reefs, and picturesque islands offer a paradise for underwater photography enthusiasts.


Maldives Instagram’s

The Maldives, an archipelago in the Indian Ocean renowned for its paradisiacal beauty, azure waters, and luxury resorts, provides an idyllic setting for Instagrammers seeking tropical bliss:

  • Overwater Villas: The iconic overwater bungalows and villas perched above crystal-clear waters against the backdrop of stunning sunsets create a dreamy setting for Instagram-worthy photos.
  • Turquoise Lagoons: The vibrant turquoise lagoons, palm-fringed beaches, and white sandbars of the Maldives offer captivating scenery for stunning Instagram shots.
  • Marine Life and Snorkeling Spots: With its rich underwater biodiversity, vibrant coral reefs, and encounters with marine creatures like manta rays and sea turtles, the Maldives provides fantastic opportunities for underwater photography.
  • Luxury Resorts: The opulent resorts and private island retreats with their picture-perfect settings, infinity pools, and impeccable hospitality offer lavish backdrops for Instagram content.

 Sri Lanka

          View this post on Instagram                       A post shared by Holiday Sri Lanka (@holiday_sri_lanka)

Sri Lanka, an island nation in South Asia, offers a blend of cultural heritage, scenic landscapes, and diverse experiences that make it a captivating destination for Instagrammers seeking both natural beauty and cultural richness:

  • Sigiriya Rock Fortress: This UNESCO World Heritage Site, an ancient rock fortress rising dramatically from the jungle, provides breathtaking panoramic views and unique photo opportunities.
  • Ella: Known for its lush greenery, tea plantations, and stunning landscapes, Ella offers picturesque views from places like the Nine Arch Bridge and Little Adam’s Peak, perfect for Instagram-worthy shots.
  • Galle Fort: The historic Galle Fort, a UNESCO site, boasts colonial architecture, cobblestone streets, and charming cafes within its walls, offering a blend of history and charm for captivating photos.
  • Mirissa Beach: With its golden sands, palm trees, and serene coastline, Mirissa Beach provides a picturesque setting, especially during sunsets and while capturing the colorful fishing boats.


Best Places in Europe for Solo Travelers

Switzerland Instagram’s Photos

Switzerland, renowned for its stunning Alpine scenery, charming cities, and pristine lakes, offers a plethora of picturesque locations that are perfect for Instagram-worthy moments:

  • Swiss Alps: The majestic Swiss Alps, with snow-capped peaks, lush valleys, and serene lakes such as Lake Geneva or Lake Lucerne, offer breathtaking vistas ideal for stunning photography.
  • Lauterbrunnen Valley: Known for its cascading waterfalls, verdant meadows, and picturesque villages, Lauterbrunnen Valley provides an enchanting setting that captivates visitors and Instagrammers alike.
  • Zurich: The vibrant city of Zurich combines modernity with historical charm. The old town, Zurich Lake, and trendy neighborhoods offer diverse backdrops for Instagram photos.
  • Interlaken: Nestled between Lake Thun and Lake Brienz, Interlaken offers stunning views of the surrounding mountains and is a gateway to various outdoor activities, providing ample photo opportunities.


Ireland Instagram’s Photos

          View this post on Instagram                       A post shared by Ireland (@tourismireland)

Ireland, a land of rugged coastlines, lush landscapes, and rich folklore, presents a wealth of Instagram-worthy destinations:

  • Cliffs of Moher: The dramatic cliffs towering over the Atlantic Ocean provide awe-inspiring views, especially during golden hours, making it a must-visit spot for capturing stunning photos.
  • Dublin: The vibrant capital city boasts historic landmarks like Trinity College, St. Patrick’s Cathedral, and the colorful streets of Temple Bar, offering diverse photo opportunities.
  • The Ring of Kerry: This scenic drive along the southwest coast showcases breathtaking panoramas of mountains, rugged coastlines, and charming villages, perfect for Instagramming the beauty of Ireland.

Istanbul during Sunset

Istanbul, a city straddling two continents, becomes even more enchanting during sunset, offering a captivating and picturesque setting:

  • Hagia Sophia and Blue Mosque: These iconic landmarks bathed in the warm hues of the setting sun provide a stunning backdrop for Instagram-worthy photos, capturing their architectural splendor.
  • Bosphorus Cruise: A sunset cruise along the Bosphorus Strait offers panoramic views of Istanbul’s skyline and landmarks, creating magical moments for captivating Instagram shots.
  • Galata Tower: This historic tower offers panoramic views of the city, and during sunset, the cityscape transforms into a mesmerizing scene, perfect for Instagram photos.



Nepal, nestled in the Himalayas, offers a captivating blend of stunning mountain landscapes, rich culture, and spiritual experiences:

  • Mount Everest: The world’s highest peak, Mount Everest, and the surrounding Himalayas provide breathtaking views and trekking opportunities, perfect for awe-inspiring Instagram photos.
  • Kathmandu Valley: This UNESCO World Heritage Site encompasses ancient temples, bustling markets, and vibrant street scenes, offering a cultural and historical backdrop for captivating Instagram shots.
  • Pokhara: Known for its serene lakes, stunning mountain views, and adventure activities, Pokhara offers picturesque settings for Instagrammers, especially around Phewa Lake and the Annapurna Range.


Singapore, a city-state known for its modernity, green spaces, and diverse culture, presents a wealth of Instagrammable locations:

  • Marina Bay Sands: This iconic hotel with its rooftop infinity pool and skyline views provides stunning photo opportunities, especially during sunset or with the cityscape as a backdrop.
  • Gardens by the Bay: The futuristic Supertree Grove and the Cloud Forest offer a blend of nature and innovation, providing surreal and captivating settings for Instagram-worthy photos.
  • Chinatown and Little India: These vibrant districts offer colorful streets, bustling markets, and cultural landmarks, creating diverse backdrops for unique Instagram shots.

Sydney, Australia’s iconic city, boasts a blend of stunning landmarks, beautiful beaches, and a vibrant urban atmosphere:

  • Sydney Opera House: The architectural marvel of the Opera House against the backdrop of Sydney Harbour is a classic Instagram spot, especially during sunrise or sunset.
  • Bondi Beach: The golden sands, turquoise waters, and vibrant beach culture of Bondi Beach offer stunning coastal views, perfect for capturing the quintessential Australian beach experience.
  • Harbour Bridge: Whether capturing its majestic structure or enjoying the views from the top during a BridgeClimb, the Harbour Bridge provides fantastic photo opportunities.


Costa Rica, known for its biodiversity, lush rainforests, and stunning coastlines, offers diverse natural beauty for Instagrammers:

  • Arenal Volcano: This iconic volcano and its surrounding rainforests, hot springs, and scenic viewpoints offer breathtaking landscapes, perfect for Instagram-worthy nature shots.
  • Monteverde Cloud Forest: The misty cloud forests, hanging bridges, and diverse wildlife create a mystical ambiance, providing captivating settings for photography.
  • Manuel Antonio National Park: With its white sandy beaches, dense rainforests, and abundant wildlife, Manuel Antonio offers a blend of natural beauty and adventure for Instagram photos.


Turkey, bridging Europe and Asia, is a land of cultural heritage, ancient history, and stunning landscapes:

  • Istanbul’s Grandeur: The historic sites of Hagia Sophia, Blue Mosque, and Topkapi Palace showcase Istanbul’s rich history and architectural splendor, perfect for Instagram photos.
  • Cappadocia’s Hot Air Balloons: The otherworldly landscape of Cappadocia with its fairy chimneys and hot air balloons at sunrise creates magical and captivating scenes for Instagrammers.
  • Turquoise Coast: The stunning coastline of Antalya and Bodrum with their crystal-clear waters, ancient ruins, and picturesque villages offer scenic settings for Instagram-worthy photos.


Cuba, known for its vibrant culture, colorful streets, and historic charm, offers numerous Instagram-worthy locations:

  • Havana: The vibrant capital city, with its classic cars, colorful buildings of Old Havana, and bustling streets, provides a lively and photogenic atmosphere for capturing Cuba’s essence.
  • Viñales Valley: This UNESCO World Heritage Site boasts stunning landscapes with tobacco fields, limestone cliffs, and traditional rural life, offering picturesque settings for Instagrammers.
  • Trinidad: A UNESCO-listed town, Trinidad showcases cobblestone streets, colonial architecture, and vibrant street scenes, providing charming backdrops for capturing Cuba’s colonial heritage.


France, with its rich history, iconic landmarks, and picturesque landscapes, offers an abundance of Instagrammable spots:

  • Paris: The City of Light provides endless Instagram opportunities, from the iconic Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame Cathedral to charming neighborhoods like Montmartre and Le Marais.
  • Provence: Fields of lavender, charming villages, and vineyards in Provence offer stunning countryside views, especially during lavender blooming season, ideal for Instagram-worthy photos.
  • French Riviera (Côte d’Azur): Glamorous coastal towns like Nice, Cannes, and Saint-Tropez with their azure waters, luxurious yachts, and vibrant promenades offer a glamorous backdrop for Instagram shots.


Greece, steeped in history, mythology, and breathtaking landscapes, is a haven for Instagrammers seeking ancient ruins and stunning vistas:

  • Santorini: The whitewashed buildings with blue-domed churches overlooking the Aegean Sea, especially in Oia and Fira, provide iconic views for capturing Greece’s beauty.
  • Athens: The Acropolis, Parthenon, and historic sites of Athens offer glimpses into ancient Greek civilization, providing magnificent photo opportunities against the city skyline.
  • Meteora: The dramatic rock formations topped with monasteries in Meteora create a surreal and awe-inspiring landscape, perfect for capturing unique and mystical moments.

Iceland, a land of raw natural beauty and otherworldly landscapes, offers a plethora of Instagrammable locations:

  • Blue Lagoon: The geothermal spa with its milky-blue waters amid volcanic landscapes creates a surreal setting for Instagram photos, especially during sunrise or sunset.
  • Waterfalls: Iconic waterfalls like Gullfoss, Seljalandsfoss, and Skogafoss with their cascading waters against scenic backdrops provide mesmerizing photo opportunities.
  • The Northern Lights: The aurora borealis dancing across the Icelandic skies during winter offers a magical and breathtaking spectacle for capturing stunning Instagram shots.

Milan, Italy


Milan, a global fashion and design capital, offers a mix of historical landmarks and modern elegance for Instagrammers:

  • Duomo di Milano: The magnificent cathedral with its intricate façade and rooftop views provides stunning perspectives of Milan’s skyline, perfect for Instagram photos.
  • Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II: The elegant glass-covered arcade, housing luxury shops and cafes, offers beautiful architectural details and vibrant scenes for Instagrammers.
  • Navigli District: The picturesque canals lined with colorful buildings, charming cafes, and bustling markets create a lively and photogenic atmosphere, ideal for capturing Milan’s vibrant side.


Norway, known for its dramatic landscapes, fjords, and Northern Lights, offers stunning natural beauty perfect for Instagram:

  • The Norwegian Fjords: UNESCO-listed fjords like Geirangerfjord and Nærøyfjord present breathtaking scenery with steep cliffs, turquoise waters, and cascading waterfalls, ideal for mesmerizing photos.
  • Trolltunga and Preikestolen: These iconic cliffs offer jaw-dropping views and daring photo opportunities, capturing the rugged beauty of Norway’s landscapes.
  • Lofoten Islands: The picturesque fishing villages, Arctic beaches, and jagged peaks of the Lofoten archipelago provide stunning vistas for captivating Instagram shots.


Peru, steeped in ancient history and natural wonders, offers diverse landscapes and cultural treasures:

  • Machu Picchu: The iconic Incan citadel set amidst misty mountains provides awe-inspiring views and historical significance, making it a must-visit and Instagram-worthy location.
  • Rainbow Mountain (Vinicunca): The vibrant colors of this mountain, created by mineral deposits, offer surreal and captivating scenery for Instagram photos, especially during sunrise or sunset.
  • Sacred Valley: With ancient ruins, terraced landscapes, and picturesque villages, the Sacred Valley presents a blend of history and natural beauty, perfect for stunning Instagram shots.


Australia, renowned for its diverse landscapes and iconic landmarks, offers numerous Instagrammable spots:

  • Great Barrier Reef: The world’s largest coral reef system provides vibrant underwater scenes and marine life, making it an ideal location for captivating underwater Instagram shots.
  • Sydney Harbour: Besides the Opera House and Harbour Bridge, coastal walks and beaches like Bondi or Manly offer picturesque views and coastal scenes for Instagrammers.
  • Uluru (Ayers Rock): This iconic sandstone monolith in the heart of the Australian Outback provides a spiritual and breathtaking setting, especially during sunrise or sunset.

Caribbean Colors

The Caribbean region, with its tropical paradise and vibrant hues, showcases a kaleidoscope of colors perfect for Instagram:

  • Turquoise Waters: The crystal-clear waters and white sandy beaches of destinations like Aruba, Barbados, or Turks and Caicos create a picturesque setting for stunning beach photos.
  • Colorful Architecture: Caribbean towns like Havana in Cuba, Willemstad in Curaçao, and Old San Juan in Puerto Rico boast vibrant and colorful colonial architecture, offering photogenic backdrops.
  • Tropical Foliage and Sunsets: Lush greenery, palm trees, and vivid sunsets against the backdrop of the Caribbean Sea create postcard-worthy scenes for Instagram enthusiasts.

Impact of Social Media on travel trends

Social media has revolutionized the way people plan, experience, and share their travel adventures, significantly impacting travel trends globally. The pervasive influence of platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok has reshaped travelers’ behaviors, preferences, and decision-making processes. Firstly, social media serves as a powerful source of inspiration, with users sharing visually captivating images, videos, and personal experiences from their travels. These posts showcase destinations, attractions, accommodations, and unique experiences, fueling wanderlust and sparking interest in new and offbeat places. As a result, travelers are increasingly drawn to locations that promise the most photogenic or shareable moments, shaping trends towards ‘Instagrammable’ destinations with picturesque scenery, colorful landscapes, and iconic landmarks.

Moreover, social media facilitates real-time information sharing, enabling travelers to access instant reviews, recommendations, and insights from peers and influencers. User-generated content, reviews, and travel tips play a crucial role in decision-making, influencing the choice of accommodations, activities, or restaurants. This accessibility to authentic, crowd-sourced information has empowered travelers to seek more personalized and unique experiences, driving trends towards immersive and local-centric tourism.

Conclusion .

In the ever-evolving realm of travel, the pervasive influence of social media stands as a defining force, reshaping the way individuals explore, engage, and perceive the world. The impact of platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter has revolutionized travel trends, from inspiring wanderlust through captivating visuals to facilitating real-time information sharing and personalized recommendations.

Social media’s role as a source of inspiration cannot be overstated, with picturesque images and immersive videos turning destinations into desirable must-visit locations. The shift towards ‘Instagrammable’ spots, characterized by photogenic landscapes and iconic landmarks, reflects the changing preferences of travelers seeking unique and visually stunning experiences.

Moreover, the democratization of information on social platforms empowers travelers, offering real-time insights, authentic reviews, and personalized suggestions from a community of global explorers. This accessibility fuels a desire for unique, offbeat, and locally immersive experiences, steering travel trends towards authenticity and individuality.

How much did you like Our detailed  The 22+ Most Instagram Travel Destinations in the World 2023 ?  Review Also, please share these Blogs with your friends on social media.


  • Eno River State Park
  • Tyger River Park
  • Lake Welch Beach
  • Little Elm Beach
  • Cypress Bend Park

Instagram Travel Destinations in FAQs

How does social media influence travel choices.

Social media platforms showcase stunning visuals, user-generated content, and real-time experiences, inspiring travelers and influencing their destination choices. Images, videos, and personal stories shared on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube play a significant role in shaping travelers' perceptions and preferences.

What are some popular Instagrammable travel destinations?

Instagrammable destinations often include places with visually captivating landscapes, iconic landmarks, and unique cultural experiences. Examples include Santorini in Greece, Bali in Indonesia, Paris in France, and the Maldives for their picturesque settings.

How has social media impacted travel planning?

Social media provides travelers with instant access to reviews, recommendations, and insider tips, allowing for informed decision-making during the travel planning process. Travelers can gather information about accommodations, attractions, and local experiences based on authentic user-generated content.

Can social media influence offbeat travel choices?

Absolutely. Social media enables travelers to discover and explore offbeat or less-known destinations by showcasing hidden gems, unique experiences, and local cultures. It encourages travelers to seek out unconventional and less crowded places beyond mainstream tourist spots.

What role do influencers play in travel trends?

Influencers collaborate with travel brands, sharing curated content, travel experiences, and recommendations to their followers. They contribute to shaping travel trends by highlighting specific destinations, experiences, or travel styles, influencing their audience's choices and preferences.

How has the concept of 'authentic travel experiences' evolved with social media?

Social media has led to a shift towards seeking authentic and immersive travel experiences. Travelers now prioritize cultural immersion, local interactions, and unique activities, aiming for genuine and personalized encounters rather than just visiting famous landmarks.

Are there any specific travel trends influenced by social media?

Yes, several trends have emerged due to social media's influence, such as 'Instagrammable destinations,' 'experiential travel,' 'last-minute trips,' 'sustainable tourism,' and 'local immersion experiences.' These trends reflect changing traveler preferences influenced by social media content and storytelling.

How can travelers use social media effectively for trip planning?

Travelers can utilize social media by following travel influencers, engaging with travel communities, seeking advice, and conducting destination research. They can also use hashtags, location tags, and user-generated content to discover hidden gems and plan unique travel experiences.


Meet David Hoper, a passionate travel Blog writer with 7+ years of experience in travel content. Through his exemplary storytelling and engaging narratives, he shares his experiences and brings destinations to life. With a keen eye for detail and a love for exploration, he has cultivated a diverse portfolio of travel blogs that inspire and inform readers worldwide.

In this article:

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Post written by: David Hoper

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Our Latest Instagram Posts


The Traveling Moore

150+ Short Travelling Captions for Instagram Photos or Reels

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Wondering what to caption your latest travel photo on the ‘gram? This list of over 100 short travelling captions for Instagram is for you!

As a travel blogger, one of the most frustrating parts of my job is captioning photos on Instagram . I know that’s hard to believe, but my mind always goes blank when trying to come up with something clever.

I decided to save myself (and you) some frustration by putting together this list of hundreds of short Instagram captions. Some of funny, others serious. There are also some perfect for a beach vacay for city trip.

Keep reading for a list of caption ideas for your next post or reel.

Some links on this blog are affiliate links, meaning I may earn a commission at no extra cost to you if you make a purchase through them. All opinions are my own, and I only recommend products and services I personally use and believe in. Thanks for your support!

Short and Simple Travelling Captions for IG

travel content instagram

1. Wanderlust and city dust.

2. Life is short, travel often.

3. Adventure awaits.

4. Exploring new horizons.

5. Roaming free.

6. Lost and loving it.

7. Making memories around the world.

8. Escape the ordinary.

9. Adventure is out there.

10. Travel far, travel wide.

11. Collect moments, not things.

12. Exploring the unexplored.

13. Wander often, wonder always.

14. Lost but found.

15. Leaving footprints all over the world.

16. Wander often, wonder always.

17. Travel far and wide.

18. The journey is the destination.

19. I left my heart in [destination].

20. Life is an adventure.

Funny Travel Captions

21. Where to next?

22. Jet lag is for amateurs.

23. Salt in the air, sand in my hair.

24. A change of latitude would help my attitude.

25. Let’s wander where the Wi-Fi is weak.

26. I’m in a long-distance relationship with my suitcase.

27. I need six months of vacation, twice a year.

28. My travel budget: 10% plane tickets, 90% food and souvenirs.

29. Just a girl trying to make everyone jealous of my vacation.

30. I like long walks on the beach, especially when they lead to a bar.

Short Travel Quotes

Dubrovnik View from Water

31. “The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.” – Saint Augustine

32. “Adventure is worthwhile in itself.” – Amelia Earhart

33. “Travel makes one modest, you see what a tiny place you occupy in the world.” – Gustave Flaubert

34. “Not all those who wander are lost.” – J.R.R. Tolkien

35. “To travel is to live.” – Hans Christian Andersen

36. “Travel far enough, you meet yourself.” – David Mitchell

37. “Traveling—it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.” – Ibn Battuta

38. “The journey not the arrival matters.” – T.S. Eliot

39. “Travel is the only thing you can buy that makes you richer.” – Anonymous

40. “Travel far, travel wide, and travel often.” – Anthony Bourdain

Song Lyrics About Travel

41. “Leaving on a jet plane, don’t know when I’ll be back again.” – John Denver, “Leaving on a Jet Plane”

42. “I’ve been everywhere, man, I’ve been everywhere.” – Johnny Cash, “I’ve Been Everywhere”

43. “On the road again” – Willie Nelson, “On the Road Again”

44. “I’m on the pursuit of happiness and I know everything that shine ain’t always gonna be gold.” – Kid Cudi, “Pursuit of Happiness”

45. “Come sail away, come sail away, come sail away with me.” – Styx, “Come Sail Away”

46. “Life’s a journey, not a destination.” – Aerosmith, “Amazing”

47. “Two drifters off to see the world, there’s such a lot of world to see.” – Louis Armstrong, “What a Wonderful World”

48. “I’m on my way, driving at 90 down those country lanes.” – Ed Sheeran, “Castle on the Hill”

49. “She’s got a ticket to ride, but she don’t care.” – The Beatles, “Ticket to Ride”

50. “Country roads, take me home to the place I belong.” – John Denver, “Take Me Home, Country Roads”

Social Media Captions About City Travel

View of Broadway Nashville

51. Discovering the world one city at a time.

52. Lost in the city lights.

53. Urban explorations and coffee shop conversations.

54. City streets and city beats.

55. Wandering through the heart of the city.

56. The city is my playground.

57. Concrete jungle adventures.

58. Finding magic in the city’s chaos.

59. In a city full of stories, I’m writing my own.”

60. Every city has a soul; I’m here to discover it.

Short Captions About Nature

Lahaina Banyan Tree

61. Follow the call of the wild.

62. Chasing sunsets.

63. Lost in paradise.

64. Find me where the wild things are.

65. Explore the beauty of the world.

66. Into the wild I go, losing my way, finding my soul.

67. The best views come after the hardest climbs.

68. The mountains are calling, and I must go.

69. Getting lost in the beauty of Mother Nature.

70. Exploring the world’s natural wonders, one adventure at a time

Beach Vacation Instagram Captions

Beach in Oahu with people playing in the water and the sand. Jungle hill in the background

71. Living on island time.

72. Meet me where the sky touches the sea.

73. Sea you in paradise.

74. Good times and tan lines.

75. Just keep swimming.

76. Life is better in flip-flops.

77. Sunshine and tan lines.

78. Island vibes only.

79. Life’s a beach, enjoy the waves.

80. Sandy toes and salty kisses.

Instagram Captions About Cruising

explorer of the seas

81. Sail away with me, to new horizons on the open sea.

82. Cruisin’ through life one wave at a time.

83. Salt in the air, adventure on the horizon.

84. Waving goodbye to the real world for a while.

85. Life is better on a cruise ship.

86. Every sunset is an opportunity to reset at sea.

87. In love with the cruise life.

88. Cruising: where every day is a new voyage.

89. I’m on a boat, and it’s going fast.

90. Waking up in a new place every day – the magic of cruising.

More cruise captions ➡️

Short Travel Captions about Flying

bush plane in uganda

91. Jet, set, go!

92. Catch flights, not feelings.

93. Jet-setter at heart.

94. Jet-setting through the clouds.

95. In the sky, I find my peace.

96. Up, up, and away!

97. Traveling at the speed of flight.

98. Exploring the world one flight at a time.

99. Fly high, dream big.

100. In the clouds, I find my happy place.

150 Flying Captions for Instagram Photos and Reels

Instagram Travel Captions For Road Trips

101. On the road again.

102. Always take the scenic route.

103. On the road to anywhere but here.

104. Endless roads and open hearts.

105. Adventure is out there, and it starts with a full tank.

106. The best therapy is a road trip.

107. Life is a highway; I want to ride it all night long.

108. Getting lost is half the fun.”

109. Road trippin’ and memory-makin’.

110. Driving into the unknown with the windows down.

Romantic Travel Instagram Captions

Capital of victoria BC

111. Let’s get lost together.

112. Our love story: written in the places we’ve been.

113. Exploring the world hand in hand with my love.

114. Traveling with you makes every journey an adventure.

115. Love and adventure go hand in hand.

116. Wanderlust and love, the perfect combination.

117. With you, every place feels like home.

118. Finding love in the most unexpected places.

119. Romance is in the air, and so are we.

120. You and me, chasing dreams and creating memories around the world.

More couple travel captions ➡️

Cute Travel Captions Instagram with Friends

girls weekend in Chelan at a winery

121. Finding paradise wherever we travel together

122. Embracing my resting beach face with my girls

123. “I have found out that there ain’t no surer way to find out whether you like people or hate them than to travel with them” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

124. Cheers to new adventures with old friends

125. The one place I want to be is wherever my girls are

Travel Captions for Instagram Reels

126. For a bustling cityscape video: “Where the streets are alive with more than just dreams.”

127. Showcasing local cuisine: “Taste-testing my way around the world, one bite at a time.”

128. Luxury hotel room tour: “My home away from home is fancier than my actual home.”

129. Hiking adventure: “Taking the scenic route to my next meeting.”

130. Beachfront relaxation scene: “Current status: Making waves and taking names.”

131. Cultural festival or event: “Dancing to the rhythm of new cultures.”

132. Safari experience: “Out of office: currently in a meeting with the real Big Five.”

133. Historic landmarks tour: “Walking through history, one step at a time.”

134. Sunset or sunrise view: “Chasing sunrises (or sunsets) around the globe.”

135. Thrilling adventure activity (like skydiving): “Because my business suit needed a break.”

136. Exploring local markets: “Finding treasures and bargaining in the world’s most colorful markets.”

137. Luxurious spa day: “Self-care level: Luxury Spa in a foreign land.”

138. Iconic train journey: “All aboard my journey to the extraordinary!”

139. Street food sampling: “Going where the flavor takes me.”

140. Aerial view of a destination (via drone): “Bird’s-eye view, bucket-list destination.”

141. Winery or vineyard tour: “Sipping my way through the finest vineyards.”

142. Onboard a cruise ship: “Where my office view rocks and waves.”

143. Local music or dance performance: “The universal language of music, from a new corner of the world.”

144. Snowy adventure (skiing, snowboarding): “Trading sand for snow, and loving every minute!”

145. Underwater exploration (snorkeling, diving): “Going off the deep end in the best way possible.”

146. Biking through scenic landscapes: “Two wheels, one epic journey.”

147. Luxury shopping spree: “When in Rome, shop as the Romans do.”

148. Stay in an unusual or unique lodging: “Where the wild things are – my incredible stay in [Destination].”

149. Visiting a famous cafe or restaurant: “More than just a meal – it’s an experience at [Cafe/Restaurant Name].”

150. Panoramic city view (from a high vantage point): “On top of the world, or at least [City Name].”

Summary of this List of The Best Travel Captions for Instagram

If you’re still wondering what to caption your Instagram post, I don’t know what to tell you! At the end of the day, sharing on Instagram is about connecting with others and capturing memories so don’t stress the caption too much.

Want to see some of these travelling captions for Instagram in action? Follow me on insta @TheTravelingMoore .

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Lauren is the creator of The Traveling Moore blog. She's travel obsessed, having been to nearly 50 countries and all 7 continents. She has a full time corporate job, and loves showing others that it's still possible to travel the world with limited PTO hours. Lauren is also travel hacking obsessed, finding every way to travel more often and more luxuriously.

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Home Blog 40 Top Travel Influencers of the Year

40 Top Travel Influencers of the Year

From the world’s most stunning coastlines, rejuvenating getaways, and steamy colorful springs, to beautiful cityscapes and dreamy starry night skies – discover the world alongside these passionate travel influencers.

What more could your wanderlust need?

How about a dose of fashion-loving travel bloggers hopping to island festivals in style? Ice cream and summer-loving in the Maldives. Santorini in a cherry dress. Sunkissed holidaying in Hawaii. And under mystical waterfalls in a beautiful red dress.

This great lineup of adventurous travel influencers of the year is the perfect companion for all your destination planning and exploration around the world.

And in addition to that, (for all your brands) , these travel influencers are ready and keen to collab!

So if you need a stylish influencer (or two) with a tremendous passion for travel to jump on board your marketing campaign, then we have the perfect candidates for you!

Afluencer’s talent scouts have dug up some of the most passionate and stylish travel bloggers and content creators that will inspire all the wanderlust in you.

From spectacular travel destinations to stylish outfits, let’s take a look at what these fashionable travel influencers have to offer.

But first, here’s a sneak peek at every travel influencer and blogger that we will be featuring:

Colleen Roden – @colleen.travels

Tasha ryland – @tasharyland, lisa niver – @lisaniver.

  • Crystal Gordan – @vanhalla_adventures

Ariele Rachel – @arielerachel

Eric gamble – @theblpblog, kailah fredette – @nowhereonearth, nicole baez – @motheranddaughterabroad, francislaine santos – @travelloverfran33, arner adventures – @arneradventures.

  • Emily Bell – @emilyjbell_

Geeves – @realgirlreview

  • Magdalena Lok – @magddelene

Melissa Jimenez – @delrosario.adventures

Anamaris hernandez – @anamarishl, jessica haynie – @jesslivingabroad, gian luca sgaggero – @viaggiaescopri, from colmar to the moon – @fromcolmartothemoon, jamison murray – @jamison_murray2, ruth rieckehoff – @tanama_tales, suzanne jones – @thetravelbunny, jackie mesa – @jackiemesa, ava roxanne – @spatravelgal, haley dasovich – @haleytakesontheworld, stefano cicchini – @stefano_cicchini, wendy song – @wenwensong, alizee paradis – @electricalizee.

  • Best Beaches in The World – @worlds_beaches

Vale – @vval_e

Sofia – @sofiakrarad, crystal egan – @castawaywithcrystal.

  • Yariella – @beautybackpckr
  • Fahira Fazlic – @zlicc
  • Darling Coco – @darlingcoco
  • Chelsey PeCoy – @chelseypecoy
  • Monisha B – @aqualibrantraveler
  • Chris Burkard – @chrisburkard
  • Chelsea – @chelseakauai
  • Eric Rubens – @erubes1
  • Jannik Obenhoff – @jannikobenhoff

40 Most Passionate Travel Influencers Coming at You in Style

So are you ready for these influencers, bloggers, and content creators to inspire you with amazing travel adventures and stylish fashion choices?

Colleen Roden | Macro Influencer on Afluencer | Travel posts

Wanderlusting from Wisconsin, USA, is a macro-influencer and travel lover Colleen Roden that leaves no adventure waiting.  Because you’ll find her exploring the world with hashtags like #bucketlist, #exploremore, #islandlife, #instatravel, and #worldtravel .

Feel inspired, pack your bags, and get ready for your next fun travel exploration with Colleen.

Join Colleen’s beautiful free spirit at Red Rocks Park and Amphitheatre.  Let her welcome you to fabulous Las Vegas.  Get lost somewhere in the middle of Hudson, Colorado, in a Teepee.  Experience an enchanting chapel in the woods.  Set your happiness into the skies with summer sunsets and hot air balloons. And discover what could be the clearest water in the USA at Lake Tahoe.

She’s so much fun too.  Step into The Office with Colleen in Chicago and capture your own #TheOfficeExperience.

Because travel and food are awesome together, alongside Colleen’s adventures, she shares good food and dining tips with her followers like where to go for the freshest fish.

Colleen’s Instagram feed gives her followers a passenger’s seat into her adventures—not leaving you behind but giving you so much inspiration to join her travel-loving spirit.

From travel hacks and must-have beauty products to support a healthy immune system on the go—Colleen shares all-inclusive content about her travel lifestyle.

Colleen is a great match for brands looking to reach travel, lifestyle, beauty, and wellness influencers with a large audience.

Tasha Ryland outdoor travel adventures | IG posts featured on Afluencer

From British Columbia, Canada is adventure-loving travel and lifestyle influencer Tasha Ryland.

She’s a nurse with a lively spirit for the outdoors and a love for fashion that loves sharing her travel activities with her followers.

With an inspiring Instagram bio that reads “you belong somewhere you feel free” and a moving quote “it’s already yours” – The Universe, Tasha is an instant inspiration to go out on an adventure and live your life in fullness.

With the motivating travel hashtag #getoutside, she’ll inspire you with East Coast Trail ocean views, paradise in British Columbia, scenic mountain views, river reflections, snowy walks, trails in the woods, and wherever her wanderlust takes her.

Tasha’s Instagram profile feels like a gallery of beautiful landscape postcards—from river rapids to roads less traveled in a spectacular white winter wonderland.  You wish you were there.

Whether grand or small, followers will always be inspired to explore and find happiness in simple things like “a fresh cup of coffee and your favorite book” .

Tasha will truly inspire you to “live a life you will remember” .

With a fantastic engagement rate of 7% and a following of mainly 25 to 34-year-olds, Tasha Ryland is an ideal micro-influencer match for travel and lifestyle brands.

Lisa Niver | Africa travel posts | Instagram Influencer

From the USA, Lisa Niver is an impressive award-winning travel expert and writer that has explored 102 countries and 6 continents.

One of her recent accomplishments was her nomination as a finalist for the 64th Southern California Journalism Awards including the 2021 Online Technology Reporter of the year, bringing her total number of nominations as a finalist to 20 and wins to 5!

She is also an on-camera host at KTLA TV where she talks about travel.

Lisa has sailed the seas to exotic locations for 7 years, and she has also embarked on a self-reinvention journey to discover herself as she backpacked through Asia for 3 years.

With such an outstanding profile, Lisa is a notable influential travel professional.

Did we mention that after just 3 months of being on TikTok, Instagram Reels, Facebook Reels, and YouTube Shorts, Lisa had over 500,000 views? Let’s take a look at the impressive content that’s only increasing in popularity.

On Instagram, Lisa’s content is organically presented – sharing her life travel experiences with thoughtful and inspiring captions.

From cultural experiences with local children in Indonesia, a visit to the world’s biggest Buddhist monument, temples in Cambodia, skiing in Utah, to brave snorkeling with jellyfish in Palau.

With images and videos, Lisa’s travel content will certainly captivate you enough to inspire interest to explore these places and live these experiences for yourself.

For more depth into Lisa’s global adventures, visit her We Said Go Travel blog.  Here is where the strength of her travel influence can be found.  Home to her blog are stories, adventures, and travel info. Like her “ Tell Me More About ” series, and posts like “ I Remember When:  We Went Cruising ”, and “ My Sonoma Adventure:  Redwoods, Hiking & Wine ”.

On her YouTube channel, Lisa shares a series of stylish videos on each place she visits – providing aspiring travelers with more than enough inspo on where to go, what to do, and where to stay.  You bet videos like “ Dive with Volcano Island Divers ” will influence your own adventure to Tanna, Vanuatu.

Among many features, Lisa has been published in top travel publications.  Such as American Airways, National Geographic, Robb Report, Saturday Evening Post, Scuba Diver Life, Sierra Club, and Ski Utah – just to name a few. It’s no wonder she made it to our list of top travel influencers!

Want Trusted, Top-Notch Influencers to Promote Your Travel Gear?

Sign up with afluencer and to connect with travel influencers who have what it takes to pull in the crowds., crystal gordon – @vanhalla_adventures.

Vanhalla Adventures YoutTube channel video highlights

Representing the USA are Crystal and Brian. This lovely couple quickly grew tired of living the usual “ordinary” life and decided to make road-tripping a full-time thing. They sold *everything* and built their off-grid tiny house on wheels – aka Beatrice The White Whale. Now, constant travel is their reality and it doesn’t look like they’ll grow tired of this lifestyle any time soon…

Why should they? Based on their exciting content, being on the road full-time looks like a good way to spend your days – there is never a dull moment!

Can we just say that their content looks like a series straight out of the Travel Channel? It’s high-quality and expertly captured. From van life hacks to beach life to being pulled over by Mexican police and every other nail-biting wanderlust-inducing moment, this is one duo of travel influencers who know how to capture their audience.

Crystal and Brian make sure they only promote brands or products they use personally and love themselves. Their authenticity is definitely a plus with their following. You don’t want to miss out on a Collab opportunity with Vanhalla Adventures™.

Ariele Rachel | Seaside IG posts | Travel influencers

She may be based in New York but Ariele’s love for travel has inspired her to create content that is a useful resource for travel and lifestyle tips and tricks to make your life better.

On her Instagram page, Ariele does a great job of giving travel tips, detailed captions, and options for what to see or do at certain travel spots.

Her Facebook page – American Woman – has a slight twist to it. This page is dedicated not only to travel but to giving women more lifestyle tips to help them become better versions of themselves. Whether that’s tips on skincare, being an influencer, what to wear when traveling, recipes, or insightful information on travel destinations, Ariele is able to tap into different topics while still maintaining relevance in the travel niche.

Eric Gamble adventure posts | Travel influencers

What’s on your bucket list? Eric and his wife, Darcee, are sure to inspire you to tick some things off… guiding you along the way with some excellent resources and tools they’ve tried and tested themselves.

It’s great to watch travel influencers tick things off their bucket lists. What’s even better, though, is being informed on how you can tick things off your bucket list as well.

From camel rides in Morocco to wine tasting in Liechtenstein, flyboarding in Panama to horse-drawn carriage rides in their backyard of Louisiana, Eric and Darcee do a great job of covering a wide variety of potential bucket list items. Hey, not every item on your list has to be adrenalin-inducing!

The Bucket List Project is always sure to organically mention where they are and tag the places, activities, tour guides, and people wherever they check off a bucket list item. If you Collab with these #adventurepartners, your brand is sure to be known and may even make it to their followers’ bucket lists!

Kailah Fredette family adventures | Travel influencers

Kailah and her family are on a mission to experience authentic adventure and obtain financial and locational independence… and they’re doing it!

With 2 kids in tow, no less. If there’s one way to convince families that their travel dreams don’t have to end, it’s to show them yourselves.

Active on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube, their followers can find a good mix of content. Instagram – the visual travel bug (warning – you WILL get bitten). Here you’ll find amazing videos and imagery that will awaken the wanderlust within you.

Facebook – Here you can find more informative content, including links to their travel vlogs.

YouTube – It’s all about the details that you might miss on Instagram and Facebook.

Kailah is no stranger to brand partnerships. As @nowhereonearth Kailah and her family have partnered with brands in travel and fashion, to name a few. As you’ll quickly find, there are so many opportunities for a Collab beyond travel.

Nicole Baez IG travel posts | Influencers featured on Afluencer

Let’s keep the family ties rolling with this mother-and-daughter duo seeing new places and creating memories together.

If you think traveling with your mom is a snooze fest, think again! This duo has been to concerts, repelled down a cenote in Mexico, and even been to Vegas together! They’ve been globe-trotting together for a long time now and clearly share a passion for travel.

Their Instagram page is a refreshing combination of awe-inspiring travel scenery and a wholesome mother-daughter bond that you don’t come across often.

A look at their Instagram stats will not only show you a pretty good engagement rate but you’ll notice that the majority of their followers fall within the 18 to 44-year-old age bracket. Wow!

If you’re looking to partner with travel influencers who attract a wide age demographic, Nikki and Pam should be at the top of your list for a Collab.

Francislaine Santos | Husband wife travel adventures

Up next are Fran and her husband Bruno. Together these 2 have a goal to visit 100 countries together, sharing advice on budget, luxury, and couple travel along the way.

If you need inspiration to book a ticket with your partner, look no further than Fran’s page. This is the stuff travel dreams are made of.

The scenery is EPIC.

Her captions are detailed and oftentimes motivational.

The love between these 2? Undeniable.

This sounds like the perfect recipe for amazing content.

What does their comment section look like? Let’s take a peek.

“Okay, this is just incredible.”

“This is so dreamy.”

“How adorable you guys.”

“This does look perfect!”

With a growing follower count and a fantastic engagement rate of 8.5%, Fran is another of our travel influencers worth reaching out to.

Arner Adventures outdoor travels

Based in North Carolina, Gerry and Shannon Arner (and their dog BettyWhite) are the definitions of travel inspiration. After owning their own business, they grew tired of the daily grind and decided a lifestyle change was needed! So they sold *almost* everything and moved to the beach to begin a life of adventure…. And haven’t looked back!

If you’re looking for another wholesome travel influencer duo to grace your feed, you gotta follow these two!

They are living their best life and giving us a glimpse into their new lifestyle… which, by the way, looks AMAZING. #noregrets for them, we’re sure.

Whether they are relaxing at home on their porch or in a distant land somewhere, their content is super relatable and authentic.

Gerry and Shannon are no strangers to partnering with brands, having a few Collabs under their belt. These travel influencers are injecting new life into their everyday… let them do the same for your business.

Emily-Bell – @emilyjbell_

Emily-Bell Instagram posts | Influencers featured on Afluencer

Let’s head over to Canada where Emily-Bell has been bitten by the travel bug and has a love for all things outdoor and adventure!

Constantly in search of her next adventure, Emily-Bell’s Instagram page looks like a storybook. From mountain tops to sandy beaches, lakes, and vineyards, Emily-Bell does not shy away from a chance to explore. Many times she’s exploring local Canadian sites… proving that you don’t need to go far to find adventure. Other times she’s in a foreign land soaking it all in.

She also has a love for photography (her pictures are amazing btw) and hiking.

This solo traveler takes on travel with confidence like no other. Her trips have taken her to mountain peaks… imagine what a Collab with Emily-Bell could do for your brand…

Geeves travel adventures | Influencers on Afluencer

Based in the United States, this travel influencer (who also says she’s no influencer) and self-proclaimed life enthusiast, and huge foodie is just a real girl, giving real reviews of her travel destinations. Tell you what… we love people who keep it real.

Food and travel… kind of go hand-in-hand. That’s where Geeves comes in.

She openly confesses to not being able to churn out a blog every day. Why? Because she’s out there enjoying the experiences she will eventually write about. Now that’s real.

Not only does she give reviews, but she gives practical advice too such as:

“Wear comfy shoes, you are going to want to walk the vineyard trails.”

“Give yourself a rest day … even on vacation… do nothing.”

Geeves also approaches travel with undeniable confidence and passion which draws you (and her ever-growing following) in. You’ve gotta Collab with Geeves if you’re looking for influencers with the gift of creating awesome travel content!

Magdalena Lok – @magddalene

Magdalena Lok coastal holidays | Santorini Greece

Meet Magdelena. She’s traveled the world and finally found her place in California, USA.

While she’s found somewhere to call home, that has not stopped her from continuing to pursue her love for travel. Blink and you’ll miss her! Boom! She’s in Mykonos. Boom! Santorini. Boom! Vegas.

Amongst her travel content, you will also find fashion inspo (everything from sweats to beachwear) and food… Magdalena loves the food scene in LA.

How does all this content work so well? Magdalena says it best:

“The secret ingredient is passion…”

Plus, we think it also has a little something to do with her unique personality.

This travel influencer stays true to herself, and in doing so has managed to capture and steadily grow her influence. With a fantastic engagement rate of 6.6%, there’s no doubt that a Collab here could be a boost for your brand.


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Melissa Jimenez coastal holiday adventures

Meet your new travel BFF, Melissa. No, really. This travel influencer loves exploring so much that she founded a travel group for women – @travelbff.

Over on @delrosario.adventures, you’ll find highlights of Melissa’s many exciting trips – both with women from her travel group and on her own personal adventures.

@travelbff features content strictly to do with her continuously growing female community of travelers. Here you’ll find highlights of their trips, where their meetups will be, what to look forward to, and so much more.

Whether on her personal trips or as a travel BFF, Melissa captures it all – from romantic sunsets to Melissa and her girls diving off yachts and everything in between.

We love that she’s created a community for women who may want to travel but do not want to travel alone – which opens up a whole new demographic for your brand to explore. A Collab with Melissa should not be missed out on.

Anamaris Hernandez family lifestyle and travel posts

Anamaris is a mom and wife with a passion for travel and lifestyle. She loves sharing tips on these and other topics, including parenting.

Travel and parenting… as our other travel influencers in this list have proved, it can be done! Anamaris further proves this point—by documenting her family’s travels and sharing tips to help make the ride smoother.

She also gives great reviews for travel products – all traveling parents take note! With Anamaris, your life of adventure will be that much easier. Yes to travel hacks!

Anamaris has already been busy Collabbing on Afluencer, will your brand be next in line?

Jessica Haynie | Japan travels

A lover of all things Southern and Samurai, Jessica spends her time between two cities – Atlanta and Tokyo, fully immersing herself in both cultures.

Who would have thought that Southern and Samurai would make for one cohesive body of content? Whatever Jessica is doing, she’s doing it well. Her engagement rate currently sits at a mind-blowing 23.3%. What?! Clearly, she’s bringing a whole new personality to the travel influencer scene.

A quick scroll through her Instagram reveals beautiful imagery – the pictures she captures are stunning. You’ll find epic views, unique to Atlanta and Tokyo.

Jessica is also quite the comedian, bringing humor to the cultural differences in her two cities.

Jessica’s Collab game is on point, having already partnered with brands in travel. She has a unique selling point, not to be missed out on if you’re in search of creative travel influencers!

Gian Luca Sgaggero travel architecture

Meet one of the few men to make this list – Gian Luca. He is based in Italy, has been a travel blogger since 2010, and has a passion for sharing his adventures and inspiring his followers.

His posts may be in Italian, but you don’t need to speak the language to appreciate the scenes he’s managed to capture.

As you will see from his posts, this travel influencer has a love for architecture and art. His captions are very detailed, pointing out the key features and historic importance of these landmarks. We’re loving the angle Gian Luca takes with his travel content.

If you’re looking for an Italian-speaking travel influencer to Collab with, Gian Luca is your guy!

From Colmar to the Moon | Mother nature

Based in Paris, this multi-lingual travel influencer brings the world to all 20k+ of her followers. We couldn’t be more grateful.

Sometimes, passion shines through your work. That’s what we see here. A woman whose passion for travel and zest for life is embodied in the content she creates.

She does a great job of showing us what to do in Paris, besides the Eiffel Tower.

You can also find highlights of her adventures – from Costa Rica to Hungary and many a place in between.

A lover of food and fitness too, this travel influencer presents a variety of Collab opportunities for the right brand – which could be you!

Jamison Murray Instagram posts | Travel influencers on Afluencer

If there’s an epic travel buddy that you’ve got to take on your next adventure, it’s got to be Jamison Murray.  If not, he better be on your social media feed—especially if the US is on your itinerary.

From New York, USA, Jamison is an adventurous adrenaline junkie with a passion for travel.

From scenic views to fun trips and thrilling activities—Jamison’s Instagram profile is an inspiring gallery of someone living the most out of his life.  And just as he says, “I live for living” , Jamison will certainly inspire you to do the same.

With his feel-good organic posts on social media that connect you to his life, Jamison feels like a friend you always want to check in on for some adventure inspo.

Rainy days at a pumpkin orchard, scenic views at Owasco Lake, sunsets in Cali, storms in Palm Desert, Hollywood walk of fame, and skydiving in California.  Jamison’s travel spirit is nothing short of exciting and definitely worth story-telling.

You can only love Jamison more as you discover his passion for promoting sustainable brands—from environmentally-friendly outdoor clothing to “Save the Fishes” water bottles.

Ruth Rieckehoff - Explorer and Blogger - Instagram Post Highlights

Based in Southern California, Ruth is an explorer and blogger that loves inspiring meaningful experiences.

She also has a love for wild beaches, piers, and ethnic neighborhoods.

Ruth is a relaxed traveler, that’s for sure.  Sightseeing and easy-going is how she rolls – a pleasure indeed for those that enjoy seeing the world this way.

On Instagram, Ruth shares travel experiences and activities in and around Southern California.  If you’re in this area, she’s a must-follow for inspo on things to do and places to see.

But she’ll also venture beyond the seas and oceans to Euro destinations like Germany and the Czech Republic.

Museums, architectural sites, “lunch over the canal”, tower views, bridges, and also charming “riverside houses in Frankfurt”.

Her posts will certainly stir new travel interests and get you googling up these stunning places.

Curious followers can indulge in more of her content on her Tanama Tales blog.  With intriguing posts such as “ Easy Day Trips from Palm Springs, California ”, “ Things to Do in the Salton Sea, California ”, and “ Things to Do in the Little Tokyo, Los Angeles ”.

Ruth’s recent Collabs have been with top brands known for working with travel influencers such as USA State Parks and Everyday Wanderer.

Suzzanne Jones | The Travel Bunny

From the UK, Suzanne Jones is an inspiring influencer in all things travel, food, and adventure.

Amazing destinations, culinary experiences, and thrilling adventures.  Suzanne’s love for travel captures your heart as you indulge in her Instagram pictures and stories.

Crooked houses, cobbled roads, a 12th Century old haunted inn, an enchanting lighthouse, a walk into mystical woods, dreamy sunsets in Santorini, European historical architecture, cultural heritage sites, and a retreat on a yacht in Spain.

Traveling through Suzanne’s eyes will stir up a unique sense of mysterious adventure.

Suzanne does more than satisfy her followers with just a standalone destination post.  Instead, she shares the depth of her experiences in each location with multiple posts at a time.  Allowing her followers to absorb inspiration from many views of travel.

Let your wanderlust carry you away into Suzanne’s blog with irresistible posts like “An Epic 2-Week Vietnam Adventure”, “The Art of Armchair Travel”, and more.

Suzanne is a great fit for brands looking for travel influencers to promote destinations, tourist sites, and unique places and activities.

Jackie Mesa Social media posts at Disney World

From Florida, USA, Jackie Mesa is a fun and adventurous travel and lifestyle influencer that is passionate about sharing the things and experiences that she truly loves.

Jackie is all the magic you need to feel on an exciting travel Instagram feed.

Her lively outgoing youthful energy is an instant love at first post.

From posing at Hollywood studios to epic Jurassic shots at the Island of Adventure—Jackie’s content creativity will get you hooked and scrolling for more.

She’s a talented creator and influencer—sharing valuable travel info videos like “Visiting All Four Disney Parks in Orlando” , “Best Places For Pictures at Magic Kingdom” , “Visiting Key West Florida ”, and more.

And you’ve got to love Jackie’s whimsical Disney-themed content—from castles to her impressive Mickey Ears collection.  She certainly knows how to make magic on social media.

You simply can’t get enough of her fascinating Instagram feed that’s full of her travel and lifestyle experiences.

With an Instagram profile so bubbly, you’ve got to check Jackie out on TikTok too.

Jackie is an awesome match for lifestyle and travel brands looking for fun micro-influencers.

She also has an Amazon shop—perfect for Amazon Collabs too.

Ava Roxanne | Top Instagram Travel Influencers

From the USA, Ava Roxanne is a seasoned luxury travel explorer inspired by the finest spa experiences across the world.

Ava is also a USA Today Spa Expert and a travel writer.

Top destinations, luxury spas, fluffy robes, fine dining, and also not forgetting those spectacular views.  Ava’s Instagram profile is a rich showcase of her luxury travel experiences.

Eating a Quiche Lorraine on a French canal cruise. Pampering spa days in VIP lounges. A perfect soak in an infinity pool. A high-class afternoon tea in a grand hall overlooking the breathtaking mountains of Switzerland. Serene sunsets in paradise. And the ultimate private island experience.

Travel with Ava is nothing short of extraordinary.

On Ava’s blog, followers can explore more of her experiences and knowledge on spa travel, luxury travel, and wellness travel.

Some of Ava’s Brand Collabs as an influencer include the likes of Travel Birds, and Babbel, as well as a number of hotel brands.

Haley Dasovich | Top Travel Influencer Featured on Afluencer | Instagram Gallery

Based in California, Haley Dasovich is an accomplished YouTuber, impeccable content creator, and an inspiring go-getter with an adventurous heart for travel.

And she happens to be quite the techie too.

With a profile as rich as hers, it’s no surprise that Haley’s enthusiasm for lifestyle challenges has a contagious effect on those that catch a glimpse of her exciting world.

Whether she’s exploring the exotic coast of Mexico, breathtaking lagoons in the Maldives, majestic Giza Pyramids or a dreamy oasis in Tunisia—Haley’s travel content is a master composition of beautiful images and videos with charming captions.

And it doesn’t stop there because her stirring background story of how she left her 6-figure salary to pursue her passion will leave you feeling motivated and empowered.

“You’re always one decision away from a totally different life” – Haley.

This seasoned macro-influencer definitely has a talented hook on her followers.

YouTube Channel

598K+ subscribers later and Haley Takes On the World has undeniably lived up to her YouTube channel name.  From airline reviews, must-know destination travel tips, “How to Travel the World for FREE” , to “4 Jobs You Can Do From Anywhere” —Haley’s YouTube presence is loaded with hot travel content.

From travel and hospitality companies to lifestyle products—Haley is a talented macro-influencer match for brand collaborations that fall within her interests.

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Stefano Cicchini | Popular Italian Travel Influencer

Featured as one of the 250 Best Italian Content Creators by Buzzoole (a top marketing agency in Italy) , Stefano Cicchini is a seasoned travel and food blogger with compelling creative storytelling talents.

Stefano’s flattering dusty-toned Instagram profile is enriched with lively sparks of what travel is typically all about.

From connecting with the locals in Thailand, diving into the icy Baltic Sea, dining over the beautiful cityscapes of Bangkok, to strolling along the banks of the Danube in Budapest.

Beyond his appealing images, Stefano documents and shares practical destination tips that travelers would find valuable.  Like where to go for breathtaking views if you’d like to skip the long lines to the London Eye.

Stefano is, without a doubt, a bookmark source for all the practical details of your travel plans.

Stefano’s content is mostly in Italian.  But I must admit that his posts are so fascinating that you’ll be tempted to translate. Especially once you discover the hidden nuggets of info.

If you’re thirsty for more beautiful pics and stories about his travel and food experiences, then visit the Stefano Cicchini blog.  Indulge in captivating posts like “ The City That Breathes Music ” and “ Christmas in London: 10 Things You Absolutely Must Do ”.

Stefano has teamed up with multiple European tourism bodies.  One notable sponsorship was a campaign that he took part in for the first Formula E Grand Prix based in Rome.

Wendy Song | Travel Photographer and Instagram Influencer

Based in Los Angeles, Wendy is a travel photographer with a passion for the outdoors and sustainability.

Travel in the eyes of a photographer always feels like an adventure.  And that’s exactly what you get when you’re on Wendy’s Instagram.

Her love for the outdoors couldn’t get any more inspiring.  From hiking up the Canyon Falls Trail, catching fading bioluminescence, toasting up at Sunset Beach in Malibu, view gazing from the Desert View Watchtower in Grand Canyon South Ruin, touring the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, to the classical dreamy starry night sky in California.

Exploring the world through Wendy’s camera lens is certainly a wonder.  But her profile feels delightfully organic and not all full of “picture-perfect” shots.  She posts some personal snaps of herself with blog-like captions – storytelling and also sharing travel info along the way.

Wendy’s travel explorations are detailed in her blog with destinations including America, Maldives, and Iceland.  “ Exploring Grand Canyon ” and “ Hunting for the Northern Lights ” are just some of the adventurous posts you can expect from her.

Alizee Paradis | Instagram influencers on Afluencer

Alizee Paradis is a gorgeous model influencer who will take you on her travels around the world this year with fashion and music at heart.

But there’s so much more to Alizee.  She’s a retired pro and D7 tennis player, she has a master’s degree in finance and she’s also an owner of a seasonal Italian hotel.  Alizee certainly comes with a pretty impressive profile, doesn’t she?

With a smile so bright and a bikini body so perfect, you’ll catch her on a luxury yacht, soaking in stunning ocean views, sipping on cocktails by the beach, or buzzing at an island festival.  Of course, all in style – just as a fashion-loving entertainment adventurer does.

Pulling in audiences across the U.S., Canada, and Italy, Alizee has a blooming social media influence with a noteworthy engagement rate of 4.57%.

Some of her collaborations have been with big-name brands such as LA Fashion Week and Louis Vuitton X Museum, all of which love working with stylish travel influencers and bloggers.  She’s most certainly your 2020 influencer girl for those sleek and stylish paid partnerships.

Social Media

While Alizee’s main influence is on Instagram, she does also have a presence on Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat.

Best Beaches in The World (by Leonid) – @worlds_beaches

Leonid - The Beaches in the World - Instagram posts

For the ultimate experience of the world’s most stunning coastlines, Best Beaches in The World is love at first sight.

Warning:  you may suffer from a serious case of wanderlust.  But that’s ok, ‘cause it’s nothing that a holiday to any one of these amazing beach destinations can’t fix.

Sandy beaches, blue oceans, colorful beach umbrellas, and all the sunshine your soul could ever need.

From sunbeds on white sandy beaches in Mexico, thatched cabins in the Philippines, beautiful Barbados, resort-perfect Fiji, crystal blue waters in Puerto Rico, vibrant coastal lines of Kenya, and calming rocky beaches of Seychelles to the ultimate beach life in the Maldives.

Hawaii, Anguilla, Cook Islands, Thailand, Cayman Islands, US Virgin Islands, and any other perfect paradise – Best Beaches in The World will take you there.

Picture perfect beach landscapes and drone footage that will wow you away.

“ Take me there ” is all you’ll be feeling, post after post.

The Best Beaches in The World is an ideal match for brands looking for top travel influencers to help reach the global audience of beach lovers.

Vale the Travel Explorer | Inspiring Influencers | Posts that Inspire | @vval_e

Holistic life-loving fitness explorer and writer, Vale @vval_e.

Based in the United States, Vale is your girl that will inspire you to live your best life.  She’s a certified holistic lifestyle coach that is passionate about finding harmony. A harmony that motivates her to escape to revive local sites.

From beachside meditations, lakeside yoga, and hiking through the mountains to retreating to unreachable cabins and also wandering through the woods.

Her mindfulness takes her as far as her nature-loving desire will take her.  Even if it’s to hug a giant tree log in the most beautiful way you could imagine.

Her local travel retreats combined with her health enthusiasm will surely influence you enough to live a better, balanced life.

Wellness seekers can be filled with life-improving messages and stories found on her blog.

Our inspiring travel influencer promotes mostly health and wellness products on her social media channels – some of which include CBD products.

Want to know more about Vale? Then go look up Vale’s Instagram handle, @vval_e.

Sofia Krarad | Travel Adventurer Available for Collabs

Traveling the world for a living as a flight attendant, Sofia lives the life that most only dream of.  But “always chase your dreams”, she says.

Travel, beauty, makeup, and lots of FOMO.

Sofia’s Instagram profile is a tasteful spread of experiences around the world.  While she may not mass publish content like other mainstream influencers, Sofia’s posts are full of quality and nothing less.

Skiing through snowy mountains. Scouting Switzerland from the sky in a chopper. Camel rides through a safari. Beach tanning. Bubbling through colorful Morocco. And how about those iconic experiences like a spa soak in the Dead Sea and a mesmerizing dip at Tibumana Waterfall in Bali?

Wherever the skies take her, you’ll certainly have that I-need-to-book-that-trip feeling as she shares the highlights of her amazing adventures.

Sofia has had success with her Collabs as a travel influencer with a number of tourism companies and restaurants in Saudia Arabia.

Crystal Egan | Top Travel Influencer from Australia

From Australia, Crystal Egan is a travel blogger that loves to inspire the extraordinary power of travel.

Crystal also calls herself an animal whisperer and tree hugger among many other charming titles – all invoking curiosity to know more.

Crystal’s Instagram profile is a calming and reviving source of slow travel.  Soaking in outdoor and cultural experiences wherever she goes.

Incredible hiking trails, beautiful highway passes, steamy vivid colorful springs, remote road trips, tiny uninhabited islands, and not to mention those unusual destinations.

Crystal will certainly inspire you to experience places beyond mainstream tourism.  Soak in the awe-inspiring handcrafted floral motifs on the interior walls of the Taj Mahal.  Wander through enchanting lantern markets in Turkey.  And then set yourself free under a hidden waterfall in Mexico.

Soulful travel couldn’t feel any more rewarding than this.

For more about her meaningful travel adventures, visit Crystal’s blog.  Here you’ll get advice on deals, guides, adventures, cheap travel, eco-tourism, culture, and more.

Explore many places and learn about interesting things like “ How to See Turtles Nest And Hatch in Mexico ” and so much more.

Crystal quite rightly deserves a feature spot amongst the other top travel influencers, having partnered with great brands that include Red Lodge and Sudio.

Yari – @beautybackpckr

Yariella - The Beauty Backpacker | Travel posts

From London, Yari is an uplifting solo traveler who loves sharing destination guides and beauty tips from around the world.

Trips and lipsticks are what Yari’s itinerary is all about.

Global destinations, chilling spa breaks, and also everyday beauty and makeup are the highlights of her Instagram profile.

From unforgettable sunsets in Costa Del Clapton, picturesque landscapes in Norway, and artistic streetwalls of Brooklyn to the mystic Taj Mahal in India.

And if there are colorful crumbling walls and doors insight, Yari certainly won’t miss snapping one of her signature shots.

Could you be any more inspired to travel solo?

On Yariella’s The Beauty Backpackers blog, entertain your wanderlust with hot blog posts such as “ The Ultimate Packing List for Backpacking Your Way Around the World ”.

Yari’s adventures get more exciting on her YouTube channel, especially when she creates video content like “ A Backpackers Paradise ” and “ Amazon Rainforest ”.

For travel and tourism brands looking to Collab with top nano travel influencers, Yari is indeed the perfect match for you.

Are You Ready To Collab With Top Travel Influencers?

Join the afluencer family to connect with adventurous influencers who know how to create amazing content and inspire engaged audiences., fahira fazlic – @zlicc – fashion mixed with adventures.

Fahira Fazlic | Travelholic | Instagram merry-go-round-post

Fahira Fazlic is where fashion and travel lifestyles create a beautiful feed of adventures worldwide.  And seriously, more than enough FOMO to make you visit booking.com about your 2020 dream getaway.

From France, Fahira is also the founder of an online gift service business, LuvBox Paris.

Someone, please wake me up. I must be dreaming. Because I feel like my heart has just traveled the world with our influencer, Fahira.

Fahira will charm your summer-loving soul with ice cream in the Maldives; she’ll dazzle you with city skyscrapers in Moscow; warm your heart with elephants by a waterhole in Sri Lanka; give you a cultural taste of Nepal; and so much more.

Doing it all in gorgeous swimsuits and stunning dresses.

Fahira’s latest paid partnership was with Jungle Travel (no stranger to working with influencers) , where she promoted several travel features.

Darling Coco – @darlingcoco – Fashion Blogger Goes Travel

Darling Coco | Travel Influencers | Santorini, Greece

Darling Coco is your professional photographer of the year turned fashion blogger with a passion for travel.

From travel guides to style finds, Darling Coco turns these two worlds into one with her charming social media presence .

With a bright cherry red dress, the classic Santorini white resort could not look any more gripping with Coco.  She’ll take you on a travel exploration into the city of Barcelona, to the top of NYC, or to the Grand Canyon in beautiful style.

From relaxing in an exotic nest in Mexico, getting lost in sand dunes, to chasing waterfalls in Yosemite – Coco will make your wanderlust heartbeat.

With soft neutral color tones to her feed plus her sophisticated style, Coco’s social media profile is a breath of fresh air to the modern mature audience.

On her website, she blogs about her travel adventures, her style passions, and also other interesting stories about her lifestyle – like her latest journal entry about her proposal story.  Followers can also shop in her closet, too.

And if you’re a brand looking to collab with passionate travel influencers,

Chelsey PeCoy – @chelseypecoy -Hawaiian Fashion & Travel Blogger

Chelsea PeCoy | Top Travel Influencers | Bell bottoms IG post

Leisure travel, vegan lifestyle, and a whole lot of sunshine – Chelsey PeCoy is this year’s freelance model influencer with so many happy and fun vibes to offer.

Currently based in Los Angeles, Chelsey is growing her modeling career while fulfilling her passion for travel.

From holidaying in Hawaii with funky flare jeans, sunkissed swimsuit beauty, and lovely casual boho style by the beach, to cowboy vibes in Arizona.  Chelsey is an adventurer in her style just as much as she is in travel.

“Where is this?” and “OMG those pants” is how she gets her commenters buzzing about her content.

Then her bubbly personality comes all out on her YouTube travel vlog where some of her posts include “My Weekend in Mexico City” and “Moving to LA alone”.

Monisha B – @aqualibrantraveler – Travel & Fashion Blogger

Monisha B | Wanderlust + Visual Storyteller | Waterfall

Monisha B is a devoted travel blogger with a very stylish and vibrant fashion sense.

Based in Boston, Monisha certainly knows how to make her content pop and wow her followers away.

With spectacular destination images in eye-popping color styles, it’s rather difficult not to notice Monisha’s posts. And it’s difficult not to like or drop a comment either. Her high content engagement rate of 9.49% certainly says it all.

Monisha, in a gorgeous red outfit under a mystical waterfall. A pretty vintage dress in an old town. Flowing long summer dress in an ocean cave in Puerto Rico. And a stunning sheer black dress at the beach. From hiking spots to mountain cabins.

Dresses and dresses. Wanderlust and wanderlust.

Her followers react with, “what a spectacular place” and “absolutely stunning”. Charmed by her travel adventures and charmed by her vibrant style.

You have to see her travel posts for yourself and you’ll fall in love with this vibrant influencer.

Chris Burkard – @chrisburkard – Photographer Extraordinaire

Chris Burkard | Travel Influencers | Camping on the side of mountain wall

Earth-loving awe-inspiring traveling photographer, Chris Burkard.

From the U.S.A, Chris is an award-winning photographer and also a social media influencer . Traveling through all corners of the world, all year round, his mission is to visually capture stories to inspire people to connect and love the earth.

He also passionately advocates the preservation of the wild.

Followers of Chris see the beauty of the earth like never seen before.

Breathtaking natural landscapes will move your heart and probe you to want to see more.

Rare magnificent sunsets in New Zealand. Canoeing through the energetic mountains of Italy. Flying over glacial rivers in Iceland. Overlooking the enchanting arctic sky. Parachuting through waterfalls. Erupting Raikoke volcano in Russia. And a magnificent family portrait of whales that will flood your heart with emotion.

These are just a few of his many remarkable explorations.

Some are so incredible that this inspiring influencer will even share raw travel footage off his phone, good enough to blow you away.

His images speak volumes. But that’s no surprise coming from a professional photographer .

Followers can shop for some of the best images from his website as well as get info on his upcoming workshops and events.

Chris certainly deserved to be on our list of travel influencers that inspire, having collaborated with big-name sponsors such as Sony, prAna, PolarPro, Medterra, and SmugMug.

Chelsea – @chelseakauai – Hawaiian Explorer

Chelsea diving with stingrays | Hawaiian Traveler Adventurer | Influencers that Inspire

Water-loving adventure traveler, Chelsea.

Diving. Surfing. Snorkeling. Hiking. Plus captivating photo and video memories across 53 countries worldwide.

Based in Hawaii, Chelsea is the adventure-seeking traveler who will give you enough FOMO to book that once-in-a-lifetime holiday you’ve always dreamed about.

Hammocks. Rainbows. Treehouses. Deep ocean blues. And exotic tropical greens.

From snorkeling through coral reefs under waves in French Polynesia, swimming in Bora Bora with the most eagle rays your eyes could ever see, observing a baby humpback whale, water diving in the Philippines, to desert dancing and stargazing in Indonesia.

Chelsea’s images are pretty surreal. And her drone video footage gives her followers a real sense of her adventures.

She’s daring enough to walk on the edge of a building in an exquisite dress for a mesmerizing shot of the Eiffel Tower like you’ve never imagined. And her playful pics with giraffes shows enough of her quirkiness to make you smile.

If you seek more inspiring travels, then our awesome influencers’ well-presented influencer blog will satisfy your craving. Followers can also catch her on her growing Youtube channel.

Some of Chelsea’s sponsors include Canon and Adobe while her latest paid Brand Collaboration is with American Express.

Eric Rubens – @erubes1 – California Dreaming

Eric Rubens walking through tree tunnel | Influential Photographer & Videographer

Mesmerizing photographer and videographer, Eric Rubens.

Based in South Carolina, Eric’s skillful photography plus his passion for travel has seen him make big lists like Business Insider’s Top Instagram Travel Influencers at #3.

Mesmerizing moments. Pretty cool travel experiences.

Winter wonderlands in the mountains. Camping in the middle of nowhere under the mystical milky way. Canoeing through the caves of Croatia. Exploring the beautiful sunrise coastlines of New Zealand. Lost in fall cabins in New Hampshire. And approaching the edge of cliffs.

Where else would you rather experience the wow factor of all that travel has to offer?

Following Eric only gets more captivating when you visit his growing Youtube channel where he shares some of his stylish video travel campaigns.

Eric’s work features some big-name brands in the travel industry such as Ritz-Carlton Hotels, Air New Zealand, American Express, and T-Mobile as well as photography sponsor, Sony.

He has produced some outstanding campaigns from Visit Jordan, Conrad Bora Bora, Sony Alpha Collective x British Virgin Islands, and Travel Alberta – just to name a few.

Eric’s work is certainly nothing short of a high standard.

Jannik Obenhoff – @jannikobenhoff – German Roamer

Jannik Obenhoff | German Photography | Posts that Inspire

Peculiar German photographer roamer, Jannik Obenhoff.

One of the 14 members of German Roamers, the biggest photography community in Europe, Jannik loves to share the diversity of the world in a not-so-typical way.

His different perspectives of the world will certainly have you moved by the unexpected beauty of the earth.

From a lonely tree in the grand mountains of Altai Krai in Russia, unreachable lava valleys, chilly cabins of Norway, endless rainy bridge walks to misty mountains and cloudy landscapes.

This amazing influencer will inspire you to see and travel the world in a different way and certainly inspire unconventional experiences.  Something his European audience is charmed by.

If you need to live more of his experiences, then check out his Youtube channel for some of his inspiring travel memories.

Some of his travel work features Iceland Travel, Visit Abu Dhabi, and Visit South Tyrol.

You can also find out more about Jannik’s inspiring influencer work on his travel website.

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In the bustling world of ecommerce, finding that secret sauce to increase sales can be like discovering a hidden treasure. One such treasure trove is the world of micro influencer marketing for ecommerce. These digital dynamos might not have millions of followers, but their influence can be profound, personal, and highly persuasive. Let’s dive into […]

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Jessie on a Journey | Solo Female Travel Blog

120+ Travel Blog Post Ideas For Creating Engaging Content

By Jessie Festa. This guide to travel content ideas contains affiliate links to trusted partners!

Looking for engaging travel blog post ideas ?

Then you’re in the right place!

If you’ve ever sat in front of your laptop wondering, “What should I post on my travel blog?” this article shares over 120 topics — as well as bonus tips for those looking to see success and make money blogging.

Personally, I get most of my blog traffic through keyword research, and these travel blog post titles and topic ideas come from researching what people are actually searching in Google so that you can create content people truly want to read.

And with so many to choose from, you’ll never need to wonder what to write about again or spend hours coming up with new travel blog ideas.

Without further adieu, let’s dive into the list of travel blog content ideas!

Quick tip: There are many tools that make it easier to come up with blog post ideas. Personally, I love Keysearch for finding high traffic keywords. Use code “jessieonajourney30” for 30% off. Additionally, Jasper AI utilizes the power of artificial intelligence to help you come up with content topics, draft outlines, create content, and more – free trial included !

Table of Contents

Travel Blog Content Creation & Promotion Workflow Freebie

Now, I realize that even when you have a ton of travel post ideas it can still be challenging to understand how to create and promote your content.

Luckily, I’ve got a freebie that can help!

It’s a Content Creation & Promotion Workflow Trello Board that will help you plan your blog posts as well as write them and promote them for maximum engagement.

You can grab the free Trello board here .

travel content instagram

Grabbed it?

Then let’s continue with our travel blog content strategy.

What Should I Post On My Travel Blog?

Writer’s block for bloggers is a very real thing, as is being confused on what to actually post to see growth.

So, before we dive into the list of travel blog topics , let’s discuss how to determine what to post on your blog.

One smart tactic is starting with a mission statement. You can use the template “I help [group of people] do [how you help].”

From there, you can pinpoint the best travel topics to fulfill that mission and even come up with a few travel blog categories.

For instance, if your mission is to help women feel confident traveling solo, you might write a blog post about how to travel solo in Paris or a guide to overcoming fear when you’re scared to travel alone .

Feeling stuck? You can use a tool like Jasper’s Blog Post Topic Ideas Template for quick and easy help. This tool uses artifical intelligence to instantly generate a list of topics that can engage your audience.

Also, if you’re curious how to write blog posts quickly , Jasper can help you create amazing content almost instantly (though it’s recommended to edit your articles to add a human element).

More on this tool below, though note that you can click here for a 10,000-word free trial of Jasper AI .

travel blog post ideas

120+ Travel Blog Post Ideas For Engaging Content

To come up with the following list, I looked at popular blog post ideas related to travel.

Keep in mind, this list is in no way exhaustive. There truly are a limitless number of travel blog topic ideas that are possible.

Moreover, this list is customizable. You can always tweak any of the travel blog post titles mentioned below to better fit your own niche and audience.

For instance, if an idea mentions compiling a list of travel yoga mats, but you don’t cover yoga, consider what relevant piece of gear you can swap in, like sleeping bags, nutritious TSA-friendly snacks, or camera gear.

Once you’ve narrowed down what you’d like to write about, use a blog content planner to stay organized. You can also follow this strategy on how to plan a year of content in one week to help you save time.

Have ideas for travel blog posts to add?

Leave them in the comments below!

Travel Blog Post Ideas Focused On Travel Tips

A review of your favorite piece of travel gear

Best free travel apps

How to do a Global Entry name change

How to change your passport name

Why duct tape (or another item) is your best travel accessory

How to practice self-care while traveling

How to become a travel hacker

Your top travel hacks

Your top travel tips for introverts

Important advice for the first-time traveler

A list of uncommon travel tips

How to learn a language while traveling

Travel Blog Post Ideas Focused On Trip Planning

How to pack for a long trip with just a carry-on

What to pack for a particular destination

A review of your favorite travel insurance provider

What to wear in a particular destination

How to save up for a round-the-world trip in a certain amount of time

How to choose the perfect suitcase/backpack/luggage

A review of your favorite suitcase

How to ask your boss for an extended travel leave

The best credit cards for travelers

How to prepare your house for vacation

What to do the day before a big trip to prepare

travel blog topics

Best Travel Content Ideas About Transportation

Things to do on a long bus ride

How to survive a long flight

What not to do one a plane

How to sleep on a plane

A review of the Eurail pass (or another transportation pass)

A guide to using a city’s transportation, such as the subway in NYC

How to get to the main part of a city from the airport — and vice versa, such as a guide to Bangkok’s airport shuttle

A guide to an airline’s rewards program

The best platforms for booking cheap flight/bus/train tickets

Travel Blog Post Ideas Focused On Destinations

Fun facts about a place

Things to do in a destination during a specific season

A roundup of your favorite tours in a destination

What not to do in a destination

A roundup of your favorite hotels in a destination

How to visit a particular place on a specific budget — such as $50 per day

A roundup of your favorite restaurants in a destination

The cheapest countries to visit on a certain continent

Your top travel tips for a specific destination

Travel Blog Post Ideas For When You Can’t Leave & Must Travel At Home

A recipe from a particular place, including a background story of the dish

Your favorite travel-inspired beauty ritual

Your favorite travel-themed craft

How to throw a dinner party inspired by a specific destination

How to transform your living space into a destination or give your space a makeover inspired by a particular place

Do a souvenir show-and-tell and share the story behind your favorite travel finds

Cocktail recipes from around the world

A roundup of your favorite movies set in a particular destination

A roundup of your favorite books set in a particular destination

How to visit the places featured in a certain movie

How to visit the places featured in a certain book

A roundup of inspiring TED Talks related to travel

travel content instagram

Niche Travel Blog Post Ideas

Note: Feel free to swap in your own travel blog niche for any of the below ideas.

The best destinations for a budget-friendly wellness experience

Best weekend getaways for couples

The best destinations for solo female travelers

Best bookstores around the world

How to plan a cruise vacation

How to book an ethical volunteer trip

Best female travel blogs

How to stay safe when traveling solo

Relaxing couples vacations

Common work-related travel expenses

Top luxury travel companies

Meals from around the world

Cheap travel insurance for families

Best luxury hotels in the world

How to avoid the single supplement when traveling solo

Tips for flying with a baby

Lesbian travel groups

Outdoor vacations for couples

Fun trips for kids

Best travel yoga mats

How to travel with a yoga mat

Best hiking vacations

Top guided backpacking trips

Best travel baby gear

Gifts for traveling couples

The top all-inclusive family vacations

Best family beach destinations

Tips for traveling with grandchildren

Quotes about family travel

Travel jobs for couples

Top liveaboard dive trips

Fun yoga and hiking retreats

Top spiritual yoga retreats

Safest countries for LGBTQ+ travelers

best travel topics

Holiday Blog Post Ideas For Travel Bloggers

Best gifts for a certain type of traveler — such as the best gifts for solo female travelers

How to book cheap Christmas vacations

How to find cheap Thanksgiving flights

Where to travel during Christmas

Best Christmas markets in europe

Traditional Christmas desserts from around the world

Top Jewish heritage tours

Delicious Kwanzaa recipes

Inspirational Blog Post Ideas For Travel Bloggers

Lessons learned from traveling to X# countries

What travel teaches you

Benefits of traveling

How travel changes your brain

Inspiration travel quotes

Recount one of your favorite funny travel stories

Share an inspiring love story from the road

Share one of your favorite inspiring travel stories about the kindness of strangers abroad

travel blog content about meeting locals

Summer Blog Post Ideas For Travel Bloggers

Cheap summer vacations

Places to visit in summer in the USA

Summer vacation ideas for families

A summer travel guide for a particular destination — or you can even niche down to a specific month, such as July Travel In Seattle

Best travel-sized sunscreens

Stylish active swimsuits

Fall Blog Post Ideas For Travel Bloggers

Where to go apple picking

Fall wine tasting outfit ideas

Fall foliage tours

Scariest haunted houses in America

Best fall road trips

Winter Blog Post Ideas For Travel Bloggers

Best showshoes for hiking

Scenic winter hiking trails

Best places to spend New Year’s Eve

Cozy log cabin getaways

Top ski resorts in a certain destination

Spring Blog Post Ideas For Travel Bloggers

Best gardens in the world

Warm places to visit in April

Cheap spring break trips

Romantic spring getaways

Best Easter holiday destinations

Tourism Blog Ideas

Must visit attractions in X

Best hidden gems in X

Most Instagrammable spots in X

Where to Stay in X

Best restaurants in X

Beach Blog Ideas

Most beautiful beaches in the world

Best beaches for surfing

Best beaches for families

Instagrammable beaches

Best beaches for snorkeling

Travel Agent Blog Ideas

Best time to visit X

Travel deals and discounts

Best travel destinations for families/couples/solo travelers

Guide to all inclusive resorts

ideas for travel blog posts

Where To Find New Travel Blog Post Ideas

After learning how to start a travel blog and make money , it’s important to regularly publish interesting articles that continuously bring you traffic and help you grow your income.

But, maybe you’re wondering how to come up with blog post ideas that people actually read .

Luckily, I have a few tips for this.

Note that for a full overview of how to create a content plan that aligns with your overall goals, I recommend taking my free Profitable Travel Blog Makeover , a four-day course that takes you from blog branding to monetization.

So earlier in the post I discussed starting with a mission statement that guides your content.

Along with coming up with travel blog post ideas from your own imagination, you can also utilize:

Jasper AI (click for a 10,000-word free trial).

Jasper uses the power of artificial intelligence to help you outline blog posts, create content, and come up with blog post ideas.

You can use the Blog Post Topic Ideas Template and simply enter your:

  • company name
  • product description
  • tone of voice
  • how many ideas your need

Boom — Jasper will provide you a list of ideas for travel topics to write about. From there, you can favorite the ones you like to help the tool better get to know what you’re looking for.

Keysearch  (use code “jessieonajourney30” for 30% off)

This is a powerful keyword research tool that can help you optimize your blog content to rank higher in search engine rankings.

You’ll also be able to input desired keywords to see related keywords — as well as questions people have about your keyword in the “Content Assistant” section. These can also be used as travel blog post ideas.

travel blog post ideas from Keysearch

Like tutorials?

Check out this short video to see how to find micro niche keywords and relevant keywords you can actually rank for using Keysearch:

Niche Facebook groups & forums .

Pop into a Facebook group or Reddit forum related to your niche and see what people are discussing. These can make for great travel related content ideas.

Google Trends .

Monitor search trends over a given time. This can help you post about things people are truly talking about.

Pinterest Trends .

See what topics are trending on Pinterest. This tool can help your content marketing efforts by helping you get more traffic to your Pinterest pins, which translates into more visitors to your blog content.

These are just a few of many strategies for coming up with engaging travel post ideas.

How To Write A Travel Blog Post Without Traveling

One common question many travel bloggers have:

How do I write a travel blog without traveling?

Of course, there will be times when travel isn’t possible.

This doesn’t mean you need to stop creating content.

Instead, consider how you might cover where you live in a way that would be interesting to travelers.

For instance, I have loads of New York City travel content because I know that even though it’s not a travel destination to me, it is to other people. Plus, being a local allows me a unique perspective not every blogger can provide.

You might also think about “armchair travel” content; blog post ideas that have a travel theme but can be enjoyed without leaving home.

A few examples of this include roundups of short travel stories , cultural recipes, solo staycation ideas , and other travel at home posts that align with your mission.

These strategies are also great travel blog ideas for beginners, who may be looking to jumpstart their blog with content even if they’re not traveling.

travel blog post ideas staycations

How To Write A Catchy Blog Post Title

Now, here’s the thing when it comes to coming up with ideas for travel blog posts:

Even if you have an amazing article, if your title isn’t enticing, it likely won’t get read.

Luckily, there is a free Headline Analyzer tool from CoSchedule that can help with this.

Basically, it looks at your headline to ensure that:

  • It has a good mix of common, uncommon, emotional, and power words
  • The first and last three words of the headline are engaging (as these are the words people tend to focus on most)
  • It includes searchable keywords
  • It isn’t too generic
  • It’s the right length (about 60 characters)

How To Start A Travel Blog Post

Now that you have a big list of travel content ideas , it’s time to dive deeper into how to actually write your blog post.

One very important part of your travel blog post is the introduction, as this will affect whether someone continues reading or clicks away.

To help you engage readers right away, I recommend utilizing the APP Method; also known as Agree – Promise – Preview.

This copywriting technique, which I learned about from Backlinko , revolves around the idea that your introduction should first agree with the reader to make it clear you understand them.

From there, you make a promise to them — such as a solution to a problem or a benefit of some kind.

Finally, you provide a preview by sharing exactly what they’ll get out of reading the blog post.

This blog post on growing an email list as a blogger provides a nice example of the APP Formula in action.

It’s also shown here:

travel blog post ideas

Promoting A Travel Blog Post Organically

There are many smart ways to increase blog traffic , a few of which I’ll outline here.

I recommend incorporating these into a content checklist so that you always know exactly what needs to be done before hitting publish on a blog post.

Optimize your blog posts for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) .

In my opinion, the best way to grow your blog traffic is to optimize it to rank in search results.

Once it ranks, you can continue to enjoy steady traffic for the foreseeable future.

Again, Keysearch makes it simple to both research if you can realistically rank for a keyword and then optimize your content for it. You can use code “jessieonajourney30” for 30% off.

While Keysearch offers loads of tutorials on how to use their tool, here is a quick overview:

travel blog post ideas in Keysearch

Above is an example of me researching “places to hike on Long Island,” a keyword I currently rank in the first spot of Google for.

On the left, you can see a graphic comparing all of the first page posts — which provides information for determining whether it’s worth competing for the keyword or not.

For instance, you can see things like how your Domain Authority compares to the other posts already ranking, as well as if the other posts have optimized their title, description, and URL for the keyword you want to rank for.

Additionally, on the right, you can see other suggested keywords with important information related to how competitive they are and how often people search for them.

Keep in mind, this is just the main page of Keysearch. The tool has numerous other features for ranking your posts in Google, too.

Take your SEO to the next level.

Now, another tool that can help with optimizing your content to rank in organic search results is Surfer SEO .

Instead of simply giving you data about other sites that are ranking, Surfer SEO analyzes your website to make tailored recommendations for:

  • specific keywords to target
  • specific ways to optimize new content
  • specific changes to make to old content to improve its chances of ranking
  • specific missed opportunities for internal and external backlinks
  • specific on-page SEO optimizations (such as optimal word count, title length, image count, etc)
  • and much more

As you can see, the tool gets very specific.

In short, you’ll get a step-by-step SEO workflow that can help you grow your traffic and increase your rankings – no guesswork required!

Here is a quick tutorial going over some of Surfer SEO’s powerful features:

While you’ll need a paid plan to get everything I showcase in the video, they do offer a free AI Article Outline Generator to give you a small taste of the platform.

Promote your new travel blog post on your social media channels.

When you promote new content, I highly recommend weaving a story into your shares to increase engagement. Talk about why you wrote the post, how the topic has impacted you, and how it can benefit others.

To save time, you can use a tool like StoryChief to blast your new travel blog content across your blogging hubs, social media channels, and email newsletter with one click.

Speaking of email newsletters…

Understand how to promote your blog content to your email subscribers in an engaging way by utilizing storytelling email marketing .

Just like when sharing travel blog content on social media, it’s helpful to share a story to make your email even more valuable.

Moreover, if you have an automated email sequence set up for new subscribers you can add in your best blog posts to help the content continuously get traffic.

Looking for an email marketing software that’s feature-rich and intuitive — and includes automations?

Click here for a free one-month trial of ConvertKit (no credit card required!).

The platform is made for bloggers by bloggers. And once you sell products, they also offer a marketplace to help their users increase sales.

Choosing Blog Post Categories

In terms of the categories you put on a travel blog post, consider how you want to organize your content.

Typically, your categories will be your blog’s main themes, while your tags help further break them down.

For instance, you might have “North America” as a category and “USA” and “Canada” as tags.

travel blog post ideas for online courses

How To Get Paid As A Travel Blogger

There are many ways to boost your travel blogging income — especially if you’re focusing on offering paid products, services, and experiences that fulfill your mission and that are an extension of your travel blog content.

Again, I highly recommend grabbing a seat in my free four-day travel blogging course if you want to learn how to make money blogging, though a few of the main ways I monetize my travel blog include:

Creating & selling online courses.

You’re already sharing knowledge in some way through your helpful blog content. Why not package up your wisdom into an online course that further helps your readers?

Personally, I use and recommend Teachable for creating online courses. That link gets you a two-week free trial, no credit card required!

You’ll have everything you need to be successful — including powerful training videos and support. It’s what I use to create and launch all of my online travel blogging courses .

Selling photo tours in NYC.

After having loads of readers ask me to show them around New York, I decided to get licensed as an NYC tour guide and start offering local experiences.

In fact, I’ve done so well selling these through my blog that I started a sister company, NYC Photo Journeys .

Working with brands.

This includes working on blogger brand collaborations as well as going on paid press trips and promoting partners in my travel blog content.

Affiliate marketing for travel bloggers .

When coming up with travel blog post ideas, I highly recommend you regularly add content optimized for affiliate sales to your publishing schedule. Here are some creative ways to promote affiliate links .

Running display ads on my travel blog.

Personally, I work with Mediavine for this. To see success, you should be publishing SEO-optimized articles and regularly updating older content so that it’s up-to-date.

travel blog post ideas

How To Become A Travel Blogger

If you stay focused, it’s possible to make money blogging in one year or less .

Map out your blogging goals , including what they are, how to reach them, and by when.

Stick with one or two main strategies, and then once you master those, you can add in others. This helps alleviate spreading yourself too thin.

This might mean saying you want to earn $5,000/month in affiliate sales by June 1 through publishing two affiliate-optimized blog posts per month, publishing two affiliate-optimized videos per month as part of your YouTube strategy , and hosting a free challenge that promotes an affiliate each quarter.

Remember, also, to grab access to my free Travel Blogger Resource Library to snag printables and workshops that can help you take your blog full-time much quicker.

Bonus: 10 Ways To Make Money Travel Blogging [Free Workshop]

how to make money as a travel blogger

While we’re on the topic of growing a profitable blogging business, I’d love to invite you to my free workshop: 10 Powerful Ways To Make Money Travel Blogging.

During the 60-minute on-demand workshop, you’ll learn:

  • Myths related to monetizing a blog (that may be holding you back!)
  • Strategies for creating profitable content (so those blog posts, emails & social shares lead to income!)
  • Tips for earning recurring passive revenue as a blogger (so your income grows even when you’re away from your laptop!)
  • How to create products that you know your audience will buy (so you don’t waste your time!)
  • Advice for growing your affiliate income (with a strategy that truly works!)

Plus, your free ticket to this actionable workshop also includes a Q&A, limited-time replay, and special bonuses.

Click here to grab your seat in the free travel blog monetization workshop .

Bonus Profitable Blogging Tutorials [Video Playlist]

Want to learn more powerful strategies for taking your blog full time?

Check out this curated playlist of blogging tips and tactics that work:

What travel blog post ideas would you add to this list?

Which of the above best travel topics are you excited to write first.

Enjoyed this post on travel blog content ideas? Pin it for later!

travel blog content

To revisit this article, visit My Profile, then View saved stories .

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WIRED Travel will introduce you to companies moving beyond fossil fuels and people embracing the “slow travel” movement . We’ll bring you up-to-date, practical tips and tricks to get where you’re going, like the best apps for solo travel and the gear you should pack before you go. As climate change and extreme weather challenge our transportation systems, we’ll offer a closer look at how experts are addressing global infrastructure challenges and how transit companies are adapting to a changing world.

If your summer plans include a quick getaway to more pleasant shores, or you just want to get a head start on the best deals for your family holidays at the end of the year, we’ve got you covered. Remember though, we’re on this trip together! If you have questions or feedback, or even want to contribute your voice to the section, email us at [email protected] , and mention travel in the subject line. We’d love to hear from you.

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AAA Hawaiʻi: Gas prices move down slightly before start of holiday travel 

Hawaiʻi gas prices moved down slightly in most areas as Independence Day travelers get ready for their holiday getaways,  according to the AAA Hawaiʻi Weekend Gas Watch. The statewide average price for regular unleaded is $4.71, which is one cent lower than last week. The national average gas price is $3.50, which is five cents higher than last week. 

 In Kahului, the average price of $4.75 is the same as last week and six cents lower than a year ago.

Līhuʻe’s average price for regular is $5.25, which is one cent higher than last week and three cents higher than a year ago.

In Honolulu, today’s average price for regular unleaded is $4.57, two cents lower than last week and four cents lower than last year.

The Hilo average gas price is $4.85, which is one cent lower than last week and nine cents higher than a year ago.

 “AAA Hawaii is projecting that  10.8 million Pacific State residents  will take Independence Day trips starting this weekend, which is a new record for the region,” said Liane Sumida, AAA Hawaiʻi general manager. “For those who will drive on their holiday trips, AAA recommends using a free online tool such as the AAA Mobile app to find the least expensive gas stations along the way.” 

Prices as of 9 a.m., June 27:

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This is Aruba’s Top Honeymoon Resort, According to Travel Agents

With June weddings in the rearview and October matrimonies on the horizon, it’s time for agents to start looking for some October and November honeymoons.

When it comes to the Dutch Caribbean island of Aruba, the resort choice is easy, according to several Caribbean travel specialists.

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At Anse Chastanet in Saint Lucia, The Art of Adventure

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Saint Lucia’s Anse Chastanet resort (the sister property to Jade Mountain) has a host of familiar amenities, including a spa, cooking classes, chocolate making classes, and water sports activities like scuba diving, paddle boarding, and kayaking. But it’s also the […]

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IHG Is Opening a New Mexican Caribbean Resort 

IHG is opening its first-ever Vignette Collection resort in the Mexico-Caribbean region next year, Caribbean Journal has learned.  The new El Gran Encomendero is set in the town of Valladolid at the corner of the Yucatan Peninsula, at the crossroads […]

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Another Celebrity Chef Just Opened an Atlantis Paradise Island Restaurant 

Nobu Matsuhisa, Jose Andres, Michael White, Alon Shaya. Now another celebrity chef has debuted a restaurant at The Bahamas’ Atlantis Paradise Island resort.  The newest name? Chef JJ Johnson, who has debuted his FIELDTRIP, a fast-casual, “community-driven” rice bowl shop […]

Uber is offering $1K to Americans to drive less

  • 'One Less Car' challenge asks Americans to find other ways to travel
  • Uber will pay participants $1,000 each to not drive for five weeks
  • Participants will have to log their alternative travel, record experience

Devan Markham

An Uber sign is displayed inside a car in Palatine, Ill., Thursday, Feb. 10, 2022. As Uber pushed into markets around the world, the ride-sharing service lobbied political leaders to relax labor and taxi laws and used a “kill switch″ to thwart regulators and law enforcement. Uber also channeled money through Bermuda and other tax havens and considered portraying violence against its drivers as a way to gain public sympathy. That’s according to a report released Sunday by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists. (AP Photo/Nam Y. Huh)

CHICAGO ( NewsNation ) —   Uber is challenging you to leave your car behind for five weeks and, instead, use different types of transportation like walking, cycling, public transit and ride-sharing.

Bonus: The company will pay you for it.

With sky-high inflation and the cost of owning a vehicle at an all-time high , Uber is introducing the “One Less Car” challenge. It will select 175 people in cities across the country and Canada to give up their cars for the month.

Those living in Los Angeles, Chicago, Washington, D.C., Miami, San Francisco, Toronto and Vancouver can apply to participate . For those looking to apply, the application window is from July 22 to Aug. 25.

Participants selected to participate in the trial will be given $1,000 to use on alternative transportation to get around.

Uber has partnered with the  Behavioural Insights Team to measure the trial’s results. Participants are expected to document their experience and take notes on their “car-light lifestyle.”

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  1. The Best Travel Instagram Accounts To Fuel Your Wanderlust

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  1. 300+ Incredible Travel Content Ideas for Instagram

    This is a list of Instagram travel content posting ideas for almost a whole year. There are 305 TRAVEL Instagram photo and post ideas that will not only help you focus on capturing the perfect shots but also create the most engaging captions. These Instagram travel captions and content ideas can easily be adapted to other lifestyle and blogging ...

  2. 25 Creative Instagram Travel Content Ideas For Tour Operators

    25 Creative Instagram Travel Content Ideas. Share snippets of local cuisines, traditional crafts, or unique rituals—offer a glimpse into the authentic essence of the destination. Tease upcoming tours with behind-the-scenes sneak peeks, showcasing preparations, guides, and exclusive spots.

  3. 18 Best Travel Instagram Accounts to Inspire Your Wanderlust

    9. @theblondeabroad. If you're looking for gorgeous landscapes worldwide (in more than 40 countries, to be exact), Kiersten's Instagram feed is worth the visit. From the stunning cityscapes of Dubai to Iceland's frozen paradise, there's plenty to gawk over in this travel blogger's Instagram account.

  4. [2023 GUIDE] How to Start a Travel Instagram

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  5. 30 Travel Instagram Accounts You Should Follow in 2024

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  6. The 22 Best Instagram Travel Accounts To Inspire You

    6 @bemytravelmuse. I found Kristin's Instagram very recently and made an impact on me. It's one of those accounts you can't stop scrolling down. Once a former investment banker in the corporate world, Kristin is a now a travel writer exploring the world full-time. You can follow her on her blog too.

  7. Top 10 best travel Instagram accounts to follow

    3. @ALEXPREVIEW. Hamburg based Alexander Williamson is the mastermind behind the Instagram page @alexpreview. Setting social media feeds alight with images of Bora Bora, the Maldives and Thailand, each post is sure to make you wish you were right there with him.

  8. 7 Best Travel Instagrams to Inspire Your Content

    Social media and content marketing are vital elements for modern travel companies. These low-cost tools assist you to build a strong brand persona and a tight bond with your followers, customers, and prospects. ... With 42 million followers, @natgeotravel is the most influential travel brand on Instagram. The brand has consistently showcased ...

  9. How to Make the Best Travel Instagram Reels, According to Social Media

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  10. Best Travel Content Ideas for Instagram

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  11. 79 Best Travel Hashtags For Instagram (Travel & Tourism)

    Eco-Friendly Travel. Using trending travel hashtags like #EcoTravel promotes environmentally responsible travel practices. This type of content is crucial for an Instagram account raising awareness about sustainable tourism practices, such as supporting local economies, minimizing plastic use, or staying at eco-friendly accommodations.

  12. How to Start a Travel Instagram (Instagram Travel Influencer Secrets)

    Travel instagram accounts have inspired people from all over the globe to set out on adventures and explore new cultures. These nomadic influencers partner with brands in an infinite number of ways. They travel the world and create gorgeous content in exchange for free gear, trips and once-in-a-lifetime experiences.

  13. 25 Social Media Content Ideas For Travel

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  14. Get inspired by these 40 travel Instagram accounts

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  15. Travel content, tips & recomendations (@vacationtlps)

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  16. How to Create Content for Instagram While Traveling

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    Greece. Greece, steeped in history, mythology, and breathtaking landscapes, is a haven for Instagrammers seeking ancient ruins and stunning vistas: Santorini: The whitewashed buildings with blue-domed churches overlooking the Aegean Sea, especially in Oia and Fira, provide iconic views for capturing Greece's beauty.

  20. 150+ Short Travelling Captions for Instagram Photos or Reels

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    Content. On Instagram, Lisa's content is organically presented - sharing her life travel experiences with thoughtful and inspiring captions. From cultural experiences with local children in Indonesia, a visit to the world's biggest Buddhist monument, temples in Cambodia, skiing in Utah, to brave snorkeling with jellyfish in Palau.

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  29. This is Aruba's Top Honeymoon Resort, According to Travel Agents

    To access this content, subscribe now. Caribbean Travel Advisor provides 24-7 Caribbean content and news for travel agents and travel insiders.Subscribe today to unlock this article and receive ...

  30. Uber announces new trial, challenging Americans to drive less

    Uber is offering $1K to Americans to drive less. An Uber sign is displayed inside a car in Palatine, Ill., Thursday, Feb. 10, 2022. As Uber pushed into markets around the world, the ride-sharing service lobbied political leaders to relax labor and taxi laws and used a "kill switch″ to thwart regulators and law enforcement.