A royal visit at a time of reckoning: Will Prince Charles and Camilla connect with Canadians?

3-day tour kicks off tuesday in st. john's, before the couple travels to ottawa, n.w.t..

next royal visit to canada 2023

Preparations underway on eve of royal visit to Canada

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Kyle Empringham doesn't follow the royals and wasn't initially aware there was a royal visit to Canada coming up this week.

Still, after he found out, the co-founder of The Starfish Canada, a group that supports young people in their environmental careers, saw potential for some "optimistic skepticism" about what might flow environmentally from the visit by Prince Charles and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, that kicks off Tuesday in St. John's.

Environmental issues are on the agenda during the three-day trip, including when Charles meets with local experts to discuss the impact of climate change in the Northwest Territories, and Indigenous-led efforts to address it.

Empringham, who co-founded Starfish as a 20-year-old in 2010, said he was glad to hear that Charles is visiting the North, and that he would be engaging with Indigenous communities. 

next royal visit to canada 2023

"Then next thing I'd want to hear is … the actionable pieces; that it's not just a visit for a photo," Empringham said in an interview.

"I would be excited to hear that there are actionable items that are going to move forward, or maybe move forward quicker than what's comfortable. Those are the things that often we don't hear enough of."

next royal visit to canada 2023

What Prince Charles and Camilla say and do over the next three days will be under scrutiny, as the couple make their first visit to Canada in five years, carrying out the first official visit by a member of the Royal Family to the country since a greater societal reckoning with our past and our institutions has taken hold.

CBC readers have also told us they are interested in seeing how the royals will deal with current issues, such as Indigenous concerns, the environment and the relevance of the institution in the future — along with how Charles himself will handle all that.

Time to reflect

Underlying this, however, is also the extent to which Canadians spend much time even thinking about the monarchy.

"Honestly, I don't think they give it much of a thought," said Nathan Tidridge, vice-president of the Institute for the Study of the Crown in Canada.

"At moments like a royal visit or the Platinum Jubilee, I think it kind of bubbles to the surface. But typically, it's kind of a perennial conversation: Do we need the institution?"

But Canadians may be thinking more about it this week, and as attention focuses in early June on the Platinum Jubilee, marking Queen Elizabeth's 70 years as monarch.

"It's these kinds of markers that happen that cause people to reflect," said Tidridge. 

next royal visit to canada 2023

"We're also at a very critical time, I think, in the world. We're talking about colonialism, we're talking about systemic racism, we're talking about all these really, really important issues and problems in our society. And the Crown, as that pre-eminent symbol, is implicated in them."

That's because the Crown is "reflecting our society," said Tidridge.

"The Crown is an inanimate object, right," he said. "Sometimes it's easy to just pick on the system, not talk about the society itself. This is an opportunity to do that."

'Showcase the evolution of our country'

This week's trip will take Charles and Camilla from St. John's to Ottawa and then to Yellowknife on Thursday.

Gov. Gen. Mary Simon has said she is looking forward to welcoming the couple.

"This visit is a chance for us to showcase the evolution of our country, our diverse and inclusive society, as well as the resilience of Indigenous communities," she said in a statement as the visit was announced.

next royal visit to canada 2023

Nicholas Kaizer, a 28-year-old high school teacher in Halifax who describes himself as pro-monarchy and an environmentalist, says he's excited at the prospect of the visit.

Kaizer is hoping "to see an honest reflection on the part of the Prince of Wales on the people he's meeting and the cultures he's experiencing and the legacy they are a witness to."

"I do not want the monarchy to exist in a time capsule; to pretend things are always fine and have been," he said.

"If Canada is going to move forward, and move forward with a monarchical system — and I think it should — that system needs to be honest about the baggage that it brings with it."

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Others, like Tom Freda, co-founder of Citizens for a Canadian Republic, don't want Canada to keep its current connection with the Crown. His group wants to instead see the governor general evolve into the country's official head of state.

From Freda's perspective, it's hard to say what is at stake during this royal visit.

next royal visit to canada 2023

"I don't want to predict what Canadians' views will be at the end of it, but … I don't envy [Charles and Camilla]. Because Prince William and Kate got an unexpected negative reception when they went to the Caribbean," Freda said in an interview.

"That certainly was not in the cards. They were there to help shore up support for the monarchy and everywhere they went, there were demonstrations. So if that's going to happen here, I would say, as was the case with William and Kate, it would be damaging to the monarchy."

Whatever happens on the trip, Freda said, "every step of the way, it will be managed by the Canadian government and everything that they say will be approved of, if not written, by the Canadian government. 

"Sometimes they go off script and we'll have to see how far Prince Charles goes with that."

Tidridge, who teaches high school history, civics and Indigenous studies in Waterdown, Ont., said he'll be listening closely to the speeches by Simon and Prince Charles throughout the visit.

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"His speeches are vetted by the Government of Canada, but … I'll be interested in the language he chooses and the interactions between himself and Indigenous folks, and the environmental groups, and the military people he will be encountering on the tour," said Tidridge.

As closely as he'll be watching the visit, Tidridge isn't sure what its overall significance might ultimately be, particularly because of its duration.

"I wish that the tour was longer so that we could actually see … a significance develop," he said.

"It's such a whistlestop tour — as determined by the Government of Canada, not the Prince of Wales — that I worry it won't allow for … that kind of marinating that's needed; that time that's needed with the elders and Indigenous leaders for something of significance to happen."

next royal visit to canada 2023

From Empringham's perspective, quick sessions between Charles and whomever he's meeting could provide the beginning of a dialogue — but only that.

"A 15- to 20-minute meeting could be a start of a conversation, but it clearly can't be the end of it, or else there will probably be no action … that will be done," he said. "Other than a cool photo."

From his perspective, what's at stake here is the current state of the environment and the impact of any potential failure to act.

"I think what a lot of young people are attuned to is the IPCC reports that are getting more and more alarming as time goes on," he said. "What's at stake is inaction. I think that's the bluntest way I could put it."

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While it's "cool to hear" Prince Charles will be talking about the environment while he's in Canada, Empringham sees the potential for apprehension about just what the ultimate impact might be.

"I think there's a big part of anyone who's been a part of this, even for five or 10 years, [who] would go: 'Oh yes, OK, great,' " Empringham said. But there would also be a sense of "we'll see what happens."

"You want something to happen, and you're hopeful,"  Empringham said, but there's an "optimistic skepticism, is almost the way I would put it."

"There's probably a little bit of trepidation that people would go into a meeting like that, not knowing if anything will actually come of it." 

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Prince Charles: A king in waiting

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The Duchess of Edinburgh will Visit Canada

Sophie Wessex, known as the Countess of Forfar while in Scotland, meets 100-year-old David Flucker during a garden party at the Palace of Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh, June, 2022.


3rd – 8th November 2023

Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Edinburgh will visit Canada from Friday 3rd to Wednesday 8th November 2023 as Colonel-in-Chief of the Lincoln and Welland Regiment, and Patron of Toronto General and Toronto Western hospitals, University Health Network (UHN).

On Saturday 4th November, the Duchess will attend The Duchess of Edinburgh competition, hosted by the Lincoln and Welland Regiment. This is an annual competition which sees Her

Royal Highness’ military affiliations come together to compete in a series of military challenges. The venue and challenges change annually but always include a series of demanding physical and mental tests.

The Duchess will present the trophy – known as The Countess of Wessex Cup – to the successful team. That evening, HRH will attend a dinner in support of the Lincoln & Welland Regimental Foundation, with a special performance by the Lincoln & Welland Association Band.

On Sunday 5th November, Her Royal Highness will attend a Service of Remembrance at St Catherine’s Cenotaph, accompanied by the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, before attending a reception to meet soldiers of the Lincoln and Welland Regiment and their families.

From Monday 6th to Wednesday 8th November, the Duchess will spend three days visiting three sites at UHN: Toronto General Hospital, Toronto Western Hospital and Toronto Rehab.

During the visit, Her Royal Highness will meet frontline healthcare workers, researchers, hospital supporters, volunteers, staff and patients to learn more about medical innovation at UHN. Her Royal Highness will hear more about the latest advancements in arthritis, vision and brain research, social and emergency medicine as well as innovations in cardiovascular care and the latest technologies in physical rehabilitation.

UHN is home to the number-one research hospital in Canada and is an international source for discovery, education and enhanced patient care.

The Duchess of Edinburgh has been Colonel-in-Chief of the Lincoln and Welland Regiment, the Reserve Infantry Regiment of the Canadian Army, since 2004. Her Royal Highness has been Patron of the Toronto General and Toronto Western hospitals since 2005.


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All The Royal Events In 2024 You Don't Want To Miss

King Charles and Queen Camilla wearing crowns

January admittedly started off with some unexpected news for royal fans, as some of the most notable events were health-related. Princess Catherine and King Charles III were both admitted to the hospital — Catherine for abdominal surgery and Charles for prostate surgery — and were even discharged on the same day from the same hospital, according to CBC News . In Denmark, the year kicked off with Queen Margrethe II abdicating the throne due to  health issues . As such, Margrethe's eldest son, Frederik X, became king on January 14.

Nevertheless, the royal families have a calendar full of exciting events throughout 2024 — and, thankfully, ones that have nothing to do with ill health. Princess Anne, daughter of the late Queen Elizabeth II, started the new year by embarking on the first official royal trip of 2024 alongside her husband, Vice Admiral Sir Timothy Laurence. The two spent three days in Sri Lanka. That's not all that's planned for 2024, though.

From major diplomatic trips to weddings and milestone birthdays, these major royal events are expected to take place.

Prince Edward celebrates a milestone birthday in March

A few royals have some milestone birthdays this year. This includes Prince Edward, the youngest son of the late Queen Elizabeth II, who turns 60 on March 10. 

While the exact details of his birthday celebrations have not yet been revealed, it may be difficult to top Prince Edward's 59 th birthday in 2023. On this day, King Charles III perhaps gave his younger brother the ultimate birthday gift: a prestigious new title "His Majesty The King has been pleased to confer the Dukedom of Edinburgh upon The Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex and Forfar, on the occasion of His Royal Highness's 59th birthday," the royal family said in a press release, as reported by Town & Country . "The title will be held by Prince Edward for His Royal Highness's lifetime."

Edward's former titles of Earl of Wessex and Forfar were previously bestowed upon him by his late mother. The first was on his wedding day in 1999, and the second as a 2018 birthday gift. 

King Charles III and Queen Camilla are expected to visit Canada in May

In December 2023, it was announced that King Charles III and Queen Camilla would make a much-anticipated royal visit to Canada. While the exact dates have yet to be announced, the trip is slated to take place in May 2024, according to the Mirror . The king and queen are expected to tour the country for a week. The Canadian visit will also mark Charles' first since his May 2023 coronation.

However, this isn't going to be any ordinary visit. Canada is part of the British Commonwealth, a group of 56 countries that have significant histories with the United Kingdom. Canada first joined the British Commonwealth in 1931, according to the Government of Canada , and King Charles technically serves as its head. However, polling has revealed that most Canadians aren't in favor of Charles holding this position. This sentiment isn't entirely new. In 2011, some Canadians protested the monarchy when Prince William and Princess Catherine made a visit. 

All eyes will be on the king and queen during this potential visit. "The last thing they would need would be just a quick appearance in Ontario, maybe B.C.," royal commentator and expert Justin Vovk told  CBC News in December 2023. "That would send the message that, well, the rest of Canada is not that important to the King. If he really is King of Canada, a cross-country tour would really be in his best interests." Judith Rowbotham, a researcher and professor, told the publication, "I think that King Charles believes ... that the monarchy, if it is to remain relevant, has to engage in some way in key concerns which have a political dimension, notably environmental concerns, but also major concerns like homelessness."

Prince William and Princess Catherine are (tentatively) scheduled to visit Italy in the spring

The end of 2023 spurred talks of another major royal family visit, this time on the part of Prince William and Princess Catherine. In December, Kensington Palace announced that the couple would travel to Italy in spring 2024. The Italy visit is set to mark the first international working trip for the Princess of Wales in more than a year. It will also be the first time William and Catherine have visited Italy together. Aside from there not being an exact timeline just yet, some of the key details about the couple's itinerary are very much up in the air. This includes a potential visit to the Vatican and possibly an in-person meeting with Pope Francis, according to the  Daily Mail .

Another big unknown is whether the international trip will possibly be postponed to later in the year due to Catherine's abdominal surgery . While the surgery was reportedly planned, the event caught the public by surprise when the princess was admitted to the hospital on January 16. She was discharged on January 29 to recover at home. If the trip does happen, the public will likely have their eyes fixed on Princess Catherine, and not just because she had a major surgery that has kept her away from completing months of engagements. As the Daily Mail previously reported, Kate not only studied in Florence for several months after her college years, but she also possesses some knowledge of Italian language and arts.

King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia of Spain will celebrate two decades of marriage in May

King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia have a big milestone wedding anniversary coming up in 2024. They will celebrate 20 years of marriage on May 22. Felipe and Letizia secretly dated until their engagement in 2003. The pair met when Felipe was still a prince, and Letizia was a journalist for Televisión Española. While admittedly one of the most popular royal couples, scandal rocked their marriage at the end of 2023, when Queen Letizia was accused of having an affair with Jaime del Burgo, her brother-in-law, in 2010,  Tatler  reported. However, the king and queen's relationship appears to have weathered these accusations as they head towards their 20 th year of marriage with each other.

No matter how Felipe and Letizia celebrate their wedding anniversary, there's no doubt that they will hear from their British royal counterparts, with whom they share a strong relationship . Not only are Prince William and Princess Catherine said to be close friends with the couple, but King Felipe also shares a bloodline with the late Queen Elizabeth II, as descendants of Queen Victoria, according to Town & Country .

The Duke Of Westminster will say 'I do' in June

Hugh Grosvenor, Duke of Westminster, will marry Olivia Henson on June 7, 2024, a spokesperson confirmed to Town & Country . The couple got engaged in April 2023 after dating for two years. "Members of both their families are absolutely delighted with the news," the spokesperson revealed. Not only are the families close with each other, but Prince William and Princess Catherine chose Grosvenor to be one of Prince George's godparents.

The bond between the Duke of Westminster's family and the British royal family remains a strong one, so the wedding between Grosvenor and Henson will likely be attended by several key members. While most of the British royal family is set to attend, though, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will reportedly not be in attendance — despite Grosvenor also being a godparent to Harry and Meghan's son, Archie. "[Grosvenor] wanted to avoid anything overshadowing the day, especially for Olivia, and doesn't want any awkwardness [between Harry and William]," a friend of the brothers told The Times .

It will be interesting to see who shows up and who doesn't. While most of the details remain unknown, we do know that Grosvenor and Henson will wed at the Chester Cathedral in England, guaranteeing a beautiful ceremony for the couple. 

Trooping the Colour takes place in mid-June

Every summer, Britain holds a sovereign birthday celebration called Trooping the Colour. While nicknamed The King's Birthday Parade, this event is not the same as King Charles III's actual birthday, which is in November. The event is thought to date back to the 1600s during the rule of King Charles II but did not become an annual ceremony until 1760 under King George III's reign. However, it is meant to celebrate the birthday of the sovereign, so Charles will have a second unofficial birthday celebration via Trooping the Colour.

This year's event is set to take place on June 15 and will feature distinguished troops from five different "colours," or regiments, throughout the British army. An estimated 1,400 soldiers will participate in the parade, which starts at Buckingham Palace. If you aren't one of the lucky ones able to see this event in person, you can watch it at home as it is a televised event.

Princess Anne will likely attend the Summer Olympic Games in Paris

The Summer Olympic games are set to take place in Paris, a relatively close destination for royal families across Europe. According to Hello! Magazine , Princess Anne is expected to travel to Paris for the festivities, which start at the end of July and run through mid-August.

Princess Anne has had ties to the Olympics for several decades. According to the Royal Household , the only daughter of the late Queen Elizabeth II previously competed in the 1976 Olympic Games in a three-day equestrian event. From there, she was appointed to the International Olympic Committee (IOC), where she has served as a member since 1988. She also serves as the p resident of the British Olympic Association.

Needless to say, she has a professional interest in the event, but she'll also likely want to support Great Britain in the Games. Plus, since more royals will be able to travel compared with the 2020 Summer Olympics held in Tokyo during the pandemic, we may see other British royals supporting their nation's team alongside Princess Anne.

Princess Märtha Louise of Norway's gets married in August

Princess Märtha Louise of Norway announced her engagement to Durek Verrett in 2022 after the couple had dated for more than three years. In 2023, the princess and Verrett, a shaman from Los Angeles, officially revealed a date for the long-awaited ceremony — August 31, 2024. As Märtha revealed in an Instagram post , their nuptials will occur in the princess' home country of Norway. Within months of the engagement announcement, it was revealed that Märtha was to step away from her official royal duties to help run Verrett's alternative medicine business; however, she would retain her title.

People from around the world will witness Märtha Louise and Verrett making history. Verrett is the first Black man in modern history to marry a European royal. "[It] will set a precedent for my people that we are not to be forgotten, and we deserve to be acknowledged for the greatness of who we are and where we come from," the shaman told  People in June 2022. "There's always been kings and queens in Africa, but unfortunately, they haven't been recognized in the world in the way that they deserve." At the same time, Verrett will also likely bring attention to the Norwegian royal family for some of his controversial medical beliefs and practices, as noted by the  BBC .

Prince Harry turns 40 in September

Prince Edward isn't the only British royal celebrating a milestone birthday in 2024. His nephew, Prince Harry, turns 40 in September. However, unlike Prince Edward, the younger prince will likely spend his birthday away from extended family, as has been the case in the years since he and wife, Meghan Markle, stepped away from their royal roles. In fact, Prince Harry's immediate family did not post messages for his 39 th birthday as they had done in previous years. Instead of spending time with the royals on Harry's birthday, Harry and Meghan attended the Invictus Games in Germany, according to  People .

Notably, Prince Harry's older brother , Prince William, turned 40 in 2022 , but the two were not speaking at that time either. Ahead of her husband's birthday, Princess Catherine reportedly attempted to get the two brothers to reconcile, royal expert Neil Sean revealed (via  Express ). However, this did not happen, and the rift only seems to have widened.

With all this in mind, it seems likely that Prince Harry will celebrate his birthday with his wife and not with his extended family. Just how he will celebrate his milestone birthday, however, remains to be seen.

King Charles III and Queen Camilla are expected to visit Australia in October

Aside from their spring trip to Canada in March 2024, King Charles III and Queen Camilla may already have another royal visit on the books. This time, it's on the other side of the world. "King Charles is planning to visit Australia and New Zealand in October," a person involved in diplomatic relations told the Sydney Morning Herald . The trip down under will mark the couple's first visit to the country as king and queen, as well as their first since 2018, according to the Daily Mail . Additionally, no reigning British monarch has been to Australia in over a decade, as Queen Elizabeth II's last visit was in 2011. 

While no official itinerary has yet been announced, royal watchers will likely want to pay close attention to the trip. Australia, like Canada, is part of the British Commonwealth and polls show the country is similarly against having Charles as the head of state. Furthermore, the biennial Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) is set to take place in nearby Samoa in October 2024, too. 


Newmyroyals & Hollywood Fashion

Official visit of The Duchess of Edinburgh to Canada, 3rd and 4th day

The Duchess wore a romantic floral print dress by Me+Em. Gabriela Hearst Hannah dress and Etro printed midi dress

The Duchess of Edinburgh is making an official visit to Canada. As Patron of Toronto General and Toronto Western hospitals, The Duchess visited the Michael Lawrence Turk Emergency Rapid Assessment Centre. The Duchess then visited University Health Network where she met frontline healthcare workers. The Duchess attended a reception at the Four Seasons Hotel, for supporters and staff of the Toronto General and Toronto Western Hospitals.

The Duchess wore a romantic floral print dress by Me+Em. Gabriela Hearst Hannah dress and Etro printed midi dress

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(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

Glorious autumn choices with longer hemlines and nice boots. So cosy and “approachable chic” Sophie! - AnneLise

next royal visit to canada 2023

Yes good autumn choices, but her dresses are usually too long.

Every dress is too long. She could do so much better because she is such a beautiful lady with a good figure. She really needs a new stylist

The Etro dress is a stellar repeat, so very pretty on her. The patterned dress is good, just a bit too patterned. But the balloon sleeves, they are simply a fail, kind of disfigure the wearer, ruin good proportions. - The necklace on the lady in the grey jacket and the black dress - I love it, this is how to pimp an otherwise very simple outfit. Reminds me of Queen Sonja. (GM)

Sophie looks great in a blue Etro dress. Blue is definitely her color. It sharpens her beautiful blue eyes. (I have a weakness for blue eyes) Floral dresses also suit her (I don't like ME + EM models), but she should shorten the black dress - she melts in that black midi length ​Stephanie

It's as though she grew up in a convent. Why does she wear these unflattering lengths? They are very aging. The is a pretty, hard working lady that can do so much better. When she is wearing boots, she could certainly bring the length up if her goal is to be covered. I can't understand what she is trying to accomplish with her style.

The only dress I like here is the ETRO repeated dress. Sophie looks so good in it, until you see the hemline which is too long. She must see the length the model is wearing on the picture. This is the good length according to the wearer of the dress. Since Sophie is not very tall the dress should be made shorter. Her hairstyle is not very good lately, or a low pony tail or updo. Here she tried something different which looks not very good either (picture N° 9). The flower dress with the boots is so passé. The dark brown dress is too long and the boots have the wrong color. She dressed better in the past. Rose

I don't like the dark Brown dress on her - makes her figure bad. Two other are great especially the blue one. Zofia

next royal visit to canada 2023

Sophie est ravissante dans le modèle imprimé Etro qui a également mes faveurs ; le style pendant de ses boucles d'oreilles se retrouve dans les ornements de celle-ci !

I am sorry to say but I like none of the dresses: too long, too bulky sleeves, too much flowers. She can do so much better. Mabel

Blue is a great color for her but the long, totally covered up outfits are so aging. Some modern clothes and a fresh haircut would let her shine even brighter!

All 3 outfits look good on her, also like her hairstyle. She is a very lovely lady. css

She is wearing her usual style of dresses and I don't really like any of them. Large florals on dark background have never been my favourites and they have been around so many years now I am really tired of them. The puffed sleeves of the brown dress throws it totally out of proportion. The top of the Ether dress is rally beautiful but I do not like the bottom.

Nice to see the Duchess again. Somehow we are at Day 3 & 4 but I have missed Days 1 & 2! All the dresses are too long which detracts from them and in the case of the second dress, in particular, appears quite frumpy. The first dress worn with the boots just about works and the last dress would be lovely. I just cannot fathom why she chooses such long outfits.

While I am not a super fan of any of these dresses, Sophie looks lovely, and she is such a credit to the royal family. The very tall woman behind Sophie in the third photo -- that dress is WAY too short and inappropriate for work.

Beautiful Autumn dresses, I particularly love the blue dress, Etro she looks fabulous.

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Princess Anne returns to Canada for the second time in a month

The princess royal is known for her commitment to representing the king at home and abroad.

Princess Anne at Epsom Racecourse on June 04, 2022

The royal family is on the move at the moment! While Prince Harry returns to the UK this weekend and his father, King Charles, heads to Europe for a short solo holiday , Princess Anne is travelling back to Canada. 

The hard-working royal will visit the country on Sunday in her role as President of The Duke of Edinburgh Commonwealth Study Conferences.  

There, she will attend the 2023 conference in Banff, Alberta. 

She last visited Canada just a couple of weeks ago , when she spent time in the Maritime provinces in honour of the Victoria Day weekend. 

During her visit, the mother-of-two attended a poignant event to celebrate 175 years of Canada's oldest military regiment, the 8th Canadian Hussars. 

Princess Anne wore the red and blue colours of the the 8th Canadian Hussars

Princess Anne, 72, looked fabulous as she watched the 8th Canadian Hussars Exercise of the Freedom of the City of Moncton Parade. Donning the Hussars' red and blue colours, Anne wore a regal 'Nehru’ Coat from Shibumi Style in 'Venetian Red'. 

Moncton Mayor Dawn Arnold (right) and Princess Anne look on during the 8th Canadian Hussars Exercise of the Freedom of the City of Moncton Parade on Saturday May 20, 2023.

The royal's fitted coat was comprised of a stunning red fabric embroidered with an oriental design. She teamed her bold scarlet coat with a bright blue dress which boasted a flippy knee-length skirt. 

Princess Anne wearing blue hat and matching coat with pearl necklace

Accessorising to perfection, the only daughter of the late Queen Elizabeth II wrapped up warm in a matching red printed scarf, slipping into black leather court shoes as she was armed with a simple black leather crossbody bag.

Princess Anne wears a green dress with white gloves and a cream handbag

Princess Anne's glamorous tour wardrobe came shortly after the royal channelled her late mother's timeless glamour at a Buckingham Palace garden party. 

Princess Anne speaking with guests

The Princess accessorised her stunning cream coat and feathered hat with a trio of pearls. Her Majesty was rarely seen without her trusty pearls, which became widely recognised as part of her official royal 'uniform' during her 70-year reign. 

And of course it's just a month since Princess Anne's brother, King Charles, and his wife, Queen Camilla, were crowned in a spectacular ceremony at Westminster Abbey. Anne had an important role on the day, acting as the King's Gold-Stick-in-Waiting . 

Princess Royal during the Trooping the Colour parade on June 02, 2022

This meant she essentially acted as the King's bodyguard and was entrusted with his safety. She was pictured leading a procession of armed forces personnel behind King Charles and Queen Consort Camilla's carriage on horseback as they left Westminster Abbey and returned to Buckingham Palace. 

Prince Harry speaks to Princess Anne, Princess Royal during the Coronation of King Charles III and Queen Camilla

And while the Princess didn’t attend the coronation concert on Sunday night, she was back in action once again on Monday, 8 May as she joined a major celebration of volunteering at Gloucester Cathedral. 

READ:  Prince Harry set to testify as unique legal connection with Princess Anne revealed

That was the day of The Big Help Out, which saw people volunteering with charities and local groups to show their support for community work.

Princess Anne speaks with residents at a Coronation street party in Swindon, England.

The Prince and Princess of Wales – and their three children – also took part, with little Prince Louis marking his very first royal engagement . 

Anne, meanwhile, met volunteers from Gloucestershire at the cathedral to recognise the work they do. Volunteer Mandy Bishop said it was an honour to meet the Princess Royal. "For Princess Anne to be here and acknowledge us and what we do - it is a feeling I can never describe," she said.

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Prince harry set to testify as unique legal connection with princess anne revealed, royal siblings who share the closest bond, princess anne makes very surprising confession as she steps in for king charles, princess anne gifted rare honour during overseas trip.

next royal visit to canada 2023

Prince Charles and Camilla coming to Canada for royal tour

Prince Charles and his wife Camilla will be coming to Canada for a three-day royal tour in May, Gov. Gen. Mary Simon announced Monday.

Their short visit will include stops in Newfoundland and Labrador, the National Capital Region and the Northwest Territories.

“Their Royal Highnesses the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall have accepted the Government of Canada’s invitation to undertake a three-day Royal Tour in May,” reads a statement from Rideau Hall.

“Their Royal Highnesses the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall have accepted the Government of Canada’s invitation to undertake a three-day Royal Tour in May. This Royal Tour will include stops in Newfoundland and Labrador, the National Capital Region and the Northwest Territories,” reads a statement from Rideau Hall.

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This comes as part of celebrations of the Queen's Platinum Jubilee this year.

“This visit is a chance for us to showcase the evolution of our country, our diverse and inclusive society, as well as the resilience of Indigenous communities,” said Simon in the release from her office.

In a statement, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s office said that he and his wife Sophie are looking forward to welcoming Charles and Camilla and “showing them some of the many reasons why we take pride in being Canadian.”

Trudeau said the tour will be “an opportunity for Their Royal Highnesses to take part in various initiatives to honour The Queen’s service and dedication to our country, and meet with inspiring Canadians who are making a difference in our communities.”

This visit will be the second time Simon is meeting Charles and Camilla, after meeting them for the first time during her March visit to London.

The couple was last in Canada in 2017 , and took part in Canada 150 celebrations. During that tour Charles and Camilla visited Iqaluit, Ottawa, Wellington, and Trenton, Ont., and Gatineau, Que.

The full itinerary of the tour will be coming “at a later date.”

To mark Her Majesty The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall will visit Canada in May. 🇨🇦 Their Royal Highnesses will meet communities in: 📍 Newfoundland and Labrador 📍 Ottawa 📍 Yellowknife, Northwest Territories #RoyalVisitCanada pic.twitter.com/wVJlGDyLfr

CTVNews.ca Top Stories

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DEVELOPING | Five tornado warnings issued across Quebec and Ontario

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Trudeau contemplated stepping down while 'undefeated,' but is now all in

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau contemplated stepping down while 'undefeated' last year, but ultimately decided that he 'can't' walk away at a time when he thinks the stakes are higher than ever.

Ontario man can't collect lottery prize after he forgets where he bought ticket

An Ontario man who bought a lottery ticket was thrilled to find out he won, but collecting his winnings turned out to be a challenge.

'Pure luck': Alberta man makes 'Price is Right' history with Showcase bid

A Grande Prairie man guessed his way into The Price Is Right history with his showcase bid that was very nearly on the dot.

NDP's Jagmeet Singh says report shows 'a number of MPs' have helped foreign states

NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh says a recent spy watchdog report shows a 'number of MPs' have knowingly provided help to foreign governments, behaviour he calls unethical or even illegal.

WATCH | Residents of town buried in mayflies turn to leafblowers to remove bodies

Residents of an Ohio town had an unusual spring cleaning task to do: remove swarms of dead mayflies.

'My dogs were never trained to harm nobody': Dog owner speaks out after court rules dogs euthanized in fatal senior death

An emotional Denis Bagaric spoke to CTV News outside of court on Thursday after a judge ruled his two remaining dogs would be killed, after a two year court battle on their fate, for the role they played in the death of a Calgary senior in June 2022.

Northern Ont. suspect charged with murder, attempted murder in shooting of police officer

A northern Ontario suspect who was the subject of an intense manhunt has been charged with one count each of murder and attempted murder.

G7 leaders reach deal to use frozen Russian assets to fund Ukraine war efforts

Canada and its G7 allies are in the final stages of a deal that would see US$50 billion loaned to Ukraine.

next royal visit to canada 2023

Woman in sex trade violently assaulted on Vancouver's Downtown Eastside: police

A woman who works in the sex trade was violently, sexually assaulted by a man who picked her up in his car on the Downtown Eastside earlier this week, according to authorities, who say the suspect is still at-large.

Campsite reservation reseller busted by B.C. officials

Someone reselling reservations to two popular B.C. campsites was recently busted by the province, which stepped in and cancelled the bookings.

Border officials say B.C. man facing multiple charges after discovery at Vancouver airport

Canadian border officials say a British Columbia man is facing a raft of drug-trafficking and weapons charges after the discovery of three illegal firearm suppressors at the Vancouver International Airport.

next royal visit to canada 2023

DEVELOPING | 'All the conditions are aligned:' Tornado watch in effect for several areas surrounding Toronto

A tornado watch is in effect for several areas surrounding Toronto. Environment Canada issued the alert Thursday morning, warning of wind gusts with speeds of up to 110 km/h.

Man charged after 90-year-old grandfather killed in assault and stabbing at Etobicoke home

A man has been charged with murder in the death of his 90-year-old grandfather at a home in Etobicoke last April.

One of 15-year-old boys charged in stabbing on TTC bus had concealed knife: police

A 15-year-old boy involved in a stabbing on a TTC bus in Etobicoke on Wednesday was allegedly carrying a knife, Toronto police say.

next royal visit to canada 2023

Petition launched calling for water-shortage compensation in Bowness

A Bowness resident has created a petition calling for financial compensation for those most impacted by the city’s water shortage.

Family of Colton Crowshoe grows frustrated over Alberta justice system delays

The family of murder victim Colton Crowshoe is growing increasingly frustrated with delays in the case.

next royal visit to canada 2023

Severe weather alerts, including tornado warnings, in effect across eastern Ontario

Severe weather moving across eastern Ontario has triggered several alerts, including some tornado warnings.

Ottawa police investigating homicide on Woodroffe Avenue

Ottawa police say a person's death in west Ottawa has been deemed a homicide.

O-Train east extension won't be ready until after May 2025: Amilcar

The head of OC Transpo says the extension of the Confederation Line LRT to the east end will not be ready next spring.

next royal visit to canada 2023

Quebec reaches tentative deal with family doctors

An agreement has finally been reached between Quebec and family doctors on the primary care access window, the Guichet d'acces a la premiere ligne (GAP).

WEATHER | Tornado alerts issued for multiple regions of Quebec

There are tornado warnings in two areas of Quebec, while watches remain in several regions across the province.

Man runs over wife, 80, twice in Montreal hospital parking lot

An 80-year-old woman is in critical condition after she was run over twice by the car being driven by her husband in a Montreal hospital parking lot.

next royal visit to canada 2023

Panthers' Barkov to play in Game 3 while Oilers still have lineup questions

Aleksander Barkov is good to go for Game 3 of the Stanley Cup final. The Oilers, meanwhile, have a couple of injury question marks heading into the crucial tilt at Rogers Place

1 wanted in connection with $900K Edmonton drug bust

More than $900,000 worth of illegal drugs have been removed from Edmonton streets, police say.

next royal visit to canada 2023

Dartmouth man charged with first-degree murder in connection with North Preston shooting: N.S. RCMP

A 26-year-old Dartmouth, N.S., man has been charged with first-degree murder in connection with a shooting in North Preston, N.S.

Weather front approaches the Maritimes with rain and showers Friday into Saturday

Hit-and-miss rain totals were reported across the Maritimes on Wednesday, the result of the scattered coverage of showers and thunderstorms.

Track conditions to make VIA Rail’s Halifax to Montreal journey even longer

VIA Rail says the schedule for its route between Halifax and Montreal is about to become longer due to track conditions and speed limitations in New Brunswick.

next royal visit to canada 2023

RCMP 'won't be able to talk to' bus driver in deadly Carberry crash

As the first anniversary of the Carberry crash approaches, Manitoba RCMP provided an update on the investigation and how the first responders are doing a year later.

Manitoban 'in awe' after witnessing tornado touch down beside him

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Family of victim of admitted serial killer reflects on plan to search landfill

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next royal visit to canada 2023

'Bunch of morons': Regina city council scraps location for permanent emergency shelter

Plans for Regina's new permanent emergency shelter were scrapped Wednesday after seven hours of deliberation by city council.

Four of 6 opening week CFL fines belong to Riders

Four members of the Saskatchewan Roughriders have received fines for their actions in a season opening win over the Edmonton Elks on Saturday.

Five-year-old taken to hospital after being hit by vehicle in north Regina

A five-year-old child was taken to hospital Wednesday afternoon after being hit by a vehicle in north Regina.

next royal visit to canada 2023

'It was me': Video shows moment University of Waterloo attacker admits to triple stabbing

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Police respond to fake call about shooting at Kitchener Market

The Waterloo Regional Police Service (WRPS) responded to the Kitchener Market Thursday afternoon after receiving a weapon-related call.

CTV News Kitchener’s Spencer Turcotte to receive RNAO media award

The Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (RNAO) has announced the recipients of this year’s Media Awards competition and CTV Kitchener’s Spencer Turcotte is one of the winners.

next royal visit to canada 2023

'Need to go further': Saskatoon bus drivers' union says new transit safety plan falls short

Saskatoon Transit unveiled a new plan Thursday to address safety concerns on buses and at terminals, but the union representing its drivers says the plan falls short of what's needed right now.

The Saskatoon driver charged in a fatal crash this week was granted bail

A Saskatoon man charged in connection to a fatal crash in the Kelsey Woodlawn area was granted bail on Thursday.

Sask. Montessori school shuts down following allegations teachers weren't paid

A Montessori school in Saskatoon has permanently closed following multiple claims from teachers that they're missing wages.

Northern Ontario

next royal visit to canada 2023

Two separate Sudbury dog attacks spark fear there will be more

Two dog owners are sharing their stories about recent terrifying and traumatizing dog attacks in the Donovan neighbourhood of Greater Sudbury.

next royal visit to canada 2023

Oxford Pride supporters decry rainbow boardwalk damage as act of hate

Pride month in Oxford County has been marred once again by what some are calling an act of hatred.

Nearly 500 volunteers take part in United Way's 23rd Annual Day of Caring

Nearly 500 volunteers from across the region came together Thursday for United Way’s Annual Day of Caring, an event that benefits the entire community.

Western’s massive residence project on Richmond Street exempted from municipal planning oversight

Stakeholders are sounding the alarm after the provincial government stripped municipalities of the ability to make planning-related decisions about residential development on university lands.

next royal visit to canada 2023

WEATHER ALERT | Tornado watch issued for parts of Simcoe County and Muskoka

Environment Canada has issued a tornado watch for parts of Simcoe County, Muskoka and Dufferin County.

Barrie man, 39, killed in motorcycle crash

Emergency crews attended the scene of the deadly crash involving a motorcycle on Ferndale Drive North shortly after 6 p.m. on Wednesday.

Here's how a group of citizens are helping Barrie police curb auto thefts

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next royal visit to canada 2023

Parental abduction alert in Windsor

The Windsor Police Service has issued a parental abduction alert.

'It's a scam': Windsor's parking enforcement warns of parking ticket text message scam

The City of Windsor is warning residents about a text message scam that tells people to pay their overdue parking tickets.

Tourism coming back strong post-COVID, TWEPI reports

Tourism in the Windsor-Essex area has shown significant recovery since the COVID-19 pandemic, according to Tourism Windsor Essex Pelee Island (TWEPI) leadership.

Vancouver Island

next royal visit to canada 2023

Uber says new B.C. gig-worker rules punish customers, businesses

Ride-hailing company Uber is criticizing the British Columbia government's regulatory changes for gig workers, saying the province is set to drive up costs for residents and drive down demand for local businesses.

Officer shot in deadly B.C. bank shootout details the attack 2 years later

Two years after a deadly gun battle between police and a pair of heavily armed assailants stunned the community of Saanich, B.C., one of the officers who was critically injured in the shootout is speaking about it publicly for the first time.

next royal visit to canada 2023

Pedestrian struck, killed by train in B.C. Interior

One person is dead after being struck by a train in Kamloops Thursday morning.

Targeted shooting in Penticton, B.C., under investigation: RCMP

Mounties in Penticton say they're investigating a shooting that police believe was targeted.

B.C. deer fatally tramples dog, injures woman while protecting fawn

A dog was killed and a woman injured by a deer in West Kelowna Monday night, prompting a warning from B.C. conservation officers.

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Lethbridge Fire and Emergency Services finding new methods to conserve water

Water is an indispensable tool for fighting fires, but lower-than-normal water levels have inspired Lethbridge Fire and Emergency Services (LFES) to find ways to save on water usage.

Blood Tribe to develop family preservation code legislation

The Blood Tribe is announcing the development of its family preservation code legislation, effectively giving the First Nation authority to govern their own children and family services.

Sault Ste. Marie

next royal visit to canada 2023

Sault police raid East Street residence

Officers with the Sault police crime suppression unit executed a search warrant Thursday at a residence on East Street.

SPONSORED | CTV Northern Ontario summer kickoff

Summer begins next week and CTV Northern Ontario wants to help you get ready with ideas and tips for barbecue, salads and desserts.

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Feuding Labrador Indigenous groups -- one recognized, one not -- celebrate court ruling

A Federal Court judge has dismissed a bid by Labrador's Innu Nation to throw out an agreement involving the NunatuKavut Community Council, but both groups claim the ruling is a win.

United flight to Paris diverts to Newfoundland, passengers forced to sleep on benches and floor

Border agents in Gander, N.L., were unavailable or unwilling to process passengers on a diverted flight from Washington to Paris early Monday.

N.L. launching disability benefit to top up federal program and create basic income

The government of Newfoundland and Labrador is launching a disability benefit that will top up the federal government's recently announced aid program.

Local Spotlight

next royal visit to canada 2023

Swift Current offers to temporarily rename itself if Taylor Swift returns to Sask.

In an attempt to invite one of the most popular recording artists in the world to the land of living skies – the City of Swift Current has offered to rename itself in honour of Taylor Swift.

Adult dogs, puppies arrive in Moncton from Manitoba in search of forever homes

More than a dozen dogs arrived by Cargojet early Thursday morning to the People for Animal Wellbeing Shelter to find a permanent place to call home in New Brunswick.

Video captures whale breaching off Peggy's Cove, N.S.

Peggy's Cove, N.S., is one of the most famous locations in the Maritimes. Recent visitors were treated to more than just the iconic landmark.

Hundreds of fans line up to meet the Trailer Park Boys at promotional event

Hundreds of fans lined up to meet the Trailer Park Boys in Dartmouth, N.S., Tuesday, as Ricky, Bubbles and Julian promoted their new brand of potato chips.

'Nothing a little duct tape won't fix': Bear breaks into northern Ont. woman's car, destroys interior before taking nap

Car break-ins plague Canadians across the country, but instead of worrying about theft, a northern Ontario woman is cleaning up a big mess that she says will not be covered by insurance after a black bear broke into her Honda Civic and took a nap.

Albertans attempt to build the world’s tallest Popsicle stick structure

Members of a Hutterite colony in southern Alberta have potentially built the world's tallest structure made of Popsicle sticks.

After 300 days in a B.C. shelter, this dog finally found his forever home

A dog who spent the first three-and-a-half years of his life suffering and almost a year at a shelter has found his forever home, according to the BC SPCA.

Great-grandma celebrates 108th birthday in Vancouver

In most families, ringing in a 100th birthday is a massive milestone. Minni Pelman’s family certainly thinks so – as they celebrate her 108th birthday in the park outside her building.

'It's a unique addition': Winnipeg man adds original Eaton's sign to growing collection

Showing off the latest purchase in his Eaton's collection, Corey Quintaine joked he is rebuilding the former flagship store that used to sit at 320 Portage Avenue one Facebook Marketplace purchase at a time.

next royal visit to canada 2023

Tories appeal to Jewish community ahead of byelection, allege 'betrayal' by Trudeau

The federal Conservatives are asking the Jewish community in a Toronto riding to send Prime Minister Justin Trudeau a message about his "betrayal" by voting for the Tory candidate in an upcoming byelection.

next royal visit to canada 2023

Unanimous U.S. Supreme Court preserves access to widely used abortion medication

The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday unanimously preserved access to a medication that was used in nearly two-thirds of all abortions in the U.S. last year, in the court's first abortion decision since conservative justices overturned Roe v. Wade two years ago.

It's not your imagination. Men really do eat more meat than women, study says

It's a popular notion that men eat more meat than women. Now, new research says it's true around the world.

Mother wants child's ICU visit investigated alongside tonsil surgery deaths at Hamilton hospital

An Ontario mother is sharing her story after she says her daughter almost died following a tonsillectomy at McMaster Children’s Hospital.

next royal visit to canada 2023

What is Apple’s AI doing with your data?

Who were the victims of maya sacrifice ancient dna reveals an unexpected finding.

A new analysis of ancient DNA from the ancient Maya city of Chichén Itzá in Mexico challenges long-held misconceptions about the victims of ritual sacrifice.

Desjardins data breach: Laval police arrest 3 suspects, fourth one being sought

More than five years after a massive data leak of personal information at Desjardins, Laval police announced Wednesday afternoon they have arrested three suspects.


Celine dion goes public with her private health struggles: what we've learned so far.

Celine Dion is opening up about her life-altering neurological disorder ahead of the release of her documentary, 'I Am: Celine Dion.'

next royal visit to canada 2023

Unifor says 35 Global News jobs cut across the country

Unifor says 35 of its members at Global News have been laid off as part of changes announced Wednesday by Corus Entertainment Inc.

Five more arrests, including main suspect, in fraud, data theft at Desjardins

Quebec provincial police have arrested five people in connection with a multimillion-dollar fraud and the theft of data belonging to almost 10 million clients of the co-operative financial group Desjardins.

next royal visit to canada 2023

Double take: 23 sets of twins graduate from single middle school

Twenty-three sets of twins have graduated from a Massachusetts middle school, making up about 10% of the eighth-grade class.

Shake Shack officially opens first Canadian location in downtown Toronto

Shake Shack’s world-famous crinkle-cut fries and smash burgers have finally arrived in Canada.

'They were clapping for me:' Train employee lets seven-year-old transit enthusiast announce next stop north of Toronto

Seven-year-old Nicco Di Mauro’s love of public transit reached a new level last weekend when a Metrolinx employee handed him the microphone on a GO train and let the young commuter make an announcement to his fellow passengers.

next royal visit to canada 2023

Utah Hockey Club will be the name of the NHL team in Salt Lake City for its inaugural season

Utah Hockey Club will be the name of the NHL team playing its games in Salt Lake City beginning this fall, with a long-term identity still to come.

Canada's last Stanley Cup win: How the Montreal Canadiens scored decades of memories

Montreal Canadiens fans have a few words of advice for those in Edmonton now dreaming of lining a parade route and watching their Oilers hoist the Stanley Cup: enjoy the ride.

next royal visit to canada 2023

Tesla shareholders approve CEO Elon Musk's US$56 billion pay package

Tesla shareholders approved CEO Elon Musk's US$56 billion pay package, the electric vehicle-maker said on Thursday, a big thumbs-up to his leadership and an enticement for keeping his focus on his biggest source of wealth.

Zero-emission vehicle registrations jump 53 per cent in the first quarter: StatCan

Significantly more Canadians were driving zero-emissions vehicles in the first quarter compared with a year ago.

Calgary warns of fake parking ticket scam: 'Destroy it'

The Calgary Parking Authority says it has seen the rise of a scam where fraudsters are slapping fake parking tickets on vehicles around the city.

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The 23 Best Places to Go in 2023

By CNT Editors

23 Best Places to Travel in 2023 According to Cond Nast Traveler

This is part of our global guide to the Best Places to Go in 2023—find more travel inspiration here .

In any given year, the exercise of assembling a definitive list of the best places to travel is both exciting and daunting. After all, we’re never short on inspiring places and experiences we hope to cross off. And so, every fall, when we convene to start the process of creating this list, we do so with great care, enlisting our extensively traveled network of writers from around the world—and for the first time this year, editors from other  Condé Nast Traveler markets—to pitch, endorse, defend, and eventually align on the places we believe that you, as our readers, will most want to travel to over the next 12 months.

Our 23 best places to travel in 2023 is a mix of old favorites worth visiting anew, and lesser-trammeled, even once-forbidden, regions ready to welcome travelers—yet they are all unified by highly anticipated new offerings and evolutions. There’s something here for every kind of traveler, whether you seek extraordinary excursions through ancient rainforests, a blossoming terroir-driven culinary scene, or dazzling cultural calendars packed with world-class music and rare art exhibits. We also believe that there’s more that binds than separates these places: an opportunity for richer engagement with local communities, slower travel, and more meaningful—and joyful—human connection. What could better speak to what we hope for in the year ahead?

Here are the 23 destinations—vetted by  Condé Nast Traveler editors from the U.S. U.K. , Spain , and India —to plan your 2023 travels around. Let them guide your next adventure. —Arati Menon and Megan Spurrell

All listings featured in this story are independently selected by our editors. However, when you book something through our retail links, we may earn an affiliate commission.

The Best Places to Go in 2023

Auckland, new zealand.

Go for: Cultural and sporting events, new hotels, improved flight connectivity

Image may contain Building Architecture Tower Landmark Sky Tower  Auckland Construction Crane and Construction

Auckland will be one of nine cities to host the FIFA Women's World Cup in 2023. 

Image may contain Water Coast Outdoors Beach Nature Shoreline Sea Walking Person Promontory and Photography

In June 2023, Qantas will begin running non-stop flights from New York City to Auckland. 

Widely praised for its containment of COVID-19, New Zealand held out until September of this year to finally eliminate travel restrictions introduced during the pandemic. Needless to say, the island nation is mightily gearing up for the throngs of foreign visitors anticipated in the coming year, especially in the city of Auckland .

Air connectivity with the U.S. has never been stronger. Nonstop flights are currently running from six American cities; the world’s fourth-longest leg, Air New Zealand’s nearly-17-hour flagship from New York City, debuted in September. Australian carrier Qantas has also announced its own direct flight to New York City, coming in June 2023.

Meanwhile, Auckland’s jam-packed events calendar seems to be making up for lost time. After a three-year hiatus, the popular Lantern Festival will be held in February 2023 to celebrate Chinese New Year. Pasifika , the largest Pacific Island cultural festival in the world, is returning in March 2023 after a two-year pause. And, in July, the quadrennial FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023 will swing down under to nine host cities across New Zealand and Australia, with Auckland’s games held in Eden Park.

Aside from Auckland’s newest attractions that outsiders have yet to experience—like the $350M eco-sensitive Te Wānanga waterfront development on Quay Street—three years’ worth of flashy hotel openings also await. There’s the Park Hyatt , QT Auckland , the charming Hotel Fitzroy , and Hotel Britomart , New Zealand’s only 5-Green-Star certified hotel. Stays in the city pair perfectly with newcomers in Auckland’s rural periphery, like the Scandi-inspired Parohe Island Retreat and golf-centric Te Arai . Should you journey further into Aotearoa, new multi-day tours by luxury rail operator Great Journeys depart from Auckland Rail Station. From the looks of it, 2023 will—finally—give Auckland its time to shine. —Paul Jebara

British Columbia, Canada

Go for: New Indigenous-led experiences and wilderness lodges

The newly opened Klahoose Wilderness Resort invites guests to learn about Klahoose First Nation Culture—and experience...

The newly opened Klahoose Wilderness Resort invites guests to learn about Klahoose First Nation Culture—and experience fantastic wildlife viewing—in British Columbia's remote Desolation Sound. 

The province of British Columbia is renowned for its pristine natural beauty, from the Rockies to the storm-battered islands of Haida Gwaii , and new Indigenous-led experiences are connecting travelers to the cultures most closely tied to the land. At Haida-owned and -operated Haida House —which launched its new longhouse-style oceanfront cabins in May 2022—guests will explore Haida Gwaii while learning about the Haida worldview of Yah’guudang, meaning “respect for all living things and the interdependence that binds us.” Haida House guests will visit the islands’ ancestral village sites—including The Village of Queen Charlotte, which was recently restored to its Indigenous name of Daajing Giids, in an unprecedented move.

Further east, in the interior Chilcotin region of B.C., Indigenous-owned and -operated Nemiah Valley Lodge will open for its first full season next June. The lodge marks the first tourism venture on Tsilhqot’in title lands after a landmark ruling awarded the First Nation rights to their traditional territory. In 2023, they’re adding a sweat lodge experience and kayaking on Chilko Lake—Canada’s highest-elevation freshwater lake—led by Tsilhqot’in cultural ambassadors from the local Xeni Gwet’in community.

Back on the coast, Klahoose Wilderness Resort is also new on the scene, with a focus on Klahoose First Nation culture and wildlife viewing in remote Desolation Sound. There’s also Tofino Wilderness Resort  in Quait Bay on Vancouver Island , which will open under Ahousaht First Nation ownership in 2023. But Indigenous culture will also make its mark in the bustling heart of British Columbia: Salmon n’ Bannock , Vancouver’s only Indigenous restaurant, is opening Salmon n’ Bannock on the Fly at the Vancouver airport, the first Indigenous restaurant in a Canadian airport—and a welcome way to bookend a trip to the region. —Chloe Berge

Central California Coast, U.S.A.

Go for: New wine country stays, standout tasting rooms and restaurants

New accommodations like The Inn at Mattei's Tavern Auberge Resorts Collection are making the central California coast...

New accommodations like The Inn at Mattei's Tavern, Auberge Resorts Collection, are making the central California coast one of the state's hippest food-and-wine-focused getaways—and there's even more to come in 2023. 

A patchwork of laid-back beach towns , trail-laced redwood forests, and vineyards producing standout Syrah, Pinot Noir, and Chardonnay, the Central Coast has been on our radar for a while now. Yet, all at once, it seems the region’s lesser-known destinations are taking on cooler second lives. In the Santa Ynez Valley , cowboy towns like Los Alamos and Los Olivos float on the same intriguing whispers that Joshua Tree did a decade ago (known, but not too known). The valley has emerged as the hippest new getaway for Angelinos, with its mix of funky tasting rooms like disco ball-decorated Future Perfect Wines , casually chic restaurants such as seafood tavern Bar Le Côte , and new accommodations, most notably the Inn at Mattei’s Tavern . Auberge Resorts Collection recently resurrected the latter, a beloved 19 th century landmark with a cabana-lined pool, a spa curated by New York City’s cult outfit The Well , and four restaurants, including a smokehouse that juxtaposes open-fire cooking and Shanghainese flavors. One hour north, Paso Robles , has finally shed its serious oenophiles-only image. Tin City , an approachable collection of wineries and breweries set within an industrial market, feels reminiscent of Santa Barbara’s Funk Zone , and boasts San Luis Obispo County’s only Michelin-decorated restaurant, Six Test Kitchen . Next year, the revival whizzes at Nomada Group will reopen two historic hotels—Farmhouse Motel, a 1940s spot downtown, and River Lodge, set at the entrance of Route 46 minutes from top wineries. They’ve even made the unassuming frontier town of Pozo, 30 minutes from downtown, Insta-cool by recently reviving the Saloon , where Willie Nelson once played, and adding airstreams and glamping tents as crash pads. —Jen Murphy

Go for: One-of-a-kind archaeological museums, waterfront resorts, cruises

The much-delayed Grand Egyptian Museum in Giza, pegged to be the world's largest archaeological museum, is set to finally open in 2023 with all objects excavated from Tutankhamun’s tomb.

A far more hopeful period is afoot in Egypt after a decade of upheaval catalyzed by the Arab Spring. This year marked the centennial of the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb—and in November 2022, Egypt hosted the United Nations Climate Summit, COP 27.

Long-laid plans will finally come to fruition in the year ahead, with many high-profile projects, including the much-delayed Grand Egyptian Museum in Giza, set to open at last. Pegged to be the world’s largest archaeological museum, the space—slated for a 2023 opening—will contain priceless items, including all objects excavated from Tutankhamun’s tomb. Further touristic draws, Egyptology-wise, stem from the exciting return of certain artifacts from the Metropolitan Museum of Art , as well as the relocation of the nation’s vast collection of royal mummies to the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization in Cairo .

Grander transformations are afoot, with new infrastructure—and a new capital—rapidly taking shape. A development not without its controversies, Egypt’s New Administrative Capital, to the east of Cairo, will replace the current one as the country's governmental center, boasting Africa’s tallest tower and the 22-mile-long Green River Park, designed to look like the Nile River . On that note: Viking River Cruises have expanded their fleet yet again, with the Viking Aton due to launch in August 2023, sailing their popular  Pharaohs & Pyramids  itinerary. Meanwhile, the opening of eco-resort The Chedi El Gouna on the Red Sea is penciled in for December 2022—yet another reason for a multi-stop journey through Egypt. —Gilly Hopper

Galilee, Israel

Go for: Charming boutique hotels, vineyards, improved connectivity

Pereh Mountain Resort is one of several new boutique hotels to have recently opened in this part of Israel drawing...

Pereh Mountain Resort is one of several new boutique hotels to have recently opened in this part of Israel, drawing international tourists to the rural food and wine destination. 

Perched atop a hill and surrounded by olive groves and orchards the Pereh Mountain Resort underscores why Galilee has...

Perched atop a hill and surrounded by olive groves and orchards, the Pereh Mountain Resort underscores why Galilee has earned its nickname as the Tuscany of Israel. 

For decades, food and wine aficionados from Tel Aviv have been making the windy drive north to Israel’s Galilee region, where the landscape unfolds into lush green hills and valleys. For locals, this fertile corner filled with fruit farms, organic dairies, and family-run wineries, has long been revered as Israel’s own Tuscany.

And now, international tourists are discovering the region’s bounty as well: A flurry of new boutique hotels have opened over the past year, including the Pereh Mountain Resort , perched atop a hill and surrounded by olive groves and orchards; and the Galei Kinneret , reborn with a kitchen led by celebrity chef Assaf Granit. At The Farmhouse , which also opened in 2021, guests sleep among vineyards, and after Watsu pool therapy and jeep tours, are invited to pair local wines with artisanal cheeses and local produce. Tiberias, the Galilee’s largest city, is also set for a facelift with a new promenade along the same shores where Jesus is said to have walked on water—and new direct flights to Israel from Atlanta (Delta; starting in May) and Miami (American; beginning in October) will make access in 2023 easier than ever. —Debra Kamin

Go for: City hotspots, island getaways, and dazzling safari lodges

Take advantage of new openings in Nairobi and the Lamu archipelago, then check in to Angama Amboseli, a new lodge in Amboseli National Park opening in November 2023. 

​​ Kenya has long been a big draw for safari travelers, but there’s much more to see beyond the Masai Mara—and there are compelling new reasons to crisscross the country. While Nairobi was often relegated to one-night layovers en route to the bush, innovative new hotel concepts like The Social House Nairobi , which opened just before the pandemic, are beckoning visitors to linger awhile. The 83 sleek rooms are brimming with local products, like Kenyan coffee and toiletries, and the four restaurants and café are hot spots for Nairobi’s creative set to converge. Nairobi’s restaurant scene is also thriving, with creative kitchens like the farm-to-table Cultiva , the brainchild of Ecuadorian chef Ariel Moscardi, who fell in love with Nairobi during a short visit; he’s now at work on an experimental chef’s-table offshoot called Aya set to open next year. Plus, on the heels of opening her home to guests as the art-filled Eden Nairobi in 2021, designer Anna Trzebinski has now set her sights on the coast. She’s taken over three apartments in the beguiling island archipelago of Lamu , filled them with furniture and decor she designed, and will unveil them as Jannah Shela in 2023. With gorgeous indoor-outdoor spaces and a rooftop bar with the best views in Lamu, this is a chic hideaway for a new wave of travelers—both Kenyan and international. For those who can’t get enough of Angama Mara ’s dazzling details, the November 2023 opening of Angama Amboseli brings its contemporary African design to Amboseli National Park further south, where 10 tented suites come with sweeping views of Mount Kilimanjaro . — Sarah Khan

Loire Valley, France

Go for: New hotels and restaurants in historic châteaux, luxury train journeys

Gatronomic getaways like Fleur de Loire opened last July are proving that the Loire Valley has more to offer than...

Gatronomic getaways like Fleur de Loire, opened last July, are proving that the Loire Valley has more to offer than historical châteaux (though there are plenty of those). 

Fleur de Loire from Michelinstar chef Christophe Hay has two restaurants a pastry shop and a 2.5acre garden from which...

Fleur de Loire from Michelin-star chef Christophe Hay has two restaurants, a pastry shop, and a 2.5-acre garden from which his ingredients are sourced. 

The Loire Valley has always banked on its abundance of royal châteaux and lush landscapes to draw in travelers. But it wasn’t until very recently, thanks to the initiative of hoteliers, creatives, and chefs, that the region sought to go beyond its picturesque historical marvels to establish new reasons to visit.

That effort began in 2020, with the gastronomic and nature-inspired getaways offered at Loire Valley Lodges and Les Sources de Cheverny , and has shown no signs of stopping. Raising the bar in a big way has been Fleur de Loire , double Michelin-star chef Christophe Hay’s fine-dining-led hotel in Blois, overlooking the Loire River, which opened last July. Hay restored a former 17th-century hospice to set up two restaurants, a pastry shop, a Sisley spa, 44 elegantly appointed rooms, and a 2.5-acre garden which supplies all of the produce for his cooking.

Yet there is also novelty for those who can’t shake the urge to sleep within the majestic confines of a castle. The Château Louise de La Vallière is a new 5-star Relais & Châteaux offering in forestland tucked between Tours and Amboise, open as of October 2022. Occupying a 16th-century château set within a 47-acre park that served as the first holiday residence of Louise de la Vallière, the first official mistress of Louis XIV, the 20-room property has been restored and redesigned by Jacques Garcia to its centuries-old glory: it approximates the style and customs of the era, down to the period dress sported by staff, in addition to original paintings, tapestries, decorative pieces, and even mealtime rituals.

It makes for a suitable home base to visit the Royal Château of Amboise in 2023 when the Saint-Hubert chapel, the resting place of Leonardo De Vinci, reopens after nearly two years of renovations. The Château will also host a new, year-long exhibition dedicated to Louis XI on the 600th anniversary of his birth.

But the newest way to make a stopover arrives next summer with the inaugural Le Grand Tour experience from Puy du Fou. The six-day luxury train journey spans a more than 2,000-mile tour of France in a Belle Epoque carriage, bringing guests to Chenonceau for a night, with private visits to the namesake château. —Lindsey Tramuta

Marrakech, Morocco

Go for: New riads in the city, desert stays, art and design exhibits

In addition to buzzy new hotel openings in central Marrakech the Burning Maninspired Habitas Agafay has just begun...

In addition to buzzy new hotel openings in central Marrakech, the Burning Man–inspired Habitas Agafay has just begun welcoming visitors to the Agafay Desert, a mere 45-minute drive from the city's medina. 

Marrakech has a dizzying energy that pulls you in, spins you around, and leaves you wanting more. All good reasons to make sure you have a soothing home for the night—and you will, thanks to a handful of exciting openings. Dreamy riad El Fenn has just added ten new rooms in the hotel’s signature style, mixing intricate artisanal details, bold colors, and striking contemporary art. On the other side of the medina, two new spots are coming this spring. Firstly, Rosemary , a bijou new riad with a calming courtyard and sunny rooftop, from Laurence Leenaert, the designer behind the LRNCE brand of ceramics and textiles. In the leafy Hivernage neighborhood, home to some of the city’s best nightlife, a new Nobu hotel will breathe new life into the former Pearl Hotel. Out in the Agafay Desert, a 45-minute drive from the medina, Habitas has just opened the Burning Man–inspired Caravan Agafay . Don’t go expecting rolling Sahara-style dunes—the stone desert here looks more lunar than sandy—but do expect boho tents, swimming pools, moon gazing, and plenty more. 

Marrakech itself continues to be a magnet for artists and designers: The new Monde des Arts de la Parure showcases 3,000 pieces of jewelry, ornaments, and textiles from more than 50 countries in a three-story wood-and-brick space lit by a dramatic octagonal skylight. At the Museum of African Contemporary Art Al Maaden (MACAAL), Malagasy artist Joël Andrianomearisoa’s “Our Land Just Like A Dream” explores traditional Moroccan creative knowledge, filling the museum’s spaces with works made exclusively in Marrakech through July 2023. —Nicola Chilton

Melides, Portugal

Go for: Lesser-known beaches, design-forward stays

The Manuel Aires Mateusdesigned Pa.te.os has just opened in Melides with four discreet houses that blend into 80 acres...

The Manuel Aires Mateus-designed Pa.te.os has just opened in Melides, with four discreet houses that blend into 80 acres of Mediterranean landscape. 

Comporta’s lesser-known sister has been quietly simmering for some time now, but 2023 is set to become the year Melides emerges as the Portuguese beach spot to know. Its alluring landscape of white-sand beaches, pine forests, and rice fields will soon welcome exciting new properties, including Christian Louboutin’s much-awaited Vermelho this coming spring. The designer discovered the charm of Melides early—he’s been visiting for 10 years to design his winter collections, even naming one of his shoe lines Melides—and the boutique property will celebrate Portuguese artisanship and design traditions.

And there are others: Spatia —the Comporta resort frequented by travelers looking for minimalist design and quiet respite—will open a second hotel in Melides in 2023, while Umay’s otherworldly villas, inspired by the geometry of seashells, will follow in 2024. Also new to the area is the recently opened Pa. te .os , consisting of four discreet houses on 80 hectares of land, designed by famed Portuguese architect Manuel Aires Mateus to blend into the Mediterranean landscape.

Hotels aside, other 2022 openings like the Melides Pottery Museum, which celebrates Portugal’s rich ceramic history, and beach-front restaurants like À Toa on Praia de Melides , add to the excitement around this buzzy destination. —Abigail Malbon

Memphis, Tennessee

Go for: New public spaces, restaurants and hotels that highlight the city's heritage

The Memphian Hotel is an eyecatching marker of the city's hotel boom—it's just one of eight new properties opened in 2022.

The Memphian Hotel is an eye-catching marker of the city's hotel boom—it's just one of eight new properties opened in 2022. 

The Memphian Hotel shines a light on the city's heritage through design and cuisine much like the city's coolest new...

The Memphian Hotel shines a light on the city's heritage through design and cuisine, much like the city's coolest new restaurants.

Nashville claims a lot of national buzz, but the city of Memphis has been quietly reshaping itself to be the hottest destination in Tennessee. Over the past decade, its downtown has invested billions in revitalization projects—and now, visitors can begin reaping the benefits.

An upgraded Tom Lee Park will open downtown in 2023, and in time for Memphis in May , a month-long festival celebrating the city’s culture with the famed Beale Street Music Festival and the World Championship Barbecue Cooking Contest. The $60 million transformation will add new pavilions, meditative paths, riverfront seating, sound gardens, and the Canopy Walk connecting the park to downtown—all a fitting tribute to the park’s heroic namesake, a Black Memphian who, nearly a century ago, rescued passengers from a sinking steamboat on the Mississippi River. Next up: The Walk on Union , said to be the largest new mixed-use development in the Southeast, will play host to retail businesses, green spaces, and two new Hilton hotels as it opens in phases over the next few years.

Memphis is experiencing a hotel boom, with eight new properties in 2022 and more on the way. Recently opened are the funky  The Memphian and Hyatt's first  Caption concept, both of which shine a light on the city’s heritage through design and cuisine, much like the latest crop of Memphis restaurants. Barbecue still reigns, but the city’s trendiest spots are lightening things up: Raw Girls now has two brick-and-mortar smoothie and juice bars, Food Network star chef Tamra Patterson will open a new vegetarian spot in 2023, and craft cocktail bar Cameo , opened this year, serves up sophisticated mocktails. —Kelsey Ogletree

Mendoza, Argentina

Go for: Women-led food experiences, new lodges on iconic vineyards

At the foot of the majestic Andes a crop of stylish new restaurants and hotels—many spearheaded by women—are giving...

At the foot of the majestic Andes, a crop of stylish new restaurants and hotels—many spearheaded by women—are giving travelers a new reason to raise a glass in Argentina's wine capital. 

Toasting with Malbec in front of the majestic Andes is how people celebrate in Mendoza , and a slew of stylish restaurant and hotel openings—many of which are spearheaded by women—provides ever more reason to raise a glass in Argentina’s Great Wine Capital (it is just 90 minutes by plane from Buenos Aires , after all).

Mendoza’s new bodega wining and dining experiences are many. There’s chef Patricia Courtois’s 5 Suelos at Durigutti Family Winemakers (opened April 2022), sommelier Camila Cerezo Pawlak’s Ruda restaurant in Tupungato Winelands (January 2022), and Catena Zapata’s opulent Angélica named for the family matriarch (November 2022).

Zonda at Bodega Lagarde—an organic, B-Corp certified winery that marks its 125th anniversary in 2023—stands out, however, for showcasing the best of Mendoza, from fantastic vintages down to its hard-carved teaspoons. Owner Sofia Pescarmona shares her family’s terroir with guests, who gather herbs and veggies and get a little messy making empanadas during Zonda’s immersive garden-to-table experience. Efforts are rewarded with a nine-course regional tasting menu paired with Lagarde wines, including the refreshing Proyecto Hermanas White Blend that Sofia makes with sister Lucila.

Plus, the latest venture of Susana Balbo—Argentina’s trailblazing female oenologist who helms her namesake winery—saw her lovingly refurbish a mansion with daughter Ana Lovaglio, unveiling it as the seven-suite SB Winemaker’s Lodge & Spa in April 2022; chef Flavia Amad Di Leo runs both the bodega and the hotel’s restaurants. Invigorated by in-room massages and asado by the pool, adventurous guests can then hire the lodge’s VisionAir seaplane, Argentina’s only such aircraft, and explore hidden corners of the world’s eighth-largest country. —Sorrel Moseley-Williams

Mustang, Nepal

Go for: Luxury mountain retreats, rare experiences in a remote destination

From design virtuoso Bill Bensley, the all-inclusive Shinta Mani, set in the remote, once-forbidden region of Mustang, is arguably Asia's most anticipated hotel opening of 2023. 

For decades, Nepal has been the Himalayan destination of choice for backpackers and trekkers drawn to its deep-rooted spirituality, endless adventure offerings, and those sky-piercing peaks. This hasn’t been the case for many luxury-minded travelers, though, who often chose neighboring Bhutan for its superior clutch of upscale mountain lodges. That will change in 2023 as Nepal unveils a wave of first-rate boutique accommodations and experiences.

Much of this shift is courtesy the recent update of Mountain Lodges of Nepal , a family-owned collection of deluxe accommodations scattered around the ultra-scenic Annapurna and Everest regions. By the end of 2023, they will introduce 15 premium, intimate lodges—a mixture of refurbished sites and new builds combining tradition (stone walls and colorful cultural motifs) with modernity (like dramatic floor-to-ceiling glass windows)—while offering multi-day treks, wild honey hunting, and helicopter rides to a Mount Everest-facing Champagne breakfast.

Come 2023, the 29-suite Shinta Mani Mustang, a Bensley Collection , arguably Asia’s most anticipated hotel opening, will open in the remote, once-forbidden ancient kingdom region of Mustang. Spearheaded by design virtuoso Bill Bensley, the all-inclusive mountain retreat brings together Tibetan design (incorporating upcycled materials), traditional wellness programs, unique experiences—like guided explorations of the mysterious, ancient “sky caves”—and unparalleled access to one of the Himalaya’s last frontiers. —Travis Levius

Ollantaytambo, Peru

Go for: Old-meets-new food and drink experiences, eco-stays

Ancestral earthen oven cooking known as pachamanca is offered to guests at El Albergue Ollantaytambo part of the...

Ancestral earthen oven cooking known as pachamanca is offered to guests at El Albergue Ollantaytambo, part of the region's growing effort to showcase Andean food and drink traditions to a wider audience. 

The 100yearold El Albergue Ollantaytambo also functions as a quintessential home base for travelers in the Sacred Valley...

The 100-year-old El Albergue Ollantaytambo also functions as a quintessential home base for travelers in the Sacred Valley, proving the village of Ollantaytambo is more than a pit stop en route to Machu Picchu.

Ollantaytambo is best known for its archeological site, a hillside Incan fortress that draws travelers off the train to Machu Picchu. But of late, the village has also become a terroir-driven culinary epicenter in the Sacred Valley, with local entrepreneurs placing a new era of the Andean food and drink traditions on the world stage. Taste herbaceous high-elevation rums, or infuse your own, at Destilería Andina ; sip Andean coffee, or roast souvenir beans, at Cafe Mayu ; and sample craft beer flavored with local fruit at Cerveceria del Valle Sagrado . Old and new continue to meet, through farm-to-table fare paired with creative cocktails at Chuncho ; meanwhile, tradition takes precedence with ancestral earthen oven pachamanca cooking in El Albergue Ollantaytambo ’s farm tour meals. And look for Destilería Andina’s new location with a full-service bar, opening in mid-2023, near Cerveceria del Valle Sagrado.

Don’t make the mistake of hopping on the train after a meal, either—unique hotels further the case for staying the night. The 100-year-old El Albergue Ollantaytambo is a classic home base, but you can also pamper yourself at the Qolqas Eco Lodge (spa included), or sleep perched in a mountainside capsule with valley views at Skylodge Adventure Suites . The latter opened in 2013, but the brand’s new Starlodge Adventure Suites and onsen are 2022 additions.

Plan your trip around cultural moments for the full experience: The Señor de Choquekillka festival, 50 days after Easter, honors the village’s patron saint with food, music, and dance; locals celebrate the winter solstice in June; and the entire village revels during Ollantaytambo’s anniversary every October. —Nico Vera

Queensland, Australia

Go for: Indigenous-led experiences, swanky new hotels

Image may contain Outdoors Nature Sea Water Coast Shoreline Animal Sea Life Shark Fish and Aerial View

Queensland has returned thousands of acres to Indigenous groups over the last two years, a shift that has yielded special new experiences for travelers. 

Image may contain Animal Bird Parrot and Beak

New Indigenous-owned and -run experiences include moonlit spearfishing in Daintree National Park, alongside Eastern Kuku Yalanji guides, and Torres Strait Islander-led day trips from Cairns.

Australia is making an effort to return land to its native people, and Queensland has been leading the way, with thousands of acres going back to Indigenous groups over the last two years. For travelers, this shift is yielding new experiences guided by the insight of the original stewards of the land.

The ancient rainforest of the UNESCO World Heritage–listed Daintree National Park was part of a parcel returned in 2021, and now the Eastern Kuku Yalanji people are managing the national park alongside the state government. At the newly opened Mossman Gorge Cultural Centre , an ecotourism hub operated by mostly Indigenous staff, visitors walk the land with traditional custodians as guides; Kuku Yalanji Cultural Habitat Tours include night walking, crabbing, and spearfishing under the moon; and on Walkabout Cultural Adventures , Indigenous plants and medicines are highlighted on guided rainforest excursions.

Further north, lands near the Torres Strait Islands—there are at least 274 in the strait between Australia and New Guinea—were returned to Torres Strait Islanders of Aboriginal, Melanesian, and Australian background last year. Now, local Indigenous entrepreneurs have launched companies like Strait Experience , which offers a first-of-its-kind day trip to the islands from Cairns, making the destination more accessible than ever.

Bookend your adventures with a night in any of the chic hotels and resorts set to call Queensland home in 2023, including the Mondrian Gold Coast and the Ritz-Carlton Brisbane, part of the Queens’ Wharf project that is transforming the river’s edge. These join a new luxury hotel faction including The Langham Gold Coast and Dorsett Gold Coast , both of which opened last summer.

Lastly, don’t skip a visit to Queensland’s capital: Brisbane’s Suncorp Stadium will host eight games in July and August for the 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup, co-hosted by Australia and New Zealand. Good thing getting to Queensland is easier than ever, thanks to three weekly nonstop flights between San Francisco and Brisbane, added by United Airlines in October 2022. —Devorah Lev-Tov

Sharjah, United Arab Emirates

Go for: Landmark art and architecture events, atmospheric new hotels

The Sharjah Biennial opens in February to celebrate its 30th anniversary with works from more than 150 artists from 70...

The Sharjah Biennial opens in February to celebrate its 30th anniversary, with works from more than 150 artists from 70 countries (above, an installation at the 2017 event, by Joe Namy).

While it might seem like Dubai continues to monopolize much of the U.A.E.’s glitz and buzz, neighboring Sharjah has been quietly asserting itself as the cultural capital of the Emirates. On the heels of striking new galleries from the Sharjah Arts Foundation and architectural marvels like the Foster + Partners–designed House of Wisdom library, the Sharjah Biennial opens in February, on its 30th anniversary, with works from more than 150 artists from 70 countries. Also on deck is the Sharjah Architecture Triennial, curated by Nigerian architect Tosin Oshinowo in collaboration with visionaries like India’s Rahul Mehrotra and Brazil’s Paulo Tavares. The most atmospheric place to stay in Sharjah is the Chedi Al Bait , a tangle of 53 rooms and eight suites spread across a series of ocher courtyards in the historic district. This year, it gets a refresh with the addition of a 12-room boutique wing built in a 100-year-old family home. There are plush new ways to explore the less-explored emirate’s natural splendors as well. Lux Resorts and Hotels, known for its swanky digs in Mauritius , the Maldives , and China , is making its Middle Eastern debut with two new retreats in Sharjah coming in 2023: Lux Al Jabal is a beach escape overlooking an untouched stretch of the Gulf of Oman, while Lux Al Bridi will be a safari camp brimming with wildlife in the sprawling Al Bridi Nature Reserve. —Sarah Khan

Srinagar, India

Go for: New infrastructure for easier road tripping, elevated nature retreats

Image may contain Person Transportation Vehicle Boat Water Sports Rowboat Sport Canoeing Water and Canoe

Srinagar, an alluring and once hard-to-visit destination in the Kashmir Valley, is opening up to travelers in a big way in 2023, with new roadways making it easier than ever to get in and around. 

In the heart of the Kashmir Valley, the gem of Srinagar—with its winding waterways and colorful houseboats—is equally alluring and challenging to plan a visit to. Yet the destination seems to be shifting gears, with the government greenlighting development projects that will benefit travelers.

Srinagar has some vibrant new openings:  Karan Mahal , a swanky, intimate stay in the historic residence of Kashmir’s former rulers and amid nearly 60 acres of orchards and woods, launched last year, while  Qayaam Gah , a stylish, Sufi-inspired nature retreat in the Zabarwan Hills, with unfettered bird’s-eye views of Dal Lake, opened this summer. Additionally, Indian Hotels Company Limited (also behind the Taj Hotels) will bring its affordable brand, Ginger Hotels , to Srinagar in the first half of 2023.

The capital is also about to get a boost in accessibility, with a spate of highways and tunnels planned to open in 2023 that will, among other connections, make it easier to drive from Kashmir—across breathtaking landscapes—to neighboring Ladakh, even in winter. Other side trips that will be easier to reach, thanks to the new infrastructure: Sonamarg (which translates to “golden meadow”), a stunning hill station that is poised for substantial tourism development in the years to come, and Pahalgam, an idyllic getaway that has long drawn travelers to its pastoral charms. The latter will see, in early 2023, the opening of  Shepherd’s Barn , a cottage stay by Ramneek Kaur (whose family owns the Bollywood-favorite  Pahalgam Hotel ), which will add rooms to an existing program of craft tours and local activities under the auspices of the Shepherd Crafts Cultural Centre. With so much change underfoot, there is no better time to experience the area— and before everyone else starts to do the same. —Saumya Ancheri

Go for: The performing arts center, two years' worth of hotel and restaurant openings

After a decade of construction the Taipei Performing Arts Center has finally opened—just as the country has begun...

After a decade of construction, the Taipei Performing Arts Center has finally opened—just as the country has begun welcoming international visitors again. 

Elegant towering teahouses, otherworldly landscapes, and culinary excellence have long tempted travelers to Taiwan . Now, after more than two years, the island nation has reopened its borders to international visitors—and there’s quite a bit to catch up on.

One decade of construction later, the Taipei Performing Arts Center is finally open, with three performance spaces housed within sleek geometric buildings. A few kilometers south, the stylish Hotel Resonance Taipei recently unbolted its doors with 175 fresh guest rooms, offering sweeping city views and sleek modern interiors. Just before borders closed, the Taipei location of The Place hotel—equal parts polished and relaxing, with a teahouse in its lobby—opened in Nangang, and a design-forward branch of the Kimpton set down roots in the Da’An District. There’s even more to come, with the Sotetsu Grand Fresa Taipei Ximen slated to open in 2023 in the bustling Ximending, which was just named one of the “51 Coolest Neighborhoods In The World” by Time Out. Plan your meals around any of the five restaurants that earned Michelin stars in 2022: Shin Yeh Taiwanese Signature, Holt, Yu Kapo, Paris 1930 de Hideki Takayama, and Sushiyoshi.

Meanwhile, Taiwan’s oldest city, Tainan, has been attracting travelers who hop on the high-speed rail, headed for one of the 44 restaurants that earned Tainan its addition to the 2022 Michelin Guide . Also making it worth the trip: Anping Tree House, an abandoned warehouse that has been swallowed by banyan trees; the colorful and artsy Shennong Street; and when you’re ready for a nap, Mao House , a chic bed and breakfast that stands in stark contrast to its architecturally staid neighbors. —Ella Quittner

Turks and Caicos

Go for: Easier access to remote islands, cruise upgrades, sleek resorts

Bigdeal infrastructure enhancements are making it easier to reach Turks and Caicos less frequented outer islands...

Big-deal infrastructure enhancements are making it easier to reach Turks and Caicos’ less frequented outer islands, changing what it means to have an exclusive experience in the archipelago.

The exquisite white sands and blue waters of Grace Bay Beach have long been the coveted endgame for visitors to Turks and Caicos . Lately, though, a wave of new hotels and developments in more remote parts of the island chain are changing what it means to have an exclusive experience here. 

Leading the way, the 46-unit Rock House opened this past May, with its sleek Mediterranean style (a departure from the archipelago’s traditional colonial aesthetic), private plunge pools, and sustainability efforts that preserve native foliage and limestone. But Rock House’s real magic is undeniably in its location: a clifftop perch above a secluded beach on Grace Bay’s north shore, where you can while away your days snorkeling in a protected marine sanctuary. More properties slated to come in 2023 include the 31-acre South Bank Turks & Caicos , a residential resort and marina, opening in March, at the top of Long Bay Beach with 18 waterfront villas and a five-acre swimming lagoon. The Strand Turks & Caicos will follow later in 2023, 20 minutes south of Grace Bay, with oceanfront residences and what feels like its own peninsula on Cooper Jack Bay.

Big-deal infrastructure enhancements are also making it easier to reach Turks and Caicos’ less frequented outer islands. On Grand Turks, a $25 million dock extension is set to welcome larger cruise ships in 2023. And on tiny South Caicos, a significant upgrade to the single-runway South Caicos Airport is scheduled for completion in June, meaning improved access to the least populated of the islands—like the uber-luxe Sailrock Resort , a favorite of celebs like Justin Bieber and Regina King. —Nina Kokotas Hahn

Go for: A revived cultural calendar, dazzling new hotels

In 2023, Vienna will welcome the return of the Viennese ball season after a two-year hiatus. 

Vienna has long been a European capital of groundbreaking art and music, and in 2023 the city has several landmark anniversaries on its cultural calendar.

After a two-year hiatus, the 2023 Viennese ball season promises lush nights of live orchestral music and dancing in black-tie. Two of the year’s sparkliest, the Vienna Opera Ball and the Vienna Philharmonic Ball, are also marking their 65th and 80th anniversaries, respectively. The latter is returning  on January 19 with performances by the legendary orchestra. Meanwhile, the Opera Ball, to be held  on February 16 , will host dancing “Under the Sign of Solidarity”—the night’s theme—in collaboration with  Österreich hilft Österreich (Austria Helps Austria) to fundraise for those most impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Belvedere, home to Gustav Klimt’s famous  The Kiss , is celebrating 300 years since its completion with a year-long exhibition, “ The Belvedere: 300 Years a Place of Art ,” paying homage to the museum’s impact on Viennese art history. Also not to be missed in 2023: “ Klimt. Inspired by Van Gogh, Rodin, Matisse… ,” a collaborative exhibit by the Belvedere and the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, showcasing the prominent artists who influenced the master of Viennese Modernism.

Kick your feet up at Vienna’s chic new hotels. The  Rosewood Vienna , which opened in 2022, will welcome its first full year of guests with the new Asaya Spa. Then, in late 2023, The Hoxton is set to open a 196-room hotel featuring an events auditorium (a first for the hotel brand) honoring Vienna’s legacy as a hub for live entertainment and culture. —Matt Ortile

Go for: Locavore food experiences, forest hotels and saunas

In lush Wales a foodie renaissance is taking place—drawing travelers to terroirdriven restaurants distilleries and...

In lush Wales, a foodie renaissance is taking place—drawing travelers to terroir-driven restaurants, distilleries, and revived pubs in untrammeled areas. 

A Welsh foodie renaissance has, admittedly, taken a while to arrive. But a new generation of chefs are digging into their terroir and emerging with handfuls of truffles, scallops, and cheeses, from James Sommerin’s Home restaurant in Penarth, to SY23 in seaside Aberystwyth, headed by Great British Menu finalist Nathan Davies. There’s also been the rise of hard-to-reach destination restaurants determinedly doing their own thing, such as Annwn in deepest Pembrokeshire, where Matt Powell forages most of his ingredients from the shoreline (the project is currently on hold as it relocates), and Gareth Ward’s Ynyshir in the Dyfi Valley , which was just awarded a second Michelin star. Ward’s empire will grow in 2023 with the opening of eight-seat Gwen—named after his mother—with sourdough pizzas on the menu. Paternoster Farm , meanwhile, set in a former Pembroke cowshed, is doing wondrous things with Porthilly oysters, Welsh Mountain lamb, and sea beet—with its Five Mile Feasts, a special menu, gathering up all sorts of local treasures. 

In Cardigan, the Albion Aberteifi —certainly the coolest hotel to arrive in Wales in years—is set to open a Scandi-Japanese restaurant on the river bank in 2023, along with a woodland onsen and spa. Wales seems to be turning into a hub for the UK’s thriving outdoor sauna scene: Snowdonia-based Heartwood Saunas is launching a new forest project this December, where groups of up to 10 can use a wood-fired sauna before jumping in the pools of the River Dulas (or head to the yoga deck), all while surrounded by old oak trees and natural pools. In Carmarthenshire, the seven-mile stretch of Pendine Sands is enjoying a revival. Caban hotel is opening in the spring alongside the Museum of Speed , which celebrates the many land-speed records made on the beach—including one by actor Idris Elba in a Bentley Continental GT. Reducing the speed a notch, a new slow-travel route of roads and walking paths, The Wild Drovers’ Way , unfurls over 180 miles from the foothills of the Cambrians into the Brecon Beacons—a lovely way to appreciate some of Wales’ rural highlights.

If you need somewhere to toast all this, you could head to Swansea, where Penderyn will open its new whisky-distillery experience in March, while in Cardiff, the St Fagans Museum of National History has been rebuilding the iconic Vulcan pub (beloved of Manic Street Preachers) on its grounds, set to open in 2024. Lechyd da! —Rick Jordan

Western Japan

Go for: Expedition cruises in the Seto Inland Sea, new onsen experiences

Luxury small ship company Ponant will launch a first-ever expedition cruise from Osaka in 2023, exploring old feudal towns and traditional fishing villages on Japan's oldest sea route. 

New luxury openings and a world’s-first expedition cruise are among a plethora of reasons to head for western Japan in 2023. In the Seto Inland Sea, which separates Japan’s main island of Honshu from the islands of Shikoku and Kyushu, luxury small-ship company Ponant has announced a first-ever expedition cruise from Osaka in 2023, which will sail along Japan’s oldest sea route. Exploring old feudal towns and traditional fishing villages on the coast of Honshu, as well as Inland Sea islands such as Inujima—once a copper mining hub and now one of the famous contemporary “Art Islands”—the 264-guest Le Soléal will chart a seven-night course towards the Sea of Japan, starting in May 2023. Also in the Seto Inland Sea, in a forest on Awaji Island, wellness retreat Zenbo Seinei just opened its doors. Designed by Pritzker Prize–winning architect Shigeru Ban, it features a 21-meter-long gallery for zazen meditation and a restaurant celebrating Japan’s culture of fermented foods.

On Kyushu island , the new Nishi Kyushu Shinkansen now conveniently connects cosmopolitan Nagasaki to Japan’s vast bullet train network. Good thing, as there’s a new Ritz-Carlton coming in the summer of 2023 to the vibrant, gateway city of Fukuoka ; and in the hot-spring town of Yufuin, Kengo Kuma—the architect behind the Japan National Stadium for the Tokyo 2020 games—has completed a new gallery at Comico Art Museum to house works by Yayoi Kusama, Takashi Murakami, and Hiroshi Sugimoto, among others, as well as two exclusive-use “Art Houses” with private onsen baths. Nearby, Kuma has also created the gorgeous KAI Yufuin , a contemporary onsen ryokan with views of Mount Yufu and enveloped in rice terraces whose beauty changes with the seasons. —Kate Crockett

Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico

Go for: Design-forward boutique hotels amid the region's jungle and waterways

Mexican tacos of Cochinita Pibil  Mayan cuisine from Yucatan Mexico

The Yucatán Peninsula is already an easy-to-love destination—its food heritage just one of the reasons to visit—but a boom of design-forward stays are upping the ante. 

Image may contain City Car Transportation Vehicle Urban Road Street Helmet Adult Person Motorcycle and Arch

Just outside of Mérida, above, travelers will find the new Galopina, a five-bedroom, family-run guesthouse from Mexican owners Elisa Navarrete and Guillaume Galopin.

With a boom of design-forward stays opening their doors—in an already easy-to-love destination marked by verdant jungle and brilliant waterways—the Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico’s southeastern bounds is poised to be one of the most enticing areas to visit this year.

The 22-bungalow Boca de Agua is set to open in April in Bacalar , with suites designed by architect Frida Escobedo, who was recently tapped for the forthcoming contemporary art wing at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City . North of Bacalar, tucked within the Sian Ka’an Biosphere Reserve is Casa Chablé , which will open in December 2022 with 10 rooms and bungalows. Guests take a 40-minute boat ride through lush mangrove forests, to arrive at the resort’s 12 acres of tropical jungle fronted by white-sand beaches. Plus, situated in the tranquil Xpu-ha cove, between the two bustling towns of Tulum and Playa del Carmen, the ultra-luxurious boutique property Hotel Esencia opened in November as one of the most refined offerings in Riviera Maya: the Esencia Mansion, a four-bedroom private hideaway with its own speakeasy, cinema, and rooftop infinity pool. And just outside of Mérida is the new Galopina , a five-bedroom, family-run guesthouse from Mexican owners Elisa Navarrete and Guillaume Galopin. After a stint in Paris , they returned to their home country and created their dream homestead in the jungle with miles of trails, organic gardens, and guest rooms offering meditative terraces. In May 2023, Maroma, A Belmond Hotel , will reopen on the Riviera Maya with 10 new waterfront suites, a culinary program overseen by chef Daniel Camacho, and a new look that will showcase Mayan culture and design with work by local artisans. —Michaela Trimble

Zamora, Spain

Go for: Romanesque architecture, dazzling lakes, and improved access from Madrid

Aceaas de Olivares next to Zamora city Spain. An evocative scenario of a rurality still very close to us...

Zamora, which is known for having the most Romanesque architecture in Europe, is becoming a European World Heritage Site in 2023—perfect timing, as a new high-speed train from Madrid makes it easier to reach than ever. 

Few know—even in Spain —that Zamora is the city with the most Romanesque architecture in Europe, but it was reason enough for UNESCO to make Zamora a European World Heritage Site for 2023. Additionally, its proximity to Madrid —an hour away thanks to a new high-speed AVE train, inaugurated just a year ago—put this underrated town high on our must-visit list.

But there is more to Zamora, such as its enormous modernist legacy and its Lagunas de Villafáfila, a collection of lakes that are home to thousands of migratory birds each season. There’s even more to see, scattered throughout the province: Lake Sanabria is the largest glacial lake in the Iberian Peninsula, and just a few miles away, Puebla de Sanabria is considered one of the most beautiful villages in Spain. Towards the east you will find Toro, the epicenter of bold red wines—and home to critically acclaimed winery Numanthia that’s credited with putting the wine region on the map. Not far away, in the heart of Tierra de Campos, snag a table at Lera , which got its Michelin star in 2022, and is a favorite among wild game enthusiasts.

Finally, to the south, Arribes del Duero shows that Zamora province has it all—even fjords. Beautiful crags and cliffs mark the border with Portugal in a natural park that has become a center for viticulture and attracts reputed international winemakers. Olive, citrus, and other fruit trees, artisanal ceramics, and stunning natural beauty turn this secluded corner into a Mediterranean paradise. Consider the luxurious Hacienda Zorita Natural Reserve , and the Castillo de Buen Amor (refurbished in 2021) in Salamanca, just a 30-minute drive away, the perfect setting for your quaint Zamora escape. —David Moralejo

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Where and when to see the northern lights in 2024

Now is the perfect time to plan a northern lights trip

northern lights appear as dancing ribbons of green in the sky above a snowy mountain top.

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When to see the northern lights

Northern lights forecasts.

Nothing quite beats seeing the northern lights, or aurora borealis, in all their glory. But where and when can you see them? 

Lucky for us the next few years are going to be the best for seeing the northern lights due to heightened solar activity as we approach "solar maximum" in the current solar cycle.

So if you are planning a trip to see the northern lights now is the time to do it. Not sure where to go? Here we have rounded up some of the best places to see auroras around the world. 

Related: Aurora colors: What causes them and why do they vary?  

The northern lights are created when energized particles from the sun slam into Earth's upper atmosphere at speeds of up to 45 million mph (72 million kph), but our planet's magnetic field protects us from energetic assault.

As Earth's magnetic field redirects the particles toward the poles the dramatic process transforms into a cinematic atmospheric phenomenon that dazzles and fascinates scientists and skywatchers alike. The southern lights, or aurora australis, are produced in the same way. 

We asked Tom Kerss, astronomy, author and northern lights expert what three pieces of advice he would give to someone wanting to see the northern lights. 

Tom Kerss is an astronomer and the author of numerous best-selling books about the night sky for both adults and children, including Northern Lights , Diamonds Everywhere and the Starry Stories Series .  

What are your top tips for seeing the northern lights?

1. Unless you're lucky enough to have the lights come to you, seeing auroras is a matter of being in the right place at the right time. Fortunately, we can forecast where and when they are likely to become visible, so you can increase your odds. Being in Norway between late September and mid-March, during the darkest, moonless nights, and being mobile will greatly improve your chances. 

2. It's important to persevere! The arctic nights can be extremely cold, but you'll need to push yourself and stay up late to make the most of the auroral zone. On good nights, the Lights are visible as soon as it gets dark, but you should try to stay up until after midnight.

3. Taking your own photographs of the Northern Lights is so alluring, and very rewarding. Today's cameras — including smartphones — capture super, colourful and clear shots. But try not to get too carried away. Make sure you absorb the luminosity, colour and subtle movement of the Lights with your own eyes. You'll make pictures in your mind that you can't share, but you can feel!

What is your favorite aurora fact?

My favorite fact about auroras is that they appear not only on Earth, but on many other worlds. Every planet in the Solar System (except Mercury) exhibits auroras, as do several moons and even a comet! Moreover, we've measured auroras on other stars, and possibly even exoplanets, and they can teach us about the environments and interiors of these remote worlds.  

Where to see the northern lights in Europe

If you live in Europe, the easiest thing to do is head to the far northern parts of Norway, Sweden, Iceland and Finland. Many local people speak English in those regions and there are lots of tours available.

Wherever you plan on going, bear in mind that cloudy skies may make it difficult to catch auroras on any one particular night. If possible, leave yourself extra time to accommodate inclement weather.

Here is a list of some possible European northern lights trips and tour providers:

northern lights in Norway appearing as vivid green bands of light across the sky. With mountains and water below.

Hurtigruten Coastal Express

Bergen — Kirkenes — Bergen 

Price: From £2942pp, includes breakfast, lunch and dinner + exclusive excursion to the Tromsø planetarium.

Duration: 12 days 

Northern Lights Promise :  If there is no recorded sighting of the northern lights while sailing, Hurtigruten will give guests a free 6- or 7-day Classic Voyage to redeem the following season. Terms and Conditions apply.

If you're interested in booking the Astronomy Voyage head over to Hurtigruten's official site .

If you're looking for the ultimate skywatching and cultural experience in Norway, we recommend taking the Hurtigruten Coastal Express along the stunning Norwegian Coast. 

There are a number of voyages available as well as specialized " Astronomy Voyages " that include additional astronomy lectures from an onboard astronomer and a visit to Tromsø's impressive planetarium and science center. 

You can read more about what it's like to experience the Hurtigruten Astronomy Voyage in our article . 

The Northern Lights Company

The Northern Lights Company based in stunning Vesterålen, Norway, offers various 4, 5 or 7-night northern lights trips between September and April. 

All tours include transport, accommodation, aurora chasing by night as well as daytime activities so guests not only get to see beautiful Norway but also experience it. 

From eagle safaris and visits to the local Sami Reindeer farm to aurora research at the Andøy Space Centre and photography trips. There is something for everyone with the Northern Lights Company.

Visit Tromsø

Visit Tromsø sells aurora-watching trips around the city of Tromsø in Norway. The largest urban area in Northern Norway and the world's third largest city above the Arctic Circle, Tromsø lies just within the Northern Lights Oval, the region above Earth's geomagnetic North Pole where aurora displays are most likely to occur.

Visit Tromsø sells 'aurora chases,' dynamic night hunts for aurora displays in the aurora season between September and April, and slower-paced 'experiences' such as dog-sled and boat trips and overnight stays at aurora hotspots. Tromsø can be accessed by plane from Norway's capital Oslo; adventure seekers are sometimes rewarded by an aurora display during their incoming flight.

northern lights appear as thin ribbons of green light in a partly cloudy sky. Below are the lights outside cabins at Abisko Turiststation.

Lights over Lapland

Lights over Lapland sells a range of aurora-watching packages that take skywatchers to Sweden's northernmost region, Lapland. Lapland straddles the border between Sweden and Finland, with both sides offering excellent aurora viewing opportunities in winter months and the midnight sun experience in summer. 

Lights over Lapland operates on the Swedish side of the border with most of its tours aiming for Abisko National Park (not far from the Esrange Space Center which runs rocket tests for ESA and is gearing up to perform the first satellite launches from continental Europe).

"Abisko has developed a reputation for being the No. 1 aurora-watching destination on the planet, due to the fact that it is located in a very special microclimate with less precipitation than any other location on Earth that is located within the aurora zone," photographer Chad Blakley, who is a co-founder of Lights over Lapland, told Space.com via email. 

If you want to see what it's like to chase auroras in Swedish Lapland check out our article on what it's like to put Abisko's "cloud-busting weapon" to the test . 

northern lights appear as a large green band swirling over the top of the central mountainous peak reflected in the water below.

Guide to Iceland

Guide to Iceland sells a range of aurora-watching packages on the North Atlantic island, including bus tours, boat tours and hunting trips. Situated just below the Arctic Circle, Iceland provides a decent chance of catching the Northern Lights during winter months. If that doesn't work out, you can instead relax in the island's powerful natural hot springs and outdoor pools.

Viatour northern lights night tour from Reykjavik

Viatour operates evening aurora-watching trips from Iceland's capital Reykjavik. The bus tour takes tourists across the island to its most popular aurora spots. The operator says that those who don't get to see the northern lights during their trip can join again at no additional cost. 

Arctic Adventures

Arctic Adventures offers a large number of tours from day trips to multi-day excursions to experience the very best of Iceland. There is a range of northern lights tours available whether it be traveling by bus, boat, or multi-day hiking tours. Experience the majestic northern lights with Arctic Adventures and make memories that will last a lifetime.

Where to see the northern lights in North America

Yellow tent illuminated under the aurora borealis display in Alaska's Arctic.

If you're interested in trying to photograph the northern lights check out our guides on how to photograph auroras , as well as the best equipment for aurora photography .

There are plenty of options for good aurora viewing in North America. While far-eastern Canada tends to be cloudy, the shore of the Hudson Bay, the northern Canadian towns of Yellowknife or Whitehorse, or the west coast of Alaska are usually good bets. (The city of Fairbanks itself can be a great choice for seeing northern lights without needing to go too far in the wilderness.)

Alaska Tours

Alaska Tours offers a range of packages from one-day trips to week-long tours that take visitors past the Arctic Circle to the heart of Alaska's wilderness, where the chance of catching the glowing auroras is among the best in the world. 

Aurora Borealis Yukon  

Aurora Borealis Yokon runs one-day to five-day aurora-watching trips in the Yukon territory in northwestern Canada. A direct neighbor of Alaska, Yukon offers pretty much the same aurora-observing conditions during the winter months.

Churchill Arctic Adventures

In the east, Churchill Arctic Adventures offers trips to Churchill, Manitoba, on the western shores of Hudson Bay. The company operates dedicated 'aurora domes,' heated cabins and other outposts in the boreal forest that allow visitors to observe the magnificent lights in perfect comfort. If the aurora doesn't show up, then perhaps some of the polar bears residing in this region may. 

Can I see the northern lights from my home?

If you capture an amazing photo of the northern lights and would like to share it with Space.com and our news partners for a story or gallery, send images to [email protected].  

The "standard" aurora borealis, observable in the Arctic regions, is generated by the solar wind , which constantly flows toward Earth. It manifests itself into a large "ring" above Earth's geomagnetic North Pole and is known as the aurora oval. 

During times of heightened solar activity, the aurora oval can expand more southern latitudes. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Space Weather Prediction Center maintains a detailed 30-minute aurora forecast where you can see the predicted extent of the auroral oval and the probability of auroras. The aurora borealis is visible most nights, weather permitting, within a band several hundred miles wide that's centered at about 66 degrees north — about the same latitude as the Arctic Circle.

But geomagnetic storms, caused by coronal mass ejections (CME), can ramp up the northern lights considerably and make them visible over much wider areas. In early November 2023, for example, a powerful geomagnetic storm sparked auroras as far south as Greece and Turkey .

Related: Aurora myths, legends and misconceptions

As the solar cycle intensifies, such occurrences might become more common (or rather, slightly less rare). We recommend keeping an eye on Spaceweather.com for alerts of possible incoming geomagnetic storms as well as NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center . 

Yet even the most powerful geomagnetic storm will fail to deliver the experience unless other factors cooperate — a cloud-free sky, not too much moonlight, nighttime hours and absence of light pollution. (City-dwellers have to get out into the countryside for an aurora experience no matter how strong the geomagnetic storm supercharging the sky might be.)

But you can have an aurora experience without even leaving your house if you so choose. Our northern lights webcams article offers aurora views from some iconic locations from across Europe and North America, all in one place. 

If you're planning an aurora-viewing trip, the best time is throughout the winter months. Anytime between late September to late March is a good time for northern lights hunting as the long nights provide ample aurora viewing opportunities.

The good news is that the sun's approximately 11-year solar cycle of solar activity is ramping up as we approach solar maximum. This means that the next few years will be the perfect time to plan a northern lights adventure.

The northern lights can appear for long periods or short bursts lasting only a few minutes (if that!) so the best way to see them is to wrap up warm, and wait. I have been on several northern lights hunts and sometimes they can appear when you least expect, so unless you're already outside and ready, you'll miss them completely. For me, the wait is all part of the experience, especially when you're out aurora hunting with other like-minded individuals. It provides the perfect opportunity to share aurora stories, do a spot of stargazing and simply enjoy the shared experience of the night sky . 

graphic showing what you need to see the northern lights the five items listed are clear skies, warm clothes, patience, suitable location, and a little bit of luck. On the right of the text are some graphics of warm clothes, a starry sky, four leaf clover and a north compass sign.

You can get an idea of how active the northern lights are likely to be in your area by keeping tabs on a short-term aurora forecast, such as the one provided by the Geophysical Institute . One predicting the next half hour is available on NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Website . Also, a citizen science website called Aurorasaurus gives on-the-ground instant information from aurora enthusiasts wanting to alert the community to new sky shows.

Join our Space Forums to keep talking space on the latest missions, night sky and more! And if you have a news tip, correction or comment, let us know at: [email protected].

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Daisy Dobrijevic joined Space.com in February 2022 having previously worked for our sister publication All About Space magazine as a staff writer. Before joining us, Daisy completed an editorial internship with the BBC Sky at Night Magazine and worked at the National Space Centre in Leicester, U.K., where she enjoyed communicating space science to the public. In 2021, Daisy completed a PhD in plant physiology and also holds a Master's in Environmental Science, she is currently based in Nottingham, U.K. Daisy is passionate about all things space, with a penchant for solar activity and space weather. She has a strong interest in astrotourism and loves nothing more than a good northern lights chase! 

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  • dcr66 To be honest I have never paid explicitly for some tours to see Northern Lights. They are more visible than you think and you just need to know when. I do know people that pay $$ to go see these things in Norway. Then I showed them the pics I took from a plane window. If you are flying from North America to Europe the great circle route usually takes you up to Greenland and Iceland. If the flight is night time, then get a window seat on the left side of the plane. Don't sleep and keep your eyes peeled when you are up there. Very likely you will see the green curtains easily up near the horizon. My daughter despite never seen them before saw it flying to Europe. Same can be done if your route takes you over Anchorage Alaska, the right side of the plane. I used to see it all the time on the fueling stopover to Anchorage AK back in the 80s and 90s. Less likely these days except on certain China based airlines. The polar route from North America to Asia that goes over the North Pole. You should be able to see the green curtains on either side when you are in the artic circle. The Prairies in Canada but avoid the summer because you will be in astronomic twilight essentially. I lived in Winnipeg for some years in the 1980s and I see them all the time. All kinds including the white sheet that cover the whole sky and bright enough to read. Reply
  • michael'Buzz'collins Yes, luckily some only have to travel a short distance out to your back door! As Recently the Aurora Borealis, thankfully (no clouds 🙏)was able to be viewed in NW Donegal, Eire As I recently saw the repeat of Alexander Armstrongs Iceland visit on RTE ( as I missed it on ch5) So wasn't expecting to see this wonderful cosmic display!! Here are a few pictures that people took from their backyard from Burtonport to Buncrana, Inc Churchill, As I see another Churchill featured below in Manitoba as if seeing the Northern Lights isn't enough, it's program on Ch4/BBC has featured it as it has the most concentration of polar bears too (, because of the ice melting!) https://www.facebook.com/162517790452520/posts/pfbid031eTNJrFWY791rydpEhMDQDUyvGh3pnKZfgwKsK7VRTYwjGdSXZoTHaFdSfUvQNUVl/?sfnsn=mo https://www.facebook.com/1580520814/posts/pfbid033woQiJnL5XpYNoweeEznauNbSjQNJDxSSMxvzE7RxrrxoAwS7kbrTYPnDvZHKgBRl/?sfnsn=mo Simply outta this world,so to say😇 Reply
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next royal visit to canada 2023

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Itinerary unveiled for the 2022 Royal Tour of Canada of The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall

From: Canadian Heritage

News release

Their Royal Highnesses will visit St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada’s Capital Region and Yellowknife and Dettah, Northwest Territories from May 17 to 19.

OTTAWA, April 26, 2022

Today the Government of Canada unveiled the official itinerary for the upcoming Royal Tour this spring, part of the year-long celebrations marking the Platinum Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. From Canada’s easternmost point to rich northern landscapes, Their Royal Highnesses The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall will visit St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador on May 17, Canada’s Capital Region on May 18 and Yellowknife and Dettah, Northwest Territories on May 19.

During their tour, Their Royal Highnesses will meet with diverse communities through engagements on topics such as innovation and entrepreneurship in the context of the pandemic, climate change and sustainability as well as diversity and inclusion, to name a few.

Itinerary Highlights

May 17: st. john’s, newfoundland and labrador.

The Royal Couple will begin their visit to Canada with an official welcoming ceremony in the presence of Indigenous leaders at the Confederation Building, overlooking the capital of St. John’s. The public ceremony will include military honours, a prayer in Inuktitut, Innu drumming, Mi’kmaq music, as will as lively artistic performances showcasing the province’s rich tradition of song and story. The event will also include official addresses by dignitaries and The Prince of Wales.

The Royal Couple will then visit Government House, the official residence of the Lieutenant Governor of Newfoundland and Labrador, to participate in events with members of the community, commencing with a solemn moment of reflection and prayer with Indigenous leaders at the Heart Garden to honour and remember the Indigenous children who attended Residential Schools in Labrador and Northern Newfoundland. A discussion on Canada’s wool industry will follow, showcased through Newfoundland and Labrador artistry. The stop will also include the inauguration of the new Commonwealth Walkway—a Platinum Jubilee commemorative project—on the grounds of Government House.

Their Royal Highnesses will wrap up their first day in Canada at picturesque Quidi Vidi Village, where they will meet local artists and participate in a collective work of rug-hooking at Quidi Vidi Village Artisan Studios. They will meet with local vendors and members of the community during a walkabout of the harbour. They will also visit Quidi Vidi Brewery to learn about its unique brewing process and meet with local food producers and representatives of Newfoundland and Labrador’s vibrant culinary scene.

May 18: Canada’s Capital Region

His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales will be invested into the Order of Military Merit during a ceremony at Rideau Hall before he and The Duchess of Cornwall lay a wreath in honour of Canadian veterans and active service members at the National War Memorial. 

Their Royal Highnesses will then meet with members and organizations from the Canadian Ukrainian community and take part in a traditional prayer service at a cathedral in Ottawa to learn about their stories and Canada’s efforts to support the people of Ukraine.

Afternoon events will include a visit to an elementary school to engage with schoolchildren, parents and teachers on the importance of literacy. The Prince of Wales will also meet with Prince's Trust veterans and youth program participants and take part in a discussion on sustainable finance in combating climate change and building a net-zero economy. Their Royal Highnesses will then visit the home of the world-famous Royal Canadian Mounted Police Musical Ride to meet the riders, walk through the stables and attend a special performance of the Musical Ride.

Later at Rideau Hall, The Prince of Wales will hold bilateral meetings with the Governor General of Canada and with the Prime Minister of Canada. A special evening reception with Their Royal Highnesses will celebrate Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee and bring together Canadians from various backgrounds who have dedicated their lives to serving their communities, like Her Majesty.

May 19: Yellowknife and Dettah, Northwest Territories

On the final leg of their journey, Their Royal Highnesses will land in Yellowknife and visit Dettah, a thriving Dene First Nation community, to take part in various community events and experience local culture and traditions. Their visit will include a community welcome, an opening prayer, a traditional drumming circle, a feeding the fire ceremony, a discussion with local Chiefs and Elders, and a visit to Kaw Tay Whee School, a school offering high quality and culturally responsive programming.

At Fred Henne Territorial Park, The Prince of Wales will meet with members of the Canadian Rangers to mark the organization’s 75th anniversary and be appointed an Honorary Canadian Ranger. At the Dettah Ice Road, he will then meet with local experts to discuss the impact of climate change in the Northwest Territories and the importance of Indigenous-led initiatives to address these challenges. Meanwhile, The Duchess of Cornwall will visit a safe transitional housing centre and community organization that offers services to women and children fleeing violence.

Finally, at the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre , Their Royal Highnesses will meet with local food producers. They will also take part in a discussion on Treaty 11, its history and its legacy in the Northwest Territories, as well as observe a demonstration of traditional Inuit sports and learn about traditional crafts. Treaty 11 is known as the last of Canada's numbered treaties, which was signed by the Crown and First Nations in the Northwest Territories in 1921.

Their Royal Highnesses will then proceed to the Ceremonial Circle for a Platinum Jubilee Celebration and the unveiling of a plaque at the Northwest Territories’ Platinum Jubilee Garden.

The full itinerary is available on the Royal Tour 2022 website .

“Recognizing service is at the heart of this Platinum Jubilee year. Whether it is by serving their community through volunteerism, welcoming refugees into their homes, or making the world greener, Canadians are leading efforts on multiple fronts to move us forward. The upcoming visit from Their Royal Highnesses The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall is an opportunity to reflect and reinforce our friendship. It will offer a window to the world on Canada’s innovative spirit, rich traditions, local cultures and languages.” —Pablo Rodriguez, Minister of Canadian Heritage

Quick facts

Consult the official itinerary for event details.

For more information about the upcoming tour, follow the hashtag #RoyalVisitCanada on all platforms and The Crown in Canada on social media:

Facebook:  @TheCrownCa  |  @LaCouronneCa Twitter:  @TheCrownCa  |  @LaCouronneCa Instagram:  @o_canadiana

Send your greetings to The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall with the hashtag #RoyalGreetings and tag where you’re from. You can also share a picture or video of your part of Canada and say what is unique and beautiful about it.

Official photos of the Tour will be available on the Royal Tour 2022 website and on social media during and after the tour. If you happen to take part in the tour, share your own videos and photos using #RoyalVisitCanada and tag the Crown in Canada.

In 2022, Canada is celebrating the Platinum Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, the 70th anniversary of her accession to the Throne. She is Canada’s longest reigning Sovereign and the first to celebrate a platinum jubilee. To mark this historic milestone, a series of initiatives are taking place throughout the year and across the country.

Associated links

  • Royal Tour 2022
  • Official Itinerary
  • Past Royal Tours
  • The Platinum Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

For more information (media only), please contact:

Laura Scaffidi Press Secretary Office of the Minister of Canadian Heritage [email protected]

Media Relations Canadian Heritage 819-994-9101 1-866-569-6155 [email protected]

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Find out if you need a visa to travel to Canada

Most people need a visa or an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) to travel to Canada - not both. Some people may only need their valid passport. Answer a few questions to see what's right for you.

See all entry requirements by country/territory

Sample passport information page highlighting three letter country code

You can find the country code on your passport. Be careful when you select your country. Some countries have multiple options and codes are quite similar.

Answer yes if you’re a citizen of Canada and another country.

next royal visit to canada 2023

Look on the front cover of your passport for the symbol of a rectangle with a circle in the middle. If you see this symbol, you have an electronic passport.

Answer: You need a visitor visa

For visits of up to 6 months for most purposes. Cost: CAN $100

Get details about visitor visa Opens in a new tab

Answer: You need an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA)

For visits of up to 6 months or to transit via a Canadian airport. Cost: CAN $7

Get details about eTA Opens in a new tab

Answer: You need a valid Canadian passport

You need a  valid Canadian passport  to travel to Canada by air (board your flight).

Exception: If you’re an American-Canadian dual citizen with a valid U.S. passport, you don’t need a Canadian passport to fly to Canada. However, you still need to  carry proper identification Opens in a new tab  and meet the basic requirements to enter Canada Opens in a new tab .

Get details about travelling as a dual Canadian citizen Opens in a new tab

Answer: You need a valid passport or travel document to travel to Canada by car, train, bus or boat

If you decide to fly to a Canadian airport instead, you'll need an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA).

Learn about documents you may need Opens in a new tab

Answer: You need official proof of status in the U.S.

Lawful permanent residents of the U.S. must present these documents for all methods of travel to Canada:

  • a valid passport from their country of nationality (or an equivalent acceptable travel document ) and
  • a valid green card (or equivalent valid proof of status in the United States)

Answer: You need a transit visa 

To connect between 2 international flights, in less than 48 hours. Cost: Free

Note: If you have more than 48 hours between international flights OR if you decide to visit Canada, you need to apply for a visitor visa.

Get details about transit visa Opens in a new tab

Answer: You can apply for a parent and grandparent super visa to visit for more than 6 months

  • The super visa is for visits of 5 years at a time .
  • a letter from your child or grandchild with a promise to financially support you for the duration of your visit in Canada.
  • More information on approved insurance providers outside of Canada will be available in the coming months.
  • be valid for at least 1 year from the date of entry to Canada
  • provide at least $100,000 in emergency coverage.
  • You must apply for a super visa from outside Canada.
  • Cost: CAN $100

Note : If you don't meet the criteria for a super visa, you need to apply for a visitor visa.

Get details about super visa Opens in a new tab

Note : If you don’t meet the criteria for a super visa, you need to apply for an electronic travel authorization (eTA). An eTA allows for visits of up to 6 months.

Note : If you don’t meet the criteria for a super visa, you can visit Canada for up to 6 months with a valid identity document. Bring identification such as a valid passport. Or, if a member of an official program such as Nexus, you may present your valid membership card.

If you don’t meet the criteria for a super visa, you can visit Canada for up to 6 months with

  • a valid passport from your country of nationality (or an equivalent acceptable travel document Opens in a new tab ) and
  • official proof of lawful permanent resident status in the U.S., such as a green card

Answer: You need a valid identity document

Bring identification such as a valid passport. Or, if a member of an official program such as Nexus, you may present your valid membership card.

Learn about the documents you may need Opens in a new tab

Answer: If we approve your study permit application, we’ll issue a visitor visa

  • You don’t need to submit a separate application for a visitor visa.

When you travel to Canada, bring your

  • letter of introduction that says your study permit application is approved, if you received one
  • valid passport that has your visitor visa stuck to one of its pages

Learn about studying in Canada Opens in a new tab

Answer: You should already have a valid visitor visa

We automatically issued a  visitor visa to you when we approved your first study or work permit.

If you leave and return to Canada,  you must travel with:

  • your valid study or work permit
  • If you don’t have a valid visa when you check-in for a flight, it may result in travel delays (or a missed flight).
  • your valid passport

Exception : If you return directly from a visit only to the United States or St. Pierre and Miquelon, you don’t need a valid visitor visa if your study or work permit is still valid.

If your visa has expired or was only valid for a single entry to Canada

You need to  apply for a new visa Opens in a new tab .

  • A visa costs CAN$100.
  • It’s valid for up to 10 years.

If your study or work permit will expire soon, you must extend it before you can apply for a new visitor visa.

You need a visitor visa to leave and return to Canada.  Apply for your visa before you leave.

You can apply for a visitor visa from inside Canada if you meet all the conditions below:

  • you’re already in Canada
  • you hold a valid study or work permit
  • you want to  leave and return to Canada  in the near future
  • your existing  visitor visa Opens in a new tab  is expired or was valid for only one entry

Exception : If you return  directly  from a visit only to the United States or St. Pierre and Miquelon, you don’t need a valid visitor visa if your study or work permit is still valid.

Processing times vary by country.  You may need to  give fingerprints and photo (biometrics) Opens in a new tab  with your application. Processing times  don’t include  the time you need to give biometrics.

Apply for a visitor visa Opens in a new tab

You need a  visitor visa  to travel to Canada.

A visitor visa:

  • is a sticker we put in your passport
  • costs CAN$100

Processing times vary by country.  You may need to  give your fingerprints and photo (biometrics) Opens in a new tab  with your application. Processing time  doesn’t include  the time you need to give biometrics.

Answer: Before you continue, find out if you need a study permit

You’ll need to answer some questions on another page to find out.

If you’re eligible to study without a study permit, you’ll need to come back to this page to find out what you need to travel to Canada.

Find out if you need a study permit Opens in a new tab

Answer: If we approve your work permit application, we’ll issue a visitor visa for you

  • letter of introduction that says your work permit application is approved, if you received one

Learn about working in Canada Opens in a new tab

We automatically issued a  visitor visa to you when we approved your first work permit.

Processing times vary by country.  You may need to  give your fingerprints and photo (biometrics)  with your application. Processing time  doesn’t include  the time you need to give biometrics.

Apply for a visitor visa

Answer: Before you continue, find out if you need a work permit

If you’re eligible to work without a work permit, you’ll need to come back to this page to find out what you need to travel to Canada.

Find out if you need a work permit Opens in a new tab

Answer: If we approve your study permit application, we’ll issue an electronic travel authorization (eTA)

  • You don’t need to submit a separate application for an eTA.

If you get a new passport before you come to Canada, you’ll need to apply for a new eTA if you plan to fly to a Canadian airport.

Answer: You need an eTA to leave and return to Canada

Your study permit lets you study in Canada. If you plan to leave and return to Canada, you need to make sure you have what you need to re-enter the country.

What you need depends on your travel plans.

next royal visit to canada 2023

If you re-enter by a Canadian airport (fly back to Canada)

You must have:

  • the passport that’s linked to a valid eTA and
  • your valid study permit
  • costs CAN $7
  • is electronically linked to your passport

If you received your current study permit on or after August 1, 2015, you may have a valid eTA.

If you don’t have an eTA or yours has expired, you’ll need to apply for a new eTA.

Apply for an eTA Opens in a new tab

next royal visit to canada 2023

If you re-enter Canada by car, boat, bus or train

  • a valid passport and

Answer: If you fly to a Canadian airport, you need an eTA

  • costs CAN$7

Most applicants get their eTA approval (via an email) within minutes. However, some requests  can take several days  to process if you’re asked to submit supporting documents.

If you drive or arrive by train, bus or boat

You just need a  valid passport or travel document Opens in a new tab  to get to Canada by car, train, bus or boat.

Answer: If we approve your work permit application, we’ll issue an electronic travel authorization (eTA) for you

  • valid passport that you used to apply for your work permit

If you get a new passport before you come to Canada, you’ll need to apply for a new eTA if you plan to fly to a Canadian airport.

Your work permit lets you work in Canada. If you plan to leave and return to Canada, you need to make sure you have what you need to re-enter the country.

  • your valid work permit

If you received your current work permit on or after August 1, 2015, you may have a valid eTA.

  • your valid work or study permit

Answer: You don’t need to apply for a visitor visa or eTA

  • valid passport or travel document that you used to apply for your work or study permit

When you travel to Canada, you must bring your:

  • letter of introduction that says your study permit application is approved

Answer: You don’t need an eTA or a visitor visa

If you’re driving or arriving by train, bus, or boat.

You just need to  bring the right travel documents Opens in a new tab .

If you fly to or transit through a Canadian airport

You just need to travel with your valid U.S. passport if you fly or transit through a Canadian airport.

  • valid passport or travel document that you used to apply for your work permit
  • valid work or study permit

Answer: Your permit is not an eTA or a visa

When you extend your study permit, you’ll also be issued an eTA if you don’t already have one. When you fly to a Canadian, you must have:

  • the passport that’s linked to your valid eTA  and
  • a valid visitor and

Apply for visitor visa Opens in a new tab

When you extend your work permit, you’ll also be issued an eTA if you don’t already have one. When you fly to a Canadian, you must have:

  • a valid visitor visa and

Answer: You’re eligible to apply for an eTA

You can apply for an  eTA  if you travel to Canada  by air only .

  • is only valid when flying to or transiting through a Canadian airport

Most applicants get their eTA approval within minutes (via email). However, some requests  can take several days  to process if you’re asked to submit supporting documents.

If you already have a  valid Canadian visitor visa  you don’t need to apply for an eTA. You can travel with your visa until it expires.

If your travel plans change

You need a  visitor visa  (not an eTA) if you decide to  get to Canada by car, train, bus or boat  instead.

Answer: You don’t need to apply for a visitor visa or eTA

  • valid passport or travel document that you used to apply for your study permit and
  • official proof of U.S. lawful permanent resident status

Answer: You need valid proof of lawful permanent resident status of the U.S. to leave and return to Canada

  • valid study permit,
  • valid passport or travel document that you used to apply for your study permit, and

Answer: You don’t need an eTA or a visitor visa

  • valid passport or travel document and

You’ll need to answer some questions on another page to find out.

If you’re eligible to study without a study permit, you’ll need to come back to this page to find out what you need to travel to Canada.

  • valid passport or travel document that you used to apply for your work permit and
  • valid work permit
  • valid work permit,

If you’re eligible to work without a work permit, you’ll need to come back to this page to find out what you need to travel to Canada.

Answer: You’re eligible to apply for an eTA

If you already have a  valid Canadian visitor visa , you don’t need to apply for an eTA. You can travel with your visa until it expires.

If you transit through Canada to or from the United States

You  may  be able to  transit through Canada without a visa or eTA if you meet certain eligibility requirements.

You need an official proof of status as a lawful permanent resident of the U.S., such as one of the following:

  • valid permanent resident card (Form I-551)
  • foreign passport with an unexpired temporary I-551 stamp (also known as an Alien Documentation, Identification and Telecommunication [ADIT] stamp)
  • foreign passport with a temporary I-551 printed notation (“Upon endorsement serves as temporary I-551 evidencing permanent residence for 1 year”) on a machine-readable immigrant visa upon endorsement with a U.S. Customs and Border Protection admission stamp
  • expired permanent resident card (Form I-551) with Form I-797 (Notice of Action) for pending Form I-751 (Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence) or Form I-829 (Petition by Investor to Remove Conditions on Permanent Resident Status)
  • expired permanent resident card (Form I-551) with Form I-797 (Notice of Action) for pending Form I-90 (Application to Replace Permanent Resident Card [Green Card])
  • valid re-entry permit (Form I-327)
  • Form I-94 with an unexpired temporary I-551 stamp (ADIT stamp) and a passport-style photo

Important note:

This tool provides information only. It was created to assist you as you decide what travel document you may need to travel to Canada. This tool may not provide information on all travel documents or your particular situation. If you choose to apply, we will assess your application in accordance with the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and its related Regulations. Read our complete terms and conditions (opens in a new tab) .

Page details

CBS News

What to expect from Russian military exercises in the Caribbean

T hree Russian ships and a nuclear-powered submarine are expected to arrive in Cuba this week ahead of military exercises in the Caribbean, officials said. While the exercises aren't considered a threat to the U.S., American ships have been deployed to shadow the Russians, U.S. officials told CBS News.

The Russian warships are expected to arrive in Havana on Wednesday and stay until next Monday, Cuba's Foreign Ministry said in a statement . A U.S. official told CBS News national security correspondent David Martin the U.S. intelligence community has assessed that the submarine in the group is nuclear powered but it isn't carrying nuclear weapons.

"We have no indication and no expectation that nuclear weapons will be at play here in these exercises or embarked on those vessels," White House national security spokesman John Kirby told CBS News senior White House and political correspondent Ed O'Keefe last week.

What Russian ships are arriving in Cuba?

According to the Cuban Foreign Ministry, the three Russian ships are a frigate, a fleet oil tanker and a salvage tug. The three ships and the submarine were heading across the Atlantic separately, the U.S. official told Martin.

Two American destroyers and two ships that tow sonar equipment behind them are shadowing the submarine, the U.S. official told Martin. Another destroyer and a U.S. Coast Guard cutter are shadowing the three Russian ships.

The ships' arrival in Havana — which the Cuban Foreign Ministry said is expected to include the fanfare of one Russian ship firing 21 salvos in a salute to Cuba — comes ahead of Russia carrying out air and naval exercises in the Caribbean in the coming weeks, a different U.S. official told Martin.

The exercises, which will include long-range bombers, will be the first simultaneous air and naval maneuvers Russia has carried out in the Caribbean since 2019, the U.S. official said. The exercises will be conducted over the summer, culminating in a worldwide naval exercise in the fall.

"Clearly this is them signaling their displeasure about what we're doing for Ukraine ," Kirby told O'Keefe. "So we're going to watch it, we're going to monitor it, it's not unexpected. … But we don't anticipate, we don't expect that there'll be any imminent threat or any threat at all, quite frankly, to American national security in the region, in the Caribbean region, or anywhere else."

The U.S. official told Martin the ships may also visit Venezuela.

What was the Cuban missile crisis?

The events in the Caribbean are different from the Cuban missile crisis that happened over 60 years ago. The 1962 crisis unfolded after the U.S. discovered launch sites in Cuba for Soviet ballistic nuclear missiles.

Over the course of 13 days, the crisis brought the Soviet Union and the U.S. dangerously close to nuclear war. A potential conflict was averted when the Kennedy administration reached a deal with the Kremlin for the missiles to be removed from Cuba.

A member of the Russian navy disembarks from the Russian frigate Admiral Gorshkov, ahead of naval drills between Russia, South Africa and China, in Richards Bay, South Africa, Feb. 22, 2023.


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  27. Find out if you need a visa to travel to Canada

    If you don't meet the criteria for a super visa, you can visit Canada for up to 6 months with. a valid passport from your country of nationality (or an equivalent acceptable travel document Opens in a new tab) and; official proof of lawful permanent resident status in the U.S., such as a green card

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  29. What to expect from Russian military exercises in the Caribbean

    The exercises, which will include long-range bombers, will be the first simultaneous air and naval maneuvers Russia has carried out in the Caribbean since 2019, the U.S. official said. The ...

  30. The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall will visit Canada

    Published 11 April 2022. To mark Her Majesty The Queen's Platinum Jubilee celebrations, Their Royal Highnesses The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall will visit Canada in May 2022. The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall will meet local communities throughout Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada's Capital Region, and the ...