
दीघा के प्रमुख पर्यटक स्थल और यात्रा से जुड़ी जानकारी – Famous Tourist Places of Digha in Hindi

Best places to visit in Digha in Hindi : बंगाल की खाड़ी के तट पर स्थित समुद्रत टीय शहर, “दीघा” एक लोकप्रिय पर्यटन स्थल है जो अपने अछूते समुद्र तटों और प्राकृतिक दृश्यों के लिए जाना जाता है, खासकर पश्चिम बंगाल के लोगों के बीच। “दीघा” फैमली या फ्रेंड्स के साथ वीकेंड डेस्टिनेशन के लिए पश्चिम बंगाल की वन-स्टॉप डेस्टिनेशन है। “दीघा” में पर्यटकों के घूमने के लिए शानदार समुद्र तटों, से लेकर धार्मिक मंदिरों तक विविध पर्यटक स्थल मौजूद है। दीघा पर्यटन एक ऐसी जगह है जहाँ बच्चो से लेकर बुढो तक सभी आयु के वर्ग के लोगो के लिए बहुत कुछ है।

यदि आप अपने फ्रेंड्स या फैमली के साथ वीकेंड पर घूमने के लिए पश्चिम बंगाल की बेस्ट जगहें सर्च कर रहें है तो अपनी ट्रिप के लिए “दीघा” को पिक कर सकते है।

तो आइये इस आर्टिकल में हम “दीघा के प्रमुख पर्यटक स्थल” और “दीघा की ट्रिप” से रिलेटेड इन्फोर्मेशन को डिटेल में जानते है, जिसके अनुसार पर्यटक अपनी ट्रिप को प्लान कर सकते है –

Table of Contents

दीघा में घूमने के लिए सबसे अच्छी जगहें – Best places to visit in Digha in Hindi

न्यू दीघा बीच – new digha beach, digha in hindi.

न्यू दीघा बीच - New Digha Beach, Digha in Hindi

“न्यू दीघा बीच” दीघा के प्रमुख पर्यटक स्थल (Famous Tourist Places of Digha in Hindi) और सबसे खूबसूरत जगहें में से एक है। न्यू दीघा बीच पुराने दीघा बीच से 2 किलोमीटर की दूरी पर स्थित है। यह बीच अपनी नरम नरम रेत और प्राकृतिक सुन्दरता के लिए काफी फेमस है, जो इसे दीघा में घूमने के लिए सबसे अच्छी जगहें में से एक बनाती है। यदि आप अपनी फैमली के साथ घूमने के लिए दीघा की सबसे अच्छी जगहें सर्च कर रहे है, तो इसके लिए न्यू दीघा बीच से बेस्ट कोई जगह हो ही नही सकती है। बता दे यह बीच लगभग 2 किलोमीटर में फैला हुआ है जो सुंदर कैसुरीना के पेड़ों से घिरा हुआ है जो इसके सुन्दरता में चार चाँद लगाने का कार्य करते है।

यह खुबसूरत बीच आकर्षक सूर्योदय और सूर्यास्त के लिए भी प्रसिद्ध है, जिसे शब्दों में व्यक्त नही किया जा सकता हैं। लहराते समुद्र सूरज की सुनहरी किरणों के साथ, देखना निश्चित ही आपके जिन्दगी की सबसे खुबसूरत लम्हों में से एक होगा।

न्यू दीघा बीच की टाइमिंग

  • सुबह से लेकर शाम दिन में कभी भी

न्यू दीघा बीच की एंट्री फीस

मरीन एक्वेरियम ऑफ़ जूलॉजिकल सर्वे ऑफ़ इंडिया – Marine Aquarium of Zoological Survey of India, Digha in Hindi

मरीन एक्वेरियम ऑफ़ जूलॉजिकल सर्वे ऑफ़ इंडिया - Marine Aquarium of Zoological Survey of India, Digha in Hindi

दीघा के प्रसिद्ध पर्यटक स्थल (Famous Tourist Places of Digha in Hindi) और दीघा में सबसे अधिक देखी जाने वाली जगहें में से एक “मरीन एक्वेरियम” भारत का सबसे बड़ा इनबिल्ट एक्वेरियम है। इस एक्वेरियम में स्थानीय, विलक्षणीय और मीठे पानी के जीवो की तीन प्रजातियों को  अलग अलग रखा गया है। इस मरीन एक्वेरियम में जीवों के लिए 24 विशाल समुद्री टैंक और 8 मीठे पानी के टैंक हैं। जब भी मरीन एक्वेरियम में घूमने आयेंगे तो आप यहाँ समुद्री एनीमोन, लॉबस्टर, शार्क, किरणें, तितली मछलियां, समुद्री सांप और केकड़े सहित अन्य कई जलीय प्रजातियों को देख सकगें।

बता दे यह स्थान एक्वेरियम के साथ साथ अपने हाई – एंड फिल्टरेशन एंड सी वाटर सर्कुलेशन जैसी रिसर्च एक्टिविटीज के लिए भी जाना जाता है।

मरीन एक्वेरियम की टाइमिंग

  • सुबह 9.30 बजे से शाम 6.00 बजे तक

मरीन एक्वेरियम की एंट्री फ़ीस

  • नो एंट्री फीस

अमरावती पार्क दीघा – Amravati Park Digha in Hindi

अमरावती पार्क दीघा - Amravati Park Digha in Hindi

विचित्र शहर दीघा के तटीय सौंदर्य के बीच स्थित “अमरावती पार्क” दीघा में घूमने के लिए सबसे अच्छी जगहें (Best places to visit in Digha in Hindi) में से एक है। यह पार्क उन पर्यटकों के लिए बेस्ट जगह है जो अपनी फैमली के साथ प्राकृतिक सोंदर्य के बीच सुकून भरा टाइम स्पेंड करना चाहते है। दीघा समुद्र तट से एक किलोमीटर से भी कम की दूरी पर स्थित, अमरावती पार्क में प्राचीन लॉन की विविधता के साथ मौसमी फूलों की भरमार है, जो पार्क के केंद्र में स्थित मिनी-लेक को बेहद मनोरम करते हैं। बता दे पार्क में पर्यटकों के लिए रोपवे की सवारी भी है जिससे दीघा क्षेत्र और नीचे सुंदर पार्क के लुभावना दृश्यों को देखा जा सकता है।

इस पार्क में एक छोटी लेक भी है यहाँ आप बोट राइड को एन्जॉय कर सकते है। कुल मिलाकर शहर की भीड़ भाड़ से दूर अपनी फैमली के साथ छुट्टी मनाने और क्वालिटी टाइम स्पेंड करने के लिए अमरावती पार्क बेस्ट जगह है।

अमरावती पार्क की टाइमिंग 

  • सुबह 7.30 बजे से 5.30 बजे तक

अमरावती पार्क की एंट्री फीस 

  • 5 रूपये पर हेड

और पढ़े : रा जबाड़ी का इतिहास और कूचबिहार में घूमने की बेस्ट जगहें 

तलसारी बीच – Talasari Beach Digha in Hindi

तलसारी बीच – Talasari Beach Digha in Hindi

ओडिशा के बालेश्वर जिले में दीघा से 10 किलोमीटर की दूरी पर स्थित “तलसारी बीच” दीघा की सबसे आकर्षक जगहें (Best places to visit in Digha in Hindi) में से एक है। यह बीच पूर्वी घाट के अनदेखे बीचों में से एक है जो भारत की उत्तर पूर्वी तट पर अंतिम समुद्र तट के रूप में जाना जाता है। तलसारी बीच में कम भीड़भाड़ होने के कारण प्रदूषण की पहुंच से परे है, जो पर्यटकों के लिए प्राकृतिक सोंदर्य और शांत वातावरण की पेशकश करता है। यही मुख्य बजह है जो इसे फैमली के साथ घूमने के लिए दीघा की सबसे अच्छी जगहें में से एक बनाती है।

तलसारी बीच में कई रेत के टीले है जो खजूर, नारियल और काजू के पेड़ो और मनमोहनीय सुन्दरता से भरे हुए हैं, यकीन माने इस जगह पर आपकी इन्द्रियां तरो तजा हो जायेंगी और आप बेहद रिलेक्स फील करेंगें। आपको बता दे तलसारी बीच एक समुद्री तट होने के अलावा, सुबर्नोरखा नदी का एक तट भी है जो बंगाल की खाड़ी में जाकर विलय होती है।

उदयपुर बीच दीघा – Udaipur Beach Digha in Hindi

उदयपुर बीच दीघा – Udaipur Beach Digha in Hindi

यदि आप अपने फ्रेंड्स के साथ घूमने के लिए दीघा की सबसे अच्छी जगहें (Best places to visit in Digha in Hindi) सर्च कर रहे है तो इसके लिए उदयपुर बीच से अच्छी जगह कोई और हो ही नही सकती। क्योंकि यह जगह अपनी सुन्दरता के साथ साथ रोमांच के लिए जानी जाती है और पश्चिम बंगाल के साथ साथ देश के बिभिन्न हिस्सों से भी पर्यटकों को आकर्षित करती है।

जब भी आप अपने फ्रेंड्स के साथ उदयपुर बीच आयेंगे तो आप यहाँ बीच के किनारे टहलने के साथ साथ स्विमिंग, स्पीड बोट, बनाना बोट जैस कई वाटर स्पोर्ट्स एन्जॉय कर सकते है। उदयपुर बीच के किनारे पर अच्छे होटल्स भी है इसीलिए यह बीच हनीमून ट्रिप के लिए भी परफेक्ट डेस्टिनेशन है।

और पढ़े :  भारत के प्रमुख सेक्स मंदिर, जिनसे आप अनुमान लगा सकते है, की हमारे पूर्वज सेक्स को लेकर कितने सहज थे

मोहन वॉच पॉइंट दीघा – Mohona Watch Point Digha in Hindi

मोहन वॉच पॉइंट दीघा - Mohona Watch Point Digha in Hindi

मोहन वॉच पॉइंट, चंपा नदी और बंगाल की खाड़ी का संगम है। यह सूर्योदय के साथ-साथ आसपास के वातावरण के अद्भुत दृश्य प्रस्तुत करता है जो पर्यटकों काफी अट्रेक्ट करते है। यह स्थान सुबह में एक व्यस्त मछली बाजार के रूप में भी संचालित होता है, जहां मछुआरे मछली की कई किस्मों को इकट्ठा, पैक, और वितरित करते हैं। दीघा की हलचल वाले व्यावसायिक पक्ष को देखने के लिए पूरा बाजार एक रोमांचक जगह है। यहाँ, आपको सूखे भटकी और महत्वपूर्ण आकार के हिलसा देखने को मिलेंगे जिन्हें आप खरीद भी सकते हैं।

वॉच पॉइंट एक दिलचस्प जगह है, लेकिन इसमें मछली की गंध भी आती है, इसीलिए यह जगह  कुछ लोगों के लिए नकारात्मक भी हो सकती है।

दीघा साइंस सेंटर एंड नेशनल साइंस केम्प – Digha Science Centre & National Science Camp Digha in Hindi

दीघा साइंस सेंटर एंड नेशनल साइंस केम्प – Digha Science Centre & National Science Camp Digha in Hindi

दीघा साइंस सेंटर दीघा के प्रसिद्ध पर्यटक Famous Tourist Places of Digha in Hindi) स्थल में से एक है। दीघा साइंस सेंटर एंड नेशनल साइंस केम्प के प्रमुख आकर्षण 3 डी थियेटर, प्रकाश और ध्वनि के साथ जुरासिक पार्क, राष्ट्रीय विज्ञान शिविर और विज्ञान पार्क हैं।

इसके अलावा इस सेंटर में तितली पर प्रकृति का अध्ययन, योग दिवस, विज्ञान प्रश्नोत्तरी, विज्ञान मेला, अवकाश हॉबी शिविर, तटीय जल प्रदूषण पर कार्यशालाएँ, जैसी कई एक्टिविटीज भी ऑर्गेनाइज की जाती है, जिन्हें आप दीघा साइंस सेंटर की ट्रिप में देख सकते है।

 दीघा साइंस सेंटर की टाइमिंग

  • सुबह 9.00 बजे से शाम 7.00 बजे तक

दीघा साइंस सेंटर की एंट्री फीस

  • 25 रूपये प्रति व्यक्ति

चंदनेश्वर मंदिर दीघा – Chandaneshwar Temple Digha in Hindi

चंदनेश्वर मंदिर दीघा – Chandaneshwar Temple Digha in Hindi

दीघा से 6-8 किमी की दूरी पर स्थित “चंदनेश्वर मंदिर” दीघा के प्रमुख धार्मिक स्थल में से एक है। यह मंदिर भगवान शिव जी को समर्पित है जो स्थानीय लोगो के लिए लोकप्रिय पूजा स्थल के रूप में कार्य करते है।

चंदनेश्वर मंदिर उड़िया कैलेंडर के पहले दिन एक विशाल वार्षिक मेले की मेजबानी करता है जहाँ हर साल बड़ी संख्या लोग में राज्य के बिभिन्न जगहें से एकत्रित होते है। यदि आप अपनी फैमली के साथ दीघा की यात्रा पर जाने वाले है तो आपको अपना कुछ समय चंदनेश्वर मंदिर की यात्रा के लिए भी जरूर देना चाहिये।

शंकरपुर बीच दीघा – Shankarpur Beach, Digha in Hindi

शंकरपुर बीच दीघा - Shankarpur Beach, Digha in Hindi

शंकरपुर बीच दीघा से 15 किमी की दूरी पर स्थित एक स्थानीय समुद्र तट है। यह बीच सुंदर परिदृश्यो से घिरा हुआ है जो इसे दीघा में घूमने के लिए सबसे अच्छी जगहें में से एक बनाती है। शंकरपुर बीच के पास कुछ प्रसिद्ध मंदिर भी है, इसीलिए पर्यटक और श्रद्धालु दोनों यहाँ आना पसंद करते है। इनके साथ आप जब भी यहाँ आयेंगे तो बड़ी संख्या में मछुआरों को मछलियाँ पकड़ते हुए भी देखेगें।

और पढ़े : भारत के प्रमुख समुद्र तट और उनके नाम

बिस्वा बंगला पार्क दीघा – Biswa Bangla Park Digha in Hindi

बिस्वा बंगला पार्क दीघा - Biswa Bangla Park Digha in Hindi

पुराने दीघा समुद्र तट पर स्थित, “बिस्वा बंगला पार्क” क्षेत्र का एक हालिया जोड़ है और इसमें बिस्वा बंगला थीम है। बिस्वा बांग्ला एमएसएमई उद्यम है जिसे पश्चिम बंगाल सरकार ने पश्चिम बंगाल राज्य से हस्तशिल्प और कपड़ा को बढ़ावा देने के लिए स्थापित किया था। जो वर्तमान में दीघा के प्रसिद्ध पर्यटक स्थल (Famous Tourist Places of Digha in Hindi)में भी कार्यरत है।

बिस्वा बंगला पार्क समुद्र के मनमोहनीय दृश्यों के साथ हरी भरी हरियाली से घिरा हुआ है जबकि पार्क के बीच फव्वारे जो इसके आकर्षण का चार चाँद लगाने का कार्य करते है। यह पार्क फैमली का साथ साथ कपल्स को भी अट्रेक्ट करता है जहाँ अक्सर कपल अपनी गर्लफ्रेंड या बॉयफ्रेंड के साथ साथ टाइम स्पेंड करना पसंद करते है।

बिस्वा बंगला पार्क की टाइमिंग .

बिस्वा बंगला पार्क की एंट्री फीस

दीघा गेट – Digha Gate Digha in Hindi

दीघा गेट - Digha Gate Digha in Hindi

दीघा गेट इस खुबसूरत समुद्र तटीय शहर का प्रवेश द्वार है जो अपनी भव्य संरचना और डिजाइन के लिए प्रसिद्ध है। दीघा गेट पहले कलकत्ता के ब्राइटन के रूप में जाना जाता था जिसे अब दीघा के गेटवे और दीघा वेलकम गेट के रूप में भी जाना जाता है।

बता इस गेट को कंक्रीट और स्टील गेट, से नाव के आकार का बनाया गया है, जो इस क्षेत्र के सभी मछुआरों को श्रद्धांजलि सम्मान व्यक्त करता है। दीघा गेट दीघा की सुंदर सरंचना है जो रात के दौरान जगमगाता हुआ और भी आकर्षक लगता है। यदि आप दीघा की यात्रा पर है तो आपको अपना कुछ समय निकालकर इस अद्भुद कलाकारी को देखने भी जरूर जाना चाहिये हो सके तो शाम के समय जायें।

बटाला मार्केट दीघा  – Batala Market Digha in Hindi

बटाला मार्केट एक जीवंत और हलचल भरा खरीदारी गंतव्य है, जो स्थानीय लोगों और पर्यटकों को समान रूप से पसंद है। बटाला मार्केट में उपहार की दुकानों, हस्तशिल्प और शंख भंडार हैं जहाँ से आप शेल-गहने और अन्य सुंदर ट्रिंकेट खरीद सकते हैं।

शोपिंग के साथ साथ बटाला मार्केट समुद्री भोजन प्रेमियों के लिए एक स्वर्ग जहाँ पर्यटक मछली, झींगे और केकड़ों से बने व्यंजनों का लुफ्त उठा सकते है। इसके अलावा, बाजार अच्छी तरह से व्यवस्थित है और सभी आइटम उपयुक्त वर्गों में उपलब्ध हैं। बाजार काफी सस्ती है और सब कुछ उचित दरों पर खरीदा जा सकता है।

और पढ़े : कलिम्पोंग पर्यटन में घूमने के लिए बेस्ट जगहें 

दीघा घूमने जाने के लिए सबसे अच्छा समय – Best time to visit Digha in Hindi

दीघा घूमने जाने के लिए सबसे अच्छा समय – Best time to visit Digha in Hindi

समुद्र तटों का आनंद लेने के लिए नवंबर से जुलाई का समय दीघा जाने का सबसे अच्छा समय है। अगस्त से अक्टूबर के बीच, आप बारिश के दिनों में भी यात्रा कर सकते हैं, जिसमे दीघा की हरी भरी सुंदरता और खूबसूरती को देखा जा सकता है। नवंबर से फरवरी तक का मौसम ठंडा और शुष्क होता है जो दीघा के दर्शनीय स्थलों की यात्रा के लिए आदर्श वातावरण प्रदान करता है। जबकि तापमान मार्च से बढ़ना शुरू होता है और जून में मानसून के आने तक रहता है।

दीघा में रुकने के लिए होटल्स – Hotels in Digha in Hindi

दीघा में रुकने के लिए होटल्स – Hotels in Digha in Hindi

दीघा पश्चिम बंगाल की खुबसूरत जगह और पर्यटक स्थल है और राज्य का प्रमुख पर्यटक स्थल होने के कारण दीघा में लो बजट से लेकर हाई बजट तक सभी टाइप की होटल्स अवेलेबल है, जिनका आप अपनी चॉइस और बजट के अनुसार से सिलेक्शन कर सकते है।

  • ट्रीबो ट्रिप होटल दीघा (Treebo Trip Hotel Digha)
  • मल्लिका रिज़ॉर्ट (Mallickaa Resort)
  • डेटो रूम होटल रियाद (Ditto Room Hotel Riyadh INN)
  • साइगनेट इन सी व्यू(Cygnett Inn Sea View)

दीघा केसे पहुंचें – How to Reach Digha in Hindi

दीघा की यात्रा पर जाने वाले पर्यटकों को बता दे आप फ्लाइट, ट्रेन या रोडवे में से किसी से भी ट्रेवल करके दीघा पहुंच सकते है। तो आइये नीचे डिटेल में जानते है, हम फ्लाइट ट्रेन या सड़क मार्ग से दीघा  केसे पहुचें –

फ्लाइट से दीघा केसे जायें – How to Reach Digha by Flight in Hindi

फ्लाइट से दीघा  केसे जायें – How to Reach Digha by Flight in Hindi

यदि आपने दीघा घूमने जाने के लिए फ्लाइट का सिलेक्शन किया है, तो जान लें दीघा के लिए कोई सीधी फ्लाइट कनेक्टविटी नही है।

दीघा का निकटतम इन्टरनेशनल एयरपोर्ट नेताजी सुभाष चंद्र बोस इन्टरनेशनल एयरपोर्ट कोलकाता है। जो दीघा  से लगभग 149 किलोमीटर की दूरी पर स्थित है।

फ्लाइट से ट्रेवल करके मुंबई एयरपोर्ट पहुचने के बाद वहाँ से आप बस, कार, टेक्सी से ट्रेवल करके दीघा पहुंच सकते हैं।

दीघा ट्रेन से केसे जायें – How to Reach Digha by Train in Hindi

दीघा ट्रेन से केसे जायें – How to Reach Digha by Train in Hindi

ट्रेन से ट्रेवल करके दीघा की यात्रा पर जाने वाले पर्यटकों को बता दे दीघा का अपना सिटी रेलवे स्टेशन है जो राज्य के शहरों से नियमित ट्रेनों के माध्यम से अच्छी तरह से जुड़ा हुआ है। इसीलिए आप आसानी से ट्रेन से ट्रैवल करके दीघा जा सकता है।

 सड़क मार्ग से दीघा केसे पहुचें – How to Reach Digha by Raod in Hindi

दीघा सड़क मार्ग से केसे पहुचें – How to Reach Digha by Raod in Hindi

यदि आप पास के शहरों से दीघा की यात्रा कर रहे हैं, तो टैक्सी या सेल्फ-ड्राइविंग किराए पर लेना सबसे उपयुक्त है। इसके अलावा, दीघा में SBSTC बस डिपो और पुराना दीघा बस स्टॉप दो बस स्टैंड हैं। दीघा के आसपास के सभी शहरों से दीघा के लिए बसे भी उपलब्ध है। इसीलिए पर्यटक अपनी सुबिधानुसार बस, टेक्सी या अपनी कार से ट्रेवल करके दीघा जा सकते है।

और पढ़े :  दोस्तों के साथ भारत में घूमने की सबसे अच्छी जगहें

इस आर्टिकल में आपने दीघा के प्रसिद्ध पर्यटक स्थल (Famous Tourist Places in Digha in Hindi) और दीघा की ट्रिप से रिलेटेड इन्फोर्मेशन को डिटेल में जाना है आपको हमारा ये आर्टिकल केसा लगा हमे कमेंट्स में जरूर बतायें।

इसी तरह की अन्य जानकारी हिन्दी में पढ़ने के लिए हमारे एंड्रॉएड ऐप को डाउनलोड करने के लिए आप  यहां क्लिक  करें। और आप हमें  फ़ेसबुक  और  ट्विटर  पर भी फ़ॉलो कर सकते हैं।

दीघा का मेप – Map of digha in Hindi 

  • पश्चिम बंगाल के पर्यटन स्थल की जानकारी
  • कोलकाता के टॉप 10 पर्यटन स्थल 
  • सिलीगुड़ी के 10 प्रमुख पर्यटन स्थलों के बारे में जानकारी
  • दार्जिलिंग के टॉप पर्यटन और दर्शनीय स्थल की जानकारी
  • गुजरात के प्रमुख धार्मिक स्थल और प्रसिद्ध मंदिर 


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Ideal duration: 1-2 days

Best Time: July to March Read More

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"A blissful and untouched beach town"

Digha tourism.

Beach town situated on the shores of Bay of Bengal, Digha is a popular tourist destination known for its untouched beaches and scenic views, especially among people in West Bengal .

Digha is a one-stop destination for families looking forward to spend a pleasurable weekend. One of the best features of this hamlet is its varied and diverse tourist attraction spots. Known for its magnificent beaches, religious temples and high-tech research centers and museums, this most popular sea resort of West Bengal has a lot to offer for people of all age groups. Digha's sceneries can also offer you the pleasure experienced in witnessing areas that have minimal human impact and are relatively untouched.

Places To Visit In Digha

Marine Station/Aquarium of Zoological Survey of India

Marine Station/Aquarium of Zoological Survey of India

New Digha Beach

New Digha Beach

Udaipur Beach

Udaipur Beach

Shankarpur Beach

Shankarpur Beach

Talsari Beach

Talsari Beach

Amarabati Park

Amarabati Park

Top Hotels In Digha

₽ 665 onwards

₽ 997 onwards

₽ 664 onwards

₽ 886 onwards

₽ 1,775 onwards

₽ 1,331 onwards

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digha tourist places in hindi

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Q. Expenses ?

Q. Considering that Digha is really crowded and tourist-infested, how can one make the most of a short trip there?

Kaveesh Nair

Q. How much cash or budget would be sufficient for 3days trip? Actually we are students not having that much budget. Plz suggest.

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Top Things to Do in Digha, West Bengal

Places to visit in digha.

  • 4.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 3.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • Budget-friendly
  • Good for Kids
  • Good for Big Groups
  • Honeymoon spot
  • Good for Couples
  • Adventurous
  • Good for a Rainy Day
  • Hidden Gems
  • Good for Adrenaline Seekers
  • Things to do ranked using Tripadvisor data including reviews, ratings, photos, and popularity.

digha tourist places in hindi

1. Shankarpur Beach


2. Udaipur Beach


3. Talseri Beach


4. Chandpur Beach


5. Chandaneswar Temple


6. Marine Aquarium


7. Amarabati Park


8. Digha Mohona Watch Point


9. Wonder Land (Kajal Dighi)


10. Digha Ropeway


11. Dheusagar Park New Digha


12. Digha Ropeway


13. Khanika Market


14. Bat Tola Market

digha tourist places in hindi

15. Nehru Market


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Pratim Dutta

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बंगाल की खूबसूरती में चार चांद लगाता है दीघा, खूबसूरती देख उतर जाएगा गोवा का नशा

इस बार गोवा घूमने के बजाए, दीघा घूमने का मन बना सकते हैं। दीघा के बीचेस, वहां का स्वादिष्ठ खाना, मार्केट, होटलों में रहना सब किफायती दाम में होता है। दीघा कई जगहों से जुड़ा हुआ है, जिनकी मदद से आप आसानी से यहां तक पहुंच सकते हैं।.

why choose digha as the holiday destination over goa

परिवार के साथ घूमने के लिए बेस्ट है जगह -

परिवार के साथ घूमने के लिए बेस्ट है जगह -

परिवार के साथ मस्ती करने के लिए दीघा बेस्ट हॉलिडे डेस्टिनेशन है। दीघा में बूढ़े, जवान, बच्चों और वयस्कों को घूमने का अच्छा मौका मिलता है। दूसरी ओर, गोवा ज्यादातर कपल्स के घूमने के लिए जाना जाता है। यहां अक्सर वे हनीमून मनाने के लिए आते हैं। अगर आप अपने माता-पिता और बच्चों के साथ छुट्टी बिताना चाहते हैं, तो गोवा की जगह आप एक बार दीघा जा सकते हैं। परिवार के साथ ये ट्रिप यादगार बन जाएगा।

(फोटो साभार :

बजट में होटल -

बजट में होटल -

जब गर्मियों की छुट्टियां पड़ती हैं, तो हर जगह के होटल काफी महंगे हो जाते हैं। ऐसे में गोवा के होटलों का महंगा होना लाजमी है। यहां पहुंचने के बाद आपका जो खर्च आएगा, शायद ऐसे में आपकी जेब भी खाली हो सकती है। लेकिन दीघा में घूमना आपका खर्च गोवा के बराबर या उससे भी कम आ सकता है। अगर आप एक सीमित बजट में घूमना चाहते हैं, तो आपको दीघा घूमने का विकल्प चुनना चाहिए। गोवा के होटलों की तुलना में भी, दीघा हर तरह के बजट के अनुकूल है।

(फोटो साभार : wikimedia commons)

वीकेंड पर आसानी से पहुंचा जा सकता है -

वीकेंड पर आसानी से पहुंचा जा सकता है -

गोवा दक्षिणी और पश्चिमी भारत के लोगों के लिए एक परफेक्ट वीकेंड स्पॉट है। उत्तर पूर्व, पश्चिम बंगाल, बिहार और झारखंड से आप आसानी से दीघा पहुंच सकते हैं। यही नहीं दीघा हर अलग-अलग स्थानों से रेलवे और रोडवेज से अच्छी तरह से जुड़ा हुआ है।

दीघा में दिखती है बंगाल की संस्कृति -

दीघा में दिखती है बंगाल की संस्कृति -

पश्चिम बंगाल को भारत का सांस्कृतिक केंद्र माना जाता है। इसीलिए दीघा में भी आपको बंगाल की परम्पराएं और समृद्ध संस्कृति देखने को मिल जाएगी। अगर आप दुर्गा पूजा दीघा आते हैं, तो आपको इस जगह का एक अलग ही अनुभव देखने को मिलेगा। साथ ही, दीघा अपने स्वादिष्ट खानों के लिए भी जाना जाता है। बजट और विरासत के मामले में दीघा असल में गोवा से अधिक संपन्न जगह है। यहां के बाजार और समुद्र तट लोगों को बेहद आकर्षित करते हैं। किफायती होने के साथ-साथ दीघा में हर उम्र का व्यक्ति घूमने के लिए आ सकता है।

दीघा में घूमने की जगह -

दीघा में घूमने की जगह -

दीघा में न केवल बीचेस हैं बल्कि आप यहां कई और घूमने की जगह देख सकते हैं - अमरबाटी पार्क, न्यू दीघा बीच, दीघा गेट, दीघा मोहोना वॉच पॉइंट, दीघा साइंस सेंटर, मरीन एक्वेरियम एंड रीजनल सेंटर, तलसारी बीच, चंद्रपुर बीच।

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Digha , West Bengal

Digha - things to know, best time to visit digha, nearby railway stations, airports near digha.

Digha image

About Digha

Digha is a popular sea beach and tourist spot at a distance of 187 kms from Kolkata. The journey from Kolkata to Digha takes about 4-5 hours by road. The beach was termed as 'Brighton of the East best for a holiday' by Warren Hastings in the 18th century. Digha was earlier known as beerkul. Digha has a low ramp with a shoal sand beach with gentle waves extend up to seven km in length. Casurania trees surround the beach, which help in preventing soil erosion. The scenic beauty of the place is charming and enticing. The sunset and sunrise shining off the saline waters of the Bay of Bengal is something directly off an artist's frame.

The sea at Digha is serene and shallow for about a mile making it safe for swimming. The place is an absolute delight for seafood lovers; one has a variety of fresh water fishes like Ellis, Pomfret, peas and prawns to choose from. If you are looking to relax and indulge, Digha is the place to be. You can visit the beach with friends and family, it is a Chill out as well as an adventure spot. One can relive life again and add a little spice to it at the Digha beach.

1 Tours & Activities in Digha

places to see

Digha, one of the favourite getaways from the 'City of Joy', Kolkata. Explore Digha and its attractions on this...

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Location & Places to Visit on Digha Map

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Amarabati Lake

Amarabati Lake, West Bengal

2.9 km from Digha - See map

Amarabati Lake is a popular place among the tourists. This place is famous for boating and another attraction located closer to the place is...


Mohona, West Bengal

3.6 km from Digha - See map

This is a new tourist destination for Digha tourists. The Subarnarekha River falls into the Bay of Bengal, it is located at 12 kms away from...


Chandaneswar, Orissa

7.9 km from Digha - See map

The temple is dedicated to the Hindu God Shiva and the place is quite popular among the pilgrims. Thousands of pilgrims visit the temple in the...

The Marine Aquarium and Research Centre (MARC)

The Marine Aquarium and Research Centre (MARC), West Bengal

9.1 km from Digha - See map

The latest attraction of New Digha is the newly established Marine Aquarium and Research Centre by the National Council of Science Museums. The...


Shankarpur, West Bengal

14.5 km from Digha - See map

Shankarpur is a refreshing new discovery situated at a distance of 14 kms from Digha-Codai Road. This is a twin beach and is sheltered by...


Talasari, Orissa

15.8 km from Digha - See map

This beach is very attractive and delightful, which is located in Orissa. The Distance of talasari from Digha is about 10 km. The main tourist...


Mandarmani, West Bengal

27.8 km from Digha - See map

If you are looking for some peace from the hustle & bustle of the city then Mandarmani is the place to be. Mandarmani beach is a 30 minutes drive...

Kapil Muni Temple, Sagar Island

Nature, Pilgrimage

Kapil Muni Temple, Sagar Island, West Bengal

*39.2 km from Digha - See map

Situated on Sagar Island, Kapil Muni temple is dedicated to sage Kapil. Most visitors to this temple flock during the festival of Makara Sankranti...


Junput, West Bengal

40.3 km from Digha - See map

Junput can be reached by travelling a distance of 40km by road from Digha by, with a change at Contai. The place offers stunning sea-view and rows...

Lothian Island Bird Sanctuary

Nature, Wildlife

Lothian Island Bird Sanctuary, West Bengal

*51.9 km from Digha - See map

Lothian Island Bird Sanctuary is famous for a variety of bird species found here, including Black-Capped Kingfisher, Curlew, White-Bellied...

Holiday Island

Holiday Island, West Bengal

*69.2 km from Digha - See map

Holiday or Halliday Island is one of the three wildlife sanctuaries of the Sunderbans. This island is known for the barking deer, among other...

Joranda Falls

Joranda Falls, Orissa

*74.9 km from Digha - See map

The Joranda fall is situated in the Simipal national park and is the 19th highest waterfall in the country. The falls are located close to other...

Destinations near Digha

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Digha Tours & Activities

places to see

Digha, one of the favourite getaways from the 'City of Joy', Kolkata. Explore Digha and its attractions on this 2-day tour. Highlights Explore the famous landmarks and the serene beaches of Digha. Visit places like Marine Aquarium, Digha Beach, Amarabati Park, the Mohona Watch pointy and...

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  • 7 Places To Visit In Digha Unveil The Coastal Charms

23 Nov 2023

Nestled in the southwest of Kolkata, Digha is a captivating sea resort and tourist destination, often hailed as the “Brighton of the East”. The breezy, laid-back ambience of this bustling place invites travellers to bask in the charm of its low-gradient and shallow sandy beaches. With its wonderful natural surroundings and a coastline adorned with casuarina plantations, there are many places to visit in Digha worth exploring on your next trip. Whether you’re a backpacker, enjoying a family vacation, or embarking on an adventure with friends, gear up to explore this amazing city like never before with the amazing destinations provided below.

7 Places To Visit In Digha

From pristine beaches to captivating wonderland parks, Digha is a wonderful destination replete with numerous attractions. To transform your trip to Digha into a truly mesmerizing experience, be sure to include the below-mentioned places in your itinerary.

1. Shankarpur Beach

A stunning view of Shankarpur Beach which is one of the best places to visit in Digha

Image Source: Shutterstock

Popular among both locals and tourists, Shankarpur Beach is one of the best places to visit in Digha and Mandarmani. It offers a wonderful opportunity to unwind amid pristine waters, white sands, and a refreshing breeze. Providing an ideal escape from the hustle and bustle of the city, this beach provides a breathtaking view in a tranquil setting. Shankarpur Beach is located close to other two popular beaches named New Digha Beach and Tajpur Beach. With the local fishing boats and rows of casuarina trees, this place offers an amazing photographic opportunity to create countless memories. The place is still flourishing its unspoiled natural beauty with less crowd and no water sports. For your appetite, a few shacks and bars are also available here serving refreshing drinks and delicious snacks. Known as one of the most sought-after beaches, this place is among the hidden places in Digha.

Location: JHQJ+778, Digha, Jamra Shyampur, West Bengal 721423 Distance from Digha: 9.9 Km Timing: 6.00 AM to 6.00 PM Entry fee: Free

Suggested Read: 43 Tourist Places To Visit In West Bengal

2. Udaipur Beach

Udaipur Beach provides a mesmerising view and is one of the hidden places in Digha

Known for its scenic beauty, Udaipur Beach is another pristine destination counted among the top places to visit in Digha Beach. Nestled at the border of Orissa, this unspoiled beach offers a perfect escape away from the bustling city and is a popular choice for Weekend Getaways from Kolkata . With towering casuarina trees as well as fishermen’s stalls in the vicinity, this wonderful beach is renowned for providing a mesmerising view to all visitors. Here, you can also enjoy various recreational activities and watersports, as well as savor local delicacies from the beachside shops. There are also some of the amazing places to visit in New Digha Beach worth exploring.

Location: Near New Digha beach, Digha Distance from Digha: 3.5 Km Timing: NA Entry fee: NA

3. Marine Aquarium & Regional Centre

Marine Aquarium & Regional Centre is the largest inbuilt aquarium and is one of the top places to visit in Digha

The Marine Aquarium & Regional Centre is one of the top places to visit in Old Digha and is renowned as the largest inbuilt aquarium in India. Established in 1989, this aquarium houses eight freshwater tanks, as well as 24 massive marine tanks, featuring a wide range of sea creatures, including snakes, rays, sharks, sea anemones, lobsters, butterfly fish, and horseshoe crabs. Although primarily a research centre, this place warmly welcomes tourists from far and wide to observe the marine world up close. If sea creatures fascinate you, this place is a true paradise for you.

Location: State Highway 57, Gadadharpur, Digha, Purba Midnapore, West Bengal 721428 Distance from Digha: 1.1. Km Timing: 9.30 AM – 6.30 PM, Closed on Sunday Entry fee: Free

Suggested Read: 7 Places To Visit In Summer In West Bengal

4. Digha Gate

A captivating view of Digha Gate which is one of the best places to visit in Digha

Image Credit: Shibalik13 for Wikimedia Commons

Digha Gate, also known as the Gateway of Digha, ranks among the top places to visit in Digha. It stands as a welcoming entrance to Digha, situated along National Highway 116B, near the Bay of Bengal. The main attraction of this site is the grandeur architecture of the gate constructed with concrete and steel, designed in the shape of a fishing boat to honour the local fishermen of Digha. The night view of the gate is awe-inspiring, making it a must-visit attraction in Digha.

Location: Contai Road, Ghersai, West Bengal 721463 Distance from Digha: Timing: Opens 24 hours Entry fee: Free

5. Amarabati Park

Amarabati Park is a natural paradise and is counted among tourist places near Digha

Seeking a natural paradise in Digha? Amarabati Park is one of the famous places to visit in Digha West Bengal that embraces natural glory with tranquillity. This serene park boasts pristine lawns teeming with a rich diversity of flowers, meticulously paved walkways, numerous inviting seating areas, and the thrill of boating facilities to elevate your visit. Amarabati Park is a vibrant hub that promises a mesmerizing experience for people of all ages, ensuring your day is filled with the sweet serenity of nature’s embrace and the joy of exploration.

Location: 721463, Gadadharpur, Digha, West Bengal 721428 Distance from Digha: 1 Km Timing: 7.30 AM – 6 PM Entry fee: 5/-

Suggested Read: 9 Places To Visit In West Bengal In June

6. Wonderland Kajal

Wonderland Kajal is one of the most fun and happening places to visit in Digha

Image Credit: Biswarup Ganguly for Wikimedia Commons

Wonderland Kajal is one of the most vibrant and thrilling places to visit in Digha packed with lots of surprises for people of all ages. Nestled amidst serene water bodies and lush, evergreen gardens, this natural paradise beckons you to create cherished memories with your loved ones. At the heart of this enchanting place lies the captivating toy train ride, a journey that unveils breathtaking vistas throughout the park. Kids can frolic on swings and slides, adding to the adventure and delight of this wondrous wonderland. Whether you’re young or young at heart, Wonderland Kajal promises a day filled with laughter, excitement, and the magic of shared moments.

Location: Palsandapur, Digha, West Bengal 721428 Distance from Digha: 1 km Timing: 9.00 AM to 7.00 PM Entry fee: 35/-

7. Nehru Market

A wonderful view of Nehru Market with so many attractions and a delightful shopping experience

Nehru Market is truly a wonderful place to include in the list of places to visit in Digha market. It is an old local market which is very famous for offering a delightful shopping experience to all the locals as well as tourists. You can explore a wide array of products such as apparel, handicrafts, accessories and other renowned Digha specialities. The market’s main attraction is a large number of gift shops known for their exclusive collection of home decor sea conch, and shells that you can take home as cherished mementos. Situated along Digha’s picturesque beachfront, it attracts a large number of visitors every evening. After a wonderful shopping experience, don’t miss to indulge your taste buds in the local street food of Kolkata .

Location: JGFF+P2P, Old Digha, West Bengal Distance from Digha: 1.8 Km Timings: 7.00 AM to 1.00  PM and 6.00 PM to 10.00 PM Entry fee: NA

Further Read: Best Things To Do In Kolkata

Digha, an exquisite sea beach, offers an incredible opportunity to relax on its shallow sandy shores alongside the tranquil blue sea while witnessing the breathtaking spectacle of sunrise and sunset. There are countless places to visit in Digha that you should explore on your next trip to Kolkata . These prominent destinations promise an added dose of charm and adventure, ensuring that your excursion to Digha unfolds as a truly enchanting coastal experience.

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Cover Image Source: Shutterstock

Frequently Asked Questions About Places To Visit In Digha

What is Digha famous for?

Digha is a popular beach resort town in the East Midnapore district in the state of West Bengal, India. It is famous for its scenic beaches, which attract tourists from all over the country. Digha offers breathtaking views of the Bay of Bengal and is known for its pristine beaches, where visitors can relax and enjoy the sun, sand, and sea. There are also some historical places to visit in Digha such as Mohona Watch Point, Biswa Bangla Park and Nehru Market.

What are the top places to visit in Digha?

From pristine beaches to wonderland parks, Digha is a wonderful place with many attractions. Here are some top attractions that you must explore during your trip to Digha: Digha Sea Beach Udaipur Sea Beach Digha Gate Talsari Shankarpur Beach

What is the famous food in Digha?

Digha, being a popular beach destination in West Bengal, offers a variety of seafood dishes that are a must-try for visitors. Some of the famous food items you can enjoy in Digha include Pomfret, fish curry, rohu, bhetki, tiger prawns, and parshe.

How many days are enough for Digha?

The ideal duration for a trip to Digha depends on your travel preferences and the activities you plan to indulge in. Generally, a weekend getaway of 2-3 days is sufficient to explore the main attractions, relax on the beaches, and enjoy the local seafood. However, if you want a more leisurely experience, especially if you wish to explore nearby places or engage in water sports and other activities, 4 to 5 days would allow you to enjoy Digha at a comfortable pace without feeling rushed.

What is the best time to visit Digha?

The best time to visit Digha is during the winter months of October to February. During this period, the weather is pleasant and comfortable, making it ideal for beach activities and sightseeing. The temperatures are mild, allowing tourists to enjoy the beautiful beaches and outdoor activities without being affected by extreme heat or rain. Additionally, the sea is calm, offering a perfect ambience for a relaxing beach vacation. You can also explore some tourist places near Digha during your trip here.

What are the offbeat places near Digha?

Digha, a popular coastal destination, has some offbeat places nearby that are worth exploring. One such hidden gem is Shankarpur, a tranquil fishing village known for its untouched beauty. Just a short drive away, it offers a peaceful atmosphere and an opportunity to observe the local fishing culture.

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  • Digha Tour Places: 8 Must-visit Attractions For A Memorable Trip!

Digha Tour Places: 8 Must-Visit Attractions For a Memorable Trip!

Digha Tour Places: 8 Must-Visit Attractions For a Memorable Trip!

Are you yearning for a rejuvenating escape from the hustle and bustle of Kolkata? Well, the hill stations near Kolkata will be a finer choice but other than that the charming coastal town of Digha will offer a truly refreshing experience. With its picturesque beaches, historical landmarks, and serene natural beauty, Digha offers an ideal getaway for every type of traveller.

Best Digha Tour Places to Visit

Here are the top 8 must-visit tour places in Digha that will undoubtedly make your trip an unforgettable experience: -

New Digha Beach

Amarabati park, digha science centre & national science camp, marine aquarium & regional centre, shankarpur beach, digha mohona watch point, bichitrapur mangrove sanctuary.

New Digha Beach

Situated around 2 kilometres from Old Digha Beach, New Digha Beach holds the distinction of being a man-made marvel. Its popularity among tourists can be attributed to its convenient accessibility, a larger stretch of sand, and a more relaxed crowd ambience. The soft, inviting sands of the New Digha beach offer a perfect setting for a delightful weekend retreat. Nestled in the southern region of West Bengal, this locale serves as a serene haven where one can immerse themselves in the soothing embrace of nature. Along the shoreline, a curtain of casuarina trees adds to the scene, extending as far as the eye can behold. This beach has become one of the best places to visit in Digha due to its captivating sunrises and sunsets, each an exquisite work of art. The sun's golden hues dance upon the glistening sea which creates a spectacle that etches itself into your memory and is destined to be cherished for years to come.

Among the various tour places in Digha, there's a charming park that stands out. This well-maintained, green oasis in the heart of the seaside town provides a perfect escape for some tranquillity. The park features immaculate lawns adorned with a variety of seasonal flowers along the edges of a small lake nestled within Amarabati Park. One of the highlights is the ropeway which offers a breathtaking panoramic view of both New Digha and the park itself. Also, the park is an ideal spot for a day of picnicking with your dear ones. It offers clean, well-kept pathways, numerous seating areas, and the opportunity for families and children to enjoy boating on the lake.

Positioned at the entrance of the quaint coastal town, the gate stands proudly along National Highway 116B in Digha, near the shores of the Bay of Bengal. In the past, recognized as the "Brighton of Calcutta," the gate goes by various names like Digha Gate, Digha Welcome Gate, and Gateway of Digha. Moreover, this impressive structure has gained popularity due to its unique design, drawing in crowds of people. Fashioned from a combination of concrete and steel, the gate takes the form of a fishing boat as a homage to the local fishermen. Its white and blue hues contribute to its overall magnificence. The sight of Digha Gate is truly captivating, especially when it is illuminated at night, further enhancing its charm.

This place boasts exciting and educational attractions that revolve around the themes of fun and life sciences. Visitors can explore galleries focused on reflections, enjoy a 3D theatre experience, delve into the captivating Jurassic Park with its enlightening light and sound display, engage with the national science camp, and immerse themselves in the wonders of the Science Park. For added enjoyment, the Science Centre offers a plethora of activities to participate in. These include nature studies centred around butterflies, Yoga Day celebrations, challenging science quizzes, engaging science fairs, immersive vacation hobby camps, and interactive workshops that cover topics like coastal water pollution and more. It's a diverse array of experiences waiting for you to be a part of.

This remarkable aquarium is divided into three distinct sections, each showcasing a diverse array of aquatic life. These sections encompass local and intriguing species, species of significant conservation importance, and various freshwater species. In total, the aquarium boasts an impressive collection of 24 spacious marine tanks along with 8 freshwater tanks. Beyond its captivating exhibits, this location holds a reputation for its research endeavours. It's equipped with state-of-the-art filtration and seawater circulation systems, underscoring its commitment to maintaining a high standard of care for the aquatic inhabitants. Among the myriad attractions within the aquarium, visitors are drawn to an array of mesmerizing creatures. From lobsters and butterfly fish to sea anemones, sharks, sea snakes, rays, and horseshoe crabs, there's a captivating array of marine life to marvel at.

Shankarpur Beach stands as one of the best tour places in Digha, and its beauty is truly awe-inspiring. The combination of pristine waters, ivory-hued sands, and gentle breezes renders the Shankarpur beach not just a remarkable attraction, but also one of the most coveted shorelines along the entire Eastern Coast. The quaint town's lack of excessive distractions provides the ideal opportunity to fully immerse yourself in the beach experience. While the range of water sports is limited, there's a gradual growth in this aspect. The beach is home to a handful of shacks and bars which offer treats like coconut water, vodka, and an assortment of beverages along with delectable seafood.

Digha Mohona Watch Point

In Digha's list of tourist destinations, Mohona Watch Point holds a special spot as the meeting point of the Champa River and the vast Bay of Bengal. It treats visitors to breathtaking scenes of both sunrise and the surrounding area. Also, this location transforms into a lively fish market during the mornings, where fishermen gather, sort, pack, and transport a wide variety of fish to different destinations. The entire market buzzes with activity which gives you a glimpse into the bustling commercial facet of Digha. You'll have the chance to observe and even purchase dried bhetki and hilsa fish in considerable sizes. While the Watch Point is undoubtedly intriguing, it's important to note that the scent of fish pervades the area, which could be a potential drawback for some individuals.

Located at a distance of 25 kilometres from Udaipur Beach, Bichitapur holds a prominent position in the best tour places in Digha. Overlooking the Subarnarekha River, it has gained renown for its enchanting mangrove forest. Embarking on a steamer journey here proves to be an unforgettable experience. It's recommended to allocate some additional time to explore this destination. Notably, this Digha tourist spot is swiftly rising in popularity.

Whether you're seeking relaxation, exploration, or a cultural experience, these 8 must-visit tour places in Digha will ensure your trip becomes a cherished memory. Book your Digha tour package and prepare to immerse yourself in the treasures of this beautiful destination.

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Visit Digha: 9 Places in Digha That Every Tourist Must See (2024)

About digha in west bengal.

Located in the East Midnapore district of West Bengal , Digha is one of the most-visited tourist destinations in the state. This sea-side tourist site garners several tourists from not only West Bengal but from different parts of India. As this site is located only 187 km from the capital of West Bengal, Kolkata , residents of the city visit Digha quite frequently. Digha is commonly known as the “Brighton of the East”.

One of the most famous attractions of Digha is its sea beach that is over 7 km long. Even though the sea beach of the town is pretty shallow, tourists often go there to enjoy the sea.

Many people do not know this, but Digha was one of the most favorite places of Warren Hastings. He was the person who discovered this site and converted Digha into a tourist site. While writing a letter to his wife, Warren Hastings described Digha as “Brighton of the East.” The discovery of this majestic site happened in 1780. In 1923, Digha again became the center of attention when the world-famous English traveler, John Frank Smith started residing there. He was so mesmerized by this town’s simple beauty, that he decided to stay there permanently. Even though you might know that the then chief minister of West Bengal was the pioneer of turning Digha into a lucrative tourist spot, but you might not know that it is John Frank Smith, who convinced him to take that step.

Digha is a perfect site for a short weekend getaway. Most people visit there to blow off some steam. If you ever visit there, try watching the sunset and sunrise in Digha. The view of the sea in the said times is breathtakingly beautiful. Throughout the city, you will find palm trees. The location of these trees by the sea beach, make this town even more beautiful. One of the best things about Digha is that, as the beach is pretty shallow and located pretty far from the Bay of Bengal, you will be able to swim there without any fear. Apart from the sea beach, there are many places in Digha that you might have never heard about. In this blog, we are going to discuss the best places in Digha in detail. Reaching Digha has become a lot easier after it got a railway station in 2004. Now, tourists from nearby cities like Kolkata visit Digha within two to three hours through trains. If you want to visit Digha by accessing an airplane, you will have to travel there from Kolkata. The nearest airport from Digha is located in Kolkata. Usually, people rent cars from Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose airport in Kolkata to visit Digha. Many people love to go to Digha by driving their cars. The route from Kolkata to Digha is quite beautiful and is great for a road-trip.

9 Places in Digha That Every Tourist Must See

The places mentioned in the following list are pretty famous in Digha. Some of them are quite underrated, but you will find them to be immensely beautiful.

1. Digha Gate

Digha GateDigha - Place in Digha That Every Tourist Must See

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The massive size of the Digha gate makes it quite noticeable. Digha gate is pretty famous among tourists and that is why so many people click pictures in front of it to remember their trip. The white and blue color of the gate is quite suitable for the surrounding environment. If you visit the gate in the evening, you will find that it is decorated with lights. The gate looks even more beautiful at the night. You will not have to pay any money to explore the gate and it is open throughout the day.

The distance between Digha Bus Stand and Digha Gate is- 300 meters.

2. New Digha Sea Beach

Unlike the original sea beach of Digha, the New Digha sea beach is quite vast. Even though it is known as New Digha sea beach, but it has been founded several decades back. Most tourists still now prefer the old sea beach of Digha, but if you want to avoid tremendous crowds, this site is the best place in Digha for you. As the sandy beach in this region is located a mile away from the sea, there is enough space for you to relax and loiter.

Place in Digha That Every Tourist Must See-New Digha Sea Beach

The distance between Digha Bus Stand and New Digha Sea Beach is- 4 km.

3. Amarabati Park

Amarabati park is the most famous sightseeing spot in Digha because of its beauty. This park is a manmade region located in the New Digha area of Digha. With lush green lawns, a beautiful lake, and blooming flowers, Amarabati park is a breath of fresh air from the hustle and bustle of the seaside town. The view of New Digha from this park makes it even popular among tourists. One of the most interesting parts about this site is its lake.

Place in Digha-Amarabati Park

  • Entry Fees: INR 5 per head.
  • Timings: 7.30 am to 5.30 pm.
  • The distance between Digha Bus Stand and Amarabati Park is- 1.6 km.

4. Talsari Beach

Located at a half-hour drive from Digha, Talsari beach is one of the most peaceful places located over there. Even though this beach is technically located in the Baleswar district of Odisha, it can be traveled from Digha pretty easily. The beach is located at the intersection of the Bay of Bengal and Subarnarekha rivers. Surrounded by gorgeous palm and cashew trees, the scenic view of Talsari beach is breathtakingly beautiful. Even a few years earlier, not many people knew about the splendor of this site, but now it is becoming pretty famous.

As Talsari beach is flocked by fishermen due to the high volume of fishes, seafood over there is quite scrumptious. If you go there from Digha, it will be better for you to visit there during lunchtime. There are many food stalls over there that would offer you tasty delicacies prepared with fresh crabs, prawns, and other fish items. To genuinely enjoy the location, you can go on a boat ride in the Bay of Bengal. Many people love swimming in Talsari. Most people visit there from Digha during the day. If you want, you can stay in hotels located over there.

The distance between Digha Bus Stand and Talsari is- 10 km.

5. Marine Aquarium and Regional Centre

The Marine Aquarium and Regional Centre in Digha are one of the best places to see over there. This site is usually flocked with tourists because of its massive collection of marine animals. With 8 freshwater tanks and 24 massive marine tanks, this site is well-equipped to provide a home for several different species of sea-water animals. When you will visit the site, you will find some local species of fishes and some rare breeds.

Best Place to Visit in Digha-Marine Aquarium and Regional Centre

  • Timings: 9.30 am to 6 pm. (This place is closed on Sunday).
  • The distance between Digha Bus Stand and Marine Aquarium and Regional Center is- 2 km.

6. Digha Mohona Watch Point

Located at the intersection of the Bay of Bengal and Champa river, the Digha Mohana Watchpoint is one of the most fascinating places to see in Digha. When you will visit there, you will clearly understand the difference between the two water bodies. The best time to explore the region is at dawn. Not only will you get to enjoy the tranquility of the region, but also you will get to see the fresh fishes that are caught by the fishermen at dawn. Another reason why most people go there in the early morning is that the sunrise in the region is mesmerizingly beautiful.

Amazing Place to Visit in Digha-Digha Mohona Watch Point

The distance between Digha Bus Stand and Digha Mohona Watch Point is- 3.2 km.

7. Udaipur Beach

Located quite close to the heart of Digha, the Udaipur beach is becoming one of the most popular places to see over there. This site is situated pretty close to Talsari and it is a lot less crowded than the beaches in Digha. Like Talsari, this beach is also surrounded by palm and cashew trees. The calmness of the location makes it so great for many tourists. On this site, you will see many fishermen selling fresh fishes. This is another site where people shop for fishes in Digha.

Top Place to Visit in Digha-Udaipur Beach

The distance between Digha Bus Stand and Udaipur Beach is- 5 km.

8. Old Digha Sea Beach

Old Digha Sea Beach is the heart of the town. It is the site where thousands of tourists love to spend some time. Even though many people might find this part of Digha a lot crowded, but it is the most popular site in the area. Throughout this beach, you will find several shops, road-side food stalls, and handicraft stores. If you want, you can shop to your heart’s content in the said shops.

Popular Place to Visit in Digha-Old Digha Sea Beach

The distance between Digha Bus Stand and Old Digha Sea Beach is- 2 km.

9. Digha Science Center and National Science Camp

With 3D theatres, galleries, light and sound shows, and other features, the Digha Science Center and national science camp is one of the most visited tourist places in Digha. If you have kids, this site will be a great place for you and your entire family to explore. Even if you do not have kids, you will find this site pretty interesting. There are so many facts about science that you will get to learn over there that you will be amazed.

 Famous Place to Visit in Digha-Digha Science Center and National Science Camp

  • Entry fees: INR 15.
  • Timings: 9 am to 7 pm.
  • The distance between Digha Bus Stand and Digha Science Center and National Science Camp is- 4 km.

All the sites included in this blog can be visited from any part of Digha by foot. Or else, you can hire an auto and explore these sites at your pace. There are some other interesting sites located over there that could not be mentioned including Shankarpur Beach, Biswa Bangla Gate, Watch Tower, and others. If you want to enjoy Digha comfortably, it will be better for you if you visit there between November and February.

Many people prefer the monsoon in Digha, but you will not be able to explore all the said places during this time. We hope by studying this blog, you learned a lot about Digha and you get to plan a great itinerary for your trip.

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  • Digha Overview
  • Top 11 Places to Visit in Digha
  • Best Digha Tour Packages
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  • Best Time to Visit Digha

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About Digha

Country: india | state: west bengal, #7 of 9 places to visit in west bengal | places to visit in india, ideal trip duration: 1-2 days, base station: digha, nearest city to digha: kolkata (171 kms), best time to visit digha: october to february, peak season: november to january, digha weather: summer: maximum - 37° c and minimum - 26° c winter: maximum - 30° c and minimum - 21° c.

At a distance of 96 km from Haldia, 124 km from Midnapore, 164 km from Howrah, 171 km from Kolkata, 193 km from Barrackpore, 209 km from Hooghly, 228 km from Tatanagar, 289 km from Bhubaneshwar, 345 km from Puri, and 364 km from Ranchi, Digha is a seaside resort town located in Purba Medinipur (East Midnapur) district of West Bengal, India. It is one of the beautiful beach destinations in India and among the must include tourist places in West Bengal Tour Packages. Situated on the shores of Bay of Bengal, Digha is a popular tourist destination known for its untouched beaches, scenic views, religious temples, and museums. Originally known as Beerkul, the town of Digha was discovered in the late 18th century by the British. It is mentioned as the 'Brighton of the East' by Warren Hastings, the first Governor-General of British India. However, the town started gaining fame when in 1923, John Frank Smith, an English tourist got so greatly allured by its charm that he started living here and writing about Digha. After the independence of India, he convinced Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy, then the Chief Minister of West Bengal to develop this place as a sea beach resort. For ages, Digha has been a one-stop destination for families looking forward to spending pleasurable holidays or at least a weekend together. Being a seaside resort town, Digha naturally boasts of a number of stunning beaches such as New Digha Beach, Udaipur Beach, Talseri Beach, Chandpur Beach, and Shankarpur Beach. Surrounded by Casuarinas trees, chilling at these beaches, swimming in the clear waters, or simply lying down admiring the view is a blissful experience. The sunrise and sunset reflecting off the misty blue waters of the Bay of Bengal give a fantastic panorama. Apart from the beaches, Amarabati Park, Marine Aquarium, and Chandaneswar Temple are some of the prominent places to visit in Digha. Durga Pooja is one of the major and important festivals celebrated in Digha with much fanfare during October or November. This five-day festival in Digha is a big fair where inhabitants flock to streets in their newest clothes and the whole place is decorated with lights. Digha Beach Festival is the other major event celebrated here. Held in December every year, it is a seven-day long beach festival organized by Purba Midnapore District Administration and Digha Shankarpur Development Authority (DSDA) to attract both domestic and foreign tourists. Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose International Airport, Kolkata is the nearest airport which is about 177 km from Digha. It has well-connected flights from Guwahati, New Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Vishakhapatnam, Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Agartala, Bhubaneswar, Dibrugarh, Goa, Bagdogra, Pune, Patna, Surat, and Jaipur. Digha Railway Station is the nearest railhead that has well-connected trains from Howrah, Asansol, Puri, Vishakapatnam, Malda, Hyderabad, Chennai, Bhubaneshwar, Tirupati, Mangalore, and New Jalpaiguri. Digha is well connected by bus with Kolkata, Howrah, Midnapore, and Balasore.   Being a popular weekend getaway from the capital of the state, Kolkata, Digha is well equipped with hotels and various other tourist facilities. Ranging from budget to luxury, there are several accommodations available in Digha which helps the tourists to stay and explore the nearby places. Many shacks in and around the beaches are known for serving the best of seafood. Digha is the destination for all seasons and reasons. October to February is the best season to visit Digha when the climate is pleasant and suitable for sightseeing. This is also the time for the biggest celebration in the whole of West Bengal- Durga Puja. Avoid visiting Digha in summer as it experiences a hot and humid climate. Whereas in July the monsoon rains might wash away your plans to enjoy both beaches and amusement parks. more

Nearest Airport: Kolkata - Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose International Airport (177 Kms)

Direct flights to kolkata, nearest train station: digha railway station (0 kms), direct trains to digha, nearest bus station: digha bus station (0.5 kms), direct buses to digha, distance chart, distance chart & driving directions to digha, top 10 places to visit in digha, new digha beach.

digha tourist places in hindi

#1 of 11 Places to Visit in Digha

At a distance of 1.5 km from Digha Railway Station, New Digha Beach is a stunning beach located in the coastal town of Digha, West Bengal. Situated near Amarabati Park, it is one of the popular beaches in West Bengal and among the must include places in Digha Tour Packages. Lying on the coast of Bay of Bengal, New Digha Beach is a new beach in Digha that has been developed about 2 km from the old Digha beach. This new beach is bigger, cleaner, well-maintained, and less crowded than the old Digha beach. The old Digha Beach is badly affected by soil-erosion and cannot be used. The sea here starts at about a mile away from the beach area. Lined with casuarina trees, the soft sands of the New Digha beach is a quaint place to spend time in the tranquil lap of nature. A day spent at the beautiful New Digha Beach will surely last in your memories for a long time. The beach has shallow waters that are safe for swimming. Tourists are often found spending time on the beaches, basking .....

Talsari Beach

Talsari Beach

#2 of 11 Places to Visit in Digha

At a distance of 3 km from Udaipur Beach, and 8 km from Digha Railway Station, Talsari Beach is a serene beach located in the Baleswar district of Odisha. It is one of the renowned beaches on the north-eastern coast of India and among the best places to visit in Digha. Situated near the Orissa-Bengal border, the Talsari Beach is pristine, serene and has been bestowed with a spectacular panorama. This virgin beach has soft sand, calmer waves, and is an ideal spot to spend some private time with your loved ones or even yourself. The shoreline is dotted with several palm trees, coconut trees hence the name Talsari where Tala, meaning Palm and Sari, meaning a row. The interesting thing about Talsari is that is not just a sea beach, it also forms the banks of River Subornorekha which merges into the Bay of Bengal. Known to be the last beach in Odisha to the north, the Talasari beach is one of the less explored beaches in Odisha. The waters of the sea at Talsari beach are not turbulent .....

Shankarpur Beach

Shankarpur Beach

#3 of 11 Places to Visit in Digha

At a distance of 16 km from Digha Railway Station, Shankarpur Beach is another beautiful beach located in Digha, West Bengal. Situated between New Digha Beach and Tajpur Beach, it is one of the less commercialized beaches in Digha and among the best places to visit in Digha. The Shankarpur Beach is a virgin beach with a lovely view of the beach surrounded by local fishing boats and rows of casuarina trees giving visitors the perfect Kodak moment. This recently developed beach has been still untouched by the crowd giving a feel of a private beach. Known for its scenic beauty, the morning sun reflecting on the sea waves in the east, and the local fishing boats on the coast, offer excellent photographic opportunities. This is a good place for those who don't like the crowd and want to rest on an isolated beach. As the tides are a bit higher as compared to Mandarmani, it is not suitable for bathing and swimming. The picturesque queue of trees against the blue sea is a truly surreal .....

Amarabati Park

Amarabati Park

#4 of 11 Places to Visit in Digha

At a distance of 1 km from Digha Railway Station, Amarabati Park is a beautiful park located in Digha, West Bengal. Situated on the way to New Digha Beach, it is one of the best places to visit in Digha with family & friends. Amarabati Park is one of the major tourist attractions in Digha with neatly paved walkways, a multitude of seating areas, and pristine lawns with a variety of seasonal flowers. The park has a lake in the center with boating facilities. The park offers swings and slides for children. It is a great place for those looking to find some peace while admiring the lush greenery of a well-maintained park. There is also a ropeway inside the park that offers panoramic views of this seaside town. Timings: 7.30 AM - 6 PM Entry: Rs. 5 per Person, Rs. 60 for Boating, Rs. 50 for Adults & Rs. 30 for Children for Ropeway

Marine Aquarium & Regional Centre

Marine Aquarium & Regional Centre

#5 of 11 Places to Visit in Digha

At a distance of 1 km from Digha Railway Station, Marine Aquarium & Regional Centre (MARC) is a research center located in Digha. Situated near old Digha Beach, it is one of the 16th regional centers of the Zoological Survey of India and among the must-visit places in Digha. Marine Aquarium & Regional Centre or MARC is established in the year 1989 by the National Council of Science Museums. The major aim of the research center is to show the marine biodiversity of the region and communicate its standards to the common people and to carry out the research works. The place is known for its research activities, as well as it is equipped with high-end filtration and seawater circulation system. The research center has the largest Marine aquarium in India. The aquarium has a total of 32 tanks out of which 24 are big and 8 are small freshwater tanks that are equipped with compressed air supply, light, and regulated supply of water. One can spot species like sea anemones, rays, lobsters, .....

Chandaneswar Temple

Chandaneswar Temple

#6 of 11 Places to Visit in Digha

At a distance of 6 km from Digha Railway Station, Chandaneswar Temple is an ancient Hindu temple located at Chandipur near Digha, West Bengal. It is one of the renowned places of pilgrimage in Digha and among the must include places in Digha Tour Packages. Dedicated to Lord Shiva, Chandaneshwar is one of the famous temples in Digha. Built-in typical Kalinga Architecture style of Old Odisha temples, the beautiful white marble place of worship rings with the stories and sculptural representations of Hindu mythology. The Shiva Linga here is said to be Swayambhu (or self-originated). A black statue of Nandi is also a prime attraction of this holy temple. One can always find a large number of devotees around the shrine. The temple plays host to a huge annual fair on Maha Vishuva Sankranti day, the first day of the Oriya calendar. The first day mainly falls on April 14 every year according to the Gregorian Calendar. Half a million people gather around the shrine and fast for several .....

Udaipur Sea Beach

digha tourist places in hindi

#7 of 11 Places to Visit in Digha

At a distance of 3 km from Digha Railway Station, Udaipur Sea Beach is a secluded beach on the coast of Bay of Bengal. Situated on the border of Orissa, it is one of the most beautiful beaches in West Bengal and among the must-visit tourist places in Digha. Nestled between New Digha and Talsari, Udaipur Beach is considered one of the most pristine and exquisite sea beaches on the coast of Bay of Bengal. The beach is clean, pristine, and dotted with casuarina trees. It is known for its scenic beauty and tranquil environs. The lonely beach, far far away from the crowded and claustrophobic city life, is a perfect place for those who want to spend some relaxed moments at the seashore. Also, one can choose from several exciting options of activities at the beach like swimming, a long stroll along the seashore, adventure sports such as Speed Boat or Banana Boat, riding bikes, etc. Besides, the local shops at the beach serve lip-smacking traditional delicacies, which primarily comprises .....

Tajpur Beach

Tajpur Beach

#8 of 11 Places to Visit in Digha

At a distance of 20 km from Digha Railway Station, Tajpur Beach is another beautiful beach located near Digha, West Bengal. Situated between Chandpur Beach and Mandarmani Beach, it is one of the less commercialized beaches in Digha and among the best Digha Tourist Places. Set on the tranquil shore of the Bay of Bengal, Tajpur Beach is one of the most hidden beaches in India. This virgin beach is still untouched by commercialization and tourism. Fringed by dense tamarisk, eucalyptus, and casuarina trees, the crescent shape of the beach here endows photographers an unusual panoramic view of the sea. The highlight of the pristine beach is the hundreds of red crabs that are found on the shores during the morning hours. With pristine sea beach and tranquil environs make Tajpur a popular weekend getaway for the traveler who wants to laze on a hammock and spend some time in solitude amidst the sun, sea, and sand. The road that takes you to the beach passes through marshy land, large .....

Chandpur Beach

Chandpur Beach

#9 of 11 Places to Visit in Digha

At a distance of 2 km from Shankarpur Beach, 4 km from Tajpur, and 18 km from Digha Railway Station, Chandpur Beach is another beautiful beach located near Digha, West Bengal. Situated between Shankarpur Beach and Tajpur Beach, it is one of the lesser-known beaches near Kolkata and among the secluded places to visit as part of Digha Packages. Flanked on the coast of the Bay of Bengal, Chandpur Beach is the newest beach destination as well as the cleanest stretch of beach anywhere near Kolkata. Boasting a beautiful seaside view and clear emerald water, the beach is considered ideal to relax and unwind. The beach, however, is different than the other beaches in the region as its seashore is slightly eroded and there is a recession caused by seawater. If you want to enjoy the sunrise view over a vast panoramic sea without any obstruction, Chandpur is the perfect place for you. The clear water along with the beach of Chandpur reveals its truest color during the full moon nights .....


#10 of 11 Places to Visit in Digha

At a distance of 15 km from Tajpur, and 28 km from Digha, Mandarmani is a large and rapidly developing seaside resort village in the East Midnapur district of West Bengal. Situated at the northern end of the Bay of Bengal, it is one of the popular weekend getaways from Kolkata and among the must-visit places during your Digha Tour. With great scenery, sandy beaches and an amazing aura of luxury, the coastal town of Mandarmani is a great place to relax, far away from the hustle and bustle of city life. Mandarmoni boasts of a 13 km long motorable beach, perhaps the longest motorable beach road in India. The drive-in beach is the primary attraction as a crazy high-speed ride on the beach at Mandarmani can give you the ultimate thrill. Red crabs crawling around the 13 km long beach is a special attraction of Mandarmani and the sight is incredible as the entire beach looks like it's filled with red crabs. The beach, one of the cleanest of its kind, has a lot of lodging options available .....

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25 Best Tourist Places to Visit in Digha 2024

Have you ever travelled to Digha? If yes, I will tell you which tourist spots you miss near Old Digha and New Digha sea beach. Digha beaches are the  most famous tourist places in West Bengal . Follow this travel guide and enhance your Digha tour.

While you are in Digha, you might search for some side seen. The famous places are Amaravati Park, Marine Aquarium, Science Museum, etc. We also visited exciting places like the nearby Orissa border, Vishnu temple, Snake Temple, Kaju Garden, Talsari, Mohona, etc.

Tourist Places to visit in Digha

List of Top 25 Tourist Spots Near Old and New Digha

1. Amaravati Park Digha

Amaravati Park is 10 minutes from the Digha railway station, and the ticket price is 5 rupees per person. The park is well maintained, with trees, flowers, and many seating arrangements. The prime attraction is paddle boating and ropeway riding.

The  boating fee is for two people 50 rupees , four 60 rupees, and six 80 rupees; a single ride time is 25 minutes. The ropeway carries tourists over the lake from one side to another. The ticket price is 47 rupees for adults and 30 rupees for a child. Kids can enjoy the slide, swing, etc. You can spend one to two hours easily in the park.

The park is beside the road, so the transport facilities are good. Auto, Toto, and buses are readily available from here.

  • Timing:  The  opening time is 7:30 am  and closes at 7:30 pm. 
  • Entry fee:  5 rupees

 Amaravati Park roapway

Read Seagull Hotel Digha

2. Wonderland Kajal Dighi

Wonderland Kajal Dighi is an amusement park beside Amaravati Park near  Udaypur sea beach . Toy train and boat riding are the specialities here. Kids enjoy this place very much. 

  • Timings: The entry fee is 25 rupees .
  • Entry fee: O pen from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm.

3. Marine aquarium Digha

The largest Marine Aquarium in Asia was inaugurated on Feb 4, 2003, midway between the old and new Digha opposite the hospital. Maritime animals and plants in 23 large enclosures are displayed here. It’s  one of my favourite tourist spots in Digha.

Timings: It is open from 11:00 am to 3.00 pm.

Read How to reach Digha from Kolkata By Bus, Train, Car

4. Digha Science Centre

Another Digha tourist place and attraction is the Science City, developed by the National Council of Science Museum. It’s a unique place to visit in Digha. Various models are demonstrated to make science education enjoyable.

You can enjoy cycle racing, watching the planetarium, sitting in an Igloo-type room and much other fun here. They have also developed a Jurassic Park on the same premises.

Timings: Except for Kali puja and holidays, it’s open from 8.00 am to 6.00 pm .

Digha Science Centre

5. Kaju Garden

Kaju Garden is a nice side-seeing place in Digha, with lots of information about Kaju trees and nuts. It’s interesting for kids to know those facts. Cashew nuts grow in summer; April or May is the best time to visit. Remember that there is nothing else to see apart from the garden.

It’s like another botanical garden, but it is a  rare opportunity to see a cashew garden in West Bengal.  It is a well-maintained garden on the Roadside near the Digha Science Center. It’s a government-operated Cashew Farm. They don’t sell cashews there; here, cashew nuts have just been kept to see.

6. Digha Mohana and Fish Market

Do you love to fish? Walk towards the Mohana and then buy fish from the local fisherman. Many food stalls are prepared with fish items in front of you.  If you give them your raw fish, they will cook it at a nominal price.

There are two Mohona in Digha, like  Bakkhali Beach .  One is beside old Digha (the primary market here), and another is beside Udaypur Beach. You can hire a bike to visit these places.

Digha Mohana

7. Chandaneswar Temple

Tourists of Digha can easily visit the Orissa Chandaneswar Shiva Temple. The God here is formless and is believed to be very potent, and people come here from far distances. A gorgeous fair is organized here in the month of “Chaitra”. To visit Chandaneswar temple- rickshaws, vans, buses, and toto cars are available from Digha.

The Howrah – Chandaneswar, Howrah — Balasore and Digha, and Baripada buses go via Digha to Chandaneswar. From Chandaneswar you can avail of buses, going to different directions of Orissa.

You can go to Chandaneswar and then move on to Chandipur. The Nearest railway station is at Jaleswar, a distance of 40km.

Chandaneswar Temple

8. Baba Bhusandeshwar Mandir

If you pay more, hire a bike from the sea beach and go to the Baba Bhusandeshwar Mandir on the Orissa border. The Mandir has the largest Shiva Linga in Asia; you should add this to your Digha tour.

9. Iskcon Mandir Digha

Iskcon Mandir is on Bypass Road, Digha. It’s a famous temple for Hindus and covers an enormous area. Many devotees visit this mandir daily. The speciality of Iskcon is its architecture and spirituality. Authorities undertake much development work to make the temple attractive to tourists. The Rathyatra celebrate every year.

It’s still under construction, but surely, it will be another prime Digha tourist place in the future. The area is on the bypass road. Phone: 087688 65769

Iskcon Mandir Digha

10. Bichitrapur island and Mangrove forest

Bichitapur is 25 km from Udaipur Beach. It faces the Subarnarekha River and is well-known for its mangrove forest. The steamer journey is a memorable thing. Please keep some time extra to visit this place. This Digha tourist spot is now becoming very popular.

11. Radha Govinda Temple Near Talasari

You can add Radha Govinda Mandir’s trip when you visit Talsari Beach. It’s near the Orissa border.

Radha Govinda temple Talasari

12. Snake Park – The closed Digha tourism place

A snake park has been constructed at ‘Kajaldighi’ of Amaravati by a snake-Expert Shri Dipak Mitra. The collection of snakes is inadequate, and it is an added attraction. But this  snake park is closed now.

digha tourist spots another map

13. Udaypur sea beach

The speciality of Udaypur Sea Beach is you can get fresh fish and beer at a reasonable price/budget. You can get a scooter or bike for rent. Transport facilities are not smooth in Udaypur. You should have a car to go to this place or hire an hourly rent Toto/Auto. Bargain with them, and they decrease the rent. Oceana tourist complex is near Udaypur sea beach, and it’s good to stay.

Udaypur sea beach

14. Talsari sea beach

Talsari is 4 km from Chandaneswar temple. You can go by rickshaw and enjoy the quiet sea town of Talsari. For those who find loneliness, this place is ideal.  The Sunset and sunrise are both renowned in Talsari, like  Gangasagar .  While returning from Talsari towards the border, another sea beach on the road called Udaypur.

15. Mandarmani sea beach

One of the most costly sea beaches in the area. Those who can avail of luxury travel love this place. You will get many modern facilities in hotels.   Coming with a car is the most convenient option. You can enjoy driving beside the sea beach because it’s a long motorable beach.

16. Tajpur Sea Beach, West Bengal

Tajpur is one of my favourite sea beaches near Digha. It is a low crowded place . The place is clean, and it’s like a private beach. Nobody will disturb you like Digha. Only one or two small beachside shops I found on Tajpur beach. And they charge high. Enjoy the sunrise; you will see red crabs on the beach in the morning.

Tajpur sea beach West Bengal

17. Bankiput Sea beach

You can spend a vacation relaxing in this. Nobody disturbs you. Please note, do not get the expectation to bathe on the sea beach. You can get the seawater only at high tide. We walk 2 km into the sea in the evening but only get mud.

Bankiput sea beach

18. Shankarpur Sea Beach

Shankarpur, or Digha’s twin, is a virgin beach and a famous fishing harbour for fishers. Hauling fishing nets and reflecting the morning sun presents an early morning panoramic view of the beach.

The coastal strip of Shankarpur is close to Mandarmani Beach (24 km approx), and the Digha fishing market is very close to here.

Shankarpur Sea Beach

19. Junput Sea Beach

Another sea beach near Digha. It is 40 km from Digha and connected with Contai Road. It is  famous for fish processing , like dried fish. Better to stay in Tajpur or Mandarmani.

Casuarina trees surround Junput, West Bengal’s beach resort. The beach is isolated and calm. The Tranquility and peaceful environment of Junput is famous to many travellers. A marine biology centre and duck breeding farm near the beach. The best months for visiting are between October and March.

Junput sea beach

20. Chandpur Beach Near Digha

It’s a new, clean beach near Digha. The stoppage is Balisai near Sankarpur. Toto is available for Chandpur, and the sea beach is 20 minutes away. You can also visit Balisai Rajbari from here.

During a full moon, it looks mesmerising. The sea looks silver, and the beach turns golden. Its bank is a little eroded while the shoreline faces saltwater recession. Chandpur is a perfect location to enjoy weekends while watching sunsets and strolling onshore.

Chandpur Beach

21. Baguran Jalpai Beach

Baguran Jalpai on the Bay of Bengal is a peaceful beach surrounded by Dense casuarina trees. The soft waves, cool breeze, and mesmerizing sunset present a breathtaking panorama. Visitors can visit the nearby village and fishing harbour. To interact with local anglers and know their life at sea.

It’s a newly discovered beach with less crowd. Very few hotel options there, and this beach can easily connect to Contai.

22. Dariapur Lighthouse

Dariapur Lighthouse (98 feet) has a visibility range of 19 sea miles. It’s located near Kapalkundala mandir. In 1943, they used a wick lamp on a 20 m steel mast, and the local port office supervised it. A sun valve (DA gas equipment) gradually replaced the wick lamp. This structure was dismantled in 1964.

Dariapur Lighthouse

In 1999, an RCC lighthouse (current) was erected 1 km East of the previous site. The lighthouse used PV equipment like halide lamps and fewer maintenance batteries, which were later replaced with better and more effective equipment. It’s an excellent place to visit near Digha.

23. Dariapur Kapalkundala Mandir

In Dariapur, Contai in Midnapore (East), two temples are situated- a Chandi mandir (Dalan style) and a Shiva mandir (Atchala style). These temples were built by Atmaram Pal (a villager). West Bengal Heritage Commission recognised Kapalkundala Mandir as a heritage site.

Kapalkundala Mandir’s scenic beauty inspired Bankim Chandra (Deputy Magistrate) to write a novel with the same name. According to the novel, a Kapalik (Tantrik) founded this temple and completed his sadhana (meditation).

While staying at Dariapur, Bankim met a Tantrik who inspired the character of “Tantrik” in his novel. The character of “Kapalkundala” is inspired by kidnapped village girls sold as enslaved people by Portuguese pirates. 

Dariapur Kapalkundala Mandir

24. Dheu Sagar Park – Digha

Dheu Sagar Park is a new attraction centre in New Digha. It’s an amusement park that overlooks the beach of New Digha. The distance between Dheu Sagar and the beach is 10 minutes. 

There are many statues of humans and animals with sitting areas for visitors. The major attraction of Dheu Sagar is a replica of the “Sonar Tori” (golden boat). A beautiful Radha-Krishna idol is built inside.

  • Timings:  10:00 am to 09:00 pm
  • Entry charges:  INR 10
  • Parking charges:  INR 10

Digha Dheu Sagar Park

25. Digha Jahaz Bari

Jahaz Bari is a beautifully built showhouse cum park in New Digha. It’s shaped like a ship, with dolphin and fish statues inside. Visitors enjoy 7D shows at just INR 100 (approx) per person for 10 minutes.

This location also offers VR bike rides, VR car rides, VR cricket (two overs), and VR rides for six-seaters. The famous Koshe Kosha restaurant is present here and provides tasty food for visitors.

Show Timings:  11:00 am to 09:00 pm

Digha Jahaz Bari

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HI TRAVELLER …Myself Ruma Dey Baidya. I’ve been backpacking for the last 20+ years. Photography and travelling have been my passion since my childhood. Whenever I got an opportunity, I never missed it. I am not a solo backpacker, so I always try group travel. I prefer budget travel, and it also helps me to save expenses. We know that memories are not constant, so I decided to document them and created this travel diary. This website [ TheHolidayStory ] is dedicated to those who passionate about travel like me. Please feel free for any information related to my blog. I am always happy to reply. Mail id – ruma[@]

Excellent write up. Honestly speaking this is actually a complete blogpost on Digha and much better than my blog post. Happy blogging.

Thank you Indrajit. Keep in touch.

Such an informational post!

Hi Thanks for nice information on digha tourist spots

Nice Blog!! This is very nice and Informative blog and It was very great information I really Like it.

thanks, Mr Shibam…

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10 Best Tourist Places To Visit In Digha | You Must Should Go

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10 Best Tourist Places To Visit In Digha

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digha tourist places in hindi

"Brighton of the East" - This is what Warren Hastings, Governor of Bengal in the 18th century, referred Digha to in a letter to his wife. He often expressed his amazement at the beauty of this town despite being so small and unpopular at that time. 10 Best Tourist Places To Visit In Digha However, it has now attained a place in the list of popular places in West Bengal as there are so many renowned places to visit in Digha, making it a perfect getaway for tourists.  

Digha, a coastal gem along the shores of the Bay of Bengal, beckons travellers with its pristine beaches, diverse attractions, and a rich tapestry of experiences waiting to be explored. Located in the East Midnapore district of West Bengal , Digha has evolved from a quiet fishing village into a popular seaside destination, offering much more than just sun and sand. In the heart of Digha, you'll find the New Digha Sea Beach, vibrant and lively, with an array of entertainment options, restaurants, and shops. 10 Best Tourist Places To Visit In Digha

So, come and join us as we unveil an array of attractions and experiences waiting to be explored.

List Of 15 Most Famous Places To Visit In Digha | Discovering Marine Wonders

From the sun-kissed beaches to the spiritual havens, this coastal town offers a myriad of adventures and memories waiting to be created. Digha's allure lies not just in its natural beauty but in the tapestry of experiences it weaves, promising an unforgettable visit for every traveller. 15 Best Tourist Places To Visit In Digha

  • Digha Beach | Coastal Paradise
  • Amaravati Park | Nature's Retreat
  • Marine Aquarium | Oceanic Exploration
  • Chandaneswar Temple | Spiritual Serenity
  • New Digha Sea Beach | Lively Vibes
  • Digha Mohona | River Meets Sea
  • Digha Science Center | Fun Learning
  • Shankarpur Fishing Harbor | Coastal Life
  • Talsari Beach | Beachcomber's Paradise
  • Wonder Land (Kajal Dighi) | Amuse Yourself

1. Digha Beach | Coastal Paradise

Digha Beach is a coastal paradise that offers a refreshing escape throughout the year. The best time to visit Digha's main attraction is during the winter months when the weather is pleasant, making it ideal for beachgoers. Families will find this beach welcoming, with ample space for picnics and beach games. Couples can enjoy romantic strolls along the shoreline at sunset.

Major Attractions:

  • Pristine coastline
  • Bustling beachfront

Things to do:

  • Sunbathe and swim
  • Enjoy beach games
  • Relish local seafood

Read More : Durga Puja In West Bengal 

2. Amarabati Park | Nature's Retreat

Amaravati Park is a serene nature retreat in Digha, offering a refreshing escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. It's a family-friendly destination that can be enjoyed year-round. The park's lush greenery provides an ideal spot for picnics, making it a favourite among families. Couples seeking a tranquil setting will find it among the perfect Romantic places in Digha.

  • Lush greenery
  • Serene lake
  • Picnic amidst nature
  • Boating on the lake
  • Enjoy the peaceful ambience

Read More : Dishes Of West Bengal

3. Marine Aquarium | Oceanic Exploration

The Marine Aquarium in Digha is a fascinating place to explore the ocean's wonders. While it's a year-round attraction, the best time to visit is when you want to delve into Digha tourist attractions. Families will find it educational and engaging for children. This spot also offers a unique opportunity for Digha weekend getaways, as you can spend hours marvelling at diverse marine life.

  • Marine life exhibits
  • Interactive displays
  • Explore marine biodiversity
  • Learn about ocean life
  • The educational experience for kids

4. Chandaneswar Temple | Spiritual Serenity

Chandaneswar Temple is a spiritual haven in Digha that can be visited throughout the year. The best time to explore this sacred site is during religious festivals when it's at its most vibrant. Families often include a visit to this temple in their Digha itinerary to experience its cultural significance. Couples seeking moments of spiritual reflection will find this place deeply romantic.

  • Sacred Temple
  • Religious significance
  • Offer prayers and seek blessings
  • Experience spiritual solace
  • Witness traditional rituals

5. New Digha Sea Beach | Lively Vibes

New Digha Sea Beach is known for its lively and bustling atmosphere, making it a popular year-round destination. Families will find a vibrant beachfront with entertainment options for children. Couples can enjoy the lively vibes and vibrant sunsets for a romantic evening. While not a hub for water sports, New Digha offers a plethora of beach activities and opportunities to explore local cuisine.

  • Vibrant beachfront
  • Entertainment options
  • Stroll along the lively promenade
  • Try local street food
  • Shop for souvenirs

6. Digha Mohona | River Meets Sea

Digha Mohona, where the river meets the sea, is a fascinating spot that can be explored throughout the year. The best time to visit is during high tide when the confluence is at its most dramatic. Families often visit Digha Mohona as part of their Digha sightseeing itinerary to witness this unique natural phenomenon. Couples will find it a romantic setting as they watch the graceful meeting of river and sea waters.

  • Confluence of river and sea
  • Picturesque views
  • Witness the unique natural phenomenon
  • Take photographs
  • Enjoy serene moments by the water

7. Digha Science Center | Fun Learning

  • Interactive science exhibits
  • Hands-on activities
  • Engage in science-based experiments
  • Explore astronomy and physics
  • Educational fun for all ages

Read More: Tourist Places In West Bengal

8. Shankarpur Fishing Harbor | Coastal Life

Shankarpur Fishing Harbor provides a glimpse into coastal life in Digha and can be visited year-round. Families often include a visit to the fishing harbour in their Digha sightseeing spots to witness the local fishing community in action. Couples seeking authentic experiences will appreciate this cultural immersion. While not known for water sports, Shankarpur Fishing Harbor offers an opportunity to connect with the region's coastal livelihoods.

  • Fishing activities
  • Coastal Community
  • Observe local fishing practices
  • Connect with fishermen
  • Experience coastal livelihoods

9. Talsari Beach | Beachcomber's Paradise

Talsari Beach, located near Digha, is a beachcomber's paradise that can be enjoyed year-round. Families seeking serene and unspoiled beaches often venture here. Couples will find it a romantic haven away from the crowds. While not a major water sports destination, Talsari Beach is perfect for leisurely beach walks and collecting seashells, offering a peaceful coastal retreat.

  • Pristine and tranquil beach
  • Shallow tidal waves
  • Collect seashells
  • Enjoy leisurely beach walks
  • Bask in peaceful solitude

Read More :  Dishes Of West Bengal

10. Wonder Land (Kajal Dighi) | Amuse Yourself

Wonder Land, situated near Kajal Dighi Sea Beach, offers a delightful space to amuse yourself and create cherished memories with family and friends. This amusement park in Digha welcomes visitors year-round, making it an ideal choice for entertainment. Families will find Wonderland to be a fantastic place for quality time together. From thrilling rides to engaging games, there's something for everyone. The best time to visit is when you're seeking family-friendly fun and a break from the routine.

  • Amusement park rides
  • Enjoy thrilling rides
  • Play games and win prizes
  • Create fun memories with family and friends

Read More : Famous Festivals Of West Bengal

Experience the diverse charm of Digha by exploring these captivating destinations. From the sun-kissed shores of Digha Beach to the serene landscapes of Amarabati Park, from the wonders of marine life at the Marine Aquarium to the spiritual solace of Chandaneswar Temple, there's something for everyone. Pack your bags, plan your trip with Adotrip and create lasting memories in this coastal paradise. 10 Best Tourist Places To Visit In Digha Obtain a wealth of information and end-to-end travel assistance and book tour Packages, hotels and flights under one roof.

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Frequently asked questions about places to visit in digha.

Q1. What are the best beaches and water sports in Digha? A1. Here are some of the best beaches in Digha:

  • Digha Beach
  • Banana boat rides
  • Parasailing

Q2. Is Digha a suitable destination for a family vacation, and what are the family-friendly attractions? A2. Digha is a suitable destination for a family vacation. It is a popular beach destination with a variety of family-friendly attractions. Digha Beach and Amaravati Park are some of the family-friendly attractions in Digha.

Q3. How far is Digha from Kolkata, and what are the transportation options? A3. Digha is located about 185 kilometres from Kolkata, India. There are a number of transportation options available to get from Kolkata to Digha, including taxis, cars, trains, etc.

Q4. Are there any seafood restaurants or local eateries to try in Digha? A4. Yes, there are a number of seafood restaurants and local eateries to try in Digha. Here are a few:

  • Nabaratno Restaurant
  • Restaurant Bhorpet

Q5. What nearby places of interest can be visited during a trip to Digha? A5. Here are some popular ones:

  • Amarabati Lake

--- Published By  Adotrip

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digha tourist places in hindi

Digha ( Bengali : দীঘা Dīgha DIH-ghah) is one of the most popular seaside resorts in West Bengal . People from the cities flock around the beaches of Digha during the vacation. As it is close to cities like Kolkata and Kharagpur , Digha has emerged from a small fishing hamlet to a weekend getaway with numerous budget hotels and lodges.

There are mainly five seasons in Digha, namely summer, monsoon, autumn, winter and spring. Summer starts in April and continues until June with a maximum temperature of 37 °C (99 °F). Although cold wind from the sea keeps the weather pleasant in this time. Next comes monsoon in July and lasts till the end of September. Digha generally experiences an average rainfall with high humidity in the monsoon season. Autumn sets in October and lasts till mid of December with an average temperature of around 25 °C (77 °F). The weather remains very pleasant this time. Winter sets in the second half of December and lasts till mid February with an average temperature of 15–16 °C (59–61 °F). The spring is the most enjoyable season in Digha starting from mid February to mid April. The hotels remain full of their capacity as tourist inflow is the highest in this peak season.

Since Digha is near the border of West Bengal and Odisha, both Bengali and Odia are understood by the locals. Therefore, having a knowledge of any one of the two languages can be useful to communicate with them.

digha tourist places in hindi

There are frequent bus services to 21.62711 87.49993 2 Digha from Kolkata , including Esplanade , Baruipur , Garia and Joka . Buses from Garia run from 4:00AM–8:30AM and there is also an afternoon bus service from the same state transport depot. Service is regular and residents of Jadavpur , Tollygunge and Rajpur Sonarpur can easily use the good service.

There are also bus services from Asansol , Baharampur , Bardhaman , Santiniketan , Serampore , Siliguri and Tarakeswar . Buses are available from Howrah as well, a connection has been made from Sealdah to Digha where a private bus arrives at 8:30AM throughout the week. It takes the shortest route from Sealdah connecting SN Banerjee Rd, Taltala, Wellington, Esplanade to Howrah station, it departs from Howrah station within 5 minutes to Digha.

Travelling to Digha by road has become easier, promoting tourism in Digha and the surrounding beaches. The roads are excellent and you can easily reach Digha from Kolkata in 4 hours of sedate driving.

Route: From Kolkata via Vidyasagar Setu and Kona Expressway take the NH-16 (old NH-6) till Kolaghat -> take a left turn on NH-116 (old NH-41) excellent roads till Nandkumar -> right turn on state highway all the way to Digha, via towns of Contai and Ramnagar.

En route decent toilet facilities and food is available at Ruk Zaraa (Kolaghat), Sher-e-Punjab (Kolaghat), Express Food Plaza (Kolaghat), Sher Bengal (Mecheda) etc.


  • Cycle-vans (commonly known as 'vans') is one of the unique modes of transportation in Digha. These are available everywhere and can be booked for touring around Digha and nearby places.
  • Motor-vans are used in digha as public transport for touring far places like Mandarmani, Shankarpur, Chandaneshwar etc. Motor vans will take you to New Digha from Old Digha for around ₹5 per person.
  • Private cars are also available in Digha.

digha tourist places in hindi

  • 21.6232 87.5041 1 Amarabati Park .  
  • 21.6217 87.4967 3 Digha Science Centre .  
  • 21.62734 87.50275 4 Kajal Dighi . A pond with toy train (miniature railway) rides. ( updated Dec 2022 )
  • 21.6225 87.5178 5 Marine Aquarium and Regional Centre , State Hwy 57 , ☏ +91 3220 266 311 . 10:00AM–6:00PM (closed Su) . This is possibly the most well equipped marine aquarium in India, but the collection of specimens is poor. Some common local fish are kept in this huge aquarium. ( updated Mar 2023 )
  • 21.62275 87.52562 6 Old Digha Beach . One of the most popular beaches in West Bengal and it gets overcrowded, especially during the cooler winter break. Activities in the beach include horse riding, sunbathing, swimming volleyball, cricket, football etc. However, Old Digha is not safe and conducive for bathing. It is not as wide as it used to be due to heavy soil erosion. Big stones and concrete steps are used to hold together the beach. ( updated Mar 2023 )
  • 21.61882 87.50645 7 New Digha Beach ( 2 km (1.2 mi) from Old Digha ). The best place for a dip safely. The beach here is flat. Beer is generally served at the beach by the enterprising locals who would accept payment later by coming with you to your hotel. Beware, they may ask a high price for beer. Other activities in the beach include horse riding, sunbathing, volleyball, cricket, football etc. ( updated Mar 2023 )
  • 21.62931 87.54472 8 Mohana Beach . A less-visited beach at the estuary of the Champa River. There's a fish market in the beach. ( updated Mar 2023 )
  • 21.60987 87.4819 11 Udaypur Beach ( 3 km (1.9 mi) from New Digha ). ( updated Mar 2023 )
  • Cashew nuts : There is a cashew nut farm in Digha so varieties of cashew nuts are available.
  • Digha Mohana Fish Market : Buy fresh fish here
  • Hand woven mats made of hemp. These mats are called Madur in Bengali and the colourful Madurs of Midnapur District are famous.
  • Jewellery made with Hyderabadi Pearls .
  • Ornaments and Curios made of sea shells.

digha tourist places in hindi

The famous 'Hinger Kochuri' is a famous breakfast of Digha. There are many stalls and sweet shops all over Digha which offers this delicious breakfast.

There are many cheap "rice hotels" all over Digha, serving cheap, but good quality Bengali dishes. There are some more expensive restaurants where continental food is available. In an average restaurant, a vegetarian meal is available for ₹35-45, Bengali fish curry-rice is available for ₹25-35. A meal with egg curry-rice is available around ₹45.

Another great idea would be to just buy the staple vegetarian fare at the hotel you are staying and have it delivered to your room. You can buy fresh fishes like ilish, pomfret, parshe and prawns from Mohona, Digha fish market in the morning and have it cooked at the numerous "Dada-Boudi'r" joints around Sea Hawk. Have this fish with your standard vegetarian lunch or dinner.

In the evening look for fried fish, crabs and prawns on the sea front in Digha.

Those who are fussy about the quality of cooking, have transport at their command and are looking for tasty fish preparations should go and have lunch at Shankarpur, they prepare the fish much better than at the rest of Digha. The quality at Shankarpur is comparable to the splurge dining in Kolkata but is comparatively cheaper and the fish as fresh as you can demand. The trouble of travelling would be well compensated.

  • Pabitra Hotel , New Digha ( 5 min walk from bus stand along main road ), ☏ +91 96 471 66166 , [email protected] .  
  • Hotel Sandy Bay serves good Bengali cuisine. Try their sea food - prawns, pomfret, bhetki, parse (a small sweet water fish - cooked whole with the bones - so you must use your hands to eat), rohu (a form of carp). Vegetarian food such as mochar ghonto (spicy young green bananas), aloo posto, aloor dum (Bengali style), Kashmiri aloo dum and cholar daal is also available.
  • Alcohol — There are many bars and wine shops in Digha serving all sorts of hard drinks, but the liquor shops close around 7pm. If you want to buy a drink after the shops are closed, some guys in front of the shops will provide alcohol at higher prices (potentially black bargaining). The bar at Hotel Nest is good. But from Sandy Bay you can face the sea directly. A liquor shop has opened just 50 m outside the gates of the Fisheries premises on the right fork from Hotel Nest. A variety of medium grade whiskies, rum and other spirits are available.
  • Green Coconut water , (commonly known as 'Daab') is very cheap here. A single green coconut costs around ₹10-20 and the water is sweet and refreshing. The green coconut vendors move with their cycles all along the Sea Beach. There are also green coconut vendors which provide seating facilities near the beach.

digha tourist places in hindi

Always avoid the hotel-agents at the Digha station as their hotels are situated very far from the beach. It is better to consult the cycle-rickshawallahs for better lodging facilities (they take commissions from the hotel guys)

  • 21.6236 87.5198 1 Hotel Sea Bird , Old Digha Main Rd, National Hwy 116B , ☏ +91 3220 266322 .  
  • Hotel Surf Ride , Economic Hotel Sector , ☏ +91 9874559200 , [email protected] .  
  • 21.6394 87.5715 2 Kinara and Tatini ( Benfish Tourist Lodges ), Shankarpur , ☏ +91 3220-264577 (Kinara), +91 3210-225225 (Tatini) .  
  • Hotel Sita , Chandaneswar , ☏ +91 6781 232 530 . All rooms have a seaside-facing balcony with all modern amenities like TV and Geyser. They provide you with mosquito nets and the staff is extremely courteous.  
  • Ashoka Lodge , Shankarpur , ☏ +91 3220 264275 . ₹250-700 .  
  • Hotel Kamala Residency , New Digha , ☏ +91 32 2026 6154 . Breakfast included. Restaurant in hotel. Double non A/C rooms ₹900. Double A/C room ₹1,500 and triple with A/C ₹1,800 .  
  • 21.6451 87.5722 3 Hotel Nest , ☏ +91 98745 34777 , [email protected] . Good hotel but away from the beach. Has a 24-hour fitness centre. The distance from the beach won't really matter since they have a jeep standing by at all hours to ferry guests to and from the beach. The restaurant has seafood such as prawn and topshe. Non-guests are welcome to use the restaurant. The hotel also has a boating park. ₹800-3,500 .  
  • Hotel Rajmahal . A less expensive yet quality hotel with restaurant near to sea beach. ₹500-1,500 .  
  • 21.6244 87.5293 4 Hotel Sea Hawk . One of the few places in town that doesn't hike up their prices as demand increases. Food is moderately good and room services standard. INR 2500 onwards. From ₹2500 for a ground-floor sea-facing double up to ₹6,500 for an A/C double bed .  
  • 21.6214 87.5051 5 Hotel Suman's , ☏ +91 32 2026 6471 , +91 32 2026 6271 . A very homely accommodation at New Digha, close to sea beach. Tariff from ₹200. Walking distance from Railway Station and Bus Stand.  
  • Minakshi and Taranga ( Benfish Tourist Lodges ), ☏ +91 3210-225225 . A/C double bed rooms. ₹550, non-A/C doubles ₹250, dormitory with 5 beds ₹250 .  
  • Ownland Hotel & Resort , Sibalay Road, Old Digha , ☏ +91 943 201 5692 . Spa, fitness centre, swimming pool, pool & table tennis, banquet hall, aquarium, Babylon (roof top), disco lounge: Impulse, multi-cuisine restaurant ₹800-₹2500 .  
  • Sandpiper Guest House , Barristers' Colony ( opposite Hotel Sea Coast ), ☏ +91 33 2475 3441 . Eight rooms, all having uninterrupted sea views and each capable of sleeping 4 adults. En suite bathrooms, marble flooring, multi-cuisine restaurant, secure car parking. ₹7000 upwards.  
  • State Youth Hostel , New Digha , ☏ +91 33 2248 0626 . Bookings can be done at the Directorate of Youth Services, 32/1, B.B.D. Bagh (South), Kolkata. Doubles with attached baths are ₹225 per day .  
  • Sweet Home , Shankarpur , ☏ +91 3220 265988 . Check-out: 11:30AM . All sea-facing rooms. Authentic Bengali cuisines available for those who stay. ₹600-1200 .  
  • Tanrango Lahori . Transport available from station. From ₹150 (varies with season). .  
  • Panthasala ( 6 km (3.7 mi) from Digha Railway Station ), ☏ +91 6781 232 528 . Run by the Odisha Tourism Development Corporation. Rooms ₹250-650, Dormitory ₹70 .  
  • 21.624463 87.520052 6 Hotel Santiniketan Digha , ☏ +91 8653978373 . ₹1,000 standard non-A/C rooms ₹1,700 for triple A/C deluxe room .  
  • 21.6255 87.5297 7 Hotel Sea Coast , Barrister Colony, Old Digha , ☏ +91 933 100 6392 . Check-in: 12:00 , check-out: 11.45 . Conference room, centralised A/C, bar & multi-cuisine restaurant, sea facing rooms & family rooms also available. ₹6,000 - ₹8,000 .  
  • 21.6257 87.5309 8 Hotel Seagull , Barrister colony, Old Digha , ☏ +91 32 2026 7195 , +91 933 193 6900 . Check-in: 12:00 , check-out: 11:00 . Excellent views, good service, ask for a room in the new building. Rooms available from ₹2,300 for non-sea facing rooms up to ₹15,800 for royal suite. ₹2,300 for non sea facing A/C rooms .  
  • 21.624581 87.502783 9 Hotel Utopia Digha , Forest Bungalow Road, Gobindabasan, Khadalgobra , ☏ +918653978373 , [email protected] . With sea and forest views. TV, air-con, and free wi-fi in the rooms. Free parking. From ₹800 standard rooms ₹1,500 for an A/C double bed .  
  • 21.6258 87.5262 10 Dighali Tourism Property ( Digha Tourist Lodge ), toll-free: 1800 2121655 . Run by West Bengal Tourism. ₹2,500 to ₹3,000 .  
  • 21.63076 87.52288 11 The Palm Resort , Shibalaya Rd, Old Digha , ☏ +91 3220 267076 , +91 98309 37570 . Swimming pool, free parking, power back-up. Double deluxe INR 1800 to deluxe executive INR 4500 .  
  • Electric torches or emergency lamps can help in case of temporary power outages, which are frequent during the summer. However, most of the hotels in Digha have their own backup generators, so if you don't bring a torch, you'll probably be fine.
  • Mosquito repellent — this is a must for visitors. Most shops in Digha sell repellent.
  • Safety at Sea . The sea becomes rough to very rough during high tide, especially during the new and full moon. It is unsafe to swim during high tide. There is a sea wall which protects Old Digha from erosion, and it is also unsafe to cross the wall during high tide. Most of Digha has No Swim warnings which you should mind. Always obey the commands of the khaki Coast Guards if you want to swim safely.
  • Bhubaneswar (340 km (210 mi) from Digha) — the capital of Odisha with several temples and the Nandankanan Zoo
  • Mandarmani (about 30 km (19 mi) from New Digha) — another popular seaside resort
  • Puri (about 340 km (210 mi) from Digha) — a pilgrimage spot with the Jagannath Temple, also famous for its beaches. There's a Superfast Express between Digha and Puri

digha tourist places in hindi

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  • West Bengal

Nestled on the coast of the Bay of Bengal, Digha is about 4.5 hours from Kolkata. It is known for its laidback beaches, picturesque vistas and diverse marine life.


Things To See & Do

Talsari Beach

Talsari Beach

Picturesque beach.

1 to 2 hours

Suggested Time

Amrabati Park

Amrabati Park

Family-friendly getaway.

1.5 to 2 hours

New Digha Beach

New Digha Beach

Newly-developed beach.

Digha Mohona Watch Point

Digha Mohona Watch Point

Popular fish market.

Digha Beach

Digha Beach

Idyllic beach destination.

Digha Science Centre Park

Digha Science Centre Park

Kid-friendly knowledge destination.

Marine Aquarium and Regional Centre

Marine Aquarium and Regional Centre

Diverse marine life, best time to visit digha, ideal winter destination, peak season, moderate season.

  • What To Expect : Pleasant and sunny weather.
  • Things You'll Love : The beaches, water sports and Durga Puja celebrations.


Beach Festival February

Durga Puja September – October

Book Your Trip to Digha

Travel options to reach digha.

Our Recommendations

Flight to Kolkata Airport, then Car to Digha

Booking Options Starting From

Flight to Kolkata Airport, then Bus to Digha

Stay in digha.

Recommended Options


Recommended for you.

Average Price

Regenta Inn Digha by Royal Orchid Hotels Limited

Cygnett inn sea view, le roi, digha@ digha railway station, 4 star hotels, hotel sea n sand (a unit of berries group of hotels).


Antique Regency

Hotel daltin, discover by interest.


Affordable International Destinations


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Best Beach Destinations


Idyllic Romantic Destinations


Perfect Weekend Spots


Serene Hill Stations

Digha delight : a coastal retreat in west bengal.

Digha, a charming coastal town in West Bengal , India , is a popular destination for beach lovers and sun seekers. With its serene beaches, lush greenery, and a plethora of tourist attractions, Digha offers a perfect blend of relaxation and adventure. This quaint town is a perfect getaway for those seeking tranquillity amidst nature.

Best Time To Visit In Digha

The best time to visit Digha is during the winter months, from November to February, when the weather is pleasant and ideal for sightseeing and beach activities. The monsoon season, from June to September, is also a good time to visit if you enjoy the rain and the lush greenery it brings.

How to Reach Digha

Digha is well-connected by road and rail. The nearest railway station is Digha Flag Station, which is connected to major cities in India. By road, Digha is easily accessible from Kolkata which is approximately 183 km away.

What are the Things to See and Do in Digha?

From relaxing on the sandy beaches to exploring the local markets, there's plenty to see and do in Digha. You can visit the Marine Aquarium and Regional Centre, take a stroll along the beach, or enjoy a boat ride in the Amravati Lake.

Places to Visit in Digha

Digha & McLeodganj is home to many attractions that cater to different interests.

Digha Beach:

Digha Beach with its golden sands and azure waters, is a perfect spot for relaxation. You can enjoy a leisurely stroll, indulge in water sports, or simply soak up the sun.

Marine Aquarium and Regional Centre:

The Marine Aquarium and Regional Centre is a must-visit for nature and wildlife enthusiasts. It houses a variety of marine species and offers a glimpse into the rich biodiversity of the region.

Ambravati Park:

Amarabati Park, with its beautiful lake and lush greenery, is a perfect spot for picnics and leisurely walks. You can also enjoy a boat ride in the lake.

Restaurants In Digha

Digha offers a variety of dining options, from local Bengali cuisine to international dishes. The local seafood, especially the Hilsa fish, is a must-try.

Pomfret Restaurant:

Pomfret Restaurant is known for its delicious seafood dishes. The restaurant offers a variety of cuisines, from Bengali to Chinese, ensuring there's something for everyone.

The Coral Restaurant:

The Coral Restaurant offers a fine dining experience with a variety of Indian and international dishes. The restaurant's elegant decor and warm hospitality make it a popular choice among visitors.

Places to Stay in Digha

Digha offers a range of accommodation options, from luxury resorts to budget hotels, ensuring a comfortable stay for all types of travellers.

Hotel Sea HAwk:

Hotel Sea Hawk, located near the beach, offers comfortable rooms with modern amenities. The hotel also has a restaurant that serves a variety of cuisines.

Hotel Dolphin:

Hotel Dolphin offers well-appointed rooms with modern amenities. The hotel also has a swimming pool and a restaurant that serves delicious food.

Food to Try in Digha

Digha's culinary scene is dominated by Bengali cuisine, especially seafood. Don't miss out on trying the Hilsa fish, Prawn Malai Curry, and Mishti Doi (sweet yoghurt).

Things to Buy in Digha

Digha is known for its local handicrafts, especially shell and conch items. You can also buy beautiful sarees and other textiles from the local markets.

Digha, with its beautiful beaches, delicious food, and warm hospitality, offers a memorable holiday experience. Whether you're a nature lover, a foodie, or a shopaholic, Digha has something for everyone. So pack your bags and get ready to explore this charming coastal town.

FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions about Digha

How is the weather of digha in peak season.

The weather of Digha in peak season is pleasant and sunny weather. It means you can easily plan a trip in this season for maximum fun during this season.

For which type of travelling is Digha a perfect destination?

Digha is a perfect destination for Beach themed holidays.

What are the things that you should not miss out on when you are in Digha?

If you are a true traveller, you should definitely not miss out on Picturesque Beach, Family-Friendly Getaway, and Newly-Developed Beach when you are in Digha to make a funfilled vacay.

More in Digha

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  1. दीघा के प्रमुख पर्यटक स्थल और यात्रा से जुड़ी जानकारी

    digha tourist places in hindi

  2. दीघा के प्रमुख पर्यटक स्थल और यात्रा से जुड़ी जानकारी

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  6. दीघा पश्चिम बंगाल घूमने का प्लान इस तरह करे l Tourist Places in Digha l Digha Tour Itineraries l


  1. दीघा के प्रमुख पर्यटक स्थल और यात्रा से जुड़ी जानकारी

    Image Credit : Aku Bhattacharya. दीघा के प्रसिद्ध पर्यटक स्थल (Famous Tourist Places of Digha in Hindi) और दीघा में सबसे अधिक देखी जाने वाली जगहें में से एक "मरीन एक्वेरियम" भारत का सबसे बड़ा ...

  2. 11 Best Places to Visit in Digha, Things to Do & Sightseeing

    Chandaneswar Temple. Pilgrimage. #6 of 11 Places to Visit in Digha. At a distance of 6 km from Digha Railway Station, Chandaneswar Temple is an ancient Hindu temple located at Chandipur near Digha, West Bengal. It is one of the renowned places of pilgrimage in Digha and among the must include places in Digha Tour Packages.

  3. 9 Places to visit in Digha

    Garden & Park (1) 1. Marine Station/Aquarium of Zoological Survey of India. Top Attraction 3.5 /5. 2 km. from city center 1 out of 9. Places To Visit in Digha. MARC - Marine aquarium cum regional centre - is a major tourist attraction for all Digha visitors. It has the largest inbuilt aquarium in India.

  4. दीघा : लोकप्रिय वीकेंड टूरिस्ट डेस्टिनेशन

    दीघा पश्चिम बंगाल ही नहीं, बल्कि अन्य राज्यों के लोगों के लिए भी एक लोकप्रिय वीकेंड टूरिस्ट डेस्टिनेशन है। कोलकाता से 187 किलोमीटर ...

  5. Digha Tourism (2024)

    Digha Tourism. Beach town situated on the shores of Bay of Bengal, Digha is a popular tourist destination known for its untouched beaches and scenic views, especially among people in West Bengal. Digha is a one-stop destination for families looking forward to spend a pleasurable weekend. One of the best features of this hamlet is its varied and ...

  6. THE 10 BEST Places to Visit in Digha (UPDATED 2024)

    Places to Visit in Digha. 1. Shankarpur Beach. One gets an unobstructed view of the full expanse of the sea. 2. Udaipur Beach. You can even hire two-wheelers and roam the beach or go to a place called Mohona while riding through the beach. 3. Talseri Beach.

  7. Places To Visit In Digha,बंगाल की खूबसूरती में चार चांद लगाता है दीघा

    Tourist destinations Why Choose Digha As The Holiday Destination Over Goa बंगाल की खूबसूरती में चार चांद लगाता है दीघा, खूबसूरती देख उतर जाएगा गोवा का नशा

  8. Digha

    Digha travel guide, get up-to-date information on attractions, hotels, restaurants, things to do, activities, tips. ... English and Hindi. Digha Altitude 11m. Digha Wiki. Best time to visit Digha. Nearby railway stations. ... Top 10 Places to Visit in Digha Between 0 to 100 kms of Digha. Filters. All Categories. Adventure. Hills. Jungle. Beaches.

  9. Digha Tour, Visit Digha For Honeymoon

    दीघा (Visit Digha For Honeymoon) के प्रसिद्ध पर्यटक स्थल (Famous Tourist Places of Digha in Hindi) और दीघा में सबसे अधिक देखी जाने वाली जगहें में से एक "मरीन एक्वेरियम" भारत ...

  10. 7 Places To Visit In Digha

    If sea creatures fascinate you, this place is a true paradise for you. Location: State Highway 57, Gadadharpur, Digha, Purba Midnapore, West Bengal 721428. Distance from Digha: 1.1. Km. Timing: 9.30 AM - 6.30 PM, Closed on Sunday. Entry fee: Free. Suggested Read: 7 Places To Visit In Summer In West Bengal. 4.

  11. Digha Tour Places: 8 Must-Visit Attractions For a Memorable Trip!

    Here are the top 8 must-visit tour places in Digha that will undoubtedly make your trip an unforgettable experience: -. New Digha Beach. Amarabati Park. Digha Gate. Digha Science Centre & National Science Camp. Marine Aquarium & Regional Centre. Shankarpur Beach. Digha Mohona Watch Point. Bichitrapur Mangrove Sanctuary.

  12. Visit Digha: 9 Places in Digha That Every Tourist Must See (2024)

    The distance between Digha Bus Stand and Digha Mohona Watch Point is- 3.2 km. 7. Udaipur Beach. Located quite close to the heart of Digha, the Udaipur beach is becoming one of the most popular places to see over there. This site is situated pretty close to Talsari and it is a lot less crowded than the beaches in Digha.

  13. Digha Tour

    Digha Tour Guide | Digha Travel in Hindi | Digha Tourist Places | West Bengal |दीघा टूर गाइड | दीघा यात्रा हिंदी में | दीघा ...

  14. Places to Visit in Digha

    This is one of the major Digha tourist attractions. The Watch Point is situated at the confluence of the river Champa and the Bay of Bengal. It has a bustling fish market, which is one of the famous places to visit in Digha. Talsari Beach. The beach is located about 6-8 km away from Digha town. It is located in the neighbouring state of Odisha.

  15. Digha Tourism

    Museum. #5 of 11 Places to Visit in Digha. At a distance of 1 km from Digha Railway Station, Marine Aquarium & Regional Centre (MARC) is a research center located in Digha. Situated near old Digha Beach, it is one of the 16th regional centers of the Zoological Survey of India and among the must-visit places in Digha.

  16. 10 Best Things To Do In Digha, India

    Best Things To Do In Kolkata (Calcutta), India. 1. Digha Cashew Garden - a must for cashew lovers. Editor's Note: There's no photo available at the time of writing. If you enjoy nature, one of the best spots to visit in this resort town is Digha Cashew Garden. The botanical garden promotes cashew nuts plantation and is an initiative of the West ...

  17. 25 Best Tourist Places to Visit in Digha 2024

    There are two Mohona in Digha, like Bakkhali Beach. One is beside old Digha (the primary market here), and another is beside Udaypur Beach. You can hire a bike to visit these places. Digha Mohana. Old digha Neheru Market. 7. Chandaneswar Temple. Tourists of Digha can easily visit the Orissa Chandaneswar Shiva Temple.

  18. 10 Best Tourist Places To Visit In Digha

    Digha's allure lies not just in its natural beauty but in the tapestry of experiences it weaves, promising an unforgettable visit for every traveller. 15 Best Tourist Places To Visit In Digha. Digha Beach | Coastal Paradise. Amaravati Park | Nature's Retreat. Marine Aquarium | Oceanic Exploration. Chandaneswar Temple | Spiritual Serenity.

  19. Digha

    10 Dighali Tourism Property (Digha Tourist Lodge), toll-free: 1800 2121655. Run by West Bengal Tourism. ₹2,500 to ₹3,000. 11 The Palm Resort, Shibalaya Rd, Old Digha, ☏ +91 3220 267076, +91 98309 37570. Swimming pool, free parking, power back-up. Double deluxe INR 1800 to deluxe executive INR 4500.

  20. Digha

    Location. Digha is located at It has an average elevation of 6 metres (20 ft). It is located 183 km (114 mi) from Kolkata/Howrah via Mecheda and 234 km (145 mi) via Kharagpur, this proximity has probably helped this small hamlet to emerge as a weekend getaway with number of hotels and tourist lodges.Digha is connected to Kolkata/Howrah by a highway and a rail-link via Tamluk.

  21. Digha

    Digha, on the southeast coast of India, is a hidden gem with a beautiful beach, lovely scenery, and friendly locals. It's a great place for both relaxation and adventure. Known as the main beach and tourist spot in West Bengal, Digha is about 187 km southwest of Kolkata. People often call it the 'Brighton of the East,' making it a perfect ...

  22. Digha

    Digha, a charming coastal town in West Bengal, India, is a popular destination for beach lovers and sun seekers. With its serene beaches, lush greenery, and a plethora of tourist attractions, Digha offers a perfect blend of relaxation and adventure. This quaint town is a perfect getaway for those seeking tranquillity amidst nature.

  23. Places to Visit in Digha: Tourist Places in Digha, Digha Tourism, Best

    Tourist Places In And Around Digha. Other attractions include Junput, Shankarpur, Subarnarekha river, Talsari and Mandarmani. For couples or families travelling with kids, the Marine Aquarium and Research Centre is a good way to spend an afternoon apart from the fun filled watersports at the beach. The Digha Science Centre is another place ...