Cafe Britt Coffee Lovers Tour

Cafe Britt Coffee Lovers Tour

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This tour is specifically designed for the serious coffee lover. It includes a tour of the organic farm and an informative coffee tasting.

For the first part of the tour, you'll get to see how coffee beans make the transition from the plantation to a cup of coffee. You'll see where they roast the beans, and tour the grounds of a sustainable, gourmet coffee farm. Visitors will also get to see young coffee plants in the coffee nursery.

This tour includes a coffee tasting with a professional. During your tasting you'll get to try coffee from different regions, using a special sipping technique called "cupping." You'll learn to appreciate the different aromas and flavors of native Costa Rican beans, and hear about the prominent role coffee has played in Costa Rica's history.

You'll leave this tour with some new coffee expertise that you can put to good use. Toward the end of the tour your guide will demonstrate how to prepare a few classic coffee-based drinks.

What to Bring

Hat, comfortable clothes, sunscreen, insect repellent and a camera.

What's included

Guided tour of plantation, Tierra Madre coffee mill and organic farm, as well as a coffee tasting.


Many of our tours and activities offer transportation pick up & drop off options from several locations and destinations. Options vary by tour, see “BOOKING REQUEST” for full details.

Similar things to do

The Classic Britt Coffee Tour, Costa Rica

Located in the fertile highlands of Costa Rica's central valley, Café Britt has been running plantation tours since 1991. This tour includes visits to both the coffee plantation and roastery, where you''ll watch workers and learn the art of professional coffee tasting.

Coffee and Waterfalls, Costa Rica

On this tour you’ll get a good look at some of the environment that makes Costa Rica an ecological wonder. First you’ll see the Britt coffee plantation, and learn about Costa Rican coffee. Then you’ll head to La Paz waterfall gardens for an outdoor lunch and an informative look at local flora and fauna.

Coffee Adventure, Costa Rica

This tour allows you to experience the tropical environment of Heredia, Costa Rica, as well as the bright, rich flavors of its native coffee beans. Café Britt coffee farm is a gourmet coffee farm that strives to offer the finest possible Costa Rican coffee.

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Britt Coffee Tour

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Top ways to experience Britt Coffee Tour and nearby attractions

tour de cafe britt heredia

Most Recent: Reviews ordered by most recent publish date in descending order.

Detailed Reviews: Reviews ordered by recency and descriptiveness of user-identified themes such as waiting time, length of visit, general tips, and location information.

Larissa Amador

Also popular with travellers

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Britt Coffee Tour - All You MUST Know Before You Go (2024)

  • (5.15 km) Adventure Inn
  • (5.49 km) Terrazas de Golf Boutique Hotel
  • (0.89 km) Hotel Valladolid
  • (5.18 km) Finca Rosa Blanca Coffee Farm And Inn
  • (9.16 km) Casa de las Tias
  • (0.09 km) Britt Coffee Tour
  • (1.29 km) Rosti - Heredia
  • (0.40 km) Restaurante y Terraza Tsurú
  • (2.01 km) Taj Mahal Heredia
  • (1.98 km) Rosti San Francisco

Britt Coffee Tour

tour de cafe britt heredia

Top ways to experience Britt Coffee Tour and nearby attractions

tour de cafe britt heredia

Most Recent: Reviews ordered by most recent publish date in descending order.

Detailed Reviews: Reviews ordered by recency and descriptiveness of user-identified themes such as waiting time, length of visit, general tips, and location information.

Larissa Amador

Also popular with travellers

tour de cafe britt heredia

BRITT COFFEE TOUR: All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (with Photos)

  • (5.15 km) Adventure Inn
  • (5.49 km) Terrazas de Golf Boutique Hotel
  • (0.89 km) Hotel Valladolid
  • (5.18 km) Finca Rosa Blanca Coffee Farm And Inn
  • (9.16 km) Casa de las Tias
  • (0.09 km) Britt Coffee Tour
  • (1.29 km) Rosti - Heredia
  • (0.40 km) Restaurante y Terraza Tsurú
  • (2.01 km) Taj Mahal Heredia
  • (1.98 km) Rosti San Francisco

Britt Coffee Tour

tour de cafe britt heredia

Top ways to experience Britt Coffee Tour and nearby attractions

tour de cafe britt heredia

Most Recent: Reviews ordered by most recent publish date in descending order.

Detailed Reviews: Reviews ordered by recency and descriptiveness of user-identified themes such as waiting time, length of visit, general tips, and location information.

Kelly D

Also popular with travellers

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Britt Coffee Tour - All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (2024) - Tripadvisor

Britt Coffee Tour

tour de cafe britt heredia

Top ways to experience Britt Coffee Tour and nearby attractions

tour de cafe britt heredia

Most Recent: Reviews ordered by most recent publish date in descending order.

Detailed Reviews: Reviews ordered by recency and descriptiveness of user-identified themes such as waiting time, length of visit, general tips, and location information.

Larissa Amador

Also popular with travellers

tour de cafe britt heredia

BRITT COFFEE TOUR: All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (with Photos)

  • (3.22 mi) Adventure Inn
  • (3.43 mi) Terrazas de Golf Boutique Hotel
  • (0.56 mi) Hotel Valladolid
  • (3.24 mi) Finca Rosa Blanca Coffee Farm And Inn
  • (5.73 mi) Casa de las Tias
  • (0.06 mi) Britt Coffee Tour
  • (0.81 mi) Rosti - Heredia
  • (0.25 mi) Restaurante y Terraza Tsurú
  • (1.25 mi) Taj Mahal Heredia
  • (1.24 mi) Rosti San Francisco
  • Emprendedores
  • Curiosidades
  • Columna literaria
  • Rincón Herediano
  • Contáctenos

tour de cafe britt heredia


San rafael de heredia recibe 7 banderas azules ecológicas, el principito, edición zaguate llega al teatro, botellas plásticas se exportan para convertirse en ropa, zapatos y más, descubra las ventajas de la venta directa para iniciar su propio…, brumas del zurquí: café de exportación con sello de excelencia, domingueñas producen café en armonía con el ambiente, hornea pan mientras sus hijos duermen, para salir adelante, el chile le permitió abrirse camino como empresaria, ¿sabe cuáles son los agüizotes preferidos de los ticos, estudio revela que costarricenses prefieren películas de acción, expo mascotería ofrecerá yoga con perros y apoyo para animales en…, celebración del dia de la madre nace en heredia, el año del tigre traería renovación y nuevas energías, exposición literaria en el centro de cultura omar dengo, en megaoperativo evitan asalto en vivienda en san isidro, detienen tres sujetos con orden de captura, bus de tibás choca y se estrella contra negocio, campaña de limpieza en la milpa, guararí, por primera vez: ¡costa rica campeón panamericano de ráquetbol, se terminó la era de suarez, partido de la selección hará historia, mundial femenino de fútbol sub 20 no calienta en redes…, ticos irán a mundial de voleibol de playa.

  • Empresarial


tour de cafe britt heredia

La empresa herediana Café Britt, pionera en los tours de café, ofrece una nueva opción para sumar a la gama de opciones para los visitantes, se trata del Coffe Lovers Experience

que incluye además del recorrido por la historia del café, una guía sobre diferentes formas de preparar el café.

“Mantenemos el Coffee tour clásico todos los días, tres veces al día. Pero quisimos incluir uno más técnico y especializado, les ofrecerá a los visitantes una inmersión más profunda en el mundo del café, desde cómo se siembra hasta las diversas maneras de prepararlo y degustarlo”, agregó Roberto López, coordinador del Britt Coffee Tour.

El tour se lleva a cabo en las instalaciones de Britt en ubicado en Mercedes Norte de Heredia, 400 metros norte y 400 metros oeste del Automercado, carretera a Barva de Heredia.

Donde los visitantes también podrán encontrar un mariposario y la granjita, así como el restaurante y la tienda de Britt con los mismos productos que se venden en los aeropuertos, pero a precio de fábrica.

Los tours del café se realizan de una forma muy amena, de la mano de artistas, quienes llevan a los visitantes a sentir el calor del ser costarricense. Con sus botas y sombrero, las guías demuestran su conocimiento y lo transmiten en una forma sencilla y clara, de manera que los turistas aprenden mientras ríen, participan en juegos y sienten el café.

tour de cafe britt heredia

Y es que la empresa herediana se ha caracterizado no solo por la calidad de su café, sino por el impulso al teatro y al ambiente, por ello, cuenta con un teatro dentro de sus instalaciones donde se realizan presentaciones de altísima calidad, de hecho, el monólogo  “El Nica” de César Meléndez, nació en ese escenario.

El recorrido por la historia del café inicia con la siembra del almácigo, luego cómo se trasplantan a la finca y su cuidado. Se aprende sobre las diferentes variedades de café, los factores que influyen para variar su sabor y calidad, y finaliza en la planta de producción de Café Britt, donde se aprende sobre el tostado.

Posteriormente, los asistentes al tour pasan a la preparación de su taza de café, utilizando los diferentes métodos, tan variados que abarcan desde la bolsa de chorrear tradicional, hasta el V60. También pueden completar el recorrido en el restaurante, que a partir del próximo mes incluirá una cafetería Britt Café Bakery, con espacios diseñados para disfrutar en familia.

Los precios para los tours varían, van desde los 20 dólares para nacionales en el tradicional, y 29 el Coffe Lovers Experience.

Además, se pueden combinar las experiencias del café con la aventura y la naturaleza, sin salir de Heredia.

Ofrecen un tour a San José de la Montaña para disfrutar de 13 plataformas y 8 cables en árboles gigantescos que le permiten disfrutar la vista del bosque nuboso desde lo alto, o caminar por los senderos y descansar junto a las cataratas.

O ir a compartir con la fauna en el Toucan Rescue Ranch, un centro de rescate animal, ubicado en San Isidro de Heredia, donde se encuentran animales como osos perezosos, aves y felinos, entre otros.

De manera que las opciones son muchas para conocer la historia del café y también algunos rincones de Heredia.

tour de cafe britt heredia

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Britt Coffee Tour

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Top ways to experience Britt Coffee Tour and nearby attractions

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Most Recent: Reviews ordered by most recent publish date in descending order.

Detailed Reviews: Reviews ordered by recency and descriptiveness of user-identified themes such as waiting time, length of visit, general tips, and location information.

Laura B

Also popular with travellers

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Britt Coffee Tour - All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (2024)

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Cafe Britt Coffee Tour Review: an entertaining and caffeinating experience (Heredia, Costa Rica)

Cafe Britt Coffee Tour Review: An Entertaining and Caffeinating Experience (Heredia, Costa Rica)

Cafe Britt Coffee Tour Review: an entertaining and caffeinating experience (Heredia, Costa Rica)

I still remember my first sip of coffee from my dad’s mug when I was a kid. I thought it was disgusting. It’s a bit like beer: you don’t really develop a taste for it until college. By now I must have brewed hundreds of batches and ordered hundreds of cups at local shops, but I didn’t know how coffee was made until we took a tour at Cafe Britt in Heredia, Costa Rica.

In this  review of the Cafe Britt Classic Coffee Tour , you’ll find an overview of our tour experience and my thoughts on the tour. Is it worth seeing? Is it worth the price? I’ll answer these questions here. You may also see a photo of a cute fuzzy that made a brief appearance — giving our tour an extra splash of flavor.

We visited Cafe Britt on a Tuesday afternoon in February, joining two tour guides and just five other tourists for the 3:15 tour. After purchasing tickets ($22/adult, $17/student) at the ticket booth, we were welcomed to enjoy a sample of coffee and sit in the shade while we waited for the tour to begin. Cafe Britt also takes online reservations .

Diana sampling coffee before the Cafe Britt Classic Coffee Tour

The Classic Coffee Tour began with a brief overview of the history of coffee growing and roasting throughout the world. This was probably the least interesting part of the tour, but it was very brief and included visual aids — it would have kept my attention even if I was 20 years younger (i.e. it’s a kid-friendly activity). From there everything was interactive or hands-on, and we were moving along to something new every few minutes.

It’s a kid-friendly activity.

The Lifecycle of Gourmet Coffee

While Cafe Britt doesn’t grow their own coffee (they roast and package coffee that’s shipped from other regions in Costa Rica), they’ve created a small-scale setting that gives you a good idea of what coffee farming looks like. There are real coffee plants of a variety of ages that you’ll see on the tour, and we saw and had a chance to handle both the berry-like coffee fruits and the dried coffee beans.

coffee bush at Cafe Britt

They even had several cacao trees, which are typically grown in conjunction with coffee bushes on a plantation. On our tour we spotted a squirrel climbing in one tree, attempting to snack on the cacao hanging from its branches.

We sat down twice for brief demonstrations on coffee harvesting, fermentation, and the sorting process used for selecting only the high quality beans from a harvest. Our tour guides used helpful props to illustrate the process, making it easy to understand.

a coffee picking demonstration at Cafe Britt

Did you know? Microwaving coffee releases its waxes which in turn gives you gas. (Yikes!) We learned this and many other coffee facts on Cafe Britt’s Classic Coffee Tour.

After a peek into the roastery and an explanation of how different roasting times affect the characteristics and flavor of the coffee, we were led into a small theater (maybe 50 seats) for a video showing the various sources of Cafe Britt’s beans as well as a tasting demonstration — the final step in determining whether a particular batch of beans makes the cut.

the roastery at Cafe Britt

I particularly enjoyed this part, as I volunteered to be a taster!

The size of the theater made it obvious that our small group size was probably not the norm; I’d imagine the midday tours are more crowded since lunch is available then, which caters toward larger tour groups. Perhaps the afternoon tour is a fantastic secret we discovered!

Yes, you exit through the gift shop. While it may be cliché, it didn’t come off as pushy in the least.

The tour concluded in the gift shop, where our guide showed us directly to the free tasting area in the back. He quickly explained the deals they were offering and then left us to stay and sample or shop as we pleased. While some people have found this off-putting (according to at least one review on TripAdvisor), I really didn’t find this pushy at all. I quite enjoyed the opportunity to taste all of the coffee flavors — and they had samples of their chocolates, too! So yes, you exit through the gift shop. While it may be cliché, it didn’t come off as pushy in the least.

Diana at Cafe Britt coffee tour

A Lighthearted, Fun Experience

There are many reasons I enjoyed and would recommend this tour to Costa Rica visitors, but here are the main ones:

  • The guides are talented (and funny) actors that are GOOD at keeping you entertained. I’d say it’s near Disney in performance quality.
  • It never got boring. The tour lasts 90 minutes and the pace was just right.
  • Student pricing — a $5 student discount
  • Transportation and/or lunch can be booked along with a tour for an additional cost. (We’re staying locally and didn’t need either.)
  • Interactivity (always a plus)
  • Visual aids (not just good for kids)

Is this tour worth seeing? I’d say absolutely. Is it worth the price? Another yes. In short, I give the Cafe Britt Classic Coffee Tour  two thumbs up!

A few more photos from our tour:

a demonstration on extracting a coffee bean at Cafe Britt

2 Replies to “Cafe Britt Coffee Tour Review: An Entertaining and Caffeinating Experience (Heredia, Costa Rica)”

I guess I wont be microwaving my coffee anymore then… Lovely photo of the squirrel. 🙂

Thanks Katie — I liked that photo best because it looks like he’s smiling for the camera. 🙂

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    tour de cafe britt heredia

  2. Britt Coffee Tour (Heredia)

    tour de cafe britt heredia


    tour de cafe britt heredia

  4. Café Britt Coffee Lovers Tour

    tour de cafe britt heredia

  5. Tour Cafe Britt Heredia

    tour de cafe britt heredia

  6. Britt Coffee Tour (Heredia)

    tour de cafe britt heredia


  1. Cafe Britt el MEJOR tour de CAFE en COSTA RICA


  1. Coffeetour

    Where Coffee Comes to Life Experience Costa Rica's Original Coffee Tour. Since 1991, Britt Coffee Tour has educated and entertained nearly 1 million friends and coffee lovers from around the world by immersing them in a colorful journey through our working plantation and roastery.

  2. Britt Coffee Tour

    Farms. Open now. 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM. Write a review. About. Britt Coffee Tour has educated and entertained nearly 1 million friends and coffee lovers from around the world since 1991. We use humor and insight to show you the secrets behind an exquisite cup of coffee. Our experts lead the way on an enjoyable journey through the world of coffee.

  3. Britt Coffee Tour

    Horario: 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m. y 3:15 p.m. Cafe Britt tiene mas de treinta años de producir y comercializar los mejores productos gourmet. Desde el inicio, nuestro compromiso ha sido brindar lo mejor a nuestros clientes, iniciando con cafe y hoy ofrecemos otras delicias, tales como chocolates, galletas, dulces y nueces.

  4. Cafe Britt Coffee Tour

    At the Cafe Britt Coffee Tour our experts lead the way on an enjoyable journey through the world of coffee. Discover coffee's colorful history and the process that transforms the red coffee cherry into the delicious morning brew. Cafe Britt Coffee Tour is located in Heredia, only 25 minutes away from Juan Santamaría International Airport (SJO).

  5. Café Britt Coffee Lovers Tour

    The Classic Britt Coffee Tour Heredia. Located in the fertile highlands of Costa Rica's central valley, Café Britt has been running plantation tours since 1991. This tour includes visits to both the coffee plantation and roastery, where you''ll watch workers and learn the art of professional coffee tasting. Coffee Tour.

  6. Britt Coffee Origins

    Located in San Rafael de Heredia, Los Cedros farm has extraordinary conditions for growing a wide variety of specialty coffees, as it is located at a height of 1350 meters above sea level, with a relative humidity of 84%, an average temperature of 22 ° C, 2,500 mm rainfall and fertile volcanic soils. Next, at Café Britt, get swept away by the ...

  7. Britt Coffee Tour

    Our experts lead the way on an enjoyable journey through the world of coffee. Discover coffee´s colorful history and the process that transforms the red coffee cherry into the delicious morning brew.Located in Heredia, 25 minutes away from Internacional Airport. Daily tours at 9am, 11am, 1:15pm and 3:15pm.


    Our experts lead the way on an enjoyable journey through the world of coffee. Discover coffee´s colorful history and the process that transforms the red coffee cherry into the delicious morning brew.Located in Heredia, 25 minutes away from Internacional Airport. Daily tours at 9am, 11am, 1:15pm and 3:15pm.

  9. BRITT COFFEE TOUR (Heredia): All You Need to Know

    Book your tickets online for Britt Coffee Tour, Heredia: See 767 reviews, articles, and 566 photos of Britt Coffee Tour, ranked No.1 on Tripadvisor among 10 attractions in Heredia. ... I will pass your comments to Maria! I hoe to see you again soon here at Cafe Britt! Read more. Written 6 October 2022. ... Estar ahí no implica más de dos ...

  10. BRITT COFFEE TOUR, Heredia

    Britt Coffee Tour. Claimed. Review. Share. 3 reviews #91 of 177 Restaurants in Heredia $$ - $$$ Cafe. Santa Lucia de Barba, Heredia Costa Rica +506 2277 1600 Website + Add hours Improve this listing. See all (2)

  11. BRITT COFFEE TOUR (Heredia)

    Feb 7, 2023 - Britt Coffee Tour has educated and entertained nearly 1 million friends and coffee lovers from around the world since 1991. We use humor and insight to show you the secrets behind an exquisite cup ...

  12. Britt Coffee Tour

    Book your tickets online for Britt Coffee Tour, Heredia: See 797 reviews, articles, and 607 photos of Britt Coffee Tour, ranked No.1 on Tripadvisor among 10 attractions in Heredia.

  13. Britt Coffee Tour (Heredia)

    Book your tickets online for Britt Coffee Tour, Heredia: See 795 reviews, articles, and 607 photos of Britt Coffee Tour, ranked No.1 on Tripadvisor among 10 attractions in Heredia.

  14. Britt Coffee Tour (Heredia)

    Book your tickets online for Britt Coffee Tour, Heredia: See 800 reviews, articles, and 608 photos of Britt Coffee Tour, ranked No.1 on Tripadvisor among 10 attractions in Heredia.

  15. Britt Coffee Tour

    810 reviews. #1 of 10 things to do in Heredia. Farms. Closed now. 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM. Write a review. About. Britt Coffee Tour has educated and entertained nearly 1 million friends and coffee lovers from around the world since 1991. We use humor and insight to show you the secrets behind an exquisite cup of coffee.


    Dec 20, 2023 - Britt Coffee Tour has educated and entertained nearly 1 million friends and coffee lovers from around the world since 1991. We use humor and insight to show you the secrets behind an exquisite cup ...

  17. Britt Coffee Tour (Heredia)

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  18. Café Britt Ofrece Nuevos Tours En Heredia

    La empresa herediana Café Britt, pionera en los tours de café, ofrece una nueva opción para sumar a la gama de opciones para los visitantes, se trata del Coffe Lovers Experience. que incluye además del recorrido por la historia del café, una guía sobre diferentes formas de preparar el café. "Mantenemos el Coffee tour clásico todos los ...

  19. BRITT COFFEE TOUR (Heredia)

    Dec 22, 2022 - Britt Coffee Tour has educated and entertained nearly 1 million friends and coffee lovers from around the world since 1991. We use humor and insight to show you the secrets behind an exquisite cup ...

  20. Cafe Britt Coffee Tour Review: An Entertaining and Caffeinating

    We visited Cafe Britt on a Tuesday afternoon in February, joining two tour guides and just five other tourists for the 3:15 tour. After purchasing tickets ($22/adult, $17/student) at the ticket booth, we were welcomed to enjoy a sample of coffee and sit in the shade while we waited for the tour to begin. Cafe Britt also takes online reservations.

  21. Britt Café Bakery

    Britt Café Bakery, Heredia, Costa Rica. 635 likes · 4 talking about this · 444 were here. Cafe