The Eartec Company

plant tour headset

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Wireless Communication Promotes Social Distancing & Plant Tour Efficiency

Wireless headset solutions from Eartec provide the crystal clear voice contact necessary to overcome the din and clatter of ambient noise in industrial facilities and to maintain social distancing during plant tours.

Eartec offers two distinct styles of Plant Tour Headsets, Full Duplex and Simplex.

The UltraLITE are totally self-contained full duplex plant tour headsets that provide hands free, simultaneous talk communication. With UltraLITE users can speak freely and simultaneously just like on a regular telephone. They include a special Auto Mute microphone assembly that allows the tour leader or anyone in the group to ask a question simply by moving the mic boom down to talk.

The Scrambler UHF transceiver is at the heart of all Eartec simplex tour intercoms. With simplex wireless transmissions are initiated by Push to Talk (PTT). When the tour leader or anyone in the group transmits the message is received by everyone. The Scrambler features 14 high band frequencies and channel switching makes it easy to separate or combine radios and headsets as your needs dictate.

EVADE series headsets are a new class of Light Industrial wireless team communication systems designed for professional crews that need instantaneous voice contact.  Operating in full duplex mode they allow crews to talk simultaneously and hands free.  They feature deluxe padding and a sleek, fully adjustable headband that provide outstanding comfort.  EVADE have the capacity to link up to nine users within a 1/2 mile range (line of sight, terrain dependent) enhancing coordination, productivity, and safety.

Eartec will help you select the items that you need and provide a quote upon request. If you plan to deploy wireless across multiple locations we will formulate comprehensive pricing.


UltraLite headset

UltraLITE Series

From $385 a pair

Tour leader and group members can talk hands free

One MAIN Headset

Up to 4 Remote Transceivers

No Base Station Required

Single Channel

Range 300 Yards

(line of sight, terrain dependent)

Scrambler radio with monarch backband dual ear headset.

Scrambler UHF

From $300 a pair

Popular push-to-talk plant tour wireless

Professional Simplex Wireless

Unlimited Transceivers

Full Line of Headsets

Inline Push-to-talk

Transmits Through Walls

Range Up to 1 Mile

EVADE Product Line

EVADE Series

From $825 a pair

Professional Full Duplex Wireless Crew Communication

Dual or Single Light Industrial Headsets

Self-contained – No Beltpack or Wires

Full Earcup with Deluxe Padding

Auto Mute Boom – Off when Placed Up

1/2 Mile Range

(Line of Sight, Terrain Dependent)

Plant Tour Headsets

Tripp Communications Sales

  • Transceiver
  • Accessories
  • Transceiver Headsets
  • Earphones, Neckloops & Lanyards
  • Docking Stations & Chargers
  • Stationary RF Transmitter
  • Transmitter Antennas
  • RF Receivers
  • RF Charging Options
  • Audio Streaming Servers & Software Application
  • Leisure Guided Tours

Plant Tours

  • Customer & VIP Tours
  • Assisted Listening
  • Language Interpretation
  • Classroom Communication

Plant Tours Communications


Whether touring a noisy plant or an environment where safety is a concern, guides need to be able to communicate with participants and field questions without having to raise their voice or repeat themselves. Wireless two-way tour guide systems offer clear hearing solutions for plant tour communication.

  • Use in quiet to high-noise environments
  • Simple push-to talk communications
  • Encrypted for security

How Can a Two-Way Communications System Work for You?

Using audio tour guide equipment.

Two-way communication devices both transmit and receive audio, allowing tour guides to easily and clearly communicate with participants indoors and outdoors.

The plant tour guide wears the transceiver on a lanyard around their neck and uses a wireless headset system with a microphone for hands-free communication. There is no handheld microphone or tethered speaker to lug around. Audience members wear the transceiver around their necks accompanied by an earphone for enhanced hearing. With a push of a button, they can speak into the unit’s microphone when they have questions or comments.

The system can be programmed to allow everyone to hear participant questions or to only allow the plant tour guide to hear and respond to audience questions.

Click HERE for an explanation of how Case Systems uses an audio tour system in their noisy manufacturing plant to ensure no one misses a word of what the tour guide is saying.

Recommended Equipment for Plant Tour Two-Way Communication:

Starter System with 1 Headset and 4 Transceivers

Standard System with 1 Headset and 8 Transceivers

Full System with 8 Headsets and 8 Transceivers

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Plant Tours: A Walk-Through Guide

  • Last updated Jul 09, 2024
  • Difficulty Beginner

Elena Pacheco

  • Category Advanced gardening

how and why to take a plant tour

Plant tours can be a powerful way for factories to showcase their facilities, equipment, and staff. They are an excellent opportunity to build relationships, draw in new investors, and create greater confidence in your ability to deliver product quality and numbers. However, factories are not always suited for giving quality tours due to safety hazards, loud noises, and a busy environment. To ensure a successful plant tour, it is important to understand the visitors' goals, use a wireless tour guide system, warn employees in advance, and prepare information booklets. Maintaining a tidy facility, emphasising safety, and choosing the right spokesperson are also key factors in providing a positive and safe experience for guests.

What You'll Learn

Understand visitors' goals, use a wireless tour guide system, warn employees in advance, focus on different areas of interest, check for signs of dead inventory.


Understanding the goals of visitors is key to organising a successful plant tour. Visitors will want to see that the factory is up to par and that the product quality is top-notch. However, it is important to distinguish between different types of visitors, as their other objectives might not be the same. For example, investors are more likely to be interested in a company's efficiency and financial performance, whereas potential clients will want to know more about the production process, cleanliness, and inventory.

If the visitors are potential clients, they will want to know about the production process, cleanliness, and inventory. They will want to see that the factory is capable of quickly responding to customer orders, customising products to match their exact requirements, or ramping up production when needed. Knowing this will allow you to identify specific plant features you may want to highlight and prepare for any questions they may have.

If the visitors are investors, they will be interested in the company's efficiency and financial performance. They will want to decide whether they should invest their money, so it is important to showcase the value of the plant and guide them through it with this goal in mind.

Other types of visitors include state legislators, corporate officials, and health and safety inspectors. It is important to consider their goals and prepare accordingly, whether that means emphasising certain aspects of the plant or providing the necessary safety equipment and compliance regulations.

Overall, understanding the goals of visitors will enable you to better satisfy them and leave them feeling their time was well spent.

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A wireless tour guide system is an ideal solution for plant tours, providing clear, uninterrupted audio communication between the guide and the audience. Such systems typically consist of a wireless microphone and speaker system, allowing presenters to communicate clearly with visitors without being affected by ambient noise or distance. This is especially useful in the context of a plant tour, where the environment is often loud and noisy due to the presence of large machinery and equipment.

With a wireless tour guide system, guides can speak at a normal volume and don't have to worry about repeating themselves due to background noise. Tour participants can also move around and explore freely while still being able to hear the guide's explanations and commentary. This enhances the overall experience of the tour and ensures that important information is not missed.

When selecting a wireless tour guide system, it is essential to choose a high-quality system that is easy to use and provides clear audio. The system should also be portable and durable to withstand the demands of a plant tour environment. Additionally, look for features such as multiple charging options and signal stability to ensure uninterrupted performance during the tour.

By investing in a reliable wireless tour guide system, companies can ensure effective communication during plant tours, making them more engaging and informative for all participants. This, in turn, can help foster better relationships with clients, investors, and other stakeholders, ultimately contributing to the success of the business.

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While the goal of a plant tour is to give visitors an insight into a regular day at the company, measures should be taken to ensure the tour runs smoothly. One such measure is to inform employees about the upcoming tour and instruct them on what to do. For instance, they could be told to keep noise to a minimum or make more room for the visiting group at a specific time.

Giving employees advance warning also allows them to plan their activities with the tour in mind. They can postpone anything that may get in the way of the tour, as well as any projects that might be interrupted. It's a good idea to let them know at least two weeks before the tour – that way, they won't feel blindsided.

If you want any of your employees to talk to visitors and share their experiences, make sure to let them know in good time. They will need to prepare for the part they will play in the presentation. For example, they might need to gather and organise information that visitors are likely to ask for. Even the most eloquent people can get tongue-tied if they are put on the spot without warning. That's why it's best to notify employees well in advance.

Algal, Plant Kin: Shared Features

One area of interest for visitors is efficiency—how well does the plant run? This is particularly important for high-ranking managers, those evaluating a purchase of the plant, or those interested in a joint venture. To get a quick sense of the plant's efficiency, count how many workers are working productively in a given moment and compare that to the total number of workers. Only count "hand-on-the-metal" work as productive—other activities don't count. Among the best-performing plants, you'll find seven to nine out of ten workers actually working productively. In contrast, the average Western plant may have only around five out of ten workers being productive, with the rest busy but not adding value.

You can do a similar exercise for machines. An average Western plant may have around three to five out of ten machines actually working, with the rest under repair or set up for the next job. It's good to see machines waiting rather than workers, as human workers are much more flexible.

Another area of interest for visitors is inventory. High inventory is often a sign of a poorly run plant. Look for dates on material sheets or inventory stickers to find the oldest items, and check for dust—the thicker the layer, the older the part. Look for blocked stocks with red stickers warning against their use, and try to estimate how often inventory is moved to get a sense of how much stock the plant is holding. Be aware that your observations only apply to the material you can see and don't account for material on the road or stored elsewhere.

Order and Cleanliness

You can also assess the plant's order and cleanliness. Does it look orderly? Are the machines, parts, and tools clean? Are positions of parts, tools, and movable machines marked? Are there standard operating procedures on the machines, and are they recent? Are there signs and markers, and what kind?

Product Quality

If you're interested in product quality, look for blocked stocks or stocks not to be used due to quality issues (again, look for red stickers). How full are the reject bins, and how often are parts discarded? Are delicate parts handled roughly? Are there any oil stains or metal chips on parts that could cause damage? Are the machines clean and operating smoothly, or are they located in a place with a lot of vibration or next to heavy machinery?

You can also try to find quality metrics, usually located at the most important stations. How good are these metrics, and do they align with your definition of what constitutes a problem?

Manufacturing Standards

Check if there are standard operating procedures on all the machines, and look at the date—anything beyond six months is questionable, and anything beyond a year is next to worthless. See if operators are following these standards and if the standards seem clear, concise, and easy to follow.

Look for a team meeting corner. What documentation is there? Are there KPIs measured, and if so, what are they? Are they done by hand or printed out (a sign that workers are not involved and don't care about the measurement)? Are there problem-solving sheets?

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Dead inventory, also known as "dead stock", refers to items that are unlikely to sell in the future. Dead stock can be a major expense for a business, reducing profitability by stalling revenue, increasing carrying costs, and taking up valuable warehouse space. When checking for signs of dead inventory during a plant tour, there are several key areas to focus on:

  • Seasonal items: Look for items that are clearly meant for specific seasons or occasions, such as products with "New Year 2022" on them. These items become dead stock as soon as the season or occasion has passed and are unlikely to sell after that.
  • Excessive inventory: Pay attention to the amount of inventory on the shelves and in the warehouse. If there is a large amount of a particular item, it may be an indication of dead stock, especially if it is a seasonal item or a product with low demand.
  • Quality issues: Check the quality of the products on display. Dead stock can often be the result of quality issues, such as defects or products that do not meet customer expectations. Look for any signs of damage or inconsistency in the products.
  • Inconsistent ordering practices: Try to assess if the plant has inconsistent ordering practices. For example, ordering too much of a product in anticipation of holiday shopping can lead to dead stock if not all of it is sold. Similarly, ordering too late can cause a business to miss out on seasonal trends and be left with unsold items.
  • Lack of customer interest: Assess the level of customer interest in the products during the tour. If customers are not interested in certain items, it can lead to poor sales and ultimately, dead inventory. Try to gauge their reactions and ask questions to understand their preferences and expectations.
  • Inventory management system: Inquire about the plant's inventory management system. Dead stock can often be a result of manual inventory tracking, which can lead to errors in the replenishment process and a lack of visibility into inventory levels. Look for signs of disorganization or outdated systems that may contribute to dead inventory.

By focusing on these areas during a plant tour, you can gain valuable insights into the potential signs of dead inventory and make more informed decisions about the plant's operations and strategies.

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Frequently asked questions.

A plant tour is a great way to build face-to-face relationships with customers, investors, and stakeholders. It helps to showcase your facilities, equipment, and staff, providing an insight into your operations and fostering trust and confidence.

It's important to understand the goals of your visitors. Investors may focus on efficiency and financial performance, while clients might be more interested in the production process and cleanliness. Prepare information booklets, ensure compliance with safety regulations, and emphasise safety gear for your guests.

Wear long pants, long-sleeve shirts, and closed-toe shoes with good traction. Avoid jewellery or loose clothing for safety. Bring safety gear such as safety glasses, gloves, and noise-cancelling headsets if provided.

Focus on different areas of interest, such as efficiency, inventory management, and product quality. Observe the number of productive workers and functioning machines, look for signs of dead inventory, and assess the overall cleanliness and organisation of the plant.

Engage with your hosts and ask questions. Observe the culture and management style by taking note of the general housekeeping, employee amenities, and safety measures. Pay attention to the machinery, processes, and innovations that make their operations unique.

Elena Pacheco

  • Elena Pacheco Author Editor Reviewer

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Best Headsets for Plant Tours & Guides in High Noise

Best Headsets for Plant Tours & Guides in High Noise

Good communication is essential for plant tours to be successful. Oftentimes loud environments make it hard to communicate which means using a plant tour headset for loud noise is required. You need something that will block out loud noise but still allow you to hear and talk within your group.

The options below are some of the best plant tour headsets in high noise. All the headsets featured are hard hat compatible if hard hats are required to follow OSHA protocol .

Below are the top 5 best plant tour headsets.

3M Peltor Litecom FRS

Plant tours mt-370 headset, waveband dual muff headset, team communications system headset.

  • Sensear Smart Group Headset

The 3M Peltor Litecom FRS headset is a good headset for large-group plant tours. This dual muff headset has a 23 dB noise reduction rating (for hard hat attachment style) for hearing protection and a noise canceling boom microphone for clear speech.

A nice thing about this headset is it’s headset to headset communication with a  built-in two-way radio meaning you won’t need to buy an external two-way radio. The headset has 22 pre-programmed FRS channels and doesn’t require a license to operate. All users on the same channel will be able to communicate back and forth.

The headset can either be activated via the push to talk button or by using VOX (voice operated transmission) which picks up your voice without pressing any buttons.


Another option for large group plant tour headsets is the MT-250 headset by Plant . This dual muff headset is made for high noise environments with a 24 noise reduction rating . 

A cool feature with this headset is the lockable push to talk button that gives you the option to speak without pressing the button and gives your hands and arms free range of motion.

All of headsets only work with their own transceivers (two-way radios). On top of purchasing the headset you’ll also be required to use one of their transceivers. One option is the MT-700 Transceiver which has 15 pre-programmed channels that allow multiple tours and work groups communicate.

The Waveband Dual Muff Headset is a good option for plant tours. It has a 23 dB noise reduction rating making it great to use in high noise environments. This headset will require a two-way radio to use and is compatible with most professional two-way radio models. 

The style of this headset is pretty basic. It is a neckband style with an adjustable over the head velcro strap which allows you to resize and wear it with hard hats. The push to talk button is located on the ear cup so you can respond back.


The Team Communications System Headset is great for small group plant tours connecting up to 8 users with unlimited listen-only users and is full duplex. This means only 8 users can talk simultaneously but you can have as many listen-only users as you want. Full duplex means multiple people can talk at one time which makes it feel more of face to face conversation without pushing a button.

This headset is plug-and-play with no installation making it usable right out of the box. It does not require a two-way radio to use although it does allow you to integrate with portable radios if you want.

This headset has a 23 dB noise reduction rating which is great for protection in high noise areas.


Sensear SmartGroup - Industrial Training SM1P Headset


The Sensear Smart Group Headsets are another viable option for plant tours. You can connect an infinite amount of headsets making it perfect for any size tour group. Each group will have a teacher headset and student headsets. The teacher headset pairs with the student headset via short range of up to 50m or 150 ft.

The student headset comes in two options: student listen and talk or student listen only. Student listen and talk allows the student to transmit and listen while student listen only will just receive audio. Teacher headsets will always be talk only. 

The noise reduction rating is 27 dB with a noise canceling boom mic making it suitable to use in high noise environments to stay heard and protect your hearing. A cool thing with this headset is the Sensear SENS® Technology which stands for Speech Ehnancement Noise Supression, and isolates and enhances speech while also reducing loud background noise so you can hear speech and stay protected.


Taylor Thomas, Marketing Manager for Waveband Communications has over 5 years of experience in helping small and large teams find the right communication equipment for their needs. Whether it's finding the right radios or sorting out the best headsets, Taylor ensures teams stay connected and productive.


Take a look at the Cast by Sena. With Mesh Intercom that wirelessly connects anyone in the Mesh with a push of a button, and a NRR rating of 28dB (23 dB with a hard hat mount) it may be the best option of all for plant tours. No two way radio needed!

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Factory Tours

Celebrating american imagination and industry.

25 Best Factory Tours in America for Families Who Love to Go Behind the Scenes

Find out what it takes to construct a jellybean, giant plane and everything in between.

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We've been independently researching and testing products for over 120 years. If you buy through our links, we may earn a commission. Learn more about our review process.

After a prolonged period of being stuck at home, some families are looking to travel again. And while the COVID-19 pandemic means that precautions still have to be taken, and not every destination is up and running at 100% capacity, there's still plenty of unique experiences out there that are once again open to the public.

The following factory tours and appropriate for kids, are well-reviewed by families and are currently open to visitors (or will be opening soon). But you might want to book ahead — some require timed tickets or reservations before you visit. But when you're done, you'll all know a little bit more about how the world around you is made.

Louisville Slugger Museum & Factory (Louisville, Kentucky)

the exterior of the louisville slugger factory a good housekeeping pick for best factory tours the exterior features a building sized baseball bat

Swing by to see how baseball bats are made — this company has been churning them out since 1884. Your family can walk through the factory production line and watch the wood chips fly! Everyone can try out bats from iconic players, like Babe Ruth and Derek Jeter. With plenty of photo ops (including your crew inside a giant baseball mitt) and a free mini bat souvenir for every guest, this tour will be a home run. Open daily; $ 18 for adults, $11 for ages 6 – 12, free for ages 5 and under

Jelly Belly Visitor Center & Factory (Fairfield, California)

brightly colored candies go down the mixing line in the jelly belly factory, a good housekeeping pick for best factory tours

From your perch above the production line, you’ll witness all the steps — slurry, steam bath, glossy application — it takes to create the gourmet jellybeans that have been a thing since the late 1800s. Video screens provide close-ups and fun facts (like it takes 1 – 2 weeks to make a jellybean). Feeling hungry? Stop at the café for a jellybean-shaped pizza. Open daily (but factory workers are typically there only on weekdays), $5 for adults, $2 for ages 2 and up, free for younger kids

The Kazoo Factory Tour Experience (Beaufort, South Carolina)

an american flag made of kazoos hangs in the kazoo factory, a good housekeeping pick for best factory tours

After learning the ins and outs of kazoo-making during a factory walk-through, everyone gets to create their own instrument to take home. A built-in souvenir is music to our ears! Open Monday to Friday, $9 for adults, $7 for ages 4 – 11, free for younger kids


PEZ Visitor Center (Orange, Connecticut)

glass cases filled with dispensers in the pez factory, a good housekeeping pick for best factory tours

The colorful facility dispenses equal parts nostalgia (it maintains well-organized vintage PEZ displays) and tech wizardry (you can see how the famous candy is packed). Be sure to snap your kid’s pic in front of the world’s largest PEZ dispenser, which looks like a person wearing a PEZ-themed baseball cap. Open daily; $5 for adults, $4 for ages 3 – 12, free for younger kids

Polaris Experience Center (Roseau, Minnesota)

a crowd of people wearing neon work vests at the polaris factory tour, a good housekeeping pick for best factory tours

School-age kids who love to build things will have their mind blown going behind-the-scenes at this maker of snowmobiles and ATVs. On the guided tour, they’ll see laser cutters, high-speed saws and other cool equipment making parts for the vehicles. They can also watch motors being installed and ATVs being tested. Whoa! Open Monday to Friday; children under age 6 prohibited; free

Hammond’s Candy Factory Tour (Denver, Colorado)

candy canes on an assembly line at hammond's, a good housekeeping pick for best factory tours

This centuries-old confectioner invites you to see how it makes its lollipops, candy canes and other treats. Looking through large viewing windows, your crew will be gobsmacked at how the colorful candies are shaped and packaged. Open Monday –Saturday; free

Kohler Design Center Factory Tour (Kohler, Wisconsin)

a worker in the kohler factory, a good housekeeping pick for best factory tours

Got a teen whose interested in manufacturing? They’ll be fascinated by this detailed two-hour, 3 ½-mile foray behind the scenes of how the brand’s famous plumbing products are created. Open Monday – Friday, children under 14 not permitted, free

Sweet Pete’s Candy Shop (Jacksonville, Florida)

treat shop sweet pete's, where you can take a tour,  which good housekeeping has picked as one of the best factory tours

Willy Wonka vibes are strong at this mansion that takes guests from room to room of candy-making demos. You’ll get to design your own chocolate bar, choosing from more than 16 toppings. Check availability online; $6.45 per person

Henry Ford Rouge Factory Tour (Dearborn, Michigan)

a ford f150 undergoes transformation inside the manufacturing innovation theater at the henry ford rouge factory tour, a good housekeeping pick for best factory tours

One truck per minute rolls off the assembly line at this famous automotive factory — and your crew gets a birds-eye view of the goings-on from a 1/3-mile observation deck. There’s also a gallery of cool cars, like a 1965 Ford Mustang, to check out. Check dates online; $22 for adults, $16.50 for ages 5 – 11, free for younger kids

Turkey Hill Experience (Columbia, Pennsylvania)

worker in a lab coat holds up a tray of different ice creams from turkey hill, a good housekeeping pick for best factory tours

While the dairy producer’s actual factory is closed to the public, this children’s museum-like attraction gives families the inside scoop on ice cream-making, plus unlimited free samples. Your kids can create their own virtual flavor, and then star in a commercial promoting it . Open daily; starts at $10.50 per person

World of Coca-Cola (Atlanta, Georgia)

the sampling area at the world of cocacola, a good housekeeping pick for best factory tours

Since you can’t tour an actual Coke bottling plant, this attraction is the next best thing. Its Bottle Works exhibit, showcasing real equipment, explains the packaging process. And you’ll get a chance to taste different kinds of sodas from around the world. Open daily; $19 for adults, $15 for ages 3 – 12, free for younger kids

Tillamook Creamery Tour (Tillamook, Oregon)

2018 grand opening of the tillamook creamery, a good housekeeping pick for the best factory tours

From a viewing gallery above the factory floor, you’ll see how milk becomes cheese. Then hit the dining hall for gooey faves, likes grilled cheese and mac ’n cheese. Your fam can even share a “flight” of ice cream. Open daily; tour is free, you can add tasting experiences for a charge

Warner Bros. Studio Tour (Los Angeles, California)

three visitors posing on the central perk couch as part of the warner bros studio tour, a good housekeeping pick for best factory tours

Your crew will be star-struck hanging out at a working movie studio. During the hour-long guided portion, you’ll see backlots, movie sets and maybe even spy someone famous. Then you’ll have two more hours to explore on your own — plenty of time to snap a pic of your family in front of the fountain from Friends . Open daily: $69 for adults, $59 for ages 5 – 10

The Great Utz Chip Trip Tour (Hanover, Pennsylvania)

the exterior sign for the great utz chip trip tour gallery entrance the great utz chip trip is a good housekeeping pick for best factory tours

Kids will discover how potatoes get turned into chips at this famous maker’s plant near the Pennsylvania-Maryland border. They can watch factory workers from an observation gallery; closed-circuit TV monitors provide close-ups. Everyone receives a free sample of chips at the end. Open Monday – Thursday, free

Ben & Jerry’s Factory Experience (Waterbury, Vermont)

the ice cream "graveyard" of retired flavors at the ben  jerry's factory, a good housekeeping pick for best factory tours

With a tentative re-opening planned for the end of June 2022, this beloved attraction wets appetites with a short movie about how Ben & Jerry got their start. From there, it’s off to the mezzanine where you’ll watch how the ice cream is made. Samples of ice cream (sometimes a flavor that’s exclusive to the factory) is the proverbial cherry on top. On your way out, visit the “ice cream graveyard” of flavors that are no longer made. Check back for ticket info

The Crayola Experience (Easton, Pennsylvania)

the exterior of the crayola experience, with a class of children heading inside the crayola experience is a good housekeeping pick for best factory tours

There are many activities to take part in at The Crayola experience, including a live show where a "crayonologist" demonstrates how crayons are made. The 65,000-square-foot attraction also includes a toddler and a big-kid playground, interactive games and a studio for art projects, among manny other stations — they recommend blocking out three or four hours for a visit. Open daily. Admission is $25 if you buy tickets in advance; a timed ticket is required for all visitors ages 3 and up. There are also Crayola Experience locations in Chandler, Arizona; Mall of America, Minnesota; Orlando, Florida and Plano, Texas, but offerings may vary

Taza Chocolate Factory Tour (Somerville, Massachusetts)

a worker explains the chocolate making process at the taza chocolate factory a good housekeeping pick for best factory tours

Specializing in stone-ground chocolate, this candy maker explains the production process and hosts a sampling. On weekends, there’s a scavenger hunt-themed tour for kids under age 10 . Open Wednesday – Sunday; $8-$12 per person

The White House (Washington, DC)

white house on a clear sky white house tours are a good housekeeping pick for best factory tours

Though not a factory in the traditional sense, White House tours are back, and you can meander around the famous Blue Room, Red Room, State dining room and — best of all — the Rose Garden. But you can’t wait until the last minute to book. Twenty-one to 90 days before you’d like to visit, you need to request one of the free tours by contacting your congress member’s office. Tours are only available on Fridays and Saturdays

Blue Bell Creamery Factory Tour (Brenham, Texas)

children at a ice cream making plant, blue bell creameries the blue bell creamery factory tour is a good housekeeping pick for best factory tours

Look high above the factory floor to see ice cream being packaged in different types of containers. An employee is on-hand to answer all the kids’ questions about the process, so encourage them to ask away. Open Monday – Friday; free

American Whistle Company (Columbus, Ohio)

a metal whistle

A kitschy stop on a Midwest road trip, this factory doles out loads of engaging info about a topic you probably never considered — how whistles are made. Everyone receives a whistle to take home. Open Monday Friday; $6 per person

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Kentucky Toyota Assembly Plant Tour Visitor Info & Review


Welcome to Toyota’s assembly plant in Georgetown, Kentucky

5 out of 5 stars rating

Georgetown, Kentucky is home to the country’s largest  Toyota manufacturing facility. Toyota Motor Manufacturing, Kentucky, Inc.–known as TMMK and built in 1988–constructs 2,000 vehicles and engines daily in its 7.5 million square foot facility. And as a guest of TMMK, you have the opportunity to view production.

Address:  1001 Cherry Blossom Way, Georgetown, Kentucky 40324

Directions: Take I-75 to exit 129; head east on KY-620 Cherry Blossom Way and enter Gate 2. A security guard will tell you where to park: a left turn into a parking lot in front of the Visitor Center.

Parking:  Plenty of free on-site parking is offered for cars and buses.

Cost:  Tours are free.

Hours:  Plant tours are Monday through Friday at 9:30am, 11:30am, 1:30pm, and 6pm (on Thursdays only). The Visitor Center is open from 8:30am-3:30pm on weekdays, with extended hours on Thursdays.

Reservations:  Strongly encouraged but not mandatory. Walk-ins will have to wait for a vacant spot on the next tour. Call 502-868-3027 or 1-800-TMM-4485 to reserve a spot. A valid photo ID is required upon check-in.

Rules:  Like most factory tours, the following are not permitted: cell phones, cameras, and purses/book bags/brief cases. These items  are allowed in the visitor’s center but will be collected at the check-in desk before boarding the tour. Children must be older than 6 years (first grade or above).

Handicap Accessible:  Those with physical disabilities are able to access the visitor’s center and board the seated, motorized tour. Headphones are provided to hear the tour narration.


At the visitor’s center, you can drop off your phone, camera, and other belongings for safekeeping during the tour


Experience:  Upon arriving at the Visitor Center and checking in at the main desk, you will be able to browse the 11,500-square-foot welcome area that features archival footage, milestone vehicles, and information on the company. There’s even a gift shop selling Toyota merchandise.

Once your tour time is called, you’ll gather in a room to watch a video on the history of the plant and safety guidelines on the tour. You will then be assigned to a tour guide, receive your wireless headset, and board the motorized tram.

Your ride will take you through the assembly plant as you see the inner workings of an automotive assembly plant in action–from the arrangement of the cabin to the steel stamping. You’ll wear a headset for your audio-guided tour so you can hear the leader explain everything you see, and goggles for safety.

The entire experience, including seeing the welcome center, lasts two hours.

TMMK also has an Environmental Education Center for groups of students. The surrounding 50 acres of nature feature a walk through wetlands and prairies with signs that detail how the brand and facility are keeping the Earth green.

Toyota Motor Manufacturing Plant postcard

You can get one of these after taking the tour!

Review:  First of all, this tour is absolutely free, and getting the type of experience you get seeing the Toyota assembly plant in action is worth a drive. Plus, Georgetown is in the bluegrass region, right near the beautiful and horse-loving city of Lexington , so visiting TMMK should be part of your vacation.

Finding and checking in at the plant is simple and streamlined. The welcome center offers plenty to see while visitors are waiting for their tour. And the tour itself is very thorough, so it’s engaging for those who aren’t normally interested in cars.

The headsets are a brilliant addition which make the tour more informative and engaging than other tours which rely on audible conversation . Even if you’re not a fan of Toyota, TMMK has made the definitive factory tour experience , making automobile assembly fascinating for all people.

When you go, make sure you pick up one of their postcards as a memento of your experience!

Interested in visiting? Watch the video below or go to the official website .

Aaron Widmar

Aaron is unashamed to be a native Clevelander and the proud driver of a Hyundai Veloster Turbo (which recently replaced his 1995 Saturn SC-2). He gleefully utilizes his background in theater, literature, and communication to dramatically recite his own articles to nearby youth. Mr. Widmar happily resides in Dayton, Ohio with his magnificent wife, Vicki, but is often on the road with her exploring new destinations. Aaron has high aspirations for his writing career but often gets distracted pondering the profound nature of the human condition and forgets what he was writing… See more articles by Aaron.

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Cummins To Hold Open House July 20


The sign outside the Cummins Inc. Jamestown Engine Plant is pictured. Submitted photo

Cummins Jamestown Engine Plant, located in Busti, will host a community open house on July 20 as the engine manufacturer marks its 50th year in the Jamestown area.

The event, scheduled from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. will include plant tours, lunch provided by Basil & Bones while supplies last, historical and current engines on display, Cummins merchandise, music provided by Cummins employees, activities for children and an on-site career fair at the company’s 4720 Baker St. location.

Cummins took over the former Art Metal plant in Busti in 1974, with the plant initially producing about 65 engines a day. Now, the Jamestown Engine Plant produces about 400 engines a day. It also took time for employment at the Jamestown Engine Plant to reach its peak as new permanent assembly lines were built over Cummins’ first five years in Busti. It took nearly three years for the Jamestown Engine Plant to ship its first production engines to a Cummins customer.

About halfway through its tenure in Chautauqua County Cummins’ prospects locally seemed murky. In mid-2001, Cummins officials decided to discontinue development of a new heavy-duty engine that was to have been built at the Busti plant. That decision created doubt among many about the future. Roughly halfway through 2021, Cummins saw United States sales volumes for heavy-duty trucks, pickup trucks and recreational vehicles decrease between 20% and 60%, prompting a companywide evaluation. The disintegration of a proposed joint venture between Cummins and Navistar in June 2001 also brought to an end a use for a projected new engine line at the Jamestown Engine Plant. The decision not to develop engines for Navistar saved Cummins roughly $200 million, according to press reports at the time, but Cummins officials were still forced to ask both New York state and the state of Indiana for help. Cummins asked the state for $65 million as part of a $100 million project while asking Indiana for a $35 million loan.

But in October 2002 the decision was announced to close a location in Columbus, Ind., and keep the Jamestown site open in a move that saved $15 million in 2003 and $20 million a year in subsequent years. Rather than close the Jamestown plant, the news brought an expansion.

The Cummins Jamestown Engine Plant is in the midst of a $452 million project to prepare for full-time production of Cummins’ X15N engine, a new offering that has already started production in Jamestown with increased production necessary in the next couple of years as tougher environmental regulations take effect. The X15N engine is the next generation of the venerable X15 engine and is the industry’s first fuel-agnostic internal combustion engine platform that leverages a range of lower carbon fuel types. The fuel-agnostic architecture of the 15-liter platform utilizes a common base engine with cylinder heads and fuel systems specifically tailored for it to use carbon-free hydrogen or biogas with up to a 90% carbon reduction. The company will also continue producing the X15 engine.

“Even recently we’ve made some advancements in the assembly line itself,” said Brett Merritt, Cummins engine business president, during a media conference call earlier this year. “Lengthening it to lower tack time and again we get into the specifics of the manufacturing world but essentially increasing our output. We believe we’ll need more engines. We already on a daily basis make well over 450 engines a day in Jamestown. So we’ve already made investments there. Second we make machine heads and blocks. Most of that is done in Jamestown itself and we’re making a mass investment into entirely new machining for the next generation. And then we are also doing some other base componentry investment as well which will also be done in Jamestown. … What you would see today if you walked around is a lot of blocked off space, machines moving, lots of construction equipment. You will know that we’re making an investment just by watching it.”

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Cummins to hold open house July 20


Submitted photo The sign outside the Cummins Inc. Jamestown Engine Plant is pictured.

Cummins Jamestown Engine Plant, located in Busti, will host a community open house on July 20 as the engine manufacturer marks its 50th year in the Jamestown area.

The event, scheduled from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. will include plant tours, lunch provided by Basil & Bones while supplies last, historical and current engines on display, Cummins merchandise, music provided by Cummins employees, activities for children and an on-site career fair at the company’s 4720 Baker St. location.

Cummins took over the former Art Metal plant in Busti in 1974, with the plant initially producing about 65 engines a day. Now, the Jamestown Engine Plant produces about 400 engines a day. It also took time for employment at the Jamestown Engine Plant to reach its peak as new permanent assembly lines were built over Cummins’ first five years in Busti. It took nearly three years for the Jamestown Engine Plant to ship its first production engines to a Cummins customer.

About halfway through its tenure in Chautauqua County Cummins’ prospects locally seemed murky. In mid-2001, Cummins officials decided to discontinue development of a new heavy-duty engine that was to have been built at the Busti plant. That decision created doubt among many about the future. Roughly halfway through 2021, Cummins saw United States sales volumes for heavy-duty trucks, pickup trucks and recreational vehicles decrease between 20% and 60%, prompting a companywide evaluation. The disintegration of a proposed joint venture between Cummins and Navistar in June 2001 also brought to an end a use for a projected new engine line at the Jamestown Engine Plant. The decision not to develop engines for Navistar saved Cummins roughly $200 million, according to press reports at the time, but Cummins officials were still forced to ask both New York state and the state of Indiana for help. Cummins asked the state for $65 million as part of a $100 million project while asking Indiana for a $35 million loan.

But in October 2002 the decision was announced to close a location in Columbus, Ind., and keep the Jamestown site open in a move that saved $15 million in 2003 and $20 million a year in subsequent years. Rather than close the Jamestown plant, the news brought an expansion.

The Cummins Jamestown Engine Plant is in the midst of a $452 million project to prepare for full-time production of Cummins’ X15N engine, a new offering that has already started production in Jamestown with increased production necessary in the next couple of years as tougher environmental regulations take effect. The X15N engine is the next generation of the venerable X15 engine and is the industry’s first fuel-agnostic internal combustion engine platform that leverages a range of lower carbon fuel types. The fuel-agnostic architecture of the 15-liter platform utilizes a common base engine with cylinder heads and fuel systems specifically tailored for it to use carbon-free hydrogen or biogas with up to a 90% carbon reduction. The company will also continue producing the X15 engine.

“Even recently we’ve made some advancements in the assembly line itself,” said Brett Merritt, Cummins engine business president, during a media conference call earlier this year. “Lengthening it to lower tack time and again we get into the specifics of the manufacturing world but essentially increasing our output. We believe we’ll need more engines. We already on a daily basis make well over 450 engines a day in Jamestown. So we’ve already made investments there. Second we make machine heads and blocks. Most of that is done in Jamestown itself and we’re making a mass investment into entirely new machining for the next generation. And then we are also doing some other base componentry investment as well which will also be done in Jamestown. … What you would see today if you walked around is a lot of blocked off space, machines moving, lots of construction equipment. You will know that we’re making an investment just by watching it.”

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Niagara Parks Power Station


Power Station at Night

From the most towering turbine to the tiniest detail, uncover fascinating stories hidden within the historic Niagara Parks Power Station, our newest must-see attraction. Descend 180 feet in a glass-paneled elevator and explore the 2,200-foot long tunnel, leading to an observation deck at the river's edge.

Explore the first major power plant on the Canadian side of the Niagara River with immersive exhibits, restored artifacts and interactive storytelling. And at night, feel the once-dormant power station come to life in a breathtaking interactive experience you'll never forget.


Inside the Power Station

This not-to-be-missed experience offers an opportunity to be part of a thrilling revival, and a chance to discover the incredible history and heritage of this celebrated building. Dive into the history of the visionaries behind it as well as the workers that kept it running for 100 years.

Harnessing the powerful energy of the Horseshoe Falls, this pioneer of hydropower comes back to life with entertaining and educational experience that highlights both the remarkable history and unique architectural features of this 115-year-old engineering marvel.


The Science of Power

Repurposed artifacts, interactive exhibits and fascinating installations offer a first-hand look at how this hydropower pioneer harnessed the power of water to generate electricity for 100 years. You’ll “follow the flow” up close with a scale model of the plant, walk through a life-size penstock, test your hydropower knowledge at our interactive control panel, and more!

For an additional cost, add a fascinating guided tour of the main generator floor with one of our expert interpreters. Please note that the tunnel is a self-guided experience only.


Self-Guided Audio Tour

Feel history come to life with a brand-new bilingual audio tour that will take you deeper into Niagara’s incredible story of power. Uncover fascinating historical narratives from former employees, technical details and captivating stories about the evolution of the Niagara Parks Power Station!

Included with general admission, this immersive audio tour will be your knowledge companion as you journey through this astonishing feat of human engineering.

The Tesla Coil

Experience the awe-inspiring power of electricity at the Niagara Parks Power Station with our spectacular Tesla coil demonstration. This electrifying display is preformed at the end of every guided tour, illuminating the historic station with dazzling arcs of lightning.

The Tesla coil, a marvel of early 20th-century technology, demonstrates the raw and captivating force of high-voltage electricity, displaying a mesmerizing light show that dances through the air, and can even create music. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to witness the convergence of history, science, and sheer power in a truly unforgettable performance.


The Power Station's Underground Experience

Uncover a new underground experience from 180 feet beneath the halls of the Niagara Parks Power Station with the all-new tunnel experience, included with regular admission. Find out how this remarkable 2,200-foot-long tunnel was excavated with only lanterns, rudimentary dynamite, pickaxes and shovels. Then, step out onto a new observation deck at the river's edge.

The Tunnel at the Niagara Parks Power Station

Get unprecedented access to the power station after dark with an all-new nighttime experience!

The beautifully lit grounds of the main generator hall will unveil never-before-shared details of the power station’s phenomenal history with new multimedia storytelling and flexible screenings of Currents , an epic sound and light show. Then, come face-to-face with one of the world’s most legendary natural wonders from an observation platform at the edge of the Niagara River–the illuminated Horseshoe Falls await!

The Power Station at Night experience is available daily from 7:00 until 10:00 p.m.

In the News



"A whitewater wonder visited by everyone from Marilyn Monroe to Mark Twain, Niagara Falls has been a magnet drawing global travelers for at least two centuries. But until this year, a huge tunnel buried deep below the cascade has been off-limits to visitors."



"Turbines that once harnessed the powerful energy of Niagara Falls into a great source of electricity came to a halt years ago. But the secrets deep below the power station are coming to life once again. Visitors can now explore the former cathedral of power and a tunnel that opens to a spectacular view of the falls."



"Canada’s first major hydroelectric power station is the newest major tourist attraction on the Canadian side of the falls. Amid a sea of commercialized activities that include zip lines, casinos and a climate-controlled SkyWheel, the Niagara Parks Power Station offers visitors a unique perspective of one of the world’s most famous natural wonders."



"Niagara Falls’ newest attraction, Niagara Parks Power Station, offers visitors a closer look at its historical power."


The Full Power Station And Tunnel Experience

Experience the full Niagara Falls power story with the Niagara Parks Power Pass! This Pass includes day time admission and the all new night time experience. Gain access to the station's exhibits and travel 180 feet below in a glass-lined elevator before exploring the 2,200-foot-long tunnel leading to the river's edge. Then, return to the Power Station at Night for Currents, the sound and light show that transforms the heart of the station into an interactive event that outlines the impressive history of this cathedral of power. During the evening the Tunnel remains open allowing access to see the falls illuminated in a way that has never been seen before.

Niagara Parks Power Pass

Power Station Day Hours

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The Power Station at Night experience is available from 7pm until 10pm each day.

An icon of two teal tickets crossing over each other. Indicates the 'Admissions' block.




Teal icon of two chat bubbles indicating the 'Contact' block.

7005 Niagara Parkway, Niagara Falls, ON L2E 6T2

Map of location leading to an interactive map of Niagara Parks

We’re here to help

The Niagara Parks Power Station is located at 7005 Niagara Parkway, Niagara Falls, Ontario, between Table Rock Welcome Centre and the Floral Showhouse. Please note that when using GPS devices, searching by exact address may lead to inconsistent results on some devices. [Get Directions]

That Niagara Parks Power Station is open daily for general admission and guided tours. The power station reopens nightly for the Currents: Niagara's Power Transformed show. Please see hours of operation for more details.

Daily parking passes are also available for purchase that include unlimited parking at a number of Niagara Parks parking lots. Learn More .

A 2,200-foot tunnel winds through the depths of the power station, 180 feet underground. It expelled the spent waters used in the power station back into the Niagara River, at the base of the falls. Visitors are now able to travel down beneath the main generating hall to discover the Tunnel at the Niagara Parks Power Station, culminating in a never-before-seen view of the Falls at the newly built platform.

Yes, the Niagara Parks Power Station is fully accessible. There are benches located throughout the power station, as well as a wheelchair available for use inside on a first-come, first-serve basis.

A Niagara Parks attraction ticket provides a one-time entry into the attraction. If you would like to leave and come back, either later that day or another day, Niagara Parks does offer Annual Attraction Passes that provide unlimited admission to participating Niagara Parks attractions. More information can be found here or by inquiring at the attraction.

No, admission tickets are valid for one entry only. We recommend planning for a two-hour experience if you wish to explore the Tunnel during your visit to the power station.

Yes, all tickets and packages for the Niagara Parks Power Station can be purchased in-person at the power station. However, visitors are reminded that purchasing tickets in-person is subject to availability.

Guided tours are available for an additional fee and include fascinating expanded storytelling and interpretation throughout the main generator floor. Please note that the tunnel is a self-guided experience only.

Yes. Tickets for guided tours can be pre-booked online or in-person at the power station. General admission tickets do not have to be pre-booked.

Yes, the Niagara Parks Power Station is open year-round. Please note, due to safety reasons, access to the viewing platform and/or tunnel experience at the station may be limited during inclement weather.

Still have questions about planning your trip to Niagara Parks?

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55 Favorite Container Plants and Ideas for Your Potted Garden Oasis

Dress up your outdoor spaces with these container garden ideas.

container gardening ideas

Country Living editors select each product featured. If you buy from a link, we may earn a commission. Why Trust Us?

Want to grow plants outdoors, but don't have the space to dig into the dirt? Then you're ready to start a container garden !

Container gardens are useful for getting around problems such as poor soil or insufficient sunlight, as well. There's no need to worry about soil amendments when you're using quality potting soil and plants that need more (or less) sunlight can be moved in their containers to follow (or avoid) the sun.

Your plant palette is also much less limited. "Many plants thrive in containers," says Barbara Wise, author of Container Gardening for All Seasons . "The most important thing is good drainage. Make sure there's a hole in the bottom of your pot so plants don't drown." Don't forget to read the plant tag so you choose plants for the right conditions. Full sun means 6 or more hours of direct sunlight per day, while part sun is about half that. Shade means no direct sunlight or only a bit of morning sun.

Most importantly, make sure to keep your pots watered, especially in the heat of summer, because they dry out fast. Pots made from materials such as terra cotta tend to need to be watered more frequently than plastic because water evaporates more quickly from porous materials. You may need to water once or twice a day during the height of summer when your plants are mature and have filled out the pot.

Finally, because nutrients leach out of pots faster than in-ground plantings, feed your pots regularly with a water-soluble fertilizer or slow-release granular type. This ensures your flowers will keep blooming all summer long.

Ahead, our favorite container plant ideas for every season:

Plants: Violas and Pansies

container gardening ideas

Add welcome color after a long winter to pots near your front door with these early spring bloomers. Some types of violas and pansies will last well into early summer and will revive in the cool temperatures of fall.

Idea: Vary Pot Heights

container gardening ideas

Create varying display heights by stacking containers on top of extra upside-down pots. Here, an early spring garden glows with cool-season favorites such as lobelia.

Read more: 86 Best Types of Flowers You Should Have in Your Garden

Idea: An Edible Container Garden

container gardening ideas

Herbs are super-easy to grow in pots. You can grow plenty of fresh herbs (and greens such as lettuce!) right outside your kitchen. Container gardens go well on a deck or patio, too, making an empty space feel more lush and vibrant.

Read more: How to Start an Herb Garden

Idea: Add Lush Window Boxes

container gardening ideas

Window boxes add charm to any building and they provide additional growing space if you don't have a garden bed or space on your patio for planters. This one is overflowing with ivy and annuals such as violas. You can pick flowers that complement the walls—or grow herbs outside your kitchen window!

More: 20 DIY Window Boxes to Step Up Your Outdoor Décor

Plant: Fuchsia

container gardening ideas

This beautiful annual with exotic-looking flowers is a favorite of hummingbirds. Fuchsia also looks great in hanging baskets, putting the flowers at eye level so you can enjoy pollinators that visit.

Exposure: Full shade

Plants: Spring-Blooming Bulbs

container gardening ideas

Cheery daffodils add splashes of springtime color to containers. Underplanted with dainty violas, this is a winning combination for early-season blooms.

Read more: 16 Best Spring-Flowering Bulbs to Plant in the Fall

Idea: Line Your Front Steps

container gardening ideas

Liven up a boring front entryway with pots of pretty annuals on each step. In this display, petunias, New Guinea impatiens, and pansies add splashes of vibrant color.

More: 20 DIY Front Step Ideas to Up Your Home's Curb Appeal

Idea: Tiered Hanging Baskets

container gardening ideas

This handsome three-tiered basket offers depth and interest to a front porch. Overflowing with ivy, the baskets are a simple but elegant way to accent the space.

More: 16 Best Flowers to Grow in Your Hanging Basket

Plant: Strawberries

container gardening ideas

Who knew fruit could be so ornamental? New varieties of strawberry plants are as pretty as they are delicious!

Read more: How to Grow Strawberries

Idea: Dress Up a Fence

container gardening ideas

A privacy fence does not have to be bland and boring. Mount window boxes on a wooden fence to add splashes of seasonal color.

More: 35 DIY Vertical Garden Ideas to Show off Your Green Thumb

container gardening ideas

Can't jet off to Italy this summer? Olive trees are surprisingly easy to grow as long as you have a hot, sunny spot. (They can come indoors during the winter.) It will make your patio feel like you're on vacation.

Note: While container trees do fruit, it takes about five years, and olives need to be cured before they are edible.

Exposure: Full sun

Idea: Colorful Pots

container plant ideas

Sometimes more is more! Paint your terra cotta pots with bright colors then fill them annuals such as zinnias, begonia, and petunias.

More: 24 Seriously Creative Ways to Spruce Up a Flower Pot

Plant: Hardy Hibiscus

container gardening ideas

Add some tropical flair to your balcony, deck or patio with pots of hibiscus. In cold climates, you can bring the pots indoors to overwinter.

Learn: How to Grow Hardy Hibiscus

Plant: Lavender

container gardening ideas

Lavender is a classic garden plant that's well-suited to growing in pots. Place containers near seating areas so you can run your fingers over them to release the delicate scent.

Learn: How to Grow and Care for Lavender Plants

Idea: Boxwood Container Garden

container gardening ideas

Create an English garden vibe by planting boxwood shrubs in containers and setting them around your deck or patio. Shear to shape, or let them grow into their natural forms.

More: 20 Best Boxwood Shrubs to Plant in Your Garden

Plant: Impatiens

pink flowering impatiens in hanging containers on a white picket fence

For full shade, impatiens can't be beat for their non-stop color all summer long. Make sure to buy newer varieties that are more resistant to powdery mildew and other diseases.

Exposure : Full shade

Idea: Modern Concrete Planter

container gardening ideas

A modern planter is accented with a philodendron in the center, surrounded by colorful annuals such as coleus, floss flower, and geraniums. This unexpected combination pops against the grey concrete.

Shop concrete planters

Idea: Cottage Garden Window Box

container gardening ideas

This cottage garden-style window box includes upright New Guinea impatiens as well as calibrachoa and sweet alyssum tumbling over its edges. This combination is ideal in full sun conditions.

Idea: Tiny Pots of Grape Hyacinth

container gardening ideas

Who says you need big pots to make an impact? Three petite pots of grape hyacinth add springtime charm to a deck or front porch.

Exposure : Full sun

Idea: Succulent Container Garden

container gardening ideas

Succulents come an array of shapes and colors. Here, they're arranged in a hanging basket for an especially charming presentation.

Exposure: Full sun to part sun, depending on the variety

More: The Complete Guide to Growing Succulents

Headshot of Arricca Elin SanSone

Arricca Elin SanSone has written about health and lifestyle topics for Prevention, Country Living, Woman's Day, and more. She’s passionate about gardening, baking, reading, and spending time with the people and dogs she loves.

Barbara Wise has worked as a commercial landscaper and horticulturalist, and has written for multiple national publications. She is the author of “ Container Gardening For All Seasons .” 

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strelitzia nicolai close up in the interior on the stand houseplant growing and caring for indoor plant, green home in scandinavian loft style with metal stove fireplace with hot fire

55 Best White Flowers for Your Garden

bedroom plants

15 of the Best Plants for Your Bedroom

rose garden

16 Beautiful Types of Roses for Any Kind of Garden

pink purple cymbidium boat orchids

25 Best Types of Orchids for Your Home or Garden

gloved hand of a gardener planting annual flowers including hot pink petunias and yellow pansies

The Best Annual Flowers to Liven Up Your Yard

two raised beds in a stylized photo

The Best Raised Garden Beds to Buy We've Tried

niki irving standing next to buckets of dahlias on her farm, wearing cropped jeans, flutter sleeve blue shirt, brimmed sunhat

How to Dress Like a Flower Farmer

greenhouse in yard with green grass and flowers

DIY Greenhouses You Can Build with a Kit

best indoor and outdoor hanging plants

22 Best Hanging Plants for Every Space

flowers on trellis, close up

33 Simple, Smart Garden Trellis Ideas for Vines

a backyard oasis with plants, trees and a pond

26 Best Shade Annuals for Bare Spots in the Garden


  1. plant tours


  2. Factory Visit Checklist


  3. What is the purpose of a plant visit?


  4. What is the purpose of a plant visit?


  5. Useful Tips for Organizing a Plant Tour


  6. How to Purchase a Tour Guide System




  2. 🪴🪴🪴Part 1!! Houseplant Tour 2023!! Over 90+ plants!!How i Display My Indoor Plants!

  3. Houseplant Tour 2023! My Indoor Plant Collection 🪴

  4. updated tropical plant tour, outside!

  5. House plant tour 2023

  6. A Collection Of Plants from Another Land


  1. Tour Guide Headsets: Tour Systems & Headphones

    Perfect for staff communication and training, factory tours, trade shows, and all group tours. Skip to content. About Us. In the Press. Customers. Testimonials. 800-609-9521 ... offers a variety of facility training, communications, and tour solutions. ...

  2. Tour Guide Audio Equipment & Headsets

    Training and tour guide systems make it possible for your listeners to hear a speaker or trainer in a large, busy, or noisy room. You can get tour guide equipment for either one-way or two-way communication, depending on the interaction you need during a plant tour. See how our tour guide solutions can make a difference in your communication.

  3. The 10 Best Factory Tours in the USA

    And with over 715,000 plants and factories nationwide and counting — when it comes to factory tours, you have plenty of options. Choosing the best tour to go on, however, can be tricky. If you happen to be looking to make your own factory tour stand out from the rest, consider Plant Tours' tour guide systems and headsets for factory tours ...

  4., Charlotte, North Carolina. 1,208 likes. offers over 20 years of experience in providing upscale group hospitality and commun

  5. Plant Tour Headsets Wireless Communication by Eartec Co

    Wireless headset solutions from Eartec provide the crystal clear voice contact necessary to overcome the din and clatter of ambient noise in industrial facilities and to maintain social distancing during plant tours. Eartec offers two distinct styles of Plant Tour Headsets, Full Duplex and Simplex. The UltraLITE are totally self-contained full ...

  6. Plant Tours Communications

    Plant Tours Communications. Whether touring a noisy plant or an environment where safety is a concern, guides need to be able to communicate with participants and field questions without having to raise their voice or repeat themselves. Wireless two-way tour guide systems offer clear hearing solutions for plant tour communication.

  7. Plant Tours: A Walk-Through Guide

    Plant tours can be a powerful way for factories to showcase their facilities, equipment, and staff. They are an excellent opportunity to build relationships, draw in new investors, and create greater confidence in your ability to deliver product quality and numbers. However, factories are not always suited for giving quality tours due to safety ...

  8. Best Headsets for Plant Tours & Guides in High Noise

    Plant Tours MT-370 Headset. Another option for large group plant tour headsets is the MT-250 headset by Plant dual muff headset is made for high noise environments with a 24 noise reduction rating.. A cool feature with this headset is the lockable push to talk button that gives you the option to speak without pressing the button and gives your hands and arms free range of motion.

  9. Factory Tours USA

    Home. Factory Tours USA - 543 tours and counting! This site celebrates American imagination and industry. What better way to appreciate those qualities than to visit and tour America at work. The information on this site is maintained by many people throughout the United States who enjoy visiting American industry.

  10. Tour Guide Solutions

    Manufacturing. Tourism. Guide Solutions. College & University Tours/Campus Tours. Employee/Staff Training. Factory Headsets. Trade Show Tour Systems. Guide Solutions. offers a variety of facility training, communications, and tour solutions.

  11. Plant Tours

    2024 National Corvette Caravan & 30th AnniversaryExclusive Plant Tours. We're excited to offer exclusive Bowling Green Assembly Plant Tours during our 2024 Caravan & 30th Anniversary Celebration from August 28-31! Don't miss this rare chance to go behind the scenes and witness the magic of Corvette craftsmanship in person.

  12. Plant Tours

    For more than 20 years, has offered the most reliable and high-quality communication tour services available in the U.S. From manufacturing facilities to trade shows, museums and corporate meeting sites to college campuses, provides the equipment, technology, service, and support to make every tour a memorable experi...

  13. 25 Best Factory Tours in America

    During the hour-long guided portion, you'll see backlots, movie sets and maybe even spy someone famous. Then you'll have two more hours to explore on your own — plenty of time to snap a pic ...

  14. Kentucky Toyota Assembly Plant Tour Visitor Info & Review

    Hours: Plant tours are Monday through Friday at 9:30am, 11:30am, 1:30pm, and 6pm (on Thursdays only). The Visitor Center is open from 8:30am-3:30pm on weekdays, with extended hours on Thursdays.

  15. Cummins To Hold Open House July 20

    Cummins Jamestown Engine Plant, located in Busti, will host a community open house on July 20 as the engine manufacturer marks its 50th year in the Jamestown area. The event, scheduled from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. will include plant tours, lunch provided by Basil & Bones while supplies last, historical and current engines on […]

  16. Cummins to hold open house July 20

    The event, scheduled from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. will include plant tours, lunch provided by Basil & Bones while supplies last, historical and current engines on display, Cummins merchandise, music ...

  17. What are the Benefits of Plant Tours?

    This is one of the main benefits of plant tours. It is also of utmost importance to make sure communication during the tour is clear. Whether the tour is focused on learning, assessment or teaching - knowledge transfer is the key component. No one will benefit from the tour if participants can't hear what is being said due to noise or ...

  18. John Deere Tours

    Explore agricultural, construction, forestry machinery, technology, services and more on the official John Deere website. Find a dealer in your area or purchase online.

  19. Niagara Parks Power Station

    The Full Power Station And Tunnel Experience. Experience the full Niagara Falls power story with the Niagara Parks Power Pass! This Pass includes day time admission and the all new night time experience. Gain access to the station's exhibits and travel 180 feet below in a glass-lined elevator before exploring the 2,200-foot-long tunnel leading ...

  20. Uwe Kessler on Instagram: "Male Welwitschia plant . Here one can

    1 likes, 0 comments - on May 30, 2024: "Male Welwitschia plant . Here one can clearly see see the two halves this the two leaves can be seen torn by wind and weather".

  21. Industries

    Quality systems from PlantTours are a key element for business leaders to deliver outstanding service, foster better collaboration, and make well-informed decisions. Clear communication in every industry and venue For clear, easy interaction between executives, staff, and visitors in a variety of industries. car2 Automotive Manufacturing Reduce noise and enhance…

  22. Container Gardening Ideas

    Your plant palette is also much less limited. "Many plants thrive in containers," says Barbara Wise, author of Container Gardening for All Seasons. "The most important thing is good drainage. Make sure there's a hole in the bottom of your pot so plants don't drown." Don't forget to read the plant tag so you choose plants for the right conditions.

  23. How to Give a Successful Plant Tour

    Alert the plant manager and staff of an upcoming tour. Perform a top-to-bottom cleaning and safety inspection. Dress for success with company attire in neutral business colors and with branded logos, if possible. Have enough safety supplies, protective gear, and product samples on hand. Provide refreshments and snacks before or after the tour.

  24. 18 Best Places to Buy Plants Online 2024

    Since it launched in 2012, this New York-based online plant delivery business has opened several brick-and-mortar stores in New York City, Los Angeles, and San Francisco, but its mission remains ...