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Book your overnight stay or activities in Rothenburg

Stay overnight in Rothenburg ob der Tauber in the historic buildings with modern room facilities and overlooking the city walls and alleys. We introduce you to the hosts from Rothenburg: Family-run hotels and guesthouses make the stay for the guests in Rothenburg ob der Tauber for a personal experience.

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Events and tickets, tours and experiences.

Master drink camp life in the Burggarten Whitsun in Rothenburg ob der Tauber

Anniversary year 2024 - An outlook on 750 years of the imperial city of Rothenburg ob der Tauber

Here you will find all of the program items in the festival year  .

On May 15, 1274, King Rudolf of Habsburg confirmed Rothenburg's imperial city privilege. So in 2024 it will be 750 years ago. Because the memory of the imperial city's independence is still very present in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, the city is celebrating the anniversary with a special program. On August 2nd, the big history event will take place at the market square and in the Kaisersaal: You can find information here! You can find the program of the Imperial City Festival from September 6th to September 8th here!

Click here for tickets for the "Historical Battle Representation" on Sunday, September 8th The Bavarian state government supports the citizens' festival with funds from the special fund 'Revive inner cities'.

Discover Rothenburg: Our tips for your visit

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Annual highlights

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Our top sights

Rothenburg ob der Tauber vineyard in autumn

Discover the nature around Rothenburg ob der Tauber

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The hosts in Rothenburg

Discover the area around rothenburg ob der tauber.

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12 Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Rothenburg

Written by Bryan Dearsley Updated Dec 25, 2023 We may earn a commission from affiliate links ( )

Not only is it one of the best-preserved medieval towns in Europe, the old Bavarian Imperial City of Rothenburg ob der Tauber is also considered one of the most attractive towns in Germany . For these reasons, it's definitely one of the most popular stops on the country's Romantic Road tourist route.

Marktplatz, Rothenburg ob der Tauber

Picturesquely positioned on the steep banks of the River Tauber , Rothenburg's walls and towers look much as they did in the 16th century, while many of the buildings inside the walls are even older.

Among these fascinating points of interest are the 13th-century Town Hall (Rathaus); the 14th-century Council Tavern, with its old clock and mechanical figures; and several fine old churches. Half-timbered houses with their characteristic steeply pitched roofs line the narrow stone-paved streets, some housing museums that explore Rothenburg's long and fascinating history.

The chief attraction for tourists, though, is the charming old town itself, so spend some time strolling through it and walking along its walls.

To learn more about the best places to visit and other fun things to do in this historic German town, read through our list of the top attractions in Rothenburg.

See also: Where to Stay in Rothenburg

1. The Old Town (Alte Stadt)

2. rothenburg town hall (rathaus), 3. the old town walls, 4. plönlein: the "little square", 5. st. james's church, 6. the castle garden (burggarten), 7. medieval crime museum, 8. german christmas museum, 9. the master builder's house (baumeisterhaus), 10. klingentor, 11. spitalhof and spitaltor, 12. rothenburgmuseum, where to stay in rothenburg for sightseeing, tips and tours: how to make the most of your visit to rothenburg.

Rothenburg's charming Old Town

The charming streets and little squares surrounded by well-kept half-timbered houses have made Rothenburg the poster child for Germany's famed Romantic Road, and for Germany itself. So as you wander through the Old Town (Alte Stadt), its familiar scenes may make you feel as though you'd been here before.

In addition to the historic Town Hall (Rathaus), here, you'll find plenty of idyllic scenes worth photographing, including the sometimes brightly painted old half-timbered homes. If you visit in late November or in December you'll get to enjoy one of the best Christmas markets in Germany .

For a real treat, book one of the many hotels within walking distance of the Old Town and venture out at night. With the tourist hordes gone (most are only passing through on a day trip), you'll find yourself having much of this remarkable district to yourself.

Read More: Best Places to Visit in Germany in Winter

The Old Town and Rathaus (Town Hall)

Dominating the Marktplatz at its center is the imposing Town Hall (Rathaus), one of the finest in southern Germany. The oldest part of this majestic building, constructed in the 13th century, faces Herrngasse. A later addition is the 16th-century, 50-meter-high tower, from which you'll find superb views over the Old Town.

The section facing the market was constructed in 1578 and includes the fine Imperial Hall, still used for theatrical performances and concerts. Also of interest are the former Council Tavern (Ratstrinkstube), added in 1466, and the old clock with its quaint mechanical figures.

Address: Marktplatz 1, 91541 Rothenburg ob der Tauber

The Old Town Walls

One of the most popular things to do in Rothenburg is to take the walk around the Old Town Wall and its fortifications. To see everything and complete the entire loop, including a number of raised sections along the top of the wall, you'll want to dedicate around two hours of your time (less if you only want to tackle a smaller portion).

This fascinating and attractive walk is best started from the Spitaltor in the heart of the Old Town area, a massive gatehouse built in the 1500s. From here, head toward the equally stunning Rödertor, stopping along the way to enjoy the views. The next leg leads to the Klingentor and the 15th-century St. Wolfgang's Church, which now houses an interesting museum.

In all there are 42 gatehouses and towers along the walls, so be sure to allow additional time for taking photos and stopping for some sightseeing. Also allow time to stop for a coffee and a sweet " Schneeball " deep-fried pastry treat at one of the great little cafes you'll see along the way.

Fun English language private guided tours of the Town Walls and other historic landmarks are available from the town's visitor center.


Undoubtedly the most picturesque spot in an extremely pretty town, Plönlein looks like something right out of a fairy-tale book. Literally translated as "Little Square," it's really nothing more than an intersection, but is one of the best places to visit in Rothenburg for a memorable selfie or two.

The real star here is Plönlein's brightly painted half-timbered building that divides the two streets. This tall, skinny old building dates all the way back to the 13th century and was immortalized in Walt Disney's cartoon version of Pinocchio .

Don't be shy to explore the two streets the home separates. One of them heads up through the Siebers Tower , while the other slopes down to the Kobolzeller Tower . Both towers also date from the early 13th century.

Address: u. Schmiedgasse, 91541 Rothenburg ob der Tauber

St. James's Church

Just a short stroll from the Town Hall is the Lutheran St. James's Church. Known as Kirchengemeinde St. Jakob in German, as well as St. Jacobs, this attractive building was completed in 1485 and is widely considered to be one of the finest such pilgrimage churches in Germany.

Highlights of a visit to this historic landmark are the Altar of the Holy Blood, a superb wood carving dating from 1505 depicting the Last Supper, and the 700-year-old stained glass in the East Choir. The Twelve Apostles Altar shows the oldest known representation of Rothenburg.

English-language guided tours and audio tours are available.

Address: Klostergasse 15, 91541 Rothenburg ob der Tauber

The Castle Gardens (Burggarten)

In addition to its fine old architecture, you'll also find several lovely parks and gardens in Rothenburg, each just waiting to be explored.

One of the most popular is the spectacular Castle Garden (Burggarten). Laid out on the site of a castle destroyed in an earthquake in 1356, the gardens offer wonderful views of the Old Town and the famous Double Bridge farther down the Tauber Valley.

Its geometric flower beds, laid out in the 17th and 18th centuries, include eight sculptures representing the four seasons and the four elements. Other monuments of note are one dedicated to the 14th-century Mayor Toppler and the lords of the old castle, the once-dominant Hohenstaufen dynasty.

This large green space features plenty of trees and is perfect for an impromptu picnic. Grab yourself some savory sandwiches and sweet pastries from traditional bakeries such as the popular Brot & Zeit , then grab a bench or a shady spot and feel like a European as you soak up the atmosphere of this amazing historic town.

Address: Alte Burg, 91541 Rothenburg ob der Tauber

Medieval Crime Museum

The fascinating Medieval Crime Museum (Mittelalterliches Kriminalmuseum) deals with more than 1,000 years of crime and punishment in Europe. Particular focus is placed on the medieval period.

Highlights include artifacts used to extract confessions and inflict punishment, many of them extremely gruesome. Also interesting is the fascinating documentation and details pertaining to the often-flawed logic behind their use.

Numerous notorious criminal cases are depicted in woodcuts and copper etchings, while another exhibit deals specifically with the terrible witch-hunts that once gripped Bavaria.

Address: Burggasse 3, 91541 Rothenburg ob der Tauber

German Christmas Museum exhibit

Rothenburg's Marktplatz is the scene of one of Germany's most popular Christmas markets , a tradition that can be traced to medieval times. But you can experience some of the season's colors and traditions all year round at the German Christmas Museum (Deutsches Weihnachtsmuseum).

Part store and part museum, it displays seasonal decorations and artifacts focusing on local traditions in towns like Rothenburg. Highlights include tree ornaments, nativity scenes, and numerous old figurines, including 150 figures of Father Christmas himself.

If you can, visit during the lead-up to Christmas when the town is festooned with more than 80,000 candles and four kilometers of decorations and lights.

Address: Herrngasse 1, 91541 Rothenburg ob der Tauber

The Master Builder's House (Baumeisterhaus)

Strolling along the Schmiedgasse, a fine old street running south from the Marktplatz, you'll come to No. 3, the Master Builder's House (Baumeisterhaus). Now a hotel and restaurant, this fine old building with its spectacular façade from 1596 is widely considered to be one of the finest Renaissance houses in Bavaria.

It was here that Rothenburg's Master Builder, Leonard Weidmann, lived and worked. A testament to his skills, the house is famous for its carvings of dragon motifs, along with statues representing the seven cardinal virtues and the seven deadly sins.

Address: Ob. Schmiedgasse 3, 91541 Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany


Constructed between 1395 and 1400, the imposing Klingentor is one of the most architecturally interesting of all Rothenburg's towers. Sitting alongside St. Wolfgang's church, it forms a gate in the town walls that's just begging to be explored.

It also served another purpose as well: as a water tower. It contains a huge copper tank that feeds the town's fountains. You can climb it for a small fee to see views across the town and Tauber Valley.

Address: Klingengasse 15, 91541 Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany

The Spital Gate (Spitaltor)

In the picturesque Spitalhof are a number of interesting buildings worth visiting. In addition to the Hegereiterhäuschen, a fine old home built in 1591, there's the massive 16th-century Spital Gate (Spitaltor), both built by Master Builder Leonhard Weidmann.

The last of the town's many fortifications to be constructed, Spitaltor bears the Latin inscription, Pax intrantibus, salus exeuntibus ; this literally translates as "Peace to those who enter in, good health to those who leave again."

Constructed in the shape of a figure eight, these intimidating fortifications include seven gates, a drawbridge, a portcullis, and a parapet.

Address: Spitalgasse 55, 91541 Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany


Housed in a former Dominican convent, Rothenbu rg Museum gives a better understanding of the importance of this beautiful old town. Established in 1936, the museum details life in the convent, which was dissolved in the 16th century, including a look at the historic living quarters.

Other features are the well-preserved 13th-century kitchen and the 14th-century panels of the Rothenburg Passion. The museum's Judaica Department contains artifacts showcasing the town's Jewish heritage, and the display of European weaponry, from the Stone Age to the 19th century, which includes hunting weapons once used by Frederick the Great.

Address: Klosterhof, 91541 Rothenburg ob der Tauber

All this delightful town's attractions are inside or right along the old town walls, within a few minutes' walk of each other. Several are within sight of the Marktplatz, where a surprising number of hotels also cluster. Rarely are there so many opportunities to stay in historic half-timbered buildings right in the center of a walled medieval town. Here are some highly-rated hotels in Rothenburg:

Luxury Hotels :

  • A few steps from the Christmas Museum and Burg Garden, Hotel Herrnschloesschen offers guests free breakfast. So does the Historikhotel Gotisches Haus , a beautifully decorated historic building in the same area.
  • Built into town walls nearby, the Burghotel overlooks the Tauber Valley with spectacular views from its terrace and well-furnished rooms.

Mid-Range Hotels:

  • Just outside the walls at the entrance to the old town, Hotel-Garni Hornburg is a beautiful and hospitable manor house with large, nicely furnished rooms.
  • The family-run Hotel Reichsküchenmeister , in a half-timbered house just off the market square in the center of town, has a good traditional restaurant and includes breakfast.
  • In the newer part of town, only a few blocks from Marktplatz on the way from the rail station, Villa Mittermeier Hotel & Restaurant offers guests free parking. The old-fashioned Hotel Eisenhut is in a historic building next to the Christmas Museum and just off Marktplatz.

Budget Hotels:

  • Between the Christmas Museum and Burg Garden, Hotel Klosterstueble is in a traditional building with a cozy courtyard and quirky rooms.
  • Antiques furnish the Hotel Spitzweg , on a small quiet street a block off Marktplatz, where hospitable hosts offer free parking, an unusual feature right in the center of town.
  • Near the town gate, a five-minute walk from Marktplatz, Hotel-Gasthof Klingentor has spacious rooms and also includes free parking, along with breakfast.
  • Day Tour from Munich: Rothenburg is a highlight of the Romantic Road, a tourist route through some of Germany's most charming medieval towns. You can follow this route by air-conditioned coach on the Romantic Road, Rothenburg, and Harburg Day Tour from Munich . There's time to stroll through Rothenburg's streets at leisure and discover its historic sights. A bonus of the tour is a stop at the 11th-century Harburg Castle, one of Germany's oldest fortifications.
  • Day Tour from Frankfurt: Combine your visits to two of Germany's most popular attractions on the Frankfurt Super Saver: Neuschwanstein Castle and Rothenburg Day Trip , a 24-hour guided excursion by coach. Skip-the-line admission to Neuschwanstein and a professionally guided walking tour of Rothenburg are included, along with round-trip transportation from central Frankfurt.

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Rothenburg ob der Tauber: Best Things to Do and See

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Thinking about visiting Rothenburg ob der Tauber? From the top attractions, best tours, day trip ideas, and accommodation options, here’s everything you need to know for when you visit Rothenburg ob der Tauber!

Rothenburg Plönlin

  • 1 About Rothenburg ob der Tauber
  • 2 Is Rothenburg Worth A Visit?
  • 3 Where Is Rothenburg On Map Of Germany?
  • 4 What To Do And See In Rothenburg ob der Tauber
  • 5 Where To Stay In Rothenburg
  • 6 How To Get To Rothenburg
  • 7 Day Trips From Rothenburg ob der Tauber
  • 8 Rothenburg ob der Tauber FAQ
  • 9 Next Steps For Planning Your Trip:

About Rothenburg ob der Tauber

Rothenburg ob der Tauber is a charming medieval town nestled in northern Bavaria. It’s known for its well-preserved medieval old town, rich history, colorful half-timbered houses, cobblestone streets, and enchanting atmosphere. 

It’s one of the most popular tourist destinations in Germany, attracting visitors from all over the world, especially to the city walls. Rothenburg is what many picture when they think of quaint, fairy tale-like medieval towns.

But aside from its beautiful architecture, it’s also home to important landmarks like the St. James Church and interesting museums like the Medieval Crime Museum and the German Christmas Museum. Rothenburg is also renowned for its vibrant Christmas market and fun events like music festivals are held in the area.

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Rothenburg street and tower gate

Is Rothenburg Worth A Visit ?

Yes, absolutely! Rothenburg is one of the most beautiful places in Germany. It’s known for being one of the most well-preserved medieval cities in Europe and for having a unique fairy tale atmosphere with its colorful half-timbered houses, cobblestone streets, and an in-tact wall around the Altstadt (Old Town).

Rothenburg has a rich history beginning in the Middle Ages when it was a free imperial city. This meant that it was an independent city directly under the authority of the Holy Roman Emperor. As the second largest city in the Holy Roman Empire during medieval times, people from all over the world are drawn to this small town’s fascinating history and one-of-a-kind charm.

We’ve visited the medieval town of Rothenburg many times over the past 3 decades in all seasons. We’ve done day trips by train and car and have stayed in hotels in the Altstadt (Old Town). We always enjoy visiting.

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Rothenburg on hillside

It is, however, a popular stop along the famous Romantic Road (Romantische Strasse) and many tour busses stop here for several hours. Because of this, it can get quite crowded, especially during the country’s peak travel season (around June to September) and during Christmas market season.

If you want to avoid the biggest crowds, we highly recommend staying overnight. That way you can experience the town when it’s much less crowded in the late afternoon and evening after the huge tour busses have left. And if you get up early in the morning, you can explore the town before the busses start arriving (around 10am).

Even better, the money you spend on hotels and restaurants by spending a night or two helps the town afford to maintain the beautiful old (and expensive to maintain) buildings!

Rothenburg Altstadt

Where Is Rothenburg On Map Of Germany ?

Rothenburg is located in the state of Bavaria in Southern Germany. It’s located in the Tauber Valley, specifically along the northern stretch of the Tauber River.

map highlighting location of Rothenburg

Where Can I Find The Above Map?

It’s part of our Germany Travel Planner , and it’s your Germany travel planning BFF! Using our custom interactive planning map you’ll be able to quickly see the best sights, castles, hotels, day trips, and more – along with our photos and up-to-date insider tips. Seeing where these things are in relation to each other makes it much easier to plan your overall itinerary, as well as each day of your trip. If you don’t yet have it, click here to get access.

What To Do And See In Rothenburg ob der Tauber

Rothenburg old defensive wall

Tower Trail (City Wall)

Rothenburg is one of only 3 towns in Germany that still has completely intact city walls. One of the best things to do is walk the Tower Trail along the town wall. It’s called Tower Trail because Rothenburg is home to 42 towers, many of which are found along the wall. Some parts of the trail take you along the top of the wall, so you can get good views of the Altstadt (Old Town). 

The trail is around 2.5 miles (4 kilometers) and takes approximately 2.5 to 3 hours to complete. But you can choose how much to do since it’s divided into different stages. It’s also open 24/7 and is completely free!

We usually walk parts of the wall while also exploring the side streets (there are stairs down to the street in various sections) but at some point we’re going to walk the whole wall in one go.

Rothenburg gardens and city gate

Castle Garden (Burggarten)

The Castle Garden (Burggarten) is a nice, tranquil green park near Burgtor (Castle Gate) just right outside the medieval walls. It’s one of the best places to visit if you want to relax for a while and enjoy stunning views of the Tauber Valley. Aside from the lookout points, there’s also a formal garden with sandstone sculptures and flowerbeds. Walk all the way to end of the park for amazing views!

Rothenburg landmark intersection


Plönlein is one of the main attractions of the town. This small square located at the intersection of two streets is one of the most photographed and iconic spots in Rothenburg. It is a picture perfect square with medieval architecture, a yellow timber-framed house positioned in the center, two historic gates, and a water fountain. It’s said to have been the inspiration for the setting of Pinocchio! Since it’s one of the town’s most popular places, it’s usually bustling with people so we recommend going early if you want to take a lot of pictures.

Nightwatchman tour in Rothenburg

Rothenburg Night Watchman Tour

If you’re looking for unique and fun things to do in Rothenburg, then this guided tour is for you! The Night Watchman Tour is an immersive experience that takes you on a comical yet historic journey through the town’s medieval streets after dark. In this walking tour, you’ll be led by a guide dressed historically like a night watchman who shares entertaining and informative stories about the town’s history. Aside from learning about Rothenburg’s past, you’ll get to experience the enchanting and special atmosphere of the streets illuminated by the soft glow of lanterns. We finally did this tour on our most recent visit and it was a lot of fun.

Click here to book a memorable private Night Watchman walking tour!

old town Rothenburg

Altstadt ( Old Town )

Wandering the streets of the Altstadt (Old Town) and getting lost in its charming cobblestone streets and alleyways is one of the top things to do in Rothenburg. The beautiful buildings, colorful half-timbered homes, ancient walls, and traditional German taverns are really something straight out of fairy tales.

Old Town is also where you’ll find many of the town’s most important landmarks like the Town Hall (Rathaus), St. Jacob’s Church, Plönlein, Marktplatz, and many more. It’s a very walkable area so you’ll be able to see and do a lot in just a few hours.

To make it even more special, book a private and personalized walking tour of Old Town with a professional local guide here!

Rathaus and Marktplatz in Rothenburg

Market Square (Marktplatz)

Market Square is the vibrant heart of Old Town. In here you’ll find the impressive Town Hall (Rathaus) which features a mix of 16th century Renaissance and Gothic style architecture in its facade. Visitors can climb up to the Town Hall Tower to get panoramic views of Tauber Valley and the medieval rooftops. The Market Square is also the perfect place to grab a bite since there’s a lot of coffee shops and restaurants in the area. 

St. James Church in Rothenburg

St. James Church (St. Jakob’s Church)

St. James Church is another must-visit important landmark. It’s a historic Lutheran church dating back to the 15th century. It’s also along the way of the famous the Way of St. James or Camino de Santiago, a pilgrimage that spans across Europe and leads to northwestern Spain. 

Highlights of the St. James Church includes the ornate stained glass windows and the Holy Blood Altar by Tilman Riemenschneider, a historic wooden altar featuring scenes from The Last Supper. You can also drive right through the church!

Tauber Bridge or Double Bridge

The Tauber Bridge, also known as the Double Bridge, is a road bridge spanning the west of the Tauber Valley, just ten minutes outside of Old Town. The stone bridge is made up of two rows of arches, one on top of the other and was first built in the 14th century. It offers a really nice landscape view with the town of Rothenburg in the backdrop. It’s easy to get to this bridge if you have a car so you can easily see it on your way into or out of town. Unfortunately, when we stopped by on our recent visit there was a music festival going on and the bridge was closed to non-festival goers!

Medieval Crime Museum

The Medieval Crime and Justice Museum is an unique museum offering a glimpse into the dark past of crime, punishment, and even torture back during the medieval times. It houses an unusual collection of exhibits of historical crime scenes and torture devices and instruments. The subject matter is not exactly light but it’s an interesting must-visit for those who are interested in seeing a different side of medieval history.

Rothenburg Christmas museum and Christmas store

German Christmas Museum

If you’re not visiting Rothenburg during the Christmas season, you can still experience some of the festivities in the German Christmas Museum. The museum highlights everything related to Christmas traditions from how certain customs started to how different regions around the country celebrate it. The museum features an ornate Christmas village, traditional Christmas decorations like nutcrackers and Christmas pyramids, and lots of other festive ornaments. You can also walk through any of the many Käthe Wohlfahrt stores to feel immersed in the Christmas season.

If you want to learn more about Christmas in Germany, read our guide on all the traditions and food that make German Christmas so unique and special !

We also have a guide on how to celebrate Saint Nicholas Day like a German !

Old Rothenburg Craftsmen House (Alt-Rothenburger Handwerkerhaus)

The Old Rothenburg Craftsmen House is a small medieval home preserved from the 1300s that showcases traditional crafts and trades that were once practiced in the town. The museum features artifacts and tools from all sorts of crafts like woodcarving, glassblowing, pottery, weaving, breadmaking, metalwork, and farming. It’s a great testament to the rich history and cultural heritage of Rothenburg. 

Master Draught Festival (Meistertrunk)

The Master Draught Festival (Meistertrunk) is a major annual event that commemorates the historic event of the Thirty Years’ War. Every year, the festival retells the legend that took place during the war when the town’s mayor, Georg Nusch, impressed the enemy forces by drinking 3 1/4 liters in one go which saved the city from destruction. The legend is retold through theatrical performances and reenactments all throughout the city. Performers wear traditional costumes and there’s a parade with music through the historic streets of the Old Town. 

Rothenburg Christmas market

Rothenburg Christmas Market (Reiterlesmarkt)

The Rothenburg Christmas Market is one of the most famous Christmas markets in Germany. During Christmas time, the Market Square transforms into a magical and festive atmosphere with a huge Christmas tree and over 70 stalls. They sell everything from mulled wine (Glühwein) and delicious Franconian treats like gingerbread (Lebkuchen), Bratwürste, and Flammkuchen. Aside from snacks, you’ll find Christmas ornaments, souvenirs and handmade crafts. 

For more information on the Christmas markets in Germany, read our guide to the best Christmas markets to visit!

Rothenburg after dark

Explore After Dark

Even if you’ve walked all over Rothenburg during the day, be sure to go out again after dark. It’s just so pretty when the sun sets and the lights go on! Go for walk or enjoy a beer at a table outside on the Marktplatz and revel in the romantic vibe of this fairytale town.

Where To Stay In Rothenburg

Rothenburg old town

While you can visit Rothenburg on a day trip, we highly recommend spending a night or two in this charming town. You’ll be able to explore more of the town, enjoy delicious meals without feeling rushed, and you’ll get to experience the popular parts of the Altstadt without the crowds.

  • Hotel Reichs-Küchenmeister – This beautiful 4-star hotel is located in the heart of the Old Town, just step away from important landmarks like St. James’s Church. The hotel features a mix of both modern and traditional individually-decorated rooms. They have a delicious restaurant serving Franconian cuisine and wines on sight and an outdoor beer garden. We had a wonderful dinner here on a winter trip and plan to stay here on our next visit.
  • Romantik Hotel Markusturm – This historic, family-run hotel is located at the Markusturm tower beside the Old Town walls. The rooms are tastefully decorated with antique and vintage touches. There’s also a delicious traditional restaurant on-site that serves very good breakfast.
  • Pension Elke – This small family run hotel is locatd in a charming half-timbered building and is a short walk from the main square. We stayed here on a summer visit and loved it! It’s not a luxury stay but it was very comfortable, had everything we needed, and a hearty breakfast buffet was included in the price of the room. We loved the historic building and personality of the hotel. The family run a grocery store below the Pension and invite guests to go running through the Altstadt with them every evening!

Tip: if you have our Germany Travel Planner you’ll find recommended hotels on our interactive planning map. Seeing where these hotels are in relation to the top sights makes it a lot easier to find the perfect place to stay. If you don’t yet have it, click here to get access.

Rothenburg at night

How To Get To Rothenburg

Rothenburg is within 2-3 hours of a few major German cities including Munich, Frankfurt, Nuremberg (Nürnberg), and Stuttgart. You can reach Rothenburg by car or train.

The easiest and often quickest way to get to Rothenburg is by driving. From Munich it takes about 2.5 hours and is a little over 2 hours from Frankfurt. From Nuremberg it’s only 1.5 hours, while Stuttgart is a bit further, taking around 3 hours. 

Renting a car gives you more flexibility to make stops along the way. If you want to explore the Romantic Road area or just taking a day trip from any of the other cities, driving is a great option. Keep in mind that there isn’t much parking space in the town but there are several parking lots just outside the city walls. The one we parked at had restrooms and an option for inexpensive all day parking.

If you prefer to take the train, we recommend checking the Deutsche Bahn official website to find the best routes, times, and tickets. The travel time from Munich, for example, is about 3.5 hours and there are no direct trains. From Rothenburg’s main train station you can reach the Old Town in about 15 minutes by foot or you can take a taxi.

An easy way to visit Rothenburg is to take a guided day trip. That way you don’t have to worry about transportation or logistics since everything will be taken care of for you! If you are coming from Frankfurt, you can book this full day tour to Heidelberg and Rothenburg . If you’re coming from Munich, we recommend booking this guided day trip that takes you to Rothenburg and Nördlinger Ries.

Rothenburg train station

Day Trips From Rothenburg ob der Tauber

Why not make Rothenburg your home base for a few days so you can explore more of the area? Here are some great day trip options.

TIP: If you have our Germany Travel Planner/Bundle look at our interactive planning map to see do-able day trips. Seeing the castles, towns, and other must-see sights on the map (along with our photos and up-to-date tips) makes it much easier to decide what to add to your itinerary. If you don’t yet have it, click here to get access.

Nuremberg view from castle

Nuremberg (Nürnberg)

Many people day trip from Nuremberg to Rothenburg but you can do it the other way around, too. If you’re looking for another charming medieval town with colorful buildings and a city wall, head on to Nuremberg.

This historic city is also known for its well-preserved medieval architecture, including the stunning Nuremberg Castle on a hill and the picturesque Old Town with its lovely half-timbered houses, bridges over the river, and churches.

Nuremberg is also hosts the Nuremberg Christmas Market, one of the oldest and most traditional in Germany, which attracts visitors from around the world. So if you’re visiting during the holiday season, Nuremberg would make a great day trip! 



Würzburg is another nearby city that’s only about 45 minutes away by car. It’s known for stunning Baroque architecture, particularly the Würzburg Residence. A UNESCO World Heritage Site with opulent interiors, ornate rooms, and an impressive large fresco by Venetian artist Tiepolo, the Residence is a must-see (take the free English tour – we really enjoyed that)!

Würzburg is also known as the center of the Franconian wine country so it’s home to amazing local vineyards, fun wine festivals, and lots of wine bars and cellars where you can taste Franconian wines. Tip: go to the old bridge, order a glass of local wine from one of the stands (they’re easy to find), and enjoy the view while sipping delicious wine. It’s a popular place to hang out for visitors and locals alike.

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Dinkelsbühl is another picturesque town in the Romantic Road area. Like Rothenburg, this town was a former free imperial city of the Holy Roman Empire. It shares a lot of similarities in terms of architecture with Rothenburg like its well-preserved city walls with various towers and gates, cobblestone streets, half-timbered houses, and vibrant squares. It’s a great alternative to Rothenburg if you want more of that medieval charm without as many crowds or tourists.

Bamberg is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, celebrated for being one of Germany’s most beautiful towns and for having Europe’s largest intact old city wall. The Old Town preserves structures from the 11th to 19th centuries and showcases a variety of Romanesque, Gothic, and Baroque styles. One of the main attractions is the Altes Rathaus (Old Town Hall) which is situated on an island on the Regnitz river and is accessible by arched pedestrian bridges.

Other highlights include the Romanesque Bamberg Cathedral and the Michelsberg Monastery. Bamberg is also known for its unique beer culture. There’s a vibrant beer scene with traditional breweries, beer gardens, and a wide range of distinctive local beer styles.

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One of the nearest major cities from Rothenburg is Munich , the capital of Bavaria. It’s a great starting point to explore southern Germany but it also makes a great day trip. There’s a lot to do and enjoy in Munich from beer gardens, world-class museums, beautiful architecture, hearty Bavarian cuisine, and of course, Oktoberfest . If you want to visit Munich on a day trip from Rothenburg (or vice-versa), driving is the best way to go because it takes over 3 hours one way to from one city to the other by train.

Romantic Road

The Romantic Road

Rothenburg is in the Romantic Road area so it’s easy to explore more of it on a day trip.

The Romantic Road is one of Germany’s most popular tourist areas and it’s important to note that “road” is a bit of a misnomer because it’s not really just one road that you can easily follow. It’s actually more of an area that you can explore by taking the slower scenic roads. The Romantic Road technically starts in the city of Würzburg and ends in the small Bavarian town of Füssen near the famous Neuschwanstein Castle . The Romantic Road stretches over 400 kilometers or almost 250 miles and passes through almost 30 official stops, including charming small towns, medieval castles, and beautiful scenery. You can spend anywhere from a couple hours to several days in the area, depending on how much of the route you choose to see and how many stops you’d like to make along the way.

If you’ve got a day to explore the Romantic Road by car, you can easily visit the neighboring towns of Dinkelsbühl and Nördlingen, which are just as beautiful and oftentimes less crowded than Rothenburg. Along the way you’ll pass through beautiful villages. Stop at the ones that catch your interest!

If you Munich is your homebase and you want to visit Rothenburg and the Romantic Road area but you don’t want to worry about renting a car or figuring out transportation logistics, we recommend booking this guided day trip of the Romantic Road from Munich that goes through Harburg Castle, Dinkelsbühl, and Rothenburg. 

Heidelberg castle

Heidelberg is a beautiful city known for being home to Germany’s oldest university, its rich cultural heritage, and historic sites like Heidelberg Castle, Old Town, and Alte Brücke. It’s also surrounded by amazing natural landscapes like the Neckar river and Odenwald mountain range in the distance. It’s best to do a day trip to Heidelberg from Rothenburg by car.

Frankfurt Old Town

If you want to visit a big city on a day trip from Rothenburg, one option is to head to Frankfurt. It’s a nice contrast from Rothenburg since Frankfurt is known to be a bustling metropolis with a cosmopolitan atmosphere since it’s an important financial center in Europe.

Frankfurt is a mix of modern with its futuristic skyline and skyscrapers with some charming historic landmarks found in Old Town. You can also discover the city’s art and cultural side in the Museum Embankment, with famous museums like the Städel Museum and the Museum für Moderne Kunst. Overall, Frankfurt is a good city to explore in just a day or two. If visiting on a day trip from Rothenburg, it’s best to go by car.

If your home base is Frankfurt and you’d like a stress-free day trip to Rothenburg, book this guided day trip from Frankfurt to Heidelberg and Rothenburg!

old time car in Rothenburg

Rothenburg ob der Tauber FAQ

What is rothenburg, germany known for.

Rothenburg, Germany is known for its incredibly well-preserved medieval old town and its intact city walls that provide panoramic views of the town and its surroundings. It’s celebrated for its charming fairy tale-like atmosphere and charm.

How much time do I need in Rothenburg, Germany?

Rothenburg is a popular day trip destination, so it’s very manageable to do it as a day trip spending 5-8 or so hours in the town. That said, if you want to fully experience and explore the town, then we recommend staying for 1 or 2 nights so you have at least one full day. This allows you to do more activities like the famous Night Watchman Tour (it’s a lot of fun). Staying for 2-3 days is also a great idea so you can do day trips to other nearby towns like Dinkelsbühl and Würzburg and explore more of the Romantic Road area (best by car).

How long does it take to walk the Rothenburg wall?

The Tower Trail, which is the path that goes all along the Rothenburg walls, is around 2.5 miles (4 kilometers). It takes approximately 2.5 to 3 hours to complete, depending on the crowds and your pace. You can explore some of it and then choose to leave the trail since it leads into different parts of the Old Town or complete the entire trail. Ultimately, you can choose how much of it to do since it’s divided into different sections and there are stairs down to the town at regular intervals.

How old is Rothenburg Germany?

Rothenburg is one of the oldest towns in Germany. Settlements in Rothenburg’s area date back to around 970 AD but the city was founded around the 11th century, making it approximately 750 years old.

Is Rothenburg in Bavaria?

Yes, Rothenburg is in Bavaria (Bayern in German). More specifically, it’s located in northern Bavaria in the Middle Franconia region.

What river is Rothenburg on?

Rothenburg is not directly located on a river. It is situated on a plateau overlooking the Tauber River valley. This explains the full name of the city “Rothenburg ob der Tauber” which is German for “Rothenburg (red castle) above the Tauber.” 

How far is Rothenburg from Munich?

Rothenburg is located approximately 250 kilometers (155 miles) north of Munich. The driving distance between the two cities is around 2.5 to 3 hours, depending on the route and traffic conditions. By train, it takes around 3 hours depending on the route and transfers you take.

Next Steps For Planning Your Trip:

  • Start planning an unforgettable trip to Germany here !
  • Book a personalized travel consult or itinerary review with Cate .
  • Join our friendly Facebook group .

Image of Best Things to Do and See in Rothenburg

Cate has been traveling to Germany for 30+ years. She has lived in Germany, taught college German, and has a PhD in German Applied Linguistics. She loves helping travelers plan their dream trips to Germany!

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GERMANY TRAVEL PLANNER:  Just getting started? Have questions about Germany’s confusing train tickets or how to find the best guided tours? Not sure which parts of Germany should be in your itinerary (and what to leave out)? Our  Germany Travel Planner  answers those questions and more via how-to videos, our interactive Germany Planning Map, City Cheatsheets, and MUCH more. Click here to unlock the best of Germany the easy way!

GERMANY TRAVEL CONSULT:  Feeling overwhelmed? Itinerary just not coming together? Wonder if a few tweaks would take your trip to the next level? Book a Mini or Full consult with Cate! She’ll help you create or tweak your itinerary, recommend train tickets/passes, hotels, things to do, guided tours, show you how to buy train tickets, orient you to specific cities, help you plan out day trips, and answer your Germany travel questions.

ACCOMMODATIONS:  We recommend using  Booking.com  since they have widest range of accommodations available from hostels, boutique hotels, luxury chains, aparthotels, at the best prices. Check out our  accommodation guides  for specific recommended hotels.

WHAT TO PACK: If you’re bringing your phone, be sure to bring this plug adapter , this power bank , and this wrist strap . They’ve been lifesavers for us! You can see our other packing essentials here and here .

TICKETS & TOURS:  For guided tours, day trips, private tours, and skip-the-line tickets,  Get Your Guide  is our go-to!

TRAINS & BUSES:  To research train schedules and buy tickets or a Germany Rail Pass, we recommend the official  Deutsche Bahn (German Rail System)  website (and download their DB Navigator app). For buses, look at  FlixBus  , which offers tickets for routes within Germany and to other European countries. FlixBus is often cheaper than trains but can take longer.

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shot of the town from above with red rooftops and towers | One Day in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany: What to do, see, eat, and more. | Rothenburg day trip from Munich, Frankfurt, and others. Rothenburg itinerary for summer, fall, winter, spring. Festivals, things to do, where to park, and where to stay.

One day in Rothenburg ob der Tauber: The Best Day Trip Itinerary

Last Updated: October 13, 2023 //  by  Ashley Smith 2 Comments

One day in Rothenburg ob der Tauber is about how long most travelers dedicate to this lovely little city actually. It’s pretty small but very famous—known for being the most adorable medieval/fairytale town this side of Narnia.

But because this town is known so well for just this one thing and not all of the other truly amazing things to do in Rothenburg ob der Tauber , most people simply stop by on a day trip between bigger cities like Munich or Frankfurt.

While Rothenburg is totally worth more than just a day, I (more than anyone) understand that there are just too many magical places in Germany to see and not enough time. So, I’m here to help you make the most of your quick visit.

For 11 of the others, check out my post on the best day trips from Munich .

rothenburg boat tour

A magical Rothenburg day trip

Everyone’s Rothenburg day trip will be different, depending on when you arrive and when you leave, how you get there, and your personal preferences and abilities. For the purpose of this post, I’m going to lay out the contents of a FULL one day in Rothenburg ob der Tauber. From morning until night. You can adjust accordingly.

rothenburg boat tour

I will also include some additional information you’ll need for your Rothenburg day trip to make sure you travel happily ever after.

Is Neuschwanstein Castle also on your Germany road trip bucket list? If so, check out my 10 crucial Neuschwanstein tips and my guide to where to stay near Neuschwanstein Castle .

One day in Rothenburg ob der Tauber: What to do

Though everyone who visits makes a bee-line straight for the city’s famous little square (it is cute), there are actually a lot of great things to do in Rothenburg ob der Tauber.

Everyone has different priorities, desires, and abilities though. So, what you choose for your one day in Rothenburg is entirely up to you. I’ll do my best to offer suggestions, but take a look at this full list of sights and activities and feel free to fill in other things that pique your interest.

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However, there are a few things that you definitely shouldn’t miss while you’re here. Your one day in Rothenburg ob der Tauber should include:

Start your day with breakfast at your hotel. Most hotels here include, or at least offer, a great breakfast spread and this will be the best way to fuel up for your magical Rothenburg day trip. (Find your perfect Rothenburg hotel here .)

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Grab some schneeballen

From there, head on out to second breakfast. Yes, you’re a hobbit now. Rothenburg ob der Tauber is still technically part of Bavaria, but it’s also proudly part of the Franconian region of Bavaria. What that means for you is all new delicious foods and drinks to try.

Head over to one of Rothenburg’s fabulous bakeries for a coffee and some schneeballen. Schneeballen (German for “snowballs” are a local treat that call Rothenburg home. They are made from fried pastry crust and covered in a variety of sugary toppings. They come in big (softball sized) and small (pool ball sized).

rothenburg boat tour

You can find them at bakeries all over Rothenburg, but my favorites are:

  • Bäckerei-Café Friedrich Schöbel
  • Bäckerei Striffler
  • and the Zuckerbäckerei   

Check out the Plönlein

The world famous Plönlein—German for “small square with a fountain”—is what this city is known for. It would be weird of you to come all the way here and not see the most famous thing here. It’s quick; it’s free; you’ve got nothing to lose.

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Really it’s just a super picturesque little square that looks straight out of a Disney movie. Well, it did inspire Disney’s Pinocchio. And Rothenburg did inspire Walt Disney World’s Germany pavilion at Epcot. So, there you have it.

This is going to be the hottest spot in town all day so get there before the biggest crowds do, or get there before you forget to get there. This is what you came for.

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Walk the city walls

You should also make sure to walk the city’s medieval walls. This is such a unique way to explore the city (only three cities in Germany still have intact medieval walls like this one) and get great photos and views.

From the Plönlein, veer left, go through the tower arch, and turn left after the Landwehr-Bräu am Turm (the cute red/yellow building). Look straight ahead and you’ll see a staircase going up the side of the wall.

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Take those steps up to the walkway and take a left. You can walk this path all the way around to the other side of town. (It sounds farther than it is.) Along the way, enjoy the views of Rothenburg’s rooftops and uniquely enchanted architecture. Look for cats in backyards and unicorns in alleyways. You never know.

This is another free activity that won’t take up too much of your time (maybe 45 minutes to an hour at most). However, it’s not exactly accessible for all. The steps up and down are steep (but do have handrails). The walking path is fairly uneven (given that it’s been walked on for hundreds and hundreds of years). And the clearance is critically low for anyone taller than me and Lord Farquaad. Just watch your head—s’all I’m saying.

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Wander aimlessly

You should definitely spend a good chunk of your one day in Rothenburg ob der Tauber not “doing” anything at all. Just walk. This place is so adorable that even just wandering aimlessly around the town will be so aesthetically rewarding.

From the end point of the Tower Trail, walk straight through the parking lot and back into the thick of the Old Town. Stroll the streets at your leisure and just check it all out. It’s impossible to get lost here, so just wander without a map. But definitely have your camera out because this place is CU-UUTE!

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You can pop by the Pope’s house, pop into St. James’s Church (if you’re into popping into grand European churches like I am), pop into some shops, sleuth out of some of the city’s hidden Holocaust memorials, and more.

Head over to the Burggarten and check out the great views of Rothenburg from the wall on the left. You can see the Plönlein from here as well as all the way down into the valley. (Check out my post on what to do in Rothenburg odT for all the details and where to find all these places.)

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Hang out at the Marktplatz

At some point, make your way over to the Marktplatz, the town’s center. Hang out here, have a beer, and be sure to check out the mayor chugging his wine when the clock strikes the top of the hour. (More on that in this post .)

If the weather is nice, you can head up into the town hall’s tower for amazing views over the city . If you thought Rothenburg already looked like a miniature Christmas village, just wait until you see it from above. The tower climb takes 220 steps up a typically European corkscrew staircase, costs 2.5€, and requires a bit of maneuvering when you get to the top. But WOW, those views.

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Time for lunch

Afterwards, head over to the Reichskuchenmeister hotel/restaurant for lunch . This is my favorite spot to eat lunch in Rothenburg. If the weather is nice, opt for seating in the delightful little beer garden. If not, the indoor restaurant is just as nice. Order yourself a flammkuchen and a kellerbier and tell ‘em Ashley sent ya. (It won’t get you anything, but it felt right to say that.)

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Some light hiking

If you have nice weather, I highly recommend taking a walk outside the city walls and down into the valley. This short hike will take you about an hour round-trip and isn’t too demanding. You can see many of Rothenburg’s coolest sights in just this one quick excursion.

You can leave from the Burggarten and follow a trail down through the vineyards, to a lovely little church, then the double bridge over the Tauber River, keep going to see Toppler Castle, over the covered bridge, then back up to the Burggarten. All the while you’ll have awesome views of Rothenburg up on the hill.

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Or visit a museum

If you aren’t blessed with good weather, skip the valley and pop into one of Rothenburg’s handful of museums . Its most famous museum is definitely the Käthe Wohlfahrt Christmas Museum which is open year-round and offers some great traditional German Christmas ornaments and decorations.

The Medieval Crime and Justice Museum is not far behind. My personal favorite is the Rothenburg Museum for its enormous and very cool collection of artifacts and its historical location.

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Early dinner

After your magical afternoon in Rothenburg, have yourself an early-ish dinner in town. My #1 recommendation is Zur Höll (German for “To Hell”). This small restaurant opened over 1,000 years ago and you can still dine its candlelit cave. (No joke.)

The food here is unforgettable and it’s really the best place to eat in Rothenburg. It’s small and popular so reservations are required. Make them as soon as you know you’re going to Rothenburg! They typically have a 5:00pm and an 8:00pm sitting. Opt for the 5:00 dinner so you won’t have to miss…

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The Night Watchman tour

Each night, the famous Rothenburg Night Watchman takes brave visitors on a night walk around Rothenburg . He tells stories of Rothenburg’s medieval past and of the importance of night watchmen. You’ll learn all kinds of cool things but don’t think it’s purely educational. This tour is hilarious too (and in English).

Night Watchman tours happen every night at 8:00pm and cost 9€. Meet at the Marktplatz (look for the tall medieval guy with the stick and the lantern), no reservations required, pay him directly after the tour.

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Have yourself a merry little nightcap

After the Night Watchman tour, have yourself a few local beers at one of Rothenburg’s cozy taverns. My favorites are:

  • Weinstube Löchle (part of the Reichskuchenmeister hotel/restaurant)
  • Weinstube zum Pulverer
  • Landwehr-Bräu am Turm

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Pop by the Plönlein again

I know, I know—you’ve already seen the Plönlein, but trust me. At night, the Plönlein is so much cooler! Now that all the day tourists have left, you can enjoy a people-free Plönlein that looks so much more fairytale-y at night. The entire town is empty and quiet, the moon and stars are out, and it’s just you and the wooden puppets that come to life at night. Actually, pretend I didn’t say that.

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One day in Rothenburg ob der Tauber by season

Because your ideal Rothenburg day trip itinerary will vary slightly based on what time of year you visit, I have broken this post down by season. Plan accordingly.

Rothenburg day trip in the fall

If your one day in Rothenburg ob der Tauber occurs towards the beginning of the fall season, your taste buds are in for a treat. Every year for just a couple of weeks at the end of September/beginning of October is the season for federweisser and zwiebelkuchen. Say what?

rothenburg boat tour

Federweisser (German for “feather white” which says nothing about what it is) is a young, sweet wine distinctive to the Rothenburg area. I’m not necessarily a “wine drinker,” per se, but I love this stuff and look forward to my glass (or two) every year.

Zwiebelkuchen is just as the name implies = onion cake. While not really a “cake,” zwiebelkuchen is more like a quiche that’s heavy on the onions, cream, and bacon. But the best part is that zwiebelkuchen and federweisser are traditionally served together. And you can only get them during this brief period in the fall.

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You can find this combination at many of Rothenburg’s restaurants, but my favorites are at Zur Hoell. Be sure to ask for it when you’re there.  

And if you’re around at the beginning of September, check out the Imperial City Festival . During this fall weekend the entire city transforms itself into one giant Renaissance festival, basically. The city already feels like a Medieval wonderland, but now imagine it with everyone in costume, playing medieval games, and saying things like Huzzah !

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Rothenburg day trip in the winter

If your one day in Rothenburg ob der Taubers falls in the early winter, you’ll be able to take advantage of the lovely little Rothenburg Christmas market .

Known locally as Reiterlesmarkt , this market has all the traditional goodies—glühwein, all kinds of delicious German Christmas market foods , gifts and décor galore, and, of course, schneeballen.

Rothenburg’s Christmas market opens the day after Thanksgiving and ends right before Christmas. If you thought this town already looked like a miniature Christmas village the rest of the year, wait until you see it now.

Holiday shop display ad with German christmas white sweatshirt

Rothenburg day trip in the spring

Your one day in Rothenburg ob der Tauber in the spring will be full of blooming flowers, warmer days, and a couple of great festivals.

Rothenburg’s Spring Awakening Festival is all about bringing the town back to life. Easter traditions, colorful flowers, and the beginning of the hiking season in Rothenburg are all things you can look forward to.

The Master Draught Festival (also known as Meistertrunk ) honors the city’s mayor who saved the city from destruction by chugging a 3.5-liter tankard of wine. For real. Get all the details in my what to do in Rothenburg post .

rothenburg boat tour

Rothenburg day trip in the summer

Because summer is the peak travel season for just about everywhere in Europe, be prepared for bigger crowds and busier restaurants, museums, tours, and beyond. But, you’ll also see nicer weather.

Make sure to spend some time at a beer garden or relaxing patio in the Marktplatz. Take advantage of the extra sun and make sure to work in a quick hike down to the valley. But also head way up into the town hall tower for awesome views of Rothenburg.

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Where to park in Rothenburg ob der Tauber for the day

If you’ll be driving into town for your Rothenburg day trip, rest easy knowing there are a number of day visitor parking lots in Rothenburg. These lots charge a small fee from 9am to 6pm. This page has a great map of where you can find all of these lots – just click on the orange box in the map key.

However, the lot I would personally suggest is the large one at the top of the map called “Schrannenplatz.” This lot is big and, while it’s still “in town,” it’s on the outskirts so it’s easy to get to and out of. From this lot, it’s just a 4-minute walk to the Marktplatz.

rothenburg boat tour

Driving to Rothenburg ob der Tauber is definitely the fastest and easiest way to get there. (It is the jewel of Germany’s Romantic Road, after all.) Yes, there are trains and buses, but none of them come directly from the major cities so the trip will take you quite a long time (when it doesn’t have to).

Need a rental car? Check out Germany’s best rental car deals here .

rothenburg boat tour

Day trips to Rothenburg ob der Tauber

Another easy way to spend just one day in Rothenburg ob der Tauber is by taking an organized tour from one of the larger cities . This is a super popular way to see the city. And while I will always advocate for spending more time here, if you absolutely can only swing one day here, consider a tour. Check out these options:

rothenburg boat tour

Full-Day Tour of Rothenburg from Frankfurt

This full day trip to Rothenburg ob der Tauber includes private luxury transportation from Frankfurt, an expert guide, and admission to the Medieval Crime and Justice Museum. (And great reviews!)

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Romantic Road, Harburg, and Rothenburg day trip from Munich

This full day trip from Munich will stop at the medieval castle in Harburg as well as spend an afternoon in Rothenburg ob der Tauber. Private transportation and your own guide make this an easy day trip.

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From Munich: Rothenburg and Nördlingen Day Trip by Bus

Though Rothenburg is the main destination on this day trip, you'll also get to see other gorgeous cities on the Romantic Road like Nördlingen and Dinkelsbühl.

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From Frankfurt: Rothenburg ob der Tauber Wine Tour

Ok this may be the winner. This day trip to Rothenburg ob der Tauber from Frankfurt includes wine tastings. Check this one out for sure.

Where to stay in Rothenburg ob der Tauber

If you are blessed with enough time to spend the night here, I highly recommend it. This way, you get to take advantage of a great dinner, the Night Watchman tour, and seeing this fairytale town at night after all the day trippers have left. It’s quiet, dark, and magical. Check out these options:

  • Akzent Hotel Schranne – Nice hotel with a great breakfast and it’s right next to the big parking lot I just described. The hotel restaurant is fabulous and the location is perfect. You can even hop on the medieval wall right here!
  • Burghotel – Very highly-rated hotel that is just too cute. Perfect location, amazing reviews, historical property, nothing bad to say here.
  • Hotel Reichskuckenmeister – I’m in love with this hotel’s restaurant, beer garden, and wine bar so… I imagine this is also one of the best places to stay in town as well.

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What to pack for Rothenburg ob der Tauber

Don’t forget these few essential items for your trip to Germany and your one day in Rothenburg ob der Tauber:

  • European outlet adapter – You’ll need these in order to charge your electronics in Germany
  • Germany guidebook – for the rest of your Germany sightseeing
  • Germany customs and culture guide – These small guidebooks are worth their weight in schnitzel!
  • Packing cubes – Stay organized if you’re going to be living out of a suitcase

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About Ashley Smith

Ashley is a historian and Oktoberfest expert & tour guide. She has traveled to 39 countries and specializes in quick trips throughout Europe and the Americas that prioritize hiking adventures, museums of all kinds, cultural experiences, and jam-packed itineraries. She hails from Memphis, TN and currently lives in Boston with her husband and two feline sidekicks.

yellow flowers in front of medieval colorful buildings

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Gothenburg Boat Tours

If you want to roam around the city on a Boat trip and want to experience Gothenburg from the water’s edge, then a boat ride is a perfect way to enjoy this. The Gothenburg boat tour takes you through historic moats and canals into the harbor under 20 bridges. Some bridges are too low so that high boats cannot pass them. That's why a paddle boat, an extremely flat travel boat, takes you on an incredible journey. Enjoy mesmerizing views of the Gothenburg archipelago and relish a hearty meal on the cruise. On the Gothenburg boat tours, you will be accompanied by a professional guide who will walk you through the art, history, and other stories of the island. You can choose your route as per your preferences and admire the architecture and history of various buildings and monuments such as Alvsborg Fortress, Gothenburg Harberkalo-Nipla, Marstrand, and more along the way.

This boat tour offers you onboard dining options or you can order your meal directly on the cruise. Getting lost in the seaside beauty of Gothenburg while enjoying the delicious local cuisine while experiencing the tropical beauty of the city will be an amazing experience of a lifetime.

Why Book Gothenburg Boat Tours from us?

Why Book Gothenburg Boat Tours from us?

With a wide range of cruises or padden boats for your trip, we provide high-quality services and products to our visitors. It is our goal to provide a pleasant and memorable experience at Goth-River to our guests by providing them comfort, and luxurious amenities. We have a wide fleet of boats and cruises which are well equipped with modern facilities to meet your travel needs. Our experienced guides are available here to provide you with information about the island. Our boats are manned by an experienced captain and friendly crew-member are always ready to serve their guests.

Gothenburg Boat Tour Package Options

Land and Water Amphibious Bus Sightseeing Tour

In this sightseeing tour, an Amphibious Bus takes you through both land and water to see Gothenburg. Enjoy the famous attractions of the city including Avenyn, Poseidon, Liseberg, Ullevi, and the Fish Church. You will board the bus from Stora Teatern- a musical and theater building. As the surface below changes, the real fun starts and your boat changes into a boat and enters the river.

Private Boat Ride in Gothenburg with pickup

Our tour guide will pick you up from your hotel and take you to the center of the city where you will catch your boat and freely explore Gothenburg through uncrowded streets with fresh gusto of winds on your face. Lejontrappan is the starting point and one of the famous points in Gothenburg for boat rides.

Gothenburg Hop-on Hop-off Boat tour

Hop-on Hop-off Boat tour is the perfect way to explore the beautiful Gothenburg city. You can enjoy a lot of attractions in a short span of time through this tour. Your guide will introduce you to all the major attractions of the city such as Eriksburg, Haga District, Lilla Bommen, and others.

Highlights of Gothenburg Boat Tour

Highlights of Gothenburg Boat Tour

  • Enjoy panoramic views of the city through a boat ride.
  • Enjoy the delicious meal while soaking in the stunning beauty of Gothenburg.
  • Experience Gothenburg through land and water by an Amphibious Bus and immerse yourself in the best attractions of the city.
  • Explore The German Church, Fish Church, Haga District, Lilla Bommen, Avenyn, Liseberg, Ullevi, and much more.
  • Enjoy an unforgettable adventure via an Amphibious Bus while exploring the various locations and incredible sights of Goth River.
  • During your trip, the guide will tell you fascinating stories about the art, culture, and architecture of Gothenburg.
  • Feel the adventure and see the bus turn into a boat and fall into the water.
  • A private boat ride lets you enjoy a relaxed atmosphere and explore the best of Gothenburg without any hassle.
  • You can see the major attractions of the city in a short span of time through Hop-on Hop-off Gothenburg boat tours.

Places to see while on Gothenburg Boat Tour


Lejontrappen is the starting point from where you start your Gothenburg boat tours and this point is one of the most famous points in the city. Your tour guide will pick you up from the hotel and take you to the center of the city which is Lejontrappen and explore the incredible sights through a boat ride.

Gustav Adolfs Torg

Enjoy the boat ride through Gustav Adolfs Torg, which is the statue of King Gustav Adolfs in the 17th century. An expert guide will get you acknowledged with all the information on this site. Apart from the statue, you will see the pattern of classical art, the Stock Market building of the 18th century.

German Church

The German Church is also known as Cristina Church and is located at the center of Gothenburg city. Enjoy the boat ride through this church and be mesmerized by its beauty. This prominent city church was named after Queen Christina and inaugurated in 1748.

Lilla Bommen

Enjoy a boat ride in the open Baltic Sea at Lilla Bommen, a part of Gothenburg port. This is used for boats and various buildings are located in Lilla Bommen including the eponymous building, the Gothenburg Opera House, and Bark Viking. You will enjoy snacks during Gothenburg boat tours.

Gothenburg’s Low Bridges

During your city’s boat tour you will pass through Gothenburg’s low bridges, which are vertical-lift bridges over the Goth-River on the western coast of the city. These bridges are so low that only a Padden boat, an extremely flat boat, can go through and take you to an incredible boat ride.


Feskekorka is a Swedish word which means Fish Church in English. A market that is dedicated to everything emerges from Sea. Delicious sea food is served to visitors during the boat ride. It was opened on 1 November 1874 and designed by the architect Viktor Von Gegerfelt.

Explore Gothenburg City

Places To Visit In Gothenburg

FAQs for Gothenburg Boat Tour

What is the location of the gothenburg boat tour.

The Gothenburg boat tour starts from Lejontreppan, which is a starting point and one of the famous points of the city. Lejontreppan is a Swedish word which means “The Lion Stairs” in English.

Can we book Gothenburg Boat Tour tickets online?

Yes, one can book Gothenburg boat tour tickets online and after your booking, you will receive a confirmation email. With online booking, you will not only save yourself from overcrowding at the ticket counter but you can also save money, as you can get great discounts on online booking.

What is the best time for a Gothenburg Boat Tour?

The best time starts from Spring to early Autumn, in these months you can enjoy your boat ride in Gothenburg. Weekdays and off-season are the best times to visit if you don’t like overcrowding.

Why is a Gothenburg Boat Tour a must to experience?

Gothenburg is an amazing city and when you visit this city through a boat ride you can immerse yourself in the breathtaking vistas of the city. You will experience various amazing sites through a guided tour and enjoy a delicious meal.

What is special about the Land & Water Amphibious Bus sightseeing tour?

The Land & Water Amphibious bus is unique in the city because you will enjoy both land and water ride. You will experience some amazing sites and the real thrill starts when the surface turns into water and your bus will splash into the river.

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© 2024 www.mygothenburgpass.com All rights reserved.

Glam Granola Travel

Rothenburg Night Watchman Tour: The Best City Walking Tour Ever?

Rothenburg Night Watchman Tour Pinterest Pin

I will tell you this: I’ve been on my fair share of city walking tours in Europe. Actually, I’ve been on them everywhere.

My all-time favorite is the Rothenburg ob der Tauber Night Watchman tour .

I mean, I’ll update you if this ever changes, but I kind of doubt it. This tour is the bomb.

On this tour the Night Watchman will take you to all the central Rothenburg ob der Tauber sights, and teach you all about the city’s most important (and some lesser-known) history. I simply can’t recommend this delightful, affordable experience enough.

Keep reading for everything you need to know about the Rothenburg Night Watchman tour!

On Market Square's Town Hall steps, getting ready for the Rothenburg Night Watchman Tour

Who is the Rothenburg ob der Tauber Night Watchman?

The Night Watchman is a German guy with excellent English speaking and storytelling skills, who will teach you all about the rich history of Rothenburg ob der Tauber.

He does this whole educational, entertaining tour from the perspective of a Medieval times city night watchman! These guys patrolled the gates of a city back in the day, and knew the goings-on and city secrets better than anyone. Plus, his costume is excellent.

I don’t know how long the Night Watchman has been giving his dusk walking tour of Rothenburg, but judging from a quick Google search it looks like the answer is: a while .

And it shows! He was one of the best historic re-enactors and tour guides I’ve ever seen. I worked in the National Park Service, which required me to do very similar things (explain complex topics to wide-ranging audiences in a fun, animated way, though my costume was a little less crazy).

I know a good story-teller when I see one, because I’ve been trained in story-telling. This guy could be a Park Ranger any damn day of the week.

The Rothenburg Night Watchman tour guide, the Night Watchman, giving a mysterious speech

Feel like popping over to Austria next? Check out my guide to a perfect day in Salzburg !

How much does the Rothenburg Ob Der Tauber Night Watchman tour cost?

Perhaps the best part of this incredible tour is the reasonable price.

Adults: 8 Euro

Teens: 4 Euro

Kids under 12: Free!

Honestly, I would’ve tipped that much anyway because the tour is so excellent, so it’s truly a bargain. I know you might be used to free walking tours, like those offered through hostels and such, but this guy does this for a living . And he’s stellar. He could’ve charged twice as much and I would still say it’s worth it!

You pay at the end of the tour, which is quite the honor system considering how many people are on a tour. He’ll give you change if you don’t have exact.

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Is the tour appropriate for children?


There were a ton of kids on the tour when I went, and as long as they aren’t disruptive it’s totally fine. In fact, it looked like the Night Watchman enjoyed interacting with them!

The tour accomplishes something quite rare in historical education, in that I think it was truly accessible to everyone. It doesn’t pander to the audience, either, which I appreciate. I am wary of people in costume=cheesy tours, but this wasn’t the case in my opinion.

Also, while we’re on the subject of age, there’s not too much walking on this tour for folks of all ages. There were young kids and older grandparents alike—everyone seemed to love it!

How does one join the Rothenburg Night Watchman tour?

The crowd gathering for the Rothenburg Night Watchman Tour

You don’t need to sign up in advance or anything for the Rothenburg Night Watchman tour. Simply show up at Market Square in front of the Town Hall at 8:00 PM. From March to January, this is true every single night .

From the months of January to March there are limited hours; just Saturday tours. Again, it’s at 8:00 PM at the Town Hall!

Chances are, you’ll know just where to wait based on the massive crowd. Apparently the Night Watchman has had tours of 300 people! Yikes. I imagine that is during holiday weekends and such, because my tour was much smaller.

You’ll know the tour is starting when a man dressed as a Medieval Night Watchman, cape and all, strolls up with his torch and starts addressing the crowd. Pretty straightforward situation there.

What does the Rothenburg Night Watchman tour include? How long is it?

The tour is an hour long , and it goes by remarkably quickly.

The tour starts at the Market Square Town Hall and meanders through the streets, in and out of the gates of Rothenburg.

The Watchman will stop at various points of interest, like the aforementioned Medieval city gates, and give little talks and tell stories about their significance.

You’ll see several interesting historical spots and learn a lot about the city on this tour. If you arrive in Rothenburg later in the day, the Night Watchman tour would therefor be a great first stop. It puts much of Rothenburg ob der Tauber in historical context, which enriches the experience of exploring it on your own the next day!

Night descends on the Rothenburg Night Watchman tour group and streets of Rothenburg ob der Tauber

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Why should I go on the tour?

If I haven’t convinced you already, I’m not sure what else I can say… other than, this is one of the best activities in Rothenburg Ob Der Tauber. It really made my trip memorable.

Going on this tour also gives you the chance to do something I desperately, aggressively recommend you do: spend the night in Rothenburg. It’s a hotspot for day trippers, as the midday crowds leave no question of.

My favorite moments in Rothenburg ob der Tauber were in the evening and morning, when I felt a calm descend over the city.

The Night Watchman takes full advantage of this quiet calmness, and he makes you feel as if you could be walking around Rothenburg hundreds of years ago. It really makes you experience the city in a unique way!

rothenburg boat tour

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The “no pre-booking just show up” is the information all the other websites I’ve looked at were lacking! Thank you!

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Hi Kaisa, we will be doing this tour in mid Sept. and we are looking forward to it. I was wondering, how can everyone hear him if there is such a big crowd? Does he wear a microphone? Is everyone crowding behind him and then would we miss what he is saying if we are not close to him? I am hoping the crowds won’t be bid when we are there. Thanks for your info, Diane

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We took the Night Watchman’s (Hans Baumgartner’s) tour back in 2004. It truly was the best walking tour I’ve ever been on. And afterwards, Hans joined us for a bier.

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The classic Paddan boat tour in Gothenburg: City tour and harbour cruise

The classic Paddan boat tour in Gothenburg

If you want to get an excellent first impression of Gothenburg, we recommend that you take a Paddan boat tour through the city’s moats, canals and harbour. The guided tour takes just fifty minutes.

Sightseeing by boat

The traditional Paddan tour begins at Kungsportsplatsen, which is located only a few meters from the main tourist office. In very flat boats you pass under twenty low bridges. You can see the city from the water, but also a part of the port.

Every year around 100,000 Gothenburg visitors travel with these canal boats. Many native Gothenburgers like to go on this tour as well when they show their city to visitors. The tour is classic. We were already on board in 1974 as you can see in the black and white picture on this page.

“Cheese slicer”

One bridge on the route to the harbour is so low that you have to crouch on the floor in front of your seat. In Gothenburg this bridge is called “cheese slicer” – which is typical Gothenburg humor. Under another bridge you just have to duck your head. All in all, the Paddan canal boats travel under 20 bridges.

In the city centre you get to see the railway station, the shopping centre Nordstan, the square Gustav Adolf’s Torg, the German church, the house of the East India Company and the market hall Feskekörka .

The port of Gothenburg

In the port you will pass by the naval museum Maritiman, the tall ship Viking, and the red and white high-rise building which in Gothenburg is just called the “lipstick”. To the west you pass by the dry dock shipyard and the new district Lindholmen, a district with modern office buildings and educational institutions.

Near the tower Sjömanstornet the boat turns and continues back east. The tour ends where it began, namely in the centre at Kungsportsplatsen.

In the high season the tour takes place two or three times an hour. There is also now a hop-on hop-off version of the tour with a 24-hour ticket.

There is a great alternative to the Paddan tour:  Sightseeing tour on land and water: the Ocean Bus in Gothenburg .

  Hotels in Gothenburg

Book now: Hotels, hostels, B&Bs in Gothenburg

The classic Paddan boat tour in Gothenburg

The “cheese slicer” on the classic Paddan boat tour in Gothenburg

The classic Paddan boat tour in Gothenburg

Another low bridge

The classic Paddan boat tour in Gothenburg

The Feskekörka fish market hall as seen from a Paddan boat

The classic Paddan boat tour in Gothenburg

Picture from 1974: I was a teenager then with really long hair, see me next to the arrow

  Sightseeing tours, activities and entrance tickets


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Tour of Hisingen

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  • Christmas Dinner Cruise with M/S Carl Michael Bellman
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Boat Excursion around Hisingen Island

Guided boat tour in gothenburg.

  • Cruise around one of Sweden's biggest islands
  • Guided tour - winding water ways & harbor
  • Free cancellation up to 24/72h before departure

About this tour

Welcome on board M/S Carl Michael Bellman for this four-hour cruise along the winding waterways of River Göta, River Nordre and Björkö Fjord, ending with Göteborg's beautiful and dynamic harbour.

Select ticket

Join us on a four-hour guided boat excursion around one of Sweden's largest islands, Hisingen in Gothenburg.

Departure point: Lilla Bommen Highlights: The tour takes you through the winding waterways of Göta Älv and Nordre Älv, along Björköfjorden, and through Gothenburg's vibrant harbor. Good to know: The ticket includes a guided boat tour in Swedish and English. Sun deck and café are available on board.

Dinner Cruise around Hisingen - includes dinner

Eat a good dinner and enjoy a four-hour guided boat trip around Sweden's fifth-largest island, Hisingen in Gothenburg.

Departure point: Lilla Bommen Highlights: Well-prepared food and typical West Coast scenery. Good to know: The ticket includes a two-course à la carte dinner and a guided boat trip in Swedish and English. Sun deck is available on board.


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More information

Enjoy a guided evening boat tour around Hisingen in Gothenburg, Sweden's fifth largest island. The ship M/S Carl Michael Bellman departs from Lilla Bommen several evenings every week for a four hour cruise. 

Sightseeing in varied landscapes

On this classic boat tour in Gothenburg we pass green meadows, barren cliffs, farmland with grazing cows, and much more. During the course of the tour you will learn about the historical and legendary sites outside the window.

Enjoy the sundeck

There is a bar/café on the top floor. Enjoy the sunset from the sundeck and have a bite to eat and something to drink from the bar. Unfortunately it is not possible to bring your own food or refreshments on the tour.

Book à la carte dinner

If you like to enjoy dinner onboard please book Dinner cruise around Hisingen which includes boat excursion and a seat in the restaurant. Read more and book the dinner cruise .

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  • Dinner Menu - Cruise around Hisingen/Middagmeny - kryssning Hisingen Runt, 2024
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How is the accessibility on this tour?

This Boat Excursion around Hisingen Island is not wheelchair accessible, but it is possible with some assistance if you can walk a little. Please note that there may be a sloping gangway at low water levels. Electric wheelchairs cannot be brought on board. There are stairs and thresholds on board. There is an accessible restroom available but with a narrow door opening.

Can I bring my pet on board?

Yes, only outdoors on the sun deck. Dogs are not allowed in the ship's restaurant. Special rules apply to service dogs. Service dogs must have certification and wear a harness/vest indicating they are on duty. Service dogs must be pre-booked through our booking department.

Can I bring our stroller on board the boat?

Yes, preferably a foldable stroller. It can be brought on board but must be left on the main deck. It is not allowed in the restaurant.

Are there restrooms on board?

Yes, they are on the main deck.

Is there a restaurant on board the boat?

Yes, there is one on the main deck. Guaranteed seating in the restaurant is only available for guests with pre-booked meals – book a Dinner Cruise around Hisingen.

Is there a cafeteria on board the boat?

Yes, there is one on the upper deck.

Can I sit outdoors? Are there outdoor seating options on board the boat?

Yes, there are seating options on the sun deck. Please note that you are not allowed to bring your own food onboard.

  • Tour of Hisingen/Båtutflykt runt Hisingen, 2024
  • M/S Carl Michael Bellman

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Syracuse Boat Tours offer themed cruises on Onondaga Lake

  • Updated: Jul. 18, 2024, 8:53 p.m.
  • | Published: Jul. 18, 2024, 12:03 p.m.

Syracuse Boat Tours began booking cruises on Onondaga Lake in early July 2024.

Syracuse Boat Tours began booking cruises on Onondaga Lake in early July 2024. (Provided photo by Mike Lopercio) Mike Lopercio

There are few American cities where you can relax on a boat in the middle of a lake and take in a sweeping view of the skyline as you sip a cocktail.

Syracuse is one of those geographically blessed cities where such pleasures are possible—if you own a boat, that is.

Now the boatless among us can enjoy a cruise around Onondaga Lake without the hassle of owning a boat, thanks to Syracuse Boat Tours , a new marine tourism-focused company that began booking cruises earlier this month.

The public response so far has been “pretty solid,” said owner/operator Annette Peters, a Syracuse native who lives on the Seneca River.

“I love this community, and we’ve got a jewel in Onondaga Lake that we just don’t appreciate,” Peters said. “I’ve taken people out on my boat on Onondaga Lake for years and they’re always so shocked how beautiful it is and how seldom its used.”

Syracuse Boat Tours

Annette Peters, owner/operator of Syracuse Boat Tours, a new company offering daily cruises on Onondaga Lake. Steve Featherstone | [email protected]

Peters says she’s picking up where Mid-Lakes Navigation, the last company to offer Onondaga Lake cruises, left off about 10 years ago. The company operates one boat at the moment, a 22-passenger pontoon boat.

Scheduled open-seating for one-hour or 90-minute cruises depart daily. The best way to get a seat is to book online . The boat is also available for private charters.

Depending on the cruise, admission costs $12.50-$15 for children; $27.50-$30 for adults.

Syracuse Boat Tours offers a range of themed cruises, including:

  • Tiki Cruises: jam to Caribbean music as you sip fruity cocktails/mocktails. On Tiki Tuesdays the boat will pick you up and drop you off at the funky Tiki Bar on the Seneca River, where passengers get a ten percent discount.
  • Happy Hour Cruises: Cruise from the Seneca River into the lake and watch the Syracuse skyline come into view. Music provided, or passengers can bring their own playlists.
  • Historical Cruises: Narrated cruises that delve into the lake’s long history.
  • Sunset Cruises: Get a front row seat to a spectacular sunset over the lake.

Other themed cruises will be scheduled throughout the summer, including a wine-tasting tour, a Seneca River cruise, bourbon-tasting tour, and fall cider and foliage tours.

Syracuse Boat Tours

Nikita Jankowski takes a snapshot of her children, Noble and Xochi, aboard Syracuse Boat Tours' 30-ft pontoon boat as it cruises down the Onondaga Lake outlet. Steve Featherstone | [email protected]

If business is good, Peters plans to upgrade service next year with a bigger boat ideal for dinner cruises. The pontoon boat could then be used to shuttle passengers to the Amp, Inner Harbor/Aquarium, Onondaga Lake Park, or the Tiki Bar on the river.

As more people recognize Onondaga Lake as a tourist destination, Peters says she’s positioned to take advantage of CNY’s future growth.

“We need a water taxi, and this is the first one,” she said. “That’s the dream.”

Editor’s note: Annette Peters is a previous employee of Advance Media New York and The Post-Standard. She retired in December.

Steve Featherstone covers the outdoors for The Post Standard, syracuse.com and NYUP.com . Contact him at [email protected] or on Twitter @featheroutdoors . You can also follow along with all of our outdoors content at newyorkupstate.com/outdoors/ or follow us on Facebook at facebook.com/upstatenyoutdoors .

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I took a scenic boat tour around Paris that stopped at all the major landmarks, and I can't believe it only cost $20

  • I took a boat tour that cruised by nearly all the major monuments in Paris and only cost about $20.
  • It was crowded, and some buildings were difficult to see, but I found the guide informative.
  • I'd go on the tour again, and I recommend it to anyone visiting Paris .

Insider Today

I'm an American who's lived in Paris for almost three years. After all this time, I still had one thing on my bucket list: Tour the city by boat.

I took advantage of a good summer weather day and went on an hourlong tour with Vedettes de Paris that cost 20 euros, or about $22.

Over 15 million tourists are  set to flood the city this month for the Summer Olympics, and I'm not that interested in fighting through crowds on the streets. Luckily, the boat tour sails by several of Paris' most famous landmarks, so I thought it would be a good way to get my fix from a more comfortable distance.

Here's what it was like.

I made sure I had plenty of time to get to the boat.

rothenburg boat tour

I chose to sail on a 6:30 p.m. boat tour and booked my ticket the day before to save some time at the docks.

The tour company recommended arriving 20 minutes early — they start letting people on the boats about 15 minutes before. Because of the construction happening around the Paris Olympics , I gave myself plenty of time to get there.

Being early also allowed me to get a seat on the top deck, where I could enjoy the best view.

We left on time, and a few people missed the boat because they had arrived just a few seconds before departure.

I learned a lot in just one hour.

rothenburg boat tour

I've hesitated to go on the boat tour in the past because things like this tend to be very touristy. But I was surprised by how many iconic French monuments I saw and learned about in one hour.

Our path started at the Eiffel Tower and went past Notre Dame before turning around after the Arab World Institute. A live guide spoke about nearly all the monuments we passed in English and French — the company's app also provided translations in other languages.

I wasn't expecting to learn much since I've lived in Paris for a few years, but I actually really enjoyed the guide. The tour was very basic but a good starting point for learning more about a city with so much history.

Although some were slightly obscured, I spotted many of the city's major monuments.

rothenburg boat tour

The boat tour started with a history of the Eiffel Tower before passing by the Grand Palais and the Petit Palais. We also passed by the National Assembly, the Louvre Museum , and the French Academy.

Because of the preparations for the Olympics, some areas were slightly obscured by scaffolding. I was barely able to see the obelisk at Place de la Concorde as it was hidden behind stands.

I was also only able to quickly glance at other monuments like the Tour Saint-Jacques before they disappeared behind buildings.

My favorite part was seeing Notre Dame appear after going under a bridge.

rothenburg boat tour

Notre Dame is one of my favorite monuments, and seeing it appear as the boat came out from under a bridge was incredible. The cathedral is set to reopen in December after a damaging fire in 2019, and they've made a lot of progress on the restorations.

As we continued down the river, many people were having picnics and dancing by the Seine — a popular summertime activity in Paris . Our guide also pointed out the nearby La Tour d'Argent, a famous restaurant with a rooftop terrace.

I think I figured out how to make the tour even better next time.

rothenburg boat tour

Paris is one of the most beautiful cities in the world , and seeing it by boat felt very special. The boat was a bit crowded, and there were a lot of families and tourists, but that didn't interfere with my experience at all.

I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed the tour. One thing I'd do differently next time is to go around sunset. If you time it right, you'll return as the Eiffel Tower starts sparkling, which happens on the hour after sunset every evening.

Whether you're on a budget or just looking for a good value, the boat tour is worth it. I definitely plan to take any visiting friends and family in the future.

rothenburg boat tour

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rothenburg boat tour

Heavily armed security boats patrol winding Milwaukee River during GOP convention

M ILWAUKEE (AP) — Instead of kayakers and tour boats, the summertime scene on the Milwaukee River has taken on a solemn tone this week during the Republican National Convention : Around-the-clock patrol boats, some with heavily armed officers.

Security planners have had to contend with the winding waterways through Milwaukee near the Fiserv Center RNC convention site, along with securing downtown streets. Roughly half a dozen police departments, along with state and federal agencies, have boats patrolling the river 24-hours-a-day until the convention ends this week.

“They’re committed to working those long shifts, throughout the days and nights,” U.S. Coast Guard Lt. Joe Neff said. “They’ve been all on board for making sure public safety is priority.”

Associated Press journalists were allowed on board a 29-foot U.S. Coast Guard boat Wednesday to observe. The boat, typically used for search-and-rescue operations, traveled near the secure zone of the convention site via Lake Michigan and the river that empties into it.

A large section of the river has been shut down to commercial and recreational traffic this week, with very few exceptions, like residents who live on the river. Within an hour, the Coast Guard boat had passed vessels from Milwaukee police, state conservation wardens and a heavily armed specialty Coast Guard tactical force in camouflage gear.

The patrols are part of a massive security plan that Milwaukee police, the U.S. Secret Service and others have been detailing for more than a year. Security around former President Donald Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, has been especially tight in the wake of last weekend's apparent assassination attempt.

“There is no higher level of security that can be invested in events such as this,” Milwaukee Police Chief Norman Jeffery told The Associated Press Wednesday.

So far, no major incidents have been reported on the water during the convention, according to the Coast Guard.

Patrol boats typically depart from a Coast Guard facility south of downtown on Lake Michigan, before turning into the mouth of the channel where the river begins. Speeds are then slowed to 5 mph and boats pass by the restaurants and converted warehouses of Milwaukee’s Historic Third Ward on the way to the secure zone.

The boats are tasked with monitoring Milwaukee's downtown bridges and keeping unauthorized people and vessels out of the secure zone.

They are also on the lookout for anything suspicious.

As the Coast Guard vessel traveled near the downtown security zone, the crew spotted something mysterious floating in the water. They turned the boat around and fished it out, discovering the object was only a red and gray nylon tarp that had been rolled up and posed no threat.

Coast Guard officials said the help from other agencies this week also means they can keep up their usual public safety duties.

“Yes, we’ve got the national security event here, the RNC. That doesn’t mean we’re ignoring the rest of our normal mission — search and rescue,” said Coast Guard Lt. Phillip Gurtler. “We still have the coverage that we need.”

Boson's mate second class Tyler Boon navigates a U.S. Coast Guard small response boat down the Milwaukee River toward the RNC security zone on Wednesday, July 17, 2024 in Milwaukee, Wis. (AP Photo/Mark Vancleave)


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  27. Heavily armed security boats patrol winding Milwaukee River ...

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