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Trip van der Bilt

Trip van der Bilt ist der Cousin von Nate Archibald und ihm ist es auch zu verdanken, dass sich Nate wieder mit seiner Familie versöhnt hat. Denn Trip lädt Nate zu einem Familien-Wochenende ein, unter dem Vorwand, dass sein Großvater William van der Bilt ihn gerne sehen würde. Doch Trip hat sich diesen kleinen Trick nur ausgedacht, um die beiden wieder zu versöhnen. Glücklicherweise geht sein Plan auf und Nates Großvater freut sich sehr ihn zu sehen. William van der Bilt ist ein sehr einflussreicher Mann, der Trip hilft, Fuß in der Politik zu fassen, denn Trip hat sehr ehrgeizige Pläne was sein Leben angeht und schon alles komplett durchgeplant. Mit seiner Verlobten Maureen an seiner Seite strebt er eine große Karriere als Politiker an. Einige Monate später ist es soweit, Maureen und Trip sind mittlerweile verheiratet und der Tag der Wahl zum Kongressabgeordneten naht. Doch Trips Chancen stehen schlecht und so lässt sich Maureen etwas einfallen, um ihren Mann doch noch gewinnen zu lassen. Als Nate und Trip zusammen am Hudson entlang spazieren, sieht Trip wie ein Mann in den Fluten um sein Leben kämpft. Ohne nachzudenken springt er ins Wasser und rettet den Unbekannten. In Windeseile gehen die Bilder der Rettung über sämtliche Fernsehkanäle und Trips Wahl scheint gerettet. Doch Vanessa , die Trip Backstage bei seiner Wahl für einen Film begleitet, fällt beim Schneiden des Films auf, dass der Mann selbst ins Wasser gesprungen ist. Nachdem Trip davon erfährt, ist es wütend und enttäuscht und verdächtigt sofort seinen Großvater. Auch die Öffentlichkeit weiß längst Bescheid über den Betrug und Trip will offiziell seinen Rücktritt bekanntgeben. Doch bei der Pressekonferenz betritt Nate das Podium und nimmt die Schuld auf sich. Er macht den Reportern klar, dass Trip absolut keine Ahnung von dem Betrug hatte, da er das alles arrangiert hätte. Nachdem sich Trip bei Nate bedankt hat, erfährt er dass er die Wahl gewonnen hat und nun Kongressabgeordneter für New York ist. Als Serena zu Trip kommt und sich bei ihm bewerben möchte, wird sie direkt vom Fleck weg engagiert. Trip mag Serena sehr und hat sie einfach gerne um sich und obwohl momentan gar keine Stelle frei ist, stellt er sie ein. Die beiden verbringen viel Zeit miteinander und verstehen sich blendend und obwohl beide versuchen, ihre Beziehung auf einer geschäftlichen Ebene zu halten, können sie eine Zuneigung nicht verleugnen. Nachdem Trip klar ist, dass er sich ernsthaft in Serena verliebt hat, lässt sich nach Washington, D.C. versetzen. Beide einigen sich darauf, sich voneinander fernzuhalten, bis Trip weg ist. Doch nachdem Maureen abgereist ist, erfährt Trip dass sie damals den Unfall mit dem Ertrinkenden inszeniert hat und ist wahnsinnig enttäuscht. Trip ruft Nate an, der gerade mit Serena in einer Bar sitzt und sagt ihm, dass er nichts mehr mit Maureen zu tun haben will. Nate erzählt Serena nichts davon, um sie von Trip fernzuhalten, doch als Trip einige Zeit später in der Bar auftaucht, beichtet der ihr alles und die beiden verlassen gemeinsam die Bar. Bei Trip Zuhause kommen sich die Beiden schließlich näher und küssen sich zum ersten Mal. Trip hat vor, sich von Maureen scheiden zu lassen, da er ihr nicht mehr vertraut und sich in Serena verliebt hat. Als Serena und Trip sich treffen, erzählt er ihr, dass Maureen bereits Bescheid wisse und damit einverstanden sei. Serena und Trip planen gemeinsam Thanksgiving zu verbringen, aber vorerst nur als Freunde. Doch Maureen lässt sich nicht so einfach abwimmeln und taucht in New York auf, da sie mehr als nur ihre Intrige hinter den Scheidungswünschen ihres Mannes vermutet. Als Lily und Maureen sich zufällig auf der Straße über den Weg laufen, lädt diese sie und Trip zu sich zu Thangsgiving nach Hause ein. Währenddessen treffen sich Serena und Trip in Chucks Hotel im Aufzug und nachdem Trip ihr seine Liebe gestanden hat, drückt die den Stopp-Knopf und küsst Trip. Was die beiden nicht wissen: sie werden bei ihrem Stelldichein von der Überwachungskamera aufgenommen und Chuck gibt das Video an Nate weiter. Beim Thangsgiving-Essen kommt es dann zum Eklat, nachdem Nate Maureen das Video gegeben hat. Maureen stellt Trip vor allen Leuten bloß und konfrontiert ihn mit den Beweisen. Trip ist furchtbar enttäuscht von Nate und macht ihm klar, dass er dank dem Video, das nun Maureen besitzt, seine Karriere verlieren könnte. Trip bittet daraufhin Serena mit ihm wegzufahren und beichtet ihr, dass er Maureen verlassen wird und ihm auch seine Karriere egal sei, solange Serena bei ihm ist. Obwohl Trip Serena liebt, beschleicht ihn so nach und nach die Angst vor der Zukunft und was aus ihm werden wird. Doch Trip will sich dem Ganzen stellen, obwohl er Angst vor dem Moment hat, an dem Maureen alles auffliegen lassen wird. Heimlich und ohne Serenas Wissen trifft er sich mit Maureen, um sich auszusprechen. Maureen sagt ihm dass sie einen Weg finden will, so dass jeder bekommt, was er will. Sie will nach wie vor mit ihm verheiratet bleiben und er soll dafür seine Karriere und Serena behalten. Doch Serena ist erbost über diese Idee und will sofort verschwinden, doch Trip versucht sie aufzuhalten. Serena steigt zwar zu Trip ins Auto, will aber nicht mit ihm reden. Trip versucht sie zu überzeugen, dass sie doch noch zusammen sein können, als plötzlich ein paar Hunde auf der Fahrbahn stehen und Trip bei dem Versuch auszuweichen einen Unfall baut. Nach dem Unfall gerät Trip in Panik und ruft direkt bei Maureen an, er verschwindet vom Unfallort und lässt Serena zurück. Zwar versucht Nate noch Trip unter Druck zu setzen, doch Maureen will ihm ein Alibi geben und aussagen, dass er den ganzen Abend bei ihr war. Als einige Monate später das Gerücht aufkommt, dass Trip von Maureen betrogen wird, sucht Nate seinen Cousin auf und findet für ihn heraus, dass Maureen die Affäre nur vorgetäuscht hat, um Trip als einen bemitleidenswerten, betrogenen Ehemann darzustellen und somit das Mitgefühl seiner Wähler zu gewinnen. Als Trip jedoch mit Maureen darüber spricht, erfährt er, dass sein Großvater dahinter steckt. Dazu kommt, dass Trip enttäuscht ist, dass sein Großvater mittlerweile mehr Energie in die Karriere von Nate als von ihm steckt. Trip wird daraufhin von Max Harding angesprochen, der ebenso wie er eine Enttäuschung erlebt hat und es den Menschen an der Upper East Side heimzahlen will. Die beiden schmieden einen Plan um Nate zu schaden, doch Max macht kurz vor Ausführung des Planes einen Rückzieher, da er lediglich Trips Geld haben wollte. Trip sorgt daraufhin selbst dafür, dass Nate einen Unfall baut, indem er dessen Taxi die Bremsflüssigkeit entnimmt. Jedoch sind es Blair und Chuck , die später in das Taxi steigen. Als Serena, William und Nate dahinter kommen, sind sie schwer enttäuscht und auch Maureen reicht daraufhin die Scheidung ein. Trip sieht ein, dass er einen Fehler gemacht hat und stellt sich selbst der Polizei. Nina V. & Laura Krebs - myFanbase

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Foto: Audrey Reboot: Hope - Copyright: Karolina Wojtasik/HBO Max

  • Darsteller: Aaron Tveit


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Serena's Best Love Interests in 'Gossip Girl,' Ranked


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Serena van der Woodsen, portrayed by brilliant Blake Lively , stood as an iconic figure, captivating viewers with her beauty, charisma, and undeniable magnetism in the beloved teen drama, Gossip Girl . Serena's romantic journey, however, was turbulent and exciting, defined by a number of alluring love interests, even amidst the glitz and glamour of Manhattan's Upper East Side.

Each love interest, from the charismatic and enigmatic to the severely flawed and cunning, added their own distinct flavor to Serena's life and left a lasting impression on the story of the well-known debutante. Even though the show ended ten years ago, fans continue to debate which man would make the best suitor for Upper East Side’s golden girl.

10 Max Harding

In Season 5, Ivy ( Kaylee DeFer ) assumes the identity of Charlie Rhodes, but her resentful boyfriend, Max Harding ( Brian J. Smith ) returns to New York, intent on seeking revenge and using Serena as a lure. Max initially appeared as a kind-hearted young man but quickly turned spiteful, a common transformation for those who entered Serena's world and received an abrupt lesson in the intricacies of the Upper East Side.

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Nevertheless, it was evident that his ultimate motive was to gain access to the inner crowd of the Upper East Side, using Serena as his entry point, much like many others before him. Very briefly, the two were involved, but their relationship ended when Ivy convinced everyone that he was lying.

9 Tripp Vanderbilt

As a member of the prestigious Vanderbilt family, Tripp Vanderbilt ( Aaron Tveit ) embodied the Upper East Side's privilege and power. His allure lay in his sophistication and charm, which captivated Serena. However, when Tripp attempted to keep Serena as his mistress while he remained married, Serena adamantly refused to be entangled in such a situation.

Tripp proved to be a terrible partner as he consistently deceived Serena, secretly negotiated with his wife, and ultimately abandoned her in a car accident to protect his own reputation. His actions lacked any semblance of humanity, leaving Serena deserving of someone far better.

8 Gabriel Edwards

During a vacation with her friend Poppy ( Tamara Feldman ), Poppy's boyfriend, Gabriel ( Armie Hammer ), abandons Poppy to pursue a relationship with Serena, joining her in New York. Serena, oblivious to the warning signs, succumbed to the allure of European getaways and the whirlwind of unexpected romance.

Regrettably, the entire relationship turned out to be a ruse, with Poppy Lifton exposed as a collaborator in the scheme from the beginning. This deception was particularly disheartening for Serena, despite Gabriel seeming to genuinely have feelings for her.

7 Aaron Rose

During Season 2, Serena entered a relationship with Aaron Rose ( John Patrick Amedori ), seemingly seeking a distraction. Aaron, an artsy and pretentious individual, had a penchant for photographing beautiful women but struggled with commitment, a stark contrast to Serena's dating preferences.

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While Serena had a history of multiple partners, her desires had evolved, and monogamy had become a priority for her, creating a significant conflict in their relationship. Their time together held little significance and primarily served as a bargaining chip for Serena in her attempt to prompt Dan into confessing his lingering feelings for her.

6 Ben Donovan

Ben ( David Call ) served as Serena's teacher during her time in boarding school. Despite having feelings for each other, they refrained from acting on their emotions. While their connection never ventured into physical territory, complications arose when Lily ( Kelly Rutherford ) forged an affidavit, falsely accusing Ben of statutory rape. This fabricated accusation came back to haunt Lily later, as Ben and his sister, Juliet ( Katie Cassidy ), set up a scheme to disrupt Serena's life and exact revenge.

Upon Ben's release, he and Serena entered into a formal relationship. However, their romance proved short-lived, as it became evident that the complexities of their connection made any lasting future challenging.

5 Colin Forrester

As a college professor, Colin Forrester ( Sam Page ) was not just an intellectual equal but also a mentor who shared a deep connection with Serena. Their relationship added an intriguing layer to the series, showcasing Serena's growth and maturity beyond the confines of the Upper East Side.

Colin's sophistication and worldly outlook provided a refreshing contrast to the show's high-society backdrop. Furthermore, as their love confronted obstacles such as societal norms and ethical dilemmas, Colin's place among Serena's love interests appeared somewhat overshadowed, perhaps due to the more prominent impact of his cousin in the storyline.

4 Steven Spence

In Season 6 of the show, Steven Spence ( Barry Watson ) is introduced as a vitamin company CEO and becomes Serena's romantic interest. Fleeing Manhattan, Serena encountered Steven and assumed a different identity. Yet, his maturity led him to see through Serena's inner struggles, embracing her completely, even though their connection initially started with deceptive facades.

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Unfortunately, the Upper East Side and Steven's teenage daughter, Sage ( Sofia Black D'Elia ), had different intentions for the couple. Sage relentlessly attempted to undermine Serena, ultimately succeeding when she released a sex tape of her. Steven, a genuinely good-hearted man, was deeply in love with Serena, going as far as proposing to her. However, the relentless drama eventually took its toll, leading to their breakup.

3 Carter Baizen

As Serena's love interest, Carter Baizen ( Sebastian Stan ) was a charismatic wildcard, drawing her into a tumultuous affair that transcended the confines of the Upper East Side. With his adventurous spirit and a hint of danger, Carter became an electrifying presence in Serena's life, challenging her to explore uncharted territory.

Their relationship was marked by passion, unpredictability, and undeniable chemistry. Carter's roguish charm and maverick lifestyle intrigued Serena, creating a magnetic pull that was hard to resist. Though their relationship was far from conventional, Carter left an indelible mark on Serena's journey, making him a memorable and complex character in Gossip Girl.

2 Nate Archibald

With his striking looks, old-money pedigree, and affable demeanor, Nate ( Chace Crawford ) exudes the elegance that perfectly complements Serena's beauty and sophistication, besides him being a fan-favorite character . Their relationship is a captivating blend of passion and tumult, mirroring the complexities of their intertwined lives.

Moreover, Nate's loyalty and genuine affection for Serena shine through the series, even amidst the drama and betrayal that surrounds them. His moral compass often clashes with the manipulative world they inhabit, making their love story a constant battle against external pressures. Despite Serena ultimately choosing Dan in the end, fans steadfastly champion her relationship with Nate, affectionately dubbing them "the golden couple."

1 Dan Humphrey

Dan Humphrey, played by Penn Badgley , is one of the show’s central characters who is the quintessential "boy next door" and captures the hearts of both viewers and Serena from the very first episode. As Serena's love interest, Dan's appeal lies in his intellect, authenticity, and moral compass. Dan's Brooklyn upbringing sets him apart in a world of privilege and deception.

Though their love story is a rollercoaster, filled with ups and downs, their undeniable chemistry keeps fans rooting for them. Moreover, Dan's unwavering support and willingness to challenge Serena's flaws add depth to their relationship. While the ending of them reuniting isn't the favored choice among fans , it's hard to deny that this outcome was foreshadowed right from the start.

NEXT: The 10 Best TV Bookworms, Ranked

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Gossip Girl: Serena's Boyfriends, Ranked

  • Serena's love life on Gossip Girl was complex, with boyfriends ranging from con artists to best friends to former teachers.
  • Her significant others didn't just come from her social circle but also from her travels, adding to the drama of her romantic life.
  • Serena's relationships were filled with lies, scandals, and manipulations, but some boyfriends showed genuine care and support.

Serena van der Woodsen was a true icon on Gossip Girl , with a dating history of boyfriends that was just as complicated as it was exciting. Since the dissolution of her relationship with Dan in season 1, she has dated a plethora of men, some of whom included her childhood friends, former teachers, con artists, politicians, and then Dan (again).

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When she wasn't looking for Gossip Girl's identity or charting her own unique path in a world of privilege and traditions, her love life was a major point of her story on the show. Like most other teens on the Upper East Side, Serena kept a swiftly revolving door of partners, and she liked to mix things up. Serena van der Woodsen's significant others in the series weren't just those in her tight social circle but included people she met in her travels and some characters who only stayed for a handful of episodes before they moved on.

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Tripp vanderbilt, played by aaron tveit.

Serena and Tripp started having feelings for each other while she was working on his campaign, but the problem was that he was married . Tripp tried to keep Serena as a mistress while the Vanderbilts stayed married, but Serena didn't want to be involved in any of it.

Tripp was an awful partner because he lied to Serena, tried making deals with his wife without her knowledge, and then eventually left her in a car accident to die when he realized that getting caught would harm his reputation. He had no humanity whatsoever and Serena deserved better.

Gabriel Edwards

Played by armie hammer.

Some fans might not even remember that Armie Hammer played one of Serena van der Woodsen's boyfriends in Gossip Girl . While on vacation with her friend Poppy, Poppy's boyfriend Gabriel left Poppy for Serena and followed her to New York. Poor Serena didn't know better than to recognize all the red flags and got swept away in the exoticism of European vacations and sudden romance.

Unfortunately, the entire relationship was a scam, and Poppy Lifton was revealed to have been in on it from the beginning. What began as a ploy to get some money off of Serena's moneyed network became way too complex, and even though Gabriel did seem to have genuine feelings for the golden girl, he was too shady at the heart of it. This was one of the saddest things to happen to Serena , who was naturally trusting.

Played By John Patrick Amedori

In season 2, Serena started dating Aaron Rose, seemingly for something to do. He was a pretentious artist-type who took pictures of beautiful women but couldn't bring himself to commit to monogamy. This clashed hugely with Serena's dating style. Though she'd had multiple partners in the past, that wasn't something she wanted anymore.

The only emotion he showed was mild annoyance when Serena dared to assume that they were exclusive before he decided that they were. The relationship was quite inconsequential, as he only served as a bargaining tool for Serena to try to get Dan to admit he still loved her .

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Max harding, played by brian j. smith.

Season 5 saw Ivy impersonating Charlie Rhodes, but her disgruntled boyfriend made it back to New York to haunt her, and to use Serena as bait. Max seemed like a sweet young man but became spiteful soon after, as often happened with the Serena van der Woodsen significant others who got a crash course in the Upper East Side. It was obvious that his agenda was to get in on the wealth of the UES crowd, and like many others, he used Serena as an in .

The two dated very briefly, but broke up when Ivy made everyone believe that he was a liar. The unpopular opinion was that Serena was too naive to know better, but Max took advantage of her to blackmail Ivy, which made him a pretty terrible person. Despite Serena knowing how manipulative those in her social circle could be, she always seemed to trust those with a romantic interest in her.

Ben Donovan

Played by david call.

Ben was Serena's teacher when she was a boarding school student (and a minor). The two had feelings for each other, but never acted on them. Though nothing physical ever transpired between them, Lily forged an affidavit accusing him of statutory rape, but this bit her later on when Ben and his sister, Juliet, hatched a plan to ruin Serena's life.

When Ben was released, he and Serena started a legal relationship. Sadly, there was no time to unpack the creepy origins, the trauma of being falsely accused and sent to prison, or the fact that his sister drugged her and set her up. The two dated pretty briefly before it became clear that the relationship was too complicated to go anywhere. Ben was both Serena's ally and a threat to her during his brief time on the show.

Dan Humphrey

Played by penn badgley.

Dan Humphrey is the best-known of Serena van der Woodsen's boyfriends because their on-again-off-again romance defined much of their time in Gossip Girl . Dan and Serena started dating early on in season 1, but complications like Georgina, their differing social statuses, and sharing of half-siblings made their relationship extremely messy. Dan couldn't accept many of her personality traits, which made fans feel bad for Serena.

Despite their hang-ups, Dan and Serena's love persevered, even when Dan was very much in love with her best friend Blair. He could be loving and supportive, but his moments of jealousy and wavering loyalty proved to be problematic. Still, it was clear that they were meant to be. Despite Dan being revealed as Gossip Girl and torturing Serena for a better part of 6 years, she said she understood him and forgave him before they ended up together in the finale.

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Colin forrester, played by sam page.

Serena met Colin Forrester by chance, but they hit it off almost instantly. Things were made complicated by the fact that he was her professor, but Colin did seem interested enough in her to quit his short stint as a guest lecturer to be with her. He was genuine and helpful, but his fault was bad timing.

The two broke up soon after, mainly because this relationship came in the middle of the Dan vs. Nate debacle . Serena couldn't choose between the two men in her life, so she used Colin as a distraction which made this romance fizzle out quickly. He's not exactly the most memorable of Serena van der Woodsen's significant others as a result.

Steven Spence

Played by barry watson.

Being the main character was Serena's job, but it got exhausting. After running away from Manhattan, she met Steven and pretended to be someone else. However, he was mature enough to realize Serena's demons, and accepted her wholeheartedly, despite the false pretenses under which their relationship began.

Sadly, the Upper East Side and his teenage daughter Sage had other plans for the couple. Sage tried to sabotage Serena at every step and succeeded when she released her sex tape. Steven was a decent man who wanted Serena enough to propose to her, but the drama eventually got to him , and he broke it off.

Nate Archibald

Played by chace crawford.

Nate and Serena seemed like star-crossed lovers when Gossip Girl began, but their romance was just a teenage dream. Nate, who always had a thing for Serena, stood by her through every awful choice she made with his cousin Tripp and the aftermath of the accident, which made them realize they wanted to be together. He seemed like he would have been the perfect final boyfriend for Serena van der Woodsen , but the show had other plans.

Nate had a pure soul, and he always wanted the best for Serena. Nothing could retrain his focus from her, not even Jenny, but Serena left him behind when he called the cops on William for giving her fake cancer. He had the best intentions but played his cards wrong. Unfortunately, Serena's fondness for Dan ultimately put an end to her and Nate's relationship.

Carter Baizen

Played by sebastian stan.

Serena and Carter were actually pretty well-suited to each other: both had scandalous pasts and weren't particularly trustworthy, but were trying to be better people than others gave them credit for. Carter showed up for her when she was struggling with her father and trying to find answers, and he helped her emotionally, which was something nobody else ever did for her.

Carter was a worthy partner because of how self-aware he was . He never harmed Serena and tried to make her feel better at all given points. If his past hadn't come back to haunt him, he may have been her ideal partner, and they could have finished Gossip Girl together.

Gossip Girl: Serena's Boyfriends, Ranked

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Gossip Girl Season 3 Episode 11 Quotes

Chuck: Your holiday paranoia knows no bounds. Blair: Precedence is not paranoia. Permalink: Your holiday paranoia knows no bounds. Precedence is not paran... Added: November 30, 2009
[to Dorota] Hello is the word you're looking for. Blair Permalink: Hello is the word you're looking for. Added: November 30, 2009

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11/30/09 Gossip Girl Season 3 Episode 11 The Treasure of Serena Madre

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'Gossip Girl' recap: Serena and Tripp get closer and...Dorota's knocked up!

In lieu of bread crumbs, last night’s Thanksgiving-themed Gossip Girl was stuffed with pregnancies, elevator grab-ass, and a really inappropriate onesie. Still, I’m sure the Pilgrims would have enjoyed this Upper East Side feast; there had to be at least a few teen soap fans on the Mayflower.

The big entrée was Serena’s relationship with the most boring man in New York, aka Tripp Vanderbilt. I honestly don’t get why Serena would choose this dude over Nate. He’s a snooze and he has Conan O’Brien hair. Also, is it just me or does it seem like Gossip Girl producers have a thing for elevators? Why are things ALWAYS going down in elevators? Just a couple weeks ago we had that major heart to heart between Serena and Blair in the elevator. Let’s move on to some new locations. Maybe an escalator? Or perhaps one of those treadmills they have in airports? That could be fun! The whole elevator makeout session did lead to Chuck’s pretty genius line: “A little Thanksgiving proclamation: You two ever play grab ass in my elevator again and Serena will be staying in an airport Marriott.” “Grab-ass” has to be one of my favorite, little-used expressions.

Of course, Serena had the most inappropriate outfit at Thanksgiving. I normally love a onesie but I feel like that could be a difficult outfit when you’re stuffing yourself with food and drink.

I’m not sure what’s going on in the Humphrey/Van der Woodsen household but clearly there are no scissors in sight. Rufus, Dan, and Eric are all approaching serious haircut emergency territory. Eric’s hair sort of makes him look even more pathetic. It’s sad and floppy. But I like that he’s full of rage towards Jenny. Loved the moment when he texted Kira that they needed to strike and then he stabbed his pumpkin pie. You just know he was imagining decimating Jenny’s horrible weave.

So it looks as if Dan really does now have the hots for Vanessa. I’m not sure how I feel about this. Although he’s gotta have more chemistry with her than he had with Olivia. And Vanessa looked good this episode! Her hair looked great and her boho style was toned down. Still really do not like her mother, though. It’s hard to get on board with a character who’s basically just there to be annoying. I’d be okay with that lady not returning for a while.

One character who I do enjoy is the sublimely snobby CeCe. I’ve missed that sassy old broad. But the big secret with Lily (she stayed in California because she loved her newly sweet mother) was totally anticlimactic. Also, nice people have no place on Gossip Girl . I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again!

So, I might have had a complete mental block but I don’t really remember hearing about Eleanor and Cyrus jetting off to Europe. Am I alone? I mean I know they’ve been missing but I just thought they were offscreen. In any case, Blair thinking her mother was pregnant was pretty hilarious, particularly her shout out to my least favorite Gossip Girl character OF ALL TIME. ““No offense to Cyrus but do you think the world really needs another Aaron Rose?” Um, amazing. It was like Blair was possessed by my bitchy spirit. That does make me sad to think we may not see Cyrus and Eleanor anymore; they were such an adorable couple and there was something awesome about Wallace Shawn being on Gossip Girl .

The big news though was that Eleanor wasn’t expecting but Dorota was. When in the hell have she and Vanya had time to procreate? Aren’t they always working? That was kind of adorable when she finally confessed the truth to him and he was so excited. Yay for Dorota and I’m excited to see what maid maternity wear looks like.

I love that Blair offers Serena a trip to France in order to cheer her up. My friends barely offer to buy me a beer when I’m down. And then Serena ended up going off with Conan O’Brien! Dear Serena, ditch the dork and hit up the City of Lights!

So what do we think Tripp’s wife is gonna do with that letter from Serena’s father? Hopefully this means we’ll be seeing Papa Van der Woodsen soon.

Poor Nate is just having a rough time with love. First, there was total dud Bree. And now Serena is totally dissing him. He may not have romance but he does have BROmance (see what I did there!). That was so cute when Chuck took him to get drunk at the end. I wonder if they went back home first to pick up their murses. I know I would!

Did anyone else notice the song playing during the dinner table scene? It was Jason Derulo’s “Whatcha Say” which covers Imogen Heap’s “Hide and Seek.” OC fans will remember that was the song playing in the season 2 finale when Marissa shot Ryan’s brother Trey (it was also memorably spoofed in an SNL Digital Short). Nice little homage to Josh Schwartz’s first teen drama.

Another really good Gossip Girl . I’m so happy to see this season get on track. Nice work GG folks!

What did you think of last night’s episode, PopWatchers? Do you buy Serena and Tripp? What should Dorota and Vanya name their baby?!

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The Treasure of Serena Madre

The Treasure of Serena Madre

Gossip girl.

  • Serena is put in an awkward position when Lily invites Tripp and Maureen to join them for dinner; Blair suspects her mother of keeping a big secret; Jenny gets even with Eric in the most cruel way.
  • As Thanksgiving draws near, Blair suspects her mother, Eleanor, has been keeping a big secret from her, but it turns out to be something else entirely. Meanwhile, Vanessa is supposed to spend Thanksgiving with her parents, but has a fight with her picky and estranged mother and she ends up going to Dan's loft. Rufus discovers that Lily has been lying to him about the true nature of her mother Cece's health. Chuck tells Nate that he has some potentially damaging information about one of their friends: Serena whom is caught in a compromising position with Trip Vanderbilt. Elsewhere, Jenny learns that Eric was behind her very public embarrassment at Cotillion and can't pass up a chance to get even with him in the most cruel way, which makes her appear even more vile and twisted than everyone else around her. Also, Serena is put in a very awkward position when Lily invites Trip and his wife, Maureen, to join them for Thanksgiving dinner at their penthouse, and Maureen may know a lot more about what is going on between Trip and Serena than she claims to, and Doroda is revealed to be hiding a secret of her own involving Vallini. — matt-282

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trip und serena

What Episode Do Tripp And Serena Get Together?

Meanwhile, Nate has realized that he still has feelings for Serena but doesn’t act on them when he sees her become involved with Tripp. … She orders Serena to end the affair or be kicked out of her apartment, but Serena chooses to leave when she finds a letter from her father that Lily hid.

Who does Serena end up marrying?

Dan and Serena finally get married in the finale. Dan is good friends with Nate Archibald, Blair Waldorf, and Chuck Bass. In the sixth season, Dan reveals himself to be the anonymous blogger known as Gossip Girl. He, Blair and Serena are the only characters that appear in every episode of the TV series.

Does Dan sleep with Ms Carr?

Dan eventually finds out that Rachel was the one who told Yale and confronts her about it. She doesn’t deny it and he tells Blair what she did, as well as that they had sex in the costume closet. She apologizes to Blair and admits to hooking up with Dan.

Who gets killed in Gossip Girl?

At the end of the season 2 episode “It’s a Wonderful Lie,” Bart is apparently killed in a car crash with the private investigator, Andrew, who had the information on Lily. For the next three seasons, Bart is supposedly dead, only returning in visions to Chuck.

Why does the guy in jail hate Serena?

In order to keep this scandal out of the papers, he is offered a plea bargain which states that he will spend five years in prison . For this reason, Ben and his sister Juliet plotted against Serena, wishing for her downfall from social grace.

Who is Blair Waldorf based on?

Blair Waldorf Is Real-Life Olivia Palermo .

Does Tripp divorce Maureen?

After she confronts the both of them, Tripp decides to leave Maureen for Serena and they leave together. … She says she’s willing to let him be with Serena, so long as Maureen gets to continue being his wife in public.

Do Serena and Nate get back together in season 6?

Season 6. In the finale, Nate is present while Serena marries Dan.

What episode does Rufus and Lily marry?

Rufus Getting Married is the 5th episode of the third season and the 48th overall. Some say love is a river.

Who does Nate Archibald marry in Gossip Girl?

Season Two. The season begins with Nate pretending to date Serena so she can recover from her breakup with Dan; and so he can have a secret affair with Catherine Beaton , the stepmother of Blair’s new boyfriend Marcus Beaton. She is also much older than him and married (Summer Kind of Wonderful).

What is Lily’s secret on Gossip Girl?

At the funeral reception, Lily tries to console Chuck but he rejects her and says he blames her for Bart’s death. That same day, CeCe reveals Lily’s big secret to Rufus: that twenty years prior she got pregnant with his baby and gave him up for adoption (O Brother, Where Bart Thou?).

How much were the Van der Woodsen’s worth?

The Van der Woodsens: $1.5-2 billion And then Serena’s mum Lily, was the daughter of Rick and CeCe Rhodes who ran a record label in LA. Owning a record label can earn you a net worth in the billions so no wonder the Van Der Woodsens were rolling in it.

Who was Blair’s baby daddy?

After sleeping with Chuck (The Wrong Goodbye) and Louis (multiple times over the summer), Blair isn’t sure who the father of the baby is. After encouragement from Dan and Dorota, she gets a paternity test done and finds out it is Louis’ baby (The Jewel of Denial).

Did Chuck and Blair date in real life?

On screen Ed Westwick and Leighton Meester endured a six-year roller coaster relationship on the hit CW show Gossip Girls as Blair Waldorf and Chuck Bass. But in real life Westwick formally congratulated his former on-screen flame’s real life engagement through a text message.

Did Gossip Girl reboot get Cancelled?

The series was just renewed for season two.

In September 2021, HBO Max announced that the Gossip Girl reboot will indeed have a second season. The renewal comes ahead of the second part of season one, set to air on HBO Max in November.

What episode do they find out Juliet drugged Serena?

“Gaslit” is the 75th episode of the CW television series Gossip Girl, and the tenth episode of the show fourth season.

Does Blair date Dan in Gossip Girl?

Novel Series. Dan Humphrey and Blair Waldorf do not have a friendship or romantic relationship in the Gossip Girl novels, although some tension is portrayed.

What happens to Jenny in Gossip Girl?

At the end of Season 2, after the old gang graduates, Jenny becomes Queen Bee . … After Blair finds out, she banishes Jenny from the city, and Jenny goes to live with her mother Alison (Susan Misner). After Season 3, we don’t see much of Jenny, and she was downgraded to a recurring role.

Who is the richest family in Gossip Girl?

The Bass Family is the richest family on the show, as they are billionaires. They live on the Upper East Side. The members include Bart, Chuck, and Jack Bass. It also eventually includes Bart’s widowed wife Lily van der Woodsen, Chuck’s wife, Blair Waldorf, and his son, Henry Bass.

Is Serena pregnant in Gossip Girl?

After hearing about the Gossip Girl blast while with Eric, Serena runs into a frazzled Dan who blurts out that he loves her. Serena tells him that she’s not pregnant , and goes to find Blair. It’s revealed that Serena bought the test for her because Blair mentioned that her period was late.

Why did Chuck’s dad faked his death?

The next morning, Bart explains to him that he had to fake his death to avoid having the entire family murdered by one of his competitors . After the car crash he paid off one of the doctors to turn off the machines and pronounce him deceased.

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Tulips and cheese in Holland

Bike & Boat North Holland, MS SERENA

Picturesque harbour towns on the ijsselmeer dunes and north sea beaches.

Flat countryside up to the horizon, windmills, canals (Grachten) and cycling, that are the Netherlands. And there is so much more. Discover the Netherlands in a unique way on an 8-days-journey by bike and boat. Well-built cycle paths as well as wide and extensive waterways guarantee an unforgettable holiday. Throughout the day you are cycling on your own through the beautiful landscapes in Rembrandt’s and Van Gogh’s country and in the late afternoon your swimming hotel MS SERENA will be at your disposal. And if you don’t like to cycle every day, you can stay on board and enjoy the passing countryside.

The Province of the Northern Netherlands: The Dutch province of the North Netherlands is situated on a peninsula between the North Sea and the IJsselmeer (IJssel Sea). The Northern Netherlands were founded due to the separation of the north and south of the Netherlands in 1840. Its capital is Haarlem, the biggest city is Amsterdam. Discover the folklore and tradition in the flat Polderland, on the North Sea and in romantic ports. You are travelling through a former lake and marsh region that has been drained by the help of windmills since the 17th century. Experience varying, typically Dutch Polder-countryside, dunes and North Sea beaches, the North Sea island Texel and many picturesque harbour villages on the coast of the IJsselmeer.

  • 8 Days / 7 Nights
  • Self guided

Stefanie Gutmann

Tour details

Individual arrival at enkhuizen.


Check-in on board in the afternoon. Perhaps you take a first short walk through the pretty harbor town with its charming old town.

Cycling from Enkhuizen and back, cycle tour: approx. 29 - 36 km


Today you will discover the pretty harbor town on the banks of the IJsselmeer and its beautiful surroundings. The rich history of the city can still be felt during a walk through the old town with its numerous villas, canals, churches, city walls and ports. Tip: You should visit the Zuiderzee museum.

If you would like to make a day trip to Amsterdam: The Enkhuizen train station is within walking distance of the berth. There are train connections to Amsterdam and back every 30 minutes. Journey time approx. 1 h (ticket not incl.)

Shipping from Enkhuizen to Lemmer – Cycling from Lemmer and back, cycle tour: approx. 33 - 42 km

View of the Ijsselmeer

Today you are shipping over the IJsselmeer to Lemmer. You are starting your roundtrip by bike: over the Oosterzee Buren to the Tjeukemeer, further to Munnekeburen, then around the Rottige Meente over Scherpenzel and Schoterzijl back to Lemmer with its historical old part of town and beautiful gable houses. Tip: visit of the largest still-functioning steam pumping station in the world, “Woudagemaal”.

Cycling from Lemmer to Stavoren, Cycle tour: approx. 32 - 41 km – Shipping from Stavoren to Oudeschild (Island of Texel)

Cyclist in North Holland

You are going by bike to Sondeler Leien Lake, from there through the woods of Rijsterbos passing the Mokkebank (a birds’ reservation) to the Roode Klif at Stavoren. From there you are shipping to Oudeschild on the Island of Texel.

Island of Texel - Cycle tour from Oudeschild and back, cycle tour: approx. 29 - 49 km, Shipping from Oudeschild to Den Helder

Lighthouse on the island of Texel

You are going on a round trip by bike on the biggest North Sea Island of the Netherlands – Texel. There are numerous alternative routes (29/32/47/70 km). About 6:00 pm shipping back to Den Helder.

Cycling from Den Helder via Sint Maartensvlotbrug to Alkmaar, cycle tour: approx. 27 to 57 km

Cyclist in the dunes

In the morning you are cycling through the dunes to Alkmaar. It is possible to board MS SERENA in St. Maartensvlotburg already and ship the rest of the way to Alkmaar. As an alternative, you can also start your cycling tour in St. Maartensvlotburg.

Shipping from Alkmaar to Wormerveer – Cycling from Wormerveer to Hoorn, cycle tour: approx. 55 km

Freilichtmuseum Zaanse Schaans

In the morning you start from Wormerveer to the open-air museum Zaanse Schans (windmills, ancient Dutch village, cheese factory, etc). After your visit you will continue in the direction of Volendam. On the way you have the opportunity to visit a cheese dairy in Katwoude. Here you can see how Gouda cheese and the traditional Dutch wooden shoes are made. Via Volendam, known as a traditional fishing village with typical authentic cottages, you cycle to Hoorn. For a short visit of the historic old town with its many buildings from the 17th century (e.g. the harbour tower as well as the storage houses at the old quai) you should take some time.

Shipping to Enkhuizen


Early in the morning shipping to Enkhuizen. Checkout until 9:00 am and we are saying goodbye – have a safe journey.

Tour character

Nearly all cycle tours can be classified as being easy.

Bike and Boat North Holland

Prices and events

Services & information.

  • Seven nights in outside cabins with private facilities in the booked cabin category
  • Program according to routing from/to Enkhuizen
  • All charges for harbours, bridges and locks
  • Daily cabin cleaning, changing of towels and bed cloths if wanted
  • Welcome-Drink
  • Full board consisting of 7x breakfast buffet, 6x lunch snack on board (non-cyclists) or lunch package for cycle tours, 6x coffee or tea in the afternoon, 7x 3-course-dinner
  • Daily meeting for the cycle tours
  • Printed instructions and detailed maps for daily individual bike tours (1 per cabin)
  • Tour guide on board

Journey to and from Enkhuizen, shuttles, bike rental, entrance fees and excursions, city maps, ferry fees, travel insurances, parking fees, tips, drinks on board

Passenger car parking options in Enkhuizen (subject to change)

Free parking at the train station in Enkhuizen, located directly at the harbor, within walking distance of the berth. No reservation possible.

  • 7-gear-Unisex-trekking bikes und 8-gear-E-Bikes (brand: Velo de Ville - special SE-Tours edition)
  • With hand brake and pedal brake or hand brakes only (subject to availability, please indicate as a non-binding customer request by the booking)
  • Pannier bag and rental bike insurance included.
  • E-Bikes on a limited number only
  • Please indicate your body height by the booking

Travel safe and secure with SE-Tours: We recommend to wear a bike helmet. Please bring your own bike helmet (no onboard selling).

Your journey to and from Amsterdam will be individual. • Basically, we reserve the right to make changes of routing and program. If there is low or high water and a route cannot be shipped, the captain reserves the right to change the route in view of your safety (this cannot be accepted as a reason for free withdrawal). • The interior of the ship is a non-smoking zone: smoking is only allowed on the sun deck. • Embarkation: from 4:00 pm • Disembarkation: until 09:00 am. • To bring your own bike: on request only – due to lack of space on sundeck. • Cycle tours: all distances are “approximate distances” of recommended bike tours. When a guest does not want to cycle one day, she/he can skip the bike tour and relax on board while cruising to the next harbour. The bike tours are individual, at your own pace, without a tour guide, but with daily briefings on board and detailed bicycle maps and directions. Nearly all cycle tours can be classified as being easy. • Languages on board: German, English • Excursions: we offer a small excursion program, that can be booked directly on board at the cruise director only. You will get a brief description together with your travel documents. Depending on the number of participants some excursions could be carried out in 2 languages (German/ English). • Luggage: we recommend: rainwear, bicycle helmet, sunhat and sneakers. • Travel documents: EU-citizens (without special situations like dual citizenship, main residence abroad or a limited-validity passport) are required to have a valid passport or ID-card, not expiring within six (6) months of the return of your cruise. We kindly ask non-EU citizens, EU-nationals with multiple citizenship or anybody who has to respect special legal entry requirements for the country to visit, to inform about visa and entry documents at the competent embassy . • This trip is not suitable for guests with reduced mobility.

Minimum number of participants: 50 guests (must have been reached within 21 days prior to departure). You may cancel the booking at any time. For cancellation fees, please refer to the booking conditions of SE-Tours. The tour operator’s terms and conditions apply: SE-Tours GmbH, Am Grollhamm 12a, 27574 Bremerhaven. We recommend that you take out a travel health insurance with repatriation coverage as well as baggage, accident and travel cancellation insurances.

A comfortable river boat with nice saloon, bar and restaurant (air-conditioned).  Partly roofed sun deck with seats and storage for bikes. Length 90 m, breadth 9,90 m, maximum space for 99 guests, Dutch flag and captaincy. 33 cabins on main deck and 18 cabins on promenade deck.


A comfortable river boat with nice saloon, bar and restaurant (air-conditioned).  Partly roofed sun deck with seats and storage for bikes. Length 90 m, breadth 9,90 m, maximum space for 99 guests, Dutch flag and captaincy. 33 cabins on main deck and 18 cabins on promenade deck. The twin-bedded cabins on both decks are equipped with two separate beds and have a size of 8 – 9 sqm. The two junior suites on the main deck are equipped with a queen-size bed (grand lit, 1, 40 x 2 m) and have a size of 12 sqm. All cabins are equipped with shower/toilet, ventilation system, TV and a window which can be opened.


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trip und serena

In Case You Missed It: Serena Williams’s Runway Walk, A$AP Rocky’s Fashion Week Debut, And More

In Case You Missed It: Serena Williams’s Runway Walk, A$AP Rocky’s Fashion Week Debut, And More

This weekend in fashion included a few captivating moments worth your attention. First, Olympian and self-proclaimed fashion lover Serena Williams walked the Vogue World runway show in an Off-White gown. Meanwhile, rapper A$AP Rocky made his men’s Paris Fashion Week debut as a designer with his brand AWGE . The looks were reminiscent of his own personal style. 

Next, luxury label Balenciaga has dropped a collection that feels Olympics -inspired. It’s filled with “objects” rather than clothing or accessories. Additionally, the designer and long-time friend of Pharrell Williams , Nigo , has unveiled his Kenzo Spring/Summer 2025 runway collection to the world with detailing inspired by Japanese anime. Lastly, food and fashion come together again as the fashion conglomerate LVMH has acquired yet another entity; this time a Parisian bistrot. 

Keep scrolling below to learn more about these fashion moments from over the weekend.

Serena Williams Walks In The Vogue World Runway Show

On Sunday in Paris, Serena Williams walked down the Vogue World runway held outside of the Place Vendôme. Her blue, white, and black mermaid-fit gown was designed by Off-White. It blended the art of sports and fashion seamlessly with the way the top half of the dress fit like a quarter zip track jacket with the Off-White logo motifs in the front to the black panels on the sides. The bottom half was like a couture cut with a sheer chiffon, flowing train. The details at the hands were also sporty with a finger hole on each hand. She added a thick silver watch, a few stacked rings, and diamond earrings to complete her look.

In Case You Missed It: Serena Williams’s Runway Walk, A$AP Rocky’s Fashion Week Debut, And More

A$AP Rocky’s Paris Men’s Fashion Week Debut

Rapper A$AP Rocky’s AWGE made its Paris Fashion Week debut this weekend. The pieces in the collection reflected much of what Rocky would wear himself. The collection was entitled “American Sabotage” and included a total of 30 runway looks that the models donned. Looks from loose yet structured suits with ties that featured buttons to streetwear-inspired garb with vests over long sleeves that featured the wording “American Sabotage” on the front were included. Additionally, we saw a plethora of layering, patches, and simple silhouettes being upgraded with new cuts to add dimension to them. Classic flannel and denim were included, much like Rocky’s earlier fashion looks.  

“America in itself has a lot of historical values…I’m putting light on my American story, my American horror story, my American story, my American sabotage,” Rocky told Hypebeast. “I pull inspirations from all of that…refugees, incarcerations, mass incarcerations. I’ve been subject to all those things. I’m very familiar with all those things and for me this is just me sharing my ghetto expression.”

In Case You Missed It: Serena Williams’s Runway Walk, A$AP Rocky’s Fashion Week Debut, And More

Balenciaga Releases An Olympics-Inspired “Objects” Collection

As the Olympics are about to kick off in Paris, Balenciaga has dropped a new collection of an amalgamation of sports “objects.” Pieces in the collection include a volleyball, beach rackets, a skimboard, and a case of balls. All items are in black with a Balenciaga fire logo motif. The two ovals on the motif interlock similarly to the Olympics logo. 

You can shop the Balenciaga “Objects” collection on balenciaga.com. Prices range from $340 to $2,450.   

Kenzo Reveals Spring/Summer 2025 Anime-Inspired Collection

Nigo, the designer and creative director of Kenzo, has revealed his Spring/Summer 2025 collection to the world. The vibrant and print-clad pieces were inspired by Japanese anime. Nigo enlisted the help of Verdy, artist and creative director, to add the anime touches to the looks. Origami paper and bright shades and prints of green and orange on suiting jackets, structured trousers, and sequined tops were featured in the collection.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by HIGHSNOBIETY (@highsnobiety)

LVMH Acquires Renowned Bistrot L’ami Louis

LVMH’s latest acquisition is not as fashion-related as usual. The fashion conglomerate has bought the Parisien Bistrot L’ami Louis. It’s a small eatery, yet has brought masses to its humble space. The restaurant is about to celebrate a century in business. LVMH plans to keep the restaurant’s quaint likability alive. L’ami Louis has served celebrities in its century of business from actors to former presidents. We’re excited to see how this acquisition expands the tiny but mighty Parisian restaurant.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by KENZO (@kenzo)

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  1. Tripp van der Bilt

    William "Tripp" van der Bilt III is a recurring character on the American drama series, Gossip Girl , portrayed by Aaron Tveit. Being the elder cousin of Nate Archibald, Tripp serves as a rival for Nate later on as they compete for the affections of their grandfather, William. William "Tripp" van der Bilt III is the grandson of William van der Bilt, who is a very "political minded" man, and ...

  2. Serena and Tripp.....an actual mess!!! : r/GossipGirl

    The second Tripp shows interest in her, she suddenly has a huge crush on him, even telling Nate "she could feel her heart thump when she's around him". Then, Tripp hires her to work for him and she spends the whole time FIGHTING EVERY URGE IN HER BODY to not go for him. Anyone in their right mind would think "Hmm.

  3. Gossip Girl

    Trip van der Bilt ist der Cousin von Nate Archibald und ihm ist es auch zu verdanken, dass sich Nate wieder mit seiner Familie versöhnt hat. Er strebt eine Karriere als Politiker an, doch seine Affäre mit Serena funkt ihm dazwischen. In "Gossip Girl" wird er von Aaron Tveit gespielt.

  4. The Debarted (Gossip Girl)

    The Debarted (. Gossip Girl. ) Blair helps Chuck in grieving the anniversary of his father 's death. " The Debarted " is the 55th episode of the CW television series, Gossip Girl. [1] It was also the twelfth episode of the show's third season. The episode was written by executive producer and one of the series' creator Stephanie Savage and ...

  5. Let's revisit Serena and Tripp : r/GossipGirl

    This storyline was just a whole mess from start to finish. gossip girl plots are so bizzare to look back on, serena was deadass hiding out in motels with tripp and being threatened by a grown woman to stop seeing her husband, then theres a love square with maureen tripp serena and nate, then theres a car crash and tripp flees.

  6. Okay- do y'all remember when Serena got in a car crash with Trip?

    The whole car crash with Tripp thing was supposed to be a play on the Chappaquiddick incident that happened with Senator Ted Kennedy in 1969. Here is the Wikipedia page for it, interesting read. Ted got off pretty much scot free like Tripp. And just like the Kennedys, the Vanderbilts are a crazy powerful and influential family.

  7. Serena's Best Love Interests in 'Gossip Girl,' Ranked

    1 Dan Humphrey. Dan Humphrey, played by Penn Badgley, is one of the show's central characters who is the quintessential "boy next door" and captures the hearts of both viewers and Serena from ...

  8. Tripp and Serena

    Gossip Girl Photos, Gossip Girl Season 3 Episode 9 Photos, Serena van der Woodsen Photos Related Posts: Gossip Girl Episode Stills: "They Shoot Humphreys, Don't They?"

  9. Gossip Girl: Serena's Boyfriends, Ranked

    Serena van der Woodsen was a true icon on Gossip Girl, with a dating history of boyfriends that was just as complicated as it was exciting. Since the dissolution of her relationship with Dan in ...

  10. Tripp, Serena

    Rating: 3.8 / 5.0 (68 Votes) Photo Credit: Pending. Show: Gossip Girl. Episode: Gossip Girl Season 3 Episode 11: "The Treasure of Serena Madre". Character: Serena van der Woodsen.

  11. Gossip Girl Serena and Tripp ││Under

    Hey Gossip Girl fans! Just wanted to share with my new video of Es and Tripps' story, i hope you enjoy it!

  12. 'Gossip Girl' recap: Serena and Tripp get closer and...Dorota's knocked up!

    Tim Stack. Published on December 1, 2009 12:00PM EST. In lieu of bread crumbs, last night's Thanksgiving-themed Gossip Girl was stuffed with pregnancies, elevator grab-ass, and a really ...

  13. Serena and Trip : r/GossipGirl

    Serena is the granddaughter of Celia Rhodes. They never said much about Lily's father but from the flashback episode, we can conclude her father is extremely wealthy and well connected. After Cece passed, they said she had enough money to buy HALF of Manhattan. Not to mention, her mother was the wife of Bart Bass and Chuck Bass is her step-brother.

  14. "Gossip Girl" The Treasure of Serena Madre (TV Episode 2009)

    Serena is put in an awkward position when Lily invites Tripp and Maureen to join them for dinner; Blair suspects her mother of keeping a big secret; Jenny gets even with Eric in the most cruel way. As Thanksgiving draws near, Blair suspects her mother, Eleanor, has been keeping a big secret from her, but it turns out to be something else entirely.

  15. Dan-Serena relationship

    Serena, I know I've hurt you, but I still love you. I've lost track of it at times, I've made mistakes, I've made massive, heartbreaking mistakes, but I've never stopped loving you. ep 6x9Dan to Serena (5x13) The relationship between Dan and Serena, also known as Derena, is the friendship and romantic relationship between Dan Humphrey and Serena van der Woodsen. Being the main couple of the ...

  16. What Episode Do Tripp And Serena Get Together?

    What Episode Do Tripp And Serena Get Together? Meanwhile, Nate has realized that he still has feelings for Serena but doesn't act on them when he sees her become involved with Tripp. …. She orders Serena to end the affair or be kicked out of her apartment, but Serena chooses to leave when she finds a letter from her father that Lily hid.

  17. Serena-Nate relationship

    In Enough About Eve, Serena goes to Nate for help in freeing her boyfriend, Carter Baizen, from the Buckley family; who are planning to send him to an oil rig as revenge for him abandoning his wedding to Beth Buckley.Nate sets them up to play a game of poker with PJ Buckley, Beth's brother, and convince them to play Carter's sentence. To gain trust with the group, Nate offers to give them a ...

  18. Trip and Serena : r/GossipGirl

    It makes Serena seem sooo lame and pathetic. It makes me cringe whenever I see her fold for him, especially when she leaves with him after Nate confesses his feelings. It's just such a hard watch and I look forward to Maureen confronting at the cottage. Ugh. I love Serena but I can't freakin stand her with the whole trip situation 🤢🤢🤢

  19. Bike and Boat North Holland & Ijsselmeer ⚓

    Bike & Boat North Holland, MS SERENA ... If you would like to make a day trip to Amsterdam: The Enkhuizen train station is within walking distance of the berth. There are train connections to Amsterdam and back every 30 minutes. ... 7-gear-Unisex-trekking bikes und 8-gear-E-Bikes (brand: Velo de Ville - special SE-Tours edition)

  20. Culture Trip: Read Travel Guides Book Stays And Experiences

    Your essential travel companion. Book places to stay hotels and things to do hand-picked by us from the worlds best bits. Price-match guarantee. Free... Book small-group adventures around the world, led by Local Insiders. Culture Trip Summer Sale: Save up to $1,665 on our unique small-group trips! Limited spots. Book now.

  21. In Case You Missed It: Serena Williams's Runway Walk, A$AP ...

    On Sunday in Paris, Serena Williams walked down the Vogue World runway held outside of the Place Vendôme. Her blue, white, and black mermaid-fit gown was designed by Off-White.

  22. serena and trip : r/GossipGirl

    serena and trip . OG Series this whole relationship pissed me off so bad. like trip, ur literally married please stop, and i think serena's several years younger. maureen wasnt even terrible, yes she was manipulative a bit but she was trying to help him. and serena was acting like trip was the love of her LIFE she was saying oh my heart thumps ...

  23. Reader Success Story: ANA Round the World Trip

    With one of my Semester at Sea friends in Park Guell, Barcelona. Buying a $200 round-trip flight from Istanbul to Cairo and meeting my dad there. We saw the pyramids together and checked off the only remaining ancient wonder of the world. With my father in front of the Blue Mosque in Istanbul.

  24. Serena and Trip make me livid... : r/GossipGirl

    People forget that Serena was taken advantage of since she was in high school. It's no wonder she has such issue with men. IMO Tripp deserves more hate than her. Being in season three, she would have been 18 fresh out of high school. Adult yes but also barely an adult.