NewJeans are the most important girl band on the planet

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Hanni, Danielle, Hyein, Minji and Haerin wear jackets, shirts and shoes WHISTLES, ties TIES PLANET and skirts and socks stylist’s own

They’ve broken records and taken over as the new supremes of K-pop. The best part? NewJeans are only just getting started.

Words: Olive Pometsey Photography: Petra Collins Styling: Danielle Emerson 29th May 2024

Taken from the new print issue of THE FACE. Get your copy here . Honolulu International Airport, Hawaii, 1 st August 2023. There’s an unusual concentration of giddy music fans at gate E2. Dozens of hip-hop heads, pop girlies, indie devotees and whoever it is that likes Thirty Seconds to Mars, all waiting to board a five-hour flight to Portland, where they’ll board another four-hour flight to Chicago for the Lollapalooza festival. Luckily, they’ve found some unexpected common ground to talk about on their pilgrimage; a shared must-see act on the line-up that transcends genre tribalism. NewJeans are about to perform in the US for the first time. Granted, they’re not travelling more than 4,000 miles solely for the new South Korean girl group. At their final destination, headliners Billie Eilish, Kendrick Lamar and Lana Del Ray make a convincing argument for spending a day wearing neck pillows and eating aeroplane food. But at the gate, on the plane, during the 10-hour layover and, two days later, in the queue for the festival, all anyone can talk about is NewJeans. Who’s your favourite member? What song do you think they’ll open with? How early should we arrive to get a good view? The most hardcore fans pledge allegiance to their favourite members via photocards that are tucked into transparent phone cases. The ​ “ bunnies”, as they’re known, are not immediately identifiable based on, say, race or gender. But the merch and official lightsticks are a dead giveaway. You might have to squint to notice the objects of their ardour on the festival poster – their name is minuscule next to the giant font size of Billie’s and Kendrick’s. But as far as these guys are concerned, NewJeans are the main attraction. ​ “ They were the selling point [for buying a festival ticket],” says Ivan, 25, a marketeer who was on that flight from Hawaii and arrived two hours early for the band’s 45-minute set. ​ “ I talked to someone [in the crowd] who flew all the way from Taiwan. That just goes to show the global impact they’ve had.”

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New Jeans wear jackets, shirts and shoes WHISTLES, ties TIES PLANET and skirts, gloves and socks stylist’s own

Minji, Hanni, Danielle, Haerin and Hyein. Five then-teenage girls who, a year on from releasing 2022 debut single Attention , had already conquered the global charts and amassed a faithful fluffle of bunnies willing to travel the world to see them perform. Their six-song second EP, Get Up , was released just two weeks before Lollapalooza; the 70,000 people who turned up to see them sang along to every word. All this may, by now, seem like old news. But until that gig, NewJeans’ impact was largely being measured ​ “ only” by a series of viral moments and record-breaking statistics, headline-grabbing achievements that quickly convinced the pop world that these fresh-faced idols were the Next Big Thing. You’d hear stuff about NewJeans becoming the first K‑pop girl group to sell more than a million copies of their first release and think: interesting, should probably keep an eye on these guys . Then, within a year of debuting that self-titled, four-track EP on 1 st August 2022, they’d become the fastest K‑pop act to reach a billion streams on Spotify and you’d reason: cool stat, but Imagine Dragons also have billions of streams . Next, they’d drop a single like Ditto , which spent more weeks at number one on South Korea’s Circle Digital Chart than any other song in history and you’d muse: impressive, but will Western audiences catch on? Then you’d notice that Hype Boy had already charted for 37 consecutive weeks on the Billboard Global 200 chart, the longest run by any female K‑pop act, and say: shit – they’re everywhere.

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Haerin wears dress DIOR

18, striking feline eyes. Self-admittedly a little shy for a big-time pop star, but makes up for it as the group’s strongest dancer. When she dropped out of middle school to become a K‑pop trainee, her classmates thought she’d just moved house. She doesn’t like pickles or cold weather.

Which member of the group takes the longest to get ready? It’s difficult to choose! Actually, I don’t think any one of us constantly needs more time to prepare on every occasion, so it seems like it all depends on the situation. What’s the last photo on your camera roll? A screenshot of an illustration I liked! Looking at it again, I still like it very much. How did you celebrate your last birthday? From what I remember, I think I was at a photoshoot overseas. It’s interesting because the situation was the same as the year before. Favourite item of clothing? It’s hard to pick just one, but these days, I find myself liking long skirts with intricate details. As time goes on, though, I’ll probably lay my eyes on another item. Are you any good at keeping secrets? I’m quite confident that I can. In truth, I tend not to share things even if they’re not secrets, so I can definitely keep them! What’s the best lesson you’ve learned since joining NewJeans? Enjoying the moment when you can! It can be tough to find that in certain situations, but I strive to become someone who knows how to make the most of it when it’s time to have fun. What’s the last thing you do before going to bed? Checking my schedule for the next day and setting my alarm. I guess I’m not the only one, but no matter how tired I am, I always make sure to set my alarm before going to sleep.

Over the past two years, NewJeans have won countless awards and stolen world records from Blackpink and BTS, quietly dethroning the universally recognised titans of K‑pop – in April, they even replaced Blackpink on ​ “ Welcome to Korea!” adverts at Incheon Airport. And all that while wearing bows in their hair and claiming to be, in 2023 single, Super Shy . Come off it, girls. Maybe they should quit while they’re ahead? Or – just spitballing here – slow down so they can properly enjoy being so brilliantly young and successful? No chance. After refreshing with a short break at the start of the year, NewJeans are now back in full swing, prepping for their second ​ “ Bunnies Camp”, a two-day concert and ​ “ fan meeting” in June, at the 55,000-capacity stadium Tokyo Dome. So far they’ve only released two EPs and a few two-track ​ “ single albums”, but a full-length record is promised by the end of 2024.

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Hanni wears top SELF PORTRAIT and hair accessories stylist’s own

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Danielle wears top and skirt SACAI

It’s all extremely impressive, of course. The types of stats and promises and plans that make label bosses pop champagne and advertisers dig deep in their pockets. (Collectively and individually, the girls have partnered with Coca-Cola, McDonald’s, Apple, Chanel, Gucci, Celine, Dior, Louis Vuitton and YSL Beauty.) But none of that is quite as tangible as witnessing them effortlessly win over a crowd the size of three football pitches at one of America’s biggest music festivals. That’s when you think: bloody hell, NewJeans are about to become the biggest girl band in the world. Even the security stewards couldn’t help but bob their heads. ​ “ I was just in disbelief,” says Swedish songwriter Ylva Dimberg, who has worked with NewJeans from the beginning and went to watch the band’s Lollapalooza set with her brother. ​ “ People to the left and right of me were singing along to the Korean words. I’m like: how do you know these songs?”

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Haerin and Hyein wear jackets and shirts WHISTLES, ties TIES PLANET and gloves stylist’s own

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20, the oldest of the group and therefore the natural (but unofficial) leader – you’ll find her fixing the other girls’ hair while they’re waiting in the wings. She studied in Canada for a bit when she was younger and, on her return to Seoul, was street-scouted by multiple entertainment companies desperate to make her a star. She was so popular in school that the other NewJeans members knew who she was before they were put together by label bosses. She seems to get embarrassed when that’s brought up. What’s the first thing you do when you get up in the morning? I know it’s a clichéd response, but I check the messages I missed on my phone while I was sleeping. And these days, I’ve been trying to do some stretching, even if it’s just for a short while. Favourite places in Seoul? I seem to enjoy places that aren’t quite like Seoul even though they’re within the city. Places like Jongno, for instance, with all the architecture that takes you back in time. I also like places near university campuses, which are buzzing with lots of different things to see and do. What would you do on your ideal day off? My family and I talked about going on a trip to a holiday resort. We used to go together every winter but now we’re all busy and haven’t had a chance in a while. Do you collect anything? I collect bath bombs from Japan. Inside them, there are small figurines. They’re sometimes random and come in many varieties, which adds to the fun. Holy grail skincare product? I swear by Chanel’s Revitalising Cream with red camellia. I apply it to the dry areas of my skin and definitely notice a difference in my complexion the next day when I put makeup on. What’s the most exciting thing you’ve bought since becoming an idol? The first thing I bought with the money I earned was a pair of sneakers for my mom. I remember feeling really happy. Recently, it’s been my recliner sofa. What do you do when you get homesick? I don’t think I would have always been home, even if I’d chosen a different career path. In that respect, I don’t feel overwhelmingly homesick or find it too difficult! Plus, I’m in touch with my family more frequently these days and it’s made our bond even stronger.

It’s not particularly abnormal for a group of singing and dancing girls to appear on our screens and become instant superstars. The Spice Girls did it by telling us what they really, really wanted; Destiny’s Child demanded we say their name. But if anyone’s cracked the code for overnight stardom, it’s the giant business brains behind the world’s biggest K‑pop acts – over the past decade, no Western pop group has come anywhere close to achieving the level of success of the £8 billion industry’s greatest exports. They dominate the charts, sell out arenas worldwide and cultivate feverish fandoms that are astonishingly dedicated to amplifying (and defending) their success. What, then, makes NewJeans so special, so captivating, so, you know, new ? Cynics will say clever marketing. Unlike most K‑pop groups, whose debuts are usually teased with images of the members before any music is released, the band put out the video for Attention , the lead single from the New Jeans EP, without any promotion or information about the members. ​ “ Everyone was like: ​ ‘ Oh my gosh, who are they?’” remembers 21-year-old London-based student Laila, who discovered the band while scrolling through Twitter. ​ “ They dropped a song out of nowhere!” In the hyper-meticulous world of K‑pop, that counted as revolutionary. But a song has to be good to stick. And it is NewJeans’ sound, above all else, that has made both fans and critics champion them as The Future of K‑pop. Like their peers, they glide between international genres, their songs created by teams of writers, like Dimberg, pulled in from all over the world. Yet the result feels more sophisticated than other bands of their era and, well, cooler. On Attention , they channelled the breezy flirtiness of early Noughties R&B, leaning into our endless nostalgia for the era with gentle grooves, shimmering synths and breathy harmonies. As time has gone on, they’ve delved more into club sounds, traversing the underground to reimagine garage, Jersey club, breakbeat and liquid drum ​ ’ n’ bass for the bedroom pop generation – more PinkPantheress than Blackpink.

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Last year’s Super Shy , for instance, straddled almost every single one of the aforementioned genres, a Franken-pop song that wormed its way into earbuds to the tune of 500 million streams. Where other K‑pop tracks might smash genres together with a rap break, then a lyrical bridge, then an EDM drop so heavy it gives you whiplash, NewJeans have worked with songwriters and producers such as Dimberg, Korean DJ 250, Portugal-born Danish R&B singer Erika de Casier and Norwegian electronic music duo Smerz to interweave those disparate sounds more organically. The result is an air of authenticity, as though the music could have genuinely emerged from the very scenes that inspired them. ​ “ When I wrote Hype Boy , I thought: this is probably not gonna get [recorded], because I didn’t think it was K‑pop enough,” says Dimberg of NewJeans’ second single. She’s spent the last decade writing songs for K‑pop acts such as Girls’ Generation, Red Velvet and Twice, so she should know. The not ​ “ K‑pop enough” element, though, was by design, largely shaped by the band’s creative director, Min Hee-jin. She’s also the CEO of their label ADOR, an independent subsidiary of mega-conglomerate entertainment company HYBE. ​ “ I wanted to break the implicit formula of K‑pop and create an album with the music I wanted,” Min Hee-jin told Korean newspaper Hankook Ilbo last year. Hee-jin also actively encouraged the band members to get more involved in the songwriting process – Minji, Hanni and Danielle have all contributed lyrics to NewJeans songs, a rarity for K‑pop artists so early in their careers.

“ It’s almost like they’re in school,” says Ivan, a fan with a typically nuanced knowledge of the strictures and structures of the scene. ​ “ They’re not working, they’re collaborating together.”

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Hanni wears jacket GUCCI and hair accessories and gloves stylist’s own

19, a fashion crowd favourite and what the fans call a ​ “ foreign ace”, which is to say she’s Vietnamese-Australian. (Many K‑pop groups include foreign-born members, partly because the odds of them succeeding as East Asian artists in their home markets are slimmer, but also to broaden their global appeal.) She grew up reading teen magazine Total Girl , stanning One Direction and listening to her mum’s favourite band, Backstreet Boys. In the global auditions to find the NewJeans’ line-up she won her place by performing a ukulele cover of Would You Be So Kind ? by Dodie. Break down a typical day of work… Each day differs depending on the agenda, but on days when we have a shoot, we get our hair and makeup done, then go through our day. If there are no specific shoots or schedules, then we practise for any upcoming performances. What’s it like living together as a band? It’s helped us learn a lot about each other and grow very close. To me, it feels like being on a school trip, but a very extended one, with a bunch of friends. It’s a lot of fun when we gather at our place to chat, maybe watch something together or just bump into each other in the kitchen or lounge room. Which member is the best at giving advice? I think all the members give really good advice. Knowing that I always have their support and can share my thoughts, concerns and worries with them helps me personally to find my ground, organise my thoughts and not get caught up in everything. Being on the same team as them truly does make everything we do more enjoyable and easy. Any pets? I have two cavoodles at home called Milly and Mia. Who’s the most famous person you’ve met so far? We met Billie Eilish and Finneas after her performance at Lollapalooza. We were just left in awe. What do people get wrong about being an idol? Something I find very special about being an idol is having the opportunity to meet the other band members. If it weren’t for this journey, I wouldn’t have had the chance to meet them, let alone become very close friends with them, which certainly plays a big role when it comes to working together. Not only do I feel more comfortable, but I also have someone to share these experiences with. What’s the last thing you do before you go to bed? Write in my journal. I’ve been keeping up with writing it daily for a couple of months and I’m feeling proud of myself for sticking to it, so I want to keep the habit going. It’s good to unwind and write my thoughts down somewhere I can revisit later.

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Hyein wears top and shorts EDUARDO MOREIRA, bag SARAH GARFIELD, socks stylist’s own and shoes WHISTLES. Haerin wears jacket and skirt DAVID KOMA, tights stylist’s own and shoes WHISTLES. Minji wears dress SCHIAPARELLI and hair accessories SARAH GARFIELD. Danielle wears top and skirt SACAI.Hanni wears top and skirt SELF PORTRAIT

Maybe the best thing about NewJeans is that being NewJeans looks so goddamn fun – even if, of course, they were assembled with the rigorous star-making precision that attends the formation of all K‑pop acts. They’re still kids, really, with all the youthful enthusiasm of a hyperactive cheerleading squad. And who can blame them? They live together in luxury ​ “ dorms” overlooking the Han River in Seoul and travel the world on a fast track to superstardom, styled in a dream wardrobe of it-brands such as Sandy Liang, Kiko Kostadinov and KNWLS. From where the rest of us are standing, being a teenage girl has never looked so good. But they’re not unapproachable. No, never , because that relatability factor is what turns casual listeners into superfans. NewJeans carefully toe the line between the aspirational and the attainable, vlogging each new experience for YouTube and communicating with fans on their own custom-made social media app Phoning (“Will you be NewJeans’ best friend?” asks the App Store description). Young fans daydream about one day growing up to be like them. Those above 20, the maximum age for anyone hoping to participate in ADOR’s global auditions, pine for the days when those fantasies still felt feasible. ​ “ I think fans like myself who are really passionate about NewJeans live vicariously through them in a sense where we feel youthful again,” says Ivan, who in March had the band’s bunny logo tattooed on his ankle. Laila also recognises that, at 21, she’s an older fan – in bunny years, at least – but optimistically uses her age to make a case for the band’s cross-generational appeal. ​ “ They’re so reachable,” she says. ​ “ My niece is turning 10 this year. One day, she started singing Super Shy and said: ​ ‘ The girls at school are singing it.’ I think that shows their range. You’ve got schoolchildren that like them and adults that are into them, you know?”

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Danielle wears jacket, top, shorts and shoes CELINE BY HEDI SLIMANE

Also 19, also Aussie (with a South Korean mum), stands out as the bubbly one, always giggling in interviews and winking on stage. She’s a surfer girl and former child model who appeared on various South Korean TV shows and advertisements under the name Mo Jihye. Last year, she voiced Ariel for the Korean dub of Disney’s live-action The Little Mermaid . Her favourite colour is baby blue. If you could invite any other artist in the world to join NewJeans, who would it be? Rosalía! She’s funny and sassy. We’d love to have her dancing skills in our group. You’ve spoken about how being in the band feels like family. What role does everyone play? Minji would be the warm mother, Haerin the cool grandfather, Hyein the funny daughter, Hanni the wise sister. And I would be the grandmother! What’s your earliest memory? Holding my dad’s hand, walking in a park just by the beach. It was sunny and warm, and I remember being so happy. Do you believe in aliens? I do! In this vast universe, there’s bound to be another form of life. It might not necessarily be like the ones we see in movies or on television, but I definitely believe in aliens. Are you any good at keeping secrets? I guess… But then again, I’m also quite forgetful, so I could’ve forgotten what the secret was altogether! Who’s the slowest to reply in the NewJeans group chat? Hehe, it would probably be either me or Hyein… But mostly me! What’s the last text message you sent? ​ “ Thank uuuu” to our members in the group chat – with exactly four u’s.

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Hanni, Hyerin, Minji, Haerin and Danielle wear jackets and shirts WHISTLES, ties TIES PLANET and skirts and gloves stylist’s own

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It’s worth noting, too, that NewJeans have been catapulted into the limelight at a time when women, young and old-ish, have become curiously obsessed with mythologising girlhood. We’re categorised as hot girls, vanilla girls, lazy girls or tomato girls. We do girl math, eat girl dinner and listen to girly pop songs (“girly pop” is an adjective here, not a genre).

Hanni, Haerin, Minji, Danielle and Hyein don’t fit neatly into any of those categories. But next to the great girl bands of yesteryear – all sex, confidence, lipgloss ​ ’ n’ kohl – they do look and act altogether more, for lack of a better word… girly . Even compared to Baby Spice. Their (very) recent shift to a more tomboy look to coincide with new music is a clever rebrand precisely because, up until now, their aesthetic currency has relied so heavily on hyper-feminine, hyper-cute whimsy. Take last year’s performance on US TV staple Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve , where NewJeans skipped on stage wearing fancy dress angel wings, face gems and, in the case of Haerin and Hanni, Sailor Moon-style tiaras. You wouldn’t have caught Cheryl Cole in that.

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Hyein wears jacket, skirts and tights LOUIS VUITTON

16, the baby of the band, but also the most experienced. She’s modelled, appeared on children’s shows and even had a taste of idol life via kids groups U.SSO Girl and Play With Me Club. That seemingly hasn’t left much room for hobbies, but she has found time to read Harry Potter . She was just 14 when NewJeans debuted. When was the first time you sang together as NewJeans? I think it was our debut track Attention . I have fond memories of practising it because the song was so good. But the choreography was too difficult, so I also remember how everyone was in a panic! Funniest member of the group? Me! Actually, I think all of our members are funny. Who’s the slowest to reply in the NewJeans group chat? Hmm… It varies depending on the situation, but if I had to choose, maybe Danielle unnie? [“Unnie” is a respectful way of addressing an elder sister in Korean] Did you ever have a crush on a pop star growing up? I can’t quite recall the idols I used to admire, but I do remember that the first K‑pop song I discovered was 2NE1’s Come Back Home . I still adore that song. Favourite song of all time? Meditação by [Brazilian singer] Nara Leão is a song I regularly listen to! What would you do on your ideal day off? I want to visit a vacation spot – someday I want to go on a family trip to Guam [about a 3.5‑hour flight from South Korea]. Alternatively, I’d love to go to my grandmother’s house with the rest of the band and have fun together. What’s your earliest memory? It’s not my earliest, but if I were to pick one, it would be gathering with my cousins, older sister and brother at my grandmother’s countryside home during a holiday and sharing joyful moments together. It’s a memory that I cherish and fondly remember.

But don’t let the sweet sugar rush of sisterhood fool you. NewJeans are primed, poised and determined to take over the world. They’re starting with that Tokyo meet-up-slash-concert in June, where they’ll mark their official debut in Japan by launching new tracks Supernatural and Right Now . The event is essentially a test run for their first world tour next year, about which there is currently little available information, other than the fact that the band will, indeed, go on tour. The bunnies are already saving up. ​ “ I’m willing to spend $500 max on tickets and travel,” says one Reddit user. ​ “ I wanna be in the front row so I’m willing to drop at least 1k if needed,” admits another. And they’re not even the highest bidders in the forum. As for the music, NewJeans continue to push and reshape the boundaries for what K‑pop can be. One of their latest tracks, Bubble Gum , for instance, taps into the bubbling resurgence of Japanese city pop, fusing easy listening grooves with lyrics about crushes that make your heart race. ​ “ It’s hard [for me] to say how their music differs from other K‑pop songs – I think it’s better for music critics to comment on that,” says Ylva Dimberg. ​ “ But I have had people, both peers and others, tell me that we’ve changed the landscape of K‑pop.” What’s perhaps more important, though, is the fact that NewJeans have been able to transcend the confines of their genre. They’re not a group who are only listened to by diehard stans and K‑pop hobbyists. Musically and culturally, their appeal seeps beyond the confines of fandom and into the broader zeitgeist. In many ways, they’re a distilled snapshot of what being young looks, feels and sounds like in 2024, from the bows and butterfly hair clips to the big-BPM pop songs. Minji, Hanni, Danielle, Haerin and Hyein. They’re just like you. Well, kind of.


  • Vol 4 Issue 19

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NewJeans live at Lollapalooza 2023: K-pop’s most-talked-about girl group justify the hype

Grant Park, Chicago, August 3: The ADOR five-piece make history with their US live debut, becoming the first female K-pop act to appear at Lolla

NewJeans Lollapalooza

Bunnies have taken over the south end of Grant Park. As the minutes before NewJeans ’ debut US live performance tick away, crowds of fans wearing white and pink rabbit ears, fluffy bunny hats and other accessories resembling the furry creatures move towards the T-Mobile Stage. It’s the K-pop girl group’s debut US live performance – becoming the first female K-pop act to perform at Lollapalooza in the process – and warrens of fans (known as Bunnies) and the curious unconverted are ready to see if they live up to the high levels of hype that surround them.

  • READ MORE:  NewJeans – ‘Get Up’ review: no one can hold a candle to K-pop’s rising wonder girls

The short answer? They more than do. Although the five members are obviously and understandably nervous for their Lollapalooza debut today (August 3), they manage to rewire those jitters into breezy, bright performances. One of the most refreshing things about NewJeans is how relaxed and laidback they make their songs and aesthetic feel, even when it’s just as stylised as any other artist’s output, and they imbue that sense of low-key, casual energy into their set today.

If NewJeans’ Lolla performance is a first proper introduction to the group Stateside, then they structure it in a way that feels like the most fun catch-up session on their story so far. Every song they’ve released yet (save for their Coca-Cola collaborations) makes it into the setlist, performed in almost the exact order they were released, taking the festival from their incredibly promising beginning to their latest pop peaks.

In the first half of the set, their early material is given new levels of oomph thanks to a live band. ‘Hype Boy’ is received with a deafening roar of excitement that’s matched in the giddy chants the members yell at the end of each verse line. ‘Cookie’, meanwhile, is given a rock makeover that feels like the physical embodiment of the bunny skull and crossbones necklaces the members wear around their necks – sparkly and sweet, but with a little extra punch.

NewJeans Lollapalooza

The ‘250 Remix’ of ‘Hurt’ brings a twinkling soft moment to the first minutes of the set that highlights the perfect pacing on display here – spikes of fervent excitement followed by beautiful breathers. The cycle restarts after, with NewJeans’ boundless enthusiasm sweeping you up and away. For the final songs of the band segment, the group turn ‘Ditto’ and ‘OMG’ from club hits into festival anthems, the live instruments twisting their pulsating beats into brilliant new configurations.

As ‘OMG’ comes to an end, the five members line up behind each other and take turns in stepping into the proverbial spotlight, blowing kisses or making their own gestures to the crowd as they do. Then, they skip off stage as a video montage previewing what’s still to come takes over the screens until, moments later, the group return, handheld mics swapped for headsets. Now, it seems, they’re ready to step into Serious Pop Star mode.


The songs from their latest EP ‘Get Up’ , released last month, deserve nothing less and they perform them impeccably today. But, even as they’re nailing their performances, NewJeans still find ways to inject their secret ingredient into things – the infectious spirit of youth. It’s something that can be felt throughout the set and takes it from perfectly executed to soaring up to dizzying heights. Dancers join the group for ‘Super Shy’, helping make the choreography look bigger and bolder than it would with just the five on stage, but somehow also making it feel like you’ve stumbled across a (very, very talented) impromptu dance sesh.

That feeling continues a song later on ‘ETA’, dancers off stage once again. As NewJeans bounce into formation in the track’s opening notes, Hyein and Haerin share a high five as Danielle booms: “Lolla, let me hear you scream!” The humongous crowd in front of them instantly obliges, as they do moments later when the girls lead them in an a cappella return to ‘OMG’’s chorus, the singalong so loud, Minji instinctively puts her hands to her mouth in shock.

NewJeans Lollapalooza

It’s not a one-off instance of the audience shouting back every word – that bellow is a constant throughout and only grows louder as NewJeans continue to bewitch Chicago. Even during interlude song ‘Get Up’, the enthusiasm is at fever pitch, those present making the most of every second of the set.

By the time the group announces that we’ve come to the end, any shakier, nervous moments from earlier seem a lifetime away. Instead, they look completely settled on stage and as if they’ve been commanding audiences this big for years. A charismatic version of ‘ASAP’ brings things to a close with yet more flawless live vocals, wrapping up NewJeans’ first US performance in stunning style. As festival debuts go, this more than justifies the frenzy around them and suggests that, once they’ve got more experience under their belts, they’ll be unstoppable.

NewJeans played:

‘Hype Boy’ ‘Cookie’ ‘Hurt’ ‘Attention’ ‘Ditto’ ‘OMG’ ‘New Jeans’ ‘Super Shy’ ‘ETA’ ‘Cool With You’ ‘Get Up’ ‘ASAP’

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NewJeans set to make special guest appearance at IU's world tour concert next month

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NewJeans , the popular girl group, is set to join IU as special guests during her upcoming world tour concert at her ' 2024 IU HER World Tour '. It has been reported that IU herself suggested they appear at her show.

The collaboration between NewJeans and IU began last July when they appeared together on IU's YouTube channel, ' IU's Palette '. NewJeans members expressed their admiration for IU during the encounter, showcasing their excitement.

Their collaboration further materialized when Hyein from NewJeans featured in IU's song " Shh.. " from her latest album, ' The Winning '. Hyein expressed her excitement at the opportunity, emphasizing her respect for IU as a senior artist.

Fans are eagerly anticipating the possibility of hearing IU and Hyein's collaborative song "Shh.." performed live during the concert, creating a memorable moment for attendees. NewJeans is also expected to perform their hit songs during the concert, captivating the audience with their unique charm.

Meanwhile, IU's world tour has commenced in Seoul and will continue across various cities worldwide, promising an exciting experience for fans.

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Normalize cross-agency tours! Hyein will most assuredly perform with IU on Shh... Maybe we'll get a duet with Hanni for Through the Night?


Finally, a concert that could actually justify the extortionate ticket prices.


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NewJeans Rumored to Embark on World Tour in Second Half of Year

NewJeans Rumored to Embark on World Tour in Second Half of Year

Get up! NewJeans * might * have a world tour soon! NewJeans are reportedly preparing for their world tour in the 2nd half of the year. LE SSERAFIM , NewJeans , and IVE , known as the 4th generation girl groups, are embarking on overseas tours and expanding their global reach. As LE SSERAFIM and IVE kick off with their first-ever world tours, NewJeans are reportedly preparing for their world tour in the 2nd half of the year. No specific dates have been confirmed. NewJeans debuted last July 2022 and topped the US Billboard 'Billboard 200' chart within a year. They are reportedly preparing for a world tour in the year's second half. Given their appearances at 'Lollapalooza in Chicago' and future performances at 'Summer Sonic in Tokyo,' it's really possible for them to go to many countries to hold their own concert and meet more fans. NewJeans said at a recent press conference, "We are working hard to have a chance to meet [everyone] soon." With the global success and attention everyone now has NewJeans, they can go on a tour much sooner. Undoubtedly, more music from NewJeans will come before they get to go with their first world tour concert! Source

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NewJeans’s Dazzling 2023 Year-End Performances Across Korea, U.S., and Japan

N ewJeans is set to dazzle the world in 2023, sweeping major year-end stages in Korea, the United States, and Japan. The constant love calls for NewJeans to perform on these year-end stages both domestically and internationally, are a testament to the group’s global popularity and stature. The scale of their success shows high potential considering that the group has yet to fully launch their overseas activities.

◇Performing Three Songs at Japan’s Top Award Show, Welcoming the New Year on a Famous U.S. Broadcast

NewJeans is set to perform on the stage of Japan’s TBS ’65th Glittering! Japan Record Awards’ on the 30th. At the ‘Japan Record Awards’ the most prestigious music award show in Japan they will be the first foreign artist to not only be nominated for the grand prize but also perform three full songs (“Ditto”, “ETA”, “New Jeans”). So far only Japanese artist YOASOBI has been able to perform three full songs at the awards show making NewJeans the first foreign artist to do so. Before this, NewJeans will also make their second consecutive appearance on Nippon TV’s flagship year-end music program ‘Announcement! The Most Popular Song of the Year ~Annual Music Awards 2023~’ on the 27th.

On the final day of this year, K-pop girl group New Jinse will make history as the first-ever to perform on the U.S. ABC broadcast ‘Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve with Ryan Seacrest 2024′ (hereafter ‘New Year’s Rockin’ Eve’). Known as the most-watched New Year’s special program in the United States, ‘New Year’s Rockin’ Eve’ boasts a spectacular lineup each year. With a star-studded cast including Post Malone, Ivy Queen, Jelly Roll, Sabrina Carpenter, and more already announced for this year, New Jinse is set to captivate viewers on the Korean stage.

NewJeans has already swept the domestic year-end stages and award shows. Following their performance at KBS 2TV’s ‘2023 Music Bank Global Festival’, they showcased a parade of hits at the ‘2023 SBS Gayo Daejeon’ on the 25th. Particularly at the ‘MMA 2023’ held on the 2nd, they performed a medley of all six songs from their second EP, ‘Get Up’, showcasing the ‘NewJeans Power’. Moreover, they are currently sweeping the grand prizes at major domestic award shows including the ‘MMA 2023’, ‘2023 MAMA Awards’, and ‘2023 AAA’.

◇Sweeping Year-End Summaries of Foreign Media with This Year’s Dazzling Achievements

NewJeans’ relentless year-end activities prove their unparalleled success this year. They continued the ‘NewJeans Syndrome’ by sweeping domestic and international charts with their single album ‘OMG’ in January and their second EP ‘Get Up’ in July. NewJeans became the K-pop group to reach No. 1 on the U.S. Billboard main album chart ‘Billboard 200’ in the shortest time (1 year) after its debut. They also entered the Billboard main song chart ‘Hot 100’ with five songs (‘OMG’, ‘Ditto’, ‘Super Shy’, ‘ETA’, and ‘Cool With You’) this year. Based on these achievements, NewJeans won the ‘Top Global K-pop Artist’ at the ‘2023 Billboard Music Awards known to be one of the three major music award shows in the U.S.

Moreover, NewJeans has made a name for themselves in the ‘Song of the Year’ and ‘Album of the Year’ announced by prestigious foreign media at the end of the year. Mainstream media like RollingStone, Consequence of Sound, Billboard, and NME, as well as indie-taste webzines or blogs like Pitchfork, and GORILLA vs. BEAR, have all paid attention to NewJeans’ music. The common opinion is that their innovative and fresh music, which breaks away from the existing K-pop formula, has shaken the hearts of listeners worldwide, including the North American market.

Notably, NewJeans and their songs have ranked at the top among dozens of K-pop artists/works selected by the media, and in some media, they have shown unprecedented presence by being the first K-pop artist/work to make the list. NewJeans, who are in their second year since debut have proven their global stature by being mentioned alongside unmissable pop stars of this year like Taylor Swift, SZA, Troye Sivan, and Olivia Rodrigo.

NewJeans is spending busy days without a break to repay the global fans’ expectations and the support they received throughout the year. Looking at their packed schedule it’s fair to say they are ‘lightning in the east and west’. As they continue to set records in various indicators and wrap up 2023, it is expected that they will write a new history of K-pop in 2024.

By. Ji Won Jung

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I have been absolutely OBSESSED with OMG and hype boy by Newjeans….they are the next BLACKPINK but BLACKPINK will never die down. No hate btw.I also like ditto and attention. I mostly watch the choreography videos because I like to learn the dances and record myself so the dances to see what I can improve. Newjeans has helped with improvement of the dancing. Newjeans has an easy, cute, kind of outgoing concept, that is my favorite part about them. If you don’t like Newjeans….just give them a chance. YOU WILL LOVE THEM!

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melanies0522’s profile image

I love New jeans I have been anxious over your song omg , New jean and supper shy I loved it since I was 5 and I still love it know that I am 9 honestly I love your whole New Jean group you guys are like a role model to me and I hope that you stay one to me you guys are the best

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Kinky Sex No Problem as Taiwan’s Wu Kang-ren Is Willing to Shred His Celebrity and Clothes in Service of ‘The Chronicles of Libidoists’ (EXCLUSIVE)

By Patrick Frater

Patrick Frater

Asia Bureau Chief

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The Chronicles of Libidoists

Maximum secrecy – including an omerta about the cast – was observed during the filming of “ The Chronicles of Libidoists ,” a Taiwanese film fable that is pitched as a modern-day retelling of “The Little Mermaid” fairy tale.

A work-in-progress teaser in Cannes , however, disclosed that major Taiwan star Wu Kang-ren was the protagonist of the production which, now completed, seems certain to challenge censors worldwide.

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In the hands of Yang Ya-che (“Blue Gate Crossing,” “Girlfriend, Boyfriend”), “The Chronicles of Libidoists” is an exploration of sex and sexuality pursued by a contemporary coterie of sophisticated urban dwellers. The sumptuously mounted film contains enough high-mindedness and hidden meaning (often conveyed through music and flowers) for art-house audiences to pick over, and enough story contextualize the sex scenes.

But it does so with very few clothes and scarcely an orifice unprobed.

In pursuit of their overlapping goals, Wu’s businessman-author, a transgender woman, an heiress and a motorcycle delivery man (who leads a double life in the neon-lit sex industry) engage in a cycle of full-frontal nudity, group sex, hardcore bondage, homosexuality and the use of objects.

High-profile, sexually-explicit films from Asia have previously courted opprobrium. Chinese actor Tang Wei was famously banned for several years in her native country after starring in Ang Lee’s “Lust, Caution,” though her male co-star Tony Leung Chiu-wai was celebrated for it. The source material for 1999 Korean BDSM film “Lies” landed its author in jail, though 25 years later a restored, remastered and uncut version of Jang Sun Woo’s more nihilist movie is now playing the specialty festival circuit.

What attracted you to the project? What persuaded you to join?

I actually agreed to work on this project without even having read the script. I have known director Yang for a long time and had always wanted to work with him. I knew that he was going to make a new film, but nobody knew what it was about. I simply submitted my CV. Yang was like, “Cool, let’s have a chat” and told me roughly when they were going to shoot. I blocked my time for it, still without knowing the story.

When I got the script, I was surprised, but at the same time not surprised. And I’ve never asked him why he wanted to make this.

What I was being offered was like returning to the time I started my career. It’s very pure. There is no burden. I just needed to invest myself and focus on playing that role to my best.

Did you ask friends, family or your agent for help in weighing the positives and negatives of joining this film?

I don’t have an agent or a manager. And, actually, I didn’t discuss it with anybody.

When I started out, I had a mentor, a very senior director, and worked with him to position myself as an arthouse actor. But because of the environment in Taiwan, I ended up doing more and more commercial projects. I got various different product endorsement contracts. Being a movie star comes with financial and reputational benefits. And through a combination of hard work and luck, I won some awards. So, people probably have an image of me as someone who is very mainstream, healthy and positive.

But there is a difference between movie star and actor. As an actor, I’m very happy that I agreed to this film. It is like the tension accumulated over the past decades has been released.

Other people’s reactions, the external environment is not something I can control. But for myself, it’s all about playing the role and doing my job well.

So, this film’s shock value was neither a negative nor part of its attraction?

The film industry is a business. So, there will be positive and negative things. But I did not invest myself in this kind of role, because I want to create shock value.

Honestly, the kinds of nudity I was willing to be involved in may not be the last time. And I’m not bothered by the moral standards attributed by other people. In the end, the film belongs to the director.

An actor may have a peak period of maybe 20 to 30 years. Well, I’m now 15 years into my career. I have a lot of passion and am still willing to take some risks.

What was the emphasis of your performance? What was the emphasis of the direction?

The main focus of my preparation was trying to understand what was going through the director’s head. The way that Yang wrote the script left huge room for imagination. Once we were on set, Yang gave us a lot of very abstract descriptions of things. Only rarely did he say, Ddo it faster” or “more emotion.”

Have you ever worked with an intimacy coordinator before? How was the experience?

In the Chinese speaking world, this kind of setup is not as common as maybe in the west. But I actually knew the woman [coordinator] from before.

Scenes with a lot of nudity, a lot of sex require a lot of preparation in advance. Everybody was very stressed, especially the crew, who fortunately were very serious about it. Every move, every touch. It was all calculated and communicated.

The coordinator, in the beginning, would demonstrate with a pillow. The pillow would be me and the coordinator would role play the leading actress. Then she’d swap and play the role of the actor, with the pillow. Then it would be me with the coordinator. Then the actress with the coordinator. Finally, the actress and I would do a test shot together. And so, by the time we’re actually filming the scenes, I don’t think there was any remaining awkwardness. Everyone was comfortable, because we all know exactly what is going to happen – cast and crew.

Also, this way there was no need for body doubles for any of the actors at any time.

What is next for you?

Recently, at an awards ceremony, I found myself sitting next to Tony Leung, who is a legend, especially for Chinese speaking actors like me. There, he told me that he was going to Germany to do a new film [Ildiko Enyedi’s ‘Silent Friend’] . He’s like a moving boat, one that you can never catch up with. After all this time, he’s still going off exploring a new continent, looking for new treasure.

Like him, I’m willing to do a lot of exploration. But I don’t think I have finished exploring the Greater China region. There are so many different dialects. So, it’s all Chinese but you can express yourself in different dialects and variants. I would like to keep breaking the mold and work on more. Or maybe take a role in Japanese.

And in terms of changing my physicality, I’ve previously dropped a lot of weight to become skinny in a very short period of time. I don’t see myself doing that again any time soon. That’s really not good for your body.

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Is ONCE right when they claim NewJeans won't tour soon cause they fear having no sell out stadiums?

  • Feb 20th 2024

Now is the time to strike. IVE has already toured almost 5 times it seems. That's where the real money is so I don't understand why New Jeans isn't doing a world tour this year. Maybe they are scared or they are trying to copy f(x) and wait and have one on the last year of their career and then retire.

I don't stan any of these groups but I get where ONCE is coming from. The amount of people paying to go see them is astronomical for a girl group. They put in the work all these years and now it's really time to get mad paid. New Jeans is the hot new thing and are putting up crazy numbers on streaming and album sales but until New Jeans can convince 1 .5 million people to leave the house, drive all the way to the concert, pay for an expensive ticket and expensive snacks and drinks, enjoy a show, then drive back home and go to work or school the next day on 2 hours sleep, I have to agree with ONCE and say Twice is still bigger than them in 2024.

At this point I feel Red Velvet could outsell New Jeans in a concert. Or Lisa by herself.

I'd still rather go to Young Posse concert than any of these groups. At least I'd have an excuse if I get caught sneaking in my own macaroni and cheese snack.

Yes, The entire fandom discuss this and we all agreed on this take. Proceed

I guarantee the majority of Once's don't give a sh*t about what NJ's are doing

Quote from OnceMidzy4ever Yes, The entire fandom discuss this and we all agreed in this take. Proceed

After reading this message, I am now also a Once and can confirm this statement. We are all in agreement.

Quote from jimeous I guarantee the majority of Once's don't give a sh*t about what NJ's are doing

But I thought it's always a foot race between ONCE and BLINKS into a thread about New Jeans breaking records and taking over the industry.

This is kinda well written, did you get assistance?

Quote from Drew_B But I thought it's always a foot race between ONCE and BLINKS into a thread about New Jeans breaking records and taking over the industry.

Just typical AKP stuff

Quote from Jasque-O-Part2 This is kinda well written, did you get assistance?

lmao don't make fun of your icons. Remember who your username is based off of.

They could and probably would sell-out every venue. I mean, they're already breaking BP's records, and they pretty big worldwide too.

Also, I get people like to make assumptions, some fans are even jealous for the success of other groups. To be honest, I don't get why Twice fans would be jealous, because they have great numbers too.

Don't forget, people said the same thing about Mamamoo last year, and they hardly comparable to any mainstream Kpop group, when it comes to hype. Yet, they broke BP's record and became the # 1 US debut tour. Now, people say the same thing about IU : "She's not a big name outside of Asia. She won't sell-out any stadium in the US or in Europe." etc, but I'm 100% sure that IU could sell-out the biggest stadiums in the world. If Mamamoo did it without any PR, IU and NewJeans could do it with TWO hands tied behind their backs.

One more thing: NJ has like 20 songs so far? If we don't count instrumentals and remixes, just the main songs. That's not a lot for doing a World Tour. They need at least 2 more EP or a Full-Album to start to think about a World Tour.

Quote from David33 They could and probably would sell-out every venue. I mean, they're already braking BP's records, and they pretty big worldwide too. Also, I get people like to make assumptions, some fans are even jealous for the success of other groups. To be honest, I don't get why Twice fans would be jealous, because they have great numbers too. Don't forget, people said the same thing about Mamamoo last year, and they hardly comparable to any mainstream Kpop group, when it comes to hype. Yet, they broke BP's record and became the # 1 US debut tour. Now, people say the same thing about IU : "She's not a big name outside of Asia. She won't sell any stadium in the US or in Europe." etc, but I'm 100% sure that IU could sell-out the biggest stadiums in the world. If Mamamoo did it without any PR, IU and NewJeans could do it with TWO hands tied behind their backs.


Quote from YamaChwan
Quote from David33 They could and probably would sell-out every venue. I mean, they're already braking BP's records, and they pretty big worldwide too. Also, I get people like to make assumptions, some fans are even jealous for the success of other groups. To be honest, I don't get why Twice fans would be jealous, because they have great numbers too. Don't forget, people said the same thing about Mamamoo last year, and they hardly comparable to any mainstream Kpop group, when it comes to hype. Yet, they broke BP's record and became the # 1 US debut tour. Now, people say the same thing about IU : "She's not a big name outside of Asia. She won't sell any stadium in the US or in Europe." etc, but I'm 100% sure that IU could sell-out the biggest stadiums in the world. If Mamamoo did it without any PR, IU and NewJeans could do it with TWO hands tied behind their backs. One more thing: NJ has like 20 songs so far? If we don't count instrumentals and remixes, just the main songs. That's not a lot for doing a World Tour. They need at least 2 more EP or a Full-Album to start to think about a World Tour. Display More

IU past her prime. She can't sell out in 2024.

Quote from Drew_B IU past her prime. She can't sell out in 2024.

Past her prime? Please, don't make jokes like this.

This is after less than 1 day!

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IU is not an idiot, she knows where she can sell-out stadiums. People will see it soon enough. Mamamoo past their prime last year too, it was their 9th anniversary, yet they broke the record. IU is much bigger, worldwide, too. Some Kpop fans think, people only love IU because of her songs, but she's an actress too.

Their combined discography of their 1min 2min songs isn't enough to have a proper setlist, going on tour or even having a concert would be a downright scam

Quote from icyruios Their combined discography of their 1min 2min songs isn't enough to have a proper setlist, going on tour or even having a concert would be a downright scam

great point. when IVE started their world tour, they had about 50mins worth of recorded material with the I'VE IVE release. NJs at the moment has only 34, not incl. promos/remixes

the fandom perspective is that the album will come just before the world tour announcement. the clues are there if you want to go digging into the fandom

Quote from KpopJop great point. when IVE started their world tour, they had about 50mins worth of recorded material with the I'VE IVE release. NJs at the moment has only 34, not incl. promos/remixes the fandom perspective is that the album will come just before the world tour announcement. the clues are there if you want to go digging into the fandom

I think with 1 more comeback NJs can start thinking of going on tours and concerts.

I mean IVE is only starting their 1st World Tour (not counting concerts or smaller size overseas concerts) but they are a couple of months earlier than NJs

I do hope that it is at least a full album for NJs though, and in not talking about those 7 8 songs full albums I'm talking at least 10 songs.

Quote from icyruios I think with 1 more comeback NJs can start thinking of going on tours and concerts. I mean IVE is only starting their 1st World Tour (not counting concerts or smaller size overseas concerts) but they are a couple of months earlier than NJs I do hope that it is at least a full album for NJs though, and in not talking about those 7 8 songs full albums I'm talking at least 10 songs.

i did the maths cause im a feckin loser, you're right

IVE's arena setlist= 25 songs (incl. 6 covers) -> 19 songs ( no covers)

NJ's Lolla setlist = 12 songs (no covers)

So if NJ follow IVE's plan (and it's a good show I've heard), they gotta relase about 7 more originals, which is less than the bare minimum for an album. then they add on 5 covers

they need an album!

NJ would have enough material by now if their songs weren't 2 minuets long. Dont ' they already have double the amount of songs than BP at the same point in their career?

Quote from David33 Past her prime? Please, don't make jokes like this. This is after less than 1 day! External Content Content embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent. Display all external content Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy. IU is not an idiot, she knows where she can sell-out stadiums. People will see it soon enough. Mamamoo past their prime last year too, it was their 9th anniversary, yet they broke the record. IU is much bigger, worldwide, too. Some Kpop fans think, people only love IU because of her songs, but she's an actress too. Display More

Hyein impact?

Quote from Drew_B NJ would have enough material by now if their songs weren't 2 minuets long. Dont ' they already have double the amount of songs than BP at the same point in their career?

BP don't even have songs double of 0 is 0

I don't know when NewJeans will start touring, but I do know it won't be in stadiums. NO ONE goes straight to touring stadiums, and for anyone who once again need reminding, you could count the number of Kpop acts who've done it on your hand. Being the latest trend doesn't guarantee you'll repeat that sort of success. There's also the pressing matter of them not having enough songs to hold a proper concert yet, regardless of venue size. And as much as their fans will make excuses, we also can't ignore the fact that they were already scheduled to perform in a stadium in the US, along with other artists, and that shit got cancelled due to lack of interest. Not the best of omens. I won't hold any ill will for the group if they make it, but their fans need to stop putting the cart before the horse.

On an unrelated note, IU being able to tour stadiums outside of S. Korea is one of the funniest things I've ever read, so this thread was still worth it for that alone .

Quote from Drew_B Now is the time to strike. IVE has already toured almost 5 times it seems. That's where the real money is so I don't understand why New Jeans isn't doing a world tour this year. Maybe they are scared or they are trying to copy f(x) and wait and have one on the last year of their career and then retire.

Ive 5 times tour?? What tour?

They only had 1 fanmeeting tour - Prom Queen and 1 world tour - Show What I Have

Upcoming another fanmeeting in seoul

Quote from gerrard174 Ive 5 times tour?? What tour? They only had 1 fanmeeting tour - Prom Queen and 1 world tour - Show What I Have Upcoming another fanmeeting in seoul

Oh my bad . I just see them leaving the airport every week to go perform somewhere. Thought it was for touring.

If im not mistaken, LSRF also go into tour after they released Unforgiven which gave them discography of about 49mins only (excluding all remixes and PN)

Quote from gerrard174 If im not mistaken, LSRF also go into tour after they released Unforgiven which gave them discography of about 49mins only (excluding all remixes and PN)

yeah, about 50 mins of material seems to be the comfortable place to start headlining tours. NJ with 34 mins of songs made a 47 minute Lolla set. they're close but not there yet

YamaChwan is it true NJ concert got shut down cause of no interest like another poster said?

Quote from KpopJop yeah, about 50 mins of material seems to be the comfortable place to start headlining tours. NJ with 34 mins of songs made a 47 minute Lolla set. they're close but not there yet

Or they can be like BP 🤣🤣

BP started their first tour with 9 songs only. They made up the rest with covers + solo covers + Jennie 's solo. Encore was remixes.

(The 9 songs thingy was the biggest factor I refuse to see the concert. I waited till they have more materials to see them)

Yes, the issue with a NewJeans tour is a matter of discography not demand.

I would feel ripped off paying the money required for good seats at any A tier K-Pop group's concert, when they have as few songs as NewJeans.

Patience. There is literally no reason to rush it. NewJeans aren't even TWO years old yet

Quote from Drew_B YamaChwan is it true NJ concert got shut down cause of no interest like another poster said?

That is a total lie and utter nonsense.

It was a poorly planned and advertised Immortal Song 2 concert, and from what I heard from the people who went, it was a total shit show.

Makes sense why NewJeans pulled out

Quote from YamaChwan That is a total lie and utter nonsense. It was a poorly planned and advertised Immortal Song 2 concert, and from what I heard from the people who went, it was a total shit show. Makes sense why NewJeans pulled out
Quote from YamaChwan Yes, the issue with a NewJeans tour is a matter of discography not demand. I would feel ripped off paying the money required for good seats at any A tier K-Pop group's concert, when they have as few songs as NewJeans. Patience. There is literally no reason to rush it. NewJeans aren't even TWO years old yet

But my patience is running thin with NJ and their fans. The not enough songs excuse sounds a lot like the tickets are too expensive excuse when someone's faves are't reaching their goal with a concert.


would doing a fan meet tour with songs + covers + and some dance remix be enough to do that? dont kpop fans love it when idols do covers of other songs. i come across idols doing covers and people going apeshit.

would the money earns from those outweigh cost?

pretty much every group did some sort of mini tours before or at 1year no ?

they are the number 1 group as some would say so they should have no problem selling out even a 3 to 4 stop mini fan meet tours.

Quote from Drew_B But my patience is running thin with NJ and their fans. The not enough songs excuse sounds a lot like the tickets are too expensive excuse when someone's faves are't reaching their goal with a concert.

Their performed their entire discography at Lolla in 45 minutes, with breaks to greet the fans and have a photo opp and chat.

There aren't enough songs my dude.

Quote from Rarami would doing a fan meet tour with songs + covers + and some dance remix be enough to do that? dont kpop fans love it when idols do covers of other songs. i come across idols doing covers and people going apeshit. would the money earns from those outweigh cost? pretty much every group did some sort of mini tours before or at 1year no ? they are the number 1 group as some would say so they should have no problem selling out even a 3 to 4 stop mini fan meet tours.

This is what I feel like also. If New Jeans are as big as their fans claim then they should be able to do a massive tour on covers alone .

Quote from YamaChwan Their performed their entire discography at Lolla in 45 minutes, with breaks to greet the fans and have a photo opp and chat. There aren't enough songs my dude.

If and when they do tour are you going to their concert?

Quote from Drew_B If and when they do tour are you going to their concert?
Quote from YamaChwan Of course

Ok sure I'll go with you. Thanks for the invite. Do you want to meet up at the arena or somewhere else like Subway so we can get a footlong to sneak in?

Quote from Drew_B At this point I feel Red Velvet could outsell New Jeans in a concert. Or Lisa by herself.

Yo yo yo, calm down... don't step up Big Boss Manoban

She's not there yet

Onces are always right

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Watch Every 2024 BET Awards Performance

From Will Smith's return to stage to Sexyy Red's presidential bid and Megan Thee Stallion's show-opening throw down, we have them all for you.

By Gil Kaufman

Gil Kaufman

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Megan Thee Stallion

The 2024 BET Awards on Sunday night (June 30) had something for everyone, including Will Smith’s gospel rap return to music, host Taraji P. Henson channeling Kendrick Lamar’s Juneteenth Pop Out concert look during a “Not Like Us” parody, as well as Ice Spice putting the censors into overdrive with her runs through “Phat Butt” and “Think U the Shit (Fart).”

Sexyy Red also served up a two-fer with “U My Everything” and “Get It Sexyy,” as did Latto (“Sunday Service,” “Big Mama”), while GloRilla proved she deserves to be on the big stage with a medley featuring “Yeah Glo!,” followed by “TGIF,” and a team up with her current tourmate Megan Thee Stallion on “Wanna Be.”

Meg made her own mark with a show-opening treat for her Hotties, continuing her rebirth theme by popping out of an egg in a bikini to perform “Hiss,” “Boa” and “Where Them Girls At?” There were also nods to country courtesy of Tanner Adell (“Buckle Bunny,” “Cowboy Broke My Heart”) and Shaboozey, who was joined by J-Kwon for his breakout Billboard Hot 100 No. 2 hit “A Bar Song (Tipsy).”

The night also featured a lifetime achievement award honor for Usher, whose hit records were performed by Childish Gambino, Coco Jones, Keke Palmer, Summer Walker and Marsha Ambrosius, as well as Tinashe, Teyana Taylor, Victoria Monét and Latto. In addition to a medley from Lauryn Hill and son YG Marley, one of the night’s most talked-about bits was when Smith debuted his new inspirational song, “You Can Make It,” with help from the Sunday Service Choir, Kirk Franklin and Chandler Moore from a stage rung in fire.

Watch, or rewatch, all of the 2024 BET Awards performances below.

Megan Thee Stallion

Megan Thee Stallion

Meg emerged from an egg to rule the stage to kick off Sunday’s show with a medley of new songs including “Hiss” and “Boa,” as well as her latest anthem, “Where Them Girls At?”

Victoria Monét

Victoria Monét

Monét and her crew were matchy-matchy in bedazzled baggy jeans, varsity jackets and oversized white t-shirts as the singer danced her way through the bubbling “On My Mama” and was joined by surprise guest Kaytranada for “Alright.”

Will Smith

In his first major awards show performance since his 2022 Chris Rock slap at the Oscars, Smith returned to music with the live debut of his gospel-tinged single “You Can Make It,” urgently rapping on a stormy stage accompanied by the Sunday Service Choir, Kirk Franklin and Chandler Moore.

GloRilla and Megan Thee Stallion

Glo parachuted onto the stage for a high-energy run through her anthem “Yeah Glo!” before slipping into her new “TGIF” single and getting a surprise pop-in from tour mate Megan Thee Stallion for their collaboration on “Wanna Be.”


Shaboozey brought some boot scoot to the proceedings on Sunday with a bar-themed shuffle through his hit single “A Bar Song (Tipsy),” which featured line dancing and a surprise appearance from St. Louis’ J-Kwon, who rapped the hook ‘Boozey’s song is based around.

Tanner Adell

Tanner Adell

The country upstart turned an automotive product placement-heavy set into a showcase for her feisty sound with a medley of her songs “Buckle Bunny” and “Cowboy Broke My Heart.”


Latto sipped some wine and lounged in her fur coat during her set-opening stroll through “Sunday Service,” accompanied by a single dancer, a DJ and piano player before jumping up from her lounge chair and switching into an animal print two-piece for the live debut of her new single, “Big Mama.”

Sexyy Red

Red kicked things off with “U My Everything,” wearing a long red robe that matched her fiery hair color on a set dressed to look like a jazz club. After being swept away by the fake secret service, the scene then turned to a stage bedecked with presidential patterns and “Sexyy Red For President” logos as the MC offered up her “sexy oath of office” in “Get It Sexyy.”


Best new artist winner Tyla got back to basics during her set, emerging from a cage featuring a tiger made up of dancers in striped costumes and paying homage to her South African culture while performing “Jump” with assists from Gunna and Skillibeng.

Heiress Harris and Van Van

Heiress Harris and VanVan

T.I. and Tiny’s adorable daughter Heiress made her BET debut alongside fellow pint sized MC Van Van with a song featuring an uplifting message about individuality. The eight-year-old rapper ruled the classroom-themed stage during the song with lyrics about playing tag, Roger Rabbit and keeping it cute.\

Ice Spice

Spice twerked her way across the stage in a white bikini and matching furry boots on the gas station-themed set for fiery performances of “Phat Butt” and ‘Think U the Shit (Fart).”

Usher Tribute

Keke Palmer

Usher was honored on Sunday night with a lifetime achievement award that included an all-star musical 15-minute tribute featuring Childish Gambino, Teyana Taylor, Keke Palmer, Victoria Monét, Coco Jones, Chlöe, Latto Summer Walker and Marsha Ambrosius running through some of Ush’s biggest hits.

Lauryn Hill and YG Marley

YG Marley and Lauryn Hill

The Fugees singer/rapper and solo star was joined by son YG Marley for a dramatic show-closing medley of her hits “Lost Ones” and YG’s “Survival” and “Praise Jah in the Moonlight,” capped by Fugees bandmate Wyclef Jean joining them for 1995’s iconic “Fu-Gee-La.”

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  1. NewJeans @ Bunnies Camp 2024 Tokyo Dome Megathread : r/NewJeans

    Welcome to r/NewJeans, the subreddit community for NewJeans! NewJeans (뉴진스) is a five-member K-pop girl group by ADOR, an independent record label under HYBE, consisting of members Hanni, Minji, Danielle, Haerin, and Hyein.

  2. NewJeans World Tour : r/NewJeans

    Welcome to r/NewJeans, the subreddit community for NewJeans! NewJeans (뉴진스) is a five-member K-pop girl group by ADOR, an independent record label under HYBE, consisting of members Hanni, Minji, Danielle, Haerin, and Hyein. The group made their official debut on July 22, 2022.🐰. NewJeans World Tour. So the tour is being hinted at and ...

  3. 240701 NewJeans Weekly Discussion Thread : r/NewJeans

    Yes, they announced 2 single albums, Tokyo Dome, new album in the 2nd half of 2024 and world tour in 2025. They said they are securing sufficient for World Tour. They did not say it would be full album, but Hanni lowkey confirmed it during Tokyo Dome concert.

  4. NewJeans World Tour : r/NewJeans

    2. Award. mad_titanz. • 9 mo. ago. Right now every Kpop group seems to be in a world tour so I don't think NewJeans can't do it even though their discography is small. They can extend the concert with solo stages and covers of popular Kpop songs. 2. Award. bluebirdcassie.

  5. New Jeans First World Tour? : r/NewJeans

    According to ADOR, the world tour starts in 2025, and they are set to release a studio album in the second half of the year. For Australia, I think they would definitely include it in the world tour since that's where Danielle and Hanni's hometown is. In case you weren't aware, Newjeans will have a comeback with two singles in May and June :)) 13.

  6. International Tour? : r/NewJeans

    They definitely should do west coast. They literally made me get into K-pop again after 6 years. I just saw a tiktok claiming NewJeans is touring in April 2024 Boston MA, Newark NJ, Chicago IL, Atlanta GA, Dallas TX, and Seattle WA.

  7. Do you think Newjean's gonna have a world tour anytime soon ...

    They'll probably do something similar to LSF and have a smaller scale tour to start off in either Q4 2023 year or Q1 2024. Personally think it'd make the most sense to have a 'test run' of sorts like that just to build up some experience and let the girls learn how to handle touring etc.

  8. 240630 NewJeans Instagram Reel Update : r/NewJeans

    Welcome to r/NewJeans, the subreddit community for NewJeans! NewJeans (뉴진스) is a five-member K-pop girl group by ADOR, an independent record label under HYBE, consisting of members Hanni, Minji, Danielle, Haerin, and Hyein.

  9. is new jeans really going on tour? : r/kpophelp

    They'd need at least 2 hours worth not including time for ments. I live in Boston — no way in hell is New Jeans playing TD. Theyre doing well, but not arena tour well. Edit: there's a bruins game at TD on that date. So, extra not real. Yeah there's a Blackhawks game at the United Center on the alleged Chicago date too.

  10. NewJeans are the most important girl band on the planet

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  11. NewJeans live at Lollapalooza: the K-pop group justifies the hype

    Grant Park, Chicago, August 3: The ADOR five-piece make history with their US live debut, becoming the first female K-pop act to appear at Lolla. Bunnies have taken over the south end of Grant ...

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    Watch on. NewJeans touched down in the United States and made their first ever performance stateside at Lollapalooza on Thursday (Aug. 3). Arriving to Chicago just days after their second EP, Get ...

  13. NewJeans set to make special guest appearance at IU's world tour

    AKP STAFF. NewJeans, the popular girl group, is set to join IU as special guests during her upcoming world tour concert at her ' 2024 IU HER World Tour '. It has been reported that IU herself ...

  14. NewJeans tease details of headline tour dates

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  15. NewJeans

    NewJeans (Korean: 뉴진스; RR: Nyujinseu) is a South Korean girl group formed by ADOR.The group is composed of five members: Minji, Hanni, Danielle, Haerin, and Hyein.They are known for their girl next door image and musical stylings reminiscent of the 1990s and 2000s.. NewJeans debuted on July 22, 2022, with the single "Attention", their first number-one song on South Korea's Circle Digital ...

  16. NewJeans is deceptively talented and multifaceted : r/NewJeans

    Welcome to r/NewJeans, the subreddit community for NewJeans! NewJeans (뉴진스) is a five-member K-pop girl group by ADOR, an independent record label under HYBE, consisting of members Hanni, Minji, Danielle, Haerin, and Hyein.

  17. NewJeans: K-Pop Rising Star to Know

    04/24/2023. NewJeans ADOR. This story is part of Billboard 's K-Pop Issue. "You got me looking for attention," NewJeans sings on its debut single, "Attention.". And since the track's ...

  18. NewJeans Rumored to Embark on World Tour in Second Half of Year

    Get up! NewJeans *might* have a world tour soon! NewJeans are reportedly preparing for their world tour in the 2nd half of the year. LE SSERAFIM, NewJeans, and IVE, known as the 4th generation girl groups, are embarking on overseas tours and expanding their global reach. As LE SSERAFIM and IVE kick off with their first-ever world tours, NewJeans are reportedly preparing for their world tour in ...

  19. Newjeans Tickets, 2024 Concert Tour Dates

    Find Newjeans tour schedule, concert details, reviews and photos. Buy Newjeans tickets from the official site. ... a bunny!! So please come down to San Antonio, it's in the middle of the state! And we'll love to have y'all!! Let's go New Jeans!! Rating: 5 out of 5 Yaya by COME TO FLORIDAAAA on 5/18/24. NEWJEANS ON ...

  20. NewJeans's Dazzling 2023 Year-End Performances Across Korea, U ...

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  21. NewJeans Tickets, Tour Dates & Concerts 2025 & 2024

    NewJeans is not due to play near your location currently - but they are scheduled to play 1 concert across 1 country in 2024-2025. View all concerts. Buy tickets for NewJeans concerts near you. See all upcoming 2024-25 tour dates, support acts, reviews and venue info.

  22. Wu Kang-ren Talks Kinky Sex in 'The Chronicles of Libidoists'

    Living out sex fantasies and working with an intimacy coordinator were new experiences for Wu Kang-ren, lead actor on 'The Chronicles of Libidoists'.

  23. Is ONCE right when they claim NewJeans won't tour soon cause they fear

    New Jeans is the hot new thing and are putting up crazy numbers on streaming and album sales but until New Jeans can convince 1.5 million people to leave the house, drive all the way to the concert, pay for an expensive ticket and expensive snacks and drinks, enjoy a show, then drive back home and go to work or school the next day on 2 hours ...

  24. Newjeans Concerts & Live Tour Dates: 2024-2025 Tickets

    Get alerts about tour announcements, concert tickets, and shows near you with a free Bandsintown account. Follow. No upcoming shows. Send a request to Newjeans to play in your city. ... NewJeans 1st EP `New Jeans' $19.55. NewJeans `OMG' $10.47. View All. concerts and tour dates. Past. JUN. 27.

  25. France: Far right leads first round of parliamentary election in blow

    Marine Le Pen's far-right National Rally (RN) party led the first round of France's parliamentary elections on Sunday, taking it closer to the gates of power than ever before.

  26. Watch Every 2024 BET Awards Performance

    Glo parachuted onto the stage for a high-energy run through her anthem "Yeah Glo!" before slipping into her new "TGIF" single and getting a surprise pop-in from tour mate Megan Thee ...

  27. 240702 Dior Beauty Instagram Update with Haerin : r/NewJeans

    Welcome to r/NewJeans, the subreddit community for NewJeans! NewJeans (뉴진스) is a five-member K-pop girl group by ADOR, an independent record label under HYBE, consisting of members Hanni, Minji, Danielle, Haerin, and Hyein.