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Ofrecemos el mejor precio y las mejores formas de financiacion posibles para esta experiencia, poniéndolo al alcance de cada vez más participantes.

Somos la empresa de viajes para jóvenes N°1 en Córdoba, con mas de 20 años de trayectoria.

Somos los únicos en Córdoba que operan con los principales sponsors de visa J-1 en el mundo, ofreciendo los mejores puestos en las ciudades más increíbles.

Nuestros asesores son ex-participantes del programa y podrán responder todas tus dudas de forma personalizada.


Es un programa que le permite a los estudiantes vivir en ciudades increíbles, trabajar y viajar en el tiempo libre..

Es una de las tantas propuestas de intercambio ofrecidas por Alexandria Viajes. Diseñado por el departamento de estado de Estados Unidos para fomentar el intercambio cultural desde y hacia el resto del mundo. Work and travel USA esta orientado a todos los jóvenes estudiantes que deseen aprovechar el receso académico de verano de una manera diferente.

El programa (para latinoamérica) comienza en diciembre y dura hasta marzo, lo que significa que los participantes pueden trabajar entre esas fechas siempre y cuando no se encuentren cursando en la universidad


Vacunas solicitadas por el gobierno de ee.uu., tener entre 18 y 28 años de edad., ser estudiante universitario o terciario.

de una carrera presencial de más de 3 años de duración, en una institucion reconocida por el ministerio de educación.

Disponibilidad para trabajar

de diciembre a marzo.

con vencimiento al menos 6 meses posterior a la fecha prevista de finalización del programa.

Nivel intermedio de inglés.

No es excluyente, pero determinará en alguna medida a qué puestos de trabajo el participante está en condiciones de aplicar. Mientras mayor sea el nivel de inglés, mayor será la variedad de puestos a los que pueda aplicar.


La propuesta de puestos de trabajos es muy variada, pero el factor común es que todos los puestos pagan un salario por hora similar, y que todos se conforman de alguna forma, un grupo, por lo que el participante siempre trabajará con otros que también viajan con el mismo programa a la par (argentinos o de cualquier otro país de Latinoamérica).

Tanto en zonas invernales como cálidas, los puestos indoors pueden hallarse en hoteles, resorts, restaurantes, o locales comerciales en la base de los centros de esquí. Las posiciones especificas que pueden adoptar este tipo de puestos es: Retail Associate, Rental Technician, Cashier, Cook, Host, Server, Busser, Hotel front desk, Clerk, Lifeguard, Order taker, Spa Attendant, Housekeeper, Room attendant, Steward, Dishwasher, entre muchos más. Todos estos puestos exigen niveles de inglés especificos y dependera del perfil del participante, la posibilidad de aplicar a determinados puestos.

También disponible tanto en destinos de invierno y nieve como destinos cálidos y de playa. Los puestos en exteriores pueden hallarse en Hoteles, Resorts, y Centros de Esquí. Las posiciones especificas que pueden adoptar este tipo de puestos son: Ski Instructor, Ski Patrol, Lift Operator, ticket checker, lifeguard, entre muchos más. Una vez más estos puestos exigen niveles de inglés variados y su disponibilidad estará sujeta a la que el participante reúna los requisitos del idioma.


Contamos con empleadores en más de 20 ciudades a lo largo y ancho de Estados Unidos. Podemos clasificar los posibles destinos de acuerdo a las actividades principales de cada zona:

Turismo de Estación

La estación que transcurre durante el programa es el invierno, por estas razones, los empleadores de esta categoría estan localizados en los principales destinos invernales. Este grupo puede encontrarse en los Estados de Wyoming, California, Montana, Utah, Colorado y Nuevo México en la zona Oeste de Estados Unidos; y los estados de Vermont, New Hampshire, Tennessee y Minnesota ubicados más cerca de la Costa Este.

Turismo regular

Son aquellos Estados que tienen una afluencia de turista constante durante todo el año. El invierno no altera en grandes medidas el nivel de actividad. En esta categoría pueden ubicarse los Estados de Florida del lado Este y Hawaii del lado Oeste de Estados Unidos.

Turismo específico

Destinos que si bien están ubicados en zonas invernales, tambien mantienen una afluencia de público constante durante todo el año. Este es el caso del Estado de Wisconsin Dells, elegida mundialmente por ser la capital de los parques acuáticos.


Los participantes tienen dos opciones: Con oferta de empleo e independientes

Con oferta de empleo

Bajo esta modalidad, el participante aplicará a los puestos de trabajo que Alexandria tiene para ofrecer, siempre y cuando este cumpla con los requerimientos del puesto al que desea aplicar. Alexandria se encargará de gestionar la entrevista entre el participante y su posible empleador. Las entrevistas puede ser presenciales o virtuales mediante Skype. Una vez contratado el participante solo tendra que gestionar su visa J-1 en Buenos Aires, obtener sus tickets aéreos y de no ofrecerlo el empleador, conseguir alojamiento por la temporada. Esta opcion es ideal para participantes que emprenden este programa por primera vez, y tiene un costo de:

Incluido en el costo

  • Servicio de colocación de empleo
  • Cobertura médica
  • Formulario DS 2019 y Oferta de trabajo
  • Asistencia permanente
  • Asesoramiento pre-viaje
  • Asesoramiento en aéreos

No incluido en el costo

  • Tickets aéreos
  • Costo de alojamiento
  • Comidas (a no ser que un empleador las ofrezca)
  • Gastos necesarios para vivir hasta cobrar el prime paycheck


En este caso el participante, a través de sus propios contactos (iniciativa propia, experiencias previas o referencias de amigos que ya viajaron) se conseguirá su propia oferta de trabajo. Alexandria le ortorgará todo el marco legal y soporte asistencial para poder aplicar para la visa. Esta alternativa es ideal para participantes que ya han viajado en temporadas anteriores. Consulta el costo con tu asesor.

  • Asistencia de housing


La modalidad de inscripción es muy simple. Se deberán firmar el contrato de inscripcion al programa, adhiriendo a las bases y condiciones del mismo. En el mismo acto, el participante deberá abonar la seña del programa, de un valor USD 400. Una vez que el participante está inscripto, comenzará a proveer los documentos necesarios para poder aplicar a un empleo y se gestionará su entrevista laboral. Una vez que un empleador haya seleccionado al participante, esta deberá abonar el saldo del programa.


¿qué es la visa j1.

Es una visa para no inmigrantes expedida a individuos que quieren visitar EE.UU. como parte de un programa de trabajo y viaje. El programa de Visa J1 permite a las personas trabajar y estudiar al mismo tiempo.


La tasa SEVIS (Student Exchange Visitor Information System) es un arancel que deben abonar todos los estudiantes, para registrarse en el sistema como estudiante extranjero.


¡Totalmente! Luego de un par de semanas el oído estará lo suficientemente afinado y la comunicación se volverá cada vez más fluida. Los participantes aprenderán además muchísimo vocabulario además del específico de su puesto.


¡Sí! Desde el primer día que el participante llega a destino puede buscar un segundo empleo. No necesariamente tiene que ser full time, pueden ser pocas horas al día o dos o tres veces a la semana. No debe alterar el horario ni los días del empleo principal. El encargado les dará instrucciones sobre cómo aplicar y tener una entrevista y si superan la entrevista y la aprobación del sponsor, pueden comenzar.


Por supuesto, una vez que el participante termine su contrato de trabajo puede recorrer EE.UU. o el país que elija. Tiene que tener en cuenta que su regreso tiene que ser antes del comienzo de clases.


¡Por supuesto! Hay empleadores que aceptan grupo de amigos y parejas.


¡Por supuesto! El promedio es alrededor de 4000 mil dólares. Algunos participantes lograron mayores ingresos haciendo horas extras o con dos trabajos. Se obtiene de 10 a 20 USD la hora y se trabaja alrededor de 40 hs semanales. Una breve proyección:

  • Salario por hora: USD 10 / Hora
  • Horas por semana: 40 horas

Entonces: 40 horas semanales x 10 dólares la hora x 10 semanas: USD 4000. De acuerdo al empleador se le puede ofrecer alojamiento, descuento en comidas y ski gratis!


Escribinos o dejanos tus datos a través de los formularios de contacto. Uno de nuestros asesores se contactará con vos enviándote la info completa del programa.

Agendá una reunión informativa

Coordiná de acuerdo a tus horarios de conveniencia una llamada virtual para conocernos y así sacarte todas las dudas que tengas. Te contaremos cómo funciona todo el programa y los pasos a seguir.

Escribinos por Whatsapp

Si te resulta mas fácil, también contamos con atención al público vía Whatsapp! Te comunicarás con un representante y te guiaremos en el proceso.

¡Abrí tu franquicia, y emprende el mejor viaje de tu vida!

   chatea con nosotros.

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Work and Travel

The City of Alexandria Workforce Development Center

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Three travelers standing on rocks with a view.

Summer Work & Travel Program

Expand your horizons — live and work in the us over your university break.

IENA’s Summer Work and Travel program provides the opportunity for university students to live, work and travel for up to 4-months in the US.

Living and working among Americans is a great opportunity to gain great insight into life and culture in the US, make friends, and improve your English skills. At the end of your program you’ll have the opportunity to travel around the US for up to 30 days. Summer Work and Travel programs last up to four months, with an opportunity for up to one month of travel after your job ends, depending upon your university schedule. IENA will be your program sponsor and provide support before and during your stay in the US.

Create lasting memories with Work & Travel!

In the US summer, you might work…

  • At the beach
  • In amusement or water parks
  • In hospitality

In the US winter, you might work…

  • At a ski resort
  • In a restaurant

Application and Fees

Application information.

To apply to the Summer, Work and Travel Program, you must be:

  • Proficient in English (oral and written)
  • Enrolled full time in a college or university course
  • Excited about experiencing American culture

What your program includes

  • High quality service and support from start to finish
  • Optional job placement
  • 24/7 emergency line
  • Visa assistance
  • Insurance for your entire stay in the US

IENA works with certified international partners around   the world.   Please e-mail us at [email protected] to connect you with one of our partners who will guide you through the process in your home country

Group of people in a field at sunrise.

Travel Information

On the move in the us.

Aim to live close to where you work. Walking and biking allows you to get to know your neighborhood and city. You will stay physically active and save on transportation costs.

For longer trips, try public transportation in your area or rideshare services like Uber and Lyft. Local taxi services offer direct service.


Participants will arrange their own transportation to and from the US, and to their housing/destination Check with your recruiter for information on flight deals.

If your employer doesn’t have a shuttle, you may be able to arrange public transportation to/from the airport to your destination. Ask IENA or your recruiter for help in identifying public transportation options.

Participant Resources

What to see in the usa.

  • Sporting events
  • Historical sites
  • Oceans, lakes, and rivers
  • National/state/local parks and recreation areas
  • Major cities/nearby cities
  • Amusement/water parks

The following SEVIS Validation Information is for Exchange Visitors who are sponsored by IENA ONLY and participating in our Summer Work and Travel Program, including Summer Camp Support Staff.

If the Sponsor listed on your DS-2019 is not IENA, please STOP and contact your sponsor.

Frequently Asked Questions

We know traveling to a new country for work can raise a lot of questions. Check out our useful FAQs or reach out with questions

You are going to hear several terms for different forms etc. during the process. Here is our IENAipedia to those forms:

The J-1 Summer Work and Travel Visa:  This J-1 Visa is a government program that allows qualified full time students to share their cultures and ideas with the people of the United States. The J-1 Summer Work and Travel Visa is for individuals approved to participate in work-and study-based exchange visitor programs. This program is run by the US Department of State .

DS-2019 Form:  This form can only be issued by a US Department of State designated visa sponsor. IENA is one of those. It certifies that you are eligible to take part in the cultural exchange program and is a vital part of the application process. In essence, it is evidence that you have a bona-fide job offer in the USA. You will need it for your embassy appointment AND you will need it when you enter into the USA. Guard it as you would guard your passport.

SEVIS Receipt (or SEVIS I-901 Receipt):  SEVIS stands for “Student Exchange Visitor Information System”. It is a system by which the US Department of State keeps track of you on the program. You will need this form when you visit the embassy for your interview

WHAT PAPERWORK WILL THE EMPLOYER REQUIRE? Social Security:  The US Government requires all employees to apply for a Social Security Number. Your employer will help you do this upon your arrival, however, you MUST validate your arrival via your IENA account BEFORE you can apply. Once done, you will need to visit the local Social Security office. You must obtain a Social Security Card. If you already have one, then that’s yours for life.

Form I-9: All employees, foreign and domestic, are required to complete this form for each employer. It is a straightforward form and you will need your passport (including J-1 Visa) and your DS-2019. Your employer will help you complete this.

Form I-94: This is your arrival and departure record. It is a good idea to print this when you get settled and keep it with you. You cannot print it until after you have arrived in the USA. It can be printed here

W-4:  This form is for tax purposes. Your employer may withhold a small amount of taxes from your salary. You ARE entitled to claim some of this back because you are not a resident of the USA. IENA partner with taxback.com to make claiming back the taxes as simple as possible DO I HAVE HEALTHCARE IN AMERICA?

As you may be aware, health care is not free in the USA. You must have medical insurance. We have that covered for you. There are however some terminology and procedures it is handy to know:

Co-payment:  This is like your car insurance excess. Its an amount you always have to pay when you have treatment. For non-Emergency Room Visits, the Co-pay is $50. Whenever possible. You should always call the 800 number (free call) on the back of your insurance and discuss your symptoms before visiting a doctor. They can best advise you whether to visit a doctor and if so, where the closest clinic is.

Workers Compensation:  Whilst you are at work and carrying out your duties at work, you are covered by this insurance. This means if you have an injury/illness caused by or related to your work, you are covered by this insurance which is held by your employer. Our insurance is for non-work related cases, or injuries/illnesses that occur while on days off and while you are traveling.

Emergency Room: It’s the same thing as the A & E and is for serious injury or illness that requires immediate attention.  There is no co-pay or deductible for this if the injury/illness is deemed life threatening or requires an overnight stay. In all other cases, there will be a $350 Copay, so you should go to a walk-in clinic whenever possible.

Pre-Existing Conditions:  If you have a condition that has been treated, or you take regular medication for, in the past 6 months, it will NOT be covered by this insurance.

Here you can find more details on your insurance policy .


When it comes to social media and American culture, there are a few things you need to be aware of. Employers have withdrawn job offers to participants before they have even arrived in the USA due to things they have found on social media. Please be aware of how you portray yourself. You are going to America to be professionally employed and your public presence should reflect that. We highly recommend you make all your social media private.

Remember, even something someone else tags you in or photos someone else posts of you can have an impact on someone’s impression of you. As a general rule of thumb, think “Would I want my parents or grandparents to see this?”

Each employer will have their own set of rules with regards to social media once you arrive.


IENA recognizes there are several reasons why you may leave your job.

Getting Fired

Break the rules and you may be fired. This is a job just like a job at home.  As with any job you take, there are rules that need to be followed.

If you have been fired, the first thing you must do is call IENA.  (888)724-4292 . Your employer are also instructed to call us.  Our goal is:

  • For you to understand why you have been fired
  • Get your version of events
  • Ensure you are paid up to date
  • To make a plan with you as to where you will go, if we can place you elsewhere or how you will get home

Just because you have been terminated from employment does not mean you are not part of our program. We want to make sure you are safe and taken care of.

You Decide to Leave

We understand there are a few reasons why you may decide to leave. All we ask is that if you have any problems at your place of employment, you follow the following steps:

  • Please make sure you have given the job a chance – at least 2 weeks
  • Speak with your supervisor about any problems first and give him or her the chance to resolve
  • If this has not worked, call IENA who will advocate on your behalf

Remember as with any job, there are good days at work and bad days.  There are people you like working with, and people you don’t like working with.  Just as the employer has made a commitment to you via you job offer, you have made a commitment to the employer in acknowledging and agreeing to the terms of your job offer.

If you do decide to leave early, you MUST call IENA before you leave on (888) 724 4292 ext 4. We will want to help you make a plan to get home or find other employment.


If you have the opportunity for a second job, please contact the IENA office and we will go through the process and contact your new employer. You  MUST  do this  BEFORE  you accept and begin working for your 2 nd  job employer.


The USA is a vast country.  People say that every state is almost like a country with its own culture and compare it to Europe.  Here are some handy tools to help you:

  • Time Zones and Local Times
  • US Public Holidays
  • US Customs, Habits, and Etiquette
  • Cost of Living

Silhouette of a group of people in a field at sunset.

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The 15 Best Things to Do in Alexandria, VA

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The Best Things to do in Alexandria, VA

Perched right on the banks of the Potomac River, just across from Washington, DC, it’s almost impossible not to fall head over feet for Alexandria. Whether you’re in town to check out the city’s historic sites or have a carefree weekend away with friends, you’ll find endless things to keep you busy in this dynamic city. 

You’ll definitely want to spend as much time as possible strolling along the cobblestone streets and red-brick sidewalks of Old Town Alexandria. Here you’ll find over 200 boutique shops, quaint cafes, and creative restaurants lining the picture-perfect streets. 

There are also a bunch of historic attractions sprinkled around Old Town, including George Washington’s favorite tavern and the oldest apothecary in the US. Explore further afield, and you’ll have the chance to check out the incredibly well-preserved Fort Ward and Washington’s Mount Vernon plantation.

If you prefer to enjoy Alexandria’s natural beauty, you can cruise along the Potomac River and go biking in the Dora Kelley Nature Park or along the scenic Mount Vernon Trail. And once you work up an appetite, you’ll find all sorts of trendy brunch spots and cafes in the Del Ray neighborhood and a wide range of tasting rooms and bistros lining Old Town’s bustling King Street.

With so many cool things to see, do, and eat, you might not know where to begin. So we’ve compiled our list of the absolute best things to do in Alexandria for you. Stick to these fun and unique Alexandria bucket list recommendations, and there’s no doubt you’ll have an amazing time exploring this incredible Virginia city!

Don’t forget to check out our web story: The 15 Best Things to Do in Alexandria, VA

  • 1. Tick Off Old Town Alexandria's Best Attractions

2. Get Your Art Fix at the Torpedo Factory Art Center

3. dine at george washington’s favorite tavern , 4. take a hike in the dora kelley nature park, 5. photograph the cherry blossoms on king street, 6. sample local goods at the oldest us farmers’ market, 7. spend a day brunching and shopping in del ray, 8. check out the oldest apothecary in the us, 9. take in the views from the george washington masonic national memorial, 10. take a scenic bike ride to mount vernon, 11. sample creative local brews, 12. cruise along the potomac river , 13. get a history lesson at the carlyle house historic park, 14. learn about civil war history at the fort ward museum, 15. eat your way through alexandria.

Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links. If you make a purchase or booking through one of our links we may earn a small commission (don’t worry, it’s at no extra cost to you).

15 Fun and Unique Things to Do in Alexandria, VA

1. tick off old town alexandria’s best attractions.

Cool Things to do in Alexandria: Best Attractions

Whether this is your first visit to Alexandria or your fifth, there’s no doubt you’ll be spending a large chunk of your time exploring everything Old Town has to offer. You’ll find over 200 independently owned boutiques, cafes, and restaurants on and around King Street, Old Town’s main drag.

Take some time to meander around the cobblestone streets, and you’ll come across some of the city’s most famous sights. You can start on the east end of King Street at the George Washington Masonic National Memorial . 

Unique Things to do in Alexandria: Best Attractions

Walk the length of King Street toward the Potomac, and it’ll ultimately lead you to Gadsby’s Tavern Museum , the Old Town Farmers’ Market, Stabler Leadbeater Apothecary Museum , and so much more. King Street dead-ends at the Old Town Alexandria Waterfront, where you can also set off on a cruise along the Potomac or pay a visit to the Torpedo Factory Art Center .

Once you work up an appetite, King’s Street is chock full of restaurants. You can enjoy oysters on the half shell at Hank’s Oyster Bar , snack on Irish fish and chips at Daniel O’Connell’s , or indulge in sashimi at Nasime Japanese Restaurant .

Book a Private Walking Tour of Historic Alexandria

Must do things in Alexandria: Torpedo Factory Art Center

If you’re looking for unique Alexandria attractions, don’t miss out on a visit to the Torpedo Factory Art Center . Once a US Naval Torpedo Station, this old munitions plant was transformed into a massive art center in 1974.

Located right on the Potomac River in Old Town Alexandra, this place hosts more working artists than anywhere else in the US. Explore the grounds, and you’ll find work from 165 visual artists, 82 artists’ studios, eight galleries, and a range of workshops. From photography and painting to printmaking and sculpture, you’ll see a little bit of everything in the Torpedo Factory Art Center.

Alexandria Bucket List: Torpedo Factory Art Center

Head into the Target Gallery, where you can peruse a rotating exhibition of thought-provoking work. Other standout galleries are The Art League Gallery, Enamelists Gallery, and Printmakers, Inc., to name a few. Plus, there are always cool events, workshops, and pop-ups going on, so be sure to check the website to see what’s going on before you visit.

Alexandria Things to do: George Washington’s Favorite Tavern

Named after its former owner, the Gadsby’s Tavern Museum is comprised of two historic taverns that date back to 1785 and 1792, as well as an 1878 hotel extension. All sorts of notable figures have dined, socialized, and slept at these historic taverns, including George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. 

Gadsby’s Tavern was later listed as an official National Historic Landmark in 1963 and was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1966. With all of its history, Gadsby’s Tavern still stands proud as one of the best sights in Old Town Alexandria and is a must for history enthusiasts! 

What to do in Alexandria: George Washington’s Favorite Tavern

Visit the historic establishment today, and it’s possible to take a tour of the properties and learn all about their storied history at the on-site museum. If you’re hungry, you can even enjoy lunch, brunch, or dinner in a beautiful colonial dining room. Be sure to try the “George Washington’s Favorite,” which is a roasted half duck with corn pudding and roasted potatoes.

If you’re looking to get out in nature, going hiking in the Dora Kelley Nature Park is one of the best things to do in Alexandria. The nature park is situated on 50 acres of woodlands just six miles from Old Town Alexandria. So it’s the perfect place to stretch your legs and enjoy some fresh air.

The one-mile nature trail offers excellent opportunities for birdwatching. You’ll likely spot tufted titmouse, white-breasted nuthatch, belted kingfisher, and a range of woodpecker species. If you’re lucky, you may even glimpse a bald eagle, a barred owl, or even a wild turkey or two! 

As you walk, you’ll come across oak- and hickory-studded landscapes and a freshwater marsh that’s teaming with wildlife, including turtles and frogs. Be sure to pick up a field guide from the Jerome “Buddie” Ford Nature Center before you head into the nature park. It offers information about the park and its wildlife. 

Best Things to do in Alexandria: Cherry Blossoms on King Street

Photographing the springtime cherry blossoms is easily one of the coolest things to do in Alexandria, VA. While most visitors flock to Washington, DC, for the annual National Cherry Blossom Festival, it’s also well worth seeing the show in picture-perfect Alexandria!

The streets of Old Town Alexandria are dotted with tons of different cherry trees, and each spring, they burst to life, creating a magical scene. Time your visit for late March, and you might just get the chance to see an explosion of cherry blossoms all over Old Town and the waterfront. From white Yoshino to pink Kwanzan, it’s truly a feast for the eyes. 

Cool Things to do in Alexandria: Cherry Blossoms on King Street

Photographers will definitely want to bring their gear to capture stunning images of Alexandria’s colorful rowhouses and the Potomac River framed by pink- and white-hued cherry blossoms. Trust us – the scene is every Instagrammer’s dream come true! 

Fun Things to do in Alexandria: Oldest US Farmers’ Market

One of the best ways to sample the local flavor of a new city is to pay a visit to a farmers’ market. With its riverfront location and abundance of nearby farms, Alexandria is home to one of the coolest farmers’ markets around!

While there are a bunch of different farmers’ markets in town, the Old Town Farmers’ Market is one of the best sights in Alexandria. The market has been continuously held in City Hall’s Market Square since the 1700s, making it the oldest farmers’ market in the US. That means it’s the exact same place George Washington sold his Mount Vernon-grown produce way back in the day!

Alexandria Bucket List: Oldest US Farmers’ Market

Depending on when you visit, you’ll find up to 70 vendors hawking everything from meats, cheeses, and veggies to potted plants, flowers, and art. And, of course, there are always chefs whipping up locally sourced dishes in case you’re feeling peckish.

The Old Town Farmers’ Market is open every Saturday at Market Square from 7 am to noon.

If you’re looking for fun things to do in Alexandria, spend an afternoon exploring the ultra-cool Del Ray neighborhood. Tucked away two miles north of Old Town, Del Ray is brimming with hip cafes, trendy brunch spots, and funky art galleries.

You can start your day as the locals do by grabbing a cup of coffee at St. Elmo’s Coffee Pub or a light lunch at local institution Del Ray Café . After that, you can shop along Mount Vernon Avenue while checking out all of Del Ray’s best street art murals and art galleries along the way.

You can also head over to Del Ray’s Wellness District, where you’ll find dozens of health-centric businesses and practitioners. Or, depending on when you’re in town, you can partake in one of Del Ray’s many events, including a First Thursdays street party, the Del Ray Vintage & Flea Market, or an Art on the Avenue pop-up.

At the end of a fun-filled afternoon, take a break at one of the alfresco restaurants lining Mount Vernon Avenue for a glass of Virginia wine or a bourbon-infused slushy!

Alexandria Things to do: Oldest Apothecary in the US

The Stabler Leadbeater Apothecary Museum is easily the most unique thing to do in Alexandria, VA. The apothecary was opened by a Quaker pharmacist named Edward Stabler in 1792 and was run by the same family until the business went bankrupt in 1933. However, in an effort to preserve the oldest apothecary in the United States, the space reopened as a museum in 1939.

What to do in Alexandria: Oldest Apothecary in the US

Fast-forward to today, and this apothecary is now a National Historic Landmark where you can peruse 15,000 original artifacts. You’ll find all sorts of fascinating things, from antiquated surgical and dental equipment to prescription and formula books to medicines that were produced in the workshop upstairs.

Note that the museum has sporadic opening hours, so be sure to check the website before you visit.

Best Things to do in Alexandria: George Washington Masonic National Memorial

One of the most famous Alexandria attractions, the George Washington Masonic National Memorial sits on top of Shooter’s Hill, just steps away from the King Street Metro Station. Now a National Historic Landmark, this iconic memorial was constructed in 1992 (but was only officially completed in 1970). 

Dedicated to the memory of George Washington, the 333-foot tall memorial was designed after the ancient Lighthouse of Alexandria in Egypt. Explore the interior, and you’ll find paintings and sculptures of Washington, exhibits highlighting the story of Freemasonry’s origins and history, and the life story of notable American Freemasons, including Washington, Franklin, Jackson, and Truman. 

Cool Things to do in Alexandria: George Washington Masonic National Memorial

Make your way to the ninth story, and you’ll find an observation deck offering spectacular 360-degree views of the memorial’s beautiful terraced gardens, Alexandria, and the Potomac River. There’s also an on-site gift shop if you want to pick up a souvenir to bring back home!

Fun Things to do in Alexandria: Bike Ride to Mount Vernon

It’s no secret that George and Martha Washington’s Mount Vernon plantation home is one of the top Alexandria attractions. While you can easily drive to Mount Vernon, it’s also possible to bike to and from this historic site on the Mount Vernon Trail.

The trail unravels for 18 miles from Theodore Roosevelt Island (near the Lincoln Memorial in DC) all the way to Mount Vernon, which is seven miles south of Old Town Alexandria. The multi-use trail is perfect for the whole family and will lead you along the Potomac River, past beautiful marshlands, and through some of Alexandria’s coolest neighborhoods. There are tons of picturesque picnic spots, so it’s well worth picking up supplies at a farmers’ market before heading off on your bike ride.

Alexandria Bucket List: Bike Ride to Mount Vernon

Once you reach Mount Vernon, you can tour the sprawling estate’s spectacular gardens, glimpse historic documents and artifacts inside the home, and visit the grave site of George Washington.

Book a Mount Vernon Full-Day Bike and Boat Tour

Alexandria Things to do: Local Brews

If you’re a craft brew connoisseur, you’ll be spoiled for choice in this beer-loving city! 

Alexandria has a long history of beer drinking. The city dates back to 1749, a time when safe drinking water was scarce, and a beer-drinking was ubiquitous. Fast-forward to today, and Alexandria is now home to a bunch of buzzing breweries and beer-centric bars. 

Cool Things to do in Alexandria: Local Brews

You should start your journey at Port City Brewing , which is the first brewery of its kind in the DC region. It is also highly touted as “one of the best small breweries in America,” so you know it’s something special. 

Head here for their popular brewery tours and tastings. Plus, there are always food trucks, live music, and boozy events being held here. Then there’s newcomer Aslin Beer Co , which is famed for brews like the NEIPA Double Orange Starfish, as well as their creative milkshake and gummy bear IPAs. After that, you can sample dozens of beers from Virginia and beyond at bars like Hops ‘n Shine and Rustico , to name a couple.

Unique Things to do in Alexandria: Cruise Along the Potomac River

Alexandria is located right on the banks of the beautiful Potomac River, so it’s no surprise that taking a river cruise is one of the most fun things to do in Alexandria. Luckily, there are tons of different options to suit all tastes.

Capitol River Cruises offers one of the most popular options. Plus, this company is small and family-owned and operated for the past 29 years, so you know you’re getting a good service. Their Narrated Boat Tours depart every hour from The Washington Harbour, which is less than 10 miles from Old Town Alexandria.

Best Things to do in Alexandria: Cruise Along the Potomac River

These tours are 45 minutes long and take you past attractions like Georgetown, the 14th St. Bridges, the Lincoln Memorial, the Washington Monument, the Jefferson Memorial, and much more. Along the way, your knowledgeable guide will tell you all about these sites and the history of the region. 

For something unique, you can also opt for the Crab Boat Charters for all-you-can-eat crab and all-you-can-drink beverages. Or, if you’re in town on a special occasion, you can arrange custom private charters, too!

Alexandria Bucket List: Carlyle House Historic Park

History buffs will love visiting The Carlyle House Historic Park . The Georgian-style mansion was completed in 1752 and was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1969. 

It was actually the home of the family of John Carlyle, who was a successful English-born merchant and a founder of Alexandria. The entire mansion has been painstakingly restored to look just like it did in the 18th century. The Carlyle House is open seven days a week, and it’s possible to take a tour through the regal home and its impeccable gardens.

Fun Things to do in Alexandria: Carlyle House Historic Park

The ultra-knowledgeable docents will pepper you with information about what life was like in the 18th century, the notable figures who once met at The Carlyle House, and the historically significant events that took place on the property. You’ll also get a glimpse of the life of the Carlyle family and the use of slavery at the house.

What to do in Alexandria: Fort Ward Museum

Civil War buffs won’t want to miss out on a visit to the Fort Ward Museum & Historic Site . Fort Ward is the fifth-largest fort built to defend Washington, DC, and it’s been incredibly well-preserved. 

Explore the site, and you’ll find that 90% of the fort’s earthen walls are still standing! It has even been listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Alexandria Things to do: Fort Ward Museum

The 45-acre Fort Ward Museum & Historic Site is located 15 minutes west of Old Town. On the grounds, you’ll find a museum with exhibits on Civil War topics, the reconstructed Northwest Bastion, an Officer’s Hut, a Ceremonial Gate, and plenty of cannons. 

You can sign up for a tour or easily explore at your own pace on a self-guided tour. Depending on when you visit, you might even have the chance to check out one of the Civil War and Revolutionary War reenactments or living history events!

Unique Things to do in Alexandria: Eat Your Way Through Alexandria

When it comes to dining out, you’ll have almost too many excellent eateries to choose from. From upscale river-to-table seafood restaurants to funky food trucks, there’s something to suit all tastes in this foodie-centric city.

You can start your day by filling up on creative breakfast biscuit sandwiches at Stomping Ground or Southern-style breakfast fare at Junction Bakery & Bistro . Or, do as the locals do a enjoy a boozy brunch at the ultra-popular Del Ray Café . 

Best Things to do in Alexandria: Eat Your Way Through Alexandria

For something truly indulgent, try the pimiento mac and cheese or a gourmet grilled cheese sandwich at Cheesetique . Or, if it’s spice you’re after, test your limits with the insanely hot code blue chicken sandwich at Wooboi Hot Chicken !

For some of the best barbecue in town, sample the barbecue tacos and mac and brisket at Smoking Kow or the ribs and BBQ deviled eggs at Myron Mixon’s Pitmaster Barbeque . Or, if you prefer something a bit more international, try the Chinese noodle dishes at Yunnan by Potomac or the traditional Vietnamese pho at Caphe Banh Mi . 

There really is something for everyone!

Book an Alexandria Old Town Boutique Food Tour

There you have it! The 15 best things to do in Alexandria, VA. What’s your favorite thing to do in Alexandria?

Planning a trip to Virginia? Check out our favorite books and travel guides!


The Best Things to do in Alexandria, VA

Justine is a writer and editor who always seems to take the unconventional route in life. She also suffers from a serious case of wanderlust! In 2013, she left her hometown in California and set off on a yearlong round-the-world journey with her now-husband – they never looked back. Since then, she’s lived the expat life in Indonesia, Cambodia, China, Vietnam, Mexico, and now Dubai. Along the way, she's written and edited for magazines, newspapers, and websites in Asia and beyond. When she's not stoking her wanderlust by working on travel articles for Wandering Wheatleys, Justine is busy caring for her many foster cats in Dubai, seeking out all the delicious vegetarian food, and taking every chance she gets to explore a new corner of the world!

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Are you looking for a Work And Travel job in the Alexandria, VA? Whether you’re an experienced job-seeker or have never looked before, you may be asking yourself where to start.

This area has been home to many long-standing businesses as well as several modern companies such as digital media, engineering and industrial services.

If living and working in Alexandria, VA is something that excites you, then the following article will provide some tips on how to locate available job opportunities in this vibrant metropolitan conurbation. We'll discuss the various sectors that exist, local employers who are recruiting now and different means of searching for roles online.

What do Work And Travel do?

Work And Travel is responsible for providing a range of services to the people of Alexandria, VA, including education, social care, housing, planning and economic development. It works closely with local businesses and other organisations to ensure that the area remains prosperous and attractive to visitors.

Work And Travel provides a wide range of services to its residents, including job search advice, training and development opportunities, and help with finding suitable accommodation.

Where can I find Work And Travel jobs in Alexandria, VA?

There are a variety of ways to search for jobs in Alexandria, VA. The most popular method is to use online job boards such as Jobsora. We allow you to filter your searches by location and sector so that you can easily find roles that match your skills and experience.

You can also search for jobs on the Alexandria, VA local job websites, which lists all current vacancies in the area. Additionally, you can contact local employers directly to enquire about any available positions.

Finally, there are a number of recruitment agencies based in Alexandria, VA that specialise in finding people to work in the area. These companies often have access to exclusive job opportunities that are not advertised elsewhere.

In conclusion, there are a variety of ways to find Work And Travel jobs in Alexandria, VA. Whether you’re looking for a permanent role or something more flexible, the borough has plenty of opportunities available. With the proper research and preparation, you can easily locate the perfect job for you.

How much do Work And Travel in Alexandria, VA get paid?

Work And Travel in Alexandria, VA are elected representatives of the local community, and they are paid an annual allowance for their work. The amount of this allowance is determined by the Independent Remuneration Panel for Alexandria, VA, which reviews the allowances every four years.

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Step 1 : ลงทะเบียนเพื่อทดสอบภาษา

กรอกข้อมูลลงทะเบียนออนไลน์ผ่านทางเว็บไซด์ วัดระดับภาษาฟรี!


Step 2 : สมัครเข้าร่วมโครงการ



Step 3 : เลือกงานที่สนใจ



Step 4 : เตรียมเอกสารและสัมภาษณ์งาน

เตรียม Resume และเอกสารอื่นๆ ให้ครบถ้วน สัมภาษณ์งานกับนายจ้าง Job Fair / Skype


Step 5 : เตรียมพร้อมสัมภาษณ์วีซ่าประเภท J-1



Step 6 : ปฐมนิเทศน์และเดินทางไปสหรัฐอเมริกา


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  • ระยะเวลาของโครงการ Work and Travel USA กี่เดือน
  • โครงการ Work and Travel in USA จะอยู่ในช่วงของการปิดเทอมภาคฤดูร้อน แบ่งเป็น 2 ช่วงเวลาคือ ช่วงสปริง Spring (เดือนมีนาคม - เดือนกรกฏาคม) และช่วง Summer (เดือนพฤษภาคม - เดือนกันยายน) ซึ่งจะมีระยะเวลา 2 เดือนครึ่ง ถึง 4 เดือน ซึ่งผู้เข้าร่วมร่วมโครงการฯ จะได้รับวีซ่าประเภท J-1 ทำให้สามารถอยู่ท่องเที่ยวต่อในประเทศสหรัฐอเมริกาได้อีก 30 วัน นับจากวันที่สิ้นสุดบน Visa แต่ห้ามมิให้ทำงานในช่วงนั้นๆ
  • เราสามารถร่วมโครงการ Work & Travel USA ได้กี่ครั้ง
  • สามารถเข้าร่วมโครงการได้ไม่เกิน 3 ครั้ง หากยังมีสภาพเป็นนักศึกษาในระดับอุดมศึกษา (ปริญญาตรี / ปริญญาโท) โดยจะต้องมีอายุไม่เกิน 27 ปี ณ วันเดินทางเข้าประเทศสหรัฐอเมริกา
  • การคัดเลือกตำแหน่งงานทำอย่างไร
  • ทางบริษัทฯ จะให้สิทธิ์แก่ผู้สมัครเข้าร่วมโครงการทุกคนมีสิทธิ์เลือกตำแหน่งงานที่สนใจก่อน ซึ่งในแต่ละงานจะมีคุณสมบัติที่กำหนดไว้แตกต่างกัน โดยการคัดเลือกเพื่อเข้าสัมภาษณ์งานจะดูจากผลการทดสอบภาษาอังกฤษ และลำดับการสมัครเข้าร่วมโครงการเป็นหลัก อย่างไรก็ตาม คุณสมบัติต้องตรงตามที่นายจ้างกำหนดด้วยเช่นกัน ดังนั้นหากนักศึกษาท่านใดที่สมัครมาก่อน แต่คุณสมบัติไม่ตรงกับที่นายจ้างกำหนด นักศึกษาต้องเลือกเข้าสัมภาษณ์งานอื่นที่ตรงกับคุณสมบัติของตนต่อไป
  • โครงการ Work and Travel มีงานประเภทไหนบ้าง
  • สถานที่ทำงานที่เปิดรับนักศึกษาผู้เข้าร่วมโครงการทำงาน ช่วงปิดภาคฤดูร้อน มักจะเป็นสถานที่ที่เปิดให้บริการเป็นฤดูกาล (Seasonal Job) หรือเป็นสถานที่ ที่ต้องการรับนักศึกษาทำงานเป็นการชั่วคราว งานส่วนมากจะเป็นงานบริการ โดยส่วนใหญ่จะเป็นการทำงานในสวนสนุก (Theme Park) วนอุทยาน (National Park) สถานที่พักผ่อน (Resort) โรงแรม (Hotel) ร้านค้า (Retail shop) และสนามกีฬา (Sportservice) ตำแหน่งงานในแต่ละสถานที่ทำงานจะมีความหลากหลายแตกต่างกันไป อาทิเช่น
  • ร้านอาหาร (Fast Food / Food Plaza / Restaurants) มักจะได้รับตำแหน่งเป็น Crew Member / Staff & Cashier
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  • สวนสนุก (Theme Park) ได้แก่ Game Operator /Food Service / Ride Operator / Merchandise / Ground Keeper
  • ร้านค้า (Retail Shop) ได้แก่ Cashier / Merchandise / Stocker / Grocery Asscoiate
  • สนามกีฬา (Sportservice) ได้แก่ Concesstion Stand Assistant / Culinary
  • ค่าใช้จ่ายที่จะต้องชำระเพิ่มเติมจากค่าโครงการ ตามประเภทของงาน มีหรือไม่
  • มีทั้งหมด 2 ประเภท Premium Location 6,000 บาท และ Exclusive Location 9,500 บาท
  • จะสามารถทำงานที่เดียวกันหรือพักที่เดียวกันกับเพื่อนได้หรือไม่ (น้องที่มากันเป็นกลุ่ม)
  • หากระดับภาษาและคุณสมบัติตรงตามที่งานนั้นๆระบุ น้องๆสามารถเลือกเข้าสัมภาษณ์งานเดียวกันกับกลุ่มเพื่อนได้ ซึ่งจะผ่านงานหรือไม่นั้น ขึ้นอยู่กับการตอบคำถามและการตัดสินใจของนายจ้าง หลังประกาศผลสัมภาษณ์ หากผ่านงานแล้ว ไม่สามารถปฏิเสธงานได้ แม้ว่าเพื่อนในกลุ่มคนใดคนหนึ่งผ่านงานก็ตาม
  • สามารถทำงานอื่นนอกเหนือจากงานที่ทำได้หรือไม่
  • ต้องได้รับอนุญาตจากทางองค์กรที่ดูแลในประเทศอเมริกาที่ระบุไว้ในเอกสาร DS-2019 ก่อน จึงจะสามารถทำงานเสริมได้ และงานเสริมจะต้องไม่มีผลกระทบกับงานหลักที่ทำ
  • ระหว่างทำงานจะพักอยู่ที่ไหน เดินทางไปที่ทำงานอย่างไร
  • โดยส่วนใหญ่ทางผู้ว่าจ้างจะมีการจัดเตรียม หรือแนะนำที่พักให้ (ซึ่งจะขึ้นอยู่กับแต่ละสถานที่) โดยนักศึกษาจะต้องรับผิดชอบค่าใช้จ่ายเอง ทั้งนี้นักศึกษาสามารถสอบถามเรื่องที่พักได้จากทางโครงการ ที่พักของสถานที่ทำงานแต่ละที่ไม่เหมือนกัน บางที่อาจจะมีที่พักอยู่ที่ที่ทำงานเลย แต่บางที่อาจจะห่างออกไปไม่มาก ซึ่งการเดินทางสามารถเดินทางสามารถเดินทางโดย รถโดยสาร จักรยาน เดิน หรือ ทางนายจ้างอาจมีรถรับส่งให้ โดยผู้ร่วมโครงการจะเป็นผู้รับผิดชอบค่าใช้จ่ายในการเดินทางเอง
  • การรับเงินค่าจ้างจะรับด้วยวิธีไหน
  • การรับค่าจ้าง จะมีอยู่ 2 วิธี คือ เพลย์เช็ค (Paycheck) หรือ โอนเข้าบัญชี (Transfer) ในกรณีที่โอนเข้าบัญชีนักศึกษาจะต้องเปิดบัญชีในละแวกนั้นเพื่อรองรับเงินโอนด้วย ซึ่งในการจ่ายค่าจ้างแต่ละครั้งผู้ว่าจ้างจะมีสรุปรายละเอียดชั่วโมงงาน รายได้ และภาษีเงินได้ต่างๆ ที่หักไว้ แสดงแก่ผู้รับรายได้ เรียกว่า Earning Statement
  • ชั่วโมงงานต่ออาทิตย์ได้เท่าไหร่?
  • ชั่วโมงงานขึ้นอยู่กับทางนายจ้างเป็นหลัก หรือขึ้นอยู่กับสภาพเศรษฐกิจ ณ ช่วงเวลานั้นๆ ของงานแต่ละงาน ซึ่งชั่วโมงงานเฉลี่ยต่อสัปดาห์จะอยู่ที่ 32-40 ชั่วโมง
  • ควรจะต้องเตรียมเงินไว้ใช้จ่ายอย่างไร (Pocket Money)
  • ควรจะเตรียมเงินไว้สำหรับค่าที่พักและอาหาร ในช่วง 1 เดือนแรกของการทำงาน (ประมาณ 1,000-1,500 USD) เพราะผู้ว่าจ้างจะจ่ายค่าจ้างให้หลังจากเริ่มทำงานแล้วอย่างน้อย 2 สัปดาห์
  • การจองตั๋วเครื่องบินต้องดำเนินการอย่างไร
  • American Learning ไม่บังคับจองตั๋วเครื่องบินกับทางบริษัทฯ และทางบริษัทฯ มีบริการจองตั๋วเครื่องบินให้สำหรับผู้เข้าร่วมโครงการทุกคน ซึ่งการจองตั๋วเครื่องบิน ควรดำเนินการจองหลังจากผ่านสัมภาษณ์ VISA
  • ทำไมต้องซื้อตั๋วกับทางอเมริกัน เลิร์นนิ่ง?
  • เนื่องจากในแต่ละปีที่ผ่านมามีการจองตั๋วเอง แล้วทำให้เกิดปัญหา เช่น ตั๋วที่ซื้อมีปัญหาเดินทางไม่ได้, จองตั๋วไปลงสนามบินไม่ตรงตามที่นายจ้างกำหนด ก่อให้เกิดความวุ่นวายในการมารับของนายจ้าง (กรณีงานที่นายจ้างมารับ), บริษัทฯ มีความประสงค์ให้น้องๆที่เข้าร่วมโครงการ เดินทางเป็นกลุ่ม เพื่อความอุ่นใจของน้องๆที่ไม่เคยเดินทางคนเดียว และความสะดวกในการจัดส่งของเจ้าหน้าที่ที่สนามบิน รวมไปถึงความปลอดภัยในการเดินทางด้วย
  • ถ้าไม่สบายระหว่างอยู่อเมริกาจะทำอย่างไร
  • เนื่องจากโครงการ Work & Travel USA มีค่าประกันสุขภาพรวมอยู่ในค่าธรรมเนียมแล้ว หากผู้เข้าร่วมโครงการไม่สบายสามารถใช้สิทธิประกันได้ แต่ต้องแจ้งให้ประกันเป็นผู้เปิดเคสให้ โดยผู้เข้าร่วมโครงการจะต้องชำระค่าเปิดเคสในการเข้ารักษาพยาบาล บางกรณีอาจต้องสำรองจ่ายไปก่อน แล้วจึงกรอกแบบฟอร์มการขอคืนพร้อมนำใบเสร็จ นำส่งบริษัทประกันเพื่อขอเงินคืน (ค่าใช้จ่ายในการเปิดเคสเพื่อเข้ารักษาพยาบาลในแต่ละเคส ขึ้นอยู่กับบริษัทประกันแต่ละแห่งเป็นผู้กำหนด)
  • งานแต่ละงานนายจ้างมารับที่สนามบินหรือไม่
  • ขึ้นอยู่กับแต่ละงาน บางงานนายจ้างมารับเมื่อเดินทางถึงสนามบิน แต่บางงานอาจต้องเดินทางเข้าที่พักด้วยตนเอง โดยพี่ๆ อเมริกัน เลิร์นนิ่งคอยให้คำแนะนำรายละเอียดการเดินทางให้ในวันปฐมนิเทศน์ก่อนการเดินทาง
  • ไปทำงานที่อเมริกา จะต้องเสียภาษีหรือไม่
  • ทุกคนที่ทำงานและมีรายได้ในอเมริกาจะต้องเสียภาษีให้กับรัฐบาล แต่สำหรับผู้ที่เข้าร่วมโครงการ Work and Travel USA จะถูกหักภาษี อยู่ 3 ประเภท ดังนี้ Federal Income Tax, State Income Tax, City Income Tax เท่านั้น ซึ่งผู้เข้าร่วมโครงการสามารถทำเรื่องขอคืนภาษีที่ถูกหักไปได้ในปีถัดไป

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น้องลียา อารียา

น้องลียา อารียา ( มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์) Yellowstone Club, Big Sky, MT Summer Work and Travel in 2020

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น้องทรี รณกฤต

น้องทรี รณกฤต ( มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีสุรนารี ) Premier Aquatics, Alexandria, VA Summer Work and Travel in 2020


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About Adam Travel

Adam Travel Services began serving customers in 1984 as a single-location full-service travel agency.

The company founder, Dr. Abdo Ibrahim, immigrated to the United States to further his education at Northeastern University where he earned a Doctorate of Philosophy in Physics. The company has been in business for over 35 years. Dr. Abdo Ibrahim continues to serve as President and CEO.

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Working remotely is best at a hotel

You can go from work call to happy hour in less than a minute.

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Working from home isn’t for me. Blame it on cramped apartments and desk-next-to-bed setups.

However, I cherish the ability to work remotely. I can be cocooned in a hammock while on the phone or furiously typing away on a wobbly airplane tray table at 35,000 feet. My office can be anywhere with semi-usable WiFi or one bar of cell service, but my favorite place to work is a hotel lobby.

The lobby isn’t just about checking in or out anymore. For many hotels, these shared, mixed-use spaces foster a sense of community. It’s where guests can work and mingle outside of tiny rooms, often without a desk. The hotel’s lobby or common area is a “ third place ” that is often overlooked. Personally, I crave an environment where other people are working; it produces a kind of social white noise.

Despite what you may think, hotel common areas are not solely for overnight guests. Instead of turning visitors away, more hotels are increasingly opening their doors to the neighborhood.

“We see that people today are traveling more on their own, looking for places to comfortably work during the day without feeling alone,” says Mitchell Hochberg, president of Lightstone, the developer of several Moxy properties across New York City, Miami and Los Angeles.

That’s ideal for visitors who want local flair — and locals coming down with cabin fever.

The Moxy in the trendy Brooklyn neighborhood of Williamsburg is one of many newer hotels that have created a quasi-community hub. Think of the Moxy brand overall as a third place for millennials. Hochberg said the brand wants its properties to be seen as a “public square” and “social hubs.”

That Brooklyn branch, along with so many others, has a lounge providing the perfect venue to unpack my laptop by day. By night, I can move a few feet to the bar to meet with a friend who lives around the corner.

Other hip brands such as CitizenM, Hilton’s Tempo and Hyatt’s Thompson Hotels blur the lines between lobby, bar and co-working space.

As a travel writer and generally nosy individual, getting to people-watch in the nook of a hotel lobby is my dream work scenario. If I’m in town for an assignment and need to get work done, I often will look for cafes and lounges within hotels that can give me a feel for the local vibe. (The lively buzz and velvet sofas of the Hoxton Amsterdam were a recent standout.)

Meanwhile, if I’m home, I know the hotels with gorgeous common spaces that tend to foster light and ambient conversation, have fast WiFi, and offer coffee and snacks for purchase. (The effortlessly chic Santa Monica Proper Hotel has been a recent go-to.)

Of course, there are some ground rules for working from hotels, too. Think of it as any outside cafe: You probably wouldn’t sit down without buying something first. It’s not the cheapest habit, and not something that I do every day. There are also some properties — usually at the higher end — that have distinct rules about which reserved areas are off limits to non-guests.

While the intended effect of the new wave of lobbies may be to actually socialize, I love them for indirect interactions. That is, to go buy a cup of coffee, sit down and soak in the travel experience of a hotel — even if I’m just around the corner from home.

More travel tips

Vacation planning: Start with a strategy to maximize days off by taking PTO around holidays. Experts recommend taking multiple short trips for peak happiness . Want to take an ambitious trip? Here are 12 destinations to try this year — without crowds.

Cheap flights: Follow our best advice for scoring low airfare , including setting flight price alerts and subscribing to deal newsletters. If you’re set on an expensive getaway, here’s a plan to save up without straining your credit limit.

Airport chaos: We’ve got advice for every scenario , from canceled flights to lost luggage . Stuck at the rental car counter? These tips can speed up the process. And following these 52 rules of flying should make the experience better for everyone.

Expert advice: Our By The Way Concierge solves readers’ dilemmas , including whether it’s okay to ditch a partner at security, or what happens if you get caught flying with weed . Submit your question here . Or you could look to the gurus: Lonely Planet and Rick Steves .

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The Egyptian Traveler

Alexandria Travel Guide: A 48-Hour Travel Itinerary For The Ultimate Experience 🇪🇬

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Pearl of the Mediterranean ; Alexandria is a Mediterranean port city in Egypt. Alexandria was the home to one of the old seven wonders - The Lighthouse - as well as its Great Library which was reincarnated in the disc-shaped Bibliotheca Alexandrina. Part of the ancient city of Alexandria disappeared under the sea and other parts disappeared under the modern city, but you can still find some visible remains of the glorious past as well as recovered items from the sea.

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1. Roman Amphitheatre - Ancient Roman Theatre

Start your day early with this archeological site which features the remains of an ancient Roman theatre, baths, and a villa with a mosaic. It was built in the 4th century AD and it was a common feature of the Greco-Roman period. Opening hours are from 08:00 until 17:00, and tickets can be bought at the entrance. It takes less than 30 minutes to see.

2. Temple Of Serapeum & Pompey’s Pillar

Next, visit Pompey's Pillar is a massive 30 meters column which located in the debris of the ancient settlement of Rhakotis which is the original township form each Alexandria grew. The Pillar rises on the ruins of the Temple of Serapeum which was a magnificent structure that stood there in ancient times. Opening hours are 09:00 and 16:30, and tickets can be bought at the entrance. It takes less than 30 minutes to see.

alexandria work and travel

3. Catacombs Of Kom El Shoqafa

Within a walking distance from Pompey's Pillar, you will find Catacombs of Kom el Shoqafa (Be careful around this area, you can also take an Uber or Careem if you want, it will take you less than 5 minutes). These are a Roman underground burial chambers that were built in the 2nd century AD, entry is through a spiral staircase and the bodies of the dead were lowered on a rope through the circular shaft. Opening hours are between 09:00 and 16:00, and tickets can be bought at the entrance. It takes about an hour to see.

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4. Abu Al Abbas Al Mursi Mosque

Next, visit this beautiful mosque which was built over the tomb of a revered Sufi saint, Abu Al Abbas Al Mursi from Murcia in Spain, the current structure is modern and the interior is eye catching and beautiful. Al Mursi is one of the four master saints in Egypt so his tomb is a pilgrimage place. It is open 24/7 so visit whenever you want but avoid prayer times. The mosque is on-route to Citadel of Qaitbay.

Good to Know : It is appropriate for women to dress modestly and maybe even wear a scarf loosely around the head.

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5. Citadel Of Qaitbay

This is a defensive fortress located on the Mediterranean sea and was built back in 1480 by the Mamluk Sultan Qaitbay on the remains of Alexandria's lighthouse. The Citadel is open from 08:00 until 17:00, and you can buy tickets at the entrance. It takes about an hour to see.

alexandria work and travel

6. Cavafy Museum

Cavafy was an Alexandrian-Greek poet who spent his last 25 years in an apartment on the former Rue Lepsius, and this apartment is now preserved as a museum with two of the six rooms arranged like Cavafy kept them. You will find portraits and paintings of the Cavafy and also editions of his publications and photocopies of his manuscript. Opening hours are from 10:00 until 17:00, and it is closed on Mondays. You can buy tickets once you make it to the apartment and they cost EGP 25. It takes less than 30 minutes to see.

alexandria work and travel

7. Alexandria National Museum

If you still have time, visit this museum which offers a summary of Alexandria's history, it is housed in a beautiful restored Italian villa, and even though it is small, but it is well organised and well-labeled. If you didn't have enough time to visit the museum; you can do it the next day. Opening hours are from 09:00 until 16:30, and tickets can be bought at the entrance and they cost EGP 100 for adults and EGP 50 for students (For Egyptian tickets cost EGP 20 for adults and EGP 5 for students). It takes an hour to see.

alexandria work and travel

1. Monataza Palace

Start your second day by visiting the royal palace that was built back in 1932 as a summer palace for the Khedive, even though the palace itself is off-limits, but you can still visit it's surrounding gardens. There is also a beach there, and you will find a lot of cafes and restaurants. You can opt to go on a picnic there if you want as well, this is the best place to relax and enjoy the beautiful lush gardens and the sea. The Montaza Palace is open from 08:00 until 00:00, and entry tickets cost EGP 25. It can take you from 15 minute to 1.5 hours to visit, depending on what you do there.

alexandria work and travel

2. Royal Jewellery Museum

Next stop is the Royal Museum which is an art and history museum, this was the former palace of princes Fatma Al-Zahraa and it was built in 1919. The museum contains a huge collection of jewellery and jewels from Muhammad Ali dynasty. Opening hours are from 09:00 until 17:00, and tickets can be bought at the entrance. It takes 1 to 1.5 hours to see.

alexandria work and travel

3. Bibliotheca Alexandrina

End your trip by visiting Bibliotheca Alexandrina. One of the largest and most important libraries in the world was the Great Library of Alexandria, which is why Alexandria was known as a capital of knowledge and learning. The library was reincarnated and is now a modern library and museum. Within the library you can find museums such as: Antiques Museum , Manuscript Museum , and Planetarium . Opening hours are from 10:00 until 19:00, on Fridays from 14:00 until 19:00, and on Saturdays from 12:00 until 16:00. Tickets can be bough at the entrance. Aim to spend between 1 to 3 hours there.

What To Do Before Travelling To Egypt

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How To Get To Alexandria

If you are coming from Cairo, then it is easy to get to Alexandria by train, bus, or even plane. Train is the best option to get there from Cairo, you will find several trains on a daily basis between the two cities between 06:00 and 22:30, there is also two different classes - First & second class - to choose from. Make sure to pick a train that doesn't stop anywhere else to save time on your journey. It takes around 2.5 hours to get there when there is no stops, and 3.5 hours when there is stops in between.

Note: It is best to buy your ticket the day before to avoid any chaos and stress! When arriving in Alexandria, be aware that there are two different main train stations, If you want to go east of the city then get off at Sidi Gaber Station , and if you want to go to central city then get off at Misr Station .

If you are looking to go to Alexandria from Cairo as a day tour, then it is best to book with a private tour. This is the no-stress way to visit Alexandria. If you want to get there by bus, you will find a lot of variety of bus companies that offer services between the two cities. Services are usually between 05:00 and 23:00, but be aware that the stations in Alexandria aren't centrally located. You can choose companies like Blue Bus, Go Bus, West Delta, and Super Jet.

You can also take a plane as you will find daily domestic flights between the two cities, but Borg El Arab International Airport  is located about 40 Km from the city centre, and flights take about 45 minutes. You can also opt for a private taxi/car for more flexibility, or you can rent a car but be aware that driving in Egypt is hard.

If you are not arriving from Cairo, you can still find a lot of trains and buses depending on where you are, and if you are not in Egypt, check which international flights arrive at Borg El Arab International Airport, but if you are planning on visiting Egypt, then it is best to go to Cairo first and then visit Alexandria.

How To Move Around Alexandria

Moving around Alexandria is easy since services like Uber  and Careem  are accessible and cheap as well so it will be easy to hop from one place to another. You can also use a taxi but you will need to pay in cash as they do not accept credit/debit cards. You can also hop on the Sightseeing Red Bus!

Best Time To Visit Alexandria

The best time to visit Egypt in general is between October and April, but when it comes to Alexandria, the best time to visit is in spring and autumn - September to November & March to April - it gets hot during the summer and humid, and during the winter it rains a lot, but if you don't mind both then you can visit any time. Be aware that high season is in mid-summer so it will be crowded during that time and also prices such as hotel prices will be high.

Accommodations In Alexandria

There is a vast variety of accommodation options in Alexandria depending on your budget. Even though most people opt for a day tour, but if you plan to stay longer then you will need to look for an accommodation that suits you. When it comes to hotels, if you are looking for a luxury hotel then your bets options are along the Corniche such as the Four Season Hotel , Hilton Alexandria Corniche , and for something more central opt for Steigenberger Cecil Hotel . If you are looking for mid-range hotels, then you options would be Paradise Inn Windsor Palace Hotel , and Romance Alexandria Hotel . For budget friendly hotels, you can go with Alexander the Great Hotel , as it is one of the cleanest ones.

If you prefer to stay in an Airbnb then you will be able to find a lot options that suits your budget, you will find a lot of hostels if you prefer to stay there. Your options are endless in Alexandria, and it doesn't matter where you stay since you will enjoy it regardless.

You can book your accommodation through Booking.com , which is the one I use the most, or if you wan to stay in a hostel you can book through HostelWorld . You can also use Agoda , Trivago , or Vrbo  to book your accommodations. I know most people have a favourite website or app to use, so just choose what you prefer best.

Best Cafes & Restaurants In Alexandria

Trianon (Patisserie near El Raml Station)

Délices (Patisserie owned by the same Greek family since 1922)

Greek Club: White & Blue Restaurant (Greek cuisine & seafood)

Mohamed Ahmed (Authentic Egyptian food, best option for breakfast)

Chez Gaby (Italian cuisine)

Teatro Eskendria (Egyptian cuisine)

Sky Roof (Nighttime spot, on the rooftop of Windsor Palace)

If you wan to find more cafes & restaurants to try, then you can do so through TripAdvisor .

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Why Alexandria, Virginia Should Be Your Next Winter Road Trip

Quaint and charming, Alexandria needs to be on your bucket list. 

Normally, we wouldn’t hesitate to hop on a plane to Europe to see beloved Christmas destinations (like Budapest, Vienna, and Zagreb) festively done up for the holidays. But then again, there’s nothing normal about the times we’re in. And because the pandemic has forced us to reevaluate flying and international travel, many of us are instead opting for road trips to destinations with plenty to do outdoors.

This is when Alexandria, Virginia enters the picture. An easy four-hour drive from New York and just ten minutes from the nation’s capital in Washington, D.C. , the waterfront city balances the sophistication of an urban metropolis with the neighborly vibes of a small town. Though there’s never a bad time for a getaway here, Alexandria shines especially bright right now by conjuring up the nostalgia of old-world Europe. But while historic King Street — which sparkles with 40,000 string lights hanging from the trees — has a 40-foot tall tree gracing Market Square, and local businesses kitted out in holiday style are comforting to see during such emotive times, the most uplighting sight of all is how lively Alexandria is.

“We have been fortunate here to have seen few businesses shutter,” says Victoria Vergason, owner of The Hour , a boutique specializing in high-end, vintage barware and glassware. “Our residential community has really supported small businesses by shopping and dining locally.” TLC reality star Monte Durham, who opened his namesake Salon Monte in September, agrees, adding, “Residents here don’t just say they support local businesses, they really practice what they preach.”

In addition: Alexandria has prioritized safety with the ALX Promise program, which was co-developed by the Alexandria Health Department and Visit Alexandria, and exceeds the state’s minimum requirements for operation. (Look for the ALX Promise shield in the windows of participating businesses and on their websites.) And to encourage outdoor socializing well into the new year, the city’s top restaurants and bars have gotten creative with their winterized setups, from igloos to complimentary hot beverages.

Here, how to make the most of a safe and relaxing visit to Alexandria.

Where to Stay

Situated in the heart of Old Town near the waterfront, but tucked away off of King Street, the Morrison House offers a stay far more like a gracious home than cookie-cutter hotel. The entrance and parlor of the Federalist-style mansion dazzle for the holidays with wreaths, garlands, and a glittering tree, and the 42 rooms and three suites are appointed with classic, yet colorful touches (cerulean velvet armchairs, orange plaid carpet, and botanical artwork). The hotel’s signature restaurant, The Study, is closed for the time being, but there are plenty of terrific restaurants and bars just steps away.

Located on upper King Street, Kimpton Lorien Hotel & Spa marries world-class amenities with generous hospitality. Though the hotel’s been around since 2009, it feels fresh as ever thanks to a sweeping renovation that wrapped a couple years ago. Just reopened, the award-winning spa now offers a brief, but well-curated treatment menu, while Brabo, the hotel’s signature French restaurant by Ethan McKee, continues to turn out crowd-pleasing comforts like mussels marinière and steak frites. As for the accommodations? They’re chic and modern, and accented with jewel-toned inkblots above the beds.

Where to Shop

A few months ago, stylist and reality star of TLC’s Say Yes to the Dress: Atlanta , Monte Durham, opened Salon Monte . Focusing on bespoke cuts and color, Durham and his team elevate the salon experience with Hikari scissors, filtered water for washing, and Durham’s signature hair care line. At The Hour , Victoria Vergason displays meticulously curated vintage barware — she’s been collecting since business school — alongside her own brand, The Modern Home Bar, in a recently renovated space. For stylish and sustainable clothing and accessories designed to last for years to come, check out Threadleaf , a hip boutique by former lawyer for the Obama Administration, Nicole McGrew. And because sending handwritten greetings will never go out of style, make Penny Post your one-stop shop for quality paper goods.

Where to Eat and Drink

For sit-down meals, diverse options abound. Because hearty food feels especially fitting given the season and stressful times, book a table at Oak Steakhouse Alexandria . While this contemporary take on the classic steakhouse is best known for its expertly-grilled chops and house burger, the globe-trotting appetizers (like the warmed burrata and Portuguese octopus with ‘nduja) and original cocktails are no slouch. Sip the bourbony Luck of the Draw to keep you toasty if you’re hanging outdoors.

Yunnan By Potomac Noodle House is a family-run spot whipping up craveable, hauntingly complex bowls of Mixian rice noodles (a staple in Yunnan cuisine) and positively pretty dumplings — the vegan party ones are a must — in a friendly, no-frills setting. At the newly-opened King & Rye , outdoor dining has been reimagined with heated igloos, enticing Southern small plates by chef Peter McCall (po’ boys, biscuits, and deviled eggs), and seasonal cocktails. If you’re headed to the heated patio of the pizza- and pasta-centric Hank and Mitzi’s , bring your own blanket and receive a complimentary hot beverage in return.

Owned by former New Yorker and hospitality veteran Dustin Lara, Brut is a cozy bar and shop that pours exceptional champagnes — try one of the Lanson flights — alongside refined savory snacks (like raclette and truffled egg toast) perfect for pairing. Meanwhile, speakeasy lounge Captain Gregory’s recently unveiled the latest concept for its outdoors pop-up. Themed “Winter Wonderland,” the space pairs cheerful, holiday decor with imaginative libations and bites like Rum, Rum, Rudolph and lobster beignets.

Want to try a local, seasonal sweet treat that’s been around for 144 years? Order a Shuman’s Jelly Cake online. These delicate cakes made with three sheets of pound cake layered with red currant jelly make for the perfect edible souvenir, and are available for local delivery and pickup in Alexandria, and shipping within the U.S.

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  • Fact Sheets

Fact Sheet: Presidential Proclamation to Suspend and Limit Entry and Joint DHS-DOJ Interim Final Rule to Restrict Asylum During High Encounters at the Southern Border

Today, the Biden-Harris Administration took decisive new action to strengthen border security, announcing a series of measures that restrict asylum eligibility, and significantly increase the consequences for those who enter without authorization across the southern border. These extraordinary steps, which will be in effect during times when high levels of encounters exceed our ability to deliver timely consequences, will make noncitizens who enter across the southern border ineligible for asylum with certain exceptions, raise the standard that is used to screen for certain protection claims, and speed up our ability to quickly remove those who do not qualify for protection.

These actions follow a series of steps that the Administration has taken over the past three years as it prepared for the end of the Title 42 public health Order, and since it was lifted last year, including surging personnel, infrastructure, and technology to the border, issuing the Circumvention of Lawful Pathways Rule, and referring record numbers of noncitizens into expedited removal. Over the past year, we have removed or returned more than three quarters of a million people, more than in any fiscal year since 2010. Despite these efforts, our outdated and broken immigration and asylum system, coupled with a lack of sufficient funding, make it impossible to quickly impose consequences on all noncitizens who cross irregularly and without a legal basis to remain in the United States.

The Administration has repeatedly called on Congress to provide the resources and legal authorities needed to secure our border. The measures announced today will better enable the Department to quickly remove individuals without a legal basis to remain in the United States, strengthening enforcement and change the calculus for those considering crossing our border irregularly. However, they are no substitute for Congressional action. We continue to call on Congress to provide the new tools and resources we have asked for to support the men and women on the frontlines.

President Biden issued a Presidential Proclamation to temporarily suspend the entry of noncitizens across the southern border. The Secretary of Homeland Security and the Attorney General also jointly issued an interim final rule that, consistent with the Proclamation, generally restricts asylum eligibility for those who irregularly enter across the southern border – including the Southwest land and the southern coastal borders. The rule also limits fear screenings to those who manifest a fear or express a desire to file for protection and heightens the screening standard for statutory withholding and claims under the Convention Against Torture. Taken together, these measures will significantly increase the speed and scope of consequences for those who cross our borders irregularly or who attempt to present themselves at Ports of Entry without authorization, allowing the Departments to more quickly remove individuals who do not establish a legal basis to remain in the United States. The restriction on asylum eligibility will be discontinued when encounters fall below certain levels but will come back into effect if encounters rise again.

The rule makes three key changes to current processing under Title 8 immigration authorities during periods of high border encounters:

  • First, noncitizens who cross the southern border unlawfully or without authorization will generally be ineligible for asylum, absent exceptionally compelling circumstances and unless they are excepted by the Proclamation.
  • Second, noncitizens who cross the southern border and are processed for expedited removal while the limitation is in effect will only be referred for a credible fear screening with an Asylum Officer if they manifest or express a fear of return to their country or country of removal, a fear of persecution or torture, or an intention to apply for asylum.  
  • Third, the U.S. will continue to adhere to its international obligations and commitments by screening individuals who manifest a fear as noted above and do not qualify for an exception to the Rule for withholding of removal and Convention Against Torture protections at a reasonable probability of persecution or torture standard – a new, substantially higher standard than is currently applied under the Circumvention of Lawful Pathways rule.  

Like the Proclamation, the rule provides for an end to these enhanced measures following a sustained reduction in southern border encounters. Specifically, these measures are in effect until 14 calendar days after there has been a 7-consecutive-calendar-day average of less than 1,500 encounters between the ports of entry. The measures would again go into effect, or continue, as appropriate, when there has been a 7-consecutive-calendar-day average of 2,500 encounters or more.

During periods of high encounters, the Proclamation will apply across the southern border. Lawful permanent residents, unaccompanied children, victims of a severe form of trafficking, and other noncitizens with a valid visa or other lawful permission to enter the United States are excepted from the Proclamation.

In addition, the suspension and limitation on entry and rule will not apply to noncitizens who use a Secretary-approved process—such as the CBP One mobile app—to enter the United States at a port of entry in a safe and orderly manner or pursue another lawful pathway.

Noncitizens who cross the southern border and who are not excepted from the Proclamation will be ineligible for asylum unless exceptionally compelling circumstances exist, including if the noncitizen demonstrates that they or a member of their family with whom they are traveling:

  • faced an acute medical emergency;
  • faced an imminent and extreme threat to life or safety, such as an imminent threat of rape, kidnapping, torture, or murder; or
  • satisfied the definition of “victim of a severe form of trafficking in persons” currently provided in 8 CFR 214.11.


Noncitizens who are subject to the rule’s limitation on asylum eligibility and who manifest or express a fear of return to their country or country of removal, express a fear of persecution or torture or an intention to apply for asylum, but do not establish a reasonable probability of persecution or torture in the country of removal will be promptly removed.

Those ordered removed will be subject to at least a five-year bar to reentry and potential criminal prosecution.

The Proclamation and rule will significantly enhance the security of our border by increasing the Departments’ ability to impose swift consequences for individuals who cross the southern border irregularly and do not establish a legal basis to remain in the United States.  Together, the Proclamation and rule make critical changes to how the Departments operate during times when encounters are at historically high levels—levels that, in the absence of these changes, undermine the government’s ability to process individuals through the expedited removal process. These changes will enable the Departments to quickly return those without a lawful basis to stay in the United States and thereby free up the asylum system for those with legitimate claims.

These extraordinary measures are a stop gap. Even with these measures in place, the Departments continue to lack the authorities and resources needed to adequately support the men and women on the frontlines. The Administration again calls on Congress to take up and pass the bipartisan reforms proposed in the Senate, which provide the new authorities, personnel, and resources that are needed to address the historic global migration that is impacting countries throughout the world, including our own. Until Congress does its part, we will continue to take any actions needed under current law and within existing resources to secure the border.

  • Border Security
  • Immigration
  • Biden-Harris Administration
  • Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
  • Department of Justice (DOJ)


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    Donald Trump's conviction by a New York jury on 34 felony counts is historic and unprecedented. No former president or major party presidential candidate has also been a felon.

  20. 25 Things to Do in Old Town Alexandria, Virginia

    Stabler-Leadbeater Apothecary Museum Old Town Alexandria is a vacation destination in its own right, although visitors most often spend a few hours there as part of a longer trip to Washington, DC.Steeped in history and brimming with great bars, restaurants, museums, and outdoor space, Old Town has a lot to offer whether you have a few hours or a few days to commit to it.

  21. โครงการ Work and Travel in USA

    โครงการ Work and Travel in USA กับ American learning (ALC) สำหรับนักศึกษาที่ต้องการหาประสบการณ์การทำงานและท่องเที่ยวในอเมริกา ช่วงปิดเทอมทั้งสปริงและซัมเมอร์

  22. 701 N Henry St #103, Alexandria, VA 22314

    Zillow has 9 photos of this $437,510 1 bed, 1 bath, 558 Square Feet condo home located at 701 N Henry St #103, Alexandria, VA 22314 built in 2023. MLS #VAAX2033836. Skip main navigation


    5146 LEESBURG PIKE ALEXANDRIA, VA 22302 Phone: 1-703-379-2428 Email: [email protected]

  24. Working remotely is best at a hotel

    June 7, 2024 at 6:00 a.m. EDT. (Illustration by Min Heo for The Washington Post) 3 min. 0. Working from home isn't for me. Blame it on cramped apartments and desk-next-to-bed setups. However, I ...

  25. Alexandria Travel Guide: A 48-Hour Travel ...

    Farah Ehab. 8 min read. Alexandria Travel Guide: A 48-Hour Travel Itinerary For The Ultimate Experience 🇪🇬. Pearl of the Mediterranean; Alexandria is a Mediterranean port city in Egypt. Alexandria was the home to one of the old seven wonders - The Lighthouse - as well as its Great Library which was reincarnated in the disc-shaped ...

  26. American Airlines CEO says 'work to do' as it shakes up ...

    American Airlines CEO Robert Isom said the Fort Worth-based airline is not performing as it previously thought and needs to reevaluate its growth plans. During the Bernstein 40th Annual Strategic ...

  27. PDF Supporting Travel Options

    The City of Alexandria will apply evidenced-based practices that have been . demonstrated to be the most effective at reducing drive-alone travel to reduce . congestion, improve public health, and make the city more sustainable. Policy B: Promote work flexibility. Encourage continued telework and flexible schedules to . reduce congestion and ...

  28. Why Alexandria, Virginia Should Be Your Next Winter Road Trip

    Though there's never a bad time for a getaway here, Alexandria shines especially bright right now by conjuring up the nostalgia of old-world Europe. But while historic King Street — which ...

  29. Fact Sheet: Presidential Proclamation to Suspend and Limit Entry and

    The Biden-Harris Administration is taking decisive new action to strengthen border security, announcing a series of measures that restrict asylum eligibility, and significantly increase the consequences for those who enter without authorization across the southern border.

  30. Alternate travel options to consider if TTC strikes

    Streetcars, buses and subways operated by the TTC won't run Friday if a strike by around 12,000 workers goes ahead. (Sara Jabakhanji/CBC) Commuters who rely on public transit to get to work ...