zurich one day walking tour


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Zurich In One Day – A Self Guided Zurich Walking Tour

April 15 |  16 comments

If you only have one day to see Zurich or you just fancy a ready made guided wander this Zurich walking tour is for you.

Zurich is Switzerland’s largest city but also is very compact and easily walkable.

My Zurich walking tour focuses on District 1 which is the city’s rather beautiful old town area, home to the majority of the cities sites. We didn’t really venture out of this area at all apart from when we visited Thermalbad Spa and Uetliberg.

At the end of the post I’ve even included a map of the walking tour for you to follow.

A Self Guided Zurich Walking Tour

This tour starts at the main train station, Zürich Hauptbahnhof (Zurich HB for short) which is where you would have arrived into Zurich. You can venture into the station if you wish as there are many shops and restaurants inside.

A Zurich Walking Tour

If you prefer to be outdoors start your walk straight ahead of you along Bahnhofstrasse. This is Zurich’s main downtown street and one of the world’s most expensive and exclusive shopping avenues.

A Zurich Walking Tour

After about bout 600 metres turn right onto Augustinergasse, one of the most beautiful, historical streets in Zurich.

A Zurich Walking Tour

Once you reach the small square of Munzplatz (with the prettiest floral fountain I’d ever seen) you will see the Augustinerkirche church straight ahead of you.

A Zurich Walking Tour

Turn left onto Widdergasse then left again onto Rennweg. Rennweg was the widest street in Zurich in the Middle Ages and was especially distinguished from other streets and alleyways in Zurich due to its straightness.

When you reach the junction with Fortunagasse turn right and head up to Lindenhof hill. Lindenhof was once home to a roman castle but today provides an open green space to relax in. Here you will enjoy gorgeous views over the city.

Exit the opposite side of Lindenhof to which you entered and head straight down through the streets until you reach St Peters Church. This is a beautiful little area to relax in, very peaceful.

A Zurich Walking Tour

Continue on until you reach The Fraumünster Church and enjoy the square in which it sits lined with beautiful buildings, then head towards the river.

A Zurich Walking Tour

Turn right at the river and wander down roughly 350 meters until you reach Burkliplatz. This is the dock area where boat tours of Lake Zurich depart from and on Saturdays a flea market is held.

You will want to immediately turn left onto Quailbrucke bridge (without crossing) as this is where you get a stunning view of both Fraumunster and Grossmunster churches.

A Zurich Walking Tour

If you want views out onto Lake Zurich you have to cross the road at Burkliplatz and wander along that side instead.

Once across the bridge turn right and venture down to the quayside where you can spend some time soaking up the sun and feeding the many swans and ducks!

A Zurich Walking Tour

When you are ready continue walking along the riverfront until you can see Sechseläutenplatz across the road. Sechseläutenplatz is the largest town square in Zurich and is home to the Zurich opera house. Cross over and enjoy the square for a bit before wandering back the way you came.

A Zurich Walking Tour

Once you reach Quailbrucke bridge again don’t cross, just continue walking alongside the river. You will pass Wasserkirche on the left before reaching the Munsterbrucke bridge and the gorgeous Grossmunster church on your right. Behind the church is a little courtyard and the entrance if you wish to take a peek inside.

A Zurich Walking Tour

Head back out towards the river and this time cross over Munsterbrucke bridge. Once on the other side turn right and walk alongside the river. Here you can get stunning views of Grossmunster church.

A Zurich Walking Tour

You will walk under a covered section and then come out into a little square area behind the town hall. Cross Rathausbrücke to get back onto the other side of the river.

Cross the road and walk straight up Marktgasse street. At the top of the street turn left and walk through the cobbled street called Niederdorfstrasse full of shops, bars and restaurants.

A Zurich Walking Tour

Once you reach the junction with a street named Am Rank turn left onto it and head straight down across to the Muhlesteg pedestrian bridge. This is a love lock bridge where you can hang your padlocks!

A Zurich Walking Tour

Now you can either go back up Am Rank and turn left to finish walking along Niederdorfstrasse or just continue walking along the river front up to Bahnhofbrucke bridge.

A Zurich Walking Tour

Look across the bridge and you will see the train station where you started this wonderful walking tour of Zurich!

Map of the Self Guided Zurich Walking Tour

If you take my Zurich walking tour be sure to let me know what you think.

zurich one day walking tour

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Zurich Walking Tour

Did this tour today nd although the weather was terrible we really enjoyed it and feel like we used the only day we have the best we could. Thanks so much!

Did this walking tour yesterday and really enjoyed it ! The directions were easy to follow and really felt as if we saw Zürich in our day trip- Thankyou!

Thanks for your post, we are stopping over for the afternoon as part of an Interrail tour and your suggestion was a great prompt for a very nice walk around we’ve just done. I wasn’t sure if all the right/ left directions were correct but didn’t really matter if you use a map like google map too. The sights are really nice and can be done in 2 hrs if not too distracted along the way!

Thank you so much for this tour. How long is this tour in miles and time?

Hi Jenna! My wife and I will be staying two nights in Zurich in September, on our way to Sicily. So we were thrilled to see your walking tour of the downtown area. Looks fab. We live in the Bay Area of California, so we enjoyed your perspectives on our state. (Yes, the parking is outrageous in SF.) BTW, we were in Singapore later in the same year you visited. We were blown away by the beauty and vibrancy of the city. We are looking forward to traveling again, as I’m sure you two are. Stay healthy and safe travels.

Thank you Jenna, we did the tour on a lovely sunny day in March and loved seeing all the sights on your well structured itinerary. Just one small point, the turn off from Bahnhofstrasse into Augustinergasse is a left, not right!

Hi. Is it too cold if this will be done on january?

Hi Donna, it looks like the average temperature in Zurich in January is 0 Degrees Celsius, so it will be very chilly!

Thank you so much Jenna, this really helped during my trip to Zurich last few days.

No problem Linda, I’m glad it was useful 🙂

Can this be done in the evening say from 6pm to 9pm and is it safe to do so in the month of June.

I’d say this would be better as a daytime walk, I’m not sure what the streets will be like after dark.

This was a lovely way to see Zurich in a short time. We started this walk early in the morning so had uninterrupted views, and plenty of space to move. There is sufficient time to take small detours along the way, and also to pause for coffee and food breaks. Thanks Jenna Morrissey!

Thanks James, I’m glad this post was helpful 🙂

Took about 3 hours with some side detours that I took out of curiosity. Loved it. Thank you

Glad you enjoyed it Grant 🙂


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Wayfaring With Wagner

One Day in Zurich – A Walking Tour of Old Town

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner

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When I headed to Zurich for a weekend the beginning of April, I had low expectations. I had only previously spent an extended period of time in Geneva and did not like it at all. So when I saw cheap flights to Zurich, I was quite hesitant – would I actually like the city or would it be like Geneva all over again? Much to my surprise and happiness, I fell head-over-heels in love with Zurich. I think it’s due to the German nature of the city but every corner I turned was even more picturesque than the last. It also helped that German is spoken in this region of Switzerland, making it infinitely easier for me to communicate compared to Geneva. Because I only had a weekend in Zurich (and decided to take a day trip from Zurich to Lucerne), here’s a guide on how to spend one day in Zurich!

Contrary to popular belief, Zurich is not the capital of Switzerland (that title is held by the city of Bern). However, Zurich is the largest city in Switzerland. Even though it is the largest city in Switzerland, it is totally possible to visit Zurich in one day. As mentioned above, Zurich is in the “German” part of Switzerland, and thus the language spoken is Swiss German (in my opinion, a very amusing dialect of German after having been taught High German!). Zurich consistently ranks in the top ten in terms of cities with the best quality of life and after visiting, it’s easy to tell why!

Table of Contents

History of Zurich

Although there were settlements during the Bronze Age and Neolithic Age, the city of Zurich rose to prominence during the Roman times with major reforms occurring under the rule of Emperor Constantine around 300 AD. Germanic tribes settled in the area around 500 AD although the Roman structures were still standing in the 7th century. In 835 AD, Louis the German (grandson of Charlemagne) founded the Fraumünster abbey for his daughter Hildegard. The abbey played an important political role in the city – collecting taxes, printing money, holding markets, and appointing mayors.

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner

In 1218, Zurich became a free imperial city and by the 14th century, the power of the abbey began to wane after Zurich became part of the Swiss Confederacy in 1351. One of the biggest changes came in the 1520s, when Zwingli started the Swiss Reformation in Zurich – changing both the religious and civil life for the city. For the next few centuries, the city developed an isolationist attitude and reinforced the city’s fortifications. After experiencing a rise, fall, and rebirth in the 19th century, Zurich grew rapidly due to industrialization and long-distance transportation options. Following neutrality during World War II, the city experienced rapid growth due to the financial and international business sectors. This booming economy continues to exist today – making Zurich one of the wealthiest city’s in the entire world.

One Day in Zurich

When I booked my ticket to Zurich, I had no intention of falling in love with the city. The allure of round-trip tickets for under 50 Euros convinced me to visit the city that so many people rave about during their travels. I arrived on a Saturday morning and departed on a Sunday evening. Even with this short time frame, I had no problem visiting Zurich for one day. Instead of going straight to the city, I decided to take a day trip from Zurich to Lucerne, hopping on a train at the Zurich airport that took me directly to Lucerne. While I found Lucerne gorgeous, I’m really glad I decided to base myself in Zurich during my day there.

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner

The old town of Zurich is divided in half by the Limmat River, which ends up emptying into Lake Zurich. I stayed to the east of the river but found both sides equally charming! While this guide only covers the old town area of Zurich, two days in Zurich would allow you to explore other neighborhoods.

Below is the ultimate old town walking tour of what to see in Zurich in one day and things to do in Zurich in one day!

This tour starts at the Zurich Hauptbahnhof (Zurich Main Train Station). Everything is 100% walkable so there is no need to buy tickets for public transportation. After arriving at the Zurich Hauptbahnhof, cross Bahnhofsbrücke (Train Station Bridge) – if you go over a river, you’re going in the correct direction 😉 Keep going straight until you reach Niederdorfstr. – then turn right onto the street!

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner

Niederdorf and Oberdorf

Fondly referred to as “Dörfli” by the locals, these streets (which run into one another) are parallel to the Limmat River. The street starts out as Niederdorf and changes into Oberdorf after passing by the Rathaus (Town Hall). As a pedestrian zone, the entire area is lined with shops, restaurants, café, and adorably old buildings. One of the older areas of Zurich, the narrow cobblestone streets have a plethora of hidden alleys and colorful buildings. During the summer months, outdoor seating and cafes pop up in this pedestrian zone.

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner

While Niederdorf and Oberdorf entice shoppers during the daytime hours, the area turns into party central with DJs, bars, and a great nightlife! Make sure not to miss this area during the daytime and nighttime.

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner

While walking along Niederdorf and Oberdorf, take a quick detour to the Limmat River to view Zurich’s Rathaus. Built in the 1690s, the Rathaus looks like it was built into the water. Don’t mistake the Rathaus with the Stadthaus (City Hall) – the Rathaus houses the legislative chambers and Parliament whereas the Stadthaus is home to Zurich’s executive branch.

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner

Even though the Rathaus was built almost 330 years ago, the building itself is in its original condition. While the building was mainly built in the Renaissance style, elements from the Baroque style were also incorporated into this building. Before the current-day Rathaus was built on this spot, an old wooden Rathaus stood on this exact spot for almost 400 years.


Right across from the Rathaus is one of Zurich’s four iconic churches – the Grossmünster. Built on the site of an old Carolingian Church (commissioned by Charlemagne himself!), the present-day church dates to 1100. As a monastery church, the Grossmünster was in constant competition with the Fraumünster across the river for superiority. As the Grossmünster was commissioned by Charlemagne and the Fraumünster was commissioned by Charlemagne’s grandson Louis the German, the Grossmünster wins out in terms of superiority. Legend has it that Charlemagne chose this spot for a church as this was the location of Felix and Regula’s tombs, the patron saints of Zurich (a theory supported by the discovery of a Roman burial site under the church!).

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner

The Grossmünster is most famous for its role in the Swiss Reformation initiated by Huldrych Zwingli. It was from this church that he started the Swiss Reformation in 1520. He removed most of the ornate interior decorations, including the organ – this accounts for the plain interior of the church even today.

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner

The two towers of the Grossmünster are the most iconic landmark in the entire city and easily seen from most vantage points. For an incredible view of Zurich, make sure to climb to the top of these towers! While your legs won’t be too happy about the climb, your eyes (and camera!) with thank you for this gorgeous view.

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner


Located right next to the Grossmünster and directly on the Limmat River is the second of Zurich’s four most important churches – the Wasserkirche. First mentioned in the 1250s, the church was built on an island in the Limmat River. However, the island was connected to Zurich’s mainland in 1839.

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner

Although the church was mentioned in the 1250s, the church probably dates to the 10 th century and has a dark past. The original building on this spot centered around the worship of a stone, leading to cult-like meetings. Legend states that the Romans executed Felix and Regula, the patron saints of Zurich, on this stone. Regarded as particularly holy, the Swiss Reformation labeled the Wasserkirche as a “temple of idol worshippers.”

Secularized in the 1600s, the first public library opened here in 1643 – contributing to the founding of the University of Zurich in the 19 th century. Following a decline in its importance as a library, the church was renovated and reopened in the 1940s as a Protestant church, which it continues to be today.

Bellevueplatz and Quaibrücke

A crossroads for transportation, Bellevueplatz (Bellevue Square) borders Lake Zurich, right where the Limmat River empties into Lake Zurich. While the square itself isn’t very pretty, head over near the opera house and sit on the bank of the lake on a beautiful day. Although I visited at the beginning of April, I was lucky to have extraordinarily warm weather – the perfect opportunity to sit along the banks of the lake, dip in my toes, and watch all the sailboats. Make sure to stop at Lake Zurich and take in the breathtaking site of the lake with the mountains in the background!

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner

To get to the other side of Limmat River and explore that side of Zurich, just take the Quaibrücke – a pedestrian and roadway bridge right at the mouth of where the Limmat River enters Lake Zurich. This not only gives you fabulous views of the Limmat River and Zurich on both sides, but also gives great views of Lake Zurich (like below!).

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner


If you make a right-hand turn once you get off Quaibrücke and walk along the water, you’ll go straight into the Fraumünster. An abbey was founded here in 853 AD by Louis the German (grandson of Charlemagne) for his daughter Hildegard. Although the abbey and subsequent Fraumünster underwent several changes and renovations before reaching its present-day form, this spot has always had a religious significance.

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner

In 1045, the Holy Roman Emperor Henry III gave the Fraumünster the right to hold markets, collect taxes, and mint coins. Thus, it became the de-facto ruler of the city, and rose in prominence and power. By the 1300s, the role of the abbey waned due to the separation of religion from daily politics and the abbey was dissolved in 1524 due to the Swiss Reformation.

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner

Today, the Fraumünster is a Protestant church and best known for its Chagall windows. As someone who absolutely loves anything and everything by Chagall, this church was one of the main reasons why I wanted to visit Zurich. Although I was unable to get pictures of the windows themselves, you can view them here .

St. Peter Kirche

If you continue along the water, you’ll run into St. Peter Kirche, a more secluded church that has undergone both several renovations and several religious changes! It is located right next to Lindenhof and there’s evidence that an original smaller church structure was built on this site in the 8th or 9th century. Throughout its 1,000-year history, the church has been rebuilt several times in different architectural styles including early Romanesque, late Romanesque, and Gothic. The present-day church was consecrated in 1706 as the first church built under Protestant rule in Zurich.

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner

Oddly enough, the nave of the church is owned by the Protestant church of Zurich while the steeple is owned by the city of Zurich. The steeple was previously used for fire and police duties, hence why it is owned by the city. Additionally, the clock face on the tower/steeple is the largest church clock face in all of Europe!


When you reach St. Peter Kirche, take a right and you’ll wander onto the gorgeous Augustinergasse – a street that’s impossible to miss due to its colorful buildings and endless amount of flags (something this American loves seeing!). As one of the oldest, most gorgeous historical streets in all of Zurich, Augustinergasse connects St. Peter Kirche with the major Bahnhofstrasse, the main shopping street.

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner

Augustinergasse is known for its well-preserved bay windows which served as a way for residents to see who was knocking at their door! An additional bonus of these windows was the massive amount of light it allowed into buildings. Today, the Augustinergasse is lined with local shops, cafes, and restaurants.

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner


Bahnhofstrasse is Zurich’s most exclusive shopping street and one of the most expensive shopping streets in the world! For reference, Bahnhofstrasse is the 9th most expensive street in the world for retail property. While it’s unlikely I’ll be buying anything from this street anytime soon, it’s still lots of fun to meander down Bahnhofstrasse and partake in a bit of window shopping!

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner

Head back to the water by taking the adorable old street of Rennweg. Similar to Augustinergasse, it is filled with old shops, historical architecture, colorful buildings, and lots of flags! It used to be one of the most important streets in Zurich during the Middle Ages and is the second most exclusive shopping street in Zurich behind Bahnhofstrasse.

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner

Lindenhof is one of the most popular areas in all of Zurich, best known for Lindenhof Hill and its incredible views of Zurich. The area has had a human presence for almost 2,000 years. It was initially the site of a Roman castle and tax collection location. By the 9th century, the castle was in disarray and was rebuilt as a residence for Louis of German. By the 13th century, this residence was no longer used and the bricks of the residence were used to build other buildings in Zurich.

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner

Today, Lindenhof Hill is used as a social gathering place that provides fantastic views of the entire city!

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner

The artisan’s district of Zurich, Shipfe might be my favorite area in Zurich. It is located on the other side of the Lindenhof Hill from St. Peter Kirche (between Lindenhof Hill and Zurich Hauptbahnhof). It is believed that this was the old harbor area during the Celtic-Roman times and it is considered the oldest area in all of Zurich. It is extremely picturesque with small artisan galleries and independent shops lining the narrow streets.

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner

By this point, you’re almost back at the Zurich Hauptbahnhof – right where you started the tour! If you spend your time leisurely walking and exploring some of the locations, this walking tour of Zurich should take between 4-6 hours! If you’re in Zurich for more than one day, check out how to extend your stay below into two days in Zurich as well as the best day trips from Zurich.

Bonus Location: Schanzengraben

Although I never made it to Schazengraben on my trip to Zurich, it’s high on my list when I return! Located behind Lindenhof and Schipfe, Schanzengraben is a moat and one of the last remaining Baroque fortifications in Zurich. It is also one of Zurich’s official city parks with a promenade along the water.

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner

Two Days in Zurich

The Zurich walking tour above is the perfect itinerary for one day in Zurich. While it mainly focuses on the old town area of Zurich, these are some of the best things to see in Zurich in one day and things to do in Zurich in one day. Below are a few ideas on what to do with two days in Zurich.

Zurich West

The new “it” neighborhood in Zurich, everyone told me I had to visit Zurich-West. Unfortunately, I ran out of time to head over to that area of Zurich, but it’s lined with hip shops, night clubs, restaurants, cafes, and bars. As the former industrial area of Zurich, this area has been entirely gentrified and is now one of the coolest areas in the entire city. Next time I’ll definitely make it here!

Museums of Zurich

I didn’t have a chance to pop into any of Zurich’s museums but there are a few I’d love to visit on my next trip to Zurich – the FIFA World Football Museum, Kunsthaus Zurich (art museum), National Museum Zurich, Museums Löwenbräu-Areal (contemporary art museum), and Museum of Design.

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner

University of Zurich

Maybe it’s because I was a perpetual student for so many years but I’d love to come back and just explore the grounds of the University of Zurich. I’m always so fascinated on how universities are organized and laid out, and this one is particularly interesting because it is so close to the old town of Zurich.

Best Day Trips from Zurich

There are so many places easily reachable from Zurich – here are the best day trips from Zurich! Even better, if you’re flying into Zurich, you can hop on a train to these places at the Zurich airport without even having to stop in Zurich. Here are some of my favorite excursions for Zurich day trips.

The easiest, best, and one of the prettiest day trips from Zurich. Lucerne is only about an hour train ride away from Zurich airport and there is ample luggage storage at the Lucerne Bahnhof (train station).

Day Trip from Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner

Lucerne is one of the most picturesque towns in all of Switzerland. Located on Lake Lucerne and famous for its  Kapellbrücke (Chapel Bridge) , the city has been around for at least 1,500 years. In the 12th century, the Habsburg dynasty exerted rights over the city. However, less than 100 years later, the city became a city-state, ruling over itself. While the Reformation was occurring in Zurich, Lucerne remained mainly Catholic and this played an important role in the city’s history.

zurich one day walking tour

Best idea for a day trip from Zurich to Lucerne? Starting at Lake Lucerne, walk along both sides of the Reuss River admiring the colorful buildings, lively city center, and absolutely gorgeous views! It’s an easy city to walk in less than 6 hours and a great day trip from Zurich!

Day Trip from Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner

A few fun facts about Kapellbrücke, the wood bridge above. The bridge is the oldest covered wooden bridge in Europe as well as the oldest surviving truss bridge in the world. The bridge is most famous for the ornate interior paintings dating back to the 17th century. Unfortunately, a catastrophic fire hit the bridge in 1993, destroying over two-thirds of it. There are varying theories as to how the fire started but it is mainly attributed to two ideas – either a boat with a fire on it going under the bridge spread the fire, or a cigarette butt was not properly discarded on the bridge and it started the fire. Regardless, the bridge was swiftly restored in all sections possible, and the other sections not salvageable were rebuilt.

Mount Pilatus & Titlis

If you’re wanting something a bit more outdoorsy, consider a day trip from Zurich to either Mount Pilatus or Mount Titlis. Both are fairly close to Lucerne, with it possible combine a day trip from Lucerne with Mount Pilatus as well (Mount Titlis might be a bit of a stretch). If you’re big into skiing, make sure to take full advantage of Mount Titlis and the amazing winter activities offered in the region.

Packages for a day trip to Mount Titlis   as well as a list of other  day trips from Zurich .

How to get to Zurich

Getting to Zurich is quite easy, especially by plane and train. Like most western European locations, public transportation is excellent and efficient.

Zurich is well-connected to surrounding countries including Germany, France, Austria, and Italy. With extensive roadways, it’s easy to reach Zurich – just make sure to check the roads in the wintertime to make sure some of the smaller routes or mountain passes aren’t closed due to snow. In terms of parking (which is always difficult and expensive in a European city), I’d recommend parking your car when you arrive in Zurich and not touching it until you leave. Zurich is a walkable city and most of the older streets aren’t conducive to cars anyways.

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner

The Zurich Hauptbahnhof, located right next to old town Zurich, is the largest train station in all of Switzerland. With almost 3,000 trains departing a day from Zurich, it makes it one of the busiest train stations in the world. There are hundreds of long-distance and short-distance trains connecting to all other regions of Switzerland as well as popular cities in France, Austria, Italy, Hungary, and Germany.

As Zurich is such an important station for all of Europe, even the slightest delay can cause the rest of Switzerland (or the continent) to have their train schedules thrown off. Thus, there are strict rules in terms of how long trains in Zurich can wait before departing (usually a maximum of 3 minutes).

With reasonable priced tickets and one of the nicest airports I’ve ever visited, I opted to fly from Hamburg to Zurich. The ticket was around 50 Euros with a flight time of about an hour. Exiting out of the Zurich Airport is swift although I did find the train station in the airport a bit confusing. Regardless, there are always individuals available to help and everyone speaks impeccable English, French, and German! The trains from Zurich Airport to Zurich Hauptbahnhof run every 5-10 minutes from 5:00 am to 12:30 am. Travel time is 10-15 minutes and a ticket costs around CHF 7.00.

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner

The cheapest but slowest travel option is by bus. Flixbus , one of the main bus companies in Europe, connects Zurich to several other countries including France, Italy, Germany, Austria, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Poland, etc. If bought in advance, bus tickets can cost less than CHF 20.00. Do note that buses in Europe are known for being rather late so plan accordingly!

Where to Stay in Zurich


Hotel Adler – Out of all the hotels in Zurich, I would highly recommend Hotel Adler. It’s where I stayed and I absolutely loved my time here. The location is central, the area is quiet but still lively, the breakfast was over-the-top delicious, and the building was the home of a former artist. Best of all – the price was insanely affordable! I’d 100% stay here agin.

Check availability for Hotel Adler

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner

Budget (Under CHF 100)

On a tight budget and looking for affordable options under CHF 100? Check out the two hostels below – my favorites in Zurich!

Oldtown Hostel Otter  – Not only is this hostel located in the old town of Zurich, but it is only a few steps away from Lake Zurich. Everything in Zurich is walkable from this location and there are options for private or shared rooms. The breakfast buffet is quite large and it has an attached bar.

Check availability for Oldtown Hostel Otter

City Backpacker Biber  – Located 300 meters away from the Grossmünster, this hostel has a secret location – its rooftop bar! A short distance from all the main tourist attractions, there are options for private and shared rooms. Additionally, there is a large common area that’s great for chilling and meeting others.

Check availability for City Backpacker Biber

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner

Mid-Range (CHF 100 – CHF 300)

25Hours Hotel Zurich West or Langstrasse  –  Whether you decide to stay in the hip Zurich West location or right by the main train station, 25Hours Hotel has you covered with cool and luxurious amenities at an affordable price. They also include tasty on-site restaurants as well as a free sauna!

Check availability for 25Hours Hotel Zurich West or Langstrasse

Motel One Zurich  – Located right next to the old town area of Zurich, Motel One is a chic European hotel chain that offers a high standard of service and amenities at a reasonable price. The breakfast buffet has a large array of food options and the interior has a warm, rustic charm to make you feel right at home.

Check availability for Motel One Zurich

Greulich  – The original design and lifestyle hotel in Zurich, the hotel already catches your eye initially from the quirky exterior. The rooms are styled in a bright, airy manner that mimics a simple yet modern Scandinavian style. The bar and terrace are cozy meeting places or areas to enjoy by yourself!

Check availability for Greulich

Marktgasse Hotel  – Smack dab in the middle of Zurich’s old town area, the rooms have high ceilings, large windows, and the comfiest looking beds! Besides the breakfast and dinner options, there is a terrace with views of the entire city.

Check availability for Marktgasse Hotel

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner

Luxury (CHF 300+)

Widder Hotel  – One of the premier hotels in all of Zurich, this 5-star hotel is spread out between 9 adjacent buildings decorated by famous artists such as Andy Warhol. No two rooms are the same – every room is individually decorated and furbished. Awarded 15 points by the Gault Millau guide, the hotel’s restaurant serves traditional Swiss cuisine year-round.

Check availability for Widder Hotel

Baur Au Lac  – Situated in its own private park, Baur Au Lac is the crème de la crème when it comes to luxury accommodations and fine dining. The two restaurants have won several awards including 18 points by the Gault Millau guide and a Michelin star. The views are magical from this hotel and the decor is both elegant and colorful.

Check availability for Baur Au Lac

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner

Budgeting for Zurich (and Switzerland)

I’m not going to lie – Switzerland is expensive. But I really didn’t find it that much more expensive than most other western European countries. As with all travel, the further ahead you plan your travels to Switzerland, the cheaper it will be.

As of writing this post, the exchange rate between the U.S. Dollar and Swiss France is equal – this makes calculating prices so much easier!

  • 1.00 USD = CHF 1.00 .

In my opinion, I would splurge for lodging over food in Switzerland. Because of my limited amount of time in the city and because there were so many places to visit in Zurich, I wanted a centrally located hotel. Due to traveling solo, I knew I wouldn’t spend that much time eating in restaurants anyways. Some of the best food I ate in Switzerland came from food stands and grab-and-go locations. Additionally, I bought a pre-packaged sandwich from a local grocery store for lunch (so good!) and had breakfast included in my room rate (it was a massive buffet breakfast!). This both saved me money and time.

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner

Compared to Germany, I actually found the train prices quite reasonable (then again, German trains can be so expensive!!!). Round trip from the Zurich Airport was about CHF 15.00 and round trip from Lucerne was about CHF 50.00. Tickets can be bought cheaper in advance to Lucerne but because I bought the ticket day of, I paid the most expensive price (which, for over an hour train ride each way, still seemed reasonable to me). While in Zurich, I walked everywhere and spent nothing on public transportation!

Best time to visit Zurich

It’s hard to pick the best time to visit Zurich because the city is just so gorgeous year-round! I visited Zürich the beginning of April and had the best spring weather – light jacket in the mornings and evenings, and lots of sunshine during the daytime. I think March and April are some of the best months to visit Europe in general because the continent is warming up yet you’re not fighting hoards of tourists. To be honest, it felt empty in Zurich, especially when walking the side streets (many times, I was completely alone). Additionally, I think I got an amazing hotel deal due to traveling in the off-season.

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner

If I hadn’t visited Zurich in the springtime, I definitely would have gone in wintertime. I’m a sucker for cold weather, snow, skiing, and fondue (Dad, if you’re reading – sorry I’m not sorry!). With so many ski resorts easily reachable from Zurich, it would have been heaven for me. Luckily, I’m headed back to Switzerland in a few weeks to explore the Christmas markets in Basel and Bern – I’ll be sure to get my winter fix there!

Final Thoughts on Zurich

I overlooked Zurich so many times due to my poor experience in Geneva and my fear of how expensive I thought it would be. By planning ahead of time and going in the off-season, I was able to save a significant amount of money – making Zurich no more expensive than London or Paris. Additionally, Zurich is nothing like Geneva. I think I liked Zurich so much more than Geneva because it has a more German feel – something that immediately makes me feel more comfortable in any location. I was able to read the signs, navigate, and communicate – something I was totally unable to do in Gevena due to my lack of French.

Don’t be scared off by the prices and reputation of Zurich – it’s such a charming city with so much to do even if you only have one day in Zurich!

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Here's a guide on how to spend one day in Zurich, Switerland old town including what to do in Zurich, Switzerland and 24 hours in Zurich, Switzerland.

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We spent a glorious week on the French side of Switzerland, but I wish we’d spent a whole month exploring the country!

Beautiful! Never been to Swiss. Now I have to visit! Unlike you, I’m not a big fan of cold weather, so I might consider Springtime as you suggested. 🙂

If you could have stayed longer, how many days would you recommend?

I’ve heard already form many people that they like Zurich more than Geneva, now I am curious to check this city out too. So, I guess if I made it financially in London then I’ll make it in Zurich too :))

Wow, I didn’t realise that there was so many amazing things to see and do in Zurich! I always thought Geneva was the place to go (but who says you can’t do both, right?). Gorgeous photos as well! #WanderfulWednesday

It looks like a beautiful city – so colourful and so many beautiful buildings. It seem you got to know it pretty well in a short time. I totally agree with you about Chagall. I am so happy to see anything by him too. #WanderfulWednesday

Zurich looks beautiful, bright, and like you said… very Germanic! I’m glad you decided to give it a second chance 🙂 I have never been to Zurich myself but would love to visit whenever I get some extended time in Europe again.

I loved Zurich. We only had 2 nights but I had such a great time! So beautiful!

It’s been many years since I visited Zurich, but I loved it!! I really had no expectations, but was so surprised it gave off a “small town” feeling. Would love to go back! #wanderfulwednesday

Great photos and information! Wow, you packed a lot into this post – I’m impressed! I was only in Zurich for a very short amount of time but I also loved it. It’s such a beautiful place!

Sounds like we had a similar first impression of Switzerland, except I went to Basel rather than Geneva, and just didn’t like it very much at all. Must admit that Zurich looks really pretty in your photos, might have to give Switzerland a second chance too.

This is such a comprehensive guide/post! I would have loved this when I was planning for Switzerland way back then. I do have funny memories of Zurich, as I was there a lot during Eurocup 2006 when Switzerland hosted and it was just nuts, as you can imagine. I remember not getting any sleep because a drunk guy was singing the first lines to “Seven Nation Army” over and over under my window 🙂 But it was really beautiful, so there’s that.

Zurich it’s so beautiful and very clean!! I can’t believe that it’s so pretty, definitely one of my favorite places in Europe, hope that next year can make a trip to know it in person! I love your pictures by the way!

Zurich looks like a page out of a fairy tale. Thanks for sharing this

You had an amazing time in Zurich indeed. Love the photos you have taken and appreciate it for the share. There are so many things to do in Zurich, so it’s wise if you can manage to stay longer there.

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Zurich Self-Guided Walking Tour Switzerland JetSettingFools.com

Zurich Self-Guided Walking Tour

Welcome to JetSetting Fools, here you will find our best travel tips for destinations worldwide. Some of the links on this site are Affiliate Links and if you use them to make a purchase, we may earn a commission. For more information, read our Disclosure Policy .

Our two-day detour to Zurich, Switzerland was more about meeting up with longtime friends than it was about visiting the city itself. However, that didn’t keep us from discovering the best sights of the Old Town on a Zurich Walking Tour!

We devised a Zurich Self-Guided Walking Tour that would take us through the pristine city. Beginning down the famous shopping streets, then to a few churches and viewpoints. All while allowing enough time for lunch, chocolates and beers!

About this Free Zurich Walking Tour

We love creating our own free walking tours in cities where we can set our pace, make detours and stop at any places that catch our eye. Our outlined Zurich Old Town Walking Tour is ideal for visitors – like us – who enjoy discovering destinations on their own two feet. 

Zurich Walking Tour Map and Directions

What makes this one of the best walking tours in Zurich that you can complete it on your own. We include a pin drop for each stop – making it easy to route your way from one sight to the next.

However, keep in mind that you will need an internet connection. We use a Pocket WiFi device to stay connected while traveling abroad. In fact, we would literally be lost without it!

Additionally, we have included a Zurich Old Town Walking Map at the end of this article. It offers an overview of our sightseeing Zurich walk that is simple to follow.

More Walking Tours of Zurich

Our Zurich Free Walking Tour is a self-guided adventure to the top sights in the city. Fellow travelers who would rather join a guided walking tour have many options. We highlight a few of the highly rated Guided Walking Tours of Zurich after we share the details of our Zurich Walking Tour Free Route. 

A Self-Guided Zurich Walking Tour by JetSettingFools.com

Our Zurich sightseeing focused on the sights in the center of town. While there are many tourist attractions – our list includes 12 top things to see in Zurich. Our Zurich walking tour route is about 3 miles long (mostly flat), which should take about an hour to complete without any stops.

Even if you only have one day in Zurich, our walking tour is a great way to get an introduction to the city!

Save, Pin or Bookmark our Zurich Walking Tour for your trip to Switzerland!

#1 Bahnhofstrasse

Bahnhofstrasse shopping street, Zurich, Switzerland JetSettingFools.com

{ MAP } We started our Zurich Self-Guided Walking Tour at the Paradeplatz tram station in the city center. Heading north on Bahnhofstrasse, we gawked at the expensive watches glittering in the window displays.

The street is flooded with fashionable retailers, posh boutiques, fine architecture and a bevy of Swiss Banks. The famous shopping street is a Zurich must see! 

#2 Detour onto Augustinergasse and Rennweg Street

Augustinergasse Street, Old Town, Zurich, Switzerland JetSettingFools.com

{ MAP }  On our Zurich city tour, we were sidetracked more than once by the colorful streets in the center. We turned right down the bright and colorful Augustinergasse.

Historic Rennweg Street, Zurich, Switzerland JetSettingFools.com

{ MAP } At Widdergasse we turned left…and left again onto Rennweg. This was the main thoroughfare during the Middle Ages and features quaint craft houses. We followed Rennweg north to where it meets back up with Bahnhofstrasse.

#3 Zurich Bahnhofplatz

Bahnhofplatz, Zuirch, Switzerland JetSettingFools.com

{ MAP } The Bahnhofplatz is the next stop on our Zurich Self Guided Walking Tour. Ranking as the biggest train station in Switzerland and one of the busiest in the world, it also marks the north end of Zurich Old Town (or Zurich Altstadt ). 

Top Tip : If you are traveling to the city on a day trip and arriving by train, you can begin your Walking Tour Zurich Old Town route here. Continue from the station to the next sight – and then visit the first sights on our list at the end of the tour, which circles back to the heart of the Old Town. 

#4 Central Polybahn

{ MAP } From the main train station, continue our Zurich free tour by crossing the Limmat River on the Bahnhofbrucke Brigde. Head to the funicular, Central Polybahn, for a ride up the hill to a lookout point. Unfortunately, it was one of the few Zurich sights that was closed during our visit, so you will have to let us know how the view is!

#5 Niederdorfstrasse

Niederdorfstrasse pedestrian street in Zurich, Switzerland JetSettingFools.com

{ MAP } Continuing our Zurich Old Town walking tour, we turned south on Niederdorfstrasse, a pedestrian street filled with cafes, restaurants and bars. It was perfect timing because we were getting hungry for lunch!

Sausage and Roll a cheap lunch in Zurich, Switzerland JetSettingFools.com

Kris decided on a kebab, and I found a café near Stussihofstatt serving traditional dishes, deli-style, which are loaded up into containers and paid for by weight. I opted for an inexpensive Zurich lunch special: bratwurst with a roll and mustard for $6.50. However, I couldn’t resist adding the creamy potatoes au gratin to my meal for about $2 more!

#6 Zurich Rathaus & River Views

Town Hall Rathaus on River Limmat in Zurich, Switzerland JetSettingFools.com

{ MAP }, Walking back to the Limmat River, by the Zurich Town Hall (Rathaus), we couldn’t stop taking pictures of the idyllic waterfront buildings.

There, we were approached by a woman who told us that the flag flying above the front door of Town Hall indicated that the local government was in session. She also said that we were free to go in to watch the proceedings.

Town Hall in-session at Rathaus, Zurich, Switzerland JetSettingFools.com

We passed through security and then walked upstairs to a balcony overlooking a beautiful room. it was filled with a (surprisingly) casual bunch of politicians. Taking a peek inside the Rathaus is one of the best free things to do in Zurich (besides our walking tour Zurich, of course!).

#7 Grossmunster

Grossmunster Cathedral, Zurich, Switzerland JetSettingFools.com

{ MAP } Next up on our Zurich itinerary: the Grossmunster Cathedral. Built in 1220, the Cathedral is one of the top Zurich tourist attractions. The two towers were added in 1787 and the 187 steps can be climbed for great views (for a small fee).

Zurich City View from Grossmunster Bell Towers, Zurich, Switzerland JetSettingFools.com

The interior of the Grossmunster is rather plain, but has bright stained glass windows. A crypt beneath the altar houses an original sculpture from one of the towers.

#8 Lake Zurich and Opernhaus Zurich

Man plays the alphorn on Lake Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland JetSettingFools.com

{ MAP } Continuing on our Zurich one day tour, we walked south to Lake Zurich and the Opera House (Opernhaus Zurich). On the lakeside, a man played the traditional Swiss alphorn for tips.

Swan on Lake Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland JetSettingFools.com

Behind him, on the lake, dozens of swans were gliding on the water and in the background the majestic snowcapped Swiss Alps completed the idyllic scene.

#9 Limmat Riverwalk and St. Peter Church

River Limmat and city view, Zurich, Switzerland JetSettingFools.com

{ MAP } While we could have continued walking along the lake, there were more Zurich Old Town attractions we wanted to see! Crossing back to the west side of the river at Quaibrucke Bridge, we strolled along the water.

Riverside walkway in Zurich, Switzerland JetSettingFools.com

{ MAP } We cut into the old city center near St. Peter Church, which has the largest church clock in all of Europe.

#10 Lindenhof

Zurich City View from Lindenhof Park, Zurich, Switzerland JetSettingFools.com

{ MAP } We wound through the tangle of streets up to Lindenhof. A raised park with views over the river and one of the best places to visit in Zurich. Two men played bocce ball, a younger group contemplated the next move on the giant chess board. Several others sat along the wall enjoying the pleasant view of Zurich and the soaring Swiss Alps in the distance.

#11 Zurich Chocolate Shop: Confiserie Teuscher

Colorful chocolate shop, Zurich, Switzerland JetSettingFools.com

{ MAP } There is a long history of chocolate production in the city. Touring Zurich wouldn’t be complete without a taste of chocolate! 

During your Zurich self-guided walking tour you will undoubtedly pass by numerous chocolate shops. However, we recommend seeking out Confiserie Teuscher.

Colorfully decorated for Easter, it was difficult to tell if it was a chocolate shop or a florist, but the sweet scent of cocoa floated out the door. Unable to resist the temptation any longer, we splurged for three truffles: caramel, Grand Marnier and the store’s signature Champagne. 

Top Tip : Join the Chocolate and Sweets Walking Tour for a more indulgent taste of Zurich!

#12 Zeughauskeller

Pints of beer at Zeughauskeller Beer Hall, Zurich, Switzerland JetSettingFools.com

{ MAP } We ended our ‘Zurich in a day’ tour at Zeughauskeller for a pint of local beer. Built in 1487, the building was used as an armory. Then in 1926 it was transformed into a place for social gathering and beer drinking. The old-time, Zurich beer hall atmosphere survives today.

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Thoughts on our Zurich Self-Guided Walking Tour

River Limmat and distant Alps, Zurich, Switzerland JetSettingFools.com

We felt we got a great introduction to the beautiful city with our Zurich self-guided walking tour. In the bustling metropolis of historic buildings, clock towers and row houses, the people and trams move at a fast pace.

St. Peter Church and Clock, Zurich, Switzerland JetSettingFools.com

At the same time, the distant Alps, wide river, open squares and iconic fountains slow things down a bit. The scenic diversity creates a pleasant atmosphere that is ideal for a stroll on a Zurich walking tour.

Zurich Self-Guided Walking Tour Map

This Zurich city map highlights the top places to visit in Zurich in 1 day. For a Zurich walking tour map with turn-by-turn directions, use this link to our Zurich Self-Guided Walking Tour.

Visitors can also pick up a paper map of Zurich, Switzerland at the Main Station Tourist Office. Also consider buying one  before you set off for your trip!

Zurich Self-Guided Walking Tour Map

More Zurich City Tours

A Self Guided Walking Tour Zurich by JetSettingFools.com

We have outlined an easy-to-follow Walking Tour of Zurich for visitors who would like to discover at their own pace. That said, there are several guided tours in Zurich that can enhance a trip to the city. 

Zurich Tours

These Zurich guided tours help tourists gain a better understanding of the history and sights. We are highlighting a few of the most popular tours in Zurich. 

Guided Walking Tours Zurich

A highly rated Zurich Guided Walking Tour, participants are led through the picturesque streets by a local guide. The tour is in English and great for first-time visitors who want a guided introduction to Zurich. Find out more!

Private Tour of Zurich

Travelers who wish to have a private Zurich walking tour can hire a guide to uncover the sights with them exclusively. On a 2-hour private walking tour – like this one – visitors get to see the highlights with the focused attention of a local guide. 

That said, travelers with weary feet can also opt for a private Zurich tour by Tuk Tuk ! The 1.5-hour Tuk Tuk Guided Tour Zurich features top Old Town sights in an eco-friendly ride. 

Self Guided Zurich Audio Tour

Visitors who want the freedom to tour at their own pace, but would like a voice to guide them through the streets can opt for the popular (and inexpensive) audio tour that you download to your mobile device. 

Free Tour Zurich

Want guided Zurich sightseeing tours for free? There are several companies that offers a free walk of Zurich, but the guides do work for tips. If you forgo our Zurich Self-Guided Walking Tour in favor of a guided free walk, just be prepared to pay a tip. 

Zurich Day Trips

With mountains, lakes and picturesque towns, there are many day trips from Zurich to the surrounding regions. These can be found (and booked in advance) with a trusted site like Viator .

Some of the most popular Zurich day tours include Coach Tours , a Swiss Alps Day Trip , Jungfraujoch , and a Lucerne and Lake Cruise Trip . 

Also traveling to Basel, Switzerland !? Find the best things to do!

The top 5 things to do in Basel, Switzerland Other Than Visiting Museums by JetSettingFools.com

Travel Tips for your Trip to Zurich, Switzerland

JetSetting Fools on River Limmat in Zurich, Switzerland JetSettingFools.com

Now that you know what to see in Zurich, we have a few additional travel tips that will help you plan your trip to Switzerland!

Zurich Card

The Zurich Card is available for 24 or 72 hours and includes free or reduced admission into museums, as well as free public transportation and other discounts. 

Where To Stay in Zurich

There are many places to stay in Zurich – from hotels to hostels to holiday apartments. While we think the best place to stay in Zurich is in the heart of the city, accommodations are pricey. 

Zurich Short Term Apartments

During our visit to Zurich, we stayed in a super Airbnb Apartment . In general, we have found that staying in apartments is less expensive than hotel rooms – with the added benefit of a kitchen and more space. 

However, short trips of just a few days can incur big Airbnb fees. So be sure to price out your options before booking. 

Hotels in Zurich

There are many Zurich hotels to choose from in (or close to) the city center – you can start your search here .

You can also check rates and availability for these top-rated hotels (based on guest reviews) for your upcoming trip to Switzerland.

  • Baur au Lac  
  • Widder Hotel   
  • Storchen Zürich Lifestyle Boutique Hotel

Zurich Hostels

For more affordable accommodations, check out the hostels in Zurich . These hostels get high ratings from guests: Zurich Youth Hostel and Oldtown Hostel Otter . 

Getting To Zurich

Ljubljana, Slovenia from the sky

Zurich can be reached by plane, train, bus or car. Our preferred method of getting anywhere is by flying, we are JetSetting Fools, after all! We flew into Zurich from Zagreb, Croatia and departed to Ljubljana, Slovenia .

Fly to Zurich

Zurich can be easily reached by plane from several top European cities like Amsterdam , London , Paris , and Frankfurt . As well as US gateways like New York , Chicago , Boston , Washington DC , and San Francisco !

The Zurich Airport (ZRH) is the largest international airport in Switzerland and is located 6 miles north of the Zurich Old Town. 

When we start our search for affordable plane tickets , we look for the best deals on airline tickets on Skyscanner.

Zurich by Train, Bus or Car

To get between destinations when flights are not feasible, we usually rely on public transportation. These include trains or buses – of which there are several to Zurich.

Use Rail Europe to find train tickets. Our preferred bus company is FlixBus . It is economical, clean and comfortable (and sometimes has on-board Wi-Fi, seat-back entertainment, refreshments and a toilet).

We aren’t keen on driving abroad, but renting a car can often save time and money (especially when traveling with more than two people). Having a car allows for greater discovery. Before making a reservation, read all of our Car Rental Tips .

Before You Go To Zurich: What To Pack

Our final tips cover what to pack for your Zurich trip. You can find our complete packing list and top packing hacks on our dedicated Travel Packing page. 

Walking Shoes

If you are embarking on a Zurich walking tour, you will need to pack a pair of comfortable travel shoes ! I wear versatile, lightweight trainers when I travel. Kris is most comfortable in Merrell Trail Shoes .

Travel Camera

Zurich is a beautiful city – so make sure you bring a travel camera that will take exceptional photos! We use a reliable and affordable camera – the Canon Rebel – with an 18-135mm lens . It’s great camera for beginners and comes with heaps of accessories. 

Zurich Map and Guidebook

It’s much easier to get around any city when you understand the layout. We recommend buying a city map and guidebook before your vacation to Zurich.

Whether traveling with a backpack or suitcase , we like to carry a day pack where we can stow everything we need. Such as a water bottle and sunscreen  – along with our camera, wallet and keys. Find out which we prefer in our Best Day Pack for Travel article.

Switzerland Trip Insurance

Travel insurance may cover delayed flights, lost luggage and even illness abroad . If you haven’t already obtained coverage for your trip to Zurich, consider traveling protected with World Nomads .

Planning a Trip to Zurich, Switzerland

As you make reservations and plan what sights to see, be sure to keep track of the details. With our Printable Travel Planner you can get started right now! 

Travel Planner Printables by JetSettingFools.com

Start planning your trip to Switzerland ! Search for the lowest airfares , the best accommodations and fun things to do …then start packing !   Want more travel advice? Head over to our Travel Planning Page for more tips on traveling – and for country-specific information, take a look at our Travel Guides Page !

Click here for a Free Vacation Budget Planner Banner by JetSettingFools.com

Pin it! See all of our travel pins on our JetSetting Fools Pinterest Board .

Zurich, Switzerland Man Playing Alphorn

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Self-Guided Free Walking Tour of Zurich: All The Highlights

Zurich view from Grossmünster

Heading to Zurich and want to make the most of your time there with a free walking tour? I have planned the ideal walking tour for anyone with half a day or a whole day in Zurich.

There is so much to explore on foot in Zurich, and this tour makes the most of all the highlights in Zurich, with lots of side options for those with more time and energy!

You can start the tour from anywhere on the map, but the following is planned from the main station – Zurich HB , which is easy to reach from anywhere in and outside of Zurich.

Table of Contents

Bahnhofstrasse Shopping Street

Zurich HB & the lower portion of Bahnhofstrasse

Head out of the Bahnhofstrasse exit of the Zurich main station and cross over to Bahnhofstrasse itself. This is the busiest area of town and a place where a lot of people go shopping for clothes and food.

There are a couple of places you might want to pop into here if you like coffee or chocolate. Vicafe makes some of the best coffee in Zurich , and here at the start of Bahnhofstrasse, you can pick up a quick takeaway coffee for your walk. There are a few others around town, so you can always grab one at Bellevue or next to the Fraumünster church too.

The other notable place is the Läderach chocolate store – they sell some of the best chocolate in Zurich and Switzerland. There are actually outlets of this chain all over Zurich and Switzerland, so you don’t have to get your chocolate fix here, but you can if you have time!

Related Reading

Things to do in zurich: history, culture, and swiss delicacies, tour options.

Before we start the tour, I know some of you might still want to check out the options for a tour of Zurich with a guide. Sure, you can do this tour and still see everything. The problem is, you don’t get any background or insider info as you go along!

There are some great tours available in Zurich I wholeheartedly recommend, such as:

  • A Historic Tour of Zurich (More history focused)
  • Zurich City Highlights (All the Highlights)
  • Zurich Scavenger Hunt (A unique spin on a tour)
  • Zurich by Bus, Lake & Lindt Chocolate Museum Tour (Great Combo!)

Rennweg & Lindenhof Viewpoint

The walk along Bahnhofstrasse is really just a teaser for the stunning old town backstreets and viewpoint you are about to see. Head first up Rennweg, which is a wide shopping street that leads you slowly but surely into the true Zurich old town on this side of the Limmat.

View from Lindenhof Park, Zurich

Our first goal here is the Lindenhof park which provides a great spot for a quick break but also seriously epic views of the Limmat River, the other side of the old town, and the crown jewel of Zurich – the Grossmünster. It was also once a Roman fort, back when Zurich was just a baby. And, it was the place where the Swiss constitution was sworn in back in 1798.

Lindenhof Park in Fall, Zurich

You can also take a stroll around the park and check out the chess games that often take place in the back on a sunny weekend day.

From here we head deeper into the old town towards St Peter’s Church. But don’t forget to just look up and around as you walk.

St Peters Church after Lindenhof Park

There are lots of amazing old buildings, signs, details, painted rooves, and windows throughout this area.

St Peters Church & Fraumünster

St Peter's Church, Zurich

You already get a peak at St Peter’s church as you exit the Lindenhof and head steeply downhill towards it. This is actually the largest clock face in the whole of Europe, so take a moment to be impressed by its sheer size. Of course, the age of this church, founded in the 9th century and being the oldest parish church in town is also something to ponder.

You can head straight to the church from here, or angle left downhill towards the river and the so-called Gemüsebrücke (vegetable bridge) where there were, and still are, weekly fresh produce markets held.

Fraumünster at sunset, Zurich

Behind St Peter’s is the next most impressive church, the Fraumünster (ladies’ church). This church was founded back in 853, if you can believe that. It was formerly an abbey for aristocratic women, hence the name.

I love hanging out at the Münsterhof square next to the church here and either taking a coffee at Vicafe or stopping at one of the other terraces for a drink in summer. The buildings around here are stunning, and it pays to take a moment to soak it all up.

Expensive Shops on Bahnhofstrasse

Louis Vuitton Store, Bahnhofstrasse, Zurich

From the Münsterhof square, we make our way out of the old town, arriving again on Bahnhofstrasse. This time, we are at the top end where all the rich and famous do their shopping in Zurich. This is really what Bahnhofstrasse is known for.

If you want a break before continuing your walking tour here, Confissierie Sprüngli is a great stop for a bite to eat, coffee, cake or just a quick drink. They have seats outside in summer, but the main restaurant is upstairs. It’s also where you can grab one of Zurich’s most famous treats – the Luxemburgerli macarons.

Luxemburgerli, Sprüngli, Zurich

The shops on Bahnhofstrasse include the likes of Dolce & Gabbana, Tiffany’s, Versace, and Dior. So, you can certainly empty your Swiss bank account here quite easily. For us mere mortals, it’s a great place to window shop and watch the kinds of people who actually head into these stores.

What to Eat in Zurich (And Where To Eat It)

Lake zurich views & opera haus.

Walking further along Bahnhofstrasse you will come to a small park on your left called Bürkliplatz, but our goal is across the road at the lake. You can cross on the right-hand side of the park here, via a couple of confusing crosswalks. You will arrive at the ferry terminal, but take a quick peak on the right at Zurich’s lesser-known flower clock . It’s quite an unusual creation if you ask me, although there is also one in Geneva by the English gardens.

Now heading left/north back past the ferry terminal, walk towards Bellevue. There is a small elevated park area here where you can take some stunning pictures of Lake Zurich, and hopefully the Alps at the end of the lake. On clear days, when the so-called Foehn winds are blowing from the south, the mountains can be crystal clear here. I sometimes feel like I can reach out and touch them!

Another great spot for a break is on the left-hand side of the lake, just around the corner and right at Bellevue. There are a few small stalls where you can also grab a drink or snack here. Then walk down the stairs to the lake and take a load off, you have walked a lot already today!

Zurich Opera House on Sechseläutenplatz

Opposite this small park area is the famous Sechseläutenplatz, which is also home to Zurich’s Opera house. When there are no events being held here, Zurich provides lots of metal chairs to sit on and enjoy the hustle and bustle of daily life in this area. This is also where they burn the towering, explosive-filled figure called the Böögg in early April each year!

You can also pop into the Opera House or just take a photo, and continue on your long walk back via the other section of Zurich’s old town.

While I remember: another noteworthy stop on the other end of the square from the Opera Haus is a zany coffee shop called Felix . They have loads of cakes and treats all set in a very old-world interior.

Zurich Old Town & The Grossmunster Church

Grossmünster Church & Münster Bridge, Zurich

It’s time now to head back into the streets of Zurich’s old town and make our way to the Grossmünster church. There are lots of fun and unique stores in the old town, so take some time to do a little window shopping along the way to the church.

The Grossmünster stands proudly on a small hill above the Limmat river, with great views towards the other side of the river and the Fraumünster, where you were earlier in the walking tour.

The Grossmüster is known locally as “salt and pepper” because of the huge rounded towers on the top. If you take a look at the image above, I think you will see why! The modern version of the church was begun in the 12th century and completed in 1220. So, this is also a very old church by any standards.

One of the most notable parts of the church’s history is its role in the Reformation . It was here that Zwingli and Bullinger set things in motion dividing the church in Switzerland forever more.

Inside the Grossmunster

It’s worth taking a peek inside the church. It is actually quite austere, with hard wooden benches and very little in the way of pomp.

Augusto Giacometti stain glass windows, Grossmünster, Zurich

There are some unique stain-glass windows from Sigmar Polke on the sides and some other more classic examples at the rear. And, if you are lucky, the Karlsturm church tower is open again and you can climb the 187 steps to the top for some epic views over the old town!

Karlsturm church tower door, Grossmünster, Zurich


Niederdorfstrasse, Zurich

The Grossmünster church is the gateway to Niederdorfstrasse, the most famous street in Zurich’s old town. This is actually the best section of the streets, so spend your most time here, and then veer off later on after the Swiss Chuchi restaurant.

The best part of Niederdorf for me is not only the shops, restaurants and bars on the street but also the pleasure in exploring the backstreets on the right-hand side.

Niederdorf back streets & squares in Zurich

This is where you should spend more of your time. Just duck into the alleyways and small side streets and you will find some amazing and unique shops, buildings and small squares. Places almost no one goes.

There are also a bunch of places to stop for a bite to eat or drinks such as

  • Swiss Chuchi for fondue
  • Raclette Factory for raclette
  • Bodega Espanola for tapas
  • Cafe & Conditorei 1842 for cake and hot chocolate
  • Andorra for great beer
  • Corazon for wine

And this is just a taste of what is hidden in this area.

Stussihofstatt Platz, Niederdorf, Zurich

Best Coffee In Zurich (Hip, Tasty & Fresh)

Giacometti halls or views from the eth polyterrase.

Once you get towards the last part of Niederdorf, it is time to head down to the Limmat River and walk along what is called Limmatquai. It is a lovely part of the city to stroll, stop for a coffee at a place like Gran Café Motta or even have a bite to eat at Franzos Coffee Shop .

ETH Polybahn up to the ETH Polyterrasse

This could be the end of your tour, but you have two great choices for a finale to this free walking tour.

  • Cross over the river to the Zurich Police Station and discover the hidden gem that is Giacometti Frescos (Blüemlihalle). The painted ceilings in this building are one of a kind and a little nuts that they are in a police station. Just don’t go in while they are attending to a street demonstration as I did :> They might usher you straight out again!
  • If art is not your thing, but you love epic views, and 45-degree train rides, then take the ETH Polybahn up from the end of Niederdorf (next to Starbucks). It might cost you a few bucks for the ride (you can walk back down again), but the ETH Polyterrasse offers some of the best views of Zurich, especially at sunset.

Yes, there is a whole lot more to do or see in Zurich, You could spend at least a week here getting to know this city, visiting many of its amazing museums , eating, drinking and more. However, this free self-guided walking tour is the best of the best all in one day!

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She Goes The Distance

The Perfect One Day in Zurich Itinerary: Top Things to See & Do

The Perfect One Day in Zurich Itinerary: Top Things to See & Do

Zurich is the largest city in Switzerland, the financial and cultural hub of the country. The restless city on its own is a must-see architectural landscape, but the painting-life scenery of snow-tipped peaks and sprawling fresh lake makes it one-of-a-kind. You could easily spend a few days exploring this cosmopolitan city. But I’m guessing your Switzerland itinerary is jam-packed, so save some money and time and spend one day in Zurich .

Zurich, or Zürich, is a huge metropolis, even if the city center looks compact on a map. Don’t worry about how you’re going to get around – I’ve laid out all your options below at the beginning of this guide.

This one day in Zurich itinerary essentially makes a circle around the center, from the southeastern Opera House to the southwestern Enge neighborhood on the opposite side of Lake Zurich. You could essentially pick any starting point and follow the rest of the things to do in order.

Or, if you’re just looking for some Zurich itinerary ideas, then this is a great place to be inspired! Jump around with the menu below to check out tips for visiting famous spots and hidden gems alike.

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Arriving in Zurich

zurich one day walking tour

Public transportation in Switzerland is so well-connected and maintained that I would recommend day-tripping to Zurich by train rather than a car.

By choosing to stay outside of the city, you’ll be saving tons on your Switzerland budget. Prices for accommodation can triple from the countryside to the city.

Zurich main train station is the largest in Switzerland and takes you directly to the center of the city.

Of course, driving in Switzerland will offer your more freedom and flexibility, so that’s never a bad option. But there are a few cons to driving in Zurich. Some of them being:

  • Expensive parking & gas
  • Lots of traffic lights
  • Tons of pedestrians
  • Navigating around trams, buses, and cyclists

Okay, it sounds like a lot, but after personal experience visiting Zurich, I’d say my boyfriend and I would have wished we looked into train prices instead of spending the money on gas and parking (which probably costs more than the train ticket.)

Zurich Airport is about 6 miles from the city center, to which you can travel by train.

Where to Park

There are a few parking rules to note about Zurich and in all of Switzerland. Yellow spaces are reserved for residents or companies, blue spaces are free for 90 minutes with the EU parking disc, and white spaces are paid parking for the public.

However, Zurich itself has many parking garages that make finding parking a lot easier. Most start at 5 CHF (Swiss Francs) per hour, roughly 5.50 USD.

In parking garages, you’ll take a ticket at the entrance and then keep that ticket with you while you explore. When you’re ready to head out, you’ll pay at one of the machines at the parking garage entrance. Nearly all of them accept credit cards.

Then take your paid ticket back to your car and insert it into the machine when leaving the parking garage.

Parkhaus Opera is my favorite place to park in Zurich, as the spots are not too tight and it’s centrally-located.

Getting Around Zurich & the Zurich Card

zurich one day walking tour

Zurich is a very walkable city, although larger than you think. It can be especially difficult to see as much as you wanted if you travel to Zurich at the peak of summer! The weather is super hot and there are tons of people in the city.

You may want to hop on one of the trams or buses to take you around to different neighborhoods.

You can either buy individual tickets or purchase the Zurich Card which gives you unlimited travel on trains, buses, trams, and cable cars in Zurich. It also has a bunch of other benefits, like free or discounted museum entry. Zurich has tons of amazing museums, like the Lindt Chocolate Museum and the Fifa World Football Museum.

The Zurich Card is available online or at these places for purchase. It’s 27 CHF for a 24 hour period!

You could easily spend the day walking around Zurich, but this is another option if you prefer using public transport.

The Best Things to Do With One Day in Zurich

Zurich is a must-stop on any Switzerland itinerary. The country may be small, but it’s packed full of beautiful places to see. One day in Zurich may be all you have to spare in your travel plans, so make the most of it by having these essential and unique experiences!

Ogle at the Opera House & Stroll the Neighborhood of Seefeld, and East Promenade of Lake Zurich

zurich one day walking tour

If you park at Parkhaus Opera, you’ll escape the underground garage into a wide open square, dominated by the opulent Zurich Opera House.

You may not have time to catch a show, but snapping a photo is the least you can do to show off your Zurich adventures.

Head across the street towards Lake Zurich to get your first look at this vast body of water. The distant mountains, bursting fountains, and the armada of boats on the water create an image so stunning you’ll have to pinch yourself.

The promenade on the west of Lake Zurich is covered by shady trees and lined with inviting park benches. You’ll also find a popular swimming location here, Seebad Utoquai, in case you can’t wait to jump in the water! Just be weary – on hot summer days, the line to enter stretches a long way down the promenade.

If you cross inland, you’ll enter the relaxed neighborhood of Seefeld. The ambiance completely contrasts that of the busy neighborhoods of Old Town, Langstrasse, and Enge. With only 24 hours, Seefeld isn’t a must-do, but if you like to explore local places, then wander these quiet streets before entering the hectic center.

Rent a Paddle Boat for an Hour on the Lake

zurich one day walking tour

While you’re near the lake, consider experiencing it from a different point of view!

Tons of people rent paddle boats when the nice weather arrives. You may not want to get in the water as soon as you arrive in Zurich, but this activity can keep you refreshed on hot summer days and energized to explore the city. It’s a unique activity to live like a local and dive into Lake Zurich life – literally!

It costs 20 CHF to rent a paddle boat for half an hour – but we already know Zurich is not meant to be a budget-friendly city.

Explore Old Town

zurich one day walking tour

Old Town is the historic district of Zurich, to the east of the Limmat River. These narrow streets and jumbled, colorful houses transport you to a different era in time!

The Germanic architecture with wood details and painted fresco facades make you feel like you’re exploring Snow White’s village. Okay, so she doesn’t have a village, but if she did, it would be Old Town.

Local spots to check out include H. Schwarzenbach Cafe and Predigerkirche, which is a church built in the 1200s.

On the edge of Old Town is the Kunsthaus , Zurich’s major art gallery for any art connoisseur’s out there!

Visit Grossmunster Church

zurich one day walking tour

When you visit Zurich, you’ll notice the city’s centerpiece right away. The two towers of the Grossmünster Church soar high above the historic houses of Old Town, catching your attention from nearly every district.

East of the Limmat River, the city is built upon an ascending hill, so the Grossmünster Church, as well as the surrounding streets of Old Town are a bit higher than the rest of the city below. You’ll find unique viewpoints over the river, but taking photos of Grossmünster up close will be difficult, as the main square doesn’t allow much space to back up and put the whole church into frame, even with the widest lens.

You can enter the church for free, although the outside is more breathtaking than the interior.

Cross the Limmat River

zurich one day walking tour

Two rivers run through the city, but the Limmat is the largest, snaking right through the hub of Zurich.

Walking along the Limmat River, you experience the best perspective of Zurich life. To the east, the buildings of Old Town cascade uphill, while to the west, the city is abundant with modern buildings, but still full of character.

You can hop in the river to take a swim or discover nooks to sit close by the water and take a walk break.

Walk Up to Lindenhof for the Best Views

zurich one day walking tour

Lindenhof is one of my favorite spots in Zurich. This park is elevated on a hill along the Limmat river. It’s a short, steep climb to the top, but well worth the energy expenditure.

The views here are incredible but the liveliness of the locals was my favorite part. You can come here to picnic with a grocery-bought lunch or simply take a break from walking while still being able to soak up the city.

Indulge in Decadent Swiss Chocolate

zurich one day walking tour

Can you travel to Switzerland without entering a chocolate shop? The answer is no! Zurich has a plethora of fancy and luxurious chocolatier studios nestled in its winding streets.

These chocolate shops are like the Gucci of chocolate shops – the shiny, handmade chocolate pieces glisten beneath the window case almost too perfect-looking to be devoured.

Some of the classic shops are Laderach, Vollenweider, and Lindt. But Zurich has an eclectic side too – like Confiserie Teuscher.

Best of al – Zurich hosts the Lindt Chocolate MUSEUM ! If there was ever a unique thing to do while traveling, it’s entering a museum of chocolate with a huge chocolate waterfall to welcome you.

Do Some Luxury Shopping on Bahnhofstrasse

zurich one day walking tour

There’s the Gucci of chocolate, and then there’s Gucci – plus hundreds of other designer stores so luxurious you’ve never even heard of them. At least, that was my experience.

It wasn’t in my budget to actually shop the stores on the Bahnhofstrasse but it was certainly a unique experience walking the famous promenade and gawking at the most luxurious sports cars I’ve ever seen.

Where to Stay Overnight

zurich one day walking tour

If you’re planning to stay overnight after one day in Zurich and before heading off to your next destination, here are few options at each price range perfect for a one night stay:

Tours in Zurich

With only one day in Zurich, you may want to see as much as possible and there’s no better way than with a good guided tour.

It takes the stress out of navigating the city yourself. Zurich is walkable, but large, so especially in the summer on hot days, you may not be able to accomplish seeing as much as you thought you could.

I love getting lost in new places and discovering a city on my own, but when I don’t have a lot of time and do have the money to spend, a good walking tour allows me to see lots that I could have missed out on.

Extra Tips for a Perfect Day in Zurich

  • Don’t waste money buying water bottles. Take along your own compact, reusable bottle perfect for travel and fill it up at one of the 1,200 fountains around Zurich! These fountains have clean, cold drinking water, perfect for cooling off on hot summer days.
  • Zurich has its own City Guide App you can download on your phone that connects the Zurich Card for ease of use and readily available information about your discounts included with the purchase. It also has an index of restaurants & museums to check out.
  • The Zurich Tourism website has tons of specific articles related to cool things to do around Zurich like going out to rooftop bars, finding the best viewpoints, and visiting Uetliberg mountain, so I suggest browsing their site while planning your trip.

What’s on the top of your Zurich bucket list?

zurich one day walking tour

I hope you now know everything you need to prepare for your whirlwind one day in Zurich!

zurich one day walking tour

Michela is a travel writer and photographer living in northern Italy. She is passionate about helping people make the most of their travels by sharing advice gained from her personal experiences, off-the-beaten-path destinations and time-saving quick itineraries. Browse her top articles or have her help you plan your itinerary to your dream destination!

Find me on: Web | Instagram

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One Day in Zurich – Itinerary, Map, Tips & Guide

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How to Spend A Day in Zurich

Located on the northwest tip of Lake Zurich with the River Limmat running through it, and set against a beautiful Alpine backdrop, is Zurich. A relatively small city by European standards, its quaint winding lanes show off its pre-medieval history, and the waterfront offers many open-air public baths, which are fantastic in the summer months. It’s a wonderful city and the perfect size for a one day itinerary.

In our Zurich Switzerland travel guide you’ll find information and tips for visiting all the most important must-see Zurich tourist attractions, with an interactive map, organised to make the best use of your time.

We also share recommendations for central places to stay, ideas about where to eat local food, and tips about how to make the most of Zurich in a day.

one day in Zurich

When to Visit Zurich

Zurich is worth a visit at any time of year, every season has a wonderful variety of things to see and experience.

Whilst it can be a bit cool in March , by early April the temperatures are rising and the city starts to come back to life after winter. March is a great time to visit many of Zurich’s fantastic museums, such as the National Museum Zurich or the Photobastei .

April is all about the Spring Festival or Sechseläuten . This centuries-old festival includes music, flowers and the Böögg. The Böögg is an 11ft snowman who sits on top of a pyre, and as the 6 o’clock bell from the Grossmunster rings, the pyre is set alight to proclaim the first day of spring.

An Image of a fake snowman set on top of a pyre which is on fire.

Like most cities, summer is the peak season for tourism, with costs at their highest, however, you will get to see Zurich at its best. July is for swimming in one of the city’s many badis (outdoor swimming baths). They are actually open from May but are still quite cool until July when the weather really hots up. You’ll find them dotted along the river and around the lake.

Generally open until 8pm, some of the badi s turn into lively open-air bars at night! You can also river float down the Limmat whilst escaping the crowds and the heat. It’s not unusual to see floats tied together with their occupants enjoying a cold beverage as they float the day away.

RELATED POST: The Best of Switzerland in Summer: 17 Amazing Highlights

September is still quite warm, so walks around the lake or a trip to the top of the Waid (a vantage point on Zurich’s Käferberg) to get an amazing view of the city and lake is a great way to spend your time.

October has the Zurich Film Festival and it is the unofficial start of the Cultural Season. It starts to get colder in November and the vibrant nightlife takes centre stage when live music and clubs offer great nighttime entertainment.

Zurich turns into a cold winter wonderland and you will often find snow on the ground, so you’ll need to bundle up to enjoy the many December Christmas markets, or enjoy some amazing fondue at one of the city’s Fondue Chalets. Zurich also hosts a huge New Year’s Eve party called Silvesterzauber , which is held near the lake. With music, food and fireworks, it’s a great way to see in the New Year.

Zurich Trip Resources

Fly into Zurich International Airport

Drive in from Europe or hire a car in Switzerland

Travel Insurance

Cover medical costs, delays and lost luggage

Getting to Zurich

Zurich Airport is only 10km from the city centre. The best way to get to the city from the airport is by train or metro. SBB trains run every 10 minutes to Zurich’s main station, and the journey takes 15 minutes. The train station is located on the underground level of a another building across the street from the arrivals terminal.

You can purchase your tickets at the SBB station or you could pre-purchase a Zurich Card which not only provides free public transport throughout the city but free or discounted admission to many of the cities attractions.

You can also take a tram from the airport, they leave every 15 minutes and take about 35 minutes to get to the city, the tram station is right outside the arrivals hall.

You can also book a private transfer from the airport with Klook directly to your accommodation in the city. Klook works with a large range of local operators to bring the the best options and prices for your transfer.

Are you planning a Swiss road trip? Get the best Swiss road trip destinations & places to see/things to do + side trips, hotels, tips & map so you don’t miss a thing!

Where to Stay in Zurich

Luxury: The Marktgasse Hotel – Booking.com | Agoda

Mid-Range: The Opera Hotel – Booking.com | Agoda

Budget: Hotel Marta – Booking.com | Agoda

Hostel: Green Marmot Capsule Hostel – Booking.com | Agoda

What to See & Do in Zurich

Our one day Zurich itinerary is very walkable, and you’ll be able to complete the route without needing public transport. Many of the sights are located in the Altstadt (Old Town), which is situated on both sides of the River Limmat.

Zurich’s old town is full of cobbled streets with cozy bars, traditional Swiss restaurants, and art museums. It is also home to some of Zurich’s famous Romanesque churches. You can indulge in fabulous shopping on the Bahnhofstrasse with its luxury boutiques and visit Lindenhof Hill with its fantastic views of the city.

Zurich is also home to over 1,200 fountains, some dating as far back as 1430. They are dotted every few meters all over the city and offer fresh drinking water, so make sure you have a drinking bottle with you when you start exploring. There is an old town walking tour called the Water in Zurich which will teach you all about the importance of these fountains to Zurich.

Or, if you prefer to have your day organised for you, check out this popular and highly rated private tour with a local guide . Get to know the beautiful city of Zurich with a professional guide who will show you the city’s hidden gems and also help you experience this popular destination like a real local.

Zurich One Day Itinerary Interactive Map

How to use this map – Use your fingers (or computer mouse) to zoom in and out. Click or touch the icons to get more info about a place, and click the arrow in the box top left to open the index. To add to your own Google Maps account, click the star next to the title of the map.

Pavillion Le Corbusier

A fantastic way to start your one day in Zurich is at the Pavillion Le Corbusier , the famed architect Le Corbusier’s final building. This steel and glass colour-block box is a fantastic work of art. Completed in 1967, it is Le Corbusier’s only building made completely of steel and glass. The exhibition pavilion follows the modular system developed by Le Corbusier and is open from May to November.

zurich one day walking tour


One of the largest city centre squares in Switzerland, Sechseläutenplatz is right by Lake Zurich, and its trees and fountains make it a wonderful place to sit and relax.

It is also home to the Sechseläuten Spring Festival, as well as the annual performances of the National Circus Knie and a Christmas market. The Zurich Opera House is also located here.

zurich one day walking tour

Kunsthaus Art Museum

The Kunsthaus is the biggest art museum in Switzerland and houses one of the most significant art collections in the country with works from the middle ages through to the present day. The museum was formed around the collections of the Zürcher Kunstgesellschaft, a local society of artists and collectors who exhibited work by the pioneering Swiss symbolist painters Arnold Böcklin and Ferdinand Holder.

In 1920 the museum acquired a new collection including works by Claude Monet, Pierre-Auguste Renoir and Vincent van Gogh. Because of the museum’s location and origins, special emphasis is given to Swiss art and in particular the sculpture of Alberto Giacometti and art of the Dada movement, which originated in Zurich’s Cabaret Voltaire .

As well as housing stunning artworks, the building itself is beautifully architectural and has four buildings from different eras; the Moser building (1910), the Pfister building (1958), the Müller building (1976) and the new Chipperfield extension (2020).

zurich one day walking tour

Grossmünster Church

The Grossmunster is an imposing Romanesque-style church, built in 1100. According to legend, the church was founded by Charlemagne, whose horse fell to its knees over the tombs of Felix and Regula, Zurich’s patron saints. In the first half of the 16th century, the church was where the Swiss-German Reformation of Switzerland was instigated.

The theological college, which was part of the monastery, eventually became the University of Zurich. The stained glass windows and the Romanesque crypt, choir windows and the cloister Reformation Museum are just some of the highlights to see here.

An image of the two Spires of the Grossmunster Church, set against a blue sky

Fraumünster Church

Just across the Munster Bridge is the Fraumunster church , also known as the Church of Our Lady. It was founded in 853 by King Louis the German.

It is easily recognisable due to its vibrant green spire. It has six beautiful stained glass windows by Marc Chagall, installed in the 1960s, and the wonderful The Heavenly Paradise by Augusto Giacometti. The cloister also includes a series of frescos by Paul Bodmer.

An image of the Fraumunster church with its green spire, with a calm river in front.

Church of St Peter

The unique Baroque church of St Peter is the oldest church in Zürich, with the original 9th century foundation walls still visible today. The steeple, which towers over the surrounding buildings, was mainly used as a fire lookout point from the middle ages until 1911. The church is also known for having the largest clock face in Europe, with a diameter of 8.7 meters.

An image of St Peter Church clearly showing its clock face against a blue sky.

Lindenhof Hill & Hedwig Fountain

Lindenhof Hill is a small park in the centre of the old town which offers unrivalled views of the altstadt and the Limmat river. It is also home to the Hedwig Fountain, built in 1912, which is famous for its statue of a helmeted woman.

The statue was built in honour of the Zürich women who defended the city by duping the army of Duke Albert I of Germany during the siege of Zürich in 1292. They dressed in full battle gear in order to trick the Habsburg army into thinking that the city was well protected, while their men were actually busy campaigning at Winterthur.

An image of the Hedwig Founatin and Lindenhof Hill with snow on the ground


If you’re looking for a break from the historic sights of Zurich, take a wander down the Bahnhofstrasse, Zurich’s main shopping street. It was created after the completion of construction on the Zurich main station, known as Zurich HB, and runs all the way from the station to the lake, for around 1.4km.

There are wonderfully enticing boutiques and department stores, as well as fabulous places to stop for coffee or lunch on many of the side streets. Make sure to check out Confiserie Sprüngli at 21 Bahnhofstrasse, a charming cafe known for its chocolates and speciality macarons called Luxemburgerli . 

An image of a cable car on a busy shopping street , with trees and a Swiss flag in the forefront.

Swiss National Museum

After lunch, wander up the Bahnhofstrasse to the Swiss National Museum . The museum showcases the history of Switzerland from its beginnings to the present day, giving an insight into the Swiss identity and the country’s history and culture, with temporary exhibitions covering issues of current interest.

The museum, which stands next to the Zurich main train station, is reminiscent of a fairytale castle. However, once you pass through the arches into the inner courtyard you will also find a modern new building, which beautifully counterbalances the original building constructed in the historicism style.

An image of a v shaped concrete building, through the bottom of the v you see parts of an oder building bathed in sunlight.

The Old Botanical Gardens

The Old Botanical Gardens are a restful oasis at the heart of downtown Zurich. The garden’s history dates back to the year 1837. Home to an ancient medieval herb garden and a glass palm house from the 19th century, it’s the perfect spot for the concerts, theatres and exhibitions held here. It’s a lovely stopping place for a quick breather before continuing on your tour.

There are actually two botanic gardens in the city, both managed by the Univerisity of Zurich. Other than the Old Botanical Garden at Schanzengraben, the new Garden in Seefeld is known for its futuristic dome-like tropical greenhouses.

zurich one day walking tour

Fifa Football Museum

The Fifa Football Museum houses three levels of exhibits over a huge 3,000 square metres. In addition to showcasing the history of Fifa and the World Cup, an interactive experience shows how football inspires people all across the world.

The Fifa world football museum also has the original World Cup trophy on display as well as 1,000 other exhibits and an oversized pinball machine for fun, especially if you’re not that into football.

In order to beat the queues and have more time in Zurich, buy your skip the line ticket to the Fifa Football Museum online here so you’re all set for your visit.

zurich one day walking tour

Museum Rietberg

The Museum Rietberg houses artworks from all over the world, including pieces from Asia, Africa and the Americas. The museum also stages special exhibitions, which are renowned internationally.

It is also architecturally interesting, with its latest addition, known as the Emerald, running mainly underground. The museum is made up of three villas and is surrounded by wonderful parkland. In the summer the museum café offers picnics for relaxing in the park.

An image of the Museum front with its pillars and arched windows with a beautiful grass lawn in front.

Lindt Home Of Chocolate

A visit to Zurich would not be complete without a visit to Lindt Home of Chocolate! Entering this amazing building you will find seven different chocolate worlds which will have all the senses singing. You can also learn how to handle chocolate and make your own chocolate masterpiece.

To make the most of your time in Zurich, get this skip-th e-line ticket for quick and easy entry to the Lindt Home of Chocolate .

An image of a giant chocolate fountain with a whisk on top

Grab a Drink & Snack at Seebad Enge Bar

During the day Seebad Enge is one of Zurich’s lakeside swimming pools, at night it turns into a lively bar. Stop here for a lovely refreshing drink and a homemade grilled snack to start your evening off the right way.

zurich one day walking tour

Swiss Cheese Fondue and Wine Tuk-Tuk Tour

Discover Zurich on a culinary Swiss cheese fondue and wine tuk-tuk tour , a fun way to spend the evening and sample one of Switzerland’s most delicious and famous foods.

Catch your personal electric tuk-tuk at the central HB train station and experience a journey through the unique city of Zurich. The ride leads you through the old town and to the most beautiful parts of the city, where you can discover life in Zurich through the eyes of a local.

zurich one day walking tour

Bar Hop in Langstrasse

Once the red light district of Zurich, this area is now the undisputed party boulevard of the city. There are bars galore here, such as Bar63 , with their signature Punch 63 drink made with their own rum.

Or try The Gonzo Club for a wonderfully loud yet laid-back vibe, regular live music and Disco Biscuit evenings. If you want to get your groove on, this is the place.

Finish the night off at Fat Tony for a final drink and a fantastic slice of pizza.

zurich one day walking tour

Where to Eat in Zurich


Oepfelchammer is a mainstay of Zurich dining since 1801. People have been carving their names into the wooden tables for decades. If you want traditional Swiss food (think delicious rosti, raclette and tartiflette) made with regional and seasonal produce, then you should definitely head here.

A close up images of an old wooden table and bench, and wooden panelled back walls with sepia images and hundreds of names carved into the wood.

You can’t go to Zurich and not eat the delicious melted cheese called fondue. Le Dezaley at the foot of the Grossmunster is a French-Swiss restaurant which has been serving fondue and other fantastic local dishes for over 100 years. They also have a wonderful wine selection from the French-speaking region of Switzerland.

Rüsterei Grill Bar Canteen

With relaxed snacks from the food truck and classic street food served throughout the day in the canteen, you can get something for everyone here. In the Rusteria restaurant everything is grilled and served by candlelight, and they also have an impressive wine list.

Head to The Nest for Dinner

This wonderful rooftop terrace restaurant with its amazing views of the Limmat and Lake Zurich offers amazing Mediterranean food, perfectly prepared for sharing. The Nest is part of the Hotel Storchen, the only hotel in Zurich to sit right on the river.

Top Five Zurich Travel Tips

  • On a Sunday in Zurich, pretty much everything is closed. You maybe be able to find a few restaurants in the old town, otherwise, it’s a bit like a ghost town.
  • Whilst Switzerland is located in the EU, it is not a member, so you will need Swiss Francs, CHf, not euros to spend here.
  • Switzerland uses a slightly different plug than most other European countries. Their sockets accept three round prongs instead of two, known as a type J adapter. You can buy one here before you travel.
  • Before travelling to Zurich invest in a Zurich Card and enjoy the city to the fullest, saving money at the same time. With a Zürich Card , valid for 24 hours, you get free travel on public transport, free admission to museums, delicious surprises at restaurants, and discounts on selected souvenirs and tours. This Zurich one day pass is worth the cost if you’re following our Zurich itinerary.
  • Tipping in restaurants and cafes is not expected in Zurich. Service is always included in the bill. However, if you receive exceptional service then a tip is always appreciated. Round up the bill to the nearest five Swiss Francs.

More Than One Day in Zurich

Take the adliswil-felsenegg cable car.

You can easily get to the cable car either by train, which takes around 20 minutes, or by bus, which takes about 35 minutes but is slightly cheaper. Once there, the ticket for a ride is 4.50 CHf, and lasts an hour.

The amazing ride takes you up to the Felsenegg vantage point at 800 meters (2,625ft) above sea level, where you will have spectacular views over the city, mountains and Lake Zurich. There’s a restaurant at the top if you feel like a relax before you head back down.

zurich one day walking tour

Visit the Awesome Rhine Falls

Just under an hour away from Zurich are the Rhine Falls, the largest waterfall in Europe with a width measuring 150m (492ft) and a height of 23m (75ft). Over 600’000 litres of water per second plunge over the falls in the summer.

There is an elevator to take you up from Laufen Castle to the viewing platforms for a breathtaking view of the falls. A boat ride to the falls basin is also on offer, and well worth the time. Across the river is a huge rope park, so you can glide from tree to tree and admire the falls from every angle.

There are lots of day trips to the Rhine Falls from Zurich, but we think this highly recommended Rhine Falls day trip from Zurich is the best. Your driver will take you through a scenic landscape of charming villages to visit the Rhine Falls, you’ll cross the river to the Belvedere Trail viewing platform for incredible views, and learn about the medieval history of Stein am Rhein.

RELATED POST: Most Beautiful Places In Switzerland That You Must Visit!

A close up image of the Rhine falls with houses and a swiss flag in the background

Relax at the Mineral Bath & Spa Rigi Kaltbad

The Mineral Bath and Spa at Rigi Kaltbad has been known as a place of pilgrimage for 600 years, and the first bath chapel was built in 1545. The three sisters’ spring has its source directly next to the chapel in Rigi Kaltbad. The baths offer a warm water pool, with panoramic views of the Alps , a whirlpool, a crystal spa and sauna area.

Spend one day here and you will well and truly relax in this breathtaking location. You can also book beauty treatments, and the spa regularly holds candlelight night bathing.

zurich one day walking tour

Mount Titlis Day Tour

If you take one day trip from Zurich, make it this highly recommended and well-organised tour.

Enjoy a day trip from Zurich to the beautiful Mount Titlis with a guide. Discover the beauty of Lake Lucerne , enjoy a scenic drive to Engelberg , take a ride in the Rotair revolving cable car , experience an unforgettable adventure on the Ice Flyer chairlift and cross the Titlis cliff walk bridge suspended high over the Swiss Alps.

Departing from Zurich, take a bus ride over the Albis Pass and along the shores of Lake Lucerne on the way to the city of Lucerne. Once there, take a short tour of the city’s most important sights, including a photo stop at the Lion Monument or Vierwaldstätter Lake , depending on traffic.

With a professional guide to offer insights, an organised tour is the perfect opportunity to see  more of Switzerland in less time!

zurich one day walking tour

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places to visit in Zurich in one day

Story at Every Corner

Explore Zurich in a 6-hour Layover or in 1 Day

Blog Post , Destinations , Europe , Journey , Switzerland

If you have a 6+ hour layover at Zürich airport and find yourself heading for an airline lounge or looking for a comfy seat to park yourself, you are heading in the wrong direction. Six hours is more than enough to comfortably get a taste of Switzerland’s largest city, Zürich.

Zürich is well known for its world-class galleries and museums as well as for dining, atmospheric cafés, boutiques, beer gardens, and chocolatiers. You can’t experience all of this in a lay-over but if you follow my footsteps, you will not regret leaving the airport. And, getting out to the city is a sure jet lag buster.

Getting from Zurich Airport to the City

After exiting the aircraft, follow the signs to Baggage Claim and Exit. Once you will go through passport control and customs, follow the signs for “Train”. Zurich’s main train station, Zürich Hauptbahnhof Or Zurich HB, is only a 10-minute ride from the airport making a short Zurich day trip possible. You have an option to buy a ticket to Zurich HB or buy an all-day pass from one of the blue ticket machines. The day pass is for zone 10, which includes the entire city of Zürich and zone 21, which covers the way to the airport. It is valid for all trains, trams, buses, and boats within these two zones. With the all-day pass, you can hop on the Limmat riverboat along the river near the train station and get a different view of Zurich.

Zurich Airport train station Flughafen

Since my layover started very early in the morning, and I only had a little less than 6 hours, I didn’t take boat rides in the river. But the bonus was that I got to see the early morning sun from the top of Lindenhof – more on that later – and I had all of the city to myself.

Check out our Photo Gallery of Zurich Day Trip

Zurich Day Trip

Let’s start with our Zurich tour. After an easy 10-minute train ride from the airport, you will arrive at the Zurich HB, an architecturally beautiful station. You will see trains leaving for all major Swiss cities from here.

Zurich Main Train Station Zurich HB

Remember to exit the station towards the right side – follow the signs to Bahnhofstrasse. Right at the exit, you will see this statue fountain – if you spot it, you exited in the right direction.

Zurich HB Station Exit towards Bahnhofstrasse

Walking straight from there takes you on to Bahnhofstrasse. No cars are allowed on this pedestrianized boulevard. It has trams running in the middle and extra-wide sidewalks on each side. Trees surround the street and provide shade for shoppers in the high-end boutique stores located throughout the boulevard. The long curvy Bahnhofstrasse follows the ancient course of the western city wall and happens to be one of Europe’s most expensive shopping streets, dotted with jewelers and designer boutiques.


Continue walking on Bahnhofstrasse for 5-7 minutes to the Rennweg which branches off in the left. That is if you walked non-stop, which is impossible with all the window shopping possibilities from the boutiques displaying designer goodies. As you look down Rennweg, you will see the iconic clock tower further away. Go to the end of the street where it starts to branch out into three other streets. At this junction, you will see stairs leading up to Lindenhof on the left.

Rennweg with the iconic clock tower

Before heading up the stairs, turn right on Widdergasse to check out Augustinergasse with its romantic oriel-windowed houses. It’s a very colorful street and the windows reminded me of Malta where this structure is all too common. Walk the tiny Münzplatz and perhaps step into the beautiful and simple Augustinerkirche dating from 1274.

Augustinergasse with its romantic oriel-windowed houses

Now backtrack to the Rennweg and climb this short flight of stairs up the hill. You will be on Lindenhof, the oldest part of Zürich and site of a 2nd-century Roman tax collection post. It was very quiet when I arrived the early on Saturday morning. Almost no one was there except a couple of early riser tourists trying to capture a view of Zurich rooftop against the rising sun.

From Rennweg climb this short flight of stairs up the hill to Lindenhof

I heard the wide-open space gets busy during the day with mostly tourists and some old-timers hanging out in the shade of numerous trees scattered around. As you walk around, you get a great panorama over the rooftops and a view of the river with its many bridges and the iconic church as the backdrop. You will also see the Hedwig Fountain commemorating the 1291 defense of the town by the women of Zürich against Germany.

Zurich view from the Lindenhof

After taking pictures from Lindenhof to your heart’s desire, descend steeply via Pfalzgasse, and find yourself into a dense network of cobbled lanes, shops, and cafes.

You can get easily get lost in this western part of the old town with its many boutiques and cafes. The graceful spires both of St Peter’s, featuring the largest clock face in Europe, and the Fraumünster, a medieval church will play hide and seek with you appearing and disappearing as you walk through the cobbled picturesque alleyways. If you get a chance to go inside Fraumünster you will be spellbound with breathtaking stained glass by Marc Chagall.


Make your way through these alleyways to the Zurich Storchen, a ferry terminal in the middle of Zurich. From the ferry terminal, you get some amazing views of the old town. There are many small cafes and restaurants if you want to have a bite sitting on the riverbank while soaking in the views. Here you will also see two of Zurich’s main landmarks, the famous Fraumünster Church and Grossmünster, an iconic twin-towered Roman cathedral from 1200s.

zurich one day walking tour

From here, it is time to start making your way back to the train station. If you didn’t eat at the restaurants along the river, you can head to Sprungli, for a late breakfast or lunch; and shop for chocolate. From Sprungli, it’s about 5 mins walk back to Zurich HB.

Sprungli A must stop in Zurich

Map of the Zurich Walking Tour

Zurich Layover Walking Tour Google Map

More Ideas for City Tour of Zurich

If you have more time here are a couple of ideas for you to add to the itinerary, which I didn’t get a chance to explore:

  • Head to the Landesmuseum station for a one-hour cruise on the Limmatschifffahrt in one of the flatboats built to pass below the seven bridges that cross the river.
  • Make time to spend a couple of hours exploring the exhibits, artifacts and the armory tower at the National Museum. The museum is right next to the Zurich main station. Keep it at the end of your itinerary so you can easily walk to the station for your train back to the Airport.

Photo Gallery of Zurich Layover Day Trip

2019-Zurich Switzerland

Share with us what unique places did you encounter in your perfect one day in Zurich!

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madhu sharma December 14, 2019 @ 1:50 am

Wow Zurich looks awesome.thanks for sharing

Bliss Eatts December 15, 2019 @ 4:26 am

I’ve never been to Zurich, it looks like it would be a great city to visit.

judy February 19, 2020 @ 3:27 pm

i have a 12 hour layover in zurich next week. thanks for your suggestions

kelly June 6, 2020 @ 10:32 am

This is so much better than sitting in an airport for 6 hours. It must have been nice to have the city to yourself with no crowds. So peaceful and the perfect way to spend your time before your next flight.

Renata June 6, 2020 @ 11:22 am

Excellent post! Since the airport is so close and you can get downtown so quickly, it would be a shame not to explore Zurich on a layover.

Kendra June 6, 2020 @ 5:36 pm

Loved your photos! I went to Zurich nearly 20 years ago and don’t remember much, so this was a wonderful chance to revisit the city. When I was there, there were these neat benches around town to sit on, all wood cutouts shaped like different things–I think one was painted like a few men from a soccer team. Very cute! Love Zurich!

Sandy N Vyjay June 6, 2020 @ 7:52 pm

Reading about Zurich and looking at the pictures brought back pleasant memories of the city and Switzerland. Had spent a month on an assignment near Zurich a couple of years back. Really loved walking around the city, look at the river, and the ducks that swam in it gracefully. I have many memories associated with Zurich. It is so nice to know that it is possible to get a feel of Zurich during a 6-hour layover.

Freya June 8, 2020 @ 4:54 pm

This is so helpful Jyoti. I love that you give clear directions of how to get to the city centre from the airport and which walking route to take once you arrive. Zurich looks so pretty!

Jackie June 10, 2020 @ 12:19 pm

I’ve always wondered how to best make use of a longer layover without worrying about getting waylaid… With this turn-by-turn walking tour in hand, I wouldn’t hesitate to explore Zurich while waiting for a connection. Plus, I would love the chance to see the historic and scenic landmarks you described—especially the Augustinergasse windows and ancient Lindenhof. Thank you for sharing your expertise!

Kathleen June 10, 2020 @ 12:58 pm

So much to see. What a quaint city. I would love to explore Zurich before it wakes up. That breakfast looks amazing, although I’m afraid the famous Swiss chocolate would be calling my name the whole time I was exploring. Visiting the city is a much better option than sitting in the airport for 6 hours. So great that it’s so close.

NOBLETRANSFER July 6, 2020 @ 6:14 am

Its a great info. Thanks for sharing

Nobletransfer August 10, 2020 @ 5:14 am

Even though the city is small, there’s a lot to do, and you can easily spend a couple of days in Zurich. Thanks for sharing this amazing info


Zurich in a nutshell – one-afternoon self-guided walking tour

Can you believe that in more than 6 years of living in Switzerland, I do not have a single blog post about Zurich, the largest Swiss city? Although I’ve been here several times (even once long before I knew that Switzerland would one day become our home). So all I have to do is correct this mistake immediately and introduce you to this bustling city, which is in a way beautiful in all seasons.

Getting to Zurich

With a large train station (Zürich Hauptbahnhof) and an international airport, Zurich is the main transport hub in Switzerland. If you go here by train , it is most likely that your train connection will spit you out directly on the busy Zurich HB .

If you go here by car : there are several parking houses in the city center and I would like to warn you in advance that parking here can be quite expensive on weekdays (even 5 CHF/hour). During our recent trip, we used the Urania parking house that is pretty close to the old town, where on Sundays and holidays, parking fees cost a pleasant 2 francs per hour.

A brief history of Zurich

It should come as no surprise that the area was first fortified in the first century by the Romans , who called it Turicum . Just as Rome has its Romulus and Remus, so Zurich has its two holy patrons : the siblings Felix and Regula , who were Roman Christians, deserters from the Theban Legion, which was encamped in 286 in Valais. The siblings made their way through Glarus to Zurich, where they were captured and executed by beheading.

In 1351, Zurich joined the Swiss Confederation , and during the Middle Ages, the city became rich, mainly due to textiles and banking. The town reached its peak in the 16th century when the first reformer Huldrych Zwingli was the first to accept the Reformation.

In 2020, Zurich was declared the most expensive city in the world * . Many banking and financial institutions have their headquarters here, which makes it one of the world’s largest financial centers.

Tour of the Old Town

There are undoubtedly many tourist attractions in Zurich, but the tour on the following lines focuses on the sights in the city center . It’s quite small and compact , but you can easily get lost in a tangle of narrow cobbled streets. The old town is bordered by the central train station in the north, Lake Zürich in the south, and spreads a few blocks east and west from the Limmat River that runs through the city and divides the old town into two sections. Btw. The Limmat River flows out of the lake after flowing through the lake as it flows into the lake like the Linth River.

The route of our tour was given by the “hunt” for the fountains full of roses, which were prepared here over Easter by the local Reformed Church. There were a total of 7 fountains and they were located on both banks of the Limmat River near the main tourist attractions of the Old Town (especially churches), so the route can perfectly serve first-time visitors of Zurich .

zurich one day walking tour

1. Niederdorf

From Parkhaus Urania we crossed Rudolf-Brun-Brücke (by the way, Rudolf Brun was the mayor of Zurich in the 14th century, who handed over power over the city from the merchant nobility to the local craft guilds) to the eastern bank of the Limmat river to the part known as Niederdorf , or Dörfli . It is known for being full of cafes, shops, but also picturesque nooks.

zurich one day walking tour

2. Grossmünster Cathedral

Through Marktgasse and Münstergasse we reached the Grossmünster Cathedral. The church was founded by Charlemagne in the ninth century , but it acquired its present appearance as a three-nave basilica between 1100 and 1220. According to excavations, there was a Roman cemetery with the relics of Saints Felix and Regula . Yeah, the two siblings I mentioned above (and I’ll mention them a few more times). Here was the place where they passed away. But not only that, it makes Grossmünster one of the city’s most famous sights. In the 16th century, the preacher and rioter Huldrych Zwingli began his campaign against the Catholic Church, and so the Reformation reached Zurich. Admission to the cathedral and its crypt is free and photography is not permitted here. The crypt under the altar contains the original statue of Charlemagne from the 15th century, which was removed from one of the towers. For 5 francs you can climb 187 steps to the Karlsturm tower and enjoy wonderful views of the city.

zurich one day walking tour

3. Wasserkirche church

With a stone’s throw from Grossmünster stands another important church – the Wasserkirche, a late Gothic church originally standing on a separate island. It was at this place that Felix and Regula were executed. Legend has it (nothing for the faint of heart, so if you don’t have a strong stomach, skip the following lines) that even though their heads were cut off here, they were miraculously able to get up, took their severed heads in their hands and took another 40 steps uphill (ie to today’s Grossmünster), where they knelt, prayed to God, and then passed away.

zurich one day walking tour

4. Frauenbad

We crossed the Münstrerbrücke and reached the left bank of the Limmat river at Stadthausquai . Here is a wooden building – Frauenbad (aka Women’s bath). This Art Nouveau open-air bathing facility, built between 1881 and 1887, remains the exclusive domain of female guests to this day.

zurich one day walking tour

5. Bürkliplatz

Bürkliplatz square is the mainhub, where you will find the main boat station, the bus, and the tram stops, which meet right where the farmers’ market takes place every Tuesday and Friday morning, and the antiques market on Saturdays.

zurich one day walking tour

6. Lakeside promenade

You can’t make a mistake if you decide to see Zurich and its surroundings from the deck of a cruise ship. It is a pleasant and comfortable break from walking through the streets of a busy city. The short cruise lasts about 1.5 hours and costs CHF 8.80 (half with Halb-tax). During this cruise, one of the stops is Kilchberg, where you can get off and visit the Lindt chocolate factory (link below). The mini-cruise costs CHF 6.80. More information here . A cruise at sunset is also very beautiful.

zurich one day walking tour

7. Fraumünster Church

From Bürkliplatz, we took Fraumünsterstrasse towards the Fraumünster church, which is another important church in the city. In 853, the first Benedictine female convent was founded here. Inside you can see the famous stained glass windows of the Russian painter of Jewish origin Marc Chagall. For CHF 5 you can take an audio-guide tour of the church and the crypt. Btw. This church also has something to do with saints Felix and Regula – in 874, the crypt was built here to store their remains.

zurich one day walking tour

8. Münsterhof

The Münsterhof is the largest square in Zurich’s Old Town and is surrounded by medieval buildings.

zurich one day walking tour

9. St. Peter’s church

From the Münsterhof you can head to the St. Peter’s church. With a diameter of 8.7 m , the church clock is the biggest clock face in Europe . However, we went through the alleys of Storchengasse (to the famous Hotel Storchen) and then continued Strehlgasse until we joined the famous Augustinergasse.

zurich one day walking tour

10. Augustinergasse

Augustinergasse is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful and most photographed streets in Zurich. The street is lined with multicolored histori, with one cuter than the other.

zurich one day walking tour

11. Bahnhofstrasse

The Augustinergasse opens onto the famous Bahnhofstrasse. The busy Bahnhofstrasse is the main street in Zurich and one of the most expensive and exclusive shopping avenues in the world. Every year, on the last but one Thursday of November, the Lucy lights – 23,000 light crystals spread over a distance of one kilometer – light up here, announcing the beginning of the Advent period.

zurich one day walking tour

12. Lindenhof

When you turn right from Bahnhofstrasse at the Jelmoli department store to Oetenbachgasse, and then once again to Lindenhofstrasse, you reach the Lindenhof lookout point. It was here in Roman times that there was a customs post. Today it offers beautiful views of the Zurich skyline. And from here it’s a few steps back to the Urania parking house.

zurich one day walking tour

In conclusion

It is quite clear to me that it was beyong my power to include all the landmarks, cool bars and trendy restaurants that you could/should visit in Zurich into this post. But that was not my goal. I just wanted to outline a detailed overview of where to go if you are in Zurich for the first time and would like to see the best of it. But if you have tips on places that you would recommend to me and the readers of this blog, do not hesitate to send them to me!

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[…] visitors to Switzerland assume that its capital is the modern and dynamic Zurich, so the slower and older Bern comes as quite a surprise. A small, beautiful city with a long […]

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One Day in Zurich Itinerary: See Zurich in a day

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Want to explore Zurich in a day? Let’s go! Zurich may be the financial powerhouse of Switzerland, but this charming city is such a fascinating blend of cultures and traditions that there is something here for everyone, whether it is history, art, fine dining, or vibrant nightlife. In this one day in Zurich itinerary, you will get to discover the city’s primary attractions with ease!

View from Lindenhof hill Zurich

Despite being the largest city in the country, Zurich is fairly compact and even if you have just one day in hand you can thoroughly explore its Roman and medieval roots, providing, of course, you have planned your Zurich itinerary beforehand.

One day in Zurich itinerary: Explore Zurich in a day

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Zurich is a great place to visit for a romantic getaway or a family vacation. Very quickly, this is what you can check off in Zurich in a day

Things to do in Zurich in one day: Itinerary snapshot

  • Arrive in Zurich/ Start from the train station
  • Visit the Swiss National Museum 
  • Walk across Muhlesteg Bridge 
  • Stroll on Bahnhofstrasse 
  • Hike up to Lindenhof 
  • Go on a river cruise 
  • Visit the FIFA World Football Museum 
  • Wander through Zurich Old Town 

Take a break in a lovely cafe

  • Enjoy a romantic dinner in Old Town Altstadt
  • Experience the nightlife 

Planning your trip to Zurich Switzerland 

Getting to Zurich Switzerland

There are a few different ways to get to Zurich. The most common way is by flying into Zurich Airport, also known as Kloten Airport. It is the main hub for SwissAir, and you will not have any issues finding flights to Zurich.

Zurich Airport

The airport is located about 10 kilometers (or 6 miles) from the city center. You can take the S-Bahn train to get to the main station or near downtown. 

Private transfers are also available to take you there with comfort!

If you are coming from another European country, you can use roadways – car rental, train or bus into the city.

Once you are in Zurich, there are a variety of ways to get around. The city has an excellent public transportation system that includes buses, trams, and trains. 

Since you will be in Zurich for a day you can opt to purchase the Zurich Card 24 hour pass for CHF 27/CHF19 (Adult/Child). By just visiting the Swiss National Museum, Kunsthaus, or FIFA World Football museum the Zürich Card pays for itself.  Buy it here

Transportation in Zurich

Additionally, you get free transport by tram, bus, train, boat, and cable car in Zurich, discounts at selected outlets, 50% off on the Old Town walking tour, short boat trips, and Limmat River cruise. 

City explorers can enjoy Zurich in all its diversity and get to save time and money too.

Alternately, you can also book a combo sightseeing tour that covers Old Town highlights with a cruise. Here is a 4 hour city tour, cruise, chocolate factory visit

Other Zurich city tours to consider,

  • Zurich City and Rhine Falls tour in one day
  • 4-Hour City Tour by Ferry, Cable Car and Coach
  • Zurich Culinary tour with wine and fondue

Where to stay in Zurich Switzerland

If you are considering staying overnight after your hectic one day in Zurich before heading to your next destination, here are a few options with different price ranges, all perfect for a one-night stay.

zurich one day walking tour

Luxury: Baur au Lac

This high-end property is located in its own private park in the heart of the city in some of the quieter areas. The lakeside setting and the warm elegance speak volumes of the hotel’s 175 years of history.

Designed by Pierre-Yves Rochon, this is the grandest hotel in the whole of Switzerland. Click to view availability here

Mid-range: Hotel Montana Zurich

Another hotel with a great location, five minutes from the main railway station and the city center. This 3-star property offers stylish rooms, free WiFi with a delicious complimentary breakfast.

Additionally, all sights of Zurich can easily be accessed from here by foot or by public transport. Book your stay here

Budget: City Backpacker Hostel 

Situated in the Old Town, right in the heart of Niederdorf, the location of this hostel is absolutely unbeatable. They don’t have an elevator and you have to walk up a spiral staircase to reach your room, but the six-bed dorm and the private rooms are clean and basic.

With a shared kitchen and rooftop terrace thrown in, it is a great place at an affordable price.

Another option is the Gasthaus zum Guten Glück – a simple hotel with minimalistic amenities – to stay on a budget.

Read : Where to stay in Switzerland

Now here is the one day Zurich itinerary, 

Start at/from the Zurich train station or your hotel

The city center of Zurich is small and this is where we will spend one day of our time. The Limmat River flows through the city into Lake Zurich but is spanned by a series of bridges which makes it easy to crisscross back and forth on your Zurich day itinerary.

Zurich Old Town Altstadt views

All destinations are easily accessible by foot, so there is no need to take public transport. However, if you need to travel between attractions quickly or have kids in tow, you can use public transport.

This Zurich itinerary is designed for all seasons, but keep in mind that some attractions like boat cruises, shut down during winter. Avoid the months of July and August as Zurich is very crowded and you risk losing valuable time standing in lines on such a short visit.

Read: Things to do in Zurich in winter

Most probably you will be visiting Zurich from elsewhere, so you will need to be there early on your first morning. The normal point of entry is the Zurich Main Station, the busiest in Europe as well as the world. 


Exit through the gate and walk along Bahnhofstrasse to begin your one day Zurich tour.

This world renowned shopping boulevard was created after the construction of the main train station and is today considered to be the most expensive shopping venue in the world. 

Bahnhofstrasse Zurich walk

Before you begin, stop at Confiserie Sprungli, near the train station, for some coffee and sample the best Swiss chocolate in town with their signature offering of macaroons called ‘Luxemburgerli’. The cafe is a bit pricey, but it’s worth the visit.

Swiss National Museum (from 10:00 to 11:00 am)

Built in 1898, the Swiss National Museum is barely a minute’s walk away from the train station, nestled between the Limmat and Sihl rivers. 

The museum is known for its impressive architecture and the collection of medieval paintings, wooden carvings, and sculptures. You can also opt for a guided tour if you want to learn a bit more about the history and culture of the country.

  • Address: Museumstrasse 2, 8001 Zürich, Switzerland
  • Hours: 10:00 am to 5:00 pm (Tuesday to Sunday) Mondays closed
  • Tickets: Adults: CHF 10 | Concession: CHF. 8 | Child upto16:  Free

Walk across Muhlesteg Bridge – Zurich Love Lock Bridge (from 11:15 to 11:30 am)

After you are through with the National Museum walk back towards the railway station but take the path along the banks of the Limmat River instead. 

Soon you will come across a beautiful riverfront park and a pedestrian bridge spanning the river. This is the Muhlestein lock bridge, where traditionally days if you hang a lock on the bridge and throw the key into the river your love will be long-lasting.

Stroll on Bahnhofstrasse (from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm)

As stated earlier, Bahnhofstrasse is one of the most popular shopping boulevards in the whole of Europe. This 1.4 km (.86 miles) long street has everything from upscale departmental stores to a chain of fine bars and restaurants. 

zurich one day walking tour

The area has a plethora of coffee shops but if you want to fuel up for the day ahead we recommend the chic eatery Rooftop inside the Modissa department store or at the Lion Pub to enjoy a traditional British meal with a bit of Swiss flair. 

Hike up to Lindenhof (from 1:00 to 2:00 pm)

Lindenhof is located in the city center, just a few minutes north of Bahnhofstrasse, and is the best place to have some quiet time away from the hustle and bustle of Zurich.

Views from Lindenhof Hill

There is a square on top from where you can get good views of the Old Town. 

After taking the obligatory Instagram photos head down towards the lake.

zurich one day walking tour

Go on a river cruise (2:00 pm to 3:30 pm)

An excellent way to explore Zurich, provided the weather is good, is by opting for a boat tour on a portion of Lake Zurich or even as far as Rapperswil on the far opposite side. 

zurich one day walking tour

On a good day you will find locals in their sailing boats, people swimming, and the odd surfer in the summer. Since you have limited time the short tour to Thalwil and Erlenbach and back is the best option.

Zurich city cruises

Alternatively, you can opt for a scenic cruise on the River Limmat as a part of your trip to Zurich. A round trip from Zurich Landesmuseum takes around one hour.

You may like: Here is a 4 hour city tour, cruise, chocolate factory visit

FIFA World Football Museum (from 3:00 to 4:00 pm)

Zurich is the headquarters of FIFA or the Federation of Associated Football and has a museum dedicated to this popular sport. Even if you are not a soccer fan, the football gallery will fascinate you with audiovisual experiences and exhibitions. 

You can check out the FIFA World Cup trophy and other interesting memorabilia from every World Cup during this hour-long show.

  • Hours : 10:00 am to 7:00 pm (Mondays closed) | 9:00 am to 6:00 pm (Sundays)
  • Admission : Adults: CHF 24 | 7-15 years: CHF 14 | Senior: CHF 19 | Family (2+2): CHF 64 | Group: CHF 22. Get tickets here

If you wish to skip the museum, you may take a wander in the old town of Zurich or Altstadt. 

Wander Old Town of Zurich or Altstadt

The Old Town is located in District 1 and lies on both sides of the River Limmat and is a great place to spend a few hours wandering all around it. 

Girl in a walking tour in old town Zurich

The narrow cobbled streets lined with medieval houses from the Renaissance era give a fascinating insight into the history and culture of Zurich. This is the place to try the famous Zurich fondue at the Walliser Keller restaurant.


The four historic reformation churches Predigerkirche, Grossmünster, Fraumunster, and St Peter’s are located here. Fraumünster is not to be missed. You can enter the church complex to admire the colorful stained glass windows inside. They were created by Chagall and Giacometti.

Those who want to learn more about Zurich’s eventful past can participate in the popular guided Old Town walking tour.

After spending the whole day on your feet it is time to take a break at any of the lovely cafes in the city. 

Zurich cafes

Cafe Felix is a quaint eatery located in Bellevue and is very popular among visitors and locals alike. There are a wide variety of delicacies catering to all types of tastes including homemade delights like pastries, freshly baked cakes, and chocolate. The cafe has a gorgeous interior so don’t forget to take photos for your Instagram collection.

Limmatquai (06:00 pm to 7:30 pm)

This charming street lies on the banks of the River Limmat and is worth taking a stroll along the paths to appreciate the splendid views across the water. 


Do not forget to take the postcard-worthy photos as a memento for your one day trip to Zurich.

Enjoy a romantic dinner (07:30 pm to 09:00 pm ish)

There are tons of amazing places to eat in Zurich, especially in the old town, and you can choose from Asian/Chinese food to German cuisines and beyond. You can go casual or cozy romantic – your pick!

zurich one day walking tour

Now, one must try at least one upscale meal in any new place you visit, so head for some fancy stuff at the Hummer and Austernbar . This Michelin-recommended seafood restaurant is located inside Hotel St Gothard and almost every celebrity from Arnold Schwarzenegger to Placido Domingo has dined here at least once.

Their lobster salad is absolutely delicious, in spite of the fact that they are flown in daily from places which are near the sea.

Lanes in old town Zurich in 2 days in Switzerland itinerary

A cheaper option is to have dinner at any of the restaurants at the Im Viadukt. We strongly recommend Restaurant Viadukt for their tasty local and international dishes made of fresh organic products.

Experience the nightlife (09:00 pm onwards)

The nightlife of the city is as diverse as the people themselves. From the trendy Zurich West to the lively Niederdorf, there are many cool laid-back bars in the area. 

Our personal favorites are Frau Gerolds Garten and Les Halles . 

Explore Zurich in a day: Alternate tour recommendations 

Here are a few options to swap any of the activities listed above. We recommend booking tours and tickets ahead of time, as always.

zurich one day walking tour

Zurich chocolate tour:

Chocolate is one of the major products exported by Switzerland and an important part of the country’s tradition, which is why going on a chocolate tour is a must on your visit to Zurich. 

From Lindt, Max, and Sprungli to Vanini there are dozens of famous names of different chocolate outlets in the city. You can even attend a chocolate-making class offered by the leading makers.

Lindt Chocolates in Zurich with buses nearby

After the class, you can keep all you have made, which is not a bad idea considering how expensive they are.

Beyer Watch Museum: 

Switzerland is known the world over for its excellent timepieces and watches, so if you are a fan of these fancy clocks make sure to visit the Watch Museum located in the basement of the Beyer watch outlet halfway along the Bahnhofstrasse. 

Here you will come across time measuring instruments from the Egyptian age, including some stunning watches and clocks.

Admission: CHF 8

The Opera House:

From the east walkway of Lake Zurich, you can also visit the opulent Opera House.

There is free WiFi outside the building so you can upload all the pictures you have taken. 

While seeing a performance there is preferable since you have little time even viewing it from outside is worth the visit. Snap a photo or two to show off your Zurich adventures.

Old Botanical Gardens:

Located adjacent to the Ethnographic Museum, the Old Botanical Gardens come as a breath of fresh air in the middle of the city center. 

Dating back to the 19th century, the gardens boast of an octagonal palm house and many different types of flora like beautiful flowers and bamboo trees. Statues, fountains, and benches can be found all over the place where one can relax and enjoy the views.

Some fifteen minutes out of Zurich, the pretty mountain peak of Uetliberg is a perfect spot to escape from the hordes of the city. 

A train or cable car whisks you away to the top in 20 minutes, from where you can enjoy stunning views of the city and especially the lake from the top of the observation tower or sit on the terrace of the Uto Kulm Hotel for a taste of local specialties.

Rosenhof Market:

This seemingly hidden gem is tucked away in the corner of a square in the Niederdorf part of the Old Town and is simply perfect for collecting the odd souvenir or trinket to take back home. 

Shops sell intriguing items here like jewelry, incense, handicrafts, and bohemian clothing. Do not forget to taste a variety of international dishes available at the various food stalls in Rosenhof Market.

Zurich and beyond: Day trips from Zurich

Zurich is no doubt an interesting and entertaining city to visit, but if you have some more time to spare the city makes a great base to unlock some other treasures of the rest of the country.

zurich one day walking tour

With excellent train connections and a plethora of places to visit within a couple of hours of Zurich after spending one day, you must add one of the following places to your Switzerland itinerary.

These are some fantastic destinations that won’t leave you disappointed on any day trip from Zurich.


  • 52 km or 32 miles away
  • 40 minutes by train | 45 minutes by car

A visit to the lakeside town of Lucerne is one the best places to head from Zurich for a one day trip. With the most well-known sights of Lake Lucerne and the epic Alps in the background, there is no denying the charm of this pretty Swiss destination. 

The beautiful city in Switzerland - Lucerne one of the best places to stay in Switzerland

From the iconic wooden Chapel Bridge to the cobbled streets of the Old Town, there is plenty in Lucerne for that ideal getaway. Lucerne is also a convenient base to explore the Alps with Mt Pilatus close by. 

Also check out the Kongress Zentrum and the Lion Memorial, the main centers of performing arts in Lucerne.

  • 121.6 km or 75.55 miles
  • 1 hour by train | 1.5 hours by car

Located south of Zurich,  this Capital city has a charm of its own so it makes perfect sense to visit Bern for a captivating one day excursion from Zurich.

View of Bern with River Aare

The picture postcard city of quaint houses and cobbled streets on the banks of the Aare river dates back to the 17th century when the UNESCO World Heritage site of the Old Town is the main attraction. 

Visit the 15th-century Zytglogge Clock Tower and the impressive building of the Swiss Parliament. Cross the Aare to visit the Bern Historical Museum and the Einstein Museum, located in the house where Einstein was born.

Read : Most beautiful cities in Switzerland | Most beautiful towns in Switzerland

Mount Titlis:

  • 91.3 km or 56.7 miles
  • 2 hours and 10 minutes by train
  • You can also book a day tour from Zurich, book here

The small resort town of Engleberg is about an hour and a half drive from Zurich via Lucerne and the ideal point to access Mt Titlis standing at 3238m above sea level. 

A series of rides by three cable cars and a funicular takes visitors right to the top to be rewarded with unparalleled views of the Alps. Other features at the peak are a glacier cave, restaurant, shops, and an ice-grotto bar. 

For thrills hike across Titlis Cliff Walk or hop onto the IceFlyer chairlift for mesmerizing views of the crevasses and glaciers far below.

  • 95.7 km or 60 miles
  • 2 hours by train
  • You can also book a day tour from Zurich, along with chocolate tastings, book it here

The best way to get to Appenzell is by train which takes about two hours via Godsau. The town may not be on the top of the tourist radar, but if you want to experience rural Alpine life, Appenzell is the place to spend a day. 

The Museum of Appenzell is an excellent place to sample cheese and other local goods among a background of rolling hills and the mighty Alps.

Zurich Switzerland travel tips

We have written a detailed guide on planning a trip to Switzerland , we will cover a few quick tips below, 

Zurich city views

Zurich is a very expensive city, but if you want to keep your expenses under control be prepared to shell out at least CHF 200-250 per person per day for mid-range travelers. 

For those backpacking through Zurich, staying in a hostel, and cooking your own meals expect to pay CHF 100 per day. On a luxury budget of CHF 400, you can stay in a nice hotel, have all meals out, drink more and ride the occasional taxi.

A great option to cut down on travel costs is by using ride-share apps like Bla Bla Car, which can take you from city to city for as less as $20 between Zurich to Geneva, which otherwise costs $80.

Then there are the historic city centres where you can spend hours without stepping into a museum, which will only add up to your Zurich one day cost.


As far as safety is concerned, it should bother travelers in the least as Zurich is said to be one of the tenth safest cities in Europe with regards to health, digital, infrastructure, and personal security.

Girl enjoying in Zurich by the promenade

The law is respected and the police do their job meticulously. That said, it is better to be vigilant and not let your guard down.

An issue that crops up is that Swiss establishments take a copy of the entire credit card on the receipt, leading to chances of identity theft when using a credit card. It is therefore advisable to carefully review the information on all the receipts before discarding them.

Was one day in Zurich enough?

Seeing everything in one day can be challenging, which is why this site has focused only on the unmissable attractions during your one day in Zurich, taking the tram as much as possible and planning well.

Zurich changes during the seasons and the itinerary will have to be adjusted accordingly. You can skip some stops and places to eat if you are inclined to spend more time on certain landmarks.

Finally, if you are there during Christmas time, the various Christmas markets around Zurich are a stellar attraction. This is the time you can enjoy apple pie and mulled wine to your heart’s content.

We will leave you with some interesting facts about Zurich as well as some of our other Switzerland travel guides below. 

Some fun facts about Zurich Switzerland

Here are some fun facts about Zurich, 

zurich one day walking tour

  • St Peter’s Church in the Old Town of Zurich has the largest clock face in Europe.
  • Zurich has over 1000 fountains with drinkable water. You can easily refill your water bottles here and save money.
  • The city is considered an expensive destination but the price of electronic goods is the lowest in Europe. If you are looking to buy a new mobile phone, this is the best place to do it.
  • Public drinking is legal in Zurich so you can buy a drink and enjoy it anywhere as you admire the beauty of the city.
  • Zurich is an expensive city, so to save money eat where the locals do. The COOP Supermarkt stores retailing groceries can be found all over the city. They also sell salads, bread, and sandwiches at affordable prices. Another really good place for gourmet takeaway in Zurich is the food hall inside Globus Dept Store.

More Switzerland posts

  • Best time to visit Switzerland
  • Switzerland packing list
  • Most scenic train rides in Switzerland

Pin: How to spend one day in Zurich

Mayuri is the founder & editor of ToSomePlaceNew. An Indian-Canadian globetrotter, she has traveled to over 100 cities and 40+ countries.

Mayuri has a graduate degree in History and is an MBA. She loves traveling the world particularly Europe, capturing historical nuances, and discussing that over a cup of coffee with her husband, Salil. 

She has lived in Portugal, Canada and India.

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Excellent useful travel information for big spenders as well as budget backpacker tourists sightseeing Zurich in a day. Thanks.

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She Wanders Abroad

  • One Day in Zurich Itinerary: How to See the Best of Zurich in a Day

Aerial view of Zurich, Switzerland

Although Zurich is truly one of the most beautiful cities in Switzerland, due to its size, spending one day in Zurich is the perfect amount of time to experience the major attractions of the city.

Resting in the shadow of the Swiss Alps, Zurich is a treasure trove of historic landmarks, museums, galleries, and restaurants. Given its setting on the shores of the glistening Lake Zurich with the River Limmat flowing through the Old Town, Zurich is a really picturesque destination.

It offers plenty of appeal for urbanites yet the surrounding nature makes Zurich feel all the more spectacular for those who like their cities in a more rural environment. 

This one day in Zurich itinerary picks out the most interesting things to see and do and provides a few different options to ensure that whatever the weather is doing, you have a few options to select from. Continue reading to find out how to prepare for your trip and what to do in Zurich for one day.

* Disclosure: This post contains a few affiliate links, which means I may receive a small commission, at no cost to you, if you make a purchase through my link. *

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One Day in Zurich Itinerary

Table of Contents

Useful Info for Visiting Zurich

How to get to zurich.

Zurich Airport, or Flughafen Zurich (ZRH), serves international and domestic flights with direct connections to most major European cities and North American destinations which makes Zurich a fantastic starting point for a Switzerland road trip .

The airport is situated 10 km (6.2 miles) north of the city. You can hop on the S-Bahn train or take the tram (line 10) into the city. 

Either way, the journey costs 6.80 CHF (€7) but it’s entirely free with the Zurich Card. If you want to purchase a Zurich Card , it costs 27 CHF (€28) for a 24-hour pass or 53 CHF (€55) for a 72-hour pass, if you are spending longer than one day in Zurich.

The card covers your travel via tram, bus, train, boat, and cableway in the city and surrounding area and grants free or reduced admission to a number of museums. It does not, however, cover the scenic boat cruises mentioned later in this Zurich itinerary.

You can purchase a Zurich Card online, via the Zurich City Guide app. Alternatively, you can buy one in person at the airport or at a ticket machine at a train station in town.

You can also travel to Zurich by train from elsewhere in Switzerland. Zurich Main Station is located super centrally in District 1. As a guideline, the journey from Geneva takes around 2 hours 45 minutes to traverse the 273 km (170 miles). 

Zurich Riverwalk

Best time to visit Zurich

There isn’t a bad time to visit Zurich as the city has year-round appeal and it never gets unbearably hot or cold. It really depends on what you want to do while in the city and whether you prefer to spend more time indoors or outside.

This one day Zurich itinerary is designed for any season but note that some attractions, such as boat cruises, do not operate during the winter. 

The only months that I would recommend avoiding are July and August as this is when the city is the most crowded and when trying to see Zurich in a day, you’ll risk losing valuable time standing in lines. But, on the other hand, these are the best months for taking a dip in the lake!

Zurich is a joy to explore during the spring, early summer, and autumn months. The temperatures hover between 15-20°C (59-68°F) during these shoulder months and it’s pleasant for walking around. You’ll need some layers for the cooler evenings though. 

Winter in Zurich is lovely because the city glows with Christmas markets and yuletide activities. This typically arrives towards the end of November and stays until the New Year celebrations when fireworks erupt over the lake. It rarely snows in Zurich, even during winter, but temperatures can drop to 0°C (32°F). Rain is possible at any time of year so you’ll want to bring something waterproof.  

Grossmünster in Zurich, Switzerland

How to get around Zurich

As with most European cities, Zurich benefits from a fantastic public transport system. Actually, it’s slated to be one of the best in the world!

You can use the U-Bahn (metro), S-Bahn, buses, and trams to get around Zurich. For something more alternative, you can ride the Polybahn, a little red funicular railway, which connects the Old Town to the viewing platform at the Polyterrasse.

Zurich is also served by boats and ferries that navigate the Limmat and Zurichsee (Lake Zurich). So if you are wondering what to do in Zurich for one day, you can literally spend it riding all these fun transit systems around if you want to!

Where to stay in Zurich

As you are only spending 24 hours in Zurich, it makes sense to book accommodation as centrally as possible to save some time. I’ve rounded up three of the best places to stay in Zurich to suit all budgets.

If you do want to stay further afield, the perk is the wonderful public transport system I already told you about. 

Storchen Zürich

LUXURY – Storchen Zürich

This beautiful hotel is located right in the heart of Zurich and has its own boat pier directly at the Limmat River. Rooms come with classic furnishing with warm colors and modern facilities and each room offers a picturesque view of the Old Town. The hotel also has a beautiful outdoor terrace which is perfect for summertime trips.

Hotel City Zürich Design & Lifestyle

MID-RANGE – Hotel City Zürich Design & Lifestyle

Situated by the famous Bahnhofstrasse, this modern hotel is artistically presented with comfortable and spacious rooms. All rooms have a private bathroom and most include bathtubs with overhead showers. 

Hotel Marta

BUDGET – Hotel Marta

This no-frills hotel is clean, functional, and fabulously located in the northern point of the Niederdorf quarter of Old Town. Breakfast is included in the rate and the staff goes out of their way to take care of their guests. 

Overview of Your One Day Zurich Itinerary 

At a glance, this is how you will spend your 24 hours in Zurich. It’s a fairly full agenda but some of the attractions are optional or either/or so feel free to customize this itinerary as you like!

Morning: Museum Rietburg/Rieterpark, Zurich Lake Cruise OR River Limmat Cruise 

Afternoon: Zurich Altstadt (highlights include trying raclette for lunch and visiting Limmatquai, Rathaus, Grossmünster, St Peter’s Church, Predigerkirche, Fraumünster, the Old Botanical Garden, and the Swiss National Museum)

Evening: Uetliberg Viewpoint OR Thermalbad & Spa Zürich OR Urania Sternwarte 

Morning of Your One Day in Zurich 

Museum rietberg/rieterpark .

Located in the southwest of the city, Museum Rietberg is a collection of artworks and archaeological items from Asia, Africa, Oceania, and the Americas. The archive contains a mix of traditional and contemporary objects and is such an unexpected museum to find in the heart of Zurich.

Housed within a 19th-century mansion, the museum is set within the landscaped Rieterpark. If you are looking for more outdoorsy things to do in Zurich for a day then you can cross the road to visit the neighboring Belvoirpark and work your way over to the waterfront. 

Museum Rietberg is open Tuesday to Sunday, 10 am – 5 pm, and until 8 pm on Wednesday evenings. Admission to the permanent collection is 14 CHF (€14.50) and if you want to also visit the temporary exhibitions, the ticket costs 18 CHF (€18.60).

Access to both Rieterpark and Belvoirpark is free and they are open 24/7. 

Zurich Lake/River Limmat Cruise 

If you want to get out on the water, then you have a couple of options for touring either the River Limmat or Lake Zurich.

The Lake Zurich Navigation Company schedules daily round trip cruises during the summer season, from early April until late October. If you are spending one day in Zurich, then the short tours that sail down to Thalwil and Erlenbach before returning to the city are the best option.

From Rieterpark, you can walk to Zurich Bürkliplatz in 15 minutes and board a boat there. The cruise takes around 1.5 hours and costs 4.40 CHF (€4.55). You can head straight to the ferry terminal but you might want to check the schedule online once you have your dates. They typically depart every half an hour. 

Alternatively, you can take a scenic cruise along the River Limmat as part of your exploration of Zurich Altstadt. A round trip from Zurich Landesmuseum to the Zurichhorn in District 8 takes around 1 hour and costs 4.40 CHF (€4.55). Again, you can check the schedule online to help plan your time.

River Limmat Cruise in Zurich

Afternoon of Your One Day in Zurich Itinerary

The Old Town, Zurich Altstadt, is situated within District 1 and straddles both banks of the River Limmat. The area is defined by its enchanting heritage architecture and friendly ambiance and it’s lovely to dedicate a few hours to wander around it all. As there is so much to see, my one day Zurich itinerary pulls out some of the highlights.

Feast on Raclette

Raclette is one of the national dishes of Switzerland and if you love cheese, then sampling the delicacy for yourself is one of the best things to do in Zurich for a day. You’ll find a number of restaurants in Altstadt which serve it so you can always follow your nose and see what you find.

But if you would rather save time looking, you can head directly to Raclette Factory for the most classic quality and dining experience. The restaurant is located on the right bank of the River Limmat and has a menu that offers the finest local cheese and a selection of potato options.

Raclette Factory Zurich

Notable Churches 

There are so many beautiful churches in Zurich Altstadt so if you enjoy visiting these landmarks, you’ll have a field day!

On the left bank, Fraumünster Church features an iconic teal spire, its majestic organ, and its elegant stained glass windows by the renowned artist Marc Chagall. There is an entrance fee of 5 CHF (€5.20) to enter the church but the rest of the churches on this list are free to enter.

Less than 5 minutes away, St Peter’s Church brings together Romanesque and Gothic architecture and its signature is the colossal clock ticking down your 24 hours in Zurich!

Across on the right bank, pretty much directly opposite Fraumünster, you will find the twin-towered Grossmünster. Constructed in the 12th century, this church was the backdrop for the preachings of religious reformer Huldrych Zwingli in the 1500s.

One final church that you can linger on is the Predigerkirche, which means Preacher’s Church. First erected in 1231 in the Romanesque style, the church has been through a couple of renovations and at the time the bell tower was added, it was remarked on for being unusually tall.

Grossmünster in Zurich, Switzerland

This charming street lines the right bank of the river and is worth taking a stroll along to appreciate views across the water and shoot some postcard-worthy photos as a memento from your one day in Zurich.

One notable sight that you will not miss is the Zurich Rathaus or Town Hall. With a direct view over the river, the Rathaus has occupied this spot since the late 17th century when the building was constructed to replace an earlier town hall from the 13th century.

The Rathaus is the seat of both the local council and the cantonal council.

Rathaus (City Hall) in Zurich

Old Botanical Garden

These 19th-century botanical gardens are located in the western point of Zurich Altstadt on the left bank. The park features flowers, bamboos, and edible herbs, vegetables, and fruits and it’s a tranquil spot to recoup your energy while exploring the best of Zurich in a day.

The gardens are open Monday to Friday, between 7 am – 7 pm, and on weekends, between 8 am – 6 pm. The entrance is free.

Zurich Botanical Garden

Swiss National Museum

Located in the northernmost tip of the Aldstadt at the confluence of the Limmat and Sihl rivers, the Swiss National Museum will tell you everything you could want to know about Switzerland’s heritage and culture. They also curate fantastic special exhibitions about interesting topics.

The museum is a huge complex with loads of detail and you can easily spend 2-3 hours devouring the artifacts. For that reason, I recommend this as an option for history buffs or for those seeking things to do in Zurich for a day during winter or inclement weather.

The museum is open Tuesday to Sunday, 10 am – 5 pm, and until 7 pm on Thursday evenings. Admission is 10 CHF (€10.30).

Swiss National Museum

Evening of Your One Day in Zurich 

For your one evening in Zurich, I have selected a couple of options for you to choose from based on what you would prefer to do. If you are spending longer than one day in Zurich, you might want to tackle all three activities!

Uetliberg Viewpoint 

For one of the best views across the city, lake, and surrounding Alps, you can visit the lookout at Uetliberg, a mountain that overlooks Zurich. Trains (route S 10) connect Zurich Main Station and Uetliberg in 25 minutes, then it’s a short walk to the summit.

Whatever time of year you visit, the scenery is epic. For the purpose of this one day in Zurich itinerary, I suggest going up to catch the sunset although you could always flip it over and visit early in the morning.

Trains typically start around 6.30 am and run until around 11 pm but you can check the specific train schedule online. 

If you are spending longer than one day in Zurich then there are loads of hiking trails waiting for you up here. 

Panoramic view of Zurich from Uetliberg Viewpoint

Thermalbad & Spa Zürich

If you aren’t fussed to visit the viewpoint (or went first thing instead) then you might be tempted to indulge in a thermal mineral bath to soothe your aching feet.

Located in the former Hürlimann brewery, the spa has taken inspiration from the casks to create an aquatic wonderland in deep wooden barrels. There are a number of pools to discover and the highlight is the rooftop pool that provides a view across the rooftops of Zurich. While you’re at the spa you can also opt to get a massage treatment if you wish.

Thermalbad & Spa Zurich is located in Enge. The thermal baths are open from Monday to Friday between 8 am – 10 pm and during the weekend between 9 am and 10 pm. It is not possible to book in advance and you might have to wait if the spa is busy. It is, however, recommended to book massages and treatments ahead. Day admission to the thermal baths is 35 CHF (€36.20).

Urania Sternwarte 

One final option for things to do in Zurich for a day at night is to enjoy a spot of stargazing. This 50 meters (164 feet) high observatory in Altstadt hosts public astronomy tours on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday evenings at 8 pm during winter and 9 pm during summer.

The fee is 20 CHF (€20.65), but you get a 5 CHF (€5.20) discount if you have the Zurich card.

Urania Observatory in Zurich

Planning a trip to Switzerland?

Then you might want to take a look at all our other travel guides about Switzerland. I promise, they are just as awesome as this article was!

  • The Ultimate Switzerland Road Trip Itinerary for 2 Weeks
  • 28 Incredible Zermatt Hotels with Matterhorn View
  • The Ultimate One Day in Bern Itinerary
  • The Perfect Itinerary for Spending One Day in Geneva
  • 11 Most Beautiful Castles in Switzerland You Can’t Miss
  • Hotel Review: Boutique Hotel Glacier, Switzerland
  • Hotel Review: Grand Hotel Des Bains Kempinski St. Moritz

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One Day in Zurich Itinerary

2 thoughts on “One Day in Zurich Itinerary: How to See the Best of Zurich in a Day”

wow! this is very insightful! thank you so much!

My pleasure 🙂

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Luxurious One Day in Zurich Itinerary And Tips

zurich one day walking tour

If you’re looking for a city that has it all, look no further than Zurich. This beautiful city is home to a fascinating blend of cultures and traditions, and there’s always something new to see and do. Whether you’re interested in history, art, dining or nightlife, Zurich has something for everyone. Here is a snapshot of what you can experience during one day in Zurich.

One Day in Zurich, Switzerland

The largest city in Switzerland, Zurich is nevertheless fairly compact and has a great transport network. Although Bern is the capital of the country, Zurich is considered as the financial capital of Switzerland.

This cosmopolitan city is filled with charming neighborhoods and interesting historical landmarks. There are plenty of things to do in Zurich in one day.

But whether you’re spending one day in Zurich or longer, be sure to make the most of your time! Here are some highlights worth checking out.

What to See with One Day in Zurich Switzerland

Zurich also boasts a medieval Old Town that spans both sides of the river Limmat as well as the hip Zurich West district.

1. Altstadt – Zurich Old Town

With just 1 day in Zurich, the Altstadt, as the old town is known, should be your first port of call. Many of the main attractions of Zurich are located in the narrow streets here.

You could take a walking tour to explore Zurich or simply follow our suggestions below. Start in the Lindenhof quarter in District 1, where you’ll find Münsterhof .

It’s the largest square in the old town and has a contemporary fountain as well as some very attractive medieval buildings housing boutiques and restaurants.

When we visited, there was a spectacular temporary artwork suspended over the square,”Black and White Circles in the Sky”, by Swiss artist Claudia Comte. As this square is pedestrianized, you can always get good photos here.

Spectacular temporary art installation by Claudia Comte in Munsterhof, Zurich, Switzerland

On the side of the square you’ll find Fraumünster Church , famous for its stained glass windows created by Chagall and Giacometti. The entrance to the church is a short walk round the corner on Stadthausquai.

You can’t take photos of the interior, but it’s definitely worth a look at these colourful masterpieces. Construction of Münsterbrücke, the bridge that connects Münsterhof to Limmatquai, began in 1835.

This cobbled bridge is still in constant use today and there is a great view of the city and the river from here.

A couple of streets away in the heart of the old town on Paradeplatz, there’s the 15th century Zeugskeller. Built as an arsenal, this is now a vibrant and casual restaurant. It’s one of our favourite places to eat in Zurich .

Also on Paradeplatz, there’s Confiserie Sprüngli, which dates from 1836. This is one of the top chocolatiers in the world , and is also renowned for its Luxemburgerli macarons.

Confiserie Sprungli - one of the best chocolate shops in Zurich

A few minutes walk from here on Schlüsselgasse, you’ll discover  Max Chocolatier ,  one of the best chocolate shops in Zurich. Their hand-made chocolates use natural ingredients and the flavours vary depending on the seasons.

The cobbled street on which its located reminds us of Montparnasse in Paris.

Lindenhof Hill

Head up past St Peter church and you’ll come to Lindenhof , one of the most famous Zurich attractions. This historical hilltop square was a Celtic and Gallo-Roman settlement and is listed as a Swiss heritage site of national significance.

The Hedwig fountain dates from 1688 and commemorates the actions of the women of Zurich who defended their town in 1292. From Lindenhof there’s a panoramic view over Zurich.

View from Lindenhof, Zurich, Switzerland

A few minutes from Lindenhof, there’s a great place to eat on Rennweg, Boucherie AuGust . They specialize in meat dishes but have a good selection for non-meat eaters too.

Head back down via Schlüsselgasse and you’ll come to a narrow stairway, Thermengasse . It takes its name from the Roman baths discovered in 1983, the remains of which can be seen through a metal grating under your feet.

You’ll arrive on Storchengasse , an attractive pedestrianized street with cobbled stones and colourful flags decorating the luxurious shop facades dating from the Middle Ages. There’s a branch of another well-known Swiss chocolate shop here, Teuscher.

Colourful flags in the Altstadt of Zurich, Switzerland - read our suggestions on the best things to do in Zurich on Luxurycolumnist.com

The five star Hotel Storchen is at the end of the street. It’s a lovely place to stay, with great views over the river and 66 stylish rooms and suites as well as a newly redecorated bar where you can get a coffee with a photo of your face on it!

Storchen lounge, Zurich, Switzerland

Cross over the river at Weinplatz via Gmüesbrugg bridge to explore the rest of Zurich old town. Most of this historic area is pedestrianized and it’s a pleasure to wander around.

You’ll spot decorative enclosed balconies, wall frescoes and buildings adorned with flowers. Grossmünster is a Protestant church with twin towers that’s one of the most famous Zurich landmarks.

The Romanesque style building has beautiful stained glass windows by Augusto Giacometti and Sigmar Polke. 

Tour of Zurich Altsadt in Switzerland - read on luxurycolumnist.com

Another must-see if you’re visiting Zurich in a day is Cabaret Voltaire on Spiegelgasse. This colorful building was the birthplace of the Dadaism anarchic art movement in 1916. It is still open to the public, as an exhibition space and bar.


Nearby on Napfgasse, Cafe Schober is a historic coffee shop which has some delicious cakes and sweet treats. There’s a lovely terrace and the interior is decorated in Baroque style.

Also on Napfgasse, the My Muesli store is actually part of a Swedish chain but they have muesli boxes decorated with a Zurich photo that would make a great souvenir or gift.

If you’re looking for somewhere stylish to eat on this side of the river,  Kronenhalle on Rämistrasse is an excellent choice. It’s famous for its art collection, with paintings by Picasso, Chagall, Matisse as well as its delicious Swiss cuisine. 

2. Lake Zurich

While you’re walking around Zurich city center, you’re likely to come to Lake Zurich. Also known as Zurichsee, this is a popular destination for picnicking and watersports. It’s within easy walking distance of Zurich Old Town. 

You have a nice view of the lake from  Bürkliplatz , which is also a departure point for Zurich river cruises. There’s a flea market on the square every Saturday and a lovely river view from Bürkliterrasse. 

Be sure to try fischknusperli , fried fish in batter from Lake Zurich at one of the local restaurants.

Lovely views from Munsterhof Bridge in Zurich, Switzerland - read what to do in Zurich on our luxury blog, Luxurycolumnist.com

3. Bahnhofstrasse

The main shopping street in Zurich is Bahnhofstrasse. The word bahnhof means railway station and this street starts at Zurich train station.

Zurich Main Station is impressive in its own right. Built in 1871, the vast building contains a 36 feet suspended guardian angel sculpture by the artist Niki de Saint Phalle.

Shopping in Zurich is a luxurious affair, and there are many upmarket boutiques on Bahnhofstrasse. MANOR is a popular department store on Bahnhofstrasse, and Jelmoli department store is a few minutes away at Seidengasse 1. 

Grieder is a luxury Zurich department store, in a six storey Gothic Revival building dating from 1913. Designed by Otto Münch, the building is also known as Peterhof.

Grieder is a luxurious Zurich department store on Bahnhofstrasse

4. Swiss National Museum

Five minutes walk from Zurich railway station, you’ll find Museumstrasse. The National Museum Zurich, also known as Landesmuseum is located here. 

This extraordinary museum looks like a castle and was built in 1898. There’s a fascinating History of Switzerland exhibition, as well as a permanent display, Simply Zurich .

The museum is a popular thing to do with kids in Zurich as well as on rainy days.

The Swiss National Museum in Zurich

5. Zurich-West

If visiting Zurich in one day, you also want to get a taste of the city’s contemporary side. After lunch, head to Zurich-West. One of the best places in Zurich for nightlife, this is a trendy area with lots of cool bars and shops.

Frau Gerolds Garten is an oasis of greenery on Geroldstrasse. This casual eatery also holds events and is open until midnight in Summer. However, this hipster paradise is also popular in Winter for its delicious cheese fondue.

Frau Gerolds Garten in Zurich West, Switzerland

Don’t miss the colorful Gerold Cuchi umbrellas , in the alleyway just off Geroldstrasse. This colorful place is a very popular Zurich Instagram spot!

Colourful Gerold Cuchi umbrellas in Zurich, Switzerland

One of the most fun things to do in Zurich is to try out Citywave ® , an urban surf experience tucked away on Geroldstrasse and open in Summertime. Whether you’re a surfer or not, it’s a fun place to grab a drink and watch the action.

At the end of Geroldstrasse you’ll find Im Viadukt on Viaduktstrasse. These former railway arches were built in 1894 and have been given a new lease of life with fashionable boutiques, delicatessens and a Market Hall gathering 20 local food vendors.

Surfing in Zurich, Switzerland

10 minutes walk from here, you’ll come to Schiffbau   on Schiffbaustrasse. This former ship-building factory has been converted into a cultural centre where the Zurich Schauspielhaus theatre company holds performances on three stages.

There’s also an upmarket restaurant, LaSalle, Moods Jazz Club, and NietturmBar.

Schiffbau in Zurich West, Switzerland

6. Adliswil-Felsenegg Cable Car

Another fun thing to do in Zurich is to head up to the mountains via the cable car. It will take you up to the Felsenegg vantage point where there are panoramic views of Lake Zurich and the Swiss Alps.

For this day trip from Zurich, simply take the S4 train from Zurich’s main train station and get off at Adliswil. From here, it’s a 10 minute walk uphill before you reach Talstation (LAF) Adliswil Felsenegg.

Directions to Felsenegg vantage point via the Adliswil cable car

7. Zurich Opera House

Located on Sechseläutenplatz, this Neo-Rococo style building was the first permanent theatre in Zurich. Opened in 1891 on the site of the previous building that burnt down, the auditorium seats 1,200 people.

The first opera house in Europe to benefit from electrical lighting, it also houses the Zurich Ballet and the Bernhard-Theater Zürich.

Zurich Opera House in Switzerland

8. Rhine Falls

Around 45 minutes from the centre of Zurich, Rhine Falls is one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world . At 150 meters wide and 23 meters tall, this is the biggest waterfall in Europe and the most powerful.

At night time, Rhine Falls is illuminated so it’s worth hanging around to see that and extending your trip from one day in Zurich to several nights if you can. This is definitely one of the best day trips from Zurich.

Rhine Falls is illuminated at night

How to Get to Zurich

There are regular flights from most international airports to Zurich airport. We travelled with Swiss   from London City airport and the journey took only 1 hour and 45 minutes.

From the airport it’s only 10 minutes from the main train station or 15 minutes by taxi. The best way to get around Zurich is on foot or by public transportation.

The Zurich Card is available for periods of 24 or 72 hours and gives you unlimited second class travel by bus, tram, boat, train and cable car in the city of Zurich and the surrounding area. You also get free or reduced admission to 43 museums, short boat trips and a Limmat river cruise.

If you want to combine a trip to Zurich with a visit to the Bernese Oberland, it’s around 1 hour and 45 minutes drive via the A8. There aren’t direct trains.

As you can see, there’s a lot to fit in with just one day in Zurich, so why not spend longer there? Another great place to visit is Thermalbad , a luxurious spa in a former brewery with a rooftop pool and fantastic views over the city.

Best Eats in Zurich

Here are some recommendations for the best places to eat in Zurich:

  • Zeughauskeller – This historic beer hall near the main train station has been around since the 1400s. They serve traditional Swiss food like cheese fondue, raclette, rosti (hashbrowns), and sausages. It has a very authentic, old-world atmosphere.
  • Kronenhalle – Considered one of the best restaurants in Zurich, Kronenhalle has elegant fine dining in an iconic setting with original Picasso paintings on the wall. The Swiss cuisine incorporates French influences. Great for a special night out.
  • Hiltl – This all-vegetarian buffet is a Zurich institution. With a huge selection of meatless dishes from around the world, it’s very popular. Excellent for vegetarians or anyone looking for a healthy, low-cost meal.
  • Sprüngli – This upscale cafe is famous for its decadent hot chocolate and macaroons. Luxury pastries, chocolates, cakes and more. A sweet treat!

We’d recommend making reservations for some of the finer dining restaurants.

And if you happen to visit the city in September, then the Zurich Street Food Festival is a must. During this week-long celebration of all things foodie, there are events throughout the city and a huge selection of different cuisines of the world. Check out our Zurich food guide for more information.

Zeughaskeller, Zurich

Where to Stay in Zurich

  • A great mid-range option is 25 Hours Langstrasse . Popular with locals for its lively bar, this 4 star Zurich hotel has lots of modern art and design touches. Nearby you’ll find MAME, one of the best coffee shops in Zurich.
  • Near Zurich airport, Kameha Grand Zurich is a fun option. This quirky Zurich hotel is just 5 minutes drive or 11 minutes by tram from the airport.
  • In Zurich city centre, we recommend Hotel Storchen . This luxurious 5 star hotel has a great location on Weinplatz overlooking the Limmat river.

A bedroom at the Hotel Storchen, a Zurich 5 star hotel

In Conclusion: One Day in Zurich Itinerary

If you’re looking for a European city break that offers something a little different, Zurich should be at the top of your list. With its charming old-world feel and abundance of top attractions, there’s plenty to see and do in this Swiss city.

We hope our Zurich in 1 day itinerary has given you some ideas on the best spots and how to make the most of your time here. Check out our travel guide to 24 hours in Zurich for more suggestions.

Have you ever been to Zurich and if so what were your highlights?

  • The Most Luxurious Cruise Ship Suites
  • The Top Luxury Hotel Brands

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1 Day Itinerary for Zurich, Switzerland | What to see in a day in Zurich including the Old Town, Zurich West and more | #zurich | #switzerland | One Day in Zurich Itinerary

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Suze and Paul Renner

Suze and Paul are the founders of LuxuryColumnist, one of the leading luxury online magazines worldwide.

24 thoughts on “Luxurious One Day in Zurich Itinerary And Tips”

' src=

Thanks for sharing. Great post and I love all your photos. Zurich looks really nice especially Zurich Altstadt with its colourful buildings. I’d really love to see the umbrellas too that looks awesome.

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The contrast between the Altstadt and Zurich-West is surprising and something that I really appreciated. I hope you get to visit soon

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Always thought this colourful city needs at least three days to scratch the surface. But when time strung guess you still can fit in a few spots as you suggest. Nice pics too! Loved the colorful umbrellas against the beige!

I agree, one day is a bit optimistic but I know that people are short of time. The umbrellas are so cool, and luckily the sun was streaming down when I visited them

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The place looks so colorful. The whole city is like one giant artwork 😀

That’s true actually, there’s definitely a lot of emphasis on the arts there

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I have always thought of Zurich as rather expensive but I guess it doesn’t have to be if one simply walk the streets and let your eye take in all the interesting buildings and art as you describe. The umbrella picture is very cool.

It depends where you eat and stay but there are lots of free events and sights so with a bit of planning it can work well for all budgets

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Zurich is a fun city, and definitely worth a day or two for a quick visit. I love your photography by the way. You really make those adorable Swiss streets pop with color. Great work. I love spending time in Switzerland, but wish it wasn’t so darn expensive, because that landscape is mezmerizing

That’s very kind, thanks Drew – I’m a big fan of color.

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I’ve never visited Zurich before, but didn’t realise it was so colourful! The old town section looks very quaint, and again was something I didn’t realise it had. Perhaps a city to add to my ‘must visit’ list for next year!

Yes it’s a lot more colourful than I would have guessed too. Hope you get to visit

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I didn’t know Zurich is such a colorful city. There are so many artsy corners to explore. The decor at Hotel Storchen is beautiful, would be nice to stay there!

Hotel Storchen was such a great place to stay, very central yet quiet

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Zurich is one of my favorite European Cities – great itinerary of things to do in a day. I loved spending time in Zurich Altstadt – so many incredible medieval buildings, loved jumping between the many different boutiques and restaurants. I visited during winter, so it was a bit more grey than your beautiful photos depict – I would love to get back in summer and spend time along the waterfront. Citywave sounds pretty fun too – they didn’t have that running during my trip!

Yes I’d love to try Citywave too, though I reckon I’d be rubbish at it!

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beautiful old town!

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Zurich looks so picturesque. So vibrant and clean. I would love to visit Lucy x

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Hope you get the chance, Lucy

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What a stunning city! I’ve not explored this part of Switzerland yet, but it’s on my list! I’ve never heard of Citywave, but that sounds SO cool! I can see why those umbrellas would be a massive IG spot. Thanks for sharing!

It’s my pleasure, Paige! Citywave looked brilliant, and the umbrellas were so cool

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I’ve been twice and I love the city, especially during the summer where it really seems to come to life!

It’s lovely to visit in Summertime, the lidos are great to swim in

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How To Spend One Day In Zürich: An Itinerary For First-Time Visitors

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Got One Day in Zürich? Here’s What To Eat, See, and Do!

Travelling through Switzerland and only got a few hours in Zürich? Then you’ve come to the right place! Lots of people ask “Is one day enough for Zürich?” and we think the answer is “It depends on what you want to see”. With the right tourist information, you can certainly make the most of your day!

We really, really enjoy Zürich. It’s easy to see why the city is so popular. Even though it can be expensive, there are so many Zürich attractions to check out and places to eat (Swiss fondue!) that the experiences you have are worth the time and money spent.

So, whether you are looking to explore the city on your own or you’re looking for a Zürich city tour, our guide includes a full Zürich one day itinerary from morning to evening and ideas for all meals, too!

If you’re looking for other articles about Zürich, have a look at the following articles:

  • Where to Stay in Zürich: Hotels and Neighbourhoods
  • Things to Do and See in Zürich (coming soon!)

Table of Contents

Breakfast: Babu’s

breakfast food on table with coffees in babus cafe one day in zurich

Alright so it’s the morning – maybe you’ve got a stopover flight or you’re just passing through to Basel? Whatever the reason, you will need to fuel up before you head out for the day. For breakfast, we suggest Babu’s Bakery & Coffeehouse . Located in the city centre close to the heart of the Old Town, Babu’s did NOT disappoint.

Inside, you’ll find a pretty big place that is very popular so be sure to go early if you can. There is a takeaway counter for those wanting to grab a baked good and a coffee but we opted for a sit-down meal. The menu has a really good variety of dishes – from pancakes to avocado toast to Rösti (a potato pancake).

Go inside and grab a table, read the menu, then go order at the counter. They will bring you your food and drinks. The food we had – blueberry pancakes and Rösti shown above – was very good and very filling. The coffee was also great. Overall, the prices were actually reasonable (for Switzerland) and they have loads of options for different diets/allergies. So, we’d highly suggest Babu’s!

P.S.: They do take reservations for brunch if you pre-order their “Etagère” but if you are ordering off the menu then you just show up and grab a table on the fly.

Address: Löwenstrasse 1, 8001 Zürich, Switzerland

Morning Activities: Explore the Old Town

So breakfast is done and you’re in the city centre ready to explore. For the morning, we’d suggest a good wander of the Old Town. This area is spread out but has lots of great points of interest all crammed closely together.

This is what we did since we wanted to get our bearings and see lots of the city on foot. You could also take the tram between place, too! It’s also important to note that officially the “Altstadt” includes areas on both sides of the Limmat River which sort of splits the city centre in two.

Below we’ve outlined a handful of top attractions, churches, etc that you can see in the city centre. You can also feel free to shop since you’ll be in the area if that’s your preference!

— If you want to experience the attractions below but learn all about them from a knowledgeable guide, definitely consider a Zürich Old Town walking tour !

Getting Around Zürich/Zürich Day Tours You should know that Zürich is very easy to walk around – but to save your feet (and for those with limited mobility) the city has a really great public transportation system. Public transit is made up mostly of trams but it also includes some trains, the metro, and even cable cars. You can learn all about tickets and zones at the ZVV website . If you’re looking for a 24-hour transit pass that comes with discounts on attractions, have a look at the Zürich Card . Another great way to get around Zürich is on a tour. There are many tours you can choose from – some show great sights while others focus on memorable views and even Swiss food while you are guided around! – A Sightseeing Bus Tour of Zürich – A Private Electric TukTuk Tour (with cheese fondue & wine!) – The Ultimate Zürich City Tour – Bus, Boat, & Cable Car


man in front of cathedral in old town zurich

If you only have a day in Zürich, one of the top attractions you literally cannot miss is the Grossmünster. Finished in the 1200s, this massive church sits on the east side of the river. We went inside to check it out and it’s very beautiful. One of the cool parts is that for a small fee you can climb one of the towers for views of the city!

To get to the Grossmünster from where you ate breakfast, you will have to cross a bridge to the other side of the Limmat. We’d suggest the Münsterbrücke (shown above) since you can get great photos from there. Realistically, you also can get great photos from any of the various river crossings like the Rathausbrücke!

Address: Grossmünsterplatz, 8001 Zürich, Switzerland


colourful houses down alleyway in old town zurich

Back on the side of the river closer to where you are breakfast and just off of Bahnhofstrasse (we’ll explain this below) you’ll find a street that leads into the heart of the historic old town: Augustinergasse.

This medieval-looking street is full of shops and historic buildings which honestly make you feel like you’ve gone back in time. If you’ve only got so much time in Zürich, it’s a street worth seeing!

long street with shops and tram on tracks in zurich

A visit to Augustinergasse is also great because you’ll access it just off of the central street of Bahnhofstrasse. This long street that runs from the central station to the lakefront – hence the name – is the city’s main shopping street with trams running along it. There are normal shops closer to the station with the high-end shopping closer to the lake.

Fraumünster Church

church with pointy green clock tower and clouds behind in zurich

If you wander through the Old Town and head for the river, you’ll very likely end up passing a tall green church spire. This is Fraumünster Church at Münsterhof (the largest square in the Old Town).

These days, you can visit and gain access to an audio guide for a fee. Built in the 9th century, this church houses the largest pipe organ in Zürich and is known for its famous stained glass windows!

Address: Münsterhof 2, 8001 Zürich, Switzerland

Lindenhof Hill

man walking through park with fountain lindenhof hill zurich

One of the must-see places is to make the short hike up Lindenhof Hill. This hill is located in the Old Town close to the river on the same side as the Central Station. This small park space atop the hill is filled with trees, fountains, and other monuments to check out.

That said, people come up here for the views. From the one edge facing east, visitors are treated to sweeping views of the city across the Limmat River.

Rain or shine it’s a really peaceful spot and a very popular area for photos! It’s also a good place to drink a coffee or eat a snack (like a bakery pastry) if you’re looking for a short break during the morning wander!

Church of St. Peter

church with large clock tower with trees and old town buildings around

Lastly, one of the other unmistakable clock towers in the city belongs to the Church of St. Peter. This church is located on the same side of the river as Bahnhofstrasse and up on a hill (close to Lindenhof) atop the oldest part of the Old Town.

The current church was built around the year 1000 so it’s one of the oldest churches in the whole city. The massive clock tower makes for amazing photos through the old buildings of the area. Fun Fact: the clocks on the tower are the largest tower clock-faces in Europe. They measure almost 9 metres across!

Address: St. Peterhofstatt 2, 8001 Zürich, Switzerland

Lunch: Coop

For lunch, we’re going to leave the option to find your own – but we do have a suggestion. Since Zürich can be really expensive, we’d honestly suggest being like a local and going to Coop.

Coop is a grocery store chain that you see everywhere BUT they have a fresh baked good section (cold and hot) as well as fresh salads, etc. You can also grab a drink – and the best part is that you can sometimes eat in or choose to take it with you and find a spot in the city.

We found that on the way to work and at lunch, the places are just bustling with people grabbing their breakfast or lunch – so that’s exactly what we did too. The freshly baked pizza buns or croissants were great, as was the coffee to go.

When we visited, there was actually a Food Market with food trucks and stalls IN Zürich HBF. The central station is very big so it wasn’t surprising to find this kind of thing inside. There was food from all different cuisines/cultures – we had Chilean-style Empanadas! So, you might also luck out with finding something going on for lunchtime when you visit!

Afternoon Activities: Uetliberg Hike or Swiss National Museum

After you find lunch, you’ll head out to explore again. This time, we want to give you two options since there are a variety of things you can do to fill up a couple of hours and they differ by interests: go hiking along Uetilberg or check out the Swiss National Museum.

Uetilberg/Planetary Trail Hike

large mountain in distance with lake in front in zurich

First up is a lovely hike to get out of the city for some fresh air and amazing views. For this, head up one of the local high points along Uetilberg. You can get to the Uetliberg Train Station at the top from the Central station.

Once there, you can find various restaurants and even a hotel as you begin the trail along. You can admire the views from the trail OR head up the Uetliberg Lookout Tower (Uetliberg Aussichtsturm) for even more height. Eric did this and it was worth the climb!

After that, you can continue along the wooded path that follows the ridgeline. At various points, you get amazing views of the city and of the lake. The whole hike is about 2 hours long – and you pass the sun and all the planets to represent the distances in our solar system!

Since you hike in one direction, you will find a different way to get down: an aerial gondola ride! At Felsenegg (another vantage point) there is a gondola that takes you back down from Felsenegg to a train station (Adliswil). From there, you can ride back into the city centre easily!

Address: Search for “Uetliberg Train Station” to begin

Swiss National Museum

museum entrance with archway and tower in zurich

One of the most popular things to do in Zürich is to visit the Swiss National Museum (Landesmuseum). Inside this massive beautiful building, you’ll find a number of permanent and temporary exhibits. These exhibits largely allow you to engage with the history of Switzerland and the history of the city, too.

Eric actually visited the last time he was in Zürich and it was definitely worth checking out. The exhibits walk you through centuries of history through different storylines and artifacts. You can even do a guided tour if you catch it at the right time. You can learn all about visiting at the Swiss National Museum website .

Address: Museumstrasse 2, 8001 Zürich, Switzerland

Afternoon Break: Coffee at Grande Café & Bar

coffees in blue mugs on wooden cafe table with flowers

For the afternoon break, you might want to sit down. How does a coffee by the river sound? We headed for Grande Café & Bar and were not disappointed.

This small cafe has a cozy vibe with only a handful of tables inside. We got two coffees and they were excellent – it’s the kind of place where you can choose where the beans are from for your coffee. They also have loads of drinks behind the bar if you want something a little stronger!

That said, there’s lots of outdoor patio seating facing the river to take in the hustle and bustle of the city. It was a popular meetup place for business people, travellers, etc and there were all different languages being spoken which made it feel really international.

Overall, we’d recommend a visit. It’s located right in the city centre so it’s easy to walk, tram, or boat to the next stop on this one day itinerary! If you want to learn more about Grande, check out the website here .

Address: Limmatquai 118, 8001 Zürich, Switzerland

Early Evening Activity: Cruise Lake Zürich

ferry boats parked in a row by pier on lake zurich

Once you’re done relaxing, it’s time to end off the afternoon right. For this, you should head to the north end of the lake and hop on a Lake Zürich boat cruise! Eric has been on a boat cruise down the lake and back and it was very worth it!

Officially, some of these boats are used as water taxis as different routes make different stops along the lakeshore. Other boats focus on sightseeing, while some even offer dinner cruise experiences.

There are a number of boats to choose from leaving at different times and taking different routes. The thing that they have in common is that you get to explore the lake with views of the city and mountains around. It’s definitely something you should do!

Depending on the time of year, you can also cruise the Limmat River on a smaller, flatter boat. Sightseeing boats leave from the National Museum and you can do a round trip (or use it as a water taxi) for a fairly small price. Check out the ZSG (Zürichsee Schifffahrtsgesellschaft) website for all the boat/lake cruise information!

— You can also head out on a Zürich boat and chocolate tour that includes a stop at the famous Lindt Chocolate Shop!

Address: Boats Leave from Bürkliplatz

Dinner: Fribourger Fonduestübli

red fondue pot on table with wine and food baskets in zurich switzerland

Now that it’s dinner time, you’re probably hungry considering all the exploring you’ve done! For this dinner in Switzerland, there is likely no better option than going for real Swiss fondue. After reading numerous reviews online, we ended up going to Fribourger Fonduestübli – and had a great outcome!

This cozy and classic feeling fondue restaurant is tucked away just a short walk from the Old Town. It should be noted that the moment you walk inside you get hit with this intense massive smell of cheese (makes sense).

The place is popular since they do fondue right and have lots of options for dipping. We went for classic fondue with wine and dipped unlimited bread and potatoes but you can also get pickles and even pears. We also drank a little white wine on the side which was awesome!

In the end, we would highly recommend it. The all-women staff were very friendly. It’s also recommended that you call to make a reservation. We didn’t and got a table but we took a chance by going early in the evening and we were only two people. You can find their website/menu and number to call for a reservation here .

If you were interested in combining a sightseeing tour and some classic cheese fondue with city views, you can check out this popular Fondue and City Tour .

Address: Rotwandstrasse 38, 8004 Zürich, Switzerland

Evening Activity: Nightlife, Drinks + Views, or Opera

Well, it’s the evening now and it’s time to enjoy your last bit of time in Zürich. Since travellers have all different energy levels and interests, we thought we offer up three different options for a night out in Zürich: wild nightlife, fancy drinks with views, or the opera!

Nightlife in Niederdorf or Langstrasse

shop fronts in busy old town street in zurich

If you’re looking for lively nightlife, Zürich is the place to be. It’s no secret that despite being a business city, there’s a vibrant nightlife scene in the city. So, if you want to go out to the bar/club for drinks, there are two neighbourhoods/streets to check out.

On the east side of the river in the Old Town you’ll find the area called Niederdorf. This short stretch of cobblestone is loaded with bars, pubs, and clubs – as well as a number of spots for a late-night bit to eat. We’ve wandered through in the evening and it was certainly lively!

The other area to check out is Langstrasse (the actual street). This “long street” has a bit of a rougher past as the city’s former red-light district but it had changed quite a bit in recent years.

These days, it’s still a hot spot for lots of clubs and bars – but you’ll also find cafes and restaurants. It’s quite close to Central Station, too. We had a wander through and can see how some people might love it while others may not be too keen on the area. To each their own!

Jules Verne Panoramabar Zürich

observation tower above skyline with trees and bridge below

If you’re looking to go out for drinks but want to stay a bit more upscale and classy, there’s an incredible experience you should look into: drinks above the city lights! For this, head to Jules Verne Panoramabar which is located right in the Old Town up in the Urania Observatory (seen above).

Named after the legendary author, this bar has received numerous votes over the years for things like “most romantic in Zürich”. Of course, it’s popular because of the stellar service and the views. Because of this, the bar is a popular place for brunch but also popular to check out in the evenings!

The extensive drinks menu is loaded with cocktails to try out as well as wine, other spirits, beer, and non-alcoholic drinks. You can learn more about visiting Jules Verne Bar here .

Address: Uraniastrasse 9, 8001 Zürich, Switzerland

Zürich Opera House

grand opera house with flags and open square in front in zurich

Lastly, if you’re feeling cultured and want to check out the arts while in Zürich, then stop by the Zürich Opera House. Opened in 1891, this opera house is home to the Zürich Opera and Ballet. It’s also the smallest of the “large” opera houses in the world with only 1,100 seats!

The Opera House is located in a big open square which has become a public gathering place. The House also has lots of different performances going on throughout the year so it’s not just about the opera. You can check out what the Opera House has going on in advance at the official website .

Address: Falkenstrasse 1, 8008 Zürich, Switzerland

And there you have it – our sample itinerary for one day in Zürich. Of course, this is just one version of a day in Zürich. There are loads of museums, parks, and attractions that we didn’t mention that you could definitely visit as well. That said, we think this is a great way to get to know the city and country you’re visiting through food and things to do!

As always, Happy Zürich Day Waddlin’, – L&E

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zurich one day walking tour

Best things to see and do in Zürich

When many people think of Switzerland, the first thing that comes to mind may be its watches, the cheeses, or its top-quality chocolate but there’s a lot more than meets the eye to its most populous city, Zürich . Although it is located in north-central Europe, this city enjoys a favorable climate that isn’t as cold as other locations and it has been recognized as one of the least polluted places in the world along with having the highest quality of life. When you explore the characteristic city of Zürich on a guided free walking tour , you’ll understand why it has received all those outstanding rewards.

If you haven’t tried a free walking tour, Zürich is the perfect city to get to know what they are all about. Choose from a selection of tours from the GuruWalk platform that will focus on popular landmarks and monuments in the city such as, the Swiss National Museum, the Zürich Museum of Art, the FIFA Headquarters Building, the Centre de Le Corbusier, the Great Minster Church, and of course the Beyer Clock and Watch Museum. Then, you could check out the city’s other charms like the great local restaurants in the Old Town of Aldstadt, stroll up to the Lindenhof Park, take a boat ride in the beautiful Lake Zürich, or visit the prettiest chocolate shop in town, the Teuscher to satisfy your sweet tooth. 

The free walking tours with a local guide in Zürich have all been rated and reviewed by other tourists who have already done them. This way, if you have any questions you can read what other people have said about both the tour route and the guide so you can find the best tour that is most interesting for you. There are tours in different languages and they are scheduled at different times of day like the morning, afternoon, and evening . Other cities with guided free walking tours that you may want to check out are Genoa, Bex, or Leipzig. 

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Zurich in One Day


Admittedly, 24 hours is not exactly very long to explore Zurich properly. But with the following tips, visitors can get the maximum out of their short stay.

Zurich on a Budget

Clever visitors get the Zurich Card to explore the city and get a discount on numerous offers. For great tips and information, visit the Tourist Information at the Hauptbahnhof.  

Zürich City Guide: Zürich Card Ticket

Confiserie Sprüngli

Bürkliterrasse at Bürkliplatz Zurich


Hiltl, Exterior View

Zunfthaus zur Waag

Widder Bar

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Grüezi! Bonjour! Ciao! Allegra!

Welcome to zurich.

Are you willing to avoid the "tourist bubbles" and to discover the charm of the tiny cobblestone streets in the Old Town, to walk through the parks and pedestrian zones, to feel the smells, to hear the bells, to fill your bottle with fresh water at one of the 1200' fountains that Zurich has to offer, to hike in the nearby nature oases?

Cultural or Natural? Medieval or Modern? Onshore or on Water? Express or Extended? We offer you the best tours in Zurich and the most photogenic locations on different private and small-group tours!



Duration:5-6 hours, adult - 75 chf / child - 40 chf, the best sights of zurich, duration: 2-3 hours/small-group, adult - 45 chf / child - 25 chf, a mix of culture and nature, duration: 4 hours/small-group, adult - 60 chf / child - 35 chf, lindt home of chocolate, cruise on lake zurich and old town walking tour.

1-Hour Cruise on lake Zurich

Audio Tour and Unlimited Tasting at LINDT Home of Chocolate

Small-Group ZURICH Old Town Walking Tour

110 CHF per Adult and 50 CHF per Child (All Inclusive)



Mount Rigi's majestic peninsula on Lake Lucerne is the perfect setting for an authentic Swiss mountain experience with unforgettable views of over 13 lakes and the spectacular snow-capped Swiss Alps. Located in the heart of Switzerland, Mt. Rigi can be quickly and easily reached from Zurich. It is the Swiss people's favorite mountain destination and can be accessed via Europe's first-ever cogwheel train.


For a more personalized experience, we offer Private Tours and You are the Boss ! Whether you're an incentive travel company, a solo traveler, or a family looking for a more child-friendly experience, we are glad to be your choice.

 High above the clouds on Top of Europe ? Rotating or Cabrio gondola? A trip with the steepest or with the first Alpine cogwheel train? Hiking or swimming? A walk on Europe's highest-elevation suspended bridge or a stroll around the biggest waterfall?

You dream it, we'll bring it to life!

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The Badge of Excellence is awarded to experiences and tours that are meeting the highest quality standards on Viator and TripAdvisor and well-reviewed by travelers.

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Our guides are young, dynamic but patient, punctual, and well organized. They are knowledgeable, multi-language speaking, and ready to answer any of your questions.

Environmentally Friendly

We take our responsibility to the environment very seriously. Most of the time we are getting around on our "own power" and by excellent electrified Swiss Public Transport.


Because Zurich is well known as the country's economic and cultural hub and one of Europe's main financial and industrial capitals, it's easy to forget that it's also a delightful and fascinating place for tourists. Its many attractions include dozens of museums, a well-preserved old town filled with medieval and Renaissance buildings, nature at every corner, and enough art - both in and out of museums. Traveling to Switzerland? Planing an excursion to Zurich? Make sure you're not missing these sights and activities.

Swimming in the Lake and River

There are plenty of great places in Zurich where you can swim and cool down during the hot summer days. Many of these open-air baths are free of charge, some are perceiving a small fee of 8 CHF but you’ll benefit from a wardrobe, locker, etc. You can choose a […]

zurich one day walking tour

Lindenhof – an Oasis in the Heart of Zurich

Lindenhof is an oasis at the heart of the city that offers glorious views of the Old Town, Grossmünster, City Hall, the Limmat river, the University of Zurich, and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. Lindenhof was also the scene of numerous historical events. In the 4th century, a Roman […]

zurich one day walking tour

Hidden Gems of “Dörfli”

“Dörfli” is the local name for the eastern side of the Old Town and runs parallel to Limmatquai (the street along the river Limmat). On the Maps and Guide Books, you’ll find this area under the name “Niederdorf” and is a pedestrian zone. During the day, the many stores, which […]

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Polyterasse – Top Views Overlooking the Old Town

The Polyterasse is located between ETH and University and offers top views over Zurich’s old town. To get there, you have to take a short ride with the nostalgic Polybahn funicular from Central. The pictures below, will help you to locate the funicular easier. Since opening in 1889, the Polybahn […]

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Grill and Chill on the Lake Banks

The stunning Lake Zurich is perfect for a stroll year-round, thanks to its tranquil atmosphere. Backing lower Lake Zurich is a tangle of parks and gardens, collectively known as the lake promenade, that makes for a picturesque place to spend a couple of hours, especially during the sunny summer days. […]

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Üetliberg – the Local Little Mountain

Uetliberg is Zurich’s very own “mountain”, from where you have beautiful views of the city and lake – and perhaps even a glimpse of the Alps. At 2,850 feet above sea level, Uetliberg towers over the rooftops of Zurich. The little mountain affords an impressive panoramic view of the city, […]

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Waid – Breathtaking Views

The view from Waid is simply breathtaking. The best times to take the most beautiful souvenir photos are sunrise and sunset. Waid is a vantage point on Zurich’s Käferberg, which lies above the urban quarter of Höngg. Those who wish can walk in an hour or two from the city […]

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Museumstrasse 2, 8001 Zurich (Frontside of LANDESMUSEUM/Swiss National Museum)

WOW Vibes and Gems of ZURICH


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The late Grayson Murray is still part of golf’s world ranking for another few weeks

FILE -Grayson Murray hits off the 18th tee during the first round of the PGA Zurich Classic golf tournament at TPC Louisiana in Avondale, La., Thursday, April 20, 2023. Two-time PGA Tour winner Grayson Murray died Saturday morning, May 25, 2024 at age 30, one day after he withdrew from the Charles Schwab Cup Challenge at Colonial. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert, File)

FILE -Grayson Murray hits off the 18th tee during the first round of the PGA Zurich Classic golf tournament at TPC Louisiana in Avondale, La., Thursday, April 20, 2023. Two-time PGA Tour winner Grayson Murray died Saturday morning, May 25, 2024 at age 30, one day after he withdrew from the Charles Schwab Cup Challenge at Colonial. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert, File)

Charley Hull, of England, hits off the ninth tee during the first round of the Mizuho Americas Open golf tournament, Thursday, May 16, 2024, in Jersey City, N.J. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig)

Scotland’s Robert MacIntyre, right, and his father and caddie, Dougie MacIntyre, left, pose for photos with the championship trophy after Robert won the Canadian Open golf tournament in Hamilton, Ontario, Sunday, June 2, 2024. (Nathan Denette/The Canadian Press via AP)

Adam Scott of Australia watches his tee shot on the first hole during the first round of the Canadian Open golf tournament in Hamilton, Ontario Thursday, May 30, 2024. (Frank Gunn/The Canadian Press via AP)

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zurich one day walking tour

DUBLIN, Ohio (AP) — Payne Stewart perished in a plane crash on Oct. 25, 1999, when he was the U.S. Open champion and No. 8 in the Official World Golf Ranking. He remained in the ranking for an additional three weeks before his name was removed.

That is what the OWGR is likely to do with Grayson Murray, who died by suicide on May 25.

Murray was at No. 61 in the world this week, and given the rolling two-year formula, he could actually climb back into the top 60 briefly. The OWGR officially said it is “currently discussing how this delicate item could be managed.”

But a person with direct knowledge of the OWGR’s plans said Murray would stay on the ranking for a four-week period, similar to Stewart, and would be removed in the June 23 ranking after the Travelers Championship. The person spoke on condition of anonymity without being authorized to share the plans.

Murray’s ranking matters because the OWGR will be used again Sunday for the top 60 players not already exempt for next week’s U.S. Open. One of those spots will go to Robert MacIntyre, who went from No. 76 to No. 39 by winning the Canadian Open.

Scottie Scheffler watches his shot on the 11th fairway during the second round of the Memorial golf tournament, Friday, June 7, 2024, in Dublin, Ohio. (AP Photo/Sue Ogrocki)

There is a mathematical chance Murray would move back into the top 60, though it is unlikely with so many players right behind him who are at the Memorial.

According to an email from the USGA as it relates to that exemption category, Murray would be removed from the OWGR list used to determine the top 60, an indication that it would go to No. 61 if that player isn’t already in the field.


Charley Hull played in her first Solheim Cup at age 17. She has five wins on the LPGA and Ladies European Tour and has been runner-up three times in the majors.

And then she became one of the most popular players at the U.S. Women’s Open last week.

“All over a cigarette,” said Hull, a 28-year-old from England who shoots from the hip in speech and with her aggressive golf game.

It all started with a picture of her last week on social media with a cigarette dangling from her lips as she signed an autograph for a young fan at Lancaster Country Club.

Let her explain.

“I genuinely was walking to the range, had my hands full, someone asked me for an autograph,” Hull said. “I’m not going to say, ‘No,’ because I always like signing autographs. Had a cigarette in my mouth, signed it, and then it’s gone viral.”

Smoking and golf have been around for years, it’s just more rare these days. In her case, it apparently runs in the family.

“My dad smokes 40 a day since he was 12 years old and now he’s 75, and my nephew smokes, who is like 25. My whole family smokes, so it’s not something that I’ve noticed being odd,” she said. “I hate smoking. I used to curse at my dad when I was younger for smoking, but I think it’s to do a little bit when I’m stressed.”

She said she tried vaping last year but prefers to light up when she’s outdoors.

“When it’s a slow round on the golf course I smoke quite a few more than I should,” she said.

Hull has always been known as a character. It took a cigarette to bring that out to the masses, and it was quite a week.

“All my friends always say I should have a TV show with what goes on in my life. If you think I’ve got a lot of personality on the golf course, you should see what my life is like at home,” she said. “You don’t know what’s coming out of my mouth next. I don’t know what’s coming out of my mouth next. I’m just me. I’m not going to change for the world.

“I’ll just be me, and people will either like it or lump it.”


Juli Inkster is so bullish about players getting their college degree — she got hers from San Jose State before embarking on a Hall of Fame career — that she started the Inkster Award to recognize the highest-ranked college golfer in her final year of eligibility.

The winner this year was Ingrid Lindblad of LSU, an obvious choice with a twist.

“Our first five-time All-American,” Inkster said with a laugh. Lindblad wound up getting five years of eligibility because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The award began in 2020. The winner gets $50,000 from presenting sponsor Workday and a spot in the Portland Classic the first week in August. Lindblad could not be at the presentation because she makes her pro debut this week on the Epson Tour.


The U.S. Open now has 150 players for next week at Pinehurst No. 2, holding back six spots for anyone who qualifies through top 60 in the world ranking or as a multiple winner since last June of PGA Tour events that offer full FedEx Cup points.

One of the goes to Robert MacIntyre, who moved to No. 39 by winning the Canadian Open. There are six players at the Memorial who can still get in — Chris Gotterup, Ben Griffin, Lee Hodges, Andrew Putnam, Riley Davis and Patrick Rodgers. A win would assure them moving into the top 60, and for Hodges, it would be his second victory.

Then it’s a matter of filling the field from the alternates. The order of alternates from the 13 qualifying sites is not published. The USGA uses a formula based on the strength of field at the qualifier and how many spots it received.

Of particular interest is Sergio Garcia, who is believed to be high on the list of the alternate order. He hasn’t missed a U.S. Open since 2000. Adam Scott is first alternate out of Springfield, Ohio. He hasn’t missed a major since the 2001 British Open, the longest active streak.

For now, the field includes 16 amateurs, 10 of whom made it through qualifying Monday. It also includes 11 players who had to go through two stages of qualifying — 18 holes of local qualifying and 36 holes of final qualifying. Chris Naegel pulled that off for the third time.

U.S. captain Jim Furyk has selected Stewart Cink, Kevin Kisner and Justin Leonard to be assistant captains in the Presidents Cup matches later this year at Royal Montreal. ... Robert MacIntyre flew home to Scotland to celebrate this first PGA Tour title at the Canadian Open, withdrawing from the Memorial and its $20 million purse. ... Yuka Saso’s victory in the U.S. Women’s Open shot her up to No. 6 in the women’s world ranking and assured her returning to the Olympics for the second time, this time for Japan. She tied for ninth competing under the Philippines flag in 2021 outside Tokyo. ... Jackson Koivun of Auburn, the first freshman to sweep all the award as the top college player, has been added to the Memorial field without counting against the four exemptions for signature events. The Jack Nicklaus Award winner could never play because the Memorial — previously held a week earlier — was the same week as the NCAA men’s championship.


Robert MacIntyre became the eighth first-time winner on the PGA Tour this year.

“The first thing you do is the same thing you’re doing right now, is you go win.” — Jack Nicklaus, when asked by Auburn freshman Jackson Koivun how he separated himself from everyone on the PGA Tour. Koivun won the Nicklaus Award as the nation’s best golfer.

AP golf: https://apnews.com/hub/golf


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Comedian Sam Morril Unveils Prime Video Special ‘You’ve Changed’ Set For July Launch

By Matt Grobar

Matt Grobar

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EXCLUSIVE : Prime Video announced on Thursday that Sam Morril : You’ve Changed , its first comedy special from fast-rising New York comic Sam Morril, will premiere in more than 240 countries and territories worldwide on July 9.

Taped at the Wilbur Theatre in Boston, MA, which Morril sold out nine times last year, the one-hour special sees the comic riff effortlessly on the worst person he’s ever dated, the complications of getting older, and his perspective on everything from cable news to the perils of social media. Check out a clip from the special above.

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A prolific joke writer and one of the sharpest young comics working today, Morril has previously put out five specials, his most recent being the acclaimed 2022 Netflix hour Same Time Tomorrow . Previously, he debuted the Comedy Central specials Positive Influence and I Got This , which have respectively garnered over 3 million and 12 million views on YouTube alone, as well as the self-produced pandemic specials Up on the Roof and Full Capacity .

Recently wrapping his sold-out national “Class Act” theater tour, Morril is also well known for his top comedy podcast We Might Be Drunk , co-hosted with friend, fellow comic and co-owner of Bodega Cat Whiskey, Mark Normand. Of late, Morril has also ventured behind the camera as executive producer of specials from up-and-coming comics, including Daily Show writer Dina Hashem’s 2023 Prime Video hour Dark Little Whispers and Gary Vider’s It Could Be Worse .

Also a popular commentator in the sports world, Morril has been appointed a Knicks/Basketball correspondent on The Dan Le Batard Show and launched the sports podcast Games with Names , co-hosted with former NFL wide receiver Julian Edelman, in 2022. Previously, he hosted his own show on MSG called People Talking Sports , which ran for two seasons and earned him a New York Emmy nomination for Best Interviewer.

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2024 Memorial Tournament Round 1 updates: Adam Hadwin holds onto Memorial lead after first round

zurich one day walking tour

The 2023 Memorial Tournament did not scare Adam Hadwin off from returning to Muirfield Village Golf Course. 

After finishing the first round in 2023 3-under par, Hadwin missed the cut after finishing with four bogeys and two double-bogeys in the second round. 

Hadwin put the 2023 tournament behind him in the first round of the 2024 Memorial Tournament Thursday, leaving as the clubhouse leader at 6-under part 72 with eight bogeys. 

Follow Memorial Round 2 here: 2024 Memorial Tournament Round 2 updates: Adam Hadwin keeps lead into second round

Hadwin is a stroke ahead of Scottie Scheffler , the No. 1 golfer in the world, at 5-under par. Xander Schauffele , Ludvig Aberg , Collin Morikawa and Corey Conners are two strokes behind Hadwin at 4-under. 

“I feel pretty comfortable right now over the golf ball with kind of the entire game,” Hadwin said. “I never felt rushed. I never felt that as I kept making birdies, like I was getting ahead of myself or anything like that. Very comfortable. I feel in a lot better position to kind of handle any sort of adversity that may come or when it comes, because I feel like it will come around this place. There’s just too many holes where the margin for error is so small that you can feel like you hit a good shot and get absolutely screwed. I feel like mentally I’m in a really good place right now to be able to handle that and move forward and accept it. And so we’ll show up tomorrow and get ready and see what it holds.” 

The second round of the Memorial Tournament tees off at 7:30 a.m. Friday. 

Here’s what happened in the first round Thursday: 

Max Moldovan: After turning pro Monday, Max Moldovan enjoys stress-free Thursday at Memorial Tournament

Follow along for live updates from the first round of the 2024 Memorial Tournament.

Nick Dunlap: Nick Dunlap's whirlwind rookie PGA season continues with strong Thursday at the Memorial

2024 Memorial Tournament first round leaderboard 

Here’s a look at the leaderboard at the end of the first round of the Memorial Tournament: 

  • Adam Hawin: -6
  • Scottie Scheffler: -5
  • Collin Morikawa: -4
  • Xander Schauffele: -4
  • Ludvig Aberg: -4
  • Corey Conners: -4
  • Viktor Hovland: -3
  • Billy Horschel: -3
  • Akshay Bhatia: -3
  • Tommy Fleetwood: -3
  • Seamus Power: -3

Collin Morikawa finishes at 4-under, tied for second place

With a bogey on 18, Collin Morikawa finished the first round two strokes off the lead at the 2024 Memorial. Morikawa had three birdies and an eagle.

Scottie Scheffler is the sole holder of second place at 5-under.

Collin Morikawa tied for second through 15 holes

Collin Morikawa has pars in each of his last four holes to keep at 5-under par. He is tied for second place with Scottie Scheffler.

Collin Morikawa adds another birdie, tied for second place

Collin Morikawa is 5-under par after adding a birdie at 12. He has three birdies and an eagle through 12 holes. He is tied for second with Corey Conners and Scottie Scheffler

Corey Conners, Collin Morikawa surging in Memorial Tournament first round

Two golfers are making an afternoon push onto the leaderboard.

Corey Conners is 5-under par 72 through 15 holes with five birdies. He is tied for second with Scottie Scheffler.

Collin Morikawa is tied for fourth place at 4-under par after recording an eagle at 2 and two birdies through 12.

Adam Hadwin finishes Memorial first round 6-under par

Adam Hadwin leaves Muirfield Village Golf Club as the clubhouse leader of the 2024 Memorial.

After a par on 18, Hadwin holds a one-stroke lead at 6-under par 72. He recorded seven birdies and one bogey.

In 2023, Hadwin was 3-under after the first round at the Memorial.

Adam Hadwin takes two-stroke lead at Memorial Tournament

Adam Hadwin's lead at the 2024 Memorial is growing.

Hadwin is 7-under par 72 through 17 holes, two strokes ahead of Scottie Scheffler in second place. He birdied four of five holes between holes 13 and 17.

Who is Adam Hadwin?

Adam Hadwin is a 36-year-old Canadian-born PGA Tour golfer, who turned pro in 2009. He has one career win: the 2017 Valspar Championship.

In 2024, Hadwin has four top-10 finishes, including a tie for fourth at The Genesis Invitational.

In 2023, Hadwin missed the cut for the Memorial. After finishing 3-under par in the first round, he posted a 7-over par in the second.

Hadwin holds a one-stroke lead in the 2024 Memorial at 6-under par.

Adam Hadwin takes first place at Memorial Tournament

Scottie Scheffler no longer has the lead at the Memorial.

Adam Hadwin recorded his third straight birdie on 15 to move into first place at 6-under par 72.

Adam Hadwin takes share of first at Memorial with Scottie Scheffler

Scottie Scheffler now shares first place with Adam Hadwin.

Back-to-back birdies on 13 and 14 bring Hadwin to 5-under par 72 through 15 holes.

Scottie Scheffler takes first place with birdie on 18

Scottie Scheffler leaves Muirfield Village with first place all to himself.

Scheffler recorded a birdie on 18 to finish the first round 5-under par 72. He had four birdies on the back nine.

Xander Schauffele, Ludvig Aberg, Victor Perez and Adam Hadwin are tied for second at 4-under par 72.

Memorial Tournament first round leaders

Here's a look at the top of the Memorial Tournament leaderboard:

  • Xander Schauffele: -4 (through 17)
  • Scottie Scheffler: -4 (through 16)
  • Ludvig Aberg: -4 (through 16)
  • Viktor Hovland: -3 (through 17)
  • Billy Horschel: -3 (through 16)
  • Adam Hadwin: -3 (through 12)

Scottie Scheffler, Ludvig Aberg take share of first place at Memorial

The top of the Memorial Tournament leaderboard continues to shift.

Through 15 holes, Scottie Scheffler and Ludvig Aberg have moved into first place at 4-under par with Xander Schauffele. Scheffler has three birdies in his last five holes, while Aberg has three straight birdies after a bogey on 12.

Xander Schauffele takes one-stroke lead at Memorial

A birdie on 15 gives Xander Schauffele a one-stroke lead at the Memorial Tournament at 4-under par. Schauffele has four birdies through 15 holes.

Ludvig Aberg moves into share of first place at Memorial

A birdie on 14 had given Ludvig Aberg a share of the Memorial Tournament lead at 3-under par. He has recorded back-to-back birdies on 13 and 14.

Aberg is tied with Xander Schauffele, Viktor Hovland, Scottie Scheffler and Adam Hadwin.

Memorial Tournament has four-way tie for first place

Four golfers have a share of the Memorial Tournament lead:

  • Xander Schauffele: -3 (through 14)
  • Viktor Hovland: -3 (through 14)
  • Scottie Scheffler: -3 (through 13)
  • Adam Hadwin: -3 (through 9)

Who is most recent back-to-back Memorial Tournament winner?

Tiger Woods was the most recent golfer to win back-to-back Memorial Tournaments in 2000 and 2001. Patrick Cantlay won two of three in 2019 and 2021.

Viktor Hovland shares first place with Scottie Scheffler, Xander Schauffele and Adam Hadwin

The reigning Memorial champion now has a share of first place.

Back-to-back birdies have Viktor Hovland at 3-under through 14 holes. He is tied with Scottie Scheffler, Xander Schauffele and Adam Hadwin for first place.

Scottie Scheffler moves into share of first place at Memorial

Scottie Scheffler now has a share of first place in the first round of the Memorial Tournament.

Scheffler is 3-under par through 13 holes. He is tied with Xander Schauffele and Adam Hadwin. Scheffler has two birdies on his first four holes in the back nine.

Xander Schauffele and Adam Hadwin hold onto Memorial Tournament lead

Through 13 holes, Xander Schauffele holds a share of the lead at 3-under part with Adam Hadwin (through eight holes).

Eric Cole struggles in final two holes of Memorial Tournament first round

Holding a lead at 4-under par through 16 holes, Eric Cole fell apart in the final two holes of the first round of the Memorial.

Cole bogeyed Hole 17 before he double-bogeyed Hole 18. He finished at 2-under par and ended the first round tied for third place with Nick Dunlap, Emiliano Grillo, Keegan Bradley, Viktor Hovland, Scottie Scheffler, Billy Horschel, Victor Perez and Tony Finau.

Rory McIlroy starts 2024 Memorial Tournament

Rory McIlroy has started his latest try to earn a Memorial Tournament title.

McIlroy has 26 career PGA Tour wins, including two in 2024: the Wells Fargo Championship and the Zurich Classic of New Orleans.

In 2023, McIlroy finished 3-under at the Memorial and in seventh place.

Adam Hadwin takes share of 2024 Memorial lead

With four birdies his first seven holes, Adam Hadwin has taken a share of the 2024 Memorial lead with Eric Cole at 4-under.

Hadwin's only PGA Tour win came in the 2017 Valspar Championship.

Hadwin is ranked as the No. 59 golfer in the world.

Eric Cole Memorial lead down to one stroke after bogey

Eric Cole's lead is down to one stroke after missing a 9-foot putt and securing his third bogey of the day. Cole has seven birdies, including four in the back-nine.

Cole leads at 4-under, one stroke ahead of Xander Schauffele and Adam Hadwin.

Eric Cole keeps two-stroke lead, down to 5-under through 16 holes

Eric Cole is 5-under par through 16 holes. He's birdied four of the last seven holes he's played.

Cole is two strokes ahead of Xander Schauffele and Adam Hawin, who are each at 3-under.

Eric Cole extends 2024 Memorial Tournament lead

Back-to-back birdies on 13 and 14 have helped Eric Cole to a two-stroke lead at 4-under.

Cole's best finish in 2024 was at The Genesis Invitational in February, where he finished 8-under par and tied for 10th place.

Nick Dunlap finishes Memorial Tournament debut 2-under par

Nick Dunlap is near the top of the leaderboard after his first day at the Memorial Tournament.

The Alabama native and new PGA Tour pro finished 2-under par. When he finished, he was tied for second place with Tom Kim, Keegan Bradley, Xander Schauffele, Viktor Hovland, Ludvig Aberg and Adam Hadwin.

Eric Cole takes 2024 Memorial lead

The 2024 Memorial has another lead change.

Eric Cole, the No. 47 golfer in the world, has a one-stroke lead through 13 holes after recording his fifth birdie on hole 13.

Cole has one top-10 finish in 2024 and does not have a PGA Tour win.

Who leads at the Memorial Tournament?

There is a seven-player tie for first in the first round of the 2024 Memorial Tournament that includes reigning champion Viktor Hovland.

Here's a look at the current leaderboard:

  • Nick Dunlap: -2 (through 17)
  • Eric Cole: -2: (through 12)
  • Tom Kim: -2 (through 11)
  • Keegan Bradley: -2 (through 9)
  • Xander Schauffele: -2 (through 7)
  • Viktor Hovland: -2 (through 7)
  • Ludvig Aberg: -2 (through 6)

How did Maxwell Moldovan do at the Memorial Tournament?

Maxwell Moldovan played the Memorial Tournament as a marker: an un-scored player who takes the course if there's an odd number of participants.

According to Moldovan, who said he "picked up" the third hole, he finished "probably four or five over" par as he walked the course with Davis Thompson.

Tom Hoge loses lead after double-bogey at 2024 Memorial

Tom Hoge has lost his lead at the 2024 Memorial.

Hoge recorded a double-bogey at Hole No. 9 after finishing 3-under par through his first eight holes.

Nick Dunlap, Eric Cole, Tom Kim and Ludvig Aberg have a share of first place at 2-under.

Viktor Hovland records first eagle of 2024 Memorial Tournament

Viktor Hovland is making his move early in the 2024 Memorial Tournament.

After finishing 1-over par through the first four holes, Hovland recorded the first eagle of the tournament on Hole 5 on a 25-foot putt.

Hovland is tied for fifth with golfers such as Patrick Cantlay, Xander Schauffele and Ludvig Aberg.

Tom Hoge loses stroke on Hole 8, holds Memorial lead

Tom Hoge lost a stroke off his lead at Hole 8 after missing a 14-foot putt for par.

Hoge, at 3-under, still holds sole possession of first place.

Tom Hoge records fourth birdie, takes two-stroke lead at Memorial

Tom Hoge's early success at the Memorial is continuing.

He recorded his fourth birdie on the seventh hole and has a two-stroke lead at the 2024 Memorial. He is the 62nd-ranked golfer in the world.

Billy Horschel starts 2024 Memorial with two birdies

A former Memorial champion has found some momentum early in the 2024 tournament.

Billy Horschel, who won the 2022 Memorial, is tied for second at 2-under par through his first two holes. He is tied with Tom Kim, Keegan Bradley and Scottie Scheffler.

After winning the tournament in 2022, Horschel missed the cut in 2023 at 12-over.

Tom Hoge holds onto early lead at Memorial

A bogey on Hole No. 8 by Matt Fitzpatrick gave Tom Hoge a lead at the 2024 Memorial.

Hoge has birdied three of his first five shots.

Tom Hoge scores third birdie, tied with Matt Fitzpatrick for lead

Tom Hoge has a share of the Memorial lead through five holes.

Hoge has three birdies through his first five holes of the 2024 tournament. He shares a lead with Matt Fitzpatrick, who is 3-under par through seven holes.

Matt Fitzpatrick records third birdie, leads Memorial through seven holes

Matt Fitzpatrick is off to a strong start at the 2024 Memorial.

FItzpatrick has three birdies through the first seven holes, and holds a one-stroke lead over Tom Hoge for first place.

Fitzpatrick finished in ninth place at the 2023 tournament at 2-under par.

Scottie Scheffler starts 2024 Memorial Tournament 

Scottie Scheffler will try for his fifth win of the season at the 2024 Memorial Tournament. 

Scheffler, the No. 1 golfer in the world, has wins at the Arnold Palmer Invitational, THE PLAYERS Championship, the Masters Tournament and at RBC Heritage. 

Scheffler finished tied for second at the Charles Schwab Challenge at 9-under par.

Viktor Hovland, reigning Memorial champion, starts 2024 tournament 

The last Memorial Tournament champion has taken the course. 

Viktor Hovland, who won the 2023 tournament with a 281, has begun his 2024 tournament with Xander Schauffele. Hovland, who recorded a 70 in the final round of the 2023 tournament, secured the win on a playoff against Denny McCarthy. 

Hovland is looking to become the first back-to-back Memorial winner since Tiger Woods, who won back-to-back tournaments in 2000-01.

Keegan Bradley birdies first two holes, tied for first at Memorial Tournament

Keegan Bradley has followed in the footsteps of Tom Hoge. Bradley, the No. 14 golfer in the world, has birdied each of his first two holes of the Memorial Tournament.

Bradley's most recent PGA Tour win came in the 2023 Travelers Championship.

Patrick Cantlay begins 2024 Memorial Tournament 

A two-time Memorial champion has begun his quest for a third. 

Patrick Cantlay, who won the tournament in 2019 and 2021, has begun his 2024 tournament with Wyndham Clark. Cantlay is making his eighth start at the Memorial. He has the highest average score in tournament history at 70.32. 

He is one of seven golfers to have multiple wins at the Memorial Tournament.

Tom Hoge off to strong start at 2024 Memorial Tournament

Matt FItzpatrick did not hold a lead at 2-under par for long.

Tom Hoge birdied each of his first two holes at the Memorial and is tied with Fitzpatrick for first place. Hoge is the No. 62 golfer in the world and is coming off a 65th place finish at the 2023 tournament at 17-over par.

Matt Fitzpatrick takes one-stroke lead, holds first place

Matt Fitzpatrick is the first Memorial golfer to be 2-under par.

Fitzpatrick, the No. 17 golfer in the world, has two birdies through five holes. He holds onto first place with a one-stroke lead on Tom Hoge, Shane Lowry, Denny McCarthy and Keegan Bradley.

Peter Malnati falls down Memorial leaderboard

After finishing 1-under par through the first eight holes, Malnati recorded a bogey on Hole No. 9 to fall back to even.

How is Maxwell Moldovan doing at 2024 Memorial?

Maxwell Moldovan may not be participating in the actual Memorial Tournament. But he is having a good day as a tracker at Muirfield Village Golf Club.

The Ohio State golfer is plus-1 through nine holes. He birdied the No. 9 hole.

Moldovan is walking the course with Davis Thompson.

Shane Lowry bogeys, moves back to even

Shane Lowry is back to even after a bogey on the third hole.

Lowry struggled near the hole and overshot his third and fourth attempt, which led to a chip in on try five.

Lowry is a three-time PGA Tour winner and most recently won the 2024 Zurich Classic of New Orleans. Lowry, through four holes, is one of four tied for fourth at even.

Peter Malnati through eight holes, Matt Fitzpatrick through four holes, and Denny McCarthy through two holes are tied for first at 1-under par.

Birdie pushes Shane Lowry into tie for first

Shane Lowry is also off to a strong start early in the Memorial.

Lowry, the No. 33 golfer in the world, birdied the second hole to secure a tie for first with Matt Fitzpatrick and Peter Malnati.

Matt Fitzpatrick starts Memorial Tournament with birdie

A 19-foot putt secured Matt Fitzpatrick a birdie on his first hole at the Memorial Tournament.

Fitzpatrick, the No. 17 golfer in the world, finished ninth at the Memorial in 2023 at 2-under.

Peter Malnati strong Memorial Tournament start continues

Peter Malnati is off to a strong start.

Malnati, the No. 76 golfer in the world, has birdied two of his first five holes, and holds the tournament lead at 1-under par.

Sungjae Im begins Memorial with a triple bogey

Sungjae Im's Memorial Tournament is off to a disastrous start.

Im, the No. 32 golfer in the world, recorded a triple bogey in his first hole of the 2024 tournament. He hit his first drive into the right fairway bunker.

Bogey brings Matt Kuchar out of Memorial Tournament lead

After he started the day with the tournament's first birdie, back-to-back bogeys have set Matt Kuchar back to 1-over par through four holes. He's tied for third with Davis Thompson.

Peter Malnati, through four, and Byeong Hun An, through two, are tied for first at even.

Bogey brings Matt Kuchar back to even

Hole 3 brought trouble for Matt Kuchar.

After recording a birdie on his first hole of the day, Kuchar had a bogey on the third hole, bringing him back to even and tied for first with Peter Malnati, Ben Griffin and Byeong Hun An.

Peter Malnati back to even, Matt Kuchar keeps early lead

The fourth hole gave Peter Malnati trouble.

Malnati missed a 21-foot putt to give him his first bogey on the day. He is now tied with Ben Griffin and Byeong Hun An for second at even.

Matt Kuchar remains at 1-under par through two holes.

Peter Malnati birdies, tied for Memorial lead

Matt Kuchar is not the only golfer under par early on at the Memorial.

Peter Malnati, the No. 76 golfer in the world, birdied the second hole on a chip in after a 138-foot second shot. Malnati is 1-under par through three holes.

Matt Kuchar starts Memorial with birdie

A former Memorial champion has secured the first birdie of the 2024 Memorial Tournament.

Matt Kuchar, who won the tournament in 2013, finished the first hole with a birdie. He began the day with a 310-yard drive to the left fairway.

Stephan Jaeger bogeys first Memorial Tournament hole

Stephan Jaeger is off to a rough start at the Memorial.

Jaeger, the No. 42 golfer in the world, started with a bogey on the first hole after he was set back after a 15-foot third shot.

Jaeger is the only golfer so far to have bogeyed the first hole.

Davis Thompson begins Memorial Tournament with a par

Davis Thompson has kicked off the Memorial Tournament.

Thompson, the No. 99 golfer in the world, began the Memorial with a par.

Maxwell Moldovan takes course at the Memorial Tournament

Maxwell Moldovan is on the course at Muirfield Village Golf Club.

The Ohio State golfer will serve as an un-scored marker. He will play with Davis Thompson.

Who is the betting favorite to win the 2024 Memorial Tournament? 

After wins at THE PLAYERS Championship and The Masters, Scottie Scheffler is the betting favorite to win The Memorial tournament this weekend. 

Here are the latest odds according to DraftKings sportsbook. 

Note: Odds are subject to change 

  • Scottie Scheffler: +360
  • Xander Schauffele: +900
  • Rory McIlroy: +900
  • Collin Morikawa: +1400
  • Viktor Hovland: +1600

2024 Memorial Tournament weather: First round forecast

There is a slight chance of showers heading into the first round of the Memorial Tournament Thursday according to the National Weather Service. 

The weather at Muirfield Village Golf Club is expected to be sunny with a high near 79 with a 20% chance of precipitation.

Maxwell Moldovan to play in 2024 Memorial Tournament

An Ohio State golfer will play at Muirfield Village Golf Club Thursday morning.

Maxwell Moldovan will play with Davis Thompson as a non-competitive marker. He will tee off at 7:40 a.m.

Moldovan is a two-time first-team All-Big Ten and an All-American golfer. He set the Buckeyes' single-season scoring record as a junior with an average of 70.64.

Robert MacIntyre skips 2024 Memorial Tournament

The 2024 Memorial Tournament will be played without rising Scottish golfer Robert MacIntyre .

Coming off a first place finish at the RBC Canadian Open, MacIntyre said he was skipping the Memorial since it's his "fifth event in a row."

What happened at the 2023 Memorial Tournament? 

Viktor Hovland secured his first Memorial Tournament win in 2023. But he needed a playoff to do it. 

Facing off against Denny McCarthy, Hovland hit a 7-foot putt to win the tournament and the $3.6 million pot. Hovland’s previous best finish at the Memorial was in 2021 when he tied for 47th. 

Heading into 2024, Hovland is ranked as the No. 5 golfer in the world behind Scottie Scheffler, Xander Schauffele, Rory McIlroy and Wyndham Clark, each of whom will play at the Memorial. 

Memorial Tournament tee times: 2024 first round

Here are the tee times for the first round of the Memorial Tournament Thursday:

What time do gates open for Memorial Tournament 2024 first round?

Gates open for the first round of the Memorial Tournament at 7 a.m. Thursday for a 7:30 tee time.

How to watch Memorial Tournament first round

Starting with the first round June 6, the Golf Channel and CBS Sports will broadcast much of the 2024 Memorial Tournament. ESPN+ and Peacock will also stream parts of the Memorial Tournament Thursday.

Sirius XM will broadcast from the 2024 Memorial starting at noon Thursday.

Here is the broadcast schedule for the first round of the 2024 Memorial Tournament:

  • Golf Channel: Live first round coverage – 2-6 p.m., Replay: 12-4 a.m.
  • ESPN+: Live coverage starting at 7:15 a.m.
  • Peacock: Live coverage starting at 2 p.m.
  • Sirius XM (Channel 92): Live coverage starting at 12 p.m.

  [email protected] 

The late Grayson Murray is still part of golf's world ranking for another few weeks

Grayson Murray remains part of the official world ranking since he died May 25

DUBLIN, Ohio — Payne Stewart perished in a plane crash on Oct. 25, 1999, when he was the U.S. Open champion and No. 8 in the Official World Golf Ranking. He remained in the ranking for an additional three weeks before his name was removed.

That is what the OWGR is likely to do with Grayson Murray, who died by suicide on May 25.

Murray was at No. 61 in the world this week, and given the rolling two-year formula, he could actually climb back into the top 60 briefly. The OWGR officially said it is “currently discussing how this delicate item could be managed.”

But a person with direct knowledge of the OWGR’s plans said Murray would stay on the ranking for a four-week period, similar to Stewart, and would be removed in the June 23 ranking after the Travelers Championship. The person spoke on condition of anonymity without being authorized to share the plans.

Murray’s ranking matters because the OWGR will be used again Sunday for the top 60 players not already exempt for next week’s U.S. Open. One of those spots will go to Robert MacIntyre, who went from No. 76 to No. 39 by winning the Canadian Open.

There is a mathematical chance Murray would move back into the top 60, though it is unlikely with so many players right behind him who are at the Memorial.

According to an email from the USGA as it relates to that exemption category, Murray would be removed from the OWGR list used to determine the top 60, an indication that it would go to No. 61 if that player isn’t already in the field.


Charley Hull played in her first Solheim Cup at age 17. She has five wins on the LPGA and Ladies European Tour and has been runner-up three times in the majors.

And then she became one of the most popular players at the U.S. Women’s Open last week.

“All over a cigarette,” said Hull, a 28-year-old from England who shoots from the hip in speech and with her aggressive golf game.

It all started with a picture of her last week on social media with a cigarette dangling from her lips as she signed an autograph for a young fan at Lancaster Country Club.

Let her explain.

“I genuinely was walking to the range, had my hands full, someone asked me for an autograph,” Hull said. “I’m not going to say, ‘No,’ because I always like signing autographs. Had a cigarette in my mouth, signed it, and then it’s gone viral.”

Smoking and golf have been around for years, it’s just more rare these days. In her case, it apparently runs in the family.

“My dad smokes 40 a day since he was 12 years old and now he’s 75, and my nephew smokes, who is like 25. My whole family smokes, so it’s not something that I’ve noticed being odd,” she said. “I hate smoking. I used to curse at my dad when I was younger for smoking, but I think it’s to do a little bit when I’m stressed.”

She said she tried vaping last year but prefers to light up when she’s outdoors.

“When it’s a slow round on the golf course I smoke quite a few more than I should,” she said.

Hull has always been known as a character. It took a cigarette to bring that out to the masses, and it was quite a week.

“All my friends always say I should have a TV show with what goes on in my life. If you think I’ve got a lot of personality on the golf course, you should see what my life is like at home,” she said. “You don’t know what’s coming out of my mouth next. I don’t know what’s coming out of my mouth next. I’m just me. I’m not going to change for the world.

“I’ll just be me, and people will either like it or lump it.”


Juli Inkster is so bullish about players getting their college degree — she got hers from San Jose State before embarking on a Hall of Fame career — that she started the Inkster Award to recognize the highest-ranked college golfer in her final year of eligibility.

The winner this year was Ingrid Lindblad of LSU, an obvious choice with a twist.

“Our first five-time All-American,” Inkster said with a laugh. Lindblad wound up getting five years of eligibility because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The award began in 2020. The winner gets $50,000 from presenting sponsor Workday and a spot in the Portland Classic the first week in August. Lindblad could not be at the presentation because she makes her pro debut this week on the Epson Tour.


The U.S. Open now has 150 players for next week at Pinehurst No. 2, holding back six spots for anyone who qualifies through top 60 in the world ranking or as a multiple winner since last June of PGA Tour events that offer full FedEx Cup points.

One of the goes to Robert MacIntyre, who moved to No. 39 by winning the Canadian Open. There are six players at the Memorial who can still get in — Chris Gotterup, Ben Griffin, Lee Hodges, Andrew Putnam, Riley Davis and Patrick Rodgers. A win would assure them moving into the top 60, and for Hodges, it would be his second victory.

Then it’s a matter of filling the field from the alternates. The order of alternates from the 13 qualifying sites is not published. The USGA uses a formula based on the strength of field at the qualifier and how many spots it received.

Of particular interest is Sergio Garcia, who is believed to be high on the list of the alternate order. He hasn’t missed a U.S. Open since 2000. Adam Scott is first alternate out of Springfield, Ohio. He hasn’t missed a major since the 2001 British Open, the longest active streak.

For now, the field includes 16 amateurs, 10 of whom made it through qualifying Monday. It also includes 11 players who had to go through two stages of qualifying — 18 holes of local qualifying and 36 holes of final qualifying. Chris Naegel pulled that off for the third time.

U.S. captain Jim Furyk has selected Stewart Cink, Kevin Kisner and Justin Leonard to be assistant captains in the Presidents Cup matches later this year at Royal Montreal. ... Robert MacIntyre flew home to Scotland to celebrate this first PGA Tour title at the Canadian Open, withdrawing from the Memorial and its $20 million purse. ... Yuka Saso’s victory in the U.S. Women’s Open shot her up to No. 6 in the women’s world ranking and assured her returning to the Olympics for the second time, this time for Japan. She tied for ninth competing under the Philippines flag in 2021 outside Tokyo. ... Jackson Koivun of Auburn, the first freshman to sweep all the award as the top college player, has been added to the Memorial field without counting against the four exemptions for signature events. The Jack Nicklaus Award winner could never play because the Memorial — previously held a week earlier — was the same week as the NCAA men’s championship.


Robert MacIntyre became the eighth first-time winner on the PGA Tour this year.

“The first thing you do is the same thing you’re doing right now, is you go win.” — Jack Nicklaus, when asked by Auburn freshman Jackson Koivun how he separated himself from everyone on the PGA Tour. Koivun won the Nicklaus Award as the nation’s best golfer.

AP golf: https://apnews.com/hub/golf

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  2. 🇨🇭Zurich, Switzerland 4K Stunning Sunny Hour, Luxury Cars Walking Tour 2023

  3. Zurich Bahnhofstrasse Snow + Sun walk ❄️ ☀️ Beautiful 4K Winter Walking Tour Switzerland 🇨🇭 2024

  4. Long walking tour in Zurich the best city in the world (4K)

  5. Florence. One day walking tour

  6. Snow walk 🌨 Zurich mountain Dolder down to Lake Zurich ☃️ 4K winter walking tour 2023 🇨🇭 Switzerland


  1. Zurich In One Day

    If you only have one day to see Zurich or you just fancy a ready made guided wander this Zurich walking tour is for you. Zurich is Switzerland's largest city but also is very compact and easily walkable. My Zurich walking tour focuses on District 1 which is the city's rather beautiful old town area, home to the majority of the cities sites.

  2. One Day in Zurich

    Below is the ultimate old town walking tour of what to see in Zurich in one day and things to do in Zurich in one day! This tour starts at the Zurich Hauptbahnhof (Zurich Main Train Station). Everything is 100% walkable so there is no need to buy tickets for public transportation. After arriving at the Zurich Hauptbahnhof, cross Bahnhofsbrücke ...

  3. One Day in Zurich Itinerary: Uncover Secrets of the Old Town

    How to spend one day in Zurich. Zurich is relatively flat, compact and easy to get around on foot. You'll see so much exploring the narrow cobbled streets, but if you need there's a tram spot around every 300 metres. This guide to spending one day in Zurich is a self-guided walking tour that explores much of the Old Town (Altstadt). As I ...

  4. Zurich Self-Guided Walking Tour

    Even if you only have one day in Zurich, our walking tour is a great way to get an introduction to the city! Save, Pin or Bookmark our Zurich Walking Tour for your trip to Switzerland! #1 Bahnhofstrasse We started our Zurich Self-Guided Walking Tour at the Paradeplatz tram station in the city center. Heading north on Bahnhofstrasse, we gawked ...

  5. Self-Guided Free Walking Tour of Zurich: All The Highlights

    View from Lindenhof Park, Zurich. Our first goal here is the Lindenhof park which provides a great spot for a quick break but also seriously epic views of the Limmat River, the other side of the old town, and the crown jewel of Zurich - the Grossmünster. It was also once a Roman fort, back when Zurich was just a baby. And, it was the place where the Swiss constitution was sworn in back in 1798.

  6. One Day in Zurich, Switzerland: Itinerary & Where to Go in 24 Hours

    What to do in Zurich in 24 hours: A complete one-day itinerary. As with most of our travel itineraries, this Zurich itinerary gives you a chance to see most of the city. It hits all the main highlights from the medieval churches to a shopping excursion on the main street. You'll also see the Swiss mountains in the background.

  7. One Day in Zürich

    Take a stroll along Lake Zürich and observe the swans. 7.10 10. Take in the view at Lindenhof Hill. 7.11 11. Visit Zürich's Policestation - Giacometti Halle. 7.12 12. (Window) Shopping at the famous Bahnhofstrasse in Zürich. 8 Where to Eat in Zürich Old Town. 9 More best things to do in Zürich.

  8. The Perfect One Day in Zurich Itinerary: Top Things to See & Do

    Zurich has tons of amazing museums, like the Lindt Chocolate Museum and the Fifa World Football Museum. The Zurich Card is available online or at these places for purchase. It's 27 CHF for a 24 hour period! You could easily spend the day walking around Zurich, but this is another option if you prefer using public transport.

  9. One Day in Zurich

    Get our one day in Zurich itinerary complete with map, recommendations & Zurich travel tips to help plan your trip to this stylish & cultured Swiss city. ... There is an old town walking tour called the Water in Zurich which will teach you all about the importance of these fountains to Zurich.

  10. One Day in Zurich: Itinerary + Tips (to Maximize Your Time!)

    One Day in Zurich Itinerary. If you're looking for a quick snapshot of how to spend 24 hours in Zurich - here is a rundown of what is covered below!. Hike Uetliberg; Take a free walking tour through Zurich's Old Town; Have a packed lunch in Platzspitz

  11. Explore Zurich in a 6-hour Layover or in 1 Day

    You have an option to buy a ticket to Zurich HB or buy an all-day pass from one of the blue ticket machines. The day pass is for zone 10, which includes the entire city of Zürich and zone 21, which covers the way to the airport. ... With this turn-by-turn walking tour in hand, I wouldn't hesitate to explore Zurich while waiting for a ...

  12. Zurich Old Town Walking Tour

    The most popular tour through Zurich´s old town reveals the city´s colorful history. Experience, Zürich, Switzerland. Things to Do. Where to Stay ... Zurich Old Town Walking Tour. The most popular tour through Zurich´s historic old town offers fascinating insights into the city´s colorful history.

  13. Zurich in a nutshell

    The short cruise lasts about 1.5 hours and costs CHF 8.80 (half with Halb-tax). During this cruise, one of the stops is Kilchberg, where you can get off and visit the Lindt chocolate factory (link below). The mini-cruise costs CHF 6.80. More information here. A cruise at sunset is also very beautiful. 7.

  14. One Day in Zurich Itinerary: See Zurich in a day

    One day in Zurich itinerary: Explore Zurich in a day. Planning your trip to Zurich Switzerland. Start at/from the Zurich train station or your hotel. Swiss National Museum (from 10:00 to 11:00 am) Walk across Muhlesteg Bridge - Zurich Love Lock Bridge (from 11:15 to 11:30 am)

  15. One Day in Zurich Itinerary: How to See the Best of Zurich in a Day

    If you are spending one day in Zurich, then the short tours that sail down to Thalwil and Erlenbach before returning to the city are the best option. From Rieterpark, you can walk to Zurich Bürkliplatz in 15 minutes and board a boat there. The cruise takes around 1.5 hours and costs 4.40 CHF (€4.55).

  16. Zurich: Private Walking Tour with a Local Guide

    From $81.45 per person. Check availability. Reserve now & pay later to book your spot and pay nothing today. Give this as a gift. Carlos - Ecuador May 14, 2024 - Verified booking. Jenny - United States May 7, 2024 - Verified booking. Peter - Switzerland March 20, 2024 - Verified booking. See more reviews. Product ID: 480213.

  17. Luxurious One Day In Zurich Itinerary And Tips

    1. Altstadt - Zurich Old Town. With just 1 day in Zurich, the Altstadt, as the old town is known, should be your first port of call. Many of the main attractions of Zurich are located in the narrow streets here. You could take a walking tour to explore Zurich or simply follow our suggestions below.

  18. How To Spend One Day In Zürich: An Itinerary For First-Time Visitors

    This is Fraumünster Church at Münsterhof (the largest square in the Old Town). These days, you can visit and gain access to an audio guide for a fee. Built in the 9th century, this church houses the largest pipe organ in Zürich and is known for its famous stained glass windows! Address: Münsterhof 2, 8001 Zürich, Switzerland.

  19. Zurich in One Day

    Zurich is a compact city which, with a little planning, you can see in a day. These itineraries give you the option to stick to the main attractions like St. Peter Kirche, Fraumunster and Kunsthaus or to go at a faster pace and fit in more sites like the Zurich Opera House and Museum Rietberg. Families can enjoy Zurich in a day with an itinerary that focuses on kid-friendly sites like Lake ...

  20. The best 10 Free Walking Tours at Zürich

    A walking tour to discover the gems of Zurich Best things to see and do in Zürich When many people think of Switzerland, the first thing that comes to mind may be its watches, the cheeses, or its top-quality chocolate but there's a lot more than meets the eye to its most populous city, Zürich .

  21. Zurich in One Day

    Discover Zurich in one day - Old Town, Lake Zurich, Bahnhofstrasse and traditional dishes included. via @visitzurich. Discover, Zürich, Switzerland. Things to Do ... Popular City Tours Guided Tours & Excursions Clever urban explorers discover Zurich on a guided city tour. More Getting Around in Zurich

  22. Wow Zurich

    THE BEST SIGHTS OF ZURICH Old Town Walking Tour Including a Short Funicular Ride, Panoramic Views and City Highlights. Duration: 2-3 Hours/Small-Group Adult - 45 CHF / Child - 25 CHF. ... Excellent One Day in Zurich! - This was an excellent way to see some of Zurich for our one day in the city. Greg was a cheerful organised guide.

  23. The late Grayson Murray is still part of golf's world ranking for

    FILE -Grayson Murray hits off the 18th tee during the first round of the PGA Zurich Classic golf tournament at TPC Louisiana in Avondale, La., Thursday, April 20, 2023. Two-time PGA Tour winner Grayson Murray died Saturday morning, May 25, 2024 at age 30, one day after he withdrew from the Charles Schwab Cup Challenge at Colonial.

  24. Sam Morril Special 'You've Changed' Sets Premiere Date At ...

    A prolific joke writer and one of the sharpest young comics working today, Morril has previously put out five specials, his most recent being the acclaimed 2022 Netflix hour Same Time Tomorrow.

  25. Memorial Tournament 2024 first round leaderboard, news

    McIlroy has 26 career PGA Tour wins, including two in 2024: the Wells Fargo Championship and the Zurich Classic of New Orleans. In 2023, McIlroy finished 3-under at the Memorial and in seventh place.

  26. The late Grayson Murray is still part of golf's world ranking for

    FILE -Grayson Murray hits off the 18th tee during the first round of the PGA Zurich Classic golf tournament at TPC Louisiana in Avondale, La., Thursday, April 20, 2023. ... Thursday, April 20 ...