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Aktuelle Informationen zum neuen Vulkanausbruch in Island auf der Halbinsel Reykjanes/Grindavík Update 29.05.2024 Auf der Reykjanes Halbinsel nahe der Stadt Grindavík hat ein neuer Vulkanausbruch am 29.5.2024 um kurz vor 13 Uhr Ortszeit begonnen. Es ist der achte Vulkanausbruch innerhalb der letzten drei Jahre auf der Reykjanes Halbinsel und der fünfte! Vulkanausbruch innerhalb der letzten […]  Weiterlesen

Festivals in Island: 7 Top Events für den Sommer 2024 – Katla Travel

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Verkehr in Island

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Schafabtrieb auf Island: Abenteuer mit Tradition – Katla Travel

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Der Feiertag, den es nur in Island gibt: „Der erste Tag des Sommers” – Katla Travel

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Island im April – Katla Travel

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The magical Katla Ice Cave in South-Iceland – the One which is open all Year round

Visiting Iceland's ice caves is an incredible experience, and one of my most popular things to do in Iceland.

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The Katla ice cave

In this travel-blog I am going to tell you a little bit about the Mýrdalsjökull glacier , the Katla volcano , and the ice caves which form in the glacier.

The Katla ice cave , which changes in appearance every year like the seasonal ice caves , is located in the Kötlujökull glacier , a glacier tongue of Iceland’s fourth largest glacier, the mighty Mýrdalsjökull glacier.

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Kötlujökull – the Katla glacier

The seasonal ice caves which form in the wintertime can be visited from November until April, but the Katla ice cave in South Iceland can be visited all year round.

When water from the melting glaciers finds its way and carves an opening in the ice, these extraordinary ice caves are formed.

And we get an opportunity to have a peek inside shiny ice formations in black and blue ice tunnels in the glacier tongues.

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Layers of ash in the glacier from Katla eruptions

Lurking deep below the approximately 590 sq. km Mýrdalsjökull glacier is one of the most dreaded volcanos in Iceland – the subglacial Katla volcano!

Katla last erupted in 1918, creating havoc in this area. And we are waiting for it to erupt again…

If you remember the Eyjafjallajökull glacier eruption back in 2010, which closed down air traffic and people were stuck in airports all around the world, then Katla is much more perilous.

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Inside the Katla ice cave

When Katla erupts, it is not a tourist attraction like our latest eruption in Geldingadalir , it is a cataclysm.

The ash clouds of these volcanos are massive, as you will see when you visit the Katla ice cave.

The black stripes you see in the ice are layers of ash from the previous eruptions in the Katla volcano. Visiting the ice caves is like walking through a tunnel of Iceland’s volcanic history.

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Inside Katla ice cave

I have visited the Katla ice cave a couple of times and it changes in appearance every time I visit it.

Most of the photos I show you in this travel-blog are from my 2021 visit to the Katla ice cave.

On my first visit to the Katla ice cave it looked like this:

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Deep inside the Katla ice cave

The ice cave was dark inside, yet extraordinarily beautiful.

You can see the layers of the black ash pressed between the blue ice of the glacier.

The blue ice is the oldest part of the glacier and it can take on the most amazing shades of blue, ranging from powder blue to deep royal blue.

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Blue and black ice in the ice caves

As you can see in my photos then special crampons are needed for walking on the ice and helmets with headlamps.

The glacier crampons give us a very good grip on the ice, so they are very much appreciated.

It is very easy to bump one’s head while inside the lava caves and ice caves of Iceland , so never enter a cave without a helmet.

Also wear good hiking shoes, gloves, a hat, and warm and waterproof clothes. I would advise you to wear something yellow, as that color makes a good contrast to the black and blue ice.

The departure   for the Kötlujökull glacier is from Vík village. The driver-guide will take you on a 45-minute drive from Vík through the most beautiful black volcanic sand plains, which remind us of the vicinity to the Katla volcano.

After being equipped with all the necessary tools for visiting an ice cave a relatively short hike will take you to the glacier.

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A round opening in the Katla ice cave – blue skies are a plus

The ice takes on all kinds of formations and colors as you can see in my photos, ranging from white, blue, and pitch-black, when sand and ash merge with the ice.

Upon entering the cave you will understand why the Katla ice cave is often referred to as the Dragon glass cave.

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Black and blue ice in the ice caves

The seasonal ice caves have got names such as the Sapphire ice cave, the Black Diamond, and the Chrystal cave, and the names describe their appearance and the feeling you will get when entering these caves.

See also my travel-blog: the Extraordinary Ice Caves of Iceland – a Winterworld Fairtytale

No matter how often I visit the ice caves, and I have visited many of them, I am always in awe when I enter an ice cave.

In the photo above and below which I took at the Sapphire ice cave by Jökulsárlón glacial lagoon, you can see why the ice caves have got such beautiful names.

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If you want to know more about this area before visiting the Katla ice cave, then I have written another travel-blog about Katla volcano and Kötlutangi spit – the southernmost point of Iceland , which got created in the 1918 Katla eruption.

That record was previously held by Dyrhólaey, which I will be showing to you in my next travel-blog: Cape Dyrhólaey in South-Iceland – the One with the big Arch .

In the Katla travel-blog I have included accounts about people who witnessed the massive glacial floods during a volcanic eruption in the subglacial Katla volcano.

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Hafursey close to the Katla glacier – 6 men sought shelter in a cave in Hafursey during the 1755 glacier burst

One of them is told by Kjartan Leifur Markússon who lived on Hjörleifstangi promontory when Mt. Katla erupted back in 1918.

He witnessed the roaring glacial burst approaching the promontory at a great speed, carrying huge icebergs. What an absolutely frightening sight this must have been.

The glacial water carries the icebergs to the sea which creates a tsunami-like occurrence, which makes the sea bounce back and crash onto land – as far as I can understand.

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Visiting a shiny black and blue ice cave

Visiting the ice caves is quite a unique experience and if I were asked to recommend one must-thing to do in my country, then I would recommend visiting these ice caves, as I believe that this experience leaves no man untouched.

Then I would also recommend the Golden Circle and the Diamond Circle 🙂

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The Katla ice cave – the guide leading the group

If you want to visit an ice cave and haven’t got time to go as far as the 372 km to Jökulsárlón glacial lagoon where several of the seasonal ice caves form in the wintertime, then Vík is only 187 km away from Reykjavík.

And let’s remember the ice cave rule: the ice caves cannot be visited without trained glacier guides, as the glacier tongues move under their own weight and calve, so it is not safe to visit them without a professional guide.

Have a lovely time visiting the ice caves of Iceland – it is truly an unforgettable experience 🙂

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Regína Hrönn Ragnarsdóttir

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The Katla Ice Cave Honest Review: Risky But Worth It

Posted on Published: August 11, 2023  - Last updated: February 27, 2024

Categories Iceland , Travel

The Katla Ice Cave in Iceland is a relatively new attraction that could also be gone tomorrow.

It’s one of the best things we did, not only in Iceland , but quite possibly ever!

And it’s also one of the most terrifying things we’ve done.

Needless to say, we’re happy we did it, but in retrospect, we probably shouldn’t have… Here are some things I wish I knew before heading out on this crazy Iceland ice cave adventure!

Psst! This blog post contains affiliate links in it which sends me a bit of extra money if you use them… at no extra cost to you!


What Is The Katla Ice Cave?

The Katla ice cave is in the Kötlujökull glacier (which is from the Mýrdalsjökull glacier, fourth largest in Iceland!).

And the Kötlujökull glacier conveniently sits ON TOP of the Katla volcano !

So, Katla is actually subglacial volcano. And it used to erupt every 40-80 or so years. By the way, the last time it erupted was in 1918… let’s just say we’re over due for an eruption .

Because the glacier sits above an active volcano, the lava erupts into glacier ice and then turns into ash. The ash then falls and becomes compressed by ice.


So you end up with these beautiful blue and black layers of ice.

Now, as the glacier is melting, it forms these beautiful ice caves that are filled layers of ice and ash.

P.S. the Katla volcano is also why you get the black sand and dirt in the South of Iceland.


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The Cave Is Constantly Changing – It’s Always A New Experience

Glaciers are always melting, which means, this Iceland ice cave is constantly changing.


The Kötlujökull glacier recedes about 35 m a year . To put that into perspective, when they started this Iceland ice cave tour in 2019, the cave started at the parking lot. Now it’s about a 10 minute walk away.

This also makes every visit to the Katla ice cave a very unique and completely different experience .

My sister visited in May, and by the time we went in July, half of her cave was gone. We visited a much shorter cave, but we also saw the beginning of the new one starting to form (with a beautifully waterfall!).

Our guide mentioned that by the end of the summer, our cave would no longer exist (we visited in mid July!). Our cave was the 10th cave since they started taking tour group there 4 years ago!


Do You Need A Tour Group To Visit The Katla Ice Caves?

Technically no. The Katla ice caves are completely open to the public and free to access .

But should you go on an organized tour, yes .

Not to worry though, there are several organized tours that take you to the Katla Ice Cave, like these on Viator.

Viator offers both options whether you’re staying in Reykjavik , you can go on a full day tour like this one on Viator. Or if you’re already in Vik , you can opt for a half day tour like this one on Viator .

Viator Tours To The Katla Ice Cave

You should really book an organized tour to visit the Katla Ice Cave. Viator offers a few options leaving from either Reykjavik or Vik.

Book a full day tour from Reykjavik →

Book a half day tour from Vik →

For more organized Iceland Ice Cave Tours, click here .

It’s All Around Safer To Go On An Iceland Ice Cave Tour…

There are several benefits to going with a tour group, but it all boils down to safety.

First, they make sure the Katla ice cave is even safe to visit that day. Remember, this is an active volcano and melting glacier after all.

They remove any part of the cave that is deemed unsafe and change the path if they need to.

Then there’s the drive over – which also isn’t simple. You will be driving on unmarked F roads and potentially through a river (we did!).

They also guide you through the ice cave itself – literally building us a new path and stairs on the way. I guess the old ones melted away before we got there!


And finally, they provide you with the necessary crampons to walk on the ice. Plus as a bonus, you get all the information and history of the Katla volcano in Iceland.

All around, the Katla ice cave is already dangerous to visit, so make it a tad safer for yourself by taking an organized tour.

If You Still Decide To Go Without A Tour…

If you still decide to go on your own to the Katla Ice Cave, they ask that you give the tour companies a call in advance letting them know when you’re going and how many people you’re going to be.

Because this is a small, and very fickle environment, they want to ensure the safety of everyone going.


What If The Katla Volcano Erupts When You’re There?

This is another one of the benefits of booking a tour group to the Katla ice caves.

They are tracking the volcano, so it’s most likely that they will know way before you’re going if the volcano is about to erupt .

For example, there tends to be earthquakes in the area before an eruption.

And worst case, as our tour guide informed us, if it were to erupt while we were there, you would have about an hour to get out of the vicinity!

If it were to erupt, they’re actually most worried about a flooding over anything else. Because it’s a subglacial volcano, it would just melt all the ice and the water needs somewhere to go…


Glacier Tours In Iceland To The Katla Ice Cave

We booked our tour with Arctic Adventures a few weeks in advance (see their website here ). It’s the same tour as Southcoast Adventures, which I think is the main company.

Would I recommend them, not necessarily. But I don’t know if another tour company would be any better…

The way our tour guide described it is that all the tour companies are affiliated. They all manage the cave together and then bring tour groups here. So, if you want to visit the Katla Ice Caves, you don’t have that many options.

And in the end, I actually really liked our guide. He knew what he was doing and entertained all my questions and fears about what we were doing!

You can also book the tour through Viator here .


Where Do The Tours Leave From?

Tours to the ice cave leave from both Reykjavik or Vik .

If you choose to leave from Reykjavik, most tours will stop at Skogafoss and Seljalandsfoss waterfalls (timing permitting).

How Long Is The Ice Cave Tour?

The tour ranges between 3 and 11 hours (depending on if you’re leaving from Reykjavik or Vik).

From Vik, you have 45 minute drive (in the super jeep) to the ice cave. Once you’re there, you have about an hour at the caves itself, and then you have the drive back.

If you’re leaving from Reykjavik, you have to add about 5 hours of driving alone just to get to Vik.


Who Can Go To Katla Ice Cave?

We saw people of all ages at the Katla ice cave. From young to old.

Technically, the minimum age is 6 years old to go on the tour.

Just because the tour is open to all ages, doesn’t mean all ages should actually go.

You are walking on small bridges, wearing crampons to walk on literal ice… I would say, if you’re traveling with young kids, this is NOT for you.

The same should be said if you’re older and not as mobile, this is also NOT for you.

I was scared doing this in my late twenties…


What To Know Before Booking The Katla Ice Cave Tour

These are some of the issues we encountered on our tour and from talking with our guide.

As I mentioned though, the safest way to visit the caves is still with a tour group. But it is good to know what you’re getting yourself into beforehand, so there are no surprises .


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Overbooking Issues…

We did have an issue with our group that’s more common than we initially thought (after reading some more Google reviews…).

They actually overbooked our tour and two people had to join a later group.

This can be a non issue if you’re spending the day in Vik. But if that were us, it would have destroyed the rest of our day.


Be Prepared For A Longer Tour

Perhaps the bigger problem with the tour (that they never mention when booking) is that it can easily be way longer than 3 hours .

The tour timing is very weather dependant. If it’s snowing, or even if there’s a lot of wind, the tour can be a lot longer. Our guide was saying that tours can take upwards of 4, 5, even 8 hours!

Obviously, this can really affect any plans you might have for that day as well.


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Be Prepared To Never Even Make It To The Caves

As I said, the tour is very weather dependant but they rarely actually cancel tours.


When talking with our guide, he mentioned that in the year and half that he’s been working, they’ve only had to cancel one tour.

Now here’s the caveat…

They don’t cancel, but they also might never make it to the caves… and they don’t give you a refund.

Despite having bad weather, they would rather try to make it to the caves and fail than not try at all.

Our guide was telling us that once they went out in the winter and it ended up being an 8 hour day … stuck in the car. They just got stuck on the F Road and it took them 8 hours to get back to Vik…. never having made it to the cave.

Of course, I would like to remind you this is an extreme case, but just to know that it can happen!


Also, Don’t Do What We Did…

As I said, tours leave from either Reykjavik or Vik.

We were staying in Reykjavik for our entire stay while in Iceland. But instead of booking the tour that left from Reykjavik, we booked the tour from Vik.

It is cheaper, and we felt we had more control over our day this way. We spent the morning in Vik and afternoon stopping and driving back to Reykjavik.

But we also didn’t realize how fickle the Katla ice cave tour actually was…

In retrospect, this was a terrible plan.

Either stay one night in Vik if you want the flexibility. Or book the tour that leaves from Reykjavik ( like this one here )!


P.S. Need A Place To Stay In Vik!?

My sister stayed at The Barn (I just love the name!). It’s a hostel just outside the city of Vik with shared rooms, bathrooms, and even a kitchen! Check updated prices and availability here .

If you’re interested in a hotel, and staying in the city itself, check out Hótel Kría ( see it on ). I highly recommend booking a room with the mountain view with those floor to ceiling windows! Check updated prices and availability here .

Click here for more hotel options in Vik, Iceland


What To Expect On The Tour

Here are some extra things to know about the Katla Ice Cave tour!

A Bumpy Ride To The Cave

The reason the tour doesn’t meet at the ice caves is because the drive isn’t exactly easy to access.

They take you in a Super Jeep – an insane Jeep with crazy ground clearance that could drive through anything… and I mean anything!

The ride to the Katla Ice Cave is an adventure and an experience on it’s own, even during the summer months.


As I mentioned, on a good summer day the drive is about 45 minutes from Vik to the caves. It’s two thirds of the tour !

And in worse weather conditions, it can be even longer.

You start on the main highway, but then you quickly diverge onto the old ring road (that they used until 1996!)… which is a simple dirt path.

That’s no problem, until you then turn off of that road and end up on no road at all. It’s just dirt all around you . And the crazy bumpy ride begins!

There’s no markings, and zero defined path. You would definitely get lost if you were driving here alone. At one point, we even had to drive through a little river.


There Are NO Bathrooms At The Cave

Well, I guess the bathroom is all around you!

If you’re leaving from Vik, make sure to go to the bathroom at the meeting point (at the Ice Cave Bistro there are public washrooms).

Otherwise, there’s not even at outhouse at the parking lot for the cave.

It’s just you in nature after that point!

This Is One Of The Most Terrifying Things I’ve Done…

We did this cave tour as per a recommendation from my sister. I am probably the least risk seeking person, especially while travelling.

While I do enjoy adventures and new experiences, I don’t like being in dangerous situations.

I was not expecting the caves to be what they were….


You are walking on ice – granted with crampons, but still. It’s not a very wide path. And at least when we were there, it was quite a drop into the water below.

Then you have to cross from one ice island to another via a thin wood bridge … with no railing. There was a wet rope you can grab onto… although I’m not sure how much it will actually do…

The bridges are also completely sopped from the melting ice, and destroyed from people walking on them with crampons.

Let’s just say, some of the bridges we walked on definitely sagged a bit… I was not happy.


And, when you make it to the other side of the cave, you still have to walk back the same way you came from…

And all this while the volcano might erupt underneath you! Woohoo!

But It’s Also One Of The Most Incredible Things I’ve Done…

I’m sorry to say that it was also one of the most incredible things I’ve done, possibly ever.

I’m so happy I did it ( but I’m also so happy I made it back and I don’t have to ever do it again! ).

This doesn’t exist anywhere else in the world and it’s one of the most beautiful things I’ve seen. Where else would you have ash layered ice!?


Secret Option Visiting The Ice Cave: Enjoy It From Far!

If you’re on the edge of booking the Katla Ice Cave tour because you’re scared, there might be another option for you.

Now, this might not work for the cave you’ll be visiting, but it would have worked for ours.

You were able to see our entire cave without walking on any sketchy bridge. Maybe you had to walk on a bit of ice, but it wasn’t nearly as narrow as it gets.

So, technically, if you’re scared, you can walk right up to the entrance and then not go any further. This way you get to see the beauty of the cave, have the fun of driving on an F road in Iceland, and not risk much!


What To Bring To The Ice Caves?

They recommend bringing warm and waterproof clothes (you are going to an ice cave after all!).

When we visited, we had very good weather and they said it was pretty dry. We did wear our rain jackets (and I’m happy we did)! But we didn’t need to put on our rain pants (we still brought them just in case).

I also recommend waterproof hiking boots (like these on Amazon – they’re my favourite!).

My Katla Amazon Essentials

Columbia Women's Newton Ridge Plus Waterproof Amped, Elk/Mountain Red, 8.5


JTANIB Packable Rain Jacket Women Waterproof Lightweight Raincoat with Hood for Hiking Outdoor Travel

Extras To Bring To The Ice Cave!

Some other items that can be overlooked but you might want to bring are a hat, gloves, and waterproof phone bag .

A hat is good to stay warm but also to wear under the helmet they give you. Make sure it’s thin enough though so it will fit! I love this thin merino wool hat from Decathlon – check it out here .

I also ordered the matching gloves as well (which are great for travel). But, for the ice cave I wish I had waterproof gloves. I said, the ropes are WET and you’ll want to grab on to them every chance you get! You can check out these water resistant gloves on Amazon instead .

The waterproof phone bag actually serves two purposes here. First, it will come in handy to protect your phone from the dripping water.

But, the better reason is that it keeps your phone attached to you at all times. Let’s just say you’ll want to take photos, but if you drop your phone it’s most likely gone forever! Check out the waterproof phone bag on Amazon here .


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My digital and printable packing guide on Etsy . Filled with packing planning prompts for your next trip!


Remember! Your Experience Can Be Completely Different From Mine

Not only will the cave look different. But depending on when you visit in the progression of the cave, you can also get a different experience.

We were walking on bridges above a stream of water that was carving out the ice. But, apparently, the ice islands started off even higher. They keep having to lower the bridges as the ice melts.

So perhaps you area walking higher up or even be lower down (which would be way less scary!).


Visiting In The Winter Is Also A Different Experience

The winter (if you make it there) is also a completely different experience (from what I’m told!).

For starters, there’s way less sunlight. Our guide was telling us that they come every morning to put up little fairy lights for people to see. He said this makes the cave really quite magical !

He also mentioned that you can also walk on the ground in the winter because the water is frozen (so no sketchy bridges!).

But as I mentioned, the tours usually last a lot longer in the winter as well. You’re usually spending a lot longer driving to get to the cave.


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Last update on 2024-06-10 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

  • Things to do

Katla Ice Cave – Ultimate Guide

4 minute read

ITo Author Bio Camila Transparent BG.png

By Camila Contreras-Langlois

14 October 2022

A man exploring an ice cave in Iceland

Located on the south coast of Iceland, next to an active volcano, Katla ice cave is a huge and ancient natural-carved wonder. You won’t want to miss the chance to check it out on your trip to Iceland.

Book an Iceland ice cave package to explore it and see the country’s glaciers, mountains, and volcanoes up close.

Or, if you’re touring around the south of Iceland, set aside a day for exploring the ice cave by the Katla volcano. You won’t regret taking the time to wander inside this frozen spectacle!

Below you’ll find local tips and answers to frequently asked questions to plan your visit.

Where is the Katla ice cave located?

You can best access Katla from the Icelandic town of Vík, which is a 2.5-hour’s drive from the capital Reykjavík, or 187 km (116 mi). You can hire a car as part of a winter self-drive tour , or guided trips are available.

Many ice caving tours have their meeting point in Vík , ready to take you onward to the glacier and the volcano. From Vík, you can explore other sights of South Iceland , such as the famous ‘Diamond Beach’, a black sand beach dotted with icebergs.

  • Related: Your guide to exploring Diamond Beach .


Katla is actually the name of the volcano under the Kötlujökull glacier, where the Katla ice cave is located. Kötlujökull is an offshoot of the larger Mýrdalsjökull glacier, which is Iceland’s 4th largest glacier. 

The ice cave is underground and requires a hike and descent into it, but with a good glacier guide, you’ll have no problem exploring.

Is the Katla ice cave natural?

The Katla ice cave is a completely natural structure, despite its otherworldly appearance. 

Approaching the Kötlujökull glacier, you’ll notice the ice is black due to layers of volcanic ash. Once you enter the Katla ice cave, you can see the black ash encased in ice from hundreds of years of eruptions.

As you move through the ice cave, you can see the older blue ice layers, along with trapped air bubbles. The volcanic ash helps to date the glacier as well as create the amazing black ice striped with layers of sediment. 

The formations in the caves have long been called ‘dragon glass’. The black ash ice looks very much like the black stone obsidian, so you can see the resemblance and how the ice formations got their nickname. 

Some steps have been carved into the glacier ice to help tour groups access it more easily and safely. Apart from that, the ice cave is completely natural. 

  • Related: A guide to ice and lava caves in Iceland and about local glaciers .

Is the Katla volcano active? 

Katla, the volcano which is covered by the Mýrdalsjökull glacier , is indeed an active volcano. However, there’s no need to worry about this on an ice cave tour.

It last erupted in 1918, and since the year 920 AD, only 20 eruptions have been recorded. It’s very safe for day tours to attend with an experienced glacier guide on hand.

  • Learn more about Iceland’s natural landscape .

glacier in the mist with blurry reflection in the water

How long do I need for the Katla ice cave tour?

A typical ice cave tour here takes around 3 hours. You need to take into consideration time for the following:

  • Driving from the meeting point in Vík to the drop-off point (typically around 45 minutes)
  • Equipping yourself with the right gear (hiking boots and glacier crampons, additional layers of warm clothing, torches)
  • A short hike across the glacier and up to the entrance of the ice cave
  • Time to explore the ice cave!

Inside, you can explore the oldest part of the ice cave, which is the clear blue ice, as well as the dragon glass caves and tunnels. Some glacier tours offer the chance to sample the Icelandic national spirit brennivín with ice from the cave itself. 

Surrounding the Katla ice cave are other smaller ice caves in the glacier. You might be able to explore these if it’s the right season and the guides can advise if they are safe.

If you want to visit the Katla ice cave from Reykjavík, you’ll need to allow additional travel time of around 2.5 to 3 hours. 

  • Browse Iceland multi-day tours to explore the countryside from a base in Reykjavík.
  • Related: How many days do you need to visit Iceland in winter?

Person exploring glacier ice cave in Iceland

Can I go to Katla ice cave alone?

It is not recommended that you go to the Katla ice cave alone. There are many changing factors including:

  • Stability of the ice
  • Temperature
  • Daylight available
  • Volcanic activity

Only experienced glacier guides will be able to know the safety of the cave on a day-to-day basis.

You also need to be properly equipped with caving equipment and a suitable vehicle to reach the cave. Proper hiking shoes, waterproof and warm clothing, crampons, and more are all needed to explore safely and comfortably.

There are many guided tours of the glacier and ice cave available, so you’ll be sure to find one that suits the level of adventure you’re after. 

  • Related: Must-see attractions in Iceland in winter .

Can you drive to Katla ice cave?

Driving to Katla ice cave is only safe in a special all-terrain 4×4 vehicle. These super jeeps are equipped with rugged tires and tough suspension and can be driven over sand, ice, and rock. 

Super jeeps are not typically available for private rental and are used by licensed tour guides.

When booking a day tour to Katla with a glacier guide, you will usually be collected from a meeting point in a super jeep. The drive to Katla takes around 45 minutes and crosses sandy volcanic ash plains, as well as wet and icy conditions. 

Normal rental cars are not designed to handle this kind of terrain. We highly recommend always choosing an ice caving tour to explore Katla safely with the expertise of local guides. 

If you are vacationing in Iceland as part of a self-drive tour or private guided tour, you could stop in Vík. This is the most common meeting point for ice cave tours. You can leave your rental car at the hotel and hop into a super jeep for the day.

  • You could also pick a northern lights trip in Iceland .
  • Related: How to pack for a winter vacation to Iceland .

The edge of the Vatnajökull glacier

When is the best time to visit Katla?

You can visit Katla anytime throughout the year. That said, because it is an ice cave, you’re best off visiting in the winter. This way your guides will be able to show you the magic of Iceland at this time of year! 

You’ll also be able to explore more of the cave if you visit between October and March . You could also have the chance to see other natural ice caves that only form in the colder season. Guides will be able to advise on which caves are best to visit.

  • Check out winter vacations in Iceland .
  • Related: When is the best time to visit Iceland?

Is the Katla ice cave worth it?

Exploring the glacier tunnels of Katla ice cave is an incredible experience. You’ll be able to see the ice sparkling and glittering and spot ancient ask trapped in. From the black dragon glass to the ancient blue ice, the glacier is full of wonders.

You’re sure to have a memorable experience standing in the heart of the Kötlujökull glacier, on top of an active volcano. A glacier hike through the cave gives you the chance to get up close and personal with the forces of nature that shape and define Iceland. 

Even the drive over in the super jeep gives you amazing views of the volcanic landscape that surrounds the glacier!

If you want an adventure and are keen to try something a little challenging and different, the Katla ice cave is definitely worth it. Book your trip with Iceland Tours today with as little as a 5% deposit.

  • Ice caves ,
  • Travel advice

About the author

Camila first travelled to Iceland in 2018 and it didn’t take long for her to fall in love with its culture, food and scenery. Throughout her life, she’s had the pleasure to live in different cultures and languages and absorb as much as possible from all her travels. You’re most likely to find her reading a good book in a local café or writing about the best spots to visit for top travel agencies.

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katla travel blog

New Katla Ice Cave 2024

Epic Transformation of Katla Ice Cave & How it Looks Now

  • What Is Katla Ice Cave?
  • How & Why Katla Ice Cave is Changing
  • How to visit Katla?

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A brand-new look of the famous Katla ice cave was recently uncovered in the Kötlujökull glacier. Read about the transformation and how you can see it too on your trip to Iceland!

If you want to see what it looks like when ice meets fire , Katla Ice Cave is the place to go. This unique cave is situated inside a glacier on top of a volcano and is filled with ice and black ash stripes. As you can already guess, that looks fascinating. The unique feature of this cave is that it keeps changing, so every time you visit, it's going to be a different experience. 

During winter, the guides made an extraordinary discovery. The glacier caves had undergone a complete transformation , resulting in an appearance unlike anything seen before. This unique ice cave in Iceland is open year-round for visitors to explore. It's an exceptional place that stands out from other ice caves .

What awaits you in these newly discovered ice passages is really exciting. Ready to find out what the new Katla Ice Cave looks like?

Tourist enjoying the view of an ice cave

What Is Katla Ice Cave? Where is it located?

The Katla ice cave is located on the South Coast of Iceland. The entrance to the cave is inside the Kötlujökull glacier, part of the even larger Mýrdalsjökull glacier , which is the fourth by size in Iceland. 

Just imagine the sheer scale of these layers of ice that hide the caves inside!

But there's more to this place than ice. The Kötlujökull glacier is sitting on top of the infamous volcano named Katla. That means the cave is not a simple ice cave but also a part of a volcano covered by ice !

The Katla volcano is like a sleeping giant that wakes up every once in a while. It used to erupt every 40 to 80 years, but it has been sleeping for more than 100 years since its last eruption in 1918. When it erupts, though, it sends out ash that gets mixed into the ice, and that's why you can see pretty black stripes in the blue ice of the cave.

Woman exploring Katla ice cave

The Katla ice cave itself is a masterpiece . It's made as the glacier melts, revealing layers of ice mixed with ash. Since glaciers constantly move and change, the cave never looks the same. 

In fact, the Kötlujökull glacier is shrinking fast , about 35 meters each year. You could enter the cave right from the parking lot just a while back. Now, it's a 10-minute walk.

Because it's always changing and has all the beautiful layers of volcanic ash, visiting the Katla Ice Cave is a special and unique adventure every time. It's a very special attraction to visit in Iceland.

How & Why Katla Ice Cave is Changing

Person standing in between an ice cave

Let's learn about the evolution of the Katla ice caves. Here's a simpler explanation from one of our guides about how it has transformed over time.

Over the past 8 years, the guides have seen many natural ice caves forming in the same area - the south-east end of Kötlujökull glacier, which is connected to Iceland's fourth largest glacier, Mýrdalsjökull . These ice caves are a true marvel and can be visited all year round.

“This glacier has been a skilled artist for over a decade , creating some amazing ice caves. There have been giant arches that didn't get worn down by the weather, solid columns that held up huge roofs of ice, and long, twisty tunnels that went through the walls of ice.”

The Katla Ice Cave is one of these natural masterpieces. The ‘old’ Katla Ice Cave was already impressive with its layers of ash and natural skylights. Many tourists came to see it and walked under its arches and through its tunnels.

Old view of the inside of Katla ice cave

"Old" Katla ice cave

However, while the glacier was transforming, the guides found something completely new and even more remarkable. The new cave has a completely unique look.

It started last summer when a waterfall came out of a narrow tunnel, like water coming out of a pipe. After summer ended, the water pressure went down and revealed a whole network of tunnels . This new cave system is like a maze, with tunnels intersecting each other!

On average, these tunnels are about 3 meters (9.8 feet) tall and have smooth, flat floors made of ice that you can walk on. There's fresh air coming in from two entrances and big openings at the corners, which lights up the caves and shows off the amazing blue ice.

People inside an ice cave

"New" Katla ice cave

Inside, a stream of fresh meltwater is running, reminding us how the cave was formed and leading us through the cave. Now, people are calling it the ‘new’ Katla Ice Cave .

Since these caves were made in the summer, the glacier is now taking a break during the winter. This gives us a chance to go in, look around, and appreciate all the hard work the glacier has done. 

Once summer rolls around again, the Kötlujökull glacier will get back to work, making new caves. That means if you visit Katla on your next trip, you might see something totally different !

How to Visit Katla Ice Cave

Person preparing for ice caving

If you're planning to visit Katla Ice Cave, you'll need to book a guided tour . Our Katla tour offers pick-up services from Reykjavik or a meeting point in Vik town . Our guests love the tour (it’s one of the all-time bestsellers ! ) and are usually very excited to ride up to the glacier in our sturdy Super Jeep. 

Once we reach the glacier, there's a short hike to the cave that you'll need to complete. But the best part is yet to come! You'll get to explore inside the cave and witness a mesmerizing display of black and blue ice, volcanic ash, and stunning stripes and patterns.

Our knowledgeable guides will be with you every step of the way, providing insights into the cave's formation and history. You don't need to be an experienced hiker to join the tour - it's designed for ease and safety . We also provide crampons to ensure secure footing on the ice.

Driving back to Vik in the Super Jeep , especially during winter, is a big part of the whole experience, especially during sunset. The sun setting behind the mountains creates a magical view that's hard to describe. So don't forget to bring your camera along!

Panoramic view of Katla ice cave

Is the Katla ice cave worth it?

Katla Ice Cave is definitely worth a visit if you're looking for a unique experience in Iceland. You'll see the amazing combination of ice and volcanic ash, which some call 'dragon glass' because it looks like black obsidian . Exploring the cave’s tunnels and riding in a Super Jeep on the way there is really special!

Can you enter Katla Ice Cave without a tour?

You should not visit the Katla Ice Cave without a guided tour . The ice's stability, temperature, and weather changes, making it dangerous without proper gear and knowledge. Only experienced glacier guides can assess the cave safely on a daily basis. Our guides have the right caving equipment and use a suitable vehicle (Super Jeep), as regular rental cars are not equipped for the terrain leading to the cave.

Which ice cave is better in Iceland?

It's up to you to decide which one you like better! Iceland has many beautiful ice caves , but the Katla Ice Cave is special because you can visit it anytime . Also, the shape and ice in this cave look really unique.

Can you visit Katla Ice Cave in June?

Yes, the Katla Ice Cave can be visited in June . It is one of the few ice caves in Iceland accessible all year. Even in the summer, you'll have a one-of-a-kind experience in this glacier cave. Don't miss out!

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A Complete Guide to the Katla Ice Cave

The Katla ice cave is located on the south coast of Iceland, on one of Iceland’s most active volcanoes. The ice cave can be visited year-round in the Kötlujökull glacier. The inside of the cave is blue and black; the black is ash from volcanic eruptions. The ice cave is less than 1-hour from the village of Vík and is a popular attraction for tourists travelling along the south coast.

How do ice caves form?

Natural ice caves form when the water underneath a glacier freezes, creating new ice caves every year. Once inside an ice cave, you can see the different colours of the ice and run your fingers along the shapes and crevices. 

Where is the Katla ice cave located?

The Katla ice cave was named after the volcano under the Kötlujökull glacier, where the ice cave is located. Kötlujökull is an offshoot of the immense Mýrdalsjökull glacier, which is Iceland’s 4th largest glacier. Katla ice cave tours depart from Reykjavík or the small town of Vík, a 2.5-hour drive from Reykjavík. The ice cave is underground in the glacier and requires a hike and descent with a trained glacier guide leading the way. 

What makes the Katla ice cave special?

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Most natural ice caves can only be accessed during deep winter, but Katla is a year-round destination. It is one of the few ice caves in Iceland that can be visited any month of the year, so if you visit in the summer, this is the ice cave to see. 

Is the Katla volcano active?

Katla is an active volcano, but there’s no need to be concerned about an eruption on ice cave tours as Iceland’s volcanoes are monitored for activity. If Katla is stirring, there will be warnings, and tours will be suspended in advance. Katla last erupted in 1918; since 920 AD, only 20 eruptions have been recorded. 

What can I expect from a Katla ice cave tour?

katla travel blog

Typical visits to the Katla ice cave take about 3 hours from the pick-up time in Vík. Your glacier guide will give you a safety and equipment briefing and provide the group with crampons to attach to your hiking boots.

After the briefing, you will take a short hike on the glacier to the ice cave entrance. Once inside, you can explore the ice cave’s oldest part, the clear blue ice. It’s incredible to experience this natural occurrence in Iceland, to get close to the actual ice in Iceland, and feel the power of the glacier.

Safety information

A guided tour is the only way to get to the Katla ice cave. Only experienced glacier guides lead tours because they are familiar with safety protocols and the inner workings of the glacier. They have been trained on the landscape and how to keep travellers safe. 

Also, keep in mind that tours provide the necessary caving equipment and a suitable vehicle to reach the cave. Participants must wear proper hiking shoes and waterproof and warm clothing to explore the ice cave safely and comfortably.

Can you drive to Katla ice cave?

katla travel blog

Driving to Katla ice cave is only safe in a special all-terrain 4×4 vehicle that is equipped to operate on glaciers. These super jeeps have rugged tires and adequate suspension and can be driven over sand, snow, ice, and rocky terrain. These vehicles are only operated by tour companies. Typical rental cars are not designed to handle this kind of terrain. 

What to wear

katla travel blog

It’s crucial to dress appropriately for glacier activities. Keep in mind that it’s better to have extra layers that you can take off instead of not having enough warm clothing. It is recommended that you have the following:

  • Warm clothes 
  • Waterproof outdoor clothing 
  • Hiking boots 
  • Gloves and hat

katla travel blog

Is Katla ice cave worth it?

Many travellers want to visit a natural ice cave on their Iceland vacation. It’s a great way to connect with Iceland’s raw landscape and unique geology. Tourists can opt to take Katla ice cave tours departing from Reykjavík or Vík. For many, it is a highlight of their holiday.

Can you go to the Katla ice cave without a guide?

No, it is not  advisable to visit the Katla ice cave independently as it is too dangerous. The only safe method is by joining a guided tour. With this option, not only will you receive suitable equipment, but also a safety briefing to prepare you for the trip. Plus, you'll have the added benefit of a knowledgeable guide leading the way.

Which is the best ice cave tour in Iceland?

This is subjective. There are numerous ways to experience ice caves in Iceland, including the Katla ice cave, ice caves in Langjökull Glacier, and the Into the Glacier tour in West Iceland.

Travellers can visit Perlan in Reykjavík to experience a manmade ice tunnel in the capital city. The Perlan ice cave is 100 meters long and was built with over 350 tons of snow from the Blue Mountains. As visitors wander through the ice cave, they experience a glacial environment in a safe and informative way.

Is Katla ice cave manmade?

No, the Katla ice cave is a natural structure formed in the glacier. The manmade ice tunnel in a glacier can be found at Langjökull Glacier in West Iceland. It is the Into the Glacier tour.

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Katla Ice cave from Reykjavik

No booking fee, best price guarantee, free cancellation, secure payments, fully licensed local tour operators, information.

Experience the wonder of Iceland’s natural beauty on a Katla Ice Cave tour. Explore the mesmerizing blue ice caves formed by the Katla volcano and witness the stunning glaciers and landscapes of the region.

  • Visit a natural ice cave
  • Katla Ice Cave
  • Katla Volcano
  • Myrdalsjokull Glacier
  • South Coast
  • Skógafoss waterfall
  • Seljalandsfoss waterfall
  • Eyjafjallajokull Glacier
  • Small-Group Experience
  • Super Jeep ride through the highlands

A full-fledged tour of not just the majestic Katla Cave with Dragon Glass ice, this trip will be a walk through the glimmering powerful forces of nature. The cave is located in the depths of the ever-active and robust volcano Katla which is covered by Kötlujökull glacier which originates from the parent glacier Mýrdalsjökull. Your tour will be filled with soul-stirring adventure on the glacier, in the super jeeps, and the mysterious dragon glass ice caves along with some more beautiful sights that will fall along the way.

About the Sights and the Destination

The stops that you will make on this tour include Skógafoss waterfall , Seljalandsfoss waterfall , and finally, the Katla ice cave . Here is a little more information about these beautiful places.

Ice Cave Tours, Katla Ice Caving Iceland

  • Katla Ice Cave: This beautiful ice cave is popular for the unique black ice that it holds. While the ice is normal, it appears to be black because only a little light enters the cave. Whatever light gets through shines on the ice and creates a beautiful black and blue color combination that shines through. While the cave is located in the Katla Volcano, the massive mass of ice in the cave seeps from the mountain-volcano-glacier that covers the volcano. The cave is every bit beautiful as it sounds and the name “Dragon Glass Ice Cave” has been completely justified by the appearance of the cave. It is also possible to visit this ice cave on a self driving trip along the south coast. 

Rainbow at Skógafoss Waterfall - Iceland Must See

  • Skógafoss Waterfall: A powerful cascading waterfall, Skógafoss waterfall is located among a beautiful green-brown landscape that paints an honest, wonderful picture of the land that is known for its natural sights. The waterfall is located in Skógar and is one of the most beautiful waterfalls in Iceland. 

South Coast Iceland, Seljalandsfoss waterfall - south Iceland tour guide

  • Seljalandsfoss Waterfall: Popular 60-meter high waterfall, Seljalandsfoss waterfall is famous for the hidden cave that goes behind the waterfall. You can walk behind the waterfall to the cave that offers the view from a unique angle. Originating from the Seljalands river, the waterfall is completely made with glacial water that seeps from the Eyjafjallajökull volcano glacier.
  • Pick up in Reykjavik
  • Meet your Glacier Guide in Vík
  • 40 min Super Jeep Ride
  • 10-15 min walk to the ice cave
  • 60 min ice cave exploration
  • 10-15 min walk to the super jeep
  • 40 min Super Jeep ride back to vík
  • Transfer back to Reykjavik

Your trip will begin in a minibus jeep at Reykjavik which will be your mode of transport for the whole tour. Before you reach your destination, you will make some stops at the Skógafoss waterfall and Seljalandsfoss waterfall . You are free to breeze around and explore the surroundings, listen to some interesting folklores of the area, hike up Skógafoss waterfall to the see the troll’s face or walk behind Seljalandsfoss waterfall. You will get plenty of time to become one with the surroundings, walk up the stairs of Skógafoss waterfall, the staircase that leads to heaven on earth.

When you are done cruising around the waterfalls, the tour will head to the ice cave.

Katla ice cave is one of the rarest, one of the most difficult ice caves to access in Iceland. This tour is the perfect combination of thrill and serenity with the adventurous super jeep rides, mystical ice caves, and tranquil waterfall. Just make sure that you are well equipped to capture all the views on your camera.

  • Pick-up & Drop-off from Reykjavik
  • Professional English Speaking Tour Guide
  • Super Jeep Ride
  • Visit to Katla Ice Cave
  • Crampons for walking on glacier.
  • All safety equipment. 
  • Sightseeing tour along the South Coast of Iceland. 

What to bring

  • Warm & waterproof outdoor clothing
  • Good hiking shoes are recommended
  • Waterbottle
  • Gloves & Headwear
  • Camera (optional)

Good to know

  • It is also possible to join the Katla Ice Cave tour with a meeting point in Vík. You can check it out here.
  • Due to limited daylight periods, we cannot stop at Skógafoss in wintertime (from the 16th of November until the 31st of January). Only from the 1st of February until the 15th of November do we stop at both of the waterfalls on this tour. 
  • Lunch is not included in the tour. We recommend that you bring our own lunch, snacks and a bottle of water. We will also make stops during the tour, where you can buy snacks and drinks.
  • You will arrive back in Reykjavik around 8 pm. 
  • There’s a 40-minute jeep ride to the glacier, then a 10-15 minute hike before reaching the Ice Cave.
  • You will spend approximately 1 hour in the ice cave.
  • We recommend using the restroom at the meeting point in Vík before the tour starts. 

Ice Cave Tours, Katla Ice Cave Tours in Iceland

Map of the Katla Ice Cave tour

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  • Smiðjan Brugghús

For tours that state that they pick up from Reykjavík, we ask all our customers to send their pick up location at least 24 hours prior to the departure of their tour. We cannot be responsible if you do not provide your pick up location, we won’t be responsible if you miss your tour.

Due to regulations of Reykjavik City, tour companies are allowed to stop at certain designated bus stop locations in the city centre to pick up passengers. It is stated on your voucher whether we will pick you up directly from your accommodation or from the bus stop.

You will receive a full refund if the tour gets cancelled due to weather. 

There will be short stops where you can purchase snacks, drinks and fill up your water bottle. We recommend that you bring your lunch with you on the tour. 

Yes, you can bring your own food and drinks on the tour. 

The caves are in a constant change so they might look different from what you see in the picture. Air temperature, sunshine, precipitation, geothermal activity, and many other factors cause significant changes in the formation of the ice caves and this process is exclusively controlled by Mother Nature.

We will visit the best available naturally formed ice cave during this tour and the cave we visit is chosen based on conditions and safety each time.

We recommend bringing your own backpack on this tour. It’s great to carry a small lunch and some extra clothing.

Yes, and you definitely should! The setting on the tour is full of amazing, scenic views.

This is, of course, a personal choice, we have often had pregnant women on our trips. We recommend you take a close look at our trip description and difficulty rating, they will hopefully give you a better idea. It is also good to contact your physician, pregnant women’s health can be quite different. Feel free to contact us if you have further questions or concerns.

Crampons are metal spikes that we attach to the soles of your hiking shoes, these enable you to walk on the glacier ice without slipping. : Walsilk Crampons Traction Cleats Spikes Snow Grips ...

No, you should not visit the ice caves without a specially trained and certified glacier guide. The ice caves are always changing and it can be dangerous to visit an ice cave that is not safe. 

Do you have a question?

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Hidden Gems

  • Concierge Service in Iceland
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  • South Coast
  • Blue Lagoon
  • Akureyri Shore Excursions
  • Djúpivogur Shore Excursions
  • Ísafjördur shore excursions
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  • Heimaey Shore Excursions
  • Reykjavik Shore Excursions
  • Seydisfjordur Shore Excursions
  • Húsavík Shore Excurshions
  • Highlands tours
  • Northern Lights
  • Snowmobile tours
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  • Glacier Tours
  • Private groups
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  • Holiday tours
  • Transfer services
  • Small group multi day tours
  • Iceland Destinations
  • Concierge services
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Contact Info

Úlfarsbraut 113, Reykjavík

katla travel blog

Katla Ice Cave Tour from Reykjavík

Discover the mystical katla ice cave: an exhilarating expedition from reykjavík.

Embark on the Katla Ice Cave Tour from Reykjavík and immerse yourself in an adventure that combines stunning Icelandic landscapes, educational insights, and the ethereal beauty of the Katla Ice Cave. This tour promises a thrilling journey through some of Iceland’s most awe-inspiring natural wonders, creating memories that will last a lifetime.

Journey Begins

Your adventure starts with a comfortable pickup in Reykjavík aboard our mini-bus, setting the stage for the exciting day ahead. As we travel along Iceland’s scenic Route 1, prepare to be captivated by the otherworldly landscapes that unfold. Towering mountains and expansive glaciers set a dramatic scene, evoking a sense of wonder and anticipation.

First Encounter: Kötlujökull Glacier

Our initial stop is at the base of the majestic Kötlujökull Glacier . Here, you’ll witness the striking beauty of the glacier, adorned with intricately layered ice that showcases a palette of deep blues and crisp whites. These layers narrate the ancient history embedded within the ice. Your expert guide will share fascinating stories and facts about the glacier’s formation and its connection to the mighty Katla volcano.

The Ice Cave Experience

A moderate hike leads us to the entrance of the Katla Ice Cave . Donning crampons for safe traversal, you’ll step into a world of crystal-clear ice and stunning formations. The cave’s dynamic structure changes with the seasons, offering a unique experience with each visit. Inside, you’ll feel as if you’ve stepped into a frozen sanctuary, where the play of light and shadows on the ice creates an enchanting atmosphere. Your guide will enhance the experience with insightful commentary about the cave’s geology and the broader environmental context.

Safety First

Waterfalls of wonder.

As we depart from the ice cave, the adventure continues with visits to two of Iceland’s most famous waterfalls. First, we stop at Skógafoss , a powerful waterfall in the Skógar region known for its folklore and beauty. This is an ideal spot for photography enthusiasts. Next, we visit Seljalandsfoss , where you can marvel at the waterfall that cascades over ancient sea cliffs, offering a unique opportunity to walk behind its misty veil.

Why Choose the Katla Ice Cave Tour?

  • Interactive and Engaging : Perfect for all ages, the tour offers a hands-on approach to learning about Iceland’s geological wonders.
  • Breathtaking Scenery : From glaciers to waterfalls, the tour showcases some of the most picturesque landscapes in Iceland.
  • Exclusive Access : Explore one of the less frequented natural wonders of Iceland, away from the typical tourist paths.

Plan your adventure today and witness the unforgettable beauty of the Katla Ice Cave . This tour is not just a journey; it’s an exploration of Iceland’s fiery heart and icy veins. Book now to secure your place in this extraordinary expedition!

Katla Ice Cave Tour from Reykjavík

Frequently Asked Questions

The return time to reykjavík.

As the tour concludes, we will return to Reykjavík around 8:00 p.m., leaving you with cherished memories that will last a lifetime.

Do I need to sign a waiver?

Please note that while Arctic Adventures, the operator of this tour provides all the necessary safety equipment, participants are responsible for their own safety during the tour and are required to sign a waiver acknowledging the inherent risks of outdoor activities.

What do I need to bring on this tour?

Make sure to come prepared with warm clothing, including a waterproof jacket and pants, sturdy hiking boots, headwear, and gloves to ensure your comfort throughout the journey.

Why is the tour price different today from the last time I checked?

Kindly note that prices in all currencies, except ISK, may change due to currency exchange rates.

Cancellation Policy of this tour

Please note that a 100% cancellation fee will be charged if the booking is canceled 1 day or less before the scheduled event.

Do you make stops at Skógafoss and Seljalandsfoss Waterfalls?

For those who choose the roundtrip pick-up from Reykjavík, if daylight permits (from February 1st to November 15th), our tour will include a visit to majestic waterfalls that will leave you in awe. Our first stop will be the eerie Skógafoss waterfall, renowned for inspiring numerous folklore tales. Located in the picturesque Skógar area, we highly recommend hiking up the right side of the waterfall to catch a glimpse of the troll’s face, forever frozen in stone as it gazes upon the waterfall. This vantage point offers a unique perspective while admiring the grandeur of Skógafoss.

Continuing our journey, we will also make a year-round stop at the stunning Seljalandsfoss waterfall. This captivating waterfall is distinct for allowing visitors to walk behind it, providing an exhilarating experience. Seljalandsfoss is situated along the Seljalands River, which flows from the famous Eyjafjallajökull volcano.

Please note that during the winter months (from November 16th to January 31st), limited daylight hours prevent us from stopping at Skógafoss. However, from February 1st to November 15th, both Skógafoss and Seljalandsfoss are included stops on this tour, allowing you to fully appreciate their natural beauty.

Prepare for breathtaking scenery, captivating tales, and unforgettable moments as you explore these magnificent waterfalls alongside the Katla Ice Cave Tour .

  • Departure Reykjavík
  • Departure Time 9:00 AM
  • Return Time 20:00
  • Included Convenient transfer from Reykjavík Expert English-speaking licensed adventure guide All required safety equipment Crampons for safe walking on ice Exciting Super Jeep ride Visit the extraordinary Katla Ice Cave
  • Not Included Food and beverages

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Katla Ice Cave Tour from Vík

The Katla Ice Cave Tour brings you on an incredible excursion through 800-year-old caves, blue glaciers, black sand beaches, magnificent waterfalls, world-famous sights, and so much more. Explore Iceland’s landscape by a Super Jeep and on foot on this unforgettable day tour.

  • Since the glacier is changing constantly, we can promise 1 cave for sure, and we visit 2-3 caves only if the conditions are fine at the glacier.
  • Adventurous Super Jeep excursion
  • Drive through the filming location of Star Wars Rogue One
  • Off-the-Beaten-Path Experience
  • Small Tour Group
  • Visiting Private Black Sand Beach
  • Scenic Waterfall Views
  • Myrdalsjokull glacier
  • Katla volcano

What's included

  • Super Jeep transport from Vík
  • Safety equipment for exploring the ice cave (includes a helmet, a headlamp, and crampons)

What's not included

  • Food and drinks


Your adventure starts when your guide picks you up at the Katlatrack meeting point (N1 gas station). From there, you’ll have an exhilarating Super Jeep ride through the private back road of Vík to reach the glacier area.

This will be an offbeat experience that will show you the quieter, authentic side of Iceland, far away from the crowds and the mainstream tours. As local guides, we spend more time than anyone else exploring this landscape and we know where all of the best ice caves hide!

As always, your safety is paramount on our tours. Visitors should never risk exploring an ice cave without a highly experienced guide, so after fitting you up with some of our loan equipment (a helmet, headlamp and some crampons for your shoes), we’ll provide a full safety brief before making our way to the cave. After a short (10-15 minute) walk across the glacier, we’re ready to enter our ice cave!

The first stop is at the front of Kötlujökull – the Katla outlet glacier. Kötlujökull is actually part of the famous Mýrdalsjökull glacier – the fourth largest glacier in Iceland.

From here, you’ll take a short glacier hike across the ice to explore your first ice cave. You’ll marvel at the magnificent colors and textures inside the ice cave, and the stunning shapes and crystal clear blue ice will leave you in awe. Your ice cave guide will share the history of the ice caves of Iceland and explain how it was formed. You’ll learn how the volcanic eruptions of the Katla volcano caused the ash and sand to combine with the ice, to form the incredible shades of black and blue that appear almost like ‘dragon glass’. There will be plenty of ice cave photo opportunities, and plenty of time to ask questions and learn all you wish to know about these magnificent icy structures.

After some time in the main cave, you’ll take another short glacier walk as we hunt for secret waterfalls and hidden glacier canyons. You may have heard that visiting an ice cave is a “Once in a lifetime experience” – this couldn’t be truer, and we love nothing more than sharing this very unique experience with our guests! Iceland’s ice caves are constantly shifting and changing with the seasons, so the caves that you will experience on your glacier tour will never exist in the same form again. We are always scouting the glacier ice for new and hidden caves, so we know exactly where to find the most spectacular (and the safest) ice caves to show you on our tours. Some of these caves are on private land that can only be accessed with our guides, so it is also possible that your tour will include a visit to a secret ice cave. You’ll also explore one or two other ice caves, depending on the weather and ice conditions on the glacier.

After this incredible ice caving adventure, you’ll head back to the super jeep for our next destination: a private black sand beach. You will already be very familiar with Iceland’s most famous black sand beach, Reynisfjara, and we definitely recommend that you explore this beach in your own time. With us, you’ll visit a lesser-known black sand beach that you can explore and enjoy in privacy – far away from the tourist crowds!

Finally, your Super Jeep will take an exciting detour through the wild terrain to visit the actual film set from Star Wars Rogue One. You’ll see exactly where the opening scenes were shot as your guide shares all of the behind the scenes details. You’ll then go to some more filming locations such as Transformers, Noah, and Oblivion. Along the way, you will also enjoy some other memorable sights from the comfort of the Super Jeep, including the historical promontory of Hjörleifshöfði (named after one of the first Viking settlers in Iceland), the distinctive Reynisdrangar sea stacks, and of course, the beautiful local area around Vík.

FAQ & Important Information

The following is important information applicable to our tour. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us by email or phone, we are here to make your tour exceptional!

Operation: This tour is operated by our trusted partner.

Pick-up is available from Town Hall of Reykjavík, Tjarnargötu 11 or Hlemmur Bus Stop. It might take up to 30 min for our guides to reach your pick-up point, so please wait patiently for us to arrive. As much as possible be prepared and ready to go.

Our day tours are very popular and we have many days when all the available seats are booked out. Please book your tour early to avoid disappointment. You can book this tour online using the booking form or just call our office. We typically respond to phone calls from 8:00 AM to 17:00 PM GMT – if you do not reach us, please send an email and we will reply to your message as soon as possible.

All prices are per person. We accept payment by major credit and debit cards with no additional fees. Gratuities are not included.

Tour itinerary changes:

At all times your safety is our first priority. You can expect any kind of weather in Iceland. For this reason, the tour itinerary may be subject to change the sights without notice or the tour might be canceled due to weather, or other unforeseen circumstances. Ice cave tours are weather dependent and they get canceled with short notice due to safety or weather reasons. After a heavy rain previous days before the tour, the cave sometimes gets full of water. It can also be too warm for us to enter the caves, the ice can be unstable and not safe to go under. If the timing changes, we will need your valid mobile phone number to contact you and inform you of the time change. Please don’t forget to fill out your phone number on the booking form. If the tour is canceled, you can choose to receive a full refund or to reschedule your tour for another day. We make every effort to avoid any such changes wherever possible.

What to bring:

CLOTHING Appropriate footwear and suitable outdoor clothing must be worn at all times. We reserve the right to refuse participation if not correctly equipped since this will put the clients at risk. In case of refusal, the refund will not be possible. 

Feet – Woolen socks – Good waterproof hiking boots with good ankle support Lower body – Baselayer- wool or synthetic (no cotton!) – Light and comfortable hiking trousers softshell for example (no jeans!) – Wind and waterproof trousers Upper body – Full sleeve base layer wool or synthetic (no cotton!) – Thin fleece or similar – Thick warm fleece, or puffy jacket down or synthetic, or just a nice warm jacket. – Wind and waterproof jacket. Hands – Gloves. It´s good to have two pairs. Head – Warm hat/beanie that might work under a helmet. Note: beanie’s with pompom are not recommended since the pompom does not go under the helmet. – Buff or balaclava or neck gaiter. – Sunglasses

Medical conditions:

Please note that this tour may not be suitable for those with claustrophobia. Please contact us if you have any questions.

Payment and cancelation:

Full payment is required at time of booking to secure your place. We require 24 hrs notice of cancellation for a refund. Any cancellation made within less than 24 hours prior to departure will be fully charged.


Authorized Tour Operator and Travel Agency certified by the Icelandic Tourist Board, a proud member of the Icelandia family . Tours offered on this website are sold under the license of Ferðaskrifstofa Kynnisferða.

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Special offer

For a limited time on selected super jeep tours.

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South Coast & Katla Ice Cave From Reykjavik

Katla ice cave tour from reykjavík.

Embark on our exclusive Ice Cave Tour at Katla, Iceland, and delve into the captivating wonders of Iceland’s southern coast on a remarkable day trip from Reykjavik. Prepare to be mesmerized by the sheer beauty of Seljalandsfoss and Skogafoss waterfalls, offering you the extraordinary opportunity to stroll behind the cascading veil of Seljalandsfoss, an experience that defies the ordinary. Immerse yourself in the rich folklore surrounding the powerful Skogafoss waterfall, adding an enchanting layer to your expedition.

Explore the renowned Reynisfjara black-sand beach, where you can leisurely wander along the striking ebony shores and marvel at the majestic rock formations extending into the sea.

The pinnacle of your adventure awaits at the Katla Ice Cave, nestled at the foot of the Katla glacier. Equipped with crampons and helmets, venture deep into the glacier's heart to discover the mesmerizing Ice Caves.

Throughout the day, indulge your senses in the breathtaking landscapes as you traverse Iceland’s southern coast, immersing yourself in the rugged scenery and dramatic cliffs that define this unique country.

As your extraordinary journey concludes, you'll return to Reykjavik with cherished memories to last a lifetime. Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to savor the beauty and excitement of Iceland’s southern coast in a single, unforgettable day!

This ice cave tour promises an experience you’ll treasure forever. Book your adventure now!

What's included?

  • Round-trip transportation
  • Visit to a natural ice cave
  • Crampons for walking on ice
  • All necessary ice cave equipment
  • Free Wi-Fi on board

Please note

  • Warm clothing

Hiking shoes

Important Information: 

Please note that this tour may not be suitable for individuals with fear of darkness or claustrophobia.

What to bring

Appropriate clothing in regards to weather 

Rain Gear 


+3547885566, [email protected], useful links.

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Explore Iceland in Style with Gravel Travel - Where Adventure Meets Comfort!

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Iceland Adventure Tours

The original ice cave tour company in vik.

Since 2009, our team has been the original trailblazing crew that made year-round natural ice caves possible in Iceland. Anyone can visit a tourist attraction.  We want to show you so much more.

At Katlatrack we’ve been handcrafting unique, offbeat adventure tours in South Iceland since 2009.  We’ll take you beyond the usual overrun tourist hot spots to show you Pure Iceland – a side of this magnificent country that very few ever get to experience.

Ice Cave Tours in Iceland

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Fast Track Ice Cave tour in Iceland

Hands down the fastest way to experience in Ice Cave in Iceland! If your trip is short and action-packed, seeing an ice cave may seem like it would be impossible for you to have on your agenda, but with us, it was never so easy!

Katlatrack Meeting Point - Vík

Offbeat glacier area.

katla travel blog

Katla Ice Cave tour in Iceland

Only in Southern Iceland can you experience a black sand beach, blue ice caves and super green mountains. This tour presents you with Iceland’s ‘best of’ textures, tones and experience. You’ll be left in awe!

3 - 4 hours

All year, based on conditions, ice cave and black beach.

katla travel blog

Private Ice Cave Tour

If you prefer to explore Iceland on your own schedule, or with your own group, our Private Ice Cave Tours are a unique and special way to experience one of Iceland’s greatest natural wonders.

3 hours, depending on pick-up location

All year, depending on conditions, your preferred location around vík, vík, ice caves, glacier walks, black sand beach, offbeat location and more, from 189.900 isk, buggy tours tours in iceland.

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Þakgil Buggy Adventure

Our best hands-on-approach tour! While in Vík, come experience breathtaking nature first hand in an open vehicle. Drive through a private black sand beach enjoying the beautiful Icelandic scenery.

2,5 - 3 hours

Katlatrack meeting point, vík, þakgil, vík black beach, from 34.900 isk, black beach buggy tour, vík black sand beach, from 24.900 isk, super jeep tours in iceland.

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Best of Vík – One hour express tour

Give us one hour and we’ll show you our hometown as no one else can. Our ‘Best of Vik – 1 Hour Express Tour’ is not only the fastest way to experience Vik – it’s also the cheapest Super Jeep tour available in Iceland.

Vik, Reynisfjara, Dyrhólaey

katla travel blog

The Hidden Mountains from GoT tour

4-hour tour to the hidden mountains surrounding Vík, where you will find very few people but many stories that have been passed down through the generations. A unique experience made possible only with a local guide from Katlatrack.

1. May - 31. October

Þakgil, secret canyon, secret cave, háfell and troll rock, from 189.000 isk, customize your tour in iceland.

Custom tour

If you have any special wishes for your tour or would simply like to experience Iceland in your own way, Katlatrack also offers custom and tailor-made tours. Send us information about your dream tour and we will make it happen.

Duration varies

Your preferred location from reykjavík to vík, highlights vary - let us know what you want to see, price varies.

Watch our Katlatrack adventure video

Experience an Ice Cave Tour in Iceland

Southern Iceland is, hands down, one of the best locations to explore an ice cave in Iceland.  With so many local glaciers, the landscape is constantly shifting and changing to create these unique formations.  One of our favourite pass-times is discovering new super-secret ice caves.  And because we know the area so well, we know just where to find them, even outside of the typical ‘ice cave season’.  We love nothing more than sharing this year’s caves with our guests, before they’re gone forever.

The Hidden Mountains Tour

Perhaps you’d like to spend a day hunting for secret waterfalls or hidden caves?  Maybe you’d love to see where some of your favourite movies were shot or take a  custom Game of Thrones Tour?  Or perhaps you need a family-friendly tour, complete with adventure, as many bathrooms stop as you like and plenty of tales about mischievous elves and trolls? Our custom private tours are perfect for all of these requests and more. Tell us what you’re keen to see and do, and we’ll make it happen.

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Just book it! You won't regret it.

We booked this trip to see the caves in the Katla glacier and we didn’t regret it one bit. It was an unbelievable experience and a must do if you plan to visit Iceland. Our guide A.J. was fun, educational and amazing. Really a must do!

Great experience!

We had a wonderful experience! Besides the amazing sightings, our experienced guide made it even more interesting with his knowledge, sense of humour and enthusiasm. I truly recommend Katlatrack Adventure Tours (which is a family run local company!)

Katla Ice Cave

Bessi was an amazing guide. The trip was absolutely incredible, safe, and shouldn’t be missed if going to this region. The best part is that the caves are constantly changing as the glacier evolves season after season, so no two tours are exactly alike. The landscapes around the ice cave alone are worth the trip (scenes from Star Wars were filmed there), and the ice cave itself is amazing. Memories to last a lifetime!

Highly recommended!

My friend and I had a lot of fun doing “Katla Ice Cave Tour”. All guides have a good sense of humour and tell a lot of very interesting stories, visit the cave was also very exciting. Remember about good shoes and take your gloves with you. I highly recommend it to everyone!!

A highlight - Do not miss!

Worth every dollar, do not miss this opportunity to go into an ice cave and see a beautiful black sand beach. (not the tourist one). This one really has fine black sand. Seeing a glacier up close was an experience of a lifetime. We have hiked several glaciers but this was much much better and was not too strenuous. I felt safe at all times.

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+354 849-4404

Austurvegur 16, 870 Vík

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Austurvegur 16 870 Vík Mýrdal

[email protected] +354 849 4404

Fast Track Ice Cave tour

Katla Ice Cave tour

The Best of Vík tour

The Hidden Mountains tour

About Katlatrack

Volcano Apartments


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VSK: 122174


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Privacy Overview

Katla Volcano and Kötlutangi Spit - the Southernmost Point of the Mainland of Iceland

Katla Volcano and Kötlutangi Spit - the Southernmost Point of the Mainland of Iceland

Regína Hrönn Ragnarsdóttir

Sturluhlaup - the Glacial flood of Sturla

The glacial flood in 1721.

Katla volcano South-Iceland

I have been writing about the historical Hjörleifshöfði promontory in South Iceland in my last 2 travel-blogs. Now I want to tell you about the dreaded volcano Katla in South Iceland, which Icelanders have been brought up to fear as the Katla eruptions are amongst the biggest cataclysms in Iceland. 

North of Hjörleifshöfði the infamous  volcano Mt. Katla  is lurking beneath the 590 ice cap of  Mýrdalsjökull  glacier, waiting to spew out its molten lava and ash clouds.  

South of  Hjörleifshöfði   promontory   you will find  Kötlutangi  - the Katla spit , which is the southernmost point of the mainland of Iceland, created in the catastrophic Katla eruption in 1918. Previously Dyrhólaey held this record: Cape Dyrhólaey in South-Iceland - the One with the big Arch .

Top photo: Mýrdalsjökull glacier and Katla volcano

The view from the top of Hjörleifshöfði cape South-Iceland

The view from the top of the Hjörleifshöfði cape

There are several recorded eruptions in Katla from 1625, 1660, 1721, 1755, 1823, 1860 and 1918...  we also know of 13 Katla eruptions since the Settlement of Iceland until 1625 (according to the information sign).

You can read about the Sturluhlaup glacial   flood, which followed the Katla eruption in 1311, a little bit further on in my travel-blog.

There were several other Katla eruptions in the following centuries so you can see that the notorious Katla has erupted quite a few times since the Settlement of Iceland until 1918 when it last erupted for 23 days.

In 1918 the Katla eruption tephra layer was the biggest one since Askja erupted back in 1875, but that volcanic eruption is believed to have produced the largest amount of ash in the history of Iceland.

The information sign about Katla eruptions

The information sign in Katla Geopark

The ice that melts in the Mýrdalsjökull   glacier due to the volcanic eruptions in Katla   collects in the middle of the glacier, like in a bowl; the caldera is approx. 100

The volcanic eruption heats up the glacial water until it starts to boil and creates enough pressure for it to burst through the 400-600 metre thick Mýrdalsjökull   glacier, which covers the caldera - and a roaring glacial flood rushes at great speed in the direction of the sea. 

When Katla volcano erupts there is a massive glacial outburst with immense glacial floods carrying huge icebergs which then end up in the sea south of Hjörleifshöfði, or on the sand.

These floods are so massive that the shoreline can extend several kilometres! Kötlutangi spit was formed in the Katla eruption in 1918 when the shoreline extended approximately 3-4 kilometres!  

Kötlutangi spit as seen from Hjörleifshöfði cape

Kötlutangi spit as seen from Hjörleifshöfði

There was a fjord, Kerlingarfjörður fjord, by Hjörleifshöfði   until the 14th century when the glacial floods from Katla extended the shoreline. And the major part of the huge Mýrdalssandur   sand plains was created when Katla   has erupted.

Just to show you how massive this glacial outburst was then the depth of the sea here, where there is sand now, was 20 fathoms!

When the glacial flood reaches the sea a tsunami-like phenomenon occurs and the sea bounces back and crashes onto the coastline. I always think about this when I visit this area, what extraordinary forces of nature there are at work here. I would not want to be anywhere close when/if this happens again.

Hjörleifshöfði cape South-Iceland

Hjörleifshöfði as seen from Kötlutangi spit

But people have been close by and witnessed this massive glacial flood.  

Kjartan Leifur Markússon  (1895-1964), the father of the owners of Hjörleifshöfði (until 2020), lived on the promontory   from 1895-1920. He was on top of Hjörleifshöfði on the day Katla   erupted on the 12th of October 1918 and witnessed the roaring glacial flood passing Hjörleifshöfði   at a great speed. 

What an absolutely frightening sight this must have been!

Kjartan said that there were earthquakes for one hour followed by a steam cloud over Mýrdalsjökull glacier and then a massive glacial flood rushed down to the sea carrying with it huge icebergs which then covered the sea with ice. Some of the icebergs which were left ashore, stuck in the sand, were larger than 20 metres!  

Kötlutangi spit as seen from Hjörleifshöfði

Kjartan witnessed when the flood and icebergs hit the promontory with great force, creating waves of glacial water and crumbled into smaller pieces with ice flying up high in the air. Just imagine the great racket when these icebergs tumbled in this massive flood and hit the promontory!  

Kjartan witnessed this from above standing on top of Hjörleifshöfði .  What an impact this must have had on this 23-year-old man to be so close to these great forces of nature!

Those who have witnessed eruptions in the notorious Katla have talked about deafening thunders and lighting and such thick volcanic ash that there was total darkness. I think most of us remember the ash cloud from Eyjafjallajökull volcano back in 2010 - this is much worse!

The warning sign by Kötlutangi spit

The warning sign by Kötlutangi spit

It is possible to drive down to Kötlutangi spit, but it is a difficult road as you can see on the sign above - " illfær vegur " in Icelandic means a difficult road, so a 4x4 is needed. Mainly as the sand can get wet and you can get stuck.

My husband drove down to the southernmost part of the mainland of Iceland, while I stayed behind and had a closer look at the pillars of rocks on the sand in front of Hjörleifshöfði promontory. I, later on, visited Kötlutangi on a guided tour after visiting the Katla ice cave for the second time.

Kötlutangi spit S-Iceland

Kötlutangi spit

It is believed that the sea erodes Kötlutangi   spit by some 10 metres every year and thus 100 metres in a decade. Satellite imagery from 2003 shows that back then Kötlutangi   was still 500 metres further south than Dyrhólaey.

If the sea erodes Kötlutangi   by 100 metres in a decade then Kötlutangi   still has the upper hand for more than 4 decades. We will see how far it will reach in the next Katla   eruption and the floods that will follow. I.e. if Katla will erupt again.

The Iceland GeoSurvey (Íslenskar orkurannsóknir)  surveys Kötlutangi   regularly by GPS to know the status of the southernmost part of the mainland of Iceland. In 2013 approximately 2.8 km had eroded from Kötlutangi   since the eruption in 1918.

Kötlutangi spit

I recently (2021) heard that Kötlutangi spit was no longer the southernmost point of Iceland, but couldn't find any sources for this change. So I contacted Katla Geopark  and they told me that it was a rumour, but that they would contact Landmælingar Íslands - the National Land Survey of Iceland  which I had also done.

Katla Geopark sent me coordinates from 2017 for both Kötlutangi and Dyrhólaey while we were waiting for the answer:

63.394652, -18.720228 (63° 23.679'N, 18° 43.214'W - Kötlutangi

63.398192, -19.127411 (63° 23.891'N, 19° 7.645'W - Dyrhólaey

The following day we got an answer from Guðmundur Þór Valsson at the National Land Survey of Iceland, who told us that according to the latest accurate satellite image of this area from 2019, then Kötlutangi spit is still the southernmost point of the mainland of Iceland. The difference was 350-400 metres which is similar to comparable photos taken in 2008.

I also contacted Þórir Kjartansson, the son of the abovementioned Kjartan Leifur, and he went to check out the landmark and tidemark rock between Höfðabrekka and Hjörleifshöfði cape. He measured the length of the beach from the rock to the sea and found out that there are still 200 metres from the landmark rock to the sea .

Dyrhólaey South-Iceland and Reynisdrangar

Dyrhólaey and Reynisdrangar sea stacks

In the photos above and below you can see  Dyrhólaey , which was the southernmost point of the mainland of Iceland from the Settlement of Iceland until the Kötlutangi spit was created in the Katla eruption in 1918. Not that anybody was measuring such things back then.

When standing on Kötlutangi   you have a good view of Dyrhólaey. 

Dyrhólaey, being as it is, a steady rock and not made of volcanic sand, doesn't change its position like Kötlutangi   spit, or at least we hope it won't ;)

In front of Dyrhólaey in my photo, you will see Reynisdrangar pillars of rock by the village Vík . This area is so ruggedly beautiful.

Extremely dangerous Waves by Reynisfjara and Kirkjufjara black Beaches in South-Iceland!

Dyrhólaey as seen from Hjörleifshöfði

Dyrhólaey and Reynisdrangar as seen from Kötlutangi

It is believed that the lava sand plains, the volcanic glacial outwash, now surrounding Hjörleifshöfði   had, before the glacial floods in 1721 in   Katla ,  been covered by grass, but that these massive glacial floods destroyed the meadows.

According to Þjóðsögur Jóns Árnasonar - the Collection of Folklore of Jón Árnason, which I often refer to in my travel-blogs, as I love folklore ,  the Katla volcano got its name from a sorceress called Katla. She was the cook at Þykkvabæjarklaustur monastery, which was built in 1169. 

Inside the Katla ice cave

Inside Kötlujökull - the Katla glacier !

This folklore explains to us why this notorious volcano is called Katla. I translated this folklore into English and added it to my travel-blog about the Katla Ice Cave  as it explains how Katla is to blame for the glacier bursts.

Driving by Hjörleifshöfði cape

There are several accounts of people being in grave danger when Katla   erupted through the centuries. This account can be found in   Markús Loftsson's Eldrit, but Markús lived on Hjörleifshöfði   and I have told you about him in my travel-blog:

The historical Hjörleifshöfði Promontory - the Hike and the Inhabitants

One of the glacial floods has been called Sturluhlaup or the Glacial flood of Sturla. This flood happened in 1311 when one of the most catastrophic and virulent volcanic eruptions in Katla took place. At that time the farmer  Sturla Arngrímsson  lived at Láguey. 

In 1311 Mýrdalssandur   sand plains had many farms, but all of them got destroyed in this glacial flood.

Driving towards the Katla ice cave

Driving towards Katla

On the first Sunday after Christmas in the year 1311, Katla erupted and a massive glacial flood followed. On this particular day, Sturla went out of the farm and up to the wall around the farm. From there he noticed the water torrent rushing down this area heading for the farm. 

Sturla ran into the farm and grabbed his newborn baby from the arms of his wife, who was lying in bed. He asked God to help the other people inside the farm. As soon as he got out of the farm the glacial flood reached the farm and destroyed it.

Inside the Katla ice cave

Inside the Katla ice cave

The glacial flood carried with it a massive iceberg and Sturla managed to get on top of the iceberg with the baby. They were carried out to sea on the iceberg and on shore again at Meðallandsfjörur 5 weeks later!

As Sturla had no provisions on the iceberg and had to keep his baby alive - he cut his nipples and had the baby suck blood from them, thus his baby survived. Sturla was a strong and healthy man and this ordeal didn't seem to have harmed him much.


The Katla ice cave

The Katla ice cave  back in 2018

A farm by the name of Lambey in this area got totally destroyed in the Sturluhlaup glacial flood along with the other farms in this area. The destruction was total and there were no signs left that people had ever lived in this area, everything was covered in sand and pumice.

The next spring some men were riding through the sand where Lambey had stood before the flood.  

One of the horses stuck its foot in the sand leaving a big hole in the sand. They heard a dog barking from the hole underneath their feet. They started digging and found a storehouse where fish and butter had been stored in Lambey.

Mýrdalsjökull glacier

The massive glacier

They found a girl in the storehouse and a dog. She had been sent to the storehouse to get fish and butter for the household and the dog had accompanied her. She was carrying a light with her as it had been dark outside.

She had been inside the storehouse when the glacial flood rushed down and had been stuck inside the storehouse ever since. She and the dog had kept themselves alive by eating the fish and the butter, but these provisions had almost run out.  

Inside Katla ice cave

Inside Katla ice cave in 2021 in a new location

Fortunately, she was carrying the light and had been able to keep the light alive by using the butter and her torn up clothes. She was fully alert and knew exactly what day it was. She said that the companionship she got from the dog had kept her from going insane.


This glacial flood, Sturluhlaup, happened so quickly that the daughter of a minister was found dead by Dýralækur with her comb in her head, but she had been combing her hair at the time of the glacial flood reaching the rectory.


There is one account from the Katla   eruption in 1721 which destroyed the farm by Hjörleifshöfði   promontory. At the time of the glacial flood the farmer at Hjörleifshöfði, Ólafur Ólafsson ,  was at the church in Höfðabrekka (close by), but his wife, Sigríður Jónsdóttir, was at home with their baby and the shepherd, who was in his teens.

The shepherd had walked out of the farm and seen the roaring glacial flood heading for the farm. He immediately went into the farm and quickly warned the lady of the house.

Katla ice cave in 2021

Katla ice cave in 2021

She told the shepherd to take the baby in the crib and she herself grabbed butter and fish and some linen and hurried outside.  

They managed to escape into a cave called Kálfaból. After this flood, the farm, which had stood at Bæjarstæði, where Hjörleifur had built his farm, was moved up onto Hjörleifshöfði.

This account is found in Eldrit   from 1880, written by Markús Loftsson.

Lupine in Iceland

Blossoming lupines and Hafursey

When I was younger and until maybe a decade ago there were huge black sand plains on the south coast, but it looks totally different now after the State Soil Conservation Service  and the Icelandic Road Administration joined hands and started planting lupine to prevent sandstorms in this area. 

Now we have stretches of violet lupine in places where there was only black lava sand. I love this change as I was always afraid while driving through the vast sand plains. The lupine then turns green and it looks so thick, like a beautiful thick blanket covering the black sand beneath.  

Lupines in Iceland

Lupines instead of black sand

These black sands plains, which are glacial outwash, were, and still are in some places, a great hindrance and in heavy wind one could expect dreadful sandstorms in this area.

These sandstorms would be so thick, as it were, that you could not pass through them and had to stop the car in the middle of ring-road 1 if you were caught in a sandstorm in this area.

Several times ring road 1 was impassable because of these sandstorms.

I was once caught in a sandstorm in this area at Sólheimasandur and it was really scary. It ruins the paint on the car and that is why special car insurance is offered when you drive through the sand plains in South Iceland. 

Lupines in South Iceland

Lupines and angelica where earlier on there was just black sand

I was travelling with my girlfriend at the time and all traffic stopped, but fortunately, we could seek shelter next to a big bus. But I can tell you that we were very scared. And the paint on her car got badly damaged. This was back in 1990 and since then the sand plains in this area have been revegetated with lupine to stop these sandstorms.

The only places where I have seen sandstorms now are further south by the sea.

Katla Volcano and Kötlutangi Spit - the Southernmost Point of the Mainland of Iceland

Map from the National Land Survey

Kötlutangi is on the coast of South Iceland, on Mýrdalssandur beach, just east of the village of  Vík . From Vík, drive along ring-road 1, then turn onto the road marked Hjörleifshöfði.

Here is  the location of Kötlutangi on the map . And on the map above you will see how far the glacial floods travel from the Kötlujökull glacier.

This is a very popular route with lots of beautiful attractions nearby f.ex. glaciers and beautiful waterfalls:

The beautiful Waterfalls of South-Iceland; Seljalandsfoss, Skógafoss & Gljúfrabúi

Glacier Hike & Ice Climbing on Sólheimajökull glacier in South-Iceland

The Wreck of the Abandoned Plane on Sólheimasandur has become a Landmark in South-Iceland

Have a lovely time in South Iceland, but be on the lookout for Katla!

See more blogs


Chasing Waterfalls in Iceland

Ágúst 2014 - Austfirðir 019.JPG

Sænautasel Turf House in the Highland of Iceland


The Dynamic Plant Lupine


Secret waterfall on the South Coast


Midnight Sun Season in Kirkjufell

Other interesting blogs.


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  24. Katla Volcano and Kötlutangi Spit

    You can read about the Sturluhlaup glacial flood, which followed the Katla eruption in 1311, a little bit further on in my travel-blog. There were several other Katla eruptions in the following centuries so you can see that the notorious Katla has erupted quite a few times since the Settlement of Iceland until 1918 when it last erupted for 23 days.