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Review: G Adventures Galapagos Islands Tours

The Galapagos Islands are a bucket list trip for many travelers, and given the remote location off the coast of Ecuador , it makes the most sense to book a tour to the islands for the best chance to enjoy the rich natural landscape. I’ve traveled to the Galapagos Islands twice with G Adventures . Once as a passenger, and once while hosting a photography tour through G. I have a lot of experience not only with G Adventures as a company ( I’ve traveled on more than 14 trips with G ) but with this itinerary in particular since I hosted one of the G tours and was able to help shape how we explored this gorgeous destination.

Let’s review exactly what to expect G Adventures tour of the Galapagos Islands , as well as review why (or why not) one of the G cruises or camping trips are a good fit for your travel plans.

Table of Contents

Overview of G Adventures Galapagos Tours

G currently offers over 40 different tours that either focuses exclusively on the Galapagos, or have the Galapagos as a part of the itinerary—these include the Galapagos folded into larger itineraries, but also many specific cruises through island groups , and camping adventures in the Isabela Highlands .

For that reason, it’s impossible to review every single departure offered, and it’s also unnecessary. Most of the different tours are simply different combinations of islands. This is due to rules enacted by the government of Ecuador, which requires all tour operators to rotate the islands they visit so various islands are not overwhelmed with visitors.

This means that a 10-day trip starting on one date will have a different route and combination of islands than another 10-day tour starting on a different date, even if the length, starting, and ending locations are all the same. This is a result of Ecuadorian law, and every tour company is subject to these same rules.

Why Choose a G Tour? G Adventures tours tend to be smaller and more affordable than other Galapagos tour operators. A G tour in the Galapagos can run half to a third the price of a comparable trip with a high-end company like Lindblad Expeditions. The difference will be the size of the ship, and the quality of the accommodations. The quality of the ship, meals, and the guides on G trips are perfectly acceptable, the company just puts its focus on the trip experience, not on unnecessary luxuries. 

Additional G Tour Requirements : Active tours are more challenging and demand a bit more fitness, but every G tour outlines the activity level and any physical requirements. Beyond that, your CEO (Chief Experience Officer AKA tour guide) will ask for proof of travel insurance covering you for the duration of the trip as soon as you arrive in Quito. We highly recommend World Nomads , which has affordable policies that will cover you for snorkeling, cruising, hiking, and all of the common activities included on a Galapagos itinerary.

Starting in Quito

Hilltop view of Quito, Ecuador

Every G Adventures tour in Ecuador starts and ends in Quito—this holds the largest international airport in Ecuador and it’s the easiest location to book international flights.

You’ll spend at least one night in Quito as part of your trip—check the details of the trip itinerary you’re considering to assess how many nights you’ll spend in Quito. You might want to fly in one or two days early to explore all Quito offers if it isn’t part of your trip—if you’re going to fly all the way to Ecuador, it’s certainly worth your time to spend an extra day or two in Quito, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and worth at least a day.

Acclimating to the Altitude

Quito is one of the highest altitude major cities in the world, sitting at 2,850 meters (9,350 ft). If you aren’t acclimated to such altitudes, you may experience some amount of altitude sickness after you arrive.

In all my trips to Quito, I’ve often had difficulty sleeping the first night or two. My best advice is to drink plenty of water and try to get as much sleep as possible. If you’re coming from North or South America, you shouldn’t suffer jet lag since the time zone is the same as Central Time in the U.S. and Canada , so just plan some time in your itinerary to acclimatize so that once you head to the Galapagos Islands you’re ready to enjoy every moment.

Things to See in Quito

During your time in Quito, there are several things you should consider seeing if you have extra time. G Adventures does offer tours of Quito as an addon for as low as US$50, or you can book an Upgraded Land Galapagos with Quito tour, which would include all the highlights baked right into your itinerary. Even the add-on tours are run by G Adventures CEOs, so you know it’s going to be well done, small group, and provide enough context and history to enjoy the city. Let’s review a few of the highlights you’ll see in Quito before your Galapagos adventure.

Latitude Marker at the Equator

The Equator : Quito is only 25.5 km (15.86 mi) from the equator. The Ciudad Mitad del Mundo is the official monument and was built in the early 80s to commemorate the French Geodesic Mission from the 18th century. However, using modern measurements, the actual equator is about 250 meters north of the monument.

Gargoyles on the Basilica del Voto Nacional

Basilica del Voto Nacional : The Basilica del Voto Nacional is the largest church in Ecuador and was completed in 1909. It’s not the cathedral of Quito, which is a large white building located in the historic city center. Take notice of the gargoyles on the building, which are actually all animals from the Galapagos Islands.

Quito Cathedral in the Old Town of Quito

Quito Old Town : The old town of Quito is a UNESCO World Heritage site and was one of the first 12 world heritage sites created at the first World Heritage Convention in 1978. The original Spanish settlement dates back to the late 16th century, and many of the buildings are amongst the oldest in South America.

The Virgin of Quito

The Virgin of Quito : The Virgin of Quito, aka the Virgin of El Panecillo, is a massive statue located on a hill on the edge of town. It’s taller than the Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro , and the tallest aluminum statue in the world. It also offers one of the best views of the entire city of Quito.

Arriving in the Galapagos Islands

Because all G Adventure tours to the Galapagos start in Quito, all tours include your flight from Quito to the Galapagos. The flight is not long, and most flights usually have a short stop in Guayaquil. You wont’ get off of the plane in Guayaquil, it’s only a stop to pick up passengers, then you’re off again to start the adventure.

You’ll arrive at one of two airports in the Galapagos: Santa Cruz or San Cristobal.

Once you arrive in the Galapagos, you may spend some time before you board your transportation to your ship or hotel. The Galapagos is a very delicate environment, so bags are X-rayed for fruits and other prohibited products.

Ecuador charges a US$100 entrance fee to Galapagos Islands National Park . This is paid at the airport and it is NOT covered in the cost of your tour . This is the only major mandatory fee you will have you pay out of pocket on your trip. This fee is mandatory for all visitors to the Galapagos regardless of the tour company you use.

Cruises vs Shore Tours

There are two major options for your visit to the Galapagos: a land tour or a marine tour . 

As the names imply, land tours are based on the land and usually involve camping or some type of adventure sport, and you can visit more remote areas of the various islands. You will sleep in a hotel or a campground every night instead of on a ship. Every day you’ll venture out on day tours of the island you’re on and you’ll travel between islands on a speedboat. These trips don’t have to include camping, but many of them do, so read carefully to be sure you’re up for whichever type of land tour you’re booking. Also read the reviews travelers leave on the tour page to get a good idea for the style of the trip.

The other option, which is the majority of the Galapagos tours offered by G Adventures, are marine tours. On these tours, you will sleep and eat on a ship.

Personally, I’d recommend one of the marine tours over a land-based tour unless you’re really keen to take advantage of the adventure sports available around the islands . If you’re on a ship, you’ll be able to visit more islands, spend more time on each island, and engage in aquatic-based activities like snorkeling. All of your meals are also covered when you’re on a ship, so it’s easier to accurately budget for the trip.

You can also narrow down your G Galapagos tours based on other features: 

  • Family-Friendly : These tours offer a range of additional activities fit for children.
  • Classic Tours : Classic itineraries are the original style of G tours and include social enterprises and local elements woven into the trip. 
  • 18-to-Thirtysomethings : These trips offer more basic accommodation, sometimes include camping, and focus on experiences over luxuries on the food and accomodation side.
  • Marine Tours : These are trips that specifically include exploring the islands on sleep-aboard boats. 

Life on Board the Cruise Ship

Life Aboard the Ship in the Galapagos

There are currently five ships in the G Adventures Galapagos fleet. They all have capacities of 16-20 passengers with eight to 10 cabins. The ships are smaller than expedition class ships, but are not so small that I ever felt cramped. In addition to the cabins, each ship has a dining room and a main lounge area where you will get to know your other tour participants.

If you’re concerned about getting seasick, I wouldn’t worry about it too much. Seas are usually calm around the Galapagos due to its location near the equator. Also, the many surrounding islands usually make for seas that are much calmer than the open ocean. I barely remember even noticing the ship moving for most of my time in the Galapagos.

Shore Excursions

Preparing for a zodiac landing

If you are on a marine trip, there are two ways you will do shore excursions, depending on the island. For more popular and developed islands with a harbor or a dock, our ship just pulled up to the dock and we walked off.

For most of the smaller, undeveloped islands, we did a zodiac landing. Zodiacs are small inflatable boats carried by the ship. You enter the zodiac at the back of the ship and take the zodiac to shore. You then step out of the zodiac onto the beach or rocks on the shore. Most zodiac landings in the Galapagos are very easy as the seas are quite calm. However, you have to be prepared for your feet and legs to possibly get wet. It might be awkward the first time you do it, but after a few attempts, you get the hang of it. It’s for these shore excursions (among others reasons), that you should consider bringing sports sandals on your trip. 

Best Time to Visit

Most people say the best time to visit the Galapagos is from December to May. However, both of my trips were in October and I didn’t have an issue with the weather for either trip.

August to November tends to be the coolest time of year, with September usually having the fewest tourists. August to November will probably have the cheapest rates and steepest discount if you’re interested in more budget prices for your G Adventures Galapagos tour .

Best Wildlife Sightings

Wildlife is the main reason people visit to the Galapagos. The fauna is not as big and dramatic as what I found on my African safaris, but it is unique and like nothing else you on Earth.

As with any wildlife on any tour you take anywhere on Earth, you are never guaranteed to see anything. Animals are not on a schedule. That said, let’s review a few of the highlights of what you’re likely to see on a Galapagos adventure.

Marine Iguana

Galapagos Marine Iguanas

The Galapagos Marine Iguana (Amblyrhynchus cristatus) is the only aquatic lizard in the world. It’s found only in the Galapagos and they can be found on every island in the Galapagos. While no animals can be guaranteed to be seen on any given trip, this is the one animal that is probably going to be seen almost 100% of the time.

Galapagos Land Dragon

The Galapagos Land Dragon

The Galapagos Land Dragon, aka Galapagos Land Iguana, is the largest lizard in the Galapagos and one of the largest in the Western Hemisphere. It’s easily identified by its size and yellow color. As they are land-based and cannot migrate, there is a very good chance you will see one.

Galapagos Hawk

Galapagos Hawks

There’s a good chance you will not see a Galapagos Hawk, and if you do, it will be flying well above you in the sky. Unlike much of the other wildlife in the Galapagos, you can’t walk up to a hawk. They tend to keep their distance and fly very high looking for food. We found two that were eating the afterbirth of a seal, and that was the only way I was able to get close enough to take a photo.

Blue Footed Boobie

Blue Footed Boobies

Blue Footed Boobies are pretty common in the Galapagos. You should have a pretty good chance of seeing one during your trip, especially if you’re there when they are nesting. You can often see them diving for food, which is an impressive site given how fast they hit the water.

Red Footed Boobie

Red Footed Boobie Perched in a Tree

Red Footed Boobies look very similar to blue footed boobies save for two things: they have red feet instead of blue, and they perch in trees. Blue Footed Boobies are only found on the ground. I only saw a single red footed boobie on both my trips to the Galapagos, so this one is a long shot, but definitely a possibility.

Magnificent Frigatebird

Magnificent Frigatebirds

Frigatebirds might be the most impressive birds in the Galapagos. The males have enormous red air sacs on their breasts, which are used to attract mates.

Galapagos Penguin

Galapagos Penguins

The Galapagos Penguin is the northernmost penguin in the world. They are rather small and can be found on many of the islands. On my first trip to the Galapagos, we saw only a single penguin. On the second trip, I saw dozens and dozens of them.

Darwin’s Finches

Darwin Finches

Darwin Finches are some of the smallest birds in the Galapagos, however, scientifically and historically they are the most important. It was through the study of these birds that Charles Darwin came up the evidence for the Theory of Evolution.

Galapagos Flamingo

Galapagos Flamingos

The flamingo population in the Galapagos is small, but very much present. The odds of spotting them will depend on the islands you visit. Islands with inlands lakes or ponds are more likely to have them.

Galapagos Tortoise

Galapagos Tortoise

There’s a good chance you will see a Galapagos tortoise, if only in one of the sanctuaries or breeding facilities. You might also be able to see one in the wild, depending on which island you visit on your trip.

Fur Seals and Sea Lions

Fur Seal Pup

Fur seals and sea lions can be found all over the Galapagos. They look quite similar and you will probably need your CEO’s help you tell the difference. Sea lions have visible ear flaps whereas fur seals do not. Sea lions also have larger flippers and can walk on land easier.

Galapagos Islands Photography Tips

You won't always be this close

Many of the animals in the Galapagos have no fear of humans, so you can get somewhat close to them while keeping to the trail. You should never  touch a wild animal or go out of your way to get unreasonably close.

You will want to have a camera with some reasonable amount of zoom on it—probably more than what’s offered on a smartphone. Smartphone cameras tend to have wider angle lenses and are not good for photographing wildlife, so buy or rent the right camera gear before your trip.

Best lenses for Galapagos photography? Having a superzoom lens in the 18-200 mm range will probably get the job done. On my last trip, I took a 150-500mm lens with me and used it almost every day. It allowed me to get close-up shots even when I wasn’t that far away from the subject.

If you can’t bring a camera with replaceable lenses, I’d get a camera like the Sony RX100 , which has a built-in zoom that is quite good.

Take better photos . Before you leave for you trip, consider booking my online Travel Photography Academy , which shares the best ways to quickly improve your travel photography and get better trip photos no matter where in the world you venture.

Should You Book a G Adventures Galapagos Tour?

Now that we’ve reviewed every key area of a G Adventures Galapagos Tour , it should be a bit clearer if this type of tour is right for you. I can say that after taking two Galapagos tours with the company, I can thoroughly recommend the experience. There are so many companies running trips to this region, that key differentiators with G include: 

  • guaranteed small groups.
  • social enterprise and local community support integrated into most/many itineraries.
  • the chance to book active or family-friendly specific tours.
  • local guides qualified to guide you through the absolute highlights of the region.
  • a trusted company with a long and deep history of delivering memorable experiences to travelers.

There are a lot of different cruises to choose from, so explore the different routes, dates, and options . And if you still need a bit more information, read my thorough review of what it’s like to travel with G Adventures .

Don’t forget to book your travel insurance before your trip! Proof of travel insurance is required on every single G Adventures tour. We highly recommend the flexible and affordable policies offered by World Nomads .  

G Adventures Galapagos Islands Tours - Pinterest

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Galapagos G Adventures Cruise Review: Budget Galapagos Cruises Exist!

What you can expect from this article...

  • 1.1 Why The Galapagos Islands may be the best place on planet earth
  • 1.2 Why choose a Gadventures Budget Galapagos Cruise?
  • 1.3 Why The Monserat might just be the best Galapagos cruise boat…
  • 1.4 What is life like on a Monserrat Galapagos cruise?
  • 1.5 What activities will I be doing during my G Adventures Galapagos cruise?
  • 1.6 What wildlife will I see in The Galapagos Islands?
  • 1.7 Wildlife Photography in The Galapagos Islands
  • 1.8 Will I make friends on a G Adventures Cruise?
  • 1.9 What is the food like on a G Adventures Galapagos Cruise?
  • 1.10 What are the cabins like on a G Adventures Cruise?
  • 1.11 Whats the weather like in The Galapagos?
  • 1.12 What were the Galapagos G Adventures guides like?
  • 1.13 So would I travel The Galapagos with G Adventures again?

G Adventures Galapagos Boat Trip Review: Central, south and east islands abroad the Monserrat!

**Spoiler alert** This may be the best Galapagos cruise ever!

Visiting The Galapagos Islands has long been a dream of mine. I’ve always loved getting off the grid when I travel and I feel infinitely more at home with nature than I do in the cities. If my travels allow me to indulge in a spot of wildlife photography , all the better. So when I saw a friend’s Galapagos photos, I knew I had to get there one day.

The only problem was finding a budget Galapagos cruise which was actually affordable!

I’ve travelled with G Adventures several times before and knew they were a company that I could trust.

After sighing with despair at the outrageous prices of Galapagos cruises, I turned to G Adventures and was pleasantly surprised!

Okay, I won’t bullsh*t. It’s not exactly a cheap Galapagos cruise. They don’t exist. Sorry! But the price was a zillion times more reasonable than the $10k Galapagos luxury cruises and after extensive research, it seemed it was the best value boat trip in the Galapagos .

Given it was the fraction of the price, I was expecting The G Adventures boat, The Monserrat , to be pretty basic. I was blown away by how ‘luxury’ it actually was!

So I decided to write this budget Galapagos cruise review to rave about visiting The Galapagos with G Adventures. If I were lucky enough to go and explore the rest of the Galapagos Islands, I’d sail with G Adventures time and time again!

If you want to know more about what to expect from a Galapagos cruise with G Adventures, read on about my Monserrat experience!

** Pssst, this article may contain affiliate links. If you have no idea what this means, click here and everything will be explained!**

Why The Galapagos Islands may be the best place on planet earth

The Galapagos is such an incredible place. Alongside the beautiful beaches and colourful coral, you will find unique animals and sea life that you won’t find anywhere else on the planet!

Not only that but you will have many more close encounters with the wildlife than you would elsewhere as they have never had reason to fear humans and are relaxed and laid back in your presence. The sea lions will even show off for you and play with you in the water!

It is also one of the most natural, relaxing places in the world. So little pollution or crowds – you will feel so far removed from everyday life! If you need any more reasons to go, see my articles about different Galapagos Islands; 

The Eastern Islands; Isla Lobos, San Cristobal and Cerro Brujo

The Central Islands; Santa Cruz, Santiago and Bartolome

The South Islands; Floreana and Espanola

Why choose a Gadventures Budget Galapagos Cruise?

I’ve travelled several times with G Adventures and have never had a bad trip. They are organised, informative, ethical and they support local projects wherever possible.

If you want to read more about the pros and cons of a G Adventures trip, check out my article; G Adventures vs Intrepid

Why The Monserat might just be the best Galapagos cruise boat…

There are many much larger boats in the Galapagos with up to 100 passengers. They may have more features such as jacuzzis and larger cabins but they lack the intimacy of a small cruise with just 20 people like the Monserrat . Everyone gets to know each other well and for 1 week, you are family.

The Monserrat is probably the most luxurious boat trip I’ve ever taken but it combines luxury (3-course dinners with table service) with the small cosy feel of a smaller boat.

You will be well looked after by the fabulous crew who work tirelessly and with the utmost of professionalism. Many will make the effort to know you by name which I personally think makes such a difference.

What is life like on a Monserrat Galapagos cruise?

Every evening there will be a briefing on what to expect for the following day. Usually, it’s breakfast at 7 am and the first activity is planned for 8 am. So expect a few early starts!

There are then a few hours onboard the boat for lunch and a siesta and then more activities planned for the afternoon before the briefing and dinner. The sea air and a full itinerary usually leave most people shattered so most will retire early perhaps after cocktails and a game of cards.

What activities will I be doing during my G Adventures Galapagos cruise?

Most days include at least one walk and a couple of snorkel trips. The walks are not long (a few miles at most) but can be quite challenging as often involve scrambling over boulders. I suggest bringing walking poles which makes this much easier. There are a few available on the boat but it’s better to have your own just in case.

The snorkelling may be off the boat or off the beach. Sometimes it’s in calm water and other times more choppy with stronger currents but there’s always someone in the panga there to fish you out if you’ve had enough and I personally never felt unsafe.

In fact, I was usually the last one to get back in the panga as I got lost in the magical Galapagos underwater world! It’s extra special when the sea lions come out to play!

There was plenty of snorkelling equipment and wetsuits for everyone on board but it did get confusing trying to find the right ones at times! You are allocated equipment at the start of the trip and hand it back at the end of the week. I did often think it would have been easier to have had my own with me at times!

You can buy snorkel equipment HERE .

You can find tips for buying snorkel fins here .

What wildlife will I see in The Galapagos Islands?

Whilst nothing is guaranteed, you will see a lot of wildlife. And you are likely to see a LOT of sea lions! In addition to this you may see :

Birds – Blue-footed boobies, frigates, hawks, albatrosses, Galapagos doves, finches, mockingbirds, flamingos, penguins.

Reptiles: Land tortoises, snakes, lizards and Iguanas.

Marine wildlife: Sealions, sharks, dolphins, whales, LOTS of colourful fish such as parrotfish and crown fish.

Wildlife Photography in The Galapagos Islands

One thing you will definitely want to have with you in The Galapagos is an underwater camera! I Love my Go Pro Hero 7 but I really wish I took a floating Go Pro stick for extended reach to help me get closer to the action!

A friend used one and has incredible footage of a sea lion actually putting its mouth playfully around the camera! I was pretty envious of his footage!

For my land-based photos, I recommend using a good DSLR or mirrorless camera with a telephoto lens.

I personally use this camera and this lens .

If you need some wildlife photography advice before your Galapagos trip, head over to my Wildlife photography Tips page!

Will I make friends on a G Adventures Cruise?

Yes! If you are travelling alone you will be paired up with someone of the same gender to share a cabin with and the dining room is set up with tables for 5 and 6 so that you can easily get to know your travel mates!

There are often people travelling alone and on my trip, there was a huge mixture of ages from 27 to 87 mostly travelling alone or in pairs so you are bound to make at least a few friends. The average age is probably between 30 and 40.

What is the food like on a G Adventures Galapagos Cruise?

The food onboard is AMAZING! So much better than I was expecting on a budget Galapagos cruise. I was always pleasantly surprised what they could rustle up in a tiny kitchen for 20 guests and 10 crew!

Breakfast is usually cereals, cheeses, meats, toast and sometimes a frittata or an omelette.

Lunch is a buffet with a few hot options – pasta, rice, meats and salads – always delicious!

Dinner is a 3-course meal starting with homemade soup. The main course is usually meat or seafood with vegetables and is always followed by a tasty dessert.

After each activity, you will be met off the panga with freshly squeezed juices – everything from papaya to strawberry juice! This was always so tasty! There will also be snacks, often something more traditional such and empanadas which are my new favourite thing!

Alcoholic drinks are extras but tea, coffee and mineral water is provided all day. The drinks can be slightly pricey so budget enough if you like a bevvie in the evening. A bottle of wine is $22 and a beer is $4.

What are the cabins like on a G Adventures Cruise?

The cabins are smallish as you’d expect on a budget Galapagos cruise, but there is plenty of storage both under the bed and in a cupboard.

On previous sailing trips I’ve taken with other companies, the beds were narrow bunk beds but on my G Adventures boat trip , I had a normal single bed which was actually really comfy! There was definitely more space than I was used to on most sailing trips.

The bathrooms are compact but are proper bathrooms, not just wet rooms like I’ve had on other boat trips. The showers are warm and much appreciated after coming in from a cold dip in the sea!

Every day your bed is made by housekeeping just like a hotel stay – I was certainly not expecting this after other boat trips I’ve taken in the past!

The accommodation before and after the cruise at Hilton Colon (yes I found that hilarious too) was nothing short of luxury!

Whats the weather like in The Galapagos?

I can only tell you what the weather was like in October but from what I’ve heard, the weather is changeable all year round.

During October, the weather was consistently between 20-25 degrees Celsius which was very comfortable. It can get windy and rainy so pack for all weathers as it changes very quickly!

Wearing layers is the way forward! The hotter months are in Jan/Feb/March which is also the wet season but since temperatures can reach the mid 40’s I’m not convinced it’s the best time to visit!

What were the Galapagos G Adventures guides like?

I cannot rave about Roberto and Adrianna enough. They were always friendly and professional. Roberto is really funny and Adrianna is so sweet. They are both so knowledgeable and imparted so much knowledge about the local flora and fauna. We really couldn’t have asked for better guides/ naturalists. 

So would I travel The Galapagos with G Adventures again?

Absolutely!  I have no regrets choosing G Adventures . I’m pretty convinced they may be the best Galapagos cruise company! 

After hearing about the other boats where you pay 3 x the price only to travel on larger boats with more people, therefore, having to share those amazing views with 100 other people, I’d choose G Adventures every time.

The prices are reasonable (by Galapagos standards!) the boat was clean and comfortable, the food delicious, the staff helpful and the activities absolutely fantastic! I had an absolute ball and can’t recommend the Galapagos boat, The Monserrat, enough! It may be a budget Galapagos cruise but it was actually kinda luxurious! 

I Hope you’ve found this Galapagos Cruise review helpful and that I’ve persuaded you to book your own trip to the beautiful Galapagos Islands. You won’t regret it!

If your main focus is diving, you may want to choose a company which focusses on this, maybe even visiting the north islands which have the best diving opportunities. In which case I would recommend Live Aboard . Their trips will work out slightly pricier as they don’t include flights like G Adventures but they are still very affordable compared to most boats. Check out Live Aboard here .

As always, I love hearing from you. Tell me about your own Galapagos plans? And if you don’t mind sharing this post with your friends or on Pinterest, I will be eternally grateful – let’s spread the word about this incredible place!

Read More: 

G Adventures vs Intrepid Travel

The Best Group Travel Companies for single travellers

The Galapagos on a budget: Your ultimate guide  

Island Hopping Trips in the Galapagos – which won’t break the bank

A Galapagos Packing List

A Maldives Sailing Trip Review with G Adventures

A G Adventures Sri Lanka Review

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Wow what an amazing trip this was. I really love all your photographs. Me and my friend were just looking at this trip with G Adventures this weekend. I did wonder what it would be like being so cheap compared to other companies. We had best get saving!

I never felt like I was on a budget trip, in fact it felt pretty luxurious! Was it the same boat/route? They do several but I recommend this one as it covered so much variety – views, beaches and wildlife!

Wow! This looks so awesome! I would love to sail the Galapagos like this! Your pictures are also incredible!!

Thank you so much!

Sounds like an amazing experience! I have been wanting to go to the Galapagos for years but didn’t know such a nice budget option existed. Would love to do this one day

This sounds like an incredible trip! I’ve heard really good things about G Adventures and this cruise is definitely one for my bucket list x

I’ve been to the Galapagos but I didn’t do a cruise, but it looks like so much fun! I’ll have to do one if I go back!

It’s something I too have always wanted to do. What a treasure of a place. Did you see a Blue Footed Boobie? I’d love to see one!

Glad you loved playing with the sea lions, I had a similar experience in La Pax, Baja California, and you just never forget it.

Great to have a recommendation for a cheaper option too, G adventures sound like a lovely company, plus they have a big sale on right now…

Yes lots of blue footed boonbies – they are so cute! G adventures are an incredible company, Ive travelled with them 5 times now as I love them so much! And yes you’re right they often run sales so its always worth checking their sales pages! https://www.theglobetrottergp.com/gadventures-sale

I have just signed up for a Galapagos cruise with G Adventures, and your review has me so excited! With so many opportunities for snorkeling and a packed schedule, what was the pace like? Could you give an idea as to how much time snorkeling/hiking/exploring vs how much time was on the boat? And did you have to bring a backpack with a towel and change of clothes for post-snorkeling or were you able to return to the boat?

Ah amaazing! I hope you have an incredible time. You’ll spend a few hours in the morning and the same again in the afternoon off the boat. Its the perfect amount. We were always close to the main boat so we’d leave a few things on the beach then pop straight in the panga after snorkelling and head back to the main boat.

Wow, lovely blog about Galapagos islands. If you have decided to visit Galapagos island then you have done a fantastic thing by choosing this place. Galapagos located around 1000 Kms from Ecuador, the Galapagos Islands are one of the most beautiful destinations in the world.

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Galapagos Islands Family Tours & Vacation Packages

222 galapagos islands family trips with 200 reviews.

Family Land Galápagos — Multi-Activities Tour

Explorer Active Family Christmas & New Year +1

Family Land Galápagos — Multi-Activities

"The trip was nicely planned, and the CEO was knowledgeable." Sarah, traveled in August 2018

Bonita Yacht 4 nights 5 days tour itinerary B Tour

Sailing Family

Bonita Yacht 4 nights 5 days tour itinerary B

"The food on the ship is amazing, we had try almost all the traditional Ecuadorian food." CHI, traveled in March 2024

Highlights of Peru (Galapagos Legend, 13 Days, Intra Tour Air Cusco To Lima) Tour

Explorer Family Historical

Highlights of Peru (Galapagos Legend, 13 Days, Intra Tour Air Cusco To Lima)

  • €100 deposit on some dates

Galapagos Family Holiday Tour

Explorer Family Wildlife Christmas & New Year +1

Galapagos Family Holiday

8 Days Galapagos Island Hopping \"Santa Cruz & Isabela island\" Tour

Explorer Family Christmas & New Year +1

8 Days Galapagos Island Hopping "Santa Cruz & Isabela island"

4 Days Galapagos \" Total Experiences \" Tour

4 Days Galapagos " Total Experiences "

Ecuador - Getaway to Galapagos Tour

In-depth Cultural Family Christmas & New Year +1

Ecuador - Getaway to Galapagos

Ecuador - Galapagos Express Tour

Ecuador - Galapagos Express

Best of Galapagos Tour

Active Family Wildlife Christmas & New Year +1

Best of Galapagos

"Lots of animals, snorkeling, outdoor time. Hotels and meals were all great options and worth the money." Cat, traveled in June 2019

10 Days Galapagos Island Hopping in Santa Cruz and Isabela Tour

Active Family Christmas & New Year +1

10 Days Galapagos Island Hopping in Santa Cruz and Isabela

"Excellent coordination! Better hotels recommended in Isabella island!" Bhuvaneswari, traveled in April 2022
  • Book With Flexibility View tour Download Brochure

Magical Galapagos (5 Days) Tour

Magical Galapagos (5 Days)

"Great experience, loved every bit." Ilaria, traveled in July 2023

Galapagos Essentials Tour

Active Family

Galapagos Essentials

"We broke the seal on the lock down culture surrounding Covid, and were the first folks back on the trail in a year!" Kerry, traveled in March 2021

10 Days Galapagos Highlights Small Group Tour Tour

10 Days Galapagos Highlights Small Group Tour

"The canoe rides and sightseeing were unforgettable. The food and restaurant service was great." Andrew, traveled in August 2023

Koln Tourist Superior Yacht - 8 Days Tour

Sailing Family Wildlife Christmas & New Year +1

Koln Tourist Superior Yacht - 8 Days

  • 10% deposit on some dates

Galapagos Multisport Tour

Galapagos Multisport

"The hotel in Quito is definitely five star. The snorkeling was amazing as you see much wildlife." LeeJoiner, traveled in April 2019

Galapagos Islands Family Trips/Tours Reviews

Tour Guide David is very knowledged, provide lots of information. Also food on the ship is amazing, we had try almost all the traditional Ecuadorian food. And some of them are tasted even better than some restaurants on the land. The only part need to be improved will be sound issue and room on the ship. My room is in lower deck, which have huge noise when ship is moving or droping/pulling the anchor. And also dont have good view, but can stay at the sundeck to enjoy the sun light.
Amazing experience, and our guide was so knowledgeable and resourceful.
Hi! We love TourRadar. We had the best experience in the Galapagos islands. The communication with Jefferson was excellent from day one. He returned messages quickly along with several answers to questions that we had as this was our first time using a tour agency. Everything went smooth, and as printed in the itinerary. we are looking at our next-door and looking at TourRadar as I write. The hotels in the Galapagos were in town and walking distance to the beach, restaurants, activities, and super centrally located. However, the hotel in Ecuador was up on a hill and in a locked area. The place was nice. The grounds are beautiful, however, food and ability to sightsee or just take a walk or Prohibited. When I’ve loved to seen Ecuador and do plan to go back and spend some time in the city and see the marketplace and be able to walk around. All folks throughout the Galapagos islands were extremely friendly, helpful and kind. The treatment of humans and wildlife is superb and we all could learn from them. Thank you for this tour A+.

Travel Styles

Other regions in ecuador.

  • Ecuador Andean Highlands (140)
  • Avenue of the Volcanoes (121)
  • Amazonian Region Ecuador (39)
  • Cotopaxi National Park (39)
  • Cayambe Coca National Park (15)
  • Chile Coastal Lowlands (13)
  • Yasuni National Park (11)

Other types in Galapagos Islands

  • Budget (38)
  • Luxury (31)
  • Group (296)
  • Fully Guided (234)
  • Christmas & New Year (200)
  • Explorer (164)
  • Wildlife (157)
  • Active (107)
  • Partially Guided (100)
  • Personalized (98)
  • Ocean Cruise (79)
  • Sailing (57)
  • Private (44)
  • In-depth Cultural (28)
  • Island Hopping (26)
  • Historical (22)
  • Sightseeing (13)
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  1. Family Land Galápagos

    g adventures family tour galapagos

  2. Family Land Galápagos

    g adventures family tour galapagos

  3. Upgraded Land Galapagos with Quito in Ecuador, South America

    g adventures family tour galapagos

  4. G Adventures Galapagos Islands Tour Review

    g adventures family tour galapagos

  5. Tour

    g adventures family tour galapagos

  6. Galápagos Adventure in Ecuador, South America

    g adventures family tour galapagos


  1. Galapagos Cruise

  2. Reptile Gardens


  1. Family Land Galápagos

    Make it a private tour. Book this tour as a private departure, with your own CEO and all the benefits of a G Adventures group tour. Encounter incredible wildlife, snorkel and swim with sea turtles and manta rays, kayak at Tortuga Bay, visit the Charles Darwin Research Station, see giant tortoises in their natural habitat.

  2. Galapagos Tours & Guided Trips in 2024/25

    Situated 965km (600 mi) off the coast of Ecuador, this isolated haven of biodiversity remains nature's greatest science laboratory, home to a dazzling array of birds, reptiles, fish and mammals that you won't find anywhere else. With no known predators, the wildlife in the Galápagos exhibit almost no fear of humans. But really, if you got ...

  3. Galapagos Islands Cruises & Sailing Tours in 2024

    Hike to the caldera of Sierra Negra, a 1,124m (3,687 ft.) shield volcano. Visit massive colonies of seabirds and marine iguanas. Hike through lava fields and over black lava flows. See the five largest volcanoes in the Galápagos. Jump into the world of a real-life wildlife documentary on one of our Galápagos Islands cruises, which will sail ...

  4. Upgraded Land Galapagos by G Adventures with 5 Tour Reviews (Code: SEQU

    Itinerary. Start in Quito and end in Papallacta! With the Active tour Upgraded Land Galapagos, you have a 10 days tour package taking you through Quito, Ecuador and 5 other destinations in Ecuador. Upgraded Land Galapagos includes accommodation in a hotel as well as an expert guide, meals, transport and more. Expand All.

  5. G Adventures Galapagos Islands Tour Review

    One of the G cruise ships from my Galapagos Islands tour. There are currently five ships in the G Adventures Galapagos fleet. They all have capacities of 16-20 passengers with eight to 10 cabins. The ships are smaller than expedition class ships, but are not so small that I ever felt cramped.

  6. Family Land Galápagos

    The Galapagos Family adventure was just the right speed with age appropriate activities including lots of education. Trip date: August 2018. ... The following cards are accepted for "G Adventures" tours: Visa, Maestro, Mastercard, American Express or PayPal. TourRadar does NOT charge you an extra fee for using any of these payment methods.

  7. Family Travel Packages & Adventure Tours in 2024

    Family tours explore exciting locales — Tanzania, Thailand, the Galápagos, Peru Europe and more — with age-appropriate activities and hotels that know how to cater to families on the move. View all family tours. A new line of trips for adventure-loving families in search of a meaningful way to discover the world together. Learn more.

  8. Upgraded Land Galapagos

    Book online and enjoy exclusive savings with Global Journeys on G Adventures's 7 Day Upgraded Land Galapagos beginning your journey in San Cristóbal Island and travelling through to Santa Cruz Island. 2023 season departures. ... All G Adventures Tours 18 to 30 Somethings Tours Active Tours Classic Tours Expedition Cruises Family Tours Geluxe ...

  9. G Adventures Inc.: Quito, Ecuador to Quito, Ecuador

    Experience the unforgettable Family Land Galápagos - Multi-Activities in Quito, Ecuador to Quito, Ecuador, and work with a Virtuoso travel Advisor to receive exclusive perks.

  10. Upgraded Land Galapagos

    11 Days La Paz La Paz. Operated By: G Adventures. From 1,811. Save 712. Book online and enjoy exclusive savings with Global Journeys on G Adventures's 10 Day Upgraded Land Galapagos beginning your journey in Quito and travelling through to Papallacta. 2023-25 season departures.

  11. Galápagos Island Hopping by G Adventures with 39 Tour ...

    Start and end in Quito! With the Active tour Galápagos Island Hopping, you have a 9 days tour package taking you through Quito, Ecuador and 3 other destinations in Ecuador. Galápagos Island Hopping includes accommodation in a hotel as well as an expert guide, meals, transport and more. Expand All.

  12. Galápagos

    Sailing Croatia. 8 Days Dubrovnik Split. Operated By: G Adventures. From 1,237. Save 1,262. Book online and enjoy exclusive savings with Global Journeys on G Adventures's 7 Day Galápagos - South & East Islands aboard the Yolita beginning and ending your journey in Quito. 2023-25 season departures.

  13. The Galápagos Islands: the Ultimate Family Experience

    Adventure travel and tours. Over 1000 adventures in over 100 countries to choose from. ... G Adventures runs a number of Family style departures to the Galápagos Islands encompassing a wide range of departure dates and activities to cater for different tastes. ... Europe, Family Travel, Galapagos Islands ...

  14. Galápagos Multisport by G Adventures with 42 Tour Reviews ...

    Start and end in Quito! With the Explorer tour Galápagos Multisport, you have a 10 days tour package taking you through Quito, Ecuador and 4 other destinations in Ecuador. Galápagos Multisport includes accommodation in a hotel as well as an expert guide, meals, transport and more. Expand All. Introduction.

  15. Galapagos G Adventures Cruise Review: Budget Galapagos Cruises Exist

    Sorry! But the price was a zillion times more reasonable than the $10k Galapagos luxury cruises and after extensive research, it seemed it was the best value boat trip in the Galapagos. Given it was the fraction of the price, I was expecting The G Adventures boat, The Monserrat, to be pretty basic. I was blown away by how 'luxury' it ...

  16. Upgraded Land Galapagos in Ecuador, South America

    Strike a balance between genuine encounters with Mother Nature and the comfort of land accommodations on this 10-day Galápagos tour. Explore Ecuador's capital, Quito, on your own before hopping on a flight to the Galápagos Islands where an incredible diversity in wildlife awaits. Go snorkelling at the dramatic Kicker Rock, visit a sea lion nursery, and go birdwatching in the highlands of ...

  17. Reviews of G Adventures

    5 years ago. My wife and I just returned from what is billed as a seven day tour of Galapagos Islands with G Adventures. It was actually two days in Quito, Ecuador and five days in Galapagos. The cruise ship Montserrat was good to fair. The public spaces, lounge and dining room, were fine, as was the food.

  18. Galápagos Island Hopping in Ecuador, South America

    Make it a private tour. Book this tour as a private departure, with your own CEO and all the benefits of a G Adventures group tour. Hike up Sierra Negra volcano, observe flamingos at an isolated lagoon, Marvel at the unique wildlife of the Galápagos, Stay at a G Adventures-supported community guesthouse in Floreana.

  19. 10 Days in Ecuador

    Itinerary #1: Amazon Luxury Cruise & Galápagos Island Hopping. Perfectly combining pristine landscapes with generous touches of luxury, this 10-day itinerary takes you on a grand tour of Ecuador's Amazon rainforest and the Galápagos Islands. While calling the opulent Manatee Amazon Explorer riverboat home, you'll canoe, hike, and glide your way through wildlife-filled waterways.

  20. Galapagos Islands with Kids: 10 Best Family Tours 2024/2025

    Find the best Galapagos Islands Family tours with TourRadar. Compare 222 tours with 199 real tour reviews. Book now and save with TourRadar.com! Shop 2,500 operators. 4.5 stars on (6,229 reviews) ... G Adventures. 20% Off . Duration 8 days Price per day $310 From ...

  21. Galápagos Multisport in Galapagos Islands, South America

    Full itinerary. Tour details. This adventure is perfect for those who want to experience the incredible wildlife and scenery of the Galápagos Islands but prefer to sleep on shore. Go ashore at the lesser-visited island of Isabela and spend your days with playful sea lions, giant manta rays, and the Galápagos giant tortoise.

  22. Galápagos Express Adventure: Wilderness & Wildlife

    Day 1 Santa Cruz Island. Arrive to Galapagos before 11:00am and transfer across Santa Cruz Island to the town of Puerto Ayora. Meet the group at the hotel at 1:00pm for a guided visit to the Charles Darwin Research Station for an opportunity to see the famous tortoises up close. Get to know the group in the evening over a few drinks.

  23. Galapagos Tours FAQs

    The Galápagos cool season starts in June and wraps up in December. The average temperature is 25°C (81°F) and is typically overcast, but with very little rain. The seas are rougher at this point, especially from July through September. However, the Humboldt Current brings colder water that is rich in plankton, which means more fish and birds.

  24. Adventure Travel & Tours

    G Adventures Private Travel. Whether it's a family retreat or a girls trip, you can surround yourself with a hand-picked crew and customize a tour that fits you all perfectly. Learn more. The Geluxe Collection. Our new line of premium active adventures is officially here.