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Trek-Lit Reading Order Flow Chart

star trek books in chronological order

  • Crossovers:
  • To fully immerse yourself in the litverse, the big crossover event that really starting to bring things together was the Destiny trilogy - A  great place to jump in, leading to stories from several series set after it. One step back from Destiny is Articles of the Federation , which is the perfect introduction to the world of Federation politics which becomes prominent in Destiny and beyond.
  • If you're looking to jump in further along, then  The Fall  is a good place to start; the five-part crossover brings together most of the 24th century series, and shakes up the status quo for the series as they continue independently after.
  • A cohesive series of Mirror Universe stories builds to a grand finale that has knock-on effects in the prime timeline narrative. These stories begin in the anthology Glass Empire .
  • DS9 was the first series to enjoy a post-TV relaunch; the main new DS9 adventures start from Avatar , which is also available in Twist of Faith , an omnibus of the first four books of the series.
  • The ongoing TNG narrative really starts from the A Time to… series, but you could jump on from the first book set after Nemesis , Death in Winter . Later on in the run, other good jumping on points are the Cold Equations trilogy, or  Armageddon's Arrow , the first of a run of stories from the same mission for the Enterprise. 
  • Another branch of TNG , Titan , featuring Captain Riker's ship, gets going from Taking Wing , or you can explore Picard's backstory in the run of Stargazer novels which begins with Reunion .
  • Voyager 's first post- Endgame stories start from Homecoming , but the series got something of a second start later with the return to the Delta Quadrant in  Full Circle .
  • Enterprise:
  • Enterprise 's post finale adventures begin from The Good That Men Do . This series also has secondary relaunch with the post-Romulan War era in A Choice of Futures  beginning the Rise of the Federation series.
  • TOS doesn't have quite the same sort of ongoing narrative as the other series, but there are a few books that form a loose continuity, and The Captain's Oath is a good place to start with those. 
  • If you're looking for something more serialised in the 23rd century, then check out  Vanguard , which starts from Harbinger , and spawned a spin-off series Seekers , beginning with Second Nature .
  • A side-step from regular TOS adventures gives us a linked series of books featuring the Star Trek universe of the 20th and 21st centuries. A good place to start exploring these is the Eugenics Wars duology.
  • Other spin-offs
  • New Frontier was the first major spin-off Star Trek book series, featuring the adventures of Captain Calhoun and the USS Excalibur. The series begins with House of Cards , but the first four books were all short, and are also available as a single omnibus .
  • IKS Gorkon , retitled in its final book as Klingon Empire , is a Klingon series, which got it's first moment's in the TNG novel Diplomatic Implausibility . 
  • Not listed in full on the chart is  Corps of Engineers , also known as SCE , this extensive series of novellas features the engineering specialists of the USS da Vinci and crosses over into other series every so often. Their stories begin with  The Belly of the Beast , or an omnibus of the first four books in the series,  Have Tech, Will Travel .
  • Department of Temporal Investigations features the time traveling hijinks, and frustrated bureaucracy, of the Federation's time police. Their adventures start (depending on how you perceive time) with Watching the Clock .
  • Prometheus is a unique series, the first tie-in to be originally written in German, but also available in English. A trilogy of books featuring the distinctive ship begins with Fire with Fire .


star trek books in chronological order

Thanks for the hard work !!! i do really appreciate it. Do you have plans on updating from time to time ??? regards

star trek books in chronological order

It's on version 2 at the moment, I'll probably do an update once The Fall is done and we know what effect that has on everything :)

star trek books in chronological order

Thank you so much for updating this. It is possible to find the info yourself on Memory Alpha etc but this is a much easier way to do it and a good way too not scare off new readers with them having to do too much own research.

star trek books in chronological order

Where is Spock Must Die in this? Also, you have a typo in the title of "Greater Than the Sum." But... wow, just wow. What a map.

star trek books in chronological order

Important question: where does "Planet X", the TNG/X-Men crossover, fit in?

Thanks for the note dwasifer, fixed that error now :) Rev, Planet X doesn't really much connect to the wider continuity as far as I know (I've not read it), but I believe it's a direct sequel to the TNG/X-Men comic Second Contact, which itself takes place immediately after First Contact.

star trek books in chronological order

This is an amazing reference. Thanks very much for putting it together. I've been using it to organise my Trek Books and for reading the 20 or so trek books that I've recently bought in the right order.

hi fantastic flow chart! ...what program did you use to create the chart?

star trek books in chronological order

I love you for making this. The Pocket Books Novel-verse is starting to become like it's own Star-Wars-Expanded-Universe-esque canon storyline.

This is really awesome! I love Star Trek and after watching everything 1000 times over I need new content so I figured I would dive into the book series for the first time. But where to start? This really helps answer that question and gives me a good reference! Thanks!

star trek books in chronological order

First, I absolutely love this thing. I've been trying to get caught up on Trek lit for a while now and this has been VERY HELPFUL. A couple constructive comments: #1 There's a dashed green line going to Serpents Among the Ruins/The Art of the Impossible/Alien Spotlight: Cardassians/Cardassia and Andor that doesn't have a beginning. It's all end arrows, so it's unclear which direction this is supposed to go. #2 Q Are Cordially Invited. I haven't read it yet so I don't know exactly where it goes but I'm thinking it needs to be included.

Hi Benjamin, apologies for the very slow reply, I hadn't spotted your comment! As you might see, we've just posted an updated version of the chart, which might help with your questions, but to expand on them: #1 We removed the multi-directional Cardassian story arrow because ti was a bit confusing indeed, but the idea was to show how all the Cardassian/Garak stories are generally a bit interconnected. But we can sort of communicate that with the series dots not, so we didn't need the confusing arrows to everywhere! #2 Q Are Cordially Invited... tells the story of the Picard/Crusher wedding, which took place some time before Greater Than the Sum. But there is a framing story on an unspecified wedding anniversary. As we couldn't spot a reference to which anniversary we've opted to put it down in almost publication order, with the other TNG ebook, just before The Fall.

star trek books in chronological order

Sadly the site that opens once I click on the flow chart stays blank.

Working fine for me. Anyone else having problems?

Thanks for this graphic, it really helps me and will from now on be my guide :) Do you have plans on updating it with the new novels that have been and will be released?

Of course, this is already version four, which includes most of the books coming out this year (that have connections to the wider continuity) and a few even further ahead already. As more books come we'll update accordingly, and also refine the chart once we know more connections in forthcoming books :)

@8of5 That's amazing to hear! Thanks again for your work it really helps!

Thank you for creating this. Watched all the shows, just now getting into the books! This helps a bunch!

star trek books in chronological order

I have watched the show, its better if you had created this flowchart with standard flowchart symbols

star trek books in chronological order

This is top-notch. Printed it off and have it laminated already! Been able to track all my reading and discover what else to read in some logical order. As a result, just bought 13 new books. Hunting down the older ones are a bit tricky - been using Abe Books but this can be a wee expensive when you live in Australia. Booktopia's great for the more popular and/or newer books. Just wanted to say thank-you

That should be Book Depository. Booktopia a place a hardly buy books from - but I do from time to time. Needless to say, I've never bought any Star Trek from Booktopia. Have a great day :)

star trek books in chronological order

I come back to this flow chart every couple of months. Just to find out which book(s) to read next. Thanks for the good work!

star trek books in chronological order

The DS9 upcoming book "The Empty Sack" is now titled "Rules of Accusation" and will be out in July, 2016

Thanks for the update Terry!

star trek books in chronological order

Hi, Any update incoming?

Working on an update right now in fact, I expect it will be up next week some time (complete with the final title for Terry's book!).

Excited to see it. thanks.

Thank you Baby Jesus I found this

star trek books in chronological order

This list is awesome. Unfortuantely, now that the color palette is up to 19, my mild color-blindness is making matching some of these difficult if not a lost cause. Guessing the circles are too teeny to use iconography, so probably not much to be done for it. Still, a minor issue with an awesome chart.

I did revise the colours this time around to try and make them distinct as possible, as someone made a similar remark at the last revision. But yes you're right, due to the rather large number of colours to mark all the different dots, and the dots being too small to do much else it would take a completely different design approach to make it easier to read. It's something we're aware of, but haven't found a solution yet.

star trek books in chronological order

A great effort / work! Kudos to you brave souls! :)

Where does the Genesis Wave fit in?

star trek books in chronological order

Ty for your hard work

Thanks for your work, I'm following this since version 2 and it's an amazing help for me. This is why I love Star Trek - the fans! (also: great that you included Prometheus!)

Been meaning to catch up with you - thanks for this updated and shared resource. Top-notch! Kimberley.

star trek books in chronological order

This has been a great resource for catching up on all of the books/series. I did find one error, though. Somehow, you've omitted A Time to Kill from the TNG:A Time To... saga in version 5. Thanks again for the hard work and maintenance!

star trek books in chronological order

This flowchart is really awesome. And thanks for adding "Star Trek Prometheus" But I found an error, too. "Star Trek: Prometheus: Into the Heart of Chaos" is volume III not II. "The Source of All Fury" is II. And: The connection to "Takedown" is the wrong way round. STP take place just before "Takedown" and while it was written later it references events, that take place at the beginning of "Takedown". Bernd

star trek books in chronological order

This chart is great, but do you have a merged list of everything in a single chronological order?

star trek books in chronological order

This chart is great and all, but... where's Corps of Engineers? Because I don't see it on there.

Im thinking of reading Section 31 Control. Do I need to read Disavowed first?

Absolutely. I think ~most (all) would agree. They are both great reads.

If I remember right, way back last year I had the following experience. I had Disavowed as being the next read on DS9 having been through all the others. But I had to stop reading it after a while - I felt I was missing something. So, I went a few steps back and read The Fall series (esp. A Ceremony of Losses - I think), and then went through Vanguard, Lovell and Seekers (in that order) - I'm now on Seekers #2. It's been really interesting getting familiar with all the backdrop as well as having some great reads. Anyway, whatever you do have a great read. I'm sure you'll be able to get any background info to fill in any detail behind both Disavowed & Control from the Internet (Memory Alpha or Beta) - and thanks for reminding me to order my copy of Control!

Any updates inbound?

Yeah, this list is a bit out of date right now. I'm currently reading "Available Light." (The latest TNG book as of April 2019)

star trek books in chronological order

Please could this list be updated, I used to rely on this as which book to read and in what sequence but its now outdated.

Also really looking forward to an update :) would be really appreciated.

star trek books in chronological order

Also looking for an update, I use this to find out when new stuff is out, I didn't even know about Collateral Damage

I only just found out about Collateral Damage as well. This graphic is quickly falling behind! I hope it gets updated, it has been a valuable resource.

Kudos to the flow chart. That is awesome and exactly what I was looking for.

Everyone that's been asking for an update, please check the page now :)

Thank you very much for taking the time to update and expand it. Been using it since version 1. I almost read all novels that are one the chart and feeling both sadness that the litverse as we know it will come to an end. But I'm looking forward to what's to come and if there will be one last novel to bring the novelverse in line with Picard.

star trek books in chronological order

Great chart!! Thanks for the update. Loving your work. #LLAP

star trek books in chronological order

This is fantastic! Thanks for all of the work you did putting this together!

star trek books in chronological order

Just a quick nitpick, the "Created By" section in the 2020 version has a typo (I'm assuming). It says "For the latest version, and additional notes, visit: TrekTrekCollective.com" Looks like there's an extra "Trek" in the url. That said, I love the chart. Thank you!

Is a new version planned for rhe chart? One that goes up to the upcoming Coda trilogy?

There are a couple references to the Enterprise-E’s recent experience with the Genesis Wave in A Time to Sow.

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Experience the Complete Lit-verse

  • ENT: A Girl For Every Star
  • ENT: Broken Bow
  • ENT: Fight or Flight
  • ENT: Strange New World
  • ENT: Unexpected
  • ENT: Terra Nova
  • ENT: The Andorian Incident
  • ENT: Discovery
  • ENT: Breaking the Ice
  • ENT: Civilization
  • ENT: Fortunate Son
  • ENT: Silent Enemy
  • ENT: Cold Front
  • ENT: Dear Doctor
  • ENT: Shadows of P'Jem
  • ENT: Sleeping Dogs
  • ENT: Shuttlepod One
  • ENT: Fusion
  • ENT: Rouge Planet
  • ENT: Acquisition
  • ENT: What Price Honor?
  • ENT: Detained
  • ENT: Vox Sola
  • ENT: Fallen Hero
  • ENT: Desert Crossing
  • ENT: Two Days and Two Nights
  • ENT: Shockwave
  • ENT: Carbon Creek
  • ENT: Minefield
  • ENT: Dead Stop
  • ENT: A Night in Sickbay
  • ENT: Marauders
  • ENT: The Seventh
  • ENT: The Communicator
  • ENT: Singularity
  • ENT: Vanishing Point
  • ENT: Precious Cargo
  • ENT: The Catwalk
  • ENT: Stigma
  • ENT: Cease Fire
  • ENT: Future Tense
  • ENT: Canamar
  • ENT: The Crossing
  • ENT: Judgment
  • ENT: Have Beagle, Will Travel
  • ENT: Horizon
  • ENT: The Breach
  • ENT: Cogenitor
  • ENT: Regeneration
  • ENT: First Flight
  • ENT: Daedalus
  • ENT: Daedalus' Children
  • ENT: Bounty
  • ENT: The Expanse
  • ENT: The Xindi
  • ENT: Last Full Measure
  • ENT: Anomaly
  • ENT: Extinction
  • ENT: Rajiin
  • ENT: Impulse
  • ENT: The Shipment
  • ENT: Twilight
  • ENT: North Star
  • ENT: Similitude
  • ENT: Carpenter Street
  • ENT: Chosen Realm
  • ENT: Proven Ground
  • ENT: Strategem
  • ENT: Harbinger
  • ENT: Hatchery
  • ENT: Doctor's Orders
  • ENT: Azati Prime
  • ENT: Damage
  • ENT: The Forgotten
  • ENT: The Council
  • ENT: Countdown
  • ENT: Zero Hour
  • ENT: Storm Front
  • ENT: Borderland
  • ENT: Cold Station 12
  • ENT: The Augments
  • ENT: The Forge
  • ENT: Awakening
  • ENT: Kir'shara
  • ENT: Observer Effect
  • ENT: Babel One
  • ENT: United
  • ENT: The Aenar
  • ENT: Affliction
  • ENT: Divergence
  • ENT: Rosetta
  • ENT: In a Mirror, Darkly
  • ENT: Demons
  • ENT: Terra Prime
  • ENT: The Good That Men Do
  • ENT: Kobayashi Maru
  • ENT: The Romulan War: Beneath the Raptor's Wing
  • DS9: Dead Man's Hand
  • ENT: The Romulan War: To Brave the Storm
  • ENT: Rise of the Federation: A Choice of Futures
  • ENT: Rise of the Federation: Tower of Babel
  • ENT: Rise of the Federation: Uncertain Logic
  • ENT: Rise of the Federation: Live By the Code
  • TOS: Bum Radish
  • DS9: Old Souls
  • DIS: Drastic Measures
  • TOS: Though Hell Should Bar the Way
  • TOS: Vulcan's Glory
  • TOS: Early Voyages: Flesh of My Flesh
  • TOS: Early Voyages: The Fires of Pharos
  • TOS: Early Voyages: Our Dearest Blood
  • TOS: The Cage
  • TOS: Early Voyages: Nor Iron Bars a Cage
  • TOS: Conflicting Natures
  • TOS: Early Voyages: Cloak and Dagger
  • TOS: Early Voyages: The Flat, Gold Forever
  • TOS: Early Voyages: Immortal Wounds
  • TOS: Early Voyages: One of a Kind
  • TOS: Early Voyages: The Fallen
  • TOS: Early Voyages: Futures
  • TOS: Early Voyages: Thanatos
  • TOS: Early Voyages: Nemesis
  • TOS: Child of Two Worlds
  • Discovery: Desperate Hours
  • TOS: Star-Crossed
  • TOS: Star-Crossed: Loved Not Wisely...
  • Vanguard: Harbinger- Prologue
  • Vangurad: Almost Tomorrow
  • SCE: Foundations, Book One
  • SCE: What's Past, Book Four- Distant Early Warning
  • TOS: Enterprise: The First Adventure
  • TOS: Alien Spotlight: Orions
  • TOS: Mere Anarchy: Things Fall Apart
  • DS9: Sins of the Mother
  • TOS: Where No Man Has Gone Before
  • TOS: My Brother's Keeper, Book 1: Republic
  • TOS: My Brother's Keeper, Book 2: Constitution
  • Vanguard: Harbinger
  • TOS: My Brother's Keeper, Book 3: Enterprise
  • TOS: Alien Spotlight: Romulans II
  • Vanguard: Summon the Thunder
  • Vanguard: Reap the Whirlwind
  • TOS: The Corbomite Maneuver
  • VAN: Hard News
  • TOS: The Landing Party
  • TOS: Mudd's Women
  • TOS: The Enemy Within
  • TOS: The Man Trap
  • TOS: The Naked Time
  • TOS: The Captain's Table, Book 6: Where Sea Meets Sky
  • TOS: Charlie X
  • TOS: The First Artifact
  • TOS: Alien Spotlight: Romulans
  • TOS: Balance of Terror
  • TOS: Shadow Lord
  • TOS: The Peril of Planet Quick Change: The Creatures of Light
  • TOS: The Peril of Planet Quick Change: The Sinister Guest
  • TOS: Errand of Vengeance, Book 1: The Edge of the Sword
  • TOS: What Are Little Girls Made Of?
  • TOS: Errand of Vengeance, Book 2: Killing Blow
  • TOS: Errand of Vengeance, Book 3: River of Blood
  • TOS: Dagger of the Mind
  • TOS: The Conscience of the King
  • TOS: The Galileo Seven
  • TOS: Court Martial
  • TOS: The Avenger
  • TOS: The Menagerie
  • TOS: Shore Leave
  • TOS: The Squire of Gothos
  • TOS: The Modala Imperative
  • TOS: The Alternative Factor
  • TOS: Tomorrow is Yesterday
  • TOS: The Aliens Are Coming!
  • TOS: The Return of the Archons
  • SCE: Foundations, Book Two
  • TOS: A Taste of Armageddon
  • TOS: Space Seed
  • TOS: This Side of Paradise
  • TOS: The Devil in the Dark
  • TOS: Official Record
  • TOS: Errand of Fury, Book 1: Seeds of Rage
  • TOS: Errand of Fury, Book 2: Demands of Honor
  • TOS: Errand of Mercy
  • TOS: Errand of Fury, Book 3: Sacrifices of War
  • Vanguard: Open Secrets
  • TOS: The City on the Edge of Forever
  • TOS: Operation- Annihilate!
  • TOS: Final Frontier
  • TOS: The Leader
  • TOS: Ishmael
  • TOS: Catspaw
  • TOS: The Disinherited
  • TOS: Ambition
  • TOS: Metamorphosis
  • TOS: Chaotic Response
  • TOS: Friday's Child
  • TOS: Invasion!, Book 1: First Strike
  • TOS: Mere Anarchy: The Centre Cannot Hold
  • TOS: The Doomsday Machine
  • TOS: Who Mourns for Adonais?
  • TOS: Wolf in the Fold
  • TOS: Across the Stars
  • TOS: The Changeling
  • TOS: Amok Time
  • TOS: See No Evil
  • TOS: The Apple
  • TOS: Mirror, Mirror
  • TOS: Day of Honor, Book 4: Treaty's Law
  • TOS: Journey to Babel
  • TOS: The Deadly Years
  • TOS: Romulans: The Hollow Crown, Issue One
  • TOS: The Vulcan Academy Murders
  • TOS: The IDIC Epidemic
  • TOS: I, Mudd
  • TOS: The Shocks of Adversity
  • TOS: The Trouble With Tribbles
  • TOS: A Bad Day For Koloth
  • TOS: Bread and Circuses
  • TOS: Mission to Horatius
  • TOS: Twilight's End
  • TOS: Legacies, Book 1: Captain to Captain
  • TOS: First, Do No Harm
  • TOS: A Private Little War
  • TOS: The Gamesters of Triskelion
  • TOS: Obsession
  • TOS: Legacies, Book 2: Best Defense
  • Vanguard: Precipice
  • TOS: Legacies, Book 3: Purgatory's Key
  • Vanguard: The Ruins of Noble Men
  • TOS: The Immunity Syndrome
  • TOS: A Piece of the Action
  • TOS: New Visions- Strange New Worlds
  • TOS: The First Peer
  • TOS: By Any Other Name
  • The Klingon Gambit
  • Mutiny on the Enterprise
  • TOS: Return to Tomorrow
  • TOS: A Choice of Catastrophes
  • TOS: Patterns of Force
  • TOS: Uhura's Song
  • Vanguard: The Stars Look Down
  • TOS: The Ultimate Computer
  • TOS: X-Men- Star Trex
  • TOS: The Omega Glory
  • TOS: Assignment: Earth
  • TOS: Assignment- Earth
  • TOS: From History's Shadow
  • TOS: Spectre of the Gun
  • TOS: Elaan of Troyius
  • TOS: The Paradise Syndrome
  • TOS: Double, Double
  • TOS: Romulans: The Hollow Crown, Issue Two
  • TAS: The Time Trap
  • TOS: The Enterprise Incident
  • SCE: Where Time Stands Still
  • TOS: And the Children Shall Lead
  • TOS: Dreams of the Raven
  • TOS: Spock's Brain
  • TOS: How Much For Just the Planet
  • TOS: Is There in Truth No Beauty?
  • TOS: Ghost-Walker
  • TOS: The Empath
  • Vanguard: What Judgments Come
  • TOS: The Tholian Web
  • TOS: Devices and Desires
  • TOS: Section 31: Cloak
  • TOS: For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
  • TOS: Day of the Dove
  • TOS: Plato's Stepchildren
  • TOS: First Frontier
  • TOS: Wink of an Eye
  • TOS: That Which Survives
  • TOS: Gateways, Book 1: One Small Step
  • TOS: Gateways: One Giant Leap
  • TOS: Let That Be Your Last Battlefield
  • Vanguard: Storming Heaven
  • Vanguard: In Tempest's Wake
  • TOS: Whom Gods Destroy
  • TOS: All Our Yesterdays
  • TOS: The Mark of Gideon
  • TOS: The Savage Curtain
  • TOS: The Lights of Zetar
  • TOS: The Cloud Minders
  • TOS: Crisis on Centaurus
  • TOS: The Way to Eden
  • TOS: Requiem for Methuselah
  • TOS: Turnabout Intruder
  • TOS: As Others See Us
  • TOS: Memory-Prime
  • Seekers: Second Nature
  • Seekers: Point of Divergence
  • TOS: Prime Directive
  • TOS: New Visions- A Scent of Ghosts
  • TOS: Killing Time
  • TOS: Fracture
  • TOS: The Entropy Effect
  • TOS: The Face of the Unknown
  • TOS: The Latter Fire
  • TAS: Beyond the Farthest Star
  • TAS: Yesteryear
  • Seekers: Long Shot
  • Seekers: All That's Left
  • TAS: One of Our Planets is Missing
  • TAS: The Lorelei Signal
  • TAS: More Tribbles, More Troubles
  • TOS: That Which Divides
  • TAS: The Survivor
  • TAS: The Infinite Vulcan
  • TOS: The Unhappy Ones
  • TAS: Once Upon A Planet
  • TAS: The Magicks of Megas-Tu
  • TAS: Mudd's Passion
  • TAS: The Terratin Incident
  • TAS: The Slaver Weapon
  • TAS: The Eye of the Beholder
  • TAS: The Ambergris Element
  • TAS: The Pirates of Orion
  • TAS: The Jihad
  • TAS: The Practical Joker
  • TAS: Albatross
  • TAS: The Counter-Clock Incident
  • TOS: Romulans: Schism
  • TOS: The Price of the Phoenix
  • TOS: The Fate of the Phoenix
  • TOS: The Galactic Whirlpool
  • TOS: The Abode of Life
  • TOS: Corona
  • TOS: Mindshadow
  • TOS: Demons
  • TOS: Chain of Attack
  • TOS: Bloodthirst
  • TOS: The Final Nexus
  • TOS: Yesterday's Son
  • TAS: How Sharper Than A Serpent's Tooth
  • TOS: Allegiance in Exile
  • TOS: Dying of the Light
  • TOS: None But the Brave
  • TOS: Crossroad
  • TOS: The Eugenics Wars, Volume One
  • TOS: The Eugenics Wars, Volume Two
  • TOS: Troublesome Minds
  • TOS: The Rings of Time
  • TOS: No Time Like the Past
  • TOS: Savage Trade
  • TOS: Dreadnaught!
  • TOS: Battlestations!
  • TOS: Where Everybody Knows Your Name
  • TOS: Star-Crossed: A Bright Particular Star
  • TOS: The Lost Years
  • TOS: Mere Anarchy: Shadows of the Indignant
  • TOS: New Visions- Memorium
  • TOS: Traitor Winds
  • TOS: Leonard McCoy, Frontier Doctor: Weeds
  • TOS: Leonard McCoy, Frontier Doctor: Error
  • TOS: A Flag Full of Stars
  • TOS: Leonard McCoy, Frontier Doctor: Medics
  • TOS: Leonard McCoy, Frontier Doctor: Hosts
  • TOS: Leonard McCoy, Frontier Doctor: Scalpel
  • TOS: Serpents in the Garden
  • TOS: Recovery
  • TOS: Night Whispers
  • Star Trek: The Motion Picture
  • TOS: Untold Voyages: Renewal
  • TOS: Ex Machina
  • TOS: Infestation
  • TOS: The Kobayashi Maru
  • TOS: Firestorm
  • TOS: Home is the Hunter
  • TOS: The Final Reflection
  • TOS: The More Things Change
  • TOS: Double Bluff
  • TOS: The Prometheus Design
  • TOS: Triangle
  • TOS: Untold Voyages: World's Collide
  • Department of Temporal Investigations: Forgotten History
  • TOS: Ice Trap
  • TOS: We Are Dying, Egypt, Dying!
  • TOS: The Wounded Sky
  • TOS: Rihannsu, Book 1: My Enemy, My Ally
  • TOS: Spock's World
  • TOS: The Better Man
  • TOS: There's No Space Like Gnomes'!
  • TOS: The Covenant of the Crown
  • TOS: Doctor's Orders
  • TOS: Untold Voyages: Past Imperfect
  • TOS: Rihannsu, Book 2: The Romulan Way
  • TOS: Rihannsu, Book 3: Swordhunt
  • TOS: Rihannsu, Book 4: Honor Blade
  • TOS: Rihannsu, Book 5: The Empty Chair
  • TOS: Shell Game
  • TOS: Death Count
  • TOS: Untold Voyages: Silent Cries
  • TOS: Rules of Engagement
  • TOS: Untold Voyages: Odyssey's End
  • TOS: Deep Domain
  • TOS: New Earth, Book 1: Wagon Train to the Stars
  • TOS: New Earth, Book 2: Belle Terre
  • TOS: New Earth, Book 3: Rough Trails
  • TOS: New Earth, Book 4: The Flaming Arrow
  • TOS: New Earth, Book 5: Thin Air
  • TOS: New Earth, Book 6: Challenger
  • TOS: Gateways, Book 2: Challenger- Chainmail
  • TOS: Gateways: Challenger- Exodus
  • TOS: The Pandora Principle
  • SCE: Foundations, Book Three
  • TOS: Dwellers in the Crucible
  • TOS: Just Another Little Training Cruise
  • TOS: Mere Anarchy: The Darkness Drops Again
  • TOS: Elusive Salvation
  • TOS: Strangers From the Sky
  • TOS: Time For Yesterday
  • DS9: Infinity
  • Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn
  • TOS: The Wormhole Connection
  • TOS: ...the Only Good Klingon...
  • TOS: Errand of War
  • TOS: Deadly Allies
  • TOS: Mortal Gods
  • TOS: Who is Enigma?
  • TOS: Saavik's Story
  • Star Trek III: The Search For Spock
  • TOS: New Frontiers
  • TOS: The D'Artagnan Three
  • TOS: All Those Years Ago
  • TOS: Dreamworld
  • TOS: Wolf on the Prowl
  • TOS: Wolf at the Door
  • TOS: Double Blind
  • TOS: The Trouble With Transporters
  • TOS: Around the Clock
  • TOS: The Last Word
  • TOS: The Trouble With Bearclaw
  • TOS: Uhura's Story
  • TOS: Maggie's World
  • TOS: Judgement Day
  • TOS: Vicious Circle
  • TOS: The Doomsday Bug
  • TOS: The Needs of the One
  • Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
  • TOS: Debt of Honor
  • TOS: Choices
  • TOS: Retro spect
  • TOS: Timetrap
  • TOS: When You Wish Upon a Star
  • TOS: Mudd's Magic
  • TOS: What Goes Around
  • TOS: The Corbomite Effect
  • TOS: The Return of the Serpent
  • TOS: Getaway
  • TOS: Idol Threats
  • TOS: Who Killed Captian Kirk?
  • TOS: To Reign in Hell
  • Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
  • TOS: The Return!
  • TOS: The Sentence
  • TOS: Death Before Dishonor
  • TOS: Repercussions
  • TOS: Fast Friends
  • TOS: Cure All
  • TOS: Not Sweeney
  • TOS: Going, Going
  • TOS: The Trial of James T. Kirk
  • TOS: Unspoken Truth
  • TOS: In the Name of Honor
  • TOS: The Rift
  • TOS: The Return of the Worthy
  • TOS: Partners?
  • TOS: Once a Hero
  • TOS: Foul Deeds Will Rise
  • TOS: Mission: Muddled
  • TOS: The Sky Above...the Mudd Below
  • TOS Target: Mudd
  • TOS: Raise the Defaint
  • TOS: Class Reunion
  • TOS: Where There's a Will
  • TOS: Secrets
  • TOS: Truth or Treachery
  • TOS: Veritas
  • TOS: Excelsior: Forged in Fire
  • TOS: The Tabukan Syndrome
  • TOS: Runaway
  • TOS: A Little Adventure Goes a Long Way
  • TOS: Acceptable Risk
  • TOS: A Little Man-to-Man Talk
  • TOS: Blaise of Glory
  • TOS: Deceptions
  • TOS: The Peace keeper
  • TOS: Miasma
  • TOS: Renegade
  • TOS: Time Crime
  • TOS: No Compromise
  • TOS: Bait and Switch
  • TOS: Rivals
  • TOS: A Wolf in Cheap Clothing
  • TOS: Cacophony
  • TOS: Convergence
  • TOS: Mere Anarchy: The Blood-Dimmed Tide
  • TOS: A Question of Loyalty
  • TOS: Bloodline
  • Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
  • TOS: Klingons: Blood Will Tell
  • TOS: Assignment: Eternity
  • TOS: Best Destiny
  • TOS: The Ashes of Eden
  • TOS: The Captain's Table, Book 1: War Dragons
  • TOS: The Last Round-up
  • TOS: The Lights in the Sky
  • TOS: The Autobiography of James T. Kirk
  • TOS: Mere Anarchy: Its Hour Come Round
  • TOS: The Captain's Daughter
  • TOS: Vulcan's Forge
  • TOS: Shakedown
  • The Lost Era: The Sundered
  • TOS: Cast No Shadow
  • The Lost Era: Serpents Among the Ruins
  • The Lost Era: Iron and Sacrifice
  • TOS: Burning Dreams
  • The Lost Era: One Constant Star
  • TOS: Enter the Wolves
  • Terok Nor: Day of the Vipers
  • The Lost Era: The Art of the Impossible
  • TNG: Hour of Fire
  • TNG: The Valiant
  • Stargazer: Gauntlet
  • Stargazer: Progenitor
  • Stargazer: Three
  • Stargazer: Oblivion
  • Stargazer: Enigma
  • Stargazer: Maker
  • The Lost Era: Well of Souls
  • TNG: Starfleet Academy- Mystery of the Missing Crew
  • TNG: Starfleet Academy- Secret of the Lizard People
  • TOS: Vulcan's Heart
  • Terok Nor: Night of the Wolves
  • TNG: Double Helix, Book 6: The First Virtue
  • DS9: The Music Between the Notes
  • New Frontier: A Lady of Xenex
  • New Frontier: Lefler's Logs
  • The Lost Era: Deny Thy Father
  • Stargazer: Darkness
  • New Frontier: Turning Point
  • TNG: Starfleet Academy- Worf's First Adventure
  • TNG: Starfleet Academy- Line of Fire
  • TNG: Starfleet Academy- Survival
  • TNG: The Buried Age
  • The Lost Era: Catalyst of Sorrows
  • New Frontier: Waiting for G'Doh
  • New Frontier: Revelations
  • The Lost Era: The Slow Knife
  • New Frontier: Out of the Frying Pan
  • New Frontier: Alice, on the Edge of Night
  • TNG: Double Helix, Book 2: Vectors
  • Terok Nor: Dawn of the Eagles

VOY: Extreme Risk

VOY: Juggernaut

VOY: In the Flesh

VOY: Imperfection

Note to self: Second sight has a wolf 359 problem, and I made a thread about it.

                      34th Rule takes like 6 weeks and ends bit after the orb is returned

The Defector was "last month" in Performance Appraisal.

Data's Day and 11:59 have weird dates

Mosaic was  1 1/2 years after the doctor was activated.

The Last Refuge 16 months after Prime Factors/State of Flux per author

Should I add years to this page since it's so long.

Star Trek Books in Order (55 Book Series)

A Contest of Principles

Star Trek is a series of 55 books written by Various. Here, you can see them all in order! (plus the year each book was published)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

  • Star Trek Books in Order

Enterprise: The First Adventure

Enterprise: The First Adventure

Star trek, book 1.

Strangers from the Sky

Strangers from the Sky

Star trek, book 2.

Final Frontier

Final Frontier

Star trek the original series, book 3.

Spock's World

Spock's World

Star trek, book 4.

Prime Directive

Prime Directive

Star trek, book 5.

Best Destiny

Best Destiny

Star trek the original series, book 6.


Star Trek, Book 6

Shadows on the Sun

Shadows on the Sun

Star trek, book 8.


Star Trek, Book 9

Vulcan's Forge

Vulcan's Forge

Star trek the original series, book 9.

Treaty's Law

Treaty's Law

Star trek, book 11.

War Dragons

War Dragons

Star trek, book 12.

Where Sea Meets Sky

Where Sea Meets Sky

Star trek, book 13.

Vulcan's Heart

Vulcan's Heart

Star trek, book 14.


Star Trek, Book 15

One Small Step

One Small Step

Star trek, book 16.

The Last Roundup

The Last Roundup

Star trek, book 17.

Garth of Izar

Garth of Izar

Star trek the original series, book 12.


Star Trek, Book 18

The Case of the Colonist's Corpse

The Case of the Colonist's Corpse

Star trek, book 20.

Ex Machina

Star Trek, Book 21

Burning Dreams

Burning Dreams

Star trek, book 22.

Troublesome Minds

Troublesome Minds

Star trek the original series, book 16.


Star Trek The Original Series, Book 18

Unspoken Truth

Unspoken Truth

Star trek, book 25.

The Children of Kings

The Children of Kings

Star trek, book 26.

Cast No Shadow

Cast No Shadow

Star trek, book 27.

A Choice of Catastrophes

A Choice of Catastrophes

Star trek, book 28.

The Rings of Time

The Rings of Time

Star trek, book 29.

That Which Divides

That Which Divides

Star trek, book 30.

Allegiance in Exile

Allegiance in Exile

Star trek the original series, book 23.

Devil's Bargain

Devil's Bargain

Star trek the original series, book 24.

The Folded World

The Folded World

Star trek the original series, book 26.

The Shocks of Adversity

The Shocks of Adversity

Star trek the original series, book 27.

From History's Shadow

From History's Shadow

Star trek the original series, book 28.

The Weight of Worlds

The Weight of Worlds

Star trek, book 33.

No Time Like the Past

No Time Like the Past

Star trek the original series, book 29.

Seasons of Light and Darkness

Seasons of Light and Darkness

Star trek the original series, book 30.

Serpents in the Garden

Serpents in the Garden

Star trek the original series, book 31.

The More Things Change

The More Things Change

Star trek the original series, book 32.

Shadow of the Machine

Shadow of the Machine

Star trek the original series, book 33.

Foul Deeds Will Rise

Foul Deeds Will Rise

Star trek the original series, book 34.

Savage Trade

Savage Trade

Star trek the original series, book 35.

Crisis of Consciousness

Crisis of Consciousness

Star trek the original series, book 36.

Child of Two Worlds

Child of Two Worlds

Star trek the original series, book 39.


Star Trek The Original Series, Book 40

The Latter Fire

The Latter Fire

Star trek the original series, book 41.

Elusive Salvation

Elusive Salvation

Star trek the original series, book 42.

The Face of the Unknown

The Face of the Unknown

Star trek the original series, book 43.

The Captain's Oath

The Captain's Oath

Star trek the original series, book 44.

The Antares Maelstrom

The Antares Maelstrom

Star trek the original series, book 45.

The Higher Frontier

The Higher Frontier

Star trek the original series, book 46.

Agents of Influence

Agents of Influence

Star trek the original series, book 47.

A Contest of Principles

A Contest of Principles

Star trek the original series, book 48.

Living Memory

Living Memory

Star trek the original series, book 49, what to read next.

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Star Trek Novel Reading Order

Star Trek is one of the largest media tie-ins around, next to Star Wars novelizations.  Although released in multiple series such as The Original Series, The Next Generation, Section 13, etc you can read these books as one large, interconnected story line.  This is a reading order for all of the published Star Trek novels done more or less chronologically (there are several time travel novels where it is set in multiple time frames, in those cases it is placed chronologically where the majority of the issue takes place).


I’ve reworked this order.  Reading it through, it wasn’t quite right, and really to be enjoyed it should be done with all the media (shows, comics, books, etc).  I’ve made a working order that you can not only follow, but create an account and track your reading & viewing.  It’s still a work in progress, so if an era you are looking for you don’t see, just be patient.  I am adding dozens of listings a day.


If you still only want the books, there is a listing of just books (still in progress also) here: http://startrekreadingorder.com/novel_reading_order.php


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Order of Star Trek: The Original Series Books

star trek books in chronological order

Although there have been multiple Star Trek: TOS series, on this page we have listed simply the series published by Pocket Books (Titan Books in the UK). Written by various authors, the Pocket Books series has been an ongoing publication since 1979. For other Star Trek series, please see Star Trek . Below we have listed the Star Trek: The Original Series Pocket Books novel series in order of when the books were originally published, as well as our best effort to list the novels in chronological order:

Publication Order of Star Trek: TOS: Yesterday Saga Books

Publication order of star trek: the original books.

Get notified when Diane Duane releases a new book at BookNotification.com .

Publication Order of Star Trek: TOS: Rihannsu Books

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Publication Order of Star Trek: TOS: Fortunes Of War Books

Get notified when Judith Reeves-Stevens releases a new book at BookNotification.com .

Publication Order of Star Trek: TOS: Worlds In Collision Books

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Publication Order of Star Trek: TOS: The Lost Years Saga Books

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Publication Order of Star Trek: Invasion Books

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Publication Order of Star Trek: Day Of Honor Books

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Publication Order of Star Trek: The Captain's Table Books

Publication order of star trek: tos: my brother's keeper books.

Get notified when L.A. Graf releases a new book at BookNotification.com .

Publication Order of Star Trek: TOS: New Earth Books

Publication order of star trek: section 31 books.

Get notified when Greg Cox releases a new book at BookNotification.com .

Publication Order of Star Trek: TOS: The Eugenics Wars Books

Get notified when Susan Wright releases a new book at BookNotification.com .

Publication Order of Star Trek: Gateways Books

Publication order of star trek: tos: the janus gate books.

Get notified when Kevin Ryan releases a new book at BookNotification.com .

Publication Order of Star Trek: TOS: Errand Of Vengeance Books

Publication order of star trek: tos: vulcan's soul books, publication order of star trek: tos: errand of fury books.

Get notified when David R. George III releases a new book at BookNotification.com .

Publication Order of Star Trek: TOS: Crucible Books

Get notified when David Mack releases a new book at BookNotification.com .

Publication Order of Star Trek: TOS: Legacies Books

Publication order of star trek: tos (numbered) books.

Get notified when Dayton Ward releases a new book at BookNotification.com .

Publication Order of Star Trek: TOS (Original) Books

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Publication Order of Star Trek: TOS: Starfleet Academy Books

If you like star trek: the original series books, you’ll love….

  • Star Trek: The Next Generation
  • Star Trek: Voyager
  • Star Trek: Deep Space 9

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2 Responses to “Order of Star Trek: The Original Series Books”

The Star Trek: New earth books (Wagon Train to the Stars through Challenger) take place between ST:TMP and Wrath of Khan. A big part of the plot of these books is that Chekov is preparing to leave to become first officer of the Reliant, which he does in book 4. That’s the post he held at the start of Star Trek II, and the Reliant was destroyed in that movie. It’s not possible for these books to be placed after Star Trek II.

Thanks for the correction!

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The Star Trek Series in Order (903 Books)

Star Trek Series

Star trek books in order.

The Entropy Effect book cover

star trek books in chronological order

All 13 Avatar The Last Airbender Books In Chronological Order

  • The Avatar: The Last Airbender books provide background information and insights into the lives of various Avatars, expanding the show's universe.
  • The Lost Scrolls series offers personal narratives and in-depth coverage of bending techniques, traditions, and character narratives during season 1.
  • The Earth Kingdom Chronicles provide unique perspectives on the events of the second season, showcasing the journeys and experiences of different characters.

The Avatar: The Last Airbender books are wonderful assets that add further depth to the animated series when read in chronological order . The prequel book series, The Chronicles of the Avatar , narrates the lives of various Avatars, with two books centered on Kyoshi four centuries before the original show and the third chronicling Avatar Yangchen's life even earlier. Meanwhile, The Lost Scrolls comprises novelized versions of select episodes from the first season, offering additional background information. Lastly, there is The Earth Kingdom Chronicles , a six-part adaptation set during The Last Airbender season 2, with each book presenting a different character's perspective.

These books, as well as other forms of media, highlight the rich, colorful landscape and interesting characters of Avatar: The Last Airbender . Created by Nickelodeon Animation Studios, the show takes place in a magical world where individuals can manipulate air, water, earth, or fire. The franchise's influence reaches beyond television and novels, encompassing a live-action film, comics, video games, and more. This expansive universe captivates with its imaginative storytelling across different platforms , illustrating the enduring appeal of one of the best animated TV shows ever . Those who haven't ventured beyond the show may not know where to start. Fortunately, the chronology of the books is clear.

The Dawn Of Yangchen (Before Avatar: The Last Airbender)

Chronicles of the avatar.

Though this is the third installment of the Chronicles of Avatar series, it's the first if reading in chronological order for the timeline of the Avatar universe. It focuses on the life of the airbending Avatar Yangchen, who is the last airbender before Aang in the Avatar cycle. Though she's mentioned in the animated series and the live-action adaptation, she doesn't get as much screen time as Kyoshi, so the novel acts as a great way for fans to explore her character.

The story explores how Yangchen's values became crucial for her successors, particularly during Aang's era. Haunted by the persistent voices of her predecessors, Yangchen strives to earn the respect of Avatar Szeto. Sent on political business to Bin-Er in the Earth Kingdom, Yangchen's encounter with the informant Kavik leads to a cautious partnership. To carve her path as a powerful Avatar, she must rely on her own wisdom.

The Rise of Kyoshi (Before Avatar: The Last Airbender)

The Rise of Kyoshi tells the story of the titular Earth Kingdom Avatar, detailing her journey to claiming that title. As the longest-living Avatar, Kyoshi founded both the Kyoshi Warriors and the Dai Li, contributing to her nation's corruption and downfall, though that certainly wasn't her intention. Kyoshi remains one of the most popular Avatars introduced in the series, largely because of how heroic she is seen through the eyes of the warriors who model their ways after her.

This novel, which kicks off the Chronicles of the Avata r series, focuses on Kyoshi's evolution from a humble girl to a justice-driven powerhouse. Set 396 years before Avatar: The Last Airbender , Kyoshi's formative years are detailed , shedding light on her bisexuality and introducing her love, Rangi. The book not only enriches the understanding of Avatars but also offers detailed insights into the dynamics of that era.

The Shadow of Kyoshi (Before Avatar: The Last Airbender)

While Yangchen's novel hasn't received a sequel, Kyoshi's has. It's possible that more Avatars will eventually be featured in this particular line of novels as well since there has been growing interesting in those who came before Aang since there are only a handful of Avatars he actually calls on for help, interacting with their spirits in his quest to become the best Avatar he can be.

In The Shadow of Kyoshi, Kyoshi solidifies her role as the true Avatar but faces a heavy burden with the loss of her mentors. Navigating the Four Nations, she strives to maintain peace amid a growing reputation. This gripping sequel in the Chronicles of the Avatar series continues to follow Kyoshi's evolution from a humble girl to an incredibly strong Avatar, challenging her strength and principles. Set two years after the previous installment, the story explores Kyoshi's quest for peace and her confrontation with a dangerous Spirit World threat.

The Lost Scrolls: Water (During Avatar: The Last Airbender Season 1)

The lost scrolls series.

While the first three novels are set prior to the events of the animated show, the next two sets of novels are for the fans who want to know what is going on between the scenes of the animated series. They allow the audience to see things from more characters' points of view and add in more scenes, and thus, more context, to what the audience already knows.

The Lost Scrolls series is set during The Last Airbender season 1 . The first installment sees Katara recounting finding Aang in the iceberg, while Sokka reminisces about his childhood after discovering his father's old friend. This book doesn't just detail these personal narratives; it also provides a wealth of information on waterbending moves, healers, Water Tribe traditions, and more. It serves as a great companion to The Last Airbender 's earliest episodes. Readers can delve into the stories of Katara and Sokka as they embark on their journeys, offering an extension for those who enjoyed the TV show's initial outing.

The Lost Scrolls: Earth (During Avatar: The Last Airbender Season 1)

The Lost Scrolls: Earth continues to unravel events from The Last Airbender season 1. Katara recalls her experience encouraging earthbenders imprisoned on a Fire Nation ship to rebel. Aang shares how he outsmarted King Bumi, while Sokka tells the tale of the Great Divide, coinciding with the TV show's episode of the same name. This installment preserves these captivating stories while providing in-depth coverage of earthbending techniques.

For fans who are interested in just how bending works, it's the latter that might most appeal to them. The books in this chapter of the Avatar novels allow for a little bit more exploration of bending the show had time for alongside the adventure of the main characters. This companion to the first season will enhance the exploration of the show's themes and characters in addition to viewing Netflix's live-action Avatar: The Last Airbender.

The Lost Scrolls: Fire (During Avatar: The Last Airbender Season 1)

The story of The Lost Scrolls: Fire finds the characters recounting the end of The Last Airbender 's first season. As with the previous books, there is a particular focus on one element: fire. That means the stories are related to the Fire Nation and, in particular, Prince Zuko. At this time in the narrative, he's still very much an enemy of Team Avatar, but the audience knows where his story is headed and gets to see a little more of his journey.

In this novel, Katara narrates Aang's strategic triumph against Admiral Zhao and the Fire Navy, Aang shares his transformative journey to accepting his destiny, and Prince Zuko reflects on the capture and subsequent loss of the Avatar. These key events are complemented by giving insight into Fire Nation leaders , firebending techniques, and the mysterious spirit world. This book expands upon the pivotal moments and character narratives, offering a concise and illuminating exploration into Avatar ’s dynamic world.

The Lost Scrolls: Air (During Avatar: The Last Airbender Season 1)

The Lost Scrolls: Air concludes the series with more knowledge about the Air Nomads, as Aang retraces his steps to his former monastery. Katara unravels the mystery surrounding Aang's past, while Sokka shares the tale of his valiant efforts in safeguarding the Northern Air Temple from Fire Nation threats. In addition to these profound experiences, the book gives glances into airbending techniques and serves as an in-depth exploration into the rich history of Aang's heritage and the ancient traditions of the Air Nation.

Each season of the series focuses on Aang mastering a particular element, bringing the characters to the nation associated with that element. Because Aang is already an airbending master at the start of the series, much of his history, and the history of the Air Nomads in general, is only given in the show to provide Aang with a tragic history. Season 1 focuses on water, 2 earth, and 3 fire, so the Air Temples don't get a huge focus. The book helps rectify that.

The Tale of Aang (During Avatar: The Last Airbender Season 2)

The earth kingdom chronicles.

Moving on to The Earth Kingdom Chronicles , The Tale of Aang details the journey of the titular character moving through the Earth Kingdom. Along with Katara and Sokka, the characters head out in search of an earthbending teacher. This book, along with the others in the series, is a 96-page diary that gives a more personal account of events from Avatar: The Last Airbender season 2 .

The Earth Kingdom Chronicles makes great use of the different character voices. Each book is told from a different character's point of view instead of focusing on a specific episode or two, and that works in the fans' favor. Fans don't necessarily have to read all of them for a complete picture since they already know the events of the show, but they can pick and choose which characters they want to see tell the story.

The Tale of Azula (During Avatar: The Last Airbender Season 2)

The Tale of Azula gives a distinctive viewpoint on the second season of Avatar: The Last Airbender series, narrated through the eyes of Azula, the daughter of Fire Lord Ozai. Azula is a fan-favorite, and the most beloved villain in the animated series. Her character even gets a whole new story (and a sort of redemption arc) in the comic books that follow the show as well. Fans would probably love to see more stories set in the universe from her point of view.

This narrative uncovers the intricacies of Azula's character and her tumultuous journey, offering insight into her motivations. Serving as a summary of The Last Airbender season 2, it plays a crucial role in the Avatar universe. It enhances fans' understanding of Azula's position within the Fire Nation and portrays her as a multi-faceted antagonist.

The Tale of Toph (During Avatar: The Last Airbender Season 2)

The Tale of Toph continues to offer unique perspectives on The Last Airbender season 2, this time narrated through the experiences of Toph, Team Avatar's exceptionally skilled earthbender. This story gives an additional glance into Toph's character. Toph's role within the Earth Kingdom becomes a focal point , highlighting her emergence as a powerful character and key contributor to the kingdom's dynamics.

Like all of The Earth Kingdom Chronicles , the book is less than 100 pages and written in a journal-like format. It makes for a quick read that's easily digestible by fans young and old, which is part of the appeal. Kids who have only just discovered the show can read about the adventures of the characters just like adults who want to learn more about the lore. This one and the next also feature a slightly more humorous tone than others as a result of the characters telling the story.

The Tale of Sokka (During Avatar: The Last Airbender Season 2)

Sokka is the character leading the fourth installment of The Earth Kingdom Chronicles. As the " idea man " of the team, Sokka plays a huge role in making sure Aang and his sister, Katara, make it safely through the Earth Kingdom. From convincing hundreds of people that they have been infected by a disease to coming up with a plan to defeat the Fire Nation, Sokka plays the role of hero well in this season 2 summary.

Though so much attention is paid to the benders of Team Avatar, Sokka is always made just as important in the narrative. He might be the comic relief, but he's also the one with the plans, the one who can utilize a variety of weapons, and possibly, the most protective of the group. Reading the events from his point of view is a must for fans. It's very different from those who have their bending abilities at the tips of their fingers.

The Tale of Zuko (During Avatar: The Last Airbender Season 2)

Continuing as a summary of Avatar: The Last Airbender season 2, this book details events from the perspective of Prince Zuko. After being betrayed by his sister Azula, Zuko searches for a new life in the Earth Kingdom. As he wanders the kingdom as a refugee, he becomes aware of the pain the Fire Nation has inflicted on the world. This book gives integral insight into how Zuko’s upbringing gives him both a sense of pride and shame , fueling his thoughts, feelings, and inner struggles throughout the series.

Avatar fans who enjoyed Zuko learning to work in a tea shop or episodes like "Zuko Alone" will love this chapter of The Earth Kingdom Chronicles . Zuko has one of the best redemption arcs in visual media, not just in Avatar: The Last Airbender , and this part of the story is set right in the middle of that arc. It's a great way to get inside his head.

The Tale of Katara (During Avatar: The Last Airbender Season 2)

In The Tale of Katara , the perspective shifts to Katara as she travels through the Earth Kingdom with Sokka and Aang. The story focuses on the journey that follows after Aang and Katara finish studying waterbending at the North Pole and set off to find an earthbending teacher.

It gives the audience a bit more perspective into Katara and Toph's early relationship since the two have very different teaching styles when it comes to working with Aang. The book delves into why they don't get along and how they clash, something seen in a handful of episodes before things come to a head between them in the animated series.

The characters mentioned in previous books begin to overlap and cross paths, while connections are made, bringing the world of Avatar: The Last Airbender together for a more whole and concise picture.

Avatar: The Last Airbender

Cast Michaela Jill Murphy, Zach Tyler, Jack De Sena, Mako, Dante Basco, Mae Whitman, Dee Bradley Baker

Release Date February 21, 2005

Writers Michael Dante DiMartino

Directors Dave Filoni

Showrunner Michael Dante DiMartino

All 13 Avatar The Last Airbender Books In Chronological Order

New 'Star Trek' novel calls back Dr. Gillian Taylor of 'Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home'

'Lost to Eternity,' the new novel by bestselling 'Star Trek' author Greg Cox, lands July 23.

portraits of three people seen side-on above a disc-shaped spaceship seen against a colorful deep space background

New York Times bestselling novelist Greg Cox is a household name within the Trekkie literary community who’s penned dozens of " Star Trek " universe novels and short stories over the years.

Now he's back with "Star Trek: The Original Series: Lost to Eternity," a new 400-page trifecta of " Star Trek " movie-era tales arriving July 23, 2024, tied together with the common theme of an ancient extraterrestrial civilization and the reappearance of a fan favorite character from " Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home ."

Remember the sassy, pizza loving whale biologist named Dr. Gillian Taylor (played by actress Catherine Hicks) from that lighthearted 1986 "Trek" movie directed by Leonard Nimoy? She worked at the Bay Area Cetacean Institute in California where she was emotionally attached to a pair of humpback whales called George and Gracie that Kirk and Company needed to transport back to the 23rd century in a Klingon Bird of Prey to save the Earth from certain annihilation.

Star Trek: Lost to Eternity $18.99 $17.99 at Amazon

Star Trek: Lost to Eternity $18.99 $17.99 at Amazon The latest "Star Trek" novel from Greg Cox picks up right where "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home" left off, imagining  what the world would make of the disappearance of Dr. Gillian Taylor. 

After Dr. Taylor left boarded the Klingon spaceship and helped deliver the two whales into a future ocean where a curious alien species traveling in a titanic tubular probe was finally able to communicate with them, she bolted off to join the crew of a Starfleet science vessel and left the demoted Admiral Kirk without barely a kiss goodbye. This new book investigates her 1986 disappearance from San Francisco and answers questions as to her fate and whereabouts.

Here's the official synopsis:

"Three Eras. Three Mysteries. One Ancient Enemy?

"2024: Almost forty years ago, marine biologist Gillian Taylor stormed away from her dream job at Sausalito's Cetacean Institute—and was never seen or heard from again. Now a new true crime podcast has reopened that cold case, but investigator Melinda Silver has no idea that her search for the truth about Gillian’s disappearance will ultimately stretch across time and space—and attract the attention of a ruthless obsessive with his own secret agenda.

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"2268: The U.S.S. Enterprise's five-year mission is interrupted when Captain James T. Kirk and his crew set out to recover an abducted Federation scientist whose classified secrets are being sought by the Klingons as well. The trail leads to a barbaric world off limits to both Starfleet and the Klingon Empire—and an ageless mastermind on a quest for eternity.

"2292: The Osori, an ancient alien species, has finally agreed to establish relations with its much younger neighbors: the Federation, the Klingons, and the Romulans. A joint mission involving ships from all three powers, including the Enterprise-A, turns explosive when one of the Osori envoys is apparently killed. Each side blames the others, but the truth lies buried deep, nearly three hundred years in the past…"

A woman in the future gives a uniformed man a kiss

This intriguing narrative concept is presented in three intertwined time periods where past and present merge against the overarching exploration of what exactly happened to Dr. Gillian Taylor, and perhaps even clear up what ever became of that junky, 1976 blue Chevy pickup truck she drove. We'd always kinda hoped she and Kirk would somehow hook up in "The Voyage Home," but there was just no time for love when "there be whales" to rescue and Earth to protect!

From Pocket Books, Greg Cox's 'Star Trek: The Original Series: Lost to Eternity" enters our orbit on July 23, 2024 and is available for pre-order at Amazon in paperback, Kindle, and audio.

Join our Space Forums to keep talking space on the latest missions, night sky and more! And if you have a news tip, correction or comment, let us know at: [email protected].

Jeff Spry is an award-winning screenwriter and veteran freelance journalist covering TV, movies, video games, books, and comics. His work has appeared at SYFY Wire, Inverse, Collider, Bleeding Cool and elsewhere. Jeff lives in beautiful Bend, Oregon amid the ponderosa pines, classic muscle cars, a crypt of collector horror comics, and two loyal English Setters.

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star trek books in chronological order

star trek books in chronological order

William Shatner Books In Order

Publication order of quest for tomorrow books, publication order of tekwar books, publication order of war books, publication order of zero-g / samuel lord books, publication order of star trek: the original books, publication order of star trek: academy books, publication order of star trek: the mirror universe trilogy books, publication order of star trek: odyssey books, publication order of star trek: totality books, publication order of standalone novels, publication order of non-fiction books, publication order of tekwar chronicles books.

William Shatner William Shatner is a science fiction author best known for his role as Captain James T. Kirk in the Star Trek series and subsequent movies. The talented actor also played a leading role in Boston Legal, and this has already earned him two Emmys. Away from the screen, Shatner has also made a name for himself in the writing world. He has an impressive collection of science fiction novels and a few memoirs to his name. Shatner’s rise to the top hasn’t been easy. He has had to make sacrifices to ensure that his art stands out in a world filled with talented actors and highly experienced writers.

Up Till Now Up Till Now is a biography of William Shatner and his close to sixty years in the acting industry. Today, Shatner is one of the most respected entertainers. He seems to be everywhere, whether it is the Emmys or your favorite show. In this book, Shatner lets the reader into his life, detailing how the journey has been up until his current position. The book also covers Shatner’s early life in Canada and a bit about his grandparents, who were Jewish immigrants. While his parents dreamt that he would one day take over their clothing manufacturing business Shatner knew from an early age that he wanted to act, and he took any chance that pushed him closer to his dream.

Shatner rose to fame thanks to his Star Trek series. His work was later made to film, which only made him more famous. All of a sudden, everyone knew his name, and his face was recognizable throughout the world. However, Shatner’s career did not start with the star trek films. He had made a point of using his acting skills whenever possible, and this paid big time in the end. Whether it was acting Shakespeare’s Henry V to taking a leading role in Boston Legal, the author put his all in his acting. He also went on to get other remarkable roles after Star Trek.

In a funny yet touching way, Shatner reveals the many behind-the-scenes decisions that shaped his career. What comes clear is that he has always been a risk-taker where his acting is concerned. Where others played safe, Shatner took a bold step without worrying how the fans would respond or what effects his action would have on his career. Following his revelations, it is easy to see how the author became a worldwide star. It may come as a surprise for many Sar Trek fans that this series was considered a flop by the time it was canceled. The author confesses that he was ready to forget about the series. However, thanks to broadcast syndication, the series became such a hit a few years later. His character in the series, Kirk, charted the way for numerous other opportunities for this talented actor.

Up Till Now is an honest account of actor William Shatner’s acting career. Like most actors, Shatner feared that he would not find an acting job that would sustain him. Due to this fear, he took any job that came and did not take holidays until his star started shining. His dedication to his career is evident from the start, and, amazingly, he has maintained his enthusiasm throughout his acting. Shatner’s rise has been steady, and through this memoir, he shows other upcoming actors that it did not all come easy. There we setbacks and disappointments, but he never took his eyes off his goal.

Leonard Leonard is a deep biography where William Shatner details his five-decade friendship with fellow actor Leonard Nimoy. These two first crossed paths when they both acted in The Man from U.N.C.L.E. What they did not know is that their next roles would shape their lives in ways they would never have thought possible. During the 79 episodes they acted together in Star Trek, Leonard and Shatner become close friends. Their bond grew beyond Star Trek, and for over half a century, they celebrated their highs and went through their lows together. If you heard about Leonard and Shatner’s friendship speculations, this book would provide some light on what these were all about.

In this emotional book, Shatner shares anecdotes about their shared moments. a good portion of these stories have never been told, and it is intriguing to read how life was for these legendary actors before they became famous. These two friends related more like brothers, and things were not always great between them. Shatner talks about his failings, where their friendship is concerned. He touches on some of their troubles and the competitiveness that saw them act like strangers in some instances. The author is quick to confess that he always had a hard time making friends. This remained even when he got into adulthood. He met people, started friendships, but he couldn’t sustain them for long.

While this book celebrates a great man, any Star Trek fan will find it intriguing. The author talks a lot about this show where their friendship started. Shatner also documents their struggles with alcohol, nicotine, and balancing work and family when their careers were at their peak. Leonard is often said to have been a great man, and the author states this a few times. Shatner shares his experiences from the heart, and his honesty and the depth in this story will keep you reading the memoir to the end.

Leonard is a candid and heartfelt read. A part of it reads like a love letter, while the other bit sounds like an apology for all the times the author acted inappropriately. Shatner wrote this book shortly after Leonard died as his tribute. It is amazing how similar these actors’ lives were. Their upbringing was similar, and they both came from Jewish immigrant families. They were also great actors, but, in the beginning, they had to live paycheck to paycheck to continue doing what they loved most. Shatner admits to being jealous about Leonard’s role in Star Trek, but it is amazing how these thespians handled their insecurities until Leonard’s death.

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