Home Time Travelling through Wormhole (Laravel 8)

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Time Travelling through Wormhole (Laravel 8)

New to Laravel 8 is the ability to quite literally travel in time using the Wormhole class.

Although this class was only recently implemented on version 8, the time travelling concept is already apparent using the Carbon::setTestNow() which is a feature available in Carbon\Carbon package, and is in fact behind this class. Personally, I was able to utilize this feature when I was working on a Loans Management app, which made simulating past and future scenarios (i.e: loans terms and payments) in my tests quite a breeze.

Let's take a look at how we can make time travelling work in Laravel 8.

The InteractsWithTime trait

In Laravel 8, a new trait for testing has been created as a sort of wrapper for the Wormhole class.

The InteractsWithTime trait is within Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Concerns namespace (be careful when importing and not to confuse it with other traits with the same name but in a different namespace).

So we can just use it in our test classes like so..

Once we've used it on our test class we then gain access to various utility methods..

We can also travel to a specific date..

Just make sure to ALWAYS GO BACK TO THE PRESENT after doing time travelling to not get stuck in the past or present.

That means we can also time travel, execute a callback and return to the current date consecutively..

The Wormhole::class

The Wormhole::class is namespaced within Illuminate\Foundation\Testing . Looking at it, its just a single file class that accepts an integer value.

This means we can just new it up like a traditional php class, give it a value and call the methods within it, like so..

And again we can execute a callback within the Wormhole method..

This is useful if you wish to do time travelling outside your tests and don't want to use the trait.

And there you have it, time travelling in Laravel is now online.

Hope you learned something from this article. Cheers!

laravel travel in time

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How to Time Travel in Laravel Dusk using Carbon

Time travelling is an important aspect of testing for time-sensitive operations/data of your Laravel application.

What if you are doing a Black Box Browser test with Laravel Dusk and requires to time travel (mocking time)? Well you could’ve just use Carbon::setTestNow($date); . That’s not the the case though, you will notice browser recorded time is different that in your test case(you can use Laravel Log to log the time when running test).

Why is browser time and test process is not in synced ? Well it’s because …

“ Dusk test and the Browser application runs as separate processes. “

I’ve struggled for finding ways to time travel in Laravel Dusk since there’s not much devs are facing the scenario as mine. Here’s a neat trick for your to archive time travelling with Laravel Dusk without breaking a sweat.

Step 1 We are going start from browser test setup. Before the browser start any action, we need to execute a script to store the date that you going to pass by in your browser local storage.

Step 2 Ensure to set your Laravel app environment APP_ENV to testing in .env.dusk.local .

Then, add this line <script> window.env = '{{ config('app.env') }}'; </script> to app.blade.php or your main entry blade file head section to configure your app env that can be read from client-side.

Step 3 Assuming you are using Axios for sending network requests to PHP, we shall make use of axios interceptors to append a header. Add code below in your app.js or main.js file to append the desired date to request header so that every axios request will pass in the date value from local storage to PHP.

Step 4 Create a new middleware file named CarbonSetTestDate and register this class in your kernel middleware. After that, add the code below in your middleware handle() method. So every request will go through the CarbonSetTestDate middleware for time travel requests.

Summary The reason why we make every request to change date via the middleware before function execution is due to each request has it own session and process. To protect your system, ensure both side frontend and backend validates app environment to avoid malicious attempts on changing the date time of your running application.

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Time travel for your Laravel Models.


Folders and files, repository files navigation, laravel time traveller.

Time travelling for Laravel 5 models.

  • Uses database table to store model states.
  • Can be accessed from ORM or URL Query String.
  • Bundled command to keep revisions table healthy.
  • Ability to override Revisions model for extension.


Run the following command on your project root. composer require conceptbyte/time-traveller

Add the service provider to the config/app.php file under the providers key. Make sure to add it after the default laravel service providers.

Publish Configuration

Run php artisan vendor:publish to publish the package configurations.

Modify Configuration

Use the config/timetraveller.php file to modify the package defaults.

  • Revisions Model 'model' => ConceptByte\TimeTraveller\Models\Revision::class
  • Query String Parameter 'at' => 'at'
  • Clear audits that are older than 'clear' => '365'

Enable time traveller on a model by using the trait.

All models that use the trait must implement abstract public function getBy() which returns any string. This function can be used to save any additional attributes such as the owner of the change.

###Get the state of a record at a specific data/time.

###Get the state of a record using a query string.

URL: timetravel.app/posts/1?at=58781813

###Get a model with revisions

###You can clear the audits table records that are older than a specified range. php artisan time-traveller:clear . This will read the config file and clear records that are older than the configured number of days.

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How to Convert UTC Time to Local Time in Laravel - TechvBlogs

How to Convert UTC Time to Local Time in Laravel

Master the art of time conversion in Laravel! Learn step-by-step how to seamlessly convert UTC time to local time in your applications. Say goodbye to timezone headaches and elevate your Laravel development game.

Smit Pipaliya - Author - TechvBlogs

Smit Pipaliya

3 months ago

TechvBlogs - Google News

Struggling with time zones in Laravel? This guide cuts through the complexity and shows you how to effortlessly convert UTC to local time using the Carbon library. Follow a clear-cut example to master this essential skill and ensure your users see accurate dates and times, no matter their location. Learn bonus tips on handling Daylight Saving Time and building internationalized applications. Unleash the full potential of Carbon and conquer time zones like a Laravel pro!

Forget time zone headaches! Use Carbon's setTimezone() method in Laravel to magically convert any UTC time to your local setting. Just grab the Carbon library, tell it your timezone ("Asia/Kolkata" in this case), and boom, instantly accurate dates and times for your users! No more complex calculations or cryptic code, just simple Carbon magic.

Now, let's explore some straightforward examples with code:

Explore a simple example with custom date and time:

 Example 2:

Explore a simple example with now date and time:

Thank you! Your input is always appreciated. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask!

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How to set Timezone in Laravel 8 | Manual and Dynamic Ways

How to set Timezone in Laravel 8 | Manual and Dynamic Ways

In this article, I am going to cover how you can set the timezone or change it in laravel. I will cover both manual and dynamic ways of setting timezone in laravel.

I will cover in the following order: 1. Set the timezone manually in laravel 2. Set the timezone dynamically in laravel

If you are using laravel 9, you can check this post on how to set timezone in laravel 9 .

I have also created a video on this topic, so if you don’t want to follow the article, you can watch the video covering the same topic.

Let’s get started.

Table of Contents

1. Setting Timezone Manually in files

In this section, first I will share with you the manual way to set the timezone in the config/app.php file itself.

Step 1: Open Config/app.php file

In this method, we are setting the UTC timezone, which means the timezone will get changed for the entire application. In the laravel project open the file config/app.php , you will notice the 'timezone' => 'UTC', by default, timezone is set to UTC.

laravel travel in time

Step 2: Replace UTC with your timezone

Now you will replace UTC with your timezone. If you don’t know what is code for your timezone, you can check the complete list here of timezones available in PHP. I will be using Europe/Paris as my timezone. So the file will look like this.

laravel travel in time

Step 3: Clear the Config Cache

Run the following command in the terminal to clear the cache:

Step 4: Print in controller or view

That’s all you need to do 🙂

Bonus Tip for setting timezone manually in laravel:

Now if your developer’s localhost timezone is different from the timezone you needed on the production. Then you need to change this field again and again when you deploy the application. Good Solution is that you put the that timezone in the env file. Lets do that.

  • You create the variable in env file

2. Then in config/app.php , you will change timezone to following

3. Clear the Config Cache

So env file will look like this:

laravel travel in time

And config/app.php will look like this

laravel travel in time

2. Setting Timezone Dynamically:

There can be cases where we don’t have to change the whole laravel application timezone but for a particular task only. Here is how you will do.

Step 1: Calling the php timezone function

In this method, you just need to call the PHP time zone function date_default_timezone_set in your controller or view.

Note the timezone will only be affected for the current request.

Step 2: Clear cache if it doesn’t work

For some reason, if it’s not get affected, try to clear the cache.


Hope you have learned how to set the timezone in laravel both manual and dynamic ways. Also the bonus tip as well. Feel free to comment and share your thoughts. Keep Learning Keep Working 🙂 See you in the next post.

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Laravel date, time and timestamp migration with timezone

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In this blog we will discuss laravel date, time, dateTime, and timestamp related migrations with example. laravel migration for mysql dataType date and time related columns. how to add timezone with date time columns.

Laravel date and time related migrations

When you want to make proper date and time dataType columns and also add timezone in mysql then laravel provides many migration to create these columns.

3. dateTime()

4. timestamp(), 5. timestamps(), 6. datetime() vs datetimetz(), 7. time() vs timetz(), 8. timestamp() vs timestamptz(), 9. timestamps() vs timestampstz(), 1. laravel date data type column migration.

Laravel migration date() method create mysql DATE dataType column.

2. Laravel time data type column migration

Laravel migration time() method create mysql TIME equivalent column. time() method second parameter is optional and provide information how many digits in miliseconds like example $precision = 5 given this format 00:00:00.00000

3. Laravel dateTime() migration

Laravel migration dateTime() method create DATETIME dataType column. its have a second optional precision parameter.

4. Laravel timestamp() migration

Laravel migration timestamp() method create TIMESTAMP dataType column with an optional precision.

5. Laravel timestamps() migration

Laravel migration timestamps() method create created_at and updated_at columns

6. Laravel timestamp() vs dateTimeTz() migration

Laravel migration dateTimeTz() method create DATETIME column with timezone and have an optional precision.

7. Laravel time() vs timeTz() migration

Laravel migration timeTz() method same as time() method but it also provide timezone information it makes TIME with timezone column.

8. Laravel timestamp() vs timestampTz() migration

Laravel migration timestampTz() method same as timestamp() method but it also provide timezone information it makes TIMESTAMP with timezone equivalent column.

9. Laravel timestamps() vs timestampsTz() migration

Laravel migration timestampsTz() method same as timestamps() method but it also provide timezone information it makes created_at and updated_at with timezone.

php laravel developer anmol sharma

Anmol Sharma

I am a software engineer and have experience in web development technologies like php, Laravel, Codeigniter, javascript, jquery, bootstrap and I like to share my deep knowledge by these blogs.

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Redirect Routes

View routes, the route list, required parameters, optional parameters, regular expression constraints, named routes, controllers, subdomain routing, route prefixes, route name prefixes, implicit binding, implicit enum binding, explicit binding, fallback routes, defining rate limiters, attaching rate limiters to routes, form method spoofing, accessing the current route, cross-origin resource sharing (cors), route caching, basic routing.

The most basic Laravel routes accept a URI and a closure, providing a very simple and expressive method of defining routes and behavior without complicated routing configuration files:

The Default Route Files

All Laravel routes are defined in your route files, which are located in the routes directory. These files are automatically loaded by your application's App\Providers\RouteServiceProvider . The routes/web.php file defines routes that are for your web interface. These routes are assigned the web middleware group, which provides features like session state and CSRF protection. The routes in routes/api.php are stateless and are assigned the api middleware group.

For most applications, you will begin by defining routes in your routes/web.php file. The routes defined in routes/web.php may be accessed by entering the defined route's URL in your browser. For example, you may access the following route by navigating to http://example.com/user in your browser:

Routes defined in the routes/api.php file are nested within a route group by the RouteServiceProvider . Within this group, the /api URI prefix is automatically applied so you do not need to manually apply it to every route in the file. You may modify the prefix and other route group options by modifying your RouteServiceProvider class.

Available Router Methods

The router allows you to register routes that respond to any HTTP verb:

Sometimes you may need to register a route that responds to multiple HTTP verbs. You may do so using the match method. Or, you may even register a route that responds to all HTTP verbs using the any method:

[!NOTE] When defining multiple routes that share the same URI, routes using the get , post , put , patch , delete , and options methods should be defined before routes using the any , match , and redirect methods. This ensures the incoming request is matched with the correct route.

Dependency Injection

You may type-hint any dependencies required by your route in your route's callback signature. The declared dependencies will automatically be resolved and injected into the callback by the Laravel service container . For example, you may type-hint the Illuminate\Http\Request class to have the current HTTP request automatically injected into your route callback:

CSRF Protection

Remember, any HTML forms pointing to POST , PUT , PATCH , or DELETE routes that are defined in the web routes file should include a CSRF token field. Otherwise, the request will be rejected. You can read more about CSRF protection in the CSRF documentation :

If you are defining a route that redirects to another URI, you may use the Route::redirect method. This method provides a convenient shortcut so that you do not have to define a full route or controller for performing a simple redirect:

By default, Route::redirect returns a 302 status code. You may customize the status code using the optional third parameter:

Or, you may use the Route::permanentRedirect method to return a 301 status code:

[!WARNING] When using route parameters in redirect routes, the following parameters are reserved by Laravel and cannot be used: destination and status .

If your route only needs to return a view , you may use the Route::view method. Like the redirect method, this method provides a simple shortcut so that you do not have to define a full route or controller. The view method accepts a URI as its first argument and a view name as its second argument. In addition, you may provide an array of data to pass to the view as an optional third argument:

[!WARNING] When using route parameters in view routes, the following parameters are reserved by Laravel and cannot be used: view , data , status , and headers .

The route:list Artisan command can easily provide an overview of all of the routes that are defined by your application:

By default, the route middleware that are assigned to each route will not be displayed in the route:list output; however, you can instruct Laravel to display the route middleware and middleware group names by adding the -v option to the command:

You may also instruct Laravel to only show routes that begin with a given URI:

In addition, you may instruct Laravel to hide any routes that are defined by third-party packages by providing the --except-vendor option when executing the route:list command:

Likewise, you may also instruct Laravel to only show routes that are defined by third-party packages by providing the --only-vendor option when executing the route:list command:

Route Parameters

Sometimes you will need to capture segments of the URI within your route. For example, you may need to capture a user's ID from the URL. You may do so by defining route parameters:

You may define as many route parameters as required by your route:

Route parameters are always encased within {} braces and should consist of alphabetic characters. Underscores ( _ ) are also acceptable within route parameter names. Route parameters are injected into route callbacks / controllers based on their order - the names of the route callback / controller arguments do not matter.

Parameters and Dependency Injection

If your route has dependencies that you would like the Laravel service container to automatically inject into your route's callback, you should list your route parameters after your dependencies:

Occasionally you may need to specify a route parameter that may not always be present in the URI. You may do so by placing a ? mark after the parameter name. Make sure to give the route's corresponding variable a default value:

You may constrain the format of your route parameters using the where method on a route instance. The where method accepts the name of the parameter and a regular expression defining how the parameter should be constrained:

For convenience, some commonly used regular expression patterns have helper methods that allow you to quickly add pattern constraints to your routes:

If the incoming request does not match the route pattern constraints, a 404 HTTP response will be returned.

Global Constraints

If you would like a route parameter to always be constrained by a given regular expression, you may use the pattern method. You should define these patterns in the boot method of your App\Providers\RouteServiceProvider class:

Once the pattern has been defined, it is automatically applied to all routes using that parameter name:

Encoded Forward Slashes

The Laravel routing component allows all characters except / to be present within route parameter values. You must explicitly allow / to be part of your placeholder using a where condition regular expression:

[!WARNING] Encoded forward slashes are only supported within the last route segment.

Named routes allow the convenient generation of URLs or redirects for specific routes. You may specify a name for a route by chaining the name method onto the route definition:

You may also specify route names for controller actions:

[!WARNING] Route names should always be unique.

Generating URLs to Named Routes

Once you have assigned a name to a given route, you may use the route's name when generating URLs or redirects via Laravel's route and redirect helper functions:

If the named route defines parameters, you may pass the parameters as the second argument to the route function. The given parameters will automatically be inserted into the generated URL in their correct positions:

If you pass additional parameters in the array, those key / value pairs will automatically be added to the generated URL's query string:

[!NOTE] Sometimes, you may wish to specify request-wide default values for URL parameters, such as the current locale. To accomplish this, you may use the URL::defaults method .

Inspecting the Current Route

If you would like to determine if the current request was routed to a given named route, you may use the named method on a Route instance. For example, you may check the current route name from a route middleware:

Route Groups

Route groups allow you to share route attributes, such as middleware, across a large number of routes without needing to define those attributes on each individual route.

Nested groups attempt to intelligently "merge" attributes with their parent group. Middleware and where conditions are merged while names and prefixes are appended. Namespace delimiters and slashes in URI prefixes are automatically added where appropriate.

To assign middleware to all routes within a group, you may use the middleware method before defining the group. Middleware are executed in the order they are listed in the array:

If a group of routes all utilize the same controller , you may use the controller method to define the common controller for all of the routes within the group. Then, when defining the routes, you only need to provide the controller method that they invoke:

Route groups may also be used to handle subdomain routing. Subdomains may be assigned route parameters just like route URIs, allowing you to capture a portion of the subdomain for usage in your route or controller. The subdomain may be specified by calling the domain method before defining the group:

[!WARNING] In order to ensure your subdomain routes are reachable, you should register subdomain routes before registering root domain routes. This will prevent root domain routes from overwriting subdomain routes which have the same URI path.

The prefix method may be used to prefix each route in the group with a given URI. For example, you may want to prefix all route URIs within the group with admin :

The name method may be used to prefix each route name in the group with a given string. For example, you may want to prefix the names of all of the routes in the group with admin . The given string is prefixed to the route name exactly as it is specified, so we will be sure to provide the trailing . character in the prefix:

Route Model Binding

When injecting a model ID to a route or controller action, you will often query the database to retrieve the model that corresponds to that ID. Laravel route model binding provides a convenient way to automatically inject the model instances directly into your routes. For example, instead of injecting a user's ID, you can inject the entire User model instance that matches the given ID.

Laravel automatically resolves Eloquent models defined in routes or controller actions whose type-hinted variable names match a route segment name. For example:

Since the $user variable is type-hinted as the App\Models\User Eloquent model and the variable name matches the {user} URI segment, Laravel will automatically inject the model instance that has an ID matching the corresponding value from the request URI. If a matching model instance is not found in the database, a 404 HTTP response will automatically be generated.

Of course, implicit binding is also possible when using controller methods. Again, note the {user} URI segment matches the $user variable in the controller which contains an App\Models\User type-hint:

Soft Deleted Models

Typically, implicit model binding will not retrieve models that have been soft deleted . However, you may instruct the implicit binding to retrieve these models by chaining the withTrashed method onto your route's definition:

Customizing the Key

Sometimes you may wish to resolve Eloquent models using a column other than id . To do so, you may specify the column in the route parameter definition:

If you would like model binding to always use a database column other than id when retrieving a given model class, you may override the getRouteKeyName method on the Eloquent model:

Custom Keys and Scoping

When implicitly binding multiple Eloquent models in a single route definition, you may wish to scope the second Eloquent model such that it must be a child of the previous Eloquent model. For example, consider this route definition that retrieves a blog post by slug for a specific user:

When using a custom keyed implicit binding as a nested route parameter, Laravel will automatically scope the query to retrieve the nested model by its parent using conventions to guess the relationship name on the parent. In this case, it will be assumed that the User model has a relationship named posts (the plural form of the route parameter name) which can be used to retrieve the Post model.

If you wish, you may instruct Laravel to scope "child" bindings even when a custom key is not provided. To do so, you may invoke the scopeBindings method when defining your route:

Or, you may instruct an entire group of route definitions to use scoped bindings:

Similarly, you may explicitly instruct Laravel to not scope bindings by invoking the withoutScopedBindings method:

Customizing Missing Model Behavior

Typically, a 404 HTTP response will be generated if an implicitly bound model is not found. However, you may customize this behavior by calling the missing method when defining your route. The missing method accepts a closure that will be invoked if an implicitly bound model can not be found:

PHP 8.1 introduced support for Enums . To complement this feature, Laravel allows you to type-hint a string-backed Enum on your route definition and Laravel will only invoke the route if that route segment corresponds to a valid Enum value. Otherwise, a 404 HTTP response will be returned automatically. For example, given the following Enum:

You may define a route that will only be invoked if the {category} route segment is fruits or people . Otherwise, Laravel will return a 404 HTTP response:

You are not required to use Laravel's implicit, convention based model resolution in order to use model binding. You can also explicitly define how route parameters correspond to models. To register an explicit binding, use the router's model method to specify the class for a given parameter. You should define your explicit model bindings at the beginning of the boot method of your RouteServiceProvider class:

Next, define a route that contains a {user} parameter:

Since we have bound all {user} parameters to the App\Models\User model, an instance of that class will be injected into the route. So, for example, a request to users/1 will inject the User instance from the database which has an ID of 1 .

If a matching model instance is not found in the database, a 404 HTTP response will be automatically generated.

Customizing the Resolution Logic

If you wish to define your own model binding resolution logic, you may use the Route::bind method. The closure you pass to the bind method will receive the value of the URI segment and should return the instance of the class that should be injected into the route. Again, this customization should take place in the boot method of your application's RouteServiceProvider :

Alternatively, you may override the resolveRouteBinding method on your Eloquent model. This method will receive the value of the URI segment and should return the instance of the class that should be injected into the route:

If a route is utilizing implicit binding scoping , the resolveChildRouteBinding method will be used to resolve the child binding of the parent model:

Using the Route::fallback method, you may define a route that will be executed when no other route matches the incoming request. Typically, unhandled requests will automatically render a "404" page via your application's exception handler. However, since you would typically define the fallback route within your routes/web.php file, all middleware in the web middleware group will apply to the route. You are free to add additional middleware to this route as needed:

[!WARNING] The fallback route should always be the last route registered by your application.

Rate Limiting

Laravel includes powerful and customizable rate limiting services that you may utilize to restrict the amount of traffic for a given route or group of routes. To get started, you should define rate limiter configurations that meet your application's needs.

Typically, rate limiters are defined within the boot method of your application's App\Providers\RouteServiceProvider class. In fact, this class already includes a rate limiter definition that is applied to the routes in your application's routes/api.php file:

Rate limiters are defined using the RateLimiter facade's for method. The for method accepts a rate limiter name and a closure that returns the limit configuration that should apply to routes that are assigned to the rate limiter. Limit configuration are instances of the Illuminate\Cache\RateLimiting\Limit class. This class contains helpful "builder" methods so that you can quickly define your limit. The rate limiter name may be any string you wish:

If the incoming request exceeds the specified rate limit, a response with a 429 HTTP status code will automatically be returned by Laravel. If you would like to define your own response that should be returned by a rate limit, you may use the response method:

Since rate limiter callbacks receive the incoming HTTP request instance, you may build the appropriate rate limit dynamically based on the incoming request or authenticated user:

Segmenting Rate Limits

Sometimes you may wish to segment rate limits by some arbitrary value. For example, you may wish to allow users to access a given route 100 times per minute per IP address. To accomplish this, you may use the by method when building your rate limit:

To illustrate this feature using another example, we can limit access to the route to 100 times per minute per authenticated user ID or 10 times per minute per IP address for guests:

Multiple Rate Limits

If needed, you may return an array of rate limits for a given rate limiter configuration. Each rate limit will be evaluated for the route based on the order they are placed within the array:

Rate limiters may be attached to routes or route groups using the throttle middleware . The throttle middleware accepts the name of the rate limiter you wish to assign to the route:

Throttling With Redis

Typically, the throttle middleware is mapped to the Illuminate\Routing\Middleware\ThrottleRequests class. This mapping is defined in your application's HTTP kernel ( App\Http\Kernel ). However, if you are using Redis as your application's cache driver, you may wish to change this mapping to use the Illuminate\Routing\Middleware\ThrottleRequestsWithRedis class. This class is more efficient at managing rate limiting using Redis:

HTML forms do not support PUT , PATCH , or DELETE actions. So, when defining PUT , PATCH , or DELETE routes that are called from an HTML form, you will need to add a hidden _method field to the form. The value sent with the _method field will be used as the HTTP request method:

For convenience, you may use the @method Blade directive to generate the _method input field:

You may use the current , currentRouteName , and currentRouteAction methods on the Route facade to access information about the route handling the incoming request:

You may refer to the API documentation for both the underlying class of the Route facade and Route instance to review all of the methods that are available on the router and route classes.

Laravel can automatically respond to CORS OPTIONS HTTP requests with values that you configure. All CORS settings may be configured in your application's config/cors.php configuration file. The OPTIONS requests will automatically be handled by the HandleCors middleware that is included by default in your global middleware stack. Your global middleware stack is located in your application's HTTP kernel ( App\Http\Kernel ).

[!NOTE] For more information on CORS and CORS headers, please consult the MDN web documentation on CORS .

When deploying your application to production, you should take advantage of Laravel's route cache. Using the route cache will drastically decrease the amount of time it takes to register all of your application's routes. To generate a route cache, execute the route:cache Artisan command:

After running this command, your cached routes file will be loaded on every request. Remember, if you add any new routes you will need to generate a fresh route cache. Because of this, you should only run the route:cache command during your project's deployment.

You may use the route:clear command to clear the route cache:

Screen Rant

How the delorean time travelled without going 88mph in back to the future 2.

Doc Brown's DeLorean had to reach 88 MPH to travel through time, but at the end of Back to the Future Part 2, it looked as if the rules were changed.

Back to the Future Part 2 seemed to break its own rule, allowing the DeLorean to time travel without reaching 88 MPH, but it turns out this isn't a pothole after all. Naturally, the beloved science fiction franchise is full of such questions and mysteries, and it often takes a bend of the imagination to make everything make sense. Whenever time travel gets involved, there are sure to be some paradoxes. However, in the case of Doc's jump to 1885 at the end of Back to the Future Part 2 , there is a perfectly reasonable explanation.

By the end of the second Back to the Future movie , Marty and Doc had become pretty familiar with the ins and outs of time travel. They jumped back to 1955, returned to 1985, traveled to 2015, and repeated this cycle several times before a final trip back to 1955. From here, The pair were ready to finally head back to their true time, 1985, once and for all. However, just as Doc and his flying DeLorean were about to return to the ground and pick up Marty, the time-machine car was struck by lightning and sent to 1885 . The problem is, the DeLorean wasn't traveling at the requisite 88 MPH when it jumped.

Back To The Future: All 8 Timelines In The Movies Explained

The delorean reached 88 mph thanks to being struck by lightning in back to the future 2, the delorean traveled at 88 mph in a rapid loop-de-loop.

The problem regarding the stationary DeLorean being sent back in time was spotted relatively quickly after Back to the Future Part 2 was released in 1989, and it has plagued many ever since. It was clear that the time machine still needed to get up to 88 MPH since Marty and Doc had to use a steam engine to get it up to speed at the end of Back to the Future Part 3 . So, the change didn't come down to upgrades made to the DeLorean in 2015 (which eliminated the need for plutonium after the first Back to the Future ). As it turns out, the answer is pretty simple.

The DeLorean did get up to 88 MPH. In fact, it likely traveled much faster than that.

According to Back to the Future creator Bob Gale , the DeLorean did get up to 88 MPH. In fact, it likely traveled much faster than that. When the car was struck by lightning while flying in the air, the vehicle was sent spinning on its axis . It looped around so quickly that the required speed was achieved, and between this and the power of the bolt of lighting (or perhaps Mr. Fusion), the DeLorean's time-traveling capabilities were activated. Of course, it all happened so quickly that Marty (and the audience) could barely see it. Still, there was clear evidence of this sudden loop-de-loop.

The Backwards 99 At The End Of Back To The Future 2 Explained

The mysterious number in back to the future part 2 didn't have a secret meaning after all.

Gale's answer about how the DeLorean got up to 88 MPH makes perfect sense when remembering the mysterious backward 99 that appeared in the sky in Back to the Future Part 2 . This number became the inspiration for a wide variety of fan theories. Some believed the number referred to different points where Doc and Marty had already traveled in time. The number nine was visible on street signs in both 1955 and 2015, and the backward 99 might have referred to Doc going backward in time. However, the truth is much simpler.

As previously explained, the DeLorean was thrown into a rapid loo-de-loop after it was struck by lightning, and since the speed was beyond 88 MPH, the car went back in time. Whenever the time machine jumped before this, fiery tire marks were left in its wake. Of course, this wasn't quite possible at the end of Back to the Future Part 2 since the DeLorean was flying in the air. So, the fiery tread marks were left floating in the sky instead. The backward 99 was just the visible path the car had taken to get up to speed after being struck.

Why The DeLorean Sends Doc Brown Back To 1885

A malfunction was responsible for kicking off back to the future part 3.

Another mystery connected to the DeLorean's spontaneous jump is why Doc traveled back to 1885 when the car was set to go forward to 1985. This was subtly answered moments before lighting struck at the end of Back to the Future Part 2 when Doc gave the time circuits a good old-fashioned punch to set them right again. Since they had been malfunctioning only moments before, it's no great surprise that a jolt of lightning would cause the dial to change from 1985 to 1885. Of course, without the letter that Doc arranged to be delivered to Marty, no one would have known precisely where he ended up.

Back to the Future Part II

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Taking up where the first movie left off, Back to the Future Part II sees Marty McFly and Doc Brown travel to the year 2015, where their efforts to fix the future end up causing even bigger problems as Biff Tannen wreaks havoc across the timeline with the help of a stolen sports almanac. Martin J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd return in Robert Zemeckis and Bob Gale's second installment of their iconic trilogy.

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REAL ID requirements are coming next year—here's what U.S. fliers need to know


Domestic fliers have one year left to get REAL ID-compliant documentation before the Department of Homeland Security's new policies go into effect.

Beginning on May 7, 2025, travelers won't be able to board a domestic flight, access certain federal facilities or enter a nuclear power plant unless their driver's license or ID has REAL ID's telltale star marking in the top righthand corner.

The REAL ID Act was introduced in 2005 in an effort to tighten the nation's air travel security in the wake of the September 11 attacks.

The deadline for REAL ID compliance has been repeatedly delayed since its original 2008 deadline. It was most recently pushed back at the end of 2022, with the DHS citing "the lingering effects of the Covid-19 pandemic" as part of the reason for the change.

Once the REAL ID requirement goes into effect, travelers will no longer be able to board domestic flights with an ordinary license.

Travelers who go to the airport after May 7, 2025 without a REAL ID-compliant license will not be able to get past security, the DHS website says. They will, however, be able to board commercial aircraft by showing a valid passport.

Here's what you need to know to be prepared for the switch in 2025.

When do I need my REAL ID?

The DHS deadline is May 7, 2025.

What happens if I don't get REAL ID in time?

Failure to produce a REAL ID-compliant identification at airport security will result in you not being let through to your gate.

If you don't have REAL ID by May 7, 2025 you can still show your U.S. passport or an Enhanced Driver's License issued by Washington, Michigan, Minnesota, New York or Vermont.

For a full list of alternative ID accepted by TSA, visit this link .

How do I sign up for REAL ID?

You can sign up for REAL ID at your local DMV. The DHS includes a helpful map on its website with links to the DMV for every U.S. state and territory where you can set up an appointment.

Each state's driver's licensing agency lists the documentation you will need to bring in order to get a REAL ID. The DHS website states that applicants must bring documentation showing the following:

  • Full legal name
  • Date of birth
  • Two documents bearing your address
  • Lawful status

Do I already have REAL ID? How do I know?

To see if your current ID is REAL ID-compliant, check the top right corner. Depending on which state issues your ID, the REAL ID marking will show up in the form of a yellow or black star in the top right corner on the front of your ID.

You can see example photos on the DHS website.

Can I still drive without a REAL ID?

Yes. The REAL ID requirements will only impact air travel.

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Watch Live as NASA Launches Solar Sail to Test Sunlight-Propelled Space Travel

The mission will ride on board rocket lab's electron, reusing one of the rocket's boosters for the first time..

An artist’s depiction of the Solar Sail System spacecraft in orbit.

A new experimental mission by NASA is ready to set sail in orbit, using photons from the Sun to propel its way to higher altitudes.

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The Advanced Composite Solar Sail System (ACS3) is scheduled for launch on Tuesday during a launch window that opens at 6 p.m. ET. The mission will lift off on board a Rocket Lab Electron rocket from the company’s Launch Complex 1 on the Mahia Peninsula of New Zealand. You can tune in to the launch through Rocket Lab’s live stream on its website or watch it through the feed below.

NASA’s ACS3 is designed to test new materials and deployable structures for solar sail propulsion systems, including new composite booms that will be used to unfurl the solar sail once it reaches orbit. The composite booms are made from a polymer material; they’re lightweight while still being stiff and resistant to bending and warping when exposed to different temperatures. They work the same way as a sailboat’s boom, except they are designed to catch the propulsive power of sunlight rather than wind. Once unfurled, the solar sail will stretch across 30 feet (9 meters) per side.

Solar sails run on photons from the Sun, causing small bursts of momentum that propel the spacecraft farther away from the star. If a spacecraft is able to surpass the drag from Earth’s atmosphere, it could potentially reach very high altitudes.

Rocket Lab’s Electron will deploy the microwave-sized cubesat about 600 miles (966 kilometers) above Earth, which is roughly twice the altitude of the International Space Station. From there, the solar sail will be high enough to gain altitude and overcome atmospheric drag using the tiny force of sunlight on the sail, which is roughly equivalent to the weight of a paperclip resting on your palm, according to NASA .

NASA isn’t the only one being experimental on this mission. Rocket Lab is reusing an Electron booster for the first time during the upcoming launch. The company’s “Beginning Of The Swarm” mission will launch its Electron rocket with a booster that was already used for a previous launch .

On January 31, the “Four Of A Kind” mission saw the Electron rocket’s first stage fall back towards Earth with the help of a parachute before splashing down in the Pacific Ocean around 17 minutes after liftoff. The company recovered the rocket booster and is now reusing it for another flight. Rocket Lab has been experimenting with Electron’s reusability, hoping to inch itself closer to its main industry rival SpaceX. Electron’s upcoming launch will be a major test of the company’s ability to reuse the two-stage vehicle.

The Electron rocket will also be carrying NEONSAT-1, an Earth observation satellite for the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology.

For more spaceflight in your life, follow us on X and bookmark Gizmodo’s dedicated Spaceflight page .


Laravel User Timezones Project: Convert, Display, Send Notifications

User timezone in registration.

This lesson will be about adding a timezone field to the User Model and Registration process:

laravel travel in time

Setting Laravel Defaults

Laravel has a default timezone set in config/app.php :

We have to ensure it's still set to UTC as we will be mainly working with UTC dates and times. The idea is that our Database data is always in UTC and we can easily convert it to any other timezone.

Adding Timezone to Users Table

To start with this, we need a new migration:

This simply adds a new field called timezone to our users table with a default value of UTC .

Then we need to add this field to our User Model:


Adding Timezone to User Registration

Now that our database supports timezone saving, we need a way to set it. We will do this during registration, and we will use the timezone_identifiers_list() function to get a list of all timezones, and a custom function to attempt to guess user's timezone based on IP address.

Here's the updated Controller of Laravel Breeze.


With these modifications, we've added:

  • List of timezones to the registration view
  • Validation for the timezone field
  • Saving the timezone to the database

Next, we have to display the field in the registration form:


And since we've added the select-input component, we need to create it.


Fixing Tests

Lastly, we should update our Tests from Laravel Breeze to make sure they still pass:


That's it! Loading the registration form we should see that the timezone field is now available:

And it's saved in the database:

laravel travel in time

Next, we'll add automatic pre-selection of the timezone, you can choose from two options:

  • Calling remote 3rd-party API
  • Using local JavaScript with no external calls

Automatically Filling Timezone Using 3rd-Party API

To add 3rd party API, we have to modify our User Model:

Then we can use it in our Controller:

That's it! Now, when loading the page, we'll see that the timezone is set to our current one:

Code in Repository

Automatically Filling Timezone Using JavaScript

Another option to guess the user's timezone is to use JavaScript INTL system . To do that we'll modify our Blade View:

And that's it! When loading the page, we'll see that the timezone is set to our current one:

We didn't have to use any 3rd party API or a package to do this. Another option is to use Moment JS .

  • format('Y-m-d H:i:s')" class="comments-date"> 10 months ago ✓ Link copied!

you seame to be missing somthing Like what to put in the bookings Database Table ! I can find it in the repository but I dont see where you tell us how to set it up.

We are not focusing on the bookings itself here (especially in this lesson). But in any case, if you look at next lesson - you will see the two fields we use and a screenshot from database schema. It was too simple to add here :)

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Breaking news, work starts on america’s first high-speed train between la, las vegas that could cut travel time in half.

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The much-anticipated construction of the first high-speed passenger train between Los Angeles and Las Vegas got underway Monday — promising to ferry passengers between the two cities in half the the time it now takes to drive through the desert.

The $12 billion project is being spearheaded by Brightline West, which will lay 218 miles of track between a new terminal in Rancho Cucamonga, Calif., and another station just south of the Las Vegas Strip by 2028, according to Fortune .

In a statement, Brightline Holdings founder and chair Wes Edens said that breaking ground on the rail on Monday — thanks to $6.5 billion in backing from Joe Biden’s administration, plus $2.5 billion in tax-exempt bonds — was laying “the foundation for a new industry.”

A Brightline train at a station in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, symbolizing the future fast-tracked high-speed rail line between Las Vegas and California

Brightline also won federal authorization in 2020 to sell $1 billion in similar bonds, Fortune reported.

US Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg will reportedly participate in the rail’s Monday groundbreaking.

Upon its completion, Brightline West is expecting to welcome millions of passengers aboard the high-speed train, which will travel up to 200 miles per hour between the two major US cities in just over two hours — about half the time it takes to drive between LA and Vegas.

The high speeds are comparable to Japan’s Shinkansen bullet trains, whose network includes nearly 2,000 miles of lines on the country’s four major islands.

Brightline’s estimates are that 11 million passengers will take the electric-powered train one way per year, meaning there will be 30,000 travelers per day. The trains will also have restrooms, Wi-Fi, and food and beverage.

Proposed station site for a high-speed rail line to Las Vegas, located at the end of the Dale Evans Parkway exit from Interstate 15, with a truck driving on the road.

There will also be the option to check luggage — with ticket fares with or without large bags anticipated to be well below the cost of flying across the Mojave Desert.

It wasn’t immedately clear what a ticket aboard Brightline West will cost, though airline costs range between $80 and $230 depending on the time of the year.

Passenger traffic at Sin City’s Harry Reid International Airport set a record of 57.6 million people in 2023, Fortune reported.

Meanwhile, an average of more than 44,000 automobiles per day crossed the California-Nevada state line on Interstate 15 in 2023, according to Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority data — perhaps because of the Super Bowl and Formula 1 Grand Prix race that both took place in Las Vegas last year.

Las Vegas — which has nearly 3 million residents — draws more than 40 million visitors per year.

Passengers boarding a Brightline train at Fort Lauderdale station, Florida, with a focus on a woman pulling a suitcase

Brightline CEO Mike Reininger has said the goal is to have high-speed trains operating in time for the Summer Olympics in Los Angeles in 2028.

Almost the full distance of the forthcoming train will be along the median of I-15, according to Fortune, which begins in San Diego and runs through Los Angeles before passing through Nevada and into parts of Arizona, Utah, Idaho and Montana.

At this point, only one station stop along the route will take place in San Bernardino County’s Victorville area, per Fortune.

Avigail Elazar sitting on a Brightline high-speed passenger train using a laptop, heading north from Miami

At a later date, Brightline West has said it may add more stops in Palmdale, Calif., and other US metros that are too close to fly between but too far to drive to, though details have yet to be finalized.

The goal is to relieve congestion on I-15, where motorists often get caught in slow-moving traffic.

Representatives for Brightline West did not immediately respond to The Post’s request for comment.

Florida-based Brightline already operates a Miami-to-Orlando high-speed line, where trains reach speeds of up to 125 miles per hour.

The service launched in 2018 and expanded to include service to the Orlando International Airport in September 2022, Fortune reported. It now offers 16 round trips daily, with one-way tickets to travel the 235-mile-long track going for about $80.

Another fast train in the US include Amtrack’s Acels, which can reach 150 miles per hour while transporting passengers between Boston and Washington, DC — but rails aren’t considered “high speed” unless they top at least 160 miles per hour.

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A Brightline train at a station in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, symbolizing the future fast-tracked high-speed rail line between Las Vegas and California


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Stock image of a beach house

Being back in the beach house that witnessed much of my 20s feels strange and wondrous – like a sort of time travel

I run from room to room, touching things as if they’ll somehow transport me to the past. Not much has changed in the old weatherboard

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M any years ago, a friend from university invited some of us to his mum’s beach house at Walkerville South. His mum had bought the house super cheap before the world had discovered that there was another impressive coastline in Victoria, far away from the more established houses of the Mornington Peninsula or the Great Ocean Road.

The house was a weatherboard shack hidden in thick native bush. There were two bedrooms, and a large corner couch in the lounge that doubled as two extra beds when needed. Fronted by large windows, you could spy the ocean through the tall trees while standing in the kitchen and waiting for the kettle to boil. It was a house that didn’t need too much attention. From the straw matting on the floor to the green bathroom straight out of the 1970s, it was immediately welcoming, and once you arrived, you didn’t want to leave.

On that first visit, I slept on one of the couch-beds, preferring to keep the curtains open so I could see the darkness of the sky. And in the morning, I woke to a row of noisy rosellas hanging out on the edge of the deck, waiting for birdseed. We swam even in the height of winter, running into the cold, foamy water and lasting only minutes before tiptoeing with bare feet back up the hill to the waiting fire. We drank too much cheap red wine, ate simple meals of beans and rice, and laughed late into the night. It was one of those bonding weekends that was so joyful, it was repeated more than once.

After we left university and scattered in different directions, I still borrowed the house from time to time, introducing it to other friends, including the man who would one day become my partner. After he and I started going out, we visited just the two of us, and I remember mocking him for pulling on a wetsuit before wading into the sea. The house witnessed much of my 20s, those lost years when none of us knew what we were going to do with the rest of our lives, and coming together somehow made us feel safe.

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And then my university friend married his partner and moved to another state, and we lost contact. I stopped visiting the house because he wasn’t around to lend me the keys. But years later, each time I read Alison Lester’s wonderful Magic Beach to my children, I would be transported back to the wilds of Walkerville South, a place that had become almost mythical in my memory.

Three years ago, as the pandemic restrictions lifted, friends invited the kids and I to visit them on their summer holiday. I’d been to the Gippsland coast often as an adult and knew the roads well, but I hadn’t stayed at Walkerville South since that time. I was surprised to see how little had changed. A gravel road still led the way in, and the hill behind the beach was still dotted with only a handful of houses.

We pulled up outside the place my friends had rented and started unloading the car. As we walked in, I felt a prickle of familiarity. There was a corner couch that doubled as a bed in the lounge, large sliding glass doors out to the deck, and a green kitchen straight out of the 1970s. But it was the coloured Marimekko curtains that hung to the floor, more faded than when I’d last seen them, that did it. I knew immediately that it was the same house.

Excited, I asked who owned the house and my friend told me. I grinned when I heard that my old university friend’s mum still owned it. They didn’t know her well, but she was a friend of a friend and she still rented out the place to people sometimes. Now in her 90s, she didn’t visit it herself very often any more.

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I ran from room to room checking the fittings to see if they were the same, touching things as if they’d somehow transport me back to the past. I gripped the same green ball handles on the bathroom door. Ran my fingers along the same boxed-up board games stacked in the shelves in the lounge. And bent down to rub the fur back of the large grey, stuffed wombat that sat waiting near the fireplace, a little more loved looking than it had been all those years before.

Not much had changed in the old weatherboard. It held such stories in its walls. And now I was back, and it felt strange and wondrous like a sort of time travel. I stood on the deck, knowing the rosellas would soon land, and remembered a time when I was younger, freer, less worried about what was coming. When sleeping on a couch in the corner of a room was fought over, and when swimming in the winter sea was a given.

Nova Weetman is an award-winning children’s author. Her adult memoir, Love, Death & Other Scenes , is out in April 2024 from UQP

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Snake on a bullet train causes rare railway delay in japan.

Japan's Shinkansen bullet trains have a reputation for punctuality.

Almost nothing stops Japan’s famous high-speed bullet trains from running exactly on time – but a tiny snake slithering through a passenger carriage will do the trick, albeit for just 17 minutes.

On Tuesday, a commuter reported to station staff in Tokyo that a 40-centimeter (16-inch) snake had been spotted in the carriage of a train arriving from Nagoya , according to the Central Japan Railway Company.

The train had been scheduled to depart for the city of Osaka, but was instead put out of service as a precaution. Another train had to be assigned to the route, causing a delay that, while brief by many other national railway standards, was relatively significant for Japan’s relentlessly punctual service.

No injuries were reported. Over 600 passengers were affected by the delay.


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The breed of the snake is unknown, and a review is underway to determine how the snake got on board, the railway company told CNN.

The bullet train, known as Shinkansen in Japan, is known for its efficiency as well as speeds of up to 320 kilometers per hour (200 mph). Commuters in Japan have come to expect its reliability.

In 2017, a conductor on one service, the Tsukuba Express, triggered a network apology after he departed 20 seconds early.


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Fjords, Pharaohs or Koalas? Time to Plan for Your Next Eclipse.

If you can’t get enough of totality, or missed out this time, you’ll have three more chances in the next four years in destinations like Iceland, Spain, Egypt and Australia.

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A small, black disk surrounded by a bright, white halo suspended in a mostly dark sky over the still waters of a lake in which dim, golden light from the horizon is reflecting. There are dark hills and mountains beyond the lake.

By Danielle Dowling

Are you still a little giddy from the magical moments of totality during Monday’s solar eclipse? Or did clouds swoop in to block your view? Maybe you just couldn’t make it to the path of totality this time. No matter what, the question now is “ Where and when will it happen again?”

“People who have never seen it before, the first words out of their mouth after the totality ends is ‘I’ve got to see another one, this is incredible, this is unbelievable.’ That is when you become addicted to these things and end up traveling no matter where the next one is,” said Joseph Rao, an eclipse chaser and guest lecturer at the Hayden Planetarium.

So, if like Mr. Rao, you’ve developed a raging case of umbraphilia — the love of eclipses — you’ll have three chances over the next four years to see the moon blot out the sun. The first, on Aug. 12, 2026, will start above Greenland, then strafe the west coast of Iceland and move along the Atlantic Ocean and over Spain. Almost a year later, on Aug. 2, 2027, another will skirt the Mediterranean coast of North Africa then cross Egypt and part of the Arabian Peninsula. The third, on July 22, 2028, will cut across Australia and the southern tip of New Zealand.

Future Eclipses

Eclipse chasers will have several more chances this decade to view a total solar eclipse .

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Last week, as Victoria Sahami , the owner of Sirius Travel , was preparing to guide a group of tourists in Mazatlán, Mexico, for Monday’s big event, she was also planning for these other upcoming eclipses. Ms. Sahami joined the ranks of the eclipse-obsessed when she witnessed one in Venezuela in the 1990s. “Like many people, I was hooked. There was no going back,” she said.

Total solar eclipses happen fairly regularly — about every one to two years — in locations scattered around the world. “That’s the great thing about them: You wind up in places that you don’t normally go,” Ms. Sahami said.

A major spoiler is weather, which will be a big variable in the 2026 eclipse — one Greenland, Iceland and Spain will see.

“Iceland normally has a lot of cloud during that time of year,” said Paul Maley , who runs Ring of Fire Expeditions . “The data shows Spain to have the higher good-weather prospects of all three. However, the sun is low in the sky and the eclipse ends as the sun hits the horizon at sunset.”

Because of Iceland’s mercurial meteorology, Ring of Fire Expeditions is going all in on Spain, with a 10-day excursion on the mainland. Sirius Travel is offering not only a five-day trip to Majorca but also an eight-day tour around Iceland. It will be based in Reykjavik, and the itinerary will remain flexible on the day of the eclipse so the tour can easily pivot toward the location with the least cloud cover. Ms. Sahami recommends the trip for those who already have a few eclipses under their belt and would be happy just to take in the sights of Iceland if the weather doesn’t cooperate.

The 2027 eclipse, on the other hand, promises to be truly stellar: Luxor, Egypt — the site of numerous ancient temples as well as the Valleys of the Kings and Queens — sits right in the middle of the path of totality and will be bathed in darkness for a full 6 minutes 23 seconds. Weather-wise, it is what Ms. Sahami called “a slam dunk.” “You know you’re going to see it. You know that you’re not going to get any clouds,” she said.

But for all its potential, those considering Egypt should be aware that the State Department has a Level 3 “Reconsider Travel” warning for the country because of the risk of terrorism.

The 2028 eclipse will darken the skies over Sydney, Australia, for 3 minutes 49 seconds. It will be the first time the city has experienced a total solar eclipse since 1857. Ms. Sahami has her eyes on a trip based out of there, while Mr. Maley has chartered a cruise ship off the northwest coast of Australia. It will be winter there, he said, but that isn’t likely to mean bad eclipse-viewing weather.

If you want to see any (or all) of these eclipses, you should get started on planning and booking now, particularly if you want to sign up for a trip organized by a tour company. One of Sirius Travel’s excursions to Luxor is already full.

Scrutinize refund policies and look into insuring your trip. Several companies will fully refund your deposit if you cancel a year in advance. A lot can happen, Ms. Sahami said, “but if you think you’re going to go, why not?”

Follow New York Times Travel on Instagram and sign up for our weekly Travel Dispatch newsletter to get expert tips on traveling smarter and inspiration for your next vacation. Dreaming up a future getaway or just armchair traveling? Check out our 52 Places to Go in 2024 .

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What fuels nascar legend jimmie johnson’s love of travel.

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Johnson at his Motorsports Hall of Fame induction ceremony.

Most of us will never know what it feels like to stand on a stage and give a speech after being enshrined in the hall of fame for our chosen industry. Driving legend Jimmie Johnson surely does. Already this year, Johnson has been inducted into the Motorsports Hall of Fame and the NASCAR Hall of Fame. Arguably the most skilled person ever behind a steering wheel, Johnson has a record-tying seven NASCAR Cup Series championships, 83 race wins and an astounding 374 top-10 finishes.

Though he’s not on the track nearly as much these days as he used to be, the 48-year-old Johnson hasn’t said when he’s going to put his car in park forever. For now, the Southern California native seems content owning the Legacy Motor Club team, racing part time in the States while living in London with his family and traveling during any free time between.

During one of those recent pit stops in the schedule, Johnson sat with Forbes Travel Guide to talk racing, retirement and the one Asian country he hasn’t reached yet.

What’s been the proudest on-track accomplishment of your illustrious career?

It’s hard to pick one. I was at it for a while. There were these breakthrough moments in my career where particular victories unlocked the next opportunity. When I go back to my younger days, there are so many moments. But I would say one that’s very logical and one many will grasp and understand is winning my seventh championship and being able to tie Richard Petty and Dale Earnhardt.

In addition to that amazing accomplishment, that [2016 Ford EcoBoost 400] was probably one of the more challenging races I had. I think I only led a lap and a half of the entire event. But I led the lap that mattered the most. The emotional roller coaster that I went on that day, along with my family and fan base, [was a lot]. I was convinced, with 15 laps to go, that it wasn’t my year. I wasn’t going to be the champion. And 15 laps later, I was standing there on the front straightaway, couldn’t even control myself. I was just floundering around and jumping all over the place like a fool.

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The two-time Daytona 500 winner.

You haven’t retired, but you’re not fully active on the NASCAR schedule. Give your definition of where you are in your career right now.

Yeah, it’s funny. When I stepped away from full-time driving in NASCAR, that was my announcement — that I would no longer race full time in NASCAR. The label “retirement” was thrown on me straight away. I spent a couple of years in IndyCar, living out a childhood dream of mine of doing sports car racing. I felt like I would come back to NASCAR, given the right opportunity.

Much like a musician, I can’t put my instrument down. I feel very fortunate that, in my sport, I can continue to do it late into my career where a lot of stick-and-ball guys in their late 20s and mid-30s, that opportunity goes away for them. So, having this great sport that I can still compete in at 48 [is wonderful]. Believe me, I plan to push it further — as long as I get the green light from family and sponsors.

I’m very interested in [racing in] the marquee events. I’m still very interested in racing and the experience I have in the car. My focus has changed a little bit here, becoming a team owner. It’s been a nice shift for me because it’s allowing me the head space to enjoy the limited schedule that I’m running but also fighting for a greater cause and making Legacy Motor Club stronger.

You mention the marquee events. Let’s talk about the travel to Daytona and Bristol and all these top events. What are some things you do to stay sharp for all the moving around that you do during the season?

I feel like being aware of the time zone I’m flying to and trying to get some rest accordingly has been wise for me. Of course, staying hydrated [is key]. I always load up on a bunch of vitamins. More so than normal. When I know I’m going to fly [I take vitamins] just to try to fight off any viruses that are floating around or exposure I might have to illness.

I’ve always found that when I arrive somewhere, if I can get in a little workout — I’m just trying to recenter myself; nothing crazy — or just go outside and get a nice walk or go for a jog [it’s beneficial]. My wife loves to walk, so we’ll often do a walk. If I’m solo, I’ll go out and just try to get a run in and take in the sights of wherever I am. That grounding moment gets my heart rate up and helps pull me into that time zone.

Johnson enjoys traveling around Europe with his family.

Have you been able to explore the U.K. much?

Yeah, it’s been adventurous and fun. We know we’re here for a short period of time, so we’re trying to maximize what we have in and around England. We’ve already been to Scotland and Ireland. We’ve been to Holland, Spain and France multiple times. We’re leaving tomorrow for Japan with our kids.

Through the long grind of racing nonstop, my wife and I have always loved travel and have tried to spend time in Europe. Really anywhere that we can go. There were a few summers when my family came to Europe and was based here while I stayed in the States and worked. When I would have an off weekend — there aren’t many in NASCAR — I would join my family and spend a couple of weeks and then go back to racing. We just have a love of travel, a love of culture and a love of culinary experiences.

We’re maximizing our time here in the U.K., doing anything and everything we can. Even if it’s a weekend that we stay in the U.K., we’re off in a car. We’re in the countryside. This last weekend, we were exploring and eating at great little countryside pubs and staying in a quaint little cottage. Something you would never do in the States, right?

Will you be exploring Japan for the first time?

Yeah, first time in. We’re avid skiers, and it’s been tough for me to not chase some snow because I understand the snow is just epic in Japan. But it’s much more of a cultural experience with taking the girls. We’re hitting four different cities, starting in Tokyo and Kyoto . I can’t remember the other two.

Maybe Osaka ?

Yeah, I think Osaka is one. But there’s another one. My wife is a gallerist and owns an art gallery. There’s this little town we’re going to that has a permanent art installation that’s on an island.

When you pack for Japan or any of your other trips, what are a few things that are always in your luggage?

Well, being in England, your wellies [or rain boots] and your slicker are mandatory because it’s going to rain. Happens all the time. And that’s new for me. I didn’t need to plan on rain so much in the States.

I would also say my earbuds. I’ve also found that listening to — and you might find this ironic — sound baths or Tibetan bowls is something that’s calming for me and helps me sleep. I found some that tuck in [my ears] that I can sleep with. I pop them into sleep on flights. Or, if I need to try to nap to get into a certain time zone, the Tibetan bowls just knock me out.

The Queen City is Johnson’s U.S. home.

Where will home base be when you move back to the U.S.?

I grew up in Southern California but moved to North Carolina in ’97 and have been there since. Charlotte is the town that we live in, and we still have our place there, and we’ll return whenever this adventure wraps.

What do you miss most about Charlotte?

Charlotte’s an amazing city. We’ve really been able to enjoy its growth. I’ve lived there for so long now that I’ve been able to watch it change, grow up and mature. It’s been nice to be a part of that. I’ve come to better understand that Charlotte’s not going anywhere. It’s always going to be there. But what I miss are the people. Been there for so long. I have so many great relationships, friends, coworkers and on and on. I truly miss the people.

You’re scratching Japan off the bucket list next. Where are a few other places you want to go but haven’t yet?

We had a trip planned to Thailand that, unfortunately, we had to cancel due to some civil unrest years ago. And then my wife was pregnant with our second daughter, Lydia. We found out just two or three weeks before our trip. She was so ill with morning sickness that we had to cancel the trip a second time.

There’s still so much of the world to see. But our 20th wedding anniversary is coming up this December. We need to make that trip. I’m not sure if it’ll work for that celebratory trip, but at some point, we want to go experience it.

DeMarco Williams

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Train drivers across rail companies to stage fresh strikes in May, Aslef announces

The uk has seen almost two years of industrial action on its railways, with hundreds of millions of journeys cancelled, article bookmarked.

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Fresh travel disruption will impact rail passengers in May as train drivers at rail companies across England will stage a new series of strikes in a bitter, long-running dispute.

Members of the Aslef union will walk out on 7–9 May over pay, and ban overtime for six days from 6 May – the early May bank holiday Monday.

Drivers at c2c, Greater Anglia, Great Northern, Thameslink, Southeastern, Southern, Gatwick Express and South Western Railway will strike on 7 May.

On 8 May there will be strikes affecting Avanti West Coast, Chiltern Railways, CrossCountry, East Midlands Railway, Great Western Railway and West Midlands Trains.

Most operators will not run any trains on strike days.

Although the strikes affect train companies in England, cross-border services to Wales and Scotland are likely to see some knock-on effects.

The union said that after its members voted overwhelmingly in February to continue taking industrial action, it asked the train operating companies to hold talks. Aslef said train drivers have not had an increase in salary for five years, since their last pay deals expired in 2019.

General secretary Mick Whelan said: “It is now a year since we sat in a room with the train companies and a year since we rejected the risible offer they made and which they admitted, privately, was designed to be rejected.

“We first balloted for industrial action in June 2022, after three years without a pay rise. It took eight one-day strikes to persuade the train operating companies [Tocs] to come to the table and talk. Our negotiating team met the Rail Delivery Group [RDG] on eight occasions – the last being on Wednesday April 26 last year.

“That was followed by the Tocs’ ‘land grab’ for all our terms and conditions on Thursday April 27 – which was immediately rejected. Since then train drivers have voted, again and again, to take action to get a pay rise.

“That’s why Mark Harper, the transport secretary, is being disingenuous when he says that offer should have been put to members. Drivers would not vote to strike if they thought an offer was acceptable.”

Mr Whelan said the year-old offer of a 4 per cent pay rise followed by a second 4 per cent increase was “dead in the water”.

The Independent has contacted the Department for Transport for comment.

A spokesperson for the RDG, which represents the train operators, said: “This wholly unnecessary strike action called by the Aself leadership will sadly disrupt customers and businesses once again, while further damaging the railway at a time when taxpayers are continuing to contribute an extra £54m a week just to keep services running.

“We continue to seek a fair agreement with the Aslef leadership which both rewards our people, gives our customers more reliable services and makes sure the railway isn’t taking more than its fair share from taxpayers.”

The latest industrial action comes after thousands of trains were halted during a string of rolling strikes in early April .

Before that, an overtime ban and rolling regional walk-outs hit for nine days from 29 January to 6 February .

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