Touristinformation Norderney

tourist info norderney

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Mehr Informationen Leistungen der NorderneyCard Kostenlose Angebote: Freier Zugang zu allen Stränden und Promenaden (fünf bewachte Badestrände) Strandsport Kurkonzerte Zugang zum Conversationshaus Internetnutzung im bade:haus und im Conversationshaus Leseraum im Conversationshaus Touristinformation im Conversationshaus Spieltische im Conversationshaus Boule im Kurgarten Thalassoplattformen ... und zusätzlich kostenlos für unsere kleinen Gäste: 1x Trampolinspringen am Weststrand (6-13 Jahre) Piratenspielplatz am Weststrand Indoor- und Outdoor Spielpark "Kap Hoorn" Kinderanimateurin in den Sommermonaten Bei erhöhter Inanspruchnahme von Serviceleistungen kann es sein, dass diese nicht von allen Gästen genutzt werden können. Bitte haben Sie dafür Verständnis, dass wir keinen Ersatz gewähren können. Dies gilt auch bei Ausfall einer Serviceleistung. Für Jugendgruppen und Tagesgäste gelten besondere Regelungen. Informationen dazu erhalten Sie in unserer Touristinformation im Conversationshaus. Vergünstigte Angebote: bade:haus norderney mit Familien-Thalassobad Strandsauna am Oase-Strand Kino im Kurtheater NorderneyCard-Bus (innerstädtisch) Top-Veranstaltungsangebote Kindernachmittage Stadtführungen Strandkorbvermietung Leuchtturmbesteigung Bibliothek im Conversationshaus WattWelten Besucherzentrum Norderney

Die Touristinformation befindet sich im Conversationshaus am Kurplatz. Erreichbar ist das Conversationshaus am besten zu Fuß. Man kann aber auch den Bus nehmen und zur nahegelegenen Bushltestelle am Rosengarten fahren und von dort zu Fuß gehen. Die Laufzeit beträgt ca. 2 Minuten.

Am Kurplatz 1 26548 Norderney Deutschland

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Außerhalb der Öffnungszeiten können Sie Ihren Gästebeitrag auch an den zahlreichen NorderneyCard-Automaten entrichten. Öffnungszeiten über Pfingsten 2024 Samstag,18.05.: 10 Uhr – 13 Uhr Pfingstsonntag, 19.05.: 10 Uhr – 13 Uhr Pfingstmontag, 20.05.: 10 Uhr – 13 Uhr


Gästebeitragssätze 2024 Hauptsaison (01.01. - 05.01.; 15.03. - 31.10.; 21.12. - 31.12.) Erwachsene pro Tag: 4,90€ Erwachsene Tagesgast: 4,00€ Jugendliche (14-17 J.) pro Tag: 2,45€ Jugendliche (14-17 J.) Tagesgast: 4,00€ Nebensaison (06.01. - 14.03.; 01.11. - 20.12.) Erwachsene pro Tag: 3,10€ Erwachsene Tagesgast: 3,00€ Jugendliche (14-17 J.) p. Übernachtung: 1,55€ Jugendliche (14-17 J.) Tagesgast: 3,00€ Kinder bis einschließlich 13 Jahren sind vom Gästebeitrag befreit. Inhaber eines Schwerbehindertenausweises mit einem eingetragenen Grad von 100 erhalten eine Ermäßigung von 50%. Bei eingetragenem Merkzeichen "B" ist die Begleitperson vom Gästebeitrag befreit.


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Ostfriesland - Nordsee, Küste, Binnenland

Von den Ostfriesischen Inseln in der Nordsee bis ins Binnenland erstreckt sich eine Landschaft, die abwechslungsreicher nicht sein könnte. Die Tradition rund um den Tee , die plattdeutsche Sprache , der ostfriesische Humor und der besondere Menschenschlag machen Ostfriesland einzigartig. Flankiert von den Maritimen Städten Emden und Wilhelmshaven umfasst die ostfriesische Halbinsel das UNESCO Weltnaturerbe Wattenmeer in deren Mitte aufgereiht wie auf einer Perle die Sieben Nordseeinseln liegen: Borkum , Norderney , Juist , Spiekeroog , Langeoog , Baltrum und Wangerooge .

Aktiv die Region entdecken können sie beim Radurlaub oder beim Wandern in Ostfriesland . Für Sportbegeisterte Gäste bieten die Nordseestrände und Badeseen zahlreiche Möglichkeiten. Auch ein Urlaub mit dem Hund , auf dem Bauernhof oder mit der Familie lassen sich gut erleben. Zahlreiche Sehenswürdigkeiten von der Nordsee bis zur Park- und Gartenlandschaft Ammerland laden zu einem Besuch ein. Entdecken Sie Leuchttürme , Kirchen/Orgeln , Burgen und Schlösser sowie Mühlen .

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Touristinformation Norderney Eintritt frei

In der Touristinformation erhälst du alle Informationen rund um die Insel und kannst direkt ein Souvenir oder Karten für die nächste Veranstaltung erwerben. Zudem kannst du hier auch noch kurzfristig eine Unterkunft buchen. Auch bei Fragen rund um den Gästebeitrag steht dir das Team der Touristinformation mit Rat und Tat zur Seite.

Außerhalb der Öffnungszeiten können Sie Ihren Gästebeitrag auch an den zahlreichen NorderneyCard-Automaten entrichten.

Öffnungszeiten über Pfingsten 2024

Samstag,18.05.: 10 Uhr – 13 Uhr Pfingstsonntag, 19.05.: 10 Uhr – 13 Uhr Pfingstmontag, 20.05.: 10 Uhr – 13 Uhr


Zahlungsmöglichkeiten, sonstige ausstattung/einrichtung, barrierefreiheit, hygiene- und infektionsschutzmaßnahmen.

Gästebeitragssätze 2024

Hauptsaison (01.01. - 05.01.; 15.03. - 31.10.; 21.12. - 31.12.) Erwachsene pro Tag: 4,90€ Erwachsene Tagesgast: 4,00€ Jugendliche (14-17 J.) pro Tag: 2,45€ Jugendliche (14-17 J.) Tagesgast: 4,00€

Nebensaison (06.01. - 14.03.; 01.11. - 20.12.) Erwachsene pro Tag: 3,10€ Erwachsene Tagesgast: 3,00€ Jugendliche (14-17 J.) p. Übernachtung: 1,55€ Jugendliche (14-17 J.) Tagesgast: 3,00€

Die Touristinformation befindet sich im Conversationshaus am Kurplatz. Erreichbar ist das Conversationshaus am besten zu Fuß. Man kann aber auch den Bus nehmen und zur nahegelegenen Bushltestelle am Rosengarten fahren und von dort zu Fuß gehen. Die Laufzeit beträgt ca. 2 Minuten.

Leistungen der NorderneyCard Kostenlose Angebote: Freier Zugang zu allen Stränden und Promenaden (fünf bewachte Badestrände) Strandsport Kurkonzerte Zugang zum Conversationshaus Internetnutzung im bade:haus und im Conversationshaus Leseraum im Conversationshaus Touristinformation im Conversationshaus Spieltische im Conversationshaus Boule im Kurgarten Thalassoplattformen

... und zusätzlich kostenlos für unsere kleinen Gäste: 1x Trampolinspringen am Weststrand (6-13 Jahre) Piratenspielplatz am Weststrand Indoor- und Outdoor Spielpark "Kap Hoorn" Kinderanimateurin in den Sommermonaten

Bei erhöhter Inanspruchnahme von Serviceleistungen kann es sein, dass diese nicht von allen Gästen genutzt werden können. Bitte haben Sie dafür Verständnis, dass wir keinen Ersatz gewähren können. Dies gilt auch bei Ausfall einer Serviceleistung. Für Jugendgruppen und Tagesgäste gelten besondere Regelungen. Informationen dazu erhalten Sie in unserer Touristinformation im Conversationshaus.

Vergünstigte Angebote: bade:haus norderney mit Familien-Thalassobad Strandsauna am Oase-Strand Kino im Kurtheater NorderneyCard-Bus (innerstädtisch) Top-Veranstaltungsangebote Kindernachmittage Stadtführungen Strandkorbvermietung Leuchtturmbesteigung Bibliothek im Conversationshaus WattWelten Besucherzentrum Norderney

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Alles für einen perfekten Urlaub

Norderney ist seit 1797 offizielles Nordseebad und damit das Älteste in Deutschland. Gleichzeitig ist Norderney die jüngste der ostfriesischen Inseln. Dieser scheinbare Widerspruch ist wesentlich für die Insel. Alt und jung zugleich, wie auch modern und traditionell präsentiert sich Norderney in Europa seinen Gästen heutzutage. Einkaufen in der belebten Innenstadt ist ebenso selbstverständlich wie der Tag in unberührter Natur. Attraktive Veranstaltungen zählen ebenso dazu wie das nachhaltige Handeln und Wirtschaften. Norderney zählt zu den insgesamt nur zwei deutschen Destinationen der Top 100 der Green Destinations weltweit.

Auf Norderney entdecken Sie das UNESCO-Weltnaturerbe auf vielfältige Art. 85 % der Insel gehört zum Nationalparkgebiet Niedersächsisches Wattenmeer. Durch die Dünenlandschaften erkunden Sie die Insel am besten zu Fuß oder mit dem Fahrrad. Verschiedene Aussichtsplattformen auf Dünen locken mit unvergesslichen 360°-Ausblicken über die Insel und das freie Meer. Wir, als offizielle Tourismusorganisation der Insel Norderney bieten Ihnen die aktuellsten, umfangreichsten und vor allem wichtigsten Informationen, die Sie für einen unvergesslichen Aufenthalt bei uns benötigen.

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Norderney – a wellness break for fans of thalassotherapy

With untouched natural landscapes in the east and white sandy beaches stretching out for kilometres in the north, Norderney is an exceptional centre for thalassotherapy in the Wadden Sea, a stunning UNESCO World Natural Heritage Site.

By the time you are making your way to Norderney, Germany's oldest North Sea spa resort, you will start to leave all the strains and stresses of everyday life behind you. The second largest of the East Frisian islands doesn't fail to impress with its beautifully unruly beaches and pristine natural landscapes. No matter what time of year you visit. Spanning 26 square kilometres in total, around 85 percent of the island falls within the Lower Saxony Wadden Sea National Park. But this incredible location doesn't just appeal to nature lovers. Water sports enthusiasts, sun worshippers, cyclists and hikers will feel right at home here, too. Breaks with a focus on health are a big deal on Norderney, which is the proud home of bade:haus, Europe's largest thalassotherapy centre.

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DISCOVER Norderney

Norderney attractions - top 10 attractions.

Norderney , the most famous island of the East Frisian Islands , offers with a variety of Sights and activities on. There are plenty of options on the island, such as a bike ride to the lighthouse or a visit to the wreck at the east end of the island.

The North Sea island is one of the largest Islands and enchants its visitors with the taste of the sea and a wide range of activities for the Vacation at the North Sea .

Norderney sight - The lighthouse

On closer inspection it becomes clear that the Norderney lighthouse was made from a type of clay found on the island, this gives it the red color. The Norderney lighthouse has been in operation for over 200 years and is one of the most important landmarks on the island. The lighthouse serves to show ships and boats the way to the harbor and warn them of the dangers of the sea.

Norderney lighthouse

The beacon of Norderney is an important structure for the navigation of ships in the area. With a height of over 54 meters, you can see far out to sea. The beacon is located on a central dune, making it an important landmark in the region. The beacon helps ships navigate by emitting a light that can be seen from afar. This helps ships avoid dangerous areas and stay on their course.

The beacon has been a reliable part of the community since the 1870s and provides an important service to the community. When the sky is clear, you can see the hotels & vacation apartments on Norderney from the viewing platform and in the far distance the other North Sea Islands . The observation deck is open daily from 14:00 to 16:00 for a fee.

The bade:haus Norderney - Spa & Thalasso

Norderney Badehaus Spa

The bade:haus Norderney is a Thalasso house located on the East Frisian island. It is the largest Thalasso house in Europe and known for the healing power of the sea for the Vacation at the North Sea . The bade:haus has three levels and each level offers a different experience. The first level is the fire level, the second level is, the water level and the third level is the thalasso level. On the fire level you can experience the power of the fire element, the water elements on the water level. On the Thalasso level you can experience the power of the Thalasso element.

The bath:house is divided into two different areas - a SPA area, which is particularly high quality, and a family bathing area, which is specially designed for families. The SPA area offers various seawater baths as well as a wide range of saunas and is the ideal place for those who want to improve their health and well-being. The family bathing area is ideal for families with young children and offers a wide range of facilities and services designed to meet the needs of families.

Watt Worlds UNESCO World Heritage Wadden Sea Visitor Center Norderney

Norderney Wadden Sea

The Mudflat Worlds Visitor Center on Norderney has been a state-of-the-art new building since March 2015. It offers an interactive and experience-oriented exhibition about the unique geological and biological processes of the Wadden Sea. The focus of the exhibition is on the biodiversity of the Wadden Sea. The exhibition is experience-oriented and extends over two floors. The Wadden Sea has been designated a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in recognition of the unique value it has held for 200 years.

The Wadden Sea is a unique and important ecosystem that is home to a wide variety of plants and animals. This area is also very important for the local economy, as it is a source of renewable energy. The project aims to raise awareness of the importance of the Wadden Sea.

The Wadden Sea National Park , the municipality of Norderney and the Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland (BUND), Landesverband Niedersachsen, have joined forces to support the visitor center. Additional content was added to the visitor center's exhibition to accommodate the growing number of tourists interested in the North Sea island interest.

Beach promenade Norderney


The West Beach on Norderney is one of the most popular beaches on the island, as it is located in close proximity to the harbor and the central business district of the town. It is also relatively well protected from the wind compared to the others on the island. The beach is about 10 meters wider than the North Beach , but it is over 500 meters long. In addition, there is a beautiful promenade that runs along the west beach, making it a popular destination for day trippers and families.

This beach is a great place to enjoy the scenery on vacation and relax. The hotels that line the beach promenade of Norderney create a unique image. Here you can buy deck chairs and a variety of gastronomic offer.

The Boardwalk is an ideal place for a leisurely walk or to linger and enjoy the view. The promenade is wide enough for pedestrians and cyclists to move around and enjoy the sea breeze. Along the path there are also some places where the water reaches the promenade at high tide.

Point of interest Museum North Sea spa Norderney

Norderney Museum

The Norderney Museum is a unique Sight , which shows exhibitions on the history of art and culture throughout the year. In addition to significant historical events that have occurred on the island of Norderney, the museum also shows occasion-related exhibitions. Thus, exhibitions on the history of the island, the art of the island or the culture of the island are held throughout the year. These exhibitions are a valuable opportunity for visitors to learn about the history and culture of Norderney and to see the island in a new light.

The town has a long history dating back to the early Middle Ages. The first documentary mention of Norderney dates back to 1243, and it is believed that the town was founded shortly after. In the following centuries, the town flourished due to its location on the coast. Norderney was a popular destination for trade and commerce, as well as for the North Sea vacation and leisure. In the early modern period, the town continued to flourish and became a well-known seaside resort in the 18th century. Also in the 19th and 20th century Norderney remained a popular Resort and is still a popular destination today.

On July 21, 201 the exhibition "Under the spell of the sea" was opened. The exhibition shows works of the Norderney painter Poppe Folkerts. Folkerts (1875-1949) is known for his paintings depicting the sea and the coastline.

In December 2011, the museum celebrated the opening of a printing workshop. The period immediately preceding this event was marked by the difficult task of relocating a printing press. The workshop was set up to give the public the opportunity to learn more about the printing process and see how a printing press works. It is open to the public from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on weekdays.

Seal sighting - A trip to the seal banks

Norderney Seal Bank

A unique excursion where you will have the opportunity to observe seals in their natural environment. To see the seals better and get closer to them, it is recommended to take a trip to the seal banks on one of the ships that depart from the local shipping companies.

The seals of the North Sea are a fascinating and unique species to see on a North Sea vacation to visit. Guests have the opportunity to learn interesting information about the life of seals and other inhabitants of the Wadden Sea, as well as about the many other species. For example, it is explained why the Wadden Sea is a World Heritage Site, what the difference is between seals and harbor seals, and where the grey seal gets its name.

Kaiser Wilhelm monument sight

Norderney Kaiser Wilhelm Monument

In 1898, the construction of the monument to Emperor Wilhelm I was started on the island of Rügen in the German Empire. The monument consists of 75 individual ashlars, each of which was brought to the island from a different region. Each ashlar is carved with an inscription describing the history of the stone and its origin. The largest ashlar, which weighs five tons, came from Berlin, the capital at the time.

The obelisk was erected as a symbol of German unity and in honor of Emperor Wilhelm I. The different stones represent the different areas and communities of Germany that contributed to the erection of the monument.

The Klamotte Monument is a popular tourist attraction on the island of Norderney. It is also called "Klamotte Monument" by the locals, as the word "Klamotte" was originally a shortened form of the term "wall break". The monument is made of stones taken from the original houses of the first settlers of the island, and it has continued to grow until today. Locals who are knowledgeable about the island's history often transport stones from the mainland to the island so that they can be added to the monument.

Bathing Museum Norderney

The bathing museum on Norderney is dedicated to past times and is located directly on the west coast in a building that was originally used as an open-air bath. It is a testimony to the development of Norderney to a tourist resort on the North Sea coast . The museum displays a wide range of themes, including the sea, the myth of water, spa treatments and water therapies.

Cinema in the historic spa theater

The Kurtheater is located in the middle of the Kurplatz in the historic quarter of Norderney. It is considered the heart of the town, and in 1893 Gustav Weidemann commissioned the b

More information about Norderney for vacation on the North Sea:

  • Attractions


A trip to Germany’s Thalassotherapy island Norderney is priceless. Feel the vibrant pulse of the tidal waves and be part of the game of the natural elements. Experience humbleness, embrace real freedom and develop a special relation with the island while embarking on the quest to re-discover your inner self. Those, who leave, know they’ll be back. Located off Germany’s North Sea coast in the spectacular UNESCO World Heritage Wadden Sea, Norderney boasts over 80 km of cycle paths and walking trails, while the iodine-containing sea breeze is a blessing not only for those suffering from respiratory ailments.

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Good Travel Guide

East Frisian island in the UNESCO-world-heritage wadden-sea

Why visit norderney.

Norderney is a 26 square kilometre island belonging to the East Frisian island group which is one of Germany’s hidden gems. Perched in the North Sea above the municipality of Lower Saxony, the seaside community of Norderney comprises around 6,000 people, and has become a hotspot for tourists seeking stunning coastal views away from the beaten track. The island is a designated UNESCO World Natural Heritage site and combines vibrant island culture with a diverse array of marine wildlife. Enjoy a green holiday in Norderney for a few days’ break away from the bustle of the city.

Destination’s sustainability performance

Culture & Local Life

The island offers a great variety of culture, traditions and local life. In addition to lots of beaches and nature, the seaside resort also offers events and historical buildings worth seeing. In the small island community, every visitor from young to old is welcomed to enjoy. There is something in for everyone. Norderney is proud of its traditional music and sports events and hosts them annually. You can learn about Norderney’s bathing history in the bathing museum, experience it live in the badehaus, Germany’s largest thalasso bath, or on the beautiful sandy beach. 14 kilometres of the finest sandy beaches invite you to take a walk like a local on the beach.

tourist info norderney

Getting there​

There are a lot of options to start your green holiday in Norderney.

By rail: DB-trains from Cologne, Munich, Leipzig lead directly to Norddeich-Mole, where the ferry starts almost every hour. By car: From Hamburg / Hannover on the A28 to Leer, then A31 to Emden and the B210/B72 to Norddeich-Mole. From Northrhine-Westfalia: A2 to Crossing-Bottrop, than the A31 to Emden. By airplane: Only microlights can land on the little air-field of Norderney. The ferry from Norddeich lasts about 55 minutes.

tourist info norderney

Getting around

For a green holiday in Norderney, holidaymakers can bring their car and a bus circles the town, which lies to the west, on a circular route. But the best way to explore the island is by bike. There are many bike-rentals on the island. Norderney is a perfect biking spot with exceptional landscapes and natural extraordinaries. The island has rather short ways and many places to rest during the tours, e. g. restaurants, beaches and banks.

There are also alternatives with regular bus-lines and chartered bus-tours. The eastern half of the island is a pure national park-area and only accessible by foot. The hiker’s hot-spot no.1 is an old wreck at the eastern end of Norderney, with a nice view to the neighbour’s island.


Discover accommodations, restaurants, shops and attractions that are commited to responsible development.

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Historic and cultural heritage

In addition to the beaches, take the opportunity to visit the Casa de Taipa Museum and the Church of São Miguel do Arcanjo. PROMO CODE:

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Nature & Wildlife

Norderney is a nature paradise with half of it comprising the Wadden Sea National Park. Being home to 4,000 species of plants and animals, one can spot shelduck birds, geese, ducks, and gulls. Seals can sometimes be seen on the sandbanks and salt marshes, and sea holly and sea lavender bloom across the marshes in summer.

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Norderneys is fully aware of its responsibility to sustain nature. The island has its own water-lense and the municipal utilities produce electricity in different, but always sustainable ways (e. b. solar-energy, combined heat and power plants). The house construction is strongly delimitated. Any plans for new buildings are the subject of the municipal council. The waste-management is part of the multiple-medals waste-management of the county Aurich.

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Health and Safety

As soon as regulations will ease in Germany, Norderney is open to hosting visitors under strict precautions. The island offers a good medical care system. Not only the healthy North Sea air and the fresh seawater contribute to well-being, but also does Norderney has a modern hospital with diverse specialists, pharmacies and other health care facilities. At present, there are strict rules applied for the containment of the virus. For instance, the general requirement to cover your mouth and nose in public as well as the rule to wear a medical-, or FFP-mask within shops and public transportation. To keep up with the current regulations check online here.

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Good Practice Story

Since 1986, the Wadden Sea of Lower Saxony’s North Sea coast has been protected as a national park. In order to guarantee comprehensive protection for the preservation of the natural landscape despite the intensive tourist use of the region, the “Lower Saxony Wadden Sea” National Park was divided into a quiet zone, intermediate zone and recreation zone using a zoning concept. The quiet zone has the strictest protective regulations. One can only enter on restricted pathways and all actions are prohibited that damage or destroy nature’s components. Within the intermediate zone, same restrictions apply but visitors are allowed to walk around freely. The smallest zone with only 0.6% area share is the recreation zone. This zone can be used for all activities such as bathing, horse riding, fishing or other sporting activities.

Travel tips from our editors

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Sandy beaches

With five guarded beach-districts, all well-appointed with life-guard-teams, beach-basket-seats, regular bathing-times and sport-offers (volleyball, basketball, slack-line, yoga, etc.), the beaches are the main argument to visit our island. Every beach has a beach-bar and/or a beach-restaurant. To avoid greater crowds, it is a good idea to walk into the east of the island and not to visit the western beach-bars when the sun sets as this is one of the most requested times to go to these bars.

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Wellness and Spa

Thalasso, the health from the sea, has a home. The bade:haus is the greatest thalasso-house in Europe and offers this pure and old tradition of Norderney. With a great SPA-area, several saltwater-basins, a separated family-fun-bath and a great range of thalasso-treatments. It’s a silent place in a busy world, which makes it so special.

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View points

Thalasso Platforms offering panoramic sky views over the island as well as far-reaching sea views. The three Thalasso platforms on the island open the view to watch island adventures live and unobserved. It’s a cloud cinema that lets the eyes wander all the way to the lighthouse, to the sea, and even to the end of the island. To make the excursion an even more unforgettable nature experience: Pack a pair of binoculars.

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Trips and tours

Segway/Scuddy Tours Norderney is a great place to experience a different way of sightseeing. Segways are well established on the island and there is the option to join a group on a tour or to rent a Scuddy yourself.

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Volunteer work

The Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU) East Frisia is committed to nature on the doorstep in a variety of ways. The work includes practical measures such as landscape conservation as well as inviting people to lectures or getting to know nature together on excursions. Everyone is welcome to join a project such as the so-called “Garden Bird Hour”. Where every year all nature lovers are called upon to note and report birds.

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Hike & Bike

Enjoy the isolation of this surprising island in the  German  Wadden Sea with crashing waves and the cry of seagulls. The entire northern coast of this 14-km-long island is a sandy beach; the eastern part of the island is a national park to meet its beautiful landscape (85% of the island). Leave your car on the mainland and walk or bike on the various routes to witness the beauty of this island.

Sustainability Recognitions

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Norderney was selected in the both the 2020 and 2021 Top 100 Destination Sustainability Stories.

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Norderney has been awarded with the Quality Coast Gold Award

With the UNESCO World Natural Heritage Wadden Sea Visitor Experience Center, Norderney offers the first point of contact on the subject of the UNESCO World Natural Heritage Wadden Sea. The intimate connection of the two major themes of the island – the Wadden Sea and Thalasso – position Norderney as a sustainable lighthouse location on the German North Sea. From energy and water production to tourism marketing, everything on the island is subject to the goal of developing tourism in harmony with nature in the future. Norderney has been the oldest North Sea spa in Germany since 1797, and Norderney is also a thalassotherapy North Sea spa.

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Hiking Highlight

Beach section named after the beach bar of the same name. Wonderfully wide and well visited in summer, but not nearly as crowded as the beaches closer to the city. … read more

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html.ReactModal__Html--open{overflow:hidden;}html.ReactModal__Html--open:not(.fullsize){scrollbar-gutter:stable;}html.ReactModal__Html--open.ReactModal__Html--panel #pageMountNode:before{content:'';position:fixed;width:100%;height:100%;} Nordstrand von Norderney

Near the city the most visited beach of all kinds Norderney tourists ...

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Bike Touring Highlight

Various cycle paths lead through the photogenic dune valleys, but some of them have been closed to cyclists since 2020. See also here:

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html.ReactModal__Html--open{overflow:hidden;}html.ReactModal__Html--open:not(.fullsize){scrollbar-gutter:stable;}html.ReactModal__Html--open.ReactModal__Html--panel #pageMountNode:before{content:'';position:fixed;width:100%;height:100%;} Beach promenade

In the busy place, cycling is "not so fun", it is always worth looking for the quiet places and paths!

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html.ReactModal__Html--open{overflow:hidden;}html.ReactModal__Html--open:not(.fullsize){scrollbar-gutter:stable;}html.ReactModal__Html--open.ReactModal__Html--panel #pageMountNode:before{content:'';position:fixed;width:100%;height:100%;} Leuchtturm Norderney

Just 253 steps and you're at the top. As a reward there is a fantastic view over the island

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Explore the most popular Tours on Norderney

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Cycling on Norderney

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Hiking on Norderney

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Running Trails on Norderney

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MTB Trails on Norderney

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Road Cycling Routes on Norderney

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Norderney Travel Essentials

Ideal duration: 1-2 days

Best Time: June - September

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"Seaside Haven and Nature's Retreat"

Norderney tourism.

Norderney is an idyllic island located off the coast of Germany in the North Sea. It is the easternmost of the seven East Frisian Islands and the only one with a permanent population. This beautiful island is a perfect destination for a relaxing vacation.

The main reason to visit Norderney is to enjoy its stunning natural beauty. The island is known for its long white sandy beaches and breathtaking views of the North Sea. Tourists can explore the many attractions such as the historic lighthouse, the charming old town, and the stunning beach promenade. Popular activities on the island include swimming, sailing, windsurfing, kite-surfing, and golf. Guided tours are available for a more in-depth exploration of the island. Visitors can also enjoy the delicious seafood cuisine, explore the diverse wildlife, and visit the various museums located on the island. One of the highlights of Norderney is the Wadden Sea National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This protected area is home to a variety of rare and protected species of birds, fish, and mammals. Another popular attraction is the Norderney Zoo, which is home to a wide variety of exotic animals. A trip to Norderney is a great way to relax, explore nature, and experience the unique culture of the island. Visitors should keep in mind that the island is only accessible by ferry, so they should plan their trip accordingly. The island is also quite windy, so warm clothing is recommended. Norderney is a great destination for a memorable vacation.

Top Hotels In Norderney

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14. Nor­der­ney

Norderney from above: this photo captures the second largest East Frisian island in all its glory. The white of the clouds in the sky and the waves breaking on the shore contrast so beautifully with the deep blue sea water and the green landscape of this North Sea island. A truly superb photo!

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Exclusive Norderney Travel Guide, Germany

  • Lower Saxony

Norderney is one of the seven populated East Frisian Islands off the North Sea coast of Germany. It is also a municipality in the district of Aurich in Lower Saxony. The island is 14 by 2.5 kilometres (8.7 by 1.6 mi), having a total area of about 26.3 square kilometres (10.2 sq mi) and is therefore Germany's tenth-largest island. Norderney's population amounts to about 6,200 people. In 1946 Norderney gained municipal status and belongs to the Aurich "Kreis" (county). On the northern side of the island lies a 14 kilometres (8.7 mi) long sandy beach. The neighbouring island to the east is Baltrum, which lies about 800m (half a mile) away beyond the Wichter Ee. To the west is the island of Juist, about 3 kilometres (1.9 mi) away on the other side of the Norderneyer Seegatt. The entire eastern half of Norderney belongs to the Lower Saxon Wadden Sea National Park. Access to the park is restricted, as it is subdivided in zones of different accessibility for the protection of the wildlife. The status as a National Park also affects all kinds of traffic on the island, while especially car traffic is subject to strict regulations. The mainland is easily reached via ferry operated by AG Reederei Norden-Frisia from the harbour, Norddeich pier near the northern German city of Norden. Norderney also possesses an airport with a 1,000 metres (3,300 ft) runway.

Looking for travel information about Norderney? Explore the best travel advice on Norderney, Germany. This city is located in the close proximity of a major city Bremen , Germany. Add Bremen to your vacation plan, it has an interesting bunch of activities to do on your visit like Schnoor , Bremen Town Hall And Square , St. Peter's Cathedral . Tour packages of Norderney are of 1 to 2 days duration.

Don't just take a trip, let the trip take you! Have a enjoyable time at Norderney.

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Pilgrim Deaths in Mecca Put Spotlight on Underbelly of Hajj Industry

More than 1,300 people died, and a Saudi official said most of them were not registered for the pilgrimage. That left them with little protection from the heat.

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By Emad Mekay and Vivian Nereim

Emad Mekay reported from Cairo and Vivian Nereim from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

More than 1,300 people died making the Islamic pilgrimage of hajj in Saudi Arabia this month, the vast majority of whom the Saudi government said did not have permits. Many walked for miles in scorching heat after paying thousands of dollars to illicit or fraudulent tour operators.

While pilgrims with permits are transported around the holy city of Mecca in air-conditioned buses and rest in air-conditioned tents, unregistered ones are often exposed to the elements. In recent days, as temperatures surpassed 120 degrees, some pilgrims described watching people faint and passing bodies in the street.

On Sunday, in an interview on state television, the Saudi health minister, Fahd al-Jalajel, said that 83 percent of the 1,301 reported deaths involved pilgrims who lacked permits.

“The rise in temperatures during the hajj season represented a big challenge this year,” he said. “Unfortunately — and this is painful for all of us — those who didn’t have hajj permits walked long distances under the sun.”

Mr. al-Jalajel’s remarks came after days of silence from the Saudi government over the fatalities during the hajj, an arduous and deeply spiritual ritual that Muslims are encouraged to perform once in their lifetimes if they are physically and financially able.

With nearly two million participating each year, it is not unusual for pilgrims to die from heat stress, illness or chronic disease. It is unclear if the number of deaths this year was higher than usual, because Saudi Arabia does not regularly report those statistics. Last year, 774 pilgrims died from Indonesia alone, and in 1985, more than 1,700 people died around the holy sites, most of them from heat stress, a study at the time found.

An aerial view of a vast complex of tents.

But because so many of those who died had no permits, this year’s toll exposed an underbelly of tour operators and smugglers around the world who profit off Muslims desperate to make the journey.

The deaths also laid bare what appeared to be a wide-scale failure of Saudi immigration and security procedures aimed at preventing unregistered pilgrims from reaching the holy sites, including a security cordon around Mecca that locks down weeks before hajj.

Despite those efforts, an estimated 400,000 undocumented people tried to perform the pilgrimage this year, a senior Saudi official told Agence France-Presse, speaking on the condition of anonymity. The hajj has also been the scene of several catastrophes over the years, including a stampede in 2015 that killed more than 2,200 people .

Saudi officials did not respond to requests for comment.

In interviews with The New York Times, however, hajj tour operators, pilgrims and relatives of the dead described easily exploited loopholes that allow people to travel to the kingdom with a tourist or visitor visa ahead of hajj, usually assisted by tour operators in their home countries. Once they arrive, they find a network of illegal brokers and smugglers who offer their services and sometimes abandon them to fend for themselves, they said.

The number of unregistered pilgrims appears to have been driven up this year by rising economic desperation in countries like Egypt and Jordan. An official hajj package can cost more than $5,000 or $10,000, depending on a pilgrim’s country of origin — beyond the means of many hoping to make the trip.

Marwa, a 32-year-old Egyptian woman whose parents performed hajj without an official permit this year, said that they had paid around $2,000 for their journey, facilitated by an agent in Egypt and a broker in Saudi Arabia. They felt that they had to go soon because, as Egypt’s currency loses value , their savings shrink every year, she said. Marwa asked to be identified only by her first name to avoid legal repercussions.

Several countries with large numbers of deceased pilgrims have moved quickly to contain the fallout.

On Friday, the president of Tunisia, which counted more than 50 pilgrims among the dead, fired the country’s religious affairs minister. In Jordan, which recorded the deaths of at least 99 pilgrims, the public prosecutor opened an investigation into illegal hajj routes. And in Egypt, the authorities said that they would revoke the licenses of 16 companies that issued visas to pilgrims without providing adequate services.

“There’s so much greed around this business,” said Iman Ahmed, a co-owner of El-Iman Tours in Cairo.

Ms. Ahmed said that she refused to send unregistered pilgrims on hajj packages but that other Egyptian tour operators and Saudi brokers made big money doing so.

One unregistered pilgrim who died was Safaa al-Tawab, a grandmother from the Egyptian city of Luxor, according to her brother, Ahmed al-Tawab. Ms. al-Tawab, 55, had not been able to obtain a hajj permit but found an Egyptian tour company to take her for around $3,000, he said.

Ms. al-Tawab did not realize that she was violating the rules when she traveled to Saudi Arabia, her brother said, and after she arrived, she told relatives that she had been put in inadequate housing and prevented from going outside. While the tour operator had promised air-conditioned buses to take the pilgrims around Mecca, she instead found herself walking for miles in the heat, Mr. al-Tawab said.

Before the hajj, the Saudi authorities posted billboards and sent a barrage of text messages reminding people that it is illegal to perform the pilgrimage without a permit; violators face fines, deportation and bans on re-entering the kingdom.

Entry to Mecca was barred weeks before hajj for visitors without permits. Yet many pilgrims were able to evade the restrictions, arriving in Mecca early and hiding out, or paying smugglers to ferry them into the city.

One Jordanian pilgrim, who asked to be identified only as Um Abdulrahman, a nickname, because she feared repercussions, said that she encountered several smugglers to help her move around Mecca, including one who charged around $200 to drive her into the city over a rocky mountain route. But she ended up walking for hours in the sun without access to water or bathrooms, she said.

At one point, the police briefly detained her group, wrote down their names and left them in the middle of nowhere, she said. Um Abdulrahman, 49, said she knew her journey was illegal, but that she had not fully grasped the risks.

Even for the young and fit, the hajj is a physically challenging event, and many pilgrims are elderly or ailing by the time they can make the journey. Some believe that the hajj might be their final rite, and that dying in Mecca will confer great blessings.

The Saudi government deploys measures to reduce the effects of extreme heat, including spraying pilgrims with mists of water. One recent study estimated that the incidence of heat stroke at hajj had actually declined — although the researchers warned that could shift as worsening heat caused by climate change outpaces measures to mitigate it.

Abdulhalim Dahir, 31, a Kenyan pilgrim who made the hajj with his brother and father using official permits, said that his journey was smooth, with air-conditioned tents, air-conditioned buses and easy access to water.

“It was an amazing experience — once in a lifetime,” he said.

But even some who were in Mecca legally complained about inadequate facilities for the heat.

Makhdoom Ali, 36, a Pakistani computer engineer who traveled there with his 65-year-old mother, said he had seen several pilgrims collapse from heat exhaustion with no immediate assistance available.

“Many lives could have been saved with better government arrangements,” Mr. Ali said.

Mr. al-Jalajel, the health minister, said that one quarter of the health services provided during hajj were rendered to undocumented pilgrims. “We look at them as a pilgrim, regardless of their permit, race or nationality,” he said.

Among the dead were at least two Americans.

Isatu Wurie, 65, and Alieu Wurie, 71 — Maryland residents — had saved for years to make the pilgrimage, paying $23,000 to a local tour operator, said their daughter, Saida Wurie.

But after they arrived in Mecca, the operator told them to stay in their hotel until permits were issued for them, they told their daughter. Her parents were frustrated because they had believed they were going “by the book,” Ms. Wurie said.

They were still able to perform some of the initial rituals of hajj, and they were “so excited to see the Kaaba,” she said — the cubic structure that Muslims believe was the first house of worship.

The last message she received from her mother said that a bus to take them to one of the sites had not arrived, and that they had been walking for two hours instead.

Despite her frustration at the tour operator, as well as the difficulty of locating their bodies — buried in Mecca — Ms. Wurie believes her parents were filled with joy in their final days.

“They died doing exactly what they wanted to do,” she said. “They’ve always wanted to make it to hajj.”

Hager ElHakeem, Rana F. Sweis , Zia ur-Rehman , Saif Hasnat , Mujib Mashal , Safak Timur , Aida Alami and Muktita Suhartono contributed reporting.

Vivian Nereim is the lead reporter for The Times covering the countries of the Arabian Peninsula. She is based in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. More about Vivian Nereim


  1. Touristinformation Norderney

    Besuchen Sie die Touristinformation im Conversationshaus am Kurplatz und lassen Sie sich von den kompetenten Mitarbeitern beraten. Hier können Sie auch Veranstaltungstickets, Gästebeitrag, NorderneyCard, Fährticket und Strandkorb buchen.

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  3. Norderney: Touristinformation Norderney

    Kontakt. Touristinformation Norderney. Am Kurplatz 1. 26548 Norderney. Deutschland. Tel.: 04932 / 891900. E-Mail schreiben. Webseite besuchen. Facebook(opens in a new window)Instagram(opens in a new window)

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    The trip is the perfect opportunity to enjoy the beautiful scenery and admire the natural wonders of the Wadden Sea. While the Norderney ferry moves through the water, the bright sun and blue sky create the perfect backdrop. The breathtaking view of the sea and the sand dunes of Norderney creates a picturesque backdrop that is breathtaking.

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    Norderney is the second-largest East Frisian island and is located in the north-west of Niedersachsen (Lower Saxony) off the East Frisian coast. ... Tourist Information Norderney. Am Kurplatz 1 26548 Norderney Phone: +49 (0) 4932 / 891900 E-Mail. Imprint; Data Protection; Contact Us; Disclaimer; Your search results: Language selection: en. de ...

  6. THE 15 BEST Things to Do in Norderney (2024)

    A super unforgettable wonderful tour in Norderney that was. Top list to do!!! Read more. Review of: Strandpromenade Norderney. Written November 25, 2019. This review is the subjective opinion of a Tripadvisor member and not of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor performs checks on reviews. 314Haha.

  7. Touristinformation Norderney

    Bitte haben Sie dafür Verständnis, dass wir keinen Ersatz gewähren können. Dies gilt auch bei Ausfall einer Serviceleistung. Für Jugendgruppen und Tagesgäste gelten besondere Regelungen. Informationen dazu erhalten Sie in unserer Touristinformation im Conversationshaus. Vergünstigte Angebote: bade:haus norderney mit Familien-Thalassobad

  8. Informationen rund um Ihren Aufenthalt auf Norderney

    Norderney ist seit 1797 offizielles Nordseebad und damit das Älteste in Deutschland. Gleichzeitig ist Norderney die jüngste der ostfriesischen Inseln. Dieser scheinbare Widerspruch ist wesentlich für die Insel. Alt und jung zugleich, wie auch modern und traditionell präsentiert sich die Thalasso-Insel Nr.1 in Europa seinen Gästen heutzutage.

  9. Norderney: the healing power of the sea and nature

    But this incredible location doesn't just appeal to nature lovers. Water sports enthusiasts, sun worshippers, cyclists and hikers will feel right at home here, too. Breaks with a focus on health are a big deal on Norderney, which is the proud home of bade:haus, Europe's largest thalassotherapy centre. Website:

  10. Norderney Sights

    6.Seal sighting - A trip to the seal banks. 7.Kaiser Wilhelm monument sight. 8.Bathing Museum Norderney. 9.Cinema in the historic spa theater. Norderney, the most famous island of the East Frisian Islands, offers with a variety of Sights and activities on. There are plenty of options on the island, such as a bike ride to the lighthouse or a ...

  11. Plan Your Trip to Norderney: Best of Norderney Tourism

    3,836. Norderney, Germany. Norderney's recuperative sea air reverberates with crashing waves and the cry of gulls. The entire northern coast of this 14-km-long island is sandy beach; the eastern part of the island is a national park. Leave your car on the mainland and walk, bike, or take the local bus everywhere.

  12. Norderney

    Those, who leave, know they'll be back. Located off Germany's North Sea coast in the spectacular UNESCO World Heritage Wadden Sea, Norderney boasts over 80 km of cycle paths and walking trails, while the iodine-containing sea breeze is a blessing not only for those suffering from respiratory ailments. Read the feature on issuu.

  13. Norderney, Germany: All You Need to Know Before You Go (2024

    3,836. Explore Norderney. Norderney's recuperative sea air reverberates with crashing waves and the cry of gulls. The entire northern coast of this 14-km-long island is sandy beach; the eastern part of the island is a national park. Leave your car on the mainland and walk, bike, or take the local bus everywhere.

  14. Norderney

    Norderney as seen from space The Conversationshaus (2010). Norderney (German pronunciation: [ˌnɔʁdɐˈnaɪ̯] ⓘ; Low German: Nördernee) is one of the seven populated East Frisian Islands off the North Sea coast of Germany.. The island is 14 by 2.5 kilometres (8.7 by 1.6 mi), having a total area of about 26.3 square kilometres (10.2 sq mi) and is therefore Germany's ninth-largest island.

  15. Norderney

    Norderney is a 26 square kilometre island belonging to the East Frisian island group which is one of Germany's hidden gems. Perched in the North Sea above the municipality of Lower Saxony, the seaside community of Norderney comprises around 6,000 people, and has become a hotspot for tourists seeking stunning coastal views away from the beaten track.The island is a designated UNESCO World ...

  16. Attractions and Places To See on Norderney

    Whether you love hiking or cycling, Norderney is a region where 20 hidden gems are waiting to be explored and visited. Check the top places to visit in the region and plan your next adventure today. komoot. Discover; ... Coffee and tourist information in one, works great.

  17. Norderney Tourism (2023)

    Get the best Information about Norderney Tourism. Get travel guides and plan your trip to Norderney with tour packages, places to visit, sightseeing, hotels, and reviews by other travellers ... The island is also quite windy, so warm clothing is recommended. Norderney is a great destination for a memorable vacation. Read More. Top Hotels In ...

  18. The 10 Best Things to Do in Norderney

    A super unforgettable wonderful tour in Norderney that was. Top list to do!!! Read more. Review of: Strandpromenade Norderney. Written 25 November 2019. This review is the subjective opinion of a Tripadvisor member and not of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor performs checks on reviews. 314Haha.

  19. 14. Norderney

    The tourism organization offers information for your vacation in Niedersachsen (Lower Saxony) Homepage; Experiences; Culture; 14. Norderney; 14. Nor­der­ney. Norderney from above: this photo captures the second largest East Frisian island in all its glory. The white of the clouds in the sky and the waves breaking on the shore contrast so ...

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    2. Norderney: Self-Guided Scavenger Hunt Around Norderney. Experience a completely new kind of city rally and scavenger hunt on a Sir Peter Morgan mystery tour for individuals and groups. Guided by your smartphone, become acquainted with the area around the harbour and the west beach in Norderney as it becomes your playing field.

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