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Akademia Skipperów The Boat Trip - opinie

Post autor: subartek » 11-08-2022, 10:09

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Re: Akademia Skipperów The Boat Trip - opinie

Post autor: Tuareg » 12-08-2022, 13:02

Post autor: Tuareg » 26-08-2022, 09:36

Post autor: subartek » 26-08-2022, 10:42

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Rejs po Majorce i Ibizie z The Boat Trip

Nigdy wcześniej nie podziwiałam tak bajecznych wschodów i zachodów słońca. Pierwszy raz w życiu oglądałam wschód księżyca – to zdecydowanie było jedno z piękniejszych zjawisk, jakie widziałam. Wszystkim się tu zachwycam i wszystko mnie ciekawi. Jestem oczarowana tym rejsem i wiem, że to jest coś, czego chcę doświadczać co roku. Po takim rejsie każdy wypad all inclusive w hotelu wypada blado. Wypada nijak! Zdecydowanie połknęłam bakcyla.


Na rejs po Majorce i Ibizie wybraliśmy się we czwórkę. To był nasz pierwszy raz. Nie wiedzieliśmy, czego się spodziewać. Byliśmy jednak bardzo podekscytowani i ciekawi tego, co nas czeka. Prócz nas było jeszcze 6 osób w tym skipper. Ekipa na jachcie trafiła nam się genialna. Fantastyczni i pozytywni ludzie, każdy tak naprawdę z innej bajki, ale wszyscy od razu złapaliśmy wspólny język.


Startowaliśmy z portu w Palmie. My przylecieliśmy na Majorkę dwa dni wcześniej, o czym pisałam Wam tutaj . Zanim weszliśmy na jacht, zrobiliśmy ogromne zakupy. Wyobraźcie sobie zakupy dla 12 osób… Wiedzieliśmy, że na lądzie będziemy dopiero za dwa dni, więc zapasy musiały być spore.

Bałam się choroby morskiej, ale nikt z naszej 12-osobowej załogi jej nie miał. Okazuje się, że to wcale nie jest takie częste. Czego jeszcze się bałam? Że łódka się przewróci. Piotrek, czyli skipper z The Boat Trip , szybko wytłumaczył mi, że to nie ma szansy się wydarzyć. Łódka jest wyposażona w balast, który sprawia, że jacht jest praktycznie niezatapialny. Z taką wiedzą mogłam odetchnąć z ulgą i zacząć cieszyć się wakacjami.


Jacht był przepiękny, długi na 15 metrów i bardzo komfortowy. Pod pokładem było pięć dwuosobowych kajut, salon, kuchnia i trzy łazienki. My mieliśmy dwie kajuty na dziobie – tam najbardziej bujało, ale plus był taki, że nie było słychać silnika. Mnie się spało bardzo dobrze, choć początkowo spałam czujnie, jakby w trybie stand-by.

Do niedawna takie słowa jak rufa, grot, fok, wachta czy bom były mi zupełnie obce. Teraz wiem, co znaczą, ba, wręcz potrafię zrobić dwa różne węzły i zaliczyłam lekcję sterowania!


Wszyscy zgodnie stwierdziliśmy, że na żadnych wakacjach tak się nie zresetowaliśmy. Dla mnie to był zupełnie inny wymiar spędzania czasu. Nigdy tak nie wypoczęłam. Nie wiem, co żeglowanie ma w sobie, ale totalnie uzależnia, ładuje akumulatory i odświeża umysł. Człowiek wraca z takiego wyjazdu i czuje, że żyje. Jeszcze na jachcie zaczęliśmy wertować ofertę The Boat Trip w poszukiwaniu kolejnego kierunku. W przyszłym roku chcemy wybrać się na rejs po Wyspach Jońskich, a za dwa lata – Karaiby albo Tajlandia. Serio, nie wyobrażam sobie wakacji bez rejsu, nie ma mowy!


Ogromnym atutem pływania na takich jachcie jest fakt, że możemy odwiedzić miejsca do jakich nigdy nie dotarlibyśmy z lądu. To przepiękne zatoki czy dzikie plaże. Po kilku dniach staliśmy się tak wybredni, że zamiast plażować na miejskiej plaży wybieraliśmy dziką zatokę.

rejs majorka

Mieliśmy dwa nocne przeloty. Jeden z Majorki na Ibizę i drugi z Ibizy na Majorkę. Skipper podzielił nas na trzy wachty. Wachta to część załogi, która pełni służbę na statku przez określoną ilość czasu. Na szczęście jacht jest wyposażony w autopilot, więc naszym zadaniem było jedynie kontrolowanie prędkości, z jaką płyniemy, siły wiatru, głębokości i kierunku. Gdyby coś złego się działo – mieliśmy od razu zbudzić skippera. To właśnie na wachtach miałam okazję zobaczyć wschód księżyca i wschód słońca. Coś magicznego!

zachód słońća

Dostaję od Was sporo pytań o biuro podróży, czyli właśnie The Boat Trip . Wszystkie informacje dostępne na fan page oraz na stronie.. Tam też możecie zobaczyć pełną ofertę rejsów morskich. Ja wiem, że już zawsze będę pływać właśnie z nimi! Kolejny kierunek Grecja albo Tajlandia!

Piszę to na gorąco, bo chciałam przekazać Wam jak najwięcej szczegółów. Nie mogłam pozwolić, by te wszystkie piękne emocje gdzieś uciekły. W kolejnym wpisie pokażę Wam zdecydowanie więcej. Będziecie mogli zobaczyć naszą trasę i masę pięknych zdjęć z Majorki, Ibizy czy Formentery.

Jeden dzień w Palma de Mallorca

Metamorfoza kuchni – wizualizacje, zobacz także, rzuć wszystko i jedź w bieszczady – domki..., dubaj jakiego nie znałam, jak zorganizować wypad na bali, ubud – 9 rzeczy, których musisz doświadczyć, kayon jungle resort – bajeczny hotel na bali, zwiedzanie bali – jednodniowy plan, pierwsze spojrzenie na bali, noc kultury w lublinie, daunt books – najpiękniejsza księgarnia w londynie, zjawiskowe termy w toskanii – terme di saturnia, 37 komentarzy.

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Wow cudowny rejs.

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BoatTrip jest najepsze:), miałam okazję z nimi pływać już 2 razy. Ludzie s pasją założyli tą firmę i jest naprawdę super atmosfera. Gorąco ich polecam jeżeli chcecie przeżyć przygodę na jachcie czy też katamaranie.

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Dokładnie, atmosfera jest genialna, cudowni ludzie. Jestem zachwycona <3

PS Gdzie z nimi byłaś. Polecasz szczególnie jakiś kierunek?

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Grecja i Chorwacja…..dużo statków i superowa atmosfera. Dokładnie: oraz – druga to typowa studencka wyprawa.

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Czekam zdecydowanie na więcej. Twoje wpisy z podróży są genialne uwielbiam je!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Dzieki za super pomysl! Wlasnie planujemy podroz poslubna na przyszly rok a niechcielismy czegos oklepanego! Grecja lub Chorwacja to sa nasze wymarzone kierunki ?. Juz sie nie moge doczekac !!!

Ale świetny pomysł by wybrać się w taki rejs na podróż poślubną! 🙂

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Fash uwielbiam Twój blog ale muszę stwierdzić, że śmiesznie mi się czyta ten tekst. Ten Twój zachwyt, dobór słów. 🙂 No ale ja już sporo czasu żegluję. Na Śródziemnomorskim jest małe prawdopodobieństwo choroby morskiej ze względu na długość fal i ciśnienie atm. w porównaniu do Bałtyku. Nie będziesz się tak samo rewelacyjnie czuła na Bałtyku. Na Bałtyku prawie każdy choruje przez pierwsze dni, ale to zupełnie inne pływanie niż w ciepłych krajach. Dlatego ja stawiam na Bałtyk i te sauny w Finlandii ach rozmarzyłam się. Aha na Bałtyku raczej stawia się na non stop pływanie czyli kilka dni z rzędu bez zawijania do portów inaczej mówiąc w nocy też, czyli bardziej hardkorowo i za to kocham ten akwen. Pozdrawiam

Ja zdecydowanie wolę cieplejsze klimaty. Bałtyk zupełnie mnie nie kręci 🙂

aha zapomniałam dodać. Ja teraz w lipcu miałam miesięczny rejs i byłam odpowiedzialna za zakupy na też 12 osób ale na cały miesiąc. Ustaliliśmy, że w portach będziemy ewentualnie pieczywo kupować i nic więcej 🙂 Żeglarstwo to piękny sport, warto kontynuować. Potrafi zmienić człowieka.

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czyli bylo 4 osoby „klienci” plus 8 osob ekipy statku?

Na jachcie było 12 osób, w tym skipper. Nie było jakiejś załogi, która wszystko za nas robiła 🙂

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Eliza ja właśnie wracam z Chorwacji i Czarnogóry. Widoki magiczne! Wiało 5-6 więc szmaty w góry i płyniemy. Z szantami na ustach:)

„Szmaty w góry i płyniemy” <3 <3 <3

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Przepiękne zdjęcia, Eliza! Moje tak ładnie nie wyszły 🙁

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Piękne zdjęcia, widać, że spędziliście tam wspanialy czas 🙂 Zazdroszczę tego rejsu 😛 😀

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Super sprawa, nigdy wcześniej nie słyszałam o takich rejsach, mam nadzieję że za rok uda mi się w wybrać na taką wyprawę ♥

Ps. Zrobisz mini poradnik co warto spakować na taki rejs?

Ale boska wyprawa, czekam na kolejne wpisy 🙂

Eliza przekonałaś mnie! Za rok Tajlandia z The Boat Trip 🙂

Od godziny wertuję ich ofertę, że też wcześniej o tym nie wiedziałam

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Super sprawa ale myslalam ze koszmarnie drogie a tu proszę, wchodzę na strone a tam calkiem przystepne ceny. Super sprawa, moze sie kiedyś skuszę.

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Super, że próbujesz nowych rzeczy. Na wakacjach w hotelu all inclusive byłam raz w życiu i po pierwsze myślałam, że umrę z nudów a po drugie miałam poczucie wyrzuconej w błoto kasy. Od tamtej pory jeździmy tylko na samodzielnie organizowane wyprawy. W góry – podpatrujemy, jak to organizują biura podróży typu „adventure” i sami to wszystko sobie organizujemy. Mamy swobodę, sami zarządzamy naszym budżetem itd. Stos przewodników na półce rośnie, a my zastanawiamy się, czy nam starczy życia na odwiedzenie tych wszystkich cudownych miejsc 🙂 Elizka, nie jeździj już na all inclusive 🙂 Pozdrawiam ciepło

Takie wyjazdy na własną rękę są super, ale czasem mamy tak, że chcemy totalnie wypocząć, leżeć plackiem na pięknej plaży i wykupić wycieczki z biura podróży. Taki wypad w porównaniu do rejsu to nuda, ale to też ma swój urok.

Czy jest możliwość, żeby wybrać się na taki rejs tylko we dwójkę, właśnie w podróż poślubną? Przyznam, że mnie to zainteresowało, a nie wyobrażam sobie dzielić miesiąca miodowego z 10 osobami… 🙂

Kochana, jeśli wynajmiecie we dwójkę całą łódkę to jak najbardziej. TRzeba się jednak liczyć z OGROMNYMI kosztami…

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Super sprawa! Zazdroszczę 🙂

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Przepiekne zdjecia 🙂 Pamietam jak ja cieszylam sie, gdy bylam na wyspach 🙂

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O rany czyli jestem w tej nelicznej grupie która koszmarnie znosi rejsy – mam niewyobrazalna chorobe morska i jako jednyna z mojej rodziny przybralam kolor zielony na 2 godzinnym rejsie z Krety na Santorini – never ever

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Czytam twojego posta z wyspy Salina we Włoszech. Od czterech lat pływam z moim chłopakiem, który jest skipperem i tylko i wyłącznie na jachtach żaglowych. Musze ci powiedzieć, że opisałaś wszystko jako perfekcyjna klientka i poczułaś klimat, który my- żeglarze czujemy za każdym razem kiedy nasze stopy dotykają pokładu. Oby wszyscy nasi goście tacy byli! I trzeba podkreślić to, że kurorty i wakacje all-inclusive chowają się przy takich tego typu wakacjach. Następnym razem spróbuj wypłynąć na katamaranie, wygoda gwarantowana! Pozdrawiam, Martyna

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Na katamaranie nie ma frajdy, chyba ze ktoś lubi leżeć dupskiem do góry i sączyć driny?

Ja bardzo lubie ?

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Twoje zdjęcia i opisy mnie totalnie zauroczyły <3 Już teraz myślę, żeby na naszą drugą podróż poślubną, do Grecji wybrać się właśnie w taki rejs! Świetna sprawa!

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Super wyprawa! Czekam na więcej szczegółów. Bardzo interesuje mnie wasza trasa oraz jak długo spędzaliście czasu bezpośrednio płynąc. Czy zwiedzaliście coś na postojach? Z jakimi kosztami trzeba się licząc wybierając się na taką wyprawę?

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Rejs po Majorce brzmi niesamowicie, sama może się kiedyś wybiorę 🙂 Zdjęcia zachęcają, są po prostu prześliczne.

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Zakochałam się ! Cudowny wpis!

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Imponująco! Wspaniałe widoki! My też w te wakacje oglądaliśmy wschodzacy księżyc, na biwaku, na Podlasiu. Było pięknie 🙂

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the boat trip opinie

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The Boat Trip - what it is?

Idea of party sailing holidays

Who are we?

The Boat Trip is a dynamic team of young people full of positive energy, passionate about sailing and active ways of spending time. We operate on the market as a company since 2011 but we organized sea cruises much earlier - for ourselves, for our friends and families. We turned our passion into a way of life.

What do we do?

We organize professional sea cruises on the Seven Seas of the World. We've been to Adriatic, Mediterranean, North Sea, Atlantic Ocean, Canary and Balearic Islands, Seychells, Cabo Verde, The Caribbean and more! We offer party crusies for the whole fleet with clubbing till morning and quiet trips with sailing and sightseeing. Everyone can find something interesting.

What do we aim for?

First of all we try to organize interesting sailing trips affordable for young people. Secondary, we want to popularize sailing among young adults and break the stereotype of sailing as an inaccessible sport for the rich. At last, we struggle to pluck the people from borring hotels and show them better ways of spending holidays!

Who sails with us?

Only satisfied customers ;) We aim at people between 18 and 39, who want to have fun, spend their vacation in an interesting way and experience something new in their lifes. Your positive feedback motivates us to constant development and preparing for you even more than before!

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The Boat Trip - Sea Cruises

The Boat Trip, a review by Joanna

the boat trip opinie

Heather J. Fitt

Published June 26th, 2023

Bloodhound Books

This was a compulsive suspense thriller about a group of friends & acquaintances who have been commissioned to sail a yacht across the Atlantic from Glasgow to St Lucia, where everything that could go wrong, does go wrong! It’s the author’s third novel and she’s delivered another highly readable mystery  – this time of the “locked boat” variety. After a couple of overly long novels that completely destroyed my reading schedule, it was a joy to get back to a fun page turner that I finished within 24 hours!

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The Boat Trip: a totally addictive murder mystery full of twists

The Boat Trip: a totally addictive murder mystery full of twists

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Customer Reviews

Thousands of happy customers at Discover Phi Phi. Here is what they say:

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Communication was amazing with host. Pickup point was easy, and the whole afternoon was amazing! Beautiful locations with boat captain who knows the perfect spots. Snorkelling and swimming spots were beautiful. Nice and private tour with just the 2 of us rather than big tour boat as well which we were glad for! Great value and would definitely recommend!

- Ruby Hargrave, Australia

Private Longtail 4 Hours Tour

This is the best day I have ever had. From the crew on the boat, to the incredible sights of Phi Phi, it was magical and a day I will remember for the rest of my life. Unbeatable. Thank you for the amazing experience!

- Paige McKenna, United Kingdom

Sunset Deluxe Tour

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How to avoid big crowds

At maya bay.

Maya Bay's reopening and the start of high season is luring lots of people to one of the world's most famous beaches!

Wouldn't it be great to visit Maya Bay with just a few people? It is possible.

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How to get to Koh Phi Phi

Phi Phi Islands are located in the Andaman sea between Phuket and Krabi. There is no airport in Phi Phi and it is only possible to reach from certain places.

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Whisper boat around Keukenhof

  • Whisper boat

Relax as you enjoy the peace and quiet typical Dutch landscape around Keukenhof in an electrically-propelled whisper boat. The boat trip takes 45 minutes and will be enriched by an audio tour about the flower bulb region.

  • Adults (incl. 65+) €10,00
  • Children (aged 4-11) €5,00
  • Children (aged 3 and younger) Free of charge

Please note: y ou must have an entrance ticket for Keukenhof to book whisper boat tickets. The departure point is in the park behind the mill.

Tickets will be available in autumn.

Frequently asked questions whisper boat

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A man jumps into Lake Michigan with the Chicago skyline behind him

The Chicago heat is no joke this year. Here are some tried and true ways to stay cool in the city — and the suburbs — this summer.

Tyler Pasciak LaRiviere/Sun-Times

Hot? Here's a guide to how to cool off in the water, from public and private pools to water parks to paddle board rentals

These are the best ways to stay cool right now without spending too much or going too far..

There really is nothing like summertime, but now the temperatures are here and you may find yourself looking for some respite. One tried-and-true way to stay cool through this heat wave is diving into the water, from jumping in the lake to learning a new skill such as sailing or paddleboarding.

Here are eight ways to soak up the cool without spending too much or going too far:

Sip_TheRobey 14.JPG

The rooftop pool at Cabana Club on the 6th floor of The Robey Hotel.

Brian Rich/Chicago Sun-Times

1. Find a pool to jump into

The Chicago Park District manages 50 outdoor pools across the city, along with 27 indoor pools. The city’s outdoor pools opened Monday and close just before Chicago Public Schools resume in August, according to the park district. Open swim is free, while lap swimming requires a membership ($25 for one month or $42 for three months).

Single day pool passes for purchase

  • Some Chicago hotels sell day passes to their pools. At the InterContinental, a day pass to enjoy one of the oldest pools in the city is $40 for adults and $25 for kids. The pass also includes access to the hotel’s sauna and fitness center. 505 N. Michigan Ave.
  • The Robey in Wicker Park sells day passes to its Cabana Club, a rooftop bar that has a small pool — better suited for a quick dip than a full pool day. Adult tickets are $15 during the week and $30 on the weekends (kids are $10 any day of the week) and include access to amenities such as Wi-Fi, towel service, a welcome drink and more. 2018 W. North Ave.
  • Some gyms, like Life Time at One Chicago, also offer a day pass for $50 , which includes pool access. 15 W. Chicago Ave.

Suburban water parks with nonresident passes

  • Orland Park’s Centennial Park Aquatic Center has water slides and a lazy river. Day passes for non-Orland Park residents are $25 Monday–Thursday and $26 on weekends and holidays. 15600 West Ave, Orland Park.
  • The Heritage Park Family Aquatic Center in Wheeling is a massive outdoor water park featuring large, faux rock structures and waterfalls. There are diving boards, a sand play area and waterslides. Day passes are $15, and kids younger than 2 get in free. 105 Community Blvd., Wheeling.
  • One of the largest water parks in the area, Mystic Waters Family Aquatic Center in Des Plaines, has multiple water slides, cliff dives and a zero-depth pool to soak in. General admission is $20 for adults, and $17.75 for kids 17 and younger and seniors 60 and older. 2025 Miner St., Des Plaines.

Millennium Park's Crown Fountain

Millennium Park’s Crown Fountain offers a way to stay cool while experiencing public art.

2. Play at a splash pad

From June to August, dozens of local parks offer spray features — AKA splash pads — that are perfect for the young (and young at heart) to cool off on a hot day.

Perhaps the most visible splash pad in the city is the Crown Fountain in Millennium Park , which includes two 50-foot towers with a shallow pool in between. Designed by artist Jaume Plensa, the fountain is a boost to both public art and a welcome chance to cool off. 201 E. Randolph St.

The city also has a handful of water playgrounds , many of which are adjacent to outdoor swimming pools.

Heat Wave

Chicago’s beach season runs through Labor Day.

Pat Nabong/Sun-Times

3. Take a trip to the beach

One of the best — and easiest — ways to cool off in the summertime is to hop in Lake Michigan. With 26 miles of lakefront access to enjoy, there is no shortage of options. The city’s beach season runs through Labor Day.

Some favorites include:

  • Montrose Beach , where there’s a dog-friendly beach and ample bird watching alike. Montrose is also Chicago’s only beach that allows kiteboarding. 4400 N. DuSable Lake Shore Drive.
  • Ohio Street Beach , which offers lockers for swimmers to protect their belongings. Whether just taking a dip or training for the triathlon, bring your own lock. 600 N. DuSable Lake Shore Drive.
  • Margaret T. Burroughs Beach — AKA, 31st Street Beach — boasts some of the best views of the skyline. 3100 S. DuSable Lake Shore Drive .
  • Promontory Point in Hyde Park has lake access and trails for walking or biking. Check out this full WBEZ guide to the park . 5491 S. DuSable Lake Shore Drive.
  • 63rd Street Beach is one of Chicago’s largest beaches and also features one of the city’s biggest and oldest beach houses, which was completed in 1919. The beach also has a nonmotorized boat launch. 6300 S. DuSable Lake Shore Drive.
View this post on Instagram A post shared by Chicago Electric Boat Company (@chicagoeboats)

4. Rent a boat

Whether on the river or the lake, getting out on a boat is the perfect way to enjoy a summer day. Luckily, there are so many options, from the adventurous to the laid back.

Chicago Electric Boat Company ’s diverse fleet of boats ranges from comfortable cruisers such as the Duffy electric boats (rentals from $155), which are prime for sitting back and relaxing with drinks and snacks on the water; to modern classics like the Retro Boats, which are refurbished and retrofitted with eco-friendly electric motors (rentals from $145). Chicago Electric Boat Company has four locations on the river: at Marina City , the Chicago Water Plaza , the Chicago Riverwalk downtown and at the new Rockwell on the River on the North Branch. 300 N. State St. Marina Level – Unit EE. You can even hire a certified captain to drive if your whole crew wants to take advantage of a day on the water without the stress of manning the ship.

Chicagoans are likely familiar with one of the most popular boat experiences on the Chicago River: The Chicago Architecture Foundation’s boat tour (from $54). 112 E. Wacker Drive.

Kayakers in the water.

Multiple companies offer kayaking tours of the Chicago River and Lake Michigan.

Manuel Martinez/WBEZ

5. Go paddling

Kayak Chicago , Urban Kayaks and Wateriders offer tours at multiple locations along the river and Lake Michigan.

The city’s boathouses are also a great place to rent a kayak or canoe to paddle the water. You can rent a canoe or kayak from Chicago River Canoe & Kayak at the Clark Park Boathouse (3400 N. Rockwell); a canoe, kayak or stand-up paddle board from the Lincoln Park Boat Club at the Lincoln Park Boathouse (2341 N. Cannon Drive); and kayaks from REI at Ping Tom Memorial Park Boathouse in Chinatown (300 W. 19th St.).

This WBEZ guide to kayaking outside the city includes more than a dozen other recommendations.

Chicago’s yacht clubs offer sailing lessons to kids and adults.

Chicago’s yacht clubs offer sailing lessons to kids and adults.

6. Take a sail

Chicago’s yacht clubs offer sailing lessons to both adults and kids brand new to the sport. All the courses get new sailors out on the water and cover the basic skills you’ll need to be comfortable setting sail.

  • Chicago Corinthian Yacht Club has four-week adult sailing lessons at different levels. They also offer a “women on the water” course, designed by and for women sailors. Courses are $385 for non-club members. The club also offers a variety of youth sailing programs ; prices vary. 601 W. Montrose Ave.
  • Columbia Sailing School ’s learn-to-sail introductory course teaches all the sailing basics over two sessions ($220). Youth summer sailing programs are also offered. 111 N. DuSable Lake Shore Drive.
  • The Chicago Yacht Club ’s sailing education program is spread out across three sessions and costs $730 for non-club members. Summer sailing school for youngsters is broken up by age group. 400 E. Monroe St.
  • Jackson Park Yacht Club ’s learn-to-sail program is led by seasoned sailor Erica Trejo. The three-session courses include both classroom and on-the-water instruction and cost $499 for non-club members. Junior sailing classes are also available. 6400 S. Promontory Drive.
View this post on Instagram A post shared by Chicago Rowing Foundation (@chicagorowing)

7. Try out rowing

No matter if you’re an experienced rower or brand new to the sport, you can join the city’s vibrant rowing community. The Chicago Rowing Foundation (CRF) hosts camps, clinics and seasonal teams from its location out of the Clark Park Boathouse . Adults can sign up online for a learn-to-row class (from $200); youth can join the summer or fall camp to prepare for teams that run during the school year. 3400 N. Rockwell St.

The Lincoln Park Boat Club , which rows out of the Lincoln Park Boathouse, Clark Park Boathouse and Lathrop Homes Boathouse, also offers youth teams and camps. Its nine-session learn-to-row courses for adults (from $310) are popular for beginner rowers. 2341 N. Cannon Drive.


You can take stand-up paddleboarding, or SUP, lessons on Lake Michigan.

Tyler Pasciak LaRiviere/Chicago Sun-Times

8. Stand up for paddleboarding

If you’re up for a different kind of challenge, give stand-up paddleboarding — also called SUP — a go on Lake Michigan.

If you’re new to the sport and want to give it a try with some help, local outfitter Chicago SUP offers private lessons ($100) and group lessons (from $75) from its locations at North Avenue Beach and Diversey Harbor.

Further north at Montrose Beach, Kayak Chicago also rents stand-up paddleboards on the lakefront. Closer to downtown, Urban Kayaks offers rentals at Monroe Harbor.

If you’re a yoga fan, Chicago SUP’s on-paddleboard yoga class (from $75) challenges your balance while stretching your body. You can even take their full moon SUP yoga class on Lake Michigan under the glow of the night sky.

Tip for first-timers: You’ll want to pick a nonwindy day to avoid the waves. We also recommend bringing a dry bag for your wallet and phone, waterproof sandals (such as Chacos ) and a carabiner to clip your keys to your belt loop so you don’t drop them in the lake.

Courtney Kueppers is an arts and culture reporter at WBEZ. Freelancer Erica Zazo contributed reporting.

Willie Mays

WCVB NewsCenter 5

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Boston celtics nba championship victory parade to be held friday.

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the boat trip opinie


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Boston's iconic Duck Boats are set to carry the NBA champion Boston Celtics and the Larry O'Brien Trophy on a victory parade through the city on Friday.

Boston beat the Dallas Mavericks 106-88 in Game 5 of the NBA Finals to win the series and put an exclamation point on their domination of the NBA’s 78 th season.

Mayor Michelle Wu announced Tuesday that the city will celebrate the Celtics 18th NBA Championship with a rolling rally.

During the parade, Celtics players will celebrate on Boston’s famous Duck Boats, as is tradition for championship winning teams.

The parade will start at 11 a.m. in front of TD Garden on Causeway Street, pass by City Hall Plaza and the Boston Common on Tremont Street and end on Boylston Street by the Hynes Convention Center.

Here's the route for the Boston Celtics duck boat parade:

The top-seeded Celtics went 64-18 in the regular season, ensuring home-court advantage throughout the playoffs, and dropped only one game in the Finals.

With their 18 th championship win , the Celtics also broke the tie with the Los Angeles Lakers, the only other team in the league with 17 championship victories.

The Celtics' last victory parade was after the team won the 2008 championship.

StormTeam 5 says the weather for the team's first parade in 16 years should be mostly sunny and hot, with a chance of afternoon thunderstorms.


There will be extensive Boston EMS staffing along the parade route, including EMTs on bike, cart or foot, and at aid stations or in ambulances, according to the city.

The city will also be placing two misting tents on the parade route. One will be at City Hall Plaza and the other will be near the Boston Common.

Taking the T

The city recommends taking public transit to the parade, as traffic is anticipated to be severely impacted by street closures and parking restrictions.

The MBTA will have increased subway service and modified Commuter Rail schedules with more service before and after the parade. Some commuter rail trains will also have extra cars to accommodate fans. Riders are encouraged to purchase all fares in advance.

The MBTA says to choose viewing locations ahead of time, and can use their trip planner to find out the best way to get there.


Parking Restrictions

Parking restrictions will be in place beginning at 12 a.m. on Friday morning. Cars parked in restricted areas will be towed, according to Boston Chief of Streets Jascha Franklin-Hodge.

Along the parade route

  • Causeway Street, Both sides from North Washington Street to Merrimac Street
  • Staniford Street, Both sides from Causeway Street to Cambridge Street
  • Cambridge Street, Both sides from Staniford Street to Tremont Street
  • Tremont Street, Both sides from Cambridge Street to Boylston Street
  • Boylston Street, Both sides from Washington Street to Massachusetts Avenue

Additional Parking Restrictions

  • Charles Street South, Both sides from Park Plaza to Boylston Street
  • Charles Street, Both sides from Beacon Street to Boylston Street
  • Arlington Street, Both sides from Newbury street to Saint James Avenue
  • Berkeley Street, Both sides from Saint James Avenue to Newbury Street
  • Clarendon Street, Both sides from Saint James Avenue to Newbury Street
  • Dartmouth Street, Both sides from Newbury Street to Saint James Avenue
  • Exeter Street, Both sides from Newbury Street to Blagden Street
  • Fairfield Street, Both sides from Boylston Street to Newbury Street
  • Gloucester Street, Both sides from Boylston Street to Newbury Street
  • Hereford Street, Both sides from Boylston Street to Newbury Street
  • Cambria Street, Both sides, from Boylston Street to end at Hynes Center garage
  • Scotia Street, Both sides, from Saint Cecilia Street to Dalton Street
  • Saint Cecilia Street, Both sides, from Belvidere Street to Boylston Street
  • Dalton Street, Both sides, from Belvidere Street to Boylston Street
  • Providence Street, Both sides, from Arlington Street to Berkeley Street
  • West Street, Both sides, from Washington Street to Tremont Street
  • Temple Place, Both sides, from Washington Street to Tremont Street
  • Bromfield Street, Both sides, from Washington Street to Tremont Street
  • Park Street, Both sides, from Tremont Street to Beacon Street
  • Beacon Street, Both sides, from Somerset Street to Tremont Street
  • School Street, Both sides, from Tremont Street to Province Street
  • Somerset Street, Both sides, from Ashburton Place to Cambridge Street
  • New Chardon Street, Both sides, from Cambridge Street to Merrimac Street (Congress Street)
  • Bowdoin Street, Both sides, from Dern Street to Cambridge Street
  • New Sudbury Street, Both sides, from Cambridge Street to Hawkins Street
  • Congress Street, Both sides, from New Sudbury Street to State Street
  • State Street, Both sides, from Congress Street to Court Street
  • Court Street, Both sides, from Washington Street to Cambridge Street
  • Staniford Street, Both sides, from Cambridge Street to Merrimac Street
  • Lomasney Way, Both sides, from Causeway Street to Nashua Street
  • Lancaster Street, Both sides, from Causeway Street to Merrimac Street
  • Portland Street, Both sides, from Causeway Street to Valenti Way
  • Friend Street, Both sides, from Causeway Street to Valenti Way
  • Canal Street, Both sides, from Causeway Street to Valenti Way
  • Haverhill Street, Both sides, from Causeway Street to Valenti Way
  • Beverly Street, Both sides, from Causeway Street to Valenti Way
  • Medford Street, Both sides, from Causeway Street to North Washington Street
  • Plympton Street, Both sides, from Albany Street to Harrison Avenue
  • East Dedham Street, Both sides, from Harrison Avenue to Albany Street


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Good or Bad fishing trip??

  • Thread starter wikelam
  • Start date Nov 18, 2003

Chief Petty Officer

  • Nov 18, 2003


Honorary Moderator Emeritus

Re: Good or Bad fishing trip?? Stick with the good.<br />Out with the bad.<br />The glass is always half full.  


Re: Good or Bad fishing trip?? Did you get to go fishing? Then it was a good trip even if you caught 0 fish and sunk the boat.  


Re: Good or Bad fishing trip?? It most definitely was a good trip  


Supreme Mariner

Re: Good or Bad fishing trip?? It was a fishing trip, with room for improvement.<br /><br />NOSLEEP, as you said, the problem is the glass is ALWAYS half full.  

Re: Good or Bad fishing trip?? i am leaning to the good trip.<br /><br />when i see a glass, i do not think is it half full or half empty. i think, whats in it, (Beer, soda,water,etc.) guess thats why cannot decide on this.  

Petty Officer 1st Class

  • Nov 19, 2003

Re: Good or Bad fishing trip?? I heard that optimists live 19% longer than pessimists. Must have been a good trip after all!<br />Dman  


Re: Good or Bad fishing trip?? I am with JB..Being on the water is enough and anything after that is gravy..Watching a family of ducks swin by or see a fish explode out of water near you as it exercises..The peaceful calm you experience as you drift along on a peaceful lake leaving behind the hurry up pace you know you have to return to..  

Re: Good or Bad fishing trip?? Roscoe, being half full is considerably better<br />than seeing it half empty. IMHO  

Re: Good or Bad fishing trip?? But I want the glass to be FULL!!!  

[email protected]

Lieutenant commander.

  • Nov 22, 2003

Re: Good or Bad fishing trip?? No one gets hurt - nothing gets broke. It's a good day fishing. Everythihg else is gravy.  


Fleet Admiral

  • Nov 24, 2003

Re: Good or Bad fishing trip?? If anybody tells the wife I said this I'll deny it, but fishing is just something to occupy my hands while spending some time on the water.  

Major Woods

Re: Good or Bad fishing trip?? Day away from the wife = good fishing trip.  


Vice Admiral

  • Nov 25, 2003

Re: Good or Bad fishing trip?? This time of year when the water is warmer than the air. You go out well before sunrise. The air is still, no wind. The first light is filtering through and look around you on the lake. All you see is water and clouds of mist in all shapes and forms. Then you look up to the hills and the sky. <br />You see how they go from black to all different shades of red and orange and the mist around you is turning white.<br />At that moment,all you can really do is to enjoy beauty and celebrate creation.<br />That is what fishing is all about for me.<br />So yes it is a great day.  


Re: Good or Bad fishing trip?? Nice job, rolmops!! I say it was a good trip.  


Re: Good or Bad fishing trip?? A bad trip goes like this:<br /><br />Two days before ya' leave, four of the eight that normally go cop out and don't make the trip. No big deal.<br /><br />Ya' look at the web page and see the lake is three ft. high but it's ok...supposed to start droppin' slowly. No big deal.<br /><br />Frost on the windshield the morning ya' leave but yer goin south...where it's warm. No big deal.<br /><br />Half way there, a tire blows and ya' gotta stop and change it. Just in time to cause it's startin' to rain. No big deal.<br /><br />And it continues to rain. And rain. And rain. Upto and including the minute ya' pull into camp. It soaks ya' as ya' unload the gear. OK. We wait till morning to launch the boats. Pop the top on a Longneck and relax. No big deal.<br /><br />Wake up bright and early to the sound of....rain. But the weather man says it's going to quit around noonish. Ok. Breakfast and we launch. No big deal.<br /><br />Load the boats in clearing skies. Ready to launch at ramp a few miles up the road. On the way to the ramp, ya' hear the newsman on the radio say "hey, we got two inches of rain and then some". Lakes High. Gong to get higher. Local ramp is closed. Nuts. Head for the other ramp. Longer but what the heck. Nice boat ride. Launch boats. Buddy forgot keys to his boat. No spare. He leaves for keys. I float around the lake waiting. Stuff a 12oz. in holder. No big deal.<br /><br />On our way to camp via the long route around the lake. Is that rain???? Stuff another 12oz in the holder. Break out the rain gear. No big deal.<br /><br />Arrive at dock at camp. Gee the lake looks high. Better pull in the docks a little. Stuff another 12oz in the holder. Move the dock. No big deal.<br /><br />Raining steady. Ain't wet a line yet. Lets' eat. Stuff another 12oz in the holder. No big deal.<br /><br />Finally sun. Lets' fish. Don't the lake look a little higher?? Well...let's fish anyhow. No big deal.<br /><br />Pound the water unmercifully for four days without a bump. But the 12ozers' are cold. No big deal.<br /><br />Up in the morning, skip breakfast, stuff a 12oz in the holder and head for the move them in. Water is still rising. Move them in. Stuff a 12oz in the holder and throw from the docks. We can pretend anyway. No big deal.<br /><br />Lets' call it a trip and pack up. OK. Waters high enough we can back the trailers down through the yard and load up. Stuff a 12oz and go for it. No big deal.<br /><br />Boats loaded, pack a 12oz. and eat. Pack a 12oz and head for the dock again to do some more pretending. Pack a 12oz. No big deal. Pack another.<br /><br />Sixty miles from home and I look in the mirror just in time to see my buddies boat leave the trailer at sixty. Definate LARGE DEAL. Every body is OK. Boat aint' lookin' so good. Would love to pack a 12oz but the trooper is standing just feet from me. Dang!<br /><br />Got the buddies boat home via rollback. Put in back of the shop. Pack a 12oz. Pack a 12oz. Pack a 12oz. etc...etc...etc.. No big deal.<br /><br />That's a bad fishin' trip....and a true story.  

  • Nov 26, 2003

Re: Good or Bad fishing trip?? Loved the story, OBJ. Call it a good trip right up until the boat hits the highway.<br />jtw  

Here’s the latest on the Celtics’ championship parade, which is scheduled for Friday

Fans celebrate the NBA title at The Greatest Bar.

When will the Celtics’ NBA championship parade be held? Clear your schedules, and plan to take the day off on Friday.

On Tuesday morning, Mayor Michelle Wu’s office confirmed that the parade will be held 11 a.m. Friday, starting in front of TD Garden on Causeway Street, traveling past City Hall Plaza and the Boston Common on Tremont Street, and ending on Boylston Street by the Hynes Convention Center. Read more here.

Police Commissioner Michael Cox reminded residents “there is no public drinking or use of marijuana on the route in any way.” He also said there should be no climbing on mailboxes, light poles, or signs. If fans do not get down from those areas when asked by police, they could be arrested, he said.

Friday is when the temperatures are expected to cool slightly after a hot week forecast in Boston .


Boston blew out the Dallas Mavericks, 106-88, in Game 5 at TD Garden to set off what should be a celebratory week in the region.

Celtics parade in Boston: All the details you need to know

  • Date and time: Friday, June 21 beginning at 11 a.m.
  • Location: The parade route will run from in front of TD Garden on Causeway Street, past City Hall Plaza and the Boston Common on Tremont Street, and end on Boylston Street by the Hynes Convention Center.
  • Forecast: The temperature is expected to be in the mid-80s. Keep up with the latest forecast here .
  • Getting there: Wu urged residents to take public transit on Friday as the MBTA will be increasing service on all transit lines. Parking on certain streets in the West End, Downton, and Back Bay will be closed just after midnight on Friday morning, Wu said.
  • Road closures: Streets along the parade route will be shut down to traffic starting at 9 a.m. Friday morning, Wu said. A list of closed street is available on the city’s website .

What is the route for the Celtics parade?

The parade will run from in front of TD Garden on Causeway Street, past City Hall Plaza and the Boston Common on Tremont Street, and end on Boylston Street by the Hynes Convention Center.

Here’s the full route:

Why does the Celtics parade start in the morning?

Fans can expect the duck boats to begin their slow roll around 11 a.m., the usual start time for the dozen other parades Boston Duck Tours has held between February of 2002 and February 2019 for the Patriots (six), Red Sox (four), Bruins (one), and Celtics (one).

Ed Davis, the former Boston Police Commissioner in the middle of the Title Town parade run that included the Celtics’ 2008 rolling rally, said that a morning start is a hedge against adult-beverage-fueled unruliness.

“From a police perspective, having something in the morning, it’s less likely to have violence associated with it because of alcohol consumption and things like that, so it just makes it a safer time,” said Davis.

How many duck boats does it take?

Cindy Brown, CEO of Boston Duck Tours, said Friday that the company is expecting to deploy anywhere from the high teens to 25 vehicles to transport Celtics players, coaches, staffers, and assorted Green legends through throngs of fans on a route that will wind its way from TD Garden to Hynes Convention Center.

Besides Boston Police officers, State Police, and officers from Boston-adjacent towns will likely be called to duty for the celebration.

The company will run a full schedule-through the day before, and then spend the evening and overnight preparing the duck boats for a parade. That includes taking out the seats on the top deck and installing a platform high enough for the celebrants to be seen over the railing as the convoy slowly moves past the throngs of spectators.

Boston Duck Tours doesn’t get paid for the use of its boats and it doesn’t pay the city or the team to use its boats. The company will have to cancel pre-booked tours on the day of the parade and swallow a day’s worth of revenue that is “far into six figures,” said Brown.

“Obviously the marketing opportunity and the pure joy for our staff to be involved in something so important to the city is worth it,” said Brown.

Michael Silverman can be reached at [email protected] . Katie McInerney can be reached at [email protected] . Follow her @k8tmac . Emma can be reached at [email protected] or on X @_EmmaHealy_ .


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  4. The Boys in the Boat, or How to have George Clooney fail to win an Oscar

  5. The Boat

  6. Book your trip for the Dragon Boat Festival on Ctrip now! Grab tickets and check out special deals


  1. The Boat Trip

    Rejsy morskie z The Boat Trip - najlepsze wakacje na jachcie! Rejsy z The Boat Trip to tydzień niezapomnianych wakacji, zabawy we flocie nawet 40 jednostek i poznawania nowych, entuzjastycznych młodych ludzi. To tydzień spędzony na ekskluzywnym jachcie i niesamowitych imprez w fascynujących sceneriach. Tydzień odkrywania nowych miejsc w ...

  2. The Boat Trip

    The Boat Trip, Warsaw, Poland. 18,691 likes · 36 talking about this. Organizujemy epickie rejsy morskie dla młodych i głodnych wrażeń. • Spędź podróż...

  3. The Boat Trip

    The Boat Trip, Warsaw, Poland. 18,519 likes. The Boat trip is an unforgettable summer yachting and partying experience that is accessible to everyone....

  4. Akademia Skipperów The Boat Trip

    Poszukuję rejsu manewrowo-szkoleniowego dla sterników morskich, którzy chcieliby w niedalekiej przyszłości poprowadzić swój pierwszy rejs po Adriatyku w roli skippera. Rzuciła mi się w oczy oferta firmy The Boat Trip a konkretnie Akademia Skipperów, na której według opisu przekazują całą tą tajemną skipperską wiedzę i ...

  5. Rejs po Majorce i Ibizie z The Boat Trip

    Rejs po Majorce i Ibizie z The Boat Trip. przez Eliza Wydrych 30 sierpnia, 2016. Nigdy wcześniej nie podziwiałam tak bajecznych wschodów i zachodów słońca. Pierwszy raz w życiu oglądałam wschód księżyca - to zdecydowanie było jedno z piękniejszych zjawisk, jakie widziałam. Wszystkim się tu zachwycam i wszystko mnie ciekawi.

  6. The Boat Trip

    The Boat Trip, Warszawa. 18 729 osób lubi to · 38 osób mówi o tym. Organizujemy epickie rejsy morskie dla młodych i głodnych wrażeń. • Spędź podróż życia na jachcie! ⛵

  7. How it works

    The Boat Trip is the modern way of sailing, designed and available for the young people. It is a week of sailing, sightseeing, partying and chilling in the most beautiful places all over the world with a fleet of 10 to 25 modern yachts full of young, energetic people. No sailing experience required - our skippers will take care of you and will ...

  8. The Boat Trip

    View the Menu of The Boat Trip in Warsaw, Poland. Share it with friends or find your next meal. Organizujemy epickie rejsy morskie dla młodych i głodnych wrażeń. • Spędź podróż życia na jachcie! ⛵

  9. Week of parties and sailing on a yacht

    The Boat Trip is a week of sailing in fleet of up to 20 yachts in the most beautiful places all over the world. Only young people, fancy sailing boats, great parties, exploration of amazing locations, sightseeing, sunny weather and cristal clear waters! Wielka Majówka TheBoatTrip 2018!

  10. The Boat Trip

    Rejsy Morskie: Chorwacja, Grecja, Włochy, Czarnogóra, Karaiby, Seszele, Tajlandia. Na 100% Najlepsze Wakacje Na Jachcie. Sprawdź!

  11. About us

    The Boat Trip is a dynamic team of young people full of positive energy, passionate about sailing and active ways of spending time. We operate on the market as a company since 2011 but we organized sea cruises much earlier - for ourselves, for our friends and families. We turned our passion into a way of life.

  12. The Boat Trip (@theboattrip) • Instagram photos and videos

    Majówka '21. Seszele 🏝️. TBT Academy. Turcja 🇹🇷. Wrzesień 🇭🇷. Jońskie 🇬🇷. Show more posts from theboattrip. 8,775 Followers, 1,719 Following, 907 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from The Boat Trip (@theboattrip)

  13. The Boat Trip, a review by Joanna

    The Boat Trip. Heather J. Fitt. 258 pages. Published June 26th, 2023. Bloodhound Books. ⛵️⛵️⛵️⛵️. This was a compulsive suspense thriller about a group of friends & acquaintances who have been commissioned to sail a yacht across the Atlantic from Glasgow to St Lucia, where everything that could go wrong, does go wrong!

  14. The Boat Trip: a totally addictive murder mystery full of twists

    The Boat Trip is an addictive murder mystery that will appeal to fans of readers who enjoyed T.M. Logan's The Holiday, as well as to fo fans of authors like Lisa Jewell and Clare Mackintosh. Read more Report an issue with this product or seller. Previous page. Print length. 254 pages. Language. English.

  15. Customer reviews: The Boat Trip: a totally addictive murder

    Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for The Boat Trip: a totally addictive murder mystery full of twists at Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users.

  16. Whisper Boats, not a photo op

    However these tulip fields photos were not made from the Whisper Boats. Even if you are 6 ft. tall and stand up in the boat, which is OK to do, your camera angle is still low. Your viewpoint is just above the front rows of tulips closest to the canal banks. You can see a bit of the colorful rows fading away in the distance, but you are not ...

  17. "Boat Trip" Review

    After watching the NC-17 version of "The Dreamers", how could I resist the unrated version of the Cuba Gooding classic "Boat Trip?" Long known as a writer, writer/director Mort Nathan will hopefully be kept from directing other garbage similar to this hopelessly unfunny vehicle that has to make one question the Oscar that Gooding received for "Jerry Maguire." Nathan, who has actually written ...

  18. 20% Off

    Book cheap transfers in Thailand. You can book Train, Bus, Ferry, Transfer & Flight Tickets with a discount ! Book now with 20% discount - code "MAYABAY". Discover Phi Phi offers high quality private and shared speedboat & longtail boat tours in Phi Phi!

  19. The Boat Trip

    The Boat Trip is a learning tool for English that builds on the Sea Adventure. The Boat Trip is a visual learning aid with pictures for language sounds and idioms. Updated on. Nov 8, 2023. Educational. Data safety. arrow_forward. Safety starts with understanding how developers collect and share your data. Data privacy and security practices may ...

  20. Whisper boat

    Activities. Relax as you enjoy the peace and quiet typical Dutch landscape around Keukenhof in an electrically-propelled whisper boat. The boat trip takes 45 minutes and will be enriched by an audio tour about the flower bulb region. Tickets. Adults (incl. 65+) €10,00. Children (aged 4-11) €5,00. Children (aged 3 and younger) Free of charge.

  21. 13 Awesome Private Boat Tours in Phuket for an Unforgettable Day on the

    The cost of a private Phuket boat charter can vary depending on the type of boat, trip, and the number of people in your group. Generally, prices start around $500 for closer destinations to $1,500 or more per day and typically charge a flat group fee.

  22. The Perfect Trip

    Re: The Perfect Trip Better than Wayne.That's got to be the classic boaters worst fear.Hope everything works out for him.I guess you guys already had time to change your shorts.<br /><br />Well,my boats rigged and ready for tomorrow.Don't have too high of hopes since the wind will be 20-25 .Just going to shake off some of the cobwebs and see if the wife and I can lose a bait or two.By the way ...

  23. How to cool off in the water in Chicago during the summer heat wave

    3. Take a trip to the beach. One of the best — and easiest — ways to cool off in the summertime is to hop in Lake Michigan. With 26 miles of lakefront access to enjoy, there is no shortage of ...

  24. Duck boat parade: City schedules celebration of Celtics' 18th championship

    Here's the route for the Boston Celtics duck boat parade: The top-seeded Celtics went 64-18 in the regular season, ensuring home-court advantage throughout the playoffs, and dropped only one game ...

  25. Good or Bad fishing trip??

    Can't decide on which one it was.Reasons for Good Trip :) Caught at least one fishGot to test some new flies I had tiedGot to test my new waders and bootsGot outdoors for the dayfound a new spot on the river to fishReasons for Bad trip :( Caught only the one fish all daydrove 2 hours both...

  26. Boston Celtics parade 2024: Celebration tentatively scheduled for Friday

    Cindy Brown, CEO of Boston Duck Tours, said Friday that the company is expecting to deploy anywhere from the high teens to 25 vehicles to transport Celtics players, coaches, staffers, and assorted ...