Oslob Whale Sharks

Join us in this incredible and unique swimming experience with​ Whale sharks

Whale shark watching activity in oslob cebu is undeniably a popular and unique attraction worldwide and yet also controversial. this incredible experience prompts tourists to flock to oslob shores to encounter these gentle giants. whale shark watching tours combined with other popular tours in southern cebu can fill your day with full of fun and fascinating adventures., we have the best whale shark tours, choose your favorite , snorkeling with whale sharks popular.

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Experience the once-in-a-lifetime snorkeling with the largest fish and cold waters of Tumalog falls in one day adventure.

Scuba Diving with Sharks

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Whether you’re an experienced diver or a beginner, scuba diving is excellent opportunity to get up close and personal with whale sharks.

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A full day of adventures from snorkeling to biggest fish, jumping into canyons, and swimming in clear waters of Badian.

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Our scuba diving with whale sharks and canyoneering adventure is the perfect blend of excitement and awe.

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Meet and greet whale sharks in Oslob and snorkel with massive shoals of sardines on the coastline of Panagsama Moalboal.

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Swim with the gentle giants in Oslob and be amazed by the turquoise water and greenery surrounding Kawasan Falls in Badian.

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Swim with the whale sharks in Oslob and relax in the Sumilon island sandbar before the extreme Canyoneering in Badian.

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Recommended day tour when visiting Cebu

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Snorkeling in Moalboal

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Unwind at Sumilon Island Sand bar

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How to Ethically Swim with Whale Sharks in the Philippines

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Ethically Swim with Whale Sharks in the Philippines

Whale sharks are one of the most incredible animals on this planet. Getting close to one of these amazing creatures is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Being dwarfed in the presence of a creature so large is astounding. It is possible to swim with whale sharks ethically in the Philippines with a bit of determination.

Seeing these gentle giants was on my bucket list for a long time. I first saw whale sharks while backpacking in Mozambique. Timon, however, had never seen a whale shark and was excited about getting a chance to swim with them in the Philippines.

We had seen all these amazing shots on Instagram – people swimming inches away from these magical beasts and drone shots from above with seven whale sharks circling a tiny fishing boat.

We were anxious to have the same experience, but we wanted to make sure we did it the ethical way. Many tour operators in the Philippines don’t, so if you’re looking for the best way to swim with whale sharks, read on to learn how!

Content and photographs provided by Yana Kogan and Timon .

Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links. If you make a purchase or booking through one of our links we may earn a small commission (don’t worry, it’s at no extra cost to you).

How to Swim with Whale Sharks in the Philippines

Why you shouldn’t swim with whale sharks in oslob.

There are many options around the world to see whale sharks: Mozambique, Mexico, Maldives, Australia, and the Philippines. When visiting the Philippines , many tourists flock to the town of Oslob in Cebu . The local fishermen found out about 10 years ago that by feeding the whale sharks they could move them so they wouldn’t interfere with fishing.

Tourists got wind that whale sharks were easy to spot in this particular town. After a few years of word of mouth and pictures disseminating on the internet, hundreds flock daily to Oslob for a near-guaranteed chance to see a close-up encounter with a whale shark.

Every day the local boatmen feed the whale sharks so they come up to the surface while tourists swim next to them. Dozens of people surround one whale shark to get that perfect selfie. Obviously feeding wildlife is always a no-no, no matter where you are.

What it is Really Like in Oslob

Swim with Whale Sharks Philippines

The area where the interaction occurs is about the size of a soccer field. There are hundreds of tourists being ushered back and forth to swim with the whale sharks each day. Usually, there are anywhere between three to eights whale sharks and dozens of people in this small area at any given time. With that many people, it’s hard to keep track of what’s going on.

Although touching them is forbidden, with so many tourists and such little space there is bound to have some interaction. Just take a look at all the photos on social media, and you’ll see people touching their skin and fins.

How Does Feeding Affect Whale Sharks

It is unclear how feeding whale sharks will affect them in the long run, but so far there has been a noticeable change in their migratory patterns. Although this may not seem like a huge issue, there is so much that is unknown about whale sharks. This could potentially be detrimental to their survival.

In addition, the whale sharks are more willing to come closer to boats, which has caused them to be injured. There is still a market for whale shark meat and fins, and because they see boats as a food source, they are more likely to get poached.

Also, they are being fed only one type of food and are not getting the variety of nutrients their body needs. Because of their long lifespan, it is unclear how feeding them will affect the species and the sustainability of this practice. Whale sharks are currently listed as an endangered species by the IUCN. So, why risk endangering them any further?

Is it Worth the Photo?

Whale Shark Oslob: Swimming in Sogod Bay

I understand wanting to get a good photo, but the practice of feeding these enormous creatures is not responsible tourism and it is not a sustainable practice.

You, of course, are free to do what you want. Ride elephants, go to unethical animal “sanctuaries”, pet drugged-up tigers, and take selfies with whale sharks in Oslob. But, as a tourist, where you spend your money affects generations to come.

Should You Go to Oslob to swim with Whale Sharks?

Whale Sharks Philippines: Lifetime Experience

Am I saying for everyone to stop going to Oslob? No, that would be detrimental to the people and economy of Oslob. But, there needs to be more education regarding ethical practices for swimming with whale sharks and a solution needs to be in place to make this a more sustainable tourism attraction.

Some options to make swimming with whale sharks more eco-friendly include slowing or stopping the feeding of the sharks. There should be a cap on the number of people that can visit the site daily and the regulations need to be strictly enforced.

A higher price tag to swim with the sharks would limit the number of experts. I’m no expert, but these are easy changes to help Oslob become a more sustainable tourist site.

There are ethical ways to see these magnificent animals while supporting whale shark ecotourism in the Philippines. For more information, check out this  National Geographic Article .

Where to Ethically Swim with Whale Sharks in the Philippines

Whale Shark Diving Philippines in Sogod Bay

There are two places for ethical whale shark encounters in the Philippines. When I arrived, I knew I wouldn’t go to Oslob because of their unsustainable practices. But I heard of a couple of places where you could spot a whale shark ethically and responsibly – Donsol, Luzon, and Sogod Bay, Southern Leyte.

Because of the season and location, we decided to go to Sogod Bay in Southern Leyte.

Sogod Bay, Southern Leyte

Even though is not guaranteed, the chance of seeing a whale shark in Sogod Bay is extremely promising. Due to the ethical practices of local fishermen, eco-friendly education of the tour outfitters by a local NGO  Lamave , and strict sustainable regulations, whale sharks flourish here.

And because it is more remote and less known, there are usually only a handful of people visiting each day! This may not be one of the easiest places to go to, but who said it was going to be easy?

Ethical Guidelines for Whale Shark Encounters

Sogod Bay, Southern Leyte abides by some very strict regulations for their business. Scuba diving is not allowed with whale sharks. No feeding and no touching is permitted, and with small groups, this is strictly enforced.

At the first sighting, you have three hours to spend with and/or look for whale sharks. After that, the boat returns to land. Even if you see one for 10 minutes, then nothing for the rest of the three hours, your experience is over.

However, this is unlikely. Between the months of November and May, many adolescent whale sharks are easy to spot in the area and the juvenile males are extremely curious. On our trip, we swam with one for 45 minutes. It was incredible. He was so curious and kept looking at us and swam back and forth slowly.

In our three hours, we saw four different whale sharks. Let me tell you, seeing them swim by you is an out-of-this-world experience.

Sogod Bay Eco-Friendly Whale Shark Interaction

Swim with Whale Sharks Philippines: Sogod Bay

From Padre Burgos, it is a long boat ride to the inlet where the whale sharks are known to hang out and eat. It takes around two hours. Once you arrive at the small inlet within Sogod Bay, the boat arranges local spotters from the nearby village.

Depending on the company, they typically hire between four to eight spotters. The spotters then use very tiny wooden canoes and paddle around the bay with a mask, looking for the whale sharks. Once they spot one, they raise their paddle to tell the boat where they are.

The boat moves to where the whale shark is heading. People jump in the water with instructions from the guide. They may be gracefully swimming by, or deeper underwater and moving very fast. If you get tired, you can hop onto the tiny canoes and the spotter can paddle closer to the front of the whale shark.

Overall, we were very impressed with the interaction and how hard the spotters were working to make it an incredible experience for us.

It helps to create local jobs by involving local fishermen. Local families benefit from the eco-friendly whale shark tours and follow local guidelines to ensure they maintain a steady business for future generations.

Information on Sogod Bay

How to Get to Eco-Tourism Sites in Sogod Bay:  Most eco-tours leave from the town of Padre Burgos. It is not the easiest to get to, but it’s worth it. Getting to this tiny village will require overland transportation. If not on a very strict budget, you can hire private transport from the ferry terminal or airport. Public transport on the island will take a long time and requires several transfers.

From Manila:  The closest airport is in Tacloban. From here it is a 3.5-hour overland trip to Padre Burgos. It is best to pre-arrange transport with your accommodation.

From Cebu:  There are three or four ferry companies that go from Cebu City to Leyte. They will either arrive in Maasin or Hilongos. Hilongos is a two-hour transport, and Maasin is thirty minutes from Padre Burgos.

From Bohol:  There is a ferry from Ubay that arrives in Bato. It is one and a half hours from Bato to Padre Burgos.

Best Time to Visit Southern Leyte:  The whale shark season is between November and May.

Eco-Friendly Whale Sharks Tours : There are more popping up each year, but we suggest going with Padre Burgos Castle Resort, Peter’s Dive Resort, or our choice: Sogod Bay Scuba Resort.

Scuba Diving in Padre Burgos:  This is an amazing scuba diving destination. It’s not as well known as other locations in the Philippines, but it is becoming more popular each year. The reefs are in amazing condition and divers in the know say this is one of the best places in the Philippines to dive. Some of the best dive sites include Napantao and Limasawa Island (Zach’s Cove and Adrian’s Cove).

Things to Know:  There are no ATMs, so bring all your cash with you.

Donsol, Luzon

We didn’t go to Donsol for our whale shark experience, but we gathered some info (below).

Donsol Eco-Friendly Whale Shark Interaction

While we did not go to Donsol, we have heard from others who have been and we’ve done extensive research. Donsol originally was on par with Sogod Bay – encounters were high and guidelines were stringent.

However, we are hearing different stories today. More often than not, people may have only one encounter during three days of searching for whale sharks. Water visibility is also not known to be as clear as Sogod Bay. In addition to all that, Donsol is more popular than Sogod Bay, which can attract a dozen boats searching for whale sharks.

With all that said, they still do NOT feed the whale sharks. It also is a much more affordable experience than Sogod Bay. We highly recommend Donsol over going to Oslob, which will be a more authentic and eco-friendly experience.

Information on Donsol

Whale Shark Oslob: Massive Tails

How to Get to Eco-Tourism Sites in Donsol:  From Cebu or Manila, fly to Legaspi Airport, take a public van or private van to Donsol – about a 1-hour 30-minute drive. You can take a bus from Manila to Donsol, which takes 11 hours.

Best Time to Visit Donsol:  The whale shark season is between November and May.

Eco-Friendly Whale Sharks Tours : Whale Shark Interaction Center.

Cost for Diving With Whale Sharks:  Registration is 150 PHP per person, and snorkel gear hire is 300 PHP per set. Tour packages cost 3,500 PHP for the entire boat (up to 7 people). This includes half-day boat rental, snorkel gear, spotters, a guide, and a Butanding (whale shark) interaction officer.

Sustainable & Eco-Friendly Guidelines for Swimming with Whale Sharks:

  • Do not block the shark’s path or restrict its movement
  • Do not chase the whale shark
  • Do not touch or ride the whale shark
  • Keep a responsible distance of three meters (nine feet) away from the tail
  • Do not use flash photography
  • Keep noise to a minimum when getting in the water

Whale Shark Facts

Whale Sharks Philippines: Sogod Bay

  • Whale sharks live to be around 80 years old
  • They are filter feeders and their diet consists mostly of plankton, krill, and fish eggs
  • They are migratory creatures that can weigh up to 50,000 pounds (19,000 kg)
  • The largest recorded whale shark was 41 feet long (12 meters), but they are commonly between 15 and 23 feet (5-8 meters) long
  • There is very little knowledge about their reproductive system
  • Whale sharks have about 3,000 tiny teeth
  • Whale sharks move at about 2.3 miles per hour
  • Adult whale sharks have no natural predators
  • Females are larger than male whale sharks

That’s it – we hope you enjoy Your swim with whale sharks in the beautiful country of the Philippines!

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Ethically Swim with Whale Sharks in the Philippines

Yana & Timon met at college in Boston, Massachusetts. After graduating, they started their professional careers. They moved to San Francisco in 2010, a city they loved living in for nearly six years. After working and saving up money for several years, they quit their jobs and set off on an adventure of a lifetime. They started living a nomadic lifestyle in December 2015 and have not looked back since.

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1 thought on “how to ethically swim with whale sharks in the philippines”.

whale shark tours philippines

Hello! Thanks for this information. Me and my German husband to be plan to have a wedding in Palawan in February, and he mentioned he wanted to swim with whale sharks. I’m Filipina so I want to make this as my gift for him. I do understand and agree about ethical practices with our wildlife and plan to follow your advice. This was very good to know before ending up in Oslob. I guess we will be going to Leyte. Many blessings to you!

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Whale Shark Philippines | Why Choose Donsol Over Oslob

by Leslie | Jan 20, 2021 | Blog | 5 comments

Looking for the best place to swim with the whale sharks? Then, come visit Donsol, Philippines! Dubbed as the “ Whale Shark Capital of the World ”, Donsol is the perfect place to meet these massive gentle-moving creatures.

While its rival destination Oslob appears to be the more popular, the more instagrammable, or a better “hit” in whale shark tourism, there are many aspects that make Oslob undeserving of this attention. If you are a wildlife enthusiast, then, going to Oslob is never a good idea. We will tell you why.

On this blog, we highlighted insightful information that can help future travelers get a heads up about what to expect in both destinations. This way, you’ll have an informed decision as to why it’s more likely that you will go for Donsol in Sorsogon.

Whale Shark Philippines: Butanding

The local name for whale shark is “Butanding”. They are described to be slow-moving “gentle giants” that allow humans to swim along with them.

Butanding are migratory species that temporarily stay in coastal areas where there is a high density of planktons which is their main food. Thankfully , the Philippines hosts an ideal ecosystem that attracts whale shark visitation.

Whale shark in the Philippines

A photo of a whale shark locally known as Butanding | Photo by Mark Lehmkuhler | License CC BY-ND 2.0

To learn more interesting facts about the Butanding and other endemic wildlife in the Philippines (e.g. tarsier, tamaraw, etc), you may check out this blog .

Donsol, Philippines: The Best Place for Animal Encounter

In 2004,  Time Magazine recognized Donsol as the “ Best Place for Animal Encounter ” thus, making it one of the most successful and applauded ecotourism sites not only in the Philippines but of the world.  Through time,  this humble town has become a magnet not only for the whale sharks but also for conservationists, environmental advocates, wildlife enthusiasts, ecotourists and the like.

Thus, if you’re looking for an unforgettable, guilt-free and ecological animal encounter, then Donsol, Sorsogon is the place to be.

How the Whale Shark Activity at Donsol Started

Donsol started to gain attention when a large concentration of whale sharks were spotted in 1998.

In that year, a group of divers led by David Duran noted frequent sightings of whale sharks in the area. This peculiar incident attracted the attention of a group of American scientists and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) which was also conducting a marine study in the Visayas at that time.

After a preliminary investigation was conducted during the first quarter of 1998, marine biologists were convinced that Donsol could possibly host the highest concentration of whale sharks in the world.

Capitalizing on this potential, WWF together with the local community developed whale shark conservation in the area and later on organized a community-based ecotourism program.

Then, on March 9, 1998, by virtue of Municipal Ordinance No.12, Donsol became the first and only municipal whale shark sanctuary in the Philippines.

In June 1998 the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) approved a 6-month grant to further improve the Butanding Ecotourism Development Project at Donsol. | Source: wwf.org.ph

The Success Story of Donsol, Philippines

Donsol is a laid-back coastal village located in the northwestern part of Sorsogon in Bicol region. It has close proximity to Albay which is the home of the world-renowned Mayon Volcano (could be the perfect side trip to your whale shark tour).

whale shark tours philippines

Guests’ registration at Donsol Tourism Office

2) All guests are required to attend a 10-15 minutes orientation about the do’s and don’ts of responsible whale shark interaction

The following details are emphasized:

  • A carrying capacity of 7 pax per boat is strictly observed. There is also a limit of 25 boats per day to avoid overcrowding
  • Each group will be accompanied by local crews including 1 boatman, 1 whale shark spotter and 1 to 2 Butanding Interaction Officer (BIO). BIOs are trained local guides and expert swimmers that act as facilitators of the whale shark activity
  • Don’t touch or feed the whale shark
  • Don’t restrict the movement of the whale shark
  • Ideally, a 3-meter distance between humans and whale shark must be observed
  • Flash photography is not allowed
  • No SCUBA, scooters or jetski are allowed
  • Interaction boats must not have propeller guards to minimize potential injury to the whale shark. The boat’s engine shall also be turned off as you approach the whale shark. In this case, your reliable BIOs will then guide you to swim a short distance towards the whale shark.

whale shark tours philippines

Guests attending the brief orientation at Donsol

3) After the orientation, guests will be ushered to the boat and will be provided with a life vest. Flippers and snorkeling equipment can also be rented at a nearby local shop

4) Meet the local boat crew

Each group is accompanied by local crews including 1 boatman, 1 whale shark spotter and 1 to 2 Butanding Interaction Officer/s (BIO). BIOs are trained local guides and expert swimmers that act as facilitators of the whale shark activity. They are  dedicated local guides with great stories to tell – you’ll many interesting facts and trivia about the whale shark.

Upon boarding the boat, the BIO will introduce himself and the rest of the boat crew. He will also orient you on the proper way to plunge into the water to avoid shocking the whale shark.

butanding interaction officer at Donsol, Sorsogon

The Butanding Interaction Officer (BIO) showing us the proper way of jumping to the water

5) Off you go to meet the gentle giants

Together with your team of reliable boat crew, you are on your greatest adventure of finding the whale sharks in the wild – done the natural way with no feeding involved. The whale shark expedition adds up to the overall excitement of finally meeting the gentle giants.

whale shark tours philippines

Happy tourists waiting for another round of whale shark interaction

At Donsol, whale sharks are not exploited. Tourism activity is regulated. The carrying capacity is observed. Ecotourism guidelines are strictly implemented. Locals act as protectors of the environment. Tourism activity complements the conservation of Butanding.

At the end of the day, you will have peace of mind knowing that you were able to tick-off an amazing wildlife encounter and did the right and eco-friendly way.

Whale Shark Season Philippines: Best Time to Swim with Whale Sharks

According to the Department of Tourism of Bicol, the whale shark season is generally between April to May. Sometimes, it can extend until June and can begin as early as January.

Keeping in mind that whale sharks at Donsol are freely living in the wild, their frequency may vary. But in general, locals say that an average of 1-5 whale sharks can be seen when you come during the whale shark season.

Donsol Vs. Oslob: Why Donsol is a Better than Oslob, Cebu

For people Googling for whale sharks in the Philippines, you probably have encountered the place called Oslob, Cebu – the most photographed, most controversial and most disrespectful whale shark watching attraction in the Philippines.

Like what most blogs and ads would show, Oslob guarantees good sightings of whale sharks all year-round. You can swim and take excellent selfies with the whale shark, in a convenient and impulsive manner. However, what most published photos are unable to capture is the UNETHICAL conduct of animal encounter that is operated here:

1) Oslob continues to violate the “No Feeding of Wildlife” principle.

Boatmen continuously feed the whale sharks from 5:00 AM to 12:00 NN or until there are paid tourists who want to see the whale sharks. By doing so, whale sharks stay near the shore which guarantees up-close encounters that you see on beautifully photographed pictures all over the internet.

What people neglect to realize is that this feeding activity alters the natural behavior of the whale shark – it affects the wildlife’s movement and diet. While they are supposed to be “migratory” in search of food and breeding purposes, w hale sharks at Oslob never leave the area because the feeding continues.

whale shark tours philippines

Thank you for your amazing article on swimming with whale sharks in the Philippines. I cannot highlight enough not to experience this in Oslob as Donsol surely provides the more unique and authentic experience while respecting those giants space. Oslob was a quite disturbing experience , therefore I really would like to swim with the giants again, ideally in Donsol.


Thanks for your kind comment Mandy! Supporting better places certainly makes a difference. Hopefully, more travelers like you will have an informed decision on where to go 🙂

Jem Baldemoro

Congratulations and thank you for promoting one of the tourism highlights in Bicol. I’ve been to Donsol for several times and had an encounter with the whalesharks (butanding).Really an amazing experience! ❤❤❤In donsol, aside from the butanding you can go for a river cruising at night to see/watch the fireflies covering the trees alongside the river which you can not experience in Oslob.

Thank you Dr. Jem! 🙂 Indeed true, the firefly watching activity in Donsol is a lovely experience! Another must-see and must-do activity in Donsol, Sorsogon.


This blog are highly informative. I’m planning to see the whale sharks of Donsol next year. The whale sharks watching at Oslob Cebu pose a threat not only to these gentle giants but to people as well. They’re still continue feeding the whale sharks with dead krills or (alamang) by throwing them into the water just to make them stay for tourist interactions. I’ve been there and experienced it. Infact, I’ve accidentally touched one of them whale sharks because of over crowding of tourists in the water. To make it short, the whale sharks interaction is unnatural, alarming, unsafe for wildlife and people.

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Exciting & Sustainable Whale Shark Tours in Southern Leyte by Peter’s Dive Resort

whale shark tours philippines

With nearly 2,000 whale sharks ( Rhincodon typus ), the Philippines is home to the world’s second-largest population of the ocean’s biggest fish. The tropical archipelago is one of the best places in the world to swim with whale sharks — locally called butanding in Tagalog — in the wild. Growing to lengths of up to 18 meters long, they are magnificent but docile leviathans that feed on shrimp, zooplankton and small fish.

Whale Shark Tourism in the Philippines

Whale shark tourism in the country started in Donsol, Sorsogon in 1998, followed by the controversial and overcrowded tours in Oslob, Cebu in 2011, where the sharks are baited with uyap (small shrimp) to keep them around longer for days or weeks in a specific area for the amusement of up to 2,000 tourists everyday.

While the popular activity has benefited the local economy in Oslob, the feeding of whale sharks is an unsustainable practice that disrupts the feeding and migratory behaviors of the animal, and conditions them to approach boats for food, hence increasing the risk of sea vessel collisions, resulting in injury or death. (Read WWF-Philippines’ statement on Oslob whale shark interactions here .)

Donsol tours are a far better option than Oslob. However, while there’s no feeding happening here, some visitors have complained about overcrowding and poor enforcement of the interaction rules among guests.

whale shark tours philippines

Sustainable Whale Shark Tours of Sogod Bay

A third option – which in my opinion is the best place to swim with whale sharks in the Philippines – is Sogod Bay, Southern Leyte . Peter’s Dive Resort , one of only a handful of dive operators in the bay area, offers sustainable snorkeling tours with whale sharks or tiki-tiki in the local tongue. Between November and April, whale sharks congregate to feed on plankton off the coast of Pintuyan and San Ricardo on Panaon Island in Southern Leyte.

The tour is a whole-day activity, because the whale sharks are found on the other side of the bay and the boat has to search for them freely cruising around the bay. From the resort, it takes at least 90 minutes to reach Barangay Son-ok , Pintuyan, across Sogod Bay, where the tour boat meets several local spotters on bangkas (outrigger canoes), which are then tied to the boat. A lead spotter also boards the tour boat, before continuing to the southernmost tip of Panaon Island.

whale shark tours philippines

Aside from the pandemic lockdowns, the area was devastated by Supertyphoon Odette (Rai) in 2021 and greatly benefits from tourism without exploiting the animals and disregarding their welfare. The tours directly support remote communities by paying environmental fees to the municipal government of Pintuyan, and hiring local fishermen to spot the sharks and assist guests on their bangkas while snorkeling.

Before the search begins, a resort staff member onboard briefs all the guests on the whale shark interaction guidelines (see below). During our tour last weekend with 14 foreign guests, our big boat — accompanied by seven spotters on small bangkas — scoured up and down next to the coastline of San Ricardo near Benit Port, where whale sharks have regularly appeared for the past months.

Unfortunately, after more than three hours of searching – and silently praying – not even a shadow or fin of a whale shark appeared! We had to eventually bring back the spotters to Son-ok, and start our return trip back to the resort. After stopping by Son-ok, our boat slowly traveled northward, staying close to the coastline.

Just before we traversed Sogod Bay, the crew of a dive speedboat, anchored off the coast of Barangay Catbawan , signaled to our passing boat to come over. Just when we thought all hope was lost, we finally hit the jackpot!

Three juvenile whale sharks, measuring around four meters in length, were actively feeding in the area, circling near the surface with their mouth wide open to gulp in plankton-rich water. From a distance, we could see their heads, dorsal fin, and tail break the surface with their distinctive skin pattern of starry dots.

whale shark tours philippines

Surprised by the totally unexpected appearance of the whale sharks towards the end of the tour, everyone onboard was scrambling to get back into their wetsuits and wear their masks and fins. At the signal of the crew, all 15 guests were in the water in a matter of minutes, finning towards the whale shark.

Only a handful of us could keep up with the sharks, as they were constantly swimming around in large circles, filtering the water through their mouths. Teeming with zooplankton, the water was somewhat turbid but the sun was out and illuminated the area in gorgeous shades of blue.

Fortunately, the boat crew were helpful at pointing out the exact locations of the animals and the direction they were headed, so we could anticipate their movement. Without the assistance of the spotters on bangkas , it was challenging to keep up with the sharks.

Nonetheless, the last-minute appearance made our unexpected encounter all the more thrilling and rewarding – after hours of waiting and searching in vain. Everyone returned to the boat with the biggest smiles on our faces, letting out a whistle or hoot of joy as our tour boat departed Catbawan for the journey back to Padre Burgos.

How to Get There

Peter’s Dive Resort is located at Barangay Lungsodaan, Padre Burgos, Southern Leyte – a three-hour drive from Tacloban Airport, which serves regular flights from Manila and Cebu.

Alternatively, from Cebu City, you can take a ro-ro ferry or fastcraft to any of the ports along the southwestern coast of Leyte island (ie. from north to south, Ormoc, Baybay, Hilongos, Bato or Maasin), then travel southwards by bus or van to Padre Burgos. (Tip: Cebu-Ormoc route has fastcraft options, while Hilongos has daily ro-ro ferry trips).

I took a Roble Shipping ferry (₱680 for tourist class, 6-7 hours), which departed Cebu City at 9pm and arrived at Hilongos Port at 4am. While onboard, one can purchase bus transfer tickets to other places on Leyte island. I bought a bus ticket for Maasin City Terminal (₱150, 1 hour), where I transferred to a Sogod-bound van (₱100, 45 minutes), which dropped me off at Peter’s Dive Resort in Padre Burgos.

Check out the Facebook pages of the ferry companies for the latest schedule:

  • Roble Shipping (Cebu-Hilongos) – Ro-ro ferry, 6 hours
  • KHO Shipping Lines (Cebu-Maasin)* – Ro-ro ferry, 6 hours
  • OceanJet & SuperCat (Cebu-Ormoc) – Fastcraft, 3 hours

*Unreliable schedule

whale shark tours philippines

Where to Stay

Peter’s Dive Resort offers an assortment of rooms, starting at ₱400 ($7.25) for a fan-cooled dorm bed or ₱1,440 ($26) for a private economy room. Find discounted rates and check room availability here!

Whale Shark Tour Rates

Whole-day whale shark tours at Peter’s Dive Resort is ₱3,750 ($68) with own equipment, or ₱4,000 ($73) with rental equipment. Whale shark season runs from November to April. For inquiries, contact [email protected] or +63 917 7910993.

whale shark tours philippines

Tour Reminders

  • Bring your own lunch, or pre-order from Peter’s Dive Resort.
  • Wear a rashguard or wetsuit to protect yourself from jellyfish stings.
  • Use only reef-friendly sunblock.
  • When snorkeling, listen to the crew or spotters to know the positions of the whale sharks in the water. Chasing them around can quickly exhaust you.

Location Map

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Where To See Whale Sharks Ethically In The Philippines

Last Updated on March 16, 2024

whale shark tours philippines

Picture this: You’ve dreamed of swimming with the world’s largest fish for ages and ages and after months of planning the seemingly perfect excursion, you arrive at the beach with hundreds of others in neon orange life jackets prepared for the same adventure. It’s crowded. You realize the whale sharks are mistreated and exploited and although you paid for the experience of a lifetime, you’ve realized that maybe it’s not all it’s cracked up to be even though it’s what EVERYONE raves about when they visit the Philippines.

Now, picture this: You arrive at the beach with a handful of travelers joining the tour (less than six), your boat captain, and a few local guides from the small village nearby. You’re cooked a FRESH, traditional Filippino lunch made by the wives of the whale shark spotters. You munch on, quite possibly, the greatest pineapple on the planet while overlooking an expansive, empty bay anxiously anticipating your first whale shark experience. At last, one of the spotters finds the first one, brings you on his paddleboat, and takes you out to experience the solitude of the open bay along with one of the most magical creatures in the ocean. Bucket list-worthy. Am I right?!

Which sounds more appealing? Have I piqued your interest in option number two?

When I was planning my trip to The Philippines, I wanted to make sure that I was traveling sustainably. I toyed around with the idea of just going to the Oslob whale shark tours because it was convenient and whale shark sightings were basically guaranteed and it had fit in with my itinerary , but honestly, I couldn’t make the leap to go on that tour being aware of everything that I was supporting: unethical animal encounters and animal exploitation.

Chances are, if you’ve come across this post, you are in one of two boats:

BOAT 1 | You had no idea that Oslob was unethical. You had planned on visiting Cebu island and believe the tour is convenient but now having second thoughts after hearing about how unethical the tour is.

BOAT 2 | You are committed to making an ethical choice in your whale shark tour but aren’t sure what your options are.

No matter which boat you find yourself in, this blog post is going to give you the low-down on everything regarding seeing whale sharks in the Philippines and where the best place to see them ethically is. Let’s dive in, shall we?!

This post may contain affiliate links for the products or services I mentioned, but as always, all opinions are my own. I make a small commission, at no extra cost to you, when you make a purchase or booking through these links. This helps to support this space and keep me blogging, which I am so extremely thankful for.

Is it possible to swim with whale sharks ethically in The Philippines?

Depending on who you ask, this question can be answered with either a “ hell yeah! ” or a “ hell no “. While there are people that believe any and all animal encounters around the world are unethical, I am not one of those people. I believe that with the right intentions, practices, and environment, you can coexist with amazing animals, like whale sharks, without causing any harm. Psst! Swimming (ethically) with whale sharks is one of my many great travel tips for the Philippines , so make sure you brush up on those for a perfect trip to the Philippines!

When I was looking at whale shark tours in the Philippines, I had a lot of trouble finding a tour that was ethical.

I began with Oslob, on Cebu Island, and immediately ruled that out because it’s quite possibly one of the most unethical animal experiences I’ve come across (for reasons I’ll discuss in this blog post). Next, I researched Donsol, which led me to another dead end (I’ll discuss why down below). After I crossed those two spots off my list, it left me thinking, “ Where can I go to see whale sharks ethically in the Philippines? “. Then it happened. The shimmering gates of heaven opened before my computer and I discovered a very special, low-on-the-travel-radar region in the Philippines known as Leyte/Southern Leyte where you can swim with whale sharks without the crowds, harm, and that ‘ yuck, touristy ‘ feel.

After hours and hours, I had found the exact thing that I thought didn’t exist! So if you’re looking to swim with whale sharks, Southern Leyte is the best place to do it ethically. Why? Let’s talk about it!

How Whale Shark Tourism Began in The Philippines

Believe it or not, there is some controversy to the whole “ Oslob is unethical ” statement.

When I was still exploring around Cebu, I had met someone that organizes international tours, to make a long story short. He asked me about seeing the whale sharks in Oslob, and after expressing my thoughts on the ethical side of the matter, he told me that this form of tourism is actually good for the sharks? Why?

It all starts with how whale shark tourism began in the Philippines, so let’s go back and explore how this all came to fruition.

The Philippines is a third-world country and there aren’t any if, an’s, or but’s about it. The villagers here do what they need to in order to survive, and at one point, this meant killing the whale sharks in Oslob as a form of food and money for the village, the man in Cebu explained to me. People will argue that this makes the Oslob tours just, but that’s not particularly true. Whale Sharks in the Philippines have been a protected species, by law, since 1998. In addition to that, whale shark tourism wasn’t established in the Philippines until around 2011, so for a little over a decade, the villagers were making money from fishing, not whale shark exploitation.

So, even though it does provide the villagers with a living, this doesn’t mean that the unethical side of their practices can be swept under the rug. Whale shark tourism in Oslob is about money, money, and more money. None of the profits from the tours are reinvested for whale shark conservation or preservation, so they’re only used for monetary benefit. There are many other places to see whale sharks in an ethical environment, so promoting this malpractice is so far beyond unnecessary. I believe most people choose this tour out of convenience since traveling to other regions would be a “hassle”. However, this is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, after all, isn’t it? Wouldn’t you go a bit further to make sure you’re supporting something good?

One of my favorite quotes by L.N. Smith describes this situation perfectly,

“Every dollar you spend . . . or don’t spend . . . is a vote you cast for the world you want.”

What world do YOU want?

Why Oslob isn’t the ethical option

+ why you shouldn’t go.

First things first, I know you’re going to be tempted to go anyway because you’re thinking, “ is it really that bad? “. Before you second guess yourself like I almost did, yes, it is. I follow many photographers and creators that have said that they ‘ wanted to see it for themselves ‘ to see if the tour was as bad as everyone said it is only to find out that, in fact, it is just as bad as everyone says it is while still posting their “bucket list” photos for their Instagram page. It’s very difficult to go through with these whale shark tours and feel good after leaving them. So please, trust me, the marine biologists stationed in the Philippines, and all the other sustainable travel bloggers that don’t recommend these tours.

There isn’t one exact reason why Oslob and Donsol are so unethical, so I want to break down everything you need to know before you decide to book a tour at either of these two locations and why you should go somewhere else instead. First things first, take a look at the reviews of the Oslob whale shark tours and the Donsol whale shark tours , specifically the negative ones (selected in the link). This is what really goes on during these tours that all those “picture-perfect photos” don’t tell you.

“Alright, alright, alright. Aaren, we get it, so what makes Donsol and Oslob so unethical?” 

So rather than I explain the nitty-gritty details in an extremely subpar way, I want to let the experts tell you . There is so much good research compressed into that blog post linked and I think that it gives much better detail than I could describe. Plus, I don’t want to simply regurgitate the same information as every other post about whale sharks in the Philippines, so I’ll let the experts handle it!

Is it possible to swim with whale sharks ethically in the Philippines? Absolutely. By avoiding Oslob and Donsol, I found an absolute gem of a tour nestled in the eastern islands. THIS is the best place to see whale sharks ethically in the Philippines and here is why you should avoid Oslob and Donsol. #philippines #whalesharks #philippinestravel

So, What Makes Southern Leyte So Much Better?

What makes it better + different, no crowds (i’m talking none).

I’m talking ZE-RO crowds. The tour that I tagged along on caps at ten people, but there were only four travelers total on my boat. It was myself, three other travelers, our boat captain, a handful of spotters, and a marine biologist! We had the entire bay to ourselves in the heart of high season! This was amazing because you didn’t have to squeeze past people to get a good view of the sharks and it felt 1000% more authentic to experience it with only a couple of people.

The Tour Supports Locals In Remote Regions

The spotters on our boats were locals from the village right off of Sogod Bay. This region of the Philippines doesn’t expect much tourism, so by taking this tour, you’re helping the spotters and their families. The wives of the spotters made us a fresh, traditional Filippino lunch that was probably the best meal that I had on my entire trip! If you’re focused on practicing sustainable travel, then this is the perfect tour to give back to the local communities in Leyte.

Marine Biologist On Board

Our marine biologist, Scarlet, had been living in one of the villages nearby documenting the whale sharks in Sogod Bay, and it was refreshing to have her on board to answer any questions that we had about whale sharks, the ocean, and conservation in general. One of the things that I enjoyed most about having her on board was that she was an INCREDIBLE freediver. I’ve always wanted to learn how to free dive and seeing her cut through the water so seamlessly all the way down to the sand BLEW. MY. MIND. It put in perspective just how massive these gentle giants are!

Raw, Natural Experience

This experience is a memory that I am going to remember for the rest of my life because of the atmosphere and quality of this tour. We ended up seeing five different whale sharks that day and were able to follow them and have long interactions with them before they swam off into the deep blues. At one point one of the tours, the spotters had picked me up from my spot and took me directly to one of the sharks (this guy was slicing through the water so fast with his paddle it was nuts) and whenever he told me to jump, I looked around and didn’t see anything.. come to my surprise it was right below us! I hopped out and came up close and personal (while still being the proper distance away). This was probably the most memorable part of my trip, hanging onto the back of boat being dropped off by one of the coolest creatures in the ocean. You can’t get an experience like this in Oslob or Donsol!

I don’t think my smile ever faded this entire boat ride. We were secluded in this beautiful, tropical bay, feasting on delicious food, and just being with nature. It was incredible.

Whale Shark Tour Options In Southern Leyte, Philippines

Padre burgos resort , *the best whale shark tour in the philippines*.

whale shark tours philippines

Price | inquire

Address | tangkaan ,  padre burgos, southern leyte province 6602,  philippines, contact | [email protected], reviews | trip advisor, peter’s dive resort.

whale shark tours philippines

Address | Peter’s Dive Resort PO Box 007, Maasin City 6600, Southern Leyte, Philippines

whale shark tours philippines

Price | 3500 PHP

Address |  candatag, malitbog, southern leyte, philippines 6603, my whale shark tour experience with padre burgos, philippines.

So, my trip to the Philippines was booked really last minute… Like a few months prior last minute. I booked my flights in January or February and headed out in March. Since I booked everything so late and I happened to be traveling to the Philippines during Holy Week, all the spots were booked up at Padre Burgos Castle Resort, the resort I booked my whale shark tour with so I ended up staying at Southern Leyte Dive Resort that was only a couple of minutes up the road.

Actually getting to my accommodation was a bit of a trip. I booked a flight from Dumaguete to Tacloban and then I scheduled a private transfer to my stay. Since this region of the Philippines is still developing in terms of tourism, there isn’t really any local transport that would be comfortable enough to make the drive from Tacloban City to Padre Burgos/Sogod Bay, so you’ll have to take a taxi, hire a driver, or take a bus to Massin City and then find transport to Padre Burgos. It’s not at all like Cebu or Dumaguete where a tricycle or habal-habal is seconds away. Plus, I would not want to drive three hours crouched in a tricycle or on a scooter. Talk about sore buttcheeks, am I right?!

The private transfer ended up being around 3500 PHP and then plus a little more I think since it was Holy Week. I was posted up in the backseat and ended up sleeping the entire way to the resort. I was exhausted after the previous week traveling and so it was much needed. I took a shower, went to bed, and woke up extra early to make my whale shark tour.

I had a slight issue getting to the resort since I didn’t have any signal to contact the driver that was coming to get me, but he eventually found me on the side of the road outside my resort, and we headed fifteen minutes to Padre Burgos Castle Resort. When I arrived, I was fitted for my snorkel and fins while they gathered the spotters and other travelers going on the tour. The four of us boarded the ship with the captain and we headed out into the bay. I think the ride into the bay was around forty-ish minutes if I remembering right. We were the only boat in the entire bay, so we were able to take in all the views over coffee and some notable breakfast cookies.

Once we arrived at the bay, we picked up, Scarlet, the marine biologist that was staying in a neighboring village, and we began the anticipated wait for the spotters to find the sharks. The thing about these tours is that whale sharks are never guaranteed, but we ended up seeing FIVE different sharks this morning! It took a minute for the spotters to locate them, but one after the other, they kept appearing and we would all hop back into the water to follow the sharks. Our boat sort of cruised around and once the sharks were spotted, we were taken a bit of a distance away with the big boat and then paddled in by the spotters to make sure the boats motor/sound-level didn’t disrupt the sharks. Every bit of it was 100% authentic, amazing, and downright surreal. I couldn’t believe that so many people saw whale sharks in the Philippines in Donsol or Oslob when this magical tour existed. The entire morning truly felt like some sort of dream!

After the five different whale shark interactions, we had one of the most memorable lunches from my trip. The boat hands had brought in a local lunch made by their wives from the nearby village and it was probably the great pineapple and noodles I’ve had in my entire life. Trust me, that’s a HUGE statement to make but I honestly couldn’t believe it. If you take this tour and luck out with no whale sharks, the lunch alone is worth the entire trip out here!

After lunch, we made our journey back to Padre Burgos. It began to rain a bit on our way back, so we all ended up wrapping up ourselves in towels since the rain and wind combo made the weather go from beautiful to frigid in about twenty minutes. Gotta love that island weather!

We boarded back at the resort, said our goodbyes, and went on our ways! I am still connected with one of the ladies that was on the whale shark tour with me! You’ll make lifelong bonds on a tour like this and I cannot say that Oslob or Donsol would do the same. You won’t regret taking this tour.

How To Get To Southern Leyte

No matter where you depart to get to Southern Leyte, there’s going to be a different mix of transportation options you can take based on your budget and how much time you have. It’s a bit of a journey to get here, but don’t let that discourage you from pursuing the tour! I was extremely hesitant since it was out of the way compared to the other stops on my itinerary, but the reward is more than worth the journey! I will say, though, that this part of the Philippines is pretty remote, so transportation options haven’t expanded much since it’s a low-traffic region. So, it’s a little difficult to get there, BUT you’ll have basically everywhere all to yourself!

Browse All Routes + Book Via Rome2Rio

Cebu (city) to southern leyte, via plane + transfer (10+ hours).

There’s a large chance that if you’re coming from any other island in the Southern Visayas, you’re going to have to fly through Cebu to get to Tacloban City since there are very limited options when it comes to direct flights. You’re going to fly out of the Cebu-Mactan Airport directly to Tacloban City and then book a private transfer to your resort. Alternatively, you can board a bus due for Maasin City, then find local transport from Maasin City to Padre Burgos. The bus ride is a little longer, but cheaper if you don’t have the means for a private transfer.

Via Ferry + Transfer (8 Hours)

This ferry route isn’t as bad as the one that I mentioned above since it does save you a little bit of time for the journey. From Cebu City you can board a ferry headed for Ormoc which takes around two hours and then after you land, find public transport to Maasin City with another transfer to Padre Burgos or you can get a direct route to Padre Burgos from Ormoc. I don’t think that there is any guarantee that the ferry is only going to be two hours, so proceed this route with caution and a bit of extra time in case things get delayed.

Siargao (+ other islands in the Visayas) To Southern Leyte

Via plane(s) + transfer (9+ hours).

To get to Padre Burgos, Southern Leyte from Siargao and other islands in the Southern Visayas (think Bohol, Romblon, Palawan, Dumaguete), it’s basically the same as the “plane + transfer” from Cebu, except you’ll be booking an additional flight from the island you’re on to Cebu and then onto Tacloban. So it’ll look a little like this, IAO > CEB > TAC > Private Transfer/Bus .

Where To Stay In Southern Leyte

The best place to stay in Southern Leyte is at the dive resort where you booked your whale shark tour. Ironically, I wasn’t able to stay at Padre Burgos Castle Resort because all the rooms were booked when I went to find a place to stay (kudos to myself for trying to book last-minute lol), so I ended up staying at the Leyte Dive Resort and really enjoyed my stay. If you can’t find a room at the resort where your whale shark tour is operating out of, check the other diving resorts in the area and see what is available.

I didn’t rent a scooter while I was in this region, so I paid a small fee to have one of the resort employees from Padre Burgos pick me up via scooter which made the whole not-staying-at-the-dive-resort thing a lot easier.


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Do you love ethical animal encounters? Share with me your favorite experience below in the comments!

Did you enjoy this post on whale sharks in the Philippines? Save it for later on Pinterest!

Is it possible to swim with whale sharks ethically in the Philippines? Absolutely. By avoiding Oslob and Donsol, I found an absolute gem of a tour nestled in the eastern islands. THIS is the best place to see whale sharks ethically in the Philippines and here is why you should avoid Oslob and Donsol. #philippines #whalesharks #philippinestravel

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4 comments on “ Where To See Whale Sharks Ethically In The Philippines ”

Hi! Thanks for your post! Did you reserve your whale shark excursion in advance? Do you know id they do the whale shark excursion everyday? In the same idea, did you reserve your transportation from Tacloban to Padre Burgos in advance? If so, how did you manage to do it? Any specific website?

Yes I contacted them in advance about the day I wanted to go on the tour. I think they have tours as long as there are enough people, so they probably plan around that. I recommend contacting them and trying to join a day where there are already people booked. As for the driver, I was able to reserve one in advance through the dive resort I stayed at. I wasn’t able to stay at Padre Burgos because it was sold out when I went to book, but they picked me up from where I stayed. I looked on their site and it looks like you can arrange an airport transfer through Padre Burgos, which is what I recommend (:

I hope that helps, Aaren

Wow amazing whale shark tours in Philippines.

It is incredible, isn’t it?! Did you get a chance to go on it? (:

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Puerto Princesa Whale Shark Watching Shared Tour with Lunch & Transfers

whale shark tours philippines


Embark on an unforgettable adventure of whale shark-watching in Puerto Princesa with this shared day tour. With the expertise of a tour guide and safety officer, you will be able to enjoy a worry-free experience. This package includes accommodation pick-up and drop-off within Puerto Princesa Town Proper (excluding Daluyon Resort, Astoria Palawan, and Sheraton), complimentary lunch, and shared boat transfers. Please note that additional activities, tips, and gratuities are not yet included in this package.

Wake up early for an exciting day ahead! At 6 AM, the designated driver will pick you up from your hotel in Puerto Princesa Town Proper.  Get ready for an incredible experience as you sign up for the boat manifest at 6:30 AM.

At 7 AM, you will begin your journey toward the whale shark-watching spot. The boat ride itself is a wonderful opportunity to enjoy the breathtaking views of the surrounding waters and landscapes. While there is no guarantee for whale shark sightings, your guide will do their best to bring you to their known habitats. Remember, these majestic creatures are migratory, and encounters with them cannot be guaranteed.

Upon reaching the whaleshark spot, get ready to dive into the clear waters and experience swimming alongside these gentle giants. It's a surreal moment, and your guide and safety officer will make sure you’re safe and comfortable throughout the tour. Remember to follow all their instructions and guidelines and refrain from disturbing these majestic creatures.

After an incredible morning with the whale sharks, you’ll head back to the boat and enjoy a delicious lunch. Have a great complimentary lunch while sharing stories and memories of the encounter.

At 1 PM, you’ll begin your return journey back to the port area, giving you more time to enjoy the other wonders of Palawan .

Get ready for an unforgettable whale shark-watching experience with this Puerto Princesa shared day tour. Check the availability by choosing a date.

DISCLAIMER: Seeing whale sharks during this tour is NOT GUARANTEED. Whale sharks are migratory animals, and even during the whale shark season, there is a possibility that you may not encounter one during your tour.


Entrance to the Underground River of Puerto Princesa Palawan

What to bring

Good to know.

This is a shared but upgradeable to private tour. Puerto Princesa Environmental Fee is not included and will be paid onsite under guests' own account.

Children Friendly: Yes! Children are allowed to join the tour with parental supervision.

Pet Friendly: No. Please understand that this is for your fur baby's safety.

Senior Citizen/PWD Friendly: Yes as long as they are physically fit to join.

Pick up Time is 6:00AM within Puerto Prinesa Town Proper only. Additional charges will incur for guests staying in Daluyon Resort, Astoria Palawan, and Sheraton Resort. To change the meet up time and location please request in advance so our operator may check if the itinerary will fit as we may need to move the pick-up time if the location is far and additional fee may apply.

The operator may cancel the tour in case of force majeure or unforeseen circumstances like weather conditions. In this case, you will be given the option to reschedule or request a full refund. Note that being late by 15-30 minutes without any advice is considered a no-show. Schedule cancellation requests must be made 48 hours before your original subject to approval.

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Canyoneering tour package in Badian Cebu

Duration: 16 Hour (s)

Notice: Canyoneering in both Badian and Alegria including the Kawasan Falls are closed every 3rd Wednesday of the month for clean up drive and rest day of the tour guides.

Cebu Tours  is now offering a tour package that will let you experience fun with the whale sharks, Tumalog Falls, Canyoneering Adventure, and Kawasan Falls in Cebu, Philippines. The Whale Shark and Canyoneering tour package will take you to a scenic 2-3 hour ride going to the town of Oslob, the place where the whale sharks can be found. You will enjoy watching and swimming with the very friendly whale sharks and if you are lucky, you might see a sea turtle as well as colorful fishes which are swimming along with the whale sharks. After the whale shark experience, you wi ill be taken to Tumalog Falls which is only a 10 minute ride from the whale shark briefing area. Tumalog Falls has a breathtaking view which is very good for taking pictures.

Once the whale shark and Tumalog Falls are done, you will have another tour activity which is more on adventures. Be excited to do Canyoneering in Badian, one of the most famous tour activities in Cebu. Canyoneering activity will let you scramble, climb, jump, rappel, and swim through the rugged but scenic cliffs of Badian. It might be really tiring but it is very fun and worth it to do. And also, the endpoint of the Canyoneering Activity is the Kawasan Falls which has a three-stage cascading waterfall and considered as one of the most beautiful falls in the entire Philippines. Create unforgettable memories with these tour activities together with the assistance of our local tour guides.

Rates and Inclusions

Sample itinerary:.

  • 04:00AM – Pick up Hotel
  • 06:00AM – Arrival in Oslob / Light Breakfast
  • 06:30AM – Whale Shark Watching / Snorkeling
  • 07:30AM – Cool Down at Tumalog Falls (temporarily closed)
  • 09:00AM – Depart Oslob
  • 10:00AM – Arrival in Badian, Eat lunch
  • 11:00AM – Gear preparation and travel to jump off point
  • 12:00PM – Start of Canyoneering
  • 04:00PM – ETA / End of Canyoneering and Swimming at Kawasan Falls
  • 05:30PM – Depart back to Hotel
  • 08:00PM – Estimated arrival in Hotel
Note: This is just an estimated time. Might changed on the tour date depending on the traffic situation and location of your hotel.

What to Bring

  • Extra clothes
  • Personal Necessities

What to Expect

You will be picked up from your hotel early in the morning at around 4 o’clock. Once you arrive in Oslob, you will be taken to this scenic restaurant where you will eat your light breakfast which is already included in the package.

whale shark tours philippines

After your breakfast you will swim with the gentle giants in Oslob, the whale sharks, don’t panic, they’re harmless.

whale shark tours philippines

Your next stop will be in Tumalog Falls, you can swim there and take a picture. Always remember to leave nothing but footprints. Let’s love the nature.

Our 3 guests in Tumalog Falls

After Tumalog Falls, you will be back at the restaurant for your lunch. Right after your lunch, you will travel to Badian, where you will be having the canyoneering activity which will end at the Kawasan Falls in Badian.

Canyoneering tour package in Badian Cebu


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whale shark tours philippines

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Bohol Whale Shark Tour

Welcome to our fantastic Whale Shark Tour in Lila, Bohol! Join us for a once-in-a-lifetime encounter that will bring you near these oceanic gentle giants. Discover the beauty of Bohol’s crystal-clear waters and witness the majestic whale sharks as they glide gracefully through their natural habitat.

Explore Bohol's Top Attractions with These Tour Packages

Half-Day Whale Shark Tour in Lila Bohol

  • Duration: 4 hours
  • Time: Morning 
  • Briefing on whale shark interaction guidelines
  • Guided snorkeling tour with whale sharks
  • Photo opportunities with stunning sea views

What to Expect

  • Safety First:  We prioritize your safety and well-being during the tour. Our professional guides are well-trained in emergency procedures, and we provide life vests and first aid kits on board.
  • Responsible Tourism:  We follow strict guidelines for responsible whale shark encounters to ensure their safety and well-being. By joining our tours, you contribute to sustainable tourism efforts.
  • High-Quality Equipment:  We provide top-notch gear (snorkels, masks, fins) for an optimal underwater experience.

Bohol Whale Shark Tour

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Is it safe to swim with whale sharks?

A: Yes! Because they are not aggressive, whale sharks are called the ocean’s gentle giants. To guarantee a safe and enjoyable encounter, our guide will brief you on appropriate interaction guidelines.

Q: What should I bring on the tour?

A: Bring sunscreen, a hat, sunglasses, a towel, a swimsuit, a camera (preferably waterproof), and extra cash for souvenirs or tips.

Q: Are there age restrictions?

A: No specific age restriction; however, children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult. We recommend that participants be comfortable in the water and have basic swimming skills.

Book Your Adventure Today

Take advantage of this incredible opportunity to swim with whale sharks in Lila, Bohol. Our staff is available to help you arrange your ideal adventure. Contact us today to secure your spot on one of our unforgettable Whale Shark Tours!

Inclusions :

  • Car / Van for round trip transfers (to port and back to resort/hotel)
  • Swimming with the whale shark or watching swimming with the whale shark fee

Suggested Itinerary:

  • 5:30 AM:  Pickup time bound to Lila
  • 6:30 AM:  ETA Lila
  • 6:30 AM – 7:00 AM : Briefing
  • 7:30 AM – 10:00 AM:   Encounter with the whale shark
  • 10:30 AM:  Go back to the resort

bohol car rental self drive

Our Highlights


Are You Ready For This Tour?

 bohol whale shark watching.

  • Name * First Last
  • Nationality * Foreigners Filipinos
  • Number of Adults (8 above) * Please enter a number from 1 to 12 .
  • Number of Kids (3-7 years old) * Please enter a number from 1 to 12 .
  • Please select date * MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Please select how many person: 2pax - ₱3,400 3pax - ₱2,971 4pax - ₱2,815 5pax - ₱2,750 6pax - ₱2,646 7pax - ₱2,568 8pax - ₱2,510 9pax - ₱2,464 10pax - ₱2,425 11pax - ₱2,399 12pax - ₱2,373 ₱800 per head Addon Fee is included (Foreigners)
  • Please select how many person: 2pax - ₱2,600 3pax - ₱2,171 4pax - ₱2,015 5pax - ₱1,950 6pax - ₱1,846 7pax - ₱1,768 8pax - ₱1,710 9pax - ₱1,664 10pax - ₱1,625 11pax - ₱1,599 12pax - ₱1,573
  • TOTAL Php 0.00

Looking for another tour package?

See our Bohol Tour Package

Swimming with whale sharks in the Philippines – your full guide

Is swimming with whale sharks in the Philippines ethical? Whale sharks are the largest fish in the world, making them a prominent feature on the bucket list of many divers and marine enthusiasts. However, in recent years the Whale Shark has been classified as Endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

Many tourists venture to the Philippines and are enticed by the shots they’ve seen of people swimming up-close and personal with the Whale Sharks in Oslob.

However, unknown to many, Oslob and some other Filipino whale shark attractions conduct and encourage many unethical practices, which of course restricts the ability of Whale Shark populations to grow worldwide. This is only one example of unhetical practices you’ll find in regions around the world, such as in Southeast Asia, which is why it’s always good to read more about it before packing your backpack. Check out this post on how to travel respectfully to SEAsia .

Thankfully, there are many alternatives that are quite unknown whale shark experiences in the Philippines which pride themselves on the promotion of eco-tourism. One of these incredible experiences can be found off the coasts of Southern Leyte in Sonoc Bay.

A special thanks to Liv and Lew from @livandlew for this guest post giving us an inside look into Swimming with whale sharks. Keep reading and learn all there is to know about this activity with their full guide!

Swimming with whale sharks in Oslob: the reality behind this trending activity

As already mentioned, the most popular Whale Shark experience is found in Oslob. The site was established in 2011 and now welcomes on average 2,000 tourists a day! Many, including Liv and I, have this encounter as one of their must-do’s prior to travelling to the Philippines.

Upon our arrival in the Philippines, through discussions with locals and tourists alike, we decided that the Oslob Whale Shark encounter was not for us. The reason being is that the Swimming with whale sharks in Oslob experience is one of those in the Philippines which conducts unethical practices towards the animals.

Are you travelling to Southeast Asia? Check out our guide on how to travel Southeast Asia respectfully .

swimming with whale sharks in the Philippines Oslob Donsol Leyte

Now, we have not been to Oslob*, so the information we have gathered is second-hand. But, the main reasons this tourist attraction is deemed unethical is because:

  • The Whale Sharks are fed vast amounts of krill by the local fishermen. A daily, reliable source of food prevents them from foraging naturally and travelling for their food supply. This means they: • Fail to consume many nutrients they would otherwise eat in a natural diet. • Do not take up their natural migration patterns . Whale Sharks are seasonal feeders, meaning they migrate across vast oceans to source their food supply. Not doing so, hinders their growth and breeding habits.
  • Having so many people in the water at any one time means people touch the Whale Shark. Touching any marine life is unethical as we can transfer harmful bacteria to marine life and can damage the protective layers they build on their skin.
  • The large numbers of tourists bring many boats to the shores of Oslob. There are numerous reports, and pictures, of Whale Sharks with severe injuries caused by them swimming into the boat’s propellers. Further, engaging with a wild animal never feels as natural when you form part of a queue with hundreds of other tourists and then have to find space amongst all these people in the water to try and attempt the perfect ‘insta selfie’.

* NOTE: Similar unethical experiences can be found in Lila (Bohol) and Donsol.

Read also: Kawasan Falls: an honest guide to Cebu’s most popular waterfall

whale shark tours philippines

Whale shark facts:

Firstly, a few fun facts about the Whale Shark:

• They are often found off the shores of countries honing tropical waters, including Australia, South Africa, The Philippines, Thailand and Malaysia, to name a few.

• They predominantly feed on plankton and other small fish – not humans, even though they are a shark!

• The largest recorded Whale Shark had a length of 18.8m (62ft), but on average they are 9.8m (32ft).

• Their mouths can be as wide as 1.7m (5.7ft) and contain 30 rows of tiny teeth.

• The average Whale Shark weighs approximately 9 tonnes (20,000 lb).

• Pupping, as the birthing of Whale Sharks is referred to, has never been witnessed by humans.

ethical whale sharks in the Philippines

Why should you go to Southern Leyte for swimming with whale sharks?

For over 25 years, the local people of Southern Leyte have developed a way of living alongside Whale Sharks, without exploiting them for personal gain. Juvenile Whale Sharks thrive in the Sonoc Bay, feeding on the vast quantities of plankton that can be found there.

Leyte itself is not widely visited by tourists – in comparison to its counterparts of Palawan, Cebu, Siargao and other Filipino hotspots. Therefore, given Southern Leyte is quite out-of-the-way you’re guaranteed to be experiencing your encounter alongside individuals who are passionate about the sustainability of marine life.

swimming with whale sharks in the Philippines Oslob Donsol Leyte

Our experience in Southern Leyte

Eager to set off on our first voyage, after hearing the success stories of fellow travellers who had been lucky enough to swim with the Whale Sharks the day prior, we headed down to the small private beach linked to our hotel at 8:30 am. We were greeted by Klaus , our captain, who first landed in Padre Burgos over 12 years ago. Since then he has trained many of the locals to Scuba Dive and most notably has developed the whale shark experience into what it is today.

Klaus has a strong ethical grounding, particularly when it comes to marine life. As we set off on the 1 hour trip across to Sonic Bay, on our small boat filled with 8 safer tourists and Klaus’ two crew members, we were briefed on the rules for the day.

Put simply:

  • When we first ‘spot’ a Whale Shark, once given the signal we will each jump in a pre-meditated sequence, ensuring our fins are pointing downwards, in order to minimise the sound upon impact with the water which if it is too loud it will scare the whale sharks.
  • Always stay 4m away from the front and back of the whale shark whilst keeping a distance of 3m to the sides.
  • Do not actively touch the whale shark. Contact can only be made if the whale shark swims toward you and you are unable to get out of the way.

Diving with whale shark in the Philippines - the ethical way

As we pulled into Sonoc Bay, we were greeted by approximately 15 ‘spotters’ each on their own singular rowing boat, and a researcher from the La Mave research institute who joined us on our whale shark interaction. Polly – our researcher for the day – is a whale shark expert. Her role is to clarify the rules for whale shark interaction and to observe any whale sharks we are lucky to see. The researchers are incredibly helpful and are able to answer any questions you may have.

The spotters, put in a mammoth effort, each rowing around the Sonoc Bay whilst occasionally putting on their masks and sticking their heads under the water to look for whale sharks. Incredibly, some continue to row whilst having their heads under the water. A particular mention goes to Baloy – who has spent 25 years operating as a spotter in these waters and as such his ability to spot the whale sharks is second-to-none.

Once greetings were complete, and the researcher came on board, we instantly heard our first call of “whale shark” from one of the spotters. Incredibly, we were about to have our first swim with the whale sharks after less than 5 minutes of entering the bay.

swimming with whale sharks in the Philippines Oslob Donsol Leyte

As the adrenaline rush hit, we entered the water and swam, face-down looking for our first whale shark. Out of the depths of the dark blue water, it appeared. It’s impossible to put into words the feeling when the shark comes into eyesight for the first time. Its enormity is astonishing, matched by its elegance as each stroke of its huge tail pushes it through the water. Go-pro in hand we swam as hard as we could to keep up.

The shark would occasionally come into shallower depths, giving us the chance to put our somewhat limited free-diving skills to the test. Thankfully we were good enough swimmers to get side-by-side with the whale shark. What’s apparent is that the whale shark is conscious we were there, but simply did not mind. We were able to spend 15 minutes swimming at a pace with the whale shark before it had had enough food and returned to the depths of the Ocean, out-of-sight.

swimming with whale sharks in the Philippines Oslob Donsol Leyte

We returned to the boat, sharing our photos with other members of the group. 15 minutes later, our second call came from the spotters. We returned to the sea, following the same process as before, and spent another 5 minutes swimming alongside our second spot of the day, which was equally amazing. Unfortunately, that was to be our last interaction of the day. We spent the remaining 2 hours of our 3-hour trip searching the waters to no avail.

After 2 hours spent on the boat, enjoying the sun and chatting to the other crew members, we stopped for lunch in the next bay along the shore and did some snorkelling before starting the 1-hour journey back. With the adrenaline from the day still kicking in, we immediately convinced Klaus to run the tour again the next day – something which was currently not planned.

The next morning we set off a little earlier at 8:00 am this time with only 2 other travellers. Our researcher Nat was really insightful and taught us about the importance of the conservation of whale sharks. Astonishingly we had 8 interactions this day, with 5 different whale sharks. The most notable occasion was when we swam with one for about 5 minutes before it set off into the depths. Upon swimming back to the boat we heard the call from Baloy – who was approximately 50m away – that it had come back up near his boat. We hurled over to him and Liv gave him our GoPro. As already mentioned Baloy is an amazing free diver and he was able to spend around 30 seconds at a depth of approximately 15 metres alongside the shark.

whale shark tours philippines

Once this shark had left for good, we swam back to the boat. Again, we heard the call from a spotter. Klaus then told us all to hold onto the ropes attached to the side of the boat. We held on as we shot over to the call, which was such good fun. We were then greeted by our biggest shark of the day, at 8m long.

Unfortunately, we did not capture the footage of this, however as we were pelting through the water searching the blue depths, Liv stopped still in her tracks as the whale shark came into sight. Mouth wide open going head to head we were so lucky to take in this intimate moment – before the shark swam under her, which thankfully Klaus had told us beforehand they would do.

Sitting on the front of the boat, as we head back to our hotel for the final time, it was quite apparent that this had just been one of the best experiences of our lives, one we cannot recommend highly enough, nor one we can do justice by writing about. This experience was more than just an eco-tourism attraction, we left with an education and respect for marine life like nothing before.

swimming with whale sharks in the Philippines Oslob Donsol Leyte

Best tips for swimming with whale sharks in Southern Leyte

• If you stay in a hotel in Pintuyan, near Sonoc bay, you are able to pay 800 pesos to spend the day on a spotters boat • Donsol has both an unethical and ethical swimming with whale shark experience. The ethical experience is a little more known than Southern Leyte but is an alternative if it fits your route better. • The best time to visit the whale sharks in Southern Leyte is between December and April

How to get to Pintuyan?

So, how to get to Pintuyan? We will cover the routes from Cebu/Bohol and Siargao – the two most likely destinations prior to arriving in Leyte.

Firstly, you have two options for accommodation. The first is to stay in a hotel in Pintuyan, or you can stay on the other tail of the island in Padre Burgos. From there, you’ll take a 1-hour boat ride across the sea to reach the whale shark spot. We opted for Padre Burgos and the transfer was included in our whale shark package. If you’re lucky you’ll spot some dolphins en route across the sea!


(approx. 5.5 hours to Pintuyan and 4.5 hours to Padre Burgos) This is the route we took. The quickest route is to take a bus to Ubay port in the north of Bohol. Buses tend to run hourly in Bohol heading both North and South and you’ll be able to flag one down if you stand on the nearest highway. Buses are the cheapest mode of transport in the Philippines and you’ll pay no more than 150 PHP ( prices will vary depending on where you join the bus ).

From Ubay port there is then an 11:30 am fast boat which runs once daily. There are other, slower options, you’ll be able to find information online. We paid 300 PHP for the fast boat and docked in Bato port on the island of Leyte 1.5 hours later.

When docking in Bato port, a short stroll to the end of the pier will bring you to the local bus and tricycle station. Loads of minibus operators and tricycle drivers will offer to drive you to Southern Leyte for 3000 PHP. However, we strongly recommend taking a bus from the bus station.

Now if you’re staying in Pintuyan, you’ll need to take a bus to Sogod, before changing buses and heading south to Pintuyan. If you’ve opted to stay in Padre Burgos you can take a bus to Macrohon, where you can then get a cheap Jepney or tricycle to Padre Burgos.


(approx. 4 hours to Pintuyan) If coming from Siargao, it is recommended to stay in Pintuyan. To reach Pintuyan you’ll need to take one of the 5 daily ferries to Surigao. Check out updated information on discoversiargao.com . Ferries leave from Dapa .

Once there, you’ll have to head to Surigao Lipata Port where you will be able to take one of the three ferries that run each day to San Ricardo Port, which is then a short drive to Pintuyan.

whale shark tours philippines


Lewis and Liv have been travelling – albeit with a few interruptions from a global pandemic! – since 2019. In that time they’ve built a self-converted campervan and mix up their time travelling Europe in their camper, and backpacking further afield to Asia, Africa and the like.

They have plans to continue their travels for at least two more years – with South America, Asia and Africa coming in the next 12 months – and aim to provide insights to their followers on how to travel the world on a reasonable budget. Follow their adventures on @livandlew !

Would you like to write a blog post for backpackersintheworld.com? Send us an email at [email protected] or send us a DM on Instagram .

Guest post by @livandlew

Levada do Moinho and Levada Nova hike – your full guide

Umbria travel guide: everything you need to know.


Hi Backpackers!

My girlfriend and me want to go snorkeling with the tiki-tiki in Pintuyan. What are the best places to stay to be sure to arrange a tour? We cannot seem to find that much information, but are now planning to stay in Padre Burgos or Pintuyan but accommodations are limited.

Best regards,

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whale shark tours philippines

Whale Shark Watching in Lila, Bohol: A Guide to This Majestic Underwater Experience

If you’re planning a trip to the Philippines, make sure to add whale shark watching in Lila, Bohol to your itinerary. While Bohol is famous for the Chocolate Hills, Tarsiers, and Alona Beach, it also offers something wonderful under the sea. Lila, a quaint coastal town known for its agricultural site, is home to many whale sharks, the world’s largest living sharks. They’re huge but harmless, which is why many tourists love to see them up close and personal.

Whale Shark Watching in Lila, Bohol: A Guide to This Majestic Underwater Experience (Tour Guide Philippines)

In Lila, tourists flock to the town because of the booming tourist activity of whale shark watching. A small village in Lila, specifically Taug, is becoming a tourism hotspot because giant whale sharks often appear in its coastal waters. Here, you can encounter the giants of the sea and enjoy underwater activities such as swimming, snorkeling, and even diving!

Available Tours

Many available tour operators offer whale shark-watching activities in Bohol. It's always best to book a tour from accredited tour operators. 

Tips and Guides

Before you go, there are some things you need to keep in mind:

  • The number one rule is to never feed the whale sharks. It’s not a sustainable tourism practice and can harm the whale sharks with their behavioral changes and possible injuries.
  • It’s always best to bring your own gear and equipment. Must-have items include goggles and snorkels for hygienic purposes.
  • Don’t be too noisy. Loud voices might scare whale sharks which might drive them away.
  • Don’t touch the fish. It can injure or stress them. Encounters are made to just see them up close; it’s a different story if you do something to them. Let them swim freely!
  • If a whale shark goes near you, keep calm. Stay about 4 feet away from the face and 13 feet from the tail for a comfortable distance.
  • Refrain from doing flash photography. Bring an underwater camera but do not disturb these whale sharks by surprising them!

Other whale-shark activities around Bohol

Aside from Lila, you can also encounter these gentle giants in other parts of Bohol. From Panglao to Oslob, there are whale shark-watching activities too. It’s almost a 100% guarantee that you’ll see whale sharks in Bohol, making it your number-one destination if you want to see these sea giants.

Whale Shark Watching in Lila, Bohol: A Guide to This Majestic Underwater Experience (Tour Guide Philippines)

Other nearby tourist spots around Lila

Aside from whale shark encounters, there are nearby tourist attractions that you can go to:

  • Ingkumhan Falls - Located in Dimiao, this secret waterfall is a must-visit thanks to the rope swing and cliff diving activities you can do here. Its crystal clear waters and serene atmosphere make the place lovelier.
  • Lodge Restaurant and Bar - Have a sumptuous lunch with a view when you go to Lodge Restaurant in Loboc. Enjoy good food, great views, and a relaxing vibe on your visit.
  • Mahogany Forest - Also situated in Loboc, the Mahogany Forest is an excellent place to drive along a tree-lined pathway to the city. It’s a man-made forest that gives you a scenic vista as you pass by.

Whale Shark Watching in Lila, Bohol: A Guide to This Majestic Underwater Experience

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Oslob Whale Sharks: Complete Travel Guide 2024

Swimming with whale sharks in oslob, cebu; package, tour, price and schedule.

Table of Contents

During our travelling adventures, we got to experience a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to swim with the Oslob whale sharks in Palawan, Philippines. There aren’t many places in the world where you can freely swim with these gentle giants in the wild. However, there is a lot of controversy around the whale sharks in Oslob. But, if you’re looking for the best places to swim with whale sharks in the Philippines, Oslob is the place to visit. Are whale sharks dangerous? No not all, it is a very safe tourist activity in Oslob. Let’s learn about the history of whale sharks and how to make a reservation to see the whale sharks in the Philippines .

Let me put this out there, we are totally against animal cruelty. However, we don’t see this as harming the whales. Everyone is respectful of them and the workers make sure you can’t touch them or harm them in any way. It is managed and well-looked after experience and this is the best place in the Philippines to swim with whale sharks. If you’re wondering if you can take your kids to see the whale sharks in Oslob, you will find out in this post.

oslob whale sharks price and schedule

What Is The Oslob Whale Shark price?

The whale sharks tour in Oslob cost 1000 pesos ( 19 USD ). This included the hire of snorkels and life jackets, as well as our return transport to the whale shark site from your hotel. This includes 25 minutes of swimming and snorkelling in the water. The cost goes towards regenerating the community in Oslob which was once a quiet town, however, there are now over 50 hotels employing a lot of people.

The price of the whale shark tour in Oslob is cheaper when you don’t want to snorkel, so you do have the option to just watch from the boat!

You can stay at Aj’s place beach resort Oslob and they will book the whale shark tour for you. Plus it’s a cheap place to stay in Oslob!

Whale sharks tour schedule in Oslob?

The actual schedule for the whale sharks is only twice a day , this is a strict rule to not stress the whale sharks. Also, it keeps a capped number on the tourists visiting Oslob to do the snorkelling with whale sharks package.

So, you can swim with the whale sharks at two times throughout the day;

  • 6am – This is the best time
  • 12 noon – This is the busiest time to swim with the Oslob whales!

Best time of year to see the Whale sharks in the Philippines?

You will have a better experience and see more them from around Febuary to April. Oslob is just one of the places, you can see the whale sharks at Donsol in Luzon, which is way-up-north of the Philippines.

Have you ever thought about visiting New Zealand? You can do an awesome tour watching whales in Kaikoura , this is an awesome experience. Or, check out the best things to do in Cabo in Mexico. Here you can swim with whale sharks too.

History of the whale sharks

The history goes a little something like – It was actually a local of Sumilon island that discovered the first-sighting of whale sharks in Oslob.

However, between 2007-2010 a Korean diver paid a local boatman to take him out to see the whale sharks, this payment was a considerable amount. More money kept flowing in for these tours in Oslob and the locals wanted a piece of the money-pie.

From then on the locals have been offering tours for tourists in Oslob to visit the whale sharks.

This is how the story goes anyway 🙂

oslob whale sharks history

How to book the whale shark swimming in Oslob?

We booked whale shark swimming the day before as we arrived in Oslob. Every hotel offers tickets so you won’t struggle to find somewhere to buy one. You can book through various tour operators in Oslob. However, the usually best option is to book through your hotel in Oslob. This is how we booked the whale shark experience. Also, the hotel provided our transportation to the Oslob activity.

You can also book the whale sharks in Oslob package  with this you will also visit the awesome Kawasan falls . Which is another epic place to visit in the Philippines.

Can you take kids to see the whale sharks?

The whale sharks are friendly and they won’t attack. In regards to your kids, this all depends on the age of your child. For example, you don’t want to take a young child there who can’t swim and is going to be scared. But yes you can take kids to see the whale sharks.

snorkelling and diving with the whale sharks in Oslob

Whale sharks in Oslob facts?

The amazing whale sharks hold the title of the world’s largest fish and can grow up to 32ft and weigh 200 tons, now that seems scary right? You’re wrong, these graceful creatures won’t be interested in eating you for lunch, as their favourite meal is plankton and lots of it! The whale shark is a filter feeder, meaning they swim with their mouth wide open and collect plankton and small fish before filtering out the unwanted salt water.

Preferring tropical waters, whale sharks tend to be found is tropical waters, making Philippines an ideal place to call home. These enormous whales pass through Oslob and this is where you will have the chance to swim with these in a surreal setting.

whale sharks in oslob tour swimming

How to get to Oslob?

Oslob is a small coastal town in South Cebu and is best known for whale shark swimming. You’ll be glad to know there is a 7/11 to pick up any essentials you will need and a few local restaurants to try some yummy Filipino food.

The cheapest way to get to Oslob is to fly into Cebu, then catch the bus from the airport to the south Bus terminal. Once at the south bus terminal in Cebu City , catch a direct bus to Oslob. The buses aren’t always reliable so allow plenty of time for travel, however, they are super cheap, costing around $1 USD per journey! Alternatively, you could pay for a taxi to take you directly to Oslob which should take around 4 hours depending on traffic.

So,  time from Cebu centre to Oslob  – (3 – 4) hours.

If you’re travelling around, you should check out my 3 weeks Philippines itinerary for simple guides of where to stay and where to visit in the Philippines.

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Our Experience at the whale sharks in Oslob

Whale shark watching starts at 6am and finishes around noon. We were told to get there as early as possible as it can get busy, so after a 5am alarm, a quick breakfast we were ready to roll. The guy from our hostel drove us to the whale shark watching site and after signing in we had to listen to a 5 minute talk regarding the safety of the whale sharks and ourselves, as well as informative information about these incredible creatures.

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It was clear to see the organisation was strict on rules when swimming with the whale sharks and for good reason. For example, under no circumstances are you allowed to touch the whale sharks or feed the whale sharks and you aren’t allowed to wear sun cream. It is purely an observational activity and everyone should respect this.

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#Renting a camera – We then collected our life jackets and snorkels and were allocated a boat with a driver. They also have Go Pro’s to rent for 500 Peso’s ($9USD) in case you don’t have an underwater camera. I would highly recommend doing this to capture those insta shots.

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The boats are quite narrow and fit 6-8 people in and the guys row you around 50 metres from the shore and all line up by the side of each other. Then, they’ll signal for you to slide into the water and then simply watch, enjoy and swim alongside these gentle giants. The crew feed the whale sharks to entice them to come but I wouldn’t be complaining if I was offered free food! You get around 25 minutes in the water then we headed back to shore. Our hostel guy was waiting for us and off we popped back in his tuk tuk to the hostel. The whole experience takes around 1 hour.

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Insider Tip:  From the whale shark feeding centre, ask your driver to head to Tumalog Waterfalls, it’s only 5 minutes away and is in the same direction back to Oslob town. Having travelled all over Asia where seeing waterfalls are a common thing, I can still say do not miss out on this one! The Tumalog waterfalls is a sight to see.

Check out the YouTube video below for some inspiration:

List of whale shark tour companies in Oslob, Cebu

There is plenty of companies offering the whale sharks tour in Oslob. Some are cheaper than others. But, they all offer the same thing so I wouldn’t worry about booking an expensive one!

Here is the most popular whale shark tour company in Oslob;

  • This is the best whale shark tour 🙂

Where to stay in Oslob?

  • Budget – La Lune Oslob Hostel (13 USD per room) – This budget hostel has one of the best-rated locations in Oslob, making it a perfect choice for those travellers who want convenience. With a shared lounge, you’re bound to make friends on your adventures. The rooms are spacious and are cooled by a fan, but for that price, you can’t complain! Book Room: La Lune Oslob Hostel
  • Mid-Range – Sascha’s Resort Oslob (26 USD per room) – We were lucky enough to stay at this resort whilst staying in Oslob. On arrival, we were met by friendly staff who showed us around. There’s a small pool to cool off in and a large restaurant serving fresh local Filipino food , which overlooked onto the sea, perfect for those beautiful sunsets. Each room has air conditioning and includes a private bathroom with a shower and the majority have a sea few. Book Room: Sascha’s Resort
  • Luxury – AJ’s Place Beach Resort ( BEST ROOMS) – AJ’s offers air-conditioned rooms, with a flat-screen TV and private bathrooms. The staff are very accommodating and the facilities are superb, with free wifi throughout the property and breakfast available. Book Room: Aj’s Resort Oslob
  • Perfect Location – The amazing Way Shack Design hostel has an epic rooftop design for you to relax on the roof with epic views and a cocktail. You can enjoy some amazing Filipino food at the onsite restaurant, making this one of the top places to stay Oslob. Book Room: Oslob Way Shack Design

So now you know the best place in the Philippines to swim with whale sharks and how to make the Oslob whale sharks reservation. The whale shark experience is definitely the best thing to do in Oslob. Like I said there is some controversy around this activity. However, we did not see any harmful activities towards the whale sharks.

It is a really surreal experience and probably one of the best things we did in the Philippines. If you’re visiting Oslob, I would suggest to just stay for 2 nights.

Where to visit in Cebu?

If you’re staying in Cebu then you need to visit the awesome Kawasan falls .

Where to next?

Have you thought about travelling to Bohol? You will need to get the Cebu to Bohol ferry and check out the best things to do in Bohol   whilst you’re there.

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whale shark tours philippines

An Underrated Destination In The Philippines: 10 Things To Do In Oslob, Cebu

  • Oslob is an underrated tourist spot with beautiful beaches and budget-friendly transportation options, making it a must-visit destination in the Philippines.
  • The best activities in Oslob include swimming with whale sharks, visiting Sumilon Island, exploring Tumalog Falls, joining the Toslob Festival, and exploring the Baluarte Ruins.
  • Other top attractions in Oslob include the Oslob Museum and Cuartel Ruins, local food at the Oslob Market, local restaurants, Oslob Heritage Park, and the monkeys at the Oslob Macaque sanctuary.

Aside from having the best whale shark tours and swimming escapades, there are a whole lot of other things to do in Oslob, a little coastal town in the Philippines’ Queen City of the South. Known for its rich cultural history, tourists can spend days outdoors exploring some of the most beautiful destinations in the Philippines and trying thrill-seeking activities.

Oslob is home to some of the most beautiful beaches in the Philippines , hence it's super underrated as a tourist spot. Fortunately, it's also budget-friendly; the cheapest and most common way to reach Oslob from Cebu City is by bus, with a total travel time of 3 hours. But tourists can also ride a private car or take a cab for those willing to pay more for transportation.

Visiting this little yet highly underrated coastal town should always be included when planning a trip to the Philippines . It boasts tons to do and see, from interacting with majestic whale sharks to visiting Instagrammable locations, swimming in the famous waterfalls, and sunbathing on Oslob’s famous beaches and islands.

Planning to head to Oslob for a thrill-seeking adventure? Here are the top attractions in Oslob, Cebu Province, for a fantastic vacation exploring what is one of the most underrated places in the Philippines.

RELATED: 10 Exciting Summer Activities In The Philippines (Other Than Swimming)

The Famous Whale Shark Interaction

The first on the list should undeniably be experiencing a live encounter and interaction with the famous whale sharks in Oslob . These are gentle giants, and Oslob is one of the best places to swim with whale sharks around the world.

The whale-shark experience in Oslob includes whale watching, snorkeling, or scuba diving. Guides brief visitors on what to do and how to maintain safety before starting the tour. Also, guides recommend tourists book combo packages for more budget-friendly prices, such as whale shark watching with snorkeling, canyoneering, or heading to Sumilon Island.

  • Whale shark watching operating hours: 6 a.m. to 12 noon daily, except on Good Friday
  • Admission fee: Around $8.81 per person for watching only

It is essential that visitors respect the whale sharks in the water. While these creatures are gentle and safe, it is important to maintain a distance and not to disturb or touch them as part of being a respectful wildlife observer. The principles of looking and not touching and giving them space are crucial in order to minimize the impact on these majestic creatures and enjoy their presence respectfully without harming them.

Visit Sumilon Island

Sumilon Island , the Philippines’ first marine-protected sanctuary, is a 59-acre coral island with Cebu’s most popular sandbar. Tourists visiting Sumilon should book a stay at the island’s only commercial facility, Bluewater Sumilon Island Resort .

As one of the most beautiful islands in the Philippines , Sumilon has a long stretch of white sand beaches, famous diving sites, caves, lagoons, a modern lighthouse, and a 19th-century watchtower. Guests staying at Bluewater Resort can book a day pass to experience all activities.

  • Sumilon Island day pass: $28.25 on weekdays
  • Boat fare: $26 per boat with an additional $1 for an environmental fee per person

Sumilon hosts several cave tours to learn more about the island’s beautiful rock formations.

Swim At Tumalog Falls

The Tumalog Falls is also one of the top tourist attractions in Oslob, Cebu. Tourists are free to swim and jump from nearby cliffs into the cool and clear water.

Tumalog Falls is surrounded by lush vegetation, with the descending waters in constant contact with rocks. Tourists can easily reach this beauty by riding a habal-habal, a local motorcycle taxi, at around $8.81 for the entire trip to the waterfalls.

  • Tumalog Falls operating hours: 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily
  • Entrance Fee: $0.35

Join The Toslob Festival

Indeed, one of the essential items to pack when visiting the Philippines is a party outfit! Filipinos are famous for their parties and festivals, and tourists planning to visit Oslob during the holiday season should not miss out on joining and watching the Toslob Festival.

This annual event occurs every second week of December, celebrating the feast of the Immaculate Conception. Guests can admire colorful costumes, traditional Philippines dancing, and Catholics parading the statue of the Immaculate Concepción. Toslob Festival also serves as a day of thanksgiving and family reunions.

  • No admission fee
  • Venue: Starts at Oslob Heritage Park

RELATED: Beachside Adventure: 10 Best Glamping Spots In The Philippines

Explore In The Baluarte Ruins

After touring Sumilon Island, guests can head to Oslob Heritage Park and check out the famous Baluarte Ruins next to the island’s lighthouse. This old watchtower was built in 1788 and served as one of the town’s seven defense towers. Guards around the area went up to the Baluarte’s topmost floor to look for bandits and raiders.

The Baluarte Ruins also feature beautiful panoramic views of Sumilon Island and Oslob's beaches. Many tourists and locals flock to this famous spot to take Instagram photos.

  • No entrance fee
  • Open 24 hours all year

Visit The Oslob Museum And The Nearby Cuartel Ruins

The Oslob Museum (Museo Oslob) is near the Cuartel Ruins , where tourists can learn more about Oslob’s history and culture through various antiques and artifacts on display. Guests can find old pianos, mirrors, furniture, and other old home decor in traditional Philippines-style huts.

One trivia about the Oslob Museum is that almost all items were contributed and donated by locals who know the town’s history. The best time to visit the Oslob Museum is during the dry season so that visitors can also take a tour around the Cuartel Ruins for a more immersive experience.

  • Open 24 hours

Taste Local Food At Oslob Market

Oslob Public Market has everything, including fresh meat and vegetables, fresh produce, and local delicacies like chorizo de Cebu, dried fish, and lechon. Tourists' first time in the Philippines should also look for food vendors selling banana-cue or deep-fried bananas with caramelized sugar.

The public market, one of the budget-friendly places to visit in the Philippines for foodies, also features stalls selling pastries and affordable lunch and dinner dishes. It transforms into a food park at night, where guests can try popular street food skewers, such as betamax, chicken gizzard, and pig’s intestine.

  • Location: Oslob Market is a 6-minute walk from the Immaculate Concepcion Church.
  • Operating Hours: 4 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily

RELATED: More Fun In The Sun: Top 10 Tips For An Amazing Summer Holiday In The Philippines

Dine In Local Oslob Restaurants

It’s never a complete trip without trying famous local dishes in the fishing town of Oslob, especially seafood. Visitors should try sutukil , a combination of three seafood cooking methods: grilled, soup, and ceviche.

There are various excellent restaurants in Oslob and small dining spots, including AC Palayok Restaurant , Nhinz Larangan , George Restaurant , Le Bistrot, and The Big J’s Restaurant .

  • Must try at AC Palayok Restaurant: Bicol Express and grilled tuna jaw
  • George Restaurant favorite: Beef noodle soup or batchoy

Tourists looking for dessert should head to Sol’s Halo-halo and Desserts for the famous halo-halo and mango tango.

Tour Oslob Heritage Park

History fans will love visiting Oslob Heritage Park, which is home to some of the most famous landmarks in Oslob like Balay sa Agta, Cuartel Ruins, Oslob Museum, and the Immaculate Concepcion Church. Couples also love flocking to this tourist spot to shoot beautiful wedding photos.

The Oslob Heritage Park is near Cuartel Beach, where visitors are advised to be careful of sea urchins. It’s also near the Oslob Public Market, so guests can easily ride the bus and get off at the 7-Eleven store across from it.

  • Open for 24 hours

Observe Monkeys At Oslob Macaque

Lastly, one of the unique things to do in Oslob is to visit the long-tailed macaques, endemic to the town’s woodlands and forests. Visitors can find these creatures in Oslob Macaque , a monkey sanctuary in Sitio Bulak.

The sanctuary’s staff ensures guests are briefed about what to do and not to do before entering the premises. Visitors can feed and take photos of the monkeys but must keep a safe distance because these animals are mischievous and clever.

  • Affordable whale shark watching and monkey viewing package: $122.98 per person
  • Operating hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily

An Underrated Destination In The Philippines: 10 Things To Do In Oslob, Cebu


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  5. Swimming with Whale Sharks in Oslob, Cebu

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  6. Whale Shark watching,Tumalog Falls, and Pescador Island tour from Cebu

    whale shark tours philippines


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    Beyond the usual whale shark watching places to visit in the Philippines, travelers looking for a newer experience should try a Lila Bohol Whale Shark Watching Tour instead. Lila is an emerging dive site off the coast of Bohol, an island province in Visayas that sits to the southeast of Cebu.

  2. Philippines Whale Shark Tours

    Oslob, Cebu, is another one of the best places to visit in the Philippines. On a Cebu Oslob whale shark tour, you have a higher chance of seeing whale sharks. Make sure to book Cebu tours, such as Cebu Oslob tours or Oslob whale shark tours from Moalboal, for a fuss-free experience. You can also witness these gentle giants in Puerto Princesa as ...

  3. Whale Shark Watching Tours

    Join us in this incredible and unique swimming experience with Whale sharks. Whale shark watching activity in Oslob Cebu is undeniably a popular and unique attraction worldwide and yet also controversial. This incredible experience prompts tourists to flock to Oslob shores to encounter these gentle giants. Whale shark watching tours combined ...

  4. How to Ethically Swim with Whale Sharks in the Philippines

    Cost for Diving With Whale Sharks: Registration is 150 PHP per person, and snorkel gear hire is 300 PHP per set. Tour packages cost 3,500 PHP for the entire boat (up to 7 people). This includes half-day boat rental, snorkel gear, spotters, a guide, and a Butanding (whale shark) interaction officer.

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  6. Whale Shark Watching and Snorkeling Tour Package

    1. ₱ 6300. Inclusive: Private Tour (10 hours Duration, excess hours are chargeable) Private Transportation - Pick up and drop off in any hotel, resort and residences (Cebu City and Mactan Island) DOT Trained Local Guide. Light breakfast. Lunch with soft drinks or water. Snorkeling or Swimming Fee with the whale sharks.

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    Planning for a whale shark tour in the Philippines? Get a heads up & discover why Donsol, Sorsogon is a better option than Oslob, Cebu. This is a must-read. +63 (0) 32 402 01 07 [email protected]. Home; ... Whale Shark Season Philippines: Best Time to Swim with Whale Sharks.

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    From whale sharks to schooling sardines, Cebu is an underwater paradise. This private day tour takes in island signatures, with a chauffeur to look after the long drives as your group spreads out and relaxes. Swim with whale sharks in Oslob; refresh in scenic Tumalog Falls (in season); cruise to Pescador Island and snorkel the marine sanctuary. Your package includes gear, breakfast, and lunch ...

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  10. Cebu Oslob Whale Shark Watching Experience with Running Tour, Lunch

    This tour is inclusive of a whale shark encounter in Oslob and an optional trip to the famous Tumalog Falls. Included in the package are transfers from Cebu City, lunch, whale shark encounter briefing and permit, paddle boat with steward, a free running tour, and services of a guide. You will be first picked up from your Cebu City accommodation ...

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  13. Puerto Princesa Whale Shark Watching Shared Tour with Lunch & Transfers

    Available: All year. Minimum age: None. Embark on an unforgettable adventure of whale shark-watching in Puerto Princesa with this shared day tour. With the expertise of a tour guide and safety officer, you will be able to enjoy a worry-free experience. This package includes accommodation pick-up and drop-off within Puerto Princesa Town Proper ...

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  15. Oslob Whale Shark Snorkeling & Canyoneering in Kawasan Falls

    06:30AM - Whale Shark Watching / Snorkeling. 07:30AM - Cool Down at Tumalog Falls (temporarily closed) 09:00AM - Depart Oslob. 10:00AM - Arrival in Badian, Eat lunch. 11:00AM - Gear preparation and travel to jump off point. 12:00PM - Start of Canyoneering. 04:00PM - ETA / End of Canyoneering and Swimming at Kawasan Falls.

  16. Bohol Whaleshark Experience

    Swim alongside the largest fish in the sea with this exciting whale shark snorkeling experience! Get up close and personal with these large, majestic, and harmless creatures! Take pictures with these gentle giants, too. Discover the beauty of the underwater world in the Philippines and book your tickets with Mikitravel now! — Highlights ...

  17. Everything you need to know before swimming with Whale Sharks in Cebu

    Lots of Whale Shark Watching Tours are available from Moalboal including visiting nearby Tumalog waterfall (incredible!). The prices differ but for a decent tour you will need to pay 3800 pesos, including two-way transportation from Moalboal to Oslob (pick up is possible from your hotel location from anywhere in the nearby towns), breakfast ...

  18. Whale Sharks in The Philippines: Things to Know Before You Go

    Swimming with Whale Sharks in Oslob, The Philippines. It's best to stay in or near Oslob. Don't book a tour to the whale shark diving spot. Arrange a tricycle, jeepney, or taxi and get to Tan-Awan village, 10 km to the south of Oslob.

  19. Bohol Whale Shark Tour: Witness the majestic whale sharks in Bohol

    Contact us today to secure your spot on one of our unforgettable Whale Shark Tours! Inclusions: Car / Van for round trip transfers (to port and back to resort/hotel) Swimming with the whale shark or watching swimming with the whale shark fee. Suggested Itinerary: 5:30 AM: Pickup time bound to Lila. 6:30 AM: ETA Lila. 6:30 AM - 7:00 AM: Briefing.

  20. Swimming with whale sharks in the Philippines

    As already mentioned, the most popular Whale Shark experience is found in Oslob. The site was established in 2011 and now welcomes on average 2,000 tourists a day! Many, including Liv and I, have this encounter as one of their must-do's prior to travelling to the Philippines. Upon our arrival in the Philippines, through discussions with ...

  21. Whale Shark Watching in Lila, Bohol: A Guide to This Majestic

    Other whale-shark activities around Bohol. Aside from Lila, you can also encounter these gentle giants in other parts of Bohol. From Panglao to Oslob, there are whale shark-watching activities too. It's almost a 100% guarantee that you'll see whale sharks in Bohol, making it your number-one destination if you want to see these sea giants.

  22. Oslob Whale Shark Swimming: Complete Guide For 2023

    The whale sharks tour in Oslob cost 1000 pesos ( 19 USD ). This included the hire of snorkels and life jackets, as well as our return transport to the whale shark site from your hotel. This includes 25 minutes of swimming and snorkelling in the water.

  23. Donsol Whale Shark Adventure & Tours

    Brgy. Dancalan, Donsol, Sorsogon 4715 Philippines. Mobile Globe: (+63) 917 503 6403 Mobile Smart: (+63) 921 929 3811 Email: [email protected]

  24. An Underrated Destination In The Philippines: 10 Things To Do In ...

    Aside from having the best whale shark tours and swimming escapades, there are a whole lot of other things to do in Oslob, a little coastal town in the Philippines' Queen City of the South.