The Family Voyage

Complete 10 Day Israel Itinerary

israel travel journal

Want to make your first trip to Israel amazing without stressing over the details?

This complete 10 day Israel itinerary is for you!

israel travel journal

Planning a trip to Israel can be a huge undertaking. You need to figure out what’s worth seeing and what you can skip, how to deal with weird opening and closing times, and how to split your time up in the different regions to make the most of your visit. You’ll have a million restaurants, hotels and tour guides to choose from.

We’re hard-core travel planners and everyone in our family has visited Israel multiple times (even our 5 year old!) over the last three decades. We’ve experienced the country as kids, parents, young adults on group trips, solo travelers, couples-only and more. Now we want to share our love for Israel and our deep travel insights with YOU!

Sure, you can save time by paying a tour company to plan and run your whole trip. But we want this trip to be yours , at your own pace, and doing the things you’re interested in. Get the best of both worlds with this complete 10 day Israel itinerary – saving you both time and money.

Stop planning and start traveling!

What’s Included In This Guide

  • Over 40 detailed pages
  • Daily schedules
  • Interactive downloadable map
  • Insider tips on getting around, handling Shabbat, seasonal details and more
  • Amazing restaurants
  • The best tours
  • Accommodation recommendations
  • Packing list
  • Pre-trip checklist
  • BONUS: car-free alternative itinerary

Here’s A Preview Of What You’ll Get

israel travel journal

And 30+ more pages of detailed itineraries and helpful information!

Which Locations Does This Guide Cover?

It’s an action-packed 10 day itinerary, but you can feel free to cut out anything that’s not interesting or seems to fast-paced. It’s your vacation! This guide covers most of Israel. With our itinerary you’ll visit:

  • Carmel Coast/Northern Coast
  • Dead Sea area

Why You Need This Guide

If you’re like us, you want your vacation to be your vacation! We don’t want to spend all day on a tour bus with 40 strangers going to the places meant for tourist groups and sleeping at generic out-of-the-way hotels, and neither should you. With this itinerary, you’ll have me along as your “virtual” tour guide but without all the downsides of a big group tour. With me as your guide, you’ll see the best of Israel with confidence!

Are You Ready To Invest In Your Vacation?

Get this complete itinerary for $19.99

You’ll immediately receive your detailed Israel itinerary straight to your email inbox!

Commercial use is prohibited. If you love my itinerary, please encourage your friends and family to buy their own copy.

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Yallah! Israel

Tangible Memories: The NFTY in Israel Travel Journal

By Dan Garwood, North American Coordinator

If you asked me what Iā€™m most excited for this summer, one of my answers would be the incredibly creative ways that participants will use the NFTY in Israel Travel Journal! Weā€™ve mailed a copy of the Travel Journal to every participant, so everyone on the trip this summer has the opportunity to engage in the range of activities, writing prompts, and coloring pages in the journal as a way to create a tangible memory of the trip to bring home.

Two years ago, we embarked on a project to create a companion book that teens could use to engage with the experience in new and different ways. We know that people learn in all kinds of different ways, and where some might get the most out of the discussions we have at each site visit, others might deepen their understanding by doodling, reading an Israeli poem, or filling in a crossword puzzle.

So here are just a few awesome things to look forward in the 2019 edition of the Travel Journal:

israel travel journal

Collaborative Spotify Playlist

Weā€™ve created a shared playlist that everyone on NFTY in Israel can and should contribute to! Whether itā€™s an awesome Israeli hit, a Eurovision winner that canā€™t get enough play, or the song that everyoneā€™s rocking out to back in the US, all 500 NFTY in Israel teens across all 12 buses will make this playlist together to reflect your shared musical experience. At the end of the summer, weā€™ll turn off collaboration, so you can always come back to this playlist exactly as it was in the summer of 2019.

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Food Wrapper Collage

One of the most fun parts of exploring another country is discovering all the amazing local snacks and candies! Weā€™ve saved a two-page spread for you to save your food wrappers! Make sure you bring some clear tape with you, and remember to rinse off any particularly sticky or smelly wrappers before you tape them down.

israel travel journal

Youā€™re going to spend a lot of time on the bus, so we decided to help make it more fun! Fill out the bingo board as you encounter these things throughout your journey. Some of them are unique to Israel (ā€œSee a Goatā€) and some are unique to traveling with your best friends on a bus (ā€œEveryone Breaks Out Into Songā€). Maybe you could think of a prize to give the winner on your bus!

The Travel Journal is near and dear to my heart as itā€™s an idea I and a few colleagues came up with in a brainstorm. My URJ Youth colleagues Jenny Travis and Carrie Miskin really took the idea and ran with it ā€“ Jenny coming up with tons of engaging content and Carrie creating the beautiful art and graphic design. But ultimately, this is for our participants, so email us to let us know: What do you love about it? What would you add to it if you could? What doesnā€™t need to be there?

I hope the travel journal adds another layer to the incredible summer experience, and that all our participants come home with unique booklets chronicling an extraordinary journey.


Summer 2024

Written by Sophia Ehrenberg, Yallah! 2024 Participant Wholeness. What other word could describe the mere one square mile of the Old City in Jerusalem? There is a unique joy and fulfillment in walking those streetsā€”something Iā€™m not sure I can put into words. This...

Our Machaneh Etgar Experience

Our Machaneh Etgar Experience

Written by Ari Kim-Leavitt, Yallah! 2024 ParticipantĀ Ā  When we first arrived as a group yesterday at Kibbutz Eshbal, I had no idea what this experience would be like. I assumed weā€™d just go camping and hiking. However, it turned out to be so much more. All the...

Highlights from July 9th and July 14-15th

Highlights from July 9th and July 14-15th

Highlights of the past week from two of our 2024 Yallah! Participants.Ā  Written by Madi Goldman Despite waking up at four in the morning, our group had a blast hiking in the Red Canyon in Eilat. The path was not only filled with beautiful scenery but also enriched by...

Rabbi Josh Weinberg shares a Shabbat Message with Yallah! Teens

  Rabbi Josh Weinberg (he/him) serves as the Vice President of the URJ for Israel and Reform Zionism and is the...

Highlights from July 10th- 13th in Israel

Highlights from July 10th- 13th in Israel

Written by Ā Sophia Ehrenberg, Yallah! 2024 ParticipantĀ  Welcome to Eilat! The southernmost point of our homeland, where you can see Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt all at the same time. This hot corner of the country gives us a true perspective on where we are in this...

A Conversation with Rabbi Rick Jacobs

A Conversation with Rabbi Rick Jacobs


Our campers were lucky enough to spend a Shabbat with Rabbi Rick Jacobs on Kibbutz Mashaabei Sadeh in the Negev. "Many had just arrived in Israel from Poland where they experienced the soul shattering sites of the Holocaust. Our Shabbat service was spirited, our...

Tracy Higley

The country of Israel forms the backdrop for many scenes in my novels including The Queen’s Handmaid and The Incense Road .

If you have ever contemplated taking a trip to Israel, I would strongly urge you — do it! The days spent walking where Jesus walked and seeing the Bible come to life was nothing I’ve ever experienced.

Herod the Great’s seaport vacation spot, where Paul was held for two years and questioned by Felix and Festus. (Scenes from The Queen’s Handmaid occur here.)

israel travel journal

Mount Carmel

Where Elijah called down fire and destroyed the prophets of Baal.

israel travel journal

The Jezreel Valley near Megiddo (aka the Valley of Armegeddon)

In the distance is Nazareth, where Jesus grew up overlooking this valley.

israel travel journal

Mount of Beatitudes

Where the Israelites set up altars that displeased God.

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Caesarea Philippi

Where Peter first declared Jesus as Messiah. The god Pan was worshipped here, and these sacred caves were sometimes called “the gates of hell.” These caves are also featured in The Incense Road.

israel travel journal

Sea of Galilee

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A city where Jesus spent a lot of time. Peter’s mother-in-law’s house is reportedly here, as well as the ruins of a synagogue where Jesus likely taught.

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The “Moses seat” in a synagogue, where the Scriptures were read.

israel travel journal

A mikveh – the ritual purification area for Jewish people.

israel travel journal

Beit She’an

One of the ten cities of the Decapolis, with Greek and Roman ruins.

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This grid of terracotta was used under hot baths, to bring heat to the water.

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The Dead Sea

israel travel journal

Through the Wilderness

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The Jordan River

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Herod’s mountaintop resort (featured in The Queen’s Handmaid), where eventually the Jewish people made their last stand as Rome invaded and destroyed in 73 AD. The cable car typically ridden to the top was out of service the day we were there, so we climbed the ramp the Romans built to lay siege to the fortress, and then descended the other side via a switchbacking serpentine path that was a little bit scary!

israel travel journal

Where David hid in caves from King Saul

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Our first glimpse of Jerusalem, driving in at sunset.

israel travel journal

The Mount of Olives

View from the Mount of Olives, overlooking the temple area of Jerusalem.

israel travel journal

Garden of Gethsamane

2000 year old olive trees still grow in this garden.

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The Western Wall and the Temple Mount

A Bar Mitzvah was going on at the Western Wall on the day we were there. The divider near the bottom of the photo separates men from women.

israel travel journal

An odd picture, but one of my favorites. Someone accidentally released a bunch of balloons from the Bar Mitzvah at the Western Wall (the little spot of white in the blue sky), and as they rose into the sky above the Mount of Olives, I realized that Jesus’ ascension would likely have been visible from the Temple.

israel travel journal

On the Temple Mount, there is a line the Jewish people won’t cross, since the exact location of the temple is unknown, and they don’t want to take a chance of accidentally stepping into the Holy of Holies.

israel travel journal

The Eastern Gates, which have been walled up. Likely the gate through which Jesus entered the city on Palm Sunday, and is supposed to enter again upon His return.

israel travel journal

The highest corner of the Temple area, perhaps the site of one of Jesus’ temptations.

israel travel journal

The Antonia Fortress at the corner of the Temple Mount, likely the site of Jesus’ trial.

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The Southern Steps of the Temple Mount

Where Jesus stood and taught.

israel travel journal

There is a Greek Orthodox church on the traditional site of Jesus’ birth.

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Model of Jerusalem

This model was really interesting, and helped us get a better sense of the city.

israel travel journal

Another luxury spot for Herod the Great. His tomb was recently found on this hill, with the remains of his palace.

israel travel journal

The Garden Tomb

Tradtiional site of Jesus’ tomb.

israel travel journal

One of the most unique “local” experiences I’ve had while traveling the world… Outside the place where we stayed at Mt. Sinai, there was a Bedouin tent village, set up to serve the tourist trade. Late one evening, a young man running a little shop invited me out to his tent “for tea.” That sounded like it might be a bad idea, so I declined. But a few minutes later I ran into another guy in our tour group who had also been invited to their tents. So we said, “I’ll go if you’ll go!” and we were then treated to a couple of hours of entertainment inside their tents, during which I will admit to being taught to belly dance. The next morning, they all wanted to get photos with us. Fun.

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Time to Leave

Sunrise from our hotel, on the morning of our departure.

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Home Ā» Gear Ā» Best Travel Journals

The BEST Travel Journals of 2024! | Leather, Bullet Journals, Refillable Notebooks + More!

Looking for something special in which you jot down memories of your travel adventures? Then our list of theĀ  best travel journalsĀ  out there is definitely going to help you out.

In our world of smartphones and social media, anything remotely physical ā€“ like writing down stuff on a page ā€“ feels super old fashioned. But just because you could type it or tap out your thoughts on a touch screen, itā€™s still good to connect with physical objects.

The main thing about having a travel journal is how one-of-a-kind it feels. Having memories of your year-long backpacking journey around the world actually physically written in a book would be amazing to read back in years to come; likewise, having somewhere to note down ideas whilst youā€™re on the go and use for inspiration later feels more organised than some character-less notes on your phone.

So whatever you are looking for ā€“ be it a smart journal that you can use for short city breaks, something cute to encourage your children to write about their travels, or a classic travel journal thatā€™ll last you practically forever ā€“ our handy list has you covered.

israel travel journal

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Quick Answer: These are the Best Travel Journals of 2024

Best travel journals of 2024, #1 – best travel journal for bullet journaling, #2 – best travel journal for scrapbooking, #3 – best travel journal for painting, #4 – best travel journal with pockets, #5 – best midori-style travelers notebook, #6 – top choice for beautiful leather travel journal, #7 – best moleskine travel journal, #8 – best vacation diary, #9 – best travel diary for kids, more best travel journals of 2024, buyer guide – how to choose the best travel journal for you, faq about the best travel journals, final thoughts on the best travel journal, #1 leuchtturm1917 a5 notebook – great travel journal for bullet journaling, #2 siixu colorful blank notebook ā€“ best travel journal for scrapbooking, #3 conda hardcover spiral sketchpad – best travel journal for painting, #4 refillable leather journal traveller’s notebook  – best travel journal with pockets, #5 traveler’s notebook by traveler’s company  – best midori-style travelers notebook, #6 travel passion journal by moleskine – best moleskine travel journal, #7 travel journal by promptly journals – best vacation diary, #8 fofun leather travel journal Ā – top choice for beautiful leather travel journal, #9 kids’ travel journal Ā – best travel diary for kids.

Leather Journal by FOFUN

Leather Journal by FOFUN

  • Price > $28.95
  • > 100% Full-Grain Leather
  • > Hand-made and durable

Leuchtturm1917 A5 Notebook

Leuchtturm1917 A5 Notebook

  • Price > $24.40
  • > Great travel journal
  • > Pages are gridded

Siixu Colorful Blank Notebook

Siixu Colorful Blank Notebook

  • Price > $14.59
  • > Stitch-bound notebook
  • > Pastel-coloured

Conda Hardcover Spiral Sketchpad

Conda Hardcover Spiral Sketchpad

  • Price > $12.99
  • > Hard cover
  • > Spiral-bound

Refillable Leather Journal Traveller's Notebook

Refillable Leather Journal Travellerā€™s Notebook

  • Price > $36.99
  • > With all sorts of compartments
  • > Opening accordion-style

Traveler's Notebook by Traveler's Company

Travelerā€™s Notebook by Travelerā€™s Company

  • Price > $47.99
  • > Minimal design exterior

Travel Passion Journal by Moleskine

Travel Passion Journal by Moleskine

  • Price > $27.88
  • > Journal specifically for travel
  • > 400 pages

Travel Journal by Promptly Journals

Travel Journal by Promptly Journals

  • Price > $32.99
  • > Four pretty high-end colours
  • > Comes with a map

Mudpuppy Kids' Travel Journal

Mudpuppy Kidsā€™ Travel Journal

  • Price > $11.99
  • > Wire-bound book

israel travel journal

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Leuchtturm1917 A5 Notebook

The Leuchtturm1917 A5 Notebook is a classic – and if you ask us, very cool – notebook that we think is ideal for bullet journaling.

With enough space to put all your organization and creativity into the 249 (numbered) pages, this great travel journal for bullet journaling is compact enough to fit into day packs and filled-to-the-brim backpacks alike; the pages are standard A5 size (obviously), but the notebook itself measures in at 5.57″ x 8.25″. It’s secured with elastic.

This classic, mid-century modern notebook comes in 17 punch colours for even the most discerning traveller. From muted navy blue and olive green to bright raspberry and popping yellow, you will definitely be able to find one for your personality.

Inside, the book itself has three blank tables of contents, which means you can organise your outpourings, scribblings and note-taking by creating your very own index – which is definitely what makes it the best travel journal for bullet journaling. The pages are also gridded: perfect for bullet points, even better for geometric doodlings.

Price: $19, Amazon

Siixu Colorful Blank Notebook

The Siixu Colorful Blank Notebook is a colorful canvas with lots of space for you to unleash your own creativity.

The 192 pages in this stitch-bound notebook come with pastel-coloured, watercolour-style backgrounds for vibrancy, which are the perfect base for pasting, sticking and doodling all of your travel memories.

Other than the watercolor pattern, the pages in this 5.3″ x 7.2″ are blank and sizable enough to fit all your used tickets, memories and doodles onto the pages, but compact enough for carrying around the world. It’s easily our top pick for the best travel journal for scrapbooking.

The notebook comes in two designs: one with added quotes on the pages for charming character, the other with simple washes of colour on each page. Another plus is how budget friendly this travel journal is!

Price: $11.59, Amazon

Conda Hardcover Spiral Sketchpad

Coming in a classic spiral-bound sketchbook style, this journal from Conda is ideal for anybody looking to get crafty with their paints whilst they’re gallivanting around the world.

It’s a traditional hardcover sketchbook, with 120 blank pages of 90gsm paper – thick enough that it’ll take acrylics, oils and watercolors without bleeding through. The pages are also perforated, meaning you can tear ’em out and offer people your drawings and paintings as gifts, or to send back home.

This is a pretty sturdy book, so it should be able to withstand your travels, being shoved into a daypack, and general day-to-day wear and tear. The hard cover is also waterproof, which will help to protect your precious pieces of art. For the sturdiness alone, we’re saying this is the best travel journal for painting.

Though it may not come in different colours, it does come in different sizes, starting at 8.5″ x 11″ and with larger available for you to really get your Picasso on.

Price: $9.29, Amazon

Refillable Traveller’s Notebook by September Leather

Refillable Leather Journal Traveller's Notebook

The ultimate in travel journaling, this stylish notebook is a chic buy for you, or as a gift! It’s genuine leather, which is cool, but it’s all the stuff you get in addition to the journal itself that makes this easily one of our favourite travel journals out there.

You get a lot of bang for your buck when you opt for this notebook: a binder clip, a pen and penholder that attaches neatly to the book, lined, plain and grid inserts, a kraft folder and zipper pouch.

In addition to the storage space, this journal is refillable, so you can swap out the pages when you’ve run through them without having to buy a whole new book. You know we love to lessen our travel footprint however we can, so we’re really into that!

Traveler’s Notebook by Traveler’s Company

Traveler's Notebook by Traveler's Company

The best Midori-style travelers notebook out there simply has to be the aptly-named Traveler’s Notebook, created by the aptly-named Traveler’s Company (also a Japanese outfit).

This aesthetically minimal, mahogany leather notebook is handmade in Chiang Mai, Northern Thailand. It comes as a package of goodies: a spare elastic band and a fine fabric bag to keep it safe from scuffing – if that’s your thing.

This is a pricer notebook, but, it’s refillable, so there’s no end to the travels you can take it on. Our favourite thing about the Traveler’s Notebook is how the leather ages and changes with daily use and general travel wear, becoming a real companion on your travels around the world. We love it.

Price: $49, Amazon

Leather Journal by FOFUN

So you’re looking for a beautiful leather travel journal? Well, stop right here, because this is the one for you. Complete with wrap closing (also leather), it’s chic enough to not look like some scrappy backpacker’s scribbling pad, but rugged enough to last some pretty rough journeys in a long-term travel backpack.

Coming from the folks at FOFUN, who make a whole range of leather journals and notebooks, this one features 288 pages of top quality 100GSM lined kraft paper, all covered in full grain leather cowhide. It’s A6 size, which is 5″ by 7″.

The cool thing about this top leather travel journal is how leather ages over time, gaining personalised character as it gets scuffed and worn with use. We love that sort of thing.

Travel Passion Journal by Moleskine

When you think “notebooks,” you think “Moleskine,” so this stunning 5″ x 8.5″ journal made especially for travellers had to make our list.

Perfect for everything from weekend getaways to longer backpacking voyages, the inside of the book comes packed with an 8 (!) year calendar, a travel planning timeline, a wishlist, check-lists, lists of must-see travel destinations, and even space for that all-important travel budget .

Don’t worry, though: at 400 pages, there’s lots of free space for all of your travel memories – Moleskine estimates you can fit 6 long trips or 20 short ones into this notebook. Oh, and did we mention it comes with stickers?

Moleskine has created this journal specifically for travellers, so you can turn it into an archive of your trip once you’re back home – it even comes with a keepsake box for storage.

Price: $29.95

Travel Journal by Promptly Journals

This elegant journal by Promptly clocks in at 88 pages, so you can fill it up in a single trip – and fill your bookshelf up with a whole series of your trips! You’ll want to display it, too – the fabric covers of this journal definitely make it the most attractive vacation diary going.

Inside the journal, there are handy thought-starters(true to the company name) to help you more easily note your favourite restaurants, hotels, sights and more. There is also space for you to keep your mementoes like train tickets, museum stubs, and photos, and a roomy back pocket for everything else.

Measuring at 9.2″ x 6.1″, the covering fabric of this top vacation diary also comes in four pretty high-end colours: grey tweed, solid grey, deep blue and dusty rose.

As a bonus, this Promptly journal also comes with a map, to help you plan your journeys, star wishlist destinations, or otherwise decorate or use as you see fit. Neat!

Price: $20, Amazon

israel travel journal

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Kids’ Travel Journal

Mudpuppy Kids' Travel Journal

Wouldn’t you love to look back on your childhood travels as a grown-up? Give that gift to the kiddos in your life with this travel diary for kids by Mudpuppy.

This cool company is all about moving kids away from digital devices and into tactile creativity. This time around, they’ve created this travel journal designed specifically with kids in mind.

It’s sturdy (very important when it comes to children), and colourful (also important), spanning 128 pages so that your kids have plenty of room to channel their inner explorer. Inside the wire-bound book, there are various sections, illustrations and prompts to help children document their travels, whilst still including enough space for creativity.

One of our favourite parts are the prompts, in fact: the best and worst parts of a trip would be hilarious to read later on, as would “memorable quotes from mom and dad.”

Price: $9.99, Amazon

Soft Cover Notebook by Sloane Stationery

oneirom spiral notebook

This offering from British brand Sloane Stationery is a very sleek and stylish notebook, perfect for the stylish travellers among us.

A softcover journal with gold-embossed pages and a vibrant orange crocodile cover, it’s definitely is one of the most high-end-looking travel journals we’ve seen – especially for $15!

Even though the exterior of the book is flashy, the pages are blank so you can get on with doodling, making diary entries, taking notes, or whatever! Size-wise, it’s 5.9″ x 8.3″, the perfect size for both a backpack and chic handbag.

Just think how stylish you’re going to look sat on a terrace cafe, coffee in hand, with this journal on the table, writing about your adventures in foreign lands. Add to cart!

You Are Here: A Mindful Travel Journal by Emma Clarke

You Are Here: A Mindful Travel Journal by Emma Clarke

The internet makes it easy to succumb to the pressure of being rushed from spot to spot, Instagramming the heck out of your trip – this can really take you out of the moment.

You Are Here: A Mindful Travel Journal by writer Emma Clarke, aims to put you back in the moment and helps you get the most out of your experiences while you’re experiencing them.

Clarke (fun fact: she’s also the voice of the Bakerloo and Central Lines of the London Underground) says: “No one has ever seen this place in the same way you’re seeing it right now, right here, in this moment.” Amen!

The book is a mixture of prompts to keep you grounded and mindful, as well as blanks to fill in and, of course, pages for you to fill with notes, all of it spread over 190 pages. Plus, a portion of the proceeds go to charity. Talk about a feel-good purchase!

Rite In The Rain Notebook

Rite In The Rain Notebook

You go through a lot when you’re travelling. Downpours, heat, snow, skiing, hiking, swimming – there are all sorts of weather conditions and situations that you can get yourself into. Not to mention open water bottles knocking around in your backpack – an easy way to ruin months of journalling!

This bad boy from Rite In The Rain (which has been going since 1916) is the answer to all sorts of adverse conditions you might encounter. Plus, at 6″ x 8″, it can slot right into even small day packs.

The tough but flexible outer shell of this notebook is waterproof, and notebook’s 64 pages  will repel water, grease, sweat, mud, and all manner of other grossness. It will even go through the laundry without turning into mush!

Just use a pencil (water-based inks aren’t waterproof) and your notes will stay intact through it all. And unlike other synthetic papers, the Rite In The Rain Notebook can be recycled!

Price: $6.55, Amazon

Rifle Paper Co. Memoir Notebook

Rifle Paper Co Memoir Notebook

This floral notebook from the distinctly feminine Rifle Paper Co. is  the perfect choice for lovers of design, color and kitsch.

Printed on linen-based paper, the 8.5″ by 6.25″ Memoir Notebook comes in five beautifully illustrated covers – Juliet Rose, Tapestry, Sun Print, Terracotta and Jardin de Paris – you can choose which of the bold colours to suit you. The 130 inside pages feature beautiful illustrations as well.

Price: $15, Amazon

Marco Polo My Way Travel Journal

Marco Polo My Way Travel Journal

This notebook from Marco Polo is actually part of a whole series of travel products in their My Way line – but this journal has to be our favorite of the lot.

Marco Polo have made taking notes of your journeys easy by including fun emoji stickers, a pocket for mementoes, and fill-in-the-blank guides and travel tips. By the time you’ve filled this book, you’ll have created your very own IRL infographic of your trip. Cool!

At 160 pages and 4.8″ x 7.2″, this notebook is smaller and lighter than some notebooks – and, super affordable!

Price: $3.44, Amazon

I Was Here: A Travel Journal for the Curious Minded

I Was Here: A Travel Journal for the Curious Minded

Making waves in all sections of the journaling world, I Was Here designs journals for the curious, prompting travellers to take in the big picture and all the small and meaningful details of their trip.

Inside, the book has all sorts of spaces for notes, spaces for local tips, addresses, and wacky pages where you’re encouraged to do things like start a collection of random convenience store-bought items from the countries you visit.

In a word, I Was Here is fun! It may not be the most practical travel journal out there, but it is a cute way to collect memories and remind even jaded travellers that stopping to smell the roses (or stare at the bugs) shouldn’t be something you leave behind on the road.

Price: $10.86, Amazon

israel travel journal

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So there you have it: those are our favorite travel journals for every kind of writer – but by no means the end of your options! Whether you’re buying for yourself or considering purchasing a travel journal as a gift, there’s lots to consider in the world of stationery.

From colourful covers and page prompts, to durability and simply whether or not pages are lined or blank, there are actually a surprising amount of factors that go into the decision making process.

Closure on journals is important, especially when they might be knocking around a suitcase or a backpack for longer stretches of time. If you don’t want your pages to get crumpled, and especially if you’re someone who likes to store mementos between the pages of your journal, a solid closure is a must.

Moleskine, for example, have that classic elastic band closre that keeps things safe and sound, whereas others come with a stylish leather or fabric bound tie that not only adds to the design detail but also means you’ll be able to slot things in between the pages.

The cover of a journal is pretty important. But first of all, what the cover of a travel journal is actually made out of will make a big difference as to what notebook you actually opt for.

Vegans will probably not want to go for a leather bound notebook, and may want to go for something like a fabric covered hardback book or more durable waterproof notebook instead.

If you’re open to leather, you’ll find it to be a durable option, and it will weather over the weeks, months and years to look worn and rustic.

You should also consider soft vs. hardcover – softcover is lighter, and easier to fit into a tightly-packed suitcase, but hardcover will give you a writing surface wherever you go. For something simple (and undoubtedly budget friendly), a card covered notebook or journal may be the best option for you.

What type of paper is used for the pages of a travel journal will also play a part in your decision making. It’s easy to think that paper is paper and that’s that, but in fact, there are many different types of paper for many different uses.

A thicker gsm of paper, for example, is something that’s more likely to be used in a sketchbook (90 gsm or higher), and is good if you don’t want permanent pens to bleed through, if you plan on painting, or sticking things in.

Then again, if you want something that’s a little more stylish and classic than bleached, white paper, then maybe more classy, cream-coloured pages will be what you want in your travel journal.

It’s also possible, as the Rite In The Rain brand shows, to have waterproof, weatherproof paper, in case you plan on writing in adverse weather conditions.

Essentially it comes down to what you will be doing on those pages: painting, sketching, doodling, making notes, or whatever. Consider the effect of your planned use will have on different sorts of paper and then make your choice.

4. What’s on the page?

Though in the past, travel journals were pretty simple affairs (either a spiral bound journalists’ notebook, a Midori-style travel journal or something similar), things are a little bit different now.

Even just a few years ago, pages only came either blank, ruled or squared. Nowadays, pages in travel journals sometimes come pre-decorated. This may be cool for some people, but for others it may feel like any pre-existing writing or illustration on the page takes away from your own memories.

Prompts in some books can be fun: they encourage you to make lists of things you otherwise wouldn’t have considered, like your favourite foods, favourite hotels, and even random convenience store items you find in the countries you visit. Other times, text on the page acts as a prompt to get you thinking, maybe even getting you to write something more in-depth than you were planning to.

All in all, the choice is whether you want a completely blank page to start with – which can be daunting for a lot of people – or if you want to be gently nudged into creating an awesome travel journal for yourself. Either way, though different, is totally legit.

It’s very simple and very basic, but this is going to be a pretty huge (no pun intended) deal when it comes to deciding exactly what travel journal you are going to purchase for yourself.

If you’re heading off on a year-long backpacking trip around the world and you feel like you’ve got your one bag travel down to a T, then you’re going to want something compact and light.

However, if you want to really get into creating a scrapbook-style travel journal full of memories, sketches and tickets, then you are going to want a big enough book to fit all of that in.

If your plan is to use your travel journal for things like city breaks and two week-long vacations – in which instance you may be using a suitcase – then you may not worry too much about the size, with room in a large suitcase for a larger travel journal, naturally.

Another thing to consider is what you’re going to look like if you feel like writing your travel journal in public. It may not be practical to be lugging around an A4 sized travel journal, or to get it out if you want to make note of the tiny cafe you’re in, or trying to write on a cramped seat on a train or bus. Compact in these cases may be a lot better!

6. Length of your trip

Next to size, when thinking about what sort of travel journal is going to be right for you, a lot of people often circle back to this factor: just how long is the trip?

The thing is, some travel journals are more geared up towards one single trip: a month in Thailand, two weeks exploring Italy, a six week long road trip through the USA. That sort of thing, in which case, you won’t be needing (or wanting) a zillion pages.

Other travel journals are for numerous trips, such as the lengthy options offered by Moleskine and Midori-style notebooks (the latter of which have no structure, and for which you can buy paper-only refills for the leather cover), mean that you can dip in and out, adding different details to your various adventures, referring back to past travels: a weekend in Berlin here, an epic hike in Nepal there.

Essentially, the fewer the pages, the more likely the travel journal in question will be good for a single, perhaps lengthy trip. For the serial travellers and backpackers out there, something longer and more permanent may be the travel journal for you.

7. Organization

No longer simple collections of pages between two hard (or soft) covers, the best travel journals of today sometimes boast a whole load of interior organization to help keep you and your trip on the right track.

From simply adding an interior pocket, where you can keep a few important tickets and pictures safe, to going all out and adding plenty of envelopes and places to slip in all manner of small, special physical memories from your travels, it can vary quite a bit.

But organization isn’t just about pockets. There are other things to think about, too. Some travel journals come complete with calendars, spaces for to-do lists, maps, itineraries and even packing tips. These kind of added extras mean that the journal turns into more of a planner all round scheduling.

Obviously. Money, money, money: it’s going to be a big factor in whether you choose to buy such and such a travel journal over another one. Let’s face it, you can’t buy what you can’t afford.

Even if you can afford it, $48 might just seem – to some people – like too much to ask for a travel journal. On the other hand, some people may not trust that a sub-$8 travel journal will be any good in terms of durability.

The fact of the matter is that cheap things can be surprisingly good, and expensive things can be surprisingly bad. When it comes to budget, it’s best to choose something mid-range that has good reviews and that meets the needs of what you’re looking for in a travel diary: don’t skimp out just because it’s $5 more than you wanted it to be. If it sounds like you, then treat yourself.

Still have some questions? No problem! Weā€™ve listed and answered the most commonly asked questions below. Hereā€™s what people usually want to know:

Why should I get a travel journal?

Journaling during travels, whether that’s just for a couple of days or for weeks, is a great way to remember travel stories, clear your head and add some routine and structure to your day. It’s always great to look back on it once you finished your travels.

Which is the best leather travel journal?

These are our favorite leather journals: – Refillable Travellerā€™s Notebook by September Leather – Travelerā€™s Notebook by Travelerā€™s Company – Leather Journal by FOFUN

Do waterproof journals exist?

Yes they do! And the Rite In The Rain Notebook is one of the best. Each page is water repellent while the cover is fully waterproof.

What is the most minimalistic notebook?

We love the Travelerā€™s Notebook by Travelerā€™s Company for it’s simplicity, yet stylish design. It’s a leather notebook that is handmade in Chiang Mai.

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Kerosene lamp lighting up a journal with a pen and a note pad at nighttime.

There you have it, budding Jack Kerouacs: the very best travel journals out there right now! With our list, you’re all set to venture out into the wide world, then pop in your headphones and record all your thoughts, feelings and observations like the explorer you are.

For the best, all-round travel journal out there, the Leather Journal by FOFUN is a great choice. This is a stylish, timeless sort of journal that’s going to be a good choice for anybody.

Then again, if you’re thinking of something a little less traditional, I Was Here – with its kooky prompts and quirky way of working – may be more what you’re looking for.

And if there’s something we’re missing the travel journal world, let us know in the comments!

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Oh my gosh, I’m a sucker for a pretty journal! Can I document my travels in 3 or 4 of these?! ? Thanks so much for the killer suggestions.

100% you can use a number of these as travel journals, Deb!

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Israel Itinerary: Your 7 Day Travel Guide

By Helene Sula

Israel is an incredibly diverse landscape of Biblical sites, deserts, mountains, and lush greenery. With so much beauty, history, and culture, it can be hard to know where to start. If you're planning a trip to Israel, this guide will help you plan your perfect itinerary!

israel travel journal

This travel guide to Israel is for a 7-day itinerary, but I've got options for both shorter and longer trips.

Though it's a small country, about the size of New Jersey, Israel has had a huge impact on the world. Because it's a place brimming with technology and innovation in Tel Aviv and the Biblical sites in Jerusalem, it's on many people's bucket lists. I discovered there's much more to Israel than just these two amazing cities.

Israel is one of the most important religious places for three different religions: Jews, Christians, and Muslims, which means many religious and non-religious people find this area fascinating. Tracing the history back through landmarks of some of the most significant events, traveling here brings the history books to life.

Here's your perfect Israel Itinerary

Day 1: tel aviv & jaffa, day 2: mediterranean coast: caesara national park, tulip winery, akko, tiberias, day 3: tiberias, sea of galilee, magdala, mount of beatitudes, capernaum, tabgha, golan heights, day 4: jesus baptism site at the jordan river, the dead sea, qumran, day 5: jerusalem, day 6: jerusalem, day 7: tel aviv, extra time, how long to stay in israel, is israel safe, what to pack for israel, when to go to israel, things to know before you go to israel.

Israel Overview

Day 1: Tel Aviv and Jaffa

Day 6: Jerusalem and Tel Aviv

Start your trip in Tel Aviv. This city is known as the “Silicon Wadi” because of its booming high-tech industry. It's a young and vibrant city with a lot to offer including great nightlife, beaches, and restaurants. While there, be sure to check out some of the famous tourist sites like the Old Jaffa Port, the Carmel Market, and Bauhaus architecture.

israel travel journal

Jaffa is one of the oldest cities in the world at over 4,000 years old! It's a city with a lot of character, so just walking around is a great way to explore. Traverse the narrow, winding streets and browse the art galleries, cafes, and shops.

If you like graffiti and murals, check out the unique Florentin neighborhood. This is where you'll find some of the best street art in Tel Aviv. Next, you'll find the Bauhaus construction along Rothschild Boulevard in the “White City.” Lovely homes with clean lines are constructed in rows. This is the largest single urban ensemble of Modern architecture in the world and the first modern city in Israel.

israel travel journal

Drive North along the coast to visit some of the Roman ruins at Caesara National Park . This is a beautiful spot for hiking, picnicking, and swimming. The park is located on the Mediterranean coast and has stunning views.

israel travel journal

This is where you'll find the ruins of the port city that King Herod built. Right on the water you'll find mosaic floors and even an amphitheater that's still in use today.

Afterwards, head to the Tulip Winery for a tour and tasting. Not only is the wine delicious and unique, there's a purpose behind it. The winery works with a community of special needs individuals to help produce the wine. The distinctive wine is absolutely the best I had on the trip. I was so impressed with their mission in helping the community.

israel travel journal

Next, stop is Akko . This is a UNESCO World Heritage Site with a lot of history. Akko is an old city with a Crusader past. It's now a peaceful place with a beautiful harbor.

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The old city of Akko is surrounded by fortifications and is a great place to explore. Head down into the walls' tunnels to discover the Ethnographic Museum and tour of the Hospitallers Order's Fortress from the Crusader period. Discover the amazing ruins of a long-forgotten order, as well as restored and spectacularly reconstructed areas, courtyards, and streets that have been lost for centuries but are now being revitalized to tell their story.

israel travel journal

Akko also has colorful markets, museums, beaches, a fishermenā€™s port, marina, and plenty of seafood restaurants making it a great place to explore.

End your day in Tiberius , located on the Sea of Galilee. This is a great spot to relax and enjoy the views.

israel travel journal

A great place to eat in Tiberius is Deck's Restaurant for lots of tasty meat and seafood options.

From Tiberius we drove over to Magdala . This is where Mary Magdalene is from. Here, there's a brand new hotel for the many people who make the pilgrimage here.

Located near the shores of the Sea of Galilee, Magdala was fishing village which had a synagogue. Uncovered in 2009, archaeologists discovered the presence of a Jewish community in Magdala by discovering the First Century Synagogue. This synagogue is one of seven in the world and the best preserved today.

israel travel journal

Most notably, archeologists found the Magdala Stone, a discovery they have quoted to be, ā€œone of the most significant finds in the past 50 years.ā€ Here, Jesus taught, healed and preached.

Next we headed to Mount of Beatitudes , the place where Jesus is said to have given the Sermon on the Mount.

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This is a beautiful and peaceful spot overlooking the Sea of Galilee. Whether or not if you're religious, this is a spiritual place to reflect.

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Tabgha is another tourist stop on the Sea of Galilee. Here is where you'll find the Church of the Multiplication of the Loaves and Fishes . The mosaics here are beautiful and this is the spot where Jesus multiplied the fish and bread to feed the multitude of people.

Make sure to stop at the museum to see the Ancient Galilee Boat , also known at the Jesus Boat from the 1st century AD! Discovered in 1986 on the northwest shore of the Sea of Galilee the boat was carbon dated to near the time when Jesus was living and working as a fisherman on the sea.

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Next, we drove to Capernaum , which is considered by many as Jesusā€™ home base during his Galilean ministry since itā€™s mentioned so often in the New Testament.

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This fishing village was where Jesus was staying, preaching, and performing miracles. The remains that were found are extensive. There are huge temple ruins as well as outlines of homes. Here is where Jesus collected disciples, as Jesus was said to be a fisher of men. All the disciples were fisherman except Matthew, who was a tax collector and Judas who wasn't from Capernaum.

This is where you'll find the remains of a synagogue and Peter's house.

We rounded out our day in the Golan Heights , where we shockingly saw snow on the hillsides!

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Golan Heights is a shockingly beautiful place with epic viewpoints and gorgeous landscapes. 

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Next we went to a truly moving spot, Eli Cohen Bunker. Today, you can see the former Syrian bunkers that remain on the Golan Heights from 1967 (as well as the tanks from 1973).

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Eli Cohen played a major role in spying for Israel in 1961ā€“65 in Syria, where he developed close relationships with the Syrian political and military hierarchy. (There's a great Netflix series called “The Spy” that I highly recommend!).

This is an incredibly moving experience to see and learn about what happened here as well as the story of Eli Cohen.

Cap your day off with some delicious hot chocolate at De Karina .

It's a bit of a dispute as to where Jesus was baptized, we went to the Baptism site in Jordan as well as Israel. But no matter where you are, it's a moving experience to go to the Jordan River and dip your hand in the water where he was baptized.

A beautiful place to visit in addition to the Baptismal site is Yardenit Baptismal site is a beautiful place where many Christians come to get baptized.

israel travel journal

Next, we headed to a Kibbutz, which are communal settlements in Israel here traditionally all wealth is held in common and profits are reinvested in the settlement. Ein Geddi Hotel and Kibbutz has a beautiful botanical garden, spa, and a place for retreats.

The next stop is the famous Dead Sea ! The water is incredibly salty and you can't help but float. In fact, it's important that you don't get the water in your mouth!

israel travel journal

There's also black mud that is said to have healing properties. So make sure to cover yourself in it! You can find this mud at most of the spas near the Dead Sea. We headed to Kalia Beach where you can float like a cork and experience the true feeling of weightlessness.

israel travel journal

Because the water is so salty, you'll float easily! You can watch me float here !

Wadi Felt Viewpoint is said to be the setting for Psalm 23:4 ā€œthe Valley of the Shadow of Death.ā€ This is a beautiful spot to see the Wadi Qelt gorge. 

israel travel journal

Lastly, we went to Qumran , the place where the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered!

The Dead Sea Scrolls are a collection of 972 ancient manuscripts that were found in the Qumran Caves in 1947. They are the oldest known copies of the Hebrew Bible and date back to 400 BCE. The scrolls were written by the Essenes, a Jewish religious sect who lived in Qumran from the 2nd century BCE to the 1st century CE.

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You can see some of the scrolls on display at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem, but it's really cool to see where they were found!

We ended our day in Jerusalem so we could get up early the next day and explore.

Make sure you leave time for Jerusalem because there's an immense amount to see. I'd recommend at least 2 days here to get a grasp of everything you need to see and do.

First stop is the Hill of Golgatha . You'll get an incredible view of the Old City of Jerusalem from here. It's also known as the place of the Skull because it is said that this is where Jesus was crucified.

israel travel journal

The Mount of Olives is crowded with churches and home to the world's oldest continuously used cemetery, which makes it a must-see for religious tourists to Jerusalem. Even the nonreligious may enjoy the breathtaking city views from the peak.

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This is where Jesus ascended to heaven after his crucifixion and subsequent resurrection.

The Church of the Ascension , perched on top of the mount, was built in 1910 and offers spectacular views of Jerusalem.

The Church of the Pater Noster , built near to the site where Jesus instructed and gathered his disciples.

Then there is the Church of Dominus Flevit is which is supposedly built over the site where Jesus wept for Jerusalem. Built in 1955 in the ancient Byzantine style by Christianā€™s, its called the weeping church or the church of the tear, because there are 4 corners that have places for offerings which look like urns or tears.

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Church of Mary Magdalene is a Orthodox Christian church located on the slope of the Mount of Olives, directly across the Kidron Valley from the Temple Mount. The church was built in 1888 by Tsar Alexander III and his brothers to honor their mother, Empress Maria Alexandrovna of Russia who was killed by Rasputin.

The Gardens of Gethsemane is a beautiful garden among a grove of olive trees thought to be the place where Jesus suffered agony in the garden and was arrested before his crucifixion.

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For the Greek Orthodox, the Virgin Mary's tomb is located in the Church of All Nations . The interior of the church is amazing with hanging lanterns all around. 

israel travel journal

Church of the Holy Sepulchre is perhaps the most important spot for Christians as this is where Jesus died on the cross and was buried and resurrected. Make sure you leave at least 30 minutes to an hour to explore here as you can walk inside Jesus' tomb and see the slab where he was laid after his crucifixion.

israel travel journal

The next stop is the Wailing Wall , or the Western Wall, which is the holiest site in Judaism. It is a remnant of the Second Temple and is a place where Jews come to pray.

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There are separate sides for men and women. You'll see people praying and placing notes in the cracks of the wall. I recommend writing a note and placing it in the wall yourself. It's truly a moving experience.

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Then we went to the Western Wall Museum . I highly recommend this. In fact, this is one of my favorite things I did on the trip. This underground tour helps give you a much better overview of the history of the wall, the people that come to pray, and why this place is so important.

What we see of the Western Wall is such a tiny amount, going to this museum helps us understand the impact on so many today.

Make sire you head to the  Jerusalem Archaeological Park , at the south end of the Western Wall Plaza, where archaeologists have found incredible remnants of old Jerusalem.

israel travel journal

We walked up Via Dolorosa Street , the same pathway Jesus walked to be crucified. This is where you can see the fourteen stations of the cross marked. On the way, you'll also see the Chapel of Flagellation , Station 2, where Jesus is believe to have been flogged.

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Lastly, stop in the Room of the Last Supper , also called the Cenacle. This is located on an upper floor of King David's Tomb, this is considered to be one of the holiest sites in Jerusalem.

israel travel journal

We spent the early part of the day taking the Rampart Walk . To reach it walk through Jaffa Gate, one of the main Gates to the Old City of Jerusalem. The Rampart Walk is a path that goes along the top of the Old City walls and offers incredible views.

israel travel journal

Make sure you stop at one of the several lookout points to get a view of the entire city. You can also see the Mount of Olives and the Dome on the Rock from here.

We then went up to Dome on the Rock . There is a roof on the entrance and you'll go through security in order to reach the Dome. You cannot go inside unless you're Muslim, but it's a beautiful and ornate place to view from the outside.

israel travel journal

According to Jews, Christians, and Muslims, this is the spot where Abraham (father of all three monotheistic faiths) offered his son as a sacrifice to God, where Solomon constructed the First Temple for the Ark of the Covenant, and where Prophet Muhammad is said to have ascended to heaven during his early years of preaching Islam.

It is a holy site for people of faith, and it's been the scene of many a religious quarrel over who rightfully owns this area.

Jerusalem's most famous monument, the Dome of the Rock, is encircled by a vast plaza that extends south from the Old City. The sacred stone under the golden dome where Jews and Muslims believe Abraham offered his son to God and where Muslims believe the Prophet Muhammad began his journey to heaven.

The Al-Aqsa Mosque , on the southern slope of the mount, is one of the world's oldest mosques.

israel travel journal

Jerusalem is broken up into different quarters: Christian, Muslim, Jewish, and Armenian. Despite being tightly packed, they each are distinct from one another. Make sure to leave time to visit each.

The Armenian Patriarchate Road is the main thoroughfare of the Old City's tiny Armenian Quarter. The St. James Cathedral and St. Mark's Chapel can be found within the winding pathways of this district, which receive significantly less traffic than other sites in the city.

Cap the day off by heading to the Israel Museum . This houses incredible collections including the Dead Sea Scrolls. I also recommend Yad Vashem museum, which is a memorial complex to Holocaust victims. A moving and important museum that share stories, memories, and the resilience of the Jews during the Holocaust.

Jerusalem is vast and there's so much to see and do in this one city. I spent two days but could have easily stayed more. We headed back to Tel Aviv that night and spent the night here.

On our last day we explored more of Tel Aviv! Since Jerusalem is stepped in religious history, this was the best way to end the trip. We explored Carmel Market , one of the oldest and most popular markets, or Shuk Hacarmel, in Tel Aviv.

israel travel journal

You'll find spices, nuts, dried fruit, olives, cheese, fish, meat, and much more. It's a great place to do some souvenir shopping for foodie friends back home.

Make sure you get some pomegranate juice, halva, and, you really can't leae without trying “malawach.” The lively and delicious malawach stand is a place I recommend you go back to again and again! This is a Yemenite dish served on a spongy bread called lachuch with tahini, tomato, egg, meat and spices.

Also, make sure to try the cauliflower! It's delicious!

israel travel journal

Check out the Tel Aviv Museum of Art . the leader for Israel's contemporary art scene with works from Picasso, Van Gogh, Degas, Monet and more!

Stroll Rothschild Boulveard to see some of Tel Aviv's finest Bauhaus architecture. Make sure to pop in to different cafes, restaurants, boutiques, and even hidden bars!

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Leave some extra time to take in the beach at sunset or relax at one of the beach bars. Its the best way to unwind!

israel travel journal

Head to Masada ! This is an ancient fortress located on a plateau in the Judean Desert. It was the last stronghold of the Jews during the Great Revolt against the Romans.

The Jews of Masada committed mass suicide rather than surrender and suffer humiliation by Emperor Vespasian's troops, taking their families with them.

The best way to see Masada is to take the cable car up and then hike down. There are also ranger-led tours available.

Or, stay longer in Jerusalem . Outside the Old City's Damascus Gate is East Jerusalem, which has a largely Arab population. The cave system known as Solomon's Quarries runs under the city beneath the gardens at the base of the wall. According to ancient mythology, this was where Jerusalem's stone for its First Temple was quarried.

I also recommend spending some extra time in Tel Aviv as there are tons of things to see and do here.

I would recommend staying in Israel for at least a week. This will give you enough time to see all of the main sights and do some exploring. If you have more time, you can explore more of Tel Aviv or places like Masada.

For the most part: yes. However, there are things to note about safety while traveling like many other places. Israel, now and in the past has dealt with terror attacks and that's important to recognize. So yes, you need to be aware of your surroundings. As a woman I felt very safe walking around Israel.

israel travel journal

Israel is considered a safe country to travel to. However, as with any destination, it is important to take precautions and be aware of your surroundings. Petty crime such as pick-pocketing and theft does occur, so be sure to keep your belongings close and secure.

When traveling to Israel, it is important to be respectful of religious customs and sites. Remember that this is a holy land for many different religions and be considerate of others.

Many wonder what you need to wear in Israel. Israel does not have the same customs as nearby Middle Eastern countries, you don't need to worry about covering up. The only time you do is if visiting Temple Mount in Jerusalem – you'll need to wear pants or a skirt and to cover your shoulders.

israel travel journal

It can get cool at night and very hot in the summer.

I recommend the Fall or Spring time to visit to avoid the heat. It's also a good idea to note when religious holidays take place like Passover and Ramadan. Things can be closed or crowded.

English is widely spoken, while Hebrew and Arabic are the official languages in Israel. Most people speak English but it's nice to know a few Hebrew words like “shalom” for hello, and “toda” for thank you.

Many places take credit cards, but in the markets cash is preferred. The “Shekel” is the currency but many places actually take American dollars.

israel travel journal

Israel is unlike any place I've ever visited. With modern restaurants and nightlife along with history steeped in religion and traditions that make you feel like you've stepped back in time.

The history here is some of the most significant and important in the world. Jerusalem is the holiest place on earth with the Western Wall, Church of the Holy Sepulchre where Jesus died on the cross and Temple Mount. But there's many more places with important history like the Sea of Galilee, Qumran National Park, and Caesarea. If biblical sites are important to you Israel really can't be beat.

Bottom line: if you're interested in history, religious significant sites, natural beauty and culture I think you should visit Israel. In general, I believe in visiting most places in order to gain an understanding and to learn. Destinations which are often in the news are worth visiting so you can form your own opinions.

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Helene Sula

I believe that one trip can change your life. It did for me. I'm a self proclaimed home body that quit her job, moved abroad, and more often than not, lives out of a carry-on bag. If I'm not traveling, I'm most likely re-reading Harry Potter or watching "Midnight in Paris" while snuggling my dogs. I'm a digital marketing expert who turned my love of travel into a full-time career. And I help others do it too.

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Measuring 6ā€ x 9ā€ with rounded corners  to minimize wear, the book is  enhanced by breathtaking full-color photography and  exceptional design throughout.

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Perfect to TOUR ISRAEL

or to use as a stay-at-home



The Journal/Study Guide correlates with this guide for the maximum Israel experience.


Comprehensive regional maps

Suggested itineraries

Trip prep and packing tips

Tips for touring, photography,     and returning home

Tips for group leaders

Prayer guide

Israel/Jewish History Highlights

Godā€™s covenants with Israel


Exodus Tabernacle Tent

Ark of the Covenant

Kings, prophets, and judges of Israel

Messianic genealogy

Fulfilled Bible prophecy

The uniqueness of Israel

Jewish immigration to Israel

Jewish culture, feasts, and traditions

Jewish roots of the Christian faith

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DR. DAVID REAGAN Founder and Director Lamb and Lion Ministries, Pastor, Evangelist, and Author

ā€œTHIS TRAVEL GUIDE IS OUTSTANDING! ā€œIt is by far the best Israel travel guide I have ever discovered. I have taken over 45 groups

to Israel and developed my own guideā€”but nothing to compare with what Joan has done.ā€

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Emmy-Nominate d , Mo d ern- D ay Messianic Psalmist

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RNC, DNC are no longer a 'done deal,' Fox News anchors say. Here's what to expect.

Portrait of Hope Karnopp

Thousands of local, national and international journalists will soon descend on Milwaukee to cover the inner workings of the Republican National Convention and its economic impact.

While it'll be some reporters' first time working in the city, Fox News has the benefit of being familiar with Milwaukee already ā€” anchors Martha MacCallum and Bret Baier co-moderated the first Republican debate at Fiserv Forum last August, and the network will again operate from Gather at Deer District .

"It was a wonderful setup for us," MacCallum, who will co-anchor the network's nightly convention coverage with Baier, told the Journal Sentinel. "I remember last summer, it was so hot, and just being able to go from the Fiserv over to the Deer District worked out great for us."

The 2024 RNC will be a big change from the mostly virtual conventions of 2020, when MacCallum recalled "doing coverage from a parking lot in Delaware." Baier said it'll be a return to interacting with people on the ground and seeing "quintessential convention" visuals like crazy hats and the balloon drop .

Fox News set a cable news record for the most watched-convention coverage in 2020, with 9.7 million tuning in. Far more viewers watched the RNC on Fox News in 2020 than other channels, though viewership of the DNC was more evenly split across networks.

There could be more suspense and surprises to draw in audiences for this year's conventions than in the past. Former President Donald Trump has said he'll announce his running mate at the convention, though that decision could instead come before the RNC starts Monday.

"You have this guy who has been in the media spotlight for his entire life, and has been the host of 'The Apprentice,' really running the show. And I think he realizes the value in some sort of suspense to get people to tune in," Baier told the Journal Sentinel. "I wouldn't be surprised if there are more surprises beyond the VP choice."

MacCallum and Baier weighed prospective vice presidential picks , including North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum, who has personal wealth and business experience. Florida Sen. Marco Rubio has foreign policy experience but would have to move from the state to comply with a constitutional requirement.

Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance is a younger choice who would be loyal to Trump, but may not appeal to independents and suburban voters. Baier said he's "not putting it past the former president" to make a more surprising pick like Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin.

"It's a real, moving, active process," MacCallum said. "I think a lot of Americans, for a long time, felt that the conventions were just sort of a done deal. But that is not what we're seeing. We're going to get a new ticket heading into this, and we may get a new ticket on the other side as well."

More: We know Trump will be the RNC nominee, but here's why conventions are still important

The Democratic National Convention, beginning Aug. 19, might be even more unpredictable. Some Democrats have called for President Joe Biden to exit the race after a poor debate performance against Trump. Biden has strongly rejected pressure to drop out, including in at a stop in Madison last week.

"Because that is such a moving target at this point, you could see developments in that decision process happening in the middle of the Republican convention and, of course, the response coming from the Republicans in Milwaukee to whatever is happening," MacCallum said.

Baier added that "vulnerability on the Democratic side" could affect Republicans' messaging at the convention, including trying to reach swing voters who may have concerns about Biden.

"Already we're seeing how the platform is changing, even before you get to Milwaukee," he said. "And that's a sign of former President Trump not wanting to dwell on the issue of abortion. He's not talking a ton about national debt, which is a different set of things for Republicans in the past."

More: RNC releases party platform with softer abortion stance, call for voting restrictions

MacCallum said being in Milwaukee will allow the network to bring local voters into their coverage, focusing on their concerns and what they want to hear from candidates over the next few months. Baier also plans to "talk to local politicians and see the fallout, both economically and what it means for the state."

"I think it's a perfect setting, given its huge focus as a battleground state," MacCallum said. "Wisconsinites could decide the election, and there's no better place to be than in Milwaukee for the Republican convention."

Wisconsin "has been ground zero for the political center of the universe, because it's so purple. Sometimes you go red, sometimes you go blue," Baier said. "Milwaukee is obviously at the center of that."

More: How did we get purple? What to know about Wisconsin politics ahead of the RNC.


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