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The Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem visited during the SANDEMANs Holy City Tour



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Discover the many faces of Jerusalem with a passionate local guide

As one of the holiest places in Judaism, Islam and Christianity, taking a walk through the streets and squares of Jerusalem is like taking a walk through history. Discover why this city means so much to so many through the eyes of some of Jerusalem’s best local tour guides.

The original Free Tour starts at the Jaffa Gate and covers many of Jerusalem’s top attractions, including David’s Citadel and the four quarters of the Old City. After you’ve got the overview with the free walking tour, delve deeper with us!

Visit some incredible sites with the Holy City Tour , such as Temple Mount an the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, or explore the heart of ancient Jerusalem on the City of David tour . After that, why not visit the Mount of Olives on a tour that covers Mary’s tomb, the Church of All Nations and the Chapel of the Ascension.

If you’re in town on a Friday, join the Shabbat Experience and discover some of the traditional elements of Judaism.

One thing’s for sure; the top things to do and see in Jerusalem can all be found on a SANDEMANs tour!

Enjoy authentic local experiences

Jerusalem is part of the SANDEMANs NEW Europe network, one of the largest walking tour companies in the world. Offering daily tours in English and Spanish, we believe in supporting local communities and are committed to giving a voice to some of Jerusalem's best local freelance tour guides, who passionately share the city's history and culture with their own unique and always-entertaining style.

Aside from the Free Tour, in Jerusalem you’ll also find unforgettable tours and experiences. We’re looking forward to seeing you soon!

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Amateur Traveler

Free Self-Guided Walking Tour of Jerusalem’s Old City (with Map)

The Old City of Jerusalem is an amazing site and amazingly small when you consider all the significant sites it contains. It is around one square kilometer. I had a chance to visit Jerusalem for the first time recently when I attended the TBEX conference there. While I was there I took a walking tour from Sandeman . This is what I learned on that tour and on my own explorations.

Self-Guided Walking Tour of Jerusalem’s Old City #travel #trip #vacation #israel #jeruslaem #what-to-do-in #old-city #walking-tour #tour #jesus #ancient #temple #holy-land #wailing-wall

The Ancient Walled City

The jaffa gate, the tower of david, the armenian quarter, the roman cardo, the jewish quarter, the temple mount, david street, christian quarter, church of the holy sepulcher, guided tours, map self-guided walking tour of jerusalem’s old city.

Old City Walls

Jerusalem has been conquered by a great number of civilizations over the centuries including the Babylonians, the Romans, the Arabs,   the Crusaders, the Turks, and the British. When you look at the old walled city today you are looking at the walls built later in the cities history, completed in 1541 by the Ottoman ruler Suleiman the Magnificent. You can get a good view of the city by walking these walls.

For centuries after these walls were built, they defined the extent of the city of Jerusalem as people were afraid to live outside of the protection of the walls. The new city did not really get started until 1860 and at first, people had to be paid to live outside the safety of the walls.

Jaffa Gate

Most tourists will enter the city on the west side through the Jaffa Gate. Just inside the Jaffa gate to the left is one of the entry places where you can start a walk along the walls.

If you have questions the tourism information center is also just inside that entrance. Pick up a free map, because you will need it. If you don’t have a data service download a good offline map like those from on your smartphone before you leave your hotel or hostel .

Tower of David

When I was visiting the city, they were doing a series of free concerts in the evenings and had stages both inside and outside of the Jaffa Gate.

Tower of David

Just to the left of the Jaffa gate, you will see the tower of David, which has nothing to do with King David. Early pilgrims visiting the city read in their bibles that David built a tower and assumed that this must be it, but David’s city is outside the old walls to the south and down the hill from the old city. You can now visit the archaeological site where they are uncovering this city just outside the Dung Gate. You can also visit David’s tomb just outside of the Zion Gate.

This tower was first built by Herod the Great who also rebuilt the temple just before the time of Christ. Look at this tower closely and you will see signs of 3 different eras. The base of the tower was built by Herod, the moat around it by the crusaders and the top of the tower by the Mamluks who re-conquered the city from the crusaders.

Tower of David

Inside of the tower is an excellent museum, that I highly recommend, that explains the history of this complicated city.

Tower of David Light Show

Come back to the Tower of David at night to see the light show that is displayed on the battlements for a more colorful artistic version of the history of the city.

If you turn to the right from the Jaffa Gate and come around the Tower of David you can enter the Armenian quarter through the narrow Armenian Patriarchate St. The Armenians were the first country in the world to accept Christianity as a state religion and the Armenian quarter is one of the oldest areas in the Old City. It is also the least populated and the least open to visitors.

Follow this street down to St James St (and we are using the term street here very generously). Where these two meet is the Cathedral of St James which has the highest concentration of Saints named James buried here of any place in the world. According to Armenian tradition, the head of St James, son of Zebedee, (brother of John) and the body of St James the Just (brother of Jesus) are both buried in this church. St James the son of Zebedee was the first of the apostles to be martyred and the only one (besides Judas) whose death is mentioned in the bible. This church is opened very limited hours for tourists, only during services.

Armenian Quarter

Take St James street until you reach Ararat St and turn left. This street is named after the mountain which was historically in Armenia (and now is just outside their boundaries in Turkey) where the ark of Noah came to rest after the flood. The mountain is sacred to Armenians. If you see a prelate walking down the street wearing a black pointed hat, that would be an Armenian Christian priest and the shape of the hat is to remind you of the mountain of Ararat. Continue down this street until you get to the church of St Mark.

Armenian Quarter

Armenian tradition has it that the church of St Mark was built on the site of the upper room where Jesus and his disciples ate the last supper.   Like she many thing sin Israel, there are often more than one site associated with any particular biblical event. Other traditions place the site of the upper room just outside the Zion Gate near the tomb of David.

After the church make a quick right on Or HaHayim St. Take a right on Habad St, the first left and the first left again to get onto Ha Yehudim St. This is where your map is going to be very helpful.

free tour guide jerusalem

In the Jewish quarter, you can find where archeologists have uncovered the Roman Cardo, or the marketplace from the Roman era. You will have to climb down some steps as the street level of the city today is about one story taller than it was then. Here you will see an artist’s rendition of a Roman market (with one modern small boy added). You will also find the original paving stones where Jesus and others from that time walked while shopping.

free tour guide jerusalem

The Jewish quarter has some of the newest construction in the city as much of it was destroyed in the 6 Day War.

Dome of the Rock and Western Wall

For religious Jews, the most sacred spot in the world is the Temple Mount. Not only is this where Abraham was asked to sacrifice Isaac (spoiler, it was a test, God stopped him) but they also believe that the stone where God stood to create the world now sits under the Dome of the Rock. For the very religious, even if they were allowed to climb to the top of the Temple Mount, they should not because they might accidentally come into contact with the Holiest of Holies which is where the presents of God dwelled in the temple.

Western Wall

The Western Wall is a place where the stones of the Second Temple are exposed and is, therefore, a sacred site for religious jews. Men pray on the left and women on the right. You can approach the Western Wall but use discretion as this is a very sacred site. You will have to pass through a security checkpoint to reach the Western Wall.

Western Wall

On Mondays and Thursdays, you will see many young boys celebrating their bar mitzvah. Look for the many Torahs near the wall itself.

free tour guide jerusalem

Or look for the jubilant parades of boys, parents, friends, relatives, and musicians coming in from the Dung Gate to the right of the Western Wall.

Dome of the Rock

The most photographed building in Jerusalem is probably the Dome of the Rock which has a gilded dome. This building sits on the stop where the Jewish temple was built (and rebuilt). Muslims believe that Mohammad traveled one night from Mecca to the “furthest mosque” or the “most extreme mosque” upon a magical flying beast.

Al-Aqsa Mosque (Church of Ascension in the background)

This mosque is believed to be the Al-Aqsa Mosque which is the more nondescript large building on the Temple Mount, next to the Dome of the Rock. This mosque is held by most Muslims to be the 3 rd most holy site after Mecca and Medina.

Al-Aqsa Mosque

The koran states that Mohammad ascended into heaven from the spot where the Dome of the Rock sits. He then negotiated with God for how often Muslims would need to pray during the day. He haggled God down from 50 times a day down to the current 5 times a day, after some prompting from Moses. Haggling skills still come in handy in Jerusalem.

Only Muslims are allowed to enter either the Dome of the Rock or the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Non-muslims can visit the outside of the buildings but not during times of prayer. One of the best times to come is early in the morning after morning prayer.

Al-Aqsa Mosque

At the Western Wall, you will see a wooden ramp that climbs to the Temple Mount. Exit the secure area of the Western Wall towards the Dung Gate and then queue up to reenter another security check to climb up the ramp. The ramp is also a great place to take pictures of the Western Wall without disturbing those who are praying there.

Religious displays for non-Muslims are forbidden on the Temple Mount. Bringing Jewish prayer books, Talit, or Tefilin is forbidden. If you are Jewish, there is a decent chance you will be turned away. Wearing a Kippah will significantly decrease your chances of gaining admission.

David Street

You will exit the Temple Mount from a different gate than you enter, coming out near David street which is a central narrow market street that heads back towards the Jaffa Gate. Take your time bargaining your way along the street if you so desire as the climb back up the hill towards the Christian Quarter.

Lutheran Church of the Redeemer in the Christian Quarter

Follow signs from David street to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. There will be more shops and restaurants along the way and unless you are there very early in the morning, larger groups of pilgrims should be expected.

Church of the Holy Sepulchre

One of the top churches in Jerusalem to see is the Church of the Holy Sepulcher which is two different holy sites for Christians combined into one. Although it is hard to picture, just up the steps on your right when you enter the church is the rock of Golgotha where Jesus was crucified. You will see pilgrims queue up to touch the spot where the cross stood which is now under an altar. All of this was not just outside of a church but outside of the city walls in the 1 st century.

Church of the Holy Sepulchre - Annointing Stone

Just in front of you as you enter the church is the stone where tradition has it that the body of Jesus was prepared for burial.

Church of the Holy Sepulcre

To the left from the entrance of the church is a tabernacle or building beneath the left of the church’s two domes. Inside this structure is what is left of the cave where, according to tradition, Jesus was buried. It is hard to picture this as a cave these days. The church opens at dawn and the easiest time to see this area without waiting in long lines is to do it early. I was fortunate to enter the church the first time during a service when the building was filled with chanting, singing, and organ music from a worship service.

The church is in surprising disrepair, although a recent renovation did remove centuries of soot from candles. But still, the floor is in need of repair in many places. The church is shared by 5 different denominations of Christians and all must agree to any changes which means in practice that the church is held in a state of status quo.

Church of the Holy Sepulchre

Just to the right and outside of the entrance there are steps that go up to a chapel of the Ethiopian church, which is worth a quick visit.

free tour guide jerusalem

Also, continue on up to a courtyard where I found this group of priests.

If you are afraid you will get lost… and you probably will or you want a great tour guide there are a number of good guided tours of the Old City.

From the church, you can either make your way back to the Jaffa Gate or you can continue on into the Christian quarter and Muslim quarter to trace the route of the Via Dolorosa. This is the route that Jesus took to the cross, so it starts near the Lion gate and ends at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher.

Whatever your faith or lack thereof, Jerusalem is a fascinating place that everyone should visit at least once.

Self-Guided Walking Tour of Jerusalem’s Old City #travel #trip #vacation #israel #jeruslaem #what-to-do-in #old-city #walking-tour #tour #jesus #ancient #temple #holy-land #wailing-wall

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free tour guide jerusalem

by Chris Christensen

+Chris Christensen | @chris2x | facebook

13 Responses to “Free Self-Guided Walking Tour of Jerusalem’s Old City (with Map)”

' src=

Hi Chris, its a learning experience for me reading this article of yours.. Captivated by the images. Thanks

' src=

Peter T Sadow

If you are going to post a free walking tour, why not include a path on the map? That would be useful. A google map image of the locations is not useful. You are just being used to advertise a paid walking tour, not a free one.

' src=

Sorry, let me see if I can add the path on the map

' src=

Sarita Noronha

What time does the walking tour start on Friday?

I don’t know.

' src=

it is a pity that you have not visited David’s tower laser show in Jerusalem. Also there is a great park The first station. it’s worth it to come back

' src=

piya chakravarty

Show a path that can be used easily by visitors who are mobility challenged instead of having to walk long distances which take you nowhere or to sites you don’t want to visit

' src=

Thanks for this great guide! Very helpful!

Chris Christensen

You are most welcome April

' src=

You mention much of the Jewish Quarter being destroyed during the Six-Day War. Was not the bulk of the damage at the end of the War of Independnce when Jordan blew up, pillaged, etc. the Jewsih buildings, including the Hurva Synagogue?

I do not know Mike.

' src=

Thanks for the great info. Followed your path today and it was great.

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Tags: article , best , day tour , featured , israel , jerusalem , self-guided tour , walking tour

Chris Christensen

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Free Walking Tour Jerusalem

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Jerusalem, Israel

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Explore Free Walking Tour Jerusalem Essence with the TRAVEL iNTi

Step into the heart of Jerusalem’s remarkable history and culture through the immersive lens of Travel Inti’s City Guide Free Walking Tour. Guided by a licensed local expert, this captivating journey invites you to uncover the city’s most iconic landmarks and hidden gems.

An Immersive Journey through Historical Icons

Embark on a 2.5-hour journey unveiling Jerusalem’s timeless treasures. From revered Western Wall to solemn Church of the Holy Sepulcher and iconic Dome of the Rock, this comprehensive tour encompasses all. Led by a knowledgeable local guide, traverse the city’s distinct quarters – Jewish, Muslim, Christian, Armenian – discovering landmarks like David’s Citadel and Hurva Synagogue. These sites transcend faith, leaving a lasting impression on all who visit.

Balancing History with Everyday Life

While these monumental landmarks capture your attention, the Free Walking Tour by Travel Inti’s City Guide also grants you insights into the vibrant pulse of daily life in Jerusalem . Navigate narrow, winding streets, absorb panoramic rooftop views that provide fresh perspectives, and immerse yourself in the vibrant ambiance of the Suq market. Here, fragrant aromas and lively sounds create an authentic sensory symphony.

Crafting Unforgettable Memories

Commencing just beyond the famous Jaffa Gate and concluding near its starting point, the Free Walking Tour offers both convenience and enrichment. Experience Jerusalem’s splendor through the eyes of Travel Inti’s City Guide – a meticulously curated adventure blending history, culture, and the vibrant spirit of this captivating city.


Image for meeting point

The Jerusalem Free Tour starts just outside the Jaffa Gate

  • Discover the Jewish, Muslim, Christian and Armenian quarters
  • Views of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the Dome of the Rock and the Mount of Olives
  • See the worshipers at the Western (Wailing) Wall
  • Uncover the excavations of ancient Jerusalem
  • Visit David’s Citadel

One tour per day at 10:30 AM please arrive. 15 minutes prior. Thank you 

Additional Details

At Travel Inti, our mission is intrinsically geared towards forging significant connections. We’re devoted to uniting exceptional guides with perceptive travelers, fostering the creation of profound experiences. We take immense pride in our selection by numerous local guides who entrust us with elevating your exploration across some of the world’s most captivating cities.

We wholeheartedly acknowledge the distinctive nature of each tour, meticulously crafted by your freelance guide’s expertise and preferences. From the chosen landmarks to the narratives shared, the tour’s duration may naturally fluctuate. This variance ensures that your encounter remains dynamic, authentic, and devoid of rigid templates. This duality is precisely why both independent guides and adept travelers opt for Travel Inti. It’s an assurance of incomparable journeys that consistently kindle inspiration.

Regrettably, we would like to inform you that this particular tour is not accessible for wheelchair users. We remain committed to inclusivity and will be happy to assist you in finding alternative experiences that meet your needs.

Your reservation has successfully made. For more information check your email.

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2 thoughts on “free walking tour jerusalem”.

I always take your walking tours in difirent cities. Jerusalem tour was very good, I did not expect anything else though. The guides that Travel Inti has are the best. The one in Jerusalem actually is very knowledgeable, unfortunately forgot the name..but remember everything about the excursion (:

Thank you for your kind words! We’re delighted to hear you enjoyed our Jerusalem tour and found our guides exceptional. Cheers to memorable explorations with Travel Inti!

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  • Destinations
  • Tours in Jerusalem

Old City Walls Tour

Old City Walls Tour Israel — #1

Overview of the tour in Jerusalem

The Old City Walls Tour offers some stunning views. Walk on the city walls from Jaffa Gate to Zion Gate and enjoy the panoramic view of the Mt of Olives and the Old City rooftops. Visit the Dormition Abbey, King David's Tomb, and the Last Supper Room. In addition to the fee for the tour, there is a charge of 25 shekels per adult or 12 shekels per child/student/pensioner to enter the ramparts. Please note that we need a minimum of 3 people on the tour, otherwise the tour costs more!

This activity includes:

  • Jerusalem Old City Inn
  • Dormition Abbey
  • King David's Tomb
  • English-speaking guide

Meeting point

The tour starts at the Jaffa Gate of the Old City.

Things to note

Please note that you can arrange your own time schedule and that we need a minimum of 3 people on the tour, otherwise the tour costs more!

Free Cancellation

Free Cancellation up to 24 hours before the activity starts. Late cancellation or your non-arrival is not refundable.

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The best option to discover the city in an economical way., what does the jerusalem free tour consist of, possibly your best option to get to know jerusalem in a fun and authentic way..

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A moment of culture and fun for everyone.

Enjoy your Jerusalem free tour as a couple, with friends or in a group!

The Jerusalem Free tours are the perfect excuse to take the time to learn more about Israel’s cultural heritage.

Jerusalem free tours are free tours organized by guides who show the most emblematic tourist sites of a town or city. These tours are usually done on foot.

While there are several options and types of free tours of Israel, most are usually tours that include approximately 10 to 12 people. and last between 1 and 3 hours depending on the planned itinerary.

In any case, always check the detailed information we provide to know all the details of your free tour: schedules, cancellation policy, meeting point and all the information you need to make the most of your experience without having to worry about anything.

What to see and do in Jerusalem?

Jerusalem, an ancient city full of history, is one of the most emblematic places in the world. Its importance lies in the fact that it is considered sacred by three main religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Located in the Middle East, specifically in the mountainous region of Judea, this city has an old town that has been declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

– Wailing Wall The Wailing Wall, located in Jerusalem, is one of the most sacred and significant places for the Jewish religion. Also known as the Kotel, this ancient wall has witnessed countless prayers and laments over the centuries.

– Church of the Holy Sepulcher The Church of the Holy Sepulcher, located in the city of Jerusalem, is considered one of the most sacred places for Christianity. Built on the site where Jesus is believed to have been crucified and buried, this majestic church attracts thousands of pilgrims and tourists each year. Its impressive architecture combines Byzantine, Gothic and Crusader elements, creating a unique atmosphere full of history.

– Dome of the Rock Mosque The Dome of the Rock Mosque, located in Jerusalem, is an architectural jewel that captivates all visitors. Built in the 7th century, this magnificent structure stands out for its imposing golden dome and walls covered with colorful ceramic tiles. Inside, there is a sacred sanctuary that houses the Foundation Rock, considered one of the most significant sites for Islam and Judaism.


At the appointed time, we will meet at the centrally located Jaffa Gate to start this free free tour of Jerusalem . I’m sure you’re looking forward to it!

The first monument we will see is the nearby Tower of David . The historical figure after whom this watchtower is named gives rise to various legends. legends that we will unveil during the tour.

We will continue our free tour of Jerusalem by entering the Christian Quarter . There we will come across the Church of the Holy Sepulcher , a place full of symbolism for this religious community. Did you know that it is the the most important Christian pilgrimage center in the world? ? We will tell you all about its history.

Walking among the markets of the old town of the Holy City we will reach another place of great religious significance, in this case for the Jews, the Western Wall. Wailing Wall . What wish would you like to make? If you write it down on a piece of paper and insert it between the cracks in the wall, it could be fulfilled.

At the back of the wall we will contemplate the majestic exterior architecture of the Dome of the Rock mosque. Dome of the Rock Mosque a Muslim temple that stands out for its bluish and golden tones of its decoration, visible in much of the city.

After touring the Christian, Jewish and Christian, Jewish and Muslim quarters, we will visit the Cardo, an ancient Roman-Byzantine road, and explore the Armenian area. We will visit the Cardo , an ancient Roman-Byzantine road , and explore the Armenian area , which will be truly fascinating!

After two hours of sightseeing, we will end the free tour of Jerusalem at the starting point.

Meeting Point and Duration

The meeting point for the Jerusalem Free Tour is at Jaffa Gate. . It lasts approximately two hours.

free tour guide jerusalem

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Free Walking Sightseeing Tours in Jerusalem, Israel

Guided free walking tours.

Book free guided walking tours in Jerusalem.

Guided Sightseeing Tours

Book guided sightseeing tours and activities in Jerusalem.

Explore Jerusalem in Israel with one of our free walking tours . Click on a marker on the map to get started and view details about the tour. Below is an overview of the sightseeing tours. A total of 12 tours are available in Jerusalem, Israel.

GuruWalk: Modern Jerusalem

Modern Jerusalem

GuruWalk: Holly Jerusalem - Christian history and religion

Holly Jerusalem - Christian history and religion

GuruWalk: Old City of Jerusalem Tour by Walkative!

Old City of Jerusalem Tour by Walkative!

GuruWalk: Temple Mount of Jerusalem Tour by Walkative!

Temple Mount of Jerusalem Tour by Walkative!

Freetour: Jerusalem Old City Tour by Walkative!

Jerusalem Old City Tour by Walkative!

Freetour: Jerusalem Free Tour

Jerusalem Free Tour

Freetour: Jerusalem Free Walking Tour With a Smile

Jerusalem Free Walking Tour With a Smile

Self-guided Tour #1

  • Montefiore Windmill
  • Jerusalem Music Centre
  • David's Tomb
  • St. Peter of Gallicantu
  • The Four Sephardic Synagogue
  • Stepped Stone Structure
  • Warren's Shaft
  • Givati Parking Lot dig
  • HaShiliach Pool
  • Monolith of Silwan
  • Church of Mary Magdalene
  • Dominus Flevit Church
  • קבר אחים חללי הרובע היהודי
  • Chapel of the Ascension
  • Viri Galilaei Church

Self-guided Tour #2

  • אמפיתאטרון גבעת רם
  • Shrine of the Book
  • Holyland Model of Jerusalem
  • Knesset Menorah
  • אנדרטת נר הזיכרון (ירושלים)
  • Ades Synagogue
  • Ratisbonne Monastery
  • Great Synagogue
  • Mamilla Pool
  • Chapelle Saint Vincent de Paul
  • Pontifical Biblical Institute

Self-guided Tour #3

  • Monastery of the Cross
  • Saint Saviours Church
  • Mosque of Omar
  • Maronite Church
  • St. Mark's Monastery
  • Tiferet Yisrael Synagogue
  • Yeshivat HaKotel
  • Robinson's Arch
  • Tomb of Zacharias
  • Tomb of the Sons of Hezir
  • Throne of Solomon
  • Lions' Gate
  • Pool of Bethesda
  • Solomon's Stables
  • Small Kotel
  • The Garden Tomb
  • Palestinian national theater / Al-Hakawati

Self-guided Tour #4

  • Herod's Gate
  • Ticho House
  • שטיבלאך זכרון משה

Self-guided Tour #5

  • Yeshivat Mercaz HaRav
  • Tomb of Simeon the Just

Why Visit Sights? Self-guided sightseeing tours are a free and safe alternative to bus tours. You can explore Jerusalem at your own pace, any time! Do something good for your health by walking.

Check out our shop where you can purchase tours!  Learn More

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Top 10 free things to do in Jerusalem

“The best things in life aren’t things”

Traveling is not cheap – flights, hotels, restaurants, rental cars, etc. At the end of the day you look in your wallet and don’t understand where all the money has disappeared to (which not only happens when traveling!). One of the good things about  Jerusalem  is that there are many free sights. Many are holy places, but there is really something for everybody.

free tour guide jerusalem

Rooftop lookout

The narrow allies of Jerusalem’s Old City are frequently packed with tourists, and the vendors can be quite aggressive. But the moment you are elevated just a few meters above street level, the view opens up and the atmosphere changes. Some of the lookouts charge for admission, but some, like this one, is absolutely free. This lookout is above the exact place where the four quarters of the Old City come together. The metal stairs are where Habad St. and St. James meet.


The writer Shai Agnon, the Israeli Nobel Prize winner, wrote in one of his books:

“A house touches a house and roof touches roof. A man can go from one end to the other end of Jerusalem through her roofs… Jerusalem is connected by her houses and divided by her inhabitants.”

From the lookout you can see the four quarters – the Muslim Quarter with its domed roofs, the Christian Quarter with its red-tile roofs and church bell towers, and the Jewish Quarter with its new houses. The Armenian quarter, the smallest, is hard to see, but visible nonetheless. You can also spot the Dome of the Rock and Mount Olives from this vantage point.

A tour of the Knesset (Israel’s parliament)


For many tourists Israel is just a mix of holy places and the site of wars, but the State of Israel is much more than that. Despite the tensions in Israeli society and the military conflict, Israel is a strong democracy. The Knesset in the national legislature of Israel. Its name is derived from the Knesset Hagdola (the Great Synod), the legislative body of 120 members that ruled the Jews 2,000 years ago during the early Second Temple period. Today there are also 120 Knesset members. Israel is a parliamentary democracy (like most European countries). In the last election, held in March 2015, ten parties entered the Knesset; the biggest one, the Likud Party, is led by Benjamin Netanyahu. The Knesset was housed in several locations before moving to its present location in 1966. Tours of the Knesset are offered in several languages.

Planning to visit Israel? Like what you’re reading? Then you’ll probably like my booklets too! My Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Judaean Desert booklets will guide you through the most important sites in Israel.  You can download my eBooks from  Amazon ,  Kobo ,  Barnes & Noble  and  Apple iBook . Or order  all three booklets from Amazon .

The Wailing Wall


Visiting the Wailing Wall is not only free, but it is also open 24/7! I recommend visiting the place early in the morning or at evening when there are not that many tourists. The Wailing Wall is divided into men and women’s sections because it functions as an open-air synagogue. Learn more about  the Wailing Wall

The Church of the Holy Sepulchre

The Church of the Holy Sepulcher

Entry to most of the churches in Israel is free of charge, and that also holds true for one of the holiest churches in the world – the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. The religious importance of this church is immense. This is the place where, according to tradition, Jesus was crucified, buried, and resurrected. Because the building itself was destroyed and rebuilt so many times and because the church is divided between six different denominations, it is also a living museum of the history of Jerusalem and Christianity. Learn more about  the Church of the Holy Sepulchre

Temple Mount

Temple Mount

If you see the Wailing Wall without a guide or other assistance, it is only a stone wall. The same goes for the Church of the Holy Sepulcher; if you don’t know what it is you’re looking at, it’s not going to be impressive.

But the Dome of the Rock is different – you cannot help but be moved by it. It is one of the most beautiful buildings in Jerusalem and one of the oldest works of Islamic architecture that hasn’t undergone any major changes.

The Dome of the Rock is not a mosque but a shrine, and at its center is the natural rock of the mountain. Jews believe that this rock is the Foundation Stone, the stone from which the world was made and upon which Abraham almost sacrificed his son Isaac. Muslims believe that Mohammad ascended to heaven from the rock. Only Muslims are allowed to enter the Dome of the Rock, but anyone is permitted to ascend the Temple Mount. The entrance for non-Muslims is next to the Wailing Wall.

Sandemans’ Free Tour

Sandemans’ Free Jerusalem Tour

I was unsure if I should include Sandemans’ tour of Jerusalem in this list. They market the tour as a “Free Tour,” and you can really take the tour and not pay anything.

The thing is the guides earn their money only from tips. Not only that, the guides have to pay the company about three to five dollars for each tour participant. On the other hand, because the guides work only for tips, the tour is very good (I know, I used to be one of their guides!).

The free tour is more than two hours, and you really gain a good basic understanding of the Old City. If the company changed the tour’s name to “tip-based tour,” I would recommend it wholeheartedly.  Learn more about Sandemans’ Free Tour

Mount Zion sights – King David’s Tomb, Room of the Last Supper, Dormition Abbey, and the cemeteries

Mount-Zion Jerusalem

Every guide has a place that he or she likes to give tours more than others. For me, it is the sights on Mount Zion. The hill itself is outside the walls of the Old City, but historically it is a part of the Old City and in a way embodies the essence of the Old City.

While there are many sights worth seeing, the main attraction is a building whose ground floor, according to tradition, contains the tomb of King David. On the building’s second floor there is a hall venerated by Christians as the room where Jesus ate the Last Supper and where his disciples met for the first time after he ascended to heaven.

For many years Jews and Christians argued about who owned the building, but in 1452 the Muslims who ruled the Land of Israel at that time decided to turn it into a mosque because of King David’s importance in Islam. Jews and Christians were not allowed to enter the building until the British took over in 1917. The rooftop of the building offers a good view of Jerusalem. Next to the building is the Dormition Abbey, where, according to tradition, the Virgin Mary “fell asleep,”or at least ended her earthly journey, as the name suggests (Dormition comes from the Latin word  dormire , meaning “to sleep”).

Mount Zion is also home to many cemeteries of different denominations. In the Catholic cemetery, you’ll find the final resting place of Oscar Schindler, the German industrialist who saved more than 1,000 Jews from the Nazis.

Mount Herzel

Mount-Herzel Jerusalem

The Mount Herzel story began when the remains of Theodor Herzel, the father of modern Zionism, were brought to Israel. Herzel was buried in Vienna in 1904 and in his will he requested that his coffin be transferred to the State of Israel after its founding. In 1949 his coffin was brought to Israel and re-interred at the top of the mountain that today bears his name.

Each year, a ceremony opening the Independence Day celebration is held next to his grave. Not far from his burial plot is the final resting place of Israel’s prime ministers and presidents. The southern slope of Mount Herzel is also the biggest military cemetery in Israel. Inside the cemetery, there are many monuments in memory of Jewish soldiers who died in battle both in and outside Israel.

On Mount Herzel there is a trail that will take you down to Yad Vashem.

Yad-Vashem Jerusalem

Yad Vashem, as every Israeli will tell you, is a Holocaust museum. But it is actually a memorial authority established by law in 1953. The museum itself is only a small part of the complex, which includes the International School for Holocaust Studies, a research institute, archives, a library, and a publishing house. But Yad Vashem is also more than just a history museum for Israelis. Although the Holocaust plays such an important role in Israel’s identity, it took place completely outside of Israel. Yad Vashem, in a way, is a gate to “that world” – a Jewish world that doesn’t exist anymore. The museum and all the memorials are free. A visit to Yad Vashem and Mount Herzel will help you better understand the Israelis, their history and heroes, their hopes and fears.

Tours in the Israel Museum

Israel-Museum Jerusalem

As a tour guide I try to learn as much as I can about history, architecture, geography, and many more fields, but I spend a big portion of my time trying to improve how I convey my knowledge to tour participants. This is true of most tour guides.

Museums, on the other hand, both in Israel and abroad, usually disappoint me. They house and display amazing objects and artefacts, but their method of presenting information is dry and uninteresting. Visitors pass by exhibits without understanding the significance of what they see. So guided tours of museums is something I always recommend, especially when they are free. Admission to the Israel Museum is not free, but the tours are. The most recommended tour is the one of the museum’s Shrine of the Book wing.  View upcoming tours

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Sacred Footsteps: Jerusalem’s Holy Sites and Churches

jesus tomb

Walk in the sacred footsteps of Jesus and his disciples with our unparalleled tours in Jerusalem. Explore the iconic sites and churches in the Old City that honor his journey through the holy city.

Discover the captivating ambiance of Jerusalem, the vibrant crossroads of the three Abrahamic faiths and a meeting place of all Christian denominations. Immerse yourself in the rich history and traditions of the Catholic and Orthodox churches scattered across the different quarters of the Old City and beyond its ancient walls.

Embark on a pilgrimage along the Via Dolorosa, the path of Jesus’ suffering, spanning through the Muslim Quarter and culminating in the sacred Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Experience the profound significance of some of the 14 stations along the way.

Ascend to Mount Zion and visit the hallowed Upper Room, where the Last Supper took place. Witness the awe-inspiring churches that surround it, offering a glimpse into the depth of religious devotion. Marvel at the architectural splendour of the Armenian Orthodox Cathedral of Saint James, and delve into the fascinating history of the Protestant presence in Jerusalem, established here during the 19th century.

Choose Walkative, the epitome of excellence and inclusivity in walking tours of the Old City. Our expert guides are licensed by Israel’s Ministry of Tourism, ensuring an unforgettable and enlightening journey through the sacred heart of Jerusalem.

Unlock the wonders of Jerusalem and join us for a transformative experience. Book your extraordinary tour now!

On this tour, we will see and visit:

  • The Church of the Holy Sepulchre – place of crucifixion at Golgota and the burial and resurrection of Jesus. Explaining many details of the most important church
  • The Crusaders’ sites
  • Stations on Via Dolorosa
  • Mount Zion with the Room of the Last Supper
  • View of the Temple Mount and the Mount of Olives

NOTE: due to long lines we do not enter the edicule, the tomb of Jesus, we show it and recommend entering on your own.

The tour ends at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.

Toller Überblick über Berlin

Wow, ich hatte nicht erwartet eine studierte Historikern als Guide zu haben. Jules/Juliane ist Berlinerin durch und durch und hat uns mit viel Witz aber auch mit der notwendigen Ernsthaftigkeit durch die Geschichte Berlins gefĂźhrt.

Tour con Manuel muy ameno y mucha informaciĂłn interesante .

Great and entertaining tour with Jay!!

Really enjoyed the tour, it was a good combination of history and current events. Jay included facts and stories that made it really interesting

Great walking tour experience with Harry

The Historic Paris free walking tour was exceptional, thanks to our guide Harry. His deep knowledge and passion for the city’s history made the tour engaging and unforgettable. Harry’s storytelling brought Paris to life, revealing hidden gems and fascinating stories. Highly recommended for anyone wanting a captivating exploration of Paris!

Nice highlights

Dinara‘s tour was the perfect way to start our stay in Nice. She was friendly and knowledgeable and offered many helpful suggestions. Lovely!

This tour is also available as a Private Tour.

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Old City of Jerusalem Self-Guided Walking Tour

free tour guide jerusalem

If you’re interested in learning about the history of Jerusalem through its most notable landmarks, this self-guided tour will help you navigate the streets of this ancient city and see a variety of beautiful and historic sites.

  • Jerusalem Map & Overview
  • Self-Guided Walking Tour
  • Free Jerusalem Walking Tours
  • Free Tel Aviv Walking Tours

Self-Guided Old Town Jerusalem Walking Tour

The old town area of Jerusalem is perfect for a self-guided tour, as it includes a variety of historically relevant religious sites, and it’s fairly easy to walk from one point to the next.

That said, you should keep in mind that the entire distance of this tour is approximately 1.75 miles, so while it’s not an especially long walk, you might want to take breaks and prepare to set aside at least 2 hours for the experience.

The Jerusalem map above will provide directions to and from each attraction included on the tour, allowing you to easily find every major historical site in the Old City area.

Our self-guided Jerusalem walking tour begins at the Jaffa Gate, located along the old walls of the city, which will be the first major attraction you’ll see as you walk to the gate.

Along the way, you’ll see sites related to the religious history of Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. We’ll provide information about each attraction to help you learn about the history of Jerusalem in greater detail.

The Jaffa Gate

Walking towards the Jaffa Gate feels like ambling back into another era. The gate has stood firm for centuries, watching countless travelers pass through its arches.

Jaffa Gate. Image source: Wikimedia user Yair Haklai under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

Named after the distant city of Jaffa, it reminds us of when people journeyed from Jaffa, brimming with stories and goods, heading into Jerusalem. 

As you gaze upon the gate, the detailed carvings and the grand structure show the craft of artisans from long ago.

The worn paths leading to and from the gate tell sagas of merchants, pilgrims, and wanderers who once made their way through this entrance with hopes and dreams of what lay inside the city.

Beyond the gate, you find yourself surrounded by narrow cobblestone streets. The sound of footsteps echoing, the smell of freshly baked bread from nearby stalls, and the soft hum of voices make the place come alive.

It's easy to lose yourself in the maze of history, imagining the lively markets and the haste of the olden days. 

Tower of David

The Tower of David, a silent guardian of Jerusalem's whispers, is far from the Jaffa Gate. Some believe the tower has watched over the city for nearly 2,000 years, silently witnessing its growth and transformation.

free tour guide jerusalem

Its name is a nod to the city's love and reverence for King David, even though he didn't build it. 

The tower has a stoic presence, tall walls, and a magnificent look. Inside, the Tower of David houses a museum like a treasure trove.

Walking through its corridors, you can see artifacts and exhibits showcasing Jerusalem's vibrant past. 

From ancient pots to old scrolls, the museum gives you a peek into the lives of people of different ages.

Climbing the tower offers a reward – a sprawling view of Jerusalem. It feels as though the city unfolds before you, showing its secrets and stories. 

St. James Cathedral

The musical chimes point to St. James Cathedral, located in the center of the Armenian Quarter. This majestic structure is a beacon of faith for Armenian Christians.

Its tall spires reach for the sky, and its walls are ornamented with intricate art and shimmering gold. 

The cathedral was built to honor Saint James, known for his deep faith and teachings about Jesus. Getting inside, the cathedral envelops visitors in peace and reverence.

The Cathedral of St. James. This image is public domain.

The beautiful stained glass windows cast colorful patterns on the floor, and the scent of incense fills the air.

Here, you can see faithful individuals lost in prayer and feel the weight of centuries of devotion. 

The cathedral, with its art and architecture, stands as a testament to the deep spiritual connection of the Armenian community with Jerusalem.

Walking further, the Zion Gate awaits, with its sturdy walls that have witnessed times of peace and conflict. The bullet marks on the gate are stark reminders of the battles it has seen.

Zion Gate. Image source: Wikimedia user Juandev under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

The entrance leads to Mount Zion, making it a significant point of interest for many. 

Throughout history, this gate has welcomed Jewish, Christian, and Muslim travelers, each bringing their own stories and traditions.

As you pass through Zion Gate, the ambiance shifts. The stone paths speak of the many feet trodden here, from kings and soldiers to poets and pilgrims. 

The walls on either side hold tales of celebrations, ceremonies, and sometimes even sieges.

It's a place where history has unfolded in countless ways, and each stone and corner has its own story.

Mount Zion and King David’s Tomb

A gentle hill called Mount Zion serves as more than just a geographical landmark. It's a tapestry of stories, traditions, and beliefs. Dominating this place is King David's Tomb, a site steeped in reverence. 

While some believe it holds the remains of King David, others come here to connect with a past rich with tales of courage, wisdom, and leadership.

Mount Zion. Image source: Heritage Conservation Jerusalem via the PikiWiki - Israel free image collection project under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Generic license.

Close to the tomb is a room holding monumental significance for Christians. This room is believed to be where Jesus shared his last meal with his disciples.

The walls reflect the conversations and events of that fateful evening. Every building and site in Mount Zion calls for you to stop and take a moment to connect with a time that has passed but was never truly gone.

Hurva Synagogue

Hurva Synagogue, located in the focus of the Jewish Quarter, is an imposing structure that resounds with old stories.

Rebuilt several times after being destroyed, this synagogue is like a phoenix, continually rising from its ashes. Its name, "Hurva," means "ruin," hinting at its tumultuous past. 

Hurva Synagogue. Image source: Wikimedia user deror_avi under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported, 2.5 Generic, 2.0 Generic and 1.0 Generic license.

However, each time it was rebuilt, it came back even grander than before. Today, its fantastic interior and large dome symbolize the Jewish people's tenacity and the resiliency of Jerusalem.

Take in the intricate artwork on its walls and ceilings as you move. 

The golden hues and detailed mosaics tell faith, hope, and community anecdotes. The synagogue, now a beacon in the Jewish Quarter, represents perseverance.

It stands as a reminder that even in tough times, the spirit of the community and their faith remains unshaken.

Western Wall

You'll find the Western Wall a few steps from the Hurva Synagogue. It's a massive limestone wall and is the last remnant of the Second Temple.

Many people come here, notes in hand, to place their written prayers into the wall's cracks. 

The Western Wall. Image source: Pixabay user Svetlana.

This place has heard the whispers and cries of countless souls, each pouring their heart out in prayer.

People of all backgrounds have stood before this ancient wall for centuries, feeling its excellent, rugged surface beneath their fingertips. 

The wall has seen times of joy and sorrow and remains a symbol of hope and faith for many. As you stand there, take a moment to feel the energy and history that resonates from its stones.

Al-Aqsa Mosque

The Al-Aqsa Mosque is invited with its vast courtyard and unique dome. Known as one of the holiest sites in Islam, it has welcomed worshippers for over a thousand years.

The mosque, with its silver dome and elegant minarets, is an architectural gem that reflects the richness of Islamic art and culture.

Al-Aqsa Mosque. Image source: Wikimedia user eugene_o under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.

The mosque is embellished with detailed designs, conveying stories of devotion and faith. The soft carpets, the shimmering lights, and the serene ambiance make it a haven of peace.

For many, a visit to Al-Aqsa is a journey of spiritual renewal, a chance to connect deeper with their faith.

Dome of the Rock and Temple Mount

Dome of the Rock. Image source: Pixabay user Ibrahim Abed.

Nearby stands the Dome of the Rock, easily recognizable with its golden dome shining under the sun.

Sitting atop the Temple Mount, this site is significant for Jews and Muslims. For Muslims, it's believed to be the spot where Prophet Muhammad ascended to heaven. 

For Jews, it's the place where Abraham prepared to sacrifice his son. The exterior, ornamented with beautiful tiles and inscriptions, is a treat for the eyes.

The surrounding area, Temple Mount, offers panoramic views of Jerusalem. History and faith intertwine here, making it a melting pot of faith and beliefs.

Via Dolorosa

Via Dolorosa, or the "Way of Sorrow," is a winding path filled with stories of sacrifice and passion.

Via Dolorosa sign. Image source: Pixabay user windhaven1077.

It's believed to be the route Jesus took, carrying his cross, on the way to his crucifixion. 

As you tread this path, you'll discover several stations marking significant events from Jesus' final journey.

The cobblestone streets, the ancient arches, and the murmur of prayers create a reflective atmosphere. 

Many pilgrims walk this path, retracing the steps of Jesus, with hearts full of gratitude and reverence.

Church of the Holy Sepulchre

A stone's throw from Via Dolorosa, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre is a significant Christian site.

It's believed to house the tomb where Jesus was buried and resurrected. With its grand entrance and ornate design, the church has seen pilgrims worldwide, each coming to connect with their faith.

The Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Image source: Pixabay user Anna Sulencka.

Inside, the soft glow of candles, the scent of incense, and the peaceful prayers make for a soulful experience.

With its mosaics and relics, the church is like a living museum of Christian history and devotion.

As your journey winds down, the New Gate awaits. It's the newest entrance to the Old City, but even this "new" gate is steeped in history.

New Gate. Image source: Wikimedia user Gellerj under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

Built in the late 1800s, it was a passageway for Christian pilgrims wanting to visit the Holy Sepulchre.

The gate, with its arched entrance and sturdy design, has seen the footsteps of countless pilgrims and travelers.

You'll feel a mix of the old and new while moving across the New Gate.

The walls around the gate, marked with time, stand as witnesses to the ever-evolving story of Jerusalem.

It's a fitting conclusion to a journey through the foundation of this ancient city.

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  1. Free Tours in Jerusalem, Israel

    The Mount of Olives is a historical and interesting tour. It features the Mount of Olive, named for the olive groves that once covered its slopes, and includes mosques and churches of Jerusalem. Languages. English. Duration. 3h 30min. Start time. 9:30 AM, 1:30 PM. Info & Booking.

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    Jerusalem Free Tour. Duration: 2 hours | Provided by Abraham Tours. Overview Includes Meeting point Reviews (2703) 1 /3. ... Upon arrival: Look for the Guides with Abraham Tours branded umbrellas, shirts, and name cards. Free Cancellation. You are free to cancel a booking anytime. We kindly remind you to cancel bookings you cannot arrive for.

  5. SANDEMANs Jerusalem

    Jerusalem is part of the SANDEMANs NEW Europe network, one of the largest walking tour companies in the world. Offering daily tours in English and Spanish, we believe in supporting local communities and are committed to giving a voice to some of Jerusalem's best local freelance tour guides, who passionately share the city's history and culture ...

  6. Free Self-Guided Walking Tour of Jerusalem's Old City (Map)

    The Ancient Walled City. Jerusalem has been conquered by a great number of civilizations over the centuries including the Babylonians, the Romans, the Arabs, the Crusaders, the Turks, and the British. When you look at the old walled city today you are looking at the walls built later in the cities history, completed in 1541 by the Ottoman ruler ...

  7. Free Walking Tour Jerusalem

    Jerusalem is best when explored with a local guide. Walkative! free tours are ideal for individual tourists, couples, families and small groups of friends. The idea behind the Free Walking Tour Jerusalem, as well as the walks we organize in other cities, is that the tour participants pay the guide the amount they pick.

  8. Free Walking Tour Jerusalem

    Explore Free Walking Tour Jerusalem Essence with the TRAVEL iNTi. Step into the heart of Jerusalem's remarkable history and culture through the immersive lens of Travel Inti's City Guide Free Walking Tour. Guided by a licensed local expert, this captivating journey invites you to uncover the city's most iconic landmarks and hidden gems. ...

  9. Essential Free Tour Jerusalem

    Your guide will help you understand the history of each sacred monument and how to visit each in the most respectful way. Also, during your Free Essential Jerusalem Tour you will see other landmarks of the city and understand the neighborhoods in which it is divided. Your tour will also be an opportunity to get closer to the local lifestyle and current social issues; for example, the ...

  10. Old City Walls Tour

    The Old City Walls Tour offers some stunning views. Walk on the city walls from Jaffa Gate to Zion Gate and enjoy the panoramic view of the Mt of Olives and the Old City rooftops. Visit the Dormition Abbey, King David's Tomb, and the Last Supper Room. In addition to the fee for the tour, there is a charge of 25 shekels per adult or 12 shekels ...

  11. Free Walking Tour Jerusalem

    Of course, you can't miss the Free Old Jerusalem City Tour. This walk within the historical core of the sacred city is a great opportunity to visit sites of worldwide religious importance with a local guide. The Free Jerusalem City Gates Tour is a fantastic way to get an overview of the city and its majestic, historical surrounding walls.

  12. The 20 Best Free Walking Tours in Jerusalem

    Jerusalem Old City tour. During free city tour of Jerusalem, you will go on a journey through history and visit the holiest sites for the three monotheistic religions. You will also experience the Middle Eastern bazaars, Mamluk Madrasahs and much more. The tour starts at the Jaffa Gate. In the nearby Christian Quarter, you will visit the Church ...

  13. The 5+ Best Free Tour Jerusalem

    Jerusalem free tours are free tours organized by guides who show the most emblematic tourist sites of a town or city. These tours are usually done on foot. While there are several options and types of free tours of Israel, most are usually tours that include approximately 10 to 12 people. and last between 1 and 3 hours depending on the planned ...

  14. Join a Free Tour in Jerusalem by Abraham Tours

    Overview of the Free Tour by Abraham Hostel. The Free departs at 11.00 am and 2.00 pm daily. The 2-hours long tour of the major sites of Jerusalem's Old City will get you familiar with one of the most prominent historical sites.

  15. Jerusalem Free Walking Tour with locals

    It is up to you to evaluate your guide's work and reward it. Some people give 10€, others 50€ depending on their satisfaction and abilities. ... the site where Jesus was crucified and buried. This tour of the Old City of Jerusalem is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that will leave visitors with a deep appreciation for the city's rich ...

  16. Free Walking Sightseeing Tours in Jerusalem, Israel

    Explore Jerusalem in Israel with one of our free walking tours. Click on a marker on the map to get started and view details about the tour. Below is an overview of the sightseeing tours. A total of 12 tours are available in Jerusalem, Israel. Activities in Jerusalem Individual Sights in Jerusalem

  17. Top 10 free things to do in Jerusalem (Tips from a tour guide)

    Admission to the Israel Museum is not free, but the tours are. The most recommended tour is the one of the museum's Shrine of the Book wing. View upcoming tours. "The best things in life aren't things". Traveling is not cheap - flights etc. One of the good things about Jerusalem is that there are many free sights.

  18. Christian Jerusalem Free Walking Tour with locals

    Christian Information Centre - just some 100 metres behind the Jaffa Gate (and opposite of the Tower of David). Look for the guide with a yellow umbrella 😊 Go to map. Walk in the sacred footsteps of Jesus and his disciples with our unparalleled tours in Jerusalem. Explore the iconic sites and churches in the Old City that honor his journey ...

  19. Jerusalem's BEST Essential Free Walking Tours!

    Free walking tour in Ramallah. Free walking tour in Tel Aviv-Yafo. Free walking tour in Amman. Free walking tour in Tiberias. Free walking tour in Beirut. Free walking tour in Aqaba. Free walking tour in Batroun. Free walking tour in Cairo. Free walking tour in Nazlet El-Semman.

  20. Old City of Jerusalem Self-Guided Walking Tour

    The old town area of Jerusalem is perfect for a self-guided tour, as it includes a variety of historically relevant religious sites, and it's fairly easy to walk from one point to the next. That said, you should keep in mind that the entire distance of this tour is approximately 1.75 miles, so while it's not an especially long walk, you ...

  21. The BEST Jerusalem Tours and Things to Do in 2024

    4.9. Day trip. From Jerusalem: Masada, Ein Gedi, Dead Sea Guided Tour. Travel from Jerusalem to Mount Masada, Ein Gedi and the Dead Sea on a guided day trip. Ride a cable car to the top of Masada and float in the Dead Sea. From $150.00. per person.

  22. A Guide to Your Own Free Walking Tour of Jerusalem

    How to Plan Your Free Walking Tour of Jerusalem. When preparing for a self-guided walking tour in Jerusalem, tourists, visitors, and travelers can follow these helpful tips to ensure a memorable and enjoyable experience. It is important to select a suitable starting point, such as one of the city's main gates or a landmark that sparks interest.

  23. Jerusalem Tour: A Full Day in Jerusalem

    Tour Itinerary. Day Tour. 9:30 - Meet with the guide outside the Jaffa Gate. Start the tour of the old city of Jerusalem. 13:15- Lunch break in the muslim quarter. 14:30- From the Old City to Machne Yehuda Market, using the Light-Rail. 15:00- Arrival to Machne Yehuda Market. 15:30- Ending the tour at Machne Yehuda Market.