photos 10km tours 2023

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Marathon, 10 et 20 KM de Tours

Le plus grand événement running de la Région-Centre Val de Loire ! Édition 2023 Reportage photos - Ville de Tours - F. Lafite

Zoom image 1

9e édition du Marathon de Tours, dimanche 24 septembre 2023. © Ville de Tours - F. Lafite

Zoom image 2

9e édition du Marathon de Tours, dimanche 24 septembre 2023.© Ville de Tours - F. Lafite

Zoom image 19

10 km Marche Nordique de Tours, dimanche 24 septembre 2023. © Ville de Tours - F. Lafite

Zoom image 54

10 et 20 km de Tours, dimanche 24 septembre 2023. © Ville de Tours - F. Lafite

Zoom image 55

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Résultats 10 km de Tours 2023

Résultats 10 km de Tours 2023

Retrouvez tous les résultats du 10 km de Tours qui a eu lieu le dimanche 24 septembre 2023 à Tours (37) - 6512, 2389 et 1123 coureurs classés.

Voir les résultats du 10 km de Tours 2023

Voir les résultats du 20 km de Tours 2023

Voir les résultats du marathon de Tours 2023

Spécial entrainement 10 km

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Pour obtenir un meilleur résultat au 10 km de Tours ou lors de votre prochain défi en course à pied, Gilles Dorval entraineur 3eme degré au niveau de la Fédération Française d'Athlétisme met à votre disposition un ensemble de plans d'entrainement 10 km parfaitement adaptés à tous types de coureurs.

L'intégralité des semaines des plans d'entrainement du site sont accessibles avec l' abonnement Plans+ au tarif de 12 €/an

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Plans 1h00 sur 10 km

Objectif 1h00 sur 10 km.

Plans entrainement pour courir le 10 km en 1h00

Plans 55 mn sur 10 km

Objectif 55 mn sur 10 km.

Plans entrainement pour courir le 10 km en 55 minutes

Plans 50 mn sur 10 km

Objectif 50 mn sur 10 km.

Plans entrainement pour courir le 10 km en 50 minutes

Plans 45 mn sur 10 km

Objectif 45 mn sur 10 km.

Plans entrainement pour courir le 10 km en 45 minutes

Plans 40 mn sur 10 km

Objectif 40 mn sur 10 km.

Plans entrainement pour courir le 10 km en 40 minutes

Plans 38 mn sur 10 km

Objectif 38 mn sur 10 km.

Plans entrainement pour courir le 10 km en 38 minutes

Plans 35 mn sur 10 km

Objectif 35 mn sur 10 km.

Plans entrainement pour courir le 10 km en 35 minutes

Plans 33 mn sur 10 km

Objectif 33 mn sur 10 km.

Plans entrainement pour courir le 10 km en 33 minutes

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Les 10 km des Étoiles 2025

David Pintens photography

  • Paris ( Paris , Île-de-France , France )
  • Prochaine édition  :  Dim. 23 mars 2025 Date confirmée
  • Dernière édition  :  Dim. 17 mars 2024
  • Voir le site de la course
  • Afficher plus d'informations

L'événement en quelques mots

À vous, les professionnels du tourisme et de l’hôtellerie-restauration , qui à chaque moment de l’année, nous faites vivre des moments d’évasion, nous vous remercions 👏. Vous êtes aujourd’hui mis à l’honneur à travers un événement qui vous est dédié, tout en étant ouvert à tous 🤗. Le « 10 km des Étoiles » est en effet une course sur route en plein cœur de Paris , qui vous permettra de vous rassembler , d’échanger et de vous dépasser . Alors, tous ensemble, direction la capitale pour titiller les étoiles, à défaut d’aller décrocher la lune 🌙.

C’est au Louvre , ce musée si réputé, et plus précisément sur la Place du Palais Royal , que le départ de cet événement sera donné 🏁. Ta mission, parcourir les 10 km de course sur les quais parisiens et les berges de la Seine . Accompagné par la douceur printanière du mois de mars , tu rencontreras des conditions de course optimales ! L’occasion de sortir tes bottes de sept lieues pour prendre le départ de cet événement magique et ainsi faire briller le secteur touristique français 😍 . En plus, le petit déjeuner et le café sont offerts pour te donner de l’énergie avant et après ton effort, pas mal non ? ☕️

Le tracé magique qu’ont préparé les organisateurs sera à réaliser entièrement sur les quais de la rive droite. Tu courras tel une étoile filante entre les innombrables monuments historiques de la capitale qui se succéderont, avec comme particularité, la Tour Eiffel qui sera en ligne de mire une grande portion du tracé, et ça, ça ne se refuse pas 🤷‍♂️. La tour Eiffel marquera par ailleurs la moitié de ta course, et tu devras longer les mêmes quais empruntés, lors du chemin inverse, pour revenir vers l’arrivée. Comme dit précédemment, tu redécouvriras bons nombres de lieux iconiques de la capitale, et comme on est super sympa, on te donne un petit aperçu de ce que tu auras la chance d'admirer 😎 : le Jardin des Tuileries , le Grand Palais , l'Esplanade du Trocadéro , l’Obélisque etc ... ! Alors que tu sois un renard des records, en famille, ou entre amis, viens t’essayer aux pavés parisiens 🤩.

Pour cette édition des « 10 km des Étoiles » , les organisateurs ont frappé fort en sélectionnant une lutte en adéquation avec les valeurs de cette course : la solidarité , la cohésion et la bonne humeur . " L'association Laurette Fugain " qui lutte contre les leucémies recevra donc 1€ à chaque inscription 👏. Mais ce n'est pas la seule association mise à l'honneur ! " L’association Antoine Alléno " sera aussi soutenu. Cette association, qui vise à prévenir les actes de violence  contre les enfants , vient en aide aux victimes de moins de 25 ans ainsi qu’à leur famille 💪. Et enfin, l'association " Autour des Williams ", qui sensibilise le public autour du syndrome de Williams et Beuren, recevra également une participation à chaque inscription 🫶.

Après ta course, on te propose d’aller explorer le musée du Louvre , étant donné que tu seras d’ores et déjà sur place, ce serait bête de ne pas y faire un tour. Alors va défier du regard Mona Lisa et admirer la Vénus de Milo ou encore l’importante collection égyptienne 🖼. Perds-toi par la suite dans les rues du Marais , quartier très connu de la capitale pour sa gastronomie et ses nombreuses boutiques. Tu l’auras bien compris, on prône ici l’excellence gastronomique et hôtelière française. Alors, si tu as les yeux plus gros que le ventre et que tu souhaites déguster des mets d’exception, rends-toi dans l’un des 115 restaurants étoilés de paris. 115 oui, énorme non ? 😲 Mais attention, une petite soupe à l’oignon , ou un croque-monsieur au sein de l’une des innombrables brasseries parisiennes fera également très bien l’affaire 🥣.

Alors, suis ta bonne étoile et viens t'essayer au « 10 km des Étoiles » ! 😊

4 raisons de participer à cette course

La distance qui met tout le monde d'accord, course sur route 10 km.

  • dimanche 23 mars 2025

Quelques mots en plus

Le rendez-vous est donné au niveau de la fameuse Rue de Rivoli , sur la Place du Palais-Royal , aujourd’hui piétonne et réservée aux Finishers pour l'occasion, afin de prendre le départ du " 10 km des Étoiles" 🏁.

C’est dans un cadre majestueux que tu effectueras tes premières foulées, avec sur ta gauche le Musée du Louvre 🖼 que tu longeras avant de rejoindre la Seine et ses quais. Mais avant de t’aventurer plus vers l’Ouest parisien, c’est une découverte de deux ponts très connus des touristes qui t'attend, avec des passages sur le Pont du Carrousel et le Pont Royal 🤳. Remonte par la suite les quais via le Jardin des Tuileries 🌳, et admire, au km 2, la Place de la Concorde et son Obélisque , monument datant du temps des pharaons ! Tourne par la suite la tête vers la gauche pour admirer le magnifique Pont Alexandre-III avec les Invalides à l’horizon.

Véritable highlight de ta course, ton arrivée au 4ème km au niveau du Pont de l’Iéna , avec une vue imprenable sur la Tour Eiffel et l’Esplanade du Trocadéro , rien que ça 🥵. Tu n’auras plus besoin de visiter Paris après tout ça, les organisateurs te proposent un condensé de la capitale et de ses plus grands monuments en seulement 10 km ! 😍 Toutes ses émotions t’ont certainement pompé toute ton énergie, alors tu auras droit à un ravitaillement au km 5 , sur le Pont Bir-Hakeim , tu sais ce pont avec les miroirs dans le film «  Inception  » ? 🪞

À ce moment-là, demi-tour ! ↪️ Tu longeras à nouveau les quais parisiens via l’Avenue du Professeur Kennedy , l’Avenue de New York et le Cours Albert 1er , pour rejoindre le Grand Palais 🏰. Accroche-toi, il ne reste plus que 2 km, c’est donc le moment de mettre les bouchées doubles et puiser dans tes dernières ressources 💪. Ton parcours se terminera comme il a débuté, en trombe, sur la Rue de Rivoli, pour un sprint d’anthologie.

Un parcours d’exception pour un événement d’exception, what else  ? 😉


Foire aux questions (FAQ)

Pour te rendre au village départ de la course, et débuter le 10 km des Étoiles, direction Place du Palais-Royal . Pour y accéder, prends la ligne 1 ou la ligne 7 du métro et descend à la station : Palais Royal – Musée du Louvre.

Attention, aucun parking n’est prévu pour les participants !

Tu pourras venir retirer ton dossard le vendredi 15 mars 2024 de 18h à 20h ou le samedi 16 mars 2024 de 9h à 19h sur le Village, Place du Palais Royal (Paris Centre). Si tu ne l’as pas déposé en ligne lors de ton inscription, il te faudra présenter ton certificat médical ou ta licence sportive pour pouvoir le retirer.

Un ravitaillement est prévu sur le parcours, au niveau du km 5. Tu l’auras donc compris, le ravito est situé pile au milieu de la course, pour te permettre de recharger les batteries et réaliser tes dernières foulées avec un maximum d’énergie.

Des consignes seront effectivement mises à disposition des participants pour qu’ils puissent déposer leurs petites affaires dans des casiers et les récupérer à leur arrivée. Attention, il n’y aura cependant pas de vestiaire, alors n'oublie pas de mettre ta tenue de sport avant de venir. Des toilettes seront mis à votre disposition au village accueil.

Si tu souhaites mettre la main à la patte et participer à la réalisation du 10 km des Étoiles, c’est très simple, il te suffit simplement de cliquer sur ce lien et de t’inscrire  !

Le tarif d'un dossard est de 35€ + frais d’inscriptions de 1,75€.

Le départ se fera depuis la Place du Palais Royal (Paris Centre) à 9h30. Toutefois, des café et petit-déjeuner seront offerts à partir de 8h et l'échauffement commencera à 8h50.

La remise des prix commencera à partir de 11h à la Place du Palais Royal. À cette occasion, des lots seront remis aux finishers sur le podium (général homme et général femme) et un tirage au sort sera effectué. Chaque finisher aura un tee-shirt technique et une médaille.

Si tu es l’organisateur de cette course et souhaites enrichir le contenu de ta page, revendique-la ici.

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D’autres courses t’attendent

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La plateforme nouvelle génération qui permet à tous les coureurs quel que soit leur niveau, de (re)découvrir le territoire et le patrimoine français, en trouvant les courses qui leur correspondent.

Types de course



En savoir plus



This tour will take you through some of London’s most iconic landmarks, all along the river Thames! Come along for unforgettable up-close views of major attractions, as well as the amazing city skyline.

Times are in UTC

  • Choose a date above to see available times.

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  • Trip details

Related tours

London landmarks on the thames - 10k.

photos 10km tours 2023

Runner on the ground - STEVE

10 years of running

Although only 10km, this tour covers a long list of well-known attractions – it’s the perfect way to get the most out of your stay in London!

  Starting at Trafalgar Square, we will make our way down Whitehall, home to the official residences of the Prime Minister at Downing Street and a number of government departments and ministries. At the end of the street, we will make a stop at Westminster to see the iconic Westminster Abbey, Big Ben, and the Houses of Parliament. 

Crossing over Westminster Bridge, you will get a great view of both sides of the river, and an amazing perspective on the London Eye. We will then make our way down the riverside route, seeing landmarks on the South side of the river – including the National Theatre, Tate Modern, Shakespeare’s Globe, Borough Market, and City Hall.

We will cross back over to the North side of the river on Tower Bridge, a stunning and iconic city site. Once across, we will make stops at the Tower of London and St. Paul’s Cathedral before we make our way along the river back to Trafalgar Square.

Beyond these sites, you will get a chance to see both historical and modern bridges – from London and Westminster to Millenium and Jubilee – as well as views of famous skyscrapers, such as the Shard, the Gherkin, and the Walkie-Talkie.

You won’t want to miss the photo opportunities on this one!

Facts about the tours

Private tour

Hotel pick-up or Standard Meeting Point

1 person € 77.00 /person

2 persons € 55.00 /person

3 persons € 49.50 /person

4- persons € 44.00 /person

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photos 10km tours 2023

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Rated 5 out of 5 Thank you Steve

Rita – April 22, 2024

Great tour great guide (Steve) 10 km on the Thames which I’ll never forget 🙃🇬🇧

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Kevin Courtney

Rated 5 out of 5 The Best Running Tour in London

Kevin Courtney – February 6, 2024

If you are looking for the best running tour in London, you can’t go wrong running with an experienced guide like Steve!

We started our morning run near Trafalgar Square where Steve was really easy to find. He introduced himself, shared some fun facts about the area, and ensured I felt comfortable before we started running. We ran at my comfortable (slow) pace and Steve never made me feel like I was going too slow. Instead, he adjusted to my pace while sharing awesome facts about London.

I would highly recommend hiring a running guide in London like Steve. As this was my first running tour, the experience left me wanting to sign up for another one. Steve was also great with communicating clearly in advanced when and where we would meet.

Thanks, Steve, for sharing the beautiful city of London! Can’t wait to run another!


Rated 5 out of 5 Highly Recommend

Mary – June 4, 2023

This was a fantastic running tour. Steve was at our hotel at a perfect time. He catered the run to meet our interests and told stories that kept the run fascinating and informative. He knows so much about London both historical and current. He made sure we were going at a pace that was comfortable for us and still see all of the sites. It was the perfect way to see the landmarks on the Thames.

Chad Perlyn

Rated 5 out of 5 London Run Tour

Chad Perlyn – March 22, 2023

We had an absolutely amazing tour with Steven. Super knowledgeable about London, enthusiastic, and a great runner. He’ll completely adjust the tour to your pace and style. Even if you do a traditional tour of the city I would highly recommend early morning running with Steven. It will give you a whole new perspective on the city and it’s absolutely worth it!

Cara Turano

Rated 5 out of 5 A run with a LOT of history

Cara Turano – December 9, 2022

Steve met me at my hotel and toured me literally up both sides of the Thames River. We stopped for photos and history lessons and I learned an immense amount of knowledge.

Plus, I was nursing an injury and we were able to take a few walk breaks, a bunch of photo breaks and just generally enjoy a crystal clear morning with unobstructed views to the sights.

Steve was super knowledgeable and just a delight to be around – I would highly recommend this tour or any tour with this crew.

photos 10km tours 2023

Steven Burns – December 12, 2022

Thank you Cara. It was a pleasure spending time with you and sharing the run.

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Rated 5 out of 5 Great tour of a great part of the city

Rick – October 9, 2022

I enjoyed running w/ Izabela. Great tour of a great part of the city. Lots of useful recommendations as well.

Rick Zwern

Rated 5 out of 5 Great way to see the city

Rick Zwern – September 1, 2022

Izzy was a knowledgeable guide and fun to run with. Highly recommend!

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photos 10km tours 2023

Look out as the local runners are eager to compete with the international competitors! The route starts from central Sapa Town and then heads down the main street, passes the local minority market and soon you are out of town. Now run 2.5km down the valley on paved road and drop into the famous Hoang Lien National Park and its beautiful scenery with rice fields, rivers and trails beaten by buffaloes. Save some energy for the final challenge… a climb of 500m just before the finish! It is hard, but beautiful! VMM provide 2 checkpoints.

VMM - Valley view


We think this is one of the hardest 10k mass participation courses you can find in the world, so we hope you feel ready! Be sure to know the race profile: the 10k has almost zero flat running, so prepare to do some serious climbing and descending. You should all feel very proud when you get the medal at the finish, particularly if this is your first mountain run. 

NOTE : This race does have a Cut Off Time at CP1. If you do not make the cut off, we will route you straight back to town, cutting out the extra loop in the valley.


  • Minimum of 0.5L liquid carrying capacity  ( we provide compostable cups at checkpoints )
  • Personal food / energy bars / gels etc. for the duration of the run  
  • Waterproof jacket, with hood, sufficient to keep you dry in case of heavy rain, i.e. not a windproof-only jacket; not cheap, thin poncho
  • Second top layer
  • Headwear (e.g. hat / cap / buff)
  • Mobile phone (with battery for the full event) 


  • Waterproof trousers  
  • GPS watch with GPX track loaded
  • Poles (very helpful for almost all runners)
  • Cash for buying food and drinks along the course
  • Anti-chafing cream
  • Tape / blister plasters
  • Survival / Emergency / Space Blanket
  • Basic first aid kit (e.g. bandage, gauze, antiseptic…)

01 bag/runner. Hand in/Pick up at the START/FINISH.

Please prepare your own bag. Bags must be sealed/closed.  Do not include valuables – the organiser cannot be held responsible for any loss.  BRING your luggage tag (given at the race pack collection), we will staple it for you.

  • Read more about the Sapa Travel Packages 
  • Read more about the Topas Ecolodge Travel Packages  
  • Run Only Program  

lululemon 10K Tour Scottsdale

Your block. Your party.

Bring your running shoes. We’ll bring 10K of fun.

The lululemon 10K Tour race series is on the move again. Next stop: Scottsdale, Arizona. Created for the community, by the community, this is 10 whole kilometers of all-out cheer stations and post-race surprises. Registration opens June 22.

For more details, visit


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If you have a question not pertaining to online registration, please contact the event directly.

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Join in! RUNVAN®

A Jaunt Through Musqueam Territory

The Great Trek presented by BlueShore Financial has been a staple race in the Vancouver running community for years – formerly known as the Fall Classic. In partnership with the University of British Columbia, the Great Trek pays homage the Great Trek of 1922, where students marched to their current campus. This popular Vancouver event features races for everyone with a Half Marathon, 10KM and 5KM route. Join the run community and end your running season on a high note – clock a personal best time for the year or come just for the fun! The 10KM is scheduled to start at 10:30AM.

View course map

View race kit, view photos, 10km course.

On Musqueam territory, the Great Trek presented by BlueShore Financial features gorgeous running routes under colourful fall foliage, and a tour through the beautiful university campus. All three distances share a Start and Finish Line near the AMS Student Nest and the Half Marathon and 10KM routes run out towards the UBC Endowment Lands.

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Register Soon

In-Person Package Pickup


Forerunners Main St 3889 Main St, Vancouver, BC

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, 10am to 6:30pm, race week only. Note: Times are subject to change.

10KM : 10:30am Start

Please respect the safety protocols administered by staff and volunteers. Thank you.

This is part of the RUNVAN® Grand Slam with the First Half , BMO Vancouver Marathon , Granville Island Turkey Trot and Great Trek .

Registration Includes:

  • New Event Shirt or Toque
  • Race Bib with Timing Chip
  • Measured and mark courses
  • Race Medal included
  • Bonus Medal if you complete the Hat-trick
  • $25 off at Forerunners (minimum $75 spend)
  • Opportunity to donate and fundraise for charity
  • Race Results, leaderboards and more!

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Training tips by forerunners.

Forerunners shares tips on how to optimize your training through a multi-pace running program. Learn more

A jaunt through Musqueam territory

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More nearby runs, 2023 tour of the missions 10k run/walk, about the calorie calculator.

Our Calorie Calculator estimates how many Calories you will burn using Metabolic Equivalent (MET) values from Compendium of Physical Activities . The Compendium idenitifes the relative energy cost of undertaking various activities compared with doing nothing. We then combine this with your weight and the estimated duration of the activity, taking into account the length of the route and the hills involved, to estimate the total Calories burned.

When selecting an Activity setting, select the speed you would normally travel at on flat ground.

Please remember, the estimated number of Calories is just a guide and the actual number of Calories burned may vary depending on other factors such as weather and terrain.

This route can be downloaded in the following formats (click to download):

Please be careful to observe all signs for rights of way when following other people's routes, as we cannot guarantee that they do not cross private or hazardous land.

Please also be considerate and mindful of the interests of local residents when parking and following routes.

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We have lots of detailed guides to help you get the most out of . Here's a selection:

  • How to download a route to a Garmin Edge
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  • How to share a route map on Facebook
  • How to estimate the time to complete a route
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  • How to navigate a route using the plotaroute app
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  • How to identify the biggest hill climbs on a route

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Choose your event!

Your block. Your party.

(all 10k of it.).

The lululemon 10K Tour is a multi-city race series created for runners, by runners. Think: 10 whole kilometers of massive neighborhood love, all-out cheer stations, and surprises around every corner—you name it, we’re doing it.

photos 10km tours 2023

The lululemon 10K Tour is a multi-city race series created for the community, by the community. Think: 10 whole kilometres of massive neighbourhood love, all-out cheer stations, and post-race surprises.

What's included

10K Tour registration includes a lululemon participant shirt, finisher medal, exclusive 10k training program and all the amazing pre- and post-race amenities including yoga, meditation and even a post-race treat.

photos 10km tours 2023

Each year, the lululemon 10K Tour is working with a local and national charitable partner to support a cause. We select the causes based on the local communities that the tour is visiting. Check out some of the causes that we have supported in the past.

photos 10km tours 2023

Black Men Hike

photos 10km tours 2023

Downtown Women's Center

photos 10km tours 2023

Proyecto Pastoral

Fulfillment in training, national alliance on mental illness.

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Team Catapult

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Bridge of Light

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Check back later!

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Top Things to Do in Elektrostal - Elektrostal Must-See Attractions

Things to do in elektrostal.

  • 5.0 of 5 bubbles
  • 4.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • Good for a Rainy Day
  • Good for Kids
  • Good for Big Groups
  • Adventurous
  • Budget-friendly
  • Hidden Gems
  • Good for Couples
  • Honeymoon spot
  • Good for Adrenaline Seekers
  • Things to do ranked using Tripadvisor data including reviews, ratings, photos, and popularity.

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1. Electrostal History and Art Museum

photos 10km tours 2023

2. Statue of Lenin

photos 10km tours 2023

3. Park of Culture and Leisure

4. museum and exhibition center.

photos 10km tours 2023

5. Museum of Labor Glory

photos 10km tours 2023

7. Galereya Kino

8. viki cinema, 9. smokygrove.

photos 10km tours 2023

10. Gandikap

11. papa lounge bar, 12. karaoke bar.

Things to Do in Monino, Russia - Monino Attractions

Things to do in monino.

  • 5.0 of 5 bubbles
  • Good for Kids
  • Budget-friendly
  • Hidden Gems
  • Good for Big Groups
  • Adventurous
  • Good for a Rainy Day
  • Good for Couples
  • Honeymoon spot
  • Good for Adrenaline Seekers
  • Things to do ranked using Tripadvisor data including reviews, ratings, photos, and popularity.

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1. The Central Air Force Museum


2. Church of St. George

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  • Ships MS Rostropovich MS Volga Dream MS Anton Chekhov MS General Lavrinenkov MS Georgy Chicherin MS Ivan Bunin MS Konstantin Fedin MS Konstantin Korotkov MS Kronshtadt MS Maxim Gorky MS Nikolay Chernyshevsky MS Nizhny Novgorod MS Rachmaninoff MS River Victoria MS Scenic Tsar MS Tikhy Don (MS Alexander Borodin) MS Vasiliy Kandinsky MS Zosima Shashkov Mustai Karim
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  • Moscow The Kremlin Red Square Golden Ring Tverskaya Street Grand Kremlin Palace (The Kremlin) Christ the Savior Novodevichiy Convent Moscow Subway The Bolshoi Theater Armoury Chamber (The Kremlin) St. Basil's Cathedral The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts Yury Gagarin Cosmonauts training center
  • Saint Petersburg Hermitage Museum Peterhof Catherine's Palace (Tsarskoe Selo) Pavlovsk St. Isaac Cathedral Peter and Paul Fortress Nevsky Prospect Yusupov Palace Savior on Blood Amber room Bronze Horseman (Senate square) Hermitage Theatre Kazansky Cathedral Kronstadt Palace Square Spit of the Vasilievsky Island
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Yury Gagarin Cosmonauts Training Centre (Zvezdny Gorodok - Star Town) (7 hours)

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The Yuri A. Gagarin State Scientific Research-and-Testing Cosmonaut Training Center is a Russian training facility responsible for training cosmonauts for their space missions. It is in Star City of Moscow Oblast, a name which may refer to the facility itself or to its grounds. (Read more about Yury Gagarin Cosmonauts training center )

The secret Star City was built to train Soviet cosmonauts, including Yuri Gagarin, the 1st man in space. Many other famous Russian cosmonauts trained here with Gagarin: German Titov, Valentina Tereshkova, the first female cosmonaut, and Alexei Leonov, the first cosmonaut to exit the spaceship into space . The best facilities were built for them: the world’s largest centrifuge and hydro laboratory. Many cosmonauts from other countries (USA, Japan, Germany and many others) also have trained here together with Soviet Russian cosmonauts. On this Star (Space) City Tour you will see:

  • Models of Soyuz Soviet spacecraft 
  • World's largest centrifuge with an 18-meter radius 
  • Hydro laboratory, with the model of the International Space Station in water, which allows to simulate the weightlessness and many more

Important info

Ask a travel expert.

  • Professional English-speaking guide assistance. Other languages upon request (additional charge may apply)
  • Roundtrip transportation to and from your central hotel (Comfortable car/minivan with A/C)
  • Fully private tour to ensure a personalized experience
  • Entrance fee to Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Centre (territory)
  • Entrance fee to Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Centre Museum
  • All taxes, fees and handling charges
  • Food  / Drinks
  • Personal expenses
  • Gratuities to guide/driver (optional)

The tour price already includes all the taxes & fees, you will not see any of them later during the checkout.

Adult pricing applies to all travelers

IMPORTANT! To book the tours please provide us with the copy of your passport (scan of page with photo) and the following information (for all the travellers):

1. Surname / Names (as in passport) 2. Passport number 3. Passport expiry date 4. Date of birth 5. Place of birth (country, city, state) 6. Place of current residence (country, city, state) 7. Citizenship 8. Place of work 9. Position held 

This information is required to get access to the Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Centre, as per their security policy.

If it took Gagarin 1 year to get prepared, now it takes 7 years to become a cosmonaut, and 50 days to pass  security  check for foreign visitors.

Due to the security policy of the Centre, the guided tours are to be arranged in 50 days before the tour date. Last-minute arrangements are not available. 

Departure: from your Moscow hotel

Return: to your Moscow hotel (or any other place in Moscow that you choose)

Sights included in program

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SPECIAL OFFER US$ 366 Now 5% off

Thanks ! We will reply you in less than 24 hours (usually within 1-2 hours) .

Our flexible payment options allow you to pay 20% of a deposit first and the remaining 80% in 14 days prior to your tour date - payment can be done both online or over the phone. This gives you the peace of mind knowing your spaces are booked on the tours and that you do not miss out on making the most of your time in Russia.

Also you get 5% discount and get the best, top-rated and most experienced and knowledgeable hand-picked tour guide appointed on a priority basis. In our experience, exceptional travel experiences are almost always delivered by exceptional people. With that in mind, we utilize a comprehensive approach to select and employ the best tour guides only. Multilingual and well travelled, each possesses deep insight into the diverse attractions and cultural patterns throughout the region. With us guides undergo a rigorous selection process, achieving outstanding knowledge of local culture and language. Rest assured that the best tour guides only will be working on the tours to give you excellent opportunity to explore the best of the sights during both short and long-term stay in Russia.

Once you complete your reservation, we will send you a booking confirmation email. As the day of the tour approaches, our logistics team will provide you with all relevant information for your tour.

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US office 3422 Old Capitol Trail Suite 1252 , Wilmington DE, 19808 USA. US toll-free: 1-888-845-8877 Russian office Ligovsky pr. 57, Office 19, 191040, St. Petersburg, Russia

tel: +7-812-309-5339

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Critérium du Dauphiné stage 6 live - The first in a trio of summit finishes

Tour de france 2024 - stage 15 preview.

July 14, 2024: Loudenvielle - Plateau de Beille, 197.7km

Stage 15 Sprints

Stage 15 mountains.

Stage 15 to Plateau de Beille is Bastille Day, so fireworks are expected from the French riders going for glory, from riders battling for the King of Mountains jersey and from the general classification favourites. The third Sunday of the Tour could prove crucial for many. Whatever has happened on the previous days in the mountains, the terrain on this stage will be ripe for an upset or confirmation, with 4,800 metres of vertical gain on the menu over 197.7 kilometres of racing.

All manner of scenarios could play out, and it’s not unrealistic to imagine that teammates of the overall contenders will attempt to infiltrate the breakaway climbing the Col de Peyresourde (6.9km at 7.8%) which looms 7 kilometres into the stage. That would prove invaluable given what lies ahead, the Col de Menté (9.3km at 9.1%) and Col de Portet-d’Aspet (4.3km at 9.6%) but especially in a finale that will feature the climbs of the Col d’Agnes (10km at 8.2%), and the Port de Lers followed by the final haul up to Plateau de Beille. The final climb is 15.8km long with an average gradient of 7.9% with the hardest gradients at the bottom.

  • Intermediate sprint, km 37
  • Col de Peyresourde (6.9km at 7.8%), cat. 1, km 7
  • Col de Menté (9.3km at 9.1%), cat. 1, km 50
  • Col de Portet-d’Aspet (4.3km at 9.6%), cat. 1, km 65.4
  • Col d’Agnes (10km at 8.2%), cat. 1, km 138.6
  • Plateau de Beille (15.8km at 7.9%), cat. HC, km 197.7

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Kirsten Frattini is the Deputy Editor of Cyclingnews , overseeing the global racing content plan.

Kirsten has a background in Kinesiology and Health Science. She has been involved in cycling from the community and grassroots level to professional cycling's biggest races, reporting on the WorldTour, Spring Classics, Tours de France, World Championships and Olympic Games.

She began her sports journalism career with Cyclingnews as a North American Correspondent in 2006. In 2018, Kirsten became Women's Editor – overseeing the content strategy, race coverage and growth of women's professional cycling – before becoming Deputy Editor in 2023.

2024 Tour de Suisse – Analysing the contenders

Tour of Britain Women 2024 - Analysing the Contenders

New Bianchi Arcadex adventure gravel bike adds internal frame storage and 50mm tyre clearance

Most popular, latest on cyclingnews.

New Bianchi Arcadex adventure gravel bike adds internal frame storage and 50mm tyre clearance

Mattia De Marchi replaces 'fear' with 'fun' to take fifth place at Unbound Gravel

LifePlus-Wahoo stay in Tour of Britain Women on borrowed equipment after all their bikes were stolen

LifePlus-Wahoo stay in Tour of Britain Women on borrowed equipment after all their bikes were stolen

photos 10km tours 2023


  1. Résultats 10km et 20km de Tours 2023

    photos 10km tours 2023

  2. Les 10 km de Tours

    photos 10km tours 2023

  3. 10, 20 km et marathon de Tours : une édition 2022 prometteuse pour fêter les 40 ans

    photos 10km tours 2023


    photos 10km tours 2023

  5. Marathon, 10 et 20 km de Tours 2023

    photos 10km tours 2023

  6. 10km de Tours on Behance

    photos 10km tours 2023


  1. Marathon, 10 et 20 KM de Tours

    Marathon, 10 et 20 KM de Tours. Le plus grand événement running de la Région-Centre Val de Loire ! Édition 2023 Reportage photos - Ville de Tours - F. Lafite. Précédent. Retour à la liste.

  2. 10 KM DE TOURS

    Cookies. Contact : Tél : 02 47 31 70 11- E-Mail : [email protected]. LE 10 KM DE TOURS - 22/09/2024 Sportif, culturel et festif, les 10 km de Tours réunissent des milliers de coureurs sur la ligne de départ, en coeur de Ville. Viens découvrir le parcours faisant la part belle aux bords de Loire et au patrimoine de la Ville de ...

  3. Album Photos du 10K

    10KM DE TOURS 2023. Voir les photos. 10KM DE TOURS - 2022. ... Voir les photos. Album Photos du 10K - 2019. Voir les photos. Album Photos du 10K - 2018. Je reste connecté(e) ! Je donne mon consentement* Votre adresse de messagerie est uniquement utilisée pour vous envoyer notre lettre d'information. Soyez-Prêts Soyez-Prêts. Actualités; CGV ...

  4. EN IMAGES. Revivez les 10 et 20 km de Tours et le Marathon Touraine

    Ce dimanche 24 septembre 2023, plus de 13.000 coureurs se sont élancés dans les rues de Tours pour l'édition des 10 et 20 km de Tours et du Marathon Loire Valley 100 % urbain et en musique.

  5. Les Foulées de l'Arche 2023

    Explore this photo album by JoggIn Tours on Flickr! Explore Recent Photos; Trending; Events; The Commons; Flickr Galleries; World Map; Camera Finder; Flickr Blog; Prints. The Print Shop Prints & Wall Art Photo Books Get Pro ... Les Foulées de l'Arche 2023 - 10km Show more

  6. sorty-platform

    Capture your event. Since the creation of PhotoRunning in 2010, we are the photo providers of various sporting events, from classics (5km, 10km, Half-Marathon, Marathon...) to ultra trails, including multi-discipline events (Triathlon, Swimrun) and cyclo-sports. We cover events from 20 to 50 000 participants, over durations ranging from one ...

  7. Résultats 10 km de Tours 2023

    Résultats 10 km de Tours 2023. Retrouvez tous les résultats du 10 km de Tours qui a eu lieu le dimanche 24 septembre 2023 à Tours (37) - 6512, 2389 et 1123 coureurs classés. Voir les résultats du 10 km de Tours 2023. Voir les résultats du 20 km de Tours 2023. Voir les résultats du marathon de Tours 2023. Spécial entrainement 10 km.

  8. Marathon, 10 et 20 km de Tours

    Marathon, 10 et 20 km de Tours, Tours, France. 12,055 likes · 193 talking about this · 1,390 were here. ️ 22 septembre 2024 Marathon (Solo & Duo) - 20km - 10km - Marche Nordique - Course des Jeunes

  9. Inscription 10 km de Tours 2023

    Inscription 10 km de Tours - 24/09/2023 Rendez-vous le dimanche 22 septembre 2023 pour votre prochain défi running ! 5 épreuves proposées : Marathon de Tours, Marathon Duo, 20 km de Tours, 10 km de Tours et Marche Nordique.

  10. Marathon, 10 et 20 km de Tours 2023

    Event by Marathon, 10 et 20 km de Tours on Sunday, September 24 2023 with 507 people interested and 292 people going.

  11. 10km de la Tour Eiffel, 10 Dec, 2023 (Sun)

    10 Dec, 2023 (Sun) Running. 10 km. About the event. Explore the sophisticated 7th district of Paris on a unique tour. Wander down stunning tree-lined avenues and behold the magnificent Eiffel Tower, the world's most iconic monument. ... Find hotels near 10km de la Tour Eiffel. Closest events. 10 km de l'Hexagone Paris. Paris, France. 25 Jun ...

  12. Les 10 km des Étoiles 2025

    Memorun. Paris. 5 km10 km. Détails. Voir les offres. Les 10 km des Étoiles 2025 : retrouve ici toutes les informations pratiques de la course : histoire, parcours, inscription, dossards, résultats !


    This tour will take you through some of London's most iconic landmarks, all along the river Thames! Come along for unforgettable up-close views of major attractions, as well as the amazing city skyline. From: € 44.00. 1 € 77.00 2 € 55.00 /person 3 € 49.50 /person 4- € 44.00 /person. 10 km. Private tour.

  14. 10km de la Tour Eiffel

    1ère édition 10 décembre 2023. Page · Sports. +33 6 09 10 99 33. [email protected].

  15. VMM 10km

    10km Mountain Run. IMPORTANT: Read the RACE RULES HERE. Note: The 2024 route has very small adjustments. Updated video coming soon. Distance: 10.3km | Elevation gain 550m. Start time: 7:00, Sunday, 22-09-2024. Start location: Sapa Park (next to Sapa Square - Google maps) Finish location: Sapa Square - Google maps.

  16. 2023

    Your party. Bring your running shoes. We'll bring 10K of fun. The lululemon 10K Tour race series is on the move again. Next stop: Scottsdale, Arizona. Created for the community, by the community, this is 10 whole kilometers of all-out cheer stations and post-race surprises. Registration opens June 22. For more details, visit

  17. 10KM

    10KM Course. On Musqueam territory, the Great Trek presented by BlueShore Financial features gorgeous running routes under colourful fall foliage, and a tour through the beautiful university campus. All three distances share a Start and Finish Line near the AMS Student Nest and the Half Marathon and 10KM routes run out towards the UBC Endowment ...

  18. 2023 Tour Of The Missions 10K Run/Walk

    Route map for '2023 Tour Of The Missions 10K Run/Walk' - a 10.0km running route near San Antonio, US. Plotted with the route planner.

  19. Homepage

    10K Tour registration includes a lululemon participant shirt, finisher medal, exclusive 10k training program and all the amazing pre- and post-race amenities including yoga, meditation and even a post-race treat. The Impact. Each year, the lululemon 10K Tour is working with a local and national charitable partner to support a cause. ...

  20. THE 10 BEST Dzerzhinsky Sights & Landmarks to Visit (2023)

    Top Dzerzhinsky Landmarks: See reviews and photos of sights to see in Dzerzhinsky, Russia on Tripadvisor.

  21. THE 10 BEST Things to Do in Elektrostal

    Things to Do in Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast: See Tripadvisor's 793 traveller reviews and photos of 12 Elektrostal attractions.

  22. THE BEST Things to Do in Monino

    Things to Do in Monino, Russia: See Tripadvisor's 294 traveler reviews and photos of Monino tourist attractions. Find what to do today, this weekend, or in September. We have reviews of the best places to see in Monino. Visit top-rated & must-see attractions.

  23. Yury Gagarin Cosmonauts Training Centre (Zvezdny Gorodok

    Toll Free 0800 011 2023; Day tours. Tours by Region. Moscow Saint Petersburg Golden Ring Lake Baikal Murmansk Siberia ... Small Group Tours Private Tour Theme Tour. Theaters. Moscow events St. Petersburg events Events archive; Events by type. Ballet Opera Concert Show All types. Top theaters.

  24. Tour de France 2024

    That would prove invaluable given what lies ahead, the Col de Menté (9.3km at 9.1%) and Col de Portet-d'Aspet (4.3km at 9.6%) but especially in a finale that will feature the climbs of the Col ...