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La recette du mois : le nougat de Tours !

nougat de tours conservation

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Connaissez-vous le nougat de Tours ? Une recette tourangelle à base de pâte sucrée, de fruits confits et de confiture d’abricots… Un véritable délice !

L’histoire du nougat de Tours

Commençons par répondre à la question que tout le monde se pose (oui, on vous voit derrière votre écran !) : NON, le nougat de Tours n’est pas une copie du célèbre nougat de Montélimar , il n’a même rien à voir avec la spécialité drômoise.

Passons aux choses sérieuses avec l’histoire du nougat de Tours, qui aurait vu le jour à la Renaissance, période où Léonard de Vinci, grand amateur d’amandes et de fruits confits , vivait dans son château du Clos Lucé, à Amboise.

Au XIX e siècle, le nougat de Tours est particulièrement apprécié par les voyageurs, puisque la pâtisserie tourangelle peut se conserver plusieurs jours sans problème.

Tombée en désuétude au fil du temps, la recette du nougat de Tours fut remise au goût du jour par le chef Charles Barrier, l’un des plus grands chefs français du XX e siècle et seul chef triple étoilé du Guide Michelin en Val de Loire (en 1968).

Depuis 1998, la recette du véritable nougat de Tours est définie par la Confrérie gourmande du nougat de Tours .

La recette : la véritable recette de la confrérie gourmande du nougat de Tours

Un fond de tarte recouvert d’une marmelade d’abricot, de dés de fruits confits et d’une macaronade d’amandes… On vous détaille les étapes à suivre pour réaliser un délicieux nougat de Tours .

Commençons par les ingrédients, pour 6 personnes :

  • 140 g de farine
  • 80 g de sucre semoule
  • 70 g de beurre
  • 1 œuf
  • 150 g de fruits confits (melon-papaye) coupés en dés
  • 50 g de confiture d’abricots
  • 80 g de poudre d’amandes
  • 100 g de blanc d’œuf
  • sucre glace

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Commencez par préparer la pâte sucrée , en mélangeant bien le beurre, 35 g de sucre glace, l’œuf et une pincée de sel. Ajoutez ensuite la farine et un peu d’eau si besoin. Formez une belle boule et placez-la au frais.

Enchaînez avec la macaronade . Pour la réaliser, mélangez le sucre semoule et la poudre d’amandes dans un bol. Montez les blancs d’œufs en neige et ajoutez-y très délicatement le mélange.

Ensuite, vient l’ étape du montage . Prenez un moule à tarte (idéalement de 18 cm de diamètre) et étalez-y la pâte sucrée que vous aurez préalablement étalée. Déposez une fine couche d’abricot , saupoudrez de fruits confits et versez la macaronade sur le tout.

Saupoudrez la pâtisserie de sucre glace (deux fois à quinze minutes d’intervalle) avant d’enfourner et de faire cuire le nougat de tours au four, pendant 30 minutes, à 180 °C (chaleur tournante).

Nougat de Tours

Il ne vous reste plus qu’à servir et à déguster cette délicieuse pâtisserie nature, ou accompagnée d’une rafraîchissante boule de glace vanille, d’une onctueuse crème anglaise ou d’un succulent coulis de fruits.

Cette recette vous a plu ? Testez également les macarons de Cormery , une autre spécialité gastronomique de Touraine !

Crédit photo : © Jean-Christophe COUTAND - ADT de Touraine

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nougat de tours conservation

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  • Gaufres de Lille à la vergeoise
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  • La Calavera, entremets mangue vanille
  • La Pinata, gâteau pour les enfants
  • Le Charlemagne
  • Le Château de cartes en biscuits
  • Le Kek Lapis, cake à motifs géométriques
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  • Les Ti-biscuits le meilleur pâtissier en famille
  • Trifle Royal entremets aux fruits rouges
  • Franken'Tartes
  • Gâteau Arlequin
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  • La Charlotte Rose,
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  • Le Meilleur Pâtissier saison 9, Emission13 La Grande Finale
  • Mercochoco ou le Gâteau au Chocolat de Cyril
  • Tarte Piquenchâgne
  • The American Flag ou le gâteau drapeau
  • L'Equilibrik, émission 7
  • L'étreinte émission 8
  • La boule à neige, la finale
  • La religieuse à l'Ancienne émission 11
  • Le Béret Basque émission 10
  • Le Bzz Bzz Bee, Emission 2, Les Gâteaux sont dans le Pré
  • Le Gâteau de Cendrillon, Emission 12
  • Le Microsillon émission 3 quand la musique est bonne
  • Le Puy de Sancy émission 4
  • Le Rocher d'Excalibur émission 5
  • Le sequoia carreauté émission 9
  • Le Vampirul Liliac émission 6
  • Présentation et making off la saison 10 EM1
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  • Halloween le Chaudron de la Sorcière
  • L'Eclat chocolat
  • La Finale une bûche XXL
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  • Trilogie de macarons
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  • Macarons au café
  • Macarons au chocolat
  • Macarons au chocolat et à la framboise
  • Macarons, la synthèse
  • Summary of the macarons recipes
  • Saveurs et Terroirs - Les Macarons à la Meringue Italienne
  • France 3 - Les livres de cuisine de Mercotte
  • France 3 - Goutez voir - 5 Février 2012
  • Saveurs et Terroirs - Les Macarons
  • TSR - À Bon Entendeur - 25 janvier 2011
  • La 1ère - Premier Service - 5 Novembre 2010
  • Geek Up - Interview ‘Bloggeur + Banane’ - 26 Octobre 2010
  • Foire de Savoie 2010 - Le Journal du Web - 18 Septembre 2010
  • Blogbang - Rendez-vous blogueurs - 14 Septembre 2010
  • Macarons HD - Interview par Thomas Clément
  • Macarons HD - Vidéo incluse dans l'Application
  • Macarons HD - English Video included in the Application
  • Chambéry - Salon Saveurs et Terroir - Novembre 2009
  • Épinal : Images Plus - Le Journal - 4 septembre 2009
  • Savoie TV - L'Art du Macaron - 31 juillet 2009
  • TF1 - 10 heures, le mag' - 20 janvier 2009
  • TSR - Le journal - 16 janvier 2009
  • Altal Éditions - Présentation de « Solution Macarons »
  • Technorati - Conférence avec Thomas Clément - 2006

nougat de tours conservation

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Astuces et tours de main pour réussir de belles et bonnes tartes

Cette recette du véritable Nougat de Tours est  extraite d’un tout nouveau livre,  Rêves Gour mands,  publié à l’initiative de Stéphane Glacier MOF et des artisans de l’ Association Tradition Gourmande . Les recettes sont simples et à la portée de tous . Cinquante talentueux artisans pâtissiers, chocolatiers et boulangers , membres de Tradition gourmande et venant de toute la France ont eu à cœur de proposer chacun deux recettes. Cerise sur le gâteau, cinq recettes supplémentaires ont été imaginées par les enfants et adolescents très malades de l’ Association Rêves . J’ai marqué d’un post-it plein de recettes et je vais vous en proposer quelques-unes dans les semaines à venir avant d’être happée par la diffusion des recettes techniques du Meilleur Pâtissier saison 6 . Grâce à ce livre qui, j’en suis certaine, va plaire à tous les fans de pâtisserie, vous allez permettre à des  enfants et adolescents malades  de pouvoir vivre leurs rêves.


Contrairement à ce que son nom pourrait laisser entendre, le Nougat de Tours n’est pas une confiserie à base d’amandes et de miel, mais une pâtisserie, un gâteau de voyage de forme ronde, poudré de sucre glace, qui se transporte facilement et qui se conserve plusieurs jours .


Pour un cercle à tarte  de 18cm

La pâte sucrée  : 140g de beurre à T°ambiante, 75g de sucre glace, 25 g de poudre d’amande, 1 pincée de sel, 50/55g d’oeuf entier soit 1 bel oeuf, 250g de farine T55. Crémer   à la feuille  le beurre pommade et le sucre glace, ajouter la poudre d’amande, l’œuf puis la farine tamisée. Ne pas  corser  la pâte et dès qu’elle est homogène l’étaler finement entre 2   feuilles guitare   ou à défaut de papier cuisson. Réserver quelques heures au réfrigérateur.  Foncer  le cercle à tarte, la pâte doit avoir de 2.5mm à 3 mm d’épaisseur, remettre une petite demi-heure au frais pendant la préparation des autres éléments du dessert.

La garniture du fond de tarte : 150g de fruits confits , 50g de confiture d’abricot. Couper les fruits confits en dés, ajouter la confiture d’abricot et bien mélanger.

La macaronnade : 70g de poudre d’amandes, 70g de sucre glace, 100g de blancs d’oeufs , 30g de sucre semoule. Mélanger le sucre glace et la poudre d’amande dans un cul de poule. Monter les blancs au bec d’oiseau  en incorporant petit à petit le sucre semoule. Les ajouter délicatement à la maryse au tant pour tant poudre d’amande et sucre glace. Mettre en poche .


Le montage  et la cuisson :  recouvrir le fond de tarte avec la garniture de fruits confits. Pocher  dessus une bonne épaisseur de macaronnade. Poudrer de sucre glace et laisser reposer une dizaine de minutes. Poudrer une seconde fois et enfourner à 180° pendant environ 30min .


Explications utiles ou futiles 

Retrouvez mes interprétations et les mots en violet expliqués pour ceux qui ne les connaissent pas encore …

Gâteau de voyage : il y a là un message subliminal pour ceux qui me suivent, il suffit de peu de chose pour qu’il puisse participer au Concours du Salon Saveurs et Terroirs non ? Je dis ça ….

Le cercle à tarte : j’aime beaucoup utiliser les cercles perforés qui permettent une cuisson régulière de la pâte. Ici le cercle pour une recette de 6 personnes est de 18cm, libre à vous de faire plus grand de toute façon il va vous rester de la pâte alors soit vous la congelez pour un usage futur soit vous l’utilisez …

Crémer   à la feuille  :   utiliser l’accessoire du robot appelé   feuille   , en fait le fouet plat,  pour travailler un mélange de beurre pommade et de sucre et lui donner une consistance onctueuse et crémeuse.

Corser  : donner de l’élasticité à une pâte en la travaillant longtemps, le contraire de ce que l’on recherche pour les pâtes à tartes qui dans ce cas vont rétrécir à la cuisson et seront aussi plus difficiles à étaler.

Foncer  : chemiser un moule ou un cercle avec de la pâte.

Feuilles guitare  : fines feuilles de plastique transparentes idéales pour étaler les pâtes sans ajout de farine. Vous les trouvez  chez les professionnels   cependant vous pouvez facilement les remplacer par de la toile cirée alimentaire transparente que vous découperez aux dimensions voulues. Elles sont réutilisables.

Les fruits confits : bien évidement il faut utiliser de bons fruits confits et non ces petits cubes de navet colorés que l’on trouve en grand surface. Pour ma part j’ai mis du vrai melon confit que j’utilise pour le pain de Modane , et des écorces d’oranges confites au sirop léger de chez Imbert.

La confiture d’abricot : si vous avez de la confiture d’abricot maison c’est parfait bien sûr sinon, si vous habitez Paris ou les alentours j’ai goûté ce week-end les Confitures du Château de Christophe Dévé  qui vient d’ouvrir sa Fabrique Artisanale de Confitures à Vincennes (il  a aussi une e-boutique) non seulement c’est la belle histoire d’un passionné mais sa confiture d’abricot est vraiment délicieuse, comme à la maison…


J’ai beaucoup aimé le sol à l’ancienne de la boutique et l’ambiance qui y règne c’est juste génial …

La macaronnade : comme vous pouvez le voir sur la photo j’ai eu beaucoup trop d’appareil, donc pour un cercle de 18cm je vous conseille de modifier les proportions : 50g de sucre glace et de poudre d’amande 70g de blancs d’oeufs et 20g de sucre semoule.  Mais bien sûr si vous êtes gourmands, vous pourrez comme je l’ai fait cuire en même temps le surplus que vous croquerez avec gourmandise ou que vous utiliserez pour un entremets à l’arrache, garni par exemple d’une chantilly, d’une crème mousseline à la vanille ou au praliné, bref c’est vous qui voyez  !

Blancs au bec d’oiseau : se dit des blancs d’oeufs à bonne consistance quand ils forment une pointe en bec d’oiseau au bout du fouet. Ils doivent avoir la consistance d’une crème à raser. Ils sont en plus beaucoup plus faciles à incorporer. Il faut toujours monter les blancs à vitesse régulière sans les agresser pour avoir un foisonnement régulier qui va empêcher l’humidité de se disperser, si vous montez les blancs trop rapidement et trop brutalement, le foisonnement -les bulles d’air- sera irrégulier et l’humidité pourra s’échapper d’entre les bulles d’air, c’est pourquoi parfois vous avez de l’eau au fond de votre mousse au chocolat par exemple.

Maryse : notre indispensable copine, choisir de préférence la  qualité professionnelle et non fantaisie.

Mettre en poche : vous pouvez mettre la macaronnade dans une poche avec une douille de 10/12mm ou carrément sans douille pour faciliter le dressage, mais ça marche aussi avec une cuillère, je vous laisse le choix !

Poudrer : on poudre 2 fois à 10/15min d’intervalle pour avoir un aspect perlé sur la macaronnade.

La cuisson : toujours toujours donnée à titre indicatif aussi bien côté température que côté durée, à vous de bien connaître votre four …




La semaine prochaine je serai à La Réunion pour faire partie du Jury de la compétition Master Marmite  et aussi faire quelques propositions pour les événements qui vont se dérouler sur place. J’espère vous rapporter de belles recettes de desserts locaux. Pour une des épreuves j’ai demandé aux participants de revisiter une recette traditionnelle, je ne dis pas laquelle il faut leur laisser la surprise …

A Bientôt et Enjoy !

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Spécial Christophe Michalak


Le hors-série spécial tartes

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Mentions légales | Blog maintenu & hébergé par Créalya

Days on the Claise

Monday 12 August 2019

Nougat de tours.

Cooked and photographed by Susan from Loire Valley Time Travel. https://tourtheloire.com

  • Pastry -- cream butter, sugar and salt then add the egg. Mix in the flour until a dough ball forms, then refrigerate for 15 minutes.
  • Roll out the pastry and put in a 20 cm loose based sponge tin, without trimming. Put back in the fridge for 15 minutes.
  • Heat the oven to 200C.
  • Macaronade -- mix the sugar and almond meal together. Beat the egg whites until stiff. Fold in the almond meal and sugar.
  • Filling -- spread the jam on the pastry base then distribute the peel evenly over the base.
  • Pile the macaronade on top of the tart, using a spatula to spread it right to the edges and rough it up a bit to create attractive peaks.
  • Sift icing sugar over the macaronade and let the tart sit at room temperature for 15 minutes.
  • Sift more icing sugar over the tart then bake for 30 minutes.
  • Remove from oven and cool on a rack. Once cool remove from the tin. Serves 6.

Cooked and photographed by Susan from Loire Valley Time Travel. https://tourtheloire.com


nougat de tours conservation

looks delicious

nougat de tours conservation

That jam is from Cost Plus in the US. Amazing that it ended up at Noz.

nougat de tours conservation

I was happy with how it turned out, but would change the recipe if I did it again. It's very sweet and the candied papaya is weird.

It's made in Belgium, according to the label, so I wonder if it was part of a batch that never made it to the States for some reason, and became overstock so Noz bought it.

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Gastronomy, holidays & weekends guide in the indre-et-loire.

Toursnougat - Gastronomy, holidays & weekends guide in the Indre-et-Loire

Watch out, Tours nougat is nothing like its famous namesake fromMontélimar! In fact this is a fairly thick tart; a layer of pastry iscovered with apricot conserve and a bed of diced candied fruit. An almond mixture called macaronadecovers this and icing sugar is sprinkled over the whole tart. This recipe is ideal for an afternoon snackor as a dessert, with a nice cup of coffee or local white wine.

Tours nougat was apparently created at the end of the Middle Ages, at the time when Leonardo da Vinci, a great lover of almonds and candied fruit, lived in the Amboise region. Since 1998, the Tours Nougat Brotherhood (Confrérie du Nougat de Tours)has been promoting this recipe and singing its praises throughout France.

Related articles Toursnougat

Mon Panier Latin

A Guide to French Nougat: Soft, Chewy, and Delicious

Enter the world of French nougat, where every bite is a delightful blend of softness, chewiness, and deliciousness. French nougat, known as "nougat de Montélimar," is a confectionery marvel that has captivated taste buds for centuries. With its delicate balance of sweetness, rich flavors, and tantalizing textures, French nougat is a treat that embodies the artistry and craftsmanship of French confectionery. Join us as we delve into the secrets of this exquisite delicacy, exploring its origins, ingredients, variations, and the sheer pleasure it brings to those who indulge.

Origins of French Nougat: French nougat traces its origins back to the sunny region of Provence, particularly the town of Montélimar. This picturesque town in southeastern France has been synonymous with nougat production since the 18th century. The local climate, abundant sunshine, and access to high-quality ingredients make Montélimar the perfect birthplace for this delectable confection.

The Art of Nougat Making: Crafting French nougat is a true art form that requires precision, patience, and a deep understanding of the ingredients. The process begins with heating sugar, honey, and glucose syrup to create a hot caramel base. This caramel is then mixed with whipped egg whites to form a fluffy meringue-like mixture. The nougat is then enriched with an array of ingredients, such as roasted nuts (typically almonds or pistachios), dried fruits, and fragrant vanilla or other flavorings. The mixture is poured into molds, left to set, and then cut into individual pieces. The result is a confection that is soft, chewy, and simply irresistible.

Ingredients that Define French Nougat: The quality of the ingredients is paramount in creating exceptional French nougat. The use of local honey, often from lavender or thyme flowers, lends a delicate floral aroma and natural sweetness to the confection. Fine sugar and glucose syrup provide the necessary sweetness and structure, while whipped egg whites contribute to the nougat's light and airy texture. The star of the show, the nuts, bring a satisfying crunch and depth of flavor. Almonds are the most traditional choice, but pistachios and other nuts are also used to create unique variations.

Classic and Creative Flavors: French nougat comes in a range of flavors to suit every palate. The classic version features almonds, imparting a nutty and slightly sweet taste. However, artisans have expanded the possibilities by introducing new and exciting flavors. You may find nougat infused with fragrant lavender, tangy citrus zest, exotic spices like saffron or cardamom, or even rich cocoa for a chocolatey twist. These creative flavors add a modern touch to the traditional nougat, enticing taste buds with a world of unique and unforgettable combinations.

Regional Specialties: While Montélimar is renowned for its nougat production, other regions in France have their own distinctive nougat variations. In the town of Sisteron, nougat is made using local lavender honey, giving it a distinct floral flavor. In the city of Tours, nougat is known as "nougat de Tours" and is distinguished by its inclusion of roasted hazelnuts. Exploring these regional specialties allows you to experience the diverse flavors and nuances that make French nougat truly special.

A Versatile Delight: French nougat's versatility extends beyond being a standalone treat. It lends itself to various culinary creations and can be enjoyed in different ways. Chop it into smaller pieces and use it as a topping for ice cream or yogurt, adding a delightful chewiness and a burst of flavor. Crumble it and sprinkle it over desserts, such as cakes or fruit salads, for a textural contrast. French nougat can also be incorporated into baked goods, like cookies or tarts, to infuse them with its distinct sweetness and chewiness. The possibilities are endless, allowing you to unleash your creativity in the kitchen and elevate your culinary creations with the allure of French nougat.

The Perfect Gift: French nougat makes for an exquisite and thoughtful gift. Its elegant packaging and delectable taste make it a token of appreciation, an expression of love, or a souvenir of France. Whether you're seeking a unique present for a loved one or a delightful treat to share during special occasions, offering a box of French nougat is a sure way to impress and delight.

An Indulgence with a Rich History: French nougat is not only a culinary delight but also carries a rich history and cultural significance. Its origins can be traced back to ancient Mediterranean civilizations, and it has since evolved and been perfected through the centuries. By savoring French nougat, you become part of a gastronomic tradition that has been cherished by generations, connecting you to the past while enjoying its timeless flavors.

Gourmet Confectioneries and Boutiques: To truly appreciate the artistry of French nougat, a visit to a gourmet confectionery or boutique is a must. These establishments pride themselves on offering handcrafted nougat of the highest quality, made with care and attention to detail. The array of flavors and textures on display is a testament to the creativity and passion of the artisans who continue to perfect this confectionery masterpiece.

DIY Nougat Making: For those who enjoy culinary adventures, trying your hand at making French nougat at home can be a rewarding experience. With the right ingredients and a willingness to follow the precise steps, you can recreate the magic of this beloved treat in your own kitchen. Experiment with different flavor combinations, incorporate your favorite nuts or fruits, and tailor the sweetness to your liking. The process allows you to appreciate the craftsmanship involved and adds a personal touch to your nougat creations.

Nougat Festivals and Celebrations: In certain regions of France, nougat takes center stage during festivals and celebrations. Montélimar, as the birthplace of French nougat, hosts an annual nougat festival where visitors can immerse themselves in the nougat-making process, sample a wide range of flavors, and witness the artistry of confectioners firsthand. These festivals offer a unique opportunity to celebrate and experience the joyous spirit of French nougat in a festive atmosphere.

Nougat as a Culinary Symbol: French nougat's popularity and reputation extend far beyond the borders of France. It has become a symbol of French confectionery excellence and is often associated with the country's gourmet tradition. Whether enjoyed locally or discovered abroad, French nougat stands as a testament to the dedication and expertise of French artisans who continue to create this timeless delight.

French nougat is a confectionery masterpiece that combines softness, chewiness, and irresistible flavors in every bite. From its humble origins in Provence to the creative variations found throughout France, nougat represents the artistry, tradition, and pleasure of French confectionery. Whether you savor it as a standalone treat, incorporate it into your culinary creations, or gift it to loved ones, French nougat is a journey into a world of delicate sweetness and gastronomic indulgence. So, allow yourself to be captivated by its texture, delighted by its flavors, and transported to the rich heritage of French confectionery as you experience

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The “nougat de Tours”, specialty cake

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The “nougat de Tours”, specialty cake

Contrary to the sweet and soft nougat from Montélimar, the “nougat de Tours” is a cake, which can easily be transported and kept for several days. A good reason to transport this Touraine delicacy back home to family and friends!

The “nougat de Tours”: a local specialty for centuries

This savoury cake is just one in a long list of local delicacies that you can try in the Loire valley and especially in Tours . Do not miss out on the other local produce such as: the goat cheese AOP Sainte-Maure-de-Touraine; the local dried pears we call “ poires tapées ”(pears that have been flattened and dried for better preservation) ; the “ rillettes de Tours ” (a savoury pulled pork meat served cold that you will spread on fresh bread) ; the macaroons of Cormery , a  ring-shaped biscuit made from almond powder, icing sugar, powdered sugar and egg white, the nut or walnut oil pressed in Amboise; the locally produced truffles and saffron . And to finish with a beverage, you will, without a doubt, appreciate the wide range of local Loire valley wines .

It seems that the “nougat de Tours” already existed when Leonardo da Vinci lived in Amboise . He was very fond of almonds and candied fruit, the main ingredients of this local cake.

Even though the recipe has changed, it is still regulated by a specialised committee (confrérie gourmande du nougat de Tours). But you can always serve it with either ice cream, fruit sauce or even custard!

The “nougat de Tours”, a gourmet delicacy!

The “nougat de Tours”, a gourmet delicacy!

Recipe for “nougat de Tours”

Serving  for 6 people

  • 80g caster sugar
  • 150g candied fruits cut into cubes (melon and papaya)
  • 50g apricot jam
  • 80g almond powder
  • 00g egg white
  • icing sugar

For the sugar dough : Mix the butter, 35g of icing sugar, an egg, a pinch of salt in a bowl. Add the flour to the mixture, add some water if necessary. Roll the dough into a bowl and put it in the fridge.

For the macaroon pastry : In a bowl, mix the caster sugar with the almond powder. Whisk the egg whites until they form peaks and add them delicately to the macaroon mixture.

Shaping the cake : take an 18cm round mould. Take out the sugar dough from the fridge, roll it so it is 3 mm thick. Spread a thin layer of apricot jam on the sugar dough. After the candied fruits, then the macaroon pastry. Sprinkle with icing sugar twice in 15 minute intervals before putting it in the oven.

Cook at 180 °C in the oven during 30 minutes

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Preparation time: 15 minutes Baking time: 30 minutes  

Have you tried Tours nougat? It's unique ... Here's a nougat that has nothing in common with its counterparts from other regions. Descended from the Roman nucatum (from nux, walnut), Tours nougat was originally a walnut or almond-based mixture, with the nougatine being a combination of light caramel and unblanched  crushed almonds.

The recipe as we know it today was set in the 19th century. It is said, however, that the recipe was already known in the Tours region during the time of Leonardo da Vinci, a great lover of almonds and candied fruits. It is definitely a recipe to try at home. 

Tours-style nougat can be made fairly easily at home because you simply spread over sweet pastry some apricot jam, candied fruit and a "macaronade" of almonds, then bake for half an hour in a moderate oven. It is then sprinkled with icing sugar. If you travel to the Tours region, you can try it at many pastry shops, in single portions on the classic shape. 

  • Beat the egg whites to stiff peaks.
  • Gently mix in the previously-combined powdered almonds and granulated sugar.

Sweet pastry

  • Combine the butter, sugar, egg and salt.
  • Gradually mix in the flour, adding a little water if necessary. Refrigerate.
  • Roll out the pastry and line an 18 cm (7") tar pan.
  • Spread a thin layer of apricot jam over the bottom and sprinkle in the candied fruits.
  • Spread the macaronade over top.
  • Sprinkle with icing sugar.
  • Bake in a 210° - 220° C (425° - 450° F) oven for 30 minutes. Let cool slightly before removing from the pan.


Nougat cake from Tours (gâteau nougat de Tours)

Stage 12 - fougères/tours: this dish is from the central loire valley region. this lovely specialty from the loire valley town of tours is actually not a nougat, but a cake filled with confit fruits and a type of almond meringue called macaronade (macaron mixture)..



  • 400 g (14 oz) sweet shortcrust pastry
  • 60 g (¼ cup) apricot jam
  • 150 g (5 oz) diced confit fruits (a variety of 3 or 4)
  • 80 g (3½ oz) almond meal
  • 80 g (3½ oz) caster sugar
  • 3 egg whites
  • a pinch of cream of tartar
  • 50 g (2 oz) icing sugar


Cook's notes.

Oven temperatures are for conventional; if using fan-forced (convection), reduce the temperature by 20˚C. | We use Australian tablespoons and cups: 1 teaspoon equals 5 ml; 1 tablespoon equals 20 ml; 1 cup equals 250 ml. | All herbs are fresh (unless specified) and cups are lightly packed. | All vegetables are medium size and peeled, unless specified. | All eggs are 55-60 g, unless specified.

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The famous nougat of Montelimar France

  • Desserts , Gastronomy , Rhône Alpes

A sticky encounter in Montélimar

Montélimar. It’s a name that just rolls off the tongue with a rhythm of its own and it happens to be home to a sweet little secret. You’ll find the town about half an hour south of Valence in the Drôme, part of the Rhônes Alpes region, well on the way to the south.

The home, if not the birthplace of nougat

Nougat has been around for thousands of years but it arrived in Montélimar in the 19 th century. With typical French flair, the locals took the original ingredients and created something uniquely French by adding eggs, their famous almonds and local honey. The result is a nougat that bears no resemblance to the mass produced, overly sweet product that many of us have tried over the years. Montélimar nougat is rich in favour and soft. Although of course it’s still sweet, it doesn’t hit you with a 3 day sugar rush or leave you desperate for water. In fact, I was told, it is the best nougat in the world and even Lady Diana, Princess of Wales partook.

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The rise to success

Until the advent of fast trains and autoroutes, Montélimar was strategically placed on the main route from north to south. Endorsed by the French President of the day, Emile Loubet, from the late 19 th century onwards, nougat sales soared. Touting to passing (and often queuing) traffic, meant a captive audience and the industry was in boom.

All great things come to an end and the nougat industry was hit hard by the arrival of the fast-flowing A7 motorway (“autoroute du soleil”) which skirts the town. However, you can still find the last remaining nougat factories, like Nougat Arnaud Soubeyran, in the outskirts of Montélimar.

Evolve to survive

Arnaud Soubeyran are a 3 rd generation nougat producer who had the good luck of stumbling upon some original nougat recipes from the 1950s and adapting them. Today they’re a prestigious and bustling establishment. They’re proud of their Mediterranean almonds which I’m told have fuller flavour than Californian almonds, their floral honey and local fruit and have created an interesting tour of their factory. They still make their nougat by hand and you can watch the production process before indulging yourself in the dozens of different varieties in their shop or spending time in their restaurant.

For more information about Drôme visit :  www.ladrometourisme.com ; For a nugget of nougat visit:  www.nougatsoubeyran.com Transport: Valence has a TGV station and it’s possible to get trains from the UK, Paris or elsewhere in Europe (there’s also international car hire right next to the station). From the TGV station there are regular connecting trains. For details see:  voyages-sncf.com

Although valence has an airport, most flights are to Lyon or Grenoble.

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Le nougat de Tours

Nougat de Tours was created in Touraine in the 15th century, at the time of Leonardo da Vinci — a great lover of candied almonds and fruit. At that time, plums, apricots, pistachios, pine nuts and filberts were the fruit and nuts most commonly candied and used in recipes. Since 1998, the Confrérie du Nougat de Tours (Brotherhood of Nougat de Tours) has furthered the reputation of this specialty that has little to do with the famous confection that shares its name…

This Nougat is, in fact, a tart. A pastry base is spread with apricot marmalade, strewn with bits of candied fruit and then topped with an almond macaroon batter ( macaronade ) before being cooked at a low temperature for half an hour. A final dusting of icing sugar, and voilà!


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Nougat, a sweet that today is synonymous with Christmas celebrations , has a rich history that spans centuries and continents. This delicacy, mainly known in its Spanish and Italian forms, has roots that can be traced back to the time of the Arab domination in the Iberian Peninsula .

Nougat is not just a sweet, but a cultural element . It represents a fusion of Arab and European traditions and is a symbol of the gastronomic richness of the regions that produce it. Each variety tells a unique story of its place of origin, showing how a simple sweet can be a reflection of the history and culture of a people .

Origins and Historical Evolution

1. arab roots or even older :.

Its origins date back to at least the 15th century, although some historians suggest it could have even older roots, in Roman cuisine.

Many historians believe that nougat has its origins in Arab recipes for sweets made from honey and almonds. The Arabs, known for their skill in making confections and sweets, may have introduced an early version of nougat in Spain during their occupation.

First Mentions: Documents from the 11th century already mention sweets similar to nougat in territories under Arab control.

2. Consolidation in the Iberian Peninsula:

Development in Spain: Over time, local ingredients, such as almonds from the Valencia region and honey from various areas of Spain, were integrated into the recipe, giving rise to nougat as we know it.

Regional Varieties: Different regions of Spain began to develop their own versions of nougat, adapting the basic recipe to local tastes and products.

3. Expansion and Popularity:

17th Century Onwards: Nougat became a popular product throughout Spain, and its fame spread to other European countries, especially Italy, where its own version known as ' torrone ' was developed.

Christmas and Festivities: From the 19th century, nougat began to be increasingly associated with Christmas celebrations, becoming an essential element in these festivities.

Ingredients and Varieties

Nougat is characterized by its simplicity and the quality of its ingredients. The traditional components are:

•Almonds: The heart of nougat. In Spain, mainly local almonds are used. •Honey and Sugar: Provide sweetness and help form the characteristic texture of nougat. •Egg White: Used to emulsify and give firmness to the sweet.

The most well-known varieties include:

1. Turrón de Jijona (soft): Characterized by its soft and creamy texture. 2. Turrón de Alicante (hard): Crunchy, with whole almonds inside. 3. Torrone in Italy: Varies in ingredients and textures, including versions with candied fruits or chocolate.

Top Nougat Brands

Here is a list of some of the most recommended nougat brands:

1. 1880: Founded in 1725 in Jijona, Spain, this brand is considered the most expensive in the market. 1880 has turned almonds and honey into symbols of the Mediterranean Diet, recognized by UNESCO. This company has played a key role in establishing Jijona as a world reference in nougat production.

2. El Lobo: Also originating in Jijona and founded in 1725, El Lobo is internationally recognized for its artisanal nougat. The company uses high-quality ingredients like whole cane brown sugar, free-range eggs, and 100% Spanish honey.

3. Suchard: This Swiss company, initially known for its chocolates, was founded in 1826 and began producing nougat in 1960. Suchard has expanded throughout Europe, offering a variety of nougats with innovative ingredients.

4. El Almendro: Founded in 1883 in Jijona, this family business has specialized in Jijona nougat and almond hard nougat cake, maintaining high prestige in the nougat industry for its quality.

5. Vicens: Originating in Lleida since 1775, Vicens offers a range of nougats including traditional and exotic flavors, taking advantage of the quality of local products like Agramunt chocolate.

6. Lacasa: Initially a chocolate shop founded in 1852 in Jaca, Spain, Lacasa has specialized in nougats, particularly those made of chocolate, making it their star product.

7. Turrones Picó: This family business from Jijona, also known for creating the Jijonenca ice cream brand, offers a wide range of nougats and has a presence in more than 15 countries.

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These brands represent tradition and innovation in the world of nougat, combining artisanal methods with high-quality and exclusive ingredients.

Not Just Sweet: Pork Tenderloin with Nougat Sauce

We provide you with the recipe for a dish that fuses sweet and savory, creating a unique gastronomic experience.


• 4 pork tenderloins • 200 g of Jijona nougat • 200 ml of beef broth • 100 ml of cooking cream • Olive oil • Salt and pepper • Aromatic herbs (thyme, rosemary)


1. Prepare the meat: Season the tenderloins with salt and pepper. In a hot pan with oil, sear the tenderloins on all sides until golden brown. Set aside.

2. Nougat Sauce: In the same pan, crumble the nougat and add the beef broth. Cook over low heat until the nougat dissolves. Add the cream and cook until a homogeneous sauce is obtained.

3. Finish cooking: Add the tenderloins to the sauce and cook over medium-low heat until the meat is cooked to your liking. During cooking, baste the tenderloins with the sauce several times.

4. Serve: Serve the tenderloins with the nougat sauce on top, accompanied by roasted potatoes or steamed vegetables.

This dish combines the tenderness of pork with the unique flavor of nougat, creating an exceptional culinary experience. Ideal for a special lunch or dinner.

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Julie Andrieu

Nougat de Tours de Danielle

Nougat de Tours de Danielle

  • Temps de préparation 45 min
  • Temps de Cuisson 2h
  • Temps de repos 50 min
  • Nombre de couverts 6 à 8


  • 8 pêches de vigne
  • 150 g de fruits confits mélangés
  • 4 CS de rhum
  • Sucre (comptez 75 g pour 100 g de fruit)
  • 1 citron bio

Pour la pâte sablée :

  • 250 g de farine
  • 125 g de beurre
  • 75 g de sucre en poudre
  • 1 pincée de sel
  • 1 petit œuf

Pour la macaronade :

  • 100 g de poudre d’amandes
  • 50 g de sucre en poudre
  • 60 g de sucre glace
  • 4 blancs d’œufs

La recette pas à pas...

Coupez finement les fruits confits et faites-les macérer pendant 2 heures dans le rhum.

Réalisez la pâte sablée : mélangez la farine, le sel et le beurre coupé en lamelles jusqu’à obtenir une consistance sableuse. Ajoutez le sucre puis l’œuf. Mélangez rapidement. Ajoutez un peu d’eau si nécessaire. Faites une boule puis aplatissez-la et laissez-la reposer au frais pendant 2 heures.

Ébouillantez les pêches de vigne afin de faciliter leur épluchage. Coupez-les en petits morceaux et placez-les dans une casserole. Versez le sucre en quantité suffisante (comptez 75 g de sucre pour 100 g de fruit) et remuez bien pour les enrober. Couvrez et mettez sur feu doux pour que le sucre fonde doucement, puis augmentez la flamme et laissez cuire. Coupez 2-3 rondelles de citron en petits morceaux et rajoutez-les à la compotée.

Réalisez la macaronade : mélangez la poudre d’amandes avec le sucre en poudre et 30 g de sucre glace. Battez les blancs et lorsqu’ils sont presque montés, versez le reste de sucre glace et finissez de monter. Mélangez le tout délicatement pour ne pas casser les blancs.

Abaissez la pâte à la taille de votre moule, foncez-le et coupez le surplus de pâte des bords. Garnissez avec 2-3 cuillères à soupe de compotée de pêches maison et étalez les fruits confits macérés. Recouvrez le tout avec la macaronade (cette dernière opération doit être effectuée très rapidement afin que la macaronade demeure ferme et légère). Enfournez pour 30 minutes à 180°C. Laissez refroidir et saupoudrez de sucre glace. Servez avec quelques fruits confits.

Video Nougat de Tours de Danielle

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Nougat de Tours

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Dans un robot ou à la mains, mélanger le beurre en morceaux, la farine, le sucre, le sel.

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Ajouter le jaune d'oeuf et l'eau, pétrir légèrement et former une boule.

Sur un plan de travail, écraser un peu la pâte avec la paume de la main, filmer et conserver dans le frigo.

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Battre les blancs d'oeufs en neige. Incorporer délicatement le sucre glace et la poudre d'amandes tamisée.

Etaler la pâte après repos dans un plat beurré.

nougat de tours conservation

Etaler la confiture d'abricot au fond, disposer les fruits confits et recouvrir de macaronade sur une bonne épaisseur.

Enfourner au four à 180°C (thermostat 6) pendant environ 25 minutes, jusqu'à une belle coloration de la macaronade et de la pâte.

Note de l'auteur :


Très déçue par cette recette. Temps de préparation relativement long pour un résultat banal.

Magnifique ! Une recette très facile à mettre en œuvre. J'ai mis les fruits confits à mariner dans le rhum,la prochaine fois je le ferai avec du kirsch. Merci.

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Plus de recettes

  • Nougat noir
  • Le vrai nougat blanc
  • Nougat blanc
  • Canard au sang (Tour d'Argent)
  • Parmentier de rillettes de Tours par Laurent Mariotte
  • Nougat glacé par Laurent Mariotte
  • Gâteau chocolat et nougat
  • Mousse ou glace au nougat express
  • Clafoutis fruits rouges et nougat
  • Nougat glacé au pralin
  • Nougat glacé aux amandes
  • Nougat glacé au mascarpone
  • Nougat glacé aux fruits confits
  • Tarte abricot-nougat
  • Tarte aux nougats
  • Nougat glacé au chocolat et aux amandes
  • Antipasti : petites tours basilic et mozzarella
  • La tour fraîcheur tomate et fromages frais

Ces contenus devraient vous intéresser

  • Blanc d'oeuf
  • Confiture d'abricot
  • Fruit confit
  • Amandes en poudre


  • From vine to wine
  • A taste of the Loire
  • Gourmet stroll
  • Of wines and boats
  • Aperitif on river Cher
  • Bikes 'n wines
  • Harvest workshop
  • Spring workshops
  • Roasted chestnuts and new wine
  • Celebrate with wine
  • Home Wine Delivery
  • Wine events for professionals
  • Where to sleep
  • Where to eat
  • Loire Valley gastronomy
  • The Loire Valley wines
  • Latest news and events
  • Work in the vineyard
  • Wine tourism
  • Wine and food
  • Wine art and DIY
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Desserts and confectionary of the Loire Valley

Desserts and candies of the loire valley.

In February 2023, in partnership with the tourist office of Tours, I had the opportunity to organise a wine tasting based on the sweet wines of Vouvray and the desserts and candies produced in the Touraine region. Do you know any of them? Some are only made by a few craftsmen and are therefore totally unknown outside the area, and sometimes  even by some people who live in the region! Perhaps our wine tastings will be for you the opportunity to taste and discover them as well.

Nougat de Tours


When you tell French people about nougat, they immediatly think about a hard or chewy candy made with dried almonds and honey in Montélimar, in the south-east of France. But in Tours, nougat is not a sweet, it is... a cake! Light shortbread on which apricot jam and candied fruit are spread before they are covered with 'macaronade' - a mix of beaten egg white, powdered almond and sugar. After it has baked in the oven and cooled down, the cake is sprayed with icing sugar.  The name 'nougat' comes from the fact that the cake includes ingredients similar to those found in the sweet: almonds, egg white and icing sugar. Good news for the gourmets! Nougat de Tours is a cake that travels well: you don't need to put it in the fridge and it will keep for about 10 days. A good opportunity to visit a baker's to buy some and to put it in your suitcase for when you leave the Loire Valley! Serve it with a super sweet Loire Valley wine (Vouvray, Coteaux du Layon, Quart de Chaume...) or if you prefer lighter wines, with a semi-dry sparkling rosé wine or a semi-dry sparkling Vouvray - all these are wines you may get to try during your wine tasting with Myriam and that you will be able to buy at cellar-door prices at the end of your wine tour directly from Myriam's husband's winery.

The winemaker's tart ('la tarte vigneronne')


A few very simple ingredients make this light and delicious local dessert: a thin layer of caramelized puff pastry, some apple slices and on top of that, a spoonful of local red wine jelly (in general Chinon or Bourgueil wine, as the original recipe comes from that area).

To be paired with a semi-dry sparkling rosé, a semi-dry still rosé such as Cabernet d'Anjou or Rosé d'Anjou. And why not try a light red wine with it?! Here are two bakeries where you can buy this 'tarte du vigneron' : boulangerie Rivero in Vouvray et boulangerie Guérin in Nazelles-Négron (near Amboise). Once you'll have tried it, you'll want more, for sure! And if you want to make it yourself, you will find the recipe on our blog (link below).

The macarons of Cormery


Egg white, sugar and powdered almonds... these are the only ingredients you need to bake these lovely cakes that are unique in France, since they are only made in one village in the country! These macarons come from Cormery, a village located in the south-east of Tours. A beautiful place along River Indre - a tributary of the Loire river - where you can still find the ruins of a former abbey. Actually the recipe is said to have invented by one of the monks in charge of cooking there. The story says that a young man whose fiancée had died decided to become a monk in Cormery. He kept the engagement ring as a souvenir. Over the years he became a greedy and old monk, and one day, when going through the kitchen, he dipped his finger into a bowl to try what the chef was preparing. The ring fell in the dough... which inspired the chef and gave him the idea of creating little cakes with a round shape. Nowadays, two bakers bake and sell macaroons in Cormery. Each of them has its own recipe considers he owns the original one! 'Aux vrais macarons de Cormery' vs 'Aux véritables macarons de l'abbaye de Cormery'. Which ones ar the best? We can't answer for you! Go and spend some time in this lovely village to try the two recipes, maybe you'll have a favourite? To taste with a sweet or super sweet Vouvray or Montlouis-sur-Loire or a sweet wine from Anjou (Coteaux du Layon, Coteaux de l'Aubance, Bonnezeaux...)


Here is a nother dessert that is only produced in one village in France, by a single bakery! You may not know it, but the "Vouvrillons" are the inhabitants of Vouvray, the wine-growing village where this dessert is made. No wine in the recipe, but powdered almonds, and chopped almonds on top. A cake that looks like "broyé du Poitou", but it feels softer and tastes a little sweeter. You will find it at the Rivero bakery in Vouvray. To enjoy at tea time, with a sweet wine from Vouvray of course! I recently tried it with a sweet Vouvray wine produced in 1990, it was a delicious and well-balanced pairing.

'Le Balzac'


If you like France or have studied French, you probably have heard of the famous writer Honoré de Balzac. He was born in Tours in 1799, in a house located in the main street of the city, now called 'rue Nationale'. He loved the Loire Valley and regularly came and spent time in the area, especially in a manor house located in the village of Saché that was owned by his mistress, Madame Hanska, and that is now open to visitors. In 2019, to celebrate the 220th anniversary of Balzac's birth, the local bakers worked together to create a cake bearing his name. 'Le Balzac' is inspired by another French cake called 'Saint Honoré' - a reference to Balzac's first name - and includes coffee as one of its ingredients, a drink that the French writer loved particularly, more than wine - he is said to have consumed up to 50 cups of coffee a day! He considered this drink as necessary for his inspiration. But let's come back to our cake! The bottom is made of a crunchy biscuit, covered with a light mousse and a series of cream puffs and whipped cream ('chantilly' in French). The cake combines chocolate, vanilla, caramel and coffee flavours, for a delicious result! 16 local shops in the Touraine region bake and sell this cake, and in particular Mr and Mrs Huvet, whose 'boulangerie-pâtisserie' is located in Vernou-sur-Brenne, just a few minutes's drive from our vineyard and family winery. What should you drink with this dessert? A sparkling wine from the Loire Valley... or a nice cup of coffee to match with one of the ingredients of the cake!

Poires tapées of Rivarennes


How could we translate the name of this unique recipe originating from the village of Rivarennes, west of Tours? 'Beaten pears' seems to be the appropriate expression...! In fact,pPears are peeled, then slowly dried out in a traditional bread oven before they are flattened thanks to a wooden tool called 'platissoir' (see in the picture) to get rid of all the air and the water that might be left in the fruit. This technique allows the pears to be kept for years. They have to be rehydrated into wine or sugared water before they can be used for cooking or baking. This method was born thanks to the phylloxera crisis - in case you don't know what the phylloxera crisis is, come and join one of Myriam's wine tours, this is something she explains during the guided walks she gives in the vineyard. In the late 19th century, the local winemakers had to dig out their dying vines and started planting fruit trees such as apple and pear trees as a substitute.  The villagers of Rivarennes developed another production and the technique of beating the fruit to make a living... until the 1930s when people started using refrigerators! The production of beaten pears was forsaken until it was revived at the end of the 1980s.

Sucres d'orge


They are part of my childhood memories... A confectionery that a certain number of pastry shops in Tours produced in the past. A t the end of the 19th century, the city was already famous for this flattened sugar candy. At the time, two aromas and two colors were to be found: yellow for Bourbon vanilla and red for elderberry. Today, Confiserie Hallard, located in Loches, is the only company that still produces this candy, which now comes in multicolored aspects and various flavors, always natural: apple, lemon, cherry...

Cotignac of Orléans


Cotignac d'Orléans is a soft and melting quince paste sold in a small spruce box showing Joan of Arc's portrait - she is the heroin of the city as she freed Orleans from the English in 1429. This confectionery was once sold by apothecaries for its anti-diarrheal properties and to regulate digestive problems. Today there is only one manufacturer, who produces around 25,000 boxes of 22 grammes each, every year.

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nougat de tours conservation

The Palais des Bonbons et du Nougat in Montélimar

nougat de tours conservation

The tour starts with the Palace of Bonbons and Nougat where the visitor discovers a whole world of sweets, where sugar, bonbons, chocolate and the famous nougat of Montélimar mix together.      Palais des Bonbons et du Nougat - Montélimar - entrance        You make use of your 5 senses during a fun and interactive visit. Projections of films, scent organs, tactile panels, unique works, display cases in candy and a limonade distillery from the 1920s awaken the taste buds of young and old alike. One visitor each year can even win his or her weight in sweets !

nougat de tours conservation

The "Palais des Bonbons et du Nougat" in Montélimar

nougat de tours conservation

Exhibition of old toys

nougat de tours conservation

Collection of old toys

nougat de tours conservation

Manufacturing of nougat - The biggestnougat of the world

The tour continues in the House of Toys. From the very first generation of toys to the latest in video game consoles, it's all here ! Everyone again finds the toys of their childhood and those of their parents and grandparents. Some toys can be tested and many frescoes hide puzzles that capture the visitor's attention. The making of nougat before your eyes in the nougat factory of the Palace with free samples at the museum's entry. The visit ends in a fairy-like shop   with free entry selling specific compositions and gifts. Also at the Palace : child's playground, living miniature animal farm, restaurant and inflatable play structures. 100% access for people of reduced mobility, easy and free parking. Self-guided tour. Tours adapted to all ages. Approximate tour time : about 1h30.

Palais des Bonbons et du Nougat - 100, route de Valence - 26200 Montélimar

+33 (0)4 75 50 62 66

Other accommodations

Where to sleep?

La Moutière

150 EUR/night*

nougat de tours conservation

Bed and breakfast - Drôme Provençale

Le Bois des Dames

175 EUR/night*

nougat de tours conservation

Hotels - Drôme Provençale

Art of living

nougat de tours conservation

Gastronomy, markets of Provence, regional products, Christmas traditions, celebrities of Provence....


  1. Nougat de Tours : la recette de Julie Andrieu

    nougat de tours conservation

  2. Le nougat de Tours

    nougat de tours conservation

  3. NOUGAT DE TOURS : la recette facile

    nougat de tours conservation

  4. Offrez-vous une part de nougat de Tours

    nougat de tours conservation

  5. Nougat de Tours, recette traditionnelle

    nougat de tours conservation

  6. Recette du véritable nougat

    nougat de tours conservation


  1. CHACHI-TARTA: Tarta de manzana con almendras (sin gluten

  2. le nougat

  3. Nougat Doulce France à Montélimar

  4. Portrait d'un jeune agriculteur (Tours)

  5. Tours, territoire engagé pour la nature


  1. La recette du mois : le Nougat de Tours !

    Au XIX e siècle, le nougat de Tours est particulièrement apprécié par les voyageurs, puisque la pâtisserie tourangelle peut se conserver plusieurs jours sans problème.. Tombée en désuétude au fil du temps, la recette du nougat de Tours fut remise au goût du jour par le chef Charles Barrier, l'un des plus grands chefs français du XX e siècle et seul chef triple étoilé du Guide ...

  2. Nougat de Tours, un super gâteau de voyage…

    Cette recette du véritable Nougat de Tours est extraite d'un tout nouveau livre, Rêves Gourmands, publié à l'initiative de Stéphane Glacier MOF et des artisans de l'Association Tradition Gourmande.Les recettes sont simples et à la portée de tous.Cinquante talentueux artisans pâtissiers, chocolatiers et boulangers, membres de Tradition gourmande et venant de toute la France ont eu ...

  3. Nougat de Tours

    Whip the egg whites with the 20g of castor sugar until stiff. Mix the remaining castor sugar with the almond meal, then fold into the egg whites with a metal spoon. Drain your raisins (or other fruit) and fold them in too; or, if you prefer, spread your fruit on the pastry to form a bed for the macaronade.

  4. Recipe for Nougat of Tours cake

    Method. Mix the butter, 35g icing sugar, the egg and a pinch of salt, add the flour and a little water if necessary. Form a ball and place in the refrigerator. Mix the remaining sugar and almond powder in a bowl. Beat the egg whites until stiff and gently fold into the mixture. Roll out the dough and line a greased cake tin (bottom and sides).

  5. Days on the Claise: Nougat de Tours

    75 g sugar. 2 tbsp icing sugar. Method. Pastry -- cream butter, sugar and salt then add the egg. Mix in the flour until a dough ball forms, then refrigerate for 15 minutes. Roll out the pastry and put in a 20 cm loose based sponge tin, without trimming. Put back in the fridge for 15 minutes. Heat the oven to 200C.

  6. Toursnougat

    Gastronomy, holidays & weekends guide in the Indre-et-Loire. 30 days to learn French, free of charge! A language, a culture, a history. A fun way to learn! Just 10 minutes a day. Watch out, Tours nougat is nothing like its famous namesake fromMontélimar! In fact this is a fairly thick tart; a layer of pastry iscovered with apricot conserve and ...

  7. A Guide to French Nougat: Soft, Chewy, and Delicious

    In the city of Tours, nougat is known as "nougat de Tours" and is distinguished by its inclusion of roasted hazelnuts. Exploring these regional specialties allows you to experience the diverse flavors and nuances that make French nougat truly special. A Versatile Delight: French nougat's versatility extends beyond being a standalone treat. It ...

  8. How Summer Road-Trippers Put a Southern French Sweet on the Map

    Ultimately penned by Chabert, the recipe called for a minimum of 30 percent nuts (either all almond or 28 percent almond and 2 percent pistachio) and 25 percent honey, as well as sugar and a ...

  9. The "nougat de Tours", specialty cake

    Recipe for "nougat de Tours". Serving for 6 people. For the sugar dough: Mix the butter, 35g of icing sugar, an egg, a pinch of salt in a bowl. Add the flour to the mixture, add some water if necessary. Roll the dough into a bowl and put it in the fridge. For the macaroon pastry: In a bowl, mix the caster sugar with the almond powder.

  10. Tours-style Nougat, a traditional recipe from Gourmetpedia

    Tours-style nougat can be made fairly easily at home because you simply spread over sweet pastry some apricot jam, candied fruit and a "macaronade" of almonds, then bake for half an hour in a moderate oven. It is then sprinkled with icing sugar. If you travel to the Tours region, you can try it at many pastry shops, in single portions on the ...

  11. Nougat cake from Tours (gâteau nougat de Tours)

    Preheat the oven to 200°C (400°F/Gas 6). Roll the pastry out thinly and line it in a 20 cm (8 inch) cake or tart mould with high sides. Spread the base of the pastry with apricot jam and the top ...

  12. A taste of the Loire Valley

    Recipe for Nougat de Tours cake. Royal Fortress of Chinon . The royal fortress sits majestically watching over its domaine, located high on the banks of the river Loire, right in the centre of the city. Built in 945 by Theobald I, Comte De Blois it has been a residence for both the French and English royal families. A highlight for the visitor ...

  13. The famous nougat of Montelimar France

    Nougat has been around for thousands of years but it arrived in Montélimar in the 19 th century. With typical French flair, the locals took the original ingredients and created something uniquely French by adding eggs, their famous almonds and local honey. The result is a nougat that bears no resemblance to the mass produced, overly sweet ...

  14. Nougat de Tours

    Nougat de Tours was created in Touraine in the 15th century, at the time of Leonardo da Vinci — a great lover of candied almonds and fruit. At that time, plums, apricots, pistachios, pine nuts and filberts were the fruit and nuts most commonly candied and used in recipes. Since 1998, the Confrérie du Nougat de Tours (Brotherhood of Nougat de ...

  15. Nougat: A Journey of Luxury and Tradition Through Culinary History

    2. Nougat Sauce: In the same pan, crumble the nougat and add the beef broth. Cook over low heat until the nougat dissolves. Add the cream and cook until a homogeneous sauce is obtained. 3. Finish cooking: Add the tenderloins to the sauce and cook over medium-low heat until the meat is cooked to your liking.

  16. Nougat de Tours de Danielle

    1. Coupez finement les fruits confits et faites-les macérer pendant 2 heures dans le rhum. 2. Réalisez la pâte sablée : mélangez la farine, le sel et le beurre coupé en lamelles jusqu'à obtenir une consistance sableuse. Ajoutez le sucre puis l'œuf. Mélangez rapidement.

  17. Nougat de Tours : Recette de Nougat de Tours

    30 min. Étape 1. Dans un robot ou à la mains, mélanger le beurre en morceaux, la farine, le sucre, le sel. Étape 2. Ajouter le jaune d'oeuf et l'eau, pétrir légèrement et former une boule. Étape 3. Sur un plan de travail, écraser un peu la pâte avec la paume de la main, filmer et conserver dans le frigo. Étape 4.

  18. Le nougat de Tours, déc 2021

    Reportage France 2 sur le nougat de Tours, gâteau de voyage. Retrouver tout l'univers de l'alimentation sur https://www.foodplanet.fr

  19. Museum Montélimar

    Adults are audio-guided by the voices of Marguerite and Mathieu Soubeyran on a light-hearted, fun stroll, full of anecdotes. Children have a leaflet to follow a children's trail with games and riddles to discover the world of nougat. A journey back in time. Return to the heyday of Montélimar nougat through film clips and photos from the 1950s.

  20. Loire Valley gastronomy

    The name 'nougat' comes from the fact that the cake includes ingredients similar to those found in the sweet: almonds, egg white and icing sugar. Good news for the gourmets! Nougat de Tours is a cake that travels well: you don't need to put it in the fridge and it will keep for about 10 days.

  21. Desserts and candies of the Loire Valley

    The name 'nougat' comes from the fact that the cake includes ingredients similar to those found in the sweet: almonds, egg white and icing sugar. Good news for the gourmets! Nougat de Tours is a cake that travels well: you don't need to put it in the fridge and it will keep for about 10 days.

  22. A Recipe from Provence: Nougat de Montélimar

    In a bain marie or double boiler (our method is to fill a medium saucepan a third full of water and then place a smaller saucepan within that one. The bottom of the small pan sits in the water that is being heated) heat the honey, stirring constantly. In another pan, heat the sugar, aiming for 250-265°F.

  23. The Palais des Bonbons et du Nougat in Montélimar

    The tour starts with the Palace of Bonbons and Nougat where the visitor discovers a whole world of sweets, where sugar, bonbons, chocolate and the famous nougat of Montélimar mix together. Palais des Bonbons et du Nougat - Montélimar - entrance You make use of your 5 senses during a fun and interactive visit.