How it Works

How it Works Process Image

Image Details

Image Dimensions

Good Examples

Good sample image

Size & Position

  Good distance

Subject too close to camera

Bad sample image

  Head off centered

Bad sample image

Subject too far from camera

Bad sample image

Pose & Expression

Good expression

Good sample image

Subject is looking down

Bad sample image

Facial is not neutral

Bad sample image

Subject is looking up

Bad sample image

Glasses are not allowed

Bad sample image

Attire, Hats, Hair

  Good example

Head clothing covers portion of face

Bad sample image

Scarf covers portion of face

Bad sample image

Hair covering portion of face

Bad sample image

Shadows & Lighting

  Good lighting

  Inaccurate color

Bad sample image

  Shadows on the face

Bad sample image

Background and facial shadows and glasses

Bad sample image

Good background

Background not plain

Bad sample image

Resolution & Quality

Good resolution

Good sample image

Blurry photo

Bad sample image

Grainy photo

Bad sample image

Background and facial obstruction

Bad sample image

Background, lighting, position

Bad sample image

Face Obstruction

Good example

Object in mouth

Scarf covering chin

Bad sample image

Hair covering face

Bad sample image

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Can I change the compression ratio of a JPEG image on (passport photo tool)?

When on's photo editor , I get

Image is overly compressed. Please use a compression ratio that is less than 20:1

Is there anyway to get past this screen in the application given a jpg file? Can I open it up in a gimp and make less-compressed knowing the quality won't be better?

  • compression

Evan Carroll's user avatar

  • compression ratio may be a red herring : include the pixel dimensions of your failed upload in your question. FYI passport photos are 2x2 inches, which is 600x600 pixels if printed at 300 ppi. No need for the image you upload to be larger than that. –  Yorik Commented Oct 14, 2021 at 15:29

2 Answers 2

the tldr: in Chrome you open up the developer console ( Ctrl + Shift + J ) and run,

We can devise two ways to do this (1) by editing the image, or (2) by editing the JavaScript code.

How it works

Looking at the code, you can see how it's calculated from the definition of

And the call site,

So in the definition e is image and t is imageNumBytes . This is the assumption that the raw image is 3 bytes-per-pixel (TrueColor).

Our options

Editing the JavaScript code: Alternatively this error is rendered here,

In Chrome you can open up the developer console ( Ctrl + Shift + J ) and run ,

And then the conditional will never trigger and you won't get that error.

Editing the image: In order to get a lower "compression ratio" for your image you need only lower the numerator ( 3 * image.naturalWidth * image.naturalHeight ) or raise the denominator by making imageNumBytes (image size) bigger.

  • 2 it is not that crazy: 3 * pxwidth * pxheight is, for 8bpp RGB, the byte size for the raw image data. This ignores all headers, metadata, and file specification of course, but for a rapid file-spec-agnostic rule of thumb. it is sane. In addition, I haven't traced the code, but it assumes a canvas of 600x600 (see my comment to the question), so their method captures massive downsampling aka "effective resolution". The real problem is their failure to mention that 600px square image is optimal. –  Yorik Commented Oct 14, 2021 at 16:05
  • @Yorik Good observation. That makes sense. I don't think you understand their application. The whole purpose of it is to crop a regular photo to their desired dimension with proper sizing (guidance whether or not the face is within the margin of error). If you had a perfect passport photo you wouldn't need the application to begin with. Think Mom wants a passport photo and you have have only a cell phone and the photo needs to be 2in x 2inc, with the face 1in-1.3in wide. –  Evan Carroll Commented Oct 14, 2021 at 16:17
  • So reducing and printing a 7000px square image as 2inch square @ 300ppi tends to blur the contents. I think the point of the uploader is to help identify potential passport rejection problems. So objecting to an overly reduced image is possibly part of the rationale. If it were me, and I knew the desired spec(!), I would reduce the size before uploading to check for sharpness. But I have done a lot of book design even going back to the 80s so I know what to look for. The site doesn't assume lots of knowledge, but the error would be improved by actionable information for graphics design novices –  Yorik Commented Oct 14, 2021 at 16:20
  • I will add that it isn't simply a wording problem: I know lots of "normal" people whose eyes glaze over even trying to relate the most basic information about size and ppi etc. –  Yorik Commented Oct 14, 2021 at 16:23
  • I created a google sheet for this. it could be useful to find out how much should you resize the image to bypass the validator. –  Ali Ghanavatian Commented Oct 29, 2021 at 8:56

Evan Carroll I am so sorry that these people are such eggheads desparate to prove how smart they are. And actually do nothing to actually answer your question, pathetic.

I got the same message. Here is what I did to fix it:

  • Open MS Paint
  • Click resize
  • Click Pixels
  • increase the pixel count. I went from 600 to 800 then try uploading again and it worked perfectly for me. Good Luck!

Curtis Proctor's user avatar

  • 2 This does not provide an answer to the question. It was about doing it in an application. Once you have sufficient reputation you will be able to comment on any post ; instead, provide answers that don't require clarification from the asker . - From Review –  Rohit Gupta Commented Jun 22, 2023 at 6:45

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travel state gov passport photo cropper

Passport Photos Perfectly Cropped

Passport Photos Perfectly Cropped

US passport photo: size and requirements

US passport photo: size and requirements

Width: 2 in

Height: 2 in

passport photo like icon

Is it suitable for online submission?

passport photo parameters icon

Image definition parameters

Head height: 1.29 in

Bottom of the Photo to the Eye Line: 1.18 in

passport photo  background icon

Background Color

passport photo resolution icon

Is it printable?

How does our photo tool work?

Take or upload photo

Take or upload photo

Take a photo or upload one from your mobile gallery. Follow our guidelines to meet all the requirements.

Get your photo verified

Get your photo verified

Let AI fine-tune your photo. Order your picture, and have it verified by an expert to ensure 100% compliance.

Enjoy your photo

Enjoy your photo

Download your digital photo instantly, or have your printouts delivered to your doorstep for free!

travel state gov passport photo cropper

Vule is a seasoned editor with a rich background in writing and editing, specializing in content related to passport photography. His skill lies in transforming complex information into clear, engaging narratives, making intricate topics accessible and relatable to a broad audience. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for storytelling, Vule ensures that every piece of content is not only factually accurate but also captivating and informative.

Passport photo cropping tool

We all have that perfect photo. 

The one your friend took a few months ago…You know the one. 

What if there was a way to take that photo and make it your passport picture for the next ten years? 

There’s a way–as long as the subject’s face is clearly visible and the photo was taken within the last 6 (six) months. Keep reading to find out how a strategic passport photo crop can have US citizens looking at their perfect photo every time they open their US passport–all done without hours wasted on figuring out confusing cropping tools.

Crop a photo to passport size

There are numerous ways to crop an existing photo to a passport-size one, especially if the image has been saved in a high-quality format (e.g., .jpg between 54Kb and 10MB) or scanned at a minimum resolution of 300 px/inch (for physical prints). Some methods, such as using Photoshop to crop the photo, require a certain amount of technical know-how. While others (e.g., using Passport Photo Online ) are so intuitive that almost everyone can figure them out. 

When taking a passport photo, it is crucial to have the correct dimensions. Cutting a regular photo to size can result in rejection, as the US passport agents have specific requirements for a passport size photo. Therefore, it is always best to use a digital passport photo tool to ensure the dimensions are correct.

How to crop a passport photo online?

There’s an abundance of online photo croppers available on the internet, including the free cropping tool provided by the US Department of State. There are also third-party companies such as 123passport, IDPhoto4You , and, all offering photo cropping services at varying prices. 

While outcomes and levels of service vary using third-party software, only Passport Photo Online offers a 100% compliance or double-your-money-back guarantee. Couple our industry-leading guarantee with our simple 3-step process, and it’s no wonder we have over 3,800 5⭐ ratings on . 

To get a compliant biometric photo with Passport Photo Online, simply

  • Click on the “Upload a photo” button and select the source image for the passport photo.
  • Our state-of-the-art software automatically crops your image to the government-mandated standard while simultaneously removing any background items and/or other impurities.
  • Your government-compliant passport photo is ready to download in seconds, with optional physical prints delivered to any address in the US (for in-person passport applications or renewals by mail).

That’s all there is to it. No advanced technical skills or wasted hours figuring out confusing online cropping tools. 

Crop a photo to passport size on iPhone

The 3-step process mentioned above can also be repeated using our dedicated iOS application . By downloading our app, users have the additional option of snapping their passport photo using their mobile device’s camera or uploading an existing photo and having the software crop the photo to the required specifications.

Cropping a photo to passport size on Android

Don't worry Android users, we have you covered with our dedicated Android app . Simply fire up the app and snap a new passport photo at will or use an existing photo as the image source–the choice is up to you. Whatever your decision, the application will crop any compatible image into a US passport photo.

No need to cut passport photos manually 

Here at Passport Photo Online, we’ve tried to make getting passport photos as easy as possible–during every step of the process. That’s why our image cropping and background removal are done automatically and why our photos are delivered pre-cut to any address in the US – there’s no risk of human error and subsequent photo rejection.

By using our convenient service, there’s never any need to cut passport-size photos out of templates. Once your photos arrive in the mail, you’re good to go, with no additional actions required. 

Passport Photo Online–your personal passport photo cropper

While there are many ways to crop a photo to passport size, wouldn't you rather spend your time doing something other than fiddling with complicated software? With Passport Photo Online ’s intuitive interface, there’s no need to spend hours trying to get your favorite photo to comply with US regulations–everything is done automatically!

Also, with all of our photos guaranteed to comply with US regulations (or double your money back) and arriving pre-cut, there is no risk your passport photo will be rejected due to faulty cropping or cutting.

So why not upload that favorite photo (starring you) and take our highly-rated service for a spin?

Passport Photo Online’s cropping tool

Want to use that amazing photo your friend snapped for your new US passport? Now you can, with Passport Photo Online’s popular service available online and on dedicated mobile phone applications ( Android and iOS ). Best of all, there are no complex features to figure out since all the cropping, background removal, and cutting is done automatically (unlike some of those other apps). 

Simply download the application or visit our website to start the process. In no time at all, you’ll have a perfectly cropped passport photo that will make you smile whenever you open your passport.


How to prepare yourself?

Distance from the camera while taking a passport photo

Distance from the camera

Take the photo from a distance of about 20 inches from your face. Ideally, the photo should be taken by another person.

face in front of the camera during passport photo

Face in front of the camera

Place your face in front of the lens and keep a neutral expression on your face. Hold the camera at face height.

Passport photo lighting

Even lighting

Just stand facing a light source such as an exposed window. Don't worry about the background.

We provide photos for IDs from all over the world. You’ll find the one you are looking for!

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Passport Photo Maker

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Passbild für Babys

Biometric photos. Always. Anywhere. Online.

Get the free app for iOS or Android.

The best option is to take this photo at home. Use our online photo tool, which adjusts your photo to the requirements.

How to cut a passport photo yourself?

How to crop a photo to passport size, how to cut a passport-size photo online.

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Passport Photo Online

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Free Online Passport Photo Editor

Free Tools to Crop and Download your Perfect Passport Photo (2 x 2 inch)

travel state gov passport photo cropper

2 x 2 inch (US Passport Photo)

Printable on a 4x6 photo paper (Postcard size)

How to create your 2x2 inch Passport Photo Online

  • Take a Picture on a white background, take few photos with a camera or smartphone

travel state gov passport photo cropper

  • Crop the image and click on the "Next" Button
  • You can now download the high resolution image that can be printed on a 4x6'' photo sheet

Passport Photo Requirements (2x2, 51x51 mm, 5x5 cm)

Privacy policy.

  • We don't send a single bit about your input data to our servers and we do not store anything

Terms of use

  • No usage limits: You do not need an account to use our tools, and they are completely free of charge. Feel free to use them as much as you want.
  • Liability: We are not liable for any actions you may take using our tools, and we offer no warranty or guarantee of any kind.

Make United States Passport Photos

How 123PassportPhoto works

US Passport Photo Size Requirements

  • Photo size must be 2 x 2 inches (51 x 51 mm).
  • Sized such that the head is between 1 inch and 1 3/8 inches (between 25 and 35 mm) from the bottom of the chin to the top of the head.

You don't need to worry about the size requirements. Our crop tool will help you to get the correct size.

Refer to US passport photo requirements for more informaiton.

Take Passport Photo

  • Passport photo must be in color .
  • Photo has white or off-white background . If you take photo against a white wall, there should be no decoration on the wall.
  • Look straight to the camera. Both ears should be visible .
  • The photo must be with neutral facial expression .
  • Both eyes should be open .
  • Mouth must be closed . No smiling.
  • Do not wear a hat. Full face must be visible.
  • There should be no other objects in the photo background or on the face, such as headset. There should be no hair on the face as well.
  • If possible, do not wear glasses, especially glasses with dark frames. If you must wear glasses, ensure that there is no reflection on the glasses. Both eyes must be clearly visible.
  • Forehead and eyebrows should be visible. Do not cover eyebrows with hair.
  • There must be no shadow on the face and behind the head. Please see the tips below on how to avoid shadow in the photo.
  • Lighting on the face must be even.

Lighting and Positioning

  • Take photo in bright room. Use a white wall as background.
  • Stand one meter away from the wall, otherwise there may be shadow on the wall.
  • Use a tripod. Adjust the camera position to the eye level.
  • When adjust the camera distance to leave enough space between the top of the head and top border of the photo.

Take passport photo

Refer to the general guidelines for more details.

Crop and Generate Passport Photos

  • Select a country. Different countries/regions have different requirements for passport photos. With the country selection, our system will get correct the passport photo size from our database and use the information in the following steps.
  • Upload your photo. The file size should be smaller that 10MB and the photo size should be smaller than 4000 x 3000 pixels. The system processes only .jpg or .jpeg files. It may a few moments to finish the uploading process depending on the file size of the photo and the connection bandwidth.

Passport photo guide bars

Download Photos

How to make united states passport / visa photo at home, step 1: take a picture with a digital camera or a smartphone.

Make sure someone takes your passport photo for you. Selfies are not accepted. Make use of your tripod if you have one. By using a tripod, you will be able to keep the camera level and steady. Ideally, the person should be around 1 meter away from the camera.

Pspport photo good examples

Step 2: Choose a venue with appropriate lighting

Face a bright window or the door when taking a photo. In this way, shadows can be avoided on the face and in the background. It is essential that the face is evenly lit. Ensure that the face is free of shadows and glares.

Note: You do not need to worry about the background, since our online passport photo generator will automatically do it for you.

passport photo lighting and shadows

Step 3: Dress appropriately for your passport photo

Uniforms should not be worn. Put on regular street clothes for your photo.

Eyeglasses should not be worn. You should remove any sunglasses, tinted glasses, or glasses that you wear if you are taking a passport photo.

Ensure that your face is fully visible. Make sure your hair doesn't cover your face or obscure your eyes. In the case of very long bangs covering your eyebrows, pin them back with bobby pins. Although it's better to show your ears as well, that won't stop your photo from being accepted.

Passport photos don't allow hats unless they're religious headgear such as a headscarf or yarmulke.

passport photo attire, hats and hair

Step 4: Pose for a passport photo

Face the camera straight on and look straight at it. Avoid tilting or rotating the head.

It is important that the shoulders are visible, and there should be enough space around the head to crop the picture.

Make sure the camera is at the same level as the head.

passport photo pose

Step 5: Maintain neutral facial expressions

It's okay to smile in your passport photo, but the government prefers you to have a neutral facial expression.

Under the new international passport rules, it is usually not acceptable to smile or have your mouth open.

acceptable passport photo

Good and bad examples of passport photos

Example of passport photos

Online Passport Photo Generator

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Creating Passport Size Photos Photos

  • Thread starter arnoota
  • Start date Apr 7, 2008
  • Sort by reaction score

macrumors newbie

  • Apr 7, 2008

I've been trying to figure out how to crop a regular photo taken with my digital camera down to a 2x2 passport size photo. Everything I've found in the forums suggests ways I can change printing options, but since I'll be sending the photo out digitally, I'd like to know how to save the image in this size. I don't have Photoshop (except for PS Express), and when i use iPhoto's "Custom Size" option to set it to 2x2, it looks to me like it's still in a rectangular shape. When I save it as a "Square" it turns into a square, but a square that fills the page. Are there any other options that I have? Thank you for any advice!  

macrumors 65816

I've never used PS Express so I don't know its capabilities. You might have better luck using Preview to crop and resize the image than iPhoto. Export the full size image from iPhoto and mess with it in Preview.  

arnoota said: I've been trying to figure out how to crop a regular photo taken with my digital camera down to a 2x2 passport size photo. Everything I've found in the forums suggests ways I can change printing options, but since I'll be sending the photo out digitally, I'd like to know how to save the image in this size. I don't have Photoshop (except for PS Express), and when i use iPhoto's "Custom Size" option to set it to 2x2, it looks to me like it's still in a rectangular shape. When I save it as a "Square" it turns into a square, but a square that fills the page. Are there any other options that I have? Thank you for any advice! Click to expand...


Moderator emeritus

Once you cropped it to a sqaure in Preview, use Tools >> Adjust Size to well, adjust the size.  

  • Apr 8, 2008

Thank you! That worked well!  

  • Jul 30, 2008

How to format multiple passport sizes on a single paper? Hi, This was a very useful discussion to format/crop the image to 2" x 2" passport size. Does anyone know how can I arrange multiple 2x2 thumbnails on a single photo paper? So I don't have to take many printouts for multiple passport photos. Thanks! Mihir  

Weaselboy I used this online tool to crop and print my passports photo. Worked just fine.  


  • Sep 11, 2010

not working for me I tried resizing the square image in preview to 2" but it continues to print 2.75" square??? iphoto isn't to the Mac and frustrated. MIKE  



Macrumors 68030.

  • Jul 23, 2012

I did my passport recently and used the tool provided by the US Passport site.  

  • Passport photo
  • Passport Photo Cropping Tool | Take Your Passport Photo At Home

Passport Photo Cropping Tool

Do you need to format your photo for a passport or visa application? Below, we’ll explain how our online passport photo size editor can help you apply for identity documents as efficiently as possible.

Passport Photo Cropping Tool Online

Table of contents

What is a standard passport photo size, can i take my own passport photo at home, online passport and visa photo editing tool, can i use a u.s. photo tool to crop my passport photo, tips to take a proper passport photo at home.

There is no universal standard for all countries around the world. However, some size formats are widely known and used.

For European countries, especially EU member states, the standard passport picture size is 35 x 45 mm. This is also the ICAO standard, so if a country follows the ICAO criteria for its visa applications, you can refer to this format.

For the US and Mexico, the proportions are 2 x 2 inches. This is not just for passport photos but also visas: applicants for US visas have to use this format.

Besides these formats, there are other formats such as 3 x 4 cm, 2 x 3 cm, and 4 x 6 cm. As you can see from the sizes, the alignment of passport photos is usually either portrait (with its height longer than its base) or square (as is the case with the US photo size).

Yes, granted that your passport application does not require you only to take the passport picture at the processing office. You can take your own passport photo at home, so you can simply choose the one you like best and have complete control over your photos.

You will need to ensure that you have the right background, outfit, lighting, and other details required for identity photos.

The question, then is to ensure that your photo fulfills the size and proportion standards. While getting your dress code, pose, and lighting right is intuitive, getting sizes and proportions can be pretty tricky.

However, some tools can help you with this task.

With Visafoto, you can edit your homemade portraits into fully compliant passport and visa application photos instantly without thinking about how to crop, change backgrounds, or adjust proportions. Visafoto can change your background or even fix red-eye effects.

This tool can be handy when you need your photo done fast but properly and you want a guaranteed result. Visafoto’s customer service is also ready to help you through the process.

Image Upload Error

Source photo example that you need to take in order to make a passport or visa photo at

The Department of State has a tool to crop your photos into the size format of US passports. So yes, to a certain degree, if you simply need your passport photo to be cropped into the required size, this tool can help you.

However, as we have explained above, not all countries have the same passport photo size, and having the right size is not the end of photo requirements. Your photos must also have the right head-to-photo proportions, including the distance between the frames and your eyes. They also need to have the right background.

Understanding this, you may not find this Department of State tool handy if you need a passport photo for another country or do not yet have the right plain white background as required. The tool in its current version also needs to calculate head proportions correctly in all cases, which may make your photo results invalid, even though it was done through a government-made tool.

Learn more: U.S. passport and visa Photo Tool problems

To start, ensure you have a camera (this includes your smartphone) with a good enough resolution. We recommend using cameras with at least 5 Megapixels resolution.

Then, make sure you have good lighting. Daylight is ideal, but you must also ensure that there are no glares and that the lighting is even throughout the picture. There should be no shadows shown on you.

Now let’s think about the dress code. Usually, a light and plain background is needed, so it is recommended to wear darker clothing so it contrasts with the background. We also recommend that you opt for smart casual or more formal, though you don’t need to break out a tuxedo! This is so that the photo can be used more universally.

The rules for glasses and headwear may vary, but the general rule is if allowed, only glasses worn in everyday life are allowed. Among headwear, only daily religious ones are allowed.

When you’re posing for your picture, you must look straight at the camera and keep a neutral expression with your mouth closed. A slight smile may be beneficial so you don’t look tense.

Have your picture taken with the camera positioned 1,5-2 meters in front of you. Make sure your whole face and the upper part of your torso are captured.

Good luck with your application!

Download and install the Visafoto (7ID) app on your phone!

  • Access to complete photo history
  • Support for paid photos through the in-app chat
  • 7ID includes free QR and barcode storage, free PIN code storage, and a free signature maker

Download 7ID App for iOS

Visit the 7ID website for more information >

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  • General Immigration-Related Discussion

Help in making your own Passport Photos

By Leo7777 November 13, 2014 in General Immigration-Related Discussion

  • Passport Photos
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5 posts in this topic

Recommended posts, leo7777   243.

USA Department of State has a neat webpage to help you format your own photos for submission.

[[ ]]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Time Line - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


July 22, 2017  ROC packet sent to Vermont.

July 24, 2017  ROC packet signed for in Vermont.

August 8, 2017   NOA received at house.  15 days since ROC signed for in VSC .

August 12, 2017 ASC appointment received. 19 days since ROC in VSC .

August 25, 2017 BIO completed. 32 days since ROC received in VSC .

August 11, 2018  18 month 'Courtesy Copy' extension letter received.  Critical number  297

October 20, 2018 18 month 'Official' extension letter received.  Critical number 297

December 4, 2018  USCIS Account shows: We approved your Form I-751, Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence, 

December 4, 2018, ordered your new card for Receipt # EAC17297003XX, and will mail to the address you gave.

491 days from NOA issued by VSC until Petition approved.

December 7, 2018 USCIS sent notice:  Card mailed.

December 12, 2018 Ten year Green Card received from Lees Summit, MO

499 days from NOA issued by VSC until Green Card received.

- - - - - - - - - - 


December 6, 2018 submitted N-400 application on-line.  Estimated Completion Time: 8 months or August 2019.

December 8, 2018 received notice on USCIS that Biometrics scheduled . . . but the actual date was not yet shown.

December 11, 2018 saw in 'Documents' section of USCIS that Bio scheduled for 24 December 2018.

December 21, 2018 saw on USCIS website that they will be closed 24 December 2018 as extra holiday.

January 9, 2019 went for re-scheduled BIO appointment.  33 days after N-400 submitted on-line.

February 19, 2019 received letter in US mail that Citizenship interview scheduled for 26 March 2019. 74 days after submission on-line.

March 26, 2019 Citizenship interview scheduled for.  109 days after N-400 submitted on-line.

March 26, 2019 Passed Citizenship interview.

April 12, 2019  Received notice that Oath Ceremony had been scheduled for 24 April 2019.  17 days after interview.

April 24, 2019  Oath Ceremony completed.  29 days after interview.     139 days after N-400 submitted on-line.

April 25, 2019  USA Passport Application submitted.

May 3, 2019     USA Passport received.    149 days after N-400 submitted on-line.

May 9, 2019     Certificate of Naturalization and Citizenship returned in mail.

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TBoneTX   44,749

*** Thread moved from main " AOS from WS&T Visas" forum to General Immigration Discussion -- topic applies to more than one visa type. ***

06-04-2007 = TSC stamps postal return-receipt for I-129f.

06-11-2007 = NOA1 date (unknown to me).

07-20-2007 = Phoned Immigration Officer; got WAC#; where's NOA1?

09-25-2007 = Touch (first-ever).

09-28-2007 = NOA1, 23 days after their 45-day promise to send it (grrrr).

10-20 & 11-14-2007 = Phoned ImmOffs; "still pending."

12-11-2007 = 180 days; file is "between workstations, may be early Jan."; touches 12/11 & 12/12.

12-18-2007 = Call; file is with Division 9 ofcr. (bckgrnd check); e-prompt to shake it; touch.

12-19-2007 = NOA2 by e-mail & web, dated 12-18-07 (187 days; 201 per VJ); in mail 12/24/07.

01-09-2008 = File from USCIS to NVC , 1-4-08; NVC creates file, 1/15/08; to consulate 1/16/08.

01-23-2008 = Consulate gets file; outdated Packet 4 mailed to fiancee 1/27/08; rec'd 3/3/08.

04-29-2008 = Fiancee's 4-min. consular interview, 8:30 a.m.; much evidence brought but not allowed to be presented (consul: "More proof! Second interview! Bring your fiance!").

05-05-2008 = Infuriating $12 call to non-English-speaking consulate appointment-setter.

05-06-2008 = Better $12 call to English-speaker; "joint" interview date 6/30/08 (my selection).

06-30-2008 = Stokes Interrogations w/Ecuadorian (not USC); "wait 2 weeks; we'll mail her."

07-2008 = Daily calls to DOS: "currently processing"; 8/05 = Phoned consulate, got Section Chief; wrote him.

08-07-08 = E-mail from consulate, promising to issue visa "as soon as we get her passport" (on 8/12, per DHL).

08-27-08 = Phoned consulate (they "couldn't find" our file); visa DHL'd 8/28; in hand 9/1; through POE on 10/9 with NO hassles(!).

AnotherLostSoul   167

I just went into CVS at the time and asked them to snap a passport photo of me. Paid $10 for 4 passport photos...seemed something worth it instead of spend hours trying to make my own...but thanks for the link, anyway.
  • 7 months later...

I love San Diego   18

Now now, it doesn't take hours... Just a few minutes!

Here it costs $15.95 for 2 photos (I could probably shop around) and I need like 8 so I am gonna make them myself for sure.

Umka36   781

Costco was $4.95 for a set of 4.


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  1. Passport Photo Cropping Tool

    travel state gov passport photo cropper

  2. 5-Best Free Passport Photo Cropping Tool for Everyone 2024

    travel state gov passport photo cropper

  3. Passport Photo Cropper Software

    travel state gov passport photo cropper

  4. Passport Photo Crop

    travel state gov passport photo cropper

  5. Us Passport Photo Template Photoshop Collection

    travel state gov passport photo cropper

  6. Passport Photo Cropping Tool

    travel state gov passport photo cropper


  1. Passport Photos Renewal By Mail~ SUPER EASY!

  2. شرح مواصفات الصورة وكيفية تعديلها الجزء ٢



  1. U.S. Passport Photos

    Use our Photo Tool to crop your photo so it's the right size. This photo tool does not check the quality of your image. This tool is for cropping your photo only when you are applying or renewing using a paper form. Do not use this tool if you are renewing online. After you apply, a U.S. Department of State employee will review your photo and ...

  2. Photo Composition Template

    Paper Photo Head Size Template. Photo must be 2 inches by 2 inches. The height of the head (top of hair to bottom of chin) should measure 1 inch to 1 3/8 inches (25 mm - 35 mm) Make sure the eye height is between 1 1/8 inches to 1 3/8 inches (28 mm - 35 mm) from the bottom of the photo. Digital Image Head Size Template.

  3. Photo-tool

    Photo-tool. US Citizens: Do not use this tool if you are renewing your passport online. Photo Tool is intended for cropping your photo only when you are applying in person or by mail.

  4. Upload Photo // U.S. Department of State

    Prepare Photo for Submission. Please refer to the Department of State's image requirements. To assist in preparing your image, you may click on the icon to the right to use a Department of State photo cropping tool. You may use this tool to resize, rotate, and/or crop a photo on your computer to meet the Department of State's head-size and ...

  5. Photo Requirements

    Your photos or digital images must be: In color. Sized such that the head is between 1 inch and 1 3/8 inches (22 mm and 35 mm) or 50% and 69% of the image's total height from the bottom of the chin to the top of the head. View the Photo Composition Template for more size requirement details. Taken within the last 6 months to reflect your ...

  6. Can I change the compression ratio of a JPEG image on

    When on's photo editor, I get Image is overly compressed. ... FYI passport photos are 2x2 inches, which is 600x600 pixels if printed at 300 ppi. No need for the image you upload to be larger than that. ... The whole purpose of it is to crop a regular photo to their desired dimension with proper sizing (guidance whether or not ...

  7. US visa photo 2x2 inch, 600x600 pixels, size, tool ...

    7ID includes free QR and barcode storage, free PIN code storage, and a free signature maker. Make a USA visa photo in 1 click for both online (DS-160, DS-260) and offline visa applications forms and get a fully compliant professional result: a 2x2 inch (51x51 mm, 5x5 cm, 600x600 pixel) image with white background no more than 240KB that meets ...

  8. Why would a US passport photo that passes the photo

    I need to upload a digital US passport-style photo to my online account at USCIS. When I upload my photo there it gets rejected by the system. It says: "Your photo did not pass photo requirements. You should upload a new photo that meets the 2x2 photo requirements listed on this page."

  9. Renew my Passport Online

    You can upload a digital passport photo. You are aware that we will cancel the passport you are renewing after you submit your application. You cannot use it for international travel. ... If you wish to remain on, click the "cancel" message. You are about to visit: Cancel GO. Travel.State.Gov. Travel.State.Gov; Congressional ...

  10. US passport photo 2x2 inch size, tool, requirements

    Passport picture size. Width: 2in, Height: 2in. Resolution (dpi) 300. Required Size in Kilobytes. From: 0 to: 240. Image definition parameters. Head height (up to the top of the hair): 1.29in; Distance from the bottom of the photo to the eye line: 1.18in. Background color.

  11. Crop Your Passport Photos Perfectly [Ready in Just 3s]

    To get a compliant biometric photo with Passport Photo Online, simply. Click on the "Upload a photo" button and select the source image for the passport photo. Our state-of-the-art software automatically crops your image to the government-mandated standard while simultaneously removing any background items and/or other impurities.

  12. U.S. passport and visa Photo Tool problems

    U.S. passport and visa Photo Tool problems. If you are looking where to edit / crop a photo for a U.S. passport or visa application, then an official Travel State Gov photo tool at is the first option. Recently the Department of State has released an updated version of an online U.S. passport photo editor; however in so many cases the result of Photo Tool work is ...

  13. Free Online Passport Photo Editor

    Crop your US passport photo (2x2 inch). Make multiple prints in one 4x6 photo paper. 100% free - No signup required. Free Online Passport Photo Editor. ... Passport Photo Requirements (2x2, 51x51 mm, 5x5 cm) Country Document Type; Afghanistan: Afghanistan visa 2x2 inch (from the USA) Bahamas:

  14. Make Passport Photos Online for the United States and 70+ Countries

    Step 4: Pose for a passport photo. Face the camera straight on and look straight at it. Avoid tilting or rotating the head. It is important that the shoulders are visible, and there should be enough space around the head to crop the picture. Make sure the camera is at the same level as the head.

  15. Uploading a Digital Photo

    An employee will review your photo after you submit your application. If the photo does not meet our requirements, we will send you a letter or email asking you send us a new photo. If the photo tool does not accept your photo, the tool will provide a message explaining the reason(s).

  16. Creating Passport Size Photos Photos

    Then I pasted the image into a blank Keynote page (this also works with Powerpoint). Turn on the rulers if they're not already visible, and resize the image to measure 2"x2" on the rulers. Then print to photo paper as usual. Surprisingly or maybe unsurprisingly, the print you get is an image measuring 2"x2".

  17. Passport Photo Cropping Tool

    The Department of State has a tool to crop your photos into the size format of US passports. So yes, to a certain degree, if you simply need your passport photo to be cropped into the required size, this tool can help you. However, as we have explained above, not all countries have the same passport photo size, and having the right size is not ...

  18. LPT: If you ever need passport photos, do not pay Walgreens or ...

    After you get a cropped photo.. print it on one 4x6 or use paint/whatever to make 4 of them (not 6.. since more 4x6 are actually 4x5.7) and print 4 of them once for 20-30-40 cents.. Another advantage.. you control your own photos.. the morons at the local store took a passport photo that was rejected with the passport application.

  19. Help in making your own Passport Photos

    I just went into CVS at the time and asked them to snap a passport photo of me. Paid $10 for 4 passport photos...seemed something worth it instead of spend hours trying to make my own...but thanks for the link, anyway.

  20. No free pages in my passport for the visa

    Answer 1 of 9: Hello, could somone help me with this... We are planning a trip to St. Petersburg and we should tramit the visa, but one of the requirements is to have a passport with at least 2 blank pages, but there are none left there... do you have any idea??

  21. U.S. Passports

    Routine: 6-8 weeks* Expedited: 2-3 weeks and an extra $60* *Consider the total time it will take to get a passport when you are booking travel. Processing times only include the time your application is at a passport agency or center.. It may take up to 2 weeks for applications to arrive at a passport agency or center. It may take up to 2 weeks for you to receive a completed passport after we ...

  22. Travel.State.Gov

    Get a U.S. Passport Find International Travel Information Get U.S. Visas Learn About Adopting a Child to and from the U.S. Protect a Child from Parental Abduction to or from the U.S. ... You are about to leave for an external website that is not maintained by the U.S. Department of State.

  23. Photo Examples

    Please review the tabs to the left for examples of both acceptable and unacceptable photos to submit with your visa application. Keep in mind the basics: size, expression, head position, background, print quality, and anything that might obscure the face (hair, shadows, glare on glasses, etc).

  24. PDF E n U.S. Embassy g l i s h before

    the biographic page (where your name and photo are located). Two (2) color passport-size photographs of each person applying for a visa (5 cm x 5 cm, or 2 inch x 2 inch). Please review our online photo requirements. Confirmation page from the Form DS-260 Application for an Immigrant Visa you submitted online at