World’s Best Virtual Tours of Medieval Castles (Free of Charge!)

virtual tours of medieval castles

The world is home to some beautiful, Disney-like castles . However, many of us live far away and are unable to visit them right now, no matter how much we want to. This is where virtual tours come in – they’re an excellent way to experience your favorite places without actually getting on a plane and going there.

So, if you want to experience the might and beauty of these magnificent structures from the comfort of your own homes, here’s a handy list of virtual tours that you can easily peruse from the comfort of your own couch.

Table of Contents

  • 1.1 1. Buckingham Palace
  • 1.2 2. Bran Castle
  • 1.3 3. Edinburgh Castle
  • 1.4 4. Chateau de Chenonceau
  • 1.5 5. Blarney Castle
  • 1.6 6. Hearst Castle
  • 1.7 7. Neuschwanstein Castle
  • 1.8 8. Malbork Castle
  • 1.9 9. Windsor Castle
  • 1.10 10. Warwick Castle
  • 1.11 11. Alnwick Castle
  • 2 To Wrap Up

The List of Top Virtual Castle Tours

1. buckingham palace.

As the official residence of the Queen of Great Britain, it’s no surprise that Buckingham Palace is the first location on our list. Commissioned by King George V in the 18th century, the palace was first inhabited by Queen Victoria. Today, it’s a fully functioning Royal Residence, which is why most of the State Rooms are completely closed off to the public while the Queen is in residence. 

Buckingham Palace lit up at night.

One can, however, visit them when Her Majesty is visiting Scotland during the summer holiday. If you cannot plan a personal visit within this two-month margin, then going on a virtual tour of Buckingham Palace is the next great option. It’s an excellent way of experiencing the true grandeur of the interiors without going there in person. Google Arts & Culture has got a free one where you can explore Buckingham Palace’s Royal collection of artwork as well.

2. Bran Castle

Romania’s very own Bran Castle is steeped in legends and myths, the most notable being that it was the home of Bram Stoker’s fictional Dracula himself. Originally commissioned to be a bulwark against the expansion of the Ottoman Empire, the Bran Castle that we see today is a twentieth-century reimagination by Queen Marie – Queen Victoria of England’s granddaughter and the very last Queen Consort of Romania.

Bran Castle glowing in late dusk.

Bran Castle became the love of Marie’s life, so much so that her heart would be sent back to be buried on the castle grounds. One can see the urn in which it resides even today. These days, the castle is a gorgeous tourist destination and stands tall in all its lovely Gothic glory. It’s certainly quite a wondrous place to visit, but if you can’t make it physically, you can definitely avail a virtual tour from the comfort of your home .

3. Edinburgh Castle

Home of the Scottish Crown Jewels, Edinburgh Castle sits atop “Castle Rock” – a geographic body formed by a volcanic explosion that has been consistently inhabited since ancient times. The castle we see today is a compilation of buildings built from the 14th to 19th centuries. Edinburgh was an epicenter of political strife for several centuries as the English and Scots fought for control of Scotland–this castle’s layered defenses and opulent palatial buildings reflect that tumultuous history.

Edinburgh Castle atop its perch in the center of Edinburgh, Scotland.

At certain points in the construction, expenses reached as far as 90% of the kingdom’s annual income. Edinburgh’s grandeur is a thing of legend and people are still inspired by it to this day. So if you, too, want to visit this majestic building but can’t make an actual trip yet, you might want to check out this Google Arts & Culture virtual tour of Edinburgh Castle .

4. Chateau de Chenonceau

France has got quite a romantic culture and it has been so since medieval times – as proven by the gorgeous architecture and rich history of Chateau de Chenonceau . Built by the Marques family (who were accused of sedition), the property came into the possession of King Francis I in 1535. His son, Henry II, gave the castle to his mistress, Diane de Poitiers, who had fallen in love with it. She’s one of the most prominent figures in the castle’s history, achieving a number of noteworthy renovations and additions during her time there.

Chateau de Chenonceau resting on graceful arches over the River Cher.

Today, Chateau de Chenonceau is one of the most revered buildings in France . Its hybrid Gothic-Renaissance architecture , along with its lush grounds have made it quite a tourist attraction. Channel even held a fashion show here once. If you’re as fascinated by this castle as the rest of the world, then here’s a Google Arts & Culture virtual tour that you can take to explore this illustrious chateau!

5. Blarney Castle

As far as tower houses go, Blarney Castle takes the cake for being one of the oldest, strongest, and sturdiest ones that you’ll find across all of Europe. Representing Ireland in all its stunning glory , this edifice is steeped in legends of ye old. The most notable one is that the stone of Blarney has been enchanted by a witch, so anyone who kisses it is blessed with the “gift of the gab”.

Looking up at Blarney Castle.

Surrounded by woodlands, this castle was built by the MacCarthy family and is a surprising 18 feet thick in certain places. It’s one of the two castles on this list that hosts a Poison Garden on its grounds (second: Alnwick ), but you’d be happy to note that it also hosts a wishing waterfall. Steeped in myths and covered in whimsical ivy, this castle is worth a visit, if only even via a virtual tour .

6. Hearst Castle

As far as virtual tours of a castle go, you can’t miss out on Hearst! This San Simeon-based Californian estate is pure extravagance in architectural form. It was the home of publishing pioneer William Randolph Hearst and is the only castle on this list to be designed by a female architect: Julia Morgan. A total of 10 million USD was spent on the castle’s construction , around a quarter of which was dedicated to furnishing alone.

Hearst Castle: a Californian dream project.

Hearst is the only “American” castle on this list and is relatively new when compared to its medieval counterparts. However, it’s certainly worth mentioning because its design is a culmination of several European castles . Moreover, it’s home to one of the world’s largest zoos, so children really love it. You can definitely plan a visit at your convenience, but an instant virtual tour is definitely worth taking a look!

7. Neuschwanstein Castle

As one of the most notable architectural attractions in Germany , Neuschwanstein Castle is the brainchild of the infamous Mad King Ludwig II. Hailing from Bavaria, he was the son of Maximillian, and had quite curious inclinations towards the uncanny. The castle was his way of reaffirming his royal authority after losing out to Prussia after only two years on the throne. Today, the sheer magnificence of this castle has made it an icon that once inspired Walt Disney himself.

The famed Bavarian-built Neuschwanstein Castle.

Neuschwanstein Castle was never fully completed according to Ludwig’s plans due to premature bankruptcy, but it certainly makes up for all that and more by attracting thousands of tourists every year. If you, too, want to visit the castle, then we suggest going for a virtual one until you can make it yourself!

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8. malbork castle.

This 13th-century medieval castle may be situated in Poland , but it’s got a worldwide fanbase. Originally a fortified monastery, Malbork is known as one of the only castles globally to be entirely made out of bricks. The Knights of the Teutonic Order originally constructed it to strengthen their control of the area. It was partially destroyed during World War II, and now enjoys a position as a UNESCO Heritage site.

Poland’s breathtaking Malbork Castle.

Today, the quaint red-brick architecture of Malbork Castle enchants thousands of tourists with its old-school charm. It also hosts a museum that was opened in 1961. If you want to experience this castle firsthand but can’t make it to the site yet, we’d suggest opting for a handy virtual tour instead.

9. Windsor Castle

As one of the oldest and largest inhabited castles in the world, Windsor stands tall and proud in all its glory, even today. It’s Queen Elizabeth’s favorite weekend residence and has a rich history that dates back to being the fortress of Saxon kings. Henry I was the first monarch to occupy the site, with Henry II added and renovated it upon his succession.

Windsor Castle glowing in a winter sunset.

Over the course of centuries, Windsor Castle kept being upgraded by succeeding royalty, until it took the shape that we see and love today. It is truly a magnificent edifice that is worth visiting in person – but if you can’t make it, then here’s a virtual tour that you wouldn’t want to miss out on!

10. Warwick Castle

Older than most countries, Warwick Castle dates back to the 10th century, when it was just a fort constructed by the daughter of Alfred the Great. The castle itself was built by William the Conquerer in the 11th century. It has been the site of many interesting anecdotes, but you’d be surprised to know that it was once inherited by two-year-old Anne, the heir and only daughter of the first Duke of Warwick. 

Warwick Castle in the morning sunlight.

Most interestingly, the weapons featured at Warwick Castle date back all the way to the 1st century. It’s certainly a study in historical significance and absolutely worth a visit. But if it’s difficult to make it there from your part of the world, then you can simply take a virtual tour to experience some of its grandeur!

11. Alnwick Castle

Well known as the real-world Hogwarts, Alnwick Castle shot to fame when it was featured in the Harry Potter franchise. Since then, it has been featured in other popular television series and movies, notably Downtown Abbey. It belongs to the Percy family, whose ancestor purchased the barony back in the 14th century. Today, it is inhabited by the 12th Duke of Northumberland, his wife, and four children.

The panoramic view of Alnwick Castle.

Alnwick Castle really cashes onto its movie franchise fame and even has a number of activities designed around the Harry Potter theme. It is also home to a legendary Poison Garden, which exclusively hosts a number of toxic plant species. A virtual tour of this castle is definitely a must if you can’t visit it personally quite yet.

These are some of the most iconic medieval castles out there. We know how much of a challenge it can be to plan an actual trip. So we hope that these virtual tours help you enjoy a little getaway in a quick and easy manner, from the comfort of your own dominion.

Zunaira Ghazal


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Historic European Castles

Best Virtual Tours of Castles

Castles throughout history have been built in some of the most stunning and inaccessible locations, not only to make them powerful defensive fortifications, but also in order to impress and inspire the local population. However, this doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy these spectacular structures – below is a list of virtual tours that allow you to explore a whole variety of historical castles from the comfort of your home.

15 Virtual Castle Tours to Watch from Home

The palace of versailles virtual tour.

Palace-of-Versailles Castles near Paris

Located about 12 miles southwest of the center of Paris, the Palace of Versailles was built on the site of an earlier hunting lodge and chateau. The French king Louis XIV expanded the chateau into a palace, before moving his court there in 1682 – Versailles remained as the royal residence until the revolution in 1789.

The palace is noted for its enormous size and hugely opulent design: it features a hall of mirrors, an opera house, a rustic hamlet (in the park surrounding the palace itself), and elaborate gardens with geometric flower beds, canals, and fountains. 1 hour-long virtual tours of the palace are available, led by a French history expert.

Alcázar of Seville Virtual Tour

Spanish Castles Alcazar-of-Seville

Originally built in 913 by the first Caliph of Andalusia, Abd al-Rahman III, the Alcázar is a royal palace in the city of Seville. The Abbadid Muslim palace was destroyed during the Christian invasion of the city, and the current Alcázar was built in its place by King Peter of Castille.

Although it was constructed in the Mudéjar architectural style, Romanesque, Gothic, and Renaissance elements were later added, creating an eclectic structure. The word Alcázar comes from the Arabic al-qaṣr (‘the castle’, ‘the palace’). Virtual self-guided tours of the palace are available for only €7.99.

Alcázar of Segovia Virtual Tour

Alcazar of Segovia - Virtual Castle tours

Famous for its picturesque appearance and distinctive ship-like shape, the Alcázar of Segovia is a medieval castle built on a rocky outcrop at the confluence of two rivers near the Guadarrama mountains in the city of Segovia, Spain.

The structure that stands there today was founded by King Alfonso VIII of Castile and quickly became one of the favored residences of the monarchs of Castile. Since it was built, the castle has served as a palace, a prison, an artillery school, and a military academy. An excellent virtual tour is available here.

Windsor Castle Virtual Tour

Windsor castle in Berkshire

Built by William the Conqueror following his invasion of England in 1066, Windsor forms part of a ring of defensive castles surrounding the English capital of London. The castle has been occupied by English monarchs since the reign of Henry I (1100-1135) and is, therefore, the longest-occupied palace in Europe.

Despite later additions and renovations, Windsor has retained its original double-ward design, which it has possessed since its earliest incarnation as a motte-and-bailey castle. Today the castle is still used by the British monarchy extensively – you can view some of the interiors for free with this virtual tour.

Buckingham Palace Virtual Tour

Buckingham Palace - British Royal Residences

First known as Buckingham House, after the townhouse forming the core of today’s palace built for the Duke of Buckingham in 1703, Buckingham Palace was acquired by the British monarchy in 1761.

During the 19th century, the original structure was enlarged, and three wings were built around a central courtyard, creating the current layout.

The palace became the principal residence of British monarchs upon the accession of Queen Victoria in 1837. Many of Buckingham Palace’s grand interiors can be viewed via free virtual tours on their website.

Hever Castle Virtual Tour

Hever Castle - Virtual Tour of Castles

The picturesque Hever Castle began life as a country house built in the 13 th century, before being expanded into a castle in the 1270s. Hever became the home of the Boleyn family, whose scion Anne Boleyn became the second wife of King Henry VIII of England in 1533.

After the death of Anne’s father in 1539 Henry inherited the castle, before gifting it to Anne of Cleves in 1540 as part of a divorce settlement. In 1903 the castle was purchased and restored by American millionaire William Astor – today the castle is open to the public, and a 3d tour can be found here.

Raby Castle Virtual Tour

virtual tours of medieval castles

Raby is a medieval castle dating from the 14 th century, situated in the north of England near Staindrop, County Durham. Surrounded by 200 acres of deer park, the fortification was built by the Neville family and entered royal possession in 1569 after Charles Neville, 6 th Earl of Westmorland, led the failed Rising of the North in support of Mary, Queen of Scots.

Later renovations to Raby increased its size, and the castle is famed for its collection of art. Although the castle is a private home, it is open to the public at certain times of the year. However, you can access this virtual tour anytime you like.

Blair Castle Virtual Tour

Famous Castles in Scotlan BLAIR-CASTLEd

The ancestral home of Clan Murray, Blair Castle stands near the village of Blair Atholl in Perthshire, Scotland. The castle was built in Glen Garry commanding a strategic route northward into the Scottish Highlands.

The original castle was likely constructed in the late 13 th century and saw action in the 17 th century during the Wars of the Three Kingdoms when it was occupied by Oliver Cromwell’s army (the Murrays supported the Royalists).

During the 1745 Jacobite uprising the castle was twice occupied by the Jacobites before government forces retook the fortification. A spectacular virtual tour is available on the Blair Castle website.

Dunluce Castle Virtual Tour

Castles in Northern Ireland-Dunluce-Castle

Once the home of Clan McDonnell, Dunluce is a ruined 13th-century clifftop castle in County Antrim , Northern Ireland . Built on a basalt promontory, the castle is accessible only via a small bridge connecting it to the mainland.

Although the site was likely occupied by early Christians and Vikings, the first evidence we have for its fortification dates from the 13th century, when the 2nd Earl of Ulster built the castle. A stunning virtual tour with 360-degree photos can be found here.

Château de Pierrefonds Virtual Tour

Best Castles in France Chateau de Pierrefonds

Positioned in Picardy in northern France, the Château de Pierrefonds is a 12th-century castle that was expanded and rebuilt by Duke Louis of Orleans from 1393-1407. Although it was destroyed in 1617 during the political upheaval in the early reign of King Louis XIII of France, Pierrefonds was later rebuilt by Napoleon III.

From 1857-1885 a large-scale reconstruction was undertaken, although parts of the picturesque ruins were to be left untouched. A full virtual tour of the castle can be found on their website.

Prague Castle Virtual Tour

Best Czech Castles Prague Castle

Originally dating from the 9 th century, Prague Castle is a castle complex in the middle of the Czech capital, occupying a huge area 570 meters long and 130 meters wide.

The castle was the seat of power for Bohemian monarchs and Holy Roman Emperors, and today is used by the Presidents of the Czech Republic. The castle complex contains two basilicas dedicated to Saint George and Saint Vitus – the Basilica of Saint George is the oldest surviving building at Prague Castle, dating from 920.

In 1618 the defenestration of Prague took place in the castle, beginning the Bohemian revolt and the Thirty Years War. The virtual tour can be found here.

Wartburg Castle Virtual Tour

Castles in Germany Wartburg-Castle

Situated on a precipice rising 410 meters above the town of Eisenach in the German state of Thuringia, Wartburg is an 11th-century castle with a fascinating history.

The castle is not only a spectacular clifftop structure, but it was also home to Queen Elizabeth of Hungary, the supposed setting for the legendary contest of minstrels held in 1207 (the Sängerkrieg ), and the place in which Protestant Reformer Martin Luther translated the Old Testament into German.

Notably, Wartburg also inspired Ludwig II in his construction of Neuschwanstein Castle . A fantastic tour of this beautiful castle can be found on Wartburg’s website.

Snežnik Castle Virtual Tour

Castles in Slovenia-Sneznik-Castle

Snežnik is a 13th-century castle located in the Lož Valley of southern Slovenia. Originally constructed and owned by the Schneberg family, the castle underwent subsequent remodeling in the 15th century to give it its current renaissance appearance.

It was also heavily remodeled in the mid 19 th century – the interiors of the castle date from these works, and the grounds of the castle were also renovated at this time to incorporate riding and walking paths, and two artificial lakes. A virtual tour can be found here.

Malbork Castle Virtual Tour

European Castles Malbork-Castle

Built in the 13 th century by the Teutonic Order near the town of Malbork in Poland, Malbork Castle is the largest castle in the world when measured by land area.

Although it was built by the Teutonic crusaders, the castle came to be a polish royal residence after it was purchased by King Casimir IV from Bohemian mercenaries in 1457.

From the First Partition of Poland in 1772 until 1945 the castle was under German control. You can enjoy a virtual tour of t his impressive medieval brick fortress here.

Trakošćan Castle Virtual Tour

Best castles in Croatia-Trakoscan-Castle

Located in northern Croatia, Trakošćan castle is a 13th-century fortification originally constructed to serve as an observation post to watch the roads in the region. By the middle of the 19th century, the castle had fallen into disrepair and inspired by contemporary Romanticism, the castle was restored as a residential manor house.

After the second world war the castle was nationalized and today it is owned by the Republic of Croatia – the structure houses a museum with a permanent collection established in 1953. An extensive virtual tour of the castle in English and Croatian can be found on the website.

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The Creative Adventurer

15 Amazing Palace and Castle Tours you can View Virtually

virtual tours of medieval castles

If you’re like me, you’re getting bored of your houses’ four walls. And you’re dreaming of adventures and new places to explore. But while we wait out this period of stay-at-home orders, there are still ways we can travel the world virtually ! Many times in my travels, I’ve long admired the beauty of grande palaces and fairytale castles. There is nothing I like better than walking the gilded halls of royal residences. All the while imagining what it must have been like to live in these fantastic places. Well, now you can imagine it for yourselves, but in the comfort of your own home. And best of all – without any tourists to scramble past or queues to wait in!

virtual tours of medieval castles

Schönbrunn Palace

Schönbrunn Palace  was the primary summer residence of the Habsburg rulers, located in Hietzing, Vienna. The name  Schönbrunn  means “beautiful spring” as the palace was located beside a large freshwater reserve. The palace is perhaps best known for the 1,441 fantastical Baroque and Rococo interiors. The amazingly preserved nature of the palace has been deemed a UNESCO world heritage site . You can walk through the palace room by room through Google Arts and Culture virtual tour . To support the tour, you can go to the palace’s website to get more information on the history of each room. On the site, you can get details on the design of the interior and the incredible decorative arts which embellsih each of the incredible rooms.

If you would prefer a video tour, then you can watch the 4K video below. This video leads you throughout the exterior and interior of the palace. The beautiful classical music playing throughout provides an immersive experience. With the music surrounding you, one can better imagine what it would have been like to attend a lavish court ball in the palace.

Palace of Versailles

The Palace of Versailles was the main royal residents for the kings and queens of France since 1682. The palace was built under Louis XIV, who originally owned a small hunting lodge on the grounds. Over the years, he transformed the small lodge into this incredible chateau! Google Arts and Culture have set up an amazing set of stories, tours, photo galleries, and more to help visitors digitally experience the history and wonder that is Versaille .

virtual tours of medieval castles

If you’re looking for something absolutely 21st century, then you need to check out “ VersaillesVR The Palace is Yours .” On this app, Versaille has been captured in VR. This allows anyone with a VR headset to explore the palace in 360° . Everywhere you move your head, the camera follows like you are really there. You can see the King and Queen’s State Apartments, climb onto the stage in the Royal Opera House, discover the Hall of Mirrors, and walk right up to tapestries, paintings, sculptures and furniture! You can even switch to night mode to explore the palace by the light of the chimney fires.

virtual tours of medieval castles

If you don’t own a VR headset, you can still explore the rooms in 360° using the website Poly . On this site, you can click on a variety of Versaille’s interior rooms and explore them in detail . There are even info icons that are clickable to see more information. From there you are able to learn all about the history of the rooms you’re exploring.

virtual tours of medieval castles

Buckingham Palace

Pretty much everyone has heard the name Buckingham Palace , but I’m guessing far fewer of you have been inside. Buckingham Palace, located in London, is the royal residence of the Kings and Queens of England. If you’ve been watching the Netflix series, ‘ The Crown ‘ you’ll be even more interested to learn and see the REAL interiors which the show tries its best to emulate.

virtual tours of medieval castles

The palace is home to 775 rooms, the most lavish of which are the State Rooms . These are used for official and state entertaining. They are only open to the public during August and September. The reason for this is that the royal family spends their summers in Balmoral and are not in royal residence. Since the public has such a small window to view the rooms they remain a rare sight to see. But not anymore!

The Royal Collection Trust has created an online gallery and tour of the palace’s State Rooms . Some of the rooms can be explored in 360° so you can look all around you like you were really there! Throughout the scenes, you can click on the information icons to get more details about the space.

virtual tours of medieval castles

Doge’s Palace

Found in the fairytale city of Venice is the incredible Doge’s Palace . A Doge was the Venetian chief magistrate and the closest thing the city would get to have their own King. The palace was built as his residences in the center of Venice, right on St. Mark’s Square . It was originally built in 1340 but modified many times throughout the centuries. In 1923 it was transformed into a museum with some of the cities most precious works of art. Today, you can view the interiors of the palace through a Google Arts and Culture virtual tour. With this guide you can explore and learn all about the history of the building as well as walk through their masterful gothic interiors.

virtual tours of medieval castles

If you’re looking for a more complete tour of the palace, then head over to Musement for one of their guided virtual tours . With this tour, you can explore the Doge’s Palace along with a complete audio narration. To go along with the audio track are beautiful pictures of the building, as well as satellite and views of the palace and its surroundings. Through the power of storytelling, you’ll really feel like you’re there.

Pena Palace

I’ve been lucky enough to visit many different palaces throughout my travels. But my favourite of them all has got to be Pena Palace! Located outside of Lisbon , in the town of Sintra , Pena Palace is the ultimate in romantic castles. The palace was built atop the foundations of an old monastery. King Ferdinand took ownership of the land in 1838 and set out to transform the ruins into a fantastical summer residence for his family.

virtual tours of medieval castles

The bright red, yellow and purple-grey colours of the facade immediately made it so unique. The multicoloured Portuguese tile, Azulejo , add another magical touch that makes the palace such a visual draw. Today you can view the palace from high above as if you were flying over it in a helicopter. AirPano gives us a bird’s eye view over the top of this amazing palace. From up high you can study parts of the structure that you’d never be able to see otherwise.

virtual tours of medieval castles

If you’re are looking for a more informative tour, you can check out my Ultimate Self Guided tour . I have so many pictures and a detailed account of my time there. While it was written as a guide for people visiting the site in person, with all the pictures and descriptions I think you’ll be able to imagine what it’s like to really be there.

virtual tours of medieval castles

The Château of Chambord

The Château de Chambord is one of the great palaces of France. Built in the 16th century for Francis I , the place is located in the center of the stunning Loire Valley . The palace blends French Renaissance architecture with traditional medieval structures. The most iconic part of the castle is surely the 800 sculpted columns and elaborately decorated roof. Francis, wanted these columns to resemble the skyline of Constantinople. The Google Arts and Culture exhibit studies the history of the castle. It features a multitude of archaeological discoveries, which delves into the wonders of its construction. Seeing the palace in both photographs and architectural layouts allows you to appreciate the technical skill which was involved in creating such a masterpiece. And hundreds of years ago, without modern technology to boot!

virtual tours of medieval castles

Once you’ve finished reading the article, you can head inside the castle and explore it virtually . My favourite part of this castle is all the intricately sculpted bits of stone decor. Near the grand staircase, you’ll find 200 finials and a patterned ceiling with a variety of characters, both mythological and religious, dotting the vaults. Looking down on you like little spies.

virtual tours of medieval castles

Bolsover Castle

Bolsover Castle , located in the small town of Bolsover in the English countryside, is known as the “ little castle. ” The name comes from the fact the main “castle” structure is surrounded by these large fortifications. The juxtaposition of the expansive courtyard and huge winged terrace makes the castle appear even smaller. The castle was built in the 17th century above the ruins of a 12th-century medieval castle. Today, it remains one of the best examples of Jacobean architecture. The palace was built as a retreat for banqueting and pleasure by William Cavendish, 1st Duke of Newcastle. While the castle might not strike you as anything special right away, its secrets are hidden inside. William was obsessed with creating puzzles to flatter and amuse his guests. The Google Arts and Culture exhibit aims to help you unravel the mysteries inside Bolsover’s Little Castle . 

Neuschwanstein Castle

To view the interiors of the palace , you can head over to their official website . From there you can follow along with their visual tour. It’s amazing to see the level of decoration and detail which went into the castle. So many aspects of the castle look more like a Byzantine church than a castle. My favourite room of the palace has got to be the ‘ Singers’ Hall .’ This was also the King’s favourite room in the entire palace. It occupies the whole of the fourth floor. The room’s design pays homage to the German legends of Lohengrin, the Swan Knight. Look closely for little swan icons hidden in the frescoes.

virtual tours of medieval castles

Bran Castle

Bran Castle , located on the Transylvanian side of Romania, is better known by the public as “ Dracula’s Castle” . While there is no evidence, Bram Stocker even visited the castle, and the castle itself bears no resemblance to the one in the book, the legend remains. Perhaps the main reason for the connection is due to its revelance to Vlad the Impaler. Vlad was the true to life inspiration for the character of Dracula. Vlad III or Vlad the Impaler was the ruler of Wallachia from 1448 to 1476. His legendary name comes from the fact that Vlad had the bodies of his enemies impaled on large spikes to ward off invading Ottomans and Hungarian. His rule was rutheless and he would punish his enermies as well as his citizens just a brutally.

virtual tours of medieval castles

While Vlad never owned Castle Bran , there are rumours that he was once imprisoned there after his capture by the Hungarians. Historical records show that he was imprisoned in Budapest. But since the castle is so foreboding and dramatic, it was colloquially referred to as his prison.

virtual tours of medieval castles

Today the castle is now a museum playing host to objects and furniture collected by Queen Marie , the last Queen of Romania. You are able to explore the exterior and interiors of the building through google street view. While the Romanian castle might not be as opulent and grand as others around Europe, I think seeing this kind of art and architecture is such an important and interesting contrast.

virtual tours of medieval castles

The castle’s official website also offers visitors video tours of the castle . I especially love the video filmed of the Castle during a winter snowfall. It looks both so picturesque and haunting at the same time in the chill of winter. There is also a complete castle gallery to get a better look into the furnishing and art inside the palace. 

The Taj Mahal also called the ‘ Crown of the Palace ‘ was commissioned in 1632 by emperor Shah Jahan . He had the palace made as a tomb for his beloved wife, Mumtaz Mahal . And when he died, he was buried there as well, with his true love. It’s fascinating to know that one of the most beautiful structures in the world is actually a giant tomb. The ivory-white marble mausoleum sits on the southern bank of the river Yamuna in the Indian city of Agra. Today it is one of the 10 “ Man-Made Wonders of the World “. The Google Arts and Culture exhibit , ‘ Four Secret Spots at the Taj Mahal ,’ takes you a street view tour of the lesser-known corners of India’s most iconic structure. There are so many discoveries I made looking through this virtual guide and I loved learning about those otherwise unknown secrets.

virtual tours of medieval castles

Miramare Castle

Miramare Castle is one of the great Italian castles. Built in the 19th-century on the Gulf of Trieste , the castle was made for Austrian Archduke Ferdinand Maximilian and his wife, Charlotte of Belgium , who would go on to become Empress Carlota of Mexico . The interiors of the castle have been captured in 360 , and you can walk the halls of the palace yourself! 

To view the exteriors of the castle, there are some great videos online which make you feel like you’re really there! The castle’s grounds were designed by the archduke himself. They include some incredible landscaping featuring tropical species of trees and plants. The videos just make you want to jump right into that blue water that surrounds the castle.

Chapultepec Castle

A perfect segway from Miramare Castle is over to Mexico to Chapultepec Castle . This was Charlotte of Belgium’s residence when she became Empress Carlota of Mexico. I was amazed upon visiting the castle that such a thing existed in the modern metropolis of downtown Mexico City. Chapultepec Castle’s name comes from the Nahuatl word” chapoltepēc”, which means “at the grasshopper’s hill.” The hillside was for hundreds of years a sacred place for the Aztecs. In the 18th century, before the palace was built, the hillside was home to a gunpowder warehouse and military academy. Then in 1864, it became the official residence of Emperor Maximilian I and his consort Empress Carlota.

virtual tours of medieval castles

Carlota went to great care and expensive to remodel the palace into a luxurious residence. It was used as an official residence of the President of Mexico from 1883 until 1939. After which it was turned into a museum. My blog all about my visit to the castle is a highly detailed summary of all the wonders you’ll find there. YouVisit also has a wonderful virtual tour you can take to view parts of the palace in 360 degrees!

virtual tours of medieval castles

Catherine Palace

The Catherine Palace is a Rococo palace in Tsarskoye Selo just outside St. Petersburg , Russia. This was the summer residence of the Russian tsars, built in 1710 by Peter the Great for his wife Catherine I. The original palace for Catherine was only 16 rooms large, a fraction of the size it is now. When Catherine the first died, the palace was inherited by her daughter Elizabeth I. Elizabeth took upon expanding the palace into the grand structure it is today. Although none of the original rooms from Catherine’s time remain, her daughter loved her so much she always wanted it to be named after her.

virtual tours of medieval castles

In this 45-minute video tour, you are lead through the palace by guide  Nadezhda Mironenko . You can see the details that architect Rastrelli took such great care in creating. He was a baroque visionary and took such great care in ensuring the palace was the gem of the baroque age. You’ll visit the Grand Hall, the Golden Suite and the  Amber Room  (the so-called eighth wonder of the world). The Amber Room is a chamber covered floor to ceiling in amber panels, backed with gold leaf and shimmering mirrors. The interior is absolutely overwhelming, and even though you can’t be there in person, you can still be in awe of the spectacle in front of you.

Matsumoto Castle

Matsumoto Castle is one of Japan’s best-preserved historic castles. It is located in the city of Matsumoto, in Nagano Prefecture. The castle also goes by the nickname “ Crow Castle ” because of its black exterior. Because the original wooden interiors and external stonework remain from the 16th century, it has been listed as a National Treasure of Japan. The Discovery Makes Knowledge youtube channel has a lovely video guide that leads you through the castle. Throughout the video, you get a great understanding of the history and meaning behind so many aspects of the palace.

After getting a primer with the video, head over to the Palace’s official website to get extremely detailed explanations about everything around the castle. You can use google street view to walk the castle’s ground and follow along with the website’s guide.

Lobkowicz Palace

The Lobkowicz Palace is one of the largest palaces inside Prague Castle. It was built in the 16th century by the Czech nobleman Jaroslav of Pernštejn . For many years, their doors remained closed to the public, used only by the palace’s residents. But in 2007, the building was transformed into a museum. Inside it features a great collection of artworks and decorative items from the Lobkowicz Collection . You’ll find paintings by Antonio Canaletto, Pieter Brueghel the Elder, Lucas Cranach the Elder, and Diego Velázquez hung on the walls. You can also see musical instruments, original manuscripts and early prints of composers, including Beethoven and Mozart .

One of my favourite Czech youtube channels, The Honest Guide , produced this fantastic exclusive video during the height of lockdown in Prague. Lobkowicz Palace is a privately owned building and the channel was given private access to tour their collection. Since Prague was in lockdown there were no public visitors so they had the whole place to themselves.

Start the video about 12 minutes in to begin right as they enter the museum. What makes the tour so interesting is that the guide is actually a descendant of the family who owns the palace! His stories and selection of favourite pieces inside the museum really make it feel more intimate and personal experience. They had some technical difficulties with the sound but stick with it as the information you get is fantastic!

I hope you enjoyed this guide of my favourite palaces around the world you can still visit online! In one day you’ll be able to travel across the globe and see some of the most opulent and ornate state rooms and royal galleries! Let me know in the comment what your favourite palace was or where you would like to visit virtually!

Happy (virtual) Travels, Adventurers!

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12 dreamy castles and palaces you can tour remotely

Brighten up your lockdown view with these castles you can explore from home

Ellie Walker-Arnott

Unless you’re lucky enough to actually own a castle, chances are your lockdown situation is a little cramped. Millions of people around the world, including us, are stuck inside tiny apartments and flats. But that doesn’t mean we can’t daydream about grander abodes – and why not try one of these grand castles around the world on for size? They’re all closed to the public now, but, thanks to the magic of virtual tours, you can explore them from your very own living room/home office/fitness studio. (We shotgun a few of Versailles ’ 2,300 rooms – that’s more than enough to go around.)

RECOMMENDED: The best castles in the UK

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Virtual tours of castles and palaces

Windsor Castle, England

Windsor Castle, England

The oldest occupied castle in the world, Windsor Castle is where Queen Elizabeth II is spending lockdown, and it’s where she recently recorded a message for the UK and the Commonwealth from the White Drawing Room. Have a poke around the place yourself with this virtual tour . 

Buckingham Palace, England

Buckingham Palace, England

A grand palace in the middle of the British capital’s (usually buzzing) centre, Buckingham Palace is the Queen’s official London residence. It’s usually open for a few weeks each summer when her Maj goes on her summer holidays, but you can also have a sneak peek inside with this virtual tour , which takes you from the grand staircase to the actual throne room. 

Holyroodhouse Palace, Scotland

Holyroodhouse Palace, Scotland

Holyroodhouse Palace in Edinburgh is in the shadow of the city’s famous peak Arthur’s Seat. Both are closed for the time being, but you can take a look inside the Queen’s official Scottish residence on this online tour  of the sixteenth-century palace. 

Edinburgh Castle, Scotland

Edinburgh Castle, Scotland

Edinburgh’s ancient castle dominates the skyline in the city centre, looming over Grassmarket and the cobbled streets below. While you can’t visit right now you can take a virtual trip to the grand palace to have a wander around. 

Blarney Castle, Ireland

Blarney Castle, Ireland

Okay, so you can’t virtually kiss the Blarney Stone, a legendary stone found at the top of Blarney Castle’s tower which promises to impart life-long eloquence on whoever touches it. But – good news – you can still explore the gardens and ruins on this virtual tour . 

Palace of Versailles, France

Palace of Versailles, France

One of the world’s most impressive buildings, Versailles is an enormous (2,300 rooms!) former royal palace and World Heritage Site. It’s out of bounds for visits IRL, but thanks to extensive documentation from Google you can still explore its grand interiors . 

Prague Castle, Czech Republic

Prague Castle, Czech Republic

Built in the ninth century, the grand castle on the west bank of River Vltava is the official office of the President of the Czech Republic. Thanks to this detailed  online tour , you can have a nosey inside the walls, from the Cathedral of St Vitus to the castle’s sunny terraces and the petite homes along sixteenth-century Golden Lane. 

Schönbrunn Palace, Austria

Schönbrunn Palace, Austria

An enormous Rococco palace once home to the Austrian royal family, the Schönbrunn is one of the most visited attractions in the country. Just not right now, obviously. You can still check out this sizeable castle’s gilded rooms and prized artworks though on this virtual tour . 

National Palace of Sintra, Portugal

National Palace of Sintra, Portugal

High in the hills above the city of Lisbon, Sintra is one stunning spot. It was once a royal retreat and is studded with elaborate and beautiful buildings as a result. You can get a taste of one of the loveliest, the National Palace of Sintra, with this online tour . Just look at that tiling. 

Akasaka Palace, Japan

Akasaka Palace, Japan

This grand palace in Tokoyo was built in 1909 as the Imperial Palace for the Crown Prince. T oday, Akasaka Palace, or The State Guest House, is both a tourist attraction and accommodation for visiting state dignitaries. Take a look inside with this virtual tour . 

Palace of Vira Harihara, India

Palace of Vira Harihara, India

Thought to date back to the fourteenth-century, this ancient palace no longer stands. You can usually explore the ruins of the ruined royal abode, but we’ll have to make do with visiting virtually. This online tour takes you around the ruins and the ornate base of the former palace. 

The White House, USA

The White House, USA

This one technically isn’t a castle. But it is pretty much the closest you can get to an ancient royal palace in the US. You can walk around the exterior and interior of The White House, the official residence of the president of the United States, online thanks to this extensive virtual tour . 

Keep exploring

14 world-famous city views you can see from your sofa

14 world-famous city views you can see from your sofa

Expand your horizons and discover somewhere new from our phone screens, thanks to the miracle that is Google Street View

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Home + Travel Ideas To Make Life More Beautiful

How To Take A Virtual Tour Of The World’s Most Famous Castles

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How To Take A Virtual Tour Of The World’s Most Famous Castles

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Taylor - 03/21/2020

virtual tours of medieval castles

Being stuck indoors doesn’t have to stop you from seeing the most famous residences in the world! These impressive virtual castle tours will transport you, with an exclusive look at some of the most iconic architecture on earth.

And what’s even better about a virtual visit? The private tours means you get to enjoy these beautiful sites as the only tourist around! ?

Strap in for some armchair travel, and take a peek inside some of the grandest palaces on earth. These virtual castle tours will take you across England, Italy, France and beyond to explore Europe’s most amazing cultural landmarks!

1. Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace is one of the most well known royal homes, serving as the London residence of the UK’s sovereigns since 1837. Any fan of “The Crown” knows that these 775 rooms have sure seen a lot over the course of history.

These days the palace is an administrative HQ of the Monarch, Queen Elizabeth II. It’s also the setting of many official royal events, and the opulent State Rooms at Buckingham Palace open up during the summer for visitors.

Take the Virtual Tour of Buckingham palace via this link

virtual tours of medieval castles

2. Palace of Versailles

The opulent palace of Versailles has captivated our imaginations for years, known for its sprawling gardens, architectural grandeur and captivating history.

As a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Palace of Versailles was once a hunting lodge of Louis XIII. Today it is one of the most visited cultural sites on earth. Be sure to check out the famous Hall of Mirrors for nearly 250 feet of beauty, and my favorite space: the glorious gardens.

Take the Virtual Tour of The Palace of Versailles via this link

virtual tours of medieval castles

3. Caserta Royal Palace and Park

Take a virtual tour to southern Italy to see the incredible Palace of Caserta. The royal residence was built by the House of Bourbon, and was used as the main residence of the kings of Naples.

As one of the largest palaces built in Europe during the era, the sprawling 18th century estate is complete with a some of the most beautiful gardens on earth. I love the immense waterways and statues there, and now you can enjoy them without having to hike (it’s quite a workout under the Italian sun ?)!

Take the Virtual Tour of The Royal Palace of Caserta via this link

Virtual castle Tour of The Royal Palace of Caserta

4. Neuschwanstein Castle

The shy King Ludwig II built his castle in this idyllic setting, as a place to withdraw from public life in 1886. The Neuschwanstein Castle was opened shortly after the King’s death, so that visitors can enjoy its unique beauty.

Known for inspiring Disneyland’s Sleeping Beauty Castle , Neuschwanstein is one of the most popular of all the palaces in Europe. Take a look around the fairytale retreat, where you can explore the breathtaking interiors without waiting in a single line.

Take the Virtual Tour of The Neuschwanstein Castle via this link

Virtual Tour of The Neuschwanstein Castle

5. Sanssouci Palace

Known as the German rival of Versailles, Sanssouci was the former summer palace of Frederick the Great, King of Prussia. His vast estate in near Berlin is adorned with my favorite style of the period: whimsical Rococo.

Since the palace was meant for a relaxation, (not as seat of power) it was named after the French phrase “sans souci”, which translates as “without worries”. Go ahead and take a #carefree virtual castle tour yourself, and and see all the remarkable history inside those walls.

Take the Virtual Tour of The Sanssouci Palace via this link

Virtual Tour of The Sanssouci Palace

6. Drottningholm Palace

The Drottningholm Palace is the best-preserved swedish castle, built in 1600. And today, it’s still the King and Queen’s permanent residence. Built on a beautiful island, you don’t have to hop on a boat to see inside this historic estate!

Inspired by the Chateau of Versailles, Drottningholm palace is known for the exotic Chinese Pavilion, and extravagant Palace Theatre. The unique architecture really showcases the changing tastes of monarchs over the centuries, making it a must see royal residence.

Take the Virtual Tour of The Drottningholm Palace via this link

virtual castle tours

7. Kroměříž Archbishop’s Palace

The Kroměříž Archbishop’s Palace and Gardens are known as a Baroque masterpiece in Czechia. You can take a virtual castle tour, and see the influential interior decor and collections that make it so unique.

The complex grounds give Versailles a run for their money, and it was designed as a romantic park. The symmetry, and clever perspective makes you feel like you’re in a grand maze!

Take the Virtual Tour of The Kroměříž Archbishop’s Palace via this link

virtual tours of medieval castles

I hope you enjoyed this list of 7 virtual castle tours! If you’re in the mood to check out some other fantastic castles – check out my behind the scenes look at these other incredible european estates.

  • Restoring 16th Century French Chateau de Lalande
  • Inside The Roman Fortress Castel Sant’Angelo
  • The Hall of Mirrors in Rome: Galleria Doria Pamphilj

And for Netflix lovers, you can tours even more fantastic castles across the world without leaving your couch. Check out these 10 binge worthy netflix titles about palaces and gardens to feed your wanderlust!

virtual tours of medieval castles

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virtual tours of medieval castles

21 castles and royal residences you can explore from your couch, from the Palace of Versailles to Windsor Castle

  • There are plenty of opportunities to explore the world virtually. 
  • You can virtually explore the homes of the British royal family, including Windsor Castle and Buckingham Palace. 
  • From a castle on the shore of Lebanon to fairy-tale castles in Germany, check out these virtual tours. 
  • Visit Insider's homepage for more stories .

Insider Today

Virtual tours have quickly become a way to discover unfamiliar locations. Virtual treks through national parks have offered an escape to the outdoors, while hotels and monuments have become more accessible than ever. 

A virtual castle tour combines everything from architecture to nature to history and extravagance. Put the kettle on, pour a cup of tea, and explore these castles and royal residences virtually. 

Pretend to live like royalty in the largest occupied castle in the world: Windsor Castle.

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Click here to virtually visit Windsor Castle.

Virtually wander through gardens and discover never-before-seen content of the Palace of Versailles.

virtual tours of medieval castles

Click here to virtually visit the Palace of Versailles.

Soak up the sun and sea breeze in a virtual tour of the Sidon Sea Castle.

virtual tours of medieval castles

Click here to virtually visit the Sidon Sea Castle.

Admire breathtaking views from the Prague Castle.

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Click here to virtually visit Prague Castle.

Imagine kissing the Blarney Stone at Blarney Castle in Ireland.

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Click here to virtually visit Blarney Castle.

Imagine living like the royal family at Buckingham Palace.

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Click here to virtually visit the Buckingham Palace.

Take a virtual walking tour of the colorful blue-and-gold Catherine Palace in Russia.

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Click here to virtually visit the Catherine Palace.

Discover Chambord Castle, a French castle imagined by Leonardo da Vinci.

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Click here to virtually visit Chambord Castle.

You don't have to climb Castle Rock to get to Edinburgh Castle, one of Scotland's most famous castles.

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Click here to virtually visit Edinburgh Castle.

Pretend to dine lavishly at the Ashford Castle in Ireland.

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Click here to virtually visit Ashford Castle.

Soak in the artwork at Skokloster Castle in Sweden.

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Click here to virtually visit Skokloster Castle.

Virtually run through the marble hallways of Sforzesco Castle in Italy.

virtual tours of medieval castles

Click here to virtually visit Sforzesco Castle.

Explore how the Hambach Castle in Germany earned its name as a "birthplace of European democracy."

virtual tours of medieval castles

Click here to virtually visit Hambach Castle.

Order a pizza and take a virtual trip to the Royal Palace of Caserta in Italy.

virtual tours of medieval castles

Click here to virtually visit the Royal Palace of Caserta.  

Take a virtual trip to Dracula's Castle, also known as Bran Castle.

virtual tours of medieval castles

Click here to virtually visit Bran Castle.

You can virtually explore the Castello di Amorosa in California's wine country.

virtual tours of medieval castles

Click here to virtually visit Castello di Amorosa.

Explore fairy-tale locations like Neuschwanstein Castle in Germany.

virtual tours of medieval castles

Click here to virtually visit Neuschwanstein Castle.

Virtually walk through palm trees and into Iolani Palace in Hawaii.

virtual tours of medieval castles

Click here to virtually visit Iolani Palace.

The tides often deter visitors from traveling to Mont-Saint-Michel in France, so a virtual tour is a great way to explore without getting wet.

virtual tours of medieval castles

Click here to virtually visit Mont-Saint-Michel.

Virtually visit one of the largest castles in the world: Malbork Castle in Poland.

virtual tours of medieval castles

Click here to virtually visit Malbork Castle, Poland.

Enjoy the virtual sunshine on a tour through Johnstown Castle.

virtual tours of medieval castles

Click here to virtually visit Johnstown Castle.

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I Heart Britain

23 of the Best 3D Virtual Tours of British Museums, Castles, Churches, & Stately Homes

virtual tours of medieval castles

It's a great time to be alive! In the past, those who couldn't travel were forced to content themselves with nothing more than books and the occasional (but relatively rare) glimpse of places on television. Today, we have an almost incomprehensible amount of information at our fingertips, including a surprising number of immersive 3D tours.

For those who can't travel – which is pretty much all of us right now – we've pulled together some of Britain's best virtual tours. You can visit them on smartphones, tablets, or regular computers, but we recommend using a laptop or desktop computer for a better viewing experience. If you have a VR headset and it doesn't make you completely sick to use it, that will give you an even more immersive experience.

So, without further ado, let's look at those tours…

Castles & Stately Homes

Hever castle.

virtual tours of medieval castles

Location : Hever, Kent (about 30 miles southeast of London)

Hever Castle was the childhood home of Anne Boleyn, and today it's a tourist attraction, hotel, and wedding venue. It's also been used as a filming location for productions like The Princess Bride , The Great (upcoming), Inkheart , The Darling Buds of May , Lady Jane , King Ralph , and Secrets of the Six Wives (with Dr. Lucy Worsley).

Visit the 3D tour HERE | Website

Dundas Castle

virtual tours of medieval castles

Location : Dalmeny, West Lothian, Scotland

This Scottish Castle is a castle wedding and events venue, and it occasionally plays host to TV and film crews. If you remember the 2000 film, The Little Vampire , that one was set at Dundas Castle. 

Visit the 3D tour HERE | Dundas Castle

Achnagairn Castle

virtual tours of medieval castles

Location : Kirkhill, Inverness-shire, Scotland

Achnagairn Castle is not far from Inverness, and it's one of the top wedding venues in the entirety of the UK. 

It's also worth noting that this particular tour is a Google Maps tour rather than a Matterport tour. It's still fun, but not of the same quality you'd get with a Matterport tour.

Warwick Castle

virtual tours of medieval castles

Location : Warwick, Warwickshire, England

This medieval castle was originally built by William the Conqueror around 1068, and it sits on the banks of the River Avon. Originally a wooden motte-and-bailey structure, it was rebuilt in stone during the 12th century.

It's also been used as a filming location for The Virgin Queen and a number of smaller productions.

Elmore Court Mansion

virtual tours of medieval castles

Location : Elmore, Gloucestershire, England

This Grade II listed mansion dates back to sometime between 1564 and 1588, and it enjoys views out over the Cotswolds and the River Severn. Today, it offers a slightly less stuffy space for weddings and events. 

Anne of Cleves House

virtual tours of medieval castles

Location : Lewes, East Sussex, England

This East Sussex building was owned by Henry VIII's fourth wife, Anne of Cleves, and it now serves as a historic site and Tudor museum. Interestingly, she never actually visited the property. It was part of her annulment settlement in 1541.

Visit the 3D tour HERE

Nymans House

virtual tours of medieval castles

Location : Handcross, West Sussex, England

Nymans is a National Trust property in West Sussex, and it's best known for its gardens. It was once home to Anne Messel, mother of Princess Margaret's husband, Lord Snowden (formerly Anthony Armstrong Jones). 

This virtual tour takes you on a tour of the house.

Lewes Castle

virtual tours of medieval castles

Originally called Bray Castle, this 1000-year-old Norman castle offers views across Sussex. It's managed by the Sussex Archaeological Society, and they are a charity ( you can support them HERE ). These days, the site offers tours and activities, and it's also a wedding venue. 

3D Museum Tours

Oxford museum of natural history.

virtual tours of medieval castles

Location : Oxford, Oxfordshire, England

I love this Matterport tour, but the only major downside is that it's a bit old, and it doesn't have all the bells and whistles of some of the more recent ones (like the bullseye symbols that let you zoom in on signs or small items). It's still very much worth a view, though, particularly if you can't make it to the museum or you ARE headed to the museum but your time is limited and you want to get the lay of the land.

Pitt Rivers Museum

virtual tours of medieval castles

Location : Oxford, Oxfordshire (only accessible via the Oxford Museum of Natural History)

Part of the University of Oxford, this museum houses the archaeological and anthropological artifacts from their collection. 

View the 3D tour HERE

Bristol Museum & Art Gallery

virtual tours of medieval castles

Location : Bristol, England

This museum features a treasure trove of archaeological artifacts, art, (including some by famed local Banksy), and even a Romany caravan.

Sigmund Freud Museum

virtual tours of medieval castles

Location : London, England

Sigmund Freud's London home has been transformed into a museum of his life and work. Sadly, the images aren't of a high enough quality that you can always read all signs, but it's better than nothing when you're not able to physically visit.

Bletchley Park National Museum of Computing

virtual tours of medieval castles

Location : Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, England

Whether you're a WWII buff, an amateur codebreaker, or just someone who enjoyed The Bletchley Circle , you'll enjoy this virtual tour of the computer museum now housed at Bletchley Park.

Charles Dickens Museum

virtual tours of medieval castles

From 25 March 1837 to December 1839, Charles Dickens lived in a Georgian terrace house at 48 Doughty Street in Holborn, London Borough of Camden. Today, it's a museum celebrating the beloved Brit's life and work. 

Andrew Carnegie Birthplace Museum

virtual tours of medieval castles

Location : Dunfermline, Fife, Scotland

This museum gives you a chance to take a look at Andrew Carnegie's life and rise from rags to riches. Though Carnegie's actual birthplace is a tiny cottage adjacent to the museum, the museum is a lovely hall built by his wife in 1928. 

Fun fact: Andrew Carnegie is believed to have been a strong influence on the character of Scrooge McDuck (currently voice by David Tennant ).

3D Tours of Religious Sites

Salisbury cathedral.

virtual tours of medieval castles

This massive Anglican cathedral in Wiltshire is regarded as one of the leading examples of Early English architecture. It's also home to Britain's tallest spire and the best preserved Magna Carta. 

If you're a bird lover, you can also check out their nesting peregrines HERE . 

Location : Salisbury, Wiltshire, England | Website

Saint Leonard's Church, Streatham

virtual tours of medieval castles

One of the creepier tours on the list, I highly recommend going down to the crypt. Due to some fires, the majority of the church looks quite new. The crypt, however, is old and creepy and everything you'd hope for in a crypt.

Location : Lambeth, London, England | Website

Michelham Priory & Gatehouse

virtual tours of medieval castles

Home to the country's largest medieval, water-filled moat, this former priory has 800 years of history – including use as an evacuee shelter during WWII. Today, it serves as a museum and historic site for all to enjoy. They survive on admission fees and charitable donations, so if you feel so inclined, you can make a donation to the site's preservation HERE . 

Location : Upper Dicker, East Sussex, England

Visit the 3D tour HERE | Visit the Gatehouse tour HERE | Visit the Barn tour HERE | Website

Newstead Abbey

virtual tours of medieval castles

Location : Newstead Village, Nottinghamshire, England

Best known as the ancestral home of Lord Byron, this site was formerly and Augustinian priory. Today, they offer weddings, group visits, corporate hire, and educational trips. 

Westminster Abbey

virtual tours of medieval castles

Perhaps the most famous religious site in England, Westminster Abbey is available to tour on Google Street View. Unlike the usual spotty tours with just a few images and tourists scattered everywhere, they prepared for this and brought in professionals, resulting in a high-quality virtual tour. 

3d Tours of Other British Attractions & Historic Sites

Fishbourne palace.

virtual tours of medieval castles

Location : Fishbourne, West Sussex, England

Fishbourne Palace was the largest residential Roman building discovered in Britain, and also one of the oldest. It was built somewhere around 75 AD, roughly 30 years after the Roman conquest of Britain.

Nature Discovery Centre

virtual tours of medieval castles

Location : Thatcham, Berkshire, England

Though most 3D walkthroughs focus on indoor locations, this one takes you to a nature centre positioned on Thatcham Lake, a flooded gravel quarry. 

The Old Ship Hotel Cellar

virtual tours of medieval castles

Location : Brighton, East Sussex, England

The Old Ship Hotel is a historic hotel in Brighton, England. It's the oldest hotel in Brighton, believed to have been built in 1559, and it contains the Old Ship Assembly Rooms. In the 1700s, they hosted card evenings on Tuesdays and Saturdays, and the hotel has played host to people like Niccolo Paganini and Charles Dickens.

Unfortunately, the tour below only covers the cellars – which now serve as a cocktail bar (Brighton's ONLY underground cocktail bar, in fact). You can also rent the venue.

What's Your Favourite Virtual Tour in England, Scotland or Wales?

Feel free to share your favourites in the comments. We'll definitely be adding more virtual tours to this list as we find them.

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These Virtual Tours of Europe's Famous Castles Will Make You Feel Like a Royal, Even in Your Pajamas (Video)

From Versailles to Buckingham Palace, here's your chance to see how royals actually live.

virtual tours of medieval castles

Experience life as a royal, even if you can’t go outside.

Virtual entertainment is really having a huge boom right now. As more and more people are going into self-quarantine to help contain the coronavirus, they’re also looking for good ways to entertain themselves besides just watching Netflix.

Google Arts & Culture has a huge array of amazing virtual tours that are perfect for people who are itching to travel, students in need of educational material, or anyone who has binge watched their favorite show from 10 years ago at least six times in the last two weeks.

And if you’re in any of these groups, you’ll be happy to know that there are virtual tours for museums , national parks , famous landmarks , and yes, even some of Europe’s most iconic castles and palaces.

In fact, if you’ve been dying to visit Versailles, or tour through the royal family’s extensive wardrobe at Buckingham Palace, or check out the grounds at Catherine Palace in St. Petersburg, you’re in luck.

Below are just some of the incredible palace and castle tours in Europe you can access online.

Palace of Versailles

Perhaps the most impressive virtual tour of the bunch, Google Arts & Culture has curated a truly comprehensive collection from the Palace of Versailles — the famous home of Louis XIV, the Sun King. Not only can you enjoy a video tour of the palace itself (or stream it on VR), Google Arts & Culture has also rounded up some of the best artworks and artifacts in the palace, you can go inside the famous Hall of Mirrors, walk the extensive gardens, and even find some never-before-seen content.

Buckingham Palace

Much like visiting the actual Buckingham Palace, only certain parts are accessible to the public online. Google Arts & Culture has created a thorough virtual tour of the Buckingham Palace State Rooms, complete with dozens of beautiful gowns from famous designers. The reception was originally held during London Fashion Week in 2018, and now it’s online for you to enjoy .

Edinburgh Castle

If you’ve been hoping to visit some of the historic castles of Scotland, Edinburgh is a great place to start. This ancient fortress is perched atop of Castle Rock, looking over the capital of Edinburgh in real life, and now you can experience a walk through its famous grounds from the comfort of your couch.

Schönbrunn Palace

Schönbrunn Palace is one of Austria’s most visited sites, and now it’s going to be even more popular with virtual tourists around the world. This World Heritage Site, located in Hietzing, Vienna, was the summer palace for many of the Hapsburg rulers. Not only can you get a good look at some of the most famous artworks in the palace, you can also take a walking tour via Street View .

Catherine Palace

This particular tour doesn’t have art collections or indoor tours, but you can still virtually view one of the best attributes of this historic Russian palace in St. Petersburg: the palace’s gorgeous blue, white, and gold facade. This Rococo palace was once the summer home of Catherine the Great, one of the most famous Russian rulers. Take a look via Street View .

Royal Palace of Caserta

This historic Italian palace was once the home of the King of Naples and is one of the largest palaces erected in Europe during the 18th century. It’s also one of the largest royal residences in the world. This collection includes some photos of the castle plus several Street View tours of both the exterior and interior of the palace.

There are even more collections and tours of castles all over the world. For more tours, information, and incredible archives of art, history, and everything in between, visit the Google Arts & Culture website .

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virtual tours of medieval castles

Virtual Castle Tour

Hi, welcome to threesixty.tour. Today we’re going to be talking about, virtual castle tours. In this video I am going show you, two virtual castle tours of beatiful European castles. So let’s get started. The first one, you can get it here by scrolling down on this page. Alternatively you can click on demos , scroll down to the castle tour. Play the video below to get started or scroll down and play around with the virtual castle tour.

Sign up for free and start creating your own virtual tours using our Virtual Tour Software in less than 2 minutes!

Table of contents, virtual castle tour scotland.

And this is the first castle it’s in Scotland.  and here you can tour the entire castle. What I like about this is in the beginning, they put a nice presentation of the castle and they display a nice video. So you can play the, the video and you know, all of it, over here and get a sense of what the castle is really like once you’re done, you can close it.

And you can start touring the castle here . So we go to the first, tour and we look at the inside of the castle, beautiful old castle in Scotland. I think in the Highlands of Scotland, there are more videos that they add here, if you would like to watch them. So it gives you a sense of like, as if you’re inside the castle here, they’ve added some polygon markers to show that you can highlight.

Virtual Castle Tour - Try it Out by Clicking the Mouse on Screen

Inside the virtual castle tour.

What I like about this tour is they’ve added a map so we can click on the map over here. And this is the map of the entire castle. So let’s say we wanted to start off at the castle entrance. We can go in here and this is the castle entrance. Now this is a, a regular picture. It’s not a 3d image, so there’s, you can’t scroll around, but it could give you a nice sense of castle entrance and let’s go to the east tower, the gate house. And this is the view from the top. And you can start walking here to view the castle. So I clicked to go to the south tower, you know, and I’m walking. , this is, we came from here and you know, now we’re on top of the castle and we’re touring the whole castle.

This is a nice view again. And you have the beach over here. and you can go back down to the courtyard where we were, or we can continue walking around here and go to the west tower. Okay. So this is the inside of the west tower. All right. Very nice, views. And we can go back to where, to the courtyard over here.

and we’re back to where we, initially came, this is the west range kitchen. And as you can see, you can really tour the entire castle and it gives you a great sense of, just what’s around and look at this nice view. Again, this is the map. And from here on, you can get a nice perspective of.

Simple and Effective 360 Tours

Virtual Tour of Matterport Castle

The second tour that I want to go to is, in Europe as well. And this is a drone image of a nice castle, medieval castle. And you can tour the entire city. Okay. What I like about this is that they added a Matterport tour here. You can click on it and what it opens. We just come here and we see that they’ve added markers to symbolize. This is the city. , this is another.

Area another building and you can get a really nice perspective of the entire, castle. So let’s go to the, castle here as the page is, loading, and you can see the dollhouse effect here. It’s a nice 3d effect and you can tour the entire castle from here. Okay. Or you can, you know, get into the doghouse effect and choose where you want to go to.

So again, this is a matter core tour, that they’ve embedded into the castle. So let’s start from here. This is a nice place to start.

Okay. So you can take a look at the entire, I mean, there are some nice paintings here. You can see,  a nice rifle here, so you can really tour the entire. , area very nicely. So this is, like a medieval bedroom. If you like, you can come down here and, you know, choose what you want to see. Let’s go towards some more items here.

There’s a chapel here. Let’s throw that. So we go to the chapel and you can see here, there’s a picture, you know, suddenly you can see the nice, chapel here. and the picture of the bay, a painting of the baby. And you can really go through the entire castle without any, without any problems. And it just gives you a nice perspective if you’re enter touring the castle.

And this is a great tour for me. Okay. The final, tour that I wanna show you is of a, chalet. It’s not really of a castle. And again, tour nice drone image. You can click on this one and the, chalet opens up and you can again, tour the entire chalet. And here you have the Matterport tour. This is again a Matterport tour.

 the first image that we, that I showed you of this castle is not a matter for it. Just a regular virtual tool that’s done on our platform on 360. So if you’re looking to make, virtual tours like this, do, sign up to 360 tours, it’s free, as a start. And let me know if you have any questions.

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May 18, 2020

23 Virtual Castle Tours You Can Take From Your Couch

Virtual travel is booming at the moment! Just because we can’t go outside, doesn’t mean we can’t keep traveling from the safety and comfort of our own homes. Want to feel like a royal? Step away from Netflix and take a virtual tour around these European castles, palaces and chateaux. You will love these 23 virtual castle tours!

Virtual Castle Tours You Can Take From Your Couch

Table of Contents

23 Virtual Castle Tours You Can Take Right Now!

So where should we go?

Let’s travel to…

Bran Castle, Romania

Bran Castle in Romania was the actual castle that inspired Bram Stoker’s Dracula! You can visit the official website and see a really fabulous video that takes you through the castle or go through room by room in the Google virtual tour .

Chateau de Pierrefonds

Built in the 14th century, this spectacular chateau makes for a fascinating virtual visit. Explore the chateau, take a peek at the winged lion statue and and imagine you are walking through the rooms of this magnificent structure.

Chambord Castle

Deep dive into the Loire Valley to discover the stunning Chambord Castle and incredible formal gardens in this virtual tour .

Mont St Michel, France

Mont Saint Michel is technically an abbey but it feels like a castle so let’s include it on this list! It is also one of the most remarkable places to visit. The virtual tour is really well done, allowing you to see an overhead view of the Mont St Michel, as well as click on particular spots of the mount and the abbey.

Windsor Castle

This is the official royal palace of the Queen of England overlooking the River Thames on 13 acres of gorgeously manicured lawns and gardens which you can visit virtually. Peak inside the castle and grounds and check out the lavish interiors.

Prague Castle

This fantastic castle dates all the way back to the 9th century! It is also the largest ancient castle in the World and the official residence of the President of the Czech Republic. Enjoy the virtual tour which also gives you a breathtaking view over the city.

Edinburgh Castle

Up high on Castle Rock in Edinburgh, the Edinburgh Castle is a sight to be seen! This ancient castle is filled with history. Mary Queen of Scotts gave birth to King James VI in this castle. Take the virtual tour to discover the castle, the castle grounds and St. Margaret’s Chapel.

Palace of Versailles

One of the most popular attractions in France, the Palace of Versailles is absolutely stunning. Thanks to Google Arts & Culture you can take a virtual visit of the palace and explore some of the most spectacular artifacts.

Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace is the Queen’s residence in London. Google Arts & Culture offers a virtual tour of the State room. You can also see some remarkable gowns that were created for Fashion Week in 2018.

Blarney Castle, Ireland

Who knows when we’ll be able to kiss the Blarney Stone again in the future! In the meantime, why not explore this famous Irish castle from the comfort of your own home? Take the virtual tour to discover and explore this exceptional place!

Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany

This was the castle that inspired Sleeping Beauty’s castle! How magical. It is in the Bavarian Alps and it really does look like a fairytale. When you see Air Pano’s overhead virtual tour , you will definitely be inspired to visit in real life when we can all travel again.

Sforzesco Castle, Italy

This stunning castle was built by the Visconti family in the second half of the 14th century. Some of the treasures to see during the virtual tour are the Rondanini Pietà Museum, the last piece create by Michelangelo and the Sala delle Asse by Leonardo da Vinci.

Catherine Palace, Russia

Catherine Palace is a magnificent blue Rococo palace located in Tsarskoye Selo, a town 30 km outside of St. Petersburg. More than 100 kilos of gold were used on the impressive stucco façade as well as the gorgeous elaborate statues erected on the roof which you can admire during the virtual tour of this spectacular palace.

Schonbrunn Palace

Schonbrunn is Austria’s most visited site. Use the visual tour to explore the Baroque palace and gardens.

Royal Palace of Caserta

Located in Southern Italy, the Royal Palace of Caserta is a former royal residence in Caserta. It was built in the 18th century and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. In the virtual tour you will be able to explore the stunning exterior of the Royal Palace, discover the incredible rooms inside and experience the exquisite palace gardens.

Ashford Castle, Ireland

This castle dates all the way back to 1228. In normal times, you can book a room or host an event in this remarkable castle. Several celebrity weddings have been held here as well. Discover this fabulous castle in a virtual tour .

Malbork Castle, Poland

This impressive red brick castle is definitely worth a virtual visit . The virtual tour takes you through the Western Zwinger, the Great Refectory, the Summer Refectory of the Palace of Grand Masters,  the Grand Masters garden, the Middle Castle courtyard, the Dry Moat and the Blessed Virgin Mary church. 

Malahide Castle, Ireland

One of the oldest and most historic castles in all of Ireland, the Malahide Castle is stunning. Enjoy the gorgeous rooms and furniture in the virtual tour .

Dunluce Castle, Ireland

This castle dates all the way back to the 13th century. It was one of the filming sites of HBO’s “Game of Thrones”. It is known as being one of the most picturesque and romantic of the Irish castles. Start your virtual tour .

Festung Hohensalzburg, Austria

This castle sits up on a hill in Salzburg. Take the virtual tour to pop into the castle’s gorgeous garden and to view the stunning rooms of the palace.

Hedingham Castle, England

Hedingham Castle is in the village of Castle Hedingham, Essex. It dates back to around 1100 AD. Walk up and down the stairs and explore the rooms in the virtual tour .

Miramare Castle, Italy

Miramare Castle is a 19th century castle along the coast on the Gulf of Trieste in North Eastern Italy. It features 20 fabulous rooms and impressive Anglo-Italian gardens. Take the virtual tour and discover its beauty for yourself!

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23 Virtual Castle Tours

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virtual tours of medieval castles

World  /  Europe  /  Germany  / Virtual Tour over Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany

virtual tours of medieval castles

Virtual Tour over Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany

Germany is the land of fairy tales that gave the world Wilhelm Hauff and The Brothers Grimm, for example. Germany is also home to the most magical castle on the planet, Neuschwanstein Castle, the name of which translates as «The New Swan Cliff». It was built in the second half of the nineteenth century by Ludwig II of Bavaria, or as they called him, «The Fairy-Tale King».

Ludwig II holds a special place amongst other German rulers. What set him apart from his stringent and warrior-like predecessors was his romanticism and dreamy character, so much so that he channelled all of his statesman's passion (alongside with state funds) towards making his dreams come true, dreams of magical countries populated by fairy-tale creatures.

Disillusioned by the daily routines of Munich, Ludwig II was not interested in its problems. Instead, day by day he became more and more submerged in his own dream world. This gave the world several castles — Herrenchiemsee, Linderhof and Neuschwanstein, each one is a masterpiece of world architecture, enchanting us with its weightlessness and fairy-tale silhouettes with magnificent mountains as a backdrop.

Wartburg Castle was chosen as the model for Neuschwanstein as it is the only remaining castle from the feudal period in Bavaria. Ludwig the II's creation surpassed the original. At the time the King was very deeply moved by Richard Wagner's opera «Lohengrin», he saw himself in the opera's main character, the noble white swan-knight, a fairy-tale hero of the ancient legends. And with the help of architects he created his own «Swan Castle».

The walls of the castle depict the magical world of «The Song of The Nibelungs» («Nibelungenlied»), medieval legends of Przival, Lohengrin and Tannhäuser, The Holy Grail, Tristan and Isolde... The masters spent a long time working very carefully on every hall and every panel painting, with every detail a true masterpiece. This is also the reason why the building work took so long and failed to reach completion even in Ludwig's lifetime. As an example, the wood carving in one bedroom took 14 carpenters 4 and a half years.

Yet the King had the incredible ability to combine fantasies with reality, and despite the castle's heavenly appearance, it was equipped with all the modern technology of its time. The rooms in the royal residence were fitted with hot air central heating, toilets were equipped with an automatic flushing system, electric bells were in place to summon servants and some floors even had telephones!

Neuschwanstein is first and foremost a true fairy tale made of stone. It became the prototype for the Sleeping Beauty castle in Disneyland Paris and a source of inspiration for Tchaikovsky's ballet «The Swan Lake». But in the end it drove the King insane, and instead of attending to the urgent duties of his country as a ruler, he went on expeditions, following the footsteps of Wilhelm Tell or had dinner with the spirit of Louis XIV. Night became day and day became night for Ludwig II and for that he was nicknamed The Moon King.

According to Bavarian law a king can be removed from power if found unfit to govern. It is not surprising then that eventually (in 1886) he was deposed. He was transported to the Berg Castle and died the next day in a lake under mysterious circumstances together, with the psychiatrist who diagnosed him as insane. These mysterious events have contributed to the intriguing image of the castle. Just two months after the King's death, the unfinished Neuschwanstein was open to visitors!

And it was the right thing to do. No stories or photos of Neuschwanstein can possibly depict its beauty. Once you have admired our aerial panoramas, we strongly recommend you see the fairy tale for yourself. Getting to Neuschwanstein Castle: there are trains and taxis available from nearby towns.

Neuschwanstein Castle in Autumn

Neuschwanstein Castle  

There are several other famous castles in the area surrounding Neuschwanstein, namely Hohenschwangau, Füssen and Schwangau. For the convenience of tourists, a special "romantic road" was created (Romantikstrasse), a special tour popular with visitors to Bavaria. The surrounding area also boasts ski slopes and special lifts to take skiers and tourists to the top of the Tegelberg Mountain. In general, even a whole day is not enough to fully enjoy the beauty and diversity of this place.

And now Sergey Semenov and Stas Sedov speak. They will tell us abour their trip to Neuschwanstein Castle.

This four-day trip had only one purpose — to shoot the famous Bavarian castle surrounded by colorful autumn trees. We waited for the precise moment, when leaves turn red, green and orange for the short period of time. 

Technically the photo shoot of this type shouldn't take more than two days. However, we decided to give it some extra time... As it turned out, it was a wise decision. Mountains stay mountains (even if it's just low foothills of Alps in Southern Bavaria), so the weather is rather unpredictable there. It is also worth mentioning, that the only time when the castle is perfectly lit for the photo is that short 30-minutes window in the morning. Afterwards the sun travels leaving only the sidewall of the castle in light.

We arrived. But apparently the weather didn't want to cooperate. Day one —  it was raining all day; photo shoot was canceled. Day two — the same thing.

On the third day the weather tricked us again. The thick fog covered everything from the very morning. Regardless, we were full of optimism, so we climbed the mountain above the castle, and then descended into the valley, hoping to find a clearing. No luck. Finally after three hours of waiting we decided to shoot the castle at any cost.

However, there are no good shooting spots when the visibility is 30-40 meters. Except for one — right from the center of the castle! Although it's rather risky to fly and shoot in the castle...

Anyhow, we took our chance. Thank God that all the tourists were asleep at such an early hour. The take-off was very difficult due to heavy fog, which was in reality 100% humidity. It condensed large drops of water on the equipment, so we had to be quick. There was no time to go back and correct mistakes.

Our RC helicopter took off and quickly disappeared into the fog. All we had was the screen of our laptop with blinking control lights and short beeps of the height sensor in Stas's headphones. The time passed very slowly.

In a few minutes, here it was — our helicopter returned from the white foam of the fog, all wet, as if it was in a shower. Everything was covered with large drops of water: the helicopter, the camera, and the lens. Nevertheless, the equipment did its job just fine, and we immediately returned to our hotel room to dry it.

So this is the story of shooting this spherical panorama.

We spent the following day waiting, and only on the forth day did nature smile at us. The weather was wonderful and we shot, and shot, and shot...

Filmed in 2011. Neuschwanstein Castle  

Photo and text by Sergey Semenov , Stas Sedov

2 April 2012

Germany, in the park of the Neuschwanstein Castle

Open Gallery

virtual tours of medieval castles

Virtual Travels in 360°

virtual tours of medieval castles

Simplesmente maravilhoso O Castelo de Neuschwanstein fui com meu marido de trem de Munique a Fussen. Belas imagens .O castelo parece um conto de fadas .Ao seu redor as paisagens são lindíssimas.

Beth Martins, Brazil

Wonderful place. I plan to make my love to visit there. Thanks for the beautiful images.

Laszlo Matlo, Hungary



Muchas Gracias por estas panóramicas de Excelencia! Es como que estamos viajando a esos lugares y eso es imposible por los costos. Nuevamente Gracias Millares!



stefan dibdak, Czech Republic

My late wife was from Donauworth, Germany and we visited family there and in Munich a few times. Visited almost every castle in that area at one time or another. They are beautiful. Visited a Monastary in that area also, also the walled city.

Richard Lapine, USA

We visited all of Ludwigs castles in the 70's, but this was my favorite. It is as beautiful as the pictures and I would love to go back!!

Janis Williamson, USA

hallo here all about Hohenschwangau area Neuschwanstein castle Hohenschwangau castle Mary Bridge Alpsee

Hohenschwangau Expert, Germany

We have taken our family to visit the splendid sights of Germany on a couple of occasions. These fairytale castles of King Ludwig II are absolutely spectacular. It is believed that Ludwig's death was no accident as he was understood to be as mad as a hatter expending countless millions on his castles. It cannot be denied he had a great eye for beauty but his extravagance met with resistance. His love of the music of Richard Wagner (and very likely his love for the composer himself) was evident where he built the beautiful Grotto (attached to one of his other castles, Linderhoff) in which the acoustics were flawless to listen to Wagner's compositions. Unlike the incomplete Neuschwanstein, Linerhoff was fully completed and is spectacular inside. Germany is country with so much beauty and Bavaria is one of the most spectacular areas of this lovely country.

Kathryn Byrne, Australia

I have visited Neuschwanstein in person and loved it. This is the best possible substitute. So wonderful and shows it off as well as possible. thanks for a superb job! Randy

Randy mith, USA

A wonderful place. You captured the true spirit of the location. I was there the first time in 1954.My wife, Ilse and I took our four children there once again in 1971. A third visit was in 1989 with our youngest son. Aw inspiring. Thank you very much for bringing back such wonderful memories. Germany is a very beautify country. Best regards, Ed Burk

Edwin J Burk, USA




David Beale, USA

Do you sell prints of the Neuschwanstein castle in panoramic? I'd be interested in purchasing one

Alana Faber, Canada

El CASTILLO DE NEUSCHWANSTEIN-GERMANY...CON NIEBLA, FABULOSO, parece un castillo de cuentos de hadas... realmente es como estar soñando...BELLO!!!SIN DUDAS

PERLA DAGA, Argentina

It significant moment from me at Year 2012. It's Wonderful place.

Anetagama Siswo, Indonesia

AMAZING JOB..... i like so much .. Who is the composer of the music ?

Danilo Gamez, El Salvador

Dear Danilo, you can read how to find the author of music here:

Varvara, AirPano

Just about a month ago together with my wife we visited this Bavarian splendour and we learned about tragic life of Ludwig II, the Mad King. He lived in the castle only half a year or so, and at 41 he died drowned in the lake nearby. In 2012 Bavaria Pictures produced a movie - "Ludwig II", very interesting and so tragic. This remarkable architecture of the castle, the landscape, the creek and rapids, the mountains and the dense forest are giving a mysterious atmosphere to all region of Fussen. Thank you for your pictures guys. All the best to your team.

Alex Ugron, Australia

this is so fantastic

adam bartos, Hungary

I've been to bavaria but not to this castle!!!what a pity...I love to go there again..but thanks for this amazing virtual tour..I was fascinated by that! Thank you!!!!

shiva omrani, Iran


Sehr gute Darstellung Photos und Texte Das ist meine Heimat. Ich bin Münchner

Gotthol Dr Tippner, Germany

pictures would suggest. Thank you, gigi. Dolly

Dorothy Lawrence, USA


Belinda Mace, Honduras

Germany, always captivating me from last 2 years.. Love to live in Germany..

Hosen Rabiul, Germany

Hi! ^^ Your work it's amazing! This website is my favorite,I have no conditions to travel so thank you by make me can travel around the world in other way. Congratulations ! :) I'm from Brazil and I used your Neuschwantein Castle text, to my university's study. Can I ask for a post date ? I didn't find it. Thank you again ! Sorry about my english, I'm still leaning ! I hope you can understand me ! :) Thank you ! In portuguese - Obrigada !

Leticia Shimabuk, Brazil

Beautiful! I visited this castle some years ago with my husband which now has passed away. Happy memories and yet sad.

diana vella, Malta

This is extraordinary stunning view.. Thank you guys for sharing...

Branko Matosevic, Croatia

rayehe hp, Iran

We visited the Castle years ago and your pictures revived these wonderful memories. Vielen Dank

Edward Diehl, USA

i have never seen anything so beautiful.thank you and may god keep you safe. jeannette demers

jeannette demers, USA

Beautiful. We were there 2 weeks ago and gratefully we had a beautiful sunny day. Your project is amazing and it is wonderful to look at so many of the places we have travelled.

Linda Taylor, Canada

Thank you for waiting for the weather and taking the risk to capture Neuschwanstein Castle in this stunning panoramic view! I had the blessing of visiting there in '76 which took my words and breath away...I'll never forget it!

Donna Montgomery, Canada

In 1996 and 1997 I had the opportunity to sing in the singers hall at the beautiful castle Neuschwanstein as Gurnemanz in 'Parsifal' and Hans Sachs in 'Meistersinger' during the Wagner festival celebrated in September. My experience is quite unique and will wear out the ears of all my grandchildren.......Thank you Koenig Ludwig und Herr Wagner....

Greg Ryerson, Australia

When my friend sent me the link to this site, Neuschwanstein was the first place I wanted to revisit. It has been over 40 years since I was there. Thank you for the outstanding photography that allowed me to enjoy it all again. The music was as lovely as the photography. Our planet is quite a place with many awe-inspiring locations. Keep up your good work.

Gay Lynn Greninger, USA

I was in Bavaria during the late 60's, and had the opportunity to travel thru Hohenschwangau in early 1968. I can easily understand why Disney chose this castle as the basis for his 'fairy prince castle'. I loved Bavaria then, and wish that I could return and stay this time! I have really missed it since I had to leave in December 1969.

Jene Farmer, Canada

Hi..I visited Germany in April 2000 coming from Holland by a train. I can't describe how much I loved this heaven on earth place. I was so impressed how could they built this castle and the other one in the same area. I loved the timber bridge between the top of mountains; the valley; the freezing cold river; the lake; the village...It was Awesome; Nice, unbelievable experience. I will come back one day ..


I love germany

daniyal khani, Iran

I visited Munich this July and was very blessed in being able to visit this Castle along with a couple others in Bavaria and I must say that it took my breath away, the view was amazing. The castle was amazing.....Your panaramic was amazing...

Karen Kemp, Canada

thank you veryyy much.

fatemeh mousavi, Iran

I have been there in 1950 and again 1990.It is no doubt one of the most beautiful places in the world.

Robert Denison, USA

We visited Castle in 1992 for second time.

I was stationed in Vienna, Austria and spent severl weeks in rehab in 1950 in Garmisch-Partenkichen and one of our side trips was to this castle. This was and still is an outstanding sight. Thanks for the wonderful views.

Glenn Brunner, USA

very well captured

Parminder Kaur, India

Raymond Lee

WE visited the castle in 1953 while stationed in Germany. Thanks for the wonderful revisit.

Jewell Greer, USA

Amazing view, very nice place. I was there.

Simona Stancuta, Romania

Stunning! Can't wait to visit in 2014

Sandi Bonenberger, USA

Absolutely gorgeous and amazing!!!

Mimi Lee, USA

I was stationed in Fussen in 1950-51 with the 70th FA Bn and visited the castle several times. Back then you could take interior pictures.

kenneth smith, USA

My husband and I visited this castle in 1986 and Schloss Linderhof in 1990 when we were back to see the Passion Play. It is a beautiful area.

Lucy Larson, USA

A most beautiful castle - I remember my 2 visits once in 1971 and again with my son when he was 21 in 2003. Also remembering the catle being used for the film Chitty Chitty Bang Bang! Enchanting.......

John Hurst, United Kingdom

This brought back so many memories, went to this castle in 2005 & 2007, would dearly love to see it again, maybe one day.

Hannah Delconte, Australia

Great presentation. Like all the fairy tale castles you dream about. Now I will have to look up the history of it. I appreciate all your hard work to photograph it.

Marlene Craig, USA

J'adore! It's really really fantastic!!Thanks for presenting so excellent view.

Congxia Wang, China

Thank you so much,My Daughter and I visited the Castle in 2007.and stayed at the Hote Muller,taking the Horse drawn cart up to the castle.At the age of 85 I climed to the top , all 350 steps and back again. it was the most wonderful day of my last visit to Europe. Would love to return and do it all over again, but at 90 I fear that I will have to repete your show when ever I want to return to see Neushwanstein

Cliff Campbell, Australia

Lovely photos - they took me back to my visit to the castle in 1968.

Linda Ironside, Canada

While I am aware of the weather conditions that prevail around the castle, I think you should have considered staying a few more days, perhaps venturing a little ways north to Oberammergau, giving the weather a chance to improve. The Schloss Neuschanstein is a very beautiful sight, especially from the footbridge in the rear, and it deserves every opportunity to show its beauty.

William Forte, Germany

I think the pictures are marvelous with the music that sets the mood. I have religious sisters in Waldbreitback, West Germany.

Sister Mary Antonice Delury,osf., USA

I admire it really! A wonderful Castel and View and the narrated histories also. I am proud to visit it! that was a trip arranged by my respected chie,i am also thankful for that.

Kebede Hailu, Germany

Very nice - my wife and I rode the bike path that runs from Wurzburg down to Fussen - about 400km - a great experience. We found a B&B with a great view of the castle and spent a few days there.

Bob Block, USA

Beutiful! Outstanding! The music made everything heavenly!

Paige Preston, USA

Made me homesick for my beautiful Bavaria, my place of birth.

Kristina Beecroft, Australia

Thank you for taking me back to my birth country -even if only in spirit. My first visit to Neuschwanstein was also on a rainy, foggy day and your fabulous pictures remind me of happy childhood days. It's beautiful - rain or shine!

Elisabeth Oehler

I wish I were younger than my 82 years. I have admired this castle all of my life. The pictures are great! I wish that someone could go through the whole castle and take more pictures of the whole inside for those of us that can't make the trip!! Kittos!

Curtis Jacobs, USA

The foggy one from directly above the castle is breath-taking! A perfect light and mood! I am a photgrapher myself ( and live in Fuessen.I know the place well, also from the aerial view by flying with the hangglider over it. As you better should not try flying through the fog you never have the chance to get that amazing perspective. All your other pictures are also really well done!

Simon Toplak, Germany

Just returned last week from a self-drive tour around Germany, and Neuschwanstein Castle was a highlight for us, on a crystal clear May day. Although they don't allow pics to be taken during the tour of the castle, we managed to get some great pics from outside. Be sure to leave the bus terminal with an hour to spare, and catch the bus or horse and cart up the hill, as it is very exhausting racing up if you are running late. The interior artworks are simply breath-taking and awe inspiring. Well worth the visit.

David Birch - Ausralia, Australia

Beautiful !!! the most outstanding collection of photographs I have ever seen. Outstanding!! Âû

Paul Ratzlaff, USA

Absolutely beautiful! Thank you!

Belle Sullivan, USA

John Nabet, USA

I had visited Neuschwanstein Castle when i was in Germany years ago, thatz where I fell in love with this place and my Husband (we were not married then). This place is till day my fairy tale. and thanks to Anna and team for such a wonderful view which is extremely good and brings them to life again. -Kanchana Rathish.

Kanchana Devi, India

Again very good and evoking so so many fond thoughts of days that have gone by. Thank you this.

John Arthur Thomas, India



My recently deceased husband and I were so very thrilled to see and tour(the part that was permitted) this beautiful castle. I can't even begin to describe how we felt as we stood there and tried to take in its beauty and that of its surroundings. Germany is an exquisite country and the people were all so gracious to us. I'll forever treasure the memory of my late husband's thrill as he took picture after picture. Thank you for some fantastic memories.

Rita Lawrence, USA

We are pleased with your message, Rita. Thanks for coming here!

Wonderful! Germany, in my opinion, is one of the most beautiful countries in the world, with its beautiful nature and of course, the castles! I hope one day I can visit this castle! You must also make photos of the Black Forest! Keep on the beautiful job! :) Greetings from a brazilian who lives in Curacao, in the dutch antilleans!

Gisele Menezes van Sermondt, Netherlands Antilles

Thanks for the greetings! It's nice that you visited us and we are thankful for the comment you left.

I grew up in GERMANY and have visited the CASTLE 3x in summer & is simply breathtaking! Your panoramas are amazing...thanks for sharing. Christel R Phillips Green Valley, AZ

Christel Phillips, USA

I visited a few years ago and although the photographs are wonderful and bring back so many memories you really have to actually be there,it is unbelievable how this castle was even built and I wonder why the King needed so many rooms!I loved the Grotto,and swans everywhere.Thanks to the photographers.

Vivien Nahmias, Israel

It is nice to get this message from you. Thanks!

so beautiful!!And the music is also good,let me feel that like a dream!

August Finger, China

it's so beautiful. thanks for sharing

mila edrada, Philippines

very beautiful view.hope one day there would be a Chinese mainland city

Kexin Liang, China

excelente obra, bellisimo paisaje, entorno natural espectacular, gente hermosa que nos recibió - año 2001, menencantaria regresar

graciela Rachi, Argentina

Guys you are really amazing....Incredible work. Thanks for sharing.



Verry good. I like it

sovia yuli astuti, Indonesia



estuve ahi en l981.Me hicieron revivir maravillosos momentos.Gracias....

maria fricke, Chile

Kinjal Shah, India

MY,MY what a dream, spectacular,I first read about this schloss many years ago, I first saw it in the 50's with my husband, been there several times , hope to revisit this year ,I complement you on your artistry ALL your photography is magnificent,WELL done excellent work schloss Herrenchiemsee, is also one of Ludwig's

Elizabeth Kubicek, Australia

In 1991, when our German-born son-in-law, our youngest daughter, and their 2 yr old Kandace, were stationed in Worms, Germany, we left Kandace and their little Yorkie with her grandmother in Landshut and our kids took us to visit this castle. We walked all the way up the hill and thoroughly enjoyed it. We also visited a couple of other castles built by Mad King Ludwig. Best 3 weeks of our life!

Wilma Curtis, USA

Thank you! We are touched by your opinion.

maravillas y emociones es lo que tu nos das dejandonos ver cosas tan hermosas q muchos no podriamos aunque quisieramos llegar un dia a poder observar gracias mil por permitirnos soñar

Maria Elcy Correa, Colombia

Estamos contentos que podemos regalarle estos momentos alegres.

Maravilloso, muy hermoso, lo he visto 3 veces, y lo he mostrado, es muy bello su trabajo felicitaciones.

alonso rodriguez, Colombia

This is gorgeos,thanks for show us the beautiful of this planet

Amparo Echeverry, Colombia

beautiful pictures .hope to go there one day. by the way what is name of the hauntingly wonderful music being played ? thank you

peter valdez

We are grateful for your message left. As for the music, follow this link  and you'll know.

Que bonito lugar, que gran paisaje, que envidia a las personas que pueden viajar a ese lugar y más a los que viven en ese pueblito... :)

Mario Portillo, El Salvador

Muchas gracias por todas estas maravillas de panorámicas virtuales que podemos disfrutar, viéndolas gracias a Usted. Muchas gracias

juan rodriguez, Spain

It's amazing. Obrigado por compartilhar!!!

Fabiano Becatini, Brazil

grandiosas todas las tomas,gracias por compartirlas.

felipe fajardo, USA


dhanakoti rao, India

sharon liu, other...

It is just MAGNIFICENT!!!!!!!

3li il-mulla, Kuwait

How wonderful it would be if we all lived in peace to enjoy the wonders of all the beauty in all the countries and the people.

Gordon F. Snider, Canada

Wspaniałe foto.Pozdrowienia z Gdańska

Jan Możejko, Poland

I wish there was someone in my life. Who will take me to this place. It is a virtual paradise. If I had been living at the property. I will practice Dharma. Until my life would perish from this earth. Thanks for sharing the good things to human consumption.

Aunnada Panbubpha, Thailand

Excellent Website about aerial view of various places Thanks for sharing this link



german porras, USA

patriciacorina caravalho, Brazil

Es el castell de fades més impressionant del món. El vam visitar fa 14 anys i ens va enlluernar tant el castell com l'entorn. Ara si que es veu amb tot el seu esplendor i sense boira. Us felicito per les magnífiques vistes!. Enhorabona airpano!.

Jordi Cunill

you make my dream comes true - my fairytale castle I wanted to visit but not likely for my age.This is heavenly beautiful at all angles. Thanks for sharing, you are fantastic.

Mary Wong, Malaysia

Thank you. We aprreciate your opinion.

Thanks for this, it's awesome. I am sitting here with tears running down my cheeks. My wife (Marijana) and I visited Neuschwanstein twice...first in Winter 1994, in the snow, and then again in the Autumn of 2010. The second visit was just a few weeks before she died, so this is the last place we visited together. Thanks again.

Deon Reynders, Australia

It's nice to hear that. Thank you for visiting us.

i like this very very much

karthik reddy, India

les quedò espectacular, gracias por esas panoràmicas.

eider roa ramirez, Colombia

I think if requested a special permission of the United Nations to photograph the World Heritage it should grant

Juan Quiles, Spain

Oh, it would be great

Very good. hugs. Claudio antonio

Claudio Antonio, Brazil

very nice place ... thank you !!!

Morteza Fallah, Iran

So pretty! I'm always anxious for the next e-mail.

Suzi Borges, Brazil

I know the Castle. Impressive not so colorfull as one we have in Portugal: Palácio da Pena. I hope you some day come to Portugal! Best regards and continue your good work, Érico Rocha

Érico Rocha, Portugal

Sheer beauty and fantasy in the stills. What Magic! The style of the photography itself reminds me of 19thc Romantic Art paintings. I loved the fly-over in order to get perspective and setting. The castle was also featured in an old American movie, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang with Dick Van Dyke.

Meryl Wieder, USA

Thanks a lot for your comment, Meryl. We appreciate your interest in this pano.


Chiara Pampo, Italy

good. but not best. Matcho picho was best. thanks for you for your top Idea and site.

boheira Tavakoli, Iran

Stephen Senio, USA

I grew up looking at this castle from our living room window. I went to school at Hohenschwangau Gymnasium and made my first money acting as a guide in that castle. I was so afraid that visitors would ask questions about history, but all they wanted to know was where the washrooms were and when the next tour started. Well some wanted to hear more about mad King Ludwig, but that was easy. Does anyone know that there many more interesting castles nearby, such as the one Ludwig II grew up in (Hohenschwangau). It's within walking distance. There is another one he built not far away, called Schloss Linderhof, well worth a visit. BTW, when I entered the working world and moved away, I was amazed that there are flat areas, with no mountains and no castles and wondered how people could live without any scenery. Thanks for taking me back to my childhood hometown.

Edith Huber, USA

Many thanks for your informative message and it gives us pleasure to have your opinion here.

I have, since I was a little girl, been dreaming to go to a castle like this!! For financial reasons I dont think I will EVER go there, but now at least I can see it up close and personal. Thank you so MUCH!

Margaretha Grobler, South Africa

We are glad you enjoyed it. Regards!

mil felicidades,con ese don que DIOS le dió y el ser tan bondadoso de compartir tantas bellezas que DIOS le ha permitido admirar y disfrutar gracias por este gran regalo para tanta gente que solo así puede viajar y disfrutar. DIOS LO SIGA BENDICIENDO


We are grateful for your interest in this panorama.We hope, you’ll visit us soon again.

My favorite castle! The King Ludwig II would be happy to see these wunderfull pictures...

Michèle Isaac, Belgium

when i visited my homecountry germany,my sister and my brotherinlaw took us there,it was absolute fantastic,and your pnoramas are just wonderful,thank you so much,wonderful,keep the good work up

doris esser, Canada

We are happy you enjoyed it!

Hej Guys, I would like to thank you for these wonderful images, for all the efforts you spend on them. And many thanks to make them available for the Internet community. Keep motivated!

Werner Feilner, Germany

Thank you too! We are motivated by your interest and kind attention.

Excelent job. Like real life, but in sunny days is more wonderfull...

Juliano Fraga, Brazil


James Wynne, USA

I cannot pick a favorite. You do our planet a great service by showing its beauty in all its glory. What a sublime and even spiritual inspiration you all had to come up with such an amazing idea. Bravo!

Karen Nichols-Rexwall, Sweden

Thanks a lot! We liked you liked ;)

fantastico, hermosos panoramas gracias

alfredo nieto, Mexico

Peut-on partager ces vidéos sur Facebook ?

claude cascio, France

I've been there 2-3 times but never get such a beautiful views like this. Thanks...

Prakmard Suwanasing, Thailand

yes, we aimed at unusual panoramic views. enjoy them!

Beautifull. Your pilot is darn good. I fly RC planes because I am unable to master the helicopter. Keep up this good work

George Brejnik, Slovakia



It's nice to hear that from you. Thanks a lot!

Χριστίνα γειά σου σου το στέλνω να το δείς και εσύ και να το ψάηεις και από μόνη σου.Κάνε κλικ στη παραπάνω φοτό για να δείς και μετά θα το βρείς και εσύ.Εντάξυ;Καλή συνέχεια και καλή σου μέρα να έεις.ΛΗΤΩ ΚΑΡΝΕΖΗ.

Christina Konstantatou, Greece

It would be better if you wrote in English, please.

Hi.Its beautiful foto.Very i like this airpano foto .L.K.


Sencillamente...fabuloso!!.- La niebla le da un toque maravilloso.- Fantásticas fotos!!

Roberto Zúñiga, Venezuela

Muchas gracias! Agradecemos por el comentario!

Hi ur work is a great feeling that I saw yet THANKS A LOT

iran irani, Iran

Your film is really great and the fog makes it look even more beautiful and dream like. I also love the stills.

Christine Kitchen, France

gracias, el sueño de mi vida es viajar y ustedes me brindan el mejor regalo al compartir esos bellos lugares

irene gomez, Mexico

Neuschwanstein: super ,Ik ben vele keren geweest. fantastische fotos

warner Deuling, Netherlands

I should go,wow

abir momeni, Iran

Majid Akbari

Gyönyörü képek,szinte megnyugtató ,gratulálok az elkészitöinek.További sikereket kivánok,és köszönet érte hogy részesei lehetünk e földi csodáknak......

Ildiko Martinsky

Csodásak a képek,kár a nagy köd miatt.Igen,tudom,hogy fent a hegyekben milyen hamar leül a köd.

Martina Fischer

PARABENS!!! Espetáculo! Nunca havia visto a cidade que existe na base - muito lindo, imagine quanta história esse lugar tem pra contar! CONGRATULATIONS! Show! I had never seen the city that exists at the base - very beautiful, imagine how much history this place has to tell!

Basileu Azara

stupendo: sono rimasta a bocca aperta

olga pigatto

Your pano's are just amazing ... congratulations!

Johan Thoen

S U P E R, AMAZING, i'll buy this castle. Greetings, Pierre, Roeselare, Belgium.

Pierre vergote

Fantastic! I was amazed!

maziar Abbasi

virtual tours of medieval castles

Medieval castle  /  Castle

360° panoramas.

virtual tours of medieval castles

Georgenburgh Castle XS

Zamok 2 zemliya xs, zamok 1 zemliya xs.

virtual tours of medieval castles

Bystrzyca Kłodzka

Kolejowa 1, 57-500 Bystrzyca Kłodzka, Poland

virtual tours of medieval castles

The inner courtyard, view of the castle gate Malbork

Zamek Średni, 82-200 Malbork, Poland

Museum exhibits of the castle

Zamek Wysoki, 82-200 Malbork, Poland

Grand Master

Internal rooms, internal rooms, museum expat, malbork castle, residential premises of the grand master, room decorated with medieval carpets, in the corridors of the castle, courtyard of the medieval malbork castle, hall for the reception of guests, view of the castle, in the square in front of the castle.

Starościńska 14, 82-200 Malbork, Poland

Beyond the walls of the castle

Malbork restaurant.

Starościńska 1, 82-200 Malbork, Poland

By the river

Near the wall.

virtual tours of medieval castles

Balga Castle

Insterburg castle.

st. Zamkovaya, 1, Chernyakhovsk, Kaliningrad region, Russia, 238100

Georgenburg Castle

Ragnit castle, schaaken castle, waldau castle, brandenburg castle, royal castle ruins, at the wall of the old castle - olsztyn.

10-001, Olsztyn, Poland

Park in front of the castle - Olsztyn

Zamkowa 2, 11-041 Olsztyn, Poland

Balga Castle, outside

Unnamed Road, Kaliningrad Region, Russia, 238450

Komsomolskaya Street, 76, Svetly, Kaliningrad region, Russia, 238741

Castle Balga, from the north corner

Balga castle, at the outer wall.

Central Street, 43, Nekrasovo, Kaliningrad region, Russia, 238316

Living room, reception room

virtual tours of medieval castles

How to make a panorama in 3dsMax + Corona Render

The article describes step by step how to make not standard renders (photo format), but a panorama in 3dsMax + Corona Render 3d visualization modeling programs.

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Virtual Tour Castello di Brescia

Discovering the Brescia Castle Virtual Tour

The 360° Virtual Tour of the Castle of Brescia is a project promoted by the Rotary Club Brescia Sud Ovest Maclodio and the Fondazione Brescia Musei with the patronage of the Municipality of Brescia , with the aim of enhancing and promoting the historical and architectural heritage of one of the most iconic places in Brescia, loved by Italian and international tourists in part for the significant Lombard and Roman cultural settlements found there. The famous medieval fortress perched on Colle Cidneo became in 2020 one of the FAI “best-loved places” among the most voted, earning 3rd place out of the 100 sites on the list.

Conceived by Gruppo WISE and created in collaboration with the no-profit Amici del Cidneo Onlus and with the support of important Partners, the Virtual Tour of the medieval fortress in Brescia is part of the programme of events inl 2023 that will make Brescia and Bergamo truly representative capital of Italian culture . This highly significant event will provide the artistic and cultural heritage of the two capitals with a stage of excellence, a showcase in which to display their treasures .

virtual tours of medieval castles

“The exploitation of the historical and architectural heritage of one of the most representative places of Lombardy city”

virtual tours of medieval castles


virtual tours of medieval castles


virtual tours of medieval castles


virtual tours of medieval castles

Credits and Narrators

Bazoli francesca.

President, Brescia Museums Foundation

Benzoni Fabrizio

City Councilman delegated to Sport, Municipality of Brescia

Berlucchi Nicola

Engineer and Member of the Scientific Council, Brescia Museums Foundation Editor of A fortress for the city

Brondi Giovanni

President, Amici del Cidneo Onlus

Castelletti Laura

Deputy Mayor, Municipality of Brescia

Del Bono Emilio

Mayor, Municipality of Brescia

Frizza Davide

President, Rotary Club Brescia Sud Ovest Maclodio

Karadjov Stefano

Director, Brescia Museums Foundation

Marchesi Gianpietro

President, Brescia Speleological Associations

Merlo Marco

Curator, Brescia Castle

Muchetti Valter

City Councilor responsible for urban regeneration, commerce, real estate development and civil protection, Municipality of Brescia

Soffiantini Andrea

President of the Union of Bresciani Amateur Astronomers

Solfitti Paola

Head of the Museum of Natural Sciences of Brescia

Villari Giusy

Professor, Italian Institute of Castles

virtual tours of medieval castles

Secretariat [email protected]

Ufficio Stampa [email protected]

Phone +39 333 188 8279

I've read the privacy policy and accept the treatment of my personal data.

Rotary Club Brescia Sud Ovest Maclodio Via San Martino della Battaglia 20 25121 Brescia - CF 98149410171 s [email protected]

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Warwick Castle

Created by: Mi360

Warwick Castle is a medieval castle developed from a wooden fort, originally built by William the Conqueror during 1068. Warwick is the county town of Warwickshire, England, situated on a bend of the River Avon. The original wooden motte-and-bailey castle was rebuilt in stone during the 12th century. During the Hundred Years War, the facade opposite the town was refortified, resulting in one of the most recognisable examples of 14th-century military architecture. It was used as a stronghold until the early 17th century, when it was granted to Sir Fulke Greville by James I in 1604. Greville converted it to a country house and it was owned by the Greville family, who became Earls of Warwick in 1759, until 1978 when it was bought by the Tussauds Group. In 2007, the Tussauds Group was purchased by The Blackstone Group which merged it with Merlin Entertainments; Warwick Castle was then sold to Nick Leslau’s investment firm Prestbury Group under a sale and leaseback agreement. (Wikipedia)

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virtual tours of medieval castles

6 Virtual Tours of Castles You Can Take With Your Kiddos

6 Virtual Tours of Castles You Can Take With Your Kiddos


  • Tags: Activities , Freebies , Virtual Tours

Go on virtual tours of the best castles of Europe with your kids!

Are you homeschooling your children and looking for ways to make learning fun? Look no further! Virtual tours are a great way to combine educational exploration with entertainment. 

With these 6 virtual tours of famous European castles, you can spend a lazy day at home learning about the fascinating history behind each of these stunning structures.

  • Buckingham Palace in England
  • Palace of Versailles in France   (learn more)
  • Alcázar de Segovia in Spain   (learn more)
  • Anne Boleyn's Hever Castle in England   (learn more)
  • Miramare Castle on the Sea in Italy
  • Trakošćan Castle in Croatia

TIP:  Bookmark these links! They are great hands-off learning activities!


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    This medieval castle was originally built by William the Conqueror around 1068, and it sits on the banks of the River Avon. Originally a wooden motte-and-bailey structure, it was rebuilt in stone during the 12th century. ... This virtual tour takes you on a tour of the house. Visit the 3D tour HERE | Website . Lewes Castle At Lewes Castle ...

  10. Take a Virtual Tour of Some of Europe's Most Famous Castles ...

    Google Arts & Culture is offerings virtual tours and online exhibits of some of the most famous castles and palaces in Europe for people around the world to explore at home.

  11. Virtual Visits

    Medieval Forts. Virtually explore the hidden depths of Wales' iconic castles…. Digitally wander the grounds and passageways of our epic medieval fortresses, Castell Cricieth, Castell Harlech, Castell y Bere, Raglan Castle and our latest additions, Chepstow and Kidwelly castles.

  12. Virtual Castle Tour of 2 Castles in Europe

    Virtual Tour of Matterport Castle. The second tour that I want to go to is, in Europe as well. And this is a drone image of a nice castle, medieval castle. And you can tour the entire city. Okay. What I like about this is that they added a Matterport tour here. You can click on it and what it opens.

  13. Virtual tours: Windsor Castle

    Windsor Castle is open to the public and visitors can explore the history and significance of Windsor Castle. Take a sneak peak via our virtual tours. The first tour is of a traditional State Banquet in St George's Hall. Click on the small images underneath the tour to access the other rooms: the Waterloo Chamber and the Crimson Drawing Room.

  14. A 360° Virtual Tour Of Seven Incredible Irish Castles

    4. Carrickfergus Castle. Located in County Antrim in Northern Ireland is Carrickfergus Castle, an impressive Norman castle which sits along Belfast Lough. This castle has much historical significance and is one of the best-preserved Medieval castles in the North. A visitor centre and guided tours offer guests a unique look inside a medieval ...

  15. 23 Virtual Castle Tours You Can Take From Your Couch

    Royal Palace of Caserta. Ashford Castle, Ireland. Malbork Castle, Poland. Malahide Castle, Ireland. Dunluce Castle, Ireland. Festung Hohensalzburg, Austria. Hedingham Castle, England. Miramare Castle, Italy. If you love these Virtual Castle Tours, You Will Love These Virtual Tours You Can Take From Home.

  16. Inside Middleham Castle

    I visited Middleham Castle in Yorkshire and was absolutely blown away by the size and scale of the place. Armed with my Fujifilm XT-4 Digital Camera, I spent...

  17. Virtual Tour of Pendennis Castle

    Virtual Tour of Pendennis Castle. Use the virtual tour below to explore Pendennis Castle. ... The Tudor period saw the gradual evolution of England's medieval army into a larger, firearm-wielding force supported by powerful ships and formidable gun forts. Membership starts from £42.

  18. Virtual Tour over Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany

    Germany is the land of fairy tales that gave the world Wilhelm Hauff and The Brothers Grimm, for example. Germany is also home to the most magical castle on the planet, Neuschwanstein Castle, the name of which translates as «The New Swan Cliff». It was built in the second half of the nineteenth century by Ludwig II of Bavaria, or as they ...

  19. Medieval castle

    Courtyard of the medieval Malbork Castle Zamek Średni, 82-200 Malbork, Poland. 4K 04/01 2016 {{local.favoritesCount}} 11 Hall for the reception of guests ... upload to the site spherical panoramas from which you plan to create a virtual tour; 2) from the list of uploaded panoramas add each panorama to the virtual tour (Add to 3D tour link); 3 ...

  20. Discovering the Brescia Castle Virtual Tour

    The 360° Virtual Tour of the Castle of Brescia is a project with the aim of enhancing and promoting the historical and architectural heritage of one of the most iconic places in Brescia. ... The famous medieval fortress perched on Colle Cidneo became in 2020 one of the FAI "best-loved places" among the most voted, earning 3rd place out of ...

  21. Warwick Castle

    Warwick Castle is a medieval castle developed from a wooden fort, originally built by William the Conqueror during 1068. Warwick is the county town of Warwickshire, England, situated on a bend of the River Avon. The original wooden motte-and-bailey castle was rebuilt in stone during the 12th century. During the Hundred Years War, the facade ...

  22. Kids in the Castle: Lessons, Activities, and Virtual Tours

    NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC. One of the best places to find a virtual medieval tour is at National Geographic's Ghosts in the Castle. This is a site all your students can enjoy because, although the three castle-related activities here appear to be of similar difficulty, they actually provide for a range of abilities and reading levels.

  23. 6 Virtual Tours of Castles You Can Take With Your Kiddos

    With these 6 virtual tours of famous European castles, you can spend a lazy day at home learning about the fascinating history behind each of these stunning structures. Buckingham Palace in England. Palace of Versailles in France (learn more) Alcázar de Segovia in Spain (learn more) Anne Boleyn's Hever Castle in England (learn more)