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Tour taiwan + sun moon lake & miaoli line rail bike - jun - aug 2024 - by sq.



08 May, 06 Jun, 17 Jul, 21 Aug 2024 :

  • Adult Twin Share : IDR. 17,890,000
  • Child With Extra Bed : IDR. 17,890,000
  • Child Without Extra Bed : IDR.17,490,000
  • Single Supplement IDR. 4,900,000
  • Visa Taiwan : IDR. 900,000
  • Minimal keberangkatan 20 peserta.
  • Uang Muka Pendaftaran tidak dapat dikembalikan (down payment non-refundable) per peserta minimal IDR 10.000.000 + Biaya Visa (jika ada). Pembayaran melalui transfer ditujukan ke rekening a.n.  PT  Angkasa Pariwisata  Internasional.
  • 3.  Termasuk 3x Kunjungan Toko Wajib : King of Mao, Marble Factory, Duty Free Shop & Vigor Kobo Pineapple Cake
  • Airport Tax Internasional, Fuel Surcharge, biaya visa dan asuransi perjalanan pribadi dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu, dan akan disesuaikan kepada peserta sebelum keberangkatan.
  • Dalam hal aplikasi visa (jika ada), Peserta bersedia memenuhi kelengkapan persyaratan dokumen sesuai jadwal dan ketentuan dari pihak Kedutaan, dan biaya visa tetap harus dilunasi walaupun visa tidak disetujui oleh pihak Kedutaan.
  • Group akan diberangkatkan apabila mencapai jumlah minimum peserta sesuai yang tercantum di bagian harga tersebut di atas.
  • Acara perjalanan dapat berubah / diputar berdasarkan kondisi tiap-tiap penerbangan dan hotel di masing-masing kota / negara. Apabila dalam periode tour di kota-kota yang dikunjungi sedang berlangsung pameran / konferensi, atau hotel yang ditawarkan sedang penuh, maka akan diganti dengan hotel-hotel lain yang setaraf di kota terdekat.
  • Apabila terjadi Force Majeur (kondisi di luar kendali seperti : kehilangan, kerusakan, gangguan, keterlambatan sarana angkutan/transportasi, bencana alam dll) yang dapat memengaruhi acara tour akan dirubah dan bersifat non-refundable (tidak dapat dikembalikan). Dan Biaya Tour tidak termasuk segala pengeluaran tambahan yang disebabkan oleh Force Majeur.
  • Pelunasan biaya tour paling lambat 14 hari sebelum tanggal keberangkatan.
  • Deviasi akan dikenakan biaya sesuai dengan kondisi Airlines yang bersangkutan.
  • setelah pendaftaran: Uang Muka Pendaftaran (non-refundable)
  • 30 - 15 hari kalender sebelum tanggal keberangkatan: 50% dari biaya tour
  • 14 - 06 hari kalender sebelum tanggal keberangkatan: 75% dari biaya tour
  • 05 hari kalender sebelum tanggal keberangkatan : 100% dari biaya tour
  • Dengan membayar uang muka pendaftaran Biaya Tour, Anda dianggap telah memahami dan menerima syarat & kondisi di atas. Syarat & Kondisi Tour selengkapnya berlaku sesuai dengan yang tertera di dalam brosur program tour
  • 1. Ticket pesawat udara p.p. kelas ekonomi (non-endorsable, non-refundable & non-reroutable berdasarkan harga group / promosi). 2. Airport tax International (dapat berubah sewaktu waktu). 3. Penginapan di hotel berdasarkan 2 (dua) orang dalam 1 kamar (twin sharing). 4. Acara tour, transportasi dan makan sesuai yang tercantum dalam acara perjalanan. (MP – Makan Pagi; MS – Makan Siang; MM – Makan Malam). 5. Berat maksimum sebesar 20kg untuk 1 bagasi atau sesuai dengan peraturan maskapai penerbangan yang digunakan; dan berat maksimum 7 kg untuk 1 handbag kecil untuk dibawa ke kabin pesawat atau sesuai dengan peraturan maskapai penerbangan yang digunakan. 6. Air Mineral 1 botol per orang per hari. 7. Tour Leader dari Jakarta. 8. Asuransi perjalanan GROUP (usia tertanggung maksimal 69 tahun).
  • 1. Biaya dokumen perjalanan seperti : paspor, visa, entry permit, dll. 2. Namun jika Anda pernah memiliki visa Schengen, USA, Canada, Australia, Jepang (sudah digunakan), Korea (sudah digunakan), dalam kurun waktu 10 tahun terakhir, maka bisa apply e-visa Taiwan dengan syarat dan ketentuan berlaku (biaya IDR 100.000 + ppn 1.1%). 3. Pengeluaran pribadi seperti : telepon, room service, laundry, mini bar, tambahan makanan dan minuman serta pengeluaran lainnya. 4. Tour tambahan (Optional Tour) yang mungkin diadakan selama perjalanan. 5. Excess baggage (biaya kelebihan barang bawaan di atas 20kg), Biaya bea masuk yang dikenakan oleh duane di Jakarta maupun di negara yang dikunjungi. 6. Biaya Single Supplement bagi peserta yang menempati 1 kamar sendiri. 7. Tips untuk Lokal Guide, Tour Leader, Pengemudi, Pelayan restoran, dan Porter (jika ada) di Hotel dan Bandara. 8. Biaya PCR (Swab) Test di Indonesia (keberangkatan) -- Apabila diperlukan 9. Traveling bag. 10. PPN 1,1

Day 1: JAKARTA – SINGAPORE SINGAPORE - TAIPEI Hari ini Anda berkumpul di bandara Soekarno-Hatta untuk bersama-sama melakukan penerbangan menuju Taipei. Selamat datang di Taiwan ! Setibanya Anda akan langsung diantarkan menuju hotel untuk bermalam. Bermalam di Taoyuan atau area sekitarnya. Hotel : Tao Garden Hotel atau setaraf

Day 2: Breakfast, Lunch TAOYUAN – LUKANG - TAICHUNG Pagi ini Anda akan diantar menuju Lukang Historical and Cultural Town, salah satu kota tertua di Taiwan disini Anda berkesempatan untuk berkeliling kota tua dengan becak tradisional khas Taiwan. Kemudian Berfoto stop di National Taichung teather. Tak lupa acara berbelanja di Mitsui Outlet. Bermalam di kota Taichung. Hotel : Parkcity / In House atau setaraf *4

Day 3: Breakfast, Lunch TAICHUNG - SUN MOON LAKE – TAICHUNG Pagi ini Anda akan diajak mengunjungi Sun Moon Lake yang merupakan danau terbesar di Taiwan dengan airnya yang jernih berkilau. Anda juga dapat menikmati pemandangan yang indah di Sun Moon Lake dengan ferry cruise. Selanjutnya akan mengunjungi toko wajib : King of Mao. Bermalam di Taichung atau area sekitarnya. Hotel : Parkcity / In House atau setaraf *4

Day 4: Breakfast, Lunch TAICHUNG - MIAOLI - TAIPEI Hari ini anda diajak mengunjungi Miaoli Shen Hsin Station Old Mountain, disini Anda akan menikmati keindahan alam dengan Line Rail Bike. Setelahnya, Anda diantar menuju Joye Indigo Dyeing House & Taoyuan Gloria Outlet untuk sejenak berbelanja. Hotel : Aloft / Orchard Park Taipei / Capital Song Shan Hotel atau setaraf

Day 5: Breakfast, Lunch TAIPEI CITY TOUR Pagi ini Anda akan diajak untuk city tour kota Taipei dengan mengunjungi Chiang Kai Sek Memorial Hall - gedung peringatan dari Presiden pertama. Kemudian melewati Presidential Palace. Tidak ketinggalan menuju toko wajib : Duty Free Shop & Vigor Kobo Pineapple Cake, Setelah itu menuju area Dihua Street, kemudian acara berbelanja di Yongkang Culinary street dan Taipei 101 Shopping Mall (tidak termasuk Observatory Deck) - yang merupakan salah satu gedung tertinggi yang ada di Taiwan. Selesai tour Anda akan diantar kembali menuju hotel untuk beristirahat. Hotel : Aloft / Orchard Park Taipei / Capital Song Shan Hotel atau setaraf

Day 6: Breakfast, Lunch TAIPEI– JIUFEN VILLAGE - TAIPEI Hari ini Anda akan diantarkan menuju Taipei Keelung Cenpin Harbor untuk sejenak berfoto grup. Anda akan diajak pengalaman menulis pesan di lentera permintaan yang berlimpah lalu melepaskannya Jiufen Old Street & Shifen Release Sky Lantern (1 lentera - 4 orang). Tak lengkap rasanya jika ke Taiwan tidak mengunjungi pasar malam, Anda akan diajak untuk mengunjungi Shihlin night market. Hotel : Aloft / Orchard Park Taipei / Capital Song Shan Hotel atau setaraf

Day 7: Breakfast TAIPEI FREE TIME Hari ini merupakan acara bebas bagi Anda, yang bisa Anda gunakan untuk berkeliling, berwisata kuliner atau berbelanja di kota Taipei.

Note : Tidak ada layanan bus dan guide hari ini

Day 8: Breakfast TAIPEI – X/SINGAPORE X/SINGAPORE- JAKARTA Hari ini Anda akan diantar menuju Airport untuk penerbangan kembali ke Tanah Air, yang juga merupakan akhir dari perjalanan tour bersama ANGKASA TOUR Terima kasih atas partisipasi Anda dan selamat berjumpa kembali di acara tour selanjutnya.

Note: • Karena keterbatasan hotel & flight, susunan acara dapat berubah disesuaikan dengan hotel dan flight yg confirmed. • Regulasi tour dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu mengikuti peraturan dari pemerintah. • Biaya Test PCR di Indonesia & Taiwan belum termasuk dalam biaya tour (Apabila diperlukan)

Tour Taiwan 2024 >>


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taiwan tour indonesia


Tour jawa bali overland 8h6m - 23 juni 2024.

taiwan tour indonesia

Overland Tour Semarang - Wonosobo 16 Juni & 06 Juli 2024

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Tour Jawa Bali Overland 8H7M - 23 Juni 2024

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Overland Tour Lampung 3Hari 2Malam - 16 Juni 2024

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Tour Bali 3 Hari 2 Malam 2024 - Nusa Penida Tour

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Angkasa tour & travel lampung.

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#1 Agency for Taiwan Tours in 2024

Lets start planning your Taiwan Tour...

Meet our Taiwan Tour Guides

Winner of World Luxury Travel Awards

We listen closely to your needs to create an experience of Taiwan that is personalized, private and unique.

  • We help you plan your trip from initial correspondence to seeing you safely to the airport.
  • Perhaps most importantly, we offer you an extra level of comfort where you can rest assured that whatever the situation, you have native English speakers available 24/7 to help resolve any and every issue.

Taiwan’s natural beauty never fails to amaze. We look forward to showing you around.

As seen on TripAdvisor


“Steven Liu is another of your excellent staff… I will certainly not forget his patience and dedication towards his job. He deserves my family praises – and they really do have a high regard for his dedication in driving us all safely throughout Taiwan.”

“Joe Huang is the best guide. He spoke good English, was a skillful and safe driver on the very narrow and steep roads, and was patient and good humoured.”

“Our driver/guide for the 2 days Mr Xi was absolutely fantastic, very knowledgeable and entertaining, even showed us a couple of things we didn’t ask for ( we didn’t even know of them) which was very good of him.” 

"Our extended family visited Taiwan for the holidays. The logistics of trying to book a trip by ourselves were an impossible hurdle. Life of Taiwan did an amazing job! They coordinated pickups for four different groups arriving at different times and effortlessly managed a flight delay caused by weather. Our all encompassing custom tour included Sun Moon Lake, Taroko National Park, Tainan, Alishan, and finishing with a wonderful stop in Taipei. We experienced wonderful hikes, great meals, beautiful sights, and beautiful culture. Everyone had their own favorite place. My favorite was Alishan. The amazing local guides, Corbett and Irene, gave us a wonderful introduction to the indigenous people of Taiwan. The people of the De’enyana Village stole my heart. Our tour bus was comfortable and our driver (Chang) and guide (Steven) were great additions to our experience. Steven really did a wonderful job sharing Taiwan's beauty and keeping us all moving in the right direction."

Private Tours 

Family Tours 

Couple Tours

Custom Tours

Private Drivers

Restaurant Food Tours 

Street Food/ Night Markets

Day/ Night Walking Tours

We are a 5-Star rated, award-winning Taiwan tour agency specializing in private tours for anyone interested in having unique and authentic Taiwan experience.

Explore the rich tapestry of Taiwan's culture through immersive tours that highlight its historical landmarks, traditional arts, bustling night markets, and unique culinary delights. 

Experience a hiking adventure in Taiwan, exploring breathtaking landscapes and national parks, with expert guides leading you through iconic trails and relaxing hot springs. 

Embark on a sensory journey through Taiwan's renowned tea regions, experiencing the art of tea making, tasting exquisite varieties, and immersing yourself in the tranquil beauty of tea plantations. 

Delve into Taiwan's storied past with a heritage tour that takes you through ancient temples, historic settlements, and cultural museums, revealing the island's rich history and enduring traditions. 

Culture Tours

Hiking Tours

Heritage Tours

Enjoy a private family tour of Taiwan, starting in Taipei with visits to landmarks like Taipei 101 and the National Palace Museum, and indulging in the city's vibrant street food culture. 

Discover the hidden treasures of Taiwan with a personalized private tour, tailored to your interests and preferences, offering an intimate exploration of its rich culture, stunning landscapes, and vibrant cities. 

Experience the breathtaking beauty of Taiwan's natural wonders, from the majestic Taroko Gorge to the serene Sun Moon Lake, on a tour that showcases the island's diverse landscapes and ecological marvels. 

Explore Taiwan's diverse culinary landscape on a  private food tour, tasting local specialties at bustling night markets and a Michelin-starred restaurant. 

Private Family Tours

Custom Private Tours

Natural Wonders Tours

Capture the essence of diverse landscapes and vibrant cultures on a photography tour, guiding you to the most picturesque locations and offering expert tips to perfect your shots. 

Enhance team cohesion and experience Taiwan's unique corporate culture with a tailored corporate tour, combining professional development workshops, team-building activities, and insights into local business practices. 

Embark on an educational and adventurous journey through Taiwan with a student youth group travel tour, offering a blend of cultural immersion, historical exploration, and fun activities tailored for young travelers. 

Embark on a 5-day, 7-day  or 9-day luxury tour of Taiwan, featuring opulent accommodations, gourmet dining, and private guided tours of the country's natural wonders and cultural landmarks. 

Photography Tours

Corporate Experience Tour

Student Youth Group Travel Tour

5-Day, 7-Day, 9-Day Private Tours

We can also customize a personalized Taiwan itinerary to create an experience you will remember for the rest of your life!

Experience the ultimate private tour of Taiwan with Life of Taiwan and our team of expert tour guides.

We understand that the key to a successful tour is detailed preparation and seamless execution, which is why we only work with the best tour guides in the business. 

Our specialist guides are highly qualified and experienced in a range of tours, including heritage tours, food tours, tea tours, hiking tours, and family tours and much more.

Here is What Travelers had to say About Our Expert Tour Guides!


“Patrick, our guide was very informative, sensitive and aware of our needs. He patiently waited for us to take pictures (he also took our pictures a lot) and showed us the specialty food the cities have to offer. He’s also a very good driver.” 

“Our guide Ron was very good in English and explained, narrated to us the history of each place we go to. He knows the background and history.” 

“Beautiful country and genuinely gracious people. Almost thinking if we should retire there! Then again, the experience would not have been this fulfilling were it not for Life of Taiwan’s detailed planning and choice of guide (Mr Hsu) for us.” 

Magical Life Long memory

Life of Taiwan is a brand owned by Ta Chi Travel Service Co Ltd., a fully licensed tour operator in Taiwan. 

© Copyright 2012 - 2023 Life of Taiwan

Tours in Tawian

Tea Tours 

Hiking Tours 

5-Day, 7-Day, 9-Day Tours

Culture/ Heritage Tours

Corporate Tours

Student Tours

Group Tours

Customized Private Taiwan Tours:

*Hotel booking assistance available if required.


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Tour fit taiwan 2024 - 2025.


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Taiwan Tour

  • 9 Days 7 Nights
  • 27 Dec 2022 - 04 Jan 2023

Ingin liburan akhir tahun namun budget terbatas? kamu dapat memesan tiket pesawat dan kamar hotel sekaligus untuk mendapatkan harga yang lebih murah loh. Saatnya wujudkan impianmu dengan ikutan Tour Taiwan selama 9 Hari 7 Malam untuk tanggal keberangkatan 27 Desember - 04 Januari 2023 start Medan terbang bersama AirAsia.

Kavalan Distillery - A modern distillery that makes the best whiskey in Taiwan.

Kavalan Distillery - A modern distillery that makes the best whiskey in Taiwan.

Duoliang Station - is a former railway station in Duoliang Village, it has become a popular tourist attraction.

Duoliang Station - is a former railway station in Duoliang Village, it has become a popular tourist attraction.

Old Mountain Railway Bike -  is Taiwan's first rail biking system.

Old Mountain Railway Bike - is Taiwan's first rail biking system.

Shifen Sky Lantern -  is the main spot to hold the Lantern Festival every year.

Shifen Sky Lantern - is the main spot to hold the Lantern Festival every year.

Taroko Gorge - named after the Truku or Taroko aboriginal tribe, is one of Taiwan's premier scenic attractions.

Taroko Gorge - named after the Truku or Taroko aboriginal tribe, is one of Taiwan's premier scenic attractions.

Lokasi: Taroko Gorge, Kavalan Distillery, Shifen Sky Lantern, dan Old Mountain Railway Bike.

Titik Awal: Medan, Indonesia.

Titik Akhir: Taiwan

Hal Yang Akan Dilakukan:  Kamu bisa menikmati destinasi menarik seperti ke Taroko Gorge, Kavalan Distillery, Shifen Sky Lantern, dan Old Mountain Railway Bike.

Itinerary (Rencana Perjalanan)

Berkumpul di Bandara International Kualanamu untuk penerbangan ke Kaohsiung transit Kuala Lumpur. Sesampainya, rombongan akan diasambut perawakilan kami. Bermalam di Kaohsiung.

Setelah sarapan pagi, hari ini kita akan berkunjung ke  Dragon Tiger Pagodas dengan pintu masuk naga dan pintu keluar macan yang unik. Dilanjutkan ke  Banana Pier dan transfer ke Taitung. Lalu, kita akan mengunjungi  Duoliang Station yang menjadi tempat favorit turis yang berkunjung. Setelah itu, kita dapat menikmati  Hotspring Hotel. Bermalam di Taitung.

Setelah sarapan, pagi ini kita akan menuju ke  Villa Home Dream Lake . Transfer ke Hualien. Dilanjutkan ke Taroko Gorge yang merupakan salah satu dari 9 taman nasional di Taiwan. Setelah itu, kita akan menuju  Marble Factory. Hualien juga merupakan salah satu produsen batu marmer terbesar di dunia. Bermalam di Hualien.

Setelah sarapan, pagi ini kita akan menuju ke Yilan dengan  train . Lalu, kita akan mengunjungi  Kavalan Distillery – Penyulingan modern yang membuat whiskey terbaik di Taiwan. Dilanjutkan membeli jajanan di  Shifen Old Street. Tempat ini juga populer dengan aktivitas menerbangkan lentera dan  instagrammable . Kemudian, kita akan melilhat  Shihfen Waterfall. Dilanjutkan dengan  Shihfen Sky Lantern sangat digemari oleh para turis yang berkunjung. Setelah itu, kita akan bershopping ria di  Jiufen Old Street. Bermalam disambut Taipei.

Setelah sarapan pagi, hari ini kita akan berkunjung ke  CKS Memorial Hall yang merupakan bangunan peringatan untuk presiden Taiwan yang pertama. Di bawah tempat ini terdapat pameran dan penjualan souvenir. Dilanjutkan ke  National Palace Museum musem nasional yang terletak di Shilin ini memiliki hampir 700.000 buah koleksi tetap artefak kekaisaran dan karya seni Tiongkok kuno, menjadikannya sebagai salah satu yang terbesar untuk tipe museum sejenis di dunia. Setelah itu, kita akan menuju ke Exquisite Center dan  Taipe 101 (excl. observatory)  yang menjadi gedung tertinggi kedua di dunia. Gedung ini memiliki keunggulan yaitu fiber optik dan hubungan internet satelit yang dapat mencapai kecepatan 1 GB per detik. Kemudian, kita dapat bershopping ria di  Ximending.  Bermalam di Taipe.

Setelah sarapan pagi, kita akan menuju ke  Pinneaple Cake D.I.Y untuk mencicipi kue nenas yang lezat dan diajari cara membuat kue nenas yang cocok untuk dijadikan sebagai oleh-oleh. Lalu, kita akan menuju ke  ShengXing Railway Station. Dilanjutkan ke  Old Mountain Railway Bike dan  Longteng Bridge . Setelah itu, kita akan bershopping ria di  FengChia Night Market. Bermalam di Taichung.

Sarapan pagi di hotel. Hari ini kita akan mengunjungi  Nina’s Chocolate Center untuk mencoba coklat yang unik sambil menikmati secangkir teh. Dilanjutkan ke  Sun Moon Lake (incl. ferry + Tea Egg) yang menjadi danai paling besar di Taiwan. Kemudian, kita akan mengunjungi  Wenwu Temple yang tersohor. Lalu, kita akan menuju ke  Itasao Village , desa suku Tsao yang menjadi penduduk asli Taiwan bagian Selatan Tengah. Setelah itu, kita dapat bershoppping ria di Lingtzi Product Center. Bermalam di Chiayi.

Setelah sarapan pagi, hari ini kita akan berkunjung ke  Hinoki Village – di sini kita dapat melihat berbagai bangunan berarsitektur Jepang dan membeli souvenir. Dilanjutkan ke  Tea Center untuk menikmati teh khas Taiwan. Lalu, kita akan melihat pemandangan pegunungan yang indah di  Alishan Culture Village / Yuyupas. Setelah itu, kita akan menuju ke  FoGuangShan Memorial Hall , vihara terbesar di Taiwan. Transfer ke Kaohsiung airport untuk melakukan penerbangan ke Kuala Lumpur.

Hari ini, kita akan melakukan penerbangan kembali ke tanah air dengan membawa sejuta kenangan selama tour berlangsung. Terima kasih sudah bergabung bersama tour Angkasa dan sampai jumpa lagi di tour kami yang berikutnya.

Flight Ticket

Harga mulai dari:

IDR 19.000K /Pax

IDR 18.700K /Pax

Child With Bed

IDR 18.300K /Pax

Child No Bed (2-5 Tahun)

Tidak termasuk:

IDR 1.300K /Pax

Visa Taiwan

Flight Details

air asia logo

KNO-KUL | AK 390 | 27 Dec 11:00 – 13:10

KUL-KHH  | AK 170 | 27 Dec 17:25 – 21:55

KHH-KUL | AK 171  | 03 Jan 22:40 – 03:05

KUL-KNO  | QZ 129  | 04 Jan 08:40 – 08:45

taiwan tour indonesia

Kaohsiung: City Suites Zhen Ai

Taitung: Naruwan Galaxy Hotel

Hualien: Hualien Lakeshore

Taipe: ShenKeng Fullon Hotel

Taichung: Taichung Inhouse

Chiayi: Tsun Huang Hotel

Mata Uang: TWD

Suhu: 14°C – 27°C

Contact Our Customer Services

Faq taiwan tour.

Jika wisatawan Indonesia suka petualangan di alam, Taiwan memiliki 276 gunung dengan ketinggian lebih dari 3.000 meter di atas permukaan laut, 100 di antaranya menjadi spot terbaik untuk hiking wisatawan. (BACA: Bebas Visa, Taiwan Incar 300.000 Turis Muslim Indonesia) Ia juga menawarkan wisata bersepeda yang menjadi salah satu keunggulan Taiwan.

Taiwan terkenal dengan produk film jenis Hollywood. Yang terkenal adalah “City of Sadness” (1989). Pada tahun 2001, Ang Lees memproduksi “Crouching, Tiger, Hidden Dragon”.

Menara Taipe, Taipe Story House, Balai Peringantan Chiang Kai Shek, Taman Nalional Yangmingshan, Ximending

Juni sampai Agustus. Waktu terbaik berkunjung ke Taiwan justru saat musim panas, sekitar Juni sampai Agustus dengan suhu udara 24 – 31 derajat celcius. Di beberapa daerah, kelembapan cukup tinggi sehingga menambah rasa panas. Sebenarnya bukan suhu udara yang membuat kunjungan ke Taiwan tidak dianjurkan saat musim panas.

  • – Shilin Night Market
  • – Wu Fen Pu
  • – Ximending
  • – East Metro Mall

5 Ulasan Pelanggan Angkasatour

Tour yang sangat menyenangkan

Pemandangan yang sangat indah di Negara Taiwan

Perwakilannya sangat ramah

Pelayanannya sangat bagus dan ramah

Mau pesan tiket pesawat atau rental mobil di Angkasatour saja


  • Jl. Wahidin No. 65A, Pandau Hulu II, Kota Medan, Sumatera Utara 20211
  • (061) 888 19 888
  • +62 811 659 3838
  • @angkasatour
  • Jl. Pluit Karang Utara No. 23A, Blok A5 Utara, Jakarta Utara, DKI Jakarta 14450
  • (021) 666 90 199
  • +62 811 971 999
  • Jl. Uluwatu II No. 45 Jimbaran, Kec. Kuta Selatan, Kab. Badung, Bali 80361
  • +62 811 222 281

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taiwan tour indonesia


taiwan tour indonesia


taiwan tour indonesia

7D/6N Join Trip Taiwan Round Island

7d/6n join trip west taiwan, paket-paket liburan di taiwan.

Menawarkan berbagai macam paket liburan di Taiwan untuk liburan keluarga, adventur, group incentive, dll dengan akomodasi di bermacam hotel bagi para wisatawan yang sedang merencanakan perjalanan mereka.


New zealand, united states.

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Yuktravel ingin mengirimkan notifikasi promo menarik langsung ke perangkat Anda.

Taiwan Tours & Vacations

Tourist traveler with camera in modern Taiwan shopping looking at a red lantern for souvenir

When Portuguese sailors first saw Taiwan off the starboard bow in 1544, they christened it Ilha Formosa, the 'Beautiful Island'.

And can you blame them? For 400 years communists, capitalists, imperialists, and everyone in between have fought over its mist-shrouded forests, soaring peaks, and plunging coastal cliffs. These days it’s definitely a case of ‘come for the adventure, stay for the stir-fries’, with some of the best fusion cuisines around, top road cycling, excellent mountain trekking, and world-class coffee to boot. Also variously known as the Republic of China and Chinese Tapei, Taiwan is a destination that has most definitely come into its own.

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Articles of Taiwan

Vegan foodie? These 5 destinations are perfect for you

Brunching in Asia: 9 delicious breakfasts you have to try

9 dishes that’ll make you fall in love with Taiwan’s food scene

5 up-and-coming foodie destinations

Why Taiwan should be at the top of your travel list

5 LGBTQI-friendly travel destinations you might not have considered

5 unexpected natural wonders to visit in Taiwan

Taiwan at a glance

Capital city.

23.9 million

(GMT+08:00) Taipei



Type A (North American/Japanese 2-pin) Type B (American 3-pin)

Learn more about Taiwan

Best time to visit taiwan.

While there’s really no bad time to visit Taiwan, some months are more predictable than others.

September to November is the best time to visit when you’ll find balmy nights, rich autumn foliage, and off-peak prices.

Traveling in spring (March to May) is down to luck: it could be clear skies, monsoonal rain, or even a sandstorm blown over from   China .

Swimming is best mid-year (June to August) when the weather can heat up, but there is always the small risk of typhoons.

Geography and environment

Taiwan is a little like   South America   with its spine-like ridge of (often impassable) mountains running southwest through the center of the island. The beauty of this setup is that topography and environment can change very quickly.

You can be cycling through low-lying rice paddies around Taitung one day, traversing the high forest passes of Yushan the next, and then finishing up on the white northern beaches around Fuguei Cape.

Generally, the central national parks and east coast are the most spectacular regions; the west coast is flat and highly developed with urban areas spreading over the river basins and flood plains that lead to the sea.

Festivals and events

Public holidays that may impact travel include:.

Founding Day of the Republic of China

Republic Day Holiday

Chinese New Year

228 Peace Memorial Day

Qingming Festival /Tomb Sweeping Day

Children's Day

Dragon Boat Festival

Mid-Autumn / Moon Festival

ROC National Celebration Day

Please note dates of Taiwan's public holidays may vary.

Top 5 attractions in Taiwan

1. sun moon lake.

One of Asia’s best-kept secrets, Sun Moon Lake is easily the equal of any Como, Bled, or Windermere. It’s a huge blue oasis hidden among the green peaks of Taiwan’s central mountain ranges. By day it’s merely beautiful, but in the blue-gold light of dawn, with mists rolling over the water and local fishermen paddling past, it’s like something out of a fairy tale.

2. Taroko Gorge

They have to shoot a James Bond chase scene through here, that’s all there is to it. Taroko Gorge was made for the cinema. It’s a winding maze of looming marble crags, huge cut-out roads tunneling right into the mountains, rushing river gorges, and looping alpine passes. If you are ever being chased by gangsters in your supercar, you want it to be here.

3. Qingshui Cliffs

Just google an image of ‘Qingshui Cliffs’ before we continue. All done? Now you know what we’re talking about. They’re basically a 21 km stretch of sheer jungle-covered cliffs plunging straight into the East China Sea, with a tiny highway clinging on about halfway up. This is not a journey for vertigo sufferers, but for fans of jaw-dropping natural wonders, it’s a must-do.

An easy one to tick off, since it’ll probably be your first stop in Taiwan. The northern city of Taipei is the island’s capital and offers a beating, chaotic counterpoint to the Zen-like beauty of the southern national parks. If you think it’s crazy by day, just wait until night, when a neon glow lights the sky and lantern-lit markets spring up in the colorful Songshan district.

5. Penghu Islands

Penghu is one of Taiwan’s hidden gems, an archipelago of 90 islands between the mainland and China. They’re remote, but worth the journey, with brilliant beaches devoid of crowds, glorious temples, towering basalt columns, and genuine old-fashioned Chinese hospitality. Penghu is also a windsurfing mecca and a nesting ground for rare green sea turtles. Not bad for one tiny volcanic island chain.

Further reading

Taiwan travel faqs, do i need a covid-19 vaccine to join an intrepid trip.

Trips from 1 January 2023 onwards

From 1 January 2023, Intrepid will no longer require travelers to provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19 (excluding all Polar trips and select adventure cruises).

However, we continue to strongly recommend that all Intrepid travelers and leaders get vaccinated to protect themselves and others.

Specific proof of testing or vaccination may still be required by your destination or airline. Please ensure you check travel and entry requirements carefully.

Do I need a visa to travel to Taiwan?


Nationals of most countries are eligible for the visa exemption program, which permits a duration of stay of 30-90 days. Please check with your nearest consulate for your specific eligibility.

Is tipping customary in Taiwan?

Tipping is not really common practice in Taiwan, except perhaps in the more high-class hotels. Most restaurants have a service charge built into the price, and taxi drivers will usually return your change to you.

What is the internet access like in Taiwan?

As one of Asia’s more tech-savvy destinations, cyber cafes are common in the major cities. Free Wi-Fi can also usually be found at the local library.

Can I use my cell phone while in Taiwan?

Cell phone coverage is excellent in Taiwan, apart from some of the more remote mountain areas. Ensure global roaming is activated before leaving home if you wish to use your mobile while traveling.

What are the toilets like in Taiwan?

Modern flushing toilets are commonplace in Taiwan, although it can be hard to find a public toilet in large cities.

Can I drink the water in Taiwan?

Water in Taiwan is usually filtered, and therefore safe, but use your common sense. Restaurants will generally filter their water, as will most of the drinking fountains. If you can’t find these in the more rural areas, bring some purification tablets to treat the water.

Are credit cards accepted widely in Taiwan?

Most hotels and department stores accept VISA and Mastercard, but Diners and AMEX are not usually accepted. For restaurants and small stores, cash is the normal form of payment.

What is ATM access like in Taiwan?

ATM access in Taiwan is exceptional, with most of their ATMs able to withdraw money from anywhere in the world using the Plus or Cirrus system. There is usually a TWD 20,000 limit for cash withdrawals.

Is Taiwan accessible for travellers with disabilities?

We’re committed to making travel accessible for everyone, regardless of ability or disability. That’s why we do our best to help as many people see the world as possible, regardless of any physical or mental limitations they might have. We’re always happy to talk to travelers with disabilities and see if we can help guide them toward the most suitable itinerary for their needs and where possible, make reasonable adjustments to our itineraries.

Taiwan generally has   accessibility   in mind when building new infrastructure, however, as a mountainous place there are many natural barriers to those with limited mobility. Outdoor activities such as hiking or visiting national parks are common on itineraries and may be off limits to wheelchair users or travelers for who steps or uneven ground are an issue. Wheelchair-accessible tour buses may be able to be booked in advance and taxis are good value. MRT trains have accessible facilities. Many hotels and guesthouses will have barrier-free rooms, but often cafes and restaurants have seating on upper floors without lifts. Outside Taipei and Kaohsiung cities and towns can lack sidewalks.

Do I need to purchase travel insurance before traveling?

Absolutely. All passengers traveling with Intrepid are required to purchase travel insurance before the start of their trip. Your travel insurance details will be recorded by your leader on the first day of the trip. Due to the varying nature, availability and cost of health care around the world, travel insurance is very much an essential and necessary part of every journey.

For more information on insurance, please go to: Travel Insurance

How do I stay safe and healthy while traveling?

From Australia?

Go to: Smart Traveller

From Canada?

Go to:  Canada Travel Information

From the UK?

Go to:  UK Foreign Travel Advice

From New Zealand?

Go to:  Safe Travel

From the US?

Go to:  US Department of State

The World Health Organisation also provides useful health information.

Does my trip support The Intrepid Foundation?

Yes, all Intrepid trips support the Intrepid Foundation. Trips to this country directly support our global Intrepid Foundation partners, Eden Reforestation Projects and World Bicycle Relief. Intrepid will double the impact by dollar-matching all post-trip donations made to The Intrepid Foundation.

Eden Reforestation Projects

Eden Reforestation Projects are helping to mitigate climate change by restoring forests worldwide; they also hire locally and create job opportunities within vulnerable communities. Donations from our trips support restoration across planting sites in 10 countries around the globe. Find out more or make a donation World Bicycle Relief

World Bicycle Relief provides people in low-income communities with bicycles to mobilize school kids, health workers, and farmers in far-out areas – giving them access to vital education, healthcare, and income. Donations help provide Buffalo Bicycles – specifically designed to withstand the rugged terrain and harsh environment of rural regions – to those who need them most. Find out more or make a donation



Skype ID: mytaiwantour



Around Taiwan 8 Day Private Tour (Classic)

  • • Enjoy the breathtaking scenery of Sun Moon Lake
  • • Witness the Sea of Clouds at the iconic Alishan National Scenic Area
  • • Visit several of Taiwan’s most important religious sites
  • • Hike through majestic Taroko Gorge National Park
  • • Circle Taiwan in a leisurely fashion in eight wonderful days

On this relaxed, round-island tour, you'll experience towering mountains, beautiful valleys, twisting rivers, ancient temples, and oceans that stretch off into the distance. You'll see the beautiful Sun Moon Lake, drive through the largest marble canyon in the world at Taroko Gorge, and learn about the secrets of Taiwanese Cocoa. This 8-day itinerary allows you to experience the island at a relaxing and stress-free pace. If you're seeking to experience as much of Taiwan as possible minus the hectic rush of a three or five-day tour, this may well be the one for you.

Over the course of this incredible 8-day tour trip across the island, you’ll experience towering mountains, beautiful valleys, ancient temples, and oceans that stretch off into the distance.

▴ Over the course of this incredible 8-day tour trip across the island, you’ll experience towering mountains, beautiful valleys, ancient temples, and oceans that stretch off into the distance.

Day 1: Make your own Hakka pound tea (Leicha)

▴ Day 1: Make your own Hakka pound tea (Leicha)

Day 2: Enjoy the majestic scenery of Sun Moon Lake from the deck of a pleasure boat

▴ Day 2: Enjoy the majestic scenery of Sun Moon Lake from the deck of a pleasure boat

Day 4: Exploration of Taiwan’s largest Buddhist monastery

▴ Day 4: Exploration of Taiwan’s largest Buddhist monastery

Day 6: Leisure walk at Taitung Seashore Park

▴ Day 6: Leisure walk at Taitung Seashore Park

Day 7: Enjoy the magnificent scenery of the Pacific Ocean at Qixingtan Beach

▴ Day 7: Enjoy the magnificent scenery of the Pacific Ocean at Qixingtan Beach

Day 1 / Taipei - Taichung

After meeting up in Taipei, we'll head down the west coast, stopping to visit some of Taiwan's most photogenic relics from both the Japanese colonial era and beyond. We'll take a lesson of Hakka pound tea making in Miaoli before reaching Taichung where after checking into our hotel, we'll visit the famous Taichung Fengjia Night Market.

Day 2 / Taichung - Sun Moon Lake

Today we'll head into the mountains to visit the majestic Sun Moon Lake, one of Taiwan's most popular sites. Enjoy your pleasant afternoon with both the naturally beautiful scenery and the culturally rich attractions.

Day 3 / Sun Moon Lake - Alishan

Day three is all about mountains as we head from Sun Moon Lake to another mountainous Alishan. After seeing the various beauties of Sun Moon Lake in the morning, we'll visit Zhushan and learn about Taiwanese tea on the way to Alishan, where we'll hike among the clouds through the verdant forests.

Day 4 / Alishan - Kaohsiung

In the morning, you may either get up early and hop on the Alishan Forest Railway to catch a view of the area's famed "sea of clouds" that appears around dawn. Afterward, head to Kaohsiung, Taiwan's second-largest city, where we will spend the rest of the day exploring the country's largest Buddhist monastery. Before checking into our hotel.

Day 5 / Kaohsiung - Pintung - Taitung

Starting with reaching Taiwan's southernmost city to take a look at the eco-friendly cocoa farm in the morning. Then we will drive through Taiwan's banana belt to hit the pretty east coast town of Taitung. It's time to head to the beautiful east coast with natural ecology and indigenous culture. After checking in at the hotel, take your time to relax in the famous Chihpen hot spring.

Day 6 / Taitung - Hualien

Spend this day exploring the landscapes considered by some as Taiwan's most beautiful road while driving through the scenic East Rift Valley. In addition to being where two tectonic plates meet, it's also where Taiwan's best rice is grown. We will be surrounded by bucolic splendor before reaching the coastal city of Hualien.

Day 7 / Hualien

We’ll spend the seventh day of our tour in Hualien County, enjoying magnificent oceanfront scenery, absorbing the Zen vibe at a Japanese-style temple, paddle boating on scenic Liyu Lake, and eating amazing food at Hualien’s lad back seafront night market.

Day 8 / Hualien to Taipei

We’ll spend the final day of our eight-day Taiwan adventure exploring world-renowned Taroko Gorge National Park, enjoying a guided trip to the park’s gorgeous gorge, rapid rivers, and wonderful waterfalls. After experiencing the majesty of Taroko Gorge, we’ll slowly make our way back up the east coast, pausing beneath the Qingshui cliffs (Taiwan’s largest coastal cliffs) before heading back to Taipei.

Can’t find what you want?

Create your own tour .

  • • Knowledgeable English-speaking guide to introduce you to local culture and history
  • • All transportation (5-seater sedan or 8-seater van, driver)
  • • Admission tickets to all activities on itinerary
  • • Travel insurance
  • • Meals not listed above
  • • Any optional activities not on itinerary

Cancellation Policy

I can't wait to see Taiwan again!

We had a wonderful time, the best quality of service and tour, other recommendations.

Explore a 600-square-meter private lounge in the 1940s, showcasing a harmonious blend of Japanese and Western architectural styles

Jiufen & Pingxi Exclusive Night Tour

Learn about the history of Chiang Kai Shek Memorial Hall from your knowledgeable tour guide

Ultimate Taipei Day Tour

Watch as the mountainous village of Jiufen lights up the night

Jiufen Night Tour


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Taiwan Tours & Trips

  • Taiwan Group tour
  • Taiwan Family
  • Taiwan Private
  • Taiwan Fully Guided
  • Taiwan from Taipei

47 Taiwan tour packages with 69 reviews

Taiwan Express Tour

In-depth Cultural Historical Christmas & New Year +1

Taiwan Express

"Quality of accommodation was mixed, some seem to have 5-star awards but these awards were not matched with the quality of service provided." Trevor, traveled in February 2023

Around Formosa Taiwan Tour

In-depth Cultural Coach / Bus Historical Christmas & New Year +2

Around Formosa Taiwan

"The itinerary was excellent. The hotels were 4-star hotels with high quality food and service." Matthew, traveled in February 2023

Explore Taiwan Tour

Explorer Sightseeing Historical +1

Explore Taiwan

"You'll learn so much about local culture, Current events and helpful ideas to make you stay better." DUNJA, traveled in March 2023

A Taste of Taiwan by Train Tour

Explorer Historical

A Taste of Taiwan by Train

"Full program that covers key elements of Taiwan tourist attractions. Outstanding performance." Pieter, traveled in March 2024
  • €100 deposit on some dates

5-day Classic Taroko Gorge, Sun Moon Lake & Alishan (Private) Tour

In-depth Cultural Active Family Mountain Hikes Hiking & Trekking Christmas & New Year +4

5-day Classic Taroko Gorge, Sun Moon Lake & Alishan (Private)

"This tour was an amazing glimpse into the vast landscapes of Taiwan from seascapes, gorges, high mountains and lakes." Hing-Wah, traveled in April 2019

Taiwan Island - 9 Days Tour

In-depth Cultural Active Family Christmas & New Year +2

Taiwan Island - 9 Days

"This was a perfect tour. Every detail was executed perfectly." John, traveled in April 2019

Around Taiwan 8 day Private Tour (Premium) Tour

Explorer Family Coach / Bus Christmas & New Year +1

Around Taiwan 8 day Private Tour (Premium)

"Taiwan is a beautiful and very safe place. A great place to visit." Clinton, traveled in December 2022

Looking for tours beyond just Taiwan?

Explore tours with itineraries going through multiple countries, including Taiwan.

Tailor-Made Best Taiwan Tour with Daily Departure & Private Guide Tour

Explorer Family Historical Christmas & New Year +1

Tailor-Made Best Taiwan Tour with Daily Departure & Private Guide

  • Book With Flexibility View tour Download Brochure

Customized Private Taiwan Tour with Daily Departure Tour

Explorer Family Christmas & New Year +1

Customized Private Taiwan Tour with Daily Departure

Taiwan Explorer 11 Days Panorama Tour Tour

Explorer Christmas & New Year

Taiwan Explorer 11 Days Panorama Tour

Best of Taiwan 9 Days Tour Package Tour

Best of Taiwan 9 Days Tour Package

"Toroko Gorge was a highlight. Hotels were great, once you work out how to switch off all the lights." Brian, traveled in January 2024

Abandoned Taiwan Tour

Explorer Halloween Photography Festival & Events Historical +3

Abandoned Taiwan

"excellent, highly recommendable, versatile, not the general kind of tourism one receives mostly everywhere." Dr., traveled in April 2024

Taiwan Tea Culture & Monastic Life Tour

In-depth Cultural Family Intl. Flights Included +1

Taiwan Tea Culture & Monastic Life

"The tour was excellently organized. We saw a lot and the hikes in the Taroko Gorge and the bike tours were our personal highlights." Petra, traveled in October 2023
  • Flights included

Taiwan KOM Challenge Tour

Bicycle Active

Taiwan KOM Challenge

Bike Taiwan Tour

Bike Taiwan

What people love about taiwan tours.

Excellent tour. Great accommodations and sites visited.
This was an excellent tour!!! Alan Chou was a fantastic tour guide -- knowledgeable, helpful, friendly, and funny to boot. The sights were amazing and so were the hotels we stayed in. The itinerary was very well designed. Didn't realize Taiwan was so beautiful! I highly recommend this to anyone who wants to explore Taiwan.
Logan was a great tour guide and helpful in any moment.You’ll learn so much about local culture, Current events and helpful ideas to make you stay better.

Top operators

MW Tours

"Our guide Alan Chou deserves a promotion. He gave us a lot of additional info about the country, always with a smile and taking care of everything.

MW Tours is an expert in:

  • In-depth Cultural

Intrepid Travel

"Logan was a great tour guide and helpful in any moment.You’ll learn so much about local culture, Current events and helpful ideas to make you stay better.

Intrepid Travel is an expert in:

Culture Trip

"Overall..good to very good. Full program that covers key elements of Taiwan tourist attractions. Main contributor to success though was tour guide Vincent Chiang ! Outstanding performance.

Culture Trip is an expert in:

Travel Styles

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  • Luxury (10)
  • Singles and Solo (35)
  • For Couples (6)
  • Seniors (21)
  • Personalized (34)
  • Fully Guided (32)
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taiwan tour indonesia

Full-Day Private Custom Taipei City Tour

Create a custom 8-hour itinerary in and around Taipei! No matter if you are planning your own journey or a business trip, make it easier with this convenient and customized service. See the attractions that you want to see according to your own preferences with a local guide.

Full-Day Private Northern Taiwan Tour from Taipei with Pickup

Travel to northern Taiwan's most popular tourist attractions, such as Jiufen Old Street, Yehliu Geopark, or Yangmingshan National Park with your own private guide.

Private Tour to Jiufen, Yehliu Geopark, and Pingxi

Discover scenic Northern Taiwan on a private day tour from Taipei. Be amazed by the landscapes in Yehliu Geopark. Explore the beauty of historical Jiufen, which inspired Oscar-winning animations then make a wish with a sky lantern flying over Pingxi.

Private Taroko Gorge National Park Day Tour

Visit one of the seven wonders of Asia, Taroko Gorge on a day tour led by a local guide. The round transfer from Taipei to Taroko National Park is covered and you will be accompanied by your personal driver guide at most of the attractions and trails. The private tour also ensure you a more personal service due to it's flexibility.

Private Tour to Yilan Kavalan Whisky Distillery

Escape the city and explore Taiwan's scenic countryside on this captivating tour. Visit the renowned Kavalan Distillery for award-winning whisky, relax on Waiao Beach (summer) or soak in a hot spring park (winter), and don't miss the charming Mr. Brown Cafe at Toucheng Castle. Experience relaxation, natural beauty, and delightful flavors on this unforgettable journey.

Full-Day Private Custom Keelung Shore Excursions

Private custom taipei airport layover tour.

With just few hours to take in the treasures of Taipei, a private layover tour means you can maximize your time with a custom-made itinerary. Perhaps admire landmarks such as Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, the Martyr's Shrine, and the Dalongdong Baoan Temple; enjoy the views from the Taipei 101 skyscraper; or discover the best places to eat or shop in the city.

Northern Taiwan and Taipei Countryside Full-Day Private Tour

Private yangmingshan volcano tour.

Embark on a private tour of Yangmingshan National Park, an extinct volcanic terrain and one of Taipei's most popular destinations. Take in breathtaking views of fumaroles and cityscapes while hiking scenic grassy trails. Choose the leisure route for a more relaxed experience or select the hiking route to climb to the top of Seven Star Mountain. Hotel pick-up is available for your convenience. Join us to discover the natural beauty of Yangmingshan National Park on this unforgettable tour.

Half Day Private Tour to Jiufen, Shifen Waterfall & Pingxi Sky Lantern

Half day private tour to yangmingshan national park and yehliu geopark.

Swap the bustling streets of Taipei for the scenic sights of Yehliu Geopark and Yangmingshan National Park on a private day trip. Taking a private tour gives you the flexibility to customize your itinerary, while letting someone else drive ensures that you don’t miss out on admiring the countryside along the way.

Taipei Private Car Charter Tour

Private night tour of taipei.

Explore Taipei by night on a private tour starting with hotel pickup by a local guide. Visit Dalongdong Baoan Temple, The Grand Hotel, Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall, and Taipei 101 before returning to your hotel.

Taipei City Bike Tour with Night Market Experience

Taipei city bike tour with elephant mountain hiking experience, full-day private custom yilan tour from taipei, 2-day private tour to sun moon lake and mount hehuan, 3-day private tour of taroko gorge & east coast scenic area, 5-day round taiwan charter car tour, contact info, [email protected], useful links.

Your Best Partner in Taiwan

We help you stand out from the market.

Begin Your Journey With the Best Travel Agency in Taiwan

Get to know Taiwan’s diverse culture and appreciate its beautiful scenery with an accommodating Taiwan travel agency like Edison Tours. We are the only travel agency in Taipei that provides outstanding travel consulting services in different languages to accommodate travelers from all over the world. Because of our exceptional services, we have been awarded Safe Travels Stamp and Trip Advisor Traveler's Choice - unmatched by any domestic travel agency.

Once you choose Edison Tours for your regular sightseeing or Taiwan private tour, you’ll surely have a great time. You can count on us to bring you to the must-see places across the island and provide you with details to help you learn more about Taiwan’s culture and history. Browse through our website to learn more about the tours we offer.

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Customize Your Tour Now

Recommended Tours

So many choices and so little time to travel? Don’t worry about it. Here we select the most popular, valuable and seasonal tours for you to choose from.

Start Your Journey with Us​

Travel with us and discover what Taiwan has to offer! Click on our featured tours and choose which part of the island you want to explore.​​

taiwan tour indonesia

5-Day Best of Taiwan: Sun Moon Lake, Tainan, Kaohsiung, Lukang

taiwan tour indonesia

Jiufen Night Tour from Taipei

taiwan tour indonesia

Taroko Gorge Day Tour from Taipei by Train

taiwan tour indonesia

Pinglin Tea Culture & Maokong Day Tour from Taipei

taiwan tour indonesia

Beitou and Yangmingshan Day Tour from Taipei

taiwan tour indonesia

Yehliu, Jiufen & Pingxi Day Tour from Taipei

taiwan tour indonesia

Classic Taipei Landmarks Day Tour

taiwan tour indonesia

Mazu Pilgrimage Day Tour from Taipei

Why Choose Us

Over 30 years experience in inbound travel business

Served more than 100 notable corporations globally.

24/7 customer service to ensure you a comfortable and safe trip.

Multilingual team: English, Mandarin, Japanese, Vietnamese, Indonesian and Tagalog

Stay Safe During Your Travel

Edison Tours is one of the Taipei travel agencies that continues serving travelers even during the epidemic. Despite the situation, we persevere to offer the best travel assistance to tourists as they aim to explore the island.

When you choose to travel with us, you can expect us to always prioritize your safety. We ensure that everybody involved in our Taiwan private tours follows the recommended guidelines and protocols for COVID-19 to help stop the spread of the virus.

We have the authority to deny travelers with fever and other symptoms from participating in the tour. We recommend that you stay home, focus on getting better, and reschedule your tour.

Wearing a face mask is mandatory. Free masks are available for those guests who do not have their own.

Everyone should keep a distance of 1.5 meters indoors and 1 meter outdoors.

Remember to disinfect your hands with alcohol regularly.

Conversations in closed and unventilated spaces with a short social distance should be avoided.

taiwan tour indonesia

2024.04.23 Guardian of the Seas – Exploring Matsu Beliefs and Trations

2024.03.20 Blooming Tranquility – Exploring Taipei’s Cherry Blossoms

2024.02.15 Unearthing Taiwan’s Mining Legacy and Jiufen’s Tourism Charm

What Our Customers Say

Victorhc1953, kevinei485ta, embark on your journey to taiwan.

  • What’s new

How to register

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Taiwan Free half-day tour

Bored witless.

  • 2023-04-27 Welcome to the new website for Taiwan's free half-day tour! Online registration starts from May 1

taiwan tour indonesia

Who can participate

taiwan tour indonesia

Itinerary & Tour Schedules passenger can join only one tour during each stopover

Morning Tour 08:30-12:30

Tour schedule:Morning Tour

Morning Tour:Discover Taipei's 100 Years of Glory

Afternoon Tour 14:00-18:00

Tour schedule:Afternoon Tour

Afternoon Tour:The Beauty of Taiwanese Traditional Arts & Nature

Evening Tour 18:00-22:30

Tour schedule:Evening Tour

Evening Tour:Gourmet Guided Tour with Night Market

Self-guided Tour

Self-guided Tour

Terminal 1 Tourist Service Center

Terminal 2 Tourist Service Center

Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport Tourist Service Center

taiwan tour indonesia

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