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本會創建以香港為基地,全力推動文化和旅遊發展的國際性組織。整合香港及全球有關文化和旅遊的各方面充沛資源,以中西文化融合爲基礎, 促進國際旅遊交流爲核心,協助各單位及企業加大加深相互間的溝通和合作工作,突顯香港的價值與優勢。

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本協會推動香港藝術與海外藝術單位合作不遺餘力,今年正式與芒果國際藝術節(MIAF) 深度合作,共同推動本地與東盟國家(如泰國、馬來西亞、菲律賓、緬甸、印 尼和越南等)知名文化藝術單位交流,芒果國際藝術節是東南亞第一個也是目前唯一集潮流藝術、創意設計和嘉年華於一體的 東南亞藝術新潮流嘉年華。 

另外,今年帶領新派藝術創作組合Man Chui x Wang Feng參與北京當代藝術博覽會,該會乃國家文旅部與北京市政府共同舉辦的北京國際設計周重要活動之一,為目前中國最具代表性、最具影響力的當代藝術博覽會之一。

文旅IP(Intellectual Property)是指以文化和 旅遊資源為主的知識產權,也是文旅行業近年來最為熱門的詞彙之一。

文旅IP可以是景區、博物館、動漫、文學、遊戲、 藝術、一個角色、一個故事甚至是表情包等......具 有一定影響力和品牌形象等知識產權,通過IP授權 或植入,進而可以獲得巨大的經濟效益(如產品貼 標/出版/發售/改編等版權買賣)。




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What is ANTOR (HK)

Association of National Tourist Office Representatives (Hong Kong), ANTOR (HK),  各國 旅遊局代表協會(香港), comprises of National Tourism Organizations and representatives active in Hong Kong.

Mission Statement

ANTOR (HK) is a voluntary, non-profitable, and non-political association of the representatives of national tourist organizations and representatives active in Hong Kong. The Association exists to exchange views on matters of mutual concerns and interests within the major promotional sector of the travel industry. It seeks to improve operational techniques and standards of travel destination marketing and provides a non-commercial (and collective) platform to organise joint promotional activities.

  • ANTOR (HK) is a non-profit group or organization of national tourism organizations and representatives active in Hong Kong.
  • ANTOR (HK) will meet regularly to discuss areas of concerns on issues of relevance and importance to outbound tourism by offering destination briefings, and joint marketing activities to enhance outbound travel from Hong Kong.

About Our Membership

  • Members of ANTOR (HK) should be established organizations with destination marketing activities active in Hong Kong. Applicants for admission to membership of ANTOR (HK) should also be established organizations at the time of application and admission to membership.
  • Members should undertake to send an official representative to 50% of regular meetings of ANTOR (HK), and any member with three successive absences (without giving apology or notice of absence) will be required to give a written explanation to ANTOR (HK) committee who has the right to review the membership status of the absent member.
  • Members should undertake to accept a reasonable share of responsibility and workload in supporting the activities of ANTOR (HK).
  • Each member agrees to host, chair and prepare the minutes of ANTOR (HK) meeting on a rotational basis, with the minimum attendance of at least half of the member organizations. In the event that the minimum number of required attendance is not met for any meeting, the Chair will reschedule another meeting to an appropriate date.
  • Notice of Admission of New Members should be an agenda item of ANTOR (HK) meeting and notice should be duly given to members prior to such a meeting.
  • The decision as to whether to admit new members to ANTOR (HK) shall be decided by a majority vote of the existing members present at the ANTOR (HK) meeting. The decision made at such meeting shall be final.
  • Membership of any member of ANTOR (HK) may be terminated by more than three-quarters of the vote of the organizations represented at the ANTOR (HK) meeting (excluding the member whose termination of membership is being considered). Notice of intention to terminate any existing members membership of ANTOR (HK) shall be an agenda item of ANTOR (HK) meeting, and notice should be duly given to all members prior to such meeting.
  • Each new member shall, as a condition of its membership of ANTOR (HK), be required to sign a copy of these Conditions of Membership whereby the new member agrees to adhere to the conditions set out herein.
  • By Laws can be changed by more than three-quarters of the vote of the organizations represented at the ANTOR (HK) meeting provided that the notice of Change to Conditions of Membership is duly given to members prior to such meeting.
  • This Mission Statement is not a legal binding document. ​


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Hong Kong’s redevelopment body to hold free ‘citywalk’ tours to showcase city’s history and vibrance

Irene Chan

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The Urban Renewal Authority (URA), the city’s redevelopment body, has announced a series of free “citywalk” tours in Central and Sheung Wan to showcase Hong Kong’s history and vibrance.

A graffiti in a building located in Chung Wo Lane, which is painted by an artist commissioned by URA. Photo: URA.

The body will hold 40 guided tours in October catering to over 500 local residents or tourists, URA’s managing director Wai Chi-sing said on Sunday.

These tours will highlight the URA’s redevelopment projects as well as historic spots, shops and street art in Central and Sheung Wan, Wai said.

The tours will feature the three themes – history and architecture; food and community; and art and culture.

The URA will recruit and train tour guides, targeting Central and Sheung Wan residents in particular, Wai added.

The Central and Sheung Wan neighbourhood is home to a number of the URA’s completed redevelopment projects, including Central Market and Pak Tsz Lane Park near PMQ. It is also the site of a 67,200 square metres redevelopment project in the vicinity of Peel Street and Graham Street. The redevelopment involves plans for residential buildings, courtyard spaces, a multi-purpose activity hall, a hotel and other structures.

Kennedy Town Praya coffee shop Arabica tourists visitor

Citywalk, a style of tourism that promotes exploring the city on foot and taking photos, has become popular especially among mainland Chinese tourists in the post-pandemic era .

“While conducting urban renewal projects, the URA not only strives to improve people’s living conditions and quality, but to bring vibrance to old communities with different approaches, to strengthen connections among different stakeholders and enhance a community’s uniqueness… thereby boosting the district’s economy and support the development of tourism,” Wai wrote in Chinese.

The Central and Sheung Wan tours will be part of the project’s pilot scheme. The managing director said he also hoped to hold tours in other parts of the city after the scheme, including in Kowloon City and the Flower Market – both districts with large-scale URA redevelopment projects.

‘Urban decay’

Established in 2001, the URA was granted powers by the government to purchase land from private owners and sell land to developers to address “urban decay” and improve living conditions in old districts.

redevelopment, flower market

Over the past 10 years, it has been accused of transforming places of culture and history into homogenous shopping malls and high-end residential estates in the process of redevelopment.

Its recent proposal to redevelop the Flower Market district in Mong Kok triggered criticism from residents, florists, scholars, pro-establishment lawmakers who have questioned the looming commercialisation and expressed concern that the project could destroy the vibrancy of the century-old market .

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Irene Chan

Irene Chan Senior Reporter

Irene Chan is a reporter at Hong Kong Free Press and has an interest in covering political and social change. She previously worked at Initium Media as chief editor for Hong Kong news and was a community organiser at the Society for Community Organisation serving the underprivileged. She has a bachelor’s degree in Journalism from Fudan University and a master’s degree in social work from the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Irene is the recipient of two Society of Publishers in Asia (SOPA) awards and three honourable mentions for her investigative, feature and video reporting. She also received a Human Rights Press Award for multimedia reporting and an honourable mention for feature writing.

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(2024年5月24日)香港理工大學酒店及旅遊業管理學院(學院)欣然宣佈,學院師生憑借卓越的才華、創意和熱誠,在第二屆中國大學生旅遊管理虛擬模擬大賽中獲頒多個獎項。 就讀旅遊業及會展管理學士課程的勞子琪同學、譚淑雯同學、王可漢同學及周冠妤同學於本年五月十五日至十九日在廣州舉行的第二屆中國大學生旅遊管理虛擬模擬大賽中取得了優異成績。學院的團隊於參加決賽的225個隊伍中勇奪四個獎項: •  第二屆中國大學生旅遊管理虛擬模擬大賽二等獎 •    第二屆中國大學生旅遊管理虛擬模擬大賽優秀鄉村振興項目策劃方案 •    “i南沙 正青春” 廣州南沙全域遊打卡短視頻挑戰大賽三等獎 •    學院的助理教授邱天然博士兼團隊導師獲頒優秀指導教師獎 第二屆中國大學生旅遊管理虛擬模擬大賽旨在提高實驗教學質量,培育綜合型、應用型高端旅遊管理人才,鼓勵學生學以致用,進行理論學習和實踐探索。同時在第一屆大賽的基礎上進一步促進港澳台和內地大專院校師生的交流互動。 學院提供的多元化活動充分展示其學生的學習生活不僅限於課堂。學院學生擁有各種不同的機會,讓他們更能發揮所長,並開拓更廣闊的學習視野。

關於理大酒店及旅遊業管理學院 四十五年來,理大酒店及旅遊業管理學院為酒店及旅遊教育重新定位,成為世界頂尖的酒店與旅遊教育學府。學院在2023上海軟科世界一流學科排名的「旅遊休閒管理」類別中連續七年位列全球第一,在2022/2023大學學術表現排名的「商業、管理、旅遊業及服務學科」領域中連續六年高踞榜首,在2017世界大學排名中心的「酒店、休閒、體育與旅遊」類別中排名世界首位,並在2024 QS 世界大學排名的「酒店管理」類別中名列亞洲第一,是卓越教育的象徵,印證了學院為酒店及旅遊發展開創新紀元的座右銘。 通過推動教育與傳授知識以服務業界及學術組織是學院的使命,亦是其前進的動力。學院擁有來自全球二十個國家和地區的九十多位學者組成的強大國際團隊,提供由學士學位至博士程度的優質課程。唯港薈是學院別樹一幟的教學及研究酒店,亦是其實踐酒店與旅遊教育範式轉變的重要部分。學院致力提高教育、學習及研究的水準,啟發新一代充滿熱誠及銳意進取的專業人才,培育他們成為未來酒店及旅遊業的領袖。

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  6. Hong Kong Tourism Association

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  7. Hong Kong Tourism Board

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  9. Tourism in Hong Kong

    Background. The total tourism expenditure associated with inbound tourism reached HK$7,333 per capita in 2011. According to the Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) Overall visitor arrivals to Hong Kong in 2010 totalled just over 36 million, a 21.8% increase over the previous year. The numbers included approximately 22.5 million mainland Chinese arrivals, 8.2 million short-haul (excluding Mainland ...

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    The Tourism Commission works closely with the Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) (formerly known as Hong Kong Tourist Association) and other organisations to promote the development of tourism in Hong Kong. The Tourism Commission is mainly responsible for formulating and co-ordinating implementation of policies, strategies and plans for tourism development.

  11. Latest News

    Association Members; Composition; Mission and Services; M&A; Vacancies at TIC; ... Trade consultation on Development Blueprint for Hong Kong's Tourism Industry 2.0. 2024-05-13. ... Welcome to participate the field trip themed "The Once Garment Centre of Hong Kong" organised by the Hong Kong Institute of Architectural Conservationists . 2024 ...

  12. 香港文化和旅遊協會 Hong Kong Culture and Tourism Association

    成立背景. 本會創建以香港為基地,全力推動文化和旅遊發展的國際性組織。. 整合香港及全球有關文化和旅遊的各方面充沛資源,以中西文化融合爲基礎, 促進國際旅遊交流爲核心,協助各單位及企業加大加深相互間的溝通和合作工作,突顯香港的價值與優勢 ...

  13. About Us

    What is ANTOR (HK) Association of National Tourist Office Representatives (Hong Kong), ANTOR (HK), 各國 旅遊局代表協會(香港), comprises of National Tourism Organizations and representatives active in Hong Kong. Mission Statement. ANTOR (HK) is a voluntary, non-profitable, and non-political association of the representatives of national tourist organizations and representatives ...

  14. Expand mainland Chinese solo traveller scheme, Hong Kong tourism

    Timothy Chui Ting-pong, the executive director of the Hong Kong Tourism Association, said competition from destinations in the rest of the country needed to be considered especially during peak ...

  15. Hong Kong tourism veteran urges promotion efforts after 'golden week

    Hong Kong Tourism Association executive director Timothy Chui Ting-pong told a radio programme on Thursday that the number of incoming mainland tourists recorded on Labour Day was quite ...

  16. Facts & Statistics

    Per capita spending of overnight visitors. HK$5,818. -12.0%. Total tourism expenditure associated to inbound tourism. HK$256.2 billion. -22.7%. Source: Hong Kong Tourism Board. While the number of Mainland arrivals decreased by 14.2% in 2019, the Mainland continued to be our largest visitor source market, accounting for 78% of our total arrivals.

  17. Hong Kong travel sector appeals for coronavirus breaks for tour groups

    Timothy Chui Ting-pong, executive director of the Hong Kong Tourism Association, on Saturday said about 100 of the 1,600 travel agencies remaining in the city had shut down for good after ...

  18. Corporate Information

    Corporate Information. The Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB), a government-subvented body, was founded on 1 April 2001. It was reconstituted from the Hong Kong Tourist Association , which was established in 1957. The six objectives of the HKTB, as defined under the HKTB Ordinance, are to: . Endeavour to increase the contribution of tourism to Hong ...

  19. Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong

    Welcome to participate the field trip themed ""30 Houses'': Central's Accidental Time Capsule " organised by the Hong Kong Institute of Architectural Conservationists 2024-06-04 Devoted to serving its members, speaking for the trade and actively promoting the industry's sustainable development

  20. Hong Kong's redevelopment body to hold free 'citywalk' tours

    The Urban Renewal Authority (URA), the city's redevelopment body, has announced a series of free "citywalk" tours in Central and Sheung Wan to showcase Hong Kong's history and vibrance.

  21. PDF Hong Kong Tourism Board Annual Report 2022/23

    The Hong Kong Tourist Association (HKTA), a Government-subvented statutory body established in 1957, was reconstituted as the Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) on 1 April 2001. Unlike the former HKTA, which was an association of members, the HKTB is a statutory body established under the Hong Kong Tourism Board Ordinance

  22. Almost 1 million people leave Hong Kong for holiday long weekend

    Timothy Chui Ting-pong, the executive director of the Hong Kong Tourism Association, said on Saturday that organised tours in general would spend one or two days in Hong Kong, with most group ...

  23. Home

    Hello Hong Kong! Discover the best experiences, events, shopping, dining, maps, guided tours, and itineraries with Hong Kong's official tourism guide recommendations. Explore Hong Kong's unique international living culture and Asia's top travel destination.

  24. 理大酒店及旅遊業管理學院師生再創佳績

    理大酒店及旅遊業管理學院師生再創佳績. 1 Jan 0001. (2024年5月24日)香港理工大學酒店及旅遊業管理學院(學院)欣然宣佈,學院師生憑借卓越的才華、創意和熱誠,在第二屆中國大學生旅遊管理虛擬模擬大賽中獲頒多個獎項。. 就讀旅遊業及會展管理學士課程 ...

  25. Hong Kong campaign needed after bad apples hurt service sector: tourism

    Hong Kong recorded 34 million visitors in 2023, around half the number of pre-pandemic 2018, while the first-quarter recovery this year was 72 per cent compared with the same period six years ago.