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Nos voyages 2023-2024

La nouvelle collection de voyages salaün holidays est arrivée .

Temple asiatique

Chaque année, les experts voyages Salaün Holidays mettent du cœur à l’ouvrage pour vous proposer, chers voyageurs, une sublime collection de voyages sur les 5 continents. Passionnés par le monde et le voyage depuis 1932, nos équipes façonnent des itinéraires incontournables, revisitent les best-sellers et créent des voyages hors du commun. L’excellence de notre maison permet d’offrir d’ extraordinaires voyages qui laissent d’inoubliables souvenirs à ceux qui voyagent à nos côtés et qui choisissent le n°1 du circuit accompagné à travers le monde.

Dans cette nouvelle collection 2023/2024 , vous retrouverez : + de 40 nouveautés dont les 8 voyages d’exception sont le point d’orgue, nos voyages en départs garantis toujours plus nombreux, nos circuits en petits groupes (de 1 à 20 participants) et, désormais réputés, nos circuits solidaires .

En 2023, nous vous invitons au dépaysement, à l’exploration et à l’enchantement et espérons que vous allez créer vos plus beaux souvenirs de voyages à nos côtés. Notre histoire commence ici.

Les best-sellers Salaün Holidays

La Thaïlande, le Royaume de Siam

Explorez la Thaïlande dans ce circuit de 12 jours, de Bangkok à Chiang Mai. Découvrez des marchés flottants, des temples dorés, et le Triangle d'Or. Vivez des m...

Les plus beaux safaris d'Afrique

Afrique du Sud

Pendant 10 jours, nous vous invitons à réaliser votre rêve d'enfant et partir pour les plus beaux safaris d'Afrique ! Une plongée dans la vie sauvage de la sava...

Le Grand Tour du Vietnam

Voyagez dans ce circuit de 20 jours à travers le Vietnam, de Ho Chi Minh-Ville à Hanoï. Profitez de visites culturelles, de croisières dans la baie d'Halong, et...

Majestueux Fjords et îles Lofoten

Laissez-vous séduire par ce circuit exclusif de 13 jours en Norvège qui combine à merveille les fjords majestueux de l'ouest et les fabuleuses îles Lofoten. Ce...

La Californie, l'Ouest Américain

Vivez un circuit de 14 jours d'aventure dans l'Ouest américain, de Los Angeles à Las Vegas, en traversant des paysages mythiques. Explorez San Francisco, Monume...

Les nouveautés à découvrir

Notre fabrique à voyages vous propose + de 40 nouveautés dans cette nouvelle collection 2023-2024. Ces nouveautés sont composées de combinés merveilleux  tels que la Corée du Sud et le Japon, le Costa Rica et le Nicaragua , le Chili et l’Argentine, de destinations à nouveau à l’honneur comme la Chine , l’Ouganda et le Cap-Vert, de séjours en hôtels 4* et 5* en Tunisie, d'expériences authentiques comme une croisière en Égypte à bord d’une dahabeya , d'événements internationaux comme l’Exposition d’Horticulture 2023 à Doha et de remarquables itinéraires sur les destinations plébiscitées chaque année : la Norvège, la Grèce, le Vietnam, la Jordanie, le Canada, l’île de la Réunion...

Panoramas du Portugal

Ce circuit en autocar de 8 jours est idéal pour allier la découverte des joyaux du centre du Portugal à celle des plus grandes villes du pays : Lisbonne et Port...

Le Sud Marocain, de kasbah en kasbah

Ce circuit de 8 jours dans le Sud Marocain vous mènera de Marrakech à Ouarzazate, en passant par la longue et verdoyante vallée du Drâa et les dunes de Zagora....

Villes Impériales et Côte Atlantique

Découvrez le Maroc et ses plus belles villes de la côte Atlantique en 8 jours. De Marrakech à Essaouira, visitez les villes impériales, admirez la mosquée Hassa...

Saveurs et arômes de Colombie

Partez pour un circuit en Colombie de 14 jours, mêlant culture et nature. De la cathédrale de sel de Zipaquira aux plantations de café du Triangle du Café, ce v...

Le Pérou, des Andes à l'Amazonie

Des paysages andins à la forêt amazonienne, ce circuit de 17 jours au Pérou vous mènera de Lima à Arequipa, du lac Titicaca au Machu Picchu. Cette traversée du...

Le Pérou, des Andes à l'Amazonie - 3*sup / 4*

Des paysages andins à la forêt amazonienne, ce circuit de 17 jours au Pérou en hôtels 3\*sup ou 4\* vous mènera de Lima à Arequipa, du lac Titicaca au Machu Pic...

Les départs garantis en circuit et en séjour

Cette année, nous garantissons un plus grand nombre de départs en circuit et en séjour et avons baissé les minimas nécessaires pour assurer les départs. Ainsi, certains de nos départs sont garantis à partir de 2 participants sauf indication d’un autre nombre minimum de participants dans le descriptif du voyage. Une belle invitation à réserver sereinement votre prochain voyage à nos côtés.

La Croatie, joyau de l'Adriatique

Partez pour un circuit de 8 jours en Croatie, découvrant les splendeurs de Split, Zadar, les parcs nationaux de Krka et Plitvice, et l'incomparable Dubrovnik. D...

Malte, l'île des Chevaliers 4*

Profitez d'un séjour de 8 jours à Malte, une île riche en histoire. Découvrez La Valette, Mdina, l'île de Gozo et la Grotte Bleue. Ce voyage combine visites cul...

Les Cyclades, Magie des îles grecques

Partez à la découverte des Cyclades, surnommées les "perles de l'Égée", pour un circuit de 8 jours en Grèce qui se veut être une parenthèse enchantée. Santorin,...

Jordanie Authentique

Ce circuit de 10 jours en Jordanie vous permettra de découvrir ses incroyables monuments, ses magnifiques paysages et sites naturels tels que Petra, le Wadi Rum...

Splendeurs de l'Ouest Américain

Vivez ce circuit de 18 jours d'émerveillement dans l'Ouest américain, parcourant de San Francisco à Los Angeles. Découvrez des parcs nationaux époustouflants, d...

Voyager responsable et solidaire avec Salaün Holidays

Sri Lanka

Les circuits en petits groupes

À l'écoute de vos suggestions, nous œuvrons dans cette nouvelle collection à proposer encore plus de voyages en groupe restreint . Sur certaines destinations et à certaines dates, nous vous faisons voyager avec en nombre très limité (de 6 à 29 participants). Ces formats de voyages en petits groupes permettent une découverte agréable et plus intime de la destination.

Cités Impériales et Magie du Grand Sud

Dans ce circuit de 8 jours, explorez le Maroc des Cités Impériales à la magie du Grand Sud. De Marrakech à Casablanca, via Fès et Merzouga, découvrez palais, so...

Splendeurs Marocaines

Partez dans ce circuit de 11 jours au Maroc à la découverte de paysages d'une extraordinaire diversité et d'un patrimoine culturel exceptionnel au travers des v...

La Sicile et les Îles Éoliennes

Explorez la Sicile dans un circuit de 8 jours, découvrant Palerme, Cefalù, l'Etna, Taormine, et les îles Éoliennes. Vivez un voyage inoubliable au coeur de la M...

L'Inde du Nord et le Rajasthan

Partez pour ce circuit de 14 jours en Inde du Nord, explorant Delhi, Agra et le Rajasthan. Visitez le Taj Mahal, les cités du désert, et des palais royaux. Imme...

La Thaïlande, le pays qui sourit

Ce circuit de 17 jours vous emmène à travers la Thaïlande, au coeur du "Pays du Sourire", de Chiang Rai jusqu'au Golfe de Thaïlande. Découvrez des temples sompt...

Les voyages d'exception, des expériences hors du commun

La grande nouveauté de cette collection de voyages 2023-2024 ce sont les voyages d'exception . Ces voyages hors du commun sont le reflet de notre savoir-faire et de l'excellence de notre maison. Ce sont des exclusivités Salaün Holidays où l'art du voyage est à son apogée. Itinéraire original, découvertes confidentielles, durée exceptionnelle … de grandes émotions vous attendent lors de ces voyages de toute une vie.

  • Le Grand Tour d'Algérie
  • La Grande Traversée de l'Afrique australe
  • La Grande Traversée des États-Unis (de New York à San Francisco)
  • Combiné Rocheuses-Yukon-Alaska
  • Les Andes, de Bogota à Santiago du Chili
  • Le Grand Tour de l'ancienne Indochine française
  • La Grande Traversée du Japon
  • Splendeurs norvégiennes

En 2023, osez l'exceptionnel à nos côtés !

Les bonnes raisons de partir en voyages avec Salaün Holidays

Chez Salaün Holidays, nous prenons à cœur de satisfaire au mieux nos voyageurs. Réserver vos futurs vacances avec nous, c'est :  

  • avoir la possibilité de bénéficier, grâce à un supplément, du Service + : des navettes collectives avec une prise en charge au plus près de chez vous ou à votre domicile vers votre aéroport de départ ou pour rejoindre l'autocar de votre voyage. Facilitez votre départ en vacances ! 
  • être accompagné tout le long de votre circuit par un guide accompagnateur expérimenté . Spécialiste de sa destination, le guide vous partage son savoir, ses anecdotes et son humour mais veille aussi au bon déroulement du circuit. Un véritable pilier ! 
  • profiter, sur certains de nos voyages en autocars avec supplément, d'un autocar Royal Class : un confort exceptionnel pour un voyage en toute sérénité ! 

Partir avec Salaün Holidays, c'est l'assurance d'un voyage réussi ! 

Ici, se trouve votre futur voyage !

Du Nord au Sud, l'Europe est un appel au dépaysement à quelques heures de vol seulement. Pour ceux qui rêvent d' Orient , les destinations phares du Proche et Moyen-Orient que sont l'Égypte, les Emirats arabes unis et la Jordanie vous attendent. Besoin de voir les choses en version XXL ? Direction le continent américain  ! Des grands espaces de l' Amérique du Nord aux sublimes couleurs et traditions de l’ Amérique Centrale et Latine , l'émerveillement est garanti. Les destinations d' Asie et d' Afrique offrent un retour salvateur à l'authenticité. Quant aux îles qui jalonnent notre monde, elles jouent à la perfection leur rôle de voyage de rêve… Voyageurs, voyageuses, le champ des possibles s’offre à vous, alors écrivons ensemble vos plus beaux souvenirs de voyages .

Le colisée à Rome en Italie

Pas besoin de partir loin pour découvrir des merveilles, direction l'Europe !

Vietnamiens navigant sur le mékong

Le Japon, le Vietnam, le Cambodge, la Thaïlande... Partez découvrir l'Asie.

Croisière en Dahabeya sur le Nil en Egypte

Proche et Moyen-Orient

Direction le Proche et Moyen-Orient pour un voyage au cœur d'une richesse culturelle.

Le parc naturel Yosemite aux Etats-Unis

Amérique du Nord

Entre rêve américain et sympathie canadienne, laissez-vous tenter !

Le Perito Moreno en Argentine

Amérique centrale et latine

Héritage maya, plages de sable fin, forêts denses et animaux colorés...

Paysage en Polynésie Française

Océanie et Pacifique

Vous allez vivre un rêve éveillé en Australie, en Nouvelle-Zélande ou en Polynésie.

Les girafes au Kenya

Afrique et Océan Indien

Safari en Tanzanie, 4x4 dans le Sahel au Sénégal, rencontre avec les Big Five...

Salaün Holidays distingué pour sa qualité de service par le magazine Capital

Salaün holidays se hisse à la 4 e place du podium des to préférés des français.

L'édition 2024 du palmarès des Meilleures Enseignes Capital* a désigné le tour opérateur Salaün Holidays 4 e marque préférée des Français dans sa catégorie. Le tour opérateur voit ainsi la qualité de son service reconnue à l’échelle nationale. Une réussite et une reconnaissance que nous dédions à nos clients à travers la France. 

voyage livenais 2023

*Chaque année, Capital confie à l’institut Statista la réalisation d’une enquête de satisfaction sur la qualité des prestations de centaines d’entreprises. Ce sondage est réalisé en ligne auprès d’un panel de 20 000 consommateurs qui permet de mesurer leur satisfaction vis-à-vis de la qualité de service proposée au cours des 3 dernières années. Les avis recueillis concernent trois points : la considération envers le client, la compétence des intervenants et l’envie de conseiller l’entreprise à ses proches.

Le voyage favorise les belles rencontres.

La première, c'est la nôtre, co-créeons l'évasion qui vous ressemble.

Tous les voyages : circuits à la carte, séjours, croisières, locations...

Nos conseillers à vos côtés avant, pendant et après le voyage.

Accessible partout : sur internet, au téléphone et dans nos agences.

Réservez et partez en toute sérénité grâce à nos conseils et assurances spéciales .

Le groupe Salaün, acteur du tourisme responsable .

Nous vous enverrons les meilleures offres et les meilleures remises sur toutes nos destinations à travers le monde.


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Veuillez patienter, le temps de vous confirmer la disponibilité et le prix.

Virgin Voyages Is Ringing in the New Year With a Massive Sale on 2023 Cruises

Buy one ticket, get the second one for 60 percent off

voyage livenais 2023

Courtesy of Virgin Voyages

Give the gift of cruising this holiday season with Virgin Voyages' newest sale .

Now through Jan. 31, those who book a Virgin Voyage cruise for 2023 travel will get to bring a "second sailor" for 60 percent off the second ticket, plus score up to $600 worth of free drinks.

You and your sailing buddy will have your pick of destinations, with 2023 cruises taking travelers around the Caribbean, Mediterranean, South Pacific, and the Adriatic and Red seas. Example itineraries include the five-night Riviera Maya , which departs from Miami and sails to Cozumel , Playa del Carmen , and Virgin Voyages' very own Beach Club at Bimini (starting at $1,974 for two). Meanwhile, those who want to go further afield can opt for the seven-night French Daze & Ibiza Nights, sailing from Barcelona to Marseille , Cannes , Palma de Mallorca, and Ibiza (from $2,296).

Want to go all out? The Transatlantic Miami to Med journeys from Miami to Barcelona, stopping at Beach Club at Bimini, Lisbon , Cádiz, and Palma de Mallorca (from $2,416).

Cruises will take place onboard either the Valiant Lady, the award-winning Scarlet Lady, or the Resilient Lady, set to launch in May 2023. On each ship, passengers have their pick of more than 20 eateries, including a 24-7 diner, with some of the menus curated by award-winning chefs. Additionally, group fitness classes, complimentary Wi-Fi, and adjustable mood lighting in the cabins are available onboard. Even better: The beverage program was created in collaboration with some of the industry's top mixologists, so you know you can put your drinks credit to good use.

The one caveat is that the deal does not consider taxes and added fees, although you'll still be spending a lot less than you otherwise would be. To book your cruise, head to Virgin Voyages' website and start planning for an unforgettable experience.

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Virgin Voyages Adds Destinations And Itineraries — Where Ships Will Sail

voyage livenais 2023

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“Sailors,” which is how Virgin Voyages refers to passengers, have a good reason to get excited.

Virgin Voyages, the adult-only cruise line launched by Richard Branson, will soon add 19 new ports and 27 new itineraries to its offerings. They include a return to the UK, new ports of call in Australia, and new ports in the Caribbean as well, Virgin Voyages announced .

“Our loyal sailors have been asking for more places to visit with us, so we’re delivering in a big way by announcing new ports, new itineraries, and more local and immersive experiences to create unforgettable getaways,” Michelle Bentubo, senior vice president of Service Excellence and Travel Operations at Virgin Voyages, said in a statement . “From Morocco to Mooloolaba, Australia; Amsterdam to Bordeaux, France; and Catania, Sicily, to Port Douglas, Australia, we now offer more than 120 incredible places you can explore aboard our award-winning ships you know and love.”

Here’s a quick look at the destinations and the ships calling on them.

Resilient Lady

After returning from her inaugural season in Australia, Resilient Lady, the cruise line’s newest ship, will sail three itineraries from May through July 2024 from her homeport in Athens. They include the Greek Island Glow cruise to the islands of Santorini and Mykonos, and the Adriatic Sea and Greek Gems cruise along Croatia’s Dalmatian Coast.

Then in August, the ship will begin sailing from Portsmouth, England, to destinations such as Le Verdon (Bordeaux), France; La Coruna and Bilbao, Spain; Amsterdam; and Bruges, Belgium. 

The ship will then move to Barcelona with two repositioning sailings visiting a new Virgin port in Morocco before embarking on a Barcelona-to-Athens cruise with a maiden call in Catania, Sicily.

Resilient Lady will then set off on a 44-night repositioning cruise from Athens to Australia in October 2024. That itinerary will include stops in Dubai, Mumbai, Singapore, and Bali as well as Australian ports in Broome, Albany, Adelaide, Newcastle, Mooloolaba, Port Douglas, Brisbane, Eden, and Kangaroo Island.

Valiant Lady

Valiant Lady will start her 2023 winter season with a return from Barcelona on October 29, 2023, and then begin a series of Caribbean cruises from Miami.

From January through March 2024, she will operate out of San Juan, Puerto Rico, offering two southern Caribbean voyages originally scheduled for sister ship Brilliant Lady .

Finally, when sister ship Scarlet Lady heads into dry dock in 2024, Valiant Lady will take her place beginning in April 2024. Departing from Miami, Valiant Lady will continue to offer Scarlet’s four- and five-night Caribbean rotations.

Scarlet Lady

From May to October 2024, Scarlet Lady will sail a number of cruises in the Mediterranean Sea. 

Then, on November 3, 2024, Scarlet Lady will embark on an 11-night repositioning voyage from Barcelona to Civitavecchia, the port for Rome. Along the way, the ship will stop at the islands of Mallorca, Corsica, and Sardinia.

After a short period in dry dock, Scarlet Lady will embark on a 16-night Transatlantic voyage from Rome to Miami. This new itinerary includes calls in Funchal (Madeira, Portugal) as well as Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain.

Finally, after arriving in Miami on December 14, 2024, Scarlet Lady will begin a series of six- and eight-night cruises from Miami. They include stays in San Juan and a day-trip to St. Croix.

Know So You Can Book

Travelers who want to visit one of the new ports can take advantage of 30 percent off pricing on Mediterranean 2024 voyages when they book by September 28.

You can learn more about the new ports and see the new itineraries at Virgin Voyages .

While you’re thinking about new ports, be sure to read our Cruises and Sailing content, including:

  • Silversea Cruises’ Ultra-Luxury Cruise Ship Takes Maiden Voyage — What You Can Expect
  • 10 Unique Cruises From Around The World
  • 8 Best Cruise Lines According To Our Readers

Image of Jim Fulcher

Jim Fulcher has been a writer and editor his entire career. In addition to writing, he also enjoys traveling--particularly in an RV. Over the course of numerous trips, Jim has driven an RV through West Virginia, Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa, Nebraska, South Dakota, and Wyoming. His favorite national park is Yellowstone, which he has visited three times.

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Virgin Voyages to Offer Four One-Way Sailings Across the World in 2023-2024

  • September 14, 2022

voyage livenais 2023

Virgin Voyages is set to offer four new one-way sailings across the world during the 2023-2024 winter season.

Sailing in Asia, Australia and the Caribbean, the repositioning voyages will be offered by the Resilient Lady and the new Brilliant Lady.

Departing from Miami on Dec. 24, 2023, the Brilliant Lady will offer a five-night itinerary that ends in Puerto Rico.

In addition to two full days at sea, the holiday sailing features visits to Puerto Plata and St. Croix before ending in San Juan.

After completing its inaugural season in Australia, the Resilient Lady is set to offer what Virgin calls “epic” repositioning voyages to Europe.

Sailing in March and April 2024, the three two-week sailings can be combined into a single six-week trip that links Australia to Greece.

The first one-way segment departs from Sydney on Mar. 27, 2024. Before reaching its final destination in Singapore, the 15-night voyage sails to Airlie Beach, Cairns, Darwin and Benoa.

Continuing its way to Europe, the Resilient Lady embarks on the second segment of the positioning sailing on Apr. 11, 2024. Sailing from Singapore to Dubai, the 14-night itinerary features calls to Port Klang, Phuket, Colombo, Goa and Mumbai.

The next segment starts on Apr. 25,2024, and sails from Dubai to Piraeus. In addition to a transit of the Suez Canal, the voyage includes visits to ports in the Mediterranean and the Red Sea, including Santorini, Rhodes, Alexandria and Safaga.

Third and fourth in a series of four cruise ships known as Virgin’s Lady Ships, the Resilient Lady and the Brilliant Lady are set to debut in 2023.

While the first will enter service in time for a summer program in the Mediterranean , the second is set to launch service in Q4 .

With the addition of early 2024 voyages, Virgin’s four-ship deployment now includes itineraries to more than 100 destinations across four different continents.

According to the company, the three- to 15-night voyages were designed to “offer something” for everyone.

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Adults-only voyages. Luxuriously designed. Most 5-star reviews.

Explore over 100 dreamy destinations.   Featuring 20+ eateries with Michelin star chef-curated menus .  Relax and live it up in our modern, super-yacht inspired cabins.

Pick up where you left off…

Your vacation awaits — don’t let these voyages sail away.

Make plans to fall in love — with dreamy voyages sailing across the world. From new Caribbean destinations to our arrival in Australia later this year, lean into the romance of February, because you’ll get 55% off 2nd Sailors and up to $600 in free premium drinks when you book by Feb. 28th, 2023.

An epic, one-of-a-kind sailing. The Limitless Voyage.

Where inspiration meets well-being — we’ve been working with our Chief Entertainment & Lifestyle Officer, Jennifer Lopez, to curate a special, one-time voyage on April 14th - 19th — celebrating women who are making ship happen in business and the world at large.

Virgin Voyages Adults Only Cruises

People don’t need more choices. they need a better option..

Exceptional value will always be included in our sailings.

Always Included Luxury

We’ve taken care of all the details — so all you have to do is kick back and have the relaxing vacation you deserve. Everything below is included.

From refined dining to relaxed casual, all of our 20+ eateries featuring menus curated by Michelin star chefs are yours to enjoy.

Essential Drinks

Stay hydrated with still and sparkling water, non-pressed juices, sodas, teas and even drip coffee.

Browse, post, and stay connected with wifi — whenever you want, and wherever you are on the ship.

We've taken care (of taking care) of your servers, so we cover the gratuities for your onboard experiences.

Group Fitness Classes

Yoga, meditation, cycling, HIIT classes, and more — all your group fitness classes are covered.

Shows & Entertainment

Developed by the world’s most-talked-about producers and artists, you have a ticket to all of our awe-inspiring shows.

Sea Terrace

The ultimate go-to for relaxation, our Sea Terraces stand out for their clever design, flexible furnishings, Roomy Rainshowers, sensory mood lighting, and the hand-woven terrace hammock that almost all of them have.

For solo Sailors looking for quiet moments with a view (and a super large single bed) and duos ready to make eyes with the ocean while perched on our nautically-inspired window seats. Gazing out at the waves every morning, this is the closest you can get to the water without the windblown hair. 

Friend groups, solo Sailors, and duos alike can get in on the Insider action. Roomy Rainshowers and mood lighting punctuate our cozy escapes — giving you the space to recover today and prepare for tomorrow.

RockStar Quarters

If you’re into exclusive access throughout the ship, RockStar Agents at your beck and call, marble-clad bathrooms with premium amenities and spaces conceptualized by world-renowned designer Tom Dixon, then let’s talk suites.


20+ foodie-approved eateries designed by a Michelin-starred chef collective

With incredible menus and unique experiences designed by a hand-picked Michelin-starred chef collective, all of our 20+ cruise restaurants use fresh ingredients to create made-to-order, always included food to crush any craving — from decadent steakhouse dining and trendy Mexican to our first-to-sea Korean BBQ grilling and fresh market-inspired fare.

Incredible Drinks

Essential Drinks Included. Or grab a Bar Tab package.

Grab a Bar Tab for an all-inclusive cruising experience. It's our elevated and fairer drinks package that lets you revel in craft cocktails from top mixologists, an unrivaled selection of wines, your favorite spirits, and specialty coffee. No Bar Tab, no problem — as all premium beverages are fairly priced. And your voyage fare includes soda, filtered and sparkling water, drip coffee, and non-pressed juices.


Lights. Camera. Action at sea.

We’re swapping classic Broadway productions for a festival-like lineup featuring first-to-sea entertainment, pop-up acts, and immersive experiences created by the world’s most-talked-about directors, choreographers, and artists.

From outdoor yoga and high-intensity workouts to spa days and blowouts

We're giving a Virgin-style makeover to cruise spas and fitness programming.

Group getaways.

Get up to $800 in onboard credit when you bring your crew

Great experiences are even better when shared with friends — especially when you can earn up to $800 in onboard credit to splurge throughout your vacay. So fire up that group chat; you’re all going on a voyage.

The most 5-star cruise reviews

Cruise Critic’s Best New Cruise Ship in 2021. And Condé Nast Traveler’s Best New Cruises in the World in 2022.

What an amazing cruise concept!

"We loved the ship and everything about it. We tried all the restaurants and it is difficult to select one as a favorite - as all had exciting menus and sooooo good food - freshly made of high-quality ingredients."

Virgin delivers cruising as only Virgin can

"This cruise was literally the best vacation we ever went on. Our cabin was spacious and the crew was amazing. The shows were unique and entertaining. The drinks were delicious and it was awesome every bar had different main cocktails so you could try new things. I highly recommend it!"

What a great time!

"This was my first cruise, and what an amazing time it was! The crew was amazing. The food was amazing! I love the places scattered around the ship to eat. Especially The Galley. Great vibe onboard. You can do as much or as little as you want to."

10/10 would recommend

"Overall everything was an amazing experience; the staff always made sure we were good and super helpful. I would recommend anyone to this cruise line over any other one. I think that you are definitely getting your money’s worth in value, in every aspect of the meaning."

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All the Cruise Ships Sailing their Maiden Voyage in 2023

2023 is the cruise industry’s biggest planned delivery year since 2019, with 29 planned vessel completions. Following the pent-up demand to travel, cruise lines are responding to passengers’ eagerness to explore with many expedition vessels and once in a lifetime itineraries debuting this year.

Some of 2023’s biggest key cruise ship design trends center around connection to destinations, with observation areas, viewing decks, and marinas featuring heavily in designs. These will bring passengers closer to the water than ever before. There is also a rise in destination inspired designs that provide full immersion with other cultures. Another key cruise ship design trend we are seeing emerge in 2023 is open, horizontal designs that optimize limited space on board and create a seamless flow. Read on for the innovative ocean ships, expedition vessels and mega yachts debuting this year, and their revolutionary designs.

Note: all dates are correct at the time of publication and could be subject to change.

Scenic Eclipse II – Scenic

Launching on April 12, Scenic Eclipse II will be Scenic Cruises’ second superyacht. Exploration and immersion are at the heart of the vessel’s designs, with Scenic Eclipse II offering an expansive top deck for soaking in the views. This boasts a new bar area with both indoor and outdoor seating. Passengers can also explore the ocean from the vessel’s marina, using provided water equipment and kayaks.

voyage livenais 2023

SH Diana – Swan Hellenic

Designed for worldwide cruising, SH Diana will explore the most inspiring and inaccessible places on Earth starting April 15. Swan Hellenic’s third expedition vessel, she will be debuting two new interior spaces. These include a dedicated multifunctional room and a private dining room for special occasions. SH Diana also provides extensive open views, with plenty of outside deck areas, multiple observation points, and bright, open, and relaxing public spaces offering unobstructed views.

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American Serenade – American Cruise Lines

Debuting on April 23, American Serenade will carry passengers along the legendary Mississippi River. She will boast an updated modern interior design, integrating an elegant and refined aesthetic with American Cruise Line’s tradition for spacious comfort. On board, her designs draw inspiration from geography across America, with natural textual elements, serene color palettes, and panoramic designs. With 150 percent more glass than most river cruise vessels, American Serenade has also been purpose-built to ensure passengers can enjoy the passing river views.

Viking Saturn – Viking Cruises

Viking Saturn will depart on its maiden voyage on May 2, with a maiden season in the Mediterranean and around Northern Europe. Inspired by its itineraries, the vessel incorporates a modern Scandinavian design with elegant touches and intimate spaces. Her design is also heavily inspired by Nordic traditions, mythology and the exploratory spirit of the original Vikings. The onboard spa further links the vessel to its Scandinavian roots, with a traditional sauna and Snow Grotto.

Ambition – Ambassador Cruise Line

On May 12, Ambassador Cruise Line will launch its second vessel with Ambition . Previously sailing as AidaMira, Ambition has been redesigned into a 1,200 passenger ship catering to the 50+ British market. On board, Ambition will provide a tiered main theatre, casino, card room, library, craft studio, wellness center, gymnasium, two swimming pools, a range of shops, and two main restaurants.

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Resilient Lady – Virgin Voyages

On May 14, Virgin Voyages’ third vessel, Resilient Lady , will set sail on her maiden voyage. Resilient Lady will feature lots of cutting edge technology, with extensive use of domotics in her cabins. These will allow passengers to manage a wide range of cabin functions, from temperature and lighting to music and television through a smartphone app. This allows guests to curate a personalized experience. Resilient Lady’s staterooms will also have sensors that detect whether or not the cabin is occupied, allowing the blinds to shut automatically and the air conditioning and lighting to adjust to optimal power saving settings.

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Oceania Vista – Oceania Cruises

When she departs on May 13, Oceania Vista will be the first of two new 1,200-passenger Allura-class vessels, with the second due for delivery in 2025. Oceania Vista will debut stunning interiors and harmonious spaces that have been designed to reflect the glamorous Belle Epoque era of 20th century Paris. A standout feature will be the Grand Dining Room with ceiling that is almost two decks high. Oceania Vista will also debut a glamorous lobby with a sweeping staircase and dramatic crystal pillar, and a Grand Lounge decorated in a gold-infused color palette.

Ocean Albatros – Albatros Expeditions

When Albatros Expeditions’ latest vessel, Ocean Albatros , debuts, she will sail up to 190 passengers across the globe. To allow guests to enjoy her far off destinations, all Ocean Albatros’ 95 staterooms and suites will provide full sea views. Throughout the vessel, passengers can continue to enjoy unobstructed sea views in the panoramic sauna, specialty restaurant with panoramic views, and open deck dining.

MSC Euribia – MSC Cruises

The next ship launching for MSC Cruises, MSC Euribia, will be the final ship in Meraviglia Plus Class. Unlike the other ships in her fleet, MSC Euribia will boast colorful artwork across its hull. This piece, titled #savethesea, was designed by Alex Flämig, winner of a worldwide art competition run by MSC Cruises. On board, she will feature plenty of impressive spaces and activities on board, including MSC Cruises’ signature indoor promenade, Gallery Euribia. This promenade will feature shops, restaurants, bars and the largest LED dome at sea housed under a screen projecting changing images and light shows.

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Explora I – Explora Journeys

Setting sail on July 17, Explora I will be the first of five sister ships, with one set to arrive each year until 2028. Designed by the world’s foremost superyacht and luxury hospitality designers, Explora I seamlessly blends Swiss precision with modern European craftsmanship. From the spacious open decks and beautiful ocean-front accommodations to the best-in-class wellness facilities, every element of Explora I exudes class and sophistication. With water at the heart of the Explora Journeys experience, Explora I also features one of the largest collections of swimming pools at sea, boasting two indoor and three outdoor pools.

Emerald Sakara – Emerald Cruises

Reaching an impressive 110 meters in length, Emerald Sakara will carry 100 passengers across the Mediterranean when she debuts in August. Bringing passengers closer to the ocean, Emerald Sakara will feature a marina platform offering water-based activities. The vessel will also debut an Observation Deck – a multi-purpose area used for early morning yoga classes and Movies Under the Stars at night. This, along with the al fresco Sky Bar and infinity pool allows passengers to enjoy Mediterranean sun.

Silver Nova – Silversea Cruises

When she sets sail on August 14, Silver Nova will be Silversea’s largest vessel to date. On board, she will boast light, open spaces in a horizontal layout that heightens the ship’s sense of spaciousness and provides a natural flow between her impressive venues. Silver Nova will debut Silversea’s largest venue selection yet. These include the most expansive array of bars, lounges, and restaurants of any ultra-luxury cruise ship.

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Norwegian Viva – Norwegian Cruise Line

Norwegian Viva will be Norwegian Cruise Line’s (NCL) second Prima-class ship when she sets sail this year. Dubbed the most spacious new cruise ship at sea, Norwegian Viva will allow passengers to get closer to the ocean than ever before. One of the ships’ most impressive features for this will be the Infinity Beach – a pool that blends into the ocean below, creating the illusion that guests are enjoying the wide-open ocean waters. On board, her designs prioritize openness, with the vessel debuting NCL’s most spacious accommodations yet, and a dining room boasting 270-degree views.

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Seabourn Pursuit – Seabourn

Seabourn Pursuit will live up to her name, taking 1,200 passengers to the most unexplored parts of the Earth in pursuit of adventure when she debuts on October 10. With interiors designed by Adam D Tihany, she will bring the trademark Seabourn style and sophistication to the world of expedition cruising. The sister ship to Seabourn Venture, Seabourn Pursuit will feature many similar interiors. These include 132 all-veranda ocean-facing suites in nine categories, including suites spanning two decks which debuted on Seabourn Venture .

Seven Seas Grandeur – Regent Seven Seas

Scheduled to set sail in November 2023, Seven Seas Grandeur will be the sixth addition to the Regent Seven Seas Cruises fleet. The third vessel of Regent’s Explorer Class, she will debut several enhancements and new features . These include a wholly reimagined Compass Rose restaurant, designed by Studio DADO. The line’s signature restaurant will be resplendent with cascading glass sculptures and ornate tree-style pillars, making Compass Rose a fairytale crystal forest that promises to deliver an array of unforgettable dining experiences.

Celebrity Ascent – Celebrity Cruise Line

When she debuts, Celebrity Ascent will be the fourth and final ship in Celebrity Cruise Line’s Edge Series. The “twin sister” ship to Celebrity Beyond , she will include many iconic Celebrity Cruise Line features such as the iconic Magic Carpet and Rooftop Garden space. Celebrity Ascent was designed by a team of modern lifestyle icons including multi-award-winning British designer Kelly Hoppen CBE; celebrated American designer Nate Berkus; lauded Paris-based design firm Jouin Manku; innovative British architect Tom Wright; and Michelin-starred chef and restaurateur Daniel Boulud.

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Carnival Jubilee – Carnival Cruise Line

Launching in December, Carnival Jubilee will be the third Excel class vessel, sister ship to Mardi Gras and Carnival Celebration . The ship has been named as a tribute to Carnival Cruise Line’s original Jubilee. Like her sister ships, Carnival Jubilee will be split into six themed areas on board, and feature BOLT, the first rollercoaster at sea, as well as a three-deck atrium overlooking the ocean that converts to an entertainment venue at night.

Brilliant Lady – Virgin Voyages

Virgin Voyages’ second launch of the year, Brilliant Lady , will transport 2,700 sailors to some of the world’s most sought after ports of call when she debuts. To allow passengers to soak in the views, most of her cabins will offer ocean views, and 86% provide balconies. Brilliant Lady will offer the same features as her sister ships, including the no buffet dining options, cabin automation technology, Squid Ink tattoo parlor and extensive entertainment venues.

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Janssonius – Oceanwide Expeditions

Debuting this year, Oceanwide Expeditions’ Janssonius will feature an elegant design containing stylish mid-century modern décor. Named after the historic Dutch cartographer Johannes Janssonius, exploration is at the heart of this vessel’s design. As an expedition ship transporting passengers to the far reaches of the Earth, Janssonius’ spacious layout will include ample outdoor viewing areas that allow passengers to enjoy spectacular views. She will also boast a deck consisting of a large observation lounge and a separate lecture room. These will be reserved for a wide variety of interactive workshops, exhibitions, and performances.

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Want more of this? Stay updated with the latest cruise interiors industry news and trends, grow your network, and source suppliers at Cruise Ship Interiors Design Expo Americas, taking place 6 – 7 June 2024 at Miami Beach Convention Center.

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Cruise Destinations

Virgin voyages announces one-way world cruises for 2023-2024.

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Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • Virgin Voyages is offering four new one-way sailings for the 2023-2024 season, providing travelers with more cruise ship options and the opportunity to explore different destinations.
  • The Resilient Lady and Brilliant Lady ships are the vessels for these voyages, with the Brilliant Lady offering state-of-the-art accommodations, world-class dining options, and exciting entertainment options.
  • The destinations for these cruises include Asia, Australia, and the Caribbean, each offering unique attractions and experiences.
  • The winter season trips for 2023-2024 include holiday sailing trips ending in Puerto Rico on the Brilliant Lady, while the Resilient Lady will reposition after the season and offer voyages to Europe, including visits to exotic destinations.

Four New One-Way Sailings

voyage livenais 2023

Resilient Lady and Brilliant Lady Ships

Exciting destinations in asia, australia, and the caribbean.

Winter Season Trips for 2023-2024

  • Four new one-way sailings announced on Resilient Lady and Brilliant Lady.
  • Brilliant Lady offers holiday sailing trips, including a five-night trip ending in Puerto Rico, visiting Puerto Plata and St. Croix.
  • Resilient Lady repositions after the winter season in Australia and offers voyages to Europe.
  • Voyagers can stay on board for a six-week trip at sea, with three two-week sailings from Australia to Greece.
  • Resilient Lady’s second and third trip segments include visits to exotic destinations like Dubai, Port Klang, Phuket, Santorini, and Alexandria.

Six-Week Trip at Sea Experience

Brilliant Lady’s Holiday Sailing to Puerto Rico

Visiting puerto plata and st. croix, completing trips in san juan, departure on december 24, 2023, resilient lady’s voyages to europe, repositioning after winter season in australia, three two-week sailings from australia to greece, departure on march 27, 2024, resilient lady’s second trip segment: singapore to dubai, exploring mediterranean and red sea ports, frequently asked questions, how much does a six-week trip at sea with virgin voyages cost, are there any age restrictions for the holiday sailing trips on brilliant lady, can passengers bring their own alcohol on board during the winter season trips, what are the dining options available on resilient lady and brilliant lady, are there any special activities or entertainment planned for the voyages to europe on resilient lady.

voyage livenais 2023

Claire, a creative soul with an unquenchable thirst for storytelling, is an integral part of the Voyager Info team. As a dedicated writer, she weaves captivating narratives that transport readers to enchanting cruise destinations and beyond.

Claire’s love affair with writing began at an early age when she discovered the magic of words and their ability to craft worlds and emotions. Her innate curiosity led her to explore various literary genres, but it was travel writing that truly captured her heart. Drawing inspiration from her own globetrotting adventures and encounters with diverse cultures, Claire embarked on a journey to become a travel writer par excellence.

Sailing on the Royal Clipper: An Authentic Nautical Adventure

Silversea’s Galapagos Expedition: Luxury Yacht Experience

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Claire, a creative soul with an unquenchable thirst for storytelling, is an integral part of the Voyager Info team. As a dedicated writer, she weaves captivating narratives that transport readers to enchanting cruise destinations and beyond. Claire’s love affair with writing began at an early age when she discovered the magic of words and their ability to craft worlds and emotions. Her innate curiosity led her to explore various literary genres, but it was travel writing that truly captured her heart. Drawing inspiration from her own globetrotting adventures and encounters with diverse cultures, Claire embarked on a journey to become a travel writer par excellence.

voyage livenais 2023

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Azamara onward: origins, renovation, and future plans.

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  • Azamara Onward was previously known as Pacific Princess and underwent a renovation to remove any trace of its previous life as part of the R-class ships.
  • Azamara Onward is identical to its three sister ships in the Azamara fleet and has unique features like the Atlas Bar offering exclusive artisanal cocktails.
  • Onboard activities and entertainment include trivia competitions, cake-decorating competitions, swimming pool, Jacuzzis, shuffleboard court, and board games.
  • Azamara offers destination-immersive cruising with unconventional experiences ashore, more late departures and overnights in port, and the ability to dock in most ports due to its small size.

The Birth of Azamara Onward

A transformation: from pacific princess to azamara onward, r-class legacy: the origins of azamara onward, azamara onward: a sister ship in the fleet, expanding horizons: future plans for azamara, unique features of azamara onward, onboard delights: activities and entertainment on azamara onward, immersive cruising: azamazing experiences with azamara onward, what is the history behind the name "azamara onward", how does azamara onward differ from its sister ships in the fleet, are there any plans to acquire oceania vessels in the future, what are some unique features of azamara onward that set it apart from other ships in the fleet, how does azamara onward offer a more immersive cruising experience compared to other cruise lines.

voyage livenais 2023

Meet Asra, a talented and adventurous writer who infuses her passion for exploration into every word she writes. Asra’s love for storytelling and her insatiable curiosity about the world make her an invaluable asset to the Voyager Info team.

From a young age, Asra was drawn to the power of words and their ability to transport readers to far-off lands and magical realms. Her fascination with travel and cultures from around the globe fueled her desire to become a travel writer, and she set out on a journey to turn her dreams into reality.

Anthony Bourdain: Unconventional Culinary Icon and Global Influencer

An image capturing Anthony Bourdain's magnetic presence: a vivid montage of his fearless culinary exploration, showcased through a collage of exotic foods, bustling street markets, and diverse cultures, all reflecting his global influence

  • Anthony Bourdain’s unconventional approach to culinary exploration and storytelling captivated audiences worldwide.
  • He used food as a means of cultural exchange, promoting understanding and empathy.
  • Bourdain’s legacy continues to shape the way we view travel, tourism, and the culinary industry.
  • His advocacy for mental health and authenticity resonates with people from all walks of life.

Early Life and Career

Rise to celebrity status, the power of bourdain’s voice, breaking culinary boundaries, impact on food culture, bourdain’s exploration of global cuisine, inspiring a new generation of chefs, advocacy for mental health awareness, remembering bourdain’s legacy, continuing the bourdain influence, what was anthony bourdain’s childhood like and how did it shape his future career, how did anthony bourdain’s rise to celebrity status impact his personal life and relationships, what were some of the key moments or events that showcased the power of bourdain’s voice and influence, in what ways did anthony bourdain challenge traditional culinary practices and push the boundaries of the food industry, how did anthony bourdain’s exploration of global cuisine contribute to a greater understanding and appreciation of different cultures, authentic tacos and local delights: a culinary adventure in cabo san lucas.

the essence of Cabo San Lucas' culinary adventure with an image of a sizzling taco al pastor, topped with juicy pineapple chunks and a sprinkle of cilantro, served on a warm, handmade tortilla

  • Los Tacos May offers unique and delicious tacos like Corazon de la vaca, cabeza surtida, and lengua.
  • Baja Fish Tacos are popular, but the ones on the food tour are more authentic.
  • There is a vendor that sells a variety of sweets, spiced nuts, and beans.
  • Elotes y Esquites Estilo Sinaloa is a popular and unique version of corn, served as a carb-filled snack.

Exploring the Taquerias: A Taco Lover’s Paradise

Baja’s best fish tacos: a taste of the sea, sweet delights and steamed tamales: indulging in local treats, savoring sinaloa’s unique corn creations, taco trivia: uncovering the history and origins, discovering hidden gem taquerias: a local’s guide, from street vendors to family recipes: the authenticity of cabo’s tacos, unforgettable flavors: experiencing the gastronomic wonders of cabo san lucas, beyond tacos: exploring the diverse culinary scene in cabo san lucas, what is the history behind the origin of tacos in mexico, how do the hard shells commonly eaten in the us differ from the soft corn tacos in mexico, what is the significance of the arrival of pastor tacos in mexico and how were they influenced by lebanese immigrants, can you provide more information about the local institution that offers fresh fruit popsicles in cabo san lucas, what are some other popular dishes or cuisines to explore in cabo san lucas beyond tacos.

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You asked for more choices — and we listened., sea (even) more in 2024-2025..

Now’s the time to swap dreams for future plans by locking in one of our 27 new 2024-2025 voyages. If Bilbao and Bruges, the Great Barrier Reef, or Grand Turk (our latest Caribbean hot-spot) top your must-visit list, you’ll score up to $900 off all voyages through 2024 and up to $600 in free drinks. Enjoy the extra savings towards epic (future) celebrations when your sailing date arrives.

When the world’s most coveted island getaways are less than an ocean away, the Caribbean is always in season. Not only do our year round OG Caribbean sailings feature a full day in paradise at our Beach Club at Bimini, but we’re adding extra ports to our December holiday itineraries, and some grand new destinations like Grand Turk and Nassau between January-March 2024.

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Business Insider

A Japanese billionaire canceled his trip to the moon on a SpaceX rocket after too many delays

  • Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa will no longer fly to the moon aboard SpaceX's rocket, Starship.
  • A statement said the voyage was scheduled for 2023, but delays made the timeline "unfeasible."
  • The uncertain launch schedule prompted Maezawa to scrap the project.

Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa has canceled his star-studded trip to the moon aboard a rocket designed by Elon Musk's company, SpaceX .

The project's official website, dearMoon, published a statement on Saturday. Maezawa, the founder of online retailer Zozotown, first announced the project in 2018 and described it as "the world's first civilian circumlunar voyage aboard SpaceX's space vehicle, Starship."

SpaceX and dearMoon made plans to take flight by the end of 2023.

"Unfortunately, however, launch within 2023 became unfeasible, and without clear schedule certainty in the near-term, it is with a heavy heart that Maezawa made the unavoidable decision to cancel the project," the statement read.

Maezawa echoed the statement with an X post, writing, "I can't plan my future in this situation, and I feel terrible making the crew members wait longer, hence the difficult decision to cancel at this point in time."

"I apologize to those who were excited for this project to happen," he added.

A dearMoon representative confirmed the cancellation in a statement to Business Insider. Representatives for SpaceX did not respond to Business Insider's request for comment.

Maezawa announced the eight people who would fly aboard the space vehicle in a YouTube video in December 2022. The guest list included American DJ Steve Aoki, K-Pop star T.O.P., and Indian actor Dev Joshi.

The billionaire previously traveled to space in December 2021 during a 12-day trip to the International Space Station . He spent an estimated $80 million to ride aboard a Russian Soyuz rocket .

Musk founded SpaceX in 2022 and recently answered questions about the company during the annual Milken Institute Global Conference in May.

When asked if artificial intelligence could speed up his space exploration efforts, Musk said that "almost no AI is used" in that field.

He added that he's not against integrating AI, but "we haven't seen a use for it."

If you enjoyed this story, be sure to follow Business Insider on Microsoft Start.

A Japanese billionaire canceled his trip to the moon on a SpaceX rocket after too many delays

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Explore Lyubertsy

Essential lyubertsy.

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For example, Sydney

Time difference between Recife, Brazil and Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

Recife, brazil, elektrostal, russia.


  1. VW VOYAGE 2023 → Ficha técnica, Itens de série, Preço

    voyage livenais 2023

  2. VW Voyage 2023: Preço, Versões, Consumo e Ficha Técnica

    voyage livenais 2023

  3. Novo Voyage 2023: preço, motor, consumo, automático: Confira tudo sobre

    voyage livenais 2023

  4. VW VOYAGE 2023 → Ficha técnica, Itens de série, Preço

    voyage livenais 2023

  5. VW Voyage 2023: Preço, Versões, Consumo e Ficha Técnica

    voyage livenais 2023

  6. VW Voyage 2023: Preço, Versões, Consumo e Ficha Técnica

    voyage livenais 2023


  1. Что нас ждет на рынке рыболовных лодок? Обзор новинок на Moscow Boat Show 2023 от компании BMPBOATS

  2. L'esprit d'équipe se prépare pour l'Ocean Globe Race 2023

  3. Bienvenue à Pouillé

  4. Шри-Ланка 2023 Пляжи и дикая природа

  5. Transat Jacques Vabre Normandie Le Havre 2023 : Résumé de la journée 2910

  6. LES COULISSES D'UN VOYAGE INFLUENCEURS (ce titre de p*tasse aled)


  1. Livenais Voyages

    brochure Brochure 2023 - 2024. ... Contactez-nous! Livenais Voyages, Voyagez différemment. Bureaux. LIVENAIS VOYAGES 19 rue de la Déportation 02630 Mennevret Tél. 03 23 60 80 25 Fax 03 23 60 84 11 [email protected]. Suivez-nous. Zones de dépôts.

  2. Presentation

    brochure Brochure 2023 - 2024. Pour vos cadeaux pensez à offrir un voyage! ... LIVENAIS VOYAGES 19 rue de la Déportation 02630 Mennevret Tél. 03 23 60 80 25 Fax 03 23 60 84 11 [email protected]. Suivez-nous. Zones de dépôts. MENNEVRET 19 rue de la Déportation 02630 Mennevret BLÉRANCOURT Rue Pasteur 02300 Blérancourt ...

  3. Nos Catalogues

    brochure Brochure 2023 - 2024. Livenais Voyages, Voyagez différemment. Bureaux. LIVENAIS VOYAGES 19 rue de la Déportation 02630 Mennevret Tél. 03 23 60 80 25 Fax 03 23 60 84 11 [email protected]. Suivez-nous. Zones de dépôts.

  4. Nouvelle collection voyages 2023-2024

    Notre fabrique à voyages vous propose + de 40 nouveautés dans cette nouvelle collection 2023-2024. Ces nouveautés sont composées de combinés merveilleux tels que la Corée du Sud et le Japon, le Costa Rica et le Nicaragua, le Chili et l'Argentine, de destinations à nouveau à l'honneur comme la Chine, l'Ouganda et le Cap-Vert, de ...

  5. Virgin Voyages Cruises 2023

    Virgin Voyages Sailing Club. We're giving you just a little more time to complete two voyages with us, become a Sea-Rover, and get access to our Deep Blue Extras and Red Hot Booking Bonus Months. To lock your loyalty status in, get on board before December 31, 2023. New year, (another) new ship — and a shipload of incredible new experiences ...

  6. Cruises 2023

    Sea it all in 2023. Make plans to fall in love — with dreamy voyages sailing across the world. From new Caribbean destinations to our arrival in Australia later this year, lean into the romance of February, because you'll get 55% off 2nd Sailors and up to $600 in free drinks when you book by Feb. 28th. LEARN MORE.

  7. Cruises & Cruise Holidays

    Miami, NY, LA, and Seattle August 2025 - May 2026. Apply. $129 per night with summer vacation Sail & Save. Summer's officially activated — with rates as low as $129 per Sailor per night and Sea Terrace upgrades from $174 on summer voyages in the Caribbean or Mediterranean (or UK!), but only when you lock in this limited-time offer by June ...

  8. Virgin Voyages Is Ringing in the New Year With a Massive Sale on 2023

    Give the gift of cruising this holiday season with Virgin Voyages' newest sale . Now through Jan. 31, those who book a Virgin Voyage cruise for 2023 travel will get to bring a "second sailor" for 60 percent off the second ticket, plus score up to $600 worth of free drinks. You and your sailing buddy will have your pick of destinations, with ...

  9. Entertainment 2023

    Like the major entertainment district in your favorite city, in 2023, some of our shows, like Never Sleep Alone, have wrapped their first season (but don't worry, with rotating lineups, second seasons are always on the horizon), while others, like Duel Reality, are getting extended runs by popular demand. Awe-inspiring new shows from our world ...

  10. Virgin Voyages Adds Destinations And Itineraries

    Virgin Voyages, the adult-only cruise line launched by Richard Branson, will soon add 19 new ports and 27 new itineraries to its offerings. ... Valiant Lady will start her 2023 winter season with a return from Barcelona on October 29, 2023, and then begin a series of Caribbean cruises from Miami.

  11. Virgin Voyages to Offer Four One-Way Sailings Across the World in 2023

    Virgin Voyages is set to offer four new one-way sailings across the world during the 2023-2024 winter season. Sailing in Asia, Australia and the Caribbean, the repositioning voyages will be offered by the Resilient Lady and the new Brilliant Lady. Departing from Miami on Dec. 24, 2023, the Brilliant Lady…

  12. Virgin Voyages Offers Special Deals for 2023

    2023 promises to be even bigger as Virgin Voyages prepares to welcome Resilient Lady into its celebrated fleet in May. Following the excitement of the holidays, Sailors can take advantage of the most inclusive offer ever, which includes up to $600 in free bevies and hand-crafted cocktails for all new bookings.

  13. Caribbean & European Cruise Vacations

    Make plans to fall in love — with dreamy voyages sailing across the world. From new Caribbean destinations to our arrival in Australia later this year, lean into the romance of February, because you'll get 55% off 2nd Sailors and up to $600 in free premium drinks when you book by Feb. 28th, 2023. ... 2023. LEARN MORE An epic, one-of-a-kind ...

  14. All the Cruise Ships Sailing their Maiden Voyage in 2023

    Brilliant Lady - Virgin Voyages. Late 2023. Virgin Voyages' second launch of the year, Brilliant Lady, will transport 2,700 sailors to some of the world's most sought after ports of call when she debuts. To allow passengers to soak in the views, most of her cabins will offer ocean views, and 86% provide balconies.

  15. Virgin Voyages Announces One-Way World Cruises for 2023-2024

    In conclusion, Virgin Voyages' announcement of four new one-way world cruises for the 2023-2024 season offers an exciting opportunity for adventurous travelers. With the Resilient Lady and Brilliant Lady ships, passengers can explore diverse destinations in Asia, Australia, the Caribbean, and Europe. The winter season trips provide a six-week ...

  16. Virgin Voyages Announces New Fleet-Wide Entertainment

    Immersive fleet-wide experiences, up-and-coming musical artists and new stage acts round out 2023 entertainment line-up. Learn more here.

  17. Virgin Voyages' 2023 Impact Report

    Specific "sea change" goals include achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050, reaching 50/50 gender parity among our Crew, inspiring our Sailors to live and travel more sustainability, and making a positive impact in the communities where we live, work, and visit. And with a little help from our like-minded partners, and eco-conscious ...

  18. Jewish Calendar 2023 Elektrostal', Moscow Oblast, Russia

    This subscription is a 4-year perpetual calendar feed with events for the current year (2023) plus 3 future years. Step-by-step: iPhone / iPad or macOS. Download 2023 only. Use this download alternative if you prefer to manually import the calendar events and merge with your own calendar.

  19. 19 New Destinations & 27 Exciting Itineraries through 2025

    Now's the time to swap dreams for future plans by locking in one of our 27 new 2024-2025 voyages. If Bilbao and Bruges, the Great Barrier Reef, or Grand Turk (our latest Caribbean hot-spot) top your must-visit list, you'll score up to $900 off all voyages through 2024 and up to $600 in free drinks. Enjoy the extra savings towards epic ...

  20. A Japanese billionaire canceled his trip to the moon on a SpaceX ...

    Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa will no longer fly to the moon aboard SpaceX's rocket, Starship. A statement said the voyage was scheduled for 2023, but delays made the timeline "unfeasible."

  21. Lyubertsy, Russia: All You Need to Know Before You Go (2024

    Lyubertsy Tourism: Tripadvisor has 1,975 reviews of Lyubertsy Hotels, Attractions, and Restaurants making it your best Lyubertsy resource.

  22. Moscow Oblast

    Moscow Oblast ( Russian: Моско́вская о́бласть, Moskovskaya oblast) is a federal subject of Russia. It is located in western Russia, and it completely surrounds Moscow. The oblast has no capital, and oblast officials reside in Moscow or in other cities within the oblast. [1] As of 2015, the oblast has a population of 7,231,068 ...

  23. Time difference between Recife, Brazil and Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast

    Wednesday, May 17, 2023 Recife's time zone: UTC-03:00 or -03 : 02:46 AM Thursday, May 18, 2023 Elektrostal's time zone: UTC+03:00 or MSK : Find out the distance between Recife and Elektrostal Find out the time difference between Recife and other cities Find out the time difference between Elektrostal and other cities.