The Hacker's Browser

Vimium is a browser extension which provides keyboard shortcuts for navigation and control in the spirit of the Vim editor. Watch this video to get a feel for how it works:

  • Navigate the web without touching the mouse.
  • Use a clever highlighting method to click on links.
  • Customize your keyboard shortcuts.
  • View an in-page help dialog to see your personalized shortcuts.

Install for your browser: Chrome Edge Firefox

Keyboard Shortcuts

Navigating the page.

  • j Scroll down
  • k Scroll up
  • gg Scroll to the top of the page
  • G Scroll to the bottom of the page
  • d Scroll a half page down
  • u Scroll a half page up
  • h Scroll left
  • l Scroll right
  • r Reload the page
  • yy Copy the current URL to the clipboard
  • p Open the clipboard's URL in the current tab
  • P Open the clipboard's URL in a new tab
  • i Enter insert mode
  • v Enter visual mode
  • gi Focus the first text input on the page
  • f Open a link in the current tab
  • F Open a link in a new tab
  • gf Select the next frame on the page
  • gF Select the page's main/top frame
  • / Enter find mode
  • n Cycle forward to the next find match
  • N Cycle backward to the previous find match

Using the vomnibar

  • o Open URL, bookmark or history entry
  • O Open URL, bookmark or history entry in a new tab
  • b Open a bookmark
  • B Open a bookmark in a new tab
  • T Search through your open tabs

Navigating history

  • H Go back in history
  • L Go forward in history

Manipulating tabs

  • t Create new tab
  • J Go one tab left
  • K Go one tab right
  • g0 Go to the first tab
  • g$ Go to the last tab
  • yt Duplicate current tab
  • x Close current tab
  • X Restore closed tab


  • ? Show help

For the latest release notes, more advanced shortcuts, and how to create custom keybindings, see the README .

Vimari is a Safari extension that provides vim style keyboard based navigation. This lets you control Safari from your keyboard instead of having to use your mouse to open links, scroll, etc. The code is heavily based on vimium , a Chrome extension that provides much more extensive features.

Vimari attempts to provide a lightweight port of vimium to Safari, taking the best components of vimium and adapting them to Safari.


Vimari is open source, and available on GitHub .

vim mode safari

Look ma, no mouse: Vimium

vim mode safari

Repeatedly reaching for your mouse slows you down in the short term, and in the long term brings on health problems (RSI) . To stay fast and healthy, keep your hands on your keyboard. To keep your hands there, this series, “Look ma, no mouse!” will guide you through easy to use tools to use your keyboard to control your computer instead of your mouse.

In this piece, we’ll discuss how to use your keyboard for one of the most mouse intensive activities: web browsing.

Why is web browsing so mouse intensive?

Links form the backbone of the web make it a connected, cohesive entity instead of a large pool of disconnected sites. there’s three ways to follow a link:

1 - Move your mouse over the link and click.

2 - Press tab over and over again until you see a dotted outline around the link and click. This works OK for, but on github, there might be over 50 links for a given repo.

3 -Install the Vimium plugin for your favorite browser

Vimium is a plugin available for Chrome and Firefox , Edge , and Safari .

Once installed and enabled, vimium unlocks a whole slew of vim inspired keyboard shortcuts. Like vi, you don’t even need to press Ctrl or Alt to use them, just the letter itself will work.

Press f to Click Links

With Vimium installed, go to a web page and press f.

A bunch of yellow squares with letters will pop up.

vim mode safari

Type the (lower case) letters in the square next to the link and your browser will follow the link. It’s that easy!

Vimium has a lot more features and they’re worth knowing, but none of them will reduce our mouse usage any further. For now, just avoid pressing other buttons because they might do something.

Disabling vimium on a page

Some pages like gmail and github have useful keyboard shortcuts that you’d like to use. For these pages, we can disable vimium just on that page To disable vimium on a page like, first visit the page and then click the little blue V in your plugin bar.

vim mode safari

You should see a little window that says Vimium will be disabled, the url of the current page, “Save Changes”, etc. Click “Save Changes” and Vimium is now disabled on that page.

Vimium fills out that the “pattern” for you so that Vimium will be disabled on any page on whether its http or https. A quick side note for our more technical readers, vimium’s pattern notation can be confusing because * has its meaning from globs (match 0 or more characters), but ? has its meaning from regular expressions (match the previous character 0 or 1 time). Most of the time, however, the default is good enough and this notation is irrelevent.

Reducing mouse usage is easy. Just install vimium and remembe a single command: f. Once we press f, we type the letters in the hint (technical name for the yellow square) next to the link and our browser will follow the link. We also saw how to disable vimium on a page if we need access to a page’s shortcuts (although we lose the ability to use hints).

Next week, we’ll cover mouseless window management. If you’re tired of using your mouse to resize windows, select windows, and getting windows perfectly side by side, just click “Subscribe Now” below.

You can also follow me on twitter @canardivore

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How to Use Vim Shortcuts to Navigate Your Web Browser

Muhammad Munna

While Vim is a text editor designed to be used with keyboard shortcuts, browser extensions like Vimium let you navigate the Web using similar keybindings without ever touching the mouse. Using Vim shortcuts on your browser can help you get things done faster and more efficiently. In this tutorial, we show you how to use and configure Vimium on your favorite browser.

Installing Vimium

Navigating with vimium, configuring vimium, frequently asked questions.

Also read: 8 Methods to Exit Vim Editor in Linux

Install Vimium on Chrome

To install Vimium on Chrome, or any other Chromium-based browser like Brave , go to the Vimium page on the Chrome Webstore and select “Add to Chrome,” opening a pop-up window. Select “Add extension” to add it to Chrome.

Vim On Browser Add Vimium

Install Vimium on Firefox

You can add Vimium-FF, a Vimium port for Firefox, from the Vimium-FF page on the Firefox browser ADD-ONS website.

On the Vimium-FF page, select “Add to Firefox.” On the pop-up window, select “Add” to install it on Firefox.

Vim On Browser Add Vimium Ff

Install Vimari on Safari

Vimari is a Safari port of Vimium. While Vimari has limited control compared to Vimium, it handles the basic navigation just fine. You can install Vimari from the App Store .

Vim On Browser Add Vimari

To enable the Vimari extension on Safari, select “Safari” from the menu bar and go to “Preferences.” Select the “Extensions” tab and check “Vimari.”

Vim On Browser Enable Vimari

Also read: 3 Useful VIM Editor Tips and Tricks for Advanced Users

Scrolling With Vimium

Scrolling is probably the most common thing you do on a webpage. With Vimium, you can use J to scroll down and K to scroll up. Pressing H and L lets you horizontally scroll to left and right. Press GG to go to the top of the page. Press Shift + G to go to the bottom of the page as you would do with Vim. You can even scroll down or up half a page by pressing D and U .

Opening a Link

To open a link, press F , which will give a unique label to each of the links for a particular webpage.

Vim On Browser Open Link Current Tab

To go to a link, type the displayed label on the link. If you want to type something in a text field, just type the label on the text field.

Press Shift + F to show labels that will open the links in a new page when you type a label.

Vim On Browser Open Link New Tab

Also read: How to Change the Default Search Engine in Various Browsers

Manipulating Tabs

To go to the left tab, press Shift + J and Shift + K for the right tab. If you are using Vimari, press Q and W to go to the left and right tabs. To close the current tab, press X . If you close a tab by mistake, you can restore it by pressing Shift + X . (This doesn’t work in Vimari)

If you have multiple tabs open, press Shift + T , then search and select the tab to open it.

Vim On Browser Find Tab

Navigating Your History

You can go to the previous page on your browser by pressing Shift + H . If you want to return to the page you just came from, press Shift + L .

Getting Out of Insert Mode and Text Fields

Pressing I will get you into insert mode, where you can use the regular browser shortcuts. For example, if you are on YouTube, pressing M will mute the audio instead of acting as a Vimium shortcut.

Vim On Browser Youtube Insert Mode

Whether you are in insert mode or just a text field like the search bar, you can get out of it to return to Vimium shortcuts by pressing Esc .

Also read: What Is Caret Browsing and How to Enable It in Your Browser

You can configure and change the default Vimium shortcuts to your own preferences from the Vimium Options page.

Opening the Vimium Options Page

If you are on Chrome, select the extension icon next to the address bar, then select the three dots next to the Vimium extension and select “Options” to go to the Vimium Options page.

Vim On Brower Configuration Page Chrome

If you are using Firefox, right-click the Vimium icon next to the address bar and select “Manage Extension.” On the Extensions page, select the three dots next to the Vimium extension and select “Preferences.”

Vim On Brower Configuration Page Firefox

To see all of the available commands, select “Show available commands” next to the “Custom key mappings” box.

Vim On Brower Configuration Page

This will show the list of available commands and their corresponding keybindings on a pop-up window.

Vim On Browser Commands

You can modify keybindings for any of these commands.

Mapping and Unmapping a Key in Vimium

To use a certain key for executing a command, enter a map command in the “Custom key mappings.” The general format is:

For example, to use the M key to mute or unmute a tab, enter the command:

If you want to disable a Vimium shortcut, you can use the unmap command with the shortcut key. For example, if you want to disable the Vimimum shortcut / , enter the command:

Vim On Browser Vimium Map Unmap

Select “Save Changes” after entering your commands.

The changes will take place when you visit a new page or reload an already opened page.

Configuring Advanced Options

Vimium has a couple of advanced options, like specifying the scroll step size when you press J / K / H / L , which you can tinker with and set to your own preferences. If you don’t like smooth scrolling, you can uncheck the “Use smooth scrolling” button from miscellaneous options.

To see the advanced options, select “Show Advanced Options” on the Vimium Options page.

Vim On Browser Advance Options

You can also download the configuration file for your current preferences and restore it to use the same shortcuts when you reinstall your browser or choose to use Vimium on a different browser.

To download a backup, select “Click to download backup” from the “Backup and Restore” menu.

Vim On Browser Backup Restore

Configuring Vimari

To configure Vimari, select the Vimari icon from the top bar of Safari, and a new window will pop up. On the pop-up window, select “Open Configuration File.”

Vim On Browser Vimari Open Config

You will see all the available commands in the bindings section. The keybindings are represented as key-value pairs, where the key is the command name for the shortcut, and the value is the shortcut key.

Vim On Browser Vimari Config

If you want to change a shortcut, select the shortcut key after the keyword and replace it with your own shortcut.

For example, if you want to use Shift + J and Shift + K to go to the left and right tabs, replace the lines:

Vim On Browser Vimari Remap

To disable a shortcut, leave the value as empty quotes. For example, if you don’t want X to close a tab, replace the line:

Vim On Browser Vimari Unmap

Press Command + S to save the configuration. This new configuration will work on the webpages you open, or you can reload an already opened tab on Safari by pressing R to use the new configuration.

Also read: 10 of the Easiest Ways to Unblock Websites

Is Vimium/Vimari secure?

Yes. Vimium/Vimari doesn’t talk to any servers and stores all your preferences locally.

Why doesn't Vimium/Vimari work on the browser's homepage?

Vimium and Vimari don’t work on some pages like the Chrome homepage, Chrome Webstore, and Safari homepage to coincide with the browsers’ policies.

What happens if a website has the same shortcut as Vimium's?

In normal mode, Vimium shortcuts will get priority. However, you can use a website’s regular shortcuts in insert mode.

Image credit: Colorful keyboards by 123FR Screenshots by Muhammad Munna

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Muhammad Munna

Muhammad Munna is an Electrical Engineering student who is passionate about technology and writing. He loves to experiment with different techs and dig deep into them. In his free time, he can be found fiddling with his smartphone camera.

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4.4K ratings

The Hacker's Browser. Vimium provides keyboard shortcuts for navigation and control in the spirit of Vim.

*NOTE* Google does not allow Vimium to run on this Chrome Web Store page and the Chrome New Tab page, by design. Sorry about that! *NOTE* Chrome has some alarmist messaging around the permissions that Vimium needs to run. Really all it's asking for is that Vimium's javascript be loaded into every page. Don't be alarmed. Vimium never talks to any servers and does absolutely nothing with your data. Read the open source code if you're curious. For more information about rebinding your keys and how to use many of Vimium's features, see here: Modifier keys are specified as <c-x>, <m-x>, <a-x> for ctrl+x, meta+x, and alt+x respectively. Navigating the current page: ? show the help dialog for a list of all available keys h scroll left j scroll down k scroll up l scroll right gg scroll to top of the page G scroll to bottom of the page d scroll down half a page u scroll up half a page f open a link in the current tab F open a link in a new tab r reload gs view source i enter insert mode -- all commands will be ignored until you hit esc to exit yy copy the current url to the clipboard yf copy a link url to the clipboard gf cycle forward to the next frame Navigating to new pages: o Open URL, bookmark, or history entry O Open URL, bookmark, history entry in a new tab b Open bookmark B Open bookmark in a new tab Using find: / enter find mode -- type your search query and hit enter to search or esc to cancel n cycle forward to the next find match N cycle backward to the previous find match Navigating your history: H go back in history L go forward in history Manipulating tabs: J, gT go one tab left K, gt go one tab right g0 go to the first tab g$ go to the last tab t create tab x close current tab X restore closed tab (i.e. unwind the 'x' command) T search through your open tabs Additional advanced browsing commands: ]] Follow the link labeled 'next' or '>'. Helpful for browsing paginated sites. [[ Follow the link labeled 'previous' or '<'. Helpful for browsing paginated sites. <a-f> open multiple links in a new tab gi focus the first (or n-th) text input box on the page gu go up one level in the URL hierarchy Vimium supports command repetition so, for example, hitting '5t' will open 5 tabs in rapid succession. ESC (or <c-[>) will clear any partial commands in the queue and will also exit insert and find modes. Release notes, see: -

4.8 out of 5 4.4K ratings Google doesn't verify reviews. Learn more about results and reviews.

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Ayaan Jun 10, 2024

Absolute must have. Changed the way i use web browsers. By far my most useful extension.

Review's profile picture

Ali Galymbekov Jun 5, 2024

Everything is great, except the fact that most of the hotkeys DO NOT work when it comes to For example: 'j' and 'k' buttons are binded for '10s back & 10s next' and vimium simply cannot scroll. Would really appreciate if you fix that!

Review's profile picture

Jonas de Bruin Jun 2, 2024

Would be an amazing public but it get Vimium is not allowed to run on this page. Your browser does not run web extensions like Vimium on certain pages, usually for security reasons on so many pages i visit which makes it completely useless. on the pages where it does work its really nice tho

  • Version 2.1.2
  • Updated April 4, 2024
  • Report a concern
  • Offered by Ilya Sukhar, Phil Crosby, Stephen Blott
  • Size 272KiB
  • Languages English
  • Developer Email [email protected]
  • Non-trader This developer has not identified itself as a trader. For consumers in the European Union, please note that consumer rights do not apply to contracts between you and this developer.

This developer declares that your data is

  • Not being sold to third parties, outside of the approved use cases
  • Not being used or transferred for purposes that are unrelated to the item's core functionality
  • Not being used or transferred to determine creditworthiness or for lending purposes

For help with questions, suggestions, or problems, visit the developer's support site

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文明时代,武术更多的目的是强身健体,修身养性,但是拳法之中的道理,我依然记于心上,践于行中。和电脑打交道,我同样追求快、准、狠,优柔寡断的鼠标不能得我心,MacBook 上流畅的触摸板也不足以和键盘媲美。能使用快捷键的地方,我尽量以全键盘方式操作电脑,获得更好的体验:

  • 训练肌肉记忆,越用越快
  • 避免鼠键切换,思维连贯

Vim、Emacs、TaskPaper、Folding Text,都是数字世界里的奇兵利器,macOS 自带的快捷键,也可祝我一臂之力。但是各家功夫高低不一,Vim 毫无疑问以「全快捷键操作」问鼎。 它最大的优势其实不在组合多,在乎集中于键盘中部,手指得以尽可能小地离开字母区域。 如同切磋武义,高手出招,直截了当;Vim 用熟之后,搭配双拼,编辑文本吭哧吭哧颇有节奏,长时间外接键盘,也几乎想不起使用鼠标。

习惯了 Vim 的操作,再用回 Safari 预设的快捷键,虽说总好过用触摸板指指点点,却差了一丝味道。想来一是手指频繁移动到左下角,不远万里去按方向键;二来一组快捷键,常常需要双手齐上,左手小指扭曲着碰碰「Ctrl」键,长期使用鼠标者易得鼠标手,我怕是得患上「键盘指」。

浏览器上仿 Vim 的快捷键插件早已有之,终于寻得一款插件 sVim,不必再羡慕 Chrome 的 Vimium。

sVim 是一款继承 Vim 快捷键的 Safari 插件,可以为你提供利落的全键盘网页浏览体验。它和原生快捷键最大的区别就在于大量使用字母键,单个或一组字母就可以实现快捷操作,不一定用到「Ctrl」「Shift」这些屈居键盘角落的修饰键,让手指牢牢扎根键盘中部,减少移动距离、降低操作量。

来看一下 sVim 的部分键位,它对原生方案做了许多改良。

vim mode safari

例如,开启阅读器模式,以往需要按下「Cmd+Shift+g」,在 sVim 里只需要「g r」——按键数量少了,两颗键靠得近,也容易一起按下。


sVim 许多组合键都用到了「g」,它居于键盘的中原地带,和四面八方的字母键联动,腕部得以在小范围内灵活转动。从运动医学的角度看,类 Vim 的操作其实在还合理分配了各部分肌肉的负担。类似的键位设计,调动起了僵硬的手腕,减少整只手臂的移动,招招直击要害。

如果这些还限于「改良」,「f」键按下之后进入的新世界就比较震撼了。页面中所以可点击的链接旁都会显示临时快捷键,不移动光标就能精准定位,用  @子不语  君的话说,「只用敲三下,打开当前页面上任意一个链接」。如果你外接了一块键盘,更能体会这种掌控全局的快感。

退出这一模式只需按「esc」或修饰键(cmd 之类)。

vim mode safari


sVim 快捷键虽多,但照搬 Vim 的设计,不一定完全适合浏览器。例如「w」单键新建窗口,堪称糟糕透顶的预设,和上下的滚屏的「e」「d」比邻而居,极易误触。

其实 sVim 允许使用者禁用部分快捷键。按下「g+v」组合键进入 sVim 设置界面,于「sVimrc」配置框内用「unmap "快捷键"」禁用不想要的预设:


vim mode safari

禁用之外,sVim 也可定制快捷键。同样在 sVimrc 界面,使用「map "快捷键" "操作"」可自定需要的操作。如果新设的组合与预设冲突,会以后来者为上,不必先禁用再设置。

预设中有「g t」右移一个标签页,好事成双,我设置了「g r」用于左移;原有「g g」滚动至屏幕顶部,遂设「g b」滚至底部(回复读者评论时非常有用,不用磨磨蹭蹭翻过正文)。

操作的具体名称可在 sVim GItHub 主页 找到,位于 Help-Shortcuts-Mapping Name,全英文,多是简单的动词词组。

实际使用中,sVim 还是有水土不服的情况。对于部分网站,sVim 会无法激活、延迟或者错乱。

就我使用体验,淘宝网是完全不能使用 sVim 的。sVim 无法用快捷键定位到淘宝搜索框,而在搜索框输入字符时又会莫名激活 sVim。如果你也遇到这种情况,可以使用「i」快捷键暂时禁用 sVim,防止和淘宝发生冲突。

sVim 需要在网站加载完毕后才能使用,所以不能用它快速关闭加载了一半的网页。

此外,新打开的「个人收藏」和「经常访问」标签页中,sVim 也无法工作(似乎没人会在意这个),不要误认为键盘失灵了……

对于追求速度者、全键盘爱好者,sVim 堪称是其梦中的插件;相比 Safari 上另一款类 Vim 插件 Vimari,sVim 的快捷键更丰富,还支持自己设定,更适合喜欢控制欲旺盛、偏爱折腾的 Geek。

早年使用过 Windows XP 电脑,其时在 Chrome 上安装快捷键拓展,起初出于下策——鼠标体验一塌糊涂。尔后觉得全键盘的操作更简单直接,不拖泥带水,颇为满意。笔记本电脑的实体键盘,最适合盲打、快捷键这些操作。用久了,对于键盘的手感也会被养刁,现在使用 macOS 原生双拼方案,最不满的,就是频频去戳位置刁钻的分号键。

如果你已经是 Vimmer(Vim 使用者),那么上手 sVim 会轻车熟路;若是毫无基础的门外汉,则依据各人需要,如果你觉得全键盘确实可以提升效率、或者仅仅认为这样很帅,那 sVim 也可以一试。不过,学习一项操作需要成本,适应 sVim 也是,值不值得,就看读者自己判断了。

  • sVim 项目主页: GitHub - flipxfx/sVim: Safari extension with shortcuts similar to Vim
  • 少数派介绍 Vimium 的文章: 让你用 Chrome 上网快到想哭:Vimium - 少数派

在少数派知道你下一款该装的 App 是什么,订阅 Power+ 栏目  ⚡️

vim mode safari

Vim Mode for macOS.

The mode you love in your favorite editor, now in your favorite os., any input field can be your playground  ❤️.

kindaVim leverages the macOS Accessibility API to act like a screen reader. And because with great power comes great responsibility, it brings you Vim moves everywhere!

For kV to be able to do its magic, apps need to implement the macOS Accessibility on their side. But be not afraid, this comes by default in most native apps. Those include: Xcode, iA Writer, Day One, Things, Safari, Notes and many more.

Fallback mode. We always catch you.

If an app doesn't implement the macOS Accessibility, all is not lost. kV will impersonate Vim by remapping key presses. May not be as accurate as the Accessibility, but in most cases it gets the job done.

Dropdowns. Lists. Menus. You name it.

Imagine a world where you can only use Vim in text inputs. Well, we're not going to let that happen.

Just use your Vim moves anywhere it makes sense to you: go down the Google suggestions box, select emails and delete them, move around menus and UI elements, rewind a movie, up the volume. And it even works with counts. Where you wished you could use Vim moves, you now probably can.

Enter Normal Mode the way you deserve 💫️

You can use `esc` to enter Normal Mode, just like Vim! To then send the `esc` key to macOS for when you need it, you can use the kV's built-in double escape or choose a modifier in the Preferences, like Command-Esc.

Or if `esc` is not your thing, enter with a customizable two-letters sequence like `jk`, or set your own custom shortcut like `Control-[`. Anything is possible!

See how well you're Viming!

Show your current Vim move. Or Vim mode. Above the current window. Or above the current input. Or wherever you decide.

You can also choose your favorite size. And if you'd rather stay minimalist, you can make the Characters Window disappear altogether.

Highlight the window currently Viming. So that you never get lost again.

See if the apps you use are supported. Request if not.

kindaVim intends to add Vim moves to any app under macOS but the implementations of those apps themselves vary: native, Electron—different versions of the framework, text readable, text writable, correct Accessibility data, key mapping override, etc. The Wizard™ gives you insights about how to get the best kindaVim experience with your apps.

And if your app is not recognized, just request it with the click of a button. We'll investigate, and update our App Catalog accordingly. It's 2022, no app should be denied the right to be Viming.

Moves. Commands. And maybe more?

Each single move is built from scratch, handcrafted. This is to ensure that we have the deepest integration possible with the various APIs of macOS, and therefore that the moves are as accurate as possible. It's not a port of Vim with Vim's buffer, it's Vim rewritten for macOS, with macOS' buffer.

Even though a great number of moves are already implemented, you may find some of yours missing. If this is the case, just request them. New moves are being added constantly.

I'm kindaVim

Unlimited trial.

The trial is full-featured and there's no expiry date, but without a subscription kindavim gets lazy and sleeps in the mornings. if you don't need it in the mornings then you're good to go else you may consider subscribing for the price of one coffee a month (usd$3.28 excl. tax) to keep kindavim awake 24/7..

Browse with Keyboard

Jasmine studios.

  • 4.9 • 17 Ratings



Vimlike is a Safari extension to browse the web by keyboard shortcuts like a vim-editor. See the default key binding below and you can customize every key mapping. Page Navigation: j Scroll down k Scroll up h Scroll left l Scroll right ctrl+f Page down ctrl+b Page up d Half page down u Half page up g g Go to bottom of the page g Go to top of the page i Go to the first edit box a Open the link below the cursor s Open the link below the cursor in a new window Mode: Esc/`/§ Normal mode ctrl+i Insert mode ctrl+d Dark mode shift+r Reader view ? Help History: shift+h Go back shift+l Go forward Link: f Toggle links shift+f Toggle links (open a link in a new tab) / Search links n Move to next link shift+n Move to previous link Tab: t New tab q Previous tab w Next tab x Close tab Video: ctrl+u Play video in a fullscreen ctrl+p Play video in a PIP cmd+. Exit fullscreen video Privacy Policy: • Vimlike requires access to the websites to override the keyboard shortcuts • Vimlike never collects any data from your browser. None of the data will leave your device.

Version 1.4.9

• Website specific dark mode settings

Ratings and Reviews

Works well, is missing a couple of things.

So far the plugin has worked pretty well, with a few minor bugs which i’m guessing are due to iOS. There are, however, a couple of additional features that would be appreciated: - there is no command focus the url of the page (can be done with command L, but a shortcut such as ‘o’ for open would be nice) - when working with multiple keyboard layouts, it is useful to turn on the ‘Ignore keyboard layout’ feature. However, this should be coupled with the option to specify which keys appear when using the ACTIVATE_LINK command, otherwise the keys that are mapped differently are useless in this command (one can use numbers only, but it’s not as convenient) - maybe this is a limitation not of the app, but of iOS, but it would be great if there were a command for changing the order of tabs (aka, moving current tab to the left / right) Thanks for all the hard work you’ve put into this app!

Brilliant Safari extension -- a must have for vim users

Vim users rejoice! Safari on iPad is as close as ever to the full desktop experience now with this extension providing a way to navigate purely using the keyboard. There are some cosmetic improvements that I hope will be made in the future. First, the scrolling animation feels choppy, especially on my iPad Pro with a ProMotion display. Being able to disable the animation or making it smoother so it doesn't feel out of place in a 120 Hz display would be nice. Second, the color scheme (black and neon green color) for the link selection popups doesn't fit in that well with the rest of the iOS color design. An option to use a more subtle color scheme like the light yellow background that Vimium uses on the desktop Safari extension would be nice. Overall, these are minor complaints for what is otherwise a functionally perfect extension!

Developer Response ,

Thank you for the great feedback. I am really excited to hear that you're enjoying Vimlike. Brilliant suggestions - I am working on these features. You'll have it in coming releases. Thank you!

Exactly what i was looking for!

Thank you, thank you! I couldn’t find my usual vim-style extension that I’ve been using on desktop browsers for the ipad but I’m so thankful that I found this one. I’m able to reuse all the shortcuts from the other extension here and this extension has addressed the one weakness that I’ve been unable to fix on all iPads! Incredible.
Thanks a lot for the comment! Glad to hear that you're happy using Vimlike!

App Privacy

The developer, Jasmine Studios , indicated that the app’s privacy practices may include handling of data as described below. For more information, see the developer’s privacy policy .

Data Not Collected

The developer does not collect any data from this app.

Privacy practices may vary, for example, based on the features you use or your age. Learn More


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Keys for Safari

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Möbius Sync

The first thing that you need to know about vim is: Vim is a modal editor. This means that vim has different modes that can be used to interact with it. If you are asking why, remember that when the original vi editor was created in 1976, there were no graphical interfaces (GUI) or mouse, and even displays were not as powerful as todays. Now, in order to edit text or navigate around, you need to switch between the different modes. Let’s understand the different modes available in vim.

  • Normal Mode : (a.k.a Command Mode) : here is where you can do things like copy, paste, find, or replace, and execute commands like (:w to save,or :q to quit).
  • Visual Mode : here is where you can select text.
  • Insert Mode : here is where you can edit your text.
An important tip: look at the bottom left of vim’s screen and you’ll see which mode is currently in use. You can see INSERT or VISUAL for the respective modes, or when you don’t see anything it means you are in NORMAL/COMMAND mode.

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Safari extension with shortcuts similar to Vim


Folders and files, repository files navigation.


sVim is a Safari extension with shortcuts similar to Vim. The functionality of sVim will mostly follow the Chrome extension cVim .

  • Download the latest release
  • Releases and release notes are all uploaded to Github on the releases page
  • The extension will update via Safari Extension Updates
  • The sVimrc page is where you can customize sVim settings and css.
  • You can access the page by pressing g v or via the extension settings in Safari.
  • The gist id is found at the end of the url when viewing the gist.
  • Note it does not matter the name of your gist or the file, sVim will just grab the first file from the gist id supplied. I use sVim.rc and sVim.css.
  • For simplicity, strings in sVimrc should be wrapped in " .
  • Save the sVimrc page with command+s .
  • Goto or switch between sVimrc and sVimcss with ctrl+w .

sVimrc Commands

  • Used for boolean settings.
  • Prepend no to setting name to unset.
  • Set smooth scroll with set smoothscroll and unset with set nosmoothscroll .
  • Used to set non-boolean settings.
  • These settings can be of type integer, string or array.
  • Set new tab url like let newtaburl = "" .
  • Set scroll step like let scrollstep = 100 .
  • Set black lists like let blacklists = ["*://*", "*://*"] .
  • Used to set/overwrite shortcuts.
  • sVim uses Mousetrap for shortcuts and keyboard commands should follow it's format.
  • You can use leader with <Leader> in the keyboard command.
  • Set the down arrow key to scroll down with map "down" scrollDown .
  • Set the leader key + the J key to scroll down with map "<Leader> j" scrollFullPageDown .
  • Used to remove a shortcut.
  • Remove j shortcut with unmap "j" .
  • Used to remove all current shortcuts with unmapAll .
  • Used to add comments to sVimrc.
  • Comment by adding " to the beginning of the line (inline not supported).
  • Add comment like " This is a comment .

sVimrc Settings

Svimrc example, releases 10, contributors 6.

  • JavaScript 99.7%

Zed includes a vim emulation layer known as "vim mode". This document aims to describe how it works, and how to make the most out of it.

Vim mode in Zed is supposed to primarily "do what you expect": it mostly tries to copy vim exactly, but will use Zed-specific functionality when available to make things smoother.

This means Zed will never be 100% vim compatible, but should be 100% vim familiar! We expect that our vim mode already copes with 90% of your workflow, and we'd like to keep improving it. If you find things that you can’t yet do in vim mode, but which you rely on in your current workflow, please leave feedback in the editor itself ( :feedback ), or file an issue .

Zed-specific features

Zed is built on a modern foundation that (among other things) uses tree-sitter and language servers to understand the content of the file you're editing, and supports multiple cursors out of the box.

Vim mode has several "core Zed" key bindings, that will help you make the most of Zed's specific feature set.

Vim mode uses Zed to define concepts like "brackets" (for the % key) and "words" (for motions like w and e ). This does lead to some differences, but they are mostly positive. For example % considers | to be a bracket in languages like Rust; and w considers $ to be a word-character in languages like Javascript.

Vim mode emulates visual block mode using Zed's multiple cursor support. This again leads to some differences, but is much more powerful.

Finally, Vim mode's search and replace functionality is backed by Zed's. This means that the pattern syntax is slightly different, see the section on Regex differences for details.

Custom key bindings

You can edit your personal key bindings with :keymap . For vim-specific shortcuts, you may find the following template a good place to start:

If you would like to emulate vim's map ( nmap etc.) commands you can bind to the workspace::SendKeystrokes action in the correct context.

You can see the bindings that are enabled by default in vim mode here .

The details of the context are a little out of scope for this doc, but suffice to say that menu is true when a menu is open (e.g. the completions menu), VimWaiting is true after you type f or t when we’re waiting for a new key (and you probably don’t want bindings to happen). Please reach out on GitHub if you want help making a key bindings work.

Binding jk to exit insert mode and go to normal mode:

Command palette

Vim mode allows you to enable Zed’s command palette with : . This means that you can use vim's command palette to run any action that Zed supports.

Additionally vim mode contains a number of aliases for popular vim commands to ensure that muscle memory works. For example :w<enter> will save the file.

We do not (yet) emulate the full power of vim’s command line, in particular we special case specific patterns instead of using vim's range selection syntax, and we do not support arguments to commands yet. Please reach out on GitHub as you find things that are missing from the command palette.

As mentioned above, one thing to be aware of is that the regex engine is slightly different from vim's in :%s/a/b .

Currently supported vim-specific commands:

As any Zed command is available, you may find that it's helpful to remember mnemonics that run the correct command. For example:

Some vim settings are available to modify the default vim behavior:

There are also a few Zed settings that you may also enjoy if you use vim mode:

If you want to navigate between the editor and docks (terminal, project panel, AI assistant, ...) just like you navigate between splits you can use the following key bindings:

Subword motion is not enabled by default. To enable it, add these bindings to your keymap.

Supported plugins

Zed has nascent support for some Vim plugins:

  • From vim-surround , ys , cs and ds work. Though you cannot add new HTML tags yet.
  • From vim-commentary , gc in visual mode and gcc in normal mode. Though you cannot operate on arbitrary objects yet.
  • From netrw , most keybindings are supported in the project panel.
  • From vim-spider / CamelCaseMotion you can use subword motions as described above.

Regex differences

Zed uses a different regular expression engine from Vim. This means that you will have to use a different syntax for some things.

  • Vim uses \( and \) to represent capture groups, in Zed these are ( and ) .
  • On the flip side, ( and ) represent literal parentheses, but in Zed these must be escaped to \( and \) .
  • When replacing, Vim uses \0 to represent the entire match, in Zed this is $0 , same for numbered capture groups \1 -> $1 .
  • Vim uses /g to indicate "all matches on one line", in Zed this is implied
  • Vim uses /i to indicate "case-insensitive", in Zed you can either use (?i) at the start of the pattern or toggle case-sensitivity with cmd-option-c .

To help with the transition, the command palette will fix parentheses and replace groups for you when you run :%s// . So %s:/\(a\)(b)/\1/ will be converted into a search for "(a)(b)" and a replacement of "$1".

For the full syntax supported by Zed's regex engine see the regex crate documentation .

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  • Safari Technology Preview for macOS Sonoma Requires macOS 14 or later
  • Safari Technology Preview for macOS Ventura Requires macOS 13 or later
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June 5, 2024

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Safari extensions.

Safari extensions are a powerful way to add new features to Safari. They are built in Xcode with web technologies, such as HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript and powerful native APIs. Now you can distribute and sell them through the App Store on Mac, iPhone and iPad.

  • Meet Safari Web Extensions on iOS
  • Explore Safari Web Extension improvements
  • Converting a Web Extension for Safari
  • Creating a Content Blocker
  • Submit Your Extension

Universal links

Seamlessly link to content within your app or on your website in iOS, iPadOS, and macOS. With universal links, you can always give users the most integrated mobile experience, even when your app isn’t installed on their device.

  • Universal Links

Smart App Banners

Make it easy for people to discover and download your app using iOS, iPadOS, and macOS. With Safari Smart App Banners, you can display a banner that provides a direct link to your app on the App Store, or opens the app if the user already has it installed. Smart App Banners integrate seamlessly and are easy to implement.

  • Promoting Apps with Smart App Banners

HTTP Live Streaming (HLS)

Deliver streaming media to apps on iOS and iPadOS or HTML5-based websites using an ordinary web server.

  • HTTP Live Streaming

Safari iCloud Keychain

Easily create more secure logins for users in iOS 15, iPadOS 15, and macOS Monterey or later using iCloud Keychain verification codes. Take advantage of verification codes, AutoFill, iCloud Keychain sync, and two-tap setup to simplify the multistep sign-in process.

  • Secure login with iCloud Keychain verification codes
  • Securing Logins with iCloud Keychain Verification Codes
  • Safari Push Notifications

Use the Apple Push Notifications Service to send notifications to your website vistors, right on their Mac desktop — even when Safari isn’t running. These notifications display your website icon and notification text, which people can click to go right to your website.

  • Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles

Introduced by Apple, WebKit is the most advanced rendering engine, drawing the web pages in Safari on iOS, iPadOS, and macOS.

  • WebKit Open Source Project

Write automated tests to exercise web content in Safari to ensure a good user experience, and run those same tests against other browsers with a WebDriver-compliant driver.

  • macOS WebDriver Commands for Safari 11.1 and earlier
  • macOS WebDriver Commands for Safari 12 and later
  • About WebDriver for Safari
  • Testing with WebDriver in Safari

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  1. [B! vim] VimのキーバインドでSafariを操作できるオープンソースの機能拡張「Vimari」がSafari 13に対応しMac

    vim mode safari

  2. VimのキーバインドでSafariを操作できるオープンソースの機能拡張「Vimari」がSmooth ScrollingとInsert

    vim mode safari

  3. VimのキーバインドでSafariを操作できるオープンソースの機能拡張「Vimari」がSafari 13に対応しMac App Storeで

    vim mode safari

  4. Cómo utilizar Vim: una guía básica

    vim mode safari

  5. VIM Mode understanding and uses

    vim mode safari

  6. Getting Started with Vim Editor in Linux

    vim mode safari


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  5. Conqueror lobby 🔥 #bgmi #gaming #pubgmobile #viral #pubg

  6. iPhone 15 Pro Safari privater Surfmodus


  1. GitHub

    Vimari is a Safari extension that provides vim style keyboard based navigation. This lets you control Safari from your keyboard instead of having to use your mouse to open links, scroll, etc. ... Normal vs Insert mode - Isolate website keybindings from the Vimari keybindings. In normal mode you can use the Vimari keybindings while in insert ...

  2. Vimium

    Vimium is a browser extension which provides keyboard shortcuts for navigation and control in the spirit of the Vim editor. Watch this video to get a feel for how it works: Features. Navigate the web without touching the mouse. ... i Enter insert mode; v Enter visual mode; gi Focus the first text input on the page; f Open a link in the current ...

  3. ‎Vimari on the Mac App Store

    ‎Vimari is a Safari extension that provides keyboard based navigation. The code is heavily based on Vimium, a Chrome extension that provides more extensive features. ... Vim keybinds in my browsers are an essential part of my workflow and ingrained in my muscle memory; huge thanks for making it possible with Safari 13. AceyS , 01/31/2023.

  4. Vim keybindings on safari? : r/ipad

    Hi Guys, Do you guys know of any safari extensions, which would allow me to use vim keybindings on the safari browser? An extension like vimium, which is available for chrome/firefox, would be lovely. I know there is a browser called "Geek browser" or something like that, available in the app store, which has vim based keybindings, but the ...

  5. I just found out I can use VIM in Safari : r/vim

    Gets the job done but sometimes it doesn't behave the way I'd like it to. I wish it had an insert mode and just overall better integration. Like actual vim in a prompt on a browser but that sounds really hard to support. ... Eh, this is not really using Vim in Safari. More like having vi-like key bindings in Safari.

  6. Vimari · Televator

    Vimari is a Safari extension that provides vim style keyboard based navigation. This lets you control Safari from your keyboard instead of having to use your mouse to open links, scroll, etc. The code is heavily based on vimium, a Chrome extension that provides much more extensive features. Vimari attempts to provide a lightweight port of vimium to Safari, taking the best components of vimium ...

  7. tzvetkoff/vimmode: Vim-style keyboard shortcuts for Safari

    Hints mode. Press Ctrl-F to enter hints mode, then type the tag for the link/control you'd like to trigger. By default, only elements inside the visible area are hinted. Tip: You can open links in new tabs by using the Shift key, e.g. Ctrl-Shift-F or a Shift-A inside the combo. Tip: Hold ⌘ (Command key) to hide hints when hints mode is active.

  8. Vimium

    Usage. Can be used either by setting a binding or by calling the userscript. To call the userscript, use the following command in qutebrower :spawn --userscript qute-bitwarden. To set a binding run the following command in qutebrowser. VOILA !!

  9. macos

    Get started quickly. You simply type vim into the terminal to open it and start a new file. You can pass a filename as an option and it will open that file, e.g. vim main.c. You can open multiple files by passing multiple file arguments. Vim has different modes, unlike most editors you have probably used.

  10. GitHub

    ⌨️ A browser extension, use the keyboard control browsers jumps, scrolling, switching tabs and more. support Safari, Chrome, andEdge 125 stars 6 forks Branches Tags Activity

  11. Look ma, no mouse: Vimium

    Vimium is a plugin available for Chrome and Firefox, Edge, and Safari. Once installed and enabled, vimium unlocks a whole slew of vim inspired keyboard shortcuts. Like vi, you don't even need to press Ctrl or Alt to use them, just the letter itself will work. Press f to Click Links

  12. How to Use Vim Shortcuts to Navigate Your Web Browser

    Also read: 3 Useful VIM Editor Tips and Tricks for Advanced Users Navigating With Vimium Scrolling With Vimium. Scrolling is probably the most common thing you do on a webpage. With Vimium, you can use J to scroll down and K to scroll up. Pressing H and L lets you horizontally scroll to left and right. Press GG to go to the top of the page. Press Shift + G to go to the bottom of the page as ...

  13. Vimium

    Vimium provides keyboard shortcuts for navigation and control in the spirit of Vim. ... current tab F open a link in a new tab r reload gs view source i enter insert mode -- all commands will be ignored until you hit esc to exit yy copy the current url to the clipboard yf copy a link url to the clipboard gf cycle forward to the next frame ...

  14. 像黑客一样浏览网页,全键盘操作插件:sVim for Safari

    sVim 是一款继承 Vim 快捷键的 Safari 插件,可以为你提供利落的全键盘网页浏览体验。. 它和原生快捷键最大的区别就在于大量使用字母键,单个或一组字母就可以实现快捷操作,不一定用到「Ctrl」「Shift」这些屈居键盘角落的修饰键,让手指牢牢扎根键盘中部 ...

  15. keyboard

    We are bringing vim-easymotion to macOS , where most UI elements can be accessed with your fingers stay on the keyboard. Hope vim users enjoy it as much as we do ♥️. Along with the favorite Vimari ext on Safari or Vimium on Chrome, vim users will gain a new power. Basic Movement: Hint mode. ⌘ + ; To show tags on UI.

  16. kindaVim

    kindaVim intends to add Vim moves to any app under macOS but the implementations of those apps themselves vary: native, Electron—different versions of the framework, text readable, text writable, correct Accessibility data, key mapping override, etc. The Wizard™ gives you insights about how to get the best kindaVim experience with your apps.

  17. ‎Vimlike on the App Store

    Vimlike is a Safari extension to browse the web by keyboard shortcuts like a vim-editor. See the default key binding below and you can customize every key mapping. Page Navigation: j Scroll down k Scroll up h Scroll left l Scroll right ctrl+f Page down ctrl+b Page up d Half page down u Half page up g g Go to bottom of the page g Go to top of ...

  18. GitHub

    Vim - the text editor - for macOS Topics. vim macos macvim Resources. Readme License. Vim license Security policy. Security policy Activity. Custom properties. Stars. 7.5k stars Watchers. 215 watching Forks. 680 forks Report repository Releases 108. MacVim r179 Latest

  19. What are Vim Modes? How to Change Them?

    To activate Visual mode, you need to be in Normal mode initially. Pressing the v key when you are in Normal mode, Vim will switch to Visual mode. Instead, if you press Ctrl + v key combination from Normal mode, you will be in Visual Block mode. After you are done manipulating text and want to switch back to Normal mode, press the Esc key.

  20. "Home" and "End" HotKeys in Vim INSERT Mode with MacBook Pro

    About your questions there are two ways in vim to implement Home behaviour: For End you can use $. For PageUp and PageDown you can use Ctrl+F and Ctrl+B respectively. This keys only work in command mode, but you can remap it to use in insert mode with :imap ('i' here is for insert-mode) and Ctrl+F. For example, to map Ctrl+A to act as 0 use ...

  21. Vim Modes :: Vimschool

    Normal Mode: (a.k.a Command Mode): here is where you can do things like copy, paste, find, or replace, and execute commands like (:w to save,or :q to quit). Visual Mode: here is where you can select text. Insert Mode: here is where you can edit your text. An important tip: look at the bottom left of vim's screen and you'll see which mode is ...

  22. flippidippi/sVim: Safari extension with shortcuts similar to Vim

    Used to set/overwrite shortcuts. sVim uses Mousetrap for shortcuts and keyboard commands should follow it's format. You can use leader with <Leader> in the keyboard command. Set the down arrow key to scroll down with map "down" scrollDown. Set the leader key + the J key to scroll down with map "<Leader> j" scrollFullPageDown. Used to remove a ...

  23. Vim

    Vim mode has several "core Zed" key bindings, that will help you make the most of Zed's specific feature set. # Language server g d Go to definition g D Go to type definition g cmd-d Go to implementation c d Rename (change definition) g A Go to All references to the current word g s Find symbol in current file g S Find symbol in entire project ...

  24. Resources

    Safari Extensions. Safari extensions are a powerful way to add new features to Safari. They are built in Xcode with web technologies, such as HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript and powerful native APIs. Now you can distribute and sell them through the App Store on Mac, iPhone and iPad. Meet Safari Web Extensions on iOS.

  25. Adobe Acrobat Learn & Support

    Learn & Support. Get Started. User Guide. Tutorials. Get started with Adobe Acrobat. Find tutorials, the user guide, answers to common questions, and help from the community forum.