‘Star Trek’: All 39 Classic TV Main Characters Ranked, From Spock to Wesley (Photos)

A look back at the TV franchise’s many memorable classic characters before the explosion of streaming shows like “Discovery”…and its handful of duds

star-trek-characters ranked

In its half-century history, “Star Trek” has challenged us to boldly go where no one has gone before. The best characters have often encouraged vigorous debate among Trekkies, as they are compared by their rank and species and evaluated for differences in their flaws and virtues. The worst — we’re looking at you, “Voyager” and “Enterprise” — leave fans wondering if there’s a point to their existence. 

pics of star trek characters

A quick note, to keep the list manageable, we’re restricting the list to the main cast of the five “Trek” TV shows before the recent explosion of streaming series like “Discovery” and “Lower Decks.” That means you won’t be seeing movie villains like Khan or recurring characters like Q. But let it be said that if we did include him, Q would top the list by several light years.

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39. Wesley Crusher (The Next Generation) By far the most hated character in “Trek” history. A super-genius kid who would on more than one occasion save the Enterprise while others with infinitely more experience struggled. Even the man who played him, Wil Wheaton , hated him.

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38. Travis Mayweather (Enterprise) No backstory, no fears, no desires. No “Trek” crew member was more pointless and two-dimensional than Mayweather, except perhaps for …

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37. Hoshi Sato (Enterprise)   … a poor man’s Uhura whose sole purpose was to serve as a translator for the crew since the technology for the Universal Translator hadn’t been invented yet. Like many of the characters at the bottom of this list, Rick Berman and Brannon Braga were unable to flesh Sato out beyond her basic premise.

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36. Neelix (Voyager) And now for the “Voyager” portion of our list, starting with the ship’s mohawked chef. He never fit into the show’s plots, leaving him to spout dumb food jokes and platitudes of optimism to the weary crew.

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35. B’Elanna Torres (Voyager) Next we have the Human/Klingon hybrid lieutenant, whose entire personality too often boiled down to her being a hothead. In truth, she seemed to be designed as a mix of Worf and Tasha, but failed to even come close to being as memorable as either of them.

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34. Chakotay (Voyager) Another character that the writers ran out of material for. At best, Captain Janeway’s right hand man was a dull character. At worst, the attempts to honor Gene Roddenberry ‘s dedication to diversity by delving into Chakotay’s Native American background came off as too stereotypical.

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33. Tom Paris (Voyager) A slightly better character who had more defined relationships with other crew members, but many of the episodes that focused on him were just variations on him being the stereotypical hotshot pilot looking for a thrill.

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32. Harry Kim (Voyager) His friendship with Paris and awkward conversations with Seven-of-Nine were enjoyable to watch, but other than that he tended to be just a stiff ensign who spouted technobabble.

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31. Malcolm Reed (Enterprise) The inventor of the “red alert” system. Unlike Sato and Mayweather, Reed had a bit of a character arc as he spent his time on the Enterprise coming out of his shell, but this didn’t result in Reed becoming much more than a generally affable but nondescript character.

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30. Deanna Troi (TNG) Take a shot every time this Betazoid started a sentence with the words “I sense …” Troi spent several seasons in low-neckline outfits, serving as a counselor on a ship that rarely had any real conflict. Eventually, she was given a uniform like the others and allowed to play a role in missions, but only at a very late point in the series.

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29. Jonathan Archer (Enterprise) When “Enterprise” started, Archer was an interesting captain. As Starfleet’s first man in charge, he was bound to make mistakes, and viewers enjoying seeing how he got out of them. Unfortunately, the struggle got stale quick, as he became the “prototype” captain instead of developing into a leader in his own right.

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28. T’Pol (Enterprise) Though Jolene Blalock’s acting could sometimes be as ridiculous as her fanservice outfits, the first Vulcan Starfleet officer’s slow embrace of her illogical humans was interesting to watch, as was her struggle to cope with a disease that dissolved control over her emotions. 

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27. Phlox (Enterprise) Armed with a massive grin and years of medical experience, NX-01’s Denobulan doctor is what Neelix could have been, providing both regular humor and the basis for episodes that explored his values and relationship with a human race still getting used to interacting with aliens. 

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26. Jadzia Dax (Deep Space Nine) An interesting blend of previous personalities. Over the course of six seasons, Dax showed Worf’s intensity, Kirk’s swagger, and Spock’s curiosity. Part of this is due to the fact that she’s bonded with a symbiont that has the memories of countless past lives. It’s also due to inconsistent writing, particularly after she hooked up with Worf in Season 4.

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25. Quark (DS9) The Ferengi started as the Alpha Quadrant’s amoral mafia, but DS9 began to show their capacity for courage and compassion, though they would be loath to admit it. In spite of his insistence that he’s nothing but a cowardly smuggler — and he can be that — Quark proves to be a valuable ally to Sisko when the chips are down.

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24. Tasha Yar (TNG) Oh, where to start with Tasha. She was a rather polarizing figure, with some people appreciating her status as a more involved woman on the bridge, while others thought she was rather obnoxious. She was killed off near the end of season 1, but was brought back in the episode “Yesterday’s Enterprise,” which was praised for showing Tasha’s true potential as a character while giving her a better send-off.

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23. Tuvok (Voyager) This is where the characters really get good, starting with the Voyager’s resident Vulcan. Tim Russ proved to be a worthy successor to Leonard Nimoy , portraying Tuvok as a loyal friend to Janeway and a Vulcan with a dark side beneath all the discipline and repressed emotions.

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22. Doctor (Voyager) Easily the most popular character in the “Voyager” cast, this sarcastic, overworked medical hologram won fans over with his exasperated jokes and quest for respect from the rest of the Voyager crew. His non-organic status also allowed him to bond with Seven-of-Nine

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21. Pavel Chekov (Star Trek) Several members of the original Enterprise crew were not fleshed out on paper, but became beloved thanks to brilliant acting and natural chemistry between the cast. Take Chekov, who became a fan favorite because of his loyalty to Mother Russia as well as the blood samples he was constantly asked to provide.

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20. Nyota Uhura (Trek) Though she was vastly underutilized, Uhura’s presence on the Enterprise was a big step forward for African-American women in television. After being skipped on the chain of command for years, Uhura finally got to take charge of the Enterprise during a rescue mission in the animated series.

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19. Hikaru Sulu (Trek) Like Chekhov’s Walt Koenig and Uhura’s Nichelle Nichols, the two-dimensional Sulu became legendary thanks to George Takei . For a long time, Sulu was known for being a cultured gentleman and a bare-chested fencer , but he got his big moment in the movie “Star Trek VI” as captain of the Excelsior.

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18. Seven of Nine (Voyager)   Like Uhura, Troi, and T’Pol, Seven of Nine was the fanservice character of her series, but her introduction to “Voyager” is an episode for the ages. As a former Borg unit brought to Janeway’s side, Seven continued the tradition of rounding out alien races that were once bitter Federation enemies by showing just why someone would want to be assimilated.

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17. Miles O’Brien (TNG/DS9) Midway through “TNG,” the writers realized there was value in fleshing out the Chekovs in their cast. Miles started as a seen-but-rarely-heard recurring character who eventually became a star on “DS9” thanks to episodes that transformed him into Starfleet’s quintessential everyman.

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16.  Charles “Trip” Tucker III (Enterprise) Perhaps Trip’s ranked too high, but let’s throw “Enterprise” a bone. He was the most interesting character on the show, serving as a right hand man to Archer, a lover to T’Pol, a fighter, a scholar, and ultimately, a martyr to the Federation.

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15. Julian Bashir (DS9) One of the more strongly-defined character arcs in the “Trek” canon. Bashir started the series as a cocky but inexperienced crew member who eventually developed into a mature member of the crew as the Dominion War raged on.

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14. Beverly Crusher (TNG) Unlike her son, Dr. Crusher was a popular “TNG” cast member. Not only was she a compassionate medic, she was a capable fighter and leader who even got to take command of the bridge on a couple of occasions.

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13. Kathryn Janeway (Voyager) The Voyager’s captain has become the basis for much debate among Trekkies. In addition to her character swinging from mother figure to ruthless general depending on the writer, Janeway threw away the Federation rulebook in ways that even Kirk would be shocked by as she tried to guide the Voyager back home. Say what you will, but Janeway is an interesting figure in the “Trek” canon, which is why she’s ranked so high. 

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12. Montgomery “Scotty” Scott (Trek) The miracle worker of the Enterprise treated his ship like a beloved daughter. Whether it was attacked by Romulans or Tribbles, Scotty would always make sure that his beloved ship would make it out in one piece. Unfortunately, as the new movie “Star Trek Beyond” shows, Scotty’s counterpart in the reboot universe can’t say the same about his Enterprise.

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11. Geordi La Forge (TNG) The Enterprise-D’s sweet engineer would often insist that some engineering marvel that would save the day is impossible, only to do it in minutes when pressed. His finest moments as a character came when he helped Data learn how to be more human, often to mixed results.

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10. Kira Nerys (DS9) While “Trek” tackled many philosophical topics, religion was not one of them for a long time. Kira changed that, along with many other things. A firm believer in the Prophets and in terror tactics, Kira’s tough past on Bajor caused her to lock horns with the lofty ideals of the Federation members she had to work with on DS9.

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9. Worf (TNG/DS9) The Klingon lieutenant started the trend of turning enemies from past series into complex characters who became vital Starfleet crew members despite cultural differences. Worf has had more appearances and story arcs than almost any other “Trek” character, including rising through Starfleet’s ranks, joining the DS9 crew, becoming a father, and preventing a civil war on his homeworld.

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8. Odo (DS9) One of the most powerful twists for any “Trek” character came in “DS9,” when Odo discovered that he was a member of the race that leads the Dominion. Sisko’s number one was forced to choose a side: his race or the people they wished to exterminate. In the end, there’s only one reason he stays with the Federation: his deep love for Kira.

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7. Benjamin Sisko (DS9) Commander of Deep Space Nine, Captain of the Defiant, and one of the most conflicted characters in “Trek” history. Sisko proved to be a truly fearsome captain, but gained that reputation through brutal actions that compromised his ideals. His internal conflict was a driving component behind DS9’s deconstruction of Gene Roddenberry ‘s utopia through war and racial conflict.

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6. Leonard “Bones” McCoy (Trek) While he wasn’t as fleshed out as Kirk or Spock, Bones didn’t need to be. DeForest Kelley’s sardonic delivery worked perfectly with both the Captain and the Vulcan, as he served as the voice of reason to keep them both level.

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5. William Riker (TNG) Number One started out as a rehash of Kirk, right down to the cocky smirk. Then came the beard, and with it a fierce sense of duty and undying loyalty to Picard. Both were put to the ultimate test in “Best of Both Worlds,” when he uttered the words that became one of the most famous cliffhangers in TV history: “Mr. Worf … FIRE.”

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4. Data (TNG) The funniest and most thought-provoking supporting crew member ever. Data’s overly analytical approach to human minutae made him a charming android, and his status as a sentient A.I. gave birth to “Measure of a Man,” one of the franchise’s most important contributions to sci-fi.

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3. James T. Kirk (Trek) The original captain, whose appeal hasn’t waned in the slightest over the past five decades. Kirk is the perfect mix of geek and space cowboy, serving as a sort of John Wayne figure for the sci-fi crowd. 

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2. Spock (Trek) “Trek” has built its legacy on alien outsiders making observations about the human race. That began with Spock, whose Vulcan blood put him outside of our species while his human blood kept him tethered to it. From his pointy ears came endless ruminations on the nature of humanity and whether we will overcome our differences and reach the stars together.

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1. Jean-Luc Picard (“TNG”) Yep, we’re planting our flag firmly in the Frenchman’s territory when it comes to the “Best Captain” debate. If Spock began the “Trek” philosophizing, Picard perfected it. He is a diplomat and a scholar, and remains so despite suffering torture and countless near-death situations. He is the embodiment of the intellect-over-brutality ideal that “Star Trek” built its legacy on.

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Anton Yelchin and Walter Koenig, who deserve all the love, both as Pavel Chekov

40 (Okay, 40+) Best ‘Star Trek’ Characters Ever

Image of Rebecca Oliver Kaplan

I love Star Trek and am not shy about shouting that fact at the top of my lungs. (Hopefully, Klingons would be proud.) So, believe me when I say how difficult it was to whittle my list of best franchise characters down to only 40 (well, 40-ish, as some entries include more than one).

Because of the difficulty of this task, I’m the first to admit that many notable fan favorites don’t appear on this 40 best Star Trek characters list, but that doesn’t mean I don’t love them.

42. T’Pol ( Star Trek: Enterprise )

T'Pol in Starfleet uniform

As the first Vulcan to serve in Starfleet , T’Pol (Jolene Blalock) paved the way for Sarek’s children, Spock and Michael Burnham, to serve on human vessels. One night, while dining with Jonathan Archer and Trip Tucker onboard the Enterprise NX-01, she tells the two Starfleet officers a story about Vulcans, including her second foremother, T’Mir, who crash-landed on Earth in 1957 and lived in Carbon Creek, PA. If true, the first contact between Vulcan and Earth actually happened much sooner than the date officially celebrated.

41. Neelix ( Star Trek: Voyager )

Neelix (Ethan Phillips) feeds Captain Janeway (Kate Mulgrew)

Neelix (Ethan Phillips) has the most important job to do onboard the U.S.S. Voyager , keeping everyone fed.

40. Grilka ( Star Trek: Deep Space Nine )

Grilka (Mary Kay Adams)

Grilka (Mary Kay Adams) is one of a few Klingon women in charge of her house in a predominantly male-dominated society. Although the character only appeared in two episodes of Deep Space Nine , she inspired High Chancellor L’Rell, according to Mary Chieffo herself.

39. Elnor ( Star Trek: Picard )

Evan Evagora as Elnor

No Star Trek list would be complete without the addition of a sexy sword guy. In Picard , Elnor (Evan Evagora) joins Tasha Yar and Jadzia Dax in the done dirty on the Black Mountain shortlist.

38. Mirror Philippa Georgiou ( Star Trek: Discovery )

Pictured (l-r): Michelle Yeoh as Captain Philippa Georgiou; Chris Obi as T'Kuvma.

Mirror Georgiou (Michelle Yeoh) can kick so high that she could have been a can-can dancer, not a ruthless empress. And when she teams up with prime universe Burnham, her moves get even better.

37. Captain Angel ( Star Trek: Strange New Worlds )

Jesse James Keitel as Captain Angel in Star Trek: Discovery

The Serene Squall ‘s Captain Angel, played by trans actor Jesse James Keitel, not only brings Spock’s emotional brother Sybok back into the Star Trek Universe but also shows that being trans doesn’t mean you have to be good .

36. Seven of Nine ( VOY / PIC )

Seven of Nine (Jeri Ryan) and Rafi (Michelle Hurd) kiss in Star Trek: Picard

Always intended to be a queer character, per behind-the-scenes conversations , Seven of Nine (Jeri Ryan) finally came into her sexuality when she started a romance with Raffi in Picard . Originally, Seven’s return was going to be complicated by the return of her Voyager love interest, Chakotay (Robert Beltran), but luckily, that storyline fell through when Beltran declined to return to his role.

35. Rok-Tahk ( Star Trek: Prodigy )

Rok-Tahk, Zero, and Surf of Star Trek: Prodigy

Rok-Tahk (Rylee Alazraqui) is a Brikar, an alien species originating in the Beta canon (dope!). A whiz kid in science and mathematics, the young Brikarian is a great role model, showing young girls that STEM is cool and inspiring the next generation of Star Trek fans .

34. Mae Jemison ( Star Trek: The Next Generation )

Mae Jamison

Real-life hero, NASA astronaut, and engineer Dr. Mae C. Jemison was the first Black woman to travel to space when she served as a mission specialist aboard the Space Shuttle Endeavor in 1992. On more than one occasion, Jemison has been open about being inspired to become an astronaut after seeing Nichelle Nichols as Nyota Uhura in Star Trek: The Original Series. A few years after her historic space flight, the astronaut appeared in the Star Trek: The Next Generation season 6 episode “Second Chances.”

Honorable Mentions: Captain James T. Kirk actor William Shatner has also gone to space, and the overlook effect changed his whole perspective on life , as well as astronaut Katya Echazarreta, another real-life hero citing Star Trek as part of what inspired her to start a flagship program for South American youth hoping to go to space, according to a Comics Beat interview .

33. Kathryn Janeway ( VOY / PRO )

Vice Admiral Kathryn Janeway sips a hot beverage

Star Trek’ s first female captain. ‘Nuff said.

32. Hoshi Sato ( ENT )

Linda Park as Hoshi Sato

Hoshi Sato (Linda Park) is such a badass in linguistics and language that even communications genius Nyota Uhura cites her as a hero. Sato, who, in a fit of delirium, bypasses all of the Enterprise NX-01’s security codes, stating mathematics is just another language.

31. D’Vana Tendi ( Star Trek: Lower Decks )

Beckett Mariner, D'Vana Tendi, and T'lyn in a Orion bar

We don’t blame D’Beckett Mariner for having a crush on D’Vana Tendi (Noël Wells), ex-Mistress of the Winter Constellations. As the first Orion to join Starfleet, Tendi has overcome her fair share of obstacles to get placed in the Science Officer training program, including the prejudices of her fellow crew.

30.* Top Dog Noonien Singhs ( TOS / SNW )

Ricardo Montalbán as Khan and Christina Chong as La'An

All I’m going to say is I would bet a whole crate full of gold-pressed latinum Khan Noonien Singh (Ricardo Montalbán) would prevail against Darth Vader. Plus, Khan’s ancestors are way more compelling: give me La’An (Christina Chong) over Luke any day; after all, she can sing and kick ass.

29. Agnes Jurati ( PIC )

Agnes Jurati (Alison Pill) singing Pat Benatar in a red dress

Agnes Jurati (Alison Pill) has one of Star Trek ‘s most satisfying character arcs—from a Daystrom Institute lackey to an ascended leader of the Jurati collective. I’d karaoke Pat Benatar with Jurati any day of the week ( Star Trek Musical, Part 2?).

28. Christine Chapel ( TOS / SNW)

Nurse Chapel actors Jess Bush and Majel Barrett-Roddenberry

Always an understated badass in Star Trek: The Original Series , Christine Chapel (originated by Majel Barrett-Roddenberry, now played by Jess Bush) finally came into her own in SNW .

27. Worf ( TNG / DS9 / PIC )

Jonathan Drakes as William Rider and Michael Dorn as Worf, son Mogh

Worf (Michael Dorn) might be the worst father in Starfleet, but he’s a damn fine Klingon warrior, security officer, captain, ambassador, and husband to Jadzia Dax.

26. Charles Tucker III ( ENT )

Trip Tucker (Connor Trinneer) gets pregnant

Trip Tucker (Connor Trinneer), whom I fondly call “Florida Man” because of where he is from, serves as Chief Engineer aboard the Enterprise NX-01, fielding all the poop questions sent in by Earth’s children.

25. Pavel Chekov ( TOS )

Anton Yelchin and Walter Koenig, who deserve all the love, both as Pavel Chekov

It might not seem like it now, but it was a big deal when TOS introduced Russian navigator Pavel Chekov, originally played by Walter Koenig, who also wrote one of the best Star Trek: The Animated Series episodes, “The Infinite Vulcan.” In Picard , we learn that Chekov’s son “Anton,” named after the late actor Anton Yelchin, who played the character in the Kelvin universe, also serves in Starfleet.

24. Michael Burnham ( Star Trek: Discovery )

Mia Kirshner as Amanda Grayson, Sonequa Martin-Green as Michael Burnham, and James Frain as Sarek in Star Trek: Discovery.

The first leading Black woman captain says on the Star Trek: Discovery season 2 commentary that her appearance in the role has actually changed the minds of racists. ‘Nuff said.

23. Katrina Cornwell ( DISCO )

Jayne Brook as Admiral Cornwell in season 2, episode 14, "Such Sweet Sorrow, Part 2"

Sometimes it seems like Starfleet is full of badmirals, not Admiral Cornwell (Jayne Brook), who has the difficult task of leading the Federation through a war with the Klingons.

22. Harry Kim ( VOY )

Garrett Wang as Harry Kim; Kim is playing an instrument

Ensign Harry Kim (Garrett Wang) deserves all the promotions he was never given. GIVE US MORE KIM! Live logs and proper, Captain Kim.

21. Nyota Uhura ( TOS / SNW )

Three Uhuras

Nyota Uhura’s (Nichelle Nichols) role in TOS significantly impacted the number of Black women entering STEM. In fact, it had such an impact that when the actress considered leaving the series, Martin Luther King begged her to reconsider. Today, Nichols’ legacy is being honored by a trailblazing Black queer actress, Celia Rose Gooding, in SNW .

For fans of J.J. Abrams’ movies, a third triple threat joins the two triple threats: Zoe Saldana, who does a superb job playing Uhura in the Kelvin Universe.

20. Borg Queens ( VOY / PIC / LDS )

Borg Queen actors (L-R): Susanna Thompson, Alice Krige, Annie Wersching, and Jane Seymour

What’s better than one Borg Queen? All Borg Queens, whether it’s Jane Seymour, Alice Krige, Susanna Thompson, or Annie Wersching.

19. Lwaxana Troi ( TNG / DS9 )

Captain Picard (Sir Patrick Stewart) and Lwaxana Troi (Majel Barrett-Roddenberry)

Deanna Troi’s mother, Lwaxana (Majel Barrett-Roddenberry), loves hard-to-get men like most Betazoids. But she doesn’t need a man to feel sexy; sometimes, a puddle is enough.

18. Raffi Musiker ( PIC )

Michelle Hurd as Raffi

To celebrate Raffi’s sobriety NA-style: Happy Birthday, Raffi (Michelle Hurd)! As the second sober woman of Star Trek after T’Pol’s brush with addiction in ENT, she’s the living embodiment of why not to judge a book by its cover.

17. Dr. T’Ana ( LDS )

Doctor T'Ana saws off a foot in Lower Decks

The furry fandom finally got a well-developed character to love when Star Trek: Lower Decks ‘ introduced the Caitian Chief Medical Officer, Dr. T’Ana (Gillian Vigman), to the franchise. Meow!

16. Geordi La Forge ( TNG / PIC )

LeVar Burton as Commodore Geordi La Forge in Star Trek: Picard episode 306, "The Bounty"

There are a lot of bad dads on this list. Not Geordi La Forge (LeVar Burton); he’s a good dad to Sidney and Alandra. In Picard , we learn Geordi has been promoted to commodore, a rank fitting the engineering genius who inspired Captain Shaw.

15. Dr. Julian Bashir ( DS9 )

Bashir and Garak toast

“It ain’t easy being an augment” should be Julian Bashir’s (Alexander Siddig, who was originally considered to play Captain Ben Sisko) catchphrase. Fortunately, he has BFF Chief Miles O’Brien and his bisexual lover Garak.

14.* Star Trek: Discovery ‘s Queer Fam

Ian Alexander as Gray, Blu del Barrio as Adira, Anthony Rapp as Stamets, David Cronenberg as Kovich, Doug Jones as Saru and Wilson Cruz as Culber of the Paramount+ original series STAR TREK: DISCOVERY.

Gay icons Wilson Cruz and Anthony Rapp made history as Star Trek ‘s first major queer couple, Doctor Hugh Culber and Paul Stamets, respectively. After the couple’s GLAAD Award-winning debut, the couple adopt two more members into Star Trek: Discovery ’s queer family: Adira and Gray Tal.

13.* All Known Jeffrey Combs Characters

Jeffrey Combs in Star Trek as Weyoun, Brunt, Sharon, and AGIMUS

Andorian Imperial Guard Commander Thy’lek Shran, played by Star Trek all-star Jeffrey Combs, is significant in strengthening ties between Andoria and Earth. No list would be complete without Shran, IMO, but the list of important characters played by Combs is out of this world. It includes Brunt, a liquidator for the Ferengi Commerce Authority; the Weyoun clones, all instrumental in the Dominion-Federation war; and AGIMUS, a sentient supercomputer who tricked a planet into fighting a century-long civil war and dated Peanut Hamper.

12. Katrina Cornwell ( DISCO )

11.* tribbles ( tos / ds9 / disco ).

Tribbles in Star Trek: The Original Series, Star Trek: Short Treks, and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

One of the most reproductive species in the galaxy was presented in an all-new light in the first season of Star Trek: Discovery. What the heck is Captain Gabriel Lorca doing with a Tribble on his desk? How does one use a Tribble recreationally?

Honorable Mention: Moopsy !

10. Guinan ( TNG / PIC )

Ito Aghayere and Whoopi Goldberg as Guinan

“My name is Guinan. I tend bar, and I listen.” Yup, hailing from a species of listeners, the El-Aurian confidant of Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the rest of the U.S.S. Enterprise-D crew is the bartender we all wish we had—even Mark Twain valued her advice.

9. Harcourt Fenton Mudd ( TOS / DISCO )

Harry Mudd in TOS and DISCO

Rainn Wilson’s agent, thank you for persistently getting your client cast as Harry Mudd. Star Trek was funny long before LDS . Watch Mudd kill Lorca while eating a cheeseburger in DISCO season 1, episode 7, “Magic to Make the Sanest Mad,” if you don’t believe me.

8. Mr. Saru ( DISCO )

Doug Jones as Saru and Tara Rosling as T’Rina of the Paramount+ original series STAR TREK: DISCOVERY.

Saru (Doug Jones) is the first Kelpian to receive Starfleet’s Medal of Honor. He also speaks 94 languages!

7. Queen Grudge

Queen Grudge the cat of Star Trek: Discovery

Partnered with courier Cleveland “Book” Booker, Queen Grudge is a Maine Coon, the largest domestic cat breed and one of the oldest bred cats in North America.

Honorable Mention: Spot, the OG Star Trek cat.

6. Erica Ortegas

Christina Chong as La’an, Melissa Navia as Ortegas and Babs Olusanmokun as Dr. M’Benga appearing in episode 204 “Among The Lotus Eaters” of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

M’Ortegas! The badass captain of Pike’s Enterprise deserves more away missions, and NOW!

5. Ensign Walking Bear

Ensign Walking Bear

Ensign Walking Bear (James Doohan) is a descendant of the Comanche. Russell Bates, a member of the Kiowa tribe, wrote the character.

4. T’Lyn ( LDS )

Gabrielle Ruiz as T'Lyn in episode 5, season 4 of Lower Decks

T’Lyn (Gabrielle Ruiz) continues the tradition of sarcastically humorous Vulcans.

3. Christopher Pike ( TOS / SNW )

Anson Mount as Pike in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

“You have really beautiful nail beds,” Sylvia Tilly tells Captain Pike the first time she meets him, which, to me, sums up how we all want to greet the man.

2. Jett Reno ( DISCO )

Tig Notaro as Chief Engineer Reno of the CBS All Access series STAR TREK: DISCOVERY.

Engineer Jett Reno, played by long-time Alex Kurtzman friend Tig Notaro, is the Han Solo of the Star Trek franchise. ‘Nuff said.

1. Dal R’El ( PRO )

Dal R'El and Hologram Janeway hug in Star Trek: Prodigy

Dal (Brett Gray) is the most snubbed captain in Star Trek, especially now that Paramount Pictures has eradicated Star Trek: Prodigy . As an augment accepted into the ranks of Starfleet, it’s especially sad that we may never see this storyline continue. 

Check out Gray’s music if you can’t get enough of this captain. Oh, and be sure to write to Paramount to complain. Go Trekkies, thanks for making Bjo Trimble proud.

(featured image: Paramount Pictures/CBS)

Emma D'Arcy as Rhaenyra in 'House of The Dragon' 2.07

Memory Alpha

Regular cast characters by rank

This page is a list of characters played by the regular cast from the Star Trek series and films .

  • 1.1 Starfleet
  • 1.2 Bajoran Militia
  • 1.3 Vulcan High Command
  • 2.1 Starfleet
  • 2.2 Bajoran
  • 2.3 Klingon
  • 2.4.1 Starfleet
  • 2.4.2 Klingon/Cardassian Alliance
  • 2.4.4 Terran Rebellion

By first appearance [ ]

Characters listed by rank or title, at first appearance (or earliest known appearance holding a rank or title)

  • Wesley Crusher
  • Seven of Nine

Starfleet [ ]

  • James T. Kirk
  • Jean-Luc Picard
  • Kathryn Janeway
  • Jonathan Archer
  • Gabriel Lorca
  • Christopher Pike
  • Carol Freeman
  • William T. Riker

Picard later remembered in " The Best of Both Worlds " that Riker was a lieutenant commander during this episode, despite wearing commander insignia.

  • Chakotay (provisional)
  • Beverly Crusher
  • Katherine Pulaski
  • Benjamin Sisko
  • Charles Tucker III
  • Michael Burnham
  • Jack Ransom
  • Leonard McCoy
  • Montgomery Scott
  • Deanna Troi
  • Hugh Culber
  • Hikaru Sulu
  • Natasha Yar

Tuvok was mistakenly assigned lieutenant commander insignia, but the mistake was corrected during VOY Season 1 .

  • Malcolm Reed
  • Paul Stamets
  • Geordi La Forge
  • Julian Bashir

Paris was mistakenly assigned lieutenant insignia, but the mistake was corrected during VOY Season 1 .

  • B'Elanna Torres (provisional)
  • Brad Boimler
  • Pavel Chekov
  • Travis Mayweather
  • Hoshi Sato *
  • Christine Chapel
  • Beckett Mariner
  • Sam Rutherford
  • D'Vana Tendi
  • Miles O'Brien

Bajoran Militia [ ]

Vulcan high command [ ], by latest appearance or highest rank [ ].

  • Jonathan Archer *
  • Leonard McCoy *
  • Jean-Luc Picard *
  • Michael Burnham (previously stripped of Commander rank, later re-instated)
  • James T. Kirk (later demoted to captain )
  • Data (acting captain during "Gambit")
  • Christopher Pike (styled " fleet captain ")
  • Janice Rand
  • Jadzia Dax (position of captain of the Defiant ; however, still rank of Lt. Cmdr. as explained in "Behind the Lines")
  • Beckett Mariner (promoted, then later demoted back to ensign in " Moist Vessel ")
  • Tom Paris (demoted to ensign, later promoted back to lieutenant junior grade)
  • Granted acting officer commission by Picard.

Bajoran [ ]

Klingon [ ], in alternate realities [ ].

  • Quark / Quark

Seven was disguised as a Starfleet officer in " Relativity ".

  • Phlox / Phlox
  • William T. Riker (" All Good Things... ")
  • Jonathan Archer (" In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II ")

The mirror Archer achieved the rank of captain twice, both times he gave himself a field promotion during acts of mutiny .

  • T'Pol (" Twilight ")
  • Charles Tucker III ("Twilight")
  • Malcolm Reed ("Twilight")
  • James T. Kirk (" Mirror, Mirror ")

Picard never reached higher rank in alternate realities, but he was portrayed as an admiral in Barash 's holograms .

  • Chakotay (" Before and After ")
  • Geordi La Forge (" Timeless ")
  • Beverly Crusher ("All Good Things...")
  • Harry Kim (" Endgame ")
  • Spock ("Mirror, Mirror")
  • Tuvok ("Before and After")
  • Worf (" Parallels ")
  • Jadzia Dax (" The Visitor ")
  • Julian Bashir ("The Visitor")
  • T'Pol ("In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II)
  • Montgomery Scott ("Mirror, Mirror")
  • Leonard McCoy ("Mirror, Mirror")
  • Tom Paris ("Before and After")
  • Wesley Crusher ("Parallels")
  • Hoshi Sato ("In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II"; possibly made empress )
  • Hikaru Sulu ("Mirror, Mirror)
  • B'Elanna Torres *
  • Pavel Chekov ("Mirror, Mirror")
  • Neelix (" Year of Hell, Part II ")

Klingon/Cardassian Alliance [ ]

  • Travis Mayweather ("In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II")

Terran Rebellion [ ]

  • 1 Bell Riots
  • 3 Daniels (Crewman)

‘Star Trek’: Photos Of The Original Cast

‘Star Trek’ and its follow ups were very popular television series and films. See pics of the original cast here.

‘Star Trek”s Original Cast

Nichelle Nichols, Leonard Nimoy, Deforest Kelley, and William Shatner make up the original cast of ‘Star Trek’ which premiered in 1966. The original television series lasted from 1966 until 1969 and went on to have a number of follow up series and films. Some of the original stars were featured in some of them while new stars were also added.

‘Star Trek’ was considered a science-fiction television series and was created by Gene Roddenberry. The fictional show followed the starship USS Enterprise and its crew and featured epic stars like William Shatner, Nichelle Nichols, and Leonard Nimoy.

The follow ups included ‘Star Trek: Next Generation,’ ‘Star Trek: The Animated Series,’ ‘Star Trek: Deep Space Nine,’ and films like ‘Star Trek: The Motion Picture,’ ‘Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan,’ ‘Star Trek III: The Search for Spock,’ and more.

Click through the gallery to see the original cast of the first ‘Star Trek’ television series from the 1960s.

William Shatner as Captain Kirk

William Shatner played James T. Kirk, commanding officer of the USS Enterprise. Here he is posing in front of a space scene. 

Nichelle Nichols as Nyota Uhura

Nichelle Nichols played Nyota Uhura, communications officer. Here she is posing in her iconic red outfit.

Leonard Nimoy as Spock

Leonard Nimoy played Spock, first officer and science officer. He was known for his famous hand greeting. 

Deforest Kelley as Leonard McCoy

Deforest Kelley played Leonard McCoy, chief medical officer. Her he is posing in his light blue outfit.

Leonard Nimoy, Jeffrey Hunter, and Majel Barrett in the series

Leonard Nimoy, Jeffrey Hunter, and Majel Barrett in a ‘Star Trek’ scene. They were on the starship.

George Takei and Walter Koenig on set

George Takei as Hikaru Sulu, helmsman and Walter Koenig as Pavel Chekov, navigator and security/tactical officer. Here they posed on the set of the series. 

William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy in the show

William Shatner as James T. Kirk and Leonard Nimoy as Spock. They were iconic characters in ‘Star Trek.’

Nichelle Nichols and William Shatner get close during a scene

Nichelle Nichols as Nyota Uhura and William Shatner as James T. Kirk. They got cozy on the show.

Arlene Martel and Leonard Nimoy in action

Arlene Martel and Leonard Nimoy in a scene. It appeared to be a serious moment between the two.

Leonard Nimoy in all his Spock glory

Leonard Nimoy as Spock. He showed off his famous hairstyle that many fans would try to replicate over the years.

Susan Oliver in makeup

Susan Oliver as Vina. Her aqua makeup was on point!

Grace Lee Whitney in the show

Grace Lee Whitney as Janice Rand. She made a lasting impression in the show.

Leonard Nimoy and Jeffrey Hunter in a dramatic-filled scene

Leonard Nimoy and Jeffrey Hunter as Christopher Pike. They appeared to be discussing something intense.

William Shatner, George Takei, and Deforest Kelley on an episode

William Shatner, George Takei, and Deforest Kelley in a scene. They were having a discussion on and off a balcony.

Meet the Star Trek characters from the Original Series to Strange New Worlds

Journey through the stars: get to know the diverse star trek characters.

by Christian Saclao June 26, 2023, 11:42 pm

Star Trek characters

Star Trek has been around for over 50 years so it’s no surprise that it has introduced a lot of compelling characters who have left an indelible mark on popular culture. If you’re new to the universe created by Gene Roddenberry   and want to meet all those Star Trek  icons in a flash, one of the quickest ways is to read this article. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll introduce you to some of the legendary characters from each Star Trek TV series, starting from  The Original Series   to the latest  Star Trek s series,  Strange New Worlds .

Star Trek: The Original Series main characters (1966-1969)

Star Trek: The Original Series main characters

Set in the 23rd century, The Original Series  follows the adventures of the starship USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) and its crew. The three-season show features the following characters.

  • Captain James T. Kirk  (William Shatner) is the commanding officer of the USS Enterprise. Captain Kirk is a brilliant tactician and a skilled diplomat. He is also known for his charisma and his sense of adventure.
  • Spock  (Leonard Nimoy) is the first officer of the Enterprise. He is a half-human, half-Vulcan, which gives him a unique perspective on the galaxy. He is also a highly skilled scientist and a brilliant strategist.
  • Leonard “Bones” McCoy  (DeForest Kelley) is the chief medical officer of the Enterprise. Leonard McCoy is a curmudgeonly doctor who is known for his sharp wit and his dry humor. He is also a skilled surgeon and a dedicated physician.
  • Montgomery “Scotty” Scott  (James Doohan) is the chief engineer of the Enterprise. Montgomery Scott is a brilliant engineer who is known for his Scottish accent and his love of wordplay. He is also a skilled starship builder and a dedicated Starfleet officer.
  • Nyota Uhura  (Nichelle Nichols) is the communications officer of the Enterprise. She is a skilled linguist who is fluent in over 60 languages. She is also a strong advocate for equality and justice.
  • Hikaru Sulu  (George Takei) is the helmsman of the Enterprise. He is a skilled pilot who is known for his calm demeanor and his sense of duty. He is also a dedicated Starfleet officer.
  • Pavel Chekov  (Walter Koenig) is the navigator and security officer of the Enterprise. He is a skilled navigator who is known for his quick wit and his love of adventure. He is also a dedicated Starfleet officer.
  • Christine Chapel (Majel Barrett) is the head nurse who works with Dr. McCoy aboard the Enterprise. She is always willing to go the extra mile to help her patients and often puts the needs of others before her own.

Star Trek: The Animated Series main characters (1973-1974)

Star Trek: The Animated Series main characters

The Animated Series features mostly the same Enterprise crew as  The Original Series . Here are The Original Series cast members who returned for The Animated Series as part of the voice cast:

  • William Shatner as Captain James T. Kirk
  • Leonard Nimoy as Spock
  • DeForest Kelley as Dr. Leonard “Bones” McCoy
  • James Doohan as Montgomery “Scotty” Scott
  • Nichelle Nichols  as Nyota Uhura
  • George Takei as Hikaru Sulu
  • Majel Barrett as Christine Chapel

Star Trek: The Next Generation main characters (1987-1994)

Star Trek: The Next Generation main characters

The Next Generation (TNG) is set in the latter third of the 24th century when Earth is part of the United Federation of Planets. The seven-season series follows the adventures of the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) as they explore the galaxy, particularly the Alpha quadrant in the Milky Way. TNG features the following main characters:

  • Captain Jean-Luc Picard  (Patrick Stewart) is the commanding officer of the USS Enterprise-D. He is a wise and compassionate leader who is always willing to help others.
  • William T. Riker  (Jonathan Frakes) is the first officer of the Enterprise-D. He is a loyal and capable officer who is always ready to follow Picard’s orders.
  • Data  (Brent Spiner) is an android who is the second officer of the Enterprise-D. He is a brilliant scientist and a skilled officer who is always learning and growing.
  • Geordi La Forge  (LeVar Burton) is the chief engineer of the Enterprise-D. He is a skilled engineer who is always coming up with new and innovative solutions to problems.
  • Worf  (Michael Dorn) is the security chief of the Enterprise-D. He is a Klingon warrior who is always willing to fight for what he believes in.
  • Deanna Troi  (Marina Sirtis) is the ship’s counselor. She is a half-Betazoid who is able to sense other people’s emotions. She is a wise and compassionate counselor who is always willing to help others.
  • Dr. Beverly Crusher  (Gates McFadden) is the chief medical officer of Enterprise-D. She is a skilled doctor who is always willing to help others.
  • Wesley Crusher  ( Wil Wheaton ) is the son of Beverly Crusher. He is a brilliant young man who is always eager to learn new things.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine main characters (1993–1999)

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine main characters

Also set in the 24th century,  Deep Space Nine  (DS9) centers on the eponymous space station Deep Space Nine. Unlike previous Star Trek TV series, DS9  takes place primarily in a fixed location rather than a starship. The series follows the adventures of the diverse DS9 crew and inhabitants, who are as follows:

  • Benjamin Sisko  (Avery Brooks) is the commanding officer of Deep Space Nine. He is a strong and determined leader who is always willing to do what is right.
  • Kira Nerys  (Nana Visitor) is a Bajoran resistance fighter who becomes the first officer of Deep Space Nine. She is a fierce warrior who is always willing to fight for her people.
  • Jadzia Dax  (Terry Farrell) is a Trill symbiote who is the science officer of Deep Space Nine. She is a wise and experienced officer who is always willing to help others.
  • Julian Bashir  (Alexander Siddig) is a brilliant doctor who is the chief medical officer of Deep Space Nine. He is a kind and compassionate doctor who is always willing to help his patients.
  • Jake Sisko  (Cirroc Lofton) is Benjamin Sisko’s son. He is a young man who is trying to find his place in the world.
  • Odo  (René Auberjonois) is a changeling who is the security chief of Deep Space Nine. He is a mysterious and enigmatic figure who is always keeping his own counsel.
  • Quark  (Armin Shimerman) is a Ferengi bartender who owns the bar Quark’s on Deep Space Nine. He is a shrewd businessman who is always looking for a way to make a profit.
  • Colm Meaney  (Miles O’Brien) is the station’s chief engineer of Deep Space Nine. He is also a skilled engineer who is always coming up with new and innovative solutions to problems.

Star Trek: Voyager main characters (1995-2001)

Star Trek: Voyager main characters

Voyager is a seven-season  Star Trek  series set in the 24th century. It follows the adventures of the starship USS Voyager, which is unexpectedly transported to the far reaches of the galaxy known as the Delta Quadrant. The show features the following Voyager crew:

  • Kathryn Janeway  (Kate Mulgrew) is the commanding officer of the USS Voyager. She is a strong and determined leader who is always willing to do what is right.
  • Chakotay  (Robert Beltran) is the first officer of Voyager and a former Maquis leader. He is a wise and experienced leader who is always willing to help others.
  • B’Elanna Torres  (Roxann Dawson) is the chief engineer of Voyager and a former Maquis member. She is a skilled engineer who is always coming up with new and innovative solutions to problems.
  • Tom Paris  (Robert Duncan McNeill) is the helmsman of Voyager and a former Starfleet officer. He is a charming and witty officer who is always looking for a way to have fun.
  • Kes  (Jennifer Lien) is an Ocampa nurse and medical apprentice until her departure from Voyager in 2374. She is a kind and compassionate woman who is always willing to help others.
  • Neelix  (Ethan Phillips) is the ship’s cook and morale officer. He is a quirky and eccentric man who is always looking for new ways to entertain the crew.
  • The Doctor  (Robert Picardo) is the holographic chief medical officer of Voyager. He is a brilliant doctor who is always willing to help his patients.
  • Tuvok  (Tim Russ) is the chief security/tactical officer of Voyager. He is a stoic and disciplined Vulcan who is always willing to follow orders.
  • Seven of Nine  (Jeri Ryan) is a former Borg drone who is rescued by Voyager. She is a strong and independent woman who is always learning about her human side.
  • Harry Kim  (Harry Wang)  is the Operations Officer aboard the USS Voyager. He is responsible for overseeing the ship’s systems and communications.

Star Trek: Enterprise main characters (2001-2005)

Star Trek: Enterprise main characters

Set in the 22nd century, chronologically preceding the formation of the United Federation of Planets, Enterprise follows the crew of Enterprise NX-01, Starfleet’s first starship capable of traveling at warp five. The four-season series follows the following characters:

  • Jonathan Archer  (Scott Bakula) is the commanding officer of the USS Enterprise NX-01. He is a strong and determined leader who is always willing to do what is right.
  • T’Pol  (Jolene Blalock) is the first officer of the Enterprise and a Vulcan science officer. She is a wise and experienced officer who is always willing to help others.
  • Phlox  (John Billingsley) is the chief medical officer of the Enterprise and a Denobulan doctor. He is a brilliant doctor who is always willing to help his patients.
  • Malcolm Reed  (Dominic Keating) is the chief security/tactical officer of the Enterprise. He is a skilled officer who is always willing to follow orders.
  • Travis Mayweather  (Anthony Montgomery) is the helmsman of the Enterprise. He is a skilled pilot who is always willing to take risks.
  • Hoshi Sato  (Linda Park) is the communications officer of the Enterprise. She is a talented linguist who is always willing to learn new languages.
  • Charles “Trip” Tucker III  (Connor Trinneer) is the chief engineer of the Enterprise. He is a skilled engineer who is always coming up with new and innovative solutions to problems.

Star Trek: Discovery main characters (2017-present)

Star Trek: Discovery main characters

Taking place approximately a decade before the events of The Original Series, Discovery follows the adventures of the starship USS Discovery and its crew, who are as follows:

  • Michael Burnham  (Sonequa Martin-Green): A Starfleet science specialist and the adopted sister of the original series character Spock. She is a strong and determined leader who is always willing to do what is right.
  • Saru  (Doug Jones): The first officer of the USS Discovery who becomes captain for the third season. He is a Kelpien, an alien race created for the series, who is a wise and experienced officer who is always willing to help others.
  • Paul Stamets  (Anthony Rapp): The astromycologist on the USS Discovery who is responsible for the spore drive, a new technology that allows the ship to travel faster than warp speed. He is a brilliant scientist who is always coming up with new and innovative solutions to problems.
  • Sylvia Tilly  (Mary Wiseman): The cadet who becomes a full bridge officer on the USS Discovery. She is a bright and eager young woman who is always willing to learn and grow.
  • Gabriel Lorca  (Jason Isaacs): The captain of the USS Discovery in the first season. He is a mysterious and enigmatic figure who is always keeping his own counsel.
  • Hugh Culber  (Wilson Cruz): The chief medical officer on the USS Discovery in the first season. He is a kind and compassionate doctor who is always willing to help his patients.
  • Christopher Pike  (Anson Mount): The captain of the USS Discovery in the second season. He is a strong and determined leader who is always willing to do what is right.
  • Cleveland “Book” Booker  (David Ajala): A character introduced in the third season of Star Trek: Discovery. He is a human who is a member of the Orion Syndicate. He is a skilled smuggler who is always willing to help others.
  • Nhan  (Rachael Ancheril): A character introduced in the third season of Star Trek: Discovery. She is an engineer and security officer who is a member of the Xahean species. She is a skilled warrior who is always willing to fight for what is right.
  • Jett Reno  (Tig Notaro): The chief engineer of the USS Hiawatha. She is a skilled engineer who is always coming up with new and innovative solutions to problems.
  • Adira Tal  (Blu del Barrio): A character introduced in the third season of Star Trek: Discovery. She is a Trill who is joined by the symbiote Tal. She is a kind and compassionate young woman who is always willing to help others.
  • Gray Tal  (Ian Alexander): A character introduced in the third season of Star Trek: Discovery. He is a Trill who is joined by the symbiote Gray. He is a kind and compassionate young man who is always willing to help others.

Star Trek: Picard main characters (2020-2023)

Star Trek: Picard main characters

Focusing on the iconic character Jean-Luc Picard, the series takes place approximately 20 years after the events of The Next Generation and follows the retired Starfleet admiral as he is drawn back into interstellar affairs. Check out the main characters of the series below:

  • Jean-Luc Picard  (Patrick Stewart): A retired Starfleet admiral who is now living a quiet life in his family vineyard in France. He is a wise and experienced leader who is always willing to do what is right.
  • Agnes Jurati  (Alison Pill): A scientist who is working on a project to create synthetic lifeforms. She is a brilliant scientist who is also kind and compassionate.
  • Soji Asha  (Isa Briones): A synthetic lifeform who is trying to find her place in the world. She is a kind and compassionate young woman who is also very intelligent.
  • Narek  (Harry Treadaway): A Romulan spy who is working undercover on Earth. He is a skilled spy who is also very charming.
  • Raffi Musiker  (Michelle Hurd): A former Starfleet officer who is now a private investigator. She is a tough and resourceful woman who is also very loyal.
  • Chris Rios  (Santiago Cabrera): A pilot who is working with Picard on his mission. He is a skilled pilot who is also very charming.
  • Elnor  (Evan Evagora): A young Romulan who is training to be a warrior. He is a skilled warrior who is also very loyal.
  • Seven of Nine  (Jeri Ryan): A former Borg drone who is reintroduced as a member of the Fenris Rangers, a group of vigilantes who fight against injustice, in  Picard.
  • Jack Crusher (Ed Speelers): The son of Beverly Crusher and Jean-Luc Picard.

Star Trek: Lower Decks main characters (2020-present)

Star Trek: Lower Decks main characters

Lower Decks offers a fresh and comedic take on the franchise. Unlike other Star Trek series that focuses on the senior officers or the commanding crew, Lower Decks shifts its perspective to the lower-ranking crew members serving aboard the USS Cerritos, a less prominent starship in Starfleet. The show features the following characters:

  • Beckett Mariner  (Tawny Newsome): A human ensign aboard the USS Cerritos who is the daughter of Captain Freeman. She is a talented officer who is often underestimated because of her lack of experience.
  • Brad Boimler  (Jack Quaid): A human ensign aboard the USS Cerritos who is a stickler for the rules and will need to learn how to improvise if he is to become a captain one day.
  • D’Vana Tendi  (Noel Wells): An Orion ensign in the medical bay aboard the USS Cerritos, Tendi is a big fan of Starfleet and is thrilled to be on a starship.
  • Sam Rutherford  (Eugene Cordero): A Starfleet ensign who is an engineering nerd and has a cybernetic implant.
  • Captain Carol Freeman  (Dawnn Lewis): The captain of the USS Cerritos, Freeman is a tough and experienced officer who is always willing to fight for what is right.
  • Commander Jack Ransom  (Jerry O’Connell): The first officer of the USS Cerritos, Ransom is a hard-driving officer who is always looking for ways to improve the ship.
  • Lieutenant Shaxs  (Fred Tatasciore): The tactical officer aboard the USS Cerritos, Shaxs is a skilled warrior who is always willing to fight for the crew.
  • Doctor T’Ana  (Gillian Vigman): The chief medical officer aboard the USS Cerritos, T’Ana is a no-nonsense doctor who is always willing to help her patients.

Star Trek: Prodigy main characters (2021-present)

Star Trek: Prodigy main characters

Specifically targeted towards a younger audience,  Prodigy follows a group of diverse and resourceful teenagers who find themselves aboard an abandoned starship in the Delta Quadrant. With the help of a holographic guide of the legendary Starfleet officer Captain Kathryn Janeway, the young protagonists embark on a thrilling adventure, navigating the ship and its advanced technology while unraveling the mysteries of the cosmos. Meet the show’s main cast below:

  • Dal  (Brett Gray): A 17-year-old human who is the leader of the group. He is a maverick who is always willing to take risks. (voiced by Brett Gray)
  • Zero  (Angus Imrie): A Medusan, a noncorporeal, genderless, energy-based lifeform. They are a wise and mysterious being who is always willing to help others. (voiced by Angus Imrie)
  • Jankom Pog  (Jason Mantzoukas): A 16-year-old Tellarite who is the comic relief of the group. He is a bit of a troublemaker, but he is also a loyal friend. (voiced by Jason Mantzoukas)
  • Gwyn  (Ella Purnell): A 17-year-old Vau N’Akat who is the engineer of the group. She is a brilliant engineer who is always willing to help others. (voiced by Ella Purnell)
  • Murf  (Dee Bradley Baker): An unknown species that is the pet of the group. They are a mischievous blob who is always getting into trouble. (voiced by Dee Bradley Baker)
  • Rok-Tahk (Rylee Alazraqu): A Brikarian female who is an enthusiastic and compassionate individual. She is also a skilled xenobiologist and is fascinated by all life forms.
  • Drednok  (Jimmi Simpson): A sentient android who serves as the right-hand man of The Diviner. He is a ruthless and cruel being who is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve his goals.
  • The Diviner (John Noble): The main antagonist of the first season of Prodigy . He is a Vau N’Akat, a species of insectoid aliens who are native to the Delta Quadrant. He is a ruthless and manipulative being who is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve his goals.
  • Hologram Captain Kathryn Janeway  (Kate Mulgrew): Kathryn Janeway’s holographic representation.

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds main characters (2022-present)

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds main characters

A spinoff from Discovery, Strange New Worlds focuses on the adventures of the USS Enterprise in the decade before Captain James T. Kirk assumes command of the starship. The series features the following characters:

  • Christopher Pike  (Anson Mount): The captain of the USS Enterprise. He is a wise and experienced leader who is always willing to help others.
  • Spock  (Ethan Peck): The science officer of the USS Enterprise. He is a Vulcan who is known for his logic and his ability to solve problems.
  • Una Chin-Riley  (Rebecca Romijn): The first officer of the USS Enterprise. She is an Illyrian who is known for her intelligence and her loyalty to Starfleet.
  • Christine Chapel  (Jess Bush): The nurse of the USS Enterprise. She is a kind and compassionate individual who is always willing to help others.
  • La’an Noonien-Singh  (Christina Chong): The chief security officer of the USS Enterprise. She is a human Starfleet officer who is known for her strength and her skills in combat.
  • Nyota Uhura  (Celia Rose Gooding): The communications officer of the USS Enterprise. She is a human who is known for her intelligence and her ability to speak multiple languages.
  • Erica Ortegas  (Melissa Navia): The helmsman of the USS Enterprise. She is a human who is known for her skills in piloting and her sense of humor.
  • Joseph M’Benga  (Babs Olusanmokun): The doctor of the USS Enterprise. He is a human who is known for his compassion and his ability to heal others.
  • Hemmer  (Bruce Horak): The chief engineer of the USS Enterprise. He is an Aenar who is known for his intelligence and his ability to fix anything.

Sources: StarTrek.com , Paramount Plus

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The 25+ Greatest Klingon Characters


Vote up your favorite Klingon characters from the Star Trek franchise.

The galaxy of Star Trek is filled with compelling stories and characters, but few races stand out like the Klingons. The Klingon characters have been a cornerstone of the franchise, with their fierce honor and warrior ethos endearing them to fans. From their first introduction in the original series to their in-depth development in subsequent TV shows and movies, these characters consistently capture our imaginations.

The wealth of Klingon characters in  Star Trek spans from legendary warriors to cunning tacticians, each bringing something unique. Among these characters are some of the best examples of Klingon culture, whether political intrigue, fierce loyalty, or personal redemption. Klingon women, for instance, challenge traditional gender roles within the Klingon society. Each character’s narrative contributes to a greater understanding of what it means to be a Klingon.

Take Worf, for example, perhaps the most renowned Klingon character in  Star Trek history. As a Starfleet officer who grapples with his Klingon heritage, Worf’s journey is one of the most intricate and admired. Chancellor Martok, with his unwavering loyalty and leadership, embodies the political and military might of the Klingon Empire. Then there’s Kor, a character whose warrior spirit and storied past provide a view of the Klingon legacy. These characters exemplify the best of Klingon society, making them indispensable to the  Star Trek universe.

Ultimately, the best Klingon characters are more than just warriors; they’re figures whose stories of honor, conflict, and camaraderie resonate with us. Whether it’s the struggle of a Klingon torn between two worlds or the ancient warrior’s pursuit of glory, their tales continue to inspire us, ensuring their place in the annals of science fiction history. Vote for your favorite Klingon character, and let your choice boldly go where no vote has gone before!


What makes this character great:

  • Rank of Lieutenant Commander
  • Serious personality
  • Appears In : Star Trek: The Next Generation


  • Chancellor of the Klingon Empire
  • Close friends with Worf
  • Appears In : Star Trek


  • Skilled warrior
  • Respected leader


  • Chancellor of the Klingon High Council
  • Defeated by Worf
  • Reinstated the House of Mogh


  • Friends with Kor, Koloth, and Curzon Dax
  • Pledged a blood oath


  • Member of Klingon High Council
  • Became Rodek
  • Fought in the Klingon Civil War



  • Human and Klingon ancestry
  • Mother of Alexander Rozhenko


  • Commander of a Klingon Bird-of-Prey
  • Tried to ambush the The Enterprise
  • Battled Kirk
  • Appears In : Star Trek III: The Search for Spock


  • Leader of the House of Grilka
  • Visited Deep Space 9
  • Married Quark

Duras sisters

Duras sisters

  • Captured Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge
  • Fought against the Empire
  • Members of the The House of Duras


  • Loves Shakespeare
  • Tried to frame Captain James T. Kirk for the assassination of Chancellor Gorkon
  • Appears In : Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country


  • The first Warrior King and Emperor of the Klingon Empire
  • United all tribes
  • His legacy is passed down from generation to generation


  • Powerful warrior
  • Dahar master
  • Honored with a statue in the Hall of Heroes

B'Elanna Torres

B'Elanna Torres

  • Klingon-Human hybrid
  • Served on the Federation starship USS Voyager
  • Friends with Chakotay
  • Appears In : Star Trek: Voyager


  • Inspired the naming of the USS Gorkon
  • Promoted peace



  • Longest-serving Klingon Chancellor of the Klingon High Council
  • Named Jean-Luc Picard as the Arbiter of Succession
  • Great warrior in his younger days

Colonel Worf

Colonel Worf

  • Skilled attorney
  • Represented Captain James T. Kirk and Dr. Leonard McCoy
  • Unmasked a disguised Klingon sniper


  • Officer in the Klingon Defense Force
  • Became friendly with Riker
  • Served on the IKS Pagh


  • Father of Worf and Kurn
  • Ally of Huraga's House
  • Followed Ja'rod to Khitomer



  • Helped to start the Klingon Civil War
  • Sold bilitrium to Bajoran Kohn-Ma terrorists
  • Loyal to her sister
  • Appears In : Star Trek Generations

Alexander Rozhenko

Alexander Rozhenko

  • A weapons officer
  • Member of the House of Mogh and the House of Martok
  • Enjoys jazz


  • A mercenary
  • Hired by Verad
  • Distrusted the Federation

Duras, son of Ja'rod

Duras, son of Ja'rod

  • Leader of the House of Duras
  • Was a member of the Klingon High Council
  • Desired the chancellorship

Arne Darvin

Arne Darvin

  • An intelligence officer
  • Poisoned a shipment of quadrotriticale grain
  • Used the Orb of Time


  • Captain of I.K.C. Amar


  • A Klingon warrior
  • Member of the House of Duras
  • Attempted to take over the Klingon Empire
  • Star Trek Universe
  • Fictional Characters

Live long, and prosper.

Interesting Characters

pics of star trek characters

New Star Trek Series Starts Filming With BTS Photos Featuring New & Returning Cast Members

  • Star Trek: Starfleet Academy features a mix of new and familiar faces, including stars from previous series.
  • Production has officially begun on the upcoming Paramount+ series, as revealed by new set photos.
  • A new generation of cadets will navigate life and professional challenges, offering a more optimistic journey compared to other Star Trek shows.

Newcomers and familiar faces come together in a new photo to kick off the production of the next Star Trek series, Starfleet Academy . While Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 3 is on the way and Discovery came to a close after five seasons last May, the upcoming series will see a new generation of cadets navigate the challenges that come with life and a career in Starfleet . Despite a new young cast being the focus, stars from both Star Trek: Discovery and Star Trek: Voyager will join forces on-screen.

Star Trek on Paramount+ on Twitter celebrated the official start of production on Starfleet Academy with two images of the entire cast. Check them out below:

The entire cast of the new series came together for photos set outside the Star Trek Stage and at the first table read. The photos also saw the returns of Oded Fehr and Robert Picardo, who played Charles Vance on Discovery and The Doctor on Voyager , respectively.

What We Know About Star Trek: Starfleet Academy

The next series features many star trek alumni.

While Starfleet Academy is a new story with an all-new leading cast, many familiar faces will help these new cadets on their journeys. Kerrice Brooks, Karim Diane, George Hawkins, Bella Shephard, Zoe Steiner, and Gina Yashere are among the newcomers to the franchise. Meanwhile, Fehr and Picardo will be joined by fellow Star Trek veterans Tig Notaro and Mary Wiseman, reprising their roles of Jett Reno and Sylvia Tilly. Meanwhile, acclaimed actors Holly Hunter and Paul Giamatti have also been cast, with the latter playing an antagonist.

As such, the series has a good blend of established Star Trek talent and new additions.

Behind the camera, Starfleet Academy will be helmed by Alex Kurtzman, continuing his fifteen-year career with the franchise that began with writing the first two installments of the Kelvin Timeline movie trilogy . He helped create Paramount+'s three live-action Star Trek shows and is also a producer on Lower Decks and Prodigy . Lower Decks star Tawny Newsome has been confirmed as a writer alongside Kiley Rossetter ( Picard ) and Gaia Violo. As such, the series has a good blend of established Star Trek talent and new additions.

While 2024 has seen two shows end, there is still much to look forward to in Star Trek's future . Though Star Trek: Section 31 will dive deep into the secretive assignments the Federation would rather keep hidden, Starfleet Academy can be a much more optimistic journey about young cadets making their names as Starfleet's finest up-and-coming faces. As such, the upcoming Paramount+ series could help usher in a new generation of the series.

Source: @StarTrekOnPPlus /Twitter

Star Trek: Starfleet Academy

Cast Kerrice Brooks, Oded Fehr, Paul Giamatti, Holly Hunter, Mary Wiseman, Tig Notaro, Robert Picardo

Genres Drama, Sci-Fi, Adventure

Streaming Service(s) Paramount+

Franchise(s) Star Trek

Writers Noga Landau, Gaia Violo, Alex Kurtzman, Tawny Newsome

Directors Alex Kurtzman

Showrunner Noga Landau, Alex Kurtzman

Franchise Star Trek

Number of Episodes 10

Where To Watch Paramount+

New Star Trek Series Starts Filming With BTS Photos Featuring New & Returning Cast Members

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8 most unexpected actors cast in modern star trek.


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10 Actors Who Appeared In Star Trek Before Getting Cast In Iconic Roles

Jason isaacs’ 10 best acting roles (including star trek: discovery’s lorca), star trek: starfleet academy - cast, story & everything we know.

  • Star Trek franchise attracts Hollywood megastars, A-list actors, and Academy Award winners to deliver top-tier performances.
  • Many actors were fans of Star Trek, while others were newcomers to the franchise, all helping establish modern Star Trek as must-watch television.
  • Talented actors like Michelle Yeoh, Jason Isaacs, David Cronenberg, Alison Pill, Carol Kane, Holly Hunter, and Paul Giamatti have elevated Star Trek to modern prestige television.

With its long and rich history, the Star Trek franchise has attracted some surprising actors. Many stars, like William Shatner and Patrick Stewart, skyrocketed to fame after appearing in Star Trek, going on to have lengthy and successful careers. But modern Star Trek has managed to nab several Hollywood megastars and Academy Award-winning actors who became household names long before they journeyed to the final frontier. Most of these actors are not known for starring in science fiction projects, but they nevertheless bring their A-game to their Star Trek performances.

Several of these actors were Star Trek fans and relished the chance to appear in the franchise. Others may not have known much about the adventures of the Starship Enterprise , but they still jumped at the chance to be a part of a franchise as beloved as Star Trek, especially since Star Trek on Paramount+ has several A-list, Top 10 streaming shows. Actors like Michelle Yeoh and Carol Kane have helped to establish modern Star Trek as television that's worth watching for fans and newcomers to Trek . And for those long-term Trekkies, it's always great to see such incredible actors pop up in our favorite franchise.

Several actors have popped up in Star Trek as minor characters before they took on their most well-known Trek roles in the iconic franchise.

8 Michelle Yeoh

Emperor philippa georgiou & captain philippa georgiou in star trek: discovery.

Michelle Yeoh rose to fame in the 1980s and 1990s starring and performing her own stunts in Hong Kong action films. Upon moving to the United States, Yeoh gained international fame after appearing in the James Bond film Tomorrow Never Dies in 1997, as well as Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in 2000. More recently, she appeared in Crazy Rich Asians and Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings. Yeoh won the Academy Award for Best Actress in 2023 for her starring role in Everything Everywhere All at Once .

Michelle Yeoh may have won her first Academy Award after joining the cast of Star Trek: Discovery, but she was already an accomplished actress in both China and the United States. Yeoh headlined the cast of Star Trek: Discovery upon its 2017 premiere as Captain Philippa Georgiou and her Mirror Universe counterpart, Emperor Georgiou. Although Captain Georgiou met an untimely death at the hands of the Klingons, Emperor Georgiou went on to become one of Star Trek: Discovery's best characters .

Michelle Yeoh will reprise the role of Emperor Georgiou as the star of the upcoming made-for-streaming film, Star Trek: Section 31 .

7 Jason Isaacs

Captain gabriel lorca in star trek: discovery.

Jason Isaacs appeared in several films prior to 2000, and his breakout role was as Colonel William Tavington in The Patriot . Isaacs also appeared in Black Hawk Down and Resident Evil , but Jason is likely most remembered for his portrayal of Lucius Malfoy in six of the Harry Potter films. Isaacs also portrayed Captain Hook in 2003's live-action adaptation of Peter Pan and most recently starred as Cary Grant in the 2023 British series, Archie ​​​​​.

Jason Isaacs has given incredible performances on film and TV, from Harry Potter to Cary Grant via an unforgettable Star Trek: Discovery role.

Jason Isaacs starred in Star Trek: Discovery season 1 as Captain Gabriel Lorca, the first commanding officer of the USS Discovery. Star Trek: Discovery season 1's big twist revealed that this Lorca was actually from the Mirror Universe and replaced his Prime Universe counterpart. Lorca deceived and manipulated Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green) and the Discovery's crew, eventually taking the ship back to the Mirror Universe to attempt another coup against Emperor Georgiou. Lorca perished in the Mirror Universe.

6 David Cronenberg

Dr. kovich in star trek: discovery.

David Cronenberg is internationally renowned as a director of sci-fi horror films, such as Scanners, Videodrome, The Dead Zone, and The Fly, becoming a pioneer in the body horror genre. Cronenberg has also appeared as an actor in numerous films, most often in cameo or supporting roles. He has popped up in films such as Into the Night, Nightbreed, To Die For, and Jason X . Cronenberg also appeared in two episodes of Alias and six episodes of Netflix's Alias Grace.

Kovich revealed his real name to be Agent Daniels.

David Cronenberg portrayed the mysterious Dr. Kovich in ten episodes in Star Trek: Discovery's final three seasons. Kovich's exact position within the United Federation of Planets in the 32nd century was never made clear, but he seemed to have a hand in many of the Federation's most secret missions. In Star Trek: Discovery's fifth and final season, Kovich revealed his real name to be Agent Daniels, the temporal agent first introduced in Star Trek: Enterprise .

5 Oded Fehr

Admiral charles vance in star trek: discovery.

Israeli actor Oded Fehr may be most recognizable for his role as Ardeth Bay in 1999's The Mummy and its 2001 sequel, The Mummy Returns . He also portrayed Carlos Olivera in the Resident Evil film franchise and appeared in seven episodes of Charmed as the demon Zankou. Fehr has appeared in episodes of Burn Notice, V, NCIS, Once Upon a Time, and The Blacklist .

Oded Fehr joined the cast of Star Trek: Discovery season 3 as Admiral Charles Vance, ultimately appearing in 21 episodes of the series. As the Commander in Chief of Starfleet in the 32nd century, Admiral Vance worked closely with Captain Michael Burnham and her crew as they investigated the Burn and later, the Dark Matter Anomaly. In Star Trek: Discovery's final season , Vance helped brief Burnham about the Red Directive mission and aided in negotiations with the Breen.

Oded Fehr will reprise the role of Admiral Vance in the upcoming Discovery spin-off, Star Trek: Starfleet Academy.

Star Trek: Discovery

Not available

4 Allison Pill

Dr. agnes jurati in star trek: picard.

Canadian actress Alison Pill began her acting career at age 12, appearing in numerous films and television series. As an adult, Pill appeared in episodes of The Book of Daniel, CSI, In Treatment, and The Pillars of the Earth . She is perhaps most known for portraying Kim Pine in Scott Pilgrim vs. the World , Zelda Fitzgerald in Midnight in Paris, and Maggie Jordan in HBO's The Newsroom. Pill is also making a name for herself in the horror genre, appearing in American Horror Story and M. Night Shyamalan's 2024 film, Trap .

Jurati was assimilated by the Borg and eventually became a benevolent Borg Queen.

Alison Pill portrayed the brilliant cyberneticist Dr. Agnes Jurati in Star Trek: Picard's first two seasons. She worked with Dr. Bruce Maddox (John Ales) at the Daystrom Institute, attempting to recreate an android as advanced as Lt. Commander Data (Brent Spiner). Jurati later joined Admiral Picard on his mission to locate Soji Asha (Isa Briones) in Picard season 1 and accompanied him to the past in Picard season 2. While in the 21st century, Jurati was assimilated by the Borg and eventually became a benevolent Borg Queen to a new kind of Borg Collective.

Star Trek: Picard

3 carol kane, commander pelia in star trek: strange new worlds.

Carol Kane began acting in the 1970s and gained recognition for her role as Gitl in Hester Street, which earned her an Academy Award nomination. Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, Kane appeared in Annie Hall, The Muppet Movie, When a Stranger Calls, The Princess Bride, and Scrooged . Kane has had numerous roles on television, as well, appearing in shows such as Taxi, Cheers, Pearl, Law & Order: SVU, Gotham , and Hunters . Kane also starred in all 51 episodes of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt as Lillian Kaushtupper​​​​​.

It was a genuine surprise that Carol Kane joined the cast of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 2 as Commander Pelia, an engineer and member of the Lanthanite species . After the death of Lt. Hemmer (Bruce Horack) in Strange New Worlds season 1, Pelia took over as the Chief Engineer of the USS Enterprise under the command of Captain Christopher Pike (Anson Mount). As a Lanthanite, Pelia has an extremely long lifespan, meaning she could appear in various projects throughout the Star Trek timeline.

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

2 holly hunter, unnamed chancellor of starfleet academy in star trek: starfleet academy.

Holly Hunter made her acting debut in 1981 and earned an Academy Award nomination not long after, for her performance as Jane Craig in Broadcast News in 1987. Hunter won the Academy Award for Best Actress in 1993 for her portrayal of Ada McGrath in The Piano and earned nominations for The Firm in 1993 and Thirteen in 2003. Hunter appeared in the film O Brother, Where Art Thou? and voiced Helen Parr (aka Elastagirl) in The Incredibles . She also starred in the TNT show Saving Grace and appeared as Senator Finch in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice .

Exploring another corner of the Star Trek universe, the upcoming series Star Trek: Starfleet Academy is a brand-new take on the classic franchise.

While very little has been revealed about the character Holly Hunter will be playing in Star Trek: Starfleet Academy, the show will be set in the far future of Star Trek: Discovery's later seasons. Following a new cast of young Starfleet cadets , Starfleet Academy will be the first Star Trek show geared toward young adults. Hunter will portray the Chancellor of the recently reopened Starfleet Academy.

1 Paul Giamatti

Unnamed villain in star trek: starfleet academy.

Since beginning his acting career in the 1990s, Paul Giamatti has appeared in numerous box office hits and award-winning films. After supporting roles in films such as My Best Friend's Wedding and Saving Private Ryan , Giamatti landed a starring role in 2003's American Splendor and 2004's Sideways. Giamatti has also appeared in Planet of the Apes, Big Fat Liar, Fred Claus, 12 Years a Slave, and The Amazing Spider-Man 2 . Most recently, he starred as Chuck Rhoades Jr. in Showtime's Billions and as Paul Hunham in The Holdovers.

Paul Giamatti has been nominated for two Academy Awards, won one Emmy, and won three Golden Globes.

Like Holly Hunter's Starfleet Chancellor, little is known about the character Paul Giamatti will be playing in Star Trek: Starfleet Academy . It has been confirmed that Giamatti will be portraying a villain, but it remains unknown whether he will be human or a member of an alien species. Several Star Trek legacy characters return in Starfleet Academy , including Commander Jett Reno (Tig Notaro), Lt. Sylvia Tilly (Mary Wiseman), and The Doctor (Robert Picardo). With their impressive film and television careers, the actors on the above list have helped elevate Star Trek to the level of modern prestige television.

Star Trek: Starfleet Academy

Star Trek

The 10 Best 'The Sopranos' Characters, Ranked


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HBO's The Sopranos is still regarded as one of the greatest television dramas of all time and is also one of the most rewatchable shows to date. Created by David Chase , The Sopranos follows New Jersey mob boss, Tony Soprano, played by the irreplaceable James Gandolfini , who tries to balance his unconventional work in "waste management" and his personal life as a family man without ending up behind bars or six feet under.

Gandolfini is joined by an impressive supporting cast including Edie Falco , Michael Imperioli , and Dominic Chianese , who all play unforgettable characters in this iconic series. While most of the characters in The Sopranos aren't meant to be a likable and lovable bunch, fans still gravitate towards them and their unique qualities , which essentially provide the show's allure. Even though the show features an array of top-notch characters, there are some, such as Silvio Dante, Paulie Walnuts, and Johnny Sack, who reign as the best in the series.

The Sopranos

Not available

10 Ralph Cifaretto

Played by joe pantoliano.

Let's face it, every fan loves to hate Ralph Cifaretto, who typically gets his kicks out of stirring the pot with his dark and twisted behavior. While Ralphie is behind several unfortunate events, he is one of Tony's best earners and his wicked sense of humor brings an element of shock and awe to the show. Played by Joe Pantoliano , Ralphie made his initial appearance in the show in Season 3, episode 2, "Proshai Livushka," where he expresses his sympathies to Tony about the loss of his mother.

While Ralphie doesn't make much of a fuss in the beginning, he soon becomes the source of all of Tony's problems, ranging from the senseless murder of a Bada Bing girl, Tracee ( Ariel Kiley ), to telling an insensitive joke about Johnny Sack's ( Vincent Curatola ) wife. Even though Ralphie is a borderline sociopath, there's no denying the character brought a certain dramatic quality and sarcastic humor to the show which ultimately makes him one of the all-time best villains in The Sopranos .

9 Salvatore "Big Pussy" Bonpenserio

Played by vincent pastore.

First things first, yes, Salvatore "Big Pussy" Bonpenserio was a rat, but by the end of the show, it's revealed that almost everyone in Tony's crew was talking to the Feds. Of course, fans were disappointed by Big Pussy's betrayal, but it also brought the organized crime element of the show to a realistic point. It was also the first major turning point in the series for Tony, who drives himself crazy trying to figure out whether his best friend is an FBI informant.

Vincent Pastore gives a beyond compelling performance as a man who genuinely loves his family and friends and, while he's torn between his oath and his freedom, deep down, he knows whatever he chooses, it will end up costing him his life. Aside from flipping, Puss was also a humorous and jolly guy who brought comic relief to intense scenarios, specifically in Season 1, episode 2, "46 Long," when he and Paulie are trying to track down AJ's science teacher's car. There's something to be said about Pastore's character and, while he did the worst possible thing a gangster could do, he was still a crucial character who essentially raised the stakes of the show to a new dramatic height.

8 Christopher Moltisanti

Played by michael imperioli.

Christopher Moltisanti is one character who fans, half the time, absolutely loath and, the other half, feel sorry for, but at the end of the day, he is one of the show's most complex characters who never ceases to shock viewers. Despite also being one of the most evil characters in The Sopranos , Chrissy symbolizes the new generation of young gangsters who genuinely believe that their lives are meant to play out like a mobster movie.

The complexity of the character stems from his unrealistic expectations of life as well as his constant search for validation from others that he can never achieve. Besides his flaws and negative qualities, Christopher does have a humorous wit and a secret sense of vulnerability that keeps audiences fully invested in him. As stated before, none of these characters are meant to be admired or idolized, and while Chrissy is responsible for some of the most deplorable acts in the series, his well-constructed arc and Michael Imperioli's emotionally driven performance is what makes him a top-tier character .

7 Herman "Hesh" Rabkin

Played by jerry adler.

Prominent loan shark and savvy businessman, Hesh Rabkin, is one of The Sopranos ' most underrated characters who doesn't take crap from anyone and has a confident, straightforward attitude that makes him one of the best. Played by Jerry Alder , Hesh made his first appearance in the show's pilot episode and was a former friend and associate of Tony's father, Johnny, who now serves as an outside mentor of sorts for Tony.

Between his insightful wisdom and unwavering loyalty, Hesh is one of Tony's most valuable assets, which he eventually takes for granted. As the show progressed, Hesh's appearances started to dwindle, but compared to other minor players, he still played a solid role in the episodes he appeared in, most notably in Season 1, episode 10, "A Hit is a Hit." Even though he wasn't a main character, Hesh was one fans could always could on for a good laugh or a spout of wisdom , cementing him as one of the best characters in The Sopranos .

6 Bobby Baccalieri

Played by steve schirripa.

Even though Bobby Baccala is the target of Tony's relentless insults and verbal abuse, he is one of the few characters who remains entirely loyal to Tony and this thing, which is what essentially earns him a spot on the list . Bobby made his initial appearance in Season 2, episode 2, "Do Not Resuscitate," and was primarily responsible for taking care of Tony's uncle, Junior Soprano ( Dominic Chianese ).

Compared to the rest of the guys, Bobby is a unique player who has a sensitive, gentle demeanor and, even though he doesn't fit the traditional tough mafioso, he is still capable of violence and being aggressive when pushed to a certain point. In Season 6, episode 13, "Soprano Home Movies," Tony finally goes too far with Bobby after insulting his sister (and Bobby's wife) Janice, and the two get into a brutal brawl with Bobby coming out as the victor. Considering everything Bobby puts up between Tony and Janice, Bobby has immense patience and self-control that makes him a one-of-a-kind character.

5 Johnny Sacrimoni

Played by vincent curatola.

New York underboss turned boss, Johnny Sack, played by Vincent Curatola , is the epitome of the traditional gangster who was partially inspired by the Dapper Don, John Gotti. Between his stylish suits and no-nonsense attitude, Johnny is a hell of a force to be reckoned with and a master manipulator who knows exactly how to play both sides against each other without facing any consequences.

While Johnny is the definition of a classic mafioso, he's also a family man who refuses to turn state's witness and takes his punishment like a champ , solidifying him as one of the best characters in The Sopranos . At a time when most guys were flipping left and right to avoid lengthy sentences, it's hard not to admire Johnny for his adamant decision to do his time and sacrifice his family to uphold his oath, which isn't that surprising from a man of Johnny's caliber. Despite facing a bittersweet ending, Johnny leaves viewers with an unforgettable impression of pride and loyalty that cements him as one of the show's finest characters.

4 Silvio Dante

Played by steven van zandt.

Between his hilarious Al Pacino impressions and his bold, unfiltered opinion, Silvio Dante is hands down one of the best characters in The Sopranos . Played by the eccentric Steven Van Zandt , Sil is one of Tony's best friends and right-hand man who he can always count on to give him a straight answer about anything. Sil knows exactly what it takes to be an effective consigliere and even though he is a man of few words, he doesn't sugarcoat any of them for anyone.

Sil and Tony go way back and Sil is the last person who would ever disobey or disrespect Tony, but there are some moments where he needs to put him in his place, such as in The Sopranos Season 4 , episode 2, "No Show," when Tony passes over Patsy Parisi and makes Chrissy acting-capo. The confrontation between Tony and Sil at the end of the episode reveals the core of their relationship and while Sil says he made a mistake, his friend eventually takes the hint, avoiding any fallout between them. Despite being reserved and keeping his emotions in check, Sil can be animated and outspoken when he needs to be , which is why he is without question one of the best (and most unpredictable) characters in The Sopranos .

3 Paulie "Walnuts" Gualtieri

Played by tony sirico.

Whaddya hear?! Whaddya say?! Paulie Walnuts is undoubtedly one of the best characters in the show who captured the hearts of fans with his obscene humor and self-indulgent antics that made him a favorite among many. Played by former wise guy, Tony Sirico , Paulie always keeps things interesting with his ridiculous banter or absurd drama that never fails to entertain viewers.

Paulie does have the tendency to be a bit of a gossip and has some high-maintenance qualities, but those are all key characteristics that make him such a unique character. According to Sirico , his signature character was inspired by his personal love of classic gangster movies and stars, specifically James Cagney , and considering his real-life experience in the world of organized crime, it's no wonder he manifested one of the most unforgettable and thoroughly defined characters in television history.

2 Corrado "Junior" Soprano

Played by dominic chianese.

Corrado "Junior" Soprano is the classic old-school gangster who is never short of clever quips and one-liners , which makes him one of the greatest characters in the entire series. Played by The Godfather: Part II actor Dominic Chianese , Uncle Junior serves as a symbol of the fading traditional gangster who, unlike his nephew, doesn't draw attention to himself with a big house and extravagant lifestyle. Of course, he likes a few of the finer things in life, but who doesn't? He's still a man of modest taste.

While most of the time Junior is cracking jokes or giving sarcastic remarks, there are times when he can be incredibly helpful, which is why Tony will often seek out his advice on professional issues. One of the most noteworthy moments is in Season 3, episode 8, "He is Risen," when tensions between Ralphie and Tony continue to escalate. Junior gives some solid advice that is actually quite useful and also speaks volumes about his abilities as an effective leader. Aside from his constant joking and ball-bustin', there is much more to Junior than meets the eye, which not only makes him a vital player in this thing but also by far a solid character in the series.

1 Tony Soprano

Played by james gandolfini.

Gandolfini's portrayal of Tony Soprano is definitely one of the greatest performances in television history, and while no one is supposed to genuinely like the character, it's hard not to be a fan of the love-to-hate mobster. Tony is the modern-day Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, which is what makes him such an alluring and fascinating character. The fact that he's also a gangster who goes to therapy doesn't hurt his appeal either and is essentially what draws viewers into the character.

Tony isn't one of the best characters just because he is the show's main focus, but because Gandolfini gives such immense depth and complexity to the character that it's simply a sight to see. It's like driving by a car crash, it's horrible and horrific, but you can't turn away from the sight and are eager to see what will happen next. The character of Tony Soprano redefined the classic anti-hero and while he has his moments of being insufferable and cruel, he is the heart and soul of the show and the all-time best character in the series.

NEXT: Episodes of 'The Sopranos' That Are Perfect from Start to Finish

The Sopranos


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    The Wrong Orion, played by Rachel Nichols in Star Trek (2009), is an intriguing character who serves as an essential catalyst for the film's events, making her one of the best Star Trek characters to date. As the enigmatic and exotic green-skinned beauty, Nichols expertly captures the allure associated with the Orion race.

  2. List of Star Trek characters

    Star Trek has an ongoing tradition of actors returning to reprise their roles in other spin-off series. In some instances, actors have portrayed potential ancestors, descendants, or relatives of characters they originated. ... List of Star Trek characters with recurring roles: Actor(s) Character The Original Series (1966-1969) The Animated ...

  3. 'Star Trek': All 39 Classic TV Main Characters Ranked, From Spock to

    19. Hikaru Sulu (Trek) Like Chekhov's Walt Koenig and Uhura's Nichelle Nichols, the two-dimensional Sulu became legendary thanks to George Takei. For a long time, Sulu was known for being a ...

  4. Star Trek: The Original Series Characters List w/ Photos

    This Star Trek: The Original Series main character list includes pictures of Star Trek: The Original Series characters and features useful character information like the names of actors or actresses who play the characters. Star Trek: The Original Series character roles from every season are included, along with the characters' gender ...

  5. 1,023 Star Trek Cast Stock Photos & High-Res Pictures

    Browse 1,023 star trek cast photos and images available, or start a new search to explore more photos and images. Canadian actor William Shatner, known for playing the role of Captain Kirk in the Star Trek sci-fi universe, with the cast. Circa 1980. William Shatner.

  6. 42,672 Star Trek Stock Photos & High-Res Pictures

    early into space - star trek stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images. Early Into Space. Aboard the main deck of the USS Enterprise are : Chekov , Uhura , Scotty , and Sulu . Star Trek Crew. Nichelle Nichols as Uhura in the STAR TREK episode, "Journey to Babel." Season 2, episode 10 originally broadcast November 17, 1967.

  7. 40 Best Star Trek Characters, Ranked

    41. Neelix ( Star Trek: Voyager) (Paramount Pictures) Neelix (Ethan Phillips) has the most important job to do onboard the U.S.S. Voyager, keeping everyone fed. 40. Grilka ( Star Trek: Deep Space ...

  8. Star Trek: The Original Series Cast & Character Guide

    Star Trek: The Original Series - originally known simply as Star Trek - features some of the most iconic characters in all of science fiction with the crew of the original USS Enterprise. After its initial pilot episode was rejected by network NBC, Star Trek was massively overhauled with a largely new cast and a more adventurous tone.Star Trek debuted in 1966, and while it was never a ratings ...

  9. List of Star Trek characters (A-F)

    Leonard James Akaar. Ben Gage. Friday's Child (TOS) Son of the late Teer Akaar and his widow Eleen on the planet Capella IV. Born 2267 shortly after his father was killed in a Klingon -induced power struggle, he was named after James T. Kirk and Leonard McCoy, who helped to resolve the local conflict. Leonard James Akaar inherited the title of ...

  10. List of Star Trek characters

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article lists characters in the various canonical incarnations of Star Trek. This includes fictional main and major characters created for the franchise.

  11. Regular cast characters by rank

    This page is a list of characters played by the regular cast from the Star Trek series and films. Characters listed by rank or title, at first appearance (or earliest known appearance holding a rank or title) Civilians Wesley Crusher Quark Jake Sisko Neelix Kes Seven of Nine Phlox Captain James T. Kirk Jean-Luc Picard Kathryn Janeway Jonathan Archer Gabriel Lorca Christopher Pike Carol Freeman ...

  12. List Of Star Trek Characters Photos and Premium High Res Pictures

    Browse Getty Images' premium collection of high-quality, authentic List Of Star Trek Characters stock photos, royalty-free images, and pictures. List Of Star Trek Characters stock photos are available in a variety of sizes and formats to fit your needs.

  13. Top 25 Star Trek Characters

    British comic actor and self-proclaimed genre geek Simon Pegg, who assumes the role of Scotty in J.J. Abrams' Star Trek reboot, stands to give the franchise all he's got as the new chief engineer ...

  14. Meet the Characters of Star Trek: Picard

    Meet the Characters of Star Trek: Picard. 10 IMAGES. VIEW THE GALLERY. In addition to streaming on Paramount+, Star Trek: Picard also streams on Prime Video outside of the U.S. and Canada, and in Canada can be seen on Bell Media's CTV Sci-Fi Channel and streams on Crave. Star Trek: Picard is distributed by Paramount Global Content Distribution.

  15. 'Star Trek': Pics Of The Original Cast

    Moviestore/Shutterstock. Nichelle Nichols, Leonard Nimoy, Deforest Kelley, and William Shatner make up the original cast of 'Star Trek' which premiered in 1966. The original television series ...

  16. Meet the icons: A guide to the beloved Star Trek characters

    Star Trek: Discovery main characters. Taking place approximately a decade before the events of The Original Series, Discovery follows the adventures of the starship USS Discovery and its crew, who are as follows:. Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green): A Starfleet science specialist and the adopted sister of the original series character Spock.She is a strong and determined leader who is ...

  17. List of Star Trek: The Original Series cast members

    William Shatner as James T. Kirk, commanding officer of the USS Enterprise. Majel Barrett as Christine Chapel, medical officer. James Doohan as Montgomery Scott, chief engineer. DeForest Kelley as Leonard McCoy, chief medical officer. Nichelle Nichols as Uhura, communications officer. Leonard Nimoy as Spock, first officer and science officer.

  18. Galleries

    Scenes from Star Trek at San Diego Comic-Con 2024. Thanks for an incredible voyage! View Now. Every Image We Have From Star Trek: Prodigy Season 2. Star Trek: Prodigy. From the Star Trek Archive: Communicators and PADDs. Extras. Star Trek at the 84th Annual Peabody Awards. Events.

  19. 250 Star Trek Character Images ideas

    May 21, 2020 - Explore Robert Hudson's board "Star Trek Character Images" on Pinterest. See more ideas about star trek characters, star trek, trek.

  20. Star Trek (TV Series 1966-1969)

    Star Trek: Created by Gene Roddenberry. With Leonard Nimoy, William Shatner, DeForest Kelley, Nichelle Nichols. In the 23rd Century, Captain James T. Kirk and the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise explore the galaxy and defend the United Federation of Planets.

  21. See a Comprehensive Chart of Star Trek Characters

    The Serpent Queen Recap: The Virgin and the Witch Catherine is finally scheming and plotting in the best episode of the season. peek-a-boo Aug. 23, 2024. Osgood Perkins Unpacks All the Hidden ...

  22. List of Star Trek characters (T-Z)

    The Forgotten (ENT) EPS control specialist killed in the Xindi attack on the Enterprise in the Azati Prime system. Tebok. Marc Alaimo. The Neutral Zone (TNG) Romulan commander who, in 2364, made the first "official" contact with the Federation after more than 53 years of Romulan isolation.

  23. The 25+ Greatest Klingon Characters

    The wealth of Klingon characters in Star Trek spans from legendary warriors to cunning tacticians, each bringing something unique. Among these characters are some of the best examples of Klingon culture, whether political intrigue, fierce loyalty, or personal redemption. Klingon women, for instance, challenge traditional gender roles within the ...

  24. New Star Trek Series Starts Filming With BTS Photos Featuring New ...

    The entire cast of the new series came together for photos set outside the Star Trek Stage and at the first table read. The photos also saw the returns of Oded Fehr and Robert Picardo, who played ...

  25. 8 Most Unexpected Actors Cast In Modern Star Trek

    With its long and rich history, the Star Trek franchise has attracted some surprising actors. Many stars, like William Shatner and Patrick Stewart, skyrocketed to fame after appearing in Star Trek, going on to have lengthy and successful careers. But modern Star Trek has managed to nab several Hollywood megastars and Academy Award-winning actors who became household names long before they ...

  26. 10 Best 'The Sopranos' Characters, Ranked

    The 10 Best Captain Picard Episodes in 'Star Trek: The Next Generation,' Ranked Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987) The captain's greatest moments in the saga.