Reddit Is The Ultimate Travel Guide: How To Use It To Plan Your Next Trip

Brittany Levine Beckman

When my husband and I started planning a Hawaii vacation, we sat on the couch, laptops at the ready, our fingertips tap-dancing across our keyboards. We both knew exactly where to start: Reddit.

We divided and conquered. He scoured for dive sites and shops to check out. I looked for what else we should do when we weren't floating under the deep blue sea. That's how I discovered a farm that lets you milk a goat and an app that narrates your drive through a winding road known for beautiful views, but a treacherous climb.

Reddit lets you take travel planning a step further than most guidebooks, introducing you to locals or past visitors who will appraise your itinerary, offer unexpected suggestions, and provide up-to-date information. You can dig deep into specifics and learn whether to hike a certain trail in the rain, buy a certain SIM card at the airport, or avoid a bus line that doesn't work in the afternoons.

But you have to enjoy the hunt — and play by a few rules.

How to begin

Before you start asking people to share hidden gems in Paris or debate whether you should travel to New York or Portland for a long weekend, lurk a little. Check out the local subreddit of the place you want to go; there are often also tourism subreddits for specific locales. (For the uninitiated, subreddits are Reddit's topic-specific forums.)

My first stops for my Hawaii planning were subs focused on Maui and Hawaii visitors . I also searched "maui to do," "maui tips," and "maui hiking" from the search bar on Reddit's homepage. Reddit search leaves a lot to be desired, but it'll do if you have the patience to scroll for awhile. You may have better luck using Google to do a site search for Reddit and specific keywords.

Once you've done a bit of homework, go ahead and write your first post. But make sure to be specific. A big faux pas on travel-related posts is being too vague, said Lili Armstrong, a subreddit moderator. She's seen people post questions about what they should do in Asia with no details about which countries they were interested in, their budget, or their hobbies.

"For me, I really love museums, and if I say 'Hey, I'm going to be going to this city, what are some great museums?' There's gonna be someone else out there who loves museums, and because you gave that insight, they're gonna give you a very detailed post that you wouldn't have gotten if you hadn't said that," said the 33-year-old from Colorado.

And yes, travel-loving Redditors will write thorough responses. When Armstrong was planning a trip to Egypt, she posted a handful of questions to Reddit and received more than 30 detailed responses, from suggestions about what to do to cultural guidance. Before a recent weekend trip to Los Angeles, she shared where she was planning to stay and was warned that the traffic would be horrendous there so she picked another neighborhood.

She also looks at local subs for posts about weekly events like concerts, craft fairs, or farmer's markets.

A helpful supplement

Reddit can also supplement your other research. Faye Boyer, a 22-year-old from Georgia, likes to check out TripAdvisor and Expedia to find inexpensive places to stay, but she's skeptical of their rating and review systems. Once she finds somewhere she thinks may work, she'll write a post in a local sub asking if people have been there before or know anything about it.

"I don't normally trust those websites because if you see they have 4.2 stars, how many of those are actually authentic? How many of those are people who stayed there or employees who were told to write a good review," she explained.

A few years ago, Boyer was planning a trip to Ireland with her mother, and they were considering staying at a carriage house they'd found online. But the inn had very few reviews on other travel sites. When she asked Redditors if anyone had visited it before, she got enthusiastic responses.

"Everybody's like, 'yes, it's great, it's awesome,' and we went and stayed there and it really was," she said.

"One of the things I asked is: I would be a single female alone in a foreign country, how do I do this safely?"

Boyer is currently planning a return trip to Ireland, but this time she'll be traveling solo. She again went to Reddit and asked what route she should take, which hostels she should avoid, and how she could get around. She's also found the Ireland sub helpful for posting her itineraries so others can comment on whether they're overly ambitious or fill in any gaps.

"I was looking to see if anybody who's in Ireland could push me in a certain direction, so I knew I would get some of the best advice there. One of the things I asked is: I would be a single female alone in a foreign country, how do I do this safely? Is hitchhiking an option, is a bus an option? Everyone was like do not hitchhike."

While Armstrong, who also runs a travel blog , had tried using TripAdvisor forums, she found they weren't as active as Reddit. In addition to Reddit, the voracious planner also reads travel books and blogs.

I'm the same way. I tend to read about places to visit on a blog or news site and then search for specifics on Reddit. For example, I learned about that winding road I mentioned earlier, the Road to Hana, on another site, but it was on Reddit where I read about honking when rounding curves, where to get coconut ice cream along the way, and that we should download an app to narrate our journey.

A few years ago, I traveled to Iceland with my husband. We bought a Lonely Planet book but also turned to Reddit for advice. That's how we found a post listing free hot springs. At one of them, which was about a 10-minute walk off the road and near a glistening river, we were the only ones. Someone had also linked to a map they made of their trip around the country, which we downloaded through to use offline during our weeklong road trip.

Giving back

Many travel junkies — I'm one of them — will shower anyone who'll listen with a stream of recommendations. Reddit's like that, but to the nth degree. Travel-related and location-related subs are filled with people who want to learn and share their experiences. You can lurk on Reddit, but you're expected to join in, too.

When Boyer saw someone seeking advice on where to ask their girlfriend to marry them while visiting Ireland, she jumped at the chance to suggest some of her favorite vistas, parks, and gardens, adding photos and weather information.

"People are very generous," she said. "If you ask a genuine question, they’re not gonna beat you down for it."

"Our communities really want to help you."

While most respondents are helpful, this is the internet, and every now and then someone may be snarky or trolly. Ignore it and don't take it personally. For every irksome poster, there are plenty more who actually want to help.

Reddit's travel troves aren't just for extremely-online millennials, either. Many of the regulars in the sub Armstrong moderates are older than her, and love to needle her for it. While a separate solo travel sub skews younger, she's also seen people ask about traveling on their own in their 50s and 60s and whether they could still stay at a hostel in their 40s. To which, she opined, of course you can.

If you savor spending hours panning for travel gold — and are comfortable talking to faceless strangers, then add Reddit to your vacation research repertoire. As Armstrong said, "our communities really want to help you."

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'This is Incredibly Terrible': Park-goer Shares Photo of Visitors Ignoring Warning Signs Displayed at National Park

Posted: June 27, 2024 | Last updated: June 27, 2024

<p>A Reddit user recently shared a photograph of a small group of people breaking the rules at Arches National Park in Utah, which the user alleges was a blatant act of disrespect toward the area's preservation, calling their act “incredibly terrible.”  </p> <p>Arches has numerous signs requesting that all parkgoers remain on the trails, which ensures the ecosystem remains healthy. A single footstep can have devastating results, yet this didn’t stop the group from breaking the rules. </p>

A Reddit user recently shared a photograph of a small group of people breaking the rules at Arches National Park in Utah, which the user alleges was a blatant act of disrespect toward the area's preservation, calling their act “incredibly terrible.”  

Arches has numerous signs requesting that all parkgoers remain on the trails, which ensures the ecosystem remains healthy. A single footstep can have devastating results, yet this didn’t stop the group from breaking the rules.

<p>The United States has over 400 national parks, which are open to residents and tourists to explore, hike through, camp in, and enjoy all that nature has to offer.  </p> <p>Numerous rules are established in the parks to ensure the preservation of biodiversity and the natural habitat. When someone is caught breaking these rules, members of the public and park officers are quick to take action.   </p>

Rules at National Parks

The United States has over 400 national parks, which are open to residents and tourists to explore, hike through, camp in, and enjoy all that nature has to offer.

Numerous rules are established in the parks to ensure the preservation of biodiversity and the natural habitat. When someone is caught breaking these rules, members of the public and park officers are quick to take action.  

<p>Such an event recently unfolded at the <a href=",inspire%20you%20with%20its%20sunsets.&text=Visiting%20Arches%3F">Arches National Park </a>in Utah, a region revered for its outstanding natural beauty and over 2,000 unique stone arches, rock fins, and giant balanced rocks, all of which are the work of nature. </p> <p>The park has several rules that prohibit tourists from steering off-trail. Recently, one worried park user photographed several people after noticing they had blatantly ignored the rules of a sign close by.    </p>

Arches National Park in Utah

Such an event recently unfolded at the Arches National Park in Utah, a region revered for its outstanding natural beauty and over 2,000 unique stone arches, rock fins, and giant balanced rocks, all of which are the work of nature.   

The park is a popular tourist destination, which brings in around 1.5 million visitors each year.     

<p>The study of the Grand Canyon's past is a collaborative effort that integrates geology, anthropology, and climatology alongside archeology.    </p> <p>This interdisciplinary approach enriches our understanding of the canyon’s environmental and cultural history, revealing how early peoples interacted with their landscape and adapted to their ever-changing world.    </p>

Remain on the Trails at Arches

In several parts of the park, there are signs aiming to enforce certain rules, such as prohibiting tourists from steering off the trail.

However, not everyone abides by these rules, and sometimes, they are caught in the act. One photographer recently captured several breaking the rules in Arches.   

<p>All throughout Arches National Park are numerous signs which <a href="">read</a>: "Stay on trails. Your steps matter. Protect park soils.” Yet, during a walk, one Reddit user noticed several people had clearly dismissed a sign and proceeded to walk off the track.   </p> <p>The Reddit user who posted on the sub-group <a href="">r/mildlyinfuriating</a>, shared a photograph of what appears to be six people standing in an off-limits part of the park. Those in the photo later faced considerable criticism and abuse online for breaking the rules.  </p>

Signs Dotted Throughout the Park

Numerous signs, all throughout Arches National Park, read , "Stay on trails. Your steps matter. Protect park soils.”     

Yet, during a walk, one Reddit user noticed several people had clearly dismissed a sign and proceeded to walk off the track.    

<p>The internet came alive with comments in the wake of Newsom’s press conference. One user, @ChrisCbbq, wrote, “Am I missing something? What is the model?”   </p> <p>@Greg4114 wrote, “No, No, Newsom is right. The homeless crisis in California has made several nonprofit executives millionaires.” Meanwhile, @AdorablPenguin said, “Maybe he meant having the highest number of homeless people. He clearly wins that, hands down.” </p>

Reddit User Shares Photo Online

The Reddit user who posted on the sub-group r/mildlyinfuriating shared a photograph of what appears to be six people standing in an off-limits part of the park.    

Those in the photo later faced considerable criticism and abuse online for breaking the rules.    

<p>The discovery of a living amphibian sealed inside a rock for decades is an example of nature's wonders and the enduring mysteries of life.  </p> <p>As research continues, this and other remarkable findings will undoubtedly contribute to our understanding of survival in extreme conditions.   </p>

Saving the Ecosystem at Arches

The signs are placed throughout the park for a very specific reason: the ground at Arches is biological soil crust .    

This means it’s an entire ecosystem of bacteria, fungi, mosses, algae, and lichen, all of which retain water and help prevent erosion. 

<p>Finally, in 2021, sustainability analyst at KPMG, Gaya Herrington, revisited the now-famous MIT study and found that humans were still on the same exact path that the researchers predicted almost 50 years ago.      </p> <p>As Herrington explained, her research confirms that if the world continues down the same path it’s been on for the past several decades, economic growth and the standard of living could substantially decline over the next two decades.    </p>

Footprints Can Kill the Soil

Unfortunately, this means even a single footprint can kill the soil, and it may take up to 50 years for the ecosystem to grow back and strengthen.   

This is why various parks in the US, such as Arches, place a multitude of signs along the trails to ensure visitors are aware of the consequences their actions may have. 

<p>Despite the calf’s birth, challenges for Yellowstone’s bison population remain.  </p> <p><a href="">agreement</a> currently limits the park’s bison population to about 5,000 animals, though proposals suggest increasing this number to 6,000. </p>

National Parks Work to Preserve Ecosystem

National Parks such as Arches play an integral role in keeping American ecosystems healthy.    

They maintain the landscape, provide clean water and air, and protect wildlife, all while giving humans a place to enjoy nature, and the rules within should be respected.    

Stay on the Trails

Park officers and officials explain that staying on the trails is one way everyone can do their part to ensure the parks are around for future generations.   

While the park’s employees do their best to police the trails as much as they can, not everyone abides by the rules on the signs. This has led to various incidents in the past, some of which killed parts of the soil. 

<p>Numerous users who read the Reddit thread were upset at the hikers' decision to disobey the sign and disrupt the vital ecosystem by walking off track.  </p> <p>"This is incredibly terrible. The soil is alive and delicate. It needs our protection,” <a href="">wrote</a> one Reddit user, clearly insisting that something must be done to ensure this doesn't become a regular occurrence.     </p>

Reddit Users Feeling Upset

Numerous users who read the Reddit thread were upset at the hikers' decision to disobey the sign and disrupt the vital ecosystem by walking off track.

"This is incredibly terrible. The soil is alive and delicate. It needs our protection,” wrote one Reddit user, clearly insisting that something must be done to ensure this doesn't become a regular occurrence. 

<p>Another user commented on the lack of awareness surrounding the soil life under the post, <a href="">writing</a>, "I spoke to some of the park rangers about this.”    </p> <p>They <a href="">continued</a>, "The soil 'life' is pretty destroyed in most of the popular spots. Awareness of the soil and its importance needs to be raised. People just don't [realize] what they're doing when they go off the path."   </p>

Raising Awareness About Soil Life

Another user commented on the lack of awareness surrounding the soil life under the post, writing , "I spoke to some of the park rangers about this.” 

They continued , "The soil 'life' is pretty destroyed in most of the popular spots. Awareness of the soil and its importance needs to be raised. People just don't [realize] what they're doing when they go off the path." 

<p>One user suggested the rules are important for several reasons. "Sticking to the trail is both for your safety and for the health of the ecosystem around it,” they <a href="">wrote</a>.    </p> <p>Others shared their opinions on how park officials could better communicate their message. One user <a href="">wrote</a>, "They should just have a sign warning of venomous snakes if you stray from the path.”   </p>

For Safety and Preservation

One user suggested the rules are important for several reasons. "Sticking to the trail is both for your safety and for the health of the ecosystem around it,” they wrote .    

Others shared their opinions on how park officials could better communicate their message. One user wrote , "They should just have a sign warning of venomous snakes if you stray from the path.” 

<p>Despite the presence of signs throughout national parks, parkgoers continue to ignore the rules and often put themselves, the wildlife, and the ecosystems of the area in danger.    </p> <p>A similar event saw a group of tourists go beyond the trail's boundaries at Maroon Bells Scenic Area in Colorado. The people blatantly ignored a sign which said the area was “closed for revegetation.”     </p>

Problems at Other Parks in the US

Despite the presence of signs throughout national parks, parkgoers continue to ignore the rules and often put themselves, the wildlife, and the ecosystems of the area in danger. 

A similar event saw a group of tourists go beyond the trail's boundaries at Maroon Bells Scenic Area in Colorado. The people blatantly ignored a sign which said the area was “closed for revegetation.”    

This is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things

A separate Reddit post shared a photograph of the tourist breaking the rules, with the caption, “This family completely ignored the 'closed for revegetation' signs, hopped over the rope and even got into the water at the Maroon Bells today.”  

One user shared their thoughts under the post, writing , “This is why we can’t have nice things.”  

<p>Unfortunately, one problem is that many parks are understaffed and underfunded. This makes it difficult for supervisors to monitor everyone who enters the park. But this doesn’t stop volunteers from trying to ensure the park's ecosystem remains healthy.   </p> <p>“There are a bunch of volunteers who are painstakingly re-establishing native plants in the trampled off-trail/path areas – thousands of manhours of work to restore and make the park what it once was and should be today,” one commenter <a href="">wrote</a>.  </p>

Park Supervisors Struggle to Supervise Every Corner of the Park

Unfortunately, one problem is that many parks are understaffed and underfunded. This makes it difficult for supervisors to monitor everyone who enters the park. But this doesn’t stop volunteers from trying to ensure the park's ecosystem remains healthy.  

“There are a bunch of volunteers who are painstakingly re-establishing native plants in the trampled off-trail/path areas – thousands of manhours of work to restore and make the park what it once was and should be today,” one commenter wrote . 

<p>Archeologists at the Grand Canyon have also found <a href="">beautiful pottery</a> from the Ancestral Puebloan people. This culture lived in the area from about 825 C.E. to 1250 C.E.   </p> <p>Many ceramics and pottery items from these people have been found in the area. As a result, researchers have been able to clarify when each item is from, as this culture became more skilled and unique in their creations as time went on. </p>

The Work of Volunteers

Numerous volunteers also work to re-establish native plants in the park.   

“There are a bunch of volunteers who are painstakingly re-establishing native plants in the trampled off-trail/path areas – thousands of manhours of work to restore and make the park what it once was and should be today,” according to a comment on Reddit.   

<p>The Lake Mead National Recreation Area is one of the United States awe-inspiring National Parks. Located in Arizona, this park hosts an average of 7 million visitors every year. </p> <p>Americans and international tourists alike love to see the incredible natural rock formations, the Lake Mead Reservoir, and the majestic views of Arizona’s strange and alluring landscapes.   </p>

Incidents At Other Parks

Park rangers have to deal with more than just people wondering where they should be. While it may be difficult to believe, some tourists deliberately vandalize national parks. 

One such event, which left locals horrified, occurred this year in Lake Mead National Recreation Area, located in southeastern Nevada and northwestern Arizona. 

<p>On April 7, 2024, one visitor to the Lake Mead Recreation Area noticed two men climbing a restricted area of natural rock formations. This visitor was certainly concerned by the men’s actions as they weren’t admiring the rocks, they were destroying them. </p> <p>The visitor then started recording a damning video on their phone that clearly shows the men knocking down rocks that had formed over 140 million years ago. </p>

Tourists Destroy National Park Rock Formation

On Sunday, April 7, 2024, two men were caught on camera destroying a rock formation on the Redstone Dunes Trail within the park.   

A video of the atrocious crime has since gone viral online, which shows several men breaking huge chunks of loose rock from an outcrop, leaving many viewers online disgusted with their actions.    

<p>The video has since gone viral and the world is completely appalled that anyone would commit such a heinous and unrewarding crime. The men get nothing from demolishing the rocks, but a rich part of America’s natural history is gone forever.   </p> <p>As John Haynes, a spokesperson for the park explained, “Why on earth would you do this to this area that’s so beautiful? It’s one of my favorite places in the park and they’re up there just destroying it. I don’t understand that.”   </p>

National Park Calls For Information

The Lake Mead National Recreation Area posted an image of two men deliberately destroying the rock formation on its Facebook page in April.  

The post reads : "US park rangers at Lake Mead National Recreation Area are seeking information from the public to identify two vandalism suspects seen here.”  

<p>The <a href="">National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB)</a> is now investigating to confirm the plane’s identity.   </p> <p>However, no plans for salvage operations are in place due to the potential high costs. The investigation aims to verify the findings and provide official documentation of the crash site.     </p>

Information That Could Help Investigators

The Park Service doesn’t take lightly to such malicious actions and is currently working with investigators to find the vandalism suspects.  

"Information from visitors is often very helpful to investigators. If you were on the Redstone Dunes Trail on the evening of Sunday, April 7, 2024, or if you have information that could help identify the suspects, please submit a tip,” said the Park Service.    

<p>Because this story has made the national news and gone viral on social media, authorities are hopeful that the two vandals will be identified very soon.  </p> <p>There are already a few comments on the Instagram post with potential names, though the US NPS has yet to release a statement that confirms the men have been identified or charged. </p>

Men Deliberately Destroy Rock Formation

In the video that has since gone viral, a little girl, who’s clearly the daughter of one of the men, is heard screaming as the rocks plummet to the ground.    

“Daddy, don't fall,” she cries out as the two men push numerous boulder parts over the edge and watch them tumble down to the ground below, per The Daily Mail .    

<p>Radford then spoke on the collective efforts of everyone involved in the artifact's restoration, crediting everyone who contributed to bringing the ancient item back to life. </p> <p>“There has also been a lot of behind-the-scenes work from the staff in the Museum Service, who have created lots of content to tell the story of the helmet and its discovery. I do hope you all get the chance to head down to the museum to experience this historic artifact,” she <a href="">said</a>. </p>

Why Would Someone Want to Do This, Says Park Officer

Park officials have called the entire event a deliberate attempt to damage the park. Speaking with KVVU, John Haynes, a park public information officer, said , “It’s one of my favorite places in the park, and they’re up there just destroying it. I don’t understand that.” 

He continued, “Why would you even do something like this? Like, why on Earth would you do this?  This almost feels like a personal attack in a way.”     

<p>New data <a href="">released</a> by the California Department of Finance has revealed that California City, a town located in the northern Antelope Valley about 100 miles north of Los Angeles, has seen a stunning drop in population in 2023.  </p> <p>According to this data, California City’s total population dropped by 11.8%. This drop in population is interesting, as many of the city’s residents are workers at Edwards Air Force Base. </p>

The Motives Behind Breaking Park Rules

Park officials are puzzled as to why the men would deliberately destroy a portion of the park. Others feel the same when it comes to breaking any rule within the parks, which are set in place to ensure the safety of the surrounding nature and tourists.   

One thing is for sure: without the hard work of the park rangers and volunteers who care for nature and the rules they have established, the parks wouldn’t be the family-friendly locations they are, nor would they be as clean or safe.     

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The Best Travel Subreddits

I love Reddit.

It’s like the world’s biggest forum, with Subreddits for every category you can think of.

If you’re planning a sabbatical, it’s a great place to hang out to get advice from the experts.

But which ones are the best travel Subreddits?

Scroll down to see 8 of my favourite:

1) r/Travel

Travel Subreddit: r/travel banner

It’s an obvious place to start but the r/travel  Subreddit is the hub for travel on Reddit. with over 600,000 members at the time of writing there is a big community to call on.

They have travel city or country of the week where they ask for the communities experience of a place which quickly turns into an incredible guide to a destination. These then get archived in the ‘ topic of the week wiki ‘ and become and invaluable tool for travellers.

They have loads of guides and FAQs in the sidebars and on the rules page, loads of amazing information to keep us travellers interested.

2) r/Shoestring

Best Travel SubReddits: r/shoestring

r/shoestring is the perfect travel Subreddit if you’re on a budget. They describe themselves as “a resource for those planning a trip on a shoestring budget. Whether you want to cheaply travel to a destination you already have in mind, or brainstorm your next frugal vacation, we hope this website will help you plan an affordable and amazing vacation.”

Post up your destination, budget and plans and the community will give you advice on your plans whilst trying to keep you from going bankrupt!

3) r/MapPorn

Travel SubReddit: r/mapporn

If you’re like me and a lot of travellers I know, you’ll love maps. They bring back trips I’ve been on or set my mind racing with future plans.

If that sounds like you then r/mapporn  is a travel Subreddit for you!

They have maps of everything you can think of; historical empires, the tallest buildings in the world, languages spoken, life expectancy, Columbus’s travels and even just beautiful maps of the world itself.

And if none of this is what you are looking for, there is even a ‘ weekly map request ‘ thread to get you what you need!

4) r/SoloTravel

Travel Subreddit: r/solotravel

If you are a solo traveller r/solotravel is perfect, but if not this is still a really useful travel SubReddit to be part of.

With just under 100,000 members at the time of writing the advice from the community is fantastic. There are so many great threads I find myself constantly copying and pasting reminders into Evernote for future trips.

There is also a weekly post giving you the opportunity to meet up with fellow travellers to make your solo trip a little less lonely.

5) r/TravelPhotos

travel trips reddit

It really is as simple as it sounds.

r/travelphotos is for two things:

  • Sharing your amazing travel photos
  • Being jealous of (or feeling inspired by!) other people’s photos

6) r/DigitalNomad

Travel SubReddit: r/digitalnomad

r/digitalnomad  is a community of people who use their digital skills to allow them to travel or live abroad. 

It has great threads running about learning digital skills, finding remote working jobs and answers questions about what it’s like to live in certain destinations.

For many people, constant travel is the dream, if so this is the travel SubReddit for you.

7) r/OneBag

travel trips reddit

What’s the number one regret of first-time long-term travellers? Packing too much!

Step in, r/onebag  a subreddit about living out of a backpack.

These guys are packing experts who are conditioned to a life on the road, and have refined their kit down to the essentials.

You may not be planning to go quite as minimalist of some of them, but you will still pick up packing tips and gear ideas that will be really useful ahead of your trip.

8) EarthPorn

Best travel subreddits, earthporn

r/earthporn is pure. Any photos with people, boats, houses, dogs, volley ball courts, spaceships (you get the picture!) will be taken down.

This is naked, natural landscape photographs at their best.

If you’re looking for some inspiration for your next trip, then look no further!

As recommended by the guys at in the comments below.

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Reeves Roam , is a first-hand travel blog. The Reeves have lived in the UK, South Africa and Australia and have travelled extensively in Europe and Southeast Asia.

Booking your trip via the links on this page earns us a small commission at no extra cost to you. 

You can also buy us a coffee . 

Thanks – Ben, Becca and Gracie

Fantastic list! We hadn’t heard of r/MapPorn before and are going to check it out! We also follow r/onebag and r/heronebag for single bag lightweight travel, r/longtermtravel for great conversation on longer travels (we travel full-time), r/AwardTravel and r/churning for cheaper travel on points and rewards, and for great images we enjoy r/earthporn and r/ArchitecturePorn.

Reddit is such a great forum for travel advice, tips, and ideas!

Thanks guys! I will add some of these in to the article. Funny you mention r/onebag, I started to follow that one about a week ago as we have just started to pack ahead of our Southeast Asia trip at the end of April!

Thanks for listing all these! I knew about some but was happy to discover more subreddits to help me travel

Thanks Justin. Glad you enjoyed it. Are these any more you use?

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Seasoned travelers pick up their own arsenal of tricks to ensure their travels are smooth and easy. From a packing hack that saves space in your luggage or a mobile app that helps cut down on time in the airport, there's a number of unique tips that can help you have a fantastic trip. Whether you're an experienced traveler or are embarking on your first vacation in a while, here are 25 travel tips that will make your vacation stress-free.

Print Out Important Documents

Person sitting on hill taking a photo on their phone of mountains

These days, it’s normal to rely on your phone for getting around. But when you travel, that dependence comes with a risk. Your phone battery might die, or, if you're traveling internationally or in a remote area, your cell signal may not be quite as strong as it is back home. If you're using maps on a phone or other device, take screenshots before you head out, in case you lose signal. But to fully secure yourself, go old school and print out a map. This also goes for your itineraries, schedules, reservations, or any other important information you may need.

Read the Local News

It's tempting to completely disconnect from the real world while you're on vacation. But you will want to keep up with the news, especially in the destinations you're visiting, so you can stay safe during an emergency. If you don't know the local language, consider downloading an app like OZZI , which tracks international alerts to keep travelers informed of developing threats.  

Man walking on a mountain ridge at sunrise with clouds in the background

It should come as no surprise that airplane travel is a dehydrating experience, but did you know that dehydration affects more than just your thirst levels and skin appearance? Dehydration can increase the effects of jet lag since the high altitude of the pressurized cabin lowers oxygen levels in the blood. This makes it even more difficult for your circadian rhythm to make the adjustment. Staying hydrated keeps the blood flowing at an even pace and smooths out the transition.

Bring a First Aid Kit

Pack a small first aid kit with the essentials — bandages, antiseptic wipes, pain medication, and antidiarrheals for easy access if you get hurt or fall ill on the road. If you’re traveling through villages or remote areas, these basic items won’t be readily available. And if you're in a city with higher tax rates, you might save money by purchasing these items at home.

Pack One Complete Outfit in Your Carry On

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If you plan on checking your bags, then be sure to pack one complete outfit in your carry on in case your baggage is delayed. This way, you’ll have a spare set of clean clothing ready to go. Even if your bags make it safely, accidents can happen while in transit, and you'll have a nice clean shirt handy for any spills that may occur.

Back Up Critical Documents

Scan and store copies of your passport and identification cards in a cloud-based folder so they're accessible should they be stolen. Having copies on hand will significantly expedite the process of replacing your stolen documents. The same goes for itineraries and reservation information.

Bring Several Different Forms of Money

A man opening his wallet.

Not having access to money can put anyone in a bind so be sure to bring more than one form. Certain debit or credit cards may not work in the destination you’re visiting so you’ll want to bring a backup or two. Keep an emergency card somewhere other than your wallet and carry some local cash as well. Store bundles of cash in multiple places, including your carry-on, a checked bag, and somewhere on your person. That way, if you’re separated from your luggage, you won’t lose all your budgeted money.

Become a Loyalty Member

Frequent fliers should pick one airline and stick to it in order to accumulate points. Earning status with a particular airline yields results such as free upgrades. Similarly, earn points with a chosen hotel chain and you’re more likely to be upgraded to a venue’s best available room upon check-in.

Learn the Language

Pick up key phrases in the language of the country you’re about to visit. By learning how to thank someone or ask where the bathroom is in the local language, you show respect as a tourist. You don't need to be completely fluent, though. Bring along a translator app to help you navigate the more complicated requests.

Get Familiar with the State Department

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Before stepping onto new land, do some research. You don't need to learn the entire history of your destination, but it helps to at least know some information in case of an emergency. A lot of what you're looking for is available through the U.S. State Department . Where is the nearest U.S. embassy? What phone number is used for emergency services? Are there any neighborhoods to avoid? Write down or save that information and keep it on you at all times while traveling. You should also register with the U.S. Embassy if you're traveling overseas using the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP).

Bring Travel Size Laundry Detergent

In order to avoid high laundry fees at hotels, carry a few travel size detergent packets so you have the option of doing your own laundry in the bathroom sink  of your hotel room. This works especially well if you just need a few more pairs of clean socks and underwear during your trip.

Keep an Emergency Card Accessible

Write down (ideally, laminated and also on your phone) a list of emergency contacts as well as any medical conditions, health issues, medications, or allergies you may have. Keep the printed copy with your ID in case of an emergency. It's also not a bad idea to look up the translation of any medical considerations ahead of time, in case you need to quickly convey information to a foreign official.

Beat Jet Lag

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When the plane takes off, set your watch to your destination’s local time and stay awake until an appropriate bedtime. Similarly, when you arrive at your destination, refrain from taking a nap until the sun goes down in order to reset your internal sleep clock. If you're struggling to adjust to your new time zone, melatonin supplements can help .

Bring Ear Plugs

If you’re a budget backpacker roughing it in twenty-bed dorm hostels, there’s bound to be at least one snorer who will keep the room awake throughout the night. Bring ear plugs to ensure you catch some Z’s. We even found you an inexpensive pair with over 2,000 five-star reviews on Amazon.

Get TSA PreCheck or Global Entry

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It requires extra leg work, but signing up for TSA PreCheck or Global Entry is one of the best ways to sail through security lines at the airport. TSA PreCheck is explicitly meant to speed up the airport security process. You'll need to apply online, then in person, and it costs you $85 for a five-year membership. Global Entry is a different program meant to make it easier and quicker to move through customs when re-entering the United States. This will cost you $100, which might sound like a lot, but there's a bonus: Global Entry includes TSA PreCheck. If you think you may fly internationally, it's generally worth the extra $15 for the extra convenience. Not only will you get through security faster, but you'll bypass the lengthy U.S. customs line when you return from that fabulous trip abroad.

Bring an External Phone Battery and Power Strip

Bring an external phone battery to keep your mobile charged especially if you rely on Google Maps to navigate new cities. It’ll also save you when your mobile shuts down just before you show your cab driver the address of your final destination. Another great tool to bring is a power strip is a tool, which will make you instant friends at a hostel or while waiting for your flight at the airport. When there’s only one available outlet but a dozen people needing to recharge, you’ll be an instant hero with a small power strip .

Use Recyclable Bags

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For avid hostellers, pack your items in a tote bag instead of plastic bags. Aside from being more environmentally friendly, if you need to rummage through your backpack early in the morning or late at night, using a tote will save you from making lots of rustling noises that’s sure to wake your roommates.

Be Nice to Gate Agents

In the event that you miss your flight or there’s a delay, gate agents are likely the first people you turn to in order to be rebooked or rerouted. They handle numerous complaints filed by impatient travelers throughout the day, and understandably will not sympathize if you’re rude. Ask politely for help and you’re much more likely to receive a stay at a hotel or a seat on a reassigned flight.

Pre-download Entertainment

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Don’t depend on free Wi-Fi to help stock your movie collection at the gate. Often times the network is too slow for downloading. Make sure you’ve got your favorite series and films ready to roll so you can block out the chaos around you. Same goes for non-digital entertainment. Don't wait to buy a book or magazine at a store in the airport. Not only will these be marked up with airport prices, but you'll risk running late or losing your seat at the gate.

Talk to the Locals

Locals are experts on the destination you’re visiting, so don’t be afraid to befriend some and ask for suggestions on what to do or where to eat. They often know better than the guide books on where to uncover hidden gems and get off the beaten path. You must first know the people to know the country.

On Rental Cars

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Rent from an establishment a short cab ride away from the airport instead of picking up your vehicle directly at the airport to save up some serious cash. Airport rentals inflate their prices due to high demand and convenience, so search for a pick up location that’s just a few minutes down the road to save big, and be sure to book your car with a credit card that offers good rental car insurance.

Airport Currency Exchanges

Redditors recommend visiting a local bank or withdrawing money from an ATM instead of exchanging money at the currency exchange when you land at the airport, as it charges a hefty fee. If prompted at an ATM, always carry out the transaction in the local currency to avoid incurring unfavorable exchange rates set by the bank.

Don’t Check Bags

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If you can, pack light and travel with a carry-on only. Not only does that prevent the airline from losing your luggage, but traveling with a carry-on also eliminates the need to wait for your bags at the carousel after a long flight. If you miss a connecting flight or wish to catch an earlier one, then you don’t have to worry about arriving to your destination without your checked luggage. With a carry-on, you’re able to deplane and hop into a cab for your accommodation without skipping a beat.

Act Like a Local

Not a tourist. Dive into the daily life of locals by visiting supermarkets when traveling internationally. In destinations where supermarkets are geared towards middle class shoppers, then opt to visit marketplaces. Though it sounds mundane, you get to observe and understand the popular local ingredients and common dishes of the destination you’re in.

Keep Records of Your Rides

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Always double-check your Uber driver's name and license plate before getting inside of a vehicle. If you take a taxi, text or take a photo of the taxi ID number. These won't just keep you safe, they'll also come in handy if you leave something behind in the car.

Featured image credit: SimonSkafar / iStock

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Parents Are Allegedly Throwing the Cost of Disney Vacations in Their Kids’ Faces

in Disney , Disney Parks , Featured , Theme Parks , Travel , Walt Disney World

A family sits at a table as they meet Mickey Mouse as Chef Mickey's in the Contemporary Resort

It’s become no secret that a Disney vacation is a very expensive experience. People travel to Disney theme parks from all over the world, so between airfare, hotel, food, park tickets, and extras like merchandise, thousands of dollars can easily be spent.

However, Disney does try to help guests with all different budgets find something that works for them. There are a ton of hotels that offer great amenities, and different discounts are offered on various hotel rooms throughout the year.

Art of Animation Resort Cars

Many parents dream of taking their kids to the theme parks to experience that Disney magic. A new study even revealed that parents will happily take on thousands of dollars in debt if it means that their children can spend time with Mickey Mouse.

But it appears that some parents are taking the monetary stress of a Disney vacation out on the people who deserve it the least — the very children they wanted to experience the parks.

A group of people smiling with a child in front of them.

Related: Disney’s Expansion Project Reveals Next Steps; Team Pinpoints Area of Interest

In a recent Reddit thread, the Original Poster asked about the “most insane” things people have overheard at the parks.

While some commented on kids asking about when the trip would be fun or threatening to poop on their parents, one person’s comment sparked a sad thread.

I heard a mother scary calm explaining to her son how he was ruining their vacation that she sacrificed and worked overtime to be able to afford.

Mickey Mouse stands in front of a castle at a theme park, smiling and gesturing with open arms. The castle has blue conical roofs and decorative banners. The setting appears to be a sunny day with clear skies.

This one comment opened the floodgates, with some people feeling really awful about a child being blamed for “ruining” a vacation , especially if the child is just acting like a kid. While we always want our kids to act like perfect angels, that is just not realistic.

This actually breaks my heart. I used to work on cruise ships and the sheer amount of parents who would complain their kids were “ruining” their vacation simply by doing normal kid shit… Also, we’d have kids who would say like well dad wanted to keep me for spring break but mom said we had to come with her and her new bf….and then the kids would literally be in the kids club the entire time. I think it’s so inappropriate for parents to put the burden of how much they spent on a child. Teaching them to be appreciative and teaching them the value of money. Sure. But to explain they’re ruining your trip and it was expensive. Wrong.

Mickey, Minnie, Daisy, Donald, Goofy, Clarabelle, and Pete pose in front of Mickey's house in Toontown

Of course, there were some who felt that the parent was in the right, needing to give the kids some perspective. While they acknowledged the overload of a Disney vacation, they still thought that it doesn’t give kids the right to act poorly.

I respect this. It’s a huge financial commitment if you’re flying to Disneyland for a vacation. The locals who go frequently may not understand the sacrifices some families make to visit. It’s a forever memory vacation and your 6 year old doesn’t understand why they can’t just go back to hotel and swim or play on their iPad. Attention spans get zapped waiting in line and sometimes kids need real talk to get perspective.

A woman dressed as cinderella interacts warmly with a young girl in a purple princess dress. they are surrounded by elegant curtains and floral decorations.

Related: Disney Fans Can’t Get Over This Woman’s INSANE Park Routine

Others noted that, even though you want to get as much as possible out of a Disney vacation, that doesn’t mean that you should push their kids beyond their limit. Not letting kids take a break during the day is a great way to ensure a meltdown at some point.

Agreed! Obviously the tone is important and I think it’s terrible when parents push their kids to their limit and then wonder why they’re too tired to function. AND I think so many kids in the park behave in bratty and terrible ways, whining about why they can’t buy a third souvenir in an hour and fighting with their siblings. To go to Disneyland is a huge privilege and kids should be aware of that.

The image shows what Tiana's Bayou Adventure will look like at Magic Kingdom after the Splash Mountain retheme is complete.

Related: Is Rope-Dropping An Effective Disney Hack?

If you are planning on taking a Disney vacation sometime in the near future, it’s important to think about exactly what you would like to do. If you don’t think you will be able to do everything in the time you are there, make a list of priorities. Consider if Disney Genie+ is right for you and your family. Genie+ is an especially good choice if you are traveling to Disneyland Resort.

A beautifully lit outdoor swimming pool at dusk, featuring a water slide tower with neon lights. Surrounding the pool are lounge chairs and palm trees, where hotel guests relax by a tranquil lake under a dramatic, cloudy sky in the background at a Disney World hotel resort.

And remember, if you are traveling with kids, they need a break. If they go from rope drop to fireworks , they won’t last very long. A quick trip back to your hotel in the middle of the day could make all the difference. Let them enjoy the quiet and air conditioning, take a nap, or even go for a swim in the hotel pool.

Disney vacations are not only expensive but also exhausting. Even adults can get nervous and lose their temper once in a while. But with enough breaks and relaxation, they can be much more enjoyable.

Do you think parents should complain about the cost of a Disney trip to their kids? Let us know in the comments!

Best Tour Companies for Singles

Book your next adventure with one of these options.

Ligaya Malones is an editor, blogger, and freelance writer specializing in food and travel. Ligaya's work has appeared in publications including Lonely Planet and BRIDES.

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We independently evaluate all recommended products and services. If you click on links we provide, we may receive compensation. Learn more .

A recent study showed that the solo travel industry is projected to experience a significant influx in the upcoming years. Whether you want to experience a solo adventure, see the world at your own convenience, or hope to meet new people along the way, there’s always something worthwhile about traveling by yourself. 

Luckily, there are plenty of travel companies that cater to solo travelers to make planning stress-free. Below, we’ve rounded up some of the best companies for every budget and travel preference to support your wanderlust—including our top picks for women-only and solo parent travel.

8 Best Tour Companies for Singles of 2024

  • Best Experience: Exodus Travels
  • Best for Ages 35-50: El Camino Travel
  • Best Sustainable: G Adventures
  • Best for True Solo Travel: Black Tomato
  • Best for Ages 25-39: For The Love of Travel
  • Best for 50+: Overseas Adventure Travel Rates
  • Best Female: Wild Women Expeditions
  • Best for Solo Parent Travel: Intrepid Travel

Best Experience : Exodus Travels

Courtesy of Exodus Travels

Traveling solo on an Exodus Travels group trip means access to self-guided and guided excursions around the world for every type of traveler. Choose a walking wine holiday in Portugal or explore Egypt via cruise boat and sleeper train, for example. Additionally, its Exodus Edits collection offers shorter itineraries of up to five days and is geared towards travelers in their 30s and 40s—though they’re ideal for anyone looking for more vigorous activity such as ziplining and surfing in Costa Rica or sampling street eats and beach hopping in Sicily. 

There is no single supplement fee when you room with a fellow traveler, and chances are you may end up with your own room anyway. Booking a travel itinerary with UK-based Exodus Travels includes a full refund should the company need to cancel your trip and a complimentary trip transfer to another tour or different person up to 21 days before the scheduled trip. Plus, travelers who book their third or more trips with Exodus receive a 5 percent discount on their next booking.

What’s more, the company works to curate trips that align with a number of United Nations sustainable development goals including goals for responsible consumption and production, empowering local communities, and climate action considerations. Exodus Travels (founded in 1974) was awarded Best Operator in National Geographic Traveller’s sixth annual Reader Awards in 2021.

Best for Ages 35-50 : El Camino Travel

Courtesy of Encounter Travel

According to El Camino Travel ’s founder, Katalina Mayorga, elder millennials are their strongest customer base. That means if you were born between 1980 and 1985 approximately, you’ll find yourself among curious, like-minded solo travelers looking to immerse themselves in destinations like Trinidad and Tobago, Colombia, and the Eastern European nation of Georgia. Some trips even add a professional photographer to capture shareable shots so you can remain in the moment.

All of El Camino’s guided, small group trips max out at 12 participants. They’re also curated with an ethos of preserving and protecting local culture, the environment, and communities. For example, some of their partners include the Environmental Research Institute Charlotteville in Tobago and La Sierra Artist Residency in Santa Marta, Colombia.

Best Sustainable : G Adventures

Courtesy of Intrepid Travel

G Adventures is particularly known for its sustainable, responsible ethos. The company works with small, locally-owned hotels and operators to ensure your travel dollars benefit the community you’re visiting; outlines policies around child and animal welfare practices; aims to reduce single-use plastics, and works to ensure experiences taking place in Indigenous communities align with community goals.

Founded in 1990, G Adventures specializes in small group adventure tours to a host of destinations from Asia to South America and Africa to the Arctic. Nearly half of the travelers on every trip are flying solo, and there’s no single supplement if you choose to bunk with a same-sex roommate. Or, select your own room for a fee. 

A Chief Experience Officer leads each group tour and itineraries are searchable by travel style. For example, find wellness-centric trips like nine days of daily yoga, visits to Hindu temples, and partake in traditional healing ceremonies in Bali. Or travel with their partner, National Geographic, for an exclusive guided tour of South Africa’s Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden and a visit to Soweto township in Johannesburg, the home of Nelson Mandela. 

G Adventures partnered with hostel booking service Hostelworld in 2021 to launch its Roamies itineraries. Its combination of backpacking and organized travel itineraries includes countries like Albania, Mexico, the Netherlands, and Vietnam. The trips are marketed to 18- to 35-year-olds, though like-minded individuals keen on budget travel and communal environments may enjoy these trips, too.

Best for True Solo Travel : Black Tomato

Courtesy of G Adventures

Black Tomato specializes in bespoke luxury travel experiences. For those interested in traversing around the world solo and willing to pay a premium for tailored itineraries, its adventurous or culturally immersive experiences may just be your ticket.

Your travels might look like hiking and biking in Patagonia, embarking on a spiritual pilgrimage through Bhutan and India, chasing glaciers and geysers in Iceland, or learning to cook Georgia and Armenia’s local dishes or Japan’s regional cuisine.

In 2017, Black Tomato launched its Get Lost adventure travel experience. With the support of a dedicated team, and without prior knowledge of where they're headed, Get Lost participants will find their way home from an undisclosed location. The location is selected based on a pre-travel questionnaire about which environment clients would like to immerse themselves in. Then, they show up at the airport and the adventure begins.

Best for Ages 25-39 : For The Love of Travel

Courtesy of Contiki

With 80 percent of individuals traveling with For The Love of Travel jet -setting solo, each trip is packed with opportunities to meet fellow Millennial and Gen Z travel enthusiasts. For example, within your small “crew” of up to 14 people, make new friends doing snow sports and unwinding in saunas in Lapland or devouring tacos and sipping mezcal in Mexico City. Trips range from four to nine days, including weekends in Colorado’s Rocky Mountain wilderness or an extended weekend in Costa Rica where you’ll hike through rainforests, relax in hammocks, and hike, bike, or surf.

According to company feedback, the average FTLOT traveler is 30 years old and interested in meeting new people while traveling . The company bills itself as a mid-range travel company, where “​​we might stay in a more basic hotel for a couple of nights so we can include a Michelin-worthy meal and a private catamaran ride.” 

In 2022, FTLOT plans to offer at least 10 new itineraries including to Belize, Turkey, and Spain’s Basque Country. And for those with the flexibility, the company launched Sojrn in 2021 featuring month-long, themed stays in destinations like Cape Town—focused on biodiversity—and a fashion-oriented stay in Paris.

FTLOT requires an initial deposit and allows installment payments if not paid in full.

Best for 50+ : Overseas Adventure Travel Rates

Courtesy Flash Pack

Overseas Adventure Travel is primarily aimed at American travelers aged 50 and over. It offers guided itineraries to worldwide destinations, including Africa, Antarctica, Asia, and the South Pacific, with trips ranked by activity level and accompanied by a list of physical requirements to help select an itinerary that is best suited for you. For example, their Japan and South Korea itinerary advise that participants be able to carry their own luggage as the selected hotels do not have porter service.

Some of Overseas Adventure Travel’s most popular trips include 17 days of wending the Adriatic from Croatia to Bosnia and Herzegovina (think a walking tour in Dubrovnik, sampling traditional Bosnian food in Sarajevo, and exploring the countryside near Zagreb). On another popular trip, you spend 15 days traveling through Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia, ending in Helsinki, Finland. All trips offer pre-and post-itinerary extensions, and either waive the single supplement entirely or offer a discount on a private room.

The company offers a free Roommate Matching Program which helps you find a like-minded, same-sex roommate. If they can’t find a match, your single supplement is deducted. Small group sizes typically average 13 travelers.

Overseas Adventure Travel won the Solo Travel Award for Best Tour in 2017 and 2018, thanks in large part to its policy of offering a limited number of single spaces for each itinerary.

Best Female : Wild Women Expeditions

Courtesy of Overseas Adventure Travel

It began as an all-women, Canada-based canoe tripping company in 1991, and Wild Women Expeditions is perfect for boundary-pushing women who want to travel independently and enjoy the safety and support of an organized tour. The company also prioritizes hiring female tour leaders and on-the-ground guides. It offers outdoor adventures for women of all ages and identities and with a range of physical abilities (“whether your greatest skill is tracking a storm or talking up a storm, summiting mountains or summoning courage, keeping your kayak in line or coloring outside the lines,” as the company describes).

The company travels to 31 destinations around the world like Egypt, Tanzania, and the Azores islands. Itineraries are typically adventure-based and are filtered on their website by activity, with options ranging from sailing to cycling and horse riding. Imagine yourself sea kayaking and snorkeling in the Galapagos or scaling glaciers in Alaska. 

Most guests are solo travelers and there’s no single supplement to worry about as accommodation is typically in a shared room or cabin. Though if privacy is a priority, you can usually snag your own room for a nominal extra fee. Group sizes are kept small and social with between six and 14 women, depending on the itinerary you choose. The average group size is eight. 

Wild Women Expeditions also takes care to curate trips that avoid or minimize the disturbance of wildlife; supports environmental education and advocacy projects; and partners with social justice and women’s rights organizations.

Want to take a look at some other options? See our guide to the best women-only adventure travel companies .

Best for Solo Parent Travel : Intrepid Travel

Courtesy of Wild Women Expeditions

Intrepid ’s family-themed holidays welcome adults traveling with children, including solo parents looking to travel with their kids without the stress of planning and coordinating a trip. Since each family’s travel needs and preferences are different, every itinerary includes an “essential trip information” section where Intrepid outlines whether the trip would be a good fit for you and your kids, as well as a physical rating from least to more strenuous activities. 

For example, an itinerary through part of the Amazon Jungle in Peru advises the jungle can be very hot and humid, and that the weather can be unpredictable in the Andes. On the other hand, an 11-day trip to Borneo island in Southeast Asia lists a minimum age of 5 and outlines a range of accommodations from hotels to guesthouses and jungle camps; on a few occasions, travel times between destinations range between four to five hours. Trips to Costa Rica, Tanzania, China, and Morocco are also listed.

Individuals under 17 years typically receive a 10 percent discount, and the company requires that adults have at least one child under 18 years traveling with them. As part of Intrepid’s commitment to responsible travel, itineraries support initiatives surrounding sustainability and conservation, climate education, and preservation of Indigenous culture.  

Mathieu Young / Getty Images

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  • TravelSites
  • Best Travel Reddits

Reddit Travel

Since its launch in 2005, Reddit has become the go to place on the internet to discuss everything from politics to sport to global disasters. In 2018, it ranked as the third most visited in the United States , and boasted more than 200 million unique visitors every month. It uses a bulletin board system to discuss topics, while its subreddits are communities of users that focus on specific themes. A particularly common theme for subreddits is travel, where people can find information on nearly every location imaginable, as well as discovering itineraries, getting tips and advice or simply just gaining inspiration by looking at the photos and first hand experiences posted by the millions of users. Functioning much in the same way as a forum, anyone can post their thoughts and comments on each piece, adding their own opinion to create a more comprehensive and all-inclusive space for discussion. They are great alternatives to resources such as guidebooks, as they are constantly updating with the latest trends and come from millions of travellers with different perspectives.

For that reason, we have put together a complete list of the top ten subreddits concerning travel-related topics , from ones on camping and hiking to freelancing while on the go. Knowing where to find the communities containing the most useful information on all things travel can be a great resource, whether planning, or already on, a trip, offering an alternative to travel guidebooks and documentaries . They can be accessed by anyone with an account, which is free to sign up to, meaning it does not discriminate against those who are more budget-conscious. We took into account a range of different factors when reviewing each subreddit to ensure that we were only presenting the most helpful ones available, picking out each one’s highlights, what makes it unique, and its potential drawbacks. The pros and cons are also listed in an easy-to-read set of bullet points below each review.

One of the first factors that was considered when reviewing the various subreddits was the variety of content featured on the feed. Scrolling down a page full of text only, although maybe informative, is not considered one the most engaging ways to learn about a topic, and can make the website appear dull or monotonous. Instead, subreddits that feature a wide range of content, including text, images, photos and videos will make it far more interesting for its users, who can gain knowledge without having to read the entire time. Often, a photograph can say more about a place than someone describing it, allowing the viewer to make their own mind up about whether they would like to visit or not, while at the same time making the subreddit more stimulating in general. That being said, r/travelphotos is, as the name suggests, choc-a-bloc with fantastic, inspirational photos, however as a place to gain details, tips and advice on places, it is lacking. Hence, when assessing the subreddits, we made sure to take a look at the content on offer and how varied it was.

Another factor that was taken into account when assessing the subreddits were the guidelines that had been put in place by the admin of the group. As a platform to which anyone with an email address can sign up, the content that is shared is largely uncensored and can vary significantly from group to group. Therefore, it is the role of the subreddit administrators to put in place a set of rules as to the type of content that can and cannot be posted. One of the typical rules on travel subreddits, in addition to the most obvious, is one against the sharing of poltiical propaganda or discussion. This is to prevent the group from alienating certain people and helps keep the content focused on travel-related themes rather than going off on a tangent. A group that is seen to adopt a particular political leaning is not only largely irrelevant to travel, it makes it also appear exclusive and can damage its reputation as a whole. Be that as it may, some subreddit administrators take the job of creating guidelines beyond the call of duty and end up creating a list that is far too longwinded and pedantic. The subreddit DigitalNomad, for example, features a very strict set of rules that doesn’t give the users room to assume anything and that would almost have to be printed off and kept by your side in order to avoid breaking them. For that reason, we looked at the guidelines of each to ensure quality control, as well as to make sure that there was a degree of flexibility to keep the content interesting.

Recommending subreddits that were only relevant to one particular group was something that we tried to avoid doing by finding the ones that appeared, instead, to the widest demographic. Upon reading through various travel blogs, we discovered that many only appeal to those who have the funds to engage in ‘ luxury travel ’, such as staying in boutique hotels , eating out at expensive restaurants and doing activities like skydiving. Hence, we strived, when assessing the various subreddits, to find the ones that catered to all budgets and backgrounds, be it a French traveler on a shoestring or a retired American couple who have just sold their law firm. The subreddit r/freelance was one example of a group which, although useful, seemed mostly to provide for those based in the United States , as the majority of the tips and advice concerned topics such as paying tax in the US. While this is to be expected from a US website in which the vast majority of its users are from North America, the subreddits that featured a more varied and inclusive selection of content tended to be ranked higher in our list than those that accommodated just one particular group.

Finally, we looked at the number of links to other useful websites and groups were included on the subreddit, as well as how useful they were to travelers. Reddit is a fantastic place to gain insight into a variety of topics, however you will sometimes need to acquire more detailed information elsewhere and make bookings on other websites, therefore a good supply of external links is always a useful thing to have included on a subreddit. Groups that had drop down menus with links to the best accommodation or flight reservation sites , for example, were considered as particularly good, while others offered the best places to buy items such as traveling equipment like tents, boots and sleeping bags. The subreddit, Solotravel, has a number of recommendations for travel-related websites, as well as links to other threads on subreddit containing useful information. As a consequence, it was ranked higher in the list than those without external links.

Overall, this list features the top ten subreddits for getting a range of information on travel-oriented topics. Not only does it offer groups that encourage the posting of inspiring photos and helpful tips and advice, it also has related discussion groups dedicated to themes such as freelancing and how to prepare for a move abroad. Reddit, with its simple layout and easy to use features, has been for a number of years, a brilliant place to gain insight into a variety of topics, and travel is no different. Taking into consideration the aforementioned factors, we scoured the website for only the very best subreddits to compile a list of what we believe to be the most resourceful places for travelers, where you will find content sourced from the millions of people who use Reddit everyday. Although we don’t recommend throwing away your guidebook just yet, with this selection of subreddits, you’ll be able to find out almost any information you need, while you can even post your own questions if you don’t see it already featured.

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Reddit Spills: The Most Unpopular Travel Opinions (That You Might Relate To)


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7 Small Towns In Massachusetts With Boston Vibes, But Better

Think twice about carrying bear spray this summer, forget aspen: visit this delightful colorado town.

Everyone knows that Reddit has opinions and it's also one of the best places to find open-minded and brutally-honest conversations. When it comes to travel, Reddit certainly has an idea of what unpopular travel opinions are and most of them are bound to make a person think. Anything is fair game from types of travel to destinations and, chances are, there are some opinions that readers likely didn't even know even existed (who would take a pass on small-town travel ?!). There also are no right or wrong opinions and that's something to remember when hearing other people out.

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Ready to see what some people think of travel outside the world of 'it's great?' These are the most talked-about  unpopular  trends on the interwebs .

Nature And The Great Outdoors Holds Zero Travel Allure

It's true - some people just don't find bonding with nature to bring the same pleasure that it does others. Listening to birds chirping away and small forest animals run around fields might not be everyone's cup of tea, but according to one Reddit user, big cities and populated places are what soothes their wanderlust itch.

It might come as a surprise to know that many people actually share this opinion, where bigger cities filled with energy and life are seen as more of a vacation than the calm stillness of a tranquil setting.

Hostels Are Not Worth It

This is an unpopular opinion but it's fairly more common than the last. Hostels aren't for anyone and while there are many pros to staying in one - such as affordability and convenience - there are many cons for some people, as well. The biggest con is the fact that hostels are not always private which leads to several people sharing one space.

For those who value their privacy and appreciate the quiet nature of hotel rooms or rentals, this can be uncomfortable and awkward, two things no one wants on vacation. Furthermore, sharing spaces such as kitchens and bathroom isn't always a vacation-worthy trend that many travelers want to take part in and they can't really be blamed for it.

Being Social With The Locals Is Not A Travel Goal

According to one Reddit user, who explained their opinion in a great way: "I (personally) don't understand the obsession with meeting "friendly" locals (and complaining to no end if you don't). While I enjoy chatting with someone working in a cafe or bar or market and getting to know them or meeting locals by surprise in any city I visit, I don't leave all annoyed if that didn't happen.

I prefer watching people going about their ordinary days, and in most places, people are far too busy or caught up in their own lives for an ordinary day to include "befriending" a tourist or traveler." Not everyone enjoys being social with strangers and it's a common misconception that everyone should go out of their way to befriend a stranger if it's out of their comfort zone.

Small Towns Are Not Exciting Or Interesting

While one user stated that they don't enjoy nature-themed vacations, another stated that they don't like in-between, AKA small, towns.

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Small towns are often the compromise between huge cities and remote destinations and while small-town travel has become more popular in recent years, it's clearly still not for everyone. Specifically, according to the same Reddit user, 'cute towns' are on the list of no-travel destinations for them.

Destination Hopping Is Better Than Exploring One Place In Full

One Reddit user said they enjoy spending 'one to three' nights in a place before moving on and this rapid-speed way of travel is not as uncommon as many people think. Specifically, when it comes to backpacking.

Every backpacker and city-hopping traveler is different but for some people, it's more of an adventure to see as much as possible rather than see everything possible. Just like quantity over quality, it's sometimes long stays vs. active traveling.

Traveling Is A Luxury, Not A Right

Perhaps the most unpopular opinion regarding travel is this one, posted by one Reddit user: "You shouldn't travel if you don't have your finances together. Traveling is a luxury, not a right." Obviously, many people will have their own opinions on this and when it comes down to it, travel is for everyone - however, that's a fact, not an opinion. Finances are just as personal as travel and a person's wanderlust can't be judged by their bank account, but there are many people who don't share that opinion, as well.

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    r/travel is a community about exploring the world. Your pictures, questions, stories, or any good content is welcome. Clickbait, spam, memes, ads/selling/buying, brochures, classifieds, surveys or self-promotion will be removed.

  2. What is the best country you have travelled in your lifetime?

    Depends on your travel style. Probably looking at least $1000.00 for flights round trip. Food is good & cheap you can get a good meal for between $5-10. Beers at 711 are about $1.50+. Hostel stays are around $40, decent hotels start around $75.00. Honestly Japan isn't that expensive unless you want it to be.

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    A separate Reddit post shared a photograph of the tourist breaking the rules, with the caption, "This family completely ignored the 'closed for revegetation' signs, hopped over the rope and even ...

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  14. The Best Travel SubReddits

    3) r/MapPorn. If you're like me and a lot of travellers I know, you'll love maps. They bring back trips I've been on or set my mind racing with future plans. If that sounds like you then r/mapporn is a travel Subreddit for you! They have maps of everything you can think of; historical empires, the tallest buildings in the world, languages ...

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    Beat Jet Lag. Credit: gchutka/iStock. When the plane takes off, set your watch to your destination's local time and stay awake until an appropriate bedtime. Similarly, when you arrive at your destination, refrain from taking a nap until the sun goes down in order to reset your internal sleep clock.

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    Land in Nice July 2nd till the 7th (5 days) with day trips throughout. Travel to Annecy/ Chamonix July 7th-11th and explore the Alps/ small towns (4 days: 2 in each city) Take a train to Paris for a day (July 11th) to get to London for the weekend (July 12th-14th: 3 days). In London for a friend's bday weekend.

  20. According To Reddit: These Are The Best Travel Hacks We Should Know About

    This travel hack from Reddit is also great: someone shared that they find super cheap plane tickets when they book them for Thanksgiving Day. They said that this works if you're in the U.S. and want to somewhere else. They wrote, "Ticket prices go WAY down if you are leaving the country. Few years ago I wanted to go to Ireland and booked my ...

  21. 10+ Reddit Travel

    1. r/travel. r/travel is a community about exploring the world. 2. r/Backpacking. A subreddit for world traveling Backpackers. 3. r/CampingandHiking. Tips, trip reports, back-country gear reviews, safety and news. 4. r/SoloTravel. A place for all of those interested in solo travel to share their experiences and stories! 5. r/DigitalNomad.

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    Keep an emergency fund of cash on you (~100 USD/Euro in local currency) and a good reserve of money on your bank account. This will especially prove useful when having an medical emergency and you have to see a doctor. You have to pay upfront and will get reimbursed later by your travel/medical insurance. Reply.

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