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Classé dans le top 10 des Centres de congrès en France en termes de capacité d'accueil, le Palais des congrès peut accueillir jusqu'à 3000 personnes en même temps. Lire la présentation

Dernière News : Bernard Lavilliers revisite ses chansons incontournables avec un orchestre symphonique sur un album qui sort aujourd'hui et en concert en 2024

Tous les évènements à Vinci Centre De Congres A Tours

Facilement accessible et idéalement situé face à la gare, le Palais des congrès est à la porte des grands axes de communication. En plein centre-ville, sa situation géographique vous permet de tout faire à pied : hôtels, musées et commerces. L'expérience acquise au gré des évènements reçus depuis 1993 confère au Palais des congrès une image de qualité et de professionnalisme.

Accès : A 55 min de Paris en TGV Situé en plein centre ville face à la gare

programme vinci tours

Bernard Lavilliers revisite ses chansons incontournables avec un orchestre symphonique sur un album qui sort aujourd'hui et en concert en 2024

Métamorphose , c'est le nom du nouveau projet de Bernard Lavilliers, dans lequel il revisite avec un orchestre classique les chansons...

programme vinci tours

Mika en concert en mars 2024 ! Une tournée des Zénith et Arena qui se terminera à Paris à l'Accor Arena le 25/03

Quelques jours après la sortie de son nouveau single ( C'est la vie à écouter ici ), Mika a annoncé qu'il sera...

programme vinci tours

Yodelice annonce une nouvelle date à Paris (Grand Rex) mais aussi des concerts à Nantes, Lille, Tours et Lyon

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programme vinci tours

Loin d'un 'Hasta Luego', Véronique Sanson débutera sa tournée le 5 novembre et la prolongera en 2023

Hasta Luego ! Pas vraiment puisque Véronique Sanson repart en tournée à travers la France dans quelques jours. Mieux, elle...

programme vinci tours

Francis Cabrel donnera des concerts en région en 2021

Francis Cabrel est un optimiste ! Le trobador d'Astaffort sera en tournée dès la fin janvier 2021. Après une...

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Ben Mazue ajoute des concerts à Paris et partira en tournée durant l'automne 2021

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programme vinci tours

David Hallyday dévoile sa tournée 2020 : des concerts partout en France et à Paris

Après de nombreuses rumeurs sur une future tournée de David Hallyday , il est temps de vous dévoiler la surprise de...

2 avis sur Vinci Centre De Congres A Tours

Franck P.

Si la salle est adaptée à certains spectacles, type théâtre, et si les sièges sont généralement confortables, cela ne fait pas tout loin de là. La déception est absolue pour les concerts. La sonorisation est inqualifiable car il est impossible de comprendre les paroles des chanteurs. Si vous ne connaissez pas par cœur les chansons, ne venez surtout pas ici. Nous sommes venus voir Noah le mois dernier et rebelote avec Lavilliers cette semaine. Au prix où sont vendues les places (58€), cela relève soit de la malhonnêteté, soit de l'incompétence, mais quand on a un peu l'habitude de trainer dans différents festivals et que l'on constate la qualité de ce qui est proposé ailleurs, comment admettre une telle hérésie ?

Jean claude I.

je trouve absolument scandaleux de vouloir remplir la salle pour un spectacle en l'occurrence de théâtre sans pour cela se soucier de l'effet acoustique des personnes placées au balcon pour la pièce d'hier (je préfère que l'on reste amis) nous n'avons pas entendu le tiers de cette pièce alors à 39€ la place on peu êtres dégouté d'avoir passé une soirée a entendre rire les spectateurs privilégies sans pour cela comprendre tous les dialogues des acteurs.Soirée décevante avec le sentiment d un manque de respect de la part de la direction de la salle envers le public

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  • Palais des Congrès de Tours
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  • Jazz (1) checked
  • Punk, Rock (1) checked
  • Grands spectacles (1) checked
  • Magie, hypnose, mentalisme (5) checked
  • Cabaret, Revue (1) checked
  • Humoristes, One man show (23) checked
  • Théâtre musical (1) checked
  • Théâtre contemporain (1) checked
  • Seul en scène (2) checked
  • Comédie (3) checked
  • Ballet et traditionnelle (6) checked
  • Contemporaine & urbaine (1) checked

Benjamin Tranié - Félicitations et Tout et Tout

  • n'est plus disponible

Les Franglaises

  • Actuellement indisponible

Le Lac des Cygnes - Ballet & Orchestre

  • à partir de 42,00 €

L'Héritage Goldman - La Tournée Evènement

  • à partir de 60,00 €

Drag Race France Live Saison 3

  • à partir de 29,00 €

Scott Bradlee's Postmodern Jukebox - The 10 Tour

  • à partir de 41,00 €

Manu Payet - Emmanuel 2

  • à partir de 40,00 €

The Dire Straits Experience - Shiver In The Dark

  • à partir de 46,50 €

Malik Bentalha - Nouveau Monde

  • à partir de 45,00 €

Ahmed Sylla - Origami

  • Liste d'attente

Conçu par Jean Nouvel, et ouvert en septembre 1993, le centre international de congrès Vinci dispose de 3800m² de surface d'exposition répartis sur plusieurs niveaux.

Le centre international de congrès Vinci privilégie les manifestations à connotation "écologique" avec le Sommet du végétal 2007, le congrès de l'union nationale des entreprises paysagistes, ainsi que les 1res rencontres du tourisme responsable.  Le centre international de congrès Vinci propose des concerts de variété française tels ceux de Michel Delpech, Michel Fugain, mais aussi du théâtre contemporain, du cirque, de l'humour, ainsi que de multiples salons.

Dans cette architecture futuriste, toute en verre et métal, nul doute que public et artistes se sentent pousser des ailes à l'instar de  L'Homme volant  imaginé par le génial Léonard.

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  • Mes alertes
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  • Palais des Congrès de Tours
  • Variété française (3) checked
  • Pop Rock, Indé (2) checked
  • R'N'B, Soul, Funk, Gospel, Reggae (1) checked
  • Jazz (1) checked
  • Punk, Rock (1) checked
  • Grands spectacles (1) checked
  • Magie, hypnose, mentalisme (5) checked
  • Cabaret, Revue (1) checked
  • Humoristes, One man show (23) checked
  • Théâtre musical (1) checked
  • Théâtre contemporain (1) checked
  • Seul en scène (2) checked
  • Comédie (3) checked
  • Ballet et traditionnelle (6) checked
  • Contemporaine & urbaine (1) checked

Benjamin Tranié - Félicitations et Tout et Tout

  • n'est plus disponible

Les Franglaises

  • Actuellement indisponible

Le Lac des Cygnes - Ballet & Orchestre

  • à partir de 42,00 €

L'Héritage Goldman - La Tournée Evènement

  • à partir de 60,00 €

Drag Race France Live Saison 3

  • à partir de 29,00 €

Scott Bradlee's Postmodern Jukebox - The 10 Tour

  • à partir de 41,00 €

Manu Payet - Emmanuel 2

  • à partir de 40,00 €

The Dire Straits Experience - Shiver In The Dark

  • à partir de 46,50 €

Malik Bentalha - Nouveau Monde

  • à partir de 45,00 €

Ahmed Sylla - Origami

Conçu par Jean Nouvel, et ouvert en septembre 1993, le centre international de congrès Vinci dispose de 3800m² de surface d'exposition répartis sur plusieurs niveaux.

Le centre international de congrès Vinci privilégie les manifestations à connotation "écologique" avec le Sommet du végétal 2007, le congrès de l'union nationale des entreprises paysagistes, ainsi que les 1res rencontres du tourisme responsable.  Le centre international de congrès Vinci propose des concerts de variété française tels ceux de Michel Delpech, Michel Fugain, mais aussi du théâtre contemporain, du cirque, de l'humour, ainsi que de multiples salons.

Dans cette architecture futuriste, toute en verre et métal, nul doute que public et artistes se sentent pousser des ailes à l'instar de  L'Homme volant  imaginé par le génial Léonard.

Veuillez saisir votre adresse e-mail ici. Cela ne sera pas rendu public. Nous vous enverrons un e-mail à cette adresse une fois que votre avis sera en ligne.

Consulter la politique de protection des données personnelles ici .

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Leonardo da Vinci – 500 Years Of Genius presented by Webuild Now Showing "It is very rare for get up close to his manuscripts" - The Guardian "[THE LUME Melbourne's] next experience is going to be an epic spectacle" - The Design Files "Clearly more than the world's most-famous enigmatic smile beaming down" - Concrete Playground

Dedicated to exploring the life of the greatest creative genius the world has ever known, Leonardo da Vinci – 500 Years of Genius presented by Webuild is our most ambitious, immersive and breathtaking experience yet. ‍ ‍ The Leonardo da Vinci experience showcases the master's innovation, art and timeless genius to inspire visitors of all ages. Visitors have the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to immerse themselves in Leonardo's world and life story, featuring original pages from the Codex Atlanticus, penned by the master himself.

Artist, inventor, scientist, philosopher and musician, Leonardo da Vinci transcends his era. Not only did he create masterpieces never surpassed for their beauty, technique and anatomical accuracy; his pioneering contributions in architecture, engineering and flight, laid the foundations for many modern innovations, making his influence more profound and far-reaching than anyone who has followed. As part of the Leonardo da Vinci experience THE LUME Melbourne is proud to display original pages from the genius' priceless Codex Atlanticus notebooks, revealing his insatiable curiosity spanning anatomy, engineering, flying machines and hydraulic systems. This is the first time these original sketches have been shown in Australia, representing a once in a generation opportunity for insight and inspiration. ‍ As with all experiences at THE LUME Melbourne, this isn't your typical stroll through an art gallery as you enter an immersive, digital world where the lines between art and reality blur. Engaging all the senses with sights, sounds, scents, touch and taste, the intricate chronological narrative – woven through the streets of Florence, the canals of Venice and the grandeur of Milan – recreate the ambiance of the Renaissance. The experience is meticulously curated to unveil the life and human side of Leonardo. As visitors navigate through the vast 3,000m² multi-sensory gallery, they will also gain a profound understanding of the inspirations, innovations and enduring impact of the maestro. ‍ Central to the experience is a journey through the mind of a master inventor with an awe-inspiring display of 50 “machine inventions”, painstakingly crafted by, and on loan from, the Museo Leonardo da Vinci in Rome. Skilled Italian artisans were commissioned to study and construct a range of inventions from da Vinci's sketches, using, where possible, techniques and materials that would have been available to da Vinci himself in fifteenth century Italy. Among them will be flying machine concepts that predate the realisation of human flight by more than 400 years. We’re honoured to showcase this extraordinary collection, offering visitors a tangible connection to the ingenious spirit of the Renaissance. ‍ Another key component of the experience is dedicated to the pioneering work of the famous French Optical Engineer Mr. Pascal Cotte, consultant to The Louvre Museum. Cotte is the inventor of a multispectral camera that is able to scan from ultraviolet through to infrared. His research peels back the layers of paint, revealing previously hidden details Mona Lisa. ‍ Mona Lisa Revealed is an area devoted to Cotte’s ongoing discoveries that have been more than 15 years in the making. It includes the only exact 360º replica in the world of the famed painting made from his one-of-a-kind research, with her front, back and sides revealed to us from Cotte’s 240,000,000 pixel multispectral camera. A must-see for admirers of Leonardo’s greatest masterpiece who have never got close to the original – as well as those who have battled the constant crowds at The Louvre in Paris – this is your chance to spend some quality time with “Lisa”. ‍

Leonardo's original sketches

As part of the Leonardo da Vinci experience THE LUME Melbourne is proud to display original pages from the genius' precious Codex Atlanticus notebook, revealing his insatiable curiosity spanning anatomy, engineering, flying machines and hydraulic systems. This is the first time these original sketches have been shown in Australia, representing a once in a generation opportunity for insight and inspiration.

Interactive and immersive

Artist's studio.

Equipped with an easel and materials, little geniuses and grown-up creatives are invited to channel their inner artist. Bring Leonardo's techniques to life and unleash creativity by following along with a guided video.

VR Florence Flyover

Fly like a bird across Florence's skyline and into the city's streets with immersive VR technology. Add the VR Florence Flyover to your Single Entry Ticket.

Awe-inspiring artefacts

Machine inventions.

The Leonardo da Vinci experience includes 40 “machine inventions”, painstakingly crafted by, and on loan from, Rome's Museo Leonardo da Vinci. Italian artisans were commissioned to study and construct a range of inventions from Leonardo’s sketches, using, where possible, techniques and materials that would have been available in fifteenth-century Italy. Among them will be flying machine concepts that predate the realisation of human flight by more than 400 years.

Mona Lisa Revealed

Admire the only exact 360° replica of the world's most famous portrait, and peel back its layers to reveal discoveries more than 15 years in the making. Dedicated to the pioneering work of French Optical Engineer Mr. Pascal Cotte, consultant to The Louvre Museum, this facet of the Leonardo da Vinci experience utilises Cotte's multispectral camera technology that scans from ultraviolet through to infrared. It reveals what Cotte calls "results [that] shatter many myths and alter our vision of Leonardo's masterpiece forever.”

Ways to experience Leonardo Da Vinci at THE LUME

Single entry tickets.

Purchase tickets to Leonardo da Vinci . New Family pricing means 2 kids come for free among a family of 5 - plus, Child and Student tickets are priced at $29.90 for the first time.

Aperitivo Fridays

Embrace the Italian tradition of aperitivo. Bid arrivederci to the working week with a spritz and an antipasto platter to share, at a Caffè Medici table reserved for one hour.

Feast for the Senses

Indulge all your senses on Saturday evenings with a three-course dinner for two or more people, accompanied by the breathtaking Leonardo da Vinci experience.

Encourage a loved one to wander, dance, marvel, play and learn. Redeemable across all ticketed experiences. ‍

Annual Access

12 month of boundless awe. Enjoy unlimited visits to THE LUME's primary feature experiences over a year, plus a complimentary program per experience.


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We acknowledge the Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung and Bunurong Boon Wurrung peoples as the Traditional Custodians of the land on which THE LUME Melbourne is built. We recognise their continuous connection to culture, community and Country. This website contains names, images and voices of deceased Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Privacy policy  |  © Copyright 2024 THE LUME Australia Pty Ltd. All rights reserved

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Leonardo Da Vinci Experience Tickets & Tours

Leonardo Da Vinci Experience in Rome

Leonardo da Vinci is one of Italy’s most ingenious minds, and many museums are dedicated to the painter, sculptor, engineer, and scientist. 

The Leonardo Da Vinci Experience in Rome offers the best exposure – it is the only Da Vinci museum with 50-plus certified inventions and approved reproductions of his stunning paintings.

This article shares everything you must know before buying Leonardo da Vinci Experience tickets.

Top Leonardo Da Vinci Experience Tickets

# Tickets for Leonardo da Vinci Experience # Skip-the-line Private Group Tour

Table of contents

Things to know before booking tickets, tickets for leonardo da vinci experience, da vinci experience hours, how long does the tour take, best time to visit, what to expect, how to reach.

You can book tickets to the Leonardo Da Vinci Experience online or at the attraction.

If you arrive at the venue to buy tickets, you must line up at the counter. During peak times, these lines can get long, and you will waste your time. 

Online tickets for the Da Vinci Experience are usually cheaper than those sold at the venue. 

You also get your preferred time slot when you book online and in advance. 

Online tickets also help you avoid last-minute disappointments when tickets get sold out. 

To book tickets, visit the  ticket booking page  and select your preferred date, time, and number of tickets.

After the purchase, you will receive the tickets in your email. You don’t need to take any printouts. 

You can show the e-ticket on your smartphone at the exhibition desk when you visit the attraction.

Leonardo Experience

This Leonardo da Vinci Experience ticket gives you access to everything displayed at the museum. 

Explore the five halls containing 50 of Leonardo’s inventions, from flying machines to the mysterious room of mirrors.

Every ticket to the museum also includes a multi-language interactive guide.

Once the museum tour is over, the staff gives all visitors a surprise gift. 

Kids under five years old can enter the attraction for free. 

Cost of tickets

The ticket for the da Vinci Experience is priced at €16 for all visitors above 16 years old.

Children between five and 15 years get a €2 discount and only pay €14 to enter the experience.

Infants up to four years old can enter for free.

Adult (16+ years): €16 Child (5 to 15 years): €14 Infant (up to 4 years): Free

Leonardo da Vinci Experience and Castel Sant’Angelo are only 1 kilometer (two-thirds of a mile) apart. Check out this combo , if you want to see them on the same day. You also get a 6% discount!

Frequently asked questions about tickets

Here are some questions tourists ask before purchasing their tickets for Leonardo da Vinci Museum in Rome.

Entry to the attraction is free for children aged four years and younger.

Yes, tickets the experience are available at the venue’s ticket office. However, the popular timeslots and exhibitions may sell out due to high demand, so getting them online in advance is better.

Visitors can present their tickets on mobile devices, but printed tickets are also accepted at the Museum. You can show the ticket on your mobile at the exhibition desk and walk in.

While the museum’s times are 9 am to 7.30 pm, the last admission will be no later than 6.30 pm. Arrive well in advance of your preferred timeslot, keeping in mind the time for a thorough security check before entry.

Entry to latecomers may not be possible at the attraction.

The attraction offers discounted admission to children aged between five to 15 years.

Unfortunately, the attraction does not offer a dedicated student discount on their admission tickets.

The attraction does not offer a military discount on its admission tickets.

Yes, the Rome City Pass is a cost-effective option to explore over 40 top Rome attractions, including the Leonardo Da Vinci Museum, and enjoy local tours, optional public transport, and a 48-hour hop-on hop-off Rome sightseeing bus tour. The card also allows you to explore the city at your own pace and customize your pass with 2- to 5-day options.

This attraction of Rome has a flexible cancellation policy. You can cancel your ticket up to 24 hours before your visit for a full refund.

The attraction has a flexible rescheduling policy. You can change the time and date of your visit up to 24 hours before your scheduled visit.

The attraction is an all-weather experience, so all tickets are final.

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Da Vinci Hours

Leonardo da Vinci Experience in Rome opens at 9 am and closes at 7.30 pm every day of the week. 

The last entrance is at 6.30 pm. 

Visitors usually spend an hour exploring all the machines and seeing all the paintings at Rome’s Leonardo Da Vinci Experience.

The experience features a wide range of visual, auditory, and experiential aspects that appeal to kids and adults. 

Families with kids tend to spend more time at the museum. 

Note : Leonardo Da Vinci’s Museum doesn’t have a cafe, but the surrounding neighborhood has many excellent dining options. 

The best time to experience the da Vinci Museum is when they open for the day at 9 am.

The museum tends to be less crowded in the morning or later in the afternoon. Visiting during these times will allow you to enjoy a more serene experience and have more space to explore the exhibits.

Weekends generally attract more visitors; plan your visit during weekdays to avoid the crowds.

The Leonardo Da Vinci Museum in Rome offers a comprehensive overview of Leonardo’s work as both inventor and painter. 

The immersive displays use projections, holograms, and recordings to illustrate his works engagingly for adults and kids alike.

The Da Vinci Experience in Rome is a small museum that is divided into five thematic rooms – 

Room 1: Flight Engine Room & Last Supper Room 2: War Machines Room Room 3: Hall of Perspective Room 4: Principles Hall Room 5: Painting Gallery

In effect, four of the museum’s rooms are dedicated to more than 50 of his intelligent machines, which were built according to original sketches.

These are all 1:1 working reproductions; visitors can touch and feel them.

The fifth room displays hand-painted reproductions of more than 20 of his masterpieces. 

The prestigious Bottega Artigiana Tifernate art studio created these full-scale paintings using techniques and materials from Leonardo’s time.

You will also find the famous mirror room and the painting collection.

Leonardo da Vinci Experience is a short walk from the St. Peter’s Basilica , the Vatican Museums , and Castel Sant’Angelo .

Address: Via della Conciliazione, 19, 00193 Roma RM, Italy. Get Directions .

That’s why it is essential to book tickets in advance to avoid a long wait to enter.

You can reach the attraction by car or public transportation.

It is easy to get to the Da Vinci museum – you can walk across the Ponte Sant’Angelo, or take metro line A to the Ottaviano subway station .

From the subway station, the Museum Leonardo da Vinci Experience is 1.1 km (.7 mile) away, and you can walk the distance in around 15 minutes. 

Ottaviano station to Leonardo da Vinci Experience

Bus lines 23, 34, 40, 46, 62, 64, 98, 115, 280, 870, 881, 916, 916F, 982, n3s, n46, n98, and n904 can also take you close to the museum.

It would be best to get down at LGT SASSIA/S. Spirito (H) , which is less than 400 meters (1312 feet) from the museum. 

If you’re traveling by car, turn on your Google Maps and get started.

There are enough parking garages around the attraction.

Sources # # # The travel specialists at use only high-quality sources while researching & writing their articles. We make every attempt to keep our content current, reliable and trustworthy .

Tourist attractions in Rome

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This article was researched & written by

Jamshed V Rajan

He is a two-faced traveler, who enjoys both the hustle-bustle of an urban holiday and the serenity of a break from the rest of the World. During some of his vacations, he is a resort hopper, and on others, he barely spends time in his hotel. He loves to try mouth-watering local cuisines, especially non-vegetarian dishes. Favourite Cities: Amsterdam, Las Vegas, Dublin, Prague, Vienna

Edited by Rekha Rajan & fact checked by Jamshed V Rajan

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  • Research Center
  • Traveling Exhibition
  • Buy your tickets

Enter the mind of the genius

The world of leonardo da vinci.

  • Thematic areas
  • Life-size and scale machine models
  • Never-before-seen interpretations
  • Three interactive codices (over 2,000 pages and 600 3D models)
  • Hands-on interaction (on touch screens and physical models)
  • Digital restorations of the paintings
  • Reconstruction of The Last Supper just as it was when Leonardo completed it

programme vinci tours

  • Under License from Leonardo3
  • On Application to Leonardo3
  • Generally 3-6 months
  • 7,500 – 20,000 sq. ft. (customizable for larger or smaller spaces)
  • Preferably 15 ft. and above
  • 3 to 5 x 40 ft. High Cube containers
  • Leonardo3 Technicians and Curators assisted by personnel of the hosting venue (6 people)
  • Portland, USA
  • Pordenone, ITA
  • Kowloon, HKG
  • Trento, ITA
  • Simi Valley, USA
  • Antalya, TUR
  • Checiny, POL
  • San Marino, SMR
  • Toronto, CAN
  • Philadelphia, USA
  • New York, USA
  • Vigevano, ITA
  • Milan (1,500,000)
  • Toronto (220,000)
  • New York (200,000)
  • Philadelphia (200,000)
  • Simi Valley (150,000)
  • Vigevano (120,000)
  • Comune di Milano, Provincia di Pavia, Comune di Vigevano
  • FirstTrust, Barilla, Aviva, Fondazione Banca del Monte di Lombardia
  • Award of Excellence from the President of the Italian Republic
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programme vinci tours

THE 10 BEST Dzerzhinsky Sights & Historical Landmarks

Dzerzhinsky landmarks.

  • Monuments & Statues
  • Churches & Cathedrals
  • Points of Interest & Landmarks
  • Sacred & Religious Sites
  • Architectural Buildings
  • 5.0 of 5 bubbles
  • 4.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • District South-Western (YuZAO)
  • Butovo North
  • Good for a Rainy Day
  • Good for Kids
  • Budget-friendly
  • Good for Big Groups
  • Adventurous
  • Hidden Gems
  • Good for Couples
  • Honeymoon spot
  • Good for Adrenaline Seekers
  • Things to do ranked using Tripadvisor data including reviews, ratings, photos, and popularity.

programme vinci tours

1. Nikolo-Ugreshskiy Monastery


2. Church of the Savior Transfiguration of Ugresh Monastery of St. Nicholas

programme vinci tours

3. Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin in the Ugresh Monastery of St. Nicholas

programme vinci tours

4. Temple of the Beheading of St. John the Baptist of Ugresh Monastery of St. Nicholas

programme vinci tours

5. Chapel of Phenomena Image of St. Nicholas in Nikolo-Ugreshskiy Monastery

programme vinci tours

6. Temple of the Mother of God of All Who Sorrow Ugresh Nicholas Monastery

programme vinci tours

7. Monument to Dmitriy Donskoi

programme vinci tours

8. Peter and Paul Church in Ugresh Monastery of St. Nicholas

programme vinci tours

9. Cathedral of St. Nicholas

programme vinci tours

10. Monument to Creators of Missile Shield of Russia

programme vinci tours

11. Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

programme vinci tours

12. Sculpture Crying Boy

programme vinci tours

13. Chapel of the Passion of Nikolo-Ugreshskiy Monastery

programme vinci tours

14. Monument to Dzerzhinskiy

programme vinci tours

15. Dmitriy Donskoi's Temple

16. temple of holy spirit.

programme vinci tours

17. Temple of Makariy Nevskiy

programme vinci tours

18. Palestinian wall of the Nikolo-Ugreshsky monastery

programme vinci tours

19. Chapel of Our Lady of the Perishing

programme vinci tours

20. Pamyatniki A. S. Pushkinu

programme vinci tours

21. Memorial of the Great Patriotic War

programme vinci tours

22. Monument to Veterans of Local Wars

programme vinci tours

23. Monument-bust to academician B.P. Zhukov

programme vinci tours

24. Monument to St. Nicholas

programme vinci tours

25. Tserkov' Pitmana Ugreshskoy

26. pamyatnik prepodobnomu antoniyu kiyevo-pecherskomu.


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  • Moscow Oblast


Elektrostal Localisation : Country Russia , Oblast Moscow Oblast . Available Information : Geographical coordinates , Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel . Nearby cities and villages : Noginsk , Pavlovsky Posad and Staraya Kupavna .


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programme vinci tours

MIKA ,artiste aux multiples disques de platine, démarre la rentrée de la plus belledes manières avec la sortie de son nouveau single «  C’est laVie ». MIKA  annonce également  une tournée française: APOCALYSPE CALYPSO TOUR qui aura lieu   dans16 villes en mars 2024.  Il présentera sur scène tous ses tubeset  un nouvel album 100% en français, prévu pour Décembre 2023 .

Mercredi 13 mars 2024 à 20h00

programme vinci tours


  1. VINCI Autoroutes Corporate : Le programme 2019/2025

    programme vinci tours

  2. Les MG 3 au micro ! Le Grand Théâtre et le Palais des Congrès Vinci de

    programme vinci tours

  3. Vinci

    programme vinci tours

  4. Centre international des congrès Le Vinci à Tours / Ateliers Jean

    programme vinci tours

  5. Info Tours

    programme vinci tours

  6. Centre international des congrès de la ville de Tours

    programme vinci tours


  1. 21 Vinci Crescent, Toronto, ON

  2. A Lost Da Vinci? #davinci #tuscany #mural #unsolvedmysteries #art #shorts #subscribe

  3. Joe Satriani au vinci Tours 07/05/2023

  4. Christophe Willem

  5. Immobilier: les syndics malaimés au Vinci à Tours

  6. Eric Antoine Magic Delirium



    Vinci Centre De Congres A Tours - Tours : Retrouvez tous les concerts, festivals, spectacles et r servez vos places. Facilement accessible et idéalement situé face à la gare, le Palais des congrès est à la porte des grands axes de communication. En plein centre-ville, sa situation géographique vous permet de tout faire à pied : hôtels, musées et commerces.

  2. Agenda des spectacles

    26 boulevard Heurteloup 37000 Tours, France [email protected] (+33) 2 47 70 70 70 En cliquant sur "Accepter" , vous nous autorisez à stocker les cookies sur votre appareil, dans le cadre de l'amélioration de la navigation, pour analyser les usages et pour la mesure d'audience de ce site.

  3. Palais des Congrès de Tours

    Retrouvez le programme complet des évenements de la salle Palais des Congrès de Tours et réservez vos places au meilleur prix sur Fnac Spectacles ... Le centre international de congrès Vinci privilégie les manifestations à connotation "écologique" avec le Sommet du végétal 2007, le congrès de l'union nationale des entreprises ...

  4. Palais des Congrès de Tours 2024 information salle et programme

    Le Palais des Congrès de Tours, anciennement Vinci, est une salle de concert à Tours qui propose une programmation culturelle variée avec de nombreux concerts à Tours et spectacles. Retrouvez ci-dessous le programme 2024 du Palais des Congrès de Tours avec les tarifs pour la réservation de vos places, ainsi que l'adresse et les horaires.

  5. Palais des Congrès Tours

    Vivez votre événement au cœur de la ville, à 1h de Paris. Par sa modularité et son accessibilité, face à la gare TGV, le Palais de Congrès de Tours est le lieu idéal pour accueillir tous types d'événements. ‍ Vaisseau de verre de plus de 20 000 m² signé de l'architecte de renommée internationale Jean Nouvel, le Palais des Congrès dispose de 3 auditoriums (2000, 700 et 350 ...

  6. Palais des Congrès de Tours Tours

    Retrouvez tous les événements programmés au Palais des Congrès de Tours et réservez vos places pour votre prochain spectacle sur France Billet ... Conçu par Jean Nouvel, et ouvert en septembre 1993, le centre international de congrès Vinci dispose de 3800m² de surface d'exposition répartis sur plusieurs niveaux.


    Buy Palais Des Congres - Tours (ex Vinci), Tours Tickets from the Official site. Find event location, travel, parking, seating plan details and venue reviews

  8. Spectacles

    Tel : +33 2 47 32 60 45 [email protected]. prendre rendez-vous. Contact. 26 boulevard Heurteloup 37000 Tours, France [email protected] (+33) 2 47 70 70 10. Nos espaces. Nos services. Une équipe experte. Restauration. Hôtesses et hôtes d'accueil.

  9. Leonardo da Vinci

    Dedicated to exploring the life of the greatest creative genius the world has ever known, Leonardo da Vinci - 500 Years of Genius presented by Webuild is our most ambitious, immersive and breathtaking experience yet. ‍ ‍The Leonardo da Vinci experience showcases the master's innovation, art and timeless genius to inspire visitors of all ages. . Visitors have the once-in-a-lifetime ...

  10. Leonardo Da Vinci Experience Tickets & Tours

    The ticket for the da Vinci Experience is priced at €16 for all visitors above 16 years old. Children between five and 15 years get a €2 discount and only pay €14 to enter the experience. Infants up to four years old can enter for free. Adult (16+ years): €16. Child (5 to 15 years): €14.

  11. The BEST Vinci Tours 2023

    1. Vinci: Entrance ticket to the Leonardiano Museum. In Vinci, where Leonardo was born and where he drew early inspiration for his studies and paintings, the Leonardo Museum presents one of the most extensive and most original collections devoted to the multiple interests of Leonardo the technologist, the architect, the man of science and, more generally, to the History of Renaissance technics.

  12. Vinci Tours

    Visit Vinci with Go Ahead on a guided tour. Explore our tours to Vinci featuring hand-crafted itineraries, local cuisine and expert guides. Skip to main content. 1-800-590-1161 Help & contact Earn free travel Log in/Register. Travel deals; Destinations. Travel styles. About us. 1-800-590-1161 Menu. Tours. Europe tours.

  13. STOMP

    LES 18 ET 19 OCT. 2023 A 20H00. STOMP. De retour en 2023. Claquements de doigts, bruits de casseroles, collisions de cadis : Stomp casse les codes. Sur un rythme endiablé, la troupe surprend par son génie créatif, au cours d'un spectacle sensationnel et culte. Plus de 15millions de spectateurs ébahis ont déjà vu et aimé ce spectacle ...

  14. Leonardo Da Vinci Experience, Rome

    Rome: Guided Renaissance Tour w/ Skip-The-Line Museum Ticket. Learn about the legends and myths that surround the life of Leonardo da Vinci, a distinguished Italian painter, architect, and engineer. Explore your curiosities surrounding the greatest Renaissance man, his art and innovations with an expert guide, and visit the Leonardo da Vinci ...

  15. The BEST Vinci Tours and Things to Do in 2023

    4. Florence: Leonardo da Vinci's Homeland. Travel in an air-conditioned minivan. In the morning, your first stop is at the recently opened museum in Vinci, where you can admire Leonardo's studies as an inventor and engineer. Afterward, visit Leonardo's original house, which is a country mansion in the town of Anchiano.

  16. The World of Leonardo da Vinci

    The World of Leonardo da Vinci is a traveling exhibition about the Renaissance Master, a brand new multi-sensory experience that offers an unprecedented interactive journey through the mind of Leonardo da Vinci. This is an exhibition with new machines and discoveries resulting from unprecedented studies of Leonardo da Vinci's work, produced by ...

  17. THE 10 BEST Dzerzhinsky Sights & Landmarks to Visit (2023)

    Top Dzerzhinsky Landmarks: See reviews and photos of sights to see in Dzerzhinsky, Russia on Tripadvisor.

  18. « Tours pour l'emploi » : 2.500 offres à pourvoir ce jeudi 6 juin au Vinci

    Le salon « Tours pour l'emploi » se déroule jeudi 6 juin 2024 au Vinci, à Tours. La 10 e édition du salon « Tours pour l'Emploi » est organisée jeudi 6 juin 2024 au Vinci. Plus de 2. ...

  19. LE 11 JAN. 2024 A 20H00

    LE 11 JAN. 2024 A 20H00. À partir de. 35 €. Places assises numérotées. Le showévénement "Stories" par les finalistes d'Incroyable Talent ! Entre tradition et modernité, "Stories" donne aux claquettes une impulsion nouvelle. Élégance et explosivité se mêlent pour donner vie à un spectacle narratif d'1h15 au rythme effréné.

  20. Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Elektrostal Geography. Geographic Information regarding City of Elektrostal. Elektrostal Geographical coordinates. Latitude: 55.8, Longitude: 38.45. 55° 48′ 0″ North, 38° 27′ 0″ East. Elektrostal Area. 4,951 hectares. 49.51 km² (19.12 sq mi) Elektrostal Altitude.

  21. "Viki Sinema"

    Discover "Viki Sinema" in Elektrostal'! See updated opening hours and read the latest reviews. Discover nearby hotels and dining for a perfect trip. Plan your visit to "Viki Sinema" on

  22. Elektrostal

    Elektrostal. Elektrostal ( Russian: Электроста́ль) is a city in Moscow Oblast, Russia. It is 58 kilometers (36 mi) east of Moscow. As of 2010, 155,196 people lived there.

  23. MIKA

    LE 13 MARS 2024 A 20H00. À partir de. 46.20 €. Places assises numérotées. MIKA ,artiste aux multiples disques de platine, démarre la rentrée de la plus belledes manières avec la sortie de son nouveau single « C'est laVie ». MIKA annonce également une tournée française: APOCALYSPE CALYPSO TOUR qui aura lieu dans16 villes en mars 2024.

  24. Moscow Oblast

    Moscow Oblast ( Russian: Моско́вская о́бласть, Moskovskaya oblast) is a federal subject of Russia. It is located in western Russia, and it completely surrounds Moscow. The oblast has no capital, and oblast officials reside in Moscow or in other cities within the oblast. [1] As of 2015, the oblast has a population of 7,231,068 ...