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call on / visit

  • Thread starter Akasaka
  • Start date Jun 11, 2008

Senior Member

  • Jun 11, 2008

Hello everyone, I visited my uncle. I called on my uncle. Which is better, visited or called on in this sentence? My dictionary says that "call on somebody" is formal than "visit", so I suppose to call on one's uncle, if he is familiar, is a little odd, isn't it? Thanks in advance.  


In AE "call on" for 'visit' is more than just formal, it's arch, bordering on entirely outmoded. I believe it is still common enough in BE, but wait for someone "over there" to voice an opinion. We (AE) do however use the phrase 'call on' in the sense 'urge': " I call on the senator to voice his opposition to the proposition ."  

mgarizona said: In AE "call on" for 'visit' is more than just formal, it's arch" Click to expand...


Hello Akasaka, If you called on your uncle in American English, it would have been in the nineteenth century or before. The term is not in current use, though it would be understood by educated readers. It may still be current in other varieties of English.  


Does it not still exist in AE in set phrases like "pay a condolence call"?  


In NZE, to visit is a more common verb than to call on, but both are still used. A related verb is "to call in on someone". E.g "I might call in on Suzie on my way home", "I need to call in on the supermarket on my way over". I don't consider visit to be less formal than call on.  


I also note that we refer to "sales calls" where a salesperson "calls on" clients. I hadn't thought about it, but it seems to me that "call on" usually has a directed purpose, i.e. something to accomplish or fulfill whereas "visit" has no particular purpose except to share time. Note that "call on" cannot replace "visit" where places are involved. One does not "call on London," for example.  

Nun-Translator said: Does it not still exist in AE in set phrases like "pay a condolence call"? Click to expand...

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An explanation of english phrasal verbs for learners with examples of how they are used by native speakers., the phrasal verb 'call on' explained.

Updated: Mar 3

An explanation of the different meanings of the English phrasal verb 'call on', with lots of examples in context.

A lady giving a speech outside with her arm pointing to her right

Hello and welcome to my website all about English phrasal verbs! Read on to learn more about the phrasal verbs ' call on ' and also its variant form ' call upon '....

This post is all about the English phrasal verb ' call on ', however as I am feeling generous this week, I have also included the variant form ' call upon ' for you, so you get two for the price of one! In this post, I will explain all of the different meanings of ' call on ' and ' call upon ' and how native English speakers use them in everyday language. In the post, I use ' call (up)on ' to refer to both verbs as in most cases they mean the same thing. So, without further ado, let's get started....


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The letters ABC written on a blackboard with books and chalk sticks in the foreground

Let's begin this post by considering the different meanings of the individual words ' call ', ' up ' and ' upon ', which all make up our phrasal verb of choice.

Firstly, we have 'to call ', which is a frequently used verb in English, with several distinct but related usages, such as giving someone or something a name, telephoning someone or shouting loudly to get someone's attention. Another less common usage of 'to call ', which is highly relevant for the phrasal verb ' call (up)on ' is 'to make a request or a demand'.

Secondly, we have the prepositional particle ' on ', which you will certainly be very familiar with already. ' On ' can be used in a huge variety of different ways in English and functions as an adverb, a preposition and even as an adjective. When used in phrasal verb constructions, ' on ' can often add the ideas of progression and continuation.

Last but not least, we have the prepositional particle ' upon '. This is formed by the combination of the particles ' up ' and ' on ' but actually serves as a more formal synonym for ' on '. ' Upon ' is an older English term that is being gradually replaced by ' on ', but can still be heard today, especially in formal language and also in place names in the UK, for example Shakespeare's birthplace is the town of Stratford-upon-Avon (Avon is the name of a river).

So, now that we have covered the basics, let's take a look at the meanings of call (up)on ....

MEANING 1: To formally ask someone to do something

The first way that the phrasal verb ' call on ' and its variant ' call upon ' are used in English is 'to formally request someone to do something'. This is often when the request is made publicly, either physically in front of people or broadcasted via tv, radio or the internet.

Have you ever been to a wedding in an English-speaking country? If not, I'm sure as an English learner you will have certainly seen weddings on English language TV or movies. If you have, you may have heard the bride or groom say the following words during the ceremony as part of their vows....

A wedding ceremony in a large ornate church

"I call upon  these persons here present to witness...."

Now, the wording above probably seems strange to you and that is because it is archaic, old-fashioned English that is no longer used anymore outside of formal situations and ceremonies. What the person is actually doing is just requesting that all of the guests witness the vows that he or she is making.

As weddings are traditional ceremonies, much of the language used in them has been preserved from older English and so ' call upon ' tends to be used here rather than ' call on ', although ' call on ' is being used more and more, especially in more modern ceremonies.

In addition to weddings, ' call (up)on ' is often used by people who have an audience or following to ask for some type of change from a government or an organisation. As the nature of these requests can often be urgent or desperate, it is common for them to become demands or orders, depending on the level of influence that the person has. In these situations, ' call on ' is perhaps used more than the more formal ' call upon ', although you can still hear both.

Examples of usage...

I call upon all persons here present to witness that I, John Smith, take thee, Lisa Jones, to be my lawful wedded wife.
The Head of the National Education Committee has called on the government to act urgently in order to resolve the matter.
The councillors called on the city mayor to resign and step down, however he refused to do so.
The government is calling on all doctors to reconsider their planned strike next week.

MEANING 2: To invite someone to speak

The next meaning of ' call (up)on ' derives directly from the first usage that we have just looked at and this is 'to invite or to ask someone to speak'.

This application of ' call (up)on ' is again a formal usage that you tend to hear more in official and ceremonial environments, especially in a courtroom or at a ceremony, event or business meeting when someone is asked to make a speech.

As this is a formal usage, you are far more likely to hear the traditional English variation ' call upon ', although ' call on ' is used more and more in modern English, which is a trend that I do not think will end anytime soon.

For this particular usage, it is quite common for it to be used in the passive sense, i.e. to be called (up)on .

Examples of usage....

I now call upon the CEO to address the board and outline the agenda for this AGM.
I'd like to call upon the headteacher of the school to say a few words.
The court now calls upon the witness, Mr. Steven White, to provide us with a detailed description of what he saw on the evening of the crime.
During the inquest, the Prime Minister was called on to speak several times.

MEANING 3: To make use of a quality that you possess

Imagine that you have a superpower, such as flying or being invisible, but this superpower is not one that you use all the time, it is rather just used when you 'activate' it in times of need. To describe this activation of your superpower, you could say that you ' call (up)on it ', which is kind of like saying that you request for it to work.

Sadly, in reality nobody has such a superpower (that I know of), however we do all have individual talents and abilities that we can use from time to time and for this we would say that we ' call (up)on ' them we need them, which is the third meaning of this phrasal verb.

The talents and abilities that a person can call (up)on are generally something that a person is able to do but does not do often or has not done for a long time. As such, the range of these skills is almost limitless and can range from songwriting skills, to keeping calm in high pressure situations or speaking a foreign language. In addition to talents and abilities, ' call (up)on ' can also be used in this way with strength and energy, especially in times of need.

Whilst filming the movie, the actress called on her ability to improvise in the moment.
Despite swearing to never do it again, the psychic decided to call on her ability to see into the future one more time.
In order to pass this exam, I had to call on every last bit of my memory.
Jane will need to call on every ounce of strength that she has to get through this next challenge.

MEANING 4: To visit someone

Our final usage of ' call (up)on ' is a bit of a departure from the usages that we have considered so far as this one means 'to visit someone'. In general, this tends to be used when the visit is unplanned, short or both.

This is a primarily British English usage that is commonly used in everyday spoken language and is more informal than the verb 'to visit'. Due to the 'visiting' aspect of this application, it is used most often to describe visiting someone at their home, however it can also be used for visits to see people in hospital or any other place where they are staying for a period of time.

Due to the more informal nature of this meaning, ' call on ' is almost always used here as ' call upon ' in this situation would sound overly formal.

It is also possible to use the variation 'to call in on someone' here (just to make it a bit more complicated), which means the same thing but can also imply that the visit was very short e.g. you go to someone's house to check that they are ok and leave after 5 or 10 minutes.

One last thing to note here is that to ' call on ' someone can often be used when talking about door to door salespeople, who visit potential customers at their houses in order to sell them something. In this sense, it is quite negative in nature.

We called on my Dad on our way back from our holiday.
John called on his best friend last night but nobody was at home.
I am going to call in on Lisa in the hospital later to make sure that she is ok.

This brings us to the end of the post, so thanks for reading. Now it is YOUR turn. Leave a comment on the blog post with your own sentence using ' call on '....don't be shy!!!

If you found the post useful, please like and share it on social media, so together we can help as many English learners as possible to understand and master these tricky phrasal verbs.

Also, please leave any comments, questions, suggestions or examples of ' call (up)on '   below. I really love reading them. If you want to receive new blog posts directly email every week, please sign up on the form below.

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  • 1.1 Pronunciation
  • 1.2.1 Related terms
  • 1.2.2 Translations
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call on ( third-person singular simple present calls on , present participle calling on , simple past and past participle called on ) ( idiomatic , transitive )

  • To visit (a person); to pay a call to. Synonyms: pay a visit , visit , wait on I really should call on my aunt more often.
  • 2007 , Barbara Seranella, Deadman's Switch , Thomas Dunne Books, →ISBN , pages 33–4 : “Mr. Rayney, Mr. Rayney,” the reporters clamored, and hands shot up. ¶ Charlotte called on the reporter from the L.A. Times , promising herself that she would lead with the OC Register reporter next time.
  • 1909 October 14, Edward Kimball Hall, speech, in The Inauguration of Ernest Fox Nichols, D.Sc., LL.D., as president of Dartmouth College , The Rumford Press, page 88 : The alma mater had again called on her sons in her hour of need and again they had responded.
  • 1945 November and December, H. R. Fox, “The Jamaica Railway, 1845-1945”, in Railway Magazine , page 315 : Because of the drastic reduction in the use of petrol and tyres the railway is now called on to effect practically all the island's transport, with the exception of a small amount handled by one coastwise steamer.
  • 1974 , Bruce Thordarson, Lester Pearson: Diplomat and Politician ‎ [1] , Oxford University Press, →ISBN , page 120 : President Kennedy imposed a naval blockade on Cuba to prevent delivery of the missiles and called on his allies for support.
  • 2002 , Bruno Coppieters, “Legitimate Authority”, chapter 2 of Bruno Coppieters and Nick Fotion (editors), Moral Constraints on War: Principles and Cases , Lexington Books, →ISBN , page 46 : De Gaulle called on the military to break with their hierarchical superiors and on the other French citizens to distance themselves from their government.
  • ( also call upon ) To have recourse to. Synonym: summon up Exhausted, he called on his last ounce of strength. The young adventurer set out on the new planet alone, thankful that she could still call on her captain for advice in case of emergency.
  • ( ditransitive ) To correct ; to point out an error or untruth . Synonyms: correct , call out The salesman persisted in quoting a rate higher than was listed, until we called him on it.

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Phrasal Verbs

This page is about the phrasal verb call on

to visit someone for a short time

visit, drop by (informal), drop in (informal)

For example

  • call on sb I'll call on John on my way home and see how he's doing.
  • call on sb We haven't seen Pedro for a while. Let's call on him tomorrow morning.

If you call on someone, you

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Definition of call on phrasal verb from the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary

  • She called on the government to hold a vote.
  • I feel called upon (= feel that I ought) to warn you that…

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  • I now call upon the chairman to address the meeting.

Other results

  • call somebody on something
  • call somebody out (on/for something)
  • (be) on call
  • call time (on something)
  • have first call (on somebody/something)

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Definition of call

 (Entry 1 of 2)

intransitive verb

transitive verb

Definition of call  (Entry 2 of 2)

  • halloo
  • hallo

summon , call , cite , convoke , convene , muster mean to demand the presence of.

summon implies the exercise of authority.

call may be used less formally for summon .

cite implies a summoning to court usually to answer a charge.

convoke implies a summons to assemble for deliberative or legislative purposes.

convene is somewhat less formal than convoke .

muster suggests a calling up of a number of things that form a group in order that they may be exhibited, displayed, or utilized as a whole.

Examples of call in a Sentence

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'call.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History

Verb and Noun

Middle English, from Old Norse kalla ; akin to Old English hilde calla battle herald, Old High German kallōn to talk loudly, Old Church Slavonic glasŭ voice

before the 12th century, in the meaning defined at intransitive sense 1a

14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1a

Phrases Containing call

  • a place to call home
  • at one's beck and call
  • at someone's beck and call
  • beyond the call of duty
  • bring / call / put into play
  • call a halt to
  • call - and - response
  • call a spade a spade
  • call (a) time - out
  • call - board
  • call forwarding
  • call in question
  • call in sick
  • call into doubt
  • call into question
  • call it a day
  • call it an early night
  • call it a night
  • call it quits
  • call it / them like one sees it / them
  • call letters
  • call number
  • call of nature
  • call one's bluff
  • call (someone) on the carpet
  • call someone's bluff
  • call (something) to order
  • call / take the register
  • call the shots
  • call the tune
  • call to account
  • call to arms
  • call to quarters
  • call - waiting
  • cattle call
  • clarion call
  • conference call
  • courtesy call
  • curtain call
  • distress signal / call
  • give (someone) a call
  • hear the call of the wild
  • it's (someone's) call
  • judgment call
  • no call for
  • not much call for
  • pay (someone) a call
  • port of call
  • put in a call to
  • return someone's call
  • take someone's call
  • the call of nature
  • to call one's own
  • too close to call
  • wake - up call
  • went beyond the call of duty
  • within call

Articles Related to call


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Dictionary Entries Near call

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“Call.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary , Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/call. Accessed 18 Jul. 2024.

Kids Definition

Kids definition of call.

Kids Definition of call  (Entry 2 of 2)

Legal Definition

Legal definition of call.

Note: A security issuer may call a security only if calling it is previously provided for, as, for example, in the indenture for a bond or in the stock agreement for preferred stock. The issuer usually pays the holder a premium for a called security.

Legal Definition of call  (Entry 2 of 2)

More from Merriam-Webster on call

Nglish: Translation of call for Spanish Speakers

Britannica English: Translation of call for Arabic Speakers

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The Idioms

  • use courage, reserve, nerve or strength to achieve something
  • to visit someone for a short while
  • ask someone to do something (officially)
  • make an urgent request for somebody to do something
  • ask someone in a group to speak

Example Sentences

  • He had to call on all his strength to get to the finals.
  • We go past my sister’s house on the way home so let’s call on her.
  • My neighbour is always handy if I need to call on her.
  • Harry was called on to make a quick announcement at the meeting.
  • The head of the church has called on the disgraced politician to resign.
  • You can call on me if you need help with the garden.
  • The manager called on all the staff to be mindful of the new budget restrictions.
  • My maths teacher called on me for the answer, but I wasn’t listening and got in trouble.
  • Catherine needed to call on all her courage to stand up to the office bully.
  • The government is calling on our allies to reach an agreement.

This is a phrasal verb with several uses as above. You can also use call upon.

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Examples of 'call on' in a sentence call on, related terms of call on.

  • call time on
  • first call on sth
  • call time on something


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Widow of Slain Rally Attendee Says She Received Call From Trump

Corey Comperatore, 50, was killed while attending a rally for Donald J. Trump for the first time.

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A memorial outside a fire station.

By Isabelle Taft

  • July 16, 2024

The widow of the slain victim in Saturday’s shooting in Pennsylvania spoke with former President Donald J. Trump on Tuesday, she said in a social media post.

“He was very kind and said he would continue to call me in the days and weeks ahead,” Helen Comperatore wrote, adding that she had told the former president that her husband, Corey Comperatore, “left this world a hero, and God welcomed him in.”

Mr. Comperatore’s sister, Kelly Comperatore Meeder, said members of the family had also spoken with representatives of the Trump campaign on Monday night. Ms. Comperatore Meeder said they had declined an invitation to speak with President Biden.

Mr. Comperatore, 50, was an ardent supporter of Mr. Trump and was eager on Saturday to see the former president for the first time in person. His sister said on Tuesday that her family believed that anger toward Mr. Trump was sown by President Biden and media outlets and had led to the fatal shooting.

“We’re not offering them anything,” Ms. Comperatore Meeder, 56, said of President Biden and his administration.

Mr. Comperatore was a father of two daughters and worked at a local plastics manufacturing company. He was also a longtime volunteer firefighter.

He had been so excited to attend his first rally for Mr. Trump that he woke up early to get in line, even after a late evening at a Chris Stapleton concert, Ms. Comperatore Meeder said. He texted their mother that he and his family had been able to switch seats to get closer to the president. Their mother, Ms. Comperatore Meeder said, wanted him to wave at the television cameras so she could watch him.

When the shooting occurred minutes into Mr. Trump’s speech, Mr. Comperatore dove to shield his family members from gunfire, according to Gov. Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania.

Ms. Comperatore Meeder said she held media outlets “very much responsible” for her brother’s death because of the way she believes they have depicted Mr. Trump and his supporters.

“This was a 20-year-old boy on the roof,” Ms. Comperatore Meeder said. “He didn’t come back here from Vietnam. He didn’t see all of these terrible things. He just knows what he’s been hearing, what the media has portrayed this man to be, and it’s very unfair.”

Federal investigators are still trying to determine what drove the suspect, Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20, to attempt to assassinate Mr. Trump. They have been searching his online activity and his phone but have not yet found indications of strongly held political beliefs.

Mr. Comperatore’s widow, Helen Comperatore, did not respond to requests for an interview this week, but she told the New York Post on Monday that she was not interested in talking to President Biden because her husband was an ardent supporter of Mr. Trump.

“I didn’t talk to Biden,” she told the newspaper. “I didn’t want to talk to him. My husband was a devout Republican, and he would not have wanted me to talk to him.”

Ms. Comperatore, however, added that she didn’t have any ill will toward President Biden. “He didn’t do anything bad to my husband. A 20-year-old despicable kid did.”

When she was a child, Ms. Comperatore Meeder said, she nicknamed her younger brother “Bud,” because he was her buddy. She remembered him riding his dirt bike as a child in Sarver, their rural community outside of Pittsburgh. Except for one time that he was caught riding without a helmet, she said, he never got in trouble.

He married his high school sweetheart, Helen, and put down roots where he was raised.

“You couldn’t have paid him to move from his hometown,” she said. “This was his home. These were his people.”

When Ms. Comperatore Meeder moved about 25 minutes up the highway, her brother expressed disbelief that she would go “that far away.” Their entire family lives in the area, she said.

“There just isn’t an adjective strong enough for you all to understand exactly how shattered we are,” Ms. Comperatore Meeder said. “We’re shattered.”

Christina Morales contributed reporting.

Isabelle Taft is a reporter covering national news and a member of the 2024-25 Times Fellowship class, a program for journalists early in their career. More about Isabelle Taft

Our Coverage of the Trump Rally Shooting

The Investigation : F.B.I. officials told Congress that the 20-year-old gunman who tried to kill Donald Trump used his cellphone and other devices to search for images of Trump and President Biden .

Security Blind Spots : Even as investigators continue to examine what happened at the Trump rally, it is already clear that there were multiple missed opportunities to stop the gunman  before the situation turned deadly.

The Gunman : In interviews, former classmates of the suspect described him as intelligent but solitary , someone who tried to avoid teasing by fellow students.

Secret Service Director : Kimberly Cheatle returned in 2022 to lead the agency she had served for nearly 30 years. Now, the assassination attempt on Trump has thrown her tenure into uncertainty .

Fears of What’s Next : Among voters, there is growing anxiety that America’s political divide is nearly beyond repair, and the shooting only made things worse .

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Meaning of call (in) on someone in English

Call (in) on someone.

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  • beard the lion (in his/her den) idiom
  • happen along/by (somewhere)
  • have access to someone/something
  • house-to-house
  • stomping ground
  • stop by (somewhere)
  • stop off somewhere

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In for a penny, in for a pound: Idioms in The Thursday Murder Club

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'Waiting on that right team to call': Mohamed Ibrahim still pursuing NFL

Tony liebert | 13 hours ago.

Nov 19, 2022; Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA; Minnesota Golden Gophers running back Mohamed Ibrahim (24) warms up before the game against the Iowa Hawkeyes at Huntington Bank Stadium. Mandatory Credit: Matt Krohn-USA TODAY Sports

  • Minnesota Golden Gophers

Mohamed Ibrahim had a legendary college football career with the Gophers. He is the program's all-time leading rusher with 4,668 yards, but his success in college has not yet translated to the NFL.

After the 2023 NFL draft, he signed with the Detroit Lions as an undrafted free agent. He battled injuries throughout his rookie season, spending most of his time on the practice squad. He was not signed to a reserve/future contract this offseason, so he is currently a free agent.

KSTP's Darren Wolfson was able to catch up with Ibrahim as he trains for his NFL opportunity and the former Gophers star seems confident that another opportunity will be coming soon.

"It's going to come, coming up here soon," Ibrahim said. "I sent a lot of videos out, I got a lot of replies back, so everybody just got in the office, everybody is seeing my film now, so we'll hear a call here soon."

Was great running into #Gophers legend Mo Ibrahim at @thetrainingHAUS this week. He's doing well after suffering a season-ending hip injury with the Lions last year. A free agent now, he should be in camp with someone soon. pic.twitter.com/wpdtjI8A1V — Darren Wolfson (@DWolfsonKSTP) July 17, 2024

Ibrahim is no stranger to overcoming injuries. He suffered a torn Achilles in 2022 against Ohio State with the Gophers and suffered a serious leg injury on his first career touch in his first NFL game last season with the Lions. Currently rehabbing at the local workout facility, Training HAUS, he said that he is "dealing with a hip thing."

"I am taking it one day at a time, just putting days together," he told Wolfson. "I am starting to feel like myself again, now I am just waiting on that right team to call me and get back on track."

Tony Liebert


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The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20500

Statement by Vice President Kamala   Harris

I have been briefed on the shooting at former President Trump’s event in Pennsylvania.  Doug and I are relieved that he is not seriously injured. We are praying for him, his family, and all those who have been injured and impacted by this senseless shooting. We are grateful to the United States Secret Service, first responders, and local authorities for their immediate action. Violence such as this has no place in our nation. We must all condemn this abhorrent act and do our part to ensure that it does not lead to more violence.

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Rep. Adam Schiff calls on Biden to withdraw from the presidential race

Rep. Adam Schiff, a prominent Democrat and leading candidate for Senate in California, urged President Joe Biden on Wednesday to "pass the torch" and exit the presidential race.

“Joe Biden has been one of the most consequential presidents in our nation’s history, and his lifetime of service as a Senator, a Vice President, and now as President has made our country better,” Schiff said in a statement.

“But our nation is at a crossroads,” he added. “A second Trump presidency will undermine the very foundation of our democracy, and I have serious concerns about whether the President can defeat Donald Trump in November.”

His statement echoes calls from other Democrats who have called for the president to step aside in the aftermath of his disappointing debate performance in June.

Schiff is an influential voice in the Democratic Party. He is a close ally of former Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who had made him Intelligence Committee chairman when she ran the Democratic Caucus. She had also appointed Schiff to lead the group of House impeachment managers prosecuting the case against former President Donald Trump in his first impeachment trial, and picked Schiff to serve on the House committee investigating Trump’s involvement in the Jan. 6 attack.

Even as Biden has insisted he's not dropping out, Pelosi has left the door open to the possibility of a different nominee, saying on MSNBC that Biden needs to decide quickly about his future.

Schiff argued Wednesday that it is time for Biden to “pass the torch,” saying Democrats would have a better chance of beating Trump in November if he steps aside.

“While the choice to withdraw from the campaign is President Biden’s alone, I believe it is time for him to pass the torch,” he said. “And in doing so, secure his legacy of leadership by allowing us to defeat Donald Trump in the upcoming election.”

Schiff vowed to get behind a potential replacement for Biden on the Democratic presidential ticket if the president were to drop out.

During an interview on NBC News’ “Meet the Press” this month, Schiff had said that Vice President Kamala Harris "very well could win overwhelmingly" if Biden were to step aside and would be a "phenomenal president."

Schiff gave the Biden campaign a heads-up before publicly calling on him to drop out, according to a source familiar with the matter.

In a defiant interview with NBC News anchor Lester Holt on Monday, Biden said he wasn't going anywhere and that he had earned the Democratic nomination, with backing from 14 million primary voters. Asked about his apparent confusion at the June debate with Trump, Biden said his "mental acuity has been pretty damn good."

In response to a request for comment about Schiff's statement, the Biden campaign pointed to numerous statements of support from Democratic lawmakers, including from prominent Black leaders like Rep. Jim Clyburn, D-S.C., and Congressional Black Caucus Chairman Steven Horsford, D-Nev., both of who were traveling with Biden this week in Nevada.

call on visit

Ryan Nobles is a correspondent covering Capitol Hill.

call on visit

Summer Concepcion is a politics reporter for NBC News.

call on visit

Scott Wong is a senior congressional reporter for NBC News.


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  1. call on / visit

    Jun 11, 2008. #2. In AE "call on" for 'visit' is more than just formal, it's arch, bordering on entirely outmoded. I believe it is still common enough in BE, but wait for someone "over there" to voice an opinion. We (AE) do however use the phrase 'call on' in the sense 'urge': " I call on the senator to voice his opposition to the proposition ."

  2. The Phrasal Verb 'Call On' Explained

    This is a primarily British English usage that is commonly used in everyday spoken language and is more informal than the verb 'to visit'. Due to the 'visiting' aspect of this application, it is used most often to describe visiting someone at their home, however it can also be used for visits to see people in hospital or any other place where they are staying for a period of time.

  3. CALL ON definition and meaning

    2 meanings: 1. If you call on someone to do something or call upon them to do it, you say publicly that you want them to do it..... Click for more definitions.


    CALL ON SOMEONE definition: 1. to ask someone in a formal way to do something: 2. to use something, especially a quality that…. Learn more.

  5. prepositions

    The sense of intransitive call meaning "visit, go and see" is almost obsolete now, but you'll find it in books at least up to the mid 20C. (The separate meaning telephone is still alive, of course).. But the transitive phrasal verb call on is still in use (though I think it is a bit old fashioned in this sense).. As long as that particular intransitive call was alive, it was reasonable to ...

  6. call on

    call on (third-person singular simple present calls on, present participle calling on, simple past and past participle called on) ( idiomatic, transitive) To visit (a person); to pay a call to. I really should call on my aunt more often. To select (a student in a classroom, etc.) to provide an answer. He sat there, baffled, hoping nobody would ...


    CALL ON/UPON SB definition: 1. to ask formally for someone to do something: 2. to visit someone, especially to sell them…. Learn more.

  8. call on phrasal verb

    Definition of call on phrasal verb in Oxford Advanced American Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more.

  9. call on

    call on. This page is about the phrasal verb call on. Meaning. to visit someone for a short time. Synonym. visit, drop by (informal), drop in (informal) For example. call on sb I'll call on John on my way home and see how he's doing. call on sb We haven't seen Pedro for a while. Let's call on him tomorrow morning.

  10. call on phrasal verb

    Definition of call on phrasal verb in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more.

  11. Call on Definition & Meaning

    The meaning of CALL is to speak in a loud distinct voice so as to be heard at a distance : shout. How to use call in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Call. ... a short usually formal visit. pay a call on a neighbor. 6: the name or thing called. the call was heads. 7: the act of calling in a card game. 8

  12. Call on (someone or something)

    Definition of call on (someone or something) in the Idioms Dictionary. call on (someone or something) phrase. What does call on (someone or something) expression mean? ... Pay a brief visit, as in The salesman said he'd call on me in the morning. Shakespeare had this usage in Antony and Cleopatra (1:4): "I'll call upon you ere you go to bed ...

  13. call on meaning, origin, example, sentence, history

    call on. C. call on. Meaning. use courage, reserve, nerve or strength to achieve something; to visit someone for a short while; ask someone to do something (officially) make an urgent request for somebody to do something; ask someone in a group to speak; Example Sentences. He had to call on all his strength to get to the finals.

  14. Has "call on someone" meaning "pay a short visit" fallen out of usage

    It would appear that the usage of call on someone meaning to visit someone, usually for a short time, as in "We could call on my parents if we have time" has become somewhat obsolete according to this post on ELL.. The idiomatic expression is well present in main dictionaries and in the ODO, for instance it is cited as the first meaning: (1)Pay a visit to (someone):

  15. Can 'call on' mean pay a short visit to someone?

    According to the definition 2 in this dictionary:. phrasal verb. If you call on someone or call upon someone, you pay them a short visit.Sofia was intending to call on Miss Kitts. [VERB PARTICLE noun] However, when I tried to use it into practice, I said the sentence "They will call on us" to my friends - some of them are native speakers - and it turned out that no one understood it.

  16. CALL ON definition in American English

    call on. or call upon. 1.phrasal verb. If you call on someone to do something or call upon them to do it, you say publicly that you want them to do it. One of Kenya's leading churchmen has called on the government to resign. 2.phrasal verb. If you call on someone or call upon someone, you pay them a short visit.

  17. 「call on(訪問する)」と「visit」の違いと使い分け【滞在時間の違い】

    仮に「visit = 訪れる」だとしたら、「call on」は「立ち寄る」に近いニュアンスを持ちます。 call on と visit の使い分けのイメージ 「visit」は、誰かの家に泊まったり食事をしたりするために訪れたり、東京の人が旅行で大阪に訪れたりと、時間を取って訪れるような比較的長い滞在を意味します。

  18. What is the difference between visit and call?

    In transitive terms the difference between visit and call is that visit is to go to (a place) for pleasure, on an errand, etc while call is to state, or invoke a rule, in many games such as bridge, craps, jacks, and so on. In transitive intransitive terms the difference between visit and call is that visit is to go and meet (a person) as an act of friendliness or sociability while call is to ...

  19. a call on; visited Crossword Clue

    The Crossword Solver found 30 answers to "___ a call on; visited", 4 letters crossword clue. The Crossword Solver finds answers to classic crosswords and cryptic crossword puzzles. Enter the length or pattern for better results. Click the answer to find similar crossword clues . Enter a Crossword Clue. Sort by Length. # of Letters or Pattern.

  20. Widow of Slain Rally Attendee Says She Received Call From Trump

    Corey Comperatore, 50, was killed while attending a rally for Donald J. Trump for the first time. By Isabelle Taft The widow of the slain victim in Saturday's shooting in Pennsylvania spoke with ...

  21. Call on

    Definition of call on in the Idioms Dictionary. call on phrase. What does call on expression mean? Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. ... Pay a brief visit, as in The salesman said he'd call on me in the morning. Shakespeare had this usage in Antony and Cleopatra (1:4): "I'll call upon you ere you go to bed." [Late 1500s]

  22. CALL ON SOMEONE definition

    CALL ON SOMEONE meaning: 1. to ask someone in a formal way to do something: 2. to use something, especially a quality that…. Learn more.

  23. Joe Scarborough: Anger 'widespread' at those keeping Biden 'in a bubble'

    MSNBC pundit Joe Scarborough said there is a feeling of frustration among Democrats aimed at people around President Biden who are keeping him "in a bubble" as he faces growing calls to drop ...


    CALL (IN) ON SOMEONE definition: 1. to visit someone for a short time: 2. to visit someone for a short time: . Learn more.

  25. 'Waiting on that right team to call': Mohamed Ibrahim still pursuing NFL

    Nov 19, 2022; Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA; Minnesota Golden Gophers running back Mohamed Ibrahim (24) warms up before the game against the Iowa Hawkeyes at Huntington Bank Stadium.

  26. AT&T Says New Hack Includes Records of Customer Calls, Texts

    AT&T Inc. said on Friday that hackers stole a cache of six months worth of mobile-phone customer data, disclosing for the first time a massive cybersecurity breach that threatens national security.

  27. Statement by Vice President Kamala Harris

    We'll be in touch with the latest information on how President Biden and his administration are working for the American people, as well as ways you can get involved and help our country build ...

  28. Rep. Adam Schiff calls on Biden to withdraw from the presidential race

    Rep. Adam Schiff, a prominent Democrat and leading candidate for Senate in California, urged President Joe Biden on Wednesday to "pass the torch" and exit the presidential race.