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Speak Confident English

#241: 26 Must-Have English Phrasal Verbs for Travel

Jun 1, 2022 | Advanced Vocabulary , Phrasal Verbs

travel related phrasal verbs

What is the right way or the best way to learn English phrasal verbs ?

The answer is simple. Themes.

Just like the theme of “travel” for this lesson phrasal verb lesson.

The reason themes work is you’re going to learn phrasal verbs that are regularly used in spoken and written communication on that topic. 

With a theme like travel, for example, this means you’ll hear the same phrasal verbs again and again when your coworkers talk about their vacation plans.

You’ll hear them and see them when you’re planning your trip (if you’re doing research in English). 

And they’ll be used when people ask about your travel plans and you tell your travel stories. 

That repetition is the key to learning and remembering. Plus, when you choose a theme that is applicable to your life, you’re more likely to use those phrasal verbs regularly.

So let’s dive into 26 Must-Have English Phrasal Verbs for Travel.

To help you and I stay organized and have clearer topics (since travel is such a large theme), I’ve divided this into 5 parts or subtopics.

Part 1 – Phrasal Verbs to Use When Booking/Planning Your Trip

  • Part 2 – Phrasal Verbs When Using Transportation
  • Part 4 – Phrasal Verbs for the Hotel/Airport
  • Part 5 – Phrasal Verbs When At Your Destination

26 Must-Have English Phrasal Verbs for Travel

Get away – To leave and go somewhere for a break or holiday

  • Ex. “You need to get away for a few weeks and recharge your batteries.

Dream of – To think about or wish for something you want very much

  • Ex. “I’m dreaming of going to the beach this summer. I just want to relax and enjoy the waves.”  

Sock away – To save money by putting it in a bank or investing it

  • Ex. “In the past year alone, he had socked away enough for a trip to Portugal.”

Rack up – To gradually accumulate a large number or points, profits, etc. 

  • Ex. “I managed to rack up enough airlines points for a free trip.”

Hook up – To get someone in contact with another or to successfully get something they need

  • Ex. “Our travel agent hooked us up with first class tickets for our journey back to the States.”

Hiked up (prices/cost) – To increase or raise the cost of something

  • Ex. “Due to fuel and staff shortages, airlines have hiked up the cost of airfare.”

Figure out (plans) – To solve a problem or discover the answer to a question

  • Ex. “We figured out a great way to explore Europe on a budget.”

Look forward – To positively anticipate a future event

  • Ex. “My husband is looking forward to next month’s vacation.”

Fall through (past tense) – To come to nothing or fail

  • Ex. “Our travel plans fell through due to a family emergency.”

Part 2 – Phrasal Verbs for Transportation

Get into – To enter a car

  • Ex. “We got into the car and drove to the nearest hotel.”

Get off – To exit a bus, train, or plane

  • Ex. “We got off the plane an hour ago, but got held up with finding our luggage.”

Get on – To enter, or board, a bus, train, or plane

  • Ex. “When the gates are closed, we can no longer get on the plane.”

Back up – To move in the reverse direction

  • Ex. “Could you help me? I need help with backing up the van.”

However , it also means to accumulate due to disruption of flow.

  • Ex. “The traffic is starting to back up in this lane.”

Pull up – To bring a vehicle to a stop (often a car).

  • Ex. “The car pulled up by the passenger pick-up area.”

Pick up – To go someplace to get someone and provide them with transportation

  • Ex. “Monica needs to pick Chandler up from the airport today.”

Hold up – To be delayed by something

  • Ex. “Sorry, we got held up by traffic on the way here.”

Drop off – To take someone to a place and leave them there

  • Ex. “Monica needs to drop Chandler off at the airport.”

See off – To be present at a departure area (i.e. bus station, airport terminal, or train station) and say goodbye to someone

  • Ex. “We’ll see you off before your move to Vancouver.”

TIP: Curious about the difference between to get in and to get on ? Check out my lesson on English Prepositions of Place: In | At | On . 

Part 3 – Phrasal Verbs for the Hotel/Airport

Check in – To officially tell someone of one’s arrival at a hotel or airport for a reservation

  • Ex. “Once we’ve checked in at the hotel, we can explore the city.” 

Check out – To leave a place (usually a hotel) by returning accommodation keys and paying outstanding charges

  • Ex. “If guests don’t check out by 3:00 PM, they’ll be charged an additional fee.”

Take off – To leave the ground and begin to ascend

  • Ex. “The plane takes off once passengers have boarded.”

Touch down – To descend the wheels and land on the ground

  • Ex. “Aunt Lola’s plan will touch down at 5:45 PM.”

Part 4 – Phrasal Verbs When At Your Destination

Look around – To explore what is near you in an area 

  • Ex. “Do you wanna look around for a good place to eat?”

Get around – To go or travel to different places

  • Ex. “Despite the gloomy weather, we were able to get around and explore.”

Head for/toward – To begin moving in the direction of a particular place

  • Ex. “We decided to head toward the meeting point.”

Head back – To begin returning to a place

  • Ex. “I think I’ll head back to the hotel; I’m feeling tired.”

After you watch the video on English phrasal verbs for travel, be sure to follow my recommendation for how to best learn and remember phrasal verbs in English.

Choose 2-3 new phrasal verbs from this lesson today.

Use them in your own example sentences.

Then continue to read or learn about the topic of travel in English this week.

You’ll notice the same phrasal verbs time and time again.

When you encounter a phrasal verb from this list, look at how it is used. This will help you know how to use the phrasal verb in different sentences.

Be sure to share some of your examples with me as well. You can do that in the comment section below.

~ Annemarie

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travel related phrasal verbs

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Hello Annemarie! Dear teacher, this lesson is extremely rich ;thanks a lot !! I’m sure that everyone had the same feelings of frustration when the Covid-19 was spreading all over the world, we spent months and months without visiting family, friends ! For me, I used to travel three times a year to see my children and grand children ; sincerely I feel like suffocated I need to get away, I’m dreaming of getting the opportunity to travel again, since I socked up enough money, however the tickets prices hiked up, as I used to travel frequently I racked up …  Read more »

Tanya—Team Speak Confident English

Hi Raoudha, thank you for your comment. You’re right. Things have changed since the Covid. For many of us, it was challenging. But hopefully, everything will get back to normal, and we will enjoy traveling and meeting with our friends and family again.


Excellent!! I love your way of teaching.


Thank you! I appreciate that you watch my lessons.

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travel related phrasal verbs

We all need to get away once in a while. On your next trip, throw some of these essential phrasal verbs for travel into your case – and you’ll be ready for anything!

Catching your plane

Your adventure starts at the airport! After checking in , be prepared for security checks before proceeding to the departure gates. (If you’re lucky, you’ll get a good view of aeroplanes taking off and landing while you wait.)

Once you’ve boarded your plane, you can sit back until you reach your destination – unless, of course, you have to stop over somewhere. Shortly before the plane touches down , you might be asked to fill in / out a landing card with the address of your hotel.

At your hotel

Five-star hotels might send a driver to pick you up at the airport. However, if you’re staying somewhere more modest, you’ll have to settle for a local taxi. Explaining where you want to be dropped off can be challenging if you don’t speak the language – but it’ll be worth it once you’ve checked in, lain down on a freshly-made bed, and ordered everything on the room service menu.

Don’t think about the cost until it’s time to check out . . .

Planning what to do

You’ve reached your dream destination. Now what? To make the best of your time, you might like to come up with an itinerary for the week. You don’t have to stick to it, but without a plan you might miss out on the best sights. On your first night, though, it’s good just to walk and get a feel for the place.

Head for the centre of town and see what you can find. And remember, the best restaurants and bars are often tucked away on side streets.

Food and drink

Eating out is one of the great pleasures of travel. Holidays are a chance to branch out and try things you’d never eat at home, whether you dress up every night and head for the fanciest restaurants or make do with plastic tables on the pavement.

Find out the local attitude towards tipping before you arrive. In some countries you’re expected to leave up to 20% of your bill, while in others just rounding it up is fine.

Looking after your health

Though travel is exciting, the body doesn’t always cope with it very well. To avoid coming down with something, take sensible precautions like only drinking bottled water. Choose restaurants that seem popular with locals and keep away from street stalls where food has been sitting in the sun for hours.

To make sure you don’t run out of basic medicines, you might like to bring a simple first aid kit with you. Don’t bank on overseas pharmacies selling products you use at home!

Crime and accidents

Your health is not the only thing to worry about when travelling. In cities and beach areas especially, make sure you don’t fall for any scams – tricks that are designed to separate tourists from their cash! To avoid being ripped off , ask hotel staff about reasonable prices for goods and services. And if you’re staying in a hostel, lock your valuables in a safe. With so many people coming and going, it’s easy for someone to break in to a room or locker.

Hiring a car or motorbike can be a great way to explore independently, but only do so if you’re confident in your abilities. The last thing you want is to be pulled over by the police – or worse, to run someone over . Check that the hire company will help you out if you break down , and never drink and drive. In many places, if you’re caught behind the wheel after a few glasses of wine, you’ll be kicked out of the country.

Keep smiling!

Travel requires a flexible attitude. A hotel that looked beautiful online may turn out to be half-finished; a smiling waiter may serve you yesterday’s bread and water down your beer; holiday plans in general have a habit of falling through .

The best way to deal with minor travel annoyances is usually to laugh them off – though this is easier said than done!

Using these travel phrasal verbs in the IELTS Speaking test

In Parts 1 and 3 of the IELTS Speaking test, the examiner will ask you questions about your experiences and opinions. Here are some examples of students using these phrasal verbs in the test.

Examiner:         Do you like to travel? Student:            Yes, I get away as often as I can, even if it’s just to visit friends.

Examiner:         What’s the best thing about travelling somewhere new? Student:            I love eating out , so for me the high point is always the food.

Examiner:         Can you tell me about a holiday you enjoyed? Student:            I met my husband on holiday in France, so that trip turned out pretty well!

Examiner:         What do you think people can learn by travelling? Student:            They experience a new culture and learn to cope with challenging situations.

Examiner:         Do you make detailed plans when you travel? Student:            I do a bit of research online so I don’t miss out on any major sights, but to be honest when I make plans I rarely stick to them.

1 thought on “38 Phrasal Verbs for Travel – Ideal for CAE and IELTS”

Traveling is the ultimate form of self-discovery. It challenges us to step out of our comfort zones, confront our fears, and embrace the unknown. It allows us to learn about ourselves, as well as the world around us

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Travel Phrasal Verbs and Expressions in English

By: Author Sophia

Posted on Last updated: October 26, 2023

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We are going to learn some Travel Phrasal Verbs in English.

Travel Phrasal Verbs in English

Here is list of common phrasal verbs for Travel in English.

  • Meaning: Go to the airport or station to say goodbye to someone
  • E.g.  They’ve gone to the airport to see their son off.
  • Start a journey
  • E.g.  We set off for Paris just after ten.
  • Arrive (train, plane)
  • E.g.  The train got in late.
  • Delay when travelling
  • E.g.  Sorry I’m late – I was held up at work.

5. Take off

  • When a plane departs or leaves the ground
  • E.g.  The plane took off an hour late.

6. Check in

  • Arrive and register at a hotel or airport
  • E.g.  Please check in at least an hour before departure.
  • Leave a bus, train, plane
  • E.g.  We get off at the next station.

8. Check out

  • Leave the hotel after paying
  • E.g.  We checked out at noon.

9. Get away

  • To have a holiday or vacation
  • E.g.  We’re hoping to get away for a few days at Easter.
  • Enter a bus, train, plane, to climb on board
  • E.g.  I think we got on the wrong bus.

11. Drop off

  • Take someone to a place and leave them there
  • E.g.  I’ll drop you off on my way home.

12. Pick up

  • Let someone get into your car and take them somewhere
  • E.g.  I’ll pick you up at the station.

13. Set out

  • Start a journey, especially a long journey
  • E.g.  They set out on the last stage of their journey.

14. Speed up

  • Increase speed
  • E.g.  Can you try and speed things up a bit?

15. Look around

  • Explore what is near you, in your area
  • E.g.  People came out of their houses and looked around.

16. Hurry up

  • Rush and not waste time
  • E.g.  Hurry up! We’re going to be late.

17. Go back

  • Go the place someone is leaving from to say goodbye
  • E.g.  Dave and I go back twenty years.

18. Look forward

  • Look forward to something that is going to happen in the future
  • E.g.  I’m looking forward to the weekend.

19. Stop over

  • Stay somewhere for a short time during a long journey
  • E.g.  I wanted to stop over in India on the way to Australia.

20. Check in

  • Confirm you are taking a flight (online or at airport)
  • E.g . I usually check in online.

21. Check in/out

  • Confirm your arrival/departure at a hotel
  • E.g.  We have to check out before 11:00.

22. Drop sby/sth off

  • Take somebody/something to a place (usually by car)
  • E.g.  Where do you want me to drop you off?

23. Get away

  • Escape a place (for a holidays)
  • E.g.  I need to get away for a few days.
  • Arrive at the station/airport
  • E.g.  What time does your flight get in?

25. Get on/off

  • Get onto/off a bus, a train, plane
  • E.g. G et on the northbound train at Penn Station.

26. Pick sby/sth up

  • Go to where somebody is leaving from to say goodbye
  • E.g.  Will you come to see me off at the airport?

27. S et off/out

  • Begin a journey
  • E.g.  We have to set off very early on Saturday.

28. Stop over

  • Stay at a place on the way to your final destination
  • E.g.  On my way to Rio, I stopped over in Paris for a night.

29. Take off

  • Leave the ground (planes)
  • E.g.  The plane’s going to take off. Hold my hand!

30. Touch down

  • Land (planes)
  • E.g.  Our flight touches down before midday.

Travel Phrasal Verbs in English | Picture

TRAVEL Phrasal Verbs in English

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Learning Vocabulary: Phrasal verbs connected to travel


In this week's Premier Skills English Podcast, Jack and Rich talk about phrasal verbs that are connected to travelling. What time do you set off in the morning? Have you ever been late to check in at the airport? Phrasal verbs are difficult to learn but you can increase your vocabulary by learning and using them. In this podcast, we focus on ten phrasal verbs about travel and we share personal anecdotes to introduce the phrasal verbs. Your task is to share a travel experience using the phrasal verbs that are introduced in this podcast. We also have a new football phrase for you to guess. Enjoy!

Learning Vocabulary - Phrasal Verbs connected to travel

Introduction: .

Rich : I’ve got a few days off in a couple of weeks so we’re thinking of going away.

Jack : Lucky you! I wish I could get some time off but I’m snowed under at work at the moment. Where are you thinking of going?

Rich : Not sure yet. I’ve been looking at flights.

Jack : Flights! Wow! Sounds like more than just a little break, it sounds like a real holiday.

Rich : Well, I think I’ve got three days off so we’re not going to be travelling to the other side of the world, but the kids would really like a bit of sun and the beach.

Jack : What about the Canary Islands in Spain, or Morocco maybe. It’ll be warmer there and I’m sure it’ll be sunny.

Rich : Yes, they’re pretty good ideas but I’m thinking it might be better to go somewhere closer to home.

Jack : It’s a bit cold in the UK in February … but you could visit friends and family or you could always go to London there’s loads to do for kids. 

Rich : But the kids love the beach. I’m thinking we could go to Southampton for the weekend.

Jack : Southampton? Really? It’s by the coast but I don’t think it even has a beach. It’s a port.

Rich : It doesn’t have a beach? That’s not good. It could still be a good place to go though. We could stay in a little Bed and Breakfast in the city centre.

Jack : Do you know anyone in Southampton?

Rich : No, no one.

Jack : You could go to Bournemouth instead. It’s not far from Southampton and has a great beach or maybe Brighton. You could watch a match too - they both have Premier League teams!

Rich : Well, it’s funny that you mention that. You see Southampton play Liverpool the weekend we want to go away.

Jack : Ahh! Now I understand. That’s why you want to go to Southampton. Maybe the kids can watch the boats while you are at the match!

Welcome - Travel

Rich : Hello my name’s Rich

Jack : and I’m Jack

Rich : and welcome to this week’s Premier Skills English podcast

Jack : Where we talk about football and help you with your English.

Jack : What’s happening this week, Rich?

Rich : In this week’s podcast, we are going to talk about travelling to different places and we’re going to introduce ten phrasal verbs that are connected to travelling.

Jack : That’s right. Rich and I are both going to tell you about a time we visited a different city or place, how we got there, why we went there, where we stayed and what we did there.

Rich : And we will have lots of different tasks and activities for you to do that are connected to this podcast. A few of these tasks will be on the podcast page on the Premier Skills English website.

Jack : But, we will also be publishing some other activities and tasks for you to do connected to this podcast in the next few days. There will always be links on the side of the podcast page to help you find it all.

Rich : Let’s start by telling everyone about a time each of us travelled to a different city or place.

Jack : Your task is to answer these five questions. Where is the place? How did we get there? Why did we go there? Where did we stay? What did we do in the place?

Topic Focus

Jack : Rich, you said earlier that you’re thinking of going to Southampton to watch Liverpool play. Have you travelled to many away matches?

Rich : When I was younger I used to go to loads of matches - home and away. I used to go to home matches with my dad when I was little but when I was a teenager I started going to away matches with friends.

Jack : Where did you go?

Rich : All over. We used to catch a coach. There would be loads of us and loads of coaches - we’d all get on one of the coaches. We’d always get picked up and dropped off at the football stadium. Sometimes if we were going to London we’d set off really early, especially if the match kicked off early. There was a great atmosphere on the coaches - singing … chanting. Everybody got on really well. 

Jack : Did you stay over or come back straight after the match?

Rich : We nearly always came back straight after the match. My mum wouldn’t let me stay over in a different city and it would have been too expensive anyway.

Jack : It must have been fun though?

Rich : Yes, it was. Thanks to football I got to travel all over the country. Many of my friends who didn’t go to the football only left the city once a year for a holiday. I think I really got a taste for travel because of football and my knowledge of geography got better too.

Jack : Geography?

Rich : Because of football I can pinpoint Sunderland, Ipswich, Wigan, Coventry and Portsmouth on a map! And European places too thanks to European football!

Jack : Alright then, here’s a challenge. Where do Panathinaikos play?

Rich : Athens in Greece.

Jack : Ferencvaros?

Rich : Budapest in Hungary.

Jack : That’s enough. I believe you.

Rich : What about you, Jack? Did you use to go to away matches?

Jack : No, I didn’t but there is a trip to a different place that I remember well.

Rich : Where did you go?

Jack : Well, when I was a kid we always loved to go to Cornwall on holiday. 

Rich : Oh! I’ve never been, but people tell me it’s very pretty. They call it the English Riviera.

Jack : It’s true. Anyway, every year we would set off very early in the morning and would drive down to Cornwall. We always stayed in the same little village called Perranporth and we would go back to the same little bed and breakfast every year.

Rich : Sounds good.

Jack : It was. I think my dad liked it because it was very quiet and a place you could get away from it all. I liked it too because the beach was brilliant. We would check in at the B&B and then go straight to the beach.

Rich : Was there much to do there?

Jack : Exploring the beach and the sea was enough, but we would always spend one day in a place called Newquay - a nearby town. We’d always get a taxi - I can’t remember why. It would pick us up in the morning and drop us off in the centre of Newquay.

Rich : What would you do there?

Jack : This was the best bit. My dad would go for a look around the town and I would go surfing! 

Rich : Cool.

Jack : It was. Newquay has some of the biggest waves in the UK and it was great to have surfing lessons.

Rich : I’d love to be able to surf. Do you still do it?

Jack : No, but I'm sure I could pick it up again quite quickly. I suppose it’s like riding a bike or swimming - you never forget how to do it.

Language Focus

Jack : In the last section, we spoke about different places that we have travelled to.

Rich : And while we were speaking we used lots of different phrasal verbs.

Jack : We’ve looked at phrasal verbs before in the podcast and if you want to find out more about how to use them then check out our podcast on 10 phrasal verbs. I’ve put a link on the side of this page.

Rich : In short, a phrasal verb is a verb with two or three parts. They often have non-literal meanings which makes them difficult to understand. 

Jack : For example, when Rich was talking about travelling to away matches he said that everybody got on very well. To get on is a phrasal verb which means to be friendly.

Rich : We are now going to look at ten more phrasal verbs that are connected to travel that we used in the previous section.

Jack : Before we explain what they mean we want you to do something. 

Rich : We want you to listen to the previous section again. Listen to me talking about away matches and Jack talking about his childhood holiday. While you are listening, write down ten phrasal verbs that you hear that are connected to travelling.

Jack : Right, let’s look at the phrasal verbs that you heard. Rich said we’d get on one of the coaches. The phrasal verb is get on. It means to enter a coach. 

Rich : One thing to remember is we get on a bus, we get on a train and we get on a plane but we get in a car.

Jack : Rich also said that the coach picked him up and dropped him off at the football stadium. Here the phrasal verbs are to pick up and to drop off.

Rich : Pick up means to collect someone from a place in a car or other type of transport and to drop off means to take someone in a car or other type of transport and leave them in a specific place.

Jack : One thing to remember with these two phrasal verbs is that they can be separated. It’s possible to say I’ll pick Rich up from the football stadium and I’ll pick up Rich from the football stadium.

Rich : I also said that we set off really early. To set off means to start a journey and this phrasal verb can’t be separated. 

Jack :  I asked Rich if he stayed over or came back after the match. Stay over means to sleep in a different place and come back means to return to a place. These are another two phrasal verbs that can’t be separated.

Rich : Jack used a very similar phrasal verb to come back. He said we would go back to the same hotel every year. The phrasal verb is go back and also means to return to a place and also can’t be separated.

Jack : Another important phrasal verb connected to travel is to check in.

Rich : Jack said that they would check in at the hotel. To check in means to register at the hotel and the opposite is to check out.

Jack : This phrasal verb is useful at airports too. You have to check in at the check-in desk. You have to register by giving your flight tickets and passports.

Rich : Not all phrasal verbs are non-literal though. Some are easier to understand. Jack said that they wanted to get away on holiday and that his dad liked to look around the town. These phrasal verbs are easier - to get away and look around mean exactly what they appear to mean.

Jack : One final thing. Did you notice that I said that I could pick up surfing again? Here I used the phrasal verb to pick up. In this example, it means to learn something with little effort not to collect someone in a car.

Rich : Yes, it’s important to say that phrasal verbs often have more than one meaning. 

Jack : So, there are 10 phrasal verbs connected to travel. Are they the same phrasal verbs that you wrote down?

Rich : The ten were: to get on, to pick up, to drop off, to check in, to set off, to stay over, to come back, to get away, to go back and to look around.

Jack : This week’s task is for you to write about a city or place that you have travelled to. 

Rich : This could be a place that you travelled to when you were a child, somewhere that you have been to lots of times or somewhere that you have been to more recently and maybe only been once.

Jack : Your task is to answer these five questions. Where is the place? How did you get there? Why did you go there? Where did you stay? What did you do in the place?

Rich : We want you to use as many of the phrasal verbs from this podcast as you can. Write the phrasal verbs in capital letters so everybody can see them more easily. 

Jack : And if you can include more or different phrasal verbs connected to travel, that’s great.

Rich : Write your answers in the comments section below.

Football Phrase

Rich : Have you got a football phrase for us this week? 

Jack : Yes, I have, but first, last week’s football phrase. The phrase was transfer gossip. The transfer window is open at the moment so there is a lot of transfer gossip in the newspapers and online - rumours about which players are signing for which clubs and things like that.

Rich : It was difficult because you might have thought the answer was transfer rumours. But if you listen carefully you will notice that the answer we need is an uncountable noun not a countable one.

Jack : Well done to Liubomyr from Ukraine and Ahmed Adam from Sudan who got there in the end.

Rich : What’s this week’s phrase, Jack?

Jack : This week’s phrase is just a word. The football word is ******. This is a match that is played in some cup competitions when the first match finishes in a draw.

Rich : Got it! Nice and easy. Let’s see how many of you get it.

Jack : Right, that’s all we have time for this week! Don’t forget to write your answers to our questions and make a guess at our football phrase in the comments below.

Rich : And don’t forget to listen to our round-up show called ‘This Week’. 

Jack : If you have enjoyed this podcast or found it useful, leave us a review or rating and that will help other people find us. Bye for now and enjoy your football!

How much did you understand?

In the podcast, Rich and Jack used some words and phrases that might be new for you. Do you know the words in bold ?

I’ve got a few days off in a couple of weeks so we’re thinking of going away . I wish I could get some time off but I’m snowed under at work at the moment.

There were a few more tricky words in the podcast. Do you know what they all mean? Try the activity below, then, listen to the podcast again to hear how we used the words.

In this week's podcast, Jack and Rich spoke about phrasal verbs connected to travel. If you want more information about how to use phrasal verbs take a look at our link on the side of this page.

Here are some examples from the podcast: 

We’d always get picked up and dropped off at the football stadium .

To pick up or to pick someone up means to collect someone in a car or other type of transport in order to take them to a place.

To drop off or to drop someone off means to take someone to a place in a car or other type of transport.

The taxi would pick us up in the morning and drop us off in the centre of town.

In this activity, look more closely at the phrasal verbs about travel we used in this podcast. Do you know what all 10 of them mean?

Do you travel by bus much?

Is the phrasal verb transitive or intransitive?

Intransitive verbs have no direct object. Look at this example that Jack said in the podcast:

Every year we would set off very early in the morning.

The phrasal verb to set off means to start a journey. It is an intransitive phrasal verb. It doesn't have a direct object. You can't say I will set the car off in the morning for example.

Let's look again at the phrasal verbs pick up and drop off. In the podcast, Jack said:

The taxi would pick  us  up in the morning and drop us off in the centre of town.

Pick up and drop off are transitive verbs. They need a direct object. In the above sentences, the direct object is in red .

Is the phrasal verb separable or not?

Intransitive verbs such as set off can never be separated but transitive verbs such as pick up and drop off can be separated. In the examples above, they were separated by the direct object us .  It is also possible to use these phrasal verbs without separating them:

I'll pick up  Dani at six and then I'll pick you up . I'll drop off those things at your house and then I'll drop Dani  off at the station.

The most important thing to remember here is that pronouns (her, him, you, it etc.) always separate transitive verbs. Other direct objects such as Dani or those things can either go in the middle of a phrasal verb or after the phrasal verb.

I'll drop those things off  at your house and then I'll drop off  Dani at the station.

In the podcast, we looked at 10 phrasal verbs connected to travel. In this activity, look at the words and put them in the right place. 

Have you ever been on a plane?

Your task is to tell us about your own travel experience. This could be a place that you travelled to when you were a child, somewhere that you have been to lots of times or somewhere that you have been to more recently and maybe only been once. Answer the following questions:

  • Where is the place?
  • How did you get there?
  • Why did you go there?
  • Where did you stay?
  • What did you do in the place?

We want you to use as many of the phrasal verbs from this podcast as you can. Write the phrasal verbs in capital letters so everybody can see them more easily. Write your anecdote in the comments section at the bottom of this page.

Please login to take this quiz.

What do you think?

In this week’s podcast, Jack and Rich spoke about travel.

Look at the task above and write your answers. 

Remember to write your guess for this week's football phrase, too!

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hsn's picture

Task I’ve gone back to Antalya where a city by the sea in the South coast of my country. A place which full of sun and beaches. I got there by bus or plane sometimes. For two purpose holiday or business. I stayed at hotel. Swimming,looking around or business meeting. Phrase • When I stayed over in a different place I generally have a difficulty to sleep. • After long time break , I'm not sure I could pick up swimming again.

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mobeckham's picture

This week's football word is ( replay )

Where is the place? How did you get there? Why did you go there? Where did you stay? What did you do in the place? Well , I travelled to Istanbul to watch my favourite team Manchester United in 2016 in Europa League tournament. I GOT ON the plane very early in the morning as we SET OFF at 8 am heading to Istanbul from Izmir. I was DROPPED OFF at Istanbul airport then I met some new friends and we GOT ON WELL together before the game. We took a LOOK AROUND the city in the afternoon and then the KICK OFF was at 8 pm local time. After the game , I GOT ON the coach back to Izmir because I couldn't STAY OVER in Istanbul as I had to GO BACK to work on Friday Morning. It was an unforgettable journey :)

Yes we sometimes travel to Istanbul for big games because it's so much fun

Yes I have travelled to an away game of Manchester United when they played vs Fenerbahce here in Istanbul on November 3rd 2016 The atmosphere was incredible and I met my British friends there :)

travel related phrasal verbs

Hello! I'd like to tell you about my first trip to Saint-Petersburg. I went with my brother and my friends. We traveled by train. We had to GET UP early to get to the station, my friend's dad DROPPED us OFF. I went there for sightseeing, I was convinced that it would help me to pass my history exam the following year. (And it did help me!) We stayed at a hostel, we spent most of the time WALKING AROUND the city, visiting museums.

I haven't gone back to the same place many times, but I think, I found the place- it's Pavlovsk, I was there only twice: last summer and a week ago. Pavlovsk's park is wonderful both in summer and in winter! The park is huge, natural (in some parts of the park it's like a forest) it's not overcrowded by tourists. It's a lovely place to find peace, harmony, and of course to learn a bit about Russian history!

elghoul's picture

Every spring I SET OFF early in the morning and GET ON bus to Azazga a nearby mountain. I always CHECK IN for bed and bath.

I always GO BACK to the same address.

Football phrase, tyer.

Rich's picture

Hi Elghoul,

Good use of the phrasal verbs here. Well done!

Rich - The Premier Skills English Team

haruyuki's picture

I think this week's football phrase is ******.

Emir Veličanstveni's picture

This week's phrase is ******.

TatkaNatka's picture

My favorite place is cities of Golden Rings in Russia, for example, Kostroma, Vladimir, Yaroslavl,  and others. I usually take a guided coach tour. I SET OFF early in the morning and I usually GET ON a train in my city and the next day the train DROP me OFF at Moscow. Then the coach PICK the tourists UP at the Leningrad Railway station in Moscow and we travel along to enjoy the way and listen to the interesting information during the traveling. From time to time we GET OFF the coach and walk or go on excursions, take photos. In the evening the coach DROP us OFF at the hotel, we CHECK IN, have dinner and go to bed in the room. The room is always comfortable and the trip the next day goes on. Welcome to Russia to see the beauty of the oldest cities of Golden Ring. The people are very nice in these small but unforgettable Russian towns.

I may be mistaken. Is the football phrase   "a tie". 

Explain me, please, I know that footballers WARM UP first. What do they do after the game when the coach talks about the good and bad Points of the game. What do they call it? Is is a phrasal verb?

Ahmed Adam Mamado's picture

Task Correct me.

The Red Sea State is the only state in our country where the school holidays are set to be in summer and that's because it can get extremely hot in its capital city - Port Sudan - during this season. I'm talking about temperatures reaching 40 Celsius; droughts and water shortages; a little supply of power FACED WITH a huge demand on electricity! These weather conditions cause a lot of problems to many people. So, People are given their break and those who can't afford it, they try to GET AWAY in their holidays.

In July 2011 I went to Kassala with my family in order to escape the notouriously-hot summer of Port Sudan as well as to take a refresh. We SAT OFF very early in the morning and GOT ON the bus for our nine-hour-long journey. When we got there, we rented a house for two months to stay in. We had the whole month of Ramadan as well as Al-Eid there.

Almost every day I used to go on a walk to Al-Gash - a seasonal river - that beautifully divided Kasaala into two halves. I enjoyed listening music while observing the different sceneries of the landscape which were spectacular to look at. I also used to DROP BY the café shop in the local market for a cup of "Sheeria" on my way back home. Then on Fridays all the family would go for a LOOK AROUND the city. However, our final day was something else! It was such an eventful day as we SQUEEZED IN visits to many wonderful places.

First we STARTED OFF WITH a visit to some relatives in a place called Banat Neighbourhood. I was impressed by the hospitality and friendliness of people of Banat, but I particularly loved that area because it was located in the middle green countryside with many different types of plants and flowers and in the background Mount Toteel could be seen. There was a difficult moment when our relatives insisted and refused to release us unless we STAY OVER for a day. Hopefully, dad convinced them, and if he had failed, it would've spoiled our sightseeing farewell.

Then we went to Al-Bustan Park where I GOT ON that giant wheel with my mum and little bro, and when we were at the top, the view was absolutely stunning!

My little brother whom I thought would feel scary, he cried making a scene, not for being afraid but for not wanting to leave his seat. Honestly, the 11-year-old pest refused to GET OFF the wheel as we landed. Instead, he forced us to return the favour and luckily, that gave me an extra chance to recapture the pictures which I previously took in a hurry!

After that we visited Al-Taka mountains, also known as "Mount Toteel" - a place I always wanted to visit. It was absolutely packed with a great many people coming from everywhere, so we had to climb up the mountain.

As we were walking, we CAME ACROSS exceptionally-unusual traditional buildings. Shops, and cafeterias were all built with stones and decorated by paintings and drawings that reflected the culture, traditions and way of life of this particular Sudanese State. Café shops were built under huge mountain rocks, but the most striking ones, were those built inside caves!

We finally settled in a cafeteria for some food and drink and as you could guess, I ordered shak-shooka while the rest of the family went for traditional food as usual.

Now, it came the time when I had to leave the family for a much more discovery. I surprisingly spotted a secondary school classmate and went towards him. He wasn't actually alone, but with his friends enjoying a coffee. Then he introduced me to them and they were very welcoming. After that we spent some fantastic moments switching places and taking loads of photographs. We GOT ON really well, enven today we're still in touch!

When I WENT BACK to rejoin the family to GOING BACK home, I found no one! I remembered that I told them not to wait me because I would come late. So, I CAME BACK home on my own and spent the whole night looking at my pictures!

Our visit to Kassala was so special because it came at a time when I finished secondary school and was enjoying my last two months of the seven-month gap before joining university, adding to that it had been quite long since I had BEEN AWAY to Sinkat back in 2006.

Thanks to my mum for COMING OUT WITH such a suggestion to visiting Kassala and I'll definitely GET BACK to this amazing city if alive!

Comment section questions Correct me.

I've never followed my team Al-Hilal SC to an away match, but have many times been to the stadium when they come to Port Sudan to TAKE ON Hay Alarab SC in a domestic league affair.

I've visited Arkweet once and fell in love at first sight! It's a village located in the northeast countryside within the Red Sea state. This is a place where I can't stop myself from GOING BACK there every year. I often GO AWAY with classmates to enjoy a few days in the green fields then we go mountaineering and in our final day we go for a LOOK-AROUND the village.

Activities questions Correct me.

Because I'm not interested in reading since it gets me bored, so I normally PICK UP a special kind of newspaper that contains a lot of crosswords. I enjoy doing the crosswords. However, I sometimes prefer to watch the Sudanese Drama being played on a DVD player on the bus. They are absolutely hilarious!

I always travel by bus and have never been on a plane or a ship. Well, I've been on a ship on many occasions, but it was when I was working in the port. In fact, my home town is NAMED AFTER this port "Port Sudan". Now, I would love to travel by a plane one day, maybe in the near future I'll STEP ON a plane.


hi every one, I wanna say about a journey that I'm going to go there next month. Japan, fantastic place to see. I wanna buy a flight return ticket. the plane is flying from my country to another country to (fill up with petrol, I think) and then I have a connected flight to Japan, my dream country. I think it takes me 15 hours to get there. Why am I going there? and What am I going to do there? for some reasons. first, the most important thing is to visit my wife, she is a student who is studying in Japan. second, I want to eat Sushi, visit akihabara (in Chiyoda ward of Tokyo), visit the temples and finally I don't have any experience of drinking Sake :). I wanna stay in my family home which is placed in countryside

I'll definitely be back for the task as well as the activities, but first I have to make sure that the LINK to download this podcast is at my disposal. This week's podcast looks a mouth-watering one, can't wait to get the link!

Football phrase, fingers crossed it's a "******"

HI Ahmed Adam,

Sorry about that, I know that you always download the podcast! I've added the link. Do you ever share the download with others? I was wondering how many of your fellow English learners would be interested?

I don't know how is called the after game talk between coach and footballers. Is it a special word? I know that there is WARM UP before the game. Can you help me? Thank you

Hi TatkaNatka,

Sorry for not replying earlier, we've been very busy with our live activity week. Have you seen it? You're right about the opposite of WARM UP being another phrasal verb. The phrasal verb you are looking for is COOL DOWN.

Hope that helps you and your students!

Rich - The Premier Skills English Team

Thank you very much, Rich!

That's ok now. Yeah, that's right and thank you for adding it. Without doubt! If you remember Ahmed Musa - who's our neighbour - he came along as a result of this, but some people just want to listen. There're also some WhatsApp groups where I regularly through the download link in.

Btw, while I was at Khartoum's Al-Arabi Market last year, I came across a taxi driver who parked his car and was listening to something. It surprisingly appeared to me as if he was listening to one of PSE's podcasts, so I stepped back and yes, he was!!

That's brilliant to hear. I imagine that word of the Premier Skills English podcast has spread in Sudan because of one of our biggest supporters!

it could be!

Liubomyr's picture

I think that the football word is “******”.


Skills: Listening

Vocabulary: Phrasal verbs connected to travel

Speaking Skills: Sharing a personal anecdote

Task: Share an anecdote with the Premier Skills community

The London Eye - Jack Radford

Speaking Exams - The Long Turn

In this week's Premier Skills English podcast, Jack and Rich help you with the language you need in speaking exams.

Alexis Sanchez is a Manchester United player.

Football English Blog: Sanchez to United!

Read about something happening in the world of football and focus on some football English in our first blog post.

It can be difficult to speak when you forget a word.

Circumlocution Strategies

In this article, we look at words and phrases you can use to describe things when you forget or don't know a word.

Tottenham and Burnley captains greet each other in the tunnel.

Learning Vocabulary: Breaking the Ice

Jack and Rich look at lots of useful phrases to use when you need to talk to someone for the first time.

Manchester City celebrating winning the Premier League.

Learning Vocabulary: Phrasal verbs connected to sport

Jack and Rich argue about winning and focus on ten phrasal verbs connected to sport.

Double-decker bus in London.

Travel & Tourism: Transport

Rowan, Rich and Jack talk about memorable trips by road, rail and air.

Manchester United beat West Ham 2-0 at Old Trafford.

This Week: Football Phrasal Verbs 1

Jack, Laura and Rich talk about the Premier League action from the last seven days.


  • Phrasal Verbs

25 Phrasal Verbs for TRAVEL

English365plus.com - English Phrasal Verbs for Travel

Howdy language explorers! Do you dream of traveling around the world? Exploring new places and cultures can be thrilling, right? But to make that dream even more enjoyable, it’s helpful to know certain English phrases that are often used when we talk about travel. Ever wondered how knowing these travel-related phrasal verbs could bring your English conversations to life? Let’s find out!

Without further ado, let’s embark on a journey through the most popular English phrasal verbs related to travel .

1. Set off : to start a journey. Example: We set off for Paris early in the morning.

2. Check in : to register at a hotel or an airport. Example: We need to check in at least two hours before the flight.

3. Take off : to an airplane leaving the ground. Example: The plane took off on time.

4. Pick up : to collect something or someone, often in a vehicle. Example: Can you pick up some souvenirs while you’re in Italy?

5. Get on : to enter a vehicle. Example: I got on the bus at 9 AM.

6. Get off : to leave a vehicle. Example: Get off at the next stop for the museum.

7. Drop off : to leave something or someone at a place. Example: I’ll drop off my luggage at the hotel before we explore the city.

8. Look around : to explore a place by looking at its features. Example: We looked around the old town this morning.

9. Stop over : to have a short stay in a place you are visiting while you are on a longer journey to somewhere else. Example: We stopped over in Dubai on our way to Australia.

10. Check out : to leaving a hotel after paying and returning your keys. Example: We need to check out by 11 AM.

11. Go abroad : to travel to a foreign country. Example: I love to go abroad for my holidays.

12. Come back : to return to a place. Example: I can’t wait to come back to Italy.

13. Hurry up : to do something more quickly. Example: Hurry up or we’ll miss our flight!

14. Head for : to go in a particular direction. Example: We’re heading for the coast.

15. Turn up : to arrive somewhere. Example: The bus turned up late.

16. Hold up : to delaying someone. Example: Sorry, I was held up in traffic.

17. Move on : to leave a place and travel to another. Example: After two days in Paris, we moved on to Rome.

18. Set out : to start a journey. Example: We set out for our road trip at dawn.

19. Run out : to use all of something and have no more left. Example: We ran out of gas in the middle of nowhere.

20. Get away : to escape from your usual environment . Example: I need to get away for a while.

21. Catch up : to reach someone who is ahead by matching their speed . Example: I’ll catch up with you at the entrance.

22. Go off : to leave a place and go somewhere else. Example: He’s gone off to Europe somewhere.

23. Pass through : to travel through a place without stopping there for long. Example: We passed through several small towns.

24. Pull over : to drive to the side of the road and stop your car. Example: Let’s pull over and check the map.

25. Look forward to : to feel happy and excited about something that is going to happen. Example: I’m looking forward to my trip to France.

Knowing these travel-related phrasal verbs can really come in handy when talking about your adventures or planning new ones. These phrases can bring your conversations to life and help you communicate more like a native speaker. So go ahead, pack your new knowledge with you, and set off on your next English-speaking adventure!

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travel related phrasal verbs

12 Travel Phrasal Verbs in English

  • Post author: Harry
  • Post last modified: 05/05/2022
  • Post category: Phrasal Verbs
  • Reading time: 10 mins read

Here you will learn 12 travel phrasal verbs in English.

If reading is not really your cup of tea, scroll down to watch a short video lesson on Travel Phrasal Verbs .

List of Phrasal Verbs


Travelling is a year round activity as people now go on holidays more than once a year. The following are phrasal verbs that are related to travel or, as you may name them, travel phrasal verbs . I have set out some key phrasal verbs that we use in a typical holiday trip.

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When we begin a journey anywhere of a short or long duration we have to start from someplace either our home or our office perhaps.

So we normally advise our friends or family that our holiday is about to start or we will set off shortly.

John was going to Italy for a week. He told his family that he was due to set off at 4 pm for the airport and asked if someone could give him a lift.

Similar to set off we can also use this to describe the beginning of a journey. It sometimes refers to a shorter journey than a holiday, perhaps a trek or a walk.

Michael is gone for a trek. He set out about an hour ago. 

to start moving towards a place (town, city, etc)

We had decided to head for Edinburgh.

book your trial English Lesson

Check in/check out.

When we arrive at our destination, a hotel or apartment on Airbnb (perhaps) we usually have a time when we can check in .

And when we leave our hotel or apartment at the end of our vacation we are given time to leave or check out .

When I arrived in Barcelona I made my way (travelled to) to my hotel and checked in at about 2.30 pm.

On my day of departure, I had to check out before 12 noon. It suited me fine as my flight was due to leave at 3 pm.

Scroll down for Everyday English Travel Phrases.

hop on/hop off

I’m sure you are familiar with these 2 travel phrasal verbs.

Nowadays most of the cities offer visitors “the red bus” option to get a tour of the city. This red bus is sometimes a replica of (a copy of) the old London buses.

These buses offer the option to hop on or off as you please at different locations around or across the city. You buy the ticket and you can get on (hop on) or get off (hop off) the bus at any location.

We hopped on the train and went back to the hostel. 

Travelling is very enjoyable at any time. However, it is made easier due to the advances in transport options. We can travel by car, train, plane or even ship!

When setting out our plans for our holidays it is important to know how we will travel from one destination to another. Our friends may ask us what type of transport will we use.

How are you getting around? = How will you travel?

David was travelling to 5 cities in 10 days. His friend wanted to know how he intended to get around. He had arranged to hire a car for that purpose.

see somebody off

When somebody is leaving for an extended time it is normal for family members to travel with that person to the point of departure (airport or train station) to wish them well and to wave goodbye. This we refer to as seeing somebody off.

Mary was leaving for an extended working holiday in Australia. Her parents were anxious to go to the airport to see her off. She was going to be away for approximately 6 months.

12 Travel Phrasal Verbs

When we go on a holiday or a business trip we usually have to come back at some time. It is also normal for our colleagues family and friends to ask us when are we due to return when talking about our holiday.

Declan was going on holiday to the USA and his boss wanted to know when he was due to get back to work.

So we can ask When are you getting back? or When do you get back to the office/home? or When are you due back?

When it is time to depart or to leave we often use the phrase “get going”.

We often use it together with the words “it’s about time…” because usually, we are in a hurry or in a rush.

Igor was late packing his bag and needed to get to the airport as quickly as possible. He told his wife it was “about time he got going”. He had to leave immediately otherwise he might have missed his flight.

to stop working (a machine, a vehicle)

Our car broke down on the way to Nice, so we phoned breakdown recovery service.

to begin a journey at a particular place

We started off in Heidelberg, which is this old-fashioned, nice town in Western Germany.

put someone up

to give (someone) temporary accommodation

My friends put me up for three nights.

Do you like travelling? What was the last trip you took?

Try to write a short story about your last trip and use as many travel phrasal verbs as you can. This simple exercise will help you remember them.

If you would like to continue learning English phrasal verbs (I’m sure you would!), continue reading my other posts. I also have a post about Intermediate English Travel Vocabulary where you can find English words and expressions related to travelling.

And if you would like to improve your English faster and in an easy way, consider taking our English Lessons on Zoom . Remember, we do offer a FREE English lesson to try it!

English Travel Verbs - Video Lesson

Help other students to improve english skills, more information.

For more information on English Phrasal Verbs, English Idioms and English Grammar Rules, check out the following links:

English Idioms about Decisions

Expressions and Idioms with Take

Comparatives and Superlatives in English

Intermediate English learners! Here is your chance to master English Grammar Tenses so you can speak English fluently and with confidence, sign up for 3 hour English Grammar Rules Refresher Course . Click on the link to read more.

Plenty of free resources are available on BBC Learning English .

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English phrasal verbs

10+1 traveling phrasal verbs in english + video.

You know how cool it is to travel to new places, right? Well, learning traveling phrasal verbs in English is super important because it helps you talk about your adventures and experiences in a more exciting and understandable way! Phrasal verbs are like special words that show actions and movements, and when it comes to traveling, they help describe what we do when we explore new cities or go on adventures.

Imagine you’re telling a story about a trip you took. If you say, “We set off early in the morning,” it means you started your journey early. Or if you say, “We ran into a friend from school,” it means you unexpectedly met your friend. Learning these phrasal verbs makes your travel tales more interesting and vivid! Plus, when you talk to people from different countries, using these phrases helps you communicate better and make new friends easily!

So, by learning traveling phrasal verbs like “set off,” “run into,” or “check in,” you’ll be able to share your amazing travel stories and understand others’ adventures too! It’s like unlocking a secret code that makes your travel experiences even more awesome and fun to talk about with everyone!

Learning English vocabulary is not possible without learning phrasal verbs. That is why in this lesson, we are going to learn 11 phrasal verbs for travelling that you can use when talking about trips and holidays. Make sure you also watch the video and download the PDF summary of this lesson! Now, let’s begin.

To see somebody off

“ To see somebody off ” means to go to an airport or a station to say goodbye to somebody who’s traveling.

Imagine your friend is going to immigrate. What would you do? If you’re a good friend and have spare time, you would see them off .

It means you would go to the airport with them and you say goodbye. Pay attention to this example:

  • They have gone to the airport to see their son off.

It means the parents have gone to the airport and want to say goodbye to their son who is probably going to another country.

To see somebody off

Here are some other examples:

  • He’s got to see me off. I’m leaving in an hour and he hasn’t arrived yet!
  • He came to see us off. He also bought some gifts for us!

To see somebody off

“ set off ” is another way of saying to start or to begin a journey . For example:

  • We will set off for Paris at night.

to set off

It means we will start our journey to Paris at night. Remember, this is how we use this travelling phrasal verb: set off + for + place . For example:

  • Set off for Paris.
  • Set off for New York.

to set off

Learn more: What are the problem solving phrases in English?

To get on (Bus, Plane, Train)

“Get on” means to enter a public means of transport . You can use this traveling phrasal verb for planes, trains, and buses. Such as the examples below:

  • Get on the plane.
  • Get on the train.
  • Get on the bus.

to get on bus

For plane you can also say:

  • To  board  the plane (= to get on the plane)

to get on bus

To get in (car, taxi)

For cars and taxis, we use “ get in”. Look at this examples:

  • Get in the car, we are late! Hurry up!
  • I’m running late. I need to get in a taxi!

to get in the car

Learn more: Read the article about argument phrasal verbs in English

To take off

One of the meanings of “ take off ” is for the clothes , such as this sentence:

  • It’s really hot. I have to take off this sweater.

to take off

But when “ take off ” is used to talk about traveling , it can be used for an airplane that is leaving the airport. Let’s see some examples:

  • What time is the plane taking off?
  • The plane is taking off at around midnight.
  • It’s only an hour before the plane takes off.

to take off

To get off (plane, bus, train)

“To get off ” means to  exit  or  to go out . This traveling phrasal verb can be used for bus, plane, and train. Pay attention to these sentences:

  • Get off the bus. This is your station!
  • You’ll never get off this train alive!
  • Get off the plane. We need to go to the baggage claim.
  • We got off the plane at around 11.

to get off the bus

To pick somebody up

“To pick somebody up” means to let somebody get into your car take them somewhere that they want to go. For example:

  • The hotel shuttle will pick you up after you get off the plane.

To pick somebody up

It means the shuttle is waiting for you and will take you to the hotel when you arrive. Have a look at these examples:

  • Pick me up at 7:30 in front of my apartment.
  • Where are you now? Do you want me to come pick you up?

to pick somebody up

Read more Understanding hotel vocabulary in English is essential for travelers, as it facilitates smooth communication with hotel staff, ensuring a comfortable and enjoyable stay. Being familiar with terms related to room types, amenities, facilities, and services allows travelers to make informed decisions when booking accommodations, effectively convey their preferences and needs during check-in, and understand instructions or recommendations provided by hotel personnel. Therefore, we have provided an article on our website that covers the most common hotel vocabulary in English. Read this article and try to memorize the terms when traveling.

To drop somebody off

“Drop somebody off” means to take somebody to a place and then leave them there. Look at these examples:

  • The shuttle will drop us off exactly in front of the hotel.
  • Could you drop me off at school?
  • I’ll drop you off at work.

To drop somebody off

To check in at a hotel

“To check in at a hotel” means to give your identity documents to take the keys and to go to your room. For example:

  • When you want to check in at a hotel, you need to show your ID card.
  • I’ll check into the hotel and then I’ll give you a call.

To check in at a hotel

To check out

“Check out” means to leave the hotel and put the keys back where they were to get your ID card. Pay attention to this example:

  • The check-out was at 12 but we left at 11.

It means at 12 we had to give up the room, but we left one hour earlier.

To check out

To get away

“Get away” means to take a vacation and to leave everything behind. In other words, it means to leave your problems behind, and get away from them for a few days! Take a look at the sentences below:

  • I’m very busy these days and I’m tired. I just want to get away for a few days.
  • Christmas is ahead of us. I would love to get away for a few days.
  • Maybe we get away this weekend. What do you think?

To get away

Now that you are familiar with these 11 traveling phrasal verbs, I want to use them all in a story:

Last Christmas I really wanted to  get away  for a few days. My girlfriend and I packed and got ready to  set off  for the beautiful city of Rome. We went to the airport and our parents  saw us off . We  got on  the plane, the plane  took off  with two hours of delay, but we were excited. When we  got off the plane, the hotel shuttle  picked us up and after an hour of driving,  dropped us off in front of the hotel. Then, we checked in  and had five memorable days and nights in the magnificent city of Rome. Finally, we  checked out  and went to the airport to go back home.

You can take my online English course and learn about the other phrasal verbs in English. Take this course, improve your English level, and enjoy learning English with teacher Maddy!

I hope you’ve enjoyed this lesson and learned all the traveling phrasal verbs! Leave a reply and let me know what you think!

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45 thoughts on “ 10+1 traveling phrasal verbs in english + video ”.

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Your lessons are always very clear and fun. You’re the best. Thanks

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English Phrasal Verbs

Phrasal Verbs relating to TRAVEL

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travel related phrasal verbs

24 Phrasal Verbs about Travel

Daria Storozhilova

  • Figure Out English

Figure Out English 24 Phrasal Verbs about Travel

Learn useful phrasal verbs about travel for your next holiday abroad with a new episode of the ‘Figure Out English’ podcast .

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Today we are talking about traveling again and I would like to help you with the phrasal verbs about travel.

Use phrasal verbs in your everyday English speaking

Everyday communication is usually informal and that’s why we use phrasal verbs a lot. It’s not bad words, they don’t spoil your language as long as you can switch between the formal and informal styles easily. If you start speaking in this long words in everyday context, it will be unnatural because you probably know: native speakers use a lot of empty verbs like ’get’, like ’go’ (yeah). There are a lot of set phrases and they also use a lot of phrasal verbs.

I would like to teach you a list of phrasal verbs concerned with TRAVEL. You can use this verbs if you write or tell your friends about your trips or if you communicate during your trip.

Let’s start!

Phrasal verbs about travel: start your trip

When you start your travel, you say set off.

  • What time are we setting off tomorrow? – It means ’What time will we leave home’?.
  • What time are we setting off tomorrow?

And then, for example, you take a taxi and you go to the airport to travel to some destination. When you get into  the airport   — it means ‘enter the place’.

Then you board the plane but you can say get on  the plane:

  • We are getting on the plane in five minutes — hurry up!

Then, when you leave the plane, you will say:

  • We are getting off  the plane.

Phrasal verbs about travel: at the hotel

And in the hotel, you check in :

  • What time should we check in in the hotel?
  • What time is our check-in?

And then later, when you will be leaving the hotel, you will say:

  • We are checking out at ten o clock tomorrow.
  • What time are we checking out?
  • What time is our checkout tomorrow? 

Important Note: the difference between LIVE and STAY

I hear this small mistake about the verb ’stay’ versus ’live’ from many of my students. They often say: We live in Ramada Inn.

But ’live’ means to reside constantly.

When you are on holiday and it’s just a couple of days or a couple of weeks or even a couple of months, if it’s such a long holiday, you should always use ’stay’.

  • Where are you staying?
  • What hotel are you staying in?
  • We are staying in Ramada Inn.
  • I hate staying in the hotels! We always stay in the campsites on our travels. 

Phrasal Verbs about Transport

If you take a long flight, you could have to change planes (be careful! – you will not say ’to change a plane’).

For example, you need to go to Cuba, but there is no direct flight. So, you go to Brussels, then you change planes there and take the second flight to Cuba. If you spend the night in Brussels on your way to Cuba, it will be called a stopover (both noun and verb).

  • I am stopping over in Brussels on my way* to Cuba.

’On my way’ – it is also a good phrase. Learn how to use it with my video .

And two more really good phrasal verbs. We say pick up somebody  meaning ’come to this place and take this person from this place’.

  • The taxi is picking us up here. (which means ’this is the place we should be because the taxi will come for us here, the taxi is picking us up here’).
  • What time does the taxi need to pick us up? (meaning ‘what time should we go to the airport’).

And the opposite of this phrasal verb will be drop off .

  • Please drop me off here (means ’I will get out of the car here’).
  • I will just drop you off at the parking lot. 

Learning Tip

This is a very good method for your phrasal verbs: to learn them in topical groups. I am strongly against learning the phrasal verbs in alphabetical lists. If they are out of the context, you will not know what to do with them but if you group them around some certain topic this will be very useful because you will be imagining the real situations in your mind — this is also a good learning technique — and this will help you to remember them better.

I hope it helps. Please let me know if you would like to learn the phrasal verbs about other topics. Happy travels!

Thanks for listening!

Free Guide ’55 Common Phrasal Verbs’

Download our free e-book teaching you the most widely used phrasal verbs in English speaking.

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This is a very good lesson about travel!

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Figure Out English 24 Phrasal Verbs about Travel

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Phrasal verbs: travel

Worksheet overview.

This ESL worksheet is dedicated to 12 phrasal verbs about travel . Students will learn how to use them to talk about their travel plans, past trips and holidays. The first 9 phrasal verbs are introduced through a short text describing a trip (e.g. freshen up, looking forward to, show someone around ). Students work out the meaning of the verbs and then match them to their definitions. To practise, they complete 4 statements with the correct phrasal verbs and then discuss the statements in pairs or small groups. The last 3 phrasal verbs ( drop someone off, pick someone up, get around ) are introduced with a short dialogue. To practise them, students complete a few sentences so that they are true for them. As an additional practice task, students rephrase 4 sentences given, using the correct phrasal verb. The last 2 activities are focused on speaking. First, students write down 5 questions they will ask a friend about their last trip. Then they take turns to ask each other the questions. Lastly, students talk about their dream holiday. Use the printable conversation cards to practise and revise these phrasal verbs even further!

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This worksheet works well in combination with the following lesson plans

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Travel destinations

*Formerly “Travelling in 2022” Vocabulary: adjectives (breathtaking, crystal clear, bustling) Functional language: evaluating experiences Phrasal verbs: travelling (embark on, kick off, get away)

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10 Travel Phrasal Verbs


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Travel Phrasal Verbs

There are thousands of phrasal verbs . Knowing where to begin can be overwhelming!  When you are traveling, you are likely to hear these 10 common phrasal verbs used. They are presented here in context because  learning new words and expressions in context is the best way to remember them. It also helps you use them correctly. 

Can you understand the meaning of these travel phrasal verbs based on context?

  • Check in – The first thing you should do when you get to the airport is check in at the check-in counter.
  • Check out – We need to check out of the hotel by noon.
  • Check out – I really want to check out the local markets.
  • Drop off – I’m going to drop you off at the airport 2 hours before your flight.
  • Fill out – You must fill out a customs form when traveling internationally.
  • Find out – I need to find out what time the gate closes.
  • Get up – I like the aisle seat because I get up to use the bathroom and stretch frequently.
  • Give up – The airline is looking for people to give up their seats in exchange for a voucher because the flight is overbooked.
  • Pick up – My friend is going to pick me up from the airport.
  • Take off – I always close my eyes during take off, but once we are in the air, I like looking out the window.

Airport drop off

Check your understanding below

  • Check in = arrive and register at a hotel or airport
  • Check out = pay hotel bill and return key before leaving (also the time you need to leave the hotel room is checkout time)
  • Check out = to have a look at
  • Drop off =  take someone or something somewhere and then leave
  • Fill out = to add information (your name, etc.) to the empty spaces of an official document
  • Find out = to discover a fact or piece of information
  • Get up = to stand up, to rise to one’s feet
  • Give up = to allow someone to have something that was yours
  • Pick up = to take passengers into a vehicle
  • Take off = to become airborne, to take to the sky, to depart

View from airplane

Discussion Questions

  • What do you want the front desk staff to tell you about when you check in to a hotel?
  • What kind of information do you usually try to find out about a place before you travel there?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of window and aisle seats? Which do you prefer and why?
  • How do you feel about flying? What are your favorite and least favorite things about flying?
  • When traveling somewhere new, what kind of attractions do you like to check out?

Ready for More Phrasal Verbs?

For more explanation and examples, including 3 additional meanings of take off , check out the course I recommend to learn phrasal verbs: Phrasal Verbs in Conversation Course . It includes 30 lessons. You can even try a free sample lesson with 16 phrasal verbs related to romantic relationships.

Phrasal Verbs in Conversation Affiliate Link

Never stop learning!

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Travel Phrasal Verbs

  • Phrasal Verbs

Here's an exercise to see how much you remember about these phrasal verbs which are all used to talk about travel and holidays. Decide which phrasal verb fits in each gap. Then check and see if any of them need to be in a different tense.

Remember, it's really important to double check your work for little mistakes!

By Caroline Devane

Summer Holiday

We like to get away to somewhere warm every year (we spend most of the year looking forward to it)! This year we decided on the Greek Island of Kos. My brother gave us a lift to the airport and saw us off . After saying goodbye to him we boarded the plane and took off . As soon as we arrived at the hotel we checked in and took our luggage to our room. Because it was still early we decided to look around the town. We were very impressed with Kos. We enjoyed ourselves so much that time flew by and before we knew it, it was time to go back home.

  • Get away - to leave to go somewhere often for a break or holiday.
  • Look forward - to excited about something that is going to happen.
  • See off - to go to the place that someone is leaving from to say goodbye to them
  • Take off - when an aircraft leaves and begins to fly
  • Check in - to register at a hotel or airport.
  • Look around - to look at what is near you, in your area.
  • Get back -to return.

Complete these sentences with the correct phrasal verb. Change the tense when needed:

  • 1. I'm so exhausted. I think it's time for a holiday, I really need to away.
  • 2. We have to at the hotel after 12PM.
  • 3. Are you to going back to Cape Town?
  • 4. I need to my Mum at the airport, she is going to New York.
  • 5. Let's have a the village before we have dinner.
  • 6. What time does the plane ?
  • 7. I to London on July 4th.


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travel related phrasal verbs

How to Teach Phrasal Verbs to ESL Learners: Strategies, Lesson Plans, and More

  • May 14, 2024

a woman looking at a basic phrasal verbs activity on her laptop screen.

This guest article was written by TEFL Lessons , a lesson plan provider with free and subscription-based ready-made ESL teaching materials.

The ability to understand and use phrasal verbs is essential for fluency, comprehension, vocabulary expansion, and cultural integration in English-speaking environments. However, TEFL teachers often struggle to explain them, and students find them difficult to grasp or recall. Read on to discover why phrasal verbs are so challenging, get strategies for how to teach phrasal verbs to ESL learners, and download some phrasal verb lesson plans for ESL teachers, which will make teaching phrasal verbs a breeze!

If you’re a new TEFL teacher, you might first benefit from familiarising yourself with the basic rules for phrasal verbs. Learn more about phrasal verb rules.

Why are phrasal verbs difficult to teach?

There are many reasons phrasal verbs can be difficult to teach and learn. From idiomatic meanings to translation difficulties, there are a variety of challenges to overcome for both the teacher and learner. Here are some of the reasons phrasal verbs are challenging.

  • Translation Issues: Phrasal verbs often lack direct equivalents in other languages, making them challenging for learners who rely on translating directly from their native language.
  • Similarities: It is easy to confuse several phrasal verbs, as many use the same verb, but the meaning changes depending on the particle; for example, take on , take off , take over , take up , and take away .
  • Multiple Meanings: Phrasal verbs frequently have multiple meanings. For instance, take off can mean to remove clothing , depart or leave (airplanes), suddenly become successful or popular , and mimic or imitate someone or something . It’s no wonder that students find this challenging!
  • Idiomatic Meanings: Several phrasal verbs have idiomatic meanings that cannot be deduced from the individual words. For instance, the phrasal verb make up means to become friends again after an argument , but the meaning is not obvious from the individual words.
  • Overload: English has a vast number of phrasal verbs, and learning them all can feel overwhelming.

How to teach phrasal verbs to ESL learners: 11 effective strategies and resources

1. stress the importance of learning and using phrasal verbs..

Phrasal verbs are a fundamental component of the English language and are used extensively in daily conversation, as well as in literature, newspapers, magazines, and online content. No doubt you have encountered or will encounter students who insist on sticking to alternative verbs. While this strategy may allow them to say what they wish to some extent, it’s important to remind them that it won’t help when it comes to comprehension. There is also a misconception that phrasal verbs are only used in informal settings. While it is true that they are more common in informal English, they can also be used in formal settings. There are, for example, several phrasal verbs that are used in business- and work-related English.

  • Resource : The following phrasal verb lesson plan focuses on work-and-career-related phrasal verbs. Download the lesson plan here: Phrasal Verbs Related to Work & Career .

the phrasal verbs related to work and career activity

2. Introduce phrasal verbs to lower-level students with the use of visual aids.

Basic phrasal verbs such as get up and sit down can and should be introduced to lower-level students. Using visual aids such as pictures, diagrams, videos, or gestures can be particularly useful when illustrating the meaning of phrasal verbs to lower-level students.

  • Resource s: The following handout (free) and basic phrasal verbs lesson plans (pay to download) all utilize images for introducing the grammar rules for using phrasal verbs. Download them here: 50 Common Phrasal Verbs , Basic Phrasal Verbs (1) , and Basic Phrasal Verbs (2) .

50 common phrasal verbs

3. Introduce phrasal verbs based on certain themes.

Examples of themes for introducing phrasal verbs include emotions, work, travel, and so on. This method helps learners organize and categorize the verbs, making them easier to remember and use correctly.

  • Resource : The following free resource focuses on phrasal verbs related to holidays and travel. Download the lesson plan: Phrasal Verbs Related to Holiday and Travel .

the Phrasal verbs related to Holidays & Travel activity

4. Provide examples in context.

By encountering phrasal verbs in meaningful contexts, students are more likely to remember them and use them appropriately. Materials that include phrasal verbs used in context, such as dialogues, listening comprehension exercises, and reading texts, are all helpful. You should encourage learners to guess the meaning of each phrasal verb based on context clues or familiar words. Authentic materials such as movie clips, songs, news articles, and podcasts that feature phrasal verbs are also great options for providing context for higher-level students.

5. Use a variety of exercises when teaching a set of phrasal verbs.

In addition to facilitating understanding, using a variety of exercises provides the repetition required to help your students memorize phrasal verbs. You could start by asking the students to try to guess the meaning of phrasal verbs highlighted in a reading text or dialogue; next, they might match these same phrasal verbs to definitions provided; then, they could do an exercise where they need to fill in the gaps in sentences with the correct phrasal verb or the correct particle.

  • Resource: For a phrasal verb lesson plan that follows the above pattern, check out the following resource: Phrasal Verbs Related to Crime and Punishment .

phrasal verbs related to crime and punishment activity

6. Provide lots of opportunities for practice and production.

It’s essential that once students have been introduced to a set of phrasal verbs, they are given sufficient time to practice them in a variety of ways. This might include speaking tasks like role-playing activities that simulate real-life situations where phrasal verbs are commonly used or conversation questions that feature phrasal verbs. Written practice might include simple sentence creation or writing a dialogue or paragraph that incorporates a given set of phrasal verbs. Practice activities that relate to the students’ own experiences, interests, or goals are especially useful, as personalization makes the learning process relevant and more meaningful.

7. Utilize games, puzzles, and quizzes.

In addition to the practice exercises mentioned above, charades, crossword puzzles, word searches, and quizzes are all excellent ways to practice and review phrasal verbs while bringing an element of fun into the classroom.

  • Resources: Check out the following phrasal verb games and puzzles: Common Phrasal Verbs Crossword (B1) , Phrasal Verbs (Act or Explain) , and Phrasal Verbs Board Game .

the Common Phrasal Verbs Crossword activity

8. Spend sufficient time focusing on use when you encounter a new phrasal verb.

When you come across a new phrasal verb in the course of a lesson, it is not enough to simply provide a definition. You should always model a few examples that demonstrate appropriate usage and make the students aware of the grammar rules. E.g., Is it a separable or inseparable phrasal verb? Is it transitive or intransitive?

9. Don’t overwhelm your students by introducing too many phrasal verbs at once.

In general, around 5-10 phrasal verbs per lesson for beginners or elementary students is plenty. At higher levels, you can increase the quantity, but always make sure that you are providing ample opportunities for practice, reinforcement, and review.

10. Make time in class for error correction.

This is particularly important at lower levels. Common errors include separating an inseparable phrasal verb, confusing phrasal verbs that have the same main verb but different particles, and using a phrasal verb in an inappropriate context. In order to help students overcome these errors, you should use on-the-spot correction during writing and speaking activities. It’s also helpful to make a note of errors the students make during a class activity. You can transfer any sentences containing errors to the board, and then have students discuss each sentence in pairs and try to identify the errors. Finally, elicit students’ ideas before highlighting errors and explaining correct usage with examples in context to reinforce learning.

11. Encourage learning and reflection outside of class.

Reading, watching films or TV series, and listening to podcasts in English will allow your students to encounter phrasal verbs in natural contexts. Suggest that your students keep a notebook, where they can record any phrasal verbs they come across inside or outside of the classroom, along with their meanings, contexts, and example sentences. Finally, recommend using phrasal verb apps for extra practice.

At TEFLlessons.com , you can access a plethora of useful phrasal verb lesson plans and worksheets. Register for a free account to download more than 100 free resources !

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travel related phrasal verbs

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Phrasal Verbs related to Travel

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Exercises for practicing phrasal verbs

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Phrasal Verbs related to Travel


  1. 26 Must-Have English Phrasal Verbs for Travel

    Part 2 - Phrasal Verbs for Transportation. Get into - To enter a car. Ex. "We got into the car and drove to the nearest hotel."; Get off - To exit a bus, train, or plane. Ex. "We got off the plane an hour ago, but got held up with finding our luggage."; Get on - To enter, or board, a bus, train, or plane

  2. 23 Useful Phrasal Verbs for Travel in English • 7ESL

    Pin. Phrasal Verbs for Travel with Meaning and Examples Check in. Meaning: to register at a hotel or an airport. Example: We need to check in at least two hours before the flight. Check out. Meaning: to settle one's bill and leave a hotel or other accommodation. Example: We checked out of the hotel early in the morning.; Drop by. Meaning: to visit someone or somewhere briefly, usually ...

  3. 38 Phrasal Verbs for Travel

    go to a reception desk and tell staff that you have arrived. take off. (of a plane) leave the ground and start flying. sit back. sit in a comfortable position and relax. stop over. stay somewhere for a short time in the middle of a longer journey. touch down. (of a plane) land, i.e. make contact with the ground and stop flying.

  4. Travel Phrasal Verbs and Expressions in English

    Here is list of common phrasal verbs for Travel in English. 1. See off. Meaning: Go to the airport or station to say goodbye to someone. E.g. They've gone to the airport to see their son off. 2. Set off. Start a journey.

  5. Vocabualry & Phrasal Verbs for Travel & Holidays

    Phrasal Verbs Related to Travel. Set off: To begin a journey. "We set off really early this morning, that's why I'm so tired. Get away: To go away on holiday, to escape for a while "I'm really stressed at work and what I really need is to get away. Take off: When the plane leaves the ground.

  6. Learning Vocabulary: Phrasal verbs connected to travel

    The phrasal verb is go back and also means to return to a place and also can't be separated. Jack: Another important phrasal verb connected to travel is to check in. Rich: Jack said that they would check in at the hotel. To check in means to register at the hotel and the opposite is to check out. Jack: This phrasal verb is useful at airports ...

  7. Phrasal Verbs for Travel

    Pick up - to go and fetch someone from a place and take them somewhere else. Set out - to start a journey. Take off - when a plane leaves and begins to fly. Get in - when a plane arrives on an airport. Get away - to leave to go somewhere for a break or holiday. Get on - to climb on board. Speed up - to increase speed.

  8. 25 Phrasal Verbs for TRAVEL

    Knowing these travel-related phrasal verbs can really come in handy when talking about your adventures or planning new ones. These phrases can bring your conversations to life and help you communicate more like a native speaker. So go ahead, pack your new knowledge with you, and set off on your next English-speaking adventure! ...

  9. Useful Phrasal Verbs for TRAVEL in English

    Travel Vocabulary and Phrases! Learn common travel phrasal verbs with examples and pictures: https://7esl.com/phrasal-verbs-for-travel/-----...

  10. 12 English Travel Phrasal Verbs

    12 Travel Phrasal Verbs in English. Travelling is a year round activity as people now go on holidays more than once a year. The following are phrasal verbs that are related to travel or, as you may name them, travel phrasal verbs. I have set out some key phrasal verbs that we use in a typical holiday trip.

  11. 10+1 traveling phrasal verbs in English + video

    So, by learning traveling phrasal verbs like "set off," "run into," or "check in," you'll be able to share your amazing travel stories and understand others' adventures too! It's like unlocking a secret code that makes your travel experiences even more awesome and fun to talk about with everyone! Learning English vocabulary is ...

  12. Phrasal verbs-Travel

    Phrasal Verbs relating to TRAVEL. Arrange to stay somewhere (hotel, guesthouse...) The agency booked us into a hotel. Arrive and register at a hotel or airport. You must check in two hours before departure. Leave a hotel after paying. Take someone somewhere (by car). Jack dropped me off at the station.

  13. Words to Travel With, Part 1

    A phrasal verb is made of two or more words: a verb plus a preposition or adverb, or both. Together, the words get a new meaning. For example, the phrasal verb get in means to arrive at a place.

  14. Travel Phrasal Verbs

    A phrasal verb is a verb made up of a verb plus one or more particles (e.g. of, in, up) that modify or change its meaning. For example, the phrasal verb "give up" means "stop doing", which is different from the meaning of the verb "give" when it stands alone. Phrasal verbs are some of the most common verbs used in everyday English.

  15. 24 Phrasal Verbs about Travel

    Phrasal Verbs about Transport. If you take a long flight, you could have to change planes (be careful! - you will not say 'to change a plane'). For example, you need to go to Cuba, but there is no direct flight. So, you go to Brussels, then you change planes there and take the second flight to Cuba. If you spend the night in Brussels on ...

  16. PDF Phrasal Verbs for Travel

    PHRASAL VERBS: TRAVEL. check in - go to a desk in a hotel, an airport and tell an official there that you have arrived (zameldować się w hotelu lub odprawić bagaż na lotnisku) Our plane leaves at 11 o'clock, but we have to check in by 9 o'clock. check out - pay your bill and leave a hotel (wymeldować się) You should check out of your ...

  17. Phrasal verbs: travel Worksheet • The English Flows

    This ESL worksheet is dedicated to 12 phrasal verbs about travel.Students will learn how to use them to talk about their travel plans, past trips and holidays. The first 9 phrasal verbs are introduced through a short text describing a trip (e.g. freshen up, looking forward to, show someone around).Students work out the meaning of the verbs and then match them to their definitions.

  18. 10 Travel Phrasal Verbs

    Ready for More Phrasal Verbs? For more explanation and examples, including 3 additional meanings of take off, check out the course I recommend to learn phrasal verbs: Phrasal Verbs in Conversation Course. It includes 30 lessons. You can even try a free sample lesson with 16 phrasal verbs related to romantic relationships. Never stop learning!

  19. Travelling phrasal verbs: English ESL worksheets pdf & doc

    penhouet. 3921. 31. 43. 0. 1/2. Slight Change to previous woksheet. This is a short grammar guide on common phrasal verbs connected with travelling. It also contains a gap filling exer….

  20. 5 Travel Phrasal Verbs

    This video shows you 5 more advanced travel-related phrasal verbs! Thanks to everyone who recommended this video!Visit my website for free PDFs and an intera...

  21. Travel Phrasal Verbs

    See off - to go to the place that someone is leaving from to say goodbye to them. Take off - when an aircraft leaves and begins to fly. Check in - to register at a hotel or airport. Look around - to look at what is near you, in your area. Get back -to return. Complete these sentences with the correct phrasal verb.

  22. 28 Travel phrasal verbs English ESL worksheets pdf & doc

    28 Travel phrasal verbs English ESL worksheets pdf & doc. SORT BY. Most popular. TIME PERIOD. All-time. penhouet. Travelling phrasal v. Slight Change to pr. 3924 uses. samsoom. Travelling: Phrasal. This combined worksh. 1327 uses. penhouet. ... Driving phrasal verb. This is a short gram. 1566 uses. Anna_Banana.


    Phrasal verb worksheet with phrasal verb explanations followed by a \\'complete the sentences\\' task and a quick vocabulary check task. There is additional information on the difference between travel/trip/journey etc. Discuss/explain the phrasal verbs to your students and once they understand, get get them to complete the worksheet alone or in pairs. Intermediate + Engish level probably best.

  24. How to Teach Phrasal Verbs to ESL Learners: Strategies, Lesson Plans

    Resource: The following free resource focuses on phrasal verbs related to holidays and travel. Download the lesson plan: Phrasal Verbs Related to Holiday and Travel. 4. Provide examples in context. By encountering phrasal verbs in meaningful contexts, students are more likely to remember them and use them appropriately. Materials that include ...

  25. Phrasal Verbs related to Travel worksheet

    23/03/2020. Country code: CR. Country: Costa Rica. School subject: English as a Second Language (ESL) (1061958) Main content: Phrasal verbs (2013151) From worksheet author: Exercises for practicing phrasal verbs. Other contents: verb tenses.