mit app inventor map tour tutorial

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  • 3.1 Unit Overview
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  • 3.5 Paint Pot Refactoring and Procedural Abstraction
  • 3.6 Error Detection
  • 3.7 Parity Error Checking (optional)
  • 3.8 Map Tour Tutorial
  • 3.9 Map Tour With TinyDB
  • 3.10 Impacts of CS Electronic Documents
  • 3.11 Wrap Up
  • 3.8. Map Tour Tutorial" data-toggle="tooltip">
  • 3.10. Impacts of CS Electronic Documents' data-toggle="tooltip" >

mit app inventor map tour tutorial

3.9. Map Tour With TinyDB ¶

Time estimate: 45 minutes, 3.9.1. introduction and goals ¶.

  • Adding Destinations to the Tour. We will allow users to click on the map to add new destinations to the map tour.
  • Data Persistence. We will incorporate TinyDB , MIT App Inventor's database component, which will enable the app to save new destinations for the user. Locations that are added to the destinations list will be saved to the database and re-loaded into the app when it starts up again.

3.9.2. Learning Activities ¶

  • text-version
  • short handout
  • YouTube video
  • TeacherTube video
  • YouTube video - Tiny DB
  • TeacherTube video - Tiny DB

What is TinyDb?

Up until now, the data in our apps has been stored either in global variables or as the value of the properties of the app’s various components. For example, when you store a piece of text in a Label, that data is stored in the computer’s main memory, in its RAM — random access memory. And as we’ve learned, RAM is volatile , meaning that any data stored there will be destroyed when the app is exited.

By contrast, data stored in the computer’s long-term storage — e.g., on the phone’s flash drive — will persist as long as the app is kept on the device. There are various ways to store data permanently on a computer. For example, you could store it in a file, such as a document or image file. Another way to store persistent data is in a database . MIT App Inventor provides us a very simple, easy-to-use database in its TinyDb component. Any data that we store in the TinyDb, will not disappear when the app is exited. Instead, it will persist between uses of the app -- even if you turn off the device.

Before working on incorporating TinyDb into our app, the following video provides a brief overview of this very important component. ( Teacher Tube version )

Map Tour with TinyDB Tutorial

To get started, you can use the app you created in the previous lesson and follow along with the video tutorial or the Text Tutorial or for an additional challenge, the Short Handout .


  • Text To Speech: Add a TextToSpeech component to the UI, and when the user picks an item from the list, call TextToSpeech.speak to say the selected item.
  • Add a ListPicker to the UI to Delete destinations.
  • In ListPicker.BeforePicking, set the ListPicker.Elements to the destinations list.
  • In ListPicker.AfterPicking, use the remove list item block from the Lists drawer to remove the item at the ListPicker.SelectedIndex from both of the lists (destinations and destinationsLatLong). Save both lists in TinyDB. Use Notifier.Alert to tell the user the destination was deleted.
  • Refactor your code to add a saveToDB procedure to save both lists in TinyDB and call it from ListPicker.AfterPicking and Notifier.AfterTextInput.
  • Add My Location: If you have a device and location where GPS works. when you click on the My Location block, add that location to the destinationsLatLong lists using the Add Item to List block and use the Notifier.ShowTextDialog to get the location name for the destinations list (this will call the already written Notifier.AfterTextInput procedure).

3.9.3. Summary ¶

3.9.4. self-check ¶, check your understanding.

Complete the following self-check exercises.

Q-2: Which of the following statements are true for a TinyDb component. Choose all that apply.

  • a. Data stored in a TinyDb can easily be shared with other devices and users.
  • This is challenging, but rewarding!
  • b. Data stored in a TinyDb will persist between different uses of the app.
  • That's right! Data stored in a TinyDb persist between uses of the app, but these data are stored on the device (not in the cloud) and cannot be shared with other devices or users. A TinyDb can store strings or numbers or lists.
  • c. Data stored in a TinyDb disappears when you quit the app.
  • d. Data stored in a TinyDb is stored in the cloud.
  • e. Only strings (text) can be stored in a TinyDb.

Q-3: What value would the global variable userName have after the blocks shown here are executed? Type your answer into the textbox. Spelling counts.

mit app inventor map tour tutorial

Q-4: What value would the global variable userName have after the blocks shown here are executed? Type your answer into the textbox. Spelling counts.

mit app inventor map tour tutorial

Q-5: In the block shown here why is it necessary to test whether the highestScore equals the empty string?

mit app inventor map tour tutorial

  • a. Because that would be a bad score.
  • OK, so you didn’t get it right this time. Let’s look at this as an opportunity to learn.
  • b. Because that would be the value returned by TinyDb if nothing had yet been stored under the tag "highest".
  • Good. If TinyDb does not find anything in the Db under the tag "highest" it will return the empty string. This is how you check that TinyDb does contain a value for a given tag.
  • c. Because TinyDb can only be used to store numbers, not strings.
  • d. Because TinyDb returns an empty string whenever the network is not available.

Consider the following depiction of the contents of a TinyDb for an app.

And suppose your app just executed the following block:

mit app inventor map tour tutorial

Which of these statements best describes the current state of the database?

  • There are now two colleges, Trinity and Bowdoin, associated with the tag 'school'.
  • No. This is not the correct choice. Associating a value with a tag is not the same as adding new values to the tag.
  • This would cause an error because the tag 'school' has already been used.
  • No, this is a valid statement.
  • The tag 'school' would now be associated with 'Bowdoin College' instead of 'Trinity College'.
  • Yes. The value 'Bowdoin College' will now be associated with the tag 'school' in the TinyDb, replacing 'Trinity College' as the value of that tag.
  • The tag 'school' is still associated with 'Trinity College'.
  • No, we are associating a new value with the tag 'school'.

Q-7: True or False: It is possible to have an empty list – i.e., a list with no elements.

  • Yes, a list can be empty. It's important in computer programming to be able to model a list with no elements. For many problems that is the list's initial state -- before items are added to it. A empty list has a length of 0.
  • Mistakes are welcome here! Try reviewing this; in computer programming is it a list is often considered to be empty in it's initial state -- before items are added to it.

3.9.5. Reflection: For Your Portfolio ¶

Answer the following portfolio reflection questions as directed by your instructor. Questions are also available in this Google Doc where you may use File/Make a Copy to make your own editable copy.

Map Tour App Mobile CSP Hour of Code

Open each section of the tutorial below or click on the numbers above and follow along. Click on images and videos to enlarge them.

2. App Inventor User Interface

  • Look up your town at and grab its latitude and longitude to put in the CenterFromString property of your map.
  • Add 3 markers and 3 buttons for the 3 landmarks in your tour.
  • Add an Image component and find 3 images of your landmarks and upload them in the Media section.
  • Click on the Media section and drag in a TextToSpeech component.

3. Code the Map Tour

  • Click on the Blocks button at the top right to switch to the Blocks editor where you add the code to make your buttons and other components work.
  • Click on Button1 and drag in a When Button1.Clicked event handler block.
  • Click on Map1 and drag in a Map1.PanTo block and click on Marker1 to get Marker1.latitude and Marker1.longitude blocks and a Math 0 block to set the zoom level to 15.
  • Drag in a set Marker1.fillColor block and choose a color, and a Marker1.showInfoBox block.
  • Drag in an set Image1.Picture block and copy in the exact filename of the image that you uploaded for your first landmark.
  • Drag in a TextToSpeech.Speak block and type in a fact about that location in a Text block .
  • Right click the event handler and choose duplicate. Change the duplicated block to Button2 and Marker2 and put in the fact and image for the second landmark. Right click to duplicate again and change it for Button3 and Marker3.

4. Connect and Run

Click here if you don't have a device and here if you don't have WiFi available.

1. Download Companion App

If you can't use the Play Store click here .

2. Connect to the Companion

If you have problems, make sure your mobile device and your computer are on the same WiFi or other network. If the app seems frozen, try Connect/Reset Connection and then try Connect/AI Companion again. See the Troubleshooting page or try another method of connecting your device such as USB or using the emulator .


mit app inventor map tour tutorial

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The Circle component visualizes a circle of a given Radius , in meters, centered at a Latitude and Longitude . The Circle ’s appearance cnn be customized using properties such as FillColor , StrokeColor , and StrokeWidth .

The Circle component can also be used to implement features such as geofencing, a mechanism where the user’s presence within an area is used to trigger other behaviors. Using the DistanceToPoint method combined with the LocationSensor , you can determine whether a user’s location is inside or outside of the Circle . You can use this feature to trigger additional actions.

A FeatureCollection groups one or more map features together. Any events that occur on a feature in the collection will also trigger the corresponding event in the collection component. FeatureCollection s can be loaded from external resources to populate Map s with content. GeoJSON is the only format supported at this time.

  • description becomes Description
  • draggable becomes Draggable
  • infobox becomes EnableInfobox
  • fill becomes FillColor
  • fill-opacity becomes FillOpacity
  • image becomes ImageAsset
  • stroke becomes StrokeColor
  • stroke-opacity becomes StrokeOpacity
  • stroke-width becomes StrokeWidth
  • title becomes Title
  • visible becomes Visible

LineString is a component for drawing an open, continuous sequence of lines on a Map . To add new points to a LineString in the designer, drag the midpoint of any segment away from the line to introduce a new vertex. Move a vertex by clicking and dragging the vertex to a new location. Clicking on a vertex will delete the vertex, unless only two remain.

A two-dimensional container that renders map tiles in the background and allows for multiple Marker elements to identify points on the map. Map tiles are supplied by OpenStreetMap contributors and the the United States Geological Survey.

The Map component provides three utilities for manipulating its boundaries with App Inventor. First, a locking mechanism is provided to allow the map to be moved relative to other components on the Screen. Second, when unlocked, the user can pan the Map to any location. At this new location, the "Set Initial Boundary" button can be pressed to save the current Map coordinates to its properties. Lastly, if the Map is moved to a different location, for example to add Marker s off-screen, then the "Reset Map to Initial Bounds" button can be used to re-center the Map at the starting location.

In blocks code, it is recommended for performance reasons to use PanTo with numerical latitude and longitude rather than convert to the string representation for use with this property.

Note: Road layers are provided by OpenStreetMap and aerial and terrain layers are provided by the U.S. Geological Survey.

The Marker component indicates points on a Map , such as buildings or other points of interest. Marker s can be customized in many ways, such as using custom images from the app’s assets or by changing the Marker FillColor . Marker s can also be created dynamically by calling the Map ’s CreateMarker method and configured using the “Any Component” blocks.

The Navigation component generates directions between two locations using a service called OpenRouteService . You must provide a valid API key from that service in order for this component to work.

  • foot-walking : Route based on walking paths
  • driving-car : Route based on vehicle paths
  • cycling-regular : Route based on bicycle paths
  • wheelchair : Route based on wheelchair accessible paths
  • directions : A list of text directions, such as “Turn left at Massachusetts Avenue”.
  • points : A list of (latitude, longitude) points that represent the path to take. This can be passed to LineString ’s Points to draw the line on a Map .
  • distance : Estimated distance for the route, in meters.
  • duration : Estimated duration for the route, in seconds.

Polygon encloses an arbitrary 2-dimensional area on a Map . Polygon s can be used for drawing a perimeter, such as a campus, city, or country. Polygon s begin as basic triangles. New vertices can be created by dragging the midpoint of a polygon away from the edge. Clicking on a vertex will remove the vertex, but a minimum of 3 vertices must exist at all times.

Rectangle s are polygons with fixed latitudes and longitudes for the north, south, east, and west boundaries. Moving a vertex of the Rectangle updates the appropriate edges accordingly.

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  • © 2012-2024 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0
  • Terms of Service and Privacy Policy

Data Science and Sensors

App Inventor can help you create apps to do surveys, collect sensor data, and analyze spreadsheet data.

MIT App Inventor

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Ghost streets in Map component (not in Map Component but in some OpenStreetMap tiles)


Has anyone seen this before?

Co-ordinates ?

Thanks for your swift reaction, but in the mean time I found that Openstreetmap shows comparable flaws when opened in a browser on a laptop... So it looks like a problem beyond AI2.

The problem is pretty random, so coordinates are no use. I fround them in Germany, Netherlands and France. If you want to see the problem just open Openstreetmap, go to preferrably a green patch on the map, like a forest, and slowly zoom in. When you zoom in pretty far you may notice one or more straight white road lines, which generally start and end randomly on the map. Zooming in further may make them dissappear, and zooming out again will show them once more. So now and then you may stumble over a cluster of roads like in my screendump, mostly with English and Cyrillic street names. Hopefully they will solve it soon, since once downloaded, AI2's Map will store the crooked tiles on the device. So the only way to get rid of stored crooked tiles may be just removing the app and installing it again... Or is there a way to refresh Map tiles? Wil Pa8w

Ok, further investigation learned that in april or earlier some zoom layers were hacked at Openstreetmap, It seems that the layers were contaminated with ghost streets and obscene language. I think that knowing this we can safely end this thread since it is definately not a AI2 issue.

Some extra info

Ok, so the cause is clear, I am impressed how fast they manage to clean up their polluted map tiles. But that leaves a AI2 Map problem: Since map tiles are being stored on the device, stored polluted tiles remain active in the Map. Is there a way to clear the buffer or force a new tile download? If not, only removing the app and re-installing it seems to be the only way to get rid of the crooked tiles. In that case, an new Map function like a "refresh" or "clear buffer" would be ideal to get rid of the buffered crooked tiles.

You haven't tried clearing the app's cache?




    mit app inventor map tour tutorial

  2. How to Make a Map App in MIT App Inventor 2

    mit app inventor map tour tutorial

  3. How to use Map and mark location in MIT App Inventor 2

    mit app inventor map tour tutorial

  4. Add a map that shows different places already added

    mit app inventor map tour tutorial

  5. Paris Map Tour MIT app inventor

    mit app inventor map tour tutorial

  6. [INTRO] 🗺️ Google Maps With App Inventor!

    mit app inventor map tour tutorial


  1. MIT App Inventor Map and Listpicker

  2. MIT App Inventor

  3. MIT APP INVENTOR🔥🫡 10.0 Paris map tour app🤯🔥

  4. mit app inventor map create marker

  5. How To Use Layouts in MIT App Inventor

  6. App Inventor 專案_App Inventor 導航元件簡易應用


  1. Map Tour Part 2

    The maps for this sample were found in the following way: On your computer, browse to Search for a landmark (e.g., Eiffel Tower) Zoom in to the level you desire, perhaps choosing Street View. Click on the Link button near the top-right of the Maps window and copy the URL for the map.

  2. MapTour

    Connect to the App Inventor web site and start a new project. Name it "MapTour", and also set the screen's Title to "MapTour". Open the Blocks Editor and connect to the phone. Introduction. You'll design the app so that a list of destinations appears. When the user chooses one, the Google Maps app is launched to display a map of the destination.

  3. How To Make a Tour Guide App Using MIT App Inventor 2 [ Map Component

    How To Make a Tour Guide App Using MIT App Inventor 2 In this video, we will create an app that can display information about famous places, you can mark the...

  4. 3.8. Map Tour Tutorial

    Time Estimate: 45 minutes. 3.8.1. Introduction and Goals ¶. The Map Tour App tutorial showcases some features of the Map component in MIT App Inventor to create a map tour of different destinations. You will learn about an important data abstraction called Lists to keep track of the destinations. Mobile CSP Map Tour Preview (Revised) - YouTube.

  5. Build the Map Tour App

    Build the Map Tour App. In this tutorial, you'll build MapTour, an app for visiting French vacation desitination with a single click. Users of your app will be able to visit the Eiffel Tower, the Lourve, and Notre Dame in quick succession. ... Download app to Android device. Download App Inventor source. Scan the QR code with your Android ...

  6. PDF CHAPTER 6 Paris Map Tour

    ion app that lets them take a virtual tour of Paris as well. Creating a fully functioning map app might seem really complicated, but App Inventor lets you use the ActivityStarter component to launch Google Maps for each virtual location. First, you'll build an app that launches maps for the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, and Notre Dame Cathedral ...

  7. 3.9. Map Tour With TinyDB

    3.9.1. Introduction and Goals ¶. In this lesson we will extend the Map Tour App by adding two new features: Adding Destinations to the Tour. We will allow users to click on the map to add new destinations to the map tour. Data Persistence. We will incorporate TinyDB, MIT App Inventor's database component, which will enable the app to save new ...

  8. PDF CHAPTER 6 Paris Map Tour

    This chapter introduces the following App Inventor components and concepts: The Activity Starter component for launching other Android apps from your app. The WebViewer component for showing web pages within your app. How to use list variables to store information for your app. 100 Chapter 6: Paris Map Tour.

  9. Map Tour App: Mobile CSP Hour of Code

    Hour of Code: Map Tour Preview. Welcome to the Mobile CSP Hour of Code! Mobile CSP is a free high school course in Computer Science Principles using MIT's App Inventor to build mobile apps. There is a Toggle Tutorial button in the green bar at the top that you can use to open and close this tutorial pane: Open each section of the tutorial ...

  10. How to make Tour guide App Using MIT App Inventor 2. [Map ...

    How to make Tour guide App Using MIT App Inventor 2. [Map Component]How to make Tour guide Apppp Using MIT App Inventor 2. [Map Component] How to make Tour g...

  11. Map It: Displaying Locations on a Google Map

    This tutorial shows how you can develop an app that allows you to record list of addresses and view the address on the Google Maps. It will also show you how view your current location on the Google Map. This tutorial assumes you have completed the basic tutorials of App Inventor. For basic and intermediate tutorials, click here. Introduction

  12. Tour Guide tutorial

    SteveJG May 25, 2024, 1:33am 4. You might consider a ringed fence. Location sensor (ringed fence / circular ringed fence) MIT App Inventor Help. I do not believe what you tried will work unfortunately. How to tell you if your device is near a destination is either to create a ringed fence and determine whether you are in the polygon of the ...

  13. Maps

    A two-dimensional container that renders map tiles in the background and allows for multiple Marker elements to identify points on the map. Map tiles are supplied by OpenStreetMap contributors and the the United States Geological Survey. The Map component provides three utilities for manipulating its boundaries with App Inventor. First, a ...

  14. Tutorials and Guides

    The Tutorial. This tutorial demonstrates how to use the MIT Map component to display a large number of run time location Markers, calculate the distance from the Android device to all the displayed locations and display that information. A bubble sort creates a list of locations in ascending distance from the device.

  15. Map Tour Always Goes to Wrong Location

    I have finished all of the steps and tutorials for the MIT App Inventor Map Tour, and have two additional features (Flyover: zooms out to wide view before zooming in to the next location, and Zoom Indicator: shows current zoom level, rounding to the nearest whole number to prevent long decimals.)Everything was working fine up until I added the custom locations button.

  16. Our Tutorials!

    Scroll down for more App Inventor tutorials for all levels: CloudDB Chat App. Component(s): CloudDB, ... Map It: Displaying Locations on a Google Map. Component(s): ListPicker Difficulty: advanced Link to Tutorial. ... MIT App Inventor

  17. [INTRO] ️ Google Maps With App Inventor!

    💻 Introduction 💻 DIFFICULTY: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (5/10) Recently there has been multiple users asking for Google Maps in App Inventor. In this tutorial, we will be embedding a Google Map in your App Inventor project. There is, one solution, however, which uses the ActivityStarter. However, some devices might require the user to swipe up. In this tutorial, we will use a WebViewer to embed the ...

  18. How To Make a Tour Guide App Using MIT App Inventor 2 [ Map ...

    How To Make a Tour Guide App Using MIT App Inventor 2 [ Map Component ] we can create an app that can display information about famous places, you can mark the places on the world map, and whenever someone clicks on your marker they can see the best thing about that place. You can add multiple markers to the map, We will use more info buttons ...

  19. Can a global Map Tour be made of attractions each place has to offer

    What you do depends on how much work you want to do. An example tutorial Map Tour to find attractions. The tutorial. Map Tour uses a Google Map but the tutorial can be adapted to use the Map component.. Perhaps use the ActivityStarter.Use a search term like things to do near me map or attractions near me map and you will elicit a Google Map with results.

  20. PDF App Inventor Beginner Tutorials

    This step-by-step picture tutorial will guide you through making a talking app. To get started, go to App Inventor on the web. Go directly to, or click the orange "Create" button from the App Inventor website. Log in to App Inventor with a gmail (or google) user name and password.

  21. HELP PLS! Map Tour App

    Glad the Run time and TextToSpeech code suggested are working. You are coding on an ios device. App Inventor for ios is still VERY buggy. Perhaps this discussion applies TinyDB-problem with iOS with respect for ios Projects and TinyDB use.. Do be aware, your markers stored in the TinyDB doesn't have any associated code to load the 'saved location information on Screen1.Initialize to your ...

  22. Map on "tour Guide" app only shows grid

    Map on "tour Guide" app only shows grid - Bugs and Other Issues - MIT App Inventor Community. Jason_Smith March 4, 2022, 6:02pm #1. Hello, In the fall I was able to have kids make a tour guide app which showed a map behind "place settings." Today as kids were trying to make the app, Mit App Inventor only showed grid lines.

  23. Data Science and Sensors

    Teach Tutorials Hour of Code AI with App Inventor Data Science and Sensors Books. ... Get Involved. Support and Community Contribute to App Inventor Open Source Information. Resources. App Inventor Foundation Get Started System Requirements Documentation Support and Community Books Research. Donate. ... MIT App Inventor

  24. Tutorials and Guides

    Before you ask a question / open a new topic please take care of the following points: The forum was previously searched for similar topics / issues. Give a precise (detailed) description of the issue / bug, the goal. Show the (relevant) blocks (images, screenshots of blocks in high quality). Debug your blocks (connect to Companion and right mouse click: → Do it). Name the Android / iOS ...

  25. Ghost streets in Map component

    In MapApp, an AI2 app for Radio Direction Finding, some zoomlevels in the Map component show ghost streets added to the desired map tile. The screendump shows a rather severe example where both English as well as Slavic roads are added to a piece of the Netherlands. When I use ZoomLevel to switch to other zoomlevels these ghosts generally disappear, but returning to the same ZoomLevel makes ...