Work and Travel in the US

Travel Forums North America Work and Travel in the US

Hi, my name is Diana, I'm a Law Student from Colombia, in December I'll finish my degree and I would like to do some travel for a couple of months up to a year once I graduate, but money is a concern, I have heard of a lot of travelers that work for a few months and then can afford to travel to some interesting places. I realize that I'll need to get a work visa to work but I have heard of agencies through which you can find a job and get a visa. Ideally, I would like to work in the US since I've heard you can make a good amount of money during the winter or summer seasons. I wonder if any of you could point me to an agency or some ways I can find work in the US for a few months so I can afford to travel. Thank you so much.

North America Threads

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  • I'm preparing to do it again.
  • Non immigration visa - caution - Answered incorrectly on EST
  • Go to the U.S.
  • For Work Exchange

Work & Travel USA

student employees at cedar fair gift shop

CIEE Work & Travel USA is the longest-running program of its kind, and there’s a reason why we sponsor more participants than any other organization. Whether you’re a visiting student or an employer, CIEE delivers unmatched support and the best international exchange experiences.

global youth travel award 2017

Simple From Start to Finish

Finding a seasonal job, hiring, obtaining a visa, getting ready for the trip, dealing with taxes and paychecks, complying with regulations – a work and travel experience can be complicated. It doesn’t have to be. And with CIEE Work & Travel USA, it isn’t.

students working at amusement park

Simple Hiring Process

CIEE works with more than 70 of the most reputable international representatives in the world. We make hiring easy through our own overseas job fairs, dedicated recruiters, and virtual hiring services. Each candidate is pre-screened for English skills, a positive attitude, and team spirit. Students are confident they will fit in, and employers are assured of getting productive seasonal team members.

student lifeguards cedar fair

Thorough Preparation

We take the time to make sure every student is ready for his or her cultural exchange experience, months ahead of departure. We walk them through the process with clear instruction and assistance for everything from obtaining a visa to travel advice. There’s also an in-depth online orientation about living and working in the United States.

students studying at desk with laptops

Constant Communication

CIEE remains in touch with all of the CIEE Work & Travel USA students throughout the program. We offer tips on living in America, reminders about regulations, and great information on how to make the most of their American experience. There is also a CIEE Work & Travel USA community on Facebook where students can connect and share their journey of discovery with the world.

What People are Saying

CIEE WORK & TRAVEL USA IS A GREAT OPPORTUNITY to work with American people and learn something new. The journey was incredible! 

Todor K., student from Bulgaria

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Work and Travel USA

International Cultural Exchange Program


Summer Work and Travel USA Program

The Summer Work Travel program provides foreign students with an opportunity to live and work in the United States during their summer vacation from college or university to experience and to be exposed to the people and way of life in the United States.

Participants in the program must be post-secondary school students in an educational institution outside the United States who have completed at least one semester or equivalent of post-secondary academic study. Additionally they must possess sufficient proficiency in English and must be pre-placed in a job prior to entry unless from a visa waiver country. Applicants must be pre-placed in a job prior to entry. U.S. based exchange visitor sponsors will issue form DS-2019 once they accept applicants into their program.

Participants are allowed to work up to four months during their summer break and are generally allowed a grace period (usually 30 days) to travel in the United States after the end of the exchange program. The Summer Work Travel is not for visitors who only want to travel in the United States; to enter the United States as a tourist only the correct visa category is B-2.

See  or  FAQ  for further information.

HISTORY OF Summer Work&Travel

The Summer Work Travel program was created by the Mutual Educational and Cultural Exchange Act of 1961, Senator J. William Fulbright’s legislation to increase mutual understanding between Americans and the people of other countries.

This legislation created such important academic exchanges as the Fulbright Program, among many others.

In that legislation, Senator Fulbright also saw the need for work-based exchange programs like Summer Work Travel. 

Over 50+ years, Summer Work Travel has become the U.S.’ largest student exchange program. It is privately funded and costs nothing to the U.S. taxpayer. In addition to its diplomatic and foreign policy benefits, the program has evolved to provide important economic benefits to U.S. host businesses and seasonal communities. 

Work & Travel Group

  • Conditions for participation
  • Special loan
  • Full Exclusive Program price
  • 5 biggest misleads
  • Job Locations
  • Interviews With Employers
  • Job Positions
  • Hilton Head Island
  • Amelia Island
  • Traverse City
  • Lake George
  • Cedar Point Experiences
  • Free English Language Course
  • SERFSAFE course
  • Health Insurance
  • DS 2019 form
  • Social Security Number
  • I-94 formular
  • About Program
  • Types and prices of the program
  • Types of camps
  • Necessary documentation
  • Living in the camp
  • Program Offer
  • Full Program Price
  • Self Program Price
  • Pay 0$ for the program
  • Program payment
  • Employer for Full Exclusive Program
  • Location for Full Exclusive Program
  • Job positions for Full Exclusive Program
  • Accommodation for Full Exclusive Program
  • About the program
  • Necessary Documentation
  • Campus Locations
  • Accommodation

Work and Travel USA




If a student does not get the visa we keep 0$!

The program price includes health insurance for the fifth month

Payment is possible in five installments, the last one you pay after getting the visa

Possibility to attend the world recognized course in catering SERVSAFE (

Free English language course with native speaker!

Job fairs and live interviews with employers!

Over 100 authentic student experience videos!

What is Work and Travel program?

“Summer Work and Travel USA” program is a cultural exchange program exclusively for students. The program has been approved and supported by the American government and it enables students to work in the USA during the summer break within a period of 4 months and after that, if they want, to use the fifth month for traveling. The aim of the program is to gain great experience, improve English language, meet the culture, customs and lifestyle, as well as, to get new friends.

work and travel usa forums

What do we offer?

Summer Work and Travel Program is a complex program. Therefore, it is important that you have safety and all the program segments organized.

1. Safe job – interviews with the employers 2. Meeting the representative of the sponsor companies in the USA authorized by the State Department before departure to the USA. 3. Transport to the location of the employer or accommodation 4. Organization and help with getting SSN number in the USA which you cannot work without 5. Continuous support during your stay in the USA

See the necessary documentation

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See the full offer of jobs across the USA


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Work and Travel

Work & travel usa.

work and travel usa forums


Work & Travel USA is a cultural exchange program that allows university or tertiary students to learn about the American way of life through paid temporary work while perfectioning their English and meeting other young university students from all around the world.

Duration: 3 or 4 months

Departure date: December every year

The largest job offer in the Work and Travel USA program focuses on tourism and services, especially ski resorts, resorts, casinos and hotels. The Work and Travel Program is recognized by the United States Government.

We have more than 20 years of experience in the program. Working closely with our sponsors and employers since 2003, more than 3000 students have traveled to make this experience of living in the USA.

Work & Travel Program Options 

• Option Full: InterLatina provides the job offer.

• Option Independent: If you already have a job in the USA.

• Opción Returnee: For all the students that choose to do this experience again with us. 


• Be between 18 and 28 years of age

• Commit to work for at least three (3) months. The official program dates for Argentina are from December 1 to March 15/31

• Intermediate level of English

• To be a tertiary or university student of an institution integrated to the official education and to be studying as a regular student throughout the school year (first and second semester).It is required that the course includes at least 10 in-person hours per week.

What this visa allows

Through the Work and Travel USA program you will improve your English, expand your vocabulary and gain international work experience. You will learn what is not taught in the university: you will organize your adult life away from your parents and live with other students, living on your salary and paying all your bills.

Application process

1) Work and Travel USA Program Registration: Presentation of the initial documentation, evaluation of English, payment of registration. 2) Selection of at least three Work and Travel USA job offers in which you are interested. 3) Interview with Work and Travel USA employer / sponsor by phone or skype. 4) Payment of the rest of the Work and Travel USA program:  5) Additional documentation: Once you are hired, you must complete the documentation requested by your sponsor USA. 6) Delivery of DS 2019 for the processing of the Work and Travel USA visa. Personal interview at the embassy. 7) Air ticket: can be purchased with InterLatina once your visa is approved. 8) Travel to USA: Once in the USA you must process your Social Security Number (if it is the first time you travel to work) and present yourself at work. 9) During the program: You must perform cultural activities of which you must inform your sponsor. 10) Upon your return to Argentina you will contact us to inform about your experience. This report is very important for the continuity of the program.

Medical insurance and flights

Medical insurance is included in the program. Covers accidents and illnesses. Limited coverage of dentistry. It does not cover routine check-ups. 

The plane ticket can be purchased to InterLatina. Ask us about our offers!

InterLatina represents sponsors of VISA J1 Alliance Abroad, Spirit, Interexchange, Cultural Homestay International, International Educational Exchange, among others. 

work and travel usa forums

Workers are clamoring for the chance to travel for business, but some groups feel like they’re on standby

Three business people walk together in an airport terminal, carrying luggage.

Good morning!

Business travel is up and running again after practically grinding to a halt just a few years ago. 

Despite the usual annoyances like delayed flights and charmless hotels, employees in general seem eager to get back on the road. Around 67% of workers who travelled three or more times in the past two years believe that business travel is important for their career growth, according to a global survey of 3,750 business travelers from SAP Concur. But many employees also believe they’re not given equal travel access to the opportunity. 

Younger workers are more likely to believe business travel is important for their career progression compared to older generations, but they’re also most likely to say they’re being held back. Around 19% of people chalk up their dearth of travel opportunities to a lack of seniority, and another 18% boil it down to their age, according to the report. 

Around 14% believe they don’t get the chance to travel because they’re caretakers, and another 11% of people say it comes down to their gender. Broken down further, those numbers show that women more often feel they don’t have the same opportunities compared to their male counterparts. 

When it comes to addressing challenges to corporate travel programs in general, SAP recommends employers think about three basic steps. First, connect with employees to see where the pain points are, and ask if they feel like they have the same opportunity to take business trips as their coworkers. Second, act on those insights; make sure that employees have the right tools they need to travel successfully. And third, get help from outside resources if necessary.

Paige McGlauflin [email protected] @ paidion

Around the Table

A round-up of the most important HR headlines.

- Once an arbitrary legal agreement intended to prevent individuals from sharing corporate secrets, NDAs have taken on a larger role in today's society. New York Magazine

- Brooke Shields is adding another job to her varied career: union boss. The actress, author, and businesswoman is now president of the Actors’ Equity Association, a union representing theater actors and stage managers in the U.S. New York Times

- Warehouses that are cropping up in rural America to support our online shopping frenzy are transforming the towns in which they’re built. Bloomberg

- Big Law’s fight for talent is starting to resemble sports teams’ bidding wars for drafting professional athletes. Lawyers at the top of their game are netting eight-figure salaries as law firms take on bigger revenue-generating clients. New York Times


Everything you need to know from Fortune .

DEI alienation. Tractor Supply recent announced it was cutting all diversity positions and withdrawing other diversity and ESG goals. But the decision could hurt the retailer by  alienating customers in increasingly diverse “exurban” areas . —Phil Wahba

Strike deal. Canadian airline giant WestJet reached a deal with its mechanics to end a strike that caused more than 820 flight cancellations between Thursday and Monday. —AP

Vacation deprivation. Despite getting nearly two-and-a-half times more PTO than Americans, German and French workers are more likely to feel deprived of a vacation than their U.S. counterparts, according to a new study.  —Prarthana Prakash

Keys to resilience. Prudential Financial CEO Charles Lowrey says there are four key components that make up  a resilient company .   —Fortune CEO Initiative

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American Experience

Eligibility Requirements

Prices and options, medical insurance and taxes, work and travel loan.

  • --> APPLY NOW!  

Work and Travel USA

Summer Work Travel is a program started by the U.S. State Department in the 1960s for students from all over the world who want to visit America during their summer break. Not for those who just want to take a few pictures or videos, but for those who also want to earn some money.

Summer Work Travel gives you the chance to be more than a tourist, and we believe it's the greatest college experience.

Last year 90,000 students went to the States with the Summer Work Travel program. About 7700 were from Romania.  

Summer work travel program history.

In the 1960s the U.S. State Department laid the foundation for a series of programs that allowed young people from around the world to experience the American lifestyle for a limited period of time. Initially a program for travel alone, it gained momentum when the State Department realized that there were many students who wanted to visit the USA but also earn some money.

As a result, as part of the Summer Work Travel program students with J1 visas are now allowed to travel and work legally in the USA during their summer break. For Romania the program runs from June 15th to October 30th. Students may work until October 1st, then travel for up to 30 days afterwards.


When you come to us, you can be sure you'll have the best selection of jobs and accommodations in the places you want to go. First of all, because we are leaders in the field of cultural and educational programs in United States, and second of all because we have a long list of trusted employers from which you can choose a job. To date we've sent thousands of students to the States, making us one of the most prominent Summer Work Travel companies in Eastern Europe.

You can go to the States if you are in one of the following categories:


You may attend either a public or private university, and it should be accredited. You must be less than 30 years old and at least intermediate English-language skills. Even if you’re not a Romanian citizen, if you study and live in Romania you are eligible for the Summer Work Travel program.


You can still go the USA if you are in your final year of college, as long as you plan to continue your studies by applying to a master's or PhD program.


You can go to the USA as early as your first year of college, as long as you are a full-time student at an accredited university.

Since 2010, the USA Embassy in Bucharest has relaxed the eligibility conditions for the Summer Work Travel program: there is no minimum grade point requirement. However, it is still important to have good grades and few or no failed exams.

So, ”All students are invited to Work and Travel in the USA”.

It’s not a trip. it’s not tourism. it’s a journey..

We have three options for you. You can go independently (find your own job and housing), you can choose job placement for locations throughout the U.S., or you can choose a special package/specific destination.


We help you get your visa; you must find your own job and housing. In this case, the Summer Work Travel program costs you $ 1499. To simplify the process you can download a Work Placement Agreement for your employer to fill in.


American Experience works with you and the Visa Sponsor to get the job you want. With this option your only concern is passing your exams and packing your bags for the summer. The price of this option is $ 1499.


If you want to go to one of the most sought-after destinations in the USA, then choose this option. You'll get the job and housing you want and live in a very cool location.


• Obtaining the legal right for you to work in USA • DS-2019 form for the visa interview; • Medical insurance; • Briefing and orientation sessions; • Assistance during the program period in the USA; • Housing assistance during the program period.

Hurry up if you'd like a special package, as there are limited placements!  

Sign up early, because there are several steps in the process…  .

But also because you have a higher chance of getting a good job and going to a more touristic destination.

Don't wait until the last week before summer break, because by then, no matter how fast we move it will be too late to get you to the States. Just like at a concert, the good seats are gone quickly. In our case, for Hawaii, California, and Ocean City you need to sign up early. This way, you have access to a bigger job list, and the visa process and paperwork are less stressful.


Before you arrive in the States, you need a j-visa that enables you to enter the country, then work and travel. You get one by going to a visa interview at the United States Embassy in Bucharest. The interviewer will ask standard questions about you, about your plans in the USA, about where you are going to work, etc. Our advice is to be calm and to be honest.

Choose your program option. Tell us if it’s going to be independent or with a job placement.

Sign up. Bring your ID (original and a copy) and your proof of student status so a program coordinator can help you fill in the signup sheet. You then have 10 days to pay the first installment of your program fee

Choose your job. (Or don’t choose one if you applied for the Independent option.)

Apply for your visa.

Get your plane ticket.

Come to our briefing and orientation sessions.

Your embassy file must have:

DS 2019 FORM (Certificate of Eligibility for Exchange Visitor Status)


VISA FEE $185 as of June 17, 2023

PHOTO must meet Embassy requirements.

Tax Details

The Summer Work Travel program was created for students that want to work and travel in the US during their summer break. American Experience offers jobs in areas and cities worth visiting as tourists. In fact, the reason why employers need more employees in those areas is that a great number of tourists visit these cities during summer. There are also lots of things to see! Las Vegas, Ocean City, Palm Beach, the Grand Canyon, the Rocky Mountains, Atlantic City, California, New England, Texas – there are a lot of places you can go.

Whatever position you have, it’s a temporary job, so you don’t need any special qualifications or tourism experience. If you are going to interact with the customers, your charm, communication skills, and your English knowledge will help you.

Your duties will be simple, so you will be able to do your job - especially since you will be trained by your employer.  

Summer break period.

American employers need you beginning on June 15th, and you can work until October 1st. After that you may no longer work, but you can travel for up to 30 days after the end date on your DS-2019 form. You can arrange your return travel for this time, but keep in mind that August is when many American students return to school, so your chances to work extra hours or find a second job increase. For the widest range of choices, plan to arrive in June, and be sure to sign up for the program early.


In the USA you have the same rights as an American citizen working the same job. If you are there as part of the Summer Work Travel program you are working legally, just like an American. You can easily find a second job, where you can work part-time. You can work as much as you want, and you can earn money from wages, tips, and overtime. Working full- time usually means 40 hours per week, and most employers pay for overtime at 150% of your regular wage.


There are several ways to find a job under the Summer Work Travel program. First, you can attend a Job Fair (we'll let you know when it's going to take place) where you can meet potential employers and discuss job details. You can show your personal and professional strengths. Most of the time personal contact helps you get the job in the end. Another option is to visit an AE office and consult the AE job list. You can also find your own job by getting in touch with friends that live in the USA or searching online. Be careful not to buy job offers from unauthorized people! Not only is it illegal, but you also risk not having a job when you get there!

 Check the available jobs here

There are a few things in United States that you should be careful about: medical insurance and income taxes.

In the USA, like everywhere, any income is taxable, and for any medical needs you must have insurance or you will have to cover all of your own expenses.  

Medical insurance.

SThe American Health System is different from ours. The biggest difference is that it is more expensive. Everything is paid by the patient. Subscribers (except retirees and disabled people) do not receive help from the Government to cover insurance costs. The hospitals are extremely modern and have up-to-date technology. If you have an accident and do not have medical insurance, you will be responsible for the cost of all medical procedures. All American Experience program participants have medical insurance that meets U.S. State Department requirements; it is included in the program free. The insurance is necessary for your journey abroad and can be used both in the USA and in transit countries.

Your insurance covers emergency medical expenses, early return to your home country (for medical reasons), emergency dental treatment, lost luggage, lost plane ticket, etc.

You will pay several taxes over the period you work in the States: federal and state taxes and sometimes Medicare or Social Security Taxes. American Experience can help you request a refund of your taxes and have them sent back to your bank account (we recommend a dollar account). The state and federal tax refund process takes from 30 to 90 days; Medicare and Social Security Tax refunds (usually not paid by Summer Work Travel participants) can take up to 6 months.


We're sure you've heard lots of stories, both good ones and bad ones, about Americans. You probably have some ideas about American society from movies and TV shows. The U.S. society is extremely complex and diverse. There are differences between Americans living in different geographical areas, in cities or in the countryside, and between different social classes. Added to that, there are millions of immigrants that add more variety and color to their culture. Applicants should understand that the program's stipend or wages might not cover all of the program expenses, and applicants should bring additional personal funds to cover living expenses

Below we will present some ” typically American:” facts:  


Probably the most important American feature is that they see every person as an independent individual, with his own strengths and weaknesses, and they do not jump to conclusions despite their race, social status, and family. They emphasize the importance of equality, and their judgment is based on people's abilities. From birth children are taught to “stand on their own two feet,” to be independent. You may be surprised, but most American students choose the classes they want to attend, their leaders, and their careers without taking their parents' opinions into consideration. They make their own decisions.

Generally, Americans are very informal in relationships, even if there is an age difference. For example, students and teachers sometimes call each other by first name. In Romania it would be considered disrespectful, but it is a part of the American culture.


Culture shock is the process of adapting to a new and different country and culture. The weather, the food, the landscape, and the people you interact change, and they may seem strange at the beginning. It’s normal to feel shocked. When you get to know and understand them, the shock will disappear.

At the beginning it’s normal to feel nervous and home sick. In some cases you will experience low self-esteem and the need to talk to people from your country. You might even think you can’t make it on your own. The right thing to do is not to panic.


A home away from home, a place to find some friends, and a real hub from which to explore the American continent - with trips designed specifically for Summer Work Travel participants.


One of the most important American values is the competitive spirit and the need to compete all the time with someone. You will find competition everywhere, friendly or not. This could be by breaking records or seeking to achieve in sports, business, or any other area. For example, books and movies are not always judged by quality, but for the number of sold copies.

Even if they are very competitive, Americans appreciate teamwork and the pursuit of a common goal.

Our advices

Some Advice for Beating Culture Shock:

• Find something to do all the time. Watch a movie, go to a concert, take a walk. Avoid staying home and getting bored. • Focus on the present, and don’t think about home all the time. You will see that you are surrounded by good things and fun things to do. • Talk to people around you. Socialize, talk about yourself, and make friends you can spend your time with • There are a lot of community activities, sports competitions, volunteering, or social events you can attend. Get involved! • Go out, take walks, and explore the city. Your problems won’t go away if you keep sending emails to your parents.

We hope this gives you an idea about what living in the States means. For other details about living and working there and about American society, attend our briefing and orientation sessions.

Most returned students tell us that their experience was more than they every thought it would be. The experience of a lifetime, one that wouldn't be possible at this age in Romania or any other European country. For the first time in their life they got to know themselves better. Or to quote one student, "a time of growing up.”

This is why you should visit us and talk to one of our representatives - or with one of the students that came back “the same person but not exactly the same.”

You can’t find out about “self improvement, " “crossing the ocean that splits you from yourself,” or “leaving as one man and coming back a different one,” unless YOU GO!!  

Tibor ritner, oradea - ocean city.


Iulian Radu

București - ocean city.

Iulian Radu

Steliana Cosareanu

Steliana Cosareanu

A few years ago we thought of a system to make the program accessible to any student, regardless of financial possibilities. This is how the Work and Travel Loan appeared. At this moment it is offered by Banca Transilvania under the name of "Gaudeamus"

The principle is quite simple: you are offered up to 3,500 euros (or the equivalent in lei), for a period of up to 2 years, and you can give them back when you return from the States.

What is being financed?

• registration fee for the Work & Travel program

• other fees (SEVIS fee, Consular fee)

• the cost of the plane ticket

• out-of-pocket expenses: maximum 15% of the loan amount


• You have 24 months to repay the loan

• In the first 6 months from the moment you are granted the loan, you can choose not to pay anything, neither the rate, nor the related interest

• Payment in full of the principal is not due until the end of the grace period

Aplica acum


visa mastercard


NATO Summit Washington 2024

Washington d.c., united states.

  • 09 Jul. 2024 - 11 Jul. 2024
  • Last updated: 12 Jul. 2024 00:01

All timings are local time – EDT

Leaders’ Arrivals and Doorsteps

  • Available live on the NATO website, NATO News on YouTube, in the media centre on CCTV and Host TV feed, via satellite on Worldfeed. Available after the event on and Simultaneous doorsteps will be accessible live on separate feeds in the media centre and via satellite. Original sound only

Remarks by the NATO Secretary General and the Prime Minister of New Zealand

  • Broadcast live on CCTV network and streamed on NATO Website. Available via satellite and clean to the editing booths English Photos Video English

Remarks by the NATO Secretary General and the President of the Republic of Korea

Remarks by the NATO Secretary General and the Prime Minister of Japan

Group photo of the NATO Secretary General, Heads of State and Government of the Indo-Pacific Nations and the President of the United States

  • Available live on the NATO website, NATO News on YouTube, in the media centre on CCTV and Host TV feed, via satellite on Worldfeed. Available after the event on and Photos

Meeting of the North Atlantic Council at the level of Heads of State and Government, Indo-Pacific Partners and the European Union

  • Public opening remarks by the NATO Secretary General Available live on the NATO website, NATO News on YouTube, in the media centre on CCTV and Host TV feed, via satellite on Worldfeed. Available after the event on and Multiple live sounds: Original, English, French, Ukrainian, Russian - locally, via satellite & online. Photos and transcript will be available afterwards on the NATO website English Photos Video English

Joint press conference following the bilateral meeting by the NATO Secretary General and the President of Ukraine

  • South Press Theatre - Press movement starts one hour before the event from the Pool Meeting Point. Open to all accredited media representatives. Available live on the NATO website, NATO News on YouTube, in the media centre on CCTV and Host TV feed, via satellite on Worldfeed. Available after the event on and Photos and transcript will be available afterwards on the NATO website English Photos Video English French Ukrainian Russian

Meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Council at the level of Heads of State and Government

  • Public opening remarks by the NATO Secretary General Available live on the NATO website, NATO News on YouTube, in the media centre on CCTV and Host TV feed, via satellite on Worldfeed. Available after the event on and Multiple live sounds: Original, English, French, Ukrainian, Russian - locally, via satellite & online. Photos and transcript will be available afterwards on the NATO website English Photos Video English French Ukrainian

Declaration of the NATO-Ukraine Council issued by NATO Heads of State and Government

  • English French Russian Ukrainian

Secretary General’s Press Conference

  • North Press Theatre Open to all accredited media representatives. Available live on the NATO website, NATO News on YouTube, in the media centre on CCTV and Host TV feed, via satellite on Worldfeed. Available after the event on and Multiple live sounds: Original, English, French, Ukrainian, Russian - locally, via satellite & online. Photos and transcript will be available afterwards on the NATO website English Photos Video English French Ukrainian

Pre-summit press conference by the NATO Secretary General

  • English Russian Ukrainian Photos Video English French Ukrainian Russian

Heads of delegations ' arrivals at Joint Base Andrews

Wreath-laying Ceremony by the NATO Secretary General at Arlington National Cemetery

Remarks by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg with the US Secretary of Defense, Lloyd J. Austin

  • English Russian Ukrainian Photos English

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg receives the US Department of Defense's Medal for distinguished Public Service

  • English Photos English

NATO-Day celebrated at baseball game at Washington Nationals Park

  • NATO Secretary General will throw the first pitch. For direct media coverage please contact Valerie Krebs, VP, Communications, Washington Nationals +1-202-640-7066 or [email protected] Photos

Women, Peace, and Security round table

  • Remarks by NATO Secretary General Special Representative Irene Fellin and U.S. Ambassador-at-Large Dr. Geeta Rao Gupta Available on live stream in the Media Centre. Photos and video recording will be available on after the event. Photos

Women, Peace, and Security reception

  • Remarks delivered by NATO Secretary General Special Representative Irene Fellin Available on live stream in the Media Centre. Photos and video recording will be available on after the event. English Photos

Keynote speech by the NATO Secretary General at the Defense Industry Forum

  • Available live in the Media Centre and on the NATO website English Photos Video English

Remarks by the NATO Secretary General and the Secretary of State of the United States

NATO 75th Anniversary Celebratory Event at the Andrew W. Mellon Auditorium

  • Available live on the NATO website, in the media centre on CCTV and Host TV feed, via satellite on Worldfeed, as well as on X @NATOPress and NATO News on YouTube. Available after the event on and Photos Video

Speech by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg

  • English Russian Ukrainian English French Ukrainian

Speech by US President Joe Biden

  • English French Ukrainian

NATO Secretary General’s Doorstep

  • Available live on the NATO website, in the media centre on CCTV and Host TV feed, via satellite on Worldfeed, as well as on X @NATOPress and NATO News on YouTube. Available after the event on and Original sound only English Russian Ukrainian Photos Video English

Leaders’ Doorsteps

  • Available live on the NATO website, in the media centre on CCTV and Host TV feed, via satellite on Worldfeed, as well as on X @NATOPress and NATO News on YouTube. Available after the event on and Simultaneous doorsteps accessible live on separate feeds in the editing booths and via satellite. Original sound only

NATO Secretary General participates in a U.S. Senate Event hosted by Senator Charles E. Schumer and Senator Mitch McConnell

  • Visual opportunity / photo spray only Photos

NATO Secretary General’s address at the NATO Public Forum

  • Broadcast live on CCTV, NATO’s Youtube channel and Available live via satellite and clean to the editing booths English Photos Video English French Ukrainian

NATO Secretary General with the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

  • Broadcast live on CCTV network and streamed on NATO Website. Available via satellite and clean to the editing booths Photos

Welcome Ceremony and Official Photo

  • Available live on the NATO website, NATO News on YouTube, in the media centre on CCTV and Host TV feed, via satellite on Worldfeed. Available after the event on and Ambient sound Photos

Meeting of the North Atlantic Council at the level of Heads of State and Government

  • Public opening remarks by the NATO Secretary General and welcoming remarks by the President of the United States of America Available live on the NATO website, NATO News on YouTube, in the media centre on CCTV and Host TV feed, via satellite on Worldfeed. Available after the event on and Multiple live sounds: Original, English, French, Ukrainian, Russian - locally, via satellite & online English Photos Video English French Ukrainian

Arrivals of Heads of Delegation from Partner Countries and Doorsteps

  • Available live on the NATO website, NATO News on YouTube, in the media centre on CCTV and Host TV feed, via satellite on Worldfeed. Available after the event on and Original sound only

Washington Summit Declaration

  • issued by the Heads of State and Government participating in the meeting of the North Atlantic Council in Washington, D.C. English French
  • South Press Theatre - Press movement starts 1 h before the event from the Pool Meeting Point Open to all accredited media representatives. Available live on the NATO website, NATO News on YouTube, in the media centre on CCTV and Host TV feed, via satellite on Worldfeed. Available after the event on and Multiple live sounds: Original, English, French, Ukrainian, Russian - locally, via satellite & online. Photos and transcript will be available afterwards on the NATO Website English Photos Video English French Ukrainian Russian

Social dinner for Heads of State and Government and their spouses, hosted by the President of the United States and the First Lady

  • Details on media coverage to follow Photos

Social dinner for Foreign Affairs Ministers hosted by the Secretary of State of the United States

  • Welcome Remarks by U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and a Toast by NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoană Video and photos will be available after the event Photos

Social dinner for Ministers of Defence hosted by the Secretary of Defense of the United States


  • Overview - 2024 NATO Summit in Washington
  • Event schedule including news, transcripts and multimedia
  • Detailed media programme (pdf)
  • Information for accredited media
  • NATO Summit media advisory
  • NATO 2024 Public Forum

Official Texts

  • NATO Secretary General concludes landmark 75th Anniversary Washington Summit 11 Jul. 2024
  • Washington Summit: Secretary General underlines NATO’s deepening cooperation with Indo-Pacific and EU partners 11 Jul. 2024
  • NATO Secretary General welcomes President Zelenskyy to the Washington Summit, saying “Ukraine’s future is in NATO” 11 Jul. 2024
  • Secretary General outlines Washington Summit priorities at NATO Public Forum 10 Jul. 2024
  • Allied leaders adopt new NATO defence industrial pledge 10 Jul. 2024


  • NATO Multimedia - Summit (Washington, July 2024)
  • Summit Host Broadcast

NATO's response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine


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  • NATO Heads of State
  • NATO Heads of Government
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Some Caribbean islands see almost 'total destruction' after Hurricane Beryl

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A more complete picture emerged Wednesday of the extensive damage wrought by Hurricane Beryl's trek across the Windward Islands, revealing destruction and at least seven deaths.

At least three islands report more than 90% of the homes and buildings either destroyed or severely damaged, the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency reported Wednesday . All three are within the chain of Grenadine Islands, where Beryl roared into the Caribbean on the southern end of the Windwards, between St. Vincent and Grenada.

With 19 participating states across the Caribbean , the agency was helping coordinate disaster response on Grenada and St. Vincent and the Grenadines even as it continued to track Beryl’s movements across Jamaica, Cayman Islands and Belize. The eye of Beryl, still a Category 4 storm, raked Jamaica's coast Wednesday afternoon and was expected to pass near the Cayman Islands Thursday morning, before making landfall in the Yucatan on Friday morning.

The damage estimates for the Windwards – where Beryl made landfall over Carriacou – are only "a very preliminary look," said Elizabeth Riley, the disaster management agency's executive director. Beryl struck the islands with sustained winds of 150 mph and higher gusts on Monday, and the National Hurricane Center had warned that winds could be up to 30% higher on the tops of hills and mountains.

The impacts to the Grenadine Islands are "quite significant," Riley said, leaving residents exposed and vulnerable. Even as recovery efforts began, a tropical wave brought rain and gusty winds Wednesday to the suffering residents.

Grenada prime minister discusses damage on Carriacou

In a briefing late Tuesday after spending more than two hours in a helicopter provided by the government of St. Lucia, Grenada Prime Minister Dickon Mitchell described "total destruction" on the islands of Carriacou and Petite Martinique.

"There's really nothing that can prepare you to see this level of destruction," Mitchell said. "It is almost Armageddon-like, almost total damage and destruction of all buildings. Complete devastation and destruction of agriculture. Complete and total destruction of the natural environment."

"There is literally no vegetation left anywhere on the island of Carriacou; the mangroves are totally destroyed, the boats and the marinas significantly damaged," he said. "There is almost complete destruction of the electrical grid system in Carriacou. The entire communication system is completely destroyed."

However, Mitchell added, he'd been heartened by the volunteers "showing true Grenadian spirit" by arriving from other less damaged areas in boats and fishing vessels to begin delivering relief supplies to those affected.

Hurricane Beryl's fearsome seas As Beryl tears through Caribbean, a drone sends back stunning footage

Beryl damage updates

The following are the preliminary assessments Riley listed:

Carriacou, Grenada

  • The total population of 6,081 has been affected, so shelter is "a significant consideration."
  • Majority of homes and buildings have been extensively damaged
  • Communications have been significantly compromised

Petite Martinique, Grenada

  • Estimated 80% of the houses and buildings extensively damaged or destroyed
  • 900 people affected
  • Majority of the island is sheltering in place

Canouan, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

  • 100% of the island's population (12,600) has been affected
  • An estimated 90% of the houses were damaged, either extensively or destroyed
  • Police station in Charlestown lost its roof

Union Island, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

  • Full population of 3,000 was affected by extensive damage
  • Estimated 98% of buildings, including houses badly damaged or destroyed
  • Airport control tower destroyed, hospital roof destroyed
  • Power plant received significant damage
  • Government assisting people who wish to evacuate

Mayreau, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

  • Total population of 300 people affected
  • 90% of the housing stock and buildings have been damaged or destroyed

Palm Island, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

  • Resort and desalination plant significantly damaged
  • More than 40 homes with damage, a number expected to rise
  • Confirmed significant damage to the fishing sector
  • More than 200 boats damaged
  • Significant damage to the coastal infrastructure, particularly along the south coast 
  • Partial road obstruction
  • Significant damage on southern end 

Trinidad and Tobago

  • Power outages
  • Water disruption on Tobago 
  • Roadway blockages on both islands

Bequia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

  • An estimated 10% of the homes and buildings suffered roof damage
  • Airport and runway are usable
  • Minimal damages reported

Mitchell, Grenada's prime minister, said the island's northernmost parish, Saint Patrick suffered significant damage. The parishes of Saint Andrew, Saint Mark and Saint John also suffered much more damage than the parishes of Saint George and Saint David.

"It is clear that agriculture has taken quite a battering. It is clear that many persons have lost their roofs," Mitchell said. "It is clear, in some instances, many people have lost their entire homes."

Dinah Voyles Pulver covers climate and the environment for USA TODAY. Reach her at [email protected] or @dinahvp.

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Disney World Hacks: Tips for a Magical Visit

T hese Disney World hacks, tips, and tricks, picked up during a whirlwind, two-day visit to Walt Disney World during the July 4th week, guarantee a successful visit during the high season. Remember that more than Orlando’s summer weather and pent-up demand are working against you.

When the parks celebrated their 50th anniversary in 2022, they added new events and attractions that lured more park-goers than ever. Fortunately, Disneyworld shows no signs of the staff shortages seen elsewhere. Happy, kind and caring cast members work to make every day memorable – for all the right reasons. When you get discouraged, turn to them.

Disney World Hacks to Reduce Wait Times

Lines are long, but there are now three ways to speed up the queues at each attraction. The first way to maximize your time and avoid grumpy, over-heated family members is the My Disney Experience mobile app. Follow its Genie Service, which lists real-time waits at each attraction. It’s not only the easiest way but also the cheapest.

The second way has been the paid Disney Genie+ day pass that allows you to reserve available wait times. On July 24, 2024, the Disney Genie+ pass transforms into the new Lightning Lane Multi Pass .

In a new huge benefit, guests booked into Walt Disney World hotels can purchase an LL Multi Pass and book available Lightning Lane attractions seven days in advance, for a stay of up to two weeks. Other WDW ticket holders buy the LL Multi Pass to book timed entry tickets up to 72 hours in advance. On arrival, if there’s availability, your family can change reservations. After you’ve used up a reservation, you can add another one if any are available.

Lastly, the third option is one-time use Lightning Lane Single Pass (fee varies) to enter one ride at an available time.

Read on for details about each time-saving tool and 11 more hacks that are sure to come in handy. Don’t forget to spread kindness and good cheer all around you…

1. Plan Your #WDW Adventure Ahead.

Plan. I always say this (I’m a mom and a tips writer) but never actually do it myself. This time, I did my homework and decided which attractions were essential to experience during our 50-hour visit.

2. Use the My Disney Experience Mobile App Genie Service.

This complimentary app has Artificial Intelligence programmed into it, which is quite brilliant. Before arrival, download the app from Apple’s App Store or the Google Play Store. Then, set up your profile and link your app to other family members so Bluetooth can find them in the parks. Note that none of the following hacks will make sense until you’ve tried the app for yourself.

3. Decide who’s going to be the decision maker.

Every party needs a party planner. Tell the Genie service about your favorite Disney things. Prioritizing Character experiences? Attractions for preschoolers? It might be thrill rides, superheroes, Pixar movies, or Star Wars. The Genie’s AI will take your preferences into account and help you plan every day on the Tip Board tab.

4. Book your Resort Hotel and Park Hopper Theme Park Tickets.

Book each park’s entry reservation. If you have a great hotel pool (and the Disney World Resort hotels do), start your days early and go back for a swim and nap in the afternoon. Theme Park, Disney Resort hotel and dining reservations are automatically linked in the app because the Genie works best when it knows which theme park you are visiting and when.

5. Follow the Genie Wait Times at each attraction.

The My Day tab displays current wait times once the Genie digests your data. Heading to an attraction with the shortest wait time (likely early in the day) will save you added fees. For example, at wake-up, we noticed a 20-minute wait time for Remy’s Ratatouille Adventure , one of the top rides at Epcot World Showcase. 

So, we grabbed breakfast at the Creperie de Paris next door. We enjoyed delicious Nutella crepes while touring Paris in the ride’s air-conditioned entry room, then boarded in 25 minutes.

6. Buy a Genie+ Lightning Lane Pass if You’re Time Pressed.

The next way to accelerate your wait time is by buying the new Lightning Lane Multi Pass which is replacing the former Disney Genie+ Pass on July 24, 2024.The Disney Genie+ passes were $15 per person per day at our visit. The LL Multi Pass cost varies by park selected and date of travel. Book timed entry tickets and reduce wait times with this paid add-on to your My Disney Experience app Genie Service.

7. Learn the Genie+ Pass / Lightning Lane MultiPass Rules.

All Walt Disney World paid passes have limitations. You can only book a second attraction reserved entry time after you’ve used the first reserved entry time. Study the pass benefits and be strategic. We booked an early Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular at Hollywood Studios. 

While relaxing in the shade, we keyed in the next Genie+ reserved wait time for Mickie & Minnie’s Runaway Railway . However, more people buy the service throughout the day. In our minimal trial, by lunchtime, Genie+ only offered late-night reserved entry times. The same is likely to be true with the Lightning Lane Multi Pass.

8. The Single Rider Bonus.

Here’s a secret tip from Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge . We wanted to experience Millennium Falcon: Smugglers Run, but there were no Genie+ passes available, and the walk-up wait was 182 minutes.

That’s when we noticed the “Single Rider” sign, a tool that ski resorts use to fill their chairlifts efficiently. A cast member told us it was being tested on that ride. Our party quickly split up. We had a one-minute wait before boarding the Millennium Falcon with a crew of strangers. Thrilling!

9. The Only One Attraction Crisis.

The only other way to reduce your wait time is to pay more for a Lightning Lane Single Pass . It’s currently in use at the most popular attractions, the ones that will never show up as available in the Genie+ or Lightning Lane Multi Pass programs. Layer it on to your multi-attraction pass if you need a single attraction pass for a must-do experience. At our summer visit, there was one attraction we had to try. To guarantee that we could ride Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind , we paid $17 each. No regrets.

10. All about the Virtual Queue.

The “virtual queue” works like this — at least, it worked like this during our visit and specifically for GGCR. Our My Disney Experience mobile app notified us that starting at 7 a.m. on our reserved Epcot day, we could join a virtual queue to get on that ride at no extra cost. 

Mom woke up at 6:30, brushed her teeth, and kept trying to refresh the app’s virtual queue at 6:53, 6:55, 6:57, and 6:59. It said to come back at 7 a.m., and when she did, it said the virtual queue was full. The app offered us another virtual queue at 1 p.m. 

We are not lucky people. When the app suddenly announced at 10 a.m. that we could purchase a Lightning Lane entry pass for GGCR for 12:05 p.m., we jumped at it.

11. March to Your Own Beat.

Explore at your own pace . Take advantage of the half-hour bonus early entry tim es at select parks participating in the Disney Resort hotels and Disney Springs hotels offer. Or just go early.

Dine at odd hours. We scarfed up a baguette and quiche at Les Halles de Paris in the France Pavilion at 11 a.m., before the lunch crowds. At Magic Kingdom, lunching at 2 p.m. was the only way to try the legendary lobster rolls at Columbia Harbor House.

Try attractions you’ve never heard of. Between Genie+ pass bookings, we killed time and saved energy at the delightful Disney and Pixar Short Film Festival . We booked a special prix-fixe meal ($89) at California Grill in Disney’s Contemporary Resort and watched from the rooftop balcony for a great view of the Enchantment Fireworks.

Tips and Recommendations for Your Disney World Adventure

As you prepare for your magical Disney World journey, here are some valuable tips and recommendations to ensure a memorable and hassle-free experience:

  • Arrive Early: Beat the crowds by arriving at the parks well before opening. This allows you to enjoy popular attractions with shorter wait times.
  • Use Mobile Ordering: The mobile ordering feature on the My Disney Experience app lets you skip food lines by pre-ordering your meals at select restaurants.
  • Stay Hydrated: Florida’s heat can be intense, so carry refillable water bottles to stay hydrated. You can refill them at water fountains and beverage stations throughout the parks.
  • Pack Essentials: Sunscreen, hats, comfortable shoes, and ponchos (for unexpected rain) are essential items. Consider a small backpack to carry your supplies.
  • Utilize Rider Switch: If you have young children who can’t or don’t want to ride certain attractions, use the Rider Switch service. One adult waits with the child while the others ride, and then you can switch without waiting in line again.
  • Take Breaks: Don’t push yourself too hard. Schedule breaks to rest, cool off, and recharge. Consider midday naps if you’re staying at a Disney Resort.
  • Capture Memories: Disney PhotoPass photographers are stationed throughout the parks. Take advantage of this service for high-quality photos of your group.
  • Be Patient: Disney World can get crowded and lines long. Maintain a positive attitude, and remember that you’re in the happiest place on Earth.

When is the best time to visit Disney World to avoid crowds?

Generally, weekdays during the off-season (outside significant holidays and school vacations) tend to have fewer crowds. Late January , February , September , and early December are often less crowded.

What is a Lightning Lane Pass, and how does it work?

Lightning Lane Multi Pass is the name for the popular Disney Genie+ which disappears July 24, 2024. This is a paid service that allows you to reserve access to select attractions in advance, reducing wait times. You can make reservations through the My Disney Experience app.

Can I bring my own food and drinks into the parks?

Yes, you can bring your food and non-alcoholic beverages into the parks. There are picnic areas available for dining.

Are there any height restrictions for certain rides?

Yes, some attractions have height restrictions for safety reasons. Check the official Disney World website or app for specific height requirements.

How do I make dining reservations in advance?

You can make dining reservations up to 60 days in advance through the My Disney Experience app or the official website.

Is it worth staying at a Disney Resort hotel?

Staying at a Disney Resort hotel offers benefits like early park access, convenient transportation, and booking Lightning Lane timed entry tickets and dining reservations in advance.

Are there accommodations for guests with disabilities?

Yes, Disney World provides various services and accommodations for guests with disabilities, including accessible attractions, wheelchairs, and Disability Access Service (DAS) for those who cannot wait in standard lines.

Can I purchase tickets at the gate or buy them in advance?

While you can purchase tickets at the gate, buying them in advance is recommended to save time and benefit from any available discounts or promotions. Take advantage of having WDW entry tickets in advance to book preferred wait times using their app.

With these tips, recommendations, and frequently asked questions in mind, you’re well-equipped for an enchanting and stress-free Disney World adventure. Enjoy every moment of the magic!

Bottom Line on Disney World Hacks

Given the 50 hours we had to celebrate the parks’ 50th Anniversary, we’re delighted with how the My Disney Experience mobile app, the Genie AI tools, the paid Genie+ Service and the other premium experiences worked.

Try them — and our 11 magical hacks – and we bet you will have the time of your life despite the heat, the crowds and the cost.

If these Disney World hacks helped you enjoy your trip, consider checking out these other topics below –

  • 50 Reasons to Visit Disney World at 50
  • First Look From Disney Cruise Line, The Disney Treasure Revea
  • The Family Guide to Walt Disney World
  • The Disney Dream is a Cruise Ship Worth Dreaming About
  • Disney Springs Hotels Discount Orlando Rates

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Don’t miss out – click those follow buttons, subscribe, and stay connected to be a part of our exciting journey!

The post Disney World Hacks: Tips for a Magical Visit appeared first on My Family Travels .

Unlock the best Disney World hacks for a truly magical visit. Discover insider tips and tricks, updated for summer 2024, to reduce waits and maximize your Disney World adventure.


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    r/workandtravel_usa: Comunidad en donde se podrá compartir información relacionada al programa Work and Travel (USA)

  23. American Experience

    The Summer Work Travel program was created for students that want to work and travel in the US during their summer break. American Experience offers jobs in areas and cities worth visiting as tourists. In fact, the reason why employers need more employees in those areas is that a great number of tourists visit these cities during summer. There ...

  24. NATO

    Public opening remarks by the NATO Secretary General and welcoming remarks by the President of the United States of America Available live on the ... Keynote speech by the NATO Secretary General at the Defense Industry Forum. Available live in the Media Centre and on the NATO website ... Work with us. Careers at NATO; Young Professionals Programme;

  25. Work and Travel in the U.S.

    Spend your summer in the U.S. with Greenheart Exchange's Work and Travel program. Designated by the U.S. Department of State as a J-1 visa sponsor, our program allows you to work in a variety of seasonal positions throughout the country for up to 4 months. Through a heavy emphasis on cultural exchange, our Work and Travel program promotes ...

  26. Damage reports by island from Hurricane Beryl: Devastation, havoc

    Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency reports island by island damages from Hurricane Beryl in the Windward Islands and the Grenadines

  27. Japanese mother and child stabbed in China in front of school bus

    A Japanese woman and her child were stabbed by a man on Monday in front of a school bus at a bus stop in eastern China, according to Japanese authorities.

  28. work and travel USA

    Work & Travel program in USA By Sandman in forum Putovanja Replies: 2 Last Post: 21-02-12, 11:54

  29. Disney World Hacks: Tips for a Magical Visit

    Unlock the best Disney World hacks for a truly magical visit. Discover insider tips and tricks, updated for summer 2024, to reduce waits and maximize your Disney World adventure.

  30. Pareri legate de "Work & Travel" : r/Romania

    Pareri legate de "Work & Travel". Salutare! Sunt student in anul 1 si de cand a inceput facultatea am auzit de ideea de "Work&Travel". De mult imi doresc sa calatoresc in SUA si asta ar putea fi singura mea oportunitate, cel putin in anii astia. Am cateva intrebari in ceea ce privesc programele de genul, si sper ca cei cu experienta personala ...