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Virtual Field Trips

Virtual field trips connect students to the museum all without leaving their desks., during these lessons, students engage in the army’s history through artifacts, primary sources, and soldiers’ stories., the road to revolution: the french and indian war.

drawing of colonial era soldiers fighting in a wooded area

Before the American Revolution, a different conflict divided the colonies and set the stage for tension between the colonies and Great Britain. Originally a land struggle between European powers, the French and Indian War provoked resentment toward Great Britain. In this virtual field trip, visitors will investigate the long-reaching effects of the French and Indian War in order to better understand its powerful relationship to the Revolutionary War. Learn More

The Revolutionary War Soldier’s Load: Profiles of an Army

Drawing of Revolutionary War Era Soldiers in different uniforms

Over 200,000 Americans served in the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War. These diverse individuals came together to eventually form a functioning and professional Army. Join us to explore how American patriots worked together to create the Continental Army by examining the uniforms, equipment, and weapons of Revolutionary War Soldiers. Learn More

Corps of Discovery: Lewis and Clark Expedition

Painting of Lewis and Clark expedition in canoes on a river

The Corps of Discovery was the Army’s first diplomatic mission. Meriwether Lewis and William Clark received orders from President Thomas Jefferson to explore the newly acquired Louisiana Territory and find a water passageway to the Pacific Ocean. Discover the mission’s lasting impacts and consequences for the Army, the nation, and the American Indians who inhabited the land. Learn More

“A Long and Painful Journey: The U.S. Army and the Trail of Tears”

Map labeled "Map showing the lands assigned to emigrant Indians west of Arkansas & Missouri" showing lands designated for Osages, Cherokees, Creeks, Seminoles, and Choctaws.

In May 1838, the U.S. Army deployed to enforce the Treaty of New Echota. General Winfield Scott, along with fellow U.S. Army Soldiers, were dispatched to Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, and Tennessee. Their mission was to relocate the Cherokee to embarkation centers and oversee the journey to Oklahoma. The forced removal of the Cherokee was one of many conducted by the U.S. Army and was a consequence of the Indian Removal Act. These removals in the southeastern U.S. became known as the Trail of Tears.

Examine how Soldiers fulfilled their obligation to carry out the terms of the Treaty of New Echota. We will also identify how the implementation of the Indian Removal Act impacted both Soldiers and Native tribes. Finally, you will better understand how the effects of this policy can still be felt today.

The Civil War Soldier’s Load: Technological Innovations


The Civil War consumed the United States from 1861 to 1865. Tens of thousands of Soldiers endured hardships and challenges to carry out the Army’s military mission to preserve the Union. The items Soldiers carried into the field were invaluable to performing their duty and executing the Army’s mission. Join a Museum educator to explore the gear, weapons, and personal items that made up a Civil War Soldier’s Load. Learn More

Hardtack and Hard Times: Civil War Food and the U.S. Army

6 Civil war soldiers sit around a table filled with food and drinks

Healthy Soldiers are essential for the U.S. Army to accomplish its mission. The food Soldiers eat is one way to keep a strong fighting force. Explore how the U.S. Army supplied its Soldiers during the Civil War. Learn how Soldiers supplemented their rations and, for many, learned to cook for the visit time. Learn More

The Long Road to Freedom: The U.S. Army and Juneteenth


On June 19, 1865, Maj. Gen. Gordon Granger issued General Orders No. 3 declaring that “the people of Texas are informed in accordance with a Proclamation from the Executive of the United States all slaves are free.” Granger’s order had the effect of liberating 250,000 people who had been in enslaved in Texas. Discover the role of the U.S. Army in the liberation of enslaved persons throughout the Confederacy. Explore the courageous, selfless, and dedicated service by Black Soldiers that cemented the gains provided by the Civil War and opened the door to widespread military service for Black men in the U.S. Army.

Beyond the Civil War: Buffalo Soldiers on the American Frontier and Overseas, 1866-1916


On July 28, 1866, a Congressional Act create six new regiments of all-Black enlisted men who would become known as the “Buffalo Soldiers.” These Soldiers played a decisive role in the U.S. Army on the western frontier and overseas operations. In this Virtual Field Trip, examine the commitment, challenges, and sacrifices of Buffalo Soldiers immediately following the Civil War and continuing through the Spanish American War. Learn More

“Like Angels from Heaven”: U.S. Army Nurses and the War with Spain


The “Problem of Flight”: The Wright Brothers and the U.S. Army


Following Orville and Wilbur Wright’s first flight in 1903, the Army challenged the inventors to provide an aircraft that would carry two passengers, fly 40 miles per hour and remain airborne for an hour. The result, the Wright Model A, was tested and accepted by the Army in 1909. The purchase constituted the Army’s first air force. Discover how the Wright brothers countered the problems of control and balance through experimentation to achieve success.

“We Return Fighting”: The Harlem Hellfighters in World War I


On Dec. 27, 1917, the all-Black 369th Infantry Regiment docked in Brest, France. In the 191 days the men spent on the front lines no ground was lost and no man was captured. Their actions earned them the nickname “Hellfighters.” Explore the commitment, challenges, and bravery of the Harlem Hellfighters. Learn how their actions, along with the thousands of other Black World War I veterans, contributed to the Allied victory. Examine the legacy of their service and its impact on the civil rights movement.

“Our Girls Over There”: The Hello Girls of World War I

Three women wearing headphones sit at a switchboard

During World War I, over 200 women served the American Expeditionary Forces as telephone operators connecting calls between the front line and higher headquarters. The women, nicknamed the “Hello Girls,” worked tirelessly, under at times combat conditions as the first women to actively support combat operations. Learn more about how these female telephone operators were recruited for specific skills and how their contributions were critical to effective U.S. Army wartime communications. Learn More

Defining “American”: Native American Soldiers in World War I and the Path to Citizenship

6 Native American men in World War I era Army uniforms stand in front of a building.

During World War I, nearly 12,000 indigenous Soldiers served in the armed forces with distinction. Their actions to protect the nation focused attention on disparities among indigenous Americans and paved the way for all indigenous people to enjoy the promise of American citizenship. In this virtual field trip, explore the commitment, challenges, and bravery of Native American Soldiers during World War I. Learn how their actions led to citizenship for all native people and helped lay the groundwork for voting rights. Learn More

Making a Way Out of No Way: The African American Soldier Experience in World War II


Generations of African Americans have served their country, many serving in segregated units and not always given the respect and honor due to them. Although African Americans fought with distinction in World War II, they returned home to a segregated America. In 1948, President Harry Truman issued Executive Order 9981, which called for equal opportunity for all members of the Armed Forces. The segregated Army became a thing of the past and the segregation of American society began to crumble. Explore the commitment, challenges, and bravery of African American Soldiers serving during World War II. Learn More

“Can’t Anything Stop These Men?”: U.S. Army Paratroopers Creating Turning Points in World War II

Two Soldiers in front of an airplane. One Soldier inspects the gear of the other soldier.

Army airborne units were developed to support the concept of vertical envelopment, or the ability to strike an enemy from behind when ground forces could not go around prepared defenses. Explore how the U.S. Army developed new technology, training, and strategies to overcome challenges and accomplish the mission. Learn how Army airborne troops contributed to Allied turning points during World War II. Learn More

Fighting for Freedom: Nisei Soldiers and World War II


Learn about the courageous men and women of Japanese ancestry from Hawaii and the mainland United States who served in the U.S. Army during World War II, while some of their families were placed in War Relocation Authority Confinement Sites. Learn More

“No Mail, Low Morale”: The 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion


The 6888th Central Postal Battalion was the first and only all-Black WAC unit sent overseas during the war. They faced the daunting task of sorting and delivering mail to the roughly 7 million service members stationed in the European Theater. Explore the commitment, challenges, and sacrifices of the Six Triple Eight. Learn how their actions, along with thousands of other Black WACs, contributed to the Allied victory. Examine the legacy of their service and its impact on the civil rights movement.

Over Here, Over There: The United States Service Organizations (USO) and the U.S. Army

Mickey Rooney, in uniform with a knife on his waistband, stands at a microphone with his mouth open. Soldiers surround him, laughing.

Laughter, celebrities, and frivolity are the sounds and images most closely associated with the USO. These professional-quality variety shows featured popular comedians, vocalists, and actors in some of World War II’s most uncertain battlefields. The shows brought a brief respite from the uncertainty and stress associated with wartime service. Learn how the Army values of selfless service and duty were channeled by civilians to support and uplift Soldiers during one of the darkest times in American history. Learn More

The Accomplishment of the ENIAC and the Women Computing Pioneers

Two women rewire a computer that takes up an entire wall

Winning World War II required an all-out effort. Thousands of women on the home front answered their country’s call to join the military, industry, and the civil service. In 1943, the U.S. Army recruited seven women mathematicians to set up and operate the Army’s newest top secret weapon: the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC). These unsung heroes wired the electrical connections that enabled the world’s first electronic, digital computer to complete 300 calculations per second. In doing so, they built a framework for the field of computer programming. Discover how female “computers” solved complex problems, contributing to Army innovation during World War II. Learn More

The Question of “What if?”: The U.S. Army During the Cold War

A group of Soldiers look on at a mushroom cloud from a nuclear bomb test.

During World War II, the Soviet Union and the United States worked together to fight a common enemy; and after the war that relationship fell apart. Trust between the former allies broke down and fear took hold in its place. This mutual mistrust lead the two countries to confront the looming question of “what if?” That question would color the relationship between the two for the next 50 years. As a result, the Army developed new technology, equipment, and training to better protect Americans from the possibilities and threats posed by the “what if?” In this virtual field trip, you will learn how Soldiers worked together to keep the “what if?” from becoming a reality during the Cold War. Learn More

Honor and Fidelity: Puerto Rico’s Borinqueneers


In 2016, the 65th Infantry Regiment, nicknamed the “Borinqueneers,” received the Congressional Gold Medal for the contributions “made by hundreds of thousands of brave and patriotic United States citizens from Puerto Rico” who served the U.S. Army “from World War I to the most recent conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq.” Explore the commitment, challenges, and bravery of the Borinqueneers from their early roots through the Korean War. Learn how their actions, along with the thousands of other Puerto Rican veterans, contributed to the Army’s mission. Examine the legacy of their service and impact on the Army.

The Art of Soldiering: Soldier Art and Culture in Vietnam

artists rendering of a soldier standing in a field of grass with a helicopter in the background.

The U.S. Army has its own culture based on the Army values, esprit de corps and the mission. While each Soldier’s experience is unique to their service, culture binds them together. During the Vietnam War, Soldier culture was formed by the clothing Soldiers wore, the food they ate, the entertainment they consumed and their shared experiences.

Through an examination of artifacts, film, and primary sources, gain additional insight into the commitments and sacrifices of Vietnam-era Soldiers and explore how these items contributed to a Soldier culture unique to this conflict.

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National Geographic Education Blog

Bring the spirit of exploration to your classroom.

virtual field trip native american museum

Virtual Field Trip: Native American Stories

Three storytellers shared unique insights from their experiences as Native Americans in the  National Geographic Virtual Field Trip : Native American Stories . We traveled to New Mexico where a dedicated conservationist reinvents maps through the Zuni Map Art Project. Then, we visited the Flathead Reservation in Montana where a photographer challenges stereotypes through journalism. And finally, we took a quick trip to Ontario where a 20-year-old artist examines what it means to be Indigenous in a colonialist world.

The program is now available on our YouTube channel and features:

  • Jim Enote : Jim is a National Geographic Explorer, artist, farmer, and member of the Zuni tribe in New Mexico. For over 20 years, he has tackled land and water conservation issues around the world, and he is committed to conserving and protecting native cultures. He is the director of the Colorado Plateau Foundation and the former director of the A:shiwi A:wan museum in Zuni, New Mexico. He is also the creator of the Zuni Map Art Project, which displays connections between stories, places, and identity in the Zuni culture.
  • Tailyr Irvine : Tailyr is a National Geographic Explorer and member of the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes of the Flathead Reservation in Montana. As a photographer, Tailyr covers stories about Indigenous peoples in North America. Her current project, “Reservation Mathematics: Navigating Love in Native America,” examines “blood quantum,” a controversial practice that determines eligibility for tribal membership based on their percentage of tribal blood.
  • Tehatsistahawi “Tsista” Kennedy : Tsista is a National Geographic Photo Camp alumnus and member of the #GenGeo community. He belongs to the Anishinaabe and Onyota’a:ká nations. He is an artist who calls attention to issues facing Indigenous people.

To learn more about Native American heritage visit  NatGeoEd.org/NAHM .

Subjects:  Geography, Social Studies, History

Content recommended for grades 4-8 

This Virtual Field Trip is hosted by Krista Strahan, and is presented in partnership with the DC Arts and Humanities Education Collaborative .

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13 thoughts on “ Virtual Field Trip: Native American Stories ”

I think it would be nice if every year you do a different demographic of certain Native American tribes. There are so many throughout this country that each tribe deserves to be spotlighted and shared!

Thank you for sharing this virtual field trip! It is so important to honor and study the experiences of Native Americans, while recognizing how diverse these experiences are. This field trip offers unique views into three different cultures and how contemporary indigenous artists are sharing their peoples’ stories through art. Jim Enote’s reminder that “north doesn’t always need to be up” is particularly powerful.

These “virtual field trips” are very cool. When school districts don’t have the time or money to go on in-person field trips, or places are simply out of reach and inaccessible to most people, this is an excellent alternative. I firmly believe that visuals are one of the most powerful educational tools around, and something like this really allows one to immerse oneself in another place surrounded by another culture, really experiencing what that is like in a way most people otherwise wouldn’t be able to. Very interesting concept.

Thank You so much for this. It is wonderful to recognize and appreciate Native American culture and their stories!

I, too, would like a virtual field trip for first graders. It would also be great to have the Lakota/Nakota/Dakota highlighted in a virtual field trip. Thank you for all your great programming.

I am looking for this on the youtube channel- Has it posted?

I enjoy learning about Native Americans, their philosophy and their struggles. Can you tell me how many tribes were warrior tribes against other tribes? Were any of the tribes content within their own region or area, or was there always conflict between tribes?

I hope one time you would be able to have one suitable for my first graders. Thanks!!

Thank you for your feedback! We’ve passed it along to our colleagues.

I am Bhuvana from India and would like to register for my daughter who is 11 years old. Don’t think it allows registration ms from any other country apart from the US. Kindly clarify and help me with registration from India. Thanks.

We welcome international participation. If the time difference is a barrier, you are also welcome to view the event in the following days on our NatGeoEducation YouTube channel.

This sounds awesome for my class but they are at lunch and recess from 12:50-1:45. Is there a way to register for it and watch it after the fact? Or is it only live?

Great question, Liz! All of our Virtual Field Trips are available to view at any time after the event. We will post a link to our YouTube Channel on the following day. We invite you and your students to join us at a time that works best for you!

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Special Exhibitions

Anthropology Summer Camp

Help us share the power of our common human history.

Native American Voices Gallery Tour

Take a closer look at the Penn Museum’s North American collections and learn about Native American communities past and present. The tour covers six themes, from the enduring presence of local Native peoples to some of the oldest stone tools ever recovered in North America. Find out more about sacred places for Native peoples and their efforts to protect them, legislation that strives to ensure Native sovereignty and the return of cultural objects, how Native communities celebrate their cultural identities through practices such as lacrosse and powwows, and contemporary Native artists.

Native American Voices Gallery Tour Introduction

The Penn Museum’s North American collection has over 160,000 objects representing numerous Native American and First Nations Canadian communities past and present. These objects span thousands of years of history, from the late Paleolithic Ice Age to contemporary art installations, illustrating the long-standing presence of Native peoples in North America.

Local Nations: The Creation of Turtle Island

The Delaware Valley is the ancestral home of the Lenape people. While the colonization of North American by Europeans forced many Lenape communities west, several remained and still live in the area today. One way we can learn more about the Lenape people and their enduring cultural identities is through their creation story, which tells of Turtle Island.

Peopling the Past: The Clovis Points of Blackwater Draw

One way archaeologists have learned about the deep history and long presence of Native peoples in North America is through the study of stone tool artifacts, such as the Clovis points recovered from Blackwater Draw, New Mexico. Learning about the process of making stone tools can give us some insight into the everyday lifeways of past Native peoples.

Continuing Celebrations: Lacrosse and Powwows

Native communities continue to practice and celebrate long-held traditions that strengthen and renew their cultural identities. The game of lacrosse and powwow celebrations are two important examples of how Native peoples connect to their past and celebrate their heritage today.

Sacred Places: Mounds, Mountains, and Materiality

Sacred places, such as built earthen mounds or natural landscapes, hold great and enduring meaning for many Native Americans. While many Native communities have lost access to these places and their ancestral lands, they continue to organize and fight for the right to access and protect their sacred places today.

New Initiatives: The Implementation of NAGPRA

NAGPRA provides a legal mechanism for the 574 federally recognized tribes of the U.S., Alaskan Native Villages, and Native Hawaiian organizations to make claims for human remains, associated funerary objects, sacred objects, and objects of cultural patrimony held by American museums and agencies that receive federal funding.

Contemporary Native American Art

Contemporary Native American artworks are forceful expressions of Native identity and perseverance. They challenge stereotypes of extinction and address issues that are important to Native Americans today.

Book a live Q&A session with a Graduate Guide and allow your family, group, or class to participate in a deeper discussion with one of our experts!

Glenna in virtual field trip

Native Voices Virtual Field Trip

The Indigenous Advisory Committee advises the Natural History Museum of Utah on a broad range of issues affecting the use, care, study, and interpretation of Native American collections. Members advise and/or participate in planning programs and exhibits that meet the needs of indigenous communities in the Intermountain West and expand knowledge about the indigenous people, cultures, and histories of this region. The Indigenous Advisory Committee was integral in the development of the Native Voices exhibition, and continues to keep the Museum apprised of contemporary issues and ideas as we revise and update the narratives shared in that space.

The Tribal Nations of Utah

Review the history of Utah’s Tribal Nations up through modern day life. Learn about the importance of language and oral histories and the role land plays in indigenous identity.

Art and Cultural Practices

Utah’s native tribes have rich art and cultural practices that continue today. Join an NHMU Anthropologist to learn more about beautiful baskets, regalia, cradle boards, and more.

Return to all Virtual Field Trips


Weaving Native Culture Into The Future

Virtual Tours & Programming

Welcome to the California Indian Museum and Cultural Center’s Virtual Tours and Native STEM Makers Lessons!

Here you can access virtual tours of our exhibits, video lessons and curriculum for our popular Native STEM Makers Program. You will also find curriculum, handouts, and flyers.

Click on the links below to start your virtual Tour!

Indigenous Foods of California: Acorns, Quails and Cattails Exhibit

Ishi: A Story of Dignity, Hope and Courage Exhibit

Precious Cargo: California Indian Cradle Baskets and Childbirth Traditions

Native STEM Makers Programming:

The California Indian Museum and Cultural Center (CIMCC) Native STEM Maker Program provides engaging hands on learning and project based activities around locally and culturally relevant STEM education (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) to people of all ages who have interest and/or interested in the fields. Below you will find our most popular stations, complete with videos and lesson plans.

Click the links below to begin learning.

Native STEM: Redwood Bark House Maker Station

Native STEM: Basket Weaving Maker Station

Funding made possible by the National Endowment of Humanities

Skip to Main Content of WWII

Virtual field trips.

virtual field trip native american museum

The National WWII Museum offers the following interactive, fast-paced interactive lessons that are videoconferenced LIVE into classrooms across the country. Guided by a museum educator, students analyze maps, photographs, artifacts, posters, speeches, and songs as they explore the chronologies, strategies, motivations, and outcomes behind these fascinating chapters of WWII history. All sessions are built to invite student participation and allow for a Q & A at the end. 

These virtual field trips are not virtual tours of the museum. 

Virtual Field Trips are $100 per session.

Virtual Field Trips are typically held between 7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. CT. If you need to book outside of those hours  or would like to book multiple / consecutive Virtual Field Trips please email the distance learning team .

Explore all of our program offerings below. 

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Virtual Field Trip Options

virtual field trip native american museum

What Comes Next: The End of World War II

This Virtual Field Trip focuses on what comes next in the five years following World War II in Europe and Japan. Students will learn about how the United States and the other Allied Powers began the process of rebuilding and recovery after the war. This Virtual Field Trip will cover topics including the creation of the United Nations, the Marshall Plan, the Nuremberg Trials, and the Occupation of Japan. Utilizing primary sources like maps, photographs, and oral histories from the Museum’s collection, students will learn about the state of the world after World War II.

Los Veteranos Virtual Field Trip

Los Veteranos: Latinos in WWII

An important part of U.S. history long before WWII, the war gave Latinos new opportunities and presented them with new challenges. Because Latinos did not serve in segregated units, as African Americans did, their WWII history is sometimes overlooked. Was that history unique, and if so, how? Students learn about Latino WWII heroes and average soldiers, as well as issues of ethnicity and acculturation on the Home Front.

This program is offered free of charge during National Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15- October 15) through generous support from Pan American Life Insurance Group.

Pearl Harbor Virtual Field Trip

A Day of Infamy: The Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor

In the war that changed the world it was the day that changed the war—a “Day of Infamy.” That day brought the United States into WWII, adding the strength and determination of the American people to the Allied arsenal as it struggled to defeat the Axis. Students explore Japanese and American motivations and actions through animated maps and both Japanese and American primary sources.

virtual field trip native american museum

Iwo Jima and the War in the Pacific

Students learn about the vastness of the Pacific Theater by exploring its geography. They survey the Island Hopping campaign using maps and viewing video of oral histories. Next they will try their hand at being historians through an artifact investigation of a Navy “Shellback” certificate. This leads up to the invasion of Iwo Jima. Here they explore the campaign and analyze the photograph of the flag-raising on Mt. Suribachi.

Operation Overlord Virtual Field Trip

D-Day: The Turning Point of the War in Europe

Students receive background on Operation Overlord through maps and audio-visual presentations, explore a map of Northern Europe to learn about the challenges of planning and executing Operation Overlord. The students will play the role of an Allied Commander as they make decisions about where and when D-Day should be launched through voting on scenarios with their classmates. D-Day: what a difference a day makes

Holocaust Virtual Field Trip

The Holocaust: One Teen's Story of Persecution and Survival

Hear personal testimony from Eva Schloss, stepsister of Anne Frank and survivor of Auschwitz. Through video recorded selections of Eva's story from the Museum's oral history collection, students will encounter the physical and emotional ordeal of going into hiding, being captured by the SS and sent to the largest concentration camp in the Third Reich. Students will understand the necessity of exploring this topic even as we approach 70 years after the war's end.

Sponsored by Taube Philanthropies and part of the Taube Family Holocaust Education Program.

Women Working in WWII Virtual Field Trip

Don't You Know There's A War On?! The American Home Front

Students explore rationing, scrapping, War Bonds, and war production through the eyes of students. Together they find answers more satisfying than the wartime standard: “Don't You Know There's A War On?” Primary sources viewed include wartime newsreels, high school yearbooks, posters, photographs, and songs.

Now with two options: Book either the Upper Elementary/Middle School OR High School level program

African Americans in WWII Virtual Field Trip

Double Victory: African Americans in WWII

Students learn about the triumphs and challenges experienced by African Americans on the battle fronts and on the Home Front. The program follows along with songs by Josh White to help the students further examine the treatment of African Americans leading up to WWII. They meet Pearl Harbor hero Dorie Miller, the Montford Point Marines, the Tuskegee Airmen, and an African American Medal of Honor recipient.

Native Americans in WWII Virtual Field Trip

The Warrior Tradition: American Indians in WWII

In addition to the most famous group of American Indians, the Navajo Code Talkers, uncover surprising and lesser-known stories of these American Indians in uniform. Hear segments from the Museum’s oral history collection, including Medal of Honor recipient Van Barfoot,and the last surviving Crow war chief Joe Medicine Crow. With a focus on language and symbols, learn more about American Indians leading up to WWII, explore how the Code Talkers used their once-suppressed languages to successfully transmit code on the battlefront, and discuss why native language and terminology are still relevant today.

WASPS in WWII Virtual Field Trip

It's OUR War, Too! American Women in WWII

When Americans were called to action, women “did their part” despite stereotyping and discrimination. The war spurred many women to enter the workforce for the first time, all while managing a household alone and upholding wartime duties. Women answered the call of Uncle Sam and enlisted in military auxiliary groups, fulfilling critical roles stateside and abroad. Hear accounts from real Rosie the Riveters and women near the battle fronts. Visit the Hollywood Stage Door Canteen and discover how starlets, singers and celebrities lifted the spirits of our troops. Learn about the lasting legacy of women’s contribution to the war effort.

virtual field trip native american museum

I AM an American: Japanese Incarceration in WWII

Students explore the story of Eva Hashiguchi, who spent her high-school days incarcerated in Jerome, Arkansas. Through her account, witness how wartime hysteria and racial prejudice led to one of the darkest chapters of American history. Examine the country’s actions to apologize for the injustices committed against Japanese Americans. Hear about the struggles and tremendous accomplishments of the Purple Heart Battalion.

Science and Technology in WWII Virtual Field Trip

The War That Changed Your World: Science & Technology in WWII

Today’s televisions, computers, and cell phones can all trace their origins to technological advancements realized during WWII. Students learn about radar, rockets, penicillin, blood plasma, computers, and the atomic bomb; and how these inventions continue to affect their lives today.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can participate.

K-12 classrooms, library patrons, lifelong learning groups.

This is a guided interactive experience with a trained Museum educator in our state-of-the-art distance learning studio. Although the educator will show images of the Museum on the green screen, it does not mimic a traditional field trip experience.

Is this a tour of the Museum's galleries?

No. This is a guided interactive experience with a trained Museum educator in our state-of-the-art distance learning studio. Although the educator will show images of the Museum on the green screen, it does not mimic a traditional field trip experience.

What is the program length?

Approximately one hour but we can also accommodate class periods of less than one hour.

What is the cost?

$100 per Virtual Field Trip program. Volume discounts available.

How many students can be accomodated?

These programs are designed to be experienced by one class of students at a time, so each student has more opportunity to participate. Larger groups can be accommodated.

Can I book more than one Virtual Field Trip consecutively?

For participants needing to book multiple or consecutive Virtual Field Trips, please make note of this in the ‘Other Information’ field on the reservation form, or reach out directly to the distance learning team .

What platforms are used?

We connect with schools using Zoom Meeting Rooms and Zoom Webinars. If your school uses a different platform please specify that in the booking form.  

How do I book?

Complete the online request form by clicking any of the register buttons on the page. You will be able to select an available time directly on the calendar.

Additional Questions? Email the distance learning team .

Register for Your Virtual Field Trip Now

The Institute for American Indian Studies Museum & Research Center

At the Institute for American Indian Studies, we take great pride in our exhibits and continually strive to ensure that they are accurate, informative, and engaging. Our exhibits cover a broad range of topics, with both indoor display galleries, and outdoor experiences.

Drawing upon the most current research available and the talents of experienced educators and designers, the exhibits at IAIS are simply unforgettable. IAIS houses the following permanent and semi-permanent exhibits, as well as temporary exhibits.

Flash Photography

Quinnetukut: our homeland, our story.

virtual field trip native american museum

Our core exhibition follows the 10,000 year long story of Connecticut’s Native American Peoples from the distant past to their lives and culture today. Presented in chronological order, Quinnetukut takes visitors from a time at the end of the Ice Age, when humans were first venturing into the area that we now call Connecticut all the way to today.

Replicated Algonkian Village

virtual field trip native american museum

The Algonkian peoples—composed of over one hundred distinct groups and communities, sharing a common language family and similar lifeways—have traditionally inhabited much of the eastern United States and Canada. The replicated village at IAIS depicts the features common to an Algonkian village of 350 to 1000 years ago, including a Sachem’s House, bark-covered wigwams, and a Three Sisters garden.

We Are Still Here: Communities, Social Change, and Cultural Endurance

virtual field trip native american museum

Native American Communities and their Cultural Traditions have been a part of the North American landscape for thousands of years. From the far north in Alaska to the southeastern shores of Florida, indigenous tribal Homelands covered the continent prior to European colonialism.

 The Homelands contained sophisticated societies with complex technologies and belief systems that enabled them to live successfully in their diverse physical environments. When Europeans appeared on First Nations’ lands bearing trade items of iron, glass and other materials foreign to indigenous cultures, tribal members incorporated the new items into their traditional economies to increase their efficiency and enhance their standard of living. 

 Many of these ancient Native American communities have continued to this day. These contemporary indigenous societies experienced many changes since their first meeting with Euro-Americans. All cultures are organic entities, and change is a constant within them. For example, Anglo-Americans no longer wear Pilgrim hats, drive Model T Fords, or dance the Charleston.

  Modern indigenous tribal communities continue to honor their histories and ancestral leaders and practice their social traditions, while participating in the greater American society as citizens, which they were granted in 1924. Contemporary Native American artists mirror the cultural integrations and transformations occurring within their respective societies. Traditional crafts and artwork often incorporate contemporary themes and images into their time-honored constructs.

 This exhibit bridges the past and the present through presentation of artifacts, images, and themes that demonstrate the connections and continuity of early colonial and modern tribal lifestyles across North America.

I is for Indian

image of art from exhibit, water with wildlife and human figure

Exhibit Opens June 2023

“I is For Indian: Native American Identity Stolen, Sold, & Reclaimed” presents visual and ideological representations of Native American peoples throughout the past century and explores the effects of such stereotypes. Images, artifacts, and harmful tropes on display demonstrate just how pervasive they have been in American popular culture. “I is for Indian” allows visitors to reflect on this difficult history and ultimately proposes an alternative narrative of Native American self-expression and identity.


Discovery room.

virtual field trip native american museum

The Children’s Discovery Room is an exhibit designed specifically for kids. An interactive space, the Discovery Room provides a fun and stimulating learning experience, showing visitors what life would have been like for them had they been a Native American living in the Woodlands 600 years ago.

Adelphena Logan Education Room

virtual field trip native american museum

The Adelphena Logan Education Room is an indoor re-creation of an Algonkian Sachem’s or Chief’s house.  This “elongated wigwam,” contains both original and replicated artifacts, as well as a detailed mural depicting everyday life in a Northeastern village before the arrival of Europeans. This exhibit allows visitors to experience the everyday challenges and joys of Native American life.

Adelphena “Del” Logan was a guiding light and spirit who nurtured IAIS from the beginning, through building construction and the early years of operation. Del often taught at IAIS and whenever IAIS needed her expert wisdom and support, she was always present both in person and in spirit. Del passed over on July 31, 1978 and the Sachem’s house education room is dedicated in her memory. Inside are many of the precious objects which were her or her family’s personal possessions she donated to IAIS as well as items she made specifically for IAIS, to be used in teaching visitors about Native American culture and ways of life, carrying on her legacy.

Nature Trails

virtual field trip native american museum

IAIS has several leisurely nature trails winding through our 15 acre property, all leading to the replicated Algonkian village. Each trail features plant and tree identification signs, revealing traditional Native American uses for their natural world.

Healing Plants Garden

virtual field trip native american museum

For generations, Native Americans of the Eastern Woodlands gathered wild plants; leaves; roots; flowers; and fruits, not only for food, but for medicine as well. Many modern pharmaceuticals are based upon the same ingredients found in herbs and plants that have been used by Native Americans for centuries. Our Healing Plants Garden contains many of the plants traditionally gathered in the wild by Native Northeastern peoples and features descriptions of the different uses thereof.

Floor Plan & Trail Map

virtual field trip native american museum


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virtual field trip native american museum

Virtual Field Trip to the NYSM: Haudenosaunee Tools and Objects

Do you know what tools the Haudenosaunee people used to build their longhouses? What about the utensils they used for cooking? Tune in to find out these answers and learn more about other objects and tools the Haudenosaunee people have made out of materials found in nature!

Live at 1pm: www.facebook.com/nysmuseum Recorded after 5pm: www.youtube.com/nysmuseum


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New York State Museum Cultural Education Center 222 Madison Avenue Albany, NY 12230

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virtual field trip native american museum

BASEBALL FANS! Want to park close to the CWS games while supporting The Durham at the same time? Learn more

The Durham Museum

Digital Learning

Museum live   virtual field trips.

virtual field trip native american museum

The Durham Museum is honored to be a recipient of the 2022-23 CILC Pinnacle Award . The award is bestowed annually to Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration content providers for their accomplishments in creating live virtual field trips that have high educational value, actively involve learners and are professionally delivered.

Museum live! weekly digital learning sessions

Professor Durham is back! Welcome to Season 4!

Each week, during the school year, Museum Live brings 30 minutes of interactive and engaging content straight to your home or classroom. This broadcast-style show includes segments featuring guest speakers from our Smithsonian network, a behind-the-scenes look at museum exhibits and artifacts, cultural connections to the community, and even currents events. Plus, teachers and parents will receive a follow-up activity after each session. Join us week after week for new content, submit questions or topic ideas, and even have a chance for one of your students to join us live! This program is sure to become the highlight of your week.


Watch previous episodes at your own convenience. Fill out this quick form to view archived episodes.


Museum live calendar of events.

(Click on the dates below to view the weekly themes)  

Omaha Union Station

virtual field trips

Virtual field trips can be scheduled at a date and time of your choosing. Each session lasts 30 minutes and repeat sessions are encouraged! Each virtual field trip also includes a curriculum guide with standards, recommended resources and pre-visit and post-visit activities. All digital learning programs are provided at no cost thanks to our generous museum supporters and underwriters. You can help us continue making these opportunities possible by becoming a member or supporting our annual fund today!


All aboard (recommended for grades k-5).

Hop aboard our passengers cars, steam engine and caboose for an authentic look at train travel and how it shaped our country! This class includes an authentic 1950’s video that will show students what it was really like to travel during this incredible time in history.

Building of the Transcontinental Railroad (Recommended for Grades 4-8)

You may think you know everything there is to know about this important advancement in transportation, but we are here to give you a top five list of little known facts! Hear about successes, blunders and the characters involved in the 6-year project that helped to shape the west! Artifacts and photos help this session bring the Transcontinental Railroad to life!

early omaha (Recommended for Grades 2-5)

Ever wonder how Omaha got its roots? Learn about William D. Brown, Native American life and the struggles families faced in the early years of the city. Explore what it took for families like the Creighton’s and Dodge’s to establish the city’s first fire department, police unit and a public-school system.

Historic schoolroom (Recommended for Grades K-5)

Step back to the 1890’s and see how different it was to attend a one-room school! Explore daily life from this time period through artifacts, stories, and reciting real lessons students did in their classroom. Who will be the spelling bee champion or have the best penmanship? Students will also compare their visit to what they experience in classrooms today.

Native american life (Recommended for Grades 2-8)

Explore the life of the Plains Indians tribes. Enter the Durham Museum’s tipi and earth lodge to interact with Native American artifacts and meet Scout, our resident buffalo. Learn how the Native Americans used the resources around them throughout the centuries.

Neighborhood Store (Recommended for Grades k-5)

Bring your shopping list along as we take a trip back to the time of streetcars and neighborhood grocery stores. Visit the museum’s Buffett Grocery Store exhibit and discover the fun of shopping for penny candy. Also learn how small grocery stories played an integral role in Omaha communities.

Omaha’s world’s fair (Recommended for Grades K-5)

What do Paris, Chicago, and London have in common with Omaha, Nebraska? They all hosted huge expositions many years ago that brought millions of visitors and put their cities “on the map”. Join us for a tour of a model, photographs, and artifacts from the Trans-Mississippi & International Exposition (a.k.a. Omaha’s “World’s Fair”).

Omaha Homes and Families (Recommended for Grades K-5)

Learn how people from all over the world lived as they came to Omaha to start a new life. From Omaha’s important immigration history to the homes they lived in, see how life changed for residents throughout Omaha’s past.

On the Trail with Lewis and Clark (Recommended for Grades 2-5)

Join the expedition! Learn about Meriwether Lewis & William Clark’s journey through the untamed Louisiana Purchase. Explore the Corps of Discovery’s three important goals as they experienced the land that is now Nebraska and beyond.

pioneer life (Recommended for Grades K-5)

Visit our log cabin and experience the life of a Great Plains pioneer. Students will take part in a “choose your adventure” session where they will have to make the tough choices the pioneers had to make as they prepared to travel west and build a new life!

union station – omaha’s art deco gem (Recommended for Grades 2-8)

Experience Omaha’s Union Station, a world-renowned example of Art Deco Architecture and one of the newly crowned National Historic Landmarks. Built in 1931, Union Station’s style represents the power, strength and masculinity of the railroad industry it housed. This session will allow students to explore the history of the building as well as the intricate details that make up this specific architectural style, complete with a “visit” from some special guests who would have traveled through the station throughout its history.

For more information on our Digital Learning opportunities, contact: [email protected]   |  402-444-5027


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American Southwest Virtual Museum

American Southwest Virtual Museum

Virtual Tours

The American Southwest Virtual Museum includes 360-degree tours of several National Park visitor centers that allow virtual visitors to explore the exhibits and experience park trails virtually, as well as several virtual trail guides.

Please note:  We are updating the 360-degree Visitor Center tour internal links for Sunset Crater, Tuzigoot, and Wupatki.  You can, however, still took around the visitor centers using the links below, and individual artifacts and information panels may be viewed in the photo galleries for each visitor center by visiting the Southwest Virtual Museum  photo gallery , and then selecting “Virtual Exhibit” for the respective locations.

Sunset Crater Volcano National Monument

Sunset Crater and Bonito Lava Flow

Tonto National Monument

Lower Ruin, Tonto National Monument

Tuzigoot National Monument

Tuzigoot Pueblo

Walnut Canyon National Monument

Cliff dwellings, Walnut Canyon

Wupatki National Monument

Displays inside Wupatki Pueblo's Visitor Center

  • Metropolitan

The Rubin Museum Of Art

Latest posts, smithsonian museum tours washington dc, harriet tubman museum and educational center, how much does 9 11 museum cost, movado museum women’s watch two tone, native american museum virtual tour, etruria and rome galleries tour.

Learn more about the Penn Museums important collections from Etruscan and Roman Italy. This tour covers eight themes and objects, from burial practices in early Italy to those at the at the height of the Roman Empire. Discover more about everyday objects like glass vessels and lamps, ceramic manufacturing, Etruscan architecture,and an erased Roman imperial inscription.

La Galera De Mxico Y Amrica Central

Examine ocho objetos, sitios o temas de Centroamérica y México, desde el 1,200 a.C hasta prácticas patrimoniales contemporáneas. Esta visita virtual lo llevará desde las más antiguas figuras Olmecas a representaciones contemporáneas del dios azteca, Ehécatl. Aprenda más sobre los sitios de Teotihuacán y Sitio Conte, el desciframiento de los glifos mayas, jarrones de mármol Ulúa, y orejeras aztecas creadas dentro las dinámicas del dominio colonial español. La visita también aborda el papel que toman los museos y las excavaciones de Penn dentro del patrimonio cultural de esta región.

Indiana State Museum Virtual Tour

The Indiana State Museum houses exhibits on the science, art, culture, and history of Indiana from prehistoric times up to the present day.

The original collection started in 1862, during the Civil War, when the State Librarian began collecting minerals and other curiosities. In 1869, a state geologist was assigned the task of organizing the collection.

The collection quickly developed when hundreds of cultural items, many relating to the Civil War, were added. A new facility was finally opened in 2002 on the Indiana Central Canal in White River State Park.

Today the museum has over 500,000 artifacts that cover the history of the natural world, Native Americans, the cultural history of Indiana.

The Indiana State Museum and Historic Sites is a statewide institution with 11 historic sites spanning the state.

The historic sites include Angel Mounds, an archaeological site with surviving major earthwork mounds built by the Mississippian culture about 1000 CE.

The Settler Exhibit Indiana State Museum

Don’t Miss: Museum Starry Night Van Gogh

New Initiatives: The Implementation Of Nagpra

NAGPRA provides a legal mechanism for the 574 federally recognized tribes of the U.S., Alaskan Native Villages, and Native Hawaiian organizations to make claims for human remains, associated funerary objects, sacred objects, and objects of cultural patrimony held by American museums and agencies that receive federal funding.

National Museum Of The American Indian Virtual Tour

Virtual Museum Tours: 12 of the best options  #LearnEverywhere

The National Museum of the American Indian is a museum focused on the culture of the indigenous peoples of the Americas.

The museum has three facilities:

  • The National Museum of the American Indian on the National Mall in Washington, D.C.
  • The George Gustav Heye Center is located at the Alexander Hamilton U.S. Custom House in New York City.
  • The Cultural Resources Center, a research and collections facility, is located in Suitland, Maryland.

The foundations for the collections were first assembled in the former Museum of the American Indian in New York City, which was established in 1916. It became part of the Smithsonian in 1989.

National Mall, Washington, D.C. Branch

The Washington site is the first national museum dedicated exclusively to Native Americans. The curvilinear building is clad in a golden-colored Kasota limestone designed to evoke natural rock formations shaped by wind and water over thousands of years.

Simulated wetlands surround the museum. The museums east-facing entrance, its prism window, and its space for contemporary Native performances are the result of consultations with Native peoples.

Native Americans have designed the operation of the museum aiming to create a unique atmosphere and experience.

A theme of organic flow is reflected in the museum, with walls mostly of curving surfaces, with almost no sharp corners.

Piikuni elk-skin robe with painted decoration by Mountain Chief, the mid-1800s

Heye Center, New York City Branch

Recommended Reading: Cabins For Rent Near Creation Museum

Ute Chief Ouray’s Artifact Case

The mug in this display case of some of Chief Ouray’s artifacts was given to Ouray by United States President U. S. Grant .The mug is made of silver. It has a handle and has a capital “O” engraved on the side. Later, Ouray presented this mug to J. E. Gardner whose son Frank donated the object to the Colorado Historical Society in 1937. Another interesting object in this display case is the knife that belonged to Chief Ouray. The knife has a bone handle and steel blade. It is decorated with brass circles. Gordon Kimball, of Ouray, Colorado, later owned the knife. At his death, William Rathmell became the owner and his son Henry donated it to the Colorado Historical Society in 1958.

Local Nations: The Creation Of Turtle Island

The Delaware Valley is the ancestral home of the Lenape people. While the colonization of North American by Europeans forced many Lenape communities west, several remained and still live in the area today. One way we can learn more about the Lenape people and their enduring cultural identities is through their creation story, which tells of Turtle Island.

Don’t Miss: African American Art Museum Atlanta

Highlights Of The National Museum Of The American Indian

  • American Indian weaved and leather artifacts
  • American Indian Horse culture artifacts
  • Exhibits on the history of the American Indians
  • Arts and Crafts covering over 800 years
  • Replica Teepees and domestic tools
  • Collection of American Indian clothing
  • A Parfleche collection of rawhide artifacts embellished by painting and incising
  • Exhibits from the different American Indian nations and cultures

The National Museum of the American Indian curvilinear building is clad in limestone, Washington, D.C

Virtual Field Trip: Native American Stories

Three storytellers shared unique insights from their experiences as Native Americans in the National Geographic Virtual Field Trip : Native American Stories . We traveled to New Mexico where a dedicated conservationist reinvents maps through the Zuni Map Art Project. Then, we visited the Flathead Reservation in Montana where a photographer challenges stereotypes through journalism. And finally, we took a quick trip to Ontario where a 20-year-old artist examines what it means to be Indigenous in a colonialist world.

The program is now available on our YouTube channel and features:

To learn more about Native American heritage visit NatGeoEd.org/NAHM .

Subjects: Geography, Social Studies, History

Content recommended for grades 4-8

This Virtual Field Trip is hosted by Krista Strahan, and is presented in partnership with the DC Arts and Humanities Education Collaborative .

Read Also: Art Museums In Orange County Ca

Who Are The Utes

The Ute Name: “Known to other groups by many names, the Utes referred to themselves as Nuche, “the people.” In the southwestern part of their homeland, the Utes were called “Deer Hunting Men” by the Zuni and the “Mountain People” by other Pueblo communities. Out on the plains to the east, they were known as the “Black People” to the Cheyenne because of their dark skin color, and as the “Rabbit Skin Robes” to the Omaha and Ponca peoples. The name by which we now know them came from the Spanish terms Yutas, Uticas or Utacus.”

“The Utes are the longest continuous residents of Colorado. While it is not known exactly when the first of their people came from the north and west, they had lived in their mountain and plateau homeland for centuries by the time the Spanish arrived in the 1500’s. Their original territory stretched across portions of the Colorado Plateau, Utah, New Mexico, and Arizona. In 1800, just before the influx of Euro American traders, miners and settlers, the Utes occupied an estimated 140,000 square miles of territory. Their nomadic existence was based on hunting large and small game and gathering the grasses, roots, berries and fruits native to the area.”

More About This Topic

Ute History

The Utes Today

The Coming of the Horse

Penn Museum Virtual Guided Tours

Bring the insight and awe of a Penn Museum guided tour directly into your home or classroom! Graduate Guide Virtual Tours are now available for a range of Penn Museum galleries. Tour presentations are narrated by Penn Museum Graduate Guides, Penn PhD or masters students working in the fields of archeology and anthropology. Follow along as they virtually lead you through the galleries to explore objects on display and in storage.

Interested in learning more? Book a live 30-minute Q& A session with a Penn Museum Graduate Guide and allow your family, group, or class to participate in a deeper discussion with one of our experts! These sessions must be arranged in advance and availability is subject to Graduate Guide schedules.

Don’t Miss: Children’s Museum Portland Or

To Register For A Virtual Tour:

Our tour availability can be viewed on the calendar below. Fill out a registration form and email to .

  • Zoom tours can accommodate up to 90 students, and are available for a class, or a section of classes from the same school . These 45-minute tours include the video/audio function and time for questions and answers. Please review the calendar for Zoom tour availability on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.

Mexico And Central America Gallery Tour

Museum of Natural History :: 360° Virtual Tour :: Sam Rohn 360° Photography

Examine eight objects, sites, or themes from Central America and Mexico, from around 1,200 BCE to contemporary heritage practices. This tour takes you from the earliest Olmec figurines to contemporary representation of the Aztec god Ehécatl. Learn more about the sites of Teotihuacán and Sitio Conte, the decipherment of Maya glyphs, Ulúa marble vases, and Aztec earspools created within the dynamics of Spanish colonial rule. The tour also addresses the role of museums and Penns excavations within this regions cultural heritage.

Also Check: African American Museum Dc Same Day Tickets

Richard Diebenkorn At The Cantor

“All paintings start out of a mood, out of a relationship with things or people, out of a complete visual impression. To call this expression abstract seems to me often to confuse the issue. Abstract means literally to draw from or separate. In this sense every artist is abstract… a realistic or non-objective approach makes no difference. The result is what counts.”Richard Diebenkorn

This virtual tour explores the ongoing exhibition Richard Diebenkorn at the Cantor , an intimate and interactive installation that presents works by famed Bay Area artist and Stanford alumnus Richard Diebenkorn, 49.

First an art student and later an artist-in-residence at Stanford, Diebenkorn always carried a sketchbook, often capturing what he saw before him, including landscapes and gures, mostly in graphite, and black and white.

The paintings and sketchbooks featured shed new light on the artists process, including his shift in style from guration to abstraction. Included in this virtual tour are Ocean Park #94 , part of Diebenkorn’s expansive Ocean Park Series Window , Disintegrating Pig and BuildingsHill Background .

Arboretum And Activity Area

Our Arboretum area is based on unique resources from Charles Bud Thompson. As a young man, Bud worked at Arnold Arboretum in Boston, Massachusetts. When Bud opened the Museum, he knew he wanted an Arboretum to continue providing educational experiences for visitors, school children and the surrounding community. Be sure to pick up your guide in the mail box as you enter the activity center.

Recommended Reading: Hotels Near The Lightner Museum

The Rockwell Has Converted Several Of Our Most Popular School Tours Into Virtual Learning Resources For Teachers And Families That Support Grade

These free, curriculum-aligned videos are designed for use in a variety of learning settings and will be broken into short segments to use as you would like. All we ask is that you provide some basic information about yourself and your classroom so we can continue to offer important virtual opportunities like this one. After completing a short form, a link to the materials will be sent to your e-mail address automatically!

Rock Art And Engravings 360 Tour

There are around 140 rock art and 240 engraving sites that the AHO monitors within the six partner councils. These sites are found all over Sydney. Take a tour around some of the local sites to learn more about the rock art and engraving sites that you might see around the area. To view in Fullscreen, click the options menu .

Recommended Reading: Virtual Art Museum Tours Online

A Virtual Adaptation Of In The Spirit Of Our Ancestors

This tour is dedicated to the Chumash people native to Southern California. It is a 3rd-5th grade tour exploring the history of the Chumash people in Ventura County. Students will learn about Chumash material culture and lifeways, as well as explore the natural resources used for food, clothing, tools, and medicine.

Colorado Indians Tour One

This virtual field trip is a tour of the Ute Indian Museum. The museum is located in Montrose, Colorado.

It is devoted to the history and culture of the Ute tribes and to the life of Ute Chief Ouray and his wife Chipeta. The Colorado Historical Society runs the museum.

This virtual tour can give you only a glimpse of the contents and richness of the Ute Indian Museum. The virtual tour will show you some of the items exhibited here. It will provide you with as much information about those items as space allows. We urge you to visit the museum whenever you are close by.

Don’t Miss: National Museum Of Funeral History

Ute Weapons And Tools

In the top right hand corner of the display case is a Ute rifle casing. It is made of buckskin with buckskin fringe and includes a variety of beads and wool cloth. The donor’s father, Allen Haskill, got the casing from an Indian believed to be Ute. Haskell was a gate keeper on a toll road between Ridgway and Placerville, Colorado. The Indian sold this casing to Haskill to pay the toll and for pocket money. In the bottom right hand corner of the display case is a knife and knife sheath. The knife has a wooden handle and the blade was made from sheep shears in about 1893 . The knife sheath is made of rawhide and is beaded on one side. This item is on permanent loan to the Ute Indian Museum.

On the left side of the display case you can see several items important to the Utes.

Quiver and Bowcase – The bow case is made of buckskin and sewn with buckskin thongs. The quiver is also made of buckskin and is fringed and painted with several colors.

Bow and Arrows – The bow is made of wood and is backed by sinew to give the bow more strength. The bowstring is also made of sinew and is about three and a half feet long. The arrows are also wood and the iron point and feathers are attached to the wood with sinew.

“Skull Cracker” – The skull cracker has a wooden shaft, a large stone at one end, and a horsehair tail at the other end. Because the decoration is rather simple, it is believed that the club could have been made before 1800.

Ute Chief Buckskin Charlie’s Headdress

Time travel through Filipino history with a virtual tour of the ...

The headdress in the photo belonged to Buckskin Charlie. It was given to Barry Sullivan in about 1936 when he was dying and was adopted into the tribe. Marie Andrews donated the headdress to the Colorado Historical Society in 1961. The headdress has a single trail of eagle feathers mounted on buckskin. The feathers are dyed orange and light blue. The headband at the top of the bonnet has white, light blue, red and yellow beads.

Read Also: Where Is The Vincent Van Gogh Museum

Whats Inside The National Museum Of The American Indian

The NMAI provides its first wow! moment before you even walk in the door. The building is one of DCs most visually striking, with its curvilinear structure and limestone material designed to resemble rock formations affected by wind and water over thousands of years.

Visitors at Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian on the National Mall – Free Smithsonian Museum in Washington, DC

The museum’s collections represent more than 12,000 years of history across 1,200-plus indigenous cultures from the Americas. These objects range from the aesthetic to the religious to the historical, helping to form a comprehensive catalogue of Native American culture.

Ongoing exhibitions at the museum include Return to a Native Place: Algonquian Peoples of the Chesapeake , which allows you to meet the Native peoples of the Chesapeake Bay through maps, ceremonial objects, photographs and interactive displays. These details can help you have a deeper understanding of just how prevalent Native Americans were, and are, to the areas surrounding DC.

Native American Voices Gallery Tour

Take a closer look at the Penn Museums North American collections and learn about Native American communities past and present. The tour covers six themes, from the enduring presence of local Native peoples to some of the oldest stone tools ever recovered in North America. Find out more about sacred places for Native peoples and their efforts to protect them, legislation that strives to ensure Native sovereignty and the return of cultural objects, how Native communities celebrate their cultural identities through practices such as lacrosse and powwows, and contemporary Native artists.

7 Tour Stops

You May Like: Contemporary Art Museum St Louis

Formed And Fired: Contemporary American Ceramics At The Anderson Collection

The practices of four living artists whose exploration of clay provides commentary on its past and insight for the future are presented in Formed and Fired: Contemporary American Ceramics at the Anderson Collection at Stanford University.

Formed and Fired: Contemporary American Ceramics presents the work of four groundbreaking contemporary artists whose practices provide insight into the past and ideas for the future. Kathy Butterly, Kahlil Robert Irving, Simone Leigh, and Brie Ruais are pushing the boundaries of ceramics and exploring questions of value, identity, materiality, and the body. While distinctly different, they share a reverence for the medium and its rich, and sometimes complicated history. Together, they provide extraordinary insights into ceramics expressive qualities and capacity for individual expression.

Sarah T


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  • Grades 6-12
  • School Leaders

100 Last-Day-of-School Activities Your Students Will Love!

40 Amazing Educational Virtual Field Trips

No permission slips needed.

Amazing Educational Virtual Field Trips

Virtual field trips are a game changer. Not only do they fill in for real field trips when budgets and other roadblocks prevent in-person options, but virtual field trips also open doors to educational experiences all over the country and the world, both past and present. No fundraising or permission slips required!

(Note: For anyone who needs it, YouTube offers a closed-captioning option. Just click the CC button in the bottom right-hand corner.)

1. Amazon Career Tours

Amazon career tours

Amazon Career Tours are free virtual field trips that inspire students to pursue careers of the future. Tour whenever, wherever on Kahoot! Each tour comes with a Teacher Toolkit that includes a facilitation guide and student worksheets.

  • (New!) Amazon Music: Careers Behind the Beats : From studio to streaming, check out how computer science and amazing professionals make listening to your favorite songs possible.
  • Amazon Fulfillment Center Tour : Explore how packages get delivered at lightning speed and how computer science, engineering, and real people work together to make the magic happen. 
  • Data Center Tour 1: Uncovering Cloud Computing : Do students know what “the cloud” actually is? Find out how we went from renting movies at the store to streaming them from anywhere at any time.
  • Data Center Tour 2: Keeping Data Safe and Sustainable : Discover the infrastructure that keeps your information safe and sustainable while diving into data careers of the future.
  • Space Innovation Tour : Students will learn about the amazing technology on board the Orion spacecraft in NASA’s Artemis I flight test and hear from the engineers who made it all possible.

There are so many amazing online options when it comes to zoos that we couldn’t narrow it down to just one. Most zoos have live webcams in some of their most popular exhibits, such as the KC Zoo Polar Bear Cam and the Giant Panda Cam at Smithsonian’s National Zoo . However, some zoos offer a more in-depth look. You’ll definitely want to check out the San Diego Zoo as their site for kids includes behind-the-scenes videos and stories, as well as a variety of printable activities and online games. Check out our full list of virtual zoo goodness.

3. The Aquarium

It’s a similar story with aquariums. You have your pick of live webcams, but our favorites are the Georgia Aquarium’s Ocean Voyager webcam (wait for the whale shark!) and the “Jelly Cam” at Monterey Bay Aquarium (so soothing). The Seattle Aquarium even has a 30-minute video tour . Want more under-the-sea fun? Here’s our ultimate list of virtual aquarium field trips.

4. The Farm

The classic preschool field trip goes online! You can have your pick of dairy farm field trips, but we like this one from the Dairy Alliance  and this one from Stonyfield Organic . Farm Food 360 gives students the opportunity to immerse themselves in Canadian farm and food tours—from raising pigs to making milk and cheese. We’re also loving these virtual egg farm field trips from the American Egg Board.


5. An Art Museum

Metropolitan Museum of Art's #MetKids

We found 20 art museums with virtual tours , including the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s # MetKids and its awesome Where’s Waldo? setup. And you can’t miss the world-famous Louvre in Paris (no passport needed!). Check out the current virtual tours: Traveling Materials and Objects, the Advent of the Artist, the Body in Movement, and Founding Myths: From Hercules to Darth Vader!

6. A National Park

From webcams at Hawaii volcanoes to a virtual run along the rim of the Grand Canyon , you have tons of options here. Our top pick would have to be Yellowstone. The interactive maps are a great way to see the Mammoth Hot Springs and Mud Volcano, but we think kids will be psyched about the Old Faithful Geyser livestream and the opportunity to make their own predictions for its next eruption . Check out everything the National Park Service has to offer virtually.

7. A Planetarium

Through Stellarium Web , kids can explore over 60,000 stars, locate planets, and watch sunrises and solar eclipses. If you enter your location, you can see all the constellations that are visible in the night sky in your corner of the world.

8. A Recycling Center

Take your students on a virtual field trip of a recycling center and a modern landfill . Plus, there’s a full-on curriculum that includes lesson plans, take-home handouts, and more.

9. Slime in Space

Nickelodeon teamed up with two astronauts on the International Space Station to demonstrate how slime reacts to microgravity and had kids reproduce those same demonstrations back here on Earth. It makes for an amazing 15-minute virtual field trip .

10. Nature Lab

The Nature Conservancy has a brand-new virtual field trip entitled “You’re the Scientist! Citizen Science, Frogs & Cicadas.” Check out their full library of videos on topics like climate change and water security.

11. Discovery Education

Discovery Education hosts a variety of virtual events —each with a companion guide with hands-on learning activities. Current offerings include “Making a New Life: The Courage of a Refugee” and “The Future Is Now” (architectural and engineering innovations). Stay tuned for their upcoming civics virtual field trip, “The American Ideal.”

12. The Great Lakes

This virtual field trip from Great Lakes Now has three components: coastal wetlands, algae, and lake sturgeon. Each video is a quick five minutes long.

13. The Strong National Museum of Play

Explore online exhibits and discover the history and evolution of play. Check out board games that changed play, sports video games that shaped digital play, and the making of Monopoly to name a few.

14. U.S. Census Bureau

Kids can learn about the most recent Census and how census data is collected and used. This virtual field trip also features interviews with subject matter experts and an interactive challenge.

15. National Constitution Center

The “Museum of We the People,” the Constitution Center serves as a “headquarters for civic education.” Check out the Interactive Constitution section , and be sure to watch the virtual tour .

16. The Johnson Space Center

Houston, we have a virtual field trip. Three, actually. All with companion educator guides. The star of the show is the behind-the-scenes tour of the Johnson Space Center .

17. Birthplace of Music

Boise State put together this fully interactive virtual field trip with text, photos, audio, and video about the history of music. The four featured music locations are: Vienna, Austria; New Orleans, Louisiana; Cleveland, Ohio; and Bristol, Tennessee-Virginia.

18. Colonial Williamsburg

This living-history museum provides a look into life in an early American community. The website offers five different webcams featuring areas such as the tavern and the armory.

19. Mount Vernon

This virtual experience of George Washington’s home is incredibly well done. Enter the different buildings—from the opulent mansion to the chilling slave quarters—and click on different items for video and text explanations.

20. Mount Rushmore

This virtual tour comes with a real tour guide! Blaine Kortemeyer is the Assistant Chief of Interpretation and Education, who lends his expertise on the building of this national monument. The 3D Explorer is also an excellent tool.

21. The Manhattan Project

Take a visit to the National WWII Museum for “a cross-country virtual expedition to discover the science, sites, and stories of the creation of the atomic bomb.” Don’t forget to download the classroom guide!

22. The White House

For a look inside the iconic building, check out the 360° tour of some of the most historic rooms of the People’s House, from the Situation Room to the Oval Office. Examine each room and check out the contents up close.

23. The Smithsonian

The National Museum of Natural History’s virtual experiences are self-guided, room-by-room tours of permanent, current, and past exhibits. Be sure to send kids to the second floor Bone Hall so they can take a look at all different kinds of skeletons.

24. Google Arts & Culture

A collaboration with over 1,200 leading museums and archives, Google Arts & Culture is an incredible storehouse of monumental works of art. We recommend the Street View and Play sections.

25. 360 Cities

Boasting the world’s largest collection of 360° image videos, 360 Cities provides kids with the opportunity to see stunning panoramas across the globe, including their video of the ice floe on the Vistula River in Poland.

26. Buckingham Palace

It’s the official residence of the Queen of England, and boy, is it opulent! Get a peek inside the gorgeous Grand Staircase, White Drawing Room, Throne Room, and Blue Drawing Room.

27. The Great Wall of China

See one of the wonders of the world with this amazing, thousands-year-old fortification system known the world over. This virtual tour has four scenes available (you have to pay to get access to all 14). The bird’s-eye view of Mutianyu pass is a highlight.

28. Easter Island

Easter Island Moai Statues at Rano Raraku under sunny summer sky. Rano Raraku, Rapa Nui National Park, Hanga Roa, Easter Island, Chile.

Most of us recognize the giant stone statues of Easter Island, but what’s the story behind them? Nova’s online adventure “Secrets of Easter Island” delves into the mystery with a virtual tour.

29. Son Doong Cave

National Geographic lets you explore the world’s largest cave, located in Vietnam. Use the interactive map to enjoy the fully immersive experience (sound on!).

30. Ancient Egypt

You don’t need a time machine! Discovering Ancient Egypt has a ton of free resources, but it’s the interactive pyramid map and 3D temple reconstructions that really give it a field trip feel.

31. Back Through Time

Virtually visit Turn Back the Clock , a museum exhibit that ran for two years at the Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago. Through compelling personal stories, innovative interactive media, and pop culture artifacts, the exhibit takes guests through seven decades of history—from the dawn of the nuclear age to significant policy questions our leaders face today.

Landscape on planet Mars, scenic desert scene on the red planet

No, really! You can absolutely “go” to the red planet. With Access Mars , you can see the actual surface of Mars, recorded by NASA’s Curiosity rover. Trust us—don’t skip the intro. And if your kids liked that, check out this 4K tour of the moon . These may go down in history as some of the best virtual field trips your students get to experience.

33. The Battleship New Jersey

Take a virtual tour of this historical battleship located on the Camden waterfront. This battleship has traveled more miles than any other!

34. The Vatican

No need to travel to Rome! Take in the amazing art and architecture located in the Vatican Museums with these 360-degree views.

35. Space Center Houston

Space Center Houston Virtual Tour

Download the app and climb aboard the virtual tram line! Take a virtual walk through the Space Center Houston with informational stops along the way.

36. The Louvre

Virtually visit museum rooms in the famous Louvre located in Paris. Even check out The Louvre kids’ site for student-friendly galleries and stories. You can’t visit The Louvre without seeing the Mona Lisa , so check out their immersive Mona Lisa experience available in the app store.

37. Ellis Island

Map of Ellis Island Virtual Field Trip

This interactive tour of Ellis Island lets students explore places like the Baggage Room and the Stairs of Separation through short stories, historical photographs, videos, and audio clips. Students can also hear the stories of real kids who recently immigrated to the United States, explore colorful charts and graphs with immigration data, and watch a 30-minute movie that includes a Q&A with National Park Service Rangers who explain what coming to America was like for many immigrants.

38. Plimoth Patuxet Museums

Desk with laptop featuring a Wampanoag Native American.

Travel back to the 17th century with options for free, on-demand, digital resources or a live, 1-hour virtual school program led by a Plimoth Patuxet Contemporary Indigenous Museum Educator. Students explore Wampanoag daily life and history; discover the real history of Thanksgiving and the legend behind it; meet a 17th-century Pilgrim; get an interactive sneak peak into 17th-century wardrobes; and learn about simple machines and water power at the Plimoth Grist Mill. There are also options for virtual hands-on history workshops, including Wampanoag Pottery and Write Like a Pilgrim.

39. Children’s Museum Houston

Children's Museum Houston museum educators giving a tour

When you can’t visit the museum in person, 3D virtual field trips to the Children’s Museum Houston are the next best thing. All videos are produced and curated by museum educators and feature hands-on activities that can be done in the classroom. Topics include nutrition, math, states of matter, forces and properties of water, and more.

40. Museum of the American Revolution

Beyond the Battlefield Virtual Field Trip featuring Laruen Tarshis, author of I Survived series

Beyond the Battle Field is a virtual field trip for grades 2-8 hosted by Lauren Tarshis, author of the I Survived historical-fiction series for kids. Students will meet a museum educator as well as the museum curator, and explore artifacts and documents from the American Revolution. Plus they’ll hear the stories of teens who served during the war. There’s also a Classroom Kit available with a vocabulary list and discussion questions by grade level.

If you liked this roundup of the best virtual field trips and want more resources like this, be sure to  subscribe to our newsletters.

Plus, check out the best field trip ideas for every age and interest (virtual options too) ..

You can't always get there in person, but lots of places will let you "visit" online. These are the best virtual field trips out there!

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12 Amazing Field Trips Every Idahoan Took As A Kid (And Should Retake Now)

virtual field trip native american museum

Super-rad musician, scholar, photographer, and traveler. The Mountain West and larger PNW = home, but can be found wherever there's adventure.

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As just about any kid will tell you, the best days of the schoolyear are field trip days – a distant second would be the occasional movie day (even those monotone documentaries were better than endless worksheets!) Whether to the zoo, the local museum, or to somewhere a little more exotic, getting out and learning a few new tidbits while seeing old sights is always worth it! But, I’ll let you in on a little secret… you don’t have to be eight years old to take a field trip or enjoy your state from a new perspective. In fact, if you cast your adult-hat aside and step back into childhood for a day, you might just find yourself caught up in awe of our historic and diverse state. Take the time to explore all those places you explored as a child, and you might just be surprised at how little (or much) things have changed. For a day of fun reliving your childhood rediscovering the joy of discovery, here are 12 places you’ve probably already visited, but should definitely take a second look at:

virtual field trip native american museum

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  1. Virtual Field Trip: Indigenous Peoples

    virtual field trip native american museum

  2. Native American Museum reaching out with virtual activities, videos

    virtual field trip native american museum

  3. Virtual Field Trip: Native American Heritage, Culture & History Online

    virtual field trip native american museum

  4. Virtual Field Trip

    virtual field trip native american museum

  5. Houston Launches Its First Virtual Native American Museum

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  6. Native American Virtual Field Trip by Guy Wunderlich

    virtual field trip native american museum


  1. Online Resources

    Explore the museum's collections, exhibitions, magazine, blog, and educational resources online. Learn about the history, culture, and challenges of Native peoples in the Western Hemisphere.

  2. Virtual Field Trips

    Explore the history of the U.S. Army through artifacts, primary sources, and Soldiers' stories in these virtual field trips. Learn about the roles and contributions of Native American, African American, and women Soldiers in various conflicts and missions.

  3. Virtual Field Trip: Native American Stories

    Learn from three storytellers who share their perspectives as Native Americans in New Mexico, Montana, and Ontario. Explore their cultures, challenges, and achievements through art, photography, and journalism.

  4. PDF NK360

    In preparation for your virtual field trip with the National Museum of the American Indian (NMAI), please review the information below. ... During your virtual field trip, museum educators will use a tool called Pear Deck to help students actively engage in the program. Students will need an internet-ready personal device, such as a tablet or ...

  5. Virtual Field Trips

    The Museum is an active research institution and one of our state's top visitor attractions. ... We are proud to share our Virtual Field Trips with you. Listed below, you'll find virtual experiences developed and led by our own expert scientists and educators. ... this exhibition depicts Native American art and culture and interprets the deep ...

  6. Native American Voices Gallery Tour

    Explore the Penn Museum's North American collections and learn about Native American communities past and present. The tour covers six themes, from the enduring presence of local Native peoples to contemporary Native art.

  7. NYSM Virtual Program Video Library

    On this page you'll be able to access our most recent virtual field trips, guided tours, collection highlights, and educational programs for all ages. ... Native American Archaeology. Field Trip to the NYSM: The Oldest Artifacts in New York. April 30, 2020. ... New York State Museum Cultural Education Center 222 Madison Avenue Albany, NY 12230

  8. Native Voices Virtual Field Trip

    Explore the history, culture, and art of Utah's native tribes through videos and activities. Learn from the Indigenous Advisory Committee and NHMU anthropologists about language, land, and identity.

  9. Virtual Tours & Programming

    Virtual Tours & Programming. Welcome to the California Indian Museum and Cultural Center's Virtual Tours and Native STEM Makers Lessons! Here you can access virtual tours of our exhibits, video lessons and curriculum for our popular Native STEM Makers Program. You will also find curriculum, handouts, and flyers.

  10. PDF Native American Artifact Inspection

    native american artifact inspection Take a virtual trip to the Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian. Inspect various artifacts and record your findings below.

  11. Virtual/Online Programs

    Learn about Eastern Woodlands and Plains Native American culture through live and pre-recorded sessions, interactive tours, workshops, and activities. Explore the museum and longhouse, play games, create projects, and ask questions with Bob and Maddi.

  12. Virtual Field Trips

    These virtual field trips are not virtual tours of the museum. Virtual Field Trips are $100 per session. ... learn more about American Indians leading up to WWII, explore how the Code Talkers used their once-suppressed languages to successfully transmit code on the battlefront, and discuss why native language and terminology are still relevant ...

  13. Virtual Field Trip

    Join National Geographic for a Virtual Field Trip where three storytellers share unique insights from their experiences as Native Americans. We travel to New...

  14. Exhibits

    Exhibits. At the Institute for American Indian Studies, we take great pride in our exhibits and continually strive to ensure that they are accurate, informative, and engaging.

  15. Virtual Field Trips: Remote Visits to the Museum

    Engage your students in an up-close visit to the the Museum's famed exhibits, and complete related activities to bolster understanding of scientific concepts.

  16. Virtual Field Trip to the NYSM: Haudenosaunee Tools and Objects

    Do you know what tools the Haudenosaunee people used to build their longhouses? What about the utensils they used for cooking? Tune in to find out these answers and learn more about other objects and tools the Haudenosaunee people have made out of materials found in nature!

  17. Cherokee Nation

    The Cherokee Nation virtual field trip affords an in-depth look at the lives of the Cherokee Indians, from their first encounters with Europeans to events, such as the Gold Rush and the signing of the Indian Removal Act by Andrew Jackson, that led to their forced relocation to Indian Territory in 1838.

  18. Digital Learning

    VIRTUAL FIELD TRIPS. The Durham Museum's award-winning digital learning program offers unique opportunities to learners of all ages. Taught by museum educators, these engaging and interactive classes following national and state Social Studies standards and feature artifacts, photographs, and a live look at the museum's exhibitions and ...

  19. Field Trips

    Native American Traditional Ways of Knowing; Virtual Programs. ... What days and times does the Idaho State Museum offer field trips? Both virtual and on-site field trip programs are offered Tuesdays-Fridays, with programs available from 9:30am-11:00am, 11:15am-12:45pm, and 1:00pm-2:30pm.

  20. Virtual Tours

    Explore the exhibits and trails of several National Park visitor centers in the Southwest, including Sunset Crater, Tuzigoot, and Wupatki. Learn about the history, culture, and geology of the region through 360-degree tours and virtual trail guides.

  21. Native American Museum Virtual Tour

    Colorado Indians Tour One. This virtual field trip is a tour of the Ute Indian Museum. The museum is located in Montrose, Colorado. It is devoted to the history and culture of the Ute tribes and to the life of Ute Chief Ouray and his wife Chipeta. The Colorado Historical Society runs the museum.

  22. Idaho State Museum

    The Idaho State Museum provides a fun, interactive experience where people of all ages and backgrounds come to explore the story of Idaho. ... Join us as we discover the stories of Idaho history with virtual tours, live virtual tours, onsite field trips, self-guided visits, homeschool days and guided programs. Virtual classes are conducted in ...

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    Stay tuned for their upcoming civics virtual field trip, "The American Ideal." ... When you can't visit the museum in person, 3D virtual field trips to the Children's Museum Houston are the next best thing. All videos are produced and curated by museum educators and feature hands-on activities that can be done in the classroom. Topics ...

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    With regularly rotating exhibits that range from American Patriot history to Roman civilization, pirates, and even space, this is one museum that you can return to time and time again.