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Halo 2 – Great Journey Legendary Walkthrough


Great Journey Legendary Walkthrough (XBOX) by CrazyWhiteKid88

Version: H2.2 | Updated: 03/22/2005

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Halo Alpha

The Great Journey


The Great Journey is the fifteenth and final campaign level of Halo 2 . As Thel 'Vadam , you will fight alongside other Sangheili , and several Mgalekgolo , to reach Tartarus and stop him from activating the rings. You will work alongside a Scarab Tank being controlled by Sergeant Major Johnson to break into to the door of Delta Halo 's Control Room where Tartarus is located. Then, you must bring down the Jiralhanae Chieftain, Tartarus.

  • 1.1 Your Ass, My Size-24 Hoof
  • 1.2 Backseat Driver
  • 1.3 Delusions and Grandeur
  • 1.5 Epilogue
  • 2 Soundtrack
  • 3 Achievements
  • 4.1 Glitches
  • 4.2 Mistakes
  • 4.3 Easter Eggs
  • 4.4 Miscellaneous
  • 5.2 Halo 2: Anniversary
  • 7 Related Pages

Transcript [ ]

{ Cutscene }

Scene fades in on Thel 'Vadam and Rtas 'Vadum , who is in a Wraith with its hatch open, conversing. The two are looking towards the Control Room of Delta Halo

  • Thel 'Vadam : "What is that place?"
  • Rtas 'Vadum : "Where the Councilors were meant to watch the consecration of the Icon . The start of the Great Journey ."

Focus on 'Vadam:

  • Gravemind (flashback) : "There is still time to stop the key from turning."
  • Thel 'Vadam : "I must get inside."
  • Rtas 'Vadum : "Then mount up, Arbiter. I know a way to break those doors."

Vadam turns to face the Control Room as Rtas 'Vadum enters his Wraith and closes the hatch behind him.

{ Gameplay }

Your Ass, My Size-24 Hoof [ ]

As they travel to where a Scarab is visible, docked up on a ledge:

  • Rtas 'Vadum : "There, Arbiter. That Scarab's main gun will break the Control Room's door. At the far end of the beach there's a passage into the cliff. It'll take you up to the Scarab."

After clearing the area:

  • Rtas 'Vadum : "The Brutes control the cruiser, Arbiter. I'll remain here, make sure no reinforcements get in behind you. Then, I'm going to take the cruiser back!"

Vadam walks into a room with a Sangheili and two Mgalekgolo.

  • SpecOps Sangheili : "The Arbiter? I thought he was dead! Hold your fire. The Hunters have come to our aid, Arbiter. They will fight/stand by our side."

' Vadam fights his way to a room where two Sangheili Councilors and two Mgalekgolo are being held prisoner behind force field doors.

If the SpecOps Sangheili lives at this point and follows you to the room:

  • SpecOps Sangheili : "Free our brothers! Death to the Brutes!"

Once you clear the room, free the Mgalekgolo and Sangheili Councilors, then head to the top floor to the Scarab.

' Vadam and his Sangheili arrive upon a group of Jiralhanae preparing to execute the Marine prisoners.

  • Tartarus (COM) : " Mine will do . Kill the others."
  • Jiralhanae 1 : "Yes, Chieftain. (to other Jiralhanae) A day's ration says I can do this in one cut."
  • Jiralhanae 2 : "Two cuts at least."
  • Jiralhanae 1 : "Done. Wait, movement!"
  • Jiralhanae 2 : "Elite!"
  • Sergeant Major Avery J. Johnson : "Go, go, go!"

Gunnery Sergeant Marcus Stacker and Staff Sergeant Marcus Banks start fighting the Jiralhanae. Johnson jumps into the Scarab and disappears. The Scarab starts moving.


Johnson commandeers the Scarab.

Vadam turns around to see the Scarab's main cannon aimed at him.

  • Sergeant Johnson (COM) : "Listen, you don't like me and I sure as hell don't like you."

Cut to Scarab's helm, Johnson at the controls.

  • Sergeant Johnson : "But if we don't do something, Mr. Mohawk's gonna activate this ring . And we're all gonna die."
  • Thel 'Vadam : "Tartarus has locked himself inside the Control Room."
  • Sergeant Johnson (COM) : "Well, I just happen to have a key." (The Scarab's cannon opens) "Come on. Grab a Banshee and give me some cover. He's gonna know we're comin'."

Backseat Driver [ ]

Two Banshees arrive and the Sangheili pilots jump out

  • Sangheili : "Take my Banshee, Arbiter!"

Vadam does so, Johnson fires on enemy Wraiths.

  • Sergeant Johnson (COM) : "Ha! How do you like it?!"

They approach the Control Room.

  • Sergeant Johnson (COM) : "Stay clear of the doors. Hey, bastards, knock knock!"

If 'Vadam stalls:

  • Sergeant Johnson (COM) : "Stay clear of the doors!"
  • Sergeant Johnson (COM) : "Are you trying to get killed? Gimme some room!"
  • Johnson (COM) : "What, do I have to spell it out for you? MOVE !!!"
  • Johnson (COM) : "Hey, listen, I'm gonna count to three. One... two... three! Don't say I didn't warn ya!"

If 'Vadam moves when Johnson is counting:

  • Sergeant Johnson (COM) : "Good! Now stay put!"
  • Sergeant Johnson (COM) : "Hey, bastards. Knock knock!"

If 'Vadam turns back:

  • Sergeant Johnson (COM) : (unamused) "Ha ha, that's real funny. I'm still shootin'!"

The Scarab's cannon fires, destroying Control Room's door. 'Vadam enters the Control Room, runs into some Jiralhanae.

  • Jiralhanae: "Do not let the Arbiter into the chamber! The Chieftain must complete his holy work!"

Vadam either kills the guards or sneaks past them, then heads into the main chamber of control room.

Delusions and Grandeur [ ]

Tartarus and four Jiralhanae Captains stand in front of the control panel, holding Commander Miranda Keyes and 343 Guilty Spark .

  • Tartarus : "Come, human, it is easy." (He tries to get Keyes to insert the Index ) "Take the Icon in your hands... (growls impatiently) And do as you are told!"

He slams the Index on the console, which flashes red lights.

  • 343 Guilty Spark : "Please, use caution! This Reclaimer is delicate."
  • Tartarus : "One more word, Oracle , and I'll rip your eye from its socket!" (he turns to Keyes, pushes her forward)
  • Commander Keyes : (exhales sharply)
  • Tartarus : (soft menacing growl) "Which is nothing compared to what I will do to you."

Vadam walks in.

  • Thel 'Vadam : "Tartarus, stop."
  • Tartarus : (gasps, jerks his neck up in surprise) "Impossible...!"
  • Thel 'Vadam : "Put down the Icon."

Tartarus turns to face 'Vadam.

  • Tartarus : "Put it down? And disobey the Hierarchs ?"
  • Thel 'Vadam : "There are things about Halo... even the Hierarchs do not understand."

Jiralhanae step forward menacingly, Tartarus waves them off

  • Tartarus : "Take care, Arbiter. What you say is heresy!"
  • Thel 'Vadam : "Is it? (gently) Oracle, what is Halo's purpose?"
  • 343 Guilty Spark : "Collectively, the seven —"

Tartarus grabs 343 Guilty Spark and jerks him around and growls.

  • Tartarus : "Not another word!"
  • Sergeant Johnson (off screen) : "Please ...

Tartarus lowers 343 Guilty Spark to see Johnson standing next to 'Vadam. He holds a Beam Rifle and aims it directly at Tartarus.

  • Sergeant Johnson : "Don't shake the light-bulb."

Jiralhanae growl and approach

  • Sergeant Johnson: (raises Beam Rifle to Tartarus' head) "If you wanna' keep your brain inside your head, I'd tell those boys to chill."

Tartarus barks as commanded, the Jiralhanae back off.

  • Sergeant Johnson : (to 'Vadam) "Go ahead. Do your thing."
  • Thel 'Vadam : (to Guilty Spark) "The Sacred Rings , what are they?"
  • 343 Guilty Spark : "Weapons of last resort, built by the Forerunners to eliminate potential Flood hosts, thereby rendering the parasite harmless."
  • Thel 'Vadam : "And those who made the rings? What happened to the Forerunners?"
  • 343 Guilty Spark : "After exhausting every other strategic option, my creators activated the rings. They and all additional sentient life within three radii of the galactic center, died, as planned."

Close up on 'Vadam, he lowers his head in sadness.

  • 343 Guilty Spark : (slightly awkward) "Would you... like to see the relevant data?"
  • Thel 'Vadam : (turns his attention back to Tartarus) "Tartarus. The Prophets have betrayed us."

Tartarus pauses, then throws 343 Guilty Spark at Johnson's head, knocking him down. He then grabs Keyes' hand and forces the Index into the console

  • Tartarus : "No, Arbiter! The Great Journey has begun. And the Brutes, not the Elites , shall be the Prophets' escort!"

Tartarus grabs his hammer as his energy shield turns on. The main platform splits into three as Halo charges up.

Sangheili reinforcements show up and wipe out the Jiralhanae Captains. Tartarus jumps to the platforms. Johnson hangs back, firing on Tartarus with his Beam Rifle.

  • 343 Guilty Spark : "Charging sequence initiated. Primary generators coming online."
  • Commander Keyes: "Well, shut them down!"
  • 343 Guilty Spark : "Apology. Protocol does not allow me to interfere with any aspect of this sequence."
  • Commander Keyes : "Then how do I stop it?"
  • 343 Guilty Spark : "Well, it will take some time to go over the proper procedures, I—"
  • Commander Keyes : "Quit stalling!"
  • 343 Guilty Spark : "Under more controlled circumstances, I would suggest the Reclaimer simply remove the Index."
  • Commander Keyes : "That's it? Johnson, I'm on it!"
  • Sergeant Johnson : "Hang tight, ma'am! Not until that Brute is dead! (when knocking off Tartarus' shield for the first time) Hey, Mohawk! How'd that feel?"
  • Tartarus : "You want revenge? Well, here I am. Come and take it!"
  • Tartarus : "What's the matter, Arbiter? Afraid of my little hammer?"

If 'Vadam further stalls:

  • Tartarus : "Just like the rest of your race, cowardly and weak!"

After 'Vadam scores a hit on Tartarus for the first time:

  • Tartarus : (slams his hammer on the ground) "A lucky hit. You shall not land another."
  • Sergeant Johnson: (when knocking off Tartarus' shield for the second time) "His shield is down, let 'em have it!"
  • 343 Guilty Spark : "Secondary generators charging. All systems are performing well within operational parameters."
  • Commander Keyes : "You're telling me that you cannot stop the sequence?"
  • 343 Guilty Spark : "Reclaimer, please understand that interrupting the wave generation process will severely damage this installation."
  • Commander Keyes : "Give me a direct answer!"
  • 343 Guilty Spark : "I am but a Monitor . The Reclaimer can do as it likes."
  • Sergeant Johnson : (knocking down Tartarus' shield for the third time) "There goes his shield!"

(knocking down Tartarus' shield for the fourth time)

  • Sergeant Johnson : "Got his shield! Hit him now!"

(knocking down Tartarus' shield for the fifth time)

  • Sergeant Johnson : "Quick while his shield is down!"

The fight continues

  • 343 Guilty Spark : "Power generation phase complete. The installation is ready to fire. Starting final countdown."
  • Sergeant Johnson : "Come on, Arbiter! Kick that guy's ass!"
  • 343 Guilty Spark : "Firing sequence initiated. And may I say, Reclaimers, it has been a pleasure to serve you both. Goodbye."
  • Sergeant Johnson : "I can keep his shield down, but you've gotta finish the job!"

Vadam finally kills Tartarus.

Keyes jumps onto a rotating platform, ducks to avoid one of the other platforms passing right above her, reaches a main platform, and grabs the Index. The entire room shakes, making Keyes hold the Index up to her chest in fear.

Cut to exterior of Control Room. All the built up energy fires into space.

Cut to Halo's exterior, a large pulsing ball of energy is being formed in the center, the shot from the Control Room reaches it, the ball glows, explodes, then dissipates.

Cut to interior of Control Room, which seems to be running on emergency power, as many of the lights are dimmed or not functioning. Keyes stands in front of a holographic depiction, Johnson rides 343 Guilty Spark to her.

  • Commander Keyes : "What's that?"
  • 343 Guilty Spark : "A beacon."
  • Commander Keyes : "What's it doing?"
  • 343 Guilty Spark : "Communicating. At superluminal speeds with a frequency of—"
  • Commander Keyes : "Communicating with what?"
  • 343 Guilty Spark : (a bit surprised) "The... other installations."
  • Commander Keyes : "Show me."
  • 343 Guilty Spark interfaces with the hologram, it depicts the seven Halos, a red message points to one ring (most likely either Installation 05, where they are, or Installation 04, which has been destroyed).
  • 343 Guilty Spark : "Fail-safe protocol: In the event of unexpected shutdown, the entire system will move to standby status. All remaining platforms are now ready for remote activation."
  • Commander Keyes : "Remote activation? From here?"


Johnson and Keyes talking to 343 Guilty Spark.

  • 343 Guilty Spark : (patronizing) "Don't be ridiculous."
  • Sergeant Johnson : "Listen, tinkerbell, don't make me..."

Keyes puts a hand on his shoulder.

  • Commander Keyes : "Then where? Where would someone go to activate the other rings?"

343 Guilty Spark is truly baffled.

  • 343 Guilty Spark : "...Why, the Ark , of course."

Vadam comes up behind Johnson and Keyes.

  • Thel 'Vadam :(walks up to them) "And where, Oracle, is that?"

Fade to black. Fade in on the Forerunner dreadnought exiting Slipspace, and heads straight to Earth . Covenant and UNSC ships are engaging each other.

  • Officer (COM) : "We've got a new contact, unknown classification!"

Fade in on interior of Forerunner ship, John-117 listens in.

  • Lord Hood (COM) : "It isn't one of ours, take it out."
  • Master Chief: "This is SPARTAN-117, can anyone hear me? Over."

Cut to Cairo Station 's bridge, everything looks damaged.

  • Lord Hood : (to officer) "Isolate that signal! Master Chief? You mind telling me what you're doing on that ship?"

Cut to Master Chief.

  • Master Chief : "Sir. Finishing this fight ."

Fades to black.

Level ends.

Credits play.

Epilogue [ ]

{ Epilogue }

Fades in on the Flood-infested High Charity .

A Flood spore floats through the air, the camera pans off to the walkway outside the Council Chamber.

Cut to a damaged door that keeps trying to close, Gravemind 's tentacles creep through.

  • Gravemind : "Silence fills the empty grave, now that I am gone."

Cut to Council Chamber, Gravemind's tentacles reach across.

  • Gravemind : "But my mind is not at rest, for questions linger on. I will ask, and you will answer."

Cortana 's hologram appears, she holds up her hand, the tentacles stop and move off.

Close-up on Cortana's face

  • Cortana : "All right... shoot."

Soundtrack [ ]

Achievements [ ], glitches [ ].

  • If you are able to keep your Mgalekgolo alive after the fight with the Phantom on the bridge and take them to the next room with the cells holding the Sangheili Councilors and the Mgalekgolo, the Mgalekgolo in the cells will not be there. However, if you finish the battle in the prison then go back and get the Mgalekgolo, you will still have four Mgalekgolo, which is very helpful if the level is being done on legendary. They will not be there only if you've ever played Xbox live, or connected, otherwise, you will be able to have the Mgalekgolo as soon as you force the other two in the prison room.

Tartarus gang

A glitch spawns multiple Johnsons during the fight against Tartarus.

  • If you manage to bring a Spectre into the Control Room, you can get Johnson to ride onto it. If you drive it away towards the entrance and come back, there will be another Johnson in his place. Using this glitch, there can be up to four Johnsons (3 on the Spectre, 1 on the ledge) helping you for the mission which can be useful for taking out Tartarus' shields. In Halo 2: Anniversary , this glitch doesn't work; any attempts to drive Johnson away from the entrance will result in him disappearing and respawning where he started at the beginning of the fight.
  • It is possible to get Rtas 'Vadum and the other Sangheili to go with you into the building. Get Rtas 'Vadume and the Sangheili into the Spectre and drive it into the building then get them out. They will usually follow you, though this could take a few tries.
  • You can jump to the platform where Miranda Keyes is standing and stick her with a plasma grenade. She should run to the platform where Tartarus is. This may take some tries. Tartarus will then attack Keyes repeatedly and she cannot die. Tartarus will be distracted and won't respond to any attacks except melees.
  • Sending Tartarus off the ledge during the final battle will NOT kill him. He will respawn back in the center platform and instantly lock on to you...possibly right behind you.
  • It is possible to get a Banshee into the spot where you fight Tartarus. If you shoot your Banshee's wings after Johnson destroys the door with some maneuvering you can use it to kill the pack of Jiralhanae and their leader. When it goes to the cutscene, you will be ejected out of your Banshee, but if you return to the hallway, it will be there, allowing you to kill Tartarus much easier. This can also be done without destroying the wings and going through the building to get to the control room. To save time, wait for Johnson to blow open the door. Afterward, fly the Banshee around the left side of the tower (near the door, on your right), and the Banshee will be there after the cutscene.
  • If you let Rtas 'Vadum drive the Wraith or Spectre and a Jiralhanae tries to board him, he will never succeed as Rtas 'Vadum is invincible.
  • At the start of the fight with Tartarus, look down to your left and you will see Miranda Keyes standing on the death barrier, but she cannot die. She will stay there for a while and later will appear next to the monitor.
  • The Great Journey Vacation can be done on this level.
  • It is possible to swap weapons with the Sangheili Counselors while they are still in their cells and behind the energy barrier.
  • The Weaponless Brute glitch can be done on this level.

Mistakes [ ]

  • Marines interact with the player the same way as they do when the player is John-117, with lines like "Welcome to the party, Chief."  If approached, Stacker, in particular, will say something like "Chief! Glad you could make it!"  in the same way that Johnson does.
  • When inside the Control Room, if the player crouches on the lowest level of the platform, you will hit the death barrier and die instantly.
  • After Tartarus is killed, any surviving Sangheili will still shoot at his body, much like the marines who shoot fallen Covenant.
  • In the cutscene, Johnson's view from the Scarab will show Thel' Vadam holding his weapon in his left hand even though Thel' is right handed.

DSC 0961

The Pillars, as viewed from on top of the mountain behind the control room.

  • There are many unused objects that the developers left in the final level. Take a Beam Rifle and proceed until the part in which you have to escort Johnson 's Scarab . Hijack a Spectre or Wraith . Proceed to the area in which Johnson blows open the Control Room door and drive directly into the water. Head towards the island with the Control Room in it. When you reach that island, look for a sloping rock face. Climb it using the Spectre or Wraith, until you are above the water and on dry land. Continue to drive up the island using the boost and the hand brake, when necessary. Then go towards the highest point, either the top of the island's mountain, or the top of the Control Room. Both can be reached by simply boosting and hand braking to the top. Get out the Beam Rifle . Look to the right, then zoom in to x5. In x5 zoom search for something that looks out of place. When you find it in the sky, to the right of you, zoom in to x10. What you are seeing are the pillars from the levels High Charity and Gravemind .
  • In the first shot of the "Delusions and Grandeur" cutscene, three Jiralhanae can be seen. In later shots, four of them are present.

Easter Eggs [ ]

  • The Black Eye Skull can be found on this level.
  • There is a Heretic Banshee on this level. It will spawn near the cliff where the level starts off if no vehicles are used to reach the Control Room. The player can then use it after "Backseat Driver" begins.
  • On top of the control room's spire is the word "REX" splattered in blood.

Miscellaneous [ ]

  • If the player brings a Beam Rifle to the fight with Tartarus, he or she can snipe him to get rid of his shield and not have to wait for Johnson's to fire.  However, the vulnerability window is significantly shorter.
  • Since the Scarab is invincible, the player does not actually have to defend it.
  • Originally, there was a cutscene at the part of the level where the player is on the Scarab platform in which there was a gathering of Jiralhanae preparing to decapitate Marines. Joseph Staten explained that this cinematic had to be cut because at that time "real world events" made this a bit politically dangerous.
  • This is technically the first level in the Halo  series and the only level in Halo 2  in which the Sangheili and the UNSC fight alongside each other.
  • Sergeant Banks and Sergeant Stacker will disappear right after the cutscene. They probably entered the Scarab with Johnson. However, if you kill any of them, their corpses will not disappear after the cutscene.
  • After this level it is unknown what happens to the Fist of Rukt. It might have been destroyed by the Sangheili in disgust since it took the lives of many of their kind. More likely it was simply left behind on Delta Halo. The Final Grunt claims he has it, but as he is trying to convince the player to let him into the  Warthog so he can survive, he likely made it up.
  • If the player manages to hijack a Banshee after Johnson destroys the Control Room door, the Jiralhanae pilot will have no weapon and won't attack the player.  If a Banshee is nearby, he will get in one.  However, if the other Jiralhanae (in a Banshee or not) is killed near the first one, the first one will go berserk.
  • This level is ironic in that, being the last Arbiter level, 'Vadam is trying to convince Tartarus about Halo's true purpose, when 'Vadam had silenced the Sesa 'Refumee for saying the same things in the second Arbiter level.
  • If the player boards a Ghost or Wraith at the start of the level, the Jiralhanae will be holding Sangheili Plasma Rifles.
  • The last sentence said by John-117 was used as Halo 3 's marketing slogan as "Finish the Fight."
  • If the player flies to Johnson's Scarab and loses the Banshee, towards the end more and more Banshees will strafe the Scarab.  They fly very close to allow the player to hijack one and fly to the control room. If the player is on the ground - near the Scarab's legs - a Sangheili-controlled Banshee will approach and the pilot will offer it to the player.
  • It is interesting to note that on Installation 04, the control room was in a temple in a snowy valley, but on Installation 05, it is in a structure in the ocean near the beach, seemingly complete opposites of each other.
  • Just before the player reaches the Control Room, there will be a flipped Wraith with a weaponless Jiralhanae on top of it below. If the player approaches him, he will let out a grunt and will walk up to the player.  Being unarmed, he is harmless.
  • When Johnson commandeers the Scarab, it starts moving even before he is able to go to the controls. He's only at the leg when the Scarab moves so it should be restricted from the player.  However there is a glitch that allows the player to get inside the Scarab and see Johnson. Johnson will say something like "Glad you could make it, Chief." This is because in every other level that Johnson is an ally, the player is John-117.
  • The Forerunner structure encountered by the unmanned Scarab, is coincidentally designed with almost exactly the same architecture as The Ark Cartographer.
  • It is possible to go through the first part of the level up to where the player escorts Johnson with a Ghost.
  • The beginning portion of the level is extremely similar in design to the Assault On The Control Room in which the player has to fight through a canyon with a group of surviving allies to take control of a structure.
  • The waves of Sangheili during the Control Room battle may seem endless, but eventually the waves of will stop.  At that point, Johnson will shoot faster.
  • This is the only level in the Halo trilogy in which Mgaelekgolo are the player's allies.
  • If Tartarus is killed before the other Jiralhanae, the cutscene will still progress but the Jiralhanae can be seen running around in the background.  This will also occur with Sangheili and other objects.
  • If the player parks a Banshee in the place that Miranda Keyes is running across to get the Icon, she will run through it during the cutscene.
  • If the player gets a shotgun from one of the four Jiralhanae fought immediately after the cutscene opening the boss battle, it is still considered "ineffective" against Jiralhanae.  However, when Jiralhanae are shot, from relatively close range, they will be temporarily stunned. This is especially useful against Tartarus when his shields are down.
  • It is interesting that Mgaelekgolo allies in the level are Covenant Separatists, but in Halo 3 they are Covenant Loyalists.
  • If the player flies the Banshee up and around on the mountain after the Scarab blows up the door, there is a decorative window on top of a medium-sized tower.  Jumping through the window will skip the rest of the level and be instantly "teleported" to the fight with Tartarus.

Gallery [ ]

The Great Journey level image for Halo 2.

Halo 2: Anniversary [ ]

Rtas 'Vadum and Thel 'Vadam looking at the Control Room, as seen in a pre-release Halo 2: Anniversary.

Related Pages [ ]

  • 2 SPARTAN-B312

The Great Journey

From Halopedia, the Halo wiki

The Great Journey is the fifteenth and final campaign level of Halo 2 .

In Halo 2 for Windows Vista , upon completing this level on Normal or higher will reward the player " The Great Journey " Achievement and 30 Gamerscore .

  • 2.1 Your Ass, My Size-24 Hoof
  • 2.2 Backseat Driver
  • 2.3 Delusions and Grandeur
  • 2.5 Epilogue
  • 2.6 Friend or Foe?
  • 3.1 Glitches
  • 3.2 Mistakes
  • 3.3 Easter eggs
  • 3.4 Miscellaneous
  • 4.2 Halo 2: Anniversary

Summary [ edit ]

Arbiter Thel 'Vadam , reunited with Rtas 'Vadum and a Special Operations Sangheili , heads to the " Bastion of the Brutes " to take control of a Protos -pattern Scarab . Defeating numerous Ghosts and three Wraiths , they reach the far end of the canyon, finding another Special Operations Sangheili as well as a Mgalekgolo pair. 'Vadum leaves the team to take control of a cruiser, while the Arbiter and the other Sangheili and Mgalekgolo continue on, freeing several imprisoned Sangheili Councilors and more Mgalekgolo. They reach a landing pad, and stop a pack of Jiralhanae from executing Sergeant Major Avery Junior Johnson , Gunnery Sergeant Stacker and Staff Sergeant Banks . While the Sangheili kill the Brutes, Johnson takes his chance and commandeers the Scarab. Forming an unexpected alliance, 'Vadam takes a Banshee and escorts Johnson and the Scarab to Delta Halo 's Control room . Johnson uses the Scarab's main cannon to destroy the Control room's door. 'Vadam then enters the Control Room and confronts Tartarus , who is trying to force Miranda Keyes to activate Halo. Backed up by Johnson, 'Vadam gets 343 Guilty Spark to reveal Halo's true purpose to everyone. However, Tartarus refuses to accept the truth and forces Commander Miranda Keyes to activate the ring. With no other choice, 'Vadam battles and kills the Chieftain. Keyes removes the Activation Index , stopping the ring from firing, but activating a fail safe mechanism in the process. Explained by 343 Guilty Spark , the fail-safe of the ring sends a signal to the Ark , where all Halos will be activated from. Meanwhile, Master Chief Petty Officer John-117 returns to Earth on board the Forerunner Dreadnought , ready to finish the fight.

Meanwhile, on the Flood-infested High Charity , the Gravemind demands information from Cortana.

Transcript [ edit ]

the great journey halo 2 walkthrough

{ Cutscene } { Anniversary Cutscene }

Scene fades in on Arbiter Thel 'Vadam and Special Operations Commander Rtas 'Vadum , who is in a Wraith with its hatch open, conversing. The two are looking towards the Control Room of Delta Halo . The door has just slammed shut with a loud bang.

  • Thel 'Vadam : "What is that place?"
  • Rtas 'Vadum : "Where the Councilors were meant to watch the consecration of the Icon . The start of the Great Journey ."

Focus on 'Vadam:

  • Gravemind (flashback) : "There is still time to stop the key from turning."
  • Thel 'Vadam : "I must get inside."
  • Rtas 'Vadum : "Then mount up, Arbiter. I know a way to break those doors."

'Vadam turns to face the Control Room as Rtas 'Vadum enters his Wraith and closes the hatch behind him.

{ Gameplay }

Your Ass, My Size-24 Hoof [ edit ]

The Arbiter takes the Wraith (on Legendary, the player cannot take the Wraith) or the Spectre that drives up to him. He and Rtas 'Vadum then fight past multiple waves of Jiralhanae-controlled Ghosts , a Wraith tank and even a Phantom . A Ket -pattern battlecruiser can be seen in the distance.

As they travel to where a Scarab is visible, docked up on a ledge.

  • Rtas 'Vadum : "There, Arbiter. That Scarab's main gun will break the Control Room's door. At the far end of the beach there's a passage into the cliff. It'll take you up to the Scarab."

They clear the area, and reach the far end of the canyon.

  • Rtas 'Vadum : "The Brutes control that cruiser, Arbiter. I'll remain here, make sure no reinforcements get in behind you. Then, I'm going to take the cruiser back!"

'Vadam walks into a room where a Sangheili and two Mgalekgolo are waiting.

  • Special Operations Sangheili : "The Arbiter? I thought he was dead! Hold your fire. The Hunters have come to our aid, Arbiter. They will fight by our side."

'Vadam and his allies fight their way through several areas guarded by Jiralhanae, Kig-Yar and Yanme'e . Eventually they reach a room where two Sangheili Councilors and a Mgalekgolo pair are being held prisoner behind force field doors.

If the Special Operations Sangheili lives at this point and follows the player into the room:

  • Special Operations Sangheili : "Free our brothers! Death to the Brutes!"

A massive fight breaks out in the detention center. The Sangheili manage to free the prisoners and together they crush the Covenant forces. The Arbiter and his allies continue through a corridor, eventually stepping out onto the platform where they discover a group of Jiralhanae preparing to execute some Marine prisoners, including Sergeant Johnson .

  • Tartarus (COM) : " Mine will do . Kill the others."
  • Jiralhanae #1 : "Yes, Chieftain. (to other Jiralhanae) A day's ration says I can do this in one cut."
  • Jiralhanae #2 : "Two cuts at least."
  • Jiralhanae #1 : "Done. Wait, movement!"
  • Jiralhanae #2 : "Elites!"
  • Sergeant Johnson : "Go, go, go!"

Gunnery Sergeant Marcus Stacker and Staff Sergeant Banks start firing at the Jiralhanae with concealed plasma pistols , while Johnson jumps into the Scarab and heads inside it. The Scarab starts moving.

The Sangheili and Mgalekgolo kill the Jiralhanae on the platform.

Original version:

The Arbiter turns around to see the Scarab's main cannon aimed at him.

  • Sergeant Johnson (COM) : "Listen, you don't like me and I sure as hell don't like you."

Cut to Scarab's helm, Johnson at the controls.

  • Sergeant Johnson : "But if we don't do something, Mr. Mohawk's gonna activate this ring . And we're all gonna die."

Cut to a close-up of 'Vadam.

  • Thel 'Vadam : " Tartarus has locked himself inside the Control Room ."
  • Sergeant Johnson (COM) : "Well, I just happen to have a key." (The Scarab's cannon opens) "Come on. Grab a Banshee and give me some cover. He's gonna know we're comin'."

Anniversary version:

the great journey halo 2 walkthrough

The Arbiter, surrounded by the dead Jiralhanae he just killed, turns around to see the Scarab's main cannon aimed at him.

  • Sergeant Johnson (COM) : "Listen, you don't like me..."
  • Sergeant Johnson : "...and I sure as hell don't like you. But if we don't do something, Mister..."

Cut to 'Vadam as he listens.

  • Sergeant Johnson (COM) : "... Mohawk's gonna activate this ring ."

Cut back to Johnson.

  • Sergeant Johnson : "And we're all gonna die."

Cut back to 'Vadam.

  • Thel 'Vadam : (cautiously) " Tartarus has locked himself inside the Control Room ."
  • Sergeant Johnson (COM) : "Well, I just happen to have a key." (The Scarab's cannon opens) "Come on. Grab a Banshee ..."
  • Sergeant Johnson : "...and give me some cover. He's gonna know we're comin'."

Backseat Driver [ edit ]

Two Banshees arrive and their Sangheili pilots jump out.

  • Sangheili : "Take my Banshee, Arbiter!"

'Vadam does so, Johnson fires the Scarab's main cannon and destroys an enemy Wraith .

  • Sergeant Johnson (COM) : "Ha! How do you like it?!"

They approach the Control Room, fighting off more Wraiths, Spectres , Shade turrets and hostile Banshees.

' Vadam destroys several more Wraiths and Banshees in the area in front of the Control Room. The Scarab comes in firing range of the Control Room.

  • Sergeant Johnson (COM) : "Stay clear of the doors. Hey, bastards, knock knock!"

If the player stalls:

  • Johnson (COM) : "Stay clear of the doors!"
  • Johnson (COM) : "Are you trying to get killed? Gimme some room!"

If the player still stalls:

  • Johnson (COM) : "What, do I have to spell it out for you? MOVE !!!"
  • Johnson (COM) : "Hey, listen, I'm gonna count to three. One... two... don't say I didn't warn ya!"

If the player moves when Johnson is counting:

  • Sergeant Johnson (COM) : "Good! Now stay put!"
  • Sergeant Johnson (COM) : "Hey, bastards. Knock knock!"

If the player turns back:

  • Sergeant Johnson (COM) : (unamused) "Ha ha, that's real funny. I'm still shootin'!"

The Scarab's cannon fires, destroying the Control Room's door. A hostile Phantom lands and deploys a Wraith beside the Scarab. 'Vadam destroys the Wraith and flies toward the Control Room. (If 'Vadam does not have a Banshee than a friendly Sangheili will land one on the beach near the Scarab).

Delusions and Grandeur [ edit ]

'Vadam lands his Banshee and enters the Control Room. He runs into a pack of Jiralhanae, including several Jiralhanae Honor Guardsmen .

  • Jiralhanae #3 : "Do not let the Arbiter into the chamber! The Chieftain must complete his holy work!"

(Alternatively, the Jiralhanae might say "them" instead of "the Arbiter")

'Vadam either kills the guards or sneaks past them, then heads into the main chamber of the Control Room.

Tartarus and four Jiralhanae Captains approach and stand in front of the control panel, holding Keyes and 343 Guilty Spark .

  • Tartarus : "Come, human, it is easy." (He tries to get Keyes to insert the Activation Index ) "Take the Icon in your hands... (growls impatiently) And do as you are told!"

He slams the Index on the console, which flashes red lights.

  • 343 Guilty Spark : "Please, use caution! This Reclaimer is delicate."
  • Tartarus : "One more word, Oracle, and I'll rip your eye from its socket!" (he turns to Keyes, pushes her forward)
  • Commander Keyes : (exhales sharply)
  • Tartarus : (soft menacing growl) "Which is nothing compared to what I'll do to you ." (Miranda grimaces defiantly)

Thel 'Vadam walks in.

  • Thel 'Vadam : "Tartarus, stop."
  • Tartarus : (gasps, jerks his neck up in surprise) "Impossible!"
  • Thel 'Vadam : "Put down the Icon."

Tartarus turns to face 'Vadam.

  • Tartarus : "Put it down? And disobey the Hierarchs ?"
  • Thel 'Vadam : "There are things about Halo even the Hierarchs do not understand."

Jiralhanae step forward menacingly, Tartarus stops them.

  • Tartarus : "Take care, Arbiter. What you say is heresy!"
  • Thel 'Vadam : "Is it? (gently) Oracle, what is Halo's purpose?"
  • 343 Guilty Spark : "Collectively, the seven —"

Tartarus grabs 343 Guilty Spark and jerks him around.

  • Tartarus : "Not another word!"
  • Sergeant Johnson (off screen) : "Please..."

Tartarus lowers 343 Guilty Spark to see Johnson approaching standing next to 'Vadam. He holds a beam rifle and aims it directly at Tartarus.

  • Sergeant Johnson : "Don't shake the light-bulb."

The Jiralhanae Captains growl and approach. Johnson raises the beam rifle to Tartarus' head.

  • Sergeant Johnson : "If you wanna keep your brain inside your head, I'd tell those boys to chill."

Tartarus barks a command, and the Jiralhanae back off.

  • Sergeant Johnson : (to 'Vadam) "Go ahead. Do your thing."
  • Thel 'Vadam : (to Guilty Spark) "The Sacred Rings, what are they?"
  • 343 Guilty Spark : "Weapons of last resort, built by the Forerunners to eliminate potential Flood hosts, thereby rendering the parasite harmless."
  • Thel 'Vadam : "And those who made the rings? What happened to the Forerunners?"
  • 343 Guilty Spark : "After exhausting every other strategic option, my creators activated the rings. They and all additional sentient life in three radii of the galactic center, died, as planned."

Close up on 'Vadam, he lowers his head in sadness. Johnson lowers his Beam Rifle and looks on to the disillusioned Arbiter in acknowledgement.

the great journey halo 2 walkthrough

  • 343 Guilty Spark : (slightly awkward) "Would you... like to see the relevant data?"
  • Thel 'Vadam : (turns his attention back to Tartarus) "Tartarus. The Prophets have betrayed us."

Tartarus pauses, considering the Monitor's words, but quickly makes up his mind and throws 343 Guilty Spark at Johnson's head, knocking him down. He then grabs Keyes' hand and forces the Index into the console.

  • Tartarus : "No, Arbiter! The Great Journey has begun. And the Brutes, not the Elites , shall be the Prophets' escort!"

Tartarus grabs his hammer as his energy shield turns on. Miranda jumps out of the way (In the Anniversary, Tartarus throws her aside).

The main platform at the center of the Control Room splits into three as Halo charges up, emitting a massive beam of energy.

Sangheili reinforcements show up and wipe out the Jiralhanae Captains. Tartarus jumps to the central platform. The Sangheili pursue him. Johnson hangs back, firing on Tartarus with his Beam Rifle. Commander Keyes stands on one of the rotating platforms, 343 Guilty Spark follows her.

the great journey halo 2 walkthrough

  • 343 Guilty Spark : "Charging sequence initiated. Primary generators coming online."
  • Commander Keyes : "Well, shut them down!"
  • 343 Guilty Spark : "Apology. Protocol does not allow me to interfere with any aspect of this sequence."
  • Commander Keyes : "Then how do I stop it?"
  • 343 Guilty Spark : "Well, it will take some time to go over the proper procedures, I—"
  • Commander Keyes : "Quit stalling!"
  • 343 Guilty Spark : "Under more controlled circumstances, I would suggest the Reclaimer simply remove the Index."
  • Commander Keyes : "That's it? Johnson, I'm on it!"
  • Sergeant Johnson : "Hang tight, ma'am! Not until that Brute is dead! (when knocking off Tartarus' shield for the first time) Hey, Mohawk! How'd that feel?"
  • Tartarus : "You want revenge? Well, here I am. Come and take it!"
  • Tartarus : "What's the matter, Arbiter? Afraid of my little hammer?"
  • Tartarus : "Beneath that fancy armor, you're nothing but a coward!"

If the player further stalls:

  • Tartarus : "Just like the rest of your race, cowardly and weak!"

During the battle, Tartarus can say any of the following lines, depending on what's happening:

  • "Uppity prey!"
  • "Faithless dog!"
  • "Accept defeat!"
  • "Cursed Arbiter!"
  • "Cursed heretic!"
  • "Damned Arbiter!"
  • "Are you fighting or dancing?"
  • "Do you take your death so lightly?"
  • "Come, little fly. Let me swat you!"
  • "I'll flay your heretic hide!"
  • "You'll die beneath my hammer !"
  • "I'll gnaw your bones while I walk the Path!"
  • "Your flesh will make a fine snack for the Journey!"
  • "My hammer will be the end of you, Arbiter!"
  • " (snarls) This time I'll be certain of your death!"
  • (various growling, snarling and roaring noises)
  • "The Prophets' will be done!"
  • "In the name of the Hierarchs!"
  • "For the Journey!"
  • "Hammer time!"
  • "Howl, my pack! I've struck a fatal blow!"
  • "Hahahahahahaha!"
  • "Such an easy hunt."

After the Arbiter scores a hit on Tartarus for the first time, Tartarus slams his hammer on the ground.

  • Tartarus : "A lucky hit. You shall not land another."
  • Sergeant Johnson : (when knocking off Tartarus' shield for the second time) "His shield is down, let 'em have it!"

If the fight goes on long enough, Guilty Spark and Keyes will continue to argue:

  • 343 Guilty Spark : "Secondary generators charging. All systems are performing well within operational parameters."
  • Commander Keyes : "You're telling me that you can't stop the sequence?"
  • 343 Guilty Spark : "Reclaimer, please understand that interrupting the wave generation process will severely damage this installation."
  • Commander Keyes : "Give me a direct answer!"
  • 343 Guilty Spark : "I am but a Monitor . The Reclaimer can do as it likes."
  • Sergeant Johnson : (knocking down Tartarus' shield for the third time) "There goes his shield!"

Johnson knocks down Tartarus' shield for the fourth time:

  • Sergeant Johnson : "Got his shield! Hit him now!"

Johnson knocks down Tartarus' shield for the fifth time:

  • Sergeant Johnson : "Quick while his shield is down!"

The fight continues:

  • 343 Guilty Spark : "Power generation phase complete. The installation is ready to fire. Starting final countdown."
  • Sergeant Johnson : "Come on, Arbiter! Kick that guy's ass!"
  • 343 Guilty Spark : "Firing sequence initiated. And may I say, Reclaimers, it has been a pleasure to serve you both. Goodbye."
  • Sergeant Johnson : "I can keep his shield down, but you've gotta finish the job!"

After a long battle, 'Vadam finally kills Tartarus.

{ Ending Cutscene } { Anniversary Ending Cutscene }

the great journey halo 2 walkthrough

Ending [ edit ]

Keyes jumps onto a rotating platform, ducks to avoid one of the other platforms passing right above her, jumps onto the main platform, and grabs the Index. The entire room shakes, making Miranda hold the Index up to her chest in fear.

Cut to exterior of the Control Room. All the built up energy fires into space.

Cut to Halo's exterior, a large pulsing ball of energy is being formed in the center, the shot from the Control Room reaches it, the ball glows, explodes, then dissipates.

Cut to interior of Control Room, which seems to be running on emergency power, as many of the lights are dimmed or not functioning. Keyes stands in front of a holographic depiction, Johnson rides 343 Guilty Spark to her.

  • Commander Keyes : "What's that?"
  • 343 Guilty Spark : "A beacon."
  • Commander Keyes : "What's it doing?"
  • 343 Guilty Spark : "Communicating. At superluminal speeds with a frequency of—"
  • Commander Keyes : "Communicating with what?"
  • 343 Guilty Spark : (a bit surprised) "The... other installations."
  • Commander Keyes : "Show me."

343 Guilty Spark interfaces with the hologram, it depicts the seven Halos, a red message points to one ring ( Installation 04 , which has been destroyed).

  • 343 Guilty Spark : "Fail-safe protocol: In the event of unexpected shutdown, the entire system will move to standby status. All remaining platforms are now ready for remote activation."
  • Commander Keyes : "Remote activation? From here?"

the great journey halo 2 walkthrough

  • 343 Guilty Spark : (patronizing) "Don't be ridiculous."
  • Sergeant Johnson : "Listen, tinkerbell, don't make me..."

Keyes puts a hand on his shoulder.

  • Commander Keyes : "Then where? Where would someone go to activate the other rings?"

343 Guilty Spark is truly baffled by the humans' supposed ignorance.

  • 343 Guilty Spark : "...Why, the Ark , of course."

'Vadam comes up behind Johnson and Miranda Keyes.

  • Thel 'Vadam : "And where, Oracle, is that?"

Fade to black.

the great journey halo 2 walkthrough

Fade in on the Forerunner Dreadnought exiting slipspace , and heads straight to Earth . Covenant and UNSC ships are engaging each other.

  • Officer (COM) : "We've got a new contact, unknown classification!"

Fade in on the interior of the Forerunner ship, John-117 listens in.

  • Lord Hood (COM) : "It isn't one of ours, take it out."
  • John-117 : "This is SPARTAN-117."

Cut to Cairo Station 's bridge, everything looks damaged. (In the Anniversary version, the bridge is intact and Lord Hood stands at the main display screen as station personnel scramble to their stations.)

  • John-117 (COM) : "Can anyone hear me? Over."
  • Lord Hood : (to officer) "Isolate that signal! Master Chief? You mind telling me what you're doing on that ship?"

Cut to Master Chief.

the great journey halo 2 walkthrough

  • John-117 : "Sir. Finishing this fight ."

Fades to black.

Level ends.

Credits play.

Epilogue [ edit ]

{ Epilogue } { Anniversary Epilogue }

Fades in on the Flood-infested High Charity .

A Flood spore floats through the air, the camera pans off to the walkway outside the Council Chamber .

Cut to a damaged door that keeps trying to close, Gravemind 's tentacles creep through.

  • Gravemind : "Silence fills the empty grave, now that I have gone."

Cuts to the Council Chamber, Gravemind's tentacles reach across.

  • Gravemind : "But my mind is not at rest, for questions linger on. I will ask, and you will answer."

Cortana 's hologram appears, she holds up her hand, the tentacles stop and move off.

Close-up on Cortana's face

  • Cortana : "All right... shoot."

Friend or Foe? [ edit ]

{ Anniversary-only Cutscene } (later removed)

Open to end of the Prologue . Thel 'Vadam is facing away from Jameson Locke . 'Vadam looks up in response to a voice from the loudspeaker.

  • Sangheili (loudspeaker) : "Arbiter, we are nearing the target."

' Vadam turns to his Swords of Sanghelios .

  • Thel 'Vadam : "Prepare for action."

The Swords of Sanghelios growl and raise their Okarda'phaa -pattern plasma rifles . Cut to Locke, who nods at other members of Fireteam Osiris : Holly Tanaka , Edward Buck , and Olympia Vale . The Spartan-IVs turn around to face the Lich's door. 'Vadam and his Majors join them.

  • Thel 'Vadam : "What do you call him, Spartan Locke?"
  • Jameson Locke : "I don't understand the question."
  • Thel 'Vadam : "One-one-seven. The Master Chief. He is not your friend. Is he your foe?"

Locke turns to 'Vadam.

  • Locke : "He's gone AWOL and the UNSC want him back. I'm going to bring him home."

The two of them look at the door in front them.

  • Thel 'Vadam : "I admire your sense of duty, Spartan."

Jameson Locke and Fireteam Osiris with Thel 'Vadam and the Swords of Sanghelios, exiting a Kmiro'sish-pattern Lich.

The Lich's door slowly opens.

  • Unknown Sangheili (COM) : " Covenant forces incoming."
  • Thel 'Vadam : "But if he has left the fold, he has his reasons."
  • Unknown Sangheili (COM) : "Glory to the Arbiter!"
  • Locke : "I'm sure he does, Arbiter, and I intend to find out what they are."

Locke cocks his BR55 battle rifle . Cut to the outside of the Lich's door as it fully opens. Locke takes aim and 'Vadam activates his Type-1 energy sword . Cut to black.

Trivia [ edit ]

Glitches [ edit ].

the great journey halo 2 walkthrough

  • The Great Journey vacation can be done on this level.
  • If a Brute tries to board Rtas 'Vadum's Wraith, he will never succeed as 'Vadum is invincible.
  • It is possible to get Rtas 'Vadum and the other Elite to enter the "Bastion of the Brutes" with the player. Get Rtas 'Vadum and the Elite into the Spectre and drive it into the building then get them out. They will usually follow the player, though this could take a few tries.
  • If the player manages to lead the first two Hunters to the prison room, the captured Hunters will not be present. However, if the player frees the second pair of Hunters and then returns to the exterior bridge to recruit the first pair of Hunters, the player will have four Hunters accompanying him/her. This trick is particularly useful on Legendary .

the great journey halo 2 walkthrough

  • It is possible to swap weapons with the Elite Councilors while they are still in their cells and behind the energy barrier.
  • If the player manages to bring a Spectre into the Control Room, they can get Johnson to ride onto it. If the player drives it away towards the entrance and come back, there will be another Johnson in his place. Using this glitch, there can be up to four Johnsons (3 on the Spectre, 1 on the ledge) helping the player for the mission which can be useful for taking out Tartarus' shields.
  • The player can jump to the platform where Miranda Keyes is standing and stick her with a plasma grenade. She should run to the platform where Tartarus is. This may take some tries. Tartarus will then attack Keyes repeatedly and she cannot die. Tartarus will be distracted and won't respond to any attacks except melees.
  • If the player lures Tartarus to jump off the central platform, Tartarus will be heard screaming as he falls through the death barrier, but will be sent up through the improvised gravity lift.
  • At the start of the fight with Tartarus, Commander Keyes can be seen at the player's left, on the death barrier, but she cannot die. She will stay there for a while and later will appear next to the Monitor.

Mistakes [ edit ]

  • If the player walks up to Banks and Stacker, they will greet the Arbiter as if he were the Master Chief. This also occurs when the player boards the Scarab and meets with Johnson, and again when they go near Miranda Keyes in the Halo's Control Room.
  • In the cutscene in which the Arbiter talks to Johnson, the Arbiter is holding his primary weapon in his right hand, but when the scene switches to the Scarab's interior, the Arbiter is holding it in the left hand.
  • In the first shot of the cutscene in which the Tartarus is attempting to force Miranda Keyes to activate Halo, there are three Brute Captains. However, when the Arbiter shows up, there are four Captains. It is possible that one was patrolling the central platform and joined the Brutes when the Arbiter reveals his presence.
  • If the player crouches in the lowest level of the Control Room's central platform, they will hit the death barrier and die immediately.
  • Brutes can be seen piloting Heretic Banshees even when they are not Heretics.
  • Brutes driving ghosts at the beginning of the level will drop Elite Plasma Rifles instead of Brute Plasma Rifles when killed.

Easter eggs [ edit ]

  • The Black Eye Skull can be found on this level.
  • On top of the control room's spire is the word "REX" splattered in blood.
  • There is a Heretic Banshee on this level. It will spawn near the cliff where the level starts off if no vehicles are used to reach the Control Room. The player can then use it after "Backseat Driver" begins.
  • The thirteenth terminal is a Forerunner terminal in back of one of the jail cells of the Bastion of the Brutes. It is in the center right cell on the upper level.

Miscellaneous [ edit ]

  • During the game's development, this level was known as deltacontrol . [2]
  • This is the only level in the Halo trilogy in which a pair of Hunters are the player's allies.
  • This is technically the first level in which the Elites and the UNSC fight alongside each other, and the only level in Halo 2 in which they do, though very briefly.
  • It is interesting to note that on Installation 04, the Control Room was in a temple in a snowy valley, but on Installation 05, it is in a structure in the ocean near the beach, seemingly complete opposites of each other.
  • It is impossible to drive Rtas 'Vadum's Wraith on Legendary, as he will refuse to exit it.
  • The beginning portion of the level is extremely similar in design to the Assault on the Control Room in which the player has to fight through a canyon with a group of surviving allies to take control of a structure.
  • This level is ironic in that, being the last level the player plays as the Arbiter, the Arbiter is trying to convince Tartarus about Halo's true purpose, when the Arbiter had killed the Heretic leader for trying to say the same things in the second level where the player takes control of the Arbiter .
  • It is possible to go through the Bastion of the Brutes with a Ghost.
  • The Forerunner structure encountered by the unmanned Scarab is designed with almost exactly the same architecture as the entrance of Alpha Halo 's Cartographer .
  • Boarding the Scarab is much easier with a Ghost, as it is fast enough to zip right in front of the Scarab and give the player ample time to get out and jump on the Scarab.
  • Originally, the Backseat Driver cutscene involves the Arbiter fighting the Brutes hand-to-hand, but was removed for unknown reasons. [3]
  • Sergeant Banks and Sergeant Stacker will disappear right after the Backseat Driver cutscene. They probably entered the Scarab with Johnson.
  • When escorting the Scarab, the player can get his/her Banshee stuck in the Scarab, and since the Scarab is invincible, the player doesn't actually have to defend it. However, if the player simply leaves the Banshee on top the Scarab, it may fall off.
  • If a Brute pilot of a Banshee is taken out of from his Banshee, he will be unarmed and will not attack the player even if the player approaches him. He will walk towards a Banshee and get in if one is nearby. It should be noted that if the other Brute (in a Banshee or not) is killed near the first one, the first Brute will go berserk.
  • If the player flies to Johnson's Scarab and lose his/her Banshee, towards the end more and more Brute Banshees will strafe toward the Scarab. They will fly very close, allowing the player to hijack one and fly to the control room. This is to prevent players from getting stuck on the Scarab.
  • Once the waves of Elites during the Control Room battle run out, Sergeant Johnson will shoot faster.
  • The player can use their own Particle Beam Rifle to lower Tartarus' shields, however, they will only be able to do so if they are on the same platform as Tartarus. Thus, the player cannot simply snipe Tartarus from a safe distance.
  • If the player parks a Banshee in the place that Miranda Keyes is running across to get the Icon, she will run through the Banshee during the cutscene.
  • If the player kills Tartarus while leaving a few of his Brutes alive, the cutscene will still progress but Brutes will be present, not attacking the main characters at all. This can also be seen with Elites and other objects.
  • The last sentence said by the Master Chief inspired Halo 3' s tagline: "Finish the Fight".
  • This is the last level in the Halo trilogy in which you don't play as John-117 . It is also the last level (excluding Halo 3 Co-op ) in which you play as Thel 'Vadam .
  • At the end of the level Uprising , both weapons and even the 3 frag grenades found in the Jiralhanae Encampment will carry over to The Great Journey. However, if you start a new level from the main menu or if you equip yourself with a Fuel Rod Gun or Rocket Launcher by the end of Uprising, your weapons will revert to the default Plasma Rifle and Plasma Pistol.

Gallery [ edit ]

Halo 2 [ edit ].

Preview of the level in Halo 2 menu.

Preview of the level in Halo 2 menu.

The Arbiter comes face-to-face with the Scarab.

The Arbiter comes face-to-face with the Scarab.

Johnson takes control of the Scarab.

Johnson takes control of the Scarab.

Installation 05's control room preparing to send the activation pulse.

Installation 05's control room preparing to send the activation pulse.

Installation 05 misfiring.

Installation 05 misfiring.

A ball of light forms in the center of Halo.

A ball of light forms in the center of Halo.

Halo entering emergency standby, ready to fire from the Ark.

Halo entering emergency standby, ready to fire from the Ark .

Tartarus throws 343 Guilty Spark at Johnson.

Tartarus throws 343 Guilty Spark at Johnson.

343 Guilty Spark explains the failsafe beacon to Keyes and Johnson.

343 Guilty Spark explains the failsafe beacon to Keyes and Johnson.

Miranda Keyes and Johnson listening to 343 Guilty Spark.

Miranda Keyes and Johnson listening to 343 Guilty Spark.

The Forerunner Dreadnought arrives at Earth.

The Forerunner Dreadnought arrives at Earth.

Cortana talking to the Gravemind.

Cortana talking to the Gravemind .

Halo 2: Anniversary [ edit ]

Concept art of Arbiter outside the Control Room.

Concept art of Arbiter outside the Control Room.

Concept art of the bridge.

Concept art of the bridge.

Concept art of the Scarab backing up the Arbiter.

Concept art of the Scarab backing up the Arbiter.

Concept art for the spinning platform in the control room.

Concept art for the spinning platform in the control room.

Rtas 'Vadum tells the Arbiter he has a plan for entering the Control Room.

Rtas 'Vadum tells the Arbiter he has a plan for entering the Control Room.

The Arbiter meets a SpecOps Sangheili and two Mgalekgolo at the Bastion of the Brutes.

The Arbiter meets a SpecOps Sangheili and two Mgalekgolo at the Bastion of the Brutes.

A Sangheili Councilor attempts to free another in the Bastion of the Brutes.

A Sangheili Councilor attempts to free another in the Bastion of the Brutes.

Marcus Stacker and Banks fighting their Jiralhanae captors.

Marcus Stacker and Banks fighting their Jiralhanae captors.

Sergeant Johnson and the Arbiter confront Tartarus in Delta Halo's Control Room.

Sergeant Johnson and the Arbiter confront Tartarus in Delta Halo's Control Room.

A Sangheili Councilor takes aim during the battle with Tartarus.

A Sangheili Councilor takes aim during the battle with Tartarus.

Keyes looking at Forerunner symbols on the failsafe beacon.

Keyes looking at Forerunner symbols on the failsafe beacon.

343 Guilty Spark explains the failsafe beacon to Keyes and Johnson.

The Arbiter joins Keyes and Johnson at the holographic display of the Halo array.

Sources [ edit ]

  • ^ Halo 2 Editing Kit , game file H2EK\tags\scenarios\solo\08b_deltacontrol\08b_deltacontrol.scenario
  • ^ Bungie.net : One Final Effort
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Halo 2 getting new missions after 20 years

Halo 2 getting new missions after 20 years

It's a miracle.

Sam Cawley

Halo 2 is getting some of its first new content in over 20 years, and you can play it right now on PC.

While Halo 2 is arguably one of the longest games in the series due to its mission count, a huge portion of its planned missions were scrapped before release, though it looks like many of them are on their way back.

Check out Halo 2: Anniversary below, playable through the Halo: The Master Chief Collection

Bungie’s second Halo game went through a rough patch of development that saw a variety of planned content cut from the final game, including a warthog run as the final mission, a mission where Master Chief gives the Covenant back their bomb, as well as loads of multiplayer maps.

While the game Bungie had in mind was a little too ambitious to see the light of day, modders have been working with 343 Industries to resurrect some of this content for PC , and now we’re closer than ever to playing one of the game’s planned stealth missions.

The mission sees Master Chief on the moon, using its dark spots to hide from patrolling Covenant forces, and there’s another mission where being spotted raises an alertness level like a Splinter Cell game.

Apparently stealth was a planned feature for Halo 2 , but was never fully realised, though Arbiter’s active camouflage ability is likely a remnant of that idea.

If you’re playing Halo: The Master Chief Collection on PC through Steam , you can download this cut content for yourself and give it a go.

Keep in mind that these missions were never finished during development, and while the community has done a great job of touching them up they’re naturally still a little rough around the edges.

There’s still no word if Xbox players will gain access to in-game mods, though hopefully they do as it’d be great to experience this cut content on a home console.

Topics:  Halo , PC , Mods , Xbox

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Halo 2 Walkthroughs for every Mission

Halo 2 Walkthroughs

This is the index page for my Halo 2 Walkthrough. Below you will find links to all of the missions in this game - to learn more about a specific mission click on the link below. I wrote this walkthrough while playing the MCC version of Halo 2 which has updated graphics, Terminals on each level and some new skulls that you're able to find.

If you'd like to see a list of all the videos I have for this game check out my Halo 2: List of Videos . On that page you'll find video tutorials for every mission, Achievement, Terminal and Skull that I have done videos for. For more information about what weapons are good in this game and why check out my Halo 2 Weapon Tier List .

Mission 1: The Heretic

Mission 2: The Armory

Mission 3: Cairo Station

Mission 4: Outskirts

Mission 5: Metropolis

Mission 6: The Arbiter

Mission 7: The Oracle

Mission 8: Delta Halo

Mission 9: Regret

Mission 10: Sacred Icon

Mission 11: Quarantine Zone

Mission 12: Gravemind

Mission 13: Uprising

Mission 14: High Charity

Mission 15: The Great Journey

Return to Halo Walkthroughs Index


  1. Halo 2 (Mission 15) The Great Journey Walkthrough

    the great journey halo 2 walkthrough

  2. Halo 2 (Mission 15) The Great Journey Walkthrough

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  3. Halo 2: Anniversary

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  4. Halo 2 Walkthrough

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  5. Halo 2 (Mission 15) The Great Journey Walkthrough

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  6. Halo 2 LEGENDARY Walkthrough ► Mission #13 The Great Journey

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  1. Halo 2 Anniversary

  2. Halo 2 Walkthrough

  3. Let's Play Halo 2 Anniversary

  4. Halo 2 Legendary Walkthrough by Mike Miller

  5. The Great Journey

  6. Halo 2 Walkthrough


  1. The Great Journey

    The Great Journey. File:TheGreatJourneyAchievementArt.jpeg. This page is a walkthrough for the 15th and last campaign level in Halo 2, The Great Journey. It is written to be played on Legendary difficulty. The player's initial loadout is a Okarda'phaa -pattern plasma rifle and Type-25 plasma pistol and four Anskum -pattern plasma grenades.

  2. The Great Journey

    The Great Journey is the twelfth mission in Halo 2. There is one Skull and one Terminal to find. Immediately hop into the Wraith behind you and begin trekking through the hills, destroying any ...

  3. Halo 2 (Mission 15) The Great Journey Walkthrough

    Halo 2 (Mission 15) The Great Journey Walkthrough. You begin The Great Journey, the final mission of Halo 2, as The Arbiter. This was a big deal back in the day because you didn't even finish the game as Master Chief, the main character. Anyway, the first part of this mission has you in a Wraith dealing with about a dozen different enemies in ...

  4. The Great Journey/Walkthrough

    The next video shows how I approach this battle, using the Wraith. QuickTime (9.5 mb) | WMP9 (9.2 mb) Right-click (option-click on a Mac) and "Save As" to save to disk. Staying near the corner along the side of the cliff forces the Banshees to begin their attack runs closer to you, making them somewhat easier to hit.

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  8. Halo 2 Legendary Walkthrough

    Part 1: Your Ass, My Size-24 Hoof. Although you start out on foot, a spectre will soon arrive to pick you up. Since the spec-ops commander stubbornly refuses to give up his wraith, the spectre is the best we can do for the moment. Interestingly, the level starts you out very close to your ultimate destination.

  9. The Great Journey

    The Great Journey is the fifteenth and final campaign level of Halo 2. As Thel 'Vadam, you will fight alongside other Sangheili, and several Mgalekgolo, to reach Tartarus and stop him from activating the rings. You will work alongside a Scarab Tank being controlled by Sergeant Major Johnson to break into to the door of Delta Halo's Control Room where Tartarus is located. Then, you must bring ...

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  12. The Great Journey

    Form an unexpected alliance, keep Tartarus from activating the ring. The Great Journey is the fifteenth and final campaign level of Halo 2. In Halo 2 for Windows Vista, upon completing this level on Normal or higher will reward the player "The Great Journey" Achievement and 30 Gamerscore .

  13. The Great Journey

    By IGN-GameGuides , Jason Venter , dhuang112 , +501 more. updated Feb 3, 2014. Immediately hop into the Wraith behind you and begin trekking through the hills, destroying any enemy Ghosts that ...

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    We storm the Control Room to prevent Tartarus from using the Index in the thirteenth campaign mission for Halo 2.Within the canyon, the Arbiter reunites with...

  15. Halo: 2

    0. Current Favorites. "The Great Journey is the final level of Halo 2. As Thel 'Vadam, you will fight alongside other Sangheili, and several Hunters, to reach Tartarus and stop him from activating the rings. You will work alongside a Scarab Tank being controlled by Sergeant Major Johnson to break into to the door of Delta Halo's Control Room ...

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    MCC: Halo 2 Legendary Walkthrough - Mission 14: The Great Journey. IGN guides you through Halo 2, as part of The Master Chief Collection on Xbox One. For more on Halo: TMCC, check out the full ...

  17. Halo 2 LEGENDARY Walkthrough Mission #13 The Great Journey

    AT LAST! The Act Man finishes what he started over a year ago! The final battle with Tartarus begins NOW! Overall, I had so much fun with this challenge! Th...

  18. The Great Journey (level)

    The Great Journey (level) Contents. 1 Overview; 2 Walkthrough. 2.1 Your Ass, My Size-24 Hoof; 2.2 Backseat Driver; 2.3 Delusions And Grandeur; Overview . This the 13th and final playable level in Halo 2. For the final time in Halo 2 you will play as The Arbiter. The aim of this level is to stop Tartarus from activating the the rings.

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    3:04. 3:29. 3:53. 3:51. Join IGN as we take you through our Halo 2 Walkthrough. This is Mission 15, The Great Journey.

  20. Halo 2 Great Journey Legendary Walkthrough

    Halo 2 Great Journey Legendary Walkthrough v2.2. would you recommend this guide? yes no. more guides | cheats ... : Halo 2: Halo 2 FAQs: Halo 2 Great Journey Legendary Walkthrough .

  21. Halo 2 getting new missions after 20 years

    Halo 2 is getting some of its first new content in over 20 years, and you can play it right now on PC. While Halo 2 is arguably one of the longest games in the series due to its mission count, a huge portion of its planned missions were scrapped before release, though it looks like many of them are on their way back.. Check out Halo 2: Anniversary below, playable through the Halo: The Master ...

  22. Halo 2 Walkthroughs for every Mission

    This is the index page for my Halo 2 Walkthrough. Below you will find links to all of the missions in this game - to learn more about a specific mission click on the link below. I wrote this walkthrough while playing the MCC version of Halo 2 which has updated graphics, Terminals on each level and some new skulls that you're able to find.

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    Hello Ladies & Gentlemen, I am the Legendary Founding Titan.Today we will be going through the halo 2 campaign. It has been many years since I last did play ...

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    Halo 2 Cheats and Secrets. ... The Great Journey, there is a much easier, faster, and simpler way to get the Banshee in the fight against Tartarus than to try and fly it through the tunnel.