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What Is Ziplining? | 9 Things To Know Before You Zip-Line For The First Time

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There’s nothing quite like your first zip-line experience. You pop on a helmet and a harness, clip into the trolley, and stand at the edge of a platform. Somehow, it’s a lot higher from up there than it looked from the ground. But after working up the courage, you take a deep breath, grip the handles, and leap from the platform.

Zzzzzzhhhhhhhhhhh — the trolley whistles as it glides on the zip line. You fly over the treetops before the brakes kick in and you slow to a halt. The guides pull you in to safety on the next platform. Exhilarated, you can’t believe your first zip-line ride ended so quickly — and you’re ready for the next one.

Zip-lining is one of those quintessential adventures every thrill-seeking traveler should experience at least once . The US witnesses a surge in ziplining’s popularity. The Global Adventure Tourism Market Report forecasts a $2 billion growth in the ziplining market by 2030. This trend fuels tourism in states like California, Colorado, and North Carolina, renowned for abundant outdoor activities and thriving ziplines.

Looking to try it on your next trip? Here’s what you need to know before you zip-line for the first time.

A helmet and safety gear for a zip line ride

fotum / Shutterstock

What Is Ziplining? – 9 Things To Know Before You Try It For The First Time

1. is zip-lining safe.

By and large, ziplining has a reputation for being both fun and safe. However, there are some risks associated with riding a zip line that everyone should be aware of. A 2015 study looked at data from the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System and found that there were 16,850 zip-line-related injuries between 1997 and 2012. Almost half of the zip-line injuries occurred in people 9 years old and younger, and the majority of the injuries were the result of falls. Deaths, while rare, have also happened on zip lines.

A little proactivity can go a long way toward keeping yourself safe at a zip-line course. First, be discerning when it comes to where you choose to zip-line. Regulation from state to state varies , and there are no countrywide standards for constructing and operating zip lines. If you’re considering booking an experience at a particular place, it’s worth picking up the phone to ask how they train their staff, how frequently they inspect their courses, what kind of safety record they have, and whether they adhere to safety standards set by industry organizations such as the Professional Ropes Course Association or the Association for Challenge Course Technology. Only move forward with a company whose answers make you confident in your safety.

When you’re on the zip-line course, pay attention. Follow rules on any signage, and listen to the staff’s instructions. Keep your safety gear on at all times. And if you ever have any concerns about the zip-line course, mention them to the staff.

All of that being said, zip-lining is an extremely popular outdoor activity . Tens of thousands of people have a safe experience on zip lines every year. Do your due diligence, follow directions, and you’ll likely be fine.

2. How Scary Is Zip-Lining?

As someone who has tried 20 or so zip lines around the world, I’ll be honest: It’s scary. Not terrifying, but zip lines will definitely make your heart pound. The scariest part of ziplining is jumping off the platform. You have to fight your natural instincts and put trust in your guides and gear to finally make that jump — but it’s worth it. You’ll feel completely free as you defy gravity and zoom over the trees, the wind blowing in your hair and your feet dangling below. You’ll find the experience so exhilarating that you’ll want to clip into the next zip line and take off again as soon as you finish your first ride.

3. What’s The Weight Limit For Zip-Lining?

It’s common for zip-line operators to boast that their equipment is capable of holding a truck. However, their zip lines usually still come with weight restrictions in order to protect guests. A rider who’s too light might inadvertently stop in the middle of the zip line, making for a less-than-optimal experience. Riders who are too heavy may hit the landing platform too quickly, which could potentially cause injuries.

Generally speaking, zip-line riders should be between 60 and 275 pounds. Some courses have limits on waist circumference as well. Ask your operator about his or her course’s specific restrictions.

Two people riding a zip line

Mike_O / Shutterstock

4. What Should You Wear For Zip-Lining?

Your clothes will have a direct impact on how comfortable you are throughout the zip-line tour. Wear breathable layers that you can easily move around in. Long shorts, trousers, leggings, or capri pants will give you some padding against the harness and make the ride more comfortable. On warmer days , throw on a T-shirt or tank top. A long-sleeved shirt or sweatshirt might be a better option in cooler weather. Opt for close-toed shoes, like hiking boots or sneakers — flip-flops and sandals are a no-no on many zip lines since they’re prone to falling off in the air. You should also avoid accessories and garments (like scarves, hats, and long necklaces) that could get tangled in the zip-line trolley or fly off during the ride. If you wear glasses, secure them around your neck with a cord. As for safety gear, your guide will provide all the protective equipment you’ll need for safe ziplining.

5. Do You Have To Be In Shape To Ride A Zip Line?

Haven’t hit the gym in a while? Don’t sweat it — ziplines are friendly to people of many levels of physical ability. While you will grip the handles, you’re actually supported entirely by the harness, so you won’t be exerting any upper-body strength to hold yourself up. You may experience a little bit of stress on your ankles and knees as you climb from the zip line to the landing platform, but guides typically reach out to help riders during that process. The most physical activity required is walking between the zip lines. Some ziplining courses involve short hikes, stairs, and suspension bridges. Check with the owners to see what their specific courses entail.

Four people riding a zip line over Niagara Falls

JHVEPhoto / Shutterstock

6. How Fast Are Zip Lines?

The speed at which you fly down the zip line is one of the most thrilling parts of the experience. Zip World in North Wales is reputed to have the world’s fastest ziplining ride, hitting top speeds of 125 miles per hour. Most zip lines are a lot tamer, though. According to a survey by Head Rush Technologies, which sells zip-line equipment, 31 to 40 miles per hour was the most frequent top speed achieved by riders. Many others experienced zip-line rides between 21 and 30 miles per hour and 41 and 50 miles per hour.

7. How Do You Stop On A Zip Line?

There are two main types of braking systems on a zip line: passive and active. As the name implies, passive-braking zip lines use speed-reduction mechanisms to slow you down automatically — no need for you to do anything. Active braking, on the other hand, will require you to slow yourself down. You may need to grab the steel cable (wearing leather gloves provided by the operator) or pull down on a brake to create friction at the right time. Asking which type of brakes a particular operator uses can give you clarity before your first zip-line experience.

A man rides a zip line in Hawaii

MAGNIFIER / Shutterstock

8. Where Are The Best Places To Zip-Line?

There are hundreds of zip lines across the United States. Here are a few standout ziplining options to consider:

Mega Zips at Louisville Mega Cavern : A former limestone mine is now home to the world’s only fully underground attraction with zip line courses. The tours, which take 2 hours and 30 minutes, involve six underground zip lines, including a dual-racing line.

KapohoKine Adventures: KapohoKine Adventures takes aerial thrills to the next level on its HeliZippin’ Volcano tours. You’ll start by taking a helicopter ride over Hawaii’s most impressive volcanoes . Then you’ll work your way through an eight-line zip-line course that takes you 160 feet above waterfalls.

Mica Moon Zip Tours & Aerial Park : Each one of Mica Moon’s 10 zip lines offers something special, taking guests over forest glens, a private valley, a mountain stream, and the historic “moonshine camps” at Liberty Lake, just outside of Spokane, Washington. But the most adrenaline-inducing zip line at the course is known as “Big Mama.” At 3,500 feet long, Big Mama will take your breath away.

New York Zipline Canopy Tours: Experience the excitement of zip-lining after dark with New York Zipline Canopy Tours. Under the twinkling night sky, you’ll race across six zip lines and test your balance on four suspension bridges on this tour in the Catskill Mountains . The grand finale is a 65-foot rappel down to the forest floor.

Historic Banning Mills: Historic Banning Mills in Whitesburg, Georgia, holds the Guinness World Record for the world’s longest continuous zip-line course. This means that your guides don’t have to clip you in and out between zip lines and makes for a seamless adventure. The attraction features more than 100 zip lines and 10 miles of canopy tours.

Costa Rica also has a zip line that you can visit.

9. History of Zip Lining

Origins of zip lining.

Zip Lining dates back hundreds of years. It was used in the tricky terrain in Ancient China, the Himalayas, the Andes, and the Alps, as a way to move goods and people from one area to another.

The early zip-lining systems consisted of woven ropes tied between two points. The person or goods were placed in a seat or platform and then transported across the rope. Zip lining has ancient roots and different iterations of this invention have been developed in many parts of the world. 

History of Modern Zip Lining

Zip lining as we know it was made popular by wildlife biologists who were looking for a way to study and explore densely forested areas of Costa Rica in the 1970s without disturbing the surroundings. 

Rainforests were the main areas they wanted to explore. The wildlife biologists set up the system throughout the rainforests, which helped them have a bird’s-eye view of the tropical forest areas and witness natural events in their natural habitat. This is when the business idea for the eco-tours came up. 

After their research was done, the lines were repurposed for recreational canopy tours. This tour idea quickly spread from there to many areas all around the world.

What Equipment Is Used For Zip Lining?

Five pieces of equipment that make zip lining possible are a trolly, or a pulley system to glide down the track quickly, harnesses that keep you in place, carabiners, brakes to stop at the right point, and helmets crucial for your safety. The equipment should be approved by the Association for Challenge Course Technology.

What Should You Not Do When Zip Lining?

You should never jump off the platform until you’re instructed to do so. Wait until other adult users are cleared before you take a turn, and always pay attention to safety briefings. You should never alter or adjust the equipment on your own.

Where Was the Idea of Zip Lining Conceived?

Zip lining was first used in Ancient China to safely cross dangerous areas. It was also used in the Himalayas and Alps as a way of transportation, and in Latin America for observation purposes. As a business idea and recreational activity, it is fairly new.

Is Zip Lining Good for Me?

Yes, for fitness fans who want to build their endurance and stamina, zip lining is a good move. Climbing through a ropes course and flying down a zipline doesn’t just get your blood pumping, but also builds longer-term endurance. 

What Are the Best Places to Zipline in the World?

Costa Rican Mahogany Park is probably the most famous zip-lining location.  Other popular destinations include New Zealand, Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico, and UAE, where the world’s longest zip-lining adventure is.

Photo Credit: andras csontos / Shutterstock

Photo Credit: OlegD / Shutterstock

Image of Joni Sweet

Joni Sweet is a freelance travel writer who’s driven by adventure. Her journalistic pursuits have taken her around the globe -- rafting down the Ganges, hiking the rainforests of Borneo, swimming with whale sharks in Mexico, and hot air ballooning over Cappadocia -- only to land her in the most thrilling city in the world, New York. Her work has been published by National Geographic , Lonely Planet , Forbes , Travel Weekly , The Christian Science Monitor , Thrillist , Where magazine and dozens of other outlets. Learn more about her on her personal blog .

Journey Era

The Oahu Zipline Guide: 4 Best Zipline Tours on Oahu, Hawaii

Jackson Groves

Posted on Last updated: June 27, 2023

Categories HAWAII , TOURS

The Oahu Zipline Guide: 4 Best Zipline Tours on Oahu, Hawaii

Ziplining is great adrenaline for the entire family while enjoying a vacation in Oahu, Hawaii. Zipping above the treetops with Jurassic jungle views below is an amazing feeling and the reason why ziplining on Oahu is one of the top-rated activities.

My personal favorites are Climbworks Kaena Farm as the longest zipline in Oahu and Kualoa Ranch Zipline for its Jurassic Park location.

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Table of Contents


These are the top four zipline operators on Oahu, Hawaii and you will find that each site offers different packages. For example, you can combine the zip-line with an ATV tour at Kualoa Ranch or the zip-line with the ‘Challenge Tower’ at Coral Crater Adventure Park. I’ll describe all of the package options in detail below.

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There are no special skills you need and the guides will make sure you have a comfortable and safe ride, making this a great family activity. There are several different places on the island with great Oahu Zipling tours and I will detail and compare all of them in this article so you can decide which tour suits you and your family the best!


Tour: North Shore Zipline Tour

Feel the adrenaline rush while soaring from the top of Oahu’s longest ziplines on this guided tour. Your tour begins with a short ATV ride to the top of a mountain. Then enjoy spectacular panoramic ocean and mountain views of Oahu’s famous North Shore from long, high, and extra-quiet zip lines ranging from 500 to 2,400 feet. Along the way, encounter rappels, sky bridges, scenic boardwalks, and a couple of surprises for some fun activities that challenge in a safe and controlled way.

  • Soar through the North Shore’s jungles on a thrilling zipline tour.
  • Enjoy a series of ziplines, rappels, sky bridges, boardwalks, and more.
  • Ride an ATV to the top of the mountain and enjoy panoramic views of Oahu.

Click Here to book your tour of the North Shore Zipline Tour in advance (Often sells out weeks in advance)

a picture of a picture of a picture of a picture of a picture of a

Climbworks Kaena Farm

  • Longest zipline on Oahu
  • Most popular zipline on Oahu
  • Overall best experience

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a couple of people sitting in a swimming pool.

  • Ultimate Luxury: Lotus Honolulu – Diamond Head View, Great Waikiki Location
  • My Favorite: Aston Waikiki Beach – Best value in Waikiki & Great location
  • Value Hotel Waikiki: Surfjack Hotel is easily the best value (luxury) hotel in Waikiki


Tour: Jurassic Zipline at Kualoa Ranch

Zipline through the Ka’a’awa Valley rainforest on this tour at Kualoa Ranch. Fly safely down fourteen tandem cables, then cross two suspension bridges that swing over rushing streams. Learn about the native plant and animal life that abounds in this lush valley from your experienced adventure guides, who are there to ensure your comfort and safety. No zipline experience is necessary.

  • Zipline tour at Kualoa Ranch on Oahu
  • Zoom through the treetop canopy on 14 tandem zip line cables and two suspension bridges
  • Learn about the native Hawaiian plants of the sacred Ka’a’awa Valley during a short hike
  • Choose from multiple tour times in the morning or afternoon

Click Here to book your tour of the Jurassic Zipline at Kualoa Ranch (Which often sells out weeks in advance)

a picture of a picture of a picture of a picture of a picture of a

Kualoa Ranch Zipline

  • Set in Jurassic Park location
  • Most scenic zipline
  • Most wild zipline location

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Tour: Coral Crater Zipline and Tower Challenge

Zipline You’ll enjoy all 6 lines of our signature Zipline Course where you’ll zip through trees, race on our tandem lines, and step off a 20-foot platform using an auto-belay system because who needs stairs? Adventure Tower Our Adventure Tower is a two-level jungle gym Challenge Course that measures a 60-foot height. The first level is 20 feet above the ground and the second level is double that at a skyrocketing 40 feet! With 18 challenge elements, you’ll feel like a winner after you navigate through ropes, walk across wobbly bridges, and surf on a rail all while suspended in the sky. There’s also a Three-Line Zipline Tour for $100 if you want the same epic experience but would prefer something a bit shorter and cheaper.

The Adventure Tower also consists of King Swing and Freefall. King Swing is a massive pendulum swing that will send you off into a spine-tingling swing into space! Our guide will slowly lower you to the ground after you’ve experienced the thrill of swinging high off the ground. Experience the sensation of a Freefall. This activity will bring you from the very top of the tower to the bottom with one courageous leap. Finish off your aerial adventure by giving our Climbing Wall a try. We have 4 unique routes to experience, so show off your skills and get to the top!

Click Here to book your tour of the Coral Crater Zipline and Tower Challenge

a picture of a picture of a picture of a picture of a picture of a

Coral Crater Zipline

  • Zipline + Adventure Park
  • Best family experience
  • Most diverse zipline activity

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The Bay View Zipline is the perfect day out for those who want the zipline experience but maybe not such a long/expensive tour. Bay View is the perfect place for a day out with the family where you can enjoy 18 holes of mini-putt golf and the 400ft zipline for just $40. Compared to the other zipline experiences on Oahu, which are approximately $160 per person, this is a great budget option. Of course, it is just one short zip line but the adrenaline rush is much the same! It’s a great option for a couple of hours of fun and for your first-ever zipline. The other great part about Bay View is that it’s much closer to Waikiki than the other operators so a much shorter drive.

Click Here to book your zipline at the Bay View Zipline and Miniputt .

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I hope you enjoyed this Oahu Ziplining guide and it helped you select an awesome Oahu Zipline experience for you and your family!


  • Doors-Off Oahu Helicopter Flight Tour : My number one recommendation is to do a heli-flight (doors off) and be blown away when you see Oahu from the air.
  • North Shore Shark Cage Tour : The biggest adrenaline rush you can have in Hawaii is beneath the surface with sharks!
  • Eco-Friendly Dolphin and Snorkel Tour : One of the best experiences I had on Oahu was swimming with the beautiful spinner dolphins on this exact tour.
  • Turtle Canyon Snorkel Cruise by Catamaran : The number 1 MOST POPULAR snorkel tour on Oahu. GUARANTEED Turtles!


  • Hilton Hawaiian Village Beach Resort  (Overall Favorite) : In the heart of Waikiki, this high-end resort is right on the beach with a private lagoon.
  • Sheraton Waikiki   (Luxury) : A luxury resort with the most amazing infinity pool on the island, which overlooks the beach.
  • Ewa Hotel Waikiki : (Value):  Ewa Hotel is just one block back from the beach and is just over $150 USD.
  • Waikiki Beachside Hostel   (Budget Choice) : A budget alternative, which is still in an amazing location.
  • Disney Aulani Resort (Family Choice):  This is a resort your kids will never forget. It honestly feels like you are living in a theme park.

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I lived on Oahu for two years and loved adventuring from the beaches to the mountains to the waterfalls! These are my most popular blog post and guides from the beautiful island of Oahu to help you plan your trip!

  • What to pack for Hawaii:  THE HAWAII PACKING LIST: WHAT TO PACK
  • A helpful guide to choosing accommodation:   WHERE TO STAY ON OAHU
  • Most epic hike on Oahu: THE STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN OAHU, HAWAII
  • Ultimate Cliff Jumping Guide: 11 BEST CLIFF JUMPING SPOTS ON OAHU
  • Guide to Swimming with Sea Turtles: WHERE TO SEE TURTLES ON OAHU
  • The best Waterfall Hikes: TOP WATERFALL HIKES ON OAHU
  • Best Tours: 20 BEST TOURS ON OAHU
  • The Ultimate Guide to Oahu:  80 AWESOME THINGS TO DO ON OAHU

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The Family Vacation Guide

The Family Vacation Guide

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5 of the Best Places for Ziplining & Aerial Adventures in Kauai

posted by James Brockbank on May 18, 2022 // last updated on May 18, 2022

Kauai, also known as the Garden Island , holds endless beauty for visitors to enjoy during their vacation. While several outdoor activities allow you and your family to indulge in the splendor Kauai offers, taking to the sky is the best way to witness it all at once! 

With the possibility of private helicopter rides or ziplining expeditions, these activities are the best way to plunge into the scenery, soak up the sun, and have lots of fun!

Numerous different locations offer views of a lifetime, and seeing from the sky promises memories your whole family will love.

Here are the 5 Best Ziplining and Aerial adventures in Kauai.

Outfitters Kauai

Koloa kauai longest zipline tour, skyline hawaii, kaua’i backcountry adventures, ali’i air tours and charters, conclusion .

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Located in Lihue, Outfitters Kauai is one of the best zipline places in Kauai due to its variety of courses; you can come back again and again, never experiencing the same zipline trip. Not only do they offer ten lines and four tours to explore, but also a few different modes to choose from for how to zip down. 

Zipliners can choose to experience the Kauai greenery through options of tandem, single, superman, and even water zips, which gives a unique, impossible-to-see anywhere else view.

Outfitters Kauai is also well experienced, as they’ve been operating for over 30 years, which may reassure and relax some nervous first-time zipliners. Outfitters is equipped to deliver memorable experiences in under an hour but has options to extend your experience if you’re looking to make a day of it. 

Outfitters’ “Kipu Zipline Safari Tour” combines the fun of not only zip-lining; but offers paddling, hiking, a wagon ride, and a water zip. Best of all, it includes a great lunch during your expedition, flexible for dietary needs. 


For all four tours, patrons must be aged seven and up and within the weight requirements to participate. Closed-toe shoes are a must with every experience, but all safety garments, including helmets and harnesses, are supplied on location. Sunscreen and bug spray are also suggested.

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Located in Koloa, Kauai’s Longest Zipline Tour follows Outfitters Kauai as another well-revered ziplining haven. The longest zipline is a half-mile long, offering breathtaking views of the mountains and oceans of the Waita reservoir.  

Kauai’s most extended zipline tour is also suitable for those with kids aged seven and older, and welcomes first-time zipliners! Before your adventure starts, tour guides will present a brief lesson to introduce the basics, which is something not found anywhere else in all Hawaii .

As suggested by its title, Kauai’s longest zipline tour lasts approximately three and a half hours and offers tours starting as early as 7:30 am to see the sunrise to the last tour leaving around 2:30 pm. Along with the beautiful views promised as you and your family travel down the line, seasonal tropical fruits and snacks from local vendors are offered as part of your reservation.

Closed-toe shoes are required for the tour, as are proper shorts, meaning that they should be long enough to fit under the harness for the zip liner’s comfort. Sunscreen and bug spray are recommended.

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Skyline Hawaii is another top contender for your zipline adventure! Skyline not only offers their 8-line tour (lasting two and a half hours), and their 5-line tour (lasting an hour and a half) but was voted the best Kauai zipline tour in 2017. Additionally, they strive to educate patrons about the importance of conservation efforts, to keep the Kauai landscape untouched and resplendent for generations to come.

Skyline Hawaii helps put nervous first-time zipliners at ease. Skyline tour guides must undergo over 80 hours of training for handling both the equipment and logistics of ziplining and experiential training before they gain their figurative wings as zipline guides. 

Located in Poipu, Hawaii, Skyline Hawai’i has promised family fun since 2002 and will give the thrill of a lifetime and allow you and your family to immerse into the culture and history of the island fully. In addition to your zipline experience, there is also a 2-2.5-mile hike through the island that allows more opportunity to spend time with nature at the ground level.

One of the best advantages of their 5-line tour is that it’s curated specifically for families (with children aged 10 and older), meaning everyone in your party can get in on the fun simultaneously. It even features Hawaii’s only plank launch zipline, where you and your family can walk the plank over breathtaking scenery, including valleys with Kukui, Hawaii’s state tree.

With all these experiences and the physical exertion they entail, proper closed-toe shoes are required, as well as long pants to ensure the harness doesn’t end up on the skin. Sunscreen and bug spray are also suggested. While it may be tempting, bringing your phone on your sky tour might not be the best idea. If you still hope to capture your skyline views without risking your phone, Gopros are available for you to rent on site.

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Located on Kuhio Highway in Lihue, Kauai Backcountry Adventures allows you and nine others access to “over 17,000 scenic acres of former plantation lands.” With seven zip lines to try out during a three-hour tour, zipliners will witness endless miles of the breathtaking Kauai rainforest. Kauai’s Backcountry Adventures offers an additional optional swimming hole experience to conclude your journey and snacks and beverages to be enjoyed in a bamboo grove.

Participants must be aged 12 and older and fit the weight requirements. Closed-toed shoes are required, and patrons should bring a swimsuit and towel if they plan on swimming at the end of the tour. Those with longer hair should also bring a hair tie or scrunchie to pull hair up if necessary.       

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For those who are interested in getting even higher in the sky, Ali’i Air Tours and Charters is the place to go! Located in Lihue, Ali’i Air Tours offers sky rides on three different aircraft: airplane, helicopter, and private charters. 

Private Charters

While private charters offer you passage to the different islands of Hawaii, the airplane and helicopter rides remain on Kauai. If one is only slightly nervous of heights, have no fear; Ali’i has been sharing the sky with patrons for over 30 years. 

Airplane Tours

Ali’i tours offer a more personal and secluded experience and are best recommended for smaller groups. Their private airplane tours are designed for a maximum of 5 passengers, allowing you and just your closest loved ones to partake. 

A certified Hawaii air tour guide will lead the tour, and there are three different adventures currently offered: Kauai, Kauai, and Niihau, and a flight to Oahu to visit Pearl Harbor. (And if you plan to leave Kauai, there is also room for your luggage to accompany you!)

The Kauai tour lasts an hour and unveils over 11 amazing sights unable to be seen anywhere else. The Kauai and Niihau tour lasts about an hour and a half, allowing patrons endless photos-taking opportunities, including the Waita Reservoir (the largest reservoir on Kauai) and the tiny island of Niihau, which is described as being “ frozen in time .” 

Helicopter Tours

If you have a smaller group you’re looking to take, helicopter tours may be your best choice for a more intimate experience. Privacy is promised with a maximum of 2 passengers, meaning no fighting over window seats. Patrons can even customize their experience by choosing to have doors on or doors-off flights. 

There are two options for the Kauai helicopter tour: a traditional Kauai helicopter tour lasting an hour, and the Kauai helicopter photo flight, suitable for professional photographers. This second option lasts an hour, and while more expensive,  is dictated by the passengers- you pick the sites you want to capture! 

While not as private, there is also the 5 Island Ultimate Air Tour from Kauai, if you’re looking to witness all of the Hawaiian islands in a single tour. Lasting 5 hours, this sky ride takes you on an adventure viewing the most popular staples of Kauai, Oahu, Lanai, Maui, and Kaho’olawe. 

There are plenty of fun activities to enhance your vacation in Kauai, all guaranteed to supply a lifetime of memories. One of the best activities you can do with your family is immersing in the beautiful nature unique to the island, and there’s truly no better way to do that than by taking it to the sky. 

These five zip lining and aerial attractions in Kauai promise unique experiences you won’t find elsewhere, with accommodations to suit you and your family’s vacation goals. Whether you’re a little scared of the sky or a complete daredevil, are just a couple, or have kids in tow, there are many options for you to experience Kauai in ways you’ll remember forever.

More about our TFVG Author

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James Brockbank

A seasoned traveller, Dad, and avid sports tourist, James foundered The Family Vacation Guide to share his expert vacation experiences- especially when it comes to being a travelling family man.

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Zipline Ohio

An absolutely exhilarating experience amidst breathtaking beauty.

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Award-Winning Zipline & Outdoor Adventure!

We are THE premier destination for ziplines and outdoor adventure in Hocking Hills! Whether it’s a family trip, a work retreat, or any other type of gathering, we have an option for everyone!

In 2007, Hocking Hills Canopy Tours started a zipline revolution in Ohio! It all started with our world-class Canopy Tour - the first of its kind in the midwest - which was awarded “Best Outdoor Adventure in Ohio” three years in a row by Ohio Magazine and listed first in “The Best Ziplines in America” by USA Today. Since then, we’ve been nationally recognized for excellence by many more prestigious publications including The Columbus Dispatch, Tripadvisor, Discovery.com, The New York Times, and more! All of the adventure courses and tours that we design and create at our facility near Hocking Hills State Park are completed with a commitment to our “world-class” status.

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Our Zipline Tours

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The Original Canopy Tour

The first world-class Zipline Canopy Tour in the Midwest! This spectacular adventure offers nature-lovers and thrill-seekers a bird’s eye view of the beautiful Hocking Hills. .

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The SuperZip®

The SuperZip® tour is over a quarter mile long with speeds upwards of 50 mph. If you want "higher, longer, and faster", this zipline delivers. Included in the "Top 10 Amazing Zip lines in the World"!

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Zip & Climb

This combines ziplines and rock climbing! This is for those who can’t get enough of the outdoors, and for those seeking an introduction to rock climbing or rappelling!

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The X Tour is a 2.5-3 hour professionally guided X-Treme zipline tour. It features a hybrid course design using a combination of trees and towers with a cross-country style zipline that boasts 11 ziplines.

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The DragonFly

Now kids can enjoy the thrill of zipping, while mom and dad watch from below. Dragonfly boasts a continuous belay safety system that allows kids to enjoy zipping while being attached to the cable 100% of the time

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Discovery Tours

Our discovery tours are shorter, introductory tours that allow you to enjoy the zipline experience with less commitment. These tours are shorter, but will absolutely satisfy your taste for adventure.

Our Other Fun Adventures

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Offroad Segway Adventures

Our Off-Road Segway Adventures will treat you to a 1.5-2 hour guided nature tour, showcasing the unique features of the scenic and historic Hocking Hills area

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The Rockbridge Encounter

The heart of this tour is experiencing the stunning beauty of the Hocking Hills and an ancient enigma called "Rockbridge”, Ohio's largest natural rockbridge!

Zipline in Ohio

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Nobody Does Outdoor Adventure

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  • (808) 237-7321

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Choose Your Adventure

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1-Hour E-Bike Tour

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Our amazing Jurassic Valley Zipline Tour journeys to the top of our spectacular Ka’a’awa Valley with 7 exciting tandem sections, 2 suspension bridges and 5 short hiking nature trails. Our ziplines range from 200 feet up to a quarter of a mile in length! Guests will learn about Hawaiian traditions and zip through native flora and fauna. And if your surroundings look familiar, it’s probably because you’ve seen Ka’a’awa Valley in one of the 200+ movies & tv shows… like Jurassic Park, Jurassic World & Jumanji… that have been filmed at Kualoa over the years.


  • Closed-toe shoes required.
  • Guests must be a minimum of 18 years old if unaccompanied by an adult or guardian.
  • A liability waiver must be signed by all guests prior to departing on the tour.
  • Height: between 4’8” – 6’9” (142cm – 205cm)
  • Waist Size: between 22” – 50” (55cm – 127cm)
  • Upper Thigh Size: between 18” – 28” (45cm – 71cm)
  • Weight: between 70 and 280 pounds (32kg – 127kg)
  • Expecting mothers and/or guests with Heart Conditions, Spinal Issues, or Joint Pain are not advised to participate in this tour, and should consult with a doctor before engaging in any strenuous activity.
  • Advanced reservations are recommended as many tours sell out.
  • 3-hour tour time includes training and safety briefing.
  • NEW PHOTO SYSTEM is located at Zip basecamp and features pictures taken of you during your adventure. All photos must be purchased at Zip basecamp. Credit/debit card only.

3 Hour Tour (including ride to zipline)

Price: adult starting at $179.95 child $139.95 (plus 4.712% tax).

Pricing per person. Rates subject to 4.712% tax.


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AMAZING doesn’t even begin to explain how beautiful this place was!!!! Not only the view, the vibe, but all of the employees were super welcoming! I was able to zip line on 10/3 with Ally & Gabe and they were beyond phenomenal!!! At no point was I scared or uncomfortable, being that it was my first time ever ziplining!! Ally kept checking in on me and the rest of our group. They prepped us for everything and were just an absolute joy to be around! Thanks for having them lead such an adrenaline pumping activity!!!

Nicolette G.

Gabriella m., amazing atv and zipline.

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Michelle l., chee_dog2011, absolute professionals with high regard for personal safety, gorgeous location and amazing tours, awesome fun, ginger monaro, ziplining, the highlight of our oahu trip, kualoa ranch is a most beautiful piece of this planet. wonderful scenery & back country trips., baja001, the villages florida.

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Ride colorado's longest and fastest ziplines, about our ziplines, zipline stats.

  • LONGEST Ziplines in Colorado! 850 to over 1,900 ft!
  • NO scary hand braking! Your guides bring riders to a safe stop. Safety FIRST!
  • FASTEST Ziplines in Colorado! Reach speeds up to 60 mph!
  • ONLY Zipline course located in a protected nature park in the Rocky Mountains about 5 minutes from our office(shuttle to and from the park included)
  • Zipline Mountain Side to Mountain Side!
  • Highest rated ziplines on Google, Yelp, Facebook, and TripAdvisor
  • CLOSEST Zipline course to Denver at only 30 minutes from downtown
  • Two ways to get here: 1. Take a scenic 30-minute drive from Denver to our Conifer office (highly recommended, FREE PARKING) or 2. we can pick you up from downtown Denver for $50/pp (limited shuttle availability, book 48 hours in advance)
  • State-of-the-art equipment
  • Our guides have 50+ years of combined zipline experience!
  • ACCT inspected course, certified guides, and 3 guides per tour


Zip & Sip

Purchase the Platinum or Silver Package during the booking process! Taste Colorado micro-brews at our neighboring pub,  Colorado’s Best Beers , after your adventure!

  • Tours run daily & open year round
  • 4-zipline adventure duration = 1.5 to 2 hours
  • 6-zipline adventure duration = 2.5 to 3 hours
  • Private tours available - Prices may vary
  • Don’t see your date and time? Call us 303-984-6151



Please select the “BOOK NOW” button below, for a specific adventure to see current available times.


  • Maximum weight limit is 245lbs (strictly enforced; everyone is privately weighed in at check-in.  Weigh-in does not include zipline gear but DOES include clothes and shoes)
  • Minimum weight is 40lbs (strictly enforced; everyone is privately weighed in at check-in.  Weigh-in does not include zipline gear but DOES include clothes and shoes)
  • No unaccompanied minors (see requirements below for more information)

Our Zipline Tours

Don’t see your date and time? Not enough open slots for your group? Call us 303-984-6151

denver colorado homepage 4 zipline


Ride 6 long and exciting lines ranging from 850ft to over 1,900ft long at speeds up to 60mph between 30 and 250ft above the ground! We are located in a nature park at an elevation of close to 9,000ft! This tour includes a short scenic uphill nature hike, the two longest and two fastest ziplines in Colorado. ONLY Zipline course located in a Rocky Mountain nature park about 5 minutes from our office(shuttle to and from the park included) Private tours available – Prices may vary. Choose from our Platinum, Gold, Silver or Bronze package!     Total trip duration is about 2.5 hours.


from $109.99/pp

denver colorado homepage zipline tours


On this shorter tour, each person will ride 4 ziplines. They consist of Colorado’s longest, fastest, and 2 more ziplines, usually in less than 2 hours. This tour is great if you don’t have much time but would still like to enjoy some great ziplines in the Rockies. ONLY Zipline course located in a Rocky Mountain nature park about 5 minutes from our office(shuttle to and from the park included) Private tours available – Prices may vary. Choose from our Platinum, Gold, Silver or Bronze package!   Total trip duration is about 2 hours.

from $89.99/pp



Combine the 6-zipline tour with any other adventure offered by Denver Adventures and receive a DISCOUNT!  Exact price depend on specific adventures chosen.   Choose from our Platinum, Gold, Silver or Bronze package!  

star half


Sunset 6-zipline adventure tour, from $129.99/pp.



This tour is the 6-zipline adventure, but you will ride the two longest ziplines and the two fastest ziplines in Colorado … TWICE!!

Total trip duration is about 3 hours.

Things to Know

  • Maximum weight limit is 245lbs  (strictly enforced; everyone is weighed in at check-in).  Weight limit includes clothes and shoes but not your zipline equipment, we do weigh-in on site. NO REFUNDS for people over the weight limit.
  • Minimum weight limit is 40lbs (strictly enforced; everyone is weighed in at check-in).  Weight limit includes clothes and shoes but not your zipline equipment, we do weigh-in on site. NO REFUNDS for people under the weight limit.  Other children in the party or guides may be able to ride tandem with small kids(must be at least 40lbs) as long as the combined weight does not exceed 210lbs. For safety reasons, the combination of the tandem will be decided by the guides based on a variety of variables the day of the tour.
  • Children 17 and under must be accompanied by a parent/guardian.  No unattended minors are allowed on the zipline course.  Ages 13 and under must have a paying zipline parent or guardian ziplining with them(they do not need to physically ride with the child, just do the tour).  Ages 14-17 the parent or guardian does not have to zipline but must be present on the course spectating.  Children 4 and under are not allowed in our vans.  Cost to spectate is $15/pp .   Questions? contact us by phone at 303-984-6151
  • Riders must be in good physical condition without medical issues such as heart conditions, pregnancy, extreme fear of heights, recent surgery or injuries, etc. We welcome persons with disabilities but due to the inherent nature of this activity we will assess each person on a case-by-case basis. Please contact us by phone at 303-984-6151, before booking.
  • Layer your clothes with non-cotton layers(Dri-fit, Under Armour, synthetic fabric). You can wear cotton, however, if it rains/snows, you will get wet and stay wet, get cold and stay cold. Avoid loose fitting clothes(scarves, etc.) and shoes, jewelry(dangling earrings) and other valuables. Shorts are okay, but pants are preferred. Closed toed shoes are required(tennis shoes work best) and anyone with open toed shoes will not be allowed to ride the zipline and it is non-refundable. No Uggs, heels, or wedges allowed. Boots(no UGGS) are recommended for the winter months of November thru March.
  • Drinks, snacks, large cameras, and  BACKPACKS ARE NOT ALLOWED on the course.  Phones and small cameras are allowed but we highly recommend not taking them for risk of dropping them.  
  • Bring a reusable water bottle with a clip, that can attach to your harness with water.  If you do not have a water bottle or a clip for your water bottle you can purchase one on-site.  Snacks and extra water are provided along the course.
  • If you have an inhaler or Epi-pen, please bring this with on the tour. You can leave all valuables in the cubbies that are in our office (wallet, phone, ID, purse, etc), they can not be stored behind the desk. WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR LOST OR STOLEN ITEMS, however, there will be office staff there at all times to keep an eye on your belongings.
  • People that do not meet the above requirements or that do not want to zipline are welcome to come watch their family and friends. They will be able to watch them 90% of the time, for a small fee. A liability waiver must be signed for all participants and watchers.
  • Reservations and full payment are required ahead of time.
  • You will be sent a link for a digital waiver, once you adventure has been confirmed, to fill out online. Digital waivers should be filled out before you arrive for your tour. One waiver per person. Any person 17 and under will need to have a parent or guardian sign their liability waiver. They do not need to be printed out. Parents / Legal Guardians are required to sign for minors under the age of 18. If you are any other relation, besides a parent or legal guardian to the minor, DO NOT sign for them. You will be emailed a waiver at the time of booking, please forward the waiver email to their parent or legal guardian for signature. If you are signing for another minor other than your own, we will need a notarized power of attorney form at check-in.
  • Reservations become non-refundable 72 hours before trip departure (2 weeks for groups).
  • Check-in for your zipline adventure 20 minutes before trip departure  (ex. 1pm tour = check-in at 12:40pm)
  • All safety equipment, guides, snacks and extra are included in your adventure!
  • Kids (9 and under) ride at a $10/pp discount but must be accompanied by a paying ziplining parent or guardian.
  • The physical address of our zipline office is 26267 Conifer Rd, Conifer, Co 80433.   This address and directions will also be included in the confirmation email once you book your adventure.  Take a scenic 30-minute drive from Denver to our Conifer office (highly recommended, FREE PARKING, we will then shuttle you to the zipline course about 5 minutes away at no extra charge) or we can pick you up from downtown Denver (1 hour before your trip departure) for $50/pp (limited shuttle availability, book, 48 hours in advance).  Most people rent a car and make a day in the mountains out of it because there is a lot to see on the way to and from our location(Red Rocks Park and Amphitheater, Town of Evergreen and Golden and Look out Mountain, etc.)
  • All prices include taxes, permits, and entrance fees but a small service fee will be applied at the time of reservation. The small service fee is non-refundable.
  • Group pricing available for groups of 10 or more people. Call for details.
  • If the weather, insufficient number of participants, or other circumstances cause us to cancel your tour, you will be informed by phone and/or email to reschedule or refund. This adventure runs rain or shine.
  • Gratuity for our hard working guides is not included but greatly appreciated.
  • Better yet, after your zipline adventure unwind at our neighboring tavern Colorado’s Best Beers and enjoy local micro-brews, whiskeys, wines, snacks and more!

ZIPLINE Meeting Point

26267 Conifer Rd., Conifer, CO 80433

Ready to book your adventure?

Book an adventure combo and enjoy 2 adventures in a single day.

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our location

Canopy Tours NW logo

Have Some Questions?

Our canopy tour is a forest experience like nothing else! You’ll zip between trees, riding on steel cables. Guests are outfitted with harnesses, helmets, lanyards and, of course, the trolleys which roll along the cables. Walking between the zips you will learn about the fascinating nature and wildlife and the rich history of the land. In the trees you will see an exhilarating new view as you zip along!

While there are inherent risks in any recreational activity; our tour has been built and certified to meet or exceed the ANSI-accredited ACCT guidelines. The zip line cables have a breaking strength exceeding 26,000 pounds. Our highly trained guides clip you into each line as well as a backup line throughout the tour.

The tours last about 2.5 hours with a full group.  However, we ask that you arrive 30 minutes early to sign in, get your gear, etc.  This means your total experience will be about 3 hours.

It is best to wear seasonally appropriate, comfortable clothing, keeping in mind you will be spending 2-3 hours outdoors. Even in the warmer months, we require closed-toe shoes and you should wear garments you can comfortably wear a harness over. Remember you will be zipping through the canopy of trees so tie back long hair and don’t wear anything too loose fitting.

We access the start of the tour in a very cool 1963 Swiss Army troop carrier known as a Unimog! There are two short but beautiful forest trails we walk during the tour.

Our lines have been installed so you are already slowing down as you approach the end platform. Additionally, we have guide-operated braking systems to assist in bringing you to a nice, controlled stop as you reach the end of the line. Your guide will then get you ready for your next zip! You can relax and enjoy the ride!

There are two beautiful walks as part of your experience with Canopy Tours Northwest, the longest being around 5 minutes. The terrain is not difficult; participants walk on groomed forest trails.

There are 6 thrilling zip lines plus a log bridge and final descent in our tour.

No. Participants get comprehensive instruction before beginning the tour then take to the trees assisted by their guides.

Ages, Weights, & Requirements

Yes, all participants are required to sign a Participant Agreement at check in, before participating in the tour. (View the Participant Agreement)

Yes. Guests must weigh between 65lb and 280lb and youth 12 years old and under must be accompanied by an adult. We weigh all participants at check in (don’t worry, we don’t say a thing). We do pass along the list of participant weights to our guides so they can give you a smoother zipping experience.

No, we unfortunately cannot allow pregnant guests to zip.

Yes! It will surely be an experience to remember.

No. Both for the safety of our guests and the protection of the forest, smoking is not permitted on the tour.

No. While we are dog lovers ourselves, the tour is not completely accessible by foot, so your loyal, four-legged friend would have a hard time keeping up with you. Also, we try hard to have as little impact as possible on the many creatures whose home is in our forest. For these reasons, dogs or other pets are not allowed on the tour.

While we don’t tell our guests how to behave when they are not at Canopy Tours Northwest, we do believe guests will get the most out of their tour if they are free from the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Whether due to intoxication or for any other reason, we do reserve the right to refuse service to and remove from the course anyone we perceive as compromising our ability to properly conduct tours.

Yes we do!!

For the lucky recipient, redeeming and scheduling their tour is easy, too.  They can look at available times online and then call (same number, 360-387-5807) to schedule.  Gift certificates purchased either directly or through our Website never expire! We donate some gift certificates to support local charities and these donated do expire. If you got your gift certificate at a fundraising event, find the expiration date on the face of the gift certificate.

Yes we can! We pride ourselves on making your group tour arrangements as easy as possible. We can scale with staff to meet the specific size and needs of your group. Learn more here or call our office at 360-387-5807.

A Canopy Tours Northwest zip line tour is an excellent activity for families and also for corporate groups, teams, classes or large organizations. It is a fun and educational experience that is wonderful to share with others. If you are planning a larger group event, please check out our Groups Page or call our office at 360-387-5807 for rates and other information.

Tour fees are fully refundable until 3 days before your scheduled reservation. Beyond that point, no refunds will be issued as tours are very difficult to book again on such short notice.

Tipping is optional and we are happy to see the smiles on our guests faces. If you choose to tip and would like to show your enjoyment of the tour, typical canopy tour tipping is $5-$10 per person.

While the vast majority of guests report no problems, a few have indicated their memory cards were empty, or the video was of poor quality, or other problems. Even in these cases, the videos are usually there and just fine. We have created a special page to help guests access them – view it here .

Canopy Tours Northwest is located on the beautiful Kristoferson Farm on Camano Island in Western Washington. Our address is 332 NE Camano Drive, about an hour’s scenic drive from Seattle.

We have listed nearby restaurants (with links) on our Local Area Information page.

Western Washington lives up to its reputation and gets periodic rain showers. While we think every day is a beautiful day at Kristoferson Farm, it is harder to enjoy if you are not prepared. Make sure to bring a rain jacket and shoes that will keep your feet dry. Umbrellas are not suitable rain protection for the tour.

Find local area lodging and campground information on our Local Area Information page.

Camano Island is a beautiful island with lots to see and do. Check out the visitors page here . The nearby towns of Stanwood and La Conner  are also fun to visit. The Pacific Northwest is a great place for hiking enthusiasts with a number of parks on Camano and Whidbey Islands as well as Deception Pass State park north of Camano Island.

Terra Teams and Teambuilding

Yes, Terra Teams programs are customized to groups of at least 10 guests.

Relive the Experience

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Vegas Primer

Must Do in Las Vegas for First Timers

Grand Canyon West Zip Line (Full Guide & Review)

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I write about things I love to do in Las Vegas. If you click a link and make a purchase, I may receive a small commission, which helps to support my work. Learn more

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to zipline at the Grand Canyon? Well, now you can! The zip line experience at Grand Canyon West allows guests to soar across side canyons – all while taking in breathtaking views.

It’s one of the tallest, longest, and fastest around. The experience also offers excellent value because you’ll get to go on two rides and take a canyon tour.

Now, I got to go a few months ago, and it was amazing. So I put together a review to show you what it’s like and share my best tips. Alright, enough with the intro; let’s fly!

Video: See The Zip Lines

Hours & days open, passenger requirements, quartermaster canyon, west rim native plants, gopro cameras, scheduling your day, zipline safety measures.

This adventure is on the Hualapai Indian Reservation. And similar to the Grand Canyon National Park, you’ll need to pay to enter. So to ride, you need a general admission and zipline ticket.

In this video, you’ll see what the zip lines are like and how fast you can go! I also share my favorite day-of tips and give you a preview of the canyon tour.

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Getting There & Directions

The zip line experience is at Hualapai Point at Grand Canyon West. And if you’re driving there, you won’t need to go all the way to the main terminal. Instead, you’ll find the access road a couple of miles before the main entrance.

A photo showing the road to the zip lines at the Grand Canyon

So from E Diamond Bar Rd, you’ll go through a roundabout and see a sign that says “Zipline next right.” Now, it’s not exactly the next right, as there are two back roads you’ll pass by, but it’s the next main road. Just look for the cabin signs, then turn right.

There’s ample and free parking at Hualapai Point, too. So once you’ve parked, you’ll show your tickets to the attendant on the footbridge and head to the check-in building.

The parking lot at Hualapai Point

Now, if you’re coming from the main terminal instead or don’t have a car, you can take the complimentary shuttle to Hualapai Point. But this will add some extra time to your day. So be sure to factor in at least 30 additional minutes of travel time when booking your tour.

Are you driving from Vegas? Check out my West Rim road trip guide for detailed directions and fun stops along the way!

This experience was previously only open during the spring and summer. But thanks to high demand, Grand Canyon West has extended its season. So now you can ride the lines no matter which month you go!

2024 zip line Schedule

  • Mon – Sun (April through August)
  • Wed – Sat (September through December)
  • Hours: 10:00 am – 5:00 pm

Tickets are sold in one-hour intervals, i.e., 1:00 – 2:00 pm. This is again because the adventure isn’t just one ride. Instead, you’ll go on two runs and take a tour of Quartermaster Canyon. So the entire experience will take about 45 minutes to an hour.

Ticket prices can sometimes vary. But as of the date of this article, rates start around $45 per person. Sales tax is an additional charge.

This experience is an  ADD-ON option. So you must buy a general admission and zipline ticket. Or you can purchase a pre-packaged adventure bundle and add a zipline ticket to that.

Right now, there are seven tour times daily, starting at 10:00 am, with the last tour at 4:00 pm. Reservation times can sell out, too, so it’s best to get your tickets before going to Grand Canyon West.

Additionally, because there’s so much to see and do at the West Rim, it’s much better to have a schedule. But if you don’t book in advance, you can always go to Hualapai Point and check the availability there.

There are a few passenger restrictions to keep in mind before buying a Grand Canyon zip line ticket.

  • Minimum weight 90 lbs
  • Maximum weight 275 lbs
  • Must be at least 4 feet tall
  • Must be able to climb stairs
  • No pregnant women
  • No persons with neck or back injuries
  • No beverages or food allowed
  • Must follow all guide instructions

You’ll need to do a few things before you can ride the lines, so arriving 20 minutes before your tour time is best. Check-in is at the zip line building at Hualapai Point, and it’s easy to find. Just look for the peach-colored building with the big brown sign.

A photo of the zipline building

Inside, you’ll get your ticket scanned by a staff member and sign a waiver. Then, you’ll stand on a scale so that the team can assign you the appropriate harness.

Your weight isn’t announced – only the harness color, i.e., green, red, or black. So be sure to remember your color when it comes time to put your harness on.

Harnesses on the wall

And then the last thing you’ll need to do before heading out on the shuttle is to grab a blue helmet from the wall. You can pick whichever one you want. The helmets are also sterilized after each use, so you won’t have to worry about germs.

The employees are knowledgeable and super-friendly! So if it’s your first time or you need assistance, they’ll help get your gear on and answer any questions.

Grand Canyon West Ziplines & Tour

Once you’re harnessed up, you’ll hop in a van with your tour guide to the first tower. You’ll grab a trolley there that you’ll keep with you for both runs. (If you’re new to riding, the trolley is the mechanism that sits on top of the cable.)

The trolley weighs about five pounds, and you’ll have to carry it up the towers. There are quite a few steps at each tower, too. For instance, Tower 1 has five flights of stairs, and Tower 2 has seven. But, if you need to, you can take your time and rest on the way up.

When it’s your turn to fly, you’ll step onto the tower deck and get hooked up. Each run has four lines so you can ride with your family and friends. And then each passenger gets released one at a time.

The more you weigh, the faster you’ll go, but you can speed yourself up or down based on your body positioning. For example, if you want to go faster, you can tuck your body like a cannonball. Or, to slow down, stretch out your arms and legs like a starfish.

  • 1100 feet long
  • 500 feet off the ground
  • 30 seconds of flying time

A photo of the first zipline tower at Grand Canyon West

  • 2100 feet long
  • 700 feet off the ground
  • 1 minute of flying time

A photo of the second zip line

Zip line speeds can reach up to 40 mph!

After you’re done with the second run, you’ll follow the turtle and go on a short hike to the Quartermaster Canyon lookout. Before starting the trek, though, be sure to grab a complimentary bottle of water.

The hike doesn’t take too long – about five to 10 minutes, and it’s not too strenuous either. But if you can’t do the hike, a team member can drive you to the viewpoint. The walk up to the canyon is beautiful, though. So if you can make it, it’s well worth it!

The trail to Quartermaster Canyon

At the Quartermaster Canyon lookout, your guide will share some interesting facts – like how it’s two miles across and 3,700 feet deep. And you’ll get to hear how the canyon got its name from an expedition back in 1868.

You’ll also see shapes in the canyon, such as a bear and a princess with her horse. If you have trouble locating them, ask your guide for assistance. He’ll gladly point them out to you!

The view from Warrior Point at Quartermaster Canyon

Look for the black rock near the edge of the lookout. This is volcanic sill. And according to our guide, John, it’s at least 10 to 12 million years old.

There’s also Bright Angel Shale at the very bottom of Quartermaster Canyon. John said this is about 515 million years old.

After taking in the view at Quartermaster Canyon, your tour isn’t over yet! As you ride back in the van to the building, your guide will point out vegetation along the way.

Agave, sage, and banana yucca plants

You’ll get to see a lot of unique plants. For instance, we found the Rubber Rabbitbrush plant particularly interesting as it was used as a rubber substitute during World War II.

And then there’s the Banana Yuccas, which are the primary source of nutrition for the canyon between May and August. This plant has a banana-shaped fruit (thus the name), but it cooks and eats like a potato.

Your guide may also dispel some cactus myths that could come in handy – if you’re ever lost in the desert. And show you which plants were used for bandages and sewing needles.

But a surprise comes at the end when you get to see the dirt road that Robbie Knievel used to jump the Canyon in 1999!

Things To Know Before You Go

I always like knowing what to expect, so I’ve put together a list of the things we wish we would’ve known before we went. I hope these tips will help you have a stress-free and enjoyable adventure!

If you want to record your experience, you can bring your GoPro camera or rent one at the check-in building.

Now, if you’re bringing your own, you can rent a special helmet for around $5.00. This helmet has a mount for your GoPro. But I recommend bringing your GoPro accessories, too, because we had some trouble getting the camera on.

We’re not the most skilled GoPro users, though, as it was our first time. But we think it would’ve worked had we had the proper mounting accessories.

A guest wearing a GoPro Head Strap on her helmet

So we ended up using our GoPro Head Strap instead. We bought this at a local retailer for around $20 before we went to Grand Canyon West. This worked very well! It didn’t move on the lines, and the video we captured was unobstructed.

If you don’t have a GoPro or prefer not to bring yours, you can rent a camera. And you’ll get a memory card to take home with you too. When we visited, it was only $20 for the GoPro rental and memory card purchase. We thought this was an excellent deal!

On the tour, you’re also welcome to take as many photos on your cell phone as you’d like. But you’ll need a way to secure your phone while riding.

We had brought a waist pouch to keep our phone safe, but we couldn’t get to it with all the equipment on. So we got a cell phone lanyard at the building instead. The lanyard goes around your neck and keeps your phone safe with its straps.

A photo of a cell phone lanyard

The pricing for the lanyard is reasonable. When we were there, it only cost about $6.00. And you’ll get to keep it as a fun souvenir too.

But you may want to make sure that the lanyard fits your phone before buying it – especially if you have one of the newer iPhones. With these, a lanyard strap may obstruct one of the three lenses, creating a black spot on your photos.

This happened to us a few times. However, once we knew about the issue, we checked the straps before taking a picture to ensure they weren’t covering a lens. And then we didn’t have any further problems.

Since your tour will take anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour, you may want to stop at the restrooms first. The public loos are not in the zip line building, though.

Instead, you’ll need to exit the building and turn right. You’ll find the restrooms inside the last structure on the left at the end of Hualapai Point. It’s only about a minute’s walk, and it’s easy to find – just look for the Quado/Restroom sign.

The restrooms at Hualapai Point

It’s not a problem if you need to bring a lot of stuff to Hualapai Point. And that’s because there are complimentary lockers available for zip line guests.

The lockers are big, too, so you can pack everything in one space. And you’ll get a key to take with you on the tour. Now, it’s a good idea to store items here that you won’t need to access. So, for example, purses, hats, outside food and drink, and any extra clothing.

Complimentary lockers inside the building

The only items I recommend bringing with you are a cell phone or GoPro camera – if you’re recording the experience. As for sunglasses, I don’t remember anyone in our group having them on, but you’re welcome to wear them at your own risk.

For those that love getting souvenirs, there’s lots of fantastic merch! For instance, Grand Canyon’s zipline t-shirts start at $20, and there’s a wide selection of sizes too. And then there are also mugs, patches, stickers, bottle openers, and green screen photos.

If you wear glasses, you can even get a special eyeglass keeper to take with you on the tour. And, of course, the most popular item is the cell phone lanyard. I highly recommend getting that!

Souvenirs available at the zipline experience

If you’re driving to Grand Canyon West, booking the zip line tour as your first experience works well. This is because you can go directly to Hualapai Point and park your car there. The access road is before the main entrance, too, so you’ll save travel time going here first.

And then, after you’re done with the lines, you can continue driving down the road to the main terminal. From there, you can go on the Skywalk or explore more of the Grand Canyon at Guano Point.

If you’re interested in the Helicopter and Pontoon tour , booking this at least two hours after your zipline start time is recommended. This should allow enough time to get back to the main entrance and check in for your flight.

If you’re a first-timer or nervous about going, the staff is there to help ease your mind.

Our guide explained all the safety measures they had in place when we went. For instance, there are daily, weekly, monthly, and annual inspections of the lines. And, of course, servicing of the brake systems, too. The team even goes on the runs each morning before they open.

On top of the towers are checklists to ensure guests are hooked up correctly before each ride. Additionally, only one guest can walk on the tower deck at a time. So you’re always getting the undivided attention of a team member.

With all the excitement, we should have paid more attention to the braking instructions! So I want to point them out to you now so you don’t experience a big jolt at the end of each run.

A photo showing how to brake

There should be a team member at the end of each line that will tell you when to start braking. But if you don’t hear him, it’s important to remember to brake 20 to 30 feet out.

You’ll need to lean back with your knees up to get into your braking position. And be sure to keep your knees and feet shoulder-width apart. This position should slow you down enough, so you’re not hitting the stops at full speed.

The Grand Canyon West zipline is an incredible attraction ! I can’t imagine any ride more beautiful and thrilling than this. And the tour and view of Quartermaster Canyon blew my mind.

Now, I’ll admit we had some nerves. But the fears quickly subsided once we spoke with the staff and heard all the safety measures they had in place.

We were also super impressed with the entire team. And two staff members, John and Delaney, went above and beyond to make our time there fantastic. They were friendly and professional, offered helpful insights, and answered all our questions.

Overall, this adventure far exceeded our expectations, and it was an unforgettable day. So if you’re on the fence about going, GO. I think you’ll really love it!

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About Jenna

Hi, I’m Jenna! I’m a Las Vegas local, founder of Vegas Primer, and a VIP Host. I love helping people find the right experiences for their trips. When I’m not writing, I enjoy creating latte recipes, listening to podcasts, and relaxing in my backyard baby pool.

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Do You Tip on Zip Line Adventures and How Much?

You just finished an amazing zipline adventure. Should you tip the guides? If so, how much is appropriate? This article explains if and how much to tip for ziplining. It gives tips based on group size, tour length, and service quality.

For zip line tours, it's customary to tip guides 10-20% of the tour cost. If the tour is $100, a tip of $10 to $20 per guide is appropriate, depending on the quality of the experience and service.

Tipping Customs

  • Expressing gratitude through tipping is customary after a zip line adventure.
  • A proper tip reflects the quality of service and your group's experience.
  • The tip amount varies, but generally aligns with standard service industry guidelines.

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On this page:

Tipping on adventure activities, determining tip amounts, understanding tipping basics, tipping methods and considerations, tipping for group adventures, common tipping challenges, tips beyond money.

When embarking on an adventure activity like ziplining, understanding the etiquette of tipping your zipline guides can enhance their motivation and acknowledge their dedication.

Tipping Zip Line Guides

Zipline guides are an essential part of your adventure experience, providing not only instruction but also ensuring your safety and enjoyment. Like others in the service industry , a tip is a way to say thanks for a job well done . It's customary to consider the level of service, the length of your tour, and the size of your family or group when deciding how much to tip .

  • Standard Tipping Amount: Generally, aiming for 15 to 20 percent of the cost of the adventure is a good rule of thumb, aligning with practices in other service-based interactions.
  • Per Guide Tip: If you're wondering about an individual figure, an average tip per guide ranges at approximately $20 per person .
  • Group Tipping: For a family or group, a collective tip can be given. A typical family might leave around $50, equating to about $25 per guide for a family of four.

Remember that a generous tip is not just monetary compensation; it's a signal of appreciation for the guide's hard work and contribution to your adventure experience.

When planning your zip lining adventure, it's important to understand how gratuities work in this unique sector of the service industry. Deciding on the appropriate tip amount for your zip line guide involves a few key considerations.

Factors Influencing Tip Size

Experience Quality: The overall quality of the zip lining experience, including safety briefings, equipment handling, and the guide's interaction with you, can greatly influence the tip size. If your guide enhanced your adventure with exceptional service, a larger tip is a nice gesture of appreciation.

Guideline Adherence: While the service industry often suggests a 15 to 20 percent tip range, this percentage depends on your level of satisfaction with the zip line tour.

How Much to Tip Zip Line Guides

Industry Standard: The consensus in the industry is leaning towards a tip that falls within the range of 15 to 20 percent of the total cost of the experience. For example, if the charge for your zip line tour is $100, a tip of $15 to $20 is considered appropriate.

Payment Method: You'll typically have the option to tip in cash or by credit card , with cash often being the preferred method for guides due to immediate access. However, make sure to keep your cash in a secure place like a money belt during your adventure, especially since zip lining involves a lot of movement.

Remember, tipping your zip line guide is a personal choice and should align with your satisfaction and budget.

When you're on an adventure like zip lining, understanding how to show appreciation to your guide through a tip can enhance their livelihood and reflect your satisfaction with the experience.

Tipping Etiquette and Culture

In the context of zip lining, the tipping culture leans towards a gratuitous gesture for the instructor's effort. A typical range is between 15 and 20 percent of the cost of the zip line tour. It's important to consider that many zip line guides may earn a minimum wage and rely on tips to supplement their income. Therefore, if your guide delivers exceptional service, tipping at the higher end can make a substantial difference.

When you're zip lining, tipping is a way to show appreciation for your guides. The method you choose and how satisfied you are with the service can influence the tip you give.

Cash vs. Digital Payments

Cash: It's often preferred because it's straightforward and doesn't require any app or technology. You can simply hand it to your guide after the adventure. Tip guidelines suggest that a standard rate is often between 15% and 20% of the cost of the experience.

Digital Payments: Services like Venmo or credit card transactions may be accepted, depending on the zip line company's policies. These can be convenient if you prefer not to carry cash. Always check beforehand if your guides can accept digital tips.

Service Satisfaction Impact

Your level of satisfaction with the service should be reflected in your tip. If your guide was exceptional, providing safety, entertaining stories, and great instructions, acknowledging their effort with an appropriate tip is a generous gesture. Conversely, if your expectations are not met, it's acceptable to tip less than the standard rate. Remember, though, that zip line guides often rely on tips as a significant part of their income, similar to workers in restaurants, hotels, or driving services.

When you're ziplining with a group, whether it's your family or a bunch of friends, tipping can sometimes feel confusing. It's important to know how to adjust your tips appropriately to ensure that your guides are fairly compensated for their dedicated service during your group adventure.

Adjusting Tips for Large Parties

For groups, especially when it includes a family with children or a larger party , a flat rate tip might be more appropriate than a per-person amount. It's common to see an average tip of around $20 per person for a zip line tour guide. However, if you have a family of four , consider tipping a total of $50 , which breaks down to about $25 per guide if there are two guides. Remember, this figure may vary based on the service provided; excellent guidance warrants a generous tip.

When you're part of a large group , the overall expense may increase, but it's still important to recognize the effort of your guides . Your gratuity reflects the value you place on their expertise and the risk they undertake for your safety and enjoyment. If opting for a percentage-based tip, aim for 15% to 20% of the total cost of the adventure. It’s a straightforward way to calculate and ensures equity among the guides who facilitated your experience.

When you're soaring through the skies on a zip line adventure, figuring out how much to tip your guide can be as tricky as navigating the heights. Understanding the subtleties of tipping can enhance your experience and show appreciation for your guide's expertise.

Navigating Tipping When Traveling

Traveling brings the joy of exploring new heights and cultures, and with it comes the complexity of different tipping etiquette . When you're ziplining in a foreign country, it's crucial to research customary practices, as they can vary widely. In some places, a generous tip signifies warmth and gratitude; in others, it might be seen as an excessive gesture. Always consider the local culture and customs before deciding on the amount.

Addressing Tipping Anxiety

Tipping can create a sense of anxiety , especially when you're uncertain about the appropriate amount. Here's a simple guideline:

  • Excellent Service: If your zip line guide went above and beyond, a tip of $20 to $25 per guide can express your appreciation effectively.
  • Group Tipping: If traveling with others, agree on a collective amount to avoid under-tipping due to confusion.

Remember, while tipping is a part of the service industry , it's also a personal choice reflective of your experience and satisfaction. Your tip is not just monetary; it's a personal "thank you" for a memorable ride.

When you've experienced an exhilarating zip line adventure, expressing your gratitude extends beyond monetary tips . Your zip line guides, who ensure an enjoyable and safe experience, appreciate different forms of appreciation as much as they do financial rewards.

Alternative Ways to Show Appreciation

  • Personal Thank You : A heartfelt thank you at the end of your zip line tour can mean as much as a cash tip. Your words convey recognition of their hard work and dedication.
  • Feedback : Providing positive feedback directly to the guides or through online platforms supports their reputation and career growth. It also helps their service stand out in the industry.
  • Social Media Shoutout : Mention your guides in a social media post. Tagging the company and using hashtags can increase visibility for the guides' exceptional service.
  • Referrals : Recommend the service to friends and family. Word-of-mouth is powerful in the service industry and is a valuable form of appreciation.
  • Letters or Cards : A written note of thanks can be a treasured token of appreciation for a job well done . These personal touches often leave a lasting impression on guides.

Each of these gestures can help reinforce the value of the guides' effort and contribute to a positive work environment where their hard work is acknowledged and praised. Your show of gratitude will be remembered long after the day of adventure.

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Zip Lines Virginia

Virginia currently has 8 zip line locations. The various zip line tours feature a wide variety of zip line options. Most courses combine high speed zip lines with additional aerial obstacles including bridges, rappels, staircases and rope swings. One of the more unique zip courses is locate at the Richmond Zoo. The Treetop Zoofari has participants zipping and rope climbing on a course located high above live zoo animals below.

All zip line tours include helmets and all required safety equipment. Minimum age and weight requirements vary by location, check with zip tour location before making reservations. Groups are welcome and group discounts are offered at most locations. If you are looking for great adventure for you or your family book a Virginia zip line tour today!

Virginia Zip Line Locations:

Bentonville, virginia canopy tours, adventure park at sandy river retreat, bear mountain ziplines, massanutten resort, massanutten zip line canopy tour, salamander resort tree top zip line tours, purcellville, harpers ferry adventure center, metro richmond zoo, treetop zoofari zip line and adventure park, williamsburg, go ape aerial adventure course.

11 ziplines in Colorado where you can fly high

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2024 Total Eclipse: Where & When

Eclipse explorer.

For a mobile-friendly or full-screen version of this interactive map, visit go.nasa.gov/EclipseExplorer .

The Monday, April 8, 2024, total solar eclipse crossed North America, passing over Mexico, the United States, and Canada. The total solar eclipse began over the South Pacific Ocean. Weather permitting, the first location in continental North America that experienced totality is Mexico’s Pacific coast at around 11:07 a.m. PDT.

A map of the contiguous U.S. shows the path of the 2024 total solar eclipse stretching on a narrow band from Texas to Maine.

The path of the eclipse continued from Mexico, entering the United States in Texas, and traveled through Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine. Small parts of Tennessee and Michigan also experienced the total solar eclipse. The eclipse entered Canada in Southern Ontario, and continued through Quebec, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Cape Breton. The eclipse exited continental North America on the Atlantic coast of Newfoundland, Canada, at 5:16 p.m. NDT.

This table provides the time that totality began in some U.S. cities in the path of totality. These areas also experienced a partial eclipse before and after these times.

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    A Canopy Tours Northwest zip line tour is an excellent activity for families and also for corporate groups, teams, classes or large organizations. It is a fun and educational experience that is wonderful to share with others. If you are planning a larger group event, please check out our Groups Page or call our office at 360-387-5807 for rates ...

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    It gives tips based on group size, tour length, and service quality. For zip line tours, it's customary to tip guides 10-20% of the tour cost. If the tour is $100, a tip of $10 to $20 per guide is appropriate, depending on the quality of the experience and service. Expressing gratitude through tipping is customary after a zip line adventure.

  22. Zip Lines in Virginia

    Virginia currently has 8 zip line locations. The various zip line tours feature a wide variety of zip line options. Most courses combine high speed zip lines with additional aerial obstacles including bridges, rappels, staircases and rope swings. One of the more unique zip courses is locate at the Richmond Zoo.

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    The Denver Adventures zipline course, which features five ziplines in the steep pines of the Rocky Mountains. A great course for novices and city-dwellers looking to fit ziplining into busy ...

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    NASA's Scientific Visualization Studio. The Monday, April 8, 2024, total solar eclipse crossed North America, passing over Mexico, the United States, and Canada. The total solar eclipse began over the South Pacific Ocean. Weather permitting, the first location in continental North America that experienced totality is Mexico's Pacific coast at ...