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Travel Advisory June 27, 2023

Zimbabwe - level 2: exercise increased caution.

Reissued after periodic review with updates to crime and civil unrest information.

Exercise increased caution in Zimbabwe due to  crime and official harassment of U.S. citizens. 

Country Summary : Opportunistic crime, such as pickpocketing, theft, and smashing of car windows with intent to steal, is common. Violent crime, such as assault, carjacking, and home invasion, also occurs. Criminals often target foreigners and residents suspected of having large sums of cash.

Demonstrations may occur and increase in frequency around political events, such as elections. Large gatherings are often restricted by the government and can quickly escalate to violence.

Foreigners, journalists, and non-governmental organizations may be subject to heightened scrutiny in Zimbabwe.

Read the  country information page  for additional information on travel to Zimbabwe.

If you decide to travel to Zimbabwe:

  • Stay alert and avoid openly displaying cash.
  • Carry a copy of your passport and visa and leave originals in your hotel safe.
  • Stay away from political rallies, demonstrations, and crowds.
  • Monitor local media for breaking events and be prepared to adjust your plans.
  • Keep travel documents up to date and easily accessible.
  • Enroll in the  Smart Traveler Enrollment Program  (STEP) to receive Alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.
  • Follow the Department of State on  Facebook  and  Twitter .
  • Review the  Country Security Report  for Zimbabwe.
  • Prepare a contingency plan for emergency situations. Review the  Traveler’s Checklist .
  • Visit the CDC page for the latest  Travel Health Information  related to your travel.

Embassy Messages

View Alerts and Messages Archive

Quick Facts

Recommend 6 months.

Recommend 2 blanks pages.

Yes, to be obtained at port of entry.

Embassies and Consulates

U.S. Embassy Harare Zimbabwe 2 Lorraine Drive, Bluffhill Harare, Zimbabwe Telephone: +(263) 867-701-1000 Emergency:+(263) 867-701-1000 Fax:+(263) 24-233-4320 Email:  [email protected]

Destination Description

Learn about the U.S. relationship to countries around the world.

Entry, Exit and Visa Requirements

You need a passport, visa, return ticket, and adequate funds to cover your intended stay in order to enter Zimbabwe. If you are traveling to Zimbabwe for tourism, business, or transit, you may obtain a visa at the airports or other border ports-of-entry. There is currently no option of getting a Zimbabwean tourist visa in advance through the Zimbabwean Embassy in Washington. You can expect to pay USD $30 for a 30-day/single-entry visa, USD $45 for a 45-day/double entry visa or USD $160 for a 12 month/ multiple-entry visa. Extensions of the 30-day and 45-day visas are possible and require visiting the Zimbabwe Immigration Office's public window. Travelers who intend to engage in any non-tourism related activity require a visa in advance of entry. Contact the  Department of Immigration of Zimbabwe  for further details and information on other types of visas and entry permits.

If you are planning to arrive to Zimbabwe via South Africa, please ensure that you have at least 6 blank pages in your passport. South Africa requires two clean, consecutive pages for each transit through South Africa. You will need two pages to transit South Africa in each direction, and two pages to enter Zimbabwe. South African officials take this requirement very seriously and will turn you around if you do not have sufficient pages. Additionally, South Africa has updated its laws regarding visiting or transiting the country with minor children. See the  country information page for South Africa  for details.

Zimbabwe has implemented measures to stem the flow of U.S. dollars from the country. Tourists and visitors who do not have bank accounts in Zimbabwe should:

  • Bring cash sufficient for the duration of your trip; especially $1 and $5 bills, which are used more often than local currency; the importation of any currency into Zimbabwe by travelers is not restricted. However, all travelers are encouraged to complete a Customs Declaration Form (Form 47) and declare the currency in their possession at the time of entry.
  • Note that the amount of currency you are allowed to possess when leaving Zimbabwe without authorization in the departure lounge of an airport or any other port is a total of USD $2,000 in any currency or combination of currencies or in bond notes, unless declared/documented upon entry;
  • Prepay expenses such as hotels, flights and tours by credit or debit card. Very few places accept international credit cards.

HIV/AIDS restrictions:  The U.S. Department of State is unaware of any HIV/AIDS entry restrictions for visitors to or foreign residents of Zimbabwe.

Find information on  dual nationality ,  prevention of international child abduction  and  customs regulations  on our websites.

Safety and Security

See the Department of State  Travel Advisory and Alerts for Zimbabwe. 

Terrorism: Terrorist groups and those inspired by such organizations are intent on attacking U.S. citizens abroad. Terrorists are increasingly using less sophisticated methods of attack – including knives, firearms, and vehicles – to more effectively target crowds. Frequently, their aim is unprotected or vulnerable targets, such as:

  • High-profile public events (sporting contests, political rallies, demonstrations, holiday events, celebratory gatherings, etc.)
  • Hotels, clubs, and restaurants frequented by tourists
  • Places of worship
  • Shopping malls and markets
  • Public transportation systems (including subways, buses, trains, and scheduled commercial flights)

For more information, see our Terrorism page.

Crime:  Criminals operate in the vicinity of hotels, restaurants, and shopping areas of major cities and tourist areas such as Victoria Falls. The downtown sectors of Harare, and its high-density residential suburbs, are particularly high-crime areas. 

While in Zimbabwe:

  • Always secure your possessions while in in public areas. 
  • Avoid displaying or carrying unnecessary valuables and large sums of money. 
  • Leave your passport and valuables in the hotel safety deposit box or room safe. 

For your safety while driving/riding in a car:

  • Be alert for “smash and grabs,” where thieves break car windows while you are stopped at intersections and take things within reach. 
  • Keep car doors locked and windows rolled up. 
  • Put valuable things under car seats or in the trunk.
  • Leave sufficient room between cars to maneuver and drive away from danger. 
  • If you are being followed, drive to the nearest police station or other protected public area for assistance. 
  • Reduce your time at traffic lights at night by slowing in anticipation of the light change.
  • Be cautious of ploys to lure you out of your car and of drivers in vehicles without license plates who stop to render aid or cause minor accidents. 
  • Drive to a well-lit and populated area before making repairs or exchanging information following an accident.

International Financial Scams:  See the  Department of State  and the  FBI   pages for information.

Demonstrations  can occur with little notice. They may take place in response to political or economic issues, on politically significant holidays, and during international events.

  • Even demonstrations intended to be peaceful can turn confrontational and possibly become violent.
  • Avoid areas around protests and demonstrations.
  • Check local media for updates and traffic advisories.

Victims of Crime: U.S. citizen victims of sexual assault are encouraged to contact the U.S. Embassy for assistance. Report crimes to police at the Harare Central Police Station, 777-777, and contact the U.S. Embassy at + 263 867 701 1000. Remember that local authorities are responsible for investigating and prosecuting the crime.

See our webpage on  help for U.S. victims of crime overseas .

  • help you find appropriate medical care
  • assist you in reporting a crime to the police
  • contact relatives or friends with your written consent
  • explain the local criminal justice process in general terms
  • provide a list of local attorneys
  • provide information on  victim’s compensation programs in the U.S.
  • provide an emergency loan for repatriation to the United States and/or limited medical support in cases of destitution
  • help you find accommodation and arrange flights home if you receive an emergency loan for repatriation
  • replace a stolen or lost passport

Domestic Violence:  U.S. citizen victims of domestic violence may contact the Embassy for assistance.

Tourism:  The tourism industry is unevenly regulated, and safety inspections for equipment and facilities do not commonly occur. Hazardous areas/activities are not always identified with appropriate signage, and staff may not be trained or certified either by the host government or by recognized authorities in the field. In the event of an injury, appropriate medical treatment is typically available only in/near major cities. First responders are generally unable to access areas outside of major cities and to provide urgent medical treatment. U.S. citizens are encouraged to purchase medical evacuation insurance . 

Local Laws & Special Circumstances

Criminal Penalties:  You are subject to local laws. If you violate local laws, even unknowingly, you may be expelled, arrested, or imprisoned. Individuals establishing a business or practicing a profession that requires additional permits or licensing should seek information from the competent local authorities, prior to practicing or operating a business.  

Furthermore, some crimes are prosecutable in the United States, regardless of local law. For examples, see our website on  crimes against minors abroad  and the Department of Justice website.

Penalties for possessing, using, or trafficking in illegal drugs in Zimbabwe can be severe, and convicted offenders can expect average jail sentences of three to seven years and heavy fines. Authorities may detain you for questioning if you don’t have your passport with you or for taking pictures of government buildings and police stations. 

Fines for overstaying a visa can be over 1,000 USD and may involve time in jail. Visitors should pay careful attention to the authorized-until-date marked on their entry visa.

Arrest Notification : If you are arrested or detained, ask police or prison officials to notify the U.S. Embassy immediately. See our  webpage  for further information.

Counterfeit and Pirated Goods: Although counterfeit and pirated goods are prevalent in many countries, they may still be illegal according to local laws. You may also pay fines or have to give them up if you bring them back to the United States. See the U.S. Department of Justice website for more information.

Photography :  Photographing the Munhumutapa Building, which houses the President’s offices, is punishable by a jail term and there is no provision for paying a fine.  It is not always apparent what the police deem sensitive, and they have detained people for photographing anything they view as sensitive, no matter how innocuous it may seem.  You should seriously consider the risks of taking pictures anywhere in Zimbabwe other than game parks and other obvious tourist attractions.

Political Sensitivities:  U.S. citizens have been detained and threatened with expulsion for administering humanitarian aid and expressing political opinions or criticism of the government. The streets around the President’s residence and the Botanical Gardens are closed to vehicle, bicycle, and foot traffic from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. daily. President Mnangagwa and senior government officials travel around Harare with large and aggressive motorcades that have been known to run motorists off the road. Security personnel occasionally beat and harass drivers who fail to pull out of the way quickly.  Move quickly off the road and come to a complete stop if overtaken by a motorcade.

Currency:  You should carefully review the U.S. sanctions program currently in place prior to engaging in the purchase/sale or transfer of money and other assets with a Zimbabwean citizen or entity. U.S. citizens are advised to consult the Department of Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control  for up-to-date information on these sanctions.

Roadblocks:  The Government of Zimbabwe frequently uses marked and unmarked roadblocks to enforce order and collect fines, particularly in urban centers and on major roads. Quickly comply when instructed by police or security officials to stop at a roadblock.

Game Parks:  Safety standards and training vary at game parks and wildlife viewing areas. You should ascertain whether operators are trained and licensed. All animals should be respected as wild and extremely dangerous. Travelers should keep a safe distance from animals and remain in vehicles or other protected enclosures when visiting game parks.

Hunting: Tourists wishing to hunt in Zimbabwe must be accompanied by a licensed operator. You should request and check the authenticity of their license by contacting the Zimbabwe Professional Guides Association (Z.P.G.A) . Hunters should confirm that they are not hunting on illegally seized land or on a nature conservancy as you may be subject to arrest, lawsuits, fines, seizure of possessions, and imprisonment. You should also contact the Embassy of Zimbabwe in Washington, D.C. to determine what permits are required by the Government of Zimbabwe for importing weapons into the country.

Faith-Based Travelers:  See our following webpages for details:

  • Faith-Based Travel Information
  • International Religious Freedom Report– see country reports
  • Human Rights Report  – see country reports
  • Hajj Fact Sheet for Travelers
  • Best Practices for Volunteering Abroad

LGBTQI+ Travelers:  The constitution of Zimbabwe outlaws marriage between people of the same gender and allows for discrimination based on sexual orientation. Consensual sex between men is criminalized in Zimbabwe, with both parties subject to fines of 5,000 USD or a year imprisonment or both. While there is no explicit legal prohibition against sexual relations between women, societal violence and harassment against LGBTQI+ individuals is pervasive. See our LGBTQI+ Travel Information page and section 6 of our  Human Rights report  for further details.

Travelers with Disabilities: The law in Zimbabwe prohibits discrimination against persons with physical and mental disabilities, but the law is not enforced. Social acceptance of persons with disabilities in public is not as prevalent as in the United States. Accessible facilities, transportation, and communications are extremely rare. Expect accessibility to be limited in public transportation, lodging, communication/information, and general infrastructure. Contact the US Embassy in Zimbabwe to receive a list of providers.

Students:  See our  Students Abroad  page and  FBI travel tips .

Women Travelers: See our travel tips for  Women Travelers .

The public medical infrastructure in Zimbabwe is far below U.S. standards and medical facilities are limited. Provincial hospitals in rural areas are rudimentary and not equipped to care for serious injuries. Serious illnesses or injuries require medical evacuation to South Africa.

You should:

  • Bring medications sufficient for the duration of your trip in original packaging;
  • Carry your prescriptions;
  • Be prepared to pay up front for medical services; and
  • Be prepared to arrange your own transportation to medical facilities.

For emergency services in Zimbabwe dial 999 for medical or 995 for police.

Ambulance services are:

  • available in the urban areas of Harare and Bulawayo and the tourist area of Victoria Falls, but training and response times of emergency responders is below U.S. standards.
  • not present throughout the rest of the country or are unreliable in most areas except major urban centers and Victoria Falls.
  • not equipped with state-of-the-art medical equipment.

Injured or seriously ill travelers may prefer to take a taxi or private vehicle to the nearest major hospital rather than wait for an ambulance.

The power supply in Zimbabwe is 220 volt 50 Hz and unreliable. Travelers who use electrical medical devices should consider alternatives and verify with lodging accommodations that your needs can be met.

We do not pay medical bills.  Be aware that U.S. Medicare does not apply overseas. Most hospitals and doctors overseas do not accept U.S. health insurance.

Medical Insurance:  Make sure your health insurance plan provides coverage overseas. Most care providers overseas only accept cash payments. See our webpage for more information on insurance overseas. 

We strongly recommend  supplemental insurance  to cover medical evacuation.

Always carry your prescription medication in original packaging, along with your doctor’s prescription. Check with the Ministry of Health and Child Care to ensure the medication is legal in Zimbabwe.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention closely monitors the prevalence of disease in Zimbabwe and updates the Travel Health Notice accordingly. Monitor the  CDC website  for current information.

The following disease are prevalent:

  • Leptospirosis
  • Schistosomiasis
  • African Sleeping Sickness (African Trypanosomiasis)
  • African Tick-Bite Fever
  • Chikungunya
  • Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever (CCHF)
  • Hepatitis A
  • Hepatitis B
  • Yellow Fever
  • Marburg Hemorrhagic Fever
  • Rift River Valley
  • Tuberculosis (TB)

Vaccinations : Be up-to-date on all  vaccinations recommended by  the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Further health information:

  • World Health Organization
  • U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Air Quality: Visit AirNow Department of State for information on air quality at U.S. Embassies and Consulates.

The air quality varies considerably and fluctuates with the seasons. It is typically at its worst in the southern hemisphere winter. People at the greatest risk from particle pollution exposure include:

  • Infants, children, and teens
  • People over 65 years of age
  • People with lung disease such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema
  • People with heart disease or diabetes
  • People who work or are active outdoors

Health facilities in general:

  • Public medical clinics lack basic resources and supplies. Private medical facilities in Harare, Bulawayo, and the tourist area of Victoria Falls can stabilize patients in emergencies.
  • Hospitals and doctors normally require payment “up front” prior to service or admission. Credit card payment is not available. Most hospitals and medical professionals require cash payment.
  • Generally, in hospitals only minimal staff is available overnight. Consider hiring a private nurse or having family spend the night with the patient, especially a minor child.
  • Patients bear all costs for transfer to or between hospitals.
  • Psychological and psychiatric services are limited, even in the larger cities, with hospital-based care only available through government institution

Medical Tourism and Elective Surgery

  • Medical tourism is a rapidly growing industry. People seeking health care overseas should understand that medical systems operate differently from those in the United States and are not subject to the same rules and regulations. Anyone interested in traveling for medical purposes should consult with their local physician before traveling and visit the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website for more information on medical tourism.
  • We strongly recommend supplemental insurance  to cover medical evacuation in the event of unforeseen medical complications.
  • Your legal options in case of malpractice are very limited in Zimbabwe.


  • U.S. Customs and Border Protection and the Food and Drug Administration are responsible for rules governing the transport of medication back to the United States. Medication purchased abroad must meet their requirements to be legally brought back into the United States. Medication should be for personal use and must be approved for usage in the United States. Please visit the U.S. Customs and Border Protection and the Food and Drug Administration websites for more information.  
  • Zimbabwe does not allow the importation of Oxycodone, even with a prescription. Travelers should nor carry Oxycodone.

Assisted Reproductive Technology and Surrogacy

  • If you are considering traveling to Zimbabwe to have a child through use of assisted reproductive technology (ART) or surrogacy, please see our ART and Surrogacy Abroad page .
  • There is no legal framework for foreigners or same-sex couples to pursue surrogacy in Zimbabwe. As a result, surrogacy agreements between foreign intending parents and gestational mothers are not enforced by Zimbabwe courts.
  • If you decide to pursue parenthood in Zimbabwe via assisted reproductive technology (ART) with a gestational mother, be prepared for long and unexpected delays in documenting your child’s citizenship. Be aware that individuals who attempt to circumvent local law risk criminal prosecution.

Water Quality

  • In many areas, tap water is not potable. Bottled water and beverages are generally safe, although you should be aware that many restaurants and hotels serve tap water unless bottled water is specifically requested. Be aware that ice for drinks may be made using tap water.

Adventure Travel

  • Visit the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website for more information about Adventure Travel .
  • CDC recommends that travelers going to Zimbabwe take prescription medicine to prevent malaria. Depending on the medicine you take, you will need to start taking this medicine multiple days before your trip, as well as during and after your trip. Talk to your doctor about which malaria medication you should take.  
  • HIV/AIDS: Zimbabwe has an estimated HIV prevalence of 12.6% for those over age 15.
  • Visit the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website for more information about Resources for Travelers regarding specific issues in Zimbabwe.  

Travel and Transportation

Road Conditions and Safety:  Driving in Zimbabwe is hazardous. Zimbabweans drive on the left side of the road and people often drive over the speed limit. Avoid driving at night. The Traffic Safety Council reports there are 40-50 vehicle accidents in Harare every night. Car seats for children are uncommon. Although the main highways throughout Zimbabwe are generally in fair but deteriorating condition, most lack passing lanes, shoulders, breakdown lanes, lighting, reflectors, and similar safety features. Secondary roads are normally in very poor condition.

Hazards you will encounter while driving (especially after dark):

  • Pedestrians (in dark clothing) and animals walking along or on the roads. 
  • Motor vehicles with no headlights or taillights.
  • Restricted visibility when passing.
  • Faded lane markers and non-working streetlights and traffic lights.
  • Service stations lacking fuel and spare parts. 
  • Numerous potholes.

There is no national network of roadside emergency service. However, the Automobile Association (AA) of Zimbabwe is willing to provide roadside emergency service to nonmembers for a fee. They can be contacted at +263-4-788-173. AA Zimbabwe’s 24-hour emergency roadside helpline is +263-4-776-760 or +263-712-406-033. Travelers can also contact the Road Angels, another roadside assistance service, at +263-4-334-304 and +263-4-334-418.

Traffic Laws:  It is illegal to use a cell phone while driving in Zimbabwe. Drivers are required to wear seat belts or helmets if driving motorcycles. Car seats are not legally required for small children. Driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI) enforcement does not generally exist, resulting in high rates of impaired drivers, especially at night.

Public Transportation:  The U.S. Embassy prohibits its employees from using “Kombis” – the minibuses that service main routes – due to safety concerns. Inter-city commuter bus travel, except on “luxury coaches,” is dangerous due to overcrowding, inadequate maintenance, and unsafe drivers. Public bus drivers are often fatigued, fail to adhere to local speed limits, and often fail to obey traffic rules or regulations.

See our  Road Safety page  for more information.

Air Travel:  The U.S. Embassy prohibits its employees from using the national carrier, Air Zimbabwe, due to safety concerns. Several other regional airlines offer services, but flights can be subject to unannounced schedule changes.

Aviation Safety Oversight: As there is no direct commercial air service to the United States by carriers registered in Zimbabwe, the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has not assessed the government of Zimbabwe’s Civil Aviation Authority for compliance with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) aviation safety standards. Further information may be found on the FAA’s Safety Assessment page .

For additional travel information

  • Enroll in the  Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)  to receive security messages and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.
  • Call us in Washington, D.C. at 1-888-407-4747 (toll-free in the United States and Canada) or 1-202-501-4444 (from all other countries) from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Friday (except U.S. federal holidays).
  • See the  State Department’s travel website  for the  Worldwide Caution  and  Travel Advisories .
  • Follow us on  Twitter  and  Facebook .
  • See  traveling safely abroad  for useful travel tips.

Review information about International Parental Child Abduction in Zimbabwe . For additional IPCA-related information, please see the International Child Abduction Prevention and Return Act ( ICAPRA ) report.

Travel Advisory Levels

Assistance for u.s. citizens, zimbabwe map, learn about your destination, enroll in step.

Enroll in STEP

Subscribe to get up-to-date safety and security information and help us reach you in an emergency abroad.

Recommended Web Browsers: Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome.

Check passport expiration dates carefully for all travelers! Children’s passports are issued for 5 years, adult passports for 10 years.


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Embassy Visa Information Tourist Visa Information Business Visa Information Transit Visa Information Visa Application Form Tourist Information International Airports Public Holidays Money Languages Weather Telephone Area Codes Travel Advice Nightlife Food And Drink Accommodation Local Time in Zimbabwe Flights to Zimbabwe Hostels in Zimbabwe B and B in Zimbabwe Camping Sites in Zimbabwe Car Hire Companies in Zimbabwe Compare Travel Insurance Deals for Zimbabwe Compare Airport Lounges Deals for Zimbabwe Airport Parking Deals in Zimbabwe Airport Transfer in Zimbabwe Airport Taxi in Zimbabwe Events in Zimbabwe Travel Accessories for Zimbabwe Zimbabwean Language Phrases Guide

Zimbabwean tourist visa for Emirati nationals and permanent residents in United Arab Emirates can be granted to a foreigner who does not have a residence or occupation in Zimbabwe and whose sole objective of visiting Zimbabwe is for recreation, sightseeing, casual visit to meet friends and relatives.

Zimbabwean Tourist Visa Requirements for Emirati Nationals and Residents of United Arab Emirates

General Zimbabweans Tourist Visa Requirements for Emirati Nationals & Residents of United Arab Emirates

Please check from Zimbabwean Visa Information to see if you will need a holiday visa to go to Zimbabwe or the up-to-date tourist visa requirements for Zimbabwe.

  • Fully completed Zimbabwean Tourist Visa Application Form and essential declaration
  • Passport size photographs
  • Valid national passport and one copy
  • Original of valid visa if you’re citizen of another country and one copy
  • Your latest bank statement and one copy
  • Confirmation of travel insurance for Zimbabwe showing the coverage and one copy
  • Reference letter from your employer or education establishment
  • Proof of group travel if you are travelling in a group
  • Proof of accommodation booking reservation for Zimbabwe and one copy
  • Proof of airline ticket reservation for Zimbabwe and one copy
  • Zimbabwean visa fees for Emirati nationals and residents in United Arab Emirates

Please notice: In individual circumstances, you may be asked to produce additional documents. Zimbabwean embassy procedures and policies can and do, alter overnight. We take no responsibilty for any such changes or any transaction initiated directly between an applicant and the Zimbabwean embassy in United Arab Emirates

Looking for a cheap flight from United Arab Emirates to Zimbabwe? Use the flight search tool on this website to find, compare and book the cheapest flights to Zimbabwe.

It is very easy and quick to find the best flight deals from Dubai to Zimbabwe where many airlines fly to major cities around the globe. You can search many internet flight websites to book the best flights to anywhere in the world.

Alternatively use flight booking websites like Sky Scanner, where you can search flight offers from airlines and travel agents in one place to get the best flight deals.

Travelling from United Arab Emirates and need to book a hotel room in Harare or other cities Zimbabwe? There are many ways to find, compare and book the cheapest hotels.

If you need to stay at an airport in Zimbabwe for one night or you have an early flight, why not take a look at the cheap airport hotels deals in Zimbabwe from the Airport Accommodation links on this web page to find the best airport hotel room option to suit your needs.

Find the best hotel room in and around Zimbabwe which best fits your requirements.

Want to rent a car in Harare or other cities in Zimbabwe? There are many ways to find, compare and book the best car rentals.

Here, you’re certain to find a vehicle from the top car rental companies in Harare including Avis, Budget, Enterprise, Europcar, Hertz, and Thrifty. Our secure car rental booking system lets you compare the latest deals in an instant and find a car hire that suits your budget.

[email protected]

Department of Immigration Zimbabwe

Facilitating Movement & Business

zimbabwe visit visa requirements for uae residents

The Department of Immigration Zimbabwe administers the Immigration Act chapter 4:02 on behalf of the Minister with a mandate to :

  • Facilitate entry and exit of travellers;
  • Issuing permits which accord status to immigrants;
  • Contributing to refugee identification and status determination
  • List ItemIdentifying and removing illegal immigrants; and
  • Facilitation of Investment and
  • Admission of persons with critical skills.

The Client Service Charter was developed in a bid to respond to the needs of the clients and to provide efficient service with the stipulated timelines and guidelines.

To provide a world class Immigration service

To provide an effective and efficient Immigration service to all our clients as guided by the Immigration Act chapter 4:02.

To administer the Immigration Act Chapter 4:02 on behalf of the Minister.

Resident Permit

Visitors visa, visa on arrival, citizenship, student permit.

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Register to vote Register by 18 June to vote in the General Election on 4 July.

  • Passports, travel and living abroad
  • Travel abroad
  • Foreign travel advice

Entry requirements

This advice reflects the UK government’s understanding of current rules for people travelling on a full ‘British citizen’ passport from the UK, for the most common types of travel.

The authorities in Zimbabwe set and enforce entry rules. If you’re not sure how these requirements apply to you, contact the Zimbabwean Embassy in the UK .

COVID-19 rules

There are no COVID-19 testing or vaccination requirements for travellers entering Zimbabwe.

You may be asked to complete an arrival form, including the addresses of where you are staying. 

Travel within Zimbabwe

Officially, some COVID-19 measures remain in place, including a curfew between midnight and 5.30am, but they are rarely enforced.

Passport validity requirements

To enter Zimbabwe, your passport must:

  • be valid for at least 6 months from the date of your arrival
  • have 3 blank pages, in case you need to enter Zimbabwe and exit through one of the neighbouring countries or if you need to leave at short notice

Check with your travel provider that your passport and any other travel documents meet their requirements. Renew your passport if you need to. 

You will be denied entry if you do not have a valid travel document or try to use a passport that has been reported lost or stolen. 

Visa requirements

You must have a visa to visit Zimbabwe.

Applying for a visa

Most visitors apply for a visa on arrival in Zimbabwe. Take enough US dollars with you in small notes to pay for your visa – see information on visa fees from the Zimbabwean Embassy .

You can also apply for an e-visa before you travel.

It is no longer possible to get a visa from the Zimbabwean Embassy in London.

Zimbabwe usually grants 30-day visas. Check the number of days on your visa covers your intended period of stay.

To extend or renew visas or permits, go in person to the Government of Zimbabwe Immigration Department . 

To stay longer (to work or study, for business travel or for other reasons), you must meet the Zimbabwe government’s entry requirements. Check which type of visa or work permit you need with the Official Government of Zimbabwe web portal . 

You must have a temporary work permit if you’re volunteering or doing missionary work.

Zimbabwean temporary travel documents

Zimbabwean temporary travel documents ( TTDs ) are not valid for re-entry to the UK. You could be stranded in Zimbabwe if you travel using this document.

KAZA Univisa

The KAZA Univisa is valid for travel between Zimbabwe and Zambia and day trips into Botswana. It’s available at Harare, Bulawayo and Victoria Falls airports and at the land borders at Victoria Falls (Zambian border) and Kazungula (Botswana border). It costs 50 US dollars and is valid for 30 days.

Vaccination requirements

At least 8 weeks before your trip, check the vaccinations and certificates you need in TravelHealthPro’s Zimbabwe guide .

Depending on your circumstances, this may include a yellow fever certificate.

Customs rules

There are strict rules about goods that can be brought into and taken out of Zimbabwe. You must declare anything that may be prohibited or subject to tax or duty.

Arms embargo

There is a UK arms embargo against Zimbabwe. It is an offence in UK law to take firearms into Zimbabwe, even if you plan to bring them back to the UK.

Do not carry any precious or semi-precious stones without the correct paperwork.

Taking money into and out of Zimbabwe

It is illegal to leave Zimbabwe with more than 10,000 US dollars cash (or the same amount in other currencies), unless it is left over from funds you brought with you and declared on arrival. Keep the proof of declaration to avoid problems with officials when you leave.


If you’re working as a journalist (for example, as a reporter or news photographer), you must get accreditation before you travel from the Zimbabwean Embassy in the UK . If you do not have proper accreditation, you are at risk of arrest, detention in difficult conditions, a fine and deportation.

The Zimbabwe government uses a broad definition of journalism. This may include any form of interview, filming or photography. Consider carefully the risks associated with engaging in social media activities such as posting comments, blogging or sharing photographs, which can be seen as journalism.

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Last updated: 13 February 2023

You may be required to obtain a Visa to enter Zimbabwe depending on your nationality. Please read the details below carefully to understand what you need to know and do.

What are the Zimbabwe Visa Categories?

Zimbabwe has 3 visa categories:

Category A: Countries whose nationals do NOT require a Visa. No action required, you will be granted easy entry at any border post.

Category B: Countries whose nationals are granted a Zimbabwe visa at the port of entry on payment of requisite visa fees. These visas are easiest obtained on your arrival at the Airport or border post.

*Note* We recommend that you do NOT pre-apply online via Zimbabwe evisa website if you are a category B National. The e-visa system is designed for Category C nationals, who HAVE to pre-apply. You do NOT save yourself any time on arrival, in fact it can cost you more time as they need to verify your application. Applying online requires registering an account on the website and then supplying a whole lot of information that you do not need when you are category B. Also E-visa applications often go missing. Same thing applies to overseas companies offering visa services at exorbitant costs. Get your visa on arrival with minimal fuss.

Category C: Countries whose nationals are required to apply for and obtain a Zimbabwe visa prior to travelling. You can apply for one through a Zimbabwe High Commission in your home or neighbouring country. Another way is to apply online - click on this link Zimbabwe e-visa for details. Please note that the online system, while convenient, is not always fool proof.

Find out the Category of your country in the tables below.

If you are intending to visit Zambia as well then the Kaza / UniVisa for some nationalities is your most economical choice. Read More

Passport Requirements

All Categories need:-

• Passport valid for a least 6 months from your date of entry. • Return ticket to your country (or enough money to buy one) • Sufficient funds to cover your stay in Zimbabwe • Enough blank pages in your passport to fit the required entry visa.

What are the Zimbabwe Visa Types?

Single Entry visa allows for entry into Zimbabwe one time. Once you exit Zimbabwe, the visa cannot be used again.

Double Entry visa allows for up to two entries into Zimbabwe. Valid up to 90 days from the date of issue. Once you have used it for the two entries and two exits, the visa cannot be used again.

Multiple Entry visas - CANNOT be obtained at the port of entry into Zimbabwe. You may enter Zimbabwe on a single entry visa and then obtain a Multiple Entry Visa from the town office - but this may take up to 7 working days to be issued and in many cases is declined - if you need to enter 3 or 4 times rather buy a single entry and then a double entry visa or two doubles, which is a perfectly accepted by immigration.

How Much are the Visa Fees?

Visitors coming from Category B countries (listed below) can pay the fee for their visa when they arrive at the port of entry, whether it is at the land border or at the airport. We strongly advise visitors who wish to pay on arrival to have cash for their visas, in case the credit card machines are not working due to network problems. Category C nationals who applied for a visa online will pay for the visa during the online application.

Here is the fee structure for Category B - Zimbabwe visas:

What are Zimbabwe Visa Fees for British, Irish, Canadian and Chinese Citizens?

Category C nationals can apply for a single or double entry Zimbabwe visa

Children - Zimbabwe will charge FULL VISA fees for any individual who is required to have a VISA despite their age. This includes infants and children (who were previously being exempted from this).

Do I Need a Zimbabwe Visa?

See below to find out if you will need a visa to go to Zimbabwe. If you plan on travelling to Zambia as well, read this Zambia Visa page.

Visitors from the list below DO NOT require a visa to travel to Zimbabwe

Angola Antigua & Barbuda Aruba Bahamas Barbados Belize Botswana Cayman Islands Congo (DRC) Cyprus Fiji Ghana Grenada Hong Kong Jamaica Kenya Kiribati Leeward Islands Lesotho Madagascar Malaysia Malawi Maldives Malta Mauritius Montserrat Mozambique Namibia Nauru Samoa Western Seychelles Singapore Solomon Islands South Africa St Kitts & Nevis St Lucia St Vincent & The Grenadines Swaziland Tanzania Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Turk & Caicos Islands Tuvalu Uganda Vanuatu Zambia

Visitors from the list below are granted a Zimbabwe Visa at port of entry on payment of requisite visa fees

Albania Algeria Andorra Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahrain Belarus Belgium Bermuda Bhutan Bosnia-Herzegovina Brazil British Virgin Islands Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria Burundi *Canada Cape Verde Islands Chile China Comoros Islands Cook Islands Costa Rica Croatia Cuba Czech Republic Denmark Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Estonia Ethiopia Finland France French Guiana French Polynesia French West Indies Georgia Germany Gibraltar Greece Guam Guatemala Guyana Haiti Honduras Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran *Ireland Israel Italy Japan Kazakhstan Korea (South) Kyrgyzstan Kuwait Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxemburg Macau Macedonia Marshall Islands Mexico Micronesia Moldova Monaco Netherlands New Caledonia New Zealand Nicaragua Norfolk Islands Northern Mariana Islands Norway Palau Island Palestine Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Reunion Romania Russia Rwanda Samoa (America) San Marino Sao Tome & Principe Senegal Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Spain Suriname Sweden Switzerland Tajikistan Turkey Turkmenistan Ukraine United Arab Emirates *United Kingdom United States of America Uruguay Uzbekistan Vatican Venezuela Virgin Islands

Countries whose nationals are required to apply for and obtain a Zimbabwe visa prior to travelling. Now Apply Online . Click on this link eVisa Zimbabwe .

Afghanistan Anguilla Bangladesh Benin Bolivia Burkina Faso Cambodia Cameroon Central Africa Republic Chad Colombia Congo (Brazzaville) Cote d'Voire (Ivory Coast) Djibouti Republic East Timore Eritrea Gabon Gambia Guinea Bissau Guinea Conakry Iraq Jordan Kosovo Laos Lebanon Liberia Libya Mali Mauritania Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Myanmar Nepal Niger Nigeria North Korea Oman Pakistan Philippines Qatar Saudi Arabia Sierra Leone Somalia South Sudan Sri Lanka Sudan Syria Taiwan Thailand Togo Tunisia Vietnam Yemen

Afghanistan  - Category C

Albania  - Category B

Algeria  - Category B

Andorra  - Category B

Angola  - Category A

Anguilla  - Category C

Antigua & Barbuda  - Category A

Aruba  - Category A

Argentina  - Category B

Armenia  - Category B

Australia  - Category B

Austria  - Category B

Azerbaijan  - Category B

Bahamas  - Category A

Bahrain  - Category B

Bangladesh  - Category C

Barbados  - Category A

Belarus  - Category B

Belgium  - Category B

Belize  - Category A

Benin  - Category C

Bermuda  - Category B

Bhutan  - Category B

Bolivia  - Category C

Bosnia-Herzegovina  - Category B

Burkina Faso  - Category C

Botswana   - Category A

Brazil  - Category B

British Virgin Islands  - Category B

Brunei Darussalam  - Category B

Bulgaria  - Category B

Burundi  - Category B

Cambodia  - Category C

Cameroon  - Category C

*Canada   - Category B

Cape Verde Islands  - Category B

Cayman Islands  - Category A

Central Africa Republic  - Category C

Chad  - Category C

Chile  - Category B

China  - Category B

Colombia  - Category C

Comoros Islands  - Category B

Congo (Brazzaville)  - Category C

Congo (DRC)  - Category A

Cook Islands  - Category B

Costa Rica  - Category B

Cote d'Voire (Ivory Coast)  - Category C

Croatia  - Category B

Cuba  - Category B

Cyprus  - Category A

Czech Republic  - Category B

Denmark  - Category B

Djibouti Republic  - Category C

Dominican Republic  - Category B

Ecuador  - Category B

Egypt  - Category B

El Salvador  - Category B

Equatorial Guinea  - Category B

Eritrea  - Category C

Estonia  - Category B

Ethiopia  - Category B

Fiji  - Category A

Finland  - Category B

France  - Category B

French Guiana  - Category B

French Polynesia  - Category B

French West Indies  - Category B

Gabon  - Category C

Gambia  - Category C

Georgia  - Category B

Germany  - Category B

Ghana  - Category A

Gibraltar  - Category B

Greece  - Category B

Grenada  - Category A

Guam  - Category B

Guatemala  - Category B

Guinea Conakry  - Category C

Guinea Bissau  - Category C

Guyana  - Category B

Haiti  - Category B

Honduras  - Category B

Hong Kong  - Category A

Hungary  - Category B

Iceland  - Category B

India  - Category B

Indonesia  - Category B

Iran  - Category B

Iraq  - Category C

*Ireland   - Category B

Israel  - Category B

Italy  - Category B

Jamaica  - Category A

Japan  - Category B

Jordan  - Category C

Kazakhstan  - Category B

Kenya  - Category A

Kiribati  - Category A

Korea (North)  - Category C

Korea (South)  - Category B

Kosovo  - Category C

Kuwait  - Category B

Kyrgyzstan  - Category B

Laos  - Category C

Latvia  - Category B

Lebanon  - Category C

Leeward Islands  - Category A

Lesotho  - Category A

Liberia  - Category C

Libya  - Category C

Liechtenstein  - Category B

Lithuania  - Category B

Luxemburg  - Category B

Macau  - Category B

Madagascar  - Category A

Malaysia  - Category A

Malawi  - Category A

Maldives  - Category A

Malta  - Category A

Marshall Islands  - Category B

Mauritius  - Category A

Mexico  - Category B

Micronesia  - Category B

Moldova  - Category B

Monaco  - Category B

Montserrat  - Category A

Mozambique  - Category A

Namibia  - Category A

Nauru  - Category A

Netherlands  - Category B

New Caledonia  - Category B

New Zealand  - Category B

Nicaragua  - Category B

Norfolk Islands  - Category B

Northern Mariana Islands  - Category B

Norway  - Category B

Oman  - Category C

Pakistan  - Category C

Palau Island  - Category B

Palestine  - Category B

Panama  - Category B

Papua New Guinea  - Category B

Paraguay  - Category B

Peru  - Category B

Philippines  - Category C

Poland  - Category B

Portugal  - Category B

Puerto Rico  - Category B

Qatar  - Category C

Refugee  - Category C

Reunion  - Category B

Romania  - Category B

Russia  - Category B

Rwanda  - Category B

Samoa (America)  - Category B

Samoa Western  - Category A

San Marino  - Category B

Sao Tome & Principe  - Category B

Saudi Arabia  - Category C

Senegal  - Category B

Serbia  - Category B

Seychelles  - Category A

Sierra Leone  - Category C

Singapore  - Category A

Slovakia  - Category B

Slovenia  - Category B

Solomon Islands  - Category A

Somalia  - Category C

South Africa  - Category A

South Sudan  - Category C

Spain  - Category B

Sri Lanka  - Category C

St Kitts & Nevis  - Category A

St Lucia  - Category A

St Vincent & The Grenadines  - Category A

Sudan  - Category C

Suriname  - Category B

Swaziland  - Category A

Sweden  - Category B

Switzerland  - Category B

Syria  - Category C

Tajikistan  - Category B

Taiwan  - Category C

Tanzania  - Category A

Thailand  - Category C

The Former Yugoslav Republic Of Macedonia  - Category C

Togo  - Category C

Tonga  - Category A

Trinidad and Tobago  - Category A

Tunisia  - Category C

Turk & Caicos Islands  - Category A

Turkey  - Category B

Turkmenistan  - Category B

Tuvalu  - Category A

Uganda  - Category A

Ukraine  - Category B

United Arab Emirates  - Category B

*United Kingdom   - Category B

United States of America  - Category B

Uruguay  - Category B

Uzbekistan  - Category B

Vanuatu  - Category A

Vatican  - Category B

Venezuela  - Category B

Vietnam  - Category C

Virgin Islands  - Category B

Yemen Rep  - Category C

Zambia   - Category A

British and Canadian Passports Holders

British and Canadian passport holders need a Zimbabwe visa to visit Zimbabwe. It is easier and in most cases cheaper to get one at the port of entry.

The current charge for a single entry Zimbabwe visa is US$ 55 and US$ 75 for a Double Entry Zimbabwe visa. The KazaVisa ($50) is in theory no longer available for British and Canadian passport holders as Britons and Canadians don't need a visa to get into Zambia anymore. However, there doesn't seem to be a definitive ruling on this, so you can request one, as it is a cheaper option for you.

If you are entering Zimbabwe 3 times i.e. going to Zambia and Botswana and back to Zimbabwe, then you can ask for a KazaVisa, instead of a buying a double entry and a single entry. Again, there are no guarantees that you will be granted one, but worth the try. Credit cards (MasterCard and Visa) are accepted but always have a cash reserve just in case the card machines are not working.

American and Australian Passport Holders

American and Australian passport holders need a Zimbabwe visa to visit Zimbabwe. It is easier and in most cases cheaper to get one at the port of entry.

The current charge for a single entry Zimbabwe visa is US$ 30 and US$ 45 for a Double Entry Zimbabwe visa. If you are also visiting Zambia, you no longer need a visa for Zambia, so there is no point in buying the KazaVisa ($50) as it is more expensive. However, if you are entering Zimbabwe 3 times i.e. going to Zambia and Botswana and back to Zimbabwe, then you can ask for a KazaVisa. However, there are no guarantees that you will be granted one. Credit cards (MasterCard and Visa) are accepted but always have a cash reserve just in case the card machines are not working.

Where Do I Find My Nearest Zimbabwe Embassy and Consulate?

Australia Embassy Of Zimbabwe 26 Numeralla Street, O'Mally, Canberra, ACT 2606 Tel: +61 2 6286 2281 | +61 2 6286 2303 | +61 2 6286 2700 Fax: +61 2 6290 1680

Austria Embassy Of Zimbabwe Neustift am Walde 91, 1190, Vienna Tel: +43-1-4079236 | +43-1-4079237 Fax: +43-1-4079238

Belgium Embassy of Zimbabwe Square Joséphine Charlotte 11, 1200 Woluwe-Saint-Lambert, Brussels Tel: +32 2 762 58 08 Fax: +32 27629605 | +32 27756510

Botswana Embassy Of Zimbabwe Plot 8850, Orapa Close, Government Enclave, Gaborone Tel: +267 314495 Fax: +267 305863

Canada Embassy Of Zimbabwe 332 Somerset St West, Ottawa, Ontario K2P 0J9 Tel: +1 613 421 2824 | +1 613 421 1242 | +1 613 421 1239 Fax: +1 613 422 7403

China Embassy of Zimbabwe No. 7, Dong San Jie, San Li Tun, Beijing 100600 Tel: +86 10 65323665 | +86 10 65323665 Fax: +86 10 65325383

Cuba Embassy of Zimbabwe Ave. 3ra. No.1001 e/ 10 y 12, Miramar, Havana Tel: +53 7 242837 | +53 7 273565 | +53 7 2069504 Fax: +53 2 42720

Egypt 7 Mohandes El Galal Street, Mohandessin, Giza, Cairo Tel: +20 2 305 9743 | +20 2 303 0404 Fax: +20 2 3059741  

France Embassy Of Zimbabwe 10 Rue Jacques Bingen, 75008, Paris Tel: +33 1 56 88 16 00 ax: +33 1 56 88 16 09

Germany Embassy of Zimbabwe Kommandantenstrasse 80, 10117 Berlin Tel: +49 30 2062263 Fax: +49 30 20455062

India High Commission Of Zimbabwe 4, Poorvi Marg Vasant Vihar, New Delhi 110057 Tel: +91 11 2611 0430 / 31 | +91 11 2615 4313 | +91 11 2614 4314 Fax: +91 11 2611 4316

Indonesia Embassy Of Zimbabwe Jalan Patra Kunningan VII/15, Jakarta Selatan Tel: +62 21 522 1378 Fax: +62 21 525 0365  

Italy Embassy Of Zimbabwe Via Virgilio, 8, Int. 8, 00193 Roma Tel: +39 06 6830 8282 | +39 06 6830 8273 Fax: +39 06 6830 8324 Consulate General in Milan Viale Abruzzi 91, Milano 20131 Tel: +39 800 90 99 99 Fax: +39 02 49 665 244

Japan Embassy Of Zimbabwe 5-9-10, Shiroganedai, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108 0071 Tel: +81 3 3280 0331/2 Fax: +81 3 3280 0466  

Kenya Embassy Of Zimbabwe 111/192 Mumwe Avenue, Runda, P.O. Box 693, Nairobi Tel: +254 20 374 4052 | +254 20 374 6546 Fax: +254 20 374 8079

Malawi Embassy Of Zimbabwe Presidential Way, Area 19, Lilongwe Tel: +265 1 774 988 | +265 1 774 997 | +265 1 774 413 Fax: +265 1 772 382

Malaysia Embassy Of Zimbabwe 124, Jalan Sembilan Taman Ampang Utama 68000 Ampang, Kuala Lumpur Tel: +60 3 4251 6779 | +60 3 4251 6781/2 | +60 3 4251 7346 Fax: +60 3 4251 7252

Mozambique Embassy Of Zimbabwe Ave Machava, Caixa Postal 743, Maputo Tel: +258 21 490 404 | +258 21 488 877 Fax: +258 21 492 293

Consulate Of Zimbabwe 617 Rua Francisco Dechage Almeda, Ponde Gea, P.O. Box 649, Beira Tel: +258 23 327 950 | +258 23 327 942 Fax : +258 23 328 942

Namibia High Commission Of Zimbabwe Cnr Independence Ave and Grimm St, PO Box 23056, Windhoek Tel: +264 61 227738 | +264-61-227204 | +264-61-228137 Fax: +264 61 226859

Portugal Consulate of Zimbabwe Avenida Almirante Gago Coutinho No. 56-6-esq., 1700 Lisbon Tel: +351 218 02091 | +351 218 472401 Fax: +351 218 472 400

Russia Embassy Of Zimbabwe Mytnaya Street 3, Office 29-31, Moscow Tel: +7 499 230 1864 | +7 499 230 1932 | +7 499 230 1932 Fax: +7 495 230 1932

Singapore Embassy of Zimbabwe 7500A Beach Road, #13-308 The Plaza 199591 Tel: +656 297 7753/4 Fax: +656 297 7761

South Africa Embassy Of Zimbabwe 798 Mertons, Arcadia 0083, Pretoria Tel: + 27 12 342 5125 Fax: +27 12 342 5126

Consulate of Zimbabwe 13A Boeing Road West, Bedfordview, Johannesburg 2007, P O Box 61736 Tel: +27 11 838 2156/7/8/9 Fax: +27 11 838 5620

Consulate Of Zimbabwe 55 Kuyper St, Zonnebloem 7925, Cape Town 8000, P.O. Box 5561 Tel: +27 21 4614710 Fax: +27 21 4614896

Sweden Embassy of Zimbabwe Herserudsvgen 5A, 7th floor. 181 34 Lidingö Box 3253 103 65 Stockholm Tel: +46 8 765 53 80 Fax: +46 8 21 91 32

Tanzania Embassy Of Zimbabwe 6th Floor New Life House, Sokaine Drive/Ohio St, PO Box 20762, Dar es Salaam Tel: +255 22 260 2930

United Kingdom High Commission Of Zimbabwe Zimbabwe House, 429 The Strand, London WC2R 0SA Tel: +44 20 7836 7755 Fax: +44 20 7379 1167 | +44 20 7836 7755

United States of America Ambassador Of Zimbabwe 1608 New Hampshire Ave NW, Washington DC 20009 Tel: +1 202 332 7100 Fax: +1 202 438 9326

Permanent Mission 128 East 56th Street, New York, NY 10022 Tel: +1 212 980 9511 Fax: +1 212 308 6705

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China Visa for UAE Residence

Everything You Need to Know About China Visa Requirements for […]

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Everything You Need to Know About China Visa Requirements for UAE Residents

Are you a UAE resident planning a trip to China? Navigating the visa requirements can often be a daunting task. But worry not, as we have got you covered! In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through everything you need to know about China visa requirements for UAE residents.

China is a popular destination for UAE residents, whether it’s for business or leisure. However, obtaining a visa can be confusing due to the various types and strict regulations. Our aim is to simplify the process for you, ensuring you have a hassle-free experience.

From the different types of visas available, such as tourist visas, business visas, and student visas, to the required documents and application procedures, we will provide you with all the essential information. Additionally, we will give you tips and recommendations to increase your chances of success when applying for a China visa.

Stay tuned as we break down the China visa requirements, step by step, to help you make the most of your travel plans. Whether you are visiting the bustling streets of Beijing or exploring the historical wonders of Xian, we’ve got you covered!

zimbabwe visit visa requirements for uae residents

Types of Visas for UAE Residents Visiting China

When applying for a China visa as a UAE resident, it is important to understand the different types of visas available. The most common types include tourist visas, business visas, and student visas.

  • Tourist Visas : If you plan to visit China for leisure purposes, such as sightseeing or visiting friends and family, you will need a tourist visa. This visa allows you to stay in China for a specified period, usually up to 30 days.
  • Business Visas : UAE residents traveling to China for business-related activities, such as attending conferences, meetings, or exploring potential business opportunities, will require a business visa. This visa allows you to engage in commercial activities during your stay.
  • Student Visas : UAE residents planning to study in China will need a student visa. This visa is issued to individuals who have been accepted by a Chinese educational institution and allows them to stay in the country for the duration of their studies.

Each type of visa has specific requirements and documentation. It is essential to determine the correct visa type based on the purpose of your visit to ensure a smooth application process.

zimbabwe visit visa requirements for uae residents

Documents Needed for a China Visa Application

To apply for a China visa as a UAE resident, you will need to gather several important documents. The specific requirements may vary depending on the visa type and individual circumstances, but here are the general documents needed for a China visa application:

  • Passport : Your original passport with at least six months of validity remaining and at least one blank visa page.
  • Visa Application Form : The completed and signed visa application form, which can be obtained from the Chinese embassy or consulate in the UAE or downloaded from their official website.
  • Passport-Sized Photo : One recent passport-sized photo with a white background. The photo should be clear and meet the specified dimensions and requirements.
  • Flight Itinerary : A copy of your flight itinerary showing your travel dates and details.
  • Hotel Reservation : Proof of hotel reservations or an invitation letter from your host in China, depending on the purpose of your visit.
  • Proof of Financial Means : Documents showing your financial ability to cover your expenses during your stay in China, such as bank statements or sponsorship letters.
  • Travel Insurance : Proof of travel insurance coverage for the duration of your stay in China.
  • Additional Documents : Additional documents may be required based on the purpose of your visit, such as an invitation letter from a Chinese company for business purposes or an acceptance letter from a Chinese educational institution for student visas.

It is important to note that the Chinese embassy or consulate may require additional documents or may have specific requirements for UAE residents. It is advisable to check their official website or contact them directly for the most up-to-date information before submitting your visa application.

zimbabwe visit visa requirements for uae residents

China Visa Application Process for UAE Residents

The China visa application process for UAE residents involves several steps. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you navigate the process smoothly:

  • Determine Visa Type : Identify the appropriate visa type based on the purpose of your visit to China.
  • Gather Required Documents : Collect all the necessary documents as outlined in the previous section.
  • Complete Visa Application Form : Fill out the visa application form accurately, ensuring all information is correct and matches your supporting documents.
  • Schedule an Appointment : Contact the Chinese embassy or consulate to schedule an appointment for submitting your visa application. Some locations may require online appointments, so make sure to check the specific requirements.
  • Submit Your Application : Attend your scheduled appointment and submit your visa application along with all the required documents.
  • Pay Visa Fees : Pay the applicable visa fees at the time of submitting your application. The fee amount may vary depending on the visa type and processing time.
  • Wait for Processing : Wait for your visa application to be processed. The processing time can vary, so it is recommended to apply well in advance of your intended travel date.
  • Collect Your Visa : Once your visa application has been approved, collect your passport with the issued visa from the Chinese embassy or consulate.
  • Check Visa Details : Before traveling, carefully review your visa to ensure all the details are accurate, including the validity dates and visa type.

It is important to note that the visa application process may take time, and it is advisable to apply well in advance of your intended travel dates to account for any potential delays.

zimbabwe visit visa requirements for uae residents

China Visa Fees and Processing Time

The fees for China visas vary depending on the visa type and processing time. It is important to check the official website of the Chinese embassy or consulate to determine the exact fee amount for your visa application.

The processing time for China visas also varies. Standard processing times can range from four to five working days, while express or urgent processing may be available for an additional fee, reducing the processing time to as little as one to three working days.

It is advisable to plan your visa application accordingly, taking into account the processing time and any potential delays that may occur.

Tips for a Successful China Visa Application

Applying for a China visa can be a complex process, but with these tips, you can increase your chances of a successful application:

  • Plan in Advance : Start the visa application process well in advance of your intended travel dates to allow for any potential delays or additional document requirements.
  • Double-Check Documents : Ensure all the required documents are complete, accurate, and meet the specific requirements outlined by the Chinese embassy or consulate.
  • Provide Supporting Documents : Include additional supporting documents, such as proof of ties to your home country, to demonstrate your intention to return after your visit to China.
  • Be Truthful and Consistent : Provide truthful and consistent information throughout your visa application. Any inconsistencies may raise red flags and lead to a visa refusal.
  • Follow Instructions : carefully read and follow all the instructions provided by the Chinese embassy or consulate to avoid any mistakes or omissions in your application.

By following these tips, you can increase your chances of a successful China visa application and ensure a smooth travel experience.

zimbabwe visit visa requirements for uae residents

Frequently Asked Questions About China Visa Requirements for UAE Residents

  • Can UAE residents apply for a China visa online? Currently, UAE residents are required to apply for a China visa in person at the Chinese embassy or consulate. Online visa application services may not be available.
  • Is a confirmed flight ticket required for a China visa application? A confirmed flight ticket is not always required for the initial visa application. However, you may be asked to provide flight details or a flight itinerary to demonstrate your travel plans.
  • Can UAE residents apply for a visa on arrival in China? UAE residents are not eligible for visa on arrival in China. A visa must be obtained prior to travel.
  • How long does a China visa allow UAE residents to stay in the country? The duration of stay allowed by a China visa for UAE residents depends on the visa type and is typically up to 30 days for tourist visas.
  • Can UAE residents extend their China visas while in the country? It is possible to extend certain types of China visas while in the country, but the process and requirements may vary. It is advisable to consult with the local authorities or a visa service provider for guidance on visa extensions.

These are just a few frequently asked questions about China visa requirements for UAE residents. For more specific information, it is recommended to consult the official website of the Chinese embassy or consulate or seek advice from a visa service provider.

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Visa Free Countries for UAE Residents [2024 Updated]

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If you hold a UAE passport, you can travel to 142 countries and territories worldwide without a visa. Without applying for a visa, you can bring your valid passport, ticket and other documents to plan the trip and experience diverse cultures in different countries. In this article, we will show you the latest list of visa-free countries for UAE residents.

visa requirement for uae passport holders

Visa Free Countries for UAE Residents in 2024

According to the Henry Passport Index, the UAE has established an international relationship that allows citizens to visit 142 countries without a visa in 2024. Here you can check the list of visa-free countries in Europe, Asia and America.

Visa-free Countries for UAE Residents in Europe

In Europe, many countries do not require UAE residents to obtain a visa when they want to travel for a certain period of time. Here you can check the list below:


List of visa-free countries for UAE residents in Asia

In Asia, many countries welcome UAE residents to travel without a visa. This is the list of visa-free countries in Asia.


  • Kazakhstan 
  • Philippines
  • South Korea

List of visa-free countries for UAE residents in the Americas

In America, when UAE residents want to travel to the following countries, they don’t need to apply for a visa in advance. Here you can check the list of visa-free countries in the Americas.


Visa Free Countries for UAE Residents with Indian Passports

If you are a resident of the UAE and hold an Indian passport, you can visit these following visa-free countries. The list of visa-free countries is as follows:

Visa Free Countries for UAE Residents with Pakistani Passports

If you are a Pakistani expat living in the UAE with a valid Pakistani passport, you can visit some countries that are not required to obtain a visa. It is recommended that you double-check with the embassy or consulate of the country you plan to visit before you travel, as visa-free countries can change frequently. Also, make sure you renew the Pakistani passport in time if it’s about to expire.

Visa-free countries for UAE residents with Philippine passports

If UAE residents with a Philippine passport, they can travel to visa-free countries below. Here you can check the list of visa-free countries in 2024.

  • Antigua and Barbuda
  • Cook Islands
  • Ivory Coast
  • Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

Visa on Arrival Countries for UAE Residents

If UAE residents want to travel to these countries, you are required to obtain a visa on arrival, which can be a convenient way to save time and money. Here you can check the list below.

Visa-On-Arrival Countries for UAE Residents with Indian Passports

If you hold an Indian passport, you can travel to these countries by applying for e-visas online. Here you can check the list below.

Visa-On-Arrival Countries for UAE Residents with Pakistani Passports

If a resident of the UAE holds a Pakistani passport, you can obtain a visa on arrival when you travel to the following countries instead of applying for a visa at an embassy or consulate.

Travel Documents Require for UAE Residents

Before you travel to visa-free or visa-on-arrival countries, you need to prepare some required documents. Here are some general and necessary documents:

uae passport

  • A valid Passport 
  • Emirates ID 
  • Proof of Travel Ticket
  • Proof of Accommodation certificate 
  • Travel Insurance 
  • Yellow fever vaccination certificate (if required)
  • If you are visiting visa-on-arrival countries, you also need to obtain a visa application form and visa fees.

However, the specific documents will vary depending on the country of travel and your nationality. It is better for you to prepare specific documents in advance.

What Are the Differences between UAE Residents and UAE Citizens?

Both Citizenship by Investment (CBI) and Residence by Investment (RBI) provide a legal pathway for foreign investors and their families to live in another country. However, there are some differences between UAE residents and UAE citizens.

  • If you are a temporary or permanent resident, you cannot apply for a passport. However, if you are a UAE citizen, you have the right to apply for a passport.
  • Citizenship is a permanent status, so you can keep your UAE citizenship for life and it can be inherited by future generations. However, temporary or permanent residence cannot be passed down to the next generation.

Tips for Visa Free Travel for UAE Residents

When traveling to visa-free or visa-on-arrival countries as a resident of the UAE, you can check out the following tips to have a safe trip. 

  • Check Entry Requirements: Before planning your trip, you should check and prepare specific entry requirements for your chosen destination. 
  • Check the passport’s validity: You must make sure that your passport has over 6 months validity. Your passport should have sufficient blank pages for entry and exit stamps. 
  • Book your ticket and hotel: You must show proof of onward travel and accommodation confirmation when crossing the border.
  • Prepare enough money: You should prepare enough money to cover expenses in other countries. It is suggested to notify your bank about your travel plans to avoid any issues when you use your cards abroad. 
  • Download maps and translation apps: It is recommended that you download maps and translation apps in advance to avoid limited internet connectivity.
  • Know some basic phrases in the local language, such as “Hello” or “Thank you.” This can show respect for the culture.
  • Mandatory vaccinations: You need to check if you need to prepare for mandatory vaccinations when you enter other countries.
  • Know the basic emergency number and embassy number if you need help in other countries.
  • If you are visiting a visa-on-arrival country, you should prepare the required documents and potential fees.

🔥 Can UAE residents travel to the USA without a visa?

No. United Arab Emirates residents should apply for a visa before traveling to the United States, regardless of immigration or nonimmigrant purposes.

🔥Is Germany visa-free for UAE residents?

Yes. UAE residents do not require a visa to enter Germany as they can stay in the country for 90 days in any 180-day period. 

It is important to know if you need a visa before traveling to other countries. If yes, you must prepare all the necessary entry documents and visas to cross the border. Don’t forget to check your passport validity before you travel, because some countries may reject your entry if your passport is valid for less than 6 months.

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Before you fly

UAE Visa Information

There may still be COVID-19 travel restrictions in some countries. Check our COVID-19 hub before you travel.

Do I need a visa for the UAE?

You’ll find information about visas below. Use our quick visa search tool to see if you need a visa and the passport requirements for visiting the UAE.

UAE visa on arrival

Preapproved uae visas, prearranged uae visas, sponsoring someone to visit the uae, contact information, 30-day visit eligibility.

If you are a passport holder of the below country or territory, no advance visa arrangements are required to visit the UAE. Simply disembark your flight at Dubai International and proceed to immigration, where your passport will be stamped with a 30-day visit visa free of charge.

90-day visit eligibility

If you are a passport holder of one of the below countries or territories, your passport will be stamped with a multiple entry 90-day visit visa that's valid for 6 months from the date of issue, and for a stay of 90 days in total. Citizens of the below European countries are also entitled to apply for a pre-arranged visit visa if their 90-day visa on arrival has been fully utilized.

180-day visit eligibility

If you hold a Mexican passport you’re eligible for a multiple entry 180-day visit visa that's valid for 6 months from the date of issue, and for a stay of 180 days in total.

Dubai immigration procedures

As an added security measure, Immigration Authorities at Dubai International are now conducting random eye screening for visitors to Dubai.

Visitors asked to proceed for eye screening are required to present a hard copy of their visa or a printed version of the visa number confirmation page at the screening counter. If you do not have a copy with you, a charge of AED 30 per copy applies - payable only in AED.

Important information

Before you travel to the UAE, please check your visa requirements and make sure you have a valid visa if needed, or if your passport needs to be valid for 6 months. Holders of non-standard passports and travel documents may also have different entry requirements: find out if you need to apply for a visa and other passport requirements.

As of 29 April 2016, GCC residence permit holders will need to apply for a UAE visa before arriving in Dubai.

New visit entry permit to the UAE for Indian nationals

From 7 January 2024, eligible Indian nationals with a normal passport valid for a minimum of six months can obtain a single entry, 14-day visa on arrival. A fee of USD 63 applies.


  • Indian passport holder with USA visa valid for a minimum of six months
  • Indian passport holder with USA green card valid for a minimum of six months
  • Indian passport holder with UK residence card valid for a minimum of six months
  • Indian passport holder with EU residence card from the following countries valid for a minimum of six months

How and where to apply for a pre-approved UAE visa

Eligible Indian nationals can apply for their UAE entry permit on through Manage your booking .

  • For Extension, Original passport and ticket copy required.
  • Extensions can be made at the airport office only.

Required applicant documents.

  • Colour photograph of applicant
  • Colour copy of applicant's passport. The passport must be valid for at least six months
  • You can download the application form (available at all Emirates Ticketing Offices) in  Arabic (Opens a PDF in a new tab)  or English (Opens a PDF in a new tab)  depending on the applicant’s nationality.
  • A copy of your Emirates Airline ticket, or codeshare flight that starts with the code “EK”, and the ticket number should start with “176”.
  • Proof of relationship if applying for family member - birth certificate, marriage certificate and family book
  • All Documents to be submitted as hard copy
  • Additional documents may be required by the authorities.

Additional documents are required for visitors of some countries

Additional documents may be required, depending on your country of residence. Please use our visa search tool above or visit our visa requirements page for more information.

Rules and conditions

  • Sponsor or applicant will be responsible for a visitor overstay and overstay fines.
  • A Refundable deposit of AED 1000 for friend. Sponsor must claim the deposit within a maximum of 2 years from the application submission date.
  • Refund of visa fee before processing of an application, AED 50 will be deducted on refund process.
  • Visa fees must be paid upon application.
  • Additional visa processing fees may apply.
  • Visa fees are non-refundable.
  • The ticket is non-refundable if the visa has been issued and utilized.
  • Visa processing time is approximately 3 to 4 working days.
  • Entry into the UAE is subject to immigration approval.
  • All visas are valid to enter Dubai for 60 days from the date of issue, except the 96-hour and 48-hour visas, which are valid for 30 days from the date of issue.

How and where to apply for your prearranged UAE visa

  • Apply online through Manage your booking
  • 48-hour and 96-hour transit visas are valid for travel with Emirates tickets outbound from Dubai. You can only apply for a transit visa online or at the Emirates Commercial Visa APT office at Dubai International airport Terminal 3.

Apply online

Nationals of countries requiring a prearranged UAE visa can now apply and pay for their visas online through

If you are travelling to or stopping over in Dubai with Emirates, you can submit an application and receive your UAE visa entirely online – without having to submit your passport for stamping. You can apply for your UAE visa through our Manage your booking after you book your Emirates flight. VFS processing fees apply. For more information please visit VFS Global.

The online visa application service is available for residents and nationals of many countries around the world. Find out if you can apply for a UAE visa. Applicants' passports must have at least six months' validity as of their date of travel to Dubai, and must be machine readable passports – handwritten passports are not accepted.

This service is only available to passengers with a confirmed Emirates booking where an Emirates ticket has already been issued and the flight itinerary already includes the desired time in Dubai. The itinerary into and out of Dubai should be on one ticket (PNR), and these flights must be Emirates flights. Note that any itineraries including any flights to or from Dubai on other carriers are not eligible for the online visa service.

A minimum of four international working days prior to arrival in Dubai is required, however Emirates does recommend that online applications are made as early as possible.

Apply in the UAE

If you have a family member or near relative who is a UAE resident, they can apply for a visa on your behalf at any of our ticketing offices in the UAE. Please note that this service is only available to residents of the UAE.

Download the prearranged visa application form

Get started on your prearranged visa application by downloading and filling out the form.

Required applicant documents:

  • A colour passport photograph
  • A colour copy of your passport (must be valid for six months)
  • The visa application form

Required sponsor documents:

Minimum salary required, download the sponsorship application form.

Get started on your sponsorship application by downloading and filling out the form.

Visa and sponsorship applications can be submitted to:

Abu Dhabi Emirates Ticketing Office: Al Sawari Tower C, Corniche Road, Abu Dhabi, UAE. Visa Services: Monday to Thursday (8:30am to 5pm) Friday (8:30am to 4:30pm) Closed on Saturday, Sunday, and public holidays.

Ajman Emirates Ticketing Office Escape Tower, Sheikh Rashid Bin Humaid Street Visa Services: Monday to Saturday (9am to 8pm) Closed on Sunday and public holidays

Al Ain Emirates Ticketing Office Commercial Complex, Sheikh Khalifa Street Visa Services: Monday to Friday (8:30am to 6pm) and Saturday (8:30am to 5:30pm) Closed on Sunday and public holidays

Dubai International: Terminal 3 Arrivals Phone: 04 504 7300 E-mail: [email protected] Visa Services: Monday to Friday (7am to 7pm) and Saturday (9am to 4pm) Closed on Sunday and public holidays

Emirates Ticketing Office: Emirates Group Technology Centre, Ground Floor Entrance B, Al Ittihad Road, near Clock Tower, Deira Visa Services: Monday to Saturday (10am to 4pm) Closed on Sunday and public holidays

Emirates Ticketing Office: Town Centre, Jumeirah Visa Services: Daily from (10am to 4pm)

VFS Global Services GCC VASCO Worldwide 2nd floor, WAFI Mall, Level 2, Falcon Phase 2, Umm Hurair 2, Dubai, UAE

Sharjah Emirates Ticketing Office: Crystal Plaza, Buhaira Corniche Visa Services: Monday to Saturday (9am to 7pm) Closed on Sunday and public holidays

  • Before You Fly
  • Visa and Passport
  • UAE visa information

Dubai Visa For Zimbabwe Passport Holder Living In Zimbabwe

You will get complete information about the Dubai visa from Zimbabwe procedures along with essential details like the documents needed to visit Dubai and the types of visas issued. To obtain a Dubai visa, citizens must apply with the required documents, including a valid passport, completed application form, travel itinerary, and proof of financial means. The visa application can be made through authorised travel agencies like Dubaievisaonline . The visa fees and processing time may vary based on the type of visa and the duration of stay desired. It is essential to comply with the visa regulations and ensure a smooth and legal entry into Dubai. Dubai offers various visa types, including tourist, business, and transit visas, with prices varying based on the duration and objective of the visit. You can check out the table below

Document Requirement for Dubai Visa

While Applying for the Dubai Visa Application Keep following document ready.

  • Copy Of Zimbabwe Passport Bio Page. A clear copy with at least 6 months remaining validity
  • 1 Photograph each applicant needs to submit a clear color photograph of themselves. Black and white photographs will not be accepted.
  • Hotel booking Details (If you are staying with your family member or with relatives, friends you can share his/her Emirates ID)
  • Flight booking both sided. (We always recommend to book your flight once your visa gets approved.)

Dubai Visa Check list

  • Passport must have 6 month validity
  • Passport must have atleast 4 blank pages
  • Tourist Visa
  • Transit Visa

Dubai Visa for Zimbabwean Citizens in 2024

The Dubai visa for Zimbabwean citizens in 2024 , including a Dubai visit visa for Zimbabwean citizens , allows them to visit and remain in Dubai, one of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) emirates. Zimbabwean citizens can apply for various visa types, including tourist, business, transit, and long-term residency visas. The application process for Dubai e-visas for Zimbabweans, including the Dubai visa process from Zimbabwe, involves submitting the required documents and paying the applicable fees. These documents typically include a valid passport, a completed application form, photographs, proof of travel itinerary, accommodation details, proof of financial means, and any additional supporting documents. The processing time and visa fees for Dubai visa for Zimbabweans vary depending on the visa type and duration of stay. It is essential for Zimbabwean travellers to stay informed about the latest Dubai visa from Zimbabwe requirements by consulting the UAE embassy or consulate for accurate and up-to-date information. Explore Dubai with unforgettable holiday packages from Zimbabwe, immersing yourself in luxury and culture. Dubai holiday packages from Zimbabwe.

What are the required documents for a Dubai visa for Zimbabwean citizens?

The required documents and Dubai visa requirements for Zimbabwean citizens generally include the following:

  • Valid Passport: A passport that will still be valid at least six months after the scheduled travel dates.
  • Online Visa Application Form: A completed visa application form, including the Dubai online visa for Zimbabwean citizens , can be obtained from Dubaievisaonline and filled out online.    
  • Passport-sized Photographs: Recent colour photographs adhering to the specified size and format requirements.    
  • Travel Itinerary: Proof of travel arrangements, including flight bookings or itinerary details.    
  • Accommodation Details: Proof of hotel reservations or a letter of invitation from a host in Dubai, depending on the purpose of the visit.    
  • Financial Means: Documentation demonstrating sufficient financial means to pay for the costs associated with the Dubai visit, such as bank statements, income tax returns, or sponsorship letters, if applicable.    
  • Supporting Documents: Additional documents may be required based on the type of visa being applied for. For example, business visas may require a letter of invitation from a company in Dubai, while long-term residency visas may necessitate medical certificates or proof of educational qualifications. And also, if you have any relatives in the UAE, you must submit their Emirates ID.   

For comprehensive requirements to travel to Dubai from Zimbabwe, ensure you meet these criteria and follow the steps for a smooth and successful visa application process.

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How to Apply for a Dubai visa from Zimbabwe?  

If you're a Zimbabwean citizen planning a trip to the dazzling city of Dubai, understanding the process of obtaining a visa is crucial. Navigating the world of visas can seem complex, but with the convenience of modern technology, applying for a Dubai visa has become more accessible than ever. This guide will walk you through the steps to apply for a Dubai visa online from Zimbabwe, including the option to Dubai visit visa apply online from Zimbabwe , ensuring a smooth and well-informed application process for your journey to Dubai's vibrant culture, stunning attractions, and exciting experiences. Also, we will navigate you through the step-by-step process of how to get a Dubai visa from Zimbabwe  via Dubaievisaonline , ensuring you have all the necessary information to make your travel dreams a reality.

  • Visit the site Dubaievisaonline .     
  • In the column of citizen country, search for your resident country where you currently live.     
  • Then, find your home country in the Living Nation column and click to apply for a Dubai E visa.     
  • You will be taken to a webpage listing different visa classes, durations, and costs.     
  • To complete the Dubai visa application form, select the visa type and duration, click "PROCEED TO APPLY", complete the application form, and submit the supporting documentation.     
  • Paying is simple with Net Banking, credit/debit cards, etc.     
  • An email containing the application ID will be sent to you as a confirmation after you complete the payment.  
  • Your application will be processed for a tourist visa in 3–4 days and 7–10 days for a transit visa.   
  • Following these simple procedures, including a Dubai visa check for Zimbabwean , you can check the status of your e-visa online through the portal and download it after it has been granted.
  • Please wait to purchase your flights till the visa is generated and authorised.    

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Types of Dubai Visa for Zimbabwean Nationals   

Zimbabwean nationals can apply for various types of visas to visit or reside in Dubai. Here are some common types of visas available for Zimbabwean citizens:    

1. Tourist Visa

The " Dubai tourist visa from Zimbabwe ," including the option for Dubai 5-year multiple visas for Zimbabwean, pertains to the cost associated with obtaining a Dubai tourist visa for Zimbabwean citizens, allowing them entry into Dubai for leisure purposes. Zimbabwean citizens seeking to visit Dubai, as part of the Dubai tourist visa requirements for Zimbabwean nationals, must fulfil conditions such as a valid passport, completed visa application form, passport-sized photographs, and proof of travel itinerary.

The Dubai tourist visa price in Zimbabwe can vary, contingent upon factors like visa duration and type, including options like the Dubai 5-year multiple visa for Zimbabwean. Checking with the UAE embassy or consulate in Zimbabwe or reputable visa services ensures up-to-date information on Dubai tourist visa fees for Zimbabwean citizens , facilitating a seamless process to explore Dubai's diverse attractions, culture, and experiences.

2. Visit Visa

The visit visa is suitable for Zimbabweans who plan to visit Dubai for a longer duration, such as to visit family or friends, with the Dubai visit visa cost from Zimbabwe varying based on the type and duration. Visit visas can be issued for different durations, such as 30 and 60 days, and extended through Dubaievisaonline before expiry, allowing a chance to experience Dubai's attractions and culture. Applying for a Dubai visit visa from Zimbabwe to experience the vibrant city's attractions and culture. The Dubai visit visa requirements for Zimbabwean citizens typically include a valid passport, a completed visa application form, passport-sized photographs, proof of travel itinerary, accommodation details, proof of financial means, and any additional documents based on the type of visa.

3. Transit Visa

The " Emirates visa for Zimbabweans " is a temporary entry permit that allows travellers from Zimbabwe who have layovers in Dubai while on Dubai flights from Zimbabwe to briefly exit the airport and explore the city during their stopover. This type of visa, often referred to as a " Dubai transit visa for Zimbabweans citizens ," is typically valid for a short period, usually ranging from 48 to 96 hours (2 to 4 days), and is a convenient option for those who want to experience a taste of Dubai's attractions and culture before continuing their journey. Eligible travellers can seek sponsorship from the airline operating their Dubai flights from Zimbabwe or specific hotel establishments to obtain this visa. The application process usually involves providing necessary documents such as flight itineraries, passport copies, and potentially booking accommodations through the sponsoring hotel. While a fee is associated with the transit visa, it offers a valuable opportunity for Zimbabwean citizens to explore Dubai's renowned landmarks, shopping, and cuisine during their layovers, making their travel experience more diverse and memorable.

3. Employment Visa

If you have secured a job in Dubai, your employer can sponsor your employment visa, including a Dubai work visa for Zimbabweans . This type of visa, known as an Jobs for Zimbabweans in Dubai , allows you to live and work in Dubai for the duration specified on the visa. Employment visas are typically valid for a few years and can be renewed by your employer before they expire. The Dubai work visa price in Zimbabwe can vary based on the type and duration of the visa; check with Dubaievisaonline for accurate and up-to-date information. Dubaievisaonline not only offers visa services but also serves as a valuable resource for exploring potential Dubai jobs for Zimbabweans. Navigating the Dubai work visa requirements for Zimbabweans is a crucial step towards unlocking exciting professional opportunities in this dynamic city.

4. Residence Visa

Applying for a resident visa, including a Dubai residence visa for Zimbabweans , is possible once you obtain an employment visa. This visa allows you to reside in Dubai for an extended period of time. Residence visas require sponsorship from a Dubai-based employer or family member who is a UAE resident. They are typically valid for one to three years and can be renewed before they expire.

5. Student Visa

Zimbabwean students enrolled in educational institutions in Dubai can apply for a student visa, including a Dubai student visa for Zimbabwe . The educational institution usually sponsors these visas, which are valid for the duration of the study programme. They can be renewed if the student remains enrolled in the educational institution.

6. Investor/Partner Visa

Suppose you are investing in a business in Dubai or partnering with a UAE national, including a Dubai investor visa for Zimbabweans . In that case, you might be eligible for an investor or partner visa.

7. Golden Visa

The Dubai Golden Visa for Zimbabwean citizens is a unique long-term residency programme that allows eligible individuals from Zimbabwe to live, work, and study in Dubai for an extended period. This initiative attracts investors, skilled professionals, and exceptional talents to contribute to Dubai's economic growth and development. The Dubai Golden Visa offers various categories, including business investors, entrepreneurs, and outstanding students. This programme provides a pathway to obtain a long-term residency permit, offering stability and access to Dubai's world-class amenities. The Dubai Golden Tourist Visa for Zimbabwean citizens extends this programme, allowing eligible tourists to experience the city's offerings over an extended stay.

To extend or renew visas in Dubai, the process and requirements may vary depending on the type of visa. It is recommended to contact Dubaievisaonline or visit our website for detailed information and guidance on extending or renewing visas for Zimbabwean nationals in Dubai. They will provide you with the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding the specific requirements and procedures for each type of visa.    

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Dubai Visa Fee from Zimbabwe 2024

Dubai Visa Price for Zimbabwean vary depending on the type and duration of the visa. The prices ranged from approximately USD 80 to USD 160 for short-term visas, such as tourist or business visas, with a validity period of 30 or 60 days. When considering a trip to Dubai, it's essential to be well-informed about the Dubai visa price from Zimbabwe. As Zimbabwean citizens plan their travel, understanding the cost of a Dubai visa becomes crucial in their preparations. The Dubai visa cost for Zimbabweans, often referred to as the Dubai visa fee for Zimbabweans , can vary depending on the type of visa and the duration of stay. It's advisable to research and compare the options available, as the Dubai visit visa price in Zimbabwe in 2024 might differ based on factors such as the purpose of the visit and the desired length of stay. By knowing the cost of Dubai visa requirements for Zimbabweans and planning accordingly, travellers can make informed decisions and ensure a smooth and enjoyable visit to the vibrant city of Dubai. However, these figures are approximate and subject to change.

Extension of Dubai Visa for Zimbabwe Citizens

As an Zimbabwean citizen, if you are currently in Dubai and wish to extend your visa, including a Dubai visa application to Zimbabwe , you might request a visa extension. The process involves submitting an application to the Dubaievisaonline, meeting the eligibility criteria, and providing the required documents. Check out below all the information about how to apply, fees, and types of extension of Dubai Visa:

How to Apply for an Extension of Dubai Visa for Zimbabwe Citizens       

The steps for the visa extension are listed below:       

  • Visit Dubaievisaonline
  • After deciding on your citizenship and place of residence, click the "Apply for Dubai visa" button.  
  • Click the "Proceed to apply" button after selecting the Dubai 30-day tourist visa extension option.  
  • Next, complete the form for applying for a Dubai visa.  
  • Pay the visa fees after completing the application.  

Once you have applied for your visa, you may also check the status of your Dubai visa online.   

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Fees for Extension of Dubai Visa for Zimbabwe Passport Holders     

The Dubai Visa Extension of entry permit (for tourism) is 600 AED. This includes the request fee of 100 AED and the Issuance fee of 500 AED. You'll have to use a Credit card as the Payment method. The duration of a tourist visa depends upon your visa type. You may opt for a single-entry or multiple-entry visa in Dubai. According to the new rules, a single-entry visa stays valid for 60 days and can be extended for another 30 days.    

Types for Extending of Dubai Visa

Dubai offers various types of visa extensions to accommodate different situations and purposes of stay:

1. Dubai Visa Change at Airport   

The best option to extend your Dubai UAE visa while travelling is through an airport-to-airport visa change (A2A). This package from Dubaievisaonline will assist you in extending your visa by taking a flight from the UAE to a neighbouring nation. How is the A2A procedure carried out? When your visa is available, you will leave the airport and go to a different country, such as Muscat, Bahrain, Kuwait, or Saudi Arabia. You will return on the same flight. When you return, we will provide you with a 30- or 60-day visit visa to dubai from zimbabwe.

2. Dubai Visa change inside Dubai without exiting the country  

Now Dubaievisaonline has introduced a new visa extension inside the country package. The prices for the 30 days and 60 days packages are quite reasonable. They should submit their paperwork 2-3 days before the applicant's last day. You can accomplish this while sitting at home. The candidate won't have to leave the nation. The 60-day inside-country visa extension has replaced the earlier 90-day inside-country visa extension.    

Tourists already in Dubai can extend or change their visas, including a Dubai visa on arrival for Zimbabwean Citizens . A person having a tourist or visit visa may extend it without leaving. Dubaievisaonline will provide visa change without exit for tourist visa holders and on-arrival nationalities. On arrival, Nationalities can avail of pre-approved UAE tourist visas. Please talk to our visa expert for more information.  

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3. Obtain An Exit And Entry Stamp

This renewal method requires you to reach the border of Dubai by road. The border control board will give you an exit stamp for sixty AED. You will also be given a ticket that you have to save for future needs.    

You must return to the Dubai migration office and reestablish your visa alongside a section stamp. In this strategy, one must contribute roughly three or four hours to recharge a Dubai visa. 

Urgent Processing Time Options

In certain situations where someone needs an urgent visa, Dubai E Visa Online provides visas in the following ways-Standardl Processing- This is a simple processing time for giving a visa with a duration of 3-4 days. 

  • Urgent Processing:  In cases of urgency, a person can apply for the visa and get it in 7-8 hours.
  • Super Urgent Processing: This processing visa takes 3-4 hours. 

Grace Period for Dubai Visa for Zimbabwean Nationals   

The grace period for Dubai visas for Zimbabwean nationals refers to the additional time granted to individuals after their visa has expired. It allows them to stay in Dubai legally for a certain period without incurring any penalties or legal consequences. However, it's important to note that the availability and duration of the grace period can vary depending on the specific visa type and the policies set by the UAE authorities.  

Further Read: Dubai Visa for Cameroon Passport Holder Living In Cameroon

Overstaying Fines for Dubai Visa for Zimbabwean Citizens   

1. tourist visa and visit visa overstay fines   .

If you are on a tourist or a visit visa and overstayed, you will be fined a particular exit fee that must be paid at the immigration offices or the airport. Tourists and visit visa holders have a grace period of 10 days. Until the 10th day, you can leave the country without paying any fines. If a tourist overstays beyond the grace period, you will start to incur penalties that gradually increase as the overstay increases:   

  • First day of overstay: AED 200    
  • AED 50 each consecutive day     
  • AED 100 as service fees.    

2. Overstay fines for UAE Residence Visa

If you are on a UAE residence visa or an employment visa and your visa is cancelled or expired, you have 30 days grace period after visa expiry or cancellation to either amend your status and get another residence visa or leave the country. During the grace period of 30 days, you will not incur any fines. You will be penalised if you continue to overstay after the grace period:   

  • For the first day, 125 AED.    
  • 50 AED for each additional day.    
  • AED 50 per day following a six-month overstay.    
  • After a year of overstaying AED 100 each day.

Zimbabwe  to Dubai flights

The best way to ''visit Dubai from Zimbabwe is by Flight''. The easiest and cheapest way is to fly. However, one can also get to Dubai from Zimbabwe by car or bus. It will take longer than the Flight. Hence, travel by Flight is recommended in matters of cost and time. However, it takes 2 hours by ''Flight to reach Dubai from Zimbabwe''. Embark on an unforgettable journey by traveling to Dubai from Zimbabwe , and experience the wonders of this vibrant city.

Dubai Embassy in Zimbabwe

The Dubai Embassy in Zimbabwe is a vital diplomatic link between the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Zimbabwe. This embassy plays a crucial role in fostering solid bilateral relations, facilitating trade, promoting cultural exchanges, and assisting citizens with various services, including visa applications, Dubai visa applications from Zimbabwe , and consular matters. The embassy serves as a gateway for Zimbabwean citizens seeking to travel, work, or engage in various activities in Dubai and the wider UAE region. Whether for tourism, business, or other purposes, the Dubai Embassy provides information and guidance on the Dubai visa application form from Zimbabwe , ensuring a smooth and well-informed visa application process.

In conclusion, obtaining a Dubai visa for Zimbabwean passport holder, including an Abu Dhabi visa for Zimbabwean , is a vital aspect of planning a visit to the dynamic city of Dubai. The Dubai visa from Zimbabwe serves as the gateway for Zimbabwean citizens to explore the opportunities, experiences, and cultural richness Dubai offers. Navigating the Dubai visa requirements for Zimbabweans in 2024 involves understanding the various visa types available, such as tourist, business, transit, and long-term residency visas. By adhering to the necessary documentation, completing the application process, and paying the applicable fees, Zimbabwean citizens can confidently embark on their Dubai journey. Staying informed about the latest updates and guidelines through reliable sources like the UAE embassy or consulate ensures a seamless and enjoyable travel experience. Whether for leisure, business, or exploration, the Dubai visa for Zimbabwean citizens stands as a pivotal bridge connecting two distinct worlds, fostering international connections and enriching cross-cultural interactions.

1. Dubai Visa For US Green Card Holders In 2024 2. Full Guide To Skype And Whatsapp In Dubai 3. All About Dubai Visa For Qatar Residents 4. Track Dubai e Visa Status Online   5. Dubai Visa For Ghana Citizenship & How To Apply for Dubai Visa 6. Dubai Visa for Uganda passport holder living in Uganda in 2024

Frequently Asked Question for - Dubai Visa

What is the fees of single entry and multiple entry dubai visa for zimbabwe citizens.

The price of a Dubai visa for Zimbabwe citizens for different visa types is mentioned below: For a 96-hours transit Dubai visa- USD 151. For 30 days single entry Dubai visa- USD 166 . For 30 days multiple entry Dubai visa- USD 476.

How will I get my Dubai visa if I apply online?

After you submit your Dubai visa application and it has been approved, you will receive it via your email.

Do I need to print my Dubai visa?

Yes, you are required to take a print out of your Dubai visa and produce it at immigration along with your original passport.

is medical certificate necessary to apply for Dubai visa from Zimbabwe?

Those who are travelling to Dubai from Zimbabwe  and are not vaccinated against COVID-19, can either present a valid, negative result of an RT-PCR test conducted within 48 hours before arrival, or present a recovery certificate (containing a QR code) from COVID-19 issued within 30 days before departure, if they were previously infected with the virus.

How long does it take to obtain an emergency Dubai visa from Zimbabwe?

Once you have submitted your Dubai visa and it has been approved, Zimbabwe citizens can receive their visa quickly if they are in an urgency, by opting for the urgent visa services when applying for Dubai visa . The urgent visa services available are:

  • Express service: 24-48 business hours
  • Urgent service: 7-8 business hours
  • Super urgent service: 3-4 business hours

The Embassy/Consulate may delay the processing time due to the request for additional documents, local holidays or festivals that occurred between the processing of visas without any further explanation. Kindly note that approval of urgent visa types is subject to immigration. 

Does Zimbabweans need visa for Dubai?

Citizens of Zimbabwe do require a visa to enter Dubai and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) for tourism and other purposes. Zimbabwean citizens need to obtain a visa before traveling to Dubai.

How much is a visa from Zimbabwe to Dubai?

The cost of the Zimbabwe Visa fee is 166 AED for the single-entry Visa and 476 AED for the double-entry Visa . Citizens from different nationalities can be eligible to apply for this travel document.

What are the documents needed for a Dubai visa to be a citizen of Zimbabwe?

For Zimbabwean citizens applying for a Dubai visa through Dubaievisaonline, generally required documents include a scanned copy of the passport's bio page, a passport-sized photo with a white background, a confirmed flight itinerary, proof of accommodation (such as a hotel reservation), evidence of financial means (like bank statements), and a completed visa application form.

How to apply for a Dubai Visa online for Zimbabwe citizens?

To apply for a Dubai Visa online as a Zimbabwean citizen through Dubaievisaonline, visit their website and select your nationality. Choose the type of visa you need, complete the online application form, upload required documents, and make the payment. Once approved, you'll receive your Dubai Visa via email, making the process simple and convenient.

Can I get a Dubai visa on arrival as a Zimbabwe citizen?

Citizens of Zimbabwe were not eligible for a visa on arrival in Dubai or the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

What if my Dubai visa for Zimbabwe citizens is approved but I changed my mind, can I get a refund?

It can vary based on the terms and conditions of the specific service provider. Generally, once a visa application is approved and processed, the visa processing fees are non-refundable, even if you change your mind or your travel plans change.

Can an Zimbabwe citizen work with a Dubai online e-visa?

An online e-visa for Dubai is generally intended for short-term visits such as tourism or business meetings. It might not grant the right to work in Dubai. If an Zimbabwean citizen intends to work in Dubai, they typically need a proper employment visa, which is sponsored by an employer in Dubai. And if you apply with our website, then your sponsor will be Dubaievisaonline.

What happens if an Zimbabwe citizen overstays their online e-visa in Dubai?

If a Zimbabwean citizen overstays their online e-visa in Dubai, they could face fines, penalties, and potential legal consequences. Daily fines accumulate for each day of overstay, and authorities may detain and deport the individual. It's important to adhere to visa regulations and contact authorities if facing an overstay situation.

How much air ticket from Zimbabwe to Dubai?

Flight prices between Zimbabwe and Dubai can vary widely based on factors such as the airline you choose, the time of booking, the class of travel, and specific travel dates. The average price for a cheap flights from Zimbabwe to Dubai could range from around AED 1,014, depending on these variables.


  • We have a 100% Visa Approval Ratio which is the highest rate across all the travel agencies, making us more reliable.
  • We process all the visa applications within just 24-48 working hours and hence providing a speedy visa service.
  • We also work on holidays, that is, on Fridays and Saturdays whereas most of the travel agencies do not provide support on the weekend.
  • An email notification regarding each and every step of the process that your visa is going through will be sent over to you via email.
  • If you apply with us then you need not have any other sponsor. We stand as your sponsor and you will get your visa without having to go through any hassle.
  • We don't need your hotel booking reservation for visa processing. Once your visa gets approved then you can book and share the information with us.
  • No need for both sided confirm flight ticket in order to book your visa. You can book your flight once your visa gets approved and the same can be shared with us.
  • An overall easy and comfortable process.


  1. Visa Requirements ZIMBABWE

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  2. Victoria Falls Zimbabwe

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  3. Apply for a Visa in a Few Clicks!

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  4. Zimbabwe Visa Requirements

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  5. United Arab Emirates Visa For Zimbabwean Citizens In 2024

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  6. All About Visas: How to Know If A Country Requires You a Travel Visa

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  2. Zimbabwe Announces Visa Banned On U.S Citizens

  3. South Africa is ready to build Airports, Railways and ultramodern infrastructures in Ghana


  1. eVisa Zimbabwe

    Business Visa is issued to foreigners traveling to Zimbabwe for business related purposes such as consultancy or to offer services . It may be granted for a period 30 (thirty) days and is non renewable. A Conference Visa is issued to foreigners travelling to Zimbabwe for purposes of attending a Conference, Seminar or Workshop. It may be granted ...

  2. Zimbabwe tourist visa for UAE citizens in 2024

    UAE citizens can apply for a visa on arrival when travelling to Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe Visa on arrival is available on arrival for UAE citizens. With this tourist visa stay is usually short with a period of 30 days and visa expires in 90 days. Applicant is required to be present when applying for Zimbabwe visa on arrival. A total of 3 documents are required for applying Zimbabwe visa on arrival ...

  3. Zimbabwe Visa

    Zimbabwe visas for for citizens of United Arab Emirates are electronic. ... Apply for a visa Developer API Check visa requirements Customs Information Embassies and Consulates Schengen Information ... Office 605, DAMAC Executive Bay Towers, Tower B, Business Bay, Dubai . View on Map. Monday — Friday 9 am - 6 pm. Local: +971 4 375 0400 Local ...

  4. Zimbabwe International Travel Information

    Call us in Washington, D.C. at 1-888-407-4747 (toll-free in the United States and Canada) or 1-202-501-4444 (from all other countries) from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Friday (except U.S. federal holidays). See the State Department's travel website for the Worldwide Caution and Travel Advisories.

  5. Zimbabwean Tourist Visa Requirements for Emirati Nationals and

    Zimbabwean tourist visa for Emirati nationals and permanent residents in United Arab Emirates can be granted to a foreigner who does not have a residence or occupation in Zimbabwe and whose sole objective of visiting Zimbabwe is for recreation, sightseeing, casual visit to meet friends and relatives.

  6. Department of Immigration Zimbabwe

    The Department of Immigration Zimbabwe administers the Immigration Act chapter 4:02 on behalf of the Minister with a mandate to : Facilitate entry and exit of travellers; Issuing permits which accord status to immigrants; Contributing to refugee identification and status determination. List ItemIdentifying and removing illegal immigrants; and.

  7. Zimbabwe Visa Types, Requirements, and Application

    To apply for a business visa, submit the following documents: A valid passport. A passport-sized photo. A invitation letter from the business in Zimbabwe. A business letter including the purpose of your visit to Zimbabwe. A business profile of the applicant. A copy of your previous Zimbabwe visa (if applicable).

  8. Entry requirements

    Passport validity requirements. To enter Zimbabwe, your passport must: be valid for at least 6 months from the date of your arrival. have 3 blank pages, in case you need to enter Zimbabwe and exit ...

  9. Zimbabwe visa requirements for UAE citizens

    Learn more before traveling to Zimbabwe in 2024: do UAE citizens need a travel visa, is it safe to travel to Zimbabwe right now. Traveling to Zimbabwe from United Arab Emirates in 2024: Passport, Visa Requirements

  10. UAE online visa for Zimbabwe citizens in 2024

    The UAE tourist visa is also known as the UAE Dubai visa. Applicants are required to be present when applying for the UAE eVisa. This tourist visa typically allows a short term stay. The UAE tourist visa remains valid for 1 month. The UAE eVisa must be used within 30 days of issuance. A total of 6 documents are required to apply for the UAE eVisa.

  11. Visa requirements for Emirati citizens

    The cover of a biometric Emirati passport. Visa requirements for Emirati citizens are administrative entry restrictions by the authorities of other states placed on citizens of the United Arab Emirates (UAE).. As of 2024, Emirati citizens had visa-free or visa on arrival access to 187 countries and territories, ranking the Emirati passport 11th in the world according to the Henley Passport Index.

  12. Tourist visa

    The multiple entry 5-year tourist visa enables tourists to enter the UAE multiple times on self-sponsorship and remain in the country for 90 days on each visit, and can be extended for further 90 days. This type of tourist visa can be issued for all nationalities. To obtain this visa, the applicant must have: proof of stay (hotel/residential ...

  13. UAE visa information

    Before you travel to the UAE, please check your visa requirements and make sure you have a valid visa if needed, or if your passport needs to be valid for six months. Holders of non-standard passports and travel documents may also have different entry requirements: find out if you need to apply for a visa and other passport requirements.

  14. Zimbabwe Visa Info

    US$ 60. Double Entry. US$ 90. CATEGORY C: ZIMBABWE VISA FEES. Single Entry. US$30. Category C nationals can apply for a single or double entry Zimbabwe visa. Children - Zimbabwe will charge FULL VISA fees for any individual who is required to have a VISA despite their age.

  15. UAE Visa Requirements for Zimbabwean Citizens

    UAE visa requirements for Zimbabwean citizens/Dubai e visa from Zimbabwe: The United Arab Emirates (UAE) remains one of the most sought-after destinations for international travel.From luxury shopping, world-class entertainment, and breathtaking architectural marvels, Dubai as well as UAE has something to offer for every kind of tourist.

  16. UAE tourist visa for Zimbabwean citizens in 2024

    Zimbabwean citizens can apply for a visa online when travelling to UAE. UAE eVisa is available online for Zimbabwean citizens. UAE tourist visa is also know as UAE Dubai visa. With this tourist visa stay is usually short with a period of 30 days and visa expires in 30 days. Applicant is not required to be present when applying for UAE online e-visa. A total of 6 documents are required for ...

  17. China Visa for UAE Residence

    The China visa application process for UAE residents involves several steps. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you navigate the process smoothly: Determine Visa Type: Identify the appropriate visa type based on the purpose of your visit to China. Gather Required Documents: Collect all the necessary documents as outlined in the previous section.

  18. Visa Free Countries for UAE Residents [2024 Updated]

    Tips for Visa Free Travel for UAE Residents When traveling to visa-free or visa-on-arrival countries as a resident of the UAE, you can check out the following tips to have a safe trip. Check Entry Requirements: Before planning your trip, you should check and prepare specific entry requirements for your chosen destination.

  19. Visit visas

    The UAE grants multiple-entry or single-entry visas that allow people to visit the country for a specific purpose. The purpose of the visit visa includes tourism, vising a relative, attending to a mission, exploring business or job opportunities, getting medical treatment, studying and training, and for transiting through the UAE.

  20. Type of visa requirements for getting married in the United Arab

    A Passport with a six months validity. A Confirmed Return Ticket. Proof of Accommodation in the UAE. A Marriage certificate that you have acquired from your home country. All the couples planning to apply for a visitor visa need to take into consideration that this type of visa for marriage is usually valid for a specific period of time, once ...

  21. Visa and Emirates ID

    If you need help, kindly contact: The UAE issues visit visa, tourist visa, employment visa and transit visa subject to fulfilment of certain criteria. Emirates ID is mandatory for all UAE citizens and residents. Find information about how to apply for a visa and Emirates ID.

  22. UAE transit visa for Zimbabwe citizens in 2024

    Visa processing. 1 day. Visa fees. Dh 50. Official Website. UAE transit visa requirements for Zimbabwe citizens. Documents required for UAE from Zimbabwe include passport and other supporting documents. A total of 5 documents are required. Visa Application Form: Completed Online application form for UAE.

  23. UAE visa information

    New visit entry permit to the UAE for Indian nationals. From 7 January 2024, eligible Indian nationals with a normal passport valid for a minimum of six months can obtain a single entry, 14‑day visa on arrival. A fee of USD 63 applies. Eligibility. Indian passport holder with USA visa valid for a minimum of six months.

  24. UAE visa requirements for Zimbabwe citizens

    Zimbabwe citizens must obtain a visa before entry into United Arab Emirates. Reach UAE embassy or consulate for the instructions how to apply the visa. Updated: 06/04/2024. Entry requirements. visa required.

  25. UAE Visa for Zimbabwe Passport Holder Living In Zimbabwe

    UAE Visa For Zimbabwean Passport Holders in 2024. The UAE visa for Zimbabwean citizens entails specific requirements for citizens wishing to visit the United Arab Emirates. These visa requirements for Zimbabwean citizens outline the necessary steps and documents to obtain a UAE e-visa from Zimbabwe . As part of the mutual diplomatic relations ...

  26. Dubai Visa for Zimbabwe Citizens in 2024

    After deciding on your citizenship and place of residence, click the "Apply for Dubai visa" button. Click the "Proceed to apply" button after selecting the Dubai 30-day tourist visa extension option. Next, complete the form for applying for a Dubai visa. Pay the visa fees after completing the application.

  27. How To Apply Uae Visa For Zimbabwean Citizens In 2024

    When you submit your visa application, you will need to provide details on the following: A 6-month valid passport is a reason for your visit to UAE. Your occupation. Your educational qualifications. Zimbabwean citizens must obtain an invitation letter from their employer or sponsor before applying for their UAE visa.

  28. 8 types of visas make stay in UAE easier for those wishing to make it

    The seventh type is the Study Residence Visa, which enables the student to reside in the UAE for studying, whether the guarantor is one of his resident parents, or one of the accredited universities or colleges inside the UAE. The eight type of visa is the Residence Visa for family members, where a resident, whether an employee, investor or ...