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Status Quo live in Berlin 2022 – Was Fans wissen müssen

Status Quo kommen am 14. Dezember 2022 für ein Konzert nach Berlin. Alle Infos zum Konzert, Tickets & Termin.

Nachdem ihre für 2020 geplante "Backbone"-Tour abgesagt werden musste, stehen Status Quo mit ihrer "Out Out Quoing Xmas"-Tour im Winter 2022 in den Startlöchern und werden am 14. Dezember 2022 für ein Konzert nach Berlin kommen. Mit im Gepäck hat die britische Rockband Songs aus ihrem aktuellen Studioalbum "Backbone", das im September 2019 erschien, sowie eine Auswahl ihrer bekanntesten Hits.

Fans dürfen sich auf Klassiker wie "Down Down", "Whatever You Want", "In The Army Now" und "Rockin‘ All Over The World" freuen. Unterstützt wird Status Quo in Berlin von der Rockband "Manfred Mann´s Earth Band". "Wir können es nicht mehr erwarten, endlich wieder live zu spielen. Es ist schon viel zu lange her, dass wir gemeinsam mit den Fans rocken konnten," erklärte Quo-Frontmann Francis Rossi zur anstehenden Tour: "Macht euch nicht zu viele Gedanken und bereitet euch einfach auf viele Hits und die Energie echter Livemusik vor!"

Wo werden Status Quo auftreten?

Das Konzert findet in der Max-Schmeling-Halle (Am Falkplatz 1, 10437 Berlin) statt.

Gibt es noch Tickets für das Konzert?

Ja, für das Berlin-Konzert von Status Quo in der Max-Schmeling-Halle sind noch Karten erhältlich. Fans sollten sich allerdings beeilen. Tickets können auf der Internetseite der Veranstalter im Vorverkauf erworben werden (ab 71,25 Euro zzgl. Gebühren).

Wann geht es los?

Der Einlass startet am Mittwoch (14. Dezember 2022) um 18.00 Uhr. Das Konzert beginnt gegen 20.00 Uhr.

Welche Songs werden Status Quo in Berlin spielen?

Natürlich kann die Setlist bei ihrem Konzert in der Max-Schmeling-Halle davon abweichen, aber diese Songs spielten Status Quo bei ihrem Auftritt im Juni 2022 im spanischen Bilbao:

  • Little Lady
  • Softer Ride
  • Beginning of the End
  • Hold You Back
  • What You're Proposing / Railroad / Again and Again
  • Mystery Song
  • The Oriental
  • Cut Me Some Slack
  • Liberty Lane
  • In the Army Now
  • Roll Over Lay Down
  • Whatever You Want
  • Rockin' All Over the World
  • Paper Plane

Wie komme ich hin?

Die Max-Schmeling-Halle liegt in Prenzlauer Berg im Bezirk Pankow in unmittelbarer Nähe zum Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Sportpark und dem Mauerpark. Der Haupteingang befindet sich in der Verlängerung der Gaudystraße vor dem Falkplatz. Da es kaum Parkplätze in der Nähe gibt, empfiehlt sich die Anreise mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln. Die am nächsten gelegenen Bahnhöfe sind der U-Bahnhof Eberswalder Straße (U2), und der S-Bahnhof Schönhauser Allee (S41, S42, S8, S85). Außerdem sind die Tramstationen Milastraße (M1) und Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn Sportpark (M10) jeweils etwa 600 Meter entfernt.

Gibt es ein Hygienekonzept in der Max-Schmeling-Halle?

Alle Veranstaltungen finden unter Einhaltung der aktuellen gesetzlichen Vorschriften statt: Die jeweiligen Veranstalterinnen und Veranstalter tragen Sorge, dass die Hygienemaßnahmen stets überwacht und eingehalten werden.

Hier finden Sie die aktuellen Informationen zum Hygienekonzept der Max-Schmeling-Halle.

Generell gilt: Wenn Sie sich krank fühlen oder sogar Symptome haben, die auf eine Covid-19 Erkrankung hindeuten, bleiben Sie bitte zuhause!

Ist die Max-Schmeling-Halle barrierefrei?

Ja, ist sie. In der Max-Schmeling-Halle stehen Plätze für Rollstuhlfahrer und deren Begleiter zur Verfügung. Die Wege zu den Plätzen, zu den Gastronomieständen und zu den entsprechend ausgestatteten sanitären Einrichtungen sind barrierefrei konzipiert. Je nach Veranstaltungssituation besteht die Möglichkeit, Parkplätze zu reservieren.

Weitere Informationen zu den Einlassbestimmungen in der Max-Schmeling-Halle finden Sie unter max-schmeling-halle.de.

Status Quo live in der Max-Schmeling-Halle, Mittwoch, 14. Dezember 2022, Einlass 18.00 Uhr; Konzertbeginn 20.00 Uhr; Am Falkplatz 1, 10437 Berlin

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Biografie - Status Quo

Wenn man Status Quo kurz auf den Punkt bringen will, reicht eigentlich ein einziger Songtitel: „Rockin’ All Over The World“. Tatsächlich rockt die britische Band nämlich bereits seit Jahrzehnten rund um den ganzen Erdball und gilt bis heute als eine der erfolgreichsten Bands überhaupt.

Der charakteristische Bandname – übersetzt bedeutet er „gegenwärtiger Zustand“ – steht durchaus sinnbildlich für die Geschichte von Status Quo: Von ihren Anfängen bis in die Gegenwart machen sie ehrliche, beständige und immer noch aktuelle Rockmusik .

Die Geschichte der legendären Band, die manchmal auch nur Quo genannt wird, beginnt Anfang der 1960er-Jahre in London. In der britischen Hauptstadt spielen zwei Jungs namens Francis Rossi und Alan Lancaster in einer Schülerband, aus der sich schließlich Status Quo entwickelt. Nach einigem Herumprobieren ist die musikalische Ausrichtung klar: Boogie-Rock soll es sein.

Diese Musikrichtung ist inspiriert vom Bluesrock der amerikanischen Südstaaten und geprägt von einem geradlinigen Sound mit viel Gitarre und Schlagzeug. Auch Bands wie ZZ Top sind Vertreter dieses musikalischen Genres.

Eine Ex-Schülerband stürmt die Charts

Im Jahr 1967 erscheint die erste Single von Status Quo: „Pictures Of Matchstick Men“. Sie schafft es sowohl in Großbritannien als auch in den USA in die Charts. Nach einem kurzen Karriereknick erzielt die Band seit Anfang der 1970er-Jahre einen Erfolg nach dem anderen. Ihre Alben stürmen in England ausnahmslos die Charts und Touren von Status Quo sorgen unter Fans für helle Begeisterung und ausverkaufte Konzerte.

Als erste Rockband überhaupt spielen Status Quo 1982 während eines Wohltätigkeitskonzertes vor der königlichen Familie – und es soll nicht das einzige seiner Art bleiben. Im Laufe ihrer Karriere tritt die Band immer wieder für gemeinnützige Zwecke auf . Ein weiteres Beispiel: 1991 gibt sie ein Konzert für die Häftlinge des Londoner Pentonville-Gefängnisses.

Schon in den 1980er-Jahren kommt es vermehrt zu Gerüchten, dass Status Quo sich auflösen wollen. Wie wir heute wissen, sollten sich diese zum Glück nicht bewahrheiten. Denn obwohl im Laufe der Jahre Bandmitglieder abtreten oder aufhören und ersetzt werden, rocken Status Quo bis heute weiter.

Noch heute wissen Status Quo ihre Fans zu überraschen

In Musikerkreisen genießt die britische Band vor allem den Ruf, hart und ausdauernd zu arbeiten und dem eigenen Stil treu zu bleiben. Ersteres führt auch zu einem Eintrag ins Guinness-Buch der Rekorde, der sich wirklich sehen lassen kann: Am 21. September 1991 spielt die Truppe in nur elf Stunden vier Arenakonzerte in vier verschiedenen Städten . Außer in London tritt sie auch in Sheffield, Birmingham und Glasgow auf.

Diese Tour von Status Quo beschert der Band allerdings nicht den letzten Eintrag ins Buch der Rekorde. Im Jahr 2005 folgt ein weiterer Meilenstein – diesmal für 61 Single-Chart-Hits im Laufe ihrer Karriere. Rekordverdächtig mutet auch die Tatsache an, dass Status Quo bis heute regelmäßig touren und dabei pro Tour rund 100 Konzerte geben. Zu ihrem Portfolio gehören inzwischen außerdem über 30 Studioalben.

Darüber hinaus machen Status Quo immer wieder auch durch ungewöhnliche Auftritte von sich reden . Dazu gehört mit Sicherheit ein Gig auf einem Zug-Tieflader mitten im australischen Outback, aber ebenso das Konzert für die acht Protagonisten der norwegischen Version von „Big Brother“.

Auch musikalisch wagen die Mitglieder durchaus immer wieder mal etwas Neues, wobei sie ihrem Stil langfristig nie komplett den Rücken kehren. So nehmen sie mit der deutschen Techno-Band Scooter ihren eigenen Hit „Whatever You Want“ neu auf und treten als Rockband beim Jazz-Festival von Montreux an.

Bei den Shows von Status Quo steht Gründungsmitglied Francis Rossi noch immer auf der Bühne und begeistert seine treuen Fans. Tickets für Status Quo sind somit ein Garant für einen ebenso lauten wie gutgelaunten Abend, an dem neue und alte Songs nicht fehlen – „Rockin’ All Over The World“ mit Sicherheit auch nicht.

Status Quo Fan-Report: Bewertungen und Rezensionen Bewertungen für Veranstaltungen, Künstler und Venues können unter Einhaltung der Teilnahmebedingungen grundsätzlich von jedem erstellt werden. EVENTIM schlägt jedoch nur Ticketkäufern vor, Bewertungen für die von ihnen erworbenen Veranstaltungen abzugeben.

731 bewertungen (ø 4,32), grottenschlechte vorband..

Das Konzert war für 19.30 angesetzt. Um 19.50 kam dann Manfred Mann´s Earthband auf die Bühne. Ich frage mich heute noch, wieso man eine Band, die 3 oder 4 gute Hits hatte als Vorband für Status Quo nehmen kann. Die MME hat dann etwas gemacht was ich bisher in 45 Jahren Konzertbesuche NOCH NIE erlebt habe: sie hat die 6 Stücke die sie gespielt hat, jeweils auf 8 - 11 Minuten durch Soli gequält...hat. Mehrfach hat der Sänger die ersten 1 bis 1,5 Minuten eines Songs angesungen, ist dann von der Bühne verschwunden, und nach ca. 7 bis 8 Min. wieder auf die Bühne erschienen und den Song zu Ende gesungen. So kam man dann mit 5 oder 6 Songs auf knapp über 1 Stunde Vorgruppe. GRAUSAM. In der Zeit war die Vorhalle und auch die Raucherecke sowie die Cateringstände immer sehr gut gefüllt weil den Leuten spätestens nach dem 2 Song das ganze auf die Nerven ging. Um ca. 21.20 Uhr kam dann Status Quo auf die Bühne. Das Konzert war sehr gut, auch wenn die Stimme von Francis Rossi an dem Abend nicht mehr die Beste war. Aber das ist zum Abschluss einer Tour verständlich. Fazit dieses Abends: 1. Man hätte sich, vor allem wegen der Vorgruppe, die frühe und pünktliche Anreise absolut ersparen können, weil man auch um 21.00 im Innenraum noch genug Platz hatte. 2. Ob es Sinn macht solche Vorgruppen zu buchen, wage ich zu bezweifeln. 3. Vielleicht sollte man in Lingen die Security etwas sensibilisieren ob bereits stark angetrunkene Leute noch Eintritt in die Halle bekommen. 4. Wer weiß wie lange die Jungs noch auf der Bühne stehen und somit sollte man die Chance nutzen, aber sich vorher ansehen ob und wenn, wer die Vorgruppe ist.

Super Konzert

Leider schlechte Vorband. Status Quo wie erwartet top!

Immer wieder Party pur!

Sie sind und bleiben eine der geilsten Livebands. Jedes Konzert eine super Rockparty. Und endlich wieder ein Stehbereich vor der Bühne, da war feiern, feiern, rocken angesagt. Und da haben die Quos ihr Publikum voll im Griff. Danke für diesen erneut fantastischen Abend!

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status quo tour 2022 berlin

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        Latest additions & corrections: 6-6-2024   [new live audience recordings]


  • Early Gigs 1962 - 1967
  • Picturesque Matchstickable Tour
  • Spare Parts Tour
  • Ma Kelly's Greasy Spoon Tour
  • Dog Of Two Heads Tour
  • Piledriver Tour
  • Hello! Tour
  • On The Level Tour
  • Blue For You Tour
  • Rockin'all Over The World Tour
  • If You Can't Stand The Heat Tour
  • Never Too Late Tour
  • 20th Anniversary Tour
  • End Of The Road Tour
  • Live Aid Concert 1985
  • Quo's Back Summer Tour
  • In The Army Now Tour
  • Ain't Complaining Tour
  • Perfect Remedy Tour
  • The Summer Festival Tour 1990
  • 25th Anniversary Tour
  • Rock'Til you Drop Tour
  • Live Alive Quo Tour
  • Just For The Record Tour
  • Thirsty Work Tour
  • Summer Festival Tour 1995
  • Don't Stop Tour
  • Can't Stop Tour
  • Whatever You Want Best Of..Tour
  • It's Good to Tour 1998
  • The Pub Tour
  • Under The Influence Tour
  • Night Of The Proms Tour 1999
  • Famous In The Last Century Tour
  • Never Say Never Tour
  • Heavy Traffic Tour
  • XS All Areas Tour
  • The Party Ain't Over Yet Tour
  • Just Doin' It...Live! Tour
  • Search Of The 4th Chord Tour
  • Pictures 40 Years of Hits Tour
  • Pictures Exposed Tour
  • Quid Pro Quo Tour 2010/11
  • Quofestive 2011 UK Tour
  • Quid Pro Quo 2012 Tour
  • Quofestive 2012 UK Tour
  • Made In Britain Tour
  • Frantic Four Reunion Tour
  • The Bula Quo Tour
  • Aquostic Live Tour 2014/15
  • Status Quo Live Tour 2014/15
  • Accept No Substitute Tour
  • The Last Night of....Tour 2016/17
  • Aquostic - It Rocks Tour 2016/17
  • Plugged In Tour 2017/18
  • Back on Tour 2019
  • Backbone Tour 2020
  • Out Out Quoing Tour 2022
  • Status Quo Live 2024
  • The Solo Live-Projects
  • The BBC Radio Sessions
  • The Radio Interviews
  • New STATUS QUO Books
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  • Famous Last Words


status quo tour 2022 berlin

Setlist UK Spring / European Summer Tour : Caroline, Rain (Rhino voc), Little Lady (Richie voc), Softer Ride, Beginning of the End, Hold You Back, QUO Medley incl. What You're Proposin' / Down The Dustpipe / Wild Side of life / Railroad / Again and Again (Rhino voc) / Mystery Song (Richie voc), The Oriental, Cut Me some Slack, Liberty Lane, In The Army Now, Roll over lay Down, Down Down, Whatever You Want (Andy voc), Rockin'all over the World - Encore: Paper Plane .

Setlist UK / European Winter Tour : Caroline, Rain (Rhino voc), Little Lady (Richie voc), Softer Ride, Beginning of the End, Hold You Back, Rock'n'Roll'n' You, Twenty Wild Horses, QUO Medley incl. What You're Proposin' / Down The Dustpipe / Somethin' Bout You Baby I Like (full version) / Wild Side of life / Rolling Home (longer version) / Railroad / Again and Again (Rhino voc), Mystery Song (Richie voc), The Oriental, In My Chair, Cut Me some Slack, Liberty Lane, In The Army Now, Roll over lay Down, Down Down, Whatever You Want (Andy voc), Rockin'all over the World - Encore: Don't Waste My Time .

Tour Crew: Andrew Keightley (Tour Manager), Lyane Ngan (Band Personal Assistant), Ewan Cameron (Lightning Director), Andy May (FOH Sound Engineer), Tim Franklin (Monitor Engineer), Lloyd Gilbert (Stage Manager/ Guitar Tech) , Andy Brook (Guitar Tech), Andy Tomkins (Keyboard / BassTech), Benny Calvert (Drum Tech).

Merchandiser: Global Merchandising Services Ltd.  Management: Duroc Media Ltd. Manager: Simon Porter. Additional / Unusual songs performed: Backing Off, Get Out Of My Head (Richie voc > both only on their UK March gigs), Don't Waste My Time (encore with Paper Plane mostly during the summer shows), Down Down with a sort of jam (during some of the summer gigs). Quo did a shorter set at their summer festival shows without the Backbone tracks Backin' Off and Get Out Of My Head, Burning Bridges (Encore UK Christmas Tour). .

Support bands: Dea Matrona* (Dublin and Belfast), Laurence Jones (UK SpringTour), The Wake Woods+ (German dates in September and November), Shakin' Stevens** (Winter Tour UK), Manfred Mann's Earthband# (German Winter Tour in Dezember)

Tour Notes:   Due to the ongoing COVID uncertainty in Europe, Quo and their management have rescheduled the mainland European dates between March and April 2022 to later in the year. Quo cancelled their Karjurock Usikaupunki festival gig at Lokalahti, Finland 23.7.2022 by short hand because the organizers of the festival didn't fully comply with the bands raider and stage requirements, which are an integral part of their contract.  

27/02/  UK, Belfast* - Waterfront Hall | 47' min. AUD Quality: 4

28/02/  IRELAND, Dublin* - Olympia Theatre | 101' min. AUD Quality: 4

02/03/  UK, Hull - Bonus Arena | 103' min. AUD Quality: 3 +

03/03/  UK, Stockton - Globe | 102' min. AUD Quality: 3 +

05/03/  UK, Liverpool - Philharmonic Hall

06/03/  UK, Birmingham - Symphony Hall

08/03/  UK, Southend On Sea - Cliffs Pavilion | 98' min. AUD Quality: 3 +

09/03/  UK, Ipswich - Regent Theatre

11/03/  UK, Leicester - De Montfort Hall | 69' min. AUD Quality: 3 +

12/03/  UK, Guildford - G Live | 104' min. AUD Quality: 3 +

14/03/  UK, Manchester - Bridgewater Hall | 104' min. AUD Quality: 3

15/03/  UK, Cardiff - St. David's Hall

17/03/  UK, Oxford - New Theatre | 102' min. AUD Quality: 3

18/03/  UK, Bath - The Forum

10/06/  DENMARK, Viborg - Tinghallen Comvent Arena

11/06/  DENMARK, Middelfart - Rock under the Bridge Festival

24/06/  SPAIN, Bilbao - Bilbao Arena

25/06/  FRANCE, Cháteau de Tilloloy - Retro CTrop Festival (with Alice Cooper)

30/06/  BELGIUM, Hemiksem - Festival

16/07/  FRANCE, Morzine Avoriaz - Harley Days Festival | 61' min. AUD Quality: 4

22/07/  FINLAND, Tampere - Tampere Hall

29/07/  HOLLAND, Veenhoop - Festival

05/08/  SWEDEN, Knislinge - Parkgatan Time To Rock Festival | 73' min. AUD Quality: 4

10/08/  SWITZERLAND, Avenches - Rock Oz'Arenes

26/08/  SWITZERLAND, Aarburg - Festivalgelände

10/09/  GERMANY, Germersheim - Mercedes-Benz Global Logistics Center (Open-Air)

12/09/  FRANCE, Paris - L'Olympia

13/09/  FRANCE, Lyon - Le Transbordeur | 47' min. AUD Quality: 3

16/09/  GERMANY, Aalen - Firmensitz Palm Papierfabrik Neukochen (private gig celebrating 150 years of Palm)

17/09/  GERMANY, Augsburg - Kongress am Park+

19/09/  GERMANY, Dresden - Kulturpalast+ | 93' min. AUD Quality: 3

20/09/  BELGIUM, Brussels - Ancienne Belgique | 81' min. AUD Quality: 4 -

10/11/  GERMANY, Halle - Händel Halle+ | 108' min. AUD Quality: 3

11/11/  LUXEMBOURG, Esch sur Alzette - Rockhal Main Hall

14/11/  GERMANY, Krefeld - Seidenweberhaus+ | 108' min. AUD Quality: 3 +

15/11/  GERMANY, Rostock - Stadthalle+ | 109' min. AUD Quality: 3 - 4

17/11/  GERMANY, Rietberg - Cultura+ | 109' min. AUD Quality: 4

19/11/  FRANCE, Roubaix - The Colosseum

21/11/  HOLLAND, Tilburg - Poppodium 013 | 107' min. AUD Quality: 3 +

22/11/  GERMANY, Saarbrücken - Saarlandhalle+

25/11/  UK, Aberdeen - P&J Live**

26/11/  UK, Glasgow - SEC Armadillo**  | 98' min. AUD Quality: 3

28/11/  UK, Leeds - FD Arena** | 107' min. AUD Quality: 3 -

30/11/  UK, Brighton - Centre** | 107' min. AUD Quality: 3 +

01/12/  UK, Bournemouth - BIC**

03/12/  UK, London - Wembley Arena** | 107' min. AUD Quality: 4

05/12/  GERMANY, Düsseldorf - Mitsubishi Electric Halle#

07/12/  GERMANY - Erfurt - Messehalle# | 107' min. AUD Quality: 3

08/12/  GERMANY, Frankfurt - Jahrhunderthalle#

10/12/  GERMANY, Stuttgart - Porsche Arena#

11/12/  GERMANY, München - Olympiahalle#

13/12/  GERMANY, Hamburg - Barclaycard Arena#

14/12/  GERMANY, Berlin - Max Schmeling Halle#

16/12/  GERMANY, Hannover - Swiss Live Hall# | 109' min. AUD Quality: 3 

17/12/  GERMANY, Lingen - Emsland Arena#   | 106' min. AUD Quality: 3 +


23.07.2022 - Statement by Simon Porter, Quo's manager about the cancellation at Karjurock Festival, Finland:

10.09.2022 - To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the famous Insel Grün Rock Festival in Germersheim, Germany - Mercedes-Benz sponsors this special open-Air event with Status Quo, Uriah Heep and Nazareth at their huge areal on the island Green in Germersheim. All three bands performed in May 1972 and are still touring all over the world.

16.09.2022 - Status Quo performed a special private corporated gig in front of 800 invited guests to celebrate 150 years of german paper & packaging factory Palm at the headquarter in Neukochen Aalen, Germany. Here are two videoclips of the event - Link: https://youtu.be/rtHeWh80akk     and   Status Quo at Palm Paper 150 Year Celebration - YouTube                                   

21.11.2022 - Richie Malone celebrated in Tilburg, Holland his 200th show with Quo since joining them in Leuven, Belgium. 20.7.2016.

11.12.2022 - The band was special guests at the german DEL Icehockey game Red Bull Munich vs Adler Mannheim in the sell out Olympic Ice hall and did the opening bully. Unfortunatly the band had to leave earlier for their Soundcheck in the Olympiahalle.

14.12.2022 - A bloody blister! - Francis had problems with his new shoes and came back for the Berlin encore without his right shoe to play Don't Waste My Time on bloody socks! What a picture... (by Achim Wenz)


17.12.2022 - Lingen, Germany will be Leon's 396th Quo gig since joining Quo in Frankfurt, Germany 25.5.2013. Well done..!




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Status Quo are a rock band that formed in 1962. Hailing from Catford, London, England, they are one of the most consistently successful groups of all time, who have more UK hit singles than any other band and play huge shows all over the world to this day.

For a band who’ve become something of a byword for steady, water-treading reliability in the world of rock and roll, Status Quo have had a pretty weird old career when you think about it. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the fact that they’re still going as strong as ever, half a century after they started and a good few decades after the brand of boogie rock that they continue to play to this day became stale in the eyes of the record buying public. Yet, here they are, still able to sell out arenas across the globe, still able to to score top ten albums and still able to slay festivals in their sixth decade together as a band. Really, you couldn’t make it up if you tried.

I suppose it makes sense that the band formed in secondary school. There’s something profoundly “boys own” about the band and they’ve never quite lost that feel that they’re still schoolboy scamps who made good at heart. I mean, what else can you say about two sexagenarians who posed nude on their latest album cover with acoustic guitars preserving their modesty? Anyway, the band began in 1962 as The Scorpions, formed by lead guitarist and singer Francis Rossi, and original bassist Alan Lancaster. A year later they changed their name to The Spectres, added John Coghlan on the drums and by 1966 The Spectres were signed to Piccadilly Records. However, success would not come easily to the band, and their first couple of singles sank without a trace.

This would all change in the following year however, since back in 1965, Rossi had become close friends with fellow guitarist and singer Rick Parfitt. The pair had vowed to work together on some kind of musical project but nothing came of it until 1967, when Rossi completed the vintage Quo line-up by adding Parfitt as co-lead vocalist and rhythm guitarist. Not for nothing was this Quo line-up referred to as the “Frantic Four”. Also in 1967, the band discovered psychedelia, which was to be their making as a band. That’s right, Status Quo, them of the four chord barroom boogie rock, got their big break with a psychedelic rock song. Namely 1968’s “Pictures Of Matchstick Men”.

The song was an astonishing hit, reaching the top ten in the U.K and Canada, whilst also reaching number 12 in the U.S. However, try as they might, they failed to make lightning strike twice and after their second album tanked they went back to the drawing board. What they came up with would change their lives forever, and the band abandoned psychedelia in both sound and look, in favour of hard rock, faded jeans and white T-shirts. In 1970 they debuted this new look and sound in the album “Ma Kelly’s Greasy Spoon” but it wasn’t until 1972 that it began to catch on. ’72 was the year they signed to renowned hard rock label Vertigo, and with “Piledriver”, their first album on the label, they had a top five hit album, a run of three hit singles and the rock world was suddenly their oyster.

Since then the band’s only rivals have been legends like The Stones and The Who. Jagger and Richards’ band are to this day the only band to have more hit albums on the UK charts than them, and it’s estimated that they’ve played 6000 live shows in total to over 25 million people. However, what makes them so vital is that while members come and go, the band lives and dies with Parfitt and Rossi, whose friendship and collaboration has been the constant driving force of the band. Few other bands can lay a claim like that, just like few other bands can lay as convincing a claim to being true national treasures as Status Quo can. Highly recommended.

Live reviews

Recent shows have seen Status Quo play in a reformed version of their classic seventies line-up of Francis Rossi (guitar, vocals), Rick Parfitt (guitar, vocals), Alan Lancaster (bass, vocals) & John Coughlan (drums) regularly referred to now as The Frantic Four.

They played a brilliant set based on the seminal 1976 "Live!" album, that is a bluesier, heavier version of Quo. I'd happily watch this version of band do the same set every year from now until the end of time but all good things have to come to an end and it's likely from now on the line-up will revert to the more familiar "Party Quo" line-up.

"Party Quo" are still led by Rossi & Parfitt and feature long time Quo members John Edwards on bass, and Andy Bown on keyboards along with a drummer, most recently Leon Cave. They are likely to play bigger venues and more often than not manage a Christmas tour of the UK.

The set list still features songs from the band's seventies peak and you're likely to hear plenty of heavy rock classics such as Caroline, Paper Plane, Down Down & Roll Over Lay Down. However, with "Party Quo" you'll get more of the more recent hits like Whatever You Want, Rocking All Over The World and In The Army Now.

Either line-up will give you a couple of hours of great rock'n'roll and even if you only have a passing fancy in the band you're almost guaranteed to have a good time. I've seen the band in various line-ups over 30 times and have enjoyed every single one.

Status Quo remain one of the best live bands you're likely to see which is pretty impressive for a bunch of musicians who are old enough to collect their bus pass.

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Chops_Top_Fives’s profile image

Status Quo are still as unbelievable live as they have ever been, playing true to their names as legends of Rock n Roll. The band has been one of the biggest musical names in British rock history since they formed back in 1962. It is incredible to think that they are still going strong, and that many of their classic 70s hits are still huge anthems today. The crowd that lined up to watch the band perform proved how popular Status Quo still are and always will be: there were young teenagers, 20 somethings, families and rock veterans in the crowd, all equally excited to see the iconic band live. Status Quo did not disappoint. They hashed out a number of classic 70s hits such as ‘Caroline’ and ‘Paper Plane’ as well as fan favourites such as ‘Whatever You Want’ and ‘Rocking All Over the World’. Francis Rossi and Rick Parfitt led the vocals and guitars, and both received an incredible reaction from the crowd. They were joined by the rest of the Frantic Four in a reformation of the band’s classic line up from their golden years.

sabraziz’s profile image

I left in a glass half full mood.

Don't get me wrong, the concert was excellent and on a rough calculation, this was my 50th Quo gig. Francis Rossi is the best frontman in rock. Ritchie Malone was an able deputy for the missing Rick Parfitt. Alas, it was the last night of the electrics. I will no longer be able to rock along with the mighty Quo.

That's why I left the gig, although mightily fulfilled, a little sad.

The Quo have been there to rock out to, for most of my teens and then adult life.

Goodbye to the electrics I will miss it.

If you feel inclined to do the odd electric gig though in the future, I'll be first in line for tickets.

Quo will always be my musical love, the music, the stage presence and that catchy boogie riff. Audiences around the UK will miss them, but memories will remain forever. I love the Quo and I don't care who knows it.

mark-jones-45’s profile image

A great night and the 98th time I've seen them and one of the best yet. The set list was much as you would expect it, but at least you know what you are getting! The band seemed to be really enjoying themselves last night.

With support from REO Speedwagon who I've not seen before but they rocked! Playing for 1 hour with an impressive stage set for a support band.

Plus the Lounge Kittens which were better than I expected doing about 30mins

The 6.35 start time caught a few people out, but a good value gig.

Ovalrocker’s profile image

I saw Status Quo at the beginning of the month at the Bournemouth International Centre. Francis Rossi is the only one of their classic lineup but the Quo still rock throughout the night, performing a good variety of new songs and their classic hits. Francis provides good humour all round and interaction with the audience. More highlights included a rocking encore of ‘Burning Bridges’, and a medley of many of their old hits that they couldn’t fit in full rolled into one.

Would see again

max.stenner’s profile image

Saw Quo at Bournemouth 9th December and what an amazing night. After years of promising ourselves to go we were not disappointed. Francis Rossi brings such energy to stage and as always has the crowd eating out of his hand.

His sense of humour and obvious enjoyment of being on stage still shines through. Bought tickets for brother as early Christmas present he said probably best Christmas present ever had. Thank you to all the group for giving us a proper show.Long may you continue.

Beales59’s profile image

Fantastic Acoustic performance - 9 in the band. Rossi very much on form. Non stop hits - played 1.5 hours non stop with very little talking. Back to back music. Prefer the acoustic shows. I'd recommend both the show and the venue but not the prices inside. £9 something for a small bottle water, small Diet Coke and 2 bags of crisps. £4.50 per tub for ice cream and there was only chocolate flavour available. Take your own refreshments with you would be my advice.

christine-wadsley-cu’s profile image

Fantastic night and everything you expect from the mighty Quo. What was a surprise was the amazing support act Cats in Space. They were probably the best support group I've ever seen. Downloaded their albums and I would pay just to see them in future.

Back to the Quo; as brilliant as always. Really enjoyed last year's acoustic show and sadly miss Rick. The band did a great job of carrying on and long may they continue.

To night out. Thank you Songkick.

david-shaw-67’s profile image

Uriah Heep opened, and my god can they still sing and play! Those oldtimers knocked it out of the park....

Then Status Quo came in with medley after medley and just rocked it oldschool! The venue was also very well organized and everything went according to plan, because both bands were very punctual.

It was really worth it purchasing the golden circle ticket, because it wasn´t too expensive, but still very confortable and not completly full.

timm07’s profile image

as i went with my partner i have been 2 times he has been 118 this band may be getting on a bit but they sure know how to rock and put on a good show starting with Caroline at 9 pm and finishing with burning bridges at 10.30 pm with lots in between amazing don't for get the warm up band cats in space a very good choice very good seats all in all 11 out of 10

garry-ware’s profile image

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Status Quo live.

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Emspark Greven

Wolverhampton Civic Hall

Swansea Arena

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Status Quo is not due to play near your location currently - but they are scheduled to play 27 concerts across 5 countries in 2024-2025. View all concerts.

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  • Ehingen, Germany
  • Cologne, Germany
  • Geldern, Germany

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  • Uriah Heep (40)
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  • Manfred Mann's Earth Band (31)

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Status Quo Concert Setlists & Tour Dates

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  • Jun 14 2024 Stone Music Festival 2024 Mérida, Spain Add time Add time Add times
  • Jun 15 2024 Noches del Botánico 2024 Madrid, Spain Add time Add time Add times
  • Jun 28 2024 Autostadt Sommerfestival 2024 Wolfsburg, Germany Add time Add time Add times
  • Jul 08 2024 Tollwood Sommerfestival 2024 Munich, Germany Add time Add time Add times
  • Jul 12 2024 Moon and Stars 2024 Locarno, Switzerland Add time Add time Add times
  • Aug 08 2024 Stars in Town 2024 Schaffhausen, Switzerland Add time Add time Add times
  • Aug 13 2024 Live at the Piece Hall 2024 Halifax, England  –  Find tickets Doors 6:00 PM  –  Start time: 8:30 PM (Est.) Tickets 6:00 PM 8:30 PM Estimated

Status Quo at Marktplatz, Ehingen, Germany

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Status Quo at Civic Hall, Wolverhampton, England

  • Little Lady
  • Softer Ride
  • Beginning of the End
  • Hold You Back
  • What You're Proposing / Down the Dustpipe / Something 'bout You Baby I Like / Wild Side Of Life / Rollin' Home / Railroad / Again and Again / Mystery Song
  • The Oriental
  • In My Chair
  • In the Army Now
  • Roll Over Lay Down

Status Quo at Swansea Arena, Swansea, Wales

Status quo at scarborough open air theatre, scarborough, england.

  • Whatever You Want

Status Quo at Kelvingrove Bandstand, Glasgow, Scotland

Status quo at botanic gardens, belfast, northern ireland.

  • Cut Me Some Slack

Status Quo at EmslandArena, Lingen, Germany

  • Rock 'n' Roll 'n' You
  • Twenty Wild Horses

Status Quo at Swiss Life Hall, Hanover, Germany

Status quo at max-schmeling-halle, berlin, germany.

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  • Caroline ( 2737 )
  • Roll Over Lay Down ( 2662 )
  • Rockin' All Over the World ( 2612 )
  • Whatever You Want ( 2440 )
  • Down Down ( 2186 )

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A-Meezing Coverband Angry Samoans Ape Escape Die Ärzte Beggars Belief Belgian Quo Band Bev Bevan The Black Angels Blaze De Boertjes van Buuten Bohemian Symphony Orchestra Prague Bombers Bon Jovi Bøling Camper Van Beethoven Carl Carlton John Coghlan Cracker Crosstown Revival Crowded House CUD The Decibels The Dials The Divine Comedy Dub War Electric Boys The English Channel De Fuckups Andreas Gabalier Ginger Wildheart & The Sinners Golden Dawn Gotthard Tony Hadley Haircut One Hundred Half Man Half Biscuit Tony Henry Horisont Howlin' Jaws The Humanitarians Carl Huybrechts I Mother Earth IQ Jack Jadis Jesus Jones Jgor Gianola feat. Alto Voltaggio Ferdi Joly Jovink en de Voederbietels Kasabian The Keytone Cops

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status quo tour 2022 berlin

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Status Quo

Country of origin:

Status Quo are a British rock band. The group originated in London and was founded in 1962 by Francis Rossi and Alan Lancaster while they were still schoolboys. After a number of name and lineup changes, which included the introduction of John Coghlan in 1963 and Rick Parfitt in 1967, the band becam ... read more >>>

About the event

Status Quo are back! Endlich! Nachdem die für 2020 geplante „Backbone“-Tour aufgrund der Covid-19 Pandemie abgesagt werden musste, stehen Francis Rossi & Co. jetzt für 2022 in den Startlöchern und geb ... read more

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Status Quo / 2022 ‘Out Out Quoing’ UK and Eire Tour dates are announced

Statsu Quo at London's Hyde Park

27 feb 8:00 pm Status Quo, Belfast Waterfront

Event Details

Status Quo are back for their 14 date UK and Eire Sprint 2022 Tour. Tickets are on sale from 23 April 2021.

February 27, 2022 8:00 pm (GMT+00:00)

Waterfront Hall, Belfast

2 Lanyon Pl, Belfast BT1 3WH

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28 feb 8:00 pm Status Quo, Dublin Olympia

Status Quo are back for their 14 date UK and Eire Spring 2022 Tour. Tickets are on sale from 23 April 2021.

February 28, 2022 8:00 pm (GMT+01:00)

Olympia Theatre, Dublin

72 Dame St, Temple Bar, Dublin 2, D02 K135, Ireland

02 mar 8:00 pm Status Quo, Hull Bonus Arena

March 2, 2022 8:00 pm (GMT+01:00)

Bonus Arena, Hull

Myton St, Hull HU1 2PS

03 mar 8:00 pm Status Quo, Stockton Globe

March 3, 2022 8:00 pm (GMT+01:00)

Globe Theatre, Stockton

153A High St, Stockton-on-Tees TS18 1PL

05 mar 8:00 pm Status Quo, Liverpool Philharmonic Hall

March 5, 2022 8:00 pm (GMT+01:00)

Royal Liverpool Philharmonic

Royal Liverpool Philharmonic, Philharmonic Hall, Hope St, Liverpool, L1 9BP,

06 mar 8:00 pm Status Quo, Birmingham Symphony Hall

March 6, 2022 8:00 pm (GMT+01:00)

Symphony Hall

Broad St, Birmingham B1 2EA

08 mar 8:00 pm Status Quo, Southend Cliffs Pavillion

March 8, 2022 8:00 pm (GMT+01:00)

Cliffs Pavilion

Station Rd, Westcliff-on-Sea, Southend-on-Sea, Westcliff-on-Sea SS0 7RA

09 mar 8:00 pm Status Quo, Ipswich Regent Theatre

March 9, 2022 8:00 pm (GMT+01:00)

Ipswich Regent Theatre

3 St. Helen's St, Ipswich IP4 1HE

11 mar 8:00 pm Status Quo, Leicester De Montfort Hall

March 11, 2022 8:00 pm (GMT+01:00)

De Montfort Hall, Leicester

Granville Road Leicester LE1 7RU

12 mar 8:00 pm Status Quo, Guildford G Live

March 12, 2022 8:00 pm (GMT+01:00)

G Live, Guildford

London Rd, Guildford GU1 2AA

14 mar 8:00 pm Status Quo, Manchester Bridgewater Hall

March 14, 2022 8:00 pm (GMT+01:00)

The Bridgewater Hall, Manchester

Lower Mosley St, Manchester M2 3WS

15 mar 8:00 pm Status Quo, Cardiff St David's Hall

March 15, 2022 8:00 pm (GMT+01:00)

St David's Hall, Cardiff

17 mar 8:00 pm Status Quo, Oxford New Theatre

March 17, 2022 8:00 pm (GMT+01:00)

New Theatre Oxford

24-26 George St, Oxford OX1 2AG

18 mar 8:00 pm Status Quo, Bath The Forum

March 18, 2022 8:00 pm (GMT+01:00)

The Forum, Bath

Avon, 1A Forum Buildings, Bath BA1 1UG

Status Quo UK and Eire 2022 Tour Poster

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  1. Status Quo live in Berlin 2022

    status quo tour 2022 berlin

  2. Status Quo at Max-Schmeling-Halle Tickets (14 December 2022 in Berlin

    status quo tour 2022 berlin

  3. Status Quo live in Berlin 2022

    status quo tour 2022 berlin

  4. Status Quo

    status quo tour 2022 berlin

  5. Status Quo Tickets

    status quo tour 2022 berlin

  6. STATUS QUO kündigen weitere Tour an: „Out Out Quoing XMAS 2022“

    status quo tour 2022 berlin


  1. Status Quo

  2. Status Quo

  3. Status Quo

  4. Status Quo

  5. "Suzume"

  6. Status Quo


  1. Tour

    SQ24 June. 7th, Germany, Greven, Beat Club Festival. 8th, Germany, Ehingen, Markplatz . 10th, Germany, Cologne, Tanzbrunnen. 14th, Spain, Mérida, Stones & Music Festival

  2. Status Quo Setlist at Max-Schmeling-Halle, Berlin

    Get the Status Quo Setlist of the concert at Max-Schmeling-Halle, Berlin, Germany on December 14, 2022 from the Out Out Quoing Tour and other Status Quo Setlists for free on setlist.fm!

  3. Status Quo

    Status Quo2022-12-14Max-Schmeling-Halle, Berlin, Germany Out Out Quoing *Winter* Tour

  4. Status Quo

    Status Quo2022-12-14Max-Schmeling-Halle, Berlin, Germany Out Out Quoing *Winter* Tour

  5. Status Quo live in Berlin 2022

    Status Quo kommen am 14. Dezember 2022 für ein Konzert nach Berlin. Alle Infos zum Konzert, Tickets & Termin. Nachdem ihre für 2020 geplante "Backbone"-Tour abgesagt werden musste, stehen Status ...

  6. Status Quo

    Status Quo2022-12-14Max-Schmeling-Halle, Berlin, Germany Out Out Quoing *Winter* Tour0:00 chord0:05 Again and Again1:17 Mystery Songsung by Rhino Edwards and...

  7. Status Quo

    Einlass: 18:30 Uhr Beginn: 19:30 Uhr STATUS QUO kündigen „Out Out Quoing" XMAS Tour 2022 an Very Special Guest: Manfred Mann´s Earth Band Status Quo are back! Endlich! Nachdem die für 2020 geplante „Backbone"-Tour aufgrund der Pandemie abgesagt werden musste, stehen Francis Rossi & Co. für 2022 in den Startlöchern.

  8. Status Quo

    Music event in Berlin, Germany by KBK Konzert- und Künstleragentur GmbH and 2 others on Wednesday, December 14 2022 Status Quo - Out Out Quoing - XMAS Tour 2022 w/ Manfred Mann's Earth Band | Berlin

  9. Status Quo's 2022 Concert & Tour History

    Status Quo is a British rock band (London, England) with strong boogie line. The group was founded by bassist Alan Lancaster and guitarist Francis Rossi in 1962. ... Berlin, Berlin, Germany: Dec 13, 2022 Status Quo / Manfred Mann's Earth Band: Barclays Arena: Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany: Dec 11, 2022 Status Quo / Manfred Mann's Earth Band ...

  10. status quo

    »status quo« depicts the world as it is, but in its mirror image. The object of desire and discrimination - in both the workplace and at home - is the male. This inversion of the real balance of power pointedly allows the mechanisms of inequality to emerge in a satire that is both biting and funny.

  11. Status Quo

    Status Quo - Live 2024. 07.06.2024 ─ 28.07.202416 Events. Let´s Rock! STATUS QUO kommen nach Deutschland! Britische Boogie-Legenden kündigen im Rahmen der großen „Live 2024"-Tour 14 Sommer-Shows an inkl. Shows mit der Spider Murphy Gang und Canned Heat! VIP Packages. ab € 62,20. Zu den Events.

  12. Status Quo

    Status Quo setlist at Max-Schmeling-Halle in Berlin, Germany on December 14, 2022 on tour Out Out Quoing


    10.09.2022 - To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the famous Insel Grün Rock Festival in Germersheim, Germany - Mercedes-Benz sponsors this special open-Air event with Status Quo, Uriah Heep and Nazareth at their huge areal on the island Green in Germersheim. All three bands performed in May 1972 and are still touring all over the world. 16.09.2022 - Status Quo performed a special private ...

  14. Status Quo

    Tour Records Tunes & Chat. Fan Club. Shop. Open Menu Close Menu. Open Menu Close Menu. News Band Tour Records Tunes & Chat. Fan Club. Shop. News Band Tour Records Tunes & Chat. Fan Club. Shop. Robert Sutton Photography ... Status Quo Contacts & Credits ...

  15. Status Quo Tickets, Tour Dates & Concerts 2025 & 2024

    Sun 26 Jan 2025 Quasimodo Berlin, Germany. Wishbone Ash. Sun 16 Feb 2025 Fabrik Hamburg, Germany. The Saw Doctors. Thu 31 ... Find information on all of Status Quo's upcoming concerts, tour dates and ticket information for 2024-2025. ... 2022 2021 2020 Most played: London (255) Glasgow (76 ...

  16. Status Quo Concert Setlists

    Set Times: Doors: 7:00 PM Show: 9:00 PM - 10:35 PM. Caroline. Rain. Little Lady. Softer Ride. Beginning of the End. Hold You Back. What You're Proposing / Down the Dustpipe / Something 'bout You Baby I Like / Wild Side Of Life / Rollin' Home / Railroad / Again and Again / Mystery Song.

  17. Status Quo

    Find the cheapest flights and accommodation options and get your tickets for Status Quo - Out Out Quoing Xmas Tour 2022 - With Manfred Mann's Earth Band at Max-Schmeling-Halle in Berlin, Germany on Wed, 14, Dec, 2022 on GigsGuide. Plan Trip. Artists. Destinations. Livestreams. See Status Quo in Berlin. blues: 18metal: 18rock: 63. Wed. 14.

  18. Status Quo Tour History

    Status Quo tour history. Find Status Quo past tour dates in the USA, Europe and the rest of the world on Concertful. ... Status Quo Schaubühne · Berlin, Germany > Wed Jan 24 2024: Status Quo Schaubühne · Berlin ... Thu Dec 01 2022: Status Quo Bournemouth International Centre ...

  19. Status Quo / 2022 'Out Out Quoing' UK and Eire Tour ...

    Status Quo / 2022 'Out Out Quoing' UK and Eire Tour dates are announced. April 20, 2021. Words: MetalTalk. Photo: Christie Goodwin. Legendary Rockers Status Quo will tour the UK and Eire in spring 2022, with 14 dates, before the band head out to Europe. Tickets for the 'Out Out Quoing' tour are available from 23 April 2021 at 10 am from ...

  20. Status Quo

    STATUS QUO are extending their 'Out Out Quoing' UK & Eire Spring Tour in 2022 and will now undertake an additional run of 6 high profile Christmas dates. All of these shows will feature Shakin' Stevens as a Very Special Guest.Most shows on the February and March 2022 run are now sold out, or very nearly. The 'Out Out Quoing' tour marks the band's long-overdue return to the live ...

  21. Status Quo

    Status Quo2022-12-14Max-Schmeling-Halle, Berlin, Germany Out Out Quoing *Winter* Tour

  22. Status Quo

    In the Summer of 1990, Status Quo played a run of festivals across Europe leading up to their performance at the Silver Clef Award Winners Concert at Knebwor...

  23. June 5: Ben Gvir: It's my policy to let Jews pray on Temple Mount; PM

    According to the fragile status quo that governs the flashpoint site, Muslims are allowed to pray and enter the compound with few restrictions, while non-Muslims can visit only during limited time ...